HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0024228_Headworks Analysis_20201119City of High Point Public Services Department LAB SERVICES DIVISION CERTIFIED MAIL # 7018 0040 0000 1575 5373 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED November 14, 2019 Monti Hassan NC DEQ DWR 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 VW IV/ r ♦ I = i All l WNW — NORTH CAROLINNS INTERNATIONAL CITY" ��X \% rg�) RE: 2019 Headworks Analysis (HWA), NPDES Permit #NC0024228 Dear Mr. Hassan, RECEIVED NOV 19 2019 NCDEO/DVVR/NPDES Enclosed is the 2019 Headworks Analysis and supporting documents for the Westside wastewater treatment plant. Please contact me at 336-883-3090 if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, 4ar c-�HyIer Pretreatment Supervisor Enclosure P.O. 230, High Point, NC 27261 USA Phone:336.883.3410 Fax:336.883.3109 TDD:336.883.8517 RECEIVED NOV 19 2919 NCDEQIDWRINPDES = i - A AW NORTH CAROLINA'S INTERNATIONAL CITY Tll HEADWORKS ANALYSIS WESTSIDE WWTP November 2019 City of High Point Public Services Department LAB SERVICES DIVISION Overview Aw NORTH CAROLINNS INTERNATIONAL CITYT" 2019 Headworks Analysis (HWA) Summary The Westside WWTP has been operating under an expired NPDES permit since April 20, 2014. The expired permit included permit limits for 6.2, 8.2 and 10 MGD permitted limits, due to the expansion project. The 8.2 and 10.0 MGD permit limits were contingent on the Authorization to Operate and/or the Engineer's Certification of the expansion completion. The plant is still currently operating under the 6.2 MGD permitted flow; therefore, this Headwork Analysis (HWA) is a theoretical HWA using the 8.2 MGD upgraded flow. HWA Time -period Except for hardness results, all data for the sample period was obtained during the Short -Term Monitoring Plan (STMP) period beginning in September 2018 and concluding in August 2019. Since hardness data is analyzed during toxicity testing, the data summary includes results from January 2018 through August 2019 in order to have an adequate sample set covering all seasons. The data includes monthly monitoring, monthly STMP and quarterly LTMP data. All industries that discharge to Westside were in full production during the same period. Dairy Fresh, KAO Specialties Americas and Piedmont Chemical are required to monitor monthly and the POTW collected two compliance samples during the STMP monitoring period for those industries and Cascade Die Casting. WWTP Design The Westside plant completed the third and final phase of the plant upgrade to a biological nutrient removal, 5-stage facility. Westside has not been operating long enough at the expanded capacity to justify using the 1.5 multiplier. Removal Rate Calculations Removal rates were calculated using DMR averages, STMP and LTMP data. Any BDL values were assigned % the detection limit to calculate averages. Site specific removal rates were used unless more than 50% of the data was BDL and the literature removal rate was applied. The exception is Beryllium. It does not have a removal rate listed in the 50-POTW Study. Its removal rate is cited from the Centralized Waste Treatment Point Source Category development document Table 7-15. (Office of Water. "Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Centralized Waste Treatment Industry — Final." 821-R-00-020. US EPA. https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2015- 06/documents/cwt_dd_2000.pdf. Accessed October 30, 2019. P.O. 230, High Point, NC 27261 USA Phone:336.883.3410 Fax:336.883.3109 TDD:336.883.8517 HWA Summary 2 Antimony and Thallium are not included in the allocation table but LTMP results are included on the removal rate spreadsheet. Beryllium is included on the allocation table because it is a pollutant of concern identified on the incinerator permit and has an associated dissolved water quality standard. Historical data was evaluated for beryllium with respect to influent, effluent and sludge and all data is BDL, with the 2019 data below the lowest available detection limit of 0.5 ug/L. There is no data for molybdenum as it has not been included in previous sample plans, but a minimum pass -through loading has been calculated based on dissolved water standard. Mass Balance Calculations The uncontrollable concentrations were used for most parameters because those values were more representative of the average influent loading. Assumptions ' Mercury There are magnitudes of difference in detection levels for influent and effluent results for mercury. , Those samples that have values less than detection for the influent result but have measurable effluent values are assumed NOT to be less than detection and are highlighted in the mass balance spreadsheet. Silver The dissolved water quality standard for silver is low and beyond what technology can currently measure. The cited literature value for uncontrollable is 0.005 mg/L and the factor used for this headworks analysis is 0.0022. The City is currently in the process of certifying ICP/MS in order to analyze at lower detection levels. During the beginning of the STMP, the samples from both influent and effluent samples were analyzed at 5 ug/L detection limit and all samples were below detection. Fora two -week period, only effluent samples were analyzed at 0.5 ug/L, which is lower than the current PQL. All samples were below detection. Influent samples were not sent to the contract lab for the lower level analysis because pf the potential for matrix interference and if dilution was necessary, it would be equal to or higher than than the City lab's PQLs for silver. The City of High Point is requesting to ignore the 0 negative allocation as no industries have silver allocated and the loading is based on uncontrollable concentrations. Additionally, it is reasonable to assume, based on sampling results measured at the lowest PQL currently available, there is no silver being discharged in the Westside effluent. Inhibition Loading Calculations Literature values for pass -through calculations were selected for all parameters except BOD, TSS, ammonia, copper and zinc. Although Westside does nitrify, the lowest literature values were used for all inhibition concentrations. Water Quality Standards The human health standard for Arsenic was used from the metal's calculator; however, the average stream flow is not known, so the minimum limit was used. The lower standards for Chromium VI and Nickel were used as the standards in the headworks. HWA Summary 3 Information Slud a �W-Pi, -A"``V � The sludge generated at Westside is centrifuged on site but is transported to the Eastside Wastewater Treatment Plant and comingled with the Eastside sludge and incinerated. The Headworks Addendum for Sludge Loading is not included with this HWA submission. Allocation Table There are no permit modifications necessary with the updated HWA calculations. Conclusion As stated, this headworks analysis is theoretical and based on the upgraded permitted flow. Once the State issues a new permit, a new headworks analysis will have to be calculated if any limits are changed or added. Additionally, once the State has approved the City Lab's ICP/MS certification and S.O.P, we will be able to re -analyze silver at the lower PQL and possibly remove it as a pollutant of concern. Workbook Name: 8.2 MGD HWA• Worksheet Name: HWA Printed 11/12/201Page,9 10A9 AAM e M A I B C D E I F G H I J K 1 1leadworks Analysis Spreadsheet Spreadsheet Instructions: POTW Name: Westside WWTP 1) Applicable Values should be entered in the Heavy Bordered Blue cells. The rest of worksheet is Date: protected, password is "2". POTW NPDES # => NCo0242?8 2) Additional pollutants can be added in cells A34 to A42. Note all Pollutant names are linked from POTW Sludge Permit # => incinerator here to other pages in HWA worksheet and also to AT worksheet (i.e., automatically entered into other pages in HWA worksheet and also AT worksheet from HWA worksheet). POTW NPDES Permitted Flow(MGD 8.2 used in AT only 3) Formulas are discussed in the Comprehensive Guidance HWA Chapter. 4) HWA, AT and HASL worksheets are linked. MAHLs, Basis, and Uncontrollable load are POTW Average Flow(MGD) 3.278858 =used in HWA calculations automatically entered into AT from this worksheet. Uncontrollable Flow(MGD 2.8995 5) If red tab notes are not visible, they can be turned on in the "Tools" menu under "options", in the 7Q10 Stream Flow(MGD 0.43 'view" tab click the "comment indicator only" button. Stream Classification = C Class of Sludge generated (A, or B) Incinerator Sludge to Digestor Flow(MGD) , ^ Through talc. for different POTW use Design Sludge to Disposal Flow(MGD)= /mil J{N.� flows Criteria %Solids to Disposal= -�[ J Desi Values Average Flow Permitted Flow Loadin Sludge Site Area(acres)W WTF Influent B ) 461 1884.6 753.6 X SludgeSite Life(yii �jtWWTF Influent TSS (mg/1 367 3703.7 1481.0 X Age of Sludge Site(yrsr pW WTF Influent NH3 (1 1) 83.7 833.3 333.2 X R WWTF Influent Total N(ni 47.6 19.0 Pass -Through Loading Calculations 40 W WTF Influent Total P (mg/1) 9.9 19.1 7.7 X 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 d 23 Pollutant NPDES LIMIT (mg/1) Plant Removal Rate (%) Removal rate Source NPDES Loading (lbs/day) Stream Standard (mg/1) Stream Standard Source Standard Loading (lbs/day) Design Criteria Loading (lbs/day) Pass-Thru Loading (lbs/day) Minimum Pass-Thru Basis 24 BOD 4.9 99.74 Site Specific 51,536 31,527 31,527 Design 25 TSS 30 99.19 Site Specific 101,280 25,098 25,098 Design 26 Ammonia 1 99.88 22,788 5,724 5,724 Design 27 Arsenic 45 0.01 HH/Water S 1 0.5624 0.5624 Stream Std 28 Cadmium 67 0.0013 A uatic Life 0.1219 0.1219 Stream Std 29 Chromium 82 M 0.0116 A uatic Life 1.9934 1.9934 Stream Std 30 Copper 86 0.0192 A uatic Life 4.2421 4.2421 Stream Std 31 Cyanide 69 0.0053 Aquatic Life 0.5288 0.5288 Stream Std 32 Lead 61 iterature 0.00926 Aquatic Life 0.7344 0.7344 Stream Std 33 Mercury 0.000013 98.31 Site Specific 0.02104 0.012633 A vatic Life 23.12203 0.02104 NPDES 34 Molybdenum 33 iterature 0.16843 Water Supply 7.7759 7.7759 Stream Std 35 Nickel 42 iterature 0.026 Water Supply 1.3866 1.3866 Stream Std 36 Selenium 50 iterature 0.005 Aquatic Life 0.3093 0.3093 Stream Std 37 Silver 75 iterature 0.00006 Aquatic Life 0.0074 0.0074 Stream Std 38 Zinc 59.47 Site Specific 0.307 Aquatic Life 23.4298 23.4298 Stream Std 39 Total Nitrogen 6.4 86.56 Site Specific 1302.1750 1302.175 NPDES 40 Total Phos. 0.53 9723 Site Specific 523.2205 677.0412 677.041 Design 41 B Ilium 61.23 iterature 0.00684 Aquatic Life 0.5457 0.5457 Stream Std 42 f 43 44 45 I Modeled after: Chapter 5-HWA Guidance, Appendix 5-A Revision Date: February 2008 Workbook Name: 8.2 MGD HWA• Worksheet Name: HWA Page 2 of 5 r Printed 11/12/2019, 10:49 AM A B C D E F G H I J K 47 *See norrotivefor literature source Average Influent NH(mg/I)� Average Anaerobic Digester NH: (mg/ I) Inhibition Loading Calculations only enter when have ANAEROBIC digester 48 49 50 Pollutant Primary Removal Rate I%) Primary Removal Rate Source A.S./Nit,/T.F. Inhibition Concentration (mg/1) A.S./Nit,/T.F. Inhibition Concentration Source A.S./Nit,/T.F. Inhibition Loading (Ibs/day) Digestor Inhibition Concentration (mg/1) Digestor Inhibition Conc. Source Digestor Inhibition Loading (Ibs/day) Minimum Inhibition Loading (Ibs/day) Minimum Inhibition Loading Source 51 BOD 44 Site Specific 52 TSS 60 Site Specific 53 Ammonia 7 Site Specific 480 AS 14115.4149 14115.41 it/TF inhib 54 Arsenic 0.1 AS 2.7346 2.7346 it/TF inhib 55 Cadmium 15 Literature 1 AS 32.1714 32.1714 it/TF inhib 56 Chromium 27 Literature 0.394 Nit 14.7592 14.7592 it/TF inhib 57 Copper 38 Site Specific 0.48 Nit 21.0385 21.0385 it/TF inhib 58 Cyanide 27 Literature 0.1 AS 3.7460 3.7460 it/TF inhib 59 Lead 57 Literature 0.5 Nit 31.7973 31.7973 it/TF inhib 60 Mercury 10 Literature 0.1 AS 3.0384 3.0384 it/TF inhib 61 Molybdenum 62 Nickel 14 Literature 0.25 Nit 7.9493 7.9493 it/TF inhib 63 Selenium 64 Silver 20 Literature 0.25 AS 8.5455 8.5455 it/TF inhib 65 Zinc 27 Site Specific 1 AS 37.3984 37.3984 it/TF inhib 66 Total Nitrogen 67 Total Phos. 68 Beryllium 69 f 70 g 71 h 72 I Modeled after: Chapter 5-HWA Guidance, Appendix 5-A Revision Date: February 2008 Workbook Name: 8.2 MGD HWA• Worksheet Name: HWA Page3of5 � Printed 11/12/2019, 10:49AM A B C D __E___F F G H I J K 73 Sludge Loadine Calculations 74 75 Pollutant Sludge Ceiling Concentration Limit (mg/kg) Sludge Ceiling Load (lbs/day) Sludge Ceiling Load - HASL Cale. - (lbs/day) Cumulative Sludge Rate Limit (lbs/(acre*life)) Cumulative Sludge Loading (lbs/day) Class A Limits Monthly Average Rate Limit(mg/kg) Class A Limits Monthly Avg. Loading (lbs/day) Class A Limits Mon. Avg. Load. - HASL Cale. - (lbs/day) Minimum Sludge Loading (lbs/day) Minimum Sludge Loading Sorce 76 BOD 77 TSS 78 Ammonia 79 Arsenic 75 36 41 0.0000 HASL - Cl. 80 Cadmium 85 34 39 0.0000 HASL - Cl. 81 Chromium 82 Copper 4300 1338 1500 0.0000 HASL - CI. 83 Cyanide 84 Lead 840 267 300 0.0000 HASL - Cl. 85 Mercury 57 I5 17 0.0000 HASL - Cl. 86 Molybdenum 75 0.0000 Cumul. Stud 87 Nickel 420 374 420 0.0000 HASL - Cl. 88 Selenium 100 89 100 0.0000 HASL - Cl. 89 Silver 90 Zinc 7500 2498 2800 0.0000 HASL - CI. 91 Total Nitrogen 92 Total Phos. 93 94 95 Beryllium 96 f 97 98 h 99 I 100 Modeled after: Chapter 5-HWA Guidance, Appendix 5-A Revision Date: February 2008 Workbook Name: 8.2 MGD HWA• Worksheet Name: HWA Page4of5 � Printed 11/12/2019, 10:49 AM A B C D E F G H I J K 101 Maximum Allowable Headworks L ding Calculations 102 Minimum Pass Through Loading (Ibs/day) Pass Through Source Minimum Inhibition Loading (lbs/day) Minimum Inhibition Loading Source Minimum Sludge Loading (lbs/day) Minimum Sludge Loading Sorce Allowable Headworks Loading (lbs/day) Maximum Allowable Headworks Loading Source 103 BOD 31526.9 Design 31526.9 Design 104 TSS 25098.4 Design 25098A Design 105 Ammonia 5724.1 Design 14115.4149 AS/Nit/TF inhibiti 5724.1 Design 106 Arsenic 0.5624 Stream Std 2.7346 AS/Nit/TF inhibiti 0.5624 Stream Std 107 Cadmium 0.1219 Stream Std 32.1714 AS/Nit/TF inhibiti 0.1219 Stream Std 108 Chromium 1.9934 Stream Std 14.7592 AS/Nit/TF inhibiti 1.9934 Stream Std 109 Copper 4.2421 Stream Std 21.0385 AS/Nit/TF inhibiti 4.2421 Stream Std 110 Cyanide 0.5288 Stream Std 3.7460 AS/NiVCF inhibiti 0.5288 Stream Std 111 Lead 0.7344 Stream Std 31.7973 AS/Nit/TF inhibiti 0.7344 Stream Std 112 Mercury 0.02104 NPDES 3.0384 AS/NiVfF inhibiti 0.02104 NPDES 113 Molybdenum 7.7759 Stream Std 7.7759 Stream Std 114 Nickel 1.3866 Stream Std 7.9493 AS/NivIT inhibiti 1.3866 Stream Std 115 Selenium 0.3093 Stream Std 0.3093 Stream Std 116 Silver 0.0074 Stream Std 8.5455 AS/NiVfF inhibiti 0.0074 Stream Std 117 Zinc 23.4298 Stream Std 37.3984 AS/NiM inhibiti 23.4298 Stream Std 118 Total Nitrogen 1302.2 NPDES 1302.1750 NPDES 119 Total Phos. 677.0 Design 677.0412 Design 120 Beryllium 0.5 Stream Std 0.5457 Stream Std 121 f 122 123 h .1241 125 Modeled after: Chapter 5-HWA Guidance, Appendix 5-A Revision Date: February 2008 Workbook Name: 8.2 MGD HWA• Worksheet Name: HWA Page5of5 � Printed 11/12/2019, 10:49 AM A B C D E F G H I J K 126 127 Maximum Allowable Industrial Loa din s Calculations Design vs. Pass- Thru Warning 128 Pollutant Maximum Allowable Headworks Loading (lbs/day) MARL Basis Check to Use HASL Cala (x) Uncontrollable Concentration (mg") Uncontrollable Source Uncontrollable Load (lbs/day) Maximum Allowable Industrial Load (lbs/day) 129 BOD 31526.8680 Design 230 Mass Balance 5561.8209 25965.0471 130 TSS 25098.3960 Design 100 Mass Balance 2418.1830 22680.2130 131 Ammonia 5724.0756 Design 20 Mass Balance 483.6366 5240.4390 132 Arsenic 0.5624 Stream Std 0.003 Literature 0.0725 0.4899 133 Cadmium 0.1219 Stream Std 0.0028 Mass Balance 0.0677 0.0541 134 Chromium 1.9934 Stream Std N/A 0.0028 Mass Balance 0.0677 1.9257 135 Copper 4.2421 Stream Std 0.0163 Mass Balance 0.3942 3.8479 136 Cyanide 0.5288 Stream Std N/A 0.0055 Mass Balance 0.1330 0.3958 137 Lead 0.7344 Stream Sid 0.0019 Mass Balance 0.0459 0.6885 138 Mercury 0.02104 NPDES 0.0002 Mass Balance 0.00484 0.01620 139 Molybdenum 7.7759 Stream Std 140 Nickel 1.3866 Stream Std 0.0055 Mass Balance 0.1330 1.2536 141 Selenium 0.3093 Stream Std 0.0057 Literature 0.1378 0.1715 142 Silver 0.0074 Stream Std N/A 0.0022 Mass Balance 0.0532 -0.0458 143 Zinc 23.4298 Stream Std 0.084 Mass Balance 2.0313 21.3985 144 Total Nitrogen 1302.1750 NPDES 27.5161 Mass Balance 665.3897 636.7854 145 Total Phos. 677.0412 Design 4.8677 Mass Balance 117.7099 559.3313 146 Beryllium 0.5457 Stream Sid 0.0007 Mass Balance 0.0169 0.5288 147 f 148 g 149 h .15011 Modeled after: Chapter 5-HWA Guidance, Appendix 5-A Revision Date: February 2008 POTw= NPOES& IUP Count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Workbook Name: 8.2 MGD HWA, Worksheet Name: AT Printed: 11/12/2019, 10A9 AM Page 1 of 5 rruocatlon I axle Headworks last approved: Allocation Table updated: p Permits last modified: Spreadsheet Instructions: 1) Applicable Values should be entered in the Heavy Bordered cells. Rest of worksheet is protected, password is 7. 2) Formulas are discussed in the Comprehensive Guidance, Chapter 6, Section C. 3) HWA and AT worksheets in this workbook are linked. Pollutant Names, MAHLs, Basis, and Uncontrollable load in this AT worksheet are automatically entered from the HWA spreadsheet. This includes pollutant names in columns AT through BK. Westside WWTP NCO024228 Type Renewal Modification Date Pipe of Effective Effective Permit number Industry Date Date Expires Industry INDUSTRY NAMES Permit (pi�iimaiaiabaidy) number FLOW Permit Limits BOD Permit Limits TSS Permit Limits MGDgal/day Conc. Load mgA lbs/dav Conc. Load meA lbs/da Cascade Die Casting Group 0128 001 407/01/16 06/30/21 0.0090 9,000 DairyFresh 0151 001 Dail06/07/16 02/01/19 06/06/21 0.2000 200,000 5337.60 2502.00 KAO Specialties Americas 0026 001 407/01/16 03/02/18 06/30/21 0.2500 250,000 1251.00 625.50 Piedmont Chemical Industries I 0036 001 407/01/16 06/30/21 0.1000 100,000 417.00 166.80 J70 Column Totals => 0.55901 559,000 3294 Basis=> MAHL from HWA (lbs/day) _> Uncontrollable Loading (lbs/day) _> Total Allowable for Industry (MAIL) (lbs/day) _> Total Permitted to Industry (lbs/day) _> MAIL left (lbs/day) _> Percent Allow. Ind. (MAIL) still available (%) _> Percent MAHL still available (%) _> 5 Percent MAHL (lbs/dav) _> HWA.AT Revised: November 2005 NPDES Permitted Flow=> NPDES Design Design 8.2000 31527 25098 2.8995 5562 2418 5.3005 25965 22680 0.5590 7006 3294 4.7415 18959 19386 89.5 % 73.0 % 85.5 % 0.4100 1576 1255 POTW=: NPDES&: IUP Count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Workbook Name: 8.2 MGD HWA, Worksheet Name: AT Allocation Table i Printed: 11/12/2019, 10:49 AM Page 2 of 5 Headworks last approved: Allocation Table updated: Permits last modified: Westside WWTP NCO024228 Industry INDUSTRY NAMES Permit Pipe (pion fist dphabeady) number number Ammonia Permit Limits Arsenic Permit Limits Cadmium Permit Limits Chromium Permit Limits Copper Permit Limits Cyanide Permit Limits Conc. Load m lbs/day Conc. Load meA lbs/da Conc. Load m lbs/da Conc. Load m lbs/dav Conc. Load m2A Ibs/da Conc. Load m lbs/da Cascade Die Casting Group 0128 001 0.0375 Dairy Fresh 0151 001 Monitor KAO Specialties Americas 0026 001 Piedmont Chemical Industries I 0036 001 Monitor 0.1960 Column Totals => 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0375 0.1960 Basis=> MAHL from HWA (Ibs/day) => Uncontrollable Loading (lbs/day) => Total Allowable for Industry (MAIL) (Ibs/day) => Total Permitted to Industry (lbs/day) => MAIL left (Ibs/day) _> Percent Allow. Ind. (MAIL) still available (%) => Percent MARL still available (%) => 5 Percent MAHL (lbs/dav) => HWA.AT Revised: November 2005 Stream Stream Stream Stream Stream Design Std Std Std Std Std 5724.08 0.5624 0.1219 1.9934 4.2421 0.52E 483.64 0.0725 0.0677 0.0677 0.3942 0.133 5240.44 0.4899 0.0541 1.9257 3.8479 0.395 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0375 0.19C 5240.44 0.4899 0.0541 1.9257 3.8104 0.19S 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 99.0% 50.5' 91.6 % 87.1 % 44.4 % 96.6 % 89.8 % 37.8' 286.20 0.0281 0.0061 0.0997 0.2121 0.02E POTW NPDESAK IUP Count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Workbook Name: 8.2 MGD HWA, Worksheet Name: AT Allocation Table Printed: 11/12/2019, 10:49 AM Page 3 of 5 Headworks last approved: Allocation Table updated: Permits last modified: Westside WWTP NCO024228 Industry INDUSTRY NAMES Permit Pipe (vl� list alPbabaidy) number number Lead Permit Limits Mercury Permit Limits Molybdenum Permit Limits Nickel Permit Limits Selenium Permit Limits Conc. Load m Ibs/da Conc. Load m lbs/da Conc. Load m lbs/da Conc. Load m lbs/da Conc. Load m lbs/da Cascade Die Casting Group 0128 001 0.1000 Dairy Fresh 0151 001 KAO Specialties Americas 0026 001 Piedmont Chemical Industries 1 0036 001 0.1490 Column Totals => 0.2490 0.000000 0.00001 1 0.0000 0.0000 Basis=> MAHL from HWA (lbs/day) => Uncontrollable Loading (lbs/day) => Total Allowable for Industry (MAIL) (Ibs/day) => Total Permitted to Industry (lbs/day) => MAIL left (ibs/day) => Percent Allow. Ind. (MAIL) still available (%) => Percent MAHL still available (%) => 5 Percent MAHL Ilbs/dav) => H WA.AT Revised: November 2005 Stream Stream Stream Std NPDES Stream Std Std Std 0.7344 0.021035 7.7759 1.3866 0.305 0.0459 0.004836 0.1330 0.135 0.6885 0.016199 #VALtiI'.! 1.2536 0.171 0.2490 0.000000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0010 0.4395 0.016199 #VALUE! 1.2536 0.171 % 100.0% #VALUE! 1000% % t 77.0 % #VALUE! t54 0.0367 0.001052 0.3888 0.0693 0.015 POTW= NPDESN= IUP Count 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Workbook Name: 8.2 MGD HWA, Worksheet Name: AT Printed: 11/12/2019, 10:49 AM Page 4 of 5 Allocation Table Headworks last approved: Allocation Table updated: Permits last modified: Westside WWTP NCO024228 El Industry INDUSTRY NAMES Permit Pipe (pl a list alphabeicl» number number I Silver Permit Limits Zinc Permit Limits Total Nitrogen Permit Limits Total Phos. Permit Limits COD Permit Limits Ber) Permit Conc. Load mg/1 lbs/da Conc. Load m lbs/da Conc. Load m lbs/day Conc. Load m /1 lbs/da Conc. Load m lbs/da Conc. m Cascade Die Casting Group 0128 001 1.0000 Dairy Fresh 0151 001 Monitor KAO Specialties Americas 0026 001 1.6000 Monitor Piedmont Chemical Industries I 0036 001 0.4900 Monitor Column Totals => 0.00001 3.0900 0.00 L0.00 0.0000 Basis=> MAHL from HWA (lbs/day) _> Uncontrollable Loading (Ibs/day) _> Total Allowable for Industry (MAIL) (Ibs/day) _> Total Permitted to Industry (Ibs/day) _> MAIL left (Ibs/day) _> Percent Allow. Ind. (MAIL) still available (%) _> Percent MAHL still available (%) _> ( 5 Percent MAHL (lbs/day) _> Stream Std 0.0074 0.0532 -0.0458 0.0000 -0.0458 0.0004 Stream Std 23.4298 2.0313 21.3985 3.0900 18.3085 1 85.6 % 78.1 % 1.1715 NPDES 1302.1750 665.3897 636.79 0.00 636.79 100.0 % 48.9 % 65.11 Design 677.04 117.71 559.33 0.00 559.33 100.0 % 82.6 % 33.8521 #REFI #REF! #REF! #REF! 0.0000 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! H WA.AT Revised: November 2005 Workbook Name: 8.2 MGD HWA, Worksheet Name: AT Allocation Table Headworks last approved: Allocation Table updated: Permits last modified: Westside WWTP NCO024228 IUP Count Industry INDUSTRY NAMES Permit (plaaaclist dphabetiu),) number Pipe number Limits Load Ibs/da 1 Cascade Die CastingGrou 0128 001 2 Dairy Fresh 0151 001 3 KAO Specialties Americas 0026 001 4 Piedmont Chemical Industries I 0036 001 5 6 7 8 9 10 Column Totals => Basis=> MAHL from HWA (lbs/day) _> Uncontrollable Loading (Ibs/day) _> Total Allowable for Industry (MAIL) (Ibs/day) _> Total Permitted to Industry (Ibs/day) _> MAIL left (Ibs/day) _> Percent Allow. Ind. (MAIL) still available (%) _> Percent MAHL still available (%) _> 5 Percent MAHL Obs/day) _> 0.0000 Stream Std 0.5457 0.0169 0.5288 0.0000 0.5288 100.0 96.9 0.0273 HWA.AT Revised: November 2005 Printed: 11/12/2019, 10A9 AM Page 5 of 5 CARRIE BOYD From: Johnson, Charles Todd <ctjohnson@hazenandsawyer.com> Sent: Monday, February 13, 2017 4:02 PM To: MIKE SWAN Cc: CARRIE BOYD; TERRY HOUK; KEVIN WOOD Subject: RE: design assumptions Mike - Here is the information you requested for your headworks analysis. • BOD load 31,500 Ib/d (461 mg/L at 8.2 mgd) • TKN load 3,240 Ib/d (47.4 mg/L at 8.2 mgd) • TSS load 25,100 Ib/d (367 mg/L at 8.2 mgd) • TP load 680 Ib/d (9.9 mg/L at 8.2 mgd) • BOD load 31,500 Ib/d (378 mg/L at 10 mgd) • TKN load 3,240 Ib/d (38.8 mg/L at 10 mgd) • TSS load 25,100 Ib/d (301 mg/L at 10 mgd) • TP load 680 Ib/d (8.2 mg/L at 10 mgd) Please let me know if you have any questions. 1..a C. Todd Johnson, PE Senior Associate I Hazen and Sawyer 4011 Westchase Boulevard, Raleigh, NC 27607 919 833-7152 (main) 1919 755-8602 (direct) 1919 414-8513 (cell) tiohnson(alhazenandsawver.com I hazenandsawver.com From: MIKE SWAN [mailto:mike.swan@highpointnc.gov] Sent: Friday, February 10, 2017 10:17 AM To: Johnson, Charles Todd <ctjohnson@hazenandsawyer.com> Cc: CARRIE BOYD <carrie.boyd@highpointnc.gov>; Terry Houk <terry.houk@high poi ntnc.gov>; KEVIN WOOD <kevin.wood@highpointnc.gov> Subject: RE: design assumptions Thanks Todd! Michael Swan, UMC CITY OF HIGH POINT — Westside WWTP Chief Operator, ORC 1044 W. Burton Rd. Thomasville NC 27360 336.822.4782 1 m: 336.442.5201 fax: 336.822.4784 mike.swan@highpointnc.gov I www.highpointnc.gov Follow Us — CARRIE BOYD From: Johnson, Todd <ctjohnson@hazenandsawyer.com> Sent: Monday, April 24, 2017 3:39 PM To: DERRICK BOONE; CARRIE BOYD; MIKE SWAN Cc: KEVIN WOOD Subject: RE: Design assumptions Carrie — I just saw an error in my email. See below 8.2 MGD — 83.7 mg/L NH3-N 10 MGD — 68.6 mg/L NH3-N Thanks, Todd C. Todd Johnson, PE Associate Vice President I Hazen and Sawyer 4011 Westchase Boulevard, Raleigh, NC 27607 919 833-7152 (main) 1919 755-8602 (direct) 1919 414-8513 (cell) tjohnson _hazenandsawyer.com I hazenandsawyer.com From: DERRICK BOONE [mailto:derrick.boone@highpointnc.gov] Sent: Monday, April 24, 2017 3:37 PM To: Johnson, Todd <ctjohnson@hazenandsawyer.com>; CARRIE BOYD <carrie.boyd@highpointnc.gov>; MIKE SWAN <mike.swan@highpointnc.gov> Cc: KEVIN WOOD <kevin.wood@highpointnc.gov> Subject: RE: Design assumptions Thanks Todd! Derrick Derrick Q. Boone CITY OF HIGH POINT ASSISTANT PUBLIC SERVICES DIRECTOR 211 S. Hamilton Street I High Point, NC 27261 336.883.3166 1 fax: 336.822.7074 derrick. boone@highpointnc.gov I www.highpointnc.gov Follow Us — Please be aware that e-mail and attachments sent to and from this address are subject to the North Carolina Public Records law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Johnson, Todd [mailto:ctjohnson@hazenandsawyer.com] Sent: Monday, April 24, 2017 3:35 PM To: CARRIE BOYD <carrie.bovd@highpointnc.gov>; MIKE SWAN <mike.swan@high pointnc.eov> Cc: KEVIN WOOD <kevin.wood@highpointnc.gov>; DERRICK BOONE <derrick.boone@highpointnc.eov> Subject: RE: Design assumptions Carrie - I am so sorry, I let this slip through the cracks. 8.02 MGD — 83.7 mg/L NH3-N 10 MGD — 6.6 mg/L NH3-N Please let me know if you need anything else. werr C. Todd Johnson, PE Associate Vice President I Hazen and Sawyer 4011 Westchase Boulevard, Raleigh, NC 27607 919 833-7152 (main) 1919 755-8602 (direct) 1919 414-8513 (cell) tjohnson .hazenandsawyer.com I hazenandsaveyer.com From: CARRIE BOYD[mailto:carrie.bovd@highpointnc.gov] Sent: Monday, April 24, 2017 3:13 PM To: MIKE SWAN <mike.swan@high pointnc.gov>; Johnson, Todd <ctlohnson@hazenandsawyer.com> Cc: KEVIN WOOD <kevin.wood@highpointnc.gov>; DERRICK BOONE <derrick.boone@highpointnc.gov> Subject: RE: Design assumptions Mike or Todd, Any updates for the ammonia design loading assumptions? CARRIE BOYD BS, ECI-II CITY OF HIGH POINT PRETREATMENT SUPERVISOR, PUBLIC SERVICES P.O. Box 2301 High Point, NC 27261 336.883.30901 m:336.442.5208 fax: 336.883.3109 carrie.bovd@highpointnc.gov I www.highpointnc.gov Follow Us — Please be aware that e-mail and attachments sent to and from this address are subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: MIKE SWAN Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2017 7:27 AM To: Todd Johnson (tiohnson@hazenandsawyer.com) <tiohnson@hazenandsawver.com> Cc: KEVIN WOOD <kevin.wood@hiehpointnc.eov>; CARRIE BOYD <carrie.boyd@high pointnc.gov> Subject: FW: Design assumptions Todd, Our pretreatment supervisor needs to know the ammonia loading assumptions for the new Westside plant at 8.2 and 10 MGD. Thanks Michael Swan, UMC Ika I", CITY OF HIGH POINT— Westside WWTP Chief Operator, ORC 1044 W. Burton Rd. Thomasville NC 27360 336.822.4782 1 m: 336.442.5201 fax: 336.822.4784 mike.swan@highpointnc.gov 1 www.hil=_hpointnc.gov Follow Us — Please be aware that e-mail and attachments sent to and from this address are subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: CARRIE BOYD Sent: Monday, April 10, 2017 12:40 PM To: MIKE SWAN <mike.swan@hij?hpointnc.eov> Subject: Design assumptions Mike, Can you find out what the Ammonia loading assumption is at both 8.2 and 10.0 MGD? (I was only given TKN) CARRIE BOYD CITY OF HIGH POINT BS, ECI-II PRETREATMENT SUPERVISOR, PUBLIC SERVICES P.O. Box 2301 High Point, NC 27261 336.883.30901 m: 336.442.5208 fax: 336.883.3109 carrie.bovd@hishpointnc.eov I www.highDointnc.eov 4 anl+ +..'v%+! 1%11.*.,kc I+:1 ,1, Follow Us — Facebook I Twitter Please be aware that e-mail and attachments sent to and from this address are subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. gky) -� I Irv-.J-•_-•q-_�..- - ..w: / )SLUDGE HOLDING: SLUDGE HOLDING P.Ili i y ..1 � ' w �? t TANK N0. 1 ` TANK NO. 2 i t PRELIMINARY TREATMENT_':.,1> a P-'= — 4 SLUDGE PROCESSING FACILITY !. _ � ' i,M%`� 2 • , r"-"_ > _ vw.� •`� a .�?'ll �r �.� BUILDING ADMINISTRA ON R. el�w.�, _ BUILDING c `'II ~T � �� 1 �j' y �'G'..''�•-' �� � � � -„'�i; :it§ { f � OA�� E • ' -*-- �'`i+=.�,a.� t � ram-- �-�/•�_� 1 II! BLOWER BUILDING- }> + BLOWER BUILDING — AREA TO REMAIN �P UNDISTURBED �? SERIES 400) I 7 t r CENTRATE HOLDING d, ,C". ,� T '`.!� I I... -t 4 ,-, ,. ,.,,•.r' „ , ( 1 I.� r iA . TANK / , -\ J I 7 T>.�a�� I = - �•r J. t ,, jLax. `. 1 S Ali'jJ � t I I 4 � � i• 1�: 1t YI �; >•\ T � r ��, li , \ r � ._I ter,� +---- d -.sti , i ? wya, ,i,t .aT• J','; It ..tFI1V iDl ! �UTION BOX I I EXIST. AERATION BASINS , }il - _,y a .y(SEE SERIES 350 , ARh TO REMAIN DISTURBED FINAL' CLARIFIER Nd 3 -� t I W. NDISTURBED LIMITS I I ;� t e h r Via( xr Sri r f F SEE SERIES *tuj - _ t� �14 pa {< �.. t:it _:___:ac�. r• S.- uwa� a- i ,i _ r 1 YI r ], 1 a,.,,ir.��� 1 +� I, _ - _ - _ _ - - -wa_►c PUMP STAIIyBI \\� :•. �� It -yj SEE 45� II PRIMARY I$ ', RIMARYFINAL r %=' FIN'CLARIFlER NO 1 CLARIFlER NO 2 i �> CLARIFIER NO 1 CLARFlER NO 2 ji1I i` ;? 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I r ^- - PLAN {SEE M600)i,t _ (SEE M500)49 JI `�—- DESIGNED DMP .q,�,, THESE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS REFLECT CITY OF HIGH POINT aa. .. -- .