HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0012522_Application_19960612J f t 1 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director e�� [DEHNR m���n�tGp June 12, 1996 J�N 1'1 19 COLONEL JAMES R. HOUGNON t rEV'SW U.S. ARMY ENN. MPNI �` OFFICE COMMANDER XVIII AIRBORNE CORPS FAYETTE�iL�ERE�'. @ FORT BRAGG FORT BRAGG, NORTH CAROLINA 28307 Subject: Application No. WQ0012522 Fort Bragg/Camp Mackall Sewers -Public Moore County Dear COLONEL HOUGNON: The Division's Permits and Engineering Unit acknowledges receipt of your permit application and supporting materials on June 11, 1996. This application has been assigned the number listed above. Your project has been assigned to Andy Oakley for a detailed engineering review. Should there be any questions concerning your project, the reviewer will contact you with a request for additional information. Be aware that the Division's regional office, copied below, must provide recommendations from the Regional Supervisor or a Procedure Four Evaluation for this project, prior to final action by the Division. If you have any questions, please contact Andy Oakley at (919) 733-5083 extension 533. If the engineer is unavailable, you may leave a message on their voice mail and they will respond promptly. PLEASE REFER TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION NUMBER WHEN MAKING INQUIRIES ON THIS PROJECT. cc: Fayetteville Regional Office Hobbs Upchurch & Associates Sincerely, CarolyA`=M Caskill Supervisor, State Engineering Review Group Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer i /_X0 MEMO TO: State Review Group FROM: Ricky Revels R�`� Environmental Technician IV SUBJECT: Procedure Four (4) WQ0012522 Fort Bragg/ Camp Mackall Sewer Extension - Public MOWASA / Army -Camp Mackall Moore County Division of Environmental Management Fayetteville Regional Office 6 2J 5196 Date State Review Group Review Engineer Andy Oakley Regional Office Contact Ricky Revels 1) Name of wastewater treatment plant to receive the wastewater: Moore County Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant 2) WWTP design capacity 6_7 MGD 3) NPDES Permit No.: NC0037508 Expiration Date: 4 30 97 4) Compliance Information: Present treatment plant performance for previous 12 months - beginning 5195 (See attached self -monitoring data) 5) Quantity and type of wastewater from proposed sewers: 36,750 GPD domestic 100% industrial other 6) Volume from previously approved projects not yet tributary to WWTP 1,663,274 GPD 7) Regional Recommendations: Approval X Denial RR/rr Enclosure ^' Val . . ^ , ' COMPLIANCE EVALUATI3N ANALYSIS REPORT F05E 2 PERK�T--NC003�5OS 7ACILITY--HGCKE C] WWTP PIPE--001 REPORT PERIOD 0505-9604 LOC---E -OCATION--CARTHA�E DESIGN REGION/COUNTY--06 FLOW- 6.7000 CLpx%--4 MOORE ^000i0 88400 00600 00665 00720 01042 01077 01092 4ONTH f5/85 TEMP NGL MAX PH Q.Q 6.0 7.7-7.2 TOTAL N PHO%-TOT NOL 20.900 CYANID[ NOL COPPER %ILVEN KOL NCL HCL ��L -7 a -T 6.0 9 �.��'�'�` vs- 16.300 i.9000 kn. .}0�� � 0000 .O0C� ��� p�` .0000 i0.0000 .0000 42.0000 25/07 75/08 25.60 7.4-6.? 7.4-7 o '5.400 i.549& i4.300 .SWv G.5000 .0000 24.O9S` 24.Ij 7.5-7.0 �.800O M 000 1.8200 .0000 0400 28.500O .00O0 8.5000 .0050 .0000 8.8000 .0006 23.5000 �OL 9.0 6.0 KGL 16.100 6.502� is 7.3 ,.84CC ?!^�K 1' .�1� 7.0000 .006v .0000 7.050T .000N ;6/3� 17.47 7.6-7Z 17.400 2.3000 6.5000 .0000 9.50on .�V3G 27.3000 AVERAGE 19.70 _ i5.083 1.7491 .0080 7.79i6 .0000 24.9i66 4AXIMUM 27.08 7.808 20.9C0 2.5000 13.0000 GNIMUM 12.00 6.900 11.600 .9300 '---_- 4.0000 ]NIT DEG.0 SU MG/L HC/L C(/L UG/L UG/L UB/L - Or ;Aa� A State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management a� Non -Discharge Permit Application G (THIS FORM MAYBE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) GRAVITY SEWER EXTENSION PUMP STATIONS, AND PRESSURE SKWERS a� I. GENERAL INFORMATION: w 1. Applicant (corporation, individual, or other): U.S. Government, Military 2. Print Owners or Signing Official's Name and Title (the person who is legally responsible for the facility and its compliance): Co l . lames R. Hougnon, Director of Public Works and Environment 3. Mailing Address: Commander XVIIr Airborne Corps at Fort Bragg City: Fort Bragg State: NC Zip: 28307-500C Telephone No.: 9( 10 ) 396-4009 4. Project Name (subdivision, facility, or establishment name - should be consistent with project name on plans/specs., letters of flow acceptance, Operational Agreements, etc.): Construct Sanitary Sewer Ford Main, Camp Mackall 5. Application Date: May 20, 1996 6. Fee Submitted: $ 400.00 7. County where project is located: Richmond/Moore II. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1 . Permit No. (will be completed by DEM): L Q (2 � 1, - i,f 1 a 2. Specify whether project is: v new; renewal*; modification. *If renewal, complete only sections I through III and applicant signature (on pg.9). Submit only pgs. 1, 2, 9 (original and 3 copies of each). Engineer signature not required for renewal. 3. If this application is being submitted as a result of a renewal or modification to an existing permit, list the existing permit number and issue date 4. Specify whether the applicant is public or private. .4 FORM: GSPS 4/91 Page 1 of 10 GRAVITY SEWER EXTENSION & PUMP STATTOI PAGE 2 (4/91) III. INFORMATION ON WASTEWATER: 1. Nature of Wastewater. 100 % Domestic; % Commercial; 96 Industrial: % Other waste (specify): 2. Please provide a one or two word description specifying the origin of the wastewater, such as school, subdivision, hospital, commercial, industrial, apartments, etc.: Military School 3. Indicate any parameter (and its concentration) that will be greater than normal domestic levels. N / A 4. If wastewater is not domestic in nature, what level of pretreatrnent has been provided to ensure protection of the receiving wastewater treatment facility? N/A 5. Volume of wastewater generated by this project: 36,750 gallons per day 6. Explanation of how wastewater volume was determined: 500 Persons x 60 gpd./Person x 1.225 (22.5% excess capacity):= 36,750 gpd IV. DESIGN INFORMATION: 1. Brief project description: New duplex pump station and 14,323 LF 6" PVC force main terminating at new parshatl flume at MOWASA Water Pollution Control Facility 2. Name of wastewater treatment facility receiving wastewater. MOWASA Water Pollution Control Facility a. Facility permit no.: NCO037503 b. Engineer should provide statement of his evaluation of downstream sewers to accept the wastewater: N/A 2 of 10 GRAVITY SEWER EXTENSION & PUMP STATION ' PAGE 3 (4/91) 3. Summary of sewer pipe by diameter size and pipe material. Indicate here whether C factor or N factor is used and circle C or N below: N/A Dia. Length Pipe C or N Min. Max. Minimum Max. Minimum (In.) (Lin. Ft) Material Factor Slope % Slope % Velocity (fps) Vel.