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HomeMy WebLinkAbout19920625 Ver al_Complete File_20100726 CV OUNTY: P PERMIT NUMBER: APPLICANT: IVC /00 /7 REASON DONE: Vo `l TOTAL # OF ACRES AND TYPE OF WETLAND: `?2S? ?oxo l=am ,? ?? LOCATION: /yl1a / OTHER INFO: ?.?n- ? GRv v aw SUTF o? STATE of NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. P.O. Box 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 GOVERNOR December 23, 1998 Ms. Cyndi Bell N.C. Department of Environment And Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Dear Ms. Bell: E. NORRIS TOLSON SECRETARY Subject: 1998 Annual Monitoring Report for the Goshen Swamp Mitigation Site, Duplin County Please find enclosed the 1998 annual monitoring report for the Goshen Swamp Mitigation Site. In January 1999, a representative of the Planning and Environmental Branch will contact the recipients of each report in order to facilitate a discussion of the annual monitoring reports. If you have any questions prior to these discussions, please contact Phil Harris, Natural Systems Unit, at (919) 733-3141. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation. Sincerely, V. Charles Bruton, Ph.D., Assistant Branch Manager Planning and Environmental Branch cc: Phil Harris, PE, Natural Systems Unit Head David Franklin, USACOE 1 1 1 1 ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1998 1 1 1 1 1 Goshen Swamp Mitigation Site 1 Duplin County Tip # R-2211 B 1 1 i ' . Qr'tpRl?:, 1 Prepared By: 1 P Natural Systems Unit lanning and Environmental Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation December 1998 1 h C I C r r F 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Description The site is located near the US 117 connector from Mount Olive to 1-40 in Duplin County (Figure 1). It consists of approximately 30 acres of cutover and disturbed bottomland hardwood forest, and it is designed to offset wetland impacts associated with project R2211 B. 1.2 Purpose This report details the vegetation monitoring during 1998 at the Goshen Swamp Mitigation Site. Hydrologic monitoring was not required on this mitigation site. 1.3 Project Description November 1996 November 1996 February 1996 March 1996 October 1996 September 1997 October 1998 Site cut (transects) Herbicide application Site planted Vegetation Monitoring (1 mo.) Vegetation Monitoring (1 yr.) Vegetation Monitoring (2 yr.) Vegetation Monitoring (3 yr.) 1 I I n r F ' Whitley Place Belfast to Rose od = Langston Little Ktt'et ' ret;nleaf 4' Hood amp '701 i N se Raynor Town (e81 er®Pierce'S Ferry Cherry Hospital of SIYor 1 117'Adam trickland Crossroads { 70ev' est South Golds bo We town 11 Stevens Mill: irboro m enoa Pte. Mill Flowers Store 13 1 701 r Harper cre _; ® Thornton Store .?....-- )3J..?„'...- ® Langston Store ans ore ? 13 nwoo Crossroads ®tarlight.: Dudley 1 50 Ne n Grove 341 tt7A"r Cliffs Of T ? Indian Spring Dobbehvlle Hopewell A 55 117 701 Su ?ntown 55 t 11 155 Mcclam Cro roads 50 cos `J Mt OII a Hines Cro: • 348- 155 ?? 1 Herrings Crossro s eke L?ricetown - ® Gradys ® ® Hobbs Crossroa ao3 _ G017. 1 Bre ers Store Goshen Swamp Calypso '?` ot?east ®Red Hill Mitigation Site :, - ® jddensvdle t?Blizzards Crossroads ell. 50 1t7.. ?? ' iien s Crossroads 701 Beautancus ®Hen 403 ,Hills Crossroads Keener Poplar Grove alson 1 o Hargrove Crossroads ®Hatcher Scotts Store Sun-merlin Crossroads® Red ill i ?... ? P? ' Friendship -- Gos owdens --., ....• •. ? - • yen. Swamp azt _ .. „? tt7 ?Everton r y f 701 403 A gw1r'6o Mem Hospital t1 Johnsontown® ' +C ton ? Arke. 24 - 50-= 24 Eli©= arsaw rdJ --` 4 ?s: -41 ass = 2: enansville a`G Carrot 1 ijoem Crossroads 421 117 .51 0 903 - ?? 1 slewarts creek-: Magnolia aylors Bridge' Outton Waycross g lot gory SkRuns,Creek ®oricord FIGURE 1 *Lome, $ t Adas USA JJ7 SITE LOCATION MAP 1 - ` 903 F 1 2.0 VEGETATION 2.1 Success Criteria Success Criteria states that there will be a minimum density of 320 trees per acre of approved target species surviving for at least three consecutive years. 2.2 Description of Species The following tree species were replanted in the Wetland Restoration Area: Nyssa sylvatica, Black Gum Quercus phellos, Willow Oak Quercus michauxii, Swamp Chestnut Oak Quercus nigra, Water Oak Quercus falcata, Southern Red Oak 2.3 Results of Vegetation Monitoring (3 year) ? V O O c C .. V 4 r ? C7 O O v M ?t U > - c U v v V a+ 1-4 m '3 . . '3 N ... N .. F M H i v A T 1 2 6 7 4 19 0.0288 660 T2 9 1 3 6 2 21 0.0344 610 T3 16 3 1 6 26 0.0413 629 AVERAGE DENSITY 633 Transects are heavily grown up at this time. There are a variety of oaks and other hardwood species regenerating naturally throughout all of the planted transects. 3 n Fl 11 L I 0 2.4 Conclusions There were twenty transects cleared on this site varying in length from 200 to ' 1400 feet. The transects were then planted with various bottomland hardwood species. The third year vegetation monitoring revealed density approximately 633 trees per acre, which is well above the 320 tress per acre required in the success criteria. i C? i `J d 4 u i F Ci H n 1 F-I 3.0 OVERALL CONCLUSIONS/ RECOMMENDATIONS Due to the success of the vegetation after three years of monitoring, NCDOT recommends discontinuing any vegetation monitoring on the Goshen Swamp Mitigation Site. J ' 5 1 0 0 0 Fil J r H H 0 0 APPENDIX A SITE PHOTOS 6 C i F 1 n ? Goshen Swamp u 0 0 r r r L APPENDIX B MONITORING PARTNERING MEETING MINUTES s n 0 7 !J I i I ? •s ' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ' JAMEs B. HUNT JR. P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGH. N.C. 27611-5201 E. NoRRIs TOLSON GOVERNOR SECRETARY ' - December 4, 1998 ' Dr. G. Wayne Wright, Chief Regulatory Branch U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ' Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 ' Dear Wayne: Re: NCDOT/Resource Agency Partnering Meeting - Monitoring Guidelines ' A meeting was held on Jul 22 1998 in the NCDOT Photogrammetry Conference Room in Raleigh to discuss monitoring guidelines for the 1998 Annual Monitoring ' Reports. Rlease find-attached a list of those in attendance and the meeting agenda. Following introductions, Charles Bruton described the purpose of the meeting and opened the floor to David Franklin for any opening comments. David said he looked ' forward to resolving any previous discrepancies in the 1997 Annual Monitoring Reports and discussing ways to better present monitoring results in this year's monitoring reports. ' Phil Harris moderated the meeting. HYDROLOGIC MONITORING ' NCDOT and the Corps agreed wetland mitigation sites must meet the guideline for hydrology (1987 Manual) using consecutive days and not cumulative days of the locally designated growing season. Wetland hydrology criteria in the 1987 Manual notes that a site must be seasonally inundated or saturated (within 12 inches of the surface) greater than 12.5 percent of the local growing season. NCDOT will re-evaluate the 1997 1 monitoring data to reflect consecutive days rather than cumulative days of the growing season. ' Regarding monitoring well data, David wants to see compliance is met and that the sites are working. Phil noted that NCDOT is taking a close look at recurring problems associated with monitoring well installation and maintenance. In cases where ' hydrology was failing for a particular site, NCDOT would be unable to remediate the site until the following year due to seasonal constraints and the necessity to collect specific ' hydrographic information. In discussing what was considered to be hydrologic success, I G) I I n n H 7 David Franklin said the 1987 Manual was the official guideline. However, he went on to suggest that the Corps would be interested to see a more detailed breakdown of the well data and would not be opposed to hydrologic success based on a longer monitoring period with less than a 12.5 % success criteria. He also mentioned well data that falls below the 12 inch threshold may also be examined as a special case. Mike Bell suggested site remediation should occur now rather than waiting until December. NCDOT, in coordination with the Corps, will identify unsuccessful sites and work together to determine how the site is failing and the best remediation techniques to implement. VEGETATION MONITORING ISSUES Due to NCDOT's demand for hardwood seedlings there is a shortage of seedlings this year and there was none available for remediation efforts. There is a minimum one year lead time for ordering seedlings. In a situation on a site where the well data is good but the vegetation is not successful the Corps stated they would review it on a site by site basis. In cases of remediation, Charles said it was almost impossible to grade and plant a site before the winter deadline. Randy Wise requested an extension of the August/September time period to ' obtain the vegetation monitoring data for the sites. After discussing this issue, it was agreed that the marsh sites would be evaluated in August and the hardwood sites could be evaluated as late as October and November before leaf drop. The NCDOT will send a "blanket" letter to the Corps to modify all permits to reflect the revised vegetation monitoring period. Phil mentioned that although there would be an extension of the monitoring period for vegetation, monitoring reports would continue to be completed and distributed by the end of December. Randy said they often perform random site visits throughout the year to see how vegetation is performing and would perform supplemental planting if noted early enough in the growing season. Ken Jolly asked who was responsible for downloading wells and did they look at vegetation. Beth Smyre said the Geotechnical Unit downloaded well data and notified her of any vegetation issues. The Corps requested that proposed remediation for hydrology and vegetation be included in monitoring reports. NCDOT and the Corps will coordinate any remediation measures. Randy expressed their commitment to remediate vegetation as soon as possible. The discussion turned toward planted versus volunteer species. The Corps does not want to see volunteer species included in survival rate calculations for planted species. Randy noted the survival rate is set at 50% or higher. David wanted to make sure that the sites meet the target species requirement in stems per acre, not a percentage (except for older sites set up for percentage). David also wanted to see the distribution of species planted and volunteer. Randy said it is often difficult to identify certain species during the first two years (several oak species often look alike as saplings). Generally it is easier to differentiate the species by the third year. The Corps wanted to know if there was a way to identify the planted species at planting. However, the planting procedure is 1 ' 50 f f b oot oot y so labor intensive now it would make it impossible to do so. The 50 monitoring plots are chosen and staked in the field after planting has occurred. The ' Corps wants NCDOT to note the unwanted volunteer species and to identify possible remediation to make sure these species do not dominate the site. The NCDOT and the Corps agreed that the distribution of species is such that no species dominates more than 20 % of the distribution. Red maple and sweet gum are generally not to be planted to insure good numbers of target species. HYDROLOGIC SUCCESS CRITERIA ' The incorporation of reference systems in determining success was discussed. David concluded that if a particular site failed under the 1987 Manual guidelines, then NCDOT had the option of comparing site parameters to reference site parameters in determining success. The purpose of reference systems was to allow NCDOT a second option in achieving success. The determination of a reference system with its success criteria would need to be addressed in the mitigation plan. The use of the hydrogeomorphic system (HGM) was also discussed. The Corps is not going to use HGM as a reference system. but will probably look at it as a tool. There are no guidelines out yet on HGM. ' WETS b . was y The use of 20-80 versus 30-70 probability graphs, as defined discussed. These graphs compare the specific year rain data to the historical data for the ' mitigation site area. The NRCS and WETS use the 30-70 probability graphs and NCDOT would like to use these as well. It was decided to use the 30-70 information and to go to the nearest gage station as long as the source was cited. David determined that if 1 a site's hydrology performs at 12.5%, then hydrologic success has been achieved. It a " " hydrologic success. If marginal site performs in the 5% to 12.5% range, then there is this trend continues, then the entire success criteria for the site will be reviewed. ' The target percentage for hydrological success should be included in the permit g and shown in the mitigation plan. The Corps will be willing to negotiate on the success ' of the site, but include adequate information in the permit and the mitigation plan. ' Charles Bruton suggested placing monitoring wells in the impacted wetland areas to assess and compare to mitigation areas. David wanted to insure that the best mitigation site attainable is created. David also asked that well performance be broken ' out in the report. An interim report was given on Mud Creek. It was noted that wells placed in the ' reference wetland and wells placed in the created wetland were an inappropriate method to determine hydrologic success because the difference in soil type, hydrology, and cover ' type. Mike Bell discussed results of a workshop he attended on monitoring wells. He ' also discussed the use of piezometers. Ir-, LEI 0 4 There was no further discussion and the meeting adjourned. Please advise if you have any questions regarding the meeting, minutes, or agenda. Sincerely, 41. 'L V. Charles Bruton, Ph.D. Assistant Branch Manager Planning and Environmental Branch VCB/el Attachments 1 ?7 L July 23, 1998-9:30 @ Century Center in Photographic Conference Room NCDOT/Resource Agency Partnering Meeting to Discuss Monitoring Issues AGENDA Introductions Purpose & Goals of Meeting Standardize the monitoring reports Ilycb•ologic Afoniloring Consecutive vs. Cumulative days Data interpretation { "egetution Monitoring Issues Planted vs. Voluntary plant Monitoring timetrame Success Criteria Geographical considerations Reference systems Ahmitoring Report Presentation Text Figures to be included Tables Photographs Submittal dates 1 14 &I ?d T1 1 rlA n1 c ? ??NG`'1 I NGDoT - ?? ?9? 9) 733 --1 F?4 q (x-3c) PL-,2 S tv 5 % / (Zit 0) 1 ?= GecviS Nc?cr - ???" 7?Yy,r 3e 9 1 C fi,? ?„JC?U? 1 r kh? ?_. r r l ' ,!? r9) gZlo-844, X 2z ' r?1 Eti L L t ?j _ k!c- DO Col r) 7 3s - 7?4 x ?? ?? ?n ?Gt t J t X 2 e- y -qZ 733 Nc Do r - aFu 7-7 2 : o 1 0 L_ ?I 0 n u [7 0 1 0 0 J J tK SCAT[tr ?yd W mu3 NM' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TP ANSPORTATION JAMEs B. HUNT JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 March 13, 1997 Cyndi Bell N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Div. of Water Quality 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Dear Ms. Bell: GARLAND B. GARRETT JR. SECRETARY The Annual Monitoring Report for the Goshen Swamp Mitigation Site (TIP Project U-606) is attached hereto. The approximately 30 acre site is located in Duplin County, immediately adjacent to US 117 alignment. Planting the following tree species enhanced the existing bottomland hardwood forest: Swamp Chestnut Oak (Quercus michauxii), Willow Oak (Quercus phellos), Water Oak (Quercus nigra), and Black Gum (Nyssa sylvatica). Success criteria calls for minimum mean density of 320 trees/acre of approved target species surviving for at least 3 years. If you have any questions, please contact me at (919) 733-7844 ext. 209. Sincerely, Thomas E. Devens, P.E. Wetland Mitigation Coordinator Planning and Environmental Branch attachment cc: Mr. Scott McLendon, USCOE M-6141 N. C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO: TRANSMITTAL SLIP ? NOTE AND FILE ? NOTE AND RETURN TO ME ? RETURN WITH MORE DETAILS ? NOTE AND SEE ME ABOUT THIS ? PLEASE ANSWER ? PREPARE REPLY FOR MY SIGNATURE ? 'TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION DATE au- 9/ REF. NO. OR ROOM, BLDG. REF. NO. OR ROOM, BLDG. ? PER OUR CONVERSATION ? PER YOUR REQUEST ? FOR YOUR APPROVAL ? FOR YOUR INFORMATION ? FOR YOUR COMMENTS ? SIGNATURE ? INVESTIGATE AND REPORT COMMENTS: l Goshen Swamp Mitigation Site Annual Report for 1996 I. Project Description The site located at Goshen Swamp, near the US 117 connector from Mount Olive to I-40 in Duplin County. This site consists of approximately 30 acres of cutover and disturbed bottomland hardwood forest. The site is traversed by 20 cleared transects varying in length from 200 to 1400 feet. This site was enhanced by planting the following species: Swamp Chestnut Oak -- Quercus michauxii Willow Oak -- Quercus phellos Water Oak -- Quercus nigra Black Gum -- Nyssa sylvatica II. Project Association This mitigation project is to offset wetland impacts associated with project R-2211B III. Project History November 1996 November 1996 February 1996 March 1996 October 1996 Site cut (transects) Herbicide application Site planted Vegetation Monitoring (1 mo.) Vegetation Monitoring (1 yr.) IV. Success Criteria • Minimum mean density of 320 trees/acre of approved target species surviving for at least 3 years. 4e V. Results No monitoring plots were established. However, random transects 200 feet long and approximately 10 feet wide throughout the site revealed an average of 25 trees (of the planted species) per evaluation area. This equates to approximately 545 trees per acre. VI. Summary Twenty cleared transects, varying in length from 200 to 1400 feet, were planted with bottomland hardwood species. Vegetative monitoring of the planted area reveals approximately 545 trees per acre, well above the 320 trees per acre sucess criteria. VII. Proposed Remedial Action None. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P.O. BOX 25201 RALEIGH 27611-5201 JAMES G. MARTIN DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GOVERNOR August 12, 1991 THOMAS J. HARRELSON SECRETARY Ron Ferrell Water Quality Planning Division of Environmental Management N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Dear Mr. Ferrell: WILLIAM G. MARLEY, JR., P.E. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR Subject: 401 Water Quality Certification, US 117 Connector, Mount olive to I-40, Duplin County, (R-606, 8.1240601) This letter is provided to address the concerns raised in your letter"of April 11, 1991 regarding the wetland impacts of the proposed project. As you are aware, we are proposing to mitigate for permanent wetland impacts using both on- and off-site strategies. The project will impact 2.5 acres of pocosin type habitat. This will be mitigated using the proposed Pridgen Flats Pocosin Mitigation Bank in Sampson County. The details of this bank are currently being developed through cooperation between the N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) and other concerned agencies (including your own). NCDOT plans to.have a formal agreement on this bank finalized this fall. The proposed project will also impact 19.5 acres of bottomland hardwood wetlands adjacent to Goshen Swamp. NCDOT is in the process of acquiring an option to buy 91.0 acres of land adjacent to Goshen Swamp. This property is north of and adjacent to Wetland Site 4 in our permit application (map enclosed). Much of this property was clearcut last year, although some of the wetter areas. remain intact. NCDOT currently proposes to restore the clearcut wetlands on this property as mitigation for wetland impacts on this project and future projects nearby. Details of the mitigation credit accounting and the restoration plan will be worked out through coordination with the appropriate agencies. An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer wk- , In your letter of April 11, concern was raised over the proposed length of the dual bridges at Goshen Swamp and its detrimental effect on wildlife movement. Pursuant to your request, this issue has been re-examined by our hydraulics engineers. The currently proposed bridges consist of four spans each, with each span measuring 44 feet in length. Any increase in total bridge length should be accomplished by employing additional spans. The cost to lengthen both bridges is approximately $4200.00 per linear foot. Adding another 44 foot span to each bridge would increase the total cost of the crossing by approximately $185,000. The bridges as currently designed would allow wildlife passage except when the water level is at flood stage. In the opinion of our hydraulics engineers, to allow for wildlife passage at flood stage would require bridging the entire width of Goshen Swamp, at an estimated cost of $11,050,000, versus $2,050,000 for the proposed structures. Bridging the entire swamp is clearly infeasible from an economical standpoint. It also appears superfluous to spend an additional $185,000 to accommodate wildlife passage which will already be possible when the water level is not at flood stage. NCDOT therefore recommends that the bridges at Goshen Swamp be constructed as proposed. NCDOT intends to work closely with your agency in finalizing our wetland mitigation proposals for this project. If you have any questions please contact Gordon Cashin at (919) 733-9770. Sincerely, JtZW24--- L.R. Goode, PE, PhD Director, Programs, Policy and Budget LRG/gec Attachment cc: B.J. O'Quinn, PE V.C. Bruton, PhD G.D. Pipkin, PE oa:xN kdo?) JAI/ ?. ? END PROJECT ° • ? - ` 0 CAL `SITE lill ?I ILI, W, S.fT r'y i c E LOCATION MAP SHOWING SITES FOR PERMIT APPLICATION ALONG PROPOSED U.S. 117 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS SAMPSCN-DUPLIN COUNTIES PROJECT 8.1240601 - R-606A 0 4000 8000 PROPOSED US 117 CONNECTOR - SHEET I OF 25 - - NOV., 1990 SCALE IN FEET t7ts;zs;?1 1?:» a `:"1'7 '01 zJ1J rnt. at ht`t SIHI tWIUt t'LHN 1 NUIt'1'll Chico MIA Dt"PAtt'ITIMI'r OF TItANSFOR'mJot1 DI v 1 ",1oll of llighw'?yt; Tolecopier 'Frattstn.lttal cover sheet. t'!.r•at;r defiver the f??llcn?.lttct Rages tot tt,t?+f? fhs M, Csu? _ (,it-lter. Mencfes ._ _. ___.?...? '1'f+l? kctl.r.c?+[?y is 1?e_tttc? ar.ttt: l?yt F'1?c?tte tttttt+bez '133' 1'1_?I°...._..__.?.._. _. 01 IF YOU DU NOT RECEIVE ALL PAGES CLEARLYr. CALL BUCK AS SOON AS F bS.§! DLL. - --- --- Fhc?t+t! }I r?1q =7.3.3.__`i774 P I cat se ccttttt pages, t i.t+c 1 +00-I cover slter_ t ) 13 PROJECT: 8.1240604 R-606AA Sampaon-Dupiin Co. V from east of I-40 & NC 403 to northeast of SR 1006 GUIDELINES FOR WETLAND MONITORING PROGRAM August 16, 1991 I. Monitoring Time Frame - Mitigation site shall be inspected at the following times. A. Prior to planting B. At completion of planting C. Two (2) years following completion (or after 2nd full growing season) II. Data to be obtained at Specific Inspection Times A. Prior to planting - 30 acres 1. Check for proper elevation and grade, get the permitting agency's approval on the elevation. 2. Check for proper plant species and for acceptable plant quality. 25% Nyasa sylvatica - Black Gum, 15-1811, Seedling, Br. 25$ uercus nigra - Water Oak, 15-1811, Seedling, Br. 25% uercus hellos - Willow Oak, 15-18", Seedling, Br. 25% uercus michauxii - Swamp Chestnut oak, 15-18", Seedling, or. Notes Plant species are contingent on availability at the time of planting. 3. Check for proper planting methods 4. Check for proper plant spacing (8' O.C., 680 seedlings per acre) B. At completion of planting check for conformity with plans as well as a ylantirtg C. \ wo (2) ye in following completion (or after 2nd full growing season) 1 . stimate survival rate (optional - collect data if it can be determined) 2. Measure height of plants 3. Take Photograph(s) 4. Estimate percent population a. Planted species b. Overall (natural succession) Page 2 R-606AA, August 16, 1991 III. Evaluation and Recouraq Action A. Acceptable survival rate (50% population planted and natural succession of desirable species) 8. Two (2) year data evaluation 1. Below acceptable survival rate (recourse options) a. Replant (supplemental or complete) b. Minor regrading c. Reevaluate feasibility 2. Acceptable survival rate - no action State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural. Resources 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor ?;;, « William W Cobe August 29, 1991 Dr. G. Wayne Wright Corps of Engineers P. 0. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402 Dear Dr. Wright: Jr., Secretary In keeping with your request, this office has circulated to interested state review agencies U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice Action ID. 199101124 dated February 21, 1991 which describes a project proposal by the N. C. Dept. of Transportation, Division of Highways of Raleigh. The project, involving some 22 acres of wetland fill to facilitate construction of a major highway connector, is, located in the wetlands of Panther Branch, Honey Branch, Goshen Creek and Bear Pocosin between Highway 117 and I-40, near Faison, in Duplin County. The record maintained by this office contains memorandums of objections from three key agencies, including early internal comments of the Division of Environmental Management. The Division of Water Resources and the Wildlife Resources Commission's early input to the record remains unchanged at this writing. The writer is, however, aware of a more recent mitigation offer by the Division of Highways which may be reviewed by Wildlife Resources. The comments of the agencies referred to above are as follows: N. C. Wildlife Resources Commission - in an April 3 return to this office, recommended that your office deny the request. The Commission further states that: "An alternative which would avoid or minimize impacts on wetlands and other wildlife habitats or preparation of an acceptable mitigation plan could justify our reconsidering this position". (see attached); Division of Water Resources - objected to the issuance of D.O.A. permit due to significant wetland impacts. A copy of that agency's comments are also attached; P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4984 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer f r Dr. G. Wayne Wright Page 2 August 29, 1991 Division of Environmental Management - for the record, issued Section 401 Water Quality Certification No. 2626 for the project on August 28, 1991. The comments from the Wildlife Resources Commission and the Division of Water Resources would ordinarily lead to a viewpoint objection being submitted. However, because of ongoing mitigation discussion and the direct request from D.O.T. for assistance in resolving this matter due to pending bid dates, the writer will let the above-mentioned comments stand on their own merit or likewise be resolved, should that course of events follow. A review of the only materials available to the writer, i.e., the Notice and incoming comments would suggest that direct wetland impact and wetland/watershed/habitat impact by fragmentation did not take top priority in routing this new connection. Prime agricultural land, however, was avoided, according to the Notice. Should you require additional input from the state on this matter, do not hesitate to contact this office or the commenting agencies. Very sincerely, Jo R. Parker, Jr. Inland '404 Coordinator JRP:jr/aw cc: Division of Environmental Management Wildlife Resources Commission Division of Water Resources f l I State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street - Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James G. Martin, Governor George T. Everett, Ph.D. William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary August 28, 1991 Director Dr. L. R. Goode Director - Programs, Policy and Budget N.C. Department of Transportation Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5201 Dear Dr. Goode: Subject: Certification Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act, Proposed U.S. Highway 117 from Mt. Olive bypass to I-40=near Faison Project #k TIP R-606A Duplin County Attached hereto is a copy of Certification No. 2626 issued to N. C. Department of Transportation dated August 28, 1991. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, George T. Everett Attachments cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Wilmington DEM Regibnal'Office 4Mf-. John Dorney Mr. John Parker Central Files REGIONAL OFFICES Asheville Fayetteville Mooresville Raleigh Washington Wilmington Winston-Salem 704/251-6208 919/486-1541 704/663-1699 919/733-2314 919/946-6481 919/395-3900 919/896-7007 Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer NORTH CAROLINA Duplin County CERTIFICATION THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H, Section .0500 to N. C. Department of Transportation pursuant to an application filed on the 25 day of February, 1991 to build US 117 connector from Mt. Olive by pass to I-40 near Faison. The Application provides adequate assurance that the discharge of fill material into the waters of Goshen Creek and Bear Pocosin in conjunction with the proposed road in Duplin County will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafter set forth. Condition(s) of Certification: 1. That the activity be conducted in such a manner as to prevent significant increase in turbidity outside the area of construction or construction related discharge (increases such that the turbidity in the Stream is 25 NTU's or less are not considered significant). 2. Compensatory mitigation shall be done as approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Violations of any condition herein set forth shall result in revocation of this Certification. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal Permit. This the 28 day of August, 1991. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 0-6, Ke?- George T. Everett, Director WQC# 2626 T * disSWEo \YY i STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AUG1991 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RECEIVED P.O. BOX 25201 N WATER QUALITY RALEIGH 27611-5201 Planning Branch JAMES G. MARTIN R GOVERNOR August 12, 1991 A THOMAS J. HARRELSON SECRETARY Ron Ferrell Water Quality Planning Division of Environmental Management N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Dear Mr. Ferrell: HIGHWAYS WILLIAM G. MARLEY, JR., P.E. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR Subject: 401 Water Quality Certification, US 117 Connector, Mount olive to I-40, Duplin County, (R-606, 8.1240601) This letter is provided to address the concerns raised in your letter of April 11, 1991 regarding the wetland impacts of the proposed project. As you are aware, we are proposing to mitigate for permanent wetland impacts using both on- and off-site strategies. The project will impact 2.5 acres of pocosin type habitat. This will be mitigated using the proposed Pridgen Flats Pocosin Mitigation Bank in Sampson County. The details of this bank are currently being developed through cooperation between the N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) and other concerned agencies (including your own). NCDOT plans to have a formal agreement on this bank finalized this fall. The proposed project will also impact 19.5 acres of bottomland hardwood wetlands adjacent to Goshen Swamp. NCDOT is in the process of acquiring an option to buy 91.0 acres of land adjacent to Goshen Swamp. This property is north of and adjacent to Wetland Site 4 in our permit application (map enclosed). Much of this property was clearcut last year, although some of the wetter areas remain intact. NCDOT currently proposes to restore the clearcut wetlands on this property as mitigation for wetland impacts on this project and future projects nearby. Details of the mitigation credit accounting and the restoration plan will be worked out through coordination with the appropriate agencies. An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer R In your letter of April 11, concern was raised over the proposed length of the dual bridges at Goshen Swamp and its detrimental effect on wildlife movement. Pursuant to your request, this issue has been re-examined by our hydraulics engineers. The currently proposed bridges consist of four spans each, with each span measuring 44 feet in length. Any increase in total bridge length should be accomplished by employing additional spans. The cost to lengthen both bridges is approximately $4200.00 per linear foot. Adding another 44 foot span to each bridge would increase the total cost of the crossing by approximately $185,000. The bridges as currently designed would allow wildlife passage except when the water level is at flood stage. In the opinion of our hydraulics engineers, to allow for wildlife passage at flood stage would require bridging the entire width of Goshen Swamp, at an estimated cost of $11,050,000, versus $2,050,000 for the proposed structures. Bridging the entire swamp is clearly infeasible from an economical standpoint. It also appears superfluous to spend an additional $185,000 to accommodate wildlife passage which will already be possible when the water level is not at flood stage. NCDOT therefore recommends that the bridges at Goshen swamp be constructed as proposed. NCDOT intends to work closely with your agency in finalizing our wetland mitigation proposals for this project. If you have any questions please contact Gordon Cashin at (919) 733-9770. Sincerely, Jtlw? L.R. Goode, PE, PhD Director, Programs, Policy and Budget LRG/gec Attachment cc: B.J. O'Quinn, PE V.C. Bruton, PhD G.D. Pipkin, PE i OUJr+ + 10J JAMES G. MARTIN GOVERNOR THOMAS J. HARRELSON SECRETARY STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P.O. BOX 25201 RALEIGH 27611-5201 April 30, 1991 Division of Environmental Management N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 512 North Salisbury St. Raleigh, N.C. 27611 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS WILLIAM G. MARLEY, JR., P.E. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR ATTENTION: Ron Ferrell Dear Sir: SUBJECT: Duplin County, Construction of US 117 Connector from Mt. Olive to I-40 near Faison, State Project 8.1240601, TIP# R-606A. Reference is made to your letter of April 11, 1991 requesting additional information regarding the design of the Goshen swamp bridge and the mitigation proposals for this project. We are currently investigating these concerns. To clarify our mitigation proposal, we need to have a new aerial photograph flown and a survey conducted of the mitigation area. This process will take until late June at the earliest. This letter is provided to advise you of the delay in answering your concerns. We will keep you advised of our progress. Please contact Gordon Cashin at 733-9770 if you have any questions regarding this project in the meantime. Sincerely, 4-k" L.R. Goode, PhD, PE Director, Programs, LRG\gec Policy and Budget An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer ??i cc: District Engineer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Mr. Kelly Barger, PE, Project Management Unit Mr. Don Morton, PE, Design Services Mr. A.L. Hankins, PE, Hydraulics Unit Mr. John Smith, PE, Structure Design Mr. D.J. Bowers, PE, Division 3 Engineer Mr. Dennis Pipkin, PE, Environmental Unit Mr. Nicholas L. Graf, PE, FHWA Mr. W.D. Johnson, Roadside Environmental Unit u ,?,_FFQ7?9? _. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Wilmington District, Corps of Engineer`'. ?_,.'`= C•, ; Post Office Box 1890 Y <U Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890)="', Action ID. 199101124 February 21, 1991 PUBLIC NOTICE THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS, POST OFFICE BOX 25201, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27611-5201, has applied for a Department of the Army (DA) permit TO PLACE FILL MATERIAL IN WETLANDS OF PANTHER BRANCH, HONEY BRANCH, GOSHEN CREEK AND BEAR POCOSIN ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION OF A U.S. HIGHWAY 117 CONNECTOR FROM THE MT. OLIVE BYPASS TO I-40 NEAR FAISON, Duplin County, North Carolina. The following description of the work is taken from data provided by the applicant and from observations made during an onsite visit by a representative of the Corps of Engineers. Plans submitted with the application show the proposed widening of 3.6 miles of the existing two lane U.S. Highway 117 to a four-lane divided facility from North Carolina Highway 55 to the existing four-lane section at Calypso. From this point, a 5.8 mile segment is constructed as a four-lane-divided facility on new location. Along this new segment, there are to be impacts on four wetland sites. Approximately 22 acres of wetlands are to be impacted, including 2.5 acres of pocosin wetlands and 19.5 acres of seasonally-flooded bottomland hardwood wetlands. Four alternative alignments were considered by the applicant. Although the selected alignment does not involve the least impact on wetlands, it avoids a historic property and a minority community and the dividing of large tracts of prime agricultural properties. The applicant plans to minimize impacts to wetlands by reducing fill slopes, employing stringent erosion control measures, eliminating staging areas in wetlands, and utilizing best management practices. The applicant intends to provide compensatory mitigation for the unavoidable impact on wetlands. A plan is being prepared for circulation for all-regulatory agencies' review, comment and approval. The purpose of the work is to provide for an improved, safer public highway system. Plans showing the work are included with this public notice. The State of North Carolina will review this public notice to determine the need for the applicant to obtain any required State authorization. No DA permit will be issued until the coordinated State viewpoint on the proposal has been received and reviewed by this agency, nor will a DA permit be issued until the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM)-has determined the applicability of a Water Quality Certificate as required by PL 92-500. ?1- STAT( State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Govemor April l 11, 1991 George T. Everett, Ph.D. William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Director Dr, L. R. Goode, PhD, P.E. Director of Programs, Policy and Budget Division of Highways N.C. Department of Transportation Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Dear Dr. Goode: Subject: 401 Water Quality Certification US 1.17 Connector - Mt. Olive to I-40 Duplin County The subject project has been reviewed by the Division and the following information is required before a final decision concerning the 401 Water Quality Certification is made. 1. Please provide details of the proposed mitigation for the 22 acres (2.5 acres of pocosin;.19..5 acres of bottomland hardwood swamp) of wetland impact. The mitigation should be a 2:1 acreage ratio (created/restored: loss) or a 1:1 HEP ratio following procedures used in-the Company Swamp mitigation bank in Martin County. 2. The preferred alternative bisects Goshen Swamp and will result in inhibition of movement by wildlife. Please explain why the bridge span over the primary channel cannot be lengthened to increase wildlife access. As soon as the requested information is received the Division will complete the evaluation of your request for the water quality certification. If I can be of assistance please contact me at 919/733-5083. Sincerely, Ron Ferrell RF/kls Goode.ltr/D-1 CC: Jim Gregson Gordon Cashion, DOT Polludon Prevention Pays P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL Date: March 28, 1991 To: John, Dorney , Planning Branch c From: James H. Gregsongkc- -'" Wilmington Reg' n 1 Office Through: Dave Adkins Wilmingto Re io 1 Office ?. ty ?? ?j?9 RU Subject: Regional Office Review and Recommendations Application for Permit for Excavation and/or Fill Project # 9103-M NCDOT HWY 117 Connector Duplin County PROJECT DESCRIPTION: NCDOT proposes to construct a U. S. HWY 117 connector from the Mt. Olive Bypass to I-40 near Faison. 3.6 miles of existing two lane highway will be widened to a four lane divided highway, and a 5.8 mile four lane segment will be constructed at a new location. 2.5 acres of pocosin wetlands and 19.5 acres of bottomland hardwood swamp will be impacted by the proposed construction. NCDOT proposes to mitigate for the pocosin wetland impacts by restoration of degraded wetlands on the J.T. Barefoot Property in Sampson County. NCDOT is currently negotiating to buy bottomland hardwood wetlands adjoining the proposed right-of-way to mitigate for the loss of 19.5 acres of bottomland hardwood wetlands. If these negotiations fail, NCDOT proposes to debit the Company Swamp Mitigation Bank for these losses. The project has been reviewed to determine impacts to water quality. The following comments have been provided. A site visit was conducted on March 27, 1991. (See attached rating sheets) This Office has no great concerns about the loss of the 2.5 acres of pocosin wetlands. These wetlands appear to be mostly planted pine plantation and in their current condition are low value wetlands. The 19.5 acres of bottomland hardwood wetlands, however, is considered a very significant loss. .4 It is recommended the other alternatives considered in the EIS be reconsidered, including bridging the bottomland hardwood areas. Five years have passed since the EIS was reviewed. Considering the important changes that have taken place in DEM's wetland review process since that time, our lack of concern five years ago should not be an issue in making a decision on the 401 Certification. It is also recommended any loss of Bottomland hardwood wetlands should be mitigated for with adjoining wetlands. JHG:117.mar cc: Wilmington Regional Office Files Central Files DCM-Steve Benton DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 February 20, 1991 IN REPLY REFER TO S: April 22, 1991 Regulatory Branch Action ID. 199101124 Mr. John Dorney Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 9, 9 ?y- Dear Mr. Dorney: Enclosed is'.the application of the North Carolina.Department°of a? Transportation,.Division of Highways, for Department of the-Army (DA)T; authorization and..a State Water Quality Certification to place.fill mAM'_ in wetlands of Panther Branch, Honey Branch, Goshen Creek. and Bear Po,;;' =rr ,{ associated with construction of a U.S. Highway 117 connector from the" Olive ByPass;to I-40 near Faison, Duplin County,. North Carolina. Yo,, of this letter verifies your acceptance of a valid request for,cert in accordance with Section 325.2(b)(i,i) of our administrative regula`.+ We are considering authorizing the proposed activity pursuant to ,`Sec on 404 of the'Clean Water Act, and we have determined that a.water qualt certification may be required.under the provisions of:.Section 401 of h IS law. A DA permit will not be granted until the certification has been •;;. obtained or waived. In accordance with our administrative regulations, 60 days after receipt of a request for certification is a reasonable time for State action. Therefore, if you have not acted on the request by April 22, 1991,'the District Engineer will deem that waiver has occurred. Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. Jeffrey Richter, telephone (919) 251-4636. Sincerely, G. Wayne Wright Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosure Copy Furnished (without enclosure): Mr. Steve Benton }`forth Carolina Department of Environment, / Health, and Natural Resources V Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 s t'' III,?? .fir MEMO DATE: I ZZI /9 TO: J ?E1,1 SUBJECT: I V C , b ( r Nlr 54 7 16 'AND 1 i P =Semi vVC ?4 s-Ac- ?? ??.NSI ?E. ?9,p Po L. S._l?i-_ J/fi?fj` lS Svc`Z/ov,Jp?v? r `P?i?rLlc.tZ 011\3 R rS 1 r ???c- J ^? 1 - I N CL c 5 Lit G[ S Cz-a O?%c`S Q 4i?vt?r? ? ???-S t?? ©Z?t1. ;?/??i -\ 2?r1? ?