�� CAF?0� � HAVE BEEN REVISED TO REFLECT — DRAWN RDL ,-o� �� AND REV90NS INCLUDED DAVIS-MARTIN-POWE/LL 4 .y'.� IN ALL ADDENDA AND MAY NOT dmp & ASSOCIATES, �NC: HAZENAND SA�� NORTH CAROLINA REPRESENT THE ORIGINAL 810 CHECKED REVISED O IN CONTENT. THESE MISSIONENGINEERS $ SURVEY 0 R S Environmental Engineers &Scientists 20590 REVISED DOCUMENTS ARE SOLELY FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF THE pRpaQ MLS %M OWNER, ENGINEER, AND 6415 Old Plank Rd, 4D11 WestChase Boulevard, Suite 50o WESTSIDE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PI CONTRACTOR, AND ARE NOT High Point, North Carolina 27265 RoWgh, North Carolina 27607 I:] ��'•.y;,4F(L h �r•`��,` WARRANTED TO BE Cd4PILM AND License No.: F-0245 License No.: C-0381 IMPROVE i .nn,.....-,. ... .... 0 ACCURATE IN ALL RESPECTS. MENTS - PHASE 3 Removal Rate Calculations 21 % of data is BDL RR for this IIWA -- 99.74% Removal Rate Spreadsheet Removal Rates Page 1 of 6 pages 11/1212019, 10.11 AM Revision: August 1999 Unpaired Site Specific RR — 99.19% Literature/Default RR — 85.00 Unpaired Site Specific RR => 99.88 Literature/Default RR 25 % of data is BDL 0 % of data is BDL RR to, this 11 W.A 99.19% RR lbr this HWA 9988% Removal Rate Calculations Literature/Default RR => 45.00 Unpaired Site Specific RR => 50 % BDf. Unpaired Site Specific RR Literature/Default RR => 67.00 % Literature/Default RR -r 82.00 % 100 % of data is BDL 97 % of data is BDL 100 % of data is BDL RR Rir this II WA=> 45.00% RR fiv this IIWA=> 67.00% RRforthis HWA 82.00% Removal Rate Spreadsheet Removal Rates Page 2 of 6 pages 11/12/2019, 10:11 AM Revision. August 1999 Removal Rate Calculations Column Averages => I Removal Rate Spreadsheet Removal Rates Page 3 of 6 pages 11/12/2019, 10:11 AM Revision: August 1999 Unpaired Site Specific RR => 50F./. Literature/Default RR => 8 % of data is BDL RR for this HWA => 8 g3,1 Unpaired Site Specific RR Literature/Default RR y 69.00 100 % of data is BDL RR for this HWA=> 69.00% 93 % of data is BDL RR for this HWA => 6L00 Removal Rate Calculations Column Averages => Removal Rate Spreadsheet Removal Rates Page 4 of 6 pages 1111212019, 10:11 AM Revision: August 1999 10 31A °I 6 � 0 Unpaired Site Specific RR =>� Literature/Default RR Unpaired Site Specific RR Literature/Default RR => 42.00 of data is BDL 100 % of data is BDL RR for this 11 WA=> 33.00%, RR Rx this HW.A r 42.00% Removal Rate Calculations Unpaired Site Specific RR Literature/Default RR Literature/Default RR => 5 070761 Literature/Default RR => 79.00 100 % ofdata is BDL 100 % ofdata is BDL 14 % of data is BDL RR for this HWA=> 50.00% RR for this HWA=> 75.00% RR for this HWA= 5,9.5/0% Removal Rate Spreadsheet Removal Rates Page 5 of 6 pages 11/1212019, 10:11 AM Revision: August 1999 Unpaired Site Specific RR => 97.23 Literature/Default RR == 0 % ofdata is BDL RR for this HWA=> 97\.23%/ V Removal Rate Calculations Unpaired Site Specific RR Literature/Default RR =>� Unpaired Site Specific RR Literature/Default RR 0 % of data is BDL 100 % of data is BDL RR for this HWA => 86.56 % RR for this HWA => 61.23 a/a 63 % of data is BDL RR for this HWA =>= Devolpment Document for CWT point Source Category Table 7-5, pp 7-18 Removal Rate Spreadsheet Removal Rates Page 6 of 6 pages 11112/2019, 10�36AM Revision August 1999 Unpaired Site Specific RR Literature./Default RR =>� 100 % of data is BDL RR for this HWA =>� Primary Removal Rate Calculations PRIMARY CLARIFIER Sample Date 9/12/18 10/17/18 11/14/18 12/19/18 1/30/19 2/13/19 3/13/19 4/10/19 5/15/19 6/19/19 7/17/19 8/14/19 Column Averages => Primary Removal Rate Primary Removal Rates Page 1 of 5 pages 11/14/2019, 9:07AM Revision: August 1999 Spreadsheet Instructions: 1) Data entered only Heavy Bordered cel Rest of worksheetis protected, password is „2„ 2) For below detection data, enter "<" in ..<.. column, and enter detectior level in Influen or Effluent mg) columns. Spreadsheet will auto- matically calculate averages and removal rates using 1/2 valu( entered. 3) Document removal Rate choice 4) Formulas in Compre- hensive Guide HWA Chapter, Section E, page 1. 3.0620968 •l <on < Effluent m L Used in Calculation 7F259 93 257 257 35 369.5 369.5 210 210 30 187 187 6501 650 160 160 5981 598 161 161 2941 294 274.5 274.5 5331 533 224 224 5001 500 1 272.5 272.5 275 275 204 204 450 450 216 216 400 400 253 253 418.08333 232.375 Unpaired Site Specific RR => 44.42 Literature/Default RR =>� 0 % of data is BDL RR for this HWA => 44 T 7276 Used in Calculation < Effluent m L Used in Calculation 228 59.2 59.2 276 119.2 119.2 62.7 62.7 56.8 56.8 37.7 37.7 35.7 35.7 100 100 44 44 282.1 282.1 36 36 74.8 74.8 81.2 81.2 267.8 267.8 67.2 67.2 58.7 58.7 50.8 50.8 268 268 66.7 66.7 56 56 37.6 37.6 38.7 38.7 39.21 39.2 145.875 57.8 Unpaired Site Specific RR => 60.38 7-71 Literature/Default RR =>� 0 % of data is BDL RR for this HWA 60 Primary Removal Rate Calculations PRIMARY CLARIFIER Sample Date 9/12/18 10/17/18 11/14/18 12/19/18 1/30/19 2/13/19 3/13/19 4/10/19 5/15/19 6/19/19 7/17/19 8/14/19 Column Averages => Primary Removal Rate Primary Removal Rates Page 2 of 5 pages 11/14/2019, 9:07 AM Revision: August 1999 AMMONIA 20.166667 18.7525 Unpaired Site Specific RR => 7.01 771 Literature/Default RR =>I 0 % of data is BDL RR for this HWA => 7 CADMIUM < Influent m L Used in Calculation < Effluent mg/L. Used in Calculation < 0.001 0.0005 < 0.001 0.0005 < 0.001 0.0005 < 0.001 0.0005 < 0.001 0.0005 < 0.001 0.0005 < 0.001 0.0005 <1 0.001 0.0005 < 0.001 0.0005 <1 0.001 0.0005 0.0027 0.0027 <1 0.001 0.0005 < 0.001 0.0005 <1 0.001 0.0005 < 0.001 0.0005 <1 0.001 0.0005 < 0.001 0.0005 <1 0.001 0.0005 < 0.001 0.0005 <1 0.001 0.0005 < 0.001 0.0005 <1 0.001 0.0005 < 0.001 0.0005 < 0.001 0.0005 0.0007F 6.0005 Unpaired Site Specific RR => 50 %BDL Literature/Default RR => 15.00 96 % of data is BDL RR for this HWA=> IS% CHROMIUM < Influent m L Used in Calculation < Effluent m L Used in Calculation < ins 0.005 0.0025 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.005 0.0025 <1 0.005 0.0025 < 0.005 0.0025 <1 0.005 0.0025 < 0.005 0.0025 <1 0.005 0.0025 < 0.005 0.0025 <1 0.005 0.0025 < 0.005 0.0025 <1 0.005 0.0025 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.005 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025 Unpaired Site Specific RR => 50 % BDI Literature/Default RR => 27.00 100 % of data is BDL RR for this I IWA => 27 Primary Removal Rate Calculations PRIMARY CLARIFIER Sample Date 9/12/18 10/17/18 11/14/18 12/19/18 1 /30/ 19 2/13/19 3/13/19 4/10/19 5/15/19 6/19/19 7/17/19 ::Zl 8/ 14/ 19 Column Averages => Primary Removal Rate Primary Removal Rates Page 3 of 5 pages 11/14/2019, 9:07AM Revision: August 1999 COPPER < Influent m L Used in Calculation < Effluent m L Used in Calculation 0.0434 0.0434 0.0163 0.0163 0.016 0.016 0.011 0.011 < 0.005 0.0025 0.007 0.007 0.011 0.01 0.014 0.014 0.013 0.013 0.0091 0.009 0.014 0.014 0.0141 0.014 0.017 0.017 0.0081 0.008 0.023 0.023 0.0111 0.011 0.014 0.014 0.0081 0.008 0.017 0.017 < 0.0051 0.0025 < 0.005 0.0025 0.01 0.01 0.018 0.018 0.008 0.008 0.0159 0.0099 Unpaired Site Specific RR => 37.61 Literature/Default RR => 22.00 13 % of data is BDL RR for this HWA => 38 0.0050 F 0.0050 Unpaired Site Specific RR => 50 %BDL 777 Literature/Default RR => 27.00 100 % of data is BDL RR for this HWA - > 27 LEAD < Influent m L Used in Calculation < Effluent m L Used in Calculation < 0.0025 0.00125 < 0.0025 0.00125 < 0.0025 0.00125 < 0.0025 0.00125 0.0032 0.0032 0.008 0.008 < 0.0025 0.00125 <1 0.0025 0.00125 < 0.0025 0.00125 <1 0.0025 0.00125 < 0.0025 0.00125 <1 0.0025 0.00125 < 0.0025 0.00125 <1 0.0025 0.00125 0.0056 0.0056 < 0.0025 0.00125 < 0.0025 0.00125 < 0.0025 0.00125 < 0.0025 0.00125 < 0.0025 0.00125 < 0.0025 0.00125 < 0.0025 0.00125 < 0.00251 0.00125 < 0.0025 0.00125 0.0018 F 0.0018 Unpaired Site Specific RR => 50 %BDL Literature/Default RR => 57.00 88 % of data is BDL RR for this HWA => 57 Primary Removal Rate Calculations PRIMARY CLARIFIER Sample Date 9/12/I8 10/17/18 11/14/18 12/19/18 1 /30/ 19 2/13/19 3/13/19 4/10/19 5/15/19 6/19/19 7/17/19 8/14/19 Column Averages => Primary Removal Rate Primary Removal Rates Page 4 of 5 pages 11/14/2019, 9:07 AM Revision: August 1999 MERCURY < Influent m L Used in Calculation < Effluent m L Used in Calculation < 0.0002 0.0001 < 0.0002 0.0001 < 0.0002 0.0001 < 0.0002 0.0001 < 0.0002 0.0001 0.0003 0.0003 < 0.0002 0.0001 < 0.0002 0.0001 < 0.0002 0.0001 < 0.00021 0.0001 < 0.0002 0.0001 < 0.0002 0.0001 < 0.0002 0.0001 < 0.0002 0.0001 < 0.0002 0.0001 < 0.0002 0.0001 < 0.0002 0.0001 < 0.0002 0.0001 0.0003 0.0003 < 0.0002 0.0001 < 0.0002 0.0001 < 0.0002 0.0001 < 0.0002 0.0001 0.00012F 0.00012 Unpaired Site Specific RR => 50 %BDL Literature/Default RR => 10.00 91 % of data is BDL RR for this HWA => 10 NICKEL < Influent m L Used in Calculation < Effluent m L Used in Calculation < Influent m L SILVER Used in Calculation < Effluent m L Used in Calculation < 0.01 0.005 < 0.01 0.005 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.01 0.005 < 0.01 0.005 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.01 0.005 < 0.01 0.005 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.01 0.005 < 0.01 0.005 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.01 0.005 < 0.01 0.005 < 0.0051 0.0025 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.01 0.005 < 0.01 0.005 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.01 0.005 < 0.01 0.005 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.01 0.005 < 0.01 0.005 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.01 0.005 <1 0.01 0.005 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.01 0.005 <1 0.01 0.005 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.01 0.005 <1 0.01 0.005 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.01 0.005 <1 0.01 0.005 < 0.005 0.0025 < 0.005 0.0025 0.0050 F 6.0050 Unpaired Site Specific RR =>F 50 % BDL Literature/Default RR => 14.00 100 % of data is BDL RR for this HWA=> 14% 0.0025 0.0025 Unpaired Site Specific RR => 50 % BDI Literature/Default RR => 20.00 100 % of data is BDL RR for this HWA => 20 Primary Removal Rate Calculations PRIMARY CLARIFIER Sample Date 11/14/18 12/19/18 1/30/19 2/13/19 3/13/19 1 8/14/19 1 Column Averages => Primary Removal Rate Primary Removal Rates Page 5 of 5 pages 11/14/2019, 9:07 AM Revision: August 1999 ZINC < Influent Used in Calculation < Effluent m Used in Calculation .mVL 0.14 0.14 0.082 0.082 0.109 0.109 0.07 0.07 0.053 0.053 0.068 0.068 0.072 0.072 0.128 0.128 0.066 0.066 0.08 0.08 0.099 0.099 0.087 0.087 0.102 0.102 0.049 0.049 0.112 0.112 0.07 0.07 0.063 0.063 0.032 0.032 0.107 0.107 < 0.025 0.0125 < 0.0251 0.0125 0.045 0.045 0.1061 0.106 0.038 0.038 0.0868 0.0635 Unpaired Site Specific RR => 26.88 Literature/Default RR => 27.00 8 % of data is BDL RR for this HWA => 27 Total Phosphorus 4.5760 5.3414 Unpaired Site Specific RR => -16.73 Literature/Default RR == 0 % of data is BDL RR for this HWA => N/A IUP Count 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 SIU.Uncont. Mass. Bal IkIN1�1NXIMMM INDUSTRY Industry NAMES Permit/Pipe (please list alphabetically) number FLOW Average Discharge :.. Average Discharge TSS Average Discharge AMMONIA Average Discharge ARSENIC Average Discharge MGD al/da Conc. Load m /1 lbs/da Conc. Load m /1 Ibs/da Conc. Load mg/1 lbs/da Conc. Load m /I Ibs/da Cascade Die Castro 0128/001 0.002369 2,369 Dai Fresh 0151/001 0.123513 123,513 5190.118 5346.33 1654.663 1704.47 3.21 3.3066 KAO Specialties Americas 0026/001 0.208501 208,501 271.1538 471.51 111.6231 194.10 0.428 0.7442 Piedmont Chemical 0036/001 0.045012 45,012 351.7857 132.06 86.18929 32.36 14.20286 5.3318 r5,949.g901 Sum of Industrial Loading (lbs/day) => Avg Influent loading (Ibs/day) _> 0.3794 379395 m /l lbs/da 1,930.9224 mg/1 Ibs/da 9.3826 m I lbs/da m /I MGDgal/day lbs/da .27885813,278,8581 420.70231 11504.39 158.8395 4343.57 18.02167 492.8147 0.0051 0.1367 Uncontrollable Load from Mass Bal (lbs/day) =>I J 2.8995 Uncontrollable Concert. from Mass Bal (mg/L) => Uncont. from Uncont. Sampling (mg/L + Ibs/day) => Uncontrollable Concert. From Literature (mg/L) => Uncontrollable conc. to be used in HWA (mg/L) => Spreadsheet Instructions: 1) Applicable Values should be entered in the Heavy Bordered cells. Rest of worksheet is protected, password is "T. 2) Formulas are discussed in the Comprehensive Guidance, Chapter 5, Section E, page 5. Uncontrollable Mass Balance Spreadsheet SIU.Uncont. Mass. Bal Page 1 of 5 pages 11/12/2019, 10:11 AM Revision: August 1999 483.4321 2301 1 100 20.0 250 250 25 0.003 230 100 20 0.003 Choose "Uncontrollable Concentration to be used in HWA" (row 31) from Uncontrollable Concentration From "Mass Balance" (row 25), "Sampling" (row 27), or "Literature" (row 29). Document reasons. IUP Count 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 SIU.Uncont.Mass.Bal CADMIUMFLOW -.COPPER CYANIDE INDUSTRY NAMES (please list alphabetically) Industry Permit/Pipe number Average Discharge Average Discharge Average Discharge Average Discharge Average Discharge MGDgal/day Cone. Load mg/1 lbs/da Cone. Load mg/1 Ibs/da Cone. Load m /1 lbs/da Cone. Load m /1 lbs/da Cascade Die Casting 0128/001 0.002369 2,369 0.361 0.0071 Dairy Fresh 0151/001 0.123513 123,513 KAO Specialties Americas 0026/001 0.208501 208,501 Piedmont Chemical 0036/001 0.045012 45,012 0.001 0.0004 0.0044 0.0017 0.011 0.0041 0.0105 0.0039 Wlbs/day Sum of Industrial Loading (lbs/day) => Avg Influent loading (lbs/day) => 0.3794 379395 0.0017 mg/1 lbs/da m 1 0.0113 mg/1 0.0039 MGD gal/daymg/1 Ibs/da lbs/da 3.278858 3,278,858 0.00071 0.01911 0.00251 0.06841 0.01481 0.4047 0.005 0.1367 Uncontrollable Load from Mass Bal (lbs/day) =>I 2.8995 Uncontrollable Concen. from Mass Bal (mg/L) => Uncont. from Uncont. Sampling (mg/L + Ibs/day) => Uncontrollable Concert. From Literature (mg/L) => Uncontrollable conc. to be used in HWA (mg/L) > Spreadsheet Instructions: 1) Applicable Values should be entered in the Heavy Bordered cells. Rest of worksheet is protected, password is "2". 2) Formulas are discussed in the Comprehensive Guidance, Chapter 5, Section E, page 5. Uncontrollable Mass Balance Spreadsheet SIU.Uncont. Mass. Bal Page 2 of 5 pages 11/12/2019, 10:11 AM Revision: August 1999 0.0188 0.0667 0.3935 0.1328 0.00-081 1 0.00281 1 0.0163 0.0055 0.003 0.05 0.061 0.041 0.0008 0.0Z8 0.0163 0.0055 Choose "Uncontrollable Concentration to be used in HWA" (row 31) from Uncontrollable Concentration From "Mass Balance" (row 25), "Sampling" (row 27), or "Literature" (row 29). Document reasons. IUP Count 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 SIU.Uncont.Mass.Bal FLOW A. MERCURY MOLYBDENUM INDUSTRY NAMES (please list alphabetically) Industry Permit/Pipe number Average Discharge Average Discharge Average Discharge Average Discharge Average Discharge I-MGDgal/day Cone. Load mg/1 lbs/da Cone. Load mg/1 lbs/da Cone. Load m /1 lbs/da Cone. Load MR/1 lbs/da Cascade Die Casting 0128/001 0.002369 2,369 0.0033 0.0001 Dairy Fresh 0151/001 0.123513 123,513 KAO Specialties Americas 0026/001 0.208501 208,501 Piedmont Chemical 0036/001 0.045012 45,012 0.0013 0.0005 0.0095 0.0036 Sum of Industrial Loading (lbs/day) _ZMG Influent loading (lbs/day) =3,278,8581 379395 m /1 0.0006 m1 m 1 lbs/da m /1 0.0036 al/da lbs/da lbs/da lbs/daAvg 0.00171 0.04651 0.00021 0.005471 01 0.00001 0.0051 0.1367 Uncontrollable Load from Mass Bal (lbs/day) =>I 2.8995 Uncontrollable Concen. from Mass Bal (mg/L) => Uncont. from Uncont. Sampling (mg/L + Ibs/day) => Uncontrollable Concert. From Literature (mg/L) => Uncontrollable cone. to be used in IIWA (mg/L) _> Spreadsheet Instructions: 1) Applicable Values should be entered in the Heavy Bordered cells. Rest of worksheet is protected, password is "2". 2) Formulas are discussed in the Comprehensive Guidance, Chapter 5, Section E, page 5. Uncontrollable Mass Balance Spreadsheet SIU.Uncont. Mass. Bal Page 3 of 5 pages 11/12/2019, 10:11 AM Revision: August 1999 0.04591 0.005471 1 0.1332 0.0019 0.00020 55 0.00 0.049 1 0.00031 1 1 0.021 0.00191 0.0002 0.0055 Choose "Uncontrollable Concentration to be used in HWA" (row 31) from Uncontrollable Concentration From "Mass Balance" (row 25), "Sampling" (row 27), or "Literature" (row 29). Document reasons. IUP Count 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 SIU.Uncont. Mass. Bal INDUSTRY Industry NAMES Permit/Pipe (please list alphabetically) number FLOW Average Dischar e SELENIUM Average Discharge SILVER Average Discharge ZINC Average Discharge Oil& Grease Average Discharge MGDgal/day Cone. Load mg/1 lbs/da Cone. Load mg/1 Ibs/da Cone. Load mg/1 lbs/da Cone. Load m /I lbs/da Cascade Die Casting 0128/001 0.002369 2,369 4.13 0.0816 Dairy Fresh 0151/001 0.123513 123,513 166 170.9963 KAO Specialties Americas 0026/001 0.208A 208,501 0.058 0.1009 Piedmont Chemical 0036/001 0.045012 45,012 0.0029 0.0011 0.1175 0.0441 Sum of Industrial Loading (lbs/day) => Avg Influent loading (lbs/day) => 0.37941 379395 1 m /l m /l 0.0011 mg/1 1 0.2266 1 ma/1 170.9963 MGDgal/day Ibs/da Ibs/da lbs/da lbs/da 3.278858 3,278,858 0.0051 0.13671 0.0021 0.0547i 0.08261 2.2588 Uncontrollable Load from Mass Bal (lbs/day) => 2.8995 Uncontrollable Concen. from Mass Bal (mg/L) => Uncont. from Uncont. Sampling (mg/L + Ibs/day) => Uncontrollable Concert. From Literature (mg/L) => Uncontrollable cone. to be used in IIWA (mg/I.) > Spreadsheet Instructions: 1) Applicable Values should be entered in the Heavy Bordered cells. Rest of worksheet is protected, password is "2". 2) Formulas are discussed in the Comprehensive Guidance, Chapter 5, Section E, page 5. Uncontrollable Mass Balance Spreadsheet SIU.Uncont.Mass.Bal Page 4 of 5 pages 11/12/2019, 10:11 AM Revision: August 1999 0.13671 0.05361 I#VALUEq 0.00571 1 0.00221 1 0.08401 1 #VALUE! 0.0051 1 0.175 50 0.00571 0.0022 0.084 Choose "Uncontrollable Concentration to be used in HWA" (row 31) from Uncontrollable Concentration From "Mass Balance" (row 25), "Sampling" (row 27), or "Literature" (row 29). Document reasons. IUP Count 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 SIU.Uncont. Mass. Bal Average Discharge INDUSTRY NAMES (please list alphabetically) Industry Permit/Pipe number Avera e Dischar e Average Discharge MGD gal/day Cone. Load m /1 lbs/da Conc. Load mg/1 lbs/da Casting 0128/001 0.002369 2,369 0151/001 0.123513 123,513 ericas 0026/001 0.208501 208,501 10.6627 18.5414 16.7 29.0396 0036/001 0.045012 45,012 RE Sum of Industrial Loading (lbs/day) => Avg Influent loading (lbs/day) => 0.3794 379395 m /t 18.5414 mg/1 1 29.0396 MGDgal/day lbs/da Ibs/da 3.27885813,278,8581 4.98251 136.24981 25.3942 694.4216 Uncontrollable Load from Mass Bat (Ibs/day) => 2.8995 Uncontrollable Concen. from Mass Bat (mg/L) => Uncont. from Uncont. Sampling (mg/L + Ibs/day) => Uncontrollable Concert. From Literature (mg/L) => Uncontrollable cone. to be used in IIWA (mg/l.) —> Spreadsheet Instructions: 1) Applicable Values should be entered in the Heavy Bordered cells. Rest of worksheet is protected, password is "T. 2) Formulas are discussed in the Comprehensive Guidance, Chapter 5, Section E, page 5. Uncontrollable Mass Balance Spreadsheet SIU.Uncont. Mass. Bal Page 5 of 5 pages 11/12/2019, 10:11 AM Revision: August 1999 117.7085 665.3820 4.86771 F 27,5161 4.8677 27.5161 Choose "Uncontrollable Concentration to be used in HWA" (row 31) from Uncontrollable Concentration From "Mass Balance" (row Industrial Data Summary Cascade Die Casting Cascade Die Casting Sample Date 9/11/2018 0.00334 12/27/2018 0.001887 12/28/2018 0.002556 12/29/2018 0.000498 3/12/2019 0.003566 Column Averages => 0.0023694 Uncontrollable Mass Balance Spreadsheet CDC 0918-0819 Page 1 of 3 pages 9/12/2019, 2:54 PM Revision: August 1999 Col umn Averages => Uncontrollable Mass Balance Spreadsheet CDC 0918-0819 Page 2 of 3 pages 9/12/2019, 2:54 PM Revision: August 1999 Industrial Data Summary Cascade Die Casting 0.3610 0.0033 Industrial Data Summary Cascade Die Casting Cascade Die Casting Sample Date 9/11/2018 Col umn Averages => Uncontrollable Mass Balance Spreadsheet CDC 0918-0819 Page 3 of 3 pages 9/12/2019, 2:54 PM Revision: August 1999 Dairy Fresh 0 Sam le Date 9/25/2018 9/27/2018 0.176 9/28/2018 0.1471 10/3/2018 0.133 10/9/2018 0.158 11/29/2018 0.0766 12/18/2018 0.1171 1/11/2019 0.101 2/6/2019 0.147 3/20/2019 0.11609 4/2/2019 0.131 4/24/2019 0.192 5/15/2019 0.137 5/30/2019 0.11661 6/20/2019 0.09 6/21 /2019 0.095 6/22/2019 0.0 7/24/2019 0.10324 8/28/2019 0.12 Column Averages=> 0.123513 Uncontrollable Mass Balance Spreadsheet DF 0918-0819 Page 1 of 3 pages 9/12/2019, 2:55 PM Revision: August 1999 Industrial Data Summary Dairy Fresh 1654.663 Industrial Data Summary Dairy Fresh Dairy Fresh < Effluent L Used in Calculation Sam le Date 9/25/2018 9/27/2018 9/28/2018 10/3/2018 10/9/2018 11 /29/2018 12/18/2018 1/11/2019 2/6/2019 3/20/2019 /2/2019 4/24/2019 5/15/2019 5/30/2019 6/20/2019 6/21/2019 6/22/2019 7/24/2019 8/28/2019 Column Averages => Uncontrollable Mass Balance Spreadsheet DF 0918-0819 Page 2 of 3 pages 9/12/2019, 2:55 PM Revision: August 1999 Industrial Data Summary Dairy Fresh Dairy Fresh < Effluent L Used in Calculation Sam le Date 9/25/2018 9/27/2018 9/28/2018 10/3/2018 10/9/2018 11/29/2018 12/18/2018 1/11/2019 2/6/2019 3/20/2019 /2/2019 4/24/2019 5/1512019 5/30/2019 6/20/2019 6/21/2019 6/22/2019 7/24/2019 8/28/2019 Cd umn Averages => Uncontrollable Mass Balance Spreadsheet DF 0918-0819 Page 3 of 3 pages 9/12/2019, 2:55 PM Revision: August 1999 Effluent Used in mp/L I Calculation 7330 5880 Industrial Data Summary KAO Specialties Americas 111.6231 Uncontrollable Mass Balance Spreadsheet KSA 0918-0819 Page 1 of 4 pages 9/13/2019, 2:07 PM Revision August 1999 0.428 Industrial Data Summary KAO Specialties Americas KAO Specialties Americas - • Effluent < m L Used in Calculation Sam le Date 9/6/2018 9/11/2018 9/17/2018 10/3/2018 10/12/2018 10/16/2018 10/24/2018 11/11/2018 11/12/2018 12/7/2018 1/9/2019 1/14/2019 1/20/2019 2/5/2019 3/1/2019 3/ 12/2019 4/2/219 4/9/2019 5/5/2019 5/9/2019 6/8/2019 6/17/2019 7/24/2019 8/22/2019 Column Averages => Uncontrollable Mass Balance Spreadsheet KSA 091 B-0819 Page 2 of 4 pages 9/13/2019, 2:07 PM Revision: August 1999 Industrial Data Summary KAO Specialties Americas KAO Specialties Americas Effluent < m L Used in Calculation Sample Date 9/6/2018 9/11/2018 9/17/2018 10/3/2018 10/12/2018 10/16/2018 10/24/2018 11/11/2018 11/12/2018 12/7/2018 1/9/2019 1/14/2019 1 /20/2019 2/5/2019 3/1/2019 3/12/2019 4/2/219 4/9/2019 5/5/2019 5/9/2019 6/8/2019 6/17/2019 7/24/2019 8/22/2019 Column Averages=> Uncontrollable Mass Balance Spreadsheet KSA 0918-0819 Page 3 of 4 pages 9/13/2019, 2:07 PM Revision: August 1999 0.0580 2064.7692 10.6627 Column Averages => 8.3750 Uncontrollable Mass Balance Spreadsheet KSA 091E-0819 Page 4 of 4 pages 9/13/2019, 2:07 PM Revision: August 1999 mary ericas Total Nitrogen TKN Piedmont Chemical 0 Sam a Date 9/11/2018 0.05842 9/26/2018 0.037348 10/18/2018 0.0343 11/13/2018 0.0923031 12/4/2018 0.068631 12/5/2018 0.044131 12/6/2018 0.02863 12/13/2018 0.02705 1/10/2019 0.034721 2/12/2019 0.02926 3/12/2019 0.0383 3/19/2019 0.0326 4/9/2019 0.06850 5/21/2019 0.03095 6/12/2019 0.07230 7/16/2019 0.052 8/ 1612019 0.01522 Column Averages=> 0.045012 Uncontrollable Mass Balance Spreadsheet PCI0918-0819 Page 1 of 3 pages 9/4/2019, 9:41 AM Revision: August 1999 351.7857 Industrial Data Summary Piedmont Chemical 86.18929 14.20286 Piedmont Chemical < Effluent L Used in Calculation Sam IeDate 9/11/2018 9/26/2018 < 0.005 0.0025 10/18/2018 < 0.00 0.0025 11/13/2018 < 0.00 0.0025 12/4/2018 12/5/2018 12/6/2018 12/13/2018 1/10/2019 < 0.00 0.0025 2/ 12/2019 < 0.00 0.0025 3/12/2019 3/ 19/2019 < 0.00 0.0025 4/9/2019 < 0.00 0.0025 5/21/2019 0.00 0.007 6/ 12/2019 < 0.00 0.0025 7/ 16/2019 0.01 0.015 8/ 16/2019 0.0 0.006 Column Averages => 0.0044 Uncontrollable Mass Balance Spreadsheet PCI0918-0819 Page 2 of 3 pages 9/4/2019, 9:41 AM Revision: August 1999 0.0110 Industrial Data Summary Piedmont Chemical 0.0105 Piedmont Chemical < Effluent L Used in Calculation Sample Date 9/11/2018 9/26/2018 0.006 0.006 10/ 18/2018 < 0.005 0.0025 11 / 13/2018 <1 0.005 0.0025 12/4/2018 12/5/2018 12/6/2018 12/13/2018 0.0421 0.042 1/10/2019 < 0.0051 0.0025 2/12/2019 0.0081 0.008 3/12/2019 3/19/2019 0.0051 0.005 4/9/2019 < 0.0051 0.0025 5/21/2019 < 0.0051 0.0025 6/12/2019 0.0161 0.016 7/16/2019 0.0181 0.018 8/16/2019 0.0071 0.007 Column Averages => 0.0095 Uncontrollable Mass Balance Spreadsheet PCI0918-0819 Page 3 of 3 pages 9/4/2019, 9:41 AM Revision: August 1999 Industrial Data Summary Piedmont Chemical 0.0029 1393.2143 D�tc o - o� o� c $ o � o g _ c Camposim S:unple Timc R Nw o, o, Total COmnotilc runic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 8 8 o S 8 8 8 S 8 8 8 8 nt,;,w Time A N = Openror Time On Sitc 2 z ORC On Si1C" a _ c _ - Y No Reporting Renton'... a = r - P c w m X - n as n •� A 2 o n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n 3 e n n - c 3 x O o o n o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 n o n n o 0 o n o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 o n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n 3 y r) N n - - _ n n n - n n n n n n - n n ❑ - N r C F _ z � CD < cr r 0 O 1° a Oo O -n a o - c o N O z ►� C z r� � rp z o r iSi rA CA n a O g w 41 z 0 0 0 rn n O u, 1 11111 � p p fC/7 a z O � 6O Z � V �`, r" � - 9 ca t �1+� I A 4 NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 08-2019 (August 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WWII. ORC: Kevin Prolus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) "'• No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE - No Flow-Reuse/Rceycle; ENVWTHR - No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW - No Flow; HOLIDAY - No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: W W-4 eDMR PERIOD: 08-2019 (August 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) •'•• No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW4 eDMR PERIOD: 08-2019 (August 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) 8 o C'+ u t- M "yam � 6 o v O s i 01147 01077 70295 01059 01092 Composite Composite Composite Com 0site Composite SrTOTAL SILVER RESIDLSS 711ALLIUAI ZINC 2400 dock On 2400 dock It. Y7a1N U811u4n mSA u sti I 080o 24 0700 24 Y 2 Ills 27.3 0700 24 Y 0700 24 N 4 0700 24 N 3 0800 24 0700 24 Y 6 0759 24 0700 24 Y 7 08ol 24 10700 24 Y 8 0800 24 0700 z4 a 9 1106 27 0700 24 0 10 0700 24 N 11 0700 24 N 12 0902 24 0700 24 Y 13 0810 24 0700 24 Y 14 0807 24 0700 24 Y < 5 < 25 15 0809 24 0700 24 D 16 1110 27 0700 24 Y 17 0700 24 N Is 0700 24 N 19 0832 24.5 0700 24 Y 20 0907 23.6 0700 24 Y 21 0807 24 070D 24 Y 22 0758 23.8 10700 24 Y 23 1114 27.3 0700 24 Y 24 0700 24 N 23 0700 24 N 26 0823 24.4 0700 24 Y 27 0759 23.6 0700 24 Y 29 0812 24.2 0700 24 Y 29 0801 23.8 0700 24 Y 30 0712 23.2 0700 24 Y 31 D700 24 N hleothly A—Z, Limit: Monthly A, crap: 0 0 Doily hlulmom: 0 1 0 Daily Minimum: 0 1 0 ••** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR — No Visitation — Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation — Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WWA eDMR PERIOD: 08-2019 (August 2019) fN1 '° 1,7 PERMIT VERSION:3.1 PERMIT STATUS: Expire CLASS: WW-4. COUNTY: Davidson- ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC CERT NUNIBER: 997819 ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 a g4 Ci I'+ z C0310 COW 00400 C0610 C0600 C0665 01105 01097 01002 5 X week 2 X week Composite Can ite Grab Can site Calculated Com ite Co. 'te Composite Composite DOD - Cone TSS •Cone pH NUJ-N-Cone TOTALN• TOTAL P-Cone ALUMINUhl ANT0110NY A.TOTAL 2400 In. n1gA m su mall m mail ugA USA u 10 1 D904 24 143 63.5 7.1 2 1121 27.3 304 54.7 7.1 3 4 5 24 614 259.2 6.9 6 24 610 124.4 6.8 7 24 327 63.2 6.8 8 F0802 24 530 185.5 69 9 27 519 208.E 7 to 11 12 0906 24 515 269.7 6.7 17.2 27.55 5.99 13 0902 24 345 53.1 7 14 0800 24 218 38.7 6.8 15 0801 24 368 57.7 6.9 16 I1o0 27 410 106.7 6.6 17 10 t9 0820 124 492 240 6.8 20 0800 23.7 313 43.3 6.9 2t 0800 24 249 48.7 6.7 u 0807 24.1 451 75.3 7 23 1103 26.9 284 88 7 24 25 26 0810 24.3 428 56 6.9 27 0804 23.9 538 186.1 7 20 0817 24.2 586 224.3 7 0805 23.8 533 71.2 7.2 Jo 0715 23.2 483 197 7.1 JI NI-thly Aveage limit: h1o01hly Awrage: 420.909091 123.404545 1 17.2 27.55 5.99 Dany hlaelmom; 614 269.7 7.2 17.2 27.55 5.99 Daily hllnheom: 143 38.7 6.6 17.2 27.55 5.99 ••" No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE - No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW - No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW4 eDMR PERIOD: 08-2019 (August 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 (Continue) oil •'•' No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flog, HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday •'•' No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flog, HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 ]FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW4 eDMR PERIOD: 08-2019 (August 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: W W-4. ORC: Kevin Proms Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERM IT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 (Continue) Ills ••$* No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flaw; HOLIDAY - No Visitation - Holiday ••$* No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flaw; HOLIDAY - No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 07-2019 (July 2019) N PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 PERMIT STATUS: Expired CLASS: WW-4. COUNTY: Davidson ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 ••** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE - No Flow-Reuse(Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 07-2019 (July 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 (Continue) ••" No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse(Recycle; EN V WTHR - No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLO W = No Flow; HOLIDAY - No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 PERMIT STATUS: Expired FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP CLASS: WW-4. COUNTY: Davidson OWNER NAME: City of High Point ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 GRADE: WW4 ORC HAS CHANGED: No eDMR PERIOD: 07-2019 (July 2019) VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 (Continue) —* No Reponing Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather, NOFLOW - No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDNIR PERIOD: 07-2019 (July 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Prows Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO g C 9y tS yy Lk O u O 00010 00400 50060 C0310 C0610 CO330 31616 00300 FFLOW S X week S X week S X week S X week 2 X week 2 X week 2 X week 5 X reek Grab Grab Grab Composite Composite Composite Grab Grab TEa11C pH CHLORINE OOD •C.x NHYN-C- T.