HomeMy WebLinkAbout980027_Compliance Evaluation Inspection_20200210Division of Water Resources
❑ Division of Soil and Water Conservation
❑ Other Agency
Facility Number: 980027 Facility Status: Active Permit: AWS980027 ❑ Denied Access
Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Inactive Or Closed Date:
Reason for Visit: Routine County- Wilson Region: Raleigh
Date of Visit: 02/10/2020 EntryTime: 11:00 am Exit Time: 11:30 am Incident #:
Farm Name: Nash Pigg Rentals, LLC Rock Ridge 11 Owner Email: rchunl@sftnc.com
Owner: Nash Pigg Rentals LLC Phone: 252-235-8383
Mailing Address: PO Box 178 Bailey NC 27807
Physical Address: 7372 Rock Ridge Rd Sims NC 27880
Facility Status: E Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Integrator:
Location of Farm: Latitude: 35' 43' 29" Longitude: 78' 04' 11"
S.R. 1149114 mile North of S.R. 1142
Question Areas:
0 Dischrge & Stream Impacts Waste Col, Stor, & Treat Waste Application
0 Records and Documents N Other Issues
Certified Operator: Robert C Hunt Operator Certification Number. 25249
Secondary OIC(s):
On -Site Representative(sl: Name TItie Phone
24 hour contact name Robert Hunt
Primary Inspector: Jane Bernard Phone: 919-791-4200
Inspector Signature: Date:
Secondary Inspector(s):
Inspection Summary:
98-27 POP 756
Freeboard 23 2110/20
#8 pull reduced for grazing.
Calibration due on or before December 31, 2021
Producer agrees o aggressively pump and increase freeboard according to WUP.
Annual fees are current.
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Permit: AWS980027 Owner: Nash Pigg Rentals LLC Facility Number: 980027
Inspection Date: 02/10/20 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine
Waste Structures
Effective Built Closed Designated Observed
Type Identifier Date Date Date Freeboard Freeboard
Lagoon LAGOON #1 11/08/2007 05/0111987 19.00
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Permit: AWS980027 Owner: Nash Pigg Rentals LLC Facility Number: 980027
Inspection Date. 02/10/20 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine
Discharges & Stream Impacts
1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation?
❑ ❑
Discharge originated at:
Application Field
a. Was conveyance man-made?
❑ ❑
b. Did discharge reach Waters of the State? (if yes, notify DWQ)
❑ ❑
c. What is the estimated volume that reached waters of the State (gallons)?
d. Does discharge bypass the waste management system? (if yes, notify DWQ)
❑ ❑
2. Is there evidence of a past discharge from any part of the operation?
0 ❑
3. Were there any observable adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to Waters of the
❑ ❑
State other than from a discharge?
Waste Collection, Storage_& Treatment
No NA Na
4. Is storage capacity less than adequate?
❑ ❑ ❑
If yes, is waste level into structural freeboard?
5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed (Led larc
❑ ❑ ❑
trees, severe erosion, seepage, etc.)?
6. Are there structures on -site that are not properly addressed and/or managed through a
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waste management or closure plan?
7. Do any of the structures need maintenance or improvement?
❑ ❑ ❑
B. Do any of the structures lack adequate markers as required by the permit? (Not applicable
❑ ❑ ❑
to roofed pits, dry stacks and/or wet stacks)
9. Does any part of the waste management system other than the waste structures require
❑ ❑ ❑
maintenance or improvement?
Waste Application
Yes No NA NE
10. Are there any required buffers, setbacks, or compliance alternatives that need
❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
maintenance or improvement?
11. Is there evidence of incorrect application?
❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
If yes, check the appropriate box below.
Excessive Ponding?
Hydraulic Overload?
Frozen Ground?
Heavy metals (Cu, Zn, etc)?
Is PAN > 10%110 lbs.?
Total Phosphorus?
Failure to incorporate manure/sludge into bare soil?
Outside of acceptable crop window?
Evidence of wind drift?
Application outside of application area?
Crop Type 1
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Permit: AWS980027 Owner: Nash Pigg Rentals LLC Facility Number: 980027
Inspection Date: 02/10/20 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine
Waste Application
Crop Type 2
Crop Type 3
Crop Type 4
Crop Type 5
Crop Type 6
Soil Type 1
Soil Type 2
Soil Type 3
Soil Type 4
Soil Type 5
Soil Type 6
14. Do the receiving crops differ from those designated in the Certified Animal Waste
❑ ❑
Management Plan(CAWMP)?
15. Does the receiving crop and/or land application site need improvement?
❑ ❑
16. Did the facility fail to secure and/or operate per the irrigation design or wettable acre
❑ ❑
17. Does the facility lack adequate acreage for land application?
❑ ❑
1 B. Is there a lack of properly operating waste application equipment?
❑ ❑
Records and Documents
19. Did the facility fail to have Certificate of Coverage and Permit readily available?
❑ ❑ ❑
20. Does the facility fail to have all components of the CAWMP readily available?
❑ ❑ ❑
If yes, check the appropriate box below.
Lease Agreements?
If Other, please specify
21. Does record keeping need improvement?
❑ ❑ ❑
If yes, check the appropriate box below.
Waste Application?
Weekly Freeboard?
Waste Analysis?
Soil analysis?
Waste Transfers?
Weather code?
Crop yields?
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Permit: AWS980027 Owner: Nash Pigg Rentals LLC Facility Number: 980027
Inspection Date: 02/10/20 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for visit: Routine
Records and Documents
120 Minute inspections?
Monthly and 1" Rainfall Inspections
Sludge Survey
22. Did the facility fail to install and maintain a rain gauge?
❑ ❑ ❑
23. If selected, did the facility fail to install and maintain a rainbreaker on irrigation equipmen•
❑ ❑ ❑
(NPDES only)?
24. Did the facility fail to calibrate waste application equipment as required by the permit?
1111 ❑
25. Is the facility out of compliance with permit conditions related to sludge? If yes, check the
❑ ❑ ❑
appropriate box(es) below:
Failure to complete annual sludge survey
Failure to develop a POA for sludge levels
Non -compliant sludge levels in any lagoon
List structure(s) and date of first survey indicating non-compliance:
26. Did the facility fail to provide documentation of an actively certified operator in charge?
❑ ❑ ❑
27. Did the facility fail to secure a phosphorous loss assessment (PLAT) certification?
110 ❑
Other Issues
28. Did the facility fail to properly dispose of dead animals within 24 hours and/or document
❑ ❑ ❑
and report mortality rates that exceed normal rates?
29. At the time of the inspection did the facility pose an odor or air quality concern? If yes,
❑ ❑ ❑
contact a regional Air Quality representative immediately.
30. Did the facility fail to notify regional DWQ of emergency situations as required by Permit',
❑ ❑ ❑
(i.e., discharge, freeboard problems, over -application)
31. Do subsurface tile drains exist at the facility?
❑ ❑ ❑
If yes, check the appropriate box below.
Application Field
Lagoon / Storage Pond
If Other, please specify
32. Were any additional problems noted which cause non-compliance of the Permit or
❑ ❑ ❑
33. Did the Reviewerlinspector fail to discuss review/inspection with on -site representative?
❑ ❑ ❑
34. Does the facility require a follow-up visit by same agency?
❑ ❑ 0
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