HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000508_APPLICATION_20151130PERMIT NO DOC TYPE DOC DATE STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCS PERMITS AJC9�oo dos ❑ FINAL PERMIT ❑ MONITORING REPORTS �- APPLICATION ❑ COMPLIANCE ❑ OTHER ❑ 7nc) � LO YYYYMMDD OPT/ PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY November 24, 2015 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Dr., Suite 105 Wake Forest, NC 27587 Attention: Mr. David Bailey FILL COPY NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit 512 N. Salisbury St., 91h Floor Raleigh, NC 27604 Ms. Karen Higgins Subject: Application for Section 404 Individual Permit, Section 401 Water Quality Certification, and Jordan Buffer Allowance for HAECO Facility Improvements at Piedmont Triad International Airport, Guilford County The Piedmont Triad Airport Authority (PTAA) hereby applies for Individual Permit and Water Quality Certification under Sections 404 and 401 of the Clean Water Act and 15A NCAC 2H .0500 and Jordan Buffer Allowance under 15A NCAC 2B .0267 for unavoidable impacts to jurisdictional Waters of the United States for improvements to the Timco Aviation Services dba Haeco Airframe Services (HAECO) tenant facility at the Piedmont Triad International Airport (PTIA). This project was addressed in a short form Environmental Assessment (EA) pending a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), consistent with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Jurisdictional resources within the project area have been verified (SAW-2015-00920) by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Division of Water Resources (DWR). The existing HAECO facility is a purpose-built facility complex for aircraft base maintenance, located on approximately 112 acres Southeast of PTIA Runway 5R/23L, between the Cessna Citation Service Center (to the Southwest) and the Honda Aircraft Company World Headquarters (to the Northeast). The complex includes three wide -body hangars (hangars I -III) as well as a fourth (Hangar IV) for narrow body aircraft. The hangars are complemented with 60 acres of ramp parking space to accommodate HAECO's commercial, government, military, and other private aircraft owners and operators. The facility complex also includes corporate and customer offices; an on -site training center; shipping and receiving; and HAECO's engineering design, integration, and manufacturing division. 1000A Ted Johnson Parkway Greensboro, North Carolina 27409 Phone: 336.G65.5600 , • Fax: 336.665.1425 Mr. David Bailey and M.r. Karen Higgins November 24, 2015 Page 1 of 7 Proposed Project The proposed HAECO Facility Improvements include site preparation of approximately 16 acres of Airport land to be added to the existing HAECO facility for aviation -related development, including clearing, grading, fill, and excavation for: 1. Expansion of the existing concrete apron by approximately 204,600 sq. ft., with engine run-up pad and 21,200 sq. ft. connector throat to an existing Taxiway M connector (the connector throat will also link the two sides of the HAECO complex); 2. Construction of an approximately 177,400 sq. ft, two -bay wide -body aircraft maintenance hangar; 3. Construction of an approximately 33,810 sq. ft. support annex; 4. Construction of a new fire/water provision and expansion of the existing hazardous materials (HazMat) facility; 5. Addition of vehicle and pedestrian access and fire lanes. Extension of utilities to the new structures including communications, electrical, natural gas, water, and sanitary sewer (land disturbance for utility extensions are anticipated to be within the proposed project grading limits and will not impact additional special resources). Stormwater management and off -site mitigation for unavoidable wetland and stream impacts are also anticipated. Project Purpose and Need The proposed improvements would address the need to service two wide-bodied aircraft simultaneously by providing movement and hangar space. HAECO requires the capacity to service wide-bodied aircraft to meet current demand and to integrate its US operations with its international business of maintaining wide-bodied aircraft. These improvements will also provide a needed connection between the two sides of the existing 14AECO complex to allow for movement of vehicles, supplies and equipment from one side to the other without having to cross airport taxiways or to depart and reenter secured areas for travel along public roads. The project would increase operational capabilities and improve efficiency at HAECO's PTIA facility. Affected Environment The proposed project is located entirely within the existing airport property. The HAECO facility is bounded by the PTIA Air Operations Area (AOA) to the Northwest, by Radar Road to the Southeast and by additional jurisdictional resources (wetlands and streams) then adjacent PTIA tenants to the Southwest and Northeast. The location is predominantly developed (aprons, taxiways, parking, hangars, buildings, and other structures) with maintained in -field lawns and stormwater/fire management ponds. The project area is located between the HAECO Hangars 1- III complex to the Southwest and the Hangar IV complex to the Northeast. This approximately 16-acre site includes nearly 11 forested acres with 1,601 linear feet unnamed perennial stream tributaries to Horsepen Creek and 0.81 acres abutting riparian wetlands. Alternatives to the Project During early project planning, consideration was given to locating the proposed new hangar adjacent to HAECO Maintenance Hangar I, at the southwest end of the HAECO facility, but this alternative would have required removal and replacement of the fire suppression system for existing Hangars 1-111 and would have reduced employee parking for those hangars. This Mr. David Bailey and Ms. Karen Higgins November 24, 2015 Page 3 of 7 alternative involved significant relocation of utilities and complicated employee access. This alternative does not satisfy the purpose and need for the project and was not carried forward. There are no reasonable actions, other than the preferred alternative, that feasibly substitute for the proposed project. The project, requiring specific dimensions and orientation of components, must be located at the existing HAECO facility, at the area available between existing Hangars III and IV. Locating the project on the northeast side of Hangar IV would eliminate some of the essential facility parking and fail to connect the Hangar IV facility with the rest of the HAECO complex. Locating the project on a site that is not contiguous with the existing HAECO facility would also fail to provide the necessary internal connection between the HAECO hangars and result in duplication of utilities, storm water management controls and other support facilities that are capable of serving an integrated facility. For a "No -Action / No -Permit" alternative, HAECO would have to continue routing aircraft and vehicular traffic on airport taxiways or through security and along public roads in order to traverse from one side of its existing complex to the other. HAECO would be required to explore other sites, other airports, and/or construct entirely new facilities in order to address its operational need to service wide-bodied aircraft. The preferred alternative is the only reasonable alternative that meets the project purpose and need. Due to the limited available space and location of streams and wetlands on both sides of and in the middle of the I IAECO property, there is no project alternative which does not impactjurisdictional resources. Minimization of project impacts by decreasing the size of the proposed hanger is not possible because it is sized for the wide-bodied aircraft specified by the project need and purpose, and the size of the aircraft ramp cannot be reduced without sacrificing maneuvering space that is required by aircraft entering and exiting from the hangar or without eliminating the connector throat to Hangar IV. Retaining walls to minimize the side slopes would not reduce stream and wetlands impacts since it is the hangar structure itself, and the ramp pavement, that overlap the stream and wetland sites rather than the side slopes. Minimization of Impacts Based on the limited space at the HAECO facility, constraints of the site (jurisdictional resources on both sides and in the middle of the facility), and lack of practicable alternatives; it is anticipated that 1,601 linear feet perennial channel and 0.81 acres abutting wetlands will be impacted by the proposed project. PfAA will minimize potential unavoidable adverse effects of the Project consistent with FAA requirements and Section 404(b)(1) guidelines to the extent possible as follows: • Construction of stream culverts will minimize smothering of organisms by utilizing "pump -around"; minimize construction time; control turbidity through adherence to the Erosion and Sedimentation Control (E&SC) Plan; avoid unnecessary discharge; prevent creation of standing water; and prevent drainage of wet areas. • During construction, physiochemical conditions will be maintained and potency and availability of pollutants will be reduced; material to be discharged will be limited; treatment substances may be added if necessary; chemical flocculants may be utilized to enhance the deposition of suspended particulates in appropriate disposal areas. • The effects of dredged or fill material may be controlled by selecting discharge methods and disposal sites where the potential for erosion, slumping or leaching of materials into Mr. David Bailey and Ms. Karen Higgins November 24, 2015 Page 4 of 7 the surrounding aquatic ecosystem will be reduced. These methods include using containment levees, sediment basins, and cover crops to reduce erosion. Discharge effects will also be controlled by containing discharged material properly to prevent point and nonpoint sources of pollution; and timing the discharge to minimize impact, for instance during periods of unusual high water flows. The effects of a discharge will be minimized by the manner in which it is dispersed, such as, where environmentally desirable, orienting dredged/fill material to minimize undesirable obstruction to the surface water or natural flow, and utilizing natural contours to minimize the size of the fill; using silt screens or other appropriate methods to confine suspended particulates/turbidity to a small area where settling or removal can occur; selecting sites or managing discharges to confine and minimize the release of suspended particulates to give decreased turbidity levels and to maintain light penetration for organisms; and setting limitations on the amount of material to be discharged per unit of time or volume of receiving water. Discharge technology will be adapted to the needs of the site. The applicant will consider using appropriate equipment or machinery, including protective devices, and the use of such equipment in activities related to the discharge of dredged or fill material; employing appropriate maintenance and operation on equipment or machinery, including adequate training, staffing, and working procedures; using machinery and techniques that are especially designed to reduce damage to streams; designing access roads and channel spanning structures using culverts, open channels, and diversions that will pass both low and high water flows, accommodate fluctuating water levels, and maintain circulation and faunal movement; employing appropriate machinery and methods of transport of the material for discharge. Minimization of adverse effects on populations of plants and animals will be achieved by minimizing changes in water flow patterns which would interfere with the movement of animals; managing discharges to avoid creating habitat conducive to the development of undesirable airport wildlife hazards; avoiding sites having, unique habitat or other value, including habitat of threatened or endangered species; using planning and construction practices to institute habitat development and restoration to produce a new or modified environmental state of higher ecological value by displacement of some or all of the existing environmental characteristics; timing discharge to avoid spawning or migration seasons and other biologically critical time periods; and avoiding the destruction of remnant natural sites within areas already affected by development. Compensatory Mitigation As of November 1, 2015, there are no available USACE or NCDEQ approved mitigation bank stream (SMU) or wetland (WMU) credits available for the Cape Fear 02 Hydrologic Unit (HUC 03030002) https://ribits.usace.army.mil/, http://portal.ncdenr.org/c/document library/. Compensation for unavoidable impacts to perennial stream channels and riparian wetlands will be provided off -site by the North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS). An In -Lieu Fee Request Form is being submitted to NCDMS and payment is pending approval by USACE and DWR. Mr. David Bailey and Ms. Karen Higgins November 24, 2015 Page 5 of 7 Cumulative Impacts No cumulative project environmental effects are anticipated: Past projects have included the nearby IIonda MRO and Connector Road and the extension of Taxiway M. Only the Connector Road project involved quantifiable impacts (Nationwide 404/401 Permit and minor buffer variance for stream crossing). Future projects are the Cross -Field Taxiway and Northwest Development Site on the opposite side of the Airport in the Brush Creek rather than Horsepen Creek Sub -basin, and North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) roadway improvement projects in the project vicinity (I 73 Connector, US 220/NC 68 Connector, 1840, widening US 220, and widening Market Street). No significant environmental impacts have been determined for these projects. Cumulatively, the HAECO Facility Improvements would not add significant impacts, rather, the roadway improvements anticipate such development at PTIA. Fish and Wildlife As of March 25, 2015 the US Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) lists Small Whorled Pogonia (endangered) as the only protected species for Guilford County. The project is anticipated to have No Effect on this species - suitable habitat is not present at the project site and review of Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) records indicated no known occurrences within I mile. No water body large enough and sufficiently open to be considered a potential feeding source for Bald Eagle (Bald & Golden Eagle Protection Act) is located within 1.13 miles of the project and there are no known occurrences of this species within 1 mile of the project. No Federal Candidate species are listed for Guilford County and there are no State -listed endangered or threatened species known to occur within 1 mile of the project. Approximately 4.95 acres of Piedmont bottomland forest and 5.77 acres mixed pine/hardwood forest would potentially be directly impacted by the project. An approximately 0.75-acre non - jurisdictional fire -suppression pond will also be impacted. Wildlife potentially displaced include limited terrestrial and aquatic species typical of the area. Loss of this isolated potential habitat area will be mitigated in conjunction with the mitigation of wetland and stream impacts and will not result in fragmentation or impacts to off -site habitat. Historic, Cultural, Scenic, and Recreational Values No resources eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) will be impacted by the project according to the HPOWEB map. The North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources (NCDCR) State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) had no comment in response to scoping or to the draft EA for the proposed project. Stormwater Stormwater control measures (SCMs) needed to develop the HAECO facility improvements in compliance with NCDEQ regulatory requirements for new airport development are described in the attached SCM Report. A 0.8-acre high flow rate bioretention pond will infiltrate runoff generated from the I" inch of rainfall at a relatively high rate to satisfy the water quality requirements outlined in Session Law 2012-200. In addition to providing treatment for the proposed new impervious areas associated with the HAECO facility improvements, the SCM will replace the treatment being provided by the existing wet pond located on the northeastern side of the site. The proposed project may cause increases to peak flows downstream but will not flood Mr. David Bailey and Us. Karen Higgins November 24, 2015 Page 6 of 7 insurable structures, roads, or cause damage to existing property or the existing Harris Teeter detention pond. Prior to the commencement of construction, an E&SC plan for the project will be submitted to NCDEQ and PTAA will obtain the applicable E&SC approval and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) construction permit. Potential temporary impacts to surface water quality as a result of the Build Alternative construction activities will be effectively mitigated through adherence to the approved E&SC plan and permit requirements, as well as through compliance with FAA AC 150/5370-10B. Other Federal, State, or Local Requirements Through the NEPA process, FAA has explored practicable project alternatives and impact minimization prior to addressing compensatory mitigation (sequencing). FAA has also explored the cumulative impacts of the proposed project. These potential cumulative impacts are detailed in the EA/FONSI. A lack of practical alternatives has been demonstrated pursuant to 15A NCAC 0211.0506(t). After consideration of size and configuration of the proposed activity, and all alternative designs, the basic project purpose cannot be practically accomplished in a manner which would avoid or result in less adverse impact to surface waters or wetlands. Minimization of impacts has been demonstrated pursuant to I SA NCAC 02H .0506(g) because the surface waters are able to continue to support the existing uses after project completion, and the impacts are required due to the spatial and dimensional requirements of the project; the location of existing structural and natural features that dictate the placement and configuration of the proposed project; and the purpose of the project and how the purpose relates to placement and configuration. The project: (1) has no practical alternative; (2) will minimize adverse impacts to surface waters based on consideration of existing topography, vegetation, fish and wildlife resources, and hydrological conditions; (3) will. not result in the degradation of groundwater or surface waters; (4) will not result in cumulative impacts, based upon past or reasonably anticipated future impacts, that cause or will cause a violation of downstream water quality standards; (5) provides for protection of downstream water quality standards through on -site stormwater treatment; and (6) provides for replacement of existing uses through mitigation. Additional regulatory requirements are addressed in the EA/FONSI. Mr. David Bailey and Ms. Karen Higgins November 24, 2015 Page 7 of 7 We appreciate your consideration of this request. Please feel free to contact me (rossera@gsoair.org, 336.665.5620) or Richard Darling (rdarline(@,mbakerintLcom, 919.481.5740) with questions or comments. One (1) complete and collated original application and supporting documentation are being provided to USACE with four (4) complete and collated copies to NCDEQ along with the application fee. Sincerely, PIXDMONT r:� RPORT AUTHORITY P) 91flo J. lex Rosser, P.E. Deputy Executive Director RD/AR:rd Enclosures Completed Eng. Form 4345 (3 pages, PTAA signed) Permit Drawings (13 sheets, full size and I 1"x17") Stormwater Control Measures Report (31 pages) In -Lieu Fee Request to NCDMS PTAA Check for $570 as NCDEQ Application Fee cc: Sue Homewood, DWR-WSRO Richard Darling, Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT OMB APPROVAL NO.0710-0003 AL NO.0-00 33 CFR 325. The proponent agency Is CECW-CO-R. EXPIRES: 28 2013 Public reporting for this mllectlon of information is estimated to average 11 hours per response, including the time for reviewing Instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of the collection of Information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters, Executive Services and Communications Directorate, Information Management Division and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0710-0003). Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if It does not display a currently valid OMB control number. Please DO NOT RETURN your form to either of those addresses. Completed applications must be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authorities: Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 10, 33 USC 403; Clean Water Act, Section 404, 33 USC 1344; Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act, Section 103, 33 USC 1413; Regulatory Programs of the Corps of Engineers; Final Rule 33 CFR 320-332. Principal Purpose: Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application for a permit. Routine Uses: This information may be shared with the Department of Justice and other federal, state, and local government agencies, and the public and may be made available as part of a public notice as required by Federal law. Submission of requested information is voluntary, however, if information is not provided thepemnit application cannot be evaluated nor can a permit be Issued. One set of original drawings or good reproducible coples which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this application (see sample drawings and/or instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. An application that is not completed in full will be returned. (ITEMS 1 THRU 4 TO BE FILLED BY THE CORPS) 1. APPLICATION NO. 2. FIELD OFFICE CODE 3. DATE RECEIVED 4. DATE APPLICATION COMPLETE (ITEMS BELOW TO BE FILLED BYAPPLICANT) 5. APPLICANTS NAME 8. AUTHORIZED AGENTS NAME AND TITLE (agent is not required) First-J. Middle -Alex Last - Rosser First - Richard Middle-B. Last -Darling Company - Piedmont Triad Airport Authority Company - Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. E-mail Address- rossera@gsoair.org E-mail Address-rdarling@mbakerintl.com 6. APPLICANTS ADDRESS: 9. AGENTS ADDRESS: Address- 1000A Ted Johnson Parkway Address- 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 600 City -Greensboro State - NC 7ip-27409 Country -USA City - Cary State - NC ZIP-27518 Counlry-USA 7. APPLICANTS PHONE NOs. WAREA CODE 10. AGENTS PHONE NOs. WAREA CODE a. Residence b. Business c. Fax a. Residence b. Business c. Fax 336.665.5600 336.665.5694 919.481.5740 919.463.5490 STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION 11. 1 hereby authorize, Richard B. Darling to act in my behalf as my agent In the processing of this application and to furnish, upon request, supplemental information in support of this permit app' lion, fl (T I I � �l ` SI ATURE OF APPLICANT DAT NAME, LOCATION, AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE (see instructions) IIAECO Facility Improvements 13. NAME OF WATERBODY, IF KNOWN (if applicable) 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS (if applicable) Unnamed tributaries to Horsepen Creek Address 623 Radar Road 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT Latitude: •N 36.096914 Longitude: -W 79.931388 City- Greensboro State- NC Zip- 27410 16. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, IF KNOWN (see instructions) Slate Tax Parcel ID Municipality Section- Township- Range - ENG FORM 4345, OCT 2012 PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE. Page 1 of 3 a 17, DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE from 1-40 take exit 212B, take ramp right for 1-73 N / Future 1.840 toward Bryan Blvd.; At exit 2, take ramp right and follow signs for W Friendly Ave.; Tom left onto W Friendly Ave.; Turn right onto Old Friendly Rd.; Turn right onto Radar Rd.; Arrive at 623 Radar Rd. - turn left into HAECO secure facility and announce arrival in intercom - follow directions from security personnel. 18. Nature of Activity (Description of project, include all features) Site preparation of approximately 16 acres of Airport land to be added to the existing HAECO facility for aviation -related development, including clearing, grading, fill, and excavation for: Expansion of the existing concrete apron by approximately 204,600 sq. ft., with engine run-up pad and 21,200 sq. ft. connector throat to an existing Taxiway M connector (the connector throat will also link the two sides of the HAECO complex); Construction of an approximately 177,400 sq. ft. two -bay wide -body aircraft maintenance hangar; Construction of an approximately 33,810 sq. ft. support annex; Construction of a new fire/water provision and expansion of the existing hazardous materials (HazMat) facility; Addition of vehicle and pedestrian access and fire lanes. Extension of utilities to the new structures including communications, electrical, natural gas, water, and sanitary sewer (land disturbance for utility extensions are anticipated to be within the proposed project grading limits and will not impact additional special resources). Stormwater management and off -site mitigation for unavoidable wetland and stream impacts are also anticipated. 