HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG140007_COMPLETE FILE - HISTORICAL_20070928STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. /V u& ' y V 067 DOC TYPE. 1 HISTORICAL FILE ❑ MONITORING REPORTS DOC DATE ❑ YYYYMMDD SEP-28-2007 10:19 FROM:TARBORO 2528235532 T0:19197ee7159 P.1 1710 ANACONDA RD TARBORO, NC 27886 (252) 823-4184 fax (252)823-5532 Facsimile Transmittal 10 From: QM /24e9.. [c-.,C'-.�e Date: 9/A/o% Company Name: 04 ate. ae4 Attn: //Qost e Fax Number: 2kf:-- 915� Subject: jJ-.t Number of Pages: 3J Per Your Request: O/' FYI: Comments: Please Call: Please Respond: ee. .3 d-e r #.ti I/r IA/ Lot- AL1 L/C A4E f_ /7'EJ eK. Lo's ( ' 0 If you do not receive all pages or if they are illegible please call (252)442-6181 SEP-28-2007 10:23 FROM:TRRBORO 2528235532 TO:19197887159 P.2 NCG 740utr/ COMPLIANCE TASK SCHEDULE (Year 3) (Use this form for Permit issued in 20041 J Task to be Performed Required Documentation Target Date Frequency Status Completion Date Make copies of Fortes I thru 7 None 02/28/07 annual •/Lh! Obtain SWPPP certification signatures Form 1 02/28/07 annual 4) Appoint the S W PPT members Forth 1 02/28/07 as needed • 1 Train SWPPT Members/ Company Personnel on SWPPP activities and compliance Form 4 03/30/07 annual O _L/ 20/ of Check BMP target dates and modify dates if required. Tables 4 and 5 03/30/07 annual V 1 c% Review stormwater discharge monitoring procedures None 04/30/07 as needed O Make copies of BMP Checklists # I thru #6 None 04/30/07 each Spring 0 _5�2 30/ J Perform site inspections Checklists # 1 - #6 04/30/07 each Spring O Observe wet weather discharge from outfalls' Checklist #6 05/15/07 each Spring 410 Collect and Analyze stormwater sample DWQ Form 05/U/07 See Permit O c-/ . I Implement additional BMPs as needed Table 5 05/30/07 as needed • 5 /3c / - Collect & Analyze process wastewater sample DWQ Form 09/J &2 See Permit O Make copies of BMP Checklists #1 thru 96 None 10/30/07 each Fall ® //fe /o2 Perform site inspections Checklists # 1 - 46 10/30/07 each Fall O 9 ! ! o Comprehensive Compliance Inspection 3 Fortes 6 and 7 10/30/07 annual O 9 // j /0i Observe wet weather discharge from outfalls' Checklist #6 11/15/07 each Fall O _2__/ / ! / —'I Obtain Non-stormwater discharge certification signatures Form 3 11/20/07 annual O _8__/A d1 Review the SWPPP Form 2 11/30/07 annual 4B /2'E/0 ? Make needed revisions to SWPPP Form 5 11/30/07 as needed O Develop/ modify BMPs as needed Table 5 11/30/07 as needed O Submit Significant Spill Report Form 8 @ O Submit Permit Non -Compliance Report Form 9 @ O Insert completed forms, checklists, and this page into Appendix F None 12/30/07 annual O O Task has not been completed. • Task has been completed on date indicated. @ Report required at each incident. Send original to NCDWQ, send copy to General Manager. Insert completed observation fortes into Appendix F— Do not send to NCDWQ this year. Mail original and copy of Monitoring Report to NCDWQ; insert copy into Appendix F. The Comprehensive Compliance Inspection can be performed in conjunction with the Fall site inspections. DPD Team Concrete - Tarboro Appendir A Stormwater Polludon Prevention Plan Page A., SEP-28-2007 10:24 FROM:TARBORO 2528235532 TO:19197887159 P.3 Good Housekeeping Program BMP Checklist #1 Building/ Area: (a ,Lo. .y C SWPPTMember: iLcO;S NCG140007 Date: — 1,4 — o% Time: Yes No NIA A. Operation and Maintenance 1. Are trash, used pallets, and waste debris picked up and disposed regularly? ❑ ❑ 2. Is equipment free of leaking oil and lubricants? I- ❑ ❑ 3. Is there a routine inspection for leaks or conditions that could lead to pollutant contact with stormwater or the ground? I' ❑ ❑ 4. Are drips/ leaks of oil and fuel cleaned up promptly? Er ❑ ❑ 5. Are trash dumpsters covered to minimize contact with precipitation? ❑ 0- ❑ 6. Are litter patrols conducted at least once per month? a- ❑ ❑ 7. Are scrap parts and empty drums disposed regularly and properly? .0- ❑ ❑ 8. Is truck rinse water diverted to a retention pond or sediment control device? f7 ❑ ❑ B. Material Storage Practices 1. Is adequate space provided for material handling, storage, and easy access for inspection of containers? ;�r ❑ ❑ 2. Are containers (e.g., drums, palls) in good condition, properly sealed, and stored away from direct traffic routes to prevent accidental spills? 21' ❑ ❑ 3. Are open drums placed on spill -containment pallets? ❑ ❑ 4. Are hazmat containers stored under shelter or indoors? yl ❑ ❑ 5. Are material storage areas and loading/ unloading areas protected from precipitation, surface Flow, and runoff? ❑ ❑ Er - 6. Is runoff from aggregate piles diverted to a sediment Control device? 0' ❑ ❑ C. Material Inventory Procedures 1. Are MSDS sheets readily available to all employees at all times? ❑ ❑ 2. Are excessive chemical inventories minimized? @' ❑ ❑ 3. Are containers > 55-gals labeled to show the name and/ or type of substance, Tank ID number, and container volume, and hazards? ❑ ❑ 4. Are hazardous waste accumulation points operated and maintained according to OSHA, USEPA, and local regulations? '0' ❑ ❑ Comments: Yes: In compliance DPD Team Concrete - Tarboro Appendix A No: Implement BtviP N/A: Not Applicable Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan BMP Checklist k/ SEP-28-2007 10:24 FROM:TRRBORO 2528235532 TO:19197887159 Personnel Training and Record Keeping BMP,Checklist #2 Building/ Area: Tu 1 �c, u SWPPTMember:�.� �cciS M NCG140007 Date: 19111A,10 Time: 7•'bJ dl.< Yes No A. Employee Training Program 1. Is a training program in place to instruct employees on the goals and components of the SWPPP? t� ❑ ]/A 2. Have employees received training in the past 12 months regarding: a. Spill prevention and response? 2' ❑ ❑ b. Good housekeeping? ❑-- ❑ ❑ c. Proper fuel, oil, and chemical management practices? ff' ❑ ❑ d. Proper rinsing and cleaning of concrete trucks? C3_ ❑ ❑ 3. Are employees trained on proper spill prevention and response for the materials that they handle? Ge� ❑ ❑ 4. Are contractors and vendors informed of proper spill prevention and response for the materials that they handle or bring onto this site? 0' ❑ ❑ B. Record Keeping 1. Are Permit -specified discharge monitoring reports kept up to date and incorporated into the SWPPP file? Ca-- ❑ ❑ 2. Are Permit -required sediment control device inspection records kept up to date and incorporated into the SWPPP file? c; ' ❑ ❑ 3. Are site inspection records kept up to date and according to SWPPP guidelines? ❑� ❑ ❑ 4. Are significant spill incidents documented and do these records include all circumstances regarding the incident? ❑ ❑ 5. Is a list of names and telephone numbers of appropriate personnel and agencies for notification kept with spill response procedures in case of a reportable spill or leak? ❑ ❑ Comments: Yes: In compliance No: Implement BMP N/A: Not Applicable DPD Team Concrete — Tarboro Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Appendix A BMP Checklist il2 SEP-28-2007 10:25 FROM:TARBORO 2528235532 TO:19197887159 HazMat Storage in Aboveground Tanks BMP Checklist #3 Building/Area: '0/4- SWPPT Member: P6jj„ lA &, c,(-.1S P.5 NCG140007 Date: 9 ^ / 6- C ? Time: am Yes No N/A A. Spill Control 1. Is spill/ overflow prevention equipment (e.g., auto shutoff) installed, maintained and operating properly at fuel and chemical delivery areas? ❑ ❑ 2. Are fuel/ oiV lubricant storage tanks and fueling areas equipped with a secondary containment system or otherwise contained to prevent spills from directly entering the storm or sanitary sewer system? 8- ❑ ❑ 3. Are opened barrels/ drums/ totes containing POL or other chemicals placed on spill -containment pallets? @— ❑ ❑ 4. Are valves on secondary containment systems closed and locked? ❑ ❑ 5. Are oiV water separators or oiV grease traps installed in storm drains or sewer systems operating and maintained property? ❑ ❑ a — 6. Are spill prevention awareness signs visible? 4fr ❑ ❑ 7. Are spill kits readily accessible where hazmats are stored or used? 8--- ❑ ❑ 8. Are spills controlled using absorbents/ drip pans/ pads? effr" ❑ ❑ 9. Are there protective guards around aboveground tanks and pipes? S� ❑ 1 ❑ 10. Are storage tank systems inspected and is tank integrity tested regularly? En-- ❑ ❑ B. Dispensing from Drums 1. Are dispensing drums placed on spill containment pallets? 