(fps) Cover (in) NOTE: The minimum velocity must not be less than 2 fps. For public sewers the minimum diameter is 8 inches. 4. Anchors shall be provided for sewers with slopes greater than 20 9'0. The anchor spacing shall be as follows: a. 36 feet separation for slopes of 21% to 35%; b. 24 feet separation for slopes of 36% to 50%; -c. 16 feet separation for slopes of 50% and greater. For velocities greater than 15 fps, it is strongly recommended that measures be considered which will protect the sewers and manholes from erosion. For velocities greater than 20 fps, erosion control treasures must be specified. For any excessive slopes or velocities that will occur in any sewer line segment, what measures have been taken to protect the sewer pipe and manholes? N/A 5. Maximum sewer reach length between manholes: N/A linear feet. 6. This sewer line segment occurs between manhole no. 'V / A and manhole no. 7. Does the owner/operator have the ability to clean this length? N/A Yes No. 8. Sewer subject to existing or planned traffic bearing loads? N/A Yes No. If yes, what measures are being taken to enable the sewers to withstand the loads? N/A 9. Outside drop manholes are provided where invert separations exceed: N/A feet. 10. Identify (by manhole number) those manholes that have drop connections: N/A 3 of 10 GRAVITY SEWER EXTENSION & PUMP STATION• PAGE 4 (4/91) 11. Maximum allowable infiltradon/exfiltration test rate: NSA GPD/ pipe dia. in-/ mile. Note: Must not exceed 200 GPD/ pipe dia. in./ mile. 12. Minimum separation distances as shown on the plans or addressed in the specifications: a) 100 ft horizontal separation from wells or other water supplies? X Yes _ No b) 12 in. vertical separation from storm sewer or ferrous pipe A sanitary sewer specified? Yes —No c) 10 & horizontal separation from water mains or 18 in. vertical separation (water over sewer) or ferrous pipe specified? A' Yes- _ No 13. Are manholes subject to flooding. N/A"Yes —No 14. If yes, are manhole rim elevations 1 foot above 100-year flood level, NSA Yes _ No (100 year flood elevation should be indicated on plans) 15. Or are manholes watertight and vented 1 foot above the 100-year flood elevation ( should be shown on plans): WA A Yes _ No 16. Identify (by manhole number) those manholes that are vented: N / A 17. Does this project involve any stream crossings? X yes _ no. If yes, what precautions or special features have been utilized to ensure protection of the sewer line and not restrict stream flow? Identify the sheet of the plans and station number where stream crossings are located: Sheet 12, Sta. 33+60, Sta. 36+70, Sta. 39+05; Sheet 15, Sta, 86+35; Sheet 18, Sta. 129+05. 4 of 10 GRAVITY SEWER EXTENSION & PUMP STATION PAGE 5 of 10 (4/91) V.'PUMP STATION INFORMATION 1. Pump Station No.: 1 (A separate sheet VA through V.15 should be submitted for each pump station) 2. Name of closest downslope surface waters: Drowning Creek 3. Classification of closest downslope surface waters: HQw (as established by the Environmental Management Commission & specified on page 6 of this applic.). 4. If a power failure at this pump station could impact waters classified as WS, SA, B. or SB, describe which of the measures are 1)rng isple�ented to i t such imD ct, as required in 15A NCAC 2H .0200: Standby Pocfer Generat rr wyith Automatic Transfer switch is provided. 5. What size pumps are provided? 176 GPM 6. How many pumps are provided? 2 7. What is the maximum capacity of the pump station? 273,600 GPD 8. What is the design total dynamic head? 108 feet 9. How many pumping cycles will occur at the design flow rate? 5 cycles per hour 10. Check if provided at pump station: Alternate Power Source X Wet Well Vented with Screen Fillets in Wet Well X Check Valves and Gate Valves X Security Fencing X Lockable Wet Well Cover X Area Light n 110V Electrical Convenience Outlet X Flood/Buoyancy Protection X High Water Alarm X Audible and Visual X Auto Dialer 11. Summary of force main (by diameter size and pipe material): Diameter Length Pipe High Low Minimum Maximum Minimum (Inches) (Linear Ft) Material Elevation Elevation Velocity(fps) Vel.(fps) Cover (in) 6 14,325 PVC 168.27 110.31 2 2.16 36 12. Are air release valves provided at all high points along the force main (must be provided where the elevation difference exceeds 10 feet)? X yes —no 13. Is pump station subject to flooding? being taken to protect against flooding? yes X no. If yes, what measures are 14. If subject to flooding, specify the 100-year flood elevation: NSA Feet MSL 15. Are there existing or planned pump stations downstream of this station? — yes X no If yes, the engineer shall evaluate the ability of those pump stations to adequately handle the subject flows. GRAVITY SEWER EXTENSION & PUMP STATION PAGE 6 (4/91) TO: REGIONAL WATER QUALITY SUPERVISOR Please provide me with the classification of the surface waters identified in number 5 below and on the attached map segment: Name of surface waters: Drowning Creek Classification (as established by the Environmental Management Commission): HqW Proposed Classification, if applicable: Signature of regional office personnel: Date: INSTRUCTIONS TO ENGINEER In order to determine whether provisions. for dual or standby power may be required for the subject facility, the classification of the closest downslope surface waters (the surface waters that any overflow from the facility would flow toward) must be determined. You are required to submit this form, with items 1 through 10 completed, to the appropriate Division of Environmental* Management Regional Water Quality Supervisor (see attached listing). At a minimum, you must include an 8.5" by I I" copy of the portion of a 7.5 minute USGS Topographic Map which shows the subject surface waters. You must identify the location of the facility and the closest downslope surface waters (waters for which you are requesting the classification) on the submitted map copy. 