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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191374 Ver 2_PCN Form Submission_20200312DWR Division of Water Resources Pre -Construction Notification (PCN) Form September 29, 2018 Ver 3 Initial Review Has this project met the requirements for acceptance in to the review process?* r Yes r No Is this project a public transportation project?* C Yes r No Change only if needed. BIMS # Assigned 20191374 Is a payment required for this project?* r No payment required r Fee received r Fee needed - send electronic notification Reviewing Office * Fayetteville Regional Office - (910) 433-3300 Information for Initial Review 1a. Name of project: Lynn Ridge Subdivision 1a. Who is the Primary Contact?* Alex Adams 1b. Primary Contact Email:* Date Submitted 3/12/2020 Nearest Body of Water Youngs Pond Basin Cape Fear Water Classification Q Sw Site Coordinates Latitude: Longitude: 35.51194-78.716536 A. Processing Information County (or Counties) where the project is located: Harnett Is this project a public transportation project?* r Yes r No 1a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: W Section 404 Permit (wetlands, streams and waters, Clean Water Act) r Section 10 Permit (navigable waters, tidal waters, Rivers and Harbors Act) 1b. What type(s) of permit(s) do you wish to seek authorization? * Nationwide Permit (NWP) * Regional General Permit (RGP) 7 Standard (IP) Version#* 2 What amout is owed?* IT $240.00 r $570.00 Select Project Reviewer* Chad Turlington:eads\ccturlington 1c. Primary Contact Phone:* (919)414-6761 V 1c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? r Yes r No Nationwide Permit (NWP) Number: NWP Numbers (for multiple NWPS): 1d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWR: W 401 Water Quality Certification - Regular r Non-404 Jurisdictional General Permit r Individual Permit 29 - Residential Developments le. Is this notification solely for the record because written approval is not required? For the record only for DWR401 Certification: For the record only for Corps Permit: r 401 Water Quality Certification - Express r Riparian Buffer Authorization 1f. Is this an after -the -fact permit application?* r Yes r No 1g. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? r Yes r No 1g. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? r Yes r No Acceptance Letter Attachment 1h. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties? r Yes r No 1j. Is the project located in a designated trout watershed? r Yes r No B. Applicant Information 1d. Who is applying for the permit? W Owner r Applicant (other than owner) le. Is there an Agent/Consultant for this project?* r Yes r No 2. Owner Information 2a. Name(s) on recorded deed: Lynn Ridge of Angier LLC 2b. Deed book and page no.: Book 3746, Page 673-674 and Book 3744, Page 570-573 2c. Responsible party: Harvey L. Montague 2d.Address Street Address 10305 Penny Rd Address Line 2 City Raleigh Postal / Zip Cate 27606 2e. Telephone Number: (919)362-7336 2g. Email Address:* 4. Agent/Consultant (if applicable) State / Province / Region NC Country USA 2f. Fax Number: r Yes r No r Yes r No 4a. Name: Alex Adams, LSS 4b. Business Name: Adams Soil Consulting 4c.Address Street Address 1676 Mitchell Road Address Line 2 CKY Angier Postal / Zip code 27501 4d. Telephone Number: (919)414-6761 4f. Email Address:* Agent Authorization Letter* 4a-Agent Authorization signed.pdf State / Province / Region NC Country USA 4e. Fax Number: 157.31 KB C. Project Information and Prior Project History C^) 1. Project Information 1b. Subdivision name: (d appropriate) 1c. Nearest municipality/ town: Angier 2. Project Identification 2a. Property Identification Number: 040684 0013; 040684 0013 26; 040684 0027 2c. Project Address Street Address Lipscomb Road Address Line 2 City Angier Postal / Zip Code 27501 3. Surface Waters 3a. Name of the nearest body of water to proposed project:* Youngs Pond 3b. Water Resources Classification of nearest receiving water:* C, SW 3c. What river basin(s) is your project located in?* Cape Fear 3d. Please provide the 12-digit HUC in which the project is located. 030300060102 4. Project Description and History 2b. Property size: 31.6 State / Province / legion NC Country USA 4a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application:* Project site consists of successional and mature forest along the property boundary while the middle portion of the property is in agriculture production. A forested perennial stream with riparian forested wetlands makes up the western/southern boundary of the property. The eastern boundary is comprised of a broad valley with a forested wetland and no defined stream feature. Stream and wetland hydrology flows south downstream off of the property to Youngs Pond and then eventually to the Black River. The surrounding land use consist of agriculture, residential developments, some light commercial development, some small patches of forests, and wooded riparian corridors. 4b. Have Corps permits or DWR certifications been obtained for this project (including all prior phases) in the past?* r Yes r No r Unknown 4d. Attach an 8 1/2 X 11 excerpt from the most recent version of the USGS topographic map indicating the location of the project site. (for DWR) USGS_24K_Topo_2019_NC_ Angier _20190730_TM_geo_8.5x11.pdf 2.99MB 4e. Attach an 8 1/2 X 11 excerpt from the most recent version of the published County NRCS Soil Survey map depicting the project site. (for DWR) NRCS_ Harnett_ Co Soil_Survey.pdf 283.86KB 4f. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: 12.274 4g. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams on the property: 1746 4h. Explain the purpose of the proposed project:* The purpose of the proposed project is to construct a residential development (Zoned: RA-30) consisting of 77 lots. 41. Describe the overall project in detail, including indirect impacts and the type of equipment to be used:* The project will occur in phases to protect jurisdictional features. A portion of the project area is already cleared from agriculture practices, and sediment and erosion control measures will be implemented in these areas prior to the clearing of the remainder of the project. After clearing is complete all erosion and sediment control measures will be installed and the sediment and erosion control plan will be strictly adhered to. After which roadway and utility installation Will take place. This Will include impacts to jurisdictional wetlands, including permanent impacts (wetland fill) for a road and utility crossing which Will be culverted. Also, a temporary wetland impact Will occur in order to connect the residential sewer line to the main sewer line. During construction of the permitted impacts adjacent wetlands will be protected and after permitted impacts are in place all surrounding jurisdictional areas Will be protected. The next phase of the project Will involve the development of the lots and permanent stormwater infrastructure. The work will be completed with track hoes, front-end loaders, back hoes, and off -road haul trucks. 4j. Please upload project drawings for the proposed project. LYNN RIDGE APPROVED PRELIMINARY. pdf 5. Jurisdictional Determinations 5a. Have the wetlands or streams been delineated on the property or proposed impact areas?* r Yes r No Comments: A PJD is included with this PCN 5b. If the Corps made a jurisdictional determination, what type of determination was made? r Preliminary r Approved r Not Verified r Unknown r N/A Corps AID Number: 5c. If 5a is yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Name (if known): Alex Adams Agency/Consultant Company: Adams Soil Consulting Other: 5d1. Jurisdictional determination upload LR_PJD_Su bmittal_AII. pdf 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project?* r' Yes r No 5.49MB 15.28MB r Unknown Are any other NWP(s), regional general permit(s), or individual permits(s) used, or intended to be used, to authorize any part of the proposed project or related activity? D. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary la. Where are the impacts associated with your project? (check all that apply): W Wetlands f Streams -tributaries F Buffers r Open Waters r Pond Construction 2. Wetland Impacts 2al Reason M 2b. Impact type * (') 2c. Type of W.