HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0005603_PERMPETITION_19911216 5 y Monday, December 16, 1991 MEMORANDUM To: Forrest Westall Water Quality Regional Supervisor Asheville Regional Office R• , • .1 Office From: Donald Safrit, P.E., Su. -rvisor se Permits and Engineering •rut Subject: Coats American-Sevier Plant Permit No.WQ0005603 McDowell County In accordance with Water Quality Section procedures, please review the attached petition filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings. Please evaluate the objections raised by the permittee and provide me with your comments within ten (10) working days of your receipt of this package. The items under adjudication are: See attached petition. TNTC Miscellaneous comments: If you have any questions, please contact Randy Jones cc Office of the Attorney General Donald Safrit Randy Jones Adjudications 1 . Coats Amencan-Sevier Plant '=,County:McDowell r : Permit No. WQ0005603 Issued: 11/6/91 r. e. .. y?Reviewer Rand Jones r NOMMWQRS: Westall Asheville Regional Office \*' ;Petition Dater` 12/10/91.,„. Attorney v Case No.a ,Memo to AG: Region Req: 12/16/91: Env Sci Req:a 00/00/00 1::; Resolved 00/00/00 Recv 00/00/00 Recur 00/00/(X) Revised`Permit" \ ,,\ ` :\ Tech Sup Req t. 00/00/00 \ GH2O Req 12/16/91' Items Adjudicated ti Recv�T 00/00/00 \ Recv 00/00/N See attached petition. TNTC F ,. Y i \ \ \ \\ \ m \\��.`.:. \` C \ c \ Comments \\\ x. a���a-`\ .cik,c kwezM`A`4.`.K ,V,`h`ti�AY,V.Y,Y\'1,V,`+,NkNg z,+:4,.N A`h`h`6.` v...g ,` *;+:tiM`w`�.`�~i:e.wi.`i.K,` w+,11,`1, .'`Y�YAYr. Y \ of ki- R i gF'>::: gliS Y°':;Ai>,iIsIrsw ���Y mop i'eS ,. �� . E E N .:::. i� � .; .1 MOORE & VAN ALLEN ATTORNEYS AT LAW OTHER orric Es: 3000 NCNB PLAZA DOwNAM, N.C. CHARLOTTE, N.C. 28280.8085 RALEIDM, PETER J. MDGRATH, JR. TELEPHONE (704) 331-1000 TELEFAX (704) 331•,150 DIRECT DIAL: (704) 331-I0BI TELEX B1393O42 CABLE MORVAN December 10, 1991 up 0 S i Mr. John Seymour State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Re: Permit No. WQ0005603/Coats American/Sevier Plant Recycle System Wastewater Settling Basin/ McDowell County Dear Mr. Seymour: In accordance with the provisions of the North Carolina Administrative Procedure Act, N.C. Gen. Stat. Section 150B-23 (a) , on behalf of Coats American, we are enclosing for service on the Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources (the "Department") Coats American's Petition for a Contested Case Hearing (the "Petition") regarding the above-referenced permit (the "Permit") . In addition and also in accordance with North Carolina state policy as explicitly set forth in the Administrative Procedures Act at Section 150B-22 , we hereby request that the Department attempt to settle the disputes regarding the Permit, as described in the enclosed Petition, through informal procedures prior to the occurrence of a formal contested case hearing. CHAR_2\F:\DOCS\PJM\LETTER\21131 1 J = John Seymour December 10, 1991 Page 2 Please contact the undersigned at (704) 331-1081 to commence negotiations toward an informal settlement of this matter. In addition, if you have any questions regarding the enclosed petition, please contact the undersigned. Very Truly Yours, MOORE & VAN ALLEN Peter J. cGratM Jr. /cc: Ms. Kay Dechant Mr. Ronald Budnick Mr. Roger Cothran Mr. Rex Stuckey Mr. Rick Gaskins CHAR 2\F:\DOGS\PJN\LETTER\21131 1 jr. 3 PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY OR TYPE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE OFFICE OF COUNTY OF(1)McDowell ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS (2) Coats American ) Petitioner. (Your Name) ) ri V. )_ PETITION C t FORA (3) Department of Environment, CONTESTED CASE I[EARINC.n Health and Natural Resources ) • Respondent. (The State Agency or Board about which you are ) CD complaining) ) Jr I hereby ask for a contested case hearing as provided for by G.S. 15011-23 because the: (4) Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources has: (name of agency) (Briefly state facts showing how you believe you have been harmed by the state agency or board.) Proposed a nondischarge permit for Petitioner's wastewater settling basin, which includes parts, requirements and limitations which are unacceptable to Petitioner, all as described more specifically on Appendix A hereto. which Petitioner incorporates herein by reference. (if more space is needed,use additionatsheets and attach) (5) (Check all that apply) Because of these facts,the agency has: _deprived me of property; X acted erroneously; ordered me to pay a fine or civil