HomeMy WebLinkAbout19920458 Ver al_Complete File_19920917N ,M ?p ?4 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P.O. BOX 25201 RALEIGH 27611-5201 JAMES G. MARTIN GOVERNOR THOMAS J. HARRELSON SECRETARY September 17, 1992 District Engineer Army Corps of Engineers P. 0. Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 ATTENTION: Regulatory Branch Dear Sir: uu [9W SEP 2 P J DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS WILLIAM G. MARLEY, JR., P.E. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR Subject: Craven County, Proposed Replacement of Bridge No. 141 on SR 1470 over Neuse River Overflow; B-2020 Attached for your information is a copy of the project planning report for the subject project. The project is being processed by the Federal Highway Administration as a "Categorical Exclusion" in accordance with Title 23, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 771, Subpart 115 (b) (23 CFR 771.115(b)). Therefore, we do not anticipate requesting an individual permit but propose to proceed under a Nationwide Permit in accordance with 33 CFR 330 Appendix A (B-23) issued November 22, 1991, by the Corps of Engineers. The provisions of Part 330.4 and Appendix A (C) of these regulations will be followed in the construction of the project. We anticipate that a permit will be required from the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources for this project. NCDOT will apply directly to DEHNR for that permit when plans have been developed. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me at 919/733-3141. LJW/plr Attachment cc: Mr. John Mr. John Mr. C. W. Mr. J. T. Mr. A. L. Mr. G. R. Sincerely, )2LI DM L. hard, P. E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch Parker, Permit Coordinator, w/report Dorney, Environmental Management, w/report Leggett, P. E. Peacock, Jr., P. E. Hankins, Jr., P. E. Shirley, Jr., P. E. (Division Engineer) An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Craven County Proposed Replacement of Bridge No. 141 on SR 1470 (Maple Cypress Road) over Neuse River Overflow State Project No. 8.2170301 Federal-Aid Project BRZ-1470(1) B-2020 CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION U. S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration and N. C. Department of Transportation Division of Highways APPROVED: Date L/ J. Ward, PE, Manager " Planning and Environmental Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation d?Zi ?Z Date N 1? olas L. Graf, PE, Division Administrator Federal Highway Administration L Craven County Proposed Replacement of Bridge No. 141 on SR 1470 (Maple Cypress Road) over Neuse River Overflow State Project No. 8.2170301 Federal-Aid Project BRZ-1470(1) B-2020 CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION September 1992 Documentation Prepared in Planning and Environmental Branch By: 4&0:5r 4z 4?? Ormond Bl s Project Planning Engineer WC, y k7 e!?7?'Ak_ Wayne'Elliott Bridge P oject Plannin Engineer, Unit Head H. Franklin Vick, P.E., Assistant Manager Planning and Environmental Branch ???Ittl/fllflff? CAROZ N, < O?ESS/0 4 9 SEAL r i 7754 i ,r The captioned project is part of the Federal Aid Bridge Replacement Program and is scheduled for construction during federal fiscal year (FFY) 1994 by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) 1992-1998 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). It has been classified a Federal "categorical exclusion" (CE). This environmental documentation includes preferred proposals for the project by NCDOT. Project location and the three separate alternatives investigated for the proposed bridge replacement are shown on the-attached Figures 1 and 2. I. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED PROJECT The North Carolina'Board of Transportation is proposing replacement of the structurally deficient Bridge No. 141 in the immediate vicinity of its present location. This site is about 600 feet south of Bridge No. 138 over the main channel of Neuse River. Primary reasons for considering replacement is the overall poor condition of the structure and its clear roadway width of only slightly wider than the approach pavement along this major collector route. These restrictions and other deteriorating safety conditions are reflected by the currently low sufficiency rating. This proposed replacement is the only highway related proposal for the immediate area as part of North Carolina's present TIP. However, the nearby 40-year old reinforced concrete Bridge No. 138 has definite future potential to be added to the TIP for either replacement or major rehabilitation due to its size, present posted load limits, age, and functional limitations. II. SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS Replacement of Bridge No. 141 at its present location is recommended along with detouring SR 1470 traffic along other routes during the estimated nine-month construction period. Implementation of this Alternate 1 proposal will require permanent displacement of a small amount of the hardwood wetland immediately adjacent to the existing roadway approaches to the bridge. Estimated cost totals $660,000 compared with $728,000 assessed in the 1992-1998 TIP. III. SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITMENTS Implementation of all standard procedures and measures will be undertaken to minimize environmental impacts of this project. Special and/or unique environmental commitments are unnecessary. Utilization of best management practices is to be incorporated as part of project design in accordance with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) criteria for CE's. This action will serve as mitigation for the displacement of a minor amount of wetlands immediately adjacent to existing roadway approach fills for the recommended Alternate 1 pictured on Figure 2. 2 IV. EXISTING CONDITIONS AND PLANNING DATA Roadwav and Bridaes SR 1470 in the vicinity of the proposed project is a two-lane secondary highway with no control of access (driveways, intersections, and warranted traffic signals are allowed). It is not on the federal aid highway system. Pavement width is 18 feet with grass shoulders each ranging between six and eight feet wide. Profile of the facility is fairly flat in the immediate vicinity of the bridge but the roadway is on an upgrade approaching Bridge No. 138 over the Neuse. There is no posted speed limit along the road but design speed is approximately 50 miles per hour (MPH). Built during 1953, the treated timber and steel I-beam Bridge No. 141 has a total length of 240 feet consisting of 14 spans. Each span ranges between 15.5 feet and slightly greater than 17 feet long. Overlain with a two inch thickness of asphalt wearing surface, the timber deck has a 19-foot, two-inch clear roadway width and a total out to out width of 20 feet, 2 inches. Oriented in a northeast/southwest direction, the bridge is on vertical and horizontal tangents (flat and straight). It is presently posted at 18 tons for dual tire single unit vehicles (DTV) and 26 tons for truck tractor, semi-trailers (TTST). The 15.2 sufficiency rating during April 1992 compares to a maximum of 100 for a new structure meeting current design standards. The nearby 581-foot long reinforced concrete Bridge No. 138 on SR 1470 over the main channel of the Neuse River currently has posted load limits of 28 tons for DTV and 32 tons for TTST. It has a 22-foot clear roadway width and an April 1992 sufficiency rating of 44.3. Development and Utilities Very sparse density development presently exists along SR 1470. Very little potential for increased development exists in the area. This is due to the rural character of the general area plus high potential for flooding of the surrounding flat terrain. A 10-inch ductile iron water main of Craven County is elevated on piers parallel to the bridge and offset about 100 feet to its northwest. The line angles back to earth cover in the northwest shoulder of SR 1470 1) about 115 feet south of the bridge and 2) about 