HomeMy WebLinkAbout20001449 Ver 1_Stormwater Info_20060310 (2)1 1 r i d©-14~}~ REVISED DETENTION CALCULATIONS FOR CATAWBA HILLS VILLAGE D PN 1005018 __ - - Catawba Hills, LLC - 2125-Sharon-Lane Charlotte, NC 28211 _. ~ .. . . r February 2006 LandDesign ~ ~~i ~~ ;.~ • S 10 f; ~~~ ryY~_ L ~. ~ 164 = ~N`~ ,YIN y~,~~~,.~~~,p ti ~-.r ~' COD a ,~ 6 ~oa~ MPS WP,~.~ w~~ ~e~c~ ~~~os~~~~a~ r i i i i i i i REVISED DETENTION CALCULATIONS FOR CATAWBA HILLS VILLAGE D PN 1005018 Catawba Hills, LLC 2125 Sharon Lane Charlotte, NC 28211 February 2006 ''~. .` 0 '.~F ~ 5 IO. ~f~ ~i~ "~' : Q EAL 21164 i .. .:,~`; F ~.~ ~i~~, j NC IN EE ~O~` ~~ N ~~ ti~ LandDesigiz /z/ r,7 f~/~ rl ~...., LT l sir ti~"~ c~;,yr . nib ,,~,~;?.c~;i ~s~fE~~+Y ~~'~{rH 1 1 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 1 1 INTRODUCTION: NARRATIVE SOILS MAP IMPERVIOUS AREA EXHIBIT TYPICAL DRAINAGE AREA EXHIBIT SCHEMATIC OF DETENTION DESIGN DETENTION FACILITY CALCULATIONS: PRE-DEVELOPED CONDITIONS PRE-DEVELOPED UNDETAINED DRAINAGE AREA POST-DEVELOPED UNDETAINED DRAINAGE AREA EXTENDED DETENTION WETLAND #1 EXTENDED DETENTION WETLAND #1 -TAILWATER CONDITION EXTENDED DETENTION WETLAND #2 EXTENDED DETENTION WETLAND #2 -TAILWATER CONDITION BIORETENTION BASIN #1 7 1 1 ioosoig 1 r 1 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of the following documentation is to clearly describe two things: the methods of calculating the storm water runoff and the mechanisms for routing and detaining that runoff. Haestad Methods' PondPack v9.0 was used for the routing of the stormwater through the proposed facilities. Before the establishment of stormwater facilities, it is important to acknowledge the flood study prepared by LandDesign, Inc. entitled "Flood Study for Catawba Hills Village D" dated September 6, 2005. Since these stormwater facilities are located adjacent to the Catawba Creek, it is critical that the study is referenced for review. Catawba Hills is a master planned residential community developed by Catawba Hills, LLC located off .Beatty Road (SR-2439) along the Catawba Creek. The development plan as approved under a rezoning petition by the Gastonia City Council includes 250 single-family residential homes and 228 residential town homes. The rainfall data used for the detention calculations was taken from the NOAA's National Weather Service website at (http://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/index html) for the City of Gastonia, NC. This site is the Hydrometeorological Design Studies Center's Precipitation Frequency Data Server. The detention facilities were designed to detain the post-developed discharge for the 2-yr, 6 hour and the 10-yr, 6 hour storm event to pre-developed conditions and pass the 50-yr; '6 hour without over topping. A vicinity map is attached as Figure 1. 2.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS The proposed Catawba Hills Subdivision is located in the southeastern quadrant of Gastonia, North Carolina, and is zoned for residential developments. The specific area of emphasis is the Catawba Hills Village D town homes located off of Catawba Hills Drive directly across from Catawba Hills Phase 3 (See construction plans by LandDesign, Inc.) Village D Townhomes will consist of 72 units and has a total area of 19.33 acres. The Gastonia Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) requires stormwater runoff from the final build-out of a subdivision to equal the pre-existing condition. That is to say that at a point near the downstream limit of the subdivision, the stormwater flow resulting from the existing land use should be greater than or equal to the stormwater runoff from the post-developed condition. For the Village D townhomes, the point selected for calculating the stormwater was just above the confluence of the Catawba Creek and the Unnamed Tributary bounding the parcel on the south and west respectively. The drainage area used to calculate the pre-existing runoff consists of land outside the "City of Gastonia Conservation Easement" and encompasses 15.52 acres. The area is predominantly woods and has Type B with good/fair hydrologic condition soils which affords a curve number (CN) of 61. L:\t 00501S~DOCS~DETENTION•NARATNE.DOCVMcW2/27/00 ~ LANDDESIGN INC. r ioosoig The time of concentration (Tc) for the pre-existing condition was calculated using WinTR-55 and can be found in the calculations accompanying this report. The total Tc of the pre- existing condition was made up of the follow characteristics and was found to be 0.312 hours ' (18.72 minutes): • 100' of sheet flow at an average slope of 4.50% and an average Manning's n-value of 0.40. (Tc = 0.247 hr) ' • 300' of shallow concentrated flow at an average slope of 4.67% over an unpaved surface. (Tc = 0.024 hr) • 500' of shallow concentrated flow at an average slope of 4.40% over an ' unpaved surface. (Tc = 0.041 hr) ' ~ 3.Q PROPOSED CONDITIONS As stated previously, the City of Gastonia UDO requires stormwater detention for this ' project. The required detention will be accomplished by routing the stormwater from the site through one of three facilities: Wetland #1, Wetland #2, and Bioretention #1. Please refer to NCDENR's manual for BMP design for more detailed definitions of extended detention ' wetlands and Bioretention areas. Please note that in this report, the required areas are displayed along with the corresponding proposed areas. . . 3.1 Wetland # ~ n C C C 1 1 1 . ~ The flow for Wetland #1 was calculated using its drainage area of 9.89 acres, a curve number (CN) of 79, and a time of concentration of 5 minutes. The soils on this site are predominantly B soils which would warrant a CN of 85 based on 65% impervious area for a multi-family site. The impervious was calculated to be 47.7% for the 9.89 acres and therefore an interpolation was completed between 1/8 acre townhome lots, 65% impervious at a CN of 85 and a 1/4 acre single-family lot, 38% impervious at a CN of 65. This is where the CN of 79 was derived. As seen in the accompanying calculations, the required surface area for the permanent pool for Wetland #1 is 8,530 SF while 9,056 SF was provided. The required water quality volume for the drainage area was 17,206 CF while the provided volume equals 19,051 CF. See calculations for detailed computation of the required areas and volumes. The outlet structure is required to hold back the 2-year and 10-year storms to the pre- developed flows while allowing the 50-year storm to pass through without the wetland overtopping. This structure consists of a 60 LF of 12" culvert laid at 1.00% with an invert in of 622.0 and an invert out of 621.5. Please note that the 10-year flood elevation is below the outfall therefore allowing the culvert to have a free outfall. Also, the facility was design so that if the culvert were to become completely clogged or a tailwater condition would not allow the culvert to drain, the weir was able to pass all three storm events safely. The riser is a 3'x3' box with a top elevation of 627.5 which captures the 10-year event and holds it to a crest of 627.63. The riser also has a 6" round orifice with an invert of 626.40 which captures the 2-year event and holds it to a crest of 626.49. The riser structure also includes a 1.5" water quality dewatering pipe at elevation 624.0 and a 6" permanent pool dewatering pipe with a gate valve at 622.5 to allow for maintenance. L:\1005018\DOCS\DETENTION-NARATNE.DOCVMc102/27/OB .~ LANDDESIGN INC. 1005018 Also note that the water quality dewatering pipe has been designed to drain this portion of the wetland in the required period of 2 to 5 days. Wetland #1 has been designed with a 20' long spillway at 628.6 which allows the 50-year to reach a maximum elevation of 628.67 and provides the sufficient freeboard with the top of dam at 631.5. Please note that a calculation was completed to check the spillway and dam against the 50-year flood elevation from the creek. This was completed knowing that the 50-year flood elevation for the Catawba Creek ' was above the culvert at 624.62-(XS 42250.0), therefore to be as conservative as possible, all three storm events (2, 10, and 50) were routed through the spillway and crested at an elevation of 628.91. Even with these conservative assumptions, the dam did not overtop and still had greater than the required 6 inches of freeboard. 3.2 Wetland #2 The flow for Wetland 2 # was calculated using its drainage area of 1.93 acres, a curve number ' (CN) number of 80, and a time of concentration of S minutes. The soils on this site are predominantly B soils which would warrant a CN f 85 b d o ase on 65% impervious area for a multi-family site. The impervious was calculated to be 52% for the 1.93 acres and therefore an interpolation was completed between 1/8 acre townhome lots, 65% impervious at a CN of 85 and a 1/4 acre single-family lot, 38% impervious at a CN of 65. This is where the CN of 80 was denved. As seen in the accompanying calculations, the required surface area for the permanent pool for Wetland #2 is 1,791 SF while 3,977 SF was provided. The required water quality volume i~or the drainage area was 3,643 CF while the provided volume equals 5,416 CF. See calculations for detailed computation of the required areas and volumes. i As stated above, the outlet structure is required to hold back the 2-year and 10-year storms to the re-d l d hil p eve ope amounts w e allowing the 50-year storm to pass through without the wetland overtopping. This structure consists of 60 LF of 12" culvert laid at 1.00% with an 1 invert ;n of 620.1 and an invert out of 619.5. Please note that the 10-year flood elevation is below the outfall therefore allowing the culvert to have a free outfall. The riser is a 3'x3' box with a top elevation of 625.30 which captures the 10-year event and holds it to a crest of ' 625.33. The riser also has a 6" round orifice with an invert of 624.75 which captures the 2- year event and holds it to a crest of 624.96. The riser structure also includes a 0.75" water quality dewatering pipe at elevation 624.0 and a 6"permanent pool dewatering pipe with a gate valve at 622.5 to allow for maintenance. Please note that the water quality dewatering pipe has been designed to drain this portion of the wetland in the required period of 2 to 5 days. Wetland #2 has been designed with a 10' long spillway at 625.5 which allows the crest of the 50-year to reach a maximum elevation of 625.54 and provides the sufficient freeboard with the top of dam at 628.0. As noted in the previous wetland calculation, a calculation was completed to check the spillway and dam against the 50-year flood elevation from the creek . This was completed knowing that the 50-year flood elevation for the Catawba Creek was above the culvert at 623.50 (XS 41843.0), therefore to be as conservative as possible, all three storm events (2, 10, and 50) were routed through the spillway and crested at an 1 elevation of 625.83. Even with these conservative assumptions, the dam did not overtop and still had the required 6 inches of freeboard. ' L:11005018~DOCS~DETENTION-NARATNE.DOCUMc102/27/OB ~ LANDDESIGN INC. ^ 1005018 3.3 Bioretention #1 Bioretention areas are different from extended detention wetlands; however they accomplish the same objective which is to match the post-developed stormwater flow release to the pre- developed condition. Instead of, in the case of the wetland, digging out an area to store the runoff and requiring it meander through aman-made wetland before reaching an outlet structure which holds the flow back, the bioretention facility stores the runoff and requires it to infiltrate through an amended soil column and then release through perforated pipes. Please see NCDENR's BMP design manual for technical information and a more detailed definition. The design was completed using a spreadsheet provided by NCDENR which is provided in the calculations. The flow for Bioretention #1 was calculated using its drainage area of 0.74 acres, a curve number (CN) number of 82, and a time of concentration of 5 . ,. minutes. Please note that like the previous wetlands, the curve number was calculated by interpolating the percent of impervious area in the drainage area which was 58%. As seen in the following calculations, the required surface area for the bioretention area is 769 SF while 1,861.59 SF was provided with a maximum depth of 6". The bottom elevation of the bioretention area is.628.0. The bioretention area does not have an outlet structure like the wetlands. The outlet consists ' of a 70' railroad timber level spreader or 'approved' equal at elevation 628.5 and provides for the maximum depth of 6". The corresponding crests of the 2-, 10-, and 50-year storms are 628.52, 628.54, and 628.55 respectively. The top of dam elevation is 629.25. ^ 4.0 CONCLUSION As stated above, the objective was to match the post-developed stormwater runoff to the pre- , developed condition. The post-developed condition consisted of 9.89 acres to Wetland #1, 1:93 acres to Wetland #2, 0.74 acres to Bioretention #I, and 2.96 acres of undetained area. The table below reports the.pre-developed flows from these four drainage basins as well as the resultant flows after the implementation of the stormwater detention facilities for the 2- and 10-year storm. 2-year Storm i 1 1 Drainage Area . Flows To Area~ ~~ Pre ; ~ ~ `_ developed.,- ~ Flows (cfs)' Post-Developed ~ ~' Flow Before ~ Detention (cfs) , Post Develo ed~ •. p t ~, - ~~-~ „ Flow~.After,: Detention (cfs) Wetland #1 9.89 1.70 21.11 0.11 Wetland #2 1.93 0.33 4.37 0.11 Bioretention #1 0.74 0.13 1.87 1.54 Undetained 2.96 0.51 0.83 0.83 Totals 15.52 Ae. 2.67 28.'18 2.59 ok L:110050181DOCSlDETENTION-NAR4TNE.DOCUMcW2l27/OB ~ LANDDESIGN INC. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 year Storm 1005018 Drainage Area Flows Area ^+ Pre- developed Flow"s (cfs). Post-Developed Flow Before. Detention (cfs) ~ Post Developed ~~~ ``` Flow,~After - : Detention,'(cfs) . Wetland #1 9.89 7.24 36.91 2.98 Wetland #2 1.93 1.41 7.52 0.96 Bioretention #1 0.74 ~ 0.54 3.13 3:11 Undetained 2.96 2.17 2.83 2.83 Totals ~ 15.52'Ac'.~~~, ' ~ . _11.36 ~ ~ 50,39 .__ ' ; • `9:88.`. , . ok .The requirement for the 50-year storm is to simply.be able to pass the through the emergency spillway, not to detain the flow.. Please note the. 50-year elevations in.reference to the top of dam elevations.in the above section of this report show that the 50-year event does comply with the requirement for each of the facilities. For a detailed outline of each calculation for the stormwater detention facilities, please see the calculations that follow this report. L:\1005078\DOCS\DETENTION-NARATNE.D000MC102/27/OB 5 LANDDESIGN INC. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1005018 Figure 1 L:\1005018\DOCS\DETENTION-NARATNE.DO0OMc\02Y17/OB C LANDDESIGN INC. U. S_ DEPAR.Ti_VIENT Or AGRICULTURE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE n Cf8 CeS2 TaE to r 2 CfD -, ~,. ~~~- : ~ ~ SDILS TYPE T S d fs v ~ .2329: :.~ ~ .. ~,C~. ~l FK ~~~ 3 caw z ; ApB' APPUNG SANDY LOAM, 1 TO 6 PERCENT SLOPES W ~ js~, u. Y~-' o ~~ j ~~~ '~ a -~ CeB2 CECIL SANDY CLAY LOAM, 2 TO 8 PERCENT SLOPES, ERODED -' ~ -~~ "'~ #, ~ ~ ' ~ s` CeD2 CECIL SANDY CLAY L DAM, 8 TO 15 PERCENT SLOPES, ERODED r~ ' .r 279 tea' ~ ~ ~ ~CfB CECIL=URBAN LAND COMPLEX; 2 TO. ~8 PERCENT SLOPES ~~ ,' • ~: ~ PaE -'PAGOLET SANDY LOAM; 15- TO 25 PERCENT SLOPES r~ •. ~~~ PaF PACOLET; SANDY LOAM, 25 TO 45 PERCENT SLOPES .~~ `~. ~~ "`~~~ ~ ~,} ' ~` f WeD WEDOWEE SANDY LOAM, 6 TO 15 PERCENT SLOPES a*. ~ .. • , //~~~~ 1 1 1 1 ~r I vf. l1 '~ ~T~~~`C ~! 's`r``"~4~ .1~-~rR1) F ~'\ I v.'R t f3~ ,f•~ ( 'I L. '4Lhf" r5 ~..~•;,"~ it ~ l ~}r *~ `{.~ii` ; X ~~..yy 'y` Cf ~i ~~ 3' ~ ^.h ~~1(~^,y4 'A r, f 1a/~ .iw ~ ".'(hh.~ t ' SM'f'V jT F ~"^! ~X ~~~ G' I MM ~. ",1au ~ M `SAC ~. x-.s 1- ;% ~F ly' Gl~~ '~^ ti` r+f "! 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F __ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 06 ~I~iIPPb' ~ ', ~ ~ ~ ~ = r m m ~ ~ ~ OZ ~lulIPPH ' ~ a1nOZ! 0 ' ~ a - ' • ~ ~ O. ~. ~ n < p a ~ p .^ _ ~ ~ ~ _ v ..~ °-°• o0 0 ~ 06 alp°N ~ ~ Oti ~I~~IPPt/ ~ ~: ~ ~' o ~ < W - o Job File: L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE.PPW ' Rain Dir: L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ -------------------------- -------------------------- JOB TITLE _ _------- --_--_--- Project Date: 7/13/2005 Project Engineer: JJP Project Title: Catawba Hills Village D Project Comments: i 1 1 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 10:56 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table of Contents i Table of Contents ********************** MASTER SUMMARY ********************** Watershed....... Master Network Summary ............. 1.01 *************** NETWORK SUMMARIES (DETAILED) ********* ****** watershed....... Pre 2 Executive Summary (Nodes) .......... 2.01 Executive Summary (Links) .......... 2.02 Watershed..:.... Pre 10 Executive Summary (Nodes) .......... 2.03 Executive Summary (Links) ......:... 2.04 Watershed....... Pre 50 Executive Summary (Nodes) .......... 2.05 Executive Summary (Links) .......... 2.06 Network Calcs Sequence ............. 2.07 **************** ** DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY ************* ****** Gastonia........ Design Storms ...................... 3.01 Gastonia........ Pre 2 Design Storms ........... ......... 3.02 **:t******************* RAINFALL DATA ******:**************** l0yr 6hr........ Pre 10 Time-Depth Curve ................... 4.01 2yr 6hr...... Pre 2 Time-Depth Curve .................... 4.03 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack ver. Time: 10:56 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table of Contents ii Table of Contents (continued) SOyr 6hr........ Pre 50 Time-Depth Curve ................... 4.05 ********************** TC CALCULATIONS ********************* PRE-DEVEL....... TC Calcs ........................... S.O1 ********************** CN CALCULATIONS ********************* PRE-DEVEL....... Runoff CN-Area ..................... 6.01 ******************** RUNOFF HYDROGRAPHS ******************** Unit Hyd. Equations ................ 7.01 PRE-DEVEL....... PRE-DEVEL....... PRE-DEVEL....... Pre 2 Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.03 Pre 10 Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.04 Pre 50 Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.05 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 10:56 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE.PPW MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Network Storm Collection: Gastonia Total Depth Rainfall Return Event in Type RNF ID ------ Pre ------ 2 ------ 2.4500 ---------------- Time-Depth Curve ---------------- 2yr 6hr Pre 10 3.5600 Time-Depth Curve l0yr 6hr Pre 50 4.9200 Time-Depth Curve 50yr 6hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID - ---- Type --- -- Event - --- ac-ft Trun -- --- -- hrs cfs ft ac-ft -------- - PRE-DEVEL -- AREA - - 2 - - - -- .235 --------- 3.3300 -------- 2.66 -------- ------------ PRE-DEVEL AREA 10 .776 3.2500 11.36 .PRE-DEVEL AREA. 50 1.709 3.2500. .• 29.84" *PRE-DEVEL JCT 2 .235 3.3300 2."66 *PRE-DEVEL JCT 10 .776 3.2500 11.36 *PRE-DEVEL. JCT 50 1.709 3.2500 24.84 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign incorporated PondPack ver. Time: 10:56 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 2.01 Name.... Watershed Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE.PPW Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: Pre 2 NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name -------- = Pre 2 --- Data Type, File, ID ------------- = Time-Depth ------ Curve ----------- 2yr 6hr ------------------- Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.9500 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak ~ Max WSEL Node ID Type ac -ft Trun. hrs ---- -- -- cfs ft PRE-DEVEL AREA .235 ------- 3.3300 -------- 2.66 - Outfall PRE-DEVEL JCT .235 3.3300 2.66 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 10:56 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 Type.... Executive Summary (Links) Page 2.02 Name.... Watershed Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE.PPW Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: Pre 2 NETWORK SUMMARY -- LINKS (UN=Upstream Node; DL=DNStream End of Link; DN=DNStream Node) (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name = Pre 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve 2yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.4500 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs . HYG Vol Peak Time Peak Q Link ID Type ac-ft Trun: hrs cfs End Points --- -------- ----------- ADDLINK 10 ADD UN .235 3:3300 2.66 PRE-DEVEL DL .235 3.3300 2.66 DN .235 3.3300 2.6.6 PRE-DEVEL S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack ver. Time: 10:56 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 2.03 Name.... Watershed Event: 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE.PPW Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: Pre 10 NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name ---------- = Pre 10 --------- Data Type, File, ID ------------- = Time-Depth ------- Curve ----------- l0yr 6hr ------------------ Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.5600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs .HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Node ID ----------------- Type ac ---- ----- -ft Trun. hrs ----- -- --- cfs ft PRE-DEVEL AREA .776. ------ 3.2500 -------- --------- 11.36 Outfall PRE-DEVEL JCT .776 3.2500 11.36 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 10:56 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Executive Summary (Links) Page 2.04 ' Name.... Watershed Event: 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE.PPW Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: Pre 10 NETWORK SUMMARY -- LINKS ' (UN=Upstream Node; DL=DNstream End of Link; DN=DNStr eam Node) (Trun.= HYG Trunca tion: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR =Left & Rt) ' DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name = Pre 10 --------------------- Data Type, File, ID = ---------------------------------- Time-Depth Curve l0yr 6hr ------------- ' Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.5600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs ' Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs HYG Vol Peak Time Peak Q Link ID Type ac ft Trun. hrs cfs End Points ----__-- ADDLINK 10 ADD UN ---- _ .776 3.2500 11.36 PRE-DEVEL DL .776 3.2500 11.36 DN. .776 3.2500 11.36 . PRE-DEVEL S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated ' PondPack Ver. Time: 10:56 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 2.05 ' Name.... Watershed Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE.PPW Storm... SOyr 6hr Tag: Pre 50 NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES ' (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm Fi1e,ID = Gastonia ' Storm Ta Name = Pre 50 g ------------------ --------------------- Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve -------------- 50yr 6hr --------------- Storm Frequency = 50 yr ' Total Rainfall Depth= 9.9200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 6.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs End= 6.0000 hrs ' HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Node ID Type ac-ft Trun. hrs cfs ft $RE=DEVEL AREA 1.709 3.2500 24.84 Outfall PRE-DEVEL JCT 1.709 3.2500 24.84 1 1 1 1 1 1 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 10:56 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Executive Summary (Links) Page 2.06 Name.... Watershed Event• 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE.PPW Storm... SOyr 6hr Tag: Pre 50 NETWORK SUMMARY -- LINKS (UN=Upstream Node; DL=DNstream End of Link; DN=DNstream Node) (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name = Pre 50 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve 50yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 50 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 4.9200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 6.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs End= 6.000.0 hrs HYG Vol Peak Time Peak Q Link ID Type ac-ft Trun. hrs cfs.. End Points -----=---------- ---- ----------- --- ------- -------- ---------------- ADDLINK 10 ADD UN 1.709 3.2500 24.64 PRE-DEVEL DL 1.709 3.2500 24.84 DN 1.709 3.2500 24.84 PRE-DEVEL S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 10:56 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Network Calcs Sequence Page 2.07 Name.... Watershed Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE.PPW Storm... 50yr 6hr Tag: Pre 50 NETWORK RUNOFF NODE SEQUENCE --------------------- Runoff Data Apply to Node Receiving Link -------------------- SCS UH PRE-DEVEL Subarea PRE-DEVEL Add Hyd PRE-DEVEL S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 10:56 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Network Calcs Sequence Page 2.08 ' Name.... Watershed Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE .PPW Storm... 50yr 6hr Tag: Pre 50 ' NETWORK ROUTING SEQUENCE ---- __________________________ Link Operation UPStream Node _______________________ DNstream Node Add Hyd ADDLINK 10 Subarea PRE-DEVEL Jct PRE-DEVEL t '. 1 1 1 1 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 10:56 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Design Storms Page 3.01 Name.... Gastonia File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\ Title... Project Date: 7/13/2005 Project Engineer: JJP Project Title: Catawba Hills Village D Project Comments DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name = Pre 2 Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve 2yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.9500 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs Storm Tag Name = Pre 10 Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve l0yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.5600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs Storm Tag Name = Pre 50 Data Type, File, ID.= Time-Depth Curve SOyr 6hr Storm Frequency 50 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 4.9200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 6.OOOO.hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs End= 6.0000 hrs S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 10:56 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Design Storms Page 3.02 Name.... Gastonia Event• 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\ Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: Pre 2 DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name = Pre 2 Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve 2yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.4500 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs Storm Tag Name = Pre 10 Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve l0yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.5600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs Storm Tag Name = Pre 50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve SOyr 6hr Storm Frequency = 50 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 9.9200 in Duration Multiplier =. 1 Resulting Duration = 6.0000 hrs Resulting. Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs End= 6.0000 hrs S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 10:56 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Time-Depth Curve Page 4.01 ' Name.... l0yr 6hr Tag: Pre 10 Event: 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civi l\PondPak\ Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: Pre 10 SYNTHE TIC CUMULAT IVE RAINFALL(in) ' Time I Output Time increment = .0167 hrs hrs I ---------I--- Time on left -------------- represents ---------- time for first value in each row. .0000 I .0022 - .0094 --------- .0066 ------------ .0089 ------------- .0111 ' .0833 I .0134 .0156 .0179 .0202 .0225 .1667 ( .0298 .0271 .0294 .0317 .0341 .2500 I .0364 .0388 .0412 .0436 .0460 .3333 I .0484 .0508 .0533 .0557 .0582 .4167 I .0606 .0631 .0636 .0681 .0707 ' .5000 I .0732 .0758 .0783 .0809 .0835 .5833 I .0861 .0887 .0914 .0940 .0967 .6667 I .0994 .1021 .1048 .1075 .1102 .7500 I .1130 .1158 .1186 .1214 .1292 ' .8333 I .1271 .1299 .1328 .1357 .1386 .9167 ( .1416 .1445 .1475 .1505 .1535 1.0000 I .1565 .1596 .1627 .1657 .1689 1.0833 I .1720 .1751 .1783 .1815 .1897 ' 1.1667 I .1880 .1913 .1945 .1979 .2012 1.2500 I .2046 .2080 .2114 .2148 .2183 1.3333 I .2218 .2253 .2289 .2325 .2361 1.4167 I .2397 .2434 ...2971 .2508 .2546 1.5000 ( .2591 .2636 .2681 .2727 .2774 ' 1.5833 I .2820 .2868 .2915 .2963 .3012 1.6667 I .3060 .3110 .3160 .3210 .3261 1.7500 I .3312 .3364 .3416 .3469 .3523 1.8333 I .3577 .3632 .3687 .3743 3799 ' 1.9167 I .3856 .3914 -.3973 .4032 . .4092 2.0000 I .4164 .4237 .4311 .4386 .4461 2.0833 I .4538 .9615 .4694 .4774 .4855 2.1667 I .4936 .5020 .5104 ..5190 .5276 2.2500 I .5365 ..5454 .5546 .5638 .5733 2.3333 I .5829 .5926 .6026 .6127 .6230 2.4167 I .6336 .6994 .6554 .6666 .6781 2.5.000 I .6936 .7094 .7255 .7420 .7589 ' 2.5833 I 2.6667 I .7763 .8701 .7940 .8906 .8122 .9118 .8310 .9338 .8502 .9566 2.7500 I .9876 1.0198 1.0531 1.0878 1.1240 2.8333 I 1.1620 1.2021 1.2445 1.2976 1.3592 2.9167 I 1.4281 1.5067 1.5919 1.7099 1.8279 3.0000 I 1.9459 2.0639 2.1819 2.2635 2.3395 3.0833 I 2.3982 2.4529 2.5045 2.5458 2.5847 3.1667 I 2.6218 2.6572 2.6612 2.6740 2.6856 3.2500 I 2.6888 2.6912 2.7027 2.7036 2.7138 ' 3.3333 I 3.9167 I 2.7233 2.8134 2.7423 2.8301 2.7608 2.8465 2.7788 2.8624 2.7963 2.8781 3.5000 I 2.8897 2.9011 2.9122 2.9231 2.9337 3.5833 I 2.9491 2.9544 2.9644 2.9743 2.9840 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 10:56 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Time-Depth Curve Page 4.02 Name.... l0yr 6hr Tag: Pre 10 Event: 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civi l\PondPak\ Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: Pre 10 SYNTHE TIC CUMULAT IVE RAINFALL(in) Time I Output Time increment = .0167 hrs hrs I ---------I--- Time on left -------------- represents ----------- time for first value -- in each row. 3.6667 I 2.9935 3.0028 ----------- 3.0120 -------- 3.0211 ------------- 3.0300 3.7500 I 3.0367 3.0473 3.0558 3.0642 3.0725 3.8333 I 3.0806 3.0886 3.0965 3.1044 3.1121 3.9167 I 3.1197 3.1272 3.1396 3.1420 3.1492 9.0000 I 3.1552 3.1612 3.1671 3.1729 1787 3 4.0833 I 3.1843 3.1899 3.1955 3.2010 . 3.2065 4.1667 I 3.2118 3.2172 3.2224 3.2276 3.2328 4.2500 i 3.2379 3.2930 3.2480 3.2529 3.2578 9.3333 I 3.2627 3.2675 3.2723 3.2770 3.2817 4.4167 I 3.2864 3.2910 3.2956 3.3001 3.3046 ' 4.5000 I 3.3084 3.3121 3.3159 3.3195 3.3232 4.5833 ~ 3.3268 ~ 3.3304 3.3340 3.3375 3.3411 4.6667 I 3.3445 3.3480 3.3514 3.3548 3.3582 ' ~ 4.7500 I 4.8333 I 3.3616 3.3780 3.3649 3.3812 3.3682 3.3844 3.3715 3.3875 3.3747 3.3907 4.9167 ~ 3.3938 3.3969 3.4000 3.9030 3.4061 5.0000 ~ 3.4091 3.4121 3.4151 3.9181 3.4210 5.0833 I 3.4239 .. 3.4268 3.4297. 3.9326 3.4354 5.1667' 3.4383 3.9411 3.4439 3.4467 3.4494 1 5.2500 I 3.4522 3.9549 3.4577 3.4604 3.4631 5.3333 I 3.4657 3.4684 3.4710 3.4737 3..4763 5.4167 ~ 3.4789 3.4815 3.4890 3.4866 3.4892 ' 5.5000 I 5.5833 I 3.4917 3.5042 3.4942 3.5066 3.9967 3.5091 3.9992 3.5115 3.5017 3.5139 5.6667 I 3.5163 3.5187 3.5211 3.5235 3.5258 5.7500 I 3.5282 3.5305 3.5329 3.5352 3.5375 5.8333 I .3.5398 3.5421 ~ 3.5444 3.5466 3.5489 5.9167 I 3.5511 3.5534 3.5556 3.557$ 3.5600 1 ii I it ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 10:56 AM Date: 2/27/2006 ' Type.... Time-Depth Curve Name.... 2yr 6hr Tag: Pre 2 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: Pre 2 J ~~~ 0 1 Page 4.03 Event: 2 yr SYNTHETIC CUMULATIVE RAINFALL(in) Time I Output Time increment = .0167 hrs hrs I ---------I- Time on left ---------------- represents ----------- time for --- first value in each row. .0000 I .0014 .0029 ------ .0043 --------------- .0058 ---------- .0072 .0833 I .0087 .0101 .0116 .0131 .0146 .1667 I .0161 .0176 .0191 .0206 .0221 .2500 I .0237 .0252 .0267 .0283 .0299 .3333 I .0319 .0330 .0346 .0362 .0378 .4167 I .0394 .0910 .0426 .0442 .0459 .5000 I .0475 .0992 .0508 .0525 .0542 .5833 I .0559 .0576 .0594 .0610 .0627 .6667 I .0645 .0662 .0680 .0698 .0715 .7500 I .0733 .0751 .0769 .0787 .0806 .8333 I .0829 .0893. .0861 .0880 .0899 .9167 I .0918 .0937 .0956 .0976 .0995 1.0000 I .1015 .1034 .1054 .1074 .1094 1.0833 I .1114 .1135 .1155 .1176 .1197 1.1667 I .1218 .1239 .1260 .1282 .1303 1.2500 I .1325 .1347 :1369 .1391 .1413 1.3333 I .1436 .1959 .1482 .1505 .1528 1.4167 I .1552 .1575 .1599 .1623 .1647 1.5000 I .1675 .1703 .1731 .1759 .1787 1.5833 I .1816 .1845 .1874 .1903 .1933 1.6667 i .1963 .1993 .2024 .2055 .2086 1.7500 i .2117 .2199 .2181 .2214 .2246 1.8333 ( .2279 .2313 .2347 .2381 .2416 1.9167 I .2451 .2486 .2522 .2558 .2595 2.0000 I .2636 .2678 .2720 .2763 .2806 2.0833 I .2850 .2894 .2939 .2985 .3031 2.1667 I .3078 ,3125 .3174 ..3223 .3273 2.2500 I .3323 .3375 .3427 .3480 .3539 2.3333 i .3590 .3646 .3703 .3761 .3821 2.4167 I .3882 .3944 .4007 .4072 .4138 2.5000 J .4225 .4313 .4903 .4995 .9590 2.5833 I .4687 .4787 .4'889 .499'5 .5109 2.6667 I .5216 .5332 .5452 .5577 .5707 2.7500 I .5879 .6057 .6293 .6938 .6642 2.8333 I .6858 .7086 .7331 .7655 .8002 2.9167 I .8449 .892'4 .9458 1.0298 1.1138 3.0000 I 1.1978 1.2818 1.3658 1.4162 1.5121 3.0833 I 1.5983 1.6818 1.7331 1.7567 1.7789 3.1667 I 1.7999 1.8198 1.8388 1.8570 1.8745 3.2500 I 1.8878 1.9005 1.9128 1.9296 1.9360 3.333 3 I 1.9471 1.9578 1.9682 1.9783 1.9881 3.4167 I 1.9973 2.0071 2.0162 2.0251 2.0338 3.5000 I 2.0406 2.0471 2.0535 2.0598 2.0659 3.5833 I 2.0720 2.0778 2.0836 2.0892 2.0949 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 PondPack Ver. LandDesign Incorporated Time: 10:56 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 ' Type.... Name.... Time-Depth Curve 2yr 6hr Tag: Pre 2 Page 9.04 Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civi l\POndPak\ Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: Pre 2 SYNTHE TIC CUMULAT IVE RAINFALL(in) ' Time I Output Time increment = .0167 hrs hrs -------- I Time on left -I----------------- represents ----------- time for -- first value in each row. ' 3.6667 3.7500 I 2.1003 I 2.1263 2.1057 2.1312 ------ 2.1110 2.1361 ------------ 2.1162 2.1409 -------------- 2.1213 2.1456 3.8333 I 2.1503 2.1599 2.1599 2.1639 2.1683 3.9167 I 2.1726 2.1769 2.1812 2.1854 2.1895 9.0000 I 2.1932 2.1969 2.2005 2.2040 2.2075 4.0833 I 2.2110 2.2145 2.2179 2.2212 2.2246 9.1667 I 2.2279 2.2311 2.2399 2.2376 2.2407 4.2500 I 2.2939 2.2970 2.2500 2.2531 2.2561 4.3333 I 2.2591 2.2628 2.2649 2.2679 2.2707 ' 4.4167 9.5000 I 2.2736 I 2.2872 2.2764 2.2896 2.2792 2.2920 2.2820 2.2994 2.2847 2.2967 4.5833 I 2.2991 2.3014 ~ 2.3037 2.3060 2.3082 9.6667 I 2.3105 2.3127 2.3149 2.3171 2.3193 4.7500 I 2.3215. 2.3236 2.3258 2.3279 2.3300 4.8333 I 2.3321 2.3341. 2.3362 2.3382 2.3403 ' 4.9167 I 2.3423 2.3443 2.3463 2.3483 2.3502 5.0000 I 2.3522 2.3541 2.3561 2.3580 2.3599 5.0833 I 2.3618 2.36.36 2.3655 2.3679 2.3692 5.1667 I 2.3711 2.3729 2.3747 2.3765 2.3783 ' 5.2500 I 2.3801 2.3818 2.3836 2.3854 2.3871 5.3333 I 2.3888 2.3906 2.3923 2.3940 2.3957 5.4167 I 2.3974 2.3990 2.4007 2.4024 2.4090 5.5000 I 2.4057 2.4073. 2.9089 2.4105 2.4121 5.5833 I. 2.4137 2.4153 2.4169 2.4185 2.4201 ' 5.6667 I 2.4216 2.4232 2.4247 2.9263 2.4278 5.7500 I 2.4293 2.4309 2.4334 2.4339 2.4354 5.8333 .1 2.9369 ~ 2.4384 2.4398 2.4913 2.4428 ' 5.9167 1 2.9442' 2.4457 2.4971 2.9486 2.4500 fl ~~~ r~ LI 1 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 10:56 AM Date: 2/27/2006 L~~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Time-Depth Curve Page 4.05 Name.... SOyr 6hr Tag: Pre 50 Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civi l\PondPak\ Storm... SOyr 6hr Tag: Pre 50 SYNTHE TIC CUMULAT IVE RAINFALL(in) Time I Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs I ---------I--- Time on left -------------- represents ----------- time for ----- first value in each row. .0000 I .0031 .0189 ---- .0351 ----------- .0517 -------------- .0686 .4167 I .0860 .1038 .1220 .1908 .1601 .8333 I .1799 .2004 .2215 .2932 .2658 1.2500 I .2891 .3134 .3385 .3655 .3967 1.6667 I .9292 .4634 .4992 .5370 .5787 2.0833 I .6294 .6834 .7414 . .8040 .8725 2.5000 I .9526 1.0606 1.1830 1.3363 1.5640 2.9167 I 1.9083 2.5698 3.1990 3.4392 3.6992 3.3333 I 3.7804 3.8980 3.9981 4.0719 4.1380 3.7500 I 4.1992 9.2559 4.3089 4.3571 9.3965 4.1667 I 4.9337 4.4690 4.5026 4.5347 4.5648 4.5833 I 4.5907 9:6156 4.6395 4.6626 4.6849 5.0000 I 4.7065 4.7274 9.7477 4.7673 4.7865 5.4167 I 9.8051 4.8232 9.8409 4.8581 4.8749 5.8333 I 4.8913 4.9074 4.9200 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 10:56 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 5.01 Name.... PRE-DEVEL File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE.PPW ........................................................................ TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time r .3120 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Total-Tc:-----.3120_hrs- S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 10:56 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 5.02 Name.... PRE-DEVEL File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE.PPW Tc Equations used... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' ___= User Defined ______________________________________________ Tc = Value entered by user ' Where: Tc = Time of concentration ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 10:56 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Page 6.01 Name.... PRE-DEVEL File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Soil/Surface Description CN -------------------------------- ---- CN from Gastonia Engineering 61 --------------------------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted acres 8C RUC CN -------- ----- ----- ------ 15.520 61.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 15.520 61.00 (61) S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 10:56 AM Date: 2/27/2006 ' Type.... Unit Hyd. Equations Page 7.01 Name.... File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE.PPW 1 SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD (Computational Notes) DEFINITION OF TERMS: ------------------------------------------------ At = Total area (acres): At = Ai+Ap Ai = Impervious area (acres) Ap = Pervious area (acres) CNi = Runoff curve number for impervious area CNp = Runoff curve number for pervious area floss f loss constant infiltration (depth/time) gKs = Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (depth/time) Md = Volumetric Moisture Deficit Psi = Capillar}i Suction (length) hK = Horton infiltration Decay Rate (time^-1) fo = Initial Infiltration Rate (depth/time) fc .. = Ultimate(capacity)Infiltration Rate (depth/time) Ia = Initial Abstraction (length) dt = Computational increment (duration of unit excess rainfall) Default dt is smallest value of 0.1333TC, rtm, and th (Smallest dt is then adjusted to match up with Tp) UDdt User specified override computational main time increment (only used if UDdt is => .1333Tc) D(t) =Point on distribution curve (fraction of P) for time step t K = 2 / (1.+. (T.r/Tp)) : default K = 0.75: (.for Tr/Tp = 1.67) Ks = Hydrograph shape factor ' = Unit Conversions * K: _ ((lhr/3600sec) * (lft/12in) * ((5280ft)**2/sq.mi)) * K Default Ks = 645.333 * 0.75 = 484 . ' Lag = Lag time from center of excess runoff (dt) to Tp: Lag = 0.6Tc P = Total precipitation depth, inches .Pa(t) = Accumulated rainfall at time step t 'Pi(t) = Incremental rainfall at time step t qp = Peak discharge (cfs) for lin. runoff, for lhr, for 1 sq.mi. _ (Ks * A * Q) / Tp (where Q = lin. runoff, A=Sq.mi.) Qu(t) = Unit hydrograph ordinate (cfs) at time step t Q(t) = Final hydrograph ordinate (cfs) at time step t ' Rai(t)= Rap(t)= Accumulated runoff (inches) at time step t for impervious area Accumulated runoff (inches) at time step t for pervious area Rii(t)= Incremental runoff (inches) at time step t for impervious area Rip(t)= Incremental runoff (inches) at time step t for pervious area R(t) = Incremental weighted total runoff (inches) Rtm = Time increment for rainfall table ' Si = S for impervious area: Si = (1000/CNi) - 10 Sp = S for pervious area: Sp = (1000/CNp) - 10 t = Time step (row) number ' Tc = Tb = Time of concentration Time (hrs) of entire unit hydrograph: Tb = Tp + Tr Tp = Time (hrs) to peak of a unit hydrograph: Tp = (dt/2) + Lag Tr = Time (hrs) of receding limb of unit hydrograph: Tr = ratio of Tp ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 10:56 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Unit Hyd. Equations Page 7.02 Name.... File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE.PPW PRECIPITATION: ---- Column (1): Time f Column (2): D(t) Column (3): Pi(t) Column (9): Pa(t) SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD (Computational Notes) ---------------------------------------------- or time step t = Point on distribution curve for time step t = Pa(t) - Pa(t-1): Col.(9) - Preceding Col. (4) = D(t) x P: Col.(2) x P PERVIOUS AREA RUNOFF (using SCS Runoff CN Method) ------------------------ Column (5): Rap(t) = Accumulated pervious runoff for time step t If (Pa(t) is <= 0.2Sp) then use: Rap(t) = 0.0 if (Pa(t) is > 0.2Sp) then use: Rap(t) _ (Col. (4)-0.2Sp)**2 / (COl.(4)+0.8Sp) Column (6): Rip (t) = Incremental pervious runoff for time step t Rip (t) = Rap(t) - Rapt-1) Rip(t) = Col. (5) for current row - Col."