HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100099 Ver 2_Final MBI_20120320��� N r o f ors LC �' N �z IN REPLY REFER TO Regulatory Division DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS Washington Regulatory Field Office Post Office Box 1000 Washington North Carolina 27889 -1000 March 19 2012 io -ooqg Re Notification of Intent to Approve the Pancho Stream and Wetland Mitigation Plan SAW- 2010 -00142 Mr Ian McMillan Division of Water Quality North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Mail Service Center 1650 Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 -1650 Dear NCIRT Member D MAR 2 0 2012 DENR WAi, R QUALITY kltANDa AND STORMWATER BRANCH The purpose of this letter is to provide you with a copy of the Final Mitigation Banking Instrument for the Pancho Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank in Wayne County North Carolina Tlis letter also notifies you of our intent to approve the attached version of the Mitigation Banking Instrument Following the review of the Draft Instrument we received comments from the Interagency Review Team (IRT) members We have worked with Restoration Systems LLC to address the comments which have been incorporated into the attached version, and it is our intent to approve this instrument In accordance with Section 332 8(d)(8) of the Mitigation Rule if any IRT member objects to the approval of this instrument they may initiate the dispute resolution process by notifying the district engineer within 15 days of the receipt of this letter Please note that this process which is explained in Section 332 8(e) of the Mitigation Rule may only be initiated in writing by a senior official of the agencies representing the IRT The deadline for mntnating this process is April 3, 2012 Provided that no member objects to the approval of this instrument, we will begin the process of obtaining agency signatures on the final instrument shortly after this deadline Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter, and if you have any questions regarding this letter the mitigation plan review process or the requirements of the Mitigation Rule please call me at 910- 251 -4627 Sincerely Tracey L Wheeler Regulatory Project Manager Copies Furnished With Enclosures Mr Jeffery Garnett Wetlands and Marine Regulatory Section Water Protection Division — Region IV United States Environmental Protection Agency 61 Forsyth Street SW Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Mr John Ellis United States Fish and Wildlife Service Ecological Services - Raleigh Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh North Carolina 27636 -3726 Mr David Cox North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 1142 I -85 Service Road Creedmoor North Carolina 27522 Mr Ian McMillan Division of Water Quality North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Mail Service Center 1650 Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 -1650 2 Without Enclosures Ms Tara Disy Allden Restoration Systems LLC 1101 Haynes Street Suite 211 Raleigh NC 27604 Electronic Copies Furnished CESAW- RGIMcLendon CESAW- RG- R/McCorcle ss .a� � ♦ �� YT.� .q ,�' ,tom �k, sch ! Y * ..• L _ w S .r� Sr 1 � 11 �S IZESTORAT10N SYSTENISILLC -yam R ! • 11t s, r �• sR (Version June 2009) AGREEMENT TO ESTABLISH THE PANCHO STREAM & WETLAND MITIGATION BANK IN WAYNE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA This Mitigation Banking Instrument (MBI) is made and entered into on the _ day of 2012, by the Restoration Systems LLC, hereinafter Sponsor, and the U S Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and each of the following agencies upon its execution of this MBI the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the U S Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC), and the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) The Corps, together with the State and Federal agencies that execute this MBI are hereinafter collectively referred to as the Interagency Review Team (IRT) WHEREAS the purpose of this agreement is to establish a mitigation bank (Bank) providing compensatory mitigation for unavoidable wetland impacts separately authorized by Section 404 Clean Water Act permits and /or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act permits in appropriate circumstances WHEREAS the Sponsor is the record owner of two certain parcels of land, totaling approximately 65 acres and comprising the Pancho Stream & Wetland Mitigation Bank located in Wayne County, North Carolina, described in the Pancho Stream & Wetland Mitigation Bank Mitigation Plan (Mitigation Plan — Appendix A), and as shown on the attached survey (Property — Appendix B) WHEREAS the agencies comprising the IRT agree that the Bank site is a suitable mitigation bank site, and that implementation of the Mitigation Plan is likely to result in net gains in wetland and stream functions at the Bank site, and have therefore approved the Mitigation Plan THEREFORE it is mutually agreed among the parties to this agreement that the following provisions are adopted and will be implemented upon signature of this MBI Section I General Provisions A The Sponsor is responsible for assuring the success of the restoration enhancement and preservation activities at the Bank site and for the overall operation and management of the Bank The Sponsor assumes the legal responsibility for providing the compensatory mitigation once a permittee secures credits from the Sponsor and the DE receives documentation that confirms the Sponsor has accepted responsibility for providing the required compensatory mitigation B The goal of the Bank is to restore, enhance, and preserve riparian wetland and associated stream systems and their functions to compensate in appropriate circumstances for unavoidable wetland and stream impacts authorized by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act permits and or (Version June 2009) Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act permits in circumstances deemed appropriate by the Corps after consultation through the permit review process, with members of the IRT C Use of credits from the Bank to offset wetland impacts authorized by Clean Water Act permits must be in compliance with the Clean Water Act and implementing regulations including but not limited to the 404(b)(1) Guidelines the National Environmental Policy Act and all other applicable Federal and State legislation rules and regulations This agreement has been drafted in accordance with the regulations for Compensatory Mitigation for Losses of Aquatic Resources effective June 9 2008 (33 CFR Parts 325 and 332) ( Mitigation Rule ) D The IRT shall be chaired by the District Engineer (DE) of the U S Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District The IRT shall review documentation for the establishment of mitigation banks The IRT will also advise the DE in assessing monitoring reports recommending remedial measures approving credit releases and approving modifications to this instrument The IRT s role and responsibilities are more fully set forth in Sections 332 8 of the Mitigation Rule The IRT will work to reach consensus on its actions E The DE after consultation with the appropriate Federal and State review agencies through the permit review process, shall make final decisions concerning the amount and type of compensatory mitigation to be required for unavoidable permitted wetland impacts, and whether or not the use of credits from the Bank is appropriate to offset those impacts In the case of permit applications and compensatory mitigation required solely under the Section 401 Water Quality Certification rules of North Carolina the N C Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) will determine the amount of credits that can be withdrawn from the Bank F The parties to this agreement understand that a watershed approach to establish compensatory mitigation must be used to the extent appropriate and practicable Where practicable in kind compensatory mitigation is preferred Section II Geographic Service Area The Geographic Service Area (GSA) is the designated area within which the bank is authorized to provide compensatory mitigation required by Department of Army permits The GSA for this Bank is the Neuse River Basin 8 digit Cataloging Unit 03020201 of North Carolina (as shown in Appendix C) This 8 digit unit is comprised of approximately 3125 square miles that is characterized by two Level II ecoregions — the Southeastern Plains and the Piedmont The Piedmont ecoregion comprises a transitional area between the mountainous regions of the Appalachians and the relatively flat Coastal Plain The Piedmont is an erosional terrain of moderately dissected irregular plains with some hills Soils are generally finer textured than those found in the Coastal Plain regions with less sand and more clay The Level IV ecoregions of the Piedmont contained within the 8 digit Cataloging Unit tend to have less relief lower elevations and wider floodplains than other Level IV ecoregions in the Piedmont The Southeastern Plains are characterized by irregular plains with broad interstream areas 2 (Version June 2009) Elevations and relief are greater than in the Southern Coastal Plain ecoregion, but generally less than in the Piedmont and Blue Ridge ecoregions (Griffith et al 2002a 2002b) Ecoregion boundaries are often portrayed by a single line but in reality are transition zones that can be represented by a distinct and abrupt change, or a blurred boundary that can be more difficult to determine as the result of a heterogeneous mosaic of characteristics from each of the adjacent areas The Bank is located within the Southeastern Floodplains and Low Terraces on the border of the Rolling Coastal Plain in the Southeastern Plains ecoregion however, the Bank also exhibits characteristics of the Piedmont ecoregion (Griffith et al 2002a, 2002b) The change in topographic relief, moderately sloping valleys varying floodplam widths (narrow upstream to wider downstream), moderate side slope to the east of Kennedy Mill Branch proposed for Enhancement (Level II) and irregularly dissected plains with moderately gradient streams which characterize the Bank and adjacent land are more representative of the Piedmont ecoregion while soil series are more typical of the Southeastern Plains Therefore, this Bank is proposed to offset impacts with unavoidable impacts associated with projects located within the entire 8 digit Cataloging Unit 03020201 Use of the Bank to compensate for impacts beyond the GSA may be considered by the Corps or the permitting agency on a case by case basis The Bank is located within the Neuse River Basin in 14 digit United States Geological Survey (USGS) Cataloging Unit and Targeted Local Watershed 03020201150050 of the South Atlantic /Gulf Region (North Carolina Division of Water Quality [NCDWQ] Subbasm Number 03 04 04) (Figure 2 Appendix A) Primary considerations for Bank selection include in kind mitigation and the potential for protection/improvement of water quality within a region of North Carolina under heavy livestock and agriculture pressure More specifically, considerations include desired aquatic resource functions hydrologic conditions, soil characteristics, aquatic habitat diversity, habitat connectivity compatibility with adjacent land uses, reasonably foreseeable effects the mitigation project will have on ecologically important aquatic and terrestrial resources and potential development trends and land use changes Currently the proposed Bank is characterized by hardwood forest pasture and agricultural land The Bank is located in an area protected by state water supply classification and riparian buffer rules however clearing of vegetation for row crop production and livestock grazing adjacent to streams has resulted in stream bank erosion a decrease in flood attenuation and stream entrenchment If the proposed stream and wetland mitigation does not occur, erosion and nutrient inputs into the nutrient sensitive Neuse River basin are expected to continue In addition continued wetland loss through livestock disturbance ditch maintenance stream channel degradation and repetitive maintenance will occur The Bank is located along Kennedy Mill Branch at the confluence with Mill Creek According to the Final Neuse Raver Basanwade Water Quality Plan (NCDWQ 2009), due to the lack of buffer along Kennedy Mill Branch this watershed should be targeted for land acquisition to protect the nutrient sensitive Neuse River watershed The proposed restoration and enhancement will result in improved water quality within the Bank and downstream of the Kennedy Mill Branch watershed The Bank is located in a region of the state dominated by agriculture and (Version June 2009) livestock therefore restoration and enhancement of streams and wetlands is expected to result in immediate water quality benefits in the vicinity of the Bank Section III Mitigation Plan The Mitigation Plan for the Pancho Mitigation Bank is submitted herewith and included as Appendix A The Mitigation Plan contains the information listed in 332 4(c)(2) through (14) of the Compensatory Mitigation Rule A The proposed Bank encompasses agricultural land utilized for livestock grazing row crop production, and forest Approximately 9 830 linear feet of Kennedy Mill Branch and unnamed tributaries to Kennedy Mill Branch as well as 35 9 acres of hydric soil and drained wetlands exhibit mitigation potential within the Bank parcels Currently pasture areas are accessible to livestock and are routinely cleared and mowed for hay production, resulting in local disturbances to stream banks and wetland soil surfaces Additional on site land use practices including the maintenance and removal of riparian vegetation ditching of adjacent riparian wetlands, and relocation, dredging, and channelization of onsite streams have resulted in degraded water quality and excessive sedimentation resulting from unstable banks (stream entrenchment, erosion, and bank collapse) A more detailed description of the baseline conditions on the site is contained in the Mitigation Plan B The Sponsor will perform work described on pages 24 through 31 of the Mitigation Plan including (1) restoration (priority I) of 5,322 linear feet of streams (2) restoration of 1,137 linear feet of braided Coastal Plain stream (3) enhancement (level I1) of 1 837 linear feet of stream (4) preservation of 1 176 linear feet of stream (5) restoration of 29 0 acres of jurisdictional wetland (6) enhancement of 1 5 acres of cleared jurisdictional wetlands (7) preservation of 0 5 acres of forested jurisdictional wetland and (8) establishment of a permanent conservation easement to encompass all mitigation activities as well as a minimum 50 foot wooded riparian buffer adjacent to wetlands and streams The purpose of this work and the objective of the Bank is to compensate for the loss of aquatic functions in the GSA associated with permitted impacts Goals of this stream and wetland mitigation project focus on improving water quality, enhancing flood attenuation and restoring aquatic and riparian habitat within the Kennedy Mill Branch watershed Protection of restored aquatic resources (riparian wetlands and streams) with a conservation easement is likely to result in net gains in water quality and habitat functions of streams and wetlands located within the Bank Primary goals will be accomplished through the following measures • Removing nonpoint sources of pollution associated with agricultural activities including a) removal of livestock from streams stream banks wetlands and floodplains, b) eliminating the application of fertilizer pesticides, and other agricultural materials into and adjacent to streams and wetlands and c) establishing a vegetative buffer adjacent to (Version June 2009) streams and wetlands to treat surface runoff which may contain pollutants such as sediment and/or agricultural pollutants from the adjacent landscape • Reducing sedimentation onsite and downstream by a) reducing bank erosion associated with hoof shear and vegetation maintenance and b) planting a diverse woody vegetative buffer adjacent to Kennedy Mill Branch and associated unnamed tributaries to Kennedy Mill Branch • Reestablishing stream stability and the capacity to transport watershed flows and sediment loads by restoring stable dimension, pattern, and profile supported by natural in stream habitat and grade/bank stabilization structures • Promoting floodwater attenuation by a) reconnecting bankfull stream flows to the abandoned floodplam terrace b) restoring secondary entrenched tributaries thereby reducing floodwater velocities within smaller catchment basins c) restoring depressional floodplain wetlands, resulting in increased storage capacity for floodwaters within the Bank, and d) revegetathng the Bank s floodplains to increase frictional resistance on floodwaters crossing the Bank • Providing shallow wetland marsh treatment areas to intercept surface waters draining through agricultural areas prior to discharging into Bank streams and wetlands • Improving aquatic habitat by promoting stable stream banks shading open waters and providing in stream structures within the Bank • Providing wildlife habitat corridors within fragmented parcels in the Neuse River watershed C The Sponsors shall monitor the Bank Site as described on pages 34 through 35 of the Mitigation Plan until such time as the IRT determines that the success criteria described on pages 32 through 34 of the Mitigation Plan have been met D The members of the IRT will be allowed reasonable access to the Property for the purposes of inspection of the Property and compliance monitoring of the Mitigation Plan Section IV Reportm� A The Sponsor shall submit to the DE for distribution to each member of the IRT an annual report describing the current condition of the Bank and the condition of the Bank in relation to the success criteria in the Mitigation Plan The Sponsor shall provide to the DE any monitoring reports described on page 32 of the Mitigation Plan B The Sponsor shall provide ledger reports documenting credit transactions as described in Section VIII of this MBI C The Sponsor shall provide notification the DE each time a credit transaction occurs 5 (Version June 2009) Section V Remedial Action A The DE shall review the monitoring reports and may at any time, after consultation with the Sponsor and the IRT direct the Sponsor to take remedial action at the Bank site Remedial action required by the DE shall be designed to achieve the success criteria specified in the Mitigation Plan All remedial actions required under this section shall include a work schedule and monitoring criteria that will take into account physical and climactic conditions B The Sponsor shall implement any remedial measures required pursuant to the above C In the event the Sponsor determines that remedial action may be necessary to achieve the required success criteria it shall provide notice of such proposed remedial action to all members of the IRT No remedial actions shall be taken without the concurrence of the DE in consultation with the IRT Section VI Use of Mitigation Credits Description of Wetland Community Types A Wetland community types found in a mitigation bank will be described in accordance with the procedures found in the NC Wetland Assessment Method (NC WAM USACE 2007) It is expected that impacts to the NC WAM types listed below will be compensated by the Mitigation Types as listed in order to qualify as In Kind mitigation Exceptions to the use of In Kind mitigation may be allowed at the discretion of the permitting agencies on a case by case basis Mitigation Wetland Group NCWAM Type CAMA CoastalWetland Salt/Brackish Marsh* Riverme Riverme Swamp Forest/Non Tidal Freshwater Marsh Tidal Freshwater Marsh Ripanan/Nonnvenne Bottomland Hardwood Forest Headwater Forest Flood Plain Pool Mountain Bog* Estuarine Woody Wetland Non Riparian Non Riverme Swamp Forest Seep Basin Wetland Pocosms, Estuarine Woody, Pine Flat, Pine Savannah Hardwood Flat (Version June 2009) Proposed Mitigation Activity Proposed Mitigation Mitigation Ratio Proposed Credits Streams (linear feet) Riparian Wetlands (acres) Stream Credits Riparian Wetland Credits Stream Restoration 6459 1 1 6459 Stream Enhancement I 803 15 1 535 Stream Enhancement II 1837 25 1 735 Stream Preservation 1176 5 1 235 Wetland Restoration 290 1 1 290 Wetland Enhancement 15 2 1 08 Wetland Preservation 05 5 1 0 1 Totals 10,683 310 7 964 299 B It is anticipated by the parties that in most cases in which the DE, after consultation with the IRT has determined that mitigation credits from the Bank may be used to offset wetland impacts authorized by Section 404 permits and/or Section 10 permits that the Restoration Equivalents as enumerated above constitute credits that are considered to be equal to restoration credits for the purposes of compensatory mitigation Therefore the use of Restoration credits or Restoration Equivalents credits, or any combination thereof is acceptable to the DE for any permit requirement so long as the required amount of credits are debited for a given mitigation requirements It is also understood that in order to satisfy mitigation requirements imposed by the NC Division of Water Quality, that restoration impact amounts must be at a minimum of 1 1 such that for every one acre of impact at least one acre of mitigation must be in the form of restoration Additionally, decisions regarding stream mitigation will be made consistent with current policy and guidance and will be made on a case by case basis Wetland and stream compensation ratios are determined by the DE on a case by case basis based on considerations of functions of the wetlands and/or streams impacted the severity of the wetland and/or stream impacts, the relative age of the mitigation site whether the compensatory mitigation is in kind, and the physical proximity of the wetland and/or stream impacts to the Bank site C Notwithstanding the above all decisions concerning the appropriateness of using credits from the Bank to offset impacts to waters and wetlands as well as all decisions concerning the amount and type of such credits to be used to offset wetland and water impacts authorized by Department of the Army permits shall be made by the DE pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and implementing regulations and guidance after notice of any proposed use of the Bank to the members of the IRT, and consultation with the members of the IRT concerning such use Notice to and consultation with the members of the IRT shall be through the permit review process Section VII Credit Release Schedule All credit releases must be approved by the DE in consultation with the IRT based on a determination that required success criteria have been achieved (Version June 2009) A Credit Release Schedule for Forested Wetlands If deemed appropriate by the IRT fifteen percent (15 %) of the Bank s total restoration and enhancement credits and one hundred percent (100 %) of the Bank s preservation credits shall be available for sale immediately upon completion of all of the following 1 Execution of this MBI by the Sponsor the DE and other agencies eligible for membership in the IRT who choose to execute this agreement, 2 Approval of the final Mitigation Plan 3 Mitigation bank site has been secured, 4 Delivery of the financial assurance described in Section IX of this MBI and 5 Recordation of the long term protection mechanism described in Section X of this MBI as well as a title opinion covering the property acceptable to the DE The Sponsor must complete the initial physical and biological improvements to the Bank site pursuant to the Mitigation Plan no later than the first full growing season following initial debiting of the Bank Subject to the Sponsor s continued satisfactory completion of all required success criteria and monitoring additional restoration mitigation credits will be available for sale by the Sponsor on the following schedule 1 15 % upon completion of all initial physical and biological improvements made pursuant to the Mitigation Plan (total 30 %), 2 10% after first year, if interim success measures are met (total 40 %) 3 10% after second year if interim success measures are met (total 50 %) 4 10% after third year, if interim success measures are met (total 60 %) 5 10% after fourth year, if interim success measures are met (total 70 %) 6 10% after fifth year, if Success Cntena are met (total 80 %) 7 10% after sixth year if vegetative Success Cntena are met (90 %), and 8 10% after seventh year if vegetative Success Cntena are met (100 %) Interim success criteria will be measured and documented in an annual Monitoring Report to be submitted to the IRT no later than December 31 of each calendar year after construction is complete Performance standards for the wetlands are described in Section 9 of the Mitigation Plan Provided that all Success Cntena are met the IRT may allow the Sponsor to discontinue hydrologic monitoring after the fifth year The Sponsor will be required to monitor vegetation for an additional two years after the fifth year for a total of seven years B Credit Release Schedule for Streams If deemed appropriate by the IRT, fifteen percent (15 %) of the Bank s total restoration and enhancement credits and one hundred percent (100 %) of the Bank s preservation credits shall be available for sale immediately upon completion of all of the following 1 Execution of this MBI by the Sponsor the DE and other agencies eligible for membership in the IRT who choose to execute this agreement 2 Approval of the final Mitigation Plan (Version June 2009) 3 Mitigation bank site has been secured 4 Delivery of the financial assurance described in Section IX of this MBI and 5 Recordation of the long term protection mechanism described in Section X of this MBI as well as a title opinion covering the property acceptable to the DE The Sponsor must complete the initial physical and biological improvements to the Bank site pursuant to the Mitigation Plan no later than the first full growing season following initial debiting of the Bank Subject to the Sponsor s continued satisfactory completion of all required success criteria and monitoring additional restoration mitigation credits will be available for sale by the Sponsor on the following schedule 1 15 % upon completion of all initial physical and biological improvements made pursuant to the Mitigation Plan (total 30 %), 2 10% after first year if interim success measures are met (total 40 %), 3 10% after second year if interim success measures are met (total 50 %), 4 5% after third year if interim success measures are met (total 60 %), 5 10% after fourth year if interim success measures are met (total 70 %), 6 10% after fifth year if Success Criteria are met (total 80 %), 7 5% after sixth year if vegetative Success Criteria are met (90 %) and 8 10% after seventh year, if vegetative Success Criteria are met (100 %) 10% after bankfull event performance standard has been met Interim success criteria will be measured and documented in an annual Monitoring Report to be submitted to the IRT no later than December 31 of each calendar year after construction is complete Performance standards for the wetlands are described in Section 9 of the Mitigation Plan If the monitoring of the site demonstrates that the site is successful by year 5 and no concerns have been identified (vegetation stream stability etc ) the Sponsor may propose to terminate monitoring of the site and forego the monitoring requirements of years 6 and 7 This provision is only applicable if the site has consistently met all performance standards and at year 5 meet the year 5 vegetation density standards (260 plants /acre) and the year 7 average height requirement of 10 feet Early closure will only be provided through written approval from the USACE in consultation with the NCIRT Section VIII Accounting Procedures A The Sponsor shall provide accounting procedures acceptable to the IRT for maintaining accurate records of debits made from the Bank Such procedures include the generation of a ledger by the Sponsor showing credits used at the time they are debited from the Bank (see Appendix D) All ledger reports shall identify credits debited and remaining by type of credit and shall include for each reported debit the Corps ORM ID number for the permit for which the 9 (Version June 2009) credits were utilized and the permitted impacts for each resource type Each time an approved credit transaction occurs the Sponsor must notify the DE within 30 days of the transaction B The Sponsor shall prepare an annual ledger report on each anniversary of the date of execution of this agreement showing all credits used, any changes in credit availability (e g additional credits released credit sales suspended) and the beginning and ending balance of credits remaining The Sponsor shall submit the annual report to the DE for distribution to each member of the IRT until such time as all of the credits have been utilized or this agreement is otherwise terminated Section IX Financial Assurances A The Sponsor shall provide either a Performance Bond underwritten by a surety company licensed to do business in North Carolina with a Best s current rating of not less than A or a casualty insurance policy in an appropriate form to be approved by the DE and in compliance with current U S Army Corps of Engineers policy and guidance documents A Model Performance Bond and Casualty Insurance Policy are included herein as Appendix E The financial assurances instrument shall be presented to the Corps for timely review prior to execution a Additionally the Conservation Easement will designate the U S Army Corps of Engineers as a party enabled to access the site and this document requires all project specific reports and records to be provided to the Corps As such, the Corps is enabled to determine the status of the site and to determine the occurrence of default of the mitigation b Prior to determination of default the bank sponsor shall be given a full opportunity to remedy the Site to the satisfaction of the Corps c The total value of the financial assurances shall be $1 091 060 00 which will be split between construction in the amount of $774,653 and subsequently monitoring in the amount of $316 407 These values include the amount necessary to complete all tasks associated with the project from its current point through to completion These include but are not limited to permitting construction planting monitoring and a 30% contingency for regrading and /or replanting d Upon successful completion of the construction phase the value of the financial assurances shall decrement in amounts proportional to the cost of carrying the bank through to completion The project costs and bonding calculations are shown in the Table below The Bank Sponsor will keep the Corps apprised of any issues that may affect the project s financial assurances 10 (Version June 2009) Pancho Cost Estimates & Bonding Worksheet Item Total Project Cost Cost of Completed Work Future (Bonded) Cost Contingency Fees (30 %) Land $1101590 $1101590 $0 Surveying $50000 $19500 $30500 Easement $70000 $0 $70000 Restoration Plan $108638 $108638 $0 Project Construction $523800 $0 $523800 $157140 Vegetation Planting $51 000 $0 $51 000 $15 300 As Built Survey & Report $11940 $0 $11 940 Project Monitoring $0 $210000 Company Labor .$210000 $23400 $7020 $16380 Legal Fees $20000 $15000 $5000 Total $2170368 $1 251 748 $918620 $172440 Financial assurances to complete all remaining tasks for the project will be divided into two instruments one for Construction (including the As -Built Survey and Report) and one for Monitoring Contingency fees (30% of the cost) for grading and planting are included an the Construction Bond Remaining costs for the Sponsor s labor and legal fees were prorated Based on these calculations the Construction Bond presented will be for $774 653 and the Monitoring Bond will be for $316 407 B Financial assurances structured to provide funds to the Corps of Engineers in the event of default by the Bank Sponsor are not acceptable C A financial assurance must be in the form that ensures that the DE receives notification at least 120 days in advance of any termination or revocation Section X Long -Term Protection A The Bank is comprised of two parcels, both of which are owned by Pancho Mitigation Company LLC in fee simple Pancho Mitigation Company acquired three parcels to form the Bank property Two were combined at closing so that now there are two parcels Documentation of these transactions is included in Appendix B Prior to the first credit release a Permanent Conservation Easement, substantially in the form included as Appendix F will be submitted to the Wilmington District s Office of Counsel for review Upon written approval by the Corps Office of Counsel the CE will be recorded in the land records at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court in the county in which the land lies A copy of the recorded CE, showing book and page numbers of the recorded location shall be provided to Office of Counsel Pancho Mitigation Company, LLC shall grant a CE to be held by the Sponsor in form acceptable to the IRT, sufficient to protect the Bank site in perpetuity The CE shall be perpetual, preserve all natural areas, and prohibit all use of the property inconsistent with its use as mitigation property, including any activity that would materially alter the biological integrity or functional and 11 (Version June 2009) educational value of wetlands or streams within the Bank site, consistent with the Mitigation Plan The purpose of the CE will be to assure that future use of the Bank site will result in the restoration protection, maintenance and enhancement of aquatic functions described in the Mitigation Plan B The Sponsor shall deliver a title opinion acceptable to the DE covering the mitigation property The property shall be free and clear of any encumbrances that would conflict with its use as mitigation including but not limited to, any liens that have priority over the recorded preservation mechanism C The Sponsor shall hold the Conservation Easement during the operational life of the bank which is anticipated to be a period of seven to nine years (as shown in the Credit Release Schedule) ending with project close out At project close out the Sponsor shall transfer the CE to the North Carolina Wildlife Habitat Foundation ( NCWHF) A letter indicating the NCWHF s willingness to accept the CE is attached as Appendix G As the owner of the property the Sponsor will remain in the chain of title The Sponsor is responsible for ensuring that that the CE is re recorded to ensure that it remains within the chain of title The terms and conditions of this conveyance shall not conflict with the intent and provisions of the CE nor shall such conveyance enlarge or modify the uses specified in the CE The CE will contain a provision requiring 60 day advance notification to the DE before any action is taken to void or modify the CE, including transfer of title to or establishment of any other legal claims over the project site Section XI Long -term Management A The Sponsor will retain primary oversight of the property throughout Bank implementation and monitoring At project closeout the Sponsor shall implement the long term management plan described in Section 11 of the Mitigation Plan B The long term management plan includes a one time payment to the NCWHF sufficient to provide for any long term maintenance identified in the long term management plan Section XII Default and Closure A It is agreed to establish and/or maintain the Bank site until (1) credits have been exhausted or banking activity is voluntarily terminated with written notice by the Sponsor provided to the DE and other members of the IRT and (ii) it has been determined and agreed upon by the DE and IRT that the debited Bank site has satisfied all the conditions herein and in the Mitigation Plan If the DE determines that the Bank site is not meeting performance standards or complying with the terms of the instrument, appropriate action will be taken Such actions may include, but are not limited to suspending credit sales adaptive management decreasing available credits utilizing financial assurances, and terminating the instrument 12 (Version June 2009) B Any delay or failure of Bank Sponsor shall not constitute a default hereunder if and to the extent that such delay or failure is primarily caused by any act event or conditions beyond the Sponsor s reasonable control and significantly adversely affects its ability to perform its obligations hereunder including (i) acts of God, lightning, earthquake, fire landslide or interference by third parties (ii) condemnation or other taking by any governmental body (iii) change in applicable law regulation rule ordinance or permit condition, or the interpretation or enforcement thereof (iv) any order ,judgment action or determination of any federal, state or local court, administrative agency or government body or (v) the suspension or interruption of any permit, license consent authorization or approval If the performance of the Bank Sponsor is affected by any such event, Bank Sponsor shall give written notice thereof to the IRT as soon as is reasonably practicable If such event occurs before the final availability of all credits for sale, the Sponsor shall take remedial action to restore the property to its condition prior to such event in a manner sufficient to provide adequate mitigation to cover credits that were sold prior to such delay or failure to compensate for impacts to waters including wetlands authorized by Department of the Army permits Such remedial action shall be taken by the Sponsor only to the extent necessary and appropriate, as determined by the IRT C At the end of the monitoring period, upon satisfaction of the performance standards, the Sponsor may submit a request to close out the bank site to the DE The DE, in consultation with the IRT shall use best efforts to review and comment on the request within 60 days of such submittal If the DE determines the Sponsor has achieved the performance standards in accordance with the mitigation plan and all obligations under this MBI, the DE shall issue a close out letter to the Sponsor Sect-ion XIII Miscellaneous A Any agency participant may terminate its participation in the IRT with notice in writing to all other parties to this agreement Termination shall be effective seven (7) days from placing written notices in the United States mail Member withdrawal shall not affect any prior sale of credits and all remaining parties shall continue to implement and enforce the terms of this MBI B Modification of this MBI shall be in accordance with the procedures set forth in 332 8 of the mitigation rule C No third party shall be deemed a beneficiary hereof and no one except the signatories hereof their successors and assigns shall be entitled to seek enforcement hereof D This MBI constitutes the entire agreement between the parties concerning the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements or undertakings E In the event any one or more of the provisions contained in this MBI are held to be invalid illegal or unenforceable in any respect such invalidity illegality or unenforceablility will not affect any other provisions hereof, and this MBI shall be construed as if such invalid illegal or unenforceable provision had not been contained herein 13 (Version June 2009) F This MBI shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of North Carolina and the United States as appropriate G This MBI may be executed by the parties in any combination in one or more counterparts all of which together shall constitute but one and the same instrument H The terms and conditions of this MBI shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors I All notices and required reports shall be sent by regular mail to each of the parties at their respective addresses provided below Sponsor Mr John Preyer Restoration Systems LLC 1101 Haynes Street Suite 211 Raleigh NC 27604 Corps Ms Tracey L Wheeler Regulatory Project Manager Department of the Army Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Washington Regulatory Field Office Post Office Box 1000 Washington NC 27889 1000 EPA /Ms Becky Fox Wetlands Regulatory Section Region IV U S Environmental Protection Agency 1307 Firefly Road Whittier, NC 28789 FWS Mr John Ellis U S Fish and Wildlife Service Ecological Services — Raleigh Field Offic Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh NC 27636 3726 14 (Version June 2009) NMFS Mr Ron Sechler National Marine Fisheries NOAA Habitat Conservation Division 101 Pivers Island Road Beaufort NC 28516 NCWRC Mr David Cox North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 1142 185 Service Road Creedmoor NC 27522 NCDWQ Mr Ian McMillan Division of Water Quality North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Mail Service Center 1650 Raleigh NC 27699 1650 15 (Version June 2009) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement entitled "Agreement To Establish The Pancho Mitigation Bank In Wayne County, North Carolina" Sponsor U S Army Corps of Engineers Date By Date 16 (Version June 2009) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement entitled "Agreement To Establish The * Mitigation Bank In * County, North Carolina" U S Environmental Protection Agency By Date U S Fish and Wildlife Service By Date National Marine Fisheries Service By Date N C Division of Water Quality By Date N C Wildlife Resources Commission By Date N C Division of Coastal Management By Date 4 17 (Version June 2009) List of Appendices Appendix A Final Mitigation Plan Appendix B Property Surveys and Legal Description Appendix C Geographic Service Area Appendix D Bank Ledger Appendix E Model Performance Bond Appendix F Model Conservation Easement Appendix G North Carolina Wildlife Habitat Foundation Letter 0 18 (Version June 2009) AGREEMENT TO ESTABLISH THE PANCHO STREAM & WETLAND MITIGATION BANK IN WAYNE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA This Mitigation Banking Instrument (MBI) is made and entered into on the _ day of 2012 by the Restoration Systems LLC hereinafter Sponsor and the U S Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and each of the following agencies upon its execution of this MBI the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the U S Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) and the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) The Corps together with the State and Federal agencies that execute this MBI, are hereinafter collectively referred to as the Interagency Review Team (IRT) WHEREAS the purpose of this agreement is to establish a mitigation bank (Bank) providing compensatory mitigation for unavoidable wetland impacts separately authorized by Section 404 Clean Water Act permits and /or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act permits in appropriate circumstances, WHEREAS the Sponsor is the record owner of two certain parcels of land totaling approximately 65 acres and comprising the Pancho Stream & Wetland Mitigation Bank located in Wayne County, North Carolina described in the Pancho Stream & Wetland Mitigation Bank Mitigation Plan (Mitigation Plan — Appendix A) and as shown on the attached survey (Property — Appendix B) WHEREAS the agencies comprising the IRT agree that the Bank site is a suitable mitigation bank site and that implementation of the Mitigation Plan is likely to result in net gains in wetland and stream functions at the Bank site and have therefore approved the Mitigation Plan THEREFORE it is mutually agreed among the parties to this agreement that the following provisions are adopted and will be implemented upon signature of this MBI Section I General Provisions A The Sponsor is responsible for assuring the success of the restoration enhancement and preservation activities at the Bank site, and for the overall operation and management of the Bank The Sponsor assumes the legal responsibility for providing the compensatory mitigation once a permittee secures credits from the Sponsor and the DE receives documentation that confirms the Sponsor has accepted responsibility for providing the required compensatory mitigation B The goal of the Bank is to restore, enhance, and preserve riparian wetland and associated stream systems and their functions to compensate in appropriate circumstances for unavoidable wetland and stream impacts authorized by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act permits and or (Version June 2009) Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act permits in circumstances deemed appropriate by the Corps after consultation through the permit review process with members of the IRT C Use of credits from the Bank to offset wetland impacts authorized by Clean Water Act permits must be in compliance with the Clean Water Act and implementing regulations including but not limited to the 404(b)(1) Guidelines the National Environmental Policy Act and all other applicable Federal and State legislation, rules and regulations This agreement has been drafted in accordance with the regulations for Compensatory Mitigation for Losses of Aquatic Resources effective June 9 2008 (33 CFR Parts 325 and 332) ( Mitigation Rule ) D The IRT shall be chaired by the District Engineer (DE) of the U S Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District The IRT shall review documentation for the establishment of mitigation banks The IRT will also advise the DE in assessing monitoring reports, recommending remedial measures approving credit releases, and approving modifications to this instrument The IRT s role and responsibilities are more fully set forth in Sections 332 8 of the Mitigation Rule The IRT will work to reach consensus on its actions E The DE after consultation with the appropriate Federal and State review agencies through the permit review process shall make final decisions concerning the amount and type of compensatory mitigation to be required for unavoidable permitted wetland impacts and whether or not the use of credits from the Bank is appropriate to offset those impacts In the case of permit applications and compensatory mitigation required solely under the Section 401 Water Quality Certification rules of North Carolina the N C Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) will determine the amount of credits that can be withdrawn from the Bank F The parties to this agreement understand that a watershed approach to establish compensatory mitigation must be used to the extent appropriate and practicable Where practicable in kind compensatory mitigation is preferred Section II Geographic Service Area The Geographic Service Area (GSA) is the designated area within which the bank is authorized to provide compensatory mitigation required by Department of Army permits The