HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160681 Ver 2_Application Recd via US Mail_20170525�o joutkern E-nvironmental Group, Inc. do F, 55 15 South College Road,juite 1_ i Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 910.452.271 1 (office) - 910.452.2899 (fax) Transmittal Date: 22 May 2017 �] To: Karen Higgins `-' Of: Division of Water Resources D MAY 2 � 2017.'. Attachedyou will find:* LQ6 =aRrF Proposal Sketch(es) ermit Ap licatio Signe JD Package Report(s) Plans Information Request Other Copies Description 1 Individual Permit Application — Blake Farm These are being delivered: or our Review/Commen Corrected and Returned Other: *If noted items are NOT attached, please contact our office. For your Records Returned for Correction(s) For your Signature As Requested By: Hand Delivery Fed -Ex UPS Regular Mail Other Notes: Karen, please feel free to call if you have any questions. 910.443.5330 Signature and (Typed) Name: David A. yster Date: 22 Ma 017 Part I: Project Information Box 1 Project Name: Applicant Name Blake Farm Raiford G. Trask III see Attachment B Applicant Title Applicant Company, Agency, etc. Member Manager Pender Farm Development, LLC 5315 South College Rd. Suite E. Wilmington, NC 28412 see Attachment B Mailing Address Applicant's internal tracking number (if any) 1202 Eastwood Road Wilmin ton NC 28403 N A Work Phone with area code Home Phone with area Fax # E-mail Address 910-799-8755 code N/A raiford@trasklandco.com Signature of applicant Date (mm/dd/yyyy) see Attachment C Relationship of applicant to property: ❑ Owner ❑ Purchaser ❑ Lessee ® Other: Member Manager Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the work as described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and that to the best of my knowledge and belief, such information is true, complete, and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. I hereby grant to the agency to which this application is made the right to enter the above-described location to inspect the roposed, in -progress, or completed work. I agree to start work mly after all necessapermits have beeD rXelved. Signature ap lic" Date (mm/dd/yyyy) see Attachment C V y v i Box 2 Authorized Agent/Operator Name and Signature: (If an agent Is acting for the applicant during the permit process) David A. S ster Agent/Operator Title Agent/Operator Company, Agency, etc. President Southern Environmental Group, Inc. Mailing Address 5315 South College Rd. Suite E. Wilmington, NC 28412 E-mail Address david.syster@segi.us Work Phone with area code Home Phone with area code Fax # 1 Cell Phone # 910-452-2711 1 N/A 910-452-2899 910-443-5330 I hereby authorize the above-named agent to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application and to furnish, upon request, supplemental information in support of this permit application. I understand that I am bound by the actions of my agent, and I understand that if a federal or state permit is issued I or my agent, must sig n the permit Signature of applicant Date (mm/dd/yyyy) see Attachment C I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and that to the best of my knowledge .ef such informati n is true complete, and accurate. Signa re ot a6thadz -a Date (mm/dd/yyyy) see Attachment C IBox 3 Name of property owner, if other than applicant: Pender 1164, LLC (see Attachment Al LJ Multiple Current Owners (If multiple currentpropertyowners, checkhereandlndudeallstInAttachmentA) Owner Title Owner Company, Agency, etc. N/A I Pender 1164, LLC Page 1 of 5 Blake Farm IP Application Form Full Mailing Address 1202 Eastwood Road Wilmin ton NC 28412 Work Phone with area code Home Phone with area code 910-799-8755 1 N/A Box 4 Name of adjoining property owner, project site: ® Multiple Adjoining Property Owners/Lessees Name and Full Mailing Address: see_Attachment D) lessee, etc. whose property adjoins the and Full Mailing Addresses orf mumple adjo/Mng Box 5 Project location, including street address, city, county, state, and zip code where proposed activity will occur: Project is located west of NC Highway 17 and North of Sidbury Road. see Attachment E Nature of Activity (Description of project; include all features): Proposed activities include the filling of wetlands and Relatively Permenant Waters (RPWs) for road crossings and residential lots. Clean earthen fill will be placed in these areas and graded to the desired contours. Wetlands and RPWs will also be excavated for the purpose of stormwater management devices. Please see Attachment F. Project Purpose (Description of the reason or purpose of the project): The purpose of this project is to construct an economically feasible residential development with associated amenities in the Scott's Hill area and provide access to NC 17 and I-140. Project specific design include the limited use of alleyways for rear lot entry parking and a multi -use path for interconnectivity. Has a delineation of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, been completed? ® Yes, in Attachment G ❑ No If a delineation has been completed, has it been verified in writing by the USACE? ® Yes: The project area has been reviewed by the Corps. A final JD exisits for the majority of the project and Ms. Emily Greer has verified the remainder in the field and JD maps are currently being completed. USACE project: SAW -2012-01624 (see Attachment G) ❑ No Are color photographs of the existing conditions available? ® Yes ❑No Are aerial photographs available? ® Yes ❑ No Waterbody(ies) (if known; otherwise enter "an unnamed tributary to'�: an unnamed Tributa ies to what known downstream waterbod ies : Futch Creek see Attachment H Latitude and longitude (Decimal Degrees at center of project): 34.3347 N 77.7647 W USGS Quad map name(s): Scott's Hill see Attachment H Watershed(s) and other location descriptions, if known: North East Cape Fear River Basin Page 2 of 5 Blake Farm IP Application Form E Directions to the project location: NC 17 North from Wilmington. Turn left onto Sidbury Rd in Scott's Hill and travel 0.54 miles west to Huggins Rd/Hogans Trail (unmarked dirt road). Turn right on Huggins Rd and follow approximately 0.66 miles. The site will be directly north and east. Part II: Alternative(s) Analysis Box 6 Describe the alternatives that would meet your overall project purpose in accordance with the Clean Water Act Section 404(b)(1) guidelines to demonstrate the proposed activity represents the least environmentally damaging practicable alternative: ® Alternative(s) Analysis See Attachment I Part III: Project Impacts and Mitigation Box 7 Reason(s) for Discharge into waters of the U.S. The proposed wetland impacts are for road crossings, minor lot fill and stormwater features. Type(s) of material being discharged and the amount of each type in cubic yards: Clean Earthen Fill = 2169 cu yd and Stormwater = 403 cu yd Total surface area (in acres) of wetlands or other waters of the U.S. to be filled: 1.96 acres (see Attachment F) For activities involving dredging in navigable waters of the U.S., describe the type, composition, and quantity of the material to be dredged, the method of dredging, and the site and plans for disposal of the dredged material: Dredging of navigable waters is not proposed for this project. Indicate the proposed impacts to waters of the U.S. in ACRES (for wetlands and impoundments) and LINEAR FEET (for rivers and streams), and identify the impacts) as permanent and/or temporary for each waterbody type listed below. The table below is intended as a tool to summarize impacts by resource type for planning compensatory mitigation. IPotential indirect and/or cumulative impacts of proposed discharge (if any): I No additional indirect and/or cumulative impacts are proposed or expected at this time. Page 3 of 5 Blake Farm IP Application Form Permanent Tem orary Waterbody Type Acres Linear feet Acres Linear feet Non -forested wetland Forested wetland 1.44 0.22 Perennial stream Intermittent stream Ephemeral stream Impoundment Other: Open Water 0.52 Total: 1.96 0.22 IPotential indirect and/or cumulative impacts of proposed discharge (if any): I No additional indirect and/or cumulative impacts are proposed or expected at this time. Page 3 of 5 Blake Farm IP Application Form Required drawings: Vicinity map: ® In Attachment E To -scale plan view drawing(s): ® In Attachment F To -scale elevation and/or cross section drawinA(s): M In Attachment F Is any portion of the work already complete? L -J Yes N No If yes, describe the work: N/A Box 8 Authority: Is Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act for projects affecting navigable waters applicable? ❑ Yes ® No Is Section 404 of the Clean Water Act applicable? ® Yes ❑ No Box 9 Federally Threatened or Endangered Species Please list any federally -listed (or proposed) threatened or endangered species or critical habitat potentially affected by the project (use scientific names (i.e., genus species), if known): No Federally Threatened or Endangered Species will be affected by this project. see Attachment J Have surveys, using U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) protocols, been conducted? ® Yes Report in Attachment J No (explain): If a federally -listed species would potentially be affected, please provide a description and a biological evaluation. ❑ Yes ❑ Not attached Has Section 7 consultation been initiated by another federal agency? ❑ Yes ® No Has Section 10 consultation been initiated for the proposed project? ❑ Yes ® No Has the USFWS issued a Biological Opinion? ❑ Yes ®No If yes, list date Opinion was issued mm/dd/ Box 10 Historic Properties and Cultural Resources Please list any historic properties listed (or eligible to be listed) on the National Register of Historic Places which the project has the potential to affect: No historic properties are listed for the site or will be effected by the project Has an archaeological records search been conducted? ® Yes Report in Attachment K ❑ No (explain): Are any cultural resources of any type known to exist on-site? ❑ Yes ® No Has an archaeological pedestrian survey been conducted for the site? ❑ Yes ®No Has Section 106 or SHPO consultation been initiated by another federal or state agency? El Yes ® No Has a Section 106 MOA been signed by another federal agency and the SHPO? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, list date MOA was signed mm/dd/ Page 4 of 5 Blake Farm IP Application Form [. Box 11 Proposed Conceptual Mitigation Plan Summary Applicant proposes combination of one or more of the following mitigation types: M Mitigation Bank FlOn-site nOff-site (Number of sites: ) FINone Applicant proposes to purchase mitigation bank credits: U Yes LJ No Mitigation Bank Name: Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank Number of Credits: 2.9 Credits Indicate In ACRES (for wetlands and impoundments) and LINEAR FEET (for rivers and streams) the total quantity of waters of the U.S. proposed to be created, restored, enhanced, and/or preserved for purposes of providing compensatory mitigation. Indicate mitigation site type (on- or off-site) and number. Indicate waterbody type (non -forested wetland, forested wetland, perennial stream, intermittent stream, ephemeral stream, impoundment, other) or non jurisdictional (uplands). Mitigation Site Type and Number Waterbody Type Created Restored Enhanced Preserved e.g., On-site 1 Non -forested wetland 0.5acre e.g., Off-site 1 Intermittent stream 500 LF 1000 LF Totals: ' For uplands, lease indicate if designed as an upland buffer. Summary of Mitigation Work Plan (Describe the mitigation activities listed in the table above): N/A the Applicant has chosen to purchase credit from an approved mitigation bank. Provide a detailed explanation of how appropriate and practicable steps have been taken to avoid, minimize, or mitigate, the adverse impact of the proposed project on the aquatic ecosystem: Please See Attachment F Sections V, VI and VIII. Has a conceMal mitigation plan been prmpared in accordance with the USACE regulations and Mitigation site(s) latitude and longitude (Decimal I USGS Quad map name(s): Page 5 of 5 Blake Farm IP Application Form Attachment 1 Blake Farm Supplemental Documentation to the Individual Permit Application Requested By: Pender Farm Development, LLC Mr. Raiford Trask, III 1202 Eastwood Road Wilmington, NC 28403 Prepared By: Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 5315 South College Road, Suite E Wilmington, NC 28412 910.452.2711 Date. 18 May 2017 S r Table of Contents Section Title Page I. Purpose and Need.................................................................................. l II. Location and Existing Conditions.............................................................. I III. Project History ...................................................................................... 1 IV. Project Description................................................................................. l V. Avoidance and Minimization.................................................................... 2 VI. Alternatives Analysis.............................................................................. 3 A. Off -Site Alternatives....................................................................... 3 B. On -Site Alternatives......................................................................... 4 C. Alternatives Conclusion................................................................... 5 VII. Compensatory Mitigation......................................................................... 5 VIII. Additional Authorizations........................................................................ 5 IX. Summary ............................................................................................. 5 Appendices A. Pender County Tax Information................................................................. i B. Pender 1164 LLC & Pender Farm Development, LLC Sec. of State Corp Pages........ ii C. Agent Authorization.............................................................................. iii D. Adjacent Property Owner Information......................................................... iv E. Vicinity Map........................................................................................ v F. Proposed Site Plan & Wetland Impact Map ................................................... vi G. Jurisdictional Wetland Determinations ............. H. Natural Resource Information................................................................... viii 1. Alternative Analysis Map........................................................................ ix J. Threatened and Endangered Species Study .................................................... x K. Historic Properties & Archaeological Resources ............................................ xi L. North East Cape Fear Mitigation Bank Credit Reservation Letter ......................... TOC -i Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information SEGi I. Purpose and Need The purpose of this project is to construct a 255 lot residential development with associated amenities in the Scott's Hill area and provide access to NC 17 and I-140. The Wilmington to Hampstead corridor is a rapidly growing area of southeastern North Carolina. With the construction of I-140 and completion of a local waste water treatment facility, the Scott's Hill area has become a prime area for residential development. At this time few planned residential neighborhoods with associated amenities are located within this area. The closest subdivisions to the east are along Scott's Hill Loop Road but do not contain additional lots for development. Whitebridge is located further north on the east side of Highway 17 but again, does not contain additional lots. The Applicant believes there is a need for residential lots in this region to meet current demands. II. Location and Existing Conditions The project is located west of Highway 17 and north of Sidbury Road; Scott's Hill, Pender County, North Carolina and is locally known as Blake Farm (See Appendix E). The project area for the proposed subdivision is located on 1164 acres of timber land. Wetlands present within the project area are primarily wetflats and pocosins. These wetlands have been timbered historically and the last cut was completed in approximately 2011. Ditches which run through the project area connect the wetland pockets and ultimately flow to a single discharge point along the eastern property line. From this point a large ditch continues off the property to a tributary of Futch Creek. The wetland hydrology is primarily rainfall and groundwater recharge. During summer months the ditch system is normally dry and only flows during periods of heavy rainfall. To access the site take NC 17 North from Wilmington. Turn left onto Sidbury Rd in Scott's Hill and travel 0.54 miles west to Huggins Rd/Hogans Trail (unmarked dirt road). Turn right on Huggins Rd and follow approximately 0.66 miles. The site will be directly north and east (See Appendix E). III. Project History A Department of the Army (DoA) wetland Jurisdicitonal Determination (JD) was issued for a portion of the project area in November 2013 and the remaining area has been varified by Ms. Emily Hughes (See Appendix G for JD Maps and Forms). Wetland impacts for the portion of Blake Farm Boulevard extending from the NC 17 to the SF (Single Family 1), Phase 1 A area were covered under a separate Nationwide Permit (NWP) 14. This portion of Blake Farm Boulevard was determined to be a single an complete project allowing development of SFI, Phase IA and is shown on Sheet 2 in Appendix F. A JD was also completed for this parcel in November 2013. No other DoA or DWR permits have been obtained. The project numbers, assigned by the regulatory agencies, include those listed below: Issuing Agency Document Project Number Date Issued Expiration Date Authorized Impacts (AC) USACE Signed Wetland Survey 2012-01624 11/19/13 11/19/18 N/A USACE Signed Wetland Survey* 2013-01397 04/28/14 04/28/19 N/A DCM CAMA Consistency In Progess TBD Concurrent with 404 N/A t able t. Project numbers associatea with the project. -Adjacent Property JUJor Blake harm Boulevard. IV. Project Description The Applicant anticipates permanently impacting 1.44 acres of Section 404 jurisdictional wetlands and temporarily impacting 0.22 acres of Section 404 jurisdictional wetlands. Impacts to 6,521 if (0.52 acres) of Relatively Permanent Waters (RPWs) are also proposed. The proposed unavoidable impacts are necessary to facilitate the development of roads, lots and associated infrastructure. Please refer to Appendix F — Proposed Site Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information SEGi Plan and Impact Map, for details of the proposed impacts. Heavy machinery, such as a bulldozers, graders, back hoes, and excavators, will be utilized during the construction process. The machinery will be used to clear the land, establish grade, stabilize the soil and to transport and deposit the fill material within the project boundaries. Sediment and erosion control measures will be installed prior to commencement of land disturbing activities. Threatened and Endangered species and archaeological concerns were addressed by coordination with the appropriate agencies and on site reconnaissance. Findings from these studies did not reveal any areas of concern associated within the project limits. Please see Appendix J for Threatened and Endangered species information and Appendix K for Historical Preservation information. V. Avoidance and Minimization It is the Applicant's desire to avoid and/or minimize impacts to wetlands to the greatest extent practicable. During the design phase of the project the engineer and design team reviewed multiple layouts to accomplish the Applicants purpose and need while limiting wetland impacts. Through this process it became apparent that Impact Area H would contain the largest impact due to the NCDOT width and curve radius requirements for Blake Farm Boulevard. For that reason the layout chosen contained only one wetland crossing along Blake Farm Boulevard and avoided additional impacts to the larger, high functioning wetland systems. These wetland areas (Wetland "E" and large system to the south) can be noted to the north and south of SF -1 on the design drawings (see Appendix F, Sheet 3). Avoidance of permanent impacts that would bisect larger contiguous wetlands was accomplished by a road design that optimized upland areas within the project area. This process eliminated some desired connectivity but lead to only minimal fringe impacts to these systems and lower overall project impacts. The road and lot design in the Bent Oak Dr. and Tangmere Ct. area is an example of this effort. Earlier design phases proposed connectivity through Wetland C to Atlantic Ave. Impacts to Wetland M were also avoided by re -designing proposed ditch P-7 to pass to the east of wetland M and tie into existing ditch X-3. Minimization efforts are evident throughout the project in both direct and secondary impact forms. A number of originally proposed impacts have been reduced during the design process. Minimization of Impact F was accomplished by removal of the proposed median on Atlantic Avenue and reducing the overall road width in the vicinity of Wetland F. Please see Appendix F, Sheet 8. Secondary impacts have also been minimized by detailed design of the project's hydrological aspects. Attention was given