HomeMy WebLinkAbout20021141 Ver 1_Site Plan_20020718 w_ _ . (c) Copyright 2001 Appian Co~~,;ulting Engineers, f' A. these drawings have been prepared os instruments of service fr~~ a particular site or building improvement and remains tY~~~ property of the Engineer f.~; .,;e under his supervision. No reproduction i ~i wilhoul his ermi~ i i ~ reproduction or other use i~, lowtc p ss or. I 0 la iil I ~ ~ ,'i~ M ~ i.I ~~~~~1~ , III ~ ~ II i ~ i ~ Ii ~ J ~ i o ' i rn ~ ~ rn l~ „ _ I . ~il~~~ z I ~ - ~ i i ~ ~ w -1~ m a w a r- w w z w ENERAL NOTES G Location and to o ra hical information was taken from an actual field survey performed by Joyner, Keeny & Associates dated 1 P 9 P February 19, 2002. Reference Datum is MSL. 2. Storm drainage pipe if shown, is to be Class III reinforced concrete meeting ASTM C-76, latest revision. 3. All materials, construction, workmanship shall meet the City of Rocky Mount k!c;~ual of Specifications, Standards and Design. 4. Contractor to refer to Geotechnical report for guidance in sitework, if available. D 5. All concrete is to be minimum 3000 psi at 28 days, air entrained except dumpster pad to be 4500 psi, unless otherwise noted on the plans. 6. All signs, pavement markings, and other traffic control devices shall conform to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, C~~°~ C~Oa~~aMC~~00~1 p d ~Q~ latest edition as amended, and are the Contractor's responsibility. o p ° d ~ M~~~04~1 p~Q~] 7. The contractor shall be responsible for all work zone traffic control in or adjacent to NCDOT or City right-of-way. All methods ° D D D p o C~C~ ~ DQL~aMC~Q ~~G3CC~~' d o ° ° o pL~Q~I ~ pQOI~OL~[~ shall conform to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and NCDOT standards. 8. Contractor shall saw-cut to provide smooth transition at tie-in to existing edgy of pavement where applicable. 9. Contractor shall comply with all pertinent provisions of the "Manual of Acc(dent Prevention In Construction" issued by AGC of ® d O° d O ° D d o D D C~ 4 aOPC ~Q~/ 0 0 C~OMG~~ pdQ~ ~ p~ L~ 0 UL~C~ America, Inc., and the Safety and Health Regulations for Construction issued by the U.S. Department of Labor. TC~]4~0~1 POND/ ~ ~ML~MC~I~~' C~G~QD~ ~JC~ p~Q~ 10. Existing utility locations shown, if any, are approximate and shall be verified fn the held prior to beginning work. Contractor ' C~C~°C~ f~Q0~~0~1 0 ° o ° d C~0 ~'G~O~ pL~Q~I shall contact NC One Call Center at 1-B00-632-4949 for locations of existina utilities prior to beginning construction. 11. All disturbed areas shall be landscaped and seeded within 15 days of completion of construction. ° 0 0 o D d 12. On waterlines, "Megalug" joint restraints may be used in lieu of concrete blocking of fittings normally required to have concrete G~OL~ aO~C~~ ~ DC~`~Q blockin Verify acceptability with Municipality before employing for approval. 9 CMG°~3 ~Oa~~G°>3~C~~~o[~ o 0 ~10~C~~ 13. Regulatory signs (i.e. STOP, etc.) and street name signs shall be manufactured from high intensity reflective materials. Street RALEIGH RD. C~l~°~ C~O~nl~4~ 0 D d MC~`~~O~l DC~4Q~ name markers shall be provided per local municipality or NCDOT requirements, u,s. s4 BUSINESS 14. Lot dimensions shown are approximate. ~ ° 0 D d ~T~~JC~~ D 0 CC5TQ0~ 15. When clear(n rl ht-of-wa or easements, watch for tall young slender unbrac~~d pln• trees that could fall into the X90 9 9 Y right-of-way after construction is complete. Bring to the attention of Englnee~ for resolution during clearing operation. ~ °r~ ° 0 D d [~MC~~~0~1 DC~~' QUL~~ 16. An relocation of exlstin electrical facilities and or natural gas utilities will be at the developers expense. R StR~ Y 9 / pvE C~Ls°~~ C~00 [n~~~G~ ~ ~ d MCA Ofd DI~~Q~~ 17. All fire hydrants shall be set to height per local municipality. Adjusting fire hydrants to grade is considered incidental to the cost of the fire hydrant. v ~O~~~Q~~~~ 0 ~ D d 0 DC~~'Q~L~~ 18. Property is located in a FEMA mapped flood area or Flood Hazard zone. F 90 19. Owner is responsible for determination or discovery of existing underground siz rage tanks (UST), septic Tanks, abandoned utility a ~ ®C~C~°~4 C~OMn ~4[~M o ~1 a d C~ 0 DC~~Q~~ lines, raves or cemeteries that may exist on the site. 9 xtreme caution when workin under, around, and or cd cent to exlstin ower lines. 20. Contractor shall exercise e 9 / ~ 9 P ~ t lumbin Is to meet the NC Slats Buildln Code Volume II, Plumbing. " 21. Allsiep g 9 wd the n•, !ect en Ineer. Failure to do so ma constitute ~ k° 22. Do not pour any concrete before forms ore inspected and aggro by g y w rf rm at Contractor's cost until mode saNsf b !tte ~n r. F rem.,val of ark pe o ed actory Y ~ ~ Ngern 23. Site dlaturbance fa more than 1 acn thenfon an erosion control permit has teen applied tor. No wog shall begin on site ' until an a proved copy of the eroalon control permN has been obtained from the review agency. All aodHionai erosion control w ~kNON oR A~ P o roved by the local a enc or the En ineer before installln In c o w . items that are installed that are not shown on the plans, shall be pp g y g g ~ ~ SSE P SITE INFO. LAN LEGB~D UTILITY SYMBOLS order to a rove for a ment. Items not approved will be installed at the cap tractor's expense. it Z PP P Y LOCA TI N SKETCH TRACT ACREAGE: 7.77 PHASE IV & V LOCA 0 ~ U 24. A 5 utility and drainage easement is located along the perimeter of each lot. ~ NOT TO SCALI NOT TO SCALE EX CURB t GUTTER DRAINAGE PIPE, FES (FLARED TO REYAW END SECTION) do RIP RAP. N0. OF LOTS: 22 25. All curb and gutter r~sturns shall have a 20' radius, unless shown otherwise. Provide handicap romps at all returns. , LINEAR FOOTAGE 26. Contractor shall watch for any potential upgrade depressions adjacent to and behind proposed curb. Should any be detected, PRO. CURB t GUTTER CATCH BASIN, DRAINAGE OF STREET: 1,445 L.F. fill to provide positive surface drainage over top of curb. 27. Electric power is to be placed underground, and shall be installed, H possibl, before curb, pavement, and seeding of adjacent PIPE do