HomeMy WebLinkAbout20021036 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_20020628FIELD DETERMINE OX-0324-A ANGLE TO MINIMIZE THE LENGTH OF >@•, SHEET PILE FL000 MALL B' NEEDED TO CONTACT EL 969.0'CONTQUR ~e'~@, OX1 ~L r ~ ~ a e~ s 1 ~ 2e~,,1 NEW EMERGENCr EL1836A808ECT10N RETE ,~,~o~° Ro F~'rc~~'a ~ I~ NT ~A a~ aql~ ~ @ rt TOP OF FLOOD r r? r, rs' ~ r, : ~ F1cEer ° wa,L EL.s69.a' FOR SPILLMAY SECTIONS SEE DAAwINO OX-0321-E ~ w~~ ~ 3 r oP of ~M S 2 BULKHEAD FOR POWERHOUSE FLOOD FL000 MALL T TOP OF PIER T F ~.S EL.960.@' DOOR REPAIR NQTES SEE K ~w DP O DRAWING GX-B923-E FLOODGATE EL. s5e. e' x3 K ~,y EMBANKMENT ~ £ PIER TUNNEL ti ~ EL 962.@ ` ~ ~ PIER WALKWAY lTYP.! VNEL BURIED LOWER ~ 2@" PIER Ox 11 ¢ ~ ~ t~ 13Mro~ .T..... i i ~ _ ......t..... % ~~.l.. ~ ~y ~Z I ~ I di ~jclB ~ i ',~.~JI ( ~ Dry ° ~ X 610 1 @~ POWER USE ~ i! I4lMAT. TION m~3 ° ° ° ° „ ii w t r' ' ii~ 8 lED II ~ i@r~l J ~ ° ° ° ° FUNNEL p I - PO R ~ ,u~ L1 DRAIN I ~ _ _ CI ° ° ° ° II T I i 'T----I----------- TUNNEL w ~~`.,y____ i I SEE DRAWING Ox-0324-F ~ L. a4 4: L~ fLOODOwALL~DETA~ILS DRAIN ~ ° ° ° TAILRACE (TYPJ ¢ TRASHWAY ¢ SEE DRAWING Ox-0G2a-C a o~ CDR POWERHOUSE F CONCRETE BUTTRESS P~. A N u 1'-0' j TAR AF FLOOD y I WALL EL 968.00 ~ e ~ IBA ~ I "4~I2' EW SCPLE -FEET ¦S!'12' EW--y ' P F AR ~Vgf~1ES _ r MN TOP OF BU K AO L NOMINAU H 9 ~ H ) P AD DRILL AN GROUT -~BTEP <:L 946.00 . OOwF1.Llx 1NTp ExIST1NG ~ONCFETE ASUTM.ENT II~II ~ I ilt~ll~ll~ ~i COMPACTED III~II~ we COMPACTED BACKfILL BACKFILL 9~0--------' G G SECTION 1 r~s• 1'-6• r-a_ SECT. 6 R 5'-6• l'-6' 2'-f• 8'-B' ENO OF fL00D WALL i WALL ~ ~ I~ OF FLT MALL \ ~ r- ` ~EL~6$.i0~ ~ UP$TRE I!P$TREAN na le• ew ;~~a~ F of "TI T AM " " M~~ W UPS RE 412' Ew 6~lC Ev I W ~Tfl2' EM DpMNSTREAM u "6112' EW '112' Ev DRILL AND GROUT I B' STOP YERTlCAL s ~ ~ ORIGINAL GROUNp ~ DOWNSTREAM DOwELLS INTO Ex16T1NG I REINFQRCING ~ _ CONCRETE ABUTMENT I ~ ~ = LINE EL VARIES cw d ~ ~ pp~ppI~IEL g~g1NTOOExISTINO TOP OF eULKHEAO ~ .~0 GDNCR~TE ABUTMENT EL 160.0@ I ~ NOMINAL) I _ ~ ~ -El~g 0~ INOMINAL) ~o 701Y' EM 10 1~ ' ~r T E :.u ~ ~r 7 u ~ 6'-B' E NOTEi INSTALL DOWELS AT AND SECT. S ANGLE INTO BULKHEAD ~ ' MALL 1N THIS AREA TD ' 9'-8• ENSURE SOUNp CONCRETE EMBEDMENT ~E~TION 3 tSHO~JN) tiles SE TIO , 6 ENO, TED) 8CALE NONE ' SE TION 8 scAl SCAL ' o SECTION 7 S CTION 2 (LOOK.rNG UPSTREAM) ~ D AL •¦4' ~1 e' a To SCALE 1` ¦4' X118'-0•e TO T P M W LLW NT BULKFIE ~L 969.00'TOP OF FL000 MALL SHEET P[LE WALL VARIES IPS27,6 SHEET P1LES1 CAST IN PLACE FLOOD MALL zg L6a6x's¢x6'-0' LG ~ g IGALVAN12ED1 PMF WALL ~ ~w FOUIgAT10N ~ =p b ~ TOP OF FL000 TRANSITION ~I ~ 1O EL 1.60' C WA L III ~III~III~ EL 960.08' TOP OF BULKHEAD C x RIGINAL ROUND CONTRACTIQN ' _ _ _ _ ~L 819.6 ~ ~ _ 0 G LINE JOINT I T COMPACTED flll ~ i ~ I STEP-UP _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ ~L. 8476 ~III~II ~III~III~I I~III~III _ I ~III~III~ L 963.68'9 I I ~ill~lll~lll~lll~lll ~ I I I EL 816.88' TOP OF BULKHEAD STEP I MIN.CDYER , ~Il~ll~lil - -ty- z I N OVER FOOTING ~ END OF SOUTH END OF SOUTH BULKHEAD I I-- I i ~-oRIGINAL cROUNo I - ~ - ~ DIA 5TAI~ESS-------------, I ~E THREA fD a I ROD.L INSTALL WITH N I EL 94).68' HILTIHY-I6B AOHE5IYE 3 , SECTION 5 SCALE l' ¦1' 8 SYSTEM OR EDUAL FOR GENERAL NOTES AND REFERENCES DRAWINGS SEE DRawING Ox-0313-E. FRAMATOM~ ANP 166='~tK6'-0` LG B' M N[[M~M EMBEOMENT- S E C T I O N 4 IOALYANIIEO) FRAMATOMEANP S ?.G. Brz~»>6 ERNS FH0003CI ~ . ¦4, N DUKE 'OwER COt1l•ANY - - = ° ° oxFORD HYDRO STATION w w DAM STABILITY AND PHF REMEDIAL YORK IA HOLE 1N ANGLE POYERHOUSE, BULKHEAD AND ABUTIENT A R ~'D1A x 3' LONG BOLT, 1THRU BOLT END " " FLOOD PALLS a a GENERAL PLAN AND SECTIONS A SHEET PILEI DETAIL 'A' I s s I RELEASED FOR FERC REVIEM. V2u1Q DESIGNEAnE`BTEfFE119 DRTE@!LBlCaI [NSP,wtvFe DATE - NTS l6 IG. RELEASED FOR FERC REYIEM OKL WWII - - - - - okRwN b~.t.ac oATElS!We[ [NSV, oaTE ERN~FH0003CI ~ CIVIL ELEC. FfCH. CSCaKEO DATE APPA, DATE REV NQ REYISIONB DRN DATE CHKD DATE APPR DRTE [NSPECTED NDT DYG. NQ OX-0324-A 4 a _ _ ANCh ANCHORS NBAI THROUGH NBA 13 ~ ! Axl ~ 11'-0• I I -e• Isr-B• ~ OX-0323-A 0' iw ~ 16~. , ~q! 1 2 ~ ioP OF i a 8 kq~ EMEANKMENT ~ S8g1 2 ANCHORS f 20'¦4B' i ~6 ~ EL 952.0 8 1 1 ANCHOR f 16' SBA 19 2 2 f l?'•2g' E L T ~ I HDR I HOR f Ir ~ UPSTREAM FACE OF 6PILLMAY ? ~ ~6'~ . f T ANCHDRS f 11'•68' TOP OF ~ e• TOP OF P1L MAY S f ll'•68' z S L ANCHDRS SA l THRDUGH SM0 PMF WALL ~ BULKHEAD EL 959,0 EL. 950.0' Fl AL ~ ~ 1 - 7 TOP I %3 FLOOD GATE TOP OF ~ \ C , if ~'IW~,6 WALKWAY FLOODGATE TOP OF P[ER OVER) ST 4 ~ 68A1 px,,~-p~-a ITYP,1 EL 960, 0' ~i°.~.p EL09~~~ OVERFLOW SECTION ~ . K Hpq a e. ` r?g w EL 536,0 I . - ,Dx 'ar - _ ....1... ................................................................1............ i K f f ~ OIWY DRIVE I 9A 1 $IAfi A8 SA 13 p 17 ~p21 ~A26 - 29 • SP93 5A3 ~ NBA v ° I I .I I I I ~If ~•!!f •~if ~r~ • SA3 NBAL ..i' ~ Y I I-+._._._._ _ ~ • r!~ i u~ a~ ~ ° II SEM 9AA~; 12 A 1 q p r~ 4 Io~EA . 16'_ ? ~ L~ W T-B' - ~.-B. ? ° 4 ~ . II i ~ ~ ~ SA3~ III 11 ~ - qW~- ~ i J ~ ~ ~ ' a, . F~ n Ye a ° a a II II \1~~ ~ ~IJNNEL I POW HOU I ~ - - - - - - - - - ~U. N~ _ _ _ ~ $PIULWAY ~ b IWW` 44 Q ~ ORA1N ~P a ° ° ° a I BTRI I T----I----------- ~ " ~ N ~ a ~ ~ TUNNEL a I I \ a m PIER ~5~~~ PIER y ° ° °TRASHWAY BTA GRAIN H ~`L----~----------- ~ r-B• J I DX-~-C m vm TAILRACE ~ l ~ € ANCHOR LOCATION u REPRESENTS El 892.88' ~B'r RECESS L ON SP1lLYAY fACE ON SPILLMAY ~ GALLERY DRAIN TUNNEL ANCHOR TABLE 's TYPICAL , INCLINATION DIMENSION DIMENSION DRIED NUMBER DESIGN ALIGKHENT TEST LOCKOFF MINIMUM FREE LENGTH TAIL LENGTH TOTAL PIPE S RNPk DF TENDON ,a MIN, NOM, Di LORD LOAD LORD LOAD BO)OEO TOP PLT, T ffROM TOP OF iENOON BABE PLATE 9UE BASE PUTE BLOCK 812E ANC)KIR BLOCK RElNFOIICW NOM) e PIPE SLEEVE TYPICAL PLAN OF SPILLWAY ANCH R NUMBER ffT,) IIN.) D1A, IIN,) STRANDS IkIPB) IKIPa (kIPW uUPG LENGTH ffT,l rOP fir') LENGTH ffT, xDI.E 512E I SA1 75 4 12 GRT.)ffEETI (FEET) OIA. 0 LOCATION OIA. IW.1 35 I f 128 21x27• THICK 12. x' / +8' /w3. a' DEEP •4 SPIRAL-2 ROYS Y/ 13 TURNS • 3' Irr I SA2 7 6 4 12 36 82 a 128 27•w21R+• THICK Iz.x•r +B7w3.6.OEE? •4 srIRAL-2 ROYB Y/13 TuRNB • 3' Irr 1 A3 7 4 68 35 82 11 12 27•w Tw+' THICK 12.24', ,B•/ 3.a'DEEP •6 SPIRAL-2 ROY Y/13 TUIY6 • Y 7 ; /IS TURNS ? 3• Ir. SCN,21 I I SCALE I• ¦ l8' / 1s Tows ? 3• Ir. scN zt j $A4 75 16 14 12 58 35 82 Il 12 21•:Z7•x4' TNICk 12.24'1 +B•/w3.6'OEEP •6 6PIRRL-2 Rw8 Y/13 TURNS • 3' Irr ! na rows ? r SA5 76 1 68 35 _ 11 128 21x27•x,• THICK 12.x'1 48•,w3.a'OEEP b SPIRAL-2 BOYS Y/13 rURN9 •3' 1r/ ; A 75 4 12 68 35 82 11 28 27•w27• THICK 12.24.1 48'/w3.a'GE P •a SPIRAL-2 ROYS Y/13 TARNS • 1 r ) /13 TURNS ? 9• Ire SCn,21 /11 TURN9 ? r 1r~ SCN 21 SCALE I•¦60' 5A8 76 15 I 58 039 ~ 2719 35 82 I I 27• w2r w+• rNICK 12.x• r ,8• rw3.6' DEEP •4 SPIRaI.2 ROYS Y/ 13 iLgNg • 3• lr, f 4 68 2039 719 35 82 II 2rw2rw,• rNICK 12.26•, +8',w3,6'DEEP •4 SPIRAL-2 ROYB Y/13 ruRN6 • 3. 12'/ ; / 13 TuwS ? 1 ~ SCH Z0 113 (URNS ? 7• lri SCN,28 IB 1 !W l11 111 211 SA9B 75 26 4 12 68 8 19 36 2 II 27•x27•wP Txi K 12.26', 487 3.4'OEEP ¦6 SPIRAL-2 BOYS Y/ 3 TURNS • 3' IY, 58 0 7 t 35 92 I I 138 v x21 x+• rNICK 12.x• / ,B• rx3, 6' DEEP •6 SPIRAL-2 BOYS v/ 13 TLANS • 3• Ir / ; / 13 TIRNg ? 1r ~ 9Cn 2/ / 3 TURNS ? 1Yi N SCALE -FEET SA i l 76 26 14 12 8 2839 2719 37 36 92 I l 138 27• w21 w+• TNiCk 12.24' / +8' /w3.a' DEEP •6 SPIRAL-2 ROYB v/ 13 TuRNB • 3' Irr ¦ SA 12 7 26 14 I 69 2039 4 719- 35 92 ll 139 27•w2Tw+• iN[CK 12.26•/ ,B',w3.4'OEEP ¦6 SPIRAL-2 ROY6 V/1 TURNS • 3' Ir/ 6 / 13 TLANS ? 3• IY A SCN, 21 X13 TVRNB ? 9' Iri SCn 21 A J 46 14 68 2839 2B4 2719 2379 36 Il 27•=27•x,• 1nICk 12.x7 +87w3.a'DEEP •6 SPIRAL-2 RDYS Y/13 TURNS • 3' Ir, S TURNS ? J' IrA SCN 28 V19 TWwS ? Y Irl sCH 2/ H SA 14 76 4b I; 12 58 2039 204 2719 2379 35 112 It 168 2rxzrx4• rxtCK Iz.x•, ,e•,x3,a'oEEr •a SrtRAI,-z RDYs Y/I r 7 6 1 68 2839 2B4 2719 2379 36 112 II 3 uro)9 •3. 12 9 27•w2Tw+• THICK 12.247 ,8'/w3.a'OEEP •4 SPIRAL-2 ROVE Y/13 TURNS • 3' 1r/ E 119 TUR16 ? 7• 12•A SCM ZO SA I 7 a6 14 12 68 2839 205 27Ig 2379 35 112 a 168 21w21w,• rMlck 12.x•/ +e•.~3.a'oEEP •a SPIRAL-2 Rwa Y/13 TURNS • 3• Irr s SA I7 16 60 14 68 2039 04 2719 37 36 127 II 7 27•.27•=+• THICK 12.267 +8',w3,6'DEEP •6 SPIRAL-2 ROYS Y/13 TURNS • 3' 12.1 S Ala TURNS ? D• Ir. 8Cn 21 ~ 19 TI1iNS ? S• 1r A ScN, za H SA 18 75 60 4 58 2839 204 27 I 2379 35 127 I I 173 tr w2r rNIC Iz.x7 +6' M3.6' DEEP •a SPIRAL-2 BOYS Y/ 13 TURNS ? ' 12' / S A 75 80 14 12 68 2039 204 2719 2379 36 ]21 II 173 21w2Tx+• THICK 12.267 48•/w3.6'OEEP •4 SPIRAL-2 ROv9 Y/13 TURNS • 3• 12•r 9 17 TuRNs ? 3• u• ~ SCn zs IJ ruRNs ? 12• ~ 8CN 21 SA28 76 14 2039 0 27 l9 36 127 I 1 173 21 w27• w,' THICK 12.x7 48',w3.6' DEEP •6 SP1RQ-2 ROY9 v/ 13 TURNS • 3' Ir / 8 SA2 t 76 14 12 2039 4 2719 35 Il 128 2TdTw,• THICK 12,x7 ,8•/ 3.4'DEE? •6 SPIRAL-2 ROY Y/1 T • 12.1 6 '13 TURNS ? 9• 12•~ 9Cn,?0 IS rows ? Ir A scn 2? SA22 7 14 12 56 2039 4 2719 36 82 11 t28 2r=zr=+• rNICK 12.x', +9'rw3.6'DEEP •6 SPIRAL-z ROYS v/I3 tURNs • 3• Ir, s 5A23 76 14 68 2039 4 2719 35 62 n zlwzlw+• rxtck u.x7 +e7w3.a•oEEP •a SPIRAL-2 Rots v/13 TIN)y • r Ir, s '1 i • IrA 6Cn 20 19 TUAN9 ? S• Ir, SCN 21 SA24 76 14 12 68 35 82 a 128 2T w2T w,• TNIC 12.257 ,8'rw3.4'OEEP •4 SPIRAL-2 BOYS v/13 TURNS • 3' '1 S SA26 75 16 4 2 68 2039 284 2719 2319 35 82 a 128 21•x27•w+• THICK 12.x7 48•,w3.6'DEEP •a SPIRAL-2 RDYs Y/13 TURNS • 3' 1r/ S CIS TpRNn ? a• 1r~ SCN Ze '13 TURNS ? 9' 'A 5CM SA26 1 14 12 6A 2839 4 2719 35 II 27•=21=4• THICK 12.267 48'/w3.a'DEEr •6 9rIRAL-2 ROVE Y/13 TURNS • 3' I2'r 8 SA27 76 14 1 68 2839 4 2719 35 It 138 21wvw+• rNlck lz x•, +e7w3.e'oEEr •a SPIRAL-z ROYS Y/ rllnNe ? 1r, s ' 19 TURNS ? 9' 1r I SCH, 28 ' 13 TURNS ? 7' 12• ~ 9Cn 21 SA28 16 4 58 B 1 35 92 I i 1 21 x21 w4' HICK 12.26• r 18•,x3.6' DEE? •x SPIRAL-2 ROY9 Y/ 13 TURNS • 3• Ir / & ' TURNS ? 12'A ICN 21 SA29 76 14 12 68 4 35 It 138 zrwzrx+• rNkK u.x7 +B•5,3,6• •6 SPIRAL-2 ROVE V/13 TUANB • 3' Ir/ & A 76 16 l4 58 2039 4 2719 35 9 u 138 27. 21x,• Tx u. +8' 3. •4 6PIRAL-2 ROVE Y/1 TURNS • 3• Ir, ' 19 ru1NS ? r Ir ~ BCn, Zt 1a Tows ? s• Ire ICN 21 SA31 75 15 11 12 58 2039 4 2719 35 II 138 21:21=~• Txltk 12.26•, 48'rx3.6'DEEP •6 9P1RAL-2 ROYS Y/13 TUN18 • 3' Ir/ & SA32 7 16 14 2 66 2039 04 2719 2379 35 92 II 138 2rx2rx+• rNICK Iz.xv +e•/x3.a•DEEP •a SPIRAL-2 ROVE Y/13 TURNS • Y Irr 91 Tows ? r 1rA N Zt G 1a Tows ? r Ire SCN Zr A 7 16 14 69 03 284 71 2379 35 S II 12 21xz7•w+• THICIf 1 .'6•, 48•, , • EP Y/ T • / A34 75 15 I4 12 68 2039 284 2719 2379 35 2_ II i 8 n•=zr:,• TnIDK 12.257 4e•,x3.x'OEEP •4 SPIRAL- r • / Is roars ? t IrA scN za A35 16 16 14 I 58 2039 04 2119 23.19 35 82 _ _~I -128 2T=z7~=r TNrcY )7.a«•/ +g•rxs.a•!~Eo _ SA.,:v i 16 14 - r2 t8 2N3$ t`B4 " 071'3 7 35 82 I I 128 21 27. 