GSA for this Bank is the Neuse River Basin 8 digit Cataloging Unit 03020201 of North Carolina (as shown in Appendix C) This 8 digit unit is comprised of approximately 3125 square miles that is characterized by two Level II ecoregions — the Southeastern Plains and the Piedmont The Piedmont ecoregion comprises a transitional area between the mountainous regions of the Appalachians and the relatively flat Coastal Plain The Piedmont is an erosional terrain of moderately dissected irregular plains with some hills Soils are generally finer textured than those found in the Coastal Plain regions with less sand and more clay The Level IV ecoregions of the Piedmont contained within the 8 digit Cataloging Unit tend to have less relief lower elevations and wider floodplams than other Level IV ecoregions in the Piedmont The Southeastern Plains are characterized by irregular plains with broad mterstream areas 2 (Version June 2009) Elevations and relief are greater than in the Southern Coastal Plain ecoregion but generally less than in the Piedmont and Blue Ridge ecoregions (Griffith et al 2002a 2002b) Ecoregion boundaries are often portrayed by a single line, but in reality are transition zones that can be represented by a distinct and abrupt change or a blurred boundary that can be more difficult to determine as the result of a heterogeneous mosaic of characteristics from each of the adjacent areas The Bank is located within the Southeastern Floodplams and Low Terraces on the border of the Rolling Coastal Plain in the Southeastern Plains ecoregion however, the Bank also exhibits characteristics of the Piedmont ecoregion (Griffith et al 2002a 2002b) The change in topographic relief, moderately sloping valleys varying floodplam widths (narrow upstream to wider downstream) moderate side slope to the east of Kennedy Mill Branch proposed for Enhancement (Level II) and irregularly dissected plains with moderately gradient streams, which characterize the Bank and adjacent land are more representative of the Piedmont ecoregion while soil series are more typical of the Southeastern Plains Therefore, this Bank is proposed to offset impacts with unavoidable impacts associated with projects located within the entire 8 digit Cataloging Unit 03020201 Use of the Bank to compensate for impacts beyond the GSA may be considered by the Corps or the permitting agency on a case by case basis The Bank is located within the Neuse River Basin in 14 digit United States Geological Survey (USGS) Cataloging Unit and Targeted Local Watershed 03020201150050 of the South Atlantic /Gulf Region (North Carolina Division of Water Quality [NCDWQ] Subbasin Number 03 04 04) (Figure 2 Appendix A) Primary considerations for Bank selection include in kind mitigation and the potential for protection/improvement of water quality within a region of North Carolina under heavy livestock and agriculture pressure More specifically, considerations include desired aquatic resource functions hydrologic conditions soil characteristics, aquatic habitat diversity habitat connectivity, compatibility with adjacent land uses reasonably foreseeable effects the mitigation project will have on ecologically important aquatic and terrestrial resources and potential development trends and land use changes Currently the proposed Bank is characterized by hardwood forest pasture and agricultural land The Bank is located in an area protected by state water supply classification and riparian buffer rules however clearing of vegetation for row crop production and livestock grazing adjacent to streams has resulted in stream bank erosion a decrease in flood attenuation, and stream entrenchment If the proposed stream and wetland mitigation does not occur erosion and nutrient inputs into the nutrient sensitive Neuse River basin are expected to continue In addition continued wetland loss through livestock disturbance, ditch maintenance stream channel degradation and repetitive maintenance will occur The Bank is located along Kennedy Mill Branch at the confluence with Mill Creek According to the Final Neuse Raver Basinwide Water Quality Plan (NCDWQ 2009) due to the lack of buffer along Kennedy Mill Branch, this watershed should be targeted for land acquisition to protect the nutrient sensitive Neuse River watershed The proposed restoration and enhancement will result in improved water quality within the Bank and downstream of the Kennedy Mill Branch watershed The Bank is located in a region of the state dominated by agriculture and (Version June 2009) livestock therefore restoration and enhancement of streams and wetlands is expected to result in immediate water quality benefits in the vicinity of the Bank Section III Mitigation Plan The Mitigation Plan for the Pancho Mitigation Bank is submitted herewith and included as Appendix A The Mitigation Plan contains the information listed in 332 4(c)(2) through (14) of the Compensatory Mitigation Rule A The proposed Bank encompasses agricultural land utilized for livestock grazing, row crop production and forest Approximately 9,830 linear feet of Kennedy Mill Branch and unnamed tributaries to Kennedy Mill Branch as well as 35 9 acres of hydric soil and drained wetlands exhibit mitigation potential within the Bank parcels Currently pasture areas are accessible to livestock and are routinely cleared and mowed for hay production resulting in local disturbances to stream banks and wetland soil surfaces Additional on site land use practices including the maintenance and removal of riparian vegetation ditching of adjacent riparian wetlands, and relocation dredging and channelization of onsite streams have resulted in degraded water quality and excessive sedimentation resulting from unstable banks (stream entrenchment erosion and bank collapse) A more detailed description of the baseline conditions on the site is contained in the Mitigation Plan B The Sponsor will perform work described on pages 24 through 31 of the Mitigation Plan including (1) restoration (priority I) of 5 322 linear feet of streams (2) restoration of 1,137 linear feet of braided Coastal Plain stream (3) enhancement (level II) of 1 837 linear feet of stream (4) preservation of 1 176 linear feet of stream (5) restoration of 34-929 0 acres of jurisdictional wetland (6) enhancement of 1 -75 acres of cleared jurisdictional wetlands (7) preservation of 4-70 5 acres of forested jurisdictional wetland and (8) establishment of a permanent conservation easement to encompass all mitigation activities, as well as a minimum 50 foot wooded riparian buffer adjacent to wetlands and streams The purpose of this work and the objective of the Bank is to compensate for the loss of aquatic functions in the GSA associated with permitted impacts Goals of this stream and wetland mitigation project focus on improving water quality enhancing flood attenuation and restoring aquatic and riparian habitat within the Kennedy Mill Branch watershed Protection of restored aquatic resources (riparian wetlands and streams) with a conservation easement is likely to result in net gains in water quality and habitat functions of streams and wetlands located within the Bank Primary goals will be accomplished through the following measures • Removing nonpomt sources of pollution associated with agricultural activities including a) removal of livestock from streams, stream banks wetlands, and floodplams b) eliminating the application of fertilizer pesticides and other agricultural materials into and adjacent to streams and wetlands and c) establishing a vegetative buffer adjacent to 4 (Version June 2009) streams and wetlands to treat surface runoff which may contain pollutants such as sediment and/or agricultural pollutants from the adjacent landscape • Reducing sedimentation onsite and downstream by a) reducing bank erosion associated with hoof shear and vegetation maintenance and b) planting a diverse woody vegetative buffer adjacent to Kennedy Mill Branch and associated unnamed tributaries to Kennedy Mill Branch • Reestablishing stream stability and the capacity to transport watershed flows and sediment loads by restoring stable dimension, pattern, and profile supported by natural in stream habitat and grade/bank stabilization structures • Promoting floodwater attenuation by a) reconnecting bankfull stream flows to the abandoned floodplam terrace, b) restoring secondary entrenched tributaries thereby reducing floodwater velocities within smaller catchment basins c) restoring depressional floodplam wetlands, resulting in increased storage capacity for floodwaters within the Bank and d) revegetating the Bank s floodplains to increase factional resistance on floodwaters crossing the Bank • Providing shallow wetland marsh treatment areas to intercept surface waters draining through agricultural areas prior to discharging into Bank streams and wetlands • Improving aquatic habitat by promoting stable stream banks shading open waters, and providing in stream structures within the Bank • Providing wildlife habitat corridors within fragmented parcels in the Neuse River watershed C The Sponsors shall monitor the Bank Site as described on pages 34 through 35 of the Mitigation Plan until such time as the IRT determines that the success criteria described on pages 32 through 34 of the Mitigation Plan have been met D The members of the IRT will be allowed reasonable access to the Property for the purposes of inspection of the Property and compliance monitoring of the Mitigation Plan Section IV Reportm� A The Sponsor shall submit to the DE for distribution to each member of the IRT, an annual report describing the current condition of the Bank and the condition of the Bank in relation to the success criteria in the Mitigation Plan The Sponsor shall provide to the DE any monitoring reports described on page 32 of the Mitigation Plan B The Sponsor shall provide ledger reports documenting credit transactions as described in Section VIII of this MBI C The Sponsor shall provide notification the DE each time a credit transaction occurs 5 (Version June 2009) Section V Remedial Action A The DE shall review the monitoring reports and may at any time after consultation with the Sponsor and the IRT direct the Sponsor to take remedial action at the Bank site Remedial action required by the DE shall be designed to achieve the success criteria specified in the Mitigation Plan All remedial actions required under this section shall include a work schedule and monitoring criteria that will take into account physical and climactic conditions B The Sponsor shall implement any remedial measures required pursuant to the above C In the event the Sponsor determines that remedial action may be necessary to achieve the required success criteria, it shall provide notice of such proposed remedial action to all members of the IRT No remedial actions shall be taken without the concurrence of the DE in consultation with the IRT Section VI Use of Mitigation Credits Description of Wetland Community Types A Wetland community types found in a mitigation bank will be described in accordance with the procedures found in the NC Wetland Assessment Method (NC WAM, USACE 2007) It is expected that impacts to the NC WAM types listed below will be compensated by the Mitigation Types as listed in order to qualify as In Kind mitigation Exceptions to the use of In Kind mitigation may be allowed at the discretion of the permitting agencies on a case by case basis Mitigation Wetland Group NCWAM Type CAMA CoastalWetland Salt/Brackish Marsh* Riverme Rivenne Swamp Forest/Non Tidal Freshwater Marsh Tidal Freshwater Marsh Ripanan/Nonnvenne Bottomland Hardwood Forest Headwater Forest Flood Plain Pool Mountain Bog* Estuarine Woody Wetland Non Riparian Non Riverme Swamp Forest Seep, Basin Wetland, Pocosms Estuarine Woody Pine Flat, Pine Savannah Hardwood Flat 0 (Version June 2009) Proposed Mitigation Activity Proposed Mitigation Mitigation Ratio Proposed Credits Streams (linear feet) Riparian Wetlands (acres) Stream Credits Riparian Wetland Credits Stream Restoration 6459 1 1 6459 Stream Enhancement I 803 15 1 535 Stream Enhancement I1 1837 25 1 735 Stream Preservation 1176 5 1 235 Wetland Restoration 3 -1-829 0 1 1 34-9290 Wetland Enhancement 4-715 2 1 089 Wetland Preservation 05 5 1 01 Totals 10 683 -34-0310, 7 964 -3-2-8299 B It is anticipated by the parties that in most cases in which the DE after consultation with the IRT, has determined that mitigation credits from the Bank may be used to offset wetland impacts authorized by Section 404 permits and/or Section 10 permits that the Restoration Equivalents as enumerated above constitute credits that are considered to be equal to restoration credits for the purposes of compensatory mitigation Therefore the use of Restoration credits or Restoration Equivalents credits, or any combination thereof, is acceptable to the DE for any permit requirement so long as the required amount of credits are debited for a given mitigation requirements It is also understood that in order to satisfy mitigation requirements imposed by the NC Division of Water Quality that restoration impact amounts must be at a minimum of 1 1 such that for every one acre of impact, at least one acre of mitigation must be in the form of restoration Additionally decisions regarding stream mitigation will be made consistent with current policy and guidance and will be made on a case by case basis Wetland and stream compensation ratios are determined by the DE on a case by case basis based on considerations of functions of the wetlands and /or streams impacted, the severity of the wetland and /or stream impacts, the relative age of the mitigation site whether the compensatory mitigation is in kind and the physical proximity of the wetland and/or stream impacts to the Bank site C Notwithstanding the above all decisions concerning the appropriateness of using credits from the Bank to offset impacts to waters and wetlands as well as all decisions concerning the amount and type of such credits to be used to offset wetland and water impacts authorized by Department of the Army permits shall be made by the DE pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and implementing regulations and guidance after notice of any proposed use of the Bank to the members of the IRT, and consultation with the members of the IRT concerning such use Notice to and consultation with the members of the IRT shall be through the permit review process Section VII Credit Release Schedule All credit releases must be approved by the DE, in consultation with the IRT, based on a determination that required success criteria have been achieved (Version June 2009) A Credit Release Schedule for Forested Wetlands If deemed appropriate by the IRT fifteen percent (15 %) of the Bank s total restoration and enhancement credits and one hundred percent (100 %) of the Bank s preservation credits shall be available for sale immediately upon completion of all of the following 1 Execution of this MBI by the Sponsor the DE and other agencies eligible for membership in the IRT who choose to execute this agreement, 2 Approval of the final Mitigation Plan, 3 Mitigation bank site has been secured 4 Delivery of the financial assurance described in Section IX of this MBI, and 5 Recordation of the long term protection mechanism described in Section X of this MBI as well as a title opinion covering the property acceptable to the DE The Sponsor must complete the initial physical and biological improvements to the Bank site pursuant to the Mitigation Plan no later than the first full growing season following initial debiting of the Bank Subject to the Sponsor s continued satisfactory completion of all required success criteria and monitoring additional restoration mitigation credits will be available for sale by the Sponsor on the following schedule 1 15 % upon completion of all initial physical and biological improvements made pursuant to the Mitigation Plan (total 30 %) 2 10% after first year if interim success measures are met (total 40 %), 3 10% after second year if interim success measures are met (total 50 %) 4 10% after third year if interim success measures are met (total 60 %) 5 10% after fourth year if interim success measures are met (total 70 %) 6 10% after fifth year if Success Criteria are met (total 80 %), 7 10% after sixth year, if vegetative Success Criteria are met (90 %) and 8 10% after seventh year if vegetative Success Criteria are met (100 %) Interim success criteria will be measured and documented in an annual Monitoring Report to be submitted to the IRT no later than December 31 of each calendar year after construction is complete Performance standards for the wetlands are described in Section 9 of the Mitigation Plan Provided that all Success Criteria are met the IRT may allow the Sponsor to discontinue hydrologic monitoring after the fifth year The Sponsor will be required to monitor vegetation for an additional two years after the fifth year for a total of seven years B Credit Release Schedule for Streams If deemed appropriate by the IRT fifteen percent (15 %) of the Bank s total restoration and enhancement credits and one hundred percent (100°/x) of the Bank s preservation credits shall be available for sale immediately upon completion of all of the following 1 Execution of this MBI by the Sponsor the DE and other agencies eligible for membership in the IRT who choose to execute this agreement 2 Approval of the final Mitigation Plan (Version June 2009) 3 Mitigation bank site has been secured, 4 Delivery of the financial assurance described in Section IX of this MBI, and 5 Recordation of the long term protection mechanism described in Section X of this MBI as well as a title opinion covering the property acceptable to the DE The Sponsor must complete the initial physical and biological improvements to the Bank site pursuant to the Mitigation Plan no later than the first full growing season following initial debiting of the Bank Subject to the Sponsor s continued satisfactory completion of all required success criteria and monitoring, additional restoration mitigation credits will be available for sale by the Sponsor on the following schedule 1 15 % upon completion of all initial physical and biological improvements made pursuant to the Mitigation Plan (total 30 %) 2 10% after first year, if interim success measures are met (total 40 %) 3 10% after second year if interim success measures are met (total 50 %), 4 4-05% after third year, if interim success measures are met (total 60 %) 5 10% after fourth year, if interim success measures are met (total 70 %) 6 10% after fifth year if Success Criteria are met (total 80 %), 7 4-05% after sixth year if vegetative Success Criteria are met (90 %), and 8 10% after seventh year if vegetative Success Criteria are met (100 %) —10% after bankfull event performance standard has been met Interim success criteria will be measured and documented in an annual Monitoring Report to be submitted to the IRT no later than December 31 of each calendar year after construction is complete Performance standards for the wetlands are described in Section 9 of the Mitigation Plan If the monitoring of the site demonstrates that the site is successful by year 5 and no concerns have been identified (vegetation stream stability, etc ) the Sponsor may propose to terminate monitoring of the site and forego the monitoring requirements of years 6 and 7 This provision is only applicable if the site has consistently met all performance standards and at year 5 meet the year 5 vegetation density standards (260 plants /acre) and the year 7 average height requirement of 10 feet Early closure will only be provided through written approval from the USACE in consultation with the NCIRT Section VIII Accounting Procedures A The Sponsor shall provide accounting procedures acceptable to the IRT for maintaining accurate records of debits made from the Bank Such procedures include the generation of a ledger by the Sponsor showing credits used at the time they are debited from the Bank (see Appendix D) All ledger reports shall identify credits debited and remaining by type of credit and shall include for each reported debit the Corps ORM ID number for the permit for which the (Version June 2009) credits were utilized and the permitted impacts for each resource type Each time an approved credit transaction occurs the Sponsor must notify the DE within 30 days of the transaction B The Sponsor shall prepare an annual ledger report, on each anniversary of the date of execution of this agreement showing all credits used any changes in credit availability (e g additional credits released, credit sales suspended) and the beginning and ending balance of credits remaining The Sponsor shall submit the annual report to the DE for distribution to each member of the IRT until such time as all of the credits have been utilized or this agreement is otherwise terminated Section IX Financial Assurances A The Sponsor shall provide either a Performance Bond underwritten by a surety company licensed to do business in North Carolina with a Best s current rating of not less than A or a casualty insurance policy in an appropriate form to be approved by the DE and in compliance with current U S Army Corps of Engineers policy and guidance documents A Model Performance Bond and Casualty Insurance Policy are included herein as Appendix E The financial assurances instrument shall be presented to the Corps for timely review prior to execution a Additionally, the Conservation Easement will designate the U S Army Corps of Engineers as a party enabled to access the site and this document requires all project specific reports and records to be provided to the Corps As such the Corps is enabled to determine the status of the site and to determine the occurrence of default of the mitigation b Prior to determination of default the bank sponsor shall be given a full opportunity to remedy the Site to the satisfaction of the Corps c The total value of the financial assurances shall be $1 091 060 00 which will be split between construction in the amount of $774 653 and subsequently monitoring in the amount of $316 407 These values include the amount necessary to complete all tasks associated with the project from its current point through to completion These include but are not limited to permitting construction planting monitoring and a 30% contingency for regrading and /or replanting d Upon successful completion of the construction phase the value of the financial assurances shall decrement in amounts proportional to the cost of carrying the bank through to completion The project costs and bonding calculations are shown in the Table below The Bank Sponsor will keep the Corps apprised of any issues that may affect the project s financial assurances 10 (Version June 2009) Pancho Cost Estimates & Bonding Worksheet Item Total Project Cost Cost of Completed Work Future (Bonded) Cost Contingency Fees (30 %) Land $1101590 $1101590 $0 Surveying $50000 $19500 $30500 Easement $70000 $0 $70000 Restoration Plan $108638 $108638 $0 Project Construction $523800 $0 $523800 $157140 Vegetation Planting $51 000 $0 $51 000 $15300 As Built Survey & Report $11940 $0 $11940 Project Monitoring $210000 $0 $210000 Company Labor $23400 $7020 $16380 Legal Fees $20000 $15000 $5000 Total $2 170 368 $1 251 748 $918620 $172440 Financial assurances to complete all remaining tasks for the project will be divided into two instruments one for Construction (including the As Built Survey and Report) and one for Monitoring Contingency fees (30% of the cost) for grading and planting are included in the Construction Bond Remaining costs for the Sponsor s labor and legal fees were prorated Based on these calculations the Construction Bond presented will be for $774 653 and the Monitoring Bond will be for $316 407 B Financial assurances structured to provide funds to the Corps of Engineers in the event of default by the Bank Sponsor are not acceptable C A financial assurance must be in the form that ensures that the DE receives notification at least 120 days in advance of any termination or revocation Section X Lone -Term Protection A The Bank is comprised of two parcels both of which are owned by Pancho Mitigation Company LLC in fee simple Pancho Mitigation Company acquired three parcels to form the Bank property Two were combined at closing so that now there are two parcels Documentation of these transactions is included in Appendix B Prior to the first credit release a Permanent Conservation Easement substantially in the form included as Appendix F will be submitted to the Wilmington District s Office of Counsel for review Upon written approval by the Corps Office of Counsel the CE will be recorded in the land records at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court in the county in which the land lies A copy of the recorded CE, showing book and page numbers of the recorded location, shall be provided to Office of Counsel Pancho Mitigation Company LLC shall grant a CE to be held by the Sponsor in form acceptable to the IRT sufficient to protect the Bank site in perpetuity The CE shall be perpetual preserve all natural areas, and prohibit all use of the property inconsistent with its use as mitigation property, including any activity that would materially alter the biological integrity or functional and 11 (Version June 2009) educational value of wetlands or streams within the Bank site consistent with the Mitigation Plan The purpose of the CE will be to assure that future use of the Bank site will result in the restoration protection maintenance and enhancement of aquatic functions described in the Mitigation Plan B The Sponsor shall deliver a title opinion acceptable to the DE covering the mitigation property The property shall be free and clear of any encumbrances that would conflict with its use as mitigation including, but not limited to, any liens that have priority over the recorded preservation mechanism C The Sponsor shall hold the Conservation Easement during the operational life of the bank which is anticipated to be a period of seven to nine years (as shown in the Credit Release Schedule) ending with project close out At project close out, the Sponsor shall transfer the CE to the North Carolina Wildlife Habitat Foundation ( NCWHF) A letter indicating the NCWHF s willingness to accept the CE is attached as Appendix G As the owner of the property the Sponsor will remain in the chain of title The Sponsor is responsible for ensuring that that the CE is re recorded to ensure that it remains within the chain of title The terms and conditions of this conveyance shall not conflict with the intent and provisions of the CE nor shall such conveyance enlarge or modify the uses specified in the CE The CE will contain a provision requiring 60 day advance notification to the DE before any action is taken to void or modify the CE including transfer of title to or establishment of any other legal claims over the project site Section XI Lonp -term Management A The Sponsor will retain primary oversight of the property throughout Bank implementation and monitoring At project closeout the Sponsor shall implement the long term management plan described in Section 11 of the Mitigation Plan B The long term management plan includes a one time payment to the NCWHF sufficient to provide for any long term maintenance identified in the long term management plan Section XII Default and Closure A It is agreed to establish and/or maintain the Bank site until (i) credits have been exhausted or banking activity is voluntarily terminated with written notice by the Sponsor provided to the DE and other members of the IRT and (n) it has been determined and agreed upon by the DE and IRT that the debited Bank site has satisfied all the conditions herein and in the Mitigation Plan If the DE determines that the Bank site is not meeting performance standards or complying with the terms of the instrument appropriate action will be taken Such actions may include but are not limited to suspending credit sales adaptive management decreasing available credits utilizing financial assurances and terminating the instrument 12 (Version June 2009) B Any delay or failure of Bank Sponsor shall not constitute a default hereunder if and to the extent that such delay or failure is primarily caused by any act, event or conditions beyond the Sponsor s reasonable control and significantly adversely affects its ability to perform its obligations hereunder including (i) acts of God, lightning, earthquake fire landslide, or interference by third parties (ii) condemnation or other taking by any governmental body, (iii) change in applicable law regulation rule ordinance or permit condition or the interpretation or enforcement thereof, (iv) any order ,judgment, action or determination of any federal state or local court administrative agency or government body or (v) the suspension or interruption of any permit license consent authorization or approval If the performance of the Bank Sponsor is affected by any such event Bank Sponsor shall give written notice thereof to the IRT as soon as is reasonably practicable If such event occurs before the final availability of all credits for sale the Sponsor shall take remedial action to restore the property to its condition prior to such event in a manner sufficient to provide adequate mitigation to cover credits that were sold prior to such delay or failure to compensate for impacts to waters, including wetlands, authorized by Department of the Army permits Such remedial action shall be taken by the Sponsor only to the extent necessary and appropriate, as determined by the IRT C At the end of the monitoring period, upon satisfaction of the performance standards the Sponsor may submit a request to close out the bank site to the DE The DE in consultation with the IRT shall use best efforts to review and comment on the request within 60 days of such submittal If the DE determines the Sponsor has achieved the performance standards in accordance with the mitigation plan and all obligations under this MBI the DE shall issue a close out letter to the Sponsor Section XIII Miscellaneous A Any agency participant may terminate its participation in the IRT with notice in writing to all other parties to this agreement Termination shall be effective seven (7) days from placing written notices in the United States mail Member withdrawal shall not affect any prior sale of credits and all remaining parties shall continue to implement and enforce the terms of this MBI B Modification of this MBI shall be in accordance with the procedures set forth in 332 8 of the mitigation rule C No third party shall be deemed a beneficiary hereof and no one except the signatories hereof, their successors and assigns shall be entitled to seek enforcement hereof D This MBI constitutes the entire agreement between the parties concerning the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements or undertakings E In the event any one or more of the provisions contained in this MBI are held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceablility will not affect any other provisions hereof, and this MBI shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision had not been contained herein 13 (Version June 2009) F This MBI shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of North Carolina and the United States as appropriate G This MBI may be executed by the parties in any combination in one or more counterparts all of which together shall constitute but one and the same instrument H The terms and conditions of this MBI shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors I All notices and required reports shall be sent by regular mail to each of the parties at their respective addresses provided below Sponsor Mr John Preyer Restoration Systems LLC 1101 Haynes Street Suite 211 Raleigh NC 27604 Corps Ms Tracey L Wheeler Regulatory Project Manager Department of the Army Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Washington Regulatory Field Office Post Office Box 1000 Washington NC 27889 1000 EPA /Ms Becky Fox Wetlands Regulatory Section Region IV U S Environmental Protection Agency 1307 Firefly Road Whittier NC 28789 FWS Mr John Ellis U S Fish and Wildlife Service Ecological Services — Raleigh Field Offic Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh NC 27636 3726 14 (Version June 2009) NMFS Mr Ron Sechler National Marine Fisheries NOAA Habitat Conservation Division 101 Pivers Island Road Beaufort, NC 28516 NCWRC Mr David Cox North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 1142 185 Service Road Creedmoor NC 27522 NCDWQ Mr Ian McMillan Division of Water Quality North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Mail Service Center 1650 Raleigh, NC 27699 1650 15 (Version June 2009) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement entitled "Agreement To Establish The Pancho Mingahon Bank In Wayne County, North Carolina" Sponsor U S Army Corps of Engineers Date By Date 16 (Version June 2009) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement entitled "Agreement To Establish The * Mitigation Bank In * County, North Carolina" U S Environmental Protection Agency LIM U S Fish and Wildlife Service Date By Date National Marine Fisheries Service By Date N C Division of Water Quality By Date N C Wildlife Resources Commission By Date N C Division of Coastal Management By Date 17 (Version June 2009) List of Appendices Appendix A Final Mitigation Plan Appendix B Property Surveys and Legal Description Appendix C Geographic Service Area Appendix D Bank Ledger Appendix E Model Performance Bond Appendix F Model Conservation Easement Appendix G North Carolina Wildlife Habitat Foundation Letter 18 MITIGATION PLAN PANCHO MITIGATION BANK Developed Through RESTORATION, ENHANCEMENT, AND PRESERVATION OF KENNEDY MILL BRANCH, UNNAMED TRIBUTARIES, AND RIVERINE WETLANDS Wayne County, North Carohna Axiom Environmental Inc PREPARED BY RESTORATION SYSTEMS LLC 1101 HAYNES STREET SUITE 211 RALEIGH NORTH CAROLINA 27604 AND AXIOM ENVIRONMENTAL INC 218 SNOW AVENUE RALEIGH NORTH CAROLINA 27603 MARCH 2012 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Restoration Systems LLC proposes the establishment of a stream and wetland mitigation bank at the Pancho Mitigation Site (Bank) approximately 13 miles west of Goldsboro in western Wayne County north of U S Highway 13 near the intersection of State Road 1008 (Stevens Mill Road) and State Road 1105 (Dobbersville Road) The Bank is located within the Neuse River Basin in 14 digit United States Geological Survey Cataloging Unit and Targeted Local Watershed 03020201150050 of the South Atlantic /Gulf Region (North Carolina Division of Water Quality Subbasm Number 03 04 04) The proposed Bank encompasses agricultural land utilized for livestock grazing row crop production and forest Kennedy Mill Branch and unnamed tributaries to Kennedy Mill Branch as well as 31 0 acres of hydric soil and existing wetlands exhibit mitigation potential within the Bank Pasture areas are accessible to livestock and are routinely cleared and mowed for hay production resulting in local disturbances to stream banks and wetland soil surfaces Additional land use practices including the maintenance and removal of riparian vegetation ditching of adjacent riparian wetlands and relocation dredging and channelization of onsite streams have resulted in degraded water quality and excessive sedimentation resulting from unstable banks (stream entrenchment erosion and bank collapse) Protection of Bank resources through a conservation easement will promote the sustainability and improvement of aquatic resources in the Kennedy Mill Branch watershed as well as downstream of the Bank Goals of this stream and wetland mitigation project focus on improving water quality enhancing flood attenuation and restoring aquatic resources and riparian habitat within the Kennedy Mill Branch watershed Protection of restored aquatic resources (riparian wetlands and streams) with a conservation easement is likely to result in net gains in water quality and habitat functions of streams and wetlands located within the Bank Primary goals will be accomplished through the following measures Improving Water Quality • Removing nonpoint sources of pollution associated with agricultural activities including a) removal of livestock from streams stream banks wetlands and floodplains b) eliminating the application of fertilizer pesticides and other agricultural materials into and adjacent to streams and wetlands and c) establishing a vegetative buffer adjacent to streams and wetlands to treat surface runoff which may contain pollutants such as sediment and /or agricultural pollutants from the adjacent landscape • Reducing sedimentation onsite and downstream by a) reducing bank erosion associated with hoof shear and vegetation maintenance and b) planting a diverse woody vegetative buffer adjacent to Kennedy Mill Branch and associated unnamed tributaries to Kennedy Mill Branch • Providing shallow wetland marsh treatment areas to intercept surface waters draining through agricultural areas prior to discharging into Bank streams and wetlands Mitigation Plan Executive Summary page i Pancho Stn eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Reston ation Systems LLC Enhancing Flood Attenuation • Promoting floodwater attenuation by a) reconnecting bankfull stream flows to the abandoned floodplain terrace b) restoring secondary entrenched tributaries thereby reducing floodwater velocities within smaller catchment basins c) restoring depressional floodplain wetlands resulting in increased storage capacity for floodwaters within the Bank and d) revegetating the Bank s floodplains to increase frictional resistance on floodwaters crossing the Bank Restoring Aquatic Resources and Riparian Habitat • Reestablishing stream stability and the capacity to transport watershed flows and sediment loads by restoring stable dimension pattern and profile supported by natural in stream habitat and grade/bank stabilization structures • Improving aquatic habitat by promoting stable stream banks shading open waters and providing in stream structures within the Bank • Providing wildlife habitat corridors within fragmented parcels in the Neuse River watershed This mitigation plan includes 1) restoration (priority I) of 5322 linear feet of streams 2) restoration of 1137 linear feet of braided Coastal Plain stream 3) enhancement (level I) of 803 linear feet of stream 4) enhancement (level II) of 1837 linear feet of stream 5) preservation of 1176 linear feet of stream 6) restoration of 29 0 acres of jurisdictional wetland 7) enhancement of 15 acres of cleared jurisdictional wetlands 8) preservation of 0 5 acres of forested jurisdictional wetland and 9) establishment of a permanent conservation easement to encompass all mitigation activities as well as a minimum 50 foot wooded riparian buffer adjacent to wetlands and streams Mitigation options outlined in this report are as follows After completion the Bank will offer 7964 stream mitigation credits and 29 9 riparian wetland mitigation credits as determined using interagency guidelines outlined below Mitigation Plan Erecutive Summary page !i Pancho Sa eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi ation Systems LLC Proposed Mitigation Proposed Credits Riparian Proposed Mitigation Mitigation Activity Riparian Wetlands Ratio Stream Wetland (linear (linear feet) (acres) Credits Credits Stream Restoration 6459 1 1 6459 n Stream Enhancement I 80-) 1 5 1 535 Stream Enhancement II 1837 4 25 1 735 ,�.- Stream Preservation 1176 5 1 235 Wetland Restoration �M 290 1 1 1Q :- 290 Wetland Enhancement' 1 5 2 1 08 Wetland Preservation 05 5 1 0 1 Totals 10 683 310 11 4 �� ��� �� �,�. 7964 29 9 After completion the Bank will offer 7964 stream mitigation credits and 29 9 riparian wetland mitigation credits as determined using interagency guidelines outlined below Mitigation Plan Erecutive Summary page !i Pancho Sa eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi ation Systems LLC This project complies with interagency guidelines outlined in Information Regarding Stream Restoration with Emphasis on the Coastal Plain — Draft (USACE et a12007) Stream Mitigation Guidelines (USACE et al 2003) Mitigation Site Type (MIST) documentation (USEPA 1990) and Compensatory Hardwood Mitigation Guidelines (DOA 1993) Specifically Bank selection restoration goals and monitoring procedures /objectives comply with project design considerations outlined by interagency guidance In addition to providing mitigation for impacts to federally regulated aquatic resources as described above upland areas of the Pancho Site will be used to offset nutrient inputs in the Neuse River Basin as regulated by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality Those efforts will be described and accounted for under separate documentation Mitigation Plan Erecutive Summary page iii Pancho Sti eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Reston ation Systems LLC TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I 10 INTRODUCTION 1 20 OBJECTIVES 2 30 WATERSHED APPROACH 3 3 1 BANK SELECTION 3 32 GEOGRAPHIC SERVICE AREA 5 40 BANK PROTECTION INSTRUMENT 6 50 BASELINE INFORMATION 6 5 1 PHYSIOGRAPHY TOPOGRAPHY AND LAND USE 6 52 WATER QUALITY 7 53 VEGETATION 7 54 SOILS AND LAND FORM 8 5 5 JURISDICTIONAL STREAMS AND WETLANDS 9 56 STREAM CHARACTERISTICS 12 57 STREAM POWER SHEAR STRESS AND STABILITY THRESHOLD 19 5 8 REFERENCE STUDIES 22 59 SURFACE WATER ANALYSIS AND HYDROLOGIC TRESPASS 24 5 10 FEDERALLY PROTECTED SPECIES 25 511 SITE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION CONSTRAINTS 26 6 0 DETERMINATION OF CREDITS 26 61 CREDIT DETERMINATION 26 62 CREDIT RELEASE SCHEDULE 27 7 0 MITIGATION WORK PLAN 27 7 1 STREAM RESTORATION 28 72 STREAM ENHANCEMENT (LEVEL I) 31 7 3 STREAM ENHANCEMENT (LEVEL II) 31 74 STREAM PRESERVATION 31 75 WETLAND RESTORATION AND ENHANCEMENT 32 76 WETLAND PRESERVATION 33 77 PLANT COMMUNITY RESTORATION 33 78 PLANTING PLAN 34 8 0 MAINTENANCE PLAN 34 9 0 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 36 91 STREAM SUCCESS CRITERIA 36 92 HYDROLOGY SUCCESS CRITERIA 38 9 3 VEGETATION SUCCESS CRITERIA 39 10 0 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS 39 10 1 STREAM MONITORING 40 10 2 HYDROLOGY MONITORING 41 10 3 VEGETATION MONITORING 41 10 4 BIOTIC COMMUNITY MONITORING 42 110 LONG TERM MANAGEMENT PLAN 42 12 0 ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT PLAN 43 13 0 CORPORATE EXPERIENCE 43 14 0 REFERENCES 45 Mitigation Plan Table of Contents page i Pancho Sti eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Rester ation Systems LLC APPENDICES Appendix A Figures Appendix B Existing Stream Data Appendix C Flood Frequency Analysis Data Appendix D Thornthwaite Analysis Data LIST OF FIGURES Figures IA 1B Project and Reference Locations Figure 2 Hydrologic Unit Map Figures 3A 3B Topography and Drainage Area Figure 4 Existing Conditions and Soils Figure 5A Reference Reach 1 Dimension Pattern and Profile Figure 5B Reference Tar Kiln Branch Dimension Pattern and Profile Figure 6 Mitigation Units Figures 7A 7B Restoration Plan Figure 8A Typical Structure Details Figure 8B Typical Marsh Treatment Detail Figure 9 NCWAM Wetland Types Figure 10 Planting Plan Figure B 1 Cross section Locations LIST OF TABLES Table I Bank Soils 8 Table 2 Existing Stream Characteristics 9 Table 3 Results for Boussmesq Equation 11 Table 4 Thornthwaite Monthly Water Balance Model 12 Tables 5A 5C Stream Geometry and Classification 14 16 Table 6 Reference Reach Bankfull Discharge Analysis 17 Table 7 Stream Power (0) and Shear Stress (t) Values 22 Table 8 Reference Forest Ecosystem 24 Table 9 FSC Species Listed for Wayne County 25 Table 10 Proposed Mitigation Quantities vs Mitigation Credits 26 Table 11 Credit Release Schedule 27 Table 12 Planting Plan 35 Mitigation Plan Table of Contents page u Paneho Sty eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi anon Systems LLC MITIGATION PLAN PANCHO MITIGATION BANK RESTORATION, ENHANCEMENT, AND PRESERVATION OF KENNEDY MILL BRANCH, UNNAMED TRIBUTARIES, AND RIVERINE WETLANDS Wayne County, North Carolina 10 INTRODUCTION Restoration Systems LLC proposes the establishment of a stream and wetland mitigation bank at the Pancho Mitigation Site (hereafter the Bank) located approximately 13 miles west of Goldsboro in western Wayne County north of U S Highway 13 near the intersection of State Road 1008 (Stevens Mill Road) and State Road 1105 (Dobbersville Road) (Figure 1 A Appendix A) The Bank is located within the Neuse River Basin in 14 digit United States Geological Survey (USGS) Cataloging Unit and Targeted Local Watershed 03020201150050 of the South Atlantic /Gulf Region (North Carolina Division of Water Quality [NCDWQ] Subbasm Number 03 04 04) (Figure 2 Appendix A) The Bank is expected to offset unavoidable impacts associated with projects located within 8 digit Cataloging Unit 03020201 this is discussed in further detail in Section 3 2 (Geographic Service Area) This document serves as the Mitigation Plan for the Bank with supporting figures located in Appendix A The Bank consists of agricultural land utilized for livestock grazing row crop production and forest Approximately 9440 linear feet of existing Kennedy Mill Branch and unnamed tributaries to Kennedy Mill Branch as well as 310 acres of hydric soil and existing wetlands exhibit mitigation potential within the Bank Pasture areas are accessible to livestock and are routinely cleared and mowed for hay production resulting in local disturbances to stream banks and wetland soil surfaces Additional land use practices including the maintenance and removal of riparian vegetation ditching of adjacent riparian wetlands and relocation dredging and channelization of onsite streams have resulted in degraded water quality unstable banks (stream entrenchment erosion and bank collapse) Directions to the Bank ➢ From the City of Raleigh travel east on U S Highway 70 ➢ Travel --37 miles on U S Highway 70 to the intersection with Martin Livestock Road ➢ Turn right at Martin Livestock Road (0 7 mile) ➢ Turn right at Progressive Church Road (4 miles) ➢ Turn left at Brogden Road (0 5 mile) ➢ Turn right at Richardson Bridge Road (5 3 miles) ➢ Turn left at T intersection onto Harper House Road which turns into Stevens Mill Road (1 3 miles) The Bank is located where Kennedy Mill Branch crosses Stevens Mill Road o Latitude 35 333755° N Longitude 78 192699° W Mitigation Plan page I Pancho Sb eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restot ation Systems LLC 20 OBJECTIVES The primary goals of this stream and wetland project focus on improving water quality enhancing flood attenuation and restoring aquatic and riparian habitat to Kennedy Mill Branch and its tributaries wetlands and floodplams Sediment from eroding banks is deleterious to benthic macromvertebrate habitat and can be