0- ❑ ❑ 2. Are drip pans, pads, or absorbents used to control minor leaks and drips? 8- ❑ ❑ C. Stormwater Exposure 1. Are hazmat storage areas protected from rainfall? ET, ❑ ❑ D. Cleanup Methods 1. Are dry cleanup methods used for spills? -�Er- ❑ ❑ 2. Is cleaning of hazmat storage areas with water avoided? ❑ ❑ Comments: Yes: In compliance No: Implement BMP N/A: Not Applicable DPD Team Concrete - Tarboro Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Appendix A BMP Checklist #3 SEP-28-2007 10:25 FROM:TRR80R0 2528235532 TO:19197887159 P.6 Site Specific Practices BMP Checklist #5 Building/ Area: Q )tiN � 4-e-c SWPPT Member: o,,(,Z '�('r NCG140007 Date: 5 a Time: Yes No N/A A. Exposure Minimization Practices 1. Are containment dikes/ curbing in place and functioning properly? 21� ❑ ❑ 2. Are diverters or swales used to divert stormwater runoff away from hazmat storage areas? .B- ❑ ❑ 3. Are inlets near hazmat usage areas provided with spill blocker mats? 0, ❑ ❑ 4. Is runoff from aggregate stockpiles diverted to a sediment control device? ❑ ❑ 5- Are delivery vehicles positioned during loading/ unloading to minimize exposure of hazmats to the stormwater system? -a- ❑ ❑ 6. Are items (e.g., batteries, jerricans) that contain potential pollutant sources protected from precipitation? B' ❑ ❑ 7. Are hazardous materials stored in a pre -fabricated metal hazmat building with integral secondary containment? ❑ ❑ 8. Are hazmat tanks inspected regularly for leaks and drips? .8-- ❑ ❑ B. Other Preventative Practices 1. Are sediment control devices installed? -�2— ❑ ❑ 2. Are installed sediment control devices operating as intended? .0-- ❑ 1 ❑ 3. Is the truck wash out pit mucked out at least twice per year? ❑ ❑ 4. Does the process wastewater recycle system discharge only during significant (i.e., > 10-ye2r 24-hour storm) rainfall events? Z� ❑ ❑ 5. Are ditches stabilized with vegetation or riprap? S ❑ ❑ 6. Are detention pond embankments stabilized and vegetated? 2- ❑ ❑ 7. Are off -site sedimentation deposits removed on a timely basis? 8- ❑ ❑ 8. Are adequate dust control measures in place? ❑ ❑ Q� Comments: Yes: In compliance No: Implement BMP N/A: Not Applicable DPD Team Concrete - Tarboro .Smrmwater Pollution Prevention Plan Appendix A BMP Checklist #5 SEP-28-2007 10:25 FROM:TRRBORO 2528235532 TO:19197B87159 P.7 NCG140007 Vehicle & Equipment Maintenance and Washing BMP,Checklist #4 Building/Area: ., oc� Date: o SWPPT Member: rr i S Timed o4 Yes No NIA A. Leaking Fluids 1. Are company -owned vehicles, trucks, and equipment checked for leaking Fluids on a daily basis? p^ ❑ ❑ B. Nontoxic or Low Toxicity Materials 1. Are non -toxic or low toxicity materials used where feasible? El— ❑ ❑ C. Filter Disposal - 1. Are wet filters completely drained before recycling/ disposal? g— ❑ ❑ 2. Are used filters placed into covered drum prior to pick-up by vendor? Ca— ❑ ❑ D. Liquid Waste Disposal 1. Is pouring of liquid wastes, or dumping of solid waste, on the ground or into storm drains and inlets avoided? 0— ❑ ❑ 2. Are hazardous wastes disposed according to manufacturer's recommendations and local, state, and federal regulations? 0 — ❑ ❑ E. Recycling 1. Are fluids and other used materials recycled when practical? i3= ❑ ❑ 2. Are recycled products used when practical? 1;1� ❑ ❑ F. Maintenance Activities Areas 1. Are maintenance activities performed in covered areas? Ey� ❑ ❑ 2. Are discarded equipment and parts protected from precipitation? er� ❑ ❑ G. Vehicle & Equipment Wash Areas 1. If detergents are used, are they phosphate -free and biodegradable? ❑ ❑ 2. Is engine cleaning water contained or otherwise kept out of the storm drainage system and off paved surfaces connected to the storm system? 01_ ❑ ❑ 3. Are outside wash areas in compliance with the Stormwater Permit? ❑ ❑ 4. Is the truck wash -out pit operating properly? 2— ❑ ❑ Comments: Yes: In compliance No: Implement BMP N/A: Not Applicable DPD Team Concrete - T orhora Stormwaier Pollution Prevention Plan Appendix A BMP Checklist N4 SEP-28-2007 10:26 FROM:TARBORO 2528235532 TO:19197ee7159 P.8 SWPPP CERTIFICATION FORM 1 NCG14000i "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations" (see Part III, Section B, Paragraph 5 of the Permit]. Authorized Signature) Title Phone No. Date SWPPT MEMBERS The Company President shall appoint the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Team (SWPPT) leader and members each year. Write the names and position of the team members in the chart below: Name: 17.�a� r// i �j Title: oil, A4-rts.t Office: (a5%) Sa3-4tM( Home: `AN it0- A.,) ; DPD Team Concrete, Inc_ hemp Dan n SWPPT Leader (Environmental Coordinator) Ph: -,L5"a-756-009 SWPPT Members Name: GQra e-cC Title: Otflce:Uk�;) t13- ywr Home: �ts�`F-)71rsY Consultant Stormwater Services Group, LLC (919)661.9954 Name:1, itleI-�K Title: Office: Pzd^Y'Irlf t4ome�1 Kb- 6S+16 Certification and all documents requiring a signature shall he signed by the PresideN of the Company, the Plant Manager, or other authorized designee. DPD Team Concrete -Tarboro Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Form I Appendix A SEP-28-2007 10:26 FROM:TRRBORO 2528235532 TO:19197887159 P.9 NCG140007 REVIEW CERTIFICATION FORM 2 The Permit requires a review and evaluation of this SWPPP at least once a year. The SWPPT Leader is assigned the responsibility of ensuring that this Plan will be reviewed and amended in accordance with the stormwater discharge permit. As a result of this review, the Permittee may be required to amend this SWPPP to include more effective pollution prevention technology and BMPs, if such technology is field proven and if implementation of the technology will significantly reduce the likelihood of the contamination of stormwater. All reviewers shall sign. REVIEW DATE REVIEW STATUS/ COMMENTS SIGNATURE 9- /9-'>? 64-07e— DPD Team Concrete - Tarboro Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Appendix A Form 2 SEP-28-2007 10:26 FROM:TRRBORO 252B235532 TO:19197887159 CERTIFICATION OF NON-STORMWATER DISCHARGES FORM 3 P.10 NCG 140007 I certify, under penalty of law, that the stormwater outfalls covered by this Permit have been tested or evaluated for the presence of non-stormwater discharges under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of those persons, to the best of my knowledge and belief, no non -permitted discharges of non-stormwater enter the stormwater outfalls covered by this Permit because of activities occurring at this facility [as specified in Part 1, Sections A and B of the Permit]. Print Name and Official Title: Si,gmatur : Date Signed: q -4;�S `) Representing: DPD Team Concrete - Tarboro 1710 Anaconda Rd. Tarboro, NC 27886 Methods of Evaluation Used: Ga"Review of building and site plans. Q.,Visual inspection of storm drainage system. 0--dbservation of outfalls on a dry day that was preceded by at least 72 hours of dry weather. IJ Interview with facility personnel. ❑ Flow tests using water, tracers, dyes, or smoke. The Permittee is aware of the upset or bypass notification procedures as specified in the facility's NPDES Permit and will act accordingly (See Part IN, Sections C and E of the Permit). DPD Team Concrete - Tarboro Srormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Appendix A Form 3 SEP-28-2007 10:27 FROM:TARBORO 2528235532 T0:19197eB7159 P.11 NCG 140007 TRAINING SIGN -IN SHEET FORM 4 My signature below certifies that 1 have attended a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Training workshop. This class meets the requirements for employee training as a recommended Rest Management Practice under NPDES Permit NCG140000 — see attached class agenda. Also, I have read the sections of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan that apply to my work area and clearly understand my responsibilities concerning the prevention of pollutants from entering this facility's storm drainage system and this company's dedication to improving the quality of stormwater and process wastewater which it discharges. COURSE: &9a1�_ !� s%f1� �/ 1i ePe�ft n� INSTRUCTOR: �hj� n4 .