-Cane L. aR DO 2400.1eak Hn 1400d ck H. MIN m d de a su u M94 No maA mpn/100.1 m 1 0903 24 0700 24 Y 2.2 24.7 7.4 <2 0.0261 < 2.5 2 7.8 2 0750 23.7 0700 24 Y 2.3 24.9 7 <2 <0.01 , 0� -2.5 < 1 7.8 3 0746 24 0700 24 Y 2.3 25.2 7.3 <2 <0.01 < 2.5 <1 7.8 4 0700 24 Y 2.4 H H H H H H H 5 1231 28.4 0700 24 Y 2.3 25.2 7.2 <2 < 0.01 < 2.5 <1 7.7 6 0700 24 N 2.2 7 0700 24 N 4.5 8 0758 24 0700 24 B 2.9 24.9 7.2 <2 <0.01,0 <2.5 <1 7.3 9 0747 23.9 0700 24 B 2.7 23.1 7.1 <2 <0.01 • <2.5 <1 7.8 to 0759 24.1 0700 24 Y 2.5 25.3 7 <2 <0.01 <2.5 <1 7.6 11 0807 24.2 0700 24 Y 3 25.6 7.1 <2 <0.01. <2.5 14 7.6 12 1113 27.1 0700 24 Y 2.6 25.4 7.4 <2 < 0.01 < 2.5 45 7.6 13 0700 24 N 2.1 14 0700 24 N 2.1 1s 0935 24.3 0700 24 B 2.2 25.7 7.3 <2 <0.01 yv- <2.5 <1 7.7 14 0759 23.4 0700 24 Y 2.3 25.2 7 <2 <0.01 < 2.5 < 1 8.1 17 0740 23.6 0700 24 Y 2.4 21.6 7 <2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < 1 7.6 Is 0740 24 0700 24 Y 2.5 26.3 7 <2 0.0199 <2.5 <1 7.5 19 1133 26.9 0700 24 Y 2.5 25.9 7.1 <2 1 < 0.01 < 2.5 <1 7.6 20 0700 24 N 3.5 21 0700 24 N 2.5 22 0815 24.2 0700 24 Y 3.5 26.2 6.9 < 2 40.01 < 2.5 < 1 7.4 23 0753 23.6 0700 24 Y 6.4 23.9 7.2 <2 < 0.01. $016 < 2.5 2 7.9 24 D939 24.7 0700 24 Y 3 24.7 7.3 <2 <0.01 et<2.5 < 1 7.8 25 0801 23.3 0700 24 Y 2.8 24.4 7.2 <2 <0.01 <2.5 < 1 7.7 26 1102 27 0700 24 Y 2.6 24.6 7.2 <2 <0.01 <2.3 <1 7.9 27 0700 24 N 2.3 28 0700 24 N 2.4 29 0800 24 0700 24 Y 2.6 25 7.4 <2 0.0138 <2.5 <1 7.7 30 0809 24.1 0700 24 Y 2.5 25.2 7.4 <2 0.0266 < 2.5 < 1 7.8 31 0803 23.9 0700 24 Y 3 25.4 7.1 <2 OM06 <2.5 1 7.8 atmlkly bnmp Limit: 6.2 5 1 200 2.745161 23.1 0 0. 0 1.427608 7.7 D.k, M-Imamt 16.4 26.3 7.4 0 0.0266 0 45 8.1 Dilly alinimumt 12.1 21.6 6.9 0 0 0 0 7.7 •"' No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; EN V WTHR - No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW - No Flow; HOLIDAY - No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Weslside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Poinl GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 07-2019 (July 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Ex !red COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) ••** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE - No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW - No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 07-2019 (July 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERM IT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) ••** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday 4 t . NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 07-2019 (July 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) *— No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW4 eDMR PERIOD: 06-2019 (June 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 I (0-14,Aq N91Rt PERMIT STATUS: Expired YI. COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 "'• No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE =No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 06-2019 (June 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Ex ired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 (Continue) ®®®®®®®®®®® ••'• No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE a No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation- Adverse Weather; NOFLOW a No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW4 eDMR PERIOD: 06-2019 (June 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 (Continue) •"' No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; EN V WTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW - No Flow; HOLIDAY - No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 06-2019 (June 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO x a yp ei e tJ 1t F- s eY 6 H u O € B 2 50050 00010 00490 50060 CO3to C06I0 Comm 31616 00300 Continuous 5 X week 5 X week 5 X week 5 X week 2 X week 2 X week 2 X week 5 X reek Recorder Grab Grab Grab Composite Composite Composite Grab Grab FLOW TEMP-C pH CHLORINE 60D •Cana NH]-N-Cone Tits -Co:n PCOLI aR DO 2410 duk Hn 2400abck H. YIDIN m d e su m m m IDOmI 1 0700 24 N 2 2 0700 24 N 2 3 0800 24 0700 24 Y 2.3 23.2 7.1 < 2 0.038 < 2.5 < 1 7.2 0804 24 0700 24 Y 2.2 22.6 7 < 2 0.0426 < 2.5 < 1 7.4 5 0801 24 0700 24 Y 2.3 23 6.8 < 2 0.0138 < 2.5 < 1 7.7 6 0908 24.1 0700 24 Y 2 23.5 7.1 < 2 0.0207 < 2.5 < 1 7.2 7 1125 27.3 0700 24 Y 6.3 23.7 7.2 <2 0.0374 < 2.5 < 1 7 8 0700 24 N 6.4 0 0700 24 N 4.6 to 0901 24 0700 24 B 3.3 22.7 7.1 <2 0.0117 <2.5 <1 7.4 11 0802 24 0700 24 B 2.5 22.5 7 < 2 0.0366 < 2.5 < I 711 12 0901 24 0700 24 B 6.1 21.8 6.6 < 2 < 0.01 Oi� < 2.5 < 1 7.8 13 0803 24 0700 24 Y 4.2 214 6.9 <2 0.0259 <15 <1 9.1 14 1101 27 0700 24 Y 3 21.3 7.1 <2 <0.01 <2.5 is 7.9 15 0700 24 N 16 16 0700 24 N 2.2 < I 17 0800 23.9 0700 24 Y 3.2 22.5 7.1 <2 0.0256 <15 <1 7.6 t1 0907 24.1 0700 24 Y 3.5 23.6 6.8 <2 0.0361 <2.5 <1 9.5 19 0907 24 0700 24 Y 2.9 23.6 6.6 < 2 0.0312 < 2.5 < 1 7.1 20 0808 24 0700 24 Y 2.8 23.6 7.1 < 2 0.0258 < 2.5 < 1 7 21 1111 27 0700 24 Y 2.6 23.7 7.1 <2 <0.01 <2.5 <1 7.2 23 0700 24 N 2.5 23 0700 24 N 2.4 24 JOS40 24.6 07W 24 Y 2.5 23.5 7.5 < 2 < 0.01 G EE < 1 7.5 25 0904 23.4 0700 24 Y 2.5 23.7 6.9 < 2 < 0.01 < 1 7.9 16 0807 24 0700 24 Y 2.3 24 6.8 < 2 0.0111 < 2.5 < 1 7.9 27 0813 24.1 0700 24 Y 2.2 241 7 < 2 0.0234 < 2.5 1 7.4 28 HI1 27 0700 24 Y 12 24A 7.4 <2 0.0143 <2.5 1 7 29 0700 24 N 1.9 .16 0700 24 1 N 1 2 51enthly At emp Limit: 6.2 5 2 30 200 hlonlhly A-v: 2.983337 23.125 0 5 0 1.079657 7.57 D.t1y hi-int m: 6.4 24.4 7.5 0 0.0426 o 5 9.1 D.ity alinimum: 1.9 21.7 6.6 10 0 10 7 •ti6 No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather, NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday J NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 06-2019 (June 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) **** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLO W - No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW4 eDMR PERIOD: 06-2019 (June 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) •*** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse(Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation — Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation — Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 06-2019 (June 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4, ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) ••" No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather, NOFLO W - No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 05-2019 (May 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 PERMIT STATUS: E 'N' f �°<<a Wd CLASS: WW-4. COUNTY: Davidson ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 ills "'• No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE - No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR - No Visitation - Adverse Weather, NOFLOW - No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday "'• No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE - No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR - No Visitation - Adverse Weather, NOFLOW - No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WWA eDMR PERIOD: 05-2019 (May 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CF.RT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 (Continue) •*** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE - No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW - No Flow; HOLIDAY - No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 PERMIT STATUS: Expired FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP CLASS: WW4. COUNTY: Davidson OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 05-2019 (May 2019) ORC: Kevin Prolus Wood ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 (Continue) ills ••** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR - No Visitation - Adverse Weather. NOFLOW - No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday ••** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR - No Visitation - Adverse Weather. NOFLOW - No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 PERMIT STATUS: Expired FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP CLASS: WW-4. COUNTY: Davidson OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 05-2019 (May 2019) ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO 8 u 3 F € y 6 8 u O g of soose 00010 Bate sow C0310 C0610 C0530 31616 00300 Continuous 5 X week 5 X week S X week 5 X week 2 X Week 2 X week 2 X week 5 X Week Recorder Grab Grab Grab Composite Composite Composite Grab Grab FLOW TEMP-C pH CHLORINE BOD-Care H113-N-Cure 755-fear FCOLI OR DO 2400 ebek H. 2400 clerk H. YmrN mad deg a au u8A MBA m mgA m n/IODml m 1 080$ 24 0700 24 Y 2.5 20.9 6.9 < 2 < 0.01 2.5 < 1 8.2 2 0904 24 0700 14 Y 2.5 20.9 7 < 2 < 0.01 3.4 < 1 3.3 3 1115 27.2 0700 24 Y 2.4 21 T 1 < 2 < 0.01 3.3 < 1 9.1 0700 24 N 2.8 5 0700 24 N 3 9 0802 24 07W 24 B 2.6 21.E 7 <2 <0.01 <2.5 <1 7.3 7 0753 23.9 0700 24 B 2.4 21.7 7 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < t 7.6 s 0748 23.9 0700 24 Y 2.4 21.9 6.8 < 2 0.0112 < 2.5 < 1 7.8 9 0758 24.2 0700 24 Y 2.4 22 7 < 2 0.0114 < 2.5 < 1 7.9 to 1130 27.5 0700 24 Y 2.3 22.2 7.2 < 2 0.0207 < 2.5 1 7.8 if 0700 24 N 2.8 12 0700 24 N 2.7 13 0758 23.9 0700 24 Y 3.1 21.9 7.1 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < 1 7.7 14 0749 23.8 0700 24 Y 2.6 20.7 6.9 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 2 7.5 13 0810 24.4 0700 24 Y 2.5 20.9 6.6 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < 1 7.9 16 0807 24 0700 24 B 2.4 19.9 6.9 < 2 0.0165 < 2.5 1 8 17 1105 27 0700 24 B 2.3 20.8 7.2 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < 1 9.5 to 0700 24 N 2 19 0700 24 N 2.1 20 0757 24 0700 24 B 2.3 22.2 7.2 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < 1 8 21 0804 24 0700 24 Y 2.3 22 6.9 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < I 9.1 22 0748 23.7 070D 24 Y 2.5 21.3 7 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < 1 7.7 23 0752 24 07DO 24 Y 2.5 21.4 7.2 .2 < 0.01 < 2.5 3 7.7 24 0716 23.4 0700 24 Y 2.2 21.6 7.1 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 4 7.7 2e 0700 24 N 1.9 26 D700 24 N 1.8 27 0700 24 N 2 H H H H H H 23 0745 23.7 0700 24 Y 2.2 22.5 6.8 <2 <0.01 <2.5 <1 7.3 29 0735 24.2 0700 24 Y 2.4 22.9 7 < 2 '0.01 < 2.3 < 1 75 30 0900 24.1 0700 24 Y 2.2 23.3 7.2 < 2 0. 115 < 25 < 1 7.2 3l 1104 24 0700 24 1 Y 2.4 23.5 7.1 <2 0.0257 <2.5 2 7.3 htanrhly A-er LIWI. 6.2 3 2 30 290 hlanthly Aeemse: 2.403226 21.696364 0 0.009114 0.427273 1.192395 7.777273 Daly hhrlmam, 3.1 23s zz o 0.115 3s a ss Dd1y 1,11W um: 1.8 19.9 6.6 0 0 0 0 7.2 •'*• No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE =No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR= No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW - No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday i NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City oPHigh Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 05-2019 (May 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) "'• No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE - No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR - No Visitation- Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY -No Visitation -Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 PERMIT STATUS: Expired ]FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP CLASS: WW-4. COUNTY: Davidson OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 05-2019 (May 2019) ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) "'• No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE - No Flow-ReusefRecycle; F.NVWTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW - No Flow; HOLIDAY - No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 PERMIT STATUS: Expired FACILITY NAME: Westsidc WWTP CLASS: WW-4. COUNTY: Davidson OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW4 eDMR PERIOD: 05-2019 (May 2019) ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) •*** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation — Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation — Holiday Eff6--L-1:.1._ NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 PERMIT STATUS: Expired FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP CLASS: WW-4. COUNTY: Davidson OWNER NAME: City of High Point ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 GRADE: WW-4 ORC HAS CHANGED: No eDMR PERIOD: 04-2019 (April 2019) VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 Ills g®F M®MR m,� ••** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 04-2019 (April 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 (Continue) Ills ••** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE - No Flow-Reose/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday ••** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE - No Flow-Reose/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW4 eDMR PERIOD: 04-2019 (April 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 (Continue) '•" No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE - No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLO W = No Flaw; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 04-2019 (April 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO 6 A g a y p y O 50050 00010 00400 50M C0310 C0610 C0530 31616 00300 Continuous 5 X week 5 X week 5 X week 5 X week 2 X week 2 X week 2 X week S X week Recorder Grob Grab Grab Composite Composite Composite Gnb Grab rLOW TEMP-C pN CHLORINE DOD -C- NH3-N-Cane T88-Con. FCOLI DR DO 2400.1ack H. 2400 e1o.k Hn Y/" d deg a su uyA M&A mgA m m n/IOoml m SA 2 0900 23.9 D700 24 B 3 16.8 7.3 <2 0.0396 <2.5 <1 8.5 2 0748 23.8 0700 24 Y 3.2 16.5 7.4 12 < 0.01 < 2.5 < 1 9.6 3 0744 24 0700 24 Y 2.8 16.1 7.2 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < 1 9.6 0800 24.3 0700 24 Y 2.3 16.9 7.2 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < 1 9.6 s 1103 27.1 0700 24 Y 4A is 7.3 <2 0.167 <2.5 <1 7.8 6 0700 24 N 3 7 0700 24 N 2.9 8 0837 24.6 0700 24 1 B 19.4 7.1 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < 1 7.5 0811 23.6 0700 24 B 19.4 7.2 <2 <0.01 <2.5 <1 8 10 0941 24.5 0700 24 Y t3,3 19.6 7 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < 1 8.2 11 0903 23.4 0700 24 Y 18.6 7.1 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < 1 8.2 11 1120 27.3 0700 24 Y . 19.1 7.1 <2 <0.01 <2.5 6 9.1 13 0700 24 N 5 14 0700 24 N 4 13 0800 24 0700 24 B 3.7 18.9 7.2 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < 1 8.4 16 0905 24.1 0700 24 B 3.3 18.5 6.9 <2 <0.01 <2.5 <I 9.6 17 0801 23.9 0700 24 Y 3.1 18.6 6.9 <2 <0.01 <2.5 2 8.6 18 0711 23.2 0700 24 Y 3 19.4 7 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < I 8.4 19 0700 24 N 3.8 H H FI H H H H 20 0700 24 N 2.8 21 0700 24 N 2.5 21 0807 24.1 0700 24 Y 2.7 18.9 7.4 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < 1 9.4 23 0810 24 0700 24 Y 2.7 19 7.2 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < 1 9.4 24 0810 24 0700 24 Y 2.7 19 6.9 <2 1 <0.01 <2.5 101 9.4 23 0808 24 0700 24 Y 2.7 19.7 7 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < 1 8 26 III 1 27 0700 24 Y 2.7 20.3 7.1 < 2 0.0273 < 2.5 < I 7.7 27 0700 24 N 2.3 23 0700 24 N 2.4 29 0807 24 0700 24 Y 2.6 20 7.7 < 21<0.01 0.0209 2.9 < 1 7.9 30 08 f 0 24 0700 24 Y 2.6 19.8 7.2 < 2 3.5 < 1 8.5 htonlhlr A-g, I3m11: 6 2 3 1 30 200 hlenthy Awmv: 3.24 18.639095 0 0.012133 0.304762 1.402276 8.257143 6.4 20.3 7.4 0 0.167 3.5 101 8.6 Dnly hllnimom: 2.7 16.1 6.9 0 0 0 0 7.5 •'�� No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; EN V WTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather, NOFLOW - No Flow; HOLIDAY m No Visitation - Holiday r 1� V 1� 1 NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW4 eDMR PERIOD: 04-2019 (April 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Ex ired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) afflaaffiffluffiffifflo ••** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW - No Flow; HOLIDAY - No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW4 eDMR PERIOD: 04-2019 (April 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: W W-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) ME ***' No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024229 PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 PERMIT STATUS: Expired FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP CLASS: WW-4. COUNTY: Davidson OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW4 eDMR PERIOD: 04-2019 (April 2019) ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) "'• No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather, NOFLO W = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 03-2019 (March 2019) 105 Pf o ,, PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 PERMIT STATUS: Expire CLASS: WW-4. COUNTY: Davidson ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 • •'• No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE - No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather. NOFLOW - No Flow; HOLIDAY - No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024229 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 03-2019 (March 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Pronts Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 (Continue) •"• No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE - No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; EN V WTHR - No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLO W s No Flow; HOLIDAY - No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 03-2019 (March 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 (Continue) •"• No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather, NOFLO W - No Flow; HOLIDAY - No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 PERMIT STATUS: Expired FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP CLASS: WW-4. COUNTY: Davidson OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDNIR PERIOD: 03-2019 (March 2019) ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO G1- S s C O E C O O 9 Z 50050 OOOIO 00400 W060 CO310 C-11 .7-11 31616 00300 Continuous S X week S X "xek S X Leek S X wxek 2 X week 2 X wxek 2 X week 5 X w k Recorder Grab Grab Grab Composite Com site Composite Grab Grab FLO\Y 'IMI-C pH CHLORINE BOD-Cone NH3-N-C.- T. - Cone FCOLIBR DO 2400 clock H. 2400r1oek H. Y/6T1 an d deg a su UgA MO m .10 n/100.1 m 1 1120 27.3 0700 24 Y 6.4 15.9 7.1 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < 1 9 2 07010 24 N 4.2 3 0700 24 N 5.3 4 0802 24 0700 24 Y 4.5 16 T2 <2 1 <ooi <2.5 <1 8.4 5 0806 24.1 0700 24 Y 3.9 15.4 T2 < 2 < 0,01 < 2.5 < 1 8.8 6 0802 23.9 0700 24 Y 3.6 14.9 7.1 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < 1 9.7 7 0810 24.1 0700 24 Y 3A 14.8 T2 <2 <0.01 <2.5 <1 9.2 8 1100 26.8 0700 24 Y 3.7 15.6 7.3 <2 <0,01 <2.5 <1 8.2 9 0700 24 N 3.4 t0 0700 24 N 3.4 11 0801 24 0700 24 Y 3.4 16.7 7.4 <2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < l 8.2 12 0753 23.7 07DO 24 Y 3.2 16.1 7.3 < 2 0.012 < 25 3 8.5 13 0802 24.2 0700 24 Y 3.1 15.5 8 <2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < 1 9 IJ 0753 23.8 0700 24 Y 2.9 16.2 7.2 <2 <0,01 <2.5 <1 9.1 15 1136 27.7 07DO 24 Y 3.9 17.1 7.2 <2 <0.01 <2.5 10 84 16 0700 24 N 3.3 17 0700 24 N 3 IB 0804 24 0700 24 B 3.2 15.7 74 <2 <0,01 <2.5 < I 8.B 19 0753 23.8 0700 24 B 3.2 16.5 7.4 <2 < 0.01 12.5 < 1 9.7 20 0743 23.8 0700 24 Y IS 15.6 7.2 <2 < 0.01 < 2.5 13 9 21 0801 24.3 07DO 24 Y 4.1 15.9 7.3 _,_2 < 0.01 < 25 < 1 9 22 1108 27.1 0700 24 Y 3.4 16 7.4 <2 <0.01 <2.5 <I 8.3 23 0700 24 N 2.9 24 0700 24 N 2.9 25 0802 24 0700 24 B 3.4 16.9 7.4 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < 1 8.3 26 0740 23.6 0700 24 Y 3.3 17 7A <2 <0.01 <2.5 <1 8.6 27 0831 24.8 0700 24 Y 3.1 16.3 7.4 <2 < 0.01 < 2.5 1 < I 9.1 28 0745 23.2 0700 24 Y 2.8 16.4 T2 <2 <0,01 <2.5 <1 8.6 29 1134 27.8 0700 24 Y 2.9 16.7 7.2 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < 1 8.9 30 0700 +4_ N 26 31 0700 N 2.8 alunthly A-mae Limll: 6.2 10 J 30 200 6lo hl,. A".": 3 306452 16,057143 0.095238 0.000571 0 1.328569 8.752381 DAly hlailmum: 64 I7.1 8 2 0.012 0 13 9.7 Deily Oiinimum: 2.6 148 7.1 0 10 0'L, o Bs ****No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation -Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOIADAY = No Visitation -Holiday '1��� 0111" NPDES PERMIT NO.: N00024228 PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 PERMIT STATUS: Expired FACILITY NAME: Weslside WWTP CLASS: WW-4. COUNTY: Davidson OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 03-2019 (March 2019) ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) ®®®®®®®®®®® •*** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycic; ENV WTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: N00024228 PERM11' VERSION: 3.1 PERMIT STATUS: Expired FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP CLASS: WW-4. COUNTY: Davidson OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDNIR PERIOD: 03-2019 (March 2019) ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) G u E " U' � ♦• 9 U r (BY- 7 O S F ! % o O S t 2 00340 01042 00720 01045 01051 01067 00630 00625 00556 TCP30 32730 COMPOSite Com Osite Grab Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Grab Composite Grab COD COPPER CN-TOT IRON LEAD NICKEL NO2&NOJ TOT KJEL 01"RSE CER17DPF PHEN•TR 2400 d-k Hn 2400 d..k H. VDIN mgA u mgA ugA UgA u m • .0gA p=lfmil m 1 1120 27.3 0700 24 Y 2 0700 24 N 3 0700 24 N J 0802 24 0700 24 Y 5 0806 24.1 0700 24 Y 23 6 0802 23.9 0700 24 Y 7 0810 24.1 0700 24 Y 29 0.08 0.578 8 1100 26.9 0700 24 Y 9 0700 24 N 10 0700 24 N 11 0901 24 0700 24 Y 36 12 0753 23.7 0700 24 Y 13 0802 24.2 0700 24 Y 24 < 5 c 0.01 < 2.5 < 10 1.27 0.606 14 0753 23.8 0700 24 Y 15 1136 27.7 0700 24 Y 16 0700 24 N 17 0700 24 N 19 0804 24 0700 24 ➢ 19 0753 23.8 0700 24 8 26 20 0743 23.8 0700 24 Y 21 0801 24.3 0700 24 Y 34 0.779 1.01 22 1108 27.1 0700 24 Y 23 0700 24 N 24 0700 24 N 25 0802 24 0700 24 ➢ 26 0740 23.6 0700 24 Y 30 27 0831 24.8 0700 24 Y 28 0745 23.2 0700 24 Y 36 0.933 0.918 29 1134 27.8 0700 24 Y 30 0700 24 N 31 0700 24 N hl.nlhlr A.'enac Limil: hl.mhl? A— s: 29,75 0 0 0 0 0.7655 0.753 D.Ov hl.slmvm: ' 16 0 0 0 0 1.27 1.01 DAb n11.tm.m: 23 0 0 0 0 0.08 0.578 **** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR - No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW - No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 PERMIT STATUS: Expired FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP CLASS: WW-4. COUNTY: Davidson OWNER NAME: City of High Point ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 GRADE: WW-4 ORC HAS CHANGED: No eDMR PERIOD: 03-2019 (March 2019) VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) 9 C' 9 V 8 U != < 8 O 1 fy 2 Ca 8 U O L i K L 01147 01077 70295 01059 01092 Composite Composite Composite Composite compov. S.-TOTAL SILVER RES/DISS THALLIUTI ZINC 3400c1«k H. 2400 clock Hn Y/DM UO uSA uBA u 1 1120 27.3 0700 24 Y 2 0700 24 N 3 0700 24 N 4 0802 24 0700 24 Y 5 0806 24.1 0700 24 Y 6 0802 23.9 0700 24 Y 7 0810 24.1 0700 24 Y s 1100 26.8 0700 24 Y 9 0700 24 N 10 0700 24 N 11 0801 24 07DO 24 Y 12 0753 23.7 0700 24 Y 12 0802 24.2 0700 24 Y < 5 28 14 0753 23.8 0700 24 Y Is 1136 27.7 0700 24 Y 16 0700 24 N 17 0700 24 N is 0804 24 0700 24 B 19 0753 23.8 0700 24 B 20 0743 23.8 0700 24 Y 21 0801 24.3 0700 24 Y 22 1108 27.1 0700 24 Y 23 0700 24 N 24 0700 24 N 25 0802 24 0700 24 B 26 0740 23.6 0700 24 Y 27 0831 24.8 0700 24 Y 28 0745 23.2 0700 24 Y 29 113J 27.8 0700 24 Y J0 0700 24 N 31 0700 24 N NI—blr A.rngc Limit: ,1 —bl) A—p: O 28 D.ih M1l-imvm: 0 28 D,IIr Annimum: 0 28 •**• No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW - No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW4 eDMR PERIOD: 02-2019 (February 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 PERMIT STATUS: Expired ��� CLASS: WW-4. COUNTY: Davidson ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC CERT NUMBER: 997A ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 O{i a F g C Za COMO COW 00400 C0610 C0600 COW elles 01097 01002 5 X week 2 X week Ccanpositc Composite Grob Composite Calculated Composite COMPWte Composite Composite BOB -Cam TSS-Cam pH NH3-N-Cam TOTAL N- TOTALS - Cane ALUMINUM ANTIMONY As -TOTAL 2100 H. MgA m su M94 msA MBA UgA u&A u 94 1 1137 27.8 543 253.6 7.1 2 3 4 696 308 7.3 S 0753 23.8 529 226.5 6.9 6 0751 24 1300 411.8 6.9 7 0806 24.2 1 788 466.7 7 8 1107 27 553 368.4 17.1 9 10 11 0814 24.2 398 292.1 7.1 116.8 26.8 5.15 12 0815 24 307 76.9 7.1 13 0302 23.8 494 206.9 7.2 14 0808 24.1 449 1166.7 7.1 IS 1125 27.3 400 247.2 17.3 If 17 is 0816 24.2 303 177A 7.3 19 0910 23.9 706 156 7.1 20 0905 23.9 120 40.8 7.2 21 0807 24 245 66 7 22 1117 27.2 398 294 7.1 23 24 25 0909 24 1 387 1232 7.1 26 0805 24 88l 164.7 6.6 27 0806 24 602 113.2 6.5 28 0812 24.1 681 118.5 6.6 1 Monthly A-ge Umh: alas, hi0athly Areragn 549.8 213.37 16.8 26.8 5.15 May hlniawm: 1300 466.7 7.3 16.8 26.8 5.15 Da9y hlhdmum: 120 40.8 6.5 16.9 26.5 5.15 aaaa No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE - No Flow-ReusetRecycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW - No Flow; HOLIDAY - No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDrvIR PERIOD: 02-2019 (February 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: W W-4. ORC: Kevin Proms Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 (Continue) e g 8 r `s 8 s 01012 01027 01034 OD340 01042 00720 01045 01051 COMER 01067 00630 Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Grab Composite Composite Composite Composiie Composite BERYLIUM CADAIIUAI Cr-TOTAL COD COPPER CN-TOT IRON LEAD MERCURY- NICKEL NO2&NO3 2400 Hn ugA ugA Ujgfl mto Um mg4 ugA u u u m 1 1137 27.8 2 3 1 1232 5 0753 23.8 6 0751 24 7 0806 24.2 1328 a 1107 27 9 10 it 0814 24.2 2.7 <5 1050 14 10.01 <2,5 <0.2 <10 <0.01 12 0815 24 13 0802 23.8 806 N 0808 24.1 Is 1125 27.3 16 17 Is 0816 24.2 19 0810 239 360 20 0805 23.9 21 0807 24 472 22 1117 27.2 23 21 25 0809 24 26 0805 24 856 27 0806 24 28 0812 24.1 1068 AtonthhA—ge Lim11: Monthl2 A. emge: 2.7 0 896.5 14 0 0 0 0 D Daily Nl clmum: 2.7 0 1328 14 0 0 0 0 0 W11) AUM.— 2 1 0 360 14 0 0 0 0 0 ••" No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Retlse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW4 eDMR PERIOD: 02-20I9 (February 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: W W-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 (Continue) •••• No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE - No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR - No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW - No Flow; HOLIDAY - No Visitation - Holiday I E O 0 0 0 0 0 0 o N o o Composite Sample Time F 4 L F t = _ — W 1 Toul Compozite Time 0 o cp o 0 0 o c o 0 oy c o 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o N pc p0 �0 S O S S p0 OO OO S S Opsrm- Arrival Time O 1 Ope,vos Time 0. Sit, m { K m z z of Co { z z { { K { { Z Z { K K K K 7 Z { K IM I.< pt ORC Op Site?•• _ > No R,porsinQ Ronson•••• 3 = to NCA to t N N w N N N N A n O uQ O o v 6 z- - - - - - a - a S � e n R n T S = n U p A x � 2 0 0 — n A A n n I n n n n n n n n n n n A n R M n w o o 0 0 0 o n n n n n A n n n n A n n n n A n n A n Z n N n 0 0 0 'o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 — — — — — — — — n 0 0 o n n n A n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n f") O O P _ n A A A A A A P A A — A A A A A A A n n N - - P � x 8 NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: W W-4 eDMR PERIOD: 02-2019 (February 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: W W-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) a e U 4- a 10 o FVEE' O 1O z Z C0600 Q51665 Q5665 C0665 COMER 01105 01097 01001 01011 01027 01034 Weekly Monthly See Permit Weekly Quarterly Calculated Calculated Calculated Composite Grab Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite 1 TOTALN- Tote[P -Qty To1.1 P-Qt2 TOTAL P- MERCURY- ALUMINUM ANTIMONY As TOTAL BERYLIUM CADMIUM Cr-TOTAL 2400 clock H. 2400c1ock 21n Y1. m&A Ib/mon lb/season n,&l ngA u9A UgA u8A UO uSA u 1 1134 27.6 0700 24 Y 2 0700 24 N 3 0700 24 N 4 0700 24 Y 5 0745 23.8 0700 24 Y 6 0743 24 07DO 24 Y 7 0801 24.3 0700 24 Y 1.76 0.0802 8 1105 27.1 0700 24 Y 9 0700 24 IN 10 0700 24 N 11 0808 24.1 0700 24 Y 12 0808 24 0700 24 Y 13 0807 24 0700 24 Y 3.04 0.088 6.87 < 1 < 5 14 0806 24 0700 24 Y is 1120 27.2 0700 24 ly 16 0700 24 N 17 0700 24 N Is 0809 24.1 0700 24 Y 19 0806 24 10700 24 Y 20 0802 23.9 0700 24 B it 0800 24 0700 24 B 1.55 0.042 22 1105 27A 0700 24 B 23 0700 24 N 24 0700 24 N :5 0801 24 0700 24 B 26 0803 24 0700 24 Y 27 0803 24 0700 24 Y 2E 0803 24 0700 24 B 1.21 62 1 0.068 alanihl)' Arcragc Llmlt: alanlhl� AcenRe: 1.89 62 0,06955 6.87 0 0 Defly Ma:imumo 3.04 62 0-088 6.87 0 0 Dail2 Mlnlmumo 1.21 62 0.042 6.87 0 0 " No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Rense/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday S NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NANIE: Westside W WTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: W W-4 eDNIR PERIOD: 02-2019 (February 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: W W-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) 7 o B e U € u' H E 'a ° O O O - o u O J r < 00340 01042 00720 01045 010.11 01067 00630 006LI 00556 TGP3B 32730 Composite Composite Grab Composite Composite Coniposite Composite Composite Grab composite Grab COD COPPER CN-TOT IRON LEAD NICKEL NOZ&NO3 TOT KJEL 014GRSE CER17DPF PHEN.TR 2/00 clock If. 24000.1, H. Y/B(N .64 USAgA ugfl ugA ugA I mO mgA mm pass/fail m 1 1134 27.8 0700 24 Y 2 0700 24 N 3 0700 24 N 4 0700 24 Y 39 5 0745 218 0700 24 Y 6 0743 24 0700 24 Y 7 0801 24.3 0700 24 Y 42 0.75 1.01 a 1105 27.1 0700 24 Y 9 0700 24 N 10 0700 24 N 11 0908 124.1 10700 24 Y 46 12 0808 24 0700 24 Y 13 0807 24 0700 24 Y 45 < 5 < 0.01 < 2.5 < 10 L6 1.44 14 0806 24 0700 24 Y IS 1120 27.2 0700 24 Y 16 0700 24 N 17 0700 24 N Is 0809 24.1 0700 24 Y 19 0806 24 0700 24 Y 30 20 0802 23.9 0700 24 B 21 0800 24 0700 24 B 22 0.65 0.897 22 1105 27.1 0700 24 B 23 0700 24 N 2� 0700 24 N 25 0801 24 0700 24 B 26 0803 24 0700 24 Y 23 27 0803 24 0700 24 Y 28 0803 24 0700 24 B 32 0.47 0.74 Nbmhl2 Avenge Limil: hlonthlc Ar g,: 34.875 0 0 0 0 0.8675 102175 D.." Mutmum: 46 0 0 0 0 1.6 1.44 Daily Minimum: 22 0 0 1 0 0 0.47 0.74 ••" No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation — Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation — Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 02-2019 (February 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: W W-4. ORC: Kevin Prottis Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) 0' s a 6 V' r E � t= a E§ a � c �r+ L O - o° V O s E a o of z' 01147 01077 70295 01059 01092 Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Sc-TOTAL SILVER RES/DISS THALLIUhI ZINC 2400 clock lln 2400 clock tin Y/D/N USA u mSA u u gA 1 1134 27.8 0700 24 Y 2 0700 24 N 3 0700 24 N 0700 24 Y 5 0745 23.8 0700 24 Y 6 0743 24 0700 24 Y 7 0&01 24.3 0700 24 Y 8 1105 27.1 0700 24 Y 9 0700 24 N 10 0700 24 N 11 0808 24.1 07DO 24 Y 12 0808 24 0700 24 Y 13 0807 24 0700 24 Y < 5 39 14 0806 24 0700 24 Y 15 1120 27.2 07DO 124 Y 16 0700 24 N 17 0700 24 N Is 0809 24.1 0700 24 Y 19 0806 24 0700 24 Y 20 0802 23.9 0700 24 B 21 0800 24 10700 124 B 22 1105 271 0700 24 B t3 0700 24 N 24 0700 24 N 25 0301 24 0700 24 B 26 0803 24 0700 24 Y 27 0803 24 0700 24 Y 28 0803 24 0700 24 B hlanthlr A%'enge Limit: Monthly A,e ge: 0 139 D011hhluimum: 0 39 D.11h hlinlmum: 0 1 39 "**No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation -Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation -Holiday Nl��- NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 PERMIT STATUS: Expired 1 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP CLASS: WW-4, COUNTY: Davidson Y(• OWNER NAME: City of High Point ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 GRADE: WW-4 ORC HAS CHANGED: No eDMR PERIOD: 01-2019 (January 2019) VERSION: 2.0 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 y G Y g 6 Uo t- �+ � 1= L L C0310 C0530 00400 C0610 C060a C0665 altos 01097 01002 S X week ws 2 X ek composite Composite Grab cmpmil, Calculated Com site Composite Composite composite DOD -Cane TSS-Cone pH NH3-N-Cone TOTAL N- TOTAL P-Cane ALUMINUM ANTIMONY A. -TOTAL 2400 H. ni8/I m su mgA MgA uo U10 u H H H 2 0800 24 404 104.7 7.1 3 0801 24 226 4L7 6.9 4 1105 27 115 41.6 7.1 s 6 7 0750 24 136 48 7.6 9 0804 24 311 72.8 7.2 9 0804 24 795 134.7 7 10 0807 24 324 115.9 7.1 11 1112 27.) 