* 2d. W. name * 2e. Forested * �2f.Typeof 2g. Impact Jurisdicition*(?) area* W1 Road and Utility Crossing P Bottomland Hardwood Forest WA Yes Corps 0.410 (acres) W2 Sewer Utility Crossing T Bottomland Hardwood Forest �WC Yes Corps ]0.098 (acres) 2g. Total Temporary Wetland Impact 0.098 2g. Total Permanent Wetland Impact 0.410 2g. Total Wetland Impact 0.508 2h. Comments: NCWAM forms were completed at the impact locations and both Wetland A and C received an overall rating of Medium. NCWAM forms are included in PJD. E. Impact Justification and Mitigation u 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing the project: The proposed project has been designed to avoid impacts to 1 stream (Stream A shown on the PJD) and 1 wetland (Wetland B shown on the PJD). The eAsting access to the property is provided by a handshake agreement with an adjacent neighbor (Lindsay Cobb and Rachel Lilly) along Lipscomb Road. This existing access lacks the appropriate width needed for the proposed development, and while the neighbors were okay With providing access for agriculture uses they were not open to the idea of providing access through their property for the proposed development. As a result, the permittee acquired two additional parcels of land to gain access to the larger parcel to acquire road frontage for access to the proposed development. The project has been designed to minimize impacts to Wetland A, and Wetland C (shown on the PJD). The proposed roadway crossing location was chosen after evaluating all other possible crossing locations. The proposed road crossing crosses Wetland A at the narrowest Width of the wetland, this location provides the least amount of impact to Wetland A. Crossing Wetland A any further upstream or downstream of the proposed location will result in increased wetland impacts, and were therefore ruled out as possibilities. There are no other feasible upland access areas to the eastern or western portion of the property. Also, within this roadway impact footprint utilities will be placed to avoid any additional wetland impacts from Lipscomb Rd to the proposed development. Water and sewer force main will be installed concurrently to reduce impacts and disturbance. The project avoids impacts to 1,746 Ift of jurisdictional stream and 11.766 acres of jurisdictional wetlands. 1b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques: Typical sediment and erosion control measures will be taken on site. Tree protection and silt fencing Will be used to protect jurisdictional voters that will not be impacted. Appropriately sized equipment will be utilized to prevent excessive compacting and minimize clearing. Construction scheduling and staging will be timed to minimize the amount of time spent working in the stream channel. All equipment will be Within permitted areas and temporary impact areas will be restored to preexisting contours. Work will be performed during lowflow or no flowconditions, and pump arounds will be used to complete work in the dry to a feasible extent for working in the wetlands. An Erosion and Sediment Control Plan will be submitted to the NC Department of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources. Several construction techniques (ie directional drilling, jack and bore, open trench) were considered to avoid and minimize proposed impacts for installation of the sewer force main. Based on the relatively short length (-200-ft) of the crossing, and property configuration of the tie in on the adjacent property an open trench technique was selected as the preferred construction method for the sewer force main. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? r Yes r No 2c. If yes, mitigation is required by (check all that apply): f— DWR W Corps 2d. If yes, which mitigation option(s) will be used for this project? F Mitigation bank 9 Payment to in -lieu fee r Permittee Responsible program Mitigation 4. Complete if Making a Payment to In -lieu Fee Program 4a. Approval letter from in -lieu fee program is attached. r Yes r No 4b. Stream mitigation requested: (linear feet) 4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DWR only): (square feet) 4f. Non -riparian wetland mitigation requested: (acres) 4h. Comments 4c. If using stream mitigation, what is the stream temperature: 4e. Riparian wetland mitigation requested: (acres) 0.410 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested: (acres) F. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWR) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan U 1a. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? r Yes r No If no, explain why: The project is not in or adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules. 2. Stormwater Management Plan 2a. Is this a NCDOT project subject to compliance with NCDOT's Individual NPDES permit NCS000250?* r Yes r No 2b. Does this project meet the requirements for low density projects as defined in 15ANCAC 02H .1003(2)? r Yes r No Comments: Project is in design phase and Stormwater Management Plan is still being developed. The SMP will be submitted to DWQ Central Office as Harnett is a Phase II Tipped county. G. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation 1a. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land?* r Yes r No 2. Violations (DWR Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWR Water Quality Certification Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), or DWR Surface Water or Wetland Standards or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)? * r Yes r No 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWR Requirement) 3a. Will this project result in additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality?* r Yes r No 3b. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. The majority of the surrounding area is already developed and the existing parcel is within Angier's ETJ. No future development is expected based on the proposed project. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWR Requirement) 4a. Is sewage disposal required by DWR for this project?* r Yes r Nor WA 4b. Describe, in detail, the treatment methods and dispositions (non -discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project. If the wastewater will be treated at a treatment plant, list the capacity available at that plant. The residential development will utilize the Town of Angier's Municipal Water and Sewer utilities to dispose of wastewater. The proposed development includes connecting to an existing sewer lift station off of Courtland Drive on the adjacent parcel in the northwestern corner of the property. Ultimately the wastewater will be treated by the North Harnett Wastewater Treatment Plant which treats 7.5 million gallons per day. 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or habitat?* r Yes r No 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act impacts?* r Yes r No 5d. Is another Federal agency involved?* r Yes r No r Unknown 5e. Is this a DOT project located within Division's 1-8? r Yes r No 5f. Will you cut any trees in order to conduct the work in waters of the U.S.? r Yes r No 5g. Does this project involve bridge maintenance or removal? r Yes r No 5h. Does this project involve the construction/installation of a wind turbine(s)?* r Yes r No Si. Does this project involve (1) blasting, and/or (2) other percussive activities that will be conducted by machines, such as jackhammers, mechanized pile drivers, etc.? r Yes r No 5j. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? The NC Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) data explorer and USFWS — Information for Planning and Conservation tool were used to assess known occurrences of protected species. Consultation Documentation Upload NC NHP_Repo rt_project_re port_lyn n_rid ge_21750_21750. pdf IPaC_ Explore Location_LR.pdf 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as an Essential Fish Habitat?* r Yes r No 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact an Essential Fish Habitat?* 1998 Final Habitat Plan for the South Atlantic Region: Essential Fish Habitat Requirements for Fishery South Atlantic Fishery Management Council Habitat and Ecosystem Atlas ( 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 854.95KB 337.01 KB 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation status?* r Yes r No 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources?* The NCSHPO GIS web service shows three state listed historic resources within 1 mile of the subject site. Williams Grove School (Site ID: HT0025) is located -1-mile west of the project; Denning House (Site ID: HT0292) is located -1-mile west of the project; a house (Site ID: WA1135) is located -1- mile north of the project. The proposed project will not affect any historic or archaeological resources. 7c. Historic or Prehistoric Information Upload 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA-designated 100-year floodplain? * r Yes r No lic. What source(s) did you use to make the floociplain determination?* NC Floodplain Mapping / FIRM - Map #3720068400K - Revised 512/06 Miscellaneous Comments Miscellaneous attachments not previously requested. LYNN RIDGE WETLANDS IMPACT - OVERALL S-1.pdf LYNN RIDGE WETLANDS IMPACT - W1-P - S-2.pdf LYNN RIDGE WETLANDS IMPACT - W2-T - S-3.pdf 479.4KB 162.65KB 149.27KB U Signature u W By checking the box and signing below, I certify that: • I have given true, accurate, and complete information on this form; • I agree that submission of this PCN form is a "transaction" subject to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act'); • I agree to conduct this transaction by electronic means pursuant to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act'); • I understand that an electronic signature has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same way as a written signature; AND • I intend to electronically sign and submit the PCN form. Full Name: Alex Adams Signature Date 3/2/2020 LANDOWNER AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT NO. ______________ PLAN NO. ____________ PARCEL ID: ________________________ STREET ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Please print: Property Owner: ________________________________________________________________ Property Owner: ________________________________________________________________ The undersigned, registered property owners of the above noted property, do hereby authorize __________________________________, of ________________________________________ (Contractor / Agent) (Name of consulting firm) to act on my behalf and take all actions necessary for the processing, issuance and acceptance of this permit or certification and any and all standard and special conditions attached. Property Owner’s Address (if different than property above): _________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _____________________________ We hereby certify the above information submitted in this application is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. __________________ __________________ _________________ __________________ Authorized Signature Authorized Signature Date: _______________________________ Date: _______________________________ 919-387-8871 10305 Penny Road, Raleigh, NC 27606 Lynn Ridge of Angier, LLC c/o Harvey L. Montague PID #1) 040684 0013; PID #2) 040684 0013 26; PID #3) 040684 0027 Lipscomb Rd, Angier, NC 27501 Alex AdamsAlex Adams DocuSign Envelope ID: 730FBC41-BF33-4A8C-98AF-2913979B278C 2/19/2020 DocuSign Envelope ID: D8944C54-6E81-4515-8F26-BE0A0E13D5E6 3/2/2020 ȸɋÏ ȸ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸ ȸɋÏɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸ ɋȸɋÏɋȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ Ï Ï ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ɋȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ɋȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ Ï ÏɋȸɋÏȸɋÏ ȸɋÏɋȸɋÏȸɋÏȸɋÏɋȸɋÏȸɋÏɋȸɋÏȸɋÏȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ɋÏ Ï Ï ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ɋȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ɋȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ ȸɋÏ 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10 11 12 13 1405 715000mE 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 704000mE 15 35.5000° 35.6250° -78.7500°-78.6250° 35.6250° 35.5000°-78.6250°-78.7500° QUADRANGLE LOCATION ANGIER QUADRANGLE NORTH CAROLINA 7.5-MINUTE SERIES ANGIER, NC 2019 Expressway Local Connector ROAD CLASSIFICATION Ramp 4WD Secondary Hwy Local Road Interstate Route State RouteUS RouteWX./H U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY  This map was produced to conform with the National Geospatial Program US Topo Product Standard, 2011. A metadata file associated with this product is draft version 0.6.18 CONTOUR INTERVAL 10 FEET NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 SCALE 1:24 000 1000 500 0 METERS 1000 2000 21KILOMETERS00.51 10.50 MILES 1 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 FEET × Ø GN MN 1°21´ 24 MILS 9°15´ 164 MILS UTM GRID AND 2019 MAGNETIC NORTH DECLINATION AT CENTER OF SHEET QV Grid Zone Designation17S U.S. National Grid 100,000 - m Square ID NORTH CAROLINA 1 Apex 8 Benson 2 Lake Wheeler 3 Garner 4 Fuquay-Varina 5 Edmondson 6 Lillington 7 Coats ADJOINING QUADRANGLES 3 8 1 4 7 5 6 2 Imagery.....................................................NAIP, May 2016 - November 2016 Roads......................................... U.S. Census Bureau, 2016 Names............................................................................GNIS, 1980 - 2017 Hydrography...............................National Hydrography Dataset, 1899 - 2018 Contours............................................National Elevation Dataset, 2008 Boundaries..............Multiple sources; see metadata file 2017 - 2018 Wetlands.................FWS National Wetlands Inventory 1983 North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS84). Projection and 1 000-meter grid:Universal Transverse Mercator, Zone 17S Produced by the United States Geological Survey This map is not a legal document. Boundaries may be generalized for this map scale. Private lands within government reservations may not be shown. Obtain permission before entering private lands.*7643016378499*1611*$5()1286*6;.Approximate Project Location Utilities Notes Approval of this Plat/Plan does not guarantee water capacity or wastewater capacity. Current/future Sheet One of Two capacity may not be available. This development may require additional improvements to the existing Preliminary Subdivision Plan 27s o water system and/or wastewater system to meet future water and waste water demands prior to a �7 7 7T 7 o a preliminary plat, construction plan and/or final plat approval. Lyllli Ridge d�e Su b di Y isl on " yoke %off o All utilities and drainage easements are to be centered in a Public Dedicated Utility or Drainage Easement, am O oo. refer to approved construction plans for finalized locations. moTown of Angier Town of Angier Black River Township o. � �54z Minimum Building Setbacks g Harnett County North Carolina 1 Zoned R-6 Scale: 1" = 100' Date: 8-22-19 Iron t: 20' sae Side Line: 5' Currently Zoned: R-6 (Angier ETJ) m y0�e9t1� Corner Lot by Street: 15' PIN: 0684-42- Rear Line: 16' 8059, 0684-41-8996, 0684-41-3103 �., PID: 040684 0013, 040684 0013 26, 040684 00271 r CJ 4 rolti / v O 100 200 nC zlo 1 tiG444 FEMA FLOOD HAZARD STATEMENT GRAPHIC SCALE I505 p W �e9 0 Lots shown on this plat are not PREPARED BY C, r 500 located within the FEMA Flood Hazard "Zone AE" as shown on STANCIL & ASSOCIATES � r. \ \ I;:• co ti] FEMA map No. 3720068400K \`r w PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR, P.A. C-0831 o \ rob Va fy Effective Date: 10103106 �� � •�P•• � 0000nou000°°pop 98 Depot Street, P.O. Box 730, Angier, N.C. 27501 4 m to cf� oo CA$0 p°° (919) 639-2133 (919) 639-2602 (FAX) PP °° "s� j °O° d -a mV �� z \ �o NOTE: e $� 0�8S57• • •� !;So II \ bi' A 10' x 70' Sight Triangle 'y•a. ,� 5. V,bm m shall be placed at all _ SE e Developer VICINITY MAP rn c % Section 3, Phase 2 \ ama •d d o rn �• street intersections as e e o / Benton Place �t0 prN3 shown hereon. o� �.� �a; .�o Lynn Ridge of Angier, LLC No Scale / Plat Cabinet 'E" Slide 50D \ � a,p•1 . \ p o°o •.,SUR44 .9 cpe 10305 Penny Road Raleigh, NC 27606 919-868-3586 � I // \ Wile M. Altman, Jr. \ 9 �M 77 \�d °O°oas me Lester �o°°° LEGEND: � � � s•y pp o0o DDT Comments 12-5-19 Lines Surveyed TIP Telephone Pedestal \ b cV/\ D B 942, Page 172 10,962 � \ p .4 °ppOROROO� 911 Comments 1-6-2020 - Lines Not Surveyed MIT Manhole rn _ 58.0 PP q� - - - Tie or Adjoining Lines wM Water Meter 4a/ V sq. ft. �` \ P' G Town Comments 1-10-2020 ---- Right of way Lines FH Fire Hydrant \\ q Nancy A. Williams \ _ J"z47'S o s=3oIt EIP/EIS Existing Iron Pipe or Stake Esm t. Easement I ,p \ 79 � 76 �L=3g,3� � O_ � I Daniel G. Williams 939. 6s.o Common m ECM Existing Concrete Monument R/W Right -of -Way q'�/ 81.Ol'14 E 85.0 Wetlands^---"�-�-- Nature ^"o 7, 819/�' EPK Existing P.K. Nail C/L Centerline D B 3452, Page 1B9 N 65.p Open _ 56 e P •`S'•G PANS P.X Nail Set P.C. Plat Cabinet Wesley Brown I J 65.0 75 Space -Preserve sq. ft• df Cj4 4 roi1j 01 65.0 5' �. . .r. EMN Existing MAC Nail D.D. Deed Book Monique Brown 74 0 66. � \ 4 4 65.0 O o o ^-0.625 Ac 1j . m �O, 4 / MNS MAG Nail Set P.B. Plat Book _ 73 7,150 Mall D B 3483, Page 109 4' O o 7,150 0 , yo "w � " P ep � Course Rearing Distance ISS Iron Stake Set B.M. Book of Maps 147• _ 71 72 p a sq. ft. w�, jCls ss y ,p (O CSS Cotton Spindle Set PIN Parcel Identifier 48 5' m 70 O o 7,150 - sq. ft. o ly. / '� 15' L-1 S 31"55'30" E 45,64' �45 5'" 69 O o 0 7,150 c sq. ft. v 0 �� ' WV i ECS Existing Cotton Spindle Number , 7,150 _ g50' 3� ,� 6 ' 3 6, 750 o sq. ft, 0' Flre Hyd. r� / a o o i j4' L-2 S 33"54'21 " E 52.55' RRS Railroad Spike Ac. Acres. 8 $279 • sq. ft. 65. ,.. �- •3• sq. ft. 85,0' 1' Fiber optics .o N al h L-3 S 35031'54" E 51,83' ELS Existing le twood Stake Cp Ft. square feet sg sq, ft. aIIds g7 2 PP Power Pole CP Computed Point w.� 65.0' s •µr< _ _ ,r 1Q214 / m P O 65.0' sDs o i� L-4 S 3fi`56'43" E 47.75' OHE Overhead Electric Lines [ J Street Address `r `^ - O q" 0'' 9 >.� 13,799 ss 4•_J a O m ,�0 6 20• L-5 S 3fi"56'43" E 5.70' sq. ft' s w Nature 3 Nsq,224 Oh - L-6 S 36"32'43" E 51.39' N C. Go So North Carolina Geodetic Survey Auto -FLUSH ss tc • 16,612� T 10,640 sq. ft. 2 �iq NAD 27 North American Datum of 1927 HYDRANT l 'f?3 s ft.^"^-'"' Preserve s ft. '� 9g �9 �_ "L-7 S 40013'48" E 41.56' Tracy Escamilla T 46.6'FHri, A ^^ _q. q. ti 6 z0 NAD 83 North American Datum of 1983 120. 65.0 N�• u• Common-^-^a'Z*7 118,7' 2 e� Q. L-8 S 40013148" E 1.66' D B 1937, Page 177 _ 2 1 ® Open o�6 �aQ� G PP L-9 S 42"01'10" E 55,76' NOTES: g <, ? 1n 1 e 9 x/w ..,.223.6. �,� '�S ace * Iron Stakes set at all property corners 67 t�I$3•°� 64 63 0° JO +' r p , h 4 4 a / Road L-10 S 43"23'44" E 27.50' unless noted needotherwise. ^'� o u _ P o, * Areas determined by coordinate method. � .