HomeMy WebLinkAbout20091242 Ver 1_More Info Received_20091214Ph Duke Energy® December 10, 2009 Ms. Shari Bryant North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Habitat Conservation Program 1721 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1721 Subject: Response to NCWRC Request for Additional Information Belews Creek Steam Station (BOSS) - Stokes County Permanent Pumping System Pre-Construction Notification Corps Action ID: SAW-2009-0181 DUKE ENERGY CORPORATION 526 South Church Street Charlotte, NC 28202 Mailing Address: P 0 Box 1006 Charlotte, NC 28201-1006 oq - i 'A2, zi - L= 0 V8 LE i1t 1 200.0 DENR - WATER QUAUTY WETLANDS AND S T 3RMWATER BRANCH As a follow-up to your letter dated December 1, 2009, enclosed is additional information requested to complete your review of the proposed plans for construction and operation of the permanent pumping facility needed to maintain adequate water levels in Belews Lake to ensure uninterrupted power production by Belews Creek Steam Station. Should you have additional questions or wish to meet to coordinate agency reviews, please call me at (980) 373-5710. Sincerely, Ronald E. Lewis Water Management Enclosures cc w/ enclosures: Ms. Cindy Karoly, NCDENR Division of Water Quality, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-1650 Mr. Andy Williams, US Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office, 331 Heritage Trade Drive, Wake Forest, NC 27587 Mr. Gill Vinzani, NCDENR Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 www.duke-energy.com NCWRC Additional Information I.A. Alternative Intake Locations (Comments p. 2, para. 1, bullet 1) Belews Lake is located near the most southern reach of the Dan River. The Dan River flows from western Virginia southeast into North Carolina and then turns northeast near Belews Lake and travels northeast back into Virginia. Please reference the attached USGS map. Only 6.5 river miles of the Dan River is sufficiently close to Belews Lake for consideration in locating a raw water intake and transfer pumping station. This stretch of river was evaluated for the location of an intake. Locations on the north bank of the Dan River were not considered for an intake because of the necessity of crossing the river with a force main to transfer water to Belews Lake. The selected location on the south side of the river is located at the confluence of Belews Creek and the Dan River. Duke Energy owns the land upstream from this location to the Pine Hall Bridge where the new USGS gage station is located (about 1.5 river miles). A golf course occupies the land adjacent to the next mile of river upstream from the bridge. From the golf course, the upstream reach is partly crowded by steep hillsides. The few small areas that are relatively flat are occupied by train tracks, forests, and/or farmland. Additionally, the river upstream of the Pine Hall Bridge does not offer more favorable hydraulic conditions for an intake than the downstream portion, which is bordered by land already owned by Duke Energy. The land downstream of the confluence of Belews Creek and the Dan River is owned by Duke Energy for approximately 1/4 river miles. However, this land is characterized by steep slopes and is heavily forested. Beyond this, the land adjacent to the river is crowded by steep hillsides or is occupied by forests or farmland. Therefore, the land already owned by Duke Energy and bounded by the river, State Route 1138, Pine Hall Road, Belews Creek is the most suitable location for anew intake. This location offers a very direct routing of the forcemains to Belews Lake across land that has already been disturbed by agricultural activities or recent logging. Further, the presence of the confluence of Belews Creek offers a location where one of the proposed velocity caps (Velocity Cap #2) can be located out of the main Dan River channel and at the same time allow for Velocity Cap #1, which is to be located in the Dan River channel, to be downsized to further minimize impact. Both of the proposed velocity caps proposed for this location are to be located out of the deeper main channel that is oriented along the opposite bank from these intakes. This will serve to prevent obstruction to recreational users while occupying areas of lower habitat value. 1.13. Canal and impoundment and/or J-hook (Comments p. 2, para. 1, bullet 2) A canal and intake pond in this area would not be feasible for the reasons stated in the Project Summary Memorandum (PSM) Section 4.3.3. Additionally, the Dan River frequently floods overtopping its banks (elevation -578 feet msl). These flood events deposit significant silt and soil in the floodplain which reaches south to the elevated roadway of State Route 1138. This silt and soil deposition creates prime agricultural land, but it would result in severe maintenance requirements to remove the sediment load from a canal and intake pond. Silt and soil would naturally drop out and fill in a deep, quiescent canal and pond. A J-hook vane structure is not well suited to the river conditions available in the aforementioned stretch of the Dan River. According to a paper by Dr. David L. Rosgen of Wildland Hydrology, the J-hook vane requires a footer that is embedded in the streambed and therefore, they are used in bed material ranging from cobble and gravel to sand bed streams. As mentioned in the PSM, the Dan River's streambed in this section of river consists primarily of weathered bedrock with good integrity. Disturbance to the river channel in constructing a J-hook would be extensive as compared to the proposed velocity caps. The J-hook would also have to be constructed to produce a large