HomeMy WebLinkAbout19920547 Ver al_Complete File_20100726 (2)INITIALS: Revi%7er WQ Supv: -_ Date: i ra TTT?KVn ylrllr1u51'BE ANSWERED (NIA-NOT APPLICABLE) **? PERMIT_YR: 92 ?? .`°?' ?? PERMIT NO:,QQaD55?. COUNTY: GUILFORD APPLICANT NAME: STONY-eK-----WFAVER-INVES-'I LENTS v? a ?'- ccS SM PROJECTTYPE : SUBaI-V-IS ION-FILIa 3// yr ?, .r PERMIT TYPE : N-12 b COE #: DOT-#: RCD FROK-CDA: APP DATE_M- CDA: 09/08/92 REG_OFFICE: WSRO RIVER_AND SUB_BASIN_0: L ? PF o 3-0? 0j-' STREAI,t-CLASS : tJ S - I t STR_INDEX_No: 1) _ 3 . Wt-IMPACT?: Y1%N WL_REQUESTED: ?.0e/ HYDRO_CNECT?: OVIN MITIGATION? (S/N.- *7 MITIGATION SIZE: WL_TYPE : 5-,,, WL_ACR_EST?: O1N WL_SCORE (#I) : MITIGATION TYPE: IS WETLAND RATING SHEET ATTACHED?: Y/v RECOMMENDATION (Circle One): ISSUE ISSUE/COND DENY COMMENTS : _ No safe i,'s f/. to cc: Regional Office Central Files r A'Ut a State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James G. Martin, Governor A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary October 2, 1992 Acting Director Mr. Barney O'Quinn Planning and Environmental Branch N.C. Department of Transportation P.O. Box 25201 Raleigh, N.C. 27611-5201 Dear Mr. O'Quinn: Subject: Proposed fill in Wetlands or Waters US 311 Bypass, from west of Oak Hollow Reservoir to US 29/70 Guilford County DEM Project # 925471, DOT # R-0609D, E, F; 8.1570601 Upon review of your request for 401 Water Quality Certification to place fill material in an additional 1.1 acres of wetlands or waters for road construction and bridge crossing of Oak Hollow Lake located at US 311 from west of Oak Hollow Lake to US 29/70 in Guilford County, we have determined that the proposed fill can be covered by General Water Quality Certifications No. 2671 and 2745 issued January 21, 1992. Copies of the General Certifications are attached. These Certifications may be used in qualifying for coverage under Corps of Engineers' Nationwide Permit No. 26 and 25, respectively. If you have any questions, please contact John Dorney at 919-733-1786. Sincerely, L I' "L? \?. reston Howard, Jr. P.E. jrd/us3lla.ltr I J Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office Winston-Salem DEM Regional Office Mr. John Dorne REGIONAL OFFICES Asheville Centl?allteFlqes &oresvillc R9alcigh 47 Washington Wilmington Winston-Salcm 704/251-6 ???nri?ls9/4 rt704 Gf?3.IG99 wilali/ e Resouce/s 46Commission5-3900 919/896-7007 Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Tclcphone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 4' MEMORANDUH TO: John Dorney, Division of Environmental. Management FROM: Dennis Stewart, Manager, Habitat Conservation Program Date: October L, 1992 SUBJECT: N. C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) revisions to request for 401 Water Quality Certification, US 311 Bypass (High Point Exist Bolt) from west of High Point Reservoir to Interchange at US 29/70, Guilford County, North Carolina; TIP Nos. R--0609D, E, F. The N. C. Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) has reviewed the subject revisions to the application for 401 Water, Quality Certification, as well as associated draft mitigation site plans. 0 multi-agency site visit was conducted an August 27, 1992. Our comments are provided in accordance with this Fish and Wildlife Coordination fact (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.C.C. 661--667d). The proposed project involves 'F'ill of 3.94 acres of wetlan&; within the Oak Hallow Lake watershed. Proposed mitigation includes avoidance of surface water fill in Oak Hollow Lake by placement of a full span over the reservoir, coupled with enhancement, restoration and/or creation of multiple wetland sites within the watershed. Highway design will also minimize risk of chemical spills and resulting fish kills in the reservoir and adjacent waters. The NCWRC appreciates the difficulty of locating suitable mitigation sites and commends the NCDOT for its efforts to minimize surface water impacts. Given the commitment of the NCDOT to minimize and mitigate for unavoidable impacts to water resources on the project area, the NCWRC offers no oQinction to issuance of t h e 401 Water Quality C er'. i 1= i s a't i o n^ as r i_ v is t_ d. However, we recommend that mitigation sites be prioritized to maximize the use of enhancement and restoration sites, due to the higher probability of success in developing such sites over that of wetland creation. We also request that the NCDOT continue to ._ ?- - memo Pago October 2, 1992 involve the NCWRC in the ongoing development of mitigation plans for this project. Given the extent of development on adjacent land, the Oak Hollow Lake basin will become increasingly important as fish and wildlife habitat in the region, and VgCce,Sr /y development of mitigation areas will directly affect the value of such habitat-. Thank you for the opportunity to provide input to the permit review process for this project. If we can further assist your office, please call David Yow, Highway Project Coordinator, at (919) 528-9887. , cc: Larry Warlick, District `°, Wildlife Biologist Shari Bryant, District 5 Fisheries Biologist David Yow, Highway Project Coordinator DLS/DLY DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 IN REPLY REFER TO October 8, 1992 Regulatory Branch Action ID. 199101397 and Nationwide Permits No. 26 and No. 25 North Carolina Department of Transportation Division of Highways Planning and Environmental Branch ATTN: Mr. L. Jack Ward Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 a?M?°?? GGi ? 5 i9?2 WETLAUS CR0L1? % ATFR OUALITY_SEC11! Dear Mr. Ward: Reference is made to your request (Pre-Discharge Notification) for Department of the Army permit authorization to discharge fill material into jurisdictional waters of the United States for the proposed U.S. 311 Bypass (High Point East Belt) from West of High Point Reservoir to an interchange at US 29/70; T.I.P. Nos. R-0609D, E, F; State Project No. 8.1570601. Your application package included proposed impacts at twenty-five single and complete project sites located from the existing U.S. 311 to the U.S. 29/70 Interchange, a distance of approximately 8 miles. Our review of your plans indicates that sites 3 thru 6 and 8 thru 25 are all located above the headwaters of the impacted tributaries with each involving less than an acre of impacts to jurisdictional waters of the United States, including wetlands. Sites 1 and 2 involve impacts of 6.54 acres (total) to jurisdictional waters of the United States adjacent to the above waters of Hiatt Branch associated with the construction of Ramp D. The remaining site (Site 7) is a crossing of a finger of Oak Hollow Lake. It is proposed to bridge this crossing entirely, with the only fill in surface waters or wetlands consisting of concrete footings for bridge pilings. This crossing may be authorized under Nationwide Permit No. 25 for structural discharges provided all conditions (enclosed) of this nationwide permit are met. For the purposes of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Regulatory Program, Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 330.6, published in the Federal Register on November 22, 1991, lists nationwide permits (NWP). Authorization was provided, pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, for discharges of dredged or fill material into headwaters and isolated waters provided: a. The discharge does not cause the loss of more than 10 acres of waters of the United States; -2- b. The permittee notifies the District Engineer if the discharge would cause the loss of waters of the United States greater than one acre in accordance with the "Notification" general condition. For discharges in special aquatic sites, including wetlands, the notification must also include a delineation of affected specific aquatic sites, including wetlands; and c. The discharge, including all attendant features, both temporary and permanent, is part of a single and complete project. Your proposed work, involving adverse modification