-? a`7 f ?c , %/ -PAS 721 7 Nei S? u? Una From: ° North Carolina D40ment of Environment Health and Natural Resources +,wn,,. m^ 9 7V? ?9 Printed on Recycled Paper State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community De 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor February 28, 1991 Dr. George T. Everett Division of Environmental Management Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Dear Dr-. Everett: -F 1 MAR 1991 QUALITY 'lann;ng Branch William W. CdDey, Jr., Seretary The attached U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice No. 1124 dated 2/21/91 describing a project proposed by NC DOT - Duplin Cod. is being circulated to interested state agencies for comments on applicable Section 404 and/or Section 10 permits. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by 3/25/91 Very sincerely, Jo ? hn R. Parker, Jr. 404 Coordinator REPLY This office objects to the project as proposed. Comments on this project are attached. This office supports the project proposal. No comment. Signed Date Agency JRP:jr/aw P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4984 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 Action ID. 199101124 February 21, 1991 PUBLIC NOTICE THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS, POST OFFICE BOX 25201, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27611-5201, has applied for a Department of the Army (DA) permit TO PLACE FILL MATERIAL IN WETLANDS OF PANTHER BRANCH, HONEY BRANCH, GOSHEN CREEK AND BEAR POCOSIN ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION OF A U.S. HIGHWAY 117 CONNECTOR FROM THE MT. OLIVE BYPASS TO I-40 NEAR FAISON, Duplin County, North Carolina. The following description of the work is taken from data provided by the applicant and from observations made during an onsite visit by a representative of the Corps of Engineers. Plans submitted with the application show the proposed widening of 3.6 miles of the existing two lane U.S. Highway 117 to a four-lane divided facility from North Carolina Highway 55 to the existing four-lane section at Calypso. From this point, a 5.8 mile segment is to be constructed as a four-lane divided facility on new location. Along this new segment, there are to be impacts on four wetland sites. Approximately 22 acres of wetlands are to be impacted, including 2.5 acres of pocosin wetlands and 19.5 acres of seasonally-flooded bottomland hardwood wetlands. Four alternative alignments were considered by the applicant. Although the selected alignment does not involve the least impact on wetlands, it avoids a historic property and a minority community and the dividing of large tracts of prime agricultural properties. The applicant plans to minimize impacts to wetlands by reducing fill slopes, employing stringent erosion control measures, eliminating staging areas in wetlands, and utilizing best management practices. The applicant intends to provide compensatory mitigation for the unavoidable impact on wetlands. A plan is being prepared for circulation for all regulatory agencies' review, comment and approval. The purpose of the work is to provide for an improved, safer public highway system. Plans showing the work are included with this public notice. The State of North Carolina will review this public notice to determine the need for the applicant to obtain any required State authorization. No DA permit will be issued until the coordinated State viewpoint on the proposal has been received and reviewed by this agency, nor will a DA permit be issued until the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM) has determined the applicability of a Water Quality Certificate as required by PL 92-500. JAMES G. MARTIN GOVERNOR THOMAS J. HARRELSON SECRETARY STME 11 e o STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P.O. BOX 25201 RALEIGH 27611-5201 February 5, 1991 District Engineer U.S. Army Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 ATTENTION: Regulatory Branch Dear Sir: A? FEB 1991 ; fl C. `,;'i,TER QUALITY Planning ?t L DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS WILLIAM G. MARLEY, JR., P.E. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR SUBJECT: Duplin County, Construction of US 117 Co nector from Mt. Olive to I-40 near Faison, State Project .1240601, TIP## R-606A. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to construct a US 117 connector from the Mt. Olive Bypass to I-40 near Faison. It is proposed to widen 3.6 miles of the existing 2 lane US 117 to a four lane divided facility from NC 55 to the existing 4 lane section at calypso. From this point, a 5.8 mile segment will be constructed as a 4 lane divided facility on new location. Along this new segment, there will be permanent impacts to wetlands at four sites. Approximately 22 acres of wetlands will be impacted by the new construction. This includes about 2.5 acres of pocosin wetlands and 19.5 acres of seasonally flooded bottomland hardwood wetlands. Potential wetland impacts were one of many issues considered in the planning of this project. The Environmental Impact Statement considered four basic alternatives. Although the selected alternative does not involve the least wetland impacts, it reduces wetland impacts while also avoiding a historic property, a minority community, and dividing large tracts of prime farmland. Therefore, NCDOT believes that the selected alternative avoids wetland impacts to the maximum extent practical. Reduction of fill slopes, stringent erosion control, the elimination of staging areas in wetlands, and other best management practices will be utilized to minimize impacts where possible. An Equal Opporlunity/Affirmative Action Employer PROJECT: 8.1240604 R-606AA Sampson-Duplin Co. US 117 from east of I-40 & NC 403 to northeast of SR 1006 GUIDELINES FOR WETLAND MONITORING PROGRAM August 16, 1991 I. Monitoring Time Frame - Mitigation site shall be inspected at the following times. A. Prior to planting B. At completion of planting C. Two (2) years following completion (or after 2nd full growing season) II. Data to be Obtained at Specific Inspection Times A. Prior to planting - 30 acres 1. Check for proper elevation and grade, get the permitting agency's approval on the elevation. 2. Check for proper plant species and for acceptable plant quality. 25% Nyssa sylvatica - Black Gum, 15-18", Seedling, Br. 25% Quercus ni ra - Water Oak, 15-1811, Seedling, Br. 25% Quercus phellos - Willow Oak, 15-18", Seedling, Br. 25% Quercus michauxii - Swamp Chestnut Oak, 15-18",:Seedling, Br. Note: Plant species are contingent on availability at the time of planting. 3. Check for proper planting methods 4. Check for proper plant spacing (8' O.C., 680 seedlings per acre) B. At completion of planting check for conformity with plans as well as quality of planting C. Two (2) years following completion (or after 2nd full growing season) 1. Estimate survival rate (optional - collect data if it can be determined) ( 2. Measure height of plants 3. Take Photograph(s) 4. Estimate percent population a. Planted species b. Overall (natural succession) Page 2 R-606AA, August 16, 1991 III. Evaluation and Recourse Action A. Acceptable survival rate (50% population planted and natural succession of desirable species) B. Two (2) year data evaluation 1. Below acceptable survival rate (recourse options) a. Replant (supplemental or complete) b. Minor regrading c. Reevaluate feasibility 2. Acceptable survival rate - no action (,,OF y rJCDOT DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 Action ID No. 199302682 z '71993 Z JUN 0 2 D/V? ?0 /y/(3/.j W VSF ?RONMEW June 3, 1993 PUBLIC NOTICE . THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS, POST OFFICE BOX 25201, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27611-5201, has applied for a Department of the Army (DA) permit modification TO PLACE FILL MATERIAL IN WETLANDS OF PANTHER BRANCH, HONEY BRANCH, GOSHEN CREEK AND BEAR POCOSIN ASSOCIATED WITH THE PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED CONSTRUCTION OF A U.S. HIGHWAY 117 CONNECTOR FROM THE MOUNT OLIVE BYPASS TO I-40 NEAR Faison, Duplin County, North Carolina. The following description of the work is taken from data provided by the applicant and from observations made during an onsite visit by a representative of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Plans submitted with the application show that the original scope of the work will remain unchanged. Basically, this involves the construction of a 5.8 mile segment of four-lane divided road through four wetland areas, resulting in impacts to approximately 22 acres of wetlands, including 2.5 acres of pocosin wetlands and 19.5 acres of seasonally-flooded bottomland hardwood wetlands. The applicant states that approximately 4,900 linear feet (as measured along the centerline) of the project is located in wetlands. As a result, fill slopes on a 2:1 slope are required, which in turn requires the use of over three miles of guardrails. The fill height in these areas varies from four to eight feet. Approximately 60 percent of this guardrail could be eliminated by flattening the fill slopes to a 3:1 slope in areas of marginal wetlands, which would result in extending the toe of the slopes between four and eight feet, depending on the fill height. The actual amount of wetlands to be impacted by the modification is unknown at this time but will be confined to areas which just meet the wetland criteria or are low quality. The applicant has stated that high quality wetlands and those areas with a significant fill height will not be impacted by this proposed work. The purpose of the work is to flatten fill slopes in order to save the initial cost of guardrail (approximately $190,000) and to save the maintenance cost on the guardrail for the life of the road. The applicant has stated that flattened slopes decrease potential slope stabilization problems. Plans showing the work are included with this public notice. The State of North Carolina will review this public notice to determine the need for the applicant to obtain any required State authorization. No Department of the Army (DA) permit will be issued until the coordinated State DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT NX. Department of Transportation Post Office Box 25201 Permittee Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5201 Permit No Action ID.; 199101124 Issuing OfficeCESAW-CO-E NOTE: The term "you" and its derivatives, as used in this permit, means the permittee or any future transferee. The term "this office" refers to the appropriate district or division office of the Corps of Engineers having jurisdiction over the permitted activity or the appropriate official of that office acting under the authority of the commanding officer. You are authorized to perform work in accordance with the terms and conditions specified below. Project Description: To place fill material in wetlands of Panther Branch, Goshen Creek, and Bear Pocosin associated with construction of a U.S. Highway 117 connector from the Mt. Olive Bypass to I-40. Project Location: Faison, Duplin County, North Carolina. Permit Conditions: General Conditions: 1. The time limit for completing the work authorized ends on December 31, 1994 . If you find that you need more time to complete the authorized activity, submit your request for a time extension to this office for consideration at least one month before the above date is reached. 2. You must maintain the activity authorized by this permit in good condition and in conformance with the terms and condi- tions of this permit. You are not relieved of this requirement if you abandon the permitted activity, although you may make a good faith transfer to a third party in compliance with General Condition 4 below. Should you wish to cease to maintain the authorized activity or should you desire to abandon it without a good faith transfer, you must obtain a modification of this permit from this office, which may require restoration of the area. 3. If you discover any previously unknown historic or archeological remains while accomplishing the activity authorized by this permit, you must immediately notify this office of what you have found. We will initiate the Federal and state coordina- tion required to determine if the remains warrant a recovery effort or if the site is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. ENG FORM 1721, Nov 86 EDITION OF sEP 82 Is OBSOLETE. (33 CFR 325 (Appendix A)) 1 Z a •31aom palltuuad agl gltm palutoosse satauatat;ap uo13aTu4suoo ao uOtsa(l •p •ltuuad stgl dq peztaoglnu dltntlou aql dq pasnuo saanlamis ao satltetlou palltuuadun ao palltxuaad aaglo of ao `dlaadoad `suosaad o3 seautuva •a lsaaalut atlgnd aqj ut salelS paltun agI;o ;legaq uo ao dq ua3lulaapun satllAtlau aanln; ao luaaana 3o llnsaa s se ;oaaagl sasn ao Iaa[oad palltuuad aq3 of s4,8stusCl q •sasneo luanisu tuoa3 ao satluiloe palliuuadun ao palltuuad aaglo ;o Ilnsaa a su ;oaaagl sasn ao laa[oad palltuuad agI of saBuuue(I s :9utmo11o; agl ao; Sltltqutl duu atunsse lou 990P luatttuaanof) Ieaapag agI `Iltuaad stgl 2utnsst ul •Sliltg8tj Iuaapeajo 941uat'I '£ •laa[oad Isaapag pasodoad ao 2utlstxa due gltm aouaaayalut ezuoglna lou saop Ituued stgy •p •saaglo;o slg9ta ao dlaadoad aqj of dan[ut ,Cue azuoglns lou saop Ituuad stgy o sa?altntad aetsnlaxa ao 94q2ta dlaadoad ,Sus lusa8 lou saop Ituued stgl q 'mul dq paatnbaa suotl8ztaoglne leaol ao `alels `leaape q iaglo utelgo of paau atll alutngo lou saop Ituuad stg,I; •e •uotleztaoglns stgl 3o slttut'I •Z •(£T?i •?'S•fl ££) ZL6i 30 loy sataunlouss puu goauasag `uotloaload auusyy agl;o £0T uotloas ( ) (i??£I '0•S'II £E) loy aaluM usalp agI 3o iP0:P uotlaaS (x) 1£0f, 'C)•S•n ££) 6681 3o lay saogaujl puu saantll agl;o OT uotlaaS ( ) of luunsand anoqu paquosap dltntlau aqj a3lelaapun of paztaoglne uaaq anuq no,& :satluoglny Iuuotssea$uop •j : uotleuuojul iag4and •498uS paSOIDua gas suotltpuoa IutoadS Ituuad anod;o suotltpuoa pus suual aqI gltm eauepaoaoe ut pagstldutoaas uaaq aeg ao 8utaq at Il Iegl eansue of dasssaaeu patueap aural due Is, dlt°tlou peztaoglnu aqI laadsut.ol aat33o stgl tuoa; saetleluesaadaa molls Isnui no)L •g •suotltpuoa Bans sum -uoa II R pagaells $t uotluat31laaa aqj ;o ddoo 8 `aouatuaeuoo anod xog lttuaad stgl of suotltpuoo letoada as uotleot3ilaaa agl ut paUjoads suotltpuoa aqI gltm dldtuoo lsntu nod `loa[oad anod ao3 pansst uaaq seg uotleaUypaa dltlenb aelem pauotltpuoa a 3I 'S uotlsztaoglnu stgl;o aa;aueal aqI alePilsn of aot;;o stgl of Iluuad aqI;o ddoa 8 pasmao; pus paptnoad eauds aqj ut aaumo mau aqI ;o eanleu0ts agI utslgo lsnut nod `ltuuad stgl gltm palstaosse dlaadoad agI 11as nod 3I 'i? e, Damage claims associated with any future modification, suspension, or revocation of this permit. 4. Reliance on Applicant's Data: The determination of this office that issuance of this permit is not contrary to the public interest was made in reliance on the information you provided. % 5. Reevaluation of Permit Decision. This office may reevaluate its decision on this permit at any time the circumstances warrant. Circumstances that could require a reevaluation include, but are not limited to, the following: a. You fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit. b. The information provided by you in support of your permit application proves to have been false, incomplete, or inaccurate (See 4 above). c. Significant new information surfaces which this office did not consider in reaching the original public interest decision. Such a reevaluation may result in a determination that it is appropriate to use the suspension, modification, and revocation procedures contained in 33 CFR 325.7 or enforcement procedures such as those contained in 33 CFR 326.4 and 326.5. The referenced enforcement procedures provide for the issuance of an administrative order requiring you to comply with the terms and conditions of your permit and for the initiation of legal action where appropriate. You will be required to pay for any corrective measures ordered by this office, and if you fail to comply with such directive, this office may in certain situations (such as those specified in 33 CFR 209.170) accomplish the corrective measures by contract or otherwise and bill you for the cost. 6. Extensions. General condition 1 establishes a time limit for the completion of the activity authorized by this permit. Unless there are circumstances requiring either a prompt completion of the authorized activity or a reevaluation of the public interest decision, the Corps will normally give favorable consideration to a request for an extension of this time limit. Your signature below, as permittee, indicates that you accept and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit. N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, DR. L. R. GOODE 0//- (PERMITTE (DATE) This permit becomes effective when the Federal official, designated to act for the Secretary of the Army, has signed below, r=LTER C?{,????- _ FV2 W S . TULLOCH COLONEL (DIS){TRICT ENGINEER) Jason C. Hauck (DATE) Ll Major, Corps of Engirieeis Deputy District Engineer When the structures or work authorized by this permit are still is existence at the time the property is transferred, the terms and conditions of this permit will continue to be binding on the new owner(s) of the property. To validate the transfer of this permit and the associated liabilities associated with compliance with its terms and conditions, have the transferee sign and date below. (TRANSFEREE) (DATE) *U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1986 - 717.425 Special Conditions a. The Pridgen Flats Pocosin Mitigation Bank will be debited at a 2:1 ratio for the loss of the 2.5 acres of pocosin habitat. b. Ten acres of bottomland hardwood wetlands in the immediate project area will be acquired by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (D P?CS_ (NCDOT), and a perpetual conservation easement will be placed on this tract to C $) protect its benefits for fish and wildlife. c. Thirty acres of cutover and disturbed bottomland hardwood wetland forest in the immediate project area will be restored by the North Carolina ACS' 300-C, Department of Transportation (NCDOT) either prior to, or concurrently with, (W+) project construction. d. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) will provide the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) with copies of any monitoring reports developed on the 30-acre restoration site. e. The fill material will be clean and free of any pollutants except in trace quantities. Metal products, organic materials, or unsightly debris wi ll not be used. f. The activity will be conducted in such a manner as to prevent a significant increase in turbidity outside the area of construction or construction-related discharge. Increases such that the turbidity in the waterbody is 25 NTU's or less are not considered significant. g. This permit does not grant any property rights or exclusive privileges. raffia ? s aw STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT. JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS SAM HUNT GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGH. N.C. ' 27611-5201 SECS rARY June 2, 1993 MEMORANDUM TO: Don Morton, P.E. State Highway Engineer- D sign ? FROM: B.J. O 'Quinn, P.E. Assistant Branch Manag r Planning and Environmental SUBJECT: Mitigation site for US 117 Connector T.I.P # R-606, State Project 8.1240601 Continuing with the concept that Roadway Design act as the engineering focal point for wetland mitigation, attached is a packet of information concerning mitigation for project R-606. In my memo of March 26,1993, I mentioned that one or more projects would be passed on to you as pilot projects. The proposed mitigation data for R-609 has already been forwarded, and R-606 will be the second project. Some work has been done on the R-606 site in the way of surveying, but additional work is needed. The attached packet of information contains the conceptual mitigation plan along with supporting data and proposed plan of action for the site. Also enclosed is a map showing the areas that have already been surveyed and the areas where additional work is required. On the following page, there is a list of the items that need to be completed in order to proceed with the mitigation plan. Some of the items need to be completed by your staff and some of the items will be completed by our staff. Each item is marked to indicate who should be responsible for completing the task. We will be glad to coordinate with your staff on any questions concerning this project. Please contact Gordon Cashin or Dennis Pipkin at 733-9770 if you have any questions. Enclosure cc: Mr. Charles Bruton, Ph. D. Mr. Jack Ward, P.E., Branch Manager Mr. Archie Hankins, P.E., Hydraulics Mr. Charles Tomlinson, Roadside Environmental Unit 4? `.. -. General Plan to Proceed with Mitigation The following is a list of items that need to be completed to proceed with the mitigation plan. Roadway Design: 1) - coordinate with Location and Surveys to get property lines more clearly marked so they are easily visible to the Environmental Unit specialists. 3) - coordinate with the NC Division of Forest Resources to get transects cut through the area to allow access into the site. 2) - coordinate with Right of Way to obtain permission to access the site from the adjacent property owner. The side next to the highway has R-O-W fence which would prohibit moving equipment into the site. 5) - transfer hydric soil data obtained by the Environmental Unit to property maps. Environmental Unit: 3) - decide what areas need to be cleared and what transects need to be cleared. 4) - Environmental Unit Biological and Soil Specialists to complete hydric soil analysis and plant surveys. 6) - Develop specific planting plan with plant species and planting centers in coordination with Roadside Environmental Unit. MEMO TO: Dennis Pipkin, PE DATE: 5/27/93 Wetland Mitigation Specialist FROM: Gordon E. Cashin .1 A4, Environmental Specialist SUBJECT: Implementation of the mitigation requirements for the US 117 connector near Faison, TIP # R-0606, State Project 8.1240601. BACKGROUND: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issued the Individual Permit September 9,_ 1991. This permit required preservation and restoration of bottomland hardwood wetlands adjacent to the project. The Water Quality Certification (issued August 28, 1991) reiterated this requirement. A 91.25 acre parcel was purchased adjacent to the right- of-way as a mitigation site. This tract is composed of approximately 46.9 acres of undisturbed swamp forest, and 44.4 acres of logged bottomlands. The permit for R-0606 requires preservation of 10 acres of undisturbed forest and restoration of 30 acres of logged wetlands. Subtracting the acreage already used, 36.9 acres of swamp forest and about 14.4 acres of logged bottomland remain for use as mitigation. It is currently NCDOT's intention to use the remainder of this tract as mitigation for R-2211 B. The permit for this project is still.pending. For this reason, it is very important that we proceed with implementing the R-0606 mitigation.plan. The Roadside Environmental Unit developed planting guidelines for the restoration area, and submitted them August 16, 1991. A copy of the mitigation and monitoring guidelines is attached. These guidelines list the species proposed for planting in the logged areas. As the area has already begun to regenerate with early colonizing species, NCDOT has had some difficulty developing a feasible means of planting this area. The most feasible method would probably require developing a contract with the N.C. Division of Forest Resources to clear transects for planting with the proposed mast-bearing species. This should achieve a desirable mixture of tree species across the site. Once planting is completed, the monitoring program will begin. IMPLEMENTATION: Due to the proposed use of this project for R-2211 B, it is vital that we implement this mitigation plan as soon as possible. (1) The eastern property limit needs to be cleared and permanently marked. (2) From the cleared limit, a wetland delineation can be conducted and the mitigation value of the property determined. (3) A clearing contract can be developed with the Division of Forest Resources. (4) A planting contract can be developed according to the guidelines. PROJECT: 8..1240604 R-606AA Sampson-Duplin Co. US 117 from east of I-40 & NC 403 to northeast of SR 1006 GUIDELINES FOR WETLAND MONITORING PROGRAM August 16, 1991 I. Monitoring Time Frame - Mitigation site shall be inspected at the following times. A. Prior to planting B. At completion of planting C. Two (2) years following completion (or after 2nd full growing season) II. Data to be obtained at Specific Inspection Times A. Prior to planting - 30 acres 1. Check for proper elevation and grade, get the permitting agency's approval on the elevation. 2. Check for proper plant species and for acceptable plant quality. 25% Nyssa sylvatica - Black Gum, 15-18", Seedling, Br. 25% Quercus nigra - Water Oak, 15-18", Seedling, Br. 25% Quercus phellos - Willow Oak, 15-1811, Seedling, Br. 25% Quercus michauxii - Swamp Chestnut Oak, 15-18", Seedling, Br. Note: Plant species are contingent on availability at the time of planting. 3. Check for proper planting methods 4. Check for proper plant spacing (8' O.C., 680 seedlings per acre) B. At completion of planting check for conformity with plans as well as quality of planting C. Two (2) years following completion (or after 2nd full growing season) 1. Estimate survival rate (optional - collect data if it can be determined) 2. Measure height of plants 3. Take Photograph(s) 4. Estimate percent population a. Planted species b. Overall (natural succession) Page 2 R-606AA, August 16, 1991 III. Evaluation and Recourse Action A. Acceptable survival rate (50% population planted and natural succession of desirable species) B. Two (2) year data evaluation 1. Below acceptable survival rate (recourse options) a. Replant (supplemental or, complete) b. Minor regrading c. Reevaluate feasibility 2. Acceptable survival rate - no action y a ?a?6 JAMES B. HUNT. JP, GOVERNOR STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TP\ANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS Post Office Box 3165 Wilson, North Carolina 27894-3165 April 18, 1994 R. SAMUEL HUNT I I I . SECRETARY State Project: 8.1240604, 8.1240605 (R-606AA, R-606AB) F. A. Number: F-83-2(29), NHF-83-2(32) County: Sampson-Duplin Description: Grading and Paving of US 117 Connector from West of NC 403 Interchange with I-40 to Existing US 117 Northeast of SR 1006 Near Calypso MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Barney O'Quinn, PE ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING ATTENTION: Dennis Pipkin -?f FROM: James H. Hoskins, PE SUBJECT: US Army Corps of Engineers Permit In calendar year 1992, I brought to your attention the above two contracts have a Corps of Engineers permit in which one of the Special Conditions covers the restoration of 30 acres of bottomland hardwood wetlands that was to be completed prior to or concurrent with the project construction. This permit expires December 31, 1994. At the time of my discussion with you, your indication was a contract was to be awarded to a landscaping concern to perform the above work. We are now nearing the contract completion date for the above project and, to date, this work has not been performed. This letter is being written to confirm our previous conversation and to advise that this must be performed to meet the obligations established when the permit was issued. I would appreciate you taking the necessary action to have this work performed. We anticipate traffic to be on the facility by August 1, 1994 and know that the planting season is from October, 1994 M Page -2- Mr. Barney O'Quinn, PE April 18, 1994 Project: 8.1240604, 8.1240605 Sampson-Duplin Counties through mid March, 1995. Therefore, this operation must be performed with traffic utilizing the facility. Should you desire additional information, please contact me'. JHH/t c Mr. L. A. Sanderson, PE Mr. J. C. Manning, PE Mr. B. E. Eatmon, PE Mr. T. M. Sherrod -00 /VV4??Vl' MEMO TO: B. J. O'Quinn, PE Assistant Branch Manager FROM: Gordon E. Cashin?0? Environmental Specialist SUBJECT: Implementation of the mitigation requirements for the US 37 connector near Faison, TIP # R-0606, State Project 8.1240601. Dennis asked me to provide you with some background on our needs for this project. This is a draft compilation of where we stand on this mitigation project. I can revise it to any format you may need. BACKGROUND: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issued the Individual Permit September 9, 1991. This permit required preservation and restoration of bottomland hardwood wetlands adjacent to the project. The Water Quality Certification (issued August 28, 1991) reiterated this requirement. A 91.25 acre parcel was purchased adjacent to the right- of-way as a mitigation site. Approximately half of the site had been logged several years previously, with the remainder being high quality swamp forest. It suspected that most of the property is wetland, but the exact amount of wetland is unknown. It was proposed that the logged wetland areas would be forested as a restoration activity at a 2:1 acreage ratio. The preserved area would count for mitigation at a 0.5:1 acre ratio. Since this project impacts approximately 20 acres of bottomland hardwoods, the permit specifies that 10 acres be preserved and 30 acres be restored. The Roadside Environmental Unit developed planting guidelines for the restoration area, and submitted them August 16, 1991. However, no contract was ever developed to implement this planting plan. This is due to several reasons: (1) Environmental Unit staff efforts have been prioritized to other projects with pending permits. (2) The Environmental Unit was unable to get the property line cleared so that a delineation could be performed. (3) The difficulty of implementing the planting plan in a cutover area that is already regenerating. Since.the permit was obtained, efforts were made to get this project moving. On December 18, 1991, you requested that Location and Surveys survey and mark the northern and eastern boundaries of the property so that a delineation could take place. Dennis also requested that the.treeline be indicated on the plat. A plat map was provided to us showing the treeline as a result of these requests. A delineation team was formed to determine the wetland limits on the property, and this activity was scheduled. However, it was discovered that the property line had not been clearly marked, and could not be found. The delineation was postponed until this limit was cleared and permanently marked. Requests were made to have this done, but these were ignored. At that time, other priorities were assigned, and the project was put on the back burner. We can no longer allow this mitigation project to sit still. This site has been proposed as mitigation for R- 2211B, by application submitted October 19, 1992. After the application was submitted, efforts,were made to choose a suitable method of preparing the site for planting. The N.C. Division of Forest Resources has a tractor with a shearing attachment that will clear transects across the property without causing too much damage to the soil profile. This is probably the best method to use for site preparation. Currently, R-2211B is being reexamined for alignment alternatives. The focus will shift to mitigation eventually. Basically, we dropped the ball on this project. It is vital that we implement this mitigation plan as soon as possible. Here's what we need to do: (1) The eastern property limit needs to be cleared and permanently marked. (2) From the cleared limit, a wetland delineation can be conducted and the mitigation value of the property determined. (3) A clearing contract can be developed with the Division of Forest Resources. .t (4) A planting contract can be developed according to the guidelines. We have two choices: (1) Allocate staff time to handle this ourselves. (2) Draft Roadway Design to coordinate everything. I'm glad that I am not Assistant Branch Manager. . 914-x, ?..; MEMO TO: Dennis Pipkin DATE: 5/12/94 Q)w FROM: Gordon 93?t? SUBJECT: Duplin County, R-0606AA mitigation, ltr of JH Hoskins. The mitigation concept for this project is as follows: (1) Develop contract with NC Divis"ion of Forest Resources (Joe Dorsey or Greg Pate, (919) 642-5093) to clear transects on the site. This should be done during the driest part of the summer, and before traffic begins on US 117 connector (August 1994). (2) Delineate wetlands using transects. Develop planting and monitoring plan based on wetland limits. (3) Develop planting contract, to be implemented November/December 1994. We will therefore meet deadline of permit. I am requesting your assistance with the Forest Resources contract to begin this process. Once the transects are cut, the delineation can be accomplished fairly quickly by in- house staff. I will already have a written planting plan by then, so only a final map will be needed for the planting contract. Roadside Environmental will develop this contract. We should probably contact them when the Forest Resources contract is completed. GG % bT ??Qliihh PROJECT: 8.1240604 R-606AA Sampson-Duplin Co. US 117 from east of I-40 & NC 403 to northeast of SR 1006 GUIDELINES FOR WETLAND MONITORING PROGRAM August 16, 1991 I. Monitoring Time Frame - Mitigation site shall be inspected at the following times. A. Prior to planting 9. At completion of planting C. Two (2) years following completion (or after 2nd full growing season) II. Data to be obtained at Specific Inspection Times A. Prior to planting - 30 acres 1. Check for proper elevation and grade, get the permitting agency's approval on the elevation. 2. Check for proper plant species and for acceptable plant quality. 25% Nyssa sylvatica - Black Gum, 15-1811, Seedling, Br. 25% Quercus nigra - Water Oak, 15-1811, Seedling, Br. 25% Quercus phellos - Willow Oak, 15-18",.Seedling, Br. 25% Quercus michauxii - Swamp Chestnut Oak, 15-1811, Seedling, Br. Note: Plant species are contingent on availability at the time of planting. 3. Check for proper planting methods 4. Check for proper plant spacing (8' O.C., 680 seedlings per acre) B. At completion of planting check for conformity with plans as well as quality of planting C. Two (2) years following completion (or after 2nd full growing season) 1. Estimate survival rate (optional - collect data if it can be determined) 2. Measure height of plants 3. Take Photograph(s) 4. Estimate percent population a. Planted species b. Overall (natural succession) Page 2 R-606AA, August 16, 1991 III. Evaluation and Recourse Action A. Acceptable survival rate (50% population planted and natural succession of desirable species) B. Two (2) year data evaluation 1. Below acceptable survival rate (recourse options) a. Replant (supplemental or complete) b. Minor regrading c. Reevaluate feasibility 2. Acceptable survival rate - no action t CEllVED o+ ST'47f n // 3 g F F-P 4 1991 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James G. Martin, Governor George T. Everett, Ph.D. William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary August 2 8 , 19 91 Director Dr. L. R. Goode Director - Programs, Policy and Budget N.C. Department of Transportation Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5201 Dear Dr. Goode: Subject: Certification Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act, Proposed U.S. Highway 117 from Mt. Olive bypass to I-40 near Faison Project # TIP R-606A Duplin County Attached hereto is a copy of Certification No. 2626 issued to N. C. Department of Transportation dated August 28, 1991. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, &'___ 0, '1" George T. Everett Attachments CC: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Wilmington DEM Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Mr. John Parker Central Files REGIONAL OFFICES Asheville Fayetteville Mooresville Raleigh Washington Wilmington Winston-Salem 704/251-6208 919/486-1541 704/663-1699 919/733-2314 919/946-6481 919/395-3900 919/896-7007 Pollution Prevention Pays - P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer NORTH CAROLINA Duplin County CERTIFICATION THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management Regulations in 15 NCAC.2H, Section .0500 to N. C. Department of Transportation pursuant. to an application filed on the 25 day of February, 1991 to build US 117 connector from Mt. Olive by pass to I-40 near Faison. The Application provides adequate assurance that the discharge of fill material into the waters of Goshen Creek and Bear Pocosin in conjunction with the proposed road in Duplin County will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of. North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafter set forth. Condition(s) of Certification: 1. That the activity be conducted in such a manner as to prevent significant increase in turbidity outside the area of construction or construction related discharge (increases such that the turbidity in the Stream is 25 NTU's or less are not considered significant). 2. Compensatory mitigation shall be done as approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Violations of any condition herein set forth shall result in. revocation of this Certification. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal Permit. This the 28 day of August, 1991. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT George T. Everett, Director WQC# 2626 r WETLAND MITIGATION SITE SUCCESS FORM • APPLICANT/PROJECT NAME : NC DOT NC 117 • DEM #: WQC#: MAP #: 91466 2626 34 • COUNTY: Duplin • LOCATION OF MITIGATION SITE (LAT. AND LONG.) • DIRECTIONS TO MITIGATION SITE: • ACREAGE AND TYPE OF WETLAND IMPACTED: (1) 2.5-pocosin (2) 19.5-bottomland hardwood • ACREAGE AND TYPE OF WETLAND MITIGATED: (1) mitigated at Pridgen Flats (2) 91.0 bottomland hardwood • DESCRIPTION OF MITIGATION(IN FILE): grading and planting • DESCRIPTION OF VEGETATION(IN FILE): Black gum, Water oak, Willow oak, Swamp chestnut oak • SUCCESS CRITERIA STATED(if any): 50% survival rate and natural succession after 2 years or 2 complete growing seasons • WHAT IS THE PROJECT STATUS?(mark one): RESTORATION ENHANCEMENT, CREATION, PRESERVATION • MONITORING PLAN: in file, dated Aug 16.1991 • WHICH REGULATORY AGENCIES ARE INVOLVED?: DEM, DWR, COE, USFWS, NCWRC • TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT(mark the ones that apply): RURAL URBAN, PUBLIC, PRIVATE t FIELD INFORMATION • DESCRIPTION OF VEGETATION(AT SITE): • SURFACE WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS: • SURFACE AND GROUNDWATER RELATIONSHIPS: • HAVE MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS BEEN MET?: 0 DESCRIPTION OF SOIL SAMPLE TAKEN: I )ki -) f , '.-1 ?).! - ?. END PROJECT CALY A- ? `. ?, ?c': z• _ `SITE .? _1 ? J : lam. -,•, . F LOCATION MAP SHOWING SITES FOR PERMIT m APPLICATION ALONG PROPOSED U.S. 117 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGH•WYAYS SAMPSCN-DUPLIN COUNTIES PROJECT 8.1240601 - R-606A 0 4000 8000 PROPOSED US 117 CONNECTOR SCALE IN FEET SHEET I OF 25 NOV., 1990 • hi / ? , : k lI DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT MEMORANDUM Date: To: From: Through: Subject : March 28, 1991 John Dorney Planning Branch James H. Gregso Wilmington Regional Office Dave Adkins \ Wilmingto Re io al Office Project # 9103-M NCDOT HWY 117 Connector Duplin County Regional Office Review and Recommendations Application for Permit for Excavation and/or Fill 1901 011 fj y ?o PROJECT DESCRIPTION: NCDOT proposes to construct a U.S. HWY 117 connector from the Mt. Olive Bypass to I-40 near Faison. 3.6 miles of existing two lane highway will be widened to a four lane divided highway, and a 5.8 mile four lane segment will be constructed at a new location. 2.5 acres of pocosin wetlands and 19.5 acres of bottomland hardwood swamp will be impacted by the proposed construction. NCDOT proposes to mitigate for the pocosin wetland impacts by restoration of degraded wetlands on the J.T. Barefoot Property in Sampson County. NCDOT is currently negotiating to buy bottomland hardwood wetlands adjoining the proposed right-of-way to mitigate for the loss of 19.5 acres of bottomland hardwood wetlands. If these negotiations fail, NCDOT proposes to debit the Company Swamp Mitigation Bank for these losses. The project has been reviewed to determine impacts to water quality. The following comments have been provided. A site visit was conducted on March 27, 1991. (See attached rating sheets) This office has no great concerns about the loss of the 2.5 acres of pocosin wetlands. These wetlands appear to be mostly planted pine plantation and in their current condition are low value wetlands. The 19.5 acres of bottomland hardwood wetlands, however, is considered a very significant loss. ?? ;,. STAT[ ,? State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor Apx: i. l 11, 1.991 George T. Everett, Ph.D. Wiliam W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Director Dr_. L. R. Goode, PhD, P.E. Director of Programs, Policy and Budget Division of Highways N.C. Department of Transportation Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Dear Dr. Goode: Subject: 401 Water Quality Certification US 117 Connector - Mt. Olive to I-40 Duplin County The subject project has been reviewed by the Division and the following information is required before a final decision concerning the 401 Water Quality Certification is made. 1. Please provide details of the proposed mitigation for the 22 acres (2.5 acres of pocosin; 19..5 acres of bottomland hardwood swamp) of wetland impact. The mitigation should be a 2:1 acreage ratio (created/restored: loss) or a 1:1 HEP ratio following procedures used-in-the Company Swamp mitigation bank in Martin County. 2. The preferred alternative bisects Goshen Swamp and will result in inhibition of movement by wildlife. Please explain why the bridge span over the primary channel cannot be lengthened to increase wildlife access. As soon as the requested information is received the Division will complete the evaluation of your request for the water quality certification. If I can be of assistance please contact me at 919/733-5083. Sincerely, n, j? - Ron Ferrell RF/kls Goode.ltr/D-1 CC: Jim Gregson Gordon Cashion, DOT Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 NORTH CAROLINA Duplin County CERTIFICATION THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H, Section .0500 to N. C. Department of Transportation pursuant to an application filed on the 25 day of February, 1991 to build US 117 connector from Mt. Olive by pass to I-40 near Faison. The Application provides adequate assurance that the discharge of fill material into the waters of Goshen Creek and Bear Pocosin in conjunction with the proposed road in Duplin County will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafter set forth. Condition(s) of Certification: 1. That the activity be conducted in such a manner as to prevent significant increase in turbidity outside the area of construction or construction related discharge (increases such that the turbidity in the Stream is 25 NTU's or less are not considered significant). 2. Compensatory mitigation shall be done as approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Violations of any condition herein set forth shall result in revocation of this Certification. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal Permit. This the 28 day of August, 1991. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT George T. Everett, Director WQC# 2626 PROJECT: 8.1240604 R-606AA Sampson-Duplin Co. U from east of I-40 & NC 403 to northeast of SR 1006 GUIDELINES FOR WETLAND MONITORING PROGRAM August 16, 1991 I. Monitoring Time Frame - Mitigation site shall be inspected at the following times. A. Prior to planting B. At completion of planting C. Two (2) years following completion (or after 2nd full growing season) II. Data to be obtained at Specific Inspection Times A. Prior to planting - 30 acres 1. Check for proper elevation and grade, get the permitting agency's approval on the elevation. 