(5) for preceding row. IMPERVIOUS AREA RUNOFF -------------------------- ------------------------- Column (7 & 8)... Did not specify to use impervious areas. INCREMENTAL WEIGHTED RUNOFF: -----------___________________________________ Column (9): R(t) _ (Ap/At) x Rip(t) + (Ai/At) x Rii(t) R(t) _ (Ap/At) x Col, (6) + (Ai/At) x Col. (8) SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD: ____________________.__________________________ Column (10): Q(t) is'computed with the SCS unit hydrograph.method using R ( ) and Qu O . - S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 10:56 AM Date: 2/27/2006 __ ' Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.03 Name.... PRE-DEVEL Tag: Pre 2 Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE.PPW Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: Pre 2 SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 2 year storm Duration = 5.9833 hrs Rain Depth = 2.9500 in ' Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Rain File -ID = - 2yr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ HYG File - ID = - PRE-DEVEL Pre 2 ' Tc = .3120 hrs Drainage Area = 15.520 acres Runoff CN= 61 ' Computational Time Increment .04160 hrs Computed Peak Time 3.3280 hrs Computed Peak Flow - 2.67 cfs Time Increment for HYG File = .0100 hrs ' Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.3300 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = 2.66 cfs ---DRAINAGE-AREA--- ID:PRE-DEVEL CN = 61 Area 15.520 acres S 6.3939 in 0.25 = 1.2787 in • ~ Cumulative Runoff ' - ~ ----.1814 in .235 ac-ft HYG Volume... .235 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ' ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** • Time Concentration, Tc = .31200 hrs (ID: PRE-DEVEL) Computational incr, Tm = .04160 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.432 (37.46$ under rising limb) K = 983.43/645.333, K = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) ' Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7991) Unit peak, qp = 56.36 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .20800 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .83200 hrs ' Total unit time, Tb = 1.04000 hrs 1 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 10:56 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.09 ' Name.... PRE-DEVEL Tag: Pre 10 Event: 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE.PPW Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: Pre 10 t SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 10 year storm Duration = 5.9833 hrs Rain Depth = 3.5600 in Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ ' Rain File -ID = - l0yr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ ' HYG File - ID = - PRE-DEVEL Pre 10 Tc = .3120 hrs .Drainage Area = 15.520 acres Runoff CN= 61 -------------------- Computational Time Increment = .09160 hrs ' Computed Peak Time 3.2498 hrs Computed Peak Flow 11.39 cfs ' Time Increment for HYG File = .0100 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.2500 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = 11.36 cfs ' ---DRAINAGE AREA ID:PRE-DEVEL CN = 61 ' Area 15.520 acres S 6.3934 in 0.2S = 1.2787 in Cumulative Runoff ' .5999 in .776 ac-ft HYG~Volume... .776 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ' ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** Time Concentration, Tc = .31200 hrs (ID:'PRE-DEVEL) ' Computational Incr, Tm = .09160 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 983.432 (37.46 under rising limb) K = 483.43/645.333, K = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7491) ' Unit peak, qp = 56.36 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .20800 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .83200 hrs ' Total unit time, Tb = 1.04000 hrs n ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 10:56 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.05 ' Name.... PRE-DEVEL Tag: Pre 50 Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE.PPW Storm... SOyr 6hr Tag: Pre 50 ' SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 50 year storm Duration = 6.0000 hrs Rain Depth = 4.9200 in Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ ' Rain File -ID = - SOyr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ HYG File - ID = - PRE-DEVEL Pre 50 ' Tc = .3120 hrs Drainage Area = 15.520 acres Runoff CN= 61 ---------------------- Computational Time Increment .04160 hrs ' Computed Peak Time 3.2448 hrs Computed Peak Flow 24.88 cfs ' Time Increment for HYG File = .0100 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output 3.2500 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = 29.84 cfs ' ---DRAINAGE AREA ID:PRE-DEVEL CN = 61 ' Area 15.520 acres S 6.3934 in 0.2S = 1.2787 in Cumulative Runoff ' ~ ---- --------1.3213 ih 1.709 ac-ft ~. HYG Volume... 1.709 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ' ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** Time Concentration, Tc = .31200 hrs'•(ID: PRE-DEVEL) ' Computational Incr, Tm .09160 hrs = 0.20000,Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 983.932 (37.96 under rising limb) K = 483.43/645.333, K = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7491) ' Unit peak, qp = 56.36 cfs Unit peak time Tp =. .20800 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .83200 hrs ' Total unit time, Tb = 1.04000 hrs ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 10:56 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Appendix A Index of Starting Page Numbers for ID Names ----- 1 ----- l0yr 6hr Pre 10... 4.01 ----- 2 ----- 2yr 6hr Pre 2... 9.03 ----- S ----- 50yr 6hr Pre 50... 9.05 ----- G ----- Gastonia... 3.01, 3.02 ----- P ----- PRE-DEVEL... 5.01, 6.01, 7.03, 7.04, 7.05 ----- W ----- Watershed... 1.01, 2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2.04, 2.05, 2.06, 2.07 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 10:56 AM A-1 Date: 2/27/2006 L 1 1 ii 1 t ' ~ ~~ lAtdD~r~ ~ q-c ~P~G~. _ A~ZA D~ m 2.•~~ ~~. i~~ - ~l,oP~ CN ~ l [e ' _ ~w£lv?~0 Ct~ r (~~r C~P'EN s~PPrC~ ~ ~R~f~~ L.~v ~,~ ~; w r~R ~co~~6~~ ~P~ ~ ' _ ~ ~ ~ ~. s 1~tt-s4 Mss ~'G~ t~Quw 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Job File: L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE-UNDETAINED.PPW Rain Dir: L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ JOB TITLE Project Date: 7/13/2005 Project Engineer: JJP Project Title: Catawba Hills Village D Project Comments: S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:39 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table o£ Contents Table of Contents i *****************:**** MASTER SUMMARY **********:*********** Watershed....... Master Network Summary ............. 1.01 *************** NETWORK SUMMARIES (DETAILED) *************** Watershed....... 2 Executive Summary (Nodes) .......... 2.01 Executive Summary (Links) .......... 2.02 Watershed....... 10 Executive Summary (Nodes) .......... 2.03 Executive Summary (Links) .......... 2.04 Watershed....... 50 Executive Summary (Nodes) .......... 2.05 Executive Summary (Links)........... 2.06. Network Calcs Sequence ............. 2.07 ****************** DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY ******************* Gastonia........ Design Storms ...................... 3.01 Gastonia......... 2 Design Storms .. ................ 3.02 ************:r*:r******* RAINFALL DATA *******:r*************** l0yr 6hr........ 10 Time-Depth Curve ................... 4.01 2yr 6hr......... 2 Time-Depth Curve ................... 4.03 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:39 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Table of Contents ii Table of Contents (continued) 50yr 6hr........ 50 Time-Depth Curve ................... 4.05 ********************** TC CALCULATIONS **:****************** PRE-DEVEL....... Tc Calcs ........................... 5.01 ********************** CN CALCULATIONS ********************* PRE-DEVEL....... Runoff CN-Area ..................... 6.01 ******************** RUNOFF HYDROGRAPHS ******************** PRE-DEVEL....... PRE-DEVEL....... PRE-DEVEL....... Unit Hyd. Equations ................ 7.01 2 .. Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.03 10 Unit Hyd. Summary ...........:...... 7.04 50 Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.05 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:39 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE-UNDETAINED.PPW MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Network Storm Collection: Gastonia Total Depth Rainfall Return Event in Type RNF ID 2 2.4500 Time-Depth Curve 2yr 6hr 10 3.5600 Time-Depth Curve l0yr 6hr 50 9.9200 Time-Depth Curve SOyr 6hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*NOde=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG VO1 Node ID Type Event ac-ft Trun PRE-DEVEL AREA 2 .045 PRE-DEVEL AREA 10 .148 PRE-DEVEL AREA 50 .326 *PRE-DEVEL JCT 2 :045 *PRE-DEVEL JCT 10 .148 *PRE-DEVEL _ JCT 50 .326 . Mdx Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage hrs cfs ft ac-ft 3.3300 -- ------------ .51 3.2500 2.17 3.2500 9.79 3.3300 ~ .51 3.2500 2.17 3.2500 4.79 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:39 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 2.01 Name.... Watershed Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE-UNDETAINED.PPW Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2 NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name --------------- = 2 ---- Data Type, File, ID ------------- = Time-Depth ------ Curve ----------- 2yr 6hr ------------------- Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.9500 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Node ID Type ac -ft Trun. hrs . cfs ft PRE-DEVEL AREA .045 3.3300 .51 Outfall PRE-DEVEL JCT .045 3.3300 .51 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:39 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Executive Summary (Links) Page 2.02 ' Name.... Watershed Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\ Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE-UNDETAINED.PPW Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2 NETWORK SUMMARY -- LINKS ' (UN=Upstream Node; DL=DNstream End of Link; DN=DNStream Node) (Trun.= HYG Trunca tion: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) ' DEFAULT Design Storm File, ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name = 2 ' --------------------- Data Type, File, ID = ----------------------------------------------- Time-Depth Curve 2yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.4500 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs ' Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs HYG Vol Peak Time Peak Q Link ID Type ADDLINK 10 ADD UN ----ac_ft Trun. hrs ---cfs-- End Points - --- ------- ---------------- .045 3.3300 .51 PRE-DEVEL DL .045 3.3300 .51 DN .045. 3.3300 .51 PRE-DEVEL S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated ' PondPack Ver. Time: 11:34 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) N ' ame.... Watershed page 2 03 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE- S 10 yr e D-PRE-UND torm... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10 ppW ETAINED NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None L ; =Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name - 10 --- --- ---------YT------------ __ Data T ----- ------ ype, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve l0yr 6hr Storm Frequency = __________ _ ---- ' 10 Total Rainfall Depth= 3.5600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs ' Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs Node ID HYG_VOl Qpeak YPe ac-ft Trun Q eak p Max WSEL . ------------- ---- ---------- cfs ft - PRE-DEVEL - --------- AREA - 'J 48 ________ ----'~- ' _ Outfall PRE-DEVEL 3.2500 JCT 2.17 .lqg 3.2500 2.17 1 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 ' PondPack Ver. LandDesign Incorporated Time: 11:34 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Executive Summary (Links) Name.... Watershed Page 2.09 Event: 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\ Civil\PondPak\VIL LAGE-D-PRE-UNDETAINED.PPW Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10 NETWORK SUMMARY -- LINKS ' (UN=Upstream Node; DL=DNstream End of Link; DN=DNstream Node) (Trun.= HYG Trunca tion: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File, ID = Gasto nia Storm Tag Name = 10 Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve l0yr 6hr ' Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.5600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs ' Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hr s End= 5.9833 hrs HYG Vol Peak Time Peak Q Link ID Type ac-ft Trun. hrs cfs End Points ADDLINK 10 ADD UN .148 3.2500 2.17 PRE-DEVEL DL .148 3.2500 2.17 DN .148 3.2500 2.17.. PRE-DEVEL .. . ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:34 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 2.05 Name.... Watershed Event• 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE-UNDETAINED.PPW Storm... SOyr 6hr Tag: 50 NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name -------- -- = 50 - -------- Data Type, File, ID -------------------- = Time-Depth Curve ----------- 50yr 6hr ------------------ Storm .Frequency = 50 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 4.9200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 6.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs End= 6.0000 hrs HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Node ID ----------------- Type ---- - ac-ft Trun. hrs --------- -- --- cfs ft PRE-DEVEL AREA .326 ------ 3.2500 -------- --------- 4.74 Outfall PRE-DEVEL JCT .326 3.2500 4.74 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:34 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Executive Summary (Links) Page 2.06 Name.... Watershed Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE-UNDETAINED.PPW Storm... SOyr 6hr Tag: 50 NETWORK SUMMARY -- LINKS (UN=Upstream Node; DL=DNstream End of Link; DN=DNstream Node) (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File, ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name = 50 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve SOyr 6hr Storm Frequency = 50 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 9.9200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 6.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs End=.6.0000 hrs HYG Vol Peak Time Peak Q Link ID Type ac-ft Trun. hrs cfs End Points ADDLINK 10 ADD UN .326 3.2500 9.79 PRE-DEVEL DL .326 3.2500 9.79 DN .326 3.2500 4.74 PRE-DEVEL S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:39 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Network Calcs Sequence Page 2.07 Name.... Watershed File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE-UNDETAINEDeppW 50 yr Storm... SOyr 6hr Tag: 50 NETWORK RUNOFF NODE SEQUENCE Runoff Data ---_ Apply to Node Receiving Link SCS UH PRE-DEVEL Subarea PRE-DEVEL Add Hyd PRE-DEVEL S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:34 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Network Calcs Sequence Page 2.08 Name.... Watershed Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE-UNDETAINED.PPW Storm... SOyr 6hr Tag: 50 NETWORK ROUTING SEQUENCE Link Operation UPStream Node DNStream Node Add Hyd ADDLINK 10 Subarea PRE-DEVEL Jct PRE-DEVEL S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:39 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Design Storms Page 3.01 Name.... Gastonia File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\ Title... Project Date: 7/13/2005 Project Engineer: JJP Project Title: Catawba Hills Village D Project Comments DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name = 2 Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve 2yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.9500 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs Storm Tag Name = 10 Data Type, File, ID = Time-.Depth Curve 1.Oyr 6hr Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.5600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs Storm Tag Name = 50 ----------- Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve 50yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 50 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 9.9200 in Duration Multiplier = .1 " Resulting Duration = 6.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs End= 6.0000 hrs S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:34 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Design Storms Page 3.02 Name.... Gastonia Event• 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2 DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name = 2 Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve 2yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.4500 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs Storm Tag Name = 10 Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve l0yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.5600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration =.5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= :0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs Storm Tag Name = 50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve 50yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 50 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 4.9200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 . Resulting Duration = 6.00.00 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs End= 6.0000 hrs S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:34 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Time-Depth Curve Page 9.01 Name.... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10 Event: 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civi l\POndPak\ Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10 ' Time SYNTHE I Output TIC CUMULATIVE RAINFALL(in) Time increment = .0167 hrs hrs -------- I Time on left -I----------------- represents ----------- time for first value in each row. .0000 I .0022 .0044 --------- .0066 ----------- .0089 ------ .0111 ' .0833 I .0134 .0156 .0179 .0202 .0225 .1667 ( .0248 .0271 .0294 .0317 .0391 .2500 I .0364 .0388 .0912 .0436 .0460 .3333 I .0484 .0506 .0533 .0557 0582 .9167 I .0606 .0631 .0636 .0681 . .0707 .5000 I .0732 .0758 .0783 .0809 .0835 .5833 1 .0861 .0887 .0914 .0940 .0967 .6667 I .0999 .1021 ,1098 .1075 .1102 .7500 I .1130 .1158 .1186 .1219 ,1292 ' .8333 I .1271 ..1299 .1328 .1357 .1386 .9167 I .1916 .1445 .1475 .1505 .1535 1.0000 I .1565 .1596 .1627 .1657 .1689 1.0833 I .1720 .1751 .1783 .1815 .1847 ' 1.1667 I .1880 .1913 .1945 ..1979 .2012 1.25.00 I .2046 .2080 .2114 .2198 .2183 1.3333 I .2218 .2253 .2289 .2325 .2361 1.4167 I .2397 .2439 .2471 .2508 .2546 1.5000 I .2591 .2636 ..2681 .2727 .2779 ' 1.5633 I .2820 .2868 .2915 .2963 .3012 1.6667 I .3060 .3110 .3160 .3210 .3261 1.7500 I .3312 .3369 .3416 .3969 .3523 ' 1.8333 1.9167 I .3577 I .3856 .3632. .3914 .3687 .3973 .3743 .4032 .3799 .4092 2.0000 I .4164 .4237 .4311 .9386 .4461 2.0833 I .4538 .4615 .4694 .4774 .4855 •2.1667 I .9936 ..5020 .51A9 .5190 .5276 2.2500 I .5365 .5954 .5596 .5638 . . 5733 ' 2.3333 .I .5829 .5926 .6026 .6127 . .6230 2.4167 I .6336 .6444 .6554 .6666 .6781 . 2.5000 I. .6936 .7094 .7255 .7420 .7589 ' 2.5833 2.6667 I ,7763 I .8701 .7940 .8906 .8122 .9118 .8310 .9338 . .8502 • .9566 2.7500 I .9876 1.0198 1.0531 1.0878 1.1240 2.8333 I 1.1620 1.2021 1.2495 1.2976 1.3542 2.9167 I 1.4281 1.5067 1.5919 1.7099 1.8279 3.0000 I 1.9459 2.0639 2.1819 2.2635 2.3395 3.0833 I 2.3982 2.4529 2.5045 2.5958 2.5847 3.1667 I 2.6218 2.6572 2.6612 2.6740 2.6856 3.2500 I 2.6888 2.6912 2.7027 2.7036 2.7138 ' 3.3333 3.4167 I 2.7233 I 2.8134 2.7423 2.8301 2.7608 2.8465 2.7788 2.8629 2.7963 2 8781 3.5000 I 2.8897 2.9011 2.9122 2.9231 . 2.9337 3.5833 I 2.9941 2.9549 2.9644 2.9793 2.9890 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:34 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Time-Depth Curve Name.... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10 1 1 Page 4.02 Event: 10 yr SYNTHETIC CUMULATIVE RAINFALL(in) Time I Output Time increment = .0167 hrs hrs ~ ---------I- Time on left ---------------- represents ---------- time for -- first value in each row. 3.6667 ~ 2.9935 3.0028 -------- 3.0120 ------------ 3.0211 ------------- 3.0300 3.7500 I 3.0387 3.0973 3.0558 3.0642 3.0725 3.8333 ~ 3.0806 3.0886 3.0965 3.1044 3.1121 3.9167 ~ 3.1197 3.1272 3.1396 3.1920 3.1492 9.0000 I 3.1552 3.1612 3.1671 3.1729 3.1787 4.0833 I 3.1843 3.1899 3.1955 3.2010 3.2065 9.1667 ~ 3.2118 3.2172 3.2224 3.2276 3.2328 4.2500 i 3.2379 3.2930 3.2480 3.2529 3.2578 4.3333 I 3.2627 3.2675 3.2723 3.2770 3.2817 4.4167 ~ 3.2864 3.2910 3.2956 3.3001 3.3096 4.5000 ~ 3.3084. 3.3121 3.3159 3.3195 3.3232 4.5833 ~ 3.3268 3.3309 3.3340 3.3375 3.3911 4.6667 ~ 3.3945 3.3980 3.3514 3.3548 3.3582 4.7500 ~ .3.3616 3.3649 3.3682 3.3715 3.3797 4.8333 ~ 3.3780 3.3812 3.3844 3.3875 3.3907 4.9167 ~ 3.3938 3.3969 3.9000 3.9030 3.4061 5.0000 ~ 3.9091 3.9121 3.4151 3.4181 3.9210 5.0833 ~. 3.4239 3.4268 3.4297 3.9326 3.4354 5.1667 ~ 3.4383 3.9411 3.4939 3.4467 3.4494 5.2500 ~ 3.9522 3.4599 3.4577 3.9609 3.4631 5.3333 ~ 3.4657 3.4684 3.9710 3.4737 3.4763 5.4167 ~ 3.4789 3.9815 3.4890 3.9866 3.4892 5.5000 ~ 3.9917 3.4992 3.9967 3.4992 3.5017 5.5833 ~ 3.5042 3.5066 3.5091 3.5115 3.5139 5.6667 ~ 3.5163 3.5187 3.5211 3.5235 3.5258 5.7500 ~ 3.5282 3.5305 3.5329 3.5352 3.5375 5.8333 ~ 3.5398 3.5921 3.5444 3.5966 3.5989 5.9167 ~ 3.5511 3.5534 3.5556 3.5578 3.5600 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 PondPack Ver. LandDesign Incorporated Time: 11:34 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Time-Depth Curve Page 9.03 Name.... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2 Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civi l\POndPak\ Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2 SYNTHE TIC CUMULA TIVE RAINFALL (in) Time I Output Time incr ement = .0167 hrs hrs I ---------I-- Time on left --------------- represents ---------- time for first value ---------- in each row. .0000 I .0019 .0029 ---- .0043 -------- .0058 ------------- .0072 ' .0833 I .0087 .0101 .0116 .0131 .0146 .1667 I .0161 .0176 .0191 .0206 .0221 .2500 I .0237 .0252 .0267 .0283 .0299 .3333 I .0314 .0330 .0396 .0362 .0378 .4167 I .0399 .0410 .0426 .0492 .0959 ' .5000 I .0475. .0492 .0508 .0525 .0542 .5833 I .0559 .0576 .0594 .0610 .0627 .6667 I .0645 .0662 .0680 .0698 .0715 .7500 I .0733 .0751 .0769 .0787 .0806 ' .8333 I .0824 .0893 .0861 .0880 .0899 .9167 I .0918 ~ .0937 .0956 .0976 .0995 1.0000 I .1015 .1034 .1054 .1074 .1094 1.0833 I. .1114 .1135 .1155 .1176 1197 1.1667 I .1218 .1239 .1260 .1282 . .1303 1.2500 I .1325 .1347 .1369 .1391 .1413 1.3333 I .1436 .1959 .1982 .1505 .1528 1.4167 I .155.2 .1575 .1599 .1623 .1647 1.5000 'I' .1675 .1703 .1731 .1759 .1787 ' 1.5833 I .1816 .1845 .1879 .1903 .1933 1.6667 I .1963 .1993 .2024 .2055 .2086 1.7500 I .2117 .2199 .2181 .2214 .2296 ' 1.8333 I 1.9167 I .2279. .2951 .2313 .2986 .2397 .2522 .2381 .2558 .2416 .2595 2.0000 I .2636 .2678 .2720 .2763 .2806 2.0833 I .2850 .2894 .2939 .2965 .3031 2.1667 I .3078 .3125 .3179 .3223 .3273. 2.250b.1 .3323 .3375 .3427 .3980 .3539 ' 2.3333 I .3590 .3646 .3703 .3761 .3821 2.4167 I .3882 .3999 .4007 .4072 .4138 2.5000 I .4225 .9313 .4403 .9995. .4590 ' 2.5833 I 2.6667 I :9687 .5216 .4787 .5332 .4889 .5952 .4995 .5577 .5104 .5707 2.7500 I .5879 .6057 .6243 .6938 .6642 2.8333 I .6858 .7086 .7331 .7655 .8002 2.9167 I .8944 .8924 .9958 1.0298 1.1138 3.0000 I 1.1978 1.2818 1.3658 1.9162 1.5121 ' 3.0833 I 1.5983 1.6818 1.7331 1.7567 .1.7789 3.1667 I 1.7999 1.8198 1.8388 1.8570 1.8745 3.2500 I 1.8878 1.9005 1.9128 1.9246 1.9360 ' 3.3333 I 3.4167 I 1.9471 1.9973 1.9578 2.0071 1.9682 2.0162 1.9783 2.0251 1.9881 2.0338 3.5000 I 2.0906 2.0471 2.0535 2.0598 2.0659 3.5833 I 2.0720 2.0778 2.0836 2.0892 2.0949 u ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:39 AM Date: 2/27/2006 ' Type.... Time-Depth Curve Name.... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\ Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2 L 1 i~ Page 9.09 Event: 2 yr SYNTHETIC CUMULATIVE RAINFALL(in) Time I Output Time increment = .0167 hrs hrs i ---------I- Time on left ---------------- represents ----------- time for --- first value in each row. 3.6667 I 2.1003 2.1057 ------ 2.1110 ------------ 2.1162 ------------- 2.1213 3.7500 I 2.1263 2.1312 2.1361 2.1909 2.1456 3.8333 I 2.1503 2.1549 2.1594 2.1639 2.1683 3.9167 I 2.1726 2.1769 2.1812 2.1854 2.1895 9.0000 I 2.1932 2.1969 2.2005 2.2090 2.2075 4.0833 I 2.2110 2.2195 2.2179 2.2212 2.2296 4.1667 I .2.2279 2.2311 2.2394 2.2376 2.2407 4.2500 ( 2.2439 2.2970 2.2500 2.2531 2.2561 4.3333 I 2.2591 2.2628 2.2649 2.2679 2.2707 4.4167 I 2.2736 2.2764 2.2792 2.2820 2.2847 4.5000 1 2.2872 2.2896 2.2920 2.2999 2.2967 4.5833 I 2.2991 2.3014 2.3037 2.3060 2.3082 4.6667 I 2.3105 2.3127 2.3149 2.3171 2.3193 4.7500 I 2.3215 2.3236 2.3258 2.3279 2.3300 4.8333 I 2.3321 2.3341 .2.3362 2.3382 . 2.3403 4.9167 I 2.3923 2.3443 2.3463 2.3983 2.3502 5.0000 I 2.3522 2.3541 2.3561 2.3580 2.3599 5.0833 I ..2.3618 2.3636 2.3655 2.3679 2.3692 5.1667 I 2.3711 2:3729 2.3747 2.3765 2.3783 5.2500 I 2.3801 2.3818 2.3836 2.3854 2.3871 5.3333 I 2.3888 2.3906 2.3923 2.3990 2.3957 5.4167 I 2.3974 2.3990 2.4007 2.4024 2.4040 5.5000 I 2..4057 2.4073 2.4089 2.4105 2.4121 5.5833 I 2.4137 2.4153 2.4169 2.4185 2.4201 5.6667 I 2.4216 2.4232 2.4247 2.4263 2.9278 5.7500 I 2.9293 2.9309 2.4334 2.9339 2.9359 5.8333 I 2.4369 . 2..4384 2,4398 2.4413 2.4428 5,9167 I 2.4942 2.4457 2.4471 2.9486 2.9500 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 PondPack Ver. LandDesign Incorporated Time: 11:34 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 Type.... Time-Depth Curve Page 9.05 Name.... SOyr 6hr Tag: 50 Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civi l\PondPak\ Storm... 50yr 6hr Tag: 50 SYNTHE TIC CUMULAT IVE RAINFALL(in) Time I Output Time incre ment = .0833 hrs hrs -------- I Time on left -I----------------- represents ----------- time for - first value in each row. .0000 I .0031 .0189 -------- .0351 ------------ .0517 ------------- .0686 .4167 I .0860 .1038 .1220 .1908 .1601 .8333 I .1799 .2004 .2215 .2432 .2658 1.2500 I .2891 .3134 .3365 .3655 .3967 1.6667 I .4292 .4634 .4992 .5370 .5787 2.0833 i .6294 .6834 .7414 .8040 .8725 2.5000 I .9526 1.0606 1.1830 1.3363 1.5690 2.9167 I 1.9083 2.5698 3.1490 3.4392 3.6942 3.3333 I 3.7804 3.8980 3.9981 4.0719 4.1380 3.7500 I 4.1992 9.2559 4.3089 9.3571 4.3965 9.1667 I 4.4337 4.9690 4.5026 4.5397 4.5698 4.5833 I 9.5907 9.6156 4.6395 4.6626 4.6849 5.0000 I 4.7065 4.7274 4.7977 4.7673 4.7865 5.4167 I 4.8051 4.8232 4.8409 9.8581 9.8749 5.8333 I 9.8913 9.9074 4.9200 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:39 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 5.01 Name.... PRE-DEVEL File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE-UNDETAINED.PPW TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined ----------------------------- Segment #1 Time: .3120 hrs ----------------------------------------- -Total-Tc:-----.3120-hrs_ S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:34 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 5.02 Name.... PRE-DEVEL File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE-UNDETAINED.PPW ----------------------------------------- Tc Equations used... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ___= User Defined ______________________________________________________ Tc = Value entered by user Where: Tc = Time of concentration S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:39 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Page 6.01 Name.... PRE-DEVEL File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE-UNDETAINED.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres $C $UC CN --------- ----- ----- ------ Pre-Developed Undetained Area 61 2.960 61.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 2.960 61.00 (61) S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:39 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Unit Hyd. Equations Page 7.01 Name.... File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE-UNDETAINED.PPW ' SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD (Computational Notes) DEFINIT ION OF TERMS: ------------------------------ At = ------------------ Total area (acres): At = Ai+Ap Ai = Impervious area (acres) Ap = Pervious area (acres) CNi = Runoff curve number for impervious area ' CNp = Runoff curve number for pervious area floss = f loss constant infiltration (depth/time) gKs = Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (depth/time) Md = Psi = Volumetric Moisture Deficit Capillary Suction (length) hK = Horton Infiltration Decay Rate (time^-1) fo = Initial Infiltration Rate (depth/time) fc = Ultimate(capacity)Infiltration Rate. (depth/time) Ia = Initial Abstraction (length) ' dt = Computational increment (duration of unit excess rainfall) Default dt is smallest value of 0.1333Tc, rtm, and th (Smallest dt is then adjusted to match up with Tp) UDdt = User specified override computational main time increment (only used if UDdt is => .1333Tc) ' D(t) = Point on distribution curve (fraction of P) for time step t • K = 2 / (1 + (Tr/Tp)): default.K = 0.75: (for Tr/Tp 1.67) Ks = Hydrograph shape factor ' = .Unit Conversions * K: _ ((lhr/3600sec) * (lft/12in) * ((5280ft)**2/sq.mi)) * K Default Ks. = 645.333 * 0.75 = 984 ' Lag = P = Lag time from center of excess runoff (dt) to Tp: Lag = 0.6Tc Total precipitation depth, inches Pa(t) = Accumulated rainfall at time step t Pi(t) = Incremental rainfall at time step t ' qp = Peak discharge (cfs) for lin. runoff, for lhr, for 1 sq.mi. ' _ (KS * A * Q) / Tp (where Q lin. runoff, A=sq.mi.) Qu(t) = Unit hydrograph ordinate (cfs) at time step t Q(t) = Final hydrograph ordinate (cfs) at time step t Rai(t)= Accumulated runoff (inches) at time step t for impervious area ' Rap(t)= Accumulated runoff (inches) at time step t for pervious area Rii(t)= Incremental runoff (inches) at time step t for impervious area Rip(t)= Incremental runoff (inches) at time step t for pervious area R(t) = Incremental weighted total runoff (inches) Rtm = Time increment for rainfall table Si = S for impervious area: Si = (1000/CNi) - 10 Sp = S for pervious area: Sp = (1000/CNp) - 10 t = Time step (row) number Tc = Time of concentration ' Tb = Time (hrs) of entire unit hydrograph: Tb = Tp + Tr Tp = Time (hrs) to peak of a unit hydrograph: Tp = (dt/2) + Lag Tr = Time (hrs) of receding limb of unit hydrograph: Tr = ratio of Tp 1 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:34 AM Date: 2/27/2006 t Type.... Unit Hyd. Equations Page 7.02 Name.... File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE-UNDETAINED.PPW ' SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD (Computational Notes) PRECIPITATION: ----------------------------------------------------------- ' Column (1): Time for time step t Column (2): D(t) = Point on distribution curve for time step t Column (3): Pi(t) = Pa(t) - Pa (t-1): Col. (4) - Preceding Col. (9) Column (9): Pa(t) = D(t) x P: Col.(2) x P ' PERVIOUS AREA RUNOFF (using SCS Runoff CN Method) ------------------------ Column (5): Rap(t) = Accumulated pervious runoff for time step t If (Pa(t) is <= 0.2Sp) then use: Rap(t) = 0.0 ' If (Pa(t) is > 0.2Sp) then use: Rap(t) _ (Col. (4)-0.2Sp)**2 / (Col. (9)+0.8Sp) ' Column (6): Rip(t) =Incremental pervious runoff for time step t . Rip(t) = Rap(t) Rap (t-1)' Rip(t) = Col. (5) for current row - Col. (5) for preceding row. IMPERVIOUS AREA RUNOFF ___________________________________________________ Column (7 & B)... Did not specify to use impervious areas. INCREMENTAL WEIGHTED RUNOFF: _____________________________________________ Column (9): R(t) _ (Ap/At) x Rip (t) + (Ai/At) x Rii.(t) R(t) _ (Ap/At) x Col. (6) + (Ai/At) x Col. (8) SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD: ______________________________________________ Column (10): Q(t) is computed with the SCS unit hydrograph method using R() and Qu(j. ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:34 AM Date: 2/27/2006 ' Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.03 Name.... PRE-DEVEL Tag: 2 Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE-UNDETAINED.PPW Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2 SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 2 year storm Duration = 5.9833 hrs Rain Depth = 2.4500 in ' Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Rain File -ID = - 2yr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ ' HYG File - ID - PRE-DEVEL 2 Tc .3120 hrs Drainage Area = 2.960 acres Runoff CN= 61 ------------------------------------- ' Computational Time Increment .09160 hrs Computed Peak Time 3.3280 hrs Computed Peak Flow = .51 cfs ' Time Increment for HYG File = .0100 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.3300 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = .51 cfs ' ---DRAINAGE-AREA--- ID:PRE-DEVEL CN = 61 ' Area 2.960 acres S 6.3934 in 0.2S = 1.2787 in Cumulative.Runoff . ------------------- .1$14.-in .045 ac-ft HYG Volume... .095 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** Time Concentration, Tc = .31200 hrs (ID: PRE-DEVEL) Computational Incr, Tm = .04160 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 983.432 (37.46 under rising limb) K = 983.43/645.333, K = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7491) Unit peak, qp = 10.75 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .20800 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .83200 hrs ' Total unit time, Tb = 1.04000 hrs ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:34 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.04 Name.... PRE-DEVEL Tag: 10 Event: 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE-UNDETAINED.PPW Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10 SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 10 year storm Duration = 5.9833 hrs Rain Depth = 3.5600 in Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Rain File -ID = - l0yr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ HYG File - ID = - PRE-DEVEL 10 Tc = .3120 hrs Drainage Area = 2.960~acres Runoff CN= 61 ------------------- Computational Time Increment = .09160 hrs Computed Peak Time = 3.2448 hrs Computed Peak Flow _ 2.17 cfs Time Increment for HYG File = .0100 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.2500 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = 2.17 cfs DRAINAGE AREA ------------------- ID:PRE-DEVEL CN = 61 Area = 2.960 acres S = 6.3939 in 0.25 = 1.2787 in Cumulative Runoff .5999 in .148 ac-ft 'HYG Volume... .148 ac-ft (area under HYG curve)'' ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** Time Concentration, Tc = .31200 hrs (ID: PRE-DEVEL) Computational Incr, Tm = .04160 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.432 (37.46$ under rising limb) K = 483.43/645.333, K = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.669$ (solved from K = .7991) Unit peak, qp = 10.75 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .20800 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .83200 hrs Total unit time, Tb = 1.04000 hrs S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:34 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.05 ' Name.... PRE-DEVEL Tag: 50 Event: SO yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-PRE-UNDETAINED.PPW Storm... SOyr 6hr Tag: 50 ' SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 50 year storm Duration = 6.0000 hrs Rain Depth = 9.9200 in Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Rain File -ID = - SOyr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ HYG File - ID = - PRE-DEVEL 50 Tc = .3120 hrs ' Drainage Area = 2.960 acres Runoff CN= 61 Computational Time Increment .04160 hrs Computed Peak Time 3.2948 hrs Computed Peak Flow - 9.74 cfs ' Time Increment for HYG File = .0100 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.2500 hrs Peak Flow; Interpolated Output = 4.74 cfs t ---DRAINAGE AREA - --- ID:PRE-DEVEL CN = 61 ' Area _2.960 acres S 6.3934 in 0.2S = 1.2787 in . Cumulative Runoff 1.3213 in .326 ac-ft HYG.VOlume... .326 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ' ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** Time Concentration,'Tc = .31200 hrs (ID: PRE-DEVEL) Computational Incr, Tm = .04160 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.432 (37.46 under rising limb) K = 983.43/645.333, K = .7991 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7491) Unit peak, qp = 10.75 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .20800 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .83200 hrs ' Total unit time, Tb = 1.04000 hrs S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:34 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Appendix A Index of Starting Page Numbers for ID Names ----- 1 ----- l0yr 6hr 10... 4.01 ----- 2 ----- 2yr 6hr 2... 4.03 ----- 5 ----- 50yr 6hr 50... 4.05 ----- G ----- Gastonia... 3.01, 3.02 ----- P ----- PRE-DEVEL... 5.01, 6.01, 7.03, 7.04, 7.05 ----- W ----- Watershed... 1.01, 2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2.09, 2.05, 2.06, 2..07 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:34 AM A-1 Date: 2/27/2006 Job File: L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-UNDETAINED.PPW Rain Dir: L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ ' JOB TITLE Project Date: 7/13/2005 ' Project Engineer: JJP Project Title: Catawba Hills Village D Project Comments: ,~ ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:38 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table of Contents i Table of Contents **********:r**:r******** MASTER SUMMARY *******************:r** Watershed....... Master Network Summary ............. 1.01 *************** NETWORK SUMMARIES (DETAILED) *************** Watershed....... Dev 2 Executive Summary (Nodes) .......... 2.01 Executive Summary (Links) .......... 2.02 Watershed..:.... Dev 10 Executive Summary (Nodes) .......... 2.03 Executive Summary (Links) ......:... 2.04 Watershed....... Dev 50 Executive Summary (Nodes) .......... 2.05 Executive Summary (Links) .......... 2.06 Network Calcs Sequence ......:...... 2.07 ****************** DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY ************* ****** Gastonia........ Design Storms ...................... 3.01 Gastonia........ Dev ~2 . Design Storms ........... ......... 3.02 ********************** RAINFALL DATA ***************** ****** l0yr 6hr........ Dev 10 Time-Depth Curve ................... 9.01 2yr 6hr.......,. Dev 2 Time-Depth Curve ................... .4.03 . S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:38 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table of Contents ii Table of Contents (continued) SOyr 6hr........ Dev 50 Time-Depth Curve ................... 4.05 ********************** TC CALCULATIONS ********************* POST-DEVEL...... Tc Calcs ........................... 5.01 ********************** CN CALCULATIONS *****:r*************** POST-DEVEL...... Runoff CN-Area ..................... 6.01 ******************** RUNOFF HYDROGRAPHS ************** ****** Unit Hyd. Equations ................ 7.01 POST-DEVEL...... Dev 2 Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.03 POST-DEVEL...... Dev 10 Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.04 POST-DEVEL...... Dev 50 Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.05 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:38 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-UNDETAINED.PPW MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Network Storm Collection: Gastonia Total Depth Rainfall Return ------ Event ------ in ------ Type ---- RNF ID Dev 2 2.4500 ------------ Time-Depth Curve ------------ 2yr 6hr Dev 10 3.5600 Time-Depth Curve l0yr 6hr Dev 50 9.9200 Time-Depth Curve 50yr 6hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY • SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return Node ID -------------- Type Event POST-DEVEL --- ---- AREA ------ 2 POST-DEVEL AREA 10 POST-DEVEL AREA 50 *POST-DEVEL JCT 2 *POST-DEVEL JCT 10 *POST-DEVEL JCT 50 HYG Vol Qpeak ac-ft Trun -------- -- hrg .062 --------- 3.3200 .181 3.2900 .377 3.2500 .062 3.3200 .181 3.2400 •377 3.2500 Max Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage cfs ft ac-ft ------- -------- ------------ .83 2.83 5.64 .83 2.83 5.64 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:38 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 2.01 1 Name.... Watershed Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-UNDETAINED.PPW Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: Dev 2 NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia ' Storm Tag Name = D 2 ev --------------- -------------------------------------- Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve 2yr 6hr --------------- Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.9500 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs ' Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Node ID Type ac-ft Trun. hrs ----------------- ---- cfs ft ' ---------- -- --------- POST-DEVEL AREA, .062 3.3200 -------- --------- ,83 Outfall POST-DEVEL JCT .062 3.3200- .83 t S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:38 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Executive Summary (Links) Page 2.02 Name.... Watershed Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-UNDETAINED.PPW Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: Dev 2 NETWORK SUMMARY -- LINKS (UN=Upstream Node; DL=DNstream End of Link; DN=DNstream Node) (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name = Dev 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve 2yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.4500 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs . HYG Vol Peak Time Peak Q Link I.D Type ac-ft Trun. hrs cfs End Points ADDLINK 10 ADD UN .062 3.3200 .63 POST-DEVEL DL .062 3.3200 .83 DN .062 3.3200 .83 POST-DEVEL S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:38 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 2.03 Name.... Watershed Event: 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-PO5T-UNDETAINED.PPW Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: Dev 10 NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name --- = Dev 10 ----- Data Type, File, ID -------------------- = Time-Depth Curve --------------- l0yr 6hr -------------- Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.5600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs Node ID HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Type ac-ft Trun. hrs -- ---------- cfs ft POST-DEVEL - AREA .181 - --------- 3.2400 2,83 Outfall POST-DEVEL JCT .181 3.2900 2.83 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:38 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Executive Summary (Links) Page 2.04 ' Name.... Watershed Event: 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\ Civil\PondPak\VIL LAGE-D-POST-UNDETAINED.PPW Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: Dev 10 NETWORK SUMMARY -- LINKS ' (UN=Upstream Node; DL=DNStream End of Link; DN=DNstream Node) (Trun.