to areas in which drainage swales, roadside ditches or stormwater features may adversely impact adjacent wetlands in the future. Secondary impacts to Wetland E have been minimized by raising the elevation of Blake Farm Blvd and associated roadside swale to a similar elevation of the adjacent wetlands (Appendix F, Sheet 18). Similarly the proposed ditch P-7 and associated culverts under Tangmere Ct. have been raised in effort to minimize any secondary impacts to Wetland C. In this area existing ditch X-7 within Wetland C has a bottom elevation of 34.65 while the proposed ditch P-7 has an elevation of 35.00. This will ensure Wetland C will pond during storm events and draw down slowly. Please see Appendix F, Sheet 17. Secondary impacts were also taken into account during the design of the Constructed Wetland located at the east of Wetland C. This is denoted as SCM 4 in Appendix F, Sheet 20. The proposed design has a normal pool elevation of 36.00 which is similar to that of the surrounding wetland to the east and Wetland C which is surrounded by the Constructed Wetland. Although there are a number of deeper retention areas within the Constructed Wetland, they do no have contiguous flow (i.e. direct connection to the outfall) and are designed to hold water during periods of heavy rain and draw down slowly. Wetland C and existing ditch X-6 are also higher in elevation at this north end near the constructed wetland compared to the southern end near Bent Oak Dr. The current design of the 2 Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information SEGi Constructed Wetland will allow for the collected stormwater to migrate through the SCM and treated water discharge into Wetland C at its highest point. Thus, maintaining the natural flow of water through the system. In order to minimize secondary impacts to downstream water quality, the Applicant proposes to enhance existing ditches within the site by creating an adjacent flood plain. This will increase storage volume and retention time during periods of heavy rain. The increased contact time within the floodplain will allow the natural chemical and biological processes to occur, that will protect downstream waters. Please see Proposed Ditch Detail in Appendix F, Sheet 2. VI. Alternatives The Applicant investigated other potential means of developing the subject parcel, and has been unable to find a practicable alternative that would achieve the proposed goal and stated purpose. They are as follows: Site Selection Criteria Site selection criteria used for the project include: Sites with at least 130 acres of buildable area, reasonable proximity to Highway 17 within a reasonable distance from 1-140 in the Scott's Hill area, zoned for residential development or have the potential to be re -zoned for residential development, and have access to public or private sanitary sewer and water. A. Off-site Alternative Analysis A comprehensive off-site alternatives analysis has been conducted, as part of the Individual Permit process. SEGi applied the Section 404(b)(1) guidelines by utilizing, current Pender County Zoning Maps, Public or Private utility company service area information, historical aerial photography and available current land use records, to best determine if any off-site alternatives existed which met site selection criteria. Considering the desired location being in close proximity to Scott's Hill and have access to Highway 17 corridor, multiple sites were reviewed in and around the proposed site. These sites were chosen for their size, access from US Highway 17 and zoning. Once these criterion were met, their potential to accommodate the project, with accompanying infrastructure (sewer and water) were reviewed. If the sites did meet the infrastructure criterion then the degree of wetland impact associated with each remaining alternative site was considered to determine which would provide the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA). The following table contains the properties that were evaluated as alternative sites for the development: Map ID County Parcel ID Property Owner Size (AC) 1 Pender 3271-94-4437-0000 Blakes Of Scott's Hill LLC 469.89 2 Pender 3281-15-7192-0000 Corbett, Wilbur R 2921.99 3 New Hanover R02100-001-001-002 Blake, HenryC. II 57.24 4 New Hanover R02900-001-067-000 Skipper Family Properties, LLC 94.52 5 New Hanover R02100-001-001-001 Seagrove, LLC 160.64 Table 2. Alternative Site Information. These sites and their ability to meet the required site selection criteria are discussed below. 1. Alternative Site 1— Parcel ID: 3271-94-4437-0000 This site met the size, location and access to sewer and water criterion. So it was included in further review for site practicability. However a cursory review of LIDAR and the Pender County Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information SEGi GIS Wetland Inventory Map reveals the need for wetland impacts, greater than what is currently being proposed, in order to achieve the Applicant's stated goal. Therefore, Alternative Site 1 was rejected. 2. Alternative Site 2 — Parcel ID: 3281-15-7192-0000 This site, similar to Alternative Site 1, meets site selection criteria and was included for further review for site practicability. However, a review of LIDAR and the Pender County GIS Wetland Inventory Map reveals the need for wetland impacts, greater than what is currently being proposed, in order to achieve the Applicant's stated goal. Therefore, this site was rejected. 3. Alternative Site 3 & 4 — Parcel ID's: R02100-001-001-002 & R2900-001-067-00 In order to meet the necessary size requirement these two parcels will need to be combined to be considered. Once combined these sites meet the size and location requirement within Scott's Hill. However, it does not provide access to Highway 17, nor is sewer and water available at this time. The lack of access, as well as sewer and water make this alternative impracticable. For these reasons Alternative Site 3 and 4 was rejected. 4. Alternative Site 5 — Parcel IDs: R02100-001-001-001 This site, similar to Alternative Sites 3 and 4 does not have direct access to Highway 17, and does not have sewer and water available. For these reasons this site is not practicable and was rejected. 5. Preferred Alternative — Proposed site The proposed site does meet the site location, size, access to Highway 17 and available sewer and water criterion. For these reasons the proposed site was reviewed in more detail and found to present less environmental (wetland) impacts than Alternatives I and 2. For this reason the Proposed Site was accepted as the Least Damaging Practicable Alternative. B. On -Site Alternatives Analysis During the design and permitting of the project, several on-site alternatives were considered. 1. Alternative 1— Current Proposed Design: This alternative was designed to utilize as much of the uplands within the property as possible, while impacting the least amount of wetlands. Alternative 1 was accepted as it was the least environmentally damaging practicable alternative. 2. Alternative 2 — Re -alignment of Blake Farm Boulevard: The option to reduce or eliminate Impact H was considered. However due to NCDOT's required turning radius all attempts to reduce or eliminate Impact H resulted in a similar or larger impact elsewhere. Therefore, Alternative 2 was rejected due to a similar or increased amount of wetland impacts. 3. Alternative 3 — Elimination or Reduction of Impacts to Wetlands and RPW's: This alternative was considered, but due to the size and location of both wetlands and RPWs within the property, additional minimization was not practicable and this Alternative was rejected. Consideration was given to reduce impacts on Lot 57 to that necessary for the house pad only. During a review of this alternative it was apparent that due to the height (5') of fill material necessary to grade this lot, construction of the pad would be prohibitive without the proposed 4 Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information SEGi impact. Additionally, as the remaining wetlands would be within the property of the future homeowner they would be more susceptible to secondary impacts. For these reasons this alternative was rejected. Please see Appendix F, Sheet 19. 4. Alternative 4 — No Action Alternative: The No Action Alternative or the alterative that proposes no impacts would remove access to the site from Blake Farm Boulevard and limit interconnectivity within the subdivision. Additionally, due to the various lengths and placement of ditches within the tract the site could not be developed with the no action alternative. For these reasons the No Action Alternative is not practicable and was rejected. C. Alternative Analysis Conclusion: Based on the results of the on-site and off-site Alternative Analysis, it is apparent that on-site Alternative 1 is the least environmentally damaging practicable alternative. VII. Compensatory Mitigation The Applicant has chosen to purchase 2.90 acres of wetland restoration credit, through the North East Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank (NECFUMB). These credits will be used to replace the permanent loss of 1.44 acres of wetlands proposed within this permit application. Please see Appendix J, NECFUB Credit Reservation. In order off -set the proposed impacts to 6521 if (0.52 acres) of RPW's within the project area, the Applicant has proposed to construct a new network of ditches totaling 3542 if in length. The design of these ditches will include a large flood plain encompassing approximately l .63 acres to better enhance on-site and downstream water quality. VIII. Additional Authorizations The proposed project will require the following environmental permits: Type Agency Date Issued or Applied For 401 Water Quality Certification NC DWR Applying for concurrently with IP CAMA Consistency NC DCM Applying for concurrently with IP State Stormwater Permit NC DWR Issued S&EC Permit NC DLR Issued Table 3. Other state and local environmental authorizations IX. Summary The Applicant is proposing to permanently impact 1.44 acres of Section 404 wetlands, as well as the temporary impact of 0.22 acres of wetlands, which are necessary to facilitate the construction of infrastructure, dwellings and driveways, within the Blake Farm subdivision. The Applicant intends to offset the proposed permanent wetland impacts in the form of payment to the North East Cape Fear Mitigation Bank, for 2.9 acres of wetland restoration credit. The Applicant and SEGi believe the project, as proposed, is the least environmentally damaging, practicable alternative. Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information Attachment A Pender County Tax Information SEGi 1:21,272 0 0.175 0.35 0.7 mi 0 0.275 0.55 1.1 km PIN: 3271-16-5288-0000 Owner: PENDER 1164 LLC 1202 EASTWOOD RD WILMINGTON, NC 28403 Deed Ref: 4286/008 Property SIDBURY RD Address: Description: TR A PB 56/87 PENDER 1164 LLC DIV Subdivision: Tax Codes: G01 F29 R40 Sale Price: $Null Sale Date: 2013-07-09 Plat: 00560087 Account No: 959217 Township: TOPSAIL N 1 inch = 1,773 feet W E June 30, 2016 S Acres: 461.09 Land Value: $654,748 Building Value: $0 Total value: $654,748 Deferred Value: $0 Exempt Amount: PCL Class: R Heated Sq Feet: Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information Attachment B Pender 1164, LLC Secretary of State Corporate Page Pender Farm Development, LLC Secretary of State Corporate Page SEGi ,tom;".''' ,., North Carolina Elaine F. Marshall DEPARTMENT OF THE +� Secretary SECRETARY OF STATE _.. ;w ='-; _• .* PO Box 29622 Raleigh, NC 27626-0622 (919)807-2000 Account Login Click Here To: Register View Document Filings File an Annual Report Amend a Previous Annual Report Print a Pre -Populated Annual Report form Corporate Names Legal: Pender 1164, LLC Limited Liability Company Information Sosld: Status: Annual Report Status: Citizenship: Date Formed: Fiscal Month: State of Incorporation Registered Agent: Corporate Addresses 1279145 Current -Active Current Domestic 9/20/2012 December NC Trask Land Company, Inc. Mailing: 1202 Eastwood Rd Wilmington, NC 28403-2012 Principal Office: 1202 Eastwood Rd Wilmington, NC 28403-2012 Reg Office: 1202 Eastwood Rd Wilmington, NC 28403-2012 Reg Mailing: 1202 Eastwood Rd Wilmington, NC 28403-2012 Company Officials All LLCs are managed by their managers pursuant to N.C.G.S. 57D-3-20. Member: NDCO 511 North Tejon St., Suite 200 Colorado Springs CO 80903 Manager: Pender Farm Development, LLC 1202 Eastwood Rd Wilmington NC 28403-2012 y,y !►'�` - "'�,.; North Carolina -r w?= D PARTM NT OF THE Elaine F. Marshall E E f *49fSecreta SECRETARY OF STATE Secretary PO Box 29622 Raleigh, NC 27626-0622 (919)807-2000 Click Here To: View Document Filings File an Annual Report Amend a Previous Annual Report Print a Pre -Populated Annual Report form Corporate Names Legal: Pender Farm Development, LLC Limited Liability Company Information Sosld: Status: Annual Report Status: Citizenship: Date Formed: Fiscal Month: State of Incorporation: Registered Agent: Corporate Addresses 1288496 Current -Active Current Domestic 11/21/2012 December NC Trask, Raiford , III Mailing: 1202 Eastwood Rd Wilmington, NC 28403-2012 Principal Office: 1202 Eastwood Rd Wilmington, NC 28403-2012 Reg Office: 1202 Eastwood Rd Wilmington, NC 28403-2012 Reg Mailing: 1202 Eastwood Rd Wilmington, NC 28403-2012 Company Officials All LLCs are managed by their managers pursuant to N.C.G.S. 57D-3-20. Managing Member: Raiford G Trask , III 1202 Eastwood Road Wilmington NC 28403 Account Login Register Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information Attachment C Agent Authorization SEGi SEGi AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TR A PB 56/87 PENDER 1164 LLC LOT NO. PLAN NO. PARCEL I.D. 3271-16-5288-0000 STREET ADDRESS: Sidbury Road Property Owner (please print): PENDER 1164 LLC c/o Raiford Trask The undersigned, registered property owner of the above noted property, does hereby authorize Southern Environmental Grout), Inc. (SEGi) to act on their behalf in matters regarding areas of environmental concern. Property Owner's Address (if different than property above): PENDER 1164 LLC 1202 EASTWOOD RD WILMINGTON, NC 28403 Telephone: We hereby certify the above i ion submitted in this application is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. Pmp rty 01 WrAut orized45rifinwa re SEGi Authorized Signature Print Name S-/2 h & Date David Scibetta Print Name 4/29/2016 Date Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information SEGi Attachment D Adjacent Property Owner Information 1V 0 0 0 _J Blake Farm SF -1 Project Area Parcels E R O 0 I 0 0 206 410 820 1,230 1,640 2,050 Adjacent Property Owner Key Map 41 Feet Blake Farm SF -1 Project Area 1 inch = 1,019 feet 1 Scotts Hill, Pender Co., N.C. 4"e M�F �- ap Source: NCOneMap Parcel Data 4/27/2016 05-159.01 `' Adjacent Property Owner Worksheet 4 3271-17-1644-0000 PLURIS HAMPSTEAD LLC 2100 MCKINNEY AVE SUITE 1550 DALLAS TX 75201 SIDBURY RD TR B PB 56/87 PENDER 1164 LLC DIV 1/7/2015 1/8/2015 560087 28.77 56965 4519 319 56 87 5 3271-23-6002-0000 OPV DEVELOPMENT LLC 1202 EASTWOOD RD WILMINGTON NC 28403 US HWY 17 OFF TR 1 PB 57/6 BLAKE FARM SUB 10/29/2014 10/30/2014 570008 13.03 28927 4488 56 57 8 6 3271-33-1156-0000 OPV DEVELOPMENT LLC 1202 EASTWOOD RD WILMINGTON NC 28403 US HWY 17 OFF TR 2 PB 57/6 BLAKE FARM SUB 12/9/2014 12/10/2014 570006 1464 31627 45n6 to s7 6 7 3271-43-2166-0000 BLAKES OF SCOTTS HILL LLC 10565 US HIGHWAY 17 WILMINGTON NC 28411 SIDBURY RD N/S US HWY 17 PT BLAKE LANDS 12/19/2007 12/20/2007 570006 LAST SALE 291069 3375 LAND_V DEED_B DEED_P PLATP PLATE CARLSON MARY BETH MORGAN PIN NAME ADDR CITY STATE ZIP PROPERTY_ ADDRESS PROPERTY_DESCRIPTON DATE DATE PLAT ACRES ALUE OOK AGE AGE OOK OFF W/S HWY 17 PL29 PG61 11/15/1999 11/16/1999 290061 C/O JIM TEACHEY.1430 33228 1530 149 29 61 6.41 149994 4437 161 56 79 TRIS PB 29/61 HOWARD WHITETED 327134-7810-0000 SIDBURY LAND HOLDINGS LLC 511 NORTH TEJON ST SUITE 200 1 3261-59-8824-0000 DUPEN LAND CO LLC COMMONWEALTH DR SUITE 102 WILMINGTON NC 28403 SIDBURY RD OFF PTTR 1 -AR PB 53/50&51 RECOMB 10/12/2008 10/13/2008 530050 404.07 573779 3534 315 53 50 2 3262-72-5914-0000 PENDER 1164 LLC 1202 EASTWOOD RD WILMINGTON NC 28403 ISLAND CREEK RD 439.5 AC PB 40/76 JACK STOCKS DIV 1/15/2014 1/16/2014 400076 439.5 624090 4369 255 40 76 3 3271-08-8507-0000 BLAKE FARM POND LLC 1202 EASTWOOD RD WILMINGTON NC 28403 SIDBURY RD TR C PB 56/87 PENDER 1164 LLC DIV 9/1/2015 9/2/2015 560087 1014 23728 4606 1545 1;6 R7 4 3271-17-1644-0000 PLURIS HAMPSTEAD LLC 2100 MCKINNEY AVE SUITE 1550 DALLAS TX 75201 SIDBURY RD TR B PB 56/87 PENDER 1164 LLC DIV 1/7/2015 1/8/2015 560087 28.77 56965 4519 319 56 87 5 3271-23-6002-0000 OPV DEVELOPMENT LLC 1202 EASTWOOD RD WILMINGTON NC 28403 US HWY 17 OFF TR 1 PB 57/6 BLAKE FARM SUB 10/29/2014 10/30/2014 570008 13.03 28927 4488 56 57 8 6 3271-33-1156-0000 OPV DEVELOPMENT LLC 1202 EASTWOOD RD WILMINGTON NC 28403 US HWY 17 OFF TR 2 PB 57/6 BLAKE FARM SUB 12/9/2014 12/10/2014 570006 1464 31627 45n6 to s7 6 7 3271-43-2166-0000 BLAKES OF SCOTTS HILL LLC 10565 US HIGHWAY 17 WILMINGTON NC 28411 SIDBURY RD N/S US HWY 17 PT BLAKE LANDS 12/19/2007 12/20/2007 570006 108.7 291069 3375 179 57 6 56 79 CARLSON MARY BETH MORGAN TRACT 5 HOWARD WHITETED DIVISION 8 3271-44-9793-0000 WHITETED LARRY 261 PANDY ANN LANE WILMINGTON NC 28411 261 PANDY ANN LN OFF W/S HWY 17 PL29 PG61 11/15/1999 11/16/1999 290061 10.2 33228 1530 149 29 61 6.41 149994 4437 161 56 79 TRIS PB 29/61 HOWARD WHITETED 327134-7810-0000 SIDBURY LAND HOLDINGS LLC 511 NORTH TEJON ST SUITE 200 COLORADO SPRINGS CO 80903 US HWV 17 2.40AC ACCESS/UTILRY ESMT AREA 11/22/2009 9 3271-54-4562-0000 SIMMONS WILLIAM HOWARD II 10191 SIDBURY RD WILMINGTON NC 28411-7916 216 PANDY ANN LN DD1012/36 12/15/2005 12/16/2005 290061 2.24 39200 2844 214 29 61 L2 PB 37/69 HOWARD WHTTETED 15 327134-9713-0000 et al 8139 MARKET ST WILMINGTON 10 3271-54-7425-0000 WHTFETED LARRY GILBERT et al 261 PANDY ANN LN WILMINGTON NC 28411 17 US HWY DIVISION 9/23/2014 9/24/2014 370069 0.9 22500 4472 165 37 69 11 3271.64-0682-0000 DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS INC 150 FAYETTEVILLE ST BOX 1011 HICKORY NC 28601 11329 US HWY 17 S/ HAMPSTEAD 5/28/2013 5/29/2013 NOPLAT 8.19 1783782 4263 120 12 327134-4637-0000 PENDER EMS & FIRE INC 805 RIDGEWOOD RD BURGAW NC 28425 US HWY 17 ESMT AREA PB 56/79 PENDER EMS/FIRE 6/25/2014 6/26/2014 560079 0.33 14375 4434 203 56 79 CARLSON MARY BETH MORGAN 13 327134-4858-0000 et al 8139 MARKET ST WILMINGTON NC 28411 US HWY 17 TR 2 -AR PB 56/79 PENDER EMS/FIRE 6/29/2014 6/30/2014 560079 6.41 149994 4437 161 56 79 14 327134-7810-0000 SIDBURY LAND HOLDINGS LLC 511 NORTH TEJON ST SUITE 200 COLORADO SPRINGS CO 80903 US HWV 17 2.40AC ACCESS/UTILRY ESMT AREA 11/22/2009 11/23/2009 200007 2.4 104544 3709 176 20 7 CARLSON MARY BETH MORGAN 15 327134-9713-0000 et al 8139 MARKET ST WILMINGTON NC 28411 US HWY 17 TR 1 -AR PB 56/79 PENDER EMS/FIRE 6/29/2014 6/30/2014 560079 1.77 59578 4437 161 56 79 CARLSON MARY BETH MORGAN 10.19 ACRES OFF N/W SIDE 17 BEHIND 16 327135-9054-0000 et al 8139 MARKET ST WILMINGTON NC 28411 11471 US HWY 17 ACLR S/HAMPS H7 3 P 4 1892 V 5/2/2011 5/3/2011 NOPLAT 10.19 47245 3920 157 17 3271-94-4437-0000 SLAKES OF SCOTTS HILL LLC 10565 US HIGHWAY 17 WILMINGTON NC 28411 SIDBURY RD N/S US HWY 17 & SR 1572 SLAKES 12/19/2007 12/20/2007 570001 469.89 744492 3375 179 S7 1 18 3281-15-7192-0000 CORBETT WILBUR R PO DRAWER 210 WILMINGTON NC 28401 11630 US HWY 17 ON BIS 17 TO SOUND E/S 1571 PB 26/113 1/28/2005 1/29/2005 260113 2921.99 4915326 IA 6521 26 113 Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information Attachment E Vicinity Map SEGi �arrr � Qh (:teak Rd �Pmpstqa I ci d�ta�y �r a LJ Blake Farm SF -1 Project Area 0 7501,500 3,000 4,500 6,000 7,500 Feet 1 inch = 3,958 feet Map Source: ESRI Street Maps t off"? (0 OA R d V CW �t,ttt+n R d fi c e! ` -li P a hr �� �'r�F,. G�� ar#er$ _ Vicinty Map N Blake Farm SF -1 Project Area w E Scotts Hill, Pender Co., N.C. 4/27/2016 05-159.01 $ 22 Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information SEGi Attachment F Proposed Site Plan & Wetland Impact Maps V1 M In 1P C' 0 0 C7 3 oa m E v C 0 0 0 N N W 0 LI ca of r 0 N 01 m m E 0 0 0 0 0 to N IA cD bm VICINITY MAP - NOT TO SCALE Trask Land AadPp4pp 1202 Eastwood Road Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 799-8755 A,M�'IQM&CREED 243 North Front Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Phone: (910) 343-1048 Fax: (910) 251-8282 INC FIRM LICENSE F-1222 www.mckimcreed.com BLAKE FARM BLAKE FARM A TRASK LAND COMPANY COMMON/TY SF -1 SUBDIVISION PHASE 1A, 1 B, 2 AND 3 WETLAND IMPACT DRAWINGS NOT TO SCALE Sheet List Table Sheet Number Sheet Title Sheet Description 0 G-000 COVER 1 G-001 WETLANDS IMPACT MAP OVERALL 2 G-002 WETLANDS IMPACT MAP OVERALL 3 WI -100 WETLAND IMPACT MAP KEY 4 WI -101 WETLAND H IMPACT 5 WI -102 WETLAND A AND JIMPACT 6 W1-103 WETLAND IMPACT 7 WI -201 WETLAND D AND E IMPACT 8 WI -202 WETLAND B, C, AND F IMPACT 9 WI -301 WETLAND IMPACT 10 WI -401 WETLAND IMPACT 11 WI -501 WETLAND IMPACT 12 XS -100 SECTION VIEW KEY 13 XS -101 X -1A THROUGH X -5A SECTION VIEWS 14 XS -102 X -5B THROUGH X -7A SECTION VIEWS 15 XS -103 X -8A THROUGH X -8D SECTION VIEWS 16 CU1O1 UTILITY MAP 17 CP -101 P-7 WETLAND CROSSING PLAN & PROFILE 18 CP -102 WETLAND E BFB ROAD CROSS SECTION VIEW 19 CP -103 LOT 57 PLAN AND PROFILE 20 CN -501 SCM 4 LAYOUT AND CROSS SECTION 21 APPENDIX A APPENDIX A i ♦ ♦ ♦ NOT TO SCALE z D O U 0 z LLJ0- z U) 0 m U) 2 LLQ W Y CQ LL 2 Sheet List Table Sheet Number Sheet Title Sheet Description 0 G-000 COVER 1 G-001 WETLANDS IMPACT MAP OVERALL 2 G-002 WETLANDS IMPACT MAP OVERALL 3 WI -100 WETLAND IMPACT MAP KEY 4 WI -101 WETLAND H IMPACT 5 WI -102 WETLAND A AND JIMPACT 6 W1-103 WETLAND IMPACT 7 WI -201 WETLAND D AND E IMPACT 8 WI -202 WETLAND B, C, AND F IMPACT 9 WI -301 WETLAND IMPACT 10 WI -401 WETLAND IMPACT 11 WI -501 WETLAND IMPACT 12 XS -100 SECTION VIEW KEY 13 XS -101 X -1A THROUGH X -5A SECTION VIEWS 14 XS -102 X -5B THROUGH X -7A SECTION VIEWS 15 XS -103 X -8A THROUGH X -8D SECTION VIEWS 16 CU1O1 UTILITY MAP 17 CP -101 P-7 WETLAND CROSSING PLAN & PROFILE 18 CP -102 WETLAND E BFB ROAD CROSS SECTION VIEW 19 CP -103 LOT 57 PLAN AND PROFILE 20 CN -501 SCM 4 LAYOUT AND CROSS SECTION 21 APPENDIX A APPENDIX A z D O U 0 z LLJ0- z U) 0 m U) 2 LLQ W Y CQ LL 2 0 0 C7 3 a cam m n E C: m v 0 0 0 LON rID (O O LL ca 0 0 N rn c 12 0 cL CL C: Co L= SbCONSTRUCTED• -~ -- WETIANI? , LINE_. HILL 2� PG 292 STUB �-- '- -—70)_WIDE C�&� _ 1592 _ P-11 _ _ - -_ _ - X-7 /` — — — ._ -- _ , , " / � \\�� C N JLC // 1 , " , • , , , , . - _- '�-1r--Tr--Tr- 11 II� P-11 • , /``�\\ i y., L n_J (_ � - ---1 II�WH LOT SETBACKS X-8 JL_ X 8 ,, Y /r\ X-4 / " TND LOT-8TRADITOAL X sDE 5 0 FRONT 10 10 m REAR 10 1 0 ? ( LINEAR POND L_JL_JL_ X-3 ' TND LOTS IN SF -1 PHASE 1A --, — JL -J( // / > G ° 7 ���./ N X 4 _=J o � _ � _ _ AJC '// C / ��✓ /'�\\ % �, %�\ 1. LOTS 15-37 ARE TND LOTS WITH MINIMUM J rte- Il-1(-lr-lr P 7 �'/ K LOT SIZE OF 3,000 SF. SEE SITE NOTES = #1 & #2 ABOVE. _, IIS IIS I IIL I L II IIS Iii IIN IIS 11� IIS j �r 1��1' \ N`\ ,r\, I -- L GB J L_JL_JL-JL_JL_JL_JL_JL_J L- I s3 lld %/�� -' " TND LOTS IN SF -1 PHASE 1B: —� J /I ! / �/.