2. Check for proper plant species and for acceptable plant quality. 25% Nyasa sylvatica - Black Gum, 15-1811, Seedling, Br. 25% uercus nigra - Water Oak, 15-1811, Seedling, Sr. 25% uercus hellos - Willow Oak, 15-1811, Seedling, Sr. 25$ uercus michauxii - swamp chestnut Oak, 15-18", Seedling, Br. Notes Plant species are contingent on availability at the time of planting. 3. Check for proper planting methods 4. Check for proper plant spacing (8' O.C., 680 seedlings per acre) S. At completion of planting check for conformity with plans as well as qua It-i-a"/lanting /C. Two (2) yer,a following completion (or after 2nd full growing season) _-Estimate survival rate (optional - collect data if it can be determined) 2. Measure height of plants 3. Take Photograph(s) 4. Estimate percent population a. Planted species b. overall (natural succession) Page 2 R-606AA, August 16, 1991 III. 8valuatton and Recourse Action A. Acceptable survival rate (50% population planted and natural succession of desirable species) B. Two (2) year data evaluation 1. Below acceptable survival rate (recourse options) a. Replant (supplemental.or complete) b. Minor regrading c. Reevaluate feasibility 2. Acceptable survival rate - no action d SfA c? '`? QwM vN"' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P.O. BOX 25201 RALEIGH 27611-5201 JAMES G. MARTIN GOVERNOR August 12, 1991 THOMAS J. HARRELSON SECRETARY Ron Ferrell Water Quality Planning Division of Environmental Management N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Dear Mr. Ferrell: DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS WILLIAM G. MARLEY, JR., P.E. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR Subject: 401 Water Quality Certification, US 117 Connector, Mount Olive to I-40, Duplin County, (R-606, 8.1240601) This letter is provided to address the concerns raised in your letter of April 11, 1991 regarding the wetland impacts of the proposed project. As you are aware, we are proposing to mitigate for permanent wetland impacts using both on- and off-site strategies. The project will impact 2.5 acres of pocosin type habitat. This will be mitigated using the proposed Pridgen Flats Pocosin Mitigation Bank in Sampson County. The details of this bank are currently being developed through cooperation between the N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) and other concerned agencies (including your own). NCDOT plans to have a formal agreement on this bank finalized this fall. The proposed project will also impact 19.5 acres of bottomland hardwood wetlands adjacent to Goshen Swamp. NCDOT is in the process of acquiring an option to buy 91.0 acres of land adjacent to Goshen Swamp. This property is north of and adjacent to Wetland Site 4 in our permit application (map enclosed). Much of this property was clearcut last year, although some of the wetter areas. remain intact. NCDOT currently proposes to restore the clearcut wetlands on this property as mitigation for wetland impacts on this project and future projects nearby. Details of the mitigation credit accounting and the restoration plan will be worked out through coordination with the appropriate agencies. An Fnual 0nnnrtunity/Affirmative Antinn Fmnlnver ~y' - In your letter of April 11, concern was raised over the proposed length of the dual bridges at Goshen Swamp and its detrimental effect on wildlife movement. Pursuant to your request, this issue has been re-examined by our hydraulics engineers. The currently proposed bridges consist of four spans each, with each span measuring 44 feet in length. Any increase in total bridge length should be accomplished by employing additional spans. The cost to lengthen both bridges is approximately $4200.00 per linear foot. Adding another 44 foot span to each.bridge would increase the total cost of the crossing by approximately $185,000. The bridges as currently designed would allow wildlife passage except when the water level is at flood stage. In the opinion of our hydraulics engineers, to allow for wildlife passage at flood stage would require bridging the entire width of Goshen Swamp, at an estimated cost of $11,050,000, versus $2,050,000 for the proposed structures. Bridging the entire swamp is clearly infeasible from an economical standpoint. It also appears superfluous to spend an additional $185,000 to accommodate wildlife passage which will already be possible when the water level is not at flood stage. NCDOT therefore recommends that the bridges at Goshen Swamp be constructed as proposed. NCDOT intends to work closely with your agency in finalizing our wetland mitigation proposals for this project. If you have any questions please contact Gordon Cashin at (919) 733-9770. Sincerely, JaJk-1 L.R. Goode, PE, PhD Director, Programs, Policy and Budget LRG/gec Attachment cc: B.J. O'Quinn, PE V.C. Bruton, PhD G.D. Pipkin, PE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMEs B. HUNT JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 Cyndi Bell N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources Div. of Water Quality 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 January 12, 1998 Dear Ms. Bell: GARLAN D B. GARRETT J R. SECRETARY Tw2a MUit? The Annual Monitoring Report for the Goshen Swamp Mitigation Site (TIP Project U-606) is attached hereto. The approximately 30 acre site is located in Duplin County, immediately adjacent to US 117 alignment. Planting the following tree species enhanced the existing bottomland hardwood forest: Swamp Chestnut Oak (Quercus michauxii), Willow Oak (Quercus phellos), Water Oak (Quercus nigra), and Black Gum (Nyssa sylvatica). Success criteria calls for minimum mean density of 320 trees/acre of approved target species surviving for at least 3 years. If you have any questions, please contact me at (919) 733-7844 ext. 209. Sincerely, z ??' e Thomas E. Devens, P.E. Wetland Mitigation Coordinator Planning and Environmental Branch attachment cc: Mr. Scott McLendon, USCOE Mr. David Franklin, USCOE • : I Goshen Swamp Mitigation Site 1. Project Description The site is located at Goshen Swamp, near the US 117 connector from Mount Olive to I- 40 in Duplin County. This site consists of approximately 30 acres of cutover and disturbed bottomland hardwood forest. The site is traversed by 20 cleared transects varying in length from 200 to 1400 feet. This site consists of enhancement planting of the transects of the following species: Swamp Chestnut Oak -- Quercus michauxii Willow Oak -- Quercus phellos Water Oak -- Quercus nigra Black Gum -- Nyssa sylvatica II. Project Association This mitigation project is to offset wetland impacts associated with project R-2211B III. Project History November 1996 November 1996 February 1996 March 1996 October 1996 September 1997 IV. Success Criteria Site cut (transects) Herbicide application Site planted Vegetation Monitoring (1 mo.) Vegetation Monitoring (1 yr.) Vegetation Monitoring (2 yr.) • Minimum mean density of 320 trees/acre of approved target species surviving for at least 3 years. V. Results No monitoring plots were established. However random transects of 200 feet long and approximately 10 feet wide throughout the site revealed an average of 25 trees (of the planted species) per evaluation area. The results on average obtained from these transects yields approximately 542 trees per acre. VI. Summary The 20 cleared transects, of this site, varying in length from 200 to 1400 feet were planted with bottomland hardwood species. The vegetation monitoring of the planted area reveals approximately 542 trees per acre, well above the 320 trees per acre success criteria. VII. Proposed Remedial Action None at this time. ^ at??k Creek._ Belfast 13 ' Goshen SawmP Wetland Site .? : o S o 701 , ,. . reek ' 70 \ 13 \ PA 117 i ll ?re?k 13 701 ?. 13 Dudley No on Grove e4? 50 55 •' ?t?le 117A ss 117 13 55 55 O n Swa t Olive = G _..._.._.. 701 os .................. 50 ,_...... _...,...._......, a \55 ti Goshen Swamp Wetland Site (R-2211 B) 403 Calypso 0 117 ?,. t, y 50 k F.,?ison ao3 \ 701 £ \ >? b '? = - wx. G4shen Swamp x.421 U= 117 .v tr; .? : 403 O ' 701 V` • ? •. C ton a; a C 50 . ar aw „ a 24 24 Gpf, 24 \ O's 69 24 0 a ansville ee artsGf ,., 421 C?? p 2 50 117 903 os ,? agnolia 10 701 ? 1 © 1997 DeLo,6" Street Atlas USA 'IQ 11 ?7 Goshen Swamp ® North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission ® - 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188, 919-733-3391 Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director MEMORANDUM TO: John Dorney, Division of Environmental Management FROM: -(r Dennis Stewart, Manager Habitat Conservation Program Date: December 11, 1992 SUBJECT: N. C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) request for 401 Water Quality Certification, Widening of NC 24 from Kenansville to Beulaville, Duplin County, North Carolina, TIP No. R-2211B, DEM Project No. 92625. The N. C. Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) has reviewed the subject application for 401 Water Quality Certification, and a site inspection was conducted on December 7, 1992. The proposed project involves widening of existing highway corridor, with 19.89 acres of bottomland hardwood wetland loss. The NCWRC has recommended modifications to the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 11404" permit for this project, and a copy of these comments will be forwarded to your office. The project, as modified according to previous comments, should minimize impacts on surface water quality in the project area. While significant wetland loss will occur, off-site mitigation at 2:1 ratio will be developed by the NCDOT in cooperation with reviewing agencies. Given the efforts of the NCDOT to mitigate wetland loss and minimize impacts to aquatic systems, and the recommendations of the NCWRC for modifications to the 404 permit, the NCWRC offers no further modifying comment on issuance of a 401 Water Quality Certification for this project. Memo Page 2 December 11, 1992 Thank you for the opportunity to provide input to the permit review process for this project. If we can further assist your office, please call David Yow, Highway Project Coordinator, at (919) 528-9887. DLS/DLY cc: Bobby Maddrey, District 2 Wildlife Biologist Bennett Wynne, District 2 Fisheries Biologist David Yow, Highway Project Coordinator #44 - ® North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188, 919-733-3391 Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director MEMORANDUM TO: John Parker, Jr., Inland 11404" Coordinator Dept. f Environment, Health, & Natural Resources FROM: ir Dennis S e art, Manager Habitat Conservation Program Date: December 11, 1992 SUBJECT: Response to U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice for Action No. 199300273 (November 12, 1992) in reference to Widening of NC 24 between Kenansville and Beulaville, Duplin County, North Carolina, TIP No. R-2211BA and R-2211BB. The N. C. Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) has completed a review of the proposed project and possible impacts on wildlife and fishery resources in the area. A field inspection of the project area was conducted by NCWRC staff on December 7, 1992. Our comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (33 U.S.C. 466 et seq.) and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661- 667d). The N. C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) plans to improve and widen an existing highway corridor, resulting in the direct loss of 19.89 acres of bottomland hardwood wetlands. Proposed mitigation for wetland impacts involves restoration of 40 acres of bottomland hardwood on a site 25 miles from the project area. Erosion and sedimentation from construction work may lead to degradation of fish habitat in the Northeast Cape Fear River and tributaries in the project area, and boating access to the river may be obstructed at times during road widening and bridge replacement work in the area. The NCWRC encourages use of existing right-of-way for highway improvements and supports the NCDOT in its choice of 4e Memo Page 2 December 11, 1992 such an alternative for this project. While the widened facility will-present a greater barrier to wildlife movements, the proposed bridges at the Northeast Cape Fear River and overflow and Limestone Creek will allow limited wildlife passage and reduce the effects of the project on connectivity of remaining habitat. The 60-foot median width proposed for one portion of the project will lead to increased loss of wetland habitat along the edge of the highway corridor in this area. However, the use of such a vegetated median will lessen the long-term hydrologic impact of the highway by avoiding rapid discharge of highway runoff into nearby aquatic systems. The design drawings accompanying the permit application (Sheets 16 and 22 of 32, R-2211BA) show an apparent discrepancy in the limits of wetland fill beneath the proposed bridge across the NortheastCape Fear River. While profile drawings indicate preservation of floodplain areas on both sides of the river, the plan drawing depicts fill immediately adjacent to the water. The Northeast Cape Fear represents a high quality fishery with relatively low levels of sedimentation, and public use of the fishery resource is high. without adequate vegetated buffer strips and strict erosion control precautions, construction impacts may lead to significant impact on the aquatic environment. The fill limits as shown in the plan view of the project would produce unnecessary habitat loss, and such fill should be avoided. The NCWRC does not object to issuance of a Section 404 Permit for this project, provided the following modifications are included as conditions of the permit: 1) Project designs for the crossing of the Northeast Cape Fear River should be modified to allow preservation of floodplain areas beneath the new bridge similar to those beneath the existing bridge, with similar span lengths for the two structures. 2) Strict erosion control measures should be maintained throughout the period of construction and revegetation of the project area, particularly at stream crossings. 3) The NCDOT should maintain safe public access to the NCWRC Boating Access Area at the Northeast Cape Fear River throughout construction. Obstruction of boating travel beneath the highway area should be minimized during bridge work. 4) The NCDOT should involve the NCWRC in consultations regarding mitigation for wetland losses involved with this project. Memo Page 3 December 11, 1992 Thank you for the ongoing opportunity to provide input to planning stages for this project. If we can further assist your office, please call David Yow, Highway Project Coordinator, at (919) 528-9887. DLS/DLY cc: Bobby Maddrey, District 2 Wildlife Biologist Bennett Wynne, District 2 Fisheries Biologist Ernie Jahnke, Manager, USAGE Field Office John Dorney, Water Quality Section, DEM, DEHNR David Yow, Highway Project Coordinator ti _ ? L .cam.- •--' . ? 21282g3??f a o + OCT1992 ECE1VEp C Habitat M... Conservation STATE OF NORTH DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPO OCT Z 2 ??Z P.O. BOX 25201 RALEIGH 27611-5201 WEjLANDS GRutir? ALITY SECT!UtHWAYS JAMES G. MARTIN GOVERNOR October 19, 1992 WILLIAM G. MARLEY, JR.. P.E. THOMAS J. RELSON STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR SECREETA TARY District Engineer US Army Corps of Engineers PO Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 ATTN: Regulatory Branch SUBJECT: Duplin County, Widening of NC 24 from Kenansville to Beulaville (TIP # R-2211B, State Project 8.1240801) Dear Sir: The North Carolina 4 DoParrnsportation lanesT) The proposes to widen NC 2 provide project begins at the Kenansville eastern corporate limits and ends ect will at the ilcororate limits. bottomlandhhardwood wetlands at impact approximately eight sites along the roadway. The recommended improvements will provide a 4-lane, median- divided highway except for the project terminals at Kenansville and Beaulaville. Beginning at the three lane section at Kenansville, 64- the project will then widen ttransitionato thef4?lanectmedianr 1350 feet. The roadway will then plusn2-foot foot a travel olanes,median, divided highway. This section 112have foot pavement (to accommodate two plus 2-f paved shoulders) parallel, and adjacent to the existing pavement. The existing 22-foot pavement is to be-widened to 28 feet, and its outside shoulder and side slopes are tisbe rehibilitatedeto current to utlze sting standards where needed. The widening alignment and pavement the possibandle environmental effects. T proposed tsftexisting NC 24 from 01701miles east o located on the south side the Kenansville city 1 approximately 1600 feet east northSside2oftNC 24oposandedtransitnew pavement will shift to the symmetrically widened five-lane shoulder section. At SR 1762, the roadway will transition to a 6bind gutter section to tie into the existing roadway through Beulav An Fnunl Ormortunitv I Affirmative Action Employer OF A . ? sT^rE4 QWM State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James G. Martin, Govemor A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary December 11, 1992 - Acting Director Mr. Barney O'Quinn Planning and Environmental Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina -27611-5201 Dear Mr. O'Quinn: Subject: Certification Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act, Proposed widening of NC24 between Kenansville and Beulaville Project # 92625, COE# 199300273 DOT# R-2211BA, R-2111BB Duplin County Attached hereto is a copy of Certification No. 2797 issued to N.C. Department of Transportation dated December 9, 1992. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, DO A? reston Howard, Jr P.E. Attachments cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Wilmington Regional Office Wilmington DEM Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Mr. John Parker Central Files REGIONAL OFFICES Asheville Fayetteville Mooresville Raleigh Washington Wilmington Winston-Salem 704/251-6208 919/486-1541 704/663-1699 919/571-4700 919/946-6481 919/395-3900 919/896-7007 Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer -A s NORTH CAROLINA Duplin County CERTIFICATION THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H, Section .0500 to N.C. Department of Transportation pursuant to an application filed on the 22 day of October 1992 to fill 19.89 acres of wetlands for the widening of NC24 between Kenansville and Beulaville. The Application provides adequate assurance that the discharge of fill material into the waters of Northeast Cape Fear River tributaries in conjunction with the proposed road widening in Duplin County will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95- 217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafter set forth. Condition(s) of Certification: 1. That the activity be conducted in such a manner as to prevent significant increase in turbidity outside the area of construction or construction related discharge (increases such that the turbidity in the Stream is 25 NTU's or less are not considered significant). 2. Wetland mitigation must be at least as comprehensive as described in DOT's 19 October 1992 submittal. Any changes must have written DEM approval. Violations.of any condition herein set forth shall result in revocation of this Certification. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal Permit. This the 11 day of December, 1992. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT A? P estop Howard, Jr. P.E. WQC# 2797. +i SrATE o State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management 225 North McDowell Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 James G. Martin, Governor Roger N. Schecter William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Director November 12, 1992 I-VDIM-11Z I r I TO: A. Treston Howard, Jr., P.E. Acting Director Division of Environmental Managenent FROM: John R. Parker, Jr. Inland "404" Coordinator SUBJECT: "404" Project Review The attached U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice for Action No. 199300273 dated November 5, 1992 describing a proposed project by NC DOT, Daplan County is being circulated to interested state agencies for comments on applicable Section 404 and/or Section 10 permits. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by December 12, 1992. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact me at 733-2293. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. i REPLY This office supports the project proposal. No comment. Comments on this project are attached. This office objects to the project as proposed. Signed Date P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-2293 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 IN REPLY REFER TO January 29, 1993 Regulatory Branch Action ID. 199300273 Mr. Andreas Mager, Jr., Assistant Regional Director National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA Southeast Regional office 9450 Koger Boulevard Saint Petersburg, Florida 33702 r Dear Mr. Mager: Reference our public notice of November 5, 1992, advertising the application of the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), Division of Highways, for Department of the Army authorization to place fill materials associated with the widening of North Carolina Highway 24, resulting in impacts to 19.89 acres of bottomland hardwood wetlands at eleven sites, within the Northeast Cape Fear River drainage basin, between Kenansville and Beulaville, Duplin County, North Carolina, State Project Nos. R-2211BA and R-2211BB. Also, reference your letter of December 1, 1992. Enclosed are copies of NCDOT's October 19, 1992 transmittal letter, application and mitigation monitoring plan, Water Quality Certification, No. 2797, issued by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management on December 11, 1992, and North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources letter of January 25, 1993. These enclosures provide additional information, as requested by your letter, regarding NCDOT's need for the 60-foot-wide median and specifics with regard to mitigation. Please review this information and have your appropriate comments ready to present at the upcoming February 19, 1993 NCDOT-Permit Review Agency meeting. NCDOT will have this project an agenda item. Questions and comments may be addressed to Mr. Jeffrey Richter, Wilmington Field Office, Regulatory Branch, telephone (919) 251-4636. Sincerely, G. Wayne Wright Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosures -2- Copy Furnished (with enclosures): Mr. Larry Hardy National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA Pivers Island Beaufort, North Carolina 28516 Copies Furnished (without enclosures): Mr. John Parker North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. John Dorney Division of Environmental Management Nor Carolina Department of V Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Mr. Dennis L. Stewart North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188 Mr. B. J. O'Quinn, P..E., Assistant Manager Planning and Environmental Branch Division of Highways North Carolina Department of Transportation Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5201 MEMORANDUM TO: John Dorney Planning Branch SUBJECT: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS ***EACH ITEM MUST BE ANSWERED (N/A-NOT APPLICABLE)*** INITIALS: Reviewer: WQ Supv: Date : PERMIT_YR: 92 PERMIT-NO: 0000625 COUNTY: DUPLIN APPLICANT NAME: NC DOT - NC 24 WIDENING PROJECT-TYPE: ROAD WIDENING PERMIT-TYPE: CAMA COE-#: DOT-#: R-2211B RCD-FROM-CDA: DOT DATE -FRM CDA: 10/22/92 REG OFFICE: WIRO RIVER-AND -SUB-BASIN-#: 03 6C Q_2- STREAM-CLASS: C S QTR INDEX NO• jS-W-03 WL-IMPACT?: V N WL REQUESTED : / j a'9 HYDRO-CNECT?: 6)/N MITIGATION?: (Y/N MITIGATION-SIZE: 5/ ?S WL TYPE: ic_710i WL-ACR-EST?: (9/N WL-SCORE(#): MITIGATION-TYPE: (Csh)AE- IS WETLAND RATING SHEET ATTACHED?: Y& RECOMMENDATION (Circle One): ISSUE ISSUE/ ON DENY COMMENTS : /UC° 06 7- G&P4Ir /V1 ?.?,?tJ?u-rte Oar- X;- ; D / [.en- Gil /lz_ ,.T X1 7 / ? / ?? l?? / ! 4 N '? /? - ? `i%' L ??l?i? ?!/L..0' ????? dYJ C ? ?/If c! /,7?h O t?/1? ?Qi?J!? ?i ? . cc: Regional Office Central Files a V o ? 6 Via. y, aw. 9 z6 zS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P.O. BOX 25201 RALEIGH 27611-5201 JAMES G. MARTIN GOVERNOR October 19, 1992 THOMAS J. HARRELSON SECRETARY District Engineer US Army Corps of Engineers PO Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 ATTN: Regulatory Branch WILLIAM G. MARLEY, JR., P.E. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR SUBJECT: BDuplin Widening SNC 24 from tate Project n8.1240801)0 Dear Sir: The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to widen NC 24 to provide additional travel lanes. The project begins at the Kenansville eastern corporate limits and ends orate limits. The project will at the Beulaville we Wayp. impact approximatel 1es of bottomland hardwood wetlands at eight sites.along t e The recommended improvements will provide a 4-lane, median- divided highway except for the project terminals at Kenansville and Beaulaville. Beginning at the three lane section at Kenansville, the project will then widen to a five-lane 64-foot section for 1350 feet. The roadway will then transition to the 4-lane, median- divided highway. This section will have a 60-foot median, and 28- foot pavement (to accommodate two 12-foot travel lanes, plus 2-foot paved shoulders) parallel, and adjacent to the existing pavement. The existing 22-foot pavement is to be-widened to 28 feet, and its outside shoulder and side slopes are to be rehabilitated to current standards where needed. The widening is to utilize the existing alignment and pavement to the extent possible to minimize adverse environmental effects. The proposed median and pavement will be located on the south side of existing NC 24 from 0.2 miles east of the Kenansville city limits to SR 1701. From SR 1701 to approximately 1600 feet east of SR 1726 the proposed new median and pavement will shift to the north side of NC 24 and transition to a symmetrically widened five-lane shoulder section. At SR 1762, the roadway will transition to a 64-foot curb and gutter section to tie into the existing roadway through Beulaville. . .r._?_... ._ A...:- Crr.r.1i -nr DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS On February 6, 1990 the Department of the Army and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency signed a memorandum of agreement (MOA) establishing procedures to determine the type and level of mitigation necessary to comply with the Clean Water Act Section 404 (b)(1) Guidelines. This MOA provides for first, avoiding impacts to waters and wetlands through the selection of the least damaging practical alternative, second, taking appropriate and practical steps to minimize impacts on waters and wetlands, and finally, compensating for any remaining unavoidable impacts to the extent appropriate and practical. Traffic demands along NC 24 corridor necessitate that this roadway be widened. The Environmental Assessment did not consider a new location alternative for this project, however, such an alignment would certainly have greater adverse impacts than widened along the existing road. The shift in widening from north to south of the existing roadway minimizes adverse effects on the environment and existing development. During the design stage, attempts were made to further minimize wetland impacts. Near Kenansville, the five-lane shoulder section with 64 feet of pavement including 2-foot paved shoulders was designed from the start of the 64-foot curb and gutter section to approximately 0.5 miles east of that point. A four lane median divided section was originally proposed for this section in the Environmental Assessment. This cross section revision saved an anticipated 3.9 acres of wetland impact. Consideration was also given to reducing the median width. The recommendation of a 60 foot median is based on the need to provide positive drainage of the pavement's subgrade. While it is possible to construct a narrower median, this will lead to costly maintenance measures in the future. The facility with a 60-foot median would also require flatter slopes and create greater distances between opposing vehicles resulting in a safer roadway. During the construction of the project, adverse impacts will be minimized using NCDOT best management practices. An effective erosion and sedimentation control program will also be required of the contractor. The NCDOT- s repared commit to mitigation for the remaining unavoidable 19.89 acres of wetland impacts. The NCDOT mitigation staff exami adway alignment and did not find a suitable mitigation area adjacent to the project. Accordingly, most of the search for suitable mitigation sites has been off-site. At this time, we are proposing to use a site already in NCDOT ownership. On September 3, 1992, the Corps of Engineers issued an Individual Permit (Action ID 199101124) for a new US 117 connector from Mt. Olive to I-40 near Faison in Duplin County. This permit stipulated that ten acres of bottomland hardwoods in the project area be preserved and thirty acres of cutover bottomland at be restored. A 91.25 acre tract was purchased in oshen Swamp adjacent to the right-of-way. This tract is about the crossing of NC 24 and the Northeast Cape Fear River, and is within the same planning syb-basin as the proposed project. Our preliminary investigations(onithis tract are continuing prior to implementation of the planting and monitoring program agreed to at an August 16, 1991 meeting with the Corps of Engineers and regulatory review agencies (Copy of Guidelines attached). It is possible that the remaining 51.25 acres on this tract will provide enough mitigation credit to cover impacts due to the current NC 24 project. The NCDOT is currently assessing the extent of wetlands on the property and evaluating options for reforesting the site. If this tract is not sufficient for the proposed new project, another site will need to be found. NCDOT anticipates the need to consult with the Corps of Engineers regarding the mitigation issue. NCDOT hereby requests that you review this proposal for authorization under an individual permit. For construction contract purposes, this project was divided into two sections: R- 2211BA is the western section and R-2211BB is the eastern section. Enclosed is a set of drawings for each section and a permit application summarizing the impacts of both. By copy of this letter we also are requesting Section 401 Water Quality Certification from the N.C. Division of Environmental Management. If you need additional information about this project please contact Mr. Gordon Cashin at (919) 733-9770. Sincerely, B.J. 0 Quin , P. E. cc: Mr. Ernie Jahnke, COE Wilmington Mr. John Dorney, DEM, DEHNR Mr. Kelly Barger, P.E., Project Management Unit Mr. Don Morton, P.E., Highway Design Branch Mr. A.L. Hankins, P.E., Hydraulics Mr. John Smith, P.E., Structure Design Mr. D.J. Bowers, P.E., Division 3 Engineer Mr. N.L. Graf, P.E., FHWA Mr. W.D. Johnson, Roadside Environmental 4 • ¦ APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO EXCAVATE AND/OR*FILL - WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION ESSEMENT IN LANDS COVERED BY WATER CAMA PERMIT FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT Otpsrtrncnt of Adminlttradlon• State of North cstotlnt OMSrtmtnt nt the Army (GS 146.12) Wosrtn"nt or Mttursf Retourcmt sed Contrnunkv]•.++.r.t..t Co" Of E"Oft" .wllmintton Obtrtc (GS 113-229, 143.713.1(s)(1), 143-213.3(c), 113-7-4 (33 CFK 7013M329) Please type or print and fill in Al blanks. If Information is not lopllable, so r-4-c?" by placing N/A in blank. ATTN: B. J. O'Quinn, PE, Assistant Branch Manaqer, Planning & Environmental Branch Applicant Information A. Name N. C. Department of Tr.ansporLri ion - Division of iii911ways 0. Address P. O. Box Last First Middle 25201 Street, P. 0. Box o• 4.mtc Raleigh, North Caroling 71611 (919) 733=977D City or Town State Zip Code Phone 11. Location of Propostd Project: A' . County Duplin _ B. 1. City, town, community or landmark 2. Is proposed work within city limits? Kenansville, Beaulaville Yes No - X C. Creek, river, sound or bay upon which project is located or nWest nanrs Xxly of water to project Northeast Cape Fear River, Limestone Creek 111. Description of Project A. 1. Maintenance of existing project 2. New wcxl. X 0. Purport of activation or rill 1. Ac"ss channel Icngth width depth 2. Boat basin Icng(h width dcstth 3. Fill area See Attached sheet Icngth width depth 4. Other Icngth width dcrth C 1. Bulkhead length N/A Average distance waterward of M IW sboceline) 2. Type of bulkhead construction (material) N/A D. Excavated material (total for project) 1. Cubic yards N/A 2. Type of material N/A E. Fill material to be placed below MHW (see also VI. A) 1. Cubic yards See attached sheet 2. Typc of material Suitable Borrow IV, Land Typc, Disposal Area, and Construction Equipment: A. Does the area to be excavated include any marshland, swamps or otlhe: -eland? Yes _ X No 0. Does the disposal area include any marshland, swamps or other wetlanc' 'r es '. No X C. Disposal Area 1. Location - Project Fills & Upland Waste Site 2. Do you claim title to disposal area! D. Fill material source if fill is to be trucked in _ _Upland Borrow Site E. How will excavated material be entrapped and erosion controlled! Standard Erosian Control Devices Silt Fence, Silt Basins Etc. F, Type of cgitipmcnt to be used Standard Roadway Construction Equipment G. Will marshland be crossed in transporting equipment to project site! I- -% cxmion Marshland will be crossed on existing roads r 0 V- 1RttrrdTd lla+l of I'rn}^ct Arua (O t) A. 1. Private NIA 2. Commercial N/A 3. Housing Development or Industrial N/A 4. OtherPublic Transportation B. 1. Lot size(s) N/A 2. Elevation of lot(s) above mean high water _ N/A 3. Soil type and texture 4. Type of building facilities or structures N/A 5. Sewage disposal and/or waste water treatment A. Existing N/A Planned N/A B. Describe 6. Land Classifiution (circle one) DEVELOPED TRANSITIONAL CONSERVATION OTHER VI. Peruining to Fill and Water Quality: COMMUNITY RURAL - (See CAMA Local Land Use Plan Synopsis', A. Does the proposed project involve the placement of fill materials below mean high water? Yes X_No B. 1. Will any runoff or discharge enter adjacent waters as a rewlt of project activity or planned use of the area following project completion? Yes X No 2. Type of discharge Surface Runoff 3. Location of discharge See plan views VII. Present rate of shoreline erosion (if known): N/A Vill. List permit numbers and issue dates of previous Department of Army Corps of Engineers or State permits for work in project area, if applicable: N/A IX. Length of time required to complete project: X. In addition to the completed application form, the following iterns must b-e provided: A. Attach a copy of the deed (with State application only) or other instrument under which applicant claims title to the affected property. OR if applicant is not claiming to be the owner. of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument unrkr which the owner claims title plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project on his land. B. Attach an accurate work plat drawn to scale on 8%, X 11" white paper (see instruction booklet for details). Note: Original drawings preferred - only high quality copies accepted. C. A copy of the application and plat must be served upon adjacent riparian landowners by registered or certified mail or by publication (G.S. 113.229 (d))Enter date served D. List names and complete addresses of the riparian landowners with property adjoining applicant's. Such owners have 30 days in which to submit comments to agencies listed below. See Attached Sheet XI. Certification requirement: I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North Caroliruls approved coastal managcment program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. XII. Any permit issued pursuant to this application will allow only the development described in this appli• cation and plat. Applicants should therefore describe in the application and plat all anticipated devel- opment activities, including construction, excavation, filling and land clearing. _41-1\ DATE?C'/\ ????- Applicayt's Signaturc III. Description of Project B. Purpose of Excavation or Fill in Wetlands 3. Fill Area Project Site Length Width Acres R-2211BA I 570' 85' 1.11 II 290' 100' 0.67 III 190' 105' 0.46 IV 135' 110' 0.34 V 800' 95' 1.75 VI 4260' 90' 8.80 VII 505' 90' 1.04 R-2211BB I 900' 80' 1.67 II 700' 90' 1.44 III 840' 40' 0.77 IV 1200' 67' 1.84 t R-2211BA RIPARIAN LANDOWNERS Bertha B. Bostic Route 1, Box 26 Kenansville, N. C. 28349 Earl F. Stroud Route 1, Box 30 Kenansville, N. C. 28349 Jane A. Price P. O. Box 358 Rose Hill, N. C. 28458 Paul E. Dail Route 1, Box 32 Kenansville, N. C. 28349 Perry Whaley P. O. Box 182 Rose Hill, N. C. 28458 Lemmie F. Whaley Route 1, Box 33-G Kenansville, N. C. 28349 Evelyn P Rhodes 121 Oxford Road Greenville, N. C. 27834 U. S. Steel Corp. Federal Paper Board Co. Inc. P. O. Box 338 Bolton, N. C. 28423 Daphne B. Lee Route 1, Box 268 Beulaville, N. C. 28518 J. M. Dobson Heirs % Hezekiah Dobson, Jr. 417 Old Fayetteville Road Chapel Hill, N. C. 27516 Eleanor F. Weston & Elwood Futral Route 2, Box 289 Pink Hill, N. C. 28572 Christine A. Taylor Route 1, Box 60B Kenansville, N. C. 28349 Henry G. Dail Route 1, Box 25-C Kenansville, N. C. 28349 Paul E. Dail, Jr. & Henry G. Dail Route 1, Box 35 Kenansville, N. C. 28349 Leonard Dail. Route 1, Box 33-H Kenansville, N. C. 28349 Nannie G. Brown P. O. Box 115 Kenansville, N. C. 28349 York Kennedy Route 1, Box 33-L Kenansville, N. C. 28349 Richard C. Cashwell Route 1, Box 40 Kenansville, N. C. 28349 Hezekiah Dobson, Jr., ET AL 417 Old Fayetteville Road Chapel Hill, N. C. 27516 William L. Miller, Jr. et al 305 Foxlake Drive Clinton, N. C. 28328 Kenneth H. Taylor Route 1, Box 60A Kenansville, N. C. 28349 John D. Miller 11707 140th St. SO. Ozone Park, N. Y. 11436 Juan Reyes P. O. Box 583 Faison, N. C. 28341 R-2211BB RIPARIAN LANDOWNERS James Miller Heirs % Jimmy E. Miller P. 0. Box 346 Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Stuart C. & William B. Miller Route 1, Box 240 Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Freely D. Hall, Jr. Route 1, Box 255 Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Joseph R. Miller Route 1, Box 258C Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Leo B. Miller Route 1, Box 258M Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Norman E. Mercer P. O. Box 21 Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Robert R. Mercer, Jr. Route 1, Box 476 Pittsboro, N. C. 27312 Donald D. Miller Route 1, Box 290P Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Robert L. Miller, Sr. P. 0. Box 800 Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Grace Kennedy, et al % Sue K. Jarman P. 0. Box 96 Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Winfred 0. Miller Route 1, Box 258J Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Tony T. Miller P. 0. Box 900 Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Julius S. Sandlin, et al P. 0. Box 476 Beulaville, N. C. 28518 0 0 0 w Q MATC H LINE A-A c? cn l 1 I I i- AREA OF FILL IN 1,11 AC WETLANDS S TOTAL FILL CY I z 4 z I I w d ?b (I I o ?N - 4 EDGE OF WETLANDS ? j I i I ? I ? Lu I J. I II Lu I. I I 10 p 1 I ? z I I w I m wli 1 3 a Q ?I I i uj m II I O I II I ;I II ? I 09s: ? ? I I I SITE I (1 ? I N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211 BA WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET Z OF 3Z J E3 w / / J / ? a I I I ?° ? I I I ? I a I ? 1 I ? 3 37 O I I \ a z Q I I W cc) Lli do I Wipe r i zo/ ? I i? d 1r J li- O \1 \I p W U cr a Q W Z Q ~ I / 'N `? \ \ ---1 \ \\] co A cr Lij If) v O W J Q I ? W I EDGE OF WETLANDS SITE I 0 Q 0 w I Q U (n GNl Z J I- W 3 z J J O z W 0 J MATCH LINE A-A ^O f? ?\ J O 0 V.l ?- I f ?? ?? cV 1 0 Ln a 4 o< W W 0-v Q Q - U U I Ul) U7 J J v ? ? Q N Li O S i O> o _ 9 I n r J L? o? j. w 0 Lj N r z 3 ?i Ldz _ - r S 119 'r lil I ,J _ I. ?o M -SITE I N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY I I PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA <? WIDENING OF NC 2 *1 S H I E:1, 4 or., 31 . 0 O el 0 O 4 1 a a .9 a- 2 ? ec I Zs I r r C r r o) r- L? y Q O z oz I Z H 1-- 111 y 6 L?A ? i o ? M O j i `i l SITE I ° o t a N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION! DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUN'T'Y PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BAJ WIDENING OF NC 24 9 SHEET 5 - OF J II I ?? / I II ?, , I I 41-\, = I ]LL: I I w i I I ? ° ° t7n So t7 \j A j f+ 1 i 1 1 111 I SITE II cn Z W U 0 Q 0 w J Q U AREA OF CONSTIN 0,67 AC WETLANDS TOTAL FILL 13,300 CY w z. a a EDGE OF WETLANDS o ? 00 ? I I U ? O Li LLJ 0 A u' ct. Q Q c? Z U ? ON Z _ LLJ > J ~o .1 0 D 3 cc l1) O Q W Z O U ? -- 0 z 0 ? w Z U. Z Q O 0 M N rr Q C; N '- " SITE II N. C. DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGFIWAVS i I DUPLIN COUN'T'Y O O i PRO JECT 8.1210801 12-22 11BA O O> 00 WIDENING OF NC ^_ S i i a o V- 1 0 0 M n 0 7- t • o M o 9 i j o i o- i i ............. Y I? I c 2 t ? ? r I z t I a ? U Cn , I z pz Z Q U. i CD { z I o_ I z 4 I I Q ? ? ft 1 / I uS I ? Q t Vi 1 o ale w 1 o n n k SITE II o - 10 I I N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION:' DIVISION OF HTGH4 AYS DUPLTN COUNTY I PROJECT 8.1210801 R-2211BA WIDENING OF NC 2.1 t I SHEET_ F" O I I ? I DGE OF WETLANDS ?i \AI ow Q X-i U AREA OF CONSTRUCTION IN WETLANDS _1 .75AC TOTAL FILL :33000Y 480 _W z ? Lij / ? Q Q a W l / I J ~ 3 p I ? \ o z J Val W t ~ S w U v 0 c y V SITE V N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION 0 I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.124080.1 R-2211 BA WIDENING OF NC 24 1 4- SHEET OF .._ I + I - \ CN i v \ I ? m \ ? \4 I L? J w 1 A? I \ s ?'? A I IW I I e QC Ln I 1 I O O _ _ oLn Li w M Q Q V) (- <v z z o I o U > O r __ z o w Q J _ ?- o ?- LL 0 ww G , ?- w T 0 -- co w d SITE V Q` N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY + PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA- WIDENING OF NC 2.1 SHEET 1© OF ? L o !Y ' o n I d ? ?z 0 n tP `? z o 0 -9 i i o i cr- I I ? c7 I ? I of rI yl D r lJ_.LL (n SITE V z 0 U z 00 U Z Q ? J W Q W z? oz X J ? d d J J F-+ r oL ? o u nm-i o n q O i i I N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION; DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA WIDENING OF NC 24 ; SHEET \1 0 F 0 0 MATCH LINE A-A c3 I ` l 'I O ss5 I N a :l J AREA OF FILL . J. IN SURFACE WATER 0.6 AC 3 I t, ` 0 AREA OF FILL IN WETLANDS 8.8 AC 3 I \ .610 ' : TOTAL FILL 135,400 Q 1 I \ ov r \ CY w I I I r I - f \\ \3 z Ic3 '45 \ U) c '\ I z ??Id o m g I IFS j I '" I w3 A 1 \ n = a I I ?, \ f .7 N w 10 1 I' , Lij z s i -i A m 1 '\I Q a Z ? J ! 'N 1 \ S' , . ?, j J Li 1i 085 I I \c ?` \\i ? hi z . C.) 0O I i ul) EDGE OF WETLANDS wl I c I X I I ? I I I X I w I I 1 I i I SITE VI I I I I I ? N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION i I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS I I 1 DUPLI N COUNTY I PROJECT 8.12 ,q O8O.1 R-2211 BA I i WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET 1 OF 311 56S c; I it 1. I I§ I .J I I ?:'t c15' I 1 13 w ? I 1 J I;i z u m J ? V I f:i 2 ? I Y W S ?? I _ u OGS=j / a I I ?:???3 t 1 13 d" .I I - I I 3 ?.I I I i MATCH LINE t z Q J d. SITE VI 2 w Q 3 ILI !t z J J V_ N W O z w O 0 r u w J Q U Ln r? J W Zt z J J LL pW Z 0 P N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.124080.1 R-2211BA WIDENING OF NC 24 MATCH LINE A- A I SHFF7 ?` ??! O 0 MATCH LINE -C - C N 0 _ o y Lo v/ Lr) 009 t N, I'll I LL I s w co 5; z L Q Q J J z J CL w U G W SITE VI Lf) N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.12-4080.1 R-2211 BA 565 WIDENING OF NC 24 CH LINE B 6 SHEET It OF 3-t- I ' r3 J I ? i , I ? `IVI ?? I ? 