208 71.5 T2 12 13 14 0807 24 152 51.5 7.2 15 0752 23.8 269 187.5 7.2 16 0756 24.1 563 186.2 7 17 0753 24 148 172.1 6.9 Is 0738 23.8 485 184.8 7 19 20 21 H H H 22 0746 215 379 152.2 7.2 23 0759 24.2 875 217.1 7 24 0804 24.1 193 40 6.9 23 1105 27 706 168.6 72 26 27 28 0807 24 650 100 7.1 13.3 18.92 4.2 0.7 < 10 29 0804 24 416 140 7.1 J0 0758 23.9 371 143.6 7 n 0751 23.9 723 214.7 7.1 Monr1,12A-p Urnit: SmmnmAce"c 421,380952 123,295238 13.3 1&92 4.2 0.7 0 DaBr aiaximum: " 875 217.1 7.6 13.3 16.92 4.2 0.7 0 Deily hlinlmum: I I S JO 6.9 13.3 18.92 4.2 •"• No Reporting Reason: ENFRIISE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW4 eDMR PERIOD: 01-2019 (January 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 2.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 (Continue) Ills ••** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; EN VWTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday ••** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; EN VWTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 t•ACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 0 1 -2019 (January 2019) PERMIT' VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 2.0 PERMIT STATUS: Ex fired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 (Continue) Y F y uS Y g € � 8 c 3 e « Z 00630 00625 00U6 32730 01147 01077 01059 01092 corriposite Com sit, Grab Grab composite coposite cornpos,re Composite NO2&NO3 TOT FUEL OIL CRSE PHEN,TR SaTOTAL SILVER THALLIUM ZINC 2400 Hn M0 m m m USA uSA ugA u SA 2 0800 24 3 0801 24 2 1105 27 5 6 7 0750 24 0 0804 24 9 0804 24 10 0907 24 11 1112 27.1 12 13 14 0807 24 Is 0752 23.8 16 0756 24.1 17 0753 24 IB 0739 23.8 19 20 21 22 0746 23.5 23 0759 24.2 24 0904 24.1 25 1105 27 26 27 is 0907 24 0.118 18.8 <5 0.337 <10 <5 <0.5 66 29 D804 24 30 0758 23.9 3t 0751 23.9 ntomhy A -ma, Limit. 019n1h17'A—gt: 0.116 18.6 0 0.337 0 0 0 66 DOup nl.dmam: 0.118 18.8 0 0.337 0 0 0 66 D.1by Nil.[.— 0.119 18,11 0 0.337 0 0 0 66 **** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation — Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation — Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 cDMR PERIOD: 01-2019 (January 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 2.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO {( 8 A V = LYE 6 r 8c, O t d u o 888 SOON 00010 00400 s006o C0310 caw C0530 31616 00300 CM6"UDus 5 X week 5 X week 5 X week 5 X week 2 X week 2 X week 2 X week 5 X week Recorder Grab Grab Grab Composite composite Composite Gmb Grab FLOW TUIr.0 pH CHLORINE Boo -C.ne NH3•N-C.ee TS4. C.- FCOL1 BR DO 2400.1e.k H. 2400.6.k H. WBM d e su m m looml m 1 0700 24 N 4 H H H H H H H 2 0905 24 0700 24 Y 4 16.7 7 < 2 0.03 < 2.5 14 9 3 0805 24 07W 24 Y 4.8 16.8 7.2 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.S 20 B.E a 11109 27 10700 24 B 16.6 7 < 2 0.03 < 2.5 3 8.6 s 0700 24 N6 o700 24 N7 q4. 0750 24 0700 24 Y 15.9 7.2 <2 0.02 <2.5 2 9.7 a 0810 24.3 0700 24 Y 3.3 15.9 6.9 < 2 0.02 < 2.5 < 1 9.5 9 0908 24 0700 24 Y 3 16 7.1 < 2 0.06 < 2.5 < 1 9.5 10 0758 23.8 0700 24 Y 29 15.3 7.1 <2 0.08 <2.5 1 9.4 11 1110 27.2 0700 24 Y 2.8 14.6 7.2 < 2 0.08 < 2.5 2 10.2 12 0700 24 N 3.4 13 0700 24 N 5 14 0801 124 0700 24 Y 3.6 14.5 7.2 < 2 0.09 < 2.5 2 10.1 Is 0746 23.8 0700 24 Y 3.4 14.9 7.1 <2 <0.01 <2.5 < 1 9.9 16 0750 24.1 0700 24 Y 3.2 14.9 7.1 < 2 0.03 < 2.5 < 1 9.4 17 0749 24 0700 24 Y 3.1 14.8 7.1 <2 0.05 <2.5 <1 9.6 is 0730 23.6 0700 24 Y 3 15.1 7.1 <2 <0.01 <2.5 < 1 9.4 19 0700 24 N 4.4 20 0700 24 N 3.9 21 0700 24 N 3.2 H H H H H H H 22 0738 23.4 0700 24 Y 3.1 15 7.2 <2 <0.01 <2.5 < l 9.6 23 0755 24.3 0700 24 Y 3.7 14.7 7.1 <2 <0.01 <2.5 < I 9.6 24 0801 24 0700 24 Y 6.3 15.E 7.1 12 <0.01 <2.5 4 9.1 2s 1100 27 0700 24 Y 3.6 15.2 7.1 <2 <0.01 <2.5 I 11.1 24 0700 24 N 3.1 27 07M 24 N 3 n 0804 24 0700 24 Y 3.1 14.2 7.3 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.3 < 1 9 29 0751 23.8 o700 24 Y 3.2 14.5 7.3 < 2 < 0.01 -2.5 4 9.4 JO 0749 ]A 0700 24 Y 2.8 14.5 7 <2 <0.01 <2.5 <1 9.9 3t 0744 23.9 0700 24 Y 2.7 13.7 7.2 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < I 10.1 hI-thb A-V LIWI. f.z 10 4 30 zoo hl..thly A..r.a.t 3.625806 13.214286 0 0.023333 0 1.73618 9.566667 D.W hl..h-- 6.3 16.8 7.7 0 0.09 0 20 1 11.1 D.1tr hlhd- 2.7 13.7 6.8 0 0 0 1 0 9.6 No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE a No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR - No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW - No Flow; HOLIDAY - No Visitation - Holiday ba NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW4 eDMR PERIOD: 01-2019 (January 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 2.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) ••** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather, NOFLOW - No Flow; HOLIDAY - No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 01-2019 (January 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 2.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) ••** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; EN V WTHR - No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY - No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 01-2019 (January 2019) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4, ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 2.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) **** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE - No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather, NOFLOW - No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday � NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 PERMIT STATUS: Ex_ lit# 1�T ar_ FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP CLASS: WW-4. COUNTY: Davidson It OWNER NAME: City of High Point ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 GRADE: WW-4 ORC HAS CHANGED: No eDMR PERIOD: 12-2018 (December 2018) VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 a e E u' E ~ u f-o RRL B € Zo C0310 C0530 00400 C0610 C0600 C0665 01105 01097 01D02 5 X seek 2 X \\reek Composite Composite Grab Composite Calculated Composite Composite Com site composite HoD-Coot TSS -Cono pH NH3-N-Cone TOTAL N- TOTAL P-Con. ALUPIINUDI ANTIMONY A. -TOTAL 2400 Hr. m mgA su mgA -SA m ugA ugA ugA 1 2 3 0805 24 390 90.8 7.2 4 0800 23.9 416 140 7.2 5 0759 24 461 190.6 7.1 6 0757 24 775 236.2 7.3 7 0715 23.3 434 83.3 7.5 a 9 10 0806 23.9 259 174.3 7 11 0803 24 251 65.3 7 12 0809 24.1 276 82 7 13 0810 24 362 212 7 14 1104 26.9 186 187.9 7.2 15 16 17 0807 24 259 128.2 7.2 10.9 17.1 2.88 I8 0809 24 311 68 7.2 19 0803 24 230 37.7 7 20 0803 24 221 60 7 21 0730 23.5 110 35 7.1 22 23 24 H H H 25 H H H 26 0801 24 278 67 7.3 27 0809 24.1 270 175.8 7.2 28 1104 26.9 221 145.7 7 29 30 31 0808 24 486 146 7.1 M-hli, A. gc Llmil: \Ion�hk A-ge: 326,105263 122.410526 10.9 7.1 2.88 Dauy Slaamum: 775 236.2 7.5 10.9 17.1 2088 Wk hllnlmum: 110 33 7 10.9 17.1 2.86 '•" No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather, NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 PERMIT STATUS: Expired FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP CLASS: WW-4. COUNTY: Davidson OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 12-2018 (December 2018) ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: L0 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 (Continue) G E g E V = 8 E u° F � s 3: Z 01012 01027 01034 00340 01042 00720 01045 01051 COMER 01061 00630 Composite Composite Composite Composite Com site Grab Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite OERYLIUhI CADMIUM Cr-TOTAL COD COPPER CN-TOT IRON LEAD hIERCURV- NICKEL N026NO3 2400 H. ugA UgA ugA mSA ugAgA u u u ue/I m 1 3 3 0805 24 4 0800 23.9 762 5 o759 24 6 0757 24 1310 7 0715 23.3 8 9 to 0806 23.9 11 0803 24 490 12 0809 24.1 13 0810 24 770 14 1104 26.9 Is 16 17 0807 24 <1 <5 534 10 <0.01 <2.5 <0.2 <10 <0.01 28 0808 24 19 0805 24 578 20 0803 24 21 0730 23.5 22 23 24 11 25 11 26 0801 24 461 27 0809 24.1 604 28 1104 26.9 29 30 31 0808 24 1742 hlnnihtr A—g, Limit: hionthhA, a mhe: 0 0 805.666667 10 0 0 0 0 0 D�11. hlu�imum: ' 0 0 1742 10 0 0 0 0 0 Daley Minimum: 0 0 461 t0 0 0 0 0 0 9•*9 No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR — No Visitation — Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation — Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 12-2018 (December 201 PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 (Continue) o E E A U E F = S g F- K 5 t € Zo 00625 00556 32730 01147 01077 01059 01092 Composite Grab Grab Corrrile Com site Composite Com site TOT KJEL OILGRSE PHEN, TR SaTOTAL SILVER THALLIUM ZINC 2400 H. m m m ugn u ugA 1 2 3 0805 24 4 0800 23 9 5 0759 24 6 0757 1 24 7 0715 23.3 8 9 10 0806 23.9 0803 24 12 0909 24.1 13 0810 24 14 1104 26.9 IS 16 17 0807 24 17.1 < 5 72 IS 0808 24 19 0805 24 20 0803 24 21 0730 23.5 22 23 24 25 26 0801 24 27 0809 24.1 28 1104 26.9 29 30 31 0808 24 NIo Ihly Ar.luee LIm11: hlonlhl2 A—p: 17.1 0 72 D�111 tllaclmum: 17.1 0 72 Dail) Alinlmum: 17.1 0 72 ****No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation — Adverse Weather, NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation —Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NC0024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 12-2018 (December 2018) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO G E U � 1= Y O O u O 5 t K` Z .10050 00010 00400 M060 C0310 C0610 C0539 31616 00300 Continuous 5 X sleek 5 X week 5 X sleek 5 X week 2 X ,eek 2 X week 2 X sleek 5 X week Recorder Grab Grab Grab Composite Composite Composite Grab Grab FLOW TEMP-C PH CHLORLYE DOD - Con. NHJ-N - Coot TSS - Con. FCOLI BR DO 24000-1, H. 2400 d-k Hn I Y/BM nl d de u Su ugA rngA mgA mgA m n/100mi m 1 0700 24 N 3 2 0700 24 N 3 4 3 0802 24 0700 24 Y 3 18 7.3 < 2 < 0.01 c 2.5 5 8.7 4 0753 23.8 0700 24 Y 2.8 18.5 7.2 <2 <0.01 <2.5 6 84 5 0754 24 0700 24 Y 2.4 18A 7.2 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 2 8.9 6 0751 24 0700 24 Y 2.5 17.5 7 3 < 0.01 -2.5 2 8.7 7 0713 23.4 0700 24 Y 2A 17.2 7.1 3 <0.01 <2.5 7 9.2 8 0700 24 N 2.3 9 0700 24 N 3.1 10 0800 23.9 0700 24 Y 5 16.6 7.2 <2 <0.01 <2.5 37 9A 11 0757 24 0700 24 Y 4 15.9 6.8 <2 <0.01 <2.5 2 10.5 12 0801 24.1 0700 24 Y 3.4 15.5 7 <2 <0.01 <2.5 22 9A 13 0803 24 0700 24 Y 4.1 15.7 7.1 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 28 9.3 14 1100 27 0700 24 Y 8A 16.2 6.8 <2 <0.01 <2.5 9 9.2 IS 0700 24 N 8.1 16 0700 24 N 5.1 17 0804 24 0700 24 Y 3.7 15 7 3 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 26 9A 18 0812 24. I 0700 24 Y 3.2 16 7.3 < 2 < 0.01 c 2.5 26 9.2 19 0812 24 0700 24 Y 3 15.2 7A < 2 0.056 < 2.5 5 9.2 20 0807 23.9 07DO 24 Y BA 16 7.1 3 <0.01 <2.5 7 8.6 21 0734 23.5 0700 24 Y 5.7 16.5 7 < 2 0.0184 < 25 225 8,6 22 0700 24 N 3.7 23 0700 24 N 3.8 24 0700 24 N 3.2 H H H H H H H 25 0700 24 N 2.8 H H H H H H H 26 0807 24 0700 24 Y 2.8 14.9 7.1 < 2 0.0256 < 2.5 4 9.3 27 0803 23.9 0700 24 Y 4.5 15 7.1 <2 0.0371 <2.5 4 9A 28 1102 27 0700 24 Y 6.9 15.5 7.1 3 0.0389 3.5 91 9.3 29 0700 24 N 3.9 30 0700 24 N 3A 31 0804 24 0700 24 Y 4A 16.4 7A <2 0.0449 <15 3 8.2 hlonthlr A-g, Limit: 6.2 10 4 30 200 Monthly A-p: 4.067742 16.3 0,631579 0.011626 0.184211 9.88411 9,084211 Dalk hlaalmum: ' SA 18.5 7.3 3 0.056 3.5 225 10.5 D.IIy Mlnimun: 2.3 14.9 6.8 0 0 0 2 8.2 •••• No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitatio Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 PERMIT STATUS: Expired FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP CLASS: WW-4. COUNTY: Davidson OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 12-2018 (December 2018) ORC: Kevin Prows Wood ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) t] _ 6 u E Z i° O u O c x Z (70600 QS1665 Q5665 C0665 COSIER 01105 01097 01002 01912 01027 01034 Weekly Monthly See Permit Weekly Quarter) Calculated Calculated Calculated Composite Grab Composite Coniposile Composite Composite Curriposile Composite TOTAL N- T-1P-Qn Total P -QI) TOTALP- MERCURY- ALUMINUM ANIFISIONY A, -TOTAL BERYLRfSI CADADIIAI Cr-TOTAL 2400 eWk H. 2400 e1°ek H. YIBM m Ib/mon Ib/senon me rign uSA ugA UV um uSA ug/I 1 0700 24 N 2 0700 24 N 3 0802 24 0700 24 Y 4 0753 23.8 0700 24 Y 5 0754 24 0700 24 Y 6 0751 24 0700 24 Y 6.11 0.169 7 0713 23.4 0700 24 Y 8 0700 24 N 9 0700 24 N 10 0800 23.9 0700 24 Y 11 0757 24 0700 24 1' 12 0801 24.1 0700 24 Y 13 0803 24 0700 24 Y 3A 0.177 14 1100 27 0700 24 Y 15 0700 24 N 16 0700 24 N 17 0804 24 0700 24 Y is 0812 24.1 0700 24 Y 19 0812 24 0700 24 Y 3.17 0.139 3 49 < I < 5 20 0807 23.9 0700 24 Y 21 0734 23.5 0700 24 Y 21 0700 24 N 23 0700 24 N 24 0700 24 N 25 0700 24 N 26 0807 24 0700 24 Y 27 0803 23.9 0700 24 Y 4J6 0.221 23 1102 27 0700 24 Y 29 11700 24 N J0 0700 24 N 186 J1 LL 0700 24 Y Alonthlr Aternge Limit: Alonihb A—ge: 4.26 186 0.1765 3A9 0 0 Dalh Alaximum: ' 6.11 1 186 0.221 3A9 0 0 De1h AMimumo 3.17 1 186 0.139 3.49 0 0 ***'No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR —No Visitation — Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation— Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 PERMIT STATUS: Expired FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP CLASS: WW-4. COUNTY: Davidson OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: W W-4 eDMR PERIOD: 12-20I8 (December 2018) ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) " r E U 1' < ! P E 0` O qq 0 L 8 A 00340 01042 00120 01045 01051 01067 00630 00625 00556 TGP3B 32730 Composite Composite Grab Com ire Cum site Composite Com site Composite Crab Composite Grab t'OD COPPER CN-TOT IRON LEAD NICKEL NO2&NO3 TOT KJEL On-G.SE CERI7D11 PH EN, TR 2400 clock H. 2400 clock H. Y76fN n,gA ugA mgA ugA ugA ugA mgA rngA m ass/faiI m 1 0700 24 N 2 0700 24 N 3 0802 24 0700 24 Y 4 0753 23.8 0700 24 Y 41 5 0754 24 0700 24 Y 6 0751 24 0700 24 Y 48 4.21 1.9 7 0713 23.4 0700 24 Y 8 0700 24 N 9 0700 24 N 10 0800 23.9 0700 24 Y 11 0757 24 0700 24 Y 33 12 0801 24.1 0700 24 Y 13 0803 24 0700 24 Y 26 1.9 L5 14 1100 27 0700 24 Y I5 0700 24 N 16 0700 24 N 17 0804 24 0700 24 Y 30 18 0812 24.1 0700 24 Y 19 0812 24 0700 24 Y 40 < 5 < 0.01 < 2.5 < 10 1.73 1.44 20 0807 23.9 0700 24 Y 21 0734 23.5 0700 24 Y 22 0700 24 N 23 0700 24 N 24 0700 24 N 25 0700 24 N 26 0807 24 0700 24 Y 40 27 0803 23.9 0700 24 Y 44 3.36 0.997 28 1102 27 0700 24 Y 29 0700 24 N 30 0700 24 N 31 0804 24 0700 24 Y 56 hlunlhh A-mge LIml1: hf—h1r A—p: 39 777778 0 0 0 0 2.8 1,45925 DaiiS Maximum: 56 0 0 0 0 4.21 1.9 Daihnlinlmum: 26 0 0 0 0 1.73 0.997 ••** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 12-2018 (December 2018) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) 2 G g 9 6 U 6 1- � E O C O U O € Z 01147 01077 70295 01059 01092 Com site Com osol Compositent Composite Coosue S.-TOTAL SILVER RESIDISS THALLIUAI ZINC 2400.4 H. 2400 clock H. Y/a/N USA m u u gA 2 0700 24 N 2 0700 24 N 3 0802 24 0700 24 Y 4 0753 23.9 0700 24 Y 5 0754 24 0700 24 Y 6 0751 24 0700 24 Y 7 0713 23A 0700 24 Y b 0700 24 N 9 0700 24 N 10 0800 23.9 0700 24 Y 11 0757 24 0700 24 Y 12 0801 24.1 0700 24 Y 13 0803 24 0700 24 Y 14 1100 27 0700 24 Y IS 0700 24 N 16 0700 24 N 17 0804 24 0700 24 Y I9 0812 24.1 0700 24 Y 19 0812 24 0700 24 Y < 5 50 20 0807 23.9 0700 24 Y 21 0734 23.5 0700 24 Y 22 0700 24 N 23 0700 24 N 24 0700 24 N 25 0700 24 N 26 0807 24 0700 24 Y 27 0803 23.9 0700 24 Y 28 1102 27 0700 24 Y 29 0700 24 N 30 0700 24 N 31 0804 24 1 0700 24 Y Alonthk A,eraR. Limit: hl—hl) Aye p: 0 50 DAl, Alacimum: 0 50 Dail. ARnimum' 0 50 '9•• No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation — Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation — Holiday Ewm�fLt'l- NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 PERMIT STATUS: EX i FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP CLASS: WW-4. COLINTY: Davidson OWNER NAME: City of High Point ORC: Kevin Prottls Wood ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 GRADE: WW-4 ORC HAS CHANGED: No eDNIR PERIOD: 11-2018 (November 2018) VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 ua & C0310 coma 00400 C0610 C0600 COW 01105 01097 01002 5 X week 2 X week Composite Composite Grab Composite Calculated Composite Composite Corn ile composite BOD - Can, TSS - Cone pH NH3-N - Com TOTAL N - TOTAL 9 - Cane ALUMIN Uht ANTIMONY Ao-TOTAL 2400 In. M&A mlo su m mHA MR4 u8A u USA 1 0907 24.8 646 335.5 7.1 2 1105 27 533 421 7 3 4 5 0806 24 361 200 7 6 0804 24 697 195.6 6.6 7 0802 24 268 93 6.4 0 0906 24.1 295 93 6.8 9 H09 27 264 79.7 7.2 10 11 12 0821 124.4 189 137.5 6.6 14.13 8.47 1.91 13 0802 23.7 199 61.2 7.1 14 0805 24 259 62.7 7 15 0805 24 < 60 50 6.6 16 1111 27.1 178 44 7.2 17 IB 19 0754 23.8 635 51.2 7.2 20 0814 24.3 947 232.8 7.1 21 10741 123.4 396 94.8 6.7 22 H IH H 23 H H H 24 25 26 0805 24 1 253 86.7 7.2 27 0759 23.9 248 175.8 6.9 28 0757 24 595 149.9 6.8 29 0804 24.1 453 177.8 6.6 30 1102 27 888 226.7 7.1 Monthly Avenge Lkn1t: hlooth1y Mmjre: 409.7 143.395 4.13 8.47 1.91 Daily hl.lmma: 888 421 7.2 4.13 8.47 1.91 My Mtot.- 0 44 6.4 4.13 9.47 1.91 aaa• No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR - No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday r NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 11-2018 (November 2018) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: W W-4. ORC: Kevin Prom Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 (Continue) u E F E V E j F= ti e.g r_ Z° 01012 01027 01034 00340 01042 00720 111045 01051 COMER 01067 00630 Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Grab Composite Composite Composite Composite Com oalc DERI'LIUI11 CADMIUM Cr-TOTAL COD COPPER CN-TOT IRON LEAD MERCURY- NICKEL NOI&NO3 24181 I Rrs u ugA U t118n .gA U, uSA ugA USA mSA 1 0807 24.8 1206 2 1105 27 3 J 5 0806 24 6 0804 24 1280 7 0802 24 8 0806 24A 1 587 9 1109 27 lD u 12 0821 24A <I <5 <5 <0.01 3.2 <0.2 <10 1.38 13 0802 23.7 14 0905 24 15 0805 24 230 16 1111 27A 17 18 19 0754 23.8 468 20 0814 24.3 21 0741 23.4 22 23 2J 25 26 0805 24 27 0759 23.9 662 28 0757 124 29 0804 24.1 1080 30 1102 27 Monthly A.crngc LImi1: hlonlhlr Arcrage: 0 0 787.571429 0 0 3.2 0 0 L38 Dail) Mazl-- 0 0 1280 0 0 3.2 0 0 1.38 Dail) nnnimom: 0 i 230 0 F. 1 3.2 10 0 1.38 •"' No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITYNAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAIVE: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDNIR PERIOD: 1 1-2018 (November 2018) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: W W-4. ORC: Kevin Prows Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 (Continue) o E E 2` F' .q u h 9 � z" 00625 00556 33730 01117 111077 01059 UIM2 Com osile Grab Grab Composite Composite Composite Com osite TOT KJEL OH GRSE PH EN, TR Se -TOTAL SILVER TIIALLNNI ZINC 2400 1Hrs mjo m ugA u u ugA 1 0807 24.8 2 1105 27 3 4 5 0806 24 6 0804 124 7 0802 24 9 0806 24.1 9 27 10 II r0821 12 24A 7.09 < 5 53 13 23.7 14 0805 24 15 0805 24 16 1111 27.1 17 I8 19 0754 23.8 20 0814 24.3 21 10741 1234 22 23 1J 75 76 0805 24 27 0759 23.9 28 0757 24 29 0804 24.1 30 1102 27 Nfonthll Menge Limit: Nlonlhly Average: 7.09 0 53 Dail) Nlavnmme 709 0 53 Dash Nlinimumo 7.09 0 53 ****No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation -Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation -Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NANIE: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDNIR PERIOD: I 1-2018 (November 2018) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: W W-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) 2 e n ETOTALN- � e t o 6 C0600 Q51665 Q5665 470665 01105 01097 01002 01012 01027 01031 Weekly Monthly See Permit week] FGrab Calculated Calculated Calculated Composite Com oshe Conl osite Com osite Com osite Com osite Com osite TotalP.Qty Total P-Qt5 TOTALP- ALUMINUM ANTIMONY As -TOTAL BERYLIUM CAD511UAI Cr-TOTAL 2400 dock nr, 2400 dock H. 1'IBIN m Ib/mon lb/season mgA ngfl uO u I u I ug/I ug/] awl I 0800 24.7 0700 24 Y 3.24 0.093 2 1103 27 0700 24 Y 3 0700 24 N a 0700 24 IN 5 0801 24 0700 24 Y 6 0808 21I.I 0700 24 Y 7 0806 24 0700 24 Y 8 0811 24.1 0700 24 Y 6.58 0.0926 9 1112 27 10700 24 IB 10 0700 24 N 11 0700 24 N 0816 244 0700 24 Y 0807 23.8 0700 24 Y r 08il 24.1 0700 24 Y 2A 1 0.0894 4.55 < 1 < 5 0756 23.8 0700 Y 1108 27.2 0700 Y 17 0700 r24 N la 0700 N 19 0801 24 10700 24 Y 20 0807 24.1 0700 24 Y 8 42 0.223 211 0737 23.5 0700 24 B 22 0700 24 N 23 1 0700 24 IN 2! 0700 24 N 25 0700 24 N 26 0802 24 0700 24 Y 27 0753 23.8 0700 24 Y 21. 0700 24 Y 29 L07,224 24207024Y 7.36 0.155 3u 27 0700 24 Y 117 Mombly Arcnge Limit: Nimbly A, cragc: 5.542 117 0. 1306 4.55 0 0 Daily Stuimam: 842 117 0.223 455 0 0 Daily nnnimnm: 2.11 117 1 0.0894 4.55 1 1 0 0 •"' No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation — Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation — Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 PERMIT STATUS: Expired FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP CLASS: W W-4. COUNTY: Davidson OWNER NANIE: City of High Point GRADE: W W-4 eDMR PERIOD: 11-2018 (November 2018) ORC: Kevin Prows Wood ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) t] F R .g e u F e u 7 t% P E < C 9 O O c O o O c & z z 003141 0194Z 007I0 01045 01031 01067 00630 00625 005.E TGP3B 32730 Composite Composite Grab Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Grab Cam osite Grab COD COPPER CN-TOT IRON LEAD NICKEL NOI&NO3 TOTKJEL 01"RSE CER17DPF PHEN.TR 2400clork Hn 2400 clod, Hrs Y/BIN mo u m ug/I u l u m8/1 In m l ass/fail mgd 1 0800 24.7 0700 24 Y 39 2A 0.84 2 1103 27 0700 24 Y 3 0700 24 N 4 0700 24 IN 5 0801 24 0700 24 Y 6 0808 24.1 0700 24 Y 41 7 0806 24 D700 24 Y 8 0811 24.1 10700 24 Y 41 4.72 1.96 9 1112 27 0700 124 B 10 07F00 24 N 11 0700 24 N 12 0816 24A 0700 24 Y 13 0907 23.8 0700 24 Y 14 O81 1 24. I 0700 24 Y 15 110.01 < 23 < 10 1.16 0.954 IS 0756 23.8 0700 24 Y 37 16 1108 27.2 0700 24 Y 17 0700 24 N to 0700 24 N 19 0801 24 0700 24 Y 29 20 0807 24A 0700 24 Y 6.93 1.49 21 0737 23.5 0700 24 B 22 0700 24 N 23 0700 24 N 24 0700 24 N 21 0700 24 N 26 0802 24 0700 24 Y 27 0753 23.8 0700 24 Y 30 28 0752 24 0700 24 Y 29 0801 24.2 0700 Y 51 5.94 L42 30 1100 27 0700 �24 24 Y Monthly Avenge Limit: Nlmald. Avcnga 38,285714 0 0 0 0 4.23 1.3128 Dail) Ntsilmom: 51 10 10 0 10 6.93 L86 DAI) Nnmmmm: 29 0 0 10 0 1.16 0.84 •"• No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside W WTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: I 1-2018 (November 2018) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Prows Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION:1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) u C' _ a n E V 1^ a 8 Z! h F _ O _ C E O v O a` u cComposite C z 01147 01077 702" 01059 01092 cmposite Composite COfil O3110 composite S,.TOTAL SILVER RES/DISS THALLIUM ZINC 2400 clock Hn 2400 clock Ilra V/NN no ug4 mo ug/I u I 0800 24.7 0700 24 Y 2 1103 27 0700 24 Y 3 0700 24 N 4 0700 24 N 5 0801 24 0700 24 Y 6 0808 24A 0700 24 Y 7 0906 24 0700 24 Y 8 0811 24.1 0700 24 Y 9 1112 27 0700 24 B 10 0700 24 N I 0700 124 N 12 0816 24A 0700 24 Y 13 0807 23.9 0700 24 Y 14 0811 24.1 0700 24 Y < S < 25 Is 0756 23.8 0700 24 Y 16 1108 27.2 0700 24 Y 17 0700 24 N 19 0700 24 N 19 0801 24 0700 24 Y 311 0807 24.1 0700 24 Y 21 0737 23.5 0700 24 IB 22 0700 24 N 23 10700 24 N 24 0700 24 N 25 0700 24 N 26 0802 24 0700 24 Y 27 0753 23.8 0700 24 Y 28 0752 124 0700 124 Y 29 0801 24.2 0700 24 Y 30 I100 27 0700 24 Y hlanthly Avcragc Limit: Monthly Accrage: 0 0 Daily 111admma: 0 0 Daily Minimum: D D r"• No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday _ — — — — — — — D... g o 0 0 _ - a _ " a - _ o 0 0 - 0 o o Compovce Simple Timc F j T.IA C-1—it. Timc 0 J& 0 8 0 0 0 8 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 o S 0 o 0 8 0 o 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 = Opcntn�Alli-Timc R N N 4 t L t t t t Oprnlnr Timc On Sitc K { { Z Z Z Z P K { Z Z K K K K { Z Z P K K K Z Z � l I,< z ORC On Sitc"•• p e — Nn Rnpnrtin, Renxnn•••• _ a 3 3 a c U < a - - - - z- x x _ _ _ a7, _ a _ c _ c o _ n n n c A Z o - A A A A A y x A A A A A A = A A A A A A A g n �^ nn - e � 0 o A A A A S x A o A A A A o n A A A A A A a z n N n JA n - O A A A A y y A A A A A A A A A A A A A 3 C X C JA P P A y y A A A A — A A g e 3 A 3 p C E NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITV NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 10-2018 (October 2018) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WIN-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERAHT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 KI��°�19 a. y�, _E h i E � E y` 0 = > C0310 C0536 004DO C0610 C0600 Coatis 0110s 01097 0100'. 5 X week 2 X weak Con, oaim Com .site Gmb Com write Calculated Compostic Com .site Composite Conipostle DOD -Con. TSS - Con, pll NII3•N-Cone TOTAL N. TOTAL P -C , ALUMINUM ANTIMONY .,,-TOTAL 2400 11n inn n,gA Su Ingfi msA n,gA ugti ugA U`A ± 0810 24.1 734 164 7 2 0748 23.7 496 235.7 7.2 3 0753 24.0 668 351.4 7.3 4 0803 24.2 573 206.7 6.7 s 1 t02 27.0 453 182.5 6.8 6 7 8 OR04 24.0 367 102.4 7.1 9 0740 23.6 773 317.8 7.2 to 0735 23.9 557 11 0758 24A 194 6.6 12 1106 27.1 420 r270.17.1 T1 13 IJ Is 0809 23.9 335 220 7.3 17.9 27.3 4.51 -23 <10 16 0745 23.6 470 171 7.2 17 0813 24.5 673 276 6.6 I8 0804 23.8 622 372.2 6.6 19 1107 27.0 559 251.8 7.3 20 21 22 0804 24.0 527 272.9 7 23 0802 24.0 580 118 7.2 24 0903 24.0 566 129.3 7.1 25 0804 24.0 550 116.7 7 26 1104 27.0 301 142.5 6.5 27 28 29 0816 24.2 382 173.3 6.9 30 0800 23.7 299 167.6 7 31 0716 23.7 539 231 7.1 nl-hly A,'e nC, Li h: 6tomhly Al-gr: 506 212.182609 17.9 27.1 4.51 0 0 1)s0y 773 372.2 7.3 17.9 27.3 4.51 0 0 Dally 31In1mum: 194 102.4 6.5 17.9 27.3 4.51 0 0 "•• No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Rcusc/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather'; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PE101IT NO.: NCO024228 PERMIT VERSION: 3_I PERMIT STATUS: Expired FACILITY NAME: Vdestside WWTP CLASS: WW-4. COUNTY: Davidson OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: W W-4 eDMR PERIOD: 10-2018 (October 2018) ORC: Kevin PI'o1L15 Wood ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 (Continue) Y o' F e R U E F e t= u $ Z mo12 mon o1057 amlo mat oono olnh olosl CO�IEIt 11067 00118 Conl site Cmn ite Cam silo Composite Com ositc Gmb C,-povt. Cum ,,site Coln site Com nsim Com IWII nE.RYLIUM CADMIUM Cr-TOTAL COD COPPER CN-TUT IRON LEAD MERCURY. NICKEL NO2SNO1 2408 Hrl 1194 u ue/1 ,g0 ugll myn u8/I us/11 ugA ugA m I 0810 24.1 2 0748 23.7 1262 3 0753 24.0 0803 24.2 1089 s 1102 27.0 6 7 8 0804 24.0 9 0740 21.6 1210 10 0735 23-9 11 0758 24.4 386 11 1106 27.1 I) 14 Is 0809 23.9 <5 <1 <5 1020 16 <0.01 <2.5 <0.2 <10 <0.01 16 0745 23.6 17 0813 24.5 1300 Ix 0804 2J.8 19 1107 27.0 20 21 22 0804 124.0 23 0902 24.0 IM2 24 0803 24.0 2s 0804 24.0 76 1104 27.0 27 28 29 0816 124.2 20 10800 23] 605 31 0716 23.7 \Ian00y M—%, LI W I: 0mumly AcrnCe' 0 0 0 943.666667 16 6 0 0 0 0 Davy 6t„m— : 0 0 0 1300 16 0 0 0 0 0 Dilly 5uni— 0 0 0 396 16 0 0 10 R 0 .