� L=_J r�r�r-Ir�r�r�r-Ir-tr�r�r�r, -\LINEAR POND 1. THERE ARE NO TND LOTS IN PHASE iB. -o -1 Ilo IIS Ild IF IIS Ih Ih Ilm Ilo II IIH IIS IIY Ih I I 1r`1!- \J`- / " C 1� IIS Iii IIS IIS IIS 11� IIS IIS IIS IIS IIS 11� i IIN 11 11 7r J bd J LJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJL TND LOTS IN SF -1 PHASE 2: STUB�� — =� � � L J` � //m // � n `,� \ A♦� ND \ �\ J�\ �`byy�^\ r�.♦ \v , . 1. LOTS 114-124; 137-155 ARE TND //� ' o \ rn �/ \ LOTS WITH MINIMUM LOT SIZE OF 3,000 SF. SEE SITE NOTES #1 & #2 ABOVE.m / / D \ < TND LOTS IN SF -1 PHASE 3: / \ g \�( r1 r/ \J//� il� IIS II II II`' I STUB 1. THERE ARE NO TND LOTS IN PHASE 3. ROADSIDE SWALE / / / o ` / \ LINEAR POND / C`-JL_JLFARMHOUSE DR JL_J BLAKE FARM BLVD CROSS PIPE ILEGEND IMPACTED AREAS TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT JURISDICTIONAL DITCH PROPOSED DITCH PROJECT LIMITS TREE & DITCH SAVE AREA NON -DIVIDED BOULEVARD WITH ROADSIDE SWALES GRAPHIC SCALE 300 0 150 300 600 1 inch = 300 ft. X-3 r <— N j i I S I 1 � 'ITREE & DITCH J L_=_J SAVE AREA f r / X1 �� X2 4-1 rn z o STUB EXISTING DITCH C= \ 1 f- �a L ---J - \ - r---� n BLAKE FARM BLVD �; f---� DIVIDED BOULEVARD �'<�\J/IL- J r-__ WITH GRASSED MEDIAN BLAKE FARM . AR _ � AND ROADSIDE SWALES FUTURE ` \ LINE \ / \ \ / AMENITY AREA OND v ROADSIDE SWALIE CROSS PIPE j LINEA e J PON EXISTING DITCH Trask Land BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION DATE 011Y" scALE W`G_00I ' H X 1 "cE PRO' °6szsa` NanzoNrAL , ® _ LINEAR POND TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP DRAxN raAe1aeAcrnoN Southern Environmental Group, Inc. �� PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA DE510NE0 RMC OUTLET 243 North Front Street 5315 South College Road, Suite E CNEa(m RW 1ERr,OAL �% Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 JJl Wilmington• North Carolina 28412 BLAKE FARM, WETLANDS IMPACT MAP PRa'""�m RW Phone: (910)343-1048 . Fax: (910)251-8282 C' Phone: (910) 452-4711 1202 Eastwood Road BLAKE FAR i mr NC uc Nu P-1222 Wilmington, NC 28403 sTANs WETLANDS PLAN 1e`�°" w.mckimcreed.com (910) 799-8755 OVERALL EXTENDS TO H 17 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION li 0 IMPACTED AREAS TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT JURISDICTIONAL DITCH PROPOSED DITCH PROJECT LIMITS D TREE & DITCH SAVE AREA Sheet List Table Sheet Number Sheet Title Sheet Description 1 G-001 WETLANDS IMPACT MAP OVERALL 2 G-002 WETLANDS IMPACT MAP OVERALL 3 WI -100 WETLAND IMPACT MAP KEY 4 WI -101 WETLAND H IMPACT 5 WI -102 WETLAND A AND JIMPACT 6 W1-103 WETLAND IMPACT 7 WI -201 WETLAND D AND E IMPACT 8 WI -202 WETLAND B, C, AND F IMPACT 9 WI -301 WETLAND IMPACT 10 WI -401 WETLAND IMPACT 11 WI -501 WETLAND IMPACT 12 XS -100 SECTION VIEW KEY 13 XS -101 X -1A THROUGH X -5A SECTION VIEWS 14 XS -102 X-513 THROUGH X -7A SECTION VIEWS 15 XS -103 X -8A THROUGH X -8D SECTION VIEWS 16 CU101 UTILITY MAP 17 CP -101 P-7 WETLAND CROSSING PLAN & PROFILE 18 CP -102 WETLAND E BFB ROAD CROSS SECTION VIEW 19 APPENDIX A APPENDIX A ISOLATED WETLANDS-� MAY FILLED AS A PORTION OF BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDV. DEVELOPMENT FUTURE DEVELOPMENT NOTE: / CENTERLINE GRADE OF THE / EXISTING DITCH. / / ROADSIDE SWALE CROSS -PIPE FUTURE - - DEVELOPMENT-�- �� III ! I_I I I III=1 I I_I I I -III III- -III I I _I 11=! i I -J 11 -III -11I N OUkET Box i AN PIPE ,a m FtooO 3 FT 10 m FLOU 4IIAS3 s[lr ,a, anPE Tw. aws sld Q � � N0R,4AL Flaw sW5 / n�PROPOSED DITCH DETAIL r NOT TO SCALE I I � I RPIW DITCH sCMV ' I � r I � IOUTLET BOX -`ND P19E i y� YI UV V LG V Mf\ V DIVIDED BOULEVARD WITH GRASSED MEDIAN AND ROADSIDE SWALES EX DITCH LENGTH (If) AREA (ac.) DITCH WIDTH (ft) AVG. DEPTH (ft) IMPACT LENGTH (ft) IMPACT AREA (ac. REALIGN (If) NET/LOSS (If) TEMP. IMPACT (If) XD -1 1,639 0.11 3 3' (10' OUTFALL CHANNEL DEPTH) 1303 0.09 160 -1143 16 XD -2 1,474 0.14 4 4' 989 0.09 0 -989 20 XO -3 1,355 0.16 5 3' 680 0.08 0 -680 TOTALS XD -4 730 0.05 3 3' 370 0.03 345 1 -25 XD -5 595 0.05 1 4 2 595 0.05 0 -595 XD -6 997 0.11 5 2' 140 0.02 0 -140 10 XD -7 173 0.004 1 2' 89 0.00 0 -89 XO -8 3,349 0.23 3 3' 2355 0.16 315 -2040 BFB -1 158 0.01 3 158 0.01 -158 TOTALS 10,312.00 0.86 6,521.00 1 0.52 820 -5859 46 PROPOSED DITCH REPLCNMENT LENGTH (If) NEW CONST. LENGTH (If) DITCH LENGTH (if) PROPOSED DITCH AREA (ac.) (20' TOP WIDTH) P-1 160 0 160 0.07 P-6 0 315 345 0.16 P-7 0 670 670 031 P-11 315 2D51 2387 I,09 TOTALS 475 3066 3542 1.63 PROS SED STORM DRAINAGE STEM (TYP.) WETLANDS AREA (ac.) PERM. IMPACT TRAP. IMPACT .ET -A 1.12 0.13 0.01 NET -B 0.12 0.12 DRANK MABIRMCRADH HORIZONTAL NET -C 1.32 0.05 0.10 NET -D 0.14 0.14 STAIUS WETLANDS PLAN NET -F 1.31 0.14 I NET -H 0.92 0.72 0.03 WET -J 0.02 0.02 WET -N 0.10 0.10 WET -0 0.02 0.02 TOTALS 5.07 1.44 0.22 TOTAL IMPACT 7 1.44 AREA SF -I DATEn_()D') 0124/2017 SCALE Nin- MCE PROJ, 0 06525-04 02 DRANK MABIRMCRADH HORIZONTAL DESIGNED 300 RMC CHECKED RMC D � PROD, MCR. I:MC':� STAIUS WETLANDS PLAN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION J' GRAPHIC SCALE 0 150 300 1 inch = 300 ft. 0 Cl) N 00 LI? Cl) 1` O N v O O O N N O O LL O r U r --------- —1 STU `---_ — � •_ "---'-�-- _ - --""__ ��/, � fir, ...a � � r.. � �, , .' .�\� _ \ r — — — — — — —0001 -------------T -s SCP ry1L gPG 92 2_92_x- DBS-____ _ "\\\1l ....... p 71 70 y 69. 2011 1200 96 / -` ,.,. ' X- — - - t230 EBONE AVE qfi r - 1 cv `\ AAL — �JJ�7sa _ -202 6s - — „,r�=�aWI 6z X8, ,64 163 ,- .X-4WI-103 ZU3 ,I,.. 204�1i 2051108 3 �Q. =- 227 ._ ,I ' o, z3z 12a �i JL L 2 -�— WI -301 30 l I _ � 1, P-81 �- Z 22C '— �w - �� Y J v los 1 I ISS WI -501 �� z10 ,217 t6s r 168 �'� 167 ' tsaONF 3s 127 �o�I q� F J /. /, •� 235I_+ 136 171 'Y it /�J /�J� 126\� J J ( 236 ---'--_ � -. nr+ ++ , r \ 85 k H 1 _ - III _I 1,,! I II -IL `� 'i, ri << J ;\_ / 86 --CJ P-�' I I ! 237 1225 I r I / 219- F 79 1218 111217 1216 I 1215. 214 2 F` 777 ++i+ �'r \ r tr �r . +t 7. • —1122, �QEiF ST- .:,L J� -JL_ II _ II ,i; 77C it '„'rurr 153 +'7�'\ I X= ��' 238 I JL ..:LL. ,r _ 124 YC _ I - a; 775 f/ — — 4 _ -�F 774 �1 -tZ3 — I 239 - — �F,��' J%' � 4e _ _ 240 lit ! I ._ I ' - 0 ;,,251 252;j 253 ;254 .' 1255 I.3,1:/•: - J 88 �' J �q C8 >� / 140 - _ �111 -Al 19 + 9 i SLS B - � ' I _ _ I -178 ( orJ. _ at ,a2-41�! r BLAKE FARM BLVD r i/ 763 1_42 — - < 720 � 7 � 9 J — — — 49/' 147/ L------------� �! _ \� Cy� 145 .7\18 i)y "t \ �� 4_j : WI -102 I STUB X109 202 1 WI - 3, J 110 102 TREE & DIT VE AREA - 0 I I I t 14 1 L . I 11I 100 0 0 19 78 1 6 751 13 - j1 I 172 1 p --'i r ,z i 118 , 98 +- 97 X 70 9s L s2 i31 X30 .29 128 j2,1 1 STUB84,1 13 C —) 6 1 EXISTING DITCH yj AMENITY AREA Z — � 11JJ ! r 5 t 39 —� 40 - i 4 GRAPHIC SCALE L----- 300 0 150 300 600 WI -101 3 J 1 6m owl !� \/ I.� 1 inch = 300 ft. oA7E: rn irtorJ SCALE •.c na..m . . . . Trask Land � BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION V NT1<a 4 -/C7T7�T�17'= NCE PROD i 0 525-06 WI-1DD - - /��llf[`VV'lll'f •l1 tjrlf �llKVVHJJ fl-tJl1J, TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP OR�NN M4R. RMC "°R'Z°"T"� X-1! V� PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA DESIGNED RMc „No wu 3 243 North Front Street � � `.\� Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 BLAKE ARM BLVD '�F-1 , Phone: (910)343-1048 Fax: (970)251-8282 1202 Eastwood Road EXTENdS TO HWY 17 �< NC UC. Na F-1222 Wilmington, NC 28403 WETLAND IMPACT MAP KEY stnlos: WETLANDS PLAN '�"•'" ' . www.mckimcreed.com . (910) 799-8755 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION �/ l 10' WIDE TEMPORARY - IMPACT (1,145 SF) WETLAND AREA H TOTAL = 0.92 ACRES EXISTING DITCH. TO BE RE -ALIGNED INTO BFB — CROSS -PIPE / RE-ALIGN EXISTING DITCHES (160 LF) '11 / i 7 225 LF REMOVAL ROADSIDE DITCH V, P-1 TO CONNECT — CROSS PIPE 1202 Eastwood Road CROSS PIPES TO X-1 NC UC. No. F-1222 ROCK CHECK .w mckimcreed.com DAMS X-1 iMe, On - '4 / DITCH AND TREESAVE AREA - 356 LF TO BE FILLED / 41 LINEAR POND / ` -WSEL=33.00'-r LINEAR POND WSEL=33.00' _• f- �.. 1 40 L— F - ]38 11 39 STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM (TYP.) II 33 s 34 35 I 0 0 36 SA S --- ' S 1 vz N? SANITARY SEWER 3 / / I SYSTEM (TYP.) OUTLET BOX FOR 4 I I I I LINEAR POND SYSTEM / / I 6 ( I 7 LINEAR POND DISCHARGES INTO X-1 J I \ — WSEL=33.00' L— \l � � v ��&cy= 243 North Front Street Southern Environmental Group, Inc 5315 South College Road, Suite E Trask Land V, Wilmington. North Carolina 28401 (910)343-1048 , Fax: (910)251-8282 �� Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 Phone: : (910) 452-4711 1202 Eastwood Road BLAKE FARM Iqlmv NC UC. No. F-1222 Wilmington, NC 28403 .w mckimcreed.com (910) 799-8755 .�, BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA WETLAND H IMPACT SCALE u.c � x�Aa WI -101 HORIZON JAL ,A,F yy� �Rncw 4 1S PI ON a�na GRAPHIC SCALE 0 50 100 200 1 inch = 100 ft. LEGEND MENU IMPACTED AREAS JURISDICTIONAL DITCH EXISTING DITCH MUCK& CLEAN OUT PROPOSED DITCH PROJECT LIMITS TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT y, TREE & DITCH SAVE AREA LOT SETBACKS TRADITIONAL TND LOTS SIDE 5 0 FRONT 10 10 REAR 10 10 1 A,_ i I- _ _I 1. Overall Area: 0.92 acres Impact Area: 0.72 acres Temp Impact: 1,145 SF Ditch P-1 Ditch will replace ditch X-1. This proposed ditch is approx. 160 LF. Ditch X-1 Realign X-1 to meet the new culvert under Blake Farm Boulevard (-225 LF removal). Realign ditches on upstream side of Blake Farm Boulevard to provide flow on the inlet end of the culvert (-160 LF realign — 140 LF removal). CL 0 v 00 1P M 1` 0 N r` >N c,s U M a a CD 0 0 N of LL Co2 0 0 N 0 U c sZ E N c f9 N O C9 V 0 0 0 Lo N LO O hp�= LINEAR POND WSEL = 33.00 FUTURE PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE / CROSSING LINEAR POND TO AMENITY AREA matchline WI -201 /94 ' -Epiliq- poplimm M matchline WI -102 �...� LINEAR POND WSEL = 33.00 TREE & DITCH.,/ SAVE AREA 1 441145 11 46 1 1 47 1148 1149 II II I 11 11 1 DIITCH X-3 REMOVAL = 680 LF lUIUIU� -11 I --j2-- ROANOKE DR 1 I I 7l 20 33 v v 31 22 19 — 4 � — STORM DRAINAGE N SYSTEM (TYP. 10 --7 301 1 23 18 5 0 0 29 I I 24 17 6 SAITARY SEWER SYSTEM (TYP.) I 1 6 1 1� 25 DRAIN MABMMCRMI,,, DESIGNED RMC 7 L 27 26 15 - CROATAN DR � III II II II II II II 7 II g 119 1110 II 11 1112 1113 1114 II� II II ii ii ii II J J L J L LOT SETBACKS TRADITIONAL TND LOTS SIDE 5 0 FRONT 10 10 REAR ID 10 / 82� 0 DITCH X-1 REMO L = 938 LF DITCH X-2 REMOVANk989 LF 59 P-6 DITCH RE -ALIGNMENT 345 LF. BEGINS AT P-7, X-3 DITCH INTERSECTION 58 � i 57� 56 -i 10' WIDE TEMPORARY IMPACT (510 SF) G �C OFFSITE STUB v�M21QM&CREED Trask Land Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 243 North Front Street� - 5315 South College Road, Suite E Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 _lll, Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 BLAKE FARM Phone: (910)343-1048 , Fax: (910)251-8282 S `-' Phone: (910) 452-4711 1202 Eastwood Road NC OC. No. F-1222 Wilmington, INC 28403 www.mckimcreed.corn (910) 799-8755 BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA WETLAND A AND J IMPACT GRAPHIC SCALE 100 0 50 100 200 1 inch = 100 ft. LEGEND IMPACTED AREAS JURISDICTIONAL DITCH EXISTING DITCH MUCK& CLEAN OUT PROPOSED DITCH PROJECT LIMITS TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT D TREE & DITCH SAVE AREA Nk Wetland - A I � Overall Area: 1.12 acres I Impact Area: 0.13 acres Temp Impact: 510 SF ,., ., , . Overall Area: 0.02 acres Impact Area: 0.02 acres Ditch X-1 AND X-2 REMAINS IN TREE SAVE AREA REMOVE 938 LF OF X-1, 989 LF OF X-2 IDitch X-3 REMAINS IN TREE SAVE AREA I REMOVE 680 LF Farmhouse Dr Culvert t✓� WETLAND A IMPACTL — _J 1 \ 0.13 ACRES Ditch P-6 --7 7 DATE. OV2G201� 55 x.�-,— WETLAND AREAA D 1 TOTAL= 1.12 ACRES DRAIN MABMMCRMI,,, DESIGNED RMC ri '-�wINTERSECTION. .emCHECKED RMC PROD. MGR. TMC O 54 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION _j�� C m-- _ 53 WETLAND AREA 1 I TOTAL = 0.02 ACRES IMPACT AREA: 0.02 ACRES 52 L--� OFFSITE STUB v�M21QM&CREED Trask Land Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 243 North Front Street� - 5315 South College Road, Suite E Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 _lll, Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 BLAKE FARM Phone: (910)343-1048 , Fax: (910)251-8282 S `-' Phone: (910) 452-4711 1202 Eastwood Road NC OC. No. F-1222 Wilmington, INC 28403 www.mckimcreed.corn (910) 799-8755 BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA WETLAND A AND J IMPACT GRAPHIC SCALE 100 0 50 100 200 1 inch = 100 ft. LEGEND IMPACTED AREAS JURISDICTIONAL DITCH EXISTING DITCH MUCK& CLEAN OUT PROPOSED DITCH PROJECT LIMITS TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT D TREE & DITCH SAVE AREA Nk Wetland - A I � Overall Area: 1.12 acres I Impact Area: 0.13 acres Temp Impact: 510 SF ,., ., , . Overall Area: 0.02 acres Impact Area: 0.02 acres Ditch X-1 AND X-2 REMAINS IN TREE SAVE AREA REMOVE 938 LF OF X-1, 989 LF OF X-2 IDitch X-3 REMAINS IN TREE SAVE AREA I REMOVE 680 LF Farmhouse Dr Culvert INV IN=33.50 INV OUT= 33.00 Ditch P-6 WILL REPLACE X-3. 345 LF, DATE. OV2G201� x.�-,— BEGINNING AT P -7/X-3 MCE PROD. 4 DG52SN WI 102 DRAIN MABMMCRMI,,, DESIGNED RMC ri '-�wINTERSECTION. .emCHECKED RMC PROD. MGR. TMC STAPJ5 WETLANDS PLAN ' NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION IV, m c Q 0 CR v O 0 0 to N U') t0 r 61 rD � N \ o O NJ W ` N� OP \\ 64 �� 63 \\ DITCH X-4 REMOVAL = 370 LF M WETLAND N, .10 AC IMPACT DITCH X-7 REMOVAL = 89 LF matchline WI -202 mat 1-103 \\ X -G \� 7472 73 PROPOSED STORM \ DRAINGE (TYP.)� PROPOSED SANITARY WETLAND 0, / SEWER SYSTEM (TYP.) \ .02 AC IMPACT 68 /// P-7 69/ DITCH X-4 TO REMAIN =345 LF G I. P-7 DITCH CREATION 670 LF TOTAL. BEGINS AT WETLAND C ENDS AT X-3 404 WETLAND - DITCH NQ IMPACT 4. DITCH X-3 TO REMAIN FROM SOURCE TO INTERSECTION WITH P-7 AND P-6 DITCHES FLASHBOARD RISER TO BE \ -500 LF UPSTREAM OF \v P -6/P-7 INTERSECTION A FLASHBOARD RISER WILL BE INSTALLED WITHIN THE BANK LIMITS OF X-3. RISER TOP ELEV TO EQUAL EXISTING TOP OF BANK. V�NfIQN/ICREED Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 243 North Front Street 5315 South College Road, Suite E Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 Phone: (910)343-1048 , Fax: (910)251-8282 Phone: (910) 452-4711 NC LIC. N. F-1222 V 71 \ 70 \ CONSTRUCTED WETLAND (SCM -4) -LSTB \ I ' GRAPHIC SCALE I100 0 50 100 200 I1 inch = 100 ft. G � C LEGEND IMPACTED AREAS JURISDICTIONAL DITCH EXISTING DITCH MUCK& CLEAN OUT ---mm PROPOSED DITCH PROJECT LIMITS TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT TREE & DITCH SAVE AREA Sn�1 - � ... •... 0 7Qty, T �- 'l Li 'J Trask Land � :SRM.BLAKE FARM 1202 Eastwood Road Wilmington, NC 28403 (91 C) 799-8755 V 71 \ 70 \ CONSTRUCTED WETLAND (SCM -4) -LSTB \ I ' GRAPHIC SCALE I100 0 50 100 200 I1 inch = 100 ft. G � C LEGEND IMPACTED AREAS JURISDICTIONAL DITCH EXISTING DITCH MUCK& CLEAN OUT ---mm PROPOSED DITCH PROJECT LIMITS TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT TREE & DITCH SAVE AREA Sn�1 - � ... •... 0 7Qty, T �- 'l Li 'J LOT SETBACKS TRADI110NAL TND LOTS SIDE 5 0 FRONT 10 10 REAR 10 10 uumc L. NW' — G I ` POWER LINE AND EASEMENT = �, l OFFSITE Ditch X-3 REMAINS IN PLACE UPSTREAM OF I P-6 INTERSECTION. 404 'ALAN& INSTALL FLASHBOARD RISER v NOIft(IPACT Ik �. 500 LF UPSTREAM P -6/P-7. Ditch X-4 REMOVE 370 LF DOWNSTREAM OF 4. P-7. RETAIN —345 TO P-7. - Tangmere Court Culvert INV IN = 35.50' INV OUT = 35.00' Q�FSIrE I Ditch P-7 DATE a12U2011 WILL FLOW INTO X-3. 670 LF, BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION YCE PROJ. / 0652&04 W7-103 TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP DRANK MABRMc ,aH In -- BEGINNING AT WETLAND C. PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA DIDED LA0 as6 Wetlands K, L, M, N, O CHECKED RMC WETLAND IMPACT PR0.1. MOR. RMC: sTATus: WETLANDS PLAN, Perm. Impact of .12 AC; No NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Temporary Impacts. M, 0 N 3 D. m U M Q C: a7 i CI 0 0 0 1n N 0 LLI m of 0 m c 3 m D T; CL E alc (n — EXISTING DITCH 1. FUTURE DEVELOPMENT/ j (OFFSITE) SANITARY SEWER STUBBED OUT F R FUTURE CONNECT�N Q / 114 OUT matchline WI -301 115 ./ 116 matchline WI -201 117 ° a, a \ 118119 120121 GRAPHIC SCALE 100 O 50 100 200 _ I \ IN I � � 112 111 110 / i 12 1 inch = 100 ft. 113 \1 � 109 L_ 108 \ J ' LEGEND 107 LINEAR PON M IMPACTED AREAS WSEL = 33. 106 OUT \ JURISDICTIONAL DITCH 87 EXISTING DITCH MUCK& CLEAN OUT my L MB LL S / PROPOSED DITCH 1 101 102 /�`� d gg 00 PROJECT LIMITS \ , rt i TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT 96 7 98 ' 44�,ST RM DRAT AGE 103 / 88 4.1j / SANI i P; SYS EM (TYP. 104 — — TREE & DITCH �� 7 SAVE AREA Sysumrp (D (D / 1 105/// / 1 L /89 }`r / 404 WETLAND WETLAND AREAS NO IMPACT TOTAL = 0.14 ACRES IMPACT AREA: 0.14 ACRES / �! LINEAR POND < 1 FUTURE WSEL = 33.00' AMENITY AREA 92 \ ROADSIDE AL ` / IN BLAKE FARM CROSS PIP / ^� PUMP STATI / 93 FUTURE PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE / ^C CROSSING LINEAR POND _ \ matchline WI- 01 TO AMENITY AREA matchline WI -201 /94' �� , ` 82 matchline WI -102 _ LOT SETBACKS TRADITIONAL TND LOTS SIDE 5 0 FRONT 0 0 REAR 10 10 Wetland - D MOverall Area: 0.14 acres Impact Area: 0.14 acres V Trask Land BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION °" 01z"°" s°ALE � � ^ OCE PR0.1.. BRi t c �-zM�i }Jf TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP ORA MA&RMCiMOH HO�Z°"r"� Southern Environmental Group, Inc. cNE"E0 RMc - PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA >s� 7 243 North Front Street 5315 South College Road, Suite E DESIG ED RMC oiRncAL: Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 .BLAKE FARM oROJ. NOR. RMC - Phone: (910)343-1048 , Fax: (910)251-8282 S«'' Phone: (910) 452-4711 1202 Eastwood Road WETLAND D AND E IMPACT Wilmington, NC 28403 STATUS: WETLANDS PLAN Tm" NO UC..NO. F—!222 (910) 799-87555 www.mckinrcreed.com ` NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Ditch X-1 Remove Ditch X-5 in its entirety (595 LF) from the source to intersect of Ditches X-1 and X-2. 0 rn 00 rn Cl) r- 0 M N O N CL 3 ra CL E a m I V 0 0 0 N Ln rD of DO LL ?I 0 Ji 121123 124 / 87 a3i I n3i 8 � � s 77 M rD NJ N�N� C) i 0 •A \ SCM -3 SCM -3 / 13 PXqrPOSED/� o DRAINAGE SYSE1 Ta P. Q I C 135// o \� //134// ,1 1 //133 T< //.10-) 131 125// /f 126// 127// 86 �` 128// WETLAND B \ �/ PR POSED SANIT ( SRSYSTEMfjF(P.) TOTAL 0.12 ACRES \ // // IPACT 0.12 ACRES \ 129// 130/ WETLAND C IMPACT 0.05 ACRES 10' WIDE TEMPORARY v IMPACT (1) (1,143 SF) LJ�I 8 > �� 20' WIDE TEMPORARY \ / IMPACT (2) (3,145 SIF ELEV. = 34.54' :l DITCH X-6 REMOVAL 140 LF (10 LF TEMP. IMPACT) / O \�� A WETLAND AREA C I 77 TOTAL= 1.32 ACRES BLAKE FARM S 1 1 t b 7 PUMP STATION \ 78 75 matchline WI -3 1 matchline WI- 02 P-11 DITCH P-11 NEW = 2,415 LF J LOT SETBACKS DITCH X-8 REMOVAL = 2355 LF TRADITIONAL TND LOTS SIDE 5 0 FRONT 10 10 REAR 10 10 EX I TING CULVERT TO REMOVED DITCH X-8 REMOVAL = 2355 LF \ 10' WIDE TEMPORARY 2 IMPACT (2) (2,225 SF) @r 185. 1 86// 187, , DITCH X-6 / X-8 TO REMAIN 188// ' CON j ETLAND DITCH X-7 REMOVAL = 89 LF matchline WI -202_ -, mat I-103 I- rx - 1 WETLAND AREA F TOTAL = 1.31 ACRES }- I� � I ( i WETLAND F IMPACT 0.14 ACRES (TOTAL) .� 7w, GRAPHIC SCALE CO 0 50 100 200 1 inch = 100 ft. IMPACTED AREAS JURISDICTIONAL DITCH EXISTING DITCH MUCK& CLEAN OUT PROPOSED DITCH PROJECT LIMITS TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT D TREE & DITCH SAVE AREA STUB Trask Land BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION DA's 012°x°" SALE 202 MCE vRoa • oss MMOH 202 C`JLIL�./1 �1�•iL-1 TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP aRAxa MA9�RMCMIOH NomzavrA� Southern Environmental Group, Inc. CHECKED RMC , PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA 8 2a3 North front Street 5315 South College Road, Suite E CHECKED gMc vERncAr: Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 7 .Cr Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 BLAKE FARM PRod. MCR. IM, Phone: (910)343-1048 , Fa.: (910)251-8282 Phone: (910) 452-4711 1202 Eastwood Road WETLAND B, C, AND F IMPACT Wilmington, NC 28403 srAms: WETLANDS PLAN NC LIC. No. F-1222 (910) 7gg-8755 www.rn, o. F reed.com NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Remove Ditch X-5 completely. nigh V_r- Remove 140 LF Ditch X-6. 