JUNCTION BOX AREA OF area. Coordinate with utility agency (Gary Ammons at (252) 972-1272). Do not seed and mulch behind curb until underground STREET R/W; 1.76 Ac. electric has bean Installed. Coordlnatlon of electrical placement shall be the sole raponslblllty of the Contractor. PRO SP~1 ~ TEE, G.V. do FIRE HYDRANT 28. This site is not locat~i wlthln a Watershed Protected Zone. W/BLOCKING ZONE; R-6CU 29. The streams shown c~=t the plan and shaded as such have been confirmed by the NCDENR to be located within the Tar-Pam buffer. Unless permitted, no construction (s to take place wlthln these buffers. EX .AREA uGNT ~'m 8' S.S. do MANHOLE MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACK: 30. Existing or new operable Manholes or Wetwells qualify as "confined" and require compliance with OSHA "Confined Access Entry" FRONT: 25 FEET requirements. Certifi~ad equipment, proper notification and other applicable equipment and/or devices may be necessary to protect TEE do G.V. W/BLOCKING SIDE; 10 FEET PROPOSED AREA UCHT REAR: 20 FEET workers, after systen; is operational from hydrogen-sulfide gas build-up or an otherwise oxygen-less environment. (Y25DA, tap wArn) SIDE STREET: 12.5 FEET 31. Boundary information is shown for reference only. Consult Professional Land Surveyor for boundary date. 32. Unless noted otherwise, all trees not marked to be removed ore not to be disturbed. They are to be protected from damage by equipment during construction. coNCRETE AREA DISTURBED 6.08 Ac. 33. The contractor shall ;,e responsible for the repair of any pavement or existing utUlties that may be damaged due to Ih construction activity. Exercise caution. h Baled drawin s Burin the rmittin and biddin hose. As a result, onl Ions ~ ~ ~ 0 D ~ 34. It is common for revdsions to occur totes g 9 W g 9 P Y P ~ D p ~-MM-• EX. ELEC. uNE ~ARQ ~i ~ " " 8 signed and doted by the Engineer of Record In the Approved for Construction cerHilcate (in addition io the signature and date O ~ SSI~'•.,~ ti over the seal) and, if applicable, also bearing the signature and date of the applicable local government authority reviewing and ROCKY MOUNT/ED MMUi~ GECOMBE CO Q~ 9~ IMMUNITY _ PRO. UNDERGROUND approving the plans, will be considered the Approved Construction Drowinga. These plans only are to be used for construction. ELECTRIC - SE - Work either staked or constructed from plans stamped "Preliminary" or with th. signature missing from the "Approved for DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 8421 -ss- - Ex SAwTARY SEWER Construction" certificate will be considered unacceptable for construction. The contractor shall bs responsible for remediating and w ATTN. JOYCE DI nee which ma be of variorrce with the A ro ed Construction Drams. CKENS correcting all conflict: created by him, at his own sxpe y pp g '•.ftiGINEEQ.•' ~ 35. All construction debris shall be disposed of oft-site in a state permitted landfill. P.O. B OX 1477 ~ 36. Owner to be responsible for sign permit and sign placement. - - l . W- - EX. WATER YAW ~/j11111111111 37. The cost for power pole relocation is to be borne by the Developer. Contractor Is to coordinate relocation with the Department ROCKY MOUNT N C 27 02 8 of Utilities. ~ .,~0 L/ 38. The location of the to soil stock ile shall be coordinated with Developer. (252) 442-517 P 8 P " 950 - - - - EXISTING CONTOUR 39. Minimum bury on underground electric is to be 48 . Minimum bury on Cable TV Is to be 24 . Minimum bury on Telephone is to be 36". , PERMIT APPROVALS: 950 PROPOSED CONTOUR 40. The City will conduct bacteriological testing of waterlines, which have successfully passed hydrostatic testaa{g and have been disinfected in conformance with both the City of Rocky Mount and AWWA standards. This procedure requires 5 days to complete. Q D SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM: 'v ode uate notice to the Ci for schedulln of work. 8 To avoid delays, the Developer shall gi e q ty g N.C. DEHNR PERMIT N0: ' DATE: ' 41. Street area lighting to be provided by City of Rocky Mount Public UHllties. liaslc IighNng specifications: Pole to be standard 30 ' i x ssa no EwSnNC GRADE WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: 0 Q e N.C. DEHNR PERMIT N0: ' DAT • ' W E. - V ~M M ~ of v n . of minimum bu - 6 . U l1V B ft CCA treated timber. Pole to be offset a minimum distance of 12 feet cram tM edg pa eme t e ry Fixture to be a single arm with 175-watt Mercury vapor with GE Fixture M2'i0A or equal. JOYNER KEENY & TI ASSOCIATES Q42. House/building contractor shall be responsible for the final grading of ind~r~duol late to ensure proper damage of storm water ATLANTIC GROUP PROPOSED R~N91ED .S TITAN 950.00 GRADE away from buildings. ROCKY M NT 2 OU N 5 C 27 04 8 DAIRY R AD 0 BEEN 0 ~v 524 G ~ 43. Fire Department vehicular access to all structures under Construction shall be provided at all times. In ^reas where / ~ Y N0. Q DATE: DESCRIPTION: BY: CAD: T round surfaces are soft or like) to become soft, hard all weather surface roods jhall be provided. 1252 977- 12 R~ Y p 3 4 9 44. Fire protection water supply system including fire hydrants, shall be installed and la service prior to race,rding the . .27616 C RALEIGH N m Q1 7-3-02 RENSIONS PER CRM COMMENTS P.W.S. K.S.H. ~ subdivision. If phased development is planned, installation of the fin protection water system is permitted. - 211 0 (1) 732 99 8 ® 7-10-02 RENSIONS PER CRM COMMENTS P.W.S. K.S.H. J 45. Contact Elaine Pate at (252) 972-1126 for meter taps and/or set fees. a ,f, 0 0 :i i~ f. ~Tlt l •i t1 ~ ¢ F~ t~. ~ ? ? ? $ s'' M 3~h` V ~ at~ 1 v ? r"'.:' ° r -i a 0 COIIISULTIHG ENQrHEERS PA ° „ iL~{. CIYL, MMCPAL A STRUCTURAL ENarEER8 ° m COYPREIBIBIYE ENYWOI~ENTAL SERVICES ~ , C~rfification by the Department of Planning ~ and Development that this Censfrurfinn ~h+ i was approved by the City Planning Boardron o day of o Director: W N 1 Certification by the City Engineering Department ° APPIAN CONSULTING '-NGINEERS, P.A. 841 South Wesleyan Blvd. Rocky 'Fount, N.C. 27804 