(k Hca t^C� � S V COMPANY: u 0 -re..., CVtr� t- PRINT NAME SIGNATURE DATE /le S QcC'C do G / �gmer�C - �" 6i DPD Team Concrete - Tarboro Slormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Appendix A Farm 4 SEP-28-2007 10:27 FROM:TRRBORO 2528235532 TO:19197887159 P.12 NCG t 40007 RECORD OF AMENDMENTS FORM 5 The SWPPP will be amended whenever there is a change in facility design, construction, operation, or maintenance that has a significant effect on the potential for stormwater contamination at the facility. All amendments will be implemented to the maximum extent practical after such change occurs. This record sheet is provided to summarize amendments to the SWPPP. A complete amendment narrative will be inserted into Appendix F. The SWPPT Leader will be responsible for ensuring that the SWPPP is amended in strict accordance with the stormwater discharge permit. DATE SUMMARY OF AMENDMENTS SIGNATURE 9-01-07 �y�L42 DPD Team Concrete - Tarboro Stormwater Pollunon Prevention Plan Appendix A Form 5 r� a: m Ln r- m r` m m 0 t- M M M M ru ru O 0 m a t— E O tl ,.CG140007 DESCRIPTION OF EXPOSED SIGNIFICANT MATERIALS FORM 6 DESCRIPTION OF EXPOSED SIGNIFICANT MATERIALS Facility: DPDT AM CONCRETE - TARBORO Inspector: Date: i^49-6 7 Instructions: Describe the significant materials that were exposed to stormwater during the past year and/or are currently exposed. Significant materials include, but are not limited to oils, fuel, antifreeze, solvents, detergents, cement silos and tankers, admixtures, aggregates, off -site sedimentation, hazardous substances, pesticides, scrap metal, and waste products that have a potential to be released with stormwater discharges. Description of Exposed Significant Material Period of Exposure Quantity Exposed (units) Location (as indicated on the site map) Method of Storage or Disposal (e.g., pile, drum, tank) Description of Proper Material Management Practices P P g (e.g., pile covered, drum sealed) S /A 44 A 4t.c k,7, a I-e rI `t- l'U cI� a r -e // i '6 7.d e0 a' '�e Spa Ivl 1 A11060L ( oak r e i v �/ 4 �� ♦• O n [ le CIG TV • �.CVU e.x 4`7) /a I l000qrrc,i . V-'e K.r :w /. as .r K �� we A oJAA t it ./ e ,A e .. Q�l(Xr a +o ¢ toc A-o i/ 4 r/ a-t4 JDI>AtL ! r V // AK 53 // 'e .� a J r.► 7R.�� s a..�ie :>r a tJt-e .i% ate . 1A DPD Team Concrete - Tarboro Appendix .A Slormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Form 6 SEP-28-2007 10:28 FROM:TRRBORO 2528235532 T0:19197887159 P.14 INCIDENT DATE NCG r4dou? SIGNIFICANT SPILL INCIDENT REPORT FORM S (To be completed by the S WPPT Leader) REPORT DATE: _ LOCATION: DPD PERSON REPORTING: MANAGER IN CHARGE SPILLED PRODUCT INFORMATION: Product. Storage Capacity of Container: Spill Volume: Rate of Spillage: Duration of Release: INCIDENT TIME: DISCOVERY TIME: iC PHONE: "J e _e PHONE: %64 76Y.^c// YES NO Spill from or suspected from a leaking storage tank or piping? Cl ❑ Spill contained on premises? ❑ ❑ If not, did the spill enter storm system inlets, pipes, or ditches? ❑ ❑ Did the spill enter a body of water or tributary? ❑ ❑ Will spill cleanup be accomplished within 24 hours? ❑ ❑ Were any personnel injured? ❑ ❑ What are their injuries? Nearest body of water? UT to HENDRICKS CREEK Distance from spill CONTRACTORS CONTACTED/ AGENCIES AWARE OF INCIDENT: CONTRACTOR/AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE PHONE DESCRIPTION: (check all applicable) ❑ leaking AST or piping ❑ overfill, vehicle unattended ❑ equipment failure ❑ leaking drum ❑ drive off, hose in vehicle ❑ other human error ❑ drum/container tip over ❑ other (than human error or equipment failure) DPD Team Concrete - Tarboro Stormwaier Pollution Prevention Plan Appendix A Form 8 SEP-28-2007 10:28 FROM:TRRBORO 2528235532 TO:19197887159 P.15 NCG 140007 NON-COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM 9 Complete this form for each non-compliance incident that results in an improper discharge that flows off -site and/ or into waters of the State. Provide additional appropriate detail under Comments. Keep original form with the SWPPP document. The Permittee will report to the NCDWQ Supervisor of Stormwater Permits at 919-733-5083 any non-compliance that endangers human health or the environment. Information will be provided orally within 24 hours from the time the Permittee becomes aware of the non-compliance incident. Refer to the Permit, Part III, Section E, Paragraphs 1-10 for additional directions. Name of Facility: DPD Team Concrete - Tarboro Permit Number: NCG140007 Date: i / f a Facility Address: 1710 Anaconda rd. Tarboro NC 27886 (252) 823-4184 Inspector: name s.+�g me t% iCb..•f� Type of Non -Compliance: Check all that apply_ ❑ Failure of Stormwater Control Device Reason for Non -Compliance: Check all that apply___._____ ❑ Act of Nature (e.g., flood, tornado, hurricane) ❑ Flow by-pass of Stormwater Control Device ❑ Unavoidable accident ❑ Improper Discharge or Dumping ❑ Deliberate act by vandals ❑ Spill into Stormwater Drainage System ❑ Deliberate act by Company personnel ❑ Spill into Waters of the State ❑ Mechanical or structural failure of device ❑ Failure to implement BMP No. ❑ Inadequate training of personnel ❑ Failure to meet BMP No. — target date ❑ Inadequate capital funding ❑ Illicit Connection ❑ Company policy in conflict with NPDES Permit ❑ Other ❑ Other Comments: DPD'ream Concrete - Tarboro Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Appendix A Form 9 SEP-28-2007 10:28 FROM:TRRBORD 2528235532 TO:19197887159 P.16 Microbac Laboratories, Inc. SOUTHERN TESTING & RESEARCH DIVISION 3809 AIRPORT DRIVE, NW WILSON, NC 27896-8649 (252) 237-4175 (252) 237-9341 (fax) www.southerntesting. com SAMPLE No.: R6448-001 / AB34781 REPORT of ANALYSIS Date Reported: Friday, September 21, 2007 _ CATHY BAINES EASTERN ENVIROMENTAL MANAG PO BOX 4030 Phone /Fax: 252-443-2224 / 252-972-9950 ROCKY MOUNT NC 27803 P. O.: E-02643 Client Sample Marks: DPD TARBORO PROCESS WW(PW D-002) Sample Collection Date: 8/20/2007 2:48:01) PM Matrix: STW Lab Submittal Date 8/20/2007 2:30 00 PM Classification: E CAT No. ANALYSES METHOD ANALYZED by PQL RESULT UNIT EW-040-01-G SOLIDS:TOTAL SUSPENDED EPA 160.2 8/27/2007 JWP Cancelled' mg/L Sample Comments: Sample was not analyzed within the EPA -required holding time for Total Supspended Solids (7 days) due to laboratory oversight. Analysis cancelled per client request. A replacement sample has been requested. Rev and Approved by: n _n Manager, Analytical Sciences Department Page 1 of 2 Admin 9121/2007 9:21:37 AM Wilson Division - NCO0120 Certification: Drinking Water #37708 Wastewater #21 (-G) Greensboro Division - NCO01754 Certification: Drinking Water #37795 Wastewater #637 Chemical and Microbiological Analysis: Environmental • Agrochemical • Foods • Pharmaceuticals SEP-28-2007 10:29 FROM:TRRBORO 252B235532 TO:19197887159 P.17 ® Microbac Laboratories, Inc. SOUTHERN TESTING & RESEARCH DIVISION 3809 AIRPORT DRIVE, NW WILSON, NC 27896-8649 (252) 237-4175 (252) 237-9341 (fa ) www.southerntesting.com REPORT of ANALYSIS CATHY BAINES EASTERN ENVIROMENTAL MANAG PO BOX 4030 ROCKY MOUNT NC 27803 SAMPLE No.: R6448-002 / AB34782 Date Reported: Friday, September 21, 2007 _ Phone/Fax: 252-443-2224 / 252-972-9950 P.O.: E-02643 Client Sample Marks: DPD TARBORO PROCESS WW(PW D-002A) Sample Collection Date: 8/20/2007 2:40:00 PM I Matrix: STW Lab Submittal Date: 8/20/2007 2:30:00 PM Classification: E CAT No. ANALYSES METHOD ANALYZED by PQL RESULT UNIT EW-040-04-G Solids: Settleable EPA 160.5 8/27/2007 JWP Cancelled' mL/L Sample Comments: Sample was not received within the EPA -required holding time for Settleable Solids (48 hours). Analysis cancelled per client request. A replacement sample has been requested. R d and Approved by: =24innant J-f Manager, Analytical Sciences Department Page 2 of 2 Admin 9/21/2007 9:21:37 AM Wilson Division - NCO0120 Certification: Drinking Water #37708 Wastewater 921 (-G) Greensboro Division - NCO01754 Certification: Drinking Water 937795 Wastewater #637 Chemical and Microbiological Analysis: Environmental • Agrochemical • Foods • Pharmaceuticals SEP-28-2007 10:29 FROM:TRRBORO 09/21/2007 16:20 2 — 3531724 2528235532 TO:19197887159 P.18 PAGE 02 r_� E G V 9 t c r.: th 9 a � C O a i s n y > s__eae_mTARe; a zz_! » a 25235J1724 252e235532 TO:19197887159 P.19 . PAGEr \ g � « ( � ! 