expected to reduce fisheries populations in the existing and downstream reaches In addition proposed mitigation activities will create wildlife and fish habitat shade /cool surface waters (thereby increasing dissolved oxygen levels) filter nutrients reduce sedimentation reduce downstream flooding and increase bed morphology (habitat) through maintenance of perpendicular flow vectors The primary goals will be accomplished through the following measures Improvmg Water Quality • Removing nonpoint sources of pollution associated with agricultural activities including a) removal of livestock from streams stream banks wetlands and floodplams b) eliminating the application of fertilizer pesticides and other agricultural materials into and adjacent to streams and wetlands and c) establishing a vegetative buffer adjacent to streams and wetlands to treat surface runoff which may contain pollutants such as sediment and/or agricultural pollutants from the adjacent landscape • Reducing sedimentation onsite and downstream by a) reducing bank erosion associated with hoof shear and vegetation maintenance and b) planting a diverse woody vegetative buffer adjacent to Kennedy Mill Branch and associated unnamed tributaries to Kennedy Mill Branch • Providing shallow wetland marsh treatment areas to intercept surface waters draining through agricultural areas prior to discharging into Bank streams and wetlands Enhancing Flood Attenuation • Promoting floodwater attenuation by a) reconnecting bankfull stream flows to the abandoned floodplain terrace b) restoring secondary entrenched tributaries thereby reducing floodwater velocities within smaller catchment basins c) restoring depressional floodpaan wetlands resulting in increased storage capacity for floodwaters within the Bank and d) revegetatmg the Bank s floodplams to increase frictional resistance on floodwaters crossing the Bank Restoring Aquatic Resources and Riparian Habitat • Reestablishing stream stability and the capacity to transport watershed flows and sediment loads by restoring stable dimension pattern and profile supported by natural in stream habitat and grade/bank stabilization structures • Improving aquatic habitat by promoting stable stream banks shading open waters and providing in stream structures within the Bank • Providing wildlife habitat corridors within fragmented parcels in the Neuse River watershed Mitigation Plan page 2 Pancho Sti eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi ation Svstems LLC These goals will be achieved by the following • Providing 7964 stream mitigation units by the following • Restoring approximately 5322 linear feet of stream channel through priority I construction of stable channels thereby reestablishing stable dimension pattern and profile • Restoring approximately 1137 linear feet of braided stream channel by redirecting stream flows into a braided backwater slough • Enhancing (Level I) approximately 803 linear feet of stream channel by removing invasive species protecting desirable hardwood trees greater than 4 inches in diameter at breast height to the maximum extent possible restoring overbank flooding/hydrodynamics by raising the bed elevation sloping channel banks and supplementally planting where necessary • Enhancing (Level II) approximately 1837 linear feet of stream channel by planting riparian buffers with native woody vegetation and removing spoil material adjacent to channels • Preserving approximately 1176 linear feet of forested stream channel • Providing 29 9 wetland mitigation units by the following • Restoring approximately 29 0 acres of riparian wetlands by reconstructing stream channels within the historic floodplain filling agricultural ditches removing livestock and row crop production rehydrating floodplam soils and planting with native woody vegetation • Enhancing approximately 15 acres of riparian wetlands by 1) supplemental planting areas high graded for lumber production or 2) removing livestock and planting with native forest vegetation • Preserving approximately 0 5 acres of existing forested riparian wetlands • Planting a native woody riparian buffer adjacent to restored /enhanced streams and wetlands within the Bank • Protecting the Bank in perpetuity with a conservation easement In addition to providing mitigation for impacts to federally regulated aquatic resources as described above upland areas of the Pancho Site will be used to offset nutrient inputs in the Neuse River Basin as regulated by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality Those efforts will be described and accounted for under separate documentation 3 0 WATERSHED APPROACH 31 BANK SELECTION Primary considerations for Bank selection include in kind mitigation and the potential for protection/improvement of water quality within a region of North Carolina under heavy livestock and agriculture pressure More specifically considerations include desired aquatic resource functions hydrologic conditions soil characteristics aquatic habitat diversity habitat connectivity compatibility with adjacent land uses reasonably foreseeable effects the mitigation project will have on ecologically important aquatic and terrestrial resources and potential development trends and land use changes Mitigation Plan page 3 Pancho Sh eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi atron Systems LLC Currently the proposed Bank is characterized by hardwood forest pasture and agricultural land The Bank is located in an area protected by state water supply classification and riparian buffer rules however clearing of vegetation for row crop production and livestock grazing adjacent to streams has resulted in stream bank erosion a decrease in flood attenuation and stream entrenchment If the proposed stream and wetland mitigation does not occur erosion and nutrient inputs into the nutrient sensitive Neuse River basin are expected to continue In addition continued wetland loss through livestock disturbance ditch maintenance stream channel degradation and repetitive maintenance will occur The Bank is located along Kennedy Mill Branch at the confluence with Mill Creek According to the Final Neuse River Basimvtde Water Quality Plan (NCDWQ 2009) due to the lack of buffer along Kennedy Mill Branch this watershed should be targeted for land acquisition to protect the nutrient sensitive Neuse River watershed The proposed restoration and enhancement will result in improved water quality within the Bank and downstream of the Kennedy Mill Branch watershed The Bank is located in a region of the state dominated by agriculture and livestock therefore restoration and enhancement of streams and wetlands is expected to result in immediate water quality benefits in the vicinity of the Bank During mitigation planning a variety of alternative mitigation activities were considered as follows • Enhancement was considered in upstream reaches of Kennedy Mill Branch south of Steven Mill Road currently proposed for restoration However due to degradation of the aquatic resources (both stream and wetland) resulting from land use activities it was determined that restoration of streams at the historic floodplam elevation would provide the greatest uplift to aquatic resources and increased flood attenuation • Restoration was considered in the downstream reach of Kennedy Mill Branch to the north of Stevens Mill Road currently proposed for Enhancement (Level II) The increase in watershed size below the road and elevation constraints associated with the culvert at Stevens Mill Road prohibit priority I restoration of the channel • A single thread channel was considered on UT 7 however due to the nature of the channel valley channel slope watershed hydrology source adjacent proposed wetlands and topography it was determined this tributary will be better suited as a braided channel with diffuse flow across restored forested riparian wetlands • Enhhancement (Level Il) was considered at the upper extent of Kennedy Mill Branch and the Main Tributary dust upstream of the restoration reaches Enhancement (Level II) would have entailed leaving the existing channel depth and allowing the channels to fill in overtime However it was determined that enhancement (level I) which will entail shallowing the channel from a depth of 5 feet to a depth of 1 to 2 feet contouring stream banks, removing invasive plant species and supplemental planting as necessary could be completed with minimal disturbance to existing vegetation leaving as many desirable hardwood trees greater than 4 inches in diameter at breast height as possible resulting in the quickest uplift to aquatic resources • UTs 3 and 4 were removed from the project due to their small size it is anticipated that these channels once filled in will act as wetland complexes and will not have the flow to maintain a defined braided channel system Mitigation Plan page 4 Pancho Sn eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restot ation Svstems LLC Completing Bank mitigation activities without the use of marsh treatment areas was considered Marsh treatment areas were determined to be necessary to intercept surface waters draining through agricultural areas prior to discharging into Bank streams and wetlands 3 2 GEOGRAPHIC SERVICE AREA The Geographic Service Area (GSA) is the designated area within which the bank is authorized to provide compensatory mitigation required by Department of Army permits The GSA for this Bank will include the Neuse River Basin 8 digit Cataloging Unit 03020201 of North Carolina This 8 digit unit is comprised of approximately 3125 square miles that is characterized by two Level II ecoregions (and a total of six Level IV ecoregions) as follows Southeastern Plains Southeastern Floodplams and Low Terraces Rolling Coastal Plain Piedmont • Northern Outer Piedmont • Southern Outer Piedmont • Carolina Slate Belt • Triassic Basins The Piedmont ecoregion comprises a transitional area between the mountainous regions of the Appalachians and the relatively flat Coastal Plain The Piedmont is an erosional terrain of moderately dissected irregular plains with some hills Soils are generally finer textured than those found in the Coastal Plain regions with less sand and more clay The Level IV ecoregions of the Piedmont contained within the 8 digit Cataloging Unit tend to have less relief lower elevations and wider floodplams than other Level IV ecoregions in the Piedmont The Southeastern Plains are characterized by irregular plains with broad mterstream areas Elevations and relief are greater than in the Southern Coastal Plain ecoregion but generally less than in the Piedmont and Blue Ridge ecoregions (Griffith et at 2002a 2002b) Ecoregion boundaries are often portrayed by a single line but in reality are transition zones that can be represented by a distinct and abrupt change or a blurred boundary that can be more difficult to determine as the result of a heterogeneous mosaic of characteristics from each of the adjacent areas The Bank is located within the Southeastern Floodplains and Low Terraces on the border of the Rolling Coastal Plain in the Southeastern Plains ecoregion however the Bank also exhibits characteristics of the Piedmont ecoregion (Griffith et at 2002a 2002b) The change, in topographic relief moderately sloping valleys varying floodplam widths (narrow upstream to wider downstream) moderate side slope to the east of Kennedy Mill Branch proposed for Enhancement (Level II) and irregularly dissected plains with moderately gradient streams which characterize the Bank and adjacent land are more representative of the Piedmont ecoregion while soil series are more typical of the Southeastern Plains Therefore this Bank is proposed to offset impacts with unavoidable impacts associated with projects located within the Mitigation Plan page.) Pancho St, eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi ation Systems LLC entire 8 -digit Cataloging Unit 03020201. Use of the Bank to compensate for impacts beyond the GSA may be considered by the Corps or the permitting agency on a case -by -case basis. 4.0 BANK PROTECTION INSTRUMENT The Site is comprised of two separate parcels both owned by Pancho Mitigation Company, LLC. Prior to the first release of credits, a Conservation Easement will be placed on all project property. The Sponsor shall hold the Conservation Easement during the operational life of the bank, which is anticipated to be a period of seven to nine years (as shown in the Credit Release Schedule), ending with project close out. At project close out, the Sponsor shall transfer the CE to the North Carolina Wildlife Habitat Foundation (NCWHF). A letter indicating the NCWHF's willingness to accept the CE is attached as Appendix G. As the owner of the property, the Sponsor will remain in the chain of title. The Sponsor is responsible for ensuring that that the CE is re- recorded to ensure that it remains within the chain of title. The terms and conditions of this conveyance shall not conflict with the intent and provisions of the CE nor shall such conveyance enlarge or modify the uses specified in the CE. The CE will contain a provision requiring 60 -day advance notification to the DE before any action is taken to void or modify the CE, including transfer of title to, or establishment of any other legal claims over, the project site. 5.0 BASELINE INFORMATION The Bank is characterized by forest and agricultural land that is used for livestock grazing in the southern portion of the Bank and row crop production in the northern portion of the Bank. The northern and southern portions of the Bank are bisected by Stevens Mill Road. The main hydrologic features of the Bank include Kennedy Mill Branch, six unnamed tributaries to Kennedy Mill Branch (Main Tributary and UTs 1 -2, and 5 -7), and floodplains (Figure 4, Appendix A). 5.1 PHYSIOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, AND LAND USE The Bank is located in the Southeastern Floodplains and Low Terraces ecoregion on the border of the Rolling Coastal Plain ecoregion within the Southeastern Plains of North Carolina in USGS HUC 03020201 (NCDWQ Subbasin Number 03- 04 -06) of the Neuse River Basin. Regional physiography is characterized by broad interstream divides with gentle to steep side slopes dissected by numerous small, low to moderate gradient sandy bottomed streams and major river floodplains, associated terraces, and low gradient streams with sandy and silty substrates (Griffith et al. 2002a). Onsite elevations range from a high of 100 feet National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) on slopes to a low of approximately 75 feet NGVD at the lowest point of the Bank (USGS Grantham, North Carolina 7.5- minute topographic quadrangle). Topography within the Bank is depicted on Figures 3A -3B (Appendix A). Mitigation Plan page 6 Pancho Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoration Systems, LLC The Bank provides water quality functions to an approximately 3 3 square mile watershed at the outfall of Kennedy Mill Branch from the Bank (Figure 3A Appendix A) The watershed is dominated by pasture agricultural land forest and sparse residential property Impervious surfaces account for less than 5 percent of the upstream watershed land surface Surrounding area land use is primarily agricultural with some low- density residential housing Onsite land use is characterized by hardwood forest agricultural land (row crop production) and pasture (livestock) Riparian zones and wetland areas are primarily composed of herbaceous vegetation with sparse hardwood canopy species along the streams Riparian vegetation adjacent to restoration/enhancement reaches of the Bank is sparse and disturbed due to livestock grazing bush hogging and regular maintenance activities 5 2 WATER QUALITY The Bank is located within the Neuse River Basin in 14 digit USGS Cataloging Unit and Targeted Local Watershed 03020201150050 of the South Atlantic /Gulf Region ( NCDWQ Subbasm Number 03 04 04) (Figure 2 Appendix A) Kennedy Mill Branch drains to Mill Creek which has been assigned Stream Index Number 27 52 -(1) and a Best Usage Classification of C, NSW ( NCDWQ 2010c) These waters are suitable for all Class C uses including aquatic life propagation and survival fishing wildlife secondary recreation and agriculture Secondary recreation includes wading boating and other uses not involving human body contact with waters on an organized or frequent basis The designation NSW (Nutrient Sensitive Waters) includes areas with water quality problems associated with excessive plant growth resulting from nutrient enrichment Local programs to control nonpomt sources and stormwater discharges of pollution are required NCDWQ has assembled a list of impaired waterbodies according to the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) and 40 CFR 130 7 which is a comprehensive public accounting of all impaired waterbodies An impaired waterbody is one that does not meet water quality standards including designated uses numeric and narrative criteria and anti degradation requirements defined in 40 CFR 131 Kennedy Mill Branch and Mill Creek within and adjacent to the Bank are not listed on the NCDWQ draft 2010 or final 2008 303(d) lists however the Neuse River (Stream Index Number 27 (49 5a) less than 1 5 miles downstream of the Bank is listed in the draft 2010 '30' )(d) list for a standard violation reducing aquatic life integrity as the result of turbidity levels ( NCDWQ 2010a 2010b) Vegetation of Bank streams wetlands floodplams and slopes will reduce sedimentation associated with bank erosion resulting from livestock and agricultural practices 53 VEGETATION The Bank is characterized primarily by mature to disturbed hardwood forest agricultural land and pasture Agricultural land is dispersed along the margins of riparian zones in the northern half of the Bank Disturbed hardwood forest occupies the southern portion of the Bank Pasture dominates the majority of the Bank and consists primarily of fescue (Festuca sp ) crabgrass (Digitaria sp) dog fennel (Eupatorium caplllifohum) rushes (Juncus sp) and sedges (Carex sp ) Disturbed hardwood forest are characterized by mesic floodplain species adjacent to stream channels such as river birch (Betula nigra), eastern red cedar (Jumperus vtrgtntana) Mitigation Plan page 7 Pancho Sh earn and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi ation Systems LLC willow oak (Ouercus phellos) red maple (Acer rubrum) sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciva) black willow (Salix nigra) tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) and American sycamore (Platanus occtdentahs) Wetlands are dominated by emergent vegetation such as rushes sedges polygonum ( Polygonum sp ) and meadow beauty (Rhexia sp ) 5 4 SOILS AND LAND FORM Based on county soil survey mapping (MRCS 2009) the Bank contains seven soil series Bibb sandy loam (Typic Fluvaquent) Chewacla loam (Fluvaquentic Dystrudepts) Kalmia loamy sand (Typic Hapludults) Kenansville loamy sand (Arentc Hapludults) Johnston loam (Cumulic Humaquepts) Norfolk loamy sand (Typic Paleudults) and Wagram loamy sand (Arentc Kandiudults) Bank soils are depicted on Figure 4 (Appendix A) and described in Table 1 Table 1 Bank Sods MapUnit Map Unit Hydric Description Symbol Name Status Bb Bibb sandy Hydric The Bibb series consists of very deep poorly drained moderately permeable soils that loam formed in stratified loamy and sandy alluvium These soils are on floodplains of streams in the coastal plain They are commonly flooded and water runs off the surface very slowly Slopes range from 0 to 2 percent The water table is within 8 inches of the surface from 6 to 11 months each year Ch Chewacla Hydric The Chewacla series consists of very deep somewhat poorly drained moderately loam permeable soils that formed in stratified loamy and sandy alluvium These soils are on floodplams of streams in the piedmont and coastal plain river valleys that dram out of the Piedmont They frequently to rarely flood for brief to long periods Slopes range from 0 to 2 percent Depth to seasonal high water table is generally 6 to 24 inches from November to April Bedrock occurs at a depth of more than 80 inches KaD Kalmia Non The Kalmia series consists of well drained moderately permeable soils that formed in loamy sand hydric stratified loamy and sandy alluvium These soils are on stream terraces that never or rarely flood for very brief periods Slopes range from 0 and 6 percent Depth to the seasonal high water table is 40 to 72 inches or more December to April Bedrock occurs at a depth of more than 80 inches Ke Kenansville Non The Kenansville series consists of well drained nearly level to gently sloping soils on loamy sand hydric Coastal Plain uplands and stream terraces They have formed in marine and fluvial sediments Slopes are generally between 0 and 10 percent Depth to the seasonal high water table is greater than 48 inches for the wet substratum phase Bedrock occurs at a depth of more than 80 inches Js Johnston Hydric The Johnston series consists of very poorly drained moderately rapid permeable soils loam that formed in alluvium These soils are on floodplains and swamps of the lower and upper coastal plain They frequently or occasionally flood for very brief to long periods of time Slopes are generally between 0 and 2 percent Depth to the seasonal high water table is 0 to 12 inches from November to May Bedrock occurs at a depth of more than 80 inches NoC Norfolk Non The Norfolk series consists of well drained moderately permeable soils that formed in loamy sand hydric marine and fluvial sediments These soils are on uplands or marine terraces in the lower middle and upper coastal plain that never or rarely flood for very brief periods of time Slopes are generally between 0 and 10 percent Depth to seasonal high water table is 40 to 72 inches from January to March WaB Wagram Hydric The Wagram series consists of somewhat excessively drained moderately permeable loamy sand soils that formed in fluvial and marine sediments These soils are on uplands in the middle and Lipper coastal plain that never or rarely flood for very brief periods of time Slopes are generally between 0 and 15 percent Depth to seasonal high water table is more than 60 inches Bedrock occurs at a depth of more than 80 inches Mitigation Plan page 8 Pancho Sti eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Rester ation Systems LLC 5 5 JURISDICTIONAL STREAMS AND WETLANDS The main hydrologic features of the Bank include Kennedy Mill Branch unnamed tributaries to Kennedy Mill Branch and associated riparian wetlands and floodplains Kennedy Mill Branch drains an approximately 3 3 square mile watershed at the Bank s outfall Kennedy Mill Branch is a third order bank to bank stream system and the Main Tributary to Kennedy Mill Branch is a second order bank to -bank stream system which have been dredged and straightened and are characterized by eroding banks bimodal sediment transport and disturbed riparian buffers The five secondary tributaries (Unnamed Tributaries [UTs] 1 2 and 5 7) are disturbed first order streams that have been ditched straightened and redirected (Figure 4 Appendix A) Perennial streams within the Bank may be generally characterized as rivenne upper perennial with unconsolidated bottoms consisting of sand (R3UB2) Intermittent streams within the Bank may generally be characterized as riverine intermittent with streambeds consisting of sand and mud (R4SB4) Streams located at the Bank are fully exposed to partially shaded by a mixture of mature riparian vegetation and exhibit entrenchment and bank failure due to livestock and agriculture practices located within the watershed The Bank encompasses approximately 9440 linear feet of existing stream channel proposed for mitigation (Table 2 and Figure 4 Appendix A) Table 2 Existin:i Stream Characteristics Jurisdictional wetlands are defined by the presence of three criteria hydrophytic vegetation hydric soils and evidence of wetland hydrology during the growing season (Environmental Laboratory 1987) Portions of the Bank supporting jurisdictional wetlands may originally have been characterized by palustrine forested wetlands which were seasonally flooded However onsite wetland areas have been impacted by livestock trampling deforestation groundwater draw down from stream channel incision floodplain ditching and excavation of the floodplain Approximately 34 0 acres of the Bank s land area is currently underlain by hydric soils which have been impacted by stream channel entrenchment ditching casting of spoil compaction due to hoof shear and agricultural equipment and removal of native woody vegetation (Figure 4 Appendix A) Approximately 31 0 acres of the restored enhanced and preserved wetland will Mitigation Plan page 9 Pancho Sti eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi ation Systems LLC Approximate USGS USGS Stream In Field Stream Stream Reach Stream Length Stream Order Classification Classification (linear feet) Kennedy Mill 5271 third perennial perennial Branch Main Tributary 1770 second intermittent perennial UT1 420 not shown not shown intermittent UT2 360 not shown not shown intermittent UT5 410 not shown not shown perennial UT6 130 not shown not shown perennial UT7 1080 first intermittent perennial Total 9440 1r'11% & I�zs�.�, � VT Jurisdictional wetlands are defined by the presence of three criteria hydrophytic vegetation hydric soils and evidence of wetland hydrology during the growing season (Environmental Laboratory 1987) Portions of the Bank supporting jurisdictional wetlands may originally have been characterized by palustrine forested wetlands which were seasonally flooded However onsite wetland areas have been impacted by livestock trampling deforestation groundwater draw down from stream channel incision floodplain ditching and excavation of the floodplain Approximately 34 0 acres of the Bank s land area is currently underlain by hydric soils which have been impacted by stream channel entrenchment ditching casting of spoil compaction due to hoof shear and agricultural equipment and removal of native woody vegetation (Figure 4 Appendix A) Approximately 31 0 acres of the restored enhanced and preserved wetland will Mitigation Plan page 9 Pancho Sti eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi ation Systems LLC be used to generate mitigation credit. Extensive floodplain manipulations associated with stream ditching and straightening, deforestation, and floodplain ditching, have effectively removed groundwater hydrology from these areas. In order to accurately calculate wetland mitigation credits, a jurisdictional wetland delineation was completed in July 2011 and subsequently revised as requested and verbally approved by United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) representative William Wescott during a field meeting on November 3, 2011. Portions of the Bank supporting jurisdictional wetlands are characterized by semi - permanently flooded, palustrine wetlands underlain by hydric soils that are dark (low chroma) in color and are striated with lenses of coarse materials deposited in a fluvial environment. Vegetative communities within wetlands proposed for preservation are composed of a well - developed forest community while wetlands proposed for enhancement are composed of a single stratum of herbaceous vegetation due to livestock grazing and routine maintenance. Groundwater springs and surface runoff contribute hydrology to these areas, although historically the wetlands may have additionally had a hydrological influence of overbank flooding. Hydric soils have been mapped by the Natural Resource Conservation Service (MRCS) as Johnston or Bibb; however, two wetland enhancement areas in the northern portion of the Bank, located within a Chewacla map unit, appear to be characterized by Johnston/Bibb inclusions. According to the Cowardin classification ( Cowardin et al. 1979), jurisdictional wetlands located along Kennedy Mill Branch may be generally classified as palustrine, persistent emergent, wetlands that are saturated, semipermanent, or seasonally flooded (PEM 1 Y). Restoration efforts should focus on elevating groundwater tables through restoration of entrenched stream channels, filling of secondary ditches, removal of livestock and row crop production, and planting with native forest vegetation. These measures will restore approximately 31.8 acres of jurisdictional wetland (29.0 acres of this area will generate mitigation credit), enhance approximately 1.7 acres of jurisdictional wetland (1.5 acres of this area will generate mitigation credit), and preserve approximately 0.5 acre of existing forested wetland. Mitigation efforts should allow the floodplain to perform wetland functions such as flood -flow suppression, nutrient cycling, and pollutant removal. Groundwater Model For this study, the Boussinesq equation was utilized to predict groundwater impacts associated with floodplain and stream ditching. The Boussinesq equation represents a two - dimensional general flow equation for unconfined aquifers. The equation has been applied in the past to predict the decline in elevation of the water table near a pumping well as time progresses. The Boussinesq equation was applied to Bank ditches to predict the linear distance of groundwater drawdown that exceeds 1 foot for 12.5- percent of the growing season. The percentage of the growing season (12.5 percent) was selected based upon guidance from the Mitigation Plan page 10 Pancho Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoration Systems, LLC Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory 1987) The equation is solved for wetland impacts with data for the following variables 1) equivalent hydraulic conductivity 2) drawable porosity 3) an estimated depth to the impermeable layer or aquiclude 4) the time duration of the drawdown 5) target water table depth (1 foot below the soil surface) and 6) minimum ditch depth Results from the Boussmesq equation predicted lateral effects results of the Boussinesq equation are summarized in Table 3 Restoration efforts should focus on elevating groundwater tables through restoration of entrenched stream channels filling of secondary ditches removal of livestock and planting with native forest vegetation These measures will restore approximately 31 8 acres of jurisdictional wetland and enhance approximately 1 7 acre of wetland Mitigation efforts should allow the floodplam to perform wetland functions such as flood -flow suppression nutrient cycling pollutant removal and provision of native species habitat Table 3 Results for Boussinesa F.auntion Sod Ditch Depth (ft) Depth to Aquaclude (cm) Ksat (cm /hr) Growing Season (his) Dramable Porosity (cm) Ditch Impact (ft) Johnston 1 165 1054 672 002 13 2 165 1054 672 002 201 3 165 1054 672 002 273 4 165 1054 672 002 288 5 165 1054 672 002 317 1 165 3A 672 0019.) 7 2 165 334 672 0019.) 115 Bibb 3 165 3 34 672 0019.) 156 4 1 165 3 34 672 0019.) 165 5 165 3 34 672 0019, 182 Water Budget A Thornthwaite monthly water balance with graphical user interface has been used to evaluate the hydrologic cycle for a poorly drained small stream and floodplain in Wayne County North Carolina The Thornthwaite model uses inputs of monthly measured temperature precipitation and computed Potential Evapotranspiration (PET) to estimate monthly water surpluses which may be in the form of runoff seepage or changes in water storage Predicted water surpluses for this project are assumed to result in stream outflow and wetland hydrology success Monthly precipitation and temperature data were obtained for a period of 1993 to 2003 from Seymour Johnson Air Force Base located approximately 12 miles east of the Bank The field capacity value used in this simulation was based on the drained volume upflux estimates for soil moisture retention (0 20 millimeters) while depth of the root zone was estimated at 100 centimeters giving a soil moisture storage capacity (SOILma,) of 200 millimeters Due to the poorly drained nature of Bank soils during the first month of the simulation (January 1993) the initial soil moisture retention was assumed to be saturated (SOILo) Mitigation Plan page 11 Pancho Sa eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi ateon Systems LLC Thorrithwaite model results were subsequently compared to WETS data (available at htty / /weww wcc nres usda 1?ov /ftpref /support/cllmate /wetlands /nc/37191 tact) for Wayne County to determine if measured rainfall at the Bank was below within or above average rainfall amounts WETS data predicts average annual rainfall to be between the ranges of 46 79 and 56 33 inches annually in Wayne County (WETS data may be found in Appendix D) Weather data obtained for modeling purposes ranges between 39 0 inches and 710 inches annually Specifically five years measured below average annual rainfall three years measured within average annual rainfall amounts and two years measured above average rainfall Results of the model are depicted in the following table and data for Thronthwaite output is located in Appendix D Table 4 Thornthwaite Monthly Water- Balance Model Year Annual Average Precipitation (inches)* WETS Data Comparison ** Consecutive Months with Surplus Water Storage NRCS Wetland Success Attained Based on Thornthwaite * ** 1993 395 below average 4 Yes 1994 390 below average 3 No 1995 464 below average 2 No 1996 561 average 4 Yes 1997 429 average 4 Yes 1998 645 above average 4 Yes 1999 710 above average 3 No 2000 434 below average 4 Yes 2001 470 average 3 No 2002 417 below average 4 Yes * Precipitation data from Seymour Johnson Air Force Base ** WETS data indicates average annual rainfall for Wayne County ranges between 46 79 and 56 33 inches * ** NRCS wetland success based on traditional 12 5°/ of growing season between March 17 and November 14 Data presented in Table 4 indicate that in years with below average rainfall wetland hydrology success may be attained 60 percent of the years monitored (3 years of success out of 5 years modeled) Similarly for average rainfall years wetland hydrology would be successful 67 percent of years monitored (2 years of success out of 3 years modeled) High rainfall years have been skewed by hurricanes in dry times of the year specifically Hurricane Floyd in 1999 During this year the model predicted that wetland criteria would not be met even though precipitation was above average 5 6 STREAM CHARACTERISTICS Bank streams have been characterized based on fluvial geomorphic principles (Rosgen 1996) Tables 5A 5C provide a summary of measured stream geometry attributes under existing conditions (considered to be unstable) and a preliminary estimate of potentially stable stream attributes Preliminary estimates of stable stream attributes are based primarily upon measurements of two reference reaches discussed further in Section 5 8 and Coastal Plain regional curves (Geratz et al 2003) Mitigation Plan Page 12 Pancho Stb eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi ation Svstems LLC 5 6 1 Drainage Area Drainage basin sizes for restoration reaches range from 0 01 square mile for unnamed tributaries to 2 9 square mile for Kennedy Mill Branch at Stevens Mill Road The Bank s discharge is dominated by a combination of upstream basin catchment groundwater flow and precipitation Based on reference measurements and regional curves the bankfull discharge for a 2 9 square mile watershed is expected to average 17 8 cubic feet per second which is expected to overbank every 0 1 to 0 3 years (Geratz et al 2003) 5 6 2 Discharge Discharge estimates for the Site utilize an assumed definition of bankfull and the return interval associated with that bankfull discharge For this study the bankfull channel is defined as the channel dimensions designed to support the channel forming or dominant discharge (Gordon et al 1992) Current research also estimates a bankfull discharge would be expected to occur approximately every 0 1 to 0 3 years (Geratz et al 2003) This is much shorter than previous state and nationwide estimates in other ecoregions of approximately every 13 to 15 years (Rosgen 1996 Leopold 1994) The shortened recurrence interval may be attributed to precipitation inputs onto wide nearly level land with a large surface storage capacity an elevated water table and slow flushing rates (Geratz et al 2003) Based on available Coastal Plain regional curves the bankfull discharge for the reference reaches averages approximately 5 8 and 12 0 cubic feet per second (cfs) for Reference Reach 1 and the Reference at Tar Kiln Branch respectively (Geratz et al 2003) The USGS regional regression equation for the Coastal Plain region indicates that bankfull discharge for the reference reaches at a 0 1 to 0 3 year return interval average approximately 2 0 7 0 and 4 0 12 0 cfs respectively (USGS 2001) In addition a stream roughness coefficient (n) was estimated using a version of Arcement and Schneider s (1989) weighted method for Cowan s (1956) roughness component values and applied to the following equation (Manning 1891) to obtain a bankfull discharge estimate Qbkf = [ 1 486/n] * [A* R2/3 * S 1/2] where A equals bankfull area R equals bankfull hydraulic radius and S equals average water surface slope The Manning s n method indicates that bankfull discharge for the reference reaches average approximately 12 7 and 112 cfs respectively Field indicators of bankfull and riffle cross sections were utilized to obtain an average bankfull cross sectional area for the reference reaches The Coastal Plain regional curves were then utilized to plot the watershed area and discharge for the reference reach cross sectional area Field indicators of bankfull approximate an average discharge of 6 6 and 9 5 cfs respectively for the reference reaches Based on the above analysis of methods to determine bankfull discharge proposed conditions at the Site will be based on bankfull indicators found on the reference reaches and onsite indicators of bankfull which results in an area 90 percent of the size indicated by Coastal Plain regional curves Table 6 summarizes all methods analyzed for estimating bankfull discharge Mitigation Plan page 13 Pancho Sti eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi, ation Systems LLC go 0 a6ueH 6L 0 96ueH 99 Z 0 96ueH ( S/°P 'oS) edolS O£ 0 ueaW 000 ueaW 44 0 ueaW ooepnS aa;e/N/adolS aP90 O E 0 a6ueH 4 g p a6ueH 99L p 96uea ( S/'JuS) adolS 0170 ueaW sailimpe 6uwu9;y6iels o; anp slood pue sell; i to walled 060 ueaW 04 Z ueaW aoe}jnS ja;e/N/adolS unH 4 0 0 a6ueH a6ue 9L 0 a a6ue ZL L O a ado ( SP OdS) IS ampladai ani;owlsip ON OZ 0 ueaW 04 0 ueaW 0£ 0 ueaW ooelJnS jaleM/adolS Iood O E oz 96ueH 6Z 0 a6ueH Z9 4 0 96ue8 ( S/°°' S) adolS 09 Z ueaW 090 ueaW p4 L ueaW ooeljnS jaleM /adolS alpa soiled ep ;oJd so'lekl GI9OJd Moo 0 96ueH LELO 0 0 a6ueH 6ZLO 0 0 96ueH ( pyBS) adolS aP90 L000 0 ueaW 00000 ueaW ZZ00 0 ueaW 69000 0 a6ueH 8£LO 0 0 a6ueH SLLO 0 0 96ueH sailwloe 6wua;y6'e ;s o; anp ("'S) adolS unH 6000 0 ueaW stood pue salyu to walled empladai angoui ;sip ON 4L 00 0 ueaW Zlp p ueaW 6000 0 0 a6ueH 8Z LO 0 0 96ueH 99000 0 96ueH ( 1 S) adolS 100d 90000 ueaW 90000 ueaW 5100 0 uea W 6900 0 9400 0 a6ueH L400 0 0 86ueH 9ZZ0 0 0 96ueH S) adolS al ;lea 99000 ueaW E L00 0 ueaW OLOO 0 ueaW 8200 0 8200 0 6L00 0 L900 0 (101 S) adolS RalieA EZOO 0 8200 0 9L00 0 09000 ( S) adolS ooe}jnS ja;e/N 96ejany salgeueA ep ;oJd salgeueA aplad 09 0 Z 96ueH Z£ 0 L 96ueH 0 Z 5 0 96ueH (D AAtoa) 4pM IInlMueq S Z PaW S L PaW 0 L PaIN /ainlenin0 to srnpeH S£ S L a6ueH 9 E 9 L a6ueH 8 Z L L 96ueH (wgNV"qAA) 0 Z paW sagingoe 6uivaly6ie ;s of anp slood pue salyu to walled 0 Z PaW L Z Pa1N ogees y ;p M japueaW 06 07 96ueH L 8 Z 4 a6ueH S9 E Z 96ueH ('"qM/ 'I) 4pM Ilnplue8 ampladai angowlsip ON 09 PaW 4 L PaW 6 4 PaW /yl6ual japueaW 09 9 Z a6ueH 99 4 Z a6ueH 6 4 E L a6ueH (e0M/d -dl) 41PiM IlnpUe9 S E PaW 917 PaW 6 Z PaW /6uioedS loud 01100d SOWN waned Sousa waned OZ L 50 l LL l LZ L (wS) f4isonuiS 909 Z Z£ a6ue8 0 LZ 09 a6ueH 09L 017 a6ueH Z 04 PaW 0£ L MY 0 8 PaW ( H) ainle/un0 to snipeH 4 95 Z 4Z a6ue8 0 6Z 0 ZL a6ueH 0 LZ 0 EL a6ueH Z ZE paW saillniloe 6uwualy6iels of anp slood pue salyu to walled 0 Ll PaW 09L PaW 0, gM) 41P�M lla9 6 44 4 49 96ueH 0 EL 0 9E a6ueH 49 0 LL 96ue 8 ampladai aniloug sip ON (WI) 416u91 JapueaW 996 PaW 0 Z9 PaW 0 L£ MY 996 Z 04 a6ue8 0 64 0 OZ a6ueH 0 L£ OM L a6ue8 4 99 PaW 0 8£ PaW 0 ZZ paW ( °dl) 6woedS 100d 0l IOOd salgeueA waned selgeueA uwaued 6 L 0 l a6ueH 9 L L L a6ueH 96ueH eajy Ieuoiloas ssaa0 9 L ueaW sslood a 6uwa ;y6ie ;s of anp 9 L ueaW 6 L ueaW llnl�Iuee / easy 100d 9 L 0 L 96ue8 4 L 60 a6ue a a6ue a wq ( nM Od M) 41PIM stood pue salyu to walled E l ueaW ampladai anyouilsip ON Z L ueaW 9 L ueaW linpUeEl / 41PIM 100d g Z 9 L a6ueH 4 Z L L 96ue8 96ueH (Mq(j °a) y ;dap ueaW 8 L ueaW L Z ueaW 4 Z ueaW IlnlMUeB / y;daa 1004 wnwixeW E l 0 L a6ueH LE Z Z 96ueH a6ueH a6ueH 0 L ueaW l E ueaW 0 L ueaW 0 l ueaW oileH Dlga XeW / 146ia1 I �IueB MOI S l Z L 96ueH 9 L £ L 96ueH S L E L a6ueH 9 L £ L 96ueH £ L ueaW 4 L ueaW E L ueaW 4 L ueaW OI;e P"(] /Plg xe H a W 0 9L 0 Zl 96ueH 6 EZ O L L 96ue8 L 8 0 L 96ueH E Lt S L 96ueH 0 4L ueaW 99L ueaW 6 L ueaW L g ueaW (D10a /°'qM) 0ilea 41da0 / 4pM 99L LE a6ueH E Z £ L 86ueH L LZ 9 SL 96ue8 L EZ L% a6ueH £ 6 ueaW L L ueaW 6 LL ueaW 0 OZ ueaW ('"gM/ a,M) oyeH luawyouaJlu3 soiled uoisuawi(3 sogea uoisuawia O9Z 09 a6ue8 gE ZZ a6ue8 a6ueH a6ueH 0 OS L ueaW 0 Z£ ueaW 0 OS L ueaW 0 09L ueaW ( °'M) eajy auoidpoold 10 41PIM L E 9 L a6ueH 9 Z 6 L 96ueH a6ueH- 0 Z ueaW saI ;InI;oe 6uw9;y6iels of anp 0 Z ueaW Z L ueaW (I °d(]) yldaa 1004 wnwixeW slood pue selyu to walled ani ;gadai angaui ;sip ON L SZ L 9L a6ueH 0 OL L 6 a6ueH a6ueH L OZ ueaW 96 ueaW £ OL ueaW (� °M) 41PIM 100d 9 L E L a6ueH 9L 4 L 96ueH 9L Z L 06ueH CL LL 96ueH 4 L ueaW 9 L ueaW 9 L ueaW Z L ueaW (" (i) 41daa wnwixeW pnlMueg Z L 0 L a6ueH E L 60 96ueH Z L 60 a6ueH O L go a6ueH L L ueaW L L ueaW L L ueaW 90 ueaW ('"q(3) y;da(3 ueaW IInpueg Z LL 6 4L a6ueH 9 lZ E 4L 96ueH 96 L L 96ueH 06 99 96ueH L 9L ueaW IF LL ueaW 179 ueaW 9 L ueaW (mm) 4pM IlnlNuee 99L l M ZL 60L 99 E L Z 9 (" 'y) eajy lewiloaS ssa0 6u4six3 99L 99L 0 OL Z L (P"y) eajy Ieuo4oaS ssoj0 pnhlueg salgeuen uolsuawla solgeueA uoisuaw'a 8 LL 8 LL 96 99 (slo) 96jeyosi(j IlnhlUeB 6 Z 6 Z 09 l 090 Qw) easy 96euieja Sao 900 93 53 adA1 weaj ;S 03SOd021d aouenpoa to weeilsumoa IPW bpauueM HONVU13 NIIH MVI 311S 30NM1333a # 311S 30N3a3d3a solgeueA saijsi la aigjpga tuYa.i ;S Ie3iz0I0[Id ioW ja ,Igp.L VS algp.L Table 513 Table of Morphological Stream Characteristics Variables Kenedy Mill Upstream of Confluence PROPOSED Main Tributary EXISTING Main Tributary PROPOSED Stream Type Ge5 Ce5 Ge5 Ce5 Drainage Area (mil) 17 17 11 11 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 118 118 91 91 Dimension Variables Dimension Variables Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (Aba) 125 125 91 91 Existing Cross Sectional Area (A 61 95 125 63 885 91 Bankfull Width (Wbm) Mean 113 Mean 132 Mean 85 Mean 11 3 Range 85 163 Range 122 141 Range 65 11 1 Range 104 121 Bankfull Mean Depth (Dbkf) Mean 11 Mean 09 Mean 11 Mean 08 Range 08 15 Range 09 10 Range 08 14 Range 08 09 Bankfull Maximum Depth (Dm,,j Mean 14 Mean 12 Mean 15 Mean 10 Range 10 19 Range 11 14 Range 13 19 Range 10 12 Pool Width W Width ( WP. i) No distinctive repetitive Mean 171 No distinctive repetitive pattern of Mean 147 pattern of riffles and pools Range 132 21 1 riffles and pools due to Range 113 181 Maximum Pool Depth (DP, 1) due to channel disturbance Mean 16 staightening activities Mean 14 Range 14 25 Range 12 22 Mean 150 Mean 1500 Mean 120 Mean 150 Width of Floodprone Area (Wfpa) Range 13 19 lRange 50 250 Range 405320 Range 50 250 Dimension Ratios Dimension Ratios Mean 12 Mean 114 Mean 18 Mean 133 Entrenchment Ratio (WiP�Wbu) Range 12 18 Range 38 189 Range 14 18 Range 44 221 Mean 103 Mean 140 Mean 77 Mean 140 Width /Depth Ratio (Wb,d /Dbk,) Range 57 204 Range 120 160 Range 46 139 Range 120 160 Mean 13 Mean 1 3 Mean 14 Mean 1 3 Max D/ D Ratio bin bw Range 13 13 Range 12 15 Range 14 16 Range 12 15 Mean 28 Mean 10 Mean 35 Mean 10 Low Bank Height / Max Dba Ratio Range 24 47 Range 10 13 Range 33 36 Range 10 13 Maximum Pool Depth / Bankfull Mean 18 Mean 18 Mean Depth (DP, i/DbM) No distinctive repetitive Range 1 5 2 8 No distinctive repetitive pattern of Range 1 5 28 Pool Width /Bankfull Mean 1 3 Mean 1 3 pattern of raffles and pools raffles and pools due to Width (W P, �•bld) Y due to channel disturbance Range 1 0 1 6 staightening activities Range 1 0 1 6 Pool Area / Bankfull Mean 1 5 Mean 1 5 Cross Sectional Area Range 1 0 19 Range 1 0 19 Pattern Variables Pattern Variables Med 462 Med 396 Pool to Pool Spacing (LP.P) Range 330 792 Range 283 678 Med 80 Med 678 Meander Length (Lm) No distinctive repetitive Range 52 8 118 8 No distinctive repetitive pattern of Range 45 2 101 7 pattern of riffles and pools due to channel disturbance g riffles and pools due to staightening activities Belt Width (Wbei) Med 264 Med 224 Range 198 462 Range 170 396 Med 330 Med 282 Radius of Curvature (R ) Range 264 660 lRange 226 565 Sinuosity (Sin) 117 120 114 1 120 Pattern Ratios Pattern Ratios Pool to Pool Spacing/ Med 35 Med 35 Bankfull Width (LP_P/Wbid) Range 25 60 Range 25 60 Meander Length/ Med 6 0 Med 60 Bankfull Width (L WWba) No distinctive repetitive pattern of raffles and pools Range 40 90 No distinctive repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to Range 4 0 9 0 Meander Width Ratio due to channel disturbance Med 20 staightening activities Med 20 (Wbeii/Wbw) Range 15 35 Range 15 35 Radius of Curvature/ Med 25 Med 25 Bankfull Width (RcN1/bM) Range 20 50 Range 20 50 Profile Variables Profile Variables Average Water Surface Slope (S ) 00027 00027 00047 00043 Valley Slope (S n Y) 00032 00032 00051 00051 Mean 00068 Mean 00108 Riffle Slope (S f(L) Range 00054 00081 Range 00086 00129 Mean 00005 Mean 00009 Pool Slope (SPO i) No distinctive repetitive pattern of riffles and pools Range 0 00011 No distinctive repetitive pattern of riffles and pools due to Range 0 00017 Mean 0 0011 Mean 0 0017 Run Slope (S,u) due to channel disturbance Range 0 00081 staightening activities Range 0 00129 Mean 00008 Mean 00030 Glide Slope (SOd) Range 0 00022 1 Range 0 00034 Profile Ratios Profile Ratios Riffle Slope/ Water Surface Mean 250 Mean 250 Slope (S ffie/S ) No distinctive repetitive Range 20 30 No distinctive repetitive pattern of Range 20 30 Pool Slope/Water Surface Mean 0 20 Mean 020 Range 0 0 4 Slope ( S � VS ) p pattern of riffles and pools Range 0 04 riffles and pools due to g 040 Run SlopetWater Surface due to channel disturbance Mean 040 staightening activities Mean Slope (S, ,,/S ) Range 0 30 Range 0 30 Glide Slope/Water Surface Mean 030 Mean 030 Slope (Sode/S ) Range 0 08 Range 0 08 sagsuajarargZ) cuna.iiS luai;3ologd.ioWjo a[gr.L jS algr.L 90 0 a6ued 90 0 96ue8 ( S/°P "S) adolS 0£ 0 ueaW 0£ 0 ueaW aoelJnS jeleM/adolS aP9O suns pue slood poloauuooialu, L inn auue o ie� Il I 4 P9P g saging0l 6wpue s els o ; anp stood pue sal�u to walled empladej endow ;sip ON sagin slood 6wpue s els o ; anp Blood pue salllu to walled ampladej anyow ;sip ON 0 £ 0 a6ued 0170 ueaW 0 £ 0 a6ueb 0170 ueaW ( SN"'S) adolS ooe}jnS jaleM/adolS un�l a6ue b 0 0 b OZ 0 ueaW b 0 0 a6ued OZ 0 ueaW ( SP «dS) adolS eoepnS ja ;e/WadolS I00d O E oz 96ueb 0£ oz a6ued ( S/141' S) adolS 09 Z ueaW 09 Z ueaW ooepnS jaleM /adolS alma soi ;ea aplwd sogea ap ;oJd 17£ZO 0 0 a6ued 99000 ueaW 17LL0 0 0 06ueb 99000 ueaW ( PIBS) adolS aP9O sung pue stood pal0auuoojalw yliM lauueyo papiejg sai;ini;oe 6wua ;y6ie ;s o; anp slood pue solyu to waned anggadej ani ;ougsip ON sailinil0e 6uwa ;y6ie ;s of anp slood pue salllu to walled empladaJ anilowlsip oN 6L80 0 0 a6ued L L l0 0 ueaW 17990 0 0 a6ueb L800 0 ueaW ('""S) adolS and L L LO 0 0 a6ueb 69000 ueaW L800 0 0 96ueb 99000 ueaW , as ( S) adolS 100d 6L80 0 9890 0 a6ued £ELO 0 ueaW 179900 92170 0 a6ued gb90 0 ueaW (I'll S) adolS al ; }ib 617000 LEEO 0 LEEO 0 OLZO 0 LSZ0 0 OLZO 0 L9Z0 0 (��' S) adolS Aallen 617000 £6Z0 0 17££0 0 9£ZO 0 Woo OLIO 0 L9Z0 0 ( S) adolS ooeynS jeleM 96ejany solgeueA aplad selgeiJeq aplwd 09 0 Z a6ued 09 0 Z a6ued (p0M/oH) 4pM Ilnpueg 9 Z PaW 9 Z PaW /amlenmO to snipeb 9 E 9 L 06ued 9£ 9 L a6ued (P"AN'GgM) suns pue slood poloauuooialui yliM auue 0 ie� I 4 PaP g 0 Z paW sailiniloe 6wual4bels o; anp slood pue sal;lu o walled ani i adai anilou4si o ! ll P N 0 Z MY saiuni;oe 6wualy6iels of anp slood pue sallpi o wa led anggadej ani Ow si o � 1 i l P N oiled WPIAA JapueaW 0 6 0 b a6ue i� a6ue 06 017 2j wq ( AAlwl) 41piM IlnjXueg 09 PaW 09 PaW /416ual JapueaW 09 9 Z a6ued 09 9 Z a6ued (MM/'`'l) 4lptM llnINueg 9 E PaW 1 9 £ paW I /6woedS 100d 01 I00d soiled waned soiled waned LO L 9L L LO L SL L £0 L LO L (uiS)ApsonwS 9 OZ Z9 a6ued Z OL paW 06 9C a6ued 917 PaW (a) am;enmOlo sniped sung pue slood paloauuooialui y ;inn auue 0 ie� I 4 PaP 8 sagin110e 6=91461els of anp stood pue sall;u to walled angiladej angOwlsip ON sagin110e 6uwa1461e ;s of anp slood pue selpu to walled angyadai angougsip oN b 17L Z 9 a6ued Z 8 paW £ 9 L Z a6ued 9 E paW ("qm) 41PIM llae 6 9E 179E a6ued 9 bZ paW Z 9L Z L a6ue 0 L L PaW W ( -1) 4l6ual JapueaW 9 bZ Z O L a6ue8 1717E PaW LL 917 a6ue8 £ 9 PaW ( ° -0l) 6woedS food o; food selgeueA wa>;ed salgeiaeA walled 6 L 0 L a6ued 6 L 0 L a6ued easy leuog0aS ssaO suns pue slood paloauuooiaiw 411M 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soiled uoisuawia OOZ 9Z 96ued{ 00 L ueaW 00L 09 a6ued{ SL ueaW 09 017 a6ue 2! 