to of less than an acre of waters of the United States located above the headwaters of the tributaries of Sites 3 thru 6 and 8 thru 25, is authorized by NWP provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the enclosed conditions. Your proposed work for sites 1 and 2, involving adverse modification of 6.54 acres of waters of the United States located above the headwaters of Hiatt Branch is also authorized by NWP provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the enclosed conditions. In addition, to compensate for impacts to Hiatt Branch you must implement and comply with a final mitigation plan, coordinated with and approved by my staff, which incorporates the draft mitigation plan dated September 18, 1992, and revised October 5, 1992. Construction of the mitigation sites will be initiated at such time to provide for planting of vegetation the first suitable planting period (December 1 through March 15) following commencement of project construction. If you cannot meet this timetable due to construction staging, you should submit written documentation to this office justifying the reason for a delay, as well as the anticipated date of mitigation construction. Please be aware that this authorization does not relieve you of the responsibility to obtain any other required or local approval. You should contact Mr. John Dorney, North Carolina Division of Environmental Management, (919) 733-1786, to obtain the necessary Section 401, Water Quality Certification prior to starting work. This verification will be valid for 2 years from the date of this letter unless the NWP authorization is modified, reissued, or revoked. Also, this verification will remain valid for the 2 years if, during that period, the NWP authorization is reissued without modification or the activity complies with any subsequent modification of the NWP authorization. If during the 2 years, the NWP authorization expires or is suspended or revoked, or is modified, such that the activity would no longer comply with the terms and conditions of the NWP, activities which have commenced (i.e., are under construction) or are under contract to commence in reliance upon the NWP will remain authorized provided the activity is completed within 12 months of the date of the NWP's expiration, modification or revocation, unless discretionary authority has been exercised on a case-by-case basis to modify, suspend, or revoke the authorization. -3- Thank you for your time and cooperation. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. John Thomas, Raleigh Regulatory Field Office, telephone (919) 876-8441. Sincerely, G. Wayne Wright Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosures Copies Furnished (without enclosures): Mr. John Parker North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. John Dorney Wafter Quality Section Division of Environmental Management orth Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 .\?. C. DEPARTMENT OF THANSPOwnt'rION DATE TRANSMITTAL SLIP G -3 - to TO: REF. NO. OR ROOM, BLDG. Mr. John Dorney Water Quality Planning DEM, DEHNR Room 625-D Archdale Building ? PLEASE ANSWER U FOR TO- ?.vnn?n,e ? PREPARE REPLY FOR MY SIGNATURE ? SIGNATURE ? TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION ? INVESTIGATE AND REPORT COMMENTS: JAMES G. MARTIN GOVERNOR THOMAS J. HARRELSON SECRETARY STAIZ 11 zsy ??ad[? ,, p C? r SE3 SEP 7ril?"-7'2 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P.O. BOX 25201 RALEIGH 27611-5201 September 2, 1992 District Engineer U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina, 28402-1890 ATTENTION: G. Wayne Wright Chief, Regulatory Dear Sir: SUBJECT: Guilford County - Belt) from West o Interchange at US State Project No. On February 28, 1991, Transportation submitted a section of the proposed US extending from west of the west of NC 68, Eastchester revised application, which impacts and mitigation omi submitted on September 23, lulu DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS WILLIAM G. MARLEY, JR., P.E. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR Branch US 311 Bypass (High Point East f High Point Reservoir to 29/70; T.I.P. Nos. R-0609D,E,F; 8.1570601 the North Carolina Department of Pre-discharge Notification for the 311 Bypass (High Point East Belt) High Point Reservoir to 2000 feet Drive (T.I.P. No. R-0609D). A included addititional wetland tted from the first package, was 1991. The proposed work would involve fill in 5.94 acres of wetlands associated with Hiatt Branch, which drains into Oak Hollow Lake, a water supply for the City of High Point. on May 2, 1991, the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (DEM) notified us that an Individual 401 Water Quality Certification would be required for impacts on Hiatt Branch. Subsequently, DEM initiated an extensive review of the proposed project. This included publishing of a Public Notice in the Greensboro News and Record, and High Point Enterprise, followed by a 30-day public comment period. The Director of DEM determined that a Public Hearing would be necessary to allow NCDOT to explain the design constraints to An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer the public, and to record public comments for and against the proposed design. A Public Hearing was held in the City of High Point Council Chambers on January 7, 1992, and was followed by a 30-day public comment period. On May 7, 1992, DEM completed its review period for the project. Through this review process, DEM requested justification of the proposed wetland fill, particularly at Ramp "D", and stipulated that unavoidable impacts must be mitigated within the Oak Hollow Lake watershed. DEM suggested that construction alternatives which would have less or no impact on Hiatt Branch should be investigated. In order to illustrate design constraints at this location, NCDOT studied three alternatives which would reduce, but not eliminate, the total wetland fill required. A copy of the summary describing these alternatives is attached. Copies of preliminary design drawings of these alternatives will also be furnished at your request. During the Public Hearing, a design engineer presented drawings of these alternatives and described the advantages and disadvantages of each. NCDOT's opinion is that these alternatives are not justifiable due to prohibitive cost and/or traffic operations problems when compared to the amount of wetland fill avoided. Designation and acquisition of the highway corridor has been ongoing since 1962. During the past 30 years, northern High Point has been extensively developed, often immediately up to the reserved US 311 Bypass right-of-way. Additionally, Oak Hollow Lake was flooded in the early 1970's. Therefore, alternate locations were not pursued due to design infeasibility, the potential for more extensive lake crossings, and/or potential number of relocatees. Mitigation of wetland impacts within the 32-square mile Oak Hollow Lake watershed has proven to be particularly difficult. Most of the extensive bottomland forests which were historically located in this area were flooded when Oak Hollow Lake was created in the early 19701s. Simultaneously, development pressure around the lake and along the US 311 East Belt corridor consumed much of the available real estate. Other properties without forested vegetative cover are typically easements maintained for water, sewer, petroleum and natural gas pipelines. Additionally, areas which have not been developed may be protected under City of High Point Environmental Regulations. Under Chapter 7 (Watershed Protection Overlay Districts) of these regulations, a 50-foot buffer of natural vegetation must be maintained around Oak Hollow Lake and its tributaries. Furthermore, development is not allowed within Tier 1 (200 feet from the normal pool) of the Watershed Critical Area District. These regulations have effectively prevented widespread degradation of wetlands and adjacent uplands within the watershed. Given the