HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0004893_Application_20200428Barber, Jim From: Allen, Trent Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2020 9:03 AM To: Barber, Jim Subject: FW: WQ0004893 - Campbell Soup Supply Company RLAP Renewal Application Attachments: WQ0004893 WQROSNDARR 200428.pdf FYI Trent Allen Fayetteville Regional Supervisor Division of Water Resources 910 433 3336 office T re nt.Al l e n@ n cd e n r: gov 225 Green Street —Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to'the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties From: Thornburg, Nathaniel Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 202010:48 AM To: Williams, Kendall <kendall.williams@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Giri, Poonam a <Poonam.Giri@ncdenr.gov>; Allen, Trent <trent.allen@ncdenr.gov>; Brantley,,Mark <m a rk. bra ntl ey @ n cd e n r.gov> Subject: WQ0004893 - Campbell Soup Supply Company RLAP Renewal Application Kendall, Please process the subject application received April 28, 2020 in BIMS. I've included the RO review request form for your use.; I also included the Applicant email addresses in the comment section of RO review request form. _ Please copy the RO, Reviewer, and myself on the acknowledgement letter that you send to the Applicant. ************** RO Supervisors — Please assign this project to one of your staff for review. APPLICATION LINK: https://edocs.deg.nc.gov/WaterResources/DocView.aspx?id=1157011&dbid=0&repo=WaterResources 1 Thank you, Nathaniel D. Thornburg Branch Chief Non -Discharge Branch Department of Environmental Quality 919 707 3653 office nathaniel.thornburg@ncdenr.gov 512 N. Salisbury St. 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. t CEIVEDINCDENWR APR 2 8 2020 2120 NC 71 Highway North Non -Discharge Maxton, NC 28364 Permitting Unit April 27, 2020 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources Water Quality Permitting Section RECEIVED Non -Discharge Permitting Unit By Nathaniel Thornburg at 10:14 am, Apr 28, 2020 RE: Submittal Notification Residuals Land Application Program — Permit Renewal Campbell Soup Company, LLC Maxton, Robeson County, North Carolina To: NCDENR-DWR WQS, Campbell Soup Company, LLC would like to submit this Residuals Land Application Program — Permit Renewal Application for the "Site" known as the Campbell Soup Supply Co -Sludge. This application includes the requirements set forth in 15A NCAC 02T .1100, and serves as our request for renewal of Permit Number WQ0004893 which expires on October 31, 2015. The following items are included in this renewal application (as is referenced in RLAP 06-16 Form) — Item A— Residuals Land Application Program (RLAP 06-16) Application Item C — Cover Letter Item E—Operation and Maintenance Plan Item H — Buffer maps Vicinity map ,Process Narrative and Flow Diagram, Quantitative Data All other sections not completed were not applicable to Campbell Soup Supply Company permit renewal, including instructions B, D, F, G, H, I-M of RLAP 06-16. RLAP 06-16 section VI not applicable since Campbell Soup Supply Company does not spray irrigate any residuals. Landowner and Setback Waiver Agreements also are not applicable since Campbell Soup Supply Company owns all of its application properties. We appreciate your consideration and review following the submission of this application. If you have any questions concerning this report, please don't hesitate to contact us at (910) 844-1574. Respectfully Submitted, Brett Dunson Senior Director of Operations cc: Mr. Keith Osterman, Campbell Soup Company, LLC ITEM A: Renewal Application (RAP 6-16) State of North Carolina DWR Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02T .1100 — RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: RLAP 06-16 & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Please use the following instructions as a checklist in order to ensure all required items are submitted. Adherence to these instructions and checking the provided boxes will help produce a quicker review time and reduce the amount of additional information requested. Failure to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the permit application. Unless otherwise noted the Applicant shall submit one original and two copies of the agplication and suoportine documentation For more information, visit the Water Quality Permitting Section's Non -Discharge Permitting Unit General — This application is for treatment, storage, transport, and/or land application of Class B residuals (may include residuals that are generated from a water treatment plant or other type facilities) on the proposed or currently approved land application site(s) under 15A NCAC 02T .1100. Unless otherwise noted, the Applicant shall submit one original and two copies of the application and supporting documentation listed below. A. Residuals Land Application Program (FORM: RLAP 06-16) Application: (All Application Packages): ® Submit the completed and appropriately executed Residuals Land Application Program (FORM: RLAP 06-16) form. Please do not make any unauthorized content changes to this form. If necessary for clarity or due to space restrictions, attachments to the application may be made, as long as the attachments are numbered to correspond to the section and item to which they refer. ® The Applicant's Certification on Page 5 of this form shall be signed in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .01061 b1. An alternate person may be designated as the signing official if a delegation letter is provided from a person who meets the criteria in 15A NCAC 02T .0106(b). ❑ If this project is for a modification of an existing permit, submit one copy of the existing permit. ® Please submit this application form at least 180 days prior to the expiration date on the existing permit, or 90 days prior to operation of proposed facility(ies) for application packages involving new or changes to treatment and storage units. B. Application Fee (New and Major Modification Application Packages) ❑ Submit a check, money order or electronic funds transfer made payable to: North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ). Facility Classification New Permit Major Modification 1 Major (land are permitted for >_300 acres) $1,310 $395 Minor (land are permitted for < 300 acres) $810 $245 - A major modification shall be defined as any permit modification that: increases the generating facility's residuals dry tonnage; adds additional land application areas not previously approved for that particular program [including transferring of field(s) from one program to another]; adds additional residuals sources; or includes the addition of new treatment or storage units/processes not previously permitted. There is no fee for minor modifications to a permit. C. Cover Letter (All Application Packages) ® List all items included in the application package, as well as a brief description of the requested permitting action. D. Environmental Assessments (May be Required — See 15A NCAC 1 C .0300) ❑ Submit a copy of the Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSI) or Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Also, include information on any mitigating factor(s) from the Environmental Assessment (EA) that impact the construction of the residuals treatment and storage facilities. An EA may also be required for private systems if any public funds and/or lands are used for the construction of the subject facilities. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: RLAP 06-16 Pagel of 3 E. Operation and Maintenance Plan (New and Renewal Application Packages) ❑ For Modification Application, if there are any changes to the existing plan, submit an updated O&M plan. ® Submit the O&M Plan in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .I 110 and include at a minimum: ® Operational functions; describe the operation of the program to show what operations are necessary for the program to function and by whom the functions are to be conducted. ® Maintenance schedules; may include equipment calibration, maintenance of signs, etc. ® Safety measures; may include safety training program, manuals, signs, etc. ® Spill response plan; including control, containment, remediation, emergency contact information, etc. ® Inspection plan including the following information; ® Names and titles of personnel responsible for conducting the inspections. ® Frequency and location of inspections, including those to be conducted by the ORC, and procedures to assure that the selected location(s) and inspection frequency are representative of the residuals management program. ® Detailed description of inspection procedures including record keeping and actions to be taken by the inspector in the event that noncompliance is observed. ® Sampling and monitoring plan including the following information; ® Names and titles of personnel responsible for conducting the sampling and monitoring. ® Detailed description of monitoring procedures including parameters to be monitored. ® Sampling frequency and procedures to assure that representative samples are being collected. Fluctuation in temperature, flow, and other operating conditions can affect the quality of the residuals gathered during a particular sampling event. The sampling plan shall account for any foreseen fluctuations in residuals quality and indicate the most limiting times for residuals to meet pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements (e.g. facilities that land apply multiple times per year but have an annual sampling frequency, may need to sample during winter months when pathogen reduction is most likely to be negatively affected by cold temperatures. THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL ITEMS (G to MI ARE REQUIRED FOR DEDICATED PROGRAM ONLY. F. Program Determination ❑ Dedicated residuals land application programs are ones in which land application sites meet the criteria in 15A NCAC 02T .1102(12). Specifically, a residuals land application program is designated as dedicated if any of the following are applicable: ❑ Any land application site certified for the residuals land application program that receives residuals at rates or frequencies greater than agronomic rates. ❑ Any land application site certified for the residuals land application program that is used primarily for residuals disposal, and agricultural crop production is of secondary importance. ❑ Any land application site certified for the residuals land application program that receives residuals through fixed irrigation facilities or irrigation facilities fed through a fixed supply system. ❑ Please contact the Non -Discharge Permitting Unit if you need any assistance in determining whether your residuals program falls under the dedicated program definitions. G. Program Information ❑ Provide an explanation of why a dedicated system is required instead of a conventional non -dedicated system. ❑ Provide an explanation of the dedicated system and its operation. H. Detailed Site Maps (All New or Modification Application Packages) ❑ Submit three (3) sets of standard size plans and two (2) sets of I I" by 17" plans (electronic format is acceptable - Adobe PDF only). For Modifications, submit plans specific to the modification(s) only. ❑ Plans must include the following minimum items: ❑ A general location map, a vicinity map and a topographic map with contours not exceeding 10 feet or 25% of the total site relief and showing all facility related structures and fences within the land application area. ❑ The location of all wells (including usage and construction details if available), streams (ephemeral, intermittent, and perennial), springs, lakes, ponds, and other surface drainage features within 500 feet of the land application site(s). ❑ Delineation of the review and compliance boundaries ❑ Setbacks as required by 15A NCAC 02T .1108 ❑ Site property boundaries within 500 feet of all waste treatment, storage, and disposal site(s). ❑ A map showing the entire irrigation area with an overlay of the suitable irrigation area depicted by the soil scientist's evaluation. The irrigation plans shall show each nozzle/emitter and wetted area (when applicable). Clearly label spray irrigation zones as they will be operated. ❑ Plans must depict a completed design and not be labeled with preliminary phrases (e.g., FOR REVIEW ONLY, NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION, etc.) that indicate that they are anything other than final plans. However, the plans may be labeled with the phrase: FINAL DESIGN - NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: RLAP 06-16 Page 2 of 3 I. Project Evaluation and Receiver Site Management Plan (All New Application Packages or Modifications that include new sites) ❑ Submit a project evaluation and a receiver site management plan (if applicable) with recommendations concerning cover crops and their ability to accept the proposed application rates. J. Hydrogeologic Report (All New Application Packages or Modifications involving increasing the total design capacity) ❑ Submit a detailed hydrogeologic evaluation in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .1104(d)f4] and current Division Policy available at: hqp://www.ncwater.oER/Rul es Policies and Regulations. The document shall be signed, sealed and dated by a qualified professional. K. Engineering Design Documents (All New or Modification Application Packages with fixed irrigation facilities or irrigation facilities fed through fixed supply system) ❑ Submit engineering design documents that have been signed, sealed, and dated by a NC licensed Professional Engineer and/or Professional Land Surveyor in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .1104(d)l2 ). For Modifications, submit an updated site map specific to the modification(s) only. ❑ The design documents must include the following minimum items: ❑ Engineering plans for the facility and equipment except those previously permitted unless they are directly tied into the new units or are critical to the understanding of the complete process; ❑ Specifications describing materials to be used, method of construction, and means for ensuring quality and integrity of the finished product including leaking testing; and ❑ Engineering calculations including hydraulic and pollutant loading, sizing criteria, hydraulic profile, total dynamic head curve analysis for each pump, and irrigation design. ❑ Soil mapping units shown on all disposal sites. L. Water Balance (All New Application Packages or Modifications that include new sites utilizing fixed irrigation facilities or irrigation facilities fed through fixed supply systems) ❑ Submit a completed and accurate water balance in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .1 INd)(5) and current Division Policy available at: http://www.ncwater.org/Rules Policies and Regulations/. M. Property Ownership Documentation (All New or Modification Application Packages involving new and/or relocated treatment or irrigation components) ❑ Property ownership documentation shall consist of one of the following: ❑ Legal documentation of ownership (i.e., GIS, deed or article of incorporation), or ❑ Written notarized intent to purchase agreement signed by both parties with a plat or survey map, or ❑ An easement running with the land specifically indicating the intended use of the property and meeting the requirements of 15A NCAC 02L .0107(l), or ❑ A written notarized lease agreement signed by both parties, indicating the intended use of the property, as well as a plat or survey map. ONE ORIGINAL AND TWO COPIES OF THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHALL BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES WATER QUALITY PERMITTING SECTION NON -DISCHARGE PERMITTING UNIT By U.S. Postal Service: 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1617 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 807-6464 Bv Courier/Special Delivery: 512 N. SALISBURY STREET RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27604 FAX NUMBER: (919) 807-6496 INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: RLAP 06-16 Page 3 of 3 State of North Carolina DWR Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02T .1100 — RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM FORM: RLAP 06-16 I. APPLICANT INFORMATION: 1. Applicant's name: Campbell Soup Supply Company LLC Applicant type: ❑ Individual ® Corporation ❑ General Partnership ❑ Privately -Owned Public Utility ❑ Federal ❑ State ❑ Municipal ❑ County Signature authority's name per 15A NCAC 02T .0106: Mr. Brett Dunson Title: Senior Director of Operations Applicant's mailing address: 2120 Highway 71 North City: Maxton State: NC Zip: 28364- Telephone number: (910) 844-1574 Email Address: brett_dunsonia)campbells.com 2. Consultant's name: N/A License Number (for P.E.): Affiliation: ❑ On Staff ❑ Retained (Firm: ) Consultant's mailing address: City: State: Zip: - Telephone number: (_) = Email Address: 3. Agronomist's name: Taylor Chavis License Number: Affiliation: ❑ N/A ❑ On Staff ® Retained (Firm: NC Cooperative Extension) Agronomist's mailing address: PO Box 2280 455 Caton Rd. City: Lumberton State: NC Zip: 28359-2280 Telephone number: (910) 671-3276 Email Address: taylor chavisCa�ncsu.edu 4. Soil Scientist's name: N/A License Number: Affiliation: ❑ N/A ❑ On Staff ❑ Retained (Firm: ) Soil Scientist's mailing address: City: State: Zip: - Telephone number: (_) = Email Address: 5. Fee submitted: (See Instruction B) II. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Application is for (check all that apply): ❑ new, ❑ modified, ® renewed permit 2. If this application is being submitted to renew or modify an existing permit, provide the following: Permit number: W00004893 Date of most -recently issued permit: November 1. 2015 Date of most -recently certified Attachment A (if different than the permit): July 30, 2015 Date of most -recently certified Attachment B (if different than the permit): July 30, 2015 FORM: RLAP 06-16 Page 1 of 5 III. RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM INFORMATION: 1. Residuals Processing Facility's physical address: 2120 Highway 71 North City: Maxton State: NC Zip: 28364- Coordinates: Latitude: 340 46' 19" Longitude: 790 19' 26" Datum: WGS84 Level of accuracy: +/- 3m Method of measurement: Goo_ 1� e Earth 2. County where residuals land application program is headquartered: Robeson 3. List the Operator In Responsible Charge (ORC) and all Back -Up ORCs for the residuals land application program, their certification numbers, and their affiliations in the following table: Designation Name Affiliation Certification Number ORC Keith Osterman Campbell Soup Supply 1005253 Company LLC Back -Up ORC Jeff Scott Campbell Soup Supply 996267 Company LLC Additional Back -Up ORCs if applicable) If an ORC and at least one Back -Up ORC are not currently designated for this residuals land application program, provide the candidates' names, affiliations, and an estimated time schedule for each candidate's completion of the required training school and certification test: 4. Complete the following tables regarding management of the residuals land application program: a. Plant Available Nitrogen Summary: Determine the maximum plant available nitrogen (PAN) generated by all residuals source -generating facilities as currently certified and proposed for certification with this application and list the results in the following table: Maximum amount of residuals to be certified: 334 dry tons per year. PAN Pounds of PAN per Dry Ton (Weighted Average) Pounds of PAN per Year Surface Incorporation or Injection Surface Incorporation or Injection First -Year 34.4 N/A 4057.4 N/A Five -Year Maximum Adjusted 58.8 N/A 5682.48 N/A b. Land Application Site Use Summary: Summarize information regarding the land application sites as currently certified and proposed for certification with this application: Category Use Acres Comments Crops Forest or Plantation 26 Row Crops Hay 30.8 Pasture Total: 56.8 Methods Surface 56.8 Incorporation or Injection Total: 56.8 FORM: RLAP 06-16 Page 2 of 5 c. Residuals Land Application Summary: Determine the minimum acreage required to land apply the residuals as currently certified and proposed for certification assuming the scenarios listed in the following table: Assumed Application Rate qbs PAN/ac yr) Acres Required Using First -Year PAN Concentrations Acres Required Using Five -Year Maximum Adjusted PAN Concentrations Surface Incorporation or Injection Surface Incorporation or Injection 50 229.8 N/A 392.7 N/A 100 114.9 N/A 196.4 N/A 150 76.6 N/A 130.9 N/A 200 57.4 N/A 98.2 N/A 6. If applicable, provide a plan and a schedule to resolve any known issues that would prevent land application of the proposed residuals due to the violation of North Carolina Administrative Code (e.g. not enough storage, not enough land, vector reduction practices not in place, etc.): N/A 7. Specify type of residuals program (See Instruction F): ® Non -dedicated ❑ Dedicated If Dedicated, specify the following (check all that apply): ❑ Residuals program contains any land application site(s) that receives residuals at rates or frequencies greater than agronomic rates, explain; ❑ Residuals program contains any land application site(s) that is used primarily for residuals disposal, and agricultural crop production is of secondary importance, explain; ❑ Residuals program contains any land application site(s) that receives residuals through fixed irrigation facilities or irrigation facilities fed through a fixed supply system, explain; IV. RESIDUALS SOURCE INFORMATION: (Required for all new, renewed, or modified residuals source) Complete and submit the following Residuals Source Certification and all associated documentation. Residuals Source Certification V. LAND APPLICATION SITE INFORMATION: (Required for all new, renewed, or modified land application site) Complete and submit the following Land Applications Site Certification and all associated documentation. Land Application Siite Certification.doc FORM: RLAP 06-16 Page 3 of 5 Note: Item VI. Applicable to Dedicated Program with _fixed irrigation system only. VI. DESIGN INFORMATION FOR FIXED IRRIGATION SYSTEM 1. The irrigation system is: ❑ Spray ❑ Drip 2. Disposal system is: ❑ existing ❑ proposed. 