'The application may not be submitted until this form is completed and included with the submittal. 1. Applicant (corporation, individual, or other): U.S. Government, Military 2. Name and Complete Address of Engineering Firm: Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates, P.A. 290'3.W. Broad Street City: Southern Pines State: MC 7p: 28387 Telephone No. 910-692-5616 3. Project Name: Construct Sanitary SEwer Force Main, Camp Mackall 4. Pump station design flow: 253,440 GPD; 176 GPM 5. Name of closest downslope surface waters: Drowning Creek 6. County(s) where project and surface waters are located: Richmond/Moore 7. Map name and date: Pinebluf, f , NC, 1948, Photo Revised 1982 8. North Carolina Professional Engineers Registration No. 19554 9. Print Name of Engineer Charles A. Donnell, P.E. 10. Seal and Signature (specify date):}�...R�E/,�, �- SE AL ` n 19�54 Z 4 6 of 10 F,� `DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT REGIONAL OFFICES (4/91) Asheville Regional WQ Super. Washington Regional WQ Super. Raleigh Regional WQ Super. 59 Woodfin Place P O Box 1507 3800 Barrett Dr., Suite 101 Asheville, NC 28802 Washington, NC 27889 Raleigh, NC 27609 704/251-6208 919/946-6481 919/733-2314 Avay Macon Beaufort Jones Chatham Nash Buncombe Madison Berrie Lenoir Durham Northampton Budge McDowell Camden Martin F.dgecombe Orange Caldwell Mitchell Chowan Pamlico Franklin Person Chaakee Polk Craven Pasquotank Granville Vance Clay Rutherford Currituck Perquirnans Halifax Wake Graham Swain Dan Pitt Johnston Warners Haywood Transylvania Gates Tyrell Lee Wilson Henderson Yancy Gnome Washington Jackson Hertford Wayne Hyde Fayetteville Regional WQ Super. Mooresville Regional WQ Super. Wilmington Region. WQ Super. Wachovia Building, Suite 714 919 North Main Street 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Fayetteville. NC 28301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 919/486-1541 704/663-1699 919/395-3900 Anson Moore Alexander Mecklenburg Brunswick New Hanover Blades Robeson Cabamrs Rowan Carteret Onslow Cumberland Richmond Catawba Stanly Columbus Pender Harnett Sampson Gaston Union Duplin Hoke Scotland Iredell Cleveland Montgomery Lincoln Winston-Salem Regional WQ Super. 8025 North Point Boulevard, Suite 100 Winston-Salem, NC 27106 9191761-2351 Alamance Rockingham Alleghany Randolph Ashe Stokes Caswell Surry Davidson Watauga Davie Wilkes Forsyth Yadkin Guilford 7 of 10 GRAVITY SEWER EXTENSION & PUMP STATION PAGE 8 (4/91) ' THIS APPLICATION PACKAGE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY THE DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT UNLESS ALL OF THE APPLICABLE ITEMS ARE INCLUDED WITH THE SUBMITTAL Required Items a. One original and three copies of the completed and appropriately executed application form. b. Three sets of detailed plans and specifications signed and sealed by a North Carolina Professional Engineer. The plans must include a general location map, a plan view of the sewer extension, a profile of the sewer extension, details on the pump station, and must show the proximity of the sewer extension to other utilities and natural features. Specifications may be omitted for delegated authorities. Each sheet of the plans and the first page of the specifications must be signed and sealed. Three copies of the existing pert if a renewal or modification. C. Three copies of all calculations, including pump selection, friction calculations, cycle time, pump curves (including system curves applicable with one pump running, two pumps running, three pumps running, etc.), and evaluation of downstream pump stations. These items must be submitted under the signature and seal of the North Carolina Professional Engineer. d. The appropriate permit processing fee, in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0205(c)(5). e. If the owner/authority of the wastewater treatment facility (WW TF) that will be accepting the wastewater flow from this project is different from the applicant of the project, then a letter must be provided from the owner/authority of the WWTF specifying the volume of flow that will be accepted. The letter should be a recent letter and should refer to the project by the same name as that identified on the application and the plans/specifications. L An Operational Agreement (original and two copies) must be submitted if the sewer extension will be serving single family residences, condominiums, mobile homes, or town houses and if the subject sewer extension is owned by the individual residents, a homeowners association, or a developer. 8 of 10 GRAVITY SEWER EXTENSION & PUMP STATION PAGE 9 (4/91) Name and Complete Address of Engineering Firm: Hobbs, [Jpchurch & Associates, P.A. P.O. Box 1737 City: Southern Pines Telephone No. 910-692-5616 State: N1C Professional Engineer's Certification: I, Charles A. Donnell , attest that this application for Zip: 28388 Construct Sanitary Sewer Force Main, Camp Mackall has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I further attest that to the best of my knowledge the proposed design has been prepared in accordance with the applicable regulations. Although caYain portions of this submittal package may have been developed by other professionals, inclusion of these materials under my signature and seal signifies that I have reviewed this material and have judged it to be consistent with the proposed design. . North Carolina Professional Engineer's Registration No. Print Name of Engineer Charles A. Donnell, P . Seal and Signature (specify date): Applicant's Certification: t953'4 19554 = $ ,,to 'ENURE* I, rnT. _ .7AMF.fi R Holic.NoN , attest that this application for Construct Sanitary Sewer Force Main, Camp Mackall has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this a lication are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attac are not included, this application package will be returned as incomplete. , / Signature �/ Date THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION PERMITS AND ENGINEERING UNIT POST OFFICE BOX 29535 512 NORTH SALISBURY STREET RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27626-0535 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 919/733-5083 9 of 10 _ ,max•: r-�.