paucity of extensive, degraded bottomland hardwood sites in the Oak Hollow Lake watershed, coupled with restriction of NCDOT's eminent domain for mitigation purposes, compensation will necessarily consist of a combination of sites and types (in-kind or out- of-kind, enhancement, creation, restoration) of wetland mitigation. In response to NCDOT's commitment to provision of compensatory mitigation within the Oak Hollow Lake watershed, DEM issued an Individual 401 Water Quality Certification on August 6, 1992. This certification is conditioned upon 1) prevention of significant increases in turbidity, and 2) wetland mitigation and monitoring plans, success criteria, and remediation measures at sites to be agreed upon by DEM and NCDOT. On August 27, 1992, personnel from DEM, DOA (Raleigh Field Office), and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission visited six sites which are available and have some promise for wetland mitigation. At that time, these agencies indicated that enough acceptable mitigation acreage should be available to allow at least 1:1 replacement of the affected wetlands. As details of the mitigation plan are negotiated with DEM, this information will be forwarded to you. On May 18, 1992, you requested revision of the existing permit application to include a project with independent function and utility. The attached application package includes anticipated impacts from existing US 311 to the US 29/70 interchange, a distance of approximately eight miles. The permit drawings illustrate all proposed work in wetlands and surface waters. It is anticipated that 22 of the 23 sites may be permitted under Nationwide Permit =26 for projects Above Headwaters, 33 CFR 330.5(3). The remaining site (Site VII) is the crossing of a finger of Oak Hollow Lake. NCDOT proposes to bridge this crossing entirely, so that no fill in surface waters or wetlands will be necessary. Retention basins will be situated at either end of the bridge to prevent contamination of Oak Hollow Lake in the event of a hazardous waste spill. it is anticipated that this bridge may be allowed under Nationwide Permit No. 25 for Structured Discharge. Application is hereby made for Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers permits as required for such activities. By copy of this letter, we are also requesting 401 Water Quality Certification by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management for the section of the High Point East Belt not included in the Certification issued August 9, 1992. This extends from 2000 feet west of NC 68 (Eastchester Drive) to the proposed interchange at US 29/70 (T.I.P. Nos. R-0609E & F). If you require additional information, please contact Cyndi Bell at (919) 733-9770. Sincerely, B.J.- P.E. Assistant Manager Planning & Environmental Branch cc: Mr. John Dorney, DEM, DEHNR Mr. G.T. Shearin, P.E., Roadway Design Mr. Kelly Barger, P.E., Project Management Mr. Don Morton, P.E., Highway Design Mr. A.L. Hankins, P.E., Hydraulics Mr. Victor Barbour, P.E. Design Services Mr. John Smith, P.E., Structure Design Mr. W.D. Johnson, Roadside Environmental Mr. Gary Jessup, Program Development Mr. Jimmy Lee, P.E., Bridge Maintenance Mr. J.W. Watkins, P.E., Division 7 Engineer JAMES G MARTIN GOVERNOR THOMAS J. HARRELSON SECRETARY MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: 100ON- Aa00 STATE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P.O. BOX 25201 RALEIGH 27611-5201 January 2, 1992 Mr. Jack Ward, P. E. Planning & Environmental DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS WILLIAM G. MARLEY. JR.. P.E. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR Tom Shearin, P. E. ???./?/r Roadway Design Project R-609 D, High Point East Belt Alternates Studies for Hiatt Branch Wetlands Attached are preliminary drawings of three alternates with costs estimates and descriptions of the conditions for your use in the permit application with D. E. M. All of these alternates present significant costs and/or traffic operations problems. There is no feasible or reasonable alternate to completely avoid this wetland site within this East Belt Corridor which has been well established and protected by the City of High Point over the last 30 years. Alternate 1 is an attempt to minimize the wetland/vernal pool disruption by constructing massive retaining walls along Ramp D to retain the fill slopes from encroaching on the wetlands. The ramp is relocated approximately 100' northward from its presently proposed location in the immediate vicinity of the vernal pool. Alternate 2 utilizes the present ramp alignment, but bridges over the vernal pool with an 1100' long structure (750' of additional length on the current grade separation bridge) Alternate 3 eliminates Ramp D by placing this traffic movement on a loop. This is a less expensive construction alternate when compared to the cost of Ramp D; however, the traffic service resulting from this condition is not acceptable. The mainline of the proposed Bypass still crosses Hiatt Branch and will have an impact on the wetlands, if not the vernal pool itself. Attached are drawings and a summary of information for each alternated. If additional information is needed, contact me, Leroy Smith or Paul Schrum of my staff. GTS Attachments cc: Mr. D. R. Morton, P. E. Mr. J. T. Peacock, Jr., P. E. An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer 7 Project R-609 D.... High Point East Belt Hiatt Branch Area Alternate Studies Ramp D ALTERNATE 1.... Use of retaining walls to avoid vernal pool A. Cost... additional costs associated with this alternate: *Construction:..$2,050,000 This includes two retaining walls, one 350, in length, 30' in height and a second 500f long, 30' high adjacent to Ramp D. The alignment is shifted away from the vernal pool but still crosses a significant area of the wetland of the creek. *R/W....estimated at $300,000...2 homes Two new homes will have to be purchased due to the alignment shift of the ramp plus the acquisition of two additional house lots. * Total cost increase... $2,350,000 B. The proposed flyover bridge on Ramp D over the mainline will have to be redesigned. The present bridge design has been completed by a consultant at a design cost of $50,000 and would require redesign. C. A project construction delay of approximately 1.5 years will be required to purchase additional R/W, relocate 2 families, redesign project. D. The quality of the vernal pools will be impacted due to presence of the highway facility on both sides of the wet area. The walls will keep the embankment off of the pool but due to the proximity of the ramp and US 311 mainline, the current water flow into the pool and wetlands area will be significantly changed. The conditions and character surrounding the site will be drastically changed. Project R-609 D.... High Point East Selz Hiatt Branch Area Alternate Studies Ramp D ALTERNATE 2.... Bridging over wetland and vernal pool A. Cost... additional costs associated with this alternate: *Construction...