penalty; failed to use proper procedure; otherwise substantially prejudiced my =acted arbitrarily or capriciously;or rights;and based on these facts the agency _failed to act as required by law or rule. has exceeded its authority or jurisdiction; (6) Date: December . b. 1991 (7) Print your name: Peter J. McGrath, Jr (8) Print your address: Moore & Van Allen, 3000 NCNB Plaza, Charlotte, NC 28280 (9) Your telephone number: (704) 331-1081 (10) Your signature'. '�- When you have completed this form you MUST mail or deliver the ORIGINAL and one COPY to the ice of Adminis- trative Hearings, P.O. Drawer 27447, RaleiEETCC 27611-7447. AND You must also mail or deliver a COPY to the State Agency named on line (3)of this form. Please indicate below. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that this Petition has been served on the State Agency named below by depositing a copy of it with the United States Postal Service with sufficient postage OR by delivering it to the named agency. Served on: (II) Mr. John Seymour (12) Department of Environment, Health and Natur, (name) (agency) Resources (13) 512 North Salisburg Street, Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 (address) (14) This the lO day day of �Deeccembbeerr 19 91 •(15) \Y"1\`--- /' f -et (your sign t�ture) I I-06 09(9 i) , J i APPENDIX A Coats American, has filed herewith a written request (the "Request") for an adjudicatory hearing relating to proposed Permit No. WQ0005603 (the "Proposed Permit") covering the Coats American Sevier Plant Recycle System Wastewater Settling Basin. Coats American has set forth below the specific parts, requirements and limitations contained in the Proposed Permit which substantially prejudice the rights of Coats American, exceed the agency's authority, are erroneous and are arbitrary or capricious. The objections of Coats American to the Proposed Permit that are listed below are numbered to correspond to the appropriate Proposed Permit limitations. Coats American objects to the failure of the Division of Environmental Management to explore informal dispute resolution mechanisms, such .as the submission of a draft permit to Coats • American for comment, prior to issuance of the final permit, and request that informal dispute mechanisms be explored prior to any hearing in this matter. Paragraph 4. Coats American believes Paragraph 4 provides a grant of authority to the Division of Environmental Management (the "Division") which is unreasonably broad, and will allow the Division to act in an arbitrary or capricious manner with substantial prejudice to Coats American's rights. Coats American requests that Paragraph 4 of the Proposed Permit be deleted and replaced by a new Paragraph 4 to read as follows: "In the event the Facilities fail to perform to the 'reasonable satisfaction of the Division, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take such corrective action as shall be necessary and appropriate, including those as may be reasonably required by the Division, such as the construction of additional or replacement wastewater treatment or disposal facilities. " Paragraph 5. The permitted facility consists mainly of a settling basin which has been and is operating continuously. Consequently, this provision makes no sense. Coats American is unable precisely to determine the meaning of the term "in advance of operation of the facility, " and is therefore unable to determine a proper method for compliance with the Paragraph 5 pre-operation notification requirements. The terms "in advance of operation of the installed facilities" in Paragraph 5 are not defined. Coats American suggests that the term "Facilities" be defined in the Proposed Permit preamble to include the existing nondischarge settling basin for ash from coal-fired boilers and wastewater from stack scrubbers and all associated piping, valves, controls, activities and appurtenances discharging into the ash sluice pond. Coats American then suggests that the capitalized term "Facilities" (as so defined) be substituted for the undefined term facilities in all instances throughout the Proposed Permit. Coats American may then comply with Paragraph 5 CHAR_2\F:\DOGS\PJM\ENVIRONM\19991 1 • by notifying the Division forty-eight (48) hours prior to the effective date of the final permit. Paragraph 6. There is no reason to believe the permitted facilities will generate any sludge. Thus, Paragraph 6 is inapplicable and should be deleted in its entirety. Paragraph 11. The authority granted to the Division in Paragraph 11 is unreasonably broad and will