125 feet to its north. It extends under the channel of Neuse River immediately northwest of Bridge No. 138. Other utilities are not located in the proposed project area. Traffic Volumes and Accident Data Total average annual daily traffic (AADT) along SR 1470 of 1000 vehicles during 1990 is estimated to increase to 1200 vehicles during 1994 which is the presently scheduled year of project construction. At the end of the 20-year planning period during the year 2014, traffic is expected to average 2200 vehicles per day. These estimates include 1% TTST and 2% DTV. During each daily peak-hour period, 7% of the AADT is predicted to 3 occur in the heavier direction of travel. Also, the Craven County Transportation Director for school buses advises that a total of six trips (three round trips) are routed along SR 1470 during each school day. During a 24-month period beginning 01 January 1990, three traffic accidents were reported along the entire 1.5-mile length of SR 1470 extending between its intersections with SR 1440 north of the bridge and with SR 1472 to its south. Each happened during daylight hours. Two of the three occurred in the bridge vicinity. Each of these two involved a single vehicle, one of which was a northbound automobile which ran off the road on the southern approach during wet weather and struck the end of the bridge rail. The other was an auto striking an animal in the road near the bridge. And the third included two vehicles which collided at the SR 1470-SR 1450 intersection about a mile north of the Bridge No. 141. The resulting 342.5 accidents per 100 million vehicle miles (acc/100mvm) during the period compares to the average rate of 277.7 acc/100mvm during 1991 along 59,385 miles of rural secondary routes in North Carolina. V. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED AND COST ESTIMATES Alternatives The following three separate alternatives were investigated for the proposed bridge replacement. General location of each is shown on Figure 2: Alternate 1 - Replacement at present bridge location and (Recommended) detouring SR 1470 traffic off-site via other roads during construction (see Figure 1) Alternate 2 - Along tangent relocation alignment immediately west of and generally parallel to existing bridge which allows maintenance of SR 1470 traffic thru project site during construction Alternate 3 - Identical to the Alternate 1 proposal but including an on-site temporary detour immediately to the east to carry SR 1470 traffic during construction Two important design factors to be considered in the replacement of this bridge are as follows: *Effects on the Craven County water main generally paralleling the west side of the existing SR 1470 alignment in the area. *Adaptability of the chosen alternative to the very likely future need of either replacement or major rehabilitation of Bridge No. 138 over the main Neuse River channel about 600 feet to the north: (It appears that a new bridge either at the existing site or immediately east of the site would be the most expedient replacement proposal based on existing conditions in the area). 4 r Replacement of Bridge No. 141 immediately east of the present site is not considered a viable alternative because of necessary placement of the new structure along horizontal curvature and the resulting somewhat lesser design along with likely escalated project cost. Also, such a replacement might result in difficulties associated with the above presented possible future need of replacing the nearby 40-year old Bridge No. 138. Estimated Costs Estimated costs of each alternative for replacing Bridge No. 141 are as follows: Recommended Alternate 1 Alternate 2 Temporary On-site Detour -0- -0- Remove Existing Bridge $ 30,000 $ 30,000 Replacement Structure 484,000 484,000 Roadway Approaches 53,000 382,000 15% Engineering and Contingencies 85,000 135,000 Right-of-Way &/or Ease- ments plus Utilities 8,000 39,000 TOTAL $ 660,000 $1,070,000 Alternate 3 $ 223,000 30,000 484,000 53,000 119,000 11.000 $ 920,000 The above estimates compare with $728,000 appraised for the project in the 1992-1998 Transportation Improvement Program. VI. OFF-SITE DETOURING OF SR 1470 TRAFFIC DURING CONSTRUCTION The Alternate 1 proposal would require detouring of an estimated 1400 vehicles per day via other roads in the general vicinity (see Figure 1) during an estimated nine-month construction period. Additional travel involved generally will range between one and three miles. Most SR 1470 traffic is between more densely populated areas such as the Kinston/Grifton vicinities and Vanceboro, plus between the Kinston area and a large paper company at the NC 43/SR 1400 intersection. Additional travel for the greatest majority of the traffic would be about three miles. However, a minor amount (less than 100 vehicles of the daily total) may be local in nature between the Fort Barnwell area south of the bridge and the SR 1470/SR 1400 intersection vicinity to its north. Additional travel for such local volumes would range up to 30 miles. Additional operating costs for traffic to utilize off-site detours would total approximately $450,000 with Alternate 1. This amount would increase or decrease by $50,000 per month if construction time is respectively more or less than the estimated nine-month period. t 5 Provision of an on-site detour in conjunction with replacement of the bridge at its present site (Alternate 3) would increase project cost by an estimated $260,000. Consequently, implementing the on-site detour in association with Alternate 3 would result in an estimated temporary roaduser benefit/cost ratio of only about 1.7 during the expected construction period. VII. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Classification of this project as a Categorical Exclusion is considered appropriate due to its scope and anticipated absence of substantial impacts on the existing human and natural environments in the project area. This determination is confirmed by the following summary of preliminary findings by the Environmental Unit of NCDOT: Displacement of Residences and Businesses Displacement of residences and businesses will not occur in association with the implementation of this proposed project. Impacts on Endangered Species On 24 July 1992, the US Fish and Wildlife Service listed the following seven federally protected species within Craven County: Red-cockaded peckerwood (Picoides borealis) - Endangered Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) - Endangered Ridley's sea turtle (Lepidochelys K i) - Endangered Rough-leaved loosestrife (Lysimachia asperulaefolia) - Endangered Loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) - Threatened Green sea turtle (Chelonia ,m d??as) - Threatened Sensitive joint vetch (Aeschynomene virginica) - Threatened No impacts to these species will occur from the previously described proposed project activities because habitat zones likely to be impacted are not suitable for the occurrence of any of the families. The sea turtles, bald eagle, and sensitive joint vetch are dependent on aquatic resources but this project is too far inland to provide habitat for the sea and loggerhead turtles. And no suitable snags are present to provide nesting sites for bald eagles. Further, the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program files were consulted to determine if any State-protected flora or fauna (plants or animals) exist in the project area. There are no records of such species existing in this area. Siltation and sedimentation The project will intensify short-term siltation and sedimentation during wet weather periods in the immediate area of proposed construction. Potential adverse effects on affected resources will be minimized by the contractor's use of applicable measures of 23 CFR 650, Subpart B and/or Article 107-13 ("Control of Erosion, Siltation, and Pollution") of NCDOT's Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures. These regulations include an erosion and sedimentation control