= HYG Trunca tion: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) ' DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name = Dev 10 --------------------- Data Type, File, ID = ----------------- Time-Depth Curve ------------------------------ l0yr 6hr ' Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.5600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs ' Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs HYG Vol Peak Time Peak Q Link ID T e YP ac-ft Trun. hrs cfs End Points ' ADDLINK 10 ADD UN .181 3.2900 2.83 POST-DEVEL DL .181 3.2900 2.83 DN ..181 3.2400 2.83 POST-DEVEL S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:38 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 2.05 ' Name.... Watershed Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-UNDETAINED.PPW Storm... SOyr 6hr Tag: Dev 50 NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES ' (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File, ID = Gastonia ' Storm Ta Name = D 50 g ev ----------------- ---------------------- Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve ------------- 50yr 6hr ---------------- Storm Frequency = 50 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 4.9200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 6.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs End= 6.0000 hrs ' HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Node ID Type ac-ft Trun. hrs cfs ft POST-DEVEL AREA .377 3.2500 5.64 Outfall POST-DEVEL JCT .377 3.2500 '5:69 . . ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:38 AM Date: 2/27/2006 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Executive Summary (Links) Page 2.06 Name.... Watershed Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-UNDETAINED.PPW Storm... 50yr 6hr Tag: Dev 50 NETWORK SUMMARY -- LINKS (UN=Upstream Node; DL=DNstream End of Link; DN=DNStream Node) (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File, ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name = Dev 50 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve SOyr 6hr Storm Frequency = 50 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 4.9200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 6.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs End= 6.0000 hrs HYG Vol Peak Time Peak Q Link ID Type ac-ft Trun. hrs cfs End Points ------ ---------------- ADDLINK 10 ADD UN .377 3.2500 5.64 POST-DEVEL DL .377 3.2500 5.64 DN ,.377 3.2500 5.64 POST-DEVEL S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:38 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Network Calcs Sequence Page 2.07 Name.... Watershed Event• 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-UNDETAINED.PPW Storm... 50yr 6hr Tag: Dev 50 NETWORK RUNOFF NODE SEQUENCE Runoff Data Apply to Node Receiving Link ------------------------===y =__________=____ SCS UH POST-DEVEL Subarea POST-DEVEL Add H d POST-DEVEL S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:38 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Network Calcs Sequence Page 2.08 Name.... Watershed Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-PO ST-UNDETAINED.PPW Storm... 50yr 6hr Tag: Dev 50 ' NETWORK ROUTING SEQUENCE Link Operation UPstream Node ------------------- DNStream Node Add Hyd ADDLINK 10 Subarea POST-DEVEL Jct POST-DEVEL S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:38 AM Date: 2/27/2006 ii Type.... Design Storms Page 3.01 Name.... Gastonia File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Title... Project Date: 7/13/2005 Project Engineer: JJP Project Title: Catawba Hills Village D Project Comments: DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name = Dev 2 Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve 2yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.9500 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs Storm Tag Name = Dev 10 Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve l0yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.5600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs Storm Tag Name = Dev 50 Data Type, File, ID Time=Depth Curve Sbyr 6hr Storm Frequency =_50 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 4.9200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration 6.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs End= 6.0000 hrs S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:38 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Design Storms Page 3.02 ' Name.... Gastonia Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag : Dev 2 DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = G astonia 1 Storm Tag Name = ---------------- Dev 2 ----- Data Type, File, ID = ----------------- Time-Depth Curve ---------------- 2yr 6hr ---------------- Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.9500 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs ' Storm Ta N g ame = ---------------- Dev 10 ------ Data Type, File, ID = ---------------- Time-Depth Curve ---------------- l0yr 6hr ---------------- Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.5600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs ' Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs Storm Tag Name = Dev SO ' ---------------------- Data Type, File, ID = ----------------- Time-Depth Curve ---------------- 50yr 6hr --------------- Storm Frequency = 50 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 9.9200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration' = 6.0000 hrs .Resulting Start. Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs End= 6.0000 hrs S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated ' PondPack Ver. Time: 11:38 AM Date: 2/27/2006 ' Type.... Time-Depth Curve Name.... l0yr 6hr Tag: Dev 10 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\ Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: Dev 10 I~ G Page 4.01 Event: 10 yr SYNTHETIC CUMULATIVE RAINFALL(in) Time I Output Time increment = .0167 hrs hrs I ---------I- Time on left ---------------- represents ----------- time for - first value in each row. .0000 I .0022 .0099 -------- .0066 ------------ .0089 ------------- .0111 .0833 I .0134 .0156 .0179 .0202 .0225 .1667 I .0298 .0271 .0294 .0317 .0341 .2500 I .0364 .0388 .0412 .0436 .0460 .3333 I .0484 .0508 .0533 .0557 .0582 .4167 I .0606 .0631 .0636 .0681 .0707 .5000 I .0732 .0758 .0763 .0809 .0835 .5833 I .0861 .0887 .0914 .0940 .0967 .6667 I .0999 .1021 .1098 .1075 .1102 .7500 I .1130 .1158 .1186 .1214 .1242 .8333 I .1271 .1299 .1328 .1357 .1386 .9167 I .1916 .1945 .1475 .1505 .1535 1.0000 I .1565 .1596 .1627 .1657 . .1689 1.0833 I .1720 .1751 .1.783 .1815 .1897 1.1667 I .1880 .1913 .1995 .1979 .2012 1.2500 I .2096 :2080 .2114 .2148 .2183 1.3333 I .2218 .2253 .2289 .2325 .2361 1.9167 I .2397 .2434 .2471 ..2508 .2546 1.5000 I .2591 .2636 .2681 .2727 .2779 1.5833 I .2820 .2868 .2915 .2963 .3012 1.6667 I .3060 .3110 .3160 .3210 .3261 1.7500 I .3312 .3364 .3416 .3469 .3523 1.8333 I .3577 .3632 .3687 .3793 .3799 1.9167 I .3856 .3919 .3973 .4032 .4092- 2.0000 I .9164 .4237 .4311 .4386 .4461 2.0833 I .4538 .9615 .4699 .9779 .9855 2.1667 1 .9936. .5020 .5104 .5190 ,5276. 2.2500 I .5365 .5459 ..5546 .5638 .5733 2.3333 I .5829 .5926 .6b26 .6127 .6230 2.9167 I .6336 .6444 .6559 .6666 .6781 2.5000 I ..6936 .7094 .7255 .7420 .7589 2:5833'1 .7763 .7940 .8122 .8310 :8502 2.6667 I .8701 .8906 .9118 .9338 .9566 2.7500 I .9876 1.0198 1.0531 1.0878 1.1290 2.8333 I 1.1620 1.2021 1.2945 1.2976 1.3542 2.9167 I 1.4281 1.5067 1.5919 ~ 1.7099 •1.8279 3.0000 I 1.9959 2.0639 2.1819 2.2635 2.3395 3.0833 I 2.3982 2.4529 2.5095 . 2.5458 2.5897 3.1667 I 2.6218 2.6572 2.6612 2.6740 2.6856 3.2500 I 2.6888 2.6912 2.7027 2.7036 2.7138 3.3333 I 2.7233 2.7423 2.7608 2.7788 2.7963 3.4167 I 2.8134 2.8301 2.8465 2.8629 2.8781 3.5000 I 2.8897 2.9011 2.9122 2.9231 2.9337 3.5833 I 2.9441 2.9544 2.9644 2.9743 2.9840 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 PondPack Ver. LandDesign Incorporated Time: 11:38 AM Date: 2/27/2006 ' Type.... Time-Depth Curve Name.... l0yr 6hr Tag: Dev 10 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: Dev 10 1 1 I J~, Page 9.02 Event: 10 yr SYNTHETIC CUMULATIVE RAINFALL(in) Time I Output Time increment = .0167 hrs hrs I ---------I- Time on left ---------------- represents ----------- time for - first value in each row. 3.6667 1 2.9935 3.0028 -------- 3.0120 ------------ 3.0211 ------------ 3.0300 3.7500 I 3.0387 3.0973 3.0558 3.0692 3.0725 3.8333 I 3.0806 3.0886 3.0965 3.1044 3.1121 3.9167 I 3.1197 3.1272 3.1346 3.1920 3.1492 4.0000 I 3.1552 3.1612 3.1671 3.1729 3.1787 9.0833 1 3.1893 3.1899 3.1955 3.2010 3.2065 4.1667 I 3.2118 3.2172 3.2229 3.2276 3.2328 4.2500 I 3.2379 3.2930 3.2480 3.2529 3.2578 9.3333 1 3.2627 3.2675 3.2723 3.2770 3.2817 4.9167 I 3.2864 3.2910 3.2956 3.3001 3.3046 9.5000 I 3.3084 3.3121 3.3159 3.3195 3.3232 9.5833 I 3.3268 3.3304 3.3340 3.3375 3.3911 4.6667 I 3.3495 3.3480 3.3514 3.3598 3.3582 4.7500 I 3.3616 3.3649 3.3682 3.37 15 3.3797 4.8333 1 3.3780 3.3612 3.3694 . 3.3875 3.3907 9.9167 1 3.3938 3.3969 3.4000 3.4030 3.4061 5.0000 I 3.4091 3.4121 3.4151 3.9181 3.4210 5.0833 1 3.9239 3.9268 3.4297 3.4326 3.4359 5.1667 I 3.4383 3.4911 3.9439 3.9467 . 3.9494 5.2500 1 3.9522 3.4549 3.4577 3.4604 3.9631 5.3333 I 3.4657 3.4684 3.9710 3.4737 3.4763 5.9167 I 3.4789 3.9815 3.4840 3.9866 3.9892 5.5000 1 3.4917 3.9942 3.9967 3.4992 3.5017 5.5833 I 3:5092 3.5066 3.5091 3.5115 3.5139 5.6667 I 3.5163 3.5187 3.5211 3.5235 3.5258 5.7500 1 3.5282 3.5305 3.5329 3.5352 3.5375 5.8333 I 3.5398 3.5921 .3.5444 3.5466 3.5489 5.9167.1 3.5511 3.5534 3.5556 .3.5578 3.5600 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:38 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Name.... Time-Depth Curve 2yr 6hr Tag: Dev 2 Page 4.03 Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civi l\POndPak\ Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: Dev 2 SYNTHE TIC CUMULA TIVE RAINFALL(in) Time I Output Time incr ement = .0167 hrs hrs -------- I Time on left -I----------------- represents ---------- time for - first value in each row. .0000 .0833 I .0014 i .0087 .0029- .0101 --------- .0093 .0116 ----------- .0058 .0131 -------------- .0072 .0146 .1667 I .0161 .0176 .0191 .0206 .0221 .2500 I .0237 .0252 .0267 .0283 .0299 .3333 I .0314 .0330 .0396 .0362 .0378 .4167 I .0394 .0410 .0426 .0442 .0459 .5000 I .0475 .0492 .0508 .0525 .0542 .5833 I .0559 .0576 .0594 .0610 .0627 .6667 I .0645 .0662 .0680 .0698 .0715 .7500 .8333 ( .0733 i .0824 .0751 .0843 .0769 .0861 .0787 .0880 .0806 .0899 .9167 I .0918 :0937 .0956 .0976 .0995 1.0000 I .1015 .1034 .1054 .1079 .1094 1.0833 I .1114 .1135 .1155 .1176 .1197 1.1667 I .1218 .1239 .1260 .1282 .1303 ' 1.2500 I .1325 .1347 .1369 .1391 .1913 1.3333 I .1936 .1459 .1982 .1505 .1528 1.4167 I .1552 .1575 ,1599 .1623 ..1697 1.5000 I .1675 .1703 .1731 .1759 .1787 ' 1.5833 I .1816 .1845 .1874 .1903 .1933 1.6667 I .1963 .1993 .2024 .2055 .2086 1.7500 I .2117 .2199 .2181 .2214 .2246 1.8333 I .2279 .2313 .23.97 .2381 .2916 1.9167 I .2451 .2486 .2522 .2558 .2595 2.0000 I .2636 .2678 .2720 .2763 .2806 2.0833 I .2850 .2899 .2939 .2985 .3031 2.1667 i ..3078 .3125 .3179 .3223 .3273 2.2500 I .3323 .3375 .342'7. .3980 .3534 ' 2.3333 I .3590 .3646 .3703 .3761 .3821 2.4167 I .3882 .3949 .9007 .4072 .4138 2.5000 I .4225 .9313 .4403 .4495 .4590 2.5833 I .4687 .9787 .4889 .4995 5104 2.6667 1 .5216 .5332 .5452 .5577 . .5707 2.7500 I .5679 .6057 .6243 .6438 .6642 2.8333 I .6858 .7086 .7331 .7655 .8002 2.9167 I .8444 ,.8929 .9458 1.0298 1.1138 3.0000 I 1.1978 1.2818 1.3658 1.4162 1.5121 ' 3.0833 I 1.5983 1.6818 1.7331 1.7567 .1.7789 3.1667 I 1.7999 1.8198 1.8388 1.8570 1.8745 3.2500 I 1.8878 1.9005 1.9126 1.9246 1.9360 3.3333 3.4167 I 1.9471 I 1.9973 1.9578 2.0071 1.9682 2.0162 1.9783 2.0251 1.9881 2.0338 3.5000 I 2.0406 2.0471 2.0535 2.0598 2.0659 3.5833 I 2.0720 2.0778 2.0836 2.0892 2.0999 fl 1 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:38 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 Type.... Time-Depth Curve Page 9.09 ' Name.... 2yr 6hr Tag: Dev 2 Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civi l\POndPak\ Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: Dev 2 SYNTHE TIC CUMULAT IVE RAINFALL(in) Time I Output Time incre ment = .0167 hrs hrs -------- I Time on left -I----------------- represents -- time for first value in each row. 3.6667 I 2.1003 --------- 2.1057 --------- 2.1110 ------------ 2.1162 ------------- 2.1213 ' 3.7500 I 2.1263 2.1312 2.1361 2.1409 2.1456 3.8333 I 2.1503 2.1549 2.1594 2.1639 2.1683 3.9167 I 2.1726 2.1769 2.1812 2.1854 2.1895 ' 4.0000 9.0833 I 2.1932 I 2.2110 2.1969 2.2145 2.2005 2.2179 2.2040 2.2212 2.2075 2.2246 9.1667 I 2.2279 2.2311 2.2394 2.2376 2.2907 9.2500 I 2.2939 2.2470 2.2500 2.2531 2.2561 9.3333 I 2.2591 2.2628 2.2649 2.2679 2.2707 9.4167 I 2.2736 2.2764 2.2792 2.2820 2.2847 ' 4.5000 I 2.2872 2.2896 2.2920 2.2944 2.2967 4.5833 I 2.2991 2.3019 2.3037 2.306.0 2.3082 9.6667 I 2.3105 2.3127 2.3199 2.3171 2.3193 ' 4:7500 4.8333 I 2.3215 I 2.3321 2.3236 2.3341 2.3258 2.3362 2.3279 2.3382 2.3300 2.3403 9.9167 i '2.'3923 2.3443 2.3463 2.3983 2.3502 5.0000 I 2.3522 2.3591 2.3561 2.3580 2.3599 5.0833 I 2.36.18 2.3636 2.3655 2.3679 . 2.3692 5.1667 I 2.3711 2.3729 2.3747 2.3765 2.3783 ' 5.2500 I 2.3801 2.3818 2.3836 2.3854 2.3871 5.3333 I 2.3888 2.3906 2.3923 2.3990 2.3957 5.4167 I 2.3974 2.3990 2.4007 2.4029 2.4040 5.5000 ( 2.4057 2.9073 2.9089 2.4105 2.4121 ' 5.5833 I 2.4137 2.9153 2.4169 2.4185 2.9201 5.6667 I 2.9216 2.4232 2.4247 2.9263 2.4278 5.7500 I 2.9293 2.4309 2.9339 2.4339 2.9359 5.8333 I. 2.4369 2.9384 2.4398. .2.4913 2 ~.g428 ' 5.9167 I 2.4992 2.9957 2.4471 2.9486 . 2.4500. 1 1 1 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:38 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 ii 1! Type.... Time-Depth Curve Page 4.05 Name.... 50yr 6hr Tag: Dev 50 Event: SO yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civi l\PondPak\ Storm... 50yr 6hr Tag: Dev 50 SYNTHE TIC CUMULAT IVE RAINFALL (in) Time I Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs -------- I Time on left -I----------------- represents ----------- time for first value --- in each row. .0000 I .0031 .0189 -- .0351 .0517 .0686 .4167 ~ .0860 .1038 .1220 .1408 .1601 .8333 ~ .1799 .2004 .2215 .2432 .2658 1.2500 ~ .2891 .3134 .3385 .3655 .3967 1.6667 I .9292 .4639 .4992 .5370 .5787 2.0833 ~ .6294 .6839 .7914 .8040 .8725 2.5000 ~ .9526 1.060 6 1.1830 1.3363 1.5640 2.9167 ~ 1.9083 2.5698 3.1490 3.4392 3.6492 3.3333 ~ 3.7804 3.8980 3.9981 9.0714 9.1360 3.7500 ~ 4.1992 4.2559 4.3089 4.3571 4.3965 4.1667 ~ 4.4337 . 4.4690 4.5026 4.5397 4.5648 4.5833 ~ 4.5907 4.6156 9.6395 4.6626 4.6849 5.0000 ~ 4.7065 4.7274 4.7477 4.7673 4.7665 5.4167 ~ 4.8051 9.8232 4.8909 4.8581 4.8799 5.8333 ~ 4.8913 9.9074 4.9200 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:38 AM Date: 2/27/2006 ' Type.... Tc Calcs Page 5.01 Name.... POST-DEVEL File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-UNDETAINED.PPW ' TIME.OF.CONCENTRATION.CALCULATOR., Segment #1: Tc: User Defined ' Segment #1 Time: .3120 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' -Total-TC_------3120-hrs- '. 1 1 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:38 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 5.02 Name.... POST-DEVEL File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-UNDETAINED.PPW ------------------------------------------- Tc Equations used... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ___= User Defined ______________________________________________________ Tc = Value entered by user Where: Tc = Time of concentration S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:38 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Page 6.01 ' Name.... POST-DEVEL File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-P OST-UNDETAIN ED.PPW ' RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA 1 ----------------------------------- -------------- --------- ------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description Mostly equivalent to pre-developed CN acres 69 2 960 $C $UC ---- CN - ------ . 64.00 ' COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 2:g60 69:00 (64) 1 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:38 AM Date: 2/27/2006 ' Type.... Unit Hyd. Equations Page 7.01 Name.... File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-UNDETAINED.PPW SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD (Computational Notes) 1 DEFINIT ION OF TERMS: ------------------------------------------ At ------ Total area (acres): At = Ai+Ap Ai = Impervious area (acres) Ap = Pervious area (acres) CNi = Runoff curve number for impervious area ' CNp = Runoff curve number for pervious area floss = f loss constant infiltration (depth/time) gKs = Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (depth/time) ' Md = Psi = Volumetric Moisture Deficit Capillary Suction (length) hK = Horton Infiltration Decay Rate (time^-1) fo = Initial Infiltration Rate (depth/time) fc = .Ultimate(capacity)Infiltration Rate (depth/time) Ia = Initial Abstraction (length) ' dt = Computational increment (duration of unit excess rainfall) Default dt is smallest value of 0.1333Tc, rtm, and th (Smallest dt is then adjusted to match up with Tp) UDdt = User specified override computational main time increment (only used if UDdt is => .1333Tc) D(t) = Point on distribution curve (fraction of P) for time step t K 2 / (1 + (Tr/Tp)).: .default K = 0.75: (for Tr/Tp = 1.67) Ks = Hydrograph shape factor ' = . Unit Conversions * K: _ ((lhr/3600sec) * (lft/12in) * ((5280ft)**2/sq.mi)) * K Default Ks = 645.333 * 0.75 = 489 Lag = Lag time from center of excess runoff (dt) to Tp: Lag = 0.6Tc P = Total precipitation depth, inches Pa(t) = Accumulated rainfall at time step t Pi('t) = Incremental rainfall at time step t ' qp = Peak discharge (cfs) for lin. runoff, for lhr, for 1 sq.mi. _ (KS * A * Q) / Tp (where Q. = lin. runoff, A=sq.mi.) Qu(t) = Unit hydrograph ordinate (cfs) at time step t Q(t) = Final hydrograph ordinate (cfs) at time step t Rai(t)= Accumulated runoff (inches) at time step t for impervious area Rap(t)= Accumulated runoff (inches) at time step t for pervious area Rii(t)= Incremental runoff (inches) at time step t for impervious area Rip(t)= Incremental runoff (inches) at time step t for pervious area R(t) = Incremental weighted total runoff (inches) Rtm = Time increment for rainfall table ' Si = S for impervious area: Si = (1000/CNi) - 10 Sp = S for pervious area: Sp = (1000/CNp) - 10 t = Time step (row) number Tc = Time of concentration ' Tb = Time (hrs) of entire unit hydrograph: Tb = Tp + Tr Tp = Time (hrs) to peak of a unit hydrograph: Tp = (dt/2) + Lag Tr = Time (hrs) of receding limb of unit hydrograph: Tr = ratio of Tp 1 0 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:38 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Unit Hyd. Equations Page 7.02 Name.... File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-UNDETAINED.PPW PRECIPITATION: ---- Column (1): Time f Column (2): D(t) Column (3): Pi(t) Column (4): Pa(t) SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD (Computational Notes) ---------------------------------------------- or time step t = Point on distribution curve for time step t = Pa(t) - Pa(t-1): Col.(9) - Preceding Col. (4) = D(t) x P: Col. (2) x P PERVIOUS AREA. RUNOFF (using SCS Runoff CN Method) ------------------------ Column (5): Rap(t) = Accumulated pervious runoff for time step t If (Pa(t) is <= 0.2Sp) then use: Rap(t) = 0.0 If (Pa(t) is > 0.2Sp) then use: Rap(t) _ (Col. (4)-0.2Sp)**2 / (Col. (4)+0.8Sp) Column (6): Rip(t) = Incremental pervious runoff for time step t.. Rip(t) = Rap(t) - Rapt-1) Rip(t) = Col. (5) for current row - Col.(5) for preceding row. IMPERVIOUS AREA RUNOFF ___________________________________________________ Column (7 & 8)... Did not specify to use impervious areas. INCREMENTAL WEIGHTED RUNOFF: _____________________________________________ Column (9): R(t) _ (Ap/At) x Rip(t) + (Ai/At) x Rii(t) R(t) _ (Ap/At) x Col.(6) + (Ai/At) x Col. (8) SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH.METHOD: -----------------.----_________________________ Column.(10): Q(t) is computed with. the SCS unit hydrograph method using RO and QuO. ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:38 AM Date: 2/27/2006 ' Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.03 Name.... POST-DEVEL Tag: Dev 2 Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-UNDETAINED.PPW Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: Dev 2 ' SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 2 year storm Duration = 5.9833 hrs Rain Depth = 2.9500 in ' Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Rain File -ID = - 2yr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ HYG File - ID = - POST-DEVEL Dev 2 ' Tc = .3120 hrs Drainage Area = 2.960 acres Runoff CN= 64 --------------------------- ' Computational Time Increment .04160 hrs Computed Peak Time 3.3280 hrs Computed Peak Flow .84 cfs Time Increment for HYG File = .0100 hrs . ' peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.3300 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = .83 cfs ' ---DRAINAGE AREA ID:POST-DEVEL CN = 64 Area = 2.960 acres ' S 5.6250 in 0.25 = 1.1250 in • Cumulative Runoff . ---------.2526 in •. . ' ~ .062 ac-ft HYG Volume..: .062 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** Time Concentration, Tc = .31200 hrs (ID: POST-DEVEL) Computational Incr, Tm = .09160 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 983.432 (37.968 under rising limb) K = 483.93/645.333, K = .7991 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7491) Unit peak, qp = 10.75 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .20800 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .83200 hrs ' Total unit time, Tb = 1.04000 hrs ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:38 AM Date: 2/27/2006 ' Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.04 Name.... POST-DEVEL Tag: Dev 10 Event: 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-UNDETAINED.PPW Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: Dev 10 ' SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 10 year storm Duration = 5.9833 hrs Rain Depth = 3.5600 in Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Rain File -ID = - l0yr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ HYG File - ID = - POST-DEVEL Dev 10 Tc = .3120 hrs ' Drainage Area = 2.960 acres Runoff CN= 64 -------------------- Computational Time Increment .04160 hrs Computed Peak Time 3.2948 hrs Computed Peak Flow 2.84 cfs Time Increment for HYG File = .O100.hrs ' Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.2500 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = 2.83 cfs ---DRAINAGE AREA - ID:POST-DEVEL CN = 64 ' Area = 2.960 acres S = 5.6250 in 0.25 = 1.1250 in Cumulative. Runoff ' ----.7356 in .181 ac-ft ' HYG Volume... .181 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRA **** PH PARAMETERS * Time Concentration, Tc = .31200 hrs (ID: POST-DEVEL) Computational Incr, Tm = .04160 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.932 (37.46 under rising limb) K = 483.43/695.333, K = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7491) ' Unit peak, qp = 10.75 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .20800 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .83200 hrs ' Total unit time, Tb = 1.09000 hrs 1 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:38 AM Date: 2/27/2006 0 ' Type.... Name.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.05 POST-DEVEL Tag: Dev 50 Event: 50 r File.... y L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-UNDETAINED.PPW Storm... SOyr 6hr Tag: Dev 50 SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 50 year storm Duration = 6.0000 hrs Rain Depth = 9.9200 in ' Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Rain File -ID = - 50yr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ HYG File - ID = - POST-DEVEL Dev 50 Tc = .3120 hrs ' Drainage Area = 2.960 acres Runoff CN= 64 ------------------- Computational Time Increment .09160 hrs ' Computed Peak Time 3.2448 hrs Computed Peak Flow 5.65 cfs Time Increment for HYG File = ..0100 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.2500 hrs ' Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = '5.69 cfs ' ---DRAINFIGE AREA - --- ID:POST-DEVEL CN = 69 ' Area = 2.960 acres S = 5.6250 in 0.2S = 1.1250 in Cumulative Runoff --------1.5289 in .377 ac-ft ' HYG Volume... .377 .ac=ft (area under HYG curve) ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAM ***** ETERS Time Concentration, Tc = .31200 hrs (IB: POST-DEVEL) Computational Incr, Tm = .04160 hrs = 0.20000 Tp . Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.432 (37.46 under rising limb) K = 463.43/645.333, K = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) ' Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7491) Unit peak, qp = 10.75 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .20800 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .83200 hrs ' Total unit time, Tb = 1.04000 hrs ii ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:38 AM Date: 2/27/2006 ' Appendix A Index of Starting Page Numbers for ID Names ----- 1 ----- ' l0yr 6hr Dev 10... 4.01 ----- 2 ----- 2yr 6hr Dev 2... 4.03 ' ----- 5 ----- SOyr 6hr Dev 50... 4.05 ----- G ----- ' Gastonia... 3.01, 3.02 ----- P ----- POST-DEVEL... 5.01, 6.01, 7.03, ' --7.04, 7.05- - W - Watershed... 1.01, 2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2.09, 2.05, 2.06, 2.07 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:38 AM A-1 Date: 2/27/2006 0 ii 1 ~ ~. m;•-: .: m OL ~I~~IPPd ~ ~: s~ o ~ m =_ m m ~ o ...- ~ . py a;nod `~ ~ OZ ~I~IIPPtI ~ a o ~ ~ ~ ~ O :°» 0 1 _i M i~ 1 i~ ~_ ' 1 '; . ~MQ . ~r~ ~ ~e51~25 sc ~' °l ,Me - X7.7 °l .................. . 1 1 1 1 1 P~.Q.Mq~N°f' P o a ~ S u,RC~e~ I $TD RtwWh'~. ~~.ST 1vi~^iMK~F,MfN~ r ,~` ~ ~~ ~ Ig~i~ i M1~. ~t~(Z ~r ~ \'9~ f goo ~ q, b°! ~c = 0.1~ 6 ~ e. ®~. = 8533 r 1 ~ ® ~ Vii [ fTf~H8aV`~ P~~ - ~~ 6Z~ WAS- ~vl.~rc-~l~l ~latcA~l~ 1 ~~ S w ~~p ~ X7.7 /o ~v = 0, oS -~ D ~o°I ~C~ ~~ = ;0.05 ~' o- W~ C~7.7~ RY ~ a. ~~q ~"/ J ~~. you = b. 3g 5 ~~ 1? n~A2o -~~ t~, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~C'r~z~s U{r.~ Ds~z'4.~' l o n~ (nS COtilT ~1RovlpE.g 1{0~.~ ~ W ~uar~~~r St~a-~, St~~G£ '~ ~ x.24,0 ® ia, ~g2 (~.~`~ ~ o l t o, 9 $2 ~-2.5.7 5 0, 75 - ~~ s9o ~~lce~i v ~ Cf~ d 10~ Sa 7 -~t~ 65t o ~ PRay -o~ W 4,•~~-c,~~t V o~rt~- ~ I g~ ®5! e,~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Anti-floatation Calculations Extended Detention Wetland #1 Bouyancy Calculations Volume of Water Displaced: Structure Dimensions: ' Length = 3 Width = 3 Height = 6.75 Volume = 61 Specific Weight of Water = Total Weight of Displaced Volu .Volume of Concrete Required: Concrete Volume: Length = 4 Width = 4 Height = 1.6 Volume = 26 Specific Weight of Concrete = Total Weight of Concrete = Feet Feet Feet Cubic Feet 62.4 Pounds per Cubic Foot me = ~ 3,791 Pounds Feet Feet Feet Cubic Feet 150 Pounds per Cubic Foot 3,840 Pounds 1 1 Job File: L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI.PPW Rain Dir: L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ JOB TITLE Project Date: 7/13/2005 Project Engineer: JJP Project Title: Catawba Hills Village D Project Comments: S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Table of Contents Table of Contents i *******:*****:******** MASTER SUMMARY ********************** Watershed....... Master Network Summary ............. 1.01 *************** NETWORK SUMMARIES (DETAILED) *************** Watershed....... Dev 2 Executive Summary (Nodes) .......... 2.01 Executive Summary (Links) .......... 2.02 Watershed....... Dev 10 Executive Summary (Nodes) .......... 2.03 Executive Summary (Links) ........... 2.04 Watershed....... Dev 50 Executive Summary (Nodes) .......... 2.05 Executive Summary (Links)............ 2.0.6 Network Calcs Sequence ............. 2.07 ****************** DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY ******************* Gastonia........ Design Storms ...................... 3.01 Gastonia.....:.. Dev 2 Design Storms ............. 3,02 **********************.RAINFALL DATA **********:************ l0yr 6hr........ Dev 10 Time-Depth Curve ................... 9.01 2yr 6hr......... Dev 2 Time-Depth Curve ................... 4.03 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table of Contents ii Table of Contents (continued) SOyr 6hr........ Dev 50 Time-Depth Curve ................... 4.05 *****:*********r*****r TC CALCULATIONS ***************:t:r**** POST-DEV WET #1 TC Ca1CS ........................... 5.01 PRE-DEVEL....... Tc Calcs ........................... 5.03 *******.************** CN CALCULATIONS *****.*************** POST-DEV WET #1 Runoff CN-Area ..................... 6.01 PRE-DEVEL.... Runoff CN-Area ..................... 6.02 ******************** RUNOFF HYDROGRAPHS ******************** Unit Hyd. Equations ................ 7.01 POST-DEV WET #1 Dev 2 Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.03 POST-DEV WET #1 Dev 10 . Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.04 POST-DEV WET #1 Dev 50 Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.05 PRE-DEVEL....... Dev 2 Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.06 PRE-DEVEL....... Dev 10 Unit Hyd. Summary .............'..... 7:07 PRE-DEVEL:...... Dev 50 Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.08 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Table of Contents iii Table of Contents (continued) *********************** POND VOLUMES **************** ******* ' WETLAND #1...... Vol: Elev-Area ..................... 9.01 1 ******************** OUTLET STRUCTURES ************** ******* Outlet 1........ Outlet Input Data .................. 9.01 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated ' PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI.PPW MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Network Storm Collection: Gastonia Total Depth Rainfall Return Event in Type --------- RNF ID Dev 2 2.4500 ------- Time-Depth Curve ---------------- 2yr 6hr Dev 10 3.5600 Time-Depth Curve l0yr 6hr Dev 50 4.9200 Time-Depth Curve 50yr 6hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=I;eft; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYC Vol Node ID Type Event ------ ac-ft Trun POST-DEV WET #1 AREA 2 .663 POST-DEV WET #1 AREA 1(; 1.329 POST-DEV WET #1 AREA 50 2.253 *PRE-DEVEL JCT 2 199 *PRE-DEVEL JCT• 10 ,qgq *PRE-DEVEL. JCT 50 1.089 PRE-DEVEL AREA 2 ,199 PRE-DEVEL AREA 10 .494 PRE-DEVEL AREA 50 1.089 *WET #1 OUTFACE JCT 2 .147 R *WET #1 OUTFACE JCT 10 ,752 R *WET #1 OUTFACE JCT 50 1.672 R WETLAND #1 IN POND 2 .663 WETLAND #1 IN POND 10 1.329 WETLAND #1 IN POND 50 2.253 Qpeak Qpeak -- hrs. cfs 3.1200 21.11 3.0600 36.91 .3.0900 49,00 3.3300 1.70 3.2500 7.24 3.2500 15.83 3.3300 1.70 3.2500 7,24 3.2500 15.83 6.0000 .11 4.0400 2,98 3.5100 9,91 3.1200 21.11 3.0600 36.91 3.0900 99.00 Max Max WSEL Pond Storage ---ft--- ---ac=ft---- S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.02 Name.... Watershed File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI.PPW MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*NOde=Outfall; +NOde=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID Type Event ---ac=ft-- Trun -- hrs --- cfs ft ac-ft WETLAND #1 OUT POND 2 .147 R ------ 6.0000 -------- .11 -------- 626.49 ------------ .690 WETLAND #1 OUT POND 10 .752 R 4.0900 2.98 627.63 .970 WETLAND #1 OUT POND 50 1.672 R 3.5100 9.91 628.67 1.295 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 2.01 Name.... Watershed Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI.PPW Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: Dev 2 NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ZD = Gastonia Storm Tag Name --------------- = Dev 2 ---- Data Type, File, ID --------- = Time-D ----------- epth Curve ---------- 2yr 6hr ------------------- Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.4500 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Node ID Type ac-ft Tr un. hrs cfs ft POST-DEV WET #1 AREA .663 3.1200 -------- --------- 21.11 Outfall PRE-DEVEL JCT .149 3.3300 1.70 PRE-DEVEL AREA .199 3.3300 1.70 Outfall.WET #1 OUTFACE JCT .147. R 6.0000 .11 WETLAND #1 IN POND .663 3.1200 21.11 WETLAND #1 OUT POND .147 R 6.0000 .11 626.49 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Executive Summary (Links) Page 2.02 Name.... Watershed Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI.PPW Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: Dev 2 NETWORK SUMMARY -- LINKS (UN=Upstream Node; DL=DNstream End of Link; DN=DNStream Node) (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name = --------------------- Dev 2 - Data Type, File, ID = ----------- Time-Depth ----- Curve ----------- 2yr 6hr ------ ------------- Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.9500 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs HYG Vol Peak Time Peak Q Link ID Type ac-ft Trun. hrs cfs End Points ADDLINK 10 ADD UN .149 ---- -- 3.3300 ------ 1.70 ------------ PRE-DEVEL ---- DL .149 3.3300 1.70 DN .149 3.3300 .. 1.70 PRE-DEVEL ADDLINK 20 ADD UN .663 3.1200 21.11 POST-DEV WET #1 DL .663 3.1200 21.11 DN .663 3.1200 21.11 WETLAND #1 IN ROUTE 40 PONDrt UN .663 3.1200 21.11 WETLAND #1 IN ROUTE 40 .147 R 6.0000 .11 WETLAND #1 OUT DL .147 R 6.0000 .11 DN .14.7 R .5.0000 .11 WET. #1 .OUTFACE S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 2.03 Name.... Watershed Event: 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDl.PPW Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: Dev 10 NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name -------------- = Dev 10 ----- Data Type, File, ID --------- = Time-D ----------- epth Curve --------------- l0yr 6hr -------------- Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.5600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Node ID Type ac-ft Tr un. hrs cfs ft POST-DEV WET #1 AREA 1.329 ------- - 3.0600 ------- --------- 36.91 Outfall PRE-DEVEL JCT .994 3.2500 7.24 PRE-DEVEL AREA .494 3.2500 7.24 Outfall WET #1 OUTFACE JCT .752.. R .. 4.0400 2.98 WETLAND #1 ZN POND 1.329 3.0600 36.91 WETLAND #1 OUT POND .752 R 4.0900 2.98 627.63 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Executive Summary (Links) Page 2.09 Name.... Watershed Event• 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI.PPW Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: Dev 10 NETWORK SUMMARY -- LINKS (UN=Upstream Node; DL=DNstream End of Link; DN=DNStream Node) (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name = ----------------- Dev 10 ---- Data Type, File, ID = ------------ Time-Depth ----- Curve ----------------- l0yr 6hr ------------- Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.5600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs. Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs HYG Vol Peak Time Peak Q Link ID Type ac-ft Trun. hrs cfs End Points ADDLINK 10 ADD IIN .999 3.2500 7.24 PRE-DEVEL DL .499 3.2500 7.24 DN .494 3..2500 7.24 ..P.RE-DEVEL ADDLINK 20 ADD UN 1.329 3.0600 36.91 POST-DEV WET #1 DL 1.329 3.0600 36.91 DN 1.329 3.0600 36.91 WETLAND #1 IN ROUTE 40 PONDrt UN 1.329 3.0600 36.91 WETLAND #1 IN ROUTE 40 .752 R 9.0400 2.98 WETLAND #1 OUT DL .752 R 4.0400 2.98 DN .752 R 4.0900 2,98 WET #1 OUTFACE S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 2.05 Name.... Watershed Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI.PPW Storm... 50yr 6hr Tag: Dev 50 NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name = Dev 50 Data Type, File, ID ------------------- = Time-Depth Curve -------- ----- SOyr 6hr ---------------- Storm Frequency = 50 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 9.9200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 6.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs En d= 6.0000 hrs Node ID ype T HYG~VOl Qpeak ac-ft Trun hrs Qpeak Max WSEL ----------------- --- . cfs ft POST-DEV WET #1 AREA 2.253 3.0900 -------- --------- 49 00 Outfall PRE-DEVEL JCT 1.089 3.250p . 15 83 PRE-DEVEL AREA 1.089 3.200 . 15 83 Outfall WET #1 OUTFACE JCT 1.672 R 3.5100 . 9 91 WETLAND #1 IN POND' 2.253 3.0900 . 49 00 WETLAND #1 OUT POND 1.672 R 3.5100 . 9.91 628.67 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Executive Summary (Links) Page 2.06 Name.... Watershed Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDl.PPW Storm... 50yr 6hr Tag: Dev.50 NETWORK SUMMARY -- LINKS (UN=Upstream Node; DL=DNStream End of Link; DN=DNstream Node) (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name = ---------------- Dev 50 ------ Data Type, File, ID = ----------- Time-Depth ----- Curve ----------------- 50yr 6hr ------------- Storm Frequency = 50 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 4.9200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 6.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs End= 6.0000 hrs HYG Vol Peak Time Peak Q Link ID Type ac-ft - Trun. --- - hrs cfs End Points ADDLINK 10 ADD UN - 1.089 ------ -- 3.2500 ------ 15.83 ------------ PRE-DEVEL ---- DL 1.089 3.2500 15.83 DN 1.089 3.2500 15.83 PRE-DEVEL ADDLINK 20 ADD UN 2.253 3.0900 49.00 POST-DEV WET #1 DL 2.253 3.0900 49.00 DN 2.253 3.0900 49.00 WETLAND #1 IN ROUTE 40 PONDrt UN 2.253 3.0900 49.00 WETLAND #1 IN ROUTE 40 1.672 R 3.5100 9.91 WETLAND #1 OUT DL 1.672 R 3.5100 9.91 DN 1.672 _R 3..5100. 9:91 WET #1 OU.TFALL .. S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Network Calcs Sequence Page 2.07 Name.... Watershed Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI.PPW Storm... 50yr 6hr Tag: Dev 50 ---_--_--NETWORK RUNOFF NODE SEQUENCE --A -i--------------------------------------------- ------------------ Runoff Data pp y to Node Receiving Link ____________________________________________________ SCS UH PRE-REVEL Subarea PRE-REVEL Add Hyd PRE-REVEL SCS UH POST-REV WET #1 Subarea POST-REV WET #1 Add Hyd POST-REV WET #1 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Network Calcs Sequence Page 2.08 Name.... Watershed Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI.PPW Storm... SOyr 6hr Tag: Dev 50 NETWORK ROUTING SEQUENCE Link Operation UPstream Node DNstream Node ______________________________________________________ Add Hyd ADDLINK 20 Subarea POST-DEV WET #1 Pond WETLAND #1 IN POND ROUTE TOTAL OUTFLOW... Total Pond Outflow Pond WETLAND #1 IN Outflow WETLAND #1 OUT SET POND ROUTING LINK TO TOTAL POND OUTFLOW... Outlet ROUTE 40 Outflow WETLAND #1 OUT Jct WET #1 OUTFACE Add Hyd ADDLINK 10 Subarea PRE-DEVEL S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Jct PRE-DEVEL Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Design Storms Page 3.01 Name.... Gastonia File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Title... Project Date: 7/13/2005 Project Engineer: JJP Project Title: Catawba Hills Village D Project Comments: DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name = Dev 2 Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve 2yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.9500 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs Storm Tag Name = Dev 10 Data Type., File, ID = Time-Depth Curve l0yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.5600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs Storm Tag Name = Dev 50 Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve 50yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 50 yr~ Total Rainfall Depth= 4.9200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 . Resulting Duration 6.