allow the Division to act in an arbitrary or capricious manner. Coats American suggests, therefore, that the word "reasonably" be inserted in the first line of Paragraph 11, immediately following the word "deemed. " In addition, Coats American requests that the Proposed Permit include a general procedure for appeal by Coats American (either to the Director of the Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, or through the Office of Administrative Hearings) of any Division decisions, instructions or orders relating to the final permit which Coats American believes, unreasonable, prejudicial, unauthorized, erroneous, arbitrary or capricious, or contrary to law. Paragraph 13 . The Proposed Permit should explicitly state the frequency with which Coats American must undertake the specified maintenance inspections. Coats American expects to undertake such inspections on a monthly basis. Paragraph 14. There is no reason to believe that there will be any leachate associated with the permitted facilities, and believes that the reference to leachate in Paragraph 14 is inapplicable and should be deleted. The last sentence of paragraph 14 should be limited to samples of groundwater or surface water relating to the Ash Sluice Pond. Paragraph 15. Paragraph 15 assumes that there is a contaminant plume relating to the ash sluice pond. However, there is no evidence of any contaminant plume associated with the permitted facilities. It is unreasonable to require Coats American to model something that is not known to exist. If a contaminant plume exists, 180 days is insufficient time to detect, define and model the plume. If there is no plume, it is impossible for Coats American to comply with this paragraph. Therefore, that Paragraph 15 should be deleted in its entirety. Paragraph 16. Based upon the available information concerning the hydrogeologic conditions at the Sevier facility, the locations for monitoring wells specified in the Proposed Permit are not hydraulically downgradient from the permitted facilities. Coats American therefore requests that the Division permit Coats American to install the required monitoring wells downgradient from the permitted facilities. The precise downgradient locations can be identified in the construction permit to be submitted to the Division 's Asheville Regional Office following the issuance of the final permit. In addition, because Coats American is required to obtain a separate permit before installing any new monitoring wells, it is appropriate to begin CHAR_2\F:\DOCS\PJM\ENVIRONM\19991 1 - 2 - • • running the m of of ng ell permits rather Othan s o e e 180daysfromthe date aofeiss ancetofithewash sluice pond permit. paragraph 17 . There is no reason to believe there will be any orthophosphate, selenium, fecal coliform or magnesium associated with the permitted facilities, and that sampling for such should substances will be unnecessary. The sampling parameters be revised to exclude sampling for such substances. Paragraph 18 . The locations of the proposed Compliance and Review Boundaries, as indicated on the site plan attached to the Proposed Permit (the "Site Plan") , do not comply with the requirements of 15 NCAC 2L .0107 and .0108. Wells on the southeast side of the stream are not likely to detect conditions relating to the ash sluice pond. Coats American therefore requeses .t„at the Compliance Boundary be relocated to follow the stream bed located south of the ash sluice pond, as indicated on the Site Plan. Paragraph 19. Paragraph 19 provides too broad a grant of authority to the Division and will allow the Division to act in an arbitrary and capricious manner, which is prejudicial to the rights of Coats American. . Coats American therefore requests that the word "reasonably" be inserted in the first line of Paragraph 19, immediately following the word "deemed. " In addition, Coats American reiterates its request initially set forth under Paragraph 11 above, for inclusion in the Proposed Permit of a procedure for appeal by Coats American of Division decisions which Coats American believes to be unreasonable, arbitrary or capricious. Paragraph 24. Subparagraphs 24 (a) , (b) and (c) , which relate to operation of treatment facilities, are inapplicable to the permitted facilities and should be deleted in their entirety. Paragraph 25. Paragraph 25 is inapplicable and should be deleted in its entirety. This Appendix. A is hereby incorporated by reference into the Petition. CHAR 2\F:\DOCS\PJM\ENVIRONM\19991 1 - 3 - State of North Carolina ) VERIFICATION County of