HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0004626_WASTELOAD ALLOCATION_19891117NPDES DOCUMENT SCANNING COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0004626 Document Type: Permit Issuance 'Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Speculative Limits Correspondence Instream Assessment (67B) Environmental Assessment (EA) Permit History Document Date: November 17, 1989 This document is printed on reuse paper - more any ooRxtent on the rQYQrf►e side §'}emu ' F. _1 PPG INDUSTRIES, INC./P.O. BOX 949/LEXINGTON, NORTl-i CAROLINA 27293IAREA 7041249-$151 Works No. 53 Fiber Glass Products November 17, 1989 Mr. Dale Overcash Dept. of Health, Environment, and Natural Resources P. 0. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611--7687 Subject: NPDES Permit #NC0004626 PPG Industries, Inc. Davidson County Dear Mr. Overcash: rJith reference to our telephone conversation and the October 19, 1989 letter signed by Mr. Wilms,. PPG Industries requests that addi- tional consideration be given to our previous request to eliminate or modify the monitoring requirements for oil & grease and Nitrate - Nitrite Nitrogen and the elimination of the effluent limits for oil & grease. This request is based on the following: 1. The oil referred to as a constituent of our fiber glass coating is a biodegradable vegetable oi.l, not a petroleum product. 2. There has never been a noticeable oil sheen at our outfall nor have any of the routine inspection reports by the State made reference to any evidence of oil/grease at our treatment plant or outfall . 3. No specific standard exists for oil & grease and we feel that an arbitrary limit of 30/60 mgle is unwarranted and. that the require- ment to monitor on a weekly basis is excessive. 4. Our wastewater is Nitrogen deficient and requires that we feed aqueous Ammonia daily to our aeration tanks. The feed rate is controlled by the monitoring of residual Ammonia in our final clarifiers. 5. Our interpretation of 15NCAC 28.0508 (d) is that the specific monitoring requirements are for those listed SIC codes. Our plant is not covered by any of these codes, including the 9999 group which refers to domestic sewage. As stated previously our waste only contains 8 percent domestic and the other monitoring require- ments have not been applied to us, therefore we do not feel that the Nitrate -Nitrite should either. {+ y,r " � � t � •a'i� { � y E'rlk -. wILI 0,n EIS ji.� � � °tyiaKr. . Page 2 L } r, ,pr •.^fir... : ; ` -: •' We feel that our requests are reasonable and that the elimination' of these additional requirements will not adversely affect the water quality of N. Potts Creek or Nigh Rock Lake. --._Thank you for your attention in this request. Sincerely, W. Buchanan Supervisor, Environmental Affairs dg pc: F. Hord M. LeCroy L. Sal lard I State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street Y Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor R. Paul Wilms William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary October 19, 1989 Director Mr. J. W. Buchanan Supervisor, Environmental Affairs PPG Industries, Inc. P.O. Box 949 Lexington, North Carolina 27293 Subject: PPG Industries Permit Concerns NPDES Permit No. NC0004626 Davidson County Dear Mr. Buchanan, i am writing in response to your l(tcter c,ated July "�, 1�6., ccncer:i`..y ,_-hL; NPDES permit renewal for PPG Industries. I offer the following reply to your specific comments. 1) Oil & Grease PPG produces fiber glass yarn which has a lubricant coating consisting of starch and oils. When oil and grease is anticipated to be present in an effluent, the Division typically employs an effluent limit for oil and grease of 30 mg/1 as a monthly average and 60 mg/l as a daily maxi- mum. The samples analyzed from PPG's effluent (range of 1 -29 mg/l with an average of -11.5 mg/1) for one month confirms the need for a limit on oil and grease. 2) Chronic Toxicity Toxicity limits and testing frequencies are a basic NPDES permit require- ment for all industrial facilities, facilities with complex wastewaters, and major municipalities. Therefore, the quarterly chronic toxicity limit will remain in the permit. 