HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190749 Ver 2_Pomona Pipe Quote-Revised_202003274611 Dundas Dr., Greensboro, NC 27407 POMONA PIPE PRODUCTS Tel:336/292-8060 Fax: 336/292-2251 www.pomonapipeproducts.com Name / Address ATTENTION: CHUCK WHITE NCDOT DIVISION 9 EMAIL: crwhite@ncdot.gov Ship To QUOTATION Date Quotation # 2/14/2020 13397 EMERGENCY WASHOUT PROJECT: BRIDGE #290 OVER DANBURY CREEK ON SR 1128 (BROWN RD STOKES COUNTY. NC Qty Unit Description Total 1 EA 58.5 LF - #51-L2 (20'-6" SPAN x T-3" RISE) ALUMINUM BOX CULVERT WITH FULL 139,331.47T ALUMINUM INVERT FULLY WELDED TO 27.0' WIDE x 9'-8" HIGH, 0.200" METAL THICKNESS, ALUMINUM STRUCTURAL PLATE HEADWALL WITH TWO (2) EACH - 9.0' WIDE WING WALLS ON INLET END, AND 27.0' WIDE x 10.0' HIGH, 0.200" METAL THICKNESS, ALUMINUM STRUCTURAL PLATE HEADWALL WITH TWO (2) EACH - 9.0' WIDE ALUMINUM WING WALLS ON OUTLET END PER ATTACHED DRAWING. INCLUDES 1 ROLL OF TX 160 GEOGRID, AND 6 EA - 18" x 18" x 10' WIRE FORM BASKETS FOR FOUNDATION. SUPPLIER TO ASSEMBLE STRUCTURE AND HEADWALLS IN FINAL DESIGNED LOCATION AND ELEVATION WITHIN ONE (1) WORKING DAY ON SITE. LRFD HL93 LOADING CONDITIONS: MINIMUM COVER= 1.4' MAXIMUM COVER = 4.0' OPEN AREA OF BOX CULVERT= 125 SQ. FT. DELIVERY TIME IS 3 WEEKS FROM DATE OF RECEIVED PURCHASE ORDER. BY:_ Aow Jt7)/ a L)r._ Subtotal $139,331.47 Sales Tax (0.0%) $0.00 mobile# 336-255-2655 djoyce@pomonapp.com Total $139,331.47 A !'f'Ti DT A Nf'Ti SUBJECT TO BEING AWARDED, WE HEREBY ORDER THE MATERIALS DESCRIBED ABOVE, AT THE PRICES SPECIFIED, SUBJECT TO ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPERARING ON THIS QUOTATION. COMPANY: BY: TITLE: DATE: Prices quoted are for acceptance within 45 days. Terms: Net- 30 days/ a finance charge of 1 1/2% per month (18% per year) will be added to all past due invoices TRUCK TO POINT ACCESSIBLE TO EQUIPMENT UNDER ITS OWN POWER TO JOBSITE POMONA PIPE SUPPLY- CONDITIONS OF SALE T/IA8 1. ACCEPTANCE. This quotation is an offs m sell to potential maintains). BUYER'S RIGHT TO ACCEPT' THIS OFFER IS LIMITED TO BUYER'S ASSENT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS PRINTED HEREON AND THE ATTACHED OR ACCOMPANYING QUOTE, AND NO TERMS ADDITIONAL TO OR DffFERENT FROM THOSE IN THIS OFFER ARE BINDING ON SELLER THERE ARE NO UNDERSTADINGS, TERMS, CONDITIONS OF WARRANTIES NOT FULLY EXPRESSEDHEREIM L LIIITEU WARRANTIES. Sella warrants; tint it can convey good title to the goods sold under this comma anal that they are free o liens and ermumbrmses, Seller also warrants that the goods sold under Nis counts are free from defects in maerial and warktaahipfmapundofoneyaraB thedueofdetvery Thee arenowmantia express of implied with respect or praduers sold hereunder which am matsed, abated, or and in crenjumtion with mechanical equipment impunp rty designed, used or nominated or which are used. supplied, fen use or made available for use in any nuclear application if which Seller has not been notified in writing by Buyer at the time of order fen the produces sold hereunder. SELLER MANS NO OTHER WARRANTY WHATSOEVER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR ANY PATICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED BY SELLER AND EXCLUDED FROM THIS CONTRACT. 3. LHUTATION OF BUYER'S REMEDIES AND SELLER'S LIABILTY. Seller's lability berander shall bei limited to de obligation to repair or replace only those products Prove to have been defective in material or wmhaahip at the time of delivery, r allow credit, at its option Sellm's total cumulative liability in any way arising from or fracturing m any product and or required in be sold under the convince shell NOT in any are exceed the purchase price aid by Buyer for such products. IN NO EVENT SHALL SELLER HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR COMMERCIAL LOSS, LOST PROFITS, CLAIMS FOR LABOR OR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES OF ANY TYPE. WHETHER BUYER'S CLAIM BE BASED IN CONTRACT, TORT, WARRANTY, STRICT LIABILTY, NEGUGENCE, OR OTHERWmE. IT IS EXPRESSLY AGREED THAT BUYER'S REMEDIES EXPRESSED ON THIS PARAGRAPH ARE