McDowell ) at deposes and says � W.R. Stuckey, being first duly sworn, that he is he is the Director of Engineering for Coats American, authorized to verify this Petition, and that the factual knowledge, information therein is correct to the best of his information and belief. W.R. Stuckey Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 1991. day of December 7/OP Notary Public 9 9 My commission expires: oliagea, - 4 - CHAR 2\FADOCS\PJM\ENVIRONM\19991 , • • NOh ivrDES FACILITY AND PERMIT DATA RETRIEVE OPTION TRXID 6OU KEY WQ0005603 PERSONAL DATA FACILITY APPLYING FOR PERMIT APP/PERMIT FEE-$ 250.00 REGION FACILITY NAME> COATS AMERICAN-SEVIER PLANT 4 COUNTY> MCDOWELL 01 ADDRESS: MAILING (REQUIRED) ENGINEER: STREET: HIGHWAY 221 NORTH STREET: CITY: MARION ST NC ZIP 28752 CITY: ST ZIP 0 TELEPHONE 704 756 4111 TELEPHONE: STATE CONTACT> SEYMOUR • FACILITY CONTACT JERRY W. SISK TYPE OF PROJECT> RECYCLE FACILITY LAT: 354725 LONG: 820130 DATE APP RCVD 09/17/91 N=NEW,M=MODIFICATION,R=REISSUE> R DATE ACKNOWLEDGED 09/18/91 DATE REVIEWED 09/26/91 RETURN DATE / / • REG COMM_REQS 09/19/91 DATE DENIED / / NPDES C- REG COMM -RCVD 10/21/91 DATE RETURNED / / TRIB Q .0000 MGD ADD INFO REQS 10/02/91 OT AG COM REQS 09/19/91 TRIB DATE- / / ADD INFO RCVD 10/11/91 OT AG COM RCVD 10/25/91 END STAT APP P 01/09/92 DATE ISSUED 11/06/91 DATE EXPIRE 10/31/96 FEE CODE( 9 ) 1=(>1MGD) ,2=(>10KGD) ,3=(>1KGD) ,4=(<1KGD+SF) ,5=(S>300A) ,6=(S<=300A) , 7=(SENDEL) ,8=(SEDEL) , 9=(CLREC) ,0=(NO FEE) DISC CODES 68 16 ASN/CHG PRMT ENG CERT DATE 11/11/11 LAST NOV DATE / / CONBILL( ) COMMENTS: 244,800 GPD RENEWAL OF 14441 MESSAGE: DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ASHEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE GROUNDWATER SECTION January 10, 1992 MEMORANDUM TO: Jim Reid Water Quality Section FROM: Kay Dechant Groundwater Section SUBJECT: Review of Petition for a Contested Case Hearing Coats American-Sevier Plant Permit No. WQ0005603 McDowell County, North Carolina I have reviewed the objections raised by the subject permittee. Following are my comments regarding the issues related to groundwater monitoring and compliance: PARAGRAPH 11 . • Recommendation: Remain unchanged. Comments : The request for insertion of the work "reasonably" implies that the permittee is assuming that we may require unreasonable monitoring. The Division has a responsibility and commitment to public trust to insure that reasonable monitoring is established. The insertion of the work "reasonably" as requested, could prompt debate, without resolution, as to the definition of what is reasonable. The subject permit is regulated under G.S. Article 21 , Chapter 143, which contains provisions for hearings and appeals . It would be cumbersome to state those provisions as a permit condition. Memo/Jim Reid/Petition-Coats American/1-10-92 Page 2 PARAGRAPH 15 . Recommendation: Remain unchanged. Comments: Currently, there exist monitor well K8014 located downgradient of the ash sluice pond. There are exceedences of the groundwater standards in K8014 for total dissolved solids (i .e. , TDS values up to 780 mg/1) . As the upgradient well does not exceed standards for TDS, and K8014 located 200 feet downgradient of the ash sluice pond exceeds groundwater standards, there is evidence that a contaminant plume is associated with the permitted facility. The 180 day time frame is very reasonable. PARAGRAPH 16. Recommendation: Should be changed as follows, "Within 90 days of permit issuance, two (2) monitor wells must be installed at the Compliance Boundary. The wells shall be constructed such that the water level in the well is never above or below the screened (open) portion of the well at any time during the year. However, the location and construction details for these wells must be approved by the Asheville Regional Office from which a well construction permit must be obtained" . Comments : There was an error on the site map attached to the permit in that the compliance boundary should be shown as 250 feet from the waste boundary. The facility was 'initially permitted on March 26, 1987 . The 180 day time frame should not be associated with issuance of the well construction permit. PARAGRAPH 17 . Recommendation: The sampling parameters should be revised to exclude orthophosphate and fecal coliform. Comments: I concur with the permittee that orthophosphate and fecal coliform would not be expected to be associated with the permitted facility. However, selenium and magnesium are components of coal and could feasibly be associated with the ash sluice