1 I 3 U e v \ \ \ \o I O \ i at, ?.i -I + I o w c - i h- I I r? O ?C3 w S k i _J N 1 I A \ I \ MAT - / --T] 09-A J Q w z 1J Ci CV T Q LN w -){ T N ,or) MATCH LINE D- D I ' ?3 I I ?I I I :7 I I I G3 I i I I I ? I I I d3 I I ?3 I I I v ?? I p f? I I <3 }' I F?7 I \ I ? I ?`? X I W C3 ? I 4 4:? J 41 I Lli o I I w w J aD w z S a a O LLJ z Q J d SITE VI 8 0 Lo n w J Q J 1- U.I 1 _J LL. cn w O z o X, N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.12-40s0.1 R-2211BA WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET OF 3'L MATCH LINE C- C MATCH I !I C i? I Y I 0 1 ? 0 w N F? ?_ OZ9 sl X? IM W _ I • K ? FEAR RV NORTHEAST CAPE I -U 519 I ? I \ LL r-_ 0 :i \ I I ? W I \ I MATCH UN iw J W Z R O w Z Q J a SITE VI 0 Lrl 0 w J Q U LO CD z Q J I- w S z J J_ LL W 0 z W 0 W 7 ?z wL c Cz,o coQ S ?_ i i 0-?9 I I I 1 ? I I I I t C? I? { ->I I I `? I l I? W I=? Sj q bt ll I I ui I;a r? 41 I, _' m Gr "I l W X31 to 3?F? I I \ 13 `Y I lI?S I I ? 1? 11? I ?? , II \ t c 11' ? o ? I I ? I` X \_ %l W I u \? . W I L o Q? p LLJ a ?n n i a \w? \ u \I I w y\ ., Lu s \ \ w I3?`\\I cam, ! oy ! + ?I I J Z y J d EDGE OF WETLANDS I I N \ ;n?\I• MATCH LINE r- - SITE VI n 0 Ln 0 W J U cf) Q W Z J J tL W 0 z w 0 N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.12-40801 R-2211 BA WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET J7 0 F 3?! ) o L r) 0 0 i O o.. O J J Q Q U U ! V) t!) ! J ? co U Lo Z ! O ~ N W O W -J0 1 --? tL Z j LL d M .- LtJ ?-- n z? oz N N O CID SITE VI ?N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION J G) I I DIVISION OF 141G1-1WAYS i 1 DUPLIN COUNTY t C? PROJECT 8.1210801 R-2211BA i ?- i WIDrNTNG OF NC 21 1 LC) I_`.----- SEII.>JT- --? 8 , OF 2t<- . Ln Ln CD) W w J U U J J Q Q ?-- o N W \ > , Q ?\ CV \ w LL- z , .J Q O LLJ 1 -- w r _ s z wz o- Lo co SITE VI N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY 0 ? PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA WIDENING OF NC -'I ! ? 3?! OF SHEET O j0 O I I I ?J - Lr) O.. O _ ? J J N <C Q U U (J) () Q Q ~' U O rr N W O O O ? J Q J 0 E Z W G) J W FJ- ' O o wZ o_ co A c3-C SITE VI a: O 41- N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION 0? DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS LCD I I DUPLIN COUNTY O PROJECT 8.1240801. R-2211BA C: m ?. WIDENING OF NC 21 SHEET zo OF 3'L ___r__ ?. O O KIT _ - I - ?l I I O U-) Ln 0-01 J J U U U) v) _1 J Q \ OZ U 'g N > w' LLz ? W W r, ? z <D Q 7 ?a 'SITE VI M N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION I I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY C7 C) PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA C!? Lc) v SJIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET z?. OF 3ti C? 0 C.:7 Qo ?sy Cr O O G o 0 O.. O . w w cc? J ?.1 Q Q U U to Cn Q Q o ? N p ? Li = w .? r J J? '01 < G W W Qz 3 Q a N \ SITE VI N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION -" I I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY. PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA '', Lc"? WIDENING OF NC ^.I SEI11r1' z0? OF 3'?Ir 0 a I I ,O u I O O W bi \J I Q Q V / V Q Q C\j Z U o w Fr o w -ia J Q \ O W ~ GW a- Z wZ N \ , 0 V ._ Q N (Y , rJ ^ V ? G C? \ SITE VI \ ;N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION (?'> DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS I DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA ?. WIDENING OF NC 2.1 SHEET a3 OF 3X- _ • a e S ECT M0 A A-A N. s DENOTES FILL _ .-IN WE71-ANUS SITE VI ? QRoP, IZDADWA? q. ?M?b A N `? MEU'f I 3D ?o o _ l5 30 N o Rx. scA1.? b 5 /o VER7. 5G.ALG i N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJEC'T' 8.1240801 R-2211BA WIDENING OF NC 2 SHEET ? 0 F 3 . fl o (o Io 310 210 410 910 60 pour , ?o?+vw r.?t 4 ?MSSaNx TA 50 V.? ? - - 0 S EcT 1014 Q - B DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS DENOTES FILL IN 'SURFACE WATER 0 ?5 30 dilly 'a mjQ.-L . 5GK1.C O 5 /0 V E Ri. SLM-rL SITE VI N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA WIDENING OF NC 24 SHLET 25? OF V,... N . r-'. yr ? L P d 6 C4 W o- 2? ' 2E I a I I 1 .I ? I M I t A i o i - I I f a, , { 0 s 4 i al .o I I Q) U v n U U7 f J p J z Li < J L-Ij LiJ O ? Z 0- W W ? Q 0 N I I-1 r o ? f ? a I H H r A a 1 SITE VI N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.12=10801 R-2211BA gI WIDENING -OF NC 24 - 4r SHEET ZCo OF 33- SITE VI rN. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA 14IDENING OF NC 24 SHEET 27 0 F ?1! J , i I I I \ `d I w I I L a Ld za Ls LL 1 ? ? z I _ AREA OF CONS!: IN 1.0,4 WETLANDS AC TOTAL FILL 15,100 -Cy 1 Ob9 EDGE OF WETLANDS sl 1 d I ?? I ? z 1 1 \=y `? w ¢J I- x I 1 I - \ w 0- Q Q w a N ._ \ J 0 I? I _ \ ?I z U 1:3 \ a Y co IC? r3 ?J I. ? I ? ? ? I vi O I A l ?\ -' A w 0.1 1 I ??\ w o l SITE VII LL? -D I I I I e W Q 3 u') = lu W " ? J s ?: at5 O ... . /I I w' N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION a / / I N -i L`' DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS S?9 / I u, I DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.12-10801 R-2211 BA 1 1 f WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET 26 OF 3'?- O C? 0 Q ?.? Ln cT Ln ?h 0 ,0 . W W J J ? U U ? (? uJ < Q G1 C) !- N ? W E p i L' z° ?I 0z c) <c (y, UJ w CL 3 z c? wz D- Ln Q w ?a Q SITE VII C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION M DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA t -`' C7 n 14IDENTNG OF NC 2.1 r-? Cl" SHEETS OF 3L C-1 0 1?- (ID co 1 1 rl- w U Ln u- ,?T Q0 ,'t N I I I CG O O Ln W? W, OOI n O O O O i.n Lo O.. O i W W Q Q U U uo Lo Q Q W O 2 Z a O z U Q ? F-- W O W s' z wz o- N \ i i SITE VII N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA WIDENING OF NC 2.1 SHEET OF - i N 2 4 ?It `rli v 2 W ? V n? Z .o 1 r `M 1 1 i U ? o i G O N .I I i I Ni 11 UI i \ ?1 v v o r 0 1 4 --J U) Q w lJ- o ?w V z wz o_ N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-221111A WIDENING OF NC 2.1 . SH EUT 3 I OF ?'? r , i III 434+30 TO NATION WIDE 436+65 -L- 33 CFR 330.5(A)(14) 0.46 0 ?I IV 441+50 TO NATION WIDE 442+85 -L- 33 CFR 330.5(A)(14) 0.34 0 a V 475+62 TO INDIVIDUAL 1.75 0 483+95 -L- 404 I VI 579+58 TO INDIVIDUAL 8.8 0.60 625+15 -L- 404 VII 636+00 TO INDIVIDUAL 1.04 0 643+50 -L- 404 -------- ------- TOTAL CONS' IN WETLANDS (ACRES) 14.17 0.60 j. i SUMMARY REPORT ----------------- - i j SITE STATION PERMIT TYPE CON ST. IN FILL IN SURFACE I ? WETLANDS i Ai . ) WATER { AC. 1 t j` I 364+10 TO INDIVIDUAL 371+30 -L- 404 1.11 0 i. II 402+55 TO INDIVIDUAL 405+80 -L- 404 0.67 0 N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUN,ry PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA WIDENING OF NC 21 SHEET 32 0 F• 32? ! s • ! r brr4y.w„f 1 ubbMiv,llt I:: Coddn ? I \ 7 ? ) rv ,.`r•l ?....: _.?_.._.. u; ?J.?I Gore Oil ?? j y ` `?? e y 3 ;I 55 rY/vse V ..?%' Ncon Spwev's Su on n 1moUOf o • 55 i 1 1FdA \ ?' r, E A 4 L E N O I R N? r 13 ' eti n~ Ei' to O?\N 50 Olive 1 1 I ?a? t ] tl s • Daap Run le ? I) ?s • Piney rise* a ??? 11 \ \ r u3 1 ll Reanar Feison Alberts, `. 1 1ti8 11 ' sP S?0'N y \?\\\G' t Bowdeas Nornetat, ' IrA Its it Pleasant Hill Try, i r Bone r _. 7 IS \\\? 1 . yaM , O ?I I ?e N f lnr.•r + I r ?? ' `J 0' '10N e ?• s OntO * I } I ?\ 'Wegaw " 11 I </ ComRtMy ^S? 1 11 7• I 1 CS S *M,:.: IlC i! I y 1 11 .;?,? for = I 7 I Ili t 7 mar \ S e •. Nenans y l0 7s 1/ -7 - ?HOFMANN lL r{ IS Lane rt' b is et V a ! eulawl / P. !a wl I7 11 701 ?Y U P L '1`•, I N 10 ' z--`: I Mgnolia RlcMendi,' 1 H `,- ?_T _ / I1 10 a i', ? 111 7 II I7 F 11 Liman r Co/Amnr ClyIORESTL! wA " Ptr w 1 s 1 unison eb 44t:4 I r I Ingold 1 Rose Hill d Chlmluapn Catherine Lake reenerer 3 KERum ,? c 7 1 ` uAr Ammon II Cirfe`n? Delver r S 1 10 ` 0 tN 158 L 3 ; t,.w,.'!R . J• H ( 171 Teach. T I J + Jackson rto 0-h LADE ` 1 u 3 H CSTRns r`Hoel I M s ar s \ 11 . L? o Ti City Crash 1 It !i S N . My 1r 17 to i.,.rr 1 Tamahaad g / Wdbrd f H .rA Haws 17 WAlle s - a[ "S y l c Ru J 11 , T ton? ; ' Panderla 5 rTE Views car y1 * * 11 - t ? VW rFe1R Le rN ? e t We1M C? MeW i e 7•:..,;.?.... At IS MiR 1:' 7 ElieabNhtew ,r w •" f R E r"s IS ? v / ? 117 ';' .my I B A 81 I ?. 1 11 a il.s. 1 ' few1 , Di non 171 + * s 1 ,mil I ttdenbao 701 s Burgles 1 I g` ? r r?R O? II •P t ? ? AlAmsori 111 n S] 11 Wads Corner o s s bw olAston Fl Ab Ht , o?- ClerAton now s r 53 ` \P E N E R Holly RidgS e e r-- e - Nell, I r die ?I t 1 ?OIAo • 1 I7 Carting I West Onflow 1 ) 1 • c 0 1 L. 'F• 1 cwne `?_}_ Rocky Point U 1 - t a•.d &-A A.r rig I1 • • , ?'1 _ Ro?su rwwo let -U. S 10 u 3 .. wit City SCALE OF MILES ONE RICH EQUALS APPROa 13 MILES R•er«r Med, Aasrr ' 0 10 20 30 40 SCALE OF KILOMETERS ONE INCH EQUALS APPROX 21 KILOMETERS G.? 1 le et le : ••r%R . _ . _. 11 R -per MILE SS (QUA 1 i Us KILOMETER` r ?hopsell Beach . r 4,191w y Ntu• r1m.ed 1.1,f Grow A 129g " 11 111 1211 ^ r ' IEL\ ?, , (,? 1 w E D Cobw A !L! ` e •1 J .f i?. J !L! ,. 11 Gwe bsdl Irly . • N •i Chwch 'FKOJECT 24 lift 1Ltl 3Im ' ? I .e 1102. JJ 122E ?. .y.? ? ? I' j ? to ( r\ 5711 r4ae Y I`_I un im x"n r; '-I lr LeFI w HeR•villa 1ri, ? a Ly! ? tj' r.nn • ILL! .t SULE 0 1 7 3 a MRlB 0 OIL= --I SCALE FOR ENLARGEMENTS r IRS N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB WIDENING OF NC 24 i SHEET OF i 750 o° \ Z ? w3 / i .? I Q z z w w U J \ 2 I ? 1 \ - ` I I I I e 7 ? A \ .? i Q I 1 F c3:-\ I 1 (J)LL wz_ ?•. is 1 I I j ? l I I I ? _ I I °< I a 1 9 w `c I- H ` I I a u \ I \ } I IX L5 w j 4 w LLJ i 0 rs - -j I ? I J w it o z v w J Q U AREA OFCONSTRUUCTION IN WETLANDS .44A FILL IN SURFACE WATER 0.21 AC, TOTAL FILL ?.3,900 -Cy ? o `' a i > i z Q w w a J Z 3 ' Z t11 O U d cr (n F- Z Z O U CL 6 w ` n Lli w w 0 0 i SITE 11 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS j DUPLIN COUNTY i PROJECT 8.124080.1 R-2211613 I! WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET - OF r a_ A- 4 g- 11 0 ?I I I I r •\1 IV/ If ?I ill I Q m I m I® ? 0-4 o U U) z cc ' 0 C) UZ w w J LLI W i ? oW 8 I w 3: IzLJ ? i o? p(1) r, 0 0 h SITE. 11 ? I N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET OF t y ? I LL I I I I / 41 W 1 I 4 ? { I I ' ? , _ W t; ' a Q ' - I I, t ?' I W I I i ?i3 I U ' i ?K., I I ? E3 to I I ? I NN _ = Vr I \ w ? I cd LL J ? ? I G ? I 775 _ i z ? [Ji f \ LL w •? w ` I I J _ a , L-L ?_?? , I Q r w LL I 6B i v I I ° i d r C'c c. I S I W t+I 1 '?' ??' C3 I ?. a?ae 770 \ i 6? U ? = w LL, W F ? J Q CD w Li Z F. O z a 1 -v 4 Y I I i Ul o Lu Q AREA OF CONSTRUCTION IN WETLANDS 7 4 . FILL IN WATER SURFACC TOTAL FILL 63000•Y• N 0 z Q J H ? W 3 a z 3 z O U j O cr in cFi? z Z _l O ? U u- w `n v 0 0 SITE III N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY i PROJECT 8.12.40801 R-2211BB WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET - OF MATCH LINE w 1,3 I z J 9 Q j =3 w _? O Ln ?I w c 785 m z ° z w - 5 J _? 3 LL O w 0 e Q /I / ? II OJ. q w OJ ? ?? --,L, 0 C) 0 w Z Q C? cr wn. `?. v~i w D €3 J Ln 3 w J X11 } X11 11I _ I I ? \ O I I? I ?. I 11 3 I--I Xud w l1") O w J Q V) AREA OF TEMPORARY FILL IN WETLANDS 1.01 AC. AREA OF PERMANENT FILL IN WETLANDS 1.84 AC. TOTAL FILL 6 8OOCY. _w z Q J n. SITE IV J _J } L- < Z Z 0 Zz Q z J W I- ::>:ln F- w W o aQ w z cn, I-- w w Z -03 0CE WWZ N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.124080.1 R-2211 B6 WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET _ OF t , t MATCH b Ix N ? I CC 1 -XI •,a W I i I - -A t\ l * '" a -A ? c cc w b O p -3 Z \ 795 z ? J w n. _j LINE 8-B I I I I ?.. I I i II II II I I I' I I I I I I ? I ?...?fl\ awl I I m I i N 47 p l I I I ?J I I ? I I MATCH LINE A - A e? a 1 z J t3 Y ? H a a ? 0 Q 3 U- W 0 W r` cr O F- } 0 0 _Q > a z J Y 4" w 1 ° $ _ J _p 0 J 0 w J Q r w z Q J o ao r Q:Qz ?Zz LL J ? J ww WW F- ? a 3 wZ wZ F. F- - 0 wZ -Jj (ZZ? -JJ p li O u- SITE IV N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.124080.1 8-2211813 WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET -OF ¦ ? 9 ;r 'rl?f?:?IF3f?lt?I?J w z J W Y LO ? w I °- i \ J i l = w IJ 03: O w? I I I ?? I ? a 0 z ( I w ? -? rJ W I I ( I Z? = w I I ¢°z - 3 ? I I I i a O W -a w I i eJ OJ z I I i 1 © 00 a 2uj z N o 4A MATCH LINE B-B T ea a a v. o OZ uj - a i° 3 a ti .O O V 1f11`F1.. t O W J U uo J W ?- :> ?- - F ¢O Z Z z z <C 0 _j a J a M 1- w W ; Ww I- 3 aZ cn Z Q W - to J O J ?' w O 3: ZJ Z 0LL o= !SITE IV N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.124080.1 R-2211 BB WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET -OF w w Ci ;I v z W ;I Q I \ 0 j I t< J ? I I \ ? c ?I MATCH LI NE © oQ p J u j:3: Q w _ _z w J O J ti? i? ? ?'- o° a 0 .mw o w o a cn r BO a 0 o O o CC) o Ln 0..0 . i w LLJ J J Q Q 1 U W j cn V 0 °? 00 z cv o o rr- w - ° 0 z 0 W U J 00 '01 cj i a 00 Oz W ? ow z-:?: w z r \? o U SITE I N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS I DUPLIN COUNTY 0 0 0 PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB G) WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET OF t y _O V y 1 0 CC) 0 0 AO 1 O \ O O O L() o.. o w I w _j U U U) V) J J o :. is F i O Z Li O U 1O cc F- U . O UQ C!) _j W F- O LU Z3: ?Z -- 17z N F`SITE I `. i• I (D 00 ct' . N O m I Z 685 1\ r h P I, w Y H cnw wZ O J J to 680 I? I? I? n f\ J Ci w 0 G 3 ? ° A N r,. I N r (Y 0 `L LL l f . . ? ? I t II 0 dOZa `\ \ I a? ? \ \ \?? 1 I d r a V)w I ? I aJ ? ?n;• J C I to Lr W 1 ? f ( _ j w v fD 3 I a ©I I I a l o . ?` I f3 I \ I A ?ILd .? j '3 I \ ',;ALL I u) v? I a v - I c J \ ?,4?\ I n I I ? \ ?'\ I i \ .;?. ?S\' i o I I Q 4I U. Q iw I i Q AREA OF CONSTR??TION 5 IN WETLANDS 1, 7A C TOTAL FILL 4MOC'Y• 0 F) r) L J J ? I 0 z W J F Q Z I -I z a. o I _a to ' C o ? L W U i I i SITE I J.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.12•1080.1 R-2211613 I WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET _ OF . l O m - O v k,i ?I I I I z O 0 r-) o Q J uw ~ W ® O 3: W , c) y N SITE I i N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY S PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB ?JI WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET OF II ? ?e f O C) CD O O Q0 ? r7M I I I ` 'O u u Ld O '`' I i LLj W W _ ( Z ._..1 ._1 ' ? Q Q 1 I Q U) ? c J J c cl- Q Q U Z rr O N W 0 z w. J z LL I °O I? ? n z cn 00 Uz LO uj F-- w 0. i Lli oz Ln i SITE III N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION I ( DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJ ECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET OF i R ? \ O I O O O Lc) i L ' O r O LLJ Lli U U O U N W i o i O `J O l ? w Q V ;v (O G> ? w o =?1 U O Z p oz U Q wF- F- w O w Z O SITE III N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPL.IN COUNTY 1 PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB 7 WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET OF i Ico Ir- 1 LO Go I d' IM IN O 00- r 0 co O C9 t ( i i O i O L0 O O 0 lC) O.. O W W Q U U Cn U) Q Q I- O U N rr Lei rr O > 2 LLJ( L.L' O 10 Li. Q J L.LJ Ow z:;?: w 0 z SITE IV N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS -DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET OF O V i ? I / V ti I I'n IN - 0 0 ? O ?o V 0 oll o o L J Lr) ? 0.. 0 . W LL.I I U U U) U) J J H Z U o N ?-- _ o r W° V-' O J? t? --? C) -- o 00 Zz Cn J W LyJ o ? 71 LLJ Z 0 N II o N Q N SITE IV O O I o 0 N O O ao G7 I CO I P-- 0 c a C C c a W i. LL O: Cr, 0 0 O 0 L ?. w w J J Q Q U U U7 U) J J o N Er- Lv > = i J U) J O ?. z w? 0w z w oz SITE IV l? Y I I c? o + a ? O `? `J O O I N I I ` O ? c? O .. O I Z W W J J Q Q J J Q Q o z ? 00 o r,r > O Lij OD 'LL O J (n `Jo -? LL Z W ~ F- W O ? z 0 z Ld tD 0 Ln °- o H _ ' OO SITE IV N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION I I I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY O _ La PROJ ECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB Q0 Ln WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET OF (ik-- 0 z I I r? z J 0 0 z ®I ;W SITE IV w i i 0 0 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801- R-221188 WIDENING OF NC 24 sI SHEET OF 1 i 1 a a r r INDIVIDUAL 404 ------------- ---------------- 1.67 p IV INDIVIDUAL 404 1.84 p ------- ------- TOTAL AREA OF CONSTRUCTION IN WETLANDS JACRES) 5,72 0.25 1 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION! DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS t DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB WIDENING OF NC 24 t` SHEET OF f 1 II INDIVIDUAL 404 1.44 0,21 i s i S { III INDIVIDUAL 404 0.77 0.04 %. t. I. PROJECT: 8.1240604 R-606AA Sampson-Duplin Co. US 117 from east of I-40 & NC 403 to northeast of SR 1006 GUIDELINES FOR WETLAND MONITORING PROGRAM August 16, 1991 I. Monitoring Time Frame - Mitigation site shall be inspected at the following times. A. Prior to planting B. At completion of planting C. Two (2) years following completion (or after 2nd full growing season) II. Data to be Obtained at Specific Inspection Times A. Prior to planting - 30 acres 1. Check for proper elevation and grade, get the permitting agency's approval on the elevation. 2. Check for proper plant species and for acceptable plant quality. 25% Nyssa sylvatica - Black Gum, 15-18", Seedling, Br. 25$ uercus nigra - Water Oak, 15-18", Seedling, Br. 25$ uercus phellos - Willow Oak, 15-18", Seedling, Br. 25% Quercus michauxii - Swamp Chestnut Oak, 15-18", Seedling, Br. Note: Plant species are contingent on availability at the time of planting. 3. Check for proper planting methods 4. Check for proper plant spacing (8' O.C., 680 seedlings per acre) B. At completion of planting check for conformity with plans as well as quality of planting C. Two (2) years following completion (or after 2nd full growing season) 1. Estimate survival rate (optional - collect data if it can be determined) 2. Measure height of plants 3. Take Photograph(s) 4. Estimate percent population a. Planted species b. Overall (natural succession) C ? M 4- } Page 2 R-606AA, August 16, 1991 III. Evaluation and Recourse Action A. Acceptable survival rate (50% population planted and natural succession of desirable species) B. Two (2) year data evaluation 1. Below acceptable survival rate (recourse options) a. Replant (supplemental or complete) b. Minor regrading c. Reevaluate feasibility 2. Acceptable survival rate - no action R •` C State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management 225 North McDowell Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 James G. Martin, Governor Roger N. Schecter William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Director November. 12, 1992 MEMORANDUM To: A.-Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. Acting Director Division of Environmental Managerlent FROM: John R. Parker, Jr. Inland "404" Coordinator SUBJECT: "404" Project Review The attached U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Not-.°.:e for Action No. 199300273 dated November 5, 1992 describing a proposed project by >G DOT, Duplnmm County is being circulated to interested state agencies for comments on applicable Section 404 and/or Section 10 permits. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by IDecenber 12, 1992. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact me at 733-2293. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY This office supports the project proposal. No comment. Comments on this project are attached. This office objects to the project as proposed. Signed Date P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-2293 r' V4 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 Action ID. 199300273 November 5, 1992 PUBLIC NOTICE THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS, Post Office Box 25201, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5201, has applied for a Department of the Army (DA) permit TO PLACE FILL MATERIALS ASSOCIATED WITH THE WIDENING OF NORTH CAROLINA HIGHWAY 24, RESULTING IN IMPACTS TO 19.89 ACRES OF BOTTOMLAND HARDWOOD WETLANDS AT ELEVEN SITES, WITHIN THE NORTHEAST CAPE FEAR RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN, BETWEEN KENANSVILLE AND BEULAVILLE, Duplin County, North Carolina, State Project Nos. R-2211BA AND R-2211BB. The following description of the work is taken from data provided by the applicant. North Carolina Highway 24 is to be improved between the Kenansville eastern corporate limits and'the Beulaville western corporate limits. It is to be widened to a 4-lane, median-divided highway except within the outskirts of Kenansville and Beulaville. Beginning at an existing three lane section at Kenansville, the roadway is to be improved to a five-lane, 64-foot-wide section through 1,350 linear feet. From this point, the roadway is to become the 4-lane, median-divided highway. A new 28-foot-wide pavement (12-foot-wide travel lanes and 2-foot-wide shoulders) is to be provided parallel and adjacent to the existing pavement. A 60-foot-wide median is to separate the existing and new pavements. The existing 22-foot-wide pavement is to be widened to 28 feet; and where needed, its outside shoulder and side slopes are to be rehabilitated to meet current standards. The project is to utilize the existing alignment and pavement to the extent possible to minimize impacts. The proposed median and pavement are to be located on the south side of existing North Carolina Highway 24 from 0.2 mile east of the Kenansville city limits to S.R. 1701. From S.R. 1701 to approximately 1,600 feet east of S.R. 1726, the proposed new median and pavement are to shift to the north side of North Carolina Highway 24 and transition to a symmetrically widened five-lane shoulder section. At S.R.726, the roadway is to transition to a 64-foot-wide curb and gutter section to tie into the existing roadway through Beulaville. The purpose of this work is to provide adequate travel lanes to safely meet traffic demands. The project has been divided into two sections for construction purposes. R-2211BA, the western section which contains seven wetland sites, lies between Kenansville and S.R. 1701; and R-2211BB, the eastern section which contains four wetland sites, lies between S.R. 1701 and Beulaville. Plans showing the work by section are included with this public notice. After a thorough, but unsuccessful search for a suitable mitigation area adjacent to the project area, the North Carolina Department of Transportation, s -2- Division of Highways, proposes to mitigate for the unavoidable loss of the 19.89 acres of wetlands by using a site which they presently own. On September 3, 1992, the Division of Highways was provided a Department of the Army permit to fill wetlands associated with construction of a new U.S. Highway 117 connector between Mount Olive and Interstate Highway 40 near Faison in Duplin County. This authorization stipulated that 10 acres of bottomland hardwoods in the project area be preserved and 30 acres of cut-over bottomland hardwood habitat be restored. A 91.25-acre tract was purchased in Goshen Swamp adjacent to the right-of-way. This tract is about 25 miles from the crossing of North Carolina Highway 24 and the Northeast Cape Fear River, and is within the same planning sub-basin as the proposed project. The Division of Highways proposes that restoration of the remaining 40 acres of cut-over bottomland hardwood on this tract provide mitigation for impacts resulting from the widening of North Carolina Highway 24. The State of North Carolina will review this public notice to determine the need for the applicant to obtain any required State authorization. No DA permit will be issued until the coordinated State viewpoint on the proposal has been received and reviewed by this agency, nor will a DA permit be issued until the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM) has determined the applicability of a Water Quality Certificate as required by PL 92-500. This application is being considered pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). Any person may request, in writing within the comment period specified in the notice, that a public hearing be held to consider this application. Requests for public hearing shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. The District Engineer has consulted the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places for the presence or absence of registered properties, or properties listed as being eligible for inclusion therein, and this worksite is not registered property or property listed as being eligible for inclusion in the Register. Consultation of the National Register constitutes the extent of cultural resource investigations by the District Engineer, and he is otherwise unaware of the presence of such resources. Presently, unknown archeological, scientific, prehistorical, or historical data may be lost or destroyed by work under the requested permit. The District Engineer, based on available information, is not aware that the proposed activity will affect species, or their critical habitat, designated as endangered or threatened pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973. The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts, including cumulative impacts, of the proposed activity and its intended use on the public interest. Evaluation of the probable impacts which the proposed activity may have on the public interest requires a careful weighing of all those factors which become relevant in each particular PW r? "+ -3- case. The benefits which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. The decision whether to authorize a proposal, and if so the conditions under which it will be allowed to occur, are therefore determined by the outcome of the general balancing process. That decision should reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal must be considered including the cumulative effects thereof. Among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, cultural values, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards and flood plain values (in accordance with Executive Order 11988), land use, navigation, shore erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. For activities involving the placement of dredged or fill materials in waters of the United States, a permit will be denied if the discharge that would be authorized by such permit would not comply with the Environmental Protection Agencies' 404(b)(1) guidelines. Subject to the preceding sentence and any other applicable guidelines or criteria, a permit will be granted unless the District Engineer determines that it would be contrary to the public interest. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State and local agencies and officials; Indian Tribes and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the USACE to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic properties, water quality, general environmental effects and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) and/or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity. Generally, the decision whether to issue this DA permit will not be made until the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM) issues, denies, or waives State certification required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. The NCDEM considers whether or not the proposed activity will comply with Sections 301, 302, 306, and 307 of the Clean Water Act. The application and this public notice for the DA permit serve as application to the NCDEM for certification. -4- Additional information regarding the Clean Water Act certification may be reviewed at the offices of the Environmental Operations Section, North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM), Salisbury Street, Archdale Building, Raleigh, North Carolina. Copies of such materials will be furnished to any person requesting copies upon payment of reproduction costs. The NCDEM plans to take final action in the issuance of the Clean Water Act certification on or after November 27, 1992. All persons desiring to make comments regarding the application for Clean Water Act certification should do so in writing delivered to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM), Post Office Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687, on or before November 23, 1992. Attention: Mr. John Dorney. Written comments pertinent to the proposed work, as outlined above, will be received in this office, Attention: Mr. Jeffrey Richter, Wilmington Field Office, Regulatory Branch, until 4:15 p.m., December 7, 1992, or telephone (919) 251-4636. --- - - - i - _ - - I 11 ,pp. I ?`• ' ? i -It 11 " L71. 111] . K , ?J r - w.J.r e 11 2 \ - 1 ?'. 5 L]Z 1 '>'L 1 ( V1 .6 110) J . 7 ,1pp ? V • .1` j1D '~ \ 171. '? 1 ? v 1.7 2J ?• ??: i132 Anpprr 'SITE I Lm 1 ? S M t t Saw 14 7 ,' a KEKANS .f u / 't,zl1 _ ,127. '? . r0?. pl 1144 . ] o SITE IV bro' y 0 1 r.17 t J . /':::,_ + IrN • 1] r , O 14 , ?J + ,? •t. PRc Jr - j1_ ? ? , 1? ;m ITE i I /., S1 E VI LIM 1176 ?; r ' ° Ir1 ', „ SITEv , 4 210 JJ ' J f O I I1 Irfr / .J 'Z12 i ? 7J .1 - ? ? .L. q. V i 276 C rq/ s 12.41 ? 0 0 r.... VR2l 1 ITE V1 . u r. I , .e? Ve7. - ? • r., 1211 7. 0 1f.7 ri te' ` ,? lt7z ] Nparvillp . jj2. a 1,30] 16f7 LqLp, 2U 1.3 0?"'INI .3 • ?\.15?-• 27.1 f .T a !144 ` ' Tr °d .0 ledsun 16a :1i ?` 1.0 1 I 1 ] .L272 "O Sta. • L6?7''.?. Cluj, i . f = o ml ! ] .1 N 1.1 .7 A • D ,? Ib] 121! n . ? •7 x i t214 iva Il41 t - 1 U14 L"4 1111 G ? M?. ii1 ia2 UAI 1171 t'ne.• • i ? , oe rd,' SCALE 0 1 7 S . wles LLb !HL ti 11 • V 066/1 o IM Wp11w .r $Dnn a C53 1Nur. Dom C - / 70 6W Sr . Ibersvdle f 2 . ?ylYSe F ?? : II r ti?ltiount • ' +- 55 1 f ork 6 3 ° L E " N 0 1 e d0 Olivt a3 t ? . 9 aI so - D op Run i1 II O • , 1 258 a Faison ?.? n 1 1 Ibertson / '6 T \ I• \ ' Bowd, 1 KorneRaY Pink Hill II werst -t7 o 1'.C-- + 1 0 ANN I urkey \ ' 1. a / 21 7 4 r le Potters ?•it I Hilly ^? r I a eulevill , irs 1 x D U P I 1 N 10 L Maplolis 1' 11 z It ^+ 416 Lyman Curb'* OREST' .. 17 1 6 6 1 untain .oh E`'i r Rost Hill Chinquapin Cat ' t Lake 6 Kellum 1 aanwa ] 10 1 +Jackson ills I`. N.- _ C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION 2I Teach* t 1 Cypress I' DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 11 16 Tin City Creek 16 7,E DUPLIN COUN,ry c rt6D,rd' 11 50 Run$ 17 Oin PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA 6 0 s ' Io \? Verona , 20 ------.- •:.'' ': 3 WIDENING OF NC 9-1 SCALE OF MILES t. •+.. T SHEET 1 OF 10 FRS 20 - 30 _• 40 4 SCALE OF RILOME ?._ _tL_ara!-... amok MAT CH LIN E A-A I I I I \ _ I I ? LJ i i F ? o IAJ I II ? I I I ?.1 > I ? li I J I II ?I I I U ? F ~ O x m x W cb 1_ ? I? I 1 III?I 09£ II 1 I? ?I o ?I ?I I I \. -::j2 I ? I C'' I? W I O o I l- I N I li I I J I lil 1 I 3 !z I ? i $ I I I I t It :I ?I ,.I i I I O O O V_I J Q CJ AREA OF FILL IN AC WETLANDS TOTAL FILL 1?,301? CY EDGE OF WETLANDS In U z d > ? J ? Ll L l J ? z z J Q- .I J lL W O w 0 SITE I V ?o if w -D xl? < if if ljQ ? ON ?5,1- 0 if ?i EDGE OF WETLANDS ©I I ? r I I 7 370 cl: Q) I I a I CL \ U) z e ( I I Q I I c `? I\e Q. z \1 w z v3 ? i I I \' \ \ Z J \ J ? J ::1 X I I I w \\ 0 LL. In el w I I \?, J?n o f ?i? I \ w \I W w c,+ ?? I ?, \3 \I p o 43. w A F SITE co 3 I in \ \ < iiL J N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPOR-A' MATCH LINE A-A ?+„???,,., „? .,.........,• ' v 0 I N a: 0. I? M IM I aJ I I` IUD IiIIII M I 1 tr 0 Qo I ! Q o 0 L LU W ? Q Q U U ? J J yr ? ? U z o N Li 0 :i 1 ? W LL C;z cf) J L i N l O n X v W Q r .9 n Q ?f Q SITE I O <D 0 co v (r o 0 n O 0 r 0 n 0 0 o- 1 i s of a 1 2 ?J 1 A ? I ti I . ? 1 o- d- z 1 "r ?i 1 1 . r I i i r al r 9 I V) J 1) LL Z Q v) J W? U S Z 0 Z 1 z O f-- 1L1 ,J S Iil y i O ? M o 1 I in i -SITE I ° ° 1 N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION! DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BAI 14IDENING OF NC 24 i SHEET 5 or Zj_ J ' r +n, ?I ?J I I I li L I L I, I LL) cr C3 tT) h i sob 3 ? I ?A 1. I I f+ SITE II 0 z w u L .o Ln ow Q U AREA OF CONST.IN 0,67 AC WETLANDS TOTAL FILL 13,300 CY w z Q a EDGE OF WETLANDS n O - W I I Qr) -_-I O O O Lr) x co O.. O. Li . LU d 7 h U U Gl: W co n CC LU ii Q Q • ?-- a 0 I (D zN C? Qj Ox > Li J UO ? D 3 cr Ln ID ? W U O ? -- U Z LL < O w -? LJJ Z CU LQZ < 0 M N tr Q . Ci N ._. SITE II N. C. DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS I DUPLIN COUNTY Q O Q PRO JECT 8.1240801 IZ-22 11BA Q Q? 00 ? WIDENING OF NC 21 _ i SHEET 'l OF _3'?- 1 L n r 1 u cr- ) ? \1 J 1 1 1 o , M ? 1 ^^ 1 l/ ) 0 r i I /I M / 1 1 ' .9 1 1 i ? t' 1 0- I ? i 1 1 / I ?l Q 1 Q V SITE II O U Icr- c: O U Q w i-- z? oz / f i t .d ? ? J 0 ? r o iT O A n v? y, N. C. DEPT. OF TRA)v'SPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211DA WIDENING 'OF NC 2.1 I S 1-1 E: FT $_ or ?? I t2 I ? II DGE OF WETLANDS w • I J U U J c\j AREA OF CONSTRUCTION IN WETLANCS 1 TOTAL FILL 33000Y 4g0 w _ J z O ul) Q Q J ~ a w 3 z ? Q J v w G ? V V U C 2 V SITE V I v N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION 3 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS D P LIN COUNTY U PROJECT 8.1?•10801 R-2211 BA WIDENING OF NC 24 1 3 - SHEET Q OF 1•._ ;4 I I I 1 I > ; \ E ? I \ I ? \ ?b `t \ • 'U to 4? F• I` I n \? ? In {j w Y ? w I \ 1 4 ` B I ? E;y I o I J O ?O -- I ° O I 0 Lc) Lr) O _ OW W M J _1 U U J J H U w- z O + O ~ U > o ci z o z W U Q LL w w ?r O G ? r z W T o` GO w Oc O SITE V C1 N. C. DCPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY I I I PROJECT 8.1240801. R-2211BA- WIMNING OF NC 24 i.7 (") SHEET 10 0 F 38,. l° 40 0 pi n jr) tJ? od - l? z 0 0 0 a- 1 ., 1 1 I n 1 d , J i l v 1 1 1 1 t 1 O 1_t.! z 0 D r? V J 00 U Z cn Q W _I Q W z? 0 Z X J to d d H r 0 tell o 9`% I 1 t I i O O 1 1 SITE V N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS I DUPLIN COUNTY 1 PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA, WIDENING OF NC 21 ---.....9I .... _....... ; _.._......__...._.. .SI-I1:,'L•'T \1. OF 33e ... 0 0 MATCH LINE A-A a?I 1 I \ W ? \ =I SAS I 43 . '? ? 1 \ \\? o Lli f I I ,?' sal J i- AREA OF FILL I I ' IN SURFACE WATER 0.6 AC to of I I J , \ti - Ili , ` ; AREA OF FILL IN WE AC 8.8 w TLANDS: Q oa I I I ' ' \ \iw ' ° TOTAL FILL 135,400 C Y I I ^^ ?\ S 6, 0`I / w IW I w _ ?3I m I I? LL) I o \ ?t3 ? ..` I a • Q Y Ind i I `, c. ,.\ •., I \ I tJ l > w F- w A ,u Ia -r- m w w I J J I I j \ ?' G: IL RS I j I I I \\r •? \ `? \\I^ \ w LL) w 0 0 I I \ w U I cc I I j I EDGE OF WETLANDS ` x I ? w ? I I I ?- I w \ I I X w I I I I SITE VI I I I I i N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS I I i DUPLI N COUNTY PROJECT 8.12 40801 R -22116A I WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET 19 OF Af S6S ?•---_ M %I k P , 1 L-? I I.? I '{3 W I k n fr in J I co I .L - Y t LL J Vi = N - S / I 06S vi h, 14?/f; I 1:11'.-t1j, 7A ':3 I - 1 'I ::I sib ATCI{ LINE C-13 I :>. \ I o \ 3 crr yW 1 (2 z Ia J ?o i W . \x1 XI J \ a W \ : .X I LL o \ 0 rI.w ` i _ - cri r B w z Q J a CC W Q W CC u3 J J L? W O z W 0 y? .G O J w J Q U 0 Q H W J J LL W C7 z U ? J SITE VI \\\\1 N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211 BA WIDENING OF NC 24 SHFFT 1`3 n? tro - I ' MATCH LINE A- A o_ MATCH LINE -C - C Z:A \ Lu ? J Q cn 00 009 w Cc) I r;1 I \ \. I > X -j z z Q a J 4- w W 3 Ll- z _J LL. w 0 SITE VI ? ? Ln r} N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.12-10801 R-2211 BA 565 WIDENING' OF NC 24 C LE B SHEET 1 ?" OF ? 3 r?3 1 ? I I I \ 1\ ?I I 1 : I I Y ? - -' I? ? I I \ N I ? ?{f I CS ? W N I O 1 ' w ? G O \I-r 1 1 W - I W ? I S I 3 i W w CO ? 'gal ( ?, ? ? `\ \I I \ ? I \ \ I to ? i \ I MA T H IN -B Q U MAT CW LINE D- D FIN o I I \ . CX. d I \? I W `? I I ? ?, ,?• I cn w xl?\ \\ { ao f I I I - \ ? N 13 \ p, { a9?, I \ UJ\) ?5 :? I c? N \I .3 I i I \ x `\..j o Q ?3 I ? ,v \ \\ I W I N \\ I N I wW ea I I LL ?0' LLJ = I3 o w w _ CL I w Q N ?? I ( I UJ? I W J W L a G I I \ \ '? \ 0 LL G. ?z ? i _ I ? •` • ???i Iz t3 I ? I ? ? > y <, I a V) Lt I / I ) L' \ I w v? `-' .s SITE VI I ,'. W? Lt I 0 C? I > I W _ O I J _ 40- \\ N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS I DUPLIN COUNTY Lo I \ I PROJECT 8,17_-4080.1 R-221I6A -OF WIDENING'' NC 24 MATCH LINE C- C SHEET _I OF St, LINE G - E I _---?? MATCH cr Z ?.\I J O Y ? N w9 A ? W j? I 0 . {\ \ ??\ I = c. .d 1 W \\\\ e Z . \\\\I 9 OZ9 XI 3 w W IFd I I ' \??\ ?`\\?.I II' K? FEAR RIV NOPTHEAST CAPE I ? w3 / I f - ?3 I S19 ?'s \I LLF I \ \ i ?7 I C.D N `3 I I \\ I ` w J !II. 0 i w ?j i <1?. w Z L'L ?\1 w \ Z' I J \ ATCH LINE \. I \I \I W \ `I a 0 ?\ I V) J Cu Ld J ` i D-D W J 16 lZ ?1 t SITE VI Q 0 Lf'l 0 W J U LO L) J w z Z J J U- V) O Z W D i I 1 ??? ? / I II I N I I I% I I I ? 7d F, ? I I •I I ? .? I I? I ?? I ? I I =y I 1?; I.? I n I' I W w I?;: i 3 lL ' C?f[? Q? ?'+ I U JC?=f I ?•? _ W u ?' I W -55 c a I I a 3I 1= J ? ?:1 I 11 j C w I °a,3i I I x? I N MATCH LINE E - E J w 7 cc w J J L J J W z y ^J LL EDGE OF WETLANDS r' SITE VI 0 v co-) W J U cn Q H W 1 Z J J W v L W U N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-22116A WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEFT7 OF 3v C) 0 C) I. FR Ln zf i O O I O 0. (D.. J LL) Q Q U U V) U) J J C U ? U O rr, N W F > I O i i W -1 I J -? L-1- z ? d M 0 v? J Lr W F- ? z w z o N '7 co Ln SITE VI [N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION G) DIVISION OF HIG11WAYS , I I ry 1 DUPLIN COUN C) O PROJEC'C 8.1240801 R-2211BA WIDENING OF NC 21 SHEET 18 OF J?! 1 O C) ?O. O O L0 Ln LLJ w U U (J) V) .J J r? \ z U ?-- ? O N W ? \ .\ > O N \ ?? J Q \ w Lz w r -- O G w wz o- ? G) Lo co SITE VI N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF 14IGI-lWAYS I I DUPLI N COUNTY n PROJECT 8.1210801 R-221113,1 WIDENING OF NC ,' I 1 ?" 3?! 0 F SHEET CS p \ O O `c) ?- I I I \ ' o.. o J J N Q Q U U J J mo I -- O ? N W O CJ ? J J - LL- Z w _j wJ t- w O o S Q' W z O - -co r LLJ A \ SITE VI a: O _ IN. C `DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION Cr I DIVISION O F HIGHWAYS L.C) ( I DUPLI N C:OUN'I'Y O PROJECT 8.124 0801. R-2211BA 65 0 ?. WIDENING SHEET ;2.0 OF NC 2.1 OF 3Z iO O O L1j C3 - ? I I 0 IU-) Ln o.. Li n w J J U U J J Q c;? \ z v ?d• n. t O jN o _ n z o - Li LL . 0 O . I.? z Q C.. V) J W W F- Qc, - z Q v?- .SITE VI M / N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION I I DIVISION OF 14IGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY n (? (? PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA CV WIDENING OF NC 2.1 SHEET z?. OF 31i 1-0 10 0 o o.. o.. w Lli Q Q ul) Q Q o N O Li ' W = \?\N \ w J J L ? J I cn ISM a ! LL J n i n W Lli ?+ ?.. W z aQ N SITE VI N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION '- I I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY 0 PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2ll1IIA LCD ?J- WIDENING OF NC 2.1 SiIEIrT z'A 0 F 3?r `? o a O o U-) d- - • Iaw?w c.? ? I Q Q Lo 0 J J Ln c\ Z Ur o Lli O ?r w JQ _J Q f'? \ Q LJJ F- G W S \ Z Lz N \? U N n3 c) 7 nJ O ?J C 1 SITE VI - tv0 ?' \ N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION (?'> DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS I I DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECC 8.1240801 R-2211BA L0 WIDENING OF NC 21 SHEET 2,3 OF 31! I .moo I I . I Irk 60 3D I P oe.200.0wOx y??.MaANKM?*1T so -? / i I I ? SID S CCT ION A-A T i i N. DENOTES FILL r7- ? .. IN W E 71-ANDL SITE VI N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION a is 3o?ORI.S?•AI.C DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY p 5 /o PROJEC'T' 8.1240801 R-2211BA i vem. sr-Aix. WIDENING OF NC 2,} S1-1 EET ? 0 F 3 tiID X10 310 ?l0 X10 910 60 50 ?U poor . ?:oAVw ?.?< O N.G. N 4 CMUA?ax r,?_ raZ i 56 IN. r SECTION 4-13 l DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER 0 ?S 313 1AO?I.Z . SG1?1.E o s i0 _ -" v E R? . SC.1?1.C SITE VI N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET 2.5 0 F 31? 10 Q- O O M 0 > 2 ? L u ? 6 .d 1 o ? 1 ? W i I 1 1 yl 1 I 1 ID i i I 0 O Cl 0 1 0 i ? r I 1 1 I ul) J 0 -? z ?< V LLJ IJ.J 0 Q) Z lliz o , W SITE VI ltd 11.1 V) t? 1-1 h- b W H h a o i 1 ? N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF 141GHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 11-2211BA of I I 14IDENING OF NC 24? SHEET Z(o 0 F ? _ ? 33- 0 0 a O 4 4- k34 2 .9 0 N1 O -9 0 o- r ow. 0 v ? v o- t 2' I 1 I 1 ? i ? ? ° I VI °I O 1 D Z 0 r U J ? ?Z Q J L1J Lu G ? z w z ? i t I L W 1 J v ' ry I w t Lvr i I 1 O s O .' 1 SITE VI .N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION! DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA I WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET 27 0 F -%V I T ?? ?? I \ Lli w ?, w ''?,\ w cc ° d? W I I Q LLj 10 AREA OF MIS.. IN 1.04 I AC y J' WETLANDS TOTAL FILL 15,100 CY Ob9 I I `' z ( ?y EDGE OF WETLANDS I= i c J >- ?- y W I N ?\ 2 7 = a I<3 ? ` >3 ? ?? p W A ? I ? °•? J A U I ,? \ w SITE VII 71- ?w ,a j? "' L-LJ Q ?' 3 J LL. LL: w w ' 4 J s?T: -6 G W W? I J N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPOR. AT ION /' / / N ca J w DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 5?:9 ``' DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211 BA 1 WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET ZS OF al, 0 ?r GJ, w r- . (0 Lr) tO ,Q- re) 0 a o . o.. 0.. w LLJ Q Q U U cn cn H Q z ? F- o ry N W cr p i JI zz UOQ o; ? V-- W i a F- z oz SITE VII Q? o (.0 LC) O O O O I I ( I U l U)l o . O W W Q Q U U Q Q ? U W cc: O Lu _ O - c? u? LtJ O z U O <a Q I C r2 w Os oz N SITE VII I N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION U O DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS Q DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA WIDENING OF NC 21 SHEET t` OF i N Z ,\ O C \? V 2 v 0 b Q a d' v, 0 0 O r FC 0 .o M II U i Q m i N I I ?I IN. ? Z 11 UI 4 J Q o ?z w? a ? L!J Z V -) w z o_ ?N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-221111A WIDENING OF NC 2.1 . SFI l.ET 3 I. OF _ i SUMMARY REPORT ------------------ SITE STATION PERMIT TYPE CON S1: IN FILL IN SURFACE WETLANDS i AC . ) WATER i AC. 1 i f i I W4+'10 O NDIVIDUAL i 371+30 -L- 404 1.11 p II 402+55 TO INDIVIDUAL 405+80 -L- 404 0.67 p III 434+30 TO NATION WIDE 436+65 -L- 33 CFR 330.5(A)(14) 0.46 0 i IV 441+50 TO NATION WIDE 442+85 -L- 33 CFR 330.5(A)(14) 0.34 U { V 475+62 TO INDIVIDUAL 1.75 0 483+95 -L 404 VI 579+58 TO INDIVIDUAL 8.8 0.60 625+15 -L- 404 VII 636+00 TO INDIVIDUAL 1.04 0 643+50 -L- 404 -------- ------- TOTAL CONS' IN WETLANDS (ACRES) 14.17 0.60 N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUN'T1' PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA WIDENING OF NC 21 SHEET 32 0 F 3'2 I.: Godwin v e..•.y..,,..r r u^, 7 rv :.-.. r. - - 4 • 1?1 (bJr 7 1 i y V- F , y 1 SS 'verse oil skon So hr's \\ Su on n 1MOUR1 •- SS n , 1fook U ,Car^« Sp Olive L E N O I RA. 6 J. r 11?ue , 92 A N? NS o71 1 ., Deco Run ,s r 1 , ?IM? Gr 1 11 Rosner E I 11 / I ) us Ale«bo? ` I Jtir! ? . sen 11 ," M 1P S O 1N 1 \&p\G, 1 1. ISi'{ 44 Rowdem Karnes er? J IM NIII PIe.Nnl Hill s; yF. jre eoare c -' ' p 1 ` 1 Nandr .; ;-'Clinlo * 1 , ?\ IWa w '1 II r tL ' I7 7 • , [ % Cs* y ci 6o t C.'ro * ?;;? 1 ?\ S a ,1 ca-4f... 0 -rOr ° • ?, I 7 1 Ele t 7 unity 1 SO a rw..,• Nenani. 10 71 t/ 1 ' 1 4 Pollens` HOFMANN,_ t Hie IS lino r?r e U 4- li i / ' vuls.'I er lee 1 PA...?a. r IJ „ 701 IY J Ma.nelu V P L ' ?`. I N 10 ' RItM M ES: 11 , 10 N /? r , 11 17 tr 6 r " r y /+ IU ,I Lyman (4th., ) FOREST % l?r Pa, untem °'w J i HuA« ?A 4 1 npld / Rose Hill b ctP' . 1'0 / 1 rrenever ChlnoOapra Catherine Lake 1 S RERMn a S) "Ra^ II Girli`? Oalwa7 w S 1 / '° 1 0 tN Eli L 1 ? , .? ,` j°1 11 ? ,JI r Teaehe J ? + Jackson i i ?a u"j?•1eOak LADE•k1?\ ` } It S „ Crpess S .. I• ? «r s ? 01 . ?L4,( I' TI 'Cilr GpY 1 I[ / ? ' S r`Hnl \ i ? • AKE S \`, 1 7 10 ?( ?°?' ?n1? . S Tar^ahawk ,P / WIII.rO I - _ _ 1/ Nawe 17 1 * M? '.S White /• N T -Aiek ?Prnd«le \ 5 tTE Y«ona I Z. car 7 `7 * X11- , ? nJ W? Al.r 'M ? ? r r a Welhe C? ?-? MaDI s f (: .?:=? Elitabelhlew w ' f? RElT1 L ly ,? Ivanhoe a 117 1y Ndl 1 u , amv B 1 q Qv I , 010 w ^. v 1 171 S'^f' 1 fe"11y Dixon \ / 1 1 bdlneure f c Atkins on 0 ? 1 \ / Snja?ff?b Lis Weds Caine, o 1 WRS10n f?erp' S AO Haltom, now 1 clerklen j S • ?P E N , E R Helry Rodn a de + 1 / Rell7 1 r ??° w r 6 1 o1?J ' Carvers 0 ,Currie Rocky Point Il 17 1 1 .'v+Wall Onslaw r Ai-4 a. 0 S 10 1 MPSU wnrlD b ] ,• rfe 6 r ? SCALE OF MILES ON[ NICH EQUALS APPROX to MRf url Gry S SO ?al City iA Arar 11 0 10 ?0 ?0 10 a0 SCALE Of RROMETERS ON( INCH EQUALS APPROX 21 RROMETERSa . 1 Mll[ IS [QUAL TO 160 WOM[T[RS i eofail Beach !{ - - -- - -\--17 Castle r LJX w ••.,- _- R \--17 lefelwooA Kl.