program developed by the North Carolina Division of Highways, adopted by the NC Board of Transportation, and approved by the NC Sedimentation Control Commission. In view of these measures and project scope, accidental discharge of dredged or fill materials into the. river is not likely. Water Quality Regional ground water elevations will not be affected adversely due to the very limited scope of this proposed action. Effects on water quality in the project area will be minor with implementation of previously described applicable preventive construction measures. Also, the area is served by a water main of Craven County. Farmlands The project will have no direct impacts on farmlands. Historical, Architectural, and Archaeological Resources The North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources usually asks for notification if any of the studied alternatives will either displace or be located next to any pre-World War II structures. No such buildings exist in the project area. And, the 39-year old treated timber bridge is not a historic structure. Therefore, structures of historical significance will not be affected. Cultural Resources also advised on 10 January 1992 that there are no known archaeological sites in the proposed project area and recommended that archaeological investigations need not be made. Consequently, construction of either of the two alternatives would not affect any significant archaeological remains or structures that are listed in or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. Use of any off-site borrow area(s) will need prior approval from the NC Department of Cultural Resources (DCR) to minimize the potential for affecting such resources. Additional approval of the use of such site(s) also will be required from the NC Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (DEHNR) Such authorization will assist in protecting the natural environment of surrounding areas. Traffic and Construction Noise Significant traffic and construction noise impacts are unlikely to occur since existing traffic will be moved no closer to any existing receptors in the project area. Construction noise impacts on adjacent properties will not be major in view of existing ambient noise levels precipitated by SR 1470 traffic and the absence of developments in the project area. Also, construction activities are usually conducted only during daylight hours along projects of the nature of this one. 7 Therefore, traffic noise reports are considered unnecessary and noise assessment requirements of Title 23, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 772 (23 CFR 772) should not apply to this proposed action. Additional highway traffic noise reports consequently are unnecessary. Air Quality The project is located in the Southern Coastal Plain Air Quality Control Region. The ambient air quality for Craven County has been determined to be in compliance with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. Federal conformity procedures of 23 CFR 770 do not apply since this project is located in an area where the State Implementation Plan (SIP) does not contain transportation control measures. This evaluation completes federal assessment requirements and additional reports are not required. VIII. RECOMMENDED ALTERNATE The Alternate 1 proposal is recommended in view of its relative environmental effects and cost advantages when compared to the other two alternates. It has acceptable design in that it maintains the present horizontal alignment without having substantial effects on the existing Craven County water main in the area. Safety will be enhanced by the elimination of a narrow structurally deteriorating and functionally obsolete traffic carrier. Although this proposal will require SR 1470 traffic to detour via other routes in the three county area of Craven, Lenoir and Pitt during the construction period, the large majority is not expected to require substantial additional travel time nor distance. Division 02 personnel have expressed concurrence with the above recommended proposal. And, the Craven County Transportation Director for school buses has expressed the belief that the proposed off-site detouring will not create insurmountable problems with bus routings during the estimated construction period. A replacement structure with 30 feet of clear roadway width along the present horizontal and vertical alignments of SR 1470 is recommended in accord with NCDOT's current Bridge Policy. Required length of the proposed bridge is estimated at approximately 280 feet. This dimension and elevation of the replacement may require some adjustments following final hydraulic design. Existing roadway approaches are to be widened to a 24-foot pavement with minimum eight-foot graded shoulders for a minimum total length of about 500 feet (250 feet on each approach) in the immediate vicinity of the proposed replacement. The above recommendations basically retain the existing design speed of approximately 50 MPH. FHWA has advised that a design speed exception will be required for the project. 8 IX. PERMITS AND APPROVALS An individual permit under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act of 1977 is not expected to be required from the Corps of Engineers of the US Department of the Army for this project. A Nationwide permit is expected to be appropriate. This is mostly due to the fact that a substantial amount of wetland will not be displaced. However, the Corps usually requests a written description of the proposed work along with final construction plans (when completed) be forwarded to their appropriate Regulatory Field Office for further review in order to make a final determination on permit requirements. Such field office for this project is located in Washington, N. C. In case the Section 404 permit is required, a Section 401 Water Quality Certification will be necessary from DEHNR. X. SECTION 4(f) DETERMINATION Section 4(f) properties are those which are publicly owned and being used as a park, recreation area, or a wildlife and waterfowl refuge, or land of a historic site of local, statewide, or national significance. Properties meeting this definition presently do not exist in the immediate vicinity of this project. Attachments OB/PWE/plr BRIDGE NO. 141 ON SR 1470 OVER NEUSE RIVER OVERFLOW SOUTH VIEW FROM NEAR SOUTHERN END OF BRIDGE NO. 138 OVER MAIN CHANNEL OF NEUSE RIVER 1 i i 1 i 1 ? i SUBSTRUCTURE LOOKING SOUTH FROM UPSTREAM SIDE i 1 I LOOKING SOUTH FROM NORTHERN APPROACH FIGURE »n?ro S ?. 4f 4i STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT. JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 uLlly _?, _lq? D.'. s tr iCt Engineer Army Corps of -Eng--veers .. O. Box 1290 Wlir:i_ngLoll, Nortii Car(" :1ina -;?4 ATTE11`' 7C'11. F.?QLil? tOrV ErailCh Dear Sir. J _ 2 1993 ?'0b','dDS PATER QUALITY R. SAMUEL HUNT I I I SECRETARY SL1:? j e'zt . Cr =.va i C' :uii`V, R cpl? eliieat of Er 1C0?-- 1'1C:. 1 _ 1 011 ._ . e '_" 0 v-i: ow Jt. r-e Pro] =Ct ?P. 1471j 0'l=?' i1?Lls_ F.--17 iiL1P.i per 2 . ? 17G?01 : T . _ . Lacn'ml ;'our _11=0"iatl. a lti ?:'T Oi t'1? -- ,.1111Z.n d ?'Ji r:J T" taZ S'-l ec ?1 1 j = L .De 111c: 0::0"-- er? -'r 11 H JL a. -v C3L2g0, -cal E ion in aC:"or 1 m wits, 3 1 Tii '_"8f01" :J? rO not c:nziC r?az= _cauasting all iii r'ua1 proceed und_- ? Nationwide Zer""Ilt -in erliilt but prOpOSe to aCCO'_"dance i'Jlt'_: 33 CER 'J.3'0 Aper=n- ?_. A (_ -- isSLl'°_u iICVCrli =1' 27, 1991, i;y the Corps of Vie Provisions OL Section 33-30. an t'-'.0pen :1:. ( D= these reaul;a---i 0nS vd-ill bje on.t UCLlon C_ tlla ?rOjeCt foliO?Jc the tac =iit1 1"??L= L':1 a ::alc- Pe-miL w1i_ -u-, ?d =r0ii1 L.ie 1301".:i C-7roli._a DeTDartm:--lit _ ..°alt a an'd Natural Rescur_-E , Divi sion of -castzl this pro] -- t. i'1?DOT :vill a ?1y diz"eC-1y tD DEF11R for tiles C i'ii permit whan plans Iiave : peen developed. Tf you have any cpu.astlons or need a'aditic'na_ infcrmation, pl_as_ call Cyndi ..eii at (91_' 733-:1-770. Sincere1:r (;?