3. Minimum depth to mean seasonal high water table (SHWT) within irrigation sites(s) per Soil Scientist's Evaluation: feet below ground surface. Rules 15A NCAC 02T .0505f n] requires at least one -foot vertical separation between SHWT and ground surface. 4. Are there any artificial drainage or water movement structures within 200 feet of any irrigation area? ❑ Yes or ❑ No If Yes, please explain if the soil scientist report addresses artificial structures and please indicate if structures are to be maintained or modified: 5. Loading rates recommended by the Soil Scientist Evaluation: Soil Series Fields within Soil Area Recommended Loading Rate in/hr Recommended Loading Rate in/ r 6. Design loading rates are equal or less than the loading rates recommended by Soil Scientist? ❑ Yes or ❑ No If No, explain why 15A NCAC 02T .0505t-_ . is not met: 7. Non -dedicated System Design (fill in the appropriate information for either a spray or drip irrigation system): Field / Zone Design Area (ft') Number of Nozzles Maximum Application Rate allons/hr Design Annual Loading Rate allons/yr) Total Spray Irrigation Design Element Plan Sheet Number Specification Page Number Wetted diameter of nozzles ft Wetted area of nozzles ft2 Nozzle capacity gpm Nozzle manufacturer / model / Elevation of highest nozzle ft FORM: RLAP 06-16 Page 4 of 5 Applicant's Certification (signing authority must 6e in compliance with 15A NCAC 02T .0106): The applicant or any affiliate has not been convicted of an environmental crime, has not abandoned a wastewater facility without proper closure, does not have an outstanding civil penalty where all appeals have been exhausted or abandoned, are compliant with any active compliance schedule. and do not have any overdue annual fees under Rule 15A NCAC 02T .0105, ® Yes ❑ No, Explain; Brett Dunson Senior Director of Operations (Signature Authority's Name — PLEASE PRINT) (Title) attest that this application for Campbell Soup Supply Company (Facility Name) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the Division of Water Resources may not conduct a technical review of this program and approval does not constitute a variance to any rules or statutes unless specifically granted in the permit. Further, any discharge of residuals to surface waters or the land will result in an immediate enforcement action, which may include civil penalties, injunctive relief, and/or criminal prosecution. I will make no claim against the Division of Water Resources should a condition of this permit be violated. I also understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. Note: In accordance with North Carolina General Statutes § 143-215.6A and § 143-215.6B, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 as well as civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. Signature: lre4 A&•►-�� Date: 7- FORM: RLAP 06-16 Page 5 of 5 State of North Carolina DWR Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Division of Water Resources RESIDUALS SOURCE CERTIFICATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: RSC 06-16 Please use the following instructions as a checklist in order to ensure all required items are submitted. Adherence to these instructions and checking the provided boxes will help produce a quicker review time and reduce the amount of additional information requested. Failure to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the permit application. Unless otherwise noted the Applicant shall submit one original and two copies of the application and sunnortine documentation For more information, visit the Water Quality Permitting Section's Non -Discharge Permitting Unit General — This certification provides detailed information of residuals source generating facility and its residuals quality for land application, distribution, or disposal in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .1100. Do not submit this certification for review without a corresponding application form (FORM: RLAP 11-15, FORM: DCAR 11-15, or FORM: SDR 11-15). Unless otherwise noted, the Applicant shall submit one original and two copies of the application and supporting documentation listed below. A. Residuals Source Certification (FORM: RSC 11-15): ® Submit the completed and appropriately executed Residuals Source Certification (FORM: RSC 11-15) form. Please do not make any unauthorized content changes to this form. If necessary for clarity or due to space restrictions, attachments to the application may be made, as long as the attachments are numbered to correspond to the section and item to which they refer. ® For new or renewed permits, submit a separate certification for each source facility. ❑ For modified permits, submit a separate certification for only those facilities that are affected by the proposed modification. ❑ Complete the residuals source facility summary page. List all new, renewed, or modified facilities. B. Residuals Source -Generating Facility Information: ® For each source facility, attach the following: ® Vicinity map - A vicinity map that shows the location of the facility and meets all of the criteria in the "Map Guidance for 2esiduals Land Application Permits". ® Process flow diagram and/or narrative - A detailed narrative and/or process flow diagram that describes how the residuals are to be generated, treated, processed, and stored at the facility. ® Quantitative justification for residuals production rate - A quantitative justification for the value provided in Item I. 8. Ensure that the amount of residuals listed is the maximum amount expected to be generated by the facility for the life of the permit. In addition, ensure that this amount is equivalent to that which is actually to be land applied, distributed, and/or disposed, including any chemicals, amendments, or other additives that are added to the residuals during processing. ® Sampling plan - A detailed sampling plan for the residuals source -generating facility. Ensure that the plan identifies sampling points, sampling frequency, sample type, as well as the Division -certified laboratory to be used. In addition, ensure that the plan details how the facility and/or the residuals are monitored for any applicable pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction requirements. Note that all sampling and monitoring must be completed on the residuals as they are to be land applied, distributed, and/or disposed. C. Residuals Quality Information: ® For each source facility, attach the following: ® Laboratory analytical reports and operational data - reports for all laboratory analyses used to complete this certification. ❑ Documentation that the facility complies and/or the residuals comply with any applicable pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction requirements. ❑ For new facility that may have not yet been constructed and analytical results of residuals cannot be obtained, please attach analytical results of residuals generated from a similar facility along with the description of similarities of the two facilities. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: RSC 06-16 Page 1 of 1 RESIDUALS SOURCE FACILITY SUMMARY Applicant's name: Cam bell SOUD SUPply CoLnpany LLC 'Status Code for source facility are: ♦ N (New) ♦ R (Renewed) ♦ M (Modified) ♦ D (Deleted) b The amount of residuals currently permitted for distribution, land application, or disposal (i.e, not applicable to new facility). SUMMARY FOR FORM: RSC 06-16 Page 1 DWR Division of Water Resources State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources RESIDUALS SOURCE CERTIFICATION FORM: RSC 06-16 I. RESIDUALS SOURCE -GENERATING FACILITY INFORMATION (See Instruction B.): 1. Facility Name: Campbell Soup Supply Company LLC 2. Facility permit holder is: ❑ Federal, ❑ State, ❑ Local Government, or ® Private. Facility permit issued by: ❑ Div. of Water Resources, ❑ Div. of Environmental Health, or ❑ Other (explain: ). 3. Facility contact person and title: Mr. Brett Dunson, Senior Director of Operations Complete mailing address: 2120 Highway 71 North City: Maxton State: NC Zip: 28364 Telephone number: (910) 844-1574 E-mail address: brett_dunson a campbells.com 4. Facility physical address: 2120 Highway 71 North City: Maxton State: NC Zip: 28364- Coordinates: Latitude: 34' 46' 19" Longitude: 79' 19' 26" Datum: WGS84 Level of accuracy: +/- 3m Method of measurement: Goggle Earth 5. Purpose of the facility: ❑ treatment of municipal wastewater, ❑ treatment of 100% domestic wastewater, ❑ treatment of potable water, ® treatment of 100% industrial wastewater, ❑ treatment of industrial wastewater mixed with domestic wastewater, (approximate percentages: % industrial and % domestic) ❑ other (explain: ). 6. Does the facility have an approved pretreatment program: ❑ Yes ® No 7. Facility permitted/design flow: 4 MGD and facility average daily flow: 2_5 MGD 8. Average amount of residuals being generated at this facility 123.24 dry tons per year. 9. Specify the following regarding treatment and storage volumes available at the facility: Type and volume of residuals treatment: 5 MGD Type and volume of residuals storage (i.e., outside of residuals treatment units): 20,000 gallons II. RESIDUALS QUALITY INFORMATION (See Instruction C.): 1. Specify if residuals are regulated under: ❑ 40 CFR Part 503 or ® 40 CFR Part 257. Note: Only residuals that are generated during domestic/municipal wastewater treatment processes are regulated under 40 CFR Part 503, otherwise, the residuals are regulated under 40 CFR Part 257. 