517 ueaW OR 9Z a6ue8 517 ueaW 0 ZL 9 L a6ued{ 017 ueaW (d'M) eajy auoidpoo13 l0 4pM suns pue slood pa;oauuooialw ylIM lauueyo papieag 90 90 a6ued 90 ueaW sailiniloe 6wua;y6iels of anp slood pue selllu o waned ampladai 8AIPul si o ! l P N 90 Z 0 a6ued b 0 uea sailingoe 6wual4bels of anp stood pue sallpi to waned ani ;yadai ani ;ow ;sip ON (' °0) 41da4 lood wnwixeW 99 L 17 a6ued £ 9 ueaW a6ue E Z 8 L H 0 Z ueaW , a ( M) 4lpIM lood a6ue H 170 ueaW 90 170 86ued 170 ueaW 70 £ 0 a6ued L 0 ueaW 17 0 L O 96ued Z 0 ueaW 17 0 L 0 a6ued Z 0 ueaW ffuCj) 4idaa wnwixeW llnlNueg a6ued Z 0 ueaW 96ueH E 0 ueaW 170 Z 0 a6ued 170 ueaW £ 0 L 0 a6ueb L O ueaW i Z 0 L O a6ued L 0 ueaW (agci) 41dad ueaW IlnpUeg a6ue a Z L ueaW 1717 S E 86ued L b ueaW 09 g Z a6ued 0£ ueaW O Z O L 96ued 8 L ueaW O L 9 L a6ued 9 Z ueaW (P'qM) 4pM linpueg £ L Z L S LZ L 8 170 Z 0 1 6 6£ L b (' y) easy leuoil0aS ssOJO 6wlsix3 £ L Z L Z L 170 Z 0 1 17 0 Z 0 (p y) eajy leuoiloaS sso1O IinlNueg solgeijBA uoisuswia salge'JeA uoisuawia Z L 0 L 0 L E 0 so (slo) a6Jeyosi0 Ilnllueg goo goo 900 LO 0 Loo QW) eajy 86euieja Sa 990 Sao 93 gaO adAi weeilS a3SOdOHd L in a3SOdOHd 9'8 is in ONIISIX3 9'9 sin o3S0dO2ld Z'8 L in JNIlSIX3 Z'8 L in selgeijeA sagsuajarargZ) cuna.iiS luai;3ologd.ioWjo a[gr.L jS algr.L Table 6 Reference Reach Bankfull Discharee Analvsis Method Watershed Area (square miles) Return Interval (years) Discharge (cfs) Reference Reach 1 Coastal Plain Regional Curves ( Geratz et al 2003) 06 0 1-03 5 8 Coastal Plain Regional Regression Model (USGS2001) 06 01 -03 2070 Manning s n using Cowan s Method (1956) 06 NA 127 Field Indicators of Bankf ill (Coastal Plain Regional Curves Geratz et al 200.)) 06 0 1-03 66 Reference Tar Kiln Branch Coastal Plain Regional Curves ( Geratz et al 200.3) 1 5 0 1-03 120 Coastal Plain Regional Regression Model (USGS 2001) 1 5 0 1-03 4 0-12 0 Manning s n using Cowan s Method (1956) 15 NA 112 Field Indicators of Bankfull (Coastal Plain Regional Curves Geratz et al 2003) 1 5 0 1-0.) 95 5 6 3 Stream Classification Stream geometry and substrate data have been evaluated to orient stream restoration based on a classification utilizing fluvial geomorphic principles (Rosgen 1996) This classification stratifies streams into comparable groups based on pattern dimension profile and substrate characteristics Primary components of the classification include degree of entrenchment width depth ratio sinuosity channel slope and stream substrate composition Historically onsite stream reaches may have been characterized by E type channels E type streams are characterized as slightly entrenched riffle pool channels exhibiting high sinuosity ( >1 5) however reference streams in the region typically are characterized by sinuosities slightly lower than 13 In North Carolina E type streams often occur in narrow to wide valleys with well developed alluvial floodplains (Valley Type VIII) E type streams typically exhibit a sequence of riffles and pools associated with a sinuous flow pattern E type channels are typically considered stable However these streams are sensitive to disturbance and may rapidly convert to other stream types Onsite streams appear to be progressing through a common evolutionary tendency found in streams of North Carolina As streams are dredged and straightened the water surface profile tends to become oversteepened resulting in 1) the loss of horizontal flow vectors that maintain pools and 2) an increase in erosive forces to channel bed and banks The lack of deep rooted riparian vegetation and the introduction of livestock into the channel appear to have exacerbated problems with erosion to onsite channels Mitigation Plan page 17 Pancho Sti eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi ation Systems LLC Bed and bank erosion typically leads to channel downcutting and evolution of a stable E -type channel into a G -type (gully) channel. Continued erosion eventually results in lateral extension of the G -type channel into an F -type (widened gully) channel. The F -type channel will continue to widen laterally until the channel is wide enough to support a stable C -type or E -type channel at a lower elevation and the original floodplain is no longer subject to regular flooding. The majority of Bank streams have been impacted by land clearing, erosive flows, livestock grazing, hoof shear, and manipulation of the channels including dredging and straightening. Onsite streams are expected to continue to erode and deposit sediment into receiving streams until a stable stream pattern has been carved from the adjacent floodplain. Dimension Regional curves (Geratz et al. 2003) were utilized to determine bankfull channel cross - sectional areas of the Bank's streams. The cross - sectional area was then utilized to determine the bankfull width, average bankfull depth, maximum depth, and floodprone area of the existing channels. Using this method, a departure from stability could be estimated based on a comparison of existing and proposed/stable dimension variables (Tables 5A -5C). During field investigations, numerous cross - sections were measured to characterize Bank streams. Existing cross - section data is provided in Appendix B with cross - section locations depicted on Figure BI (Appendix B). Kennedy Mill Branch and its tributaries are characterized as G -type channels in the reaches proposed for restoration. Bank- height ratios are high ranging from 3.0- 7.7 indicating highly incised channels. In addition, existing cross - sectional areas measure greater than four times the size predicted by reference reaches, bankfull indicators, and regional curves. Restoration reaches within the Bank exhibit bank erosion and increased destabilization due to land management practices and livestock impacts. Based on regional curve estimations of cross - sectional area, onsite streams are characterized by channel incision and excessively high bank- height ratios. Channel incision has resulted in bank erosion below the effective rooting depth of existing riparian vegetation in combination with erosive flow velocities. Measures to reduce channel size (cross - sectional area) and bank height ratios will be targeted for this project. Profile Based on topographic mapping created by a Professional Land Surveyor, the valley slope for restorable Bank streams measure 0.0028 - 0.0032 rise /run on Kennedy Mill Branch and the Main Tributary, 0.0251 - 0.0337 rise /run for UTs 1 -2 and 5 -6, and 0.0049 for UT7 (Tables 5A -5C). Estimated valley slopes appear typical for the physiographic region of North Carolina. Water surface slopes were estimated by dividing the valley slope by channel sinuosity. Sinuosity was measured from topographic surveys, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analysis of aerial Mitigation Plan page 18 Pancho Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoration Systems, LLC photography and visual observations of the stream channel during field surveys and was measured 1 1 or lower for Bank restoration reaches Impacts to onsite streams such as straightening downcuttmg incision and bank erosion have resulted in oversteepemng of the average water surface profile In addition impacts have removed most of the riffle and pool morphology characteristic of stable streams in this region Stream incision may have resulted in excessive sediment deposition within pools thereby steepening pool slopes and flattening riffle slopes Measures designed to flatten the average water surface profile and restore riffle /pool slopes to suitable ranges are to be targeted 5 6 3 3 Plan Form Analysis of aerial photography utilizing GIS was conducted to determine existing onsite plan form variables Existing plan form variables were compared to ratios of stable plan form based on fluvial geomorphic methods (Rosgen 1996) Using this method a departure from stability was estimated The Bank s streams have been straightened in the past resulting in sinuosity measuring approximately 1 1 or less (Tables 5A 5C) Due to channel alterations no distinct repetitive pattern of riffles and pools occurs in the existing channel In addition values for belt width pool -to pool spacing and meander wavelength were not measurable Based on plan form variables Bank streams have been degraded by 1) bank collapse erosion and incision 2) straightening resulting in no repetitive riffle and pool sequence and reduction in sinuosity and 3) a subsequent reduction in the overall length of stream channels Mitigation efforts along degraded channel sections will target restoration of riffle /pool pattern and bringing pool to pool spacing and meander wavelength into suitable relationship for this region 5 7 STREAM POWER, SHEAR STRESS, AND STABILITY THRESHOLD 5 7 1 Stream Power Stability of a stream refers to its ability to adjust itself to in flowing water and sediment load One form of instability occurs when a stream is unable to transport its sediment load leading to aggradation or deposition of sediment onto the stream bed Conversely when the ability of the stream to transport sediment exceeds the availability of sediments entering a reach and /or stability thresholds for materials forming the channel boundary are exceeded erosion or degradation occurs Stream power is the measure of a stream s capacity to move sediment over time Stream power can be used to evaluate the longitudinal profile channel pattern bed form and sediment transport of streams Stream power may be measured over a stream reach (total stream power) or per unit of channel bed area The total stream power equation is defined as Q = PgQs Mitigation Plan page 19 Pancho So eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi ation Systems LLC where 0 = total stream power (ft lb /s ft) p = density of water (lb/ft) g = gravitational acceleration (ft/s2) Q = discharge (ft' /sec) and s = energy slope (ft/ft) The specific weight of water (I = 62 4 lb /ft') is equal to the product of water density and gravitational acceleration pg A general evaluation of power for a particular reach can be calculated using bankfull discharge and water surface slope for the reach As slopes become steeper and/or velocities increase stream power increases and more energy is available for reworking channel materials Straightening and clearing channels increases slope and velocity and thus stream power Alterations to the stream channel may conversely decrease stream power In particular over widening of a channel will dissipate energy of flow over a larger area This process will decrease stream power allowing sediment to fall out of the water column possibly leading to aggradation of the stream bed The relationship between a channel and its floodplam is also important in determining stream power Streams that remain within their banks at high flows tend to have higher stream power and relatively coarser bed materials In comparison streams that flood over their banks onto adjacent floodplams have lower stream power transport finer sediments and are more stable Stream power assessments can be useful in evaluating sediment discharge within a stream and the deposition or erosion of sediments from the stream bed 5 7 2 Shear Stress Shear stress expressed as force per unit area is a measure of the frictional force that flowing water exerts on a streambed Shear stress and sediment entrainment are affected by sediment supply (size and amount) energy distribution within the channel and frictional resistance of the stream bed and bank on water within the channel These variables ultimately determine the ability of a stream to efficiently transport bed load and suspended sediment For flow that is steady and uniform the average boundary shear stress exerted by water on the bed is defined as follows T =y Rs where T = shear stress (lb /ft') y = specific weight of water R = hydraulic radius (ft) and s = the energy slope ( ft/ft) Shear stress calculated in this way is a spatial average and does not necessarily provide a good estimate of bed shear at any particular point Adjustments to account for local variability and instantaneous values higher than the mean value can be applied based on channel form and irregularity For a straight channel the maximum shear stress can be assumed from the following equation Tmax = 1 5T for sinuous channels the maximum shear stress can be determined as a function of plan form characteristics Mitigation Plan page 20 Pancho So eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restot ation Systems LLC Tmax = 2 65T(Rc /Wbkf) 0 5 where Rc = radius of curvature (ft) and Wbkf = bankfull width (ft) Shear stress represents a difficult variable to predict due to variability of channel slope dimension and pattern Typically as valley slope decreases channel depth and sinuosity increase to maintain adequate shear stress values for bedload transport Channels that have higher shear stress values than required for bedload transport will scour bed and bank materials resulting in channel degradation Channels with lower shear stress values than needed for bedload transport will deposit sediment resulting in channel aggradation The actual amount of work accomplished by a stream per unit of bed area depends on the available power divided by the resistance offered by the channel sediments plan form and vegetation The stream power equation can thus be written as follows w =PgQs =Tv where w = stream power per unit of bed area (N /ft sec Joules /sec /ftz) T = shear stress and v = average velocity (ft/sec) Similarly (0 = O /Wbkf where Wbkf= width of stream at bankfull (ft) 5 7 3 Stream Power and Shear Stress Methods and Results Channel degradation or aggradation occurs when hydraulic forces exceed or do not approach the resisting forces in the channel The amount of degradation or aggradation is a function of relative magnitude of these forces over time The interaction of flow within the boundary of open channels is only imperfectly understood Adequate analytical expressions describing this interaction have yet to be developed for conditions in natural channels Thus means of characterizing these processes rely heavily upon empirical formulas Traditional approaches for characterizing stability can be placed in one of two categories 1) maximum permissible velocity and 2) tractive force or stream power and shear stress The former is advantageous in that velocity can be measured directly Shear stress and stream power cannot be measured directly and must be computed from various flow parameters However stream power and shear stress are generally better measures of fluid force on the channel boundary than velocity Using these equations stream power and shear stress were estimated for 1) existing dredged and straightened reaches 2) the reference reaches and 3) proposed onsite conditions Important input values and output results (including stream power shear stress and per unit shear power and shear stress) are presented in Table 7 Average stream velocity and discharge values were calculated for the existing onsite stream reaches the reference reaches and proposed conditions Mitigation Plan page 21 Pancho Sh eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi anon Systems LLC In order to maintain sediment transport functions of a stable stream system the proposed channel should exhibit stream power and shear stress values so that the channel is neither aggrading nor degrading Results of the analysis indicate the proposed channel reaches are expected to maintain stream power as a function of width values of approximately 0 16 0 45 and maximum shear stress values of approximately 0 22 0 70 (comparable to that of the reference reach and much lower than existing degrading reaches) Table 7 Stream Power (0) and Shear Stress (21 Values Stream power and shear stress values are higher for the existing stream reaches than for proposed channels Existing reaches are degrading as evidenced by bank erosion channel incision low width depth ratios and high bank height ratios degradation has resulted from a combination of water surface slopes that have been steepened channel straightening dredging and channel incision Stream power and shear stress values for the proposed channels should be lower than for existing channels to effectively transport sediment through the Site without eroding and downcutting resulting in stable channel characteristics Reference reach values for stream power and shear stress are comparable for the proposed channels the valley and water surface slopes are slightly lower for the reference reach resulting in lower stream power and shear stress values 58 REFERENCE STUDIES Distinct bankfull indicators were present within the reference stream channels In addition dimension pattern and profile variables have not been altered or degraded allowing for assistance with designing the proposed restoration reaches The Table of Morphological Stream Characteristics (Tables 5A 5C) and Figures 5A 513 (Appendix A) include a summary of dimension profile and pattern data for each reference reach used to establish reconstruction Mitigation Plan page 22 Pancho Sti eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi ation Systems LLC Discharge (ft /s) Water surface Slope (ft/ft) Total Stream Power M) Q1W Hydraulic Radius Shear Stress (T) Velocity (v) T v Tn, Existing Conditions Kennedy Mill 178 00028 3 11 0 18 674 1 18 0 1.) 0 16 1 77 Main Channel 91 00047 267 0A 708 208 012 025 3 12 Tributaries 10 0 0.»4 208 069 397 828 007 055 124 Reference Conditions Reference Reach 1 66 0 005 206 027 079 025 092 02-) 037 Reference Tar Kiln Branch 95 00016 095 Oil 094 009 095 009 0 14 Proposed Conditions Kennedy Mill 178 0002.) 255 0 16 101 0 15 096 0 14 022 Main Channel 91 0 004-1 2 44 022 071 0 19 10 019 028 Tributaries 10 0 0291 183 045 026 047 08.) 1 0.39 070 Stream power and shear stress values are higher for the existing stream reaches than for proposed channels Existing reaches are degrading as evidenced by bank erosion channel incision low width depth ratios and high bank height ratios degradation has resulted from a combination of water surface slopes that have been steepened channel straightening dredging and channel incision Stream power and shear stress values for the proposed channels should be lower than for existing channels to effectively transport sediment through the Site without eroding and downcutting resulting in stable channel characteristics Reference reach values for stream power and shear stress are comparable for the proposed channels the valley and water surface slopes are slightly lower for the reference reach resulting in lower stream power and shear stress values 58 REFERENCE STUDIES Distinct bankfull indicators were present within the reference stream channels In addition dimension pattern and profile variables have not been altered or degraded allowing for assistance with designing the proposed restoration reaches The Table of Morphological Stream Characteristics (Tables 5A 5C) and Figures 5A 513 (Appendix A) include a summary of dimension profile and pattern data for each reference reach used to establish reconstruction Mitigation Plan page 22 Pancho Sti eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi ation Systems LLC parameters Channel cross sections were measured at systematic locations and stream profiles were developed via total station 5 8 1 Reference Channels Two reference reaches were identified for the Site The first reference stream (Reference Reach 1) is located approximately 40 miles southwest of the Site approximately 1 mile northeast of the Town of Roseboro on an unnamed tributary to the Little Coharie River (Figure 1 B Appendix A) The second reference stream (Tar Kiln Branch) is located less than 5 miles east of the Site immediately upstream of Overman Road on Tar Kiln Branch (Figure IA Appendix A) The streams were measured and classified by stream type (Rosgen 1996) The reference reaches are both characterized as E type moderately sinuous (1 2) channels with sand dominated substrate E type streams are characterized as slightly entrenched riffle pool channels exhibiting high sinuosity (1 3 to greater than 1 5) however reference streams in the region typically are characterized by sinuosities slightly lower than 13 E type streams typically exhibit a sequence of riffles and pools associated with a sinuous flow pattern In North Carolina E type streams often occur in narrow to wide valleys with well developed alluvial floodplams (Valley Type VIII) E type channels are typically considered stable however these streams are sensitive to upstream drainage basin changes and /or channel disturbance and may rapidly convert to other stream types Dimension Data collected at Reference Reach 1 and Tar Kiln Branch indicate bankfull cross sectional areas of 7 2 and 10 0 square feet (respectively) Reference Reach 1 was slightly larger than predicted by regional curves (6 ) 3 square feet) and Tar Kiln Branch was slightly smaller than predicted by regional curves (12 7 square feet) However both streams are within a reasonable deviation from predictions by regional curve calculations and adequately verify the use of regional curves at the Site Reference Reach 1 and Tar Kiln Branch exhibit a bankfull width of 7 5 and 8 4 a bankfull depth of 0 8 and 1 1 feet and width to depth ratios of 8 1 and 7 9 respectively (see Tables 5A 5C Table of Morphological Stream Characteristics) Figures 5A 5B (Appendix A) provide plan view and cross sectional data for the reference reaches and depict the bankfull channel area The reference reaches exhibit a bank height ratio of 10 Pattern and Profile In field measurements of the reference reaches have yielded an average sinuosity of 1 17 and 121 (thalweg distance /straight line distance) Onsite valley slopes range from 0 0028 to 0 0051 in the dominant hydrologic features of the Site Valley slopes exhibited by reference channels range from slightly higher (0 0061) to slightly lower (0 0019) than the Site providing a good range of slopes to compare existing and proposed Site conditions Substrate Reference channels are characterized by substrate dominated by sand sized particles 5 8 2 Reference Forest Ecosystem According to Mitigation Site Classification (MIST) guidelines (USEPA 1990) Reference Forest Ecosystems (RFEs) must be established for restoration sites RFEs are forested areas on which to model restoration efforts at the Bank in relation to soils hydrology and vegetation RFEs should be ecologically stable climax communities and should represent believed historical (pre- Mitigation Plan page 23 Pancho Su eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi ation Systems LL disturbance) conditions at the Bank Data describing plant community composition and structure are collected at the RFEs and subsequently applied as reference data for design of the Bank Reference vegetative communities for this project are located upstream of the Bank on preservation reaches of Kennedy Mill Branch and the Main Tributary and within the wetland preservation area Tree and shrub species identified in these areas are listed in Table 8 and will be utilized in addition to other relevant species to supplement community descriptions for Coastal Plain Bottomland Hardwoods (brownwater subtype) in floodplains and wetlands and Mesic Mixed Hardwood Forest on slopes Table 8 Reference Forest Ecosystem Canopy Species Understory Species Red maple (Acer rubrum) Red maple (Acer rubrum) River birch (Betula nigra) River birch (Betula nigra) Pecan (Carya illmotnensts) Ironwood (Carpinits carolmtana) American beech (Fagus grandtfolta) Coastal sweetpepperbush (Clethra alntfolta) American holly (Ilex opaca) Dogwood (Cot nus flortda) Sweetgum (Liquidambar styracifltta) Sourwood (Diospyros virgintana) Tulip poplar (Ltrtodendrum tultptfera) American holly (Ilex opaca) Black gum (Nyssa Mora) Virginia sweetspire (Itea vtrgtntca) Water oak (Quercus nigra) Sweetgum (Ltqutdambat styt aciva) Swamp chestnut oak (Quercus michauxtt) Tulip poplar (Ltrtodendrttm tult fet a) Cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda) Common sweetleaf (Symplocos ttnctorta) Willow oak (Quercus phellos) Winged elm (Ulmus alata) Winged elm (Ulmus alata) Highbush blueberry (Vacctnutm corvmbosum) American elm (Ulmus amet tcana) 5 9 SURFACE WATER ANALYSIS AND HYDROLOGIC TRESPASS Surface drainage on the Bank and surrounding areas are in the process of being analyzed to predict the feasibility of manipulating existing surface drainage patterns without adverse effects to the Site or adjacent properties The following presents a summary of hydrologic and hydraulic analyses along with provisions designed to maximize groundwater recharge and wetland restoration while reducing potential for impacts to adjacent properties The purpose of the analysis is to predict flood extents for the 1 2 5 10 50 and 100 year storms under existing and proposed conditions after stream and wetland restoration activities have been implemented The comparative flood elevations are evaluated by simulating peak flood flows for Site features using the WMS (Watershed Modeling System BOSS International) program and regional regression equations Once the flows are determined the river geometry and cross sections are digitized from a DTM (Digital Terrain Model) surface (prepared by a professional surveyor) using the HEC GeoRAS component of ArcView The cross - sections are adjusted as needed based on field collected data Once corrections to the geometry are performed the data is imported into HEC RAS Mitigation Plan page 24 Pancho Sh eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restot anon Systems LLC Watersheds and land use estimations were measured from existing DEM (Digital Elevation Model) data and an aerial photograph Field surveyed cross sections and water surfaces were obtained along Site features Valley cross sections were obtained from both onsite cross sections and detailed topographic mapping to 1 foot contour intervals using the available DTM Observations of existing hydraulic characteristics will be incorporated into the model and the computed water surface elevations will be calibrated using engineering judgment The HEC PAS will be completed prior to completion of detailed construction plans for Site restoration activities A primary objective of the stream and wetland restoration design is maintenance of a no rise in the 100 year floodplain Although a portion of the Site is located within a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) floodway the floodway is limited to the mainstem New River channel No FEMA cross sections or detailed mapping occurs along restoration reaches (the three unnamed tributaries) within the Bank Therefore a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) or Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) are not expected to be necessary at this time However coordination with FEMA will be conducted if necessary prior to initiating Bank construction activities 5 10 FEDERALLY PROTECTED SPECIES Species with the classification of Endangered (E) Threatened (T) or officially Proposed (P) for such listing are protected under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA) as amended (16 U S C 1531 et seq ) One species is federally listed for Wayne County by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) (USFWS 2008) red cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis) Additionally the bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) is protected by the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act Habitat for red cockaded woodpecker and bald eagle is not present within the Bank In addition to the bald eagle and E T and P species the USFWS list includes a category of species designated as Federal Species of Concern (FSC) A species with this designation is one that may or may not be listed in the future (formerly C2 candidate species or species under consideration for listing for which there is insufficient information to support listing) The FSC designation provides no federal protection under the ESA for the species listed The nine FSC species listed on the current USFWS list are presented in Table 9 Table 9 FSC Snecies Listed for Wavne Cnnnty Common Name Scientific Name American eel Anguilla rostrata Carolina madtom Noturus furiostis Pinewoods shiner Lythrurus matuhnus Rafinesque s big eared bat Corynorhinus i afrnesgiui Southern hognose snake Hetetodon simus Atlantic pigtoe Fusconaia masons Yellow lance Elliptio lanceolata Cuthbert turtlehead Chelone cuthbertit Pondspice Litsea aestivalis Mitigation Plan page 2.) Pancho Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi ation Systems LLC Proposed mitigation activities will result in positive benefits for these species through improved habitat and water quality 5 11 SITE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION CONSTRAINTS The presence of conditions or characteristics that have the potential to hinder restoration activities on the Bank was evaluated The evaluation focused primarily on the presence of hazardous materials utilities and restrictive easements rare /threatened/endangered species or critical habitats cultural resources and the potential for hydrologic trespass Existing information regarding constraints was acquired and reviewed In addition any Bank conditions that have the potential to restrict the restoration design and implementation were documented during the field investigation No evidence of natural and/or man made conditions was identified that has the potential to impede proposed restoration activities 6 0 DETERMINATION OF CREDITS 61 CREDIT DETERMINATION The Bank encompasses Kennedy Mill Branch unnamed tributaries to Kennedy Mill Branch and associated wetlands/hydric soils and floodplains Bank mitigation options outlined in this report are as follows Table 10 Proposed Mitigation Quantities vs Mitigation Credits After completion the Bank will offer 7964 stream mitigation credits and 29 9 riparian wetland mitigation credits as determined using interagency guidelines outlined in Stream Mitigation Guidelines (USAGE et al 200' )) and Information Regarding Stream Restoration with Emphasis on the Coastal Plain — Draft ( USACE et al 2007) Proposed mitigation units are depicted on Figure 6 (Appendix A) Mitigation Plan page 26 Pancho Sti eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi ation Systems LLC Proposed Mitigation Proposed Credits Riparian Proposed Mitigation Mitigation Activity Streams Riparian Wetlands Ratio Stream Wetland (linear feet) (acres) Credits Credits Stream Restoration 6459 N 1 1 6459 Z11--f Stream Enhancement I 80.3 Z- 1 5 1 535 Stream Enhancement II 18.)7� 25 1 735 _ Stream Preservation 1176 NO ' 14— % 5 1 235 ' Wetland Restoration 44 290 1 1 290 t Wetland Enhancement ` In 1 5 2 1 �� 08 Wetland Preservation 05 5 1 01 Totals 10 683 310 7964 299 After completion the Bank will offer 7964 stream mitigation credits and 29 9 riparian wetland mitigation credits as determined using interagency guidelines outlined in Stream Mitigation Guidelines (USAGE et al 200' )) and Information Regarding Stream Restoration with Emphasis on the Coastal Plain — Draft ( USACE et al 2007) Proposed mitigation units are depicted on Figure 6 (Appendix A) Mitigation Plan page 26 Pancho Sti eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi ation Systems LLC 62 CREDIT RELEASE SCHEDULE The credit release scenario below complies with current interagency guidelines Under this scenario the credit release schedule is based upon satisfactory completion of project milestones Project milestones and percent of credit released include the following Table 11 Credit Release Schedule Credit Wetlands Streams Release Release Activity Interim Credit Interim Credit Total Credit Milestone Release Release Release 1^ Bank Establishment including all required criteria 15 15 15 2 Site Inspection by USACE — upon completion of all initial 15 15 )0 physical and biological improvements made pursuant to the Mitigation Plan 3 Year 1 Monitoring Report demonstrates channel is stable 10 10 40 and interim performance standards are met 4 Year 2 Monitoring Report — demonstrates channel is stable 10 10 50 (60 *) and interim performance standards are met 5 Year 3 Monitoring Report — demonstrates channel is stable 10 10 60 (70 *) and interim performance standards are met 6 Year 4 Monitoring Report — demonstrates channel is stable 10 5 65 (75 *) and interim performance standards are met 7 ** Year 5 Monitoring Report — demonstrates channel is stable 10 10 75 (85 *) and interim performance standards are met 8 Year 6 Monitoring Report — demonstrates channel is stable 10 5 80 (90 *) and interim performance standards are met 9 Year 7 Monitoring Report — demonstrates channel is stable 10 10 90 (100 *) and interim performance standards are met Totals 100 100 100 i USK i mcivaes the eKecuuon of me !wrist iK i approval of the Mitigation Tian delivery of tinancial assurances recordation of the conservation easement and delivery of the title option to the IRT *Credit totals include additional 10 percent reserve of credits to be held back until the bankfull event performance standard has been met * *If the monitoring of the site demonstrates that the site is successful by vear 5 and no concerns have been identified (vegetation stream stability etc ) the Sponsor may propose to terminate monitoring of the site and forego the monitoring requirements of years 6 and 7 This provision is only applicable if the site has consistently met all performance standards and at year D meet the year 5 vegetation densit) standards (260 plants/acre) and the year 7 average height requirement of 10 feet Early closure will only be provided through written approval from the USAGE in consultation with the NCIRT 7 0 MITIGATION WORK PLAN The primary goals of this mitigation plan include 1) protecting a watershed from nonpoint sources of pollution associated with heavy livestock and agriculture pressures 2) promoting water qualitv by protecting jurisdictional wetlands adjacent to Bank streams and tributaries 3) perpetually providing a diverse woody vegetative buffer adjacent to Bank streams and wetlands 4) promoting floodwater attenuation by protecting vegetation on Bank floodplains to increase frictional resistance on floodwaters crossing the Bank 5) improving aquatic habitat by promoting stable stream banks shading open waters and providing structure within the Bank Mitigation Plan page 27 Pancho Sti eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Rester ation Systems LLC and 6) establishing fee simple ownership or a permanent conservation easement which will encompass all mitigation activities Primary activities proposed at the Site include 1) stream restoration 2) stream enhancement (level I) 3) stream enhancement (level II) 4) stream preservation 5) wetland restoration 6) wetland enhancement 7) wetland preservation 8) construction of marsh treatment areas and 9) plant community restoration (Figures 7A 7B Appendix A) 71 STREAM RESTORATION Stream restoration efforts are designed to restore a stable meandering stream on new location on Kennedy Mill Branch the Main Tributary UTs 1 2 and UTs 5 6 that approximates hydrodynamics stream geometry and local microtopography relative to reference and onsite conditions Geometric attributes for the existing degraded channels and the proposed stable channels are listed in Table of Morphological Stream Characteristics (Tables 5A 5C) Based on preliminary analysis and field investigations restoration activities will follow stream guidance as presented in Information Regarding Stream Restoration with Emphasis on the Coastal Plain — Draft (USACE and NCDWQ 2007) Primary activities designed to restore the channels include 1) belt width preparation and grading 2) channel excavation 3) installation of channel plugs 4) backfilling of the abandoned channel and 5) vegetative planting Belt width Preparation and Grading Care will be taken to avoid the removal of existing deeply rooted vegetation within the belt width corridor which may provide design channel stability Material excavated during grading will be stockpiled immediately adjacent to channel segments to be abandoned and backfilled These segments will be backfilled after stream diversion is completed Spoil material may be placed to stabilize temporary access roads and to minimize compaction of the underlying floodplam However all spoil will be removed from floodplamn surfaces upon completion of construction activities After preparation of the corridor the design channel and updated profile survey will be developed and the location of each meander wavelength plotted and staked along the profile Pool locations and relative frequency configurations may be modified in the field based on local variations in the floodplam profile Channel Excavation The channels will be constructed within the range of values depicted in the Table of Morphological Stream Characteristics (Tables 5A 5C) The stream banks and local belt width area of constructed channels will be immediately planted with shrub and herbaceous vegetation Deposition of shrub and woody debris into and/or overhanging the constructed channel is encouraged Mitigation Plan page 28 Pancho So eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Reston ation Systems LLC Particular attention will be directed toward providing vegetative cover and root growth along the outer bends of each stream meander Live willow stake revetments available root mats and/or biodegradable erosion control matting may be embedded into the break in -slope to promote more rapid development of an overhanging bank Willow stakes will be purchased and /or collected onsite and inserted through the root/erosion mat into the underlying soil UTs 1 and 2 will be constructed as single thread channels within a broader braided wetland complex therefore credit footages were determined based on the constructed channel length These channels will consist of shallow (0 2 foot in depth) depressions that will promote the development of stream features in a Juncus dominated wetland area Over time shading of the Juncus is expected to occur and root development will promote a braided wetland and stream complex Shading of Juncus and root development will likely take longer than the 7 -year monitoring period therefore some larger containerized trees will be planted in these areas to facilitate canopy development Channel Plugs Impermeable plugs will be installed along abandoned channel segments The plugs will consist of low - permeability materials or hardened structures designed to be of sufficient strength to withstand the erosive energy of surface flow events across the Site Dense clays may be imported from off site or existing material compacted within the channel may be suitable for plug construction The plug will be of sufficient width and depth to form an imbedded overlap in the existing banks and channel bed Channel Backfilhng After impermeable plugs are installed the abandoned channel will be backfilled Backfillmg will be performed primarily by pushing stockpiled materials into the channel The channel will be filled using material from off site and compacted in the vicinity of the backfilled channel Vegetation debris (root mats top soils shrubs woody debris etc ) will be redistributed across the backfill area upon completion Braided Channel Development Minimal channel excavation is proposed on UT7 which is proposed to be constructed as a braided D type stream in a low gradient valley using the Coastal Plain guidelines (USACE et al 2007) It is anticipated that this stream type will develop without intervention Use of heavy equipment and disruption of existing vegetation and soils within the Bank will therefore be minimized Credit footage for the braided channel was determined based on a straight line valley distance Marsh Treatment Areas Shallow wetland marsh treatment areas will be excavated in the floodplam to intercept surface waters draining through agricultural areas prior to discharging into Bank Marsh treatment areas are intended to improve the mitigation project and are not generating mitigation credit Proposed marsh treatment area locations are depicted on Figure 7B (Appendix A) and will consist of shallow depressions that will provide treatment and attenuation of initial stormwater pulses (Figure 8B Appendix A) The outfall of each treatment area will be constructed of hydraulically Mitigation Plan page 29 Pancho Sa eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restol ation Systems LLC stable np rap or other suitable material that will protect against headcut migration into the constructed depression and/or upstream stream reaches It is expected that the treatment areas will fill with sediment and organic matter over time In- Stream Structures Stream restoration under natural stream design techniques normally involves the use of in- stream structures for bank stabilization grade control and habitat improvement Primary activities designed to achieve these objectives may include the installation of a limited number of cross - vanes log vanes and an outfall drop structure Cross vane Weirs Cross vane weirs may be installed in the channel (Figure 8A Appendix A) The purpose of the vane is to 1) sustain bank stability 2) direct high velocity flows during bankfull events toward the center of the channel 3) maintain average pool depth throughout the reach 4) preserve water surface elevations and reconnect the adjacent floodplam to flooding dynamics from the stream and 5) modify energy distributions through increases in channel roughness and local energy slopes during peak flows Cross vane weirs will be constructed of boulders approximately 24 inches in minimum width Cross vane weir construction will be initiated by imbedding footer rocks into the stream bed for stability to prevent undercutting of the structure Header rocks will then be placed atop the footer rocks at the design elevation Footer and header rocks create an arm that slopes from the center of the channel upward at approximately 7 to 10 degrees tying in at the bankfull floodplam elevation The cross vane arms at both banks will be tied into the bank with a sill to eliminate the possibility of water diverting around the structure Once the header and footer stones are in place filter fabric will be buried into a trench excavated around the upstream side of the vane arms The filter fabric is then draped over the header rocks to force water over the vane The upstream side of the structure can then be backfilled with suitable material to the elevation of the header stones Log Vanes The primary purpose of the log vanes is to direct high velocity flows during bankf ill events towards the center of the channel (Figure 8A Appendix A) Log vanes will be constructed utilizing large tree trunks harvested from the Site or imported from offsite The tree stem harvested for a log cross -vane arm must be long enough to be imbedded into the stream channel and extend several feet into the floodplam Logs will create an arm that slopes from the center of the channel upward at approximately 5 to 7 degrees tying in at the bankfull floodplam elevation Logs will extend from each stream bank at an angle of 20 to 30 degrees A trench will be dug into the stream channel that is deep enough for the head of the log to be at or below the channel invert The trench is then extended into the floodplam and the log is set into the trench such that the log arm is below the floodplam elevation If the log is not of sufficient size to completely block stream flow (gaps occur between the log and channel bed) then a footer log will be installed beneath the header log Support pilings will then be situated at the base of the log and at the head of the log to hold the log in place Once these vanes are in place filter fabric is toed Mitigation Plan page 30 Pancho Sty eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoration Systems LLC into a trench on the upstream side of the vane and draped over the structure to force water over the vane The upstream side of the structure is then backfilled with suitable material Drop Structure A drop structure is proposed at the outfall of the southern Kennedy Mill Branch at Stevens Mill Road to lower Site hydrology to its preconstruction elevation (Figure 8A Appendix A) To avoid hydrologic trespass the drop structure may be installed approximately 150 feet from the downstream Site outfall The structure should be constructed to resist erosive forces associated with hydraulic drops proposed at the Bank A TerraCell drop structure or other similar