that this Construction Plat meets the appropriate Phone: (252) 972-7703 appropriate City Standards. o i Fax: (252) 972-7638 Email: odminfoppianengineers.co ionenc World Wide Web: www.opp : eers.com City Engineer: Date: Y i u (r)l,q,yiiillil 'JUUI1 111,liinn (~nn~~iilliui) Inilin,~~~i~~, I'A Ihc•~~~ ~huwin~l~, huv~• hr,~n Ivrluui~~l m. in~~liurn~~nlrt ~,I gerviii• lin a (uuli~ulur ~,ilr huil,fin,~ inilnow~nii~nl un~1 n~nuiin, the ptol~rtly of Ih,• In~linccr lur usu undue Iii, ~iln~ivsiun N~: rrliirnhnUnn ur alhi•i u~,e i ur alhri u'~c i•, nllnwcil wilhnul lii~, ~~rinu~,~,iun 3S'Lx45'W 1EMP. DlU EASEMENT 'y ~ p = _ FOR STONE 7URN-AROUND. (TYP.) u~ C~C Q vi vi O T V Y Y Y O \ \ . I I ~ ~ I ~ ~ _I t---t L_ P~ ~ ~ I I TYPICAL LOT LINE - ~ r - - - r - TYPICAL 5' PERIMETER ~-/01~~ IOW-UP n m 3 3 ear' L---D&U EASEMENT TYPICAL SIGHT ~ ~ TYPICAL SIGHT ""':I I;"""' ` ~I~i;"'" Not m scuF o. m DISTANCE DISTANCE TYPICAL SETBACK LINE ; I ~f ~ ~9 DENOTES LOT NUMBER EASEMENT -EASEMENT (SEE COVER SHEET FOR I~ 8II~i ? ~ o ~ awi x 1 DISTANCES) ; I i dt I l i : O - ~ 10' - ~R W :I I E ~ DENOTES BLOCK NUMBER R/W / DENOTES LOT DIMENSION I 7~~0_~'~~_l ~ ~i.... R~ TURN-ARWND N - I~I I esoo• I _I _ L_ s~• Rau cuRe e"" ~'EAD o v FRONT LOT LINE ond-~ ROAD RIGHT-OF WAY LINE FoR NORTH M ° ~ ~ ~ ~ sTAnowNC x z SANITARY SF1EN IYIE SEE PLAN VIEWS b j ~ z o~ w . , wA~R YAUE ' MANHOIE ~ Q a ~ ~ _ AND cAec THIacNESS - ~ 0 0 TYPICAL LOT REPRESENTATION y PATCH ROAD ASPHALT Y N U U g IrK,r sauARE - W ~ ~ NOT TO SCALE OFF ASSEM&Y 1?1 ~ U U m Z /~1 ROLL CURB ~ < R/W o ~ 1B JT 8' qP W RUSE in i• A 'a ~ - - - - -DOLLAR k PLUG TRAPPED- - - p ~ ~ S' Dtll FOR Y ~ M1 p w 3 VARIES ; I VARIES B \ H ~ \ ~ a III Z o 0 ~ t~ o~ i I ` ~ - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ o \ \ Q o M 3 = ~ SEE CHART BELOW FOR TYPE OF CURB ~ I ~ 3 ~ \ \ ` i 1 r•- 12 I-2 ASPHALT I 1 /4 F- I ~ EASEMENTT (50 ~ a I 1~1 .y~ q \ \ \ WLl BE CONSTRUCTED o< O \ ~ \ , a© \ aN EA51ERd P/L). (TYP. ~ z , ~ r ,l I \ ~ ' 1~ `•L ROBERiS ~ ; \ \ cf:r I LIAN ~ 59 - 4'7 ~ 6 1176 ' P9 - i 6 D' ED R"~O ~ C~~ I ZON LppEO) _ • - I , ~ o \ ~ ~ Pp ~ . \ ¦ o\\ , R\ q \c,\ \ \ ~ \ CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.A. lu>~ ~Y' r / 8 , ~ CIVIL, MUNICIPAL & 7 4~ /I ~ o\~ ~ AL ENGINEERS CABC r• • .1 ti~ ~ ~ - , uo_.~ 1. ~ ~ i i t q'~. ~ ~ ~ - TH'l)RNE RIDGE APARTI ' NE RrocE aPnRr s - f 1 \ \ \ COMPREHENSIVE /+bR /rl \ NOTE: PAVEMENT DESIGN TO BE I; ~ , ~:°+1 ~ _ 1 ` `t"~ ~r~, ~ "V VERIFIED BY GEOTECHNICAL COMPACTED SUBGRADE -PREPARE SUBBASE ry ' (Exisrrroc) ~ 1 \ ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SERVIC I \V\,V\ ES R PORT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. IN ACCORDANCE WITH GEOTECHNICAL REPORT, to s~ fy.;/ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ti ((t / E i, I ~ ~ ll, ~ ~ ^ ~ / ~ THORNE RIDGE HDUSIN I I\ ~ ~ Il t\~ HoR,vE RrocE r+DUSrNC, c - ' 1' - 4 \ - ROCKY MOUNT: - I ~ r.rt~ : ~ l~, - - . I ~ _ , Y.T.Q AC. 5 ~ ° - I - I 1 i i ~ ~ i ~ II ~ "~I ~ ~ t ~ N R•6 CU PAVEMENT SECTION ~ ~ I zo ED ~ I l q ~ \ 841 SOUTH WESLEYAN 'tea A~. 1 ~ I ~ ' o\V \ \ ~ BLVD. ~L zorrED Res cu t I' ~ ~ ~ I \ \ \ \ ROCKY MOUNT, N.C. 27804 t tans a ti j ~ ~ i( , --h~ i, _ i : j / , : C If, , J ~ i J t - I i J ~ ~ DEED BOOK 1729,• PG DEED BOOK I729~ PG J54 , \ PHONE: (252) 972-7703 RIGHT-OF- BACK TO RIDING AGGREGATE TYPE of :il ~ld ;'-l~ll~,~ _ ~~i r i URFACE BASE CURB ~ /''•1 r'/ ~ - - ~ - - ~ ~ I - -1 - STREET NAME WAY BACK S ~ I ~ ~ i_ J H - _ - . ~ ~ VA\ ~ FAX: (252) 972-1638 ~ : 4 ,'1Q N - T-L -1 i~ ~ ~RNE R~UGf'APAR i I i i ~ I I - ~ Lr = ~ - _ (FROM-TO) (FtJ (Ft.) ~ 1 , y ~ / /,.r'~ ; .i i -PHASE ll i~, i ~ ~ ~ O.df/ is + i ~ i - ~ ~ \ EMAIL: GppianOcocentral.com -r 1 ~ • ~ U! r _ i i ~ - i i , ~(BY OTHERS) ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~I ~ _ i l0 ~ I moa \ -WAKE FOREST: - 1 lei I ~ ~ It„ IMf,~NE RIDGE HOUSlN~ ~d1C: - ~ i ~ ~ yi ( ~ I (rt L~ ~ .356-r1o. i ~ i P~ f- r I L~ ~ I , II- I RIB, \ 331 S. WHITE ST. - ~ i • I L~ _ J - ~ WAKE FOREST N.C. 27587 DREAVER STREET 80' 2T 2' I-2 ASPHALT 6' CABC 30' CURB ~ t _ _ _ _ - , ~ ! ~ - , r ~ I --I m ~j C ~ ~ i'1 ~ , ~-t i ZON R-b~U i H _ i ~ i ~ ~ ~ _ - - kGUTTER . ~ ~ ~p.5~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i i ~ _I t I ~ Aooo 1 _ ~ : e~. - _ ~ -0.- - ' / ~ f~ \ \ ~ ENGINEER: (919) 570-7808 _ -l ~ \ DETAIL 404.01 _iJ r` ~~.1 o y ~ t ~ ~ ~ - i ,'r - ~ i r : ~l ~ ~ _ ~ g~ ~ r ~ \ ` appianwfOmindspring.com H P WAY 40' 2T 2' I-2 ASPHALT 6' CABC 24' ROLL ro pi•• ( ;~I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ''I ~ ~ CURB "(.tA R.. y-_7,~ ':~1 S i~ i Jr-• f ~ ~ LJF""' " - '_~1. ENVIRONMENT: 919 562-4673 DETAIL 404.02 ~ ~ O3 ,1 ~ ,r~, - .~C, FN a Aid ' d _ - ~ = ~ - ~ ~ ~ a ianwfe®minds rin .com \ \ \ PP P 9 - T ABC 24• ROLL ' ~ ~ - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ HOPE COURT 40 27 2 12 ASPHAL 6 C ~ 1 ~ ~ _ _ _ - ~ ~ ~ \ FAX: 919 562-4675 - WORLD IDS WEB: CURB r' - 0 ~I~ S'-~ ~1 ~'a - _ f W 4 r ~ <yf_~~~_ DETAIL 404.02 N in ~ O) ~li ; 5'~.... `i rl ~r ~ - .t~/ _ ex ~ \ ~ w,\ o \ \ \ ww.app rs.com ll 2 1 't - i ~ - _J _ - E.C. ~ Ruer PowEll f`L ~ I i O ~ ' „ ~ i ~ _ 3-- ,is; '~M, ~ V, A A VA\ \ ~ _ ~ D.B. 1t69 PO .NA 2 , / '`y' ~ x, e~m , J ~ ~ ` ZONED R-!O r . ~ r: ~ I, 4 ~~17, ~ A \ VA v 11 ~ ~I M~ \ , \ \ R (uNDEvELL~fO) i r r. _y---, ^\T~--~ 6 ~ -ti-~ S i x berm I ~ r. I M - r - _ , ~ ~ - ~ , ~ . o of o ,'y , } ,1 ~ \ \1 i ~ w _ - ~ ~ 1 ~ _ ~ ::.1 w ~ - .r~~ a„ M _ ~------TM \ ~ 8421 ~ ~ 9Z-,el o. , 0 _t _ h ~7,_ ~ - + 3~ II ~ I M ~ - I I - = - . , ~ ~ . r i>f i 10.101 q..tC,i'e . Q• `1 .