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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOI 20729_Record of Rejection Email Sent_20200318Georgoulias, Bethany From: Georgoulias, Bethany Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 10:24 AM To: McCoy, Suzanne Subject: RE: NOI 20729 McPhail Meadows Record of Rejection Email FYI and for our repository records, LF Forms Monitoring indicates that the external e-mail about this rejection because of the unpaid fee did go out successfully. -Bg Monitoring > DEMLR - NCG01 N0I 20729: McPhail Meadows History Variables Timer Catch Event Completed 315/2020 4:05:29 PM 3/5/2020 4:05:29 PM Less than a minute b- Payment Timer Email -v Completed 31512020 4:05:29 PM 3/5/2020 4:05:30 PM Less than a minute Payment Timer Email Completed 3/5/2020 4:05:29 PM 3/5/2020 4:05:30 PM Less than a minute Q End Event (Timers) Completed 3/51ZO20 4:05:30 PM 3/5/2020 4:05:30 PM Less than a minure 0 End Event (Timers) J Completed 3/5/2020 4:05:30 PM 3/5/2020 4:05.30 PM Less than a minute p Save Payment Verification Completed 316/2020 1:5042 PM 3/6f202O 1:50:10 PM Less than a minute Verify Payment Completed 3/6/2020 1:50:11 PM 3/6/2020 1:50:11 PM Less than a minute Email No Payment Notice Completed 3/6/2020 1:50:11 PM 3/6/2020 1;50;12 PM Less than a minute 0 End Event Completed 3/6/2020 1:50:12 PM 3/6/2020 1:50:12 PM Less than a minute From: McCoy, Suzanne Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2020 11:57 AM To: Georgoulias, Bethany<>; Farkas, Jim J <> Subject: RE: Rejection at Payment for This One? Over 40 days unpaid. Got their attention FINALLY. Redone, approved and paid. Suzanne McCoy Stormwater Program Administrative Specialist Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Department of Environmental Quality 512 N. Salisbury Street, Office 640K, Raleigh, NC 27604 1 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 919-707-3640 Website: Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Before printing this email, please consider your budget and the environment. From: Georgoulias, Bethany Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2020 11:55 AM To: McCoy, Suzanne <>; Farkas, Jim J <> Subject: Rejection at Payment for This One? 0 I noticed this was rejected at the payment step on 3/6, but I don't have a record of the email. Did you get something? What was the reason for this rejection? e Edit View Tasks Tools Records Window Help ation: WaterResourcesWEMLR - StormwaterlConstruction Stormwater COCs1NCC200208 - McPhail Meadows - F Go Search: _ -e Iders x Name — Page Count ID s + J NCC200190- 413GoodmanRoad n .PaymentVerification 2 NCC200209 b J NCC200191 -Hendrick Matthews Mass Excavation Bethany Georgoulias Environmental Engineer Stormwater Program, Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources N.C. Department of Environmental Quality 919 707 3641 office 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 (location) 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 (mailing) Website: PEI