HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG551394_Staff Comments_20180215 (2)Weaver, Charles From: Weaver, Charles Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2018 8:14 AM To: Boone, Ron Cc: Corporon, Joe; Knight, Sherri Subject: RE: Help Needed regarding SFRs Ron — in order: #1: NCG550054, 504 Gayron Drive, Winston Salem Question: Why was the 2004 fee waived and why haven't there been any further annual fees since then? There's no info to explain this in our permit folder. When these residences are sold, we frequently get calls from the former owner[s] complaining that annual fee invoices are being forwarded to them. The only thing we can do to stop the erroneous billing is set the fee code for the CoC to "No Fee". When the new owner completes the Ownership change process, we resume billing. Once the owner for NCG550054 is sorted out, we can resume sending invoices. #2: NCG551394, 9228 Warren Road, Kernersville The new owners have not sent us anything. Send me any address corrections for BIMS. This one has always been a problem, both under the first owner and now under these people. Fees always late, no responses to calls, emails, etc. #3: NCG550359, 7017 Red Bank Rd, Germanton (this one is kinda complicated) I defer to Joe on how to handle the situation with 7021 Red Bank Rd. He deals with new NCG55 applications regularly, many of which have some peculiarities at the site. It would probably be worth a site visit — you two can discuss that when Joe is at the WSRO tomorrow. Regarding 7017 Red Bank Rd, Lisa can pay $120/month to resolve her past due fees. She should send me an email or letter regarding her change of last name so that I can make sure BIMS is correct. CHW From: Boone, Ron Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2018 4:06 PM To: Weaver, Charles Cc: Corporon, Joe ; Boone, Ron ; Knight, Sherri Subject: Help Needed Hey Charles/Joe, This email is about SFRs... oh boy! ;-) If y'all wanna skip all the details related to my questions, and there are a lot of them, just skip down to the questions, which I've formatted in bold hot pink underlined font like this, to make your search for my questions easier. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure you'll need to read the details in order to answer the questions. #1: NCG550054, 504 Gayron Drive, Winston Salem I attempted to inspect this one in September. No one answered the door. We then sent a letter and no one replied. Further research shows a new owner, probably the current permittee's wife. We are sending another letter, certified RRR this time. 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There's no info to explain this in our permit folder. #2: NCG551394, 9228 Warren Road, Kernersville Same deal with this one: I attempted an inspection, sent a letter, and now sending a second letter due to no response. They're past due on their fees and apparently don't like talking to us. BIMS appears to have the wrong address, but let me verify that I have the correct address before we change it. I guess I must wanted to see if y'all had heard anything from this permittee recently (maybe in response to our inspection letter). #3: NCG550359, 7017 Red Bank Rd, Germanton (this one is kinda complicated) I guess this is more of must a heads up for y'all than a question. Also, a chance for you to provide any enlightening information you'd like to provide concerning the NCG55 permitting process. Same deal with this one to start with: I attempted an inspection, sent a letter on 10/26/17, no response. But then I got a call from the county health dept (HD) on 1/25/18 about the house next to it (or in back of it), which is 7021 Red Bank Road. The HD was concerned because 7021's building drain allegedly had been piped straight into 7017's chlorinator, according to the HD. There is no real proof or indication of this though. Both homes were owned by Betty Swaim back in the day. 7021 was built in 1930, and then Betty built 7017 in 1985. Nothing is known by us or the HD of 7021's original WW disposal system, but Betty had to get an NCG55 for 7017 when she built it in '85. Because 7021 sits between 7017 and 7017's receiving stream, 7017's discharge pipe crosses 7021's lot to get to the stream (see diagram below). Well, both properties are owned by different, unrelated people now. The current owner of 7017 is Lisa Cheek, her last name needs to be changed. She bought the home in 1/2010 as Lisa Crumpler, has never pumped the tank and had no idea the system has a chlorinator and discharges. Lisa Crumpler is the current permittee so transfer of the permit was successful in 2010. She, or someone, paid the fee in 2010, 2011's was waived, and she apparently hasn't received or has just ignored the fee invoices since then so she now owes 6 year's worth, or $360. So, first question on this one: Can Lisa pay over three month's time, i.e. $120 per month for three months? I knew we'd done this before so I told her "Maybe." Continuing on ... 7021 is now owned by Antonio Catalan, who bought the house in 5/2016. This house is kind of a mystery. Antonio wanted to build a solar array so the HD had to do an inspection at which point they became suspicious of the home's wastewater system for reasons of which I'm actually unsure of, except for the unpleasant odor in the general area. Upon further investigation, the HD somehow concluded that 7021's building drain had been straight piped into 7017's chlorinator, but again, to me, there's no real proof or indication of this. Not a bad hypothesis though. The chlorinator is a two tube unit, with one tube and both caps missing so it's completely exposed to the elements. You can see inside it when you look down on it and there is evidence of solids, but no significant solids in it now, except for significant bacterial and algal growth. Antonio was also under the impression that he had a traditional septic and that's what his real estate disclosure document says. It also says there was nothing wrong with the system. However, Antonio recently (with the past month or so) had a septic tank that was collapsing, which is located in the small dirt area just to the north of the home, filled in by a contractor. I asked him why he only had it filled in (and not replaced) if it was the tank for his home. He said they all assumed the home was on a different system since they weren't experiencing any plumbing issues, and that the old collapsing tank was just abandoned and left in place at one time, although he has no idea where any part of his septic is located and the HD has none on record; nor do we, rightfully so. A quick trek over the 575' from 7017 to the end of the discharge pipe reveals the presence of solids and plenty of your typical WW grayish bacterial film growing all over the cascade, as well as a pleasantly pungent raw sewage odor. There are actually two pipes at the discharge. Their relationship is unknown but water is coming from both. Who knows, one might be for 7021 but if it is, it's not permitted. See photos pasted below: -r- Public sewer service is unavailable in the area. The HD is currently doing soil evals. I'm not hopeful they'll find any suitable dirt on site so I'm pretty sure we'll be submitting a new app. I guess this is primarily a heads up and backstory on the situation. I'm sure there'll be lots of questions when it comes to these permits. Both parties were already wondering if they could use the same chlorinator. I know we've done that before so I told them, "Maybe." I think it's a terrible idea though. There's also questions about easements, and other things to, as you can imagine. Let me know the answers to my questions or if there's anything you'd like us to know as we enter in to the permitting process with Mr. Catalan. Thanks, Ron Ronald C. Boone, Environmental Program Consultant NC Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Resources, Water Quality Regional Operations Section, Winston-Salem Regional Office 450 West Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300 Winston-Salem, NC 27105 Main: 336-776-9800 Direct: 336-776-9690 Mobile 1: 336-341-3568 Mobile 2: 336-686-4921 Fax 336-776-9797 ron.boone@ncdenr.gov http://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources