HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0064726_CORRESPONDENCE_19890818NPDES DOCUWENT SCANNING COVER SHEET LJ NPDES Permit: NC0064726 East Bend Industrial Park WWTP Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Correspondence Instream Assessment (67b) Environmental Assessment (EA) Permit History Document Date: August 18, 1989 • This document ie printed on x-euge paper - ignore any content on the reverse Bide State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor R. Paul Wilms William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Director August 18, 1989 Mr. William R. Smitherman Rt. 4 Box 37 East Bend, North Carolina 27018 Subject: East Bend Industrial Park NPDES Permit No. NCO064726 Dear Mr. Smitherman, I am writing in response to your letters sent August 6th & 13th, 1989, concern- ing the East Bend Industrial Park discharge into Justice Reynolds Creek. You expressed concern with the increased wasteflow from 10,000 gallons per day (GPD) to 50,000 GPD for the East Bend discharge. The Yadkin Board of Commissioners has voted to withdraw its application for increase to 50,000 GPD for the East Bend Industrial Park as per letter sent July 31, 1989, from Charles Mashburn, the County Manager. The wastewater discharge applications for each flow designated the facility's effluent to consist of 100% domestic wastewater. Item 15 on the application states that the facility will contain one or more of the number of toxic sub- stances listed. This item number was checked "yes" on the application forms for both 10,000 and 50,000 GPD. Since Domestic wastewater contains ammonia, which is listed as one of.the parameters within this item number, the item was likely checked to acknowledge its presence. The East Bend permit, under General Conditions (Part II), contains a management requirement for any change in discharge and states the following: "All discharges authorized herein shall be consistent with the terms and conditions of this permit. The discharge of any pollutant identi- fied in this permit more frequently than or at a level in excess of that authorized shall constitute a violation of the permit. Any anticipated facility expansions, production increases, or process modifications which P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer • will result in new, different, or increased discharges of pollutants must be reported by submission of a new NPDES application or, if such changes wilf.not violate the effluent limitations specified in this permit, by .notice to the DEM of such changes. Following such notice, the permit may be modified to specify and limit any pollutants not previously limited." The above permit condition protects against any additional or new types of wasteflow being discharged without an analysis from our staff. The types of parameters limited in the effluent constitute domestic type wastewater. There- fore, additional dischargers with metals or chemicals in the effluent will be carefully considered before an allowance will occur and appropriate effluent limits to protect aquatic life and human health would be added, where necessary. You inquired about the discharge location of the East Bend facility. Several points were evaluated for discharge, including a point approximately 1200 feet below the Drag.Strip. Presently the discharge point is located roughly 200 feet above the Drag Strip. The facility -has requested a permit modification to relo- cate the discharge point to just above the Drag Strip and below the culvert where an unnamed tributary meets Justice Reynolds Creek (see attached map). The East Bend Industrial Park started discharging in June 1989. DEM has efflu- ent flow data for the month of June only. The average flow for June was 1,100 GPD. The facility is required to submit monitoring data each month for the weekly effluent flow data and instream water quality data to DEM's Central Files office. The files are available for the public to examine and are located on the 12thfloor of the Archdale Building (512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh, N.C.). The General Assembly approved a Bill effective October 1, 1989, to increase local involvement in the decision to issue a discharge permit to surface waters. The Bill will inform local governments (city or county) of a new nonmunicipal domestic wastewater discharge facility. The city or county will then respond within 15 days whether the proposed facility is consistent with any zoning or subdivision ordinance which may be in effect for the area. If you have any further questions concerning this matter