$1,550,000 This includes lengthening the presently proposed bridge which carries Ramp D over the US 311 Bypass mainline. This will result in a total bridge length of 1100 feet along the presently proposed Ramp D alignment. This will place the bridge directly above the pool area. This cost includes the benefit of a reduction in the paving and earthwork cost associated with the construction of the original Ramp D proposal. *R/W...no additional right of way is anticipated B. The proposed flyover bridge on Ramp D over the mainline will have to be redesigned. The present bridge design has been completed by a consultant at a design cost of $50,000 and would require redesign at an additional cost of approximately $150,000. C. A project construction delay of approximately 1.5 years will be required to redesign project. D. The-quality of the vernal pools will be impacted due to presence of the highway facility above and along the south sides of the wet area, in addition to impact caused by construction of the bridge foundation. The bridge will keep the embankment off of the pool but will require the loss of tree cover due to the proximity of the bridge and US 311 mainline, the current water flow into the pool and wetlands area will be significantly altered. The conditions and character surrounding the site will detriorate. Project R-609 D.... High Point East 3elt Hiatt Branch Area Alternate Studies Ramp D Alternate 3....EIiminat4on of Ramp D "his alternate eliminates the Construction of Ramp E and thus minimizes the involvement with the wetlands and vernal pools. The US 311 mainline will continue in its proposed crossing of the site. Elimination o= Ramp D requires ' of an alternate ramp to accommodate this vital con,truc;ion c? connection into North Main Street and OldUSV311. alternate design includes the constl r._ This otion of a loop ramp in the e%isting desigIl for the flyover interchange north of the Hiatt Branch area. This new loop ramp is not acceptable the standpoint of traffic service and safety conditions dueom to the out-of-direction, circuitous travel regtired to make the connections bac". into Nortll Main Street and Old US 311. A dangerous traffic weave condition alld left side entrance will be required. Also, removal of Ramp D eliminates a vital _oadwav which will serve as the future extension of the High Point East Belt project across Old US 311, providing an e:;tensicn to NC 65, This future extension is contained in the High ?oillt Thoroughfare Plan. . ?. Cost The elimination of Ramp E gill r_Sult _ _il a D rJ] ?Ct ' js reduction of appro:?imately 37195:00'j-; Ilowev.?I- t.1e replac?me::t of Ramp D wltil tine revised lOOp C.Ilfigt:rati011 will it t provide an equal or acceptable traffic` se This cost reduction lncl.?1cec ..h y r?'=C r? lna ?m=i1 ., ' reaucl.l'?/'1 1:' .e Ra.np L bridge, earthwcrk and pavement and cost also c..ilt3_;13 tile add?:d of paveme:.t for the ?, loss - .`;v 1 ;cp. °de. ign o= ;n` bI of ? design cost- tW '1`x`7-: of-way acquisltion On two br,.dgeS and _ a:r__ C :net- ? B. A project construction delay of appro,imat-ly 1.5 y-a'_s will be required to redesign project. - _ C. The wetlands impacts will obviously be minimized witll this alternate; however, the presence of tale US 311 mainline facility along the south of this area may change the conditions and character surrounding the site. DEM ID: 91258• WQ( .4 ?7fR ACTION ID: 199101397 JOINT APPLICATION FORM FOR NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE NOTIFICATION TO THE DISTRICT ENGINEER NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION CONCURRENCE NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE INDIVIDUAL SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER CORPS OF ENGINEERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NC 28402-1890 ATTN: CESAW-CO-E Telephone (919) 251-4511 WATER QUALITY PLANNING DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES P.O. BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NC 27626-0535 ATTN: MR. JOHN DORNEY Telephone (919) 733-5083 ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1. OWNERS NAME: North Carolina Department of Transportation 2. OWNERS ADDRESS: P_n_ Rox 25201. Raleiqh, North Carolina, 27611 3. OWNERS PHONE NUMBER (HOME): (WORK) : (9,19) 733-9770 4. IF APPLICABLE: AGENT'S NAME OR RESPONSIBLE CORPORATE OFFICIAL, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER: ' 5. LOCATION OF PLANNED WORK (ATTACH MAP). COUNTY: G1i1ford -- NEAREST TOWN OR CITY: ' SPECIFIC LOCATION (INCLU E ROAD NUMBERS, LANDMARKS, ETC.): US 311 RypaSS (High Point Fact Ralt) nn naw lnratinn frnm west of High Point resarvnir to I1S 29/7n 6. NAME OF CLOSEST STREAM/RIVER: Hiatt Branch/ Oak Hnl Invi I aka 7. RIVER BASIN: Cape Fear 8. IS THIS PROJECT LOCATED IN A WATERSHED CLASSIFIED AS TROUT, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, OR WS II? YES [ ] NO [x] Hiatt Branch is classified WS III 9. HAVE ANY SECTION 404 PERMITS BEEN PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED FOR USE ON THIS PROPERTY? YES [x] NO [ ] Application and revision submitted on IF YES, EXPLAIN. 10. ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES OF WETLANDS LOCATED ON PROJECT SITE: na 271/92 -2- 5 lv l INCLUDING WETLANDS, IMPACTED BY FILL-D. 11. NUMBER OF ACRES OF WATERS OF THE U.S., THE PROPOSED PROJECT: 7 nA DRAINED: FLOODED: ---- EXCAVATED: ---- TOTAL IMPACTED:7,04 12. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK (ATTACH PLANS): Construction of rnntrnllPri arreccy n-lance riivi?p? hinhway 13. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED WORK: Public Transportation 14. STATE REASONS WHY THE APPLICANT BELIEVES THAT THIS ACTIVITY MUST BE CARRIED OUT IN WETLANDS. ALSO, NOTE MEASURES TAKEN TO MINIMIZE WETLAND IMPACTS. The linear geometry of the project makes i impossihlP to Pliminate all possibilities of crossings wetlands. The highway/ will crnss Oak Hollow Lake at the narrowest point possible. 15. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE (USFWS) AND/OR NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE (NMFS) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OR ANY FEDERALLY LISTED OR PROPOSED FOR LISTING ENDANGERED OR THREATENED SPECIES OR CRITICAL HABITAT IN THE PERMIT AREA THAT MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT. HAVE YOU DONE SO? YES [xx] NO [ ] RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 16. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER (SHPO) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES IN THE PERMIT AREA WHICH MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT? YES Gcx] NO [ ] HAVE YOU DONE S0. RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED BY DEM: A. WETLAND DELINEATION MAP SHOWING ALL WETLANDS, STREAMS, AND LAKES ON THE PROPERTY. See attached permit drawings. B. IF AVAILABLE, REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPH OF WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED BY PROJECT. ........ C. IF DELINEATION WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSULTANT, INCLUDE ALL DATA SHEETS RELEVANT TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE DELINEATION LINE. ------- D. IF A STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN IS REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT, ATTACH COPY. (S;tannda1rdNCDOT Best Management Practices and Sediment and Erosion E. WHAT Ignt,& NP W SURROUNDING PROPERTY?Urban Residential and Commercial F. IF APPLICABLE, WHAT IS PROPOSED METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL? ni /A rr E T "?' . 70 w.?nuwu/ r? fJ ?? I1 \ 1. SCALE ?[. 1 ?` 6 1 0 r _ 2 s ..Aces f 'cwo.o a.n. 1 .+et .ANOOIrw 7•l 1O I 0 05 ' IowreriON s»I 8 / ?uaro.0' -?1 r-- MCI 10, 1 ?.?~Mt '° 1&&06`tEld`j"' cVICINITY MAPS f`?Mr Y ` w .y.w•w? OF ? ?..Nmmom = R A.u4. .? ig E t I+.• T. Ht«. N Tt m •t o f r f i , T. . n -fir N• A PC s O ,,all* t ? NI ??M{ AI? ?'G\weensboro ??. {.wI GM?M f f f f ? f<.1..1 I >Mt ! R A N D 1 ? » to ' • )•j ? , :...Nwf N? I ? f r.[....N l.r>f? NvN r t« CT WEiARRIE 1 r N. f. (C moves Y. 1 i rI STATE PROJECT 8.1570601 N.C. DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISIO14 OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD CO. PROJECT 8.1570601 (R609D, R519E. & R60y' U3 311 HIGH POINT EAST BELT Sheet 1 of 34 MATCH Li i ALP rv ?z v_ 4r + K _a < / + 46 Houat S I Q N h t c }t = ? ? Z ++ I` l d r ?` f 3 ?•? ?` 'tip ? ?W o ?SITE N.C. DEPT. Of TRA143PORTATION r r 'IMNACTEo WEE f LAND DIVISION OF HICHHAY3 GUILFORD CO. PROJECT 0.1570001 (R509D, DMOTE5FILL IN •SUf?ACE 1 R009E, A R509F) 0 X00' WATER U3 311 HIGH POINT EAST BELT 5CALE Sheet 2 of 34 H1GH POIN; C1T OF BOARD Yl? ED UCAT 101 i I J 11 i L ?. I ? I A4 \ ?' I .s , 10 I ?I ~ ?+ ??' y I GI 1s I t i ?1 l1 +? ., I&O ki R I h d z 1 A N O o " I J -A a I 00000 a i M ?v l `?. I I I i ? I I I- A ? a ? '+ I ,+ J 44 I I 15, 4 MATCH "I LINE AREA OF FILL IN SURFACE 0.38 AC. WATER I ?