4' THICK 2.24' / 48' /x3.6' DEEP •4 SPIRAL-2 BOYS v/ 13 TURNS ? Ir / 8f ~~gg ttT • ~ ? ? _ - i m ;i a x:Mi[ A37 75 ~16 14 12 58 39 204 719 2379 35 82 II 128 2Tw21•x+• ixl SA 75 16 U 58 2039 204 2719 2319 35 CK 12'26 +8',w3.6'DEEP •4 SPIRAL-2 ROYB Y/13 TUINB • 3' Irr 61 13 TURNS ? IrA 8CN Z0 19 TURNS ? 9' Ire 6CN,21 SA39 75 14 12 68 2839 204 719 2319 35 82 11 128 21'w2rw4• rNICK 12.267 4x',w3.6'OEEr •6 9P1RAL-2 BOYS v/13 iLRN$ • 3' Irr 9f A4 7 14 68 2839 204 2719 2379 27•:27'x,• rNICK u.x•/ +8•/x3.6'OEE? •a SPIRAL-2 ROYS Y/13 TURNS • 3' 1 . to 19 (URNS ? 9• Irl 9CN 21 19TUn6?3' 1 ~ICN21 II 12 27•:27•=+• TxICK 12.28•• 4B•rx3.a'OEEP •a 8P1RAL-2 ROYS Y/13 TURNS • 3• lrr Sf 13 TURNS ? 1rA SCN 21 F SBA) 9 16 28 12 it 27. 2rw+' TMIC 2.26'/ +B•/x3. DEEP •4 SPIRAL-2 ROVE Y/13 TUINS / 3' IYr 16 20 12 130 178 27•wtrx+• TNiCK 12.247 ,8'/w3.6'OEEP •a SPIRAL-2 ROVE Y/13 TURNS • 3' Irr BC F 13 TURNS 1 3' IYA H SBA3 2B 12 68 3 130 Il 178 2rw2rx+• TxICK u.x•• ,B•,x3.6'DEEP •x 6P1RAL-2 aoYS Y/11 rwlB • Y u•, 5t SBA4 9B 15 2B 12 9 11 176 21:21x,• TxIC .257 + /w3.4'OEEP •4 SPIRAL-2 Y/1 i 8 3' / w TINNS ? 3• IrA SCN s1 11 Tunas ? Y lr. stx 2/ SBA6 90 6 2B 68 120 II r rx4• 168 2 THICK 12.x•/ +8'/xO.4'DEEP •6 4PIRAL-2 ROYS Y/13 TURNS • 3' 1r/ SC SBA6 90 1 20 12 68 71 6 12B II 188 27•x21:+• THICK 12.247 IB'/w3.4'OEEP •x SPIRAL-2 ROY$ Y/13 TURNS • 3' u'r 8C I T ?r . N21 Is Tu11s ? r 1r A scN, a1 SBA7 ~ 15 2B 12 68 2039 ~ 2719 35 120 II 166 27•x21w+• rNICK 12.247 48•,x3.Y0EEP •6 SPIRAL-2 BOYS Y/13 TURNS • / 13 TURNS ? r 12'A SCN Zt 13 TURNS ? ~ 21 0 66 2839 2719 7 35 _ I I 27• x27• w4• TxICK 12,x' / +8' /w3, 6' DEEP •6 9PIR11L-2 ROYS Y/ 13 TURNS f 3' Irr 6C SBA 15 20 12 56 4 I 11B_ It 1 27•w21• Tx[CK 12.x•, 48•,x3.4'DEEP •6 SPIRAL-2 RDV6 Y/13 TURN6 • 3• Ir, BC I~ TIN1,9 f r IrA ICN 21 SBAIe 98 !5 20 58 I l0 It 166 2rwzrxr rntCk It.x7 +B7w3.6'DEEP •6 SPIRAL-2 RDY6 Y/13 TIr•1B • 3• u•r SD SBA) I 98 16 20 12 68 2039 4 2719 35 110 a 15 2rwvx+• rNlck lz.x•, 4e•/w3.4•DEEP •6 SPIRAL-2 ROVS Y/13 TIrY16 • 3' irr 9Ci IS TURN6 ? r IrA SCN 21 13 TURNS ? r 12'A SCN 2e SBA l2 90 16 28 12 58 2039 mi 2719 36 110 n 156 2rx2rw+• rNlck 12.x•, ,87w3.a'OEEP •6 SPIRAL-2 ROYS Y/13 TURNS • 3• Irr SCI E SBA 13 90 20 20 68 2039 X104 2719 _ 9 35 110_ 11 156 27•wzrw+• rNlck 12.267 +a•/w3.4'OEEP •e SPIRAL-z ROVS Y/1 TIANS • 3' 12•/ SC, s Tutus ? IrA scN,21 a TRNIS ? r Ir. SCN 21 SBA l4 90 20 20 12 68 2839 284 271 2379 35 10B II 14 21:2)=4' THICK Iz.x•/ 48'/w3.6'DEEP •6 SPIRAL-2 BOYS Y/13 TLRNB • Y 12', SG SBA) 90 25 20 68 2039 204 2719 2379 35 00 11 146 21x21:+• THICK 12.247 +8',w3.4'OEEP w6 SPIRAL-2 ROYB v/13 TIANB • 3' 12•, 8Ci s TURNS ? r SCN,2? t: BA I 90 26 20 12 58 2039 204 2719 2379 36 @ 11 146 2r x2r xr rNICK 12.26•, +B• /xs. b' DEEP •x SPIRAL-2 Rots v/ 13 roars • / i SBA 17 90 20 12 66 2039 204 2718 2379 36 ~ Il 136 2rx27•w4' )NICK 12.x'r ,8'/x3.6'OEEP •6 6PIRAL-2 ROYS v/13 TLRN9.3' Irr BCi 3 TURN/ ? r Ir ~ BCN za 3 TRJwS • ~ N ?0 BAI 20 58 2039 204 719 2379 36 90 tt 136 21x27•w+' TxICK 12.x•/ +87x3.4'DEEP •x SPIRAL-2 ROVS V/13 TUI•Ki • 3' u', BCI ~ TUw9 ? r Ir1 BCN,21 3 TRIM6 ? r Ir. SON 2e 1 30 0 12 58 2 39 204 719 2379 a 136 v rwr rn + 7x3. ' IRAL-z Yn i • , T • / NBA 16 2B fi8 I7•w27•w+' )NICK 12.267 487w3.6'OEEP •6 SPIRAL-2 BOYS Y/13 TURNS • 3' I2•, SCI NBA2 90 15 20 12 2839 2B4 2719 2379 36 0 166 27•.21:+' THICK 12.267 ,8•,w3.6'OEEP •6 8P1RAL-2 ROYS Y/13 TURNS • Irr SCI 3 TURNS ? Ir ~ SCN 21 N8A3 90 1 20 2839 2B4 2719 2379 36 110 156 21x2Tw+• THICK 12.267 4x`/w3.6'OEEP •6 5P1RAL-2 ROrs v/13 rW6 17 12', SCF NBA4 90 15 20 12 2039 284 2119 2379 35 166 2T• w27• w+' THICK 12.26• r +8• /w3_6' DEEP •6 SPIRAL-2 ROYS Y/ 13 TURNS • 3' Ir, SCr ~ Tuns ? Ir A scN zo s TURNS ? r Ir ~ scN 2e D NBA6 90 15 20 2039 2B4 27 l9 2379 36 100 4 2r wv w+• rxlCk .x• r +8• 3.6' P •6 IRRL-2 R Y/ r , NBA6 90 16 20 l2 2039 284 • r s Tuns ? r IrA scN,ze T ? ~ x 2719 2379 35 IBS 4 2Tw2Tw+• THICK 12.247 +B',w3.4' DEEP •6 SPIRAL-2 Rw8 Y/13 rlrrs • 3' I2'I BCR NBA7 90 15 28 l 2039 204 2119 2379 35 100 146 27•x21:+• rxlCK 12.267 4B•,w3.6'DEEP W SPIRAL-2 ROYS Y/13 111RNB • 3• 12'/ SCM NBAB 90 15 20 6A 2039 204 2719 2379 6 80 126 r r:+• Tnl 7 , 7 3. ' EP SPIRAL- Y/ t • r i TURNS ? r ur? scN,2e D 3 111WIS ? 12•A SCH 2/ NBA9 Rw 11 90 15 28 12 68 2839 204 2719 2379 36 80 126 21 x21 x4• rNICK 12.2x•/ 4B•,x3.x'DEEP •6 SPIRAL-2 ROYS Y/13 TURMB ? t Irr SCR T • ~ 1 T1RM8 ? r 12'A SCN 2/ NB 18 90 15 20 I 68 2839 2B4 2719 2379 35 126 27•x21 x4• TxICK •r N8 ll 12.25 +8 w3.6'DEEP b SPIRAL-2 ROYS Y/19 TlrW6 • t 12•/ SCR 90 16 2B 12 68 2839 204 2719 2379 36 S6 111 21 7•:P THICK 1 .267 +8' /x3.6' DEEP •6 SPIRAL-2 ROYS Y/ 13 TURR6 •3' Ir, SCR I TIAWB ? r 12.1 ECN Z0 N812 90 16 20 44 1547 165 2063 1685 36 65 111 22 • •w31(•TMIC 12.x•, +B'rx2.74'OEEP •x SPIRAL-2 ROVE v/11 TIIk16 •O' 12•r 6Cx NB 13 90 16 28 44 1647 166 1806 6 22 'x2 •w31/i•TIO I .x'r +I'/w2.74'pEE? •6 SPIRAL-2 ROYS V/11 TURNS • 3' , BCR i rows ? s• 1r. 9CN 2? I Tugs ? S• Ir. scN,2e 11{IMS ? ~ ECX ZB C TAl 90 12 37 645 lee 17 4 762 I 116 I l 2214'x221•=3'rHcek it.b•, ,B•rwt.a'DEEP •6 SPIRAL-2 ROYS Y/e T u•r x R' i 3' SC TIA? S ? 3' 12'A SCN,28 C BTAI 90 16 20 a 1406 140 1875 1641 35 5 101 22.6•wzz,x'wyff•rxtck u.x•, NDRE NONE Ir,sCx BTA2 90 I6 20 12 4 1486 l4B 1875 1641 35 ~ II 101 22.5•w22.6•x31{•ixICK 12.x7 NprE NOnE 12•, 6CN. BTA3 16 20 l 1406 4 1875 a 3g 2z.e•wzt.a•-0 •TxICK 12.x•, NDIE :ONE lr, 9Cx 1r, 9CN,2/ 12•J 6CN,21 12'A 9CN,21 s 8 FOR GENERAL NOTES AND REFERENCES ORAYINGS SEE DRAMING 0%-8323-E. FRAMATOME ANP w wurN ratan sr111Er FRAMATDMEANP DE S 1,s, ~ N9>6 ERNr FH 003C8 DuuE POWER COMPANY 0 0 STATION W W DAM STABILITY AND PMF REMEDIAL 1A711t A ~ POrEtiNDUSE¦ SPtLLYAY AND ABUTM~NiS " POST TENSION ANCFEOR a a GENERAL PLAN ANp TABLE A i 3 DESIGNER R. E.9TfFFEN9 DATE INSP. IIAIYEH DATE lA RELEASED FOR FERC REVIEW. S/2vp2 - - - ORAwN O.IL LGIfi DATE INSP. DATE ERNrFH0003C6 CIVIL ELEC, V£fJl CHECKED DATE APPa. DATE NQ REYISIONB pRN DATE CHKO DATE AppA DATE ~NSPECTEO NOTE NO, X- Y' 4 0 0323-A e ~ - - - i / j - -j a,. Ig7 VASNED STW[ } n~~ j s,. IRN hb ~ ~W' / L / a - ' ' ACCESS DRIVE WILL BE REMOVED ACCESS DRIVE 70 BE REGRADED , L DESIGN CRITERIA ~ ; ! ~ i~~ 8a CD FT ACRE ,,,f„ t,, ~ Aj gFT. N0. ~ ~ ~ / ~ ' _ ~ /a ~ ~ / R CONSTRUCTION AND T H CONSTRUCTION AS ~ RESTORED TO ORIGINAL GRADES PERYAPIENT DIVERSION DI C AFTER S W ROCK CHECK DAMS PART OF SLOPE STABILIZATION ~_pOr ACCRECATF SRE: USE Z-3 MEH wASxED STONE - 0 I V DIMENSIONS OF GRA4EL PAO -srE DuaAY / ~1 ~ ~ ~';i'~~~- = E E Of WATER -F r ~ ~ u, - ~ ~ ~ ` F } SEDIMENT BASIN CLASS 1 RI RAP SG' Mr ~ ~ / i i v 1 FILTER FABRIC Q~O~ ~ THICKNESS: a Ixacs wxwuY I i i , . c T T, P r~~ _ ` -VV ~ ROCK FILL x ~ S'E IM.N RA r ~ / ~ \ ~ CROSS SECTIDN % f / N1DTH'. Ip FT. YINMUN OR flA,l WDTx AT ILL POIN75 K THE KNICULAR - 1 ~O ~ - ! ENTRANCE AND EXIT AAEA, NWp1EKR R GREATER q ~ ~ m ~ r ~ z, ~u. LENGTH: ao-rT YIMwuY ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ - DESIGN aVERFA,L 6' ~ / , SETTLED a,~ fDR SETTLEMENT -3, LOCATION- LOCATE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES AND EXITS TD LAaT SEGMENT FNOY - TDP 2 CDARSE g ~ ~ ! ,~a r., ~ ~ IEAHNC THE g>E AND To PROwE MAwISB1 unutt ev All CpISTRUCnoN KHIELES j b a m. h i a ~ ~ H,a~ - ~ F' ~ ~ i i . T 1 FT M1H ~ AGGREGATE AVgD STEEP GRACES ANG ENTRANCES AT LURKS M PUBLIC RGADS. 5t ~ n „ J / ~ . T _ 15 r _ / 6" DEPTH MIN, b5, f I CU ~ ' ~ ~ i e /i„~j ~ i~s7 e - ~ A CUT lOP TEMPORARY r / F ~ ~ y ~ t el slrc . ~ I SLOPE MUL EM71fdNCY ~ , y ~ ?.S;t 1 J S FT MAX FILL BY-PASS 6' BELDV J 1, ; .n ~ t ~ ~ ' cup ~ ~ / ` ~ ~ ~ I 2.511 (Tyfl k i ~ , DVERSION ~~~1/+~r , / ' 1 \1A 810E SLOPE SEttLEO T~ GF DAN ! ~I ' K TE~>,1P~RARY CONS,P,UCTION ENTRANLE ; ~,js r J,i- - f ~ ~ ~h Boa= al' ~ ; _ ,_..,_J . r / ~ i. 9 ,~,,~R ~ ~ f I yt6' ice-?. I ~ - ~ t~. -S~ ~/,'y'I•p 0.5o<e) ~ ~G66~.,.~~~ i- ~ -BAH - TONE S CT ON i ~ ' ~ ~ S E 1 i ~ ''0 ~ ti i N,~ I~ , r r r a INS ALL ION \ I f Properly prepore, iertSlze and seed oreo to be coveretl before Warktt s nppkd Vhm the Market F ` , , ' I, - 1 k unrolled, nelthp should 6e on Sop and fibers kr contact wtlh the soN ovm the mtlre ar¢a In k. { Y ~ ~ dtches, oppy binMrets h the tllrection the Toter flpw5, d,ttYp thm at the ends ¢M sides oM thm - t r - IlI,_ Jf~ I ~ _ , •r~ to lln l n Ihr I 1 s , On sl es o bla Nets et a hoe zonto or vet 11 o butt rd and tk to sl ends o sides P O oP PP Y Y I' Y W¢ DESIGN CALCULATIONS CHART FOR SEDIMENT TRAPS/PITS thm slope. C,I,, 11 ~ J +IIY Jt , ~ i C', 4.~,~ . m~ Y d : i 1 I ~ ! yN r ! - / ~g--'~, " i~_:___ 516-`- - ~1 - . r g~«~ _ r l . ~ P' lil~ 'h STAPLING INSTRUGTICMS: ~N ~ II}r ' d I , I _ , - ~ , DRAINAGE ARE GISNRBED AR XEIR SIZE GRADING/LAYWT DETAIL Use wire staples, 091' h dkneter or greater, nl' sMped with Irps 6' lore or longer and 1' crown. j -1' ~ :~jh SEOYENT iRM APPROX. ACRE) (ACRES) umrsr' onv~aamn (FEET) SHEFT ? SNEET Slze and gauge o£ slopes used wNl vary with soP condltbng. DrWe slopes vertically hto the gourd l ( Use Four slopes ocross of the stort of each roll, For sl Yrstallotion, contkA.e to sta a of the ~~I'1~I' ~ y' ` ' I'. i ~ i ~ , - + I. I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -CAS--`~-`:._L_.~ r FI SLOPE + ~ _ i l - ~ ~ ~ / / ~ ~ _ 0~~----- - ~ i r,~. ) " ~ ; .:1 . 1YP.) ~ ~ ~ i ~ Y ~ ~ / S. Ate. ~ ~ 1 th of the roll at 6 ft, Intervds. For dtch Iher, sta ~I tlrl I th of the rdl nt 1 F~ S . iv- ' htervnls. Arwther row of staples h the curter of eoch MarMei~shoWd be olternately spaced belwem NS jxL~ ~ -1 /yr"~ - rD 1 ~ ~j' ~.i ~ i. + 1. / ~ r~~. % ~ Sao-~ 74?--`~ ~ ~ eoch side of the ditch slopes for tM length of the swole. Use o corem row of staples on ndplning sg O~ ~ ~ l~ r, blonkets. ~ ~ ~v' 1~0 L. ~J' a~ ~ m%; row J ~o`~ ~ - - \ +f i~ ~ '3E LIEN TRAP i.,: m - v" 1 h ~ ~ • Reference: NC Erosion Control Manual Weir Chart STONE SURFACE I ~r.' a'` ~ Typkal StnWkrg Pattern for r , J Slplr-seloaty Ditches and 1 ?0' TEMPORARY ~ , . I - I ~l. y~/-~ i i.' ~ /Aro~.o' r / y6-/ o5fi.-\-''~----"'~ -i-'-. yS5-~. 1 \,.s a 1 t ACCESS DRIVE ` ~ , o _ l t 1 A m. o m.. A~ A Q ~ d. j - m • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TEMPORARY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ „ X56 o ~ ' S~J _ TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP 1 /i~,;,~; 1 l 1 CONSTRl1CT!CN , ; ~ ~ _ CULVERT ~ Use 1 stapes across of the start 1 ENTRANCE f of each rd1 and continue to staple t ~ - , / ~ ~ h / a ~ 49f / m., ~ r ~ ~ ,,o ~a~~ _ o v 6~~-~-' ~ r-- , , 1 I , throughout the length of the rdl at 2 fl. Intarvols. fff___ 1E?.tFORARY ROADWAY DITCH o4~'y~/X`~! % % /0ry°' / ! ~ / e 91 te'e' S~. t, wJ ROCK CHECK DAMS i m iwa OVa<e SwlaN M '1 m a w as . oaa , ~ ~ ~ a1 r{ ms euar~ ~ rnmvw kA»r I aro. f r ~ „ ~ P1IATTIN~ DETAIL V ~C ~1 l ~ l ' n.w~ on eve. arA/ r ~ o ~ f t~ r o ~ a I aria 1 [IfV H1dA I 1Y LIe1CC 1 a[V 9K.00 Pp bttw+ ~ ` r ~'b. I I»M AxrwF Mv. W01 ~ _ r ~ ~ ~ + I, ~ - ~ l- + ~ ~ i / 4 o ~ I a~lezs 1\,. ~ / r, _ ~ A S ~.9 i AraN Ib. ~ 4 25 00 100 1a0 ll 1. I I ~ - - a L „P~ I: I'm -I 4~ r,SC6 - ~ I ~a, SEDIMENT BASIN DETAIL 3 3' 3 ~ ' 8. I, / - ~ ~ S6 ~S ' h.. BBL I~ ~.