3) Nitrate &_Nitrite Nitrogen Pursuant to Regulation 15 NCAC 2B.0508 (d), all facilities in the Yadkin River basin equal to or greater than 50,000 gpd, shall monitor for Total Phosphorus and Total Nitrogen on a quarterly basis. This regulation spe- cifies that "Total Nitrogen shall be the sum of total Kjeldahl nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, and nitrite nitrogen expressed as "N" in mg/111. PPG Industries discharges into North Potts Creek which feeds into High Rock Lake. High Rock Lake is considered eutrophic, therefore all potential Pollution Prevention Paps P.O- Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 'Telephone 919.733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer sources of nutrient loads need to be well documented. Since nitrate and nitrite nitrogen represent forms of nitrogen that are readily available for algal growth and PPG,industries is required to monitor these forms, this reporting requirement will remain in the permit. 4) Total Suspended Solids Effluent monitoring data for PPG show low variability and averages con- sistently below the allowable amount of TSS. Therefore, the reduction of monitoring for TSS from daily to weekly will be accepted. 5) Fecal Coliform Since domestic wastewater only constitutes 8 percent of the total efflu- ent the fecal coliform monitoring frequency will be relaxed from daily in the permit renewal to weekly as contained in the previous permit. Your request to change the morning sampling time for the stream monitoring pro- gram is acceptable. We will change this time to "before 9:30 AM" for the morn- ing sample. However, the person responsible for sampling should be encouraged to take samples as early as possible to better document diurnal fluctuations. I hope that this letter adequately addresses your concerns. However, if the above decisions are unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this letter. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chatter 1.50g of the North Carolina, General.. Statues, and filed with the office of Admi:iistrative Hearings, Post 0=iice Drawer 11666, Raleigh,' No,:Lii Carolirra 27604. Unless such a request is made, this decision is final and binding. If you have any questions or comments regarding this matter please contact Mr. Trevor Clements or Mr. Dale overcash from my staff at (919) 733-5083. Sincerely, R. Paul Wilms cc:T.revor Clements Dale Overcash Steve Mauney Central Files �i NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Winston-Salem Regional Office September 26, 1989 M E M O R A N D U M t. I TO: Dale Overcash s THROUGH: Steve Mauney J, FROM: Mike Mickey SUBJECT: Permit Modification Request NPDES Permit No. NC0004626 PPG Industries, Inc. Davidson County The 7/21/89 modification request submitted by PPG ..concerning the recently reissued NPDES permit has been reviewed. WSRO recommends that chronic toxicity and nitrate - nitrite nitrogen remain as stated in the permit,as these only have quarterly monitoring requirements. The monitoring requirement and limitation for oil and grease should also remain as stated in the permit since recent sampling by PPG has shown levels in the effluent as high as 29 mg/l. Reduction of the TSS monitoring frequency from daily back to weekly,as in -the previous permit,is not recommended. Daily TSS monitoring is standard for most Grade IV facilities. WSRO does recommend that the fecal coliform monitoring frequency be relaxed from daily in the draft,to weekly as contained in the previous permit. Domestic wastewater only constitutes 8 percent of the total flow to the industrial WWTP. Values for fecal coliform reported on the self --monitoring forms during the last twelve months have all been less than 5/100 ml. MMM/vm cc. Central Files WSRO.-:uhl Q C E 0.3 1989 t ECH Y'v 1 7 g�L N CA tK RIC s '4 1 b, 54- 4--o Li L r-.4k e PPG INDUSTRIES, INC./P.O. BOX 9491LEXINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 27293/AREA 7041249-F151 Works No. 53 Fiber Glass Products July 21, 1989 Mr. Arthur Mouberry N. C. Department of Natural Resources RECEI VED Division of Environmental Management P. 0. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 JUL 2 6 1989 P E R P41 T Subject: Permit Renewal NPDES # NC0004626 PPG Industries, Inc. Lexington, Davidson County Dear Mr. Mouberry: As requested during our telephone conversation on July 13, 1989, the following is our written response to the draft permit (dated April 10, 1989) and to the letter signed by Mr. R. Paul Wilms (dated June 20, 1989. PPG Industries, Inc. operates a -wastewater treatment plant in conjunction with a fiber glass manufacturing plant. This facility is not listed in the tables for determining type and frequency of tests in NCAC TITLE 15, CHAPTER 2, SUQCHAPTER 2B, SECTION .0508. This fact had been established previously in an Administrative Hearing. Based on this fact: effluent limits and monitoring requirements were established and refined during the previous permit renewal processes. We feel that these requirements were reasonable and served to insure that the water quality in North Potts Creek was protected. Since there have been no water quality violations in the -vicin.ity.pf our discharge attributable to our effluent, we feel that the effluent limits and monitoring requirements are adequate and that any change In warranted from a technical or cost basis. 1989 The specific changes which we believe to be unnecessar oApu19 follows. the protection of -the water quality in North Potts Creek are as lows. C-ENTRAL FILE COPY . FF `Page 2 s �� 6" V 1. Oil & Grease We are unclear why this has been added as a requirement-'br''how the limits were established. This has not been an issue in the past, nor has there been any evidence of oil or grease in our er'fluent. We collected effluent samples during the period*.,f 4/11 - 5/25/89. These samples were analyzed by us and also submitted to a certified commercial laboratory. The result range from i - 29 mg/1 with an average of 11.5 We feel this indicates that oil & grease is not a problem in our effluent and should not be added to our permit. II. Chronic Toxity Our effluent has been tested twice by the state in the past two years and found to be non -toxic. We question the value of adding this as a quarterly requirement. If you feel it must be tested on a regular basis, perhaps once per year would suffice. III. Nitrate & Nitrite Nitrogen Our raw waste stream is extremely low in Nitrogen and requires that we add Ammonia as a nutrient to our biological process. The amount of Ammonia fed is controlled by the monitoring of Ammonia in the effluent and controlled to residual of 1 mg/1 or less. At this level there is little change of Nitrate or Nitrite existing in any significant amount. To confirm this, we sampled the effluent from 4-24 - 5/22/89 and had the samples analyzed by a certified, commercial laboratory. The results showed an average Nitrate level of .27 mg/1 with a range from .05 - .59. The Nitrite levels were all less than .01. We feel this justifies the elimination of this requirement. IV. Total Suspended Solids This parameter has been monitored on a weekly basis since the issuance of the original NPOES. Since compliance with this effluent limit has not been a problem, we.question the necessity of increasing the testing frequency. V. Fecal Coliform Our effluent is continuously chlorinated and the residuals are reported on a daily basis. The Fecal Coliforms are typically very low (usually less than 10). For this reason we believe that a test frequency of once per week combined wi-th_the..dai•ly chlorine residual monitoring should be sufficient. AUG Is 1989, CENTRAL FILE COPY + ' Hy l M~rr _R .' ., ' �•._a � � �'.;g ��' z n��ta Ny y1 h�F ��� 'Go u� ' 4 - `• n� r!v.•�n RlAl`zL R 'or� y y�ti�iitr,, P age •'3 ,tx G S,Fr�i3,:Fi'"f''t"1 r i - _ i, .•r+ .fie-1�.',�"-_a'SC'rV&'�,,'X ji!bs..3sr ' •• We are wi 11in to accept -i f2 V g p your proposed stream •monitor�ng�`.