�, � �, 14,698 m'0.638 Ac. o •sy "�+� at 61� � � / L-11 S 72"15'22" w 149.18' s2'Sft m 65 1 7,150 7,465 w N \ sq. ft, v cn 4 ,,�' ` L-10 N 51033089" W 76,75' * All distances/dimensions are Horizontal Phase 1 �^ w^ q' ^ 66 0 -- G7 4 of Typical Sin Easement g Simon McLamb O sq, ft. sq. ft. I o O \ ro ao 5 g round distances unless otherwise indicated. w' 6,874 5 o L-13 S BB"1T17" W 9.45' Benton Point Selina McLamb ^ N ; s,7s3 ss.o' ro G No Scale sq. ft. g5.0' -` qi 0., v, I '� i / Note: L-14 S 66`50'2O" W 55.55' Plat Cabinet 'F'; Slide 782D D B 3631, Page 96 sq, ft. es.c' 70 2' Im zzs.7 Wetlands""1' t1lIts,g 103.5 . to 15,030 N -�-• F o / A 10' x 70' Sight Triangle takes L-15 N 62021,28" W 62,63' ,'�sq. ft. iq ,q C)IIw I precedence over sign easement. Jp \ m 30.1 Zo5.0' 6 o a G �1 L-16 S 58"17'10" w 40.14' This plat is a preliminary plan only. p se G \ y_ 7"v O 0 O 8,147 H� O m y'4 / i L-17 N 7T51'29" W 61.62' It does not conform to G.S.47-30 as amended Uiie ro ^° ^' 60 NIP 8,159 w s ft. - o �7� �/ C Wetlands Note L-18 N 71"44'44" W 92.75' IggZ Frei q n� 13,849 sq. ft. 4• 233.8' 15,374 N I \ L-19 N 36"44'14" W 21.59, and is not intended for sales or recordation. p at ° 2zs•4 L=so, q t, FH wsq. ft. A Due to the generalized nature of this plat, the a ^^^w s . ft. o a' as m � Any impact to include but not limited t0 L-20 S B1'z9'38" W 36,76' AA d°e al u o q p. 3 u es.4 _J ' gIp is 45.0' a O 80'zszs W L-21 N 64"37'14" w 89.39' Lots shown may or may not represent actual lot \ p 59 \ clearing and/or filling will be subject t0 layout. Refer to recorded subdivision plats for final \ � Auro-Ftus 2407• L-z2 N 56033'38" W 108.8s' lot dimensions and acreages. m,- �� o Z3,130�RANT tp ,k prior inspection, permitting and approval L-23 N 45*48'34" W 66,56' \ sq. ft. L=ao.o' 0, P ,� ® 10,825 w" L-24 S 85059013" W 32,85' e by the Army Corps of Engineers and/or 9S�Q I� \ (�l1 \ _. 45.0' g o20_Drama sq_ft. \ L-25 N 71"14'S6" W 104.04' n c , 9, a easement NC DENR and/or NC DWQ. L-26 S 49023'57" W 31,01' \ - - - L-27 N 53'38'34" W 24.32' � pa G Y- � \ O08 cS'. � A9� A pO° �,60 8 J; . -�="4- - / „AO ,Dil A1.rG e 56 sq. ft L-28 N 03'22'38" E 15.62' \ �,ln 4o i a 57 O9 sq. fE. ,r 7, 794 in , 0 9 0 1 �... 58 N ZS2• L-29 N 75"32'55" W 153.Is' pos F \ d�P \ ietlands 15,073 sq. ft. q L-31 N 21"4549" w 93,37' 81066 Np* W p , sq. ft. 105.5' \d `I G ° 165.4 71.9 70.5' sq, ft. _ _ p, L-32 N 40019'48" W 111.62' ✓. P' \ Lo 104.9 '� 10 ...�._Wetlands., o ate, p prn w` oz.a' u °vo ¢43 vo L-33 N 6B"23'30" H' 24B.61' 9 t° 54 s,s6s \ 26,253 Phase 2 \ TO �_ CAN f, \ PJ \ 53 8,122 sq. ft. FH O sq. ft. Benton Point \ �0 mti `p _ 11,291 '� sq, ft. t=43.8• 11 Plat Cabinet F'; Slide 809A Blowoff\ WM �v ^9^^^^ 52 9q• ft, 0 6j 2, IN g, a�na�- Lindsey Cobb Site Data and Notes Ex. SanitarySewe Manhole l� "o - �° , 15,788 65'-Z'17'• wls,291 w Rachel Lill D B 3744, Page 570, D B 3744, Page 574, DB 3746, Page 673 and Ma Number 2019-340 Nj N., w�75•¢9,oy"$ ss sq, ft. 65°. �� m Easeroe°t a , ft.""""'�"" Page Property shown hereon is not located in a watershed district. P q D B 3389, Pa e 760 P .Y Property shown hereon is located in Meduim Density Residential Land Use. N 12 P C 'D ; Slide 9A No �ot hown hereon shall have direct access to SR 1504. Larry Curly and Moe LLC off' 14,zss 6y. s� 6s G a5•c s9 ,zs3•T^^^^^^ ^' D B 2060, Page 444 �P Ez. LiR Station M $,^ sq, it, 6 e `NNIIZ ts,ssz W 31.638 Ac. Net (In Traverse) In Subdivision \ m 3P 0p' , N� R>, o g1 42 N `^^^sq. ft. 6.328 Ac. Net Required 209" Open Space vper 31' A 30 ^ter N 50 6`' s� 44 43 =' 7473 0 13 21,5' 7.286 Ac. In Traverse Provided Open Space (93.07.) ro I 4dlic Jo,,. N (��lT•3 GO o 8,758w 8,152ft. > sq. ft. .12,319M'" p 4.122 Ac. In Proposed R/W 16,927 Is.4 asq. ft.� q' sq• ft- 77 Lots planned with Town of Angier Municipal Sewer and Water = 2.4 DUA `'� 45 s �2• �"". " , q 59*2 yea > At hp t, O' p 95p 14 Minimum lot size = 6,740 sq. ft, I 11 se soIv ��w i 24•�, 9,295 6�p N Qa e 6128 w Maximum lot size = 23,130 s ft. _ �e�fw L1 „� sq. ft. 3 41"p' Dal D� it, ft ,.N Average lot size = 11,444 sq. ft. 49 p Z4,4, 36' 65' S i �� tis9' q Minimum lot width ® R W on Cul-de-sac = 40.00' 0 5 9,53E i en 5a•6ti Minimum lot width ® R W = 60.00, 0 12,415 m 4fi *ia `'� sq. ft. F / ` �f O a�' 40 1, titi 14,sss Approximately B68 linear feet in Lynnrid e Drive V e - Nature Preserve°'-� sq. ft. 040 O '"'• 3g•g, 1?` 15 6d%sq. ft. N g Plf yc ^Common Open Space,,..,, y9 AUTO-FUUSH'O :=40 ° B,3s6 8,253 m. Approximately 1230 linear feet in Meadow Vista Lane L 6.023 Ac. (In Traverse)' �M HYDRANT mosq. ft. ti 39 'osq. ft ti Approximately 147 linear feet in White Hart Court 16 p :� Approximately 417 linear feet in Ashley Oaks Court a3 7,691 � m 3B tr sq. ft. „ yo ss �- p^. N , 6 s �' 1141 ti Approximately 225 linear feet in Hidden Glen Court zo,79s rz,o90 /v " sq. ft, sq. ft, 7,165 o L= •0'� s ' 9ry My o /yet Approximately 165 linear feet in Moss Oaks Court N sq, ft. bo 1 °� 17 14,987 Approximately 3052 linear feet Total in Development 10q.s yo 32 9, s s sq. ft. All streets shown hereon are to be 50' Public Dedicated R/W. N d 6 s. 11 o' O All construction shall be in accordance with Town of Angier, Harnett County and/or Wetlands'" ��g'^1 37 . L=a0.0' \` l 330 44 fL. 18 1h,., INC DOT Standards as applicable. p• AUTO-FLUS �i �• 6 °� sq. ft. HYDRANT ti 'O• O 7,150 69� 10.571 All lots shall be served by Town of Angier Municipal Water and Sewer. Any utilities not located os sq. ft. ! ,> O o• O 83s ft. in the 50' Utility Easements shall have a public dedicated dedicated on the recorded plats. 34 sq. ft. 31 s. q• � r ���$ 36 °' L=ao.o' s,746 6y°g1 ` L, FH 19 All Drainage easements are to be permanent &public. The maintenance of all said drainage easements rigMsa. O 35 o-sq• ft 30 e,ez4 43•s' ✓Sssn shall be responsibility of the Homeowners Association and shall be enforced by restrictive covenants. ,s^ s - 16,201 6g6 7,079 ''•sq. ft., y. )?gaga Refer to approved construction plans for all final utility and drama e locations. pt� q. ft.0 82410 s s ft. 3B p \ �J)T. 9,104 Developer shall conform to all Town of Angier, Harnett County and or North Carolina 11B Ox, r \ p sq. ft. 29 90 q �;553 6 ;� 20 Sq' ft' soil and erosion regulations as applicable / C is a Is,49z �4 The homeowners association shall be responsible for maintaining all the Open Space, street trees, and ft, t ao.0, ab aM , 117,1 21 any or drainage easements across any lot or open space. Street Trees, 1 per lot MAY NOT be removed. ,., ' n ye a Roadway j� "" AUTO -FLUSH 5 N =2o.z' O Lift Station No UNPERMITTED disturbance is permitted within the 30' Blueline stream buffer as shown hereon. n saauan ,`//J I Is a ' e _ M '- z45.1' '"D =zt.o' L=zz.o' < ago i"L o ariable Width Y g per Town of Angier Regulations. L zg 1� `1 ,� q Fire Hydrants and Street Lights shall be installed Yvonne Y. Gregory sH All water lines shall be designed and sealed b a licensed engineer �? 0 25 Public Utility Easement g y g �`p" I D B 2447, Page 644 f 28 -o• y� O i 2� Town of Angier during the permitting and construction phase. This is for planning Map Number 2007-976 �� t t, 6 'o, e,88B. g � L,zs 17188 4p.o' •° sq. ft o° T. requirements only. All water lines that serve fire hydrants shall be 2'-6" ROLLED TYPE GUTTER L-24 4,� sq. ft. ry`m 27 26 y�� t\ a O / no less than 6 inches in diameter and meet fire flow requirements. ers4 4Oo ao J\No 22 5' Sidewalks shall be required on both sides and installed per Town of Angier Standards and Specifications GENERAL NOTES: 1' 11,177 sq. ft. nuo-Lulu \ 0 17533 tjl sqo ft, o' 'b'1 24 HYO W \�;ysq. ft, 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING I t In g ` ryph 16,116 v 23\d / 50' Right-of-way �{ c^ S �„ sq. ft. „^� 15,461 �, 10'-0" Street UTILITIES, AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE a p� sq. ft. \ Tree, & 10'-0" Street - - \ \ I hereby certify that the Town of Angier rainage > sm' Tree, Utilit & RESULTING FROM ZITS ACTIVITIES. CALL UTILITY LOCATION I \ae, / Technical Review Committee approves this 4'-0" 5'-0" 14'-6" 12'-0" z'-s"' S'-0" 4'-0" Drainage Esm' CD L 2j L_20 - T8p 7 ^ Wetlands' \-^��-� preliminary plat and authorizes the design and sidewalk 10 Pavement to Sidewalk SERVICE 48 HOURS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. 3 o construction of utilities and structures in accordance `Tr 2. ALL CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH A�'o J� _ ,55.5' W 5^ " with all Federal, state, and local government s�pe 1/z"' 1'' e1-'� regulations •gad ex iration periods that apply. a /ft 1/4" /tt Y 1/4" /ft /ft THE TOWN OF ANGIER AND/OR NCDOT STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. I *y 11 L'IB 16 L` ^� B, �e� " �x 's L-13 n o 3. TOPOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION AS PER NC LIDAR DATA. he L'jy ti r� ti,i1 "� [' 3-`� 20 2" S-9.5 B Superpave Asphalt Mix edx, 4. NO CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE STARTED PRIOR TO GRADING PERMIT I 'r2 13 y-11 Technical Reuie Committee, 6hAlffflttn I)m alp ABC, Type B Curb & Gutter 9" STBC, Type A or C 2J-611 Valley BEING OBTAINED FROM HARNETT COUNTY EROSION CONTROL, I Clara S. Young 1-1/2" S-9.5 B Superpave Asphalt Mix D B 978, Page 414 TYPICAL 29' B-B ROAD SECTION I Not To Scale LHBR - 921 P Utilities Notes / J / � \ Approval of this Plat/Plan d es not guarantee w er capacit, or stew er capacity. Current/future \ \\ Sheet TWO Of TWO capacity may available This deve opment may require additional improvements to the existing /� \ \ \\ \ \ Preliminary Subdivision Plan � 27s water system and/or wastewater ,�ystem f�o meet futu�r water and waste water demands prior �o-a_ � � \ \ sake /�°• .