~r., / : 2' ~.:~I., 1. 10+ I ~C~Ll7N FLIT ~ ' t - - - I i w'•""' r I acct I nP aw Iw 11eLK I - I I_ I I I PVl STA = 0+50 oloacCxcrvatvAT III I III I I I PVI ELEV = 883,74 roA n arM r,. eT Ll~l"~r~l I A,D, _ -7.38 HORIZ, SCALES i'=50' VERT, SCALES 1'=5' ' K = 10.00 EXISTING GROUND AT C/L EMERGENCY I I E- 73,8134' UL SPILLWAY PROFILE TYPICAL ROADWAY DITCH ~~34` U~ E.G. 15' LEFT pF C/L H E.G. 15' RIGHT pF C/L H I O y Ttp a ~ j I I ~ o ~ I I 5A r t1 890 i' l:r _ > > m ro, ~ ~ ~ N' , ~ ro j ~ , SPILLWAY CROSS SECTIDN AT CDNTR0. LEVEL fill dirt j ~ w's I (2.51 slope) ~ L7'.__._.._ 20' Ir glare bast wl I ~ r I SEDtv91ENT BASIN stone fill ,,\e ' 880 . __.r... ; - _ G ~ I , Section @ Water , - LOW PDINT ELEd 854SO _ . _ ,.~tr,_.. i LpV PDIIJT STA = 4;+08.61 HIuN Fp;NT ELEV = 857,83 ; te• _ ~ -PVt STA =~3+9fra7 _ -'n- i_ _HIGH ~PTIINP..STA 6+17?q , , , PVI ~LEV = 853,68 ~ Pb'L STA = 6+23.16 e• A le' stare hose •I + ~ A.D. = 1L12 PVI ~~ELEV = 858.08 'I FRl dirt " ~ ~ (2.51 slope) ! _ ?K=10.00 A D. _ -4b7' tug g•J I ' 870 _ _ _ _ BBP-&P A I ~ 45,b7~2' VC,' SECTION VIEIf LOOKING UPSTREAM T i c a l F i l l S c t i o n l m NOTE: Y P e KEY STONE INTD THE DITCH HANKS i _ _ F ,ND EXTEND Ir eEroND THE A&1TMENrS _ _ _ m ~ ~ o ~ ° ? ~ ~ I rt A IMNMUAI OF te• TO PREVENT O1ER 2.51 slope fL01Y AROUND DNA. 02' stave base u ~ ~ Ul W + ~ v ~ ~ ~ i c N Flpt v m a) War i , ~ 860-_._.... , a~ rr „,a I ~ ' V V i + ~ I I I., - T ical Cut Section W I" I } I YP I ' '/4%+: l I ~1 ~I I B-n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I - _.T _ _ _ _ . ~~537 _ _ ~ , ` ; ` ; ~ - ~ ~ ~ SECTION A - A I _ r r% fl I i r I , , `I ACCESS ROAD DETAIL + f ' I E Aso _ _ _ _ _ 'L' ~ THE DTSTNICE BETWEEN EOllll ELEVA1pN5 AT pOMTS A $ 8 i i / I ~ V' i / I I I ~ I PANT 'A_ _ _ _ POINT B - I I I - - - - COMPACTED B[RN x `~,M~AN HI6H WATERS 845.5x' , , a, - t - _ ~ - x, , I I I I HI f'- - NAMSN Gt~E i r N!~ GRO~D r I i SPACING BETiPEEN CHECK DAMS 24' I i ~ + i ~ i q~,' _ _ _ I 840 +I I r ~ ~ I ROCK CH~~,K DAM a ` I i I Y I I WI W i , • D + _ _ k>. - - _ _ _ . , . , \ _ ~ TEMPORARY DI`JERSION SWALE ~ ; U I i DATU% ELEV 830.00 SURFACE STABILIZATION MEASURES B' NAx. ~ D1 D ,p i~ m 4 ...N mCl ~p V o.. ti{p ti("J On 0.. O~ O N M N ~ N T• D CJ N N ~ o ~ {n 0] ,.D xA f7 a` ? i') ~ Seeding will be completed immediately following site v n ~ ~ N ° of r? vi redanntion and prior to project completion. Temporary m,~; m'~ W~ m oi? vii o~ ~i~ ai? off, dui v~ n~~ a~ cN v vG v' v N V N N In ` ? O. d' to Cl fh (h a ~I~ m~ W'.L W~ mU, ~N ~In X117 ~Lrl ~Ifl ~U' ~N ~Ifi 03~ COUP C0~ W or intermediate seeding, mulching, matting, or other ~ I surface stabilization measures will be placed on disturbed N ~ W 0) ~ p CO N W W O7 W fp rI] OJ ~ I areas fallowing Initial soli disturbance. Prior to seeding, al! surfaces shall be scarified to a depth of four to six ~ 0+00 1+DO 2+ 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 5+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 i inches to enhance seed germination and help impede __L__ _ stormwater runoff. I I j ~ ~ I i + i Seeding mixtures will be taKared to site-spedfic ~ I ~ C I conditions, steepness of slopes, climate, location, and ~ m , efevatlon. Typical seeding guidelines are as follows I z', 'I I I .I I February through mid-Aprll ~ i Jai 'i I I Ky-31 Tall Fescue 50 Ib/acre _ y I ~ + _ Sericea lespedezn (scarified) 30 lb/acre ~ ^ --1-~- j Kobe lespedeza i0 Ib/acre I ^i I I c f ! T~ VI o' C{ ~Di CTI f)~ P'i R 4'~ (_~I f*.( VI Cpl f,1 Mld-April through July srEEl PGST mores cl ;I t~' c~ ~ Common Bermuda grass (hulled) 1D Ib/ocre L rnra rAerrc S1w11E NBtKT loo rAOAtC a ,m DTI ~I '.I ~~I •il+ v?1 nlj ai Uil In! a'~; Vtl r, C)I r ^JI ? u~, ~7r~ 7~' ;,J~ `ii; :~I ti01 ~i9':~ G~~ l0 CJI `f~` u'1~ u.' Ky-31 Tall Fescue 40 Ib/acre EouvALEMr, vrM A Im+RIM vTBTx s 3r. ~;I c~f ~xrl a Sericea lespedeza (scorified) 30 lb/acre z Pmts slYli IE A xAaxlt v r ~ i i f ~~l____ ~ t ~ f j 1 ' I i i _~.--U-- ' _'._~-V_-~-------~-~_._.__. ~_~_~_~.~r- ~ ' Kobe lespedeza 20 lb/acre a STIFL earn seu Pw.cct - fN]LITAIE FASiF)0G FAERIG i Au ust thrau h Januar F1LttR Poseur A rocE rorcu a N.Nr rn g g Y ~30' MIM VIDTH Ky-31 Tatl Fescue 100 Ib/ocre Sericea lespedezn (unscarified) 40 lb/acre Kobe lespedeza 20 lb/acre ~ R Nurse crops nay be added to aid the establishment of B permanent vegetation on steep slopes or other problem W coNPACTEB sou Arens. General guidelines far nurse crop seeding rates are as followsr i'; B May through mid-August ~ 400 SOUTH TRYpN STREET J P.p. BOX 37916 German Mplett 3 Ib/acre _ .'/l Mid-August through April I "'.r `,J C,%j~s~ i "~'1 / ;Ilelj~~ CHARLpTTE, NC 26202 R e rain 15 Ib/acre I - .v~ ALTERNATE INSTALLATi~N Y 9 ~ I I ~s~~~ti~a~~~,'~~~ ~ n~~J. II I I ' In the absence of soil tests, fertilizer and lime will f generally be applied at the following rotes i - ( I j 19-19-19 Fertilizer 400 lb/acre ~ DUKE PpWER COMPANY Ground agricultural limestone 2000 lb/acre ~ i Liquid lime or alternative fertilizers may be substituted I CXF~~RD HYDRA STA-ICN in various situations, Mulch or matting shall be applied to alt seeded areas to aid in the establishment of I ~x w TEMPCRA,FY ACCESS DRIVE vegetation and help impede erosion. Vegetative mulch, i typically wheat or oat straw, shall be applied at the nw1pa"owa ~ ' GRAD'Nu & CRUSIG°J C,`,-ivTRGL PLAN rate of 3,000 to 4,000 ab5/aEre, SILT FENCE DETAIL q ~ A Q Q STABILIZAT!CN MEASURES 3 3 DESIGNER R.N. VELTRI DATE 6/21/02 INSP. DATE RIG FOR FERC SUBMITTAL 6/24/02 - - - - DRAWnt C.M. KRAUCUVAS DATE INSP. DATE C- R ~ PF CfAI CHECKED DATE APPR. DATE ND. REVISIONS DRN DATE CHKD DATE APPR DATE CIVI ELEC. MECH SCALE REV. cfa rurnrrrcn nlnTnr DWG . NG . (1 --I I I 1 I I I I 1 I u 1 1 v I A? 01,/,2)1' f Z 3 s ` r?; TUVVOS GROti° ... °°°° ® North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director MEMORANDUM TO: John R. Dorney, Division of Water Quality Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources FROM: Ron Linville, Regional Coordinato Habitat Conservation Program DATE: July 19, 2002 SUBJECT: Review of 401 Certification application by Duke Power Company (DPC) for Oxford Hydroelectric Station Dam Stabilization Project (Oxford), DWQ NO. 021036, Alexander and Catawba Counties DPC is requesting 401 Water Quality Certification from the North Carolina Division of Water Quality to perform stabilization activities necessary to bring the Oxford dam into compliance with Federal Energy Regulatory Commission guidelines. The NCWRC has reviewed information provided by the applicant, and field biologists on our staff are familiar with habitat values of the project area. These comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (33 U.S.C. 466 et. seq.) and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661-667d). The permit application indicates that the project will: 1. Increase spillway capacity by constructing an emergency spillway, 2. Install high capacity rock anchors, 3. Construct anchored concrete buttresses in the tailrace, and 4. Construct a 9' high floodwall across the powerhouse bulkhead and south bulkhead. Impacts to surface waters will result from the project by a temporary culvert (Punchbowl Creek), riprap/stone fill for the spillway, various streambank stabilization activities, temporary pier/loading dock, temporary crane apron, and permanent concrete buttresses. Based on our review, the project appears necessary and prudent. We do not object to the project as proposed. Generally, we prefer the use of a more "natural" approach to shoreline stabilization (whenever practicable). A combination of Mailing Address: Division of Inland Fisheries • 1721 Mail Service Center • Raleigh, NC 27699-1721 Telephone: (919) 733-3633 ext. 281 • Fax: (919) 715-7643 Oxford. Dam Stabilization 2 July 19, 2002 riprap used to two feet above normal pool elevation with banks sloped back and vegetated with grass, willows or other acceptable native plants provide a more "natural" bank. An underlying filter fabric can be used to prevent soil from eroding from behind the riprap during high water and/or wave action. Riprap or large stone along the shoreline should be imbedded 18 inches into the lake bottom to prevent undercutting. Woody debris in the form of large downed partially submerged trees should be considered on shorelines for improved aquatic habitat. Work must be accomplished so that wet concrete does not contact stream water. Riprap used in stream channels should be located so that it does not interfere with aquatic life movement during low now conditions. Temporary impact areas should be restored to pre construction conditions to the maximum extent practical. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this project. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please contact me at 336/769-9453. Cc: Chris Goudreau, NCWRC DUKE POWER COMPANY OXFORD HYDROELECTRIC STATION Dam Stabilization Project Carolina Division of Water Quality Certification Application Package June 24, 2002 Gf/,$, A FRAMATOME ANP FRAMATOME ANN DE&S FRAMATOME ANP FRAMATOME ANP DE&S June 25, 2002 North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 401/Wetlands Unit 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 „ g. Attn: Mr. John Dorney ?g Re: Duke Power Company - Oxford Hydro ?le tation Dam Stabilization Project Dear Mr. Domey: An AREVA and Siemens company HV02084 Ju? 7JU 12 Duke Power Company of Charlotte North Carolina is in the pre-construction planning stage of a dam stability/rehabilitation project at Oxford Hydroelectric Station on the Catawba River in Alexander and Catawba counties. The dam stability project is required by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to bring the water retaining structures into compliance with the FERC Document 0119-2, "Engineering Guidelines for the Evaluation of Hydropower Projects". -Framatome ANP DE&S has been contracted to conduct the engineering, permitting, and project management of the proposed project. The project includes five major activities associated with the stabilization of the dam and water retaining bulkheads: installation of high capacity rock anchors through the spillway and bulkheads, construction of a new emergency spillway, construction of a concrete buttress behind the powerhouse, construction of floodwalls to raise the elevation of non-overflow structures, and construction of a temporary access road from Wayside Church Road to the spillway. Duke Power Company is seeking 401 Water Quality Certification for the proposed project impacts. Enclosed for your consideration are seven copies of the 401 Certification