~8. it \ ~ - - / °v i}4' 1 ~ Ex. P \ ~ ~ ~ ~ .;y. I . ~ ay y SEWER SER4ICE SLOPE ~ 1.04% i ' ' 1 ~ ;n - - i~~~` i ~ 30 v :I ~ 3 - i N to 1. JO,,~ ~ d ~ r - - ~ \ \ , z.. NON ~,o I, \ ~ Ind Ora . _ ~I ~ Q MIN. PAD ELEV. 95 ~ \ • , ~ . , ,q , ~l 3, I ~ ~ o ~ - , , 11 N V A, A\ , MIN PAD ELEV. ~ 93 1 ~ ? ~Y7~ i'~ _ - ,5, ~ ~ NII£N~ ~ ~ 4 X20; ~ ~ iii., VI Q MIN. PAD V, = 92 ~ , ( W ,,i=-------' , ` ~ `4~~_. ~ ~ U ~ laxst a ti ) , ~ ~ 33 ,2s, p, , ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ a a~ . ~~,,~-r ; , r ; - ~~o , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - s 11~ N o BEFORE \ (e......., ~ a 36 - / ~ ~-~1i8, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o N~1 _ ex. weds (n / \ . ~ I _ e •L ~ \ YOU DIG \ ~ a~,~.: / 1 F ~ _ ~ ~ ~ CALL TOLL FREE \ rq IL f , ~ ~ ~ 1:' ~ . I : I W ~ 2~ X w • ~ \ Y' , - ~ S 1 \ r~ , j` o l N I \ \ 1-800- , $ : ~rqt~~ J --~i-. ~ / `ti~ - _ ~ T~ , 632 4949 2 _ j : l - ~ ~ , ` , 1 VIII ~r - --_Y - _ Ib N r- I~ \ NORTH i' ti . O _ A ; q n $ ~ - , • 3s ' ~ i I ~ _96 W ~ I W \ - 0 ~ ~ , t ~ ~ K 10 CAROLINA ,PA41(r u, ~ • 0.~ 15,r., r , f L~ 81 I;». 1 , / ~ X22; . \ ~~22, ~ 99 _ Q ONE-CALL ~ ...,.n t ~-,~'J I il~~. •nI N / X24' I ~ W23i Rte.., ! :•1......~~... I.. ~ 1 CENTER w ~ns'x~ ~ r p L ; ~ ~ -9t-_-; Q ~ ~ n - i~ r R I ~~.a 500 y~~4~ F~00l~.1 R1N~E---_ 1,~-95} - f o r o N . r ~ ~ 38 o I I _ g-7 sEE NorFS io ~ _ • ~ e Ions are for bidden ur oses onl and ~f e~ ~ ~ ~ - _ Thes P 9 P P Y e ~ ~ so ~ I - - - - ss - I ; la _ L _ _ _ . J' lay, ~9~ > . a N , _ _ _ W , 3a _ row - N Q N are not to be used as Construction drawin s ~',J - - - ~ ~ J L 9 / It.~ ~ _ - ia+~• t-~EX 20' OMB ESY-- ~ y ~ - - - ~ ~ ~ • .q _ - ~ ~ 8Q76 - - - - - - T. unless initialed and dated as approved for ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • • ~ \ ~ ` ~ _ _ _ _ - _ 0' D ESM 11 N % ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ 70 - _ ~ ~ Construction below by the Engineer. ` . W ~ i'`~~~ aosb a ~ . I 1 x WOODS - ~ S ~ ~ ~ N8T31'4~ ~ A roved for Construction: / , • ~ ~ i~ i • "f+4'~'0' aT7'4•e 73.73' N ~ Q T ~ N ~ . 1 N - - 'H PP ~ ~ ~ ~ I ! ~g/~ ~ 18.18' 80.18' ~ Date: / / \ ~ ~ ~ ~ OZ'/ ~ ~ N875'D•E ~ - RMECDC - ~ ~ N C~ ~~A•, to - - ~ I t ~ ~ 80. (TD Bf DEDICATED TO CRM pp~~//~~//~~pr~~ ~~pp~~`~,~~~,~~~~f.~ / ~ ~ sF~oq~F 'fll~.y ;"4_- .)r..~ ~ , N52'32'19'E ~ ~ rN FUTURE AS PoTENnAL CRM ~~~OJ~ ~ 3 Y IAL \ ~ LgA~jr^ ~ - I •Q---w_ rIGWfW LJfV1f~N~T \ Ti p / ~ ~ ro PARK LAND) \ AY~gp,~ R 1 . ~ i 79 'E 40.88' B 5.54 ACRES ~ These drawings are believed to be a correct ~ ~ • i a - _i i o ctual field conditions but ~ ~ - _ representat on f a ~ ~ ~ ~ , - are not warranted as such. J -~IA F ~l ~ N ~~ER jU0 NOT p-~ - - - ~E4.1 y 000 ~ I 1 II , IS -._a ~ i - _ - - - , - r~ - ~ - N i~- ..L. 32 B Date: ' -r- - - _ Y~ I i 15' TiYPE ` ~ .c. i r.;:. ~ e'.<b~ saw ~ 3O - - ~ ~ _ - RIPARIAN E 30 RIPA _ _ _ _ - - ~ I N ~ RIAN BUFFER ` ~ - - _ _ _ _ t._ _ . , D~CAPE UFFfRY9~; _ ~ 1. m - I ~ ; r a~ ~ - Z - - - ~ - - 20' ORAINA Certification by the Department of Planning i _ ,,,r z I „ _ ~ _ - GE I ~ . --100-•-"~ N I p ~ ~ 20' DRAINAGE EAS - - - - - ~ ~ I' I I - and Development that this Construction plat ~1 ~ ~ ex. noose ~ W •.•>,aosr-}-~ ~ ~ 4 ~ - 1 _ p~ - _ _ EMENT 10' EACH ` I NI ~ w:~,,~~ _ -SIDE OF CR was a roved b the Ci Plannin Board on - ~ ~ t8 DND ~ s K C ~ - - ~;p ,e~ • g I ~ ~ , ~ (CENT (CENTS UNE), M, ' - - . _ N II ~ ,1 1 1 sd J I I I 8 I day of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I i . , j / I ~ ~ t z ~ - - - r I N I ~ ~ I g = -90- I MFADOWBROOK PAR ~ ~ I ~ . ~ ~ 1 ~ N. B. _ K I t ~ Director: ~ I ,o, k,l I / ro Pg. 67 ~~Qon ~p~,,4~ ' t I , I \ / --~_Y I., ~ I ~ I ~ /--ZONEDR-10_ I I R t t I - ~ ~ ~ I I I INI Ir i I S ! 6 ~ rN N~ I I 8 I Certification by the City Engineering Department / - - - _I_ _ ' ~ I ~ I ~ - I F' ~ I j ~ I N II that this Constructlon Plat meets the appropriate ~ ~ _ _ _ _ ; ~ , \ --L_ I I I I N II s ~ I I I 1 3 ~ I I IN B, appropriate City Standards. ~ . ~ ~ -5 - - - - - - --L _ _ ~ - - _ __I_ ~ i e.ao 5---_ - I I N I II ~ Y I I I ~ - S - _ -L \ I - + APAp --W----SS-_~_---- `~I---i--_ -I-- I I NI II ~ L----L___j__ j ~ ~ m City Engineer: Date: ~ ' - °X E_°~+nav fx s• -W-._ - _ ss- _ - ~ -1 -W- "SS-- I ---L---~ I NI II ~ --~__.1,_ 1 II o _ S~_- _ -_.__I--- I a BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION SHOWN ~ , ~ _ r QN - -w-= his-- ~ `R~_ EX. f.H, I ~ - - - IS NOT FOR RECORDATION. I i! ~ w----W_ Ss-- ---W= ss-_ ~ \ I ~ t ~ N _ 1 ~ ~ ' suers W I ~ ~ Co~oRED CovER ? ~ , AD _ I R/w~_-~ T a c nstr ii n M ~ I In an effort to maintain quality design and o uc o , f ~ ~ I ~ N Appian has established a plan cover sheet protocol to h. ensure that the involved parties are all working from J I ~ N I I ~ N N the most recent plan revision. Appian has assigned colors 0 to the plan cover sheet to correspond with stages of the ~ N , ~ o desi n construction rocess: WHITE for a enc review/ 9 / P 9 Y preliminary phase; BLUE for the bidding phase; and GOLD ~ ~ ~ z 0 for the construction phase. Contractor should note that N \ the only set of plans to be used for construction are 0 those with a gold cover. Contractor is to contact the rA o~ 3 project engineer to obtain the most current plan. A` ~ W ~ " CONSTRUCTION SAFETY r L r) These drawings do not contain the requirements for 01 job safety. All provisions for safety shall be the sole 01 responsibility of the contractor. 04)o a w EXUMG CONDITIONS cv (a) a The contractor shall be responsible for reviewing all 0 N existing job conditions. Any adverse existing conditions affecting work shown on these drawings shall be 99-057-3 0 brought to the attention of the engineer for possible SCALE: 1' = 100' / D-0000 clarification or reconciliation. 0 100 200 250 300 350 400 Y CE-1 UCopyriyhl 2000 Appian Consulting Fnginee,~,, P. A. These ~~iuwings hove been prepared us instruments of service for a particular ,pie or building improvernenl and remains the ~~roperly of the Engineer for use under hi•, ~,pervision Na reproduction or other use I or other use Is allowed wlihot,l r~is ~,ermisslon- 'yN ~ p I 2 0 U VI to CURVE TABLE I o Y Y r N0. STATION TOP INV(OUT) INV(IN) INV(IN) REMARKS LEN. RAD. CH. DIR. CHOR. DELTA TANG. ~ 3 ~ m 3 Ci 201.28' 440.00' 20'29'33'W 99.53 6'12'39" 102.43 ~ o a a C/L STA C/L STA 21 +70.91 DREAVER STREET c3 135.46' 150.00' 30'15'15'E 30.90 1'44'21 72.74 Q a m 01 EX1 20+95.26 100.61 92.26(EX.) 92.26(EX.) 92.76(PRO.) EXISTING MH =C/L ST =C L STA 10+00.00 HOPE WAY ca 1ss.15' 200.00' 7 ' ~ 2 05 E 61.41 735'54' 88.21 2 jl W =C/L ST =C/L STA 10+00.00 HOPE COURT c5 sass' zooo.oo' osror37"w 4.9s 2.43'u' a7.as W Y © ~ C/L ELEI a STOCKPILE TOPSOIL NOTE;:' ~ITRA~CTOR TO VERIFY r-C L ELEV.