please contact me at (919) 133-5083, ext. 506. nc ely,� Trevor Clements, Asst. Chief Water Quality Section cc: Dale Overcash Steve Mauney Central Files Aug. 13, 1989 Rt 4 Box 37 East Bend, N.C. 27018 Mr. Trevor Clements 1 N.C. Dept of Natural Resoueces RECEIVED P.O. Box 27687 E Raleigh N.C. 27611 AUG 14 1989; Dear Mr. Clements: TECHNICAL SUTU&NWe proposed Please provide to me a copy of the low rate chaarr discharge point of the East Bend In ustrial Park ref... Yadkin County Application NCO064726 I have heard that the initial application specified a discharge point some 1200 ft below ie. southeast of the East Bend DrageStrrip This point would be in the middle of my farm. I have not been advised by the NCDNR, by my County Manager, or by the Yadkin County Board of Commissioners of this proposal. I am very concerned about the quality of surface water in this stream Justice Reynolds Creek, as it is used both on my farm for watering tobacco fields, watering tobacco plant beds, and libestock consumption. Many of my neighbors furthur down stream also use this creek water and consider it a valuable surface water resourse. In addition to providing the above requested information, please advise me as to any change or modification of the present issued permit. Our community in general and the property owners along the banks of Justice Reynolds Creek are unwilling to except a low quality of water in this stream. We will actively oppose efforts to increase the discharge and or any. effort to discharge Mercury, Lead, Zinc, Phenols ect into this stream. Will the new regulations which I understand are to be in place by Oct. of this year require notification of the downstream property owners,of permit applications which may affect their surface water quality. I consider the present procedure of placing a one time public notice in small print inadequate as far as informing the property owners and community residents of proposed permit changes. Very few popple read the small print public notice section of our newspaper each and every day. Yours truly, W.R.Smitherman Mr. T r e Vb'r. C I e m en t s &N . C . Dept of :Natur.al„Resources Div of Environmental -anagement . .'P . 0. Bnr 27687 . �Ral"eigF N27611 Dear Mr. Clements: There has u'een,.a gnowing"-�concern.. i1n. our communityconcerning sewaged i hto'" Ju it i c e Reynolds Creek by Ue;,Cent u ry '�- ischarge Repro.d I u c , tio , n s %'p a n t' an:d'`�6'ther pros pactive ,t en':' ­of'the East Bend 'a n't s i, Indusi a I Park Th i's ..conc,ern was-increasedwh en*Lpeople of our community 66me aware;o,f7.:�:the filing of an appl ica'tion to increase t h e . a 11 c, w a b� I e d I s c h a rg"e. gal per, day�,.,to��,,50,,000 gal per ,f.rom 10 b 0 -i's stream r e a m'-"Wh rc h -'� s S, :families along its day i6'io:th, erv� the farms and d�. banks.as an -important -surface water resourse. We were,; -and .,,are s t' i 1 ,Fi; s e e co-py ;'e'nc.l:o'.se( .-was�c The county commi;ss'ioner jr discfi arg into;thet , e item . I,5';.was:,checke qe,s verytoxic el�emen s„ Ph o ie c w'. of these lifeiihreai�hih When questioned about,,,,.w at first sai"d.-,;h he did ,`6 saidii e. o" ,y�were tins Natural :r would 7c�o amon i a,,'l However`'' chedk'6d'� all that that tfi'6 Please p '-,-'checked ;;per d a h a v e b e e m o s t. P aproauc r s have bee s :and `in , ,f 'a c t Sg 0 1 . '19 toN6 are :trace: am ri or d e'r mmod e.-Y eked ,Ye u5 -',a * nc uetwc )hcerned that item 15.:of-thi's application, �cked yes ,,nave -assured us tha*t',-.a,1-1-'?;--,th'6y..,•wish6d� to i>.;was treatedbodily ewage, ye. S you n -see itemt.:,,I5"',.,c:p�n7t:a'ins some y �, . Lead tvely oppose the dumpingor: ischa'rg-ing -substances into this stream. ,;item 15 was checked; -ye'st-he,:.counti'.:manader .:k'how. Cat­er.,both he and_.;:the :Commissioners !uscted by;mbmbers of the N C D e p t*.-,; o f .o, check Ahi s, blank ybs';-�_,�_as2 the, d i r g e . o'f,. the-'eT6_me"n'ts',:!I isted:'A1n,-,,;)item 1 a:s.. waste ,.,1-.'6 1 d that '-,-.item '15 did ,.not .haVe to be - h o i'uld ha'v'e�,beeh checked no; - -i f in fac t treated was bodily watte ;a:.Lt is understood nts of a"m"66*44rn th'e6f-r*ea,t-*ed---,di-sch"a'r'g'e., to the question; 'D1 d'!i t em'.0 5h'a v eto *.-;b e appr'­--d 'f o r 1 et. the -a- ;_ 'I i:c 6" 'i o'n". It would se'e`m'.�. t 6'. m'4- ;_t�h t* should not 0 0 0 gal" fact b yes n.,,item 15 this would or me aj-":ie� ec-" ro p, ha terN,o r: ..