Application Package. The 401 Certification Application Package includes the Pre-Construction Notification Application, an Agent Authorization Letter, a Duke Power Lake Management Application for Permit to Stabilize the Shoreline in North Carolina, project and impact narratives, plans, maps, and other supporting correspondence/information. A 404 Permit Application Package of the same content has been submitted to Mr. Tim Smith of the USACE Asheville office. The $475 application fee and a stamped, self- addressed envelope are also enclosed. Thank you for your attention. Please contact me at 704-400-4497 or bradley.keatonOftamatome-anp.us with any questions or comments. Sincerely, ?.T4- Bradley T. Keaton Engineer FRAMATOME ANP DE&S 400 South Tryon Street, P.O. Box 37916 - Charlotte, NC 28202 Tel.: 704-382-9800 Fax: 704-382-8389 www.us.framatome-anp.com Table of Contents Pre -Construction Notification Application 2 Agent Authorization Letter 3 Maps: U.S.G.S. Map, Vicinity Map, Aerial Photo, and Property Map J� O�N Project Description: •Narrative 4 • FERC Acceptance Letter • Rehab. Design Plans Proposed Impacts & Justifications: • Narrative 5 • Proposed Impact Site Plan • Site Photographs FERC License Drawing Duke Power Lake Management �f Application for Permit to Stabilize the Shoreline in North Carolina Statement of Compliance with 7 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit General Conditions 8 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Letter 9 N.C. State Historic Preservation Office Letter OErosion and Sediment Control Plan ®AVERY 0 READY INDEXD1 INDEXING SYSTEM Office Use Only: Form Version May 2002 USACE Action ID No. DWQ No. (If any particular item is not applicable to this project, please enter "Not Applicable" or "N/A".) I. Processing 1. Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: ® Section 404 Permit ❑ ❑ Section 10 Permit ❑ ® 401 Water Quality Certification Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules Isolated Wetland Permit from DWQ 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Reqi 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because writt is not required, check here: ❑ 4. If payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration mitigation of impacts (verify availability with NCWRP 1 section VIII and check here: ❑ 5. If your project is located in any of North Carolina's tw( 4), and the project is within a North Carolina Divisic Environmental Concern (see the top of page 2 for further II. Applicant Information 1. Owner/Applicant Information Mg. TIM .1^7t4 or -rhfE asfcE ASHF-VIGLE OFF(CE AT WDEp J/fE (o/ZS PRE 4PPGfGAte®N WF_:7jocr 4 006 NIrH MF,. MIc946L PARkCR FRoM YOUR Mo02ESVl1,�E OFF/ce . MR. SMIT14 IS CURRENrcy DEGID/NG* wirk MIA/ OR REcr PERMIT % USE FOR Tft►S PR&JEC . I wfLL Tf�F- PF -BAIT NUtPI?F-9 NSITo VoUP, OFFICF IFS SOON ;-S r-7 REcE►vE IT FROM MR. 51111 7-4, Name: Duke Power Company — Oxford Hydroelectric Station Mailing Address: 6874 Hwy 16 North Conover NC 28613 Telephone Number: 828-256-6122 Fax Number: 704-382-0908 E-mail Address: N/A 2. Agent/Consultant Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: Bradley T. Keaton Company AffiliAion: Framatome ANP DE&S Mailing Address: 748 Portpatrick Place Fort Mill SC 29708 Telephone Number: 704-400-4497 Fax Number: 803-547-3534 E-mail Address: bradley.keaton(-framatome-anp.us Page 1 of 8 III. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 11 by 17 -inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name of project: Oxford Dam Stability and PMT Remediation 2. T.I.P. Project Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): N/A 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIN): 374620929146 4. Location County: Alexander/ Catawba Nearest Town: Conover, NC Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): N/A Directions to site (include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): Take exit 131 off of I-40, head North on Hwy 16 the Oxford Hydro Station entrance is on the left prior to crossing the Catawba River (approx. 8 miles north of I-40). 5. Site coordinates, if available (UTM or Lat/Long): Lat: 35.8221874, Long._ -81.192391 (Note — If project is linear, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) 6. Property size (acres): Approximately 40 acres 7. Nearest'body of water (stream/river/sound/ocean/lake): Catawba River / Lake Hickory 8. River Basin: Catawba River Basin (Note — this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/admin/mVs/.) 9. Describe the existing conditions on the site and general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: Site is an operating hydroelectric plant with shoreline in the lake above primarily protected by riprap and shoreline in the river channel below primarily natural (rocky) Adjacent properties are primarily residential — private properties and subdivisions. Page 2 of 8 N10. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: • Please see the attached project description Section 4). 11. Explain the purpose of the proposed work: Please see the attached project description (Section 4). IV. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules. N/A V. Future Project Plans Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application. This rehabilitation will bring the dam into FERC compliance. No future work is planned. VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII below. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) must be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. Page 3 of 8 • • • 1. Provide a written description of the proposed impacts: Please see the attached Proposed Impacts and Justifications (Section 5). 2. Individually list wetland impacts below: Wetland Impact Site Number indicate on ma) Type of Impact* Area of Impact (acres) Located within 100 -year Floodplain** (yes/no) Distance to Nearest Stream linear feet) Type of Wetland*** 1 Culvert (temp) 20' Punchbowl Creek 4' Perennial 2 Riprap Fill (temp) 125' Catawba River 700' Perennial 3 Stream Bank Stabilization (Ve) ' ' Catawba River 700' Perennial * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: mechanized clearing, grading, till, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding. ** 100 -Year floodplain are identified through the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), or FEMA -approved local floodplain maps. Maps are available through the FEMA Map Service Center at 1-800-358-9616, or online at htti)://www.fema.gov. *** List a wetland type that best describes wetland to be impacted (e.g., freshwater/saltwater marsh, forested wetland, beaver pond, Carolina Bay, bog, etc.) Indicate if wetland is isolated (determination of isolation to be made by USACE only). List the total acreage (estimated) of all existing wetlands on the property: N/A Total area of wetland impact proposed: N/A 3. Individually list all intermittent and perennial stream impacts below: Stream Impact Site Number indicate on ma Type of Impact* Length of Impact linear feet Stream Name** Average Width of Stream Before Impact Perennial or Intermittent? leasespecify) 1 Culvert (temp) 20' Punchbowl Creek 4' Perennial 2 Riprap Fill (temp) 125' Catawba River 700' Perennial 3 Stream Bank Stabilization (Ve) ' ' Catawba River 700' Perennial 4 Riprap Pier (temp) 40' Catawba River 700' Perennial 5 Riprap Fill (temp) 30' Catawba River 700' Perennial 6 Conc. Buttress (p 4' Catawba River -700' Perennial * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: culverts and associated rip -rap, dams (separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding), relocation (include linear feet before and after, and net loss/gain), stabilization activities (cement wall, rip -rap, crib wall, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. ** Stream names can be found on USGS topographic maps. If a stream has no name, list as UT (unnamed tributary) to the nearest downstream named stream into which it flows. USGS maps are available through the USGS at 1-800-358-9616, or online at www.usgs.gov. Several internet sites also allow direct download and printing of USGS maps (e.g., www.topozone.com, www.mapguest.com, etc.). Cumulative impacts (linear distance in feet) to all streams on site: 495' 4. Individually list all open water impacts (including lakes, ponds, estuaries, sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other water of the U.S.) below: Page 4 of 8 Open Water Impact Area of Name of Waterbody Type of Waterbody Site Number Type of Impact* Impact (if applicable) (lake, pond, estuary, sound, indicate on ma (acres) bay, ocean, etc. 7 Shore/Slope 0.01 Lake Hickory Lake Stabilization (perm.) * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: fill, excavation, dredging, flooding, drainage, bulkheads, etc. 5. Pond Creation If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ❑ uplands ❑ stream ❑ wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of draw -down valve or spillway, etc.): N/A Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): N/A Size of watershed draining to pond: N/A Expected pond surface ea: N/A VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower -impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. Please see the attached Proposed Impacts and Justifications (Section 5). VIII. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. USACE — In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on March 9, 2000, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland Page 5 of 8 and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCWRP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/stn-ngide.html. Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. Waterway impacts have been avoided and minimized by consideration of alternate rehabilitation designs and revisions to the current design. Also, alternate construction plans were considered. Once the current construction plan was developed, revisions to the temporary access road layout were negotiated with the Contractor to minimize temporary impacts. For more detailed information on avoidance and minimization measures, please see Proposed Impacts to Waterways and Justifications attached in section 5. A project Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan will be implemented on site. It and the project specification require the Contractor to remove all temporary roads and replant/reseed the disturbed areas to restore vegetation prior to project completion. On site project management by the Engineer and periodic inspections by the Owner will ensure that best management practices are followed during construction and that site restoration is satisfactory prior to project completion. Special focus will be placed on the protection and revegitation of the buffer zones. 