�:_•:�.: GRAVITY -SEWER EXTENSION & PUMP' STATI0N ' f ' . PAGE -10 019.0 PERMIT APPLICATION PROCESSING FEES (effective October 1,1990) M. r > 1,000,000 GPD Industrial DomwticJCooling Water 10,001 - 1,000,000 GPD Industrial Domestic/Cooling Water 1,001--10,000 GPD Industrial $400 Domestic/Cooling Water $400 < or =1,000 dPB,an&. Single Family Dwelling $240 Sludge < or = 300 Acres . $400 Sludge > 300 Acres $400 Sewer Extensions (nondelegated) $400 Sewer Extensions (delegated) $200 RENEWALS WITH MODIFICATIONS $300 $300 $250 $250 $200 $200 $120 $250 $250 0 0 Closed -Loop Recycle or Evaporative $400 $200 NOTE: The Fees for Soil Remediation Projects are the same as for Sludges. Under the Sewer Extension Fee, "delegated to municipalities" applies only to those governmental jurisdictions that have specific delegation review authority, as granted by the Division of Environmental Management. 10 of 10 Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates, P.A. Consulting Engineers 290 S. W. Broad Street P. O. Box 1737 Southern Pines, North Carolina 28387 / 28388 Telephone: (910) 692-5616 FAX: (910) 692-4795 / 7342 To: Fayetteville Regional WQ Supervisor Wachovia Building, Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301 919 / 486-1541 The Following Item(s) : LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: 14-Jun-96 I Job No. FB9430 Attn.: Water Quality Supervisor Ref.: Water Quality Classification ,- :i C�A d JUN 19 KEY 0, We are sending you � Attached EETNTV. MANAGEMENT pIAEVILLE REG. OFFICE � Under separate cover E�j Shop Drawings � Prints [�j Plans �.j Spec. Cover [:j Copy of Letter [�jl Change Order M Other Copies Date Project No. Description 1 14-Jun-96 FB9620 Water Quality Determination Form 1 14-Jun-96 FB9620 8.5" x 11" 7.5 min. Topographic Map of Project Location These are Transmitted as Checked Below : For Approval [�::j Approved as Submitted For Your Use [�j Approved as Noted As Requested [�j Returned for Corrections For Review and Comment For Bids Due � Resubmit M for Approval [�;;k Submit [�;;j for Distribution [�;;j Return [�;;j Corrected Prints 1�k Prints Returned After Loan to Us Remarks: Please find the necessary information for WQ determination for this project. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Copy To: File gAfb9430\exce1\\T061496A.XLS Signed: H. Cooper Francis GRAVITY SEWER EXTL. -310N & PUMP STATION PAGE 6 (4/91) TO: REGIONAL WATER QUALITY SUPERVISOR Please provide me with the classification of the surface waters identified in number 5 below and on the attached map segment: Name of surface waters: Drowning Creek Classification (as established by the Environmental Management Commission): C "40HQw Proposed Classification, if applicable: Signature of regional office personnel: KaC a "� `� ,,,,` r Date: S C INSTRUCTIONS TO ENGINEER In order to determine whether provisions. for dual or standby power may be required for the subject facility, the classification of the closest downslope surface waters (the surface waters that any overflow from the facility would flow toward) must be determined. You are required to submit this form, with items 1 through 10 completed, to the appropriate Division of Environmental, Management Regional Water Quality Supervisor (see attached listing). At a minimum, you must include an 8.5" by I I" copy of the portion of a 7.5 minute USGS Topographic Map which shows the subject surface waters. You must identify the location of the facility and the closest downslope surface waters (waters for which you are requesting the classification) on the submitted map copy. 'The application may not be submitted until this form is completed and included with the submittal. 1. Applicant (corporation, individual, or other): U.S. Government, Military 2. Name and Complete Address of Engineering Firm: Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates, P.A. 290'3.W. Broad Street City: Southern Pines State: MC Zip; 28387 Telephone No. 910-692-5616 3. Project Name: Construct Sanitary SEwer Force Main, Camp Mackall 4. Pump station design flow: 253,440 GPD; 176 GPM 5. Name of closest downslope surface waters: Drowning Creek 6. County(s) where project and surface waters are located: Richmond/Moore 7. Map name and date: Pinebluff, , NC, 1948, Photo Revised 1982 8. North Carolina Professional Engineer's Registration No. 19554 9. Print Name of Engineer Charles A. Donnell, P.E. 4 RO�i 10. Seal and Signature (specify date): � .,. Z, SEAI ` 1955Q � ° +� 6 of 10 $•o F.°IN EE�°�o /� , I ., sOO�I gNDREj �o GRAVITY SEWER EXTI ,ION & PUMP STATION PAGE 5 of 10 (4/91) V. PUMP STATIO\' INFORMATION ' 1. Pump Station No.: (A separate sheet V.1 through V.15 should be submitted for each pump station) 2. Name of closest downslope surface waters: Drowning Creek 3. Classification of closest downslope surface waters: HQw (as established by the Environmental Management Commission & specified on page 6 of this applic.). 4. If a power failure at this pump station could impact waters classified as WS, SA, B. or SB, describe which of the measures are bring in letr�nted to prevgnh ITch im�act, as Stand Po requirtd in 15A NCAC 2H .0200• y r nerat r wit utoma is Transfer switch is provided. 5. What size pumps are provided? 176 GPM 6. How many pumps are provided? 2 . .7. What is the maximum capacity of the pump station? 273,600 GPD 8. What is the design total dynamic head? 108 feet 9. How many pumping cycles will occur at the design flow rate? 5 cycles per hour 10. Check if provided at pump station: Alternate Power Source X Wet Well Vented with Screen Fillets in Wet Well X Check Valves and Gate Valves X Security Fencing X Lockable Wet Well Cover X Area Light X 110V Electrical Convenience Outlet X Flood/Buoyancy Protection X High Water Alarm X Audible and Visual X Auto Dialer 11. Summary of force main (by diameter size and pipe material): Diameter Length Pipe High Low Minimum Maximum Minimum (Inches) (Linear Ft) Material Elevation Elevation Velocity(fps) Vel.(fps) Cover (in) 6 14,325 PVC 168.27 110.31 2 2.16 36 12. Are air release valves provided at all high points along the force main (must be provided where the elevation difference exceeds 10 feet)? X yes _no 13. Is pump station subject to flooding? yes X no. If yes, what measures arc being taken to protect against flooding? --WA 14. If subject to flooding, specify the 100-year flood elevation: NSA Feet MSL 15. Are there existing or planned pump stations downstream of this station? _ yes X no If yes, the engineer shall evaluate the ability of those pump stations to adequately handle the subject flows. 