- a preliminar plat, construd�ion �lan a���d/or 'nal-plat approval. —� L nn Ili d e Su b dl visa on � �,o o All utilities and draenage easements are to be centered in a Pub ec Dedicated Utelit or Draina a Easeme t, y g � � y � xa'n�' r5 � refer approved construeti n pl ns for fe alized locations. Town of Ang� r � Town of Angier Black River Township C'o ar 1542 yo2 r�o -�� � \ � \ , Minimum Bui ding �etb eks \ \\ Harnett County North Carolina i ,� � I � � � Zoned R-B \ \ Scale: 1 " = 100' Date: 8-22-19 �, o G I � � \ e J Fr nt: zo' Currentl Zoned: R-6 /An ier ETJ �n \ l \ Si a Line: 5' \ S l g w `�' / I �� pi.y� Corner Lat b Street: �5' 0 1 \ PIN: 0684-42-8059, 0684-41-8996, 0684-41-3103 rY J 1 � 11 �� �� \ 11a�c4,� / Re r Line: 1Iiky' rr zJ PID: 040684 0013, 040684 0013 26, 040684 00271 � ` ��_c � � c~n / / ��4'0�1 � � / � 0 100 200 NC ,2f0 ,y / � i a Co � \ t,0 4 / c, 1505 � W / \ \ 9' �� L � � ) GRAPHIC SCALE / � o_ 0 e.U/ �EMA FL00 HAZARD OOOTATEMENT / I ( �� \ / /�� �� \ \ �\\ �"\ / � Lots shown on this plaf are not PREPARED BY / ` \ � N, / / \ , located wi kin the FEMA FI od STANCIL & ASSOCIATES 1500 d v / Hazatd one AE' a� sho on / \ n f0 \ �_ �/ � � t�i \ \ \ � \ / FEMA map No. 372�6840 K � / PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR, P.A. C-OB31 i n 'e' P. / Effecti a Date: IQ//03/O6 i � I �- � �°� � / n� � � l \ ��8 � 000u00000�oaa 9B Depot Street, P.O. Box 730, Angier, N.C. 27501 \� � \ ' ^ � � � PP ,wV� \t`1'.p / / 0 0°4�1� C``�RO J°°o (919� 639-2133 (919% 639-2602 (FAX) d .•d �' � � � �/ \ ��-` �m r `�'rs � NOTE: / / � / o ,��; �ESSI° ° ° stancelsurvey® H W \ � 03 M � +-L p \ Z � \ � �JF}CT A 1 x 70' Si ht T angl 1' � o / � ��� \ �-a�; � o � �� � sE P � Develo er .r k sh 11 be lac d at all -' P VICINITY MAP � J � �r �% � Section 3, Phase � N C C � m � ' �j� s reet in ter�ectio s as� / / e a • �� ry o J l � Benton-1 Place � �hown hereon. •7 �o. � o Lynn Ridge of Angier, LLC No Scale � 'd / ,%E", I r \ `-- m'G 1y ni '? o � ,� / � �o ';`� ter,.: u o / � \ / �� ��� � // Plat\abinet Slid 50D \ � �N'�p, � � �.� _�e�- _/ oo°,� .,,silRv�, ��.qo 10305 Penny Road Raleigh, NC 27606 919-B8B-35B6 -- y LEGEND: p J •J � a=• .� � �i1ep Alt g Jr. \ 9 '� o lo,ss2 \P� / � � � °OOoo LesteS0000�°° 90TCommentsSl 6 2020 Lines Surve ed y P" Tele ho��Pedestal / \ LO W 5/// \ D B 42, Pa 72 ; \ �o ��/""" ��aR 00���0 Lines Not Surve ed �H Manho� � N y / 8' sq. ft. ++ \ �\ /�� ����//,,,,, � Town Comments 1-10-2020 _-- Tie or Adjoining Lines WM Water Meter �4a � � � � � R_ � `�/ - Right of Way Lines FH Fire Hydrant � � \\ 4 // Nancy A. Williams ,76 ° L 30.p 6ao, ,(�,F� .� EIP/EIS ExisL'ng Iron Pipe or take Esm t. a�sem enE / / I ti'a / Daniel G. Wilk S \ / ��E 939.79 65.0 Common - O''� � � ° RG � / 2J+' 0 I �,,y��(J`/�/ ECM Existing Concrete Mon ment R/W �igh t-of-W;y 4/ D B 3452, P8 a 189 1\r 81°Ol'I 65.0 .L Wetlands Open Nature o 7, 819 56? `'d ��' gGl 4 / // `Y O EPK Existing P.K. Neil � C/L Centerlin e� ,/ �]j 5.0 �I` \ �+ 1 I PKS P.K. Neil Set C. Plat Cabinet � Wesley Bra � A //� / 65.0 75 Space Preserve sq. ft. 3Q dr C� ,��./ � EMN Existing MAG Nail D.B. Deed Book /� MO e Brown I J -/ 65A _ 4 - � 0 88.5 ��� � rt' O MNS dfAG Nail Set P.B. Plat ook � � 65.0 73 7,1 0 � Mail-�5 Act R a� ;� 'Q � /B D B 3483, Page 109 / a• O ° 7,1 � o � ❑ �\ � 4 ISS Iron Stake Set B.bL Bggok of Ma s �47' � 72+ � sq. ft. "�' a 0 0 I CSS Cotton Sin die Set PIN �"arcel Idenpfi� 48 5' m 70 0 7 0 0 7,1 0 � sq. ft.o �'S 0 `' 1 0 .9 / 4J � 1 � 1 ECS Existin C 'tton Sind Number / tb 48.5 , 69 J 7,150 � 7,15 sq. ft. 65 0• —ss 60. O � WV � , / I I � g p �•e"/ / d 6,7500 / sq. t. ass Flre Hyd. r\ � o o ,�g4' � RRS Railroad pike / A�! Acres 8 9,27 f. /Sq, ft. 65. ss � � � Fiber 0 tics N �N 5l ELS Existin Li htwood take T.c�` Ft. s ware fe t /h/Q'�� s ft. q' 65.0 ss� � ' � 7,�' +'-� P a � g g 4• 4 g �\ / � - �68 � q' 65.0' � ... +s 10,214 / m 4! PP Power1� l CP Comput d Point � � 65.0' is �g\\� � "'-sq. ft m 9 � I � \QHE =head Electra Lines [ 1 Stree�ddress � � // �,� 53, 7�9 e ss m re � � " 2'24 1°�5y / \ o �20' �Ij s � N. C. G:S. North Carolind Geadett'c Svrvey � q' AUTO-FLusH ss <�3 16, 812 e' Vet= 10, 640 sq. ft. � `� ,1, O� � � � �� NvoRAM > Preser a �- NA 27 North American Datum of 1927 - `D _' Tracy Escamilla 7' 46.6'F ti sq. ft. aq. ft. ti � 6 2B NAD 8 North American Data of 19B3 110- � 65.0 � Comm 27.7 11 .T Z 0 �. / D B i937, Pa e/ � t,s�•� �;, 4 � m 0 G e 9 � \ \ R/iP NOTES: g z1 � � � open oo• °ti 9� e\ Pr * Iron Stakes set at all prop ty corner ��-- 67 t�l 'O O reed '` i I unless noted o�wise� \ i O s.3• � 64 0 3 w - _ ro 22 .6 Space � � y.y ty4 + �';l� /ly / � Road * Ar s determined by coordinate met od. \�-� � 12, 592 � o o �e � 4, 698 in 0.638 Ac. o ti •�� / e� /r 6' S 7150 , 465 "' N s ft. N cn\ sti r~ �4b 16 " AH d�sTences/dimensions are Horizontal �IlaSe j / a sq• ft• � 66 o O� � � � '3 q' cy � � Z a 3 +''9++ / \ Typical Sig Easement Simon McLamb w sq. ft. sq. ft. I� o �\ �, 5 � \ —\ground distances unless o1,.er-wise indicated m' ,874 � C4 0 Benton Pozn p� .-a M ,7B3 0' e Ch a � G J No Scal Selina McLa.��tzj" Sq, 50✓ es• U °, ca 9 �`\ �a; �� _� Pl�abenet 'F' ; Tide 782D D B 3831, Page`�98 sq. ft. 65.0'' 7o.z' m zz6.7 Wetla ? � j03.5 15,030 N �i '� F o ° I 4 / � A 10' x�' Sight Triangle takes ,,��,, \ \ � 0 0.T 205.0 61 s N � sq. ft. i� .. „� �� � U I � L� '\ precedence oPer sign ease nt. This pl�^ . a pr Iemin y Plan only. / /!j-�e � � o w >' O� � O �, B, 47 m" 0 6 m v°', b � � / Ij \ B Ut • Tv y 60 8,159 It doe.�not confor o G.S.47-30 as a endej 9gZerl.P2 w� /p 13,849 � sq, ft. �`"• s . ft. 23 .8' s5,3f� N `�� � � Wetlands Note aid is n�� rote��d�d for sales�cordatlo / p a� � m zzs,a, s t_ 4, �� i,3gFH m , Due to the generalized na re of this plat�the \� awe aI N o°' q• o. -s0 a• "� u, q es.4' � \\ �� Any impact t0 include but not limited t0\ lots shown m�a� or ma� represent actual lot � \� ¢IO � p 59� �° . as.o' o O al es-zszs \ 2�-�7� IParirtbo- and/-o-r-�"illing Abe- sir. bj Ct t0 Ia out. Refer to\i ecorded subde sio�ats for final \ � ° Aura -ECUs 2ao �' C\ � � �� 'y � P N I � 0 23,130M"oR^NT � m m \ \ prior inspection, permittin' and appr val Iot dimensio s and ac ge / / \ � p > \\ � �. � U sq. ft. L=ao.o' 0, P � N 8 SO,B25 •A \ s ft. � / by the Army Corps of Engin ers,�a�l d/or \ e O — q \ � 9tlQ.l�� \ ��,���� � a `•\4° n a��39 "� 020' Drainage Easement � � boo bpi � —� �� �lf� �9�' 'O t--64a '%- �" _ _ �s� - 2� �-- \ / �TC 7�I�R rl d/or NC DWQ. 10,603 � \ \/ / �— —� � I \ \ c, �19, Yi1 � � �' d � 57 � 56 � � 9 sq. ft. � � � / \ .r 7, 794 N r o g I o � y0 �� •r 8 � s, oss � aq. ft N 252' �� \ 1 �\ \ �� /<,d ,11�� \ 'd.��'� \ O / p Ietlands s .Oft. 105.9'ft. 7 e' .L17545 �Z�' —/ � �- —� d � L ���` o \ ���L \ / mA 10214 5.a' 104.9 71.9 755 �' � 1�/0` sq. ft. aa� ��d� � �9 / —� � / O �� Course Bearing Distance L-1 S 31°55'30" E 45.64' L-2 S 33°54'21 " E 52.55' L-3 S 35°31'S4" E 51.83' L-4 S 36°56'43" E 47.75' L-5 S 36°56'43" E 5.70' L-6 S 38°32'43" E 51.39' L-7 S 40°13'4B" E 41.56' L-8 S 40°13'4B" E 1.66' L-9 S 42°Ol'10" E 55.76' L-10 S 43°23'44" E 27.50' L-11 S 72°15'22" W 149.18' L-12 N 51 °33 29" W 76.75' L-13 S 88°17'17" W 9.45' L-14 S 66�50'20" W 55.55' L-15 N 62°21'28" W 62.63' L-I6 S 5B°17'10" iY 40.14' L-17 N 77°51'29" W 61.62' L-18 N 71°44'44" W 92.75' L-19 N 36°44'14" W 21.59' L-20 S 81 °29'3B" 1Y 36.76' L-21 N 64°37'14" W 89.39' L-22 N 56°33'38" W 108.88' L-23 N 45°48'34" W 66.56' L-24 S 85°59'13" N' 32.85' L-25 N 71 °14'S6" W 104.04' L-26 S 49°23.57" W 31.01' L-27 N 53°38'34" W 24.32' L-28 N 03°22'38" E 15.62' L-29 N 75°32'S5" iY 153.16' L-30 N 26°43'26" W 59.64' L-31 N 21°45'49" W 93.37' L-32 N 40°19'4B" W 111.62' L-33 N 68°23'30" W 248.61' J J 1 \�.�,� �_\ �9� ���� � �" 53 N 54 � e,sBt�i \ � zo,z5� \ �� / \/ � / Phase � � Q'� •ram \ �� r' � 11,2 1 'w_ 8,122 N q' ��L••` FH 11 �. ft. 1 Ben ton Point \ � '^ � Sq' ft. 4 °' \ ) PI t Cabinet F'; Slide 09A Blowoff �� � ^9 5 '> sq. t. 0 61 2' / B' Ora=nag" - �• �-�-- iiad.�ey Cobb � —Site l�ta and Notes Ex. Sonia r Sewe M�le � WM .° , 15,78E 65' / 2 '� ls,�i W � Rachel hi I / D B 3744, Page 570, D B 3744, Page 574, DB 3748, Page 873 and Map Number 2019-340 Y � "' we H�-1�75°�p�Pr /'� s sq• ft• 65° �� m gaseIDev s ft. � �Y Pro art s own he�-e�an� is no located in a watershed distri t. q D B 33B9, Page�780 / P Y o- � N (i3' 51 � o "d '� 1 P C 'D", Slide 9A /Pz'operty s own hereon is Ioc tad in Meduim Density Resid teal Land Use. Larry Curlp and oe L w\� � , � g8' 14,2ss 6`'' iy® 65o b5A �93 � 0 2s3�, / \`� � � / No lot sho hereon sh II ha direct access to SR 1504. D B 206 Page 444 �'� � Ex. Lift stmloa � go-/ � sq. ft. I � � 16,ss2 .W rLQj6 \ 31.8�8 Ac. et �In�Trave se) In Subdivision \� � m �� p' � "� � �.>, o ' 6 5� 0 42 �, s ft. / � 6.32 Ac. Net Required 09' Ope Space \ W � 3`l� 3 w\ � 6y. � 44 43 � � 13 s' 7.2B6 Ac. In Travers Provjded en S ace 23.09' v 9 A °�\ � 50 0� O� 7,473 0 2�- P P ( \ \ � � � a61 To \ N O t,ll o ti w a,t z > s 12,319 �`�� \ � / 4.122 Ac. In Propose R/W ro l �c A- C� 3 G o. 8, 758w s ft. sq. ft. 259. 0. ' \ p 3 G7 0�' a,, °� ` l6,927 Is.a' � asq. ft.�' q � sq. ft. �, � i 77 Lots�anne with To of Angier Municipal Se er and Water = 2.4 DUA \ � I I 21'2 ✓ lLy l°q� we s`t. °a `'/ 45 °' � o � a" \ ,Mi�,mum ISt si e = ,74 sq. ft. � sP,h �' `�N z4.>, 9,295 6�p t. � L s %� ti6� lg � Maximum lot si e = 23,10 sq. f . \ `� �- 49 zq. ft. -56�' 65� 41 go, � � 54 qt. N � \ � _ � Avers e lot size = 11, 44 sq. ft. - i \ / � b a -�\ e Mini um Iot width ® /W on Cul- ac - 0.00' o <i 9,538 eD 0 Q, �,� / 0 12,415 o. Q' J'� bb'� `� <' s ft asaII` � � ti5 g°O �. o� � Mini um lot wad ® W\= 80.00' I / 3 � 46 �. - +? 9• FH O ti• � 14,906 � / (I\ C+� Nature Preserve sq.