HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0025071_Report_20200527r City of Eden EDEN P. O. Box 70 NORTH CAROLINA - Eden, NC 27289 May 12, 2020 RECEIVED MAY 2 7 2020 Linda Culpepper, Director of Division of Water Resources NCDEQ NCDEQIDWRINPDES NC Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Semi-Annual Progress Report— Report#6 May 12, 2020 EPA Administrative Ordeer on Consent CWA-04-2017-4753 Dear Ms. Jones Please accept the enclosed semiannual progress report as required by Administrative Order on Consent CWA— 04 —2017 —4753. As this is our fifth submittal of this report, please advise of any issues in its preparation or formatting or information contained within. Sincerely, Terry Sh Iton Interim City Manager Office 336-612-8055 Email tshelton(a�edennc.us cc: Mary Jo Bragan, Chief Water Enforce Branch Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Division, EPA Region4 File Copy, City of Eden Public Utilities www.EdenNC.us and www.ExploreEdenNC.com FAX (336) 623-4041 L- . City of Eden EDEN P. O. Box 70 NORTH CAROLINA ��166.'- Eden, NC 27289 -,''hlinhrd`q May 12, 2020 Mary Jo Bragan, Chief Water Enforce Branch Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Division Attn. Ms. Laurie Jones U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 4 61 Forsyth Street S. W. Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8960 Semi-Annual Progress Report— Report#6 May 12, 2020 EPA Administrative Ordeer on Consent CWA-04-2017-4753 Dear Ms. Jones Please accept the enclosed semiannual progress report as required by Administrative Order on Consent CWA— 04 — 2017 —4753. As this is our fifth submittal of this report please advise of any issues in its preparation or formatting or information contained within. Sincerely, j4/ 464-- Terry Shelton Interim City Manager Office 336-612-8055 Email tsheltonedennc.us cc: Linda Culpepper, Director Division of Water Resources NCDEQ File Copy, City of Eden Public Utilities www.EdenNC.us and www.ExpioreEdenNC.com FAX(336) 623-4041 TwoCity of Eden Eden if. All-America City P. O. Box 70 ' IF EDEN Eden, NC 27289 NORTH (:AROLINA f►. (336) 612-8055 e'`''bli..h. FAX (336) 623-4041 2011 EPA Administrative Order on Consent - Semi-Annual Progress Report No. 6, April 2020 RECEIVED May 12, 2020 MAY 2 7 2020 RE: EPA Administrative Order on Consent (Issued April 19, 2017) NCDEQ/DWR/NPDES Docket No. CWA-04-2017-4753 Item IV. Documentation and Report Submittal 23. The City Shall Submit to the EPA Written Semi-Annual Progress Reports This Semi-Annual Report is submitted to the EPA by the City of Eden, North Carolina, to comply with the requirements of the Administrative Order on Consent. This report is prepared and submitted specifically to comply with Item IV. Paragraph 23. The City's primary plan to stop SSOs is based on the Wastewater Collection and Transmission Systems Remediation Plan (WCTSRP), as well as utilization of the Management, Operation and Maintenance programs (MOM) that was developed during our first Administrative Order. The Remediation Plan contains detailed information of the places where Eden has had recurring SSOs and developed remediation measures in those locations to stop SSOs. The City of Eden was awarded $31.6 million in grants and loans from the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (now Department of Environmental Quality or DEQ), through the Division of Water Infrastructure (DWI) in the spring of 2017. The City is also providing matching funds of about $2 million. All of this funding is designated to rehabilitate the City's aging sewer collection and treatment system to keep and maintain compliance with all current federal and state regulatory standards. The WCTSRP contains an aggressive five-year capital project plan to address issues in our collection and treatment system. Funding for the Remediation Plan projects, and daily operational problems has been appropriated. For bidding and construction purposes, the WCTSRP was divided into nine (9) contracts, to keep items of similar work in as few contracts as possible, to take advantage of potential economies of scale. Bids for all work contained in the WCTSRP not previously bid were accepted in October 2019. However, the bid environment was not favorable, and bids came in well over budget at approximately $41.9 million. Since then, the City and their design engineer have been working to identify ways to obtain additional funds, revise work items to reduce costs without jeopardizing the goal of reducing SSOs, and identifying work items