HomeMy WebLinkAbout19920106 Ver al_Complete File_19950717State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification Mr. William Dawson, Chief Engineering and Planning Division Dept. of the Army Wilmington District P. O. Box 1890 Wilmington, N.C. 18402-1890 Dear Mr. Dawson: XTI.KWA E:> FE 1=1 July 17, 1995 Pamlico County DEM Project # 92106 FILE COPY You have our approval to place fill material in less than one-half acre of wetlands or waters for the purpose of installing temporary fill for constriction of Hobucken bridge, as you described in your application dated 7 July 1995. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 2667. This certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 15 when it is issued by the Corps of Engineers. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Environmental Management under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733-1786. Attachment S' ly ston Howard, Jr. P.E. cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Washington Field Office Washington DEM Regional Office Mr. John Domey Central Files 92106.1tr P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper z 07-07-95 01:57 PM FROM CESAW-PD WILMINGTON X10 I PO 1/06 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL. HEADER SHEET Peru" 4t ws toms, -M95-11; Mw prowsm mw lg M COMMAND/ OFFICE NAME/ OFFICE OFFICE T?RpEPHONE FAX NO. (AUTOVON?Cp=4 BOL SYM AtJTOIA?AVCOmr».. , FROM: r 4 uC { VU rlt v C 14V?r 1?1°? q ro sl? 4?7 ?r o} as !. cf. 1 TO: DoY A ) e (` l q)733-1 m o CLASSIFICATION PREC ENCE NO. PAQES DATE-TIME MONTH YEAR FiELEA$ER'8 SIL,SNATLIFiE (I noVudlrtg this NisdRQ 7 REMARKS $pmv Se%w?l=orCvtmiealtaat<01ls Gil if-o OJlty' DA FORM 381044JU94 80 WA r umm aula-M, Auks /Y w %mowLe 1 e P %Iwwrw vi.1V ? Rccc???FO U( F?iRO14' ?199s o,,t 9?SC?FN CFS 41/ 71? y 07-07-95 01:57 PM FROM CESAW-PD WILMINGTON P02/06 DEPARTMRNT OIL THR ARMY WILMINGTON buffiRm, CORPS OF =04we P.p. Box Iwo WILMMTON, NOWN CAROUNA284WIM OMPL MQF July 7, 1995 (0ATnnff Structural, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering Section Mr. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. Acting Director Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, nd Natural Resources Post Offic Box 29535 Raleigh, N Ph Carolina 71626-0535 Dear Mr. Hbward: This Utter is in regard to the ongoing replacement of the Hobucken 6 idge. The project received 401 Water Quality Certificat on No. 2781 issued by the North Carolina Division of Environmen al Management (NCDEM) on September 22, 1992, and was found cons stent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program (North Carolina Division of Coastal Management (NCDCM) letter dated August ill 1992). The construction contractor has- identified the need for additional temporary construction access (described below) that was not considered during the permit process. his temporary access will be constructed within the existing b idge right-of-way. We consider this work to be minor in scope aid incidental to the bridge construction. We have determined that the project modification as described below is required t facilitate the bridge construction and would not cause significan environmental impact or additional obstruction to navigation We would like your agency to amend your 401 Certification as needed to address this action. Our C:41 truction contractor has determined that to allow for transporton of construction cranes across the waterway and to deliver required supplies by barge, two temporary sheetpiie bulkheads one on each shore are required to serve as a barge landing. he contractor's pans (enclosed) include construction of two 70-foot-log sheetpiie structures. This action will require excavation of about 110 cubic yards of material (55 cubic yards on each side) below normal water in front of the bulkheads and placement f about 90 cubic ards (45 cubic yards on each side) of that material behind the bulmads. Most of this fill will be placed bel w normal high water; however, adjacent wetlands (less than 0.5 a re) may also be impacted due to fill and compaction. Any wetlands that would be impacted are located within the existing cleared construction right-of-way. After construction is complete, the sheetpiles would be removed and pre-pro4 ect contours and vegetation would be restored to the degree practical. RMN an G %Cydw papa 07-07-95 01:57 PM FROM CESAW-PD WILMINGTON -2- The c structure appiicati support o repeated large qua 75-foot b, structure Since known dur the River not consi Coast Gua proposed authority Bridges, water qua' tractor has considered the use of a pier-supported nd determined it to be impractical for this , since it would lack the durability needed to safely ration of both a 110-ton crane and 250-tan crane with rge landings over