hydraulic jump through the hook in order to provide the hydraulic grade differential necessary to keep flow velocities adequate in a diversion canal that would prevent extensive soil deposition from occurring during normal operations. This large hydraulic jump would also have the potential to serve as an obstacle to recreational users as well as resulting in destabilization of the opposite river bank that consist of highly erodible soils that overlay the river bottom bedrock. Geotechnical boring indicate that bedrock rises in a direction perpendicular from the stream bed and is 8-10 feet above the river channel bottom as little as 50 feet from the edge of the river. This rock creates a significant challenge for any type of construction outside the river channel. This is particularly the case when considering the construction of a diversion canal/channel and pond whose bottom would then have to be constructed below the bottom of the existing river channel and as much as 15-20 feet into this rock. The cost of this type of construction in combination with the construction of a J-hook will greatly exceed the cost of the proposed intake arrangement. I.C. Fish Protection, Handling, and Survivability (Comments p. 2, para. 1, bullet 3) Fish screens are currently being evaluated for this intake pump station. Duke has committed to selection of a screen with fish recovery and proven survivability capabilities. In final selection of a screen, Duke is establishing performance criteria that is equivalent or exceeds that offered by the already proven Ristroph bucket type fish recovery system. Velocity cap intakes in combination with a Ristroph traveling water screen provide an integrated approach utilizing two highly efficient systems for excluding fish and aquatic life from the pump bays both of which are EPA 316(b) approved. A velocity cap intake is highly efficient at preventing capture of fish. According to Section 316(b) TDD Chapter 5, "Efficiencies of velocity caps on West Coast offshore intakes have exceeded 90 percent." The following two case studies concerning the Ristroph type traveling water screens are excerpted from EPA's Section 316(b) TDD Chapter 5: Impingement data collected during the 1970s from Dominion Power's Surry Station indicated a 93.8 percent survival rate of all fish impinged. The facility has modified Ristroph screens with low pressure wash and fish return systems (EPRI 1999). At the Arthur Kill Station, 2 of 8 screens are modified Ristroph type; the remaining six screens are conventional type. The modified screens have fish collection troughs, low pressure spray washes, fish flap seals, and separate fish collection sluices. 24-hour survival for the unmodified screens averages 15 percent, while the two modified screens have 79 and 92 percent average survival rates (EPRI 1999). The Traveling Water Screen Fish Protection System is designed to remove fish and fingerlings which are unable to escape from in front of the screen, safely transport and return them to the source water downstream of the intake. OPERATION Fish and debris removal functions of the traveling water screen will be separate with dedicated spray headers and troughing for each. The spray will first wash fish from the descending chain {rear} side of the screen, then the debris is removed from the descending chain {rear} side of the screen. The fish shall be lifted to the operating floor level in a watertight fish tray on the bottom member of each screen tray. The fish will be washed off the tray by a low pressure intermittent spray which shall gently flush the fish from the tray into a trough and sluiced to the source water. Fish Trays The trays are watertight and maintain a minimum water depth while transporting the fish. The contour of the pan shall facilitate complete flushing of its contents with a low pressure spray. A fish bucket is an integral part of the lower tray member of each tray and spans the entire width of the tray. Fish Spray Piping The fish spray headers shall be located above the fish trough on the descending chain (rear) side of the screen. The fish spray will flush the fish from the trays and buckets with a low pressure spray and not the debris deposited on the cloth. Operating pressure for the fish spray header will be 15 PSI maximum. Fish Protection Screen Baskets Baskets shall be non-metallic construction. The basket shall be designed to maximize the screening area available and the bottom rail fish buckets shall be designed to enhance fish recovery and provide a protected area for the impinged fish. The fish bucket shall have sufficient capacity to provide a suitable environment while fish are retained in the bucket and the opening shall be sized to encourage fish to enter and to minimize damage when emptying. The exact configuration of the bucket shall be either of a "proven design" or determined by model/flume testing or computer analysis to ensure a hydraulically stable, "stalled" fluid zone which attracts the fish, prevents damage to the fish while in the bucket and prevents the fish from escaping the bucket. The screen mesh shall be especially designed and manufactured to minimize harm and abrasion to the impinged fish. The screen mesh shall be canted to facilitate entry of fish into the fish bucket and the discharge of fish with minimal harm. The fish return trough will be about 300 feet long. These return troughs are very common and are frequently much longer than the one proposed. 1.D. Velocity Cap Position and Visibility (Comments p. 2, para. 1, bullet 4) The velocity caps will be designed to be submerged even under historically low-flow conditions and positioned out of the main channel. The weathered bedrock streambed naturally diverts flow in the main channel towards the opposite bank as Sheet 1 in Appendix A-7 of the PSM shows. Recreational users traveling this reach of water are not expected to venture to or be directed by the natural channel flows toward the vicinity of either velocity cap. Additionally due to the geometry and static nature of the velocity caps, in addition to the relatively low velocities that will be present around the velocity caps during periods when the river is being recreated, we do not believe the velocity caps will pose a significant danger or obstruction. The preference at this time is not to have signage or buoys indicating the presence of the velocity cap intakes. 2.A. Months of Operation (Comments p. 2, para. 2, bullet 1) The permanent pumping operation would not pump during the April-May fish spawning period. Pumping could occur during other months on an as needed basis when, and only when, sufficient river flows allow for pumping. 2.13. River Flow and Pumping (Comments p. 2, para. 2, bullet 2) That is correct. In keeping with the temporary pumping permit conditions, a minimum flow-by of 110 cfs shall be maintained at all time during pumping operations as measured by the new USGS gage at Pine Hall. Readings from the gage station are transmitted every 15 minutes and the pump controls will be dependent on the gage station data. You may view data from this gage on the USGS website. River Flow (cfs) # Pumps On Water Pumped (cfs) Flow-By (cfs) <110 0 0 <110 135 1 25 110 160 2 50 110 195 3 75 110 >210 4 100 >110 2.C. Summer Operation (Comments p. 2, para. 2, bullet 3) Pumping during the summer months will be only on an as-needed basis. Figure 2.2-1 in the PSM shows the lake level in Belews Lake for the past nine years. In some years, the lake level dropped enough by August to October to initiate pumping. Pumping during the summer mouths would not reduce rhQ river flow below the 110 cfs criteria. Figure 22-1 also shows events in the summer and fall months when the lake level rises as a result of rain and runoff. Dan River flows during these rain events would allow the pump station to operate at full capacity without affecting minimum flow-by. 3.A. Lake Level Trigger (Comments p. 3, para. 1, bullet 1) A lake level of 722.5 feet would trigger the onset of pumping operations. Duke will consider weather forecasts, time of year, and other conditions in making their determination of whether or not to begin pumping. Duke Energy's goal is to achieve a full pond condition during the higher winter and early spring river flow periods before the spring spawning months of April and May. 3.13. Raising the Lake Level (Comments p. 3, para. 1, bullet 2) Full pond in Belews Lake is 724.5 feet. The lake will overtop its gates at 725.0 feet. The '/z foot of freeboard allows for containment of wave action within the lake. Raising the lake level is not feasible due to environmental, civic, and cost considerations. ® North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Gordon Myers, Executive Director MEMORANDUM TO: Andrew Williams, Raleigh Regulatory Field Office U.S. Army Corps of Engineers FROM: Shari L. Bryant, Piedmont Region Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program DATE: 1 December 2009 SUBJECT: Pre-Construction Notification for Belews Creek Permanent Pumping Station, Duke Power Company, Rockingham County, North Carolina. Corps Action ID: SAW-2009-01801 Biologists with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) have reviewed the subject document and we are familiar with the habitat values of the area. Our comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (as amended), Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661-667d), and North Carolina General Statutes (G.S. 113-131 et seq.). The applicant proposes to construct a permanent intake and pump station on Dan River. The proposed project will result in permanent impacts to 0.045 acres of wetland, 25 linear feet of perennial stream channel, and 0.082 acres of open water; and temporary impacts to 905 linear feet of perennial stream channel, and 0.261 acres of open water. Since 2002, the applicant has received authorization to operate a temporary intake structure to pump water from Dan River to Belews Lake. In the past 8 years, temporary pumping was used on three occasions when Belews Lake was more than three feet below full pond. The permanent intake and pump station would be used on an "as needed" basis to ensure adequate water levels in Belews Lake to operate Belews Creek Steam Station. Belews Creek is a tributary to Dan River in the Roanoke River basin. There are records for the federal species of concern and state endangered green floater (Lasmigona subvirdis); the state threatened bigeye jumprock (Scartomyzon ariommus); the state special concern riverweed darter (Etheostoma podostemone) and North Carolina spiny crayfish (Orconectes [Procericambarus] carolinensis); and the state significantly rare Roanoke hogsucker (Hypentelium roanokense) in Dan River. The site is located within the Dan River Aquatic Habitat, a Significant Natural Heritage Area. The applicant evaluated several alternatives including a wedgewire T-screen with air burst, side channel diversion flume, canal and intake pond, and velocity cap. The preferred alternative is installation of two, 50 cfs velocity caps. These would be located in the main channel, elevated one foot off of the channel bottom, with an approach velocity below 0.5 feet/second at the outer perimeter of the cap. The pump station would have 2 mm fine screening, a 0.5 feet/second approach velocity, and an integrated fish