that are less critical to the goal of reducing SSOs that can be delayed until additional funds can be obtained. As previously stated, our bids come in higher than anticipated for the Remediation Plan Projects as we had expected last November. We have had prioritized work items that could be shifted out of the remediation contracts and into other contracts and work items that could be removed from the construction contracts and deferred to a later date with minimal impact to the overall goal of the Remediation Plan. At present, we have issued notices to proceed to our contractors for most of the Remediation Plan work. The projects that are funded are on schedule, and we expect to complete them by February 2020. As we discussed in telephone conversations in February this year, we have applied for ASADRA funding in order to obtain additional financing for the Smith River Siphon Replacement and the Junction Pump Station Rehabilitation. These two projects are a good match for ASADRA funding because both projects are in the floodplain and need the resiliency for operation. It is our understanding that we will know if we will receive ASADRA funding sometime in July. We will contact the EPA Atlanta office once we have heard from the ASADRA funding awards. We have applied for $7,238,102 that can be made available as grants or low-interest loans if we receive funding. The estimated completion date for the ASADRA funded projects would by Spring of 2022. Administrative Order on Consent Item IV. Paragraph 23. The City shall begin to submit these Semi-Annual Reports to the EPA within 30 days after the end of the first 6 months after the effective date of this Order on Consent and shall continue to submit such reports every 6 months thereafter until the submission of the Final Report as set forth below. The City shall submit to the EPA written semi-annual progress reports (Semi-Annual Reports) that includes: (a) A description of the actions, which have been taken toward achieving compliance with this Order on Consent during the previous 6 months; The City of Eden is taking the following actions to prevent, reduce and stop SSOs in our Collection System. The implementation or enhancement of our programs that we developed in our first Administration Order is now part of routine operations. The MOM has been our daily guide to preventive work to avoid SSOs and establish stronger improved system maintenance programs. The WCTSRP is now our overall plan in our long-term approach to address our SSO issues. Our Collection and Distribution crews have been working on point source inflow and infiltration that occur in rain events and other illicit sources that are found during daily operations. Our crews had opportunities during these high flow periods to inspect and monitor inflow from multiple suspected point sources such as identifying infiltration issues in the Dry Creek basin. Problems found have been noted and are scheduled for rehab or to be mitigated. Our engineering firm, W. K. Dickson & Co., Inc. (WKD), prepared the Engineering Report (ER) that was submitted to DWI in June 2017, and the design plans and specifications on May 1, 2019, as per our funding requirements. The ER, specs, and plans required some initial revision and resubmission to DWI. WKD was in contact with DWI frequently to discuss and answer questions regarding the ER to ensure that DWI could complete their approval. As this program covers a large number of projects (the Remediation Program is currently separated into 9 construction contracts), the review by the various regulatory agencies took more time than scheduled. The Engineering Report did not receive final approval until April 9, 2018. The Mebane Bridge Wastewater Treatment Plant (MBWWTP) Contract received Authorization to Construct on December 12, 2018 and Authorization to Award on May 29, 2019. Construction of the MBWWTP contract is ongoing at this time. Since the last update, one of the pumps at RAS Pump Station #2 has failed and needs to be replaced. Since replacement of this pump station was part of the work originally bid but not awarded as a cost-saving measure, this item of work was added back into the construction contract as a change order for the Contractor finishing the Mebane Bridge Wastewater Treatment Plant project. All of the work at the MBWWTP is nearing completion and the project should be operational by July. Due to the need for additional information on endangered species in the area of the Smith River, the remaining eight contracts were broken