2# 2 \ f! ! ƒ| $ } } � � SEP-28-2007 10:30 FROM:TARBORO 2528235532 TO:19197887159 P.20 k- NCDENR DISCHARGE OUTFALL MONITORING REPORT GENERAL PERMIT NCG140000 (All sample dam shall be reported no later dmn 30 days after receipt or lab results) Certificate of Coverage NCG14 ❑U©Q[j Certified Laboratory At a Facility Name Tt flt C1 i r Person Collecting Sample(s) County C _ Collectors Signature r Phone Number _ 3a -3 _ L. I q q Sample Information Permit Term Year Year Start/End Dates Place check mark to indicate applicable sampling period Discharge Type (check as appropriate) Stormwater Wastewater I August 1, 2004 to July 31 2005 Li ❑ ❑ 91 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ fig ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Z Au st 1, 2005 to Jul 31 2006 3 Au ust I, 2006 to Julv 31, 2007 4 August 1, 2007 to July 31, 2008 5 August 12008 to July 31 2009 Part A: Stormwaler Discharge Monitoring Data (For stormwaler not combined with process wastewater) Storm Event Characteristics Dale Total Event Precipitation inches Event Duration hours C';-) Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Outfall No. Date Sample Collected mo/dd/ r Total Flow MG Total Event Precipitation inches Event Duration hours pH Std. Units Total Suspended Solids m Vs i t l Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using on average more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? ❑ Yes PFNo If yes, complete information below. Stormwater Discharge Monitoring from Vehicle Maintenance Areas Outfall No. Date Sample Collected mo/dd/ r Total Flow MG Total Event Precipitation inches Event Duration hours) New Motor Oil Usage al/mo(Std. pH Units Total Suspended Solids (mg() ( Oil and Grease m SWU-241-080104 Page loft SEP-28-2007 10:30 FROM:TRRBORO 2528235532 TO:19197887159 P.21 Par t 9: Process waslawatsr discharge, monitoring data Sal 1ple 0 �LL'-C'ri fluent Sources for this sterna le II.Ve,I, isle / Equipment Cteanin R.i� FAN'-- Materiel Stock- 11 Welling Mia lag Drum lean -cut !� ,Yclo System (h'a nw �. I "onmeter Unit Data Co !action Date mo/dd'yr -I utai Flow MG 1 Ev hnt Duration hours y PH Slid, wits _ 6 TSS MgA �..' Seureable Solids mVl Sample o — ceO) for this sa le KewernentC I' ./:vtetain FR Dtum Clean -out 17 ycle Sy'Le.M Uvullow I Isaramcter Unit Data C0.1"tlOn Dore mo/dd/yr 'otal Flow MG Ea,mt Durntlort hours PH Si d. units TSS mill , Sal leable Solid3i mi/I n idl original and one copy to: Attn: Central Files Division or Water Quality DENR 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 5V U-211-0a01Or Sample It Efftum t Source(s) fOr (bit; samele O Vesiclu / Equipment Cleaning Raw Mat!rial stock -pile Waiting L-i O Mixin Crum CIeM•out Recycle t ystCM Over c 0 Paine eter Unit Data Collecde n Date mo/dd/yr Total Ilow MO Event D; Iration hours p1 Sid. units INS mill Stalee'bi %fds MIA 8artip7n Y Er'Cla_ t we a or this sans le Vehicle/Equipment Ira in I> Raw hint trial Stoek• ile Westin O Mixm ^ L'rum Clean -out UJ Rec ela;i ate Ov rttow parameter Unit Data Collettir it Date molddryr Total Aow MG Event D !ration hours �p11 Std. units TSS mg/I Stttleabl: Solids mill "I certify. under penalty or law, that this document and dt nitachmenu were iproasned under my dituction or sopel vision in weardanea with a system designed to "sure dui yudlilied penonrrei p opetly gather and evaluate the mromtoliOft submitted. Based on my indutrY Of islet on or persons who manstic infarsnatiosystem. or those persons directly resp gathering infem,zlinn ahhb,ahtM is, to the best of MY knawladga and belief, trial. accin"C. mid complete. i am aware that their are significant perraldca Car submitting false information, including the ponibill.y of fine. and imprisnnmant by knowing viol Om.' u�a--qsrdoP l� (fad +F Psmnutt or Dana -a:) Is rminve or Dnigrh•:ej (Date) Pago 2 of 2 >O 39Vd 4ZLT£SEZ9Z; Si:9T tBOZ/7/60 SEP-2e-2007 10:31 FROM:TRRBORO 252e235532 TO:19197ee7159 P.22 09/21/2007 16:20 -2523531724 PAGE 03 Stormw liter Dischaeve Outfait (SDO) Qualitative Monitoring Report .,..�yt -. permit No.: Ia( �Ff_. fir of Cortificute of Coverage No.: Facility Nems.: SDy>L7'�fL- County: =tip-%� pMue No. a+r7.'ci_'—>3� gy Inspector. r Date of lospardon: rit BYC—ie—Gro epon is accurst, and complete tothe best of my knowledge: (SpmnitleoorDesigne:) Oulfal! Deseriptton nutfallNo,C) StNctureQripe,,ditch,eta.) _,�•jL}. Receivina5ttea•m: Describe the h,oaauial activities th koceur within theouMbli drainage 7. Color Describe the color :+f rite dischargt using basic colors (red, brown, blue, etc.) and tint (li sht, medium, dark) as dearrip(ors ., +��a11 3. Onor Describe any distinct vdon that th a discharge may have (i.e., smelt/ strongly of oil. weak chlorine Odor. etc.) —\ A a. Clair,ty Choose the cumber which best describes the clarity of the dischar0e where 1 is clear and 10 is very cloudy: 1 ,/2� 1 4 S r, 7 it 9 10 Page I : I999999f r 10:31 FROM:T7RBORO 2528235532 T0:19197887159 P.23 S. Floating Solids Choose the number which best describes the amount of floating solids in the stormwater discharge where I is no solids and 10 is the surface covered with floating solids: l 02 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6. Suspended Solids Choose the number which best describes the amount of suspended solids in the stormwater discharge where 1 is no solids and 10 is extremely muddy: 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 7. Foam Is there any foam in the stormwater discharge? Yes No 8. Oil Sheen 1 Is there an oil sheen in the stormwater discharge'? Yes �No, 9. Deposition at Outfall Is there deposition of material (sediment, etc.) at or immediately below the outfall? Yes No 10. Erosion at Outfall Is there erosion at or immediately below the outfall? Yes 11. Other Obvious Indicators or Stormwaler Pollution List and describe Note: Low clarity, high solids, and/or the presence of foam, oil sheen, deposition or erosion maybe indicative of conditions that warrant further investigation and corrective action. 6, Page 2 swu-242-020705 Hicrobac Laboratories Inc. Southern Testing 6 Research Division 3809 Airport Drive, Wilson, NC 27896 Phone: 252-237-4175 ' Fax: 252-237-9341 Wnl. h: — unum cn rflh mtnetinn'rays CHAIN OF CUSTODY and Analyses Request Paga—�—ofl 0 ----- Lab Use O11-1—Y — lRush Approval By: ' IDaterrimo: Dept: Original Repon To: - Cgs et Parson: r pfe�M i �y Acct.X Tr n� X} Rec'd»i(Ice7 Te_ Res. CL- pH: ;'1: r r- ({clYes ❑ No / Ph QQrass:(r'' 1 I �` n 17.., nvoice Address: Feek ,-, \ 'SAMPLING CHARGES: '�!�h,-\� c;_ 7 i% r 71..• Tim �00��� Mdea�r e'_,___, Olhe_, --_, -- r sampleo 1 Pmieet ID: Analyze, Requested Requested Turnaround Time LL11 Nmmal (2 w 1,$) ❑ Rush (3 S days)' �P `, I � 15 - PO STRLOUOTEa ❑ Emergency Rush (ASAP)' ' ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY CALL FOR APPROVAL Client Requested Due Date: C 0 e0 O 0 Item Stan End Comp Grab Sample (✓O h� 3 Q� �� X Dale/Tim�e1 Date/Time Type- Dewpiion(Sample Marks REUNOUISHEO BV DATERME / RECEIV D BY OATEi1ME7 NOTES: 71 J Q 2 3 Field Rea, CL.: Field Conductivity: Main Tamp: FleldpH: r , `r - Field D.O.: IS DATA TO BE USED FOR REGULAT RY COMPLIANCE PURPOSES? ❑ YES ❑ NO IF YES, WHICH REGULATORY AGENCY: "See Reverse for Codes 5AM001.01 (1106) STRL COPY �l 0 O 3 D A m m A m ru N m rD CrI UI W TO O N u] kD m m Ln U) Microbac Laboratories Inc. Southern Testing & Research Division 3309 Airport Drive. Wilson, NC 27896 Phone: 252-237-4175 ' Fax 252-237-9341 CHAIN OF CUSTODY ___ Page pf..._I_._ ----- Lab Use Only 1 and Analyses Request iRush Approval By D lefT,me 1 Dept' ! Odgnal Repan To ytij „I ( -lC A � / �7� tltlrePC) be- i-i .Jc, � v Con a Per"n: !Sample a Acn. a Tmnspmrt ! ' • ��Irr( S !Reed on lee- Temp: Res Cl pH P��'lN L !� '� � �C 1 ❑ Yes ❑ No 1 nva AOd� 'I II 7 �•i F ISAMPUNG CHARGES: L/� cc V / !! 