-ft� a 40 �'• t, � ti a � N Appr ximately 888� linear felt in Lynnrjd e Drive re ems° s �' 15 5 �' sq. ft. �? el,� � Common open space /m yti9 `Auro-FLusN•O n40�' 8,396 � 8,253 9 \ °'' � by � � �- -� � AP1Sxaximately 1230 linear feet in Meadow Vista Lane 1 � , ,� sq. ft. y 39 - L` UlPE, ' 6.023 Ac. (In Travers � HIDRANi o �ti �°sq. ft. a3ti or , �, � Approximately 147 Linea fee en Whete Hart Co rt r s3 ' \ 4� � 4 m ,�� iD 7 ss � 16 �' o �_ ,. � / Approxim tely 417 Linea fee m Ashley 0 Ics Curt �'� 38 w sq. ft. �! � �50 sm s � o,�.0 20,796� tz,DDD O ' ,. , � /�� ti \ �, / Approximately 225 inea feet 'n Hidden G n Curt \ \ � �� � sq. ft. sq. ft. 7,165 d t= '•o•'v`. s , a5ti M`� \ o �� � � / `/ Approximately 265 �inear feet m Moss Oak Cour t�' �o � �� °' � �rO � '^ 17 ,ss7 ((( C � Approximatel 3052 linear\feet Total in D elopm nt 1 � \ � \ . � w_ o r0a.s .:b 1 650 32 9, ,� �s°, s . ft. streets sown h reon a2•e to �ie 50' P blic De 'cated R/iP `ate w � � 8,445 s O � 11 construe zon sho 1 be in� accordance ith Town of Angier, Harnett County and/or I ,`�y.T/ \ etlands 0�'• 3 t=ao.o' �� l 33 o 18 � A \ NC DOT Standards�as a Iicabl W �7 � � � '� � AUTa-FWs ?W_ O• sq. ff. y., y�• 'u� PP O.1 , 1 ,��°� 17,s42 �o ati o- '0 150 93 6 � s "� \,� 18,5� All lots shall be ser ed by Town of Angier Municipal Water and Sewer. Any utilities not located N � � I �j �`� � oe9, sq. ft. �Qo �' 34 °"�• ft• 31 'ts• � �sq. ft� \ in the 50' �tilety Easem�nts s all have a public edicated dedicated on the recorded plats. o.o' O d 1 \l All Draina e e same is ar to b arm neat & r 83e o t a 6,740 65' a� 1 FH / � � ' g p publi The maintenance of all said dr nage easements \ \ 36 � � ,r 30 1�43, _ i sn' � shall be re ponsit�Iity o the Homeo ers Associate n and shall be enforced b strictive co ants. sa 35 •a,sa�ft B,Bz4 B• ��E a, \ Y a ,a. � \ ` s 1s,zB1 � $6 -'-s ft. g > gaga � Refer to approved 9onstruction plans f r all final util and drama a locations. \ � �I r � ft.M B,410 6 '� 7,o7s q• $ \ � pea` s,1B4 '°- / � Developer sh Il conform o a1I own of Angier, H rnett my and Carolina \ V 4- s sq. ft. e'S• 0 ���JJJ ,a- s � �� \_ � ft. 29 9° `,55,j ' 20 s9- ft. soil and ��rosion regula ions a� apple able �- f I � 1s e, 1s,4sz �� The homeof4ners associat on shawl be r sponsebl�for�intaining all the Open pace, street treks, and ,, °,.. a . . c \ J � \ o `_ 4 \'�9' 'L sq. ft. t�4. 6 �� t�Zy 21 any or �draina�e easements aclross a y lot or open spaces-S�rzet �res� 1 per lot MAY NOT be removed. e• - ye' � na°a.°, \ �� AUio-FLUSH 5°'� �� O� t Station � � N UNPE MITTE�J desturb nee es permitted wet in the 30' Blueline stream buffer as shown hereon. a e � s°2 '°n iN 20.2' n . '. � � � .�a . � �° � ° - � � ���\ i \� -� ` � �m. 245.1' H1'aRANi _21,0' t=28,p� � s,77s o Fer H dran is and Stre t Li hts shall be ens 'ailed er Tom^ �f An er_Re ula-bons. 'C4 �� s ft. fable Width � / � g � P � gi g Yvonne Y. (ire or ��' " °� q' R •°' � —�/ A11 wa er Iine.� shall b desi n d and sealed b a lac eused en sneer \ a,_e� I,� g y \� � ( 5 s Public Unlit Easem t g y g' 1 \ B 2447, Pa e s�4- '� \\--� 28 � o. h. � ° 1� wn of ear � d ring the per�mittin and c�nstru tion phase. Th`'s is for p1a in -� \ Ma Number 2�007-978 \ �� \ t � c, � o� s,as8. `�2�°L —� / � Ali n g 2}yam L,z \ 17,18s ao.°: �%' .° sq, ft.� ° r• <\ r uirem-eats only. All water Izne that erve fire hydrant shall be a no ass than Ben es�in diaz�eter and �e�t fire flgw re u�•{'ements. 2'-6" ROLLED TYPE GUTTER � \ y s 24t �\ '4" S9 �t�,�;� 27� 26� 5°� t�4° •�\N // / 5' S'dewalks shad \be\regrtiired oil bo sedgy s and enstal�ed per\Town of Angier Sltandards and Specifications B,264 0• �;ao. o. � � � GENERAL NOTES: � � 1�� �w 11,177 w sq. ft.• / . Aura-Fw� \ 0 17,533 J � \ sq. ft. � 24� NYaRANT \ \o�q. ft. / C / 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LO TIO�\ALL STI C � �`� �-� �\ t22 \/ >o8s � 1 ry°� S6O116 'ry 2 s� , @ � �` / \ � � � \ \-5/O' Right-df-way � \ \ \ \ 1 4 ff. � �, '\ � / �\ _/ 1°'- "Street 1 UTILITIES, AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DA GE � XX� _ s . ft. \ Tree, llit & � 1D'-o" street C� I/ \ q \ /' mina Esm' \\ Tree, Otliity & / g 4'-0" 5'-0" 14'-6 2'-B" 5'-°" 4'-D" rains a Esm' RESULTING FROM HIS ACTIVITIES. CALL UTILITY L CATIO \ � � � l �"'r � l\ 2�-0�� g SERVICE 4B HOURS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. \ \ \ � \ � \� � \�i L-20 � \ \ T B2•T Wetlan \ 5 • , / '�-�jV \ 31 dewalk � \ \ Pa ,em ant cc sidewalk 2. ALL CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS SHALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH I r � _-�' lsss• u` \ so '• - 1/z" � 6 A oA� y.� \ �—� 'oe a^ 1/4" jft, y \ � Y 1/4" /ft /ft 3. THE TOWN OF ANGIER AND/OR NCDOT STAND DS\�ND�SPECIF ATIONS. �g8 \ \ l .� `�''y�� �y��� L_ , ,16 y L-13 `�' / BUffgp_ ,, g�r� � � /\ \ x �K . � \ ..., ..:_- ,:. ,,, ... _ .. ._._...._ ,, -r s,o /�' \ � � � �� _ �� \ \" \ t y L '� j 4 ` eK �" \\ •Par / 3. TOPOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION AS PER NC LID DATA. � s ti-1 t Cre � z" S- .5 B Super ave Asphalt Mix � a-r � ,ram 30, L�11 \B" ABC, Type B \ Curb Gut er 4. NO CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE STARTED PRIOR TO GRADING P�RMIT \ �$e� \\ I � \\, � / � / \� 9" STBC, T e A o C� 1 \ 2'-�valle BEING OBTAINED FROM HARNETT COUNTY EROSION ONTR\ \ \ �' \ 1 \'Clai S. Yon � �S4 _//-� 1 � 1- 2" S-9. B Sup pav Asphalt Mi$ \ � � � �` D� 978, Page 4g3-4�� � � � / / � TYP AL 29' B—� 1 ROAD SEG`TIQN \\ \ I \ \ \ \ \ � \ i � I / I � � \. \ \ �ot To�caVe \ LHBR - 921 P 2 080 000 FEET Wh NOB- r r• � 11' - Ce(7 Ra 4p Y• No9 ,_ •F • ,.rye re• WaB �L Ly .. c V. DUE � W DoB • ; � FaB dC. DnB FaB wo NnC + NoB Wa8 CeD 1 Wh NnC' DaB .. CnA oA No DOS Fi [Yiu.. � • _ LL W .ntOC FaB R. •mi[' ff' ` pup.. FaB DOB . A " NOB NOB oB a !1a ` 41 �w �.. 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D.9 r::: x. / .........;•..:.,,,,,;,.,., Fiber Optics I � \ —Z / \ / Phase 1 Ben tonoin t o / ---Plat Cabinet F'; Slide 782D ^� ,%C 300 Ex. Sanitary S@wer Manhole \ \ \ Rim = 303.05 \ Inv In = 291.78 '@" PVC nv Out = 291.71 \8' PVC \ / \ Q \ Phase 2 Benton Point \� \W2-T 0.098 Plat Cabinet F , Slide 809A �� L — — _ _ \ 20' UTILITY EASEM n I G eP / / PP Q' QQ�de 64 3 31 Space `� �— \ 29-� )01 tijity E —294 -2-92_ 290 1\ Cobb / Rachel Lilly D B 3389, Page iff0 P C D", Slide 9A \ T �iP \ f urt swam I ^^-^^�^-' yV \\ !- Inv In 201 PVC f/ \ I Fuca_ Ma°Fj Botlam � 787. inwn ' TW o3 42 Pad 1 41 46 I 40 O 4 ¢/ a O ts 17 C 1 \ Wetlands \� 3 \ O I \� CA �s 34 31 19 o O O/ \ 00 \ O O30 \ \ \ '9 29 � I 0 l \ � Yvonne Y. '6-Te�vry � 28 \ D B 2447, Pa e 6 O �0 \ \ Map Number 007-976 \ \ I is 27 O \/ / 23 / \ \ tiWetlan \ 28O pro \ \ . \ \ \ \ 300 Clams S. Yoltt09 \ \ \ \ I \ 978, -Page 4- - \ NOTE: WETLANDS DELINEATED BY: ADAMS SOIL CONSULTING 1676 MITCHELL ROAD ANGIER, NC 27501 NC LICENSED SOIL SCIENTIST LSS #1247 �o Con 0o y wow o� zoo V z� �w C7 3 on o 4 rO U co o J z o O Q U (n Q i U w > W o Q N U C' Q� o z 0 z 0 m m � Q � oQ w'- mQ z n- o w � O o LL- z ¢ LLJ z cn w CDw w } z o U > Q CIO CIO Q) a =U w CL cn z z o QD OF-- w Upc, D w J N 0 w 0 Ld Z W Z U C�ZZ m �YLd O 0 Li ILL �Ln0 0 0 Q� r U Z Q w ao Z p W Z I) Q U a_ J OJ Jim= d J-12:� Ua W C U U W rT z F 1 Z SURVEYED BY S TA NCIL & A SSOCIA TES O � 0 U) / PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR, P.A. l C-08JI 98 Depot Street, P.O. Box 730, Angier, N.C. 27501 W o \ (919) 639-2133 (919) 639-2602 (FAX) \ s tan cilsurveyggm ail. com 0 De velop er Mori toque Development, Inc. L 10305 Penny Road Raleigh, NC 27606 919-362-7336 E GRAPHIC SCALE ~ 100 0 50 100 200 400 EE PROJECT: 5007 S- 1 11w Z ( III FEET ) OF 3 1 inch 100 ft. 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J a a NZ RZ � W o f5 O ��N U KmaW V ZQ WZZ> z.oOZZwRr a �oON1w N2 VKOJ I J oayO m U� o z. e 8 00 CA EE PROJECT. 5007 .S-3 s OF 3 10/25/2019 IPaC: Explore Location 1/8 IPaC resource list This report is an automatically generated list of species and other resources such as critical habitat (collectively referred to as trust resources) under the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's (USFWS) jurisdiction that are known or expected to be on or near the project area referenced below. The list may also include trust resources that occur outside of the project area, but that could potentially be directly or indirectly aected by activities in the project area. However, determining the likelihood and extent of eects a project may have on trust resources typically requires gathering additional site-specic (e.g., vegetation/species surveys) and project-specic (e.g., magnitude and timing of proposed activities) information. Below is a summary of the project information you provided and contact information for the USFWS oce(s) with jurisdiction in the dened project area. Please read the introduction to each section that follows (Endangered Species, Migratory Birds, USFWS Facilities, and NWI Wetlands) for additional information applicable to the trust resources addressed in that section. Location Harnett County, North Carolina Local oce Raleigh Ecological Services Field Oce  (919) 856-4520  (919) 856-4556 MAILING ADDRESS Post Oce Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 PHYSICAL ADDRESS 551 Pylon Drive, Suite F U.S. Fish & Wildlife ServiceIPaC 10/25/2019 IPaC: Explore Location 2/8 Raleigh, NC 27606-1487 10/25/2019 IPaC: Explore Location 3/8 Endangered species This resource list is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an analysis of project level impacts. The primary information used to generate this list is the known or expected range of each species. Additional areas of inuence (AOI) for species are also considered. An AOI includes areas outside of the species range if the species could be indirectly aected by activities in that area (e.g., placing a dam upstream of a sh population, even if that sh does not occur at the dam site, may indirectly impact the species by reducing or eliminating water ow downstream). Because species can move, and site conditions can change, the species on this list are not guaranteed to be found on or near the project area. To fully determine any potential eects to species, additional site-specic and project-specic information is often required. Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act requires Federal agencies to "request of the Secretary information whether any species which is listed or proposed to be listed may be present in the area of such proposed action" for any project that is conducted, permitted, funded, or licensed by any Federal agency. A letter from the local oce and a species list which fullls this requirement can only be obtained by requesting an ocial species list from either the Regulatory Review section in IPaC (see directions below) or from the local eld oce directly. For project evaluations that require USFWS concurrence/review, please return to the IPaC website and request an ocial species list by doing the following: 1. Draw the project location and click CONTINUE. 2. Click DEFINE PROJECT. 3. Log in (if directed to do so). 4. Provide a name and description for your project. 5. Click REQUEST SPECIES LIST. Listed species and their critical habitats are managed by the Ecological Services Program of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the sheries division of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA Fisheries ). Species and critical habitats under the sole responsibility of NOAA Fisheries are not shown on this list. Please contact NOAA Fisheries for species under their jurisdiction. 1. Species listed under the Endangered Species Act are threatened or endangered; IPaC also shows species that are candidates, or proposed, for listing. See the listing status page for more information. 2. NOAA Fisheries, also known as the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), is an oce of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration within the Department of Commerce. The following species are potentially aected by activities in this location: Birds 1 2 NAME STATUS 10/25/2019 IPaC: Explore Location 4/8 Flowering Plants Critical habitats Potential eects to critical habitat(s) in this location must be analyzed along with the endangered species themselves. THERE ARE NO CRITICAL HABITATS AT THIS LOCATION. Migratory birds THERE ARE NO MIGRATORY BIRDS OF CONSERVATION CONCERN EXPECTED TO OCCUR AT THIS LOCATION. Tell me more about conservation measures I can implement to avoid or minimize impacts to migratory birds. Red-cockaded Woodpecker Picoides borealis No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Endangered NAME STATUS Rough-leaved Loosestrife Lysimachia asperulaefolia No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Endangered Certain birds are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act . Any person or organization who plans or conducts activities that may result in impacts to migratory birds, eagles, and their habitats should follow appropriate regulations and consider implementing appropriate conservation measures, as described below. 1. The Migratory Birds Treaty Act of 1918. 2. The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act of 1940. Additional information can be found using the following links: Birds of Conservation Concern birds-of-conservation-concern.php Measures for avoiding and minimizing impacts to birds conservation-measures.php Nationwide conservation measures for birds 1 2 10/25/2019 IPaC: Explore Location 5/8 Nationwide Conservation Measures describes measures that can help avoid and minimize impacts to all birds at any location year round. Implementation of these measures is particularly important when birds are most likely to occur in the project area. When birds may be breeding in the area, identifying the locations of any active nests and avoiding their destruction is a very helpful impact minimization measure. To see when birds are most likely to occur and be breeding in your project area, view the Probability of Presence Summary. Additional measures and/or permits may be advisable depending on the type of activity you are conducting and the type of infrastructure or bird species present on your project site. What does IPaC use to generate the migratory birds potentially occurring in my specied location? The Migratory Bird Resource List is comprised of USFWS Birds of Conservation Concern (BCC) and other species that may warrant special attention in your project location. The migratory bird list generated for your project is derived from data provided by the Avian Knowledge Network (AKN). The AKN data is based on a growing collection of survey, banding, and citizen science datasets and is queried and ltered to return a list of those birds reported as occurring in the 10km grid cell(s) which your project intersects, and that have been identied as warranting special attention because they are a BCC species in that area, an eagle (Eagle Act requirements may apply), or a species that has a particular vulnerability to oshore activities or development. Again, the Migratory Bird Resource list includes only a subset of birds that may occur in your project area. It is not representative of all birds that may occur in your project area. To get a list of all birds potentially present in your project area, please visit the AKN Phenology Tool. What does IPaC use to generate the probability of presence graphs for the migratory birds potentially occurring in my specied location? The probability of presence graphs associated with your migratory bird list are based on data provided by the Avian Knowledge Network (AKN). This data is derived from a growing collection of survey, banding, and citizen science datasets . Probability of presence data is continuously being updated as new and better information becomes available. To learn more about how the probability of presence graphs are produced and how to interpret them, go the Probability of Presence Summary and then click on the "Tell me about these graphs" link. How do I know if a bird is breeding, wintering, migrating or present year-round in my project area? To see what part of a particular bird's range your project area falls within (i.e. breeding, wintering, migrating or year-round), you may refer to the following resources: The Cornell Lab of Ornithology All About Birds Bird Guide, or (if you are unsuccessful in locating the bird of interest there), the Cornell Lab of Ornithology Neotropical Birds guide. If a bird on your migratory bird species list has a breeding season associated with it, if that bird does occur in your project area, there may be nests present at some point within the timeframe specied. If "Breeds elsewhere" is indicated, then the bird likely does not breed in your project area. What are the levels of concern for migratory birds? Migratory birds delivered through IPaC fall into the following distinct categories of concern: 1. "BCC Rangewide" birds are Birds of Conservation Concern (BCC) that are of concern throughout their range anywhere within the USA (including Hawaii, the Pacic Islands, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands); 2. "BCC - BCR" birds are BCCs that are of concern only in particular Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs) in the continental USA; and 3. "Non-BCC - Vulnerable" birds are not BCC species in your project area, but appear on your list either because of the Eagle Act requirements (for eagles) or (for non-eagles) potential susceptibilities in oshore areas from certain types of development or activities (e.g. oshore energy development or longline shing). 10/25/2019 IPaC: Explore Location 6/8 Although it is important to try to avoid and minimize impacts to all birds, eorts should be made, in particular, to avoid and minimize impacts to the birds on this list, especially eagles and BCC species of rangewide concern. For more information on conservation measures you can implement to help avoid and minimize migratory bird impacts and requirements for eagles, please see the FAQs for these topics. Details about birds that are potentially aected by oshore projects For additional details about the relative occurrence and abundance of both individual bird species and groups of bird species within your project area o the Atlantic Coast, please visit the Northeast Ocean Data Portal. The Portal also oers data and information about other taxa besides birds that may be helpful to you in your project review. Alternately, you may download the bird model results les underlying the portal maps through the NOAA NCCOS Integrative Statistical Modeling and Predictive Mapping of Marine Bird Distributions and Abundance on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf project webpage. Bird tracking data can also provide additional details about occurrence and habitat use throughout the year, including migration. Models relying on survey data may not include this information. For additional information on marine bird tracking data, see the Diving Bird Study and the nanotag studies or contact Caleb Spiegel or Pam Loring. What if I have eagles on my list? If