(- !,lea-,d j. O'Quinn, P.E. Assistant Manager, Planning and Env lr onme-ntal Er ancn Ir ' - D EJO/clb Attachment cc: COE, Washington Field Office John Dorney, DEHIgR, DEM John Parker, DEHNR, DCM/Peri7it Coordinator Kelly Barger, P.E., Program Development Branch Don Morton, P . E . , Higl-,.-,,7ay Design A.L. Hankins, P.E., Hydraulics John L. Smith, Jr., P.E., Structure Design Tom Shear-n, P.E., Roadway Design G.R. Shirley, Jr. , P.E. , Div sioli 2 Engineer Wayne Fedora, P&E Davis Moore. P&E Craven County, Bridge No. 141 on SR 1470 over Neuse River Overflow Federal-Aid Project BRZ-1470(1) State Project 8.2170301 B-2020 ADDENDUM TO CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION AND N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS APPROVED: Date _r L.J. Ward, P.E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch, NCDOT _T_'Z_ '??-Jn4 C, Wc,'-Azutr?d Date Nicolas L. Graf, P.E. Division Administator, FHWA Craven County, Bridge No. 141 on SR 1470 over Neuse River Overflow Federal-Aid Project BRZ-1470(l) State Project 8.2170301 B-2020 ADDENDUM TO CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION June 1993 Documentation Prepared in Planning and Environmental Branch By: 1I(,k) ,"A"'14 s2. R.W. Fedora Sr. Project Planning Engineer JV P. Wayne Ilion Bridge roject Planning Engineer, Unit Head Lubin V. Prevatt, P.E. Assistant Manager, Planning and Environmental Branch i Craven County, Bridge No. 141 on SR 1470 over Neuse River Overflow Federal-Aid Project BRZ-1470(1) State Project 8.2170301 B-2020 I. Background A Project Planning Report (categorical exclusion) for the subject project was approved by FHWA in August, 1992. The recommended alternate was to replace Bridge No. 141 with a new bridge at the existing location over Neuse River overflow. Traffic was to be detoured onto existing roads during construction as shown in Figure 1. II. Discussion Additional analysis determined that maintaining traffic on site at this location is warranted. Without maintaining traffic on-site, up to 28 miles of additional travel would be required for some road users. Alternate 1 (originally recommended) would replace the bridge in the existing location with road closure (Figure 2). Traffic would be maintained off site on other area roads during construction. A prestressed girder bridge approximately 280 feet long and 30 feet wide would replace the existing bridge. The bridge would provide a 24-foot wide travelway with a 3-foot offset on each side. This alternate would provide a design speed less than 50 mph. Alternate 2 (currently recommended) will replace the bridge on new location west of the existing alignment (Figure 2). Traffic will be maintained on the existing bridge during construction. A cored-slab bridge approximately 280 feet long and 30 feet wide will replace the existing bridge. The bridge will provide a 24-foot wide travelway with a 3-foot offset on each side. This alternate will alleviate an 8° 30 curve immediately south of the existing bridge. This alternate will provide a design speed of approximately 50 mph. Alternate 3 would replace the bridge at the existing location with a temporary, on-site detour east of the existing alignment (Figure 2). Tra`'fic would be maintained on the detour alignment during con: ruction of the new bridge. An approximately 100-foot long detour bridge would be required. A prestressed girder bridge approximately 280 feet long and 30 feet wide would replace the existing bridge. The bridge would provide a 24-foot wide travelway with a 3- foot offset on each side. This alternate would provide a design speed less than 50 mph. Alternate 2 (recommended) was selected due to the necessity for maintaining traffic. This alternate provides a better alignment and improves safety. III. Cost Estimates Table 1. Cost Estimates Item Alternate 1 Alternate 2 Recommended Alternate 3 *Roadway Approaches $ 198,500 $ 317,000 $ 210,500 *Structures 505,400 476,400 505,400 *Structure Removal 28,600 28,600 28,600 *Temporary Detour ------- ------- 161,800 *Detour Structure ------- ------- 97,200 Engineering and Contingency 109,500 124,000 146,500 Total Construction $ 842,000 $ 946,000 $1,150,000 R/W and Utilities $ 19,000 $ 23,000 $ 22,000 Total Cost $ 861,000 $ 969,000 $1,172,000 * Includes Mobilization and Miscellaneous IV. Environmental Considerations A. Overview A general field survey was conducted July 28, 1992. A mature, high quality Cypress/gum swamp will be impacted by project construction. All of the study area is jurisdictionally wet and is used by anadromous fish. It is imperative that stringent best management practices be implemented for subject project. A moratorium on construction in the water will be enforced during the months March, April,, May, and June to protect spawning activities of anadromous fish. B. Biotic Communities With the exception of the roadway causeway, a Cypress/Gum Swamp (Brownwater Subtype) forest comprises the study area. This palustrine system is a backswamp of the main channel of the Neuse River. Hydrologically, it receives floodwaters from the Neuse River and appears to be seasonally to 2 T semipermanently flooded. Brownwaters tend to have periods of sustained high flow, usually in the winter and spring. The water tends to be relatively high in pH, nutrients, and mineral sediment. This particular site occurs on coarse grained alluvial soils. The canopy is dominated by swamp tupelo and bald cypress. Swamp cottonwood, river birch, and overcup oak are minor components. These woody species tend to occur in the lowest, wettest parts of the floodplain. The most prevalent herbaceous species present are lizard's tail and mimulus. Alternate 1 would impact approximately 1.5 acres of cypress/gum swamp, and alternates 2 and 3 would each impact approximately 1.9 acres. The Division of Marine Fisheries surveyed for anadromous fish on the main stem of the Neuse River at SR 1470 in 1977 through 1979. Data collected during the three year study indicates that blueback herring and alewife spawn in the Neuse River and tributaries from 15 March to 30 May. Blueback herring and alewife are considered collectively as river herring. Most river herring spawning occurred in the smaller tributaries and flooded low-lying areas adjacent to the main section of the river. Other fish likely to occur in the project area are golden shiner, Redfin pickerel, chain pickerel, creek chubsucker, yellow bullhead, tadpole madtom, pirate perch, pumpkinseed, bluegill, redbreast sunfish, warmouth, and largemouth bass. C. Water Resources The study area is comprised of backwaters from the Neuse River. These waters are dark and slow-moving over a sandy muck substrate. The average stream gradient within this region is only 0.6 feet per mile and water depth appeared to be approximately three to five feet. These waters are classified as class C Sw NSW by the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. Class C reflects the "best usage" of these waters as aquatic life propagation and survival, fishing, wildlife, and secondary recreation. The supplemental classification of Sw (Swamp waters) indicates waters which have low velocities and other natural characteristics which differ from adjacent streams, such as low ph, low dissolved oxygen, and a high organic matter content. The supplemental classification of NSW (Nutrient Sensitive Waters) indicates waters needing additional nutrient management (particularly fertilizer run- off) due to their being subject to excessive growth of microscopic or macroscopic vegetation. 