-a, c hem' fic a 1, Q 1_­'., �epeople -.'j n+ our. community Iwe'l c ome •The un ergroun ­wateff.:i-s;;: e "d this coupties e source e d e s'ir et h a t, t h i s statemenVy`ea, b r s w �fAer'm`an�` ' 9. .Description of waste water discharged to surface waters only (check as applicable). Flow, MGD (million gallons per operating day) Volume treated before Discharge per discharging (percent) operating day -- T . 0- 0.01- 0.05- 10.1- 0.5- 1.0- 5 or None 0.1- 35- 65- 95- 0.0099 0.049 0.099 0.49 0.99 14.9 more 34.9 64.9 94.9 100 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) i(6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) A. Average X B. Maximum 10. If any waste water, treated or untreated, is discharged to places other than surface waters, check below as applicable. Waste water is discharged to 0-0.0099 (1) 0.01-0.049 (2) 0.05-0.099 (3) 0.1-0.49 (4) 0.5-0.99 (5) 1.0-4.9 (6) 5 or more (7) A. Deep well B. Evaporation lagoon C. Subsurface percolation system D. Other, specify: 11. Is any sludge ultimately returned to a waterway? A. / /Yes B. IT/No 12. a. Do you receive industrial waste? 1. /V/Yes 2. / /No b. If yes, enter approximate number of industrial dischargers into system Unknown - future development 13. Type of collection sewer system: A. /Y/Separate sanitary B. / /Combined sanitary and storm C. / /Both Name of..teceivinx water or waters %"Does your discharge contain or is it possible for your discharge to contain\ one or more of the following substances: ammonia, cyanide, aluminum, beryllium, cadmi hromium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, selenium, zinc, phenols. A./Ye B. / /No I certify at I am familiar with the information contained in the application and that to the best of my knowledee and belief such information is true._comolete. and accurate. Charles S. Mashburn Printed Name of Person Signing County Manager 3-13-d'9 Date Application Si ne Signature of Applicant North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6(b)(2) provides that: Any person who knowingly makes any false statement representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document files or required to be maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article, or who falsifies, tampers with, or knowly renders inaccurate any recording or monitoring device or method required to be operated or maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $10,000, or by imprisonment not to exceed six months, or by both. (18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides a punishment by a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment not more than 5 years, or both, for a similar offense.) State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor R. Paul Wilms William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Director July 24, 1989. Mr. William R. Smitherman Route 4, Box 37 East Bend. North Carolina 27018 Subject: Expansion of East Bend Industrial Park Discharge NPDES No. NCOO64726, Yadkin County Dear Mr.. Smitherman: Thank you for your letter of June 17, 1989, regarding the proposed expansion of the subject discharge. Currently, the draft permit as prepared by the Division of Environmental. Management (DEM) is being reviewed by the Division of Health Services because of the discharge's location in water classified for water supply protection (i.e., WS-III). If approved, the draft permit will be sent to public notice. The official notice will be published in both the Winston-Salem Journal and the Yadkin Ripple newspapers. Comments may be submitted during the 30-day period following public notice. Your letter will be entered into the corresponding public comment file of the draft permit for further consideration. The NPDES permit for the proposed expansion has been drafted to allow discharge of treated domestic wastewater only. No industrial users will be allowed to tie into the East Bend facility until an approved pretreatment program is established. However., the current classification of: the receiving waters (WS-III) does allow for the discharge of industrial wastewaters that will meet North Carolina's water quality standards which, for the toxicants in question, are established to protect aquatic life to the chronic no effect level. Therefore, at the concentrations allowed, we would not expect to see any impacts to aquatic life nor health effects of those using the waters for secondary recreation. P.O. Box 27687. P.Acieh, North Camlina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Oppommity Affirmative Action Employer Mr. William R. Smitherman Page Two Nonetheless, your request for a benthos study of the stream is well -taken and I have directed my staff to perform an appropriate biological survey. Data gathered during this