7� 7. - / 7 -�'--) lTlme'_____ _Mlles a �_ -_._ - Other ��she - — -— -_. Sampled! By: Project ID: - Analyses RC uested eared Turnaround Time y Normal (2 neeksl ❑ Rush (3 5 days)' ` QUOTE Q0 31�, 0sy STRL e C C ❑ Emergency Rush IASAPj' Pot \COt ,OD` Dp O C l�J ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY C` CALL FOR APPROVAL Client Requeated Due Data: Item Sian End Comp Grab Sample a Y) r^ e DateJTlme Dau/Tnne •• Type'* DestnpeoNSampla Marks ✓/ i , N TO -C_G P RELINQUISHED BY DATEMME RECEIVED BY DATEfTIME NOTES: IL R(zY(o Field Re& CL.: Field Conductivity: Feld Temp: Field PH: Co Field D.O.: IS DATA TO BE USED FOR REGULATORY COMPLIANCE PURPOSES? YES EJ NO IF YES, WHICH REGULATORY AGENCY: 'See Reverse for Codes SAM001.01 (1/06) LO (U W (U m m f+ m W N -9 A 0 3 D A 0 70 0 TU OD R) LAI N W W N mu fU VI SEP-28-2007 10:32 FROM:TARBORO 2528235532 TO:19197887159 P.26 REPORT of ANALYSIS Microbac Laboratories, Inc. SOUTHERN TESTING & RESEARCH DIVISION 3809 AIRPORT DRIVE, NW WILSON, NC 27896-8649 (252) 237-417S (2S2) 237-934/ ffi x) www.somilterniesting.com SAMPLE No.: R6654-001 / AB35567 Date Reported: Wednesday, September 05, 20D7 CATHY BAINES EASTERN ENVIROMENTAL MANAG PO BOX 4030 Phone / Fax: 252-443-22241252-972-9950 ROCKY MOUNT NC 27803 P. O.: SWD-001 Client Sample Marks: SWD-001/DPD TARBORO Sample Collection Date: 8/23/2007 8:45:00 AM Matrix: STW Lab Submittal Date: 8124/2007 9:30:00 AM Classification: E CAT No. ANALYSES METHOD ANALYZED by PaL RESULT UNIT EW-040.01-G SOLIDS:TOTAL SUSPENDED EPA 160.2 8/2812007 DMK 6 122 mg/L Sample Comments: e d and�,App�roved by: i rant Manager, Analytical Sciences Department Page 1 of 1 Admin 9/5/2007 3:16:40 PM Wilson Division - NCO0120 Certification: Drinking Water #37708 Wastewater #21 (-G) Greensboro Division - NCO01754 Certification: Drinking Water #37795 Wastewater #637 Chemical and Microbiological Analysis: Environmental • Agrochemical • Foods • Pharmaceuticals SEP-28-2007 10:33 FROM:TARBORO 2528235532 TO:19197887159 P.27 NCG140007 Release of Rainwater from Secondary Containment BMP Checklist #7 Containment I.D. No. O-f C / // Date .2 - /- ' - • SWPPT Member: a&2��( /"r S Time. Description of Secondary Containment Structure: 0sh e re_ A. Perform visual observation of accumulated rainwater prior to releasing ITEM YES NO COMMENTS COLOR FOAM CLOUDY �— SUSPENDED SOLIDS STAINS at OUTLET /--� STAINS on WALLS OIL SHEEN/ FILM SLUDGE BUILD-UP Other Indicators: If accumulated rainwater appears contaminated, list actions that where taken to remove contaminants Release of Accumulated Rainwater t What was the approximate volume of water released from the containment area) O Z gallons O cubic feet 2 After the release of the accumulated rainwater, was the secondary containment drain valve properly closed and locked? ,' yes 0 no Comments . , A _ DPD Team C onrrete Tarhani Xhrrmwoie, l'ullunun lb errnbun l4un SEP-28-2007 10:33 FROM:TRRBORO 252B235532 TO:19197887159 P.28 NCG140007 Release of Rainwater from Secondary Containment BMP.Checklist #7 Containment I.D. No. nT�1110 Date SWPPT Member �w .��d/ I� r S Time gam Description of Secondary Containment Structure: A. Perform visual observation of accumulated rainwater prior to releasing. ITEM YES NO COMMENTS COLOR FOAM CLOUDY SUSPENDED SOLIDS STAINS at OUTLET STAINS on WALLS OIL SHEEN/ FILM SLUDGE BUILD-UP Other Indicators: 1 �11 If accumulated rainwater appears contaminated, list actions that where taken to remove contaminants Release of Accumulated Rainwater 1 What was the approximate volume of water released from the containment area) ® Rr gallons ❑ cubic feet 2 After the release of the accumulated rainwater, was the secondary containment drain valve properly closed and locked? yes ❑ no Comments I n , DPD 71•um(bn,1y 7'urhuru .16munarurr l',dluUun IhrryN,uu lh.rn Appenda 4 RAW i `hr<k1w „ SEP-28-2007 10:33 FROM:TARBORO 252B235532 TO:19197887159 P.29 NCG t 40007 Release of Rainwater from Secondary Containment BMP Checklist #7 Containment I.D. No. (('Two Date SWPPT Member: oe'au &tC'' ( Time /o; a �.-�— Description of Secondary Containment Structure: Concc- �e A. Perform visual observation of accumulated rainwater prior to releasing ITEM YES NO COMMENTS COLOR FOAM CLOUDY SUSPENDED SOLIDS, STAINS at OUTLET 1 STAINS on WALLS -- JI OIL SHEENI FILM - SLUDGE BUILD-UP Other Indicators: li If accumulated rainwater appears contaminated, list actions that where taken to remove contaminants Release of Accumulated Rainwater t What was the approximate volume of water released from the containment area? n X gallons ❑ cubic feet 2. After the release of the accumulated rainwater, was the secondary containment drain valve properly closed and locked? Z yes ❑ no Comments n A DPD Team Cunrrrrc 7urhuru .qurmwunv' l'dluhun l4 rrrubun l'l, e, Appendix.4 /Jn/P ( J", k/:,r „ SEP-28-2007 10:33 FROM:TRRBORO 2528235532 TO:19197887159 P.30 NCG140007 Release of Rainwater from Secondary Containment BMP Checklist #7 Containment I.D. No. ,� D A � Date: SWPPT Member: �)"' t Time: 10'6D 14", Description of Secondary Containment Structure: C.acCc.F2 A. Perform visual observation of accumulated rainwater prior to releasing: ITEM YES NO COMMENTS COLOR d G�Cr FOAM 4— CLOUDY SUSPENDED SOLIDS v STAINS at OUTLET STAINS on WALLS OIL SHEEN/ FILM SLUDGE BUILD-UP Other Indicators: If accumulated rainwater appears contaminated, list actions that where taken to remove contaminants Release of Accumulated Rainwater, 1. What was the approximate volume of water released from the containment area? frgallons 0 cubic feet 2. After the release of the accumulated rainwater, was the secondary containment drain valve properly closed and locked? X yes ❑ no DPD Team Concrete Tarboro .Srurmwuler Pollulam Prevention Plan Appendix A BA41' C'heckhsl a' SEP-28-2007 10:34 FROM:TRRBORO 2528235532 TO:19197887159 P.31 NCG 140007 Release of Rainwater from Secondary Containment BMP Checklist #7 Containment I.D, No. 4110'- DA e Date SWPPT Member: 400n�(-p 4" is Time Description of Secondary Containment Structure: C_o n cr• c A. Perform visual observation of accumulated rainwater prior to releasing ITEM I YES I NO COLOR COMMENTS WqH;:;:M/ de •`���� �...__ LIDS -- { ET--------- a LS ---� U9I. If accumulated rainwater appears contaminated, list actions that where taken to remove contaminants Release of Accumulated Rainwater 1 What was theproximate volume of water released from the containment area? ,8'gallons ❑ cubic feet 2 After the release of the accumulated rainwater, was the secondary containment dram valve properly closed and locked? Ceyes O no UVU Ieum ( o", rvie %arbor,, ,Sturmw"f" Md/w inn PI'r vrnt,,m /'lun Append" A 104/' ('hec SEP-2e-2007 10:34 FROM:TRRBORO 2528235532 T0:19197ee7159 P.32 NCG140007 Release of Rainwater from Secondary Containment BMP.Checklist #7 Containment I D. No. A& 7tDate IV- n' SWPPT Member: Lnti•a I �� t` t Time d'."4 b Description of Secondary Containment Structure: Ga ncr C-0(C- A. Perform visual observation of accumulated rainwater prior to releasing ITEM YES I NO I COMMENTS COLOR FOAM o wa el' CLOUDY SUSPENDED SOLIDS -----' STAINS at OUTLET 1I STAINS on WALLS — -- OIL SHEEN/ FILM i SLUDGE BUILD-UP Other Indicators: i Jj I If accumulated rainwater appears contaminated, list actions that where taken to remove contaminants Release of Accumulated Rainwater 1 What was the approximate volume of water released from the containment area? o Xgallons ❑ cubic feet 2. After the release of the accumulated rainwater, was the secondary containment drain valve properly closed and locked? yes ❑ no Comments -.D (. I I"I'l 111"(T l-rP /arbor, nppr.,du i .1'Iurnncular l'ullu/urn l7 rrrnn. ui l'l,rn � nnu� c 7rriki:„ ,� —I w T =March 18, 2005 TNlr. Marshall D. Tatum Greenville Ready Mixed/DPI) Team Concrete PO Box 2277 "jCO Greenville, NC 27836 N L Dear Mr. Tatum: Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr.. Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality Subject: NPDES General Permit NCG140000 Certificate of Coverage NCG140007 DPD Team Concrete Tarboro Formerhv APAC Coastal Carolina Edgecombe County Division personnel have reviewed and approved your request to transfer coverage under the General Permit, received on May 18, 2004. Please find enclosed the revised Certificate of Coverage. The terms and conditions contained in the General Permit remain unchanged and in full effect. This revised Certificate of Coverage is issued under the requirements of North Carolina General Statutes 143-215.1 and the INIcmorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. If you have any questions, please contact the Stormwatcr Permitting Unit at (919) 733-5083, extension 502. Sincerely, ORIGINAL SIGNED BY BRADLEY BENNETT Alan W. Klimek P. E. cc: D\VQ Central Piles Raleigh Regional Office, Water Quality Section Stormwater Permitting Unit NorthCarolina Alaturally North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleieh, NC 27699-1617 Phone (919) 733-7015 Customer Service Internet: h2o.enr.state.nc.us 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleieh, NC 27004 FAX (919) 733-2496 1-877-623-6748 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer — 509% Recycled/100/6 Post Consumer Paper STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG140000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No. NCG140007 STORMWATER DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, GREENVILLE READY MIXED/DPD TEAM CONCRETE is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater from a facility located at DPD TEAM CONCRETE TARBORO 1710 ANACONDA ROAD TARBORO EDGECOMBE COUNTY to receiving waters designated as Hendricks Creek, a class C NSW water in the Tar -Pamlico River Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III, IV, V, and VI of General Permit No. NCG140000 as attached. This certificate of coverage shall become effective March 18, 2005. This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day March 18, 2005. ORIGINAL SIGNED BY ! BRADLEY BENNETT ' Alan W. Klimek, Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Radio _ V � � -l'Can I gM � 23!5 J• / 11\1 It �.a ; .... Trailer / r Park A I J. V O \ B Indust al Waste IO P/ _ 1^ 3Z5 'mil Ill 1 I a0 Jp Ss111$�_ WT • 215 ✓ i� __ m BM I J ' /� 'Perk ` Bell 'a G. 19.6 I / J /\ l �•\ 22. rq \ •'• l � 30 �$� i.• � � �•'C m IerY 44 30 •$, I �i 1 � r� ', � � � � /` , �� i �" I High\\ � `'ti j ill / /^\ x 5 S Golf /A6 Penaer ° 1\I. (/ r% = I 1. `/ 1 y'1C'1 Course / • •• l / n \ •••��. 3+ rE 'Gn-1 I . a MA Pumpinq II i MeJ State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director November 17, 2003 Mr. Ed Gurganus APAC-Atlantic Inc. Coastal Carolina Division PO Box 399 Kinston, North Carolina 28502 NC NORTH CAF ENVIRONMENT Subject: NPDES Permit Modification - Permit NCG140007 Tarboro Facility (Formerly Concrete Services of Rocky Mount Inc.) Edgecombe County Dear Mr. Gurganus: In accordance with your request received October 21, 2003, the Division is forwarding the subject permit modification. This modification documents the change in name/ownership at the subject facility. All other terms and conditions in the original permit remain unchanged and in full effect. This permit modification is issued under the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency dated December 6, 1983. If any parts, measurement frequencies or sampling requirements contained in this permit modification are unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this letter. This request must be a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714. Unless such demand is made, this decision shall be final and binding. This permit does not affect the legal requirement to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Water Quality, the Division of Land Resources,. Coastal Area Management Act, or any other Federal or Local government permit that may be required. If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact Valery Stephens at the telephone number or address listed below. cc: Central Files Raleigh Regional Office, Water Quality Section NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Sincerely, Ian W. Klimek, P.E. 919 733-5083, extension 520 (fax) 919 733-0719 VISIT US ON THE INTERNET @ http://h2o.enr.slate.nc.Us/ Valery.Stephens@ncmail.net STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT -OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG140000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No. NCG140007 STORMWATER AND PROCESS WASTEWATER DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, APAC-Atlantic Inc. Coastal Carolina Division is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater from a facility located at APAC-Atlantic Inc. Coastal Carolina Division — Tarboro 1600 Anachondra Tarboro Edgecombe County to receiving waters designated as Hendricks Creek, a class C NSW water in the Tar -Pamlico River Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III, IV, V, and VI of General Permit No. NCG140000 as attached. This certificate of coverage shall become effective November 17, 2003. This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day November 17, 2003 kwl_ � Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Mr. Kenneth Schuster N. C. Division Of Water Quality 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1628 Phone:(252) 527-8021 Fax: (252) 527-4739 APAC-Atlantic. Inc. Coastal Carolina Division P. O. Box 399 Kinston. NC 28502-0399 May 30, 003-; j��.1`; VO � F RE: Stormwater Compliance Inspection Concrete Services Of Rocky Mount Ready Mix Plants NPDES Stormwater Permit NCG 140002 (Rocky Mount) NPDES Stormwater Permit NCG 140007 (Tarboro) Dear Mr. Schuster: Enclosed are the revised maps for the above referenced sites. Per your request the revised maps include enlarged quad maps showing outlet latitude and longitude; along with receiving body runoff directions as well as the impervious area and impervious percentage of the total site. If I can be of further assistance please give me a call. APAC-Atlantic, Inc. Coastal Carolina Division inda C. Huggins EHS Director Cc: Mr. Myrl Nisely ASHLANU® i Mr. Kenneth Schuster Phone:(252) 527-802I Fax:(252) 527-4739 May 30, 2003 APAC-Atlantic, Inc. Coastal Carolina Division P. O. Box 399 Kinston. NC 28502-0399 N. C. Division Of Water Quality / t, 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1628 RE: Stormwater Compliance Inspection Concrete Services Of Rocky Mount Ready Mix Plants A,, / NPDES Stormwater Permit NCG 140002 (Rocky Mount) NPDES Stormwater Permit NCG 140007 (Tarboro) Dear Mr. Schuster: Enclosed are the revised maps for the above referenced sites. Per your request the revised maps include enlarged quad maps showing outlet latitude and longitude; along with receiving body runoff directions as well as the impervious area and impervious percentage of the total site. If I can be of further assistance please give me a call. APAC-Atlantic, Inc. Coastal Carolina Division Linda C. Huggins EHS Director Cc: Mr. Myrl Nisely ASHLANU® viwi idui r. eaaiey, ouve ui William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources February 20, 2003 Ms. Linda Huggins, EHS Director Barrus Construction Co. P.O. Box 399 Kinston, NC 28502 Subject: Notice of Violation Stormwater Compliance Inspection Concrete Services of Rocky Mount Tarboro Ready Mix Plant NPDES Stormwater Permit NCG 140007 Rocky Mount, NC Edgecombe County Dear Ms. Huggins: Flan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality On December 16, 2002 Mr. Myrl Nisely of the Raleigh Regional office of Division of Water Quality made a compliance inspection at the Tarboro facility. The help provided by Mr. Doug Cotton was appreciated. The results are as follows: As at the Rocky Mount plant, the SP3 manual contained good templates for all of the required elements. As at the Rocky Mount plant, all but one of the sections where data should have stored (thus showing implementation of the stormwater program) were empty except for inspection and draining of containment areas. Their omission warrants NOV status for this inspection. Specifically missing were signed monthly housekeeping inspections (Part II(A)(4), semi-annual inspections of the stormwater system(Part II(A)(8) , employee training records (Part II(A)(5), visual observations taken during sampling events Part II(F), and analytical data with chains -of -custody (Part II(C). Analytical data for 2002 was faxed from a corporate office during the inspection. Please add the pH readings taken at the time samples were collected in 2002. If analytical data exists for prior years of this permit, please see that these are placed into the site manual. A NOV is being issued because all of the above records should be stored in a site's manual as they are generated. After the inspection, documents submitted to the State in January cover many of the points above. Records in the SP3 manual should actually go back for the last five years. 