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs End= 6.0000 hrs S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 Type.... Design Storms Page 3.02 Name.... Gastonia Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: Dev 2 DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name = Dev 2 Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve 2yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.9500 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs Storm Tag Name = Dev 10 Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve l0yr 6hr Storm Frequency 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.5600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs Storm Tag Name = Dev 50 Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth-Curve 50yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 50 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 4.9200 in Duration Multiplier 1 Resulting Duration = 6.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs End= 6.0000 hrs S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Time-Depth Curve Page 9.01 ' Name.... l0yr 6hr Tag: Dev 10 Event: 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civi l\PondPak\ Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: Dev 10 ' SYNTHE TIC CUMULAT IVE RAINFALL(in) Time I Output Time incre ment = .0167 hrs hrs -------- I Time on left -I----------------- represents ----------- time for --- first value in each row. .0000 I .0022 .0099 ------ .0066 ------------ .0089 ------------- .0111 ' .0833 I .0134 .0156 .0179 .0202 .0225 .1667 I .0298 .0271 .0294 .0317 .0341 .2500 I .0364 .0388 .0912 .0436 .0460 ' .3333 .4167 I .0484 I .0606 .0508 .0631 .0533 .0636 .0557 .0681 .0582 .0707 .5000 I .0732 .0758 .0783 .0809 .0835 .5833 I .0861 .0887 .0914 .0990 .0967 .6667 I .0994 .1021 .1098 .1075 .1102 .7500 I .1130 .1158 .1186 .1214 .1242 ' .8333 I .1271 .1299 .1328 .1357 .1386 .9167 I .1916 .1945 .1975 ..1505 .1535 1.0000 I .1565 .1596 .1627 .1657 .1689 ' 1.0833 1.1667 I ..1720 I .1880 .1751 .1913 .1783 .1945 .1815 .1979 .1847 .2012 1.2500 I .2046 .2080 .2114 .2198 .2183 1.3333 I .2218 .2253 .2289 .2325 .2361 1.4167 I .23.97 .2934 .2471 .2508 .2546 1.5000 I .2591 .2636 .2681 .2727 .. .2779 ' 1.5833 I .2820 .2868 .2915 .2963 .3012 1.6667 I .3060 .3110 .3160 .3210 .3261 1.7500 I .3312 .3369 .3916 .3469 .3523 1.8333 1.9167 i .3577 I .3856 .3632 .3914 .3687 .3973 .3793 .4032 .3799 .4092 2.0000 I .9169 .9237 .4311 .4386 .4461 2.0833 I .9538 .4615 .4694 .4774 .4855 2.1667 I .4936 .5020 ..5104. .5190 .5276 2.2500 I .5365 .5459 .5546 .5638 .5733 ' 2.3333 I .5829 .5926 .6026 .6127 .6230 2.4167 I .6336 .6444 .6554 .6666. .6781 2.5000 I .6936 .7099 .7255 .7920 .7589 ' 2.5833 2.6667 1 .7763 I .8701 .7940 .8906 .8122 .9118 .8310 .9336 .8502 .9566 2.7500 I .9876 1.0198 1.0531 1.0878 1.1290 2.8333 I 1.1620 1.2021 1.2495 1.2976 1.3542 ' 2.9167 I 1.4281 1.5067 1.5919 1.7099 1.'8279 3.0000 I 1.9459 2.0639 2.1819 2.2635 2.3395 3.0833 I 2.3982 2.4529 2.5045 2.5458 2.5897 3.1667 I 2.6218 2.6572 2.6612 2.6740 2.6856 3.2500 I 2.6888 2.6912 2.7027 2.7036 2.7138 3.3333 I 2.7233 2.7923 2.7608 2.7788 2.7963 ' 3.4167 I 2.8134 2.8301 2.8965 2.8629 2.8781 3.5000 i 2.8897 2.9011 2.9122 2.9231 2.9337 3.5833 I 2.9941 2.9549 2.9644 2.9793 2.9840 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Time-Depth Curve Page 4.02 Name.... l0yr 6hr Tag: Dev 10 Event• 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civi l\POndPak\ Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: Dev 10 ' SYNTHETIC CUMULAT IVE RAINFALL(in) Time I Output Time incre ment = .0167 hrs hrs -------- ~ Time on left -I----------------- represents ----------- time for ---- first value in each row. 3.6667 I 2.9935 3.0028 ----- 3.0120 ----------- 3.0211 -------------- 3.0300 ' 3.7500 I 3.0387 3.0973 3.0558 3.0692 3.0725 3.8333 ~ 3.0806 3.0886 3.0965 3.1094 3.1121 3.9167 ~ 3.1197 3.1272 3.1346 3.1420 3.1492 ' 4.0000 4.0833 I 3.1552 ~ 3.1843 3.1612 3.1899 3.1671 3.1955 3.1729 3.2010 3.1787 3.2065 4.1667 ~ 3.2118 3.2172 3.2224 3.2276 3.2328 4.2500 ~ 3.2379 3.2430 3.2480 3.2529 3.2578 4.3333 ~ 3.2627 3.2675 3.2723 3.2770 3.2817 4.4167 I 3.2864 3.2910 3.2956 3.3001 3.3046 ' 4.5000 ~ 3.3084 3.3121 3.3159 3.3195 3.3 232 4.5833 ~ 3.3268 3.3309 3.3340 3.3375 . 3.3411 4.6667 ~ 3.3945 3.3480 3.3514 3.3548 3.3582 9.7500 9.8333 ~ 3.3616 ~ 3.3780 3.3649 3.3812 3.3682 3.3899 3.3715 3.3875 3.3747 3.3907 4.9167 ~ 3.3938 3.3969 3.4000 3.4030 3.4061 5.0000 I 3.4091 3.4121 3.4151 3.4181 3.4210 5.0833 I 3.9239 3.4268 3.4297 3.9326 3..4354 5.1667 ~ 3.4383 3.4411 3.4439 3.4467 3.4494 ' 5.2500 I 3.4522 3.9549 3.4577 3.4604 3.4631 5.3333 ~ 3.4657 3.4684 3.4710 3.4737 3.9763 5.4167 ~ 3.4789 3.4815 3.4840 3.9866 3.4892 1 5.5000 5.5833 I 3.4917 ~ 3.5042 3.4992 3.5066 3.4967 3.5091 3.4992 3.5115 3.5017 3.5139 5.6667 ~ 3.5163 3.5187 3.5211 3.5235 3.5258 5.7500 ~ 3.5282 3.5305 3.5329 3.5352 3.5375 5.8333 ~ 3.5398 3.5421 .3..5499. 3.5466 ..3.5489 .. 5.9167 ~ 3.5511 3.5534 3.5556 3,5578 3.5600 ii u ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 ii 1 1 7 ~~ ~I u Type.... Time-Depth Curve Page 4.03 Name.... 2yr 6hr Tag: Dev 2 Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civi l\POndPak\ Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: Dev 2 SYNTHE TIC CUMULAT IVE RAINFALL(in) Time I Output Time incre ment = .0167 hrs hrs -------- I Time on left -I----------------- represents ----------- time for ---- first value in each row. .0000 1 .0014 .0029 ----- .0043 ----------- .0058 -------------- .0072 .0833 1 .0087 .0101 .0116 .0131 .0146 .1667 1 .0161 .0176 .0191 .0206 .0221 .2500 I .0237 .0252 .0267 .0283 .0299 .3333 1 .0319 .0330 .0396 .0362 .0378 .4167 1 .0394 .0910 .0926 .0492 .0459 .5000 1 .0475 .0992 .0508 .0525 .0542 .5833 I .0559 .0576 .0594 .0610 .0627 .6667 1 .0645 .0662 .0680 .0698 .0715 .7500 1 .0733 .0751 .0769 .0787 .0806 .8333 I .0829 .0843 .0861 .08.80 .0899 .9167 I .0918 .0937 .0956 .0976 .0995 1.0000 1 .1015 .1034 .1054 .1074 .1099 1.0833 1 .1114 ~ .1135 .1155 .1176 .1197 1.1667 1 .1218 ~ .1239 .1260 .1282 .1303 1.2500 I .1325 .1347 .1369 .1391 .1413 1.3333 i .1436 .1459 .1482 .1505 .1528 1.4167 .1 .1552 .1575 .1599 .1623 .1647 1.5000 1 .1675 .1703 .1731 .1759 .1787 1.5833 I .1816 .1845 .1879 .1903 .1933 1.6667 1 .1963. .1993 .2024 .2055 .2086 1.7500 1 .2117 .2149 .2181 .2214 .2246 1.8333 I .2279 .2313 .2347 .2381 .2416 1.9167 1 .2451 .2486 .2522 .2558 .2595 2.0000 I .2636 .2678 .2720 .2763 .2806 2.0833 i .2850 .2899 .2939 .2985 .3031 2.1667 .1 .3078 .3125 .3174 .3223 ..3273 2.2500 I .3323 ~ .3375 .3427 .3480 .3534 2.3333 .3590 I .3646 .3703 .3761 .3821 2.9167 1 .3882 .3944 .4007 .4072 .4138 2.5000 1 .4225 .4313 .4403 .4495 .4590 2.5833 I .4687 .4787 .4889 .4995 .5109 2.6667 1 .5216 .5332 .5952 .5577 .5707 2.7500 I .5879 .6057 .6243 .6938 .6642 2.8333 1 .6658 .7086 .7331 .7655 .8002 2.9167 1 .6444 .8929 .9958 1.0298 1.1138 3.0000 I 1.1978 1.2818 1.3658 1.4162 1.5121 3.0833 I 1.5983 1.6818 1.7331 1.7567 1.7789 3.1667 I 1.7999 1.8198 1.8388 1.8570 1.8795 3.2500 1 1.8878 1.9005 1.9128 1.9246 1.9360 3.3333 1 1.94'71 1.9578 1.9682 1.9783 1.9881 3.4167 1 1.9973 2.0071 2.0162 2.0251 2.0338 3.5000 I 2.0906 2.0471 2.0535 2.0598 2.0659 3.5833 1 2.0720 2.0778 2.0836 2.0892 2.0949 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 PondPack Ver. LandDesign Incorporated Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Time-Depth Curve Page 4.04 ' Name.... 2yr 6hr Tag: Dev 2 Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civi l\PondPak\ Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: Dev 2 ' SYNTHETIC CUMULAT IVE RAINFALL(in) Time I Output Time incre ment = .0167 hrs hrs -------- I Time on left -I----------------- represents ---- time for first value in each row. 3.6667 I 2.1003 ------- 2.1057 --------- 2.1110 ------------ 2.1162 ------------- 2.1213 1 3.7500 I 2.1263 2.1312 2.1361 2.1409 2.1956 3.8333 I 2.1503 2.1549 2.1594 2.1639 2.1683 3.9167 I 2.1726 2.1769 2.1812 2.1854 2.1895 ' 4.0000 4.0833 I 2.1932 I 2.2110 2.1969 2.2195 2.2005 2.2179 2.2040 2.2212 2.2075 2.2246 4.1667 I 2.2279 2.2311 2.2394 2.2376 2.2407 4.2500 I 2.2939 2.2470 2.2500 2.2531 2.2561 4.3333 I 2.2591 2.2628 2.2649 2.2679 2.2707 4.4167 I 2.2736 2.2769 2.2792 2.2820 2.2897 ' 4.5000 I 2.2872 2.2896 2.2920 2.2944 2.2967 4.5833 I 2.2991 2.3014 2.3037 2.3060 2.3082 4.6667 I 2.3105 2.3127 2.3149 2.3171 2.3193 ' 9.7500 4.8333 I 2.3215 I 2.3321 2.3236 2.3391 2.3258 2.3362 2.3279 2.3382 2.3300 2.3403 9.9167 I 2.3423 2.3443 2.3463 2.3483 . 2.3502 5.0000 I 2.3522 2.3541 2.3561 2.3580 2.3599 5..0833 I 2.3.618 2.3636.. 2.3655 2.3674 2.3692 5.1667 I 2.3711 2.3729 2.3797 2.3765 2.3783 ' 5.2500 I 2.3801 2.3818 2.3836 2.3854 2.3871 5.3333 I 2.3888 2.3906 2.3923 2.3940 2.3957 5.4167 I 2.3974 2.3990 2.9007 2.4024 2.9040 5.5000 I 2.4057 2.9073 2.4089 2.4105 2.9121 5.5833 I 2.4137 2.4153 2.4169 2.4185 2.4201 5.6667 I 2.4216 2.4232 2.4247 2.4263 2.4278 5.7500 I 2.4293 2.4309 2.4339 2.4339 2.4359 5.8333 :I 2.4369 . .2..438.4 2.4398 2.9413 2.A428 5.9167 I 2.4942 2.9457 .2.4471 . 2.9486. 2.450.0 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Time-Depth Curve Page 4.05 Name.... SOyr 6hr Tag: Dev 50 Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civi l\PondPak\ Storm... SOyr 6hr Tag: Dev 50 SYNTHE TIC CUMULAT IVE RAINFALL(in) Time ~ Output Time incre ment = .0833 hrs hrs -------- ~ Time on left -I----------------- represents - ---------- time for --- first value in each row. .0000 ~ .0031 .0189 ------ .0351 ------------ .0517 ------------- .0686 .9167 ~ .0860 .1038 .1220 .1408 .1601 .8333 ~ .1799 .2009 .2215 .2432 .2658 1.2500 ~ .2891 .3134 .3385 .3655 .3967 1.6667 ~ .4292 .9634 .9992 .5370 .5787 2.0833 I .6294 .6834 .7414 .8040 .8725 2.5000 ~ .9526 1.0606 1.1830 1.3363 1.5640 2.9167 ~ 1.9083 2.5698 3.1490 3.4392 3.6442 3.3333 I 3.7804 3.8980 3.9981 9.0714 4.1380 3.7500 ~ 4.1992 4.2559 9.3089 9.3571 4.3965 4.1667 ( 9.4337 4.4690 9.5026 4.5347 4.5648 4.5833 ~ 9.5907 4.6156 4.6395 4.6626 4.6849 5.0000 ~ 9.7065 9.7274 4.7977 4.7673 4.7865 5.4167 ~ 4.8051. 4.8232 9.8409 4.8581 4.8749 5.8333 ~ 4.8913 4.9079 4.9200 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 5.01 Name.... POST-DEV WET #1 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI.PPW ................................................::::::::................ ................ TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: .0833 hrs --------------------------------- -Total-Tc_-----0833-hrs~ S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 5.02 Name.... POST-DEV WET #1 File.... L:\1005016\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI.PPW ------------------------------- Tc Equations used... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ___= User Defined ______________________________________________________ Tc = Value entered by user Where: Tc = Time of concentration S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 ' Type.... Tc Calcs Page 5.03 Name.... PRE-DEVEL File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI.PPW ........................................... ..::::::::::.... .. .......:.. TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #1: Tc: User Defined ------------------------------------Segment #1 Time: .3120 hrs ------------------------- -Total-Tc_--_-_3120-hrs- S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 5.04 Name.... PRE-DEVEL File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI.PPW -------------------------------- Tc Equations used... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ___= User Defined ______________________________________________________ Tc = Value entered by user Where: Tc = Time of concentration S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Page 6.01 ' Name.... POST-DEV WET #1 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI .PPW ' RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description Fully Developed Urban Areas (Ve Es CN acres $C 8UC 79 9 89 CN g . 0 79.00 ' COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED•CN ---> .................................... 9:890 ......................... 79:00 (79). .............. t ~ . S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated ' PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Page 6.02 ' Name.... PRE-DEVEL File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI .PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA ................................... .......................... ............. ----------------------------------- ------------------------ -- ------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres $C RUC CN 61 9.890 61 00 . COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> .................................... 9:89p .......................... 61:00 (61) ............. ~~ S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign PondPack Ver. Incorporated Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Unit Hyd. Equations Page 7.01 ' Name.... File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI.PPW SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD (Computational Notes) DEFINITION OF TERMS: ------------------------------------------------ At = Total area (acres): At = Ai+Ap Ai = Impervious area (acres) Ap = Pervious area (acres) CNi = Runoff curve number for impervious area CNp = Runoff curve number for pervious area floss = f loss constant infiltration (depth/time) gKs = Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (depth/time) Md = Volumetric Moisture Deficit Psi = Capillary Suction (length) hK Horton Infiltration Decay Rate (time^-1) fo = Initial Infiltration Rate (depth/time) fc = Ultimate(capacity)Infiltration Rate (depth/time) Ia = Initial Abstraction (length) dt = Computational increment (duration of unit excess rainfall) Default dt is smallest value of 0.1333TC, r.tm, and th (Smallest dt is then adjusted to match up with Tp) UDdt = User specified override computational main time increment (only used if UDdt is => .1333Tc) D(t) = Point on distribution curve (fraction of P) for time step t K = 2 / (1 + (Tr/.Tp});. default K = 0.75: (for Tr/Tp =.1.6.7) Ks = Hydrograph shape factor = Unit Conversions * K: _ ((lhr/3600sec) * (lft/12in) * ((5280ft)**2/sq..mi)) * K Default Ks = 695.333 * 0.75 = 484 Lag = Lag time from center of excess runoff (dt) to Tp: Lag = 0.6Tc P = Total precipitation depth, inches Pa(t:) = Accumulated rainfall at time step t Pi(t') = Incremental rainfall at time step t qp = Peak discharge (cfs) for lin. runoff, for lhr, for 1 sq.mi. =. (KS * A * Q) / Tp. (where Q = lin. runoff, A=sq.mi.) Qu(t) = Unit hydrograph ordinate (cfs) at time step t Q(t) = Final hydrograph ordinate (cfs) at time step t Rai(t)= Accumulated runoff (inches) at time step t for impervious area Rap(t)= Accumulated runoff (inches) at time step t for pervious area Rii(t)= Incremental runoff (inches) at time step t for impervious area Rip(t)= Incremental runoff (inches) at time step t for pervious area R(t) = Incremental weighted total runoff (inches) Rtm = Time increment for rainfall table Si = S for impervious area: Si = (1000/CNi) - 10 Sp = S for pervious area: Sp = (1000/CNp) - 10 t = Time step (row) number Tc = Time of concentration Tb = Time (hrs) of entire unit hydrograph: Tb = Tp + Tr Tp = Time (hrs) to peak of a unit hydrograph: Tp = (dt/2) + Lag Tr = Time (hrs) of receding limb of unit hydrograph: Tr = ratio of Tp 1 1 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Unit Hyd. Equations Page 7,02 Name.... File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI.PPW PRECIPITATION: ---- Column (1): Time i Column (2): D(t) Column (3): Pi(t) Column (4): Pa(t) SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD (Computational Notes) -------------------------------------- or time step t = Point on distribution curve for time step t = Pa(t) - Pa (t-1): Col. (9) - Preceding Col. (9) = D(t) x P: Col.(2) x P PERVIOUS AREA RUNOFF (using SCS Runoff CN Method) ------------- ----------- Column (5): Rap(t) = Accumulated pervious runoff for time step t If (Pa(t) is <= 0.2Sp) then use: Rap(t) = 0.0 If (Pa(t) is > 0.2Sp) then use: Rap(t) _ (Col. (4)-0.2Sp)**2 / (Col. (9)+0.8Sp) Column (6): Rip(t) = Incremental pervious runoff for tir~,e step t . Rip(t) = RaP(t) Rapt-1) Rip(t) = Col..(5.) for current row - Col.iS) for preceding row. IMPERVIOUS AREA RUNOFF ------------------------- -------------------------- Column (7 & 8).... Did not specify to use impervious areas. INCREMENTAL WEIGHTED RUNOFF: -----------_ --------------- Column (9): R(t) _ (Ap/At) x RiP(t) + ------------------ R(t) _ (Ap/At) x Col.(a + (Ai/At) x Rii(t) (Ai/At) x Col. (8) SCS UNIT HYDROGRAP.H METHOD: ________________________ Column .(10): Q(t) is computed with the SCS unit hydrograph mettlod usinr, R() and Qu(). - S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 ' Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.03 Name.... POST-DEV WET #1 Tag: Dev 2 Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI.PPW Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: Dev 2 ' SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 2 year storm Duration = 5.9833 hrs Rain Depth = 2.9500 in Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Rain File -ID = - 2yr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ HYG File - ID = - POST-DEV WET #1 Dev 2 ' Tc = .0833 hrs Drainage Area = 9.890 acres Runoff CN= 79 -------------------- ' Computational Time Increment .01111 hrs Computed Peak Time 3.1221 hrs Computed Peak Flow 21.24 cfs Time Increment for HYG File = .0100 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.1200 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = 21.11 cfs ---DRAINAGE-AREA--- ID:POST-DEV WET #1 CN = 79 Area = 9.890 acres S = 2.6582 in 0.2S = .5316 in Cumulative Runoff ---------.$091 in .663 ac-ft 'HYG Volume...' .663 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** • Time Concentration, Tc = .08333 hrs (ID: POST-DEV WET #1) Computational Inc r, Tm = .01111 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.432 (37.46 under rising limb) K = 983.43/645.333, K = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7491) Unit peak, qp = 134.48 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .05555 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .22221 hrs Total unit time, Tb = .27777 hrs S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Name.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.09 POST-DEV WET #1 Tag: Dev 10 Event: 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI.PPW Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: Dev 10 SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 10 year storm Duration = 5.9833 hrs Rain Depth = 3.5600 in ' Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\ Rain File -ID = - l0yr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\ HYG File - ID = - POST-DEV WET #1 Dev 10 Tc = .0833 hrs ' Drainage Area = 9.690 acres Runoff CN= 79 ----------------- Computational Time Increment .01111 hrs ' Computed Peak Time 3.0665 hrs Computed Peak Flow 36.97 cfs Time Increment for HYG File = .0100 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.0600 hrs ' Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = 36.91 cfs ---DRAINAGE AREA ' - --- ID:POST-DEV WET #1 CN = 79 Area = 9.890 acres S = 2.6582 in ' 0.2S = .5316 in Cumulative Runoff -------- ------ 1.6127 in 1.329 ac-ft HYG Volume... 1.329 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETER ***** S • Time Concentrdtion, Tc = .08333 hrs (ID: POST-DEV WET #1) Computational Incr, Tm = .01111 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.432 (37.46 under rising limb) K = 483.43/695.333, K = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7991) Unit peak, qp = 134.48 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .05555 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .22221 hrs ' Total unit time, Tb = .27777 hrs r ~. S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Name.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.05 POST-DEV WET #1 Tag: Dev 50 Event SO File.... : yr L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI.PPW Storm... 50yr 6hr Tag: Dev 50 ' SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 50 year storm Duration = 6.0000 hrs Rain Depth = 4.9200 in ' Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Rain File -ID = - SOyr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ HYG File - ID = - POST-DEV WET #1 Dev 50 Tc = .0833 hrs ' Drainage Area = 9.890 acres Runoff CN= 79 ---------------------- Computational Time Increment .01111 hrs ' Computed Peak Time 3.0888 hrs Computed Peak Flow 49.04 cfs Time Increment for HYG File = .0100 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.0900 hrs ' .Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = 49.00 cfs ' ---DRAINAGE AREA - --- ID:POST-DEV WET #1 CN = 79 Area = 9.890 acres S = 2.6582 in ' 0.25 = .5316 in Cumulative Runoff . ~ . ' --------2.7329 iri ~ ~ 2.252 ac-ft ' HYG Volume... ~ 2.253 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAME ***** TERS Time Concentration, Tc = .08333 hrs (ID: POST-DEV WET #1)' ' Computational Incr, Tm = .01111 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 983.932 (37.46 under rising limb) K = 483.43/645.333, K = .7991 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7491) Unit peak, qp = 139.48 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .05555 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .22221 hrs Total unit time, Tb = .27777 hrs 1 1 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 ' Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.06 Name.... PRE-DEVEL Tag: Dev 2 Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI.PPW Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: Dev 2 SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 2 year storm Duration = 5.9833 hrs Rain Depth = 2.4500 in Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\ Rain File -ID = - 2yr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ HYG File - ID = - PRE-DEVEL Dev 2 Tc = .3120 hrs Drainage Area = 9.890 acres Runoff CN= 61 ------------------------ Computational Time Increment _ .09160 hrs Computed Peak Time 3.3280 hrs Computed Peak Flow 1.70 cfs Time Increment for HYG File = .0100 hrs ' Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.3300 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = 1.70 cfs DRAINAGE AREA ID:PRE-DEVEL CN = 61 Area = 9.890 acres ' S = 6.3934 in 0.25 = 1.2787 in Cumulative Runoff. . ---------.1814 in ' .149 ac-ft HYG Volume.... .149 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** • Time Concentration, Tc = .31200 hrs (ID: PRE-DEVEL)' Computational Incr, Tm = .04160 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.932 (37.968 under rising limb) K = 483.43/645.333, K = .7991 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7491) Unit peak, qp = 35.92 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .20800 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .83200 hrs Total unit time, Tb = 1.09000 hrs r, ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.07 ' Name.... PRE-DEVEL Tag: Dev 10 Event: 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI.PPW Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: Dev 10 SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 10 year storm Duration = 5.9833 hrs Rain Depth = 3.5600 in Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ ' Rain File -ID = - l0yr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ HYG File - ID = - PRE-DEVEL Dev 10 Tc = .3120 hrs ' Drainage.Area = 9.890 acres Runoff CN= 61 Computational Time Increment .09160 hrs Computed Peak Time 3.2448 hrs Computed Peak Flow 7.26 cfs ' Time Increment for HYG File = .0100. hrs Peak Time,. Interpolated Output = 3.2500 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = 7.24 cfs ---DRAINAGE AREA ID:PRE-DEVEL CN = 61 ' Area 9.890 acres S 6.3934 in 0.25 = 1.2787 in Cumulative Runoff ' ---------.5999 in .494 ac-ft HYG Volume... .494 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** Time Concentration, Tc = .31200 hrs (ID: PRE-DEVEL) ' Computational Incr, Tm = .04160 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.432 (37.468 under rising limb) K = 483.43/645.333, K = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7491) ' Unit peak, qp = 35.92 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .20800 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .83200 hrs Total unit time, Tb = 1.09000 hrs 1 1 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 ' Type.... Name.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.08 PRE-DEVEL Tag: Dev 50 Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI.PPW Storm... 50yr 6hr Tag: Dev 50 SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 50 year storm Duration = 6.0000 hrs Rain Depth = 4.9200 in ' Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Rain File -ID = - SOyr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ HYG File - ID = - PRE-DEVEL Dev 50 Tc = .3120 hrs ' Drainage"Area = 9.890 acres Runoff CN= 61 ____________________________ Computational Time Increment = .09160 hrs Computed Peak Time - 3.2498 hrs Computed Peak Flow = 15.85 cfs Time Increment for HYG File = ..0100 hrs Peak Time Interpolated Output 3.2500 hrs ~ ' - =- - -=--- _ Peak F1ow, Interpolated Output = 15.83 cfs ---DRAINAGE AREA ID:PRE-DEVEL CN = 61 Area = 9.890 acres S = 6.3934 in ' 0.25 = 1.2787 in Cumulative Runoff ---=----1.3213 in 1.089 ac-ft HYG Volume... 1.089 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH ** PARAMETERS *** Time Concentration, Tc = .31200 hrs (ID:'PRE-DEVEL) Computational Incr, Tm = .09160 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.432 (37.46$ under rising limb) K = 483.43/645.333, K = .7991 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) i Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7491) Unit peak, qp = 35.92 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .20.800 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .83200 hrs ' Total unit time, Tb = 1.04000 hrs S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 Type.... Vol: Elev-Area Page 8.01 ' Name.... WETLAND #1 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI .PPW ' Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(A1*A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft) (sq.in) ------------------------ (acres) (acres) ------------------------- (ac-ft) --- (ac-ft) 624.00 .2340 .0000 --------- .000 ----------- .000 ' =____ 625.00 .2520 .7288 .243 .293 625.75 .2660 .7769 .194 .437 626.50 ----- .2800 .8189 .205 .642 628.00 ----- .3100 .8896 .942 1.084 629.00 _____ .3300 .9598 .320 1.409 ' 630.00 .3510 1.0213 .340 1.745 631.00 ----- .3730 1.0858 .362 2.107 631.50 ----- .3840 1.1355 .189 2.296 POND VOL UME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume computed by the Conic .Method for Reservoir Volumes ' Volume = (1/3) * (EL 2-EL1 * A l . * ) ( rea + Areal + sq.rt.(Areal Area2)) where: EL1, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of..the increment Areal,Area2 =Areas computed for EL1, EL2, respectively Volume = Incre mental volume between EL1 and EL2 '. . .. S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Outlet Input Data Page 9.01 Name.... Outlet 1 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI.PPW REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 629.00 ft Increment = .10 ft Max. Elev.= 631.50 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (Upstream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to Upstream) <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft ----------------- ---- ------- --------- -------- Orifice-Circular O1 ---> CO 626.400 631.500 Inlet Box RO ---> CO 627.500 631.500 Orifice-Circular 00 ---> CO 624.000 631.500 Culvert-Circular CO --.-> TW 622.,000 631.500 Weir-Rectangular WO ---> TW 628.600 631.500 TW SETUP, DS Channel S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. 09.00.077,00 Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Outlet Input Data Page 9.02 Name.... Outlet 1 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = O1 Structure Type = Orifice-Circular ------------------------------------ # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 626.40 ft Diameter = .5000 ft Orifice Coeff. _ .620 Structure ,ID = RO Structure Type = Inlet Box # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 627.50 ft Orifice Area = 9.0000 sq.ft Orifice Coeff, _ .620. . Weir Length = 12.00 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.333 K, Reverse = 1.000 Mannings n = .0000 Kev,Charged Riser = .000 Weir Submergence = No Structure ID 00 Structure Type-- ------------- =-Orifice=Circular -- # of Openings = 1 ------ Invert Elev. = 624.00 ft Diameter = .1250 ft Orifice Coeff. _ .620 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Outlet Input Data Page 9.03 Name.... Outlet 1 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = CO Structure Type = Culvert-Circular ------------------------------------ No. Barrels = 1 Barrel Diameter = 1.0000 ft Upstream Invert = 622.00 ft Dnstream Invert = 621.50 ft Horiz. Length = 60.00 ft Barrel Length = 60.00 ft Barrel Slope = .00833 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... Mannings n = .0130 Ke = .5000 (forward entrance loss) Kb = .031274 (per ft of full flow) Kr = .5000 (reverse entrance loss) HW Convergence = .001 +/- ft INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0098 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .03980 Inlet Control Y = .6700 T1 ratio (HW/D) = 1.156 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.303 .Slope Factor _. -.500 Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below T1 elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 623.16 ft ---> Flow = 2.75 cfs At T2 Elev = 623.30 ft ---> Flow = 3.14 cfs S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Vex. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 Type.... Outlet Input Data Page 9.04 Name.... Outlet 1 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID Structure-Type # of Openings Crest Elev. Weir Length Weir Coeff. WO Weir=Rectangular 1 628.60 ft 20.00 ft 3.333000 Weir TW effects (Use adjustment equation) Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP' DS Channel FREE OUTFACE CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES... Maximum Iterations= 40 Min. TW tolerance = .O1 ft Max. TW tolerance = .O1 ft Min. HW tolerance = .O1 ft Max. HW tolerance = .O1 ft Min. Q tolerance = .00 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .00 cfs S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:00 AM Date: 2/27/2006 ' Appendix A Inde f St i x o art ng Page Numbers for ID Names ----- 1 ----- l0yr 6hr Dev 10... 4.01 - - 2 - 2yr 6hr Dev 2... 4.03 ----- 5 ----- 50yr 6hr Dev 50... 9.05 ----- G ----- ' Gastonia... 3.01, 3.02 - 0 ----- Outlet 1... 9.01 ----- P ----- POST-DEV WET #1... 5.01, 6.01, 7.03, 7.09, 7.05 PRE-DEVEL... 5.03, 6.02, 7.06, 7.07, 7.08 ----- W ----- watershed... 1.01, 2.01, 2..02, 2.03, 2.04y 2.05, 2.06, 2.07 WETLAND #1... 8.01 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 PondPack Ver. LandDesign Incorporated Time: 11:00 AM A-1 Date: 2/27/2006 r- ~~ I 1 I 1 1 Job File: L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI-TAILWATER.PPW Rain Dir: L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ JOB TITLE Project Date: 7/13/2005 Project Engineer: JJP Project Title: Catawba Hills Village D Project Comments: S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:04 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table of Contents Table of Contents i ********************** MASTER SUMMARY ********************** watershed....... Master Network Summary ............. 1.01 *************** NETWORK SUMMARIES (DETAILED) *************** Watershed....... 2-6h Executive Summary (Nodes) .......... 2.01 Executive Summary (Links) .......... 2.02 Watershed.....:. 10-6h Executive Summary (Nodes) .......... 2.03 Executive Summary (Links) .......... 2.0q Watershed....... 50-6h Executive Summary (Nodes) .......... 2.05 .. Executive Summary (Links) .......... 2.06 Network Calcs Sequence ............. 2.07 ****************** DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY ******************* Gastonia........ Design Storms ...................... 3.01 Gastonia........ 2-6h Design Storms .......... .......... 3.02 ********************** RAINFALL DATA *********************** l0yr 6hr........ 10-6h Time-Depth Curve ................... 4.01 2yr 6hr......... 2-6h Time-Depth Curve ................... .4.03 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:04 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table of Contents ii Table of Contents (continued) 50yr 6hr........ 50-6h Time-Depth Curve ................... 4.05 ********************** TC CALCULATIONS *********:*********** POST-DEV WET #1 Tc Calcs ........................... 5.01 PRE-DEVEL....... Tc Calcs ........................... 5.03 ******************:*** CN CALCULATIONS ********************* POST-DEV WET #1 Runoff CN-Area ..................... 6.01 PRE-DEVEL....... Runoff CN-Area .... .............. 6.02 ******************** RUNOFF HYDROGRAPHS ******************** Unit Hyd. Equations ..... ........ 7.01 POST-DEV WET #1 2-6h Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.03 POST-DEV WET #1 10-6h Unit Hyd. Summary .......... 7.04 POST-DEV WET #1 50-6h Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.05 PRE-DEVEL....... 2-6h Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.06 PRE-DEVEL....... 10-6h • Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.07 ,PRE-DEVEL....... 50-6h Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.08 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:04 AM Date: 2/27/2006 ' Table of Contents iii Table of Contents (continued) ' ** ***:***************** POND VOLUMES *****************:***** ' WETLAND #1...... Vol: Elev-Area ..................... B.O1 ' ******************** OUTLET STRUCTURES ********************* Wet #1 Weir only Outlet In ut Data . P ................. 9.01 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. 09.00,077.00 Time: 11:09 AM D t 2/2 a e: 7/2006 1 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI-TAILWATER.PPW MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Network Storm Collection: Gastonia TOtdl Depth Rainfall Return Event in Type RNF ID 2-6h 2.4500 ----- Time-Depth Curve ---------------- 2yr 6hr 10-6h 3.5600 Time-Depth Curve l0yr 6hr 50-6h 4.9200 Time-Depth Curve 50yr 6hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*NOde=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID Type Event ac-ft Trun ----- -- hrs --- cfs ft. ac-ft POST-DEV WET #1 AREA 2 .663 ------ 3.1200 -------- 21.11 -------- ------------ POST-DEV WET #1 AREA 10 1.329 3.0600 36.91 POST-DEV WET #1 . AREA 50 .2.253. 3.0900 49.00 *PRE-REVEL JCT 2 .149 3.3300 1.70 *PRE-REVEL JCT 10 .494 3.2500 7.24 *PRE-REVEL JCT 50 1.089 3.2500 15.83 PRE-REVEL AREA 2 .149 3.3300 1.70 PRE-REVEL AREA 10 .494 3.2500 7.29 PRE-REVEL AREA 50 1.089 3.2500 15.83 *WET #1 WEIR ONLY JCT 2 .000 .0100 .00 *WET #1 WEIR ONLY JCT 10 .055 5.9600 1.03 *WET #1 WEIR ONLY JCT 50 .979 3.9200 11.78 WETLAND #1 IN POND 2 .663 3.1200 21.11 WETLAND #1 IN POND 10 1.329 3.0600 36.91 WETLAND #1 IN POND 50 2.253 3.0900 99.00 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:09 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.02 Name.... Watershed File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI-TAILWATER.PPW MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*NOde=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Node ID Type Return Event HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Max Pond Storage ac-ft Trun -- hrs cfs ft ac-ft WETLAND #1 OUT POND 2 .000 ---- 2.7000 ----- --- .00 -------- 626 57 _ -------- WETLAND #1 OUT POND 10 .055 5.9600 1 03 . 628 65 .663 WETLAND #1 OUT POND 50 .979 3.4200 . 11 78 . 6 1.290 . 28.91 1.376 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:04 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 2.01 Name.... Watershed Event• 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI-TAILWATER.PPW Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6h NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name ------------ = 2-6h -------- Data Type, File, ID -------- = Time-D ---- epth ------- Curve ---------- 2yr 6hr ------------------- Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.4500 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Node ID Type ac -ft Trun. hrs cfs ft POST-DEV WET #1 AREA .663 3.1200 21.11 Outfall PRE-DEVEL JCT .199 3.3300 1.70 PRE-DEVEL AREA .149 3.3300 1.70 Outfall WET #1 WEIR ONLY JCT .000 .0100 .00 WETLAND #1 IN POND .663 3.1200 21.11 WETLAND #1 OUT POND .000 2.7000 .00 626.57 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:09 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Executive Summary (Links) Page 2.02 ' Name.... Watershed Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VIL LAGE-D-POST-WETLA NDI-TAILWATER.PPW Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6h NETWORK SUMMARY -- LINKS ' (UN=Upstream Node; DL=DNStream End of Link; DN=DNstr eam Node) (Trun.= HYG Trunca tion: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR =Left & Rt) ' DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = Gasto nia Storm Tag Name = 2-6h ' --------------------- Data Type, File, ID = ----------------- Time-Depth Curve --------- 2yr 6 -------- hr ------------- Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.9500 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs ' Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hr s. End= 5.9833 hrs HYG Vol Peak Time Peak Q Link ID Type ADDLINK 10 ADD UN ----ac=ft- Trun. '.149 hrs 3.3300 cfs 1.70 End Points PRE-DEVEL DL .149 3.3300 1.70 DN .149 3.3300 7,.70 PRE-DEVEL ADDLINK 20 ADD UN .663 3.1200 21.11 POST-DEV WET #1 DL .663 3.1200 21.11 DN .663 3.1200 21.11 WETLAND #1 IN ' ROUTE 40 PONDrt UN .663 3.1200 21:11 WETLAND #1 IN ROUTE 40 .000 2.7000 .00 WETLAND #1 OUT DL .000 2.7000 .00 DN .000 .0100 .00 WET #1 WEIR•ONLY ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:04 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 2.03 Name.... Watershed Event: 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI-TAILWATER.PPW Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10-6h NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File, ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name ----------------- = 10-6h -- Data Type, File, ID --------- = Time-D ----------- epth Curve ----------- l0yr 6hr ------------------ Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.5600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Node ID ----------------- Type ---- - ac-ft Trun. hrs ------- - cfs ft POST-DEV WET #1 AREA - - 1.329 - --------- 3.0600 -------- --------- 36.91 Outfall PRE-DEVEL JCT .994 3.2500 7.29 PRE-DEVEL AREA .494 3.2500 7.24 O.utfall WET #1 WEIR ONLY JCT .055 5.9.600 1.03 WETLAND #1 IN POND 1.329 3.0600 36.91 WETLAND #1 OUT POND .055 5.9600 1.03 628.65 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:04 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Executive Summary (Links) Page 2.09 Name.... Watershed Event• 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI-TAILWATER.PPW Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10-6h NETWORK SUMMARY -- LINKS (UN=Upstream Node; DL=DNStream End of Link; DN=DNStream Node) (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag ---------- Name = ------- 10-6h Data Type, ----- File, ID = ----------- Time-Depth ---------------------- Curve l0yr 6hr ------------- Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rain fall Depth= 3.5600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs HYG Vol Peak Time Peak Q Link ID Type ac-£t Trun. hrs cfs End Points ADDLINK 10 ADD UN .494 -- ------- -- 3.2500 ------ 7.24 ------------ PRE-DEVEL ---- DL .494 3.2500 7.24 DN .494 3..2500 7.24 PRE-DEVEL ADDLINK 20 ADD UN 1.329 3.0600 36.91 POST-DEV WET #1 DL 1.329 3.0600 36.91 DN 1.329 3.0600 36.91 WETLAND #1 IN ROUTE 40 PONDrt UN 1.329 3.0600 36.91 WETLAND #1 IN ROUTE 40 .055 5.9600 1.03 WETLAND #1 OUT DL .055 5.9600 1.03 DN .055 5.9600, 1,03 WET #1 WEIR ONLY S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:04 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 2.05 Name.... Watershed Event• 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI-TAILWATER.PPW Storm... SOyr 6hr Tag: 50-6h NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File, ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name ----------------- = 50-6h -- Data Type, File, ID --------- = Time-D ----------- epth Curve ----------- 50yr 6hr ------------------ Storm Frequency = 50 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 4.9200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 6.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs End= 6.0000 hrs HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Node ID Type ac-ft Trun. hrs cfs ft POST-DEV WET #1 AREA 2.253 3:0900 49.00 itfall PRE-DEVEL JCT 1.089 3.2500 15.83 PRE-DEVEL AREA 1.089 3.2500 15.83 itfall WET #1 WEIR ONLY. JCT .97.9 3.4200 11,.78 WETLAND #1 IN POND 2.253 3.0900 49.00 WETLAND #1 OUT POND .979 3.4200 11.78 628.91 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:09 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Executive Summary (Links) Name.... Watershed Page 2.06 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDIVTAILWATERrPPW Storm... SOyr 6hr Tag: 50-6h NETWORK SUMMARY -- LINKS (UN=Upstream Node; DL=DNstream End of Link; DN=DNstream Node) (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File, ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name = 50-6h -- Data Type, File, ID = ------------ Time-Depth -- --------------- ----- Curve SOyr 6hr ------------- Storm Frequency = 50 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 9.9200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 6.