structure may be installed TerraCell is a light weight flexible mat made of high density polyethylene strips The strips are bonded together to form a honeycomb configuration The honeycomb mat is fixed in place and filled with gravel or sand Material in the TerraCell structure may be planted with grasses and shrubs for additional erosion protection The TerraCell structure will form a nickpoint that approximates geologic controls in stream beds 7 2 STREAM ENHANCEMENT (LEVEL I) Stream enhancement (level I) is proposed for two reaches within the Site 1) the upstream reach of Kennedy Mill Branch and 2) the upstream reach of the Main Tributary (Figure 6 Appendix A) Enhancement (level I) will entail shallowing the channel from a depth of 5 feet to a depth of 1 to 2 feet contouring stream banks removing invasive plant species and supplemental planting as necessary All channel work will be completed in a manner to cause as little disturbance to the existing vegetation as feasible and desirable hardwood trees greater than 4 inches in diameter at breast height will be avoided to the maximum extent possible Enhancement (level I) should promote overbank flooding reduced shear stress /sedimentation improved water quality functions and improved aquatic and wildlife habitat associated with a stable riparian corridor /stream 7 3 STREAM ENHANCEMENT (LEVEL II) Stream enhancement (level II) is proposed on the northern reaches of Kennedy Mill Branch downstream of Stevens Mill Road (Figure 6 Appendix A) Stream enhancement (level II) will entail the cessation of current land management practices removal of spoil material along the stream banks and planting riparian buffers with native forest vegetation Riparian buffers will extend a minimum of 50 feet from the top of stream banks to facilitate stream recovery and prevent further degradation of the stream 7 4 STREAM PRESERVATION Preservation is being proposed on the forested reaches of Kennedy Mill Branch and the Main Tributary (Figure 6 Appendix A) Based on preliminary analysis and field investigations these reaches are relatively stable due a lack of human induced impact and a well developed riparian buffer These areas will be protected in perpetuity through the establishment of a conservation easement including a minimum 50 foot forested buffer adjacent to each bank of the stream Mitigation Plan page 31 Pancho Sti eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi ation Systems LLC 7 5 WETLAND RESTORATION AND ENHANCEMENT Alternatives for wetland restoration are designed to restore a fully functioning wetland system which will provide surface water storage nutrient cycling removal of imported elements and compounds and will create a variety and abundance of wildlife habitat (Figure 6 Appendix A) Portions of the Site underlain by hydnc soils have been impacted by channel incision drainage ditch excavation vegetative clearing hoof shear and earth movement associated with agricultural practices Wetland restoration options should focus on the removal of fill materials restoration of vegetative communities filling drainage ditches the reestablishment of soil structure and microtopographic variations and redirecting normal surface hydrology from ditches back to Site floodplams In addition the construction of (or provisions for) surface water storage depressions (ephemeral pools) will also add an important component to groundwater restoration activities These activities will result in the restoration of 31 8 acres of jurisdictional riparian floodplain wetlands (29 0 acres of this area will generate mitigation credit) An additional 17 acres of jurisdictional riparian wetland will be enhanced within the Bank by planting cleared wetlands with native forest vegetation (1 5 acres of this area will generate mitigation credit) Reestablishment of Historic Groundwater Elevations Hydric soils adjacent to the incised channels appear to have been drained due to lowering of the groundwater tables and a lateral drainage effect from existing stream reaches Reestablishment of channel inverts is expected to rehydrate soils adjacent to Site streams In addition drainage ditches are effectively removing wetland hydrology within the restoration areas Filling of these ditches and restoring Bank tributaries are expected to rehydrate hydric soils within the Site resulting in the restoration of jurisdictional hydrology to riparian wetlands Excavation and Grading of Elevated Spoil and Sediment Embankments Some areas adjacent to the existing channels and area ditches have experienced both natural and unnatural sediment deposition Spoil piles were likely cast adjacent to the channel during dredging straightening and rerouting of Site streams and ditching of the adjacent floodplain Mayor flood events may have also deposited additional sediment adjacent to stream banks from onsite eroding banks and upstream agricultural fields The removal of these spoil materials and/or filling of onsite ditches with spoil material represents a critical element of Bank wetland restoration Hydrophytic Vegetation Bank wetland areas have endured significant disturbance from land use activities such as land clearing agriculture livestock grazing and other anthropogemc maintenance Wetland areas will be revegetated with native forest vegetation typical of wetland communities in the region Emphasis will focus on developing a diverse plant assemblage Reconstructing Stream Corridors The stream restoration plan involves the reconstruction of Bank streams through the floodplain Existing channels will be backfilled so that the water table may be restored to historic conditions However some portions of the existing channels may remain open for the creation of wetland Mitigation Plan page 32 Pancho Sth eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi ation Systems LLC vernal pool features These features will be plugged on each side of the open channel and will function as open water systems expected to provide habitat for a variety of wildlife as well as create small pockets of open water /freshwater marsh within the Bank These features will account for a small portion of the Site and will be required to occupy less than 10 percent of the overall wetland area 7 6 WETLAND PRESERVATION Preservation is being proposed on 0 5 acre of existing forested jurisdictional wetlands (Figure 6 Appendix A) These areas will be protected in perpetuity through the establishment of a conservation easement 7 7 PLANT COMMUNITY RESTORATION Restoration of floodplain forest and stream side habitat allows for development and expansion of characteristic species across the landscape Ecotonal changes between community types contribute to diversity and provide secondary benefits such as enhanced feeding and nesting opportunities for mammals birds amphibians and other wildlife Reference Forest Ecosystem (RFE) data onsite observations and community descriptions from Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina (Schafale and Weakley 1990) will be used to develop the primary plant community associations that will be promoted during community restoration activities Stream side trees and shrubs include species with high value for sediment stabilization rapid growth rate and the ability to withstand hydraulic forces associated with bankfull flow and overbank flood events Stream -side trees and shrubs will be planted within 15 feet of the channel throughout the meander belt width Shrub elements will be planted along the reconstructed stream banks concentrated along outer bends Deep rooted riparian vegetation will be restored within approximately 48 9 acres of the Bank Planting vegetation on cleared stream banks is proposed to reestablish native/histonc community patterns within the stream corridor associated side slopes and transition areas Revegetating the Bank s floodplains and stream banks will provide stream bank stability give shade reduce surface water temperatures filter pollutants from adjacent runoff and provide habitat for area wildlife Variations in vegetative planting will occur based on topographic locations and hydraulic conditions of the soil Vegetative species composition will mimic reference forest data onsite observations and community descriptions from Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina (Schafale and Weakley 1990) Community associations to be utilized include 1) Mesic Mixed Hardwood Forest on slopes 2) Coastal Plain Bottomland Hardwoods (brownwater subtype) in wetlands that are intermittently to seasonally inundated for long periods (NC WAM Bottomland Hardwood Forest and Headwater Forest) and 3) stream side assemblage within 15 feet of stream banks (Figures 9 10 Appendix A) Mitigation Plan page 33 Pancho Sit eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi ation Systems LLC 78 PLANTING PLAN Species selected for planting will be dependent upon availability of local seedling sources Seedlings from a local (within 200 miles) will be obtained from a licensed nursery to be planted at the Bank Advance notification to nurseries (1 year) would facilitate availability of various noncommercial elements Bare root seedlings of tree species will be planted within the Mesic Mixed Hardwood Forest and Coastal Plain Bottomland Hardwoods (brownwater subtype) at a density of approximately 680 stems per acre on 8 foot centers Larger containerized seedlings will be incorporated in the planting adjacent to UTs 1 2 to facilitate faster canopy growth Species in the stream -side assemblage community will be planted at a density of 2720 stems per acre on 4 -foot centers Table 12 depicts the total number of stems and species distribution within each vegetation association with the exception of the emergent seed mix outlined above Planting will be performed between December 1 and March 15 to allow plants to stabilize during the dormant period and set root during the spring season 8 0 MAINTENANCE PLAN The restoration and enhancement portion of the Bank will be monitored annually for seven years or until success criteria are met Monitoring is discussed in more detail in Section 10 0 (Monitoring Requirements) In the event that success criteria are not fulfilled a mechanism for contingency will be implemented The maintenance plan as discussed below includes contingency for stream hydrology and vegetation components of the Bank as well as other components of the Bank including easement boundaries fencing and marsh treatment areas However prior to implementation of any proposed maintenance actions approval will be obtained from the USACE in consultation with the IRT Stream Contingency Stream contingency may include structure repair and/or installation repair of dimension pattern and/or profile variables bank stabilization chinking of in stream structures to prevent piping securing of loose coir fiber matting supplemental planting along the channel and/or maintenance to areas of the stream bank where stormwater or floodplam flows are intercepted to prevent bank failure and head cutting of the channel The method of contingency is expected to be dependent upon stream variables that are not in compliance with success criteria Hydrologic Contingency Hydrologic contingency may include floodplam surface modifications such as construction of ephemeral pools deep ripping of the soil profile installation of berms to retard surface water flows supplemental planting and/or maintenance to areas of the wetland where stormwater or floodplam flows are intercepted to prevent scour Recommendations for contingency to establish wetland hydrology may be implemented and monitored until hydrology success criteria are achieved In the event that beaver become a nuisance within the Bank beaver management will be initiated and continued on an as needed basis in accordance with North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission (NCWRC) rules and regulations Mitigation Plan page 3.1 Pancho Sti eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi ation Systems LLC R L kn 'n to O vi C1 C, 00 w 00 �o 110 �o lZ O O a +r 00 l- Cr [- C, w M w l- 7 o0 7 00 to C\ v1 C, �n C, ° M 00 M 00 M 00 M 00 G� 00 C1 00 tn M - N N N N Z 0 O i W) h kn O to O F L R � tn L h d L � kn 00 to ll Wn l- co 00 kn 00 G C, C` M C` �* �* o c w C .0 y •- O O In In kn W) o O R 7 Cir r r y 00 ulr L R O C � O O b b b O O o00 000 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 00 ON N N N N r, \ O O N N O * C4 C14 Vi R L y � w E R 00 00 00 00 DD N Q CT C1 CN G1 CN z a 0 F C s U^ Z Q sz O O 3 y ^ sz � L y0 U 1 z ti 0 °i C c�a y cn h R i Q y 73 C7 3 N 04 L R ++ U v 0 .°o L a 7 c 3 i- v s U 04 U R O R o ` y Y `' �' o O aoi t >1 rn¢Z3ma v�ammuQmmvaC�3vv� L U U U VI N N O O n 00 N c.. o � � h y °y' c � R Q. 0. Vegetation Contingency If vegetation success criteria are not achieved based on average density calculations from combined plots over the entire restoration area or if significant existing mature tree mortality occurs adjacent to the enhancement (level I) reach supplemental planting will be performed with tree species approved by regulatory agencies Supplemental planting will be performed as needed until achievement of vegetation success criteria Other vegetation maintenance and repair activities may include pruning mulching and fertilizing In the event that exotic invasive plant species require treatment or a volunteer species (such as red maple sweet gum or loblolly pine) comprises greater than 20 percent of the total composition such species will be controlled by mechanical and/or chemical methods in accordance with North Carolina Department of Agriculture (NCDA) rules and regulations Easement Boundaries and Fencing Bank boundaries will be identified in the field to ensure clear distinction between the mitigation Bank and adjacent properties Boundaries south of Stevens Mill Road will be delineated by fencing and to the north of Stevens Mill Road may be identified by boundary markers Fencing and boundary markers disturbed damaged or destroyed will be repaired and/or replaced on an as needed basis Marsh Treatment Areas Marsh treatment areas used to intercept initial stormwater pulses will be visually inspected throughout the mitigation monitoring period These areas are expected to naturalize and maintenance is not anticipated Terracell Drop Structure The Terracell drop structure proposed immediately south of Stevens Mill Road will be monitored annually at a minimum In the event of erosion or scour within the structure maintenance may include structure repair chinking of the structure to prevent piping securing of loose coir fiber matting and/or supplemental planting of livestakes and erosion control grasses In the event that debris clogs or inhibits flow over the structure manual or mechanical removal of debris will occur maintenance is only expected until the structure naturalizes 9 0 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Monitoring of Site restoration efforts will be performed for seven years or until agreed upon success criteria are fulfilled Monitoring is proposed for wetland hydrology the stream channel and vegetation in years 1 7 Success criteria are outlined for each below 91 STREAM SUCCESS CRITERIA Priority I Restoration and Enhancement (Level I) Reaches Kennedy Mill Branch, Main Tributary, UTs 5 -6 Performance standards for channels where work includes construction of pattern dimension and/or profile (e g Priority I and 11 Restoration and Enhancement 1) shall be in accordance with the Stream Mitigation Guidelines dated April 2003 listed below These stream systems which include Kennedy Mill Branch the Main Tributary and UTs 5 6 on the Restoration Plan (Figures 7A 7B Appendix A) are subject to the performance standards listed below Mitigation Plan page 36 Pancho Sa eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi ation Systems LLC 1 Photo reference sites should show no substantial aggradation degradation or bank erosion 2 Channel stability (monitored using cross sections longitudinal profiles and photographic documentation of substrate) should demonstrate no more than minimal evidence of instability (down cutting deposition bank erosion or increase in sands or finer substrate material) Braided Stream Restoration (UT7) and Single- threaded Stream Restoration within Wetland Complex (UTs 1 -2) Stream channels associated with the project that do not involve construction of pattern dimension and /or profile were generally designed in accordance with the USACE guidance document Information Regarding Stream Restoration with Emphasis on the Coastal Plain Version 2 dated April 4 2007 Development of streams in these systems will be achieved through the reestablishment of braided stream morphology through passive measures including ditch filling and natural progression of the stream through historic sloughs braids and channels (UT7 on the Restoration Plan [Figure 7B Appendix A]) or the construction of single- threaded channels consisting of shallow (0 2 foot in depth) depressions that will promote the development of stream features in a Juncus dominated wetland area (UTs 1 2 on the Restoration Plan [Figure 7A Appendix A]) These stream systems are subject to the performance standards listed below 1 Under normal climatic conditions continuous surface water flow within the valley or crenulation must be documented to occur every year for at least 30 consecutive days within each monitoring year during the prescribed monitoring period (7 years) Additional monitoring and/or analysis may be necessary in the event of abnormal climactic conditions Documentation of flow shall be accomplished using flow meters and photographic evidence of observed flow taken from fixed photo stations located along the path of the flow 2 Evidence of channel formation within the valley or crenulation must be documented through the identification of field indicators on an annual basis in accordance with the following schedule a During monitoring years 1 through 4 the preponderance of documented field indicators must demonstrate the accumulation of flow within the topographic low point of the valley or crenulation Documented indicators may include any of the following indicators or any of the indicators listed in Part b i Presence of litter and debris (wracking) indicating a surface water flow ii Leaf litter disturbed or washed away iii Matted bent or absence of vegetation (herbaceous or otherwise) indicative of surface flow iv Sediment deposition and/or scour indicating sediment transport by flowing water v Water staining due to continual presence of water Mitigation Plan page 37 Pancho Sti eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi ation Systems LLC b During monitoring years 5 through 7 the preponderance of documented field indicators must demonstrate the accumulation of flow within the topographic low point of the valley or crenulation (documented by the field indicators listed in Part a) and the development of a primary path of flow stream channel or ordinary high water mark Documented indicators may include any of the following i Formation of channel bed and banks ii Sediment sorting indicated by grain size distribution within the primary path of flow ui Sediment shelving or a natural line impressed on the banks iv Change in plant community (absence or destruction of terrestrial vegetation and /or transition to species adapted for flow or inundation for a long duration including hydrophytes) v Development of channel pattern (meander bends and /or channel braiding) at natural topographic breaks woody debris piles or plant root systems vi Exposure of woody plant roots within the primary path of flow vii Changes in soil characteristics (when compared to the soils abutting the primary path of flow) Bankfull Events Documentation of at least two bankfull events within the monitoring period must occur in separate years in the event that only one bankfull event occurs or if bankfull events occur in the same monitoring year release of remaining credit for bankfull events will be subject to IRT approval Stream Substrate Stream substrate is not expected to coarsen over time therefore pebble counts are not proposed as part of the stream success criteria Visual Assessments of Structures Visual assessment of in stream structures will be conducted to determine if failure has occurred Failure of a structure may be indicated by collapse of the structure undermining of the structure abandonment of the channel around the structure and/or stream flow beneath the structure 9 2 HYDROLOGY SUCCESS CRITERIA According to the Soil Survey of Wayne County the growing season for Wayne County in Goldsboro is from March 17 November 14 (USDA 1974) However for purposes of this project gauge hydrologic success will be determined using data from February 1 November 14 to more accurately represent the period of biological activity Success of hydrology criteria at the Bank indicates successful restoration of aquatic riparian wetland resources and enhanced floodwater attenuation as well as improvement of overall water quality resulting from the removal of livestock Mitigation Plan page 38 Pancho Sti earn and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi ation Systems LLC Target hydrological characteristics include saturation or inundation for a minimum of 9 percent of the monitoring period (February 1 November 14) during average climatic conditions During years with atypical climatic conditions data from a groundwater gauge(s) in a reference wetland will be available for use by the USACE and the IRT to evaluate hydrology success Based on groundwater modeling consecutive groundwater hydrology within an early successional restoration site is typically approximately 75 percent of that in a mature forested reference site These areas are expected to support hydrophytic vegetation and hydric soils a jurisdictional determination may be performed to provide this additional information to the USACE and the IRT In addition vernal pool features resulting from small pockets of open channel remaining after plugging and filling existing channels should account for less than 10 percent of the overall wetland area 9 3 VEGETATION SUCCESS CRITERIA Success criteria have been established to verify that the vegetation component supports community elements necessary for forest development Success of vegetation criteria at the Bank indicates successful restoration of riparian habitat within and adjacent to aquatic stream and wetland resources as well as improvement of overall water quality resulting from the treatment of surface water and a reduction of sedimentation Success criteria are dependent upon the density and growth of characteristic forest species throughout the planted areas of the Site including the Mesic Mixed Hardwood Forest and Coastal Plain Bottomland Hardwoods (brownwater subtype) communities An average density of 320 living planted stems per acre must be surviving in the first three monitoring years Subsequently 260 living planted stems per acre in year 5 and 210 living planted stems per acre in year 7 No single volunteer species (most notably red maple loblolly pine and sweet gum) will comprise more than 20 percent of the total composition If this occurs remedial procedures /protocols outlined in the contingency plan will be implemented If within the first 3 years any species exhibits greater than 50 percent mortality the species will either be replanted or an acceptable replacement species will be planted in its place as specified in the contingency plan 10 0 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monitoring of the Site will conform to guidelines established in Information Regarding Stream Restoration with Emphasis on the Coastal Plain — Draft (USACE et al 2007) and Stream Mitigation Guidelines (USACE et al 2003) Monitoring data collected at the Bank should include reference photos plant survival analysis hydrology analysis channel stability analysis documentation of bankfull events and biological data if specifically required by permit conditions Prior to the installation of all monitoring gauges and sampling plots proposed numbers and locations will be submitted to the USACE for approval Preservation areas will only require preliminary reference photos to be taken to document the status of aquatic Mitigation Plan page 39 Pancho Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi ation Systems LLC resources including streams wetlands and riparian zones Photos will adequately document the Bank preservation areas and will include a detailed description of the locations at which the photos were taken Wetland hydrology the stream channel and vegetation are proposed to be monitored for a period of seven years (years 1 7) If monitoring demonstrates that the Site is successful by year 5 and no concerns have been identified Restoration Systems LLC may propose to terminate monitoring at the Site and forego monitoring requirements for years 6 and 7 This provision is only applicable if the Site has consistently met all performance standards and at year 5 meet the year 5 vegetation density standards (260 plants /acre) and the year 7 average height requirement of 10 feet Early closure will only be provided through written approval from the USACE in consultation with the NCIRT Monitoring will be conducted by Axiom Environmental Inc Annual monitoring reports of the data collected will be submitted to the IRT no later than December 31 of each monitoring year 10 1 STREAM MONITORING Priority I Restoration and Enhancement (Level I) Reaches Kennedy Mill Branch, Main Tributary, UTs 5 -6 Annual fall monitoring will include development of channel cross sections on riffles and pools and a water surface profile of the channel in priority I stream restoration and enhancement (level I) reaches The data will be presented in graphic and tabular format Data to be presented will include 1) cross sectional area 2) bankf ill width 3) average depth 4) maximum depth 5) width to depth ratio and 6) water surface slope A photographic record of preconstruction and post construction pictures will also be compiled In addition linear transects will be monitored adjacent to the stream enhancement (level I) reach to access any existing mature tree mortality due to changes in hydrology This information will be reported in the annual monitoring report but will not be tied to performance standards Braided Stream Restoration (UT7) and Single- threaded Stream Restoration within Wetland Complex (UTs 1 -2) Annual fall monitoring will include documentation of channel surface flow (a minimum of 30 consecutive days) and fixed photograph locations in the braided stream restoration reach (UT7) and single threaded stream restoration within wetland complexes (UTs 1 2) Evidence of channel formation within the valley will be documented annually in monitoring years 1 -4 Field indicators such as wracking disturbance of leaf litter matted or absent vegetation sediment deposition and/or scour and water staining due to the continual presence of water will be noted and photographed In monitoring years 5 7 documented field indicators of channel formation must demonstrate the accumulation of flow in the topographic low point of the valley with development of a primary path of flow stream channel or ordinary high water marks Mitigation Plan page 40 Pancho Sti eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi ation Systems LLC Enhancement (Level II) Reach Kennedy Mill Branch Annual fall monitoring will include fined photograph locations to adequately document the enhancement (level II) reach throughout the monitoring period Bankfull Events Bankfull events will be documented throughout the monitoring period 10 2 HYDROLOGY MONITORING Groundwater monitoring gauges will be installed to take measurements after hydrological modifications are performed at the Site Hydrological sampling will continue throughout the growing season at intervals necessary to satisfy the Jurisdictional hydrology success criteria within each wetland restoration area (USEPA 1990) According to the Soil Survey of Wayne County the growing season for Wayne County in Goldsboro is from March 17 November 14 (USDA 1974) However for purposes of this project gauge hydrologic success will be determined using data from February 1 November 14 to more accurately represent the period of biological activity Soil temperatures will be collected in late January /early February of each monitoring year and will be reporting in the annual monitoring report 10 3 VEGETATION MONITORING Restoration monitoring procedures for vegetation are designed in accordance with USEPA guidelines enumerated in Mitigation Site Type (MIST) documentation (USEPA 1990) Compensatory Hardwood Mitigation Guidelines (DOA 1993) Stream Mitigation Guidelines (USACE 2003) and CVS EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Level 1 -2 Plot Sampling Only (Version 4 0) (Lee et al 2006) A general discussion of the restoration monitoring program is provided A photographic record of plant growth should be included in each annual monitoring report After planting has been completed in winter or early spring an initial evaluation will be performed to verify planting methods and to determine initial species composition and density Supplemental planting and additional Site modifications will be implemented if necessary During the first year vegetation will receive a cursory visual evaluation on a periodic basis to ascertain the degree of overtopping of planted elements by nuisance species with quantitative sampling occurring between September 1 and September 30 Subsequently quantitative sampling of vegetation will be performed between June 1 and September 30 for each growing season until the vegetation success criteria are achieved During quantitative vegetation sampling in early fall of the first year up to 10 sample plots (10 meters by 10 meters) will be randomly placed within the Site Best professional Judgment may be necessary to establish vegetative monitoring plots upon completion of construction activities In each sample plot vegetation parameters to be monitored include species composition and species density Mitigation Plan page 41 Pancho Sti eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi ation Systems LLC 10 4 BIOTIC COMMUNITY MONITORING Changes in the biotic community are anticipated from a shift in habitat opportunities as Kennedy Mill Branch and tributaries are restored In- stream biological monitoring is proposed to track the changes during the monitoring period The benthic macro invertebrate community will be sampled using NCDWQ protocols found in the Standard Operating Procedures for Benthrc Macrornvertebrates ( NCDWQ 2006) and Benthrc Macrornvertebrate Protocols for Compensatory Stream Restoration Projects ( NCDWQ 2001) Biological sampling of benthic macromvertebrates will be used to collect preconstruction baseline data for comparison with postconstruction restored conditions Two benthic macromvertebrate monitoring locations were established within proposed restoration reaches and one monitoring location was established upstream within a reach of Kennedy Mill Branch proposed for preservation It is anticipated that post restoration collections may move slightly from the prerestoration conditions in order to take advantage of developing habitat niches (i a riffles vegetative cover woody debris in channel overhanging banks) that cannot be predicted prior to restoration Benthrc macroinvertebrate samples will be collected from individual reaches using the Qual 4 collection method Sampling techniques of the Qual -4 collection method consist of kick nets sweep nets leaf packs and visual searches Preproject biological sampling occurred on June 1 2010 post restoration monitoring will occur during the same time frame of each monitoring year Identification of collected organisms will be performed by personnel with the NCDWQ or by a NCDWQ certified laboratory Other data collected will include D50 values/NCDWQ habitat assessment forms Samples collected in June 2010 are currently being identified and analyzed by a qualified laboratory results should be available in late September 2010 110 LONG -TERM MANAGEMENT PLAN The Bank will be protected and managed under the terms outlined in perpetual conservation easements Conservation easements will be written to prohibit incompatible uses that might jeopardize the objectives of the Bank Easements may be maintained by the Sponsor or by a land management entity approved by the IRT As discussed in Section X of the MBI the North Carolina Wildlife Habitat Foundation will be the long term holder of the Conservation Easement and responsible for long term stewardship of the Bank site The Sponsor will provide a financial sum appropriate for the long term holder of the Conservation Easement to carry out its responsibilities The North Carolina Wildlife Habitat Foundation maintains and endowment for the purpose of funding longterm management of sites for which it holds conservation easements and will require a one time payment from the Sponsor sufficient to maintain the endowment such that responsibilities at the Bank may be carried out in perpetuity The particulars of longterm management are primarily determined by the provisions of the Conservation Easement The NCWHF will be responsible for protecting the easement area from encroachment trespass clearing and other violations that interfere with the conservation purpose It is not anticipated that livestock will be maintained on site Boundaries of the easement area will be clearly marked prior to transfer to the NCWHF Mitigation Plan page 42 Pancho Sti eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi ation Svstems LLC NCWHF and Sponsor will agree upon sufficient funding to maintain and defend the easement boundary and all other activities described above 12 0 ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT PLAN Any changes that may occur in the mitigation plan due to unanticipated construction constraints will be adapted accordingly to meet performance standards outlined above (Section 9 0 Performance Standards) The Bank will be visited at least annually to check the status of aquatic resources Likely challenges are limited but may include a loss of vegetation structure due to natural or man-made causes including mortality of existing mature trees adjacent to the Enhancement (Level 1) reach as the result of changes in hydrology a growing presence of invasive species or some type of contaminated spill upstream of the Bank In the event that unforeseen changes occur that affect the management or performance standards of the Bank the holder of the easements will utilize the maintenance plan outlined above (Section 8 0 Maintenance Plan) and work with the IRT to determine appropriate measures to rectify deficiencies in the Bank in order to provide targeted aquatic functions The holder of the easement will obtain additional permits as necessary and will provide the USACE a Record Drawing of corrective actions that depict the extent and nature of the work performed 13 0 CORPORATE EXPERIENCE Restoration Systems is an environmental restoration mitigation banking and full delivery mitigation firm founded in 1998 The firm was formed to improve the quality of environmental restoration and mitigation by locating and acquiring the best available sites planning their restoration using proven science and constructing them with the most qualified contractors Restoration Systems staff has been involved in environmental mitigation and mitigation banking since 1992 Project managers have more than 80 years of experience in resource evaluation environmental restoration and mitigation implementation The company employs 11 permanent staff based in Raleigh North Carolina Corporate experience of the principals began with completion of the state s first full delivery mitigation project in 1997 the Barra Farms Mitigation Bank (623 acres) the subsequent Bear Creek — Mill Branch Mitigation Bank in 2001 (450 acres) and Sleepy Creek Mitigation Site (550 acres) The firm then performed all of the off site mitigation (7500 linear feet of stream restoration and 10 acres of wetland restoration) for the Piedmont Triad International Airport Authority Restoration Systems has implemented projects for the EEP and the North Carolina Wetland Restoration Program including the removal of the Carbonton and Lowell Dams in the Cape Fear and Neuse River Basins (132 000 linear feet) the Haw River Wetland Restoration Site (34 acres Cape Fear) the Elk Shoals Stream Restoration Site (6000 linear feet Catawba) the Lick Creek Stream Site (10 000 linear feet Cape Fear) Gatlin Swamp Wetland Restoration Site (125 acres Roanoke) and a number of buffer restoration projects including Casey Dairy Walnut Creek Big Bull Brogden Road and Little Buffalo Restoration Systems Cripple Creek Stream & Wetland Mitigation Bank in the Cape Fear 02 River Basin is the first compensatory wetland and stream bank in North Carolina under the 2008 Federal Compensatory Mitigation Rule Additional mitigation banking projects are under way in North Carolina including the Pancho Site and throughout the southern United States Mitigation Plan page 43 Pancho Sti eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi ation Systems LLC Financial Assurances The Sponsor shall provide either a Performance Bond underwritten by a surety company licensed to do business in North Carolina with a Best s current rating of not less than A or a casualty insurance policy to an appropriate form to be approved by the DE and to compliance with current U S Army Corps of Engineers policy and guidance documents A Model Performance Bond and Casualty Insurance Policy are included herein as Appendix E The financial assurances instrument shall be presented to the Corps for timely review prior to execution a Additionally the Conservation Easement will designate the U S Army Corps of Engineers as a party enabled to access the site and this document requires all project specific reports and records to be provided to the Corps As such the Corps is enabled to determine the status of the site and to determine the occurrence of default of the mitigation b Prior to determination of default the bank sponsor shall be given a full opportunity to remedy the Site to the satisfaction of the Corps c The total value of the financial assurances shall be $1 091 060 00 which will be split between construction in the amount of $774 653 and subsequently monitoring in the amount of $316 407 These values include the amount necessary to complete all tasks associated with the project from its current point through to completion These include but are not limited to permitting construction planting monitoring and a.30% contingency for regrading and/or replanting d Upon successful completion of the construction phase the value of the financial assurances shall decrement to amounts proportional to the cost of carrying the bank through to completion The project costs and bonding calculations are shown in the Table below The Bank Sponsor will keep the Corps apprised of any issues that may affect the project s financial assurances Pancho Cost Estimates & Bonding Worksheet Item Total Project Cost Cost of Completed Work Future (Bonded) Cost Contingency Fees (30 %) Land $1 101 590 $1101590 $0 Surveying $50000 $19500 $30500 Easement $70000 $0 $70000 Restoration Plan $108638 $108638 $0 Project Construction $523800 $0 $523800 $157140 Vegetation Planting $51 000 $0 $51 000 $15300 As Built Survey & Report $11 940 $0 $11940 Project Monitoring $210000 $0 $210000 Company Labor $23400 $7020 $16380 Legal Fees $20000 $15000 $5000 Total $2170 368 $1 251 748 $918,620 $172440 Financial assurances to complete all remaining tasks for the project will be divided into two instruments a one for Construction (including the As Built Surrey and Report) and one for Monitonng Contingency fees (301 of the cost) for grading and planting are included in the Construction Bond Remaining costs for the Sponsor's labor and legal fees were prorated Based on these calculations the Construction Bond presented will be for $774 653 and the Monitoring Bond will be for $316 407 Mitigation Plan page 44 Pancho Std earn and Wetland Mitigation Bank Reston ation Systems LLC 14 0 REFERENCES Cowardm Lewis M V Carter F C Golet and E T LaRoe 1979 Classifications of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States U S Fish and Wildlife Service U S Government Printing Office Washington D C Department of the Army (DOA) 1993 (unpublished) Corps of Engineers Wilmington District Compensatory Hardwood Mitigation Guidelines (12/8/93) Environmental Laboratory 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual Technical Report Y 87 1 United States Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg Mississippi Geratz J W W V Sweet 2003 Bankf ill Hydraulic Geometry Relationships and Recurrence Intervals for North Carolinas Coastal Plain Journal of American Water Resources Association 39 861 871 Gordon N D T A McMahon and B L Finlayson 1992 Stream Hydrology an Introduction for Ecologists John Wiley & Sons Ltd West Sussex England Griffith G E J M Omermk J A Comstock M P Schafale W H McNab D R Lenat T F MacPherson J B Glover and V B Shelbourne 2002a Ecoregions of North Carolina and South Carolina U S Geological Survey Reston Virginia Griffith G E J M Omernik and J A Comstock M P 2002b Ecoregions of North Carolina Regional Descriptions U S Geological Survey U S Department of Agriculture and Indus Corporation Corvallis Oregon Leopold L B 1994 A View of the River Harvard University Press Cambridge MA 298 pp Lee M T R K Peet S D Roberts and T R Wentworth 2006 CVS EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Level 1 2 Plot Sampling Only Ecosystem Enhancement Program North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 11 pp Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS) 2009 Web Soil Survey (online) Available http //websoilsurvey nres usda gov/ [September 15 2009] Soil Survey Staff Natural Resources Conservation Service United States Department of Agriculture North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) 2001 Benthic Macromvertebrate Monitoring Protocols for Compensatory Mitigation 401 /Wetlands Unit Department of Environment and Natural Resources Raleigh North Carolina Mitigation Plan page q-) Pancho Sh eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi ation Systems LLC North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) 2006 Standard Operating Procedures for Benthic Macroinvertebrates Biological Assessment Unit Department of Environment and Natural Resources Raleigh North Carolina North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) 2007 Redbook Surface Waters and Wetlands Standards North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Raleigh North Carolina North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) 2009 Final Neuse River Basinwide Water Quality Plan North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Raleigh North Carolina North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) 2010a Final North Carolina Water Quality Assessment and Impaired Waters List (2008 Integrated 305(b) and 303(d) Report) (online) Available http / /portal ncdenr org/c /document_ library /get_file� uuid= 9f453bft9 2053 4329 b943- 6614bd4e709a &groupId =38364 [May 24 20101 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Raleigh North Carolina North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) 2010b Draft North Carolina Water Quality Assessment and Impaired Waters List (2010 Integrated 305(b) and 303(d) Report) (online) Available http / /portal ncdenr org/c /document_ library /get_file� uuid= 33a71505 6cdf 4497 b090 aadf79blf02c &groupId =38364 [May 24 2010] North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Raleigh North Carolina North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) 2010c North Carolina Waterbodies Listed by Subbasm (online) Available http //h2o enr state nc us/ bims /reports/basinsandwaterbodies /03 04 -04 pdf [May 25 2010] North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Raleigh North Carolina Rosgen D 1996 Applied River Morphology Wildland Hydrology (Publisher) Pagosa Springs Colorado Schafale M and Weakley A 1990 Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina Third Approximation North Carolina Natural Heritage Program Division of Parks and Recreation Raleigh North Carolina United States Army Corps of Engineers United States Environmental Protection Agency North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission North Carolina Division of Water Quality (USACE et al ) 2003 Stream Mitigation Guidelines Mitigation Plan Page 46 Pancho Sti eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoi atron Systems LLC United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) 2007 Information Regarding Stream Restoration with Emphasis on the Coastal Plain Draft Available http / /www nceep net / business /landowner/ Guidance_ Stream— Restoration_with_Emphasis —on Coastal— Plains pdf [September 28 2009] United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) 1974 Soil Survey of Wayne County North Carolina Soils Conservation Service United States Department of Agriculture United States Environmental Protection Agency ( USEPA) 1990 Mitigation Site Type Classification (MIST) USEPA Workshop August 13 -15 1989 EPA Region IV and Hardwood Research Cooperative NCSU Raleigh North Carolina United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) 2008 Threatened and Endangered Species in North Carolina (online) Available http / /www fws gov /nc es /es /countyfr html [May 24 20 10] United States Fish and Wildlife Service Raleigh North Carolina United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1974 Hydrologic Unit Map 1974 State of North Carolina United States Geological Survey (USGS) 2001 Estimating the Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in Rural Basins of North Carolina — Revised USGS Water Resources Investigations Report 01 4207 Raleigh North Carolina Mitigation Plan page 47 Pancho Sh eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restot ation Systems LLC G19; a 04a11ki1 FIGURES Mitigation Plan Pancho So eam and Wetland Mitigation Bank Appendices Restoi atdon Systems LLC MrAl Jjp4a 'fir Legend J Surveyed Easement Boundary Roads County Boundaries Wayne County Municipal Boundaries Goldsboro C� os 5,11 \1e b J Reference Site- Tar Kiln Branch 13 ..0 Pancho Mitigation V, A4-- N Bank Directions to the Site from Raleigh, NC: Travel east on U.S. Highway 70 Travel — 37 miles on U.S. Highway 70 to the intersection with Martin Livestock Road Turn right at Martin Livestock Road (0.7 mile) Turn right at Progressive Church Road (4 miles) Turn left at Brogden Road (0.5 mile) Turn right at Richardson Bridge Road (5.3 miles) Turn left at T-intersection onto Harper House Road, 0 0.5 1 2 3 4 which becomes Stevens Mill Road (1.3 miles) Miles The Bank is located where Kennedy Mill Branch crosses Stevens Mill Road Scale 1:120,000 Latitude: 35.3337550 N, Longitude: 78.192699* W Dwn. By- FIGURE Axiom Environmental, Inc. PROJECT AND REFERENCE LOCATIONS CLF 218 Snow Avenue Date: Raleigh, NC 27603 PANCHO RESTORATION SITE Feb 2012 919-215-1693 Wayne County, North Carolina Project: 1A Axiom Emrccnmer.al, Inc. 10-010 Axiom Environmental, Inc. 216 Snow Avenue Raleigh, NC 27603 919- 215 -1693 1mm Em'ucnmr+al. Ine. PROJECT AND REFERENCE LOCATIONS PANCHO MITIGATION BANK Wayne County, North Carolina Dwn. By: FIGURE CLF Date: Feb 2012 Project: 1B 10 -010 L -------------- Dwn. By: FIGURE Axiom Environmental, Inc. HYDROLOGIC UNIT MAP CLF 218 Snow Avenue PANCHO MITIGATION BANK Date: Raleigh, NC 27603 Feb 2012 919- 215 -1693 Wayne County, North Carolina Project: Adam E-- maftl, i— 1 0 -01 0 Dwn. By FIGURE Axiom Environmental, Inc. TOPOGRAPHY AND DRAINAGE AREA CLF 218 Snow Avenue Date: Raleigh, �� Raleigh, NC 27603 PANCHO MITIGATION BANK Feb 2012 919- 215 -1693 Wayne County, North Carolina Project: A- Envimnmwlal, Inc. 10 -010 Dwn. By: FIGURE Axiom Environmental, Inc. TOPOGRAPHY AND DRAINAGE AREA CLF 218 Snow Avenue Date: Raleigh, NC 27603 PANCHO MITIGATION BANK Feb 2012 919- 215 -1693 Wayne County, North Carolina Project: 3B Axam emironmmlal. Inc. 1 0-01 0 s-IIOs ON 'Alunoo auAqAA 010-01 :-ON 10910id 'aul 'Ielueuwualnu3 wolxy T SNowaN00 Mt/8 NOIldJIIIW OOt�S 1 :oleos Z10Z 83J 3ineu JNIISIX3 OHONVd :aje4 JTD :aR! L :aoafojd :Aq umeja :jo; paiedaad :Aq paiedaJd O � C\ II O -S Ctf M O la) r O O c o. II I I x 0o In o 4- ccio0 it �0�N~ -Ye cr. II II - X = = II II II L Q cu >� co C cQaF- L c _5 cu QO�Omm LLW(n --- �— IIII ! ! 