` r r =N.P?c,?O wei?a?acs AVG. DAILY FLOW 2.3CFS. o Aca?s HIATT BRANCH TRIBUTARY- H.C. DEPT. OF TRA113POATATIO14 TO HIATT 5RANCH 0.5 C.F.S ? DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS TCTAL FILL 1251331 C.Y. GUILFORD CO. PROJECT 0.1570001 (R009D, R009E. 1 R009F) SG?L? U3 311 HIGH POINT EAST BELT CENOTES FLL•IN SURFAC-F wATFR Sheet 3 of 34 V co Q t r a Q W o d a? cc w (Z -4y. CL) 1 1 f r ]'%Ld i i I I I / i i I I I I O 0 co CA 00 H W I= t1) `a r d a 3 a W Z V Q U ? J LU Q Z J V- ? J a W N V 2 Q W 1 i H.C. DEPT. OF TRAUSPORTATIOU DIV131014 Of HIGHWAYS GUILFORD CO. i PROJECT 0.1570601 (R609D, R609E, A R609F) U3 311 NIGH P0114T EAST BELT Sheet 4 of 34 p? CITY OF HIGH P©INT 92 ` zi ? 1 T ? rn , y L3 I Y ?\ •'r 1 r \? ? \X L a V .S c ?. c 1 a a 3 G. ` HIGH POINT CITY BOARD OF ' I ?'. EDUCATION ?I 1 1 I AREA OF FILL I N SURFACE 1 T4 1 aS J? \ WATER 0.26 AC. 2.04 ACRES IMPACTED WETLANDS AV U. DAILY FLOW ;2.3 -.FS. U AL r 1 LL i c%4,50? SITF Il o LFWTCS FLL IN 54113 ACi WATER U.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION I DIVI51014 OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD CO. PROJECT 0.1570001 (R009D, R009E, i R009F) U3 311 HIGH POI14T EAST BELT Sheet 5 of 34 -1 1 «? !??CA) ¢ m • Ot ? Off Q? 1 0? i f• N v- JP?P 110 2-9)'8' RCBC ,.I i" N I ? I '11 ?G V J , I ?J O' O. 14'RC I i ? j ? I ;i I I' Q? f` I `??` moo. y / 11 III ? MATCH LINE SITE D f< ? IMPACTED WETLANDS 0 /00 SCALE UENGTES FLL IN SURFACE' WATER N.C. DEPT. OF TRAH3PORTATION DIVI3I011 OF NIGNHAY3 GUILFORD CO. PROJECT 8.1570501 (R609D, R509E, i R609F) U3 311 NIGH POINT EAST BELT .•.- _- r ..r 0 n i p e 0 O CNJ c p I co I co I W \ (J7 J ? O ? O ? CO a- \ co Q Q f- v ? J W t' z v ur) J I -' kn V I J J Ij %n i 1 Q J Q 1-- O v I Q N )- z uii cc 4= W O Q , Ul ` c.. 1 >r, CE) Ull N 1 ,' Q U) I 9 Q- Q Y O i N Q c 4 m ?" -? 1 1 1 H.C. DEPT. OF TRAN3PORTATIOH DIVIMOH OF HIGHWAYS I GUILFORD CO. Q Q PROJECT 0.1570001 (R009D, NN R009E, ; R009F) U3 311 HIGH POINT EAST BELT Sheet 7 of 34 LLI U _ c/) o ? m I I Uw r ? I Lc)N \ 1 1_> O LL. \ I a _] v. W o sl L) Q Q v? S , 9?0 ?CD = I (V o. I Z , Z' ?i - % I ! Ik X ?? I ^, j I I` i \ 1 r`? ryY \ y, Oi t.J " c? I L{ \ \ \ j O l , r ^ CC - r O\\\ + \ I co V,, , f \ tf; Lil CD C", N co -4 a Ej. U II ccj m ,? • L s\ ss ?\ \ O = LtJ -, \ \ \ I U + Cl? l C'j CU Lr) / ? ? O I ? s ••? I O? r % -1 r LJ ?' /Ir I 7_ ; 5?? <?- Uc I v ?.? I ?Q 3 N ! -0 / !?j N i CL`s 6 y I P :.: ; lri " 8y I In r~? r f i p N C171) rn 6S I G/U / / P I O U r I N i? N to N 0 _7/? APO Qj l:-? f I,? v , t0 O M - a- c r- < 00 1-01 1, , 1 ? lam-, ti ? ?? ? -• _?, ; ?• u. I SS ?. i t 1 SS C J ?I ? E U I ?• r 6• I? of 34 Sheet 8 , - N I CS 7 26 0 So3 ?J? E i I'? ti0J • ° ?9f E SC 5+00.03 RIP 'E3' 33S ? Q TEMP. DRAI NAGE TS 3+00.03 RP'B' 7q E1F EASEMENT 1 05, I? N - o°. N ?_ / ''Q IG MOWS CC) 0 CNORD ' / . CS 0+00 RP'B' = RIP AF 100 f! ?? POC 117+88.0 C MED?(58 RT) - i] = 04 C7 STA1191 5-STA,120+75-L- l ?_ 105 O p "! Irl ?,-N T ,AT RAL'SV' DITCH ( J 2 I r ? G NO00 SEE SHT. 2-K, T.S.NO.8 © =0°°5. " ?? ST 2+00 RP'B' 2 dr, "? it " LZ 112 ,oc,o NBr=a,'29. E _ IC>„lii = CI' /?? 2GI 16 / 4 ? Cp _ _ _- -- --- -- --? ??\' SO.OZ? 1 a? f CIO 94 ?- 36 ??1Tc. 1 I p o I 1 W 1 o - ?. 2GI UIT H BLOCK 0 SUOPE WR L) 35 ft Ng9° .?'z E ;? oab L7 ' (I 9 RC ?m° ??t{GP0l;?LL I o - R t-11" - R THIN, WALL I R pN I RETAINING WALL' , , - - 1 coNC sar2 8T EXIS1 R? Qq 0.1,0 0 I, I,p , 0 sio. I?,I,p-i,p,i, ql' - 2i.i2'corr, MO u,Cflnp,/,p, fl p,l,p;l,p \d, + y ?. 3 c"? * a.• 3s 9 E .ac ?`n fl'I'fl'I ?'i 1,©,I,p,l, ,1, IOIQ-x157 R•W (? o ?+aQ?+ + ? * "` {?? + "-? 1 7z•E .,. EERM CI -Tnl H oC? Q + I? ^+ ~ ? s + o ? 0 1 Q Q =I + I ? n ` =+ L. + t orcc c"? r^ {? I I 1 1 1 1 ! ??r 3 yws sK Y3I s ?K c s r o co"c l /^ 1 1 ?' I's s c IS 8R u 1 the C(;< 'S a r p 1??/? + 1 +I I BKsro I STA3+45-STA4t80 RP.C STA I t EEGIN LATERAL 'V• CITCH CL. 6 ?T DITCH BLOCK 50 ? L I RIP RAP LINER W/CL.I RIF F4F SEE SHT. 2-K, T. w 8t3 ?0 FOR BERK9 DITCH .EE 511. "[ K , T. .h! ). 7 r^ TS 1+36.01 RP'C' SC 3+36.01 Ri''C' CS 6+40.22 RF. O + DO RP lf') 7+18.24 MED. 5 LT.) 00'00" RT- TANG. TO CURVE 1 Sheet 9 of 34 ??ITE ly !J. RAMP'C' PI : 4+90.94 A = 20• )0 06.7= RT. 6s = 4'00'00.0' D = 4= OC100 O" Lc = 30421321 V • 6x.6976' T Ts = 317.5920' 20' CL. A STONE r 10' CL. B STONE q .c z - Q N f ? - O\ 9 TS 10+96 39 RP. A' O CL.I RIP RAP FUI_LL L NE ? ?:. ? ? f3 111 ^\ \\ _ c . ?? O t , 1 \ \BST \ \ \ a I ST 8+0.IORP' 30 _ SE 01TCH 493 f\\ \\ ?-J3 75 G " 95 APO«ER +99.35 \ \ ll?lso jIITCH r/?`M`OO\? , 22s o /? ?9r rRANSVORU 120' \ \\ POT POC5+75.154PY2- 0 "PST,T POT 13 + a- POT 31+31.5 40.54 RY2 ,y J J 2 - 8 D =89.22'35. 10" o Q<v b,' +50 4 t 80.78 2G1 cog STA 8 t10-STA 10+55 A LATERAL'V' DITCH a I C W/CL RIP RAP I SFE HT2-K.T.SNO•7 b RCP. "RCT' ••? r/?? ,i?"2•'` _ S$ 1 O e j HEADWALLS « '•= 6 ???C+T?/2 JOSEPH POC Al 7A A7 -I - P C 35+46.01 -Y2- RCP 15 < D =106.04' 27.0 (SPENCE 8 LESTER) [1 o o a ` i n ?' -I-- ---------_--- - N t O jI T 46 RC \ \ 109 I4 E DITCH Cl- I RIP R \ } " ,,, 3 c'I «: OOS -Wocfic - ?.' _ .. =" . - :?-' - - - - - W/CL.I RIF RAP _ 15" RC SEE SHT2K.T.SNO.7 ? 16.07 `? rT 6t -STA 7t90. _ _'RC 2GI 110 a^0 _ na' RC O - GI ' 0 CONC MCNP Q.© I- I 11 7 Q \ 2GI 134 1 2 15„ ° C 24' Q 4q'R? 'RC 2GR HEADWALLS _ CL.1 RIP RAF BECIN TAPER +09 _ r r^?- s? BERM DITCH Q L CL I -R p I' 5(_)' CL?B• STONE 1 STA 134+50 p 4 p - - ?) b GR PFCiIN CL. 6 STONE LINER \ PROP RIPFAP woods - ? ?1-F38-t-TD =STA 139 +90 - L- PP,CP 2' 6" CBG 2'LATERAL BASE DITCH Cl K 2 G` T. S.NO. 112 M 1 r, 0. CS }8+2}.40 ??.?^??, L LATFRAL BALE DITCH Q a 2-48"RCF _ _ - 114 Fr I--T 2-K T - 2 1 b . - _ l q 4 STAIOt45-STA-14t?* fi.. I ?~ aIP HEADWALL r??- - ?y? >- _ ? REQUIRED- tl?.'' EN '--- 0 DCBG FVROP ?: F +48 +47 75' 90 0 0 zs' IS ?5_ ----"-- ??fla? \ t> C? t 20 CIA ST 7+37.05 RI 14 2 \ } r? o Q Q p60'R 12 RC 18' N 40 I'?? Q •? i .N ?4, 60•Crl Q ? .? x/? ?? ,+-? Sheet 10 of 34 ?i Noo 122 Al'Ea +Q 02 ss ss oss \ II uN I s.N sE«c 20.04 1 - LATERAL ' V' DI TC H Q )U STA 147+65-STA 148+40 '''0 LATERAL 2' BASE DITCH W/ CL I RIP RAP SEE SHEET NO. 2-K T S NO. 12 I b -= ..............I :: 1 WOODS 0 BERM DITCH W/CL I 'LO in n A n i ILurr% s-; _7: i 185.21' S-670 %'5.2 40898 '' 135 2 GI -SITE VT 24?? R 0 2GI - 136 Y -50? 300' FULL LANF -?- ? CS- BERM D1 fCH PICK-UP PICK -UP' ._STA 1:49±75-STA 153+50 SPECIAL BERM- DITCH SEE -SHEET -2-K ;TS N0,10' 369.0: 208 CS 0+00 R MP' b' POC 147+9 .95 MED (581T.) PT.I3+26.4a _Y5_ Sheet 11 of 34 Y r7 7 ?, mX4 PROPOSEIO --'f TOE OF FILL i I I -i 5 EDGL o? WATE,S?.•-- AT NORMAL POOL. 11 PROPOS?? ?II TOE, OW F1Ll E.DGz OT WATER i AT NORMAL POOL i 01... 803. O Til W L9 0 d Of 0'- P ? ?C?e ?? 0 0 61 Q_ Lno J p c11 tJ co w 0 h ?r Wx c9 O " d d o- OA1, l-IOLLOW LA1\E i i SCAB E 1 = 100 50 O 100 i I i i i N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD CO. PROJECT 8.1.570601 (R609D, R609E, & R609F) US 311 HIGH POINT EAST BELT Sl Sheet 12 of 34 - d I - r Ln - r co o OO sr 1 0 W oz I ? oQ L9 0 in 0 ? S N c r l r w „ cl1 `' a w> o W c ?f ul I OAK !-IOLLOW LAKE. ?001. Z. -EV. ?0 i 8 I NORMAL POOL 90-5.0 is I 10 YEr.R 805.5 50 Yzk?? 805.8 ? 100 YEAR $Olo.(a d 500 YEAR 8pg,'? Cp ?L9 i ' w (P @) Ln (? HOR2. SCALE C=100 p? 50 O X00 ? i co Ll I /VEWT. SCALE. %"= 20' 1 s o t 01 1 I / 7- 10 0 20 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATI( DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GUILFQRD CO. PROJECT 8.1570601 (R609D, R609E, & R609F) US 311 HIGH POINT EAST BE] 01 0 I cI Sheet 13 of 34 00 r I Lr -r i i _ In i I O ? - O cl co 61 \ 1 Op :r Li r-) a `l 0Z? I ? OT o o 4. (i 0 9(N2 Lr) r CO j J aw> lyl 0 a (D 0 o Z ? W d T00 t-) L9 (2)d lea IiORZ. SCALE 1 = 100' 50 O ? ?? 100 VI=R'T. SCALE C z 21)' 10 o zo N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ° GUILFORD CO. PROJECT 8.1570601 (R609D, R609E, & R609F) US 311 HIGH POINT EAST BELT coI I 1 Sheet 14 of 34 00 1 I I p 1 ? 1 I I? 1 I ? Z O I X 0 i L2 O ? J Ld I IJ 10 O a ? d ? o / z ? I I I ? ? I I i o ? ' DRAINAGE EASEMEN E E E 'A'BASIN m +60 1701, ' ? / BED / +50 - 170 PROP R/ v?N n L0 C\l / CL.I RIP RA WOODS =UTURE - / \• O GUARDRAIL /F " t1' E,?