BUYER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES. 4. LIMITATION OF BUYER'S REMEDIES AND SELLER'S LIABILITY FOR FAILURE OR DELAY IN DELIVERY. NO DELIVERY DATES ARE GUARANTEED BUYER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES AND SELLER'S ONLY LIABILITY FOR ANY DELAY IN DELIVERY SHALL BE LIMITED AS SET FORTH IN PARAGRAPH 3 OF THIS CONTRACT, S. FORCE MA3ETIRE. In my event and in addition to all other limitations sutd herein, Seller shall sot his table for any net, omission, result or coaauace, including but sot limited to any deny in delivery or perfemaince, which h (i) due to any e t of God, dre Performance of any government order, eery, order hearing priority rating or order paced under any allocation prolusion (mandatory or voluntary) established punam in law, local labor shortage, fire. food or other annually. government regulation or requirement shortage or failure or raw materaL, supply, &el, power or raaporation, breakdown of equRmem, or airy more beyond Seller's reasmable control whether of similar or dissimilar names to those above ermmantd, or (n) der to any an" labor dispute, or difference with workers, regardless ofwbether or not Senu's is capable ofsening any such labor problem & BUYER'S OBLIGATION TO PASS ON LIMITATION OR WARRANTIES AND REMEDIES In order to protect Seller against claims by Buyer's buyer, if Buyer resells amry of the goods perched under this agreement, Buyer shell include the language contained in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this agnamem, dealing with Sella's limitations of warranties and remedies, lu an enforceable agreement with Buyer's buyer, or otherwise include language in an enforceable agreement with its buyer that maker Seller's limitation awamadas and re mer is binding on its buyer. Buyer shall also include and provision in its agreement with as buyer applying North Carolina law to any chums its buyer might user[ against Seller with respect in goods manufacmved by Sella, eat requiring is buyer m bring any such saran against Seller either in federal dimict noun in Gresestrum. NC or the common plans man for Gwlfod County, NC. Buyer shall defend, indemnify and held Sala hamless from my and all claims, causes of action denages, losses or relatives (including tameable atmmeys' feu) that Seller mans by reason of buyer's failure in comply with this pamguph T. PASSAGE OF'111I.E. Trtk tothe produar sod hereuder shall pas upon delivery to the artier at the point of shipment. Neither Buyer rot the consignee shall have the ngk to divert ifmoonsign such shipment to any demmuon ocher than specified in the bill of Ming without amiasion of the Seller Unless otherwise agreed Seller rams the right in select the mode Ofuamaponaion. S. PAYMENTS AND LATE CHARGES ON PAST DUE ACCOUNTS Buyer represents that Buyer is solvers and can ad will pay for the products sold to Buyn in acwrdanm with the tam¢ hauf lfBuya tall &il to comply with any provisnn or m make payments m accordance wkh the arms ofthis mmna or arty ether cotdma between Buyer ad Sella, Seller may at its option dem shipments or, without waiving any other rights it any have, terminate this contract. All deliveries shall be subsea to the approval of Seller's Credit Department Sella reserves the right, before raking arty delivery, in require payment in ash in Suurity of payment, and if Buyer fails to comply with such requhenhatrcs, Seller may tamkau this cemmact A late large of I-12%moahly (18% annual raw) or the maximum allowed by sate law, if less, will be imposed on all pat due moruses. 9. TRANSPORTATION CHARGES. Delivered pines or prices involving compdkive transportation adjustments stall bei subject to appropriate adjustment to reflect changes is mmsportatnn charge. 