= 96.59 C6 129.67' 440.00' 2ro2'25"W 29.20 6'53'05" 65.31 C/L STA 28+00.7447 0 ~ EX. CURB INLET TOP 93:21 a O OR AS DIRECTED ( A INV. 24" OUT 89.54 ° BY OWNER LOCATI --Bc--BERTH OF EX. WATER r' RET. STA 21+30.51 ) V a' CURB INLET o PR T~..~EGMAN1hIG.~ CONSTRUCTION. 37 LF TWIN 7'x8' BOX CULVERT NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY r%) o VI F F I ® = z z z 0 0.3X W/ REINFORCED CONCRETE 1 1 IF EXISTING CURB INLET Z o w w W LCAN V4096-1 N ; , ~ ~ i ~ ' I 1 ~ , CATCH BASIN IS OF SUFFICENT i S F ~ ~ ENDWALLS DETAIL (CE-12 ~ ~ ~ 1 '1 N ~ ;o ~ I , SIZE TO ACCEPT 24" RCP. IF NOT, ~ a ~ ~ 1 82 LF 24" RCP 0 1.33X 1 1 1 ~ 0 0 BOX 2'-6' x 4'-0' ~ 1 ' STA +4 C L STA 21+70.91 DREAVER STREET TOP 98.51 ~ ~ , ~i ~ o I 20 0.6400 NOTIFY ENGINEER. Y ~ N ~ ~ CONTRACTOR TO RELOCATE EX. ~ _ ~~~STA 27+64.80 ~ ~ !'J.1 II ~ I =C L STA 10+00.00 HOPE WAY , ~ Tc~lorss a, Q INV. 15" OU7 95.93 / ~ , / ~ t DETAIL 704.01/704.06 (CE-10) ~ ; ~ I =C/L STA 10+00.00 HOPE COURT .o ` 1'.~ t STA~,21f,30. 143 ac O 1 TELEPHONE 80X. COORDINATE ~ TC 92.57 ~ 31 SAW CUT EX. ASPHALT > o ~ ~ ~ - ~ -1 1 1 ~ SOF ' I ~ \ V I ~ TC 98,51 ~ ~ C/L E V.= 96.59 ~ ~ ~ i < srA 21+e2,9D21 27 LF 15' RCP 0 3.19 ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ' ~ 1 ; RELOCATION WITH LOCAL ~ ~ .-I,'" ex. mh 4 1 1~\ N 1 RIW PER OPEN CUT METHOD. 21+82:9021 TELEPHONE COMPANY L 1 ~ ' REMOVE EX. RCP AND m W -11 1 • top 91.78 , 1~\ '1 IY + .1 ~ ~ I I \ ~ , ,STA 2t 51.578 1 a TC 96 8 96.81 , ~ x ~ ll~ inv. 85.79 l ~ 1 11 INSTALL 24" RCP A$/ ~ C L STA 25+D5.25 ~ ~ : ~,..••T e, ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ 1 SPECIFED. REPAIR ~ / 1 ~ < I ~ ® i \ ~ ~ 0 96.5 ~ ~ I I ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ( ' STA 22+04.3985 ~ / I ~ ~ ~ ~ V ~ ) ' 1 't i TC 95.31 r T •pA+~';. STA 21+44.80 - ~ 1 11 i o ~ 22+04.3985 5 CURB INLE - ~ ~ ~ \ ~ Y$ ` ~ 3 TC 91 81 , ~ 1 ~ ASPHALT PER DETAIL 801.02 95.31 WLCAN V4O96 2 ~ o \ • is . ~ o ~ ~ 1 _ - (FULL DEPTH PATCH}, BACISF L BOX 4.- ~ 5'-0"' \ ' x , a 1 1 1~ ? o . ~ ~ , 1 ~ ' ~ TRENCH W/ ,y57 STONE FR~ p 1' o ~ ' ~ DND 2 1 ~ N i h ~ , I I 0 ~ / ~ , ~I ~ l I ~ m ~ , E L, ~TA +51.47 ~0 ~raP a ~ , - ~ R ~ Q i 1 ~ TOP OF PIPE TO SU , v ~ ~ ~ 1 , ~ ? ~ -1' .S. BGRADE. EI'~ II STA 22.+51.47! . ,16.75) INV.15' I t 87.87,E 39 _ 1 '',','~i, ~ ~ rr l se r ~ - ~ 1 V ~ , , ~ ° ~ o ~ a , , ~ ~ s I m a IC NFLICT BAX 5' 0 ~ 1 ~ s ~ 1 i~ f. l I ~ ~ . o: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~A ~FLICT BAX 5'-0 ETNI 0 .OP/70¢.06 (CE-10) ~ ~ a ~ : n ~ s ~ ~ ~ S~ REMOVE EX. J.B. ~ ~ I I ~ ~ ~ E ~ ~ ~ • 1 ~In u' n~ ,8~ ~ ~ ~ 0.1 1 i (n < r~ o ~ ~ V I ~ A Y 36 !i T A 94.3 SO ~ EX. CATCH BASIN ~ ? \ 1 : ~ b I : I I ' 6" 1N 89.07 94.33, 38 I ~ ex m.y~ , ? ~ , ~ ~ ,u . TBR r ~ •p ~ INSTALL PLUG AND I ~FH STA 12 +97,52 ? \'top 93~:; ~ '1' i,l ~ ~ 09 • ss. ~ ABANDON EX. 15" RCP I Q ~ r; I 36" 1N 89.07 i ~ ~ 1~ o ~ n'"~ ez. 8 , 55- - - c 1 ~ N PLC n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TOP 1071' 10 ~ ~ ~ ? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : i I N. 36 'OUT 88.97 ~ ~ A ? i O ~ Y ~ INV. 36~ OUT 95.8T ~ 6 ~ ~ ~ Et ' L 11.01 CE-10' i ' 1 6' 49Q' AIJ i~LBOW W/BLCK%G intr. 88' 0 ~ u u ~ - . r` - ,n 38' OUT 88.97 I I ~ " . \ ~ ~ ~ - / ~ r N ~ , . AIL ~j11.01 (CE-lO i, 1 6 M W/'., 1 \ ~ \ . i nil ~ ~ - , SAW CUT EX, ASPHALT 'V ~ ~ i ~ V ~ / u I I i ex. dJ a ~1 r ~ ~ ~ ~ f ~ ~ top 9 I ex. hl I Y ~ ~ 1 d lU'. o - 1 FHA Bl- , „ k , 1~ -3+. I PER OPEN CUT METHOD. top 9J. I ~ u ~ ~ , %'REMOVE SECTION OF EX. ~ o ' ~ ~ .K ~ ~ ' ~ ~ i'V ~ ~ 1 I~~. ' 1 I I f 37 inv. 6, ~ i ` ~ ~ j I ~ I ' ~ 37 inv. 97. .....2.7 LF~'15 CP 0 0:3QX n ? ~,i 1 6 ~ I _ - ~ - + ~ i ~ ~ x. mn 5 RCP AND PLACE ~ z , I - ~ ~ - - ~ ' - ' ~ 1 ` _ ~ op 91.96 OVER OPENING. INSTALL ' 1 ~I eyy5 , ' - SS ~ 1 1 '=~a ~ nigv 8~.45~15" RCP AS SPECIFIED. '~__"t~ _ ~ ~ 1 i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 74.85 ~ ~ ~ I I ~ • + ~ ii 1 ^'''i 1 ~ REPAIR ASPHALT PER 74.85' ~ L_ ~l ~ iSS ~ III t ~ ~ _ t ' ~ ~ i i,,, - i ~ u _ DETAIL 801.02 (FULL - - 11~./~59~ ~ I, n r ~ N 1 DEPTH PATCH). BACKFILL ~ ` _ 1, ~ _ Y-- / ~ B ' ~ ~ ~ ~ x ~ TRENCH W/ 57 STONE FROM ~ ~~55 i p ~ l F . r 1 ~ ' 1' 1 ~ 111 ~ ~ I TOP OF PIPE TO SUBGRADE. ~ ~ ~ ~ ---55-(- a ~ j . itllii~l...l~u~~ • ez. fe~o id ~ 1 ~ TC 1 1. ~ 1 c•. ~ , " >f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~II P ~ - x. h - ~ ~ ~*9 1 ~ ~ - ~r" 9Y~F 36' RCS •~6X l 1 ,.a - - - ~ ! i it I~n~' F!t"" e/'r ~ ^ 11 C L STA 28+00.7447 1, ~ ~ ' ~ ~ /*'"-t'- ' s~- ~ ~ '~~p ~ 11,~1~ ~ ~ - ~ ~o ,-A~' ~ 1 EX. CURB INLET - ~ ~ , , , , ~ I I ~ 1 I ~ i ~11~', e . ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 I ;o ' 1 TOP 92.70 _ 1 _ ~ i ~~'i'~ ~'1~~'p ~ ~L STA 2743.00 1 N ~ INV. 15' OUT 89.95 c~. ~ ~ OR - W BLOCKING - 1 ''Q~ % ~ ~ ,4' o ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ , ~ l I ~ - i Cpp -S~ 25+(15125 i gut ,~u~'1 ~ ~ FSET 17.50') o ~ - - , ~ ~ ~ • I ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 . r~- 4' MH JB FLAT TOP 11 ~ ~ ~ ~ . ,4 CURB INLET"' x ~ " '1~', ( ) 1 64 LF 15' RCP o 2.3aX CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.A• ~ ~ ~ r-. --.,r. 2 ~ I ~ ~ 'r~. _ G' ~ ~ ~ ~ j t~~ ~ Y ~ I ~ ~ - i 'WLCAN V -1 ~ TOP 92.00 1 1 1 , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ff, Apj~ Lfi RCP 012.71Xess2' r _ : = r ~ BOX ' ` ~ ~ 1 ~~j11 ~ INV, 15' IN 88.45 ~ I CIVIL, MUNICIPAL & _ _ _ --i - , . ~ , ~ b ~ ~ , . I STA 27+64.8459 Xa~s7 ~ ~ ~ TOP 90.68 i ' e' ~ INV. 24' IN 88:45 + 1 , STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS RET. STA 21+35.39 ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ 1 I ' 4' CURB INLET 2pfi ' ' `ti~'(~ EX.1 ~ ~ • ~A 1 9.2373 kx. woods ~ I Q, N 8~ LF 15" RCP 9 0.80% INV. 15' IN @ ,79 i 1'~ j t INV. 24` OJl T.88:3~ it 1 I TC 92.00 COM 2 , I ~ PREHENSIVE gods i ®~O .._~.........ata ~ INV. 1 ~ 7. ~ QFTAIr706.02 CE-10 wLCAN V4096-i ~ / I ,..........1..._ ~ I I NV. 36 FES pWT 85.00 5 OU 8 6~ ~ ( ) ~ CAUTION: ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DETAIL 7004.