` FUTURE- y _N4 I _AV s CQ. - - _ - _ - _ CV - - \ L"3 . ? ?• CSC ? - '? ? 3 U = 0 m X 2G1 M 2-6 X4 RCBC t. y? x Y1 SIF _ -APEn i^,. 6 R 24" /C3 L 1?Z X/o C co, 650' TAPER- GUARDRAIL t \ hh +9 y WOODS' 174 N DITCH Q EIP ' x LATERAL 'V' D LINED VV/ CL 1 RIP RAP [LiTe 1.5'ABOVE BED +80 7 Jr) . E ?tE? N +69.20 Sheest 15 of 34 !74.72 C3 TEMP DRA?,.?„` P y ? wnnns EASEMENT TEMP DRAINAGE 'o EASEMENT 0 LATERAL 2' BAc +9 W/ CL.I RIP RAP 210` 1 = MH N) 0 E - E +41.63 _ =+50 ABASIN 172.45' +65 174.42 25.00 PROP. F _? . C 194.79' - EIP S47' 29' 32'E n ST 243+42.00 r I CS 240+42.00 "???F;.=?'`"'_ N NC DOT 3-12'X10'RCBC' (W F. ARMFIELD, HEIRS) = b?: 901 2 GI 100` 30k V 18 S ,n `" wl 2 ELBOW o i y ?? /??--? = ??J•Q.->?C-era-. ?j LA 0 c t' - .TCH OVE BED I FUTURE G.R. I ;j CD PROP. R/W ' 5'E + 65 156.84` t03.70 +25 +50.26 c- 177.33' 175.62` 175.4W 177.67 Q? TEMP. DRAINAGE SEMENT = - E PL t35 +8 W = 210 E 235 0 TWIN CREEK 3 i Sheet 16 of 34 DEVELOPMENT - t 98.88 F 17-C zX s? CO. 228.81' f I T s, , + t CLV w , Lf, CC? I 92 89 9? Al ,01 J o I ? \ - I?? i In > J ?? ? {? L D N N N ? I I I ' 2 -o ,n we N 1- ? - I N I io (? ? ? N - h ll? ? `' l7 v N 1 8 N O N I ? /)t t _?J_ _ 1 N \ M 1 I r m 3 I a ? 1 f a I 1 i ?? I I ? G ?. 1 ?? r I _ r c JI \D N vl .T OI N n l . _ N N cpl l\? • CCC 65.01 I (1 I O ? !a' - - ? d ?.. I 11 01 ;i 9£ ,89 w rr 9£ v 01 i S S Z ? ' 'll ? ? ?. 1 1 I 'Q LL h .P I l el - %TZ -- il ,? - - - - cp?-- 41 G - I j II 41 q? ' i i I I . _ I J ?\ I ? '' ' I III .\I ! ?I a. v) Sheet 17 of 34 __ E I J4.5 S 4?'3 1' 3A / ? ' P-? EF? P?' Rip ?s j +42.13 RP! R P 01 ORRB 4? 98.15'. ??•GL? 0E? o • - > ITS X l ?1? 'I' 5 6 PO E-y- V1 STR D\? F .128.1 100, • __ 167 75 RP'B' 3 c cN?Rp t 67.75 RP 8 5? 8? E 100- E +3255RJ'B 100, DITCH* Rc co +75.38 Q ,.C RIP RA 100', . W 00 LAit (D m O O _ 50.38;- v 100.2 100.2 _ ? 4r (yh 2 'E= +72.08 150.45' r s' 3' 29•E 'II r( SNOB ?? 3u ? ,`?.? . y. _ C / _. - - 2 F' ' ge, Sheet 18 of 34 D1 SANG .. -? ? REM ,?? `? yto/K??L ?•, y ?-? '_ .._ .- -_ ? 4 .. .. ;a,.•!'`-: .?-. _ i % S?iy ?` f? 1? ;r?V _('1,1' wilt: _.?• _• _-: j? .r w J U ?r u (0 il NLO N I U \ _ VI Q -J v- _I LLJ J ? fJ W r '? ? ..bs Q LL rlr?j, r w ss O,/, t ,jr 8 /r ?r '/,o /r I ss l lr?ll' ) ? 'Ir , Ss W Or Iw Z 0 N N CD ro 00 CO rc) N in N /' r l J O U N ?wl CA t-Im a: cr_ C) O ( Q Q. o 3= 4 J - f $ ` H LL . \ I J t J o J I - ?;. U - ` LL I O ' j (DD I I 8 I 3c ? I I ? I . I ry cn W _ I m I i zo I cu O cr- s I I I? ui I I Q - Y Z0 I _ N S heet 19 of 3a j il "vt il .v I ? i 1J w z z W u 2 4 W V 7 4 I W 4 Z ? J u W U Li F w Q 3 ? u ? r I ; W W U i f w w IM w w wl w W, N V) 1).4 Q L" L'i Li;, L K"", .j OI2JT w ?n a a x ? w n in w z 0 1V) L m V) Q l? U 3 U a I- F-- w a > crn t=aw ?-? Q w J cn U) ?j Q I U Ul i i I 1m UI + I? I I ?I ?I p I Q o I w? n I ?° r°- a I I L.L 0 Iw I I r H C] > J h= Of w V) Q W J (n N 0 0 NINI r) I ? I Q i ? I U- 0 w > . 5 1HS S 3NI-1) Q .t CL 0 V co U) _ p ? GQ ? Q O ?G ?o -vA` s5 a ? \ ZD 0 0 a J CD 3r C) N 0 z0 y U H N Z LLJ .v^' V! t- W Q V I ??, Jw 9 ro V V) ?J , 0 0 QJ wQ LL 1 r3 . i 3 -N r w u z ' HO I J o I < U) = 0o U( w I °' J cw cn v _z 3?0 U F- CQ ?V) N Z) J U U i w ?O 3 _V) U- V) ?VV) ?Qw w J w ?7 U V) U ? I I I >< Sheet 20 of 34 11 11 1I11 all 0 0 ?° 0 i° , 11 lei 0 I? I? I° o I0o 1oq, i d e`t i } it f a ? I Y_ i ?? L s- ? ? 1 ?cq cn: t R - CD _z o ffl II ??_ ? 0 i ? - , Z - CC: 0- 0 J ° Z + ao Q a i I+ O - - LL. w = U J~ M . W 1- Q w rn° -.CrW' a I N? ° ZD s u co ? Q Eii H ?-- co +_ r ? O N D _ O 20 s 1LL ? C r •v0 I 1 \ ZO\\\? F `\ IU Sheet 21 of 34 ' I r• I I r5 ?lp 149' / GR -? - ?? 924 s? o -6` Lrc ?(V N ^,(DIRK A Y REA , O,y 40.0 t J F Go ? _ _ ?F 14283 f _ / NCDOT 17 _ ?345+0 M r (LA 177.17' 0`x'0 LO OP A nI WV' .P 1SF1? WREN C, EIP ' N E A S CDOTI? HwORT& w MH 2 GF 92/ z EAR KENNEDY3 iP M' (C3, NCD0TiZD- _ FD 921OLYN 923 N HUGH '`"36•w ??,€ un o 37' r 34'- ISFO r o - . co S c o E?• ?P E X AN o W ps T N v 162.23• ct: I I g 10 NCDOT c:23 oo T- H =. r L A OR f NANNIE L MCDOWELL)o 2 o 00 cl- 0 0 2 2 S 2 I SFD CO of m I FUTURE G R. f. +62.0 S08 71'36.w M < <) ?EIP `r 'so•s E / 1 N + L P - 1 OT 341+4 n NCDOTo? 54, *93 67 ? CONC Y u P^ - 35+54f'3?5 42 TYPE Xff ANCHOR (ARTHUR CASSELL wrf 0 I ? ) / ' L U M , -- ti 01 RUIJ 00 I z z ' PHIA L CUNNIN qM? 131.18' - co 6 I Qi '1 mss' NCDOT ?U. RBEGIN 21-5" C a G _`r IIw,M T G R E s / N I 11.90 ?I 9 ti NC DO T ?2O P EIP so.6a c II aSF` v VERA R BENNE T T ° I I ` CONC +51.67 "' 1 I 42 50' -A 7, t° 3 ? + 0 LOOP ' e _? ? R G D -- (? 5 car, POT45+00 - N ll.. -?S coNC a 6'34 2 +50--T-0-3-24 3+ 5 0-7 C8 .SS OLAT.c G-H 128 C L B S T O'` IFr ° t n II s s C? 4# ?t of 34 •aA•? - Is• c sheet 22 5 I? p6g. _ rrtiNiy_ NO s +62.11 t !; `'Q' , c 1 ?4 0'F E'P H x Sheet 23 of 34 I ? Is°CSP Wi ,i, 2 ELBOWS?i 1C i I 2 GI .r T rE .K V.C ?ON 12 jV 30 II,? 14 RCFC 182' RPA ON Ft \? ?\ 191' RP'A 180' RP A ?ONF 10 T \.F 24 CpN? S 3?? ??r i I ?FUiURE G.R. F eye ;. e ? I 'o MCDONALD INDUSTRIAL PARK ASSOC, INC. RAMP D.CONN AD Sheet 24 of 34 b£ 10 5Z laa4s 1 m m_ mr Lo < m p -0 m -4 o _ L, w r o n o' \T C U In i N 1 a 17 ? r' m r o< c -j X, z D z z C: i b£ J0 9Z 10@4S 4r 1NI0d HOIH 30V ),1 8OHinv ONISf10H I )` NO S-000M 02 -1-1 _ i N d13Ln O N ? O ? N a 31 d38 „81 0 3 rT L?. L 08 + O S1 NO ISL'-? NO e? S OL O ,LE'S0Z 3.bI,SS.?BS [- -ii KAY lr\' d 3NOlS .9. SSd?q 0 IU ? ? w H N ,00'SZ? LBS p II z ) v I tD N ?/1 U `J M ~ I 8313WINVld Od I2'0 co M ` z I O I N OI 31?DvW M S3wvr ° u 3 0 ° 2131 L? z 1011 s N8 SI N NM I p? ?P M E) LLJ v . M NLn O2 `JJ 1SIX x01 31 Z N om d - N ,^ V ILn 60'L ° ° + v HW .L3-1N1 213ddl 3015W d 090a,5X,8?Z 0 133HS 33S ' H0114 n 3bd ? ? , i 31d I 108,1001 d1 d Z9'b i C? 1N3W3SV3 39VNIb8Q 1Nt13d M/b'd0 OL+ I I ,001 `109 M/8 NO OL+ C7 ,0? d13? N F- -?5I• AM v HW 83M3S NV 8 3.6Z,82.98S dON 1 d ? DZ+ w 2?313WINVld 0V S8'0 12i ld OS S6£Zilr??? I oo 1 S 'i,' Sd3 `) • 0S+ 113SSVO HnHidV ' yea oN 3lId8 380W113 dN31 :- Ul (S3 1 = _ ,0`='691 N M.90,K.LBN di 0 O - p O Q M N N N O N D Z N +' / = ai w` 7 y? I N , U -` = LL, 1 th - a I Y-?- V) 90 = N - I 1 v) L 0 I C r - 88.04 l _ M 1 ? ?? 1 0 o- ___? - 132.21' ` i LLJ CS) X ?0 co o. - ?\ I i a I °oo cU^j = u 1 I m 3 v CD - M Q 1 . CL cli a? v ,01 t7z N 20 m w - a Z - CL= N N ?0 I O 71. LJ. LL ?- z 00 / w o Zo o I \ = J \ O U II 3-1 ?.Y \ lL 0 \ U I I CE cc) II L) < ca vc) Z 4- 5 a ., S •?. I I 0 Z `? \\ Y U ?? I II Z rn 0 ?' I II 0 0 \LL o LL 's= I I + - 3 LI) 1 II _ II CL - w Q Z ?l I IIM X I \ a ?? of _? 1 II ?. 0 P>? II I d a z N IJ o z 0- Q W I I I II - N CV UU = II -?- \ LL , J, I I ?9 Q w II -J V) x - O = I II O +- II Sheet 27 of 34 II \n ? II u -x, LAT DI..T?H \?% : S ?g STONE W/ C AS cr t 40 RP 1901 \COI 57- ry. o M 09, J 2' PAV ED ESP - ?; ?1 SH-LD. Sheet 28 of 34 ' So E -ZE 1 7 O J C`G /Y // I. ? I ? II II Sheet 29 of 34 I . 1' .I a a O? n ?r _ ? CJ 3: IJ ° '- .._ IB J I , C L i F X11 .. ? _ __. cy. Sheet 30 of 34 -? 7 ?jT --< I _ 1, r _ ?i 5 , 0II? I \?4 I I ?` 1 11 21 ? _. I ? r`/.- Jol, VIA P ? ., ..'I G 'l. I' r• wG ? I I?r?\.1? !?? '? ''I 1 I '1c I II I - a r 4?G f??i r.? y' 4 I i - J 6? 1, NNI? A ;'k 11 r ? C ' ? :'111'1 Sheet 31 of 34 v \N SUMMARY REPORT SITE STATION S TRUCTURE PERMIT IMPACTED FILL IN SURFACE ,,TYPE TYPE WETLANDS WATERS (ACRES) (ACRES) I 69+00 TO NATION WIDE 26 3.9 AC. 0.38 AC. 81+50 -L- II 86+00 TO NATION WIDE 26 2.04 AC. 0.26 AC. 96+00 -L- III 108+00 -L- 2 Q 6' X 51 NATION WIDE 26 0.0 AC. 0.08 AC. RCBC IV 121+30 -L- 48" RCP NATION WIDE 26 0.0 AC. 0.02 AC. V 137+10 -L- 2 e 48" RCP NATION WIDE 26 0.0 AC. 0.03 AC. VI 148+35 -L- 24" RCP NATION WIDE 26 0.0 AC 0.02 AC. 7 VII 172+00 -L- BRI DGE • ;NATIONWIDE 25 0.0 AC. 0.0 AC VIII 214+40 -L- 2 Q 61 X 41 NATION WIDE 26 0.0 AC. 0.05 AC. RCBC IX 242+60 -L- 3C a 121X 101 NATION WIDE 26 0.0 AC. 0.1 AC. RCBC X 258+35 -L- 36" RCP NATION WIDE 26 0.0 AC. 0.1 AC. XI 273+50 -L- 54" RCP NATION WIDE 26 0.0 AC. 0.1 AC. XII 299+70 -L- 54" RCP NATION WIDE 26 0.0 AC. 0.06 AC. H.