into two bidding groups, with Contracts not impacted by the Smith River permitting (5 contracts) bidding ahead of the Contracts impacted by the Smith River permitting concerns (3 contracts). Contracts I, II, VI, VII, and VIII advertised on August 4, 2019 and bid on September 19, 2019. Authorization to Construct was issued on September 9, 2019. An EPA Administrative Order on Consent- Semi-Annual Progress Report No. 6 2 of 12 pages ins ufficient number of bids was received on each of these five contracts to allow opening of pe gbids on September 19, 2019. All bids received were returned, unopened to the bidders and a re-bid for each P p of the Contracts was scheduled for October 10, 2019. The rebid was advertised September 29, 2019. Contracts III, IV, and V were advertised on September 26, 2019 with a bid date of October 24. 2019. Sufficient bids were received only for Contract III at that time and the re-bid for Contracts IV and V advertised on October 30, 2019 with a scheduled re-bid date of November 14, 2019. DWI is aware of the lack of a sufficient number of bids to open on Contracts I, II, VI, VII, and VIII and is also aware of the delays in bidding Contracts III, IV, and V occasioned by the endangered species survey of the Smith River in the project area. The bids for Contracts I —VIII totaled $41.9 million in construction costs, significantly exceeding the City's construction budget. Contracts I, VI, VII, and VIII were voted to be awarded by the City with negotiated costs savings based on specific manufacturer's products, removing work from the Contract for the City to perform, revising re-route of sewer lines to rehabilitation of existing sewer lines, and by deferring rehabilitation of sewer lines in relatively higher elevation streets (less subject to inflow and infiltration) until additional funding can be obtained. Authorization to Award for Contracts I, VI, VII, and VIII was received and contract execution and construction is under way. Based on the cost of the bids received and the resulting likelihood that the City will not meet the required date to complete all repairs set forth in the WCTSRP, the City has enquired whether the state of North Carolina may be able to administer the Administrative Order on Consent and allow a longer time frame than the EPA can without the use of a Consent Decree and its resultant court costs. To date the City has had discussions on this topic with the Winston-Salem Regional office of DEQ, DWI, and the EPA. The City and WKD met with DWI on December 12, 2019, with the Regional DEQ office on January 6, 2020, and had a conference call with EPA on January 21, 2020. DWI confirmed that the Administrative Order did not need to be maintained in order to continue qualifying for the Connect NC bond money that the City has already qualified for to help fund the construction of the WCTSRP. The Regional DEQ office offered their willingness to administer the terms of the Administrative Order on Consent as long as the EPA did not have issues with that approach and as long as DEQ was not required to maintain the time line originally agreed to in the Administrative Order on Consent. The EPA gathered information on the current status of the project, including bid prices and the City's plans to address the funding shortfall, and is considering options. DWI is awaiting EPA's decision to discuss adjustment of milestone dates. Depending on the EPA's decision, we do not anticipate issues with adjusting those dates as the events leading to the adjustment were outside of the control of the City or their Engineer. The current Milestone Dates for performing planning and engineering steps toward beginning construction to meet funding requirements are included in a table with the updated schedule below. Two portions of the WCTSRP are being submitted for additional funding to DWI through the Additional Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Act, 2019 (ASADRA) program. This consists of the Junction Pump Station Rehabilitation (part of Contract II, now referred to as II.B) and the Junction Basin Rehabilitation and Replacement and Replacement of the Smith River Siphon (Contract V). The Junction Pump Station lies in the floodway near the confluence of the Dan and Smith Rivers and is subject to impacts from flooding. Part of the rehabilitation work is to provide a permanent, elevated natural gas generator that can be used to keep the pump station operating in the case of power failure due to flooding. Contract V includes both the siphon and siphon