HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0005603_PERMAPP_19860929 american . thread SEVIER PLANT 1 P.O. BOX 368 l MARION, NORTH CAROLINA 28752 1 PHONE 704.736-4111 a September 19, 1986 • North Carolina Department of Natural Resources Interchange Building 50 Woodfin Place PO Box 370 '\"' Asheville, NC 28802-0370 v\-1 Attn: Mr. James R. Reid, Environmental Chemist i . . 2 Ref: Non-Discharge Permit, Sevier Plant, Ash Sluice Pond. Dear Mr. Reid: ' Enclosed please find our application for reference permit and a check .for $100.00. _ _ _ . s-.I d checke with Roy Davis on test data to submit and here- quested the following: Parameter • Test Results PH 7.0 I . Alkalinity 45 ppm , TSS 7 ppm Total Solids 836 ppm i The test samples were composite grab samples from the four corners of the ash sluice pond. Our Jerry McKinney ran the tests. If we cam further assist you in this matter, please advise. I Very truly yours, AMERICAN THREAD CO. 9'..-1. lAaLtlieft . F. T. Eslick, General Manager Technical Services FTE/rch RECEIVED Water Cuolfty Dlvixion • Enclosure - ,,.'. . i ' - -- SEP 22.199E CC - Mr. -B. Henline .- Sevier - - -Mr. H._ Johnson - Sevier - \\ -. wx•wrn A Mr .i Sick.. - rod Fort wyH+b� Off • • • `. State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Asheville Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION September 23, 1986 Mr. F. T. Eslick, General Manager Technical Services American Thread - Sevier Plant Post Office Box 368 Marion, North Carolina 28752 Dear Mr. Eslick: Receipt of the following documents is hereby acknowledged: • X Application Form _ Engineering Proposal (for proposed control facilities) Request for permit renewal X Permit„Processing Fee Other If any of the items listed below are checked, the application received is incomplete and the indicated item(s) must be received before review can begin: _ Application Form (copies enclosed) X Engineering Proposal (See on attached sheet) _ Permit Processing Fee Other If the application is not made complete within thirty (30) days, it will be returned to you and may be resubmitted when complete. This application has been forwarded to the Permits and Engineering Unit in the Raleigh Office for review and preparation of a draft permit. Once the permit is drafted, public notice must be issued for forty-five (45) days prior to final action on the issuance or denial of the permit. You will be advised of any comments, recommendations, questions, or other information necessary for the review of the application. InrerchanEm Building. 59\\oadfin Place. P.O. Box3:0. Afia•ilk, N.C. 28802-0370 r Telephone 701-1_33341., _ Mr. F. T. Eslick September 23, 1986 Page Two ' A Staff Report and Recommendations regarding this discharge will be prepared by the Asheville Regional Office. If you have any questions regard- ing this application, please contact the Permits and Engineering Unit, Water Quality Section, Post Office Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611. Sincerely, Cy i James R. Reid Environmental Chemist • , xc: Roy M. Davis Permits and Engineering • • • - , amenthrcan ead 3 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT i P.O.80%880 OLD FORT.NORTH CAROLINA 28782/PHONE 704488-7809 erp September 29, 1986 North Carolina Department of Natural Resources Interchange Building 59 Woodfin Place P.O. Box 370 Asheville, N.C. 28802-0370 " Attn: Mr. James R. Reid, Environmental Chemist ' RefiNon-Discharge:Pera..t, Sevier Pipit, Ash Sluice Pond. :'„!'‘24 - ; . Dear Mr. Reid: As per your request for an engineering proposal regarding the above referenced permit we offer the following information ." 1. The lagoon varies in depth from two to six feet! 2. The dikes are tWelve feet wide and vary in depth from five to eight feet. 3. Attached is our drawing, SE-145 which shows the basin, the manu- facturing facility and othek pertinent landmarks',such as streams and roads. If we can further assist you in this matter, please advise. Very truly yours, c.1\44, 74/asie Jerry W. Sisk, Manager Engineering cc: Mr. F.T. Eslick - Sevier JWS/sf RECEIVED %inn CNitlitY Mahon SEP 29 1986 • r - 2: • / : ialb".11* Nadi • • „ ' - ` I • - 4' r. ; : < ,.; , ,-;„1:4t ;: 7;•,z;;- 3962 o \ 'n`— Cam:.1 / r; etd 1v` - 47'30' r;b1 - \ cop L- r r�dIc1WII �Sm-rRiI�GI �QR , �1�1 /)- II; f�\�' .