�� program of sampling only one day/week, with an additignal sample in the afternoon on the same day. We would reques.t''that, the requirement to sample before 8:00 a.m. be modified,to perhaps 9:00--9:30. This would allow our technicians time to get the sample points without requiring them to come to work before their normal starting time of 8:00. All other issues as described in the June 20, 1989 letter are acceptable. We appreciate the opportunity of presenting our comments on your proposals, and look forward to an'early response. M. - Sincerely, IUp&r�,�W. Buchanan ervisor, Environmental Affairs PPG Industries, Inc. 18 1989 U CENTRAL FILE COF r . 0 State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of ) nvirorimentid NIzimigcment 512 North Salisbury Street 0 Raleigh, \North Carolina 27611 Jarnes G. Martin, Governor June 20, 1989 R. Nul Wilms William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Director Mr. J.W. Buchanan, Supervisor Environmental Affairs PPG Industries, Inc, P.O. Box 949 Lexington, North Carolina 27293 Subject: Requested Changes in Draft Permit PPG Industries, Inc., Davidson County NPDES Permit No. NCO004626 Dear Mr. Buchanan, I am writing in response to your letter of May 10, 1989 concern- ing the changes requested in the renewal letter for the draft permit f-of PPG Industries' discharge into North Potts Creek. I offer the following reply to your specific comments. Your request for the daily average flow of 0.6 MGD to be resumed as in your previous permit (issued 4/29/77) was granted in this permit renewal. Please note that the adjudicatory proceedings which established specific requirements for the existing NPDES permit do not auto- matically pertain to this per renewal. However, your concerns with the instream monitoring frequencies have been carefully con- sidered and the Division has developed the following alternatives to the draft permit conditions. The instream monitoring parame- ters will be dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, and conductivity. These parameters should be measured twice per day (morning samples taken before 8:00 AM and afternoon samples taken between 12:00 PM and 4:00 PM), on a weekly basis during the designated summer months. All other instream monitoring parameters may be dropped. We will keep the summer months as June through October a�equested. This information is necessary for our analysis of the impact of the discharge on the creek and the adjoining lake below. The point where PPG Industries discharges to North Potts Creek is on an upper arm of High Rock Lake. High Rock Lake has been documented as eutrophic and further impacts to the water system need to be well documented during the critical periods of the day. 1�0. 13ox 27687, 161dgh, Nlt>rth Carolina )761r-7687 le{ephone 919-733-7015 An f_r1u71 Opporninity, A({irmativc Action Employer If the above decisions are unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of the issued permit. This request must•be in the form -of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearing, Post Office Drawer 11666, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604. Unless such a request is made, this decision is final and binding. If you have any questions regarding this matter please contact Mr. Trevor Clements or Mr. Arthur Mouberry from my staff at (919) 733-5083. 'Sincerely , R. Paul Wilms cc: aTrevor-Cle-me nts Arthur Mouberry Brenda Smith Central File MAY 15 1989 t PERK?!IS & F�C11UrI `r+i, d' PPG INDUSTRIES, INC.IP.O. BOX 949/LEXINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 27293/AREA 704/249-8151 Works No. 53 Fiber Glass Products May 10, 1989 Mr. Arthur Mouberry N. C. Department of Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management P. 0. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 Subject: NPDES Permit No. NC0004626 PPG Industries, Inc. Lexington, Davidson County Draft Renewal Dear Mr. Mouberry: PPG Industries, Inc. respectfully requests that the significant changes proposed in the April 10, 1989 draft be deleted and that the permit be issued with the changes requested in our renewal letter. The establishment of the critical summer period as June - October, the testing frequency of Fecal Coiiform and total suspended solids and other parameters has been previously established through an adjudicatory hearing and many subsequent meetings between PPG and the DEM. This has resulted in a permit with adequate effluent limits and test frequencies to ensure the protection of water quality in the North Potts Creek area. We have calculated the additional costs for the proposed changes as exceeding $3000 per year. Since there have been no water quality problems in the North Potts Creek area, we do not feel that the additional costs are justified. We appreciate your consideration of this request and would like to suggest that a meeting be held to discuss each of the specific items on the draft permit before the permit is issued. Sincerely, rnUvPironrm'LTental chanan or, Affairs 1 MC. PPG INDUSTRIES, INC./P.O. BOX 9491LEXINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 272931AREA 704/249-8151 Works No. 53 Fiber Glass Producls Ocober 7, 1988 Mr. M. Dale Overcash Permits and Engineering Unit Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 27687 RECEIVED Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 OCT I ! Subject: NPDES Permit No. NCO004626 Renewal PERMITS& ENGINEERIf4C PPG Industries, Inc. Lexington, North Carolina '4 Dear Mr. Overc as h : M V M h D PPG Industries, Inc. respectfully requests that NPDES Permi '00'Q 5 i988 ✓ NCO004626 be renewed for a full term with the following requested modifications. P-,.::, �1. Return the total daily flow to .6 MGD daily average and .9 MGD daily max. as specified in our previous NPDES permit (issued 4/29/77). 2. Reduce the frequency of stream monitoring in the summer months to once/week. We propose that the existing effluent limits and other conditions be retained-. Enclosed is a check for $150 for the renewed fee and the Standard Form C Application. Sincerely 4WBuchanan Supervisor, Environmental Affairs K. A4Ci"d "S?&Akj-- +b FP I / �Vg'�MPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION PERMIT NO.: NC00 ®y 6 zE, Modeler Date Rec. FACILITY NAME; Facility Status: i kircie 0") - Permit Status: y2 - 110p,A It (CMd. 0") - — Major Minorr Pipe No: �' 1 Design .Capacity (MGD): t_c_ fl Domestic (X of Flom): 26 Industrial (S of Flow): CN2_%, _37mou S. Comments: RECEIVING STREAM: CA-F_-GK Class: Sub -Basin: - 0 5 - o7 Reference USGS Quad: 20e NE (please attach) County: Regional Office: As Fa Mo . Ra Wa WI (CA"10 one) Requested By:- ly& - Date: Prepared By:1�`.Lt a �LXXJ1J Date: / ` Reviewed By: V rDate: - 70 r Drainage Area (me) _L1 5- Avg. Streamflow (cfs): 7Q10 (cfs) Winter 7Q10 (cfs) 30Q2 (cfs) --` ,_— Toxicity Limits: IWC �_ S (cirri. one) Acute (Chroni� Instream Monitoring: Parameters �I' r�C OCr01 Upstream Downstream Location 6�botj �'1 �� 1� Location ). U ^ i '6G r�- > N„,A,oi� Effluent Characteristics rnb►`1 ��1Q.� I'Ylh ;�"'`., `si, BODa; .sUr�,nheV c1 31c� 3$ m _# TSS, - Lj 1 h+ey" # 14 #ld a� � F. Col. (/100ml) 1 FOR APPROPRIATE DISCHARGERS, LIST COMPLETE GUIDELINE LIMITATIONS BELOW Effluent Characteristics Monthly Average Daily Maximum Comments 1�17 g;6 L 'J, O = crro.a /!uv A, L o • o .1 uo �L Type of Product Produced Lbs/Day Produced Effluent Guideline Reference 1 76 Y ao0 C. i _ , Lr SS . 7] -&&U ` d��� AA = rS 27 n-t G D �r �V # ci ;s a Tll�p c Ls - 9 , M0 LIC44LE ca. - T C cs Lam%irs Aa- v u • r- R�Och— u M Ewr 7z r [` 2u c -*T-1 U �-3 Z /-GL7 e`�C C.S7/C iY� �f"L .QCS�' [S" /1��N-Cc. TfJC� Cuc�lY C EU4 I ?P&T4dv54j,i*e6 '. " ;,o 0,1 tv, q,?�a .! Ptd ob . er-iG+l !n 1 i W,�As D� is r7%d iss fr Nolqk PA �.. vice1< `3 H-#/d aSLo *.14 ILpg /d i 0I/I ct aaa �g �b�rpo w�P J�oo r�o�� �2aoa/r ac, ►�P AePPmsc rs -ta Lin `b l D� r-O5 Coy�nvnr f75 ►�' 1 I81 ,yob A ,30 to ryt -rS3 suwi�- 155 o a)-Lt (X.." Jp� PP6- DA= i uz nu.a W= [1.6 cis �foe 1.o A Tom= a.aC-s Ten"o lbo ��ba7 �•� fr•4� �� �17 R(jck I&Jrj be,C u) CG �J or cJ W, )I 1I.