~~ 10) ~ O.H. POWER LINES 80X 5'-0" K 4'-0" ' ~ ~ i ~ ~ 1 g~ J; CRO ~ I 1I TOP 98.24 ~ ~ 1 $1 ~ MJ EDUCER I 91i LF ~ ~ I 16~ LF 36' RCP W/ 8' FE Q .42X r ~ STA 27+44.8460 I h I 1 I ~ , , ~ , - ROCKY MOUNT: - ~li LF ~6' RCP 0 .131. ? ~ ~ ~ . TC 91.81 INV. 15" IN 94.41(from sta 21+53.43; i' IP WP ~ 4 ` 1 ~ MJ;GV ~ ; I I S A 24+19.37~(OFFSET fT.50) i 1 I I I ~ MH JB FLAT TOP : 1 ' • • ~ 841 SOUTH WESLEYAN BLVD. I 0 ~ 0 1 " AIJ GV ' INV. 15' IN 95.07(from sta 21+30.51 ~ 9 V \ ¢ : S; i ® I ~ INV. 36" IN 93.18 r ~ ~ ;STA 81.0 1~ I t'CI~F ¢ : S,TA 23+25.00 ~~I ; ( r • 74 LF 24" RCP W/ 6' FES 0 0.30X ROCKY MOUNT, N.C. 27804 ~ ~ ~ aP 90.50 I DRAINAGE LABELING DIAGRAM INV. 36' OUT 93,08 t - - _ _ _ RET. STA 21+98.24 ~ _ _ TC ~ .96: 0A - _ ® E I DETAIL 704.08/704.06 (CE 10) ' i SDE ~ ='4' GiRB INLET ` ! I ~ 5 I t ;CyRB INLET ~ a I , ~ INV. 15' IN 87.04 ~ ~ PHONE: (252) 972-7703 QAN V4096-1 I INV. 36' IN 844 INV: 24' FES OUT 88.11 i I I otl 5 -o x 4'-0' ~ • ~ FAX: (252) 912-7638 a I, wt.caN v4o~s-1 ~ ~ , I tdP s; I t s2.o2 .I 1NV. 3s' ouT 85.3a ~ EMAIL: a ian0cocenfral.com DETAIL 706.02 (CE-10) ? 15' TYPE 'C' i PP 27 LF 15' RCP 0 0.3X ~ BOX 5'-0" x 4'-0" ~ -(NV. 31 ; TOP 95.53 INV. 31 -fNV. 36' IN 86.57 ~ LANDSCAPE BUFFERYARD -WAKE FOREST: - INV. 36' OUT 86.47 Q MIN. PAD ELEV. = 92 ? , RET. STA 21+53.43 i 4 INV. 36" IN 90.47 QMIN. PAD ELEV. = 95 DETAIL DETAIL 704:08/704.06 (CE-10) 331 S. WHITE ST. 4' CURB INLET ~ ~ O SIM. i INV. 36' OUT 90,37 © ( WLCAN V4096-1 rn DETAIL 704.06704,06 (CE-10) QMIN. PAD ELEV. = 93 SIM. (711.01) ~ ao, _ WAKE FOREST, N.C. 27587 pA41 SEE SHEET CE-5; ENGINEER: (919 570-7808 BOX 2'-6 x 4'-0' , 72 LF c~ . ) 72 LF 36" RCP 0 3:33X co . • 0 RET STA a lanwf0 ,FOR BLOW UP ~ ~ pp mindspring.com TOP 97.04 ; ` 68 Lf 38" RCP 0 3.84X INV. 15' OUT 94.50 i~ j~l STA ENVIRONMENT: (919) 562-4673 DETAIL 704.01/704,06 (CE-10) © CURB INLET " h~ TYPE ToP oppianwfe0mindspring.com SCALE: 1" = 50' scaLE: 1" = 50' ~a e~ ~ TOP FAX: (919) -4675 BOX SIZE N~TE~ INV. IN W~ WEB: - 0 50 100 1 scALE 1"=20' FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE LOCATED 100 125 150 175 200 Q SEWER SERVICE SLOPE = 1.04X ~ INV. OUT www pion s.com SEE DETAIL IN RIGHT-OF-WAY. HYDRAN TS SHOWN i ~ i,~~ \J~.I ON THIS PAGE HAVE BEEN EXAGG J.J FRAYED ~ i ~-~~1\.J~ FOR CLARIFICATION 1 A' ~p ~ ~ SSI fem. V f'1 f~.[l 1 : ~ Q~ 9 ~ - ~ ~ S - 8421 ' •F ` i~p ''•HGINEE•• ,,,,~ey'. VPI STA=21+00 VPI STA=22+80 VPI STA=24+80 VPI EL=100.00 VPI EL=92.50 VPI EL=90.33 CURVE LEN=200 CURVE LEN=100 CURVE LEN=200 vPl STA=27+14.60 ,4~ ~ • ~D~~P VPI EL=91.50 ~~wuu?~~ K = 125.00 K = 37.52 K = 150.00 CURVE LEN=100 ~ $"c~Z K = 199:32 " W' BEFORE N _ _ _ - - o - YOU DIG - - - - - - ~i.I~.~.A71~ ' CALL TOLL FREE - + + ~ } M 1-600- 115 ~ ~ N N < ~D M ~ N 01 ' 632-4949 • °0 ~ ° ~ rn • ~ _ _ N 01 o N o 115 115 N < ~T - W ~ 115 N O ~ ~ 10 Ol tp p, O ~ O O ~ O r NORTH o n ' M ~ ~ U ~ OUO O o CAROLINA ~ W ~ W J~ W ~ W N~~ J N M M Oi T O M ~ = U ~ _ 1- ~ Y- N W ONE-CALL 1(f ~ N W tp N ~ r O ~ = O I~1y^= ~ H U U X J W J yJ Y 01 0 N Ol - 01 CENTER W I W W Q Y I I Q Y < Y W W - Q Y W W Q Y N N ~ ~ S~CALES~ S 1 ~ 50' Y Y ~ M I M I Vl W O N IA W IA W to W _ ut W U1 W Vl W VI W , - These Ions are for biddin ur oses onl and o o + d ~ - < ~ P 9 P P Y, 110 mm M"f °M 01 ~~o°'~~ ut are not to be used as Construction drawin s - r ~ ~ _ g ~ ~ ~ z° 110 110 _ , Z 110 g lV N + + t` 0 + + N N ~ W unless Initialed and dated as approved for - _ + Construction below by the Engineer. F~ N a N± N a ~ N m J W _ _ _ 7 ~ ~ W ~ _ ~ M N N Approved for Construction: ~ i . v a ~ ~ _ ~ ~ X z - o x Z ~ - _ _ - v _ o _ Date: _ ~ w c~ it v' w c? ~ ~ - - m m It7 m N ~ ~ - - N + ~ _ O Y 105 - - - _ - " p~~~p~~p~1~,~, ~~zZ 1°3 Z a .X < x U < - N ~ _ H I r } N; _ 105 105 105 riGWY1V Nf1/1nNRxiT - 2 ~ U °x~ WW~~ as ~ WW w ~~i These drawings are beileved to be a correct ~ m- roo- _ _ _ m z N n ~ W ~ Z 1'- v R to ~ 3 + _ _ - ~ zz~a xxrco: 2Z a W, representation of actual f(eld conditions but _ ~ O a w w a a ~ r p ao = are not warranted as such. - - m m W W U U W W m m Q~ - _ U U ;I U U;D-U WW J Da ~ y _ U ~ N ate: - 100 - L - _ - - 100 100 _ 100 - Certification by the Department of Planning zr - and Development that this Construction plat T`' ' , - - - - - - - :r . - - - _ - ~ - - was approved by the City Planning Board on I-~- : ' - _ _ _ r_. - - i. y - - _ - - _ da of ~ ' ' ' - - _ ~ x 95 - - - Director: ~ . - 95 95 _ - _ 95 - - _ - - _ ~ -•-r ~_1.~.,, - - Certification by the City Engineering Department ~ ~ ~ N ~ - that this Construction Plat meets the appropriate _ - 'DIP S.S. - 1• 0 + .4X i City Standards. - - ' - T_ _ z > - _ - 0.49 0.498~X--- - ~ 7V _ - - AA ~ _ _ - - _ City Engineer: Date: _ 1e' ~ ~ - ~ - m ~ 7N ~7V 90 IN CL - _ _ m Y 1 -s--_ - - - - - _ - - N r BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION SHOWN _ i - m IS NOT FOR RECORDATION. ~ _ _ QX i \ - _ _ Q J _ r ~ - A Qx p _ - - - .-.c - ~ a - ~ A^r W{.VI IVV - YV ~ ~n In an effort io maintain qual(ty design and construction, _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ - _ _ Appian has eatabllahed o plan cover sheet protocol to " ~ - - f a ensure that the involved parties are all working from - - Y the most recant pion revision. Appian has assigned colors - - _ _ ~ to the plan cover sheet to correspond with stages of the _ L_ _ ~ " ~ ~ K o ' _ ~ - - m - - design construction process: WHITE for agency review ~ m ~ N o ri m N ~i N ; o 000 - - Q Oi .N Y VO ~ N 0 _ 8 0 preliminary phase; BLUE for the bidding phase; and GOLD N m 0-m-o ~ - - ^ - ; - 8 ----__~n ' for the construction phase. Contractor should note that ~ - z N_. ~ 3 0 _ m ~ _ _ o _a ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ 10 ~ N - - U _ a u, _ - ~ W ~ ~ Z ~ U U - T the only set of plans to be used for construction are _ _ v, m ~ - _ _ ~ W ~ z o _ r ~ ep _ ~ O 2 Z ° ry ~ ~ \ - - ° pf rM - - those with a gold cover. Contractor is to contact the ~ m ? ~ ~ m , > ~ b N ~ ~ -r O ~ CO 00 OD - pp Z _ ~ 7 Z _ project engineer to obtain the most current plan. ~ ro _ " ~ ° S _ _ _ W T~ - - r_ _ _ ~ _ ° - _ ~ ~ 1 d Z ZZ Z~ i ~ I\ . ~ o _ J - Z Z J ~ J - Z Z a a /J x x x W W W ? Os m f0 ~D f0 1 P W W pp W W O O CONSTRUCTION SAFETY _ _ _ x O WILi W W W Z ° Z Z 75 3 These drawings do not contain the requirements for 0 0 F Ss C job safety. All provisions for safety shall be the sole r °m F U 0 responsibility of the contractor. LO m o mo Y W m a a w~ U) M n 0 p O n 0 OD EXISTWG GONDrflON3- °e n LO 00 • M 0 OD C4 to +1 W W - n O The contractor shall be responsible for reviewing all 70 0 0 ~ M1 N ry o 0 0 o M W' o d w m m rn rn rn a as a ao v w O W W ~ °D t co 0 N 0 W ' O - existing job conditions. Any adverse existing conditions affecting work shown on these drawings shall be 20+00 21+00 22+00 23+00 24+00 25+00 26+00 0 m r rn m 70 70 70 U W N brought to the attention of the engineer for possible 26+00 27+00 28+00 99-057-3 / clarification or reconciliation. D-0000 CE-3 U U Copyrignt 2000 Appion Consulting Engineers, P.A. These drawings hove been prepared as instruments of service for o particular � Ite or building improvement and rem,,iin� the property of the Engineer for use under hi ,pervision, No reproduction or other use is allowed without his permission BEFORE YOU DIG c CALL TOLL FREE 1-800- 632-4949 NORTH CAROLINA ONE -CALL CENTER These plans are for bidding purposes only and are not to be used as Construction drawings unless initialed and dated as approved for Construction below by the Engineer. Approved for Construction: Date: - RECORD DRAWWGS' These drawings are believed to be a correct representation of actual field conditions but are not warranted as such. By: Date: Certification by the Department of Planning and Development that this Construction plat was approved by the City Planning Board on day of - Director: Certification by the City Engineering Department that this Construction Plat meets the appropriate appropriate City Standards. City Engineer: Date: BOUNDARY MSCFW11ON SHOWN IS NOT FOR RECORDATION. COLORED COVER SHEE78 In an effort to maintain quality design and construction, Appian has established a plan cover sheet protocol to ensure that the involved parties are all working from the most recent plan revision. Appian has assigned colors to the plan cover sheet to correspond with stages of the design / construction process: WHITE for agency review/ preliminary phase; BLUE for the bidding phase; and GOLD for the construction phase. Contractor should note that the only set of plans to be used for construction are those with a gold cover. Contractor is to contact the project engineer to obtain the most current plan. CON,STRUCTiON SAFETY These drawings do not contain the requirements for job safety. All provisions for safety shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor. EXISTING CONDRION$ The contractor shall be responsible for reviewing all existing job conditions. Any adverse existing conditions affecting work shown on these drawings shall be brought to the attention of the engineer for possible clarification or reconciliation. I I I I I \ I 2 �Ig� TAR -PAM! BUFFER iI ex. house CONTRACTOR TO USE CAUTION AND MINIMIZE DAMAGE TO EX. FENCE DURING CONSTRUCTION. PLACE CLASS I RIP RAP UP / TO ELEV. 87.7 ALONG OUTLET BANK AS SHOVM OVER FILTER FABRIC. EXTEND 36' PAST CULVERT OUTLET. DEPTH OF RIP RAP O 18". END GUARDRAIL STA 26+41.05 W IU Ju 100 1 u� i\ I . .......... �--- ---_ I I I ` .. ......................... INSTALL RAMP TYPE DRIVEWAY PER CRM STD. 2.13 �1 I I i i BEGIN GUARDRAIL STA 25+41.67 SEE DETAIL 1 S REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE PIERS AND REPLACE f i AT NEW LOCATIONS W/ CONCRETE PIERS PER DETAIL 806.02 I ( -(SEE SHEET CE -3 FOR PROFILE AND DETAIL 806.02 (CE -12) TAR -PAY BUFFER JI- ------------- 1 37 LF TWIN 7' X 8• PRECAST BOX CULVERT ------ - W/ 45 DEGREE BEVEL O 0.3% SLOPE rot cowlick reek TOP OF CULVERT BOX - 89.34 --INV. BOX IN = 81.51 - - -=-_ - ------------ ----- ----------- •x \'makI I i :.._ Q � 'b L ....... a5-86 I INV. 6" DIP IN 85. _ _� I C��83 _ .... _ .. Ol OD V ' • -BUFFER _ I 110- 0-INV. ... i\ - - _ _ - _ STA 26+42.35 34 LF 6` DIP O 0.5X "00 ? `, .. �\yOR, ��.. 89 • -TRA Gt7ARl1 6" MJ GV IN CLOSED POSITION. R 100 YEAR STORM 87.93 10 YEAR S I ORM-B7.59 CL. SC OR ML TYPE S01 IN LEVEE \ 87 ... _ ... _ - - _X GRADE --- edsal � ",fir,• �, Al A � O I � - ex.: woods - i w` ` _� 87�•.......___� 6- 6" DIP AT 6- LONG -_85 (SEE NO:FE4) 3000 PSI O 28 DAYS OVER FILTER FABRIC IN AREA 50'X10' AT 9' DEEP 85 I -- -'- "��85. AS SHOVM LF 36, RCP W/ 8' FES O 1.42X- a. no - 3 -- 1 36" FfS OUT 85.00 \ INV. 6* DIP OUT 85 --- EES PLAN ---- 83 83 83 ---82 81 - qt _ \ _ - •PRO. 15' D&U ESMT. m s. 1 `` .................\t....... . . NeooY w .................: CUT OFF TRENCH I I I I I \ I 2 �Ig� TAR -PAM! BUFFER iI ex. house CONTRACTOR TO USE CAUTION AND MINIMIZE DAMAGE TO EX. FENCE DURING CONSTRUCTION. PLACE CLASS I RIP RAP UP / TO ELEV. 87.7 ALONG OUTLET BANK AS SHOVM OVER FILTER FABRIC. EXTEND 36' PAST CULVERT OUTLET. DEPTH OF RIP RAP O 18". END GUARDRAIL STA 26+41.05 W IU Ju 100 1 u� i\ I . .......... �--- ---_ I I I ` .. ......................... INSTALL RAMP TYPE DRIVEWAY PER CRM STD. 2.13 �1 I I i i BEGIN GUARDRAIL STA 25+41.67 SEE DETAIL 1 S REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE PIERS AND REPLACE f i AT NEW LOCATIONS W/ CONCRETE PIERS PER DETAIL 806.02 I ( -(SEE SHEET CE -3 FOR PROFILE AND DETAIL 806.02 (CE -12) TAR -PAY BUFFER JI- ------------- 1 37 LF TWIN 7' X 8• PRECAST BOX CULVERT ------ - W/ 45 DEGREE BEVEL O 0.3% SLOPE rot cowlick reek TOP OF CULVERT BOX - 89.34 --INV. BOX IN = 81.51 - - -=-_ - ------------ ----- ----------- 22 LF 12" RCP W/ 6' FES O 0.3X I 2: 1 2:1 SLOPE a5-86 I INV. 6" DIP IN 85. It,� I CP I t l I till I C��83 1111 1 i ,r I Ol OD V ' • -BUFFER - - 110- 0-INV. INV.12" FES OUT 86.22 END GUARDRAIL STA 26+42.35 34 LF 6` DIP O 0.5X `, ---- • • _ ... __ EMERGENCY DRAIN W/ 89 • -TRA Gt7ARl1 6" MJ GV IN CLOSED POSITION. R 100 YEAR STORM 87.93 10 YEAR S I ORM-B7.59 CL. SC OR ML TYPE S01 IN LEVEE \ 87 ... _ ... _ - - _X GRADE --- edsal C.