boxes, which by necessity are located near the Smith River and subject to flooding, and repairs to the Neil Street Outfall, which currently resides exposed in a stream bank tributary to the Smith River. The stream has eroded its channel over time, exposing the outfall at the side of the stream bank. EPA Administrative Order on Consent- Semi-Annual Progress Report No. 6 3 of 12 pages An updated schedule is shown below in this progress report. This schedule does not meet the EPA Administrative Order on Consent Remediation Plan Projects Milestone Dates (revised by DWI on August 27, 2018). Event Milestone Date Scheduled or Projected Date Bid Opening —completed for August 29, 2019 Late July 2020 (Contract II.A) Contracts I, VI, VII, and VIII Late July 2020 (Contract III) Late September 2020 (Contracts 11.13 and V) Bid Evaluation and City September 17, 2019 August 2020 (II.A and III) Approval of Award — completed October 2020 (II.B and V) for Contracts I, VI, VII, and VIII Bid Submission to DWI for September 24, 2019 September 2020 (II.A and III) Authority to Award —completed November 2020 (II.B and V) for Contracts I, VI, VII, and VIII Authority to Award —completed October 1, 2019 October 2020 (II.A and III) for Contracts I, VI, VII, and VIII December 2020 (II.B and V) Execute Construction November 4, 2019 November 2020 (II.A and III) Contracts January 2021 (II.B and V) During the last six months the current sewer Remediation Plan projects for the Administrative Order on Consent were put out to bid. Some of these project bids came in very high and had to be redesigned and rebid. Some of these contracts were rebid and the City of Eden was able to award contracts I, VI and VII to Yates Construction Company. Covered under Contract I is rainfall dependent inflow and infiltration in need of repair throughout the City. Contract VI involves the Kuder Street Basin and in particular the sanitary sewer outfall that lies along Park Road and Tackett Branch. Contract VII addresses the portion of the Dry Creek Sanitary Sewer Outfall line that lies west of Main Street and other outfalls that connect to it. Contract VIII has been awarded to James E. Harris Construction Company. This contract involves neighborhood sewer pump station upgrades. The sewer pump stations involved are Dogwood P.S located at 404 Dogwood Lane, Bear Slide P.S. located at 232 W Harris Place, Fourth Street P.S. located at 1016 Fourth Street and Indian Hills P.S. located at 101 Deer Run, all in Eden. The City of Eden's Video Camera inspection crew continues to be aggressive in their investigative efforts, by conducting flow monitoring and smoke tests and by working during rain events, in order to identify additional potential point sources. WKD and the City Staff are currently working to secure easements and preparing for the start of construction and Contract re-work as described above. Contract IV, the relocation of sewer lines in the relatively high-elevation area of Glovenia Street, and portions of several other contracts (Cured-in-Place Pipe lining in streets in Contract VII and construction of several outfalls in Contract III) need to be delayed beyond the schedule shown below while awaiting availability of further funds. The anticipated construction schedule is listed below: EPA Administrative Order on Consent- Semi-Annual Progress Report No. 6 4 of 12 pages Contract Anticipated Anticipated Construction Start Construction Finish MBWWTP July 2019 September 2020 Contract I — Infiltration/Inflow Reduction April 2020 July 2021 Contract II.A—Bridge St Pump Station November 2020 November 2021 Rehabilitation Contract 11.13 —Junction St Pump Station January 2021 January 2022 Rehabilitation Contract III — Bridge St Basin Rehabilitation and October 2020 December 2021 Replacement Contract IV—Glovenia, Spruce, Chestnut, and Deferred Deferred Ash St Sewer Relocation Contract V—Junction Basin Rehabilitation and January 2021 January 2022 Replacement Contract VI — Kuder Street Basin Rehabilitation April 2020 May 2021 and Replacement Contract VII — Dry Creek Basin Rehabilitation and April 2020 January 2021 Replacement Contract VIII — Neighborhood Lift Stations April 2020 October 2020 Improvements Anticipated Completion of ALL WCTSRP construction 2040 Current Project Closeout Deadline February 2022 (b) An assessment of the effectiveness of such actions in eliminating SSOs; The City's crews have been continually working to find sources of Inflow and Infiltration during rainfall events of the last four months and places where any