pond. Levels of magnesium are substantially higher in the two downgradient wells as compared to the upgradient well presently located at the facility. . Memo/Jim Reid/Petition-Coats American/1 -10-92 Page 3 PARAGRAPH 18 . Recommendation: Delete reference to the attached site map. Comments: Refer to comments for Paragraph 16. Also, the request that the compliance boundary be relocated should be denied. The compliance boundary cannot arbitrarily be changed, for it is determined by rule in NCAC Title 15 Subchapter 2L. PARAGRAPH 19 . Recommendation: Remain unchanged. Comments : Same as comments for Paragraph 11 . LKD/gc cc: Roy Davis • • + 0 ss State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor Ann B. Orr William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Regional Manager DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION January 13 , 1992 MEMORANDUM TO: Roy Davis THROUGH: Forrest Westall FROM: Jim Reti SUBJECT: Coats Anferican Non-discharge Permit WQ0005603 Adjudication Comments McDowell County. In response to your request for comments concerning subject issue, statements are offered below. Statements have been numbered to correlate with Appendix A of Coats American' s petition for adjudication. Attached to this memorandum are the Ground Water Section' s comments on those items for which you requested their response. Paragraph 4. Paragraph 4 should remain as it appears in non-discharge permit number WQ0005603 . The permittee proposes changing "satisfactorily" to "to the reasonable satisfaction of. the Division" . Compliance with the permit is the Division' s desire. "Satisfactorily" has historically been and is currently understood to mean "compliance with the permit" . The proposed change unnecessarily adds ambiguity by suggesting that something other than permit compliance might reasonably satisfy the Division. Permittee proposes inserting into paragraph 4 "as shall be necessary and appropriate" and "as may be reasonably required by the Division" (emphasis added) . No additional protections would be offered the permittee by the changes requested. Only those actions "necessary Interchange Building, 59 Woodhn Place, Asheville, NC. 28801 •Telephone 704-251-6208 .An Lqua 1 Jpp,rtmnty.Aninnanvc ,ALoon I:mnluver and appropriate" to reestablish permit compliance would be sought by the Division. The permittee could refuse to perform any action suggested by the Division 'which the permittee believed unreasonable. The Division and its representative( s) would be liable for negligence should it require Coats American to implement any unreasonable, unnecessary, or inappropriate actions. Paragraph 5 . Delete paragraph 5 in accordance with the permittee' s request. The facility is in operation; the "notify prior to operation" requirement is therefore unnecessary. No modification of the permit to include the term "Facilities" is necessary. The permit specifies those items of treatment equipment which are governed by the permit. No additional explanation is believed to be required. Paragraph 6. Do not change paragraph 6. - The facility will most certainly generate "sludge" as defined at 15 NCAC 2H. .0203 (20) . Paragraph 6 is therefore applicable. Paragraph 13 . Do not change paragraph 13 . Coats American, in their petition, states an intent to undertake inspections monthly. Should some change in facilities operation necessitate increased or decreased inspections, Coats American would he able to respond in a situationally appropriate manner under the permit as written. With an inspection schedule precisely defined in the permit, permit modification would be required prior to Coats Americans ability to change the schedule. Paragraph 14. Do not modify paragraph 14. Under certain,conditions, leachate from unlined earthen lagoons ( such as the one operated by Coats American under permit WQ0005603 ) could be reasonably expected. There is no basis for deletion of the word "leachate" . Paragraph 24. Retain paragraph 24 as written. Unusual situations and system failures could be envisioned which would necessitate Coats Americans notifying the Division. Paragraph 25 . Do not modify or delete paragraph 25. The Division intends to classify non-discharge type facilities at some point in the future and intends to require certified operators for such facilities. The Division would wish that the certification requirement apply to Coats American at the appropriate time. Please see me if clarification or additional information is needed. • Mao State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor Ann B. Orr William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Regional Manager DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT January 15, 1992 MEMORANDUM TO: Don Safrit, Supervisor Permits and Engineering Section FROM: Roy M. Davis (� MI Regional Supervisor ' ' SUBJECT: Petition for Contested Case Hearing Permit Number WQ0005603 Coats American Sevier Plant McDowell County In accordance with your memorandum request dated December 16, 1991, we offer as an attachment our response to issues raised in Coats American petition for a contested case hearing. Enclosure/ xc : /Don Link, �n Forrest R. Westall GL,Z7-kaq cx.fr— o., .