2. Specify if residuals are defined under 15A NCAC 02T.1102 61 as: ® Biological ❑ Non -Biological Note: Biological residuals are residuals that have been generated during the treatment of domestic wastewater, animal processing wastewater, or the biological treatment of industrial wastewater (biological treatment is a system that utilizes biological processes including lagoons, activated sludge systems, extended aeration systems, and fixed film systems). FORM: RSC 06-16 Page 1 of 5 3. Hazardous Waste Determination: Complete the following to demonstrate that the residuals are non -hazardous under RCRA: (Note - this item does not have to be completed for facilities that are less than 0.5 MGD in design flow that treat 100% non -municipal, domestic wastewater only) a. Are the residuals listed in 40 CFR §261.31-§261.33: ❑ yes ® no. If yes, list the number(s): b. Specify whether or not the residuals exhibit any of the characteristics defined by 40 CFR §261.21- 261.24: ❑ yes 0 no. Fill in the following tables with the results of the latest toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) analysis as well as those for corrosivity, ignitability, and reactivity: Laboratory: Pace Analytical and Date of analysis: 7/23/.2019 Passed corrosivity test: Z yes ❑ no. pH: s.u. (2 < pH < 12.5) Passed ignitability test: JZ yes ❑ no. Flashpoint: DNI at 170 OF (> 140°F) Passed reactivity test: Z yes Ono. HCN: ND mg/kg (<250) & H2S: 52.4 mg/kg (<500) TCLP Parameter Limit (Mg/1) Result (Mg/1) TCLP Parameter Limit (Mg/1) Result (Mg/1) Arsenic 5.0 ND Hexachlorobenzene 0.13 ND Barium 100.0 ND Hexachloro-1,3-Butadiene 0.5 ND Benzene 0.5 ND Hexachloroethane 3.0 ND Cadmium 1.0 ND Lead 5.0 ND Carbon Tetrachloride 0.5 ND Lindane 0.4 ND Chlordane 0.03 ND Mercury 0.2 ND Chlorobenzene 100.0 ND Methoxychlor 10.0 ND Chloroform 6.0 ND Methyl Ethyl Ketone 200.0 ND Chromium 5.0 ND Nitrobenzene 2.0 ND m-Cresol 200.0 ND Pentachlorophenol 100.0 ND o-Cresol 200.0 ND Pyridine 5.0 ND p-Cresol 200.0 ND Selenium 1.0 ND Cresol 200.0 ND Silver 5.0 ND 2,4-D 10.0 ND Tetrachloroethylene 0.7 ND 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 7.5 ND Toxaphene 0.5 ND 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.5 ND Trichloroethylene 0.5 ND 1, 1 -Dichloroethylene 0.7 ND 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 400.0 ND 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.13 ND 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 2.0 ND Endrin 0.02 ND 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 1.0 ND Heptachlor and its Hydroxide 0.008 ND Vinyl Chloride 0.2 ND FORM: RSC 06-16 Page 2 of 5 4. Metals Determination: Complete one of the following tables (i.e., as applicable) to demonstrate that the residuals do not violate the ceiling concentrations for metals regulated under 15A NCAC 02T .1105. a. For Distribution/Land Ayolication: Fill in the following table with the results of the latest analyses (i.e., on a dry weight basis) for the following metal parameters: Laboratory: Environmental Chemists Inc. and Date of analysis: 11/25/19 Parameter Ceiling Concentration Limits (ClassA & ClassB) (mg/kg) Monthly Average Concentration Limits (Class A Only) (mg/kg) Result (mg/kg) Arsenic 75 41 <3.10 Cadmium 85 39 <3.10 Copper 4,300 1,500 17.8 Lead 840 300 6.06 Mercury 57 75 17 <0.266 Molybdenum n/a 3.38 Nickel 420 420 27.7 Selenium 100 100 <3.10 Zinc 7,500 2,800 538 b. For Surface Disposal Unit IlandDlll: Fill in the following table with the results of the latest analyses (i.e., on a dry weight basis) for the following metal parameters: Laboratory: and Date of analysis:. Distance from Disposal Unit to Boundary to Closest Property Line (meters, check one) Arsenic (mg/kg) Chromium (mg/kg) Nickel (mg/kg) ❑ > 0 but < 25 30 200 210 ❑ �t25 but < 50 34 220 240 ❑ >_50 but < 75 39 260 270 ❑ >_75 but < 100 46 300 320 ❑ >_100 but < 125 53 360 390 ❑ >_125 I 62 , 450 ' 420 1 Result (mg/kg) FORM: RSC 06-16 Page 3 of 5 5. Nutrient/Micronutrient Determination: Complete the following: a. Total solids: 9.44 %. b. Fill in the following table with the results of the latest analyses (i.e., on a dry weight basis) for the following nutrient and micronutrient parameters: Laboratory: Environmental Chemists, Inc. and Date of analysis: 2/7/2020 Parameter Result (mg/kg) Aluminum 423 Ammonia -Nitrogen 287 Calcium 1250 Magnesium 338 Nitrate -Nitrite Nitrogen 1.68 pH (Standard Unit) 4.12 Phosphorus 1320 Potassium 1020 Sodium 3070 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 16800 c. Using the results listed in Item 11. 5b. above, calculate the sodium adsorption ration (SAR): 3.86 [Note: If residuals contain SAR of 10 or higher, the applicant shall obtain recommendations from the local Cooperative Extension Office, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, a North Carolina Licensed Soil Scientist, or an agronomist, prior to land application of residuals. The recommendations shall address the sodium application rate, soil amendments (e.g., gypsum, etc.), or a mechanism for maintaining site integrity and conditions conducive to crop growth]. d. Specify the mineralization rate to be used in calculating the plant available nitrogen (PAN) of the residuals: %. This rate is a (check one): ED default value, or ❑ actually established. If the residuals are not generated from the treatment of municipal or domestic wastewater, explain or provide technical justification as to why the selected default value is appropriate to be applied to these residuals: e. Calculate the PAN for the residuals (i.e., on a dry weight basis) and fill the results in the following table: Application Method First (11) Year PAN Five -Year Maximum Adjusted PAN (mg�kS) (m9/k9) Surface 6,750.38 10,003.44 Injection/Incorporation N/A N/A 6. Other Pollutants Determination: Specify whether or not there are any other pollutants of concern in the residuals and provide the results of the latest analyses: N/A FORM: RSC 06-16 Page 4 of 5 7. Pathoeen Reduction: Per 15A NCAC 02T.1106, specify how residuals will meet the pathogen reduction requirements: a. For Distribution/Land Application of Class A or Eauivalent. El A fecal coliform density that is demonstrated to be less than 1,000 MPN per gram of total dry solids, or El A salmonella sp. density that is demonstration to be less than 3 MPN per 4 grams of total dry solids. AND one of the followings (except for non -biological residuals): ❑ Alternative 1 [15A NCAC 02T.I 106(b)(3)(A)] - Time/Temperature Compliance. ❑ Alternative 2 [15A NCAC 02T.1106(b)(3)(B)] - Alkaline Treatment. Alternative 3 [15A NCAC 02T.I 106(b)(3)(C)] - Prior Testing for Enteric Virus/Viable Helminth Ova. ❑ Alternative 4 [15A NCAC 02T. 1106(b)(3)(D)] - No Prior Testing for Enteric Virus/Viable Helminth Ova. Alternative 5 [15A NCAC 02T.I 106(b)(3)(E)-(K)] - Process to Further Reduce Pathogens (PFRP). Specify one: ❑ composting, ❑ heat drying, ❑ heat treatment, thermophilic aerobic digestion, ❑ beta ray irradiation, ❑ gamma ray irradiation, or ❑ pasteurization. b. For Land Application of Class B: ❑ Alternative 1 [15A NCAC 02T.I 106(c)(1)] - Fecal Coliform Density Demonstration. ❑ Alternative 2 [15A NCAC 02T.I 106(c)(2)] - Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens (PSRP). Specify one: ❑ aerobic digestion, ❑ air drying, ❑ anaerobic digestion, ❑ composting, or ❑ lime stabilization. c. For Surface Disposal: ❑ Select One of the Class A or Equivalent Pathogen Reduction Alternatives in Item II. 7a. above. ❑ Select One of the Class B or Equivalent Pathogen Reduction Alternatives in Item Il. 7b. above. ❑ Exempt -If Daily Cover Alternative is chosen in Item 11.8. below [15A NCAC 02T.1106(a)(2)]. ❑ Not Applicable - Non -Biological Residuals with NO Domestic Wastewater Contribution. 8. Vector Attraction Reduction (VAR): Per 15A NCAC 02T.1107, specify how residuals will meet the VAR requirements: ❑ Alternative 1 [15A NCAC 02T.I 107(a)(1)] - 38% Volatile Solids Reduction (Aerobic/Anaerobic Digestion). ❑ Alternative 2 [15A NCAC 02T.I 107(a)(2)] - 40-Day Bench Scale Test (Anaerobic Digestion). ❑ Alternative 3 [15A NCAC 02T.I 107(a)(3)] - 30-Day Bench Scale Test (Aerobic Digestion). ❑ Alternative 4 [15A NCAC 02T.I 107(a)(4)] - Specific Oxygen Uptake Rate Test (Aerobic Digestion). ❑ Alternative 5 [15A NCAC 02T.1107(a)(5)] - 14-Day Aerobic Processes. ❑ Alternative 6 [15A NCAC 02T.I 107(a)(6)] - Alkaline Stabilization. ❑ Alternative 7 [15A NCAC 02T.I 107(a)(7)] - Drying of Stabilized Residuals. ❑ Alternative 8 [15A NCAC 02T. 1107(a)(8)] - Drying of Unstabilized Residuals. ❑ Alternative 9 [15A NCAC 02T.I 107(a)(9)] - Injection. ❑ Alternative 10 [15A NCAC 02T.I 107(a)(10)] - Incorporation. ❑ Alternative for Surface Disposal Units Only - Soil/Other Material Cover [15A NCAC 02T.I 107(b)(2)]. ❑ Not Applicable - Non -Biological Residuals with NO Domestic Wastewater Contribution. Note: For animal processing residuals, only alternatives 9 or 10 may be chosen due to the nuisance conditions that typically occur when these residuals are applied and left on the land surface. FORM: RSC 06-16 Page 5 of 5 State of North Carolina DWR Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Division of Water Resources LAND APPLICATION SITE CERTIFICATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: LASC 06-16 Please use the following instructions as a checklist in order to ensure all required items are submitted. Adherence to these instructions and checking the provided boxes will help produce a quicker review time and reduce the amount of additional information requested. Failure to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the permit application. Unless otherwise noted the Applicant shall submit one original and two copies of the a )lication and supporting documentation For more information, visit the Water Quality Permitting Section's Non -Discharge Permitting Unit General — This certification provides detailed information of receiving sites for land application of Class B residuals (may include water treatment plant or other type residuals) in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .1100. Do not submit this certification for review without a corresponding application form (FORM: RLAP 06-16 or FORM: SDR 06-16). Unless otherwise noted, the Applicant shall submit one original and two copies of the application and supporting documentation listed below. A. Land Application Site Certification (FORM: LASC 06-16): ® Submit the completed and appropriately executed Land Application Site Certification (FORM: LASC 06-16) form. Please do not make any unauthorized content changes to this form. If necessary for clarity or due to space restrictions, attachments to the application may be made, as long as the attachments are numbered to correspond to the section and item to which they refer. ® For new or renewed permits, submit the requested information for all land application sites. ❑ For modified permits, submit the requested information for only those sites that are new, transferred or affected by the proposed modification. B. Land Application Site Information: ® The status of the land application site with respect to this residuals land application program must be provided in table I. The status categories and their corresponding codes are as follows: ♦ New (N) ♦ Renewed (R) ♦ Modified (M) ♦ Transferred (T) ♦ Deleted (D) ❑ Attach the following in accordance with each status code: Status Code Required Item N R T M ✓ County Board Notification. doc FW Land Owner Agreement (If applicable) ]� ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Setback Waiver Agreement An updated vicinity/setback map in accordance with the ". lap Guidance for Residuals Land Application Permits" ✓ ✓ ✓ A soils and agronomic evaluation in accordance with the "Soil Scientist ✓ Evaluation Polic," INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: LASC 06-16 Page 1 of 3 An updated accounting of the land application site's cumulative pollutant loading rates CPLRs ) Status Code Required Item N R T M For previously permitted sites without a soil series name indicated in the Attachment B, submit County Soil Survey Map (or equivalent) clearly ✓ ✓ indicate the location of the land application site and in accordance with the soil mapre uirements in the "Soil Scientist Evaluation Po' " Acknowledgement of field transfer from Land Owner (Fields may not be permitted to multiple Permittees over the same timeperiod) * This item may be required for land application site with a status code "M", please contact the Division if you need assistant in determining attachment requirements. ® Crop Type should include the most likely crop types for the life of the permit (five years). ❑ Predominant Soils Series Name must be either the name of the soil indicated in Attachment "B" of the existing permit, or name of the soil series as provided by the licensed soil scientist. ❑ Predominant Soil Mapping Unit or Representative Slope: Either the Soil Mapping Unit or the representative slope of each site must be provided. The predominant soil -mapping unit must be consistent with the predominant soil series name. Please note that the soil mapping units are variable between Counties, so care should be taken in properly identifying the correct mapping unit. If a representative slope is provided, it must be determined accordingly: ❑ For sites previously permitted for use, but do not have an established soil mapping unit (the mapping unit provides information on both the soil series name and the slope of the soil), the Applicant may determine the representative slope by using the average slope provided in the County Soil Survey (or equivalent). A soil type with a slope range of 4 - 8% would have a representative slope of 6%. ❑ New Sites to be permitted must have slopes determined as part of the soils report prepared by a licensed soil scientist. ❑ Acceptable methods for determining location coordinates (i.e., latitude and longitude) and their corresponding codes are as follows: • Address Matching (ADD) • Digital or Raw Photo Extraction (EXT) • Aerial Photography with Ground Control (AER) • Geodetic Quality GPS Survey (GEO) • Cadastral Survey (SUR) • LORAN-C Navigation Device (LOR) • Conversion from Coordinate Plane (CP) • Navigation Quality GPS (GPS) • Conversion from Township -Section -Range (TSR) • Remote Sensing (RS) • Conversion from Universal Trans Merc (UTM) • Zip Code Centroid (ZIP) • Map Interpretation by Digital or Manual Extraction (MAP) C. Waterbody and Classifications Information: (new sites only) ❑ Use an 8.5 by 11-inch copy of the portion of a 7.5-minute USGS Topographic Map to identify the location where the residuals program activities are planned to occur as well as the closest downslope surface waters as clearly as possible. Each map portion must be labeled with the map name and number, the identified location, and be of clear and reproducible quality. ❑ Surface water body classifications information may be found at: hM:Hdeg.nc.gov/about/divisions/water- esources/planning/classification-standards/classifications ❑ Any questions concerning the waterbody and its classification, please contact the Division's regional offices. ❑ A list of the Division's regional offices, their county coverage, and their contact information may be downloaded at: hM2://dgq.nc.gov/contact/regional-offices ❑ General Instructions: There are 17 river basins in North Carolina. Each basin has associated waterbodies with assigned subbasins, location descriptions, stream index numbers and established classifications. 1. Identify the project area on a 7.5 minute USGS topographical map (an 8.5 x I1-inch sheet showing the project area should be submitted with the permit application regardless of whether a Stream classification was completed). 2. Determine the names of all the closest down slope surface waters from the project site. For unnamed tributaries, see Table 1: Unnamed Tributaries Entering Other States or for Specific Basin Areas. Label any unnamed tributaries as "UT to stream name" as the waterbody name. 3. Open the link htt ://de .nc. ov/about/divisions/water-resources/ lannin classification-standards/classifications. ❑ Stream Classification Process: One of the options below may be used depending on the known initial project information. ❑ KNOWN BASIN WHERE CLOSEST DOWN SLOPE SURFACE WATER IS LOCATED 1. Select proper basin from the List all Waterbodies in Basin sorted report. Sort hydrologically as this will provide the proper location descriptions if multiple runs. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: LASC 06-16 Page 2 of 3 2. Locate the name of the identified waterbody (from General Directions) on the list. 3. For multiple listings of the same waterbody name in the report, select and verify the location description. The term "source" in the description means the beginning of the waterbody segment (most upstream point). 4. Record all Basins, Stream Index Numbers and Classifications applicable to the project. ❑ KNOWN COUNTY WHERE CLOSEST DOWN SLOPE SURFACE WATER IS LOCATED 1. Select the proper county from the List all Waterbodies in county, hydrologically report. 2. Locate the name of the identified waterbody (from General Directions) on the list. 3. For multiple listings of the same waterbody name in the report, select and verify the location description. The term "source" in the description means the beginning of the waterbody segment (most upstream point). 4. Record all Basins, Stream Index Numbers and Classifications applicable to the project. ❑ UNKNOWN BASIN WHERE CLOSEST DOWN SLOPE SURFACE WATER IS LOCATED 1. Use the Clickable basin map to hydrologically sorted list report. 2. Click on the approximate project location to bring up the hydrologically sorted list. 3. Locate the name of the identified waterbody (from General Directions) on the list. 4. For multiple listings of the same waterbody name in the report, select and verify the location description. The term "source" in the description means the beginning of the waterbody segment (most upstream point). 5. Record all Basins, Stream Index Numbers and Classifications applicable to the project. ❑ Notes on index number and unnamed streams: Unnamed Streams 15A NCAC 02B .0301fi1. ❑ Any stream which is not named in the schedule of stream classifications carries the same classification as that assigned to the stream segment to which it is tributary (at the point of entry) except: (A) unnamed streams specifically described in the schedule of classifications; (B) unnamed freshwaters tributary to tidal saltwaters will be classified "C"; or (C) after November 1, 1986, any newly created areas of tidal saltwater which are connected to Class SA waters by approved dredging projects will be classified "SC" unless case -by -case reclassification proceedings are conducted. ❑ The following river basins have different policies for unnamed streams entering other states or for specific areas of the basin: Unnamed Tributaries Entering Other States or for Specific Basin Areas Hiwassee River Basin Streams entering Georgia or Tennessee shall be classified "C Tr." Little Tennesse River Basin And Savannah River Drainage Area Streams entering Georgia or Tennessee shall be classified "C Tr." Such streams in the Savannah River drainage area entering South Carolina shall be classified "B Tr." French Broad River Basin Streams entering Tennessee will be classified "B." Watauga River Basin Streams entering the State of Tennessee are classified "C." Broad River Basin Streams entering South Carolina are classified "C." New River Basin Streams entering the State of Tennessee are classified "C." Catawba River Basin Streams entering South Carolina are classified "C." Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin Streams entering Virginia are classified "C," and such streams entering South Carolina are classified "C." Lumber River Basin Streams entering South Carolina are classified "C Sw." Roanoke River Basin Streams entering Virginia are classified "C." Except that all backwaters of John H. Kerr Reservoir and the North Carolina portion of streams tributary thereto not otherwise named or described shall carry the classification "B," and all backwaters of Lake Gaston and the North Carolina portion of streams tributary thereto not otherwise named or described shall carry the classification "C and B." Chowan River Basin Streams entering Virginia are classified "C." Tar -Pamlico River Basin All drainage canals not noted in the schedule are classified "C Sw." except the main drainage canals to Pamlico Sound and its bays which shall be classified "SC." Pas uotank River Basin All drainage canals not noted in the schedule are classified "C." INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: LASC 06-16 Page 3 of 3 LAND APPLICATION SITE CERTIFICATION Applicant's name: Land application sites currently certified: net acres and Total to be certified: net acres. I. LAND APPLICATION SITE INFORMATION (See Instruction B): Status Code' Site/Field ID Landowner(s) Less R 1 Campbell Soup Supply Co. Camp] R 2 Campbell Soup Supply Co. Campl R 3 Campbell Soup Supply Co. Camp] R 4 Campbell Soup Supply Co. Camp] R 5 Campbell Soup Supply Co. Camp] R 6 Campbell Soup Supply Co. Camp] R 7 Campbell Soup Supply Co. Campl R !e(s) or Operator(s) Net Count Acres y cell Soup Supply Co. 5.1 Robeson Coastal l cell Soup Supply Co. 8.4 Robeson Coastal 1 'ell Soup Supply Co. 5.6 Robeson Pir 'ell Soup Supply Co. 9.1 Robeson Coastal I 'ell Soup Supply Co. 3.4 Robeson Coastal I 'ell Soup Supply Co. 2.3 Robeson Coastal I 'ell Soup Supply Co. 2.5 Robeson Coastal I Predominant Soil rop(s) Mapping Series Nameb Unit or Rep. lermudagrass Noboco Loamy Sand 0-2% slope NoAc 3ermudagrass Goldsboro Loamy Sand 0-2% slope GoA e Trees Johns Sandy Loam Jo lermudagrass Wakulla Sand 0-6% slope WkB lermudagrass Wakulla Sand 0-6% slope WkB lermudagrass Goldsboro Loamy Sand 0-2% slope GoA lermudagrass Goldsboro Loamy Sand 0-2% slope GoA OUaLub wue for Tana application sites are: ♦ N (New) ♦ R (Renewed) ♦ M (Modified) ♦ T (Transferred) ♦ D (Deleted) b Soil Series Name (i.e. Appling, Cecil, etc.) `Mapping Unit must be consistent with those used in the County Soil Survey (i.e. for a 2-8% slope Cecil in Anson County the mapping unit is CeB2) II. WATERBODY AND CLASSIFICATIONS INFORMATION (See Instruction C): Site/Field ID OUaLub wue for Tana application sites are: ♦ N (New) ♦ R (Renewed) ♦ M (Modified) ♦ T (Transferred) ♦ D (Deleted) b Soil Series Name (i.e. Appling, Cecil, etc.) `Mapping Unit must be consistent with those used in the County Soil Survey (i.e. for a 2-8% slope Cecil in Anson County the mapping unit is CeB2) II. WATERBODY AND CLASSIFICATIONS INFORMATION (See Instruction C): Site/Field ID Latitude Longitude Locati Datu m on Location Method Code Location Accuracy Waterbody Subbasin and _ Stream Index No. 3 ADD Nearest Second 3 ADD Nearest Second 3 ADD Nearest Second 3 ADD Nearest Second 3 ADD Nearest Second 3 ADD Nearest Second 3 ADD Nearest Second 3 ADD Nearest Second on ( .) an waterbody information (Il.) of the same field on the same page. Current and Proposed FORM: LASC 06-16 Page 1 on ( .) an waterbody information (Il.) of the same field on the same page. Current and Proposed FORM: LASC 06-16 Page 1 ITEM E: operation and Maintenance Plan Operation and Maintenance Plan - WQ0004893 Name: Campbell Soup Supply Company Prepared By: Keith Osterman Approved By: Brett Dunnson Signature: 1.0 Purpose 1.1 Ensure the requirements of Residuals Permit# WQ0004893 for Campbell Soup Supply Company are met. Requirements are included for both Campbell Soup Supply Company (Permittee & ORC) and EHC, Inc. (land application contractor). 2.0 Personnel The following is a list of personnel in the order they are to be contacted when information needs to be shared. 