`l y New, ramad Wt. A Hill .. ?? Grow .A i3 ` ? I.I l100 - JI!! • 7 % C1list ????• !! • Cebu i t Ih• e E7 Ulf Gwit IMa h ' 1711 . • H ., , 'PROSE eT °.'." Imp 1tYt r./ 1. 1?0 M ./ q ' r? ?F I • 11H 1m1 1ZN ? E .1 lot -: 111 r? _ t2m s !?f 1 ? 4 _ 1)01 "s its ORA vplp _" 10^ .14M v Sur 11pt v 3 @? ltu • ' ?, Lel1 : i ry 14 r J27L {„? lJ3t ?1 !mt ?r 1? Mea..iae `1ri: His lilt IN6 !!!! I I i tai brth J.e t01o ti11apP tlL,.e Ltie ? B .? ? ,?.{? ? 1lSlrl. toot b !!QI Im St! JZAE Hit i'0 1.0 ? 1 I ) E6L 1.1 Im G? LEN ?f Vu eJ N ,>7,f ,>vE LLt1 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION ` o DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS SCALE DUPUIN COUNTY o i .,,Res PROJECT 8.1240801 R-221 1 BB _ " 1mu WIDENING OF NC 24 I SHEET OF SCALE PIN INLAROEMENTS ?l? ZD L 75C _ ?? o \ OZ 1 ww I ? 1 w 2 V W z ' z w w Y 745 I c J \' O J w LL- \ \ I I t \? I Q w f \? I ' O I i ? I ? I J I I I l?? I 1- I I ? ?a I I ? ? I ? cr a ? H I ?? Q I U U I,n I% I S \ '\ I • IX c3 I w I Ln co I I w Lli i j A J O - w J Q AREA OFCONSTRUUCTION IN WETLANDS .44A FILL IN SURFACE WATER 0.21 AC TOTAL FILL 900 CY. J 3 ° ! w z z I > ~ a Q 3 Q J z 3 d ~ Z O J U ;,7 w O O SITE II N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION j DIVISION OF 14IGHWAYS l i DUPLIN COUNTY j PROJECT 8.124080.1 R-2211813 WIDENING OF NC 24 j, 20 SHEET 2 OF f 1 W n I - ? o m- '-z 2'. ?. I/ i ?I z ' O U m ice- z cn - w _ i I z to ,? ? ? - ---- ---- - m C) z JQ - to -i cn w ; LLJ IZ Lu ?"Lij Q JJ j® O ?cri ~ W Z LziJ o cn U. 0 0 SITE IT i s N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS t DUPLIN COUNTY ' PROJECT 8.1240801' R-2211BB WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET _3 OF 20 I I I I LL ( r I I - - G ? LL _ ? f3 W Z r Q 2 1 Lil AREA OF CONSTRUCTION i U IN WETLANDS 7 4 . U) I?;y I e.a z FILL IN SURFAC[_ _ WATER C>4AC , ' I w TOTAL FILL 630oC.Y. LL ? + I I . ? =9 U i ? LL? I ? ,, I ?fq w 77 5 ? I ' LL ? y I J tl I (? ? i - Q f,' Z > W Ld I ,? I +? ° F- i z a W ? I I \ ( ` 3 Ql ? ` J Z tl O Q cr U 4 I 1 fa Z Z O J U LL . w I 1 ??,,:?, JJ in 1 UJ Ljj ( O I ;_- - f I I W ?6?1? I1 ? ? I 4'i cn r? I SITE III Ld C) I\ i ----- 3 I T? ?' ?? III o N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS vwi DUPLIN COUNTY 771J? i ' I PROJECT 8.12-40801 R-221186 I, ? \ I WIDENING OF NC 24 I ?` SHEET 4 OF ZO MATCH LI NE A -A j ? I I - :? I I ' I ? WJ= ' = u- Ln i ' u- t? r. O 790 I I I ? .? w I. I ` I I I J W O v cn D <? I I \ L n FWD AREA OF TEMPORARY FILL IN WETLANDS 1.01 AC. N MAN CILL R O 3 I ,? N WET 84A LANDS j TOTAL FILL 6 800CY. .? I '2 __ W z_ I I I I 1 I. III z J I t' I I I ~ 5 - U, -4 0 r?? > r LL. : o ? z 0 Q Z Q ° I z I X l I ' F w a I II N? Q LJ J = '.7 I I I 0 ( W z v,? f-- - w W Z J zz z 785 G= I j 1 . w - o u- Wo - Lo z co ° ? I I I g J = <5 , t I I I I 3 ;3 ? I ? 1 ? u I ld I I W I ? al i I SITE IV N 1 X i I ( 3 I ? y I I I ? ?? 1 ?J i I wI Ij' ` N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION -I ° ? i I DIVISION OF KIGHWAYS NTY D P IN CO O I I U L U / / I I I I \ PROJECT 8.12.4080.1 R-2211 BB i WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET-5 OF 20 MATCH LINE 8 - 8 r .3 w _3 I ; 3 1 ? I\ 1 I 1 L w © ZI U ? I\ W `•' N a ? \i? q ? ?w _ J ? ? I I ?D O .Y I I 4- MATCH LINE A-A z J p Y _ 3 a w? © 3 U.. W O W O - o r o J O J u? O J ?J ?z Zz Q J ?J w W W ?'3 w w a3 _ J NZ WZ Z - 0 j O- 1 J _ WJ - ZJ d O SITE IV N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.12=4080.1 R-2211 BB WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET I OF i I ? i z _ F 0 J 3 c w W i 3 v) w .3 uj r N ? S I J y V ? 1 y W Z J W y ? W w J I f? O a 3 L w _ Z_ -j © o aC z C3 Q Z) V J IIr{, Uj _ r3 J J Qw l 0 OO © a w a w f ? 4 ? a o zz I w 3 b ? B-e .o li W J Q U) J W LL I- z cr z wz <L a- d W W WLI) °z NZ -r w- N_i ~ O J Z ~vv ? J plL IN Z p= - - .SITE IV N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.124080.1 R-221166 WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET ---*L OF 20 ' zz I ? I l z ?uo 1 ,I I a , W ?l 4 1 j aLi 810 \ =gyp I l I = jI Q ? I I I ? 1" I I 1 I 11 1 11 1 I Ts. I L I `? ? I I! I ? I MATCH LI NE C - C Q wwJ l'J F•- W c,c 4 W Z J OJ @ Y a: 4 O Q to o W c? HO a J J r LL Oz z ~ 3 a zz (n vy J CFQ- Z W W W J Z O tL Z SITE ?V N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.12408 0.1 R-2211 BB WIDENING 0_F NC 24 SHEET B OF 20 O I O MW L6 O a7 cJ CC) r l? LAA\ J LO O U1 C C C O co AOA 1- O Li _J LL O' i O ` O O 'O^ Ln ( O O . . _J Q 1 U Lf) J J ' es Q F - Z (D U N_ Li CC O Z O U Z) cr 1- z cn Oo 0z ? J W z: i Ow Z W z o SITE I N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET ?_ OF Zo i O Q Q O O 00 I O -Ln u7 a z u (j) U-) U z o N W O > co z LLJ _4 LJL ? O M ?Z . a . Cn' j W L LJ N O Z? Z - F`SITE I `. N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS I ( ( DUPL_IN COUNTY Q O Q PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB G? co WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET -/0 OF 20 OZ Z I wJ ? uF- 685 I W Y H NW Z_ O J Ln _J _J 0 0 -i O v 680 0 oz IAJ-i OF- WW 3 I \ .``tn I Q \ b C d \ I `S fa tli 4 v c ? I _ 4 I\ a?A ?'? I O \ '\ Lt: \Z\ I \\ ?' a `r oti I f? . o cv aozn?' a a ~ Q VJ Y C, ? H lnW L -j jl J u? AREA OF CONSTRUCTION IN WETLANDS I.6 A C6 TOTAL FILL 47OOC"Y• m z cr Q W W vi Q -? F- J ? J U LL! U fD CL ? I II ? ? I ;. W z J j Q J Z a _o I ai ~ a Z n LOT, o J W SITE I w I N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY I PROJECT 8.124080.1 R-2211 BB 1 WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET ?/ OF r i I w o ac ? - I 1 J V tiJ f I I ?I Q Q z 0 10-4 w z E1 O 1 1- U cn zc() z cn w W ?O w 3: wz } ? o SITE I i N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 . R-221188 i WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET /2 OF 20 Y I I O O 'O L LLJ O. O. ? Q V LU LtJ _ ? z J -i Q Q (D 0 Lf) V) Lz:: J J a- Q Q U O ?- N U cr > O z LLJ ! 0 '0 U U ? v7 J W ?- LLJ z Lli z C - Ln SITE III N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION I I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS I DUPLIN COUNTY PROJ ECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET /,5 0 F 20 I ? O .o J t? Ln w Q 0 0, LQ Ln O O O O In ? w f ' Q Q U U I v) J J ? Q Q z ? o LLJ o l w? o w o Z) Ir,r? cr la- cr)? zo Oz U Q W I- F- LiJ O 71 oz SITE III N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION i DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY " PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET OF 2O p F 100 It- Io I `". r- I d- 1n IN 0 t? 0 0 C9 L C C t 4 C 0 I 0 d' O O 10 Ln o.. 0 _ W w Q Q ' U U cn cn Z O N ? L1 O > I = (W 'JI rte' J_p LL ? ? J W O LtJ Z3: Li C )z SITE IV N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS I DUPLIN COUNTY l7 PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET /fF OF ZO 0 r c ? t ? I? F F v v- ? It) - O O ca O T O 0 o LO In -- O - W W J _J Q Q U U Lf) uo J -J Q Q o N ?-- CY _ j O S ---, J; f CL LL-* U J J C) O 00 7 zZ -- Cn J LLJ Z> 0 J f-- L.LJ C? V -- ? S o L oz Ldp o N iI o N c E Q N G? C SITE IV I I ? u F I r 0 ? I M N O 0 CC) 00 to O L c e 0 a c 1l O O I I O O O 0 lf7 Ln o .. o .. ?. w w J J Q Q U U J J Z U O N ? ? Lv > O I L LJ J: g-. Q J J ? - . 0 L% z Cn Q LJ `- > O z - wz o_ SITE IV N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB WIDENING OF NC 24 j SHEET /I OF RO f I I CEO ? N I I I I G7 I <3D I r - <D t k' Ln a Go c 0 LU ?. O O O O I O 0 ? O O . 1.j J J u Q) (!) U) J J Q z ? o N r- r"r W > O 7- -J U) J LLJ F- ~ OW Z oz SITE IV '-'--? 1 x I I OV ? CS7 LD 4 s- 0 I 7 I I 1 i J (ik-- a- V I i tit ?I Z 4 t z 0 1--4 r? V W 7 W i { 1 xl ' i I N >? C O _ SITE IV N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801- R-2211BB WIDENING OF NC 4 ?I III SHEET Zf OF { a f i f i i t 1 r i ?E 1 f t t i 1 - -AREA OF-CONSTRUCTION AREA M "FILL IN I SITE SITE TYPE IN WETLANDS (AC) SURFACE WATER IACI { ----- ----------- ---------------------- ---------------- E I INDIVIDUAL 404 1,61 0 II INDIVIDUAL 404 III INDIVIDUAL 404 IV INDIVIDUAL 404 TOTAL AREA OF CONSTRUCTION IN WETLANDS IACRESI 1.44 0.11 1,84 5.72 0.21 0.04 0 U.25 r 1 i f F N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION! DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS I DUPLIN COUNTY I PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB ! WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET OF i # 14 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 IN REPLY REFER TO November 3, 1992 Regulatory Branch SUBJECT: Action ID No. 199300273 Mr. John Dorney Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Dear Mr. Dorney: NOV - 519 > Enclosed is the application of the North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Department of the Army authorization and a State Water Quality Certification to place fill materials associated with the widening of North Carolina Highway 24, resulting in impacts to 19.89 acres of bottomland hardwood wetlands at eleven sites, within the Northeast Cape Fear River drainage basin, between Kenansville and Beulaville, Duplin County, North Carolina, State Project Nos. R-2211BA and R-2211BB. Your receipt of this letter verifies your acceptance of a valid request for certification in accordance with Section 325.2(b)(ii) of our administrative regulations. We are considering authorizing the proposed activity pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, and we have determined that a water quality certification is required under the provisions of Section 401 of the same law. A Department of the Army permit will not be granted until the certification has been obtained or waived. In accordance with our administrative regulations, in most cases, 60 days after receipt of a request f ification is a reasonable time for state action. Therefore, if you ve n acted on the request, or asked for an extension of time, by 28,,11992, the District Engineer will deem that waiver has occurred. Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. Ernest Jahnke, Wilmington Field Office, Regulatory Branch, telephone (919) 251-4467. Sincerely, G. a e ZWr t Ch ie Rlatory Branch Enclosure .? „?,. ?L y G b STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA R?,Gt?lA?4R? gRp?CH DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P.O. BOX 25201 RALEIGH 27611-5201 JAMES G. MARTIN DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GOVERNOR October 19, 1992 THOMAS J. HARRELSON SECRETARY District Engineer US Army Corps of Engineers PO Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 ATTN: Regulatory Branch WILLIAM G. MARLEY, JR., P.E. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR SUBJECT: Duplin County, Widening of NC 24 from Kenansville to Beulaville (TIP # R-2211B, State Project 8.1240801) Dear Sir: The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to widen NC 24 to provide additional travel lanes. The project begins at the Kenansville eastern corporate limits and ends at the Beulaville western corporate limits. The project will impact approximately 19.89 acres of bottomland hardwood wetlands at eight sites along the roadway. The recommended improvements will provide a 4-lane, median- divided highway except for the project terminals at Kenansville and Beaulaville. Beginning at the three lane section at Kenansville, the project will then widen to a five-lane 64-foot section for 1350 feet. The roadway will then transition to the 4-lane, median- divided highway. This section will have a 60-foot median, and 28- foot pavement (to accommodate two 12-foot travel lanes, plus 2-foot paved shoulders) parallel, and adjacent to the existing pavement. The existing 22-foot pavement is to be widened to 28 feet, and its outside shoulder and side slopes are to be rehabilitated to current standards where needed. The widening is to utilize the existing alignment and pavement to the extent possible to minimize adverse environmental effects. The proposed median and pavement will be located on the south side of existing NC 24 from 0.2 miles east of the Kenansville city limits to SR 1701. From SR 1701 to approximately 1600 feet east of SR 1726 the proposed new median and pavement will shift to the north side of NC 24 and transition to a symmetrically widened five-lane shoulder section. At SR 1762, the roadway will transition to a 64-foot curb and gutter section to tie into the existing roadway through Beulaville. An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer On February 6, 1990 the Department of the Army and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency signed a memorandum of agreement (MOA) establishing procedures to determine the type and level of mitigation necessary to comply with the Clean Water Act Section 404 (b)(1) Guidelines. This MOA provides for first, avoiding impacts to waters and wetlands through the selection of the least damaging practical alternative, second, taking appropriate and practical steps to minimize impacts on waters and wetlands, and finally, compensating for any remaining unavoidable impacts to the extent appropriate and practical. Traffic demands along NC 24 corridor necessitate that this roadway be widened. The Environmental Assessment did not consider a new location alternative for this project, however, such an alignment would certainly have greater adverse impacts than widened along the existing road. The shift in widening from north to south of the existing roadway minimizes adverse effects on the environment and existing development. During the design stage, attempts were made to further minimize wetland impacts. Near Kenansville, the five-lane shoulder section with 64 feet of pavement including 2-foot paved shoulders was designed from the start of the 64-foot curb and gutter section to approximately 0.5 miles east of that point. A four lane median divided section was originally proposed for this section in the Environmental Assessment. This cross section revision saved an anticipated 3.9 acres of wetland impact. Consideration was also given to reducing the median width. The recommendation of a 60 foot median is based on the need to provide positive drainage of the pavement's subgrade. While it is possible to construct a narrower median, this will lead to costly maintenance measures in the future. The facility with a 60-foot median would also require flatter slopes and create greater distances between opposing vehicles resulting in a safer roadway. During the construction of the project, adverse impacts will be minimized using NCDOT best management practices. An effective erosion and sedimentation control program will also be required of the contractor. The NCDOT is prepared commit to mitigation for the remaining unavoidable 19.89 acres of wetland impacts. The NCDOT mitigation staff examined roadway alignment and did not find a suitable mitigation area adjacent to the project. Accordingly, most of the search for suitable mitigation sites has been off-site. At this time, we are proposing to use a site already in NCDOT ownership. On September 3, 1992, the Corps of Engineers issued an Individual Permit (Action ID 199101124) for a new US 117 connector from Mt. Olive to I-40 near Faison in Duplin County. This permit stipulated that ten acres of bottomland hardwoods in the project area be ti preserved and thirty acres of cutover bottomland hardwood habitat be restored. A 91.25 acre tract was purchased in Goshen Swamp adjacent to the right-of-way. This tract is about 25 miles from the crossing of NC 24 and the Northeast Cape Fear River, and is within the same planning sub-basin as the proposed project. Our preliminary investigations on this tract are continuing prior to implementation of the planting and monitoring program agreed to at an August 16, 1991 meeting with the Corps of Engineers and regulatory review agencies (Copy of Guidelines attached). It is possible that the remaining 51.25 acres on this tract will provide enough mitigation credit to cover impacts due to the current NC 24 project. The NCDOT is currently assessing the extent of wetlands on the property and evaluating options for reforesting the site. If this tract is not sufficient for the proposed new project, another site will need to be found. NCDOT anticipates the need to consult with the Corps of Engineers regarding the mitigation issue. NCDOT hereby requests that you review this proposal for authorization under an individual permit. For construction contract purposes, this project was divided into two sections: R- 2211BA is the western section and R-22118B is the eastern section. Enclosed is a set of drawings for each section and a permit application summarizing the impacts of both. By copy of this letter we also are requesting Section 401 Water Quality Certification from the N.C. Division of Environmental Management. If you need additional information about this project please contact Mr. Gordon Cashin at (919) 733-9770. Sincerely,_ B.J. O Quin , P.E. cc: Mr. Ernie Jahnke, COE Wilmington Mr. John Dorney, DEM, DEHNR Mr. Kelly Barger, P.E., Project Management Unit Mr. Don Morton, P.E., Highway Design Branch Mr. A.L. Hankins, P.E., Hydraulics Mr. John Smith, P.E., Structure Design Mr. D.J. Bowers, P.E., Division 3 Engineer Mr. N.L. Graf, P.E., FHWA Mr. W.D. Johnson, Roadside Environmental 1 . ' APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO EXCAVATE AND/OR FILL - RECEIVR QUALITY CERTIFICATION ESSEMENT IN LANDS COVERED BY WATER MA PERMIT FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT Ol;j 2 rlyV OtpartTtnt of /ldmintatradon- Sate of North Carolina REGULAIUKY BRANCH O«+artmtnt 44 the Army (GS 141r121 04oartmtnt or flatural tl*,ourees and Communk??•.+±pw+.t Cors.,of Eettnwr,, Wilmington Otsuic (GS 113-229, 1?3 713.7(a)(1), 143.213.3(c). 113-.--4 (33 CFR 209.310-379) Plexic type or print and fill in all blanks. If Information is not applicable, so r*-4c.-te by placing N/A in blank. ATTN: R. J. O'Quinn, PE, Assistant Branch Manager, Planning & Environmental Branch 1. Appliunt Information A. Name N. C. Department of Transportation - Division of llighwayr, Last First Middle B. Address P. O. Box 25201 Street, P. O. Box or +.rtce _Raleigh, North Carolina 77611 (919) 733-9770City or Town State Zip Code Phone Il. Location of Proposed Project: =A: County Duplin 0. 1. City. town, community or landmark Kenansville, Beaulaville 2. Is proposed work within city limits? Yes No __ X C. Creek, river, sound or bay upon which project is located or nwcst narx= xady of water to project Northeast Cape Fear River, Limestone Creek Ill. Description of Project A. 1. Maintenance of existing project 2. New wtrl X 0. Purpose of excavation or fill 1. Aevas channel Icngth width d.pd, 2. Boat basin length width dcp111 3. Fill area See Attached sheet length width dn,tl, 4. Other Icng(h width depth C 1. Bulkhead Icngth N/A Average distance waterward of MIW sr,orcfinc) 2. Type of bulkhead construction (material) N/A D. Excavated material (total for project) 1. Cubic yards NIA 2. Type of material _ N/A E. Fill material to be placed below MHW (see also VI. A) 1. Cubic yards See attached sheet 2. Type of material Suitable Borrow IV. Land Type, Disposal Area, and Construction Equipment: A. Does the area tv be excavated include any marshland, swamps or otl.c: -eta..d-' Yes X No B. Does the disposal area include any marshland, swamps or other wctlane Yci No X C. Disposal Area 1. Location -- Project Fills & Upland Waste Site 2. Do you claim title to.disposal area' 0. Fill material source if fill is to be trucked in _ Upland Borrow Site E. How will excavated material be entrapped and erosion controlled? _ Standard' Erosian Control Devices Silt Fence, Silt Basins Etc. F, Typc of equipment to be used Standard Roadway Construction Equipment G. Will marshland be etosted in transporting equipment to project site! I- r><olain _ _ Marshland will be crossed on existing roads v. lrttendzd Urtof P"rr}-ct Arao (pescriix) A. 1. Private _ N/A _ 2. Commercial- N/A 3. Housing Development or Industrial N/A 4. Other__ Public Transportation 1. Lot size(s) N/A 2. Elevation of lot(s) above mean high water- N/A 3. Soil type and texture 4. Type of building facilities or structures _ N/A 5. Sewage disposal and/or waste water treatment A. Existing N/A Planned - N/A 8. Describe 6. Land Classification (circle one) DEVELOPED TRANSITIONAL COMMUNITY RURAL CONSERVATION OTHER (See CAMA Local Land Use Plan Synopsis! VI. Pertaining to Fill and Water Quality: A. Does the proposed project involve the placement of Fill materials below mean high water? Yes X_No B. 1. Will any runoff or discharge enter adjacent waters as a result of project activity or planned use of the area following project completion? Yes X No 2. Type of discharge Surface Runoff 3. Location of discharge See plan views VII. Present rate of shoreline erosion (if known): N/A VIII. List permit numbers and issue dates of previous Department of Army Corps of Engineers or State permits for work in project area, if applicable: _ N/A IX. Length of time required to complete project: X. In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be ptgvided: A. Attach a copy of the deed (with State application only) or other instrument under which applicant claims title to the affected property. OR if applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project on his land. B. Attach an accurate work plat drawn to scale on 8% X 11" white paper (see instruction booklet for details). Note: Original drawings preferred . only high quality copies accepted. C. A copy of the application and plat must be served upon adjacent riparian landowners by registered or certified mail or by publication (G.S. 113-229 (d))Enter date served 0. List names and complete addresses of the riparian landowners with property adjoining applicant's. Such owners have 30 days in which to submit comments to agencies listed below. See Attached Sheet XI. Certification requirement: I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North Carolina% approved coastal management program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. XII. Any permit issued pursuant to this application will allow only the development described in this appli. cation and plat. Applicants should therefore describe in the application and plat all anticipated devel- opment activities, including construction. excavation, filling and land clearing. _411\ DATE ??/\ ApplicaiCs Signature Y III. Description of Project B. Purpose of Excavation or Fill in Wetlands 3. Fill Area Project Site Length Width Acres R-2211BA I 570' 85' 1.11 II 290' 100' 0.67 III 190' 105' 0.46 IV 135' 110' 0.34 V 800' 95' 1.75 VI 4260' 90' 8.80 VII 505' 90' 1.04- R-2211BB I 900' 80' 1.67 II 700' 90' 1.44 III 840' 40' 0.77 IV 1200' 67' 1.84 s , R-2211BA RIPARIAN LANDOWNERS Bertha B. Bostic Route 1, Box 26 Kenansville, N. C. 28349 Earl F. Stroud Route 1, Box 30 Kenansville, N. C. 28349 Jane A. Price P. O. Box 358 Rose Hill, N. C. 28458 Paul E. Dail Route 1, Box 32 Kenansville, N. C. 28349 Perry Whaley P. O. Box 182 Rose Hill, N. C. 28458 Lemmie F. Whaley Route 1, Box 33-G Kenansville, N. C. 28349 Evelyn P Rhodes 121 Oxford Road Greenville, N. C. 27834 U. S. Steel Corp. Federal Paper Board Co. Inc. P. O. Box 338 Bolton, N. C. 28423 Daphne B. Lee Route 1, Box 268 Beulaville, N. C. 28518 J. M. Dobson Heirs % Hezekiah Dobson, Jr. 417 Old Fayetteville Road Chapel Hill, N. C. 27516 Eleanor F. Weston & Elwood Futral Route 2, Box 289 Pink Hill, N. C. 28572 Christine A. Taylor Route 1, Box 60B Kenansville, N. C. 28349 Henry G. Dail Route 1, Box 25-C Kenansville, N. C. 28349 Paul E. Dail, Jr. & Henry G. Dail Route 1, Box 35 Kenansville, N. C. 28349 Leonard Dail Route 1, . Box 33-H Kenansville, N. C. 28349 Nannie G. Brown P. O. Box 115 Kenansville, N. C. 28349 York Kennedy Route 1, Box 33-L Kenansville, N. C. 28349 Richard C. Cashwell Route 1, Box 40 Kenansville, N. C. 28349 Hezekiah Dobson, Jr., ET AL 417 Old Fayetteville Road Chapel Hill, N. C. 27516 William L. Miller, Jr. et al 305 Foxlake Drive Clinton, N. C. 28328 Kenneth H. Taylor Route 1, Box 60A Kenansville, N. C. 28349 John D. Miller 11707 140th St. SO. Ozone Park, N. Y. 11436 Juan Reyes P. O. Box 583 Faison, N. C. 28341 r R-2211BB RIPARIAN LANDOWNERS James Miller Heirs % Jimmy E. Miller P. O. Box 346 Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Stuart C. & William B. Miller Route 1, Box 240 Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Freely D. Hall, Jr. Route 1, Box 255 Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Joseph R. Miller Route 1, Box 258C Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Leo B. Miller Route 1, Box 258M Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Norman E. Mercer P. O. Box 21 Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Robert R. Mercer, Jr. Route 1, Box 476 Pittsboro, N. C. 27312 Donald D. Miller Route 1, Box 290P Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Robert L. Miller, Sr. P. O. Box 800 Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Grace Kennedy, et al % Sue K. Jarman P. O. Box 96 Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Winfred-0. Miller Route 1, Box 258J Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Tony T. Miller P. O. Box 900 Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Julius S. Sandlin, et al P. O. Box 476 Beulaville, N. C. 28518 f ?. A ? SUMMARY REPORT -------------------- AREA OF CONSTRUCTION AREA OF FILL IN SITE SITE TYPE IN WETLANDS (AC) SURFACE MATER IAC) ----- ----------- ---------------------- ---------------- I INDIVIDUAL 404 1.67 0 II INDIVIDUAL 404 1.44 III INDIVIDUAL 404 0.77 IV INDIVIDUAL 404 1.84 s E TOTAL AREA OF CONSTRUCTION i IN WETLANDS (ACRES) 5.72 s i r . f f 't i i' r f f t 1 1 f 0.21 0.04 0 0.25 i N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION! DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS t DUPLIN COUNTY t PROJECT 8.1240801' R-221188 S . WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET OF ?i PROJECT: 8.1240604 R-606AA Sampson-Duplin Co. US 117 from east of I-40 & NC 403 to northeast of SR 1006 GUIDELINES FOR WETLAND MONITORING PROGRAM August 16, 1991 I. Monitoring Time Frame - Mitigation site shall be inspected at the following times. A. Prior to planting B. At completion of planting C. Two (2) years following completion (or after 2nd full growing season) II. Data to be Obtained at Specific Inspection Times A. Prior to planting - 30 acres. 1. Check for proper elevation and grade, get the permitting agency's approval on the elevation. 2. Check for proper plant species and for acceptable plant quality. 25% Nyasa sylvatica - Black Gum, 15-18", Seedling, Br. 25% Quercus'nigra - Water Oak, 15-18", Seedling, Br. 25% Quercus phellos - Willow Oak, 15-18", Seedling, Br. 25% Quercus michauxii - Swamp Chestnut Oak, 15-18", Seedling, Br. Note: Plant species are contingent on availability at the time of planting. 3. Check for proper planting methods 4. Check for proper plant spacing (8' O.C., 680 seedlings per acre) B. At completion of planting check for conformity with plans as well as quality of planting C. Two (2) years following completion (or after 2nd full growing season) 1. Estimate survival rate (optional - collect data if it can be determined) 2. Measure height of plants 3. Take Photograph(s) 4. Estimate percent population a. Planted species b. Overall (natural succession) Page 2 R-606AA, August 16, 1991 III. Evaluation and Recourse Action A. Acceptable survival rate (50% population planted and natural succession of desirable species) B. Two (2) year data evaluation 1. Below acceptable survival rate (recourse options) a. Replant.(supplemental or complete) b. Minor regrading c. Reevaluate feasibility 2. Acceptable survival rate - no action r , Ny _ w«I.r ' rAs IT71.4 Imo) .1 1 ' 1360 • ''.ice" 7 I?w G 70 ? e 1, V ^1 ?? tJ • N{0 ?'\14 .? GIs ;:: '? Inf 1.s .? Inl 1.6 LM A4VOrt \. ?) 1J91 `'SITE t S tTE 1 t ` 4ef ? HG?IS ! 2Z / 1 111)77 1 r.r, .. e KEMANS ( 1739. pop. *I, d - M. cab:. ? ° q1o .. ? ? : ::: 9 il• J ? ,711 SITE IV Uri I'lS 1 ?J` It„ 17 .7 PRO.S7 rJ I/ '/. 24 1776 ";? lr7. . S I E VI / 1v4!1-? lTE I t / > rl ?P .. 71»9 SITE V - e 111 .? 1 ("? 20. Ij / It Mar - S 1 1J {I J .? J tat tat 113? ?-. W ijJ ^ ., 171! c• Y 7M w.. Z ! 7731 s 3 ? /...: ? n VR12 .L, ^ ? V IZ42 ]L1L 1.0 - '/ { '. ? ` ``'? 701.1.0!0 ,„, ITE VIro l • JI 24 ' 1 N - - ? a INI 9 IA1 \ % f'3 1? 1L2 111 / Ir JL2L '•t7 ! MaNlv114 'Sr,'ii7 1112 ` L7t ° 1477 M .6 N5 1.3 1t49. ? I •6 O Z 1 il? 12Y4'117 no ' ]1!1 1 - !1 17a 1.1 v s 13 I7n [1 tfu . 1142 • Ovir ? + ? Stl I•, Nee 1.1 r: 1 1LE .1 ? •{ v W 1 i s i LM 1!21 LIM K = 1114 1!44. L 1 O MA 1!1'2 LOW .r • ? 1222 111 Cn1r4 ?? _ UM - SCALE r t!L{ LM J? 13 csrr..r w. 7r.v» Sain t css wvl. 7 70 Dover C Ibersville 1 It S SI. n' Il 55 ` ork • 7 S 1 ? wo ount • ''?I- 55 l 6 50 701ivr 401 1 ,.- - L E N O l 1 t ' 9 at so 'D to Run IE u p 1 158 Ibertson Faison {. 6 Bewdans I Kornetar 1 ' Pink Hill a\ Warsaw CSx.. tCa.w ? 10 74 ?1 {ANN 7 urkW 1 a e a Otters 4 1 1 Hilly eulovill 4 d[' h x D U. P L -L I I N 10 I `'°' Me[Iwlis \ OREST' 14 12 50 ?I 116 Lyman Ca7Am"A - 17 f 1 untain "A. E1?• Rose Hill 4 1 chinOUaMn Cat 'O LaketN? 255 $' LeKum 10 +Jackson ille.",- N .•' C . DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION 11 TeaeM 2 t cypress / s DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 14 Tin City creek 1 16 DUPLIN COUNTY I a 50 Run 0 I7 i' Hews i willord' , t. PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA ' ' -'- verona 2 S . 0 - 3 •_. 10 .. --2 ALE p WIDENING OF NC 9-1 SCALE Of MKES t •?.: SHEET 1 OF SCALE Of RILOMEFERS ' 0 10 20 -?30-- 40 4??i?_,_ ei _ 0 0 0 i,_i Q MATCH LINE A-A cn I AREA OF FILL IN i.(I AC j ( WETLANDS 992 I \ ` T TA F g ILL O L Ilo,3d7 CY I ti _? z 3 I I w ' ?a• I i I o ` EDGE OF W ETLANDS I I w ? I I J I J' I II I a LL I LL I ' I I 1.0 O i ; I I I ? ? z I I I I I w r ? ' r l? i L U m ? I I w ', 1 3 z aJ Z ? ? I I ? a . w w I I I I o z i I ? o l 18` - I I I I ?I ` 01% I II I ?I SITE I ? N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATI i ? ? t O i 3 '%3 LLI .0 I / ? CJ .t3 d . tic/ z? z W/ 63 ' EDGE OF WETLANDS _ I I I J I `a 3 3 370 Cr C3 I I ; d w? I I I a p tit I I a <r ( I ? I a w e3 I ( \ w a Qz i\1 z z vJ J <.{ x i W ?? ?Z \I LL. U) I. LL U. cQ 4> I I \ ; W \1 l1J LQiI !D loo w IA A ° SITE I m I Ln a Cr / LL T -j 1-- Q. rr I \ ; 1 W N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION MATCH LINE A-A DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.12.10801 R-2211 BA WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET 3 OF 32 t , CL) I N a: 0. t? I? M- o) 0 VJ 'M 1Z Qo p p W W ? Q Q U U J J n ? z U i o N W > 0 S i 7 0 -1 c.!) -j r) 10 r- W W Llj tD Z w z ° - a ? L IJ i? Q Or SITE I N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUN'T'Y PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA p WIDENING OF NC 21 S11E'ET 4 OF 3ti _ f }. a cr { O 0 M 0 0 S 0 M 4 J (? 1 2 ,?1 1 Q Q ? I 1 d w i 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 r 1 1 , 1 1 1 . 1 I ` o a- i I ?-I I ? 1 ' 1 , f i r 1 oI oI z Q z O H I U0 -j o LL Q ? J F- ~ 0 z w oz „1 d ? N j 1i1 ? I O ? M O 0 0 `" SITE I ; N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION! DIVISION Or HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1210801 R-221.11 14IDENING OF NC 24 SHEET 5 or i f i F^ f %? ? I N I I I II 1I Lli C' l / ? ?? ?,i I , sot, JV T A I I i ., t ? F°3 F"3 / I X 7 _j J ? lil 1 1 J y a Z = 1 + ( 1 J 1 I I ? I SITE II w 0 z w U 0 s1 'o 0 tit Q AREA OF CONST.IN 0,67 AC WETLANDS TOTAL FILL 13,300 CY w z Q a EDGE OF WETLANDS O 0 a o o Ln _ W w w d U U W w cn to ?: n ui cc Q Q w % -3 Z U 0 z QO , L _ o > i ' o 3 lY L O U O U z O w ?' - n ?Z!, z Z Q O M N ti N Q X Ci CV SITE II :N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION _ DIVISION OF HIG14WAYS I I i DUPLIN COUNT' Q O O PRO JEC'C 8.1240801 It-22 11BA 0 G) !JO WIDENING OF NC 21 1 f , f 1 ?- 1 Y 2 ? L7 ? , 1 ' i o , M ? 1 Q r , i i i o i M ? t • o } f a- i , / 1 I ? I 4 Q O f?--f SITE II 0 v ? r a ?= LL1 l °n ? N o - Q N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLTN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA WIDENING OF NC 2.1 SHEET 0 F i O U CC I-- Cn Z Oz U Q w +- I- Li.; z? Lit oz X I I ? - Ll I) I EDGE OF WETLANDS w . I J Q Alt I U 3 I C\i I AREA OF CONSTRUCTION IN WETLANDS 175AC TOTAL FILL 33000Y 480 ) I _W LLI Z U) U Q Q J ? d W I? N -X C) Z I ?QQQ J W Ld V I D V U y C V cr SITE V I v I N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION o I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 3 DUPLIN COUNTY l PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211 BA WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET 9 OF Z.._ I 1 I fI> VD ? \ \ ? \\ I i 3 ? \ j I F ? U1 J W A Ii I '?? ?•` Al 1 ` w1 I ` ? 1 f 13 I _• ` I I:y I t ?y ? a I - C' O O O I I _ - l oLr) o.. o.. LLJ LJ M ? Q j cn t.!) w z o j N o ou) zz W VOQ _- LL - w W d- p G 3 ? Z W -? p \ \NN G w A oc O SITE V :N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY I PROJECT 8.1210801 R-2211BA' WIDENING OF NC 2.1 0 O C7 SHEET 10 OF 3?r CD Ltd i z o t r ? f i o or n i C/) j a, O Q Q cr) ryr? 2 J W i 0 i ? ' Qw ? z 1 r oz r n o r r, ' \ z ', r u..1 cn ? r O u , o > O O 9 `? f ? t a- o o Ii SITE V N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION- DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 1 DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA, WIDENING OF NC 2:1 { SHELT - OF 31! 11 a a O O MATCH LINE A-A \`, 0 • `.. 1 s8s u, I -- '' e I ' ARFA OF FILL IN l fftl ACE WATEI? 0.5 _AC o O Fr ' '?' iu• \ AREA OF FILL Ih! WETLANDS 8.8 AC ? ? ( 7 \ o 1 : lo \ I0 TOTAL FILL 135,400 CY LL! I I Isa i.= ? I - \? A W u z Icy I c45 I„ s \I z cr \ IFS i ? n 13 a \? Q Y w I I? I?` V 1 \ \ v \ \ ?? I 3 V.1 W W I I I \ ?\II Z I W Q ' S uJ U) O A j ? u J A A 0D z r 4 ?Q z -i ! \S ? C i I L l ORS I 1 I \ \?` \ Leal Lail 0 O I j EDGE OF WETLANDS x I I ? I I I ? w I I I I I i ? SITE VI I I I I I I N•C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION , I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS I DUPLI N COUNTY I PROJECT 8.12 '4080.1 R-2211 BA i I WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET -JZ OF 3L MAT C'q -11-7- Li rr 1I_ B -13 S6S I I ci I i3 I I:a 1_= I%J Gj b J Q w ? I t + 1+ J I ?I:i 2 a?? f? uu C:J 1 N I fj u I- 1.3 I g- X OGS =' t /A% I C /6" I 161 .3 I I I C3 + I 1 7.?T J 3 ? I i I tom, i f ,i I \\ ? ,? \I v \\I I ? ? a \\ \ \+ t / \ \kl ?( \ LL N ?Z IL a J ? AI ld cr i /"I\1 1 \W _ ,) B \ r t q? D.\ ,- •------? W w J cc z a ? N 4 \y \ i 4 1 I MATCH LINE A- A I w z Q J +1 cr uj Q 3 W cr z J J V_ W O Z W O 0 Q J f- W z J J li W l0 SITE VI y. 1 :x7 O J w J \ L N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.12-10801 R-2211 BA WIDENING OF NC 24 SHFFT V3 nF It, a i O O MATCH LINE -C - C Lo 0 ? w \? Q \ILL 10 i-4- 009 W cr) Z z Q Q nJ J / - / w `v Z T J J LL- W O CD \. SITE VI N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.12-10801 R-2211 BA 565 WIDENING OF NC 24 CH L NE B13 SHEET It OF 3?- 3 I > I I ? ? 1 I In ??jl I W C7 ?? I4y I \ _ ? l? I J. ? I 3 r ? \IO }} I c1 < I W I p i I- i w J w - C ? C s ? ? I O 1 w _J IN Y' I ? \ \I L LS ;} I ? ?\ I a Q w 1 ? I \ \\y ? ? :;i i ?:, ( I \? \\ \I V r ? 1 I \ • ?I to r:S I \. I MAT I - F MATCH LINE fD 1 I ? I :3 t I I I ? ?? \ ? I a I I \ CJ\ I in ? J LL. \1 I I ??' <a, \\ I ?c a9 1 Q ?3 I I 7_ \\ ?. cl: _ d \I w \ ? \. ? o ca I I I 3? .? ? I O = I `. ,? I I LL \ Z o' \ ` 1 - w LLJ iv 0 I w _ ?i 0 I ?\ \ I CL ::a 1 I \ L \\ I O I I , '?\ \\ i l < I I = C`r 1 a 4_3 J L I w a? w C? 1 1A 7 ?3 I `•. j \ .? \ \I f? I 1 l J ' ! \\` 't??' \ I LL MATCH LINE C- C w z Q J SITE VI O Ul W J Q V p a` J G _J IL W G 0 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.12•40801 R-221113A WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET -1-6- OF 33, e ? 4 -E MATCN LINE , E? I \ \? o in z 0 x" o i ?\ \\\• \\I J w -3 _j UY , `,? \\1 U ° N Fa I \ \ `I ?n (n T_ OD .6 IX I ? I Q ; \ a) -c 7\I ul OZ9I , I \ \ \ y S x -K ? CAPE FEAR FtIV ? ? / NORmEAST I ``3? w r hCj r ? r ?a ?Lj _? \I > z Z J j v <C '55 cr \ ;D' yJ l - `? i D w zz \ ?? _ I o ?j?; vp I? \ \ Z \ s ss I \\? I wW \ \\ i ° 519 ,? j? w \ \ I v SITE VI = \ I " ?in3\I 4 N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS N ;, ?\ I >?:? \I DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.12-1080.1 R-221'- 1 ?? I \\\I WIDENING OF NC MATCN 1 LINE p -p SHEET !l? OF 3Z 0 t i / I I ce / I <0 1 I ElI 1 1 I 1 I ? I = I I -3 In I I ?+• u 1= 1<1 Q f- I V W I' ? f? SZ9 "i cr- I w 4 a4 I 1? J (J? I y? ^YS LJ.! F :7 \ r fail ? v` :? ?I N MATCH LINE E - E J ? W 1 ? 1 J 1 t W ?.i Q. EDGE OF WETLANDS r SITE VI n U 0 w J Q Q Q H W z J W U z W CD N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.12•x0-01 8-2211 BA WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEFT 17 OF 3? a r 0 0 1 0 `o o - ?o w i,, (J) (f) Lo z o w N O W -J -1 11 z LL Q M 0 cn J LLJ a. pLli z oz N n co SITE VI IN. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION I ( DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS I DUPLIN COUNTY C-) a r-? PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA - WIDENTNG OF NC 21 SHEET 18 OF 3? 0 a O ? Lf? 1 ----- 0 In o..o_ w w ?J J ? U U J _..J ¢ ? f - Li \ > 0 N \ Lli ' \ J J O tl ? w 1 - W z ? Z G) n co SITE VI N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF 141GI-IWAYS I DUPLIN COUN,ry O PROJECT 8.1210801 R-2211I1A lS? WIDENING OF NC 9.1 3Z IT OF SHEET O ?? O ; O o L? lf') Ct' ? -' ? I I I ? p - J J N Q Q U U Q Q z _ o N lJ O O U (D J ? J t1 ?- Z ;W lei! -- ' o L'' o LLJZ Q- co XX w a CSC SITE VI ? a: Lf IN. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION U) I DIVISION O F HIGHWAYS lC? ( I DUPLIN COUNTY -, ? o r? PROJECT 8.124 0801 R-221113,E WIDENING SH1'ET 2.d7 OF NC 2.1 OF 3"L J I C7 (1) - fS-, cD IZT i? O O I O Lnj L4-)l O.. O W W U ? U L c? Q <I f- U O N_ rr E W I O > Z O _j? Q a- ww n G ? ? z ?n Q A a 'SITE VI re) 7 C7 W N. C. DEPT. OF TQANSPORTATION` DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA WIDENING OF NC 2--I SHEET OF 21- I O ?? Lc) 10 % U 0 Qo ,may J r- cD QD `+ C) C?" ? I Q O 0 ? O.. O _ W W J U _J U ---1 J Q z u O N I-- Cr- O W > r W i- ?o ?n LL- U-) z ? . w (i aQ SITE VI N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-221113,E . WIDENING OF NC 21 SHEET z? O 3A I Lc) O Fl- -"- - - .. (D G G G LSD ?. rig !?- I O Lf') (DO J J ? I U U J J Q Q v z ? o ? w cr G ?r- n ?o J ? O cnW GS CL • Z wz N ' ?c J iv V SITE VI \ N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION C3) DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS I ( DUPLIN COUNTY G C-) PROJEC,r 8.1240801 R-2"11BA C0 L0 ?. WIDENING OF NC 21 SHEET ?3 OF 31! _ i QROP, KD PLOW A?( .?• ?H? A N KME.N T I 3D I SO ` 40 SECT10" A-A DENOTES FILL _ IN WETLANDS SITE VI 0 /S 30 k o ?x. scA?-c d 5 /° i t9° , I N, 1 N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.12=0801 R-2211BA i WIDENING OF NC 2= SHLET 0 F 3 I i 910 1.Ip 60 P?oC . ?:v?,v??r.? So 310 Ali-.00 210 610 110 n 40 \ N . G. S ECIM1J B- B DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER 0 15 30 0 s /o M%-9- -Nvmrk.xA V E k-?. Sc.?1.E SITE VI N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF 14IGHW`AYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA WIDENING OF NC 2:1 SHLLT 2.5 OF 31- 1 fJ/V i? 1 10 c- 0 0 M c a 0 40 ('1 0 .9 i o a- s f i I 4 ? L U S 6 o ? 1 r r z ?I -j z 1 IL Lli VJ 1 U ao v Z l.ti z ; L7 ` Z - 4 r r- w w 1 1-1 r I o lu 1 x ? j Q 1 A D 1 SITE VI 1 1 1 ' N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF 141GIlWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY i PROJECT 8.1240801 lt-2211BA i oI I I WIDENING OF NC 24 Vi -zr SHEET Zoo OF Ii f -- i 1 AO d i J U) a- Z A i ?- QZ J ' W W z U Z 1 1 a o ? ? s o L 4 T 1 19 p I I Z t O o ? ? w 1 (n j v a' 1 w 1 I `. 1 O ' O O SITE VI rN. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATIO6i? DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS P DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA WIDENING OF NC 24 ?% i Q, t? °) SHEET 27 OF i ? t ,3 I T u I I z y I I I ' < \ \ W r 1 o Liu) 2, < u _ 1 .. 49 I I z :yiol AREA OF COI IST. IN 1.04 WETLANDS AC TOTAL FILL 15,100 CY Ob9 Q z I \?? EDGE OF WETLANDS cf) sl 1 a ? '?= ` I z ?Lj F I It } > 4- P I \ \ \\ Q. Ld ?Q- Q x _ W b I N? ,= `L \ J Z -i ??- 1: Q. z w w a x M i= A ( \ \I J A Ld + ? ? I J? + I a \\ \ w? / V \ z SITE VII w cr 41 it J w LLj W w°-6 ``' ° N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION l I :a? < I a _ N W `'' DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS C'S9 / - ? In ( DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.12-40801 R-22116A ?? 1 I WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET Z6 OF 3'?.- a O 1J O i Q Q . ?.? u - L0 Lo W W 0 _t J t? U U I < Q U O N W rlr > O 2 w , U it OQ ) w ? v LLJ O z t.? w z o- u7 O w A cc SITE `'II PO y a~ CL N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION M I I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 11-22I Ill, t U WIDENING OF NC 2.1 c•r? Lf) SHEET ?Q 0 F 3L w ?D I I I co Iq Q0 v M N us f-3 14? w a.: v O 0 0 O ?n 1 1 0 0 W W J J Q Q U U cn cf J J tom- < O N L1J 0:: O 2 LLJ- ? J. FT Za O 10? COQ Qr" in w? ?- w O w z o SITE VII I OLD I N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS O 0 DUPLIN COUNTY U( PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA 14IDENING OF NC 21 SHEET OF '?? i ' 0 N ? z o ?1) c v 2 v Q b I V Q 1 V 1 ,f i i I i U i ° .9 i I i I N l? S ? 1 J Z 11 J .Q V A 4 i Q O v w t ` 44 r 0 ?L 7 J (J) -10 li.. QZ J F- W LIJ z? 1IJ oz N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-221111A WIDENING OF NC 2.1 ShIEET _ 31. 0 F '? i ! SUMMARY REPORT ----------------- - 1 i I jI SITE STATION PERMIT TYPE CON n IN , FILL IN SURFACE 1 WET LANDS I EIC. 1 WATER l AC, 1 ; I 364+10 TO INDIVIDUAL l 371+30 -L- 404 1.11 0 ? I• II 402+55 TO INDIVIDUAL ? i 405+80 -L- 404 0.67 0 I III 434+30 TO NATION WIDE 436+65 -L= 33 CFR 330.5(A)(14) 0.46 0 v i IV 441+50 TO NATION WIDE 442+85 -L- 33 CFR 330.5(A)(14) 0.34 0 s f V 475+62 TO INDIVIDUAL 1.75 0 483+95 -L- 404 1 VI 579+58 TO INDIVIDUAL 8.8 0.60 i 625+15 -L- 404 VII 636+00 TO INDIVIDUAL 1.04 i 0 # 643+50 -L- 404 -------- I ------- TOTAL CONS' IN WETLANDS (ACRES) 14.17 0.60 N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA WIDENING OF NC 21 SHEET 12 0 F 32 s 750 %. I O° \ W3 '? I Q j W Z w Y W v Q i i 745 C J S c6i I } J w •` t? '? I 41 \ I D I Q I - ln LL ujZ N I i. a i ? I ? I _ tl ? \` © I ? I Q r I ?/ I I I I i A% ? I I I 1 ? ?_ a i °g I ` C a - ' m H tn Q i V I ? Iix O I in w Lo V) \CD cli W J ?y I j q L i Ld L w I ? - J _ i i W J Q AREA OFCONSTRVCTION IN WETLANDS .41 • _4 AC FILL IN SURFACE WATER 0.21 AG TOTAL FILL 23900 r-y _W z Q J d 0 Z a J F- cz w w Z? 3 U O ? C) 1 ~ Z Z O U W W LLJ g i SITE II N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION i DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY i PROJECT 8.124080.1 R 221168 WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET -OF •' Godwln 1 Iv '•'r•- ? '" ? - w;-J?l Qorer .. 01 .ken SOrver's ?Q So on c«n ?IOVRI I I 'Fart \ • `` , "000 / 1 e2 IS 1 « Olive 55 L E " N O I R r, t A N/ ell Derv Ron / 1 7 e Pratr Green 4 Matter Mean AlttMso?1 ` 1 ISA 11 „ E OS I1 S Rewdtns Itarnestr ink Hill Pliant It'" F? 1 1 S 7 IS•? ?`? Trr I ends• 'z •Clinlo * , " wtl3•w n I1 ?? ''`? 17 I ' 1 ate S 1 1 "r .. * + ? i0 71 \ / - ? ? ?? .V 'i.l1r t?s' - it 1 1 11' 1 I If , . Ntntrovy Potttrs` fmFMANNr?:l • 1 ' 7 Hill IS ltrit Gtr p 1t e V a i 1 fWtvdl , C x D U. le ' ?': e I I 1 Mall P L 1 N RitMendf. .`. 11 11 J I1 r1 I 0 11 i ' Ill r H u ° ell lrm.n `1..,-FOREST l 1 uAte a Per br / I . I unUm u'W- h fqY ,Y „•F S llnetld " Rost Full d c J'• 1 KlRwn uAr Lw ?Anorlon 11 C I ONwq ' S 1 / Chinaaepn c e trlen reeneve# tMrOne late S J C 258 L S ; tit .` .. Ill ' ieetlie 1 10 ne .J. it ?kson i tt Ott LADE 11 L It S N crortss r`NNI , 1 w ? '? I + trr f /1 Il?o Ti Cifr Crttt " Is I ? S tLAKS , S S, 1.,«r ` i 1 iOmaha wA y, / MAlla,d N SO Ntwf I7 .* wt /)1 ) ^'s T WMIt e 4;? t • t R •t. '• f ^l?t Ptnderlt 5 tTE Verona t•-'rte-: @.. Cw n' Aw Trot- r ...?? 1 l'°^;." •P 11 w rfef • 4 Wethe tr Mepl E ?. w } La t f :? 