high flows were observed. Point sources that our crews are finding outside the scope of planned work in the current Remediation Plan are repaired or scheduled for rehab as they are found. The repair work completed by the City's Street Department and Collection & Distribution crews should have a significant impact on Inflow and Infiltration and should reduce the duration, volume and impact SSOs in the area near Railroad Pump Station and to the New Street Pump Station. Until the remediation measures defined in the WCTSRP are constructed, performance of SSO reduction cannot be truly assessed. (c) A list, which shall include the date and time, location, cause, ultimate destination, and volume of SSOs that occurred during the previous 6 months; Overflows for Thursday, October 31, 2019 Railroad Pump Station, 11540 NC Hwy 770, Eden, NC From 7:05 AM Thursday, October 31, 2019 until 12:10 PM the same day. Inflow and infiltration. EPA Administrative Order on Consent- Semi-Annual Progress Report No. 6 5 of 12 pages 700 gallons total, 400 Gallons to Dry Creek which flows into the Dan River. Park Road at Tolbert Street, Eden, NC From 8:15 AM Thursday, October 31, 2019 until 11:30 AM the same day. Inflow and infiltration. 2,400 Gallons to Tackett Branch which flows into the Smith River. Overflow for Sunday December 1, 2019 Railroad Pump Station, 11540 NC Hwy 770, Eden, NC From 8:00 AM Sunday, December 1, 2019 until 2:30 PM the same day. Inflow and infiltration. 3,000 Gallons to Dry Creek which flows into the Dan River. Overflow for Sunday January 12, 2020 Railroad Pump Station, 11540 NC Hwy 770, Eden, NC From 1:00 AM Sunday, January 12, 2020 until 3:56 AM the same day. Inflow and infiltration. 800 gallons total, 500 Gallons to Dry Creek which flows into the Dan River. Overflow for Tuesday January 14, 2020 220 W Kings Highway, Eden, NC From 12:47 PM Tuesday, January 14, 2020 until 2:34 PM the same day. Inflow and infiltration, Severe weather condition. 200 Gallons to the Smith River. Overflow for Friday January 24, 2020 Railroad Pump Station, 11540 NC Hwy 770, Eden, NC From 10:40 PM Friday, January 24, 2020 until 6:60 AM the next day. Inflow and infiltration. 1,700 Gallons to Dry Creek which flows into the Dan River. Overflow for Wednesday February 5, 2020 Meadowgreens Pump Station, 11540 S Edgewood Road, Eden, NC From 11:02 AM Wednesday, February 5, 2020 until 11:05 PM the same day. Contractor for golf course dug through force main. 1,200 Gallons to Moir Branch which flows into the Dan River. Overflows for Thursday February 6, 2020 928 Harris St. Eden, NC From 10:32 AM Thursday, February 6, 2020 until 8:56 AM Saturday, February 8, 2020. EPA Administrative Order on Consent- Semi-Annual Progress Report No. 6 6 of 12 pages Inflow and infiltration, severe weather condition, extreme rainfall. 10,000 Gallons to Burton Branch Creek which flows into the Dan River. Railroad Pump Station, 11540 NC Hwy 770, Eden, NC From 10:22 AM Thursday, February 6, 2020 until 11:34 AM the next day. Inflow and infiltration, severe weather condition, extreme rainfall. 24,000 Gallons to Dry Creek which flows into the Dan River. Park Rd. at Tolbert St., Eden, NC From 10:55 AM Thursday, February 6, 2020 until 6:13 AM the next day. Inflow and infiltration, severe weather condition, extreme rainfall. 15,000 Gallons to Tackett Branch Creek which flows into the Smith River. New Street Pump Station, 409 New Street, Eden, NC From 11:55 AM Thursday, February 6, 2020 until 9:26 AM the next day. Inflow and infiltration. 12,000 Gallons to unnamed stream which flows into the Dan River. Covenant Branch Pump Station 699 Lake St., Eden, NC From 12:05 PM Thursday, February 6, 2020 until 5:20 AM the next day. Inflow and infiltration, severe weather condition, extreme rainfall. 20,000 Gallons to Covenant Branch Creek which flows into the Dan River. Meadowgreens Pump Station, S. Edgewood Rd. Eden, NC From 3:25 PM Thursday, February 6, 2020 until 4:57 AM the next day. Inflow and infiltration, severe weather condition, extreme rainfall. 4,000 Gallons to Moir Branch Creek which flows into the Dan River. Dan River Pump Station, 729 Lang St. Eden, NC From 5:26 PM Thursday, February 6, 2020 until 7:08 AM the Next day. Inflow and infiltration, severe weather condition, extreme rainfall. 1,600 Gallons flows into the Dan River. Overflow for Friday, February 7, 2020 711 Shedd St. Eden, NC From 8:39 AM Friday, February 7, 2020 until 9:45 AM the same day. Disposable wipes blockage. 