HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0005266_report_19930622 NPDES DOCUWENT SCANNIN& COVER SNEET NPDES Permit: NC0005266 Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Report Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: June 22, 1993 ThiB document iB printed on reuse paper-ignore any content on the reverse Bide Division of Environmental Management Biological Assessment Group June 22, 1993 MEMORANDUM To: Ken Eagleson Through: Jimmie Overton (Trish Finn MacPherson From: David Penrose99 Subject: Results of the Abitibi-Price or ABT, Inc. (NPDES Permit No. NC0005266) Investigation. Wilkes County, North Carolina. BACKGROUND Benthic macroin vertebrates were.collected from the Yadkin River to determine the instream effects of the Abitibi-Price discharge. The facility has recently changed its name to ABT, Inc. The survey was conducted in response to a request from the Winston-Salem ( regional office. Abitibi-Price Corporation manufactures hardboard exterior siding and is located near the community of Roarin- River in Wilkes County. The wastewater treatment facility discharges 1.0 MOD directly to the Yadkin River, approximately 1 mile above the confluence with the Roaring River. The instream waste concentration of the waste under 7Q10 flow conditions is 0.71 percent. Abitibi-Price has a daily average permit limit of 9207 and 21169 pounds/day for BOD and Total Suspended Solids (TSS), respectively. Prior biological information has been collected from two ambient locations in the vicinity of the Abitibi-Price discharge. Data from these locations (Yadkin River at Wilkesboro and Elkin) indicate Good to Good/Fair water quality conditions. The most recent information (1989) noted a Good bioclassification at the upstream site at Wilkesboro and a Good/Fair bioclassifieation at Elkin. The Elkin location is approximately 10-15 miles below the Abitibi-Price discharge and the Wilkesboro site is approximately the same distance above the facility. STATION LOCATIONS Samples were collected fiom three locations on the Yadkin River during this investigation. Two locations were at the facility water quality monitoring locations immediately upstream and downstream of the effluent. The downstream monitoring location is approximately 100-150 meters below the discharge point. A downstream 'recovery' site was not sampled_ as the confluence of the Roarin{, River is approximately 200 meters below the downstream collection site. An upstream reference location (Wilkesboro) was also sampled. The data from the ambient location was used to assess any differences in water quality upstream of t:.o facility and the study reach. The physical and biological characteristics t_:f each location are described in Table l and the locations are illustrated in Figure 1. i Figure 1. Station Loctions. Abitibi-Price Investigation. June 1993. Roaring Rive NC 268 S 2327 Ab ' tibi - Price .. 1 2 SR 2324 Yadkin River NC 421 N Table 1. Physical and Biological Characteristics. Yadkin River, Abitibi-Price Study. Wilkes County, North Carolina. June, 1993. Station Locations Above WWTP Below WWTP Wilkesboro Width (M) 35-40 30-35 35-40 Depth (M) Average 1.0 2.5 0.5 Maximum 2.0 2.5 1.0 Water Temperar_re (oC) 18 I8 20 Canopy (17) 40 50 70 AufWUChs Moderate Abundant Moderate Podostemum Abundant None found Abundant Bank Ertnsion Moderate Moderate Moderate Substrate (%) Boulder 10 10 10 Rubble 40 25 35 Gravel 25 25 30 Sand 15 25 25 Silt, 10 15 - Comments - deeper, more turbid than upstream site. Fungal matter present COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS METHODS Samples were collected u;:ng DEM's standardized qualitative collection technique at the three Yadkin River locations. This method uses a wide variety of collection techniques (10 samples) to inventory the aqu_ic fauna. The primary output is a taxa list with an indication of relative abundance (Abund_nt, Common and Rare) for each taxon. The numbers of Species within the pollution i:::clerant insect orders of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) and the