19. Project Purpose (Describe the reason or purpose of the project, we Instructions) The proposed improvements would address the need to service two wide-bodied aircraft simultaneously by providing movement and hangar space. HAECO requires the capacity to service wide-bodied aircraft to meet current demand and to integrate its US operations with its international business of maintaining wide-bodied aircraft. These improvements will also provide a needed connection between the two sides of the existing HAECO complex to allow for movement of vehicles, supplies and equipment from one side to the other without having to cross airport taxiways or to depart and reenter secured areas for travel along public roads. The project would increase operational capabilities and improve efficiency at HAECO's PTIA facility. USE BLOCKS 20.231F DREDGED AND/OR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. Reason(s)for Discharge Wetlands and streams must be filled in order to bring the site up to match existing taxiway and apron elevations. The proposed project is located entirely within the existing airport property. The HAECO facility is bounded by the PTIA Air Operations Area (AOA) to the Northwest, by Radar Road to the Southeast and by additional jurisdictional resources (wetlands and streams) then adjacent PTIA tenants to the Southwest and Northeast. The location is predominantly developed (aprons, taxiways, parking, hangars, buildings, and other structures) with maintained in -field lawns and stormwater/fire management ponds. The project area is located between the HAECO Hangars l-ill complex to the Southwest and the Hangar IV complex to the Northeast. There are no reasonable actions, other than the preferred alternative, that feasibly substitute for the proposed project. The project, requiring specific dimensions and orientation of components, must be located at the existing HAECO facility, at the area available between existing Hangars III and IV. 21. Type(s) of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards: Type Type Type Amount in Cubic Yards Amount in Cubic Yards Amount in Cubic Yards 47,096 cy clean fill 22. Surface Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled (see Instructions) Acres 0.81 ac. wetlands, and or Linear Feet 1,601 Lf. perennial stream channel 23. Description of Avoidance, Minimization, and Compensation (see instructions) Based on the limited space at the HAECO facility, constraints of the site (jurisdictional resources on both sides and in the middle of the facility), and lack of practicable alternatives; impacts to streams and wetlands cannot be avoided. PTAA will minimize potential unavoidable adverse effects of the Project consistent with FAA requirements and Section 404(b)(1) guidelines to the extent possible. Compensation for unavoidable impacts to jurisdictional stream channel and riparian wetlands will be provided by the North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS). ENG FORM4345, OCT2012 Page 2 of 3 w 24. Is Any Potion of the Work Already Complete? Yes QNo IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK 25. Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners, Lessees, Etc., Whose Property Adjoins the Waterbody of more man ran manna haa, prewe atmma mgplera imt. a. Address- Timco Aviation Services dba HAECO Airframe Services; 623 Radar Road City- Greensboro State- INC Zip -274I0 b. Address- Honda Aircraft Company Inc.; 6430 Ballinger Road City - Greensboro State - NC Zip - 27410 c. Address- Textron Aviation - Cessna Citation Service Center; 615 Service Center Road City- Greensboro State- NC Zip- 27410 d. Address- North Carolina Department of Transportation; 1020 Birch Ridge Drive City- Raleigh State - NC Zip -27610 e. Address - City - State - Zip - 26. List of Other Certificates or Approvals/Denlals received from other Federal, Stale, or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application. AGENCY TYPEAPPROVAL' IDENTIFICATION DATEAPPLIED DATEAPPROVED DATE DENIED NUMBER FAA EA 8/31/2015 Would include but is not restricted to zoning, building, and flood plain permits 27. Application is hereby made for permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that this Information in this application is complete and accurate. I dher certify that I possess the authority to undertake the work described heraln or acting as the duly authorized agent of the applicant D / [� 71tI2e15 /f�C/I�A 11/24/2015 GNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE SIGNATURE OF AGE DATE The Application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity (applicant) or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 11 has been filled out and signed. 16 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. ENG FORM 4345, OCT 2012 Page 3 of 3 P Z, .Print Form DMS ILF Mitigation Request. Statement of Compliance with §143-214.11 & 143-214.20 hlnkto G.S..143-214.11). Prior to accessing the Division of Mitigation Services (DMS), all applicants must demonstrate compliance with G.S. § 143-214.11 and 143-214.20. All requests MUST include this form signed and dated by the permit applicant or an authorized agent. Please refer to DENR's Implementation Policy for more details. Compliance Statement: I have read and understand G.S. § 143.214.11 and 214.20 and have, to the best of my knowledge, complied with the requirements. I understand that participation in the DMS is voluntary and subject to approval by permitting agencies. Please check all that apply: Applicant is a Federal or State Government Entity or a unit of local government meeting the requirements set forth in G.S. 143-214.11 and is not required to purchase credits from a mitigation bank. ❑ There are no listed mitigation banks with the credit type I need located in the hydrologic unit where this impact will take place (link to DWR Usti © Mitigation bank(s) in the hydrologic unit where the impacts will occur have been contacted and credits are not currently available. p The DWR or the Corps of Engineers did not approve of the use of a mitigation bank for the required compensatory mitigation for this project. This is a renewal request and the permit application is under review. Bank credits were not available at the time the application was submitted. Enter date permit application was submitted for review: Note: It is the applicant's responsibility to document any inquiries made to private mitigation J. Alex Rosser, PE; Deputy Executive Director j7- Ig nat4e of Applicant orAgentAgent Printed Name Date HAECO Facility Improvements Piedmont Triad International Airport Project Name Location DIVISION OF MITIGATION SERVICES (DMS.) IN -LIEU FEE REQUEST FORM Revised 4/23/2015 Complete requested information; sign and tlate, email to keIIy,4IlamsfcDncdenLg6y . Attachments are acceptable for clarification purposes (location map, address or lat long is required). Information submitted is subject to NC Public Records Law and maybe requested by third parties. Reviewmeetings are held on Tuesday afternoons. CONTACT INFORMATION APPLICANT'S`AGENT APPLICANT 1. Business/Company Name _ Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. Piedmont Triad Airport Authority 2. Contact Person Richard Darling Alex Rosser, PE 3. Street Address or P O Box 8000 Regency Pkwy., Suite 600 1000-A Ted Johnson Pkwy. 4. City, State, Zip Cary, NC 27518 Greensboro, NC 27409 5. Telephone Number 919.481.5740 336.665.6600 6. E-Mail Address rdarling@mbakerinll.com rossera@gsoair.org 'PROJECT INFORMATION 7. Project Name HAECO Facility Improvements 8. Project Location (nearest town, city) 623 Radar Road; Greensboro, NC 27410 9. Lat-Long Coordinates or attach a map 36 05 49 N. 79 55 53 W 10. County Guilford 11. River Basin & Cataloging Unit (8-digit) 03030002 (See Note 1) 12. Project Type "indicate owner type and_ Owner Type: 0 Government O Private write in project type (e.g. school, church, retail, residential} apartments, road, utilities, military, Project Type: aviation development etc.)** 13. Riparian Wetland Impact (ac.) (e.g., 0.13) 0.81 14. Nan -Riparian Wetland Impact (ac.) 0 16. Coastal Marsh Impact (ac.) 0 16. Stream Impact (ft.) (e.g. 1,234) Warm Cool Cold —i 1,601 17. Riparian Buffer Impact (sq. ft.) Zone 1: Zone 2: Include subwatershed if Jordan or Falls Lake: 18. Regulatory Agency Staff Contacts NCDWR: USACE: David Bailey Other: Sue Homewood Check LI) below if this request is for, a: ay signing below, the applicant is confirming they have revision to a current acceptance read and understand the DMS refund pollcy_posted at nceep.net and attached to this form r — renewal of an expired acceptance Signa�e f Ap cantor Authorized Agent: extension of unexpired acceptance 11l13 WIS Date: Note 1: For help in determining the Cataloging Unit, visit:www.nceeo.nel or contact DMS Direct questions to Kelly Williams at 919.707-8915 or keliv.wllliamsAmcdenr.gov or to the front desk at 919-707-8976 Refund Policv for Fees Paid to DMS In -Lieu Fee Proqrams (9/21/2009 Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to make clear the circumstances and process under which a permittne can obtain a refund while simultaneously balancing customer service and responsible business practices. This policy applies to all refund requests made on or after the publication date of this policy. Policy Statement: The policy of DMS is to allow for refunds under certain conditions. 1. All refund requests must be made in writing to the DMS In -Lieu Fee Program Coordinator at kellv.williamslatincden r.gov. 2. All refund requests are subject to fund availability. DMS does not guarantee fund availability for any request. 3. The request must either come from the entity that made the payment or from an authorized agent. Third parties requesting refunds must provide written authorization from the entity that made the payment specifying the name and address of the authorized refund recipient. 4. Refund requests related to unintended overpayments, typographical errors or incorrect invoices should be brought the attention of the In -Lieu Fee Program Coordinator as soon as possible. Such requests are typically approved without delay. 5. Payments made under the incremental payment procedure are not eligible for refunds. 6. Refund requests made within nine months of payment to DMS will only be considered for requests associated with projects that have been terminated or modified where the permittee's mitigation requirements have been reduced. Such requests must be accompanied by written verification from the permitting agency that the project has been cancelled, the permits have been rescinded or have been modified, or the mitigation requirements have been reduced. 7. Refund requests made more than nine months from the payment date will only be considered for permits that were terminated or modified to not require any mitigation. Such requests must be accompanied by written verification fi-om the permitting agency that the project has been cancelled, the permits have been rescinded and/or mitigation is no longer required. 8. Refund requests not meeting the criteria specified above are not eligible for a refund. 9. Refund requests that meet the criteria above will be elevated to DMS Senior Management for review. The following considerations apply to all refund requests: a. availability of funds after consideration of all existing project and regulatory obligations b. the date the payment was made c. the likelihood DMS can use the mitigation procured using the payment to meet other mitigation requirements 10, Once a refund has been approved, the refund recipient must provide a completed W-9 form to the DMS In -Lieu fee Program Coordinator within two weeks in order to process the refund though the State Controller's Office. 1 I . All decisions shall be final. 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION REPORT HAECO FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT Submitted on Behalf of.• Piedmont -Triad International Airport Prepared by: WK Dickson & Co., Inc. 720 Corporate Center Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 November 2015 4U1 WA HAECO FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT I] Submitted on Behalf of: Prepared by: WK Dickson & Co., Inc. 720 Corporate Center Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 November 2015 e S El 0 Table of Contents 1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................1-1 1.1. Project Description.....................................................................................................1-1 2. Hydrology and Hydraulics..............................................................................................2-1 2.1. Methodology..............................................................................................................2-1 2.2. Hydrology...................................................................................................................2-1 2.2.1 Drainage Areas.................................................................................................2-1 2.2.2 Rainfall...............................................................................................................2-2 2.2.3 Land Use ....................................... ...................... ....................... ,....................... 2-2 2.2.4 Hydrograph Translation .................................................................................2-2 2.2.5 NRCS Curve Numbers....................................................................................2-3 2.2.6 Channel/Storage Routing................................................................................2-4 2.2.7 Summary of Hydrologic Results....................................................................2-4 2.3. Hydraulics..................................................................................................................2-4 2.3.1 Energy Loss Coefficients........................................................ ......................... 2-5 2.3.2 Starting Water Surface Elevation...................................................................2-5 2.3.3 Model Run Descriptions ........ .............. _................... ....._...... ....... ............ ........ 2-5 2.3.4 Hydraulic Evaluation of Radar Road............................................................2-5 2.3.5 Evaluation of Downstream Flooding............................................................2-6 2.3.6 Closed Drainage Systems........................................................ ....................... 2-7 2.3.7 Outfall Protection for Closed Drainage System ............. .......... ................... 2-7 C 3. Water Quality Compliance............................................................................................3-1 3.1. Overview..................................................................................................................... 3-1 2.3.1 Proposed Impervious Areas...........................................................................3-1 2.3.2 High Flow Rate Bioretention Pond Design Criteria ........................... ......... 3-2 2.3.3 Water Quality Volume (WQV)......................................................................3-2 2.3.4 Pond Design Summary...................................................................................3-3 3.2. Conclusion...................................................................................................................3-6 I-IAECO Facility Improvements Project Stormwater Report Page E q�_ 0 Tables Table]: Summary of Area Required for Treatment............................................................1-] Table 2: Summary of Water Quality Treatment Credits.....................................................1-2 Table 3: Design Storm Rainfall Depths......................._........................................._...............2-2 Table 4: Summary of Hydrologic Input Data ................. .................... ........ ........................... 2-3 Table 5: Comparison of Peak Flows at Radar Road.............................................................2-4 Table 6: Energy Loss Coefficients...........................................................................................2-5 Table 7: Bend Loss Coefficients..............................................................................................2-5 Table S: Culvert Performance for at Radar Road.................................................................2-6 Table 9: Hydraulic Summary of Harris Teeter Open Channel..........................................2-6 Table 10: Minimum Area of Impervious Cover Required for Treatment .........................3-1 Table 11: Proposed Impervious Cover to SCM................................................... ................. 3-1 Table 12: Calculated Storage Volumes...................................................................................3-2 Table 13: Water Surface Elevations at Proposed Pond ................. .......... ............ ................. 3-3 Table 14: Summary of Flow Splitter Design.........................................................................3-4 Table 15: Flow Splitter Performance......................................................................................3-4 Appendices Appendix A Proposed Concept Plan Appendix B Input Data for SWMM Appendix C Existing and Proposed Conditions Drainage Area Maps Appendix D Existing and Proposed Conditions Land Use Mapping Appendix E CD with Digital Copy of EPA SWMM Models Appendix F Outlet Protection Calculation Appendix G Water Quality Calculation and Stage -Storage Relationship for SCM Appendix H Anti -Floatation Calculation for Riser Appendix I Detention Time Calculation Appendix J Maintenance and Operation Plan FIAECO Facility Improvements Project Page ii Stormwater Report Section 1: Introduction 1.1 Project Description This report supports the design of the stormwater control measures (SCMs) needed to develop the HAECO Facility Improvements project at the Piedmont Triad International Airport in compliance with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) regulatory requirements for new development at an airport. A 0.8-acre high flow rate bioretention pond is being proposed to meet the regulatory water quality requirements for NCDEQ. This bioretention pond was designed to infiltrate runoff generated from the 1s' inch of rainfall at a relatively high rate to satisfy the water quality requirements outlined in Session Law 2012-200. As shown in the concept plans included in Appendix A, the airport is proposing a 15.9-acre site development project including the construction of the following: ♦ 5.06 acres of new impervious area associated with the proposed HAECO hangar; ♦ 5.51 acres of new impervious area associated with the proposed HAECO apron; ♦ 0.32 acres of new impervious area associated with the proposed HAECO fire lanes flanking the proposed hangar; ♦ 0.09 acres of new impervious area associated with the proposed HAECO sidewalks; ♦ Removal of an existing fire suppression pond; ® ♦ Removal of an existing 1.1-acre wet pond being used for detention and water quality; and ♦ Construction of a new 0.7-acre high flow rate bioretention pond that will result in infiltration of the water quality rainfall event. In addition to providing treatment for the proposed new impervious areas associated with the HAECO Facility Improvements project, the SCM will replace the treatment being provided by an existing wet pond located on the eastern side of the site. This existing wet pond has a contributing drainage area of 15.29 acres with 14.04 acres of impervious cover. In total, the proposed SCM will need to provide treatment for 24.61 acres of impervious cover as shown in the following table: Table 1: Summary of Area Required for Treatment Location Impervious Cover (acres) Proposed Hangar 5.06 Proposed Apron 5.11 Proposed Access Route 0.32 Proposed Sidewalk 0.09 Existing HAECO Site (Wet Pond) 14.03 TOTA L = 24.61 acres HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 1-1 Stormwater Report Section 1: Introduction ® As outlined in this report, the proposed SCM will provide water quality treatment for a total of 44.52 acres of impervious cover which exceeds the minimum required for treatment (24.61 acres). As a result, the airport is formally requesting water quality treatment credits to offset a site development project in the future with up to 19.91 acres of impervious surface. The following table summarizes the water quality treatment credits being requested: Tahle 2: Summary of Water Oualitv Treatment Credits Description Impervious Area (acres) Required Area for Treatment 24.61 Provided Area for Treatment 4452 DIFFERENCE= 19.91 acres Also provided in this report is an evaluation of downstream flooding resulting from the proposed site changes. The analysis showed that the proposed project will cause increases to peak flows downstream but will not flood insurable structures, roads, or cause damage to existing property or the existing Harris Teeter detention pond. I-IAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 1-2 Stormwater Report Section 2: Hydrology and Hydraulics 0 2.1 Methodology The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Storm Water Management Model 5.0 (SWMM) was used to size the proposed collection system, flow splitters, and bioretention pond with riser. SWMM simulates the surface runoff response to precipitation for an interconnected system of surfaces, channels, closed pipe systems, culverts, flow splitters, and ponds. SWMM is an ideal model for a complex drainage system such as the one seen at the HAECO site as it combines hydrology and hydraulics and allows the user to not only size on -site improvements but also evaluate downstream flooding. Combining hydrology and hydraulics eliminates the need to iterate between a hydrologic model and a hydraulic model which eliminates the potential for errors. 2.2 Hydrology Input data for the model was developed using topographic, landuse, and soils maps in GIS to delineate and calculate the basin areas, percent impervious, and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) hydrologic parameters. The precipitation data for the 24-hour duration, Type II storm was used to represent the synthetic rainfall event. SWMM estimates surface runoff for a sub -basin based on percent impervious, basin width, basin slope, and NRCS curve number for the unconnected pervious areas. ® A copy of the SWMM input values for the existing and proposed conditions is provided in Appendix B. Unit hydrographs are translated using the watershed basin and slope parameters. This is unique to SWMM. • 2.2.1 Drainage Areas Drainage area maps for the existing and proposed conditions have been included with this report in Appendix C. Drainage areas were delineated using the following topography: ♦ 2-foot contour interval existing conditions topographic mapping from Guildford County GIS; ♦ 1-foot contour interval topographic mapping provided by Michael Baker & Associates titled "ADP Mapping (May 2014).dwg"; ♦ Inventory mapping of pipes and catch basins provided by Michael Baker & Associates titled "ADP Mapping (May 2014).dwg"; and ♦ 1-foot contour interval proposed conditions topographic mapping generated by WK Dickson. 2.2.2 Rainfall Rainfall distributions for the SWMM model were derived using the NRCS Type 11 standard distribution. Total rainfall depths for the modeled frequency storms were FIASCO Facility Improvements Project Page 2-1 Stormwater Report Section 2: Hydrology and Hydraulics obtained online from the NOAA's Nation Weather Service website. Table 3 shows the total rainfall depths used for this study. Table 3: Design Storm Rainfall Depths Design Storm Rainfall Depth (in) 2-year, 24-hour 3.31 10-year,24-hour, 4.77 25-year,24-hour, 5.65 50- ear, 24-hour 6.35 100- ear,24-hour 7.07 Source: NOAA's Nation Weather Service wehsite 2.2.3 Land Use Land use is the watershed cover condition as it relates to the actual type of development within the watershed. Land use influences the runoff characteristics of a sub -basin, and combined with other basin characteristics is used to determine the percent impervious and NRCS curve number for the basin. Appendix D shows the existing and proposed conditions land use mapping for this project. Input data for the existing and proposed percent impervious values is found in Table 4. 