-ire i' 76N%!--ic ? \ \ „\-t.)..*\=-7,---7------,-„,,,,,-,-_-' ,o ( r I `t) ( 1 1/4 r-\r_,_\r-,_:).(---:)2N ` ▪C▪ ,•,1'• .e ,l'1�h Aso ,.ltt :mac :r �� ���\I, '� ,...� i \\\ 'y/l Mom-, fdi'— �,`)7. L-�r ) �,:J ''Z 1.3 ��� . • tdl �� � �� ' If. `1\� \�/lam �� ` `1)- am' ..<�, .Ru s J Ilr \ ✓ \`27 Th t ✓7 . • 4 (k �1� ' 7 } i� //\` T � 1 , � , f "-�t'▪ /� I , \ -) ( � ; �. we c` 7\ \ , 77 1 ..:,': _.e...„ : c...‘i.6, : ./j r , \ si\\ s\ltt_„rk----r-lijtncv.: 7, (I..___::- ......_,,,...y . • I ....395703•"N. / ~- ? rii n • �� a \( l`_ . ). 2'30' 1416 I407 •' eewn—erouocruu euwve".R STONj vJoirim-.""v 1r 82"005"45' 4090mm-E _ MILE (TVA 209-SE) $9 _ `' ROAD CLASSIFICATION- 1' 4'q"" Poor motor road 4d'� ' .. Medium duty \ '•.i - Wagon and jeep track=___ " - .i HILL * ,, Light duty : — . Foot trail 1,. .4 ...S. ..._ .>� .. �.. � ..-. : - .)tJ$ . :Y�_�. � . e. .. FY ''..:h t ... ✓�5.��'� te 19/0.2te6 . . .. NPDES STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS County McDowell . NPDES Permit No. Non-Discharge Permit "PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION 0. 1. Facility mnd. Address: American Thread Company - Sevier Plant P. 0. Box 368 Marion, N. C. 28752 , V . - . , 2. Date of Investigation: September 5, 1986 . . _ r 3. - Report Prepsrm4. 8Y: .' " James It. Reid 4. Persons Contacted and Telephone Number: Jerry McKinney 704/756-4111 5: '.2„- Directimns:_tlliSitel, From' Miiion, travel North on -Highway221', to SR .15561turnright'and travel appioXimately h mile to -plant.. . , . . 6. Discharge Point 7: , ,±Latitudev,: 35n 47' 25" ., : ce-,f2AALoigiiude:;.' 820 oil jou/ , .. Attach a USGS Map Extract and indicate treatment plant site and discharge point on map. H USGS Quad No. cli USGS Quad Name Little Switzerland 7. Size (land available for expansion and upgrading) : Sufficient land is available for replacement or expansion. 8. Topography (relationship to flood plain included) : Flat. i 9. Location of nearest dwelling: Approximately 1000 ' 10. Receiving stream or affected surface waters: Non-Discharge. a. Classification: b. River Basin and Subbasin No . : Yflr.l. . c. Describe receiving stream features and pertinent downstream uses: _ - '''' -a•Cr?,:;-kY 4.:4';'•!' :' k• ',,;;, ' -, ,,,- i •--' -J'-- 4, : ,- , ;•:-- g'm'it-'-'-.1-1“ -. . ' : :,' -. ,:i.,:. ' , - .-r,- -: 'i: ' '.. 41'-'-`;-“- - ; -? ;;.,,,--. . ' :- -'.:. , - , ...„-:: , - , , t-t&lp,,,XP':'1 l'-'5'-7, -,--- 4-,' --:. E-,--7-,-- 1 ;:,;-' - -, 'C, '',:*-;-:,,-.1-' ij --;.: ' ,:, ;:....-',r'-4-' --- 4- :; C--•-•''-',fit 4.' • - "'"'"'":;W:Ci'lq--i::::;' -.1:4;_ •-•8!;;:'-,,,:i;:-::: ., ,-. 2.-!.r14:-.4:::.,-.-; .- -,:-:.:4";--r*Vi/r';:;;-,:i. 71----:- :--:,....:,:7;---f,--2-c'7,`..-. --' ': — . .ipegz.;,,_-_--, ,,,,,c%• •,.,,; ;L:: ,,s.:,.:J. ..!. '_ --:,.:',,y. '-, : -4. f- :\tz3z.r:,,i1;34 4::-f. :'•-::•:: :::tE.,:: 'J.: -3-1 -:::?‘,.1,t,i-:-:c-- - :: _ \ y it4P14,,i •-•.4„;.n.i,"-pz4....4,4:34r.-frwk- i:;,-,,,,, 1;:- 4Yhi-: , ‘.. 7.,n':::',ct'q.: 44C4.72::,.> "•'...5.:21t,:,..%:" .: C',Vrc:Zi..4.5".5\V:l'ir::':-.144;17‘‘,;:;.h:i.K`^ r.7;sAft4WW7.11;:iiCig w PART II - DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGE AND TREATMENT WORKS 1. Type of wastewater: % Domestic 100 % Industrial a. Volume of Wastewater: MGD b . Types and quantities of industrial wastewater: Non-Discharge settling basin for water from a wet scrubber which is installed on a coal fired boiler. c. Prevalent toxic constituents in wastewater : None known. d. Pretreatment Program (POTWs only) N/A in development z approved ,should be required. . _ not needed 2. Production rates (industrial discharges only) in pounds N/A a. highest month in the last 12 months b. highest year in last 5 years 3. Description of industrial process (for industries only) and applicable CFR Part and Subpart : N/A 4. Type of treatment (specify whether proposed or existing) : Existing. 