*•• No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation — Adverse Wealher; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation — Holiday NPDI S PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: W W-4. eDMR PERIOD: 10-2018 (October 2018) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW=1. ORC: Kevin Piotus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 (Continue) r E _ E fi E u' - 3 d = o a 00625 00556 31730 OH47 01077 01059 61091 CompoOto Grab Cm1, Cnm "site Com osile Cum uita C"m o9itc TOT HIEL OIL-GRSE PHEN,Ta So -TOTAL SILVER THALLIUM ZINC 2400 ltrt rogA mgA tng/I USA ugA uv agA 1 0810 24.1 2 0748 23.7 3 0753 24.0 4 0803 24.2 5 1102 27.0 6 7 0 OSO4 24.0 9 0740 23.6 l0 0735 23.9 11 07SS 24.4 12 1106 27.1 13 14 15 0809 23.9 27.3 < 5 < 10 < 5 < 20 109 16 0745 23.6 17 0813 24.5 Is 0804 23.8 19 1107 17.0 20 11 12 0804 24.0 23 0802 24.0 24 0803 24.0 25 0804 24.0 26 1104 27.0 17 28 �9 0816 24.2 30 0800 23.7 31 0716 23.7 \lanthly ,lrera�e L11nlr: 6lmuhy Ara v: 27.3 0 0 0 0 109 "nay "1"1 O1' 27.3 0 0 0 0 109 mllySllnllnum: -17.3 0 0 0 0 109 "x" No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Wcather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday I NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 PERMIT STATUS: Expired FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP CLASS: WWA. COUNTY: Davidson OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 10-2018 (October 2018) ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO G F V e i - C ° E O O e a Z 50050 00010 00400 50060 C0310 C0610 C0330 31616 00700 Continuous S X swck S X week S S a'c.k S X week 2 X week 2 X Meek 2 X seek S X week Rceordcr Grab Grab Grab Com osila c-p,,iw Com 0sile Grab Grab rL0\\' 1i51P-C PHCHLORINE 00D Cone NII]Y-Cone T65-Coot PCOLI OR DO 1400 clack Hrs 2400duk Hn 1'/BN Ind deg c su u 1 ng/I pngA Ingli nl n/1001111 nl /I 1 0807 24.0 0700 24 Y 2.6 25.7 7.2 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < 1 7.8 - 0743 23.5 0700 24 B 2.9 25.3 7.2 < 2 1.42 < 2.5 1 7.9 3 0749 24.0 0700 24 B 3.1 25.8 7 <2 <0.01 <2.5 3 8.8 4 0801 23.9 0700 24 Y 2.7 26 7.1 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 16 8.1 5 1101 27.0 0700 24 1' 2.7 26.1 7.3 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 3 7.9 6 0700 124 N 2.5 7 0700 24 N 1.5 6 0801 24.0 0700 24 1' 2.9 26.6 7.3 12 < 0.01 < 2.5 3 7.9 9 0734 3.5 0700 24 Y 2.7 26.2 7.3 12 <R01 <2.5 <1 8 10 0730 24.0 0700 24 B 3.1 26.5 7.1 < 2 <0.01 <2.5 <1 7.9 11 0755 24.5 0700 24 Y 10.3 26.3 7.1 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 10 7.8 12 1103 127.1 10700 24 1 Y 4 24.4 7 .2 < 0.01 < 2.5 164 8.2 13 0700 24 N 3 14 0700 24 N 29 Is 0803 24.0 0700 24 Y 2.9 23.7 7.2 < 2 0.1 < 2.5 4 8.2 16 0735 23.5 0700 24 Y 2.9 24.1 7.2 -2 < 2.5 < 1 7.8 17 0808 24.5 0700 24 Y 3 24.6 1 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < 1 7.7 10 0800 23.9 0700 24 Y 2.6 24 7.1 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 8 7.8 19 1103 27.0 0700 24 1' 2.5 212 7.4 <2 <0.01 <2.5 3 8 20 0700 24 N 2.3 21 0700 24 N 2.2 22 0800 24.0 0700 24 1' 2.4 21.2 7A <2 <0.01 <2.5 c 1 8.6 13 0808 24.1 0700 24 Y 2.5 21.8 7.3 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < 1 9.5 24 0803 24.0 0700 24 1 1' 2.9 21.3 7.2 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 8 8.4 25 0808 24.0 0700 24 Y 2.6 17.3 7.3 < 2 0.01 < 2.5 < 1 9.7 26 108 27.0 0700 24 Y 12.2 20.9 7.2 2 <0.01 <2.5 <1 9.6 27 0700 24 N 3.7 28 0700 24 N 3 29 801 24.0 0700 24 Y 2.9 19.3 7 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < 1 8.5 30 0806 24.0 0700 24 Y 2.7 20.1 7.2 < 2 0.09 < 2.5 < 1 8.9 31 0718 23.1 0700 24 1 Y 2.7 20.1 7.2 <2 <0.01 <2.5 2 7.7 Nimbl7.kecra8. LWII: 6.2 5 2 30 200 klnnl613 •v,-cc 3.351613 23.5 0.086957 0.073636 0 2.372099 8.156522 D.Ip 61a.bnume 12.2 26.6 7.4 2 1.42 0 64 8.9 Wilr511nInarn: 2.2 17.3 7 0 0 0 0 7.7 "" No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Plow-Rcuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY ion -- Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024229 PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 PERNIIT STATUS: Expired FACILITY NAME: Wesiside W WTP CLASS: WW-4. COUNTY: Davidson ONVNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDNIR PERIOD: 10-2018 (October 2018) ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC CERT NUMBER: 997919 ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) r hg _ eG u E u E t- _E C u � E O _V C r rc i C0600 Q\1665 CG665 QS66S TH1,30 01042 C(I\II:It TOP311 01077 01092 01105 Weekly Nlonlhty Weekly Sec Pennil Quarterly Quarterly Quarterlyualud uanetly Quarterly CnluulakJ Calculated Com nsile Calculated C'om o6i1u Cumpasila Groh Composite Compusitc Composite Composite T(7TALN- Total P-Q9 TOTAL P- TnIaIP -Qly CE1271)C31\' COPPER MERCURY. CER170PF SILVER ZINC ALUMINUM 2400e1nek Itrs 2409 clnck H. Y/D7N n'8A lblinon 1,tlgA I lereenl Ug/1 ngll p5shad I U`A II/1 1 ugA 1 0807 24.0 0700 124 Y 2 0743 23.5 0700 24 B 3 0748 24.0 0700 24 B 4 0801 23.9 0700 24 Y 4.87 0.13 s 1101 27.0 10700 24 Y 6 0700 24 N 7 0700 24 N 8 0801 24.0 0700 24 V 9 0734 3.5 0700 24 1' 10 0730 24.0 0700 24 B 11 0755 24.5 0700 24 y 3.8 0.09 12 1103 27.1 0700 24 Y 13 0700 24 N 14 0700 24 N Is 0803 24.0 0700 24 y <S <5 40 16 0735 23.5 0700 24 Y 17 0808 24.5 0700 24 1' 3.51 0.11 <5 3,04 PASS <5 50 IS 0800 23.9 0700 24 Y 19 1103 27.0 0700 24 1' 20 0700 24 N 21 0700 24 N 22 0800 24.0 0700 24 Y 23 0908 24.1 0700 24 1' 24 0308 24.0 0700 24 v 73 0808 24.0 07DO 24 Y 2.2 0.23 26 108 27.0 0700 24 Y 27 0700 24 N 20 0700 24 N 29 803 24.0 0700 24 Y 30 0806 24.0 0700 24 Y 123 3848 31 0718 l 23.1 1 0700 24 Y \Ionlhly AYeraKe LIrn11: Dlonudy,\reraRe: 3.595 123 0.14 3848 0 3.04 0 45 Dally 6msonarn: 4.87 123 0.23 3R48 0 3.04 0 50 D,IIy SIInlmnm: 2.2 121 0.09 3848 0 3.04 0 40 '4f4' No Rcpoding Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Wenther; NOFLOW = No Flow; I IOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024229 FACILITY NAME: Wes[side WWTP OWNER NAME: City of I Iigh Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 10-2018 (October 2018) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Prolus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) c' E E u o . G C0 O E O e v O E a 01097 01002 01012 aloe 01034 00340 00710 00930 01045 01051 01067 Cnmposiw Composite C-1 ussile Con' kiln Cam 95ilc Coln .site Groh Calculated Cmn siW Com ensile Cum sosile \ llLIUA CADMIUM Cr-TOTAL COD CK-TUT TOTHARD IRON LEAD NICKEI. 2400 dock Hrs 1400 dock Ilrt PION u u /l u8A uyl u mg/l nlg/1 n1gA ug/I ISA 1 0807 24.0 0700 24 Y 2 0743 23.5 0700 24 B 66 3 0748 24.0 0700 24 B 4 10801 23.9 0700 21 Y 62 5 1101 27.0 0700 24 Y 6 0700 24 N 7 o7lXl 24 N s 0401 24.0 0700 24 Y 9 0734 3.5 0700 24 v 56 l0 0730 24.0 MOO 24 B 11 6755 24.5 0700 24 Y 62 12 1103 27.1 0700 24 Y 13 0700 24 N 14 0700 24 N 15 0803 24.0 0700 24 Y < 10 < I < 5 41 62 12.5 < 10 16 0135 23.5 0700 24 V 17 0808 24.5 0700 24 Y <25 <10 <5 <1 <5 38 -Ut 64 <2.5 <10 18 0800 23.9 0700 24 Y 19 1103 27.0 0700 24 Y 20 0700 24 N 21 0700 24 N 22 0800 24.0 0700 24 Y 23 oR08 24.1 0700 24 Y 42 24 0808 14.0 0700 24 Y 25 0808 24.0 0700 24 Y 41 26 108 27.0 0700 24 Y 29 1 0700 24 N 28 0700 24 N 29 803 24.0 0700 24 Y 30 0806 24.0 0700 24 Y 33 m 0718 23.1 0700 24 Y Monthly Arena,-,e LI R: nlenthy,\rc.aR,: 0 0 0 0 0 49 0 63 n o Dany hbslmov° a 0 n n - 66 0 64 0 0 D.Ity IBM—m: 0 0 0 0 0 33 0 62 0 0 **** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation — Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY — No Visitation — Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 10-2018 (Oc(ober 2018) PERA,HT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Prows Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) O e U U r 'e - O _ E 0 O c j ; � ? Z 00630 00615 00556 32730 01147 70295 010s9 COIlIPIISiw cmp.siw Gr111 Of11 C(1111 site Composite COD1-ite NDS&ND3 TUiICJFl. 1/1L.GDSE 1'118N,TR Se-Tf17.\L RESIDI55 THALLIUM 1400 clerk Hn 2400 clock If. I 1'7DN m-01 ugA u80 IllgA I U 0 1 0807 24.0 0700 24 1' 2 0743 23.5 0700 24 B 3 0748 24.0 0700 24 B i 0801 23.9 0700 24 Y 2.23 2.64 5 I Wi 27.0 0700 24 y 6 0700 24 N 1 0700 24 N x 0801 24.0 0700 24 Y 9 0734 3.5 0700 24 y 10 0730 24.0 0700 24 B 21 0755 24.5 0700 24 1' 2.29 1.51 12 1103 27.1 0700 24 y 13 0700 24 N 14 0700 24 N IS 0803 24.0 0700 24 Y < 10 16 0735 23.5 0700 24 Y 808 24.5 0700 24 y 2.11 1.4 <5 < 10 263 < 20 800 23.9 0700 24 Y 103 27.0 0700 24 Y J 0700 24 N 0700 24 N 800 2.1.0 0700 24 1' 33 08o8 24.1 0700 24 1' 24 0308 24.0 0700 24 Y 25 0808 24.0 0700 24 Y 0.89 1.31 26 108 27.0 0700 24 Y 21 0700 24 N 28 0700 2.1 N 19 803 24.0 0700 24 1' 30 0806 14.0 0700 24 Y 31 0718 2 3. 1 0700 24 y NWmhlp Umge Unit: \Im11LIp,Utnge: 1.98 1.715 0 0 263 0 D,ur M.0,U m 2.29 2.64 0 0 263 0 Doug MlNmum: 0.99 1.31 0 0 263 0 **** No Reporting Reason; ENFRUSE = No Flow-Rcuse/Rceycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Wenthcr; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 09-2018 (September 2018) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 INITalia," .. PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 "•" No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Rcusc/Rccycle; ENV WTHR — No Visitation — Adverse Weather, NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation — Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 PERMIT STATUS: Expired FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP CLASS: WW-4. COUNTY: Davidson OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 09-2018 (September 2018) ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 (Continue) "•" No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW4 eDMR PERIOD: 09-2018 (September 2018) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 (Continue) O E E IF U e 2 Fo c C E ,Zo 00625 00556 32730 01147 01077 01059 01093 Composite Gmb Gmb Composite coiaposite Composite Com site TOT K2EL OIL GRSE PHEN, TR Se-TOTAI, I SILVER THALLIUM ZINC 2400 Htv Mg/1 Mgt[ m /1 asil U10 u 1 u 94 2 3 4 0803 24.0 5 0800 24.0 6 0808 24.1 7 1108 27.0 8 9 10 0810 j 24.2 22.5 < 5 140 11 0803 23.9 12 0807 24.0 < 5 32 13 0805 24.0 14 1110 27.1 is 16 17 0806 24.0 18 0806 24.0 19 0801 23.9 20 0804 24.0 21 1119 27.2 22 23 24 082.2 24.3 25 0809 23.9 26 0827 24.3 27 0755 23.5 29 1140 27.7 29 30 Monthly .Average Limit: Monthly Average: 22.5 p 86 Daily Maximum: 22.5 0 140 Daly Minimum: '2.5 132 aaat No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation — Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation — Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 PERMIT STATUS: Expired FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP CLASS: WW-4. COUNTY: Davidson OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW4 eDMR PERIOD: 09-2018 (September 2018) ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO o e e V E F, 9 p F= F O E O Y Vi V O z Z 50050 00010 00400 50060 C0310 C0610 C0530 31616 00300 Continuous 5 X week 5 X week 5 X week 5 X week 2 X week 2 X week 2 X Week 5 X Week Recorder Grab Grab Grab Composite Composite Composite Grab Grab FLOW TEMP-C pH CHLORINE BOD-Cone NH3-N-Cone T53-Cone FCOW BR DO 2400e1ack Hrs 2400e1oek Hrs YB/N m d dcg c so usA m9,/1 MgA m m n/100ml mg/1 1 0700 24 N 2.5 2 0700 24 N 2.2 3 0700 24 N 2.4 H H H H H H H 4 0809 24.1 0700 24 Y 2.6 25.1 6.6 12 ' 0 < 0.01 - L < 2.5 < 1 8.2 5 0804 23.9 0700 24 Y 2.4 27.2 6.7 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 1 7.7 6 0802 24.0 0700 24 Y 2.5 26.8 6.7 < 2 0.01 < 2.5 < 1 7.9 7 1 105 27.0 0700 24 V 2.4 26.5 6.5 < 2 -0.01 < 2.5 < 1 7.8 8 0700 24 N 2.4 9 0700 24 N 2.3 to 0800 24.0 0700 24 Y 2.5 25.9 6.9 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < 1 8.3 17 0806 24.1 0700 24 Y 2.7 26.2 7 12 < 0.01 < 2.5 < 1 8.7 12 0801 23.9 0700 24 Y 3.2 26.4 6.8 <2 <0.01 <2.5 <1 8.1 13 0809 24.1 0700 24 Y 2.4 26.5 6.8 < 2 10.01 < 2.5 < 1 8 14 1118 27.1 0700 24 Y 2.7 26.1 6.8 <2 <0.01 <2.5 <1 8.1 15 0700 24 N 4.2 16 0700 24 N 15.7 17 0800 24.0 0700 24 Y 6 24.9 6.6 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 137 9 10 0810 24.1 0700 24 Y 3.3 24.8 6.7 < 2 0.15 < 2.5 < 1 8.1 19 0805 23.9 0700 24 Y 2.9 25 6.6 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < 1 8 20 0755 23.8 0700 24 Y 2.8 25.6 6.7 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 10 8 21 1117 27.4 0700 24 Y 2.4 26 7.1 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < 1 8.2 22 0700 24 N 2.4 23 0700 24 N 2.5 24 0817 24.3 0700 24 Y 2.7 25 6.9 < 2 < 0.01 < 2.5 < I 8 25 0804 23.8 0700 24 Y 2.9 25 6.2 <2 0.03 <2.5 <1 8.4 26 0818 24.2 0700 24 Y 3 25.7 7 <2 <0.01 <2.5 1 8.3 27 0747 23.5 0700 24 Y 2.9 26.1 7.1 <2 <0.01 <2.5 3 7.8 28 1135 26.8 0700 24 Y 2.7 26.2 7.1 <2 <0.01 <2.5 1 7.8 0700 24 N 2.4 q'I.-I 0700 24 N 2.5 Monthly Avenge Limit: C2 5 2 30 200 Monthly Avenge: 3.216667 25.842105 0.210526 0.01 0 1.549538 8.126316 pally Mulum.: 15.7 124.8 27.2 7.1 2 0.15 0 137 9 Doily Minimum: 2 6.2 1 0 0 0 0 7.7 "'"" No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation - Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation - Holiday b• nj�I,- NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 09-2018 (September 2018) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) '"' No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation — Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation — Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 09-2018 (September 2018) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) Monthly Averxge Limit: 1110 **** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENV WTHR = No Visitation — Adverse Weather, NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation — Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO024228 FACILITY NAME: Westside WWTP OWNER NAME: City of High Point GRADE: WW-4 eDMR PERIOD: 09-2018 (September 2018) PERMIT VERSION: 3.1 CLASS: WW-4. ORC: Kevin Protus Wood ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Davidson ORC CERT NUMBER: 997819 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) Monthly Avenge: **** No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE = No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR = No Visitation — Adverse Weather; NOFLOW = No Flow; HOLIDAY = No Visitation — Holiday Calculator: Estimate NPDES Permit Limitations based on the Dissolved Water Quality Standards and Stream & Effluent Hardness FACILITY: PERMIT #: DATE: CALC BY: Westside WWTP NC002422 10/28/19 1 CHyler Average Stream Fl Receiving Stream Receiving Stream Rec. Stream NPDES Total° Suspended Hardness NVC - Instream wastewater - Insvas, ewater (CFS) summer summer 1Q10 Flow Limit Solids (CaCO3, Concentration 7ja-t centratioi7010 (CFS1 7010 (MGD1 [MGD] [MGD] (ri l ma/Ll (Chronic)Acute) Class C, C-NSW, C-Swamp, and B streams 2 1 3 4 5 1 6 7 1 8 Dissolved Water Quality Criteria (function of total hardness) Translators- using EPA Default Partition Coefficients (streams) Total Metal (allocated to permittee) Diss. Metal +Translator Estimated NPDES Permit Limits [Total Metal =IWC] Chronic Acute Chronic Acute Chronic Acute PARAMETER* Arsenic [ug/1] [ug/1] [ug/1] lug/I] [ug/l] lug/]] 150 340 1.000 150 340 10 N/A 157.91 355.20 Arsenic (HH / WS) 10 N/A 1.000 10.00 N/A Beryllium 6.5 65 1.000 6.5 65 6.84 67.91 Cadmium (a) 0.31 1.93 0.252 1.2397 7.6373 1.3 7.98 Chlorides (WS) 250000 N/A 1.000 250000 WA 263179 NIA Chromium III (a) 53 409 0.202 263.3416 2024.467 277.2 2114.96 Chromium VI 11 16 1.000 11 16 11.6 16.72 Chromium, Total WA WA N/A N/A WA N/A NIA Copper (a) 6.3 9.2 0.348 18.2532 26.4390 19.2 27.62 Cyanide 5.0 22.0 1.000 5.0000 22.0000 5.3 22.98 Flouride 1800.0 N/A 1.000 1800.0 WA 1894.9 N/A Lead (a) 1.62 42 0.184 8.7977 225.7653 9.26 235.86 Mercury 0.012000 N/A 1.000 0.012000 WA 0.012633 NIA Molybdenum (WS) 160.00 N/A 1.000 160.0000 N/A 168.43 NIA Nickel (a)** 37 333 0.432 85.5180 769.9531 90 804.37 Nickel (WS) 25 N/A 1.000 25.0000 WA 26 N/A Selenium 5 56 1.000 5.0000 56.0000 5 58.56 Silver (a) 0.06 1.61 1.000 0.06 1.6074 0.06 1.68 Zinc (a) 84, 83 0.288 291.4710 289.1061 307 302.03 Ia. Denotes metals for which Aquatic Life Criteria are expressed as a function of total hardness. *Arsenic has a Human Health standard of 10 ug/L is more stingent than the freshwater standards. The Permit limit for arsenic would be determined by taking the Human Health Standard and dividing it by an IWC based on the mean annual flow of the receiving stream and the permitted plant flow. IIWC = Permitted Flow + (Permitted Flow + mean annual average) ** Nickel has a Water Supply standard of 25 ug/L and in most cases is more stringent than the freshwater standard. The Permit limit for nickel using the 25 ug/L WS standard would be determined by dividing 25 by an IWC based o Average II Average Effluent Upstream I4 Hardness Hardness Hardness Summary Sample Location: ' i WS Effluent < m L Used in Calculation Sample Date 1 /22/2018 Spreadsheet Instructions: 1) Data entered only in 82 86 74 82 86 74 1 /24/2018 4/9/2018 Bordered cells. Rest of worksheet is protected, password is 2 . 2) For below detection data, enter ^<" in "<" column, and enter detection level in Influen 88 64 64 62 64 68 62 64 88 64 64 62 64 68 62 64 4/11/2018 7/9/2018 7/ l l /2018 10/15/2018 10/17/2018 4/8/2019 4/10/2019 7/15/2019 or Effluent mg/ columns. Spreadsheet 66 66 7/ 17/2019 will auto- matically calculate averages and removal rates using 112 value entered. Column Averages => 70.33 Hardness Summary Hardness Page 1 of 1 pages 11/12/2019, 9:54 AM Revision: August 1999 Calculations Total Nitrogen: 159,870 Ibs/yr. _ 365 days/yr. = 438 Ibs (8.34) x (8.2) x (X mg/L) = 438 Ibs (68.39) x (X mg/L) = 438 Ibs (X mg/L) = 438 - 68.39 X=6.4mg/L Total Phosphorus: 13,341 Ibs/yr. - 365 days/yr. = 36.55 Ibs (8.34) x (8.2) x (X mg/L) = 36.55 Ibs (68.39) x (X mg/L) = 36.55 Ibs (X mg/L) = 36.55 _ 68.39 X = 0.53 mg/L Chapter 7 Pollutants Selected for Regulation Development Document for the CWT Point Source Category Table 7-5. Final POTW Percent Removals Pollutant Metals Oils Organics CAS NO. Percent Removal Source CLASSICAL Ammonia as N X X X 766-41-7 38.94 50 POTW - 10 X ML Hexavalent Chromium X 18540-29-9 5.68 RREL 5 - (ALL WW) Total Cyanide X X X 57-12-5 70.44 50 POTW - 10 X ML METALS Antimony X X X 7440-36-0 66.78 50 POTW - 2 X ML Arsenic X 7440-38-2 65.77 50 POTW - 2 X ML Barium X 7440-39-3 55.15 50 POTW - 2 X ML Beryllium X 7440-41-7 61.23 RREL 5 - (ALL WW) Cadmium X X 7440-43-9 90.05 50 POTW - 10 X ML Chromium X X 7440-47-3 80.33 50 POTW - 10 X ML Cobalt X X X 7440-48-4 10.19 50 POTW - 2 X ML Copper X X X 7440-50-8 84.20 50 POTW - 10 X ML Iridium X 7439-88-5 74.00 RREL 5 - (ALL WW) Lanthanium X 7439-91-0 54.44 Generic Removal -Group A Lead X X 7439-92-1 77.45 50 POTW - 10 X ML Lithium X 7439-93-2 26.00 RREL 5 - (ALL WW) Mercury X X 7439-97-6 90.16 50 POTW - 10 X ML Molybdenum X X X 7439-98-7 18.93 50 POTW - 10 X ML Nickel X X 7440-02-0 51.44 50 POTW - 10 X ML Osmium X 7440-04-2 48.00 RREL 5 - (ALL WW) Selenium X X 7782-49-2 34.33 RREL 5 - (DOM WW) Silicon X X X 7440-21-3 27.29 RREL 5 - (ALL WW) Silver X 7440-22-4 88.28 50 POTW - 10 X ML Strontium X X X 7440-24-6 14.83 RREL 5 - (DOM WW) Thallium X 7440-28-0 53.80 RREL 5 - (ALL WW) Tin X X 7440-31-5 42.63 50 POTW - 2 X ML Titanium X X 7440-32-6 91.82 50 POTW - 10 X ML Vanadium X 7440-62-2 8.28 50 POTW - 2 X ML Yttrium X 7440-65-5 21.04 RREL 5 - (ALL WW) Zinc X X X 7440-66-6 79.14 50 POTW - 10 X ML Zirconium X 7440-67-7 54.44 Generic Removal -Group A ORGANICS 2-butanone X X X 78-93-3 96.60 RREL 5- (ALL WW) 2-propanone X X 67-64-1 83.75 RREL 5 - (ALL WW) 2,3-dichloroaniline X 608-27-5 41.00 RREL 5 - (ALL WW) 2,4,6-trichlorophenol X 88-06-2 28.00 RREL 5 - (ALL WW) 4-chloro-3-methylphenol X 59-50-7 63.00 RREL 5 - (IND WW) Acenaphthene X 83-32-9 98.29 50 POTW - 10 X ML Acetonhenone X 98-86-2 95.34 RREL 5 - (ALL WW) 7-18 Air Quality ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY February 14, 2017 Terry Houk Director of Public Services City of High Point P.O. Box 230 High Point, NC 27261 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretar} MICHAEL A. ABRACZINSKAS Actin Director SUBJECT: Air Quality Permit No. 08074T1 I Facility ID: 4100977 City of High Point — Eastside Wastewater Treatment Plant Jamestown, Guilford County, North Carolina Permit Class: Title V PSD Class: Minor Dear Mr. Houk: RECEIVED APR 1-7 2017 public Services icerial Pretreat+y In accordance with the Aministrative Amendment to your Title V permit, Application No. 4100977.17A, we are forwarding herewith Air Quality Permit No. 08074TI I to City of High Point — Eastside Wastewater Treatment Plant, Jamestown, Guilford County, North Carolina authorizing the continued operation of the emission source(s) and associated air pollution control device(s) specified herein. Additionally, any emissions activities determined from your Air Quality Permit Application as being insignificant per 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 02Q .0503(8) have been listed for informational purposes as an "ATTACHMENT." Please note the requirements for the annual compliance certification are contained in General Condition P in Section 3. The current owner is responsible for submitting a compliance certification for the entire year regardless of who owned the facility during the year. As the designated responsible official it is your responsibility to review, understand, and abide by all of the terms and conditions of the attached permit. It is also your responsibility to ensure that any person who operates any emission source and associated air pollution control device subject to any term or condition of the attached permit reviews, understands, and abides by the condition(s) of the attached permit that are applicable to that particular emission source. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this Air Quality Permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to request a formal adjudicatory hearing within 30 days following receipt of this permit, identifying the specific issues to be contested. This hearing request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to NCGS (North Carolina General Statutes) 15013-23, and filed with both the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714 and the Division of Air Quality, Permitting Section, 1641 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1641. The form for requesting a formal adjudicatory hearing may be obtained upon request from the Office of Administrative Hearings. Please note that this permit will be stayed in its entirety upon receipt of the request for a hearing. Unless a request for a hearing is made pursuant to NCGS 150B-23, this Air Quality Permit shall be final and binding 30 days after issuance. State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Air Quality 217 W. Jones Street 11641 Mall Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1641 919 707 8400 Terry Houk February 14, 2017 Page 2 You may request modification of your Air Quality Permit through informal means pursuant to NCGS 150B-22. This request must be submitted in writing to the Director and must identify the specific provisions or issues for which the modification is sought. Please note that this Air Quality Permit will become final and binding regardless of a request for informal modification unless a request for a hearing is also made under NCGS 150B-23. The construction of new air pollution emission source(s) and associated air pollution control device(s), or modifications to the emission source(s) and air pollution control device(s) described in this permit must be covered under an Air Quality Permit issued by the Division of Air Quality prior to construction unless the Permittee has fulfilled the requirements of NCGS 143-215-108A(b) and received written approval from the Director of the Division of Air Quality to commence construction. Failure to receive an Air Quality Permit or written approval prior to commencing construction is a violation of GS 143-215.108A and may subject the Permittee to civil or criminal penalties as described in GS 143-215.114A and 143-215.114B. Guilford County has triggered increment tracking under PSD for PM-10 and S02. However, this permit modification does not consume or expand increments for any pollutants. This Air Quality Permit shall be effective from February 14, 2017 until November 30, 2021, is nontransferable to future owners and operators, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Lori Ann Phillips at (919) 707- 8461 or lori.phillips@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely yours, 00, A)4 V t f William D. Willets, P.E., Chief, Permitting Section Division of Air Quality, NCDEQ Enclosure c: Heather Ceron, EPA Region 4 Winston-Salem Regional Office Central Files Terry Houk February 14, 2017 Page 3 ATTACHMENT to Permit No. 08074T11 Tmivnificant Activities ner 15A NCAC 020 .0503(8) Emission Source ID No. Emission Source Description Wastewater treatment system and associated odor control scrubber I-WWTS-1 Three above ground storage tanks containing No. 2 fuel oil (10,000 I-AST-1, I-AST-2, I-AST-3 gallons capacity, each) 1. Because an activity is insignificant does not mean that the activity is exempted from an applicable requirement or that the Permittee is exempted from demonstrating compliance with any applicable requirement. 2. When applicable, emissions from stationary source activities identified above shall be included in determining compliance with the permit requirements for toxic air pollutants under 15A NCAC 02D .1100 "Control of Toxic Air Pollutants" or 02Q .0711 "Emission Rates Requiring a Permit". 3. For additional information regarding the applicability of MACT or GACT see the DAQ page titled "The Regulatory Guide for Insignificant Activities/Permits Exempt Activities". The link to this site is as follows: http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/air-quality/air-quality-permits/specific-permit- cond itions-regul atory-guide. Terry Houk February 14, 2017 Page 4 Summary of Changes to Permit The following changes were made to the City of High Point — Eastside Wastewater Treatment Plant Air Permit No. 08074T10: Page No. Section Description of Changes Cover and throughout All Updated all dates and permit revision numbers. Converted permit format from a State permit to a Title V permit. Cover letter N/A Updated the header to include the new Governor, Secretary and acting Director names. 1 N/A Corrected the address for the Winston-Salem Regional Office. . ..^.a •.a . . . . . . . . . . aN State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality AIR QUALITY PERMIT Permit No. Replaces Permit No.(s) Effective Date Expiration Date 08074TI l 08074T10 February 14, 2017 November 30, 2021 Until such time as this permit expires or is modified or revoked, the below named Permittee is permitted to construct and operate the emission source(s) and associated air pollution control device(s) specified herein, in accordance with the terms, conditions, and limitations within this permit. This permit is issued under the provisions of Article 21B of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Codes (15A NCAC), Subchapters 2D and 2Q, and other applicable Laws. Pursuant to Title 15A NCAC, Subchapter 2Q, the Permittee shall not construct, operate, or modify any emission source(s) or air pollution control device(s) without having fast submitted a complete Air Quality Permit Application to the permitting authority and received an Air Quality Permit, except as provided in this permit. Permittee: Facility ID: Facility Site Location: City, County, State, Zip: Mailing Address: City, State, Zip: Application Number: Complete Application Date: Primary SIC Code: Division of Air Quality, Regional Office Address: City of High Point — Eastside Wastewater Treatment Plant 4100977 5898 Riverdale Drive Jamestown, Guilford County, North Carolina 27282 P.O. Box 230 High Point, Guilford County, North Carolina 27261 4100977.17A February 13, 2017 4952 Winston-Salem Regional Office 450 West Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300 Winston-Salem, NC 27105 Permit issued this the 14t` day of February, 2017. William D. Willets, P.E., Chief, Air Permitting Section By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Table of Contents SECTION 1: PERMITTED EMISSION SOURCE (S) AND ASSOCIATED AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DEVICE (S) AND APPURTENANCES SECTION 2: SPECIFIC LIMITATIONS AND CONDITIONS 2.1- Emission Source(s) Specific Limitations and Conditions (Including specific requirements, testing, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements) 2.2- Multiple Emission Source(s) Specific Limitations and Conditions (Including specific requirements, testing, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements) SECTION 3: GENERAL PERMIT CONDITIONS ATTACHMENTS List of Insignificant Activities List of Changes Made to the Permit List of Acronyms Permit 08074TI I Page 3 SECTION 1 -PERMITTED EMISSION SOURCES AND ASSOCIATED AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DEVICES AND APPURTENANCES The following table contains a summary of all permitted emission sources and associated air pollution control devices and appurtenances: Page Nos. Emission Source ID Emission Source Description Control Control Device No. Device ID Description No. 3 ES-01 Natural gas/No. 2 fuel oil -fired fluidized CD-01 Wet scrubber (392 (NSPS, NESHAP) bed sewage sludge incinerator (3,000 gallons per minute pounds od dry sludge per hour maximum liquid injection rate) charge rate; 5.05 million Btu per hour rated auxiliary heat input) CD-03 Activiated carbon adsorber (6 to 10.4 inches of water pressure drop) 12 ES-02 Sand storage silo CD-02 Bagfilter (112 square feet of filter surface area) 13,19 ES-03 through ES-05 Three 2,000 kW No. 2 fuel oil -fired dual N/A N/A (MACT) use generators SECTION 2 - SPECIFIC LIMITATIONS AND CONDITIONS 2.1 - Emission Source(s) and Control Devices(s) Specific Limitations and Conditions The emission sources and associated air pollution control device(s) and appurtenances listed below are subject to the following specific terms, conditions, and limitations, including the testing, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements as specified herein: A. One natural gas/No. 2 fuel oil -fired -fluidized bed sewage sludge incinerator (3,000 pounds of dry sludge per hour maximum charge rate; 5.05 million Btu per hour rated auxiliary heat input) (ID No. ES-01) controlled by one wet scrubber (ID No. CD-01) in series with an activated carbon adsorber (ID No. CD-03) The fnlinwinu nrovides a summary of limits and/or standards for the emission source(s) described above. Regulated Pollutant Limits/Standards Applicable Regulation Sulfur dioxide 2.3 pounds per million Btu heat input each 15A NCAC 02D .0516 Visible emissions 20 percent opacity 15A NCAC 02D .0521 Particulate matter Visible emissions 1.3 pounds per ton of dry sludge input 20 percent opacity 15A NCAC 02D .0524 Subpart O Beryllium Mercury 10 grams per 24-hour period 3,200 grams per 24-hour period 15A NCAC 02D .l 110 Permit 08074TI I Page 4 Regulated Limits/Standards Applicable Regulation Pollutant Particulate matter 1.3 pounds per ton of dry sludge input 15A NCAC 02D. 1204 Visible emissions 20% opacity S02 2.3 pounds per million Btu Odorous emissions As per 15A NCAC 02D .1806 HCl 4 pounds per hour Hg As per 15A NCAC 02D .1100 Beryllium As per 15A NCAC 02D. 1100 Toxic air As per 15A NCAC 02D. I 100 pollutants CO 100 parts per million (volumetric basis, corrected to 7% oxygen and 0% moisture) NOx 250 tons per year 15A NCAC 02Q .0317 See Section 2.2 A Avoidance Pb, As, Cd, Cr, Ni 40 CFR 503.43(c), Continuous emission monitoring quality 40 CFR Part 503, Subpart E assurance reporting 15A NCAC 02D .0613 Cd, CO, HCI, Hg, 40 CFR Part 62, Subpart LLL 40 CFR Part 62, Subpart LLL NOx, Pb, PCDD/PCDF, PM, S02, fugitive emissions 1. 15A NCAC 02D .0516: SULFUR DIOXIDE EMISSIONS FROM COMBUSTION SOURCES a. Emissions of sulfur dioxide from this source (ID No. ES-01) shall not exceed 2.3 pounds per million Btu heat input. Sulfur dioxide formed by the combustion of sulfur in fuels, wastes, ores, and other substances shall be included when determining compliance with this standard. Testing [15A NCAC 02Q .0508(f)] b. If emissions testing is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. If the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 A. La. above, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 02D .0516. Monitoring/Recordkeeping/Reporting [15A NCAC 02Q .0508(f)] c. No monitoring/recordkeeping/reporting is required for sulfur dioxide emissions from the burning of No. 2 fuel oil in this source (ID No. ES-01). 2. 15A NCAC 02D .0521: CONTROL OF VISIBLE EMISSIONS a. Visible emissions from this source (ID No. ES-01) shall not be more than 20 percent opacity when averaged over a six -minute period. However, six -minute averaging periods may exceed 20 percent not more than once in any hour and not more than four times in any 24-hour period. In no event shall the six -minute average exceed 87 percent opacity. Testing [15A NCAC 02Q .0508(f)] b. If emissions testing is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. If the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 A.2.a. above, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 02D .0521. Monitoring/Recordkeeaing/Reaortini! [15A NCAC 02Q .0508(f)] c. No monitoring/recordkeeping/reporting is required for visible emissions from the firing of No. 2 fuel oil in this source (ID No. ES-01). Permit 08074T1 I Page 5 3. 