1,600 Gallons, with 1,200 Gallons to Tackett Branch which flows into the Dan River. Overflow for Saturday, February 8, 2020 Junction Pump Station, 696 Valley Drive, Eden, NC From 6:04 AM Saturday, February 8, 2020 until 8:48 AM the same day. Inflow and infiltration, severe weather condition, flooding from previous rainfall upstream. EPA Administrative Order on Consent- Semi-Annual Progress Report No. 6 7 of 12 pages 7,000 Gallons flows into the Smith River. Overflows for Tuesday, February 11, 2020 750 Fieldcrest Rd., Eden, NC From 9:37 AM Tuesday, February 11, 2020 until 10:15 AM the same day. Inflow and infiltration, coupled with Intruding roots. 200 Gallons to Dry Creek which flows into the Dan River. 928 Harris St., Eden, NC From 12:30 PM Tuesday, February 11, 2020 until 2:25 PM the same day. Intruding Roots. 100 Gallons to Burton Branch Creek which flows into the Dan River. Railroad Pump Station, 11540 NC Hwy 770, Eden, NC From 12:45 PM Tuesday, February 11, 2020 until 5:30 PM the same day. Inflow and infiltration. 1,400 Gallons to Dry Creek which flows into the Dan River. Overflow for Wednesday, March 25, 2020 Intersection of Main Street and Carolina Avenue, Eden, NC From 12:37 PM Saturday, March 25, 2020 until 1:56 PM the same day. Grease blockage 400 Gallons to Dry Creek which flows into the Dan River. (d) An analysis of the cause of each such SSO; and (e) a description of the City's plan to address and prevent such SSOs from occurring in the future. Analyses and Description of Plans to Address or Prevention Solutions to Stop Future SSOs: Overflows from Railroad Pump Station D) Analysis: It has been noted that Dry Creek, the stream that flows south of the pump station, is at flood stage each time there is an overflow. The City has been trying to locate a manhole or other opening in the sewer system that may be allowing the stream to enter the sanitary sewer upstream from here. Manholes located on, along and in a tributary just west of the pump station were investigated during a storm event and a log was found across Dry Creek creating a dam during flooding that redirected the flow out of the creek and around the manholes. It was found that there are sink holes found around the new manholes along the creek. It was found that the mortar has failed around the pipe inside the manholes. The WCTSRP also has identified several critical improvements in this basin with the common objective to significantly reduce I & I. These improvements include: • Repairs within the collection system related to private and public sources of inflow consisting of cleanout, manhole lid/frame, and lateral defects EPA Administrative Order on Consent- Semi-Annual Progress Report No. 6 8 of 12 pages • Elimination of several indirect sources of inflow related to sewer main defects in close proximity to storm drainage • Completion of the rehabilitation of the Dry Creek Outfall from Main Street to its terminus near Loparex and replacement of the Eisenhower Court Outfall between Eisenhower Court and Mill Avenue, and CIPPL installation in gravity sewers outside of street corridors. These sewers are physically degraded containing Pipeline Assessment and Certification Program (PACP) Grade 3, 4 and 5 defects and are anticipated to be repaired utilizing open trench construction (approximately 1,530 LF) and CIPPL installation (14,000 LF), although the CIPPL installation in gravity sewer mains in the streets, accounting for approximately 7,100 LF, is currently being deferred as these areas are generally less subject to flooding than the sewer lines along the outfalls. Lining of the sewers in the streets will be performed when construction funds are available. E) Proposed Solution: Complete improvements as defined in the WCTSRP. The tree dam was removed from the creek allowing it flow more natrally. A polyurethene injectable compound has been purschased to eliminate the newly discovered inflow in the manholes. Overflows from Park Road @ Tolbert Street D) Analysis: This overflow was caused by inflow and infiltration (I&I). The sewer line is in a low- lying pasture with a creek following. The creek crosses the sewer main multiple times. E) Proposed Solution: The upstream and downstream sanitary sewer mains is to be relined and some sections unsuitable for relining are to be replaced within the next two years to reduce or eliminate I & I during flood and rain events. These improvements are defined in the WCTSRP. Overflow from 220 W. Kings Hwy. on January 14, 2020 D) Analysis: This Overflow was caused by grease buildup in sewer main. E) Proposed Solution: Get new