survey will be used to assess the current health of the receiving waters, and will be helpful in establishing a baseline for comparison to future studies. No decision regarding the issuance of the NPDES permit for the expanded discharge will be made until these studies have been completed and the results thoroughly evaluated. Finally, your request for a public meeting has been duly noted. A final decision regarding a meeting will be made after the draft permit has been noticed and all interested parties have had a chance to respond. Any decision to hold a public meeting will be accompanied by a 30-day advance notice in the newspapers previously listed. Thank you again for your honest and straightforward comments. I appreciate the opportunity to hear from citizens who are concerned about the current and future quality of our State's natural resources and I encourage you to continue your efforts toward maintaining and improving our environment. If you have any further questions or comments regarding this matter, please contact either Mr. Trevor Clements or Mr. Arthur Mouberry at (919) 733-5083. _ Sincerely,; R. Paul Wilms RPW:TC/am CC: %Trevor—Cl-ementst4 Arthur Mouberry Ken Eagleson Steve Mauney Central Files RE .:EiVED ?CRi,QiiS & NQG�Ni�RuNt, Mr. Paul Wilms Environmental Management Comm. P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh N.C. 27611 Dear Mr. Wilms: June Rt . East ,M k 17 1989 4 Box 37 Bend, N.C. 27018 KT�l reos% 3llp( 22 , ]989 ``I" N ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES It has come to my attention this week that the Park has filed an application to increase the treated wastewater from 10,000 gal per day to RESOURCE NIANAGEMENT. East Bend Industrial discharge of so-called 50,000 gal per day. As a downstream property owner I am outraged at the possibility that this application might have been approved without the concerned property owners on the downstream side of the discharge point being informed. The county manager Mr. Mashburn was unable to answer my questions concerning whether or not a ublic notice had be or just how man days the_ -u. -_.i.c--no_t.i-ce--would sted w icn paper t,he—no-tice would run. Please advisp me by raturn letter . 4 o" -N00064 e ice and in whice ---Although the present public notice process may satisfy requirements of the statue, the procedure does little to affected area and the residents of this area.......... I object to the approval of this application to increase the discharge from 10,000 gal. per day to 50,000 gal. per day as I and my farming operation will be directly affected by this increase if this application is approved and so will be many of my neighbors downstream of the discharge point. My farm borders the stream Justice Reynolds creek, refered to as unnamed tributary of Yadkin River, on both sides of the creek for well over one quarter mile on each side of the stream. In fact the present discharge point into.this stream is only a few hundred yards upstream from my property line. jI herby state my determained opposition to the approval of this application and urge that the application be denied approval, for the following and other reasons. In addition I Request A Public Hearing on this application'here in Yadkin County. Primary Obiections to the ADDroval of this Application NCO064726 1. The flow rate of this stream in question is far below 10,000 gal per day at the discharge point. Most of the stream flow at the discharge point and below on my farm would consist of waste water if even 10,000 gal were discharged per day let alone 50,000 gal per day. Have you actually measured the flow rate of this stream during a dry period or even a typical day ? I think not, although some calculations may have been made in your office concerning flow rate. (2) R F r i, Damage to Aquatic life in the stream below the discharge point would surely result if the application to increase the Waste Water discharge rate to 50,000 gal per day. There is an abundance of small fish,crayfish, snails ect. This indicates to me that at present the water quality is quite pure........ We should insure that it remains that pure. It could quickly become a dead stream unfit for human consumption, unable to support any life systems if item 15 on this application is allowed, ie. the discharge of DEADLY POISIONS into this stream, such as those mentioned on the application ie. Cyanide, Beryllium, Cadmium, Chromium, Lead, Mercury, Nickel, Selenium, Phenols. We know that these and other toxic substances have no place in our streams now or EVER.... The Stream is frequently utilized for receration by young children playing and wading ect. I played in this stream when I was a child, my son and his cousins played in this stream. Furthur downstream there is evidence that other families small children utilize the stream for recerational use as well including, but not limited to the lake at the Historic Butner -Allgood Water Powered Mill Site. The Stream has been utilized on my 400 plus Acre farm, to water Tobacco Plant Beds and Is our primary water supply when transplanting Tobacco. During these periods of usage the water frequently comes into contact with the skin of the farm worker. This pure stream serves as the primary drinking supply for livestock, cattle and horses, below the discharge point. Although at present we have no livestock on our farm many of my neighbors downstream do. I am quite sure they do not wish to have their cattle consuming Waste Water treated or not. If the heavy metals and salts mentioned in item 15 on the application are deposited in the stream the cattle and those people who consume the meat from those livestock could be at risk. Quality and length of life are more important than economic growth in my view. The county or E.B.I.P. has demonstrated no immediate need to discharge 50,000 gal per day into this stream. At present they are not discharging but a small fraction of the presently authorized 10,000 gal per day. This is an attempt to Reserve the future capacity for the E.B.I.P. for some future need. The Preservation of surface is to important to write this blank check on our our future. (3) 7. The most important landmark in eastern Yadkin County, The Butner -Allgood Water Powered Mill and the 8 acre lake are located some 2to 3 miles downstream from the discharge point. Besides the natural historic value of this structure, it provides swimming and boating recreation in addition to the opportunity to fish in natural pure clean water. We do not wish to destroy the life in this millpond by the upstream discharge of sewage from the E.B.I.P. Instead we wish to preserve and to maintain this most important surface water natural resource which has been utilized and enboyed by the people of our community and our county for several generations...... This SENIC AND VALUED AREA MUST NOT BECOME A REPOSITORY OF THE CHEMICAL_ AND UNSANITARY WASTE FROM THE EAST BEND This lake is not the place to dispose of Industrial Waste which in the future could contain Cyanide, Zinc Mercury and Phenols...... see application item 15 of NCO064726 It is of paramount importance to conduct a Bathos Study of the stream bed area in order to clearly establish a benchmark as to what life systems are now present in this stream ie. the Justice Reynolds Creek. This inventory of Aquatic life and the associated study will provide documation which can be utilized in future years to establish whether or not damage has been done to the stream. ' This assesment of the conditions which now exist in this clear clean stream may be impossible to make in the future. Now is the proper and prudent time to conduct such a study......... The future of our surface water resources are at stake. We need a standard to compare future water quality against. Without it future measurements will be of quistionable validity. I am convinced that we the downstream affected taxpaying property owners are entitled to protection from the intended or theu.uhioten- tional contamination of this unspoiled stream. Please advise promptly concerning my following concerns and request. 1. The.'Request for a Benthos Study 2. The Request for an Environmental Impact Study of the creek ecology, the citizenry downstream and ofcourse the Butner -Allgood Mill and Millpond 3. The request for a public hearing here in Yadkin County after the above studies have been completed (4) Holding a public hearing as a mere formality before the results of the above studies are complete, would constitute a violation of public trust and fairness. This application NCO064726 should not be approved or even considered until the data from the above studies has been collected and analyzed. The results of the above studies should be provided to those parties opposed to and to those parties favoring the approval of this application. At this time and only then should a hearing on this application be set. By adherence to the policy outlined above an intelligent and prudent decision can result....... Yours truly William R. Smitherman Copy to: Mr. Jim Johnston N.C. Dept. Of Natural Resources and Community Dev. Winston Salem, N.C. The commissioners of Yadkin County Other Interested Parties