- • Interchange Building, 59 Woodhn Place, Asheville, N.C. 28801 •Telephone 704-251-6208 An ['yual Oita irtumry Anvm.n%C ,\.u.,i I I'mplocrt a @- cG V DIVISION OF ENVIIPAL MAISEr7P Groundwater Section January 23, 1992 @ R Q�yWy�E D MEMORANDUM a27pk TO: Don Safrit OroundwaterSection Asheville Regional Office THROUGH: 'Ted FROM: Bob Cheek g ibt SUBJECT: Adjudication of Permit Permit No. WQ0005603 Coats American, Inc - Sevier Plant McDowell County The Groundwater Section has reviewed the subject adjudication of permit No. W20005603 issued November 6, 1991 . The following are camients listed by item: #4 - This condition is considered standard and should remain in the permit. It may be prudent to include a statement in the permit cover letter that states the Division's willingness to coordinate any additional requirements with the permittee. #5 - This condition should be deleted. #6 - The permittee states that no sludge is generated, however, what will they do with the sludge in the lagoon? This condition should remain since the permittee may decide to empty the lagoon sludge and dispose of the material. #11 - This is a standard condition and should remain. See camients under #4. #13 -.We have no problem stating monthly inspections in this condition. #14 - The Groundwater Section is concerned with the potential of leachate contaminating yroundwater. However, sampling of subsurface leachate is next to impossible. The only way to sample leachate impact would be through groundwater samples. Furthermore/ leachate may result in a surface water problem fran material leaching through the lagoon sidewalls. If this is the case sampling of this runoff would be appLwpLiate. Therefore we recommend that the current verbage remain unchanged, to allow us the opportunity to sample any leachate resulting in runoff. V • r tit #15 - The existing monitoring wells currently show contamination, contrary to the permittee's assertion. New wells were requested because the existing wells were not properly located. We concede this condition may have been premature, given these facts. Modeling can be required in the future should the new wells show contamination at the review boundary. Therefore, we recommend deletion of this condition. #16 - The permittee should be required to acquire a well construction permit and install the wells soon after permit issuance. The 180 days is too long a period to wait for new wells. Furthermore, their proposal creates an indefinite time frame for acquisition of a well construction permit. Therefore, we do not concur with their request and recommend that the request be denied. #17 - We do agree that magnesium, orthophosphate and fecal coliform are inappropriate. Historically they have been required to monitor these parameters. As for selenium, this element is typical of coal ash and should be monitored. #18 - The well locations referenced on the site map are generally given. Specific locations are coordinated with the regional offices. A statement explaining that specific locations can be determined in coordination with the Asheville Regional Office and other site specific criteria as appropriate. #19 - This is a standard condition and should remain. See comments under #4. #24 - This is a standard condition and should remain in the permit. #25 - We concur with the permittee that this condition should be modified to reflect their current certification status. If there are any questions, please let me know. BC/TB/JF:ja/Coasts. cc: 00on-Link Central Files Permit Files • -/ , • ta• .,, , ! / NELL BRANCH Al' / / N. .98°57 07 E ---g',-8 5-- --..., , i N 6.5•73-272^6, E Ns 41•5b• -96 e ye k'\ 3,088 BB / / . JUNTA WOODY ,7 El 3,90, Pg 477 0 ' `4, 4- • 4 .- 5r.r.‘ 4/ osc., \ N .. cvnfrumicn Deve/VDR, _ REviewocuNcRy _r__,. _ .---___)=4- N-54 66 55 b ... ..,-- -.-- - Illar 44 7,34:..- -. --- , . ..,. , &I „ . ..., - -N, -- - — 7-_-7-,1R7EA ,r h 0:r•/ c —\r, — _. _- _---.