2.1 EHC, Inc. 2.1.1 Thomas Ammons, Operations Manager 2.1.2 Charles Jacobs, Field Services Manager 2.2 Campbell Soup Supply Company 2.2.1 Brett Dunson, Senior Director of Operations 2.2.2 Keith Osterman, Facilities & Environmental Leader 3.0 Operational Functions The operational function of this project is going to involve the wastewater leaving the plant and is screened and gravity fed into a DAF tank. From there, the DAF treats the wastewater and produces sludge material that is suitable for land application. It will be spread at agronomic rates that are determined using the Realistic Yield Expectations (RYE) as outlined in Attachment B of permit WQ0004893, the amount of other nutrient sources the landowner or operator has applied, the residuals nutrient and metal sample that is current for that monitoring period. It will be spread with a liquid applicator that will use pressure to spread the material in such a way to achieve a consistent spread pattern. The material is going to be land applied on fields that have a crop growing on them to be either used for pine tree growth or cut for animal feed. 4.0 Maintenance Schedules EHC will follow the maintenance schedule as recommended by the EHC field manager for the equipment necessary to complete the job. 7.0 Inspection Plan Inspections for the land application of residuals will be conducted on a minimum of a weekly basis at the land application site during the land application activities of this project. The inspection frequency is based on the time frame that it is going to take to complete the project and the amount of dry tons to be land applied from this facility. The inspections will consist of inspecting a current field that is being applied as well as inspecting random fields that have been completed. Inspections will be conducted by EHC Operations Manager. Inspections will also be conducted by Keith Osterman, Biosolids ORC or a designated backup ORC. These inspections will consist of the following: 7.1 Verifying that the Pre -Operations Check List has been completed and signed by both Operations and Technical staff. 7.2 Checking the calculated loads to insure the correct amount of residuals are being land applied. 7.3 Ensure that all manned equipment has a copy of the permit and the operations and maintenance plan. 7.4 Insure that the field has been flagged properly and that all buffers are being adhered to. 7.5 Verifying that the correct number samples of the residuals have been taken and that it meets the criteria for land application. 7.6 The records will be kept in the EHC project files in the respective office for the project. Copies of all records will be forwarded to Campbell Soup Supply Company and kept on file. 7.7 EHC and Campbell Soup Supply Company staff will immediately inform the other party if any of the following conditions are noted. Campbell Soup Supply Company staff shall report by telephone to the Fayetteville Regional Office at 910-433-3300 as soon as possible but no later than 24 hours after or the next working day following the occurrence or the first knowledge of the occurrence of the following: 7.7.1 Any occurrence with the distribution program resulting in the land application of significant amounts of material that is abnormal in quantity or characteristics. 7.7.2 Any failure of the distribution system that results in the release to surface waters. 7.7.3 Any time that self -monitoring indicates that the facility has gone out of compliance with the permit. 7.7.4 Any process failure that results in the system not adequately treating the residuals. 7.7.5 Any spill or discharge from a vehicle or piping system during residuals transportation. 7.7.6 Any release that requires immediate reporting outside of normal business hours shall be called in by Campbell Soup Supply Company staff to NCDENR at 800- 858-0368 or 919-733-3300. These numbers are to be called in the event of a release to surface waters or imminent failure of a storage system when the event occurs outside of normal business hours. 7.7.7 With the assistance of EHC staff, Campbell Soup Supply Company staff will file a written report in the form of a letter to the Fayetteville Regional office of the NCDENR within 5 days of the occurrence, outlining the actions taken or proposed actions taken to ensure that the problem does not recur. 9.0 Environmental Impacts 9.1 The environmental aspects for biosolids may be affected by this procedure. 9.2 This procedure helps assure that land application is conducted in a safe, efficient manner, while ensuring compliance with laws and regulations and to minimize exposure, negative environmental impacts and public relations concerns. 9.3 Not following this procedure could result in improper biosolids handling and potential noncompliance and/or monetary fines. 10.0 Deviations from this procedure must be documented by completing a Corrective/Preventative Action Report (EMS-0101.004). 11.0 Revision History Note: All revisions to this procedure must be approved in advance by NCDENR Aquifer Protection Staff. ITEM H: Buffer Maps I Field >« ex 10 Field G Site I B i \ '� }f Legend ® Buffer Borings Parcel lines �r N Ditch Drainage Ditch Land Application Fields Houses ." scare 1"=400' Campbell Soup and Sppply Company Buffer Checked By: RTB Land Application Fields Map BRANCH Maxton, North Carolina Drawn By: RTB ]RESIDUALS 1 Dote: July '� 8l 001 LS, LLC ProlcetX.. 2008-76 /* X., L -7� Dn ]31rr Legend ti Buffer I& Borings Parcel lines Ditch MaA-F Drainage Ditch r Land Application Fields Houses Scale-. V = 400' Campbell Soup and Supply Company Buffer Checked By: RTB Land Application Fields Map BRANCH Maxton, North Carolina Drawn By: RTB 2 REsimuALs Date: July - 09 SOILS, LLC Project No. 200&-76 t10 state: V 400' Chocked By: RTB Drown By; RTB Date: July - 09 r 01 GIA� w- r �- �-Ao Legend Buffer Borings — — — Parcel lines Ditch F-1 Land Application Fields Houses Campbell Soup and Supply Company Buffer Land Applicatin Fields Map BRANCH Maxton, North Carolina 3 RESIDUALS & SOILS, LLC Proloct No. 2008-76 I rr r' c- J� 'fr e�" �•' r tr f r rdr ,�,:• " - +� Site 5 it z V ar Y c �(/ \ Legend . ! Fl Lend Appllrallon Fields Drainage l Field J2 Borings Field J4 Field J � Panel lime `O Y ' , ■ Houses �' V V p �.tiC eAitrJ ® Buffer Monlmimg wells r 1F Id J4 Field JS ••—... alp Ditch Seale: 1" =400' Campbell Soup and Supply Company Buffer Checked Dy: RTB Land Application Fields Map Drawn By: RT8 BRANCH Maxton, North Carolina Figure RE$IDiTQ? •5 2 Date: SCpt2010 81;_SOILS, LLC ProlcctNo. 2008-76 Field J4 Field J2 Field J r' gti � a ' Field JS Field Field J4 Y 1 ��f �''i�:t':3• �r-: Site 2 Site fi y Field .1& Field F6 ���r �/ Field F7 J ' •;a' �✓ Legend ! y � f �= � - .•� Land Apptlmtlon Flaida ' • • :., — Drainage BoArip ,'icy r Parcel lines Sire 7 Noueee Buffer jar � A1�niiclmq sia r/•_ "f�; - .. .._.. Big Dllch C seele: In =400' do Campbell Soup and Supply Company Buffer Checked By: RTB Land Application Fields Map Drnwn By: RTB BRANCH Maxton, North Carolina Figure RESIDUALS 3 __ Date: Sept 2010 & SOILS, LLC Prolect No. 2008- 6 Vicinity Map Go ..,sic earth miles I km 12 Process Narrative and Flow Diagram PROCESS NARRATIVE The DAF removes contaminants by pressurizing a recycled stream of clarified effluent, injecting and dissolving air under high pressure 80 to 100 psi and releasing this solution into the wastewater stream (see attached flow diagram for reference). When the pressure is released very small air bubbles form which become attached to the waste materials and float them to the waters surface where the waste material is skimmed off. Production wastewater enters the plant drainage system and is gravity fed to the Parshall Flume. After the Parshall Flume the wastewater enters the bar screen system where any waste two inches or larger is separated from the wastewater. The wastewater then enters the 16,950 gallon wet well where six (800 gpm) Flyght pumps pump the wastewater 25 feet vertically to three 6 foot long (1,700 gpm) and one four foot long (I,064 gpm) rotary screens where smaller solids are screened out. The smaller pieces fall onto an auger tray which pushes them into the waste hopper for daily site removal. The wastewater exits the rotary screens and is gravity fed to the splitter tank which diverts the wastewater to the influent pipe located at the front of each DAF tank. Each tank holds 18,090 gallons and can treat 4 million gallons per day. This 18 inch influent pipe to the DAF tank is where wastewater and white water are first mixed. Whitewater is what floats the solids, fats, oils and grease. The wastewater and - - whitewater mixture enters the contact chamber and as the mixture enters pressure is reduced which allows air to be released as tiny pinpoint bubbles which form around suspended solids, fats, oils and grease lifting them to the surface. As the mixture spills over the contact chamber it moves to the main floatation tank through more whitewater which is released by mid tank injection headers, this additional whitewater compacts the bottom of the mat or layer of sludge floating at the water's surface as well as floats solids missed at the front of the tank. As the wastewater and the sludge mat move to the back of the DAF tank the sludge is skimmed off by rotating skimmer blades and deposited into the sludge hopper. The sludge is stored in two, 10,000 gallon storage tanks, which are emptied out once a week. The clarified wastewater flows under the sludge hopper and overflows through the adjustable height weir pipes and enters the effluent box. The clarified wastewater flows from the effluent box to the effluent channel which carries the clarified wastewater through a 30 inch to the 23,000 gallon clear well which has 6 (800 gpm) turbine pumps which pump the clarified wastewater to the spray fields. Some of the solids (grit) settle to the bottom of the DAF tank which is equipped with a bottom trough and auger; which push the solids to the influent end of the tank where they are periodically pumped to the classifier which separates the water and grit. Whitewater occurs by drawing effluent water from the outlet side of the DAF, where air is siphoned into the suction side of the pump through an eductor and air entrained water is sent to the saturation tank and is pressurized. The recycled flow then reaches the pressure relief valve where pressure is reduced and fine bubbles are produced. This recycled flow is then mixed with the influent flow into the DAF tank. Desorption is when pressure is released from a liquid, small bubbles from. The mat is the layer of the small solids and the fats, oils and greases (collectively known as sludge) that has been floated by the whitewater to the top of the DAF tank. The way to control the percent solids in the mat is by raising or lowering the water level in the DAF tank. By raising the water level you reduce the percent solids in the mat. If you lower the water level in the DAF tank the percent solids in the mat will raise. The DAF system has two 10,000 gallon storage tanks (one at the end of each DAF tank) for a total of 20,000 gallons of storage. When the tanks reach capacity there are Campbell Soup Supply Company calls EHC (Environmental Hydrogeological Consultants) to bring their vacuum truck and land apply sludge. r"t WAOTEWATER TREATYENT FLOW DIAG,R..