5. Sludge handling and disposal scheme: Proposal is to allow basin to fill and then abandon the system 1.Mi? and construct a new one. `" 4 ' 6 Treatment plant classification: 41 f-t rYy F \ * T i/.. i Y 1 ice? } Y 1 -p } 1" Y 2 i 1 3 ? f . •. . -. 1 . 4 .. ' P 7,-n _ F-•••:•6 i • . _... I • AMR VE Y C"FeSA/z s-A- "hr1 . . . • • - '2,,,p,••1•"nt4.,-,,,,, •. '•— aa.:::,3 0'ii/ is'9 is' . ,:.s,r r:. ,...,cy., :. • • " r• --- '1.I. 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U) DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GROUNDWATER SECTION October 15, 1986 MEMORANDUM TO: Don Link FROM: Len Bramble .c SUBJECT: Application for Renewal/Amendment of Existing Permit X New Permit Facility Name : American Thread Company County : McDowell Type of Project : Ash Sludge Lagoon Applicable Permit Numbers : APN 008445 GW 86172 We have received a copy of the above referenced application, which was sent to your regional office for comment on or about October 10, 1986 . You should review the application package for completeness and adequacy of relevant information and submit your request for additional information to me (via telephone or memo) by October 22, 1986 so that all required information can be requested from the applicant at one time. A copy of our formal request to the applicant for additional information will be provided to you. If you do not require additional information from the applicant to complete your evaluation of the project, you should review the application package and submit your comments to me by November 5, 1986. If a copy of the application package has not been made available to your office, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. cc: Permit Issuance Files LB/ls/RONOTIF R E C Ei vE DI OCT 1a1966 Groundwater Section Asheville Regional Office J -.4 • t GROUNDWATER SECTION DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT RECORD OF WASTE DISPOSAL PERMIT APPLICATION REVIEW J REVIEW BY: Xa,r, het an4-aste1/4 gtons4 DATE: /1/24/g'yFIELD INVESTIGATION BY: AA DATE: FACILITY NAME: `Jmot/ran 7ZPe ere/ Como nr• - net 19/onr TOWN: APiAn g COUNTY: Mc/focr/e// LOCATION: nnni ///atM/i . Sio ,/'7ti r2/ t C712 /,cclif /„rn 0 At ,a/ /n'rn/ a/WA/in,,r7 / fi3J in/4 iilewi .` TYPE OF DISPOSAL SYSTEM (LANDFILL, LAGOON, 'ETC): AcA cn/}/,'r,n Aosiii • DESIGNED CAPACITY (GPbr): WASTE PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTIC: f/,,,= r s/i &en .tr ..reirt ct#4Apr on/ 1 / Fi' e'r�I /let ✓ �DESCRIPTIO OFF LITY:" C_"��;I' ,�,,, Li/Fri kr s rAJ � � 6 -�eeT �P� i t ,rl 4,--, I by ko c I'm h n'c ceeia nt(*ICJ Fer .fin yearns. CHEMICAL ANALYSES AND OTHER DATA AVAILABLE: (CHECK THOSE APPLICABLE AND ATTACH COPIES) : C AMBIENT GROUNDWATER QUALITY (WATER TABLE) © RAW WASTE ED OTHER T1 AMBIENT GROUNDWATER QUALITY (/ARTESIAN) Q TREATED WASTE SPECIFY NAME OF NEAREST STREAM: Up n'e Tr-1 k ,4-n Lima k, IR,Cr, DISTANCE: ^-CE-e) DISTANCE TO NEAREST WELL: > I 0 Qt7 DEPTH: — PUMPING RATE: PROPOSED METHOD FOR PREVENTING GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION: fl'tr `0_ c4f.er_4_ na I I r� Utna r! c tsflerstrj9 STRUCTURE, LITHOLOGY 'AND PERMEABILITY OF SURFICIAL MATERIALS: / �,Yr ura�ai/a. dy uns0t7e1 a//i.via/ ma ow)c/st t of sik,l Wrap/ ee24,oc �na1 �A„G re HYDRAULIC RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN WATER TABLeAND ARTESIAN `AQUIFERS: The /42,44,- �tt,Ft is ceimerti in tip 4111 sroA 7i/6p In „i� A/ fhp rrne1/,Pe 4'tJpm rn bealrnr ✓ ' ✓DEPTH TO BEDROCK: t/,h r DEPTH TO SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLEnn: -�5j MONITORING FACILITIES IIEEDED (ATTACH SKETCH) : yes -11,An n(� / J ONr I1 \r,rrAtLkJ t (writ i+s /.(ret:,vnn„ 5P/pr-{-er4 ) RECOMMENDED SJAMPLING SCHEDULE AND PARAMETER REQUIRED: 7}r)n rei Q,J v-LJ,ue4e3., TDS r Toc D r ni1 Ma er a REMARKS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The_ ncG -ro.