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Q 0 T Q Q £ S b ql d 'a m y y a e a O C v E�t a o � _ N o .c K .c It �° a u v y t5 vl C2 w' ro w m v U 3 U* n i (3 }L (a roil O z U i� 11 af cq 0 0 M N 0 f\ > 0 N al •o U o o. N O U- U (B u) O f,- U O (u c- ' ^ N M U) (1) C co M O -0 m LL a� C Q - cu O E-o 00 � .�O O . i ui O L p O &- cu :3 O L L O En Q C (� 2 co N co O O O = 3 O O d X L0 � U U 1 0 rn L_ ++� U C N F- CD O`er w co w s N S i (3 }L (a roil O z Ow i� 11 af 0 T— 0 0 M N 0 II > 0 m al •o U o o. 0 0 w w LL o Z G Cl) w J Q U 0 O 1� $ V LO vl- U a C N X N N .p Y E C Nm �.0 E Q m O � N N _ O m a O U) 1 r _O O z tt/ - L I APPENDIX B EXISTING STREAM CHARACTERISTIC DATA Mitigation Plan Appendices Pancho Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Restoration Svstems, LLC \1 U C c 0 w E x0 Q I ' I I I � � I I Q I ! I I w w o I I Z I I I I I I I I I co CD co tO X 0 X �! X i C) N U) X g0 l U) /g N X o �. r - r LO 1 �4 /(Cn M X (1) / - X X /M X j X ° U) �l N �' _� X co X LI �i �1 r r 'I 95' Y100' I �� c O U) OO ~ w o 0 L-J U �.� -N, J. .Sul Oil co IX C lV � •� C7 O Y C: U � � o c ° �U a o o 0 r � Z �i �1 r r 'I 95' Y100' I �� c O U) OO ~ w o 0 L-J U �.� -N, J. .Sul Oil co IX r- U) X O C z w CID C7 =3 "" c m O O 0 C C U U co U a o o 0 r � W� U I a�i I m .. 0 Z c J r- U) X O z w r C7 O p N r � O � II C >1 7 .. 0 Z c Qj U U � (0 o `O a IS X Y (u) uOW+ia 2 E 3 ) a m N X a H f ) Y K N X F i z a � � 3 I � � � r 0 (g) uogenal3 m rn m m m m rn m m (11) uogenal3 0 m a ° o 8 0 0 J A a; c o z C d a 2 c 0 v v M Ol X IC w m m w w (L) uon"813 a ct E 6 3 V m O N C O a N U 5 K N N O U 5 i oa a a° E t 3 (g) uop¢nap 0 w w (B)uopena13 w w K E 3 oa U c a a °c D c 0 `m m m g a N U 5 n 5 00 -WiG 1 I I (U) uOq—F3 e a a L a a r� E 0 a II o fi c z m w F m 2 v a c `o U 5 K U 5 m m (U) uoilenap � m (u) uogvnap K .n E 3 N � a N a E r ( I -�c v 0 c a N U 5 �n V 5 (g) uoryenap W m (y)uoi{enal3 ro a a 0 E S° v`O m$ S c K o N U 5 a U 5 O� m (:�% UORPl�djj m (U) uo�ana�m m tl K i' a a � s �m m 2 9 C u, D t O a a � E s F. c E c C a N U 5 a N U 5 R a a o� L" u v L o O m m (y)muo4aAa� m MEN m m m m m m m (y) uopwap ma 2 n � E t S O 0 J' C APPENDIX C FLOOD FREQUENCY ANALYSIS DATA Mitigation Plan Appendices Pancho Sty eam and Wettand Mitigation Bank Restoi ation Systems LLC rl O O N N N O eo 3 cr W t O h H s a 0J u � i O O L dQ W � C f0 C Q v c aJ 3 c W L LL .Q O O LL O O �D O O u1 O O ri A u u O at aJ 0 m CC r u N C G dJ L O N O ri O O O O 0 O O O O 1, lD Ln q M N " (saeaA) leiva;ul uan;aa ri u v eo 01 ar u C i 0! D: a O O lD h lD ^ O M L11 00 N N v M Q1 M r� N ^ N O M 4 0 O O Ln 1� O I� 00 t u Ln V U lD d � L lD 00 M lD C f0 H . m C c1 oLn0000 M [r Ln I� y 00 L° +-# 0) ate+ w O O N ri N Lll O4 N Ln �. C v ul d M d M C O u CL C L 01 m L C m .O = f0 Y y L m A � 'O u co a=i L d � 0 0! Z OC ar O O lD O O Ln i0 Ln W lD i l0 00 0 O O Ln 1� O I� 00 t u i-1 V U lD d � L lD 00 M lD V1 N V m C c1 N M [r Ln I� y 00 L° O Y M !0 s L m _ N ul d 2 L N M � L W 0 0 3 e-1 N O Ln O 0 ', O O C] O N Ln r4 N Ln O O N O O 0 O 0 0 O w O � O N O (saeaA)lenaa;uluin;aa M d M C O u CL C L 01 m L C m .O = f0 Y y L m A � 'O u co a=i L d � 0 0! 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Temperature days I I I > Precipitation days I I l 3/ 2 to 11/25 1 3/18 I 1 > I (Degrees F ) I 269 days I I I 237 (Inches) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Percent chance of the growing season occurring between the Beginning ----------------------- I I --------------------------------- 1 303 chance lavg I - - - - - I I I I I will have 1# ofl avg I i------- I------- I------- I I ----------------- Idaysl totall Month I avg I avg I avg I avg I less I more Iw/ 11 snow I I daily i daily I I I than I than I orl fall I I max I min I I I I Imorel I -------------------------------------------------------------------- January 1 52 6 1 33 0 1 42 8 1 4 64 1 3 56 1 5 37 1 8 1 - - - 1 - -I 1 1 February 1 56 1 1 34 7 1 45 4 1 3 67 1 2 47 1 4 28 1 6 1 1 4 1 March I 64 2 1 41 8 1 53 0 1 4 55 1 3 28 5 53 1 7 0 9 1 April l 73 5 l 49 7 1 61 6 1 3 45 I 2 15 1 4 31 I 5 1 0 0 1 May I 80 8 1 58 7 1 69 7 1 3 87 1 2 65 1 4 83 I 6 1 0 0 1 June 1 87 2 66 5 1 76 8 1 4 03 1 2 51 1 4 94 I 6 1 0 0 1 July 1 90 5 1 71 1 1 80 8 1 5 34 1 3 51 i 6 38 1 8 1 0 0 August 1 88 9 1 69 8 1 79 3 1 5 52 1 3 49 1 6 34 I 7 1 0 0 1 September 1 83 6 1 63 7 1 73 7 5 57 1 2 43 I 7 40 I 6 1 0 0 1 October 1 73 9 1 50 6 1 62 3 1 3 10 1 1 99 1 4 39 1 4 1 0 0 1 November I 65 2 1 41 8 1 53 5 1 3 01 1 1 94 1 3 65 1 5 1 0 0 1 December ---------- I 56 I ------- 0 1 35 3 I ------- 1 45 I ------- 7 1 3 I -------- 44 1 2 28 1 4 I -------- I -------- 25 1 6 1 I ---- I- 0 - - - 7 1 - - I ---------- Annual I------- I - - - -- I------- I - - - -- I------- I - - - -- I-------- I - - - - -- 1-------- I-------- I 46 79 I 56 33 I---- I- I -- I - - - - - -- - -I I ---------- Average ---------- I ------- I 72 I-------------- I ------- 7 1 51 4 I ------- 1 62 1------- 1 -------- 0 1 - - - I-------- - -- 1-------- 1-------- I - - - - -- I - - - - 1---------------- -- I---------- I -- I 1---- I- - - -- - - - I I - -I Total ---------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- I - - - -- I------- I- - --- 1------- I - - - -- I------- I 50 1---------------- 20 I - - - - -- I - - - - I-------- -- 1 74 1 I---- I- 4 - - - - - - 1 1 - -I - -I GROWING SEASON DATES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Temperature ---------------------I----------------------------------------------------- Probability 1 24 F or higher 1 28 F or higher 1 32 F or higher ---------------------I-----------------1-----------------I----------------- 1 Beginning and Ending Dates Growing Season Leng`h 50 percent I 1 > 365 days 1 3/ 7 to 11/20 I 3/23 to 11/ 4 1 > 365 days I 258 days I 225 days 70 percent I I > 365 days I I l 3/ 2 to 11/25 1 3/18 to 11 /10 1 > I 365 days I 269 days I I I 237 days --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Percent chance of the growing season occurring between the Beginning and Ending dates total 1902 -2002 prcp Station NC3510 GOLDSBORO 4 SE - - - - - -- Unit = inches yr fan feb mar apr may ]un Sul aug sep Oct nov dec annl 2 3 2 57 5 76 5 89 M4 25 4 2 60 4 61 3 96 1 09 5 1 99 5 91 2 22 5 34 6 3 53 4 83 6 00 0 52 7 1 46 3 55 1 85 3 98 8 3 72 5 43 6 98 2 68 9M1 39 M1 33 2 04 M2 87 10 3 19 M5 33 3 35 4 49 11 4 59 1 29 3 43 2 46 12 4 47 3 55 4 22 4 12 13 3 65 3 27 4 68 1 01 14 2 75 5 86 3 69 2 98 15M6 43 2 82 2 21 2 41 16M2 86 3 35 2 38 2 04 17 3 67 2 91 3 54 3 24 18 2 95 0 97 1 96 8 05 19M5 23 4 66 1 86 Ml 80 20 2 57 5 40 M4 70 6 61 21 3 92 4 85 3 95 5 74 22 4 71 M7 78 5 94 4 86 23 2 81 2 37 3 42 6 08 24 4 39 5 86 2 46 3 71 25 6 58 M3 65 2 38 M2 17 26 4 10 5 20 4 08 2 21 27M0 79 3 90 3 95 1 69 28 0 73 M3 53 2 38 6 28 29M4 79 6 48 4 73 2 80 30 5 38 1 63 2 59 2 13 31 2 09 1 36 3 49 4 63 32 2 75 2 65 2 79 1 21 33 3 88 4 06 2 55 6 13 34 1 17 M4 00 M5 08 3 00 35M3 32 2 28 3 19 3 31 36 4 50 3 90 5 82 4 08 37 6 29 M5 22 2 09 9 83 38 2 29 1 01 1 97 7 95 39 4 40 7 05 4 27 2 43 40 2 63 2 10 3 21 2 72 41 3 22 3 19 5 28 3 51 42 2 26 2 35 8 80 1 44 43 5 56 MO 98 6 58 3 51 44 4 94 6 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liability company, whose address is 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 211, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the makers of this Instrument of Combination own two parcels pf land which were acquired by the following deeds , 1 Deed dated November 15 , 2010, and recorded in Book $� j' , Page ► 1 , Office of the Register of Deeds of Wayne County, North Carolina - 2 Deed dated November _15, 2010, and recorded in Book 2,1 11 Page *16, Office of the Register of Deeds of Wayne County, North Carolina WHEREAS, said owners wish to combine the above - mentioned properties into a single tract of land which is described by one common boundary line for the purpose of complying with all applicable provisions of the Wayne County Development Ordinances, WHEREAS, this is a limited special purpose instrument for the purposes specified above and is not a conveyance and does not change or modify in any manner the ownership interests in the above - referenced property, and ff2725420 WHEREAS, upon execution and recordation of this Instrument of Combination, the above referenced properties are hereby combined and shall hereafter be described as shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the maker has hereunto set its hand and seal, the day and year first above written PANCHO MITIGATION COMPANY, LLC By �^ Title COED STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD I certify that the following person(s) personally appeared before me this day, each acknowledging to me that he or she signed the foregoing document 1' hen C SV,Var\q :. WITNESS my hand and official (Of c:aI Seal) �pTAR), x A U BL �G =V k Adf U w-+Qthm' , 2010 -Z, Y�Q Notary's Printed or Typed Name p My commission expires 1-a 8 EX MIT "A" Attached to and made a part of that certain Instrument of Combination dated November 12 2010, by Kevin J Pusch and spouse, Dianne M Pusch Being all that certain parcel of land situated in Grantham Township, Wayne County, North Carolina, more particularly described as follows All of Tract 1(containing 215 acres±) and Tract 2 (containing 2 85 acres±) as shown on plat for "Pancho Nhtigatton Company, LLC, entitled Vancho Restoration Site," dated October 28, 2010, prepared by K2 Design Group, P A and recorded in Book N, Page 50B, Wayne County, North Carolina, Registry 3 R' SCHELL BRAY AYCOCK ABEL 6 LIVINGSTON PLCC ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW DDRIS R BRAY WILLIAM P AYCOCK II MICHAEL R ABEL PAUL H LIVINGSTON JR THOMAS C WATKINS MICHAEL H GODWIN BARBARA R CHRISTY MELANIE SAMSON TUTTLE JENNIFER L J KOENIG HOLLY H ALDERMAN MARKT CAIN GARLAND G GRAHAM STACEY A BRADY CRAIG KISER MY H KINCAID CHRISTINA FREEMAN PEARSALL THOMAS P HOCKMAN APRIL E KIGHT PARRISH LENTZ PEDDRICK BRAXTON SCHELL (1924 2008) GREENSBORO I CHAPEL HILL January 24, 2011 Ms Tara Allden Restoration Systems, LLC 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 211 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Re Pancho Mitigation Company, LLC Dear Tara We are enclosing the following title policies in connection with the captioned project WRITER S DIRECT DIAL NUMBER 338 370 8803 WRITER S EMAIL ADDRESS wpaycockCsobsUbmy cam 1 Owner's Policy of Title Insurance No 201004085G issued by Investors Title Insurance Company covering Tract 1 (containing 215 acres) as shown on plat for Pancho Mitigation Company, LLC, and 2 Owner's Policy of Title Insurance No 201004092G issued by Investors Title Insurance Company covering Tract 2 (containing 2 85 acres) as shown on plat for Pancho Mitigation Company, LLC If you need anything further, please let me know WPAII/sh Enclosures Very truly yours, SCHELL BRAY AYCOCK ABEL & LIVINGSTON PLLC William P Aycock II schellb ay com 1500 RENAISSANCE PLAZA 230 NORTH ELM STREET GREENSBORO NC 27401 MAILING ADDRESS P 0 BOX 21847 GREENSBORO NC 27420 p 336 370 8800 f 336 370 8830 imiMi�o�ww�wi'wi Doe ID 010418440003 TVDe CRP - a Recorded 11/18/2010 at 12 30 88 PM 3 Fee Amt 8748 00 Page i of 3 .1 Exolee Tax 8723 00 RE y— �P WAYNE COUNTY NO LOIS J MOORING REGISTER OF DEEDS GK2817 PA 16 -418 Mail after recording to Witham P Aycock II Esquire P O Box 21847 Greensboro NC 27420 Tius instrument was prepared by William P Aycock II, Esquire Schell Bray Aycock Abel & Livingston PLLC NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED 4L THIS DEED made this day of November, 2010, by and between GRANTOR RICHARD H. COX, JR. and spouse, DIANA P COX GRANTEE PANCHO MITIGATION COMPANY, LLC, a North Carolina limited habilitycompany Address 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 211 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herem shall include said parties, their hens successors and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee m fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Grantham Township, Wayne County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows All of Tract I (containing 215 acres±) as shown on plat for "Pancho Mntigation Company, LLC, entitled "Pancho Restoration Site" dated October 28, 2010, prepared by K2 Design Group, P A and recorded in Book N, Page SOB, Wayne County, North Carolina, Registry #272447vl TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except for the exceptions hereinafter stated Title to the property hereinabove described is subject to the following exceptions Restrictions, rights of -way and easements of record and to ad valorem taxes for the current year Grantor shall have the right to retain hunting rights over the above - described property for the benefit of Grantor(s), their immediate families, their hens and their heirs' immediate families, provided, however, the exercise of such rights shall not interfere with any mitigation, restoration or preservation projects conducted on the property by Grantee and/or its successors and assigns The above - described property is not the pnmary residence of the Grantor IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused this instrument to be duly executed and delivered, the day and year first above written (SEAL) Ri and H Cox, Jr a�C.�t.rtJ (SEAL) Diana P Cox r 2 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA • IN • —.. .i M I certify that the following person(s) personally appeared before me tins day, each acknowledging to me that he or she signed the foregoing document Richard H Cox, Jr and Diana P Cox WITNESS my hand and official seal, this ISr day of November, 2010 Notary's Official Signs e (Official ' to U �/7�1 �ry S GeGJti Notary's Printed or T ed Name •L'•;A,•`�, My commission expires ••` �/ L( I pD Gov �•�,,,������ +N• r CTjl�Investors Zitle Insurance Company OWNER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE Any notice of claim and any other notice or statement in writing required to be given to the Company under this Policy must be given to the Company at the address shown In Section 18 of the Conditions COVERED RISKS SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE CONDITIONS INVESTORS TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a North Carolina corporation (the Company) insures as of Date of Policy and to the extent stated in Covered Risks 9 and 10 after Date of Policy against loss or damage not exceeding the Amount of Insurance sustained or incurred by the Insured by reason of 1 Title being vested other than as stated In Schedule A 2 Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on the Title This Covered Risk includes but is not limited to insurance against loss from (a) A defect in the Title caused by (i) forgery fraud undue Influence duress incompetency incapacity or impersonation (ii) failure of any person or Entity to have authorized a transfer or conveyance (iii) a document affecting Title not properly created executed witnessed sealed acknowledged notarized or delivered (iv) failure to perform those acts necessary to create a document by electronic means authorized by law (v) a document executed under a falsified expired or otherwise invalid power of attorney (vi) a document not properly filed recorded or indexed in the Public Records including failure to perform those acts by electronic means authorized by law or (vii) a defective judicial or administrative proceeding (b) The lien of real estate taxes or assessments imposed on the Title by a governmental authority due or payable but unpaid (c) Any encroachment encumbrance violation variation or adverse circumstance affecting the Title that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the Land The term encroachment includes encroachments of existing Improvements located on the Land onto adjoining land and encroachments onto the Land of existing improvements located on adjoining land 3 Unmarketable Title 4 No right of access to and from the Land 5 The violation or enforcement of any law ordinance permit or governmental regulation (including those relating to building and zoning) restricting regulating prohibiting or relating to (a) the occupancy use or enjoyment of the Land (b) the character dimensions or location of any improvement erected on the Land (c) the subdivision of land or (d) environmental protection If a notice describing any part of the Land is recorded In the Public Records setting forth the violation or intention to enforce but only to the extent of the violation or enforcement referred to in that notice (continued on back panel) IN WITNESS WHEREOF Investors Title Insurance Company has caused this Policy to be signed and sealed to be valid when Schedule A is countersigned by an authorized officer or agent of the Company ® The use of this Farm is restricted to tNSUq�c AMERICAN ALTA licensees and ALTA members LAND TITLE AS OCIATION In good standing as of the date of use All other uses are prohibited H S E A L 39 President Reprinted under license from the � 1972 i American Land Title Association s Copyright 2006 2009 American Land Title Association a All rights reserved V Secretary Form No 109 06 J (Rev 3120071 AITA rlwnar'c Pnllru [AR 17 nRl CONDITIONS 1 DEFINITION OF TERMS The following terms when used in this policy mean (a) Amount of Insurance The amount stated In Schedule A as may be increased or decreased by endorsement to this policy Increased by Section 8(b) or decreased by Sections 10 and 11 of these Conditions (b) Date of Policy The date designated as Date of Policy in Schedule A (c) Entity A corporation partnership trust limited liability company or other similar legal entity (d) Insured The Insured named in Schedule A (1) the term insured also includes (A) successors to the Title of the Insured by operation of law as distinguished from purchase including heirs devisees survivors personal representatives or next of kin (B) successors to an Insured by dissolution merger consolidation distribution or reorganization (C) successors to an Insured by its conversion to another kind of Entity (D) a grantee of an Insured under a deed delivered without payment of actual valuable consideration conveying the Title (1) if the stock shares memberships or other equity Interests of the grantee are wholly owned by the named Insured (2) if the grantee wholly owns the named Insured (3) it the grantee is wholly owned by an affiliated Entity of the named Insured provided the affiliated Entity and the named Insured are both wholly owned by the same person or Entity or (4) if the grantee is a trustee or beneficiary of a trust created by a written instrument established by the Insured named In Schedule A for estate planning purposes (11) with regard to (A) (B) (C) and (D) reserving however all rights and defenses as to any successor that the Company would have had against any predecessor Insured (e) Insured Claimant An Insured claiming loss or damage (f) Knowledge or Known Actual knowledge not constructive knowledge or notice that may be imputed to an Insured by reason of the Public Records or any other records that impart constructive notice of matters affecting the Title (g) Land The land described in Schedule A and affixed improvements that by law constitute real property The term Land does not include any property beyond the Imes of the area described in Schedule A nor any right title interest estate or easement in abutting streets roads avenues alleys lanes ways or waterways but this does not modify or limit the extent that a right of access to and from the land is insured by this policy (h) Mortgage Mortgage deed of trust trust deed or other security instrument Including one evidenced by electronic means authorized by law (i) Public Records Records established under state statutes at Date of Policy for the purpose of imparting constructive notice of matters relating to real property to purchasers for value and without Knowledge With respect to Covered Risk 5(d) Public Records shall also include environmental protection liens filed in the records of the clerk of the United States District Court for the district where the Land Is located lf) Title The estate or interest described in Schedule A (k) Unmarketable Title Title affected by an alleged or apparent matter that would permit a prospective purchaser or lessee of the Title or lender on the Title to be released from the obligation to purchase lease or lend if there is a contractual condition requiring the delivery of marketable title 2 CONTINUATION OF INSURANCE The coverage of this policy shall continue in force as of Date of Policy in favor of an insured but only so long as the Insured retains an estate or interest in the Land or holds an obligation secured by a purchase money Mortgage given by a purchaser from the insured or only so long as the Insured shall have liability by reason of warranties in any transfer or conveyance of the Title This policy shall not continue in force in favor of any purchaser from the Insured of either (I) an estate or Interest In the Land or (d) an obligation secured by a purchase money Mortgage given to the Insured 3 NOTICE OF CLAIM TO BE GIVEN BY INSURED CLAIMANT The insured shall notify the Company promptly In writing (1) in case of any litigation as set forth in Section 5(a) of these Conditions (u) In case Knowledge shall come to an Insured hereunder of any claim of title or interest that Is adverse to the Title as insured and that might cause loss or damage for which the Company may be liable by virtue of this policy or (iii) if the Title as insured is rejected as Unmarketable Title If the Company is prejudiced by the failure of the Insured Claimant to provide prompt notice the Company s liability to the Insured Claimant under the policy shall be reduced to the extent of the prejudice 4 PROOF OF LOSS In the event the Company Is unable to determine the amount of loss or damage the Company may at its option require as a condition of payment that the Insured Claimant furnish a signed proof of loss The proof of loss must describe th ct lien encumbrance or other matter insured against by this policy that consti, he basis of loss or damage and shall state to the extent possible the basis of calculating the amount of the loss or damage 5 DEFENSE AND PROSECUTION OF ACTIONS (a) Upon written request by the Insured and subject to the options contained in Section 7 of these Conditions the Company at its own cost and without unreasonable delay shall provide for the defense of an Insured in litigation in which any third party asserts a claim covered by this policy adverse to the Insured This obligation is limited to only those stated causes of action alleging matters Insured against by this policy The Company shall have the right to select counsel of its choice (subject to the right of the insured to object for reasonable cause) to represent the Insured as to those stated causes of action It shall not be liable for and will not pay the fees of any other counsel The Company will not pay any fees costs or expenses incurred by the Insured In the defense of those causes of action that allege matters not insured against by this policy (b) The Company shall have the right In addition to the options contained in Section 7 of these Conditions at its own cost to Institute and prosecute any action or proceeding or to do any other act that In its opinion may be necessary or desirable to establish the Title as Insured or to prevent or reduce loss or damage to the Insured The Company may take any appropriate action under the terms of this policy whether or not it shall be liable to the Insured The exercise of these rights shall not be an admission of liability or waiver of any provision of this policy If the Company exercises its rights under this subsection it must do so diligently (c) Whenever the Company brings an action or asserts a defense as required or permitted by this policy the Company may pursue the litigation to a final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction and it expressly reserves the right in Its sole discretion to appeal any adverse judgment or order 6 DUTY OF INSURED CLAIMANT TO COOPERATE (a) In all cases where this policy permits or requires the Company to prr, ute or provide for the defense of any action or proceeding and any appeals the ad shall secure to the Company the right to so prosecute or provide defense the action or proceeding including the tight to use at its option the name of the Insured for this purpose Whenever requested by the Company the Insured at the Company s expense shall give the Company all reasonable aid (1) in securing evidence obtaining witnesses prosecuting or defending the action or proceeding or effecting settlement and (o) in any other lawful act that in the opinion of the Company may be necessary or desirable to establish the Title or any other matter as Insured If the Company is prejudiced by the failure of the Insured to furnish the required cooperation the Company s obligations to the Insured under the policy shall terminate including any liability or obligation to defend prosecute or continue any litigation with regard to the matter or matters requiring such cooperation (b) The Company may reasonably require the Insured Claimant to submit to examination under oath by any authorized representative of the Company and to produce for examination inspection and copying at such reasonable times and places as may be designated by the authorized representative of the Company all records In whatever medium maintained including books ledgers checks memoranda correspondence reports a mails disks tapes and videos whether bearing a date before or after Date of Policy that reasonably pertain to the loss or damage Further if requested by any authorized representative of the Company the Insured Claimant shall grant its permission In writing for any authorized representative of the Company to examine Inspect and copy all of these records In the custody or control of a third party that reasonably pertain to the loss or damage All Information designated as confidential by the Insured Claimant provided to the Company pursuant to this Section shall not be disclosed to others unless In the reasonable judgment of the Company It is necessary to the administration of the claim Failure of the Insured Claimant to submit for examination under oath produce any reasonably requested Information or grant permission to secure reasonably necessary Information from third parties as required in this subsection unless prohibited by law or governmental regulation shall terminate any liability the Company under this policy as to that claim 7 OPTIONS TO PAY OR OTHERWISE SETTLE CLAIMS TERMINATION OF LIABILITY In case of a claim under this policy the Company shall have the following additional options (a) To Pay or Tender Payment of the Amount of Insurance To pay or tender payment of the Amount of Insurance under this policy tonether with anv costs attornevs fees and expenses incurred by the Insured INVESTORS TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY P O Drawer 2687 Chapel Hill North Carolina 27515 2687 OWNER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE (06- 17 -06) This Policy is not complete without appropriate Schedules and corresponding Jacket unless otherwise agreed in writing SCHEDULE A Policy Number 201004092G Policy Date 11/16/2010 Time 12 26 00 PM Amount of Insurance $34,000 00 Premium $ 69 70 Address Reference TRACT 2, PANCHO RESTORATION SITE WAYNE COUNTY, NC 1 Name of Insured Pancho Mitigation Company, LLC, a North Carolina lsmited liability company 2 The estate or interest in the Land that is insured by this policy is FEE SIMPLE I Title is vested in PANCHO MITIGATION COMPANY, LLC, A NORTH CAROLINA LIMITED ABILITY COMPANY 4 The Land referred to in this Policy is in the State of NC County of Wayne and described as follows LOCATED IN GRANTHAM TOWNSHIP, WAYNE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS ALL OF TRACT 2 (CONTAINING 2 85 ACRES ±) AS SHOWN ON PLAT FOR "PANCHO MITIGATION COMPANY, LLC, ENTITLED "PANCHO RESTORATION SITE," DATED OCTOBER 28, 2010, PREPARED BY K2 DESIGN GROUP, P A AND RECORDED IN BOOK N, PAGE 50B, WAYNE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, REGISTRY Issued through the Office of Investors Title Insurance Company 127 North Greene Street Suite 100 Greensboro NC 27401 2501 Tel (336)274 8495 / r- ,(336)275 7940 Authorized Countersign re Form No 109 06 A Page 1 INVESTORS TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY P O Drawer 2687 Chapel Hill North Carolina 27515 2687 Policy No 201004092G SCHEDULE B EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE This policy does not insure against loss or damage, and the Company will not pay costs, attorneys' fees, or expenses that arise by reason of I The dower, curtesy, homestead, community property, or other statutory marital rights, if any, of the spouse of any individual insured 1 Taxes for the year 2011, and subsequent years, not yet due and payable 2 Subject to matters shown on recorded Plat Book N at Page 50B, Wayne County, North Carolina, Registry 3 Easement(s) and/or Right(s) of way to Carolina Power 6 Light Company, recorded in Book 1816 at Page 544 and 545 of the Wayne County Register of Deeds 4 Hunting rights reserved in Deed recorded in Book 2817, Page 413 of the Wayne County Register of Deeds 5 Rights of others thereto entitled in and to the continued uninterrupted flow of Kennedy Mill Branch, located on the Land NOTE NO INSURED CLOSING PROTECTION COVERAGE PROVIDED - As to the transaction for which this binder and /or policy is issued, the Company specifically excludes this transaction from any closing protection services The Land described in Schedule A number 4 is encumbered by the following mortgage(s), if any N/A Form No 109 06 A Page 2 CONDITIONS (Continued) Claimant that were authorized by the Company up to the time of payment or tender of payment and that the Company is obligated to pay Upon the�exercise by the Company of this option all liability and obligations of 0, Company to the Insured under this policy other than to make the payment re in this subsection shall terminate including any liability or obligation to deco u prosecute or continue any litigation (b) To Pay or Otherwise Settle With Parties Other Than the insured or With the Insured Claimant (►) to pay or otherwise settle with other parties for or in the name of an Insured Claimant any claim insured against under this policy In addition the Company will pay any costs attorneys fees and expenses incurred by the Insured Claimant that were authorized by the Company up to the time of payment and that the Company Is obligated to pay or (n) to pay or otherwise settle with the Insured Claimant the loss or damage provided for under this policy together with any costs attorneys fees and expenses incurred by the insured Claimant that were authorized by the Company up to the time of payment and that the Company is obligated to pay Upon the exercise by the Company of either of the options provided for in subsections (b)(i) or (11) the Company s obligations to the Insured under this policy for the claimed loss or damage other than the payments required to be made shall terminate Including any liability or obligation to defend prosecute or continue any litigation 8 DETERMINATION AND EXTENT OF LIABILITY This policy Is a contract of indemnity against actual monetary loss or damage sustained or Incurred by the Insured Claimant who has suffered loss or damage by reason of matters insured against by this policy (a) The extent of liability of the Company for loss or damage under this policy shall not exceed the lesser of (►) the Amount of Insurance or (11) the difference between the value of the Title as Insured and the value of the Title subject to the risk insured against by this policy (b) If the Company pursues its rights under Section 5 of these Conditions and is unsuccessful in establishing the Title as insured (€) the Amount of Insurance shall be Increased by 10% and (u) the insured Claimant shall have the right to have the loss or damage determined either as of the date the claim was made by the insured Claimant or as of the date it Is settled and paid (c) In addition to the extent of liability under (a) and (b) the Company will also pay those costs attorneys fees and expenses incurred In accordance with Sections 5 and 7 of these Conditions 9 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY (a) if the Company establishes the Title or removes the alleged defect Ilan or encumbrance or cures the lack of a right of access to or from the Land or cures the claim of Unmarketable Title all as insured In a reasonably diligent manner by any method Including litigation and the completion of any appeals it shall have fully performed its obligations with respect to that matter and shall not be liable for any toss or damage caused to the insured (b) In the event of any litigation Including litigation by the Company or with the Company s consent the Company shall have no liability for loss or damage until there has been a final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction and disposition of all appeals adverse to the Title as insured (c) The Company shall not be liable for loss or damage to the Insured for liability voluntarily assumed by the Insured In settling any claim or suit without the prior written consent of the Company 10 REDUCTION OF INSURANCE REDUCTION OR TERMINATION OF LIABILITY All payments under this policy except payments made for costs attorneys fees and expenses shall reduce the Amount of Insurance by the amount of the payment 11 LIABILITY NONCUMULATIVE The Amount of Insurance shall be reduced by any amount the Company pays under any policy Insuring a Mortgage to which exception is taken in Schedule B or to which the Insured has agreed assumed or taken subject or which Is executed by an Insured after Date of Policy and which Is a charge or lien on the Title and the am so paid shall be deemed a payment to the Insured under this policy 12 MENT OF LOSS When liability and the extent of loss or damage have been definitely fixed in accordance with these Conditions the payment shall be made within 30 days 13 RIGHTS OF RECOVERY UPON PAYMENT OR SETTLEMENT (a) Whenever the Company shall have settled and paid a claim under this policy it shall be subrogated and entitled to the rights of the Insured Claimant in the Title Form No 109 06 J (Rev 312007) and all other rights and remedies in respect to the claim that the Insured Claimant Etas against any person or property to the extent of the amount of any loss costs attorneys fees and expenses paid by the Company if requested by the Company the Insured Claimant shall execute documents to evidence the transfer to the Company of these rights and remedies The Insured Claimant shall permit the Company to sue compromise or settle in the name of the Insured Claimant and to use the name of the Insured Claimant in any transaction or litigation involving these rights and remedies If a payment on account of a claim does not fully cover the loss of the Insured Claimant the Company shall defer the exercise of Its right to recover until after the insured Claimant shall have recovered its loss (b) The Companys right of subrogation includes the rights of the Insured to Indemnities guaranties other policies of insurance or bonds notwithstanding any terms or conditions contained in those Instruments that address subrogation rights 14 ARBITRATION Either the Company or the Insured may demand that the claim or controversy shall be submitted to arbitration pursuant to the Title Insurance Arbitration Rules of the American land Title Association ( Rules ) Except as provided in the Rules there shall be no joinder or consolidation with claims or controversies of other persons Arbitrable matters may include but are not limited to any controversy or claim between the Company and the Insured arising out of or relating to this policy any service in connection with its issuance or the breach of a policy provision or to any other controversy or claim arising out of the transaction giving rise to this policy All arbitrable matters when the Amount of insurance Is $2 000 000 or less shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Insured All arbitrable matters when the Amount of Insurance Is In excess of $2 000 000 shall be arbitrated only when agreed to by both the Company and the insured Arbitration pursuant to this policy and under the Rules shall be binding upon the parties Judgment upon the award rendered by the Arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction 15 LIABILITY LIMITED TO THIS POLICY POLICY ENTIRE CONTRACT (a) This policy together with all endorsements if any attached to it by the Company is the entire policy and contract between the Insured and the Company In Interpreting any provision of this policy this policy shall be construed as a whole (b) Any claim of loss or damage that arises out of the status of the Title or by any action asserting such claim shall be restricted to this policy (c) Any amendment of or endorsement to this policy must be in writing and authenticated by an authorized person or expressly incorporated by Schedule A of this policy (d) Each endorsement to this policy Issued at any time is made a part of this policy and Is subject to all of its terms and provisions Except as the endorsement expressly states It does not (1) modify any of the terms and provisions of the policy (h) modify any prior endorsement (ill) extend the Date of Policy or (Iv) increase the Amount of Insurance 16 SEVERABILITY In the event any provision of this policy in whole or in part is held Invalid or unenforceable under applicable law the policy shall be deemed not to include that provision or such part held to be invalid but all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect 17 CHOICE OF LAW FORUM (a) Choice of Law The insured acknowledges the Company has underwritten the risks covered by this policy and determined the premium charged therefor in reliance upon the law affecting interests in real property and applicable to the Interpretation rights remedies or enforcement of policies of title Insurance of the jurisdiction where the Land is located Therefore the court or an arbitrator shall apply the law of the jurisdiction where the Land is located to determine the validity of claims against the Title that are adverse to the Insured and to interpret and enforce the terms of this policy In neither case shall the court or arbitrator apply its conflicts of law principles to determine the applicable law (b) Choice of Forum Any litigation or other proceeding brought by the insured against the Company must be tiled only in a state or federal court within the United States of America or Its territories having appropriate jurisdiction 18 NOTICES WHERE SENT Any notice of claim and any other notice or statement in writing required to be given to the Company under this policy must be given to the Company at Investors Title Insurance Company PO Drawer 2687 Chapel Hill NC 27515 2687 AI TA nwnar c Pnhry MR V (1R1 LU W O G M LL Z Y/ J K W 0-\ C C V W W O U m N d rn R to o A o V 'D CC L Y � � E L O O � O O � V C y T N EEX O a) cc V O O Ch c� Ei°(V, p�� N � E 0 O N r N O U •.+ C C cc ° C CD O � E y of p o� rnn°i o o IS co r� co co S O U +� C E c` o ° 3 y� > c O >o ` C N— - 5 S H O a� Ol L C 7E. 