recovery Mailing Address: Division of Inland Fisheries • 1721 Mail Service Center • Raleigh, NC 27699-1721 Telephone: (919) 707-0220 • Fax: (919) 707-0028 Page 2 I December 2009 Belews Creek Pumping Station Corps Action ID: SAW-2009-01801 system. Fish would be lifted to the top of the pump station and discharged back to Dan River through a submerged fish chute. We recognize a canal and intake pond may not be feasible at the proposed location discussed for the velocity caps; however, it is unclear whether other sites nearby were evaluated for a canal and intake pond. We believe a canal and intake pond may be a better alternative to the velocity caps, but there is insufficient information included in the permit application to make that determination. Therefore, we have the following questions and/or requests for additional information regarding the alternative analysis: • Were other locations along Dan River evaluated for construction of a canal and intake pond? o If so, please include a description of these locations and reason(s) this alternative (i.e., canal and intake pond) would or would not be feasible at these locations. o If not, then we request that other locations along the Dan River are evaluated to determine if this alternative might be feasible. • The applicant indicates the canal and impoundment will be prone to damage from floodwaters, and sediment removal from canal and impoundment would be more labor and equipment intensive. It is our understanding that if properly designed these should not be significant issues. If the applicant has not already done so, we suggest consulting with a professional that has significant experience in the construction of J-hooks. If the applicant has consulted with an expert in this field, we would appreciate that information being included with the evaluation of this altemative. The velocity caps would not have in-channel fine screening. The pump station would have a fish recovery system that includes 2 mm traveling water screens; fish would be lifted to the top of the pump station, and discharged back to Dan River. Due to the presence of several state-listed fish species and possibly fish host species for the federal and state endangered James spinymussel (Pleurobema collina), please provide the following information regarding the fish recovery system. o How will fish be raised to the top of the pump station? o How long is the submerged fish chute between the pump station and river? o Has this system been used before by either Duke Energy or others? If so, are there data on how many fish get entrained in the pump station? If fish are entrained, are there data on what species or life stages are entrained, and the survival rates of released fish? • The applicant indicates the velocity caps would be positioned out of the main channel; please provide information on how these will be marked to notify recreational users of their location? It appears when temporary pumping was initiated the time frame was December to March. Section 6.1 (p. 18) indicates water would not be withdrawn during low flow periods in the summer. Appendix A-4 (p. 5) indicates the pump station would allow pumping whenever there is sufficient flow in the river. Based on information provided in the document, it appears that sufficient flow would be that flow that exceeds 110 cfs. Also, Section 4.2 indicates the structure would be designed to pump at different pumping rates (i.e., 25- 100 cfs). We have the following questions and/or requests for additional information regarding the permanent pump station. o During which months would the proposed permanent pump station be operated? We would have concerns about impingement/entrainment of fish, but particularly fish eggs and/or larvae, for any proposal to pump during spring spawning months. o If the pumps cannot pump below 25 cfs, then we assume pumping would not be initiated unless the Dan River flow is a minimum of 135 cfs. Is this correct? Page 3 1 December 2009 Belews Creek Pumping Station Corps Action ID: SAW-2009-01801 o It is unclear whether pumping would occur in the summer months, but if so, then we may have concerns about the pumping operation maintaining consistently low flows (e.g., 110 cfs) in the river for extended periods of time during the summer months. Section 2.3 (p.3) indicates the temporary pumping operations were initiated when lake level drops more than three feet below full pond (724.5 feet). In Section 2.3.2 (p. 4) it indicates when lake level is projected to be below 720 feet in early spring to initiate temporary pumping. Temporary pumping operations were conducted between December and March. We have the following questions and/or requests for additional information regarding the trigger when water will be pumped from Dan River to Belews Lake. • With the permanent pumping station, is there a lake level (e.g., 721.5 feet) that would trigger the need to pump water from Dan River to Belews Lake? We would prefer that pumping occur when there are significant flows (e.g., from extreme weather event) in Dan River regardless of a specific lake level. • Is it possible to store water above 724.5 feet? Again, we would prefer pumping occur when there are significant flows in the Dan River, and if it is possible to store water above 724.5 feet this might be beneficial to aquatic resources in the river, by limiting pumping during periods when the flow is just above the minimum (i.e., 110 cfs). Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this project. We look forward to reviewing the additional information. If we can be of further assistance, please contact our office at (336) 449-7625. cc: Cyndi Karoly, DWQ (09-1242)