-) t-or a_ciow,Jrr.2e.ePJf v- I t rei eiA wP I ( was 4eIec-CP,u nfir, I U/Nr/&6 krnoha L,;.tk GW 48 Revised 7/84 M nN£v" % ' State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Asheville Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GROUNDWATER SECTION October 31, 1986 Mr. F. T. Eslick, General Manager Technical Services American Thread Post Office Box 368 Marion, North Carolina 28752 SUBJECT: Monitor Wells American Thread - Sevier Plant McDowell County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Eslick: On October 28, 1986, Jim Reid and I representing the Division of Environ- mental Management met with Hubert Johnson and Jerry McKinney of American Thread to select the locations for the groundwater monitoring wells that will be re- quired in the permit for the non-discharging ash sludge lagoon. At that time we selected locations for three monitor wells. One monitor well was located upgradient from the ash basin and will be used for background data purposes. Two other monitor wells were located downgradient from the ash basin. One down- gradient site was located on the northeast side of the basin. The other site, as per my telephone conversation with Jerry McKinney of October 30, 1986, was to be located on the northwest side of the ash basin between the unused ash storage basin and State Road 1556 which is located in front of the plant. The parameters to be analysed for in the monitor wells during the months of March, July, and November will be listed in your permit when issued. During the October 28, 1986, visit we also discussed groundwater monitoring and located three monitor well sites at the three unlined basins of the waste- water treatment plant as we are planning to add groundwater monitoring require- ments to your NPDES permit in the near future. I would recommend you consider constructing monitor wells around the wastewater treatment plant at the same time as you construct wells around the ash pit to help minimize expense. These monitor wells should be constructed to a depth of 30 feet and be equipped with a ten-foot section of well screen on the bottom. I have enclosed a diagram of a typical monitor well installation as well as "Applications to Interchange Building, 59 Woodfin Place, P.O. Box 370, Asheville, N.C. 28802-0370 •Telephone 704-253-3341 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Mr. F. T. Eslick . -October 31, 1986 Page 2 Construct Monitor Wells". One application should be completed for the ash basin site and one for the wastewater treatment plant site if you plan to construct these wells at the same time. These applications shall be submitted to this office prior to well construction so that well construction permits may be issued. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me. Sincerely, Donald R. Link Hydrogeological Regional Supervisor DRL:sb Enclosure cc: Bob Cheek James R.• Reid i • Locking Cap NOTE Steel Outer Casing )( If Plastic Inner Casing) \g I. Borehole to be six inches w larger than outside diameter LAND /: \ v a SURFACE of casing. \\7/ �/j\�/\\\ : mow, \K/� //�� 2. Casing and screen to be • in centered in borehole. Neat Cement Grout : , , \ -� — — GI 3. Top of well screen should tJ not be above mean high 2" or larger diam. > seasonal water level . Well Casing O 4. Casing and screen material (..? e -cc4rAule 4D to be compatible with type Puc-. Pvc Ooalts) :: v ,. of contaminant being mon- / N itored. Pelletized Bentonite - / p . ' — 5. Well head to be labeled v -::; ::;; ^ with highly visible warning -- saying "Well is for moni- Clean Washed = = '' `,- toring and not considered Sand or Gravel =_= 3 safe for drinking " . (optional) __ o 6. Well to be afforded reason- - - able protection against damage after construction. =_= Tolal TJepttn SO' Well Screen ' .s= igiM' required for r Mi:Cr-- unconsolidated -__- _ formations " example - J' 6ckeaule Ito • PVC._ well Scree,. Recommended Construction Details for a Pollution Monitor Well RE' - IVED a wro '' '`e ""\g Water vuality Division 144 FryiNOV 6 1986 Wntarn Regional Office 8RSrvllls, Pin °mons State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor R. Paul Wilms S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary GROUNDWATER SECTION Director November 5, 1986 Mr. Fred T. Eslick General Manager Technical Services American Thread Company P.O. Box 368 Marion, NC 28752 SUBJECT: Non-Discharge Permit Application Review American Thread Company Ash Sludge Lagoon McDowell County (APN008445/GW86172) Dear