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP). Please note it is the applicant's responsibility to contact the NCWRP at (919) 733-5208 to determine availability and to request written approval of mitigation prior to submittal of a PCN. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCWRP, check the NCWRP website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/wrp/index.htm. If use of the NCWRP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page three and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): N/A Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): N/A Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): N/A Amount of Non -riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): N/A Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): N/A Page 6 of 8 • Go so IX. Environmental Documentation (required by DWQ) Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land? Yes ❑ No If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether a NEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ❑ No ❑ If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes ❑ No ❑ X. Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Buffers (required by DWQ) It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (Neuse), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar -Pamlico), 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify 15A NCAC 02B .0243 Catawba)? Yes ® No ❑ If you answered "yes", provide the following information: Identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. Zone* s uarnipact feet Multiplier fired ReqMitigation 1 3 N/A 2 1.5 N/A Total N/A * Zone 1 extends out 30 feet perpendicular from near bank of channel; Zone 2 extends an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone 1. If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Conservation Easement, Riparian Buffer Restoration / Enhancement, Preservation or Page 7 of 8 Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0242 or .0260. 15A NCAC 02B.0243 `CATAWBA RIVER BASIN: PROTECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF EXISTING RIPARIAN BUFFERS' lists dam maintenance activities as an exempt use. Although mitigation is not required, all buffer zones will be restored (outside the areas indicated on the project plan that are proposed to have riprap stream bank or shoreline stabilization) XI. Stormwater (required by DWQ) Describe impervious acreage (both existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. A small percentage of the total acreage on this Duke Power property is impervious (concrete dam concrete bulkheads and station driveway — approximately 2 of 40 acres). No additional impervious acreage is proposed XII. Sewage Disposal (required by DWQ) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non -discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. N/A XIII. Violations (required by DWQ) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ❑ No Is this an after -the -fact permit application? Yes ❑ No XIV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw -down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). Duke Power Company and Framatome ANP DE&S has committed to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to start the dam remediation project by August 26, 2002. 2 3/0 2- Applicant/Agent's Applicant/Agent's Signature Date (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Page 8 of 8 2 2 PhDuke Energy, • June 14, 2002 Department of the Army Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 Duke Energy Corporation Energy Center P.O. Box 1006 Charlotte, NC 28201-1006 Subject: Agent Authorization Letter- Duke Power Oxford Dam Stability Project Dear Sir: Duke Power, a division of Duke Energy, is in the process of planning and designing a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) mandated dam remediation project at Oxford Hydroelectric Station on the Catawba River in Alexander and Catawba counties, North Carolina. In association with this project, Duke Power is required to submit the necessary Section 404/401 permit documentation to the Army Corps and Division of Water Quality. Framatome ANP DE&S, as represented by Mr. Bradley Keaton, will be Duke's authorized agent in the coordination and preparation of this permit package. Mr. Keaton has full signatory authority for this project as granted by Duke Power. If you have any questions or require further information on this matter feel free to call me at 704-382-8588. Yours very truly, Ernest D. Brockman, Jr., P E System Hydro Engineer Duke Power 3 Notes 3 • • �� Fl 1 66 h, t t I( Witte Remediation , '�.Dam Po _.'Substa NIX Figure 1. Showing Location of Duke Power Oxford Dam Remediation Project. U.S.G.S. Millersville, N.C. 7.5 Minute Topographic Map • • • MA"WES"T, Latitude: 35.82218 Longitude: -81.19239 Back All rights reserved. Use Subject to License/Copyright If it's your Wa€aiod, why is diarrhea driving? This map is informational only. No representation is made or warranty given as to its content. User assumes all risk of use. MapQuest and its suppliers assume no responsibility for any loss or delay resulting from such use. Privacy Policy & Legal Notices © 2002 MapQuest.com, Inc. All rights reserved. • • Latitude: 35.82218 Longitude: -81.19239 Back All rights reserved. Use Subject to ww� YTeCM License,Copyright If it's your - vacation. wtxy is diarrhea. driving7^°` k w J1f IRf�d GET A FREE +► *�+n SAMPLE! • • how to get there! Privacy Policy & Legal Notices © 2002 MapQuest.com, Inc. All rights reserved. • • • Latitude: 35.82218 Longitude: -81.19239 Back All rights reserved. Use Subject to rrwv�ric�+ License/Copyright If it's your vacation. wily its dLvrhea driving? AMWO hoar to c 8 o o t their,16 This map is informational only. No representation is made or warranty given as to its content. User assumes all risk of use. MapQuest and its suppliers assume no responsibility for any loss or delay resulting from such use. Privac ry Policy & Legal Notices © 2002 MapQuest.com, Inc. All rights reserved. BEARINGS a DISTANCES ALONG I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. 13. N 14. C. GRID NAD Zr N67926=36" W - 92.56' FRED L. JOLLY N 2938'-03 " W - 40.6 3' N76949'-37 "W - 100.05 c... h N 54448 77.95'-05" W S68426'-54" W - 25.97 E 3 S 34 00'-08 W - 36.1 1 ' k.4415.59 -. S 20431'-25 "E - 116.66' wT0 rA S154YLORSVILLE 26'-56"W - 55.75 S72g5.7=53"E� S71949' -08"W 67' 2�' W - 66.34 `_82. 4 NAIL (F) 674 34'-4�'W - 141.80' PIN (F) S 30 vu- -51"W - 110.86 FRED L. JOLLY S73939' S60903'-39" W - 54.00' . . REF.OF.DWG. (FRED L. JOLLY) S83949' -54"W - 40.18' �,. NAIL F F-278151/753 OF -278151/753 N 834 17'- 57 "W - 38.00' (r •�/ N 65402 - 19 W - 21.74' N50925' -02"W - 4 7.8 6 �N / hry J ' CRESCENT RESOURCES INC. EF. OF. DWG. NO. 1086 of AREA = 8.50 ACRES MON' LOOKOUT oJ�oP� SHOALS0, LAKE 00 14 ^° \� co DUKE POWER COMPANY (F) °'� FORD (BURT STAFFORD) ^cQ4-) OF - 62 ip 13/214 5 h 93 h) / ( W.W. ICENHOUR) OF - 148 13 /371 REF. OF. DWG. NO.928 N'Z DAM m cD io N2 DUKE POWER COMPANY cWi� 'REF. OF. DWG.1081 w ' O O r•., S 5926'-18"W II I. PIN (S) 167.54' 1` 148.90' CONC. MON.(F) ;II 18.64' Q. t AREA = 11.26 ACRES LL LL LL 40 P- 148 (5) II W W w W I' . N ` a z 1 5.37 , 4�? a 0_ 0. a a o a a f% 375;24 I.PIN(F X16 W - PIN N 39 34-091E - 390.61 w (F) ,w . W_ (Dn N-o�M , r Ij r ocov<DJOHN C. KILGO (y` NQco: t0 h N to: N D7 a: m p �: ~ N "' _ D. B. 33, Pg. 227 MO Mti NO Mal - MO min ol ti a - a. rn o, - o, a) of - _ r! � M N d' M N M ZZ Z z z Z Z Z Z! LAKEVIEW CIRCLE \o „ WHITTINGTON RIDGE SUBDIVISION�� P. B. 5, Pg. 55 / r NOTE J ( %,'o - o I TOTAL AREA = 19.76 ACRES ,. On of ) ABOVE 935 SITF_ GES gCAL 1", 2 MILES SURVEY BY - RL ISON MAP BY - BAKER C 8, G COMP, FILE NO- E.C. = I,. 10,535 WnRK SHEE T NO. 5206 L AREA 111,26 ACRES CONTOUR- ,DEEDED TO D•.R, CO. DUKE POWER COMPANY ADDITION TO OXFORD HYDRO STATION ACQUIRED FROM J CRESCENT RESOURCES, INC. (W, W,ICENHOUR-OF•1 W17YTOWNS1H PT STAFFORD-ORE ALEXANDER COUNTY , N.C. SCALE: I"= 200' APRIL 5, 1990 BOOK N0. 2043 FILE N0. 7- 871 'n. 1034 1 (NO.) 2) Duke Power Company - Oxford Hydro Dam Stability and PMF Remediation 0 Project Description Background Recognizing the need to address maintenance and/or rehabilitation of the Nation's aging dams, the federal government developed the Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety. The National Dam Safety Program with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) acting as lead agency was created in part to implement the Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety. The Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety encourage strict safety standards in the practices and procedures employed by federal agencies, and is required of dam owners regulated by federal agencies. Duke Power's Hydroelectric Stations are licensed and regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). FERC licensees must review the stability of their dams and water retaining structures based on the requirements of FERC Document 0119-2, "Engineering Guidelines for the Evaluation of Hydropower Projects". These guidelines are used to develop a new design flood known as the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) and to analyze the stability of a dam during overtopping and the loading conditions associated with the PMF. Any facility that does not meet the FERC requirements must undergo a rehabilitation to meet the federal guidelines for stability. Oxford Hydro Dam Stability and PMF Remediation The Oxford Hydro Dam Stability and PMF Remediation Project is an extensive effort by Duke Power, with Framatome ANP DE&S acting as their Engineer, to evaluate the stability of the Oxford Hydro water retaining structures and make the necessary rehabilitation to bring them into the FERC compliance. Flood routing calculations for the Catawba River basin found PMF elevations at the Oxford facility to rise 22' over the top of the spillway flood gates and 7' over the top of the non -overflow bulkheads. Four main modifications are necessary to bring the facility into FERC compliance (site plan included in this section): 1. Increase the spillway capacity by constructing an emergency spillway. Extra capacity is needed to keep the PMF elevation at a manageable level. The north bulkhead, currently a non -overflow bulkhead, will be transformed into a 195' long emergency spillway. The north bulkhead currently terminates into an earth abutment on the north side. Excavation of the earth abutment to expose the buried part of the north bulkhead will necessitate the construction of a large retaining wall. The wall will also serve as a training wall (protecting the earth abutment) during flood conditions. Once exposed the north bulkhead will be lowered 15' and reshaped to form the concrete emergency spillway. • Duke Power Company - Oxford Hydro Dam Stability and PMF Remediation Equipment To Be Used: excavators, back hoes, loaders, bulldozers, dump trucks, compactors, graders, pick up trucks, track drills, shotcrete equipment, concrete pumps, compressors, cranes, welders, and generators. 