�, 1,q Is //, l �.a Request No. :5005 --------------------- WASTEFOAD ALLOCATION APPROVAL FORM --------------------- Permit Number : NC0004626 Facility Name : PPG INDUSTRIES Type of Waste : 8% DOMESTIC / 92% INDUSTRIAL Status : EXISTING Receiving Stream : NORTH POTTS CREEK Stream Class : WS-III Subbasin : 030704 County : DAVIDSON Drainage Area (sq mi) : 11.5 Regional Office : WSRO Average Flow (cfs) : 11.0 Requestor : DAVID FOSTER Summer 7Q10 (cfs) 1.0 Date of Request : 12/8/89 Winter 7010 (cfs) 2.2 Quad : E17NE 3002 (cfs) 2.8 ------------------------- RECOMMENDED EFFLUENT LIMITS ------------------------- M06-5 Mad— — - 0on6eo4kA_-boh - Mon Ave Dal Max Mon Ave Dal Max Wasteflow (mgd): 0.6 5-Day BOD -summer 157 #/d 314 #/d 38mg/1 75mg/1 ������ 5-Day BOD -winter : 314 #/d 630 #/d 75mg/l 151mg/1 TSS -summer : 105 #/d 168 #/d IVAH C TSS -winter : 146 #/d 292 #/d Fecal Coliform (#/100ml): 1000 PcRPri� � :, l�ipu�f'vt „iiyG Oil & Grease 30mg/l 60mg/l --------------------------------- MONITORING ----------------------- Upstream (Y/N): Y Location: ABOVE DISCHARGE POINT Downstream (Y/N): Y Location: 0.3 MILE BELOW DISCHARGE POINT ---------------------------------- COMMENTS------- --------------------------- ;ECOMMEND INSTREAM MONITORING FOR BODS, DO, TEMPERATURE, AND 7ECAL COLIFORM. RECOMMEND EFFLUENT MONITORNG FOR TOTAL PHOSPHORUS & TOTAL KJELDAHL NITROGEN THE ABOVE ARE THE EXISTING LIMITS EXCEPT FOR WASTEFLOW AND OIL & GREASE. 3EE ATTACHED TOXICITY TESTING REQUIREMENT � �'��,a. �W% V,��o�� ia�►.Q� �iJ 2RL) tL coravti���'s ��A �i� �wec \o�Ns �'Z�o,nwaQ.�� e.�'<w, Q � I � � � c, �i+z,c '\J�S��i 0 ` 5,.nR. �► c s :or Recommended by Date 2 0 B Reviewed by: r7ech. Support Supervisor Regional Supervisor Permits & Engineering Date 5.3 _ Date ------------ Date _ 34L'-/-- RETURN TO TECHNICAL SERVICES BY MA j 1 1989 Facility Name 17 � l� �� S Permit # CHRONIC TOXICITY TESTING REQUIREMENT (QRTRLY) The effluent discharge shall at no time exhibit chronic toxicity in any two consecutive toxicity tests, using test procedures outlined in: 1.) The North Carolina Ceriodaphnia chronic effluent bioassay procedure (North Carolina Chronic Bioassay Procedure - Revised `February 1987) or subsequent versions. The effluent concentration at which there may be no observable inhibition of reproductJon or significant mortality is % (defined as treatment two in the North Carolina procedu:_- document). The permit holder shall perform quarterly monitoring using this procedure to establish compliance with the permit condition. The fir t test will be xformed after thirty da}•s from issuance of this permit during the months of b 1� Effluent sampling for this testing shall be performed at the PD pe fitted final effluent discharge below all treatment processes. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Monitoring Form (MR-1) for the month in which it wzs ,,erfc�irry l usi!-g the parameter code TGP3B. Additionally, DEM Form AT-1 (original) is to be sent to the following aldress: Attention: Technical Services Branch North Carolina Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N.C. 27611 Test data shall be complete and accurate andinclude all supporting chemical/physical measurements Performed in association with the toxicity; tests; as well as all dose/response, data. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should any single quarterly monitoring indicate a failure to meet specified limits, then monthly monitoring will begin immediately until such time that a single test is passed. Upon passing, this monthly test requirement will revert to quarterly in the months specified above. Should any test data from this `monitoring requirement or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management indicate potential impacts to the receiving streE n, this permit maybe re -opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or mits. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as rr2-timum control organism survival and appropriate. environmental controls, shall constitute an Mvalid test and will require immediate retesting(within 30 days of initial monitoring event). Failur? to submit suitable test results will constitute noncompliance with monitoring requirements. 7QM 1, © cfs Permited Flow MGD IWC% Basin & Sub -basin Receiving Stream r+ poiY5 aio County - Recommended by: Date Q,1 *Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia) P/F at%, ! V, See Part, Condition.