15A NCAC 02D .0524: NEW SOURCE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS SUBPART O a. For the sewage sludge incinerator (ID No. ES-01), the Permittee shall comply with all applicable provisions for emissions standards, compliance and performance testing, emission monitoring, and reporting and recordkeeping, in accordance with 15A NCAC 02D .0524 "New Source Performance Standards (NSPS)" as promulgated in 40 CFR 60, Subpart O "Standards of Performance for Sewage Treatment Plants", including Subpart A "General Provisions." NSPS Emissions Limitations [§60.152] b. The following permit limits shall not be exceeded: Affected Sources Pollutant Emissions Limit Natural gas/No. 2 fuel oil -fired - fluidized bed sewage sludge TSP 1.3 pounds per ton of dry sludge incinerator (3,000 pounds of dry input sludge per hour maximum charge rate; 5.05 million Btu per hour rated auxiliary heat input) (ID No. ES- Visible Emissions Less than 20 percent opacity 01) PM — Scrubber Requirements c. As required by 15A NCAC 2D .0524, particulate matter emissions from the fluidized bed sewage sludge incinerator (ID No. ES-01) shall be controlled as described in the permitted equipment list. i. Inspection and Maintenance Requirements - To comply with the provisions of this permit and ensure that emissions do not exceed the regulatory limits, the Permittee shall perform periodic inspections and maintenance (I&M) as recommended by the manufacturer. In addition, the Permittee shall perform an annual internal inspection of the wet scrubber (ID No. CD-01). As a minimum, the annual internal inspection will include inspection of spray nozzles, packing material (if applicable), chemical feed system (if so equipped), and the cleaning/calibration of all associated instrumentation. [ 15A NCAC 02Q .0508(f)] ii. Recordkeeping Requirements - The results of all inspections and any variance from manufacturer's recommendations or from those given in this permit (when applicable) shall be investigated with corrections made and dates of actions recorded in a logbook. Records of all maintenance activities shall be recorded in the logbook. The logbook (in written or electronic format) shall be kept on -site and made available to DAQ personnel upon request. [ 15A NCAC 02Q .0508(f)] Carbon Adsorber Requirements d. As required by 15A NCAC 2D .0524, mercury emissions from the fluidized bed sewage sludge incinerator (ID No. ES-01) shall be controlled as described in the permitted equipment list. i. Inspection and Maintenance Requirements - To comply with the provisions of this permit and ensure that emissions do not exceed the regulatory limits, the Permittee shall perform periodic inspections and maintenance (I&M) as recommended by the manufacturer. In addition, the Permittee shall perform an annual inspection of the carbon adsorber system (ID No. CD-03). As a minimum, the annual inspection should include the following: A. Inspect and maintain the structural integrity of the carbon adsorber system. B. Inspect and maintain the structural integrity of duct work and piping leading to the carbon adsorber system. ii. Monitoring Requirements — Install a device in an accessible location to continuously measure and record the pressure drop across each of the carbon layers (total three) of the adsorber, and maintain it such that it is in proper working order at all times. The pressure drop across the complete bed shall be maintained within 6 to 10.4 inches of H2O, as established by manufacturer specifications. ***This pressure drop value for the carbon adsorber bed needs to be reestablished during the initial performance test, required to be conducted pursuant to the condition for 40 CFR 62 Subpart LLL. [15A NCAC 02Q .0508(f)] Hi. Recordkeeping Requirements - The results of all inspections and any variance from manufacturer's recommendations or from those given in this permit (when applicable) shall be investigated with corrections made and dates of actions recorded in a logbook. Records of all maintenance activities shall be recorded in the logbook The logbook (in written or electronic format) shall be kept on -site and made available to DAQ personnel upon request. [15A NCAC 02Q .0508(f)] Permit 08074TI I Page 6 Monitorine/RecordkeepinE [§60.1531 e. Install, calibrate, operate and maintain monitoring devices for the sewage sludge charge rate, auxiliary fuel flow rate, fluidized bed and freeboard area combustion temperatures and exhaust gas oxygen content of the fluidized bed sewage sludge incinerator (ID No. ES-01) and the pressure drop of the associated wet scrubber (ID No. CD-01). If monitoring and recordkeeping is not performed, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 02D .0524. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0524 if monitoring and recordkeeping is not performed. Reporting [§60.155] f. Submit semiannual reports to the Regional Supervisor, DAQ, by January 301 and July 300' of each year that include a summary of i. Those periods of duration of at least 15 minutes during which the average pressure drop of the wet scrubber is less than 24.5 inches of water column (ID No. CD-01) while sewage sludge is charged into the fluidized bed incinerator (ID No. ES-1) during the 6 prior calendar months. ***This minimum pressure drop value shall be reestablished during the initial performance test, required to be conducted pursuant to the condition for 40 CFR 62 Subpart LLL. ii. Those periods of duration of at least 1 hour during which the average oxygen content of the fluidized bed sewage sludge incinerators' exhaust gas is greater than 10.9% (ID No. CD-01) while sewage sludge is charged into the fluidized bed incinerator (ID No. ES-1) during the 6 prior calendar months. ***This oxygen content value for the exhaust of the sewage sludge incinerator shall be reestablished during the initial performance test, required to be conducted pursuant to the condition for 40 CFR 62 Subpart LLL. 4. 15A NCAC 02D .1110: NATIONAL EMISSION STANDARDS FOR HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANTS SUBPARTS C AND E For the natural gas/No. 2 fuel oil -fired -fluidized bed sewage sludge incinerator (3,000 pounds of dry sludge per hour maximum charge rate; 5.05 million Btu per hour rated auxiliary heat input) (ID No. ES-01), the Permittee shall comply with all applicable provisions, including the notification, testing, and monitoring requirements contained in Environmental Management Commission Standard 15A NCAC 2D .1110 "National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants" as promulgated in 40 CFR Part 61, Subpart C and Subpart E. As required by 15A NCAC 02D .1110, the following permit limits shall not be exceeded: Affected Source Pollutant Emission Limit Natural gas/No. 2 fuel oil- Beryllium 10 grams per 24-hour period fired fluidized bed sewage 3,200 grams per 24-hour period sludge incinerator (iD No. Mercury ES-01) 5. 15A NCAC 02D .1204: SEWAGE SLUDGE AND SLUDGE INCINERATORS The Permittee shall comply with the following requirements for the natural gas/No. 2 fuel oil -fired fluidized bed sewage sludge incinerator (ID Nos. ES-01): a. Emissions Standards (15A NCAC 02D .1204(c) and (d)] Affected Facility Pollutant Emissions Limit Fluidized bed sewage sludge incinerator (ID No. ES-01) Particulate matter 1.3 pounds per ton of dry sewage sludge input Visible emissions 20% opacity Sulfur dioxide 2.3 pounds per million Btu Odorous emissions As per 15A NCAC 2D .1806 Hydrogen chloride 4 pounds per hour Mercury Asper 15A NCAC 21).1110 Beryllium Toxic air pollutants As per 15A NCAC 2D .1100 Permit 08074T 11 Page 7 100 parts per million (volumetric Monthly average carbon basis, corrected to 7% oxygen and monoxide concentration 0% moisture) b. Other metals NO CFR 503.43(c) and (d)l Pollutant Maximum Average Daily Concentration (mg/kg) Lead 26,821 Arsenic 3,265 Cadmium 4,548 Chromium 119,732 Nickel 1,277,458 c. The maximum sewage sludge combustion temperatures in the fluidized bed of the fluidized bed sewage sludge incinerators (ID No. ES-01) shall not exceed 1,647 *F. The maximum sewage sludge combustion temperature in the freeboard area of the fluidized bed sewage sludge incinerator (ID No. ES-01) shall not exceed 1,959'F. d. The pressure drop of the wet scrubber (ID No. CD-01) shall be at least 24.5 inches of water column and the liquid injection rate of the wet scrubber (ID No. CD-01) shall be at least 145 gallons per minute while sewage sludge is charged into the fluidized bed sewage sludge incinerator. * "Please note that these values for pressure drop and liquid injection rate need to be reestablished during the initial performance test, required to be conducted pursuant to the condition for 40 CFR 62 Subpart LLL. Monitoring e. For the fluidized bed sewage sludge incinerator, the Permittee shall: L Install, calibrate, maintain and operate continuous monitoring and recording devices for the incinerator fluidized bed and freeboard area temperatures and the incinerator exhaust gas carbon monoxide concentration (ID No. ES- 01), oxygen content, and moisture content. The continuous emissions monitoring devices for carbon monoxide concentration shall be certified in accordance with the appropriate performance specifications in 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix B. ii. Monitor the beryllium and mercury concentrations in the sewage sludge charged to the incinerator as frequently as required by 40 CFR Part 61, but in no case less than once per year. iii. Install, calibrate, maintain and operate continuous monitoring and recording devices for the pressure drop and liquid injection rate of the wet scrubber (ID No. CD-01). iv. Monitor the lead, arsenic, cadmium, chromium and nickel concentrations in the sewage sludge charged into the incinerator as frequently as required by 40 CFR 503.46(a)(2) and (3). The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .1204 if monitoring and recordkeeping is not performed. Recordkeeping f. In accordance with 40 CFR 503.47 and 15A NCAC 213.1204(f), the Permittee shall maintain records sufficient to demonstrate compliance with conditions 2.LA.5.a through 2.1.A.5.e for at least 5 years. Reporting g. In accordance with 40 CFR 503.48 and 15A NCAC 2D .1204(f), the Permittee shall submit to the Regional Supervisor, DAQ, in writing on or before January 301' of each year, a summary report of i. The concentrations of lead, arsenic, cadmium, chromium and nickel in the sewage sludge charged into the incinerators during the previous calendar year. ii. The monthly average concentrations of carbon monoxide (ID No. ES-01) in the exhaust gas of the incinerator in parts per million on a volume basis, corrected to 0% moisture and 7% oxygen, during the previous calendar year. iii. Those periods of duration of at least 15-minutes during which the average liquid injection flow rate of the wet scrubber (ID No. CD-01) are less than 145 gallons per minute while sewage sludge is charged into the fluidized bed sewage sludge incinerator during the previous calendar year. iv. Those periods of duration of at least 15-minutes during which the average fluidized bed combustion temperature in the fluidized bed sewage sludge incinerator (ID No. ES-01) exceeds 1,6470F or the freeboard area of the Permit 08074TI I Page 8 fluidized bed sewage sludge incinerator (ID No. ES-01) exceeds 1,959 °F while sewage sludge is charged into the fluidized bed sewage sludge incinerators during the previous calendar year. 6. 40 CFR Part 503, SUBPART E — STANDARDS FOR THE USE OR DISPOSAL OF SEWAGE SLUDGE: INCINERATION For the sewage sludge incinerator (ID No. ES-01), the Permittee shall comply with all applicable provisions, including the notification, testing, reporting, recordkeeping, and monitoring requirements contained in 40 CFR Part 503, Subpart E indicated below. Emissions of Lead a. The average daily lead concentration in the sewage sludge fed into the fluidized bed sewage sludge incinerator (ID No. ES-01) shall not exceed the maximum concentration calculated using the equation found in 40 CFR 503.43(c). Emissions of Arsenic Cadmium Chromium and Nickel b. The average daily concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, chromium and nickel in the sewage sludge fed into the fluidized bed sewage sludge incinerator (ID No. ES-01) shall not exceed the maximum concentration calculated using the equation found in 40 CFR 503.43(d). Management Practices c. As required by 40 CFR 503.45, the Permittee shall follow the following management practices: i. The Permittee shall install, calibrate, operate, and maintain continuous monitoring and recording devices for the carbon monoxide concentrations, oxygen concentration, and moisture content of the exhaust gas and the combustion temperature of the fluidized bed sewage sludge incinerator (ID No. ES-01). ii. The Permitttee shall not operate the fluidized bed sewage sludge incinerator (ID No. ES-01) such that the combustion temperatures exceed the combustion temperatures achieved during the performance testing by more than 20%. iii. The monitoring and recording devices and the control devices installed on the fluidized bed sewage sludge incinerator (ID No. ES-01) to comply with this Subpart must be appropriate for the type of incinerator. The operating parameters of the control device must be adequate to indicate proper performance of the control device. The operation of the control device must not violate the control device requirements of 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart O. Continous Emission Monitoring (CEM) Quality Assurance Program d. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 02D .0613 "Quality Assurance Program," the Permittee shall develop and implement a written quality assurance program containing information required by 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix F, Section 3, Quality Assurance Procedures. i. CEM Reporting The Permittee shall submit semiannually an excess emissions and monitoring systems summary report. The report shall be calculated on a quarterly basis in a format as provided by the Director. The report shall include any quality assurance assessments, as stated in the quality assurance program, and shall be submitted by July 30 for the period between January 1 and June 30 and by January 30 for the period between July 1 and December 31 of each year. [15A NCAC 02Q .0508(f)] Recordkeeping Requirements e. As required by 40 CFR 503.47, the following recordkeeping requirements shall be followed: i. Maintain the following records for a period of five (5) years from the date of recording. This information shall be maintained on site and made available to DAQ personnel upon request. A. The concentration of lead, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, and nickel in the sewage sludge fed to the sewage sludge incinerator. B. Information that indicates the requirements in the National Emission Standard for beryllium in 40 CFR Part 61 Subpart C are met. C. Information that indicates the requirements in the National Emission Standard for mercury in 40 CFR Part 61 Subpart E are met. D. The operating combustion temperatures for the sewage sludge incinerator. E. Values for the air pollution control device operating parameters. Permit 08074TI I Page 9 F. The oxygen concentration and information used to measure moisture content in the exit gas from the sewage sludge incinerator stack. G. The sewage sludge feed rate. H. The stack height for the sewage sludge incinerator. I. The dispersion factor for the site where the sewage sludge incinerator is located. J. The control efficiency for lead, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, and nickel for each sewage sludge incinerator. K. The risk specific concentration for chromium calculated using equation (6) of 40 CFR 503.43, if applicable. L. A calibration and maintenance log for the instruments used to measure the oxygen concentration in the exit gas from the sewage sludge incinerator stack, the information needed to determine moisture content in the exit gas, and the combustion temperatures. Reporting Requirements f. As required by 40 CFR 503.48 on or before February 19th of each year, the Permittee shall submit to the Regional Supervisor, Division of Air Quality, the following information: i. The concentration of lead, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, and nickel in the sewage sludge fed to the sewage sludge incinerator. ii. Information that indicates the requirements in the National Emission Standard for beryllium in 40 CFR Part 61 Subpart C are met. iii. Information that indicates the requirements in the National Emission Standard for mercury in 40 CFR Part 61 Subpart E are met. iv. The operating combustion temperatures for the sewage sludge incinerator. v. Values for the air pollution control device operating parameters. vi. The oxygen concentration and information used to measure moisture content in the exit gas from the sewage sludge incinerator stack. 7. 40 CFR 62 SUBPART LLL — FEDERAL PLAN REQUIREMENTS FOR SEWAGE SLUDGE INCINERATION UNITS CONSTRUCTED ON OR BEFORE OCTOBER 14, 2010 "Federally -Enforceable Only" a. For the fluidized bed sewage sludge incinerators (ID Nos. xx), the Permittee shall comply by March 21, 2016, with all applicable provisions, including emission standards, monitoring and reporting requirements, maintenance requirements, notification and recordkeeping requirements, performance test requirements, test method and procedural provisions, and any other provisions, in accordance with 40 CFR 62 Subpart LLL. This condition is "Federally -Enforceable Only". Notifications [40 CFR §62.15885, §62,15890, §62.15990] b. A notification of achievement of compliance must be submitted to the Administrator no later than 10 business days after the compliance date, March 21, 2016, and shall include the following: i. Notification that the final control plan has been submitted and final compliance has been achieved; ii. Any items required to be submitted with the final control plan and final compliance; and iii. Signature of the owner or operator of the sewage sludge incinerator (SSI) unit. c. Submittal of a control plan must satisfy the following two requirements: i. Submit the final control plan to the EPA regional office and permitting authority. The control plan must include: 1. A description of the devices for air pollution control and process changes used to comply with the emission limits and standards and other requirements of this subpart; 2. The type(s) of waste to be burned, if waste other than sewage sludge is to be burned in the unit; 3. The maximum design sewage sludge burning capacity; and 4. A petition for site -specific operating limits under §62.15965, if applicable. ii. Maintain an onsite copy of the final control plan. Operator Training and Qualification [40 CFR §62.15920] d. An SSI unit cannot be operated unless a fully trained and qualified SSI unit operator is available, either at the facility or can be at the facility within 1 hour. The trained and qualified SSI unit operator may operate the SSI unit directly or be the direct supervisor of one or more other plant personnel who operate the unit. If all qualified SST unit operators are temporarily unavailable, the procedures in §62.15945 must be followed. Permit 08074TI I Page 10 Emission Limits, Emission Standards and Operating Limits and Requirements e. The following emissions limits and standards must be met by the final compliance date, March 21, 2016, or upon startup of an SSI that has been out of service. These limits and standards apply at all times the unit is operating and during periods of malfunction. The limits and standards also apply to emissions from a bypass stack or vent while sewage sludge is in the combustion chamber (i.e., until the sewage sludge feed to the combustor has been cut off for a period of time not less than the sewage sludge incineration residence time). (40 CFR §62.15955 and Table 2 (FBI) and Table 3 (MHI) to Subpart LLL of Part 62) Air Pollutant Emission Limit for an ExistingFluidized Bed SSI Emission Limit for Multiple Hearth SSI Particulate Matter 18 m dscm 80 m dscm Hydrogen Chloride 0.51 ppm/dry volume 1.2 ppm/dry volume Carbon Monoxide 64 ppm/dry volume 3,800 ppm/dry volume Dioxins/furans (total mass basis) 2 or Dioxins/furans (toxic equivalency basis) 1.2 ng/dscm Or 0.10 n dscm 5.0 ng/dscm Or 0.32 n dscm Mercury 0.037 m dscm 0.28 m dscm Nitrogen Oxides 150 ppm/dry volume 220 ppm/dry volume Sulfur Dioxide 15 ppm/dry volume 26 ppm/dry volume Cadmium 0.0016 m dscm 0.095 m dscm Lead 0.0074 m dscm 0.30 m dscm Fugitive Emissions from Ash Handling Visible emissions from combustion ash and from ash conveying system for no more than 5 percent of any compliance test hourly observation period. ' All emission limits are measured at 7-percent oxygen, dry basis at standard conditions. z You have the option to comply with either the dioxin/furan emission limit on a total mass basis or the dioxin/furan emission limit on a toxic equivalency basis. f. The following operating limits and requirements for SSIs must be met to maintain compliance. The operating limits apply at all times that sewage sludge is in the combustion chamber (i.e., until the sewage sludge feed to the combustor has been cut off for a period of time not less than the sewage sludge incineration residence time). (40 CFR §62.15960 and Table 4 to Subpart LLL of Part 62) i. Site -specific minimum operating temperature of the combustion chamber or afterburner temperature established through initial performance testing; ii. Site -specific minimum pressure drop across each scrubber, minimum flow rate of scrubber liquid, and minimum pH of scrubber liquid established through initial performance testing; iii. For SSIs with fabric filters to comply with emission limits, a bag leak detection system must be installed and operated such that the alarm does not sound more than 5% of the operating time during a 6-month period; iv. Meet the operating limits in the site -specific fugitive emission monitoring plan as specified in §62.15995(d); V. Monitor the feed rate and moisture content of the sewage sludge fed to the SSI by implementing the following: (A) Continuously monitor the sewage sludge feed rate and calculate a daily average for all hours of operation during each 24-hour period. Keep a record of the daily average feed rate, as specified in §62.16025(f)(3)(ii); and (B) Take at least one grab sample per day of the sewage sludge fed to the incinerator. Calculate a daily average for the grab samples if more than one grab sample is taken per day. Keep a record of the daily average moisture content, as specified in §62.16025(f)(3)(ii). Initial Compliance Requirements (40 CFR §62.15980, §62.15985, §62.15990, §62.15995) g. Initial compliance with the emission limits and standards listed above in Section a can be demonstrated in one of two ways. i. Conduct a performance test as required in 40 CFR §60.8. It must be demonstrated that the SSI unit meets the emission limits and standards specified in Table 2 (FBI) and Table 3 (MHI) Of Federal Plan Subpart LLL for PM, HCI, CO, dioxins/furans (total mass basis or toxic equivalency basis), Hg, NOx, Permit 08074TI I Page 11 SO2, Cd, Pb, and fugitive emissions from ash handling. The initial performance test must be conducted using the test methods, averaging methods, and minimum sampling volumes or durations specified in Table 2 (FBI) and Table 3 (MHI) and according to the testing, monitoring, and calibration requirements specified in §62.16015(a). A facility may use the results from a performance test conducted within the two previous years if it was conducted under the same conditions and demonstrated compliance with the emission limits and standards in Table 2 (FBI) and Table 3 (MHI), provided no process changes have been made since that performance test was conducted. OR ii. Demonstrate initial compliance using a continuous emissions monitoring system or continuous automated sampling system as specified in §62.15980, iii. To demonstrate initial compliance with the dioxins/furans toxic equivalency emission limit, use the following: 1. Measure the concentration of each dioxin/furan tertra- through octachlorinated-isomer emitted using EPA Method 23 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7. 2. Multiply the concentration of each dioxin/furan (tetra- through octachlorinated) isomer by its corresponding toxic equivalency factor specified in Table 5 of this subpart. 3. Sum the products to obtain the total concentration of dioxins/furans emitted in terms of toxic equivalency. iv. Submit an initial compliance report, as specified in §62.16030(b) h. Site -specific operating limits specified in Section f must be established during your initial performance test as required in §62.15980. i. An initial air pollutant control device inspection must be conducted by the final compliance date. For air pollution control devices installed after the compliance date, an air pollution control device inspection must be conducted within 60 days after installation of the control device. All necessary repairs must be completed within 10 operating days following the air pollution control device inspection unless approval from the Administrator is given to establish a date whereby all necessary repairs of the SSI unit must be completed. j. A site -specific monitoring plan for continuous monitoring, bag leak detection, and ash handling systems must be developed in accordance to the requirements of §62.15995. Continuous Compliance Requirements (40 CFR §62.16000) k. Continuous compliance with the emission limits and standards in Table 2 (FBI) and Table 3 (MHI) shall be demonstrated using either performance testing or the use of a continuous monitoring system. i. Annual performance testing must be conducted for each pollutant (between 11 and 13 calendar months following the previous performance test) ii. A repeat performance test may be conducted at any time to establish new values for the operating limits to apply from that point forward. iii. A performance test must be repeated within 60 days of a process change, as defined in §62.16045. iv. Performance testing can be conducted less often, as specified in §62.16000(a)(3). V. Rules for demonstrating continuous compliance with a continuous monitoring system are specified in §62.16000(b). 1. Continuous compliance with site -specific operating limits shall be achieved through continuously monitoring the operating parameters in accordance with §62.16005. in. An annual air pollution control device inspection shall be conducted no later than 12 months following the previous annual air pollution control device inspection. All necessary repairs must be completed within 10 operating days following the air pollution control device inspection unless approval from the Administrator is given to establish a date whereby all necessary repairs of the SSI unit must be completed. n. The performance testing, monitoring, and calibration requirements for compliance with the emission limits and standards are specified in 40 CFR §62.16015 and 40 CFR §62.16020. Recordkeeping and Reporting (40 CFR §62.16025, §62.16030) o. The following records shall be maintained onsite for a period of at least 5 years. i. Calendar date of each record; ii. Final control plan and associated notifications; � I Permit 08074TI I Page 12 iii. Operator training — documentation of training procedures and information, records showing names of SSI unit operators and other plant personnel who have completed training, and records showing periods when no qualified operators were accessible in accordance with §62.16025(c)(3) and (c)(4).; iv. Air pollution control device initial and annual inspections; V. Performance test reports including the initial, annual, and any subsequent test reports, including calculations. Maintain a record of the hourly dry sludge feed rate measured during performance test runs; vi. Continuous monitoring data as specified in §62.16025(t); vii. Deviation reports; viii. Equipment specifications and operations and maintenance requirements; ix. Inspections, calibrations and validation checks of monitoring devices; X. Monitoring plan and performance evaluations for continuous monitoring systems; xi. Less frequent testing; xii. Use of bypass stack; and xiii. Records of malfunctions. p. The following reporting requirements shall be submitted to the Administrator. Table 6 of 40 CFR 62 Subpart LLL provides a summary of reporting requirements as well. i. Final control plan and final compliance report no later than 10 business days after the compliance date; ii. Initial compliance report no later than 60 days following the initial performance test; iii. Annual compliance report no later than 12 months following the submission of the initial compliance report. Subsequent annual compliance reports must be submitted no more than 12 months following the previous annual compliance report; iv. Deviations reports as specified in §62.16030(d); V. Qualified operation deviation reports as specified in §62.16030(e); vi. Notification of force majeure; vii. Other notifications: 1. Notify the Administrator 1 month before starting or stopping use of a continuous monitoring system for determining compliance with any emission limit. 2. Notify the Administrator 30 days prior to any performance test, to afford the Administrator the opportunity to have an observer present. 3. Notify the Administrator at least 7 days prior to the date of a reschedule performance test for which notification was previously made. B. One sand storage silo (ID No. ES-02) controlled by one bagfilter (ID No. CD-02) The followine provides a summary of limits and/or standards for the emission source(s) described above Re elated Pollutant Limits/Standards Applicable Regulation Particulate matter E = 4.10 x PO 67 15A NCAC 02D .0515 Where: E = allowable emission rate in pounds per hour P = process weight in tons per year Visible emissions 20 percent opacity 15A NCAC 02D .0521 1. 15A NCAC 02D .0515: PARTICULATES FROM MISCELLANEOUS INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES a. Emissions of particulate matter from this source (ID No. ES-02) shall not exceed an allowable emission rate as calculated by the following equation: E = 4.10 x P°.67 Where: E = allowable emission rate in pounds per hour P = process weight in tons per hour Liquid and gaseous fuels and combustion air are not considered as part of the process weight. Testinu [15A NCAC 02Q .0508(f)] b. If emissions testing is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. If the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 B. La above, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 02.D .0515. Permit 08074T11 Page 13 Monitoring/Recordkeeping [15A NCAC 02Q .0508(f)] c. Particulate matter emissions from this source (ID No. ES-02) shall be controlled by a bagfilter (ID No. CD-02) as described above. To assure compliance, the Permittee shall perform inspections and maintenance as recommended by the manufacturer. In addition to the manufacturer's inspection and maintenance recommendations, or if there are no manufacturer's inspection and maintenance recommendations, as a minimum, the inspection and maintenance requirements shall include the following: i. a monthly visual inspection of the system ductwork and material collection units for leaks; and ii. an annual (for each 12-month period following initial inspection) internal inspection of the bagfilters' structural integrities. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 02D .0515 if the ductwork and bagfilters are not inspected and maintained. d. The results of inspection and maintenance shall be maintained in a logbook (written or electronic format) on -site and made available to an authorized representative upon request. The logbook shall record the following: i. the date and time of each recorded action; ii. the results of each inspection; iii. the results of any maintenance performed on any control device; and iv. any variance from manufacturer's recommendations, if any, and corrections made. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 02D .0515 if these records are not maintained. Reporting [15A NCAC 02Q .0508(f)] e. The Permittee shall submit the results of any maintenance performed on any control device within 30 days of a written request by the DAQ. f. The Permittee shall submit a summary report of monitoring and recordkeeping activities postmarked on or before January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December and July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and June. All instances of deviations from the requirements of this permit must be clearly identified. 2. 15A NCAC 02D .0521: CONTROL OF VISIBLE EMISSIONS a. Visible emissions from this source (ID No. ES-02) shall not be more than 20 percent opacity when averaged over a six -minute period. However, six -minute averaging periods may exceed 20 percent not more than once in any hour and not more than four times in any 24-hour period. In no event shall the six -minute average exceed 87 percent opacity. Testing [15A NCAC 02Q .0508(f)] b. If emissions testing is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. If the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 B.2.a above, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 02D .0521. Monitoring/Recordkeeping/Reporting [15A NCAC 02Q .0508(f)] c. No monitoring/recordkeeping/reporting is required for visible emissions from this source (ID No. ES-02). C. Three No. 2 fuel oil -fired dual use generators (2,000 kW each, ID Nos. ES-03, ES-04, and ES-05) The following Drovides a summary of limits and/or standards for the emission source(s) described above. Regulated Pollutant Limits/Standards Applicable Regulation Sulfur dioxide 2.3 pounds per million Btu heat input 15A NCAC 02D .0516 Visible emissions 20 percent opacity 15A NCAC 02D .0521 Hazardous air pollutants Purchase engine certified to meet the applicable engine emission limits 15A NCAC 02D .1111 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart ZZZZ NOx 250 tons per year See Section 2.2 A 15A NCAC 02Q .0317 of 2D .0530 Permit 08074TI I Page 14 1. 15A NCAC 02D .0516: SULFUR DIOXIDE EMISSIONS FROM COMBUSTION SOURCES a. Emissions of sulfur dioxide from these dual use generators (ID. Nos. ES-03, ES-04, and ES-05) shall not exceed 2.3 pounds per million Btu heat input. Sulfur dioxide formed by the combustion of sulfur in fuels, wastes, ores, and other substances shall be included when determining compliance with this standard. [15A NCAC 02D .0516] Testine [i5A NCAC 02Q .0508(f)] b. If emissions testing is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with General Condition JJ found in Section 3. If the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 C. La. above, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 02D .0516. Monitoring/Recordkeening [15A NCAC 02Q .0508(f)] No monitoring/recordkeeping is required for sulfur dioxide emissions from burning No. 2 fuel oil in these emergency generators. 2. 15A NCAC 02D .0521: CONTROL OF VISIBLE EMISSIONS a. Visible emissions from these dual use generators (ID. Nos. ES-03, ES-04, and ES-05) shall not be more than 20 percent opacity when averaged over a six -minute period. However, six -minute averaging periods may exceed 20 percent not more than once in any hour and not more than four times in any 24-hour period. In no event shall the six -minute average exceed 87 percent opacity. [ 15A NCAC 02D .0521 (d)] Testing [15A NCAC 02Q .0508(f)] b. If emissions testing is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. If the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 C.2.a. above, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 02D .0521. Monitoring/Recordkeeping/Reporting [15A NCAC 02Q .0508(f)] c. No monitoring/recordkeeping/reporting is required for visible emissions from the firing of diesel fuel in these dual use generators. 3. 15A NCAC 02D .1111 MAXIMUM ACHIEVABLE CONTROL TECHNOLOGY [40 CFR 63 SUBPART ZZZZ] Applicability [40 CFR 63.6585, 63.6590(a)(1)(iii)] a. For this emission source(s) (existing stationary RICE located at an area source of HAP emissions), the Permittee shall comply with all applicable provisions, including the monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting contained in Environmental Management Commission Standard 15A NCAC 02D .1111 "Maximum Achievable Control Technology" (MACT) as promulgated in 40 CFR 63, "Subpart ZZZZ—National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines." and Subpart A "General Provisions." Definitions and Nomenclature b. For the purposes of this permit condition, the definitions and nomenclature contained in 40 CFR 63.6675 shall apply. Applicability Date 140 CFR 63.6595(a)(1)] c. The Permittee shall comply with the applicable emission limitations, operating limitations, and other requirements no later than May 3, 2013. General Provisions [40 CFR 63.6665] d. The Permittee shall comply with the General Provisions as applicable pursuant to Table 8 of 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ Notifications [40 CFR 63.6645(a)(2)] e. The Permittee shall submit all of the notifications in the following regulations that apply by the dates specified: i. 40 CFR 63.7(b) [performance testing] and (c� [quality assurance program]; ii. 40 CFR 63.8 e [performance evaluation of CPMS], f�0 and (f)(6) [alternative monitoring methods]; and iii. 40 CFR 63.9 through (e), and W and (h) [initial notifications]. Permit 08074TI 1 Page 15 f. The Permittee shall submit a Notification of Intent to conduct a performance test at least 60 days before the performance test is scheduled to begin as required in 40 CFR 63.7(b)(1). [40 CFR 63.6645(g)] g. For each performance test, the Permittee shall submit a Notification of Compliance Status, including the performance test results, before the close of business on the 60th day following the completion of the performance test according to 40 CFR 63.9(h)(2)(ii) and 63.10(d)(2). [40 CFR 63.6630(c), 63.6645(h)] The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .1111 if the notification requirements in conditions e. through g. are not met. General Compliance Requirements [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(b)] h. The permittee shall be in compliance with the emission limitations, operating limitations and other requirements that apply at all times. [40 CFR 63.6605(a)] i. The Permittee shall operate and maintain any affected source, including associated air pollution control equipment and monitoring equipment, in a manner consistent with safety and good air pollution control practices for minimizing emissions. The general duty to minimize emissions does not require you to make any further efforts to reduce emissions if levels required by this standard have been achieved. Determination of whether such operation and maintenance procedures are being used will be based on information available to the Administrator which may include, but is not limited to, monitoring results, review of operation and maintenance procedures, review of operation and maintenance records, and inspection of the source. [40 CFR 63.6605(b)] The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .I I I I if conditions h. and i. are not met. Fuel Requirements [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] j. The Permittee shall use diesel fuel in the engine with: i. a maximum sulfur content of 15 ppm; and ii. a minimum cetane index of 40 or a maximum aromatic content of 35 volume percent. [40 CFR 63.6604(a) and 40 CFR 80.510(b)] Emissions and Operating Limitations [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(b)] k. The Permittee shall, using an oxidation catalyst: i. limit the concentration of CO in the stationary RICE exhaust to 23 ppmvd at 15 percent 02; or ii. Reduce CO emissions by 70 percent or more. [40 CFR 63.6603(a), Table 2d, Table 2b] 1. Except during periods of start-up, the Permittee shall maintain the temperature of the stationary RICE exhaust so that the catalyst inlet temperature is greater than or equal to 450 °F and less than or equal to 1350 °F.[40 CFR 63.6603(a), Table 2b] in. Except during periods of start-up, the Permittee shall maintain the catalyst so that the pressure drop across the catalyst does not change by more than 2 inches of water at 100 percent load plus or minus 10 percent from the pressure drop across the catalyst that was measured during the most recent performance test. [40 CFR 63.6603(a), Table 2b] n. During periods of startup of the IC engine, the Permittee shall minimize the engine's time spent at idle and minimize the engine's startup time at startup to a period needed for appropriate and safe loading of the engine, not to exceed 30 minutes, after which time the non -startup emission limitations apply.[40 CFR 63.6625(h), Table 2d] o. If the engine(s) is not equipped with a closed crankcase ventilation system, the Permittee shall comply with either subparagraph i. or ii. Owners and operators must follow the manufacturer's specified maintenance requirements for operating and maintaining the open or closed crankcase ventilation systems and replacing the crankcase filters, or can request the Administrator to approve different maintenance requirements that are as protective as manufacturer requirements. (i) Install a closed crankcase ventilation system that prevents crankcase emissions from being emitted to the atmosphere, or (ii) Install an open crankcase filtration emission control system that reduces emissions from the crankcase by filtering the exhaust stream to remove oil mist, particulates and metals. [40 CFR 63.6625(g)] Permit 08074TI 1 Page 16 The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D . I I I I if conditions j. through o. are not met. Testing Requirements [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(b)] p. The Permittee shall conduct initial and subsequent performance tests to demonstrate compliance with the limitations in conditions k. and 1. [63.6620(a)] q. The Permittee shall conduct the initial performance test within 180 days after May 3, 2013 and according to 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ Tables 4 and 5 and the provisions in 40 CFR 63.7(a)(2). [40 CFR 63.6612(a)] r. The Permittee shall conduct subsequent performance tests every 8,760 hours or 3 years, whichever comes first. [40 CFR 63.6615, Table 3] s. Each performance test shall be conducted according to the requirements of 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ Table 4. If a non -operational stationary RICE is subject to performance testing, the Permittee does not need to start up the engine solely to conduct the performance test. The Permittee can conduct the performance test when the engine is started up again. The test must be conducted at any load condition within plus or minus 10 percent of 100 percent load for the stationary RICE. [40 CFR 63.6620(a),(b)] The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D . I I I I if conditions p. through s. are not met. Monitoring [ 15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] t. The Permittee shall install, operate, and maintain continuous parameter monitoring systems (CPMS) to monitor the catalyst inlet temperature for each catalyst and reduce the temperature data to 4- hour rolling averages. The Permittee shall maintain the 4-hour rolling averages within the operating limitations for the catalyst inlet temperature in condition 1. [40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ Table 5, 63.6625(b), 63.6640(a), Table 6] u. The Permittee shall measure the pressure drop across the catalyst once per month and demonstrate that the pressure drop across the catalyst is within the operating limitation established during the performance test per condition m. [40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ Table 5, 63.6640(a), Table 6] v. The Permittee shall install, operate, and maintain each CPMS according to the requirements in paragraphs (1) through (6): (1) The Permittee shall prepare a site -specific monitoring plan that addresses the monitoring system design, data collection, and the quality assurance and quality control elements outlined in paragraphs (b)(1)(i) through (v) of 40 CFR 63.6625 and in 40 CFR 63.8(d). (2) The Permittee shall install, operate, and maintain each CPMS in continuous operation according to the procedures in the site -specific monitoring plan. (3) The CPMS must collect data at least once every 15 minutes (see also 40 CFR 63.6635). (4) For a CPMS for measuring temperature range, the temperature sensor must have a minimum tolerance of 2.8 degrees Celsius (5 degrees Fahrenheit) or 1 percent of the measurement range, whichever is larger. (5) The Permittee shall conduct the CPMS equipment performance evaluation, system accuracy audits, or other audit procedures specified in the site -specific monitoring plan at least annually. (6) The Permittee shall conduct a performance evaluation of each CPMS in accordance with the site -specific monitoring plan. [40 CFR 63.6625(b)] w. The Permittee shall monitor and collect data as follows: i. Except for monitor malfunctions, associated repairs, required performance evaluations, and required quality assurance or control activities, the Permittee shall monitor continuously at all times that the stationary RICE is operating. A monitoring malfunction is any sudden, infrequent, not reasonably preventable failure of the monitoring to provide valid data. Monitoring failures that are caused in part by poor maintenance or careless operation are not malfunctions. ii. The Permittee shall not use data recorded during monitoring malfunctions, associated repairs, and required quality assurance or control activities in data averages and calculations used to report emission or operating levels. The Permittee shall, however, use all the valid data collected during all other periods. [40 CFR 63.66351 The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D . I I I I if conditions t. through w. are not met. Recordkeeying [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] x. The Permittee shall keep records of the following monitoring data: Permit 08074TI I Page 17 i. catalyst(s) inlet temperature data including the 4-hour rolling averages; and ii. the monthly measurements of the pressure drop across the catalyst(s). [40 CFR 63.6655(d)] y. The Permittee shall keep the following: i. A copy of each notification and report that was submitted to comply with this subpart, including all documentation supporting any Initial Notification or Notification of Compliance Status that was submitted, according to the requirement in 40 CFR 63.10(b)(2)(xiv). ii. Records of the occurrence and duration of each malfunction of operation (i.e., process equipment) or the air pollution control and monitoring equipment. iii. Records of performance tests and performance evaluations as required in 40 CFR 63.10(b)(2)(viii). iv. Records of all required maintenance performed on the air pollution control and monitoring equipment. v. Records of actions taken during periods of malfunction to minimize emissions in accordance with condition i, including corrective actions to restore malfunctioning process and air pollution control and monitoring equipment to its normal or usual manner of operation. [40 CFR 63.6655(a)] z. For each inlet catalyst temperature CPMS, the Permittee shall keep the following records: i. Records described in 40 CFR 63.10(b)(2)(vi) through (xi). ii. Previous (i.e., superseded) versions of the performance evaluation plan as required in 40 CFR 63.8(d)(3). iii. Requests for alternatives to the relative accuracy test for CPMS as required in 40 CFR 63.8(f)(6)(i), if applicable. [40 CFR 63.6655(b)] aa. The Permittee shall keep each record in a form suitable and readily accessible for expeditious review in hard copy or electronic form for at least 5 years after the date of each occurrence, measurement, maintenance, corrective action, report, or record, according to 40 CFR 63.10(b)(1). [40 CFR 63.6660] The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .I I I l if conditions x. through aa. are not met. Reporting [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] bb. The permittee shall submit a compliance report semiannually postmarked on or before January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December and July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and June. All instances of noncompliance with the requirements of this permit must be clearly identified. [40 CFR 63.6650(a),(b)(5) and 63.6650(f)] cc. The compliance report must contain: i. Company name and address; ii. Statement by a responsible official, with that official's name, title, and signature, certifying the accuracy of the content of the report; and iii. Date of report and beginning and ending dates of the reporting period. iv. If a malfunction occurred during the reporting period, the compliance report must include the number, duration, and a brief description for each type of malfunction which occurred during the reporting period and which caused or may have caused any applicable emission limitation to be exceeded. The report must also include a description of actions taken by an owner or operator during a malfunction of an affected source to minimize emissions in accordance with condition i., (63.6605(b) including actions taken to correct a malfunction. v. If there are no instances of noncompliance from any emission or operating limitations that apply, a statement that there were no instances of noncompliance from the emission or operating limitations during the reporting period. vi. If there were no periods during which the CPMS was out -of -control, as specified in 40 CFR63.8(c)(7), a statement that there were no periods during which the CPMS was out -of -control during the reporting period. [40 CFR 63.6650(c)] Permit 08074T 1 I Page 18 dd. For each instance of noncompliance from an emission or operating limitation that occurs for the stationary RICE where the Permittee is not using a CMS to comply with the emission or operating limitations, the compliance report must contain the information in condition cc.i. through iv. and the following information: i. The total operating time of the stationary RICE at which the instance of noncompliance occurred during the reporting period. ii. Information on the number, duration, and cause of instances of noncompliance (including unknown cause, if applicable), as applicable, and the corrective action taken. [40 CFR 63.6650(d)] ee. For each instance of noncompliance from an emission or operating limitation occurring for a stationary RICE where the Permittee is using a CMS to comply with the emission and operating limitations in this subpart, the Permittee shall include information in condition ce.i. through iv. and the following information: i. The date and time that each malfunction started and stopped. ii. The date, time, and duration that each CMS was inoperative, except for zero (low-level) and high-level checks. iii. The date, time, and duration that each CMS was out -of -control, including the information in 40 CFR 63.8(c)(8). iv. The date and time that each instance of noncompliance started and stopped, and whether each instance of noncompliance occurred during a period of malfunction or during another period. v. A summary of the total duration of the instances of noncompliance during the reporting period, and the total duration as a percent of the total source operating time during that reporting period. vi. A breakdown of the total duration of the instances of noncompliance during the reporting period into those that are due to control equipment problems, process problems, other known causes, and other unknown causes. vii. A summary of the total duration of CMS downtime during the reporting period, and the total duration of CMS downtime as a percent of the total operating time of the stationary RICE at which the CMS downtime occurred during that reporting period. viii. An identification of each parameter and pollutant that was monitored at the stationary RICE. ix. A brief description of the stationary RICE. x. A brief description of the CMS. xi. The date of the latest CMS certification or audit. xii. A description of any changes in CMS, processes, or controls since the last reporting period. [40 CFR 63.6650(e)] The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with the reporting requirements of 15A NCAC 2D .1111 if conditions bb. through ee. are not met. Permit 08074TI I Page 19 2.2- Multiple Emission Sources and Specific Limitations and Conditions A. 15A NCAC 2Q .0317 AVOIDANCE CONDITIONS for 15A NCAC 2D .0530: PREVENTION OF SIGNIFICANT DETERIORATION — NITROGEN DIOXIDE 1. In order to avoid applicability of 15A NCAC 2D .0530(g) for major sources and modifications, generators ID Nos. ES-03, ES-04, and ES-05, combined shall emit to the atmosphere less than 250 tons of nitrogen dioxide total per consecutive 12-month period. Testin [15A NCAC 2Q .0501 (c)(4)] 2. If emission testing is required, the Permittee shall perform such testing in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .0501(c)(4) and General Condition JJ. 1f the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.2 A. 1. above, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0530. Monitoring/Recordkeeping [I 5A NCAC 2Q .0508 (f)] 3. The Permittee shall keep monthly records of the amount of total hours of operation for each of the three No. 2 fuel oil -fired dual use generators. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0530 if fuel usage is not monitored. 4. Calculations for the generators shall be made monthly and recorded in a logbook (written or in electronic format), according to the following formula: The total hours of operation without exceeding the PSD Avoidance condition is 7400 hours per consecutive 12-month period using the NSPS allowable emissions limit for NOx. Ihours of operation [A + B + C <_ 7400 hours per con sec utive twelve months A = hours of operation for ES-03 B = hours of operation for ES-04 C = hours of operation for ES-05 Reportine [15A NCAC 2Q .0508 (f)] The Permittee shall submit a semi-annual summary report, acceptable to the Regional Air Quality Supervisor, of monitoring and recordkeeping activities postmarked on or before January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December, and July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and June. The report shall contain the following: a. The monthly hours of operation for the previous 17 months. The hours of operation shall be calculated for each of the 12-month periods over the previous 17 months. Permit 08074TI I Page 20 SECTION 3 - GENERAL CONDITIONS (version 4.012/17/15) This section describes terms and conditions applicable to this Title V facility. A. General Provisions [NCGS 143-215 and 15A NCAC 02Q .0508(i)(16)] 1. Terms not otherwise defined in this permit shall have the meaning assigned to such terms as defined in 15A NCAC 02D and 02Q. 2. The terms, conditions, requirements, limitations, and restrictions set forth in this permit are binding and enforceable pursuant to NCGS 143-215.114A and 143-215.114B, including assessment of civil and/or criminal penalties. Any unauthorized deviation from the conditions of this permit may constitute grounds for revocation and/or enforcement action by the DAQ. 3. This permit is not a waiver of or approval of any other Department permits that may be required for other aspects of the facility which are not addressed in this permit. 4. This permit does not relieve the Permittee from liability for harm or injury to human health or welfare, animal or plant life, or property caused by the construction or operation of this permitted facility, or from penalties therefore, nor does it allow the Permittee to cause pollution in contravention of state laws or rules, unless specifically authorized by an order from the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission. 5. Except as identified as state -only requirements in this permit, all terms and conditions contained herein shall be enforceable by the DAQ, the EPA, and citizens of the United States as defined in the Federal Clean Air Act. 6. Any stationary source of air pollution shall not be operated, maintained, or modified without the appropriate and valid permits issued by the DAQ, unless the source is exempted by rule. The DAQ may issue a permit only after it receives reasonable assurance that the installation will not cause air pollution in violation of any of the applicable requirements. A permitted installation may only be operated, maintained, constructed, expanded, or modified in a manner that is consistent with the terms of this permit. B. Permit Availability [I5A NCAC 02Q .0507(k) and .0508(ix9)(B)] The Permittee shall have available at the facility a copy of this permit and shall retain for the duration of the permit term one complete copy of the application and any information submitted in support of the application package. The permit and application shall be made available to an authorized representative of Department of Environmental Quality upon request. C. Severability Clause [15A NCAC 02Q .0508(i)(2)] In the event of an administrative challenge to a final and binding permit in which a condition is held to be invalid, the provisions in this permit are severable so that all requirements contained in the permit, except those held to be invalid, shall remain valid and must be complied with. D. Submissions [15A NCAC 02Q .0507(e) and 02Q .0508(i)(16)] Except as otherwise specified herein, two copies of all documents, reports, test data, monitoring data, notifications, request for renewal, and any other information required by this permit shall be submitted to the appropriate Regional Office. Refer to the Regional Office address on the cover page of this permit. For continuous emissions monitoring systems (CEMS) reports, continuous opacity monitoring systems (COMS) reports, quality assurance (QA)/quality control (QC) reports, acid rain CEM certification reports, and NOx budget CEM certification reports, one copy shall be sent to the appropriate Regional Office and one copy shall be sent to: Supervisor, Stationary Source Compliance North Carolina Division of Air Quality 1641 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1641 All submittals shall include the facility name and Facility ID number (refer to the cover page of this permit). E. Duty to Comply [15A NCAC 02Q .0508(ix3)] The Permittee shall comply with all terms, conditions, requirements, limitations and restrictions set forth in this permit. Noncompliance with any permit condition except conditions identified as state -only requirements constitutes a violation of the Federal Clean Air Act. Noncompliance with any permit condition is grounds for enforcement action, for permit termination, revocation and reissuance, or modification, or for denial of a permit renewal application. Permit 08074TI I Page 21 Circumvention - STATE ENFORCEABLE ONLY The facility shall be properly operated and maintained at all times in a manner that will effect an overall reduction in air pollution. Unless otherwise specified by this permit, no emission source may be operated without the concurrent operation of its associated air pollution control device(s) and appurtenances. G. Permit Modifications 1. Administrative Permit Amendments [15A NCAC 02Q .0514] The Permittee shall submit an application for an administrative permit amendment in accordance with 15A NCAC 02Q .0514. 2. Transfer in Ownership or Operation and Application Submittal Content [ 15A NCAC 02Q .0524 and 02Q .05051 The Permittee shall submit an application for an ownership change in accordance with 15A NCAC 02Q.0524 and 02Q .0505. 3. Minor Permit Modifications [ 15A NCAC 02Q .0515] The Permittee shall submit an application for a minor permit modification in accordance with 15A NCAC 02Q .0515. 4. Significant Permit Modifications [15A NCAC 02Q .0516] The Permittee shall submit an application for a significant permit modification in accordance with 15A NCAC 02Q .0516. 5. Reopening for Cause [15A NCAC 02Q .0517] The Permittee shall submit an application for reopening for cause in accordance with 15A NCAC 02Q .0517. H. Chanees Not Requirine Permit Modifications 1. Reporting Requirements Any of the following that would result in new or increased emissions from the emission source(s) listed in Section 1 must be reported to the Regional Supervisor, DAQ: a. changes in the information submitted in the application; b. changes that modify equipment or processes; or c. changes in the quantity or quality of materials processed. If appropriate, modifications to the permit may then be made by the DAQ to reflect any necessary changes in the permit conditions. In no case are any new or increased emissions allowed that will cause a violation of the emission limitations specified herein. 2. Section 502(b)(10) Changes [15A NCAC 02Q .0523(a)] a. "Section 502(b)(10) changes" means changes that contravene an express permit term or condition. Such changes do not include changes that would violate applicable requirements or contravene federally enforceable permit terms and conditions that are monitoring (including test methods), recordkeeping, reporting, or compliance certification requirements. b. The Permittee may make Section 502(b)(10) changes without having the permit revised if: i. the changes are not a modification under Title I of the Federal Clean Air Act; ii. the changes do not cause the allowable emissions under the permit to be exceeded; iii. the Permittee notifies the Director and EPA with written notification at least seven days before the change is made; and iv. the Permittee shall attach the notice to the relevant permit. c. The written notification shall include: i. a description of the change; ii. the date on which the change will occur; iii. any change in emissions; and iv. any permit term or condition that is no longer applicable as a result of the change. d. Section 502(b)(10) changes shall be made in the permit the next time that the permit is revised or renewed, whichever comes first. 