3 V 1 D. Jurisdictional Waters of the United States Surface waters and associated wetlands fall under the broad category of "Waters of the United States" as defined in 33 CFR 328.3. The US Army Corps of Engineers (COE) takes jurisdiction over the discharge of dredged or fill material into these waters as authorized by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. All of the project area is jurisdictionally wet and is categorized as Palustrine, forested, deciduous, semipemanently flooded, (PF06F) as defined by Cowardin et al. (1979). This wetland community was identified in the project corridor on the basis of low soil chroma values, hydrophytic vegetation (facultative wet and obligate species), and the presence of hydrology or hydrological indicators (standing water and buttressed tree trunks). Alternate 1 would impact approximately 1.5 acres of wetland community, and alternates 2 and 3 would each impact approximately 1.9 acres. E. Permits The North Carolina Division of Coastal management identifies "areas of environmental concern" over which CAMA has jurisdiction. Because subject project falls within areas meeting the requirements of public trust waters ("areas of environmental concern"), a CAMA Major Development Permit is likely to be required. Per an agreement between the Division of Coastal Management (DCM) and the Army Corps of Engineers (CORPS), DCM is the lead agency in granting permits in "areas of environmental concern." Subject project is also classified R6 a Categorical Exclusion likely to come under Prc)visions of Nationwide Permit 33 CFR 330.5 (A) 23. This permit authorizes any activities, work and discharges undertaken, assisted, authorized, regulated, funded or financed, in whole or in part, by another federal agency and that the activity is "categorically excluded" from environmental documentation because it is included within a category of actions which neither individually or cumulatively have a significant effect on the environment. However, final permit decisions are left to the discretionary authority of the United States Army Corps of Engineers. A 401 Water Quality Certification administered through the N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources will be required. This certificate is issued for any activity which may result in a discharge into waters for which a federal permit is required. Projects authorized under Nationwide Permits usually do not require compensatory mitigation according to the 1989 Memorandum of Agreement between the Environmental Protection 4 C I Agency and the Department of the Army. Erosion and sedimentation control measures should be strictly enforced during construction activities to minimize unnecessary impacts to anadromous fish and stream/wetland ecosystems. F. Federally Protected Species Plants and animals with federal classifications of Endangered (E), Threatened (T). Proposed Endangered (PE), and Proposed Threatened (PT) are protected under provisions of Section 7 and Section 9 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. The FWS lists the following protects+d species for Craven county as of March 4, 1993. Table 2. Federal ly-Protected _S.pecies_Cra_v_en_ County SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME STATUS Picoides borealis Red-cockaded woodpecker L Haliaeet_us leucocephalus Bald eagle E Lepidochelys Kempi Ridley's sea turtle E Caretta caret_ta Loggerhead turtle T Chelonia m das Green sea turtle T Lysimachia asperulaefolia Rough-leaved loosestrife E Aeschynomene virginica* Sensitive joint vetch T * Indicates no specimen from this county in at least 20 years BIOLOGICAL CONCLUSION: Red-cockaded woodpecker No pine dominated stands are present in the project area. No impacts to the RCW will occur from project construction. Bald eagle Though a large water body is present, no suitable snags for nesting are present within the immediate project area. No impacts to the bald eagle will occur form project construction. Ridley's sea turtle Subject project is located too far inland to provide suitable habitat. Subject project will not impact Ridley's sea turtle. Loggerhead sea turtle Subject project is located suitable habitat. Subject loggerhead sea turtle. too far inland to provide project will not impact the 5 1 Green sea turtle Subject project is located too far inland to provide suitable habitat. Subject project will not impact the green sea turtle. Sensitive joint vetch Subject project is located too far inland to provide suitable habitat. Subject project will not impact the sensitive joint-vetch. Rough-leaved loosestrife Swamp forest does not provide suitable habitat for the rough-leaved loosestrife. No impacts to this species will occur from project construction. G. Farmland The Soil Conservation Service indicated no farmland will be affected. Therefore, no further consideration of farmland impacts is required. 6 rlfl ?` .?? ylll . ? 1r 9 uIL w "- to vn BR 1470 ti/ ? NC 50 lu ` p r 1 118 ..- o j.XsT P 1.. T? T A?uN • ?-? 4 / G r 0 R? N r.,o.r. 1 11011 1 Ir.W?w ? ll l - • `^ I il l L E N 0 1 Ry LEGEN D u STUDIED DETOUR ROUTES IY.r. IINI.• ? i M; ? GI4h 1 •? , NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS - PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL BRANCH CRAVEN COUNTY BR I DGE NO. 141 ON SR 1470 - OVER - NEUSE RIVER OVER FLOW B-2020 0 miles 2 FIG. I l I APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF SUSPENDED ABOVE GROUND E10-INCH DUCTILE IRON COUNTY WATER MAIN ALTERNATE2 4 10 iI TEMPORARY ON-SITE DETOU (WITH ALTERNATE 3 ONLY) ,EXISTING BRIDGE NO. I ' ALTERNATE3 NOR'T'H CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF '1'RANSI I,ATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PLANNING AND E:NVIRONRIFNTAI BRANCH CRAVEN COUNTY REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO. 141 ON SR 1470 OVER NEUSE RIVER OVERFLOW 0 feet 200 FIG. I? R i,? 1519 WETL?'?,;;DS 6'1;Im? OUnl1T? STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT, JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS R. SAMUEL HUNT III GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 SECRETARY 14arch 10, 1994 District Engineer Army Corps of `ngineers IS 91 0 ilmingtcil, North Carolina 23402 2,TTE:1'TIOPI: Regulatory -Drancl D=ar Sir. StlbjeCt: Craven County, Replacement of Bridge No. 141 on SP. 1470 over Neuse River Overflow; State Project :dum`.:er °.2170301; T.I.P. No. B-2020 An Addendum to the Categorical Exclusion for the above referenced project was circulated on July 23, 1993. This Addendumn was necessitated by revisions in the project design as proposed in the first CE, which was approved by FHWA in August, 1992. The Addendum describes a new preferred alignment, which is a bridge relocsted to the north of the existing alignment. The existing bridge will be open tihroug?hout construction, and removed after the new bridge is completed. Subsequently, tihe old roadbed will Ne graded down to wetland elevation. in the Addendum, it was stated that up to 1.9 acres of wetlands would be filled, and that a CAMA Major Permit would - - - likely -be regtired. This wetland fill estimation was based on the assumption. that all wetlands within NCDOT's right-of- way would be impacted; however, final design of the project revealed that only 0.56 acre of wetland fill will be required. Furthermore, this impact will be mitigated by the restoration of 0.913 acre of wetlands in the footprint of the old bridge following construction. This mitigation area will remain under NCDOT ownership. on N'Ovell:De_ 23 '93 , i1` D0 _i 1 L e i an an -1 call,Di,, t L- ... ?. ?lvisic of Coastal :dal.ageme :! cr CAI.A fc a aj erm lL. T11 pdCt:age 111C1uaaa plans -Or Life p-ezerre-- ilOi'Ll.e2'i1 a! 1gnment w--t- G . E3 acre 3:: ii! 1 in Wetlands . on January 12, 1994:, DCM notified us t:lat no CAMA/Dredge and 111 Permit would -e regll_red s ince no CAI:r: Areas of Envy-ronmental Concern ,,lould be involved. Thus, DOA will be the lead ag=1_-y in grant_ng permits for thIS -reject. We her°_1J1' re'que'st t:lat tit= ill--Ormatlon provided w1t. 11 the LAMA ?ermlt a::)pl? cation -)e considered a L'°_vi sloe of t'ie Addendum tc the CE. COpI_s Of the C.AMA P.rmit application and the response troi;1 D';f'1 are enclosed. The revised wetland fill calculation iS the Only change r squired in the Addend lm. _ _ anL_C' 7aLcd gist the.' -o r: pOSeCL i^70?-._ t^1i1 qualify as a Categorical E:ticlusio-n in accordance with 23 C--:'P. 771. " IS (h ` . COtiV OL t111. 