10 LF of X-6 is located in temporary impact area. Ditch X-7 Remove Ditch X-7 (89 LF) from its source to Wetland C. rli*rh V_0 Remove Ditch X-8 (2355 LF) from its source to Wetland C. Ditch X-8 will be replaced by proposed Ditch P-11. Wetland - B 1.31 acres Overall Area: 0.12 acres Impact Area: Impact Area: 0.12 acres 10'WIDETEMPORARY Wetland - C 1,445 SF Overall Area: 1.32 acres Temp Impact (2) Impact Area: 0.05 acres Temp Impact (1) 1,143 SF Temp Impact (2) 3,145 SF \AI -4-1-...,,4 C STUB Trask Land BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION DA's 012°x°" SALE 202 MCE vRoa • oss MMOH 202 C`JLIL�./1 �1�•iL-1 TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP aRAxa MA9�RMCMIOH NomzavrA� Southern Environmental Group, Inc. CHECKED RMC , PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA 8 2a3 North front Street 5315 South College Road, Suite E CHECKED gMc vERncAr: Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 7 .Cr Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 BLAKE FARM PRod. MCR. IM, Phone: (910)343-1048 , Fa.: (910)251-8282 Phone: (910) 452-4711 1202 Eastwood Road WETLAND B, C, AND F IMPACT Wilmington, NC 28403 srAms: WETLANDS PLAN NC LIC. No. F-1222 (910) 7gg-8755 www.rn, o. F reed.com NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Remove Ditch X-5 completely. nigh V_r- Remove 140 LF Ditch X-6. 10 LF of X-6 is located in temporary impact area. Ditch X-7 Remove Ditch X-7 (89 LF) from its source to Wetland C. rli*rh V_0 Remove Ditch X-8 (2355 LF) from its source to Wetland C. Ditch X-8 will be replaced by proposed Ditch P-11. Overall Area: 1.31 acres Impact Area: 0.14 acres 10'WIDETEMPORARY Temp Impact (1) 1,445 SF I M PACT (1) (1,445 SF) Temp Impact (2) 2,225 SF r)itrh Y_C STUB Trask Land BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION DA's 012°x°" SALE 202 MCE vRoa • oss MMOH 202 C`JLIL�./1 �1�•iL-1 TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP aRAxa MA9�RMCMIOH NomzavrA� Southern Environmental Group, Inc. CHECKED RMC , PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA 8 2a3 North front Street 5315 South College Road, Suite E CHECKED gMc vERncAr: Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 7 .Cr Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 BLAKE FARM PRod. MCR. IM, Phone: (910)343-1048 , Fa.: (910)251-8282 Phone: (910) 452-4711 1202 Eastwood Road WETLAND B, C, AND F IMPACT Wilmington, NC 28403 srAms: WETLANDS PLAN NC LIC. No. F-1222 (910) 7gg-8755 www.rn, o. F reed.com NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Remove Ditch X-5 completely. nigh V_r- Remove 140 LF Ditch X-6. 10 LF of X-6 is located in temporary impact area. Ditch X-7 Remove Ditch X-7 (89 LF) from its source to Wetland C. rli*rh V_0 Remove Ditch X-8 (2355 LF) from its source to Wetland C. Ditch X-8 will be replaced by proposed Ditch P-11. 213 Li 91� — — -�-- - L I matchline WI- _ 178 — — _J ,N 212 I J �L 177 10 I 165 I �' 164 I co -7 / 180 / �tv176 �-/ 166 / 163 X175— — � ---/ I 167 -- 182 / I � 174 I �- — I! 162 \ r 183 —_ — I 168 173 / L / 184 �\ /� 5 RM / 161 D SANIT�4RY DR SAGE SYSTE P�SEWER-SX R� LINEAR POND � EVI !fYP. WSEL=33.00' / 169 72 149 � 1� OUT 160 / \\i < 170 148\ \ / �<v 159 47 171 /150 151 152 � ` • • m4158 44 \ \ 1N J �, 143 /153 X157 142 \ LINEAR POND 154 \ WSEL = 33.00 141140 155 ._ � • / � � / X-$ 1 \ 156 OUT / \ 39 matchline WI -301 138 matchline WI -201 I P-11 DITCH P-11 NEW = 2,415 LF I DITCH X-8 REMOVAL = 2,355 LF �1 GRAPHIC SCALE 00 0 50 100 200 1 inch = 100 ft. I C LEGEND 0 L►v j r� cn I X-8 will be removed from its source n n O P-11 will replace existing ditch X-8. I I I This proposed ditch is approximately I 2,415 LF, begins at the NW property line of SF -1 and extends to Atlantic matchline WI -3 1 Avenue 48" Cross -Pipe. The ditch matchline WI- 02 bottom elevations mimic those of existing X-8. Ij I 0 N CD O I C� c9 N I \- o zT,' 1 LOT SETBACKS TRADITIONAL TND LOTS SIDE 5 0 FRONT' 10 REAR 0 10 L� L►v j Ditch X-8 LD X-8 will be removed from its source I to the intersection with Wetland C. Ditch P-11 I P-11 will replace existing ditch X-8. I I I This proposed ditch is approximately I 2,415 LF, begins at the NW property line of SF -1 and extends to Atlantic matchline WI -3 1 Avenue 48" Cross -Pipe. The ditch matchline WI- 02 bottom elevations mimic those of existing X-8. W1 301 9 IN M. 0 CL C CL E a C 0I 0 CD CD 04 N to 0 LLm oI I- &M 242 224 - _J I 201 I I matc line WI -501 7--22-8- CC I LG I 243 -� e w - 1 - - ' � I 223 IN - - m - - -1 : F 200 �-_= I ! 000 I I _J 244 I 203 z I I IL - L 1222 I < L -_� 199 245 I � I III - - _j / m I I L 204 221 I = _ 246 1 I L - 198 i i } f— --- —j I — — - 205 M 247 -IN -- - I -{�'J- I I ' I �- L - _ LINEAR POND I 220 — — 1 J f I WSEL = 33.00' I 248 I -- JI X206 I r I 1 i I 249 I 219 I FUTURE \ 196 PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE / 207 \ 195-- 250 \ I - - 208T _ 251 217 / _g 11 LPROPOSED STORM DR INAGE \ 19 \ --;� / 09\\\ / I- / !/ I 252 � I I 216 I /// DITCH P-11 NEW = 2,415 LF L— — I PRdflQSED SANITARY 193 I 253 ` F_ __j ' \ / 21 O DITCH X 8 REMOVAL = 2,355 LF L 215 I / \ 1254 - __ji _ _ / 192 I 2 L 14 / / 211 I ffi I � 2-_:f�- / 213 I - 191 — L _ machlrne WIIF —- I I Trak Land BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION °A °" °" SCAB 401 V NIIIOM V =D uce ata a osszsoa . I � wo1 TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP DRANN r4n�R1.r.,mtoll ROR¢oRrAi: �.._�����►►►\\\\ Southern Environmental Group, Inc. - - �\� PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA JE9pJm aMc 1 0 243 North Front Street! lW� 1 5315 South College Road, Suite E� CHECKED aMc [±Aj Wilmington, North Carolina 28401�/) Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 BLAKE FARM PRo.I. VGR. :1.0 Phone: (910)343-1048 , Fan: (910)251-8282 Phone: (910) 452-4711 1202 Eastwood Road WETLAND IMPACT Wilmington, NC 28403 STA1ui: WET�''�" LANDS PLAN NC N,. Fcreed (910) 799-8755 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION .mck'mreed.com GRAPHIC SCALE 00 0 50 100 200 1 inch = 100 ft. LEGEND IMPACTED AREAS JURISDICTIONAL DITCH EXISTING DITCH MUCK& CLEAN OUT PROPOSED DITCH PROJECT LIMITS TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT O TREE & DITCH SAVE AREA LOT SETBACKS TRADITIONAL TND LOTS SIDE 5 0 FRONT 10 10 REAR 10 10 f)itrh X_R X-8 will be removed from its source to the intersection with Wetland C. r)itrh D_'11 P-11 will replace existing ditch X-8. This proposed ditch is approximately 2,415 LF, begins at the NW property line of SF -1 and extends to Atlantic Avenue 48" Cross -Pipe. The ditch bottom elevations mimic those of existing X-8. TW' 0 3 a CL SO m Q C: m I v 0 0 0 N Ln oI LL GO0 0 N 0) 3 0 U CL N M c m 0 C9 V O O O Lo N <n rD D= PLURIS WWTP PROPERTY STUB I I I I I I I i ' 11 II �I II II II II II II X \22, 1 11 II II II II 2401 12391123811 2371 1 2361235112341123311232112311123011 I 1 OSED T RM DRAT GE I' I I PROPO E SANITA SYSTEM T P.j DITCH X-8 REMOVAL = 2,355 LF SEWER Y TEM TY 241 I � 242 243 v NTIC M&CRaD 243 North Front Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Phone: (910)343-1048 , Fax: (910)251-8282 wm c C UC.o. F-1222 w w kimcreed.com II 1225 � WY( i 224 m � r 223 Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 5315 South College Road, Suite E ., Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 Phone: (910) 452-4711 Trask Land �� 1202 Eastwood Road Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 799-8755 LN I 202 1 2261 1 227 I\I L L --I 201 ine WI -501 7--22-8- 1 e - 1 IN X200 F BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION - * TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA .BLAKE FARM IRIEW WETLAND IMPACT r DITCH P-11 NEW = 2,415 LF I �-11 STUB DATE: mrzmz0l� SCALE ��� MCE PRoI i ass2soa WI -501 DRAMV MA6.RMCJM[)H HORIZONTAL DESIGNED ,AMC 1 1 CHECKED AMC L1IC- GA. AMC srAns WFTI ANIIR PI Ghl �s'w 10— '400"z GRAPHIC SCALE 100 0 50 100 200 1 inch = 100 ft. LEGEND LOT SETBACKS TRADITIONAL TND LOTS SIDE 5 0 FRONT 10 10 REAR 10 10 Ditch X-8 X-8 will be removed from its source to the intersection with Wetland C. flitch D_11 P-11 will replace existing ditch X-8. This proposed ditch is approximately 2,415 LF, begins at the NW property line of SF -1 and extends to Atlantic Avenue 48" Cross -Pipe. The ditch bottom elevations mimic those of existing X-8. IMPACTED AREAS JURISDICTIONAL DITCH EXISTING DITCH MUCK& CLEAN OUT PROPOSED DITCH PROJECT LIMITS �] IMPACTED DITCH SECTIONS TREE & DITCH C� SAVE AREA LOT SETBACKS TRADITIONAL TND LOTS SIDE 5 0 FRONT 10 10 REAR 10 10 Ditch X-8 X-8 will be removed from its source to the intersection with Wetland C. flitch D_11 P-11 will replace existing ditch X-8. This proposed ditch is approximately 2,415 LF, begins at the NW property line of SF -1 and extends to Atlantic Avenue 48" Cross -Pipe. The ditch bottom elevations mimic those of existing X-8. 91 3 a v O O 0 LON LoO O O O Jt. 0- M V O v 0 N Is rn 3 o` M CL E C C 45 45 O O cV O Ln co + + M O O + o DITCH X-1 A AVG. DEPTH = 10' (OUTFALL CHANNEL) 45 M1 45 45 I WSEL = 33.00' I NN1111 lllinn�i Oil 40 40 1 LOT PAD 40 35 I ' _ 30 35 30 XltILLI. TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA 30 t11n1111■nll■■Eli Nnl/lll■■■■tl�N/ANNIIII 11E LINEAR Elk BLAKE FARM POND NIB lie lin ui M ~i" O LO Hill IBM11■11■111 Ln ll- n n a of ai M M M M of M + + Ln O O O X-3 AVG. DEPTH = 3' 45 M1 45 1 NI I III I WSEL = 33.00' 40 NN1111 lllinn�i Oil 40 35 T35 uiie�iin� 1111 liiiiiinliilna�uii X-1 O 30 . 30 25 TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA 25 t11n1111■nll■■Eli Nnl/lll■■■■tl�N/ANNIIII 11E LINEAR Elk BLAKE FARM POND NIB lie lin 20 ~i" 20 1202 Eastwood Road Hill IBM11■11■111 nq gn111I1111nniinNI111 I111N1111■n O n n a of ai M M M M of M o O O Ln O + + + 7- O O + • DITCH X-1 B • • C • AVG. DEPTH = 10' • (OUTFALL CHANNEL) 45 45 40 i 40 DITCH LOT PAD 1 DEPTH , 35 it 35 30nX330 r � M M O O Ln O L7 I— + + + O O O DITCH X-3 B X-3 AVG. DEPTH = 3' 45 45 O O to O If) 1-1 + + + O O O DITCH X-3 C X-3 AVG. DEPTH = 3' 1111■n11Nnn■glin■11 IgN1111q■111 1111■oil nlIII nllll■■IIIKENN NO III 1111 NII■u11N1111N■Ill:n■IIIIn■111 • IIIInn11n1111n�111�III • 1111■ni1n1111N III Hill ••: 1111■IIIINIIICN IIIINi1111 IIIInn11n11111nn11■■1111■NIIIIAnIII gill III 1111'nnllnnq■►/17nn1111Nni111 V ■NI IIIIMIIIIn::1IN:ll.�nq,lllu :IllllHill IIIIIINI:miIilunlly■IIlium IIIINNIII IIIlinLlilrim1119l■Icling Inlgnln 11IIIIIIin ■1 Ililnnlll • IIIIn11111n11r,INNI IIIluulll • IIIINn.'IN1171n ■IIIInNlllinnlll 11 Ilq■Illlgnlllllinlll 11 ' • IInn1111nnillinn111 it IIu■IIIINNIIIInnlll 1111■NIIINh111NNNN■IIIIN■I limm111 rn oa n I N n n n n O O O O O Ln O to O Ln O N O O N N DITCH X-1, X-2 B X-1 AVG. DEPTH = 3' X-2 AVG. DEPTH = 4' 45 45 O O to O + + + O O O X-4 AVG. DEPTH = 3' M1 1 NI I III I IINN11■N11■■ M NN1111 lllinn�i Oil Trak Land lailmiimutlll IINtililimill u 11 11 111ml nu1A111Ni1111 uiie�iin� 1111 liiiiiinliilna�uii �243 North Front Street MCICM&C:REM v O Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 5315 South College Road. Suite E . 11■■NII■■IIg11uq -MR ANII ::NNNI RNUGIIIiin HI uI 1 01111 TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Wilmington, North Carorna 28401 t11n1111■nll■■Eli Nnl/lll■■■■tl�N/ANNIIII 11E IILI Ell A'NIJIn11NN■uN Hilllnni/■nll►1 i1I HE llgNNn:1►` ilINN1111111in1111Nn1111 Elk BLAKE FARM NIB lie lin 7111nW1INl 11 IIMMIIIllinulllln■1111 nllnnnilnl`i-Illlnllllllll■lug N■1111 N1lunllnnn11nN11111111NIII 1■null HE Ilnnn1111■11111111■1111■nlllI ~i" • 1202 Eastwood Road Hill IBM11■11■111 nq gn111I1111nniinNI111 I111N1111■n III NC UC. No. F-1222 ww.mckimcreed.com linniinNlinn Ilnllllnnll■Null■Nllllllllnllll■Null NNlllln■n■nNIIn■IIIIIIIInN11NN1111 Ilnnllullll■IIIInnN 1 VIEWS • • • C • (3 • • DITCH 1 DEPTH , 45 45 O O to O If) 1-1 + + + O O O DITCH X-3 C X-3 AVG. DEPTH = 3' 1111■n11Nnn■glin■11 IgN1111q■111 1111■oil nlIII nllll■■IIIKENN NO III 1111 NII■u11N1111N■Ill:n■IIIIn■111 • IIIInn11n1111n�111�III • 1111■ni1n1111N III Hill ••: 1111■IIIINIIICN IIIINi1111 IIIInn11n11111nn11■■1111■NIIIIAnIII gill III 1111'nnllnnq■►/17nn1111Nni111 V ■NI IIIIMIIIIn::1IN:ll.�nq,lllu :IllllHill IIIIIINI:miIilunlly■IIlium IIIINNIII IIIlinLlilrim1119l■Icling Inlgnln 11IIIIIIin ■1 Ililnnlll • IIIIn11111n11r,INNI IIIluulll • IIIINn.'IN1171n ■IIIInNlllinnlll 11 Ilq■Illlgnlllllinlll 11 ' • IInn1111nnillinn111 it IIu■IIIINNIIIInnlll 1111■NIIINh111NNNN■IIIIN■I limm111 rn oa n I N n n n n O O O O O Ln O to O Ln O N O O N N DITCH X-1, X-2 B X-1 AVG. DEPTH = 3' X-2 AVG. DEPTH = 4' 45 45 O O to O + + + O O O X-4 AVG. DEPTH = 3' X-4 AVG. DEPTH = 3' oA1E: al z.�ml� SCALE �N1Y�" LACE PROD. 4 �J6525-ad XS— O1 oRAMN MASIRMCM1DH HORIZONTAL DESIGNED AMC �ERPCAL �13 CHECKED AMC PROD. MGR. AMC vn ty STANS WETLANDS PLAN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION --- M1 1 NI I III I • rrnnngN j jl 11■NIIN■111 • Trak Land lailmiimutlll IINtililimill u 11 11 111ml nu1A111Ni1111 BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION �243 North Front Street MCICM&C:REM v O Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 5315 South College Road. Suite E 111 ' TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Wilmington, North Carorna 28401 Wilmington. North Carolina 20412 BLAKE FARM Phone: (910)343-1048 , Fax: (910)251-8282 ~i" Phone: (910) 452-4711 1202 Eastwood Road - X -1A THROUGH X -5A SECTION NC UC. No. F-1222 ww.mckimcreed.com Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 799-8755 VIEWS X-4 AVG. DEPTH = 3' oA1E: al z.�ml� SCALE �N1Y�" LACE PROD. 4 �J6525-ad XS— O1 oRAMN MASIRMCM1DH HORIZONTAL DESIGNED AMC �ERPCAL �13 CHECKED AMC PROD. MGR. AMC vn ty STANS WETLANDS PLAN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION --- DITCH X-1, X-2 C X-1 AVG. DEPTH = 3' X-2 AVG. DEPTH = 4' M1 1 NI I III I • rrnnngN j jl 11■NIIN■111 • lailmiimutlll IINtililimill u 11 11 111ml nu1A111Ni1111 NM'NllmlN 11 111 • 111 • DITCH X-1, X-2 C X-1 AVG. DEPTH = 3' X-2 AVG. DEPTH = 4' X -S AVG. DEPTH = 2' M1 I • ®®II��::III Nn11N■■U! • Hill nNI1N■::'Gi flnflNlldNuill OEM III ME X -S AVG. DEPTH = 2' 45 45 45 45 mommoommommmumm 40 CONST. 40 45 LAM BOLL ST IIIIIH _- 35 40 X-6 -- - -- 40 40IFTMT BENT OAK DRU CONST. 30 WETLAND 40 WETLAND C 25 TEMP. IMPACT t TEMP. IMPACT 35 35 35 35 35 X-6 PERM. IMPACT 30 IE X -s 30 ! 30 WETLAND C 30 x-6 30 I Mm O N o] O o M N O O OXJ O -- O L p O N O O + O O +O+ + + O DITCH X-5 B DITCH X-6 A DITCH X-6 B X-5 AVG. DEPTH = 2' X-6 AVG. DEPTH = 2' X-6 AVG. DEPTH = 2' 45 45 mommoommommmumm 40 CONST. 40 WETLAND 111111/1 nil Hills M■11■■illi 35 _- 35 X-6 -- - -- 50 CONST. 30 WETLAND 25 25 O O O O o + + DITCH X-6 D X-6 AVG. DEPTH = 2' 45 40 35 30 45 45 O O O O Ln O + + + O O DITCH X-6 C X-6 AVG. DEPTH = 2' DITCH X-7 A X-7 AVG. DEPTH = 2' N DATE: mru2Dv SCALE XS-luD MCE PRO,. / 06525-D1 DRANK MAB/RMC.M D" HORIZO4TAL: DESIGNED RMC T 4CHECKED RMC �ERPCALNMG 1 VIEW ;TATDS WETLANDS PLAN" NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION mommoommommmumm • Anil InII�■ 111 1111/1�! ;■.L In�MI ::irliI IININ 11 • N�1AiA•::::: 11111111®'L'il■1111 III nil nil 111111/1 nil Hills M■11■■illi • IIIIIIN■11■■NII IIIIIMnNII■■1111 NIIINnII■■1111 • DITCH X-7 A X-7 AVG. DEPTH = 2' N DATE: mru2Dv SCALE XS-luD MCE PRO,. / 06525-D1 DRANK MAB/RMC.M D" HORIZO4TAL: DESIGNED RMC T 4CHECKED RMC �ERPCALNMG 1 VIEW ;TATDS WETLANDS PLAN" NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION to X m 3 v C3 CD O N CD O OI O 0 01 c 3 to D U m 0- E E N c Cz m c 3 m 0 W C> O O O N to U)— 45 LOT PAD 45 45 LOT PAD 45 40 40 40 7*LU 14 -it 40 35 on 11,35 35 0 35 IF TT X-8 TT TM I P-11 X-8 l l 30 N M O 30 N M O 30 O O O O Ln 30 - O O IInI 0 Ln 0Ln I- a a a Ci 10 1 ` a 1 O O O O DITCH X-8 A X-8 AVG. DEPTH = 3' 45 45 DITCH X-8 B X-8 AVG. DEPTH = 3' nllllnll 11111 . ' IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIaann11nN11 , HIIIIH'! �. 111� � • IIIIg11N11111111N1111ppNanl Nall 1 a11HNl�l��lllllla ��IIg1111NN1111an1111N11aN1�11N11 • IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIHHIInlllllllllll 1 INIIu11u11g11n11nN11111INIIIIIIIINullllall • '!lu■'JIl:::91a::Haan-'■n�.0■u.:.'IIC:::nn!!1!o! ------ aw■----■-■n■�I�IINannn::a Nnununumunun:;innmHlluuana0ual!:nmilnnnnlluamlll� uln�.lnnull n111111r�1111HN;:i111NN1111NN1111a�G:!!!SaNNIIIIIINIIIIHIIIIIla1111111►�Ng11aH11 g111111111111U111111g11qllllllq111111a11IIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIHII0a111111a1111l111,�1111111N11 Nn1111111111rjN1111n11a1111nH111111a11n11111111H1111111111aH1111Nna11 111111111111111,Illllllglllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllnllllllnillllllllllll 1 IIINII nllllll/X111//IIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIINNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIINIIIInaN111111H11 NIIIIIIIIIII'I IIa1111111111111111111111111111N11an111111N1111N1111111111N11 NU1111N1111 .: IIHIIIIIIIIII IIn111111a1111111111NH11111111111111N11a1111N11 • g::::;;:::::!......�.. 110111Ia1�1111N111111a1111Ng1111n111111g11111111q111111N�� • DITCH X-8 C X-8 AVG. DEPTH = 3' ` TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP % I�� Q Trask Ladd BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION _ Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 243 North Front Street 5315 South College Rood, Suite E PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 SSC Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 ® 3LAKE FARM_i Phone: (910)343-1048. Fax: (910)251-8282 Phone: (910) 452-4711 1202 Eastwood Road NC UC. No. F-1222 Wilmington, NC 28403 —8A THROUGH X -8D SECTION VIEW ww.mckimcreed.com (910) 799-8755 DITCH X-8 D X-8 AVG. DEPTH = 3' DATE: 012.2017 SCALE `" MCE PROD. A 06525M DRANK M RMCIMDH HORIZnONTAL: ce� DESIGNED RMC 15 CHECKED RMC E'ER¶CAL PROD. MGR. HMC 13 srATus: WETLANDS PLAN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ---- on 0 l l l a a a Ci a ` a O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O (D O O O O O O Ln O I -C) O to O In O In O + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + CD N r0 In O O N N r7 r7 DITCH X-8 C X-8 AVG. DEPTH = 3' ` TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP % I�� Q Trask Ladd BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION _ Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 243 North Front Street 5315 South College Rood, Suite E PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 SSC Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 ® 3LAKE FARM_i Phone: (910)343-1048. Fax: (910)251-8282 Phone: (910) 452-4711 1202 Eastwood Road NC UC. No. F-1222 Wilmington, NC 28403 —8A THROUGH X -8D SECTION VIEW ww.mckimcreed.com (910) 799-8755 DITCH X-8 D X-8 AVG. DEPTH = 3' DATE: 012.2017 SCALE `" MCE PROD. A 06525M DRANK M RMCIMDH HORIZnONTAL: ce� DESIGNED RMC 15 CHECKED RMC E'ER¶CAL PROD. MGR. HMC 13 srATus: WETLANDS PLAN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ---- 3 7 O C: CI O 0 0 04 04 U7 co0 0 LL m .3 co N M rn 0 O 9 O 0 O '0 N LO O J= PLURIS HAMPSTEAD WWTP STUB STU) PROPOSED ; ; ,CONSTRUCTED u\\\uum - - S� H1LLDe 92NPG 29 _--2 _. - i iii ` \pp\u\l\\\\4\ STUB _ _— - - _ - - 70' )T -D oP&� - - LF n \ . . , . . . ' _ WETLAND - � 72 � \i '� I , , ' r`- 200 199 t'11sa 1i119XH,96 j;� �/ 6i iL==J ss , 20, G 7 229- I r 202 rl" 68 WHALEBONE A11— ,9s��� as �� , , , , . -.,% 194 x P-1 1 3� r 230 -- :. - � _ _ _. __. _._ , . . �es / fir � r - - X_8 ' �- �Ir- ,� ,92 1 II 164 1r't 1r� X 8 231 204 C� � ,.:. /� \, r _ 03 � 130 �� `.� L 227 J 1228 I t ' ' 232 _ -' -1 I �. L _ _ JL OS �� .� I P 7... P -8 76- - 75209 NEW SANITARY233 Y - Ili .ri 2,2 6b 186 167 85 234 8 r," SEWER PUMP �— _ �L „6, STATION -� J�, 170 64 ' 235 0 ��i ,r r n;' r r r++'r', -\ - __ ��M1 85 EN� II Ak '. _ � \ r� rryr r+r ry rt J // 17'T i 236 ---7----T— hr r r ur rrq r �.I 63 lIi - 225 it 223237 1224 �I121-8 _ 1;r2 17 II 216 1I1I^215I1� 2 -,4 u. y r 62220 219 1 2 7 Xr 238FGARF,75 /i !/� 7 r '//;'83 %r %� 83 11/ 239 1 172._ —6 241 Ih242L '1tl 11,252 11l A ' . 240 'J'. 1 •:,:. z I m, Ls I 2s3 zs4 �1 / BLAKE FARM BLVD -- \ 49/48/47/ TJ 52 FIRE HYDRANT (TYP.) � � ,4s � Q',� - ,oa �/ ✓, s ��,� /� ,oa i1 �� STUB r 1503 102 TREE & DITCH �1 VE AREA O ,71s'1s 74 11 1,1 r. ''.. Ir r 1 L11 13 Y L J 49 _ 112 I� - O 22 123 .24 125 26 r 12 „3 -� /� x 1 - ; LEGEND of ss - SANITARY SEWER a ` y/ rrr \ Z to L tsr-12w WATER LINE, ir+ r IL46 n'1'6 za,2' Q s-� STORM LINE STUB L >-� 'l /'-��. ,, 'r i 45 1 8 �� + r EXISTING DITCH lJ 41 IL 7 r s II BLAKE FARM AMENITY AREA ✓, 39 r "" 41 _ OUTLET BOX FOR 38 GRAPHIC SCALE „ L-' � :r;lr , LINEAR POND 300 0 150 300 600 ' ^`r�r"'r' 3 ,S �,,rr;+;•� ��„, SYSTEM 2 , ` 1 inch = 300 ft. Trask Land .CEE: �0 04 SCALE BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION M�RRa , cu -101 .4"", VTOPSAILTOWNSHIP DRAM Ms. "w I i V 'vr'j�jjvl, HORI2pONTAL X i'. PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA oEsrGBEa RMC �� \, 243 North Front Street ... RMC �R„�AL 16 BLAKE FARM BLVD Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 BLAKEFARM M2J. MGR. RMC �^ Phone: (910)343-1048 , Fax: (910)251-8282 1202 Eastwood RoadEXTENDS TO HWY 17 Wilmington, NC 28403 UTILITY MAP sTATas: WETLANDS PLAN NC UC. Na F-1222 T \ www.mckimcreed.com (910) 799-8755 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION a CL 00 v v r` C. N lCY 0 U 3 v 0 0 0 04 N Mo co 01 m Q m 3 m U Cu 3 CO C7 O O O LO CV LO CD ,�w 3 WETLAND C 0) ' LIMl TS OF / DISTURBANCE WE ARE RELOCATING THE OUTFALL \ LOCATION OF DITCH X-5 AS SEEN ON SHEET 8 TO PROMOTE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AND PROVIDE AN OUTLET FOR WETLAND "C" I , h /i 30 61 66 GRAPHIC SCALE HORIZONTAL 1 inch = 50 ft. b 25 50 5 1 inch = 5 ft. VERTICAL 10+00 SCALE +enc NAaw CP -101 MCE RROI. ' osszsx DRANK MAB. RMC Trask Land tMa 4Yli WGR4 DE9GNED HMC CHECKED RMC V_ MqjML�■J r o.x 413 North Front Sb*O Y�ntngtan, Nath CadYla FARM .awo o.rr R amw�w o.x PROPOSED 25401 Phans (910)31.3-1045 , Fan (910)451-5252 .BLAKE 1202 Eastwood Road --� j NC UC. No. Wilmington, NC 28403 I1W16 ww.mckimcreedcreed.com (910) 799-8755 'RADE EXl TING -S TA T 0 PR POSE DITCH P 7 - - TOP OF aANK LEV. 37.06 IC TL A N D S BOTTOM QF P 7 EL V,- .35.00 j - -- 48" - �P - -- T: 0 ; 18.4' _ _. _ �► 3 __ P -;-- -1- ---- AD LL I -- -- - - BO TTOM OF ---- -4- IN V.