'l r p •• ... ose n - NOf.ZIp: /,. it, - - x \ x hh /1 • , • R'RRCC• ............. ............ ............. f r J' •/ e►h / �j 9 \N p i see rye Nx ! \t r sac sic ol it _ �-1�wi/!� � � - - � /� �- ' � • � _: 11 �\\ r • h , \- vi I "._Q ti i _ itvv3S��•N// � aO o I( • ,ram// ,. ,�, v • o �V;ooZE ,VVQEEZ & z)EUTE'L �uEt2oZCLy Water Pollution Control System P. 0. Box 813 - Pineblutt, North Carolina 28373 OFFICE OF SYSTEM SUPERINTENDENT O.W.A.+ j= LEPHONE: 910-281-3146 t 1 Lam- FAX: 910-281-2047 198 '�Jai1 6 �96 0 + A�COUN1y MANAGEMENT FAYETTELLE REG. OFFICE >- E June 05, 1996 Ms. Carolyn McCaskill, Supervisor State Engineering Review Group N.C.-Dept. of Environmental Health & Natural Resources s. Division of Environmental Management P.O. BOX 27687 Raleigh, N. C. 27611 Re: Construction Sanitary Sewer Force Main Camp Mackall Dear Ms. McCaskill: The Moore County Regional WWTP hereby agrees to conditionally accept up to 36,750 gallons per day of wastewater from the referenced project in accordance with the request of May 9, 1996 by Hobbs Upchurch & Associates. Upon completion of the referenced project, the applicant's engineer is to provide this office with the following items: 1. Infiltration in gallons per day. 2. Certification of completion as defined by N.C. Statutory Requirements #143-215.1; Section 2-H.0200. 3. Complete set of As -Built drawings as approved by the Engineer 4. All shop drawings/ 0 & M Manuals, Diagrams, Illustrations. schedule & brochures which illustrate how specific portions were fabricated and installed. After Moore County has received a copy of the certification of completion, our office will provide a final acceptance statement. Page 2 Sincerely, Gary Frick System Superintendent pc: Mr. Jim Tarnow, P.E.,Moore Water and Sewer Authority Mr. David Harris, Executive Director, MOWASA Mr. W. David McNeill, Jr. Moore County Manager Mr. Kerr Stevens, Regional Supervisor, DEM, Fayetteville Mr. H. Cooper Francis, Hobbs Upchurch & Associates, PA. flowacct/wp51 CONSTRUCT. SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN., CAMP MACKALL INDEX OF DRAWINGS TITLE STANDARD ABBREVIATIONS A ON. DOW NJAC MATTN Y&MDATNO ND.. / AC. AO. w CONDITIONED ARU DFIN1 pl. D.S. o0D1! OOMNSPGM ! NR CONWOWNN NM., NOWE NNOMNIE AN.F. ABM fWp1 FLOOR Dwo.(s) DRAw1lOS MDPMT O AN. AL MNCTE TINT NIOWME D>0 OOU6E SMOOTH 'Y GLJ55 NOA MOINB. IMmTIN!!L OA O.0 'ALT.U" NNL - A AUIYNW O.D. AU AFPI10[. ACCESS — APPwO)SIM LT EA LC EACH EYPTY CNMDMT I LD. E'ISIE DEP OL OPN. MIGL1. AT.C. ARCNRCMMN ACWSTIG1l NNE CEIID LF. LJ. IDO ILT FANI.E. E%PMSIO! JWNT IN. N,EIR —0, OM. O9D. AL ANOOIF BCLI U EICH RMJND. INCANDESCENT AN ANELIC/II MIK OIDE EE., EL". E= LLEVTKN DECTRlC L— W. NA— MNMOR B EOVw. EO(PNENT P ISO.BDAAD E."'= D.LCTRCYYLgO1 OUOL[R J P. PARPN 9Da eU. wMUMNIC LLOOC DM. DIP. Jf. EORUST EXPANSION ON JWNi J.B. A. JWCTOTJ NK JLNCTO PEN. PL, It LY ROT. LEAN NOTION, W. Dc IDOMNI R EOSTING JT. JOINT PLwO. 0.YM0. M. BUJN T.. � NIB N _Tg1YO MIT/111! A FlRE NNW K PNL PSF C F.C. FmlISLE CONNECRWI WA KLDVOLT AWERE PD CAL CAP. G1iET CAPACITY FA FEC. FILON GLOW FOE E[TROUBTER NW NOD TT P9O C/o COL CIOIFO BREVOD CERRC DFRSW FN CARNET FOSHED L M. Pro. CELL. CENT. COIOlT CUDC PEEF / YMIlIE ft FT. FlJTOR FOOT - FEET Lw. I.Q. POIRD ION P.T.D. CDC C.J. CMWUlNO CONTROL JOINT M. M. FOOTING POMDATON LP. LTC. UWNNC PMLL IONTNJ6 CK'D. CKT. CWCKEIIED Q UV. LAVATOAY Q OTA `tti, Cll MOM ME COUNO M D DARE (LkL ! M . CLO. C.M.V. CLOSET CWCRETE W90FMY MR GALV. G.F.E. CAL N o OMRNMENT NRMSHEO N. L WTdt MECNA u MINT R C.D. COL OUNS. CLEJN OLT CGLIIYN CCNCIIETE OL ONO. EOUPYEM MASS "0.0 NANT. tlA[. YAP. WNIEM.� NA[YJY YYN UISMMMON N. RA MID. CON. CGLODSATE DWT. GMAN101T PANE, RD. CONI. CDNST. CONNECTION COSOUCDOH C).N. C.P.N. GALLONS /HOAR GI1LW15 I MMUT NECK. NTL. IETNANICN L AL REC'O. REC.: CON. CONTINUOUS (MCI CRILE MN. WHIM RECP. ISMmP. NI110. Jf. CWMNTCR L'OlIRACIION JOIN a..e. 4YP. W`SOI IMLL — 4YPSUY rsC. N.O. NISC NE— YASWM• OPLMINC RED. RB11F. C.T. D.T.w. C[RWIO TIE C[RANC TIE MS[ N Y.T. ITTD. MECAL TNRE:JDID MDUA^CO REOTL REF. C. TO c CDT16/1 ro c[mER CO. R_ CF. CL9C FEET N NB. NOT NONE LOB NTC MY. YDUION YECWMCN 'Do"YEM R.D. W. D H.C. M. HOLLOW COME IELONT VAT. NAME OU2E VILE R.P.Y. OCT. WA W. NIX DRIFTER OFFICER H.Y. P. NIL HOLLOW NON IlORS[ POMET NOUR N S S WY. DISC. WFNSM) N DISCONNECT MD MF IEATNO NEATEM N.A N.I.C. NT APPUC.ME NOT .R COMRACT SA SOUL NOW ACT, SON. SECTION SERENE L. U. SNEE S P JOINT OUTDOOR AM SPEC. SPLCPCATMS Si. STEEL fFET . OVISIOE DWlTER OmDE DI OM]UEM M .FT, STET STOP. STEEL ' STORJCE ONMDIO SVSP. SUSPENDED DPO111D OPPOLR[ CUSP. Sw. SWPENOED w11RO11 tH7Ji SXTNf ORW STL lENID1RD T T- TWL TOILET PARTITON IOIP. TdNPEMATME P[NLETER TN. T@KNESS PLATE PWYpNO 1N. IYP. TYESNOID TYPICAL PLYROCO PANEL T.T.D. TAS. TOILET TISSUE OBPENAR TOP OF STEEL PRFSSOE PODS / SDUARE FOOT IM T • D 1R TOIIOUE k EROOVE TREAD POUNDS/ SOUME NCH POUNDS / SOL m INC. DACE U POINT PANTED O.O.N. UNLESS OTHOWSE NOTED PNER TWNL WSPENSER V v. V.C.T. VOLT VNL COMPOSITION TL E OWIMOA VEM. VFRT. VENTILATION VOOIGL 0— VTI VEM TNRII MIOF W IMP W. WAT RTMN AM RNUS W/ N6 'MILLI WOOD ROM NECCSMD WD. w.C. WIDOW DYOTSON WATER ONE MCNCUE MP. wEATNFRPR00F NFCEPOATACLE RISNFm W. W.WI'. WATER FAGLNC WODEOEA REDUREDMC REOIEED W.C. W.N. LOS W70 CLOSET WHOP MINTER ROUNN �® RETRW cRllE NaoM PMLNONS / MNUE 1I� 1 SIRPLTM SLIMY AIR sa m nE Hobby, LW.=ANwWWK P.A. ,NN SECTION SYMBOLS �' { �—ACTION 011 OEGL . �� I NOEFITIFICOLN NRSEA 3 . sae —SET xuNeER a aEcx a a wECTON oL onAl n oaNw! _ SECTION MUIDOI ON MNCM YIF1T SFLTDN COENDOM W1 oTWJ CONDITION IS TAKEN SYMBOL -m ACTIDN Is TANEN 3 SECTION DETAIL A e N.T.S. TINE WHERE SLCTM B DRAW! FLflMTON MIENIIFlUION NNLER 3 SHEET NUMBER OLOWE B ELDYTDN S SNOMN ELEAT NL IS WEN MATERIAL INDICATIONS ® ENTW (C ,ICTED) STEEL (SECTION) 11 L C s,m (9MNL SSJJQ ,IA, —mom (INCD) CONCRETE ® NSILATTOM (ban Pam;, = sn�ilrD ® NBMINIpII (SPEN\Y_FTYwQ .