2.2.4 Hydrograph Translation NRCS methodologies typically use a time of concentration parameter to help calculate the response of the watershed to rainfall. SWMM uses watershed basin width and slope parameters to create the unit hydrograph used in the model that will translate the rainfall into runoff. The watershed width is a parameter unique to SWMM that helps define the watershed shape by taking the watershed area and dividing it by the length of the longest flow path. Additionally, SWMM requires input of a basin slope in the calculations used to translate the hydrograph. The basin slope is the maximum grade change from the upstream end of the watershed to the downstream end divided by the length of the longest flow path. The sub -basin slopes and widths are included in Table 4. HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 2-2 Stormwater Report Section 2: Hydrology and Hydraulics 0 Table 4: Summary of Hydrologic Input Data Cl� Drainage Basin ID Drainage Area (acre) Existing/ Proposed Pervious RCN Existing Percent Impervious (%) Proposed Percent Impervious (00 Proposed Basin Slope (%)) Proposed Basin Width (feet) 10 77.1 74 31 % 31 % 0.6%, 1019 20 28.8 74 34% 34% 0.81Y, 995 30 1 19.3 74 1 40% 40% 1.0%, 454 40 4.1 74 44% 44% 1.1'% 176 50 3.6 74 21 % 21 % 1.90/1) 301 60 5.2 74 8% 8% 1.7 % 269 70 9.2 74 1000/1, 100% 1.30% 331 80 14.3 71 99 % 1001% 1.90/1, 568 90 8.9 74 24% 82% 2.00/,, 286 100 19.3 74 82% 43%, 0.6%, 573 110 6.1 74 43% 29% 1.3% 531 120A 1 13.95 74 92% 85% 1.6%, 409 120B 2.43 74 92% 50 3.3 165 130 4.5 74 92% 47% 3.70% 207 142 9.9 74 44% 32 % 5.0%, 608 144-A 0.84 74 2% 100% 0.50/, 266 144-B 0.86 74 2% 100% 0.5% 302 144-C 0.75 74 2% 100 ON 0.5% 239 144-D 0.88 74 2'% 100% 0.5% 252 144-E 0.51 74 1 2%, 1001% 0.5% 126 144-F 1 0.47 74 2% 1001% 05% 201 144-C 0.54 74 2% 100% 0.5% 220 '14441 1.74 74 2% 420% 0.5% 320 146-A 0.81 74 2% 1001% 0.5% 86 146-B 1.71 74 2% 1001% 0.50/1, 184 146-C 1.53 74 2'% 1 001Y. 0.50/1 164 146-D 1.99 74 2% 1001% 0.5% 193 146-B 1 0.67 74 2% 28 % 0.5% 274 148 1 1.08 74 2% 100/1, 1 16.2'Yo '171 2.2.5 NRCS Curve Numbers The NRCS curve number approach was used in computing the runoff response in SWMM. Runoff curve numbers (RCNs) were generated for the pervious areas of the sub -basins using the NRCS document entitled Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, dated June 1986 and commonly referred to as TR-55. This method relates the drainage characteristics of soil group, land use category, and antecedent moisture conditions to assign a runoff curve number. The runoff curve number and an estimate of the initial surface moisture storage capacity are used to calculate a total runoff depth for a storm in FIASCO Facility Improvements Project Stormwater Report Page 2-3 Section 2: Hydrology and Hydraulics 0 a basin. 2.2.6 Channel/Storage Routing Flood peaks attenuate, or reduce, as they travel downstream due to the storage characteristic of the channel itself. Channel routing was simulated in the hydraulic block of SWMM. Routing was modeled using dynamic wave routing. Dynamic wave routing uses the actual shape and condition of the stream channel input into the hydraulic model to calculate the attenuated downstream flows. 2.2.7 Summary of Hydrologic Model Results The EPA SWMM model was used to compute peak runoff for the 2-, 10-, 25-, 50- and 100- year design storms for the existing and proposed conditions. The results of the existing conditions hydrologic model are summarized in Table 5. A CD containing the digital files for the SWMM model is included in Appendix E. Table 5: Comparison of Peak Flows at Radar Road Condition Storm Event WQ Event (CIS) 2-year (cfs) 10-year (cfs) 25-year (cfs) 100-year (cfs) Existing 12 63 108 138 185 Proposed 40 288 420 466 513 Although Session Law 2012-200 precludes the project from having to provide detention, a detailed hydrologic and hydraulic evaluation was performed to confirm there are no adverse impacts to downstream properties with regards to flooding. A summary of this evaluation is found in the following Hydraulics section of the report. 2.3 Hydraulics EPA SWMM 5.0 was chosen as the hydrologic/hydraulic model because of its ability to model complex drainage systems and to evaluate downstream flooding. The project involves the construction of a single central high flow rate bioretention pond to provide water quality treatment for the proposed site development. The airport desires to reduce the potential for bird strikes by eliminating two existing wet ponds referred to in this report as the fire suppression wet pond and the existing HAECO site wet pond. The existing conditions SWMM model attenuates peak flows through these two ponds to more accurately determine the proposed projects effects on peak flows. To fully evaluate the project's impacts on downstream properties, the SWMM model was extended through the Harris Teeter distribution site and immediate downstream open channel. In addition, a HEC-RAS model was developed to provide a quality control measure for the changes to water surface elevations developed using EPA SWMM. FIAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 2-4 Stormwater Report Section 2: Hydrology and Hydraulics 2.3.1 Energy Loss Coefficients Contraction and expansion of flow produces energy losses caused by transitioning. The magnitude of these losses is related to the velocity and the estimated loss coefficient. Where the transitions are gradual, the losses are small. At abrupt changes in cross - sectional area, the losses are higher. Energy losses resulting from expansion are greater than losses associated with contraction. Energy loss coefficients used for the SWMM models are presented in Table 6: Table 6: Energy Loss Coefficients Type of Transition Expansion Contraction None 0 0 Manhole/Inlet 0.35 0.25 Culvert 1.0 0.9 - Projecting from fill CMP Open Channel 0.3 0.1 Additional energy losses for structures having bends were divided between the two joining pipes. The bend losses used for this project are based on NCDOT values, and are shown below in Table 7. Table 7: Bend Loss Coefficients Angle (°) Loss Coefficient Angle (°) Loss Coefficient 90 0.70 40 0.38 80 0.66 30 0.28 70 0.61 25 0.22 60 0.55 20 0.16 50 0.47 15 0.10 2.3.2 Starting Water Surface Elevation The downstream limit of the HAECO Facility Improvements study area is located near the mouth of I-lorsepen Creek. The starting water surface elevations for the SWMM models were generated using the normal depth method based of the channel slope at the outfall (0.008 ft/ft). 2.3.3 Model Run Descriptions The EPA SWMM model was used to compute flood elevations at each structure located in the HAECO Facility Improvements project study area for the water quality event, 2-, 10-, 25-, 50- and 100-year storm events. A digital copy of the SWMM model is included on the CD provided in Appendix E. 2.3.4 Hydraulic Evaluation of Radar Road The following table summarizes the performance of the twin 8.9, x 6.6' corrugated metal pipe (CMP) arches at Radar Road: FIAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 2-5 Stormwater Report 11 Section 2: Hydrology and Hydraulics Table 8: Culvert Performance for at Radar Road Existing Water Proposed Water Culvert Invert Roadway Flood Surface Surface Elevation Elevation Frequency Elevations Elevations (feet NAVD 1988) (feet NAVD 1988) (feet NAVD 1988) (feet NAVD ]988) WQ Event 831.29 940.90 831.76 832.14 2-Year 831.29 940.90 832.38 834.07 10-Year 1 831.29 1 840.90 1 832.72 1 835.59 25-Year 831.29 840.90 832.89 836.23 100-Year 831.29 840.90 833.19 837.18 Although there are increases to peak flows, the downstream drainage system can accommodate these increased flows. The existing twin 9.8' by 6.6' arched CMPs pass 896 cfs when flowing full. The 104" diameter closed CMP located at the Harris Teeter distribution center conveys 753 cfs when flowing full. The Radar Road culverts and Harris Teeter closed pipe will be flowing approximately half full during a 100-year storm event therefore there are no impacts to the performance of either of these drainage systems. 2.3.5 Evaluation of DOWnstream Flooding Approximately 85 feet from the top of bank (in the left overbank) is the toe of the water ® quality pond embankment for the Harris Teeter distribution center. For this reason, a check was made to confirm that the additional flows from the HAECO Facility Improvements project Would not cause adverse impacts to the existing water quality pond embankment. Table 9 summarizes the size, slope and hydraulic characteristics of the channel located immediately downstream of Harris Teeter. Table 9: Hydraulic Summary of Harris Teeter Open Channel Bottom Top Side Channel Channel Floodplain Width Width Depth Slopes Slope Capacity Capacity (feet) (feet) (feet) (f1110 IfUft) (cfs) (cfs) 10 25 4 2:1 0.014 300 2,150 Assumed Manning's'n' val m = 0.0G Floodplain rapacity is the flow needed to inundate the toe of the existing Harris Teeter pond As shown in Table 9, the existing channel can almost convey the proposed conditions 10-year flood without overtopping its banks. The flow needed to inundate the lowest toe elevation of the Harris Teeter pond is 2,150 cfs which is significantly more than the 513 cfs that will leave the proposed HAECO site. This existing open channel extends approximately 290 feet downstream of the Harris Teeter culvert prior to entering Horsepen Creek which is a FEMA stream with an 832- acre (1.3 square miles) drainage area and 100-year peak flow of 1,598 cfs. On the upstream side of Radar Road (along Horsepen Creek), the drainage area increases to HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 2-6 Stormwater Report (01 CJ Section 2: Hydrology and Hydraulics 1,344 acres (2.1 square miles) with a 100-year peak flow of 3,018 cis. A field walk and inspection of aerial topography shows this reach of Horsepen Creek does not have any insurable structures located in the reach upstream of Radar Road where the 329 efs increase would be roughly 10%, of the total flow in Horsepen Creek. As shown in this report, the proposed HAECO Facility Improvements Project will not adversely cause flooding downstream to an insurable structure or road. Figure 1: FEMA FIRM Panel 2.3.6 Closed Drainage Systems Closed systems were designed to pass the 10-year flood without surcharging the pipe. With the exception of the SCM underdrain system, all drainage pipes are reinforced concrete (RCP). 2.3.7 Outfall Protection for Closed Drainage System Rip -rap pads are proposed at two locations in the high flow rate bioretention. These outfalls are located where the flows enter back into the natural drainage system or the bioretention ponds. The NY DOT method was used to design the length, width, depth and size of the rip -rap pads. Appendix F shows the calculation used to size the rip -rap pads. HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 2-7 Stormwater Report 0 3.1 Overview • Section 3: Water Quality Compliance To satisfy the water quality requirements outlined in Session Law 2012-200, a proposed 0.8-acre high flow rate bioretention pond is being proposed. Session Law 2012-200 requires runoff generated from the 1s' inch of rainfall for a development project shall be infiltrated into the ground. There are no specific requirements to remove total suspended solids (TSS), nitrogen, or phosphorus. In addition, there are no requirements to detain the 1-year or any other storm event to at or below pre -project conditions. As shown in this report, the proposed high flow rate bioretention pond exceeds the minimum infiltration requirements set forth in Session Law 2012-200. 3.1.1 Proposed Impervious Areas The separately attached construction plans and concept plan provided in Appendix A show the proposed pond, new and existing impervious areas, location of flow splitters and overall site layout. The following table summarizes the proposed impervious areas associated with the HAECO Facility Improvements project: Table 10: Minimum Area of Impervious Cover Required for Treatment Location Impervious Cover (acres) Proposed Hangar 5.06 Proposed Apron 5.H Proposed Fire Access Roads 0.32 Proposed Sidewalk 0.09 Existing HAECO Site to the East 14.03 TOTAL=24.61 acres Because the existing fire suppression pond is being abandoned as part of this project, the proposed SCM will need to be designed to accept runoff from the system currently going to the existing fire suppression pond. The stormwater runoff generated in sub - basins 60, 70 and 80 will be redirected into the proposed SCM. Appendix C highlights the areas that will drain to the pond along with a breakdown for the impervious area contributed from each sub -basin. As a result, an additional 20.49 acres of impervious area will be infiltrated in the proposed SCM as shown in the following table: Table 11: Proposed Impervious Cover to SCM Location Im emious Cover (acres) Proposed Hangar 3.35 Proposed Apron 5.11 Proposed Fire Access Roads 0.32 Proposed Side Walk 0.09 Existing HAECO Site to the East 11.92 Sub -Basin 60 0.42 Sub -Basin 70 9.22 Sub -Basin 80 14.09 I'O'I'AL = 44.52 acres I IAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 3-1 Stormwater Report Section 3: Water Quality Compliance In total, the proposed SCM will have a contributing drainage area of 54.0 acres with 44.52 acres of impervious cover. 3.1.2 High Flow Rate Bioretention Pond Design Criteria The State BMP Manual does not specifically have a set of design guidelines for a high flow bioretention pond so the following guidelines were used in the design of the proposed high flow bioretention pond: ♦ Infiltrate 100%of the runoff generated from the 11, inch of rainfall; ♦ Side slopes shall be no steeper than 3(H):1(V); ♦ SCM shall be located in a recorded drainage easement; ♦ A bypass or internal overflow is required for bypassing storm flows in excess of the design flow; ♦ Media permeability shall be between 6 and 10 inches per hour with a targeted detention time of 10 to 15 hours for infiltrating the water quality volume; ♦ Ponding depth for the water quality event shall be limited to 4.0 feet; ♦ Media depth will be 2 feet for each of the two soil media zones of the bioretention pond; ♦ An underdrain shall be located under the soil media to keep the pond dry and prevent groundwater from entering the pond; and ® ♦ A rip -rap energy dissipater shall be located at the outfall of each pipe entering the pond. A 3.1.3 Water Quality Volume (WQV) The volume of runoff generated from the P inch of rainfall was calculated using an in- house spreadsheet based on the Schuler Simple Method. This spreadsheet shows the calculated water quality volume along with proposed SCMs stage -storage sizing (see Appendix G). The following table summarizes the minimum required volume along with the provided volume: Table 12: Calculated Stora¢e Volumes Description Impervious Area (acres) Surface Runoff (ft3) Required Area for'Freatment 25.01 72,582 Com ensator 'Treatment of Sub -basins 60, 70, 80 23.72 82,679 Total Provided Area for Treatment 44.52 155,260 Net Credit for WQ'I'reatment 19.51 82,678 As shown in Table 12, the proposed high flow rate bioretention pond will infiltrate an additional 82,678 cubic feet of runoff and 19.51 acres of impervious cover more than required. FIASCO Facility Improvements Project Page 3-2 Stormwater Report Section 3: Water Quality Compliance 3.1.4 Pond Design Summary A concrete riser structure is proposed to control flows leaving the high flow rate bioretention pond. The primary spillway will include the following elements: a poured, reinforced concrete box riser and reinforced concrete outfall pipe with gaskets at joints. Because the weir length on these structures is 12' and the flows entering the ponds are generally very small, there were no emergency spillways proposed for the pond. The following is a summary of the design for the proposed high flow rate bioretention pond (See the separately attached plan set for additional details): ♦ Surface Area: The proposed high flow rate bioretention pond is larger than the minimum size needed to achieve the water quality goals of the project. The surface area of the pond was achieved by targeting a pond depth of less than 4.0 feet and a detention time between 10 and 40 hours. The more well -draining the soils the smaller the footprint of the pond needed to drain the pond in approximately 10 hours. As shown in this report, the surface area that drains the pond in approximately 11 hours is 28,005 square feet (0.64 acres). ♦ Primary Outfall: A concrete box riser with an outside dimension of TxT is proposed with a primary weir elevation set at 583.75 feet NAVD 1988. The total weir length of the primary outfall is 18 feet (four 4.5' long weirs). ♦ Emergency Overflow: The primary spillway was designed to pass flow larger ® than the 100-year flood without overtopping the top of dam. A 15' wide rip -rap lined emergency overflow will convey flows over the top of dam should the riser be clogged for some unforeseen reason. This emergency spillway ties into a grass lined swale until it reaches an 18" RCP with a flared section opening. ♦ Top of Dam: The top of dam is set at elevation 855.25 feet which is approximately 1.7 feet above the 100-year flood elevation. The total dam height measured from the toe of the embankment on the downstream side is approximately 3.0 feet. The following table summarizes the water surface elevations at the proposed pond for the water quality event, 1-, 10- and 100-year floods: Table 13: Water Surface Elevations at Provosed Pond Water Quality Event 1-Year Storm (NAVD'88) 10-Year Storm (NAVD'88) 100-Year Storm (NAVD'88) 853.28 853.48 85350 853.52 Riser The riser detail provided in the separately attached plan set shows the 6'x6' concrete box to control water surface elevations inside the proposed SCM. The primary spillway was set at elevation 853.30 feet which is the dynamic elevation calculated inside EPA SWMM for the water quality storm event (an NRCS Type ❑ distribution with 1.0 inches of ® HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 3-3 Stormwater Report Section 3: Water Quality Compliance ® rainfall). The riser has a 42" diameter RCP barrel that conveys flow from the pond to a new 48" diameter closed drainage system. This 48"diameter closed system conveys the by-pass flows for larger storm events from the eastern side of the existing HAECO development. An anti -floatation calculation (See Appendix H) was performed for the pond riser resulting in a factor of safety of 1.22. This calculation ignores the friction forces of the underlying soil and therefore a factor of safety larger than 1.22 would be achieved in real conditions. Because this is a dry pond and water levels will rarely reach 6" above the crest of the weir therefore a factor of safety of 1.22 is acceptable. • Flow Splitters Three flow splitters are proposed to divert stormwater runoff from the proposed closed drainage system into the high flow rate bioretention pond. For water quality rainfall event (1.0 inch of rain), 100% of the runoff generated will flow directly into the high flow rate bioretention pond. Inside each flow splitter is a weir wall that will direct flows generated from larger storm events into a closed by-pass pipe. The elevation of this weir wall was calculated in EPA SWMM by iteratively adjusting the elevation of the wall until no flow was being diverted in the water quality rainfall event. The Splitter box located just north and west of the pond (Structure 5) will require a special design. Flows that go over the weir wall will drop into a concrete manhole structure and eventually into the sites main 72 inch diameter RCP. The following table summarizes the key elevations for the three proposed concrete flow splitters: Table 14: Summary of Flow Splitter Design Pipe to Pond Pipe Sizes Pipe to Pond Splitter ¢ Invert Elevation Weir Wall Height Entering Splitter (feet NAVD1988) (ft) Box (in) Diameter (in) I (structure 20) 872.21 0.85 30" 15" 2 (structure 25) 855.10 2.75 48" 24" 3 (structure 5) 851.68 1.45 54" and 42" 30" The separately attached design plans provide additional details on the sire and construction of the flow splitters being used for this project. Table 15: Flow Splitter Performance Splitter » Water Quality Event 10-Year Storm Event Flow To Pond (cfs) Flow Around Pond (cfs) Flow To Pond (cfs) Flow Around Pond (cfs) 1 (stricture 20) 4 0 6 17 2 (structure 25) 10 0 20 50 3(structure 5) 27 0 40 121 As shown in Table 15, approximately 67'YO of the peak flows from the larger storm events will be diverted around the pond. FIASCO Facility Improvements Project Page 3-4 Stormwater Report LL Section 3: Water Quality Compliance Detention Time and Soil Media for High Flow Rate Bioretention Pond Per discussions with DEQ, it was agreed that the proposed high flow rate bioretention pond would detain the water quality event for between 10 and 40 hours. To achieve this goal, a well -draining sand media is needed that promotes infiltration at a rate that is not too quick (3 or 4 hours) and not too long (over 40 hours). With an assumed infiltration rate of 10 inches per hour for this well -draining sand, a footprint was iteratively determined until the time to drain the pond was 10 hours. This area was calculated to be '14,563 square feet. For those areas outside the well -draining sands an infiltration rate of 2 inches/hour was assumed. As shown in Appendix I, the combined flow rate passing through the soil media and leaving the pond is 3.9 cfs. For the area of well -draining sand, the construction of the high flow rate bioretention pond will mimic the design of a PGA golf green. It is assumed that the best draining soils that can be stockpiled from the onsite borrow area will be used for those areas outside the well -draining sands. At a minimum this media in Zone 1 will have a permeability of 2 inches/hour. The following is a summary of the construction for the area of the pond that mimics the PGA golf green: Option #1 for Zone 2 (No. 57 Stone at base) ® 12" thick base of No. 57 stone (approximately 1/4" in size) • 4" of washed sand • 2' of well -draining sand -soil mix (with a permeability of 10 inches/hour) rI L Option #2 for Zone 2 (Pea Gravel at base) • 12" thick base of peak gravel (100`G, passage of 3/8" sieve) • 2' of well -draining sand -soil mix (with a permeability of 10 inches/hour) Specifications for the two soil zones will be prepared at final design. Channel Liner As shown on the separately attached design plans, two shallow rip -rap lined swales are proposed to convey runoff from small storm events to the side of the SCM with the riser. The swales were designed to be relatively shallow (1 foot in depth) and flat in order to promote infiltration. It was assumed that the entire pond bottom would be inundated fairly quickly and the need to size a large swale to minimize erosion would not be necessary. A calculation for the channel liner design is provided in Appendix J. Maintenance and Operation Procedures A maintenance and operation plan for the bioretention facilities has been included with this report as Appendix K. FIAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 3-5 Stormwater Report ® 3.2 Conclusion C� J Section 3: Water Quality Compliance As shown in this report, the proposed high flow rate bioretention pond is designed to bring the HAECO Facility Improvements project at the Piedmont -Triad International Airport in compliance with the State's requirements for water quality as outlined in Session Law 2012-200. By diverting runoff for the water quality rainfall event from basins 60, 70 and 80 into the proposed SCM, the airport is providing treatment for 44.52 acres of impervious cover. As shown in this report, the proposed SCM is providing approximately 19.51 acres more than the minimum required amount. The airport would like to request a water quality credit to offset the need to provide or minimize treatment with a future onsite development. HAECO Facility Improvements Project Stormwater Report Page 3-6 Legend Existing Drainage System Proposed Pipes Proposed BMP contours Personal Stoned Existing Ponds ® wetlands Proposed Impervious Area Apron Hargar Access Road Existing Area to be Treated Fire Suppression Pond Diversion 0.39 acres of jurisdictional wetlands to be filled Existing Fire Suppression Pond (To Be Removed) Flow Splilter � High Flow Rate Media � 1 J J Existing wetland to be filled � _^ra,nage Area = 29 acres - Proposed High Flow Rate Bioretention Pond t m Pond Invert @ 850.0' m G' Flow Splitter Riser HAECO Parking Lot Flow Splitter Existing Wet Pond (To Be at Radar Road Existing wetland Twin 9' x 6' CMP Arches to be filled 11 Proposed Concept Plan -Appendix A 2D0 100 0 200 Feet DDIICKSON � High Flow Rate Bioretention Pond community Ialrptlraplare consultants Piedmont -Toad International Airport 1 inch = 200 feet HAECO Site Development 0 Appendix B • CJ Project: HAECO Facility Improvement @ PTIA, Greensboro, NC Prepared by: D1K Date: November 9, 2015 SWMM Input Data EXISTING CONDITIONS SUBBASINS SWMM Sub- Basin ID Pervious RCN Area acres (acres) Area (sq. ft.) Flow Length ft Width (ft.) Elevation Change (ft.) Basin Slope % V44% 10 74 77.1 3356329 3294 1019 21 0.64% 20 74 28.8 1253061 1259 995 11 0.83% 30 74 19.3 842697 1856 454 19 1.03% 40 74 4.1 180429 1027 176 12 1.12% 50 74 3.6 156421 520 301 10 1.92% 21% 60 74 1 5.2 225908 841 269 14 1.66% 1 8% 70 74 9.2 401743 1215 331 16 1.34% 1 1D0% 80 71 14.4 627272 1095 573 21 1.91% 100% 85 71 3.0 131013 338 388 36 10.65% 24% 90 74 8.9 398935 1359 286 27 1.98% 82% 100 74 19.3 840092 1465 573 9 0.58% 43% 110 74 6.1 263574 496 531 7 1.31% 29% 120 74 15.3 665778 958 695 25 2.56% 92% 130 74 4.5 195877 944 207 35 3.65% 44% 142 74 9.4 407511 707 576 35 4.95% 26% 145 74 12.2 529689 1513 350 49 3.25% 2% 240.27 PROPOSED CONDITIONS SUBBASINS SWMM Sub- Basin ID Pervious RCN Area (acres) Area(sq. ft.) Flow Length ft Width (ft.) Elevation Change (h.) Basin Slope % Percent Impervious % 10 74 77.05 3356329 3294 1019 21 0.6% 31% 20 74 28.77 1253061 1259 995 11 0.8% 34% 30 74 19.35 842697 1856 454 19 1.0% 40% 40 74 4.14 180429 1027 176 12 1.1% 4 %% 50 74 3.59 156421 520 301 30 1.9% 21% 60 74 5.19 225908 841 269 14 1.7% 8% 70 74 9.22 401743 1215 331 16 1.3% 100% 80 71 14.09 613567 1095 560 21 1.9% 100% 90 74 8.93 398935 1359 286 27 2.0% 92% 100 74 19.29 840092 1465 573 9 0.6% 43% 110 74 6.05 263574 496 531 7 1.3% 29% 120A 74 13.95 607823 1487 409 25 1.6% 85% 120B 74 2.43 105911 640 165 21 3.3% 50% 130 74 4.50 195877 944 207 35 3.7% 47% 142 74 1 9.36 407511 707 576 1 35 5.0% 32% 144-A 74 0.84 38104 143 266 0.715 0.5% 100% 144-8 74 0.86 38293 127 302 0.635 0.5% 100% 144-C 74 0.75 32703 137 239 0.685 0.5% 100% 144-D 74 0.88 38306 152 252 0.76 0.5% 100% 144-E 74 0.51 22097 175 126 0.875 0.5% 100% 144-F 74 0.47 20479 102 201 0.51 0.5% 1 100% 144-G 74 0.54 23709 108 220 0.54 0.5% 100% 144-H 74 1.74 75931 237 320 1.185 0.5% 42% 146-A 74 0.81 35111 406 86 2.03 0.5% 100% 146-8 74 1.71 74691 406 184 2.03 0.5% 100% 146-C 74 1.53 66657 406 164 2.03 0.5% 100% 146-D 74 1.99 86824 450 193 2.25 0.5% 100% 146-E 74 0.67 29025 106 274 0.53 0.5% 28% 148 74 1.08 47109 275 171 44 16.2% 10% 240.27 0 0 0 Legend Existing Pipes Streams Drainage Areas Contours IICKSON community infrastructure consi,ltanls Basin 10 Basin 20 �r ' Basin 100 Basin 30 Basin 40 Basin 142 Basin 110 �� Basin 60 Basin 60 d 4P ^h_ I ^Basin 70 e� 1 ' 4 ' ♦ i%d v 9 -- s Y _ Basin 80 +j. Basin 145 Basin 120 Basin 90 aea i` Basin 86 t c 1 B'e Basin 130 ag1 852 Drainage Area = 240.3 acres Existing Conditions Drainage Area Map - Appendix C Piedmont -Triad International Airport HAECO Site Development 1� y SEE 500 250 0 500 Feet 1 inch = 500 feet oj, . 1 0 Iv vl,AW� I A. �i 1.. F. III 'ill' 32 —'a I mom= Basin 30 Basin 700At Basin 40 ,..�MEN Basil n 1421 ^I Basin I I " ��111111Y1MHt"filY='t''9111111p11111U�1111 - ®sue 4' NC 117 Basin 10 Basin 142 Basin 110 Or's Basin 50 e t: A C Basin 144 B D G:: IB,,,20 A Ips11Al1Yl�la'd1IA-7'91IUIIUIIIIOI�l111 Ibor rjolm r L > 0 0 Apodix G Water Quality Volume and Stage Storage at Proposed Central High Flow Bioretention Pond Project: HAECO Facility Improvement @ PTIA, Greensboro, NC wK Prepared by: D1K OICKSiON Checked by: Date: November3,2015 Summary of Impervious Areas Description Impervious Area NO Total Drainage Area ac Basin 60 0.42 5.19 Basin 70 9.22 922 Basin 80 14.D9 14.09 Basin 120 11.92 13.95 Proposed Apron 5.11 6.59 Proposed Han ar 506 5.95 Proposed Access Rd 0,32 0.66 Han ar Area Not D2inin to Pond -1 71 -1 71 Pro Sidewalk 0.09 0.09 Total 44.52 54.03 Calculate the runoff coefficient: Rr-0.05-0.009(la) Rv = runoff coefficient = storm runoff (inches) / storm rainfall (inches) la = percent impervious= impervious portion of the drainage area (ac.)/drainage area (ac.) I, 82.40 Rv= 0.79 (in./in.) R,., Runoff coefficient The R,. is a measure of the site response to ra 11 11 events, and in theory is calculated as: R, - rdp, where r and p are the volume of stomr nmofl'and storm rainfall, respectively, expressed as inches. The R,. for the site depends on the nature of the soils, topography. and cover. However, the primary influence on the R, in urban areas is the urnmuit of imperviousness of the site. hupervious area is defined as those surfaces in the laudscape that cannot infiltrate rainfall consisting of building rooftops. pavement. sidewalks. driveways.. etc. In the equation R, 0.05 . 0.009ID. "f' represents the percentage of impervious cover expressed as a whole number. A site that is 75% impervious would use I - 75 for the purposes of calculating R,. Calculate the required volume to be detained for the first 1" of runoff: Volume = (Design rainfall)(Fv)(Drainage Area) Volume = 1" rainfall • Rv • 1/1211eatfincmesl • Drainage Area Volume= 3.6 acre-feet Volume= 155,260 ft3 Stage Storage Relationship v„=Y Ai+A,+ A�eA, Stage -Storage from Contours - Proposed Detention Facility - High Flow Bloretentlon Pond NODEINVERT SWMM CONTOUR DEPTH CONTOUR INCREMENTAL AREA VOLUME S ACCUMULATIVE VOLUME S TOTAL VOLUME F AC) SF GAL) (CF AC'F G CF ACT 848.50 848.50 0.00 0.00 1 849.00 0.50 0.00 2 6 1 0.000 8 1 0.000 0% 850.00 1.50 0.00 3 19 2 0.000 24 3 0.000 0% Pond Boilorn $51.00 Z50 0.33 14.553 36842 4925 0.113 36 866 4.928 0.113 2% 852.00 3.50 0.56 24,328 143909 19238 0.442 180.776 24,166 0.555 8% 853.00 4.50 0.60 26,138 188715 25228 0.579 369,490 49,394 1.134 17% 854.00 5.50 0.64 28,005 202469 27066 0.621 571,959 76,480 1.755 26% 855,00 6,50 0.69 29,929 216648 28962 0.665 788,507 105,421 2.420 1 36% 856.00 7.50 0.73 31,910 231254 30914 0.710 _ 1,019,862 136,336 3,130 47% 81 8.35 1415M 19612 0.448 1 1 819 155 847 3.578 54% 857.00 8.50 0.78 948 33,948 248287 32924 0.758 1,266,141 111,259 3.886 58% 858.00 9.50 0.83 36,043 382123 48409 1.111 1,628271 217,668 4.997 75% 859.00 10.50 0.88 38,196 539362 1 72102 1 1.655 12,167,834 289.770 6.662 100% Incremental volume determined usin "conic' method as described in USACE HEC-1 manual Pond bottom Elevation that exceeds the water quality volume (assuming static elevation with no infiltration) Appendix H • • Riser Structure Flotation Calculation Project: HAECO Site Development Prepared by: DJK Dated: 11.3.15 Invert Out Elev. 848.00 Primary Weir Elev. 853.30 Overflow Weir Elev. 853.30 Secondary Weir Hght (ft) 1.50 Secondary Weir Width (ft) 4.67 Primary Weir Fight (ft) 1.50 Primary Weir Width (ft) 4.67 Top of Box Flee, 855.30 Inside Lgth (ft) (perpendicular to flow) 4.67 Inside Width (ft) 4.67 Outside Lgth (ft) (perpendicular to flow) 6.00 Outside Width (It) 6.00 Primary weir hgth (ft) (CALCULATED) 5.30 Overflow weir hgth (ft) (CALCULATED) 5.30 Wall thickness (ft) 0.67 Top thickness (ft) 0.50 Base thickness (ft) t25 Orifice diameter (in) 0.00 Orifice area (sq-ft) 0.00 Outlet pipe dia (in) 4200 Outlet pipe area (sq it) 9.62 Concrete weight (lbs/cu it) 146.00 Water weight (lbs/cu ft) 62.40 Probable Str volume (cu-yd) 4.89 Str weight fibs) 19,267 Buoyant force fibs) 15,837 Resultant weight fibs) 3,430 Factor of Safety 1.22 Bearing Weight (ibs/sq ft) 535.19 3ottom of pond with regards to soil (invert of underdrain system is 848.5 99.20 Weir capacity alc alc alc alc Design Input (Target factor of safety of 1.2) ale alc Conservative Assumptions: Buoyant force measured at top of structure lid 100-year flood depth is 8.6 feet in depth (calculation went to elevation 9.5 feet) Weight of soil on outfall pipe not accounted for in calculation QC Check on Calcs Check on Volume Inside width of box 5.67 Outsidewidthofbox 7.00 Area of inside box 32 Area of outside box 49 Height of box (below top) 4.8 Net Volume of Walls 81.D66667 cu it Top Area of structure 49 Thickness of top 0.50 Volume of top 24.5 cu it Volume of base 61.25 co It Total Volume of Concrete 166.81667 Weightof Concrete 24,355 Volume of displaced water 320,95 cu it Unit weight of water 62.4 Force of displaced water 20,027 Factor of Safety 1.22 Anti-Floatation.xls Appfdix i Detention Time and Design of High Flow Rate Media Project: HAECO Facility Improvement @ PTIA, Greensboro, NC Prepared by: DJK Checked by: Date: October 23, 2015 Description Impervious Area (ac) Total Drainage Area (ac) Basin 60 0.4 5.2 Basin 70 9.2 9.2 Basin 80 14.1 14.1 Basin 120 11.9 14.0 Proposed Apron 5.1 6.6 Proposed Hangar 5.1 6.0 Proposedcess Rd Ac 0.3 0.7 Total 44.5 54.0 Calculate the runoff coefficient: Rv=0.05+0.009(la) Rv= runoff coefficient = storm runoff (inches) / storm rainfall (inches) la= percent impervious = impervious portion of the drainage area (ac.)/drainage area (ac.) la 82.40 Rv= 0.79 (in./in.) Calculate the runoff volume for the water quality event (first 1" of runoff): Volume= (Design rainfall)(Rv)(Drainage Area) Volume = 1" rainfall : Rv • 1/12 (feewnches) • Drainage Area Volume = 3.6 acre-feet Volume = 155,260 W 1 3ICKSON tumlxaprn.dax.n Infiltration Zone and Assumed Infiltration Rates for Pond Zone Area (sq fit) Assumed Infiltration Rate (inch/hr) Assumed Infiltration Rate (ft/hr) Assumed Infiltration Rate (ft/sec) 1 (moderately draining soils) 12,403 1 2 0.2 0.000046 2 (well draining sand) 14,563 10 0.8 0.000231 Calculate Peak Flows and Drawdown Time for WQ Event Zone 1 Peak Flow (cfs) Zone 2 Peak Flow (cfs) Total Flow (cfs) Time to Drain Pond (sec) Time to Drain Pond (min) Time to Drain Pond (hours) 0.6 1 3.4 3.9 39,354 656 10.9 Project: HAECO Site Development Project, PTIA Airport Engineer: DJK Date: 11-3-15 Appendix J - 66So51 Mannings Equation, Q - (A ) (1.49 - RaA J n 36 Inch RCP on Western Side of Pond Storm Design Chan Bot Side Side Slope Design Chan Wetted Hydraulic Mann. Channel D Calc. Calc. Shear Temp. Perm. Event Flow (c(s) Width Slope Length Depth Area Perim., Pw Radius "n" Slope Allow. Deplh Velocity 1 Stress Liner Liner 10-Year 30 3 3 6.3 2 18 16 1.2 0.040 0.002 32 1.9 1.8 0.2 Straw w/ net Class A 1-Year 9 3 5 5.1 1 8 13 0.6 1 0.040 0.002 1 9 1 1.0 1.2 0.1 Straw w/ net Class A 24 Inch RCP on Eastern Side of Pond Storm I Design I Chan Boll Side ISIde Slope I Design I Chan I Wetted I Hydraulic I Mann I Channeil Q I Calc. I Calc. I Shear I Temp. I Perm. Event Flow (cfs) Wdth Slope Len th Depth Area Perim., Pw Radius "n" Slope Allow. Depth Velocity Stress Liner Liner 10-Year 26 3 3 6.3 2 18 16 1.2 0.040 0.002 33 1.9 1.8 0.2 Straw w/ net I Class A 1-Year 9 3 5 5.1 1 1 8 13 0.6 1 0.040 0.002 1 9 1.0 1.2 0.1 1 Straw w/ net I Class A Shear .Stress, T = vds T = shear stress in lb/sq. ft. y = unit weight of water, 62.4 lb/cu. ft. d = flow depth in ft. s = channel slope in ft./ft. Notes: Side slope = horiz./vert. TemporaryLinerS Allow Shea6tress Material Ilbrsgfl racked Mulch 0.35 ute Ne 0.45 ltraw w/ Nor 1,45 lytheicMat 2.00 'IassA 1.25 'IasaB 200 'lass) 3,40 ]Iassll 4.50 Material FlaeSandlnonw18all) Send Loam(noncol Iidl ) SiltLoam(n oncol lisil ) OrdinaryFirm Loam FineGravel Stiff Clay(verycollidel ) Greded.Silt toCobbles Depth and Velocity calculated using AutoCAD's Hydroflow Express Man Pernissibk Velociry(il/s) 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.5 5.0 50 50 Max. Allow. Design V for Vegetative Channels Channelslope Soil Gress Lining Permssibh \'1is1 0-5% Sands/Silt Berrrods 5o Tall Fescue 4.5 KY Bluegrass 4.5 Gress-legumemx 3.5 Clay Mixes Bemuda 6.0 Tall Fescue 5 5 KY Bluegrass 55 (inss-legur¢ma 4.5 5-10% sands/Silt Bemuda 43 Tall Fescue 4.0 KY Bluegrass 4.0 Grass-legurremx 3.0 Clay Mines Bemuda 55 Tall Fescue 5.0 KY Bluegrass 5.0 Gmss-legumerria 35 • • Permit Number: (to be provided by DEMLR) Drainage Area Number: High Flow Rate Bioretention Pond Operation and Maintenance Agreement I will keep a maintenance record on this BMP. This maintenance record will be kept in a log in a known set location. Any deficient BMP elements noted in the inspection will be corrected, repaired or replaced immediately. These deficiencies can affect the integrity of structures, safety of the public, and the removal efficiency of the BMP. Important maintenance procedures: — The drainage area of the high flow rate bioretention pond will be carefully managed to reduce the sediment load to the sand filter. — Once a year, sand media will be skimmed. — The sand filter media will be replaced whenever it fails to function properly after maintenance. The high flow rate bioretention pond will be inspected once a quarter and within 24 hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inches. Records of operation and maintenance will be kept in a known set location and will be available upon request. Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall be repaired immediately. BMP element: Potentialproblem: How I will remediate theproblem: The entire BMP Trash debris is present. Remove the trash debris. The grass filter strip or Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to other pretreatment area erosive gullies have formed. remove the gully, and then plant a ground cover and water until it is established. Provide lime and a one-time fertilizer application. Sediment has accumulated to Search for the source of the a depth of greater than six sediment and remedy the problem if inches. possible. Remove the sediment and dispose of it in a location where it will not cause impacts to streams or the BMP. The flow diversion The structure is clogged. Unclog the conveyance and dispose structure (if applicable) of any sediment off -site. The structure is damaged. Make any necessary repairs or replace if damage is too large for repair. High Flow Rate Bioretention Pond O&M Page 1 of 3 Permit Number: (to be provided by DEMLR) • • • BMP element Potential probIenr How I will remediate theproblem: The bioretention cell: Mulch is breaking down or Spot mulch if there are only random soils and mulch has floated away. void areas. Replace whole mulch layer if necessary. Remove the remaining mulch and replace with triple shredded hard wood mulch at a maximum depth of three inches. Soils and/or mulch are Check to see if the collection system clogged with sediment. Water is clogged and flush if necessary. If is ponding on the surface for water still ponds, remove the top more than 24 hours after a few inches of the filter bed material storm. and replace. If water still ponds, then consult an expert. Outlet device Clogging has occurred. Clean out the outlet device and dispose sediment in a location that will not impact a stream or the BMP. The outlet device is damaged. Repair the outlet device. The observation well(s) The water table is within one Contact DEMLR Stormwater foot of the bottom of the Permitting staff immediately at system for a period of three 919-707-9220. consecutive months. The outflow pipe is clogged. Provide additional erosion protection such as reinforced turf matting or riprap if needed to prevent future erosion problems. The outflow pipe is damaged. Repair or replace the pipe. The emergency overflow Erosion or other signs of The emergency overflow berm will berm damage have occurred at the be repaired or replaced if beyond outlet. repair. The receiving water Erosion or other signs of Contact the N.C. Division of Water damage have occurred at the Resources 401 Certification Program outlet. staff at 919-707-8789. High Flow Rate Bioretention Pond O&M Page 2 of 3 Permit Number: (to be provided by DEMLR) • • • I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DEMLR of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Project name: HAECO Site Development Project BMP drainage area number: Print name: Date: Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. I, County of a Notary Public for the State of do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this day of , , and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing high flow rate bioretention pond maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, SEAL My commission High Flow Rate Bioretention Pond O&M Page 3 of 3 Randall, Mike From: Homewood, Sue Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2016 1:04 PM To: Randall, Mike Cc: Higgins, Karen Subject: FW: DRAFT Haeco Mike, I believe that you spoke with Jason recently. I can address all of these items except for the one I've highlighted below. Since they are adding more BUA to the BMP, I'd like to make sure you, as the primary BMP reviewer, have reviewed it again. I explained to him that with any BMP an addition of more BUA would be cause for re -review. Is this something you can do for us? Please let me know if not, or let me know your comments after review. Thanks, Sue Homewood Division of Water Resources, Winston Salem Regional Office Department of Environmental Quality 336 776 9693 office 336 813 1863 mobile Sue.Homewood@ncdenr.gov 450 W. Hanes Mill Rd, Suite 300 Winston Salem NC 27105 N:. !'/Nothing Compares - Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Jason Kennedy [mailto:jkennedy@wkdickson.com] Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2016 11:57 AM To: Homewood, Sue <sue.homewood@ncdenr.gov>; Darling, Richard <RDarling@mbakerintl.com> Cc: rossera@gsoair.org; Lisa Elmore <ElmoreL@gsoair.org>; Kimberly Hodges <HodgesK@gsoair.org>; Paul Smith <psmith@wkdickson.com>; Randall, Mike <mike.randall@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: DRAFT Haeco Sue, Good afternoon. Thank you for taking the time to discuss this with me over the phone yesterday. As we discussed, I believe there has been a misunderstanding regarding the proposed permit language under condition number 4a. The below email is lengthy but I believe it will be helpful in walking us through the needed clarifications regarding the permit language and our recently revised report. Draft PermitLanauaRe The text that was proposed does not reflect the stormwater plan that was outlined in our submitted report and plans. The proposed text reads: The high flow rate bioretention pond shall treat a total of 24.61 acres of existing and proposed built upon area. The approved high flow rate bioretention pond is proposed to treat a maximum built upon area of 44.52 acres. In the event that Piedmont Triad Airport Authority proposes to direct new stormwater from additional built upon areas beyond the proposed 24.61 acres they shall first submit and receive approval for a revised stormwater management plan by the Division. An analysis of the existing function and compliance of high flow rate bioretention pond shall be included in any request for a revised stormwater management plan. (15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(5)] I understand this text to say that the bio-retention area is being built with additional capacity so that future built upon area may be routed to it at a later date . Our report does not propose this condition. Instead, the proposed bio- retention area is designed for its ultimate condition and there are no plans at this time to direct additional stormwater flow from future project areas. The summary statement found in the introduction section of our report dated November 2015 reads as follows: "As outlined in this report, the proposed SCM will provide water quality treatment for a total of 44.52 acres of impervious cover which exceeds the minimum required for treatment (24.61 acres). As a result, the airport is formally requesting water quality treatment credits to offset a site development project in the future with up to 19.91 acres of impervious surface. The following table summarizes the water quality treatment credits being requested:" Table 1: Summary of Area Required for Treatment Location Impervious Cover (acres) Proposed Hangar 5.06 Proposed Apron 5.11 Proposed Access Route 0.32 Proposed Sidewalk 0.09 Existing HAECO Site (Wet Pond) 14.03 TOTAL = 24.61 acres The report states that the area required to receive water quality treatment is 24.61 acres which consist of the existing site treated by the wet pond and the proposed new impervious. Our stormwater management plan will treat 44.52 acres by also bringing in impervious areas which currently is not treated by a stormwater control measure. With this clarification in mind, I recommend a rewording of the permit language. This recommended revision is not a change in our approach, but is intended to make sure the permit correctly represents the stormwater plan that we are proposing. Proposed revised language would read: The high flow rate bioretention pond shall treat a total of 2464 44.52 acres of existing and proposed built upon area. The approved high flow rate bioretention pond is proposed to treat a maximum built upon area of 44.52 acres. In the event that Piedmont Triad Airport Authority proposes to direct new stormwater from additional built upon areas beyond the proposed 2.4 64 4452 acres they shall first submit and receive approval for a revised stormwater management plan by the Division. An analysis of the existing function and compliance of high flow rate bioretention pond shall be included in any request for a revised stormwater management plan. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(5)] Report Revision With regard to the report revisions dated 3-9-16. These revisions are very minor in nature and consist of two elements. 1) Evaluation of downstream channel stability. Asa result of your correspondence with Dave Kiker regarding downstream channel stability, the report text was amended and a memorandum was completed and submitted via email to you on February 24th. This memo documents that the proposed shear stresses and velocities at the downstream receiving channel are within the permissible shear stress and velocity ranges. This memo has been added to our report as Appendix F. 2I Minor Drainage Area revisions. The revised report also includes minor revisions to the contributing drainage areas of the bio-retention area. This change shows that we will actually be able to capture and treat an additional 9.05 acres with the bio-retention area. This additional area is captured from two locations, 1) additional roof area from the proposed Hangar, originally thought unable to be directed to the bio-retention and 2) Basin 90 (existing Hangar and parking) which will now also be directed to the bio- retention. In November 2015, best available data showed that Basin 90 drained directly to Radar Road and could not be directed to the bio-retention area. Upon further review of as -built data and additional field survey, we have confirmed that this area will be directed to the bio-retention. I have prepared the table below to summarize this revision of drainage areas: HAECO Facility Improvements - 401 Water Quality Cert. Report Bio-retention area Contributing Drainage Area Revision Summary 3/23/2016 Description: This table summarizes the revisions to contributing drainage areas which drain to the proposed bio- retention area as documented in the 401 Water Quality Certification report dated November 2015 and revised March 2016. Location November 2015 Report Impervious Cover (Acres) Report Revised 3/9/2016 Drainage Area Change Reason For Change Proposed Hangar 3.35 5.06 1.71 See note 1 Proposed Apron 5.11 5.11 0 n/a Proposed Fire Access Road 0.32 0.32 0 n/a Proposed Side Walk 0.09 0.09 0 n/a Existing HAECO Site to the East 11.92 11.92 0 n/a Sub -Basin 60 0.42 0.42 0 n/a Sub -Basin 70 9.22 9.22 0 n/a Sub -Basin 80 14.09 14.09 0 n/a Sub -Basin 90 0 1 7.34 7.34 see note 2 Totals 1 44.52 1 53.57 1 9.05 1. Proposed Drainage System has been updated to capture all of the Hangar Roof and direct to the Bio-retention area 2. Review of Existing Facility As -built and additional field survey confirmed that Basin 90 will also be directed to the Bio-retention area We request that these changes be considered minor clarifications and allowed without another formal technical review. These are the only changes associated with the March report revision. No changes regarding the overall approach or stormwater management plan are proposed in this revision. The sizing of the proposed bio-retention area has been evaluated to ensure the design criteria outlined in section 3.1.2 of our report will be met with the larger drainage area. A PDF of the revised report may be downloaded at the following link. All of the revised elements in the report are shown in red text help expedite your review. https://transfer.wkdickson.com/message/3G58kk6tcOlCeGkvIGeiAo Permit Text — update to reflect the revised Report Finally, by applying the report revisions to the recommended permit text revision, the revised text should read as follows: The high flow rate bioretention pond shall treat a total of 24 91 5357 acres of existing and proposed built upon area. The approved high flow rate bioretention pond is proposed to treat a maximum built upon area of 44 q� 53.57 acres. In the event that Piedmont Triad Airport Authority proposes to direct new stormwater from additional built upon areas beyond the proposed 24 64 53.57 acres they shall first submit and receive approval for a revised stormwater management plan by the Division. An analysis of the existing function and compliance of high flow rate bioretention pond shall be included in any request for a revised stormwater management plan. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(5)] Requested water quality credits We do not wish to delay permit approval to discuss the consideration of Water Quality credits. I hope this email is helpful and can keep us on track for the permit issuance in the next few days. I will make myself available for phone calls or meetings as needed to assist with the final approval. Thanks again for all your help, Jason Jason P. Kennedy, P.E. INK Dickson & Co., Inc. 720 Corporate Center Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 Office:919-782-0495 Direct: 919-256-5615 Mobile: 919-264-5972 Email: ikennedvCWwkdickson.com www.wkdickson.com Connect with us: Facebook I Twitter I Linkedin �DICKSON community Infrastructure consultants Drainage Area Map Piedmont -Triad International Airport HAECO Site Development 500 250 0 500 Fez! 1 inch = 500 feet is Ar ICKSON M E E T I N G AGENDA community Infrastructure consultants 720 Corporate Center Drive, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 919.782.0495 Piedmont Triad International Airport HAECO Facility Improvements WK Dickson Project # 20150125.00.RA October 14, 2015 1:00 pm Meeting at Archdale Building Meeting Attendees Mike Randall — NCDEQ Boyd Devane — NCDEQ David Kiker — WK Dickson Jason Kennedy — WK Dickson Agenda 1. Session Law 2012-200 and Need to Meet— Kiker Clarify water quality requirements for new development and replacement of existing WQ BMP Clarify pre -vs -post requirements 2. Overview of Existing HAECO Site— Kiker Open channel and contributing flows/drainage areas/pipe sizes i Airport landuse Downstream road and downstream Harris Teeter site 3. Overview of Proposed HAECO Site —Kiker i Fill site to tie in grades to the existing hangars and aprons Open channel to be piped (Michael Baker preparing mitigation plan) " Eliminate existing fire suppression pond and existing wet pond. I in Future stormwater control measure (SCM) to include fire suppression measures. Frequency of activation for fire suppression chemicals, valves to disconnect from main system, biodegradable chemicals. 4. Water quality requirements — Water quality requirements with consideration of removal of the existing wet pond — Randall/Devane 5. Pre -vs -post for 1-year water quantity detention requirements— Randall/Devane 6. Summary of preliminary stormwater modeling (pre -vs -post for quantity control) — Kiker Proposed central dry pond Diversion of existing pipes into dry pond High Flow rate media near outfall with underdrain 1-year pre -vs -post summary Use wooded/grassed condition for pre -project conditions Capacity of downstream drainage system and open channel 7. Level of detail for 30%, design plans (hangar and apron drainage systems, profiles, erosion control plans). VICINITY MAP HAECO FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS FOR IINN NOV 302015 PIEDMONT TRIAD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (PTI) 8111 r Know what's below. Call before you mg I GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA NOV. 2015 WK DICKSON PROJ. NO. 20150125.00.RA 30% PERMIT SUBMITTAL F p T1 NEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY FbWK ovil"bICKSON community infrastructure consultants v INDEX OF DRAWINGS CO COK k INDEX SHEET CI GENERAL NOTES & CONSTRUCTON SEQUENCING C2 MSTING CWDIPONS k DEMWTON PLAN C3 EASTNG CONDITONS k DEMWTON PLAN CA PROPOSED SITE PLAN CS PROPOSED SITE PLAN C6 STORM SE PROAUS C7 STORM SEMER PRMI-ES CS STORM SEMER PRORIES C9 STORM SEVER PROALES CIO DETAILS C11 DETAILS EliDETAILS yr -' PROJECT SITE v t' -��� ✓ � � y�1f .�K yl AIRPORT MAP REV RECORD'. REV RECORD: 0' wiE DESCNIION 8v OAT' OF5Lf�IlON ISSUEDRECORD: xaw...... er wre omlvrgN � O 9 - P 03e0B6 ¢ 7 S 0 is W W a °C O Z LL 06 CE e ; D 0O L1 WND PR0J.:M15o125OeM '. r_.._. - `�� 'S `� •'r1'•1 rt r �� � tirti ' �:-rr '._ �m �' I •� e -- � � tr) �n'Sf {'1:��1L _'.__ �a a $£ a fig\y flz End Mae Ne Pf as "sg\ a ggg e � §N`i P3 sao g�§ 53 �y a a ozA fr 7w is SElag W d< lit a MN d' a"p lffi4 4 p~€§d Ca �b9 �dgog §a i3 `jFd FraF m w �00Qz Wo ozo F♦�, <7W G LL6 Y 3z�w B gWQ 3u��Nv NOuonHISNOO 80d 3Sf1 ION 04 -LINO ONIIIIINa3d 80d OFI LWAS DMAI U "moo a <� Bd 'Y' _R 78 b.� n o€ as y ys3�¢`a" n a� 3g"£ r a gee 4$x 7 $ray £ < §q $4A6 «n g 8 Ei3 a a Fea� S eW€ a o—8a � a$ w N da as a5asi ,m N �a s" �a 1� � E"; " ?e o a a€°" aa$=fag is ma$g "z ff naaa �s, p is s a$ a"fig d�$aHo §ge3o$3 a 3" b� an`C7 EwRi " ;a< j inB��6 ��,tl<,§< Nip AA 61n� .6 a of a s p a$as�§§ass sin s< xa$g en gas a 'Mr. � � � ���� g$a3:F�Se� �,C e� =ey $" §..xv F ?§3s A-$§$§ $�nA $ s�.� §a€ g a s a g a O T Cana$ o €yea{ ag F s ib ; b'ye a --H ON V5j £ b?3ag as a8a83n a; a7 . a�&�e ffgoa n yg o'q€ E§ §8sa8 0§ n- ���; $��8n3e ' H gPe�sees5e�e sa`�a .�e�a$f� $� U.- a§a�a §$1i h$a §eag oa��a= �e s 7 u 33 sm 0P a. gas= f€ag�a� Rigs a$ a y ON— 6 a £gjna n3 ,� $€ z g€ a a; =4tg pu m -- - ` PFR ME iER R✓AD non c —_—•_ter- —` __� �-- � _ _ _ Y`__s .__ — .., / .Wa /—uia .Ie. un V.•—)/ ue•—Y— e.�LYwr—� �a. 1 /S 1 ` o` 1 fi �✓ �s_ar�o. III p / / II t 0 1 �Ii litI \\ Irl SI•I1I. \ REuovE Easnxc I Iijll .AT eusi rwa I IIII I IIII � / III f� Cr I{IIII if 'iq -- i II I Iij4 \ 1j1'I 11I!1:I T . 1 I - ..� .,r• — w� - {,.,. � Zsry -./ sew ua (CTHou) /I \ I L p � O \ � 41 � o � ' P`P w / II I'II IIII 11. p I o .x EEx¢ uNE Oer'.. s' a. Ac/ ) / .1 QFMCI ITION LEGEND E. RE..4 (10 R P,Ao .em TIM arrvs) — a. smcw (ro BE "YCVE➢ MM IKY P.) 1 I o E. _—�;.�T_im } i - 1. �\ •. �� sa. :/ Ex sPor Eu Ae. j LmY eq • \ II////////;'Il-III d / nam T Yi "--I ,� -F- _L17-% -i—/y ✓�iW°� F �' p I r _ ♦ 1 / / 1 r l / / / / / / / / I I @ i! \ ��� RnovEo •m ncss x.xs) � XY/ (lo a REPO - _ ' �' I/ % j % / / l l 1 1 \I •` i 1\ i`Xj`: � � . , / mT'pp IA V♦- - �/� \�l I U rl 1 1 11 1V A vV 1V A A �\ '�I�7.� %//// /'� _ I\I`I '�Yi - ♦ �\ \V Avv VAA1�\\\ \V AI\ II 1 II 11 A AV`�'3 �— tcrj 'sna.w ♦. 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BUSTING CONDITIONS & DEMOLITION PLAN QOMWING NCMB2R: -�-�� � PLOT DAZE: 11I132J15 m.e-an o \ LOQ,LOD LOD \ a q \ \ o IIP/ an g11117111/(Q �IIIIIIIIII�IPI/� I�Itl IIIIII dl / p IIIIII`/ IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII 1.:py Iillol Ii'llI I I k - (IIIIIIII ;II IIIIII I I!IIIIIIIIIIIII IIII I �nIIIIIIWi11i/%i :, IIIIIIIilp I141 / // O/. III III 1I111,1 / IIIIII IIIIIiIliliff I A A IIIIIIIp111111 IIIII \ \ - IIIIIIIIII II IIIII p'\ I i 9iiiiiliiliiilinll'll\ II u IIIIII 1 i �IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII II \I IIIIII [z n.vsw IIIIIIIIIIIiIIII ��I'1\\il IIII 11 IIIIIIII III III Ill o ll�l11lllll it'I\11I!ili I41Iu1u114�11i4'I\I ,I Ill !JillIII. IIII.11lll llll I Illllll lll III I�I� 111jIIII Il li IIIII III I' II,�\ \\II1�II�lI F lOD OD LOD I II �I it l71 �. -- l` __ _ — \ry >_ ✓ � III' _ _ _ _ �.BE4ac Evslws rwE sn¢M. BEE CORSIPucnax ..EN. _ _ _ DICKSON MATCHLINE -SEE SHEET C2 rl1\ft I �[MW.Nc irm] 1. IIIIIIIIII . / - .xae�wv°on 1111 I. LIi IIILIIIII. 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HAECO FAcwry IMPROVEMENTS OWNERORCIIl PIEDMONT TRIAD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (PTI) DMWiNG TIRE' E%ISTING CONDITIONS 8 DEMOLRION PLAN I r.:A - __ \- --- PERIMETER ROAD .& o-art e^ e� .�.,v.. `_._ _ .1�._..a•\—,.R..\-- ,\ — �mt—�- -�-moo � `:"tli\�-L-"� o '� A a�p3 tDf£Ci2v �€R - -lgll IIIII liI llk,'l]ll IIlltl 1 A I. •1 �iilljltll111 I II � � -- ) 1 I AI l •rli 111J1 j1 I w uxR rErv¢�. _- Par✓. I r/flflllilI/d/ /'/ - i 2 1, LEGEND j . -�_ Ek571rvC CMiWRS —m0 woPosFo wxTwRs n B)361 piFpOSEG S 1 9.T "�I f� (m-� MLVOSF➢ SipiY SEW n RR vRCeWFc SiCMN 5E) slxl/cnr� �. - .gy PRWOSFU Bww,nc �� " �� waosEB cu+wErz p wRw t' r 1 l --I RREINIES SDEWux n.A AIRPCPi wFRAtgVs ANG I\ U \. pytt TT. CwCp[IE 0 Yn IM El EOCE sTy I al \ r• :e ,p Ex• Fua ar a«cvcrz '\ /' ��I lt�l I/l/ �y.11l \. µr: eGe ^\ t \�� � \°f \ \-i`' .�• Ilp \, \ A /q. (f�' PRw D Ear aE Ia Ex°rzrzEnTO �rF ..1 I 1 El V 11\ �v 1 � I I 1 ILL / I \\ C \ ' I , 1 •\ \ � + _ __ �_ -, a i 1t111 `vvvtlI71 - evJ I / tr\ \•'\ill t I. 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Wb Ruvu w.ly\Nc:+mr FamawaN �iara�Jm PPQI OPoLiN ---------- PA.;RM DRAM av: FLBMRII BY I Mm I CFSLPoFIION PROJECT NAME: HAECO FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS OWNER OR WE PlA KEY: DRAWING PROPOSED SfTE Pl P RDI MTE: IIAI 11 .. wlrui iuc _ c wcrT rA m 1 _2 No III tV�VK KSON - fapaY�Lwtw Prve paYyi, HC21QP P16 mz.aPr m me mzeanM PRQI wMGM DAM: DS.m PA . DPIGILE: NJI. i015 PJ1: PR5 DRAWN BY, RC&YNI REV. RECORD: BY I DAM I [FSLRPfgY PROJECT NAME: HAECO FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS PIEDMONT TRIAD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (PTI) oRAvnNc rrttE PROPOSED SITE PLAN I C5 ROT DATE: 11113=15 - �— -i -_--I� - tl03E� 895 895- _ Z 1 r { -' _ $ H I '- -_ L- - DEPTH/SIZE TO BE COORDINATED l ( 1-_ - 3�i -1- — -' .-1 i - e� 1 - _ 1 Eu _ -- c' e� m g -- i _� I j ' �- i MITH-UIILITY PRONDER I 1 1 890 PROPOSED GRADE -I:: - B85 +mj L. 1 $iil> `J-- p 3 - — " . V $�'c>> -:� g -.�.. �' Z— - �- zi _- - _I r. _ _ 66D - 87s 8B- < �==--�--- �= r -- i 1 _ 1 - - - t -- �.- 1 - --..—t _ - +- - 676 + �� PROPOSED 42I PROEILj= .. - 1 g 870 '. $ . _ !' - STORM I SEE SiIXiMPROFlLE C TOR -- 1 t �RE _- H STORY --_; -- _ 1 - ]0 J - 865 -_- — F - I r ; ED 15 (STRUC _-` ') % SEE STORK 19 IB PRORIE Or� - - ROPOSED JD (STRULNRE 1ll -- T ySEE STORM J-.=1- 12 8) y - -__- F- -_ ' EXISDNG.GRADE r- 865 No -r 4 -' - - I '.• -'SEE 1 _ + 1 -� EYJSANC GRADE '-' �� " �[ IPRCRLE y I R 50 STAR PROFlEE L I _ __ -, RWOSEN SEE STORM PROF1lE G -'__ I L -. 1 _ - 855 SF£ STORM�PROFiE N _ I - 'I - _�. J _ 855 / OPOSED 4g 850 -:. - 305 1i - -- P O O 50% 845 _ 2PRORlE - __ _ y - / 534 V - PROPOSED - 1 1 U- OE 7Y:RCP O 10]%- I - 1 i I' 5 SEEOPOSED PROPOSED RCP-O 1 O8, - + - 1 R SEO 5 1 'I - - 840 ppOEED O A.6T% "_ ! - _ I SEE 6TdtM PRORLE .._ _ I. _ 835- E%ISANG 1 1 QE ]4 RCP �. i L� 4 -- ' �- _ ± - _t_ _- - 835 :r ROPOSEO 16'- - -_- 1-_.- -. . - ._ 1 .__- - :_ - __ - � - - 830- STORM' PRORIE E -- _ _. I--'+ ,. 1 ... ;- �-' .: - - t - -. _ - - .:.-.- 828 828 I f -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 STORM PROFILE A NOTE: L]B Rdry S TTEN SIVOgbH! OETMLS 4E L TAIL I pp G m Nm+gObm g 900 900 900 I 900 905 - ip -o' ___.. 905 u > 895 895 t _ goo- 900 890 - �y $ i- - - _.. r,-'- _ 895 1 895 a PROPOSED.GRADE 885 __ __� - - 885 885 .00m i._ aT _ ._ : - 885 - _ 89 V.- o $sg$ 880 1 No I --"3- « I �'� ' $ m 880 Ca b ,- -. - 885 ': , { � m BB5 _ - 875 '- ) `_ - EXISTWG GRADE -- 8I5 PROPOSED GRADE ^d w� e7s ---'- �-' - k� m 67s -PROPOSED CAADE' I- _ i 880 1 '� �Gp -_>_ BBD { -� « 1 - O+$pO .. 865 - 1 - - _ �_ "___ 865 w a� I j. U NO 860 N O .y n tic 1 i N I o } 855 m ly f'$ _ _ 1y 855 850 845`ROPOSEo-. -3 I_ F -_7= e45 I -__ 840 _ -- sLSIOW 3RGFLLE A 840 _ PROPOSE➢ 55 LF - _.-' 6.ISS'r= 835 .-�} 1 1 -�1_I �.OF_24_RI�FTO 8355 ROPosED 15 830 -;- by PRQpO5E0_'1.40 IF SEE -STORM PRORLE M -1 rCF :-- 830 828 :- - RCP-O v7z :.. ' 828 -0+50 I 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 STORM PROFILE B 00 \� I EXISANG GRADE ICI RO 3 N ROPOSED 72' 30 i L SEE.STORY PR gGpA 35 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 STORM PROFILE C 865 --r'�m - - 865 860 ggp . _E0 855 O 850 j S-SEE:STORM gIE I- PRWU S ,SEE"STORM P F 845 840 T -' + 840 PROPOSED 86 lF, ', PROPOSED 195 VT t -- � .'�-O 4B RCP O O50R OF_4H ozm 835 ,_ .RCP.O PROPOSEOi2 _ _ -__ _ .1-_ 835 i' ;SEEsTIXtA PROFlLE A _ 830. -.. OPOSED- 2 •.�- `'EE"sTGRM-PRORIFA 828 828 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 STORM PROFILE D I <_ . 6R T1 �IMRRA:TM. � 10 n 1 Vp[[YLL TrynyrWm i WMeBwva Uls: pmY4nen ♦ [iarnYa ]ID CYM M�CSWGM IIW{y:. HCPBT .1Rmx.aasm �+aTa Mm m Mm:p.mn w P .: mwlam.M RIOI.ORIGW DAM..l PM'. dNWN BY; rt:941PA1 eF l- 2 im pgggggK �, m mruE•� sr� REV. REMBID. W I RATB IoESdN N PROJECT NAME: HAECO FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS OWNER OR CUEM: PIEDMONT TRIAD INTERNATIONAL A IDDn CIT mrl\ PLAN K DRAWNG TRTE: STORM SEWER PROFILES ORAW GWIVIMR: C6 PIDT DATE: lllld'AI$ PR SEE STORM PROFIOPOSED T M Y ! - Trl 585 i 575 ----+ - -� - -_ 875 570 ijs $70 gym. 565 3 _ - �_ ; - - ess 12 r i - * j m+ a"T--+- 960 955 855 I- to s PROPOSED GRADE; I h E_ i = BSD B45 E%ISTNC CRPDE I —J _ 845 840 840 I. I -� -r--t-- --1 - - D ��- PROPOSED 281 lF I 835 535 -i- a- r Oi 16" RCP * 594x I ' OP D 72-T 830 L _ ..SEfSTORM B28 828 -0+50 0+00 O+SO 1+UU 1+SU Z+UU 2+DD J+UU J+>u STORM PROFILE E B 900 I•. "- -J - - - 9a 895 T - - 77 890 885 88'. 880 -i s : - --' 88 P� g 875 -_ :m --- 87. 0 'L�ao,�j, 870 -- : 87 '-" ::�� _ J. : 865 - _ 86 860 PROPOSED_GRADE 86 IGRADE- 855 - - -� E)nTUgG 85 850 - - I - - - 85 845 840 PROPOSED 56 LF �_ ._ - OF 24 RCP O 6 B7x 835 p'i I i:- PROPOSED 48'. SEE STORM PROFILE 0 _ _ L -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 STORM PROFILE F 880 '^ '�S !; z x .z_ - -_ noiw+ _-+-`-- 875 - > > 1 OPOSm 2" '! SEE -STORM PROFILE 870 m �' - + J - = 870 865 PROPOSED JI T_ 1 SEE STOR4 l PROFILE L .-�.- PROPOSED, 860 a S 15" i (-`\EE'STOR O 85ILE H 855 - 850 i \- = `_ 850 NC ---I L- B45- l� EXtS 1 GRADE 845 PROP >"61 if - D_66" Of 36 R 0016x I '~I ! '.SEEEE STORM P LE A 840PROPOS�D 15 'PROPOSED 78 LF PROPOSED-72"_ 800 STORM PROFILE O OF-W RCP O O.MXSEE STORM -PR FIILLE A 835E 35 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 STORM PROFILE G NOTE: - id nPN s%IrICH S1�i.LIVN! IM URs UC .Lill 2/Cl I. j I HJ 905 .. — — — _- - 'l _-- ', 905 905 � - - . _ __ _ . _ 905 I ... _ l ._. +a ' 1 '- 900 r ..- _ 895 .� a - _� - T ;J 895 895 -o omr r1 r G ON Q r + ' 890 690 no ! 885 -_ oZi+ z3 0� r� - �- 885 885 -__o�$.z z i> zz�. _ J + 'E� o+_.- � _ ___ 885 J ,�wFi» '> PROPOSED M E. �!- h R+ O¢Oj z_ z.�. o g> z i $ g ._ __ i _ pi-: 880 Z 880 _ _ - _ - 880 880 _ _ _._ P - O 875- 8]5 875 _PROPOSED:GRAO Z_ 870 . ROPOSED 42 - 1 - _-SEE STORM PROFILE I -+ ' — a F-r-Y - -�--._ - 8I0 870 -PROPOS 97 U__ _ I' 42�-RCPO 9x _ r = t _.. _ _ 1 - 870 rl 865 -:ROPOSEO St r-�� -- -1._ '. 'SEE STORM PROFRE 1.,� _ 865 8fi5 - ___ - .. _-I .-. --PROPOSm t2t L£' - OF 24 ftCP O'400% 860 ! �=-{ I - '.. -I- {- 860 860 PROPOSED - , SEE STORM JO' i• PROPOSED 135 LF PROFUE J -" �T � tOF to RGP e'0 sDx _ 860 W a 855 e5�s -_t- ' IOF IT RCP O 10.28R L- PSW030" _ E%ISTING GRADE F 1'I"" f r r 1 i- SEE STORM PROFll 1 ROPOSED 54' I E G_L SEE STORM PROFILE L O . E850 _ 850 I _ R9EDi30 OSED 15'.' 845 _ SEE Sltxt4iWOFlLE-G 1 t-' 1;-. 645 845 ,.- SEE STORM PROFIT£ H - j� 845 + -- #r- 840 840 ROPOSED 66I ` 840 840 _ ROPOSE0.72- + PROF 72• T SEESTORMPROFLE A . . - Q .— - r { - __ _--_ SEE STOm.T PROFl[E , SEE STORM PI ORLE A { I---- r -_ Y 835 835 B35 835... - (�!I -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 STORM PROFILE H STORM PROFILE I � 'mn¢.x1u 'IG I vrnncAl. u �D CKSON mm.�M ux.wm.. mv.n TevyaYMn � Wtls M1wtw uan onsm.n.O�.e� R+Me6. Nc nmr ova 7ezuasm ..41My,4a„ N99 PR0.1.: mi W I25.N.M PRaI. aRaw DAre� Nw. s+s a0380865 REV. RECORD: a I . IDFscRProR 'PROJECr NAME: ' HAECO FACILITY PIEDMONT TRIAD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (PTI) PLAN KEY: PROFILES OMVANGNMBERR UM'. PUOTDATE: 11It£(MIS J N 1 SEE'STORM PRO SEE STORM i 910 905 900 895 890 885 880 875 870 865 860 855 850 845 640 910 905 900 895 a90 ess aaD 875 8]0 B65 860 855 aso 895 ew -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+005+50 6+00 STnRM PpnFII F .I �- 910 _ = - 910 905 J'Li T 900 1 i r; 895 _ 12 890 o L 1 --�' N 890 I 0»�1 PRopogO-GRADE M1�'g3 _ eeo g Vy-� 875 - ;_- _ -_ 875 1_ 870 1 - -- 870 AOPOSER �24 _ PROPOSED 19] LF 865 i-� gE,SiptM PROFILE) OEIB RCP--O0935_1 W5 1 1 IV{ I ROPOS D 30 860 I SEE STIXAI PROfllE J I 860 855,. 855 850 -- EgSONG canDE j 950 845 } i 845 i 840 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 STORM PROFILE K NOTE: FOR ROW S T,CR SIRUC,JRE Di1NL5 SEC. UETI:L 2/CII - n 900 900 910 -_ _, 1 I- - , - l F 2T:'n -' ----- --' -----" F 2 -m 895 15 m _ n '_•� pmm I f nm� I88 - -- --- — -' - '-- '- m — PRO D GRADE - B]5 -870 — E y 16EE SSTORM PROP a I -- ___ rr _ -�— �f EASMG GRAOL_ i- - �- I 1 - - PROPiB _ __ }. 1 gE OSED STORM PRM E 17 I � o _— I pii- PROPOSED GRADE g=- > GRADE » '_PROPOSED t— gE STORM PROf1LE 1 " _ _ _ T _ - 1_. I - t - _ 1U--i _ - -_ .. '. - ITT,' PROPOSED 161 LF '- T '. oR-JO RCA O 3 Jest PROPOSED f731f- i - t T- ROPOSED AY' L aF 24 RCP C O O SOAy I-- OE le 'RCP O SOA gE STORM PRORLE 1 _ I T 1I SEE STORM PROR ` E%ISIINCCd2ADE ii - IS7ROCTORE I iEE STORM PROFILE T ;( 895 PflOPOSEDGRAOE BBp 875 8]0 I CRADE PROPOSED 339 {T _ -� J 1"-'r -.I: I I iPROPOSED 359 (f-f _ 4 - - 84 _ 5 +T j OF :54 RCP O O40A l 5 _ 1 _ _ - _. t ILL O< FH ftCP O 0 62A - 855 : :� Ir_ { - -. _ _ 11 IX IB 840 640 1 _- OPO5EU:88 1 - _ l 1 fT t , t I I' 1 — !-_ {- ._ - 850 SEE STORM?PR FM1E B -'-L SEF STORM PROFLE Al i i _1_ I _ 1 PROPOgD 42 LF - 835 - i- 1 I ---I y` - r- __ OF.48 RCP O U4VA-� _ 895 - PROPOSED 24' 1 y _ [''' -. SEE.STOftu PROR a I r f I - RWOgDiY! . I - PR 256. SEE STORM PROFILE A.. , ` . I ._" :.- 1 i I • '. .r i. I. I - 840 830 - OF-15'. RCP-0 0.50830 A 8 50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 5+00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1 00 STORM PROFILE L STORM PROFILE M 5c �= CE uWh_ 50 R 1MRQOMLL 1 pep 10 Y OWL _ U DD &SON T��Wrmww.. mrae *�.wa:RUM1.m Ip1n JrytlOpti[ .:�Md rmmouwc.:r a..e R.Nv.IRcz2m2 9,e TIM.aas m �i9Toalnm exemm,m,l MD PRa.: m,m+asm.ru PFKM.0.41NOAM NOY.'AIS PA o auwN ar Ktauwa F2 = l pj 03BOeg '�: NV£�DIM:YK REV. RECORD: Br wre BES!'NPTKIN PROJECT NAME: HAECO FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS OWNER OR WENT: PIEDMONT TRIAD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (PTI) PIrW ICY: DRAWING Tn STORM SEWER PROFILES OMWING NUMBER I 905 900 895 890 885 i 880 I I 875 870 865 PROP SEE STORM866P I 0 855 EIOSTING GRADE 850 j 845 PROPOS D SEE STORM RPPORR j SEE STORM PR 535 n _ { ` La l mi z�23 T �. PROPOSED j1 — _ 7 - I ' I � i 1 - 72 F 30- Oi4D_10 '- D RCP - lF �71 -- - 9os 900 ass 890 e GRADE 880 875 870 865 860SIT e5o L5 0.385 040 R35 -0+50 0+00 D+50 1+00 1+50 STORM PROFILE N 915 i 910 905 900 895 890 885 880 875 870 865 860 855 850 I R45 915 910 905 900 895 8m 885 880 875 DE 970 865 800 855 850 us -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 STORM PROFILE P f, t J j .I m Rm A >b> <$> PROPOSED GR PROPOSED % IF - � _f OF 18 JtCC0 0502 - �ESISTWG:GRADE PSECASTORMIPROFJLE R ; -_ - OPOSED 18 ------- STORM PRCF7LE R - 845 1 830 82 88 -0+50 915 910 905 900 895 a90 885 B80 875 870 865 860 855 850 845 _ 1 Ti - .....' .ow mr � PROPOSED GRADE __ _�.$ < #�> n j� -1-_ PROPOSED GRADE- oFm> - zi = _ v'im$ z-J-a ozz _ nvrp_ PROPOSED }}6 lF-- PROPOSES-191 U OF 15' RCP O 0 50S I PROPOSED-149 LF - bF 24 AOP O 0.50% RCP OO50S OPOSE - 30 ✓- - _ _- PROPOSED t13 LF, SEE STIXLM PROFlIE C L. 1 _- :-_RCP O 15.32A -_ -_ __ - `Ei65TNG ORADE EIOSTNG MADE - I r OPOSED )2 FILE ANRE's ,$) ---" - - TORN PRMEE A .. _.. J- SEE STORM PROFlIE �G - n n,,n unn t+Sn 9+00 9+9n 3+nn i+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+ STORM PROFILE 0 915 915 _ __.. - - _.. _. - .__ -_ _� 910 910 - 1rt._ 900 900 895 895 z. 890 a90 805 885 0+' rt 875. 875 _ t - • _. PROPOSED GRADE PROPOSED GRADE I }'PROPOSED IB- ma 870 EXISTNG GRAPE J -SEE STORM 865 1 _ 48 - PROPOSED IB' SEE.STORM PROFlLE.P I _ 865 �,.P�ROPOYD 880 BFn OPO8E0 54�lEct 855 8' 850 8! Bay 8 -0+50 0+'00 0+50 1+001+25 STORM PROFILE Q ! $a�z z j y Fu - \- PROPOSm:50 � O 0505 - ROPOSED`718 Tµ { 5EE 6TORM: PROFILE Ri SEE STORufMtgT[E R� -__, . - PROPOSE ' OF 18- RCP O D 50S_: STORM PROFILE R VUIC: PW f y11 SIPJCMK CCTNIS YF CCTN. 2/Cll. U 905 w -'off-i'zo»_ 895 <$z_z 890 n 885 2' n No m w 875 +mom r$ i 870 865 855 r + PROPOSE aB- PR 25 1� -: SEE STORM PPOFl D-:"C.- OF. 4 'RCP O O.aOS eas eao 840 10 4+004+25 -0+50 0+00 0+50 PRCPOSEO 4Bo SEE STORM PROFlLE D STORM PROFILE S l 10 n 'NOP60M.V. l VORILLL ml OD CKSON ommr�rye6ww�v.slam Ted. wr R.waa 2v raw.M cv..Or.. wl.p,, Nc nmT m2n.�m �ia2szarzm .mlem.am WND PROD_ 3n301u.'A PRa.ORIGW DATE:Nw. N,1s PM. PDS (�1 `O �� SEAL ' i .y ,H �y$F �9M1*1N 01"' ��. NBROw,� .rorca!oN.u4iu flEV. RECOflD: er WTE DzacRmrla+ PFOJEOTNAIAE: HAECO FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS OWNER OR CAIENT: PIEDMONT TRIAD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (PTI) STORM SEWER PROFILES PL MY uort e II MhI WWNS1RFAuNOR 'M 4TuO T TR S3 NOR 6 NN PS tu AP"OR — O.CNPRGUI u. �- NI.xWVY ACVE BAYO PIANITC, _ ON OSHA sTAVOMcs I � WTSVE wAME., EEMYACTED A EsnvATED WURAL OR SELECT uARE", (I., arcs IN TYPE x) clRcuLnR RCP PUCE PIPE ON SVIiMLE EUJPncnL RCP EFI6 FINS YATER:AL OR fWHJATER CENEUSNINE UANCTAL PV "CWi SiMEANSS (SEE ... PER SEIECT NATURAL CLASS) AND/OR AS SO,,cmO BY THE ENP"E'P HE, - I. TRLV WTSUL DIAMETER a "RE TO LBE a TRENER YASTT;I A -TONED FOR COMPACTION Ef Tu —HER I. BACYEWA Of TXE 5 SI, u BE ACCCMPu HC..0 ITAPTCN Y APE 'HE HIRE IS uD. mL FILL ARWNE THE NPE SIAa BE RACE. IN LAY-S NET IS ExEETC 6% UNDER NO aRP1Y5TA"CER SMALL WATER BE PERYIREB TO 11. IF BEIR ENFLLE. 1RENMES AFTER NNE PHL HAS BEEN PLAOCT CORI RTOONSW NTS SMALL BE ATTAWEO BY ME USE BE JEWNCCAL TAWS ONLY. EACH MR ELFAY UYLR OF BAEKEAT S"AU1 BE 1. LLu4 AN. MW EL CW PAPE D INTO P.AET. z. AL BACVIILL YATTxIK SHALL HATE AN M P1OE CCuPACR➢ DENSE` Q" pss STANOI.m PREC.. ME FINAL z' 8• FwS1E0 GRADE SENATE BE IO0X STANDAO) PROCTOR. I. ALL TRENwMC QSRATWS SHALL `ELT OSHA STIJUAROS. ♦. ILL BACKELL YATETAL BENEATH ROADWAY SMALL BE OCTET uAIERAI. 1NNOE CUSS III. TYPE i). EXCAVATER MATERIAL MAT WEER OR ExCEEDI TNAT STANDARD SHAG BE N. WAERE AVULAEUC IN .1 ..BE ME ROADWAY, BAa U_ STALL CONSIST OF "EAVAM9 APPEAL S. STORY D'UN PIPES W TSCE CR STREET R/W USE SELECT .1EUKAU CUSS STET` BRAN RPES I.. OILSTREET R/N VY SELECT uATEHAL I, . M. 2 PIPE BEDDING TRENCHING DETAIL CIO NIPS POURED IN PLACE DO N0T LESSEN pWnNSIONS THIS STRUCTURE SUBJECT TO FLOTATION FORCES DIMENSION NMUY510N VALUE A 548.50' 44 e N/A L N/A 0: Wf6 CV EL N/A• E- UIb[e Inv. EL NIA• F a -e' e e l ♦e H 2 Wei wdl (I) BS}_}p' NSl ENT,.. (3) 5i 30 4Y L BSIBp' 45L El mPPPP l0iAL4MP LENCIH O ELEV.85 m IB' NO ORIFICE PIPE IN THIS STRUCTURE NOTES' i EE.EY ON. E.U. YWNT COKEP I, 2 vLKv SONS u.a1Nf!£ s:E95 u"-S," III I' O.C. 1ST SOP, IS I'-0' THEM TOP. L I PRIMARY SPILLWAY RISER DETAIL CIO PLAN VIEW CR n TER FABRIC SECTION A —A CONCRETE RISER COVER NoIN AEV MA NOTES T. L IS LEN'.TH OF RPRAP APRON. THELAPRCN SHALL Ezi. D TO FOE OF ADPE. v. ME OOwSREAM WET. (WL OF THE APRON IS EWAL TO 00TLa (MINIMUM TMLWATER) }. A FILTER BLANKET OR SILTER FABRIC SHALL BE INSTALLED BETMEN ME RIPRAP AND SOL FWNDAOCN. ♦. IN A KU OETINED CHANNEL EXTEND THE APPLY UP TAE CHANNEL BANKS i0 AN ELEVATION fi ABOVE MAXIMUM TAIWATER DEPTH EN TO TOP CY BANK, WHILHEWR IS I£SS, 5. WMEN90NS AS REWIRED BY ENGINEER. CR AS TABULATED BELOW 6. i0 - 1.5 , MAX. STONE DIA; MAX STONE NA.. 1.5 X O�50). eRIP —RAP PAD DETAIL NIPS _J CASE COYER YLOYER SUPPORTS, A. MR S RYES CARESS YN LID 'ST. EYUN' 1 �L I 1 /RCP OUT, IS01AURIC rIEW NOTE,, ttKP dN6. r. ...7 J, .. w- CP-t5. PON e. CD.W TO EC .K4 P. S'RS' xm P ] ROMP e e R c Gd -1 ,. - •SOY TAM'.W A XN . P. TO 6 NEA 3 AP:A EKM O _z LL J Z O D CKSON TTNmY.uH ♦ Www Reoum IIPARONMItpT/n ♦ CaeCm A PM ReIWMIL Nc Ncv nHm BI=.m wxNAlAdWVI.cMn PNgI. ORION OAI E'. NEV. A16 P.M:NEEB CIPAWN BY: KLBARM O i i2 EAL {y DBBOBB W e �1C NINE Df,�+j 4•r•ra.�B0.pn'. rwPcasaYL mAL REV. RECORD'. BY BATE DEBLPoPIEN PROTECT NM1E: HAECO FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS OWNER OR CPENT: PIEDMONT TRIAD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (PTI) PLAN KEY` 1 �IQ DRAINING 1fILE: (� DETAILS j� v auwING NOLmER: C10 no PLOT DATE: IInxMIfi a FTP1415D TORRal NOTES. R .tot�,tlaX:i •rw:to.i m AN wm�6Y:z. ;W :,ro+. rw �Sw l.u, rrozaz _ 1-9m u M mEu,t""..rlR, i esAamm t IOMJIA PKt 9 PLRMFlA aRE ry 9N.A aAs tw 9Lu mAa tt r .sr«.ur a.Ar urnm A Itsm. ulRatm aRNAaz .1 Pz : aluml..uia swa a uAld v zwd a "iluu ,w Xue �usorr Al A RATE ar umati.mT so cu:als NR 1.9m�1. z wd N eNETu M Imm aNa anNE Aw ma-aw nn.9m NINa wu, awA M Am,m a. r .sNrT A urnd a u:m. M a. a n A aro mnm Nl.0 a mvmzoE. LPomd rc T` NOTES 9uLL 9C NWID NN A Y19ACIGe Ir.YARpCt19 V I¢fAN 9£OrSAT. 5-tRl. ROVC M➢ M AO.aul imt xA,WY 9WL Z 9sA•ID xrR M A'AE0 9Y Me.P PY 4If8o n YYfxrc �MAm. aiMcIe..Ndm_.. zd Tl .T. RLE Iv t.ow ol,n ArNRow. YU mtlros Nm RA XNE. .1NRm. NET .1..1.a3 mtAa lar. a TEd M RA. Q YRlund V Sul Y AS uX .1.O A �. Ntl tO/DIiA¢ V mzrw'ip1u e. uuld rvr e.ol A.o o �. to I..am .w.s Au m d�iv� SAT - rEs .x N .N.es RE I .ae Sid) M IXwiR.K)N19uLL M1MB, M.. N�'"Nrc m.'W`m ®.lo w S FS®L SIONxARR u.xAZe.i MY.45 . SIA,MA W RmE 1ES1W NMI a (eX 1NR RII 9W1 .Gt4 Av yrynry 6 Ot A. LE,. A.AM W INN 01r IN . WR. RA MX .RUS A Y1RACitl1Y CW]IPW W PL MY PA ' Srw.i�. A NSPECiX}I AM ALLP)AXQ Ci ME tOM. N AAN 1 �Rm.1.¢S Li R ,, NO6 ZCWAMN AND —X 6. tlNRNT fW [AW XW tq R<E RANA 6 W RE m..l C.A — N, .-I xolrwTOAI S mNo LRdtva ai AT .md rm t � Ix NA. �..Nr u� N.mID x:pro as ' ui uln a 1. m.i mho- , e. vn alua : arw u. .r EE otsa NL AN.s ro �m nam[n r iN, . M xmm ...., XA OF rxM Tl W llk P � p V Artfq tvq 6 0/M1Frt. mNrurxr m n` c`A'Om s¢nors waw .Ao . uAtu.A rAn[ e.teA la[ Al- ueql ig[ 1.. �tru-.als . Awtd AT M arz .areim Axx Aw x M ypy. Cute® N4 OIAe,m NTN a NX rove a .A¢ SIo.. 1. N,lu Are 1. A,oR. uW A u ..A tE . .— R . mM[ . 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RECOiiP av I DATE I DE9CRIRNNI PRWET NAME: HAECO FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS PIEDMONT TRIAD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (PTI) PUW NET: Cc LU a Cc OI W WING TIRE: DETAILS n V CgAWINU NUMPER: C11 FEOT WIE: IIIt0lA15 a vYiD ION£, EL ess., FLAN IW-\A wsFL: eslsx uULcn (+PPRo%nA,ELr x'rnlCx) iCP OE PLArvPNL Wx EL 65,.0'. 10o-ra QEy.:9y , QiE,E xIYF WnFf I i SWULNRE, SEE DELAIL t. WATER Oil 2B MSElL 85]/ -6' - 51[Ei CiO 6' PEPFOR PK PPE BOTTOR OF YEDA EL 8A90' PLANTING SWY NIX NOT- T. SOIL ..I TO %n RE ttW IISE N A Ma I.. n/.rz IIORE,ENPW FA.1'Y sxu. mNTu+ 9m S+No " 10% m[5 AND N+YE A PER1,ORUTr (p RATING MON 6 OI PIM TO Ix WCWM. As W.R.W THE .. PEA.T.1-Tv IESI A[S ,s ..