- 5.5 IN & 35. G 9Z WE DI T D I H EV: ---L.- L: 10+00 PLAN & PROFILE PROPOSED DITCH P-7 11+00 12+00 13+00 E'ROPOSED RADE 40 30 14+00 14+57 a: SCALE +enc NAaw CP -101 MCE RROI. ' osszsx DRANK MAB. RMC Trask Land tMa 4Yli WGR4 DE9GNED HMC CHECKED RMC V_ MqjML�■J r o.x 413 North Front Sb*O Y�ntngtan, Nath CadYla FARM .awo o.rr R amw�w o.x 25401 Phans (910)31.3-1045 , Fan (910)451-5252 .BLAKE 1202 Eastwood Road --� NC UC. No. Wilmington, NC 28403 I1W16 ww.mckimcreedcreed.com (910) 799-8755 / /I- / // Y 11 y /: LOT 85 AND WETLAND "C" INSET •s 10 WETLAND "C" CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE: 1. INSTALL PHASE 1 SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL AND SILT FENCE ALONG TEMPORARY IMPACT AREA. BEGIN CLEARING AND GRUBBING OPERATIONS, ROUGH GRADING OF THE SITE AND INSTALLATION OF THE STORM WATER COLLECTION SYSTEM. 2. ESTABLISH TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT IMPACT AREA OF WETLAND "C" FROM BENT OAK DRIVE RIGHT OF WAY. 3. COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION OF BENT OAK DRIVE ROADWAY COMPLETE AND LOT PAD GRADING OF LOT 85. 4. STABILIZE SIDE SLOPES TO CONSTRUCTED WETLAND. IF RELEASED BY SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR, REMOVE WETLAND PROTECTION MEASURES. DATE vllrzDn SCALE +enc NAaw CP -101 MCE RROI. ' osszsx DRANK MAB. RMC HORIZONTAL MQtTCAL: Nn -- 1 7 DE9GNED HMC CHECKED RMC 201 MGR. RMC sTATv£ WETLANDS PLAN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CL U 3 3 c 0 CO 05 U CC C2 E E_ vl O 0 LO 04 N CD 0 LLI Co 0 O N N m 3 m 0 U Co CL E C' S m �p ,spaA r WETLAND E 0 AMENITY AREA \ 'lli\ =Tn lc1b WETLAND E EXISTING GRADE _ +/- 37.0'. '� \ PROP GRADE = 37' g ROADSIDE SWALE ON BFB ELEV G \ 1 \ E g6 i I EXISTING DITCH — — E WETLAND E - PLAN VIEW PROPOSED BLAKE FARM BOULEVARD ROADSIDE SWALE GRAPHIC SCALE 100 0 50 100 200 1 inch = 100 ft. 50 50 10+00 11+00 12+00 SECTION E -E WETLAND E - CROSS SECTION PROPOSED BLAKE FARM BOULEVARD ROADSIDE SWALE I BFB • BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION DATE 1,112011 SCALE ��� �/���/�� j([r��J \) Trask Land MOE PRol 0 0652506 ° PP -102 V M12KW N� Zp EJAL TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP DRAWN MAB, RMC rcnzelz PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA DESGNED RMC 1 S Wil North Front Street " CROCKED RMC YERTCAL Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 � '-, HLAKE FARM ' RROI. MCR. RW H6 Phone: (910)343-1048 Fax: (910)251-8282 1202 Eastwood Road WETLAND E BFB ROAD CROSS IlYJ1D. uW.nols W NC LIC. N. F-1222 Wilmington, NC 28403 srAns: WETLANDS PLAN www.mckimcreed.com (910) 799-8755 SECTION VIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ` 1 it 73"Ri�17Yr 1►17�__IIIIII♦- • �GRADE 37.0'. PROP GRADE A: 37' ROADSIDE SWALE 0 10+00 11+00 12+00 SECTION E -E WETLAND E - CROSS SECTION PROPOSED BLAKE FARM BOULEVARD ROADSIDE SWALE I BFB • BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION DATE 1,112011 SCALE ��� �/���/�� j([r��J \) Trask Land MOE PRol 0 0652506 ° PP -102 V M12KW N� Zp EJAL TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP DRAWN MAB, RMC rcnzelz PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA DESGNED RMC 1 S Wil North Front Street " CROCKED RMC YERTCAL Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 � '-, HLAKE FARM ' RROI. MCR. RW H6 Phone: (910)343-1048 Fax: (910)251-8282 1202 Eastwood Road WETLAND E BFB ROAD CROSS IlYJ1D. uW.nols W NC LIC. N. F-1222 Wilmington, NC 28403 srAns: WETLANDS PLAN www.mckimcreed.com (910) 799-8755 SECTION VIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DRIVEIN SETBACK FRO EXISTING GRA PROPOSED GRADE 25 FARMHOI kYLIGHTTO WETLAND (YARD ZMANENT IMPACT 'ORARY IMPACT PROPOSED IMPACT, LOT 57 45 45 SETBACK ROW 1SE DRIVE 40 _.._.._ —----_____ BEGIN WET TEMPORAR 40 - PROPOSED EXIST. GR L 35 35 r -O c0 I� N 0) c0 c0 00 �r • n 00 c0 LC) r, (0 Lr) m O Ln c0 N CD 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 _AND � IMPACTZONE .TRADE NDE GRAPHIC SCALE 60 0 30 60 120 1 inch = 60 ft. DAIS .;i5r20t/ SCALE Trask Land BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION � MCE L CP10�_3 TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP DRAWN MUH uMc lIOIa20NTAL PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA DESKNO ,� Oic1® .,Mc �� BLAKE FARM PRW uoc ;CMc Eastwood Road WETLANDS IMPACT MAP WilmiImi ngton, NC 28403 (910) 799-8755 Ani NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION IL O N N O N ti T}, O Z U 3 Z _O U LL! cf) U) U) O EC U C4 L U U) N CA 3 ➢3 U OS CL E 0) C 16 LEGEND SwuOw LAND ZONE SHNLOW WA1FA INE 0® POOL AND FMLBAY ZONE TOPSOIL SPECIFICATIONS TOPSOIL TO BE ADDED TO TOP OF CONSTRUCTED WETLAND SHELF IF NATIVE SOLS ARE NOT SUITABLE FOR GROWTH OF SELECTED PLANT SPECIES. TOPSOIL SHALL BE WELL MIXED, FREE OF TRASH AND DEBRIS, UNCOMPACTED. AND VOID OF URGE (>2 INCHES) AND WOODY MATERIAL (>3 INCHES). TOPSOIL SHALL MEET THE FCLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS: SOL TYPE: CLAY < 605, SAND < 805. SLT < 805 ORGANIC CONTENT: 5-85 P-1: 2060 PH: 6.0-7.0 IN THE EVENT THAT SELECTED TOPSOIL DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATION LISTED ABOVE, SOL CAN BE AMENDED BY ADDITON OF APPROPRIATE MATERIALS. UPON PLACEMENT OF TOPSOIL, AREA SHOULD BE UGNTLY COMPACTED TO ENSURE STASIUZATION OF MATERIAL EXCESSIVE TRAFFICKING OF EQUIPMENT OVER CONSTRUCTED WETLAND PLANTING AREAS SHOULD BE AVOIDED. MINIMUM DEPTH OF TOPSOIL SHOULD BE 12 INCHES. GENERAL PLANTING NOTES PREVENT FROM COMPACTING TOPSOIL, TO PROM TE HEALTHY ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS FOR THE PLANTS. PUNTS OF THE SAME SPECIES SHOULD BE PLANTED IN CLUSTERS, THESE CLUSTERS SHOULD CONTAIN 4-6 PLANTS OF THAT SPECIES, ALL PLANTS SHOULD BE PLANTED IN THE SPECIFIED ZONE TO ENSURE SURVIVAL AVOID PLANTING INDIVIDUAL SPECIES IN URGE GROUPS BY SPACING CLUSTERS A MIN. OF 5' APART. ALL ZONES TO BE PLANTED WITH BARE ROOT, PLUGS, OR CONTAINER UVE PLANTINGS AS SPECIFIED SEE PLANTING DETAIL FOR PLACEMENT OF PLANTS. BEGIN PLANTING DURING LOCAL GROWING SEASON IN ORDER TO ENSURE THAT PLANTS HAVE ADAOUET TME TO ESTASUSH BEFORE WINTER MONTHS. FRESH PLANTS WILL BE OBTAINED MOM A NURSERY AND WILL BE STORED WITH ROOTS IN MOST SOILS. PLANTINGS WILL BE INSPECTED AND MAINTAINED. PLANTS WILL BE INSPECTED FOR WASHOUT. WASHED OUT PLANTS 'MU BE REPLACED. A SUITABLE STAND OF WETLAND PUNTS WEL BE ESTABLISHED WITHIN 8 MONTHS OF PLANTING. A 905 SURVIVAL RATE MEETS THIS OBJECTIVE. SUPPLEMENTAL PLANTINGS WILL BE PROVIDED AS NEEDED TO MEET THIS CRITERIA. THE SPECIFIED PLANT MATERIALS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM ANY NURSERY. INCLUDING: COASTAL PLAIN CONSERVATION NURSERY. 3067 CONNERS DR. EDENTON. NC 27932. (252) 482-5707. SEEDBED PREPARATION CHISEL COMPACTED AREAS AND SPREAD TOPSOIL 3 INCHES DEEP OVER ADVERSE SOIL CONDITIONS, IF AVAILABLE. RIP THE ENTRANCE AREA TO 6 INCHES DEPTH. REMOVE ALL LOOSE ROCK, ROOTS, AND OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS LEAVING SURFACE REASONABLY SMOOTH AND UNIFORM. APPLY AGRICULTURAL UME FERTIUZER, AND SUPER PHOSPHATE UNIFORMLY AND MIX WITH SOL (SEE BELLOW). CONTINUE TILLAGE UNTIL A WELL - PULVERIZED. FIRM, REASONABLY UNIFORM SEEDBED IS PREPARED 4 TO 6 INCHES DEEP. SEED ON A FRESHLY PREPARED SEEDBED AND COVER SEED UGHTLY WITH SEEDING EQUIPMENT OR CULTIPACK AFTER SEEDING. MULCH IMMEDIATELY AFTER SEEDING AND ANCHOR MULCH. INSPECT ALL SEEDED AREAS AND MAKE NECESSARY REPAIRS OR RESEEDINGS WITHIN THE PLANTING SEASON, IF POSSIBLE. IF STAND SHOULD BE OVER 605 DAMAGED. REESTABUSH FOLLOWING OMONAL DIME FERTILIZER AND SEEDING RATES, CONSULT CONSERVATION INSPECTOR ON MAINTENANCE TREATMENT AND FERTIUZATION AFTER PERMANENT COVER IS ESTABUSHED. • APPLY: AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE - 2 TONS/ACRE FERTIUZER - 1000 LBS/ACRE (10-10-10) SUPER PHOSPHATE - 500 LBS/ACRE (205) MULCH - 2 TONS/ACRE (SMALL GRAIN STRAW) ANCHOR - ASPHALT EMULSION AT 450 GAL FOREBAY DEEP POOL / 1,786 SF SURFACE AREA SED. STORAGE EL 34.00' BOTTOM ELEV: 33.00' ,1 1 1 1 1 ) 1 1 1 NON-FOREBAY DEEP POOL 2,405 SF SURFACE AREA ' \ SED. STORAGE EL: 34.00' BOTTOM ELEV: 33.00'♦`��{�}y+ OUTLET STRUCTURE;'3 SEE DETAIL, THIS SHEET 1� -� �OS9 ',;,:�` `T��INV:_ 34.95 CONSTRUCTED WETLAND ##4 05-2 \/ SCALE: 1" = 20' INV: 35.94 \ TEMPORARY POOL _ _ _ _ ELEV: 36.50' `' !� / + \ � � / SHALLOW LANG ZONE + + + + + \ `�. \ / 8,882 SF SURFACE AREA ++++ \ ~''�, FOREBAY DEEP POOL +' \ 736 SURFACE AREA + + \\ SED.Sf STORAGE EL: 35.00'`��� + BOTTO +M ELEV: 34.00' + `•.. \ JAG + + + + `� �--.\\ SHALLOW WATER ZONE t + + + t + 9,776 SF SURFACE AREA ++ + + '�. BOTTOM ELEV: 36.00' + +_ -+- t + \ i \'r\11, I\{ W + + + +F� I x + + + + + \ W + + NORMAL WATER SURFACE \ + PERMANENT POOL ELEV. = 36.00 A + SH WT = 36.28 (� \ I / / 1� AMOUNT/ _ASS TYPE + + TIME OF SEEDING INITIAL RYE GRAIN 1-2 LBS. APRIL - JUNE (< III 1-2 LBS JUNE - AUGUST \ + + JUNE - AUGUST 25 LBS 10-10-10 (KENTUCKY 31) 9" FEB. -OCT. SERICEA NC UC. No. F-1222 MAlmington, NC 2W3_ SECTION LESPEDEZA 1-2 LOS MARCH - APRIL 25 LBS 10-10-10 (SLOPES FOREBAY DEEP POOL 7,243 SF SURFACE AREA I I SED. STORAGE EL: 34.00• BOTTOM ELEV: 33.00' ----- -- --- -- ------_--- -`- FOREBAY DEEP POOL 405 SF SURFACE AREA SED. STORAGE EL' 35.00' BOTTOM ELEV: 34.00' SHALLOWZOE cMA IOW WA P ON (UP TO 12" ABOVE PERMANENT (DEPTH VARIES FROM 3-6' POOL) BELOW PERMANENT POOL) 1. VEGETATE ALL ZONES AS SPECIFIED IN THE PLANTING CHART FOR EACH ZONE 2. APPROXIMATE 5 OF EACH ZONE: FOREBAY - 15; DEEP POOL - 10; SHALLOW WATER - 405. SHALLOW LAND - 355 TEMPORARY SEEDING GRASS TYPE AMOUNT/ _ASS TYPE AMOUNT/ 1000 S.F. TIME OF SEEDING INITIAL RYE GRAIN 1-2 LBS. APRIL - JUNE 25 LBS. 10-10-10 BROYMTOP MILLET 1-2 LBS JUNE - AUGUST 25 LBS 1D-10-10 PERMANENT SEEDING GRASS TYPE AMOUNT/ TIME OF INITIAL 36.50' 1000 S.F. SEEDING 2 -YEAR: BERMUDA. COMMON 1-2 LBS. APRIL -JUNE 25 LBS. 10-10-10 FESCUE TALL 5-7 LBS JUNE - AUGUST 25 LBS 10-10-10 (KENTUCKY 31) 9" FEB. -OCT. SERICEA NC UC. No. F-1222 MAlmington, NC 2W3_ SECTION LESPEDEZA 1-2 LOS MARCH - APRIL 25 LBS 10-10-10 (SLOPES CONSTRUCTED WETLAND ZONES NOT TO SCALE IM T• � I SCALE: 1" _� 20 6 _ _ 4 - - -2U-____- _- 40_-_...- 60---__- FORESAY/NON-FOREBAY NETT -AND ZONE (DEPTH VARIES FRO18-36- M BELOW PERMANENT POOL)000) 4'y4' REINFORCED CONCRETE RISER BOX (ASTM 01433) TRASH RACK— #5 REBAR SPACED RACK ALK 4' O.C. r l /5 SH RA SPACED 4 O.C. ie' RCP 1 1 I L EXISTING DITCH OUTLET BARREL ' OMFlCE INV 38.W' � � • O< _ 1 / � - l a,n8r BARREL 4.0' PVC SOH. 40 PIPE WITH FROINT 45 DEG BEND. DRILL 25' HOLE IN CAPPED END �e CREATED WETLAND #4 OUTLET STRUCTURE NOT TO SCALE TOP OF WjgIeND 38 20' 1 v.al � r W EMERGENCY �IL�WAY SEDIMENT STORAGE (FOREBAY ZONE ONLY) RIP -RAP EMERGENCY SP t2' NCDOT CUSS B RIP -RAP -RAP STONE - 8") IN 4 NCDOT N0. 57 H STONE OVEN FI WRAPPED NTH NON -WOVEN FILTER FABRIC (SIEQ GEOTEX 001 OR APPROVED EQUAL) EMERGENCY SPILLWAY SECTION NOT TO SCALE A A ld� $ -- NOTES: 1. La IS THE LENGTH OF THE RIPRAP APRON. 2. d1.5 TIMES TH€ MAXIMUM STONE DIAMETER BUT N0T LESS THAN 6 . PLAN 1 IN A WELL - DEFINED CHANNEL EXTEND THE APRON UP THE CHANNEL BANKS TO AN ELEVATION OF 6' ABOVE THE MAXIMUM TAILWATER DEPTH OR TO THE TOP OF THE BANK, WHICHEVER IS LESS, La 4. A FILTER BLANKET OR FILTER FABRIC SHOULD BE INSTALLED BETWEEN THE RIPRAP AND SOIL FOUNDATION. OUTLET PROTECTION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE STORM ELEVATIONS CREATED WETLAND #44 1.5" PROPOSED DEPTH: 36.50' DESIGN STORM OUTLET VELOCITY 2 -YEAR: 36.68' 10 -YEAR: 37.23' 25 -YEAR: 37.70' 100 -YEAR:— 38.23' CONSTRUCTED WETLAND OUTFALL PROTECTION WETLAND 4 OUTLET PIPE DIA. 18" OUTLET FLOW RATE 11.2 CFS OUTLET VELOCITY 6.6 FT/S MATERIAL CLASS A LENGTH 6.0' WIDTH 4.5' STONE DIA. 6" THICKNESS 1 9" DATE: 15 MAY 2017 BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION CN -501 MCE PROD. • 06525 -VIM Trask Land �� NM &CRE D / TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP DESIGNED RMC. MAB. CDN CHECKED RMC. RAM. NJL 243 Nw% Front Stra6t `,.,BLAKEFAFi('. PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA PROD. MGR. RMC STATUS: WETLAN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Niningtarl. Nar& CN1roNna 28401 Phony cfMDu4,-10+8. F., (910)251-8M 1402 Elwood Road ':; SCM 4 LAYOUT AND CROSS NC UC. No. F-1222 MAlmington, NC 2W3_ SECTION IcvAln PcsramwuNs I/Ww,End{�IIOMd.O6EI1 (910) 799-8755 DATE: 15 MAY 2017 SCALE CN -501 MCE PROD. • 06525 -VIM DRAWN RMC. MAB. CDN, MOH HORIZONTAL WA DESIGNED RMC. MAB. CDN CHECKED RMC. RAM. NJL VERTICAL WA 2O PROD. MGR. RMC STATUS: WETLAN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information SEGi Attachment G Jurisdictional Wetland Determination Vel Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information SEGi 2017 Wetland Maps Verified By Ms. Emily Greer t \ s1a•NW4w � . \ \ / \\� \ .SMS♦ �.� G \; r. �®,na�� moi•♦♦'►� •��♦j'i i�''t• Vac CURVE TABLE � is f :'- �. I,e,e • WINE aADMs LEJMOM TRIDENT eP.vMMD CON) OFITAA I 1 �(f m� cl 1010M 1>ZA ]mR Na2ISIW SIZR 11.1TA' � i G $ y cz s2r♦• mrir IT¢v N1rlralw ,a•r YawTr J I : a„ w � -r,Vr NA'::� _ � o senor >aT m; mlv sassva,< sora• alrar a - •,•'° •�j : ♦ ��i u 19a ec ear+ Avsr N—. der .s -aa ,/ -• u - - -fF- •+ iq��!9 i �• B♦ 14 $ • ♦i ..,,�' , .•.a•♦ dank • �♦ m"�ei• . \ r� 2 • J""♦ • h a\ /' y . UAL /`.-�_♦ -_, � �A n ♦ IT r 3 siE11II1RM1W. \w4 / MIIA6 ./! PeK \\ / TOTAL MET.NIO AREA: KM Aa+ES .ualsolDna,lu oral (TmW7 +s,s24 unEM TEEr DITCH (NON-ww) 1,860 UNUM FEFT `I .. Reduced CoWl .K :. Not to Scale n+� »%ii—MQWILMINGTON, SCALE: 1 - 20W�I 4'`%jlVP'LVLY &CR EM 243 NORTH FRONT STREET - ROOM R CAP NORTH CAROLINA 28401 RIGHT OF WAY D +00 ZDo 400 600 I'GI.I:PIIONF.: 19:10 PC - PACE I+AK: (9101251-6282 NOR/FORMERLY 4 ul - NORTH CAROLINA FIRM LICENSL NUMBER: F-1222 SITE UOMTY MAP - LEGEND ® » NCCS MONUMENT » CONCRETE MLRIUMENT FOUND RBL A - ROOM R CAP R/W - RIGHT OF WAY DB DOM BOOR PC - PACE N/F . NOR/FORMERLY 4 ul - WFTLmO FLAG - CURRENT WETLANDS MS MYA/•,FS TWT T,q CGIF 6 n•s 0.AT ALYAMIFLY OEpCR ME BnMOAm 91 ,NE UN00.91IW K STHE D 1W 0 THE CLEW WAIm ALT AS HE LA O BY M I.MED RE W ... GATE ,CPM 0M F A WANG W T1E UN a C4♦ P19)9N0 KGRAiIab, IMS pEBAMNARW 6 SEOIION 101 AA>®ICIIW Mr OE R1AD DOW FW A E UM NOI TO FAaID (AE YWMs 1T1W II•S OAME IHS oETRYMATIW 11` MAGE Rums ME AWROPRAIE ANMAo 9/Pla(NT TO 111E 19A] WAS ff pplm6 Y.TAIm: aLNu,1W 1wI0AL RI 01 b. yY1Fs_ oAa \ t6 ..0 moo_ ossa AenW n SURVEYORSNOTES: I. ALL (MTAIICES ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND M us. SUReer FEET UNLESS OMEIN16E SHOWN 2 "'NGS BASED ON NC GRID NAC63/MO7 l R1P19ENCES:DEm BOO[ -1.175 PAGE 179 I SUavEYOR PAS NILE NO MIESM.VION OR INDEPENDENT STARCH FOR EASEMENTS OF RECORD, FNCUMRRANCES, NESIRICTNE OOVFIVNTS, OWNERSHIP, TRUE WOENCE, OR AM OTHER FMR THAT MI ACCURATE AND CURRENT TIRE SEARCH MY DISMOSE- 5. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ME SHOWN CNLY MERE ABOVEGROUND SERVICES YARE VISIBIE e. SUBSURFACE AND E71NRONMFNTAL CONDITIONS WERE NOT EXAMINED OR CM90E EO AS A PART Of THIS SURVEY. NO STATEMENT LS MADE CTICERNINC THE EXISTENCE OF UNDEMMUND OR OVERHEAD CONTAINERS OR FACILITIES IMF MY AFFECT THE USE OR DEVELOPMENT OF THIS TRACT, 7 S IUECr TO ALL CASEMENTS, RCB OF RAYS- AND OR ENCUMBRANCES THAT MAY EFFECT THIS PROPERTY. B WEIWE7 DELINEATED By SOUTHERN ENVIRONMENTAL CROUP INC 5315 S COLLEGE ROAD. SUITE E WILMINGTON, NC 26112 PH: (910) 152-1711 WETLAND DELINEATION SURVEY FOR EAST HAVEN PENDER 1164 LLC DEED BOOK 4266, PAGE e PENDER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA AUGUST 21, 2015 REV MARCH 21, 2017 IDR NUWBER: 06525-0004 SCALL: /• - VOD' CAD NUMB12L: vN,D1 - a CCIe7WE PLS OEM PARTY C.': -�! -- CAD TWH: MBH FICLD SWK/PACL: �fl09/PGSZ1-]O DRAWING NUMBM SHEET I OF 3 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION: L OUNNOM E MNCUU PLS L -MSI, MW THAT THIS PUT WAS DRMM UNDER W SUPO&WON FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY 140E UNDER NY SUPERVISION (DEED DESCRIPTION RECORDED IN DOOR 3315 PAGE 179); THAT ME BOUNDARY LINES NOT SURVEYED ME INDICATED WITH D\SNm ONES AS DR1WN FROM WORWATION IN P06TER COUNTY CIS; THAT INE POST= ACCURACY 6 0055 AT 9SA; THAT MMS TUT MEETS ME AEOUINEMOM OF INE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR LAND ' stRWEY•le 0 NORTH CAROLINA (21 HCAC 56. 1500); THAT ME OPS SURVEY MADE WAS UHOUR MY SUVE16Aav011 AND ME FOLLOWING WOMUMION WAS USED TO PERFORM TMS SURVEY. CLASS OF SURVEY: CASs B POSITIONAL ACa1RALT: 0055 AT 95X TYPE OF CPS FIELD PROCEDURE RTN/vR5 DATES OF SURVEY. 44MUWY 14. 2014 4,sum uc,I: NC CR1D NAM/2007 njrp p//FlIQD-CONTROL USED NODS MONUMENT 'CHAPEL' / CEOID MD GRI CE010 09 COMBNm LAID FACTOR: 100000704 UNITS..U S SURVEY FEET MIEfS Mr RONAE - !iE l,tE]M1'�Nuu R o SEN MS WETLAND DELINEATION SURVEY FOR EAST HAVEN PENDER 1164 LLC DEED BOOK 4266, PAGE e PENDER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA AUGUST 21, 2015 REV MARCH 21, 2017 IDR NUWBER: 06525-0004 SCALL: /• - VOD' CAD NUMB12L: vN,D1 - a CCIe7WE PLS OEM PARTY C.': -�! -- CAD TWH: MBH FICLD SWK/PACL: �fl09/PGSZ1-]O DRAWING NUMBM SHEET I OF 3 101010081000 000000 SUMMER NOUN uuuug 600010159101911 B�G�009lIAAAA�9 101010081000 000000 NOUN uuuug B�G�009lIAAAA�9 A � B Br -1 OF SURyEV vw O t i CL 0 0cis 0 so(/) t� 0 •_ o 4) z r £ d0 Z .L33H5 i. :31300 ONIYY3O - spv1Y :39vd/9008 a= H:H334 DYa — m :a3013 wlvd 000--- Vid �lp1AY :33®Y18 = .00a - .1 - :Ems 000-41Sa0 '338MN 80! LICe .IZ HONYYV A3U SIOZ'IZ 1S(10( v YNIlOHYO H1HON'A1N000 UNIN3d B 3JVd '99Z4 X1008 0330 011 "11 930N98 N3AVH 1SV3 a0:1 A3AunS NOUVW'130 (INVl13M pi rouar 3STSQ nIu lvOltlp AWLYYDIb �rrvnn rnur3Nn3o spNvuay. su.3Naw ep sdlDa twl 3w a Iwrct3m�s 3.wo� 31rYtl0Yddv a�u oNpndn 3arn svr. NWVN/IV3130 TiN: fro sau luae araA 3nu mnn of LON oo.-. Y IDA Npoll OYl]tl 16 xvn NouaoS+Yr �a wuoa Ao wuvxwu3l3p Lu SwuY{m3a ax6l6nd YD tl0 .h 3W NI 7rJNYN] Y S'. 3p3N1 S4M 1Yp LU w N�06N30M1 3HI le nrdw3uo sv ur IOIVN NY3D w ap .or You n Y1uO�.Y Y,u 3p AYIpJOB 3N1 S1�id30 AUI11RpCV AdDJ SNI IYNI SYLIND LLL 2wJs O3 SON -SON - 311S sONruax ,N33an3 C Ald3Ntl03/MON L,N 3pYd Od X)O9 0330 - 80 AYM 40 DOW - Avg d a i Nr338 - p7Bu ONlg3 1.,nNDn 3I383NOO O AN3MNOn MR S (N3s3l ZZ I -j :N3swnN 3SN33m mis Yw' am) H180N zszv-1 sZ (016) :XYd Wl-UE (016):3NOHd3731 10097 YNI•IONYJ H180N'N010NM11A1 13*9WSS LNNON3TH1IbO�N Ft,7 U,��Q✓�Y �lJ.hb' t �' rr n oY/90 OIDU g1Y191 L8PlI1 WdBI NOnY IW1O 318'IL.1W.3AYTJ 0103S 01 ION O` peonpat t _ 3nwioru.ol.wnua � m®®C=M@ mm=mo ©C=== w.r req Ya b Af .aaa }Y.tt t f. afar wsaa< araad .o �. nan.s .ifs waw o .Yw+n f,.ar .Ywu wa Ia ►fYfA fl.af fa.W MJ lYl1 InM.a M iY .aY ifYYA OYYYML411 Lw tD6a fNrt+ � aeras f�wY! YfN Y— wY.Y 0-4 t.m ay V. fMRI. YNn Y..T Yk.M .vf Mtll. a►�L.l 4 .wfiN w.Y'Y vI09 iYVLOW OMIW LMIf faa� w.qY YM ..I.q war ...... .� Y.w. uaY.a .�. YfN w rsi . W� fa.i a.a..I wls. n •r -" Yea wt Y.a+f fnart wW aINLIP ..f.1 fw.Y sYai f nrr+r W.� ►f.a YY aww.w .YMI YMR f m©Qm•© m®®®Q OQ�1�©Qa0 m©moo aom�o �m�m�is�.a moo moo', DDO®0 ®a��0 OQ�m® mD©�0 m000Es o®mmo m>o�s� m�'ao�sao oo©moor m��ams:al !'Ei�mQ�O C.>•�L�BD ®�0�90 i�C'�4'�QaO mQ�®E3 mC^'��OC7 �t'�7m0O ©s�Qoo or�c�oo ®o©®o mc�rl.�o� m©m©o ©©�s.".3QJ0 0�1�QJO rr n oY/90 OIDU g1Y191 L8PlI1 WdBI NOnY IW1O 318'IL.1W.3AYTJ 0103S 01 ION O` peonpat t _ 3nwioru.ol.wnua � m®®C=M@ mm=mo ©C=== w.r req Ya b Af .aaa }Y.tt t f. afar wsaa< araad .o �. nan.s .ifs waw o .Yw+n f,.ar .Ywu wa Ia ►fYfA fl.af fa.W MJ lYl1 InM.a M iY .aY ifYYA OYYYML411 Lw tD6a fNrt+ � aeras f�wY! YfN Y— wY.Y 0-4 t.m ay V. fMRI. YNn Y..T Yk.M .vf Mtll. a►�L.l 4 .wfiN w.Y'Y vI09 iYVLOW OMIW LMIf faa� w.qY YM ..I.q war ...... .� Y.w. uaY.a .�. YfN w rsi . W� fa.i a.a..I wls. n •r -" Yea wt Y.a+f fnart wW aINLIP ..f.1 fw.Y sYai f nrr+r W.