Bi,:ic Index values are used with DEM classification criteria to assign water quality ratings. Unstressed streams and rivers have many species and lower index values, while polluted a-,,as have fewer species and higher index values. Several indices arc used tt compare community structure at paired collection locations. These include a Dominants in Common Index (DC[) and the Common Taxa Index (CTI). The DCI compares the number of abundant taxa that are found in both samples and is expressed as a percent of the _iundant taxa at the upstream location. The CTI measures the number of taxi in common br:.vecn locations and is relative to the maximum number of taxa at either site. Both of the,_ are based on Arkansas criteria and produce ratings of No Impact, Slight Impact, Moder_tc Impact and Severe Impact. In addition, a Biotic Index is also calculated for each same:_. This latte index is a summary of tolerance ' lees of the species collected in the sampi_. weighted by their abundance. Tolerance values for the taxa vary from 0 (most intolerant l :_) 10 (most tolerant). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (Table 2, Appendix 1) Results of the investigati. -. are presented in Table 2, and all taxa collected during, this survey are listed in Appendix ;. Moderate levels of stress were noted using both the CTI (49%) and DCI (5011c-) indices at Station 2 below the Abitibi-Price effluent. Lower taxa richness and abundance value. as well as higher biotic index values, were also recorded at Station 2 which indicated that .he discharge was having an impact on the biota during this investigation. The bioclassii" ition was also lower at the downstream site. In addition to the biological data, there wet_ obvious physical differences between these tv,o locations. The water was much more turbid at the downstream location which is a likely cause of some significant habitat differences as well. For example, there did not appear to be any significant growths of river weed (Podostemum) at this site which serves as a stable habitat for many benthic taxa during high flow events. It is possible that a reduction in light penetration due to the turbidity has caused the reduction in growth of this weed. In addition, the field crew also noted the presence of a white fungal matter on substrate surfaces. This fungal material would also prohibit the colonization of many benthic species. Table 2. Benthic Macro invertebrate Taxa Richness by Order and Summary Statistics. Yadkin River, Abitibi-Price Study. Wilkes County, North Carolina. June, 1993. YADKIN RIVER Parameter Above ABT Below ABT WILKESBORO Ephemeroptera 20 16 16 Plecoptera 6 3 4 Trichoptera 11 6 12 Coleoptera 8 5 4 Odonata 3 3 2 Megaloptera 2 3 1 Diptera: Chironomidae 19 18 20 Misc. Diptera 5 2 2 Oligochaeta 2 3 2 Crustacea 2 1 2 Mollusca 4 0 4 Other 1 1 1 Total Taxa Richness 83 63 69 EPT Richness 37 25 32 EPT Abundance 142 100 122 Biotic Index 4.99 5.27 5.46 Bioclassification Good Good/Fair Good/Fair Common Taxa Index - ,49% - Level of Impact - Moderate - Dominants in Common - 50% - Level of Impact - Moderate - Several mayfly, stonefly, o. eaddistly taxa that were common or abundant at the upstream location were absent or reduced in numbers at the downstream location. These taxa included Eneorus spp., Heptaginia marainalis, Ison, cy hia, Serratella deficiens, Pteronarcvs spp, and Hydropsyche demora. These observations may be a result of the effluent or possibly a change in the substrate. Good/Fair water quality conditions were noted at the ambient location on the Yadkin River at Wilkesboro. Data from this site collected during this investigation compare favorably to data at this site during previous surveys (EPT taxa ranges have been 25 to 35). Good to Good/Fair bioclassifications have been recorded from this site. SUMMARY Results of this investigation suggest that the Abitihi-Price WWTP was stressing the macroinvertebrate fauna of the Yadkin River immediately below the discharge point. Lower taxa richness values and a higher biotic index at the downstream location