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATIOII DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD CO. PROJECT 0.1570801 (ROOBD, R609E, i R609F) U3 311 HIGH POINT EAST BELT Sheet 32 of 34 I q of , SITE STATION STRUCTURE PERMIT IMPACTED FILL IN SURFACE TYPE TYPE WETLANDS WATERS ( ACRES) (ACRES) XIII 309+00 -L- 5411 RCP NATION WIDE 26 0.0 AC. 0.07 AC. XIV 330+00 -L- NATION WIDE 26 0.4 AC. 0.0 AC. XV 345+00 -L- 6611 RCP NATION WIDE 26 0.3 AC. 0.2 AC. XVI 384+00 TO 6'X 6' RCBC NATION WIDE 26 0.0 AC. 0.4 AC. 398+50 -L- XVII 430+00 -L- 3 @ 111X 14' NATION WIDE 26 0.0 AC. 0.4 AC. RCBC XVIII 9+60 RMP C 71X 5' RCBC NATION WIDE 26 0.0 AC. 0.04 AC. -Y12- XIX 18+30 -Y12- 2 @ 8'X 5' NATION WIDE 26 0.0 AC. 0.06 AC. RCBC XX 10+06 RMP B 91X 9' RCBC NATION WIDE 26 0.0 AC. 0.05 AC. CNN-BA XXI 9+00 RMP A NATION WIDE 26 0.4 AC. 0.0 AC. CNN-AD XXII 11+40 RMP C 91X 9' RCBC NATION WIDE 26 0.0 AC. 0.07 AC. CNN-BA XXIII 61+15 3 @ 11'X 14' NATION WIDE 26 0.0 AC. 0.07 AC. -Y13- R CBC 6 CHANNEL CH ANGE H.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD CO. PROJECT 8.1570501 (R609D, R609E, i R509F) I US 311 HIGH POINT EAST BELT Sheet 33 of 34 r • RIPARIAN LANDOWNERS High Point Board of Education Post Office Box 789 High Point, North Carolina 27261 Siceloff Oil and Coal Co. Post Office Box 327 High Point, North Carolina 27261 A. J. Tivada Post Office Box 5965 High Point, North Carolina 27262 B. M. Nixon 513 Aberdeen Road High Point , North Carolina 27260 W. R. McKinzie 1108 Glenwick Lane High Point, North Carolina 27262 D. G. Cedolia 603 Shadybrook Road High Point, North Carolina 27260 J. E. Isley 608 Shadybrook Road High Point, North Carolina 27260 Charles Lohmeyer 3808 West Field Street High Point, North Carolina 27260 D. O. Shumate 610 Shadybrook Road High Point, North Carolian 27260 City of High Point Attn: R. U. Moss 211, South Hamilton Street High Point, North Carolina 27260 M. T. Wiggs 3306 Hillside Drive High Point, North Carolina 27260 S. C. Nooe 3304 Hillside Drive High Point, North Carolina 27260 H. P. Stinson 2881 HWS.. 66 South Kernersville, North Carloina 27284 W. A. Brown 3701 Ro_ling Road High Point, North Carolina 27260 R. S. Sharpless 3810 Wert Field Drive High Po:_nt, North Carolina 27260 C. J. M:_siaveg 606 Shadybrook Road High Po:_nt, North Carolina 27260 Sheet 34 of 34 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., RE., Director January 19, 1994 r Memorandum To: Charles Hunt NC DOT From: John Dorne17D, Subject: Proposed Construction Procedures for bridges Over Oak Hollow Lake Associated with US 311 in Guilford Co. TIP # R-609E The Division of Environmental;Manage:nent and Mr. Linwood O'Neal from the City of High Point concur with the procedural change detailed in your November 30, 1993 memo and the attached draft special provisions. I request that if possible Eric Galamb observe the critical procedures during construction of the bridge. This would serve two purposes. Firstly, DEM could assure the City of High Point and other individuals that DOT is using best management practices, and secondly, DEM would have a better understanding of bridge construction and therefore slight modifications to construction techniques could be more quickly answered. Mr. Galamb can be reached at 733-1786. 1786. Should you have any questions, please contact me at 733- 311ok.mem - cc: Steve Mauney, WSRO Linwood O'Neal, City of High Point Boyd DeVane a P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal OpportunityAffirmativo Action Employor 50%rocycled/ 10% post-consumer popor NCDEH&NR DEM-WSRO DEC 1 31993 r ' To: Johnn Dorney 1 T NDS UOU° WATER U41TY SECT C," Through: Steve Mauney-,?°? From: Ron Linville?/(L- -Subject: Proposed Construction Procedures for Bridges over Oak Hollow Lake in High Point, NC Guilford County Date: 931210 After reviewing the request for a procedure modification submitted by DOT, it appears that little impact will be created by this change providing that the procedure has been correctly described. This is especially true considering that the water will be pumped off a hardened concrete base and not the lakebed. The WSRO strongly recommends that the appropriate High Point officials concur that there will be no significant concerns with this change as this lake is a major portion of the City's watershed and the City has raised previous concerns about DOT operational efficiency as pertains to water quality protection. Field monitoring would be helpful during this process to determine the adequacy of this procedure for future construction and permitting purposes. These comments are for your review and consideration. If we can be of any other assistance, please call us at (910) 896-7007. cc: Doug Miller WSRO Central Files State of North Carolina Department of Environment, i Health and Natural Resources a ® o Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary rr 11 A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT I» _ i-? ..- December 8, 1993 10 Mr. Linwood O'Neal City of High Point P.O. Box 230 itlr?: 1 o i1 ?I1 [!` High Point, NC 27261 Dear Mr. O'Neal: The NCDOT has proposed changes in the construction procedures for the bridge crossing of Oak Hollow Lake. A copy of DOT's request is enclosed for your review and comment. In addition, the individuals copied below are also requested to review and comment. Please return your comments to me no later than December 23, 1993. Should you have questions, I can be reached at (919) 733- 1786. Sinc rely, Joh R. Dorney?iro IV ' En ironmental Supervisor cc: Mr. Steve Mauney, WSRO Mr. Doug Miller, WSRO Mr. Eric Galamb hph20.ltr P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 101 post-consumer paper 4f' e .?ATt 1993 GROUP F::Y SECTiOPJ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TkANSPORTATION JAMES D. HUNT. )R DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS SAM HUNT GOVERNOR P.O. 60X 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 SECRETARY November 30, 1993 MEMO TO: Mr. John Dorney Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management FROM: J. L. Smith, Jr., P.E. State Bridge Design Engineer THROUGH: Charles Hunt, P.E. SUBJECT: Proposed Construction Procedures for Bridges over Oak Hollow Lake in Guilford Co. TIP #R-609E, DEM #92547 This memo is to request a change in construction procedures for the dewatering of the cofferdams on this project. The present criteria for dewatering the cofferdams specifies that the water be pumped to a containment bin to allow silt to settle before this water is allowed to return to the lake. We request that this procedure be changed to allow the water pumped from the cofferdams to be placed directly back into the lake inside of the turbidity curtain. We feel this water will contain very little slit since the water will be pumped off concrete. The procedure for building the bents will involve the use of a concrete seal. This seal will be concrete that is placed through the water completely covering the lake bottom inside the cofferdam. The seal will be allowed to harden and then the cofferdam will be dewatered to reveal the concrete seal and the remainder of the bent will then be constructed. At no time will the pumping operation disturb the bottom of the lake; therefore, we feel very little silt will be suspended in the water pumped from the cofferdam. Your concurrence with this procedure change is appreciated. If you have any questions, please contact Charles Hunt at 250-4060. In addition we have included draft copies of our project special provisions which affect this procedure. JLS/BCH/dby cc: Ms. Cyndi Bell - NCDOT I BR- 1E.CONSTRUCTION CONSTRAINTS: rHE LOCATION OF THE PROPOSED BRIDGES OVER OAK HOLLOW LAKE AT STATIONS 174+59.00 -L- AND 174+98.00 -L- IS ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS SHALL BE SUCH THAT DISTURBANCE r(D LAKE WATER QUALITY AND THE SURROUNDING AREA OF THE LAKE SHALL 3E KEPT TO A MINIMUM. DURING CONSTRUCTION OF THE BENTS ON CONCRETE SEALS, A TURBIDITY ?URTAIN SHALL ENCLOSE THE BENT SITES AND ALL EQUIPMENT USED TO ?ONSTRUCT THE BENTS. EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE DEPOSITED IN % WATER TIGHT BIN OR SUITABLE CONTAINMENT TO FACILITATE REMOVAL FROM THE SITE. 4HEN DEWATERING THE COFFERDAMS, THE DISCHARGE SHALL BE PLACEED SACK INTO THE LAKE BUT MUST BE DISCHARGED INSIDE OF THE TURBIDITY ?URTAIN 40 SEPARATE PAYMENT WILL BE MADE FOR THIS WORK. THE ENTIRE COST )F THE ABOVE WORK, EXCEPT FOR THE COST OF THE TURBIDITY CURTAIN AND ITS INSTALLATION, SHALL BE INCLUDED IN SEVERAL PAY ITEMS. 