1 1 * Gr IS Ivanhoe I " 111 IS min Eliie?ethtew w. ` 1? emr ' B T " fti RE L. ro, It Is } tl t o t t l 1 Av"'• ` Di ton t l I ' 101 f . ' r' ell ta[.w S ?? - a tedtnYas +* ' r ' Altrlson I lt 1 1 ?b welds Corner ' AO ttsla 1 0 s Wtstan re Clerttea s ?P E N I E R Na""Ridie 1 0 l S Co Kelly t , 6?0 • 1 e 1 y1 else ?' • 1 I 11 Cowers ?. I west Onslow 111 1 1 r : w 1' f ;Cane Rocky Point U I, I M+er t.«A ,, 0 S t0 20 ?'1 - •• r0ftft AND It' e p SCAE Or MQES ORE NCH QALS APPIt01 130014.13- at City 0 10 20 30 SCALE Of NKOe1ETENS ONE 0" EQUALS AMN01 21 ultow EE1tS??. ~?+~ 1iew+r XV4 I MILE IS EQUAL TO 1 We NILOMETENS 1 4?d (eoail each • 1 •yl8_ __, _ RrtEtlweod IS Carle 1 ? ' 71 _ 5 Ner1• .. ?? Grads _i•\ ,f \ •' ,.l - f??\ JIM C, 4t! c M IftE 14 nr 11t1 - i? ??" '? 7 ? ?1? r' •;i • Itch! _ JIM a IM rlr ,? E J•,r 121E •~.I ?j/?1?.?., w eir !T 1 t?VitE e i 00 IJRO Y 90 lull. a` V MIL i Iy t1 '• ?. ?w 1!y t sJ y * i"M t ^ ... LIM • lTJI rr Ll? .. 2 ?. i U ,4 + V V N.RnMe , 4!'i•'. If>!2` JIM yil I ?ntt J., M • reed 1211 .t 7 ftN is SAE 1111 1El1 L J'e 1.0 ? J S 1.1 Im Lill Lill ?J e UK UK l1l1 ` ,s .v' . i SCALE 0 1 7 3 . MAO 0 _ . ns 1 W! SCALE PM ENLAROEMEWS vy/ LIeP b , ll2r • -,,I f N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB WIDENING OF NC 24 i SHEET OF i x II i 4A v? - . ] w i 9 ? l '-z I/ 4 ? Lli J Q N I m zI i O 1 U i Z ?'Y 1 LL ?J J • i 00 1 UQ w ? J (1) W Ow 8 z : Z E oz o? > ; 0 0 SITE I N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801- R-2211BB WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET OF x y 4 to I• t ? r; 't W c ? I 7 75 i J ? I i - 1 1 C?? \ 'I . w I ? 3 i 1 770 ea v 1= J fg W i I o w J Q U tl) AREA OF CONSTRUCTION IN WETLANDS 0,77A(;. FILL IN SUKF WATER TOTAL FILL 6 ,Y. W z Q J CL ad Z Q J w 3 ? Z 3 z O w U U cr cc N (nn z Z O U J u- w ? J O Z O O SITE III 1. ? I D) ? Z J w x I ? d Ci p? w J i 0 \ ??• w \ r'i? w 3 T ? i _._........ - - - -.J I = J w LL N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY i PROJECT 8.1240801 R-221166 WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET _ OF • summer MATCH LI NE i _ N 790 3 r\ 3 ('c D <? I i 3 I l :a 1 1 Li _ I Z W p - I Q CL I O ? I1 !3 I r r _ i w P J '? I 785 m r z z w i 5 J I 3 W_? I O A I w w 0 e O a l l it x / I ?I I r wo W - Z a_ W O < ? 3 to I ) 3 i W J 4 r Z i +?1 1 ?\ O Ii( I ?. I l 3 I crI t. w I X? I 1 \ O U) O LL) J a V N AREA OF TEMPORARY FILL IN WETLANDS 1.01 AC. AREA OF PERMANENT FILL IN WETLANDS _ 1.84 AC. TOTAL FILL 6 8000Y. W z Q J a SITE IV J J LL- } cr° w Zz a J Q F- W W o aQ J w z F-- WP- w J z n lL 8z N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.12,4080.1 R -22116B WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET - OF A-A -III MAl _ I i I ,a -3 I ? ? I I 3 I C I ? ? =3 I , ? II r <3 ,\ +1 C3 Ct '? r y Q V ui I "? a cc a Z 0 LINE B-B I I I 1 ? I w 795 I z w I W ,? I 1 ) CC I W m i (n I 1 o w 4 . c? I I • ? I ? I I MATCH LI NE A-A Q z C3 H 6 <3 0 <3 cJ? ? Q 00 s o A 3 LL W SS"" o w ?O _ o g _ 088 z p w Y a ?' a $ O 0 _J u')¢ t 0 w ?J ao zo ?z Qz w ww ww ?-3 a3 > wz wz z Q F- ?J ~ J d 0 w O ? ( SITE IV N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.12-1080.1 R 2211BB WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET - OF t 0 O Go O Go m CD 1. l L Q0 0 t C C I 0 0 O W `J LL O' ;n 1-0 O O o I ' ?o..C .. i , w w Q ,< U cn U (i J J z (D ? ? N ? W Fr O z O U Z) cn z cn 00 oz W `j ~ O W 3: W z o SITE I N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-221188 WIDENING OF N0 24 SHEET OF s 1 O O Q O O co Y J I`- Q Z U U Qo _J J 4 O ff z c? o .. F- o ? Li E > o Lr) o? Z Lu o ?J: E- Lr O i H zo o z Q U) _J W ? O W ?Z -- f--SITE I N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS I DUPLIN COUNTY Q Q O PROJECT 8.1240801 R-22118B G> co WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET OF L I ; i 685 LL.1 Y F Lr)W Wz cl- OJ J In 1 F h r f, 1 I? I? I\ 1 I\ 1\ N f\ 680 J 0 O J ,\ 3 ? ?A A 'D ? I 1 i LLr N?Fl \ `?- I f3 I .\ , M4 olI \ I {I (CC ?* I ? I In \ I 1w \?? I a I \ 1 I I (_) A \ t;y I f i ,? i I \ \\ ? I I©'' i f r \ ? ' LLJ \? I I z LLJ O i \a 1 ? J I i Y ? Q lnW a - J Ln I AREA OF CONSTR? $TION IN WETLANDS M AC TOTAL FILL 4700C"Y• m Ir cc W W V) Q 1 J 1 ? J V ?j rD Cr ? J I L ? I 0 z _W J w Z 3 Q z J Z ; a o I ELJ- _ aj V Cr V O L CD i SITE I I f N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY ) PROJECT 8.12,1080.1 R-2211813 WIDENING OF NC 24 j SHEET _ OF 0 0 m - I?- m - kI r l I f I Q Z z 0 U. z o O ---. _ _.._._ ..?. z U) w w -' ow ,` LJ z o- O M N i SITE I _ U W I i C'I I w pc 0 0 o? ?I i N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-221188 WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET OF L ? t 0 o I° _ I -Ln w w ! I z Q Q U) uo Q a_ Fes- Q U O N O Z G? I WI ,iLL-i 0 l ?O. U CL- a_ cn O0 o< 1 VJ w? n O W Z ti tom- f i SITE III N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION I I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY 0 0 PROJECT 8.1240801 R-22118B rlD WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET OF IF O ,J O I ?J Lo ?n G> W n cl O O o O I W W Q Q U U Ln I Q Q z O ? 1 ry N ry w l o W? O W.: O cr zo oz U Q (n -1 W I- I- W O oz SITE III N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION I ! I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY 0 O PROJECT 8.1240801 R-221188 i WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET OF OQ C9 ' - I I I t ' 0 .C ) o.. O _ i W Ld j l` Q Q , U U (1) (j) ? Q Q Qo z o ? N > O Ln _ --- GO jWi _._J! d' 0 of -i U) Cn J Lv ?- LaJ O :?;: z w z o LLJ 0 Z SITE IV cl- 00 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION N I I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS Q 0 C -DUPLIN COUNTY Lo PROJECT 8.1240801 R-221188 WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET OF Y IV 1LC) C) 0 4 a r F d- rq Cam! ?O I G') 100 i t c t f t t i 0 O O 0 c O! - O O LO ;r, O.. o.. w w Q Q U U U7 U) . Q Q ? z V O N ? W I O I S ' f W? J _ O .n- v Jp O 00 LL zz Cn J LLJ o l Lit ? zz. U) ?' Lli z 1? - p U ) N N I I Q j N Q N SITE IV i I Q0O O F d ? 9 rr) N O 0 Go G> 00 Z C Q a D c 8 0 O Lo I I Q O Q 0 O._ c i • Lij L L) i J J Q Q U U C!) U? J J Z U O N _ Cr Li > O I Lei; J; h: o: - iz w? Ow z -:?;: wZ 0 \N\\ SITE IV IN N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-221168 WIDENING OF NC 24' SHEET OF I I 0 0 r ? O 10 o o ? o o N O O O Z w W J J Q Q Q Q O ~ U CJU (D I N W > O • 2 LU OD 'LL ?O r-r-; J Cn O LL Z W 0 z o z W Qo 0 cn 0- 0 00 SI:TE IV N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS I DUPLIN COUNTY PROJ ECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB O Ln WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET OF / L td V 7 I 1 l 2' . I I ? - w . i U ' z SITE IV N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPIIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-221188 WIDENING OF NC 24 ?I SHEET OF DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 Action ID. 199300273 November 5, 1992 PUBLIC NOTICE THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS, Post Office Box 25201, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5201, has applied for a Department of the Army (DA) permit TO PLACE FILL MATERIALS ASSOCIATED WITH THE WIDENING OF NORTH CAROLINA HIGHWAY 24, RESULTING IN IMPACTS TO 19.89 ACRES OF BOTTOMLAND HARDWOOD WETLANDS AT ELEVEN SITES, WITHIN THE NORTHEAST CAPE FEAR RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN, BETWEEN KENANSVILLE AND BEULAVILLE, Duplin County, North Carolina, State Project Nos. R-2211BA AND R-2211BB. The following description of the work is taken from data provided by the applicant. North Carolina Highway 24 is to be improved between the Kenansville eastern corporate limits and'the Beulaville western corporate limits. It is to be widened to a 4-lane, median-divided highway except within the outskirts of Kenansville and Beulaville. Beginning at an existing three lane section at Kenansville, the roadway is to be improved to a five-lane, 64-foot-wide section through 1,350 linear feet. From this point, the roadway is to become the 4-lane, median-divided highway. A new 28-foot-wide pavement (12-foot-wide travel lanes and 2-foot-wide shoulders) is to be provided parallel and adjacent to the existing pavement. A 60-foot-wide median is to separate the existing and new pavements. The existing 22-foot-wide pavement is to be widened to 28 feet; and where needed, its outside shoulder and side slopes are to be rehabilitated to meet current standards. The project is to utilize the existing alignment and pavement to the extent possible to minimize impacts. The proposed median and pavement are to be located on the south side of existing North Carolina Highway 24 from 0.2 mile east of the Kenansville city limits to S.R. 1701. From S.R. 1701 to approximately 1,600 feet east of S.R. 1726, the proposed new median and pavement are to shift to the north side of North Carolina Highway 24 and transition to a symmetrically widened five-lane shoulder section. At S.R.726, the roadway is to transition to a 64-foot-wide curb and gutter section to tie into the existing roadway through Beulaville. The purpose of this work is to provide adequate travel lanes to safely meet traffic demands. The project has been divided into two sections for construction purposes. R-2211BA, the western section which contains seven wetland sites, lies between Kenansville and S.R. 1701; and R-2211BB, the eastern section which contains four wetland sites, lies between S.R. 1701 and Beulaville. Plans showing the work by section are included with this public notice. After a thorough, but unsuccessful search for a suitable mitigation area adjacent to the project area, the North Carolina Department of Transportation, -2- Division of ighways, proposes to mitigate for the unavoidable loss of the 19.89-acres of wetlands by using a site which they presently own. On Septel'f`µ;? 1.992, the Division of Highways was provided a Department of the Army permit to fill wetlands associated with construction of a new U.S. Highway 117 connector between Mount Olive and Interstate Highway 40 near Faison in Duplin County. This authorization stipulated that 10 acres of bottomland hardwoods in the project area be preserved and 30 acres of cut-over bottomland hardwood habitat be restored. A 91.25-acre tract was purchased in Goshen Swamp adjacent to the right-of-way. This tract is about 25 miles from the crossing of North Carolina Highway 24 and the Northeast Cape Fear River, and is within the same planning sub-basin as the proposed project. The Division of Highways proposes that restoration of the remaining 40 acres of cut-over bottomland hardwood on this tract provide mitigation for impacts resulting from the widening of North Carolina Highway 24. The State of North Carolina will review this public notice to determine the need for the applicant to obtain any required State authorization. No DA permit will be issued until the coordinated State viewpoint on the proposal has been received and reviewed by this agency, nor will a DA permit be issued until the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM) has determined the applicability of a Water Quality Certificate as required by PL 92-500. This application is being considered pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). Any person may request, in writing within the comment period specified in the notice, that a public hearing be held to consider this application. Requests for public hearing shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. The District Engineer has consulted the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places for the presence or absence of registered properties, or properties listed as being eligible for inclusion therein, and this worksite is not registered property or property listed as being eligible for inclusion in the Register. Consultation of the National Register constitutes the extent of cultural resource investigations by the District Engineer, and he is otherwise unaware of the presence of such resources. Presently, unknown archeological, scientific, prehistorical, or historical data may be lost or destroyed by work under the requested permit. The District Engineer, based on available information, is not aware that the proposed activity will affect species, or their critical habitat, designated as endangered or threatened pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973. The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts, including cumulative impacts, of the proposed activity and its intended use on the public interest. Evaluation of the probable impacts which the proposed activity may have on the public interest requires a careful weighing of all those factors which become relevant in each particular -3- case. The benefits which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. The decision whether to authorize a proposal, and if so the conditions under which it will be allowed to occur, are therefore determined by the outcome of the general balancing process. That decision should reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal must be considered including the cumulative effects thereof. Among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, cultural values, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards and flood plain values (in accordance with Executive Order 11988), land use, navigation, shore erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. For activities involving the placement of dredged or fill materials in waters of the United States, a permit will be denied if the discharge that would be authorized by such permit would not comply with the Environmental Protection Agencies' 404(b)(1) guidelines. Subject to the preceding sentence and any other applicable guidelines or criteria, a permit will be granted unless the District Engineer determines that it would be contrary to the public interest. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State and local agencies and officials; Indian Tribes and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the USACE to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic properties, water quality, general environmental effects and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) and/or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity. Generally, the decision whether to issue this DA permit will not be made until the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM) issues, denies, or waives State certification required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. The NCDEM considers whether or not the proposed activity will comply with Sections 301, 302, 306, and 307 of the Clean Water Act. The application and this public notice for the DA permit serve as application to the NCDEM for certification. -4- 0 Additional information regarding the Clean Water Act certification may be reviewed at the offices of the Environmental Operations Section, North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM), Salisbury Street, Archdale Building, Raleigh, North Carolina. Copies of such materials will be furnished to any person requesting copies upon payment of reproduction costs. The NCDEM plans to take final action in the issuance of the Clean Water Act certification on or after November 27, 1992. All persons desiring to make comments regarding the application for Clean Water Act certification should do so in writing delivered to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM), Post Office Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687, on or before November 23, 1992. Attention: Mr. John Dorney. Written comments pertinent to the proposed work, as outlined above, will be received in this office, Attention: Mr. Jeffrey Richter, Wilmington Field Office, Regulatory Branch, until 4:15 p.m., December 7, 1992, or telephone (919) 251-4636. 1 I) 1s t11I 12Y ? 11!1 t? U t.o?'e • e > 4 >ve un tll3 U trss SCALE s> o t 7 s s wllS chsh a lee Iveew y Sorln t ess wvl. 7 70 `Dove. C Iblravdle 7 1 at ~. yse t.ll S 3 ' 1t ss soak\` fc n Mount • ' ??- 55 ° e w ,Olive ,a, L E N O l e g all so D eo Run is :I '•? I 258 l' ` Ibertson a Faison \?N r I• ? " Bowdena ? \\\ sWera?N?.. 0 l S J Korn Ray Pink Mill II 11 ?. in D Rj'P Z I 1 N L /ls Lt 11? Rose Hill \G4 I- ------'%o0LjLChinQus 14 Tin City Lreee ? Willerl7 So - S A 0 S 1.0 y??20 I (O 10 20 30 40 Oe4 C t T s-s+ii 4ANN47 wf. Ire -\. \ OREST' fh.rie I in .oA• t''i r., eke ' - S Kellum +Jackson ille ' L IN.- C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION 5 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS IL DUPLIN COUNTY NRtsowns I1 Pie ve<ene , Ie PROJEC'C 8.1240801 R-2211BA -? WIDENING OF NC 91 SCALE OFM1lf5 t._.».. SHEET 1 OF SCALE Of KIIOMf TERS 0 0 0 w J Q MATCH LINE A-A CJ 1 I I I ? - I? ' i AREA OF FILL IN 1'11 AC i WETLANDS 992 I I :3C I \ 0 I o TOTAL FILL 1!01300 CY a Z I I I o ?` EDGE OF WETLANDS II w I I I w J I I J I i I > I 1.. I J "- o I I , I• w , I 1 O I ~ p ? I ? I I I ? o I I I ? ? J w cv I I I x > `? I - I I I z z X I I ?`' I I 3 J d _J Q I I C w = II I 1 I 25 w m I I 1 a O ? (I I p I 18" - I (I I •?I II I ' ? ox I? I I ! j SITE I? I I I N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.12-40801 R-2211BA WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET Z 0 F 31_ -o LLI w / V v ji 3 =i EDGE OF WETLANDS ?+ I I _ © 1 I I I I ? S 370 w 4 ?. I ? ,{ a ? v ? 1 I ? a chi. s - 1 I ? e3 I I I \\ a z Z Z-i d3 \ J ? J Ld G+ Lx I I I \ i Q LL O LL \I LL) LLLI <J SITE I co 3 I A I \. \?. .. 1 A U LL < I - \J cr- ?\ w °D , N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION MATCH LINE A-A DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.12•40801 R-2211 BA WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET 3 OF2 0 I cV I? Im I OD I t` to lzr ci 0. I ro 0 ?^^ O O 0 I C.. O ,. ? W W Q Q I Lf) U J I yr < Q Z ? U ' M1 O N f Lit > O 7 i? ?I ? Q 9 0 r- W J L!_ LL L j r O L i ?- R Q, W Z D - r ? %-9 > } y IJ ? Q . SITE I N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS I DUPLIN COUN,ry PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA WIDENING OF NC 91 0 I SH LEI, 4 or.- 31. _ ? a U' 0 el 0 O I ? i i v i 0 O a- 01 1 i 2 ,J 1 3 S ' ?' y I I . ? 1 n- d- 1 1 1 i F Q . , 1 `- 1 1 1 , o? r nl 1 Q Z C) LLI (f) LL Q (n __J S U Z 0 Z i 1 ,J to y d I ? J O? ~ y i o ? M ? 1 I U? h i SITE I ° ° 'ti. l i N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION! DIVISION OF 1-1101-IWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211RA' 14IDENING OF NC 24 i SHEET 5 OF 3•Z .J II c? ? ? 1 I 41 QJ y ? I I I? L ? ?3 I I w .> I ii L ? ? o 5017 A t \? I C-) `1I1? ?+ W •cs s V a 4= I I I I i I I ? I? I i ?I J. E,, LL I LIJ OI I I ?II w J ' +\N 3 LC • ?J 2 r\ W J, / O Q .o ow J Q U) AREA OFCONSTIN 0,6'7 AC WETLANDS TOTAL FILL 13,300 CY J O V LLI -0 ?LWJ \I Z V •• 67 I J m e> a W i W z Q CL 6.1 O z w L EDGE OF WETLANDS SITE II O I I ?J d 0 _ ? ? ? co 0 0 . U U ?co LU CC n ii Q Q oy .X o 0 z _ _ > }J- U0 ?1 3 0 ? 0 CT- Q Z J o z LL J w Q U Z < 0 N tr Q Ci N SITE II .N. C. DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION _ DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS I j DUPLIN COUNTY 0 0 0 PRO JECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA 0 00 WIDENING OF NC 91 - i SHEET '1 0 F _3?- I L j n. u? IT I t J 1 0 M ? 1 1 n O h ! 0 M o i i o i i i i 1 I I I I 1 1 I i 1 Q h SITE II I? ; I i i O i 1 U CC i M . O? Uz ` Q w ?--1 U Z i C) z X 1 i N i L ? fit .d 0 J tP ? ? r o ? T o n n o -O N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATIONd DIVISION OF HTGHWAYS DUPLTN COUNTY I? PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA WI DI:NI KG OF NC 2.1 I SHEET 1_ OF ?`?.. i azo J Ld 2r ?n u v I 0 E y L v U U 3 .000r. I 1 J \ I \ W I C5 (V 4 \0 ` I . ? 6? ? C ? I I '? W W l- \ ? Q I.? ?? i I \\ 4 to W I I \ ? { I °w I 1 a ?? 1 a \ ' Al \ I? ti ' J I I _ r I DGE OF WETLANDS 0 I? J V AREA OF CONSTRUCTION IN WETLANLS 175q? TOTAL FILL 330OCY w _ Z C-) Q a J a ? W 3 z 8 Ln F11 t W 0 SITE V N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1?•1080.1 8-2211 BA WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET Q OF •-_ ? crD 0 I I I O O O Lo (D.. O W W M J Q Q Ln 0 J J U O O N Li O -_ - Zz ° w Q _- (0- ?r LL LLJ LJ o 0 n z w --? r =- w o o SITE V ' n IN. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION ( DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY + I I I PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA' WIDENING OF NC 2.1 SHEET 10 OF 32 J O 00 .D 0 n tP ? _ r1 z 0 0 _O a- 71, 1 r ? n 1 J J v I o °" I r-) 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 I 1 1 c7 i ?I I LLI (n SITE V Z 0 D v) z Or-) (-)Z L0 J w Z? Q d 6 0 0 H ?? o Lt O O N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION; DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA WIDENING OF NC 2:1 ; __? S1-1ELT \l. OF 3ti 0 0 MATCH LINE A-A ?3 a Lr) .3 ?? I I \ Jl ` I 5?5 I \`.\ 1 ©y I JI f. I I + /? 5? I c[ 4RFA OF FILL IN SURFACE WATER 0.6 AC a I afi \ i? AREA OF FILL IN U, WE T LANDS.. 8'8 AC in io TOTAL FILL 135,400 Cy pal ?- LLj I w \ IEj \ tv, Lmi \I z a: z jy? I ?5 w 4J O v, I lad I u m LLJ 8 Q I I- I V C. \I V W I tip" \ \I 1w- w I \ J Z `s L Q O E??1 \\ ?\\I Q. Li J A I \t A w w ?' \ I z i?; I I \ ''\I o J J I ? N ? J J t.L ORS I I I \1 \ \\.I \ L.0 F I I \ \ O O \_ \ z z to•' o Ld I I \ EDGE OF WETLAN'b-S I I ? I I I `? I I I W I x, SITE VI f i I i I I I I I I ? N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS I I i DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211 BA I i I WIDENING OF NC 24 I SHEET 1,Z OF Af O J 565 MATCI? LINE 0-13 c'p I Lij I 1 ?J \? :>...? \\I 0 cr I I `5 \ I `? CC P I 4?• I I I r,t cl) I x r I '? -r c,t S LLJ I1J W '?:? I I or\' I -r 2 '?I `7 I \ ALL ?-1 I \e x\ \ 10 o l.w In, cr LLJ 3 o 1 w W W 1 !- -- m J ~ LLJ t,. e56/ cr / I F ?'1 w w > I B W x W 10 /e3 I / I B 0 o SITE V I X1 g I -? ?I N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 1 ??` Ik?`1 DUPLIN COUNTY ?• `??.-I PROJECT 8.I244801 R-2211 BA WIDENING OF NC 24 . MATCH LINE A- A SHFFT v3 '-)F fft, v MATCH LINE -C - C O W NN \` J V/ COD !A 009 ID N -1 0 N W z z a Q J J /? a w J s z J lL To U CD N L'n N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211 BA 56S WIDENING OF NC 24 C LE B SHEET 1 OF 3y- I I ? 3 i I \ I ? \ i4t I I I l I ? f Y \ \? Cal cdl I I • ? x ^ i \ `:? V U ?? I ?? I I \\ ?? ?I 3 z4 I ? o f7 <? I I I 4- w r ? \ \ O \\\I O <L F- ? w I w err I ? S ? r ? \ CL J w w m ?. i I \ ?. I w a \ I I u MA T H I N - SITE VI \ MATOA LINE D- D ce3 \ \ vN 1 I 1?x Llj o \ '* cn ;, I I I i \ 43 \\, ; •i ca I \ `.I I \?.\\lu I I N .. E.. \ I w Ld \ LL I _j\ I N 7 3 I 107 LLI \.> ?n v so I I o M \J 1 ill W_ S iY l I W .0,. L I J > Q \ cn \ • ?\ [? Z ?I u ?? I w 1 \`U ??\ I J <+ I \ \ \ o J \ ! o e3 I ? I ? s .+ I I ) L \ 11- ? 4? 4J LS , SITE VI V-+ Lt I I ,` ?y I ? ? lil N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION I I «._? 1 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY I PROJECT 8.12.40801 R-2211 BA WIDENING OF NC 24 MATCH LINE C-C SHEET _15' OF 33- 4 MATCH LINE I ?. _ ?, I 1. I \ \\ 3 zo I ^3\ \? \?I ?w J L a-3 ?- N f? II \ \+ 'J)Z (f) LLJ L&j \ r I \ `? \ I z o Co -c 0z9 sI I '\; ; ?y I LLJ Lip K? FEAR RIV ? AST CAPE NORTHE I \ . a / ?s? LL) t %,• cc I3' •? Z ? ;fib I + ` 1 Li `\\ I D L o ' i Lr1 \ L \ 519 =•' ?t I . Wo ?I N \ \ \\ I \ z \ I W I \\ I a \ ,? ?} o SITE VI ?.3 I I w `•.\ .\ \\ ` ?UW\)\I J O ` i I N \ ??? o ?t I ' o -:F, N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION Ali I •, ``?. ' •? I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS i3 N ,? t\?? I p? \I DUPLIN COUNTY _ ?a I i ??? I \ %< \1 PROJECT 8.12-4080.1 R-2211 SA WIDENING OF NC 24 MATCH t LINE -p SHEET 16 OF 33? 0 p ? i _ / f I ? iW I I I I I I I i I I? I '9 I I ? I I - to 1:;,, U 1= O f'.3 - I I4 w I SZ9 I I. w C> r, Q ?I 1- `; t7) _ I • 1 MATCH LINE C-F J W cc W _J .I C J W z y J a EDGE OF WETLANDS r' SITE VI 0 0 Ln W J y v Ln Ja W 3 z J W v L W v \ N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211 BA WIDENING OF NC 24 SIAEFT i7 OF 3 C) 0 O . Ln ar, rp I p ____) I I I - - I I O o.. O . QD i J I J J Q Co u LCl O N W E O 1 W -J (-n i J M 0 w i- n o?I z? oz N coo _ :. SITE VI N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION I I I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 7 DUPLIN COUNTY C) O PROJECT 8.1240801 R 2211BA i WlDENI'NG OF NC 21 SHEET S OF _.'??! ?. C7 O ?? / U? I i o _ LLJ w J _J U U V) U ! J J ? \ z ? ? N w \ N \ ?, LLJ z u .-I _ Q 0 1-- LL1 r 3 z ?z o- LSD rn \ co SITE VI N. ?C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION ' DIVISION OF 1-IIG1-114AYS I I DUPLIN COUNTY 0 n PROJECT 8.1210801 R-221111A LS') WIDFN1NG O1? NC -' I 3Z ? 4 O F SHEET O O I I '? \ Its Q ? O.. O . LLJ N Q Q U U Cn c!? Q Q - Z ? O N W O O O ? -J(f) J - Fl Z LLI ' O o w 0- CIO ` r W A \ ;3c SITE VI '- Lf IN. C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION Ol I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS Lr) I I DUPLI N COUN'T'Y O 0 PROJECT 8.1240803 R-221111A 65 Ln WIDENING OF NC 2.1 SHEET ?.O OF -21,- .......... .,_ ?. IO t) O O J I I I O Lo Lf7 (D.. o . w r-, LLJ J J C9 Q Q U U L0 V) J J Q Q U C.? \ OZ N Cr- > O ?v 0 = i Li ut 1? O z W W Qc - n z ?z t? J Q v n/? 7 [-I 4 ..SITE VI M f N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION I I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY O 0 ?? PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA V Lc) WIDENING OF NC 2.1 SHEET z?. OF 3ti U t C? O 10 G*) o -Lr) o.. o . Li w ?t? J J • Q Q U U Lo L() Q Q O N 9 ' > 0 W 2 w L J? J(f) Lo d a -J r-) ITT :LL! \? J\ C) W FJ h? LAJ WZ Q Q N \ SITE VI N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION I I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY 0 I PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA lt-? Cf- WIDENING OF NC 2.1 SHEET z'L OF 3'4? L? O O O o Ln d- - io . j(c:D:) (D w w Q QJ Q L/) V) i Ln Q N O U N ? W FF O 2 v W Jo J ? ?Q \ 0 w? ? w G S` \ Z ?z N \ \N 0 J r\j o .J Qk SITE VI P uvl ? ? \ N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS I I DUPLIN COUNTY C-) 0 PROJECT 8.1210801 R-2211BA L WIDENING OF NC 21 SHEET 7-3 OF 31! _ 90 60 i PQOP, 2D AOW A`( * ?.!'?? A N'? MEN'C so -- -\ ?o CK I W+oo Sri c9i S ECT ION A-A DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS T I N, I N i SITE VI o /s 30NScA?? N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION 0K1. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY b 5 /o PROJECT 8.12= 0801 R-2211BA i VER1. SG.ALE WIDENING OF NC 2: Sl-l EET ?_ OF 3 5I0 ?Io .310 i 310 610 910 ;8R*.oo 60 5o 5?- 4U SECTION 4-b DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER o ?s so I?OkZ . SG???E 0 5 /O SC.1?1.C r- V E k-\. SITE VI f I fi 1 N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGI.IWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1210801 R-2211BA WIDENING OF NC 2:1 SHEET 2-5 0 F -:a \ N . c-,. I . 4 o- 0 O M 11 0 0 01- 0 r? 0 r.9 1 0 y2 ? L u ? S 6 d 1 a ? I ? W r z 1 I I I 1 \1 1 1 N I 1 r Ir 1 I 1 i i i ! r J p f J Z f..L Vj W ' U I - Q) Z Z p- O I? i ?-1 r w f o ? A I ; SITE VI 4 I a N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.12= 0801 11-2211BA ?I I ?I WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET Z(o 0 F 3'ti y ,. N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA WIDENING OF NC 211 SHEET 27 0 F ??! I I T ° ?\ I I I W Lij O I O r z J W Q V) Q U LLjj CL LLJ AREA OF GONS7 IN 1,04 AC j= I c WETLANDS 'u N I I I `? '` , TOTAL FILL 15,100 CY 0t79 g J I ?' 1 :a•-?: EDGE OF WETLANDS \ \? U I 17, yl 1 ? I ?'?_ ? ? z I I v W J LLJ W I N ;? ?'? = J -7 Imo'- I \ _ LL }n. `3 W z a I. ` , . M Y W IV v? J A `? J A w z Q _ ;' , / ( \ z SITE VII LL I _ W Q cn L I/ p t; 'r.I L C0 = 0. W /I ( ``' N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPOR-ATION -i " DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 9?:9 LL) DUPLIN COUNTY / ?? /I ml ?+ PROJECT 8.1240801 R-221113A '? 1 I WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET ZS OF An '-? 0 0 c. L n Q' Ln ?h 0 .. 0 _ W W lz U U 0 J J Q U 0 ry N W cr- > 1 0 tv , W' z? _JI 0Q 0; ?-Lf) rr W L li \ z c? w Z C) - ? -- --- - 0 w Q a: SITE I'II' ?O f ?L N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION M DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS I I DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA 0 WIDENING OF NC 2.1 f r? Lr) SHEETQ_ OF 31? 0 0 0 w (ID ' _ L `r' ..o Ei w co Is -i -j Q Q U U L0 cn Q Q z o ?- I ' j N W O c? - cC w LJ IJ z ?s? - u- o lo? ? °z Q0 LL] w d- w z o_ X E t? N . SITE VII I I I N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS CJ O DUPLIN COUNTY GD PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211DA WIDENING OF NC 21 SHEET 0 OF 3"L - i N ? z v_ Ot ? 2 V Q b ? Od LJ Q c a i i ? M I 1 U { Q? r 41 I I 1 9 O O G N • .I \I lo, I I S \ I 11 v1 V1 °I _ _ FYI NI M MIT 0 0 Q I a V o r 0 Z J ?Q ?_j w f- G w 3: Z W Q ?N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-221111A WIDENING OF NC 2.1 SUMMARY REPORT ----------------- - f SITE STATION PERMIT TYPE CON ST. IN FILL IN SURFACE WETLANDS i AC. ) WATER i AC, 1 ? i I _364+10 TO INDIVIDUAL 371+30 -L- 404 1.11 0 i II 402+55 TO INDIVIDUAL 405+80 -L- 404 0.67 0 III 434+30 TO NATION WIDE 436+65 -L- 33 CFR 330.5(A)(14) 0.46 0 IV 441+50 TO NATION WIDE 442+85 -L- 33 CFR 330.5(A)(14) V 475+62 TO INDIVIDUAL 483+95 -L- 404 VI 579+58 TO INDIVIDUAL 625+15 -L- 404 VII 636+00 TO INDIVIDUAL 643+50 -L- 404 TOTAL CONST I N WETLANDS ( ACRES ) 0.34 1.75 8.8 1.04 14.17 0 0 0.60 0 0.60 i N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUN,ry PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA WIDENING OF NC 21 SHEET 32 Of 22 lfdn ? swr•.y'r.r+r __. r ono.rf.rn,, 7 IV :.?,r ?. .. - `-°. ' ? 1l i J?1 (br« 1 Co y 1 r 1 SS / Iwak el(On Sm•e,i ,\ Su on n 1MOUnl • SS y i A I) ,Can« to O?\\ So Olive 1 r L E N O I Rl f 92 ?-2lC`. , 1 1 1 171 `1t ` ??\ S 1 sl s ?• A lhtp Run IA A N? , Piney r/fM 1 Keene ?\` I I \ ? 1I US , I7 relsen Alberts' 1tia 41 J S \\ SowAfnf Kanetar' ink VIII \ Pleasant Hill { e .one C 1 I \\\ 1 / w 1 1Vends 0 N z • 'ClinlO * , I wen,aw I I -C Conwfi6 ,{ ? fr it if I' 1 tio.ll Sk +i / °- • I / I I Elb t I fekfrt 1 SO A r"";? Kfnsnfv 10 1/ 1/ _ fN te0 it 2 I I Pottva`5 t ?OFMANNI'.? 1 . ?, . F ? ,? l Nal , . ? 15 floe PA...bat [ v „ lol P L . i N '° 1 RleMel pa •s^?i`. IN If 14 Metneba 1/ 11 1 ? / l f l,men Z aFOREST e .i. ' 117 1 C•rM.rnr rb h.:y ,•. 5: I / I unlAln •'A• 1«f uAile 1, /al W r{?.Cv (J 1. t Intel it r most kill r CMnpuepn Ca"Wrlne a 0 a J c f •kr L• 1 ?11M1pn \ 10 0 KIRwn 1 Guli`nl{l lMlwar reenerer ? S J tN 158 L \ Air. 111 t 14 c T..phe , I ? + Jackson IQ 0-& ?AC)Et,`\ II S Crafff `He. 1 M?•AKE?S •. S 11 it ?MLI n To C?tr? ?Goah 1 1i /? 5 M 1r ) sr r.,,,r iomshs•A / wnurp 11 Haws II p ," Wlotp \ 1 o:., 1 • R Rey t' li s? ; -LAk ? Pfnd«le \ 5 (TE ? Verona -s. C. ` /j ? IS\ w,?.940Tree . 1 ( weths C. .,,?,• MaM • { tI r 2 15 Hill . IIl "Lai Lai NN Vistf M Ivanhoe s e t l Dian 5? 2 1 I II a ^,? l 171 SWtsw a few1 01 J Istfnbae Ir ?, f s Atkinson ° +* Lis 1 1 ' , 1? Qb je?{s 1 weds corner 10 \{ Sef S] ` Melton Ab Nebw Row Cledtan ors r ?P E N , E R NMI, Ibtt, 1 fpe ? 1 - Rfllf I 1 7 ?'Jio w f / I ? ply .. . S ' `? • \ 1 „ C?G/eMf 0 aolopow / • • J ,?' ,cne Rocky Point IJ U I t ep' w 99-6 III 0 - S to 25 Ia - - _ ?CPSA%ISLAND A. ref I '• SCALE Of MILES OW VIGIL EQUALS APPROt 13 MR.ES at Gtr i { 0 10 Zo 30 10 11 SCALE Of RKOAIETERS ONE IMCN EQUALS APPROX ZI RKOMETERS ~?+ Aou r s a I 1 Mll[ IS [QIIAI t0 1609 Rt10M[TteS ??Eapsell leach J I 1 !{ •` tx,- Rret If weop ? IS Celtle \ NM, rap1•d/nM i Clolw A ILQI u r / 7711 !Ul 1 ~ • vl\ Im COIN. a wit 1L>Y ,. Ir t...A • I,V ••, ? ?RoSE r.?s5'•4+['?i yo a/ 1zer. .f IZtt "; ?? ?. If" 1m 1me 1 Itpt II' ea JIM i s v I,e O i 4 tang VOS'A -f M J 1a1 tM Vela •- .1,010 V >a left J Ipw ; t? fie, JIM 4.4 Lfl7 lull 19 y f .? y *.: ! !!!! JIM M 4 ML J / la !i ? !f/ Na"'R4 '4MIi 1m Jlle M !!41 Itil 2EtS I G bKh ae M, It" tats b 1lttl • lm 11Y llSl tR a0 1.0 ?? ? I 1 1.1 uY Itee ?f _ UY •, h uet MAIL Lets z N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION o DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS VALE DUPLIN COUNTY a 0 1 , T aam PROJECT 8.1240801* R-2211BB Imu . WIDENING OF NC 24 1 SHEET OF Ovals FOR e1VLAROEAI[NTS ?_ ZD 75C O WJ _ WW i i J i Q L z z w i Y W U R O - i E ! c L i u N 9Q UZz wQ ,D? U I w3 J \ D? J w LL ? I I ! .? , w . • ? j j ?I \2 j J\ I I I I ) mo. ? I 1 \\ \ I w \ W? ` '-? ?I Y \ Q Q V)w \ ?f. I L I I J I • j• I 0 I o i I I ? I ? ? LE ca I I m ?! 1- H I V) ( I I? Q I U j D I = l ` >. I j I x L w \ A I ? I \ Q I I I ? ? J _J u, i W J ? Q AREA OFCONSTR CTION IN WETLANDS ..4A FILL IN SURFACE WATER .21 AG TOTAL FILL 900 _Cy W Z Q J a \4t cn 0 z a J H CC w W 3 a ZZ ? O ? a D N z ~ z O J V LL W w w O O SITE II N,C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION i ?I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY j PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211B13 WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET Z OF 20 tP. - ?- A- 0 -- f I c r t { \1 '-z 2 ?. (f ?I Lli J I d N iz? m II m lz i® i I o U Z) Z (f) JQ 0Z cn FF---W cn w 8Q o O + ? ? w w z o_ ?! o l I ? o ` I 0 0 SITE IT i i 3 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSFURIA11UN DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET _3 OF 20 ? I I I I .-I I LL I i LL) Q Z w I I ?? AREA OF CONSTRUCTION U t ( ?? IN WETLANDS 7 4 . ! I FILL IN WATER SURFAC[_ _ f. ( ' I I I w TOTAL FILL 63000•Y, v; e ? I LL ? J I s ( I , ; fa cli u LL Fa` I I ?q I :2i - W I 775 1 I ?' b z I I _' W .: t.j r. Z o f- w 3 ? I '? I I ? a? z a Z W I I _ I J 2 .I _ I I U cc U) ~ ? "3 Z z Z ' I LL I V u- w w _ I I ?? v w ?Z E o i J p? Ll I I - I ?r w iU (n - \ I J O SITE III ' I N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION r,• I C4 3 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS uj t DUPLIN COUNTY 770 ( i) I PROJECT 8.124080.1 R-2211 BB I; \ I WIDENING OF NC 24 -- " 1 rW 1 ) I I (I SHEET .4 OF 20 MATCH LI NE A-A J Lun w r` 790 3 I ?? ° ,3 I I I ?. w u 3 I: i^ I I J I I I a D <? I\? I ( \ O Y Lo D AREA OF TEMPORARY FILL \ I I' 3 IN WETLANDS 1.01 AC. o ra ° AREA OF PERMANENT FILL 3 I I ,? IN WETLANDS 1.84 AC. j TOTAL FILL 6 8000Y. i I _j Z III Z II Y 6 I I I - ?- i r?\ ( > r_ Q ac ° w I. CL < -lJ I \ F- W ? `- II III - \ \ ?? aQ W Z N? ' I O F- w w o J 03: v, 785 _3 L_ ( I I o o z 5 _ I? I 4 o _3 ?y I 'I ? I ' v ? ( 1 I I O I 3 ? I al ?I SITE IV x i t I I? wI I±' N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION `?{ DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY I I I I \ PROJECT 8.124080.1 R-221166 WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET -5- OF 20 v 0 w 0 z l _ z v./.)i 41 795 Z J 3 N W Q. OJ< . \a.k? m ? © J B - B i I I I I I I I VI I ...I I I I :y MATCH LINE A-A E? Z .J a Y ? U `I 1 ? 1Q 3 od 0 W a: O H ?-_ O } 0 o_ 1 6 ? w z w _ Y 9 w J _o 0 'J O J IJ W z Q J CL ao o aa:z Qz Si J CC J W W w W 1-3 0- (n Wz OJ OJ Z J zylI J p L? OLD SITE IV N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.124080.1 8-2211 BB WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET & OF ZO I MATCH I I 7 :? I i I I ?'? ?•t I I ? I I I 31 I I a ? I (n _ X w I I I .n - o° a w-? I i ' 805 1;01 Ww _3 1 3 Yi? I\ \ w= IIN Z 0 J ? \ '? W W ? i -3 V W •3 wl? z 'N < I I z L\ z ? s L/ y y I\ M © I l\ MATCH LINE ? I ?L B-8 w Z_ J w Q W CL N 'D cn 1cr3 w yo--? II Q J) .9 0 ? Q ©3 ... ~ 3 w 6 V J QW d r? 0: u- 00 a a w y © wo d. p y yy 1 ? 1 ? p 0z 1 jai o ww a ti 0 L. i O W J Q J W } LL. > Q Q F- Z z oZ Z Q a_ a d W W wtn ~ 3 n.Z NZ a W - to J O J Z ~? ? J 0 LL 'Sq p - SITE IV N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.12-1080.1 R-221188 WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET OF 20 I ?g I) -j "n W .{ I ad 810 i 40 oo Q ul I q J ow C? o z ' I I 1 1- W p J ?? ? I I I J Q a4. 4 ?,, ? I c w a - 0 - o ?n _ a -:2 w MATCH LINE C-C J J } LL 0 zz z aQ Q w,J- C ~ azz cn v, J uj z Uw p u- ? Z SITE IV N•C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION , DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 832408 0.1 R-2211 BB WIDENING 0_F NC 24 F 20 SHEET B 0 0 7,j 0 CC) O a) 0') CC) r- ;0 <0 O U C q 0 O a) 0 W J l..t_ o' C)l? I in I \ 10 O O o L, O .. O .. w w U U i () U) J J es Q F - z O ? N_ W cr O z O F= U cr z cn 00 U Z Q ? J W ? OW z S W z ? SITE I C) O O o.. o.. Imo- c< Z < U J J Ur C? CL Z U ' ? ? " w I > O co z :w o 10 cr ._ U) o0 a M J W LLI O z 3: nJ - W z - E`-SITE I `. N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS I I I DUPLIN COUNTY O C? PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB co I WIDENING OF NC 24 I SHEET /0 OF 90 I i LL2 o°z t wJ ul- 685 W3 W Y H V)W Z OJ J V) lal ?I\ :j G O ? Lm) U 3 ? A N 680 t. ? w LL l oz l W-i RW { h 1 v I aozo? ? _° p • _. N ,., ...? I ? \ ? ? ` i f3 I a ? I r Q Ow \ I ,I 1 QJ i -'o 4 I \ D•. © S cc A I \ w Ll, ' I cic tI I J ?. i> ' I e's I I X ?a ?, ?N tri 41 \ F I ? I I \\ ? I \ e A z ? I C I I Ln t!1 ? \ '4I I I I , - I J \` I \S\ V to - \ r, L- I I = ? ? 1 j Lil I _J ? \ k\ ? a I V ? I 0 ' j I I UJ Q AREA OF CONSTRVQTION 3 IN WLTLANDS 1,616 C TOTAL FILL 4700C"Y• i ? I r) I J I o W J V1 G Q Z ! J a o_ I E n /f o L I / L! SITE I q.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.124080.1 R-22116E WIDENING OF NC 24 i i SHEET Al OF \. oc w 0 cc \ I i ? y V M - J I I I C? Q Q z 0 F U W z 11 p ! U cf) U z to w W F- 0 W 3 W Z ? o ... O O SITE I i i N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-22118B WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET /Z OF 20 0 0 0 L I I _ O Lc) d o I O . o , I z J J Q Q O L/) U) O? J _l a- < Q 0 N W O Z W' ,C U Cr to z (f) U < W ? H W n 0.3. W z a- Ln r` SITE III N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY 0 PROJ ECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET 15 OF 20 r? O i G? O O W Q Qj wj J O O O O L I 0 O I W Li Q Q U U (j) U-) J J ? Q Q o I ? o ? i z _O ? i cr ? v7 U Q w I- o LiJ I z i w oz , SITE III N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION I ( I i DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS O DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB WIDENIN'G? OF NC 24 SHEET .? OF ;20 00 I?D iLn v I`4-) IN 0 OO r 0 I 0 0 O o Ln O._ O.. w w Q Q U U cn Lo j Q Q Z O N I- Li O I 1 O .. LL Q ? J W OW z3: w oz SITE IV N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET -/fF OF 90 0 r f lP r r CD ti F I ro - 0 0 7 0 0 0 LO Ln 0.. O . W W Q U U V) uo Q Q O N _ Cr W > O r W: J Cn a-- ?j J O co a LL -- Cn J 0 j f- UJ C? 0 z ? pZ O f'*-- lS ? 11 t9 ¢ ' C E p Q G? C C SITE IV 1 00 - OO I I O O F CD LO r a I N 0 I (j7) I co 0 p I I I L C a C C C F• 0 0 O O O 0 _ ? 0.. o.- W W J J Q Q U U J J Q Z U o N ~ Cr W 0 r Wi : LL I? z Ld J I- LJJ 0 z - W Z O N N SITE IV I I 0 0 O Q (D O O_ Q_ L.0 N I Q Ln ? - ' I J J L() U) J J O U O N Li rr > O 2 ; Lu OD _.] (n LL Z t? ? J }-- W F- W 0 ? z o z Lij o Ln 0- o X 0 _ 00 C , SITE IV - N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION , I I I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS I DUPLIN COUNTY Q u Q PROJ ECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB (D WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET ?? OF ,2D 1 13 M- 7 l I 1 I i J Mk - ?o I ?- 1 ?-- 0 rill z 0 r--i W W li i J_ N N ! i o 0 SITE IV N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801- R-221188 WIDENING OF NC 4 S? ?l SHEET_ OF R Y 3 r i r it 1 !I i 1 t' t i 1 AREA OF-CONSTRUCTION AREA OF FILL IN SITE SITE TYPE IN WETLANDS (AC) SURFACE MATER (ACI ----- ----------- ---------------------- ---------------- I INDIVIDUAL 404 1.67 0 II INDIVIDUAL 404 1.44 0.21 III INDIVIDUAL 404 0.77 0.04 IV INDIVIDUAL 404 1.84 0 ------- ------- TOTAL AREA OF CONSTRUCTION IN WETLANDS IACRES) 5.72 0.25 t N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION! DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS I DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB WIDENING OF NC 24 I SHEET Z9 OF i t ...... ......._. _..... ,._....... , ................_......... _. _ s 40- 'A.o?, State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan R Howes, Secretary January 25, 1993 Dr. G. Wayne Wright Corps of Engineers WETLANDS GSECTIQU P. 0. Box 1890 )NNIER URUn Wilmington, NC 28402 Dear Dr. Wright: In keeping with your request, this office has circulated to interested state review agencies U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice Action ID. 199300273 dated November 5, 1992 describing a project proposal by the N. C. Department of Transportation, Division of Highways which involves impacting some 20 acr^s of bottomlan.d. hardwood wetland for improvements to ',TC 2A between Kenans,rille and Beulaville, within the Northeast Cape Fear River Drainage basin, in Duplin County. During the course of the review, important recommendations for relatively minor changes were submitted by the Wildlife Resources Commission. The Commission recommended that fill proposed beneath the bridge along the Cape Fear be avoided due to the importance and high quality of the system. Additionally, the Commission recommended: 1) Project designs for the crossing of the Northeast Cape Fear River should be modified to allow preservation of floodplain areas beneath the new bridge similar to those beneath the existing bridge, with similar span lengths for the two structures. 2) Strict erosion control measures should be maintained throughout the period of construction and revegetation of the project area, particularly at stream crossings. 3) The NCDOT should maintain safe public access to the NCWRC Boating Access Area at' she ivorL.:c?as Cape lli ar River throughout construction. Obstruction of boating travel beneath the highway area should be minimized during bridge work. P.O. Bor. 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7537 Telephone 919-733-4984 Fax # 919-733-0513 An Equal Opportunity Affirma ive Action Employer 4- Dr. G. Wayne Wright Page 2 January 25, 1992 4) The NCDOT should involve the NCWRC in consultations regarding mitigation for wetland losses involved with this project. Division of Parks and Recreation - recommends efforts during con- struction to protect rare or threatened species. A copy of that agency's December 10, 1992 memorandum is enclosed. Division of Environmental Management - for the.record, issued the required Section 401 Water Quality Certification on December 11, 1992. Certification No. 2797, it should be noted, emphasizes the mitigation plan in item No. 2 of that document. This viewpoint position supports the added recommendation of the Wildlife Resources Commission. The necessity of the 60 foot median on. this particular project may also need further review. A reduction would reduce wetland impacts. Very sincerely, Jo R. Parker, Jr., Tnland '404 Coordinator JRP:.jriaw cc: Wildlife Resources Commission Division of Environmental Management Division of Parks and Recreation Enclosure O y QD j j j ?r 1 ? O O - it m _ ----- ----- --- Q i i f i f ---- ------ ----------- ; I IJ I _L Ul i \ ' V O 9 _ b D \` ` O y C b b r . I O O -- _- y Til 11 ? 4 I y I I ---- --- --- ------ ? I ..__ _ - : I , t I n c 3 3 3 c v J O m C N 7 m rn C T_r?) m 0 ?x x z 8 x I, 1 41nl J-1 0 3 S 3 3 c 0 N 0. J r •l I i f y i x b i ?rn i0 rn n S ?l z 14(,,( viv - ?I V 3 3 3 2 i o' m c ti n r x i I Y b x m r b a (T) m 0 D z 60o' ' n ?I CIO a 3 3 c 3 c a c T O C N a c 0 Y ? y i Y 6 Y r V O- m 0 moo' ? I ? 41 1 I ? I 11 i I I I I ? I I I I I C I ?I n 0 I u -.