2. Install high capacity rock anchors through the concrete spillway and bulkheads: 40 anchors in the spillway, 19 anchors in the south bulkhead, and 13 anchors in the north bulkhead / emergency spillway. Each 58 -strand rock anchor will impose over two million pounds of force on the structures, increasing the factors of safety to acceptable levels. Equipment To Be Used: back hoes, loaders, dump trucks, track drills, compressors, cranes, welders, generators, tendon uncoilers, boats, and barges. 3. Construct an anchored, concrete buttress in the tailrace behind the powerhouse to meet stability requirements. The 11.5' by 40' buttress will be constructed by sealing a sheet pile form to the bedrock in the bottom of the river channel, extending it up above the tailrace water level, and pumping it full of concrete. After the concrete cures, three high capacity rock anchors will be installed through the buttress. The use of rock anchors decrease the buttress size needed to stabilize the powerhouse. Equipment To Be Used: concrete pumps, track drills, compressors, cranes, welders, generators, tendon uncoilers, boats, and barges. 4. Construct a 9' high floodwall across the powerhouse bulkhead and south bulkhead. The addition of these flood walls will raise the top of these non -overflow structures, contain the PMF in the river channel, and prevent a failure due to a wash out of the south earth abutment. The walls along the powerhouse and south bulkheads will be cast -in-place concrete. Sheet piles will be driven into the earth abutment to extend the floodwall south until the embankment grade rises above the top of the wall. Equipment To Be Used: compressors, cranes, welders, generators, concrete pumps and a sheet pile vibratory hammer. For reference, a letter from the FERC to Duke Power Company is attached in this section. The letter provides the FERC's acceptance of the initial design and specifications, and instructs Duke to proceed with final design and construction. Fa FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION OFFICE OF ENERGY PROJECTS DIVISION OF DAM SAFETY AND INSPECTIONS ATLANTA REGIONAL OFFICE Parkridge 85 North Building 3125 Presidential Parkway - Suite 300 Atlanta, Georgia 30340 (770) 452-3800 DEC 2 0 2001 In reply refer to: P-2232 - NC NATDAM No. NCO0394 Mr. E. D. Bruce, Engineer Environmental Division Electric System Support Duke Power Post Office Box 1006 (EC 12Y ) Charlotte, North Carolina 28201-1006 Dear Mr. Bruce: We have completed our review of the supplement to the 1992 PMF report dated December 1998 and the stability analysis and remedial work design report dated January 19; 1999, for the Oxford development of Project No. 2232. These two reports-, include the changes to the 1992 PMF analysis for the project which was prepared using HMR 51 and 52, the stability analysis of the various concrete sections of the dam, and design of proposed remedial work and preliminary construction plan and specifications for the remedial work. These reports are -accepted -with, the following. comments. 1. The tendon anchor performance testing data should be submitted for the accepted test during the construction period. 2. The assumed bond stress of 290 psi included in the design of the tendon anchors, to be verified during construction should be submitted with other performance test data during the construction. 3. All non-conformance reports pertaining to the work should be submitted during the construction period. Mr. E. D. Bruce -2- 4. All lab test information should be made available for review during the construction. 5. Completed organizational chart (Appendix A) or updated QCIP personnel list should be submitted when available and prior to construction start. 6. Section 7.2 of the Erosion Control and Environmental compliance section (Tab 11, Volume 1 of 2 dated April 2, 2001), indicates that an erosion and sedimentation control plan is not necessary for the proposed remedial repairs. Although significant erosion or sedimentation is not expected during the proposed work, an erosion and sediment control plan consistent with the scope of the repair work should be implemented. The plan should be submitted with the final plans and specifications. Final plans and specifications for the remedial work should be submitted at least 60 days prior to the start of the construction. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. George Kelley of this office at (770) 452-3774. Sincerely, )e'('� 4 /. A�P Jerrold W. Gotzmer, P.E. Regional Engineer • Duke Power Company - Oxford Hydro Dam Stability and PMF Remediation Proposed Impacts to Waterways and Justifications Proposed Impacts to Waters of the US/Waters of NC Proposed impacts as listed in Section VI of the Pre -Construction Application Form and as indicated on the Proposed Impact Site Plan and Photos (included in this section): 1. Temporary culvert for crossing Punchbowl Creek: This proposed culvert will provide a 20' wide crossing of Punchbowl Creek for the spillway temporary access road. The culvert is designed and detailed in the project Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan and will be removed along with the temporary road prior to project completion. Impact estimate: Length = 20'. 2. Temporary riprap/stone fill: Approximately 125' of the spillway temporary access is proposed to run along the river shoreline. The stone fill along this length will be partially in the water. This fill will be removed along with the temporary access road prior to project completion. The original contours will be restored below the mean high water line. Impact estimate: length =125', volume =1500 cubic yards, area = 0.04 acres. 3. Permanent stream bank stabilization: This proposed riprap/stone fill will be added from the toe of the new emergency spillway along the shoreline for approximately 240'. This fill will serve three functions. Initially it will be used as a vital part of the project Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, shielding the river from excavation activities above. During construction it will also be used as the final 240' of the spillway temporary access road. Ultimately the rock fill will serve as the toe and structural stream bank stabilization of the slope below the new emergency spillway and retaining wall. The final shoreline will more closely match the shoreline prior to excessive scouring and allow the compacted fill to be placed on a stable slope. Compare the centerline of the proposed road (Impact Site Plan, this section) to the shoreline as seen in the attached 1987 aerial photograph (Photograph 5, this section). Also for reference, the current FERC Exhibit L License Drawing is attached in this section. Originated in 1957, this drawing indicates that the shoreline was much farther south than the proposed final shoreline. Impact estimate: length = 240', volume = 6300 cubic yards, area = 0.34 acres. 4. Temporary pier/loading dock: This proposed riprap/stone pier will be 20' wide and extend from the north shoreline out approximately 40' into the tailrace. The contractor will use the pier to launch barges and to ferry equipment and materials out to the spillway. It will be removed prior to project completion. Impact estimate: length = 40', volume = 3000 cubic yards, area = 0.11 acres. Duke Power Company - Oxford Hydro Dam Stability and PMF Remediation 5. Temporary riprap/stone fill: The contractor will place a crane and other equipment on the flat apron that runs along the toe of the spillway to construct the drilling platform along the slope of the spillway and to install the spillway anchors (see Photograph 1, this section). The apron is exposed during normal tailrace low water, but slightly submerged during normal tailrace high water. The proposed fill will elevate the top surface of the apron approximately 3' and keep the equipment out of the water during normal high water. The fill will be removed prior to project completion. Impact estimate: length = 30', volume = 1100 cubic yards, area = 0.21 acres. 6. Permanent powerhouse concrete buttress: The proposed buttress is needed to increase the stability of the powerhouse during the PMF. The 11.5' wide buttress will extend 40' out from the powerhouse into the tailrace. The top of the buttress will be 4' above the normal high water elevation and it will bear on the bedrock at the bottom of the channel. Impact estimate: length = 40', volume = 560 cubic yards, area = 0.01 acres. 7. Permanent shoreline and slope stabilization: The proposed riprap fill will be used to stabilize the shoreline and the slope that will exist below the new retaining wall. Impact estimate: length = 60', volume = 34 cubic yards, area = 0.01 acres. 4 Duke Power Company - Oxford Hydro Dam Stability and PMF Remediation Impact Justification — Avoidance and Minimization Measures Permanent Impacts Because this rehabilitation is FERC mandated, many of the permanent impacts could not be avoided all together. Consideration of alternate designs and revisions to the current design minimized the permanent impacts. For example, the proposed powerhouse buttress was redesigned using three high capacity rock anchors to reduce its size. Each of the three rock anchors impose 1,406,000 pounds of vertical force on the buttress. Relying on the weight of concrete alone, the buttress height would have to be increased 10' and its length extended an additional 60' downstream. Temporary Impacts Temporary impacts were minimized and additional ones avoided by consideration of alternate construction approaches and by negotiating changes to the current construction plan. Accessing the spillway and the north bulkhead is a major challenge and limitation. This will be the fifth Duke Power dam to be rehabilitated on the Catawba River. Most of the other spillways could be accessed by barge mounted equipment from the lakes above. This approach was considered, but is not feasible at Oxford because of the flood gate gantry and its runway above the spillway. Accessing the spillway from the south side of the river was also considered, but negotiating the fast currents behind the powerhouse and the depth of the main channel were safety concerns. Since deciding that access from the north side of the river is the most feasible approach, the layout of the temporary access road has been revised several times to minimize the volume of fill to be placed in the river. A large slide area exists on the north abutment and the hillside is very steep - most of this will be excavated. By routing the temporary access road along the shoreline below the slide area, it will be used as a vital part of the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan as well as providing safe access to the spillway. Also, the location of the Punchbowl Creek temporary crossing was chosen to minimize temporary impacts. Unplanned Impacts and Site Restoration A project Erosion and Sediment Control Plan will be implemented on site. It and the project specifications require the Contractor to remove all temporary roads and replant/reseed the disturbed areas to restore vegetation prior to project completion. On site project management by the Engineer and periodic inspections by the Owner will ensure that best management practices are followed during construction and that site restoration is satisfactory prior to project completion. 1 • r gg Duke Power Company Oxford Dam Stability Project y rte' �' t �` �� � , `•' 'Z' Proposed r03: Proposed starting point for shoreline proction1temp road ILI, Y - i 4% s z• 'µ, eddI�. • • Duke Power Company Oxford Dam Stability Project V! N Q H � � Z 4 0 cc z°m om Owas Lou, wo: DUKE POWER LAKE MANAGEME?ff. EC12-Q P O BOX 1006 CHARLOTTE, NC 28201-1006 704-382-1567 or TOLL FREE 1-800443-5193 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO STABILIZE THE SHORELINE IN NORTH CAROLINA Please type or print and fill in all blanks. If information is not applicable, so indicate by placing NIA in blank. PLEASE SUBMIT APPLICATION AND APPROPRIATE DUKE POWER FILING FEE, PAYABLE TO DUKE POWER, TO ABOVE ADDRESS. L Applicant Information A. Name DUkE POWER CO • - OXFoPD tf yPeo-5-YTiaN B. Mailing Address CO"OVER , NC Z8&C C. Telephone: Ub " ZS 6 - 6/ZZ- IL /ZZIL Location of Proposed Project A. Lake l fiCKC>Ie y L-OoK OGtT" B. Street Address '54,09 AS BOVG C. County C,4TP4rW A 41-�ANPER D. City, town, community or landmark CONOVEK E. Section A11A Lot # WA Subdivision F. Directions to properly by road 1AKIS S` 40 EX I IVVK ! H yr .i -y" . G. Latitude and longitude for the project site 497': 35.$Z21$7�{ , LarU4 81.19Z39� Please submit a map showing the coordinates or a detailed map (USGS quad map, city map, etc.) showing the exact location of the project site. (NOTE: Latitude( longitude coordinates can be found on internet site, www.mapblast.com) DL Description of Project EASE SEE Pfticcr A. Length of wall B. Material P N OP W C. Distance from property line/shoreline Et%iQ ilVl TS -AT IV. intended Use of Project Area A. Private B. Commercial V. Applicant Signature 9 Date 6 ZZ OZ PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: • A COPY OF THE COMPLETED APPLICATION WITH A ROAD MAP SHOWING LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY MUST BE SUBMITTED TO: US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, 1 SI PATTONAVE. -ROOM 208, ASHEVILLE, NC 28801-5006 • A COPY OF THE "DUKE POWER APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO STABILIZE THE SHORELINE IN NORTH CAROLINA" AND SEVEN (7) COPIES OF THE COMPLETED "NC DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY PRE -CONSTRUCTION NOTIFICATION APPLICATION" MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH THE DIVISION OF. WATER QUALITY APPLICATION FEE TO. NC DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY ATTENTIOM, JOHNDORNEY ` 1650 MAIL SERVICE GENTEI2 OS/iSAiab Statement of Compliance with Nationwide Permit General Conditions General Conditions: 1. Navigation. This activity will not cause an adverse effect on navigation. 2. Proper maintenance. The powerhouse buttress and any authorized fill will be properly maintained by Duke Power Company, including maintenance to ensure public safety. 3. Erosion and siltation controls. Appropriate erosion and siltation controls will be used and maintained in effective operating condition during construction, and all exposed soil and fills, will be stabilized at the earliest practicable date. The appropriate controls will meet or exceed those required by NCDENR and Duke Power Company. On site project management by the Engineer and periodic inspections by the Owner will ensure that best management practices are followed during construction and that site restoration is satisfactory prior to project completion. 4. Aquatic life movements. No project activity will disrupt the movement of those species of aquatic life indigenous to the Punchbowl Creek or the Catawba River. The proposed temporary culvert to be placed in Punchbowl Creek will be installed to maintain low flow conditions. 5. Equipment. No heavy equipment within wetlands are anticipated. All equipment located on barges and on the spillway will be encompassed by floating oil booms. Other measures will be taken to minimize soil disturbance. 6. Regional and case by case conditions. The activity will comply with any regional or site specific conditions that may be added by the Division Engineer. 7. Wild and Scenic Rivers. No National Wild and Scenic River or rivers under study will be affected by this project. 8. Tribal Rights. This activity will not affect reserved tribal rights, including, but not limited to, reserved water rights and treaty fishing and hunting rights. 9. Water Quality Certification. Water Quality Certification will obtained for this project from the NCDENR DWQ. The project will remain in compliance with all water quality certification conditions through out the life of the project. 10. Coastal Zone Management. This project is not located in the coastal management zone. 11. Endangered Species. Based on information from the NC National Heritage Program, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services, and direct searches of the proposed project, Duke Power is not aware of or does not have records of existing populations of protected state or federal plant or animal species at or in the immediate vicinity of the project. The US Fish and Wildlife Services has been contacted, the letter is attached in section 8 for reference. The required correspondence will be provided. 12. Historic Properties. Based on existing information, this activity will not affect any properties or resources listed by the National Historic Register or eligible of listing. The NC State Historic Preservation Office has been contacted, the letter is attached in section 9 for reference. The required correspondence will be provided. NCSHPO will be contacted immediately and all construction work stopped if any cultural resources are encountered during construction. 13. Notification. A Pre -Construction Notification (attached in Section 1) has been provided for this permit, which includes required information. 14. Compliance Certification. As required, Duke Power Company will submit a signed certification regarding the completed work. The certification will include a statement that the authorized work was done in accordance with Corps authorization; a statement that any required mitigation was completed in accordance with the permit; and a signature of the permittee certifying the completion of the work and mitigation. 15. Use ofMultiple Nationwide Permits. The use of multiple NWP's is not anticipated for this project. However, if the use of multiple NWP's is required, the proposed acreage loss of waters of the US are: 0.36 acres temporary, and 0.36 acres permanent. 16. Water supply intakes. The project has neither public surface nor subsurface water intakes in the vicinity of the project. 17. Shellfish Beds. The project will not in an area of shellfish populations. 18. Suitable material. Only suitable material free of toxic pollutants will be used for approved fill. No unsuitable material such as trash, construction debris, or asphalt will be used. Wet concrete for the powerhouse buttress will be placed in tightly sealed forms. 19. Mitigation. Adverse effects to waterbodies have been avoided and minimized by design and construction plan revisions, please see Impact Justification — Avoidance and Minimization Measures attached in Section 5 for a more detailed discussion. Appropriate erosion and sedimentation control measures will minimize siltation of the waterbodies. The Erosion Control Plan and the project specifications require the Contractor to replant/reseed disturbed areas to restore vegetation prior to project completion. 20. SpawningAreas. The proposed project will have no adverse affect to fish spawning areas within the Catawba River. Adequate sediment and erosion control measures will minimize siltation in the surrounding waterbodies. 21. Management of Water Flows. The proposed fill and the structure within the Catawba River will not restrict or impede the passage of normal or high flows. Also, the proposed temporary culvert over Punchbowl Creek is designed to allow passage of normal and high flows. 22. Adverse Effects From Impoundments. There will be no impacts due to water impoundment with this project. 23. Waterfowl Breeding Area. This activity is not known to be in an area of important waterfowl breeding. 0 FRAMATOME ANP FRAMATOME ANP DE&S June 18, 2002 Mr. Brian Cole Ecological Services Supervisor U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 160 Zillicoa Street Asheville, North Carolina 28801 RE: Information Request — Section 7 Consultation Dear Mr. Cole: An AREVA and Siemens company HV02082 Duke Power Company, a division of Duke Energy, of Charlotte North Carolina is in the preliminary stages of planning and permitting a dam stability/remediation project at the Oxford Dam in Alexander and Catawba counties, North Carolina. Oxford Dam is associated with Duke Power's Lake Hickory on the Catawba River (Figure 1). The dam stability project is required by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in meeting Part 12 licensing requirements for dam safety. Framatome ANP DE&S has been contracted to conduct the engineering, environmental study, and permitting for the*proposed project. The project includes several activities associated with the remediation of the existing Oxford dam These items include the construction of a temporary access road from State Highway 16 to the dam, clearing and grading of the slope above the access road, and the construction of several safety structures (e.g., buttresses) associated with the dam Several of the proposed activities will be located below the mean high water mark. No wetlands will be affected by the project. In addition to informing your agency of Duke Power's plans, we are soliciting your advice and comments on the location of the proposed facilities as they relate to federally listed wildlife and plant species, wetlands, and other natural resources. Your comments and information will be incorporated into a Clean Water Act Section 404/401 