3. Off Permit Changes [I5A NCAC 02Q .0523(b)] The Permittee may make changes in the operation or emissions without revising the permit if: a. the change affects only insignificant activities and the activities remain insignificant after the change; or b. the change is not covered under any applicable requirement. 4. Emissions Trading [15A NCAC 02Q .0523(c)] To the extent that emissions trading is allowed under 15A NCAC 02D, including subsequently adopted maximum achievable control technology standards, emissions trading shall be allowed without permit revision pursuant to 15A NCAC 02Q .0523(c). Permit 08074TI I Page 22 I.A Reporting Requirements for Excess Emissions and Permit Deviations [15A NCAC 02D .0535(f) and 02Q .0508(f)(2)] "Excess Emissions" - means an emission rate that exceeds any applicable emission limitation or standard allowed by any rule in Sections .0500, .0900, .1200, or .1400 of Subchapter 02D; or by a permit condition; or that exceeds an emission limit established in a permit issued under 15A NCAC 02Q .0700. (Note: Definitions of excess emissions under 02D .1110 and 02D. I I I I shall apply where defined by rule.) "Deviations" - for the purposes of this condition, any action or condition not in accordance with the terms and conditions of this permit including those attributable to upset conditions as well as excess emissions as defined above lasting less than four hours. Excess Emissions 1. If a source is required to report excess emissions under NSPS (15A NCAC 02D .0524), NESHAPS (15A NCAC 02D .1110 or .1111), or the operating permit provides for periodic (e.g., quarterly) reporting of excess emissions, reporting shall be performed as prescribed therein. 2. If the source is not subject to NSPS (15A NCAC 02D .0524), NESHAPS (15A NCAC 02D. I 110 or .I 111), or these rules do NOT define "excess emissions," the Permittee shall report excess emissions in accordance with 15A NCAC 02D .0535 as follows: a. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 02D .0535, if excess emissions last for more than four hours resulting from a malfunction, a breakdown of process or control equipment, or any other abnormal condition, the owner or operator shall: i. notify the Regional Supervisor or Director of any such occurrence by 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time of the Division's next business day of becoming aware of the occurrence and provide: • name and location of the facility; • nature and cause of the malfunction or breakdown; • time when the malfunction or breakdown is first observed; • expected duration; and • estimated rate of emissions; H. notify the Regional Supervisor or Director immediately when corrective measures have been accomplished; and iii. submit to the Regional Supervisor or Director within 15 days a written report as described in 15A NCAC 02D .0535(f)(3). Permit Deviations 3. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 02Q .0508(f)(2), the Permittee shall report deviations from permit requirements (terms and conditions) as follows: a. Notify the Regional Supervisor or Director of all other deviations from permit requirements not covered under 15A NCAC 02D .0535 quarterly. A written report to the Regional Supervisor shall include the probable cause of such deviation and any corrective actions or preventative actions taken. The responsible official shall certify all deviations from permit requirements. I.13 Other Requirements under 15A NCAC 02D .0535 The Permittee shall comply with all other applicable requirements contained in 15A NCAC 02D .0535, including 15A NCAC 02D .0535(c) as follows: 1. Any excess emissions that do not occur during start-up and shut -down shall be considered a violation of the appropriate rule unless the owner or operator of the sources demonstrates to the Director, that the excess emissions are a result of a malfunction. The Director shall consider, along with any other pertinent information, the criteria contained in 15A NCAC 02D .0535(c)(1) through (7). 2. 15A NCAC 02D .0535(g). Excess emissions during start-up and shut -down shall be considered a violation of the appropriate rule if the owner or operator cannot demonstrate that excess emissions are unavoidable. Emergency Provisions [40 CFR 70.6(g)] The Permittee shall be subject to the following provisions with respect to emergencies: 1. An emergency means any situation arising from sudden and reasonably unforeseeable events beyond the control of the facility, including acts of God, which situation requires immediate corrective action to restore normal operation, and that causes the facility to exceed a technology -based emission limitation under the permit, due to unavoidable increases in emissions attributable to the emergency. An emergency shall not include noncompliance to the extent caused by improperly designed equipment, lack of preventive maintenance, careless or improper operation, or operator error. 2. An emergency constitutes an affirmative defense to an action brought for noncompliance with such technology -based emission limitations if the conditions specified in 3. below are met. Permit 08074T1 l Page 23 3. The affirmative defense of emergency shall be demonstrated through properly signed contemporaneous operating logs or other relevant evidence that include information as follows: a. an emergency occurred and the Permittee can identify the cause(s) of the emergency; b. the permitted facility was at the time being properly operated; c. during the period of the emergency the Permittee took all reasonable steps to minimize levels of emissions that exceeded the standards or other requirements in the permit; and d. the Permittee submitted notice of the emergency to the DAQ within two working days of the time when emission limitations were exceeded due to the emergency. This notice must contain a description of the emergency, steps taken to mitigate emissions, and corrective actions taken. 4. In any enforcement proceeding, the Permittee seeking to establish the occurrence of an emergency has the burden of proof. 5. This provision is in addition to any emergency or upset provision contained in any applicable requirement specified elsewhere herein. K. Permit Renewal [15A NCAC 02Q .0508(e) and 02Q .0513(b)] This 15A NCAC 02Q .0500 permit is issued for a fixed term not to exceed five years and shall expire at the end of its term. Permit expiration terminates the facility's right to operate unless a complete 15A NCAC 02Q .0500 renewal application is submitted at least nine months before the date of permit expiration. If the Permittee or applicant has complied with 15A NCAC 02Q .0512(b)(1), this 15A NCAC 02Q .0500 permit shall not expire until the renewal permit has been issued or denied. Permit expiration under 15A NCAC 02Q .0400 terminates the facility's right to operate unless a complete 15A NCAC 02Q .0400 renewal application is submitted at least six months before the date of permit expiration for facilities subject to 15A NCAC 02Q .0400 requirements. In either of these events, all terms and conditions of these permits shall remain in effect until the renewal permits have been issued or denied. L. Need to Halt or Reduce Activity Not a Defense [15A NCAC 02Q .0508(i)(4)] It shall not be a defense for a Permittee in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of this permit. M. Duty to Provide Information (submittal of information) [15A NCAC 02Q .0508(i)(9)] 1. The Permittee shall furnish to the DAQ, in a timely manner, any reasonable information that the Director may request in writing to determine whether cause exists for modifying, revoking and reissuing, or terminating the permit or to determine compliance with the permit. 2. The Permittee shall famish the DAQ copies of records required to be kept by the permit when such copies are requested by the Director. For information claimed to be confidential, the Permittee may furnish such records directly to the EPA upon request along with a claim of confidentiality. N. Duty to Supplement [15A NCAC 02Q .0507(f)] The Permittee, upon becoming aware that any relevant facts were omitted or incorrect information was submitted in the permit application, shall promptly submit such supplementary facts or corrected information to the DAQ. The Permittee shall also provide additional information as necessary to address any requirement that becomes applicable to the facility after the date a complete permit application was submitted but prior to the release of the draft permit. O. Retention of Records [15A NCAC 02Q .0508(f) and 02Q .0508 (1)] The Permittee shall retain records of all required monitoring data and supporting information for a period of at least five years from the date of the monitoring sample, measurement, report, or application. Supporting information includes all calibration and maintenance records and all original strip -chart recordings for continuous monitoring information, and copies of all reports required by the permit. These records shall be maintained in a form suitable and readily available for expeditious inspection and review. Any records required by the conditions of this permit shall be kept on site and made available to DAQ personnel for inspection upon request. P. Compliance Certification [15A NCAC 02Q .0508(n)] The Permittee shall submit to the DAQ and the EPA (Air and EPCRA Enforcement Branch, EPA, Region 4, 61 Forsyth Street SW, Atlanta, GA 30303) postmarked on or before March 1 a compliance certification (for the preceding calendar year) by a responsible official with all federally -enforceable terms and conditions in the permit, including emissions limitations, standards, or work practices. It shall be the responsibility of the current owner to submit a compliance certification for the entire year regardless of who owned the facility during the year. The compliance certification shall Permit 08074T 11 Page 24 comply with additional requirements as may be specified under Sections 114(a)(3) or 504(b) of the Federal Clean Air Act. The compliance certification shall specify: 1, the identification of each term or condition of the permit that is the basis of the certification; 2. the compliance status (with the terms and conditions of the permit for the period covered by the certification); 3. whether compliance was continuous or intermittent; and 4. the method(s) used for determining the compliance status of the source during the certification period. Q. Certification by Responsible Official [15A NCAC 02Q .0520] A responsible official shall certify the truth, accuracy, and completeness of any application form, report, or compliance certification required by this permit. All certifications shall state that based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the statements and information in the document are true, accurate, and complete. R. Permit Shield for Applicable Requirements [15A NCAC 02Q .0512] 1. Compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit shall be deemed compliance with applicable requirements, where such applicable requirements are included and specifically identified in the permit as of the date of permit issuance. 2. A permit shield shall not alter or affect: a. the power of the Commission, Secretary of the Department, or Governor under NCGS 143-215.3(a)(12), or EPA under Section 303 of the Federal Clean Air Act; b. the liability of an owner or operator of a facility for any violation of applicable requirements prior to the effective date of the permit or at the time of permit issuance; c. the applicable requirements under Title IV; or d. the ability of the Director or the EPA under Section 114 of the Federal Clean Air Act to obtain information to determine compliance of the facility with its permit. A permit shield does not apply to any change made at a facility that does not require a permit or permit revision made under 15A NCAC 02Q .0523. A permit shield does not extend to minor permit modifications made under 15A NCAC 02Q .0515. Termination, Modification, and Revocation of the Permit [15A NCAC 02Q .0519] The Director may terminate, modify, or revoke and reissue this permit if: 1. the information contained in the application or presented in support thereof is determined to be incorrect; 2. the conditions under which the permit or permit renewal was granted have changed; 3. violations of conditions contained in the permit have occurred; 4. the EPA requests that the permit be revoked under 40 CFR 70.7(g) or 70.8(d); or 5. the Director finds that termination, modification, or revocation and reissuance of the permit is necessary to carry out the purpose of NCGS Chapter 143, Article 21B. Insignificant Activities [15A NCAC 02Q .0503] Because an emission source or activity is insignificant does not mean that the emission source or activity is exempted from any applicable requirement or that the owner or operator of the source is exempted from demonstrating compliance with any applicable requirement. The Permittee shall have available at the facility at all times and made available to an authorized representative upon request, documentation, including calculations, if necessary, to demonstrate that an emission source or activity is insignificant. U. Property Rights [15A NCAC 02Q .0508(i)(8)] This permit does not convey any property rights in either real or personal property or any exclusive privileges. V. Insvection and Entry [15A NCAC 02Q .0508(1) and NCGS 143-215.3(a)(2)] 1. Upon presentation of credentials and other documents as may be required by law, the Permittee shall allow the DAQ, or an authorized representative, to perform the following: a. enter the Permittee's premises where the permitted facility is located or emissions -related activity is conducted, or where records are kept under the conditions of the permit; b. have access to and copy, at reasonable times, any records that are required to be kept under the conditions of the permit; c. inspect at reasonable times and using reasonable safety practices any source, equipment (including monitoring and air pollution control equipment), practices, or operations regulated or required under the permit; and d. sample or monitor substances or parameters, using reasonable safety practices, for the purpose of assuring compliance with the permit or applicable requirements at reasonable times. Permit 08074TI I Page 25 Nothing in this condition shall limit the ability of the EPA to inspect or enter the premises of the Permittee under Section 114 or other provisions of the Federal Clean Air Act. 2. No person shall refuse entry or access to any authorized representative of the DAQ who requests entry for purposes of inspection, and who presents appropriate credentials, nor shall any person obstruct, hamper, or interfere with any such authorized representative while in the process of carrying out his official duties. Refusal of entry or access may constitute grounds for permit revocation and assessment of civil penalties. W. Annual Fee Payment [15A NCAC 02Q .0508(i)(10)] 1. The Permittee shall pay all fees in accordance with 15A NCAC 02Q .0200. 2. Payment of fees may be by check or money order made payable to the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality. Annual permit fee payments shall refer to the permit number. 3. If, within 30 days after being billed, the Permittee fails to pay an annual fee, the Director may initiate action to terminate the permit under 15A NCAC 02Q .0519. X. Annual Emission Inventory Requirements [15A NCAC 02Q .0207] The Permittee shall report by June 30 of each year the actual emissions of each air pollutant listed in 15A NCAC 02Q .0207(a) from each emission source within the facility during the previous calendar year. The report shall be in or on such form as may be established by the Director. The accuracy of the report shall be certified by a responsible official of the facility. Y. Confidential Information [15A NCAC 02Q .0107 and 02Q. 0508(i)(9)] Whenever the Permittee submits information under a claim of confidentiality pursuant to 15A NCAC 02Q .0107, the Permittee may also submit a copy of all such information and claim directly to the EPA upon request. All requests for confidentiality must be in accordance with 15A NCAC 02Q .0107. Z. Construction and Operation Permits [15A NCAC 02Q .0100 and .0300] A construction and operating permit shall be obtained by the Permittee for any proposed new or modified facility or emission source which is not exempted from having a permit prior to the beginning of construction or modification, in accordance with all applicable provisions of 15A NCAC 02Q .0100 and .0300. AA. Standard Application Form and Required Information [15A NCAC 02Q .0505 and .0507] The Permittee shall submit applications and required information in accordance with the provisions of 15A NCAC 02Q .0505 and .0507. BB. Financial Responsibility and Compliance History [15A NCAC 02Q .0507(d)(4)] The DAQ may require an applicant to submit a statement of financial qualifications and/or a statement of substantial compliance history. CC. Refrigerant Requirements (Stratospheric Ozone and Climate Protection) [15A NCAC 02Q .0501(e)] 1. If the Permittee has appliances or refrigeration equipment, including air conditioning equipment, which use Class I or II ozone -depleting substances such as chlorofluorocarbons and hydrochlorofluorocarbons listed as refrigerants in 40 CFR Part 82 Subpart A Appendices A and B, the Permittee shall service, repair, and maintain such equipment according to the work practices, personnel certification requirements, and certified recycling and recovery equipment specified in 40 CFR Part 82 Subpart F. 2. The Permittee shall not knowingly vent or otherwise release any Class I or II substance into the environment during the repair, servicing, maintenance, or disposal of any such device except as provided in 40 CFR Part 82 Subpart F. 3. The Permittee shall comply with all reporting and recordkeeping requirements of 40 CFR ❑ 82.166. Reports shall be submitted to the EPA or its designee as required. DD. Prevention of Accidental Releases - Section 112(r) [15A NCAC 02Q .0508(h)] If the Permittee is required to develop and register a Risk Management Plan with EPA pursuant to Section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act, then the Permittee is required to register this plan in accordance with 40 CFR Part 68. EE. Prevention of Accidental Releases General Duty Clause - Section 112(r)(1) — FEDERALLY -ENFORCEABLE ONLY Although a risk management plan may not be required, if the Permittee produces, processes, handles, or stores any amount of a listed hazardous substance, the Permittee has a general duty to take such steps as are necessary to prevent the accidental release of such substance and to minimize the consequences of any release. Permit 08074TI I Page 26 FF. Title IV Allowances [15A NCAC 02Q .0508(i)(1)] This permit does not limit the number of Title IV allowances held by the Permittee, but the Permittee may not use allowances as a defense to noncompliance with any other applicable requirement. The Permittee's emissions may not exceed any allowances that the facility lawfully holds under Title IV of the Federal Clean Air Act. GG. Air Pollution Emergency Episode [15A NCAC 02D .0300] Should the Director of the DAQ declare an Air Pollution Emergency Episode, the Permittee will be required to operate in accordance with the Permittee's previously approved Emission Reduction Plan or, in the absence of an approved plan, with the appropriate requirements specified in 15A NCAC 02D .0300. HH. Reaistration of Air Pollution Sources [15A NCAC 02D .0202] The Director of the DAQ may require the Permittee to register a source of air pollution. If the Permittee is required to register a source of air pollution, this registration and required information will be in accordance with 15A NCAC 02D .0202(b). II. Ambient Air Ouality Standards [15A NCAC 02D .0501(c)] In addition to any control or manner of operation necessary to meet emission standards specified in this permit, any source of air pollution shall be operated with such control or in such manner that the source shall not cause the ambient air quality standards in 15A NCAC 02D .0400 to be exceeded at any point beyond the premises on which the source is located. When controls more stringent than named in the applicable emission standards in this permit are required to prevent violation of the ambient air quality standards or are required to create an offset, the permit shall contain a condition requiring these controls. JJ. General Emissions Testing and Reporting Requirements [15A NCAC 02Q .0508(i)(16)] Emission compliance testing shall be by the procedures of Section .2600, except as may be otherwise required in Rules .0524, .0912, .1110, .1111, or .1415 of Subchapter 02.D. If emissions testing is required by this permit or the DAQ or if the Permittee submits emissions testing to the DAQ to demonstrate compliance, the Permittee shall perform such testing in accordance with 15A NCAC 02D .2600 and follow the procedures outlined below: 1. The owner or operator of the source shall arrange for air emission testing protocols to be provided to the Director prior to air pollution testing. Testing protocols are not required to be pre -approved by the Director prior to air pollution testing. The Director shall review air emission testing protocols for pre -approval prior to testing if requested by the owner or operator at least 45 days before conducting the test. 2. Any person proposing to conduct an emissions test to demonstrate compliance with an applicable standard shall notify the Director at least 15 days before beginning the test so that the Director may at his option observe the test. 3. The owner or operator of the source shall arrange for controlling and measuring the production rates during the period of air testing. The owner or operator of the source shall ensure that the equipment or process being tested is operated at the production rate that best fulfills the purpose of the test. The individual conducting the emission test shall describe the procedures used to obtain accurate process data and include in the test report the average production rates determined during each testing period. 4. Two copies of the final air emission test report shall be submitted to the Director not later than 30 days after sample collection unless otherwise specified in the specific conditions. The owner or operator may request an extension to submit the final test report. The Director shall approve an extension request if he finds that the extension request is a result of actions beyond the control of the owner or operator. a. The Director shall make the final determination regarding any testing procedure deviation and the validity of the compliance test. The Director may: i. Allow deviations from a method specified under a rule in this Section if the owner or operator of the source being tested demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Director that the specified method is inappropriate for the source being tested. ii. Prescribe alternate test procedures on an individual basis when he finds that the alternative method is necessary to secure more reliable test data. iii. Prescribe or approve methods on an individual basis for sources or pollutants for which no test method is specified in this Section if the methods can be demonstrated to determine compliance of permitted emission sources or pollutants. b. The Director may authorize the Division of Air Quality to conduct independent tests of any source subject to a rule in this Subchapter to determine the compliance status of that source or to verify any test data submitted relating to that source. Any test conducted by the Division of Air Quality using the appropriate testing procedures described in Section 02D .2600 has precedence over all other tests. Permit 08074T 11 Page 27 KK. Reopening for Cause [ 15A NCAC 02Q .0517] 1. A permit shall be reopened and revised under the following circumstances: a. additional applicable requirements become applicable to a facility with remaining permit term of three or more years; b. additional requirements (including excess emission requirements) become applicable to a source covered by Title IV; c. the Director or EPA finds that the permit contains a material mistake or that inaccurate statements were made in establishing the emissions standards or other terms or conditions of the permit; or d. the Director or EPA determines that the permit must be revised or revoked to assure compliance with the applicable requirements. 2. Any permit reopening shall be completed or a revised permit issued within 18 months after the applicable requirement is promulgated. No reopening is required if the effective date of the requirement is after the expiration of the permit term unless the term of the permit was extended pursuant to 15A NCAC 02Q .0513(c). 3. Except for the state -enforceable only portion of the permit, the procedures set out in 15A NCAC 02Q .0507, .0521, or .0522 shall be followed to reissue the permit. If the State -enforceable only portion of the permit is reopened, the procedures in 15A NCAC 02Q .0300 shall be followed. The proceedings shall affect only those parts of the permit for which cause to reopen exists. 4. The Director shall notify the Permittee at least 60 days in advance of the date that the permit is to be reopened, except in cases of imminent threat to public health or safety the notification period may be less than 60 days. 5. Within 90 days, or 180 days if the EPA extends the response period, after receiving notification from the EPA that a permit needs to be terminated, modified, or revoked and reissued, the Director shall send to the EPA a proposed determination of termination, modification, or revocation and reissuance, as appropriate. LL. Revortine Requirements for Non -Operating Equipment [15A NCAC 02Q .0508(i)(16)] The Permittee shall maintain a record of operation for permitted equipment noting whenever the equipment is taken from and placed into operation. During operation the monitoring recordkeeping and reporting requirements as prescribed by the permit shall be implemented within the monitoring period. MM. Fugitive Dust Control Requirement [15A NCAC 02D .0540] - STATE ENFORCEABLE ONLY As required by 15A NCAC 02D .0540 "Particulates from Fugitive Dust Emission Sources," the Permittee shall not cause or allow fugitive dust emissions to cause or contribute to substantive complaints or excess visible emissions beyond the property boundary. If substantive complaints or excessive fugitive dust emissions from the facility are observed beyond the property boundaries for six minutes in any one hour (using Reference Method 22 in 40 CFR, Appendix A), the owner or operator may be required to submit a fugitive dust plan as described in 02D .0540(f). "Fugitive dust emissions" means particulate matter from process operations that does not pass through a process stack or vent and that is generated within plant property boundaries from activities such as: unloading and loading areas, process areas stockpiles, stock pile working, plant parking lots, and plant roads (including access roads and haul roads). NN. Specific Permit Modifications [15A NCAC 02Q.0501 and .0523] 1. For modifications made pursuant to 15A NCAC 02Q .0501(c)(2), the Permittee shall file a Title V Air Quality Permit Application for the air emission source(s) and associated air pollution control device(s) on or before 12 months after commencing operation. 2. For modifications made pursuant to 15A NCAC 02Q .0501(d)(2), the Permittee shall not begin operation of the air emission source(s) and associated air pollution control device(s) until a Title V Air Quality Permit Application is filed and a construction and operation permit following the procedures of Section .0500 (except for Rule .0504 of this Section) is obtained. For modifications made pursuant to 502(b)(10), in accordance with 15A NCAC 02Q .0523(a)(1 XC), the Permittee shall notify the Director and EPA (EPA - Air Planning Branch, 61 Forsyth Street SW, Atlanta, GA 30303) in writing at least seven days before the change is made. The written notification shall include: a. a description of the change at the facility; b. the date on which the change will occur; c. any change in emissions; and d. any permit term or condition that is no longer applicable as a result of the change. In addition to this notification requirement, with the next significant modification or Air Quality Permit renewal, the Permittee shall submit a page "ES" of the application forms signed by the responsible official verifying that the Permit 08074T1 I Page 28 application for the 502(b)(10) change/modification, is true, accurate, and complete. Further note that modifications made pursuant to 502(b)(10) do not relieve the Permittee from satisfying preconstruction requirements. 00. Third Party Participation and EPA Review [15A NCAC 02Q .0521, .0522 and .0525(7)] For permits modifications subject to 45-day review by the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), EPA's decision to not object to the proposed permit is considered final and binding on the EPA and absent a third party petition, the failure to object is the end of EPA's decision -making process with respect to the revisions to the permit. The time period available to submit a public petition pursuant to 15A NCAC 02Q .0518 begins at the end of the 45-day EPA review period. Permit 08074T11 Page 29 ATTACHMENT List of Acronyms AOS Alternate Operating Scenario BACT Best Available Control Technology Btu British thermal unit CAA Clean Air Act CAIR Clean Air Interstate Rule CEM Continuous Emission Monitor CFR Code of Federal Regulations DAQ Division of Air Quality DEQ Department of Environmental Quality EMC Environmental Management Commission EPA Environmental Protection Agency FR Federal Register GACT Generally Available Control Technology HAP Hazardous Air Pollutant MACT Maximum Achievable Control Technology NAA Non -Attainment Area NCAC North Carolina Administrative Code NCGS North Carolina General Statutes NESHAP National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants NOx Nitrogen Oxides NSPS New Source Performance Standard OAH Office of Administrative Hearings PM Particulate Matter PM10 Particulate Matter with Nominal Aerodynamic Diameter of 10 Micrometers or Less POS Primary Operating Scenario PSD Prevention of Significant Deterioration RACT Reasonably Available Control Technology SIC Standard Industrial Classification SIP State Implementation Plan SOa Sulfur Dioxide tpy Tons Per Year VOC Volatile Organic Compound