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O t[7 N � �O G NC_1AN� a =NN d aca� 6M oco�,- a � z C� iFTiInvestors7itle Msurance Company OWNER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE Any notice of claim and any other notice or statement in writing required to be given to the Company under this Policy must be given to the Company at the address shown In Section 18 of the Conditions COVERED RISKS SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE CONDITIONS INVESTORS TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a North Carolina corporation (the Company ) insures as of Date of Policy and to the extent stated in Covered Risks 9 and 10 after Date of Policy against loss or damage not exceeding the Amount of Insurance sustained or incurred by the Insured by reason of 1 Title being vested other than as stated In Schedule A 2 Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on the Title This Covered Risk includes but is not limited to insurance against loss from (a) A defect in the Title caused by (1) forgery fraud undue influence duress Incompetency incapacity or impersonation (it) failure of any person or Entity to have authorized a transfer or conveyance (III) a document affecting Title not properly created executed witnessed sealed acknowledged notarized or delivered (iv) failure to perform those acts necessary to create a document by electronic means authorized by law (v) a document executed under a falsified expired or otherwise invalid power of attorney (vi) a document not properly filed recorded or indexed in the Public Records Including failure to perform those acts by electronic means authorized by law or (vii) a defective Judicial or administrative proceeding (b) The lien of real estate taxes or assessments imposed on the Title by a governmental authority due or payable but unpaid (c) Any encroachment encumbrance violation variation or adverse circumstance affecting the Title that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the Land The term encroachment includes encroachments of existing improvements located on the Land onto adjoining land and encroachments onto the Land of existing improvements located on adjoining land 3 Unmarketable Title 4 No right of access to and from the Land 5 The violation or enforcement of any law ordinance permit or governmental regulation (including those relating to building and zoning) restricting regulating prohibiting or relating to (a) the occupancy use or enjoyment of the Land (b) the character dimensions or location of any Improvement erected on the Land (c) the subdivision of land or (d) environmental protection If a notice describing any part of the Land is recorded In the Public Records setting forth the violation or intention to enforce but only to the extent of the violation or enforcement referred to In that notice (continued on back panel) IN WITNESS WHEREOF Investors Title Insurance Company has caused this Policy to be signed and sealed to be valid when Schedule A is countersigned by an authorized officer or agent of the Company ® The use of this form Is restricted to INSU AMERICAN (� 7% ALTA licensees and ALTA members �y� //� v / LAND TITLE AS O CIATION In good standing as of the date of F� use All other uses are prohibited y SEAL 9 Pres(dent Reprinted under license from the `" 1972 a American Land Title Association s Copyright 2006 2009 American Land Title Association All rights reserved Secretary Form No 109 06 J (Rev =007) ALTA Owners Policv (06 17 06) CONDITIONS 1 DEFINITION OF TERMS The following terms when used in this policy mean (a) Amount of Insurance The amount stated in Schedule A as may be Increased or decreased by endorsement to this policy increased by Section 8(b) or decreased by Sections 10 and 11 of these Conditions (b) Date of Polley The date designated as Date of Policy In Schedule A (c) Entity A corporation partnership trust limited liability company or other similar legal entity (d) Insured The Insured named in Schedule A (i) the term Insured also Includes (A) successors to the Title of the Insured by operation of law as distinguished from purchase Including heirs devisees survivors personal representatives or next of kin (B) successors to an Insured by dissolution merger consolidation distribution or reorganization (C) successors to an insured by its conversion to another kind of Entity (D) a grantee of an Insured under a deed delivered without payment of actual valuable consideration conveying the Tale (1) if the stock shares memberships or other equity interests of the grantee are wholly owned by the named insured (2) if the grantee wholly owns the named Insured (3) if the grantee is wholly owned by an affiliated Entity of the named Insured provided the affiliated Entity and the named Insured are both wholly owned by the same person or Entity or (4) if the grantee is a trustee or beneficiary of a trust created by a written Instrument established by the Insured named In Schedule A for estate planning purposes (il) with regard to (A) (B) (C) and (D) reserving however all rights and defenses as to any successor that the Company would have had against any predecessor Insured (e) Insured Claimant An Insured claiming loss or damage (f) Knowledge or Known Actual knowledge not constructive knowledge or notice that may be imputed to an Insured by reason of the Public Records or any other records that impart constructive notice of matters affecting the Title (g) Land The land described in Schedule A and affixed improvements that by law constitute real property The term Land does not include any property beyond the lines of the area described in Schedule A nor any right title interest estate or easement in abutting streets roads avenues alloys lanes ways or waterways but this does not modify or limit the extent that a right of access to and from the Land Is insured by this policy (h) Mortgage Mortgage deed of trust trust deed or other security Instrument including one evidenced by electronic means authorized by law (i) Public Records Records established under state statutes at Date of Policy for the purpose of Imparting constructive notice of matters relating to real property to purchasers for value and without Knowledge With respect to Covered Risk 5(d) Public Records shall also include environmental protection liens filed in the records of the clerk of the United States District Court for the district where the Land Is located (j) Title The estate or interest described in Schedule A (k) Unmarketable Title Title affected by an alleged or apparent matter that would permit a prospective purchaser or lessee of the Title or lender on the Title to be released from the obligation to purchase lease or lend d there Is a contractual condition requiring the delivery of marketable title 2 CONTINUATION OF INSURANCE The coverage of this policy shall continue In force as of Date of Policy in favor of an Insured but only so long as the Insured retains an estate or interest In the Land or holds an obligation secured by a purchase money Mortgage given by a purchaser from the insured or only so long as the Insured shall have liability by reason of warranties in any transfer or conveyance of the Title This policy shall not continue in force In favor of any purchaser from the Insured of either (I) an estate or Interest In the Land or (n) an obligation secured by a purchase money Mortgage given to the Insured 3 NOTICE OF CLAIM TO BE GIVEN BY INSURED CLAIMANT The Insured shall notify the Company promptly in writing (i) in case of any litigation as set forth in Section 5(a) of these Conditions (Ii) in case Knowledge shall come to an Insured hereunder of any claim of title or Interest that is adverse to the Title as insured and that might cause loss or damage for which the Company may be liable by virtue of this policy or (iil) if the Title as insured is rejected as Unmarketable Titig If the Company Is prejudiced by the failure of the Insured Claimant to provide prompt notice the Company s liability to the Insured Claimant under the policy shall be reduced to the extent of the prejudice 4 PROOF OF LOSS In the event the Company is unable to determine the amount of loss or damage the Company may at its option require as a condition of payment that the Insured Claimant furnish a signed proof of loss The proof of loss must describe thik, lot lien encumbrance or other matter insured against by this policy that consfig,� - ne basis of loss or damage and shall state to the extent possible the basis of calculating the amount of the loss or damage 5 DEFENSE AND PROSECUTION OF ACTIONS (a) Upon written request by the Insured and subject to the options contained in Section 7 of these Conditions the Company at its own cost and without unreasonable delay shall provide for the defense of an insured In litigation in which any third party asserts a claim covered by this policy adverse to the Insured This obligation is limited to only those stated causes of action alleging matters insured against by this policy The Company shall have the right to select counsel of Its choice (subject to the right of the Insured to object for reasonable cause) to represent the Insured as to those stated causes of action it shall not be liable for and will not pay the fees of any other counsel The Company will not pay any fees costs or expenses incurred by the Insured in the defense of those causes of action that allege matters not insured against by this policy (b) The Company shall have the right In addition to the options contained in Section 7 of these Conditions at its own cost to Institute and prosecute any action or proceeding or to do any other act that In its opinion may be necessary or desirable to establish the Title as insured or to prevent or reduce loss or damage to the Insured The Company may take any appropriate action under the terms of this policy whether or not it shall be liable to the Insured The exercise of these rights shall not be an admission of liability or waiver of any provision of this policy If the Company exercises its rights under this subsection it must do so diligently (c) Whenever the Company brings an action or asserts a defense as required or permitted by this policy the Company may pursue the litigation to a final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction and it expressly reserves the right in its sole discretion to appeal any adverse judgment or order 6 DUTY OF INSURED CLAIMANT TO COOPERATE (a) in all cases where this policy permits or requires the Company to pro,,f,ute or provide for the defense of any action or proceeding and any appeals theme d shall secure to the Company the right to so prosecute or provide defense the action or proceeding including the right to use at Its option the name of the Insured for this purpose Whenever requested by the Company the Insured at the Company s expense shall give the Company all reasonable aid (i) in securing evidence obtaining witnesses prosecuting or defending the action or proceeding or effecting settlement and (ii) In any other lawful act that In the opinion of the Company may be necessary or desirable to establish the Title or any other matter as insured if the Company is prejudiced by the failure of the Insured to furnish the required cooperation the Company s obligations to the insured under the policy shall terminate Including any liability or obligation to defend prosecute or continue any litigation with regard to the matter or matters requiring such cooperation (b) The Company may reasonably require the Insured Claimant to submit to examination under oath by any authorized representative of the Company and to produce for examination inspection and copying at such reasonable times and places as may be designated by the authorized representative of the Company all records in whatever medium maintained Including books ledgers checks memoranda correspondence reports a mails disks tapes and videos whether bearing a date before or after Date of Policy that reasonably pertain to the loss or damage Further If requested by any authorized representative of the Company the Insured Claimant shall grant Its permission in writing for any authorized representative of the Company to examine Inspect and copy all of these records in the custody or control of a third party that reasonably pertain to the loss or damage All information designated as confidential by the Insured Claimant provided to the Company pursuant to this Section shall not be disclosed to others unless In the reasonable judgment of the Company It Is necessary in the administration of the claim Failure of the Insured Claimant to submit for examination under oath produce any reasonably requested Information or grant permission to secure reasonably necessary Information from third parties as required in this subsection unless prohibited by law or governmental regulation shall terminate any liability °` the Company under this policy as to that claim 7 OPTIONS TO PAY OR OTHERWISE SETTLE CLAIMS TERMINATION OF LIABILITY In case of a claim under this policy the Company shall have the following additional options (a) To Pay or Tender Payment of the Amount of Insurance To pay or tender payment of the Amount of Insurance under this policy together with any costs attorneys fees and expenses incurred by the insured INVESTORS TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY P O Drawer 2687 Chapel Hill North Carolina 27515 2687 OWNER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE (06- 17 -06) This Policy Is not complete without appropriate Schedules and corresponding Jacket unless otherwise agreed in writing SCHEDULE A Policy Number 201004085G Policy Date 11/16/2010 Time 12 30 PM Amopnt of Insurance $361,500 00 Premium $678 60 Address Reference TRACT 1, 21 5 ACRES, PANCHO RESTORATION SITE WAYNE COUNTY, NC 1 Name of Insured Pancho Mitigation Company, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company 2 The estate or interest in the Land that is insured by this policy is FEE SIMPLE 3 Title is vested in PANCHO MITIGATION COMPANY, LLC, A NORTH CAROLINA LIMITED IABILITY COMPANY 4 The Land referred to in this Policy is in the State of NC County of Wayne and described as follows LOCATED IN GRANTHAM TOWNSHIP, WAYNE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS ALL OF TRACT 1 (CONTAINING 21 5 ACRES ±) AS SHOWN ON PLAT FOR " PANCHO MITIGATION COMPANY, LLC, ENTITLED " PANCHO RESTORATION SITE," DATED OCTOBER 28, 2010, PREPARED BY K2 DESIGN GROUP, P A AND RECORDED IN BOOK N, PAGE 50B, WAYNE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, REGISTRY Issued through the Office of Investors Title Insurance Company 127 North Greene Street Suite 100 Greensboro, NC 27401 2501 Tel (336)274 8495 / — r (336)275 7940 $Aw� Authorized Countersigna4ke For m No 109 06 A Page 1 INVESTORS TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY P 0 Drawer 2687 Chapel Hill North Carolina 27515 2687 Policy No 201004085G SCHEDULE B EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE This policy does not insure against loss or damage, and the Company will not pay costs, attorneys' fees, or expenses that arise by reason of I The dower, curtesy, homestead, community property, or other statutory marital rights, if any, of the spouse of any individual insured 1 Taxes for the year 2011, and subsequent years, not yet due and payable 2 Subject to matters shown on recorded Plat Book N at Page 50B, Wayne County, North Carolina, Registry 3 hunting rights reserved in Deed recorded in Book 2817, Page 416 of the Wayne County Register of Deeds 4 Rights of others entitled thereto in and to the ditch(es) crossing the Land 5 Rights of others thereto entitled in and to the continued uninterrupted flow of Kennedy Mill Branch, located on the Land 6 Plat of survey by John A Rudolph, PLS, dated 1012812010, shows an existing 30' Progress Energy easement and 12 CPP located on the Land NOTE NO INSURED CLOSING PROTECTION COVERAGE PROVIDED - As to the transaction for which this binder and /or policy is issued, the Company specifically excludes this transaction from any closing protection services The Land described in Schedule A number 4 is encumbered by the following mortgage(s), if any N/A Form No 109 06 A Page 2 INVESTORS TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY P O Drawer 2687 Chapel Hill North Carolina 27515 2687 Policy No 201004085G Form No 109 06 A Page 3 CONDITIONS (Continued) Claimant that were authorized by the Company up to the time of payment or tender of payment and that the Company Is obligated to pay Upon the exercise by the Company of this option all liability and obligations of the Company to the Insured under this policy other than to make the payment required in this subsection shall terminate including any liability or obligation to defend prosecute or continue any litigation (b) To Pay or Otherwise Settle With Parties Other Than the Insured or With the insured Claimant (f) to pay or otherwise settle with other parties for or in the name of an Insured Claimant any claim insured against under this policy In addition the Company will pay any costs attorneys fees and expenses incurred by the Insured Claimant that were authorized by the Company up to the time of payment and that the Company is obligated to pay or (ii) to pay or otherwise settle with the Insured Claimant the loss or damage provided for under this policy together with any costs attorneys fees and expenses Incurred by the insured Claimant that were authorized by the Company up to the time of payment and that the Company Is obligated to pay Upon the exercise by the Company of either of the options provided for in subsections (b)(1) or (ii) the Company s obligations to the insured under this policy for the claimed loss or damage other than the payments required to be made shall terminate including any liability or obligation to defend prosecute or continue any litigation 8 DETERMINATION AND EXTENT OF LIABILITY This policy is a contract of indemnity against actual monetary loss or damage sustained or incurred by the Insured Claimant who has suffered loss or damage by reason of matters insured against by this policy (a) The extent of liability of the Company for loss or damage under this policy shall not exceed the lesser of (i) the Amount of insurance or (11) the difference between the value of the Title as Insured and the value of the Title subject to the risk insured against by this policy (b) If the Company pursues its rights under Section 5 of these Conditions and Is unsuccessful In establishing the Title as insured (1) the Amount of Insurance shall be increased by 10% and (n) the Insured Claimant shall have the right to have the loss or damage determined either as of the date the claim was made by the Insured Claimant or as of the date it Is settled and paid (c) In addition to the extent of liability under (a) and (b) the Company will also pay those costs attorneys fees and expenses incurred in accordance with Sections 5 and 7 of these Conditions 9 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY (a) If the Company establishes the Title or removes the alleged defect lien or encumbrance or cures the lack of a right of access to or from the Land or cures the claim of Unmarketable Title all as insured In a reasonably diligent manner by any method Including litigation and the completion of any appeals it shall have fully performed its obligations with respect to that matter and shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused to the Insured (b) In the event of any litigation Including litigation by the Company or with the Company s consent the Company shall have no liability for loss or damage until there has been a final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction and disposition of all appeals adverse to the Title as insured (c) The Company shall not be liable for loss or damage to the Insured for liability voluntarily assumed by the Insured in settling any claim or suit without the prior written consent of the Company 10 REDUCTION OF INSURANCE REDUCTION OR TERMINATION OF LIABILITY All payments under this policy except payments made for costs attorneys fees and expenses shall reduce the Amount of Insurance by the amount of the payment 11 LIABILITY NONCUMULATIVE The Amount of Insurance shall be reduced by any amount the Company pays under any policy insuring a Mortgage to which exception Is taken in Schedule 8 or to which the Insured has agreed assumed or taken subject or which is executed by an Insured after Date of Policy and which Is a charge or lien on the Title and the amount so paid shall be deemed a payment to the Insured under this policy 12 PAYMENT OF LOSS When liability and the extent of loss or damage have been definitely fixed In accordance with these Conditions the payment shall be made within 30 days 13 RIGHTS OF RECOVERY UPON PAYMENT OR SETTLEMENT (a) Whenever the Company shall have settled and paid a claim under this policy it shall be subrogated and entitled to the rights of the Insured Claimant In the Title Form Nn inq nR i IRav von w% and all other rights and remedies in respect to the claim that the insured Claimant hwgainst any person or property to the extent of the amount of any loss costs attorneys fees and expenses paid by the Company If requested by the Company the Insured Claimant shall execute documents to evidence the transfer tie Company of these rights and remedies The Insured Claimant shall per e Company to sue compromise or settle In the name of the Insured Claimant and to use the name of the Insured Claimant in any transaction or litigation involving these rights and remedies If a payment on account of a claim does not fully cover the loss of the Insured Claimant the Company shall defer the exercise of its right to recover until after the Insured Claimant shall have recovered its loss (b) The Company s right of subrogation includes the rights of the insured to Indemnities guaranties other policies of insurance or bonds notwithstanding any terms or conditions contained in those instruments that address subrogation rights 14 ARBITRATION Either the Company or the Insured may demand that the claim or controversy shall be submitted to arbitration pursuant to the Title Insurance Arbitration Rules of the American Land Title Association ( Rules ) Except as provided in the Rules there shall be no joinder or consolidation with claims or controversies of other persons Arbitrable matters may include but are not limited to any controversy or claim between the Company and the Insured arising out of or relating to this policy any service In connection with its Issuance or the breach of a policy provision or to any other controversy or claim arising out of the transaction giving rise to this policy All arbitrable matters when the Amount of Insurance Is $2 000 000 or less shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the insured All arbitrable matters when the Amount of Insurance Is in excess of $2 000 000 shall be arbitrated only when agreed to by both the Company and the Insured Arbitration pursuant to this policy and under the Rules shall be binding upon the parties Judgment upon the award rendered by the Arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction 15 LIABILITY LIMITED TO THIS POLICY POLICY ENTIRE CONTRACT (a) This policy together with all endorsements If any attached to it by the Company is the entire policy and contract between the Insured and the Compar, In interpreting any provision of this policy this policy shall be construed as a x (b) Any claim of loss or damage that arises out of the status of the Title " uy any action asserting such claim shall be restricted to this policy (c) Any amendment of or endorsement to this policy must be in writing and authenticated by an authorized person or expressly incorporated by Schedule A of this policy (d) Each endorsement to this policy issued at any time is made a part of this policy and Is subject to all of its terms and provisions Except as the endorsement expressly states it does not (i) modify any of the terms and provisions of the policy (ii) modify any prior endorsement (iii) extend the Date of Policy or (Iv) increase the Amount of Insurance 16 SEVERABILiTY In the event any provision of this policy In whole or in part Is held invalid or unenforceable under applicable law the policy shall be deemed not to include that provision or such part held to be invalid but all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect 17 CHOICE OF LAW FORUM (a) Choice of Law The Insured acknowledges the Company has underwritten the risks covered by this policy and determined the premium charged therefor in reliance upon the law affecting interests In real property and applicable to the Interpretation rights remedies or enforcement of policies of title insurance of the jurisdiction where the Land Is located Therefore the court or an arbitrator shall apply the law of the furisdicbon where the Land Is located to determine the validity of claims against the Title that are adverse to the Insured and to interpret and enforce the terms of this policy In neither case shall the court or arbitrator apply its conflicts of law principles to determine the applicable law (b) Choice of Forum Any litigation or other proceeding brought by the Insured against the Company must be filed only In a state or federal court within the United States of America or its territories having appropriate jurisdiction 18 NOTICES WHERE SENT Any notice of claim and any other notice or statement in writing required to be given to the Company under this policy must be given to the Company at Investors Title Insurance Company PO Drawer 2687 Chapel Hill NC 27515 2687 Q1 C C O V N LLI W o V c:"-:: CO c+"'Cj, E .a O d N s.. IO ► G 'O A C3 �Lw+ p to O O 7Q cD cm U � � O , y E = G S2 cc Fa E E '9 Ecr cc co C E ap N W C n- C0.7 E I� y° 'O cE CU N O V Lf V Vi O Is d Cd •� f(+Cd+O O C �p 'O Ic0 ° � 10 C IO G C cO y m a� of 9 c O O y c�C7 c�t7 -C� .. Id�Q£' in C3 E � E �� ri7 ci O O � /a us o IS c v_>> `° E «s c m is a`, E2 16n imas °� ate' >> d REc°�'_ cam° E - °'�c�p`_' r� �� nXiv �� E N o i s S. E `' =.aka ° O ►- wm d E C E E O ¢ __ �' o a c as /c0 c� ° o a.c.Eaae oa la Ec `omE°; ��c7i'JoaC E� a�o c E5 E as c "- ° a ac ��: cq EQ ° `-' �° 0o caa L E i °S ao °fin Sf m°� -mLo°' co r. o.E E rA� `� o �'rnc °' c I-da `o U ^° 8 o cc ° d °a c o �= o m o.� c ca �O �� N ° o Iv Ev oa m� d O tOa G n, ° as U— N 'i" �O ` C V N. N Q L U C w N O /O d jj y 'E 10 U— Y N C C E c0 — O z N O O tS �° ° asE�°...2- E CD i s r y y cmc as CM C y c °� -- y c .. ° 'aia p y v ca cm C d L -1=1 R) U y y C 0 L C` U .--• C b d 6! U 7 Oa 10 +' 7 10 e°� V=. cm CS C B d- c 0 :'CY• O L L `�°. 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E Y O O N /0 ddEco m_ 0 Ao LO cc N N =N�d � 2LCW� 04 Q^,' o U a s 0 z 'N N N � o � G N � O N C C i C w .o 1"yiaE° ° c E � fl. as +, o. c as oa m 1 w O O E N V c 0. ,CN C _N 1-- aXi 42 C/ iiiiimiilmiiliiiimiiiillillill Reoorded it,t8/2010 CRP 0 PM e1 5 Fee Amt $103 00 Page 1 of 3 Excise Tex •78 oo MAYNE COUNTY NC LOIS J MOORING REGISTER OF DEEDS BK2817 Po413 -415 Mad after recording to William P Aycock II, Esquire P O Box 21847 Greensboro NC 27420 This instrument was prepared by William P Aycock II, Esquire Schell Bray Aycock Abel & Livingston PLLC NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED made this day of November, 2010, by and between GRANTOR RICHARD H COX, JR. and spouse, DIANA P COX and LEMUEL H COX and spouse, BARBARA HOLLER COX GRANTEE PANCHO MITIGATION COMPANY, LLC, a North Carolina limited babiiitycompany Address 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 211 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 r The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, femmme or neuter as required by context WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Grantham Township, Wayne County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows All of Tract 2 (containing 2 85 acres±) as shown on plat for "Pancho Mitigation Company, LLC, entitled "Pancho Restoration Site," dated October 28, 2010, prepared by K2 Design Group, P A and recorded in Book N, Page 50B, Wayne County, North Carolina, Registry #272442v1 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid tot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee supple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except for the exceptions hereinafter stated Title to the property heremabove described is subject to the following exceptions Restrictions, rights of way and easements of record and to ad valorem taxes for the current year Grantor shall have the right to retain hunting rights over the above - described property for the benefit of Grantor(s), their immediate families, their hens and their hears' immediate families, provided, however, the exercise of such rights shall not interfere with any mitigation, restoration or preservation projects conducted on the property by Grantee and/or its successors and assigns Grantors Lemuel H Cox, Barbra Holler Cox, Richard H Cox, Jr and Diane Pantel Cox are parties to a Buy Sell Agreement recorded in Book 1247, Page 81, Wayne County Registry The property described in this deed is a portion of the property covered by this Buy Sell Agreement All Grantors agree and confirm that the terms, conditions and restrictions of the Buy Sell Agreement have been complied with in regard to the property herein conveyed and that such property is conveyed free and clear of the Buy Sell Agreement The Buy Sell Agreement remains in full force and effect as to the property not included in this deed The above- descnbed property is not the primary residence of the Grantor IN WITNESS 'WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused this instrument to be duly executed and delivered, the day and year first above written 1 r 1 .09/ {SEAL) Richdrd H Cox, Jr c.rtJ T • (SEAL) Diana Cox ��lY " ,L� (SEAL) Lemuel H Cox � 24 . � (SEAL) Barbara Holler Cox 2 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF 61t, Mi .�2 I certify that the following person(s) personally appeared before me this day, each acknowledging to me that he or she signed the foregoing document Richard H Cox, Jr and Diana P Cox WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of November, 2010 .-( A-� k c,--e K:- Notary's Official Signadire , NO , , R RARY PAW Notary's Printed or Typed Name My commission expires _3 & � T !f STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PeJ I certify that the following person(s) personally appeared before me this day, each acknowledgmg to me that he or she signed the foregoing document Lemuel H Cox and Barbara Holler Cox WITNESS my hand and official seal, this S4( day of November 2010 Notary's Official Signatpfe r. y Se *.AW PUBLIC s Notary's Printed or Typed ame My commission expires Z u i 3 W a b fill, 40 gj I t'll I P- S , I A�g O tC 1�y 114 W S€i1 ( @lX� I& I s sQ z0 o� e� allow g Bp If —11 rills 11 !ms Aflc-a-s All rd "we d"VaamOAff dW z$ o� 3 UV a � IL o 8 INI �TT} 0 }astlg6`` m Fe b< <9�5� z � i o \ g I I 0. O B 6 Z 8 =o $ 0 I s sQ z0 o� e� allow g Bp If —11 rills 11 !ms Aflc-a-s All rd "we d"VaamOAff dW z$ o� 3 UV a � IL o 8 INI �TT} 0 }astlg6`` m Fe b< <9�5� tip $ppa�� Y�C7HLL$� 0 z a� o g as s e 8 O tip $ppa�� Y�C7HLL$� 0 BOOK 2 7 5 4 PAQ 15 RECORDED AND VERIRED 11111101111111111 LOIS J MOORING REGISTER OF DrEDS Doc ID 010255780005 Tvice CRP PM FeeoAmtd E12435,000Page I off1598 Excise Tax $1 404 00 NAYNE COUNTY NC LOIS J MORINO REGISTER OF DEEDS ?, EiK2754Po215-219 Mail after recording to �= co 0—h t1 O X 1 ,�te -N O be (" h C °� 77 a! This instrument was prepared by William P Aycock H Esquire Schell Bray Aycock Abel & Livingston PLLC NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED made this 10 _ day of December 2009 by and between GRANTOR I GRANTEE MAX G FUTRELL and wife, MARY J FUTRELL 4418 Stevens Mdl Road Goldsboro, North Carolina 27530 RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company, 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 211 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties their heirs successors and assigns and shall include singular plural masculine feminine or neuter as required by context. WITNESSETH that the Grantor for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged has and by these presents does grant, bargain sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Grantham Township Wayne County North Carolina, and more particularly described on EXHIBIT "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple has the right to convey the same in fee simple that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons #245»6v 1 Z 1� saadxa uorssrwwoo dK aumlq pad,C,L io paluud s kMOM amisustS lstogjO s kmolq 97f to 60OZ ioqu ooaQ jo ,(sp .CCU SIT 190S I721399J0 pus pusq ,(w SS3N.LIM naz ;n3 r ,Carr la,Itm pas na qn3 0 xulN Iuotunoop guio2aioj otp pouSts oqs to aq Imp ow of !?ut2palnnotgoe gosa ,(up Sup aw wojaq patuaddr Allsuoslad (s)uosiod 2utnnollo3 agl it,gl c4tilao I 10 ,uNf1OO V/ TIOUVD HDION 30 3.LH.LS Mal ualiunn anoqu Isltj no,( pus ,Cup otp'pa.tangap Pas painoaxa ,Clnp aq of Iuawngsur sitp posnt,o ssq iolumD aqi 3Oau3HM ss3MLIM NU .ioluraO aql ;o aaaaptsal ,C.tumud aql Ion st kpadoad paquasa"Aogts aq jL .n;a,C lualmo agi ioj saxt,l warolsn pu of pus ,Cut, jt ` m000l jo sluawasuo pus ,Cann 3o-gou suotl -nnsag suorldooxa Suimollo; otp of Iaofgns si paquosap anoquuraiaq ,CUadold aql of alit L paluls i*Uvutaloq suotldaoxa agi ioj Ida= IOAaoswogM 91 ZHU IS U? N008 BOOK 2 7 5 4 PAE 217 I W4 "I 111.31 1I:1 BEGINNING at an existing iron pin located at NC Grid Coordinate N= 575 946 5494 feet E= 2,242,867 0492 feet, which iron pun is located North 51° 06 47" West 20,866 331 feet from NCGS Marker "Hood" (Grid Factor 0 9998744999 N= 562,846 9320 feet, E= 2,259109 0870 feet) which Beginning Point is a common comer with Maxwell Foods, Inc (see Deed Book 2287, Page 797), thence from said Beginning Point with the line of Maxwell Foods, Inc the following ten (10) calls North 53° 50 09" West 280 35 feet to an existing iron stake, North 66° 48 55 ' West 808 55 feet to an existing iron pin, South 240 59 25" West 132 00 feet to an iron stake set South 12° 22 47" West 18150 feet to an existing iron pm, South 280 08 58" West 329 90 feet to an existing iron pin South 090 10 29' West 230 98 feet to an existing iron pin, South 30° 10 21" West 280 41 feet to an existing iron pun, South 190 11 00' West 198 00 feet to an existing iron pin, South 44° 10' 51" West 247 50 feet to an existing iron pin South 52° 07 13 'West 23102 feet to an existing axle located in the centerlme of Kennedy Mill Branch, a comer with Max G Futrell (see Deed Book 997, Page 507), thence with Futrell s line the following twelve (12) calls North 460 06' 05" West 154 65 feet to an iron stake set, North 40° 18 31 East 253 06 feet to an iron stake set, North 22° 41' 4T' East 436 67 feet to an iron stake set North 22° 28' 38 East 429 68 feet to an iron stake set, North 23° 11 01" East 305 38 feet to an iron stake set North 00° 36 58' West 273 53 feet to an iron stake set, North 240 04 40 West 67 79 feet to an iron stake set North 70° 56 10 West 110 88 feet to an iron stake set, North 671 58' 01" West 129 92 feet to an iron stake set North 64° 24 53' West 89 85 feet to an iron stake set, North 88° 48 31' West 115 93 feet to an iron stake set, North 51° 21 36' West 68 88 feet to an iron stake set in the eastern line of the tract conveyed to Max Graham Futrell Jr by deed recorded in Book 1167 Page 289 thence with Max G Futrell Jr s line, North 05° 41' 57 West 5128 feet to an existing iron stake, thence with Futrell Jr s north line South 84° 18 03" West 208 81 feet to an existing iron stake thence South 84° 18 03" West 85 43 feet to an iron stake set in the boundary line established by that certain Boundary Line Agreement between Max G Futrell Sr et ux and Max Graham Futrell Jr et ux recorded in Book 2, j!�, Page Z I I , Wayne County Registry thence with said Boundary Line as established in the Boundary Line Agreement the following five (5) calls North 14° 58 15' West 153 18 feet to an iron stake set #245651v1 t^lS9SVZ# aouaiajw Aq maiaq palsmdloom pue I -d ltgtgx3 ss oloiaq pagoslls st g3rgm 3o Moo s `(60IM59OSS11 ON 2umsi(I) 60/81/11 pajup ` d d `dnojD ustsaQ ZN Sq patsdwd D'I"I `stualsAS uo11s.1o1sa -d to3 alts uotlwolsag ogousd atp 3o AaAMs kMpunoq V uo UMogs Ss pus `snunu io snld sa tos LZ It, 8utmzluoo put: gumutgoU 3o aosld put, lmod oql of loa3 9t, S I Z 1S2M «65 60 obZ g1nOS ouI `spool iiaA%x W gjim 8mnuquoo oouatp ouI spool ItamxeW tpm iotuoo s `md uon 8utlstxa us of laa3 19 I mg ,,O I ASS 089 glnoS `md uon SuijsTxa us 0132-13 90 It,I 1sB3 SS 6£ oL5 tpnoS `md uon Smistxa tm 01 12Q bZ 601 lSe3 JZ 8t, 099 tpnoS slleo (t) mo3 8uTmollo3 oql ouI `spool iian roW gltm aouagl `amI utalsomMnos s oul spool Ilannxsyg m and uon Smistxa us of 1223 0 81 3 , t,Z ,8i7 o9S tpnoS (L89 2Ssd `IZ8 Moog paaQ `5t,t 368 aas) =q gjim iamoo s `meads 8utlslxa ue jo alpptut atp m iatuoo poluoumuout uou s 011223 V9 I6£ 1su3 60 60 009 g1nOS luaumuout alalouoo 8mislxa us 011aa3 68 t,9I 1s3 6£ 9t, oZZ glnoS luatunuom alamuoo 8u11stxa us of 1223 00 S9I 103 6£ 9t, oZS glnOS las aW uon ue 011203 817 I6V lSe3 «6S 6£ oLZ glnOS luamnuom alatouoo 8utlstx0 ue 011203 88 M,1su3 t,S X oLZ TnOS slims (8) A510 2u1mOI10J alp amI s, ouI spool 112nnxsW Tm aouagl `(L6L a8sd `L8ZZ Moog paaQ aas) ouI `spool IlannnWjo auq oql m luatunuom alwouoo 8u11sm us of laa3 ZZ'611su3 3,5 9Z oLZ gjnoS aouagl 10s MMS uon us 011aa3 Z6 ZOZ M3 , ZZ 90 oLL tptoN Ps 2)Ms uon us 011223 6£ 991103 Z 6V oLL TJON. Ps 23IMs uon us 01 120J 61989 109 J St ,LL WON sileo (£) aaJg18uimollo3 ag1800I a S 0 N3o Aum 3o -lggu tuatpnos 2gl gpnn ooump (pso'a IM saanaiS) 8001 Zi S D N3O ui2ntu uiaglnos oql m 1as a)Rs uon us of 12a3 8£ {,I, M3 Zt, S £ oZO TION Ps a)Isls uon us 011203 8 S L I Z 103 «I S L I o£ I TJON Ps 03ms uon us 011223 60 ZL lsatA £tr LO oZO WOW Ps 23Isls uon us 011223 ZV 88 lsaM OV £Z o71'PON 8 1 Zl9yd � S L 21000 N r C=! tN H �9 r� H H 0 M t7 r to «c d�d C to 0 Cn 03 0 �sf H H Id t=7 M 0 z C 9 tri1 H C H H 0zE cn M W w a r 0 0 r 0 0 c 'Z H z ►C O BOOK 215 4 PAR219 a Hitt g'i i r 'j¢ ii•, ; 8? 3 S S{it l ° j • P aaa 8i! �Eji f �e Ee 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a o 9 9 9® e 0 e e e ap €g If 8 y l8 II! g �'11 C 6 i °Er` t ��# s' m ®moo '0 .�.. O P ��1v313j� lSaEi Ie!! !s � o a 3 ap a '0 .�.. O X 3 .� � o a 3 ap €g qZ 8 y aka t Pi m z K 4 �e r `� � g 4 � ii��#Elf � � Ig f � � ! � gr s H IF �t E H Od H H Y I r 06eaan00 sr (SOOZ /L naa) eel ON w�o� y� aprnoad o; �flrun ;�oddo aye a/lrl sao ;sanu 6u alelse leaa uo Aeuow ueol Jo alalsa IM aalnboe o / rnr6 ao� no�f �/ueyl Poleo►pap aye am pue uo►leaodioo eu►laaeo LIPO a 4M asoyl aol uogoaload a ► N PI 4 �lo►ignd a s► Auedwoo aoueinsull91111 l Bu►p►noid of S1N3W3SHOQN3 fill CINb A I sJolsaAUI lalloer Bu►puodsaaaoo pUe sa n 1-10d 3H1d33)f cinOHS nOA Bu► li u► 33V-Id paquosap s► o► Ali I P 4oS ale►jdoadde inoL111m alaldwoo lou s► ,� paa�Be as►nnja db'S d NI 4 4M edoid a4l uo uo►loalojd a ► a o ►lod s► 4lo ssalun Ill Igenlen ap►no�d sluawaslopua 41p alnpa4oS w ue ao �tuedwo Ile ue � ►lod a41 O aoueinsul all,l saolsanui nog( of panss► Aisno►Aa.►d �to►lod a q panss► Ao►lod aoueansu 4l of luawas.►opua 30NdanSN1 at10A JNIOIybJ3» I all ►.L �no�t s► pasolou3 NOI1bWaO jNl 1Nb'1aOdWl L89Z gL9LZ ON IIIH Iade40 L99Z JameJ0 Od S831VAIO .LJNI,LSNI ,Lg 9AI.LVAONNI AWtUo9 aoumnnq INVESTORS TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY P O Drawer 2687 Chapel Hill North Carolina 27515 2687 OWNER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE (06- 17 -06) This Policy is not complete without appropriate Schedules and corresponding Jacket unless otherwise agreed in writing SCHEDULE A Policy Number 201000059G Policy Date 1213012009 Time 02 21(PM Amount of Insurance $702 000 00 Premium $1,002 00 Address Reference 41 26 ACRES WAYNE COUNTY, NC 1 Name of Insured Restoration Systems, LLC a North Carolina limited liability company 2 The estate or interest in the Land that is insured by this policy is FEE SIMPLE 3 Title is vested in RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC, A NORTH CAROLINA LIMITED r'INBILITY COMPANY 4 The Land referred to in this Policy is in the State of NC County of Wayne and described as follows BEGINNING AT AN EXISTING IRON PIN LOCATED AT NC GRID COORDINATE N =575 946 5494 FEET E= 2,242,867 0492 FEET, WHICH IRON PIN IS LOCATED NORTH 51 06' 47" WEST 20,866 331 FEET FROM NCGS MARKER "HOOD" (GRID FACTOR 0 9998744999 N= 562,846 9320 FEET E -= 2,259,109 0870 FEET) WHICH BEGINNING POINT IS A COMMON CORNER WITH MAXWELL FOODS, INC (SEE DEED BOOK 2287, PAGE 797) THENCE FROM SAID BEGINNING WITH THE LINE OF MAXWELL FOODS, INC , THE FOLLOWING TEN (10) CALLS NORTH 53 50' 09" WEST 280 35 FEET TO AN EXISTING IRON STAKE NORTH 66 48' 55" WEST 808 55 FEET TO AN EXISTING IRON PIN SOUTH 24 59' 25" WEST 132 00 FEET TO AN IRON STAKE SET SOUTH 12 22 47 WEST 181 50 FEET TO AN EXISTING IRON PIN SOUTH 28 08' 58" WEST 329 90 FEET TO AN EXISTING IRON PIN SOUTH 09 10 29" WEST 230 98 FEET TO AN EXISTING IRON PIN SOUTH 30 10' 21" WEST 280 41 FEET TO AN EXISTING IRON PIN SOUTH 19 11 00' WEST 198 00 FEET TO AN EXISTING IRON PIN SOUTH 44 10' 51' WEST Issued through the Office of Investors Title Insurance Company 127 North Greene Street Suite 100 Greensboro NC 27401 2.)01 Tel (336)274 8495 Fa,,, 136)275 7940 Form No 109 06 A Page 1 Authorized Count rs gnature L 6 90 601 Orel "1 10-4 313HJN03 f)hl LSIX9 NFL OS .L333 00 99T ZSFL3 6E 96 ZS 14140S 133 SMY.LS NOHI Nif OZ 133-1 86 T66 ZSYS „69 6E LE HIDOS LN3WnNOW 313HJNOJ JNIZSIX3 Nd OZ .L333 88 SZb ZSFL3 bS 9Z LE HInOS S77FLJ (8) LHJI3 ONIMO'770d 3H1 3NI7 S JNI '9000,9 773MXVW HZIM 3JN3H2 L 6 L :YDVd L B ZZ MOOS 0330 339 ) JNI SOOOJ 773MXYN d0 3NI7 3HI NI ZN3WnNOW 3Z3HJNOJ ONIZSIX3 Nei OZ 1331 ZZ 6I ZSYS bS 9E LO HZnOS 3JN3141 LSS 3MFLZS N06I NFL OZ ,L333 E6 ZOZ ZSFL3 ,EE ,90 LL H190PI ISS 3MVZS NOHI NFL OZ 1333 6E 99T ZSFL3 ZT 6b LL HZHON 19S 9XVI S NOHI NFL OZ 1333 6T 989 Z SY3 , TO , 5 b L L HZ HON S77FLJ (E) 33HH L 9NIM07702 3HZ 800T H S J N d0 AYM- JO-ZHJIH NH3HZnOS 3HZ HZIM 3JN3H1 (OFLOH 77IN SN3n316) 800T H S J N d0 NIJHYW NdsmmoS 3HZ NI 136 3MV.LS NOHI NFL OZ 1334 8£ bb ISFL3 , Zb SE ZO HIHON Z3S 3MUS NOHI NFL OZ Z33d 8S L IZ ZSYS TS L T E T h.L UON 13S 33IFLZ S NOHI NY OZ Z-738 60 EL L S3M E b LO ZO H190N 13S SMUTS NOHI NFL OZ 1333 Zb 88 ZSSM Of EZ bT HZHON Z33 3MVZS N08I NFL OZ 133J 8T EST Z S3M „ S T 89 b T HZ HON S77VJ (S) 7AId 9NIM0770d 3KL LN3W33dDY 3NI7 AdV0NnOG 3HZ NI CSHSI79YZSS SV 3NI7 AdYGNQOS OIFLS HZIM 33N3F1 .THISI93 A.LNnOJ 3NAYM HE Z 39FLd b SL Z MOOS NI 030HO39d Xn 23 H1' 77321211.3 WFLHFLHJ Xk ONFL Xn 13 ' HS 773HZnd J XFLW N33MZ39 LNSWSgdf)V 3NI7 AdeaNn08 NIV1633 LVHL AG 03HSI79YX63 3NI7 AdY(7Nnoe 3HZ NI L.S 3MFLZS NOHI NY OZ 1333 Eft S8 LSSM CO , 8T 68 HIDOS 3JNHHZ 3MFLZS NOHI 9NIZSIX3 NFL OZ 233J T8 80Z ZS3M CO ,8T 68 HZQOS 3NI7 HIUON S HP 773HZnd HZIM 3JN3H2 3MFLIS NOHI JNIZSIX3 NFL OZ 1338 80 TS ZS3M „LS , Tb SO HZHON '3NI7 S, 211' 773X.Lnd J XFLW HZIM 3JNSHZ 68E 39FLd 'L9IT MOOS NI 030HOJ3H 0330 .CS Hl' 773H1n.3 WFL14FLH9 XFLW OZ C.7A.71NOJ ,LDYH1 3H2 30 3NI7 NH31SF13 3H1 NI ZJS 3MFLZS NOHI NY OZ L33d 88 89 ZSSM 9E , TO IS HZdON Z3S 3MFLZS NOHI Nil OZ 1333 E6 STT 1SSM TE 86 88 HZHON 13S 3MiiLS NOHI NFL 02 1334 98 68 ZSSM ES bZ b9 HIHON 13S 3MFLZS NOHI NFL OZ 1335 E6 6ZT ZS3M „TO ,8S L9 HZHON Z3S 3MFLZS NOHI NFL OZ Z33d 88 OTT ZS3M ,OI 99 OL HZHON ,LJS 3MFLZS N09I NY OZ Z33d 6L L9 ZS3M OP b0 kZ HIHON 23S 3MVLS NOHI NY OZ 1338 ES ELZ LS3M ,89 9E 00 HZHON 139 3MFLZS NOHI NFL OZ 133.3 8E SOE ZSFL3 „TO TT EZ HZHON 13S 3XVIS NOHI NFL OZ 133.3 89 60b ZSYJ 8E 80 ZZ H18ON 23S 3HY-LS NOHI NY OZ 2333 L9 9Eb LSV3 Lb Tb ZZ HZHON 13S 3MVIS NOHI NFL OZ LJJJ 90 ESZ ZSFL3 , TE 8T Ob hZHON 139 3MYZS NOHI NFL OZ 1333 59 bST LSJM SO ,90 9b HZHON 977YJ (ON - 7A73M1 JNIM07709 3H2 3NI7 S 77381nd HZIM 3JN3HZ (LOS 30FLd L66 MOOS 0330 33S) 773d1nJ J XFLW HIIM H3N9OJ V HJNYdG 77IW A03NN3M d0 3NI7H31N3J 3H1 NI 032FLJO7 37XV JNIZSIX3 Nil OZ 133,-1 ZO IEE LSSM „ET ,LO ZS HIDOS NId N09I ONIZSIX3 NFL OZ 1332 OS LbZ 0690000LOZ ON Aollad L89Z S LSLZ eugweO yuoN II1H Iade40 L89Z JgmeJO O d AINVdIA103 33NWH ISNII 31 LIJ. SIIO.LS3AhI INVESTORS TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY P O Drawer 2687 Chapel Hill North Carolina 27515 -2687 Policy No 201000059G MONUMENT SOUTH 22 46' 39' EAST 164 89 FEET TO AN EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT SOUTH 60 09 09 EAST 391 64 FEET TO A NON MONUMENTED CORNIER IN THE MIDDLE OF AN EXISTING STREAM A CORNER WITH LEE (SEE 89E -145 DEED BOOK 821 PAGE 687) SOUTH 56 48' 24' EAST 8 0 FEET TO AN EXISTING IRON PIN IN MAXWELL FOODS INC THE FOLLOWING FOUR (4) CALLS SOUTH 56 48' 24 EAST 109 24 FEET TO AN EXISTING IRON PIN SOUTH 57 39 55' EAST 141 06 FEET TO AN EXISTING IRON PIN SOUTH 68 55' 10" EAST 1 61 FEET TO AN EXISTING IRON PIN A CORNER WITH MAXWELL FOODS, INC THENCE CONTINUING WITH MAXWELL FOODS INC SOUTH 24 09' 59" WEST 215 46 FEET TO THE POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 41 27 ACRES, PLUS OR MINUS, AND AS SHOWN ON A BOUNDARY SURVEY OF THE PANCHO SITE FOR RESTORATION SYSTEMS LLC PREPARED BY K2 DESIGN! GROUP P A , DATED 11 -18 -09 (DRAWING NO RSS065MR09) A COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT A -1 AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE Form iVo 109 06 4 Pale 3 P a8vd h 90 601 0,V 111.109 Aue 3T (s)abe612oul 6uTMOTT03 aqi Aq oa --aquunoua sT b zaqusnu v aTnpagDS UT pagTaosap pue7 aqj saoTAzes uor4oagozd bursoTo due mozj u0T40esupz4 srtp sapnToxe dTTe0T3T09ds duedmoO ezp panssT sT ACTZod zolpue zapuTq srg4 gort{M z03 u0T:;0esupz:4 atP o:; sY - Q3QIAM7 M)Vd3A0O NOISJ3.L027d ONISOTO CTSI:MSNI ON MLON juataasea d6zou3 ssexbozd loo3 -OE 3o UOT430d (o sago TP (9 t;ouezg TTTLZ dPauuax 3o dze:;ngrz:l patueuun sat{ouezg TTTK dpauua)l (e pueT agj uo pa4e0oT BUTAoTTo3 aql sAogs 6002 -8T -TT Pa3pP S7d gdToPnd v ugor dq daAzns go :;eTd dzeurutrrazd S Pun ago uo pa4eooT t;ouezg TTT;q dpauus 3o AOrg pa4dnzza4uTtm penuT4uoo atp o4 pup uT paT:;r:;ue o:;azatp siag4o 3o s4gbrg y spaaQ go 294sT69d d4uno0 eudeM aEp 30 TTZ abed le 6SLZ 4006 UT PGPZOOaz TTazinj g esezegZ a3TM pup zI+ TTax4n,g utegezO xeyq Pup TTez4n3 r dzpyq a3Tx pup zS TTezgnd 0 xeyq uaaajaq 4UOM98ZBV auT7 dzepunog E spaaQ 3o z94sT6ag d -7uno0 eudey atp 3o EP-9 abed :;e 9T8T Xoog Pup TLS abed ELTT Moog 6LZ abed 4e ePOT Xoog UT papzooaz duedtaoO 4g6T7 g zaMOd PUTTO.zeO o:; deA go (s) .7g6rg zo/pue (s) :;uataase3 e OTgeded pup anp jad 4ou szead 4uenbesgns pup OTOZ zeal atp zog saxes T paznsuT TenpTATpuT Aue ;o asnods aqq 3o fug 3T slgbTZ TeITZetu Aaoinieis zag2o zo Aliadozct AlTunwwoo peaISaWOq Asalano zaMop aqy I 3o Loseaa Aq asTZe jegj sasuadxa 10 saaz SAaujolle sgsoo Aed IOU TTTM Aueduuo3 aqj PUP 'abeuuep JO ssOT ISUTebe ainSUT IOU saop AoTIod sTgl 39 VH3A03 NO M9 SA, OIld3JX3 8 g'If1(13H ,3S !J64000OLOZ ON A0110d L99Z 9 LSLZ eullaeO 4UoN 111H lade4o L99Z J9meJ0 O d ANVdWO:) 33NV If1SNiI 31111 SHOMANT.I INVESTORS TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY P 0 Drawer 2687 Chapel Hill North Carolina 27515 2687 N/A Policy No 201000059G Fa in iVu 109 06 1 Page hL8cStiZ# smollo3 so paquosap Xl1eln3nnd ojom st pue aouaja3aj Sq manq palwodjoout pue olaiaq pagoelle (VI OI sam- j) d ligtgza uo palEOtput su st low if Ilagn_VIS I,a-4n l aT Pue l= jS llailn3 aqj uaoA%Ioq autl kmpunoq uommoo aq j I smollo3 sg, aaAr olamg sanird oql `pa2polmou3log, .Cgwag 2n gotgm3o [Caux:)TXns pue ldtaow atp suommptsuoo algenleA pug, pool mglo Pur (00 O j$) sivIloCl ua_L 3o tuns aql jo uotll!nplsuo3 ut pue 10J 9U0JHU3H.L h10N f4jadoid amloodsai nagl uozAgDq 311112ulptntp atul aql gstlgelsa pug, aquosap of paar2e aneq sanmd oql `Sd3?I3HtA pug, log,rl s if Ila.gn:l/,s jS Ilailn j jo jouioo iso =a,sg,m Vou aql pug log,jl s jS IlailncI jo jauioo isomuualswAtWou otp uoampq aml Kpodoid uoutmoo aql jo punoj2 oql uo uogeool ail 1noge uoilsonb autos uasue seq ajagl `SV9'd LiM pue g,utloje0 tp.IoR `,ClunoO Z)"UA dTgsumol tuegluei0 to palrool ,,l tadoid luoi jo slorA Sunnofpe UMP23 dKO (uounu03 ui slueual se) if Ila4ncl Pue jS Ila,4n3 Pue (AIlenplAIPm) jS Ilajin3 Sd32I3Hm lVH.L HJMSarUYA 1I1I32uf l3 -d VS32iMU ajim Puu C, jf 112.4n3 ) Zif "I'MILLf13 WHHVdD XVW Puu 'rI -Ia-dJ a f AjTVW ,jLm Pue ( jS iiajin3 ,,) -dS ,I- IMUf13 J XM uaampq pue Sq `60OZ jagmaoaQ Jo . g,q —UF ogl,lo su opera st (uluamaaBd „) JN3W3aU'jV 9M'I XdVCNfIOg SHU i N3NI332IJd aM I XllVCN- 09 OZt,LZ ON ologsuaolo L” Z Z Xog O d yl-ld uolsgutArl V lagV xaooX f/ ,CYag noq:)S II 31ooa,(d d MMIPM s� � e - S�d h ld ),a S0330 d0 U31SI03V ONIUOOW r SI01 ON A1Nt100 3NANM b j0 t •Bed 00 £Z$ ZWV aed MUNIWd 6Z OZ ZO le 6002 /0£ /Zt pep,iooey dUO &CAI 0000LL5SZot0 OI ao0 III III OlU I� III III IIII �I dal Illy IIII Qlll X111 �l III 111111! I Z3SVd � 9 L ZNODB 1k.LI nOD 3NUHtY1 VNI'IO2id0 H.L-80N of umtal pus .Sq pandald Sa310 J0 S31SI N Jty;H00IN r SIOI 031AMI11 QRV Q30bO338 801K2 7 5 4 PAR 212 BEGINNING at an iron stake set, which existing iron stake (No 4 Rebar 5 inches below grade) is located South 840 18' 03 West from an existing iron stake in the northwest comer of the tract conveyed to Max Graham Futrell Jr and wife Theresa R. Futrell, by Max G Futrell and wife, Mary J Futrell, by Deed of Correction dated May 28, 1987 and recorded in Book 1167 Page 289, Wayne County Registry thence from said beginning point, North 14° 58 15" West 153 18 feet to an iron stake set, thence North 14° 23 40" West 88 42 feet to an iron stake set, thence North 02° 07' 43 ' West 72 09 feet to an iron stake set thence North 13° 17 51 East 217 58 feet to an iron stake set, thence North 02° 35 42" East 44 38 feet to an iron stake set in the southern right -of -way of N C S R. 1008 (Stevens Mill Road) and as more particularly shown on a boundary survey of the Pancho Restoration Site for Restoration Systems, LLC, prepared by K2 Design Group, P A, dated 11/18/09 (Drawmg No RSS065MR09) (the "Boundary Line') 2 To the extent that Futrell Sr , individually previously held title to any land located immediately to the west of the Boundary Line he does hereby release and quitclaim unto Futrell SrJFutrell Jr, as tenants in common, all rights, title, claim and interest in and to all such lands 3 To the extent that Futrell Sr and Futrell Jr as tenants in common, previously held title to any land located unmediately to the east of the Boundary Line, they do hereby release and quitclaim unto Futrell Sr all rights, title claim and interest in and to all such lands 4 Mary J Futrell, spouse of Futrell Sr , and Theresa R. Futrell spouse of Futrell Jr join in the execution of this Agreement to waive and release any marital rights they might have, respectively, in the property conveyed by this Agreement TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid properties unto the parties hereto in the manner set forth and their respective heirs successors and assigns in fee simple IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written *a, (SEAL) Max G Futrell Sr (SEAL) M J 1r (SEAL) Max Graham Futrell Jr y� R az�gAEAL) eresa R Futrell L J 3 Z� sacrdxa uoissrwwoo dN �°, ` j auiulq padf{Z io paiuudv kmor -j s r aimEUSlS is p A Zz $�1-5,.9 " 60OZ 3o Aup slip leas luiaWo pue puuy Aw SS3N.LTm 11m ;n3 -d usasaq.L puv if 111a4n j mugni0 xvW juamnaop Smogwoj agl pauSis aqs io aq lugs aw 01 Suj2pajmouxaE qn-a Cup sup aw alojaq patuadde Alleuosaad (s)uoslad Smmolloj ail imp 14ni a 1 Y;4 zM— 30 JuNf100 :10 alvis y i t 1f sa rrdxa uorss:wwoo ,(fiy }���`, 3 jr, autelq padAjL io pazuud s AMOR �l l am;euSiS [Blo p s tea 1 � Y��. w 6002 � NWO nep stye leas lelm o pue puny �{w SS3N.LIM pain3 f f{auN puz jS 611a iin3 J xz]K luaumaop SmoSaio; ay1 pauSts aqs io aq Imp aui 01 Sm Bpalnmogoe pea Aup sigl aui aiojaq panadde Allsuouad (s)uosiad Smmolloj oq; imp ,(jivao 1 �N. 40 UNf1O3 £ i Z39yd IS L 21000 30 3lvis imiligillifillitilill Doe ID 010298940008 TVOe CRP Recorded 02/22/2010 at 03 14 40 PM Fee Amt $31 00 Page i of 8 Excise Tax $0 00 WAYNE COUNTY NO LOIS J MOORING REGISTER OF DEEDS 2763 Pa212 -216 BOOK 7 6 3 PA6E2 12 RECORDED AND VERIFIED LOIS J MOORING REGISTER OF DEEDS IND-SMED Ho N C Real Estate wise Tax Affixed (No Taxable Consideration) REWIM Mail after recording to William P t ycock % Esquire Scbell Bray Aycock Abel & Livingston PLLC P 0 Box 21$47 Greensboro, North Carolina 27420 This instrument was prepared by William P Aycock II, Esquire Schell Bray Aycock Abel & Livingston PLLC NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED TMS DEED made this O040-0day of February, 2010, by and between GRANTOR I GRANTEE RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company, 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 211 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 PANCHO MITIGATION COMPANY, LLC, a North Carolina Iimited liability company 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 211 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors and assigns, and shall include singular plural masculine, femimae or neuter as required by context. WITNESSETH that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Grantham Township, Wayne County, North Carolina, and more particularly described on EXMIT "A" attached hereto and incorporated herem by reference TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee supple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple that title is marketable and free and clear of all #2494I0v1 BOOK - 7 6 3 PAN 213 encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except for the exceptions hereinafter stated Title to the property heremabove described is subject to the following exceptions Restrictions, rights of way and easements of record, if any, and to ad valorem taxes for the current year The above:- described property is not the pnmary residence of the Grantor IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused this instrument to be duly executed and delivered, the day and year first above written RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC, (SEAL) a North Carolina limited liability company By Name hn E Skvarla ` Title Member/Manager STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF WAKE I certify that the following person(s) personally appeared before me this day, each acknowledging to me that he or she signed the foregoing document John E Slivarla as Manager of Restoration Systems, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company WITNESS my hand and official seal, this y of February 2010 BRENDA W LOONEY J NOTARY PUBLIC — WAKE COUNTY, N C Notary's Officia ignature (offlcral Seal) ' e� O Notary's Printed or Typed Name My commission expo es Cap l wo 2 BOOK Z 16 3 PABE2 14 i`rAMS f "N' BEGINNING at an existing won pin located at NC Grid Coordinate N= 575,946 5494 feet, E-- 2,242,867 0492 feet, which iron pm is located North 51° 06' 47" West 20,866 331 feet from NCGS Marker `Hood" (Grid Factor 0 9998744999, N =562 846 9320 feet, )x2,259,109 0870 feet), which Begummg Point is a common corner with Maxwell Foods, Inc (see Deed Book 2287, Page 797), thence from said Beginning Point with the line of Maxwell Foods Inc the following ten (10) calls North 53° 50' 09" West 280 35 feet to an existing iron stake, North 66° 48' 55" West 808 55 feet to an existing iron pin, South 24° 59' 25" West 132 00 feet to an iron stake set, South 121 22' 47" West 18150 feet to an existing iron pm, South 28° 08' 58" West 329 90 feet to an existing iron pin South 09° 10' 29" West 230 98 feet to an existing iron pin South 30° 10 21" West 280 41 feet to an existing iron pin South 19° 11' 00" West 198 00 feet to an existing iron pin, South 441 10' 51" West 247 50 feet to an existing iron pin, South 52° 07 13" West 23102 feet to an existing axle located in the centerline of Kennedy Mill Branch, a corner with Max G Futrell (see Deed Book 997, Page 507), thence with Futrell's line the following twelve (12) calls North 460 06' 05" West 154 65 feet to an iron stake set-, North 401 18' 31" East 253 06 feet to an iron stake set; North 22° 41 47" East 436 67 feet to an iron stake set, North 22° 28' 38" East 429 68 fleet to an iron stake set, North 23° 11' 01"East 305 38 feet to an iron stake set; North 001 36' 58" West 273 53 feet to an iron stake set; North 240 04' 40" West 67 79 feet to an won stake set; North 70° 56 10" West 110 88 feet to an iron stake set, North 67158' 01" 'West 129 92 feet to an iron stake set, North 64° 24' 53" West 89 85 feet to an won stake set; North 88° 48' 31" West 115 93 feet to an iron stake set; North 51* 21 36" West 68 88 feet to an iron stake set m the eastern line of the tract conveyed to Max Graham Futrell Jr by deed recorded in Book 1167, Page 289, thence with Max G Futrell, Jr 's line, North 05° 41' 57" West 5128 feet to an existing iron stake, thence with Futrell Jr 's north line, South 84'18 03" West 208 81 feet to an existing iron stake, thence South 841 18 03" West 85 43 feet to an iron stake set in the boundary line established by that certain Boundary Line Agreement between Max G Futrell, Sr et ux and Max Graham Futrell, Jr et ux recorded in Book 2754, Page 211 Wayne County Registry; thence with said Boundary Line as established in the Boundary Line Agreement the following five (5) calls North 149 58' 15" West 153 18 feetto an iron stake set, North 14"23'40' West 88 42 feet to an iron stake ser North 02° 07' 43' West 72 09 feet to an iron stake set, North 13117' 51 ' East 217 58 feet to an iron stake set, North 02° 35' 42' East 44 38 feet to an iron stake set in the southern margin ofN C S R 1008 (Stevens Mill Road) thence with the southern right of-way of N C S R. 1008 the following three (3) calls North 770 45 21 'East 68619 feet to an won stake set; North 770 49 12" East 165 39 feet to an iron stake set, North 77° 06' 22' East 202 92 feet to an won stake set; thence South 27° 26' 54" East 19 22 feet to an existing concrete monument in the line of Maxwell Foods, BOOK 216 3 PABE215 Inc (see Deed Book 2287 Page 797), thence with Maxwell Foods Ines line the following eight (8) calls South 271126' 54" East 425 88 feet to an existmg concrete monument, South 27° 39' 59' East 49148 feet to an iron stake set, South 52° 46 39" East 165 00 feet to an existing concrete monument, South 22° 46' 39" East 164 89 feet to an existing concrete monument, South 601 09' 09" East 39164 feet to a non monumented corner in the middle of an existing stream a corner with Lee (see 89E -145, Deed Book 821, Page 687), South 56° 48' 24" East 8 0 feet to an existing iron pin in Maxwell Foods, Inc 's southwestern line, thence with Maxwell Foods, Inc the following four (4) calls South 56a 48' 24" East 109 24 feet to an existing iron pm, South 570 39155" East 14106 feet to an existing iron pin, South 680 55 10" East 161 feet to an existing iron pm, a corner with Maxwell Foods, Inc , thence continuing with Maxwell Foods, Inc., South 24° 09' 59" West 215 46 feet to the point and place of Beginning, and containing 4127 acres, plus or minus and as shown on a boundary survey of the Pancho Restoration Site for Restoration Systems, LLC, prepared by K2 Design Group, P.A. dated 11/18/09 (Drawing No RSS065MR09), a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A -1 and incorporated herein by reference 4 n H two E O r� d Pd H HO H H t� O a a H �-4 D 6061? 