permit that will be submitted to the U.S. Amy Corps and Division of Water Quality for review. Based on past information received from your office and the NC Natural Heritage Program, Duke Power has no documented federal or state listed species (including Candidate species) located within or immediately adjacent the proposed project area. The nearest known station (bald eagle nest) is well downstream of the proposed project. We would appreciate receiving your comments within 30 days. Should you have any questions or need additional information please contact me at (704) 382-0808. Sin rely, I j N_ co etcher Senior Scientist Enclosure cc: Bradley Keaton, Framatome ANP DE&S DE&S Records Center (WID 00206.01.0007.02.0002) FRAMATOME ANP DE&S 400 South Tryon Street, P.O. Box 37916 - Charlotte. NO 24202 Tel.: 704-382-9800 Fax: 704-382-8389 www.us.frematome-anp.com • • A FRAMATOME ANP FRAMATOME ANP DEBTS June 18, 2002 Ms. Renee Gledhill -Earley Environmental Review Coordinator North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office 4617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 276994617 Dear Ms. Gledhill -Earley: An AREVA and Siemens company HV02081 Duke Power Company, a division of Duke Energy, of Charlotte North Carolina is in the preliminary stages of planning and permitting a dam stability/remediation project at the Oxford Dam in Alexander and Catawba counties, North. Carolina.. Oxford Dam is associated with Duke Power's Lake Hickory on the Catawba River (Figure 1). The dam stability project is required by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in an effort to meet Part 12 licensing requirements for dam safety. Framatome ANP DE&S has been contracted to conduct the engineering, environmental study, and permitting for the proposed project. The project includes several activities associated with the remediation of the existing Oxford dam. These items include the construction of a temporary access road from State Highway 16 to the dam, clearing and grading of the slope above the access road, and the construction of several safety structures (e.g., buttresses) associated with the dam. In addition to informing your agency of Duke Power's plans, we are soliciting your advice and comments on the location of the proposed facilities as they relate to known archaeological and historic sites. Your comments and information will be incorporated into a Clean Water Act Section 404 permit that will be submitted to the U.S. Amy Corps and Division of Water Quality for review. Based on past information from your office, Duke Power has no recorded archaeological or historic sites listed on or eligible for listing by the National Register located within the proposed project area. We would appreciate receiving your comments within 30 days. Should you have any questions or need additional information please contact me at (704) 382-0808. Sincerely,^�/] Scott T. Fletch Senior Scientist Enclosure cc: Bradley Keaton, Framatome ANP DE&S DE&S Records Center (WID 00206.01.0007.02.0002) FRAMATOME ANP DE&S 400 South Tryon Street. P.O. Box 37916 - Charlotte, NC 24202 Tel.: 704-382-9800 Fax: 704-382-8389 www.us.framatome-anp.com F WATT Michael F. Easley, Governor � 9QG William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Co rr Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director j Division of Water Quality August 1, 2002 DWQ# 02-1036 Alexander and Catawba Counties Mr. Ernest D. Brockman, Jr. System Hydro Engineer, Duke Power Post Office Box 1006 Charlotte, NC, 28201-1006 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification and Catawba River Buffer Rules with Additional Conditions Dear Mr. Brockman: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions, to permanently stabilize and buttress 280 linear feet of the Catawba River and 0.01 acre of Lake Hickory, and to place temporary fill in 215 linear feet of Punchbowl Creek and the Catawba River in order to construct the Oxford Dam Stability and PMF Remediation project in Alexander and Catawba Counties, as described in your application received by the Division of Water Quality on June 28, 2002. After reviewing your application, we have determined that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3376, 3353 and 3366, which can be downloaded from our web site at http:Hh2o.enr.state.nc.us . This Certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Numbers 3, 13 and 33 when issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. This approval is also valid for the Catawba River Mainstem and Lake Buffer Protection Rule (15A NCAC 213 .0243). In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Non -Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. You should send an application to the Division of Land Resources for their review of your project under dam safety rules as well as erosion and sediment control. Also this approval will expire when the accompanying 404 permit expires unless otherwise specified in the General Certification. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us in writing and you may be required to send us a new application for a new certification. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of the Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification and the additional conditions listed below: 1. Equipment used in the stream shall be in good working order and be free of oil leaks and drips. Equipment shall be checked daily for leaks and drips; 2. All instream work shall be conducted in the dry to the extent possible; 3. All disturbed areas within the 50 -foot Catawba Buffers and outside the areas indicated on the project plan that are proposed to have rip -rap stream bank or shoreline stabilization shall be re -planted with at least two different native hardwood tree species at a density of at least 320 trees per acre; If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-6714. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone Mike Parker in our Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699 or Cyndi Karoly in Raleigh at 919-733-1786. Questions related to the Catawba Buffer Rules should be directed to Bob Zarzecki in Raleigh at 919-733-9726. Sincerely, Alan W. Klimek, P.E. t N. C. Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 733-7015 . a Customer Service 1 800 623-7748 MEMORANDUM TO: John Dorney Regional Contact: Non -Discharge Branch WO Supervisor: Date: SUBJECT: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS Certificates Stream Stream Impacts (ft.) Permit Wetland 'Wetland Wetland Stream Class''' Acres- T-ve Type Impact ``- ". Score Index ' Prim: Supp. Basin Req. eq. —� O Y _*N F ----F-,,-(-75) WSIV B & CA 30,832. 0.01 495.00 1 495.00 r— Mitigation Wetland MtigationType Type Acres Feet Is Wetland Rating Sheet Attached? O Y (ON Did you request more info? O Y ON Have Project Changes/Conditions Been Discussed With Applicant? Q Y O N Is Mitigation required? O Y N Recommendation: Q Issue d Issue/Cond O Deny Provided by Region: Latitude (ddmmss) Longitude (ddmmss) Comments: cc: Regional Office Central Office Page Number 1 5 '.,,,,v Is Wetland Rating Sheet Attached? O Y (ON Did you request more info? O Y ON Have Project Changes/Conditions Been Discussed With Applicant? Q Y O N Is Mitigation required? O Y N Recommendation: Q Issue d Issue/Cond O Deny Provided by Region: Latitude (ddmmss) Longitude (ddmmss) Comments: cc: Regional Office Central Office Page Number 1 Triage Check List Date: -7 To: ❑RRO Steve Mitchell Project NameJ_r'�Ni�`�emrtGiac�, ❑FRO Ken Averitte DWQ Project Number C-Z'�i 6atp ❑WaRO Deborah Sawyer County &Aa1a ec _Zra4rl A)6o% , ❑WiRO Joanne Steenhuis ❑WSRO Jennifer Frye OARO Mike Parker CE9WO �Porta ColweD From:. rte, t>otn 1� St 1�-LL Telephone (919) 733- The file attached is being forwarded to you for your evaluation. Please call if you need assistance. Ntream length impacted ❑ Stream determination ❑ Wetland determination and distance to blue -line surface waters on USGW topo maps 17211*nimization/avoidance issues ❑ Buffer Rules (Neuse, Tar-Pamilco, Catawba, Randleman) ❑ Pond fill ❑ Mitigation Ratios ❑ Ditching ❑ Are the stream and or wetland mitigation sites available and viable? ❑ Check drawings for accuracy ❑ Is the application consistent with pre -application meetings? ❑ Cumulative impact concerns Comments A FRAMATOME ANP FRAMATOME ANP DE&S June 25, 2002 North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 401/Wetlands Unit 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 Attn: Mr. John Dorney Re: Duke Power Company – Oxford Hydroelectric Station Dam Stabilization Project Dear Mr. Dorney: An AREVA and Siemens company dy v ,f HV02084 r/ $ b 2 8 Duke Power Company of Charlotte North Carolina is in the pre -construction planning stage of a dam stability/rehabilitation project at Oxford Hydroelectric Station on the Catawba River in Alexander and Catawba counties. The dam stability project is required by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to bring the water retaining structures into compliance with the FERC Document 0119-2, "Engineering Guidelines for the Evaluation of Hydropower Projects". Framatome ANP DE&S has been contracted to conduct the engineering, permitting, and project management of the proposed project. The project includes five major activities associated with the stabilization of the dam and water retaining bulkheads: installation of high capacity rock anchors through the spillway and bulkheads, construction of a new emergency spillway, construction of a concrete buttress behind the powerhouse, construction of floodwalls to raise the elevation of non -overflow structures, and construction of a temporary access road from Wayside Church Road to the spillway. Duke Power Company is seeking 401 Water Quality Certification for the proposed project impacts. Enclosed for your consideration are seven copies of the 401 Certification Application Package. The 401 Certification Application Package includes the Pre -Construction Notification Application, an Agent Authorization Letter, a Duke Power Lake Management Application for Permit to Stabilize the Shoreline in North Carolina, project and impact narratives, plans, maps, and other supporting correspondence/information. A 404 Permit Application Package of the same content has been submitted to Mr. Tim Smith of the USACE Asheville office. The $475 application fee and a stamped, self- addressed envelope are also enclosed. Thank you for your attention. Please contact me at 704-400-4497 or bradley.keaton(@framatome-anp.us with any questions or comments. Sincerely, `d ,T4— Bradley T. Keaton Engineer FRAMATOME ANP DE&S 400 South Tryon Street, P.O. Box 37916 - Charlotte, NC 28202 Tel.: 704-382-9800 Fax: 704-382-8389 www.us.framatome-anp.com