2. The Division is asking for more detail on the maps required in PartH(1)(a) and (c). The USGS map (paragraph (a)) needs to be zoomed in enough to allow lines to be added showing each discharge point and where it goes until reaching either a water of the State or a significant tributary. In this case, please show the on -site truck washup path and manmade channel to where it goes under the highway. The name of the eventual receiving stream is to be clearly indicated, as well as latitude and longitude of the discharge location. The site man (paragraph (c)) must show stormwater structures, including the path water takes from the on -site truck washup, the manmade channel around the plant to where it goes under the highway, and the unused concrete disposal area where drum washing occurs. At this plant drum washouts simply run onto the ground (more on this in Point 4. below). With a series of arrows on the map flows of rainwater are to be shown for areas of different topography, with the boundary of each area indicated and the percent impervious surface specified. If the area used for concrete disposal continues to expand each year v,,, L�+p WDEMI N. C. Division of Water Quality 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 (919) 571-4700 Customer Service Raleigh Regional Office 1 800 623-7748 Concrete Services of Rocky Mount, Inc. (Tarboro Plant) Page 2 (apparently the case), an annual update of the site map will be needed to reflect the changes. Regarding the absence of training records, you report that annual training is given at Kinston all at one time for all locations. The records you submitted documented several topics that were covered, but stormwater training was not among them. After a telephone conversation on 1/2/03 between Mr. Nisely and you, the Division asks that the Plant Manager for each location be responsible for highlighting in color the names of the employees at his site on a copy of the signature sheet, in lieu of individual location signature sheets. (Submitted examples show this will work well.) Training provided at other times at individual plants should also be documented whenever a stormwater topic is included, as they hopefully would be from time to time. 4. Drum washes are discharged onto the ground behind the hardened unused concrete accumulation. Surface disposal and excavated pits for this high pH water are potential conduits to groundwater. Please be aware that Groundwater Standards apply, and contamination needs to be avoided. 5. Stormwater either runs onto the ground as sheet flow or makes its way to the constructed channel around the plant. The channel is several hundred feet long and well vegetated, helping insure that solids and pH are attenuated by the time the water reaches a tributary. 6. Secondary containment structures for fuels and for admixture chemicals were in good condition and the drain handles were locked. Housekeeping was good; the site was free of trash. Thank you for your attention to correcting the omissions. If you have comments or questions, please contact Mr. Myrl Nisely at 919 571-4700. Sincerely, Kenneth Schuster, P.E. Regional Supervisor cc: NPDES Compliance Unit Edgecombe Co. Health Dept. Central Files rvuuiaci r. cesley, governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality January 2, 2003 Ms. Linda Huggins, EHS Director Barrus Construction Co. P.O. Box 399 Kinston, NC 28502 Subject: Stormwater Information Request Concrete Services of Rocky Mount Ready Mix Plant Rocky Mount and Tarboro Plants Dear Ms. Huggins: Ori December 16, 2002 1 made compliance inspections afthe Rocky Mount and Tarboro facilities. Below area couple paragraphs from my reports that specify informationneeded to complete those inspections. The SPPP manual contained all of the required elements in well written narratives, guidance pages and reporting -'`templates. However, all but one of the sections where data should have been stored (thus showing implementation'of the stormwater program) were empty except for inspection and draining of containment areas. Specifically missing Were a,signed monthly housekeeping inspections; semi=annual inspections,of the stormwater system, employee training records;' visual observations taken during sampling events, and analytical data with chains -of -custody. Please add the pH.readings taken at lhe;time samples were collected in 2002: Does analytical'data exist for prior years of these'permits?^If so, please see that these are placed into each site manual. Again, all of the above records should be stored in a"site's manual as they are generated. This is true for each company manufacturing site. Annual employee training is reportedly given at Kinston all at one time for all locations. To develop proof of that training, the Division was going to suggest that, ideally, pages be provided for employee signatures, one page for each site. In other words, the workers at a give site will sign the sheet for that facility, and this can be stored in that site's SP3 manual. Per our telephone conversation on 1/2/03, this breakdown will be difficult to produce. In lieu of individual location sheets, please ask the Plant Manager for each location to highlight in color the names of the employees at his site on a master signature sheet. Training provided at other times at individual plants should also be documented whenever a stormwater topic is included, as they hopefully would be from time to time. If you have comments or questions, please contact me again at 919 571-4700. Sincerely, G h.� _ V Myrl A. Nisely Environmental Specialist �s=n N. C. Division of Water Quality 1628 Mail Service Center tCDENTA Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 (919) 571-4700 Customer Service Raleigh Regional Office 1 800623-7748 rvua-eel r. nasey, uovernor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality January 2, 2003 Ms. Linda Huggins, EHS Director Barrus Construction Co. P.O. Box 399 Kinston, NC 28502 Subject: Slormwater Information Request Concrete Services of Rocky Mount Ready Mix Plant Rocky Mount and Tarboro Plants Dear Ms. Huggins: On December 16, 2002 1'made compliance inspections at the Rocky Mount and Tarboro facilities. Below are a couple paragraphs from my reports that specify information needed to complete those inspections. The SPPP manual contained all of the required elements in well written narratives, guidance pages and reporting templates. However; 611 but one of the sections where data should have been stored (thus showing implementation of the stormwater program) were empty except for inspection and draining of containment areas. Specifically missing were signed monthly housekeeping inspections, semi-annual inspections of the stormwater system, employee training records," visual observations taken during sampling events, and analytical'data'with chains=of-custody: Please add the pH readings taken at the time samples were collected in 2002. Does analytical data exist for prior years of these permits? If so, please see that these are placed into each site manual. Again, all of the above records should be stored in a site's manual as they are generated. This is true for each company manufacturing site. Annual employee training is reportedly given at Kinston all at one time for all locations. To develop proof of that training, the Division was going to suggest that, ideally, pages be provided for employee signatures, one page for each site. In other words, the workers at a give site will sign the sheet for that facility, and this can be stored in that site's SP3 manual. Per our telephone conversation on 1/2/03, this breakdown will be difficult to produce. In lieu of individual location sheets, please ask the Plant Manager for each location to highlight in color the names of the employees at his site on a master signature sheet. Training provided at other times at individual plants should also be documented whenever a stormwater topic is included, as they hopefully would be from time to time. If you have comments or questions, please contact me again at 919 571-4700. Sincerely, G h.