restaurant manager at the local Hardee's trained on properly maintaining the grease trap. Overflow from Meadowgreens Pump Station on February 5, 2020 D) Analysis: This pump station has been plagued with an excessive amount of inflow during peak storm events. It has an existing overflow basin, but many times peak wet weather flows exceed the station's pump capacity and the storage volume of this overflow basin. In such events, untreated sewage reached surface waters. The WCTSRP also has identified several repairs within the Meadow Greens Basin. Continued reduction of I & I will be critical in reducing the peak wet weather flows that this pump station has to handle. Prior analysis in the WCTSRP also revealed the challenges of increasing pump capacity at the Meadow Greens Pump Station without significant force main and pump upgrades. A more economical solution was identified to leverage existing large force main that has been underutilizing the capacity in the 24-inch force main that serves the Railroad and Industrial Park Pump Stations. EPA Administrative Order on Consent- Semi-Annual Progress Report No. 6 9 of 12 pages An interconnection between the Meadow Greens force main, and this 24-inch force main was installed to provide additional force main capacity during peak wet weather events. Hydraulic modeling confirmed that this interconnection would mitigate SSOs that have normally occurred during most frequent occurring storms (1-year to 2-year reoccurrence interval). The existing 24-inch main is currently well below capacity given the significant reduction of industrial flow within the Railroad and Industrial Park basins. The City also has continued to investigate portions of this basin resulting in peak wet weather volumes. E) Proposed Solution: Identify and repair major sources of inflow in the Meadow Greens Basin as identified in the WCTSRP and through ongoing investigations. Overflows from 928 Harris St. D) Analysis: A storm event that deposited 4-5 inches of rain with severe flooding. This overflow was caused by inflow and infiltration and with the combination of roots. E) Proposed Solution: Add this section of sewer line to the city of Eden's Root Control Program Overflow from New Street Pump Station on February 6, 2020 D) Analysis: This pump station discharges flow to the Covenant Branch Pump Station. An interconnection between the Covenant Branch force main and the 24-inch force main serving Railroad and Industrial Park Pump Stations was installed to provide additional force main capacity during peak wet weather events. E) Proposed Solution: Reduce the volume of inflow from this and the other contributing basin and complete the I & I repairs as identified in the WCTS SSES. The use of continued investigations via smoke tests are to be conducted in both the New Street and Dan River Pump Station Basins to identify any additional problems that may have emerged or re-appeared since the last studies were performed. Overflow from Covenant Branch Pump Station on February 6, 2020 D) Analysis: This pump station receives flows from three other basins including Dan River Pump Station, New Street Pump Station, and Weil McLain Pump Station. Any additional I & I from these basins compound the problem for Covenant Branch Pump Station. Ongoing investigations have identified a significant amount of I & I in the New Street Basin. The WCTSRP also has identified several repairs needed within the Covenant Branch Basin. Continued reduction of I & I will be critical in reducing the peak wet weather flows that this pump station has to handle. Prior analysis in the WCTSRP also revealed the challenges of increasing pump capacity at the Covenant Branch Pump Station without significant force main and pump upgrades. A more economical solution was identified to leverage existing infrastructure, underutilized force main capacity in the 24-inch force main that serves the Railroad and Industrial Park Pump Stations. An additional pump station is in the design phase to be built downstream of the Covenant Branch Pump Station. The new pump station will replace the Weil McLain Pump Station. This new pump station will relieve up to 30,000 GPD that EPA Administrative Order on Consent- Semi-Annual Progress Report No. 6 10 of 12 pages currently goes to Covenant Branch Pump Station Pump daily although it will discharge into the force main that the Covenant Branch Pump Station utilizes. The new pump station is fully funded with a $997,000 grant. An interconnection between the Covenant Branch force main