$T RE sv9u TTEO . IXL wDARET MO APPRON MADA To A"i ,lcn Or ,EAIIL INE SLA 41EUD NA\E + vN RE,IIEFN 15 TO 65 AND TIE UAAT OD(TENT OF THE s(YL YI%T,gE GN.Tl E%RE➢ OZ .VST NOT BE sTAIl£ll ONTI A a l E CMTRBVPVc DR. TAAM / A N+S BEEN 5TI.6' .l .0 APPROL£0 of THE WSFEc,. saL . %IINIES $HALL w')EOV'A D AAN TO 12 WON uFTS TO EraRE NOT'. I. 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MORA DAM AM 2015 P.M: PT COANN, BY: Iicav1Y+ f a� FO Y � SEAL -a 038088 �t try IN8'KP Oq�ti A,pINRQO�'S+. REV. REGVRD: In I w,e I OEYIYPADA PROJECT NAME: HAECO FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS PIEDMONT TRIAD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (PTI) PLAN IAN: DETAILS C12 PLOTDI 1111=15 APT/ PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY November 24, 2015 U.S. Army Corps of Etiginjers,--"' Wilmington District Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Dr., Suite 105 Wake Forest, NC 27587 Attention: Mr. David Bailey 20151229 NOV 3 0 2015 NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit 512 N. Salisbury St., 9'" Floor Raleigh, NC 27604 Ms. Karen Higgins Subject: Application for Section 404 Individual Permit, Section 401 Water Quality Certification, and Jordan Buffer Allowance for IiAECO Facility Improvements at Piedmont Triad International Airport, Guilford County The Piedmont Triad Airport Authority (PTAA) hereby applies for Individual Permit and Water Quality Certification under Sections 404 and 401 of the Clean Water Act and 15A NCAC 2H .0500 and Jordan Buffer Allowance under 15A NCAC 2B .0267 for unavoidable impacts to jurisdictional Waters of the United States for improvements to the Timco Aviation Services dba Haeco Airframe Services (HAECO) tenant facility at the Piedmont Triad International Airport (PTIA). This project was addressed in a short form Environmental Assessment (EA) pending a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), consistent with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Jurisdictional resources within the project area have been verified (SAW-2015-00920) by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Division of Water Resources (DWR). The existing HAECO facility is a purpose-built facility complex for aircraft base maintenance, located on approximately 112 acres Southeast of PTIA Runway 5R/23L, between the Cessna Citation Service Center (to the Southwest) and the Honda Aircraft Company World Headquarters (to the Northeast). The complex includes three wide -body hangars (Hangars I -III) as well as a fourth (Hangar IV) for narrow body aircraft. The hangars are complemented with 60 acres of ramp parking space to accommodate HAECO's commercial, government, military, and other private aircraft owners and operators. The facility complex also includes corporate and customer offices; an on -site training center; shipping and receiving; and HAECO's engineering design, integration, and manufacturing division. 1000A Ted Johnson Parkway • Greensboro, North Carolina 27409 • Phone: 336.665.5600 9 Fax: 336.665,1425 Mr. David Dailey and Ms. Karen Higgins November 24, 2015 Page 2 of 7 Proposed Project The proposed HAECO Facility Improvements include site preparation of approximately 16 acres of Airport land to be added to the existing 1-IAEC0 facility for aviation -related development, including clearing, grading, fill, and excavation for: 1. Expansion of the existing concrete apron by approximately 204,600 sq. ft., with engine run-up pad and 21,200 sq. ft. connector throat to an existing Taxiway M connector (the connector throat will also link the two sides of the HAECO complex); 2. Construction of an approximately 177,400 sq. ft. two -bay wide -body aircraft maintenance hangar; 3. Construction of an approximately 3 3,8 10 sq. ft. support annex; 4. Construction of a new fire/water provision and expansion of the existing hazardous materials (HazMat) facility; 5. Addition of vehicle and pedestrian access and fire lanes. Extension of utilities to the new structures including communications, electrical, natural gas, water, and sanitary sewer (land disturbance for utility extensions are anticipated to be within the proposed project grading limits and will not impact additional special resources). Stormwater management and off -site mitigation for unavoidable wetland and stream impacts are also anticipated. Project Purpose and Need The proposed improvements would address the need to service two wide-bodied aircraft simultaneously by providing movement and hangar space. HAECO requires the capacity to service wide-bodied aircraft to meet current demand and to integrate its US operations with its international business of maintaining wide-bodied aircraft. These improvements will also provide a needed connection between the two sides of the existing HAECO complex to allow for movement of vehicles, supplies and equipment from one side to the other without having to cross airport taxiways or to depart and reenter secured areas for travel along public roads. The project would increase operational capabilities and improve efficiency at HAECO's PTIA, facility. Affected Environment The proposed project is located entirely within the existing airport property. The HAECO facility is bounded by the PTIA Air Operations Area (AOA) to the Northwest, by Radar Road to the Southeast and by additional jurisdictional resources (wetlands and streams) then adjacent PTIA tenants to the Southwest and Northeast. The location is predominantly developed (aprons, taxiways, parking, hangars, buildings, and other structures) with maintained in -field lawns and stormwater/fire management ponds. The project area is located between the HAECO Hangars I - III complex to the Southwest and the Hangar IV complex to the Northeast. This approximately 16-acre site includes nearly 11 forested acres with 1,601 linear feet unnamed perennial stream tributaries to Horsepen Creek and 0.81 acres abutting riparian wetlands. Alternatives to the Project During early project planning, consideration was given to locating the proposed new hangar adjacent to HAECO Maintenance Hangar I, at the southwest end of the HAECO facility, but this alternative would have required removal and replacement of the fire suppression system for existing Hangars I -III and would have reduced employee parking for those hangars. This Mr. David Bailey and Ms. Karen Higgins November24, 2015 Page 3 of 7 alternative involved significant relocation of utilities and complicated employee access. This alternative does not satisfy the purpose and need for the project and was not carried forward. There are no reasonable actions, other titan the preferred alternative, that feasibly substitute for the proposed project. The project, requiring specific dimensions and orientation of components, must be located at the existing HAECO facility, at the area available between existing Hangars III and IV. Locating the project on the northeast side of Hangar IV would eliminate some of the essential facility parking and fail to connect the Hangar IV facility with the rest of the HAECO complex. Locating the project on a site that is not contiguous with the existing HAECO facility would also fail to provide the necessary internal connection between the HAECO hangars and result in duplication of utilities, storm water management controls and other support facilities that are capable of serving an integrated facility. For a "No -Action / No -Permit" alternative, HAECO would have to continue routing aircraft and vehicular traffic on airport taxiways or through security and along public roads in order to traverse from one side of its existing complex to the other. HAECO would be required to explore other sites, other airports, and/or construct entirely new facilities in order to address its operational need to service wide-bodied aircraft. The preferred alternative is the only reasonable alternative that meets the project purpose and need. Due to the limited available space and location of streams and wetlands on both sides of and in the middle of the IIAECO property, there is no project alternative which does not impact jurisdictional resources. Minimization of project impacts by decreasing the size of the proposed hanger is not possible because it is sized for the wide-bodied aircraft specified by the project need and purpose, and the size of the aircraft ramp cannot be reduced without sacrificing maneuvering space that is required by aircraft entering and exiting from the hangar or without eliminating the connector throat to Hangar IV. Retaining walls to minimize the side slopes would not reduce stream and wetlands impacts since it is the hangar structure itself, and the ramp pavement, that overlap the stream and wetland sites rather than the side slopes. Minimization of Impacts Based on the limited space at the HAECO facility, constraints of the site (jurisdictional resources on both sides and in the middle of the facility), and lack of practicable alternatives; it is anticipated that 1,601 linear feet perennial channel and 0.81 acres abutting wetlands will be impacted by the proposed project. PTAA will minimize potential unavoidable adverse effects of the Project consistent with FAA requirements and Section 404(b)(1) guidelines to the extent possible as follows: • Construction of stream culverts will minimize smothering of organisms by utilizing "pump -around"; minimize construction time; control turbidity through adherence to the Erosion and Sedimentation Control (E&SC) Plan; avoid unnecessary discharge; prevent creation of standing water; and prevent drainage of wet areas. • During construction, physiochemical conditions will be maintained and potency and availability of pollutants will be reduced; material to be discharged will be limited; treatment substances may be added if necessary; chemical flocculants may be utilized to enhance the deposition of suspended particulates in appropriate disposal areas. • The effects of dredged or fill material may be controlled by selecting discharge methods and disposal sites where the potential for erosion, slumping or leaching of materials into Mr. David Bailey and Ms. Karen Higgins November 24, 2015 Page 4 of 7 the surrounding aquatic ecosystem will be reduced. These methods include using containment levees, sediment basins, and cover crops to reduce erosion. • Discharge effects will also be controlled by containing discharged material properly to prevent point and nonpoint sources of pollution; and timing the discharge to minimize impact, for instance during periods of unusual high water flows. • The effects of a discharge will be minimized by the manner in which it is dispersed, such as, where environmentally desirable, orienting dredged/fill material to minimize undesirable obstruction to the surface water or natural flow, and utilizing natural contours to minimize the size of the fill; using silt screens or other appropriate methods to confine suspended particulates/turbidity to a small area where settling or removal can occur; selecting sites or managing discharges to confine and minimize the release of suspended particulates to give decreased turbidity levels and to maintain light penetration for organisms; and setting limitations on the amount of material to be discharged per unit of time or volume of receiving water. • Discharge technology will be adapted to the needs of the site. The applicant will consider using appropriate equipment or machinery, including protective devices, and the use of such equipment in activities related to the discharge of dredged or fill material; employing appropriate maintenance and operation on equipment or machinery, including adequate training, staffing, and working procedures; using machinery and techniques that are especially designed to reduce damage to streams; designing access roads and channel spanning structures using culverts, open channels, and diversions that will pass both low and high water flows, accommodate fluctuating water levels, and maintain circulation and faunal movement; employing appropriate machinery and methods of transport of the material for discharge. • Minimization of adverse effects on populations of plants and animals will be achieved by minimizing changes in water flow patterns which would interfere with the movement of animals; managing discharges to avoid creating habitat conducive to the development of undesirable airport wildlife hazards; avoiding sites having unique habitat or other value, including habitat of threatened or endangered species; using planning and construction practices to institute habitat development and restoration to produce a new or modified environmental state of higher ecological value by displacement of some or all of the existing environmental characteristics; timing discharge to avoid spawning or migration seasons and other biologically critical time periods; and avoiding the destruction of remnant natural sites within areas already affected by development. Compensatory Mitigation As of November 1, 2015, there are no available USACE or NCDEQ approved mitigation bank stream (SMU) or wetland (WMU) credits available for the Cape Fear 02 Hydrologic Unit (HUC 03030002) https://ribits.usace.army.mil/, httn:Hportal.ncdenr.org/c/document library/. Compensation for unavoidable impacts to perennial stream channels and riparian wetlands will be provided off -site by the North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS). An In -Lieu Fee Request Form is being submitted to NCDMS and payment is pending approval by USACE and DWR. Mr. David Dailey and Ms. Karen Biggins November 24, 2015 Page 5 of 7 Cumulative Impacts No cumulative project environmental effects are anticipated: Past projects have included the nearby Honda MRO and Connector Road and the extension of Taxiway M. Only the Connector Road project involved quantifiable impacts (Nationwide 404/401 Permit and minor buffer variance for stream crossing). Future projects are the Cross -Field Taxiway and Northwest Development Site on the opposite side of the Airport in the Brush Creek rather than Horsepen Creek Sub -basin, and North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) roadway improvement projects in the project vicinity (1 73 Connector, US 220/NC 68 Connector, 1840, widening US 220, and widening Market Street). No significant environmental impacts have been determined for these projects. Cumulatively, the HAECO Facility Improvements would not add significant impacts, rather, the roadway improvements anticipate such development at PTIA. Fish and Wildlife As of March 25, 2015 the US Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) lists Small Whorled Pogonia (endangered) as the only protected species for Guilford County. The project is anticipated to have No Effect on this species - suitable habitat is not present at the project site and review of Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) records indicated no known occurrences within 1 mile. No water body large enough and sufficiently open to be considered a potential feeding source for Bald Eagle (Bald & Golden Eagle Protection Act) is located within 1.13 miles of the project and there are no known occurrences of this species within 1 mile of the project. No Federal Candidate species are listed for Guilford County and there are no State -listed endangered or threatened species known to occur within I mile of the project. Approximately 4.95 acres of Piedmont bottomland forest and 5.77 acres mixed pine/hardwood forest would potentially be directly impacted by the project. An approximately 0.75-acre non - jurisdictional fire -suppression pond will also be impacted. Wildlife potentially displaced include limited terrestrial and aquatic species typical of the area. Loss of this isolated potential habitat area will be mitigated in conjunction with the mitigation of wetland and stream impacts and will not result in fragmentation or impacts to off -site habitat. Historic, Cultural, Scenic, and Recreational Values No resources eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) will be impacted by the project according to the HPOWEB map. The North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources (NCDCR) State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) had no comment in response to scoping or to the draft EA for the proposed project. Stormwater Stormwater control measures (SCMs) needed to develop the HAECO facility improvements in compliance with NCDEQ regulatory requirements for new airport development are described in the attached SCM Report. A 0.8-acre high flow rate bioretention pond will infiltrate runoff generated from the I" inch of rainfall at a relatively high rate to satisfy the water quality requirements outlined in Session Law 2012-200. In addition to providing treatment for the proposed new impervious areas associated with the HAECO facility improvements, the SCM will replace the treatment being provided by the existing wet pond located on the northeastern side of the site. The proposed project may cause increases to peak flows downstream but will not flood Mr. David Bailey and Ms. Karen Higgins November 24, 2015 Page 6 of 7 insurable structures, roads, or cause damage to existing property or the existing Harris Teeter detention pond. Prior to the commencement of construction, an E&SC plan for the project will be submitted to NCDEQ and PTAA will obtain the applicable E&SC approval and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (N1'DES) construction permit. Potential temporary impacts to surface water quality as a result of the Build Alternative construction activities will be effectively mitigated through adherence to the approved E&SC plan and permit requirements, as well as through compliance with FAA AC 150/5370-10B. Other Federal, State, or Local Requirements Through the NEPA process, FAA has explored practicable project alternatives and impact minimization prior to addressing compensatory mitigation (sequencing). FAA has also explored the cumulative impacts of the proposed project. These potential cumulative impacts are detailed in the EA/FONSi. A lack of practical alternatives has been demonstrated pursuant to 15A NCAC 0214 .0506(f). After consideration of size and configuration of the proposed activity, and all alternative designs, the basic project purpose cannot be practically accomplished in a manner which would avoid or result in less adverse impact to surface waters or wetlands. Minimization of impacts has been demonstrated pursuant to 15A NCAC 02H .0506(g) because the surface waters are able to continue to support the existing uses after project completion, and the impacts are required due to the spatial and dimensional requirements of the project; the location of existing structural and natural features that dictate the placement and configuration of the proposed project; and the purpose of the project and how the purpose relates to placement and configuration. The project: (1) has no practical alternative; (2) will minimize adverse impacts to surface waters based on consideration of existing topography, vegetation, fish and wildlife resources, and hydrological conditions; (3) willnot result in the degradation of groundwater or surface waters; (4) will not result in cumulative impacts, based upon past or reasonably anticipated future impacts, that cause or will cause a violation of downstream water quality standards; (5) provides for protection of downstream water quality standards through on -site stormwater treatment; and (6) provides for replacement of existing uses through mitigation. Additional regulatory requirements are addressed in the EA/FONSI. Mr. David Bailey and Ms. Karen Higgins November 24, 2015 Page 7 of 7 We appreciate your consideration of this request. Please feel free to contact me (rossera(@gsoair.or¢, 336.665.5620) or Richard Darling (rdarline(i�mbakerintl.com, 919.481.5740) with questions or comments. One (1) complete and collated original application and supporting documentation are being provided to USACE with four (4) complete and collated copies to NCDEQ along with the application fee. Sincerely, J. DMONT R� IAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY J. 1ex�`�Rn1osCs^ler,(/PM.E.. Deputy Executive Director RD/AR:rd Enclosures Completed Eng. Form 4345 (3 pages, PTAA signed) Permit Drawings (13 sheets, full size and 1 l "x 17") Stormwater Control Measures Report (31 pages) In -Lieu Fee Request to NCDMS PTAA Check for $570 as NCDEQ Application Fee cc: Sue Homewood, DWR-WSRO Richard Darling, Michael, Baker Engineering, Inc. U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT MB APPROVAL N0. 0710-0003 [EXIFES: 33 CFR 325. The proponent agency Is CECW-CO-R. P28 FEBRUARY 2013 Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to average 11 hours per response, including the time for reviewing Instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of the collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters, Executive Services and Communications Directorate, Information Management Division and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0710-0003). Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. Please DO NOT RETURN your forth to either of those addresses. Completed applications must be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authorities: Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 10, 33 USC 403; Clean Water Act, Section 404, 33 USC 1344; Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act, Section 103, 33 USC 1413; Regulatory Programs of the Corps of Engineers; Final Rule 33 CFR 3207332. Principal Purpose: Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application for a permit. Routine Uses: This information may be shared with the Department of Justice and other federal, state, and local government agencies, and the public and may be made available as part of a public notice as required by Federal law. Submission of requested information is voluntary, however, if information is not provided the permit application cannot be evaluated nor can a permit be issued. One set of original drawings or good reproducible coples which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this application (see sample drawings andlor instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. An application that is not completed in full wit be returned. (ITEMS 1 THRU 4 TO BE FILLED BY THE CORPS) 1. APPLICATION NO. 2. FIELD OFFICE CODE 771�TE RECEIVED 4. DATE APPLICATION COMPLETE (ITEMS BELOW TO BE FILLED BYAPPUCAN7) 5. APPLICANTS NAME 8. AUTHORIZED AGENTS NAME AND TITLE (agent Is not required) First -J. Middle -Alex Last - Rosser First - Richard Middle-B. Last -Darling Company- Piedmont'l'riad Airport Authority Company- Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. E-mail Address- rossera@gsoair.org E-mail Address-rdarling@mbakerintl.com 6. APPLICANTS ADDRESS: 9. AGENTS ADDRESS: Address- 1000A Ted Johnson Parkway Address- 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 600 City- Greensboro State - NC Zip-27409 Country -USA City- Cary State - NC Zip-27518 Country -USA 7. APPLICANTS PHONE NOs. w/AREA CODE 10. AGENTS PHONE NOs. w/AREA CODE a. Residence b. Business c. Fax a. Residence b. Business c. Fax 336.665.5600 336.665.5694 919.481.5740 919.463.5490 STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION 11. I hereby authorize, Richard B. Darling to act in my behalf as my agent In the processing of this application and to furnish, upon request, supplemental information in support of this permit aprtloux SI ATURE OF APPLICANT DAT NAME, LOCATION, AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE (see instructions) IIAECO Facility Improvements 13. NAME OF WATERBODY, IF KNOWN (if applicable) 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS (if applicable) Unnamed tributaries to Horscpen Creek Address 623 Radar Road 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT Latitude: •N 36.096914 Longitude: •W 79.931388 City- Greensboro State- NC Zip- 27410 16. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, IF KNOWN (see instructions) State Tax Parcel ID Municipality Section - Township - Range - ENG FORM 4345, OCT 2012 PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE. Page 1 of 3 17. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE from 1-40 take exit 212B, take ramp right for I-73 N / Future 1-840 toward Bryan Blvd.; At exit 2, take ramp right and follow signs for W Friendly Ave.; Turn left onto W Friendly Ave.; Turn right onto Old Friendly Rd.; Turn right onto Radar Rd.; Arrive at 623 Radar Rd. - turn left into HAECO secure facility and announce arrival in intercom - follow directions from security personnel. 