- -,-_,_ -o(..-i:-•- PLANT 1 - A AsA 40/' 7'-.-..-..-4 - 111.1 1/41re . —.-."-•—cc._.,"_„_.7_c,_ c, .•••-••/•. %-I‘;Id I I' Je\I, it_____ - • , : If ,-....) 4.1 - 2,--,.. . , • --- ... ------j:_i , • . , • - ,..;;:r-r-----, -- - • , 1 ..... ...... gap .."--7:-............... ...,'----, \ileaeaa '.4. 'CNN -.--", ••”Ta.t...... .-: . / .. ... , -7: 111. ... ... ..... .. --"....... \ '. -. t 21 - . i ..• b • - .----- ,i , • A - - o REviEW SouNDRy • I: : il 1, Y / "., Ul , il —collammee Powifrowq, if s 6,J.06.e49. / CI . , ....4:4_ 9t,',1312 SUMS I 1 zoo Fr 300 400 5.00 I i i I , N &antra% A 1.Ot.0.4413.- IA' \ it COOkS (:)'?"(Ver:Can i jr..-C. \ gprorsed Honai„- wefts 0 Exislin3 Montfor kiell5 / r r 41 l �4. RECEIVED v �/ (FA v N s� ,wy Water Quality Saction fr r, >�i a7' v3 L 1�- 1 _ MAR 1 0 1992 Asheville Regional Oifve State of North Carolina Asheville, North Carolirta Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street• Raleigh,North Carolina 27611 James G.Martin,Governor George T.Everett,Ph.D William W. Cobey,Jr.,Secretary __ _ Director March 9, 1992 Mr. W. R. Stuckey Director of General Engineering Coats American Post Office Box 670 Toccoa, Georgia 30577 Subject: Draft Permit Transmittal Permit No. WQ0005603 Coats American Sevier Plant Wastewater Recycle System Settling Basin McDowell County Dear Mr. Stuckey: On November 6, 1991, the Division of Environmental Management issued Permit No. WQ0005603 to Coats American for the operation of the subject wastewater recycle facilities. On December 15, 1991, the Division received a Petition for a Contested Case Hearing from attorneys for the Petitioner which specified several objections to some of the conditions and limitations expressed in Permit No. WQ0005603, which was issued on November 6, 1991. On February 19, 1992, a meeting was held between representatives of Coats American and the Division of Environmental Management to discuss the issues associated with the contested case. As indicated in the meeting, a draft permit has been developed for your consideration. Objection 1: Coats American objects to condition 4, which basically states that if the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, the Permittee will be required to take immediate corrective actions, including the construction of additional or replacement wastewater treatment or disposal facilities. The Permittee proposes replacing the term "perform satisfactorily" with the term "perform to the reasonable satisfaction of the Division" and proposes to replace the requirement for taking immediate corrective actions with the requirement to take corrective actions that may be reasonably required by the Division. Response 1: This condition is a standard condition that is placed in essentially all permits. The intent is to enable the Division to require the Permittee to take whatever corrective actions are necessary to ensure compliance with the permit. We feel that the suggested wording - modifications will add ambiguity to the ability of this permit to accomplish its intent; therefore,this condition has not been modified. Regional Offices Asheville Fayetteville Mooresville Raleigh Washington Wilmington Winston-Salem 704/251-6208 919/486-1541 704/663-1699 919/733-2314 919/946-6481 919/395-3900 919/761-2351 Pollution Prevention Pays P.O.Box 29535,Raleigh,North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Mr. W. R. Stuckey March 9, 1992 Page 2 Objection 2: Coats American questioned the appropriateness of having condition 5 in the permit. Response 2: Condition 5 was placed in this permit in error and has been deleted. Objection 3: Coats American has requested that the term"facilities"be defined. Response 3: The narrative portion of the permit on page 1 has been modified by inserting the words for the operation of the existing "wastewater recycle facilities",which consist of... Objection 4: Coats American objects to condition 6,which deals with sludge disposal, and states that its facility will not generate any sludge. Response 4: The residuals in the settling basin are characterized as sludge, as defined in 15A NCAC 2H .0203, definition number(20). This condition is placed in all permits of this type to inform the Permittee that there are requirements that must be adhered to should the settling basin be cleaned out Objection 5: Coats American objects to condition 11, which allows the Division to require any monitoring that it deems necessary. Coats American has also requested that a general appeal procedure be incorporated into the permits. Response 5: Condition 11 has been