©' '.. CNU (SNNL SCALE) ® Moo (—SK) ® CYU OMtCE SCALE) ® woon M-0 mom MIICK,(FLEVAIION) © HOOD (NDCYNC) '® DGLCN (a...) PlYN000 '® NETN (ELLVATON) GLASS (ELEVATION) BASIC DESIGN DATA MFA' 1OYIlIF:__ COISTDIODGLl: N. ROOMS: l� fA1NDAlON:_ EFT. NNL4 FLOORS: - NET. PARIIIIONR HOOF CONSIIC qCO! COIETINC: TYPE OF FUEL NEATND ZONE: - TYPE of IQ1Mw srsa: AIR CONOIIONND DESDN CONWTONB 'N' YOLK WNLL4 NODE SIMA71OAL DESIGN: SOL BUA[ND HOOF LOAW OL_LL—_OTN A15YK ZONE: LDND DIRECTORATE OF PUBLIC MR]gC8 ADD E NYMONNE if OONo7RJCT BAWTART DEWER FORCE MAN. GNP MACKALL FB-02DOD-2 FORT BRACC• NORTH CAROUNA DELOUNON LANDFU SWTARY LANDFILL BDTmow AREA FORT BRAGG TO CAMP MACNALL DIRECTORAOF PUBLIC ITE BULDINB 3-1831 FWMMMYE OF oONrRACw N BURDWB 1-1333 t I OF ENOWEERS BLMDIN0 ►-23/0 000� sa1F w RFr VICINITY MAP LEGEND ROADS —�—� STREETS RARAQWS INSTALLATION BOUNDMIES ® INTERSTATE ROUTE zC°3 U.S. ROUTE © STATE ROUTE Q7 LAKES r rr�rrr•� HALL ROUTE BI No66R ��Au�t.Oa' P.A DIRECTORATE OF PUBLIC WORKS AM RIIYWC dIEMr �tx a�p� +Y �r I10RM cAROIYM OON8111UCf SANITARY SEMI FORCE MAFL e R CAMP LIAQULL FB-02500-2 FORT BRAWN NORTH CAROLINA LOCATION AND NCWTTY MOP sa�:a swiw o�+ev snw,r wxc. ro. �meoo-z te� sins[ DIME - xm x oru TO US NWY NO. 1 1 .'.PRryATE'PROPERTY ` PRNATE PROPERTY IPRIVATE PROPERTY ; ROWE SEABOARD CDAST'uNt RAI R6IO� - . TRAININ .. _ .. , ' NEW ULTRASONIC FLOW YETER A/A PARSNNI FACWTY SHEET EJ GOVFMlY 240 4EOV NEW PUMP STATION,` AT ESE. 4. SELRY I j .. ' / .: `\`.. - J`A .+� I ��• i'�..M I TT MATEY 4. I • QY� POLLUTf�FI NEW EORCE MAR _ F"XIST. ORAVIIY OUTEALL10 TIE TO EXISIWO MUENT STRUCTURE CAMP MACKALL `I•AMRN. ,J - 1\ PRIVATE PROPERTY -�• . ��BOULL{��L FDRAOND 14BRAT 1 \ '/� - _ Ili � J . , �, y��.� ✓ SHEET 13 _ _ -� 11 11I - __________ I WHITEHURST TRACT R - A.. ....I .. NEW CAMP MACKALL PROPERTY TO O F TMfT DR ncD JJ S EXISrW DRT ACCESS ROAD ENTNANCE C 11, 1 / -1CONSTRUCTION NC NWY ,211 NC NWT 123D 230 O SOO sru Ho6AF, I1p �M�eMMs, P.A larp E rpw -------------- IXIST OW ACCESS Rom EXISTING IMHOF TANK UPPER PLAN SCALE; 3/C�1'-IT tiw Nam CORE OMLL 10' DIA. 1Q IXISTING IMHOF TANK SECTION b b SCAIE 3/C�1•-O' EXISTING IMHOF TANK LOWER PLAN SCALE: 3/B'-1'-P NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN SflYEN�SERVICE AT ALL TUB DUMND CONSTRUCTK)N. 2. SEWER FLOW SHALL BE TENPORARLY WVFRE, 70 NEW PUMP SGTIDN AND EKB7NC TANKS SHALL BE PUMPED ORY BEFORE DEG TAN N MAY BEGIN. (SEE P.S. SITE PLAN) 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL PRONOE VENTEA710N OF TANKS WHENEVER PERSONNEL ARE IN THEN ACCORDING TO ALL APPUCIBLE OSHA REGLAATIONS AND ALL OTHER APPUCABIE REGULATIONS. im 3 Mal WO BREAK OUT WALL DW- TMTE OF MOM WOWS AND BPAIgIK . FORT LRA00 NORTH CMOLWA 2QEXISTING IMHOF TANK SECTION b b SCALE: f'li EXISTING IMHOF TANK MODIFICATIONS SECTION \!V SCALE: 3/£.1'-C 1 I I I �I I� II II I If C YMLL NEW I' DIA. PENETRATION NEW CONCRETE BOOR P.S. WET WELL 1 1 (SEE P.S. DRAWINGS) I SHAPED iNVERf -1S -1S 1 77 . 1 I I I NEW R PrL SAK SEW. I � 2 EXISTING IMHOF TANK MODIFICATIONS SECTION ( EXISTING IMHOF TANK MODIFICATIONS UPPER PLAN 0y} SCARE: 3/C-1'-(r i NMI Nan NOTES 1. BEFORE MMNG MODIFICATIOTB TO EXISTING WIIIOF TANK THE NEW PUP STATI011, FORCE MVJ .VID ROW METERIID STRUCTURE MUSE BE OPERATIONAL. 2 ALTER POMP STATION. FORCE WIN AND ROW METERND STRUCTURE ARE OPERATION.- IRONDE TEMPORARY FLOW DIVERSION DIRECTLY TO NEW PUMP STATION FRgI BAR SCREEN. PUf TAN�E PUMP STATION SITE PUN. DIEET 1) 3. CONTRACTOR 9WL PROVIDE YDRIATIDN OF TANKS WHENEVER PERSONNEL ARE ID THEM ACCORDING TO ALL APPLIMAMS OSHA REGULATIONS MID ALL OTHER APPLICABLE REGULATIONS. 4. PLACE NEW CONCRETE FLOOR SLOPED 1S MIN. TO TOP OF HORIZONTAL SECTION OF DROP INLETS AND OUTLET PIPE PPE PROVIDE SHAPED ►ATRT BETWEEN DROP INLETS AND W DURET PPE 0. AFTER MOdiTCARONS ARE GLEE, RECDFNECf SEWER FLAN FROM BMi SCREEN TO MODIFIED MHOF TANKS AND MAUVE TEMPORARY ROW DIVERSION. (SEE PUMP STATION SITE PLAN. SHEET a) �11 N066E. *ChY d c AmdsFMS Ak PRECAS T CONCRETE �4' PLUG VALVE (ttPJVAULT \ 18'-O' 4' CHECK Ir PVC GRAVITY SEWER 46 INFLUENT DIFIED LIVE FROM VALVE (IYPJ SEE SKI . TANK SEE SKI 4. f STIR 2, � FQHCE TEMPORARY Mr P✓C GRAVITY PORTABLE NOISE A s D.LP. SEWER ONERSIDN 2 EXIST. 5' PIPES BBARMSCREEN 4' TEE SEE P.S. SITE PLAN, SHEEP 4. LF F` + C COUPLING (T1Y`CP.)_ . I II I I IJ?% 4E' BILLD 4O ACCESS DOOR ENLARGER SUBMERSIBLE \ I OR EQUAL I 7 7 -- SOLIDS PUMPS I ` s Nr 9EFo I � WAT�NW�/T CONTROL ED STEPS B' DIAMETER WWf AND ALM 1T O,C. RANE.t,/..��y'} WET WELL ALUM. MAN N0.E — • RUNGS AT It O.C. J- P4. 1- /R OR IN 1-1/T C VE SCREENED,B' NCREE Ci WALL PENETRATION VENT BIASO 9 TYP. 7 PLACES CAMP MACKALL PUMP STATION — UPPER PLAN CAMP MACKALL PUMP STATION — LOWER PLAN WATER coHTROL U�GM W H�ORNM ❑ � DOOR 4 5/Sr-tsoo LB. CAP OR EQUAL IU WING 6 Pp1REDgINABPLA^.E - I W/ WlWALE H Y% �7 O.C.N/ /4 Y SCREQIED.VEHT SET AT EL 12L61 T RN EL 125.14 =193-4WAIERSTOP (TYP.) .::.�'®I ADJUSTABLE 10 1/T I LENGTH BOOM LL PENETRACJUNCTION19 BO% Y 4'-p MAX REOURED UG VAL1IlK RA.) _ RAILS PER µ AL YMOFIL S � . 7 B'-? N9DE pA 4 5/IE'� Ir 2' y NOTE: WET Wes- M/CNOIt BOL15 WITH A VENT AND NLET T � TOP PIPING NOT SHOWN N OF STAB P IN TRUE SECTION NOTE: R PORTABLE H015I p DRAM 6 TEMPDRMY '.I MIHi ROTATE 1J5 TO EACH SIDE SIDE B {• OSCMAROE DIVERSION NLFT 9 i PIPE NV. EL 12S.OD t /PORTABLE HOIST DETAIL WALL PENETRATION C 7 p "I,RM ON (TYP.) - 19 f IINTLIIEM LAME FROM 8 s' S0. ) I I I LAcEL 'PUYPS ON MERCURY FLOAT W. r.D 114.94 TAN% PRE SUP ON W. F 114.W EL 112.05 SWITCHES CAMP MACKALL PUMP STATION — DESIGN CRITERIA Nr v so. ! I DEEP H9DQt, IR9AP.A. /57 STONE BWONO lEM PUMP W EL. 111.55 SOURS PUMP STATION DESIGN ROW PUMP HORSEPOWER 17B GPM HP 'Op aw IXLSTNC SUBGRADE PUMP OFF TOTAL MAIN DYNAMIC12E FORCE AWN LENGTH �10 Nf' Wy I{277 FT. TE OF= Kam, AM) wow EL 11 D.37 FORCE LAN HIGH POINT 4..27 EUV. BOTTOM OF WET WELL GROUT RAT PUMP SPEED ELECTRICAL SUPPLY 1.750 RPM J PHASE FORT xoWIN W. EL TORSI CONBiPUCT BANfARY BEIYBI FORCE MAN, C;AAP MACKKL 1 _ e FB-02500-2 FORT BRAK NORTH CAROLINA — — — — E%ISMG suw.)E :III I=II11 I _IIIIIII= I I'—V SO. % Ir DEEP P57 STONE PODDING PUMP STATION PLANS AND SECTION t�CAMP MACKALL PUMP STATION - SECTION 7 7 IMa N9xo RM9WN unto 1RRncx 1Im 7 orxo -o—•—o_•_•� EXIST CHAINO LIKK FENCE o—•—o—.._._•—e—a—o—•- - a NEW C SDR 21 PVC WALL PENETRATON Ci - 19-3, FORCE MAN EX ST. INF90 _ (.S) - - 1Y p NEW ULTRASONIC E%ISf. ULTRASONIC ��) FOW METERWG FOW METEPoNG ;L .. SENSOR - STATKW SIAOON EXIST. M4lNOLE SS SS ❑ SS O SSA Tp L ! �__ JUNCTION ST. INFLUENT F UENT __'-UE-- --------------/ I ]- 1D , f Tr - 10, R. Exlsr. ACCESS ROAD ,- EXISRNC I IN I" C GJCHI POLE I I CONTINUOUS ULTRASONIC / SIGNAL CB U RECORDING EQUIPMENT C WALL PENETRATION - 1p FLOW METERING PLAN � / scuF 