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs End= 6.0000 hrs Link ID yp e HYG Vol Peak Tim;z peak Q ---------------- --- ac-ft ----------- Trun. hrs• _' cfs End.POints ADDLINK 10 ADD UN 1.089 - ---- 3.2500 15.83 PRE-P EVEL - DL 1.089 3.2500 15.83 , DN 1,089 3.2500 15.83 PRE-DEVEL ADDLINK 20 ADD UN 2.153 3.0900 49.00 POST-DEV WET #1 DL x.253 3.0900 49.00 DN 2,253 3.0900 49.00 WETLAND #1 IN ROUTE 40 PONDrt UN ROUTE 40 2,253 3.0900 49.00 WETLAND #1 IN DL .979 3.9200 11.78 WETLAND #1 OUT .979 3.9200 11.78 DN .979 3.A200.. 11.78 WET #1 WEIR ONLY S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:09 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Network Calcs Sequence Page 2.07 Name.... Watershed Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI-TAILWATER.PPW Storm... 50yr 6hr Tag: 50-6h ----_---NETWORK-RUNOFF NODE SEQUENCE --------------------g--------______ Runoff Data Apply to Node Receivin Link -----------------Y ----------______ SCS UH PRE-DEVEL Subarea PRE-DEVEL Add H d PRE-DEVEL SCS UH POST-DEV WET #1 Subarea POST-DEV WET #1 Add Hyd POST-DEV WET #1 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:04 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Network Calcs Sequence Page 2.08 ' Name.... Watershed Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\ Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI-TAILWATER.PPW Storm... SOyr 6hr Tag: 50-6h ' NETWORK ROUTING SEQUENCE -- Link Operation - ------------------- UPstream Node ----------------------- DNstream Node Add Hyd ADDLINK 20 Subarea POST-DEV WET #1 Pond WETLAND #1 IN POND ROUTE TOTAL OUTFLOW ... Total Pond Outflow Pond WETLAND #1 IN Outflow WETLAND #1 OUT ' SET POND ROUTING LINK TO TOTAL POND OUTFLOW.:. Outlet ROUTE 40 Outflow WETLAND #1 OUT Jct WET #1 WEIR ONLY Add Hyd ADDLINK 10 Subarea PRE-DEVEL Jct PRE-DEVEL .. S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:04 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Design Storms Page 3.01 Name.... Gastonia File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\ Title... Project Date: 7/13/2005 Project Engineer: JJP Project Title: Catawba Hills Village D Project Comments DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File, ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name = 2-6h Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve 2yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.9500 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs Storm Tag Name = 10-6h Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve l0yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.5600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs Storm Tag Name = 50-6h Dada Type, File, Ip = Time-Depth Curve 50yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 50 yr '.Total Rainfall Depth= 9.9200 in :Duration Multiplier = 1 .:Resulting Duration = 6.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs End= 6.0000 hrs S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:04 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Design Storms Page 3.02 Name.... Gastonia Event• 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\ Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6h DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name = 2-6h Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve 2yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.4500 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs Storm Tag Name = 10-6h Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve l0yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.5600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hr.s Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs Storm Tag Name = 50-6h ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve 50yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 50 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 4.9200 in Duration Multipli.er..= 1 . .Resulting Duration = 6.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs End= 6.0000 hrs S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:04 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Time-Depth Curve Name.... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10-6h Page 9.01 Event: 10 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civi l\POndPak\ yr Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10-6h ' Time SYNTHETIC CUMULATIVE RAINFALL(in) I Output Time i hrs -------- I Time on left -I----------------- ncre represents ----------- ment = .0 time for - 167 hrs first value in each row. .0000 I .0022 .0044 -------- .0066 ---------- .0089 .0111 ' .0833 I .0134 .0156 .0179 .0202 .0225 .1667 I .0248 .0271 .0299 .0317 .0391 .2500 I .0364 .0388 .0412 .0436 .0460 ' .3333 .9167 I .0984 I .0606 .0506 .0631 .0533 .0636 .0557 .0681 .0582 .0707 .5000 I .0732 .0758 .0783 .0809 .0835 .5833 I .0861 .0887 .0914 .0940 0967 .6667 I .0994 .1021 .1048 .1075 . .1102 .7500 I .1130 .1158 .1186 .1214 .1242 ' .8333 I .1271 .1299 .1328 .1357 .1386 .9167 I .1916 .1445 .1975 .1505 1535 1.0000 I .1565 .1596 .1627 .1657 . .1689 ' 1.0833 1.1667 I .1720 I .1880 .1751 .1913 .1783 .1995 .1815 .1979 ..1897 2012 1.2500 I .2046 .2080 .2119 .2148 . 2183 1.3333 I .2218 .2253 .2289 .2325 . .2361 1..4167 I .2397 .2434 .2471 .2508 2546 1.5000 I .2591 .2636 .2681 .2727 . .2779 ' 1.5833 I .2820 .2868 .2915 .2963 3012 1.6667 1 .3060 .3110 .3160 .3210 . .3261 1.7500 I .3312 .3369 .3416 .3969 .3523 ' 1.$333 1.9167 I .3577 ~ .3856 .3632 .3914 .3687 .3973 .3743 .4032 .3799 9092 2.0000 I .4169 .9237 .4311 .9386 . .4461 2.0833 I .9538 .4615 .4694 .4779 9855 2.1667 I .4936 .5020 .5109 .5190 . .52.76 2.250.0 I .5365 .5459 .5596 .5638 5733 2.3333 I .5829 .5926 .6026 .6127 .. 6230 2.4167 I .6336 .6449 .6554 .6666 . 6781 2.5000 l .6936 .7094 ..7255 .7920 . 7589 2'.5833 2.6667 I .7763 I .8701 .7940 .8906 .8122 .9118 ..8310 9338 . .8502 9566 2.7500 I .9876 1.0198 1.0531 . 1.0878 . 1.1240 2.8333 I 1.1620 1.2021 1.2445 1.2976 1 3542 2.9167 I 1.4281 1.5067 1.5919 1.7099 . 1 8279 3.0000. I 1.9959 2.0639 2.1819 2.2635 . 2 3395 ' 3.0833 I 2.3982 2-.4529 2.5045 2.5458 . 2.5897 3.1667 I 2.6218 2.6572 2.6612 2.6790 2 6856 3.2500 i 2.6688 2.6912 2.7027 2.7036 . 2.7138 ' 3.3333 3.4167 I 2.7233 I 2.8139 2.7923 2.8301 2.7606 2.8465 2.7788 2 8629 2.7963 2 8761 3.5000 I 2.8897 2.9011 2.9122 . 2.9231 . 2 9337 3.5833 I 2.9941 2.9594 2.9649 2.9793 . 2.9840 1 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:09 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Time-Depth Curve ' Name.... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10-6h Page 9.02 Event: 10 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civi l\PondPak\ yr Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10- 6h Time SYNTHE I Output TIC CUMULATIVE RAINFALL(in) Time inc hrs ---- I Time on left -I------------- ---- re represents ----------- ment = . time for 0167 hrs first value in each row. 3.6667 I 2.9935 3.0028 ---- ----- 3.0120 ------------ 3.0211 ------------- 3 0300 ' 3.7500 I 3.0387 3.0973 3.0558 3.0642 . 3 0725 3.8333 I 3.0806 3.0886 3.0965 3.1094 . 3.1121 3.9167 I 3.1197 3.1272 3.1396 3.1920 3.1892 9.0000 I 3.1552 3.1612 3.1671 3.1729 3.1787 ' 4.0833 I 3.1843 3.1899 3.1955 3.2010 3 2065 9.1667 I 3.2118 3.2172 3.2224 3.2276 . 3 2328 4.2500 I 3.2379 3.2430 3.2980 3.2529 . 3 2578 4.3333 I 3.2627 3.2675 3.2723 3.2770 . 3 2817 4.4167 I 3.2864 3.2910 3.2956 3.3001 . 3.3046 ' 4.5000 I 3.3084 3.3121 3.3159 3.3195 3.3232 4.5833 I 3.3268 3.3304 3.3390 3.3375 3.3411 4.6667 I 3.3495 3.3480 3.3514 3.3598 3 3582 ' 4.7500 4.8333 I 3.3616 I 3.3780 3.3699 3.3812 3.3682 3.3844 3.3715 3..3875 . 3.3797 3 3907 4.9167 I 3.3938 3.3969 3.9000 3.4030 . 3 4061 5.0000 I 3.4091 3.4121 3.4151 3.9181 . 3.9210 5.0833 I 3.9239 3.4268 3.9297 3.9326 3 4354 5.1667 I 3.4383 3.4911 3.4439 3.4467 . 3 9494 ' 5.2500 I 3.9522 3.4549 3.9577 3.9604 . 3 4631 5.3333 I 3.4657 3.9684 3.9710 3.4737 . 3.4763 5.4167 I 3.9789 3.4815 3.4890 3.9866 3 4892 ' 5.5000 5.5833 I 3.4917 I 3.5092 3.4942 3:5066 3.9967 3.5091 3.9992 3.5115 . 3.5017 3 5139 5.6667 I 3.5163 3.5167 3.5211 3.5235 . 3.5258 5.7500 I 3.5282 3.5305 3.5329 3.5352 3 5375 5.8333 .I 3.5398 3.5921 .3.5494. 3.5466 . 3 5989 .5.9167 I 3.55'11 3.5.534 3.5556 3.5578. . 3.5600 1 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:04 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Time-Depth Curve Page 4.03 ' Name.... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6h Event• 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civi l\PondPak\ Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6h ' Time SYNTHE I Output TIC CUMULATIVE RAINFALL(in) Time increment = .0167 hrs hrs -------- I Time on left -I----------------- represents ----------- time for - first value in each row. .0000 I .0014 .0029 ------- .0093 ------------ .0058 --------- .0072 .0833 I .0087 .0101 .0116 .0131 .0146 .1667 I .0161 .0176 .0191 .0206 .0221 .2500 I .0237 .0252 .0267 .0283 .0299 ' .3333 .4167 I .0314 I .0399 .0330 .0910 .0396 .0926 .0362 .0992 .0378 .0959 .5.000. 1 .0475 .0492 .0506 .0525 .0592 .5833 I .0559 .0576 .0594 .0610 .0627 .6667 I .0695 .0662 .0680 .0698 .0715 .7500 I .0733 .0751 .0769 .0787 .0806 ' .8333 ( .0824 .0893 .0861 .0880 .0899 .9167 I .0918 .0937 .0956 .0976 .0995 1.0000 I .1015 .1034 .1054 .1074 .1094 ' 1.0833 1.1667 I .1114 I .1218 .1135 .1239 .1155 .1260 .1176 .1282 .1197 .1303 1.2500 I .1325 .1347 .1369 .1391 .1413 1.3333 I .1436 .1459 .1482 .1505 .1528 1.4167 I .1552 .1575 .1599 .1623 .,1647 1.5000 I .1675 .1703 .1731 .1759 .1787 1.5833 I .1816 .1895 .1874 .1903 .1933 1.6667 I .1963 .1993 .2024 .2055 .2086 1.7500 I .2117 .2149 .2161 .2214 .2246 ' 1.8333 1.9167 I .2279 I .2451 .2313 .2486 .2397 .2522 .2381 .2558 .2,416 .2595 2.0000 I .2636 .2678 .2720 .2763 .2806 2.0833 I .2850 .2894 .2939 .2985 .3031 2,1667 .1 .3078 .3125 .3174 .3223 .3273 2.2500 1 :3323 .3375 .3427 .3480 .3534 ' 2.3333 I. .3590 .3.696 .3703 .3761 .3821 2.9167 I .3882 .3944 .9007 .4072 .9138 2.5000 I .4225 .9313 .4403 .4495 .4590 2.5833 2.6667 I .46.87 I .5216 .4787 .5332 .9889 .5452 .4995 .5577 .5109 .5707 2.7500 I .5879 .6057 .6243 .6938 .6642 2.8333 I .6858 .7086 .7331 .7655 .8002 2.9167 I .8944 .8924 .9458 1.0298 .' 1.1138 3.0000 I 1.1978 1.2618 1.3658 1.4162 1.5121 ' 3.0833 I 1.5983 1.6816 1.7331 1.7567 . 1.7789 3.1667 I 1.7999 1.8198 1.8388 1.8570 1.8745 3.2500 I 1.8878 1.9005 1.9128 1.9246 1.9360 ' 3.3333 3.4167 I 1.9971 I 1.9973 1.9578 2.0071 1.9682 2.0162 1.9783 2.0251 1.9881 2.0338 3.5000 I 2.0406 2.0471 2.0535 2.0598 2.0659 3.5833 I 2.0720 2.0778 2.0836 2.0892 2.0999 n~'~ ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:04 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Time-Depth Curve Page 9.09 Name.... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6h Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civi l\PondPak\ Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6h ' Time SYNTHE I Output TIC CUMULATIVE RAINFALL(in) Time increment = .0167 hrs hrs -------- I Time on left -I----------------- represents ---------- time for first value in each row. ' 3.6667 3.7500 1 2.1003 I 2.1263 - 2.1057 2.1312 -------- 2.1110 2.1361 ------------- 2.1162 2.1409 ------------- 2.1213 2 1456 3.8333 I 2.1503 2.1549 2.1599 2.1639 . 2.1683 3.9167 I 2.1726 2.1769 2.1812 2.1854 2.1895 4.0000 I 2.1932 2.1969 2.2005 2.2040 2 2075 ' 4.0833 I 2.2110 2.2195 2.2179 2.2212 . 2.2246 4.1667 I 2.2279 2.2311 2.2344 2.2376 2.2907 4.2500 I 2.2439 2.2970 2.2500 2.2531 2.2561 4.3333 I 2.2591 2.2628 2.2649 2.2679 2.2707 4.4167 i 2.2736 2.2764 2.2792 2.2820 2.2897 4.5000 I 2.2872 2.2896 2.2920 2.2994 2.2967 9.5833 I 2.2991 2.3014 2.3037 2.3060 2.3082 4.6667 I 2.3105 2.3127 2.3199 2.3171 2.3193 ' 4.7500 9.8333 I 2.3215 I 2.3321 2.3236 2.3341 2.3258 2.3362 2.3279 2.3382 2.3300 2.3403 4.9167 I 2.3423 2.3493 2.3963 2.3483 2.3502 5.0000 I 2.3522 2.3541 2.3561 2.3580 2.3599 5.0833. 1 2.3618 2.3636 2.3.655 2.3674 2.3692 5.1667 I 2.3711 2.3729 2.3747 2.3765 2.3783 ' 5.2500 I 2.3801 2.3818 2.3836 2.3854 2.3871 5.3333 I 2.3888 2.3906 2.3923 2.3990 2,3957 5.4167 I 2.3974 2.3990 2.9007 2.4024 2.4090 ' 5.5000 5.5833 I 2.9057 I 2.4137 2.4073 2.9153 2.4089 2.9169 2.9105 2.4185 2.4121 2.4201 5.6667 I 2.4216 2.4232 2.4247 2.9263 2.4278 5.7500 I 2.4293 2.4309 2.4334 2.4339 2.4354 5.8333 I 2.4369 2.4384 2.4398 2.9413 2.9428 5.9167 1 2.4442 2.9457 2.4471 2.4986 ,2.4500 ~~ _i ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:04 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 Type.... Time-Depth Curve Page 9.05 Name.... SOyr 6hr Tag: 50-6h Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civi l\POndPak\ Storm... SOyr 6hr Tag: 50- 6h SYNTHETIC CUMULATIVE RAINFALL(in) Time I Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs -------- ~ Time on left -I----------------- represents ----------- time for - first value in each row. .0000 I .0031 .0189 -------- .0351 ----------- .0517 -------------- .0686 .4167 ~ .0860 .1036 .1220 .1408 .1601 .8333 I .1799 .2009 .2215 .2932 .2658 1.2500 I .2891 .3134 .3385 .3655 .3967 1.6667 ~ .9292 .4634 .4992 .5370 .5787 2.0833 I .6294 .6839 .7419 .8040 .8725 2.5000 ~ .9526 1.0606 1.1830 1.3363 1.5640 2.9167 ~ 1.9063 2.5698 3.1490 3.4392 3.6992 3.3333 ~ 3.7804 3.8980 3.9981 9.0714 9.1380 3.7500 ~ 4.1992 4.2559 9.3089 4.3571 9.3965 4.1667 ~ 4.4337 4.4690 4.5026 4.5397 4.5648 4.5833 ~ 4.5907 9.6156 4.6395 4.6626 9.6849 5.0000 I 4.7065 4.7274 4.7477 4.7673 4.7865 5.9167 ~ 4.8051 4.8232 4.8409 4.8581 9.8749 . 5.8333 ~ 4.8913 4.9074 4.9200 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:04 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 5.01 Name.... POST-DEV WET #1 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI-TAILWATER.PPW ............................. ........................ ........................................... TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: .0833 hra ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Total Tc: .0833 hrs S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:04 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 5.02 Name.... POST-DEV WET #1 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI-TAILWATER.PPW ------------------------------------------------ Tc Equations used... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ___= User Defined ____________________________________ Tc = Value entered by user Where: Tc = Time of concentration S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:04 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Tc Calcs ' Name.... PRE-DEVEL Page 5.03 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST - WETLANDI-TAILWATER.PPW ' TIME•OF •CONCENTRATION•CALCULATOR•••-•.. ••-. ~~•" " •" '••••••••-• i _______ ________________ _____________________________ ____________________ Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Ti me: .3120 hrs ' ~ -Total-Tcc .3120 hrs 1 '. _ . .. S/N: A21305C2E PondPa k 1C5 LandDesign Incorporated c Ver. ' Time: 11:09 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 5.04 Name.... PRE-DEVEL File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI-TAILWATER.PPW ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tc Equations used... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ___= User Defined ______________________________________________________ Tc = Value entered by user Where: Tc = Time of concentration S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:04 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Page 6.01 Name.... POST-DEV WET #1 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI- TAILWATER.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN Fully Developed Urban Areas (Ve Es 79 acres $C $UC ----- ----- 9 CN ------ g .890 79.00 ' COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> ........................................ 9:$90 ...................... 79:00 (79) ............. 1 1 1 1 1 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:04 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Page 6.02 Name.... PRE-DEVEL File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI-TAILWATER.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres $C $UC CN 61 9.890 61.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 9;890 61:00 (61) ........................................................................... S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:09 AM Date: 2/27/2006 r rl J 1 Type.... Unit Hyd. Equations Page 7.01 Name.... File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI-TAILWATER.PPW SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD (Computational Notes) DEFINITION OF TERMS: ------------------------------------------------ At = Total area (acres): At = Ai+Ap Ai = Impervious area (acres) Ap = Pervious area (acres) CNi = Runoff curve number for impervious area CNp = Runoff curve number for pervious area floss = f loss constant infiltration (depth/time) gKS = Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (depth/time) Md = Volumetric Moisture Deficit Psi = Capillary Suction (length.) hK = Horton Infiltration Decay Rate (time^-1) fo = Initial Infiltration Rate (depth/time) fc = Ultimate(capacity)Infiltratign Rate (depth/time) Ia = Initial Abstraction (length) dt = Computational increment (duration of unit excess rainfall) Default dt is smallest value of 0.1333Tc, rtm, and th (Smallest dt is then adjusted to match up with Tp) UDdt = User specified override computational main time increment (only used if UDdt is => .1333Tc) D(t) = Point on distribution curve (fraction of P) for time step t K ~ 2 / .(1 + (Tr/Tp)}:. default K = 0.75: (for Tr/Tp ~ 1.67) Ks. = xydrograph.shape factor ' = Unit Conversions * K: _ ((lhr/3600sec)•* (lft/12in) * ((5280ft)**2/sq.mi)) * K Default .Ks = 695.333 * 0.75 = 984 ' Lag = P = Lag time from center of excess runoff (dt) to Tp: Lag = 0.6Tc Total precipitation depth, inches Pa,(t) = Accumulated rainfall at time step t Pi(t) = Incremental rainfall at time step t qp = Peak discharge (cfs) for lin. runoff, for lhr, for 1 sq.mi. ' _ (KS * A * Q) / Tp (where Q = lin. runoff, A=sq.mi.) Qu(t) = Unit hydrograph ordinate (cfs) at time step t Q(t) = Final hydrograph ordinate (cfs) at time step t ' Rai(t)= Rap(t)= Accumulated runoff (inches) at time step t for impervious area Accumulated runoff (inches) at time step t for pervious area Rii(t)= Incremental runoff (inches) at time step t for impervious area Rip(t)= Incremental runoff (inches) at time step t for pervious area R(t) Incremental weighted total runoff (inches) Rtm = Time increment for rainfall table ' Si = S for impervious area: Si = (1000/CNi) - 10 Sp = S for pervious area: Sp = (1000/CNp) - 10 t = Time step (row) number ' Tc = Tb = Time of concentration Time (hrs) of entire unit hydrograph: Tb = Tp + Tr Tp = Time (hrs) to peak of a unit hydrograph: Tp = (dt/2) + Lag Tr = Time (hrs) of receding limb of unit hydrograph: Tr = ratio of Tp ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:04 AM Date• 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Unit Hyd. Equations Page 7.02 Name.... File.... L:\1005016\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI-TAILWATER.PPW PRECIPITATION: --- Column (1): Time Column (2): D(t) Column (3): Pi(t) Column (9): Pa(t) SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD (Computational Notes) ---------------------------------------------- or time step t = Point on distribution curve for time step t = Pa(t) - Pa (t-1): Col.(4) - Preceding Col. (9) = D(t) x P: Col.(2) x P PERVIOUS AREA RUNOFF (using SCS Runoff CN Method) ------------------------ Column (5): Rap(t) = Accumulated pervious runoff for time step t If (Pa(t) is <= 0.25p) then use: Rap(t) = 0.0 If (Pa(t) is > 0.2Sp) then use: Rap(t) _ (Col. (4)-0.2Sp)**2 / (Cpl. (9)+0.8Sp) Column (6): Rip (t) = Incremental pervious runoff for time step t Rip (t) = Rap(t) - Rapt-1) Rip(t) = Col. (5) for current row - Col.(5) for preceding row. IMPERVIOUS AREA RUNOFF ___________________________________________________ Column (7 & 8)... Did not 'specify to use impervious areas. INCREMENTAL WEIGHTED RUNOFF: _____________________________________________ Column (9): R(t) _ (Ap/At) x Rip (t) + (Ai/At) x Rii(t) R(t) _ (Ap/At) x Col.(6) + (Ai/At) x Col.(8) SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD: -------._______________________________________ Column (10):.Q(t) is computed with the SCS unit hydrograph method using R() and Qu(). S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:04 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Name.... POST-DEV WET #1 Tag: 2_6h Page 7.03 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDIETAILWATERrPPW Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6h SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 2 year storm Duration = 5.9833 hrs Rain Depth = 2.4500 in Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Rain File -ID = - 2yr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ HYG File - ID = - POST-DEV WET #1 2-6h Tc = .0833 hrs Drainage Area = 9.890 acres Runoff CN= 79 Computational Time Increment Computed Peak Time _ •0 111 hrs Computed Peak Flow 3.1221 hrs . = 21.24 cfs Time Increment for HYG File 'Peak Time Interpolated Out put = •0100 hrs 3 ' = Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = .1200 hrs 2 - - 1.11 cfs D~.iNAGE AREA ID:pOST-DEV WET #1 C;~ = 79 ' Area = 9.890 S = 2.6582 in acres 0.25 = .5316 in ' Cumulative Runoff. .8041 in .663 ac-f t HYG Volume... .663 ac-f e (area under HYG curve) ' ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMET ERS ***** Time Concentration, Tc = .08333 Computational Incr T hrs (ID: POST-DEV WET #1) ' , m = .01111 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 983.432 K = 483.43/645 333 K (37.46$ under rising limb) . , = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1 ' .6698 (solved from K = ,7991) Unit peak, qp = 134.48 Unit cfs peak time Tp = .05555 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .22221 hrs Total unit time, Tb = .27777 hrs 1 1 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:09 AM Date: 2/27/2006 i~ Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.04 ' Name.... POST-DEV WET #1 Tag: 10-6h Event: 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI-TAILWATER.PPW Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10-6h ' SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 10 year storm Duration = 5.9833 hrs Rain Depth = 3.5600 in Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ ' Rain File -ID = - l0yr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ HYG File - ID = - POST-DEV WET #1 10-6h ' Tc = .0833 hrs Drainage Area = 9.890 acres Runoff CN= 79 Computational Time Increment .01111 hrs Computed Peak Time 3.0665 hrs Computed Peak Flow - 36.97 cfs ' Time Increment for HYG File = .0100 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.0600 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output 36.91 cfs ' ---DRAINAGE AREA - --- ID:POST-DEV WET #1 CN = 79 ' Area 9.890 acres S 2.6582 in 0.2S = .5316 in Cumulative Runoff ' --------1.6127 iri 1.329 ac-ft HYG Volume... 1.329 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ' ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** ' Time Concentration, Tc = .08333 hrs (ID: POST-DEV WET #1) ' Computational Incr, Tm = .01111 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.432 (37.46 under rising limb) K = 483.43/645.333, K = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7491) ' Unit peak, qp = 134.48 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .05555 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .22221 hrs Total unit time, Tb = .27777 hrs lil~ ,J S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:04 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 I~ 0 ~i Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.05 Name.... POST-DEV WET #1 Tag: 50-6h Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI-TAILWATER.PPW Storm... SOyr 6hr Tag: 50-6h SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 50 year storm Duration = 6.0000 hrs Rain Depth = 4.9200 in Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Rain File -ID = - 50yr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ HYG File - ID = - POST-DEV WET #1 50-6h Tc = .0833 hrs Drainage Area = 9.890 acres Runoff CN= 79 Computational Time Increment = .01111 hrs Computed Peak Time = 3.0888 hrs Computed Peak Flow = 49.04 cfs Time Increment for HYG File = .0100 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.0900 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = 49.00 cfs DRAINAGE AREA ID:POST-DEV WET #1 CN = 79 Area = 9.890 acres S = 2.6582 in 0.2S = .5316 in Cumulative Runoff 2.7329 in 2.252 ac-ft HYG Volume... 2.253 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** ' Time Concentration, Tc = .08333 hrs (ID: POST-DEV WET #1) Computational Incr, Tm = .01111 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.932 (37.46 under rising limb) K = 483.43/645.333, K = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7491) Unit peak, qp = 134.48 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .05555 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .22221 hrs Total unit time, Tb = .27777 hrs ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:04 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.06 Name.... PRE-DEVEL Tag: 2-6h Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI-TAILWATER.PPW Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6h - ' SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 2 year storm Duration = 5.9833 hrs Rain Depth = 2.9500 in ' Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Rain File -ID = - 2yr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ HYG File - ID = - PRE-DEVEL 2-6h ' Tc = .3120 hrs Drainage Area = 9.890 acres Runoff CN= 61 ---------------- ' Computational Time Increment .04160 hrs Computed Peak Time 3.3280 hrs Computed Peak Flow 1.70 cfs Time Increment for HYG File = ~ .0100 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.3300 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = 1.70 cfs DRAINAGE AREA ID:PRE-DEVEL CN = 61 ' Area 9.890 acres S 6.3934 in 0.25 = 1.2787 in Cumulative Runoff ------------------- ' .1819 in .199 ac-ft ' HYG Volume... .199 ae-ft (area under HYG curve) ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** ' Time Concentration, Tc = .31200 hrs (ID: PRE-DEVEL) ' ' Computational Incr, Tm = .09160 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.932 (37.46$ under rising limb) K = 483.43/645.333, K = .7991 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) ' Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7491) Unit peak, qp = 35.92 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .20800 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .83200 hrs Total unit time, Tb = 1.04000 hrs 1 1 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:09 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.07 ' Name.... PRE-DEVEL Tag: 10-6h Event: 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI-TAILWATER.PPW Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10-6h SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 10 year storm Duration = 5.9833 hrs Rain Depth = 3.5600 in Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ ' Rain File -ID = - l0yr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ ' HYG File - ID - PRE-DEVEL 10-6h Tc .3120 hrs Drainage Area = 9.890 acres Runoff CN= 61 Computational Time Increment = .04160 hrs ' Computed Peak Time = 3.2948 hrs Computed Peak Flow = 7.26 cfs Time Increment for HYG File- _ .0100 hrs ' Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.2500 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = 7.29 cfs DRAINAGE AREA ID:PRE-DEVEL CN = 61 Area 9.890 acres ' S 6.3934 in 0.25 = 1.2787 in ~ Cumulative Runoff . '. ------------------- .5999 in .994 ac-ft 1 HYG Volume... .494 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** ' Time Concentration, Tc = .31200 hrs (ID: PRE-DEVEL) ' Computational Incr, Tm .09160 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.932 (37.96$ under rising limb) K = 483.43/645.333, K = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) ' Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7491) Unit peak, qp = 35.92 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .20800 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .83200 hrs Total unit time, Tb = 1.04000 hrs 1 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:04 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 ' Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.08 Name.... PRE-DEVEL Tag: 50-6h Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI-TAILWATER.PPW Storm... 50yr 6hr Tag: 50-6h ' SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 50 year storm Duration = 6.0000 hrs Rain Depth = 4.9200 in ' Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Rain File -ID = - SOyr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ HYG File - ID - PRE-DEVEL 50-6h Tc .3120 hrs Drainage Area = 9.890 acres Runoff CN= 61 Computational Time Increment = .04160 hrs Computed Peak Time = 3.2498 hrs Computed Peak Flow = 15.85 cfs ' Time Increment for HYG File = .0100 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.2500 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = 15.83 cfs .. DRAINAGE AREA ID:PRE-DEVEL CN = 61 ' Area 9.890 acres S 6.3934 in 0.2S = 1.2787 in Cumulative Runoff ----- --1.3213 in 1.089 ac-ft HYG Volume'... 1.089 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** • Time Concentration, Tc = .31200 hrs (ID: PRE-DEVEL) Computational Incr, Tm = .04160 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.432 (37.468 under rising limb) K = 483.43/645.333, K = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7491) Unit peak, qp = 35.92 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .20800 hrs. Unit receding limb, Tr = .83200 hrs ' Total unit time, Tb = 1.09000 hrs ii CII S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:09 AM Date: 2/27/2006 -sr=.... Vol: Elev-Area ' Name..., WETLAND #1 File.... L:\1005018\CAD page 8.01 \Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-pOST_WETLANDI-TAILWATER.p ' -Elevation Planimeter PW t Area ---) ) s9r(A1*A2 -- ---____~Sq_ln (acres)A1+A2+ ) Volume 624.00 ------------ (acres) Volume Sum ------ (ac-ft) ' 625.00 ----- •2340 -------------------------(ac=ft)--- 625.75 •2520 •0000 626.50 •2660 7288 .243 •000 628.00 ----- .2800 •7769 .243 629.00 -_---- •8189 •199 .3100 .205 •437 ' 630.00 =__-- •3300 •8846 .642 631.00 •9598 •942 1.084 .351.0 1.0213 631.50 ___-- -3730 1.0858 •390 1.904 .3840 1.1355 •362 1.745 .189 2.107 ' 2.296 POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume com puted by the Coni Volume = (1/3) * (ELI-EL1) * ~ Method for Reservq~.r Volumes. (Areal + Areal + where: $L1, EL2 sH•rt. = Lower and (Areal'Areal)) Areal,Area2 =Areas upper ' elevations of the increment Volume = Incre;cJmputed for EL1, Rental vol EL2, respectivel ume between EL1 and EL2 y S/N: A21305C2E1C5 p~dpack Ver. 09,00 077.00 LandDesi 9n Incorporated Time: 11:04 AM Date: 2/27/2006 ' Type.... Outlet Input Data Page 9.01 Name.... Wet #1 Weir only File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI-TAILWATER.PPW REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 624.00 ft Increment = .10 ft Max. Elev.= 631.50 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (Upstream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to Upstream) <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft ----------------- ---- ------- --------- -------- Weir-Rectangular WO ---> TW 628.600 631.500 TW SETUP, DS Channel ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:09 AM Date: 2/27/2006 ' Type.... Outlet Input Data Page 9.02 Name.... Wet #1 Weir only File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLANDI-TAILWATER.PPW ' OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA ' Structure ID = WO Structure Type = Weir-Rectangular ------------------------------------ ' # of Openings 1 Crest Elev. 628.60 ft Weir Length 20.00 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.333000 ' Weir TW effects (Use adjustment equation) ' Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFACE CONDITIONS SPECIFIED ' CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES... Maximum Iterations= 90 Min. TW tolerance = .O1 ft ' Max. TW tolerance = .O1 ft Min. HW tolerance = .O1 ft Max. HW tolerance = .O1 ft Min. Q tolerance = .00 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .00 cfs t S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:09 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Appendix A Index of Starting Page Numbers for ID Names ----- 1 ----- l0yr 6hr 10-6h... 4.01 ----- 2 ----- 2yr 6hr 2-6h... 4.03 ----- 5 ----- SOyr 6hr 50-6h... 9.05 ----- G ----- Gastonia... 3.01, 3.02 ----- P ----- POST-DEV WET #1... 5.01, 6.01, 7.03, 7.04, 7.05 PRE-REVEL... 5.03, 6.02, 7.06, 7.07, 7.08 ----- W ----- Watershed... 1.01, 2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2.09, 2.05, 2.06, 2.07 wet #1 Weir only... 9.01 WETLAND #1... 8.01 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:04 AM A-1 Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v ~ m OL ~I~~IPP`d ~ '. ~ ~ ~ ~ f. ~ (D ~ ` Q' ~ ~ oZ aln~N ~ ~ OE ~I~~IPPH ~ •, N ~ O a O ~. ~ < v ~ r~ k~~~s ___ A `'; ® 6 !® I AMP, ~. ~ 2, 1® ''' ;; 1~~-~vT po a ~. S tc R~ c~. A-~-~ ' , ~R ~~ 9 2.~~ t~tr~. 5~~~ ~e.~ ~vo ~` 1.9~ Vie, m ~}: t~~l ~. ®~ ~ 17Q o.71 s~ =- ~ .~1 (92.x, S P~~ -~ ,~u~ ~ 3 g~ ?. Z¢ sF 1_ '. ~_ o d_~_____ ~V° ~ rP t.93 ~.~ 1 ~~ - ~v - ~.v5 ~ O.O~~t S) ~V ~ ®.oS ~' ®.00~ C 5~J 1 ~y m ®, ~~- 1 fLw ~®cta~,~. ® ~ ~` 0.52,' f ,~ ``Z~ 1.93 - r ~~~L voa~ ~ 1 6~~. ' C+~5. o ~ ~7~8 5~! {~ ®. Pmt e 0~ Qw9tii~ V ~-t,v~~E m ~~ ~ i ~ C~' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Anti-floatation Calculations Extended Detention W .tlan~l #2 Bouyancy Calculations Volume of Water Displaced: Structure Dimensions: Length = 3 Width = 3 Height = 4.4. Volume = 40 Specific Weight of Water = Total Weight of Displaced Vole Feet Feet Feet Cubic Feet 62.4 Pounds per Cubic Foot ime = 2,471 ~ Pounds Volume of Concrete Required: Concrete Volume: Length = 4 Width = 4 Height = 1.1 Volume = 18 Specific Weight of Concrete = Total Weight of Concrete = Feet Feet Feet Cubic Feet 150 Pounds per Cubic Foot 2,640 Pounds 1 1 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 Job File: L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2.PPW Rain Dir: L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\ JOB TITLE Project Date: 7/13/2005 Project Engineer: JJP Project Title: Catawba Hills Village D Project Comments: S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table of Contents Table of Contents i *******:******:****:r** MASTER SUMMARY *******************:r** Watershed....... Master Network Summary ............. 1.01 *************** NETWORK SUMMARIES (DETAILED) *************** Watershed....... 2-6hr Executive Summary (Nodes) .......... 2.01 Executive Summary (Links) .......... 2.02 Watershed....... 10-6 h Executive Summary (Nodes) .......... 2.03 Executive Summary (Links) .,........ 2.04 watershed....... 50-6 h Executive Summary (Nodes) .......... 2.05 Executive Summary (Links) ........... 2.06 Network Calcs Sequence ............. 2.07 ****************** DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY ******************* Gastonia........ Design Storms ...................... 3.01 Gastonia......... 2-bhr Design Storms ,.......... ........ 3.02 *********r********:*** RAINFALL DATA x********************** l0yr 6hr........ 10-6 h Time-Depth Curve ................... 4.01 2yr 6hr......... 2-6hr Time-Depth Curve ................... 4.03 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table of Contents ii Table of Contents (continued) SOyr 6hr........ 50-6 h Time-Depth Curve ................... 9.05 ********************** TC CALCULATIONS ******************:** POST-DEV WET #2 Tc Calcs ........................... 5.01 PRE-DEVEL....... Tc Calcs ........................... 5.03 ********************** CN CALCULATIONS ********************* POST-DEV WET #2 Runoff CN-Area ..................... 6.01 PRE-DEVEL....... Runoff CN-Area' ..................... 6.02 ******************** RUNOFF HYDROGRAPHS ******************** Unit Hyd. Equations ................ 7.01 POST-DEV WET #2 2-6hr Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.03' POST-DEV WET #2 10-6 h Unit Hyd. Summary ....... .. .. 7.04 POST-DEV WET #2 50-6 h Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.05 PRE-DEVEL....... 2-6hr Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.06 PRE-DEVEL....... 10-6 h 'Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.07 PRE-DEVEL....... 50-6 h Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.08 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 ' Table of Contents iii Table of Contents (continued) *********r**:**:r******* POND VOLUMES **************,r****r*** ' WETLAND #2...... Vol: Elev-Area ..................... 8.01 ******************** OUTLET STRUCTURES *******************:t* ' Outlet 2........ Outlet In ut Data P .................. 9.01 1 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2.PPW MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Network Storm Collection: Gastonia Total Depth Rainfall Return Event in - Type ------- RNF ID 2-6hr 2.9500 --------- Time-Depth Curve ---- 2yr ------------ 6hr 10-6 h 3.5600 Time-Depth Curve l0yr 6hr 50-6 h 9.9200 Time-Depth Curve 50yr 6hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Node ID Type Return Event HYG Vol ac-ft T` Qpeak Max Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage run -- hrs cfs ft ac-ft ST-DEV WET #2 AREA 2 .13% --------- 3.1200 -------- -------- ------------ 4 37 POST-DEV WET #2 AREA 10 .,271 3.0600 . 7 52 POST-DEV WET #2 .AREA 50 ,454 3.0900 , .9.84 . *PRE-DEVEL * JCT 2 .n29 - 3.3300 33 PRE-DEVEL * JCT 10 .096 3.2500 . 1 91 PRE-DEVEL JCT 50 .213 3.2500 . 3.09 PRE-DEVEL AREA 2 .029 3.3300 33 PRE-DEVEL AREA 10 .096 3.2500 . 1 41 PRE-DEVEL AREA 50 .213 3.2500 . 3.09 *WET #2 OUTFACE * JCT 2 .051 R 5.4700 12 WET #2 OUTFACE * JCT 10 .183 R 3.6100 . g6 WET #2 OUTFACE JCT 50 .365 R 3.1900 , 5.90 WETLAND #2 IN POND 2 .137 3.1200 4 37 WETLAND #2 IN POND 10 .271 3.0600 . 7 52 WETLAND #2 IN POND 50 .454 3.0900 , 9,gq S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.02 Name.... Watershed File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2.PPW MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*NOde=Outfall; +NOde=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID---- ----- Type Event ---ac=ft ---- Trun -- hrs ---- cfs ft ac-ft WETLAND #2 OUT POND 2 .051 R ----- 5.4200 -------- .11 -------- 629.96 ------------ .279 WETLAND #2 OUT POND 10 .183 R 3.6100 .96 625.33 .329 WETLAND #2 OUT POND 50 .365 R 3.1900 5.90 625.54 .353 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 2.01 ' Name.... Watershed Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILL AGE-D-POST-WETLAND2.PPW Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6hr NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Ta N g ame = 2-6hr -------------- ------------------------- Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve -------------- 2yr 6hr --------------- ' Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.4500 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs ' Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Node ID Type ac-ft Tr ------------- un. hrs cfs ft ' ---- ---- ---------- POST-DEV WET #2 AREA .137 Outfall PRE-DEVEL JCT 029 3.1200 q.37 . 3.3300 .33 PRE-DEVEL AREA .029 3.3300 .33 Outfall WET #2 OUTFACE JCT .051 R 5.9700 .12 WETLAND'#2 IN POND .137 3.1200 4.37 ' WETLAND #2 OUT POND .051 R 5.9200 .11 624.96 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Executive Summary (Links) Page 2.02 Name.... Watershed Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2.PPW Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6hr NETWORK SUMMARY -- LINKS (UN=Upstream Node; DL=DNstream End of Link; DN=DNstream Node) (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag ---------- Name = -------- 2-6hr Data Type, --- File, ID = ------------ Time-Depth ----- Curve ----------- 2yr 6hr ------ ------------- Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.4500 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs HYG Vol Peak Time Peak Q Link ID Type ac-ft ------ Trun. hrs cfs End.POints ADDLINK 10 ADD UN .029 --- ------- -- 3.3300 ------ .33 ---------- PRE-DEVEL DL .029 3.3300 .33 DN .029 3.3300 .33 PRE-DEVEL ADDLINK 30 ADD UN .137 3.1200 4.37 POST-DEV WET #2 DL .137 3.1200 9.37 DN .137 3.1200 4.37 WETLAND #2 IN ROUTE 20 PONDrt UN :137 3.1200 4.37 WETLAND #2 IN ROUTE 20 .051 R 5.4200 .11 WETLAND #2 OUT DL .051 R 5.4700 .12 DN .051 R 5.4700 .12 .WET #2 OUT FALL S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TYPe••.. Executive Summary (Nodes) Name..,. Watershed File.... L: 1005018 CAD page 2.03 \ \ \Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-ppST_WETLAND2VppW• 10 Yr Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10-6 h (Trun.= HYG TruncationTWORK SUMMARY __ NODES Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name = 10-6 h ------- ------ ----------------- Data TYPe. File, ID = Time-Depth Curve Storm Frequency _ ------------- l0yr 6hr _____ ______ --- Total Rainfall Depth- 305600 i Duration Multiplier = 1 n Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 h rs Step= .0167 hrs En d= 5.9833 hrs Node ID YPe HYG Vol Qpeak 4peak - ---------------- ac-ft Tr un, hrs Max WSEL _ ---- 'POST-DEV WET #2 AREA _____ __ - - - -------- cfs ----- Outfall PRE-DEVEL JCT •271 3.0600 __ -__ ------- 7 52 PRE-DEVEL AREA 096 3.2500 . 1 41 Outfall WET #2 OUTFACE JCT '096 3.2500 . 91 1 WETLAND #2 IN POND •183 R 3.6100 . 96 WETLAND #2 OUT ppN~ '271 3.0600 7 52 .183 R 3.6100 . 96 625.33 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 ' PondPack Ver. LandDesign Incorporated Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 Type.... Executive Summary (Links) Page 2.04 Name.... Watershed Event: 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2.PPW Storm.., l0yr 6hr Tag: 10-6 h NETWORK SUMMARY -- LINKS (UN=Upstream Node; DL=DNStream End of Link; DN=DNstream Node) (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag ---------- Name = -------- 10-6 h Data Type, --- File, ID = ------------ Time-Depth ----- Curve ----------------- l0yr 6hr ------------- Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.5600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5..9833 hrs HYG Vol .Peak Time Peak Q Link ID Type ac-ft Trun. hrs cfs End Points ADDLINK 10 ADD UN .096 3.2500 1.41 PRE-DEVEL DL .096 3.2500 1.91 DN .096 3.2500 1.41 PRE-DEVEL ADDLINK 30 ADD UN .271 3.0600 7.52 POST-DEV WET #2 DL .271 3.0600 7.52 DN .271 3.0600 7.52 WETLAND #2 IN ROUTE 20 PONDrt UN .271 3.0600 7.52 WETLAND #2 IN ROUTE 20 .183 R 3.6100 .96 WETLAND #2 OUT DL .183 R 3.6100 .96 DN .183 R 3.6100 .96 WET #2 OUTFALL~ S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 2.05 ' Name.... Watershed Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILL AGE-D-POST-WETLAND2.PPW Storm... SOyr 6hr Tag: 50-6 h ' NETWORK SUMMARY (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Bl k=N -- NODES an one; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File, ID = Gastonia ' Storm Ta Na g me = 50-6 h --------- ----------------------- Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve -------------- 50yr 6hr --------------- Storm Frequency = 50 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 4.9200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 6.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs End= 6.0000 hrs HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Node ID Type ac-ft Tr ----------------- - un. hrs cfs ft 1 --- ---------- - PAST-DEV WET #2 AREA, .959 Outfall PRE-DEVEL JCT 213 - --------- 3.0900 -------- --------- 9,8q . 3.2500 3.09 PRE-DEVEL AREA .213 3.2500 3.09 Outfall WET #2 OUTFACE JCT .365 .R 3.1900 5.90 WETLAND #2 -IN POND .454 3.0900 9,8q ' WETLAND #2 OUT POND .365 R 3.1900 5.90 625.54 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Executive Summary (Links) Page 2.06 Name.... Watershed Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2.PPW Storm... 50yr 6hr Tag: 50-6 h NETWORK SUMMARY -- LINKS (UN=Upstream Node; DL=DNstream End of Link; DN=DNstream Node) (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name = 50-6 h ------------------------------------------------------- Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve 50yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 50 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 4.9200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 6.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 .hrs End= 6.0000 hrs HYG Vol Peak Time Peak Q Link ID yp ac-ft Trun.. hrs cfs End Points ------=--------- T--e -------- ---------------- ADDLINK 10 ADD UN .213 3.2500 3.09 PRE-DEVEL DL .213 3.2500 3.09 DN .213 3.2500 3.09 PRE-DEVEL ADDLINK 30 ADD UN .954 3.0900 9.84 POST-DEV WET #2 DL .459 3.0900 9.89 DN .954 3.0900 9.84 WETLAND #2 IN ROUTE 20 PONDrt UN .459 3.0900 9.89 WETLAND #2 IN ROUTE 20 .365 R '3.1900 5.90 WETLAND #2 OUT DL .365 R 3.1900 5.90 DN .365 R 3.1900 5.90 .WET #2.OUTFALL S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Network Calcs Sequence Page 2.07 Name.... Watershed Event• 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2.PPW Storm... SOyr 6hr Tag: 50-6 h - -------------NETWORK RUNOFF NODE SEQUENCE ------- _______________________________g=====_________ Runoff Data Apply to Node Receivin Link _______________________________________________________ SCS UH PRE-DEVEL Subarea PRE-DEVEL Add Hyd PRE-DEVEL ~SCS UH POST-DEV WET #2 Subarea POST-DEV WET #2 Add Hyd POST-DEV WET #2 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Network Calcs Sequence Page 2.08 Name.... Watershed Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2.PPW Storm... SOyr 6hr Tag: 50-6 h --NETWORK ROUTING SEQUENCE Link Operation UPStream Node DNstream Node __________________________________________________________ Add Hyd ADDLINK 30 Subarea POST-DEV WET #2 Pond WETLAND #2 IN POND ROUTE TOTAL OUTFLOW... Total Pond Outflow Pond WETLAND #2 IN Outflow WETLAND #2 OUT SET POND ROUTING LINK TO TOTAL POND OUTFLOW... Outlet ROUTE 20 Outflow WETLAND #2 OUT Jct WET #2 OUTFACE Add Hyd ADDLINK 10 Subarea PRE-DEVEL Jct PRE-DEVEL S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 TYPe•... Design Storms ~ Name.... Gastonia Page 3.01 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Title... Project Date: 7/13/2005 ~ Project Engineer: JJP Project Title: Catawba Hills Village D Project Comments: DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY r Design Storm File,ID = Storm Tag Name = 2-6hr Data T ---------- _ _ ype, File, ID = pth Curve ~ Time-De ----- -------------- _ Storm Frequency 2yr uhr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.9500 in ~ Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration. = 5.9833 hrs - Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= ,0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs Storm Tag Name =-10_6 h Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth .Curve ---- ---------- Storm Frequency l0yr 6hr i Total Rainfall Depth= 305600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 - Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs Storm Tag Name "' = 50-6 h -------------------- _______ Data Type, File, ID ---- "'------- _______ =.Time-Depth Curve 50yr 6hr ~' Storm Frequency Total Rainfall Depth= 409200 in ~- Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 6.0000 hrs ~ Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs End= 6.0000 hrs .~. r S/N: A21305C2E1C5 PondPack Ver. LandDesign Incorporated Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Time-Depth Curve Page 9.01 ' Name.... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10-6 h Event: 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civi l\POndPak\ Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10- 6 h ' SYNTHE TIC CUMULA TIVE RAINFALL(in) Time I Output Time incr ement = .0167 hrs hrs -------- I Time on left -I----------------- represents ---------- time for -- first value in each row. .0000 I .0022 .0044 -------- .0066 ------------ .0089 ------------- .0111 ' .0833 I .0134 .0156 .0179 .0202 .0225 .1667 I .0298 .0271 .0299 .0317 .0341 .2500 I .0364 .0388 .0412 .0936 .0960 .3333 I .0484 .0508 .0533 .0557 .0582 ' .9167 I .0606 .0631 .0636 .0681 .0707 .5000 I .0732 .0758 .0763 .0809 .0835 .5833 I .0661 .0887 .0914 .0940 .0967 .6667 I .0994 .1021 .1048 .1075 .1102 .7500 I .1130 .1158 .1186 .1214 .1242 ' .8333 I .1271 .1299 .1328 .1357 .1386 .9167 I .1916 ,1445 .1975 .1505 ..1535 1.0000 I .1565 .1596 .1627 .1657 .1689 ' 1.0833 1.1667 I .1720 I .1880 .1751 .1913 .1763 .1995 .1815 .1979 .1847 .2012 1.2500 I .2096 .2080 .2119 .2148 .2183 1.3333 I .2218 .2253 .2289 .2325 .2361 1.9167 I .2397. .2434 .2971 .2508 .2546 1.5000 I' .2591 .2636 .268.1 .2727 ,2774 ' 1.5833 I .2820 .2868 .2915 .2963 .3012 1.6667 I .3060 .3110 .3160 .3210 .3261 1.7500 I .3312 .3364 .3416 .3469 .3523 1.8333 1.9167 I .3577 I .3856 .3632 .3919 .3687 .3973 .3743 .4032 .3799 .9092 2.0000 I .4164 .4237 .4311 .4366 .4461 2.0833 I .4538 .4615 .9694 .4774 .9855 2.1667 I .4936 .5020 .5109 .5190 .5276 2.2500 I. .5365 .5954 .5546 .5638 .5733 ' 2.3333 I .5829 .5926 .6026 .6127 .6230 2.9167 I .6336 :6944 .6559 .6666 .6781 2.5000 I .6936 .7094 ,7255 .7920 ,7589 ' 2.5833 2.6667 I ..7763 I .8701 ,7940 .8906 .8122 .9118 .8310 .9338 .8502 .9566 2.7500 I .9876 1.0198 1.0531 1.0878 1.1240 2.8333 I 1.1620 1.2021 1.2945 1.2976 1.3592 2.9167 I 1.4281 1.5067 1.5919 1.7099 1.8279 3.0000 I 1.9459 2.0639 2.1819 2.2635 2.3395 3.0833 I 2.3982 2.4529 2.5045 2.5958 2.5897 3.1667 I 2.6218 2.6572 2.6612 2.6790 2.6856 3.2500 I 2.6888 2.6912 2.7027 2.7036 2.7138 ' 3.3333 3.4167 I 2.7233 I 2.8139 2.7923 2.8301 2.7608 2.8965 2.7788 2.8624 2:7963 2 8781 3.5000 I 2.8697 2.9011 2.9122 2.9231 . 2.9337 3.5833 I 2.9491 2.9549 2.9699 2.9793 2.9840 1 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 n 1 Type.... Time-Depth Curve Page 4.02 Name.... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10-6 h Event: 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civi l\PondPak\ Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10-6 h SYNTHETIC CUMULAT IVE RAINFALL(in) Time I Output Time incre ment = .0167 hrs hrs -------- ~ Time on left -I----------------- represents ----------- time for - first value in each row. 3.6667 I 2.9935 3.0028 -------- 3.0120 ---------- -- 3.0211 ------------- 3.0300 3.7500 I 3.0387 3.0473 3.0558 3.0642 3.0725 3.8333 ~ 3.0806 3.0886 3.0965 3.1044 3.1121 3.9167 I 3.1197 3.1272 3.1346 3.1920 3.1492 4.0000 ~ 3.1552 3.1612 3.1671 3.1729 3.1787 4.0833 I 3.1843 3.1899 3.1955 3.2010 3.2065 4.1667 ~ 3.2118 3.2172 3.2229 3.2276 3.2328 9.2500 ~ 3.2379 3.2930 3.2980 3.2529 3.2578 4.3333 I 3.2627 3.2675 3.2723 3.2770 3.2817 4.4167 I 3.2869 3.2910 3.2956 3.3001 3.3096 4.5000 I 3.3084 3.3121 3.3159 3.3195 3.3232 4.5833 I 3.3268 3.3309 3.3340 3.3375 3.3911 9.6667 I 3.3445 3.3480 3.3514 3.3548 3.3582 9.7500 ~ 3.3616 3.3649 3.3682 3.3715 3.3747 4.8333 ~ 3.3780 3.3812 3.3894 3.3875 3.3907 9.9167 ~ 3.3938 3.3969 3.9000 3.9030 3.4061 5.0000 ~ 3.9091 3.4121 3.4151 3.4181 3.4210 5.0833 I .3.4239 3.4268 3.4297 3.9326 3.4354 5.1667 ~ 3.4383 3.4411 3.4439 3.4967 3.4994 5.2500 ( 3.9522 3.4549 3.4577 3.9604 3.9631 5.3333 ~ 3.4657 3.4684 3.4710 3.4737 3.9763 5.4167 I 3.9789 3.4815 3.9890 3.9866 3.4892 5.5000 ~ 3..4917 3.9942 3.4967 3.4992 3.5017 5.5833 ( 3.5092 3.5066 3.5091 3.5115 3.5139 5.6667 ~ 3.5163 3.5187 3.5211 3.5235 3.5258 5.7500 I 3.5282 3.5305 3.5329 3.5352 3.5375 5.8333 ~ 3.5398 3.5421 3.5449 3.5966. .3,5489 5.9167 ~ 3.5511 3.5534 3.5556 3.5578 3.5600 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Time-Depth Curve Page 4.03 ' Name.... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6hr Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\ Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6hr ' SYNTHETIC CUMULATIVE RAINFALL(in) Time I Output Time increment = .0167 hrs hrs -------- I Time on left -I----------------- represents ----------- time for --- first value in each row. .0000 I .0014 .0029 ------ .0043 ------------ .0058 ------------- .0072 ' .0833 I .0087 .0101 .0116 .0131 .0196 .1667 I .0161 .0176 .0191 .0206 .0221 .2500 I .0237 .0252 .0267 .0283 .0299 ' .3333 .9167 I .0314 I .0394 .0330 .0910 .0346 .0926 .0362 .0442 .0378 .0459 .5000 I .0475 .0492 .0508 .0525 .0592 .5833 I .0559 .0576 .0599 .0610 .0627 .6667 I .0645 .0662 .0680 .0698 .0715 .7500 I .0733 .0751 .0769 .0787 .0806 ' .8333 I .0824 .0843 .0861 .0880 .0899 .9167 I .0918 .0937 .0956 .0976 .0995 1.0000 ( .1015 .1039 .1054 .1079 .1094 ' 1.0833 1.1667 I .1114 I .1218 .1135 .1239 .1155 .1260 .1176 .1282 .1197 .1303 1.2500 I .1325 .1347 .1369 .1391 .1413 1.3333 I .1436 .1459 .1482 .1505 .1528 1.4167 (.. .1552 .157.5 .1599 .1623 .1647 1.5000 I .1675 .1703 .1731 .1759 .1787 ' 1.5833 I .1816 .1845 .1874 .1903 .1933 1.6667 I .1963 .1993 .2029 .2055 .2086 1.7500 I .2117 .2149 .2181 .2214 .2296 1.8333 1.9167 1 .2279 I .2951 .2313 :2986 .2397 .2522 .2381 .2558 .2916 .2595 2.0000 ( .2636 .2678 .2720 .2763 .2806 2.0833 I .2850 .2899 .2939 .2985 .3031 2.1667. 1 .3078• .3125 .3179 ..3223 .3273 2:2500 I .3323 .3375 .3427 .3480 .3534 ' 2.3333 I .3590 .3646 .3703 .3761 .3821 2.4167 I .3882 .3994 .4007 .9072 .4138 2.5000 ( .9225 .4313 .4903 .4495 .4590 ' 2.5833 2.6667 I .4687 I .5216 .4787 .5332 ~ .4889 .5952 .9995 .5577 .5104 5707 2.7500 I .5879 .6057 .6243 .6438 . .6642 2.8333 I .6858 .7086 .7331 .7655 .8002 2.9167 I .6444. .8929 .9458 1.0298 1.1138 3.0000 I 1.1978 1.2818 1.3658 1.4162 1.5121 ' 3.0833 I 1.5983 1.6618 1.7331 1.7567. .1.7789 3.1667 I 1.7999 1.8198 1.8388 1.8570 1.8745 3.2500 I 1.8878 1.9005 1.9128 1.9246 1.9360 ' 3.3333 3.4167 I 1.9471 ( 1.9973 1.9578 2.0071 1.9682 2.0162 1.9783 2.0251 1.9681 2 0336 3.5000 I 2.0406 2.0971 2.0535 2.0598 . 2.0659 3.5833 I 2.0720 2.0778 2.0836 2.0892 2.0999 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 ' Type.... Time-Depth Curve Name.... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6hr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6hr ii C 'r ~~ Page 9.04 Event: 2 yr SYNTHETIC CUMULATIVE RAINFALL(in) Time I Output Time increment = .0167 hrs hrs I ---------I- Time on left -------------- -- represents ---------- time for first value in -- each row. 3.6667 I 2.1003 2.1057 ------------ 2.1110 ----------- 2.1162 --------- 2.1213 3.7500 I 2.1263 2.1312 2.1361 2.1409 2.1456 3.8333 I 2.1503 2.1549 2.1594 2.1639 2.1683 3.9167 I 2.1726 2.1769 2.1812 2.1859 2.1895 4.0000 I 2.1932 2.1969 2.2005 2.2040 2.2075 4.0833 I 2.2110 2.2145 2.2179 2.2212 2.2296 9.1667 I 2.2279 2.2311 2.2344 2.2376 2.2907 4.2500 I 2.2439 2.2470 2.2500 2.2531 2.2561 9.3333 I 2.2591 2.2628 2.2649 2.2679 2.2707 9.4167 I 2.2736 2.2769 2.2792 2.2820 2.2897 .4.5000 I 2.2872 2.2896 2.2920 2.2944 2.2967 4.5833 I 2.2991 2.3014 2.3037 2.3060 2.3082 4.6667 I 2.3105 2.3127 2.3149 2.3171 2.3193 4.7500 I 2.3215 2.3236 2.3258 2.3279 2.3300 4.8333 I 2.3321 2.3341 2.3362 2.3382 2.3403 4.9167 i 2.3423 2.3443 2.3963 2.3983 2.3502 5.0000 I 2.3522 2.3541 2.3561 2.3580 2.3599 5.0.833 i 2.3618 . 2.3636 2.3655 2.3674 2.3692 5.1667 I 2.3711 2.3729 2.3797 2.3765 2.3783 5.2500 I 2.3801 2.3818 2.3836 2.3859 2.3871 5.3333 I 2.3888 2.3906 2.3923 2.3940 2.3957 5.9167 I 2.3974 2.3990 2.4007 2.4024 2.9040 5.5000 I 2.4057 2.4073 2.4089 2.4105 2.4121 5.5833 I 2.9137 2.4153 2.4169 2.4185 2.4201 5.6667 I 2.4216 2.4232 2.9297 2.4263 2.4278 5.7500 I 2.9293 2.4309 2.4339 2.4339 2.9354 5.8333 I 2.9369 2.4.384 2.9398 2..4413. .2,4428. 5.9167.1 2.4492 2.9457 2.4471 2.4986 2.4500 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 ii Type.... Time-Depth Curve Name.... SOyr 6hr Tag: 50-6 h Page 9.05 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civi l\POndPak\ Event: 50 yr Storm... SOyr 6hr Tag: 50- 6 h SYNTHE TIC CUMULAT IVE RAINFALL (in) Time I Output Time incre ment = .0833 hrs hrs -------- I Time on left -I----------------- represents ----------- time for first value - in each row. .0000 I .0031 .0189 ----------- .0351 ----- ---- .0517 ------------- .0686 .9167 I .0860 .1036 .1220 .1906 1601 .8333 I .1799 .2004 .2215 .2932 . .2658 1.2500 I .2891 .3134 .3385 .3655 3967 1.6667 I .9292 .9639 .4992 .5370 . 5787 2.0833 I .6299 .6834 .7414 .8040 . 8725 2.5000 I .9526 1.0606 1.1830 1.3363 . 1 5640 2.9167 I 1.9083 2.5698 3.1990 3.4392 . 3 6442 3.3333 I 3.7809 3.8980 3.9981 4.0714 . 4.1380 3.7500 I 4.1992 9.2559 4.3089 9.3571 4 3965 9.1667 I 9.9337 4.4690 4.5026 4.5397 . 9 564 8 4.5833 I 4.5907 9.6156 4.6395 4.6626 . . 4 6849 5.0000 I 4.7065 4.7274 9.7477 4.7673 . 4 7865 5.4167 I 9.8051 4.8232 4.8909 9.8581 . 4 8799 5.8333 1 4.8913 4.9074 4.9200 . S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date• 2/27/2006 ii 1 1 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 5.01 Name.... POST-DEV WET #2 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2.PPW .....................................::::::::::......................... ......................... TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: .0833 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Total-Tc:-----0833-hrs- S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 ~_~I' 1 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 5.02 Name.... POST-DEV WET #2 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2.PPW ------------------------------------------- Tc Equations used... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ___= User Defined _________________________________ Tc = Value entered by user Where: Tc = Time of concentration S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 5.03 Name.... PRE-DEVEL File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2.PPW ............................ ........................ ............................................ TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: .3120 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------ Total Tc: .3120 hrs . ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 t Type.... Tc Calcs Page 5.04 Name.... PRE-DEVEL File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2.PPW ----------------------------------- Tc Equations used... ---------------------------------------------------------------- ___= User Defined _________________________ Tc = Value entered by user Where: Tc = Time of concentration S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 TYPe•••• Runoff CN-Area Name ' .... POST-DEV WET #2 Page 6.01 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Ci i v l PondPak \ \ VILLAGE-D- RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA POST-WETLAND2 .ppW , ---- -------------- -------- Soil/Surface Descri ptio Impervious Area n CN ------------------------------ Adjustment acres ~C Adjusted ' -- - CN Catalog - Fully Developed Urba -- - - -- -- -$UC CN n g0 - 1.930 - _- 80.20 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN -- -~ ................. 930 1 ................. : ..... 80.20 (80) ............. ., .......... ~. 1 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 ' PondPack Ver. 09.OO.p77.00 LandDesign Incorporated Time: 11:15 AM t Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Page 6.02 ' Name.... PRE-DEVEL File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondP ak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2 .PPW ' RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted t Soil/Surface Description -------------------------------- Pre CN acres ~C $UC ---- --------- ----- ---- 61 1 930 CN - . 61.00 ' COMPOSITE AREA &.WEIGHTED CN ---> •. .- 1:930. 61:00 (61) '. S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Unit Hyd. Equations Page 7.01 Name.... File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2.PPW SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD (Computational Notes) DEFINITION OF TERMS: ------------------------------------------------ At = Total area (acres): At = Ai+Ap Ai = Impervious area (acres) Ap = Pervious area (acres) CNi = Runoff curve number for impervious area CNp = Runoff curve number for pervious area floss = f loss constant infiltration (depth/time) gKs = Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (depth/time) Md = Volumetric Moisture Deficit Psi = Capillary Suction (length) hK = Horton Infiltration Decay Rate (time^-1) fo = Initial Infiltration Rate (depth/time) fc. = Ultimate(capacity)Infiltration Rate (depth/time) Ia = Initial Abstraction (length) dt = Computational increment (duration of unit excess rainfall) Default dt is smallest value of 0.1333TC, rtm, and th (Smallest dt is then adjusted to match up with Tp) UDdt = User specified override computational main time increment (only used if UDdt is => .1333Tc) D(t) = Point on distribution curve (fraction of P) for time step t • K _ 2 / (1 + (Tr/Tp)): default K = 0.75: (for .Tr/Tp = 1.67) . Ks = Hydrograph shape factor _ .Unit Conversions * K: _ ((lhr/3600sec) * (lft/12in) * ((5280ft)**2/sq.mi)) * K Default Ks = 645.333 * 0.75 = 484 Lag = Lag time from center of excess runoff (dt) to Tp: Lag = 0.6Tc P = Total precipitation depth, inches Pa(t) = Accumulated rainfall at time step t Pi(t) = Incremental rainfall at time step t qp = Peak discharge (cfs) for lin. runoff, for lhr, for 1 sq.mi. _ (Ks * A~* Q) / Tp (where Q = lin. runoff, A=sq.mi.) Qu(t) = Unit hydrograph ordinate (cfs) at time step t Q(t) = Final hydrograph ordinate (cfs) at time step t Rai(t)= Accumulated runoff (inches) at time step t for impervious area Rap(t)= Accumulated runoff (inches) at time step t for pervious area Rii(t)= Incremental runoff (inches) at time step t for impervious area Rip(t)= Incremental runoff (inches).at time step t for pervious area R(t) = Incremental weighted total runoff (inches) Rtm = Time increment for rainfall table Si = S for impervious area: Si = (1000/CNi) - 10 Sp = S for pervious area: Sp = (1000/CNp) - 10 t = Time step (row) number Tc = Time of concentration Tb = Time (hrs) of entire unit hydrograph: Tb = Tp + Tr Tp = Time (hrs) to peak of a unit hydrograph: Tp = (dt/2) + Lag Tr = Time (hrs) of receding limb of unit hydrograph: Tr = ratio of Tp ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 PondPack Ver. LandDesign Incorporated Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Unit Hyd. Equations Page 7.02 Name.... File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2.PPW PRECIPITATION: --- Column (1): Time Column (2): D(t) Column (3): Pi(t) Column (4): Pa(t) SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD (Computational Notes) ---------------------------------------------- or time step t = Point on distribution curve for time step t = Pa(t) - Pa(t-1): Col. (4) - Preceding Col. (4) = D(t) x P: Col.(2) x P PERVIOUS AREA RUNOFF (using SCS Runoff CN Method) ------------------------ Column (5): Rap(t) = Accumulated pervious runoff for time step t If (Pa(t) is <= 0.2Sp) then use: Rap(t) = 0.0 If (Pa(t) is > 0.2Sp) then use: Rap(t) _ (Col. (9)-0.25p)**2 / (Col.(4)+O.8Sp) Column (6): Rip(t) = Incremental pervious runoff for time step t Rip (t) = Rap(t) - Rapt-1) Rip (t) = Col. (5) for current row - Col.(5) for preceding row. IMPERVIOUS AREA RUNOFF ___________________________________________________ Column (7 & 8)... Did not specify to use impervious areas. INCREMENTAL WEIGHTED RUNOFF: _____________________________________________ Column (9): R(t) _ (Ap/At) x Rip(t) + (Ai/At) x Rii(t) R(t) _ (Ap/At) x Col. (6) + (Ai/At) x Col.(6) SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD: ______________________________________________ Column (10): Q(t) is computed with the SCS unit hydrograph method using RO and QuO. S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.03 Name.... POST-DEV WET #2 Tag: 2-6hr Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2.PPW Storm... 2yr 6hr Taq: 2-6hr SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 2 year storm Duration = 5.9833 hrs Rain Depth = 2.4500 in Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Rain File -ID = - 2yr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ HYG File - ID = - POST-DEV WET #2 2-6hr Tc .0833 hrs Drainage Area = 1.930 acres Runoff CN= 80 ---------------------- Computational Time Increment = .01111 hrs Computed Peak Time = 3.1221 hrs Computed Peak Flow 9.39 cfs Time Increment for. HYG File = .0100 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.1200 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = 4.37 cfs DRAINAGE AREA ID:POST-DEV WET #2 CN = 80 Area = 1.930 acres S = 2.5000 in 0.25 = .5000 in Cumulative Runoff .8545 in .137 ac-ft HYG Volume... .137 ac-ft (area under HYG curve)' ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** Time Concentration, Tc .08333 hrs (ID: POST-DEV WET #2) Computational Incr, Tm = .Ollll.hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 983.432 (37.468 under rising limb) K = 983.93/695.333, K = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7991) Unit peak, qp = 26.24 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .05555 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .22221 hrs Total unit time, Tb = .27777 hrs S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.04 ' Name.... POST-DEV WET #2 Tag: 10-6 h Event: 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2.PPW Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10-6 h SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 10 year storm Duration = 5.9833 hrs Rain Depth = 3.5600 in Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ ' Rain File -ID = - l0yr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ ' HYG File - ID = - POST-DEV WET #2 10-6 h Tc = .0833 hrs Drainage Area = 1.930 acres Runoff CN= 80 -------------------------- Computational Time Increment .01111 hrs ' Computed Peak Time 3.0665 hrs Computed Peak Flow -. 7.52 cfs ' Time Increment for HYG File _ .0100 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.0600 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = 7.52 cfs ---DRAINAGE AREA - --- ID:POST-DEV WET #2 CN = 80 Area 1.930 acres ' S 2.5000 in 0.2S = .5000 in Cumulative Runoff ' ---1-.6841 in .271 ac-ft ' HYG Volume... .271 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** Time Concentration, Tc = .08333 hrs (ID: POST-DEV WET #2) Computational Incr, Tm = .01111 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.432 (37.46 under rising limb) K = 983.43/695.333, K = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) ' Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 '(solved from K = .7991) Unit peak, qp = 26.29 cfs Unit peak time Tp ~ .05555 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .22221 hrs ' Total unit time, Tb = .27777 hrs ri 1 1 t S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.05 Name.... POST-DEV WET #2 Taq: 50-6 h Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2.PPW Storm... SOyr 6hr Tag: 50-6 h ' SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 50 year storm Duration = 6.0000 hrs Rain Depth = 9.9200 in Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Rain File -ID = - SOyr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ HYG File - ID = - POST-DEV WET #2 50-6 h Tc = .0833 hrs ' Drainage Area = 1.930 acres Runoff CN= 80 ______________________________ Computational Time Increment .01111 hrs ' Computed Peak Time 3.0888 hrs Computed Peak Flow 9.85 cfs Time Increment for HYG File = .0100 hrs ' Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.0900 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = 9.84 cfs ' ---DRAINAGE AREA ID:POST-DEV WET #2 CN = 80 Area = 1.930 acres S = 2.5000 in 0.25 = .5000 in " ~ Cumulative Runoff . __. - --------2 8232 in .454 ac-ft HYG Volume... .954 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ' ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** Time Concentration, Tc = .08333 hrs (ID: POST-DEV WET #2) ' Computational Incr, Tm = .01111 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hycl. Shape Factor = 483.432 (37.46 under rising limb) K = 483.43/645.333, K = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7491) ' Unit peak, qp = 26.24 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .05555 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .22221 hrs ' Total unit time, Tb = .27777 hrs ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.06 Name.... PRE-DEVEL Tag: 2-6hr Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2.PPW Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6hr SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 2 year storm Duration = 5.9833 hrs Rain Depth = 2.4500 in Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Rain File -ID = - 2yr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ HYG File - ID = - PRE-DEVEL 2-6hr Tc = .3120 hrs Drainage Area = 1.930 acres Runoff CN= 61 ------------------- Computational Time Increment = .04160 hrs Computed Peak Time = 3.3280 hrs Computed Peak Flow = .33 cfs Time Increment for HYG File = .0100 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.3300 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = .33 cfs 0 DRAINAGE AREA ID:PRE-DEVEL CN = 61 Area = 1.930 acres S = 6.3934 in 0.25 = 1.2787 in Cumulative Runoff .1814 in " .029 ac-ft HYG Volume... .029 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** Time Concentration, Tc = .31200 hrs (ID: PRE-DEVEL) Computational Incr, Tm = .04160 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.432 (37.46$ under rising limb) K = 483.93/645.333, K = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7991) Unit peak, qp = 7.01 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .20800 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .63200 hrs Total unit time, Tb = 1.09000 hrs S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 ~~ Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.07 ' Name.... PRE-DEVEL Tag: 10-6 h Event: 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2.PPW Storm... l0yr 6hr Taq: 10-6 h ' SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 10 year storm Duration = 5.9833 hrs Rain Depth = 3.5600 in Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Rain File -ID = - l0yr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ HYG File - ZD = - PRE-DEVEL 10-6 h Tc = .3120 hrs Drainage Area = 1.930 acres Runoff CN= 61 ----------------------- Computational Time Increment .04160 hrs Computed Peak Time 3.2448 hrs Computed Peak Flow 1.92 cfs Time Increment for HYG File = .0100 hrs ' Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.2500 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = 1.41 cfs ' ---DRAINAGE AREA - --- ID:PRE-DEVEL CN = 61 Area = 1.930 acres S = 6.3934 in 0.2S = 1.2787 in Cumulative Runoff ' ---------.5999 in .096 ac-ft ' HYG Volume... :096 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARA ***** METERS Time Concentration,'Tc = .31200 hrs (ID: PRE-DEVEL) ' Computational Incr, Tm = .09160 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.432 (37.46$ under rising limb) K = 983.43/645.333, K = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7991) Unit peak, qp = 7.01 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .20800 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .83200 hrs ' Total unit time, Tb = 1.04000 hrs 1 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.08 ' Name.... PRE-DEVEL Tag: 50-6 h Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2.PPW Storm... 50yr 6hr Tag: 50-6 h ' SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 50 year storm Duration = 6.0000 hrs Rain Depth = 4.9200 in Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ ' Rain File -ID = - 50yr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ HYG File - ID = - PRE-DEVEL 50-6 h Tc = .3120 hrs ' Drainage Area = 1.930 acres Runoff CN= 61 --------------------------- Computational Time Increment .04160 hrs ' Computed Peak Time 3.2498 hrs Computed Peak Flow 3.09 cfs ' Time Increment for HYG File = .0100 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.2500 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = 3.09 cfs ---DRAINAGE AREA ID:PRE-DEVEL CN = 61 ' Area =, 1.930 acres S 6.3934 in 0.2S = 1.2787 in Cumulative Runoff . ' --------1:3213 in ~ .213 ac-ft HYG Volume... .213 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ' ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** Time Concentration, Tc = .31200 hrs (ID: PRE-DEVEL) ' Computational Incr, Tm .04160 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.432 (37.96 under rising limb) K = 483.43/645.333, K = .7991 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7491) ' Unit peak, qp = 7.01 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .20800 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .83200 hrs ' Total unit time, Tb = 1.09000 hrs [' ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date• 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Vol: Elev-Area Page 8.01 Name.... WETLAND #2 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2.PPW Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(A1*A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft) (sq.in) (acres) ---------- (acres) -------- (ac-ft) (ac-ft) 622.50 ----- .0913 --------- .0000 --- ------ .000 ------ ----- .000 629.00 ----- .1156 .3099 .155 .155 625.00 ----- .1329 .3728 .129 .279 626.00 ----- .1505 .4248 .192 .421 627.00 ----- .1687 .9785 .160 .580 628.00 ----- .1875 .5341 .178 .758 POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume .computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes. Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-EL1) * (Areal + Areal + sq.rt.(Areal*Area2)) where: EL1, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal,Area2 =Areas computed for EL1, EL2, respectively Volume = Incremental volume between EL1 and EL2 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 Type.... Outlet Input Data Page 9.01 Name.... Outlet 2 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2.PPW REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 622.50 ft Increment = .10 ft Max. Elev.= 628.00 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (Upstream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to Upstream) <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft ----------------- ---- ------- --------- --------- Orifice-Circular O1 ---> CO 624.750 628.000 Inlet Box RO ---> CO 625:300 628.000 Orifice-Circular 00 ---> CO 624.000 628.000 Culvert-Circular .. CO ---> TW 620.100 628.000 Weir-Rectangular WO ---> TW 625.500 628.000 TW SETUP, DS Channel S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Outlet Input Data Page 9.02 ' Name.... Outlet 2 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA ' Structure ID = O1 Structure Type ----------------- = Orifice-Circular ' # of Openings Invert Elev. ------------------- 1 629.75 ft Diameter .5000 ft Orifice Coeff. _ .620 Structure ID = RO Structure Type = Inlet Box ----------------- # of Openings ------------------- 1. Invert Elev. 625.30 ft Orifice Area = 9.0000 sq.ft Orifice Coeff. _ .620 weir Length 12.00 ft Weir Coeff. 3.333 K, Reverse = 1.000 Mannings n = .0000 Kev.,Charged Riser = .000 Weir Submergence = No Structure ID OO ^ -_--_- Structure Type - = Orifice-Circular # of Openings _ ------------- = 1 Invert Elev. 629.00 'ft ' Diameter .0625 ft Orifice Coeff. .620 1 S/N: A21305C2 E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated ' PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Outlet Input Data Page 9.03 Name.... Outlet 2 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = CO Structure Type =-Culvert-Circular ------------------- ------------ No. Barrels = 1 Barrel Diameter = 1.0000 ft Upstream Invert = 620.10 ft Dnstream Invert = 619.50 ft Horiz. Length = 60.00 ft Barrel Length = 60.00 ft Barrel Slope = .01000 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... Mannings n = .0130 Ke = .5000 (forward entrance loss) Kb = .031279 (per ft of full flow) Kr = .5000 (reverse entrance loss) HW Convergence = .001 +/- ft INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0098 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .03980 Inlet Control Y = .6700 T1 ratio (HW/D) = 1.155 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.302 Slope Factor. _ -.500 Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below T1 elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 621.25 ft ---> Flow = 2.75 cfs At T2 Elev = 621.90 ft ---> Flow = 3.14 cfs ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Outlet Input Data Page 9.04 Name.... Outlet 2 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID Structure-Type # of Openings Crest Elev. Weir Length Weir Coeff. WO Weir=Rectangular 1 625.50 ft 10.00 ft 3.333000 Weir TW effects (Use adjustment equation) Structure ID = TW 'Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel FREE OUTFACE CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES... Maximum Iterations= 90 Min. TW tolerance = .O1 ft Max. TW tolerance = .O1 ft Min. HW tolerance = .O1 ft Max. HW tolerance = .O1 ft Min. Q tolerance = .00 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .00 cfs S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 ' Appendix A A-1 Index of Starting Page Numbers for ID Names ----- 1 ----- l0yr 6hr 10-6 h... 9.01 ----- 2 ----- 2yr 6hr 2-6hr... 4.03 ' ----- 5 ----- SOyr 6hr 50-6 h... 4.05 ----- G ----- Gastonia... 3.01, 3.02 ----- 0 ----- Outlet 2... 9.01 ' ----- P ----- POST-DEV WET #2... 5.01, 6.01, 7.03, 7.09, 7.05 PRE-DEVEL... 5.03, 6.02, 7.06, 7.07, ' 7.08 ----- W ----- Watershed... 1.01, 2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2'.04, 2.05, 2.06,"2.07 ' WETLAND #2... 8.01 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:15 AM Date: 2/27/2006 u u 1 u u C t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Job File: L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2-TAILWATER.PPW Rain Dir: L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ JOB TITLE Project Date: 7/13/2005 Project Engineer: JJP Project Title: Catawba Hills Village D Project Comments: S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table of Contents Table of Contents i *:r******************** MASTER SUMMARY ***:t*****************:r Watershed....... Master Network Summary ............. 1.01 *************** NETWORK SUMMARIES (DETAILED) *************** Watershed....... 2-6h Executive Summary (Nodes) .......... 2.01 Executive Summary (Links) .......... 2.02 Watershed....... 10-6h Executive Summary (Nodes) .......... 2.03 Executive Summary (Links) .......... 2.09 Watershed.....:. 50-6h Executive Summary (Nodes) .......... 2.05 .Executive Summary (Links) .......... 2.06 Network Calcs Sequence 2.07 ****************** DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY ******************* Gastonia........ Design Storms ...................... 3.01 Gastonia........ 2-6h . Design Storms .......... ............. 3.02 *******:r****~********* RAINFALL DATA ******************:r**** l0yr 6hr........ 10-6h Time-Depth Curve ................... 4.01 2yr 6hr......... 2-6h Time-Depth Curve .................. 4.03 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Table of Contents ii Table of Contents (continued) SOyr 6hr........ 50-6h Time-Depth Curve ................... 4.05 **x******************* TC CALCULATIONS ********************* POST-DEV WET #2 Tc Calcs ........................... 5.01 PRE-DEVEL....... Tc Calcs ........................... 5.03 ******************:*** CN CALCULATIONS ********************* POST-DEV WET #2 Runoff CN-Area ..................... 6.01 PRE-DEVEL....... Runoff CN-Area ..................... 6.02 ******************** RUNOFF..HYDROGRAPHS ******************** Unit Hyd. Equations ................ 7.01 POST-DEV WET #2 2-6h Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.03 POST-DEV WET #2 10-6h Unit,Hyd~. Summary ...... .. ... 7.04 POST-DEV WET #2 50-6h Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.05 PRE-DEVEL....... 2-6h Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.06 PRE-DEVEL....... 10-6h • Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.07 PRE-DEVEL....... 50-6h Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.08 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table of Contents Table of Contents (continued) iii *******:r*:c**:*:*:****** POND VOLUMES ***********:r*********** WETLAND #2...... Vol: Elev-Area ..................... 8.01 ******************** OUTLET STRUCTURES ********************* WET2-TAILWAT-SOy Outlet Input Data .................. 9.01 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.01 ' Name.... Watershed File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2-TAILWATER.PPW MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Network Storm Collection: Gastonia ' Total Depth Rainfall Return Event in -----Type------- RNF --------- 2-6h 2.4500 Time-Depth Curve 2yr 6hr ID ------- 10-6h 3.5600 Time-Depth Curve l0yr 6hr 50-6h 9.9200 Time-Depth Curve 50yr 6hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY ' SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*NOde=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID Type Event ac-ft Trun hrs --- -- --- cfs ft ac-ft POST-DEV WET #2 ------ AREA 2 .137 3.1200 -- --- 9.37 --- --- ------------ POST-DEV WET #2 AREA 10 .271 3.0600 7.52 -POST-DEV WET #2. AREA• 50 ,454 3.0900 9.84. . *PRE-DEVEL JCT 2 .029 ~3.-3300 .33 *PRE-DEVEL JCT 10 .096 3.2500 1.41 *PRE-DEVEL JCT 50 .213 3.2500 .3.09 PRE-DEVEL AREA 2 .029 3.3300 .33 PRE-DEVEL AREA 10 .096 3.2500 1.41 PRE-DEVEL AREA 50 .213 3.2500 3.09 *WET #2 OUTFACE JCT 2_ .000 .0100 .00 *WET #2 OUTFACE JCT 10 .069 4.1300 .51 *WET #2 OUTFACE JCT 50 .297 3.2800 3.76 WETLAND #2 IN POND 2 .137 3:1200 4.37 ' WETLAND #2 IN POND 10 .271 3.0600 7.52 WETLAND #2 IN POND 50 .459 3.0900 9.84 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated ' PondPack Ver. 09.00 .077.00 Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.02 Name.... Watershed File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2-TAILWATER.PPW MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +NOde=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID --- ----- Type Event ac_ft Trun WETLAND #2 OUT POND 2 --- -- .000 WETLAND #2 OUT POND 10 .069 WETLAND #2 OUT POND 50 .297 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage hrs _-cfs--- ft ac=ft 2.6700 .00 --- --- 625.10 --- - .292 4.1300 .51 625.65 .369 3.2800 3.76 625.83 .396 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 2.01 Name.... Watershed Event• 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2-TAILWATER.PPW Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6h NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name ------------------- = 2-6h --- Data Type, File, ID ------ = Time-D ----------- epth Curve ---------- 2yr 6hr ------------------- Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.9500 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Node ID Type ac-ft Trun. hrs cfs ft POST-DEV WET #2 AREA .137 3.1200 9.37 Outfall PRE-DEVEL JCT .029 3.3300 .33 PRE-DEVEL AREA .029 3.3300 .33 Outfall WET #2.,OUTFALL JCT .000 .0100 .00 WETLAND #2 IN POND .137 3.1200 9.37 WETLAND #2 OUT POND .000 2.6700 .00 625.10 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Executive Summary (Links) Page 2.02 Name.... Watershed Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VIL LAGE-D-P OST-WETLA ND2-TAILWATER.PPW Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6h NETWORK SUMMARY -- LINKS (UN=Upstream Node; DL=DNstream End of Link; DN=DNstr eam Node) (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR =Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name = --------------------- 2-6h ----------------- -------- ----- Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve 2yr ---- 6hr ------------- Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.4500 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs .Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 h rs End= 5.9833 hrs HYG Vol Peak Tim e Peak Q Link ID Type ac-ft Trun. hrs cfs End Points ADDLINK 10 ADD UN .029 3.3300 .33 PRE-DEVEli DL .029 3.3300 .33 DN .029 3.3300 .33 PRE-DEVEL ADDLINK 30 ADD UN .137 3.1200 4.37 POST-DEV WET #2 DL .137 3.1200 9.37 DN .137 3.1200 9.37 WETLAND #2 IN ROUTE 20 PONDrt UN .137 3.1200 9.37 WETLAND #2 IN ROUTE 20 .000 2.6700 .00 WETLAND #2 OUT DL .000 2.6700 .00 • ~ DN .000 ,..0100 .00, WET #2 OUTFACE. S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 2.03 Name.... Watershed Event: 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2-TAILWATER.PPW Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10-6h NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name --- = 10-6h -- Data Type, File, ID -------------------- = Time-Depth Curve ------------- l0yr 6hr ---------------- Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.5600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs Node ID HYG Vol Qpeak Qpesk Max WSEL Type ac-ft Trun. hrs cfs ft POST=DEV WET #2 AREA .271 3.0600 -------- --------- 7 52 Outfall PRE-DEVEL. JCT .096 3.250~~ . 1.41 PRE-DEVEL AREA .096 3.200 1 41 Outfall WET #2 OUTFACE .JCT .064 4.1300 . .51 WETLAND #2 IN POND .271 3.0600 7.52 WETLAND #2 OUT POND .064 9.1300 .51 625.65 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Executive Summary (Links) Page 2.04 Name.... Watershed Event: 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2-TAILWATER.PPW Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10-6h NETWORK SUMMARY -- LINKS (UN=Upstream Node; DL=DNstream End of Link; DN=DNStream Node) (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag ---------- Name = --------- 10-6h Data Type, --- File, ID = ---------------- Time-Depth Curve ----------------- l0yr 6hr ------------- Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rain fall Depth= 3.5600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833. hrs HYG Vol Peak Time Peak Q Link ID Type ac-ft Trun. - hrs -- cfs End Points ADDLINK 10 ADD UN '.096 ----- -- 3.2500 ------ 1.41 ------------ PRE-DEVEL ---- DL .096 3.2500 1.41 DN .096 3.2500 1.41 PRE-DEV$L ADDLINK 30 ADD UN .271 3.0600 7.52 POST-DEV WET #2 DL .271 3.0600 7.52 DN .271 3.0600 7.52 WETLAND #2 IN ROUTE 20 PONDrt UN .271 3.0600 7.52 WETLAND #2 IN ROUTE 20 .064 4.1300 .51 WETLAND #2 OUT DL .064 9.1300 .51 DN .064 .4..1300 .51 .WET #2 OUTFACE S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 2.05 Name.... Watershed Event• SO yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2-TAILWATER.PPW Storm... SOyr 6hr Tag: 50-6h NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File, ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name -------------- = 50-6h ----- Data Type, File, ID --------- = Time-D ----------- epth Curve ----------- SOyr 6hr ------------------ Storm Frequency = 50 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 4.9200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 6.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs End= 6.0000 hrs HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Node ID Type ac-ft Trun. hrs cfs ft POST-DEV WET #2 AREA .954 3.0900 9.84 Outfall PRE-DEVEL JCT .213 3.2500 3.09 PRE-DEVEL AREA .213 3.2500 3.09 Outfall WET #2,OUTFALL JCT .247 .3.2800 3.7.6 WETLAND #2" IN POND .454 3.0900 9.84 WETLAND #2 OUT POND .247 3.2800 3.76 625.83 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Executive Summary (Links) Page 2.06 Name.... Watershed Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2-TAILWATER.PPW Storm... 50yr 6hr Tag: 50-6h NETWORK SUMMARY -- LINKS (UN=Upstream Node; DL=DNStream End of Link; DN=DNstream Node) (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File, ID = Gastonia Storm Tag ---------- Name = --------- 50-6h Data Type, --- File, ID = ---------------- Time-Depth Curve ----------------- 50yr 6hr ------------- Storm ,Frequency = 50 yr Total Rain fall Depth= 4.9200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 6.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs End= 6.0000 hrs HYG Vol Peak Time Peak Q Link ID Type ac-ft Trun. hrs cfs End Points ADDLINK 10 ADD UN .213 ------ -- 3.2500 ------ 3.09 ------------ PRE-DEVEL ---- DL .213 3.2500 3.09 DN .213 3.2500 3.0.9 PRE-DEVEL ADDLINK 30 ADD UN .454 3.0900 9.89 POST-DEV WET #2 DL .454 3.0900 9.84 DN .454 3.0900 9.84 WETLAND #2 IN ROUTE 20 PONDrt UN .454 3.0900 9.89 WETLAND #2 IN ROUTE 20 .297 3.2800 3.76 WETLAND #2 OUT DL .247 3.2800 3.76 DN .247 3.2800• 3.76 WET #2 OUTFACE S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Network Calcs Sequence Page 2.07 Name.... Watershed Event• 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2-TAILWATER.PPW Storm... SOyr 6hr Tag: 50-6h NETWORK RUNOFF NODE SEQUENCE ---------------------- Runoff Data Apply to Node Receiving Link -------------- SCS UH PRE-DEVEL Subarea PRE-DEVEL Add Hyd PRE-DEVEL SCS UH POST-DEV WET #2 Subarea POST-DEV WET #2 Add Hyd POST-DEV WET #2 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Network Calcs Sequence Page 2.08 ' Name.... Watershed Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-PO ST-WETLAND2-TAILWATER.PPW Storm... SOyr 6hr Tag: 50-6h NETWORK ROUTING SEQUENCE - Link Operation ---------------------- UPstream Node ------------------------ DNstream Node ' Add Hyd ADDLINK 30 Subarea POST-DEV WET #2 Pond WETLAND #2 IN POND ROUTE TOTAL OUTFLOW ... Total Pond Outflow Pond WETLAND #2 IN Outflow WETLAND #2 OUT SET POND ROUTING LINK TO TOTAL POND OUTFLOW... Outlet ROUTE 20 Outflow WETLAND #2 OUT Jct WET #2 OUTFACE Add Hyd ADDLINK 10 Subarea PRE-DEVEL Jct PRE-DEVEL S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Design Storms Page 3.01 Name.... Gastonia File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\ Title... Project Date: 7/13/2005 Project Engineer: JJP Project Title: Catawba Hills Village D Project Comments: DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File, ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name = 2-6h Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve 2yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.4500 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs Storm Tag Name = 10-6h Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve.. l0yr 6hr Storm Frequency 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.5600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs Storm Tag Name = 50-6h . Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve S.Oyr 6hr Storm Frequency = SO yr Total Rainfall Depth= 4.9200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 6.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs End= 6.0000 hrs S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Design Storms Page 3.02 Name.... Gastonia Event• 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\ Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6h DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name = 2-6h Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve 2yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.4500 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs Storm Tag Name = 10-6h Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve l0yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.5600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs.. Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .6167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs Storm Tag Name = 50-6h Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve 50yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 50 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 4.9200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 . Resulting Duration =.6.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs End= 6.0000 hrs S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 ' Type.... Time-Depth Curve Page 9.01 Name.... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10-6h Event: 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\ Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10-6h J ii C SYNTHETIC CUMULATIVE RAINFALL(in) Time I Output Time increment = .0167 hrs hrs I ---------I- Time on left ---------------- represents ---------- time for first value in each row. .0000 I .0022 - .0044 --------- .0066 ----------- .0089 -------------- .0111 .0833 i .0134 .0156 .0179 .0202 .0225 .1667 I .0248 .0271 .0294 .0317 .0341 .2500 I .0364 .0388 .0412 .0436 .0960 .3333 I .0984 .0508 .0533 .0557 .0582 .4167 I .0606 .0631 .0636 .0681 .0707 .5000 I .0732 .0758 .0783 .0809 .0835 .5833 I .0861 .0887 .0914 .0940 .0967 .6667 I .0994 .1021 .1048 .1075 .1102 .7500 I .1130 .1158 .1186 .1214 .1242 .8333 I .1271 .1299 .1328 .1357 .1386 .9167 I .1416 .1445 .1475 .1505 .1535 1.0000 I .1565 .1596 .1627 .1657 .1689 1.0833 I ..1720 .1751 .1783 .1815 .1847 1.1667 I .1880 .1913 .1995 .1979 .2012 1.2500 I .2046 .2080 .2114 .2148 .2183 1.3333 I .2218 .2253 .2289 .2325 .2361 1.9167 I .2397 .2439 .2471 .2508 .2546 1.5000 ( .2591 .2636 .2681 .2727 ,2774 1.5833 I .2820 .2868 .2915 .2963 .3012 1.6667 I .3060 .3110 .3160 .3210 .3261 1.7500 I .3312 .3364 .3416 .3469 .3523 1.8333 I .3577 .3632 .3687 .3743 .3799 1.9167 I .3856 .3914 .3973 .4032 .4092 2.0000 I .4164 .4237 .4311 .4386 .4461 2.0833 I .4538 .4615 .4694 .4774 .9855 .2.1667 I .4936 .5020 .5104 ,5190 .5276 "2.2500 I .5365 .5459 .5546 .5638 .5733 2..3333 I .5829 .5926 .6026' .6127 .6230 .2.4167 I .6336 .6444 .6554 .6666 .761 2.5000 I .6936 ..7094 .7255 .7920 .7589 :2.5833 I .7763" :7940 .8122 .8310 .8502 2.6667 I .8701 .8906 .9118 .9338 .9566 2.7500 I .9876 1.0198 1.0531 1.0878 1.1240 2.8333 I 1.1620 1.2021 1.2445 1.2976 1.3542 "2.9167 I 1.4281' 1.5067 1.5919 1,7099 1.8279 3.0000 I 1.9459 2.0639 2.1819 2.2635 2.3395 3.0833 I 2.3982 2.4529 .2.5045 2.5458 2.5847 3.1667 I 2.6218 2.6572 2.6612 2.6790 2.6856 3.2500 I 2.6888 2.6912 2.7027 2.7036 2.7138 3.3333 I 2.7233 2.7423 2.7608 2.7788 2.7963 3.4167 I 2.8134 2.8301 2.8465 2.8624 2.8781 3.5000 I 2.6897 2.9011 2.9122 2.9231 2.9337 3.5833 I" 2.9441 2.9549 2.9644 2.9743 2.9840 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 i~ fl u ii Type.... Time-Depth Curve Page 4.02 Name.... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10-6h Event• 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civi l\POndPak\ Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10- 6h SYNTHE TIC CUMULATIVE RAINFALL(in) Time I Output Time increment = .0167 hrs hrs -------- I Time on left -I----------------- represents ----------- time for ------ first value in each row. 3.6667 I 2.9935 3.0028 --- 3.0120 ------------ 3.0211 ------------- 3.0300 3.7500 I 3.0387 3.0473 3.0558 3.0692 3.0725 3.8333 I 3.0806 3.0886 3.0965 3.1044 3.1121 3.9167 I 3.1197 3.1272 3.1346 3.1420 3.1492 4.0000 I 3.1552 3.1612 3.1671 3.1729 3.1787 4.0833 I 3.1843 3.1899 3.1955 3.2010 3.2065 4,1667 I 3.2118 3.2172 3.2229 3.2276 3.2328 4.2500 I 3.2379 3.2430 3.2480 3.2529 3.2578 4.3333 I 3.2627 3.2675 3.2723 3.2770 3.2817 9.4167 I 3.2864 3.2910 3.2956 3.3001 3.3046 9.5000 I 3.3084 3.3121 3.3159 3.3195 3.3232 4.5833 I 3.3268 ~ 3.3304 3.3340 3.3375 3.3911 4.6667 I 3.3445 3.3480 3.3514 3.3548 3.3582 4.7500 I 3.3616 3.3649 3.3682. 3.3715 3.3747 4.8333 I .3.3780 3.3812 3.3894 3.3875 3.3907 4.9167 I 3.3938 3.3969 3.4000 3.4030 3.4061 5.0000 I 3.4091 3.4121 3.4151 3.4181 3.4210 5.0833 I 3.4239. 3.9268 3.4297 3.4326 3.4354 5.1667 I 3.4383 3.4911 3.4439 3.4467 3.9494 5.2500 I 3.4522 3.4549 3.4577 3.4604 3.4631 5.3333 I 3.4657 3.4689 3.9710 3.4737 3.4763 5.4167 I 3.4789 3.4815 3.4840 3.4866 3.4892 5.5000 I 3.9917 3.4992 3.4967 3.4992 3.5017 5.5833 I 3.5042 3.5066 3.5091 3.5115 3.5139 5.6667 I 3.5163 3.5187 3.5211 3.5235 3.5258 5.7500 I 3.5282 3.5305 3.5329 3.5352 3.5375 5.8333 I 3.5398 3.5421 3.5494 3.5966 3.5489 5.9167 I, 3.5511 3.5539 3.5556 3.5578 3.5600 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Time-Depth Curve Page 4.03 1 Name.... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6h Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civi l\POndPak\ Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6h ' SYNTHE TIC CUMULATIVE RAINFALL (in) Time I Output Time increment = .0167 hrs hrs 1 --------- -- Time on left ------ represents time for first value in each row. I .0000 I --------- .0014 ----------- .0029 ------------- .0043 -------- .0058 ------------- .0072 .0833 I .0087 .0101 .0116 .0131 .0146 .1667 1 .0161 .0176 .0191 .0206 .0221 .2500 I .0237 .0252 .0267 .0283 .0299 ' .3333 I .9167 1 .0314 .0399 .0330 .0410 .0396 .0426 .0362 .0442 .0378 .0459 .5000.1 .0475 .0492 .0508 .0525 .0542 .5833 I .0559 .0576 .0599 .0610 .0627 .6667 1 .0645 .0662 .0680 .0698 .0715 .7500 i .0733 .0751 .0769 .0787 .0806 ' .8333 I .0624 .0843 .0861 .0860 .0899 .9167 I .097.8 .0937 .0956 .0976 .0995 1.0000 I .1015 .1034 .1054 .1074 .1094 1.0833 I .1114 .1135 .1155 .1176 ..1197 1.1667 I .1218 .1239. .1260 .1282 .1303 1.2500 I .1325 .1347 .1369 .1391 .1413 1.3333 I .1436 .1459 .1482 .1505 .1528 1.4167 I ...1552 .1575 .1599 .1623 .1697 1.5000 I .1675 .1703 .1731 .1759 .1787 ' 1.5833 I .1816 .1845 .1879 .1903 .1933 1.6667 I .1963 .1993 .2029 .2055 .2086 1.7500 I .2117 .2149 .2181 .2214 .2246 1.8333 1 .2279 .2313 .2347 .2381 .2416 ' 1.9167 I .2451 .2486 .2522 .2558 .2595 2.0000 I .2636 .2678 .2720 .2763 .2806 2.0833 I .2850 .2894 .2939 .2985 .3031 2.1667. 1 .3078 ..3.125 .3174. ..3223 .3273 2.2500 I .3323 .3375 .3927 .3480 .3534 ' 2.3333 j :3590 .3646 .3703 .3761 .3821 2.4167 I .3882 .3944 .9007 .4072 .9138 2.5000 I .4225 .9313 .4403 ..4495 .959.0 2.5833 I .4687 .4787 .488'9 .9995 .5104 ' 2.6667 1 .5216 .5332 .5452 .5577 .5707 2.7500 I .5879 .6057 .6293 .6438 .6642 2.8333 I .6858 .7086 .7331 .7655 .8002 2.9167 I .8944 .8924 .9458 1.0298 1 1138 3.0000 1 1.1978 1.2818 1.3658 1.4162 . 1.5121 3.0833 I 1.5963 1:6818 1.7331 1.7567 1.7789 3.1667 I 1.7999 1.8198 1.8388 1.8570 1.8795 3.2500 1 1.8878 1.9005 1.9128 1.9296 1.9360 3.3333 I 1.9471 1.9578 1.9682 1.9783 1.9881 3.4167 I 1.9973 2.0071 2.0162 2.0251 2.0338 3.5000 1 2.0406 2.0471 2.0535 2.0598 2.0659 3.5833 I 2.0720 2.0778 2.0836 2.0892 2.0949 L~ S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Time-Depth Curve Name.... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6h File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\ Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6h J I 1 fl 1 1 1 Page 4.04 Event: 2 yr SYNTHETIC CUMULATIVE RAINFALL(in) Time I Output Time increment = .0167 hrs hrs I ---------I- Time on left ---------------- represents ----------- time for first value - in each row. 3.6667 I 2.1003 2.1057 ------------ 2.1110 -------- 2.1162 ------------ 2.1213 3.7500 I 2.1263 2.1312 2.1361 2.1409 2.1456 3.8333 I 2.1503 2.1549 2.1594 2.1639 2.1683 3.9167 I 2.1726 2.1769 2.1812 2.1859 2.1895 4.0000 I 2.1932 2.1969 2.2005 2.2090 2.2075 4.0833 I 2.2110 2.2195 2.2179 2.2212 2.2246 4.1667 I 2.2279 2.2311 2.2344 2.2376 2.2407 4.2500 I 2.2439 2.2470 2.2500 2.2531 2.2561 4.3333 I 2.2591 2.2628 2.2649 2.2679 2.2707 4.4167 I 2.2736 2.2769 2.2792 2.2820 2.2847 4.500.0 I 2.2872 2.2896 2.2920 2.2949 2.2967 4.5833 I 2.2991 2.3014 2.3037 2.3060 2.3082 4.6667 I 2.3105 2.3127 2.3149 2.3171 2.3193 4.7500 I 2.3215 2.3236 2.3258 2.3279 2.3300 4.8333 I 2.3321 2.3341 2.3362 2.3382 2.3403 4.9167 I 2.3423 2.3443 2.3463 2.3483 2.3502 5.0000 I 2.3522 2.3541 2.3561 2.3580 2.3599 5.0833 I.. 2.3618 2.3636 2.3655 2.3679 2.3692 5.1667 I 2.3711 2.3729 2.3747 2.3765 2.3783 5.2500 I 2.3801 2.3818 2.3836 2.3854 2.3871 5.3333 I 2.3888 2.3906 2.3923 2.3940 2.3957 5.9167 i 2.3974 2.3990 2.4007 2.4029 2.4090 5.5000 I 2.4057 2.4073 2.4089 2.4105 2.4121 5.5833 i 2.4137 2.9153 2.9169- 2.4185 2.4201 5.6667 i 2.4216 2.4232 2.4247 2.4263 2.4278 5.7500 I 2.4293 2.4309 2.4339 2.4339 2.4354 5.8333 I 2.4369 2.4389 2.4398 2.9413 2.4.928 5.9167 I 2.4442 2.4457 2.4471 2.4486 2.9500 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Time-Depth Curve Name.... SOyr 6hr Tag: SO-6h Page 4.05 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civi l\POndPak\ Event: 50 yr Storm... SOyr 6hr Tag: 50- 6h SYNTHE TIC CUMULATIVE RAINFALL(in) Time I Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs -------- ( Time on left -I----------------- represents ----------- time for ----- first value in each row. .0000 I .0031 .0189 ---- .0351 ------------ .0517 ------------- .0686 .4167 ~ .0860 .1038 .1220 .1908 .1601 .8333 I .1799 .2004 .2215 .2932 .2658 1.2500 ~ .2891 .3134 .3385 .3655 3967 1.6667 I .9292 .4634 .9992 .5370 . 5787 2.0833 I .6294 .6839 .7419 .8040 . 8725 2.5000 I .9526 1.0606 1.1830 1.3363 . 1 5690 2.9167 I 1.9083 2.5698 3.1490 3.9392 . 3 6442 3.3333 ~ 3.7804 3.8980 3.9981 4.0719 . 9.1380 3.7500 I 4.1992 4.2559 4.3089 4.3571 9.3965 .4.1667 I 4.4337 4.4690 4.5026 9.5347 4 5698 4.5833 ~ 4.5907 4.6156 4.6395 4.6626 . 4 6849 5.0000 ~ 4.7065 4.7274 4.7477 4.7673 . 9 7865 5.4167 ~ 4.8051 4.8232 4.8409 4.881 . 4 87 99 5.8333 I 9.8913 4.9079 4.9200 . . S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 5.01 Name.... POST-DEV WET #2 File.... L:\1005016\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2-TAILWATER.PPW ................. ..................... .. .......................................::::::::::::::. TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: .0833 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- -Total-Tc:-----.0833-hrs- S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 5.02 Name.... POST-DEV WET #2 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2-TAILWATER.PPW ----------------------- Tc Equations used... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ___= User Defined ______________________________________________________ Tc = Value entered by user Where: Tc = Time of concentration S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 5.03 ' Name.... PRE-DEVEL File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2 -TAILWATER.PPW TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR ... ....... ..... ' Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Se ment #1 Ti 312 -------- --------------------------- g me: ------------------------- . 0 ------- hrs ----- Total Tc: .3120 hrs t 1 S/N: A21305C 2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated ' PondPack Ver . Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 5.04 Name.... PRE-DEVEL File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2-TAILWATER.PPW ----------------------------- Tc Equations used... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ___= User Defined ______________________________________________________ Tc = Value entered by user Where: Tc = Time of concentration S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Page 6.01 Name.... POST-DEV WET #2 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2-TAILWATER.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres ~C RUC CN --- ----- ----- ------ CN Catalog - Fully Developed Urban 80 1.930 80.20 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 1:930 .. 80:20 (80) ........................................................................... S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 'ype•• Runoff CN-Area Name.... PRE-DEVEL File..,. L;\1005018\CAD Page 6.02 \Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-pOST-WETLAND2-TAI RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA ......................................................• LWATER.PPW Soil/Surface Descri Impervious _______ ption Area - Adjustment Adjuster --------------------- CN acres --- ---- -------- $C 8UC CN 61 1.930 ----- ----- ------ COMPOSITE AREA & 61.00 WEIGHTED CN -__~ •• .......... ... 1.930 .... ...... .....................•61:00 (61) . S/N: A21305C2E1C5 ~ondPack Ver. 09.00. LandDesi n 077.pp g Incorporated Time: 11:21 AM 1 Date: 2/27/2006 ' Type.... Unit Hyd. Equations Page 7.01 Name.... File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2-TAILWATER.PPW SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD (Computational Notes) DEFINITION OF TERMS: ------------------------------------------------ ' At = Total area (acres): At = Ai+Ap Ai = Impervious area (acres) Ap = Pervious area (acres) ' CNi = Runoff curve number'for impervious area CNp = Runoff curve number for pervious area floss = f loss constant infiltration (depth/time) gKs = Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (depth/time) Md = Volumetric Moisture .Deficit ' Psi = Capillary Suction (length) hK = Horton Infiltration Decay Rate (time^-1) fo = Initial Infiltration Rate (depth/time) 1 fc Ia = Ultimate(capacity)Infiltration Rate (depth/time). = Initial Abstraction (length) dt = Computational increment (duration of unit excess rainfall) Default dt is smallest value of 0.1333Tc, rtm, and th (Smallest dt is then adjusted to match up with Tp) UDdt = User specified override computational main time increment (only used if UDdt is => .1333Tc) D(t) = Point on distribution curve (fraction of P) for time step t ' K Ks = 2 / dl.+ (Tr/Tp)).: default K = 0.75: (for Tr./Tp = 1.67). . = Hydrograph shape factor Unit Conversions * K: _ ((lhr/3600sec) * (lft/12in) * ((5280ft)**2/sq.mi)) * K . Default Ks =.645.333 * 0.75. = 484 I~~ 0 u Lag = Lag time from center of excess runoff (dt) to Tp: Laq = 0.6Tc P = Total precipitation depth, inches Pa(t) = Accumulated rainfall at time step t Pi(t) = Incremental rainfall at time step t qp = Peak discharge (cfs) for lin. runoff, for lhr, for 1 sq.mi. _ (Ks * A * Q) / Tp (where Q = lin. runoff, A=sq.mi.) Qu(t) = Unit hydrograph ordinate (cfs) at time step t Q(t) = Final hydrograph ordinate (cfs) at time step t Rai(t)= Accumulated runoff (inches) at time step t for impervious area Rap(t)= Accumulated runoff (inches) at time step t for pervious area Rii(t)= Incremental runoff (inches) at time step t for impervious area Rip(t)= Incremental runoff (inches) at. time step t for pervious area R(t) = Incremental weighted total runoff (inches) Rtm = Time increment for rainfall table Si = S for impervious area: Si = (1000/CNi) - 10 Sp = S for pervious area: Sp = (1000/CNp) - 10 t = Time step (row) number Tc = Time of concentration Tb = Time (hrs) of entire unit hydrograph: Tb = Tp + Tr Tp = Time (hrs) to peak of a unit hydrograph: Tp = (dt/2) + Lag Tr = Time (hrs) of receding limb of unit hydrograph: Tr = ratio of Tp ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Unit Hyd. Equations Page 7.02 Name.... File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2-TAILWATER.PPW PRECIPITATION: ---- Column (1): Time f Column (2): D(t) Column (3): Pi(t) Column (4): Pa(t) SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD (Computational Notes) ---------------------------------------------- or time step t = Point on distribution curve for time step t = Pa(t) - Pa (t-1): Col. (9) - Preceding Col. (4) = D(t) x P: Col. (2) x P PERVIOUS AREA RUNOFF (using SCS Runoff CN Method) ------------------------ Column (5): Rap(t) = Accumulated pervious runoff for time step t If (Pa(t) is <= 0.2Sp) then use: Rap(t) = 0.0 If (Pa(t) is > 0.2Sp) then use: Rap(t) _ (Col.(9)-0.2Sp)**2 / (Col.(4)+0.8Sp) Column (6): Rip(t) = Incremental pervious .runoff for time step t Rip (t) = Rap(t) - Rapt-1) Rip (t) = Col.(5) for current row - Col. (5) for preceding row. IMPERVIOUS AREA RUNOFF --------------------------------------------------- Column (7 & B)... Did not specify to use impervious areas. INCREMENTAL WEIGHTED RUNOFF: --------------------------------------- Column (9): R(t) _ (Ap/At) x Rip (t) + (Ai/At) x Rii(t) R(t) _ (Ap/At) x Col.(6) + (Ai/At) x Col.(8) SCS UNIT.HYDROGRAPH METHOD: ---------------.-----------_____._______________ Column (10): Q(t) is computed with .the SCS unit hydrograph method using R() and Qu(). S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 L C Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.03 Name.... POST-DEV WET #2 Tag: 2-6h Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2-TAILWATER.PPW Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6h SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 2 year storm Duration = 5.9833 hrs Rain Depth = 2.9500 in Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\ Rain File -ID = - 2yr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\ HYG File - ID = - POST-DEV WET #2 2-6h Tc = .0833 hrs Dxainage Area = 1.930 acres Runoff CN= 80 ------------------------- Computational Time Increment = .01111 hrs Computed Peak Time = 3.1221 hrs Computed Peak Flow = 9.39 cfs Time Increment for HYG File = .0100 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.1200 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = 4.37 cfs' DRAINAGE AREA ID:POST-DEV WET #2 CN = 80 Area = 1.930 acres S = 2.5000 in 0.2S = .5000 in Cumulative Runoff .8595 in .137 ac-ft HYG Volume:.. .137 ac-ft (ar.ea under HYG curve) ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** Time. Concentration, Tc = .08333 hrs (ID: POST-DEV WET #2) Computational Inc r,.Tm = .01111 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.432 (37.46 under rising limb) K = 983.43/645.333, K = .7991 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7491) Unit peak, qp = 26.29 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .05555 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .22221 hrs Total unit time, Tb = .27777 hrs S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 i 1 J I I ii Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Paqe 7.09 Name.... POST-DEV WET #2 Tag: 10-6h Event: 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2-TAZLWATER.PPW Storm.., l0yr 6hr Tag: 10-6h SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 10 year storm Duration = 5.9833 hrs Rain Depth = 3.5600 in Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Rain File -ID = - l0yr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ HYG File - ID = - POST-DEV WET #2 10-6h Tc = .0833 hrs Drainage Area = 1.930 acres Runoff CN= 80 Computational Time Increment = .01111 hrs Computed Peak Time = 3.0665 hrs Computed Peak~Flow - 7.52 cfs Time Increment for HYG File = .0100 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.0600 hrs. Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = 7.52 cfs DRAINAGE AREA ID:POST-DEV WET #2 CN = 80 Area = 1.930 acres S = 2.5000 in 0.25 = .5000 in Cumulative•RUnoff -1.6841 in .271 ac-ft 'HYG Volume... .271 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** Time Concentration, Tc = .08333 hrs (ID: POST-DEV WET #2) Computational Incr, Tm = .01111 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 983.932 (37.46 under rising limb) K = 983.43/695.333, K = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.669.8 (solved from K = .7491) Unit peak, qp = 26.24 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .05555 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .22221 hrs Total unit time, Tb = .27777 hrs ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 [1 u I~ Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.05 Name.... POST-DEV WET #2 Tag: 50-6h Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2-TAILWATER.PPW Storm... 50yr 6hr Tag: 50-6h SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 50 year storm Duration = 6.0000 hrs Rain Depth = 9.9200 in Rain Dir = L:\1005016\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Rain File -ID = - SOyr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ HYG File - ID = - POST-DEV WET #2 50-6h Tc = .0833 hrs Drainage. Area = 1.930 acres Runoff CN= 80 Computational Time Increment = .01111 hrs Computed Peak Time = 3.0888 hrs Computed Peak Flow = 9.85 cfs Time Increment .for HYG File = .0100 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.0900 hrs Peak Flow; Interpolated Output = 9.84 cfs DRAINAGE AREA ID:POST-DEV WET #2 CN = 80 Area = 1.930 acres S = 2.5000 in 0.25 = .5000 in Cumulative Runoff 2.$232 in .454 ac-ft HYG Volume... .954 ac-f t' (area under HYG curve) ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** Time Concentration, Tc = .08333 hrs (ID:•POST-DEV WET #2) Computational Incr, Tm = .01111 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.432 (37.96 under rising limb) K = 483.43/645.333, K = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7991) Unit peak, qp = 26.24 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .05555 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .22221 hrs Total unit time, Tb = .27777 hrs ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 l 1 n Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.06 Name.... PRE-DEVEL Tag: 2-6h Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2-TAILWATER.PPW Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6h SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 2 year storm Duration = 5.9833 hrs Rain Depth = 2.4500 in Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Rain File -ID = - 2yr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ HYG File - ID = - PRE-DEVEL 2-6h Tc = .3120 hrs Drainage Area = 1.930 acres Runoff CN= 61 Computational Time Increment = .04160 hrs Computed Peak Time = 3.3280 hrs Computed Peak Flow = .33 cfs Time Increment for HYG File = .OlOd hrs Peak. Time; Interpolated Output = 3.3300 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = .33 cfs DRAINAGE AREA ID:PRE-DEVEL CN = 61 Area = 1.930 acres S = 6.3939 in 0.25 = 1.2787 in Cumulative Runoff .1814 in .029 ac-ft HYG Volume... .029~ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** ' Time Concentration, Tc = .31200 hrs (ID: PRE-DEVEL) Computational Incr, Tm = .04160 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.432 (37.46 under rising limb) K = 483.43/645.333, K = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7491) Unit peak, qp = 7.01 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .20800 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .83200 hrs Total unit time, Tb = 1.04000 hrs S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 u 1 i I V Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.07 Name.... PRE-DEVEL Tag: 10-6h Event: 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2-TAILWATER.PPW Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10-6h SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 10 year storm Duration = 5.9833 hrs Rain Depth = 3.5600 in Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\ Rain File -ID = - l0yr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ HYG File - ID = - PRE-DEVEL 10-6h Tc = .3120 hrs Drainage Area = 1.930 acres Runoff CN= 61 ---------------- Computational Time Increment = .04160 hrs Computed Peak Time = 3.2948 hrs Computed Peak Flow = 1.42 cfs Time Increment for HYG File = .0100 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.2500 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = 1.41 cfs DRAINAGE AREA ID:PRE-DEVEL CN = 61 Area = 1.930 acres S = 6.3939 in 0.25 = 1.2787 in Cumulative Runoff .5999 in .096 ac-ft HYG Volume.:. .096 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** ' Time Concentration, Tc = .31200 hrs (ID: PRE-DEVEL) . Computational Incr, Tm = .09160 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.932 (37.46 under rising limb) K = 983.43/645.333, K = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, TY/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7491) Unit peak, qp = 7.01 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .20800 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .83200 hrs Total unit time, Tb = 1.04000 hrs ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.08 ' Name.... PRE-DEVEL Tag: 50-6h Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2-TAILWATER.PPW Storm... SOyr 6hr Tag: 50-6h ' SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 50 year storm Duration = 6.0000 hrs Rain Depth = 9.9200 in Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Rain File -ID = - SOyr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ ' HYG File - ID = - PRE-DEVEL 50-6h Tc = .3120 hrs Drainage Area = 1.930 acres Runoff CN= 61 Computational Time Increment .04160 hrs ' Computed Peak Time 3.2448 hrs Computed Peak Flow = 3.09 cfs ' Time Increment for HYG File ~ _ .0100 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.2500 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = 3.09 cfs ' ---DRAINAGE AREA - --- ID:PRE-DEVEL CN = 61 ' Area 1.930 acres S 6.3934 in 0.2S = 1.2787 in Cumulative Runoff --------1.3213 in .213 ac-ft 'HYG Volume... ~ .213 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ' ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** Time Concentration, Tc = .31200 hrs (ID: PRE-DEVEL) ' Computational Incr, Tm = .04160 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.932 (37.46 under rising limb) K = 983.43/695.333, K = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7491) ' Unit peak, qp = 7.01 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .20800 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .83200 hrs ' Total unit time, Tb = 1.04000 hrs ~i u ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Vol: Elev-Area Page 8.01 Name.... WETLAND #2 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D~-POST-WETLAND2-TAILWATER.PPW Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(Al*A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft) ------------ (sq.in) (acres) --------------------- (acres) --------------- (ac-ft) (ac-ft) 622.50 ----- .0913 - .0000 ---------- .000 ------------- .000 624.00 ----- .1158 .3099 .155 .155 625.00 ----- .1329 .3728 .124 .279 626.00 ----- .1505 .4248 .142 .421 627.00 ----- .1687 .4785 .160 .580 628.00 ----- .1875 .5391 .178 .758 POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes. Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-EL1) * (Areal + Areal + sq.rt.(Areal*Area2)) where: EL1, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal,Area2 =Areas computed for EL1, EL2, respectively Volume = Incremental volume between ELl and EL2 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Outlet Input Data Page 9.01 Name.... WET2-TAILWAT-50y File..,. L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2-TAILWATER.PPW REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 622.50 ft Increment = .10 ft Max. Elev.= 628.00 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (Upstream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to Upstream) <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft Weir-Rectangular WO ---> TW 625.600 628.000 TW SETUP, DS Channel S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Outlet Input Data Page 9.02 Name.... WET2-TAILWAT-SOy File..... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-WETLAND2-TAILWATER.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID Structure Type -------------- # of Openings Crest Elev. Weir Length Weir Coeff. WO Weir-Rectangular ---------------- 1 625.60 ft 10.00 ft 3.333000 Weir TW effects (Use adjustment equation) Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFACE CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES... Maximum Iterations= 90 Min. TW tolerance = .O1 ft Max. TW tolerance = .O1 ft Min. HW tolerance = .O1 ft Max. HW tolerance = .O1 ft Min. Q tolerance = .00 cfs • Max. Q tolerance = .00 cfs S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM Date: 2/27/2006 ' Appendix A Index of St arting Page Numbers for ID Names ----- 1 ----- ' l0yr 6hr 10-6h... 4.01 - 2 ----- 2yr 6hr 2-6h... 4.03 ' ----- 5 ----- 50yr 6hr 50-6h... 4.05 ----- G ----- ' Gastonia... 3.01, 3.02 -- P ----- POST-DEV WET #2... 5.01, 6.01, 7.03, 7.04, 7.05 ' PRE-DEVEL... 5.03, 6.02, 7.06, 7.07, 7.08 ----- W ----- ' watershed... 1.01, 2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2.04, 2.05, 2..06, 2.07 WET2-TAILWAT-50y... 9.01 WETLAND #2... 8.01 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:21 AM 1 A-1 Date: 2/27/2006 i 0 ~I~ CI 1 1 BIORETENTION AREA #1 Design Storm attenuated by NCDENR required Surface Area Rv =runoff coefficient (RunofflRainfall) Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(1) Where "1" _ % Impervious ("Simple Method" - Schueler, 1987) NCDENR April 1999 ' VVQv = ~@vA 12 Fill in Values: "I" n ¢~ Percent Impervious of Site "A" = Q'74 Acres nwr• WQv = ~7_ Ac. Ft. 1633 Cubic Feet Required RAIN GARDEN AREA Formula: Af = WQv} (Df) Where: {(k) (Hf+Df) (Tf)} Af = Surface area of Rain Garden (S.F.) From Georgia Design Manual WQv = Water Quality Volume to be Captured Section Df = . Filter Bed Depth (2 feet minimum) (Based on Darcy's Law) k = permeability coefficient of filter media (use 1.0 ft/day for sandy-loam) Hf = Average height of water above filter bed (use 3 inches, which is half of 6" ponding depth) Tf = Design filter bed drain time in days (2 Days or 48 hours ) Fill in Values: "k" = 1 ft./day (1/2"/Hour) Df = 4 Feet Hf = 3 inches Tf = 2 Days Answer: Af = 769 Square Feet Required For Rain Garden Note: Area provided, 1860 SF, will capture and treat runoff from first 1.00 inch of rainfall 0 n 1 u I~ ~I ~J 20: s.Width ~, Approximate Size . 39 ` Length.:;.'. Water Draw Through Rate: Darcy's Equation: Q = (.0000232)*K*A*( H/L ) Where: Q =Flow (Rate of Draw) through Bioretentioin Soil (cfs) K =Hydraulic Conductivity of soil (Use 1"/Hour) A =Surface Area of Bio-Retention Area (SF) H =Height of Water above Drainage Pipe (Underdrain) L = Thickriess of Soil Bed (Usually 4' } Assume (H/L) ~ 1 `'Q _: 0.0.18 cfs Time to Drawdown water from Inundation to Saturation at Surface: Volume/Q: 21552 Seconds 6.0 Hours to Saturation Time to lower Water. Table to 2.0 feet below surface: ~ .. Assume.45% Porosity Volume = Area x 2' x 0.45 . = 691.7 Cubic Feet = 38793 Seconds = 1.0:8 Hours to,;Lower Water;2'. below surface ^ ~ SIZE UNDERD~IM ^ As a rule of thumb, the length of underdrain is based on 10% of Af ' Source: (NY State Stormwater Manual) ' L = 26 Feet in 3' :wide.stone. bed 0 Required Diameter 4.7 Inches (Minimum 6") Source: (NCSU Rain Garden Design Worksheet, Bill Hunt) ~1 0r More Underdrains required u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o~ xunPPd `? v ~ ~: o ~ -° ~ ~ OZ a~n°~ .°~ ~ 4fi ~i~llPPt/ y ~. O m c < W = O ' Job File: L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-BIOI.PPW Rain Dir: L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ --_=====JOB_TITLE--=---_-- Project Date: 7/13/2005 ' Project Engineer: JJP Project Title: Catawba Hills Village D Project Comments: S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:29 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 Table of Contents i Table of Contents ********************** MASTER SUMMARY ********************** Watershed....... Master Network Summary ............. 1.01 *************** NETWORK SUMMARIES (DETAILED) *************** Watershed....... 2-6h Executive Summary (Nodes) .......... 2.01 Executive Summary (Links) .......... 2,p2 Watershed....... 10-6h Executive Summary (Nodes) .......... 2,p3 Executive Summary (Links) ....,,,,,, 2,py Watershed....... 50-lOh Executive Summary (Node;) ,,,,,,,,,, 2.05 ..Executive Summary (Li;zks) „ _,,,,,,, 2,06 Network Calcs Seque*,ice ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2.07 ****************** DESIGN STOR~iS SUMMARY ******************* Gastonia........ Design GLOrmS . ..................... 3.01 Gastonia......... 2-6h Design Storms ............. ... .. 3.02 *************i**:***** RAINFALL DATA *********************** l0yr 6hr........ 10-6h Time-Depth Curve ................... 4.01 2yr 6hr......... 2-6h Time-Depth Curve ... .. ............... 4.03 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:29 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table of Contents ii Table of Contents (continued) 50yr 6hr........ 50-lOh Time-Depth Curve ................... 4.05 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TC CALCULATIONS xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx POST-DEV BIO. #1 Tc Calcs ........................... 5.01 PRE-DEVEL....... Tc Calcs ........................... 5.03 xxxxxxxxx*xxxxxxxxxxxx CN CALCULATIONS *xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx POST-DEV BIO. #1 Runoff CN-Area ..................... 6.01 PRE-DEVEL....... Runoff CN-Area ............ ...... 6.02 ******************** RUNOFF HYDRO.GRAPHS ******************** Unit Hyd. Equations ................ 7.01 POST-DEV BIO, #1 2-6h Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.03 POST-DEV BIO. #1 10-6h Unit Hyd., Summary .......... ......... 7.04. POST-DEV BIO. #1 50-lOh Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.05 PRE-DEVIL....... 