10. CLAIMS BY BUYER Buyer shall thoroughly inspect products said under this contract immediately upon request to vardy for hselthat they andmm to the specifications of the cannot Buys most notify Sella of claim for failure or delay in detvery with 30 days after the scheduled delivery dam Buyer must notify Seller ofany claims for non mberming or defective golds within 30 days after the nomo mdy of defeat was m should have been discovered. In addition, Stier must be given a r opportunity to instigate the claim before Buyer disposes of the lateral, or else Buyer's claim will be barred. Sella shall incur an lability per damages, shortage, or other come alleged to have occurred or existed at or prior to delivery to the carrier unless the Buyer shall have enamel full details thermfon its receipt in the carrier. 11. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES; CHEMICAL ANALYSES. Dan referring to mechanical properties or chemical analysis are the rank oftest Performed on specimens obtained from specific locations ofthe prduct(s) in accordance with presmbed amp0rg procedures; any warmly hind to the values obtained at such locations and by such procedures. Three a no wammy with respect in valuer of the laterals at other locations. It PATENTS Seller shall indemnify Buyer against atimmyi fees and envy deluges or wits awarded against Buyer in the even any legal preceding is brought against Buyer by a third person chiming the material delivered herauder in itself cominves an infringement of any U.S. patent, provided! Buyer gives Seller prompt notice of my such suit being brought, gives Seller the opportunity to defend any such sue, and caopemtes with Sella with respect in arry such def ; unless the material is under maccordance with material designs, or specifications; required by Buyer, in which case Boyer shall similarly indemnify Sella. 13. PER0O351BLE VARIATIONS. The products sod taximeter shall be subject to Sellers standard manufacturing variations, mleramwa and chasifiatiore. I0. TECHNICAL ADVICR Buyer represma that it has made as own indepedem detemniration that the products k is purchasing under this coma rain the design requirements of Buyer's project and me suitable for Buyer's intended application. Buyer further represents that it has net relied in any mispxt on any written nasal statements or dvim from Sena, other stet the standard product spuifsations see forth in the most recent addition ofSelar's Published product brochette, in making that daermiatnn. IS. TAXES If this proposal includes fianahing labor to baatag products, applicable use taxes have been included in the price quoted. However, on other tax imposed in respect of the ale aths prokow sold hereunder is imluded in any quotation by Seller. Any tax shall be addd need aid by Buyer as art of the purchase price 1S BUYER'S RIGHT OF TERMINATION. Buyer my terminate that convect in whole or in per upon notice in wining to Seller. Seller shall thereupon case work and tmafc te Buyer fide to all completed net partially compliant products and to any raw materials or supplies acquired by Sella especially for the pralines of performing this comma, and Buyer shah ay Seller the sum of the following: (1) the contract prim for all products which have been completed prior to coordination; (2) the curet m Seller of the materials or work in process as shown on the books of Seller in mcmdmce with screaming practice consistently maintained by Seller plus a maxoable Pro& thereon bun in an event more than the am = prim; (3) the cot fo.b. Seller's plant of materiels ad supplies acquired especially for the purpose of performing this cornea; ad (4) reasonable cancellation charges, if any, aid by Sella on account ofany autonomous) made hereuder 17. SELLER'S RIGHT OF TERMINATION. In addition to the other rights of the lamination provided for in the contract and if this contract is made personal many goveramend rate or regulation, par, order or other directive, upon in whoa or is pan. 1& WAIVER Faihue or inability of either party to enforce any right hereunder shall not waive any right in re eect to any other or frame riglm or coronaries, 19. DELIVERY. Uniess otherwise agreed to in writing by the Seller, the Buyer hereby agrees in take delivery ofthe materials on that order within the later of thirty (30) days after the wanted date shown on the ace of the order within thirty (30) days after nomination, an] or written, that the materials me ready shipment. In tit event that the Buyer does not manage m eke delivery of the materials in accordance with this Contract, Seller, a Seller's option may: (a) inwice the Buyer for the maeral less freight if applicable; stow the maerial in Seger's sold for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days from the date of invoice, charge a storage fee sot to exceed 5%Per month or fraction thereof of the selling price of the aimed materials; add any applicable price increases listed on the ace of the order; large for any repa'v work to Protective coating homed by weethalug while each maaal is being smrd; and Burge applicable freight when shipment to the Buyer is made. Materials retaining in smngs after sixty (60) days from the atomics date shall become the Property of the Seller for deposition at the Seller's dismexi m In that event. Buyer shall sot bei liable for the invoice prise of the materials, but shall he liable for the stoage fee and my rear work to protective coatings; a (b) cancel the order and invoice the Buyer for cammilaion charge, which shag be 25%of the selling price of the materials ifthe matuals are standard, n-aock materials, order full selling price if flits na eriah we special or mnstavdard as nature and wem especially hbriaredferdu Buyer. 20. PERIOD OF LIMITATIONS Buyer and Seller agree Bat no action by Buyer against Seller for a Ranch of this cmmact, including any, action for branch of reality, or otherwise in contagion with the goods sold under this concoct, must be cotaencd by Buyer against Seller within one year after the cause of action therefore aces es. 21. CONFLICTING PROVISIONS OFFERED BY BUYER Any tuns and auditions of my Fmchau order or other instrument waned by the Buyer, in commerce with the subject mats of this document, which are in dd met to or uncommon with the terms and coditaas apressed lemon, will net be binding on Sella in any maser whatsoever unless aceaprd by Seller in writing 21 SEVERABILITY. In case any provision ofths mntnct shall be declared invalid illegal or umnwrcaba, the validay, lei and enforceability oftle remsaing provisions Shan not in any way be affected of waired. 23. APPLICABLE LAW. This comae[ shall be governed by, ad corsmvd and enforced in accordance wnl, the laws if the State ofNonh Carolina Buyer ad galls specifically agree that my legal amos brought Hazing to this construct will ha brought and Mid in the federal distinct court in Connotation. NC, or, ten the absence ofimsdimiota the Guilford County device man in Greensboro„ NC. POMONA PIPE PRODUCTS STANDARD ASSEMBLY TERMS A. The following items are included in the work to be performed by POMONA: Prepare and furnish applicable shop drawings. 2. Furnish and assemble the structure on a foundation designed and prepared by others, or in a suitable area adjacent to job site with final placement of assembled structure by others. 3. Insurance to be furnished by the seller to cover work on this quotation shall consist of comprehensive general liability and automobile liability insurance with a combined single limit of $1,000,000 each occurrence, and Workers' Compensation Insurance as required by state law. Insurance costs, other than the foregoing ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THIS QUOTATION. If other limits or types of coverage are required, they will be charged for at the prevailing rates applicable to the coverage requested. Premiums for payment, material and/or performance bonds HAVE NOT BEEN INCLUDED IN THIS QUOTATION, and can be supplied at the prevailing cost. B. The following work, not part of this proposal, is to be performed by others, as required, at no cost to POMONA. Receive, unload and distribute as required, all items described herein at a staging area adjacent to the structure site and be responsible for its security until erected. 2. Furnish and construct any and all earthwork including material, labor, equipment, soils testing, density testing, supervision, etc. The structural adequacy of foundation to be determined by others than POMONA. 3. Furnish and construct any and all appurtenances such as: curbs, shoring, paving, gabions, guiderail, etc., as may be required. 4. Any and all dewatering, stream diversion, cofferdams, etc., to provide a dry and accessible field erection work site. 5. Any and all permits, inspection fees (other than those noted herein), flagmen, barricades, flares, traffic control devices, utility protection, and/or other safety devices as may be required. (Any and all costs relating to furnishing railroad inspectors, flagmen, railroad protective insurance, etc., and any other items pertaining to the railroad requirements in maintaining traffic.) POMONA PIPE PRODUCTS STANDARD ASSEMBLY TERMS A. The following items are included in the work to be performed by POMONA: Prepare and furnish applicable shop drawings. 2. Furnish and assemble the structure on a foundation designed and prepared by others, or in a suitable area adjacent to job site with final placement of assembled structure by others. 3. Insurance to be furnished by the seller to cover work on this quotation shall consist of comprehensive general liability and automobile liability insurance with a combined single limit of $1,000,000 each occurrence, and Workers' Compensation Insurance as required by state law. Insurance costs, other than the foregoing ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THIS QUOTATION. If other limits or types of coverage are required, they will be charged for at the prevailing rates applicable to the coverage requested. Premiums for payment, material and/or performance bonds HAVE NOT BEEN INCLUDED IN THIS QUOTATION, and can be supplied at the prevailing cost. B. The following work, not part of this proposal, is to be performed by others, as required, at no cost to POMONA. Receive, unload and distribute as required, all items described herein at a staging area adjacent to the structure site and be responsible for its security until erected. 2. Furnish and construct any and all earthwork including material, labor, equipment, soils testing, density testing, supervision, etc. The structural adequacy of foundation to be determined by others than POMONA, Furnish and construct any and all appurtenances such as: curbs, shoring, paving, gabions, guiderail, etc., as may be required. 4. Any and all dewatering, stream diversion, cofferdams, etc., to provide a dry and accessible field erection work site. 5. Any and all permits, inspection fees (other than those noted herein), flagmen, barricades, flares, traffic control devices, utility protection, and/or other safety devices as may be required. (Any and all costs relating to furnishing railroad inspectors, flagmen, railroad protective insurance, etc., and any other items pertaining to the railroad requirements in maintaining traffic.) DESSCPJPTION +300 FULLY WELDED ALUMINUM ALUMINUM STIFFENING RIB BOLTED TO +300 FYI STRUCTURAL PLATE HEADWALL 1,-5„ SOIL SIDE OF WALL rrl ------ -- --- ----- ---- 7,, ---.200" 200" 200"THICK THICK THICK HICTHICK 9'-8" 12 Q 9 II -- -- 27-- --- -- I 9 ALUMINUM STIFFENING RIB BOLTED TO W END VIEW -INLET HEADWALL FRONT SIDE OF WALL up O 0 O � +30. ALUMINUM STIFFENING RIB BOLTED TO FULLY WELDED ALUMINUM +30. O SOIL SIDE OF WALL 1 -9„ STRUCTURAL PLATE HEADWALL N - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — — — e — — 2' .200" zoo" .200" zoo° THICK THICK THICK THICK THICK '200" O ^ THICK v 10' 1' I POMONA PIPE PRODUCTS 2 4611 DUNDAS DR. 1 GREENSBORO, NC 27407 336-292-8060 9, 27' _ 9' I ALUMINUM STIFFENING RIB BOLTED TO FRONT SIDE OF WALL ENDVIEW- OUTLET HEADWALL DATE: SHEEL FEB 24, 2020 NOT TO SCALE DESCRIPTION PINCH PINCH PT PT �1 34'-81' w W EP 4. RD EP M 8 �1 I 58.5 LF OF #51-1-2 (20'-6" SPAN X T-Y Q ° RISE) ALUMINUM BOX CULVERT O �j MIN COVER= 1.4 FT MAX COVER= 4.0 FT U w OPEN AREA= 125 SO FT O 130 HL-93 LOADING O 0° 5 ` w Q Q � PROPOSED ELEVATIONS: T l 13° ti RD= 100.00 `�•/ O INLET OUTLET EP= 99.81 EP= 100.11 TOP OF WALL= 99.59 TOP OF WALL= 98.82 POMONA PIPE PRODUCTS r2' 10' BOTTOM OF WALL= 89.94 BOTTOM OF WALL= 88.82 Ilf r , S.B.= 92.44 S.B.= 90.74 4611 DUNDAS DR INV IN= 90.94 INV OUT= 89.74 GREENSBORO, NC 27407 336-292-8060 INTERNAL BAFFLE FLOW DETAIL PLAN VIEW DATE'. SHEET FEB 24, 2020 NOT TO SC AI,f-;