1/r-1•-C i , I - 9GNALL CCABLEUOWISONIC P.Ef:OROWG EQUIPMENT I B' C 7•-Y Y ,v s i 1r r TYIALL EL. 1D5.83' T/WALL EL 1DS.eQ' I ULTRASONICFlN. GRADE EL. —.3' FIN. GRADE EL. 104.83' EXSTIGS INFUENTIN NFADWORKS SENSO SCALE IN FEET BUILDING r EL lO3A3' GRplf {� E i i GROUT EXIST. INFLUENT% WV. EL ,DO.SC L e 111111=1111-IIIIII 'IIII=11= I-=IIIIIII IIIII illllll—IIIIIII=IIIIII 111111-1119ME19111=1111 R FLOW METERING SITE PLAN g' x ,z-T x lr DEEP T A SCALE t/r-t'_O- 57 STONE BEDDING EXMTWG SUBGRADE J e' % TONE X ,r DEEP g ET(ISRNG SUBCRADE /57 STONE BEDDING S FLOW METERING SECTION 2 FLOW METERING SECTION 6 e SCALE: 1/27-1'-(r e e SCALE; 1/r-1•-or 4 NJ Hobbs, Upchurch & AssoaMNs, FA B cav �F.pa�n 8 DBECTORATE OF PUBLIC WORKS AND ENs1RONNEENT g5 ro. BMGG NORiN CMO!INA S CONSTRUCT BANDAJTi SEWER FORCE MAN, CAMP MACKALL g�O F13-02500-2 y s} FORT BRAGG. G, NORTH NORTH CAROLINA FLOW METERING �11_ss SITE PLAN AND DETAILS scueAs sNow1 oA.rH rv:xcr ao-x x ¢ wlE arD uaNs soncc CP,A,E n EXMM W SCREEN EXISTNIG WHOF TANK STA. O�00 .00 BEGIN IT. sm 2 PVC FORCE mmm AT NEW P�; STAMOK. SEE SHEET 4. NarE-. S 87'3-is* E rA-'XTEMPOFIARY 1. BEARINGS AND DISTANCES REFER TO BASELINE. DMECnONlL CHANGES 95.28 1 SILT FENCE (TYP.1 IN FORCE MN AJGNM ARE MADE BY 14C Wk. RADIUS - OF IT' . �l PIC FORCE .. . WHERE SEWS ARE SPECIFICALLY CALLED FOP. (TYP.) PINE TREE 70 BE 2. THE NEW r FORCE MIN SHALL BE PLACED SO THAT ALL PINE PROTECTED M?) TREES WITHIN THE MIS OF CONSTRUCM ARE PROTECTED FROm N ) IKMURY- DEFLECT FORCE MAIN ALJGNWENT TO AVOID PINE TREES. SCALE IN FEET EWRNG SAND FILTER BEDS 1 1.1 &D 1 - THRUST BLOCK BASELINE J If SDR 21 PVC I FORCE MAIN 4tOO 5+DO amm FXTRATE 0MIECTION MANHOLE SEW AND MUICH DISTURBED DUST. OUTFALL LINE AREAS AS SPECIFIED 125 tc. 120 85 -ta 80 4- EU: --- 110 qu IM I -jjf� 75 105 70 7- . 1DO 4ximah A Anoda'04 P.A. _iz —i-- -- ---- 65 7- 12+ 13+00 14+00 q 9- 95 nom wow AND mpowew DFEMMTE or NA 7 CONMR= SWART FORCE MAK ---- --- CAMP MACKALL 46 FB-023W-2 FORT MAGG. NORTH CAROUNA STAL O+DO.00 M STA. 14+00.00 "Z 2+00 3+00 4+00 7+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 1-6;66- NOTE \ 1. BEARINGS AND DISTANCES REFER TO BASELINE. DIRECTIONAL CHANGES \\ ARE MADE BY 144' MIN. ROOM IDEFlFCTIONS OF eSDA /N FORCE MAIN ALIGNMEN' T FORCE MAIN EXCEPT RED COCKADED WDOOPECImt \ WHERE BENDS ARE SPECIFICALLY CALLED FOR. (TP.) \ FORAfiNO HABITAT BOUN\\ 2. THE NEWS FORCE MAIN SMALL BE PLACED THAT ALL PINE 1 TREES W"THIN7HE LIMITS OF CONSIRUL'RON ARE PROTECfm FROM \ INJURY. DEFLECT FORCE MNN ALIGNMENT TO AqD PINE TREES. 11 PINE TREE TO BE 1\ PROTECTED (TYP.) \\ \ zs o so � 1 g 1 SCALE IN FEET jo ACCESS IR < • ,9+00 ,L 21+OD , 32+00 20+OD 24+00 25+00 25+00 rn 15+00 tMOD --" .• _ __________________________' _-124.BB-'- _ 7 M 5 �A 17+ 18+00 N B204'1S E ___ __ 2� 1� \j 1222.B6 j 111 OID N�TNF 74'1iu. E 4,t'0 11 BASELINE SEED AND MULCH DISTURBED .. RJ•o) N yq 37 I AREAS AS SPECIFIED (TYP.) 1 ' 1 1 111 1 1 100 L- — 95 .— — - — _.. uT t _ El 90 =_ �__—s-_ =L _ _ _jt_ — � _ BS 7 _ — >= P.A.115 80 L _ ! s 27+ 28+00 9+00 DMUTORATE (IF PUBLIC WORTS AND E4JMIDIL6Ji FORT 19-49, -ORTH CAI CAW CONHrHx7f Mrc BERIMCKALL PoncE MAIN, L FORT DRAM NORTH CAROLINA .: ..t- : _T 14+00.00 TO Sm. 29+00.00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00_ YD+00 21+bb 22+00 23+00 24+00 25+DO 26+00 uCIPWE — EXIST. OUTFALL LINE / MU NO ONLY. AS M WPECIFIED)�) 1g STA. ]0+2m \ 1 - OO' BEIW PROPERTY BOUNDARY B TEMPORARY FORD l THRUST BLOCK /' _ 0 NtOO W AI PVC F j FORCECE MAIN 42+00 25 0 50 41a00N Go E 1i BASELINE 5j4.06 A 1 SCALE IN FEET DAOO �I fir/ / A PINE TREE 10 BE ci/ PROTECTED (TYP.) TSM - EL B452 �y0p WETLAND ._5 1 'aIR U.S. ARMY CORPS M.ARER ND312-16 a RNER STREW CROSSING F �y SEED AND MULCH DISTURBED IBIS F RNER STREAM cRO5sm REAS �W AAS SPECIFIED (TYP.) 11 i EXIST. DIRT 1^� 34+0D 35fOD 18+00 / , N5{B'YIO' E ACCESS ROAD �` \ N BSO4'2B' E NOTE: 1. BEARINGS AND DISTANCES REFER TO BASELINE. DIRECTIONAL G1` CHAXWS IN FORCE MAN NJONMEHT ARE MADE BY IM' MN. iS RADIUS DEFLEC IONS OF Nr SDR 21 PVC FORCE MAW EXCEPT ANIERE BENDS ARE SPECIFICALLY GALLED FOR. (1YP.) h TEMPORARY sLT FENCE 2. THE NEW 4 FORCE MAIN SHALL BE PLACED 90 THAT ALL PINEI : S+]B 75 F CROSSING _ TREES YITtM THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION ARE PROTECTED FROM I THRUST BLOCI( 11 9 P61URY. DEFLECT FORCE MAW ALIGNMENT TO AVOID PINE TREES. B TEMPORARY FORD (TIP.) 0 90 85 1 r �— 75 kbk __. i f— ' — r J.r . -' - iB� —` ..R j _ — - x - �z.rse+os eFmsS►lt* 7 = 42+00 43+00 44 D00 70 AA. 65 C t — y [7HE0fORATE OF PI19JC LMpKB AAD EN17gM49lF .. _�_� S 4 1_. _S. _.. ----- t ._.._ . ..•_ 4 f � * ._ CXTTC I so CAMP AACKALL .. ._. FB-02500-2 _ FORT DRAM NORTH cARourtA 55 _._. Y .�-- ' - - , t - A STA. 29+00.00 TO STA. 44+o0.00 - Ae _,". .:.L -�, .. _ _ _ _ _77 �-T c wIM:AY. Maly DMIx NroNEF Ho. FI-Rxaoo-x i y 29+00 30+00--31+00 32+00 33+DO 34+00 35+00 36+00 �37+00 —� 38+0D 39+00 -40+OD N W00,37' E 11.00 EXIST. DIRT ACCESS ROAD WOODS STA. 62+23M I: 433EN I THRUST BLOCK WOODS 24035 KASEUNE SCALE IN FEET ss.00, 71+00 70+00 r SOR 21 PVC FORCE MAN 73+00 72-10 SEED AND MULCH DISTURBED NDTL' AREAS AS SPECIFIEDC".) 1. BEARINGS AND DISTANCES REFER TO BASELINE. DIRECTIONAL CHANGES IN FORCE MAIN ALIGNMENT ARE MADE BY 14W LIN. RADIUS DEFLECTION, OF Ir SDR 21 PVC FORCE MAIN EXCEPT WHERE BEERS ARE SPECIFIC ALLY CALLED FOR, C".) 2. THE NEW r FORCE MAIN SMALL BE PLACED SO THAT ALL PINE TREES IIMTHIN THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION ME PROTECTED FROM INAIRY. DEFLECT FORCE MAIN ALIGNMENT TO AVOID PIE TREES 105 FE�� - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 — - — ------- _77 so 4�7 -7 :4 7 . . ..... ..r. -7- -7 -�7 --di+oo 60+00 61+00 62+00 87+60-- 68+00 89+00 70+DO 95 90 IA. 72+)P 7.' 74+00 OPECrOFKIE OF: PLUM WOM AND ENVIRONAKENT OMffM= &WTARY SVM91 FORCE MAN, CAMP MAC KALL FB-02500-2 FORT BRADO. NMIN CAROLINA STA. 59+00.00 TO 74+00.00 )o PROPERTY BOUNDARY J / TEMPORARY FORD 10 34',,. 76.00 77+00 255 0 50 kg-�OT SCALE IN FEET 78+00 N 27-12.0, 79.00 80.0, f.m'- /—A"\TEMPORARY SILT FENCE (TVP) Or SON 21 PVC 63.00 — FORCE MAN NOTE: SEED AW MULCH DSMBED 1. BEAR*KXS AND DISTANCES REFER 70 BASELIME. DIRECTIONAL AREAS AS SPECIFIED (TYP.) CHANCES IN FORCE MAIN AUCNMEN7 ARE MADE BY W ". RADIUS DEFLECTIONS OF W SDR 21 PVC FORCE MAN EXCEPT BASELINE WHERE BENDS ARE SPECIFICALLY CALLED FOR. ".) 