1etLer, a r.gliest for :0 G'r'ater CLtallt:= CarL1z_Cat li ,;V . e of 11'._r01,111_.1ta1 anager7i is :1eI es?Jy ::1au°_ . Thank 1'OLl Or our a..Sz :... h ..hl.. y0L1 .1-ve any gUesLy_:lo or need addiziona l:.L _tTiailO: pease call Cyndi Bell at (919) 733-2141, Sillcer el,? , E. - 1 uinn, P.L. Assistant Manager, Planning and Environmental Branch 3J0/ Cl Attachment cc: COE, Washington Field Office John Dorney, DEHNR, DEM John Parker, DEHNR, -DCM/Pe3lltit- -Coordinator - - Kelly Barger, P.E., Program Development Branch Don Morton, P.E., Highway Design A.L. Hankins, P.E., Hydraulics John L. Smith, Jr., P.E., Structure Design Tom Shearin, P.E., Roadway Design G.R. Shirley, Jr., P.E., Division 2 Engineer Wayne Fedora, P&E Davis Moore, P&E r 5? STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT, JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGH. N.C. 27611-5201 November. 231, 1991 D_ . _S:.on o_ 'management North Ca ol_ na Derai. _ment oZ ..nvironment. ?i?alt?l. and Natural Resources .O. Box 276°7 Rai=_gh, Plcr?._ Carol-L-1a, 2761- tTTENT! ON : ?I1" . John P ari?er Dear" :'.i1 R. SAMUEL HUNT III SECRETARY SUBJE-'CT. Craven Count - Replacement of ridge No. 141 on SR 1=70 over i euse R-ver State Project No. 3.2170001; T.I.P. No. P-2020; DOA action 1D. 1=l. °201740 The Nor n Carolina Department of Transportation proposes to re-olace the above referenced bridge on new alignment, along with associated approach work. The new bridge and roadway w_1_ :e constructed approximat=1? 75 feet to tale no-' th of the existing alignment . The bridge wail be _ ? feet w=de, -45• long, with a verz-cal clz-aranca of =eve feet above ord_Ilar, h_gh water ' :1° pr orosed collstrL:ct_on .,1111 r alr. x . 560 acre. of fill in wetlands. No temporary fill in wetlands will be required, as no on-site construction detour ,,;Ill be _ constructed. The existing bridge will be open throughout construction. Following construction, the old bridge will be removed, and 0.911 acre of fill in the footprint of this bridge will be restored to wetland elevation. Application is hereby made for a Major CA14A Permit and State Dredge and Fill Permit as required for such activities. By copy of this letter, requests for a Section 404 Permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Section 401 Water Quality Certification from the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management are hereby made. A CAMA processing fee of S250.00 is included with this application package. Adjacent property owners have been notified of this permit rec_uest. Copies of the letters sent to these property owners and the certified mail receipts are included herein. Thank you for ,.our assistance. T_f you have any questions, please cc-ntact C'.Tndi Bell in Paleig i aL (91S) 7-13- 9141. Sincerely, r- T?, ?.?. Assistant 11anaoer Pl3I:.1?I:3 and _nvironmental ranch cc: Mr. Archie Hankins, P.-E., Hydraulics Mr. Charles Jones, DEM, DEHiIP. ,-r. Dennis Pink-in, 'P .E., PlannJng" :t Environmental Mr. G. P . Si:'_r le_ , J:. , P . E . , Di •I=slon 2 Engineer District Engineer, COE Mr. Jimmy Lee, P.E., Bridge Maintenance 5 4 ?- S STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TP ANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT, JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS . GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 Novemloar 23. 1993- H 9201 NC 55 west Dever, Mort:. Carolina, 2SE2.-39055 Dear S=_ . R. SAMUEL HUNT III S ECRETAKY C_ av_n C:curi zy - p1 aClt cL ?: iCaga i`:C . 1 = 1 C1. 3 1470 over NeuSe Rivar Over-flow: state Pronec;. :IC. 3.217C301; T.I.P. ro. B-=02C; DCA ACtiUIi ID 19-9203740 The North Carolina Department of Transportatior. proposes to r-=.place Lha a:-:fisting Ar,dge on flew alignment, alcng .dith associate approach improvements. A Coastal Area Management Act ( CAI-IZA.) issuend by ti:e North Carolina Division of Coastal Management, is required for the proposed wort. NCDCT -2- required to notify adjacent property cwners upon requesting a CP.MA Permit. No action i I is reql 'ii :? on . your =ar... A copy of the permit applicaticn is enclosed for your re Iew. If you have any questions, please contact Cyndi Bell with the NCDOT Planning & Environmental Branch in Raleigh at (919) 733-31. 41. Sincerely, B J. 41_Quiiln , P . E . Assistant Manager Planning & Environmental Branch d?.SLATE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT, JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS R. SAMUEL HUNT III GowmoR P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 SECRETARY November 23, 1993 4. R. Newell 92^_5 NC 55 4est Do- er, Ncrth Carolina, 28326-8905 Dear Sir . SUBJECT. Craven Ccuilzy - Repiacemeznt of Bridge No. 14.1 on SR 1470 over 3I=LlS Fiver Overflow. State_ Project No. 3.217C301; T.I.F. No. 3-2020; DCa :Icoon ID. 1992027/0 The North Carolina Department of T-ansrportaticll prODJSes to replace the e:iisti:ig bridge on new alignment, along with associated approach improvements. A Coastal Area Management Act (CAi.1ZO Per:a=t, -ssueCi by the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management, is required for the proposed worlr:. NCDOT _s required to notify adjacent property owners urCn _ egt.esti:lg a _-A'-% Fermit. No act_c is : =_quir=d on your pars. A --op- _.r the _ __riit applieatj.oil is enclosed for your ravi`W. If .'o Li have any q'i°_St-o,is ?aS? co ntac: Cy: df 1- e11- :Jitii the rICDOT P1ai1l1iiig F1 ET'iVir011me:ital Branch JI.-I Raleigh at (9;9) 733-3111. Sincerely, B. 7 '..??Quin1i, P. E. Assistart"Manager, Planning & Environmental Branch I ? r I C, o ui .. 1 O t j 1 . a » mod- - a!Z W CC r-- u G LL ,__ a-Q IIJ N U W 1 W LL OJ CC '`w °cc z z<0 LL O U .'j a) O co I 00 LO 0 Z . ? Q o ca r•. z ---------------------------°- -- O U N Z ------------------------------- - r D O Q G G J ¢wo p O F U L G ?OZ CL M a LU Q I F-- J 0 la Ltd I ? a Q ^ V I!. ' wG U© /? r V = o M z z Y {?- r Q C•, ? 0 LL c CC) U') T , '1, '11111111111 1 - ' ? U.) II'4i'Innlnlu: 'Ili ?iu?' '1 'lll o ',,, 1111 Q 1U11 ;: "? Y 11 ,.11.u Z `v viii 1l j, I I??1 ? i'll ll' I :i?1 ii 11......1 111 •'i O Q ??; "'11111 ' C iii 11???IM?RCL, ! ?+. ...I O 00 U NQ ZZ U u O O Z 2 Z S w 0 O uI ca Lil a c w , 0 Ih 0 O U (R LLI vi I- C_'' z=1 Li 0 = M Z Ld 0 C: > ?i z >r L:1 L:.. 0z .A I; .-a ? Ul W ? U) N w m c Lrl w W w ? C l U, O W LL ?+- Q w o C C3 O -LL _ r- LL rb ' V A . N x O ' ? •..I {1 G p - co o Q w S CQ N CO LL w ° z= Q f= N< C- ? ¢ o > ¢ CC F ~ ¢ to _ w O O w wJ N h } I a ~ as Y ?Q? `513t?°?,'S`e en%S ? she ?Q c co-4 • 5 a44?'ca?'°? P1?pl ?,? ? e?ett Pct<C tal P?aS P",1a ?teC GS 113 2 Ce??,ca?°? ot\) T1 atct Q??,A 2?5 t o? Pam' `a`ea> 1y C ? S t`o?'??pe4 • t3cuces ?? `SC G ?q6.1 `ems <??3,04 ?a?;??bs ? 6A? ?Q?? ea??n?e ? ate its A F t b? C `' - - cpon 4?a`?'$ its -- ???? o cccs u of G°as oQmc?t ?c-4 ?al??g9 C°°StN??1 ,r J,eg'? T?atet, Ot?et t,1? °? ot?? ds p.?• Sect,° tea?? ? etZ?',2.1 a?et e? of an ?