18. Nature of Activity (Description of project, Include all features) Site preparation of approximately 16 acres of Airport land to be added to the existing HAECO facility for aviation -related development, including clearing, grading, fill, and excavation for: Expansion of the existing concrete apron by approximately 204,600 sq. ft., with engine run-up pad and 21,200 sq. ft. connector throat to an existing Taxiway M connector (the connector throat will also link the two sides of the HAECO complex); Construction of an approximately 177,400 sq. ft. two -bay wide -body aircraft maintenance hangar•, Construction of an approximately 33,810 sq. ft. support annex; Construction of a new fire/water provision and expansion of the existing hazardous materials (HazMat) facility; Addition of vehicle and pedestrian access and fire lanes. Extension of utilities to the new structures including communications, electrical, natural gas, water, and sanitary sewer (land disturbance for utility extensions are anticipated to be within the proposed project grading limits and will not impact additional special resources). Stormwater management and off -site mitigation for unavoidable wetland and stream impacts are also anticipated. 19. Project Purpose (Describe the reason or purpose of the project, see instructions) The proposed improvements would address the need to service two wide-bodied aircraft simultaneously by providing movement and hangar space. HAECO requires the capacity to service wide-bodied aircraft to meet current demand and to integrate its US operations with its international business of maintaining wide-bodied aircraft. These improvements will also provide a needed connection between the two sides of the existing HAECO complex to allow for movement of vehicles, supplies and equipment from one side to the other without having to cross airport taxiways or to depart and reenter secured areas for travel along public roads. The project would increase operational capabilities and improve efficiency at HAECO's PTIA facility. USE BLOCKS 20-231F DREDGED AND/OR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. Reason(s) for Discharge Wetlands and streams must be filled in order to bring the site up to match existing taxiway and apron elevations. The proposed project is located entirely within the existing airport property. The HAECO facility is bounded by the PTIA Air Operations Area (AOA) to the Northwest, by Radar Road to the Southeast and by additional jurisdictional resources (wetlands and streams) then adjacent PTIA tenants to the Southwest and Northeast. The location is predominantly developed (aprons, taxiways, parking, hangars, buildings, and other structures) with maintained in -field lawns and stormwater/fire management ponds. The project area is located between the HAECO Hangars 1-111 complex to the Southwest and the Hangar IV complex to the Northeast. There are no reasonable actions, other than the preferred alternative, that feasibly substitute for the proposed project. The project, requiring specific dimensions and orientation of components, must be located at the existing HAECO facility, at the area available between existing Hangars III and IV. 21. Type(s) of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards: Type Type Type Amount In Cubic Yards Amount in Cubic Yards Amount in Cubic Yards 47,096 cy clean fill 22. Surface Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled (see instructions) Acres 0.81 ac. wetlands, and or Linear Feet 1,601 11 perennial stream channel 23. Description of Avoidance, Minimization, and Compensation (see Instructions) Based on the limited space at the HAECO facility, constraints of the site (jurisdictional resources on both sides and in the middle of the facility), and lack of practicable alternatives; impacts to streams and wetlands cannot be avoided. PTAA will minimize potential unavoidable adverse effects of the Project consistent with FAA requirements and Section 404(b)(I) guidelines to the extent possible. Compensation for unavoidable impacts to jurisdictional stream channel and riparian wetlands will be provided by the North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS). ENG FORM 4345, OCT 2012 Page 2 of 3 24. Is Any Portion of the Work Already Complete? QYes QNo IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK 25. Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners, Lessees, Etc., Whose Property Adjoins the Waterbody (it mere hen ceo be enmrea here, pease ate a applemenw iatl. a. Address- Timco Aviation Services dba HAECO Airframe Services; 623 Radar Road - City- Greensboro State - NC Zip -27410 b. Address- Honda Aircraft Company Inc.; 6430 Ballinger Road City- Greensboro State - NC Zip -27410 c. Address- Textron Aviation - Cessna Citation Service Center; 615 Service Center Road City- Greensboro State- NC Zip- 27410 d. Address- North Carolina Department of Transportation; 1020 Birch Ridge Drive City- Raleigh State - NC Zip -27610 e. Address, city - State - Zip - 26. List of Other Certificates or ApprovalslDenials received from other Federal, State, or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application. AGENCY TYPEAPPROVAL' IDENTIFICATION DATEAPPLIED DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED NUMBER FAA EA 8/31/2015 Would include but is not restricted to zoning, building, and flood plain permits 27. Application is hereby made for permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that this information In this application is complete and accurate. I dher cedify that I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or acting as the duly authorized agent of the applicant�� ����6 4.4-44 rY[� 1JiLoIS 11/24/2015 IJIGNATURE OF APPLICANT ir DATE SIGNATURE OF AGE DATE The Application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity (applicant) or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 11 has been filled out and signed. 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. ENG FORM 4345, OCT 2012 Page 3 of 3 Print Form DMS ILF Mitigation Request. Statement of Compliance with §143-214.11 & 143-214.20 (link to.G:S-1433-214A `I i Prior to accessing the Division of Mitigation Services (DMS), all applicants must demonstrate compliance with G.S. § 143-214.11 and 143-214.20. All requests MUST include this form signed and dated by the permit applicant or an authorized agent. Please refer to DENR's Implementation Policy for more details. Compliance Statement: I have read and understand G.S. § 143-214.11 and 214.20 and have, to the best of my knowledge, complied with the requirements. I understand that participation in the DMS is voluntary and subject to approval by permitting agencies. Please check all that apply: Applicant is a Federal or State Government Entity or a unit of local government meeting the requirements set forth in G.S. 143-214.11 and is not required to purchase credits from a mitigation bank. There are no listed mitigation banks with the credit type I need located in the hydrologic unit where this Impact will take place (Ink to DWR Ilst) IM Mitigation bank(s) in the hydrologic unit where the impacts will occur have been contacted and credits are not currently available. The DWR or the Corps of Engineers did not approve of the use of a mitigation bank for the required compensatory mitigation for this project. This is a renewal request and the permit application is under review credits were not available at the time the application was submitted. Enter date permit application was submitted for review: Bank Note: It Is the applicant's responsibility to document any Inquiries made to private mitigation 1 \ kX �1�J. Alex Rosser, PE; Deputy Executive Director Signaii///Ieoffpplicant or Agent Printed Name Date HAECO Facility Improvements Piedmont Triad International Airport Project Name Location DIVISION OF MITIGATION:SER (ICES, (DMS), IN -LIEU FEE REQUEST FORM Revised 4/23/2015' Complete requested information; sign and date, email to kellv.williams(ci),ncdencgov. . Attachments are acceptable for clarification purposes (location map, address or lat long is required). Information submitted is subject to NC Public Records Law and maybe requested by third parties. Review meetings are held on Tuesday aftemoons. CONTACT INFORMATION APPLICANT'SFAGENT APPLICANT 1. Business/Company Name Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. Piedmont Triad Airport Authority 2. Contact Person Richard Darling Alex Rosser, PE 3. Street Address or P O Box 8000 Regency Pkwy., Suite 600 1000-A Ted Johnson Pkwy. 4. City, State, Zip Cary, NC 27518 Greensboro, NC 27409 6. Telephone Number 919.481.5740 336.665.5600 6. E-Mail Address rdarling@mbakerintl.com rossera@gsoair:org 'PROJECT INFORMATION 7. Project Name HAECO Facility Improvements 8. Project Location (nearest town, city) 623 Radar Road; Greensboro, NC 27410 9. Lat-Long Coordinates or attach a map 36 05 49 N, 79 55 53 W 10. County Guilford 11. River Basin & Cataloging Unit (8-digit) 03030002 (See Note 1) _ 12. Project Type "indicate owner type aid Owner Type: Q Government O Private write in project type (e.g. school, church, retail, residential apartments, road, utilities, military, Project Type: aviation development etc.)** 13. Riparian Wetland Impact (ac.) (e.g., 0.13) 0.81 14. Non-Rlparlan Wetland Impact (so.) 0 16. Coastal Marsh Impact (ac.) 0 16. Stream Impact (ft.) (e.g. 1,234) Warm Cool _ Cold 17. Riparian Buffer Impact (sq. ft.) Include subwatershed if Jordan or Falls Lake: Zone 1: Zone 2: 18. Regulatory Agency Staff Contacts NCDWR: USACE: David Bailey Other: Sue Homewood Check L) below if this request is for a: By signing below, the applicant is confirming they have revision to a current acceptance read and understand the DMS refund pollcy_posted at nceep.net and attached to this form r renewal of an expired acceptance Signature PtinAp cantor Authorized Agent: extension of unexpired acceptance Date: I I �j3�zolS Note 1: For help in determining the Cataloging Unit, visitwww,nceeo.net or Contact DMS Direct questions to Kelly Williams at 919-707-8915 or kellv.williams(ftcdenr.gov, or to the front desk at 919-707-8976 Refund Policv for Fees Paid to DMS In -Lieu Fee Programs (9/21/2009 Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to make clear the circumstances and process under which a permiltee can obtain a refund while simultaneously balancing customer service and responsible business practices. This policy applies to all refund requests made on or after the publication date of this policy. Policy Statement: The policy of DMS is to allow for refunds under certain conditions. 1. All refund requests must be made in writing to the DMS In -Lieu Fee Program Coordinator at kel lv.wi lliams(W ricden r.gov. 2. All refund requests are subject to fund availability. DMS does not guarantee fund availability for any request. 3. The request must either come from the entity that made the payment or from an authorized agent. Third parties requesting refunds must provide written authorization from the entity that made the payment specifying the name and address of the authorized refund recipient. 4. Refund requests related to unintended overpayments, typographical errors or incorrect invoices should be brought the attention of the In -Lieu Fee Program Coordinator as soon as possible. Such requests are typically approved without delay. 5. Payments made under the incremental payment procedure are not eligible for refunds. 6. Refund requests made within nine months of payment to DMS will only be considered for requests associated with projects that have been terminated or modified where the permittee's mitigation requirements have been reduced. Such requests must be accompanied by written verification from the permitting agency that the project has been cancelled, the permits have been rescinded or have been modified, or the mitigation requirements have been reduced. 7. Refund requests made more than nine months from the payment date will only be considered to] - permits that were terminated or modified to not require any mitigation. Such requests must be accompanied by written verification from the permitting agency that the project has been cancelled, the permits have been rescinded and/or mitigation is no longer required. 8. Refund requests not meeting the criteria specified above are not eligible for a refund. 9. Refund requests that meet the criteria above will be elevated to DMS Senior Management for review. The following considerations apply to all refund requests: a. availability of funds after consideration of all existing project and regulatory obligations b. the date the payment was made c. the likelihood DMS can use the mitigation procured using the payment to meet other mitigation requirements 10. Once a refund has been approved, the refund recipient must provide a completed W-9 form to the DMS In -Lieu fee Program Coordinator within two weeks in order to process the refund though the State Controllers Office. 11. All decisions shall be final. LJ U HAECO FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT Submitted on Behalf of. Prepared by: WK Dickson & Co., Inc. 720 Corporate Center Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 November 2015 u r OTable of Contents 1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................1-1 1.1. Project Description.....................................................................................................1-1 2. Hydrology and Hydraulics..............................................................................................2-1 2.1. Methodology.............................................................................................................. 2-1 2.2. Hydrology...................................................................................................................2-1 2.2.1 Drainage Areas.................................................................................................2-1 2.2.2 Rainfall...............................................................................................................2-2 2.2.3 Land Use ....................................... ..................... ..,:............................................ 2-2 2.2.4 Hydrograph Translation .................................................................................2-2 2.2.5 NRCS Curve Numbers....................................................................................2-3 2.2.6 Channel/Storage Routing................................................................................2-4 2.2.7 Summary of Hydrologic Results....................................................................2-4 2.3. Hydraulics................................................................._................................................2-4 2.3.1 Energy Loss Coefficients ........................... ................... ................................... 2-5 2.3.2 Starting Water Surface Elevation ........................ ..................... ...................... 2-5 2.3.3 Model Run Descriptions.................................................................................2-5 2.3.4 Hydraulic Evaluation of Radar Road ........ -............ .......................................2-5 2.3.5 Evaluation of Downstream Flooding............................................................2-6 2.3.6 Closed Drainage Systems...............................................................................2-7 2.3.7 Outfall Protection for Closed Drainage System..........................................2-7 3. Water Quality Compliance.............................................................................................3-1 3.1. Overview..................................................................................................................... 3-1 2.3.1 Proposed Impervious Areas...........................................................................3-1 2.3.2 High Flow Rate Bioretention Pond Design Criteria ............... ..................... 3-2 2.3.3 Water Quality Volume (WQV)......................................................................3-2 2.3.4 Pond Design Summary...................................................................................3-3 3.2. Conclusion...................................................................................................................3-6 HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page i Stormwater Report E Tables Table l: Summary of Area Required for Treatment ............................. ............................... 1-1 Table 2: Summary of Water Quality Treatment Credits ...................................... ............... 1-2 Table 3: Design Storm Rainfall Depths..................................................................................2-2 Table 4: Summary of Hydrologic Input Data.......................................................................2-3 Table 5: Comparison of Peak Flows at Radar Road.............................................................2-4 Table 6: Energy Loss Coefficients...........................................................................................2-5 Table 7: Bend Loss Coefficients..............................................................................................2-5 Table 8: Culvert Performance for at Radar Road.................................................................2-6 Table 9: Hydraulic Summary of Harris Teeter Open Channel..........................................2-6 Table 10: Minimum Area of Impervious Cover Required for Treatment .........................3-1 Table 11: Proposed Impervious Cover to SCM....................................................................3-1 Table 12: Calculated Storage Volumes..................................................................................3-2 Table 13: Water Surface Elevations at Proposed Pond........................................................3-3 Table 14: Summary of Flow Splitter Design............................................................ ............. 3-4 Table 15: Flow Splitter Performance......................................................................................3-4 Appendices Appendix A Proposed Concept Plan Appendix B Input Data for SWMM Appendix C Existing and Proposed Conditions Drainage Area Maps Appendix D Existing and Proposed Conditions Land Use Mapping Appendix E CD with Digital Copy of EPA SWMM Models Appendix F Outlet Protection Calculation Appendix G Water Quality Calculation and Stage -Storage Relationship for SCM Appendix H Anti -Floatation Calculation for Riser Appendix I Detention Time Calculation Appendix J Maintenance and Operation Plan HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page ii Stormwater Report Section 1: Introduction (01 1.1 Project Description This report supports the design of the stormwater control measures (SCMs) needed to develop the HAECO Facility Improvements project at the Piedmont Triad International Airport in compliance with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) regulatory requirements for new development at an airport. A 0.8-acre high flow rate bioretention pond is being proposed to meet the regulatory water quality requirements for NCDEQ. This bioretention pond was designed to infiltrate runoff generated from the 1S1 inch of rainfall at a relatively high rate to satisfy the water quality requirements outlined in Session Law 2012-200. As shown in the concept plans included in Appendix A, the airport is proposing a 15.9-acre site development project including the construction of the following: ♦ 5.06 acres of new impervious area associated with the proposed HAECO hangar; ♦ 5.51 acres of new impervious area associated with the proposed HAECO apron; ♦ 0.32 acres of new impervious area associated with the proposed HAECO fire lanes flanking the proposed hangar; ♦ 0.09 acres of new impervious area associated with the proposed HAECO sidewalks; ♦ Removal of an existing fire suppression pond; ® ♦ Removal of an existing 1.1-acre wet pond being used for detention and water quality; and ♦ Construction of a new 0.7-acre high flow rate bioretention pond that will result in infiltration of the water quality rainfall event. Erl In addition to providing treatment for the proposed new impervious areas associated with the HAECO Facility Improvements project, the SCM will replace the treatment being provided by an existing wet pond located on the eastern side of the site. This existing wet pond has a contributing drainage area of 15.29 acres with 14.04 acres of impervious cover. In total, the proposed SCM will need to provide treatment for 24.61 acres of impervious cover as shown in the following table: Table 1: Summary of Area Required for Treatment Location Impervious Cover (acres) Proposed Hangar 5.06 Proposed Apron 5.11 Proposed Access Route 0.32 Proposed Sidewalk 0.09 Existing HAECO Site (Wet Pond) 14.03 TOTAL = 24.61 acres FIASCO Facility Improvements Project Page 1-1 Stormwater Report 0 Section 1: Introduction As outlined in this report, the proposed SCM will provide water quality treatment for a total of 44.52 acres of impervious cover which exceeds the minimum required for treatment (24.61 acres). As a result, the airport is formally requesting water quality treatment credits to offset a site development project in the future with up to 19.91 acres of impervious surface. The following table summarizes the water quality treatment credits being requested: Table 2: Summary of Water Quality Treatment Credits Description Impervious Area (acres) Required Area for Treatment 24.61 Provided Area for Treatment 44.52 DIFFERENCE= 19.91 acres Also provided in this report is an evaluation of downstream flooding resulting from the proposed site changes. The analysis showed that the proposed project will cause increases to peak flows downstream but will not flood insurable structures, roads, or cause damage to existing property or the existing Harris Teeter detention pond. HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 1-2 Stormwater Report Section 2: Hydrology and Hydraulics ® 2.1 Methodology The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Storm Water Management Model 5.0 (SWMM) was used to size the proposed collection system, flow splitters, and bioretention pond with riser. SWMM simulates the surface runoff response to precipitation for an interconnected system of surfaces, channels, closed pipe systems, culverts, flow splitters, and ponds. SWMM is an ideal model for a complex drainage system such as the one seen at the HAECO site as it combines hydrology and hydraulics and allows the user to not only size on -site improvements but also evaluate downstream flooding. Combining hydrology and hydraulics eliminates the need to iterate between a hydrologic model and a hydraulic model which eliminates the potential for errors. 2.2 Hydrology Input data for the model was developed using topographic, landuse, and soils maps in GIS to delineate and calculate the basin areas, percent impervious, and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) hydrologic parameters. The precipitation data for the 24-hour duration, Type II storm was used to represent the synthetic rainfall event. SWMM estimates surface runoff for a sub -basin based on percent impervious, basin width, basin slope, and NRCS curve number for the unconnected pervious areas. ® A copy of the SWMM input values for the existing and proposed conditions is provided in Appendix B. Unit hydrographs are translated using the watershed basin and slope parameters. This is unique to SWMM. 2.2.1 Drainage Areas Drainage area maps for the existing and proposed conditions have been included with this report in Appendix C. Drainage areas were delineated using the following topography: ♦ 2-foot contour interval existing conditions topographic mapping from Guildford County GIS; ♦ 1-foot contour interval topographic mapping provided by Michael Baker & Associates titled "ADP Mapping (May 2014).dwg"; ♦ Inventory mapping of pipes and catch basins provided by Michael Baker & Associates titled "ADP Mapping (May 2014).dwg"; and ♦ 1-foot contour interval proposed conditions topographic mapping generated by WK Dickson. 2.2.2 Rainfall Rainfall distributions for the SWMM model were derived using the NRCS Type 11 standard distribution. Total rainfall depths for the modeled frequency storms were FIAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 2-1 Stormwater Report Section 2: Hydrology and Hydraulics obtained online from the NOAA's Nation Weather Service website. Table 3 shows the total rainfall depths used for this study. Table 3: Design Storm Rainfall Depths Design Storm Rainfall Depth (in) 2-year, 24-hour 3.31 10-year,24-hour, 4.77 25-year,24-hour, 5.65 50-year, 24-hour 6.35 100-year, 24-hour 7.07 Source: NOAA's Nation Weather Service website 2.2.3 Land Use Land use is the watershed cover condition as it relates to the actual type of development within the watershed. Land use influences the runoff characteristics of a sub -basin, and combined with other basin characteristics is used to determine the percent impervious and NRCS curve number for the basin. Appendix D shows the existing and proposed conditions land use mapping for this project. Input data for the existing and proposed percent impervious values is found in Table 4. 