- n3503 ..M $fAT( o 4 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMGS B. I IUNT. JK DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS SAM HUNT GoveRNOR P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH. N.C. 27611-5201 SUCUTARY May 28, 1993 T' 0 District Engineer US Army Corps of Engineers JUN 1 4 i:,Ja PO Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 W?tANpSGROUP ~ VIlATER UALITY SECTION ATTN: Regulatory Branch SUBJECT: Duplin County, Widening of NC 24 from Kenansville to Beulaville (TIP # R-2211B, State Project 8.1240801) Dear Sir: The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to widen NC 24 to provide additional travel lanes. The project begins at the Kenansville eastern corporate limits and ends at the Beulaville western corporate limits. The NCDOT applied for. an Individual 404 permit for this project on October 19, 1992. According to the application, this project will impact approximately 19.89 acres of bottomland hardwood wetlands at eight sites along the roadway. The purpose of this letter is to address comments on our initial application, submit revised permit drawings, and describe our proposed mitigation plan. By letter dated January 29, 1993, your agency transmitted the comments of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC), and the N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources to NCDOT for comment and rebuttal. These comments were discussed at the interagency permit review meeting of February 19, 1993. . The WRC recommended that the project designs for the crossing of the Northeast Cape Fear River should be modified to allow preservation of the floodplain areas beneath the new bridge similar to those beneath the existing bridge, with similar span lengths for the two structures. The NCDOT will comply with these recommendations. The new structures will have at least the same length as the existing structures, and extra fill beneath the bridges will be avoided. Stringent erosion control measures will be implemented throughout the period of construction to further minimize impacts. The WRC also recommended that the NCDOT should maintain safe public access to the WRC Boating Access Area at the northeast Cape Fear River throughout construction. The obstruction of boating travel beneath the highway area should be minimized during bridge work. The NCDOT plans to comply with both of these recommendations. The NMFS expressed concerns regarding the federally endangered shortnose sturgeon and anadromous fish in general. The NCDOT has coordinated with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) concerning endangered species and anadromous fish species throughout the planning stages of this project. We have no reason to believe the endangered shortnose sturgeon is located in the project area. The USFWS and the NCDOT have mutually agreed to restrict construction activities in and adjacent to wetlands from March 1 to June 15 so as not to interfere with anadromous fish species. The NMFS also indicated that the proposed 60-foot median width /seemed to be excessive. They suggested that further consideration a should be given to reducing the median width where the highway passes through wetlands in order to minimize losses. This topic is complicated, and was discussed at length at the February 19,.1993 meeting. The proposed 60-foot median is based on two factors: roadway drainage and safety. A wider median is especially needed in eastern North Carolina in order to combat the drainage problems that are prevalent in that area. In addition to a high water table, the flat terrain inhibits the movement of stormwater to median drainage inlets. The NCDOT's hydraulics engineers have determined that to adequately drain a roadway, the bottom of the median ditch should be at least 1.5 feet below the subgrade (see Figure 1). Steeper median slopes would be required to reduce the median width for this project (See attached Figure 2). Unfortunately the required 1.5 feet from subgrade to ditch line cannot be maintained even with the steeper 6:1 median slopes. In eastern North Carolina such a facility will not adequately drain and will require premature maintenance activities due to water damage to the roadway. Figure 4 illustrates how drainage problems are usually overcome in eastern North Carolina. The median slopes must be varied in order to lower the ditch grades so that water can move to drainage inlets in the median. Our current design calls for steep median slopes of 4:1 at a few locations along the project because of this need to change the ditch grade. If a narrower median is incorporated into the design, this steep median slope would be needed frequently, and even steeper median slopes would be required in some areas so that water could move to the drainage inlets. In addition- to the drainage requirements, the need for a 60- foot median is also based on safety. Numerous studies across the nation have linked lower accident rates to wider medians. In North Carolina, studies have found that facilities with median widths less than 40 feet account for almost three times as many accidents as facilities with median widths greater than 60 feet. This is partially due to the steeper median slopes required for a narrower median (See Figure 2). A narrower median further compromises the safety of a facility where curves occur in the roadway. Figure 3 illustrates a problem that occurs when a roadway is "banked" with a superelevation rate of 0.06 ft./ft. through a curve. Raising the pavement edge requires the median slope to be steepened to 3 or 4 to 1. This slope is unacceptably steep and dangerous for a median. Narrower medians also create a problem for larger vehicles that do not have the turning capabilities of a car. Figure 5 illustrates a school bus's inability to make a safe U-turn across a 46 foot median. Figures 7 and 8 illustrate the bus's ability to barely accomplish those maneuvers with a 60-foot median. Although the NCDOT appreciates the need to minimize wetland impacts, there are additional factors to consider when designing a roadway. Reducing the proposed 60-foot median greatly impedes the facilities draining capabilities. This will result in costly and frequent maintenance activities in the future. The narrower median would also increase the probability of accidents and unnecessarily compromise highway safety. For these reasons, it is the NCDOT's position that a 60-foot median is justified for this project. During the review of several mistakes had been stated in our application. of wetland impact at Site new total of 20.37 acres c are enclosed of the revise 2211BB. our design, it was discovered thak made in the original wetland estimate There will be an additional 0.48 acres IV bf section R-2211BB. This produces a f wetland impact for the project. Copies d drawings and summary sheet for R- As mentioned in our initial application, the NCDOT is prepared to commit to mitigation for the 20.37 acres of wetland impacts associated with the project. The NCDOT mitigation staff examined the roadway alignment and did not find a suitable mitigation area adjacent to the project. Accordingly, most of the search for suitable mitigation sites has been off-site. At this time, we are proposing to use a site already in NCDOT ownership. On September 3, 1992, the Corps of Engineers issued an Individual Permit (Action ID 199101124) for a new US 117 connector from Mt. Olive to I-40 near Faison in Duplin County (Project R-0606). This permit stipulated that ten acres of bottomland hardwoods in the project area be preserved and thirty acres of cutover bottomland hardwood habitat be restored. A 91.25 acre tract was purchased in Goshen Swamp adjacent to the right-of-way. This tract is about 25 miles from the crossing of NC 24 and the Northeast Cape Fear River, and is within the same planning sub-basin as the proposed project. Our preliminary investigations on this tract are continuing prior to implementation of the planting and monitoring program developed at an August 16, 1991 meeting with the Corps of Engineers and regulatory review agencies (Copy of Guidelines attached). Based on further study of the tract, the 91.25 tract is composed of approximately 46.9 acres of undisturbed swamp forest, and 44.4 acres of logged bottomlands. Subtracting the already debited acreage, 36.9 acres of swamp forest and 14.4 acres of logged bottomland remain for use as mitigation. NCDOT proposes to use the remainder of this tract as mitigation for R-2211 B. A copy of the mitigation and monitoring guidelines for R-0606 was included in our application of October 19, 1992. These guidelines list the species proposed for planting in the logged areas. As the area has already begun to regenerate with early colonizing species, NCDOT has had some difficulty developing a feasible means of planting this area. At this time, we are developing a contract with the N.C. Division of Forest Resources to clear transects for planting with the proposed mast-bearing species. This should achieve a desirable mixture of tree species across the site. Once planting is completed, the monitoring program will begin. The NCDOT hereby requests that you review this proposal for authorization under an individual permit. For construction contract purposes, this project was divided into two sections: R- 2211BA is the western section and R-2211BB is the eastern section. If you need additional information about this project, please contact Mr. Gordon Cashin at (919) 733-9770. Sincerely, uin„ P. E. B Q ?JJ A?Sgistant Manager Planning and Environmental Branch cc: Mr. Ernie Jahnke, COE Wilmington Mr. John Dorney, DEM, DEHNR Mr. Kelly Barger, P.E., Project Management Unit Mr. Don Morton, P.E., Highway Design Branch Mr. A.L. Hankins, P.E., Hydraulics Mr. John Smith, P.E., Structure Design Mr. D.J. Bowers, P.E., Division 3 Engineer Mr. N.L. Graf, P.E., FHWA Mr. W.D. Johnson, Roadside Environmental f QD i O y ,, ?? . f I i i ? I . _ __ ? V ` 1 1 . 1 I 1 I ? I \\ y O r y Co C c D rtl. Di y O 0 0 rn I i i 1 1 m z ? o ? z z C7 n Z O rri Ln O 4 (ol I= rn ,i I1' _ S - ?I 3 c J? ??xz a T O Y w c i Lri ?I I ? moo' -11 m m a m - c? 3 D 3 ? 7 r Y ? I x T o' Y m C N a i f x - K m o z 3 ( x 0 6 0CIO o Y m C n i i i l? .0O' I I I ? D i I ! PROJECT: 8.1240604 R-606AA Sampson-Duplin Co. US 117 from east of I-40 & NC 403 to northeast of SR 1006 GUIDELINES FOR WETLAND MONITORING PROGRAM August 16, 1991 I. Monitoring Time Frame - Mitigation site shall be inspected at the following times. A. Prior to planting B. At completion of planting C. Two (2) years following completion (or after 2nd full growing season) II. Data to be Obtained at Specific Inspection Times A. Prior to planting - 30 acres 1. Check for proper elevation and grade, get the permitting agency's approval on the elevation. 2. Check for proper plant species and for acceptable plant quality. 25% Nyssa sylvatica - Black Gum, 15-18", Seedling, Br. 25% Quercus nigra - Water Oak, 15-18", Seedling, Br. 25% Quercus phellos - Willow Oak, 15-18", Seedling, Br. 25$ Quercus michauxii - Swamp Chestnut Oak, 15-1811, Seedling, Br. Note: Plant species are contingent on availability at the time of planting. 3. Check for proper planting methods 4. Check for proper plant spacing (8' O.C., 680 seedlings per acre) B. At completion of planting check for conformity with plans as well as quality of planting , C. Two (2) years following completion (or after 2nd full growing season) 1. Estimate survival rate (optional - collect data if it can be determined) 2. Measure height of plants 3. Take Photograph(s) 4. Estimate percent population a. Planted species. b. Overall (natural succession) V1 0T Page 2 R-606AA, August 16, 1991 III. Evaluation and Recourse Action A. Acceptable survival rate (50% population planted and natural succession of desirable species) B. Two (2) year data evaluation 1. Below acceptable survival rate (recourse options) a. Replant (supplemental or complete) b. Minor regrading c. Reevaluate feasibility 2. Acceptable survival rate - no action y •.. M..r:?wM Y .: \??? .. ..•?• .r •a-• _ .. ... ?..1,^.:??.k..4?.lUS^T:t..•i`Zi7w.?-e..f.S?,`A? .. ., ,.. a __t DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT RECEIVED Mr. B. J. O'Quinn t'; I$ NCDOT Permittee . ,?./A If- - oe!r _ 0 C REGULATORY BRANCH Action ID. 199300273 Permit No. CESAW-CO-E oZo'LlI Issuing Office G vv plFi{'11 t<er?e?vt $ \!I 11 e - 13e u I av i Ile NOTE: The term "you" and its derivatives, as used in this permit, means the permittee or any future transferee. The term "this office" refers to the appropriate district or division office of the Corps of Engineers having jurisdiction over the permitted activity or the appropriate official of that office acting under the authority of the commanding officer. You are authorized to perform work in accordance with the terms and conditions specified below. Project Description: The project will involve the placement of fill material associated with the widening of NC 24, resulting in impacts to 20.37 acres of wetlands at eleven sites between.Kenansvile and Beulaville according to the attached plans. Project Location: On NC-24 between Kenansville and Beulaville, through wetlands adjacent to the Northeast Cape Fear River, Limestone Creek, Tea Swamp, and Grove Creek, and their associated tributaries, in Duplin County, North Carolina Permit Conditions: General Conditions: December 31, 1996 1. The time limit for completing the work authorized ends on . If you find that you need more time to complete the authorized activity, submit your request fora time extension to this office for consideration at least one month before the above date is reached. 2. You must maintain the activity authorized by this permit in good condition and in conformance with the terms and condi- tions of this permit. You are not relieved of this requirement if you abandon the permitted activity, although you may make a good faith transfer to a third party in compliance with General Condition 4 below. Should you wish to cease to maintain the authorized activity or should you desire to abandon it without a good faith transfer, you must obtain a modification of this permit from this office, which may require restoration of the area. 3. If you discover any previously unknown historic or archeological remains while accomplishing the activity authorized by this permit, you must immediately notify this office of what you have found. We will initiate the Federal and state coordina- tion required to determine if the remains warrant a recovery effort or if the site is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. ENG FORM 1721, Nov 86 EDITION OF SEP 82 IS OBSOLETE. (33 CPR 325 (Appendix A)) 1 t ? d fF f F` f e. Damage claims associated with any future modification, suspension, or revocation of this permit. 4. Reliance on Applicant's Data: The determination of this office that issuance of this permit is not contrary to the public interest was made in reliance on the information you provided. 5. Reevaluation of Permit Decision. This office may reevaluate its decision on this permit at any time the circumstances warrant. Circumstances that could require a reevaluation include, but are not limited to, the following: a. You fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit. b. The information provided by you in support of your permit application proves to have been false, incomplete, or inaccurate (See 4 above). c. Significant new information surfaces which this office did not consider in reaching the original public interest decision. Such a reevaluation may result in a determination that it is appropriate to use the suspension, modification, and revocation procedures contained in 33 CFR 325.7 or enforcement procedures such .as those contained in 33 CFR 326.4 and 326.5. The referenced enforcement procedures provide for the issuance of an administrative order requiring you to comply with the terms and conditions of your permit and. for the initiation of legal action where appropriate. You will be required to pay for any corrective measures ordered by this office, and if you fail to comply with such directive, this office may in certain situations (such as those specified in 33 CFR 209.170) accomplish the corrective measures by contract or otherwise and bill you for the cost. 6. Extensions. General condition 1 establishes a time limit for the completion of the activity authorized by this permit. Unless there are circumstances requiring either a prompt completion of the authorized activity or a reevaluation of the public interest decision, the Corps will normally give favorable consideration to a request for an extension of this time limit. Your signature below, as permittee, indicates that you accept and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit. MR. B. J. O'QUINN, Nq (PERMITTE) (ATE) This permit becomes eff tive when the Federal official, designated to act for the Secretary of the Army, has signed below. (DISTRICT ENGINEER) (DATE) .GEORGE L. CAJIGAL, COLONEL When the structures or work authorized by this permit are still in existence at the time the property is transferred, the terms and conditions of this permit will continue to be binding on the new owner(s) of the property. To validate the transfer of this permit and the associated liabilities associated with compliance with its terms and conditions, have the transferee sign and date below. (TRANSFEREE) (DATE) *U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1986 - 717-425 i /f f SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1) Construction in and adjacent to wetlands will be restricted from March 1 to June 15 so as not to interfere with anadromous fish species. 2) Safe public access to the North Carolina Wildlife Resoures Commission's Boating Access Area on the Northeast Cape Fear River will be maintained throughout construction. 3) Obstructions to boating travel under the highway area of the Northeast Cape Fear River crossing will be minimized during bridge work. 4) The fill material will be clean and free of any pollutants except in trace quantities. Metal products, organic materials, or unsightly debris will not be used. 5) The activity will be conducted in such a manner as to prevent a significant increase'in turbidity outside the.area of construction or construction-related discharge. Increases such that the turbidity in the waterbody is 50 NTU's or less in all rivers not designated as trout waters by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM), 25 NTU's or . less in all saltwater classes and in all lakes and reservoirs, and 10 NTU's or less in trout waters, are not considered significant. 6) tIf the permittee discovers any previously unknown historic or archeological remains while accomplishing the authorized work, he will immediately notify the Wilmington District Engineer who will initiate the required State/Federal coordination. 7) Should any information become available indicating the presence of the shortnose sturgeon, or any other federally threatened or endangered species, within the vicinity of the project, all work which may result in significant adverse impacts to the species or its critical habitat will stop until such time as the District Engineer has been contacted and advised NCDOT of appropriate measures to be taken to avoid said impacts. 8) The project will be redesigned so as to allow preservation of the floodplain areas beneath the new bridge, similar to those beneath the existing bridge, with similar span lengths for the two structures. The new structures will have at least the same length as the exising structures, and extra fill beneath the bridges will be avoided. 9) As mitigation for the proposed work, a 91.25 acre tract of land, adjacent to the Goshen Swamp and to the new US 117 connector from Mount Olive to I-40, about 25 miles from the proposed work, near Faison in Duplin County, will be used. Approximately 51.3 acres of this tract have already been committed for use as mitigation for another NCDOT project. The remaining 40 acres, about 10 acres of which are undisturbed swamp forest and the remainder which are logged bottomlands, will be used to offset the environmental impacts of the proposed work. Mitigation must be at least as comprehensive as described in NCDOT's October 19, 1992 submittal. ]$ul e?9?5 Cor e4ch ?roS_c . are re?teNc?. czS CO .Mi ? ?ov" US W ?rojec ?fl ' f ?5 PYn3 ej. r-'yr.aI?i _J ?) used- i°:: >` A m z m 0 _ w w rn C- c m w w n T m w N O w w O m 0 O z O m V ` O r a { m m c CD m 0 i O D S D c y CD a C _ Q N w cr CD Q. o CD CD d 3 CD z C CD d C 0 p y '. N 3 -% gi' ?. O D a- CD cn c F-- H-10 3 Lo CD ,w 0 H O° 3 q ' f D 0 CD 0 fA CD F n rr N p7 N N O Cy t4 w w rr Gt P3 O H , r m ? ? (D (D rr µ (D ri N (D (Q Q O W C7 O Fu ZT' Fh 0 (D t w03 (D to Q. " F" B D w o o ' r w w C , rr b x H (D (D o W O W C] m (n n n £ N rt (D ?, rt n p ( i O O O N? " £ p, O to rr v 0 (D C w 0) w Z " re $ t C (D S, ? C ] v 003 rr q PV G ` 0 a' Q _ z- 1 ro N E r P C) • O 04 ? C N to n > ? O rr r r F+• rr C7 CO ' W A? G w 0 F" [Oi W (D rt :3 F4 I rrt z 0° Z L . ? N. C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DATE TRANSMITTAL SLIP TO: REF. NO. OR ROOM, BLDG. Mr. John Dorney Water Quality Planning PLEASE ANSWEfr_...-_. ? PREPARE REPLY FOR MY SIGNATURE ? SIGNATURE ? TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION ? INVESTIGATE AND REPORT COMMENTS: e+,a STATE o +wu , ri STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P.O. BOX 25201 RALEIGH 27611-5201 JAMES G. MARTIN DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GOVERNOR October 19, 1992 THOMAS J. HARRELSON SECRETARY District Engineer US Army Corps of Engineers PO Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 ATTN: Regulatory Branch WILLIAM G. MARLEY, JR., P.E. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR SUBJECT: Duplin County, Widening of NC 24 from Kenansville to Beulaville (TIP # R-2211B, State Project 8.1240801) Dear Sir: The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to widen NC 24 to provide additional travel lanes. The project begins at the Kenansville eastern corporate limits and ends at the Beulaville western corporate limits. The project will impact approximately 19.89 acres of bottomland hardwood wetlands at eight sites along the roadway. The recommended improvements will provide a 4-lane, median- divided highway except for the project terminals at Kenansville and Beaulaville. Beginning at the three lane section at Kenansville, the project will then widen to a five-lane 64-foot section for 1350 feet. The roadway will then transition to the 4-lane, median- divided highway. This section will have a 60-foot median, and 28- foot pavement (to accommodate two 12-foot travel lanes, plus 2-foot paved shoulders) parallel, and adjacent to the existing pavement. The existing 22-foot pavement is to be-widened to 28 feet, and its outside shoulder and side slopes are to be rehabilitated to current standards where needed. The widening is to utilize the existing alignment and pavement to the extent possible to minimize adverse environmental effects. The proposed median and pavement will be located on the south side of existing NC 24 from 0.2 miles east of the Kenansville city limits to SR 1701. From SR 1701 to approximately 1600 feet east of SR 1726 the proposed new median and pavement will shift to the north side of NC 24 and transition to a symmetrically widened five-lane shoulder section. At SR 1762, the roadway will transition to a 64-foot curb and gutter section to tie into the existing roadway through Beulaville. Anfinn FmnlnvPr C, z6z?- On February 6, 1990 the Department of the Army and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency signed a memorandum of agreement (MOA) establishing procedures to determine the type and level of mitigation necessary to comply with the Clean Water Act Section 404 (b)(1) Guidelines. This MOA provides for first, avoiding impacts to waters and wetlands through the selection of the least damaging practical alternative, second, taking appropriate and practical steps to minimize impacts on waters and wetlands, and finally, compensating for any remaining unavoidable impacts to the extent appropriate and practical. Traffic demands along NC 24 corridor necessitate that this roadway be widened. The Environmental Assessment did not consider a new location alternative for this project, however, such an alignment would certainly have greater adverse impacts than widened along the existing road. The shift in widening from north to south of the existing roadway minimizes adverse effects on the environment and existing development. During the design stage, attempts were made to further minimize wetland impacts. Near Kenansville, the five-lane shoulder section with 64 feet of pavement including 2-foot paved shoulders was designed from the start of the 64-foot curb and gutter section to approximately 0.5 miles east of that point. A four lane median divided section was originally proposed for this section in the Environmental Assessment. This cross section revision saved an anticipated 3.9 acres of wetland impact. Consideration was also given to reducing the median width. The recommendation of a 60 foot median is based on the need to provide positive drainage of the pavement's subgrade. While it is possible to construct a narrower median, this will lead to costly maintenance measures in the future. The facility with a 60-foot median would also require flatter slopes and create greater distances between opposing vehicles resulting in a safer roadway. During the construction of the project, adverse impacts will be minimized using NCDOT best management practices. An effective erosion and sedimentation control program will also be required of the contractor. ,-The NCDOT is prepared commit to mitigation for the remaining unavoidable 19.89 acres of wetland impacts. The NCDOT mitigation staff examined roadway alignment and did not find a suitable mitigation area adjacent to the project. Accordingly, most of the search for suitable mitigation sites has been off-site. At this time, we are proposing to use a site already in NCDOT ownership. On September 3, 1992, the Corps of Engineers issued an Individual Permit (Action ID 199101124) for a new US 117 connector from Mt. Olive to I-40 near Faison in Duplin County. This permit stipulated that ten acres of bottomland hardwoods in the project area be preserved and thirty acres of cutover bottomland hardwood habitat be restored. A 91.25 acre tract was purchased in Goshen Swamp adjacent to the right-of-way. This tract is about 25 miles from the crossing of NC 24 and the Northeast Cape Fear River, and is within the same planning sub-basin as the proposed project. Our preliminary investigations on this tract are continuing prior to implementation of the planting and monitoring program agreed to at an August 16, 1991 meeting with the Corps of Engineers and regulatory review agencies (Copy of Guidelines attached). It is possible that the remaining 51.25 acres on this tract will provide enough mitigation credit to cover impacts due to the current NC 24 project. The NCDOT is currently assessing the extent of wetlands on the property and evaluating options for reforesting the site. If this tract is not sufficient for the proposed new project, another site will need found. NCDOT anticipates the need to consult with the Corps of Engineers regarding the mitigation issue. NCDOT hereby.requests that you review this proposal for authorization under an individual permit. For construction contract purposes, this project was divided into two sections: R- 2211BA is the western section and R-2211BB is the eastern section. Enclosed is a set of drawings for each section and a permit application summarizing the impacts of both. By copy of this letter we also are requesting Section 401 Water Quality Certification from the N.C. Division of Environmental Management. If you need additional information about this project please contact Mr. Gordon Cashin at (919) 733-9770. Sincerely, B. J. 0 Quin , P. E. cc: Mr. Ernie Jahnke, COE Wilmington . John Dorney, DEM, DEHNR Mr. Kelly Barger, P.E., Project Management Unit Mr. Don Morton, P.E., Highway Design Branch Mr. A.L. Hankins, P.E., Hydraulics Mr. John Smith, P.E., Structure Design Mr. D.J. Bowers, P.E., Division 3 Engineer Mr. N.L. Graf, P.E., FHWA Mr. W.D. Johnson, Roadside Environmental APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO EXCAVATE AND/OR-FILL . WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION ESSEMENT IN LANDS COVERED SY WATER CAMA PERMIT FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT 0tnartmint or Adminlrtrarbn State of rlorth ca ollne t)MVtmcnt of the Army (GS 146-12) 0apar1m4nt of Nitur„f Ro.ovrcet xnd Communkv7-,.4"-4-t eor"of FrO-4 t. Wilmington Olitrtt (GS 113-229, 143-115.3(+)(1). 143.215.3(c). 113--11 (33 CFK 201320.329) Pleast type or print and rill in Al blanks. If Information is not appllcable, so.*-4c-ac by placing NIA in blank. I A TNant l for ;ii O1Quinn, PE, Assistant Branch Manadcr, Planning & Environlnc-ntal Branch A. Name N. C. Department OF Tr.ansporLriri_on - Division of Iliglhways Last First Middle 0. Address P• O. Boy 2.5 2 0 1 Street, P. O. Box or 4.Ma Raleighr North Carolina 27611 (9l9) 733-q??R City or Town State Zip Code Phone 11. Lawton of Proposed Project: l1. County Duplin 0. 1. City, town, community or landmark Kenansville, Beaulaville 2. Is proposed work within city limits? Ycs No X C. Creek, river, sound or bay upon which project is located or nearest narrt= x dy of water to project Northeast Cape Fear River, Limestone Creek III. Description of Project A. 1. Maintenance or existing project 0. Purpose or excavation or rill 2. New wcxl. X /Acuas channel IcnFih width d4•p1l1 2. Boat basin length width death 3. Fill area See Attached sheet length width dcpth 4. Other length width depth C 1. Bulkhead length N/A Average distance wat.erward or MIW soordine) 2. Type of bulkhead construction (material) N/A D. Excavated material (total for project) 1. Cubic yards- NSA 2. Type or material N/A E. Fill material to be placed below MIAW (see also V1. A) - 1. Cubic yards See attached sheet 2, Typc of material Suitable Borrow IV. Land Type, Disposal Area. and Construction Equipment: A. Does the area to be excavated include any marshland, swamps or oil.e: -.=lard' Ycs _ X No 0. Does the disposal area include any marshland, swamps or other wetlanc Yci No X C. Disposal Area 1. Location Project Fills & Upland Waste Site-.---.. 2. Do you elairn title to disposal area! D. Fill material source if fill is to be trucked in _ Upland Borrow Site E. Ilow will excavated material be entrapped and erosion controlled! Standard Erosian Control Devices Silt Fence, Silt Basins Etc. F. Typc of equipment to be used Standard Roadway Construction Equipment G, Will marshland be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? 1• :1. explain Marshland will be crossed on existing roads V. f nterKied Uftof P'rr. },- t Arun (Deacritre) A. 1. Private N/A 2. Commercial N/A 3. Housing Development or Industrial N/A 4. Other__ Public Transportation B. 1. Lot size(s) N/A 2. Elevation of lot(s) above mean high water N/A 3. Soil type and texture 4. Type of building facilities or structures _ N/A 5. Sewage disposal and/or waste water treatment A. Existing _ N/A Planned N/A _ 8. Describe 6. Land Classification (circle one) DEVELOPED TRANSITIONAL CONSERVATION OTHER VI. Pertaining to Fill and Water Quality: COMMUNITY RURAL _ (See CAMA Local Land Use Plan Synopsis, A. Does the proposed project involve the placement of fill materials below mean high water? Yes X No B. 1. Will any runoff or discharge enter adjacent waters as a rewlt of project activity or planned use of the area following project completion? Yes X No 2. Type of discharge Surface Runoff 3. Location of discharge See plan views VII. Present rate of shoreline erosion (if known): N/A VIII. List permit numbers and issue dates of previous Dcpartrnccnt of Army Corps of Engineers or State permits for work in project area, if applicable: N/A IX. Length of time required to complete project: X. In addition to the completed application form, the followi" items must be provided: A. Attach a copy of the deed (with State application only) or other instrument under which applicant claims title to the affected property. OR if applicant is not claiming to be the owner. of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument ursckr which the owner claims title plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project on his land. B. Attach an accurate work plat drawn to scale on 8%, X 11" white paper (see instruction booklet for details). Note: Original drawings preferred . only high quality copies accepted. C. A copy of the application and plat must be served upon adjacent riparian landowners by registered or certified mail or by publication (G.S. 113-229 (d))Enter date served D. List names and complete addresses of the riparian landowners with property adjoining applicant's. Such owners have 30 days in which to submit comments to agencies listed below. See Attached Sheet XI. Certification requirement: I unify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the Sute of North Caroliruh approved coastal management program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. XII. Any permit issued pursuant to this application will allow only the development described in this appli• cation and plat. Applicants should therefore describe in the application and plat all anticipated devel. opment activities, including construction, excavation, filling and land clearing. -kl-"\ DATE0199 I ApplicaJrft's Signature III. Description of Project B. Purpose of Excavation or Fill in Wetlands 3. Fill Area Project Site Length Width Acres R-2211BA I 570' 85' 1.11 II 290' 100' 0.67 III 190' 105' 0.46 IV 135' 110' 0.34 V 800' 95' 1.75 VI 4260' 90' 8.80 VII 505' 90' 1.04 R-2211BB I 900' 80' 1.67 II 700' 90' 1.44 III 840' 40' 0.77 IV 1200' 67' 1.84 R-2211BA RIPARIAN LANDOWNERS Bertha B. Bostic Route 1, Box 26 Kenansville, N. C. 28349 Jane A. Price P. 0. Box 358 Rose Hill, N. C. 28458 Paul E. Dail Route 1, Box 32 Kenansville, N. C. 28349 Perry Whaley P. 0. Box 182 Rose Hill, N. C. 28458 Lemmie F. Whaley Route 1, Box 33-G Kenansville, N. C. 28349 Evelyn P Rhodes 121 Oxford Road Greenville, N. C. 27834 U. S. Steel Corp. Federal Paper Board Co. Inc. P. 0. Box 338 Bolton, N. C. 28423 Daphne B. Lee Route 1, Box 268 Beulaville, N. C. Earl F. Stroud Route 1, Box 30 Kenansville, N. C. 28349 Henry G. Dail Route 1, Box 25-C Kenansville, N. C. 28349 Paul E. Dail, Jr. & Henry G. Dail Route 1, Box 35 Kenansville, N. C. 28349 Leonard Dail Route 1, Box 33-H Kenansville, N. C. 28349 Nannie G. Brown P. 0. Box 115 Kenansville, N. C. 28349 York Kennedy Route 1, Box 33-L Kenansville, N. C. 28349 Richard C. Cashwell Route 1, Box 40 Kenansville, N. C. 28349 Hezekiah Dobson, Jr., ET AL 417 Old Fayetteville Road 28518 Chapel Hill, N. C. 27516 J. M. Dobson Heirs % Hezekiah Dobson, Jr. 417 Old Fayetteville Road Chapel Hill, N. C. 27516 Eleanor F. Weston & Elwood Futral Route 2, Box 289 Pink Hill, N. C. 28572 Christine A. Taylor Route 1, Box 60B Kenansville, N. C. 28349 William L. Miller, Jr. et al 305 Foxlake Drive Clinton, N. C. 28328 Kenneth H. Taylor Route 1, Box 60A Kenansville, N. C. 28349 John D. Miller 11707 140th St. SO. Ozone Park, N. Y. 11436 Juan Reyes P. 0. Box 583 Faison, N. C. 28341 R-2211BB RIPARIAN LANDOWNERS James Miller Heirs % Jimmy E. Miller P. O. Box 346 Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Donald D. Miller Route 1, Box 290P Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Stuart C. & William B. Miller Route 1, Box 240 Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Freely D. Hall, Jr. Route 1, Box 255 Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Joseph R. Miller Route 1, Box 258C Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Leo B. Miller Route 1, Box 258M Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Norman E. Mercer P. O. Box 21 Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Robert R. Mercer, Jr. Route 1, Box 476 Pittsboro, N. C. 27312 Robert L. Miller, Sr. P. O. Box 800 Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Grace Kennedy, et al % Sue K. Jarman P. O. Box 96 Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Winfred O. Miller Route 1, Box 2581 Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Tony T. Miller P. O. Box 900 Beulaville, N. C. 28518 Julius S. Sandlin, et al P. O. Box 476 Beulaville, N. C. 28518 ?-- - • ... .__.-_a _ vwvq• .--?-_ ..r, -:? --------- w'--- ,? a -rya- r? •\ 4I7 QwV? -3 , t i21• 111? a woody 0, 17 ti rr5 '? =.n dos s I 7 1?a9 1 y 2.0 ? p s \ ;:? ? y 1.5 r7 tg •? ,? i.: s '? n» Vin' '' ?... tied 1, 3i1 Raford ??» iJ ,3>• A .r 1\_ ?? 1702 s L A WW \ ? ?e3i ) ? v l.s ?JrV ' 1 y I77. .I \r ?s ITE I I ?F+rir1N Sa.ecra u I?11 t , .r G t12 1?f I \1 ,a \ t02 / i 17t7 ' ? ? Lrl, l„' p epr. ql 179 • ` ran ' 7J SITE N w .9'1, y J. (•? &- I -' 24 PRo S1 EVI 1 Strv ?• rA 41, LrLf c'' 1 .? 7 ? s s e vR,e .L. ,? 3142 121E 1.0 _ • R • _ -? Id.t.Oetr i e - ITE VI IJ+^'st p J INI ? :. !,V N - N - b ly?l a ::?7 1L42 M • 11! 1 r ,fit '?' 127E HaKrville '?'ri; Ly11 \ Idol 171! p ?- lu2 JA 1H 111I.•1• ? e .i• J i.l \ O 19 - _ ?.p 1.1 I?? .2 T, lIIC •odl . I ? ? bites.. IIO. 9 Ii ~ If 1.1 1977 1i77 Slere q Lfl31 ,ILA' Cklir 1 3 r? A q 1 .D 7 lt!! n .0 , !E1! 1logo lLll MA 1141 ac o itf! 1812 111 U Al s o - ll ? _ ? .7 SCALE Is .1:% 0 1 2 > a wn ?•J ?z , sa crwr ar r.. w .. _ Sprin a CSS n..,. 7 70 ' . Dover c 'heravllle 2 t sr. n. ?? '? I S 1 ?, L1 55 1 ork mount •''1- 55 L E' N O 6 a 60 ?Vim -1 r s 1 . 9 at so 'D ep Run is 1 258 1 ;1 D Faison Ibertson 58 T Rowdans Kornegay ' Pink Mill * ?• \? i 1 ? 11 fY \\\ 'wars.. ` o t C-- 50 a; n 21 \ MANN 2 urksy 1", 5 1 • e e Potters * 4 1 i Hill 1 f e eulevill ?•. frg\\? z D U1 P L z I, N to Magnolia I OREST' 21 11 12 ?1 41a Lyman 1.11.'h 11 1 1 1 untain Rose Hill Chinquapin Cat ' In* Lake N S Kellum q 4 r..n.e.r 2 O t z58 S L 10 +lackson ille ' o N C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION 21 Tesche 2 , Cypress It 5 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 41 ,Y o Tin City Creek I 16 lr DUPLIN COUNTY j` pi,il wB1.r0-"i Run 111 PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA 50 aws 1 o s s t0 __.-.-._20 3- - -Verona -,, WIDENING OF NC '' 1 SCALE OF MILES k -;- $- S EI E ET 1 OF 0_ 10 20 30 10 IfL?,c SCALE OF KILOMETERS r' MATCH LINE A-A I I ) \ I S92 I z r Q I? o j I II I I LLJ I1 J II II \II ? X W 1 I I? I 1 II .III le" 090 I?. IS I I I? I J. J i,U- 1, 0 0 I ? o I LIZ I I J I I I I IY I I a I I I '• I XI I I i i I 0 0 0 lea Q AREA OF FILL IN 1.11 AC WETLANDS TOTAL FILL I,3a? CY EDGE OF WETLANDS 0 z Q J W _ i z ? Q CL _J L1 W 0 W 0 SITE I 0 yd- / W o Q 0 / a ,? I 1 =j EDGE OF WETLANDS r / ?I i I I - ©I ? I ? I I I ?' s 370 I a "I w c) it I I I ?\ a a r+I ( I I U d I ( I z Q C3 1 ( tJ ?? 1 I a Ld \ w Z e? ?I I I ? \? ?I w (j) W r x I Ic? w O i? `? i ? \ ? \ Iwo 0 p, I IN 2@ r-7 I \ \4 ' ! o W A I A o SITE \ \J °o < cc c a / I I \\ \\\\I T ?-Q co I \ ?? 1 w N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION MATCH LINE A-A DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-221113A WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET 3 OF 32 0 Qo 0 0 of I I N I \ Ln 0 4< W w p' - Q Q U U V) cl? J J f Q Q 0 z ? w 0 ,j r- W ll.. iJ ? J UO J OD Iw- aN n a 3 z w y o r ? 19 ? y 11 V Q ;r Q W M ..SITE I N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION [T' DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY I PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA C? c?? O WIDENING OF NC 9:1 S H E E 1, 4 or., 3?. 0 cr E Q M O 1 1 V i j 1 3 2? P Z i ? I ? t ow d' I I 1 I I I , ?i I ti H J o LL Z Q Ln J w ?- o z oz o , f J ? J d tf1 `, t 11 0 I i °- SITE I. i 1 ( a i N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION! DIVISION OF 1-11GI-IWAYS ; DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA' WIDENING OF NC 24 I SI-1 EET 5 . _ OF t 11 I E? ? ? I NI r? I I I LL: I II w w ?I - ? I Itrt ? x \\ I a \ip ? ;? 50b 1 +`* A M1 ?? j I I SITE II (n LLI F- O Z W CU ?O S2 _o O Lo Q / AREA OF CONSTIN 0,67 AC WETLANDS TOTAL FILL 13,300 CY w z` Q J d EDGE OF WETLANDS 0 0 G) 00 I 0 CD 0 0 11 0 ao 0 0 .. w Ld 0 U U U') U-) a J n w C< ii Q Q ?q z U a O ZN Li <D _ 00Y W ] J F-0 3 :D CC lf? Z Q C ) o LLJ U O j __ U Z O w -' ? U LLJ Z <L 0 N tr Q . Ci N ._ . SITE II N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION _ DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS I I DUPLIN COUNTY 0 0 I PROJEC'C 8.1240801 IZ-22 11BA 0 (? 00 WIDENING OF NC 21 1 • 2 j ? r i ? i ? 1 ? ? Z 1 , 1 o , M ? 1 1 ? r r r 7 i I /I 1 1 O / M / 1 1 , , o , 9 1 i tr- i , , , I ' I , 1 4 V (r?n V SITE II O U CI) Z O W O ? Z oz (j1 I J ? r U.i T ? n H ? o -- O N . C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION` << DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ? DUPLTN COUNTY I? PROJECT 8.1210801 R-2211BA WIDENING OF NC 2.1 I SHEET $_ OF i s I I ? !I DGE OF WETLANDS I x I i,w J ' ( <C CJ J AREA OF CONSTRUCTION IN WETLANDS -17-SAC TOTAL FILL 33000Y 4PO Ld z o a Q J ~ / a w 3 z Lli u o 0 S SITE V I v N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION 3 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 5.12.1080.1 R-221113A WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET OF -_ E I \ 3? ? r I \ ? I ti ti1+ U w w lei I k= I? I 7 ? \ o A AI J \ I QrD Ln I 1 O O ?- o 0 0_ w Lli M Q Q Q) Q) `v o o i N W I- E > r,r zz oQ w w ?o v- O w 3: o r z w -T o= C7 w oc o SITE V <1) ?N . C .? DEPT. OF TRANS PORTAT I ON DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNT' + PROJECT 8.1210801 R-2211BA' WIDENING OF NC 2:1 SHEET 10 0 F 3?. o, 1° 0 O I" 1 n 0 0 O cr- >' I A- I I n I a ` o ,I 06 I , I / I I i I I I c7 I ? 1 D ul (n 77 Q f- Z(-n Or-) U Z (n -j W Q W z? az J d 6 H r o u 0? o f?r-t Q ? SITE V i t t I N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION; DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA WIDENING OF NC 2:1 , SHEET \l. 0 F 3ti 0 0 MATCH LINE A-A Ila v, 67 §1 1, Ln S85 '' I \??? l.y l J ?j Q i{,f211d I \f .?pl co 43 ' •'a I ` AREA OF FILL IN SURFACE WATER 0.6 I E AREA OF FILL IN o I ?, `\ IL' WETLANDS: 8.8 AC 3 I `\•i io TOTAL FILL 135,400 w , I -j \, \ ?- I I dz \` `3\I cr 71 I I w `• In NI z 1? I `?I z ? i n- I H g ca I \ i n I Lu w I I <`? I V\ \ \I W f 1 I ' j \ \ \ \I Z s In cm) I w A W J U z m a c J A :D I I \ ••\I o J J 1 j J I \ 4 \?? Li L1.. \r .. cn vi W w ORS 1-- o O I I I "?, o 1 I 1 ©'? nai' d.. c I I EDGE OF WETLANb'S j I i \ I I ? w ' SITE VI I I I I 1 N,C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION 1 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.124080.1 R-2211BA I I WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET 1,Z2 OF :11 SGS I b? I ti 1 %I I_ I.? I I I .? I I F? 13 I .r I I N ? 43 I E,y I w `Y I OGS ==? a I /* ? / W+ t? I /?a '? 1 13 I r?i•?1;3 ?? j I I I I e3 ;i{ I I J ?? I ? I I MATCH LINE ITI JI I? Q J W w w _ L N 0-13 \ \ 1 CL 's \ \ 0 \ t I O ! \\ rr \ d \ I N •, ?? a \ xlJ X \ x" w o 0 ?a\ I z \ •Io 6 i W W z x rl CD 1 Q ;\ ,I \ I ? a ' XI 3 z Q J 11 SITE VI 2 w Q w Lr u3 z J J V_ W O z w 0 v. .O u w J Q Ln O z Q W z J J I.l_ W F- i N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8,12.10801 R-221113A WIDENING OF NC 24 MATCH LINE A- A I SHFFT 1` n? -o o_ MATCH LINE -C- C 0 _ o Q uj LL 009 LL I s w Q a J J i 0- / W ? s z J LL w 0 G U \ SITE VI N,C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION Lo .'t MAT N,C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.12.4080.1 R-2211BA' 565 WIDENING OF NC 24 CH LIE B 6 SHEET It OF ?I / 3 I ?? I I ? I I I -T a ? I ? 1 I? I I Y i 4? I I - I J 1 ? I c? I ` I cn ?? O I ?? I W -1 I I u? I F \. .. ?. 1 W ? V I IO I --'' CJ ? I W O H I ? I \ I G l? I' ? m I' ? ?C3 v iD I I I I ? \ \ ? '? 4 \ I ??J a W w s ?- ,. \ f?J I ?? I I cri \ is ;J 1 I \ ? \I 1 a 1 ? `al I I ' \ . \\I \ w I I ?? I I \ I \ ? / ?31 I \ I o? I , AT - Lu z ° ; MAT CVA LINE D- D Lc) I 1 \ \ 1 I I I \ b, \,. I o \-- -I ? I \ \I N :? I I ,? C3\ `` J Q ?\ \.I J \, I L cti -J\l 41 Cd9 I \ u i, O\ N \? \ . c., i \ \ N\ ILa a 43 I z \ ac U) Q w - I I I J \ l\ I o I I ~w NN N\ \ \ 1 I LL , o, ` A. AV` JiLLJ V) j e3 I I \ ,;? n''\ l w w \?\ I w Q LLI Q I y r\ \,\I m z ~ U? x I 11J ti .\ I .,.I `a ` ri. ?? I ( \ I I. \ ' 'I o w \ LL) ;; \\ \ o > ., LLI s l I j O i1 I / i n \ I w ?:J SITE VI <3 I w I I rJ09 ' ' \\ I N,C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS \ I DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.17•40J0,I R-2211 FAA I 3 I li WIDENING OF NC 24 MATCH LINE C- C SHEET _I 0 F 3'L 4 LINE E - E MATCN I \ \ I \ o = 1?. O ZO o 41 W Y T3 1 \ \?\1 '` G ?w? \ Y)z W 3 I 0 \ \, W to 2 1 \ °6 -Too I w \ \ I zo o \ \ \ I `o _ \ J Lr I a y 8Ld OZ9 s x ,ON RN A5T CAPE NORTHE I ??? ? 2 ? r \ W %© I CL v 3 W C3 I z MI \ I C> Q w I y:i 13 \ LLI X\w \ \ \ I M I \ I Z \\1 a \ I I \\ w ; ,? \ \ `I o SITE VI z ; j 3 \ \ \)w\? N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION I ??I\ \ \ \I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS N I ??