'LO!?.TING TURBIDITY CURTAIN: 'HE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL A FLOATING TURBIDITY CURTAIN 10 ENCLOSE THE PIER SITE AND ALL EQUIPMENT USED TO CONSTRUCT 'HE BENT ON ALL BENTS ON CONCRETE SEALS FOR THE BRIDGES ?T STATIONS 174+58.00 -L- AND 174+98.00 -L-. THE CURTAIN :S THE DETER SILT SUSPENSION AND MOVEMENT OF SILT PARTICLES INTO )AK HOLLOW LAKE DURING CONSTRUCTION OF THE COFFERDAM AND BENT. 'HE CURTAIN MATERIAL SHALL BE MADE OF TIGHTLY WOVEN NYLON, 'LASTIC, OR OTHER NON-DETERIORATING MATERIAL. THE MATERIAL ;HALL HAVE A TENSILE STRENGTH OF 350 LBS. IN ONE DIRECTION AND 200 LBS. IN THE OTHER DIRECTION. THE MATERIAL SHALL NOT ?XCEED 7 PERCENT OPEN AREA AND THE SIZE OF OPENINGS SHALL BE ,QUIVALENT TO U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NO. 70 (.210 MM). IN THE ,VENT THAT MORE THAN ONE WIDTH OF FABRIC IS REQUIRED, A SIX INCH )VERLAP OF THE MATERIAL, SEWN TOGETHER, SHALL ALSO BE REQUIRED. 'HE CURTAIN MATERIAL SHALL BE SUPPORTED BY A FLOATATION MATERIAL 1AVING OVER 29 LBS./FT. BUOYANCY. THE FLOATING CURTAIN SHALL HAVE ? 5/16 INCH GALVANIZED CHAIN AS A BALLAST, AND DUAL 5/16 INCH 3ALVANIZED WIRE ROPES WITH A HEAVY VINYL COATING AS LOAD LINES. 'HE FLOATING TURBIDITY CURTAIN SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A ;ATISFACTORY CONDITION UNTIL THE COFFERDAM IS REMOVED. 'HE QUANTITY OF FLOATING TURBIDITY CURTAIN TO BE PAID FOR UNDER CHIS ITEM SHALL BE THE ACTUAL NUMBER OF SQUARE YARDS OF CURTAIN INSTALLED AS SPECIFIED AND ACCEPTED. -HE QUANTITY OF FLOATING TURBIDITY CURTAIN AS MEASURED ABOVE 1ILL BE PAID FOR AT THE CONTRACT UNIT PRICE PER SQUARE YARD FOR 'FLOATING TURBIDITY CURTAIN". SUCH PRICE AND PAYMENT WILL BE ?ULL COMPENSATION FOR THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE ABOVE ?ARAGRAPHS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO FURNISHING ALL MATERIALS, COOLS, EQUIPMENT, AND ALL INCIDENTALS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE iORK. State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources 4 7o 0. Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr„ Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT December 8, 1993 Mr. Linwood O'Neal City of High Point P.O. Box 230 High Point, NC 27261 Dear Mr. O'Neal: The NCDOT has proposed changes in the construction procedures for the bridge crossing of Oak Hollow Lake. A copy of DOT's request is enclosed for your review and comment. In addition, the individuals copied below are also requested to review and comment. Please return your comments to me no later than December 23, 1993. Should you have questions, I can be reached at (919) 733- 1786. Sinc rely, Joh R. Dorney? En ironmental Supervisor cc: Mr. Steve Mauney, WSRO Mr. Doug Miller, WSRO Mr. Eric Galamb hph20.ltr P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper e "' sr?tF o DEC STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TPANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT. JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 November 30, 1993 ROtip -- SECTiCtJ SA,m HUNT SECRETARY MEMO TO: Mr. John Dorney Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management FROM: J. L. Smith, Jr., P.E. State Bridge Design Engineer s / THROUGH: Charles Hunt, P.E. SUBJECT: Proposed Construction Procedures for Bridges over Oak Hollow Lake in Guilford Co. TIP #R-609E, DEM #92547 This memo is to request a change in construction procedures for the dewatering of the cofferdams on this project. The present criteria for dewatering the cofferdams specifies that the water be pumped to a containment bin to allow silt to settle before this water is allowed to return to the lake. We request that this procedure be changed to allow the water pumped from the cofferdams to be placed directly back into the lake inside of the turbidity curtain. We feel this water will contain very little slit since the water will be pumped off concrete. The procedure for building the bents will involve the use of a concrete seal. This seal will be concrete that is placed through the water completely covering the lake bottom inside the cofferdam. The seal will be allowed to harden and then the cofferdam will be dewatered to reveal the concrete seal and the remainder of the bent will then be constructed. At no time will the pumping operation disturb the bottom of the lake; therefore, we feel very little silt will be suspended in the water pumped from the cofferdam. Your concu If you have 250-4060. In project special JLS/BCH/dby rrence with this procedure change is appreciated. any questions, please contact Charles Hunt at addition we have included draft copies of our provisions which affect this procedure. cc: Ms. Cyndi Bell - NCDOT BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION CONSTRAINTS: THE LOCATION OF THE PROPOSED BRIDGES OVER OAK HOLLOW LAKE AT STATIONS 174+59.00 -L- AND 174+98.00 -L- IS ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS SHALL BE SUCH THAT DISTURBANCE TO LAKE WATER QUALITY AND THE SURROUNDING AREA OF THE LAKE SHALL BE KEPT TO A MINIMUM. DURING CONSTRUCTION OF THE BENTS ON CONCRETE SEALS, A TURBIDITY CURTAIN SHALL ENCLOSE THE BENT SITES AND ALL EQUIPMENT USED TO CONSTRUCT THE BENTS. EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE DEPOSITED IN A WATER TIGHT BIN OR SUITABLE CONTAINMENT TO FACILITATE REMOVAL FROM THE SITE. WHEN DEWATERING THE COFFERDAMS, THE DISCHARGE SHALL BE PLACEED BACK INTO THE LAKE BUT MUST BE DISCHARGED INSIDE OF THE TURBIDITY CURTAIN NO SEPARATE PAYMENT WILL BE MADE FOR THIS WORK. THE ENTIRE COST OF THE ABOVE WORK, EXCEPT FOR THE COST OF THE TURBIDITY CURTAIN AND ITS INSTALLATION, SHALL BE INCLUDED IN SEVERAL PAY ITEMS. SAVE'.- UN ;FR R609EA1 ) LOATING TURBIDITY CURTAIN: HE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL A FLOATING TURBIDITY CURTAIN O ENCLOSE THE PIER SITE AND ALL EQUIPMENT USED TO CONSTRUCT HE BENT ON ALL BENTS ON CONCRETE SEALS FOR THE BRIDGES T STATIONS 174+58.00 -L- AND 174+98.00 -L-. THE CURTAIN S THE DETER SILT SUSPENSION AND MOVEMENT OF SILT PARTICLES INTO AK HOLLOW LAKE DURING CONSTRUCTION OF THE COFFERDAM AND BENT. 'HE CURTAIN MATERIAL SHALL BE MADE OF TIGHTLY WOVEN NYLON, LASTIC, OR OTHER NON-DETERIORATING MATERIAL. THE MATERIAL HALL HAVE A TENSILE STRENGTH OF 350 LBS. IN ONE DIRECTION ND 200 LBS. IN THE OTHER DIRECTION. THE MATERIAL SHALL NOT XCEED 7 PERCENT OPEN AREA AND THE SIZE OF OPENINGS SHALL BE ,QUIVALENT TO U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NO. 70 (.210 MM). IN THE VENT THAT MORE THAN ONE WIDTH OF FABRIC IS REQUIRED, A SIX INCH ,VERLAP OF THE MATERIAL, SEWN TOGETHER, SHALL ALSO BE REQUIRED. 'HE CURTAIN MATERIAL SHALL BE SUPPORTED BY A FLOATATION MATERIAL :AVING OVER 29 LBS./FT. BUOYANCY. THE FLOATING CURTAIN SHALL HAVE 5/16 INCH GALVANIZED CHAIN AS A BALLAST, AND DUAL 5/16 INCH GALVANIZED WIRE ROPES WITH A HEAVY VINYL COATING AS LOAD LINES. 'HE FLOATING TURBIDITY CURTAIN SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A IATISFACTORY CONDITION UNTIL THE COFFERDAM IS REMOVED. 'HE QUANTITY OF FLOATING TURBIDITY CURTAIN TO BE PAID FOR UNDER 'HIS ITEM SHALL BE THE ACTUAL NUMBER OF SQUARE YARDS OF CURTAIN NSTALLED AS SPECIFIED AND ACCEPTED. 'HE QUANTITY OF FLOATING TURBIDITY CURTAIN AS MEASURED ABOVE TILL BE PAID FOR AT THE CONTRACT UNIT PRICE PER SQUARE YARD FOR FLOATING TURBIDITY CURTAIN". SUCH PRICE AND PAYMENT WILL BE 'ULL COMPENSATION FOR THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE ABOVE 'ARAGRAPHS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO FURNISHING ALL MATERIALS, .'OOLS, EQUIPMENT, AND ALL INCIDENTALS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE IORK.