a 30-month construction period. ities of concrete girders up to 120 feet in length and 24-1nch concrete piles would be loaded from these he need for this temporary construction access was not g the permit process, the bridge permit (Section•9 of nd Harbor Act of 1599) from the U.S. Coast Guard did r this action. We are concurrently requesting that the amend the existing bridge permit to include the tion. The District could then proceed under the f Nationwide Permit No. 15, U.S. Coast Guard Approved ovided that a State consistency determination and 441 ty certificate are obtained. Nation tide Permit No. 15 authorizes the discharge of dredged or fill ma erial incidental to the construction of bridges across navigable aters of the United States, including temporary constructs n and access fills provided such discharges have been authorized by the Coast Guard as part of the bridge permit. We hav determined that impacts from this action are temporary and minor, and that the proposed action is compatible with the Land Use P an for Pamlico County and consistent with the approved Coastal Ma agement Program of the State. We have requested that NCDCM amen their consistency concurrence to address this action. We have 43o requested that they waive the 90-day notification period. Please provide your agency's response by July 19, 1995. If additional information is required, please call Mr. Garry Pennington in our Structural, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineerin Section at (910) 251-4696 or Mr. Chuck Wilson in our Environmen al Resources Section at (910) 251-4746, Sincerely, William R. Dawson, P.E. Chief, Engineering and Planning Division P03/06 Enclosure l 07-07-95 01;57 PM FROM CESAW-PD WILMINGTON P04/06 (11T FOR INF ATION ng ofl osr's Representative Date: LAI hi y corps of Ongineers lawny Company To: Contract U.S. Am From: The Marl Prof: Wobucki Atlantic Pamlico DACW ! Subject: _ Reference Sp Reference Co Request: Lk Bridge Rtplacemsnt ProJect REC facoastai waterway aunty, North Carolina AN 2.9 IS-C-Q?)07 - - ?uwaw?aa Sion Paragraph(s): Drawing Sheet No.(s): - •-- t5?/t?4: Requested Rol Submitted By: 016. Job Pil Joe Sh once Date: _ Cif:... mar.. ?, bate: w Ft ? +'• .. . 429 WC ++i,+y y rN•:? sherd :a C.O.S. Respon e: '?. r r a a a,•?? r aErs i j ? r l a.? 70 ?,d Authorizing Signature Date r-. 07-07-95 01;57 PM FROM GESAW-PD WILMINGTON P05/06 07-07-95 01;57 PM FROM CESAW-PD WILMINGTON r '. "CIE 0 if COMPANY 7880 A 81802 ANQ?' AM 16 P06/06 Jae SNIU N0. - Z cw , CAIAUUP BY . ZA OE1?1 i _ YY r_?w semi! &r -IV ?.19- nrw?•. • w+ y? ? r ? xx 1]I, y Y a i r-rl E 1.•,+ -w ac --T r' State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director FILE COPY May 1, 1995 Mr. Charles Wilson U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District - Planning Division P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NIC 28402-1890 Dear Mr. Wilson: RILIF?EHNR Subject: Mitigation Plan Hobucken Bridge Replacement, AIWW DEM Project # 92106 Pamlico County The sub iect document dated February 7, 1995 has been reviewed and the Division accepts this proposal as compensatory mitigation for the 7 acres of wetland impacts associated with the construction of the Hobucken Bridge if the following revisions are incorporated into the mitigation plan: 1. The monitoring plan must specify that hydrology will be monitored in each of the vegetation sampling areas during the growing season. 2. The success criteria for vegetation should be revised to read as follows: "The site will be considered successful if the sampling analysis indicates that the target species are present at a density of 320 trees/acre and that no species shall comprise more than 20%0 of the tree species in each of the sampling areas at the end of the third growing season." 3. The success criteria for hydrology should state: "The site will be considered successful when wetland hydrology has been documented to exist in each of the sampling plots. Monitoring of hydrology may be terminated after the first growing season if wetland hydrology has been documented to be present." 4. All annual monitoring reports, as built plans or proposed modifications to this mitigation plan should be sent to the Division of Environmental Management, Water Quality Section, P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, NC 27626-0535, Attn: Ron Ferrell. P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper Please submit a revised version of the mitigation proposal which incorporates the above revisions. If you have any questions concerning these comments please contact Ron Ferrell at 919/733-0026. S' cerel Jon . Domey W tlands and Tec raalIRReview Group cc: D. Sawyer, WaRO R. Ferrell D. Lexson, COE, Washington Field Office m i t i g a t i o n/h o bu c ken.49 5