\. ?\ •i DUPLIN COUNTY _ ?a I i ?? :get ' \?'I PROJECT 8.12-I080.1 R-2211 BA WIDENING OF NC 24 MATCH LINE I D D SHEET !_? OF 31, - 3 W z J 0 O L0 O W J y vvi ?n C\l i ?3 I i I ,I•? \ ,3?C: I , rr "+ I 5 \ -M Li I- (D IG? ( < O J I I7 ?? Q I ? i ?\ H I`'i I lu w lL SZ9 ct: J ° W _? I P,\ ,?a31 I ls,\ ? e3 I i ? . I x? I N MATCH LINE \ E-E J W cr w J 2 •C J J EDGE OF WETLANDS SITE VI co 0 Q F Z J 0 L W Q N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.12-10801 R-22118A WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEFT 17 OF 4? r, O O ?. i O 03Lin QD ' J i U U ? I J J co U NN W Fr > 0 W -JUG Jc --? tL Z LL Q M 0 W fJ- LY w W oz N O ao - SITE VI . ?N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION I I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ! DUPLIN COUNTY r1 PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA ?- i WIDE T NG OF NC 21 SHEET _? S _ OF 31% O c.? O - O - ss? I 1 0 - Lr., w w U U cn (J) J J M U r \? \ W i , (V \ ? J \ W z LL. , J Q O ? w r)" C S r z wz a- G) L CIO SITE VI \ N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORT ATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAY S DUPLIN COUNTI' 0 PROJECT 8.1210801 11-2 21 111A WIDENING OF NC 21 SHEET J 4 OF 3?! l 0 n 0 o L - i o _?, o.. C._ I _J N Q Q U U (J? Cn Q Q z _ o cr N_ W O O U ? J J ?- Z ;W Q _J W ' O F-- `-'-' ?C-) o w 7 Q co r w A ? ? Lp ?= SITE VI 0 Lr) N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION 6) DIVISION O F HIGHWAYS LCD I I DUPLI,N COUN'T'Y O PROJECT 8.124 0801. R-221111A Ldp WIDENING s FI T: FT ?.? OF NC 21 0 F 3ti •O O O Ln C- -" 0 L0 ? Lf) o.. O J J ? U U L Ln J J Q Q U O ??- W O I .? > n a? o _ 0 - r? \ W ?I 0! ?-z c)- ? Q ww !y ? z ?9 V . y Q v 7 Q ..SITE VI M / N. C. DEPT. OF TQANSPORTATION` I ( DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY C7 (? ?? PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA Lc) v WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET zl. OF 3'1i 1 ? U_ 7 C? <O i-n O O a' o Ln ? w w Q Q Q Q r- ? 0 I- ' N s ? W = LLJ @1 r -, un Ln -Jo LL- Z y' O Q ul ?\ CL' J LLiJ 4-- CL; L.LJ 12 N SITE VI N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY, PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA u) ?- WIDENING OF NC 2.1 SHEET z'$ OF 'S? CD O O O ` ^ l.i I !?- I O^ u I °w °W ? I U U Q Q N z U Ur OO fy E W O 2 I W J In LLZ LL Q ! a- G 5 Z W L, z N N fv } ? o v) SITE VI I r-0 ta ?? \ iN. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION CT) DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA 0 0 WIDENING OF NC 2.1 SHEET ?3 OF 3ti _ t ? 3U ? 5?1tao QROP, kb Mow N` i # tNM4 A N K ME11 C j .uome S .rte - ` e: i t9' 1 I Flo N.c,. S F-c ION A-A DENOTES FILL IN WE71-AND SITE VI N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION o ?s 3okORx.SGA1-? DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ?q DUPLIN COUNTY p 5 /o PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA i VER1, sLALG WIDENING OF NC 2. SHEET Z?_ 0 F 3 310 58?} +-00 60 Sa ?( U Pttoc . ?:onvk? ?'t \ N . G. s 1 0 r 177 s i t I SECTION 4-Li 0 DENOTES FILL I N WETLANDS DENOTES FILL IN 'SURFACE WATER 0 ?s 30 o .? 5 Id V E R'C . SC.A1.C SITE VI N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA 14I DENI NG OF NC 2:1 SHEET 25_ OF 3 t ? rJ dr- a 0 M A 0 0 n 0 .9 O t Q- r d 2 U d 6 C9 i o ? ? ?? u? r 2\ r i I r i \ r C' I ? r r I? \t r r i Ln --JZ LL < 1 t LIJ w ' U F - Q) Z Lb z O I z ? 4 o a I ? y Z 3 SITE VI Q ! r N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 11-221111A _ol I ?I 14IDENING_OF NC 24 M SHEET Z?o OF 3? Aj it ' v off- x J cn t o , __.I 0 J ' W LLJ o ' z UZ I I i rl I {{ O ' - ? ,9 , ' O I o ? I u.1 "i f o 0-1 xr 1 (n j 1-+ v-' S t s ? t O i o o `- i LA N 40 `? o o I SITE VI 4 i rN. I C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION] DIVISION OF HIGIIWAI'S DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA I V) zl L WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET Z7 0 F ??! # y I `,1 I T ?, I. I >? z I I w \ w O.- 0 a W w LLJ LLJ 1 z 1,04 ?3'1 - . - ?? AREA OF MST IN 1.04 LAC r WETLANDS (n cr I I TOTAL FILL 15,100 o IS ^ ? _ CY Ob9 r ?. a ., w I I` EDGE OF WETLANDS Z I v \ 2 I ?? i I \'B I \ l ` \? cf) ?I Ia I = Q IQ i 1 p W_ J w xI \ 0- } w w w 16 ?77 Iwo I ?? ? J A? A U I w E ¢ I J?' \\ z- SITE VI w V) cr w 3: ZD z LL h w w 3 I J ,* w -6 w /I I w` ° v N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPOR'ATION 6 w w DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS S?9 f/ / I I in I DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.12•4080.1 R-2211 BA 1 I WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET Z6 OF 3Z.- S t O \ +J V 1 0 ?r (. Lc) C1' 1"o® Ln V' O . O . W W J J Ur U U J J (D W p > 1 W W' z o JI OQ of w \ z ?? oz w Q a: SITE `'II C1- N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION M DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA t ' C7 n WIDENING OF NC 2.1 t-? Lf) SHEET Q OF 3L v `c 1 LL U a._ ?r i-0 v- N Ln IiJ ii n- °1 , a- 0 0 0 o Ln ?., o.. o,_ s Li w Q Q U U U) cn U N w 1z 0 > M a O Z U Q (f)? W O W z Wz ?- ? i SITE VII I I I N. C. DEPT., OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS U 0 0 DUPLIN COUNTY of PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA 141 DEN I NG OF NC 21 S 1 I }:1;'i' O F _ i N 4 ?It / 2 a `? W \A Q a `M I i ° ro i i 0 ,o N ?I i I i 1 I ?i 11 1t! I <rl 12 V ?e o• O ? R o r 0 7 J to J O LL L? J W I- W I-- 03: z W -7- N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-221111A WIDENING OF NC 2.1 . SFI EET 31. OF _ SUMMARY REPORT ------------------ SITE STATION PERMIT TYPE CON n IN FILL IN SURFACE WETLANDS 1 Ai_ . ) WATER l At' . ) i i I 364+10 TO INDIVIDUAL 371+30 -L- 404 1.11 0 II 402+55 TO INDIVIDUAL I 405+80 -L- 404 0.67 0 i III 434+30 TO NATION WIDE 436+65 -L- 33 CFR 330.5(A)(14) 0.46 0 IV 441+50 TO NATION WIDE 442+85 -L- 33 CFR 330.5(A)(14) 0.34 0 V 475+62 TO INDIVIDUAL 1.75 0 483+95 -L- 404 VI 579+58 TO INDIVIDUAL 8.8 0.60 625+15 -L- 404 VII 636+00 TO INDIVIDUAL 1.04 0 643+50 -L- 404 -------- ----- TOTAL CONS' IN WETLANDS (ACRES) 14.17 0.60 N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BA WIDENING OF NC 21 SHEET 32 0 F 32 750 wC \ o? o . w J ' wW l:I~ yi? 3 w g"? .1? I z z w Y W V r X H 745 J a I ? J w ?.. LL_ I I \ i I ? \ \ I I I _ I 0 M: 45, \I. \' j I ?' • -? c3 LL I ? \ . \W? I II WL f I I I O_ /, I Q ( I I I 1- a I I ?' I n ? a. I Lu ;, I I = I m I v) \W \ I i I U j;b-,1 1 t?` \ I l\., _ . I Iu Iv U ?- \ I '\, Iifl in r I Q w I I J I Ld " I - I -? r J AREA OFCONSTR CTION IN WETLANDS I,4_ FILL IN SURFACE WATER 0.2 L AC. TOTAL FILL 2A900 C.Y. U i ?D I o. w , Q 1 3: 1 W z i a > c i z Q w w a J z 3 ? ? Eu I U a z Z O U ? Ell cc W Z v w w 0 0 i SITE II N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS j DUPLIN COUNTY i PROJECT 8.124080.1 R-2211 BB j WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET -OF I ?- { 4 9- ?z IV/ I? i? m I co Iz i® r U W z O U z? U) z(f) JW 0 c) _j <c 7 I (n W i W O? O z? ? z oz oV) > ? N 0 0 SITE . IT N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET OF i ? I I LL a, c I I f!1 Z I _ w w f3 U I .. 775 z O Cl u i I 0 3t; U J J ? 770 Ns AREA OF CONSTRUCTION IN WETLANDS 7 4 . FILL IN SURFAC WATER TOTAL FILL 63000.Y. W z Q J W N Z Q J H w 3 cr Ld z 3 z O w U l¢i I- c z O U J ti W O O z 0 z 0 SITE III 1 ' z j O uj Q? u p? w 1 O \\ III W i ? \ 3 II ? N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.12-1080.1 R-22111313 WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET - OF MATCH LINE i =3 I\.tc. 3 I 790 _ ?3 I? ?i3 I O I\ ? I i W l z Y ) 3 I` w J ? I• 9 I w r w I J '3 I :s l l 785 co o t 3 3 I LL 3 W 0 i c:a O o _ w I ti O I 1 I I A / I ? I I} w d? Ln 17 , J :V1 cr w? J ?j1 r o11 Ill ? fi--?- 4 0 I? 0 1 O •I) II I t. I I I 3) 3- Ix Iw I i 1 \ 0 O W J Q AREA OF TEMPORARY FILL IN WETLANDS 1.01 AC. AREA OF PERMANENT FILL IN WETLANDS - 1.84 AC. TOTAL FILL 6 8000Y. w z Q J CL SITE IV J J r ?° w Z z 2g a U3 I-- mv) 3- W cr o = awz w Z Ln3a--' - w w J 0w 3 OW ?Z N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.124080.1 R-221166 WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET - OF A-A MATCH LINE B - B I I I q b \ I -6 Y -' I I I a ' N ? 3 I\ I I , a = cc I I I w A - ~ S " W y ^.? I I I Y _ Q ? ? 'A I ? I a r -A u I I I I - ~ 1 t? `i 07. ? ? I w I I I I I z ? ? z o `? I d I I 4`? Q J J 13 w 795 3 - Ii w O J w 3 I w lnLLQL o `? ? I I o ~ w CL o C?, / I Q O 4 Fw_ s I I ?i S I _ w ? I w z + I I i Co I I I I © w t '? . c3 I I - ``' MATCH LI NE A - A 0 0 O 0 w J Q 'J7 w _ Z Q J !- <0 Z°z QQ Q ?3 J cc J 2F_ st- ww ww 1-;c a3 wZ WZ F- F- 0 J OJ ZJ ZJ O li ?J) ?- INN, SITE IV N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.124080.1 8-2211 BB WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET -OF MATC F ? 1 ?,`3h,,?,l,?•ly?•b?•Ip_ I 11 ON W 6 Z? _J .J I I 0 w .3 w I dam= ? I w Ld I ? I J N 5 I I z ? y al E3 Q? Q E B-B W _Z J w N W a J Q I c? a? Q ao W •Z ? - J Q o - Z a a o ? cA W 0J - J 3 aW Qp a w a w? ? ea 4 cn a LL o - oz LLI F a w3 d d ? E3 I O O O • Lo Z O W J Q J W LL cr ¢p F z z CC Z z Q Q_ a rr J .2 F- w W Wtn Z Q W - to J w O J p 3: z J Z O LL W' D. (SITE IV SHEET -OF oZ N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.124080.1 R-22111313 WIDENING OF NC 24 a W --j 805 oW w3 it 8 Ld .6 w z W Y H Q 5 J I ? II m I. An i O O O rr ? © °a ct y F w3 W Z w _ OJ d Y 4' ® < Q 00 9 w ? w ?? °J F-O J a J J_ LL F- ?0 W Oz z .J a W F- h- W w 0 az N vy Q .wz Lw w _j 0 z o? ?z SITE IV N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY i PROJECT 8.124080.1 R-221166 WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET _ OF - MATCH LINE C - C O 0 CC) L6 O CC) Co L / <D L C C O O G) 00 O W _J LL I OI a. i O O O^ L (D .. O ,. W Li J ? J i U) (j) J J z O ~ N W O z O U cr z (n Oo U ? J W ? O W 7,3: W z o SITE I N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-221188 WIDENING OF NO 24 SHEET OF L .O 0 0 0 0 - - ? co 0 Lr) ? J J Lli U U cn cn J J Q ff O -- U cr- Li I O > L Go Z 'W. O Q' 1o L? CL (j am z 0 .. cn Q w f- ow cv _ z oz - FLSITE I ` is N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS I ( DUPLIN COUNTY Q C_J Q PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB co WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET - OF I 685 W W Y H ('r)W W? O J J V) 680 i w r ,h r r I l I I? I? I I I? h N \ 10 ? \ \ JA?\ , I I? c`r n ? Ij\ i LL 'I .. _ ma \? I o a if W c \ ?f;d\ I f1 I I \ A \ I 3? I Ld Z m i . - i n ;a w i ? \. \ ? t41\ I V I I Y I ? -\ _0 I c;-- O . a Loin a 'cr ? J Q I W Z , J W AREA OF CONSTRUCTION IN WETLANDS I. A C t7) i TOTAL FILL 47000"Y• m WW 1 J J u i m 'J 0 _- z _W > W G 3- Q Z ? -? Z n O - a_j n ? I O ? / L w a i \. SITE I i i N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.12,1080.1 R-2211813 WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET _ OF i 1 -? • t; l?Q V 0 I?jl - ?m- I 4`1 I I l ac ? J v I 1 l'1 ?I TI %I ?I Q Q z 0 0-4 F U W O [? U. Z Uz U1 J w W E ._ ~ O W 7 LLJ y ? o N 1(? SITE I I s N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET OF w o ? z (jo f` Ln rl- O o O p' I, O Ln J w _ .1 Q Q U U co Q Q f--" U z ?-- o > t- z cn O ? U z v7 ? W J O? z ?z SITE III N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY O PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB q- WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET OF s , t?O i? O ,? O (3 I L1 I L,J Q C 0 C - O z O O O L I O O J ? _J J J ? z O U ? N W O j W? z O JI U LL O D n cr - cn cn zo Oz U Q w I-- h- Li o LLJ z o SITE III N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET OF • l 1 00 its I0 !Lr) I I`n IN 0 0 co 0 l t t 6 0 i Q d- O O 'o w w Q Q ! U U V) 0 Q Q z o N ?-- W O I I S J LL' O LY___ U LL ? W OW z::?: w oz I SITE IV N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPIIN COUNTY C PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET OF 0 r4 r rn r- 11 D F h d- ? Its o 0 o^ 0 0 o.. o . w w Q Q U U Q Q F'" z U o N ? r C:: Lv ] O I W; zz 3: UJ C) LLI cn y o z ! o < LO C f II N ? E oQ G? r C SITE IV CC) I I CD L I N 0 I G7 I GO I I*-- O 0 p L c c c C s I V i 0 0 0 0 O Ln Ln %O . O.- i J _J U U J J CD ?-- N W 0 S i W J 0. rat J - li z ?Q W J W 0 z? z o- SITE IV I I 0 0 1 o (D O 0 O - i Lt) I N I I I O O O O ? W W J J Q Q uo (1) J J ' Q Q o z ? co ?- o cr - w ? > o I ?w CAD i? ' -J J cl- C) L% Z Q ?. cn J w o 3: z o ? z QD o Ln 0- 0 ' 00 r1. S:TE IV N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION I I ( DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS I DUPLIN COUNTY Q _ L? o PROJ ECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB in WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET OF a 4 0 M- (A.- a- 4 1 c? z .31 4) V z i I ' D J I Q r u] I ? i I I I tt? 1? I o 0 SITE IV N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS' DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-221188 WIDENING OF NC 24 ?1 SHEET OF ULID ..... OLL6 LICE ........... LM IMAM JAC) ...................... SURFACE WATER (ACi ................ I INDIVIDUAL 404 1.67 0 II INDIVIDUAL 404 1.44 III INDIVIDUAL 404 0.77 0.04 i IV INDIVIDUAL 404 1.84 p t t R f -- TOTAL AREA OF CONSTRUCTION s IN WETLANDS IACRESI 5,72 0.25 4 i s i f t i N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION! DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DUPLIN COUNTY PROJECT 8.1240801 R-2211BB 1 WIDENING OF NC 24 SHEET OF ;? Ol1 3;A,iAei I nes a s OS 11-7 PROJECT: 8.1240604 R-606AA Sampson-Duplin Co. TTC i -f *'nr` ae b -I?-46-S:-NC 48-3 to -SR- -Tom GUIDELINES FOR WETLAND MONITORING PROGRAM August 16, 1991 vic CJtndTlq Kenunsui ile fi? BeLktaViil-, J I. Monitoring Time Frame - Mitigation site shall be inspected at the following times. A. Prior to planting B. At completion of planting C. Two (2) years following completion (or after 2nd full growing season) II. Data to be obtained at Specific Inspection Times A. Prior to planting - 1. Check for proper elevation and grade, get the permitting agency's approval on the elevation. 2. Check for proper plant species and for acceptable plant quality. 25% Nyasa sylvatica - Black Gum, 15-1811, Seedling, Br. 25% Quercus ni ra - Water Oak, 15-18", Seedling, Br. 25$ uercus phellos - Willow Oak, 15-18", Seedling, Br. 25$ uercus michauxii - Swamp Chestnut Oak, 15-1811, Seedling, Br. Note: Plant species are contingent on availability at the time of planting. 3. Check for proper planting methods 4. Check for proper plant spacing (8' O.C., 680 seedlings per acre) B. At completion of planting check for conformity with plans as well as quality of planting C. Two (2) years following completion (or after 2nd full growing season) 1. Estimate survival rate (optional - collect data if it can be determined) 2. Measure height of plants 3. Take Photograph(s) 4. Estimate percent population a. Planted species b. Overall (natural succession) \. f Page 2 R-606AA, August 16, 1991 III. Evaluation and Recourse Action A. Acceptable survival rate (50% population planted and natural succession of desirable species) B. Two (2) year data evaluation 1. Below acceptable survival rate (recourse options) a. Replant (supplemental or complete) b. Minor regrading c. Reevaluate feasibility 2. Acceptable survival rate - no action NORTH CAROLINA Duplin County CERTIFICATION THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H, Section .0500 to N.C. Department of Transportation pursuant to an application filed on the 22 day of October 1992 to fill 19.89 acres of wetlands for the widening of NC24 between Kenansville and Beulaville. The'Application provides adequate assurance that the discharge of fill material into the waters of Northeast Cape Fear River tributaries in conjunction with the proposed road widening in Duplin County will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95- 217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafter set forth. Condition(s) of Certification: 1. That the activity be conducted in such a manner as to prevent significant increase in turbidity outside the area of construction or construction related discharge (increases such that the turbidity in the Stream is 25 NTU's or less are not considered significant). 2. Wetland mitigation must be at least as comprehensive as described in DOT's 19 October 1992 submittal. Any changes must have written DEM approval. Violations.of any condition herein set forth shall result in revocation of this Certification. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal Permit. This the 11 day of December, 1992. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT J A) P eston Howard, Jr. P.E. WQC# 2797. E - '% .? STATE a„w STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P.O. BOX 25201 RALEIGH 27611-5201 JAMES G. MARTIN GOVERNOR October 19, 1992 FHOMAS J. HARRELSON SECRETARY District Engineer US Army Corps of Engineers PO Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 ATTN: Regulatory Branch DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS WILLIAM G. MARLEY, JR., P.E. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR SUBJECT: Duplin County, Widening of NC 24 from Kenansville to M Beulaville (TIP # R-2211B, State Project 8.1240801) r Dear Sir: The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to widen NC 24 to provide additional travel lanes. The project begins at the Kenansville eastern corporate limits and ends at the Beulaville western corporate limits. The project will impact approximately 19.89 acres of bottomland hardwood wetlands at eight sites along the roadway. The recommended improvements will provide a 4-lane, median- divided highway except for the project terminals at Kenansville and Beaulaville. Beginning at the three lane section at Kenansville, the project will then widen to a five.-l-acne 64-foot section for 1350 feet. The roadway will then transition to the 4-lane, median- divided highway. This section will have a 60-foot median, and 28- foot pavement (to accommodate two 12-foot travel lanes, plus 2-foot paved shoulders) parallel, and adjacent to the existing pavement. The existing 22-foot pavement is to be-widened to 28 feet, and its outside shoulder and side slopes are to be rehabilitated to current standards where needed. The widening is to utilize the existing alignment and pavement to the extent possible to minimize adverse environmental effects. The proposed median and pavement will be located on the south side of existing NC 24 from 0.2 miles east of the Kenansville city limits to SR 1701. From SR 1701 to approximately 1600 feet east of SR 1726 the proposed new median and pavement will shift to the north side of NC 24 and transition to a symmetrically widened five-lane shoulder section. At SR 1762, the roadway will transition to a 64-foot curb and gutter section to tie into the existing roadway through Beulaville. 4r l On February 6, 1990 the Department of the Army and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency signed a memorandum of agreement (MOA) establishing procedures to determine the type and level of mitigation necessary to comply with the Clean Water Act Section 404 (b)(1) Guidelines. This MOA provides for first, avoiding impacts to waters and wetlands through the selection of the least damaging practical alternative, second, taking appropriate and practical steps to minimize impacts on waters and wetlands, and finally, compensating for any remaining unavoidable impacts to the extent appropriate and practical. Traffic demands along NC 24 corridor necessitate that this roadway be widened. The Environmental Assessment did not consider a new location alternative for this project, however, such an alignment would certainly have greater adverse impacts than widened along the existing road. The.'shift in widening from north to south of the existing roadway minimizes adverse effects on the environment and existing development. During the design stage, attempts were made to further minimize wetland impacts. Near Kenansville, the five-lane shoulder section with 64 feet of pavement including 2-foot paved shoulders was designed from the start of the 64-foot curb and gutter section to approximately 0.5 miles east of that point. A four lane median divided section was originally proposed for this section in the Environmental Assessment. This cross section revision saved an anticipated 3.9 acres of wetland impact. Consideration was also given to reducing the median width. The recommendation of a 60 foot median is based on the need to provide positive drainage of the pavement's subgrade. While it is possible to construct a narrower median, this will lead to costly maintenance measures in the future. The facility with a 60-foot median would also require flatter slopes and create greater distances between opposing vehicles resulting in a safer roadway. During the construction of the project, adverse impacts will be minimized using NCDOT best management practices. An effective erosion and sedimentation control program will also be required of the contractor. The NCDOT is prepared commit to mitigation for the remaining unavoidable 19.89 acres of wetland impacts. The NCDOT mitigation staff examined roadway alignment and did not find a suitable mitigation area adjacent to the project. Accordingly, most of the search for suitable mitigation sites has been off-site. At this time, we are proposing to use a site already in NCDOT ownership. On September 3, 1992, the Corps of Engineers issued an Individual Permit (Action ID 199101124) for a new US 117 connector from Mt. Olive to I-40 near Faison in Duplin County. This permit stipulated that ten acres of bottomland hardwoods in the project area be C ? preserved and thirty acres of cutover bottomland hardwood habitat be restored. A 91.25 acre tract was purchased in Goshen Swamp adjacent to the right-of-way. This tract is about 25 miles from the crossing of NC 24 and the Northeast Cape Fear River, and is within the same planning sub-basin as the proposed project. Our preliminary investigations on this tract are continuing prior to implementation of the planting and monitoring program agreed to at an August 16, 1991 meeting with the Corps of Engineers and regulatory review agencies (Copy of Guidelines attached). It is possible that the remaining 51.25 acres on this tract will provide enough mitigation credit to cover impacts due to the current NC 24 project. The NCDOT is currently assessing the extent of wetlands on the property and evaluating options for reforesting the site. If this tract is not sufficient for the proposed new project, another site will need to be found. NCDOT anticipates the need to consult with the Corps of Engineers regarding the mitigation issue. NCDOT hereby requests that you review this proposal for authorization under an individual permit. For construction contract purposes, this project was divided into two sections: R- 2211BA is the western section and R-2211BB is the eastern section. Enclosed is a set of drawings for each section and a permit applivation summarizing the impacts of both. By copy of this letter\we also are requesting Section 401 Water Quality Certification from the N.C. Division of Environmental Management. If you need additional information about this project please contact Mr. Gordon Cashin at (919) 733-9770. Sincerely, B.J. 0 Quin , P.E. cc: Mr. Ernie Jahnke, COE Wilmington Mr. John Dorney, DEM, DEHNR Mr. Kelly Barger, P.E., Project Management Unit Mr. Don Morton, P.E., Highway Design Branch Mr. A.L. Hankins, P.E., Hydraulics Mr. John Smith, P.E., Structure Design Mr. D.J. Bowers, P.E., Division 3 Engineer Mr. N.L. Graf, P.E., FHWA Mr. W.D. Johnson, Roadside Environmental ?m State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury. Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James G. Martin, Governor A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary December 11, 1992 Acting Director Mr. Barney O'Quinn Planning and Environmental Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5201 Dear Mr. O'Quinn: Subject: Certification,Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act, Proposed widening of NC24 between Kenansville and Beulaville Project # 92625, COE# 199300273 DOT# R-2211BA, R-2111BB Duplin County Attached hereto is a copy of Certification No. 2797 issued to N.C. Department of Transportation dated December 9, 1992. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, A? reston Howard, Jr P.E. Attachments cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Wilmington Regional Office Wilmington DEM Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Mr. John Parker Central Files REGIONAL OFFICES Asheville Fayetteville Mooresville Raleigh Washington Wilmington Winston-Salem 704/251-6208 919/486-1541 704/663-1699 919/571-4700 919/946-6481 919/395-3900 919/896-7007 Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 NORTH CAROLINA Duplin County CERTIFICATION THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H, Section .0500 to N.C. Department of Transportation.pursuant to an application filed on the 22 day of October 1992 to fill 19.89 acres of wetlands for the widening of NC24 between Kenansville and Beulaville. The Application provides adequate assurance that the discharge of fill material into the waters of Northeast Cape Fear River tributaries in conjunction with"the proposed road widening in Duplin County will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95- 217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafter set forth. Condition(s) of Certification: 1. That the activity be conducted in such a manner as to prevent significant increase in turbidity outside the area of construction or construction related discharge (increases such that the turbidity in the Stream is 25 NTU's or less are not considered significant). 2. Wetland mitigation must be at least as comprehensive as described in DOT's 19 October 1992 submittal. Any changes must have written DEM approval. _ Violations.of any condition herein set forth shall result in revocation of this Certification. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal Permit. This the 11 day of December, 1992. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT A? P eston Howard, Jr. P. E. WQC# 2797 X din rz;'o. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT. IR DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGH. N.C. 27611-5201 May 28, 1993 District Engineer US Army Corps of ,Engineers PO Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 ATTN: Regulatory Branch SAM HUNT SECRETARY SUBJECT: Duplin County, Widening of NC 24 from Kenansville to Beulaville (TIP # R-2211B, State Project 8.1240801) N ?. Dear 'Sir: The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to widen NC 24 to provide additional travel lanes. The project begins at the Kenansville eastern corporate limits and ends at the Beulaville western corporate limits. The NCDOT applied for an Individual 404 permit for this project on October 19, 1992. According to the application, this project will impact approximately 19.89 acres of bottomland hardwood wetlands at eight sites along the roadway. The purpose of this letter is to address comments on our initial application, submit revised permit drawings, and describe our proposed mitigation plan. 2r- By letter dated January 29, 1993, your agency transmitted the comments of the Natrional Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC), and the N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources to NCDOT for comment and rebuttal. These comments were discussed at the interagency permit review meeting of February 19, 1993. The WRC recommended that the project designs for the crossing of the Northeast Cape Fear River should be modified to allow preservation of the floodplain areas beneath the new bridge similar to those beneath the existing bridge, with similar span lengths for the two structures.,. The NCDOT will comply with these recommendations. The new structures will have at least the same length as the existing structures, and extra fill beneath the bridges will be avoided. Stringent erosion control measures will be implemented throughout the period of construction to, further minimize impacts. > * 3 The WRC also recommended that the NCDOT should maintain safe public access to the WRC Boating Access Area at the northeast Cape Fear River throughout construction. The obstruction of boating travel beneath the highway area should be minimized during bridge work. The NCDOT plans to comply with both of these recommendations. The NMFS expressed concerns regarding the federally endangered shortnose sturgeon and anadromous fish in general. The NCrfOT has coordinated with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) concerning endangered species and anadromous fish species throughout the planning stages of this project. We have no reason to believe the endangered shortnose'sturgeon is located in the project area. The USFWS and the NCDOT have mutually agreed to restrict construction activities in and adjacent to wetlands from March 1 to June 15 so as not to interfere with anadromous fish species. \ The NMFS also indicated that the proposed 60-foot median width seem6d to be excessive. They suggested that further consideration should be given to reducing the median width where the highway passes through wetlands in order to minimize losses. This topic is complicated, and was discussed at length at the February 19,.1993 meeting. The proposed 60-foot median is based on two factors: roadway drainage and safety. A wider median is especially needed in eastern North Carolina in order to combat the drainage problems that are prevalent in that area. In addition to a high water table, the flat terrain inhibits the movement of stormwater to median drainage inlets. The NCDOT's hydraulics engineers have determined that to adequately drain a roadway, the bottom of the median ditch should be at least 1.5 feet below the subgrade (see Figure 1}?' _¢ Steeper median slopes would be required to reduce the median width for this project (See attached Figure 2). Unfortunately the required 1.5 feet from subgrade to ditch line cannot be maintained even with the steeper 6:1 median slopes. In eastern North Carolina such a facility will not adequately drain and will require premature maintenance activities due to water damage to the roadway. Figure 4 illustrates how drainage problems are usually overcome in eastern North Carolina. The median slopes must be varied in order to lower the ditch grades so that water can move to drainage inlets in the median. Our current design calls for steep median slopes of 4:1 at a few locations along the project because of this need to change the ditch grade. If a narrower median is incorporated into the design, this steep median slope would be needed frequently, and even steeper median slopes would be required in some areas so that water could move to the drainage inlets. In addition to the drainage requirements, the need for a 60- foot median is also based on safety. Numerous studies across the nation have linked lower accident rates to wider medians. In North Carolina, studies have found that facilities with median widths less than 40 feet account for almost three times as many accidents as facilities with median widths greater than 60 feet. This is partially due to the steeper median slopes required for a narrower median (See Figure 2). A narrower median further compromises the safety of a facility where curves occur in the roadway. Figure 3 illustrates a problem that occurs when a roadway is "banked" with a superelevation rate of 0.06 ft./ft. through a curve. Raising the pavement edge requires the median slope to be steepened to 3 or 4 to 1. This slope is unacceptably steep and dangerous for a median. Narrower medians also create a problem for larger vehicles that do not have the turning capabilities of a car. Figure 5 illustrates a school bus's inability to make a safe U-turn across a 46 foot median. Figures 7 and 8 illustrate the bus's ability to barely accomplish those maneuvers with a 60-foot median. Although the NCDOT appreciates the need to minimize wetland impacts, there are additional factors to consider when designing a roadway. Reducing the proposed 60-foot median greatly impedes the facilities draining capabilities. This will result in costly and frequent maintenance activities in the future. The narrower median would also increase the probability of accidents and unnecessarily compromise highway safety. For these reasons, it is the NCDOT's position that a 60-foot median is justified for this project. During the review of our design, it was discovered that several mistakes had been made in the original wetland estimate stated in our application. There will be an additional 0.43 acres of wetland impact at Site IV bf section R-2211BB. This produces a new total of 20.37 acres of wetland impact for the project. Copies are enclosed of the revised drawings and summary sheet for R- 2211BB. As mentioned in our initial application, the NCDOT is prepared to commit to mitigation for the 20.37 acres of wetland impacts associated with the project. The NCDOT mitigation staff examined the roadway alignment and did not find a suitable mitigation area adjacent to the project. Accordingly, most of the search for suitable mitigation sites has been off-site. At this time, we are proposing to use a site already in NCDOT ownership. On September 3, 1992, the Corps of Engineers issued an individual Permit (Action ID 199101124) for a new US 117 connector from Mt. Olive to I-40 near Faison in Duplin County (Project R-0606). This permit stipulated that ten acres of bottomland hardwoods in the project area be preserved and thirty acres of cutover bottomland hardwood habitat be restored. A 91.25 acre tract was purchased in Goshen Swamp adjacent to the right-of-way. This tract is about 25 miles from the crossing of NC 24 and the Northeast Cape Fear River, and is within the same planning sub-basin as the proposed project. Our preliminary investigations on this tract are continuing prior to implementation of the planting and monitoring program developed at an August 16, 1991 meeting with the Corps of Engineers and regulatory review agencies (Copy of Guidelines attached). .I Based on further study of the tract, the 91.25 tract is composed of approximately 46.9 acres of undisturbed swamp forest, and 44.4 acres of logged bottomlands. Subtracting the already debited acreage, 36.9 acres of swamp forest and 14.4 acres of logged bottomland remain for use as mitigation. NCDOT proposes to use the remainder of this tract as mitigation for R-2211 B. A copy of the mitigation and monitoring guidelines for R-0606 was•<.included in our application of October 19, 1992. These guiderlines list the species proposed for planting in the logged areas. As the area has already begun to regenerate with early colonizing species, NCDOT has had some difficulty developing a feasible means of planting this area. At this time, we are developing a contract with the N.C. Division of Forest Resources to clear transects for planting with the proposed mast-bearing species. This should achieve a desirable mixture of tree species across the site. Once planting is completed, the monitoring program will begin. The NCDOT hereby requests that you review this proposal for authorization under an individual permit. For construction contract purposes, this project was--divided into two sections: R- 2211BA is the western section and R2-ill1BB is the eastern section. If you need additional information about this project, please contact Mr. Gordon Cashin at (919) 733-9770. Sincerely, B .a Quin. P.E. A? istant Manager Planning and Environmental Branch DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 'ti NOV Q 6 1992 Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers Post office Box 1890 DfVi$;(? ?j OF Qom' Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 HIGH'AlAYS V ?`??RON(vl??? Action ID. 199300273 November 5, 1 PUBLIC NOTICE THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS, Post Office Box 25201, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5201, has applied for a Department of the Army (DA) permit TO PLACE FILL MATERIALS ASSOCIATED WITH THE WIDENING OF NORTH CAROLINA HIGHWAY 24, RESULTING IN IMPACTS TO 19.89 ACRES OF BOTTOMLAND HARDWOOD WETLANDS AT ELEVEN SITES, WITHIN THE NORTHEAST CAPE FEAR RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN, BETWEEN KENANSVILLE AND BEULAVILLE, Duplin County, North Carolina, State Project Nos. R-2211BA AND R-2211BB. The following description of the work is taken from data provided by the applicant. North Carolina Highway 24 is to be 'improved between the Kenansville eastern corporate limits and'the.Beulaville western corporate limits. It is to be widened to a 4-lane, median-divided highway except within the outskirts of Kenansville and Beulaville. Beginning at an existing three lane section at Kenansville, the roadway is to be improved to a five-lane, 64-foot-wide section through 1,350 linear feet. From this point, the roadway is to become the 4-lane, median-divided highway. A new 28-foot-wide pavement (12-foot-wide travel lanes and 2-foot-wide shoulders) is to be provided parallel and adjacent to the existing pavement. A 60-foot-wide median is to separate the existing and new pavements. The existing 22-foot-wide pavement is to be widened to 28 feet; and where needed, its outside shoulder and side slopes are to be rehabilitated to meet current standards. The project is to utilize the existing alignment and pavement to the extent possible to minimize impacts. The proposed median and pavement are to be located on the south side of existing North Carolina Highway 24 from 0.2 mile east of the Kenansville city limits to S.R. 1701. From S.R. 1701 to approximately 1,600 feet east of S.R. 1726, the proposed new median and pavement are to shift to the north side of North Carolina Highway 24 and transition to a symmetrically widened five-lane shoulder section. At S.R.726, the roadway is to transition to a 64-foot-wide curb and gutter section to tie into the existing roadway through Beulaville. The purpose of this work is to provide adequate travel lanes to safely meet traffic demands. The project has been divided into two sections for construction purposes. R-2211BA, the western section which contains seven wetland sites, lies between Kenansville and S.R. 1701; and R-2211BB, the eastern section which contains four wetland sites, lies between S.R. 1701 and Beulaville. Plans showing the work by section are included with this public notice. After a thorough, but unsuccessful search for a suitable mitigation area adjacent to the project area, the North Carolina Department of Transportation, -2- Division of Highways, proposes to mitigate for the unavoidable loss of the 19.89 acres of wetlands by using a site which they presently own. On September 3, 1992, the Division of Highways was provided a Department of the .Army permit to fill wetlands associated with construction of a new U.S. Highway 117 connector between Mount Olive and Interstate Highway 40 near Faison in Duplin County. This authorization stipulated that 10 acres of bottomland hardwoods in the project area be preserved and 30 acres of cut-over bottomland hardwood habitat be restored. A 91.25-acre tract was purchased in Goshen Swamp adjacent to the right-of-way. This tract is about 25 miles from the crossing of North Carolina Highway 24 and the Northeast Cape Fear River, and is within the same planning sub-basin as the proposed project. The Division of Highways proposes that restoration of the remaining 40 acres of cut-over bottomland hardwood on this tract provide mitigation for impacts resulting from the widening of North Carolina Highway 24. The State of North Carolina will review this public notice to determine the need for the applicant to obtain any required State authorization. No DA permit will be issued until the coordinated ',State viewpoint on the proposal has been.received and reviewed by this agency,; nor will a DA permit be issued until the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM) has determined the applicability of a Water Quality Certificate as required by PL 92-500. This application is being considered pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Aft (33 U.S.C. 1344). Any person may request, in writing within the comment,p'p,riod specified in the notice, that a public hearing be held to consideY. this application. Requests for public hearing shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. The District Engineer has consulted the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places for the presence or absence of registered properties, or properties listed as being eligible for inclusion therein, and this worksite is not registered property or property listed'as being eligible for inclusion in the Register. Consultation of the National Register constitutes the extent of cultural resource investigations by the District Engineer, and he is otherwise unaware of the presence of such resources. Presently, unknown archeological, scientific, prehistorical, or historical data may be lost or destroyed by work under the requested permit. The District Engineer, based on available information, is not aware that the proposed activity will affect species, or their critical habitat, designated as endangered or threatened pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973. The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts, including cumulative impacts, of the proposed activity and its intended use on the public interest. Evaluation of the probable impacts which the proposed activity may have on the public interest requires a careful weighing of all those factors which become relevant in each particular NORTH CAROLINA Duplin County CERTIFICATION THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H, Section .0500 to N.C. Department of Transportation pursuant to an application filed on the 22 day of October 1992 to fill 19.89 acres of wetlands for the widening of NC24 between Kenansville and Beulaville. The Application provides adequate assurance that the discharge of fill material into the waters of Northeast Cape Fear River tributaries in conjunction with the proposed road widening in Duplin County will not result in a.violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge'guidelines. Therefore, the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95- 217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafter set forth. Condition(s) of Certification: 1. That the activity be conducted in such a manner as to prevent significant increase in turbidity outside the area of construction or construction related discharge (increases such that the turbidity in the Stream is 25 NTU's or less are not considered significant). 2. Wetland mitigation must be at least as comprehensive as described in DOT's 19 October 1992 submittal. Any changes must have written DEM approval. Violations.of any condition herein set forth shall result in revocation of this Certification. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal Permit. This the 11 day of December, 1992. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT A? P eston Howard, Jr. P.E. WQC# 2797 ?. O 0 ? ? O O b O a r o y ? \ ? O z ti 6 N U 1 ti .1EMORANDUM TO: John Dorney Planning Branch SUBJECT: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS ***EACH ITEM MUST BE ANSWERED (N/A-NOT APPLICABLE)*** INITIALS- Reviewer - WQ Supv: Date: PERMIT_YR: 92 PERMIT-NO: 0000625 COUNTY: DUPLIN APPLICANT NAME: NC DOT - NC 24 WIDENING PROJECT-TYPE: ROAD WIDENING PERMIT TYPE COE_#: DOT-#f %-2211B RCD_FROM CDA: DOT DATEFRM CDA: 92 REG OFFICE: WIRO RIVER-AND-SUB-BASIN-#: 03 6` a-7- STREAM-CLASS: 5 STR_INDEX_N0: WL_IMPACT?: &'N WL_TYPE: %7-6,V WL REQUESTED: 17,Xg WL_ACR_EST?: (9/N HYDRO_CNECT?: ®/N WL_SCORE(#): MITIGATION?: 01N MITIGATION TYPE: (-r5A E- XITIGATIONSIZE: -?' S IS WETLAND RATING SHEET ATTACHED?: Y& RECOMMENDATION (Circle One): ISSUE ISSUE/ 60N DENY COMMENTS: r /yi /"? ?.tt ? ?? _.. r?C - '721 ?i'C .?/?A ??iUL, .off .S???e>? .ivr lj Ultc?? ?n, ? ??" G?pn,6,,,i , y . cc: Regional Office Central Files 3, ..