your project has the potential to disturb or kill eagles, you may need to obtain a permit to avoid violating the Eagle Act should such impacts occur. Proper Interpretation and Use of Your Migratory Bird Report The migratory bird list generated is not a list of all birds in your project area, only a subset of birds of priority concern. To learn more about how your list is generated, and see options for identifying what other birds may be in your project area, please see the FAQ “What does IPaC use to generate the migratory birds potentially occurring in my specied location”. Please be aware this report provides the “probability of presence” of birds within the 10 km grid cell(s) that overlap your project; not your exact project footprint. On the graphs provided, please also look carefully at the survey eort (indicated by the black vertical bar) and for the existence of the “no data” indicator (a red horizontal bar). A high survey eort is the key component. If the survey eort is high, then the probability of presence score can be viewed as more dependable. In contrast, a low survey eort bar or no data bar means a lack of data and, therefore, a lack of certainty about presence of the species. This list is not perfect; it is simply a starting point for identifying what birds of concern have the potential to be in your project area, when they might be there, and if they might be breeding (which means nests might be present). The list helps you know what to look for to conrm presence, and helps guide you in knowing when to implement conservation measures to avoid or minimize potential impacts from your project activities, should presence be conrmed. To learn more about conservation measures, visit the FAQ “Tell me about conservation measures I can implement to avoid or minimize impacts to migratory birds” at the bottom of your migratory bird trust resources page. Facilities National Wildlife Refuge lands Any activity proposed on lands managed by the National Wildlife Refuge system must undergo a 'Compatibility Determination' conducted by the Refuge. Please contact the individual Refuges to discuss any questions or concerns. 10/25/2019 IPaC: Explore Location 7/8 THERE ARE NO REFUGE LANDS AT THIS LOCATION. Fish hatcheries THERE ARE NO FISH HATCHERIES AT THIS LOCATION. Wetlands in the National Wetlands Inventory Impacts to NWI wetlands and other aquatic habitats may be subject to regulation under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, or other State/Federal statutes. For more information please contact the Regulatory Program of the local U.S. Army Corps of Engineers District. Please note that the NWI data being shown may be out of date. We are currently working to update our NWI data set. We recommend you verify these results with a site visit to determine the actual extent of wetlands on site. This location overlaps the following wetlands: Data limitations The Service's objective of mapping wetlands and deepwater habitats is to produce reconnaissance level information on the location, type and size of these resources. The maps are prepared from the analysis of high altitude imagery. Wetlands are identied based on vegetation, visible hydrology and geography. A margin of error is inherent in the use of imagery; thus, detailed on-the-ground inspection of any particular site may result in revision of the wetland boundaries or classication established through image analysis. The accuracy of image interpretation depends on the quality of the imagery, the experience of the image analysts, the amount and quality of the collateral data and the amount of ground truth verication work conducted. Metadata should be consulted to determine the date of the source imagery used and any mapping problems. Wetlands or other mapped features may have changed since the date of the imagery or eld work. There may be occasional dierences in polygon boundaries or classications between the information depicted on the map and the actual conditions on site. Data exclusions Certain wetland habitats are excluded from the National mapping program because of the limitations of aerial imagery as the primary data source used to detect wetlands. These habitats include seagrasses or submerged aquatic vegetation that are found in the intertidal and subtidal zones of estuaries and nearshore coastal waters. FRESHWATER FORESTED/SHRUB WETLAND PFO1A FRESHWATER POND PUBHh A full description for each wetland code can be found at the National Wetlands Inventory website 10/25/2019 IPaC: Explore Location 8/8 Some deepwater reef communities (coral or tubercid worm reefs) have also been excluded from the inventory. These habitats, because of their depth, go undetected by aerial imagery. Data precautions Federal, state, and local regulatory agencies with jurisdiction over wetlands may dene and describe wetlands in a dierent manner than that used in this inventory. There is no attempt, in either the design or products of this inventory, to dene the limits of proprietary jurisdiction of any Federal, state, or local government or to establish the geographical scope of the regulatory programs of government agencies. Persons intending to engage in activities involving modications within or adjacent to wetland areas should seek the advice of appropriate federal, state, or local agencies concerning specied agency regulatory programs and proprietary jurisdictions that may aect such activities. NCNHDE-10580 October 25, 2019 Alexander Baldwin Restoration Systems, LLC 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 211 Raleigh, NC 27604 RE: Lynn Ridge Dear Alexander Baldwin: The North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) appreciates the opportunity to provide information about natural heritage resources for the project referenced above. Based on the project area mapped with your request, a query of the NCNHP database indicates that there are no records for rare species, important natural communities, natural areas, and/or conservation/managed areas within the proposed project boundary. Please note that although there may be no documentation of natural heritage elements within the project boundary, it does not imply or confirm their absence; the area may not have been surveyed. The results of this query should not be substituted for field surveys where suitable habitat exists. In the event that rare species are found within the project area, please contact the NCNHP so that we may update our records. The attached ‘Potential Occurrences’ table summarizes rare species and natural communities that have been documented within a one-mile radius of the property boundary. The proximity of these records suggests that these natural heritage elements may potentially be present in the project area if suitable habitat exists. Tables of natural areas and conservation/managed areas within a one-mile radius of the project area, if any, are also included in this report. If a Federally-listed species is found within the project area or is indicated within a one-mile radius of the project area, the NCNHP recommends contacting the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for guidance. Contact information for USFWS offices in North Carolina is found here: Please note that natural heritage element data are maintained for the purposes of conservation planning, project review, and scientific research, and are not intended for use as the primary criteria for regulatory decisions. Information provided by the NCNHP database may not be published without prior written notification to the NCNHP, and the NCNHP must be credited as an information source in these publications. Maps of NCNHP data may not be redistributed without permission. The NC Natural Heritage Program may follow this letter with additional correspondence if a Dedicated Nature Preserve, Registered Heritage Area, Clean Water Management Trust Fund easement, or Federally-listed species are documented near the project area. If you have questions regarding the information provided in this letter or need additional assistance, please contact Rodney A. Butler at or 919-707-8603. Sincerely, NC Natural Heritage Program Natural Heritage Element Occurrences, Natural Areas, and Managed Areas Within a One-mile Radius of the Project Area Lynn Ridge October 25, 2019 NCNHDE-10580 Element Occurrences Documented Within a One-mile Radius of the Project Area Taxonomic Group EO ID Scientific Name Common Name Last Observation Date Element Occurrence Rank Accuracy Federal Status State Status Global Rank State Rank Dragonfly or Damselfly 32043 Coryphaeschna ingens Regal Darner 2004-Pre H?5-Very Low ---Significantly Rare G5 S2? Dragonfly or Damselfly 33753 Somatochlora georgiana Coppery Emerald 2004-Pre H?5-Very Low ---Significantly Rare G3G4 S2? Dragonfly or Damselfly 33751 Somatochlora georgiana Coppery Emerald 2004-Pre H?5-Very Low ---Significantly Rare G3G4 S2? No Natural Areas are Documented Within a One-mile Radius of the Project Area No Managed Areas are Documented Within a One-mile Radius of the Project Area Definitions and an explanation of status designations and codes can be found at Data query generated on October 25, 2019; source: NCNHP, Q3 Jul 2019. Please resubmit your information request if more than one year elapses before project initiation as new information is continually added to the NCNHP database. Page 2 of 3 Powered by TCPDF ( Page 3 of 3