� - V Myrl A. Nisely Environmental Specialist up UCDEtitt N. C. Division of Water Quality 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 (919) 571-4700 Customer Service Raleigh Regional Office 1 800 623-7748 PERMIT NUMBER NCG140007 OWNER APAC Atlantic Inc - Coastal Carolina Div FACILITY NAME Tarboro Facility FACILITY ADDRESS 1600 Anachondra Road Tarboro I NC 27886 MAMI Minor OPERATION 0 1 PRIMARY SIC 3273 PERMIITTYPE Ready Mix Concrete Stormwater/Wastewater Discharge PROGRAM CATEGORY NPDES SW I CLASS COC PROJECT PERMIT Renewal I STATUS In review FAST TRACK PRETREATMENT 0 STATUS None AS BUILT FLOW 0 APPL_RCVD 2/19/2004 SCHED_ISSUE DRAFT_RCD PUBLIC NOTICE AFFILIATIONS PERMITTED FLOW 0 ORIGINAL 9/30/1994 ISSUED EFFECTIVE EXPIRES UPDATED 7/23/2004 OWNER TYPE Non -Government REGION Raleigh COUNTY Edgecombe LATITUDE LONGITUDE PRIMARY ken. fickle REVIEWER p REGULATED ACTIVITY Facility Contact Linda F_ Huggins 252527801C 10 Owner 2525278021 Permit Contact Edwin I IGurganus 2525278021 Duplicates LAST UPDATE BY bimsprod.cron SECONDARY RELATED PERMITS Based on Affiliation Hierarchy Invoice Address jEdwin Gurganus Plant Manager PO Box 399 1604 E New Bern Rd Correspondence Address Edwin Gurganus Plant Manager PO Box 399 III State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director EDWIN GURGANUS CONCRETE SERVICES OF ROCKY MOUNT PO BOX 7098 ROCKY MOUNT, NC 27801 Dear Permittee: Wxy 1, •: ' NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES July 26. 1999 Subject: Reissue - NPDES Stormwater Permit Concrete Services Of Rocky Mount COC Number NCG140007 Edgecombe County - In response to your renewal application for continued coverage under general permit NCG140000, the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) is forwarding herewith the reissued stormwater general permit. This permit is reissued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between the state of North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, dated December 6, 1983. The following information is included with your permit package: * A copy of general stormwater permit NCG140000 * A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) Certification Form. Completion of this form is required to certify that you have developed and implemented the SPPP as per the conditions of the permit. This form must be completed and returned to the Division within 30 days of receipt of this letter. DO NOT SEND the SPPP with the signed form. * Five copies of the Analytical Monitoring form and five copies of the Qualitative Monitoring form * A copy of a Technical Bulletin for the general permit which outlines changes in the permit, key requirements, ,and addresses frequently asked questions * A Certificate of Coverage Your coverage under this general permit is not transferable except after notice to DWQ. The Division may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the Certificate of Coverage. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by DENR or relieve the permittee from responsibility for compliance with any other applicable federal, state, or local law, rule, standard, ordinance, order, judgment, or decree. If you have any questions regarding this permit package please contact Darren England of the Central Office Stormwater and General Permits Unit at (919) 733-5083, ext. 545 Sincerely, for Kerr T. Stevens cc: Central Files Stormwater and General permits Unit Files _ Raleigh Regional Office 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone 919-733-5083 Fax 919-733-9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50 % recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG140000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No. NCG140007 STORMWATER AND PROCESS WASTEWATER DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, CONCRETE SERVICES OF ROCKY MOUNT is hereby authorized to operate a process wastewater treatment system, and is hereby authorized to discharge process wastewater and stormwater from a facility located at CONCRETE SERVICES OF ROCKY MOUNT 1600 ANACHONDRA TARBORO EDGECOMBE COUNTY to receiving waters designated as Hendricks Creek in the Tar - Pamlico River Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III, IV, V, and VI of General Permit No. NCG140000 as attached. This certificate of coverage shall become effective August 1, 1999. This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day July 26, 1999. for Kerr T. Stevens, Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director September 30, 1994 Mr. Edwin Gurganus - - Concrete Services of Rocky q IL nc_. P.O. Box 7098 U Rocky Mount, NC 27801 06T 3 1994 Subject: General Permit No. NCG 140000 _1 Concrete Services of Rocky Mount, Inc. DEHNR RALEIGH REGIONAL OFFICE COC NCG 140007 Edgecolnbe County Dear Mr. Gurganus: In accordance with your application for discharge permit received on November 25, 1994. we are forwarding herewith the subject certificate of coverage to discharge under the subject state - NPDES general permit. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215 .1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the US Environmental Protection agency dated December 6, 1983. If any parts, measurement frequencies or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to request an individual permit by submitting an individual permit application. Unless such demand is made, this certificate of coverage shall be final and binding. Please take notice that this certificate of coverage is not transferable except after notice to the Division of Environmental Management. The Division of Environmental Management may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the certificate of coverage. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Environmental Management or permits required by the Division of Land Resources, Coastal Area Management Act or any other Federal or Local governmental permit that may be required. If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact Steve Ulmer at telephone number 919/733- 5083. Sincerely, red By Original signed Coleen H.ullins A. Preston Howard, Jr., P. E. cc: dRalei.6IS-Re ional_Officbr� P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Empioyer 50% recycied/ 10% post -consumer paper STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONNIENT, HEALTH. AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG140000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG140007 STORMWATER DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELINIINA'IION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of Norh Carolina General Statute 143-2 1).1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Witter Pollution Control Act,as mnended, Conciete Services of Rocky Mount. Inc. is herebv authorized to discharge stormwater and rinse waters from a facilih located at 1600 Anachondra Tim born Edgccombe County to receiving waters designated as Hendricks Creek in the Tar -Pamlico River Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts 1, 11. III and IV of General Permit No. NCG 140000 as attached. This Certificate of Coverage shall become effective September 30, 1994. This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day September 30. 1994. Original Signed By Coieen H. Sullins A. Preston Howard. Jr., P.E.. Director Division of Environmental Management By .Authority of the Environmental Management Commission r � Radio :. II Elm' I ev 23. 5. I .. �l Trader \ / ParA e"I r LV • \NT 2 Pond�.' 1 �Mcrv,lr 5 r,as ossmg WT30, pqY Br. / / Bridge /P, flo I J ,i VT ��A, r •� �� ,lo MentC .. 1"t� bosn ��✓ ? �� �I - I I — St21 / ca [ray `,` _' —` \tµ� o-i —�--- j E�,•s ono\ ,� '•nsn h ,�� �� •:��\1 0 "5'1 RD 0� _ Golf i1 i CMyel — ,. \ , j�( 1 Course :Cem, _--Iir cCAo.MR,Dv \ .. �< oo I's Pu^rn�•'q l 4' n.0 .�i' � 'Con sT p�h nr rd' J \V > � °\Gourtdbys 1.. 'IT o 15td, _ N E SURVEY COMPLETED BY: MACK GAY ASSOCIATES, P.A. ROCKY MOUNT, N.C. OCTOBER 1999 �OTENTIAE POLLUTANT SOURCES (PPS) N(_). I)ESCRIF' TION 1. VEHICLE (RINSE —DOWN AREA 2. VEHICLE STORAGE AREA 3. CHEMICAL STORAGE AREA 4. VEHICLE WASH f=JOWN AREA 5. ACJCJREGA 1 E STORAGE AREA 6, DIESEL STORAGE TANK 7. EMPLOYEE PARKING AREA vv v vv v.� GRAPHIC SCALE - FEET LEGEND EIP = EXISTING IRON PIPE R\W = RIGHT OF WAY PE = POLYETHYLENE ENO WEERS and SNENTM S WILMINGTON, NO-R-TH CAROLINA SOB No. 9917HSW DATE: OCT 1999 N.C. GRID N U >� TE z A A Z m ROMER �+4 s�T a VICINITY MAP NTS ADDITIONS BY- JAMES I. PHILLIPS LAND SURVEYING PA CAR( /" PO BOX 3492 G�sTERo 9' MOREHEAD CITY, N.C. 28557 SEAL L-3151 252-240-4470 ADDITIONS INCLUDE.- ENLARGED QUAD MAP SHOWING ?A P OUTLET LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE ALONG WITH RECIEVING WATER BODY. RUNNOFE DIRECTIONS IMPERVIOUS AREA AND PERCENT IMPERVIOUS VILE POTENTIAL POLLUTANT SOURCES AND STORMWATER OUTFALL MONITORING LOCATIONS SCALE: 1= 6 o _TDRAWN BY WH W CHECKED BY: K P U FIGURE