`,M CAMPBELL SOUP COMPANY PROCESS WASTEWATER FLOW MAXTO R NORTH C ARO LINA APPROX 2.5 MILES TO SPRAY IRRIGATION SYSTEM CENTER PIVOT SPRAY IRRIGATION SYSTEM. DID = : _ ��� - AIR PA ROTARY DRUM SOLIDS D. A. F. FLOAT PULL TANK WITH TRACTOR PRESSURIZATION O PUMP p p a TO LAND APPLICATION Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rates ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM PLEASE MAKE A COPY OF THIS BLANK FORM TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED FOR EACH APPLICATION FIELD. PLACE A "N/A" IN A BLANK OR BOX WHEN NOT APPLICABLE. Facility Name: Campbell Soup Supply Company Permit #: WQ0004893 Annual Dry Tons Applied: 17.2526244 Owner: Campbell Soup Supply Compan O y Aerator. Campbell Soup Supply Company Cation Exchange Capacity (non 503): Site #: S Field #: 1 Acres Utilized: 5.1 Acres Permitted: 5.1 Snecifv � _ Sep 13 I._.! Gat. +. J cu.Yd. Report Totals in Gal. 18806 TOTALS: Annual lbs/acre Totals % Residual Per Solid Dry Tons Per Acre Sources Acre s (Summarize) Current Cumulative lbs/ac Prior Years Cumulative lbs/ac Permitted C. P. L. R.*** Permit PAN Limit 1 st/2nd Crop 3.382867529 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 As 0.015493224 0.015493224 Cond.Precip. Inches Appli- Vola- Miner- Dry, cation till- ali- Wet, past 24 Meth- zation zation n r, ._ , Hrs. od* Rate** Rate Ammo Ni- TKN nia- trate Ni- and PAN 1 PAN 2 trogen Nitrite DAF I :r0 S 0.5 1 0.4 1 9530 230 i 0.72 Cd Cr I Cu I Pb IH Mo 1 Ni 1Se Zn P 0.01549 0.09269 0.06414 O.O1549 0.00068 0.01549 0.05027 0.01549 1.72523 2.9904 0.01549 0.09269 0.06414 0.01549 0.00068 0.01549 0.05027 0.01549 1.72523 >5.0 Must Select * Crop 1 or Crop 2 Crop 1 I Crop 21 * 25.9515 1 #######1 Bermuda "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a I Innsystem 50 designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." ignature of Land Applier Zot *Application Method: S -Surface, IN - Injection, INC - Incorporation Date **Volatilization Rate: Surface - 0.5, Injection/Incorporation - 1.0 ***C.P.L.R.: Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate **** The RSSF Data and the Dry Tons Per Acre are to be entered on the MFLSF Form. The FSF and MFLSF are mathematically linked so this information needs to be entered into the same numbered column on the MFLSF as is entered on the identically numbered FSF row to properly complete the metals equations. ie. FSF row # 1 to MFLSF column # 1. r)FNR Pr)RKA FCF /F/onnll\ ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION IIELD SUMMARY FORM ' PLEASE MAKE A COPY OF THIS BLANK FORM TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED FOR EACH APPLICATION FIELD. PLACE A "N/A" IN A BLANK OR BOX WHEN NOT APPLICABLE. Facility Name: Campbell Soup Supply Company Permit #: WQ000493 Annual Dry Tons Applied: 61.2621372 Owner: Campbell Soup Supply an Com O Compan Aerator. Campbell Soup Supply Company Cation Exchange Capacity (non 503): Site #: S Field #: 2 Acres Utilized: 8.4 Acres Permitted: 8.4 S seci fv W. 0 M Gal. Totals Per % Solid Dry Tons Residual Sources ite Cond. Dry, Inches Precip. Appli- cation Vola- tili- Miner- ali- Ammo nia- Ni- trate Cu.Yd. Report Totals Acre s Per Acre (Summarize) Wet, Past 24 Meth- zation zation TKN Ni- and PAN 1 PA in Gal. Moist Hrs. od* Rate** Rate trogen Nitrite Aug 6 17,894 2130.2 22 1.954280429 DAF Dry 0 S 0.5 Aug 13 13537 1611.5 22 1.478433786 DAF Dry 0 S 0.4 9530 230 0.72 14.9921 ### Aug 20 13398 1595 22 1.463253 DAF Dry 0 S 0.5 0.4 9530 230 0.72 11.3417 0#; Aug 28 11098 1321.2 22 1.212060143 DAF Dry 0 S 0.5 0.4 9530 230 0.72 11.2 553 ###; DAF Dr 0 S 0.5 0.4 9530 230 0.72 9.29825P##,#,,1.185084214 05 0.4 9530 230 0.72 9.09:2 TOTALS: 7950 As Cd Cr Cu Pb His Mo Ni Se Zn P PAN 1 PAS Annual lb 0.033403314 0.0334 0.19984 0.13829 0.0334 0.00146 0.0334 0.10838 0.0334 3.71958 6.44728 55.9487 Current Cumulative lbs/ac 0.033403314 0.0334 0.19984 0.13828 0.0334 0.00146 0.0334 0.10838 0.0334 3.71958 Prior Years Cumulative lbs/ac Permitted C. P. L. R.*** Permit PAN Limit 1 st/2nd Crop "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system 5 designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are Significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." >5.0 �4 2 Must Select Crop 1 or Crop 2 * #### #### 40 k### �### Crop 1 Bermuda Bermuda Bermuda Bermuda Bermuda Crop 2 * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 v 2 Lime Applied Date lbs/ac 12 ignature of Land Applier 3 Zd� *Application Method: S - Surface, IN - Injection, INC - Incorporation Date **Volatilization Rate: Surface - 0.5. Injection/Incorporation - 1.0 ***C.P.L.R.: Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate **** The RSSF Data and the Dry Tons Per Acre are to be entered on the MFLSF Form. The FSF and MFLSF are mathematically linked so this information needs to be entered into the same numbered column on the MFLSF as is entered on the identically numbered FSF row to properly complete the metals equations. ie. FSF row # 1 to MFLSF column # 1. ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM PLEASE MAKE A COPY OF THIS BLANK FORM TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED FOR EACH APPLICATION FIELD. PLACE A "N/A" IN A BLANK OR BOX WHEN NOT APPLICABLE. Facility Name: Campbell Soup Supply Company Permit #: WQ0004893 Annual Dry Tons Applied: 58.5084 Owner: Campbell Soup Supply Company O er t C p a or, ampbell Soup Supply Company Cation Exchange Capacity (non 503): Site #: S Field #: 3 Acres Utilized: 26 Acres Permitted: 26 'S S �ecif 0 0 Q Jan 8 Jan 18 Jan 29 Feb 8 Mar 1 Mar 15 Mar 29 Apr 11 Nov 14 Nov 21 Dec 4 Dec 12&2C TOTALS: �� Gal. Site Cu.Yd. Totals % Residual Cond. Inches Appli- Vola- Miner - Dr Ammo Ni- Report Per Solid y Tons Sources Dry, Precip. cation tili- ali- nia- trate Totals Acre s Per Acre (Summarize) Wet, Past 24 Meth- zation zation TKN Ni- and in Gal. Moist Hrs. od* Rate** Rate trogen Nitrite 13695 16420 10578 8597 11645 9583 10317 8055 17436 17086 18688 38266 lbs/acre 526.73 631.54 406.85 330.65 447.88 368.58 396.81 309.81 670.62 657.15 718.77 1471.77 6937.2 Current Cumulative lbs/ac 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 5.28 6.39 6.39 6.39 6.39 0.210860862 DAF Dry 0 S 0.5 0.4 966 592 27.6 0.252817477 DAF Dry 0 S 0.5 0.4 966 592 27.6 0.162868652 DAF Dry 0 -0 S 0.5 0.4 966 592 27.6 0.132367348 DAF Dry -S 0.5 0.4 966 592 27.6 0.179297169 DAF Dry 0 S 0.5 0.4 966 592 27.6 0.147548714 DAF Dry 0 S 0.5 0.4 966 592 27.6 0.158850055 DAF Dry 0 S 0.5 0.4 966 592 27.6 0.068212218 DAF Dry 0 S 0.5 0.4 56700 2810 2.48 0.178694187 DAF Dry 0 S 0.5 0.4 5260 443 26.7 0.175107185 DAF Dry 0 S 0.5 0.4 5260 443 26.7 0.191525406 DAF Dry 0 S 0.5 0.4 0.392172045 DAF Dry 0 S 5 660 443 26.7 As Cd Cr Cu Pb 0.5 0.4 5260 443 26.7 0.014865056 0.01487 0.16255 0.06373 0.02042 Hg 0.00126 Mo 0.0 5539 Ni 0.08694 Se 0.01487 0.014865056 0.01487 0 16255 0 06373 1.63 444 7.4888 0.02042 Prior Years Cumulative lbs/a0.00126 0.01539 0.08694 0.01487 1.63944 c Permitted C. P. L. R.*** Permit PAN Limit lst/2nd Crop "°I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." >5.0 PAN 1 0.19956 0.23927 0.15414 0.12527 0.16969 PAN 2 ####### ####### Must Select Crop 1 or Crop 2 1 Crop 1 Pines Crop 2 Pines 2 ####### Pines 3 ####### Pines 4 ####### Pines 5 0.13964 0.15034 3.13278 ####### ####### Pines Pines 6 7 8 0.77732 0.76172 ####### ####### Pines Pines 9 10 0.83314 ####### Pines 11 1.70595 ####### PAN 1 PAN 2 8.3888 1 0 Pines Lime Applied Date lbs/ac 12 60 Signature of Land Applier �' OZv - *Application Method: S - Surface, IN - Injection, INC - Incorporation Date **Volatilization Rate: Surface - 0.5, Injection/Incorporation - 1.0 ***C.P.L.R.: Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate **** The RSSF Data and the Dry Tons Per Acre are to be entered on the MFLSF Form. The FSF and MFLSF are mathematically linked so this information needs to be entered into the same numbered column on the MFLSF as is entered on the identically numbered FSF row to properly complete the metals equations. ie. FSF row # 1 to MFLSF column # 1. PLEAS`r, MAKE A COPY OF THIS BLANK FORM TO BE COMPL)E 9 tED AND SUBMITTED FOR EACH APPLICATION FIELD. PLACE A "N/A" IN A BLANK OR BOX WHEN NOT APPLICABLE. Facility Name: Campbell Soup Supply Company Permit #: WQ0004893 Owner: Campbell Soup Supply Company Operator: Annual Dry Tons Applied: 33.72315321 Site #: Campbell Soup Supply Company Cation Exchange Capacity g p y (non 503): >5.0 S Field #: 4 Acres Utilized: 9.1 Acres Permitted: 9.1 Lecifv 'Site o y Gal. Totals % Residual Cond. Inches Appli- Vola- Miner- Ammo Ni- Must Select 0 A Cu.Yd. Report Per per Solid Dr Tons per Sources Dry, Precip. cation tili- all - nia- trate Crop 1 or Crop Totals Acre s Acre (Summarize) Wet, Past 24 Meth- zation zation I KN Ni- and PAN 1 PAN 2 2 May 7 in Gal. 11837 Hrs. od* Rate** Rate trogen Nitrite Cro 1 p Crop 2 p May 17 15420 1300.8 1694.5 5.28 5.28 0.286398166 0.373089442 DAF DAF Dry 0 S 0.5 0.4 56700 2810 2.48 13.1534 ####### Pines 1 May 31 20000 2197.8 5.28 0.483903297 DAF Dry Dry 0 0 S 0.5 0.4 56700 2810 2.48 17.1349 ####### Pines 2 Jun 11 19012 2089.2 5.28 0.459998474 DAF Dry 0 S 0.5 0.4 56700 2810 2.48 22.2242 ####### Pines 3 Oct 4 15698 1725.1 6.39 0.459663316 DAF Dry 0 S 0.5 0.4 56700 2810 2.48 21.1263 ####### Pines 4 Oct 10 17650 1939.E 6.39 0.516821093 DAF Dry 0 S 0.5 0.4 5260 443 26.7 1.99954 ####### Pines 5 Oct 21 20295 2230.2 6.39 0.594271053 DAF Dry 0 S 0•5 0.4 5260 443 26.7 2.24817 ####### Pines 6 Oct 29 18158 1995.4 6.39 0.531696171 DAF Dry 0 S 0.5 0.4 5260 443 26.7 2.58508 ####### Pines 7 S 0.5 0.4 5260 443 26.7 2.31288 ####### Pines 8 9 TOTALS: 15173 As Cd Cr Cu Pb H$ Mo Ni Se 10 Annual lbs/acre 0.043275624 0.04328 0.30199 0.11558 0.05572 0.00263 0.04445 0.16105 Zn P PAN 1 PAN 2 Lime Applied Current Cumulative lbs/ac 0.043275624 0.04328 0.30 999 0.115 88 0.05 772 0.0 2263 0.04328 3.51294 26.6391 82.7845 0 Date lbs/ac Prior Years Cumulative lbs/ac 0.04 445 0.16 005 0.04328 3.51294 Permitted C. P. L. R.*** Permit PAN Limit lst/2nd Crop "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was A J prepared under my direction or sunervisian in u,.Jl�1lGu LO a„ure that quautied personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted.. Ivam awarer11 that there care significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature of Land Applier ZU *Application Method: S -Surface, IN - Injection, INC - Incorporation Date **Volatilization Rate: Surface - 0.5, Injection/Incorporation - 1.0 **** ***C.P.L.R.: Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate The RSSF Data and the Dry Tons Per Acre are to be entered on the MFLSF Form. The FSF and MFLSF are mathematically linked so this information needs to be entered into the same numbered column on the MFLSF as is entered on the identically numbered FSF row to properly complete the metals equations. ie. FSF row # 1 to MFLSF column # 1. ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIh uD SUMMARY FORM PLEASE MAKE A COPY OF THIS BLANK FORM TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED FOR EACH APPLICATION FIELD. PLACE A "N/A" IN A BLANK OR BOX WHEN NOT APPLICABLE. Facility Name: Campbell Soup Supply Company Permit #: WQ0004893 Annual Dry Tons Applied: 55.58115563 Owner: Campbell Soup Supply Company Operator: Campbell Soup Supply Company Cation Exchange Capacity (non 503): >5.0 Site #: S Field #: 5 Acres Utilized: 3.4 Acres Permitted: 3.4 Specify .