resulted in alower bioclassification. In addition to the biological results, ph%sical differences between the two locations were also evident. The water at the downstream site was notably more turbid which is a likely contributor to a reduction in the growths of liver weed (Podostemum). Podostemum is a productive benthic habitat and is used as a retreat for several benthic macroinvcrtebrates during high flow conditions. In addition, the field team noted the occurrence of a funval matter otr substrate material below the effluent which would also contribute to lower biological integrity. However, the downstream site received the same bioclassification as the reference site at Wilkesboro and had a hetter Biotic Index value. This suggests that the wateryuality below Abitibi Price is similar to that found at the ambient stations at Wilkesboro and Elkin. All work was conducted in Yadkin suhbasin O i-07-01 cc: David Russel, Winston-Salem Regional Office Susan Wilson Central Files Appendix 1. Benthic Macroinvertebrates Collected from the Yadkin River. Wilkes County, North Carolina. June, 1993 Taxon YADKIN RIVER Above AB T Below ABT WILKESBORO EPHEMEROPTERA ATTENELLA Al-f ENUATA R BAETIS FLAVISTRIGA C C BAETIS INTERCALARIS C C BAETIS PLUTO A C C BAETIS PROPINQUUS A A BAETIS TRICAUDATUS R BRACHYCERCUS'SPP` — R CAENIS SPP R CENTROPTILUM SPP C C R DANNELLA SIMPLEX C R C EPHEMERELLA CATAWBA R R EPHEMERELLA NEEDHAMIMI R EPEORUS SPP C R EURYLOPI-IELLA TETMPORAI.IS C A HEPTAGENIA MARGINALIS C ISONYCHIA SPP A R A LEUCROCUTA- R C MACDUNNOABRUNNEA R R PARALEPTOPHLEBIA SPP It R POTAMANTHUS SPP R PSEUDOCLOEON SPP A C C STENONEMA MODESTUM A A A 'STENONEMA TERMINATLJM R SERRATELLA DEFICIENS A C C SERRATELLA SERRATOIDES C STENACRON INTERPUNCI'ATLi`M R STENACRON PALLIDUM A A R PLECOPTERA ACRONEURIA ABNORMIS R R R ALLOCAPNIA SPP R ECCOPTURA XANTHENES . R ISOPERLA I-IOLOCHLORA R ISOPERLA TRANSMARINA (GR) R PERLESTA-PLACIDA A C A PTERONARCYS S PP C C TALLAPERLA SPP R TRICHOPTERA BRACHYCENTRLJS LATERAI.IS R CERACLEA TARSIPLINCTATA C R CHEUMATOPSYCHE SPP A A A GLOSSOSOMA SPP R GOERA SPP R HYDROPSYCHE BETI'ENI R HYDROPSYCI-IE DEMORA C A HYDROPSYCHE ROSSI R HYDROPSYCHE SCALARIS R HYDROPSYCIIE VENULARIS C A A r Taxon YADKIN RIVER Above ABT Below ABT WILKESBORO TRICHOPTERA (CON'T) MICRASEMA WATAGA R R C NECTOPSYCI-IE CAND_ IDA R NEURECLIPSIS SPP R C OECETIS SPP R OECETIS SPI R POLYCENTROPUS SPP R R SYMPHITOPSYCHE SPARNA A A A COLEOPTERA ANCYRONYX VARIEGATUS R R DINEUTES SPP A A A DUB IRAPHIA SPP R R GYRINUS SPP _ _ _ _ C LACCOBIUS SP R MACRONYCHUSGLABRATUS C R C OPTIOSERVUS SPP R PROMORESIA SPP C PSEPHENUS I-IERRICKI C R R ODONATA ARGIA SPP R R _ BOYERIA VINOSA R R R CALOPTERYX SPP C C LANTHUS SPP R MEGALOPTERA CORYDALUS CORNUTUS C R R NIGRONIA SERRICORNTIS C R SIALIS SPP R DIPTERA: CHIRONOMIDAE ABLABESMYIA MALLOCHI R C BRILLIA SPP C C CRICOTOPUS/ORTHOCLADIUS SPI C C A CRICOTOPUS/ORTI-IOCLADILJS SP10 C CRICOTOPUS/ORTHOCLADILJS SPI' C CRICOTOPUS/ORTHOCLADIUS SP5 C C CRICOTOPUS/ORTI-IOCLADILJS SP54 C C C CRICOTOPUS/ORTHOCLADIUS SP6 C R CARDIOCLADIUS SPP R A CHIRONOMUS SPP C CONCHAPELOPIA GROUP C R R CRYPTOCHIRONOMUS FLJI_VLJS R DEMICRYPTOCHIRONOMUS SPP R DICROTENDIPES NEOMODESTLIS R EUKIEFFI IELLA S112 C EUKIEFFERIELLA SP' R R . ' NANOCLADIUS SPP R POLYPEDILUM FALI_AX R R POLYPEDILUM HALTERALL' R POLYPEDILUM I1-LINOENSE A C C POLYPEDILUM SCALAENUM 1Z R. PARAMETRIOCNEMUS LUNDBECKI R It PHAENOPSECTRA SP2 R R POTTHASTIA GAEDI R v j Taxon _ YADKIN RIVER Above AB T Below ABT WILKESBORO DIPTERA: CHIRONOMIDAE, (CON'T) RHEOCRICOTOPUS SP1 C C RHEOTANYTARSUS C C C STENOCHIRONOMUS SPP R R R . SYMPOSIOCLADIUS LIGNICOLA R R THIENEMANIELLA SPP R R R TRIBELOS SPP C R MISC. DIPTERA ANTOCHA SPP A A C EMPIDIDAE R PALPOMYIA (COMPLEX) R SIMULIUM SPP A A A TIPULA SPP OLIGOCHAETA LIMNODRILUS SPP C C - LIMNODRILUS HOFFMEISTERI C LUMBRICULIDAE C R A NAIS SPP R CRUSTACEA CAMBARUS SPP R C C CRANGONYX SPP R R PELYCEPODA CORBICULA FLUMIlVEA R C PISIDIUM SPP - R SPHAERIUM SPP R GASTROPODA ELIMIA SP A R FERRISSIA SPP C R PHYSELLA SPP R OTHER DUGESIA TIGRINA C HYDRACARINA R R