\ PLACE CLASS A RIP RAP s i ` _� 87�•.......___� 6- 6" DIP AT 6- LONG -_85 (SEE NO:FE4) 3000 PSI O 28 DAYS OVER FILTER FABRIC IN AREA 50'X10' AT 9' DEEP 85 -- -'- "��85. AS SHOVM \ a. no - 3 -- 1 84 __-g INV. BOX 83.00Q INV. 6* DIP OUT 85 --- EES PLAN ---- 83 83 83 ---82 81 - \ © O m - CUT OFF TRENCH P AM"Co I VIRGIN MATERI P� CH. CL. OR SC 81 - - - BOTTOM OF POND 81.00 • 87.99 BEGIN GUARDRAIL STA 25+42.33 �. 79 \ SEE DETAIL 79 0 OD ODM z _N z - - INSTALL 14.68' LONG cc LL 77 PRECAST WINGWALL AS _ - SHOWN. TYPICAL 4 PLACES. "". 15' TYPE "C" z LANDSCAPE BUFFERYARD _ --- ---- z ------------------------ ----- -----_ _ _ -- TOP OF CULVERT BOX - 89.23 -----------\- - - - - INV. BOX OUT - 81.4 w esso'ao' w \ n e5zo•oo' w - - - - - - a.a-- I I I I I \ I 2 �Ig� TAR -PAM! BUFFER iI ex. house CONTRACTOR TO USE CAUTION AND MINIMIZE DAMAGE TO EX. FENCE DURING CONSTRUCTION. PLACE CLASS I RIP RAP UP / TO ELEV. 87.7 ALONG OUTLET BANK AS SHOVM OVER FILTER FABRIC. EXTEND 36' PAST CULVERT OUTLET. DEPTH OF RIP RAP O 18". END GUARDRAIL STA 26+41.05 W IU Ju 100 1 u� i\ I . .......... �--- ---_ I I I ` .. ......................... INSTALL RAMP TYPE DRIVEWAY PER CRM STD. 2.13 �1 I I i i BEGIN GUARDRAIL STA 25+41.67 SEE DETAIL 1 S REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE PIERS AND REPLACE f i AT NEW LOCATIONS W/ CONCRETE PIERS PER DETAIL 806.02 I ( -(SEE SHEET CE -3 FOR PROFILE AND DETAIL 806.02 (CE -12) TAR -PAY BUFFER JI- ------------- 1 37 LF TWIN 7' X 8• PRECAST BOX CULVERT ------ - W/ 45 DEGREE BEVEL O 0.3% SLOPE rot cowlick reek TOP OF CULVERT BOX - 89.34 --INV. BOX IN = 81.51 - - -=-_ - ------------ ----- ----------- 2: 1 2:1 SLOPE 11jI , 1�1�1 I ilii i� l�► It,� I CP I t l I till I iii' � I 1111 1 i ,r I uu � I 1 i� 4TAR-PAM • -BUFFER • \ ex, house kill II i l END GUARDRAIL STA 26+42.35 CAUTION: CONTRACTOR TO MINIMIZE THE AMOUNT OF DISTURBANCE DURING CONSTRUCTION/INSTALLATION OF CULVERTAND IN THIS ` Atm!►. THE AREA iS WITH IN A TAR -PAM RUFI: ER PROTECTION AND IDNLY THE AREA SHOW FOR DISTURBANCE NAS REIN APPROkED RY" NCDENR QR 'CONVRQCTIAN• i SCALE: 1" = 30' 0 30 60 75 90 10 120 ©INSTALL TRASH GUARD PER (TRASH GUARD DETAIL (CE -12) ?0\ g1 `1 05 5 `��� ND1E BOJ J � 50 4�:tv'\1op / 5p �J 8FLO 4S.IN 10P N Al ,k 8g.30 y _ W 6 "Wp NJ LONQ /) v 28 DAIli " 1► Fk SY �. .1 ;. 80�oy 1115> V4IN .r,► �tL'� r OF P STON �il a po.$8100 1� p�Y , J NOTES 1. USE EITHER CONC. BUILDING BRICK -ASTM C55, GRADE N. TYPE 1 OR CLAY BRICK -ASTM C32, GRADE MS. 2. MORTAR TO BE TYPE M. a 3. CONCRE'tE PIPE TO BE CLASS III 4. USE CARBIDE TIPPED BIT TO DRILL HOLES THROUGH MOUNTING HOLES IN BASE FLANGES. INSERT 5/8" TIE RODS IN AREAS THAT ARE ACCESSABLE. OTHERWISE USE EXPANSION 2' X 2' BOX FOR WO POND ANCHORS AND FIRMLY TO WALL. WEIR STRUCTURE "A" NOT TO SCALE REV. 3-4-99 BERM X=SEC Y Q 2 2 rn Q In _ Y O V Y Y In W Vi Vi N -m 3 3i y > o_ a d v 0 LJ x � o a, 0/� N ul F T C Z 0 P 5 5 _ Y C) U V) / 0 U M W 0 0 I- ILLI I ­ 0 z r'' 0 o N Ul Q M O Q Q p � � a T z a® �nnnr FRI 0 FRI 9 CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.A. CIVIL, MUNICIPAL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS COMPREHENSIVE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES - ROCKY MOUNT:- 841 OUNT:-841 SOUTH WESLEYAN BLVD. ROCKY MOUNT, N.C. 27804 PHONE: (252) 972-7703 FAX: (252) 972-7638 EMAIL: appion0cocentral.com - WAKE FOREST: - 331 S. WHITE ST. WAKE FOREST, N.C. 27587 ENGINEER: (919) 570-7808 appionwfOmindspring.com ENVIRONMENT: (919) 562-4673 opplanwfe®mindspring.com FAX: (919 562-4675 WORLD�IWEEB: - W.aj�pl�; N 1%N Z Z U 4 J a 0 a CC Cad W 1- cc V ea el= D a' O Y Z c*Z 0 04)�o a�-'ow M cc }+ C ZLo NCD OLU a co 0 � � N 0 W 0 W 4) O N 0 N �D I 99-057-3 0 D-0648 CE -5 U L VIL law, qtr i. _0 93 91 - N TOP O ELEV. 88.00 3•-0" -PRO C41ADE -- - - O ELEV. 87.50 _ - -- 89 -TRA Gt7ARl1 100 YEAR STORM 87.93 10 YEAR S I ORM-B7.59 CL. SC OR ML TYPE S01 IN LEVEE 87 ... _ ... _ - - _X GRADE --- -- - - EX. SU GRADE BEFORE F LLING - - -- - - _ _ EX. GRAD _ IT- 87 v -- _ ' A I I V. 22 LF 12 NORMAL POOL ELEV. _86_30 . 6" MJ FLG 45' BEND 6 6- 6" DIP AT 6- LONG -_85 (SEE NO:FE4) 3000 PSI O 28 DAYS - r} 85 J \ a. no - 3 -- 1 -- - 1 __-g INV. BOX 83.00Q _ /57 STONE --- EES PLAN ---- 83 83 - - CUT OFF TRENCH I VIRGIN MATERI 81 CH. CL. OR SC 81 - - - BOTTOM OF POND 81.00 - 79 - 79 0 OD ODM z _N z - - cc LL 77 77 Y Q 2 2 rn Q In _ Y O V Y Y In W Vi Vi N -m 3 3i y > o_ a d v 0 LJ x � o a, 0/� N ul F T C Z 0 P 5 5 _ Y C) U V) / 0 U M W 0 0 I- ILLI I ­ 0 z r'' 0 o N Ul Q M O Q Q p � � a T z a® �nnnr FRI 0 FRI 9 CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.A. CIVIL, MUNICIPAL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS COMPREHENSIVE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES - ROCKY MOUNT:- 841 OUNT:-841 SOUTH WESLEYAN BLVD. ROCKY MOUNT, N.C. 27804 PHONE: (252) 972-7703 FAX: (252) 972-7638 EMAIL: appion0cocentral.com - WAKE FOREST: - 331 S. WHITE ST. WAKE FOREST, N.C. 27587 ENGINEER: (919) 570-7808 appionwfOmindspring.com ENVIRONMENT: (919) 562-4673 opplanwfe®mindspring.com FAX: (919 562-4675 WORLD�IWEEB: - W.aj�pl�; N 1%N Z Z U 4 J a 0 a CC Cad W 1- cc V ea el= D a' O Y Z c*Z 0 04)�o a�-'ow M cc }+ C ZLo NCD OLU a co 0 � � N 0 W 0 W 4) O N 0 N �D I 99-057-3 0 D-0648 CE -5 U L ( I . ~ 1 i ~ ~ -tla- I I a ~ ~ ~ 7 ` ~ r--. c ~ a~ k~~~ 1~ m C 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I i . I k=i o ~ ~ ` ~ ~ 1 \ ~ ' 1 uh ~ ~r..__ \ , \ ~p jr ? i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s I J ~ ~ ~1 0 ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ r ~ ~ LJ o i ~ocl ` ~ / ~ 0 ~ 0 4 ~ / r' ' ~L" o ~o i . I ~ f ~ ~ r / ~ -r `r l~ ~ l l l~ ~ i ~y . ~ ~ ~ ~~L~~ ~ ` ~ , ~ ` r~~\~ ~ ~ ~ ` N ~ ~ ~ ~ o / ~ ~ z a ~o ~ ~ ~ ~ z U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q I