16 3 PA612 16 L16 Ilk tt p p p 0 0 0 O O O B 9 B B O B O 0 O is t a�E g s 4 A� sd g g g 1 8 s g w �z e Y �x Si ® ®® % � B 1F HELP" E 0 O �l {E e B 1F 0 O My �l {E e LE P RSO V REN HA . A N I lrL W 7 CHATHA L ` Bank is located within Targeted Local Watershed 03020201150050 HARN T Legend = Easement Boundary MGeographic Service Area Targeted Local Watershed MCounty Boundaries Roads +� Railroads AND FR*A -N KLI N ` --v. 03020201 JOHNS" 0 0 3.5 7 EDGECtlMB W I L S W )W N 14 21 Scale 1:750,000 ENOI 28 ■ Miles Dwn. By FIGURE Axiom Environmental, Inc. GEOGRAPHIC SERVICE AREA CLF 218 Snow Avenue Date: AKRaleigh, NC 27603 PANCHO MITIGATION BANK July 2011 919- 215 -1693 Wayne County, North Carolina Project: Amm E-- m-t.(— 10 -010 Pancho Wetland & Stream Mitigation Bank - Neuse 01 Service Area Restoration Systems, LLC ,orps Action ID # SAW- 2010 -00142 DWQ # MBI approved SMUs 7 964 Preservation 235 Enhancement & Restoration 7 729 riparian WMUs 2990 Preservation 01 Enhancement & Restoration 2980 Credit Release Schedule Credit totals include additional 10 percent reserve of credits to be held back until the bankfWl event performance standard has been met *If the monitoring of the site demonstrates that the site is successful by year 5 and no concerns have been identified (vegetation, stream stability etc) the Sponsor may propose to terminate monitoring of the site and forego the monitoring requuements of years 6 and 7 This provision is only applicable if the site has consistently met all performance standards, and at year 5 meet the year 5 vegetation density standards (260 plants/acre) and the year 7 average height requirement of 10 feet. Early closure will only be provided through written approval from the USAGE in consultation with the NCIRT A Wetland / Stream # of Credit Wetland Credit Stream riparian Release Task # Description Release Preservation Release Preservation WMUs # of SMUs Date MBI execution land protection financial assurances 15% 1 15% 235 00 457 1 394 4 II Construction w /Corps site inspection 15% 15% 447 1 1594 III Year 1 Monitoring Report 10% 10% 2 98 10% 10% 298 772 9 IV Year 2 Monitoring Report 7729 V Year 3 Monitoring Report 10% 5% 298 3865 VI Year 4 Monitoring Report 10% 10% 298 7729 VII Year 5 Monitoring Report 10% 5% 298 3865 VIII Year 6 Monitoring Report 10% 10% 298 10% 10% 298 7729 IX Year 7 Monitoring Report 7729 *10% 10% 7729 Total 100% 100% 2990 7 964 0 Credit totals include additional 10 percent reserve of credits to be held back until the bankfWl event performance standard has been met *If the monitoring of the site demonstrates that the site is successful by year 5 and no concerns have been identified (vegetation, stream stability etc) the Sponsor may propose to terminate monitoring of the site and forego the monitoring requuements of years 6 and 7 This provision is only applicable if the site has consistently met all performance standards, and at year 5 meet the year 5 vegetation density standards (260 plants/acre) and the year 7 average height requirement of 10 feet. Early closure will only be provided through written approval from the USAGE in consultation with the NCIRT Pancho Wetland & Stream Mitigation Bank -- Neuse 01 Service Area Restoration Systems, LLC Corps Action ID # SAW- 2010 -00142 DWQ # Riparian Wetland Stream Balance Permitee Information Transaction Date IRT notifcatoion sent Credit ( +) Debit () Credit ( +) Debit () rWMUs SMU s Permitee Corps Action ID# Project Name Project Contact Available Credits 0 00 REGULATORY GUIDANCE US Army Corps LETTER of Engineers© No 05 -1 Date 14 February 2005 SUBJECT Guidance on the Use of Financial Assurances and Suggested Language for Special Conditions for Department of the Army Permits Requiring Performance Bonds 1 Purpose and applicability a Purpose The U S Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) has the authority to issue permits under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act These permits may require compensatory mitigation to ensure that issued permits and resolution of unauthorized activities result in a no net loss of aquatic resource functions The purposes of this guidance are 1) to provide general guidance on the use of letters of credit performance bonds and other financial assurances and 2) to provide specific guidance for the use of performance bonds to ensure the completion of compensatory mitigation projects b Applicability This guidance applies to Department of the Army (DA) permits that are conditioned to include any type of financial assurance to ensure that required compensatory mitigation is completed It may also be used when financial assurances are required for mitigation and/or restoration for unauthorized activities 2 General Considerations for Financial Assurances a The Purpose of Requiring Financial Assurances The overall success of compensatory mitigation including establishment (i a creation) restoration and enhancement of natural ecosystems is subject to many variables Site specific factors such as local droughts fires or floods pest infestations diseases or illegal entrance by off road vehicles may negatively affect a compensatory mitigation protect before it has achieved the specified performance standards and thus may require additional effort or remediahon to ensure functional success Detailed well written special conditions and compliance requirements without the requirement of financial assurances are usually sufficient for DA permits to ensure that relatively simple compensatory mitigation activities are completed and provide for desired aquatic resource functions However for some DA permits district engineers may require financial assurances on a permit by permit basis to ensure the initiation and successful completion of required compensatory mitigation For example district engineers may determine that financial assurances are necessary to ensure that multiple year plantings occur invasive species are controlled and adequate water is supplied after the initial physical phases of landscape construction (e g soil amendments, grading plantings seeding) are completed b Considerations for Requiring Financial Assurances Because the circumstances of each permit case are unique the decision to require financial assurances should be made on a permit by permit basis The analysis used to determine that an additional financial assurance is required for a particular permit must be documented on a case specific basis and included as part of the administrative record for that permit At their discretion district engineers may choose to require financial assurances on a case by case basis for many reasons some of which may include tthe length of monitoring required for the compensatory mitigation project whether the mitigation is for an after the fact permit or constructed in advance of impacts the type of mitigation (establishment restoration or enhancement) experience with the permittee and/or consultant and whether it requires new technology or includes proven techniques whether the permit is for a project that impacts aquatic resources that provide high or low quality functions and the likelihood of mitigation site sustainability Funding for many long term management activities such as prescribed burning invasive species control and maintenance of water control structures may also require financial assurances These are among the many factors that should be taken into account when deciding whether or not to require additional financial assurances c Types of Financial Assurances Examples of financial assurances include performance bonds irrevocable trusts escrow accounts casualty insurance letters of credit legislatively enacted dedicated funds for government operated banks or other approved instruments d Amount of Financial Assurance The dollar amount of any financial assurance including the penal sum of a performance bond is determined by the district engineer Any required financial assurances should be sufficient to cover contingency actions such as default by the permittee or failure to meet performance standards In addition the amount of the financial assurances should be based on the size and complexity of the proposed compensatory mitigation protect the estimated amount required to construct and remediate the proposed compensatory mitigation project and monitoring of the compensatory mitigation site The financial assurances may also include a reasonable amount to cover contingency costs or other amount determined to be appropriate to the level of the uncertainty for completion of a successful compensatory mitigation project In some cases the financial assurance may be increased to provide funds for the real estate costs associated with the purchase of another compensatory mitigation site if the current site cannot support the desired aquatic resource because of insufficient hydrology (e g possible reduction of groundwater in a highly urbanizing setting or change in surface water rights) or other factors that could affect compensatory mitigation project success District engineers must document the analysis used to determine the amount of the financial assurance and must include this analysis in the administrative records for their permits e Use and Release of Financial Assurances Financial assurances may be phased out or reduced once the project has been demonstrated to be functionally assured and self sustaining in accordance with performance standards /success criteria District engineers should clearly specify the conditions under which financial assurances are used to ensure mitigation and the conditions under which the financial assurances are to be released to the permit applicant and/or provider of 2 the financial assurance Special conditions should provide the permit applicant and/or financial assurance provider with an adequate chance to correct deficiencies with the compensatory mitigation project In some cases release of the financial assurance can be keyed to stages demonstrated with achievement of mitigation project performance standards or other special conditions As discussed in section 3(a) of this Guidance district engineers should not position themselves to accept directly retain or draw on financial assurance funds in the event of default of the permittee unless specifically authorized by Federal statute 3 Specific Considerations for Performance Bonds This section provides guidance specific to the use of performance bonds a Legal Considerations Applicable to Performance Bonds Unlike some other Federal agencies the Corps lacks statutory authority to accept directly retain and draw upon performance bonds to ensure compliance with permit conditions If the Corps were to receive the sum of a performance bond directly the sum would be categorized as a miscellaneous receipt under the Miscellaneous Receipts Statute 31 U S C §3302(b) and would be deposited in the U S Treasury without being used to ensure permit compliance This situation applies to the use of other financial assurances as well However along with its authority to deny permit authorizations the Corps has the authority to issue its permits with conditions District engineers have the discretion to condition the approval of a permit to require the posting and execution of a performance bond by a permittee as long as the Corps is not positioned to accept directly retain or draw upon bond monies in the event of a default If and when they are used such bonds should be executed with the signatures of an additional governmental or non governmental environmental management entity or entities as a bond surety or sureties who agree to ensure performance if the Corps should determine that the permittee as the bond principal has defaulted on any of its responsibilities The permit should also specify that the Corps stands as a third party `obligee 'to the principal and surety(ies) of the bond possessing the full and final authority to determine the penal sum amount and to determine whether the principal and the surety(ies) have specifically performed some or all of the obligations covenants, terms conditions and agreements of the bond Finally the bond should specify that if both the principal and the surety(ies) default in their responsibilities the Corps retains the full and final discretionary authority to identify new parties as additional surety(ies) to the bond b Suggested Permit Language if Performance Bond is Used If a district engineer determines that a performance bond is necessary to ensure the completion of a compensatory mitigation project the permit should list the posting and execution of the bond as a special condition The following is suggested language for a special permit condition involving a performance bond The Permittee has executed a Performance Bond dated [insert date bond executed] in the amount of [insert amount determined by district engineer] attached to this permit as [insert Attachment Number or Letter] and made a part 3 hereof to provide financial assurance for the performance of all of the obligations covenants, terms, conditions and agreements required of the Permittee under this permit The bond shall be posted before construction authorized by this permit commences ' c Model Performance Bond The appendix to this guidance is a Model Performance Bond which is provided as a suggested template for district engineers that choose on a permit by permit basis to use performance bonds as special conditions to DA permits This Model Performance Bond may be modified at the discretion of district engineers on a permit -by permit basis 4 Duration This guidance remains effective unless revised or rescinded FOR THE COMMANDER Encl D T EY 4a�or General, US Army Director of Civil Works 4 Appendix MODEL PERFORMANCE BOND DATE BOND EXECUTED (Must be same or earlier than date of permit ) OBLIGEE [Insert District Name] United States Army Corps of Engineers Insert Address PRINCIPAL (Legal name and business address) TYPE OF ORGANIZATION X ONE _Individual _Joint Venture _Partnership _Corporation STATE OF INCORPORATION PERMIT DATE OBLIGATION Surety(ies) (Legal name(s) and business address(es)) PENAL SUM OF BOND amount determined solely by Obli ee Million(s) Thousand(s) Hundred(s) Cent(s) PERMIT DATE PERMIT NO We the Principal and Surety(ies) hereto are firmly bound as Obligors to the U S Army Corps of Engineers (hereinafter called the Obligee) in the above penal sum an amount determined solely by the Obligee For the payment of the penal sum we bind ourselves our heirs executors administrators assigns and successors jointly and severally However where the Sureties are corporations acting as co sureties we the Sureties bind ourselves in such sum jointly and severally as well as severally" only for the purpose of allowing a joint action or actions against any or all of us For all other purposes each Surety binds itself jointly and severally with the Principal for the payment of the sum shown below the name of the Surety The limit of liability shall be the full amount of the penal sum CONDITIONS The Principal received the permit identified above THEREFORE The above obligation is void if the Principal — (a) Specifically performs and fulfills all of the obligations covenants terms conditions and agreements of the permit during the original term of the permit and any extensions thereof that may be granted by the Obligee with or without notice to the Surety(ies) and during the life of any guaranty required under the permit and (b) Also specifically performs and fulfills all of the obligations covenants terms conditions and agreements of any and all duly authorized modifications of the permit that may hereafter be made Notice of those modifications to the Surety(ies) are waived IT IS FURTHER EXPRESSLY PROVIDED THAT The Obligee shall have the full and final authority to determine whether the Principal and Surety(ies) have specifically performed and fulfilled some or all of the obligations covenants terms conditions and agreements of the permit Within thirty (30) business days of receiving notice from the Obligee that the Principal has defaulted on some or all of the obligations covenants terms conditions and agreements of the permit the Surety(ies) shall either (a) Remedy the default of the Principal to the full satisfaction of the Obligee by a certain date determined by the Obligee or (b) Immediately tender to a party or parties identified by the Obligee the portion of the penal sum that the Obligee determines is due and owing and necessary to remedy the default In no circumstance shall such a sum be tendered to the Obligee Any new party or parties identified by the Obligee under this section shall immediately become a Surety or Sureties to this bond If the Obligee determines that it is unable to identify such a party or parties the Suerty(ies) shall remedy the default of the Principal under (a) of this section In the event that the Surety(ies) fail(s) to respond within thirty (30) business days to the Obligee s notice of default or to honor comitments to the full satisfaction of the Obligee under (a) or (b) above of this section the full penal sum may at the election of the Obligee immediately become due and owing and paid to a party or parties identified by the Obligee In no circumstance shall the full penal sum be tendered to the Obligee Any new party or parties identified by the Obligee under this paragraph shall immediately become a Surety or Sureties to this bond WITNESS The Obligee Principal and Surety(ies) have executed this performance bond and have affixed their seals on the date set forth above PRINCIPAL Signature 1 Seal Signature 2 Seal Corporate Seal Name title 1 (typed) Name title 2 (typed) INDIVIDUAL SURETY(IES) Signature 1 Seal Signature 2 Seal Name title 1 (typed) Name title 2 (typed) COPORATE SURETY(IES) Surety A Name & address State of Incorporation Liability limit Signature 1 Seal Signature 2 Seal Name title 1 (typed) Name title 2 (typed) Surety B Name & address State of Incorporation Liability limit Signature 1 Seal Signature 2 Seal Name title 1 (typed) Name title 2 (typed) Surety C Name & address State of Incorporation Liability limit Signature 1 Seal Signature 2 Seal Name title 1 (typed) Name title 2 (typed) Surety D Name & address State of Incorporation Liability limit Signature 1 Seal Signature 2 Seal Name title 1 (typed) Name title 2 (typed) Surety E Name & address State of Incorporation Liability limit Signature 1 Seal Signature 2 Seal Name title 1 (typed) Name title 2 (typed) Surety F Name & address State of Incorporation Liability limit Signature 1 Seal Signature 2 Seal Name title 1 (typed) Name title 2 (typed) Surety G Name & address State of Incorporation Liability limit Signature 1 Seal Signature 2 Seal Name title 1 (typed) Name title 2 (typed) Obligee [Insert District Name] U S Army Corps of Engineers Insert District Address Signature 1 (Seal) Signature 2 (optional) (Seal) Name title 1 (typed) Name title 2 (typed) INSTRUCTIONS 1 Insert the full legal name and business address of the Principal in the space designated Principal on the face of the form An authorized person shall sign the bond Any person signing in a representative capacity (e g an attorney in fact) must furnish evidence of authority if that representative is not a member of the firm partnership or point venture or an officer of the corporation involved 2 (a) Corporations executing the bond as sureties must appear on the Department of the Treasurys list of approved sureties and must act within the limitation listed therein Where more than one corporate surety is involved their names and addresses shall appear in the spaces (Surety A Surety B etc ) headed CORPORATE SURETIES) In the space designated E SURETY(IES) on the face of the form insert only the letter identification of the sureties (b) Where individual sureties are involved a completed Affidavit of Individual Surety for each individual surety shall accompany the bond The Government may require the surety to furnish additional substantiating information concerning their financial capability 3 Corporations executing the bond shall affix their corporate seals Individuals shall execute the bond opposite the word Corporate Seal and shall affix an adhesive seal if executed in Maine New Hampshire or any other jurisdiction requiring adhesive seals MODEL CONSERVATION EASEMENT January 18 2001 Rev d October 16 2002 Rev d August 2003 Model Conservation Easement for use in preserving mitigation property Language in italics is instructional and should be deleted when site specific Conservation Easement is prepared PERMANENT CONSERVATION EASEMENT THIS CONSERVATION EASEMENT ( Conservation Easement ) made this day of 200_ by and between ( Grantor ) and (Grantee) The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties their heirs successors and assigns and shall include singular plural masculine feminine or neuter as required by context RECITALS WHEREAS Grantor owns in fee simple certain real property situated lying and being in County North Carolina more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein ( Property ) WHEREAS Grantee is [either a public body of this state an agency of the United States or a nonprofit corporation or trust whose purpose is the conservation of property] and is qualified to be the Grantee of a conservation easement pursuant to N C Gen Stat § 121 35 WHEREAS Grantor and Grantee recognize the conservation scenic natural or aesthetic value of the property in its natural state which includes the following natural communities [describe by wetland and/or stream type as well as any associated buffers or upland communities] The purpose of this Conservation Easement is to maintain wetland and /or riparian resources and other natural values of the Property and prevent the use or development of the Property for any purpose or in any manner that would conflict with the maintenance of the Property in its natural condition [ For use when the mitigation is offered for impacts of a single individual or general permit use] WHEREAS the preservation of the Property is a condition of Department of the Army permit Action ID issued by the Wilmington District Corps of Engineers required to mitigate for unavoidable stream and /or wetland impacts authorized by that permit Grantor and Grantee agree that third party rights of enforcement shall be held by the U S Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District (Corps to include any successor agencies) and that these rights are in addition to and do not limit the rights of enforcement under said permit [Alternate paragraph for use when the conservation easement supports a mitigation bank] WHEREAS the preservation of the Property is required by a Mitigation Banking Instrument for the [Name of Bank] Department of the Army Action ID [Action ID number for the mitigation bank] The Mitigation Bank is intended to be used to compensate for unavoidable stream and/or wetland impacts authorized by permits issued by the Department of the Army Grantor and Grantee agree that third party rights of enforcement shall be held by the U S Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District (Corps to include any successor agencies) and that these rights are in addition to and do not limit the rights of the parties to the Mitigation Banking Instrument NOW THEREFORE for and in consideration of the covenants and representations contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration the receipt and legal sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged Grantor hereby unconditionally and irrevocably grants and conveys unto Grantee its heirs successors and assigns forever and in perpetuity a Conservation Easement of the nature and character and to the extent hereinafter set forth over the Property described on Exhibit A together with the right to preserve and protect the conservation values thereof as follows ARTICLE I DURATION OF EASEMENT This Conservation Easement shall be perpetual This conservation Easement is an easement in gross runs with the land and is enforceable by Grantee against Grantor Grantor s personal representatives heirs successors and assigns lessees agents and licensees ARTICLE II PROHIBITED AND RESTRICTED ACTIVITIES Any activity on or use of the Property inconsistent with the purpose of this Conservation Easement is prohibited The Property shall be preserved in its natural condition and restricted from any development that would impair or interfere with the conservation values of the Property Without limiting the generality of the foregoing the following activities and uses are expressly prohibited restricted or reserved as indicated hereunder A Disturbance of Natural Features Any change disturbance alteration or impairment of the natural features of the Property or any introduction of non native plants and /or animal species is prohibited B Construction There shall be no constructing or placing of any building mobile home asphalt or concrete pavement billboard or other advertising display antenna utility pole tower conduit line, pier, landing dock or any other temporary or permanent structure or facility on or above the Property C Industrial, Commercial and Residential Use Industrial residential and/or commercial activities including any right of passage for such purposes are prohibited D Agricultural, Grazing and Horticultural Use Agricultural grazing animal husbandry and horticultural use of the Property are prohibited E Vegetation There shall be no removal burning destruction harming cutting or mowing of trees shrubs or other vegetation on the Property F Roads and Trails There shall be no construction of roads trails or walkways on the property nor enlargement or modification to existing roads trails or walkways G Si_gnag_e No signs shall be permitted on or over the Property except the posting of no trespassing signs signs identifying the conservation values of the Property signs giving directions or proscribing rules and regulations for the use of the Property and/or signs identifying the Grantor as owner of the property H Dumping or Storage Dumping or storage of soil trash ashes garbage waste abandoned vehicles appliances machinery or hazardous substances, or toxic or hazardous waste or any placement of underground or aboveground storage tanks or other materials on the Property is prohibited I Excavation, Dredging or Mineral Use There shall be no grading filling excavation dredging mining or drilling no removal of topsoil sand gravel rock peat minerals or other materials and no change in the topography of the land in any manner on the Property except to restore natural topography or drainage patterns J Water Quality and Drainage Pattern There shall be no diking draining dredging channeling filling leveling pumping impounding or related activities or altering or tampering with water control structures or devices or disruption or alteration of the restored enhanced or created drainage patterns In addition diverting or causing or permitting the diversion of surface or underground water into within or out of the easement area by any means removal of wetlands polluting or discharging into waters springs seeps or wetlands or use of pesticide or biocides is prohibited K Development Rights No development rights that have been encumbered or extinguished by this Conservation Easement shall be transferred pursuant to a transferable development rights scheme or cluster development arrangement or otherwise L Vehicles The operation of mechanized vehicles including but not limited to, motorcycles dirt bikes all terrain vehicles cars and trucks is prohibited [The Corps will generally allow the use of vehicles on existing roads provided those roads are identified by reference to a recorded map showing their location configuration and size J M Other Prohibitions Any other use of or activity on the Property which is or may become inconsistent with the purposes of this grant the preservation of the Property substantially in its natural condition or the protection of its environmental systems is prohibited ARTICLE III GRANTOR S RESEVERED RIGHTS The Grantor expressly reserves for himself his personal representatives heirs successors or assigns the right to continue the use of the property for all purposes not inconsistent with this Conservation Easement including but not limited to the right to quiet enjoyment of the Property the rights of ingress and egress the right to hunt fish and hike on the Property the right to sell transfer gift or otherwise convey the Property in whole or in part provided such sale transfer or gift conveyance is subject to the terms of and shall specifically reference this Conservation Easement [For use when mitigation work (approved or required restoration creation or enhancement) is to be done on the propero4Notwithstanding the foregoing Restrictions, Grantor reserves for Grantor its successors and assigns the right to construct wetland and stream mitigation on the Property in accordance with the [describe mitigation plan by title date and permit action id if a single mitigation site if a mitigation bank include the language detailed mitigation plan approved an accordance with the Mitigation Banking Instrument for the Mitigation Bank] ARTICLE IV GRANTEE S RIGHTS The Grantee or its authorized representatives successors and assigns and the Corps shall have the right to enter the Property at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting said property to determine if the Grantor or his personal representatives heirs successors or assigns is complying with the terms conditions restrictions and purposes of this Conservation Easement The Grantee shall also have the right to enter and go upon the Property for purposes of making scientific or educational observations and studies and taking samples The easement rights granted herein do not include public access rights ARTICLE V ENFORCEMENT AND REMEDIES A To accomplish the purposes of this Easement Grantee is allowed to prevent any activity on or use of the Property that is inconsistent with the purposes of this Easement and to require the restoration of such areas or features of the Property that may be damaged by such activity or use Upon any breach of the terms of this Conservation Easement by Grantor that comes to the attention of the Grantee, the Grantee shall notify the Grantor in writing of such breach The Grantor shall have 30 days after receipt of such notice to correct the conditions constituting such breach If the breach remains uncured after 30 days the Grantee may enforce this Conservation Easement by appropriate legal proceedings including damages injunctive and other relief Notwithstanding the foregoing the Grantee reserves the immediate right without notice to obtain a temporary restraining order injunctive or other appropriate relief if the breach of the term of this Conservation Easement is or would irreversibly or otherwise materially impair the benefits to be derived from this Conservation Easement The Grantor and Grantee acknowledge that under such circumstances damage to the Grantee would be irreparable and remedies at law will be inadequate The rights and remedies of the Grantee provided hereunder shall be in addition to and not in lieu of all other rights and remedies available to Grantee in connection with this Conservation Easement The costs of a breach correction or restoration including the Grantee s expenses court costs and attorneys fees shall be paid by Grantor provided Grantor is determined to be responsible for the breach The Corps shall have the same right to enforce the terms and conditions of this easement as the Grantee B No failure on the part of the Grantee to enforce any covenant or provision hereof shall discharge or invalidate such covenant or any other covenant condition or provision hereof or affect the right to Grantee to enforce the same in the event of a subsequent breach or default C Nothing contained in this Conservation Easement shall be construed to entitle Grantee to bring any action against Grantor for any injury or change in the Property resulting from causes beyond the Grantor s control including without limitation fire flood storm, war acts of God or third parties except Grantor s lessees or invitees or from any prudent action taken in good faith by Grantor under emergency conditions to prevent, abate or mitigate significant injury to life damage to property or harm to the Property resulting from such causes ARTICLE VI MISCELLANEOUS A Warranly Grantor warrants covenants and represents that it owns the Property in fee simple and that Grantor either owns all interests in the Property which may be impaired by the granting of this Conservation Easement or that there are no outstanding mortgages tax liens encumbrances or other interests in the Property which have not been expressly subordinated to this Conservation Easement Grantor further warrants that Grantee shall have the use of and enjoy all the benefits derived from and arising out of this Conservation Easement and that Grantor will warrant and defend title to the Property against the claims of all persons B Subsequent Transfers The Grantor agrees to incorporate the terms of this Conservation Easement in any deed or other legal instrument that transfers any interest in all or a portion of the Property The Grantor agrees to provide written notice of such transfer at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the transfer The Grantor and Grantee agree that the terms of this Conservation Easement shall survive any merger of the fee and easement interests in the Property or any portion thereof and shall not be amended modified or terminated without the prior written consent and approval of the Corps C Assignment The parties recognize and agree that the benefits of this Conservation Easement are in gross and assignable provided however that the Grantee hereby covenants and agrees that in the event it transfers or assigns this Conservation Easement the orgamzation receiving the interest will be a qualified holder under N C Gen Stat § 121 34 et seq and § 170(h) of the Internal Revenue Code, and the Grantee further covenants and agrees that the terms of the transfer or assignment will be such that the transferee or assignee will be required to continue in perpetuity the conservation purposes described in this document D Entire Agreement and Severability This instrument sets forth the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the Conservation Easement and supersedes all prior discussions negotiations understandings or agreements relating to the Conservation Easement If any provision is found to be void or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction the remainder shall continue in full force and effect E Obligations of Ownership Grantor is responsible for any real estate taxes assessments fees or charges levied upon the Property Grantor shall keep the Property free of any liens or other encumbrances for obligations incurred by Grantor Grantee shall not be responsible for any costs or liability of any kind related to the ownership operation insurance upkeep or maintenance of the Property except as expressly provided herein Nothing herein shall relieve the Grantor of the obligation to comply with federal state or local laws regulations and permits that may apply to the exercise of the Reserved Rights F Extinguishment In the event that changed conditions render impossible the continued use of the Property for the conservation purposes this Conservation Easement may only be extinguished in whole or in part by judicial proceeding G Eminent Domain Whenever all or part of the Property is taken in the exercise of eminent domain so as to substantially abrogate the Restrictions imposed by this Conservation Easement Grantor and Grantee shall loin in appropriate actions at the time of such taking to recover the full value of the taking and all incidental and direct damages due to the taking H Proceeds This Conservation Easement constitutes a real property interest immediately vested in Grantee In the event that all or a portion of this Property is sold exchanged or involuntarily converted following an extinguishment or the exercise of eminent domain Grantee shall be entitled to the fair market value of this Conservation Easement The parties stipulate that the fair market value of this Conservation Easement shall be determined by multiplying the fair market value of the Property unencumbered by this Conservation Easement (minus any increase in value after the date of this grant attributable to improvements) by the ratio of the value of this easement at the time of this grant to the value of the Property (without deduction for the value of this Conservation Easement) at the time of this grant The values at the time of this grant shall be the values used or which would have been used to calculate a deduction for federal income tax purposes pursuant to Section 170(h) of the Internal Revenue Code (whether eligible or ineligible for such a deduction) Grantee shall use its share of the proceeds in a manner consistent with the purposes of this Conservation Easement I Notification Any notice request for approval or other communication required under this Conservation Easement shall be sent by registered or certified mail postage prepaid to the following addresses (or such address as may be hereafter specified by notice pursuant to this paragraph) To Grantor [Name address and fax number] To Grantee [Name address and fax number] To the Corns [Name address and fax number] J Failure of Grantee If at any time Grantee is unable or fails to enforce this Conservation Easement or if Grantee ceases to be a qualified grantee and if within a reasonable period of time after the occurrence of one of these events Grantee fails to make an assignment pursuant to this Conservation Easement then the Grantee's interest shall become vested in another qualified grantee in accordance with an appropriate proceeding in a court of competent j un sdiction K Amendment This Conservation Easement may be amended but only in a writing signed by all parties hereto and provided such amendment does not affect the qualification of this Conservation Easement or the status of the Grantee under any applicable laws and is consistent with the conservation purposes of this grant L [For use if there is a document describing the current condition of the property The language provided is applicable if there is a mitigation plan that accurately describes the current condition and uses of the property If there is not such a plan another document we agree is accurate and can be identified and is in our files can be referenced ]Present Condition of the Property The wetlands scenic resource environmental and other natural characteristics of the Property and its current use and state of improvement are described in Section _ Appendix B of the Mitigation Plan dated prepared by Grantor and acknowledged by the Grantor and Grantee to be complete and accurate as of the date hereof Both Grantor and Grantee have copies of this report It will be used by the parties to assure that any future changes in the use of the Property will be consistent with the terms of this Conservation Easement However this report is not intended to preclude the use of other evidence to establish the present condition of the Property if there is a controversy over its use TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said rights and easements perpetually unto Grantee for the aforesaid purposes IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written [Signatures of the Grantor and Grantee in appropriate form] Kelly Harrill Chairman Greensboro NC Tenna Koury 'ice Chan-man aurlington NC John C Hagan Secretary Greensboro NC W Harrison Stewart Treasurer Greensboro NC Eddie C Bridges January 20, 2011 Executive Director Greensboro NC Dan Barker Greensboro NC Ms Tara Allden Thomas r G �; o NC Restoration Systems, LLC Samuel Bridges 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 211 Greensboro NC Raleigh, NC 27604 Tracy Brooks Greensboro NC TonrueE Davis Dear Tara, Roxboro NC Johnny Dinkins The North Carolina Wildlife Habitat Foundation (NC WHF) has reviewed the Greensboro NC Mitigation Plan for Restoration System's Pancho Stream and Wetland William DuBose reensboro NC Mitigation in Wayne County and is willing to become the longterm holder Gregory Erwin and provide oversight of the Conservation Easement that will protect the Raleigh NC property in perpetuity The role of easement holder for the Pancho project John Coins s in keeping with the the NC WHF to protect Hendersonville NCl p in g wi e mission o o manage an p Stewart Gordon wildlife within the State of North Carolina Winston Salem NC t ` Scott Heffernan Greensboro NC l W Maurice S Hull High Point, NC John Preyer Chapel Hill NC Dr Wes Perry Kinston, NC Mark Ruffin Greensboro NC John Saslow Greensboro NC Michelle Sharpe Greensboro NC Mark Toland Asheville NC P O Box 29187 • Greensboro NC 27429 9187 (336) 375 -4994 • www ncwhf orQ *Oi