and the 24-inch force main serving Railroad and Industrial Park Pump Stations was installed to provide additional force main capacity during peak wet weather events. Hydraulic modeling confirmed that this interconnection would mi tigate SSOs that have normally occurred during most frequent occurring storms (1-year to 2-year reoccurrence interval). The existing 24-inch main is currently well below capacity given the significant reduction of industrial flow within the Railroad and Industrial Park basins. E) Proposed Solution: Reduce the volume of inflow from the other two contributing basins and complete the I & I repairs as identified in the WCTS SSES. The use of continued investigations via smoke tests are to be conducted in both the New Street and Dan River Pump Station Basins to identify any additional problems that may have emerged or re-appeared since the last studies were performed. Overflow from Dan River Pump Station on February 6, 2020 D) Analysis: A storm event that deposited 4-5 inches of rain with severe flooding. Dan River Pump Station dumps into Covenant Branch pump station, the system was backed up and could not accommodate the flow. E) Proposed Solution: To continue to identify and repair sources of I/1 in this and the other sewer basins feeding Covenant Branch Pump Station, so as to accommodate the increased flows during such severe storm events. Overflow from 711 Shedd St. on February 7, 2020 D) Analysis: Debris in the line. "Disposable Wipes" E) Proposed Solution: Sent out flyers to the public in this sewer basin, informing them of the City of Eden ordinance against flushing of disposable wipes down the toilet. Overflow from Junction Pump Station on February 8, 2020 D) Analysis: This overflow occurred following a storm event with rainfall more than 4-5 inches over a two-day duration causing severe flooding. The manholes for the inverted siphon located upstream from the pump station were submerged during the flood allowing the Smith River to fill the sewer lines and overcome the hydraulic capacity of the outfall as well as the pump station itself. E) Proposed Solution: The inverted siphon downstream from this location is in poor condition and is to be replaced with sealed service openings at a higher elevation to prevent inundation with flood water. The Junction Pump Station is scheduled to be rehabilitated next year as part of the WCTSRP to regain lost pumping capacity due to wear and tear. EPA Administrative Order on Consent- Semi-Annual Progress Report No. 6 11 of 12 pages Overflow from 750 Fieldcrest Rd. on February 11, 2020 D) Analysis: Trees growing along the edge of the road caused some intruding roots into the sewer. E) Proposed Solution: This section of sewer main has been added to the City of Eden's Root Control Program. Overflow from the intersection of Main Street and Carolina Avenue on February 7, 2020 D) Analysis: Debris in the line. Grease E) Proposed Solution: Sent out flyers to the public in this sewer basin. informing them of the City of Eden's grease control program. Apply d-limonene to the affected sanitary sewer and televise the line for other deficiencies. In some SSO events listed above the (E) Solution, responses to correct these issues have been mentioned as fore coming in the near future. Most of these tied to pending design and formal bidding of the repairs as part of Remediation Plan package that will be bid starting in per the schedule included in this update. We believe that we are currently on track to complete most of the original Remediation Plan work for the elimination of SSOs by the end the five-year term of the current AOC. However, what was originally contract IV, the Glovenia, Chestnut, Ash and Spruce Sewer Relocation project and select components of other projects, such as installation of CIPP liners in sewers located in street corridors in the Dry Creek Basin (part of Contract VII) and construction of improvements to several outfalls in the Bridge Street Basin (part of Contract III) will need to be deferred for at least 10 years. These areas are generally less subject to flooding and are believed to contribute less to system I&I than the portions to be constructed by the end of the current AOC. The current project closeout date for the Remediation Plan is February 2022. CERTIFICATION "I certify under the penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations " s/ia/ab Terry Shelton Date Acting City Manager City of Eden EPA Administrative Order on Consent- Semi-Annual Progress Report No. 6 12 of 12 pages