� ►f.a YY aww.w .YMI YMR f Illake Farm IP Supplemental Information SEGi 2013 Jurisdictional Determination IX U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id. SAW -2012-01624 County: Pender U.S.G.S. Quad: NC-SCOTTS HILL NOTIFICATION OF JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION Property Owner: W.S. Land Investments LLC' Mike Cook Address: 511 North Teion Street, Suite 200 g - Colorado Springs, CO, 80903 Telephone Number: 719-632-1222 Size (acres) 100 Nearest Town Hampstead Nearest Waterway Island Creek River Basin Northeast Cape Fear. North Carolina. USGS HUC 3030007 Coordinates Latitude: 34.3378458388564 Longitude: -77.7680515090703 Location description: The property is located approximately 0 6 miles northeast of the intersection of Hwy 17 and Sidbury Road in Hampstead Pender County, North Carolina (PIN# 3271-25-1909). The protect review area is approximately 101 acres of land on the southern portion of the parent parcel._ Indicate Which of the Following Apply: A. Preliminary Determination _ Based on preliminary information, there may be wetlands on the above describes) property. We strongly suggest you have this property inspected to determine the extent of Department of the Army (DA) jurisdiction. To be considered final, a jurisdictional determination must be verified by the Corps. This preliminary determination is not an appealable action under the Regulatory Program Administrative Appeal Process (Reference 33 CFR Part 331). If you wish, you may request an approved JD (which may be appealed), by contacting the Corps district for further instruction. Also, you may provide new information for further consideration by the Corps to reevaluate the JD. B. Approved Determination _ There are Navigable Waters of the United States within the above described property subject to the permit requirements of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. X There are waters of the U.S. including wetlands on the above described project area subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. _ We strongly suggest you have the waters of the U.S. including wetlandson your project area delineated. Due to the size of your property and/or our present workload, the Corps may not be able to accomplish this wetland delineation in a timely manner. For a more timely delineation, you may wish to obtain a consultant. To be considered final, any delineation must be verified by the Corps. X The waters of the U.S. including wetlands on your project area have been delineated and the delineation has been verified by the Corps. We strongly suggest you have this delineation surveyed. Upon completion, this survey should be reviewed and verified by the Corps. Once verified, this survey will provide an accurate depiction of all areas subject to CWA jurisdiction on your property which, provided there is no change in the law or our published regulations, may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years. _ The waters of the U.S. including wetlandshave been delineated and surveyed and are accurately depicted on the plat signed by the Corps Regulatory Official identified below on . Unless there i s a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. _ There are no waters of the U.S., to include wetlands, present on the above described project area which are subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our Page 1 of 2 published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. X The property is located in one of the 20 Coastal Counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA). You should contact the Division of Coastal Management in Wilmington, NC, at (910) 796-7215 to determine their requirements. Placement of dredged or fill material within waters of the US and/or wetlands without a Department of the Army permit may constitute a violation of Section 301 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC § 1311). If you have any questions regarding this determination and/or the Corps regulatory program, please contact Crystal Amschler at 910-251-4170 or Crystal.C.Amschler(a,usace.army.mil. C. Basis For Determination: Determination was based on review of aerial photography. USES, soils and Lidar maps and from observations made during the site visits. Wetlands met criteria set forth in the Corps 1987 delineation manual and the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region Supplement. RPWs and stream channels demonstrated an OHWM as identified in the field. Wetlands are adiacent to RPWs that flow into an unnamed tributary of Futch Creek which is a Section 10 Water. D. Remarks: E. Attention USDA Program Participants This delineation/determination has been conducted to identify the limits of Corps' Clean Water Act jurisdiction for the particular site identified in this request. The delineation/determination may not be valid for the wetland conservation provisions of the Food Security Act of 1985. If you or your tenant are USDA Program participants, or anticipate participation in USDA programs, you should request a certified wetland determination from the local office of the Natural Resources Conservation Service, prior to starting work. F. Appeals Information (This information applies only to approved jurisdictional determinations as indicated in B. above) This correspondence constitutes an approved jurisdictional determination for the above described site. If you object to this determination, you may request an administrative appeal under Corps regulations at 33 CFR Part 331. Enclosed you will find a Notification of Appeal Process (NAP) fact sheet and request for appeal (RFA) form. If you request to appeal this determination you must submit a completed RFA form to the following address: US Army Corps of Engineers South Atlantic Division Attn: Jason Steele, Review Officer 60 Forsyth Street SW, Room 1OM15 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8801 In order for an RFA to be accepted by the Corps, the Corps must determine that it is complete, that it meets the criteria for appeal under 33 CFR part 331.5, and that it has been received by the Division Office within 60 days of the date of the NAP. Should you decide to submit an RFA form, it must be received at the above address by 1/21/2014. **It is not necessary to submit an RFA form to the Division Office if ysw1krnot object to the determination in this correspondence.** ��.--` l Corps Regulatory Official:_— Date: November 19, 2013 Expiration Date: November 19, 2018 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the attached customer Satisfaction Survey or visit htip:�lRer2 nwp usace armv.mil/survey.html to complete the survey online. Copy furnished: ern nnieZI Group. Inc Ann. David Scibetta ;5315 South College Rd. Suite. > Wilmington. NC 28412 QUER PAOTARE m0000 o�000 v�o©o om�oo �mm0© �m00� 0�0©� ®` M 0 m3rll"=0© ©�00© ommm� ommom OMNI o�o oo oo m0000 ©omoo oo�mo O�mO 0000 !10 .M � .7 N„ AA1P A.I. AAr Fa to TIE rn E' na m� Fix• Fs n n� RH3a Ilb� 10 � Nr7 nm +acs sVa >f WF C MAKES OF SCOTTS HILL LLC i DEED BOOK 3375. PAGE 179 1 WEnANORMETMLE 1 � 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MAAIEtEne4a.Wa� 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 vn61R R. caneerr 1 DEED 8001(tA PAGE alit 5 1 11 1 Eb 1 3 11 1 3 1 uiM10 7 ll 3 1 @OQQ Q� 1 At0 R]MAJW�•n01 112 �t ROES u El w�nl/DI Q � rn 1 y MA» «. m �' Rae• AOWs U. a1• Aaa �. � 0 1 1 1 1 1 i f1 Ml 1 tEM7 NE 1 a Ila! FENDER 118• LLC 1n4 DEED fA70K4d!. PARE! \ 1 1 \� 1 1 11 � 1 1-12 ne 7M1eF 'n 1 An • 1 m 1 � m 1 aoY oT'E'sf n m ml vEntrReoVAtEA m�W 1 tan loco trn 1 1 3 1 R A 1 SCALE: 1' - 200' D 100 2DO 400 600 NSP � OD tSnOHPO�ta80 � I 243 NORTH FRONT STREET WILNIINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 29401 TELEPHONE: (910) 343-1048 FAX: (910) 2514= NORTH CAROLINA FIRM LICENSE NUMBER F-1222 SITE VICINITY MAP - NOT TO LEGEND THIS CERTIFIES MAT TIS COP)` OF THIS PUT AQLRAIUY DEMOB THE WNOMr M TIE AE0 YIOR OF SECTION 4 a THE aEAN WATER ACT ASOETwm vl 6Y TIE � d TIS DAIS —SS THERE 5 A ORANGE W INE UW CR MAY PUMI9ED w011U1pN5, MI5 DElD1MEnAMN 6 SECROR 40• M)11 MAY fE RF1ID IEOM FON A f4AKlp NOT TO OIOfID NVE MEMS FROM TISJA♦yIKDATE TIES DEIDEMAlla1 WAS MADE 1ETEl f0 E APPROPIAIE RDOONAL SVPPI-E ENT ro TIE: R Daws a 1 6 D191EATC YAMDAL 1DFTiD L DATE 09ADE ACTION G _ Y SURVEYORS NOTES: 1. ALL DISTANCES ME HORONTAL GROUND IN U.S. SURVEY FEET UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. 2. BEARINGS BASED ON NC GRID WZW/2007. 3. REFERENCES:DEED DOCK 3375 PAGE 179 4. SURVEYOR HAS MADE NO NV61MATION OR INDEPENDENT SEARCH FOR EASEMENTS OF RECORD. ENCUMBRANCES. RESIRICTW CDVEruNTS. OWNERSHIP, IDLE EVIDENCE OR ANY OTHER FACTS THAT AN ACCURATE AND CURRENT TR -E SEARCH MAY DISCLOSE 5. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ME SHOWN ONLY WHERE ABOVEGROUND SERVICES WERE VISIBLE. 6. SUBSURFACE AND ENVIRONMEMTAL CONDITIONS WERE NOT DM04ED OR CONSIDERED AS A PART OF THIS SURVEY. NO STATEMENT IS MADE CONCERNING THE EXISTENCE OF UNDERGROUND OR OVERHEAD CONTAINERS OR FACILITIES THAT MAY AFFECT THE USE OR DEVELOPMENT of MIS TRACT. 7. SUBJECT TO ALL EASEMENTS, RIGHT OF WAYS. AND OR ENCUMBRANCES THAT MAY EFFECT THIS PROPERTY. 6. WETLAND DELINEATED BY SOUTHERN ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP INC. 5315 S. COLLEGE ROAD. SURE E WILMINGTON. NC 25412 PH: (910) 452-2711 SURVEYORS CERTIFICATION: I, DONNNOEIE E MIGUEZ PIS L-4631, CERTIFY THAT THIS PEAT WAS DAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION (DEED DESCRIPTION RECORDED IN BOON 3375 PAGE 179); THAT THE BOUNDARY LINES NOT SURVEYED ARE INDICATED WITH DASHED LINES AS DRAM FROM INFORMATION IN PENDER COUNTY GIS: THAT THE POSMOWL ACCURACY IS 0.055 AT 95[; THAT THIS MT MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF ME STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYING N NORTH CAROLINA (21 NCAC 56. 1600); THAT ME GPS SURVEY MADE WAS UNDER MY SUPERVISION MD ME FOLLOWING INFORMATION WAS USED M PERFORM THIS SURVEY. CLASS OF SURVEY: CLASS B POSITIONAL ACCURACY: 0.055 AT 95% ® - NCR MONUMENT O - CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND REIC A - REBAR s CAP R/W - RIGHT OF WAY DB - DEED BOOK PG - PAGE N/F - NOW/FORIERLY WM4 - MEiLANO MG THIS CERTIFIES MAT TIS COP)` OF THIS PUT AQLRAIUY DEMOB THE WNOMr M TIE AE0 YIOR OF SECTION 4 a THE aEAN WATER ACT ASOETwm vl 6Y TIE � d TIS DAIS —SS THERE 5 A ORANGE W INE UW CR MAY PUMI9ED w011U1pN5, MI5 DElD1MEnAMN 6 SECROR 40• M)11 MAY fE RF1ID IEOM FON A f4AKlp NOT TO OIOfID NVE MEMS FROM TISJA♦yIKDATE TIES DEIDEMAlla1 WAS MADE 1ETEl f0 E APPROPIAIE RDOONAL SVPPI-E ENT ro TIE: R Daws a 1 6 D191EATC YAMDAL 1DFTiD L DATE 09ADE ACTION G _ Y SURVEYORS NOTES: 1. ALL DISTANCES ME HORONTAL GROUND IN U.S. SURVEY FEET UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. 2. BEARINGS BASED ON NC GRID WZW/2007. 3. REFERENCES:DEED DOCK 3375 PAGE 179 4. SURVEYOR HAS MADE NO NV61MATION OR INDEPENDENT SEARCH FOR EASEMENTS OF RECORD. ENCUMBRANCES. RESIRICTW CDVEruNTS. OWNERSHIP, IDLE EVIDENCE OR ANY OTHER FACTS THAT AN ACCURATE AND CURRENT TR -E SEARCH MAY DISCLOSE 5. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ME SHOWN ONLY WHERE ABOVEGROUND SERVICES WERE VISIBLE. 6. SUBSURFACE AND ENVIRONMEMTAL CONDITIONS WERE NOT DM04ED OR CONSIDERED AS A PART OF THIS SURVEY. NO STATEMENT IS MADE CONCERNING THE EXISTENCE OF UNDERGROUND OR OVERHEAD CONTAINERS OR FACILITIES THAT MAY AFFECT THE USE OR DEVELOPMENT of MIS TRACT. 7. SUBJECT TO ALL EASEMENTS, RIGHT OF WAYS. AND OR ENCUMBRANCES THAT MAY EFFECT THIS PROPERTY. 6. WETLAND DELINEATED BY SOUTHERN ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP INC. 5315 S. COLLEGE ROAD. SURE E WILMINGTON. NC 25412 PH: (910) 452-2711 SURVEYORS CERTIFICATION: I, DONNNOEIE E MIGUEZ PIS L-4631, CERTIFY THAT THIS PEAT WAS DAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION (DEED DESCRIPTION RECORDED IN BOON 3375 PAGE 179); THAT THE BOUNDARY LINES NOT SURVEYED ARE INDICATED WITH DASHED LINES AS DRAM FROM INFORMATION IN PENDER COUNTY GIS: THAT THE POSMOWL ACCURACY IS 0.055 AT 95[; THAT THIS MT MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF ME STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYING N NORTH CAROLINA (21 NCAC 56. 1600); THAT ME GPS SURVEY MADE WAS UNDER MY SUPERVISION MD ME FOLLOWING INFORMATION WAS USED M PERFORM THIS SURVEY. CLASS OF SURVEY: CLASS B POSITIONAL ACCURACY: 0.055 AT 95% MBOL M25-00010°°' TYPE OF GPS FIELD PROCEDURE RMATS DATES OF SURVEY: JANUARY 14, 2014 EAST HAVEN DATUM/EPOCH: NC GRID NAD03/2007 PENDER 1164 LLC PUBLISHED/RXED-CONTROL USED: NCGS MONUMENT -CHAPEL' GEOID MODEL: GEOID 09 COMBINED GRID FACTOR: 1-00000704 PENDER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA LSD BDDK/PA01E -- UNITS: U.S. SURVEY FEET DRAW= NUMBEL. 2014 -OM TOTAL WETLAND MEA:9.67 ACRES WTfNESS M, ORIGNIAL SIGNATOE, LICENSE NUMBER. AND SEAL THIS dIMSDICMINAL DITCH (RP11� 14.809 L9EMR FEET —S— DAY OF 11 h AD DITCH (NON-RPWj t.860 UIREAR FEET JILL aA`N OAR /AAi�DOINIPROFEcr NO �=- 7 ' = :4X SEAL; L4831 7ITIIII ILLR,A WETLAND DELINEATION SURVEYJOB MBOL M25-00010°°' FOR SCALE: E: CA '' ' 2m• EAST HAVEN CAD NUIM : -101-6525WI PLS: DEM PENDER 1164 LLC PARTY C!®: PS/AT/JR DEED BOOK 4286, PAGE 8 CAD TELE. ADS PENDER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA LSD BDDK/PA01E -- FEBRUARY 18, 2014 DRAW= NUMBEL. 2014 -OM SHEET I OF 2 0- SCALE: 1* = 200' 0 100 200 X00 600 243 NORTH FRONT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 TELEPHONE: (910) 343-1048 FAX: (910) 251-8282 NORTH CAROLINA FIRM LICENSE NUMBER F-1222 000© DO�Om 00� 3m ®�00 0 � m mm� WETLAND DELINEATION SURVEY FOR EAST HAVEN PENDER 1164 LLC DEED BOOK 4286, PAGE 8 PENDER COUNTY, NORTH CAROUNA FEBRUARY 18. 2014 a Om��O wwl�f�e.�n�11�!77171'1 imumis mm�m0� X10111111" "x &C-0 It, � A � L•1331 = 3�5/ZD I¢ toe NUI®ER: o6szs-DDOI SCALE: CAD NUMBER: vxl Dl -65250001 PLS: DEM PARTY CHIEF: PS/AT/JR CAD TECH: FIELD HOOK/PACE: -- DRAIIING NUMBER: 2016001 SHEET 2 OF 2 Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information Adj acent Property / Blake Farm Blvd. 2014 Jurisdictional Determination SEGi U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id. SAW -2013-01397 County: Pender U.S.G.S. Quad: NC-SCOTTS HILL NOTIFICATION OF JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION Property Owner: Blakes of Scotts Hill Attn: Mr. Chris Blake Address: 10565 US Hwy 17 Wilmington, NC, 28411 Size (acres) 254 Nearest Town Hampstead Nearest Waterway Island Creek River Basin Northeast Cane Fear. North Carolina. USGS HUC 3030007 Coordinates Latitude: 34.3325507986215 Longitude: -77.7742546793665 Location description: The site is located in the northeast quadrant of the intersection of Hwy 17 and Sidbury Road in Hampstead, Pender County, North Carolina. Indicate Which of the Following Apply: A. Preliminary Determination _ Based on preliminary information, there may be wetlands on the above described property. We strongly suggest you have this property inspected to determine the extent of Department of the Army (DA) jurisdiction. To be considered final, a jurisdictional determination must be verified by the Corps. This preliminary determination is not an appealable action under the Regulatory Program Administrative Appeal Process (Reference 33 CFR Part 331). If you wish, you may request an approved JD (which may be appealed), by contacting the Corps district for further instruction. Also, you may provide new information for further consideration by the Corps to reevaluate the JD. B. Approved Determination _ There are Navigable Waters of the United States within the above described property subject to the permit requirements of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. X There are waters of the U.S. including wetlands on the above described protect area subiect to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC 4 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification.. We strongly suggest you have the wetlands on your property delineated. Due to the size of your property and/or our present workload, the Corps may not be able to accomplish this wetland delineation in a timely manner. For a more timely delineation, you may wish to obtain a consultant. To be considered final, any delineation must be verified by the Corps. The waters of the U.S. including wetlands on your project area have been delineated and the delineation has been verified by the Corps. We strongly suggest you have this delineation surveyed. Upon completion, this survey should be reviewed and verified by the Corps. Once verified, this survey will provide an accurate depiction of all areas subject to CWA jurisdiction on your property which, provided there is no change in the law or our published regulations, may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years. X The waters of the U.S. including wetlands have been delineated and surveyed and are accurately depicted on the plat signed by the Corps Regulatory Official identified below on 4/28/2014. Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. There are no waters of the U.S., to include wetlands, present on the above described project area which are subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. Page 1 of 2 X The property is located in one of the 20 Coastal Counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA). You should contact the Division of Coastal Management in Wilmington, NC, at (910) 796-7215 to determine their requirements. Placement of dredged or fill material within waters of the US and/or wetlands without a Department of the Army permit may constitute a violation of Section 301 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC § 1311). If you have any questions regarding this determination and/or the Corps regulatory program, please contact Tyler Crumbley at 910-251-4170 or Tyler.CrumblevOilusace.army.mil. C. Basis For Determination: Determination was based on review of aerial photoerapbv, USGS, soils and Lidar mans and from observations made during the site visit. Wetlands met criteria set forth in the Corps 1987 delineation manual and the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Rection Supplement and tributaries were determined based on OHWM as identified in the field. Wetlands are adjacent to on-site tributaries that flow into an unnamed tributary of Futch Creek, which is a tidal, Section 10 Navieable Water. D. Remarks: E. Attention USDA Program Participants This delineation/determination has been conducted to identify the limits of Corps' Clean Water Act jurisdiction for the particular site identified in this request. The delineation/determination may not be valid for the wetland conservation provisions of the Food Security Act of 1985. If you or your tenant are USDA Program participants, or anticipate participation in USDA programs, you should request a certified wetland determination from the local office of the Natural Resources Conservation Service, prior to starting work. F. Appeals Information (This information applies only to approved jurisdictional determinations as indicated in B. above) This correspondence constitutes an approved jurisdictional determination for the above described site. If you object to this determination, you may request an administrative appeal under Corps regulations at 33 CFR Part 331. Enclosed you will find a Notification of Appeal Process (NAP) fact sheet and request for appeal (RFA) form. If you request to appeal this determination you must submit a completed RFA form to the following address: US Army Corps of Engineers South Atlantic Division Attn: Jason Steele, Review Officer 60 Forsyth Street SW, Room 10M15 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8801 In order for an RFA to be accepted by the Corps, the Corps must determine that it is complete, that it meets the criteria for appeal under 33 CFR part 331.5, and that it has been received by the Division Office within 60 days of the date of the NAP. Should you decide to submit an RFA form, it must be received at the above address by 6/28/2014. **It is not necessary to s itRFA form to the Division Office if you do not object to the determination in this correspondence. Corps Regulatory Official: Date: April 28, 2014 Ex ' ati Date: ril 28, 2019 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete our Customer Satisfaction Survey, located online at http://re ug lato[y.usacesurvey.com/. Copy furnished: Southern Environmental Group, Inc Attn: David Scibetta 5315 South College Rd, Suite E Wilmington, NC 28412 E: PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: You do not need to respond to the Corps regarding the preliminary JD. The Preliminary JD is not appealable. If you wish, you may request an approved JD (which may be appealed), by contacting the Corps district for further instruction. Also you may provide new information for further consideration by the Corps to reevaluate the JD. REASONS FOR APPEAL OR OBJECTIONS: (Describe your reasons for appealing the decision or your objections to an initial proffered permit in clear concise statements. You may attach additional information to this form to clarify where your reasons or objections are addressed in the administrative record.) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The appeal is limited to a review of the administrative record, the Corps memorandum for the record of the appeal conference or meeting, and any supplemental information that the review officer has determined is needed to clarify the administrative record. Neither the appellant nor the Corps may add new information or analyses to the record. However, you may provide additional information to clarify the location of information that is already in the administrative record. If you have questions regarding this decision and/or the appeal process you may contact: District Engineer, Wilmington Regulatory Division Attn: Tyler Crumbley, Project Manager, Wilmington Regulatory Field Office 69 Darlington Ave Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 If you only have questions regarding the appeal process you may also contact: Mr. Jason Steele, Administrative Appeal Review Officer CESAD-PDO U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, South Atlantic Division 60 Forsyth Street, Room l OM 15 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8801 Phone: (404) 562-5137 RIGHT OF ENTRY: Your signature below grants the right of entry to Corps of Engineers personnel, and any government consultants, to conduct investigations of the project site during the course of the appeal process, You will be provided a 15 day notice of any site investigation, and will have the opportunity to partici ate in all site investi ations. Date: I Telephone number: of appellant or For appeals on Initial Proffered Permits send this form to: District Engineer, Wilmington Regulatory Division, Attn: Crystal Amschler, 69 Darlington Avenue, Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 For Permit denials, Proffered Permits and approved Jurisdictional Determinations send this form to: Division Engineer, Commander, U.S. Army Engineer Division, South Atlantic, Attn: Mr. Jason Steele, Administrative Appeal Officer, CESAD-PDO, 60 Forsyth Street, Room 1OM15, Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8801 Phone: (404).562-5137 Applicant: Makes of Scotts Hill, Chris Blake File Number: SAW -2013-01397 I Date: April 28, 2014 Attached is: See Section below INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT Standard Permit or Letter of ermission) A PROFFERED PERMIT Standard Permit or Letter ofpermission) B ❑ PERMIT DENIAL C APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION D ❑ PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION E A: INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT: You may accept or object to the permit. • ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization. If you received a Letter of Permission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LOP means that you accept the permit in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations associated with the permit. OBJECT: If you object to the permit (Standard or LOP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may request that the permit be modified accordingly. You must complete Section II of this form and return the form to the district engineer. Your objections must be received by the district engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice, or you will forfeit your right to appeal the permit in the future. Upon receipt of your letter, the district engineer will evaluate your objections and may: (a) modify the permit to address all of your concerns, (b) modify the permit to address some of your objections, or (c) not modify the permit having determined that the permit should be issued as previously written. After evaluating your objections, the district engineer will send you a proffered permit for your reconsideration, as indicated in Section B below. B: PROFFERED PERMIT: You may accept or appeal the permit • ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization. If you received a Letter of Permission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LOP means that you accept the permit in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations associated with the permit. APPEAL: If you choose to decline the proffered permit (Standard or LOP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may appeal the declined permit under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. C: PERMIT DENIAL: You may appeal the denial of a permit under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. D. APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: You may accept or appeal the approved JD or provide new information. • ACCEPT: You do not need to notify the Corps to accept an approved JD. Failure to notify the Corps within 60 days of the date of this notice, means that you accept the approved JD in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the approved JD. • APPEAL: If you disagree with the approved JD, you may appeal the approved JD under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the district engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. I I< 31 LEGEND ® NCGS MONUMENT OI - CONCRETE MQRIMENT FOUND 'BCA - REBAR ! CAP R/W - RIGHT OF WAT DB - DEED a" PG U 11 N/F >• NOW/FORMERLY NM - WETLAND MG W W' _ ••A W • r�pET ^� AA• �� � q1 /w• �■ I w/■ ,p.y,jp T W c AIN a u A0o I ; a■ita[ ry nlwaral� v e ■ N•�A4RHMAW la � Ra '['TACO W AIN n M 6� ]oa• • O CLL N'[�ypj(- ♦W 21 lCr I ,w N'r.] wa��� fKi Y fin.] nl] AOAo - •M� - �� II o�A■ ( L S F .,. E • • ,t .. 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ENCUMBRANCES. RMTRCENE COVENANTS. OWNERSHIP, m!F EVIDENCE. OR MY OTHER FAGIS THAT AN ACCURATE AND CURRENT IfRL SEARCH MAY DISCLOSE. 5 UNDERGROUND UDUTIES ARE SHOWN ONLY WHERE ABOVEGROUND SERVICES WERE VISIBLE 6 SUBSURFACE AND ENVIRONMENTS CONOLIONS WERE NOr EXAMINED OR CONSIDERED AS A PART OF THIS SURVEY NO STATEMENT 6 MCC OONCEANN(I THE E10STEWE OF UHOERMDUNO OR ONERHEM) CONTAINERS OR FACILRDES THAT MAY AFFECT THE USE OR DEVELOPMENT a THIS TRACT. 7 SUBJECT TO ALL EASEMENTS, RIGHT OF WAYS, AND OR ENCUMBRANCES THAT MAY EFFECT THIS PROPERTY. B WETIAND DELI FATED SY SOUTH ETM ENVIRONMENTAL. GROUP INC 5315 S. COLLEGE ROAD, SUITE E WRANGTON. M 28412 PN: (910) 452-2711 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION: 1. DOMINIQUE E HIGUEL PLS L-4631, CERTIFY THAT THIS PIAT WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISOR (DEED DESMIPHON RECORDED IN BOON M75 PAGE ITS); THAT THE BOUNDARY IVES NOT SURVEYED ME INDMATED WITH DASH m LINES AS DRAWN FROM INFORMATION N PENDER COU NiY GIS; THAT THE POSITIONAL ACCURACY IS 0.055 AT 91C: THAT MIS PIAT MEETS ME REOIIREME OF THE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYING N NORM CARONA (21 NCAC % 1600): THAT ME GPS SURVEY MADE WAS UNDER MY SUPERVISION MD THE FOLD MNO WORMAtON WAS USED TO PERFORM M6 SURVEY. CUSS OF SURVEY: CUSS B PVSRIDNA ACCURACY: 0.055 AT 95L TYPE OF OPS FETD PROCEDURE RM/VRS DATES OF SURVEY: JANIRARY 14. 2014 DAVM/EPOCH. M GRID NM83/2007 "'ED/FIXED-CONTROL USED: NCGS MONUMENT -CHAPEL* GEOID MODEL GEOID 09 COMBINED GRD FACTOR I OODW704 UIIRS: US SURVEY FEET WITNESS MY OBGNU. SIGNATURE, LCE14 NUMBER. M0 SEAL THIS DAY OF M DOMINNWE E MIGUEZ PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR L-4831 ROB NUMBER: SGEJ's: 1• - 200' CAD MUYBKR _Y.tOt-653XAOE PLN:LD_LW._ PARTY C)TQF: /TCT - CAD TECH: Its P®D BOOK/PAGE: DRAW NG NUY . tlrrr i or• 3 J LEGEND ® NCGS MONUMENT p - CONCRETE MQRIMENT FOUND 'BCA - REBAR ! CAP R/W - RIGHT OF WAT DB - DEED a" PG PAGE N/F >• NOW/FORMERLY NM - WETLAND MG WETLAND DELINEATION SURVEY FOR EAST HAVEN BLAKES OF SCOTTS HILL LLC DEED BOOK 3375, PAGE 179 PENDER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA JANUARY 21, 2014 --I'bl3- c- X3'17 ma M' ALL W"AAMC9 ARE NOR120NCA GROUND IN US SUa FEET lML£SS OMERMSE S]FG'WN. 2 BFANMGS BASED CH NC MID NMB.I/2007 3 REFETElCESO® BOOK 1115 PAGE 179 4 SURVEYDR WAS MADE NO INVES1NiATION OR INDEPENDENT SEARCH FOR EASEMENTS a RECORD. ENCUMBRANCES. RMTRCENE COVENANTS. OWNERSHIP, m!F EVIDENCE. OR MY OTHER FAGIS THAT AN ACCURATE AND CURRENT IfRL SEARCH MAY DISCLOSE. 5 UNDERGROUND UDUTIES ARE SHOWN ONLY WHERE ABOVEGROUND SERVICES WERE VISIBLE 6 SUBSURFACE AND ENVIRONMENTS CONOLIONS WERE NOr EXAMINED OR CONSIDERED AS A PART OF THIS SURVEY NO STATEMENT 6 MCC OONCEANN(I THE E10STEWE OF UHOERMDUNO OR ONERHEM) CONTAINERS OR FACILRDES THAT MAY AFFECT THE USE OR DEVELOPMENT a THIS TRACT. 7 SUBJECT TO ALL EASEMENTS, RIGHT OF WAYS, AND OR ENCUMBRANCES THAT MAY EFFECT THIS PROPERTY. B WETIAND DELI FATED SY SOUTH ETM ENVIRONMENTAL. GROUP INC 5315 S. COLLEGE ROAD, SUITE E WRANGTON. M 28412 PN: (910) 452-2711 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION: 1. DOMINIQUE E HIGUEL PLS L-4631, CERTIFY THAT THIS PIAT WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISOR (DEED DESMIPHON RECORDED IN BOON M75 PAGE ITS); THAT THE BOUNDARY IVES NOT SURVEYED ME INDMATED WITH DASH m LINES AS DRAWN FROM INFORMATION N PENDER COU NiY GIS; THAT THE POSITIONAL ACCURACY IS 0.055 AT 91C: THAT MIS PIAT MEETS ME REOIIREME OF THE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYING N NORM CARONA (21 NCAC % 1600): THAT ME GPS SURVEY MADE WAS UNDER MY SUPERVISION MD THE FOLD MNO WORMAtON WAS USED TO PERFORM M6 SURVEY. CUSS OF SURVEY: CUSS B PVSRIDNA ACCURACY: 0.055 AT 95L TYPE OF OPS FETD PROCEDURE RM/VRS DATES OF SURVEY: JANIRARY 14. 2014 DAVM/EPOCH. M GRID NM83/2007 "'ED/FIXED-CONTROL USED: NCGS MONUMENT -CHAPEL* GEOID MODEL GEOID 09 COMBINED GRD FACTOR I OODW704 UIIRS: US SURVEY FEET WITNESS MY OBGNU. SIGNATURE, LCE14 NUMBER. M0 SEAL THIS DAY OF M DOMINNWE E MIGUEZ PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR L-4831 ROB NUMBER: SGEJ's: 1• - 200' CAD MUYBKR _Y.tOt-653XAOE PLN:LD_LW._ PARTY C)TQF: /TCT - CAD TECH: Its P®D BOOK/PAGE: DRAW NG NUY . tlrrr i or• 3 J I I I I I LEGEND ,Y I ® - N[GS 4pJUNENi 1 O CONCRETE MONUwENT FOUND F 1 3 1 neC A - NEBAN a CAP O 1 B/W - RIOHT Of WAY ON DEED e00. x � PG - PACE N/F NOW/FONNEALY U y NER 0 MG of trlo•A DNEw MEp •��«" � \. rr AEEE.Cb.a • ••IAw•Kf2n♦. eMfA l4v"�w7 Q .17- rrblsnw-+V ,.. n. � _ �.� dmaa doo-.••1% � V �.. IJE � LL in F O • _. 1 I • L W � F � 1 A emu ®® Emc=czz cm @fE•iM•i®�® ®®®gym @d•��^1ri1i�1�.F.�.��.tF���.���® IMCCEIZEM =11 @®®® @.�.�®®m @�® 11113111111=1111 ��,arp vcmr `� pry 4 ` 7 11St itittr „w✓ a Nx�N C A t? S ES"% L 831 ' A E EMS` P uc GH Y •�_- ` �Q iII1 AIGHi OF WAY VARJ ill 71 r 4— d c r>* Not t® Sca10 SCALE: 1' - 200' 0 100 200 400 600 `MRO �rj FRONTsrRt.l E�G�JL WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA 2E4111 TELEPHONE: (910) 343-1348 FAX: (91 U) 251.8282 NORTH CAROLINA FIRM LICENSE NUMBER: F-1222 ®®®YYW 4YY m®®®m C!®®{�7i :� WETLAND DELINEATION SURVEY FOR EAST HAVEN SLAKES OF SCOTTS HILL LLC DEED BOOK 3375, PAGE 179 PENDER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA JANUARY 21, 2014 1 ,ASE its m JOB NUMBER: 06525-0001 scA1F.: 1- - 2001 CAD NUMBER —IQ] -65750001 P[g: DEM PARTY CHET: K/A1>/13�_ CAD TECH: _ ACS FMD BDOK/PAGE: DRAWING NOMBiMF 201.3 mm. WQ 'I'di'lailmetoatsaessss s® 21 W i r9ra "ff- 0 m5mmilm I MIA ME= sera wr,m� C=�M! E=C= =M=C= m=C==CmM1 Me= mcmc=e�Ml mesame�sa®m C=1C==mM1 mm m®C=D= m OEM== MC= e�=C=m mm=rh= - Mi C=C=U=m CM . — M! Reduced Ceps Not to Scale m®ssetaaemsm MGAWM®m livuesas�e*mmgma� m®esiraa=W nmncc=mczm mes�estasC=l= mn I= e�aVMS" sw�== OM M1 Cc=1M mE=CC===M=1 C= C= ===CC===M1 NWVCCMC== m MM! Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information SEGi Attachment H Natural Resource Information Division of Water Resources Water Classification Map USGS Topographic Map Soils Map Pender County GIS Flood Map X1 i AAA NO 40, cV SR -1657 � • � t w ; I �. � � SSR -1571 ' 65 ASK ,- A SR166 4, � � � � +� _ • + rn SR -1662 `� ..'�� #' :SR-1�i21 r o R-1648 SR -166 .~ t . ` K ' SR -1572 • , ; 4 _ •!y :kms � �� �- FT1 _ i'E ' t Iif Y' �3 y. i jj • r', 'ter ' *.. 3 O ••. �8 `i 4 � � �., � y� irl` oYi_ :may. ii SR 2259 f 3.. •fir'_ Y a •.r�,47w,�• ,'r3 .,,e�'p'•�.� .. ^ ,. DWQ Water Classifications r - w 9 � � i _:� c''� � ,sem► t 00, r • �0 ;� �Blakfe-rm SF -1 Project Area 0 200 400 800 1,200 1,600 2,000 Feet 1 inch = 1,000 feet Map Source:USA Topo Maps, 7.5 -minute quad, 1:24k scale i I< � t USGS Topo Map Blake Farm SF -1 Project Area Scotts Hill, Pender Co., N.C. 4/27/2016 05-159.01 s Wr- •�*4 —' y; • • ,25.E �` 5cc l Sa '�' t•. l 1 _ �,.. "'•,ter/ r s�.frr' �' ,p,.. ry - J� �I�a y ' .- ( .`-'` `,,,,--� y,` ; •� ,��,�„'� �, .,,ter-�:�: � � l 3 v , SR -1 661 w' -f • S - R-1662 _ 'R R 162 rJ . 164 • w •" t } r� �» SR -1626 •.� SR -1572 44 S(Sw, R 2259' -z r ft , Yea..... .. <.�:-,..._... .{,. Al. 1V _ Lf) a't'.'" Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information SEGi Attachment I Alternative Analysis Map X11 N 0 400 800 1,600 2,400 3,200 4,000 Alternatives Analysis Key Map Feet 1 inch = 2,000 feet Blake Farm SF-i Project Area w e Scotts Hill, Pender Co., N.C. F. Map Source: NCOneMap Orthoimagery 5/2/2016 05-159.01 s` �' Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information Attachment J Threatened and Endangered Species Study SEGi Blake Farm SF -1 Threatened and Endangered Species Report USACOE Action ID#: 2012-01624 Prepared for: Ms. Emily Greer Project Manager, Regulatory Division U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Prepared By: Mr. Raiford Trask III Pender Farm Development LLC 1202 Eastwood Road Wilmington, NC 28403 Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 5315 South College Road, Suite E Wilmington, NC 28412 (910)452-2711 May 2016 1.0 Introduction This Endangered Species Report has been prepared as part of an Individual Permit (IP) application to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in order to determine whether protected species are located within the subject site, herein referred to as Blake Farm SF -1. 2.0 Site Location This Endangered Species Report is being prepared for one (1) Pender County parcel. The parcel ID associated with Blake Farm SF -1 is 3271-16-5288-0000. The parcel is shown below and the project area indicated by a red border: Figure 1: Aerial photo of project area The 137 -acre project site is located west of NC7 in Scotts Hill, North Carolina. Entrance into the site can be found off Hogan's Trail, which is off Sidbury Road, south of the site. 3.0 Site Description The project are can be characterized as silvicultural land with areas intermingled with high pocosin and hardwood flat wetlands, comprised of mixed hardwoods including comprised of hardwood tree species including various oaks (examples: laurel oak [Quercus laurifolia], swamp chestnut oak [Quercus michauxii]), swamp gum (Nyssa aquatica), green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua), red maple (Acer rubrum), and tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera).and bay trees in the genera Persea, Gordonia, and Magnolia, along with understory species including tall gallberry (Ilex coriacea), titi (Cyrilla racemiflora), and fedder bush (Lyonia lucida). 4.0 Protected Species According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Endangered Species website and data taken from their IPaC Trust Resources Report (see attached), 17 protected species are known to occur in Pender County', From review of the habitat requirements of the listed plants and animals from Pender County, it was determined that there is the potential for occurrence of 5 of the listed species within the Blake Farm SF -1. The listed species include: the red -cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis); American chaffseed (Schwalbea americana); Cooley's meadowrue (Thalictrum cooleyi); golden sedge (Carex lutea); and the rough -leaved loosestrife (Lysimachia asperulaefolia). 5.0 Investigative Methods We sent an information request to the N.C. Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP), to get information on the distribution of rare animals, rare plants, natural communities, Significant Natural Heritage Areas, Dedicated State Nature Preserves, and Registered Heritage Areas, within and adjacent to the project area (see attached) Our firm has conducted extensive on-site field investigations for wetlands and protected species by experienced biologists within all parts of the project area during all periods of the year. 6.0 Baseline Information on the Listed Species 6.1 Red -cockaded woodpecker For nesting/roosting, this species needs open stands of pine containing trees 60 years old and older. These birds need older, live pines, in which they excavate their cavities. Longleaf pines are most commonly used, but other species of southern pine, such as pond pine (Pinus serotina) are also acceptable. Dense stands (stands that are primarily hardwoods, or that have a dense hardwood understory) are avoided. Generally, foraging habitat is found in pine and pine - hardwood stands, with trees 30 years old and older, with foraging preferences for pine trees 6 inches or larger in DBH. In good, moderately stocked pine habitat, sufficient foraging substrate can be found on 80 to 125 acres. 6.2 American chaffseed According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, American chaffseed occurs in sandy (sandy peat, sandy loam), acidic, seasonally moist to dry soils. It is generally found in habitats described as open, moist pine flatwoods, fire -maintained savannas, ecotonal areas between peaty wetlands and xeric sandy soils, and other open grass -sedge systems. Chaffseed is dependent on factors such as fire, mowing, or fluctuating water tables to maintain the crucial open to partly -open conditions that it requires. Historically, the species existed on savannas and pinelands throughout the coastal plain and on sandstone knobs and plains inland where frequent, naturally occurring fires maintained these sub -climax communities. Under these conditions, herbaceous plants such as Schwalbea were favored over trees and shrubs. Most of the surviving populations, and all of the most vigorous populations, are in areas that are still subject to frequent fire. These fire -maintained habitats include plantations where prescribed fire is part of a management regime for quail and other game species, army base impact zones that burn regularly because of artillery shelling, forest management areas that are burned to maintain habitat for wildlife, including the endangered red -cockaded woodpecker, and various other private lands that are burned to maintain open fields. Fire may be important to the species in ' http://www.fws.gov/raleigh/species/cntylist/pender.html ways that are not yet understood, such as for germination of seed, or in the formation of the connection to the host plant. 6.3 Cooley's meadowrue According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooley's meadowrue occurs in moist to wet bogs and savannas. It grows along fire plow lines, roadside ditches, woodland clearings, and power line rights-of-way, and needs some type of disturbance to maintain its open habitat. Plants often found growing with the meadowrue include tulip poplar growing with cypress and/or Atlantic white cedar (Leonard 1987). 6.4 Golden Sedge Golden sedge grows in sandy soils overlying coquina limestone deposits, where the soil pH is unusually high for this region, typically between 5.5 and 7.2. Soils supporting the species are very wet to periodically shallowly inundated. The species prefers the ecotone (narrow transition zone between two diverse ecological communities) between the pine savanna and adjacent wet hardwood or hardwood/conifer forest. Most plants occur in the partially shaded savanna/swamp where occasional to frequent fires favor an herbaceous ground layer and suppress shrub dominance. Other species with which this sedge grows include tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), pond cypress (Taxodium ascendens), red maple (Acer rubrum), wax myrtle (Morella cerifera), colic root (Aletris farinosa), and several species of beakrush (Rhynchospora spp.). At most sites, golden sedge shares its habitat with Cooley's meadowrue and with Thorne's beakrush (Rhynchospora thornei), a species of concern in N.C. 6.5 Rough -leaved loosestrife This species generally occurs in the ecotones or edges between long leaf pine uplands and pond pine pocosins (areas of dense shrub and vine growth usually on a wet, peaty, poorly drained soil) (Barry 1980), on moist to seasonally saturated sands and on shallow organic soils overlaying sand. Rough -leaved loosestrife has also been found on deep peat in the low shrub community of large Carolina bays (shallow, elliptical, poorly drained depressions of unknown origin) (Matthews et al., 1980). The grass -shrub ecotone, where rough -leaved loosestrife is found, is fire -maintained, as are the adjacent plant communities (long leaf pine - scrub oak, savanna, flatwoods, and pocosin). Suppression of naturally -occurring fire in these ecotones results in shrubs increasing in density and height and expanding to eliminate the open edges required by this plant. 7.0 FindinEs 7.1 Red -cockaded woodpecker There is one NCNHP records of occurrence of red -cockaded woodpeckers within l mile of the project limits. There are no cavity trees identified within the limits of the project. It is our opinion that the proposed construction is not likely to adversely impact foraging resource or affect any of the adjacent nest colonies of red -cockaded woodpeckers. No RCW nests, cavities, or starts were observed on Blake Farm SF -1 or within 0.5 mile of the site. Thus, no impact to foraging resources of the red -cockaded woodpeckers will occur, as a result of construction of Blake Farm SF -1. 7.2 American chaffseed There are small sandy ridges interspersed throughout the tract. However, the dominant soil type within the project area is a mineral based sandy loam. The site has remained overgrown, been managed for timber for a very long period of time, and lacks the frequent fires needed by this plant. There is a maintained power line R.O.W. within the tract, however, this is not ever subjected to fire because of the danger of damage to the lines. There are several area of hardwood flat wetlands, and are severely overgrown and shaded, making these areas unsuitable for this plant. No American chaffseed was found during site surveys. Thus, it is anticipated that no impact to the American chaffseed will occur, as a result of construction of Blake Farm SF -1. 7.3 Cooley's meadowrue There majority of the project area, which has been managed for timber for many years, which in this type of habitat, remained densely vegetated with waxy shrubs until harvest, and is rarely burned. There is a maintained power line R.O.W. within the tract. This area has one small wetland margin that is suitable for this plant, however, no plants were observed. The margins of the on-site hardwood flat wetlands are generally overgrown, and have only recently been exposed by timber and mowing activity. No Cooley's meadowrue was found during site surveys. Thus, no impact to the Cooley's meadowrue will occur, as a result of construction of Blake Farm SF -1. 