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20021505 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_20020912
0F W AT ?9QG ? r 7 ={ Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality September 30, 2002 Catawba County DWQ Project #: 02-1505 Approval Of 401 Quality Certification with Additional Conditions and Catawba River Buffer Rules Stonegate Luxury Homes, Inc. Attn: Ron Carroll Post Office Box 1597 Cornelius, NC 28031-0868 Dear Mr. Carroll: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions, to impact 0.004 acres of waters/shoreline for the purpose of shorelines stabilization at North View Harbor, Lot# 72 on Lake Norman as you described in your application dated September 9, 2002. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3373, which may be viewed on our website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands. This certification allows you to use General Permit Number. 198200030 when the Corps of Engineers issues it. This approval is also valid for the Catawba River buffer rules (15A NCAC 2B .0243). In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. This approval will expire when the accompanying 404 or CAMA permit expires unless otherwise specified in the General Certification. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application except as modified below. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 211.0506 (h) (6) and (7). This approval shall expire when the corresponding Nationwide Permit expires or as otherwise provided in the General Certification. For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification and any additional conditions listed below. 1. Stormwater shall be directed to flow at non-erosive velocities across the entire protected stream buffers; 2. No trees shall be removed from Zone 1 of the Catawba Buffer unless they are directly within the construction access corridor. If trees are removed, at least two species of native forested vegetation shall be re-established within the construction access or other temporary impact area occurring in the protected buffer zone within the next growing season following construction of the project; 3. This project is for the installation of River Rock to prevent further erosion of the property due to wave action. The use of mechanical equipment on the beach must be minimized; N. C. Division of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Certification Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Mailing Address) 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 (Location) (919) 733-1786 (phone), 919-733-6893 (fax), (http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands The following is an abbreviated application form for those applying for a 401 Water Quality Certification to impact FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) regulated lake shore or bottom under the U.S. Army Corps of. Engineers Permit GP30. This Application cannot be used for wetland or stream Impacts. Please provide seven (7) copies of this application and supporting information as well as a non-refundable application fee to the Division of Water Quality of $200.60 for impacts of to lake bottom of less than 1 acre and $475.00 for impacts to lake bottom of greater or equal to 1 acre. Applications should be sent to: Division of Water Quality Wetlands Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 1. Applicant information 1. Owner/Applicant I?fomiation Mailing ID 2 V t 2a? 401 1r-1'!_!1J11L_J ti Telephone Number: rl0µ - el - CJ9 Fax Number: 70 w'y 57 ' ? d y 7 E-mail Address: 2. Agent Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: Company Affiliation: O Mailing Address: Telephone Number: a -51 I 1 Fax Number: E-mail Address: /??' S ??-??c ?? `('lJY?1 11. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also-provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. You may use the diagram below to make a hand sketch of ?Jf S? 2'2002 u /a/ka'ti? -Zob d6 bu, Please approximately sketch the foilowing information on this plan (please provide dimensions for each item, such as 10 ft. X 100 ft): 1) All proposed vegetation clearing (provide dimensions) .2) Location of rip rap or fill to be placed above the "Normal Pool" elevation 3) Location of rip rap or t=ill to be placed below the "Normal Pool' elevation 4) The location of any proposed structures such as buildings, retaining walls. docks, etc. 5) The location of any excavation or dredging below the "Normal Pool" elevation. S) Location of construction access corridors. Maps On Us: Show dap e , M25 I" I Draw. New Map Map Settings Mail Map Plan A Route Name Search~_m Category Search rMy Addresses Register General Options Find a Person Find a Product Find Email rage m of i L Interac Mai Home About Us; Contact Us i Link To Us i Advertise I Policies Ceftn data tW itfou (;?pyR 172x2. .41 ?§RvsemeV. Click here = r a t license agree - - - :„ritc:;bcwrd i :.egisterad se =ice :mar: c Switchboard Inc. http:/lznapsonus.switchboarci.comlbinl maps-mapbjvJusr=-3d6e3 i..4a a.45 i0, 1c=5l sredir--1/8/29102 no USGS monument found within 2000'. his property is located in a Special ,load Hazard Area designated by the F VA -LOOD INSURANCE RATE MAPS 'ee panel # 370050 0200 C (09/07/98} I, Ronald S. Hollifceld, certify that this plat was dram: under my supervision from an actual survey made under my supervisiorn (deed description: recorded in book SEE TITLE BLOCK ; map recorded ui book SEE TITLE B OCK that the boundaries not s ;? •t4o jr yypm as broken lines platted from information dance with G. 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