2. THE NE" N* FORCE MAIN SHAILL BE PLACED 50 TINT ALL PINE TREES WITHIN THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION ARE PROTECTED FROM A NM. DEFLECT FORCE MAIN ALIGNMENT TO AVOID POE TREES. 130 125 RE 120 115 = za--- 110 tOd _-x—_ -Wmb & AuocWo& PA 1105 87+00 88+00 89+00 -7 7, -T f7l 10 0 100 00 DIREMORATE OF PUBLIC WORM AND ENWIRDINMENT =7 NXITN CAROLINA -:T--- 7 - -4 L95, O0N9TKK7r 3ANITARY RE TIER PORM MAN, CAW MACKALL FB-0250D,-2 FORT 8RAGr^ NORTH CAROUNA go —li� -LL 7. 89+00.OD 4- Sra 74+00.00 TO STA. a5 — ----- jT7sNa DME - 74+00 75+00 �66 --=78-+"607­�­79+00 80+00 81+00 82+00 a3+DO 84+DO 85-�oo 86+00 PROPERLY BOUNDARY 25 0 SO SCALE IN FEET BASELINE - LINE STA. 104.00.00 90+00 97 TBM - EL 171.46 .00 OF PS 96+00 U.S. ARMY CDR __.eTC*i 94+00 05+oO 363.69 92.oc 03+00 Ow E ENGINEERS BOU MARKER NO. 212-17 VA. 102+91.55 FM-1 "'U. REU OF �VE N IC; .00 SEED AND MULCH DISTURBED 529.01+ 08 r SUR 21 PVC AREAS AS SPECIFIED (TYP.) STA. 102 74.19 I W SEND FORCE MAIN I THRUST BLOCK 45.26 E THRUST i MOM DUST. DIRT 1. BEARINGS AND DISTANCES REFER TO BASEUNF DIRECTONAL ACCESS ROAD CHANCES IN FORCE MAIN ALIGNMENT ARE MADE BY I"- MIN. RADIUS DEFLECTIONSOF Ir SON 21 M FORCE MAIN EXCEPT WERE BENDS ARE SPECIFICALLY CALLED FOR (TV.) 2. THE MEN r FORCE MAIN SHALL BE PLACED SO THAT ALL PINE TREES Wff"M THE MIFFS OF CONSTRUCTION ME PROTECTED FROM INJUW. CULECr FORCE MAIN AUGNMENT TO AVOID PINE TREES 170 165 65 &D --1 160 155 155 150 150 a 4,r 145 --7q piHOW =.=bft PA. 1145 102+00 103- 00 104+00 4q 7� DRECTORAw of rusuc wompas AND EpmRoNmeff mm ORA= "PITH r 0ONSTRUar SAWARY SENEIR FORCE MAN,7 CAMP MACKALL FO-02500-2 STA. 89+00.00 TO . .. . .... STA. 104+00.00 FORT BRAK NORM CAROUNA 130 125 --, L 97+00 98+00 99+00 i6O+DWO IDPW CL CREEK l-- PROPERTY BOUNDARY 126+00 122.'00 25 0 50 125-00 H 31.2B'klasimmmmd 0+ 169.14 SCALE IN FEET _ \11.00 12g+� � � A Y% J �24. 117rfA J �11.Jg N WOODS ExISf. DIRT L OD .EOd 41 ' _+ ICCE55 ROAD \21� 'A �`AD I B TEMPORARY FORD gB� �/' I _ BASELINE\11�pp /� i1 TEMPORARY SILT FENCE �1 SEED MID MMLCN D6TIRBID 77 AREAS AS SPECIFED (TYP.> / MOTNASA WATER POLLUTION C SDR 21 PrC CONTROL FACILITY PROPERTY �, Ai cl•• FORCE AWN Ayf = i i C�\ JFg% NOTE: .00 1. BEARINGS AN O DISTANCES REFER TO BASELINE DIRECTIONAL CWACES N FORCE MAN ALIGNMENT ARE MADE BY 144' MIN. 'RADIUS DEFLECTIONS OF (' SDR 21 PVC FORCE MAN E%CEPT WHERE BENDS ARE SPECIFICALLY CN1ID FOR. C".) 2. THE NEW Ir FORCE AWN SHALL BE PLACED SO THAT ALL PINE TREES WITHIN THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION ARE PROTECTED FROM INJURY. DEFLECT FORCE MAN ALIGNMENT TO AVOID PINE TREES. 150 - -t- _ _ 140 135 t 130 = t 100 - .s —1= : �. � ~*-•--,� � �-�- i � � � J—k �=-- � _ i`. .L._� -C--'r r MDNI►, tJPMure 61:MhF. P.A. ww. 125 — =3'i15 95 :1. . {_ — _ t = `�_. . 95 131+00 DPECTOR4 PL)RJC WORII3AND er+NorA*Nr .OF 120 6MAgg � OOPWM=SANITARY BEWBi FORGE LFMI t 15 _. I — t17 -+---+_ {- CAW wacAL� FHB-02500-2FORT BRAGG, NORTH CAROIJNA ..• �- _ - .. �, -- ... .'-..- - _ I _ _ w .p M1--•� 'L - STA. 131+00.00 910MM dTAW Bt:IICG SPFL. N]. FFOYlDfFY _ _ _ �,�,,, _ i _ -� "_ 115 -'- 119t00 120+00 721+00 122+00 123+00 124+00 125+00 125H00 128+00 727+00 128+00 129+00 130+00 J D COAST LYK + . / I S"ABGRAILROAD RAABD,R SEW AND MULCH DISTURBED AREAS AS SPECFIED (TYP.) • PROPERTY BOUNOATO' DM, 3F DIP A�A� ` AND ULTRASONIC�OW PLANT OUTFALL LINE b+OD METERING SEE SWEET B. A�T� 6 SDR 215ypC20'{` _ yJ EXIST. PMWI L FLUME FORCE MAIN 457,u E !{7 eze 7" AND ULTRAS MC, FLOW PROPFATY BOUNDAIFT ME(EpXIO, rtA M 0?y356T / 'urDD EXIST. 24' CUWERT ZZ A Ea+ \ N 2l Sss Uy� E EXIST. CIWx SM 142+•7A25 FM-1 5T• A ...T N LINN FERCE MWE MAIN 21 PVC „ 7-� A wA9• /... j \\ - E105.5E STA. 143+04.25 COIN CONCRETE BASELINE / AT EMST. JUNCTION BOX EXIST. / XFADWOINKS RNS BUILDING J / NOTE; 1. BEARINGS AND DISTANCES REFER TO BASELINE. ORFCDONAL '$ CHANGES IN FORCE MAIN ALIGHWENT ME MADE BY 14{' M. j 25 0 50 RADIUS DEFLECTIONS OF C MR 21 PVC FORCE MAIN EXCEPT I/ � WHEERE BQIDS ARE SPECBTCAILY GLLIDR (T1 FOP.) SCALE IN FEET 2 TWNEW r FORCE MAN SHAIl BE RACED SO THAT ALL P14E TREES WMIN THE UMITS OF ED FROM INJURY DEFLECT FORCE MAIN AIJO TTOMAYOID�PINE TREES. tto - 105 s DIIBCIORATE OF n10.1c wOfKe AND ENIARKN+eR 90 "I ._ � �J - _ .� TORT RATIO MCMTIN MO IlA I i CONBT M.T BATfMRY LE WM FORCE NMI t i. 1 —+ _ — _c -- _ — — r iT L �� c FORT BRA09, NORTH CAROUNA i .� 1 - _-� __ - _ �STA. 142+7&25 _j 1- - - l +wLE: �v soW+ w.w MI- js[ Na FB-0maP-: -- = z 13t+00 132+00 133+00 134+00 135+00 136+00 137+00 138+00 139+00 140+00 141+00 142+60 143+00 i ate- Rcluorw POWER REQUIREMENTS 3 PH,ASE. 240 VOU 3 "RE, 100 AMPFAES 4' %G TARS CLASS 5 35' CREOSOTE I TREATED WOOD POLE r 3-/4, 1-18 OR IN i 1/Y C 15 AMP, 2 POLE NEMA 3R SERVICE SWITCH -FUSED (FOR 11G117) 1CO AMP 3 POLE NEMA 3R SERVICE SWITCH FUSED 0 1DO AMPS JR HDBC CR GROUND GUY WIRE 240 VOLT AREA LIGNT, 2L1FT MOUNTING HE)" 2-/14, 1- 14 OR N I/t C TO AREA LIGHT METER BASE 3/4' COPPER WELD GROUND ROD-10' LONG u DRNEN BELOW GRADE 1-/6 OR IN 1 1/t C ELECTRICAL SERVICE POLE - 1 B N.T.S. TRENCH NOT IN ROAD I TRENCH N ROAD I TYPE 1-2 fNNMINOU$ CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE REQUIRED TO MATCH /WHERE EKISRNG 1Y , FOR OOUfiE PfPE^,r...:I SECTIONS MAINTAN rt�•a I1MlI 17 MIN. SEPARATKNM BETWEEN D.D. OF 1LY AGGREGATE BASE %PE (m.j COURSE e1l mill IFIIF TO 81 DENSIITTYY IN ROADS SELECT BACKFILL COMPACTED TO 98X DENSRY PLACED IN 6' LIFTS UNDER b SELECT COMPACTED COMPACTED ROADS AND 1Y UFTS U COMPACTED TO I [N GSEUECrRANIILLL PLACED N 6 LIFTS DENSITY ELSEWHERE ERE � Mo. OD. > 1Y: 1/ PIPE O.D. CkANUVMi BEDDING MATERIAL DEPII! <- 14': 1 4 PIPE O.D. 4. > 14': 1/i %PE O.D. 0 17 MIN. PIPE PIPE BEDDING, OPEN CUT AND PATCH - 19 N.T.S. B 6' CHAIN LINK FENCE AND DOUBLE SWING GATE CONC. THRUST I / BLOCK r Rim /4 O 17 EW6 B MIN BEND A P �UNDISrUR ED EARTH V OR FlRM STIBGRADE SECTION 19'9 N.T.S. TABLE OF DIMENSIONS PIPE SIZE (INCHES) BEND 1 1 D61ENSIONS D I E F G (MIN.) 6 901'- r 6 1 45 1 I.-(f 1 1-2. E E THRUST BLOCK FOR BENDS 19 N.T.S. OR CORE DRILL HOLE MFRI. REQUIREMENTS PE �1 ANDMR kARIEJ RUBBER 1011 CONNECTOR GDNCRETE WALL C WALL PENETRATION \zr!l N.T.S. EXIST. CREEK BANK (TYP.) = _ I"- 6' DIP BEND. 4 PER NOTE CROSSNG. SEE PLANS PROVIDE 'I:TO MAINTAIN 3' MIN I FOR DEGREE OF BEND COVER UNDER CREEK AND AT BOTH BANKS C SDR 21 P/C FORCE — 4) RIVER/STREAM CROSSING 19 N.T.S. NJHDDDs, "p =U h g-_': s, P.A. e