Mr. Eslick: As part of the Division of Environmental Management' s com- prehensive approach in addressing the impact of waste treat- ment, storage, or disposal projects on the environment, your permit application has been forwarded to us for assessment of the potential impact of the project on groundwater quality. , Our initial review indicates that the data submitted is not sufficient to make this assessment. Before your application can be processed therefore, you are requested to submit the following information to the Groundwater Section. This information should be submitted in full within 60 days of the date of this letter. Failure to com- ply may result in the returning of this application as incom- plete. (1) A general location map, showing orientation of the facility with reference to at least two (2) geographic references (numbered roads, named streams/rivers, etc. ) . (2) A site-specific map, with topographic contours (contour interval should not exceed 10 feet or 25 percent of total site relief, whichever is less) , showing all facility-related structures within the property boundary and the location of all wells, springs, lakes, ponds, or other surface drainage features within 500 feet of the Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 • An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer principal waste treatment/disposal site (s) . Wells should be labeled as to their primary usage (drinking water, pro- cess water, monitoring, etc. ) (3) A chemical analysis of the wastewater or sludge, just prior to disposal, to include the following: (a) Total Organic Carbon (g) Magnesium (b) Biological Oxygen Demand (h) Phosphorus (c) Chlorides (i) Phenol (d) Nitrates (j) pH (e) Sodium (k) EP Toxicity (f) Calcium (1) Total Dissolved Solids (4) Hydrogeologic profile, via hand or powered soil auger borings, to a depth of 20 feet or auger refusal, whichever is less. The number should be sufficient to define: (a) the major types of lithologic strata underlying the site (b) the estimated vertical hydraulic conductivity of the consolidated thickness of total strata encountered (c) the depth, thickness, hydraulic conductivity and coefficient of permeability of the major lithologic units encountered to the total boring depth (d) depth of the mean seasonal high water table (if definable from soil morphology or from evaluation of other applicable available data) NOTE: In the event the permitted facility will utilize several separate disposal fields overlying different major soil types , at least one (1) hydrogeologic profile should be established for each of the major soil types. NOTE: In the event that the surficial (water table) aquifer is less than 20 feet the hydraulic relationship (rate and direction of groundwater flow) between this unit and the underlying artesian or semi-confined aquifer unit must be determined. (5) Detailed plans and specifications of the proposed facility. Please feel free to contact the Groundwater Section, at (919) 733-3221 , if clarification or information is required. Sincerely, Bob Cheek, Supervisor Permits and Compliance Unit LB/ls/86172B. cc: !Don Link .I Bob Teulings Central Files Permit Issuance Files v DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GROUNDWATER SECTION January 29, 1987 MEMORANDUM TO: Arthur Mouberry FROM: Leland L. LaymonA2---- SUBJECT: Review of Non-Discharge Permit Application American Thread, Sewer Plant, McDowell County APN 008445/GW 86172 SERG Review Eng: Bob Teulings • The Groundwater Section has no objections to issuance of the subject permit given the following recommended conditions: (1) Within 90 days of permit issuance, install three monitor wells (one upgradient and two downgradient) located and constructed as approved by the Asheville Regional Office. (2) During the months of March, July and November collect samples from the wells and analyze for: TDS, TOC, SO4, Ca, pH, Mg and Se. If any questions concerning these comments, please call me at 733-3221 . LLL/ls cc: Roy Davis/Don Link Central Files Groundwater Files RECEIVE ) FEB 3 - 1987 Groundwater Section Asheville Regional Office 4t •