2.2.4 Hydrograph Translation NRCS methodologies typically use a time of concentration parameter to help calculate the response of the watershed to rainfall. SWMM uses watershed basin width and slope parameters to create the unit hydrograph used in the model that will translate the rainfall into runoff. The watershed width is a parameter unique to SWMM that helps define the watershed shape by taking the watershed area and dividing it by the length of the longest flow path. Additionally, SWMM requires input of a basin slope in the calculations used to translate the hydrograph. The basin slope is the maximum grade change from the upstream end of the watershed to the downstream end divided by the length of the longest flow path. The sub -basin slopes and widths are included in Table 4. FIAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 2-2 Stormwater Report Section 2: Hydrology and Hydraulics 0 Table 4: Summary of Hvdroloeic Input Data 171 Drainage Basin ID Drainage Area (acre) Existing/ Proposed Pervious RCN Existing Percent Impervious (%) Proposed Percent Impervious (` 0) Proposed Basin Slope (%) Proposed Basin Width (feet) 10 77.1 74 31 % 31 %, 0.60/,, 1019 20 28.8 74 34% 34% 0.80% 995 30 1 19.3 74 1 40% 40% 1.00% 1 454 40 4.1 74 44 % 44% 1.1 % 176 50 3.6 74 21 % 21 % 1.90/1 301 60 5.2 74 8% 8% 1.7% 269 70 9.2 74 1000/1) 1000% 1.30% 331 80 14.3 71 99%, 100%, 1.91Z, 568 90 8.9 74 24% 82% 2.0%, 286 100 19.3 74 82`90 43% 0.60% 573 110 6.1 74 43% 29% 1.30% 531 120A 13.95 74 92% 85% 1.60% 409 120B 2.43 74 92% 50 3.3 165 130 4.5 74 92% 47% 3.70% 207 142 9.9 74 44% 32% 5.0% 608 144-A 0.84 74 2%, 100% 0.5%, 266 144-B 0.86 74 2% 100% 0.5%, 1 302 144-C 0.75 74 2% 100% 0.5% 239 '144-D 0.88 74 2% 100% 0.5% 252 '144-E 0.51 74 2% 1000/1, 0.5% 126 144-F 0.47 74 2% 100% 0.5% 201 '144-C 0.54 74 1 2% 100% 0.5% 220 144-H 1.74 74 2% 42% 0.5% 320 146-A 0.81 74 2% 1000% 0.5% 86 '146-B 1.71 74 2%, 1000/1) 0.5% 184 146-C 1.53 74 2% 1000/1) 0.50/,, 164 146-D 1.99 74 2'%, 1000/1) 0.5%, 193 146-E 0.67 74 21%, 28% 0.5% 274 148 1.08 74 2% 10'% 16.20% 171 2.2.5 NRCS Curve Numbers The NRCS curve number approach was used in computing the runoff response in SWMM. Runoff curve numbers (RCNs) were generated for the pervious areas of the sub -basins using the NRCS document entitled Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, dated June 1986 and commonly referred to as TR-55. This method relates the drainage characteristics of soil group, land use category, and antecedent moisture conditions to assign a runoff curve number. The runoff curve number and an estimate of the initial 40 surface moisture storage capacity are used to calculate a total runoff depth for a storm in HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 2-3 Stormwater Report ® a basin. C Section 2: Hydrology and Hydraulics 2.2.6 Channel/Storage Routing Flood peaks attenuate, or reduce, as they travel downstream due to the storage characteristic of the channel itself. Channel routing was simulated in the hydraulic block of SWMM. Routing was modeled using dynamic wave routing. Dynamic wave routing uses the actual shape and condition of the stream channel input into the hydraulic model to calculate the attenuated downstream flows. 2.2.7 Summary of Hydrologic Model Results The EPA SWMM model was used to compute peak runoff for the 2-, 10-, 25-, 50- and 100- year design storms for the existing and proposed conditions. The results of the existing conditions hydrologic model are summarized in Table 5. A CD containing the digital files for the SWMM model is included in Appendix E. Table 5: Comparison of Peak Flows at Radar Road Condition Storm Event WQ Event (cfs) 2-year (cfs) ]0-year (cfs) 25-year (cfs) 100-year (cfs) Existing 12 63 108 138 185 Proposed 40 288 420 466 513 Although Session Law 2012-200 precludes the project from having to provide detention, a detailed hydrologic and hydraulic evaluation was performed to confirm there are no adverse impacts to downstream properties with regards to flooding. A summary of this evaluation is found in the following Hydraulics section of the report. 2.3 Hydraulics EPA SWMM 5.0 was chosen as the hydrologic/hydraulic model because of its ability to model complex drainage systems and to evaluate downstream flooding. The project involves the construction of a single central high flow rate bioretention pond to provide water quality treatment for the proposed site development. The airport desires to reduce the potential for bird strikes by eliminating two existing wet ponds referred to in this report as the fire suppression wet pond and the existing HAECO site wet pond. The existing conditions SWMM model attenuates peak flows through these two ponds to more accurately determine the proposed projects effects on peak flows. To fully evaluate the project's impacts on downstream properties, the SWMM model was extended through the Harris Teeter distribution site and immediate downstream open channel. In addition, a HEC-RAS model was developed to provide a quality control measure for the changes to water surface elevations developed using EPA SWMM. HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 2-4 Stormwater Report Section 2: Hydrology and Hydraulics 2.3.1 Energy Loss Coefficients Contraction and expansion of flow produces energy losses caused by transitioning. The magnitude of these losses is related to the velocity and the estimated loss coefficient. Where the transitions are gradual, the losses are small. At abrupt changes in cross - sectional area, the losses are higher. Energy losses resulting from expansion are greater than losses associated with contraction. Energy loss coefficients used for the SWMM models are presented in Table 6: Table 6: Energy Loss Coefficients Type of Transition Expansion Contraction None 0 0 Manhole/Inlet 0.35 0.25 Culvert 1.0 0.9- Projecting from fill CMP Open Channel 0.3 0.1 Additional energy losses for structures having bends were divided between the two joining pipes. The bend losses used for this project are based on NCDOT values, and are shown below in Table 7. Table 7: Bend Loss Coefficients Angle (°) Loss Coefficient Angle (°I Loss Coefficient 90 0.70 40 0.38 80 0.66 30 0.28 70 0.61 25 0.22 60 0.55 20 0.16 50 0.47 15 0.10 2.3.2 Starting Water Surface Elevation The downstream limit of the HAECO Facility Improvements study area is located near the mouth of Florsepen Creek. The starting water surface elevations for the SWMM models were generated using the normal depth method based of the channel slope at the outfall (0.008 ft/ft). 2.3.3 Model Run Descriptions The EPA SWMM model was used to compute flood elevations at each structure located in the HAECO Facility Improvements project study area for the water quality event, 2-, 10-, 25-, 50- and 100-year storm events. A digital copy of the SWMM model is included on the CD provided in Appendix E. 2.3.4 Hydraulic Evaluation of Radar Road The following table summarizes the performance of the twin 8.9' x 6.6' corrugated metal pipe (CMP) arches at Radar Road: HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 2-5 Stormwater Report Section 2: Hydrology and Hydraulics ® Table 8: Culvert Performance for at Radar Road Existing Water Proposed Water Culvert Invert Roadway Flood Surface Surface Elevation Elevation Frequency Elevations Elevations (feet NAVD 1988) (feet NAVD 1988) (feet NAVD 1988) (feet NAVD 1988) WQ Event 831.29 840.90 831.76 832.14 2-Year 831.29 840.90 832.38 834.07 10-Year 831.29 1 840.90 1 832.72 1 835.59 25-Year 831.29 840.90 832.89 836.23 100-Year 831.29 840.90 833.19 837.18 Although there are increases to peak flows, the downstream drainage system can accommodate these increased flows. The existing twin 9.8' by 6.6' arched CMPs pass 896 cfs when flowing full. The 104" diameter closed CMP located at the Harris Teeter distribution center conveys 753 cfs when flowing full. The Radar Road culverts and Harris Teeter closed pipe will be flowing approximately half full during a 100-year storm event therefore there are no impacts to the performance of either of these drainage systems. 2.3.5 Evaluation of Downstream Flooding Approximately 85 feet from the top of bank (in the left overbank) is the toe of the water quality pond embankment for the Harris Teeter distribution center. For this reason, a check was made to confirm that the additional flows from the HAECO Facility Improvements project would not cause adverse impacts to the existing water quality pond embankment. Table 9 summarizes the size, slope and hydraulic characteristics of the channel located immediately downstream of Harris Teeter. Table 9: Hydraulic Summary of Harris Teeter Oven Channel Bottom Top Depth Side Channel Channel Floodplain Width Width Slopes Slope Capacity Capacity (feet) (feet) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (cfs) (cfs) 10 25 4 2:1 0.014 300 2,150 Assumed Maimiug's 'n' aat ue = 0.06 Floodplaio capacity is the floor needed to inundate the toe of the existing Harris Teeter pond As shown in Table 9, the existing channel can almost convey the proposed conditions 10-year flood without overtopping its banks. The flow needed to inundate the lowest toe elevation of the Harris Teeter pond is 2,150 cfs which is significantly more than the 513 cfs that will leave the proposed HAECO site. This existing open channel extends approximately 290 feet downstream of the Harris Teeter culvert prior to entering Horsepen Creek which is a FEMA stream with an 832- acre (1.3 square miles) drainage area and 100-year peak flow of 1,598 cfs. On the upstream side of Radar Road (along Horsepen Creek), the drainage area increases to HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 2-6 Stormwater Report Section 2: Hydrology and Hydraulics ® 1,344 acres (2.1 square miles) with a 100-year peak flow of 3,018 cfs. A field walk and inspection of aerial topography shows this reach of Horsepen Creek does not have any insurable structures located in the reach upstream of Radar Road where the 329 cfs increase would be roughly 10%, of the total flow in Horsepen Creek. As shown in this report, the proposed HAECO Facility Improvements Project will not adversely cause flooding downstream to an insurable structure or road. I� Figure 1: FEMA FIRM Panel 2.3.6 Closed Drainage Systems Closed systems were designed to pass the 10-year flood without surcharging the pipe. With the exception of the SCM underdrain system, all drainage pipes are reinforced concrete (RCP). 2.3.7 Outfall Protection for Closed Drainage System Rip -rap pads are proposed at two locations in the high flow rate bioretention. These outfalls are located where the flows enter back into the natural drainage system or the bioretention ponds. The NY DOT method was used to design the length, width, depth and size of the rip -rap pads. Appendix F shows the calculation used to size the rip -rap pads. I-IAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 2-7 Stormwater Report u E 0 Section 3: Water Quality Compliance 3.1 Overview To satisfy the water quality requirements outlined in Session Law 2012-200, a proposed 0.8-acre high flow rate bioretention pond is being proposed. Session Law 2012-200 requires runoff generated from the ls� inch of rainfall for a development project shall be infiltrated into the ground. There are no specific requirements to remove total suspended solids (TSS), nitrogen, or phosphorus. In addition, there are no requirements to detain the 1-year or any other storm event to at or below pre -project conditions. As shown in this report, the proposed high flow rate bioretention pond exceeds the minimum infiltration requirements set forth in Session Law 2012-200. 3.1.1 Proposed Impervious Areas The separately attached construction plans and concept plan provided in Appendix A show the proposed pond, new and existing impervious areas, location of flow splitters and overall site layout. The following table summarizes the proposed impervious areas associated with the HAECO Facility Improvements project: Table 10: Minimum Area of Impervious Cover Required for Treatment Location Impervious Cover (acres) Proposed Hangar 5.06 Proposed Apron 5.11 ['reposed Fire Access Roads 0.32 Proposed Sidewalk 0.09 Existing HAECO Site to the East 14.03 TOTAL = 24.61 acres Because the existing fire suppression pond is being abandoned as part of this project, the proposed SCM will need to be designed to accept runoff from the system currently going to the existing fire suppression pond. The stormwater runoff generated in sub - basins 60, 70 and 80 will be redirected into the proposed SCM. Appendix C highlights the areas that will drain to the pond along with a breakdown for the impervious area contributed from each sub -basin. As a result, an additional 20.49 acres of impervious area will be infiltrated in the proposed SCM as shown in the following table: Table 11: Proposed Impervious Cover to SCM Location Impervious Cover (acres) Proposed Hangar 3.35 Proposed Apron 5.11 Proposed Fire Access Roads 0.32 Proposed Side Walk 0.09 Existing HAECO Site to the East 11.92 Sub -Basin 60 0.42 Sub -Basin 70 9.22 Sub -Basin 80 14.09 TOTAL =44.52 acres HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 3-1 Stormwater Report CJ Section 3: Water Quality Compliance In total, the proposed SCM will have a contributing drainage area of 54.0 acres with 44.52 acres of impervious cover. 3.1.2 High Flow Rate Bioretention Pond Design Criteria The State BMP Manual does not specifically have a set of design guidelines for a high flow bioretention pond so the following guidelines were used in the design of the proposed high flow bioretention pond: ♦ Infiltrate 100%of the runoff generated from the P inch of rainfall; ♦ Side slopes shall be no steeper than 3(H):1(V); ♦ SCM shall be located in a recorded drainage easement; ♦ A bypass or internal overflow is required for bypassing storm flows in excess of the design flow; ♦ Media permeability shall be between 6 and 10 inches per hour with a targeted detention time of 10 to 15 hours for infiltrating the water quality volume; ♦ Ponding depth for the water quality event shall be limited to 4.0 feet; ♦ Media depth will be 2 feet for each of the two soil media zones of the bioretention pond; ♦ An underdrain shall be located under the soil media to keep the pond dry and prevent groundwater from entering the pond; and ® ♦ A rip -rap energy dissipater shall be located at the outfall of each pipe entering the pond. 3.1.3 Water Quality Volume IWQV) The volume of runoff generated from the 151 inch of rainfall was calculated using an in- house spreadsheet based on the Schuler Simple Method. This spreadsheet shows the calculated water quality volume along with proposed SCMs stage -storage sizing (see Appendix G). The following table summarizes the minimum required volume along with the provided volume: Table 12: Calculated Storage Volumes Description Impervious Area (acres) Surface Runoff Ift3) Required Area for Treatment 25.01 72,582 Compensatory Treatment of Sub -basins 60, 70, 80 23.72 82,679 Total Provided Area for Treatment 44.52 155,260 Net Credit for WQ Treatment 19.51 82,678 As shown in Table 12, the proposed high flow rate bioretention pond will infiltrate an additional 82,678 cubic feet of runoff and 19.51 acres of impervious cover more than required. HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 3-2 Stormwater Report Section 3: Water Quality Compliance ® 3.1.4 Pond Design Summary A concrete riser structure is proposed to control flows leaving the high flow rate bioretention pond. The primary spillway will include the following elements: a poured, reinforced concrete box riser and reinforced concrete outfall pipe with gaskets at joints. Because the weir length on these structures is 12' and the flows entering the ponds are generally very small, there were no emergency spillways proposed for the pond. The following is a summary of the design for the proposed high flow rate bioretention pond (See the separately attached plan set for additional details): ♦ Surface Area: The proposed high flow rate bioretention pond is larger than the minimum size needed to achieve the water quality goals of the project. The surface area of the pond was achieved by targeting a pond depth of less than 4.0 feet and a detention time between 10 and 40 hours. The more well -draining the soils the smaller the footprint of the pond needed to drain the pond in approximately 10 hours. As shown in this report, the surface area that drains the pond in approximately 11 hours is 28,005 square feet (0.64 acres). ♦ Primary Outfall: A concrete box riser with an outside dimension of TxT is proposed with a primary weir elevation set at 583.75 feet NAVD 1988. The total weir length of the primary outfall is 18 feet (four 4.5' long weirs). ♦ Emergency Overflow: The primary spillway was designed to pass flow larger ® than the 100-year flood without overtopping the top of dam. A 15' wide rip -rap lined emergency overflow will convey flows over the top of dam should the riser be clogged for some unforeseen reason. This emergency spillway ties into a grass lined swale until it reaches an 18" RCP with a flared section opening. ♦ Top of Dam: The top of dam is set at elevation 855.25 feet which is approximately 1.7 feet above the 100-year flood elevation. The total dam height measured from the toe of the embankment on the downstream side is approximately 3.0 feet. The following table summarizes the water surface elevations at the proposed pond for the water quality event, 1-, 10- and 100-year floods: Table 13: Water Surface Elevations at Proposed Pond Water Quality Event 1-Year Storm (NAVD'88) 10-Year Storm (NAVD'88) 100-Year Storm (NAVD'88) 853.28 853.48 85350 853.52 Riser The riser detail provided in the separately attached plan set shows the 6'x6' concrete box to control water surface elevations inside the proposed SCM. The primary spillway was set at elevation 853.30 feet which is the dynamic elevation calculated inside EPA SWMM for the water quality storm event (an NRCS Type Il distribution with 1.0 inches of HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 3-3 Stormwater Report Section 3: Water Quality Compliance ® rainfall). The riser has a 42" diameter RCP barrel that conveys flow from the pond to a new 48" diameter closed drainage system. This 48"diameter closed system conveys the by-pass flows for larger storm events from the eastern side of the existing HAECO development. An anti -floatation calculation (See Appendix H) was performed for the pond riser resulting in a factor of safety of 1.22. This calculation ignores the friction forces of the underlying soil and therefore a factor of safety larger than 1.22 would be achieved in real conditions. Because this is a dry pond and water levels will rarely reach 6" above the crest of the weir therefore a factor of safety of 1.22 is acceptable. Flow Splitters Three flow splitters are proposed to divert stormwater runoff from the proposed closed drainage system into the high flow rate bioretention pond. For water quality rainfall event (1.0 inch of rain), 100%, of the runoff generated will flow directly into the high flow rate bioretention pond. Inside each flow splitter is a weir wall that will direct flows generated from larger storm events into a closed by-pass pipe. The elevation of this weir wall was calculated in EPA SWMM by iteratively adjusting the elevation of the wall until no flow was being diverted in the water quality rainfall event. The splitter box located just north and west of the pond (Structure 5) will require a special design. Flows that go over the weir wall will drop into a concrete manhole ® structure and eventually into the sites main 72 inch diameter RCP. The following table summarizes the key elevations for the three proposed concrete flow splitters: Table 14: Summary of Flow Splitter Design Pipe to Pond Pipe Sizes Splitter: Invert Elevation Weir Wall Height Entering Splitter Rpm Pond (feet NAVD 1988) (It) Box (in) Diameter er (in) I(structure 20) 872.21 0.85 30" 15" 2 (structure 25) 855.10 2.75 48" 24" 3 (structure 5) 851.68 1.45 54" and 42" 30" The separately attached design plans provide additional details on the size and construction of the flow splitters being used for this project. Table 15: Flow Splitter Performance Splitter = Water Quality Event 10-Year Storm Event Flow To Pond (cfs) Flow Around Pond (cfs) Flow To Pond (cfs) Flow Around Pond (cfs) 1 (structure 20) 4 0 6 17 2 (structure 25) 10 0 20 50 3 (structure 5) 27 0 40 121 As shown in Table 15, approximately 67% of the peak flows from the larger storm events ® will be diverted around the pond. HAECO Facility Improvements Project. Page 3-4 Stormwater Report Section 3: Water Quality Compliance Detention Time and Soil Media for High Flow Rate Bioretention Pond Per discussions with DEQ it was agreed that the proposed high Flow rate bioretention pond would detain the water quality event for between 10 and 40 hours. To achieve this goal, a well -draining sand media is needed that promotes infiltration at a rate that is not too quick (3 or 4 hours) and not too long (over 40 hours). With an assumed infiltration rate of 10 inches per hour for this well -draining sand, a footprint was iteratively determined until the time to drain the pond was 10 hours. This area was calculated to be 14,563 square feet. For those areas outside the well -draining sands an infiltration rate of 2 inches/hour was assumed. As shown in Appendix I, the combined flow rate passing through the soil media and leaving the pond is 3.9 cfs. For the area of well -draining sand, the construction of the high flow rate bioretention pond will mimic the design of a PGA golf green. It is assumed that the best draining soils that can be stockpiled from the onsite borrow area will be used for those areas outside the well -draining sands. At a minimum this media in Zone 1 will have a permeability of 2 inches/hour. The following is a summary of the construction for the area of the pond that mimics the PGA golf green: Option #1 for Zone 2 (No. 57 Stone at base) ® • 12" thick base of No. 57 stone (approximately 3/a" in size) • 4" of washed sand • 2' of well -draining sand -soil mix (with a permeability of 10 inches/hour) Option #2 for Zone 2 (Pea Gravel at base) • 12" thick base of peak gravel (100`) passage of 3/8" sieve) • 2' of well -draining sand -soil mix (with a permeability of 10 inches/hour) Specifications for the two soil zones will be prepared at final design. Channel Liner As shown on the separately attached design plans, two shallow rip -rap lined swales are proposed to convey runoff from small storm events to the side of the SCM with the riser. The swales were designed to be relatively shallow (1 foot in depth) and flat in order to promote infiltration. It was assumed that the entire pond bottom would be inundated fairly quickly and the need to size a large swale to minimize erosion would not be necessary. A calculation for the channel liner design is provided in Appendix J. Maintenance and Operation Procedures A maintenance and operation plan for the bioretention facilities has been included with ® this report as Appendix K. I-IAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 3-5 Stormwater Report Section 3: Water Quality Compliance 0 3.2 Conclusion As shown in this report, the proposed high flow rate bioretention pond is designed to bring the HAECO Facility Improvements project at the Piedmont -Triad International Airport in compliance with the State's requirements for water quality as outlined in Session Law 2012-200. By diverting runoff for the water quality rainfall event from basins 60, 70 and 80 into the proposed SCM, the airport is providing treatment for 44.52 acres of impervious cover. As shown in this report, the proposed SCM is providing approximately 19.51 acres more than the minimum required amount. The airport would like to request a water quality credit to offset the need to provide or minimize treatment with a future onsite development. HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 3-6 Stormwater Report Legend Existing Drainage system Proposed Pipes Proposed aMP Contours Perenmsl Stream !� Exalting Ponds 2z wetlands Proposed Impervious Area Apron Hangar Access Road Exeting Area to U Treated 0.39 acres of jurisdictional wetlands to be filled k x 7 eat —_ -- — — ► i� Fire Suppression Pond Diversion IL Existing Fire Suppression Pond (To Be Removed) Radar Roatl Twin 9' x 6' CMP Arches Flow SPlitter ��� High Flow Rate Media 0 age A®= 29 acres Proposed High Flow Rate Bioretention Pond Pond Invert @ 850.0' ao Flow SPldter Riser HAECO Parking Lot Flow Splilter Existing Wet Pond (To Be Removed) Existing wetland to be filled i Proposed Concept Plan -Appendix A 2D0 100 C 200Feet �DICKSON High Flow Rate Bioretention Pond community lnbGtldctun, consuecnts Piedmont -Triad Intemationai Airport 1 inch = 200 feet HAECO Site Development Appendix B Project: HAECO Facility Improvement @ PTIA, Greensboro, NC Prepared by: DSK • Date: November 9, 2015 SWMM Input Data 0 • EXISTING CONDITIONS SUBBASINS SWMM Sub- Basin ID Pervious RCN Area (aces) Area (sq. ft.) Flow Length ft Width (h.) Elevation Change( Basin Slope % Percent Impervