HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0005088_Geochem Memo and Summary_20200320TECHNICAL MEMO To: Scott Davies, PG, Duke Energy 526 South Church Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 From: Julie K Sueker, PhD, PH, PE (CO) Margy Gentile, PhD, PE (CA) Date: March 20, 2020 Arcadis Project No.: 30012654 AARCAD IS Design &Consultancy fornaturaland built assets Subject: Summary of Geochemical Modeling Approach — Cliffside Steam Station Arcadis U.S., Inc. 11400 Parkside Drive Suite 410 Knoxville Tennessee 37934 Tel 865 675 6700 Fax 865 675 6712 Duke Energy was required to model potential geochemical effects related to ash basin decanting and ash basin closure on the transport of constituents of interest (COls) in groundwater at the Rogers Energy Complex - Cliffside Steam Station (Cliffside or site; Figure 1). SynTerra, in collaboration with others, generated the geochemical model for Cliffside (SynTerra 2019a). The geochemical analysis for Cliffside focused on the effects of COI related to the Active Ash Basin (AAB) and associated ash storage area (ASA) and the Unit 5 inactive ash basin (U5 AB). The objectives of the modeling' were to demonstrate an understanding of COI geochemical behavior, describe source terms in the model, to simulate downgradient concentrations of COI at various stages of closure, and to provide a basis for translating between detailed geochemical modeling and the sitewide flow and transport model. Site -specific data incorporated into the modeling included COI concentrations and trends in ash pore water and groundwater, solid phase mineralogy for estimates of sorption and ion exchange sites, COI leaching behavior, and hydrogeologic information. Modeling analysis included overviews of groundwater data, geochemical evaluations of ash leaching data2, batch PHREEQC3 models and sorption coefficient derivations, and PHREEQC 1-D advection models. KEY FINDINGS The key findings of the geochemical modeling effort associated with the selected closure scenario (closure -by -excavation) are listed below: The framework was developed through collaboration with NCDEQ, William Deutsch (external reviewer for NCDEQ), and the flow and transport (F&T) modeling team (CAP Update -Appendix G, Synterra 2019b) over many meetings, presentations, and conference calls (Duke 2017a, Duke 2017b). 2 Via USEPA Method 3052 (1996) and USEPA LEAF Method 1313 (2012a) and 1316 (2012b). 3 PHREEQC- original acronym pH-REdox-EQuilibrium written in C programming language. arcadis.com Page: 1/2 MEMO 1. Closure are anticipated to be effective at minimizing groundwater flow through the ash basin and maximizing the input of upgradient unaffected groundwater, reducing downgradient COI concentrations. 2. The pH and redox potential (EH) are anticipated to remain stable in all simulations and to maintain sorption as a dominant attenuation mechanism for most nonconservative COls. 3. Closure activities that generate extreme pH values (generally less than 4 and greater than 10) may cause increased mobility of COls. In particular, the oxidation of pyrite that can produce low pH conditions has the potential to mobilize COls. Significant reduction in pH compared to current conditions is an unlikely scenario due to kinetic limitations on pyrite oxidation. 