modified by adding a sentence which indicates the Division's willingness to coordinate any future additional requirements with Coats American; however, the Division must maintain its ability to require any additional monitoring that it finds necessary for the protection of the surface waters and groundwaters. The attached draft permit contains a statement that indicates that it is final;however, all new permits or modifications originating from the Division contain provisions for appeal. Objection 6: Coats American objects to condition 13, which requires that the Permittee inspect the recycle facilities to prevent malfunctions and deterioration, etc. Response 6: Condition 13 intentionally places the burden on the Permittee to conduct inspections at the frequency that is necessary to prevent malfunctions and deterioration, etc. This condition has not been modified. Coats American can discuss its inspection frequency with the Asheville Regional Office to obtain advice on its reasonableness. Objection 7: Coats American objects to the portion of condition 14 which refers to leachate. Response 7: Since there is the potential for material to leach through the unlined lagoon into the groundwater or to leach through the lagoon sidewalls and to become a surface water problem, this condition has not been modified. Objection 8: Coats American objects to the requirement in condition 15 to model a contaminant plume. Response$: New properly located wells have been requested. If these wells indicate problems, the Division will require modeling in the future; therefore, condition 15 has been deleted from - the permit Objection 9: 'Coats American states that the specified locations for the monitoring wells required in condition 16 are not hydraulically downgradient of the permitted facilities and requests that the time frames specified for installation be extended. Response 9: A new map has been provided which revises the location of the monitoring wells. The Division feels that the specified time frames are reasonable; therefore, they have not been revised. Mr. W. R. Stuckey March 9, 1992 Page 3 Objection 10: Coats American objects to some of the sampling parameters that have been specified in condition 17. Response 10: Condition 17 has been modified by deleting the requirement for sampling orthophosphate and fecal coliform. Objection 11: Coats American stated that the locations referred to for the Compliance and Review Boundaries in condition 18 do not comply with the applicable regulations. Response 11: A revised map has been provided. Objection 12: Coats American objects to condition 19, which allows the Division to require any groundwater monitoring that it deems necessary. Response 12: The requirements of this condition have already been discussed in response 5. Objection 13: Coats American objects to some of the wording in condition 24. Response 13: Condition 24 has been modified to make it more specific to the recycle facilities. Objection 14: Coats American objects to condition 25, which is the requirement for a wastewater treatment plant operator. Response 14: According to the current regulations, a wastewater treatment plant operator is not required for this recycle facility; however, condition 25 is typically placed in all such permits. The portion of condition 25 which states "upon classification of the facility by the certification commission" signifies that an operator is not required until the Division notifies Coats American. Please review the attached draft permit and submit written comments directly to Mr. Randy Jones, of my staff, by March 23, 1992, either stating Coats American's acceptance of the draft permit or describing those conditions with which you still have concerns. If you have concerns with the draft permit and we can come to no further agreements, the Attorney General's office will be so informed and the adjudicatory hearing process can continue. If you are willing to accept the draft, please execute the attached "Notice of Withdrawal." If you have questions concerning this matter,please contact Mr. Randy Jones at 919/733-5083. Sincerely, Donald .�: rit,P. E.,(Supervisor Water Quality Permits and Engineering Attachments cc: Asheville Regional Office,Water Quality(with attachments) Asheville Regionaltffice7Groundwater(with atfathments0 Groundwater Section,Jack F1o`yd (`with attachments) Attorney General's Office, File No. 91 EHR 1392, Betsy Rouse (with attachments) Peter J. McGrath, Jr. (Moore&Van Allen, 3000 NCNB Plaza, Charlotte,NC 28280) (with attach.) Randy Jones (with attachments)