7.4 Golden Sedge All of the wetland margins have been long overgrown, and lack the frequent fires needed to maintain its preferred habitat. There is a maintained power line R.O.W. within the tract, however, this is not ever subjected to fire because of the danger of damage to the lines. The soils in the project area do not match the type that supports healthy local populations of golden sedge in Pender County. No golden sedge was found during site surveys. Thus, impact to the golden sedge is not anticipated to occur, as a result of construction of Blake Farm SF -I. 7.5 Rough -leaved loosestrife There are small sandy ridges interspersed throughout the tract. The site has remained overgrown, been managed for timber for a very long period of time, and lacks the frequent fires needed by this plant. There is a maintained power line R.O.W. within the tract, however, this is not ever subjected to fire because of the danger of damage to the lines. There are several area of hardwood flat wetlands, and are severely overgrown and shaded, making these areas unsuitable for this plant. No rough -leaved loosestrife was found during the site survey. No impact to the rough - leaved loosestrife will occur as a result of construction of Blake Farm SF -1. 6.0 Summary Blake Farm SF -1 was evaluated to determine the presence or absence of protected plant and animal species, namely the red -cockaded woodpecker, American chaffseed, Cooley's meadowrue, golden sedge, and the rough -leaved loosestrife. There were no red -cockaded woodpecker cavity trees or starts found with the limits of Blake Farm SF -1, nor within 0.5 mile of its project boundaries. Thus, it is anticipated that impact to woodpecker cavity trees, starts, or foraging resources will not occur as a result of construction of Blake Farm SF -l. The site has remained overgrown, been managed for timber for a very long period of time, and lacks the frequent fires needed by many of the listed plants. Therefore, the preferred habitat of the listed plant species is not found within the limits of the project site. In addition, none of the protected plants were found within Blake Farm SF -1 site. With that, it is anticipated that no impact to American chaffseed, Cooley's meadowrue, golden sedge, or the rough -leaved loosestrife will occur as a result of construction of Blake Farm SF -1. Appendix A USFWS and NCNHP Letters of Findings Blake Farm SF -1 Project IPaC Trust Resources Report Generated May 02, 2016 01:42 PM MDT, IPaC v3.0.2 This report is for informational purposes only and should not be used for planning or analyzing project level impacts. For project reviews that require U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service review or concurrence, please return to the IPaC website and request an official species list from the Regulatory Documents page. r�. N IPaC - Information for Planning and Conservation (https://ecos.fws.gov/iliac/): A project planning tool to help streamline the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service environmental review process. Table of Contents IPaC Trust Resources Report ....................................................... 1 Project Description.............................................................. 1 Endangered Species............................................................ 2 MigratoryBirds................................................................. 5 Refuges & Hatcheries........................................................... 9 Wetlands..................................................................... 10 U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service IPaC Trust Resources Report NAME Blake Farm SF -1 Project LOCATION Pender County, North Carolina IPAC LINK https://ecos.fws.aov/ipac/{�rojecU 5J5B1-X6GGJ-HYHGY-H2GS5-QXXN N I t 1`Rll h N 141 K1w'E 1�1'Hl'N'F 4,{ U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Contact Information Trust resources in this location are managed by: Raleigh Ecological Services Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 (919) 856-4520 IPaC Trust Resources Report Endangered Species Endangered Species Proposed, candidate, threatened, and endangered species are managed by the Endangered Species Program of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. This USFWS trust resource report is for informational purposes only and should not be used for planning or analyzing project level impacts. For project evaluations that require USFWS concurrence/review, please return to the IPaC website and request an official species list from the Regulatory Documents section. Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act requires Federal agencies to "request of the Secretary information whether any species which is listed or proposed to be listed may be present in the area of such proposed action" for any project that is conducted, permitted, funded, or licensed by any Federal agency. A letter from the local office and a species list which fulfills this requirement can only be obtained by requesting an official species list either from the Regulatory Documents section in IPaC or from the local field office directly. The list of species below are those that may occur or could potentially be affected by activities in this location: Birds Piping Plover Charadrius melodus Threatened CRITICAL HABITAT There is final critical habitat designated for this species. http://ecos fws gov/tess public/ r�speciesProfile action?spcode=B079 Red Knot Calidris canutus rufa Threatened CRITICAL HABITAT No critical habitat has been designated for this species. http://ecos fws gov/tess_public/profile/speciesProfile.action?spcode=BODM Red -cockaded Woodpecker Picoides borealis Endangered CRITICAL HABITAT No critical habitat has been designated for this species. http://ecos.fws.00v/tessublic/ rop file/speciesProfile.action?spcode=B04F 5/2/2016 1:42 PM IPaC v3.0.2 Page 2 P IPaC Trust Resources Report Endangered Species Fishes Atlantic Sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus Endangered CRITICAL HABITAT No critical habitat has been designated for this species. http7//ecos.fws.gov/tess pu bl ic/rof ofile/s/speciesProfile action?spcode=EOA7 Shortnose Sturgeon Acipenser brevirostrum Endangered CRITICAL HABITAT No critical habitat has been designated for this species. http7//eCOS.fws.gov/tess public/profile/speciesProfileaction?spcode=E00B Flowering Plants American Chaffseed Schwalbea americana Endangered CRITICAL HABITAT No critical habitat has been designated for this species. hftp://ecos fws gov/tess public/ ro�peeciesProfile action?spcode=Q214 Cooley's Meadowrue Thalictrum cooleyi Endangered CRITICAL HABITAT No critical habitat has been designated for this species. http://ecos fws gov/tessuR blip/ rop file/speciesProfile action?spcode=Q231 Golden Sedge Carex lutea Endangered CRITICAL HABITAT There is final critical habitat designated for this species. hftp7//ecos.fws.gov/tess public/profile/speciesProfile action?spcode=Q3HD Rough -leaved Loosestrife Lysimachia asperulaefolia Endangered CRITICAL HABITAT No critical habitat has been designated for this species. http://ecos.fws gov/tessup blic/ rop file/speciesProfile.action?spcode=Q2DF Seabeach Amaranth Amaranthus pumilus Threatened CRITICAL HABITAT No critical habitat has been designated for this species. http://ecos fws gov/tess public/ rop file/speciesProfile action ?spcode=Q2MZ Mammals West Indian Manatee Trichechus manatus Endangered CRITICAL HABITAT There is final critical habitat designated for this species. http7//ecos fws gov/tess public/ rof�file/s/speciesProfile action?spcode=A007 5/2/2016 1:42 PM IPaC v3.0.2 Pace; 3 I P IPaC Trust Resources Report Endangered Species Reptiles American Alligator Alligator mississippiensis Similarity of Appearance (Threatened) CRITICAL HABITAT No critical habitat has been designated for this species. http://ecos fws gov/tess_public/profile/speciesProfile action?spcode=C000 Green Sea Turtle Chelonia mydas Threatened CRITICAL HABITAT There is final critical habitat designated for this species. http://ecos fws gov/tess public/ rofile/soeciesProfile action?spcode=COOS Hawksbill Sea Turtle Eretmochelys imbricate Endangered CRITICAL HABITAT There is final critical habitat designated for this species. http://ecos fws gov/tessublic/ rop file/soeciesProfile.action?spcode=C00E Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle Lepidochelys kempii Endangered CRITICAL HABITAT No critical habitat has been designated for this species. http•//ecos fws gov/tess public/profile/speciesProfile action?spcode=C00O Leatherback Sea Turtle Dermochelys coriacea Endangered CRITICAL HABITAT There is final critical habitat designated for this species. http://ecos fws gov/tessublic/ rop file/speciesProfile.action?spcode=COOF Loggerhead Sea Turtle Caretta caretta Threatened CRITICAL HABITAT There are both final and proposed critical habitat designated for this species. http://ecos fws.aov/tessublic/ rop file/speciesProfile.action?spcode=C000 Critical Habitats There are no critical habitats in this location 5/2/2016 1:42 PM IPaC v3.0.2 Page 4 IPaC Trust Resources Report Migratory Birds Migratory Birds Birds are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. Any activity that results in the take of migratory birds or eagles is prohibited unless authorized by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.111 There are no provisions for allowing the take of migratory birds that are unintentionally killed or injured. Any person or organization who plans or conducts activities that may result in the take of migratory birds is responsible for complying with the appropriate regulations and implementing appropriate conservation measures. 1. 50 C.F.R. Sec. 10.12 and 16 U.S.C. Sec. 668(a) Additional information can be found using the following links: • Birds of Conservation Concern http://www.fws.gov/birds/management/managed-species/ birds-of-conservation-concern.php • Conservation measures for birds http://www.fws.gov/birds/management/project-assessment-tools-and-guidance/ conservation-measures.php • Year-round bird occurrence data http://www.fws.gov/birds/management/project-assessment-tools-and-guidance/ akn-histogram-tools.php The following species of migratory birds could potentially be affected by activities in this location: American Kestrel Falco sparverius paulus Year-round American Oystercatcher Haematopus palliatus Year-round http://ecos.fws.gov/tess_ ubli rofile/speciesProfile.action?spcode=BOG8 American Bittern Botaurus lentiginosus Season: Wintering http://ecos.fws.ciov/tess ublic/profile/speciesProfile.action?spcode=BOF3 Bachman's Sparrow Aimophila aestivalis Year-round http://ecos.fws.gov/tessu{� blic/ rop file/speciesProfile.action?spcode=B07F 512/2016 1:42 PM IPaC v3.0.2 Bird of conservation concern Bird of conservation concern Bird of conservation concern Bird of conservation concern Page 5 41 IPaC Trust Resources Report Migratory Birds Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bird of conservation concern Year-round http://ecos.fws.aov/tess public/profile/speciesProfile.action?spcode=8008 Black Rail Laterallus jamaicensis Bird of conservation concern Season: Breeding http://ecos.fws.aov/tess public/profile/speciesProfile.action?spcode=B09A Black Skimmer Rynchops niger Bird of conservation concern Year-round http://ecos.fws.gov/tess public/profile/speciesProfile.action?spcode=BOEO Black -throated Green Warbler Dendroica virens Bird of conservation concern Season: Breeding Brown -headed Nuthatch Sitta pusilla Bird of conservation concern Year-round Chuck -will's -widow Caprimulgus carolinensis Bird of conservation concern Season: Breeding Fox Sparrow Passerella iliaca Bird of conservation concern Season: Wintering Gull -billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica Bird of conservation concern Season: Breeding http://ecos.fws.aov/tess ublic/ rofile/speciesProfile.action?spcode=BOJV Henslow's Sparrow Ammodramus henslowii Bird of conservation concern Season: Wintering http://ecos.fws.00v/tess public/ rode/speciesProfile.action?spcode=B09D Least Bittern Ixobrychus exilis Season: Breeding http://ecos.fws.gov/tess_ublic/ rop file/speciesProfile.action?spcode=B092 Least Tern Sterna antillarum Bird of conservation concern Season: Breeding Lesser Yellowlegs Tringa flavipes Bird of conservation concern Season: Wintering http://ecos.fws.gov/tess�public/ rop file/speciesProfile.action?spcode=BOMD Loggerhead Shrike Lanius ludovicianus Bird of conservation concern Year-round http://ecos.fws.gov/tess_public/ rop file/speciesProfile.action?spcode=BOFY Marbled Godwit Limosa fedoa Bird of conservation concern Season: Wintering http://ecos.fws.gov/tess 12ublic/ rop file/speciesProfile.action?slCode=BOJL Nelson's Sparrow Ammodramus nelsoni Bird of conservation concern Season: Wintering 5/2/2016 1:42 PM IPaC v3.0.2 Page 6 IPaC Trust Resources Report Migratory Birds Painted Bunting Passerina ciris Bird of conservation concern Season: Breeding Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus Bird of conservation concern Season: Wintering http://ecos.fws.gov/tessu� ro�peciesProfile.action?spcode=BOFU Prairie Warbler Dendroica discolor Bird of conservation concern Season: Breeding Prothonotary Warbler Protonotaria citrea Bird of conservation concern Season: Breeding Purple Sandpiper Calidris maritima Bird of conservation concern Season: Wintering Red Knot Calidris canutus rufa Bird of conservation concern Season: Wintering http://ecos.fws.aov/tessublic/ rop file/speciesProfile.action?spcode=BODM Red-headed Woodpecker Melanerpes erythrocephalus Bird of conservation concern Year-round Rusty Blackbird Euphagus carolinus Bird of conservation concern Season: Wintering Saltmarsh Sparrow Ammodramus caudacutus Bird of conservation concern Season: Wintering Seaside Sparrow Ammodramus maritimus Bird of conservation concern Year-round Sedge Wren Cistothorus platensis Bird of conservation concern Season: Wintering Short -billed Dowitcher Limnodromus griseus Bird of conservation concern Season: Wintering http://ecos.fws.aov/tess public/profile/speciesProfile.action?spcode=BOJK Short -eared Owl Asio flammeus Bird of conservation concern Season: Wintering http://ecos.fws.Qov/tessup blic/ rofiile/speciesProfile.action?spcode=BOHD Swainson's Warbler Limnothlypis swainsonii Bird of conservation concern Season: Breeding Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus Bird of conservation concern Season: Wintering http://ecos.fws.gov/tessublic/ rop file/speciesProfile action?spcode=BOJ N Wilson's Plover Charadrius wilsonia Bird of conservation concern Season: Breeding Wood Thrush Hylocichla mustelina Bird of conservation concern Season: Breeding Worm Eating Warbler Helmitheros vermivorum Bird of conservation concern Season: Breeding 5/2/2016 1:42 PM IPaC v3.0.2 Page 7 IPaC Trust Resources Report Migratory Birds Yellow Rail Coturnicops noveboracensis Bird of conservation concern Season: Wintering hftp://ecos.fws.gov/tess public/ rop file/sceciesProfile action?spcode=BOJG 5/2/2016 1:42 PM IPaC v3.0.2 Page 8 IPaC Trust Resources Report Refuges & Hatcheries Wildlife refuges and fish hatcheries There are no refuges or fish hatcheries in this location 5/2/2016 1:42 PM IPaC v3.0.2 Page 9 IPaC Trust Resources Report Wetlands Wetlands in the National Wetlands Inventory Impacts to NWI wetlands and other aquatic habitats may be subject to regulation under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, or other State/Federal statutes. For more information please contact the Regulatory Program of the local U.S. Army Corps of Engineers District. DATA LIMITATIONS The Service's objective of mapping wetlands and deepwater habitats is to produce reconnaissance level information on the location, type and size of these resources. The maps are prepared from the analysis of high altitude imagery. Wetlands are identified based on vegetation, visible hydrology and geography. A margin of error is inherent in the use of imagery; thus, detailed on -the -ground inspection of any particular site may result in revision of the wetland boundaries or classification established through image analysis. The accuracy of image interpretation depends on the quality of the imagery, the experience of the image analysts, the amount and quality of the collateral data and the amount of ground truth verification work conducted. Metadate should be consulted to determine the date of the source imagery used and any mapping problems. Wetlands or other mapped features may have changed since the date of the imagery or field work. There may be occasional differences in polygon boundaries or classifications between the information depicted on the map and the actual conditions on site. DATA EXCLUSIONS Certain wetland habitats are excluded from the National mapping program because of the limitations of aerial imagery as the primary data source used to detect wetlands. These habitats include seagrasses or submerged aquatic vegetation that are found in the intertidal and subtidal zones of estuaries and nearshore coastal waters. Some deepwater reef communities (coral or tuberficid worm reefs) have also been excluded from the inventory. These habitats, because of their depth, go undetected by aerial imagery. DATA PRECAUTIONS Federal, state, and local regulatory agencies with jurisdiction over wetlands may define and describe wetlands in a different manner than that used in this inventory. There is no attempt, in either the design or products of this inventory, to define the limits of proprietary jurisdiction of any Federal, state, or local government or to establish the geographical scope of the regulatory programs of government agencies. Persons intending to engage in activities involving modifications within or adjacent to wetland areas should seek the advice of appropriate federal, state, or local agencies concerning specified agency regulatory programs and proprietary jurisdictions that may affect such activities. Wetland data is unavailable at this time. 5(2/2016 1 A2 PM IPaC v3.0.2 Page 10 Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information SEGi Attachment K Historic Properties (SHPO) and Archaeological Resources 00 North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office Ramona M. Bartos, Administrator Governor Pat McCrory Secretary Susan Kluttz May 19, 2016 Raiford Trask III Pender Farm Development, LLC 1202 Eastwood Road Wilmington, NC 28403 Office of Archives and History Deputy Secretary Kevin Cherry Re: Develop Blake Farm SF -1 Residential Subdivision, Off US 17, Scotts Hill, Pender County, ER 16-0802 Dear Mr. Trask: Thank you for your submission of May 5, 2016, concerning the above project. We have conducted a review of the project and are aware of no historic resources which would be affected by the project. Therefore, we have no comment on the project as proposed. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, contact Renee Gledhill -Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919-807-6579 or environmental.review(i�bncdcr.gov. In all future communication concerning this project, please cite the above referenced tracking number. Sincerely, Ramona M. Bartos Location: 109 East Jones Street, Raleigh NC 27601 Mailing Address: 4617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 276994617 Telephone/Fax: (919) 807-6570/807-6599 Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information SEGi Attachment L North East Cape Fear Mitigation Bank Credit Reservation Letter Xv NORTHEAST CAPE FEAR UMBRELLA MITIGATION BANK Agent: Land Management Group, Inc. 3805 Wrightsville Avenue, Suite 15 Wilmington, NC 28403 Credit Reservation Letter December 1, 2016 David Syster Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 5315 South College Road, Suite E Wilmington, NC 28412 Project: Blake Farm (Pender County, NC) Dear David: The Northeast Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank (Bank) is providing preliminary acceptance to supply mitigation credits for impacts to non -riparian wetlands associated with the Blake Farm Project located near Scotts Hill in Pender County, North Carolina (conditional upon receipt of payment as outlined below). Please refer to the table below depicting the type and quantity of credits requested and reserved for your project. Mitigation Type Credits Requested Total Credits Reserved Stream 0 I 0 Non- Riparian Wetland 2.8 2.8 Riparian Wetland 0.0 0.0 The Bank will reserve the credits outlined above for a period of up to 90 days from the date of this letter. Please contact us if you need a reservation to extend beyond the 90 -day period. Requests to reserve credits beyond 90 days may require a deposit. Upon request for credit transfer, the Bank will issue an invoice in the amount of $143,981.60. Upon receipt of payment, the Bank will provide an executed Transfer of Credit Certificate for the total amount of credits invoiced and paid for. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me by phone at (910) 452-0001 or by email at cpreziosi@lmgroup.net. Sincerely, Northeast Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank Christian Preziosi Land Management Group, Inc. (agent) Northeast Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank 1 c/o Land Management Group, Inc. 3805 Wrightsville Avenue, Suite 15 Wilmington, NC 28403