4. Increased EH values that may be generated from oxygen infiltration during decanting or other closure activities will not cause enhanced mobility of most Cols. The increased EH will make ferrihydrite more stable, resulting in more HFO sorption sites. Notable exceptions to this conclusion might be enhanced mobility of hexavalent chromium, or pentavalent arsenic if EH values are sufficiently high to allow such species to persist, although hexavalent chromium was not identified as a COI for management at the site. COI Evaluation At the Cliffside site, 11 COls exhibit mean concentrations greater than background threshold values (BTVs), 02L standards, or interim allowable maximum concentrations (IMACs) with plume characteristics at or beyond the ash basin geographic limitation: arsenic (As), boron (B), cobalt (Co), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), strontium (Sr), sulfate (SO4-2), total dissolved solids, thallium (TI), total uranium, and vanadium (V), and lithium (Li) are also on the constituent list. Results from site -specific partition coefficient (Kd) values evaluations for these COI are as follows: Nonconservative, reactive COls: Kd values for As, Sr, V and other nonconservative, reactive COI remained high in most cases, and are unlikely to be affected geochemically by remedial actions based on Kd evaluation (values remained high for tested scenarios in most cases). • Conservative, nonreactive COI: Kd values for B, Li and SOa 2 were low (less than 1 liter per kilogram) for all modeled scenarios and will not change significantly due to changes related to closure. • Variably reactive COls: Kd values for Co, Fe, and Mn, and TI were greatly variable in relation to geochemical changes and dependent on the pH and EH. References Duke Energy. 2017a. DWR-ARO Meeting to Discuss Asheville Models. Asheville, North Carolina: NCDEQ. August 29. Duke Energy. 2017b. NCDEQ Meeting to Review Cliffside Models and CSAs. Asheville, North Carolina: NCDEQ. October 11. SynTerra. 2019a. CAP Update- Appendix H. Analysis of Geochemical Phenomena Controlling Mobility of Ions from the Coal Ash Basins at the Cliffside Steam Station. In Corrective Action Plan Update. Mooresboro, North Carolina. SynTerra. (2019b). CAP Update -Appendix G. Updated Groundwater Flow and Transport Modeling Report in Corrective Action Plan Update. Mooresboro, North Carolina. USEPA. 1996. Method 3052: Microwave assisted acid digestion of siliceous and organically based matrices -Revision 0. SW-846. USEPA. December. USEPA. 2012a. Method 1313 - Liquid -solid partitioning as a function of extract pH using parallel batch extraction procedure. Test methods for evaluating solid waste: Physical/chemical methods. SW-846, 3rd. USEPA. October. USEPA. (2012b, October). Method 1316 - Liquid -solid partitioning as a function of liquid -to -solid ratio in solid materials using a parallel batch procedure. Test methods for evaluating solid waste: Physical/chemical methods. SW-846, 3rd. USEPA. arcadis.com Page: 2/2 0 500 GRAPHIC SCALE 1,000 2,000 3.000 xS �tIA WWSTON-SALEM (IN FEE) ASHEMLE CNARLOTTE RUTHCLEVELAIVD COUNTY COUSVTY COUNTY j CLIFFSdBC STEAM STATION Cy£ST£RF ' 7:, PRC/PERTYBOUHOARI 1£LDRD 7 FORMER UNITS 1-4 ASH BASIN GEOGRAPHIC LIMITATION g FORMER LMITS11AASH BASIN Bi[l'1 JpR ` ` WASTE BOUNDARY 1 COAL% e ASHH STORAc BAREA roai�=River �f UNIT S. y UNff 5 "ACTIVE ASH BASIN' WASTE HOIANDARY l WHIT 6 ' '� ` _ 1, 1�'�� f�� L GYPSUM l I ACTIVE ASH BASIN #(.�f[ (�(`! r'•l, �^/!��l S '� STACK UT 1 ! _ ; • - WASTE b'.7UNDARY'�. UNIT 5 INACTIVE ASH BASIN GEOGRAPHIC LIMITATION p Is r ya LANDFILL COMPLIANCE BOUNZDARY �yr��• AN G S �V r� to ,+ CCP LANDPILL� ► j `WASTE BOUNDARY CR,4yy • • — —r H R� / f®r ` RD ACTIVE ASH BASIN GEOGRAPHIC LIMITATION NOTES: 1. ALL BOLINDARIES AREAPPROXA4ATE. as;, - C, 2. 2016 USGS TOPOGRAPHfC MAP, CHESNEE R BOILIN}- SPRINGS SOUTH QUADRANGLE, OBTAINED FROM THE USCS STORE AT https://store.usgs.gov/map-locator. r SUMMARY OF GEOCHEMICAL MODELING APPROACH — CLIFFSIDE SITE MAP STEAM STATION ARCADI„�4 FIGURE lornaturalantl bUiIt assets 1