`SCrat?? ate ??? De iree? i?t0 any A? o at Sect'°nPtoy C?t4c? v • s' ir??O? Division of Coastal Management Field Offices Raleigh Central Office N.C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Box 27687 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7687 (919) 733-2293 Lii[2beth City Route 6, Box 203 Highway 17 South Elizabeth City, N.C. 27909 (919) 264-3901 ------------ -------------- ----------------- Gates Hertford - G 10 C?o?y?1, des Bertie d - Washington Tyrrell Washington Box 1507 - ------- -------- 1424 - 1424 Carolina Avenue Washington, N.C. 27889 Beaufort Hyde U.S. Army Corps of Engineers -- Wilmington, North Carolina Craven Box 1890 Wilmington, N.C. 28402 (919) 343-4639 Pamlico Onslow Carteret M S --- ------------- Pender New % Hanover r Wilmington Brunswick 7225 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington, N.C. 28403 (919) 256-4161 •. V ? Qs Morehead City Box 769 3411 Arcndell Street Morehead City, N.C. 28557 (919) 726-7021 1-800-682-2632 Please type or print. Carefully describe all anticipated development activities, including construction, excava- tion, filling, paving, land clearing, and stormwatcr con- trol. If the requested information is not relevant to your project, write N/A (not applicable). Items 1-4 and 8-9 must be completed for all projects. If you plan to build a marina, also complete and attach Form DCM-MP-2. b. Is the proposed activity maintenance of an existing pro'cct, new work, or both? Both 1 APPLICANT c. Will the project be for community, private, or a. Name NC Dept. of Transportation; B. J. 0' Quinn commercial use? Public Address P. 0. Box 25201 City Raleigh State NC Zip 27611 Day phone (919) 733-3141 Landowner or Authorized agent b. Project name (if an yy) 8.2170301 (B-2020) F.A. Project $RZ- (1) c. If the applicant is not the landowner, also give the owner's name and address. N/A d. Describe the planned use of the project. State route owned and maintained by NCDOT 4 LAND AND WATER CHARACTERISTICS a. Size of entire tract N/A 2 LOCATION OF PROPOSED PROJECT b. Size of individual lot(s) N/A c. Elevation of tract above mean sea level or National Geodetic Vertical Datum EL. 3.0 ± to EL. 18.0 t d a. Street address or secondary road number SR 1470 e. b. City, town, coriVDunity, or landmark Fort Barnwell f Soil type(s) and texture(s) of tract Organic silty clay, silty fine to medium, fine to coarse sand, fine to medium** Vegetation on tract _Heavily wooded, seasonal swamo Man-made features now on tract 20' wide road, 2 lane bridge. What is the CAMA Land Use Plan Classification of the site? (Consult the local land use plan.) c. County Craven 9- d. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? No e.. Name of body of water nearest project Ne s River Overflow 3 DESCRIPTION AND PLANNED USE OF PROPOSED. PROJECT a. Describe all development activities you propose (for example, building a home, motel, marina, bulkhead, or pier). Construct new bridge and Approach Roads. (Two lane) Remove existing bridge and existing approaches. **sandy silt and silty fine to medium sand Conservation Transitional Developed Community X Rural Other h. How is the tract zoned by local government? None i. How are adjacent waters classified? C Sw NSW j. Hasa professional archaeological survey been carried out for the tract? No If so, by whom? 4/89 5 UPLAND DEVF-LOPMENT Complete this section if the project includes any land development. a.. Type and number of buildings, facilities, or structures proposed 248,375 ft, bridge over Neuse River Overflow w/24' wide approach roa way. b. Number of lots or parcels N/A c. Density (Give the number of residential units and the units per acre.)- N/A d. Size of area to be graded or disturbed Approx. 0.6 Ac. within 75' of mean high water. e. If the proposed project will disturb more than one acre of land, the Division of Land Resources must receive an erosion and sedimentation control plan at least 30 days before land disturbing activity begins. If applicable, has a sedimentation and erosion control plan been submitted to the Division of Land Resources? Erosion control plans to be part project construction p ans. f. Give the percentage of the tract within 75 feet of mean high water to be covered by impermeable surfaces, such as pavement, buildings, rooftops. AR rox. 44% roadway pavement g. List the materials, such as marl, paver stone, asphalt, or concrete to be used for paved surfaces. Asp?alt h. If applicable, has a stormwater management plan been submitted to the Division of Environmental Management? N/A i. Describe proposed sewage disposal and/or waste water treatment facilities. N/A and adjoining roadway in. Water supply source N/A n. If the project is oceanfront development, describe the steps that will be taken to maintain established public beach access ways or provide new access. N/A o. If the project is on the oceanfront, what will be the elevation above mean sea level of the first habitable floor? N/A 6 EXCAVATION AND FILL of INFORMATION a. Describe below the purpose of proposed excavation o. fill activities (excluding bulkheads, which are covered in Section 7). Access channel (MLW) or (NWL) Boat basin Other (b reak- water, pier, boat ramp, rock jetty) Fill placed ii??j wetland-a r. -MHW - j.' Have these facilities received state or local approval? Upland fill N/A areas k- Describe existing treatrrrient facilities. N/A 1. Describe location and type of discharges to waters of the state (for example, surface runoff, sanitary wastewater, industrial/com a ial cfflflue t, "wash down"). Surface runoy roaL bri ge 2 b. Amount of material to be excava ee4Arom below water level in cubic yards Length Width Depth N/A N/A N/A 480'± 55,t 850'± 50'± c. Type of material • N/A d. Does the area to be excavated include marshland, swamps, or other wetlands? N/A e. High ground excavation, in cubic yards 0 CY 4/89 f. Dimensions of spoil disposal area N/A g. Location of spoil disposal area N/A h. Do you claim title to the disposal area? No If not, attach a letter granting permission from the owner. i- Will a disposal area be available for future maintenance? N/A If so, where? j. Does the disposal area include any marshland, swamps, or water areas? No k Will the fill material be placed below mean high water? Yes 1. Amount of fill in cubic yards 3643 CY m. Type of fill material Local fine to coarse sands Suitable project excava- n. Source of fill material-f7-inn anri iinl and Gi t-P o. Will fill material be placed on marsh or other actor wetlands? Yes P.- Dimensions of the wetland to be filled Approx. 4,570 SF = 0.105 Ac. q. How will excavated or fill material be kept on site and erosion controlled? NCDOT erosion control standards will be a er to. Prinrari y si encing a toe of fill slope. r. What type of construction equipment will be used (for example, dragline, backhoe, or hydraulic dredge)? _ Mechanical highway construction equipment and pile driving equipment s. Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? No If yes, explain steps that will be taken to lessen env'??Aoonmental i N/mpacts. . 7 SHORELINE STABILIZATION a. Length of bulkhead or riprap 230' b. Average distance waterward of mean high water or normal water level 0 c. Shoreline erosion during preceding 12 months, in feet None noted d. Type of bulkhead material Class II-Rip Rap e. Amount of fill, in cubic yards, to be placed below mean high water 36 43 CY f Type of fill material Suitable local fine to coarse sands acrud wi H ('1 I TI Rio Ran 8 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION In addition to the completed application form, the follow- ing items must be submitted: A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected property. If the applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title, plus written permission from the owner to cant' out the project. /is! accurate work plat (including plan view and cross sectional drawings) drawn to scale in black ink on an 8t . 12 x 11 white paper. (Refer to Coastal Resourtes Commission Rule 7J.0203 for a detailed description..) Please note that original drawings are preferred and only high quality copies will be accepted. Blue-line prints or other larger plats are acceptable only if 18 high quality copies are provided by applicant. (Contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding that agency's use of larger drawings.) A site or location map is a part of plat requirements and it must be sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the site. Include county road (SR) numbers, landmarks, and the like. A stormwater management plan, if applicable, that may have been developed in consultation with the Division of Environmental Management. A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners. These individuals have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management and should be advised by the applicant of that opportunity. 4 /89 Name Mr. Bobby H. Kilpatrick Address 9201 NC 55 West Dover, NC 28526-8905 Name W. R. Newell Address 9245 NC 55 West Dover, NC 28526-8905 Name Address A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. N/A A check for $100 made payable to the Department of Natural Resources and Community Development to cover the costs of processing the application. A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas. - A statement on the use of public funds. If the project involves the expenditure of public funds, attach a state- ment documenting compliance-with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A-1 to 10). 