+ 3> G -� o as as Gat. Totals Per % Solid D Tons Per Residual Sources .... Cond. Dry, Inches Precip. Appli- cation Vola- tili- Miner- ali- Ammo nia- Ni- trate Cu.Yd. Report Q Totals Acre s Acre (Summarize) Wet Past 24 Meth- zation zation TKN Ni- 1 and in Gal. mniql Hrs. od* Rate** Rate trogen Nitrite Jun 20 13053 3839.12 5.28 0.845281567 DAF Dry 0FS S Jul2 13240 3894.12 22 3.572463529 DAF Dry 0S 0.5 0.4 56700 2810 2.48 Ju116 13710 4032.35 22 3.699280588 DAF Dry 0S 0.5 0.4 9530 230 0.72 Sep 25 25193 7409.71 22 6.797664176 DAF Dry 0 0.5 0.4 9530 230 0.72 Nov 7 18281 5376.76 6.39 1.432708854 DAF Dry 0 0.5 0.4 9530 230 0.72 S 0.5 0.4 5260 443 26.7 t TOTALS: 1245521 As Annual lbs/acre 0.19310094 Current Cumulative lbs/ac 0.19310094 Prior Years Cumulative lbs/ac Permitted C. P. L. R.*** Cd Cr I Cu I Pb 1H 0.1931 0.74607 0.38606 0.20158 0.00975 0.1931 0.74607 0.38606 0.20158 0.00975 Mo Ni I Se 1 Zn 1 P I 0.1939 0.40604 0.1931 11.33961126.71711 0.1939 0.40604 0.1931 11.3396 'AN 1 8.8212 .7.4059 .8.3788 2.1479 ###### PAN 2 ####### ####### ####### ####### 6.23228 Must Select Crop 1 or Crop 2 1 Crop 1 Bermuda Crop 2 Bermuda 2 Bermuda 3 Bermuda 4 Rye 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 'AN 1 46.754 PAN 2 6.23228 Lime A Date lied lbs/ac 12 110 50 Permit PAN Limit I st/2nd Cro "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature of Land Applier *Application Method: S - Surface, IN - Injection, INC - Incorporation Date Volatilization Rate: Surface - 0.5. Iniection/Incorporation -1.0 ***C.P.L.R.: Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate **** The RSSF Data and the Dry Tons Per Acre are to be entered on the MFLSF Form. The FSF and MFLSF are mathematically linked so this information needs to be entered into the same numbered column on the MFLSF as is entered on the identically numbered FSF row to properly complete the metals equations. ie. FSF row # 1 to MFLSF column # 1. ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION HELD SUMMARY FORM PLEASE MAKE A COPY OF THIS BLANK FORM TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED FOR EACH APPLICATION FIELD. PLACE A "N/A" IN A BLANK OR BOX WHEN NOT APPLICABLE. Facility Name: Campbell Soup Supply Company Permit #: WQ0004893 Annual Dry Tons Applied: 14.1683256 Owner: Campbell Soup Supply Company Operator: Campbell Soup Supply Company Site # S ation Exchange Capacity (non 503): >5.0 Field #: 6 Acres Utilized: 2.3 Acres Permitted: 2.3 S ecif Site o o Gal. Totals % Dry Tons Residual Cond. Inches Appli- Vola- Miner- Ammo Ni- Must Select Cu.Yd. o Report Per Solid Per Acre Sources Dry, Preci p cation till- ali- r KN ma- trate PAN PAN Crop 1 or Crop Q Totals Acre s (Summarize) Wet, Past 24 Meth- zation zation Ni- and 1 2 2 Jul 26 in Gal. 15444 6714.8 22 Dist Hrs. od* Rate** Rate trogen Nitrite Cro 1 P Cro 2 P 6.160141565 DAF Dry 0 S 0.5 0.4 9530 230 0.72 47.26 ###### Bermuda 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 TOTALS: 6715 As Cd Cr Cu Pb H Mo Ni Se 1121 Annual lbs/acre Current Cumulative lbs/ac 0.0282128 0.02821 0.1688 0.11679 0.02821 0.00123 0.02821 0.09154 0.02821 Zn 3.1416 P 5.44544 147.26 1., N 1 PAN 0 Lime A lied Prior Years Cumulative lbs/ac 0.0282128 0.02821 0.1688 0.11679 0.02821 0.00123 0.0 8821 0.09154 0.02821 3.1416 Date I lbs/ac Permitted C. P. L. R. Permit PAN Limit 1 st/2nd Crop "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my dirPrtinn ar e„r..,...,; --a r„Cu Lu assure tnat qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." 4A Signa�� nd Applier ZO Z v *Application Method: S - Surface, IN - Injection, INC - Incorporation ture of LaDate **Volatilization Rate: Surface - 0.5, Iniection/Incorporation - 1.0 ***C.P.L.R.: Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate **** The RSSF Data and the Dry Tons Per Acre are to be entered on the MFLSF Form. The FSF and MFLSF are mathematically linked so this information needs to be entered into the same numbered column on the MFLSF as is entered on the identically numbered FSF row to properly complete the metals equations. ie. FSF row # 1 to MFLSF ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION P'tELD SUMMARY FORM PLEASE MAKE A COPY OF THIS BLANK FORM TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED FOR EACH APPLICATION FIELD. PLACE A "N/A" IN A BLANK OR BOX WHEN NOT APPLICABLE. Facility Name: Campbell Soup Supply Company Permit #: WQ0004893 Annual Dry Tons Applied: 0 Owner: Campbell Soup Supply Company Operator: Campbell Soup Supply Company 'ation Exchange Capacity (non 503): >5.0 Site #; S Field #: 7 Acres Utilized: 2.5 Acres Permitted: 2.5 o Gal. Totals % Residual Cond. Inches Appli- Vola- Miner- Ammo Ni- Must Select Cu.Yd. 0 �' ° per Solid Dry Tons Per Acre Sources Dry, Preci p' cation tili- ali- r KN nia- trate pAN Crop 1 or Crop Report Q Totals Acre s (Summarize) Wet, Past 24 Meth- zation zation Ni- and PAN 1 2 2 in Gal. Hrs. od* Rate** Rate trogen Nitrite Crop 1 Crop 2 0 0 DAF Dry 0 S 0.5 0.3 p 0 0 0 ##### Bermuda i NOT APPLI TOTALS: 01 As Cd Cr Cu Pb H = l' Annual lbs/acre Mo Ni Se Zn P PAN 1 PAN Lime Ali plied 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Current Cumulative lbs/ac 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Date lbs/ac 0 Prior Years Cumulative lbs/ac 0 Permitted C. P. L. R. * * Permit PAN Limit 1 st/2nd Crop 224 50 certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature of Land Applier Z 3 2 0 2— 0 *Application Method: S - Surface, IN - Injection, INC - Incorporation Date **Volatilization Rate: Surface - 0.5, Injection/Incorporation - 1.0 ***C.P.L.R.: Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate **** The RSSF Data and the Dry Tons Per Acre are to be entered on the MFLSF Form. The FSF and MFLSF are mathematically linked Sothis information needs to be entered into the same numbered column on the MFLSF as is entered on the identically numbered FSF row to properly complete the metals equations. ie. FSF row # 1 to MFLSF Laboratory Analyticals Environmental Chemists, Inc. envirochera 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 o 910.392.0223 Lab * 910.392.4424 Fax sniff 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 * 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax EHC, INC PO Box 902 Red Springs NC Attention: Joshua Bass Lab ID Sample ID: 20-05475 Site: DAF Sludge Test m ot«;envlronmenia c emists.com Date of Report: Feb 24, 2020 Customer PO #: 28377 Customer ID: 14120029 Report #: 2020-02235 Project ID: Cambell Soup - DAF quarterly Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 2/7/2020 8:15 AM Solid/Sludge Joshua Bass Method Results Date Analyzed pH SW 846 Method 9045D 4.12 units 02/13/2020 Sludge Residuals Aluminum EPA 200-7 423 mg/kg 02/17/2020 Arsenic EPA 200.7 <1-72 mg/kg 02/17/2020 Cadmium EPA 200.7 <1.72 mg/kg 02/17/2020 Calcium EPA 200.7 1250 mg/kg 02/17/2020 Chromium EPA 200.7 24.8 mg/kg 02/17/2020 Copper EPA 200.7 10.6 mg/kg 02l17/2020 Lead EPA 200.7 1.76 mg/kg 02/17/2020 Magnesium EPA 200.7 338 mg/kg 02/17/2020 Molybdenum EPA 200-7 <1.72 mg/kg 02/17/2020 Nickel EPA 200.7 12.8 mg/kg 02/17/2020 Potassium EPA 200.7 1020 mg/kg 02/17/2020 Selenium EPA 200.7 <1.72 mg/kg 02/17/2020 Sodium EPA 200.7 3070 mg/kg 02/17/2020 Zinc EPA 200.7 195 mg/kg 02/17/2020 Nitrate+ Nitrite-N itrogen EPA 353.2 1.68 mg/kg 02/11/2020 Total Solids (%) SM 2540 B 9.44 % 02/11 /2020 Ammonia Nitrogen SM 4500 NH3 C 287 mg/kg 02/14/2020 Total Keldahl Nitrogen (TKN) SM 4500 Org B 16800 mg/kg 02/20/2020 Total Phosphorus SM 4500 P F 1320 mg/kg 02/14/2020 Mercury SW8467471B <0.165mg/kg 02/19/2020 Comment: *Sludge residual results, except pH, reported on a dry weight basis. pH reported on an as received basis. ' Reviewed by: Report #:: 2020-02235 Page 1 of 1 Environmental Chemist, Inc., Wilmington, NC Lab #94 Client: Sample Receipt Checklist 6602 Windmill Way Wilmington, NC 28405 Date: "r j 10 1Report Number: 910.392.0223 Receipt of sample: Delivered UPS ❑ FeclEx ❑ Other ❑ ❑ YES 10 NO N/A 11. Were custody seals present on the cooler? ❑ YES 10 NO I PZ N/A 12. If custody seals were present, were they intact/unbroken? Original temperature upon receipt eC Corrected temperature upon receipt °C How temperature taken: ❑ Temperature Blank Against Bottles IR Gun lD: Thomas Traceable S/N 192511657 iR Gun Correction Factor °C: 0.0 ❑ YES ❑ NO 3. If temperature of cooler exceeded 6*C, was Project Mgr./CIA notified? YES 0 NO 4. Were proper custody procedures (relinquished/received) followed? iK YES ❑ NO 5. Were sample ID's listed on the COC? YES ❑ NO 6. Were samples ID's listed on sample containers? ❑ NO 7. Were collection date and time listed on the COC? UYEYES S ❑ NO 8. Were tests to be performed listed on the COC? YES ❑ NO 9. Did samples arrive in proper containers for each test? YES ❑ NO 10. Did samples arrive in good condition for each test? YES ❑ NO 11. Was adequate sample volume available?' YES ❑ NO 12. Were samples received within proper holding time for requested tests? ❑ YES ❑ NO 13. Were acid preserved samples received at a pH of <2? ❑ YES ❑ NO 14. Were cyanide samples received at a pH >12? ❑ YES ❑ NO 15. Were sulfide samples received at a pH >9? ❑ YES ❑ N0 16. Were NH3/TKN/Phenol received at a chlorine residual of <0.5 m/L? ❑ YES 113 NO 17. Were Sulfide/Cyanide received at a chlorine residual of <0.5 m/L? * TOC/Volatiles are pH checked at time of analysis and recorded on the benchsheet. *" Bacteria samples are checked for Chlorine at time of analysis and recorded on the benchsheet Sample Preservation: (Must be completed for any sample(s) incorrectly preserved or with headspace) Sample(s) were received incorrectly preserved and were adjusted accordingly by adding (circle one): HIS04 HNO3 HCI NaOH Time of preservation: If more than one preservative is needed, notate in comments below Note: Notify customer service immediately for incorrectly preserved samples. Obtain a new sample or notify the state lab if directed to analyzed by the customer. Who was notified, date and time: Volatifes Sample(s) were received with headspace COMM L)OC. QA.002 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS INC 6802 Windmill Way Wilmington, NC 28405 Anglyticef & ❑nstilt�ag Chemists NCDENR: DWQ CERTlFiCQTION # 94 NCDHHS: DL5 CERTIFICATION # 37729 OFFICE: 910-392-0223 FAX 910-392-4424 info@environmentalchemists.com CLIENT: EF1C E vironmental COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY : OJECT NAME: Cam bell Sou Quarter) Slud a 1 1 ADDRESS: 20 West Fourth Avenue PRREPORT NO CONTACT NAME: Joshua Bass Red S in s, NC 28377 PO NO: REPORT TO: ehc'bass mail.com PHONElFAX: COPY TO: Sampled By; Sample Iden Transfe Collection ^,•��� I r rc: I = Influent, E = Effluent, W = Well, ST = Stream, SO = Soil, SL = Sludge, Other- n a s o` o 2 c� o PRESERVATION Date Time Tem P CL C' Ei N v c O u a ° M mLU E g o It y °z a z ANALYSIS REQUESTED .� `7 10 i,;<, z Z Z G C P G G C P G G C P G G C P G G C P G G C P G G C P G G C P G G C P G G n Relinquished B - q Date/Time Received By: 2. Temperature Wh n Received: ` L Accepted: Delivered B - R jetted: Y= _ _ Resample Requested: eived By: Comments: - _ _ Re- c- - Date: 4 TURNAR UND.