2-6h Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.06 PRE-DEVEL....... 10-6h Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.07 PRE-DEVEL....... 50-lOh Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 7.08 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:24 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table of Contents Table of Contents (continued) iii *********************** POND VOLUMES *****************:***** BIO. #1......... Vol: Elev-Area ..................... 8.01 ******************** OUTLET STRUCTURES ********************* Outlet 3........ Outlet Input Data .................. 9.01 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:24 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.01 Name.... watershed File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-BIOI.PPW MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Network Storm Collection: Gastonia Total Depth Rainfall Return Event in Type ----- RNF ID 2-6h 2.4500 ----------- Time-Depth Curve ---------------- 2yr 6hr 10-6h 3.5600 Time-Depth Curve l0yr 6hr 50-lOh 4.9200 Time-Depth Curve 50yr 6hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Max Pond Storage Node ID Type Event ----- ac-ft Trun ---------- -- hrs cfs ft ac-ft *BIO #1 OUTFACE JCT 2 .037 --------- 3.1600 ------- - 1.54 -------- ------------ *BIO #1 OUTFACE JCT 10 .091 3.0700 3.11 *BIO #1 OUTFACE JCT .50. :163 3.0800 3.98, BIO. #1 IN . POND 2 .059 3.1200 1.87 BIO. #1 IN POND 10 .113 3.0600 3.13 BIO. #1 IN POND 50 .185 3.0800 3.99. BIO. #1 OUT POND 2 .037 3.1600 1.54 628.52 023 BIO. #1 OUT POND 10 .091 3.0700 3.11 628.59 . 02q BIO. #1 OUT POND 50 .163 3.0800 3.98 628.55 , .025 POST-DEV BIO. #1 AREA 2 .059 3.1200 1.87 POST-DEV BIO. #1 AREA 10 .113 3.0600 3.13 POST-DEV BIO. #1 AREA 50 .185 3.0800 3.99 *PRE-DEVEL JCT 2 .Oll 3.3300 .13 *PRE-DEVEL JCT 10 .037 3.2900 .54 *PRE-DEVEL JCT 50 .081 3.2500 1.18 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:24 AM Date• 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.02 Name.... Watershed File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-BIOI.PPW MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*NOde=Outfall; +NOde=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node-ID------ ----- --- Type ---- Event ------ ---ac=f t- Trun - -- ---hrs --- cfs ft ac_ft ----- PRE-DEVEL AREA 2 .011 3.3300 --- --- --- -- --- -- .13 PRE-DEVEL AREA 10 .037 3.2900 .54 PRE-DEVEL AREA 50 .081 3.2500 1.18 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:24 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 2.01 ' Name.... Watershed Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-BIOI.PPW Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6h ' NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File, ID = Gastonia ' Storm Tag Name = 2-6h -------------- ' -------------------------------------- Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve 2yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 2 yr ---------------- Total Rainfall Depth= 2.4500 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs ' Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Node ID Type ac-ft Trun. hrs cfs ft ----------------- ---- ---------- -- --------- Outfall BIO #1 OUTFACE JCT .037 3.1600 -------- 1.54 BIO. #1 IN POND .059 3.1200 1.87 BIO. #1 OUT POND .037 3.1600 1.54 628.52 POST-DEV BIO. #1 AREA .059 .3.1200 1.87 Outfall PRE-DEVEL JCT .011 3.3300 .13 ' PRE-DEVEL AREA .011 3.3300 .13 '. S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated ' PondPack Ver. Time: 11:24 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 Type.... Executive Summary (Links) Page 2.02 Name.... Watershed Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-BIOI.PPW Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6h NETWORK SUMMARY -- LINKS (UN=Upstream Node; DL=DNStream End of Link; DN=DNstream Node) (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name = ------------------ 2-6h ---- Data Type, File, ID = ---------------- Time-Depth Curve ----------- 2yr 6hr ------ ------------- Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.9500 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs HYG Vol Peak Time Peak Q Link ID Type ac-ft Trun. --- hrs cfs End Points ADDLINK 10 ADD UN - .Oll ------ -- 3.3300 ------ .13 --------=------- PRE-DEVEL DL .011 3.3300 .13 DN .011 3.3300 .13 .. PRE-DEVEL ADDLINK 30 ADD UN .059 3.1200 1.87 POST-DEV BIO. #1 DL .059 3.1200 1.87 DN .059 3.1200 1.87 BIO. #1 IN ROUTE 20 PONDrt UN .059 3.1200 1.87 BIO. #1 IN ROUTE 20 .037 3.1600 1.54 BIO. #1 OUT DL .037 3.1600 1.54 DN ..037 3.1600 1.5.4 BIO #1 OUTFACE S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:29 AM Date: 2/27/2006 ' Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 2.03 Name.... Watershed Event: 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-BIOI.PPW Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10-6h ' NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File, ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name ----------- = 10-6h -------- Data Type, File, ID --------- = Time-D ---- epth ------- Curve ----------- l0yr 6hr ------------------ ' Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.5600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs ' Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Node ID Type ac -ft Trun. hrs cfs ft 1 ----------------- Outfall BIO #1 OUTFACE ---- - JCT ---- ----- - .091 - --------- 3.0700 -------- --------- 3.11 BIO. #1 IN POND .113 3.0600 3.13 BIO. #1 OUT POND .091 3.0700 3.11 628.54 ' POST-DEV BIO..#1 Outfall PRE-DEVEL AREA JCT .113 .037 3.0600. 3.2400 3.13 .54 PRE-DEVEL AREA .037 3.2400 .59 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:29 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 Type.... Executive Summary (Links) Page 2.04 Name.... Watershed Event: 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-BIOI.PPW Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10-6h NETWORK SUMMARY -- LINKS (UN=Upstream Node; DL=DNstream End of Link; DN=DNStream Node) (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag ---------- Name = --------- 10-6h Data Type, -- File, ID = ----------------- Time-Depth Curve ----------------- l0yr 6hr ------------- Storm ..Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.5600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5..9833 hrs HYG Vol Peak Time Peak Q Link ID Type ae-ft Trun. hrs cfs End Ppints ADDLINK 10 ADD UN .037 3.2400 .54 PRE-DEVEL DL .037 3.2900 .54 DN .037 3.2400 .54 PRE-DEVEL ADDLINK 30 ADD UN .113 3.0600 3.13 POST-DEV BIO. #1 DL .113 3.0600 3.13 DN .113 3.0600 3.13 BIO. #1 IN ROUTE 20 PONDrt UN .113 3.0600 3.13 BIO. #1 IN ROUTE 20 .091 3.0700 3.11 BIO. #1 OUT DL .091 3.0700 3.11 DN, ...091 3.0700 3,11 BIO #1 OUTFACE . S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:24 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 2.05 ' Name.... Watershed Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAG E-D-POST-BIOI.PPW Storm... 50yr 6hr Tag: 50-lOh ' NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L= Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia ' Storm Tag Name = 50-lOh -------- ' --------------------------------- Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve Storm Frequency = 50 yr ----------- 50yr 6hr ---------------- Total Rainfall Depth= 9.9200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 6.0000 hrs ' Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0 833 hrs End= 6.0000 hrs HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Node ID Type ac-ft Trun . hrs cfs ft ----------------- ---- ---------- -- Outfall BIO #1 OUTFACE JCT .163 --------- 3.0800 -------- --------- 3.98 BIO. #1 IN POND .185 3.0800 '3.99 BIO. #1 OUT POND .163 3.0800 3.98 628.55 POST-DEV BIO. #1 AREA .185 3.0800.. 3.99 Outfall PRE-DEVEL JCT .081 3.2500 1.18 ' PRE-DEVEL AREA .081 3.2500 1.18 '. S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated ' PondPack Ver. Time: 11:24 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 lype•••• Executive Summary (Links) Name.... Watershed File.... L:\1005018\CAD Storm... SOyr 6hr \Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE- Page 2.06 Tag: 50-lOh D-POST- Event: 50 yr BIOI.PPW (UN=U stream Node; DLTWORK SUMMARY - P -DNstream - LINKS (Trun.= HYG Truncation: End of Link; Blank=None; L=Left; DN-DNstream Node) DEFAULT Desi n R=Rt% LR=Left & Rt) 9 Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name ------------ = 50-lOh Data Types File -------------------------- __ Storm Frequency ID _- Time-Depth Curve -- " _____________ Total Rainfall De - 50 yr 50yr 6hr ' Duration Multiplier h= 419200 in Resulting Duration = 6.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs Er~i~ 6.0000 hrs Link ID HYG Vol Peak ------- ---- TYPe ac-ft Tia[P Peak Q -- _-__ Trun. hrs ADDLINK 10 ADD UN _-------- ` --- --_____ _- cfs End Points DL .081 x.2500 l.lg ---------------- DN .081 3'2500 PRE-DEVEL 3.2500 1.18 ADDLINK 30 ADD UN 1'18 PRE-D$VEL • i85 DN •185 3.0600 3'99 POST-DEV BIO. #1 .185 3.0800 3.99 ROUTE 20 PONDrt UN 3.99 BIO. #1 ROUTE 20 IN .185 3.0800 .163 3.0800 3.99 BIO. #1 DL 3.98 BIO. IN DN •163 3.0800 #1 OUT .163 3.0800 3.98 3.98 BIO.#1 OUTFACE .. 1 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 PondPack Ver. LandDesign Incorporated Time: 11:24 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Network Calcs Sequence Page 2.07 Name.... Watershed Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-BIOI.PPW Storm... SOyr 6hr Tag: 50-lOh NETWORK RUNOFF NODE SEQUENCE Runoff Data Apply to Node Receiving Link SCS UH PRE-DEVEL Subarea PRE-DEVEL Add Hyd PRE-DEVEL SCS UH POST-DEV BIO. #1 Subarea POST-DEV BIO. #1 Add Hyd POST-DEV BIO. #1 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:24 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Network Calcs Sequence Page 2.08 Name.... Watershed Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-BIOI.PPW Storm... 50yr 6hr Tag: 50-lOh --NETWORK ROUTING SEQUENCE __________________________________________________________ Link Operation UPStream Node DNstream Node __________________________________________________________ --------------- Add Hyd ADDLINK 30 Subarea POST-DEV BIO. #1 Pond BIO. #1 IN POND ROUTE TOTAL OUTFLOW... Total Pond Outflow Pond BIO. #1 IN Outflow BIO. #1 OUT SET POND ROUTING LINK TO TOTAL POND OUTFLOW... Outlet ROUTE 20 Outflow BIO. #1 OUT Jct BIO #1 OUTFACE Add Hyd ADDLINK 10 Subarea PRE-DEVEL Jct PRE-DEVEL S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:29 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Design Storms Page 3.01 Name.... Gastonia File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\ Title... Project Date: 7/13/2005 Project Engineer: JJP Project Title: Catawba Hills Village D Project Comments: DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Tag Name = 2-6h Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve 2yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.9500 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs Storm Tag Name = 10-6h Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve l0yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.5600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs .End= 5.9833 hrs Storm Tag Name = 50-lOh Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve 50yr 6hr Storm Frequency 50 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 4.9200 in Duration Multiplier, = 1 Resulting Duration = 6.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs End= 6.0000 hrs S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:24 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Design Storms Page 3.02 Name.... Gastonia Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\ Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6h DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = Gastonia Storm Taq Name = 2-6h Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve 2yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.4500 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs Storm Tag Name = 10-6h Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve l0yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.5600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 5.9833 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs' Step= .0167 hrs End= 5.9833 hrs Storm Tag Name = SO-lOh Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve 50yr 6hr Storm Frequency = 50 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 4.9200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 6:0000 hzs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs Erid= 6.0000 hrs S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:29 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Time-Depth Curve Name.... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10-6h File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10-6h i iJ ~~ I i~J Lam' i Page 4.01 Event: 10 yr SYNTHETIC CUMULATIVE RAINFALL(in) Time I Output Time increment = .0167 hrs hrs I ---------I- Time on left ---------------- represents ---------- time for --- first value in each row. .0000 I .0022 .0044 ------- .0066 ------------ .0089 ------------- .0111 .0833 I .0134 .0156 .0179 .0202 .0225 .1667 I .0298 .0271 .0294 .0317 .0341 .2500 I .0369 .0388 .0412 .0936 .0960 .3333 I .0484 .0508 .0533 .0557 .0582 .4167 I .0606 .0631 .0636 .0681 .0707 .5000 I .0732 .0758 .0783 .0809 .0835 .5833 I .0861 .0887 .0914 .0940 .0967 .6667 I .0999 .1021 .1048 .1075 .1102 .7500 I .1130 .1158 .1186 .1219 .1242 .8333 I .1271 .1299 .1328 .1357 .1386 .9167 I .1416 .1445 .1475 .1505 .1535. 1.0000 I .1565 .1596 .1627 .1657 .1689 1•.0833 I .1720 .1751. .1783 .1815 .1847 1.1667 I .1880 .1913 .1945 .1979 .2012 1.2500 I .2096 -.2080 .2114 .2148 .2183 1.3333 I .2218 .2253 .2289 .2325 .2361 1.4167 I .2397 .2434 .2471 .2508. .2546 1.5000 I .2591 .2636 .2681 .2727 .2'17q 1.5833 I .2820 .2868 .2915 .2963 .3012 1.6667 I .3060 .3110 .3160 .3210 .3261 1.7500 I .3312 .3369 .3416 .3469 .3523 1.8333 I .3577 .3632 .3687 .3743 .3799 1.9167 I .3856 .3914 .3973 .4032 .4092 2.0000 I .4164 .4237 .4311 .4386 .4461 2.0833 I .4538 .4615 .4694 .4774 .4855 2.1667 I. _.4936. ..5020. .5104" .5190 .5276 2.25b0 l .5365 .5454 ..5546 .5638 .5733 2.3333 I .5829 .5926 .6026 .67.27 .6230 2.4167 I .6336 .6949 .6554 .6666 .6781 2.5000 I .6936 .7094 .7255 .7420 .7589 2.5833 I .7763 .7940 .8122 .8310 '.8502 2.6667 I .8701 .8906 .9118 .9338 .9566 2.7500 I .9876 1.0198 1.0531 1.0878 1.1240 2.8333 I 1.1620 1.2021 1.2945 1.2976 1.3592 2.9167 I 1.9281 1.5067 1.5919 1.7099 "1.8279 3.0000 I 1.9459 2.0639 2.1819 2.2635 2.3395 3.0833 I 2.3982 2.4529 2.5045 2.5458 2.5847 " 3.1667 I 2.6218 2.6572 2.6612 2.6740 2.6856 3.2500 I 2.6888 2.6912 2.7027 2.7036 2.7138 3.3333 I 2.7233 2.7423 2.7608 2.7788 2.7963 3.4167 I 2.6134 2.8301 2.8465 2.8624 2.8781 3.5000 I 2.8897 2.9011 2.9122 2.9231 2.9337 3.5833 I 2.9.441 2.9544 2.9644 2.9793 2.9840 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:29 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Time-Depth Curve Name.... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10-6h Page 4.02 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civi l\PondPak\ Event: 10 yr Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10-6h SYNTHETIC CUMULATIVE RAINFALL(in) Time I Output Time increment = .0167 hrs hrs ----- I Time on left -I--------------- -- represents ----------- time for first value in each row. 3.6667 I 2.9935 3.0028 --------- 3.0120 ------------ 3.0211 __ --------- 3 0300 3,7500 I 3.0387 3.0473 3.0558 3.0642 . 3 0725 3.8333 I 3.0806 3.0886 3.0965 3.1049 . 3 1121 3.9167 I 3.1197 3.1272 3.1396 3.1420 . 3 1492 4.0000 i 3.1552 3.1612 3.1671 3,1729 . 3 1787 4.0833 I 3.1643 3.1899 3.1955 3.2010 . 3 2065 4.1667 I 3.2118 3.2172 3.2229 3.2276 . 3 2328 4.2500 I 3.2379 3.2430 3.2480 3.2529 . 3 2578 9.3333 I 3.2627 3.2675 3.2723 3.2770 . 3.2817 9.4167 I 3.2864 3.2910 3.2956 3.3001 3 3046 4.5000 I 3.3084 3.3121 3.3159 3.3195 . 3 3232 9.5833 I 3.3268 3.3304 3.3340 3.3375 . 3 3411 4.6667 I 3.3445 3.3980 3.3514 3.3548 . 3 3582 9.7500 I 3.3616 3.3649 3.3682 3.3715 . 3 3747 4:8333 I 3.3780 3.3812 3.3894 3.3875 . 3 3907 4.9167 I 3.3938 3.3969 3.9000 3.4030 . 3 4061 5.0000 I 3.4091 3.4121 3.4151 3.4181 . 3 4210 5.0833 I 3.4239 3.A268 3.4297 3..9326 . 3 4354 5.1667 I 3.4383 3.4411 3.4439 3.4967 . 3 4494 5.2500 I 3.4522 3.4549 3.4577 3.4609 . 3 4631 5.3333 I 3.4657 3.4684 3.9710 3.4737 . 3.4763 5.9167 I 3.9789 3.9815 3.4840 3.4866 3 4892 5.5000 I 3.4917 3.4982 3.4967 3.4992 . 3.5017 5.5833 I 3.5042 3.5066 3.5091 3.5115 3 5139 5.6667 I 3.5163 3.5187 3.5211 3.5235 . 3 5258 5.7500 I 3.5282 3.5305 3.5329 3.5352 . 3 5375 5.8333 I 3.5398 3.5421 3.5444 3.5466 . 3 5989 5.9167 I 3.5511 3.5534. 3.5556 3.5578 . 3.5600 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:24 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Time-Depth Curve ' Name.... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6h Page 4.03 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Event: 2 yr Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6h Time S I O YNTHETIC CUMULATIVE RAINFALL(in) utput Time inc t hrs -------- I Time on -I------------ re left represents ---------------- men = . time for 0167 hrs first value in each row. .0000 I .0014 .0029 --------- .0093 ----------- .0058 .0072 ' .0833 I .0087 .0101 .0116 .0131 0146 .1667 I .0161 .0176 .0191 .0206 . 0221 .2500 I .0237 .0252 .0267 .0283 . 0299 .3333 I .0314 .0330 .0346 .0362 . .037g .4167 I .0394 .0410 .0426 .0992 0959 .5000 I .0475 .0992 .0508 .0525 . 0542 .5833 I .0559 .0576 .0594 .0610 . 0627 .6667 I .0645 .0662 .0680 .0698 . .0715 .7500 I .0733 .0751 .0769 .0787 .0806 ' .8333 i .0829 .0843 .0861 .0880 .0899 .9167 I .0918 .0937 .0956 .0976 0995 1.0000 I .1015 .1034 .1054 .1074 . 1094 1.0833 I .1114 .1135 .1155 .1176 . :1197 1.1667 I .1218 .1239' .1260 .1282 .1303 1.2500 I .1325 .1397 .1369 .1391 1913 1.3333 I .1436 .1959 .1482 .1505 . .1528 1.4167 .1 .1552 .. .1575 .1599 .1623 1647 1.5000 I .1675 .1703.- .1731 .1759 . 1787 ' 1.5833 I .1816 .1845 .1874 .1903 . 1933 1.6667 I .1963 .1993 .2029 .2055 . .2066 1.7500 I .2117 .2149 .2181 .2214 2246 ' 1.8333 1.9167 I .2279 I .2451 .2313 .2486 .2347 .2522 .2381 .2558 . .2416 2595 2.0000 I .2636 .2678 .2720 .2763 . .2806 2.0833 I .2850 .2899 .2939 .2985 3031 2 .1667 I .3078 .3125 ..3179 : 3223 . . 3273 2:2500 1 .3323 .3375 .3427 .3480 3534 2.3333 I .3590 .3646 .3703 , :3761 . 3821 2.4167 I .3882 .3944 .4007 .4072 . .4138 . 2.5000 I .4225 .4313. .4403 .4995 4590 2.5833 2.6667 I .468T I .5216 .4787 .5332 .4889 .5452 :4995 .5577 . .5104 5707 2.7500 I .5879 .6057 .6293 .6438 . 6642 2.8333 I .6858 .7086 .7331 .7655 . 8002 2.9167 I .89'44 ,8924 .9458 1.0298 . 1.1138 3.0000 I 1.1978 1.2818 1.3658 1.4162 1 5121 ' 3.0833 I 1.5983 1.6818 1.7331 1.7567 . 1,7789 3.1667 1 1.7999 1.8198 1.8388 1.8570 . 1 8745 3.2500 1 1.8878 1.9005 1.9128 1.9246 . 1.9360 3.3333 3.9167 I 1.9471 I 1.9973 1.9578 2.0071 1.9682 2.0162 1.9783 2.0251 1.9881 2 0338 3.5000 I 2.0406 2.0471 2.0535 2.0598 . 2 0659 3.5833 1 2.0720 2.0778 2.0836 2.0892 . 2.0949 ' S/N; A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:24 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Time-Depth Curve Page 9.04 ' Name.... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6h Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civi l\PondPak\ Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6h Time SYNTHE I Output TIC CUMULATIVE RAINFALL(in) Time increment = .0167 hrs hrs -------- I Time on left -I----------------- represents ----------- time for first value in each row. 3.6667 3.7500 I 2.1003 I 2.1263 2.1057 2.1312 --------- 2.1110 2.1361 ----------- 2.1162 2.1409 -------------- 2.1213 2 1456 3.8333 I 2.1503 2.1549 2.1594 2.1639 . 2.1683 3.9167 I 2.1726 2.1769 2.1812 2.1854 2.1895 4.0000 I 2.1932 2.1969 2.2005 2.2040 2 2075 4.0833 I 2.2110 2.2145 2.2179 2.2212 . 2.2296 9.1667 I 2.2279 2.2311 2.2344 2.2376 2.2907 9.2500 I 2.2439 2.2470 2.2500 2.2531 2.2561 9.3333 I 2.2591 2.2628 2.2649 2.2679 2.2707 4.4167 I 2.2736 2.2764 2.2792 2.2820 2.2847 ' 4.5000 I .2.2872 2.2896 2.2920 2.2994 2.2967 9.5833 I 2.2991 2.3019 2.3037 2.3060 2.3082 4.6667 I 2.3105 2.3127 2.3149 2.3171 2.3193 4.7500 .1 2.3215 2.3236 2.3258 2.3279 2.3300 4.8333 I 2.3321 2.3391 2.3362 2.3382 2.3903 9.9167 I 2..3423 2.3443 2.3463 2.3493 2.3502 5.0000 I 2.3522 2.3541 2.3561 2.3580 2.3599 5..0833 I 2.3.618 2.3636 2..3655 2.3674 2.3692 5:1667 I 2.3711 2.3729 2.3797 2.3765 2.3783 ' 5.2500 I 2.3801 2.3818 2.3836 2.3854 2.3671 5.3333 i 2.3888 2.3906 2.3923 2.3940 2.3957 5.4167 I 2.3974 2.3990 2.4007 2.4024 2.4040 ' 5.5000 5.5833 I 2.9057 I 2.4137 2.4073 2.4153 2.4089 2.4169 2.4105 2.4185 2.4121 2.4201 5.6667 I 2.4216 2.4232 2.9247 2.4263 2.9278 5.7500 I 2.9293 2.4309 2.4334 2.4339 2.4354 5.8333 12.4369 2,4389. 2•.4398 2.4913 2.4428 5.9167 I 2.4442 2.4957 2.4471 2..4486 2.4500 1 r I ~I 1 1 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:24 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Time-Depth Curve Page 9.05 Name.... SOyr 6hr Tag: 50-lOh Event• 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civi l\PondPak\ Storm... SOyr 6hr Tag: 50- lOh SYNTHE TIC CUMULAT IVE RAINFALL(in) Time I Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs -------- ~ Time on left -I----------------- represents ----------- time for --- first value in each row. .0000 I .0031 .0189 ------ .0351 ----------- - .0517 ------------- .0686 .4167 ~ .0860 .1038 .1220 .1408 .1601 .8333 I .1799 .2004 .2215 .2932 .2658 1.2500 I .2891 .3134 .3385 .3655 .3967 1.6667 ~ .4292 .4634 .4992 .5370 .5787 2.0833 I .6294 .6834 .7414 .8040 .8725 2.5000 I .9526 1.0606 1.1830 1.3363 1.5690 2.9167 ~ 1.9083 2.5698 3.1490 3.4392 3.6492 3.3333 ~ 3.7609 3.8980 3.9981 4.0719 4.1380 3.7500 I 4.1992 4.2559 9.3089 4.3571 9.3965 4.1667 I. 4.9337 4.4690 4.5026 9.5347 4.5648 9.5833 ~ 4.5907 4.6156 9.6395 4.6626 4.6899 5.0000 I 4.7065 4.7274 4.7477 9.7673 4.7865 5.4167 I 4.8051 4.8232 4.8409 4.8581 4.8799 5.8333 ~ 4.8913 4.9074 4.9200 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:24 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 5.01 Name.... POST-DEV BIO. #1 File.... L:\1005016\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-BIOI.PPW ....................... ................. ........................::::::::::::: TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: .0833 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- Total Tc: .0833 hrs S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:29 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 5.02 Name.... POST-DEV BIO. #1 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-BIOI.PPW ------------------------------------------- Tc Equations used... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ___= User Defined ________________________ Tc = Value entered by user Where: Tc = Time of concentration S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:29 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 5.03 Name.... PRE-DEVEL File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-BIOI.PPW .............................::::....................................... ....................................... TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: .3120 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------- Total Tc: .3120 hrs S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:24 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 5.04 Name.... PRE-DEVEL File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-BIOI.PPW ------------------------------------ Tc Equations used... ------------------------------------------------------------ ___= User Defined _______________________________ Tc = Value entered by user Where: Tc = Time of concentration S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:29 AM Date• 2/27/2006 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Page 6.01 Name.... POST-DEV BIO. #1 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-BIO]..PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Soil/Surface Description CN -------------------------------- ---- CN Catalog.- Fully Developed Urban 82 -------------------------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted acres $C RUC CN ------- ----- ----- ------ .740 82.40 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 82.40 (82) ..............................................740.......................... ..................... S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:29 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Runoff CN-Area ' Name.... PRE-DEVEL Page 6.02 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-BIOI.PPW ' RUNOFF CU RVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres $C $UC CN 61 .740 61.00 ' COMPOSITE ......... AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> ............................... :74p .......... ............ 61:00 (61) . ............. .. i 1 1 1 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:24 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Unit Hyd. Equations Page 7.01 Name.... File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-BIOI.PPW SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD (Computational Notes) DEFINITION OF TERMS: ---------_ ------- ' At ------------------------------- = Total area (acre ) s : At = Ai+Ap Ai = Impervious area (acres) Ap = Pervious area (acres) CNi = Runoff curve number for impervious area CNp = Runoff curve number for pervious area floss = f loss constant infiltration (depth/time) gKs = Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (depth/time) Md = Volumetric Moisture Deficit ' Psi = Capillary Suction (length) hK = Horton Infiltration Decay Rate (time^-1) fo = Initial Infiltration Rate (depth/time) fc = Ultimate(capacity)Infiltration Rate (depth/time) Ia = Initial Abstraction (length) ' dt = Computational increment (duration of unit excess rainfall) Default dt is smallest value of 0.1333Tc, rtm, and th (Smallest dt is then adjusted to match up with Tp) UDdt = User specified override computational main time increment (only used if UDdt is => .1333TC) D(t) = Point on distribution curve (fraction of P) for time step t • K = 2 / (1 + .(Tr/Tp)): default K =.0.75: .(for Tr/Tp =. 1.67) . Ks = . Hydrograph shape factor ' = Unit Conversions * K: _ ((lhr/3600sec) * (lft/12in) * ((5280ft)**2/sq.mi)) * K . Default Ks = 645.33.3 * 0.75 = 484 ' Lag = P = Lag time from center of excess runoff (dt) to Tp: Lag = 0.6Tc Total re i it p c p ation depth, inches Pa(t) = Accumulated rainfall at time step t Pi(t) = Incremental rainfall at time step t ' qp = Peak discharge (cfs) for lin, runoff, for lhr, for 1 sq.mi _ . (KS * A * Q) / Tp (where Q = lin, runoff, A=sq.mi.) Qu(t) = Unit hydrograph ordinate (cfs) at time step t Q(t) = Final hydrograph ordinate (cfs) at time step t ' Rai(t)= Rap(t)= Accumulated runoff (inches) at time step t for impervious area Accumulated runoff (inches) at time ste t f Rii(t)= p or pervious area Incremental runoff (inches) at time step t for im er i Rip(t)= p v ous area Incremental runoff (inches) at time step t for ervi R(t) = p ous area Incremental weighted total runoff (inches) Rtm = Time increment for rainfall table Si = S for impervious area: Si = (1000/CNi) - 10 Sp = S for pervious area: Sp = (1000/CNp) - 10 t = Time step (row) number ' Tc = Tb = Time of concentration Time (hrs) of entire unit hydrograph: Tb = T Tp = p + Tr Time (hrs) to peak of a unit hydrograph: Tp = (dt/2) + Lag Tr = Time (hrs) of receding limb of unit hydrograph: Tr = ratio of Tp r~ ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 PondPack Ver. LandDesign Incorporated Time: 11:24 AM Date: 2/27/2006 fJ 1 1 1 1 Type.... Unit Hyd. Equations Page 7.02 Name.... File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\POndPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-BIOI.PPW SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD (Computational Notes) PRECIPITATION: ------------------------------------------------------- Column (1): Time for time step t Column (2): D(t) = Point on distribution curve for time step t Column (3): Pi(t) = Pa(t) - Pa (t-1): Col.(9) - Preceding Col. (9) Column (4): Pa(t) = D(t) x P: Col. (2) x P PERVIOUS AREA RUNOFF (using SCS Runoff CN Method) ------------------------ Column (5): Rap(t) = Accumulated pervious runoff for time step t If (Pa(t) is <= 0.2Sp) then use: Rap(t) = 0.0 If (Pa(t) is > 0.2Sp) then use: Rap(t) _ (Col. (9)-0.2Sp)**2 / (Col. (9)+0.8Sp) Column (6): Rip(t) = Incremental pervious runoff for. time step t Rip (t) _ Rap(t) - Rapt-1) Rip (t) = Col. (5) for current row - Col. (5) for preceding row. IMPERVIOUS AREA RUNOFF --------------------------------------------------- Column (7 & 8)... Did not specify to use impervious areas. INCREMENTAL WEIGHTED RUNOFF: --------------------------------------- Column (9): R(t) _ (Ap/At) x Rip(t) + (,Ai/At) x Rii(t) R(t) _ (Ap/At) x Col. (6) + (Ai/At) x Col. (8) SCS UNIT HYDROGR,AP.H METHOD: --------------------------.-----_______________ Column (10): Q(t) is computed with the SCS upit hydrograph method using RO and QuO. S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:29 AM Date: 2/27/2006 ' Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.03 Name.... POST-DEV BIO. #1 Tag: 2-6h Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-BIOI.PPW Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6h ' SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 2 year storm Duration = 5.9833 hrs Rain Depth = 2.4500 in ' Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Rain File -ID = - 2yr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ ' HYG File - ID - POST-DEV BIO. #1 2-6h Tc .0833 hrs Drainage Area = .740 acres Runoff CN= 62 ' Computational Time Increment .01111 hrs Computed Peak Time 3.1221 hrs Computed Peak Flow = 1.88 cfs ' Time Increment for HYG File = .0100 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.1200 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = 1.87 cfs ' ---DRAINAGE-AREA--- ID:POST-DEV.BIO. #1 CN = 82 Area .740 acres S 2.1951 in 0.2S = .9390 in Cumulative Runoff . ---------.9615 in .. . .059 ac-ft ' HYG Volume... .059 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** ' Time Concentration; Tc = .08333 hrs (ID: POST-DEV BIO. #1) Computational Incr, Tm = .01111 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.432 (37.96 under rising limb) K = 983.43/645.333, K = .7991 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7991) Unit peak, qp = 10.06 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .05555 hrs ' Unit receding limb, Tr = .22221 hrs Total unit time, Tb = .27777 hrs 0 1 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:29 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.04 Name.... POST-DEV BIO. #1 Tag: 10-6h Event: 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-BIOI.PPW Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10-6h SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 10 year storm Duration = 5.9833 hrs Rain Depth = 3.5600 in Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Rain File -ID = - l0yr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ HYG File - ID = - POST-DEV BIO. #.1 10-6h Tc = .0833 hrs Drainage Area = .790 acres Runoff CN= 82 --------------------------- Computational Time Increment = .01111 hrs Computed Peak Time = 3.0554 hrs Computed Peak Flow = 3.13 cfs Time Increment for HYG File = .0100 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.0600 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = 3.13 cfs DRAINAGE AREA ID:POST-DEV BIO. #1 CN = 82 Area = .740 acres S = 2:1951 in 0.25 = .4390 in Cumulative Runoff 1.8323 in .113 ac-ft HYG Volume... .113 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ' ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** Time Concentration, Tc = '.08333 hrs (ID: POST-DEV BIO. #1) Computational Incr, Tm = .01111 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.932 (37.46 under rising limb) K = 483.43/645.333, K = .7991 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7991) Unit peak, qp = 10.06 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .05555 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .22221 hrs Total unit time, Tb = .27777 hrs S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:29 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.05 Name.... POST-DEV BIO. #1 Tag: 50-lOh Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-BIOI.PPW Storm... SOyr 6hr Tag: 50-lOh ' SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 50 year storm Duration = 6.0000 hrs Rain Depth = 9.9200 in Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Rain File -ID = - SOyr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ HYG File - ID = - POST-DEV BIO. #1 50-lOh Tc = ,0833 hrs ' Drainage. Area = .740 acres Runoff CN= 82 ---------------------- Computational Time Increment .01111 hrs ' Computed Peak Time 3.0888 hrs Computed Peak Flow 3.99 cfs ' Time Increment for HYG File = .0100 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.0800 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = 3.99 cfs ' ---DRAINAGE AREA - --- ID:POST-DEV BIO. #1 CN = 82 Area ..790 acres S 2.1951 in 0.2S = .9390 in Cumulative Runoff ' .------- 3.0076 in .185 ac-fb ' HYG Volume... .185 ac-ft (area under HYG curve)- ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAM ***** ETERS Time Concentration, Tc = .08333 hrs (ID: POST-DEV BIO. #1) ' Computational Incr, Tm = .011,11 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.932 (37.46 under rising limb) K = 483.43/695.333, K = .7991 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7991) Unit peak, qp = 10.06 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .05555 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .22221 hrs ' Total unit time, Tb = .27777 hrs ii 1 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:24 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 ' Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.06 Name.... PRE-DEVEL Tag: 2-6h Event: 2 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-BIOI.PPW Storm... 2yr 6hr Tag: 2-6h ' SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 2 year storm Duration = 5.9833 hrs Rain Depth = 2.4500 in Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Rain File -ID = - 2yr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ HYG File - ID = - PRE-DEVEL 2-6h ' Tc = .3120 hrs Drainage Area = .740'acres Runoff CN= 61 ----------------- Computational Time Increment _ .04160 hrs Computed Peak Time 3.3280 hrs Computed Peak Flow .13 cfs Time Increment for HYG File = .0100 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.3300 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = .13 cfs ---DRAINAGE-AREA--- ID:PRE-DEVEL CN = 61 ' Area .740 acres S 6.3934 in 0.2S = 1.2787 in Cumulative Runoff. ' .1814 in .011 ac-ft HYG Volume... .Oll ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ' ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** Time Concentration, Tc = .31200 hrs (ID: PRE-DEVEL) Computational Incr, Tm = _ .09160 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.932 (37.46 under rising limb) K = 483.43/695.333, K .7991 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7991) Unit peak, qp = 2.69 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .20800 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .83200 hrs ' Total unit time, Tb = 1.04000 hrs 1 1 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:29 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 n n 1 Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.07 Name.... PRE-DEVEL Tag: 10-6h Event: 10 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-BIOI.PPW Storm... l0yr 6hr Tag: 10-6h SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 10 year storm Duration = 5.9833 hrs Rain Depth = 3.5600 in Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ Rain File -ID = - l0yr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ HYG File - ID = - PRE-DEVEL 10-6h Tc = .3120 hrs Drainage Area = .790 acres Runoff CN= 61 Computational Time Increment = .09160 hrs Computed Peak Time = 3.2448 hrs Computed Peak Flow = .54 cfs Time. Increment for HYG File = .0100 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.2500 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = .54 cfs DRAINAGE AREA ZD:PRE-DEVEL CN = 61 Area = .740 acres S = 6.3934 in 0.2S = 1.2787 in Cumulative Runoff .5999 in .037 ac-ft HYG Volume... .037 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** Time Concentration, Tc = .31200 hrs (ID: PRE-DEVEL) Computational Incr,.Tm = .04160 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.432 (37.46 under rising limb) K = 483.43/645.333, K = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7991) Unit peak, qp = 2.69 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .20800 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .83200 hrs Total unit time, Tb = 1.09000 hrs S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:24 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 7.08 Name.... PRE-DEVEL Tag: 50-lOh Event: 50 yr File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-BIOI.PPW Storm... 50yr 6hr Tag: 50-lOh ' SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 50 year storm Duration = 6.0000 hrs Rain Depth = 9.9200 in Rain Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ ' Rain File -ID = - SOyr 6hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\ HYG File - ID = - PRE-DEVEL 50-lOh Tc = .3120 hrs , ' Drainage Area = .740 acres Runoff CN= 61 -------------------- Computational Time Increment .09160 hrs ' Computed Peak Time 3.2948 hrs Computed Peak Flow 1.19 cfs ' Time Increment for HYG File = .0100 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 3.2500 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = 1.18 cfs ' ---DRAINAGE AREA - --- ID:PRE-DEVEL CN = 61 Area = .740 acres S = 6.3934 in 0.2S = 1.2787 in Cumulative .Runoff ' ~ 1.3213 in ' .081 ac-ft ' HYG Volume... .081 ac-ft (aYea under HYG curve) ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PAR ***** AMETERS Time' Concentration, Tc = .31200 hrs (ID: PRE-DEVEL) ' Computational Incr, Tm = .04160 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.432 (37.46$ under rising limb) K = 463.43/645.333, K = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7491) ' Unit peak, qp = 2.69 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .20800 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .83200 hrs ' Total unit time, Tb = 1.04000 hrs ~1 1 ' S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:24 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Vol: Elev-Area Page 8.01 Name.... BIO. #1 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-BIOI.PPW Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(A1*A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft) ----------- (sq.in) (acres) --------------------- (acres) ------------ (ac-ft) (ac-ft) 628.00 ----- .0427 ---- .0000 ---------- .000 ------------- .000 629.00 ----- .0521 .1920 .047 .047 629.25 ----- .0595 .1599 .013 .061 POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes. Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-EL1) * (Areal + Areal + sq.rt.(Areal*Area2)) where: EL1, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal,Area2 =Areas computed for EL1, EL2, respectively Volume = Incremental volume between ELl and EL2 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:24 AM Date: 2/27/2006 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Outlet Input Data Page 9.01 Name.... Outlet 3 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-BIOI.PPW REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 628.00 ft Increment = .10 ft Max. Elev.= 629.25 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (Upstream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to Upstream) <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft ----------------- ---- ------- --------- --------- Weir-Rectangular WO --->. TW 628.500 629.250 TW SETUP, DS Channel S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:24 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Type.... Outlet Input Data Page 9.02 Name.... Outlet 3 File.... L:\1005018\CAD\Civil\PondPak\VILLAGE-D-POST-BZOI.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID Structure Type # of Openings Crest Elev. Weir Length Weir Coeff. WO Weir-Rectangular 1 628.50 ft 70.00 ft 3.333000 Weir TW effects (Use adjustment equation) Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFACE CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES... Maximum Iterations= 40 Min. TW tolerance = .O1 ft Max. TW tolerance = .Ol ft Min. HW tolerance = .O1 ft Max. HW tolerance = .O1 ft Min. Q tolerance = .00 cfs Max.. Q tolerance = .00 cfs S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated PondPack Ver. Time: 11:24 AM Date: 2/27/2006 Appendix A Index of Startin Pa N b f g ge um ers or ID Names ----- 1 ----- ' l0yr 6hr 10=6h... 4.01 - 2 - 2yr 6hr 2-6h... 4.03 ' ----- 5 ----- 50yr 6hr 50-lOh... 4.05 ----- B ----- ' BIO. #1.. 8.01 ~ - G - --- Gastonia... 3.01, 3.02 ' ----- O ----- Outlet 3... 9.01 ----- P ----- POST-DEV BIO. #1... 5.01, 6.01, ' 7.03, 7.04, 7.05 PRE-DEVEL... 5.03, 6.02, 7.06, 7.07, 7.08 ' ----- w ----- watershed... 1.01, 2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2.04, 2.05, 2.06, 2.07 S/N: A21305C2E1C5 LandDesign Incorporated ' PondPack Ver. Time: 11:29 AM A-1 Date: 2/27/2006