9 CERTIFICATION AND PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND Any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to conditions and restrictions contained in the permit. I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North Carolina's ap- proved Coastal Management Program and will be con- ducted in a manner consistent with such program. I further certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact, grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow-up monitoring of project- This is the / day of 1Ja??BC_J", 1912 X Lander ? •,urdiorize agent 4/89 _ LLJ ? e O L Li r - W N o OCI LLJ - ?, - Q c? o ck: C14 CL I e e I 0 ^ L.LJ Z c n yy 1 .'I ? _1 O. II ? ? Q N L1_ L.LI Z \, * O }??,,? ' U LL- LL W ^ z?'? ?? r `\ O Z o ?? W T Q Q W LL v (D Q C) Z "Kt 0 h z '^ V/ U 3c- ( C I ?? y of `}\ H •) a O / ° ± O { ct: C D / - W z Q 2 1 s? ?t LLJ i:E zi= Lj C ? 4 F o CD z V 1_ I - ? 1 I SHEET _1 OF PROPOSED I GUARDRAIL g i-' o° '= PROPOSED TOE _ N a WOODS OF FILL F-? PROPOSE D R O W F_ . . . LINE F- - - F, , 7/ -L- REV \ PROPOSED ' R.O.W. LINE WOODS REMOVE EXISTING ROADWAY FILL EXIST R.O.W. -' TO BE ABANDONED S O S4 c ,J tz, 1/1 EXIST. 12" WATERLINE WOODS ?G LEGEND Woo AREA OF MITIGATION 0 25 50 Srni r ini rrr-j Ur%LL III I LL l= LIMIT OF WOODS JURISDICTIONAL WETLANDS PROPOSED TOE OF IoHW FILL PROPOSED R CL 'B' STONE (W.S. EL=9.89 _ .O.W. UNE EST. 2.2 TONS JANUARY 28, 1993) P ROP --F-? OSED GUARDRAIL 12" ?lNP w _ /ELBOW . + N FUNNEL 2 N53.3 DRAW CONC... PAVED 9 13"E 9ULDFI. BERM. Q PROPOSED I ............. .. ..... . GUARDRAIL _ . ? PROPOSED RD.W-MP w/ELB?W1 fFUNNE` 1 LINE 2. C .. AVE. o f:3, CL E 1? ??Qb{? D '. o EST , 2.2 TON at?\. E? l4 /.'.' .' r+ 14 EXIST. R.O.W. TO BE ABANDONED TOE OF FILL Ir EXIST. 12" WATERLINE WOODS X31 Ice ?G LEGEND ® AREA OF MITIGATION ... FILL BELOW ORDINARY HIGH WATER 0 25 50 FILL IN WETLANDS crAl C IAA CCCT l 1 J%.r%LL. III I LL I E ? "::? - -,, E OHW -? (W.S. EL=9.89 2 JANUARY 28, 1993) O W.R. NEWELL NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS CRAVEN COUNTY 8.2170301 (B-2020) S.R. 1470 BRIDGE OVER NEUSE RIVER OVERFLOW SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET 3 OF 9 M MATOHLINE STA / 10+50 O 0?? (6 -REV uj uj W O -=?... O) LLJ k eq ck, DER - + U Wq TE? m > m to 00 O LLJ O .Lj Q m (]- m o V) _ L ' y-3 p n LLJ Z a O p ' Ld Lu I3 Z _ cr- cn S CN O I a i Li LLJ c l- aj 0 o < D c/) m m c/) Q ( ~ ? c =a w : p 0 .Li W iD N m m 0. rz W = 4 7 ? W M I + W O? ( O N 5 J LL_ LLJ = = Z ? Ln O cq i c tZ c I Q a Li J CL Zi > o?? o 13 W Z I L LJ = J m r i3 . J /. MATCHLIN i . E STA .% t w? • 7+00 ?? 0- C) W o Z? rn NC DEPT LEGEND c?'o ? . DIVISION 0 n CRAVEN C( ® AREA OF MITIGATION .J N = = S 8.2170301 ` FILL BELOW ORDINARY CD ` -5 S.R. 1470 HIGH WATER 0 25 50 OVERFLOW SCALE AS FILL IN WETLANDS SC IN F T SHEET 4 ALE EE . OHW _ (W.S. EL=9.89 JANUARY 28, 1993) T Z ? Q- w J V7 LLJ Z O ZD N M W I L w z -- jr` o LL_ O U N Cn LLJ "rUSE RIVER Z e?CKWATER 0 M ItiJ w OIj W ,= W p 3 w °? w Z ;m Q v~i l ` X o z O X_ w U O P Vcr) 01- W _?L I w c? N FUNNEL DRAIN ail GO l ?G OHW - (W.S. EL=9.89 JANUARY 28, 1993) 0 - o w _z J ti2 EXIST. R.O.W. TO BE ABANDONED (PROPOSED - TOE OF FILL LEGEND ® AREA OF MITIGATION .... FILL BELOW ORDINARY HIGH WATER FILL IN WETLANDS LIMITS OF JURISDICTIONAL WETLANDS (W.S. EL=9.89 JANUARY 28, 1993) NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS CRAVEN COUNTY 8.2170301 (B-2020) S.R. 1470 BRIDGE OVER NEUSE RIVER 0 25 50 OVERFLOW SCALE AS SHOWN «R SHEET _5_ OF _ 9 SC„LE IN , EEE w z 20 P.I. = 3+10.00 -L- REV PROPOSED 20 V.C. EL. = = 270 GRADE -L- REV K = 100 15 _ 15 `\ \ -1.7609, 0.953% 10 NATURAL GROUND 10 STATION 2+00 3+00 4+00 +0.953 -0.2117. w 15 z 15 w = PROPOSED GRADE -L- REV tZE P.I. = 6+75.00 -L- REV EL. = 18.25 C ' 10 --- - K = 138 10 NATURAL GROUND STATION 5+00 6+00 7+00 NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION 0 5 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS CRAVEN COUNTY VER. 8.2170301 (B-2020) 0 25 50 S.R. 1470 BRIDGE OVER NEUSE RIVER OVERFLOW HOR. SCALE AS SHOWN SCALE IN FEET SHEET 6 OF 9 z PROPOSED -0.211 q GRADE -L - REV U F- Q z 15 15 PLAIN RIP-R P CLASS II p m SLOPE 1 14,8 1 TO EL PLAT RIP-RAP CLA S II w J . SLO E 1 1/2:1 = 0 ORDINARY HIGH ATER To L. 14.3 10 0 >0 EL. = 9.89 > 10 0_10 w (n J 0 I Zco O W OQ? m + NATURAL G ROUND n mo 5 0 + 5 -s Z 0 - w STATION 8+00 9+00 10+00 PROPOSED ? JIII' GRADE -L- REV - ,- -0.21 1 15 15 L, Z / P.I. = 12+30.00 - L- REV w Z 10 _ 5 ,,, EL. = 17.08 V.C. = 330' = U 10 K = 102 NATURAL GRO UND 5 5 ---I ------ STATION 11+00 12+00 13+00 NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION 0 5 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS CRAVEN COUNTY VER. 8.2170301 (8-2020) 0 25 50 S.R. 1470 BRIDGE OVER NEUSE RIVER OVERFLOW HOR. SCALE AS SHOWN SCALE IN FEET SHEET 7 OF 9 -L- REV -L- EXIST. 50 PAVEMENT 50 25 I I 25 1... 2'I -25 NATURAL -25 GROUND SECTION "A-A" (6+50) EXIST. 50 -L- REV PAVEMENT 50 I 25 I 25 -25 NATURAL -25 GROUND ® AREA OF MITIGATION „ SECTION- B-B FILL IN WETLANDS (11+00) SITE QUANTITIES NC DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS FILL IN WETLANDS 0.56 AC. CRAVEN COUNTY FILL BELOW M.H.W. 3643 CY 8.2170301 (8-2020) S.R. 1470 BRIDGE OVER NEUSE RIVER 0 25 50 EXCAVATION BELOW _ 0 C.Y. OVERFLOW - WATER LEVEL SCALE AS SHOWN c JWILL rni c III I LLI Wetland Mitigation 0.913 A SHEET 8 OF g Area SUMMARY OF AFFECTED PROPERTY OWNERS TRACT NO. OWNER ADDRESS Ol BOBBY H. KILPATRICK 9201 N.C. HIGHWAY 55 WEST DOVER, N.C. 28526-8905 O2 W.R. NEWELL 9245 N.C. HIGHWAY 55 WEST DOVER N.C. 28526-8905 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Roger N. Schecter, Director January 12, 1994 t aOO 9--] Ms. Cyndi Bell NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Division of Highways P. O. Box 25201 Raleigh, NC 27611-5201 RE: Craven County - Replacement of Bridge #141, on SR1470 over the Neuse River Overflow Dear Ms. Bell: I have reviewed the project plans for the referenced bridge replacement and I conducted an onsite visit in late December. I have determined that no CAMA/Dredge and Fill Permit will be required since no CAMA Areas of Environmental Concern (AEC) are involved with the creek crossing. Specifically, the surface waters of the creek do not meet the Public Trust AEC definition as found in 15 NCAC, Subchapter 7H. Thank you for your coordination with this office. Sincerely, L. Mercer - Field Representative JLM/dh cc: Charles S. Jones Barney O'Quinn Norm Sanders, COE 5 P.O. Box 769, 3441 Arendell St., Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Courier #11-12-09 Telephone 919-726-7021 FAX 919-247-3330 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Roger N. Schecter, Director January 12, 1994 Ms. Cyndi Bell NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Division of Highways P. O. Box 25201 Raleigh, NC 27611-5201 RE: Craven County - Replacement of Bridge #141, on SR1470 over the Neuse River Overflow Dear Ms. Bell: I have reviewed the project plans for the referenced bridge replacement and I conducted an onsite visit in late December. I have determined that no CAMA/Dredge and Fill Permit will be required since no CAMA Areas of Environmental Concern (AEC) are involved with the creek crossing. Specifically, the surface waters of the creek do not meet the Public Trust AEC definition as found in 15 NCAC, Subchapter 7H. Thank you for your coordination with this office. Sincerely, - am L. Mercer Field Representative JLM/dh cc: Charles S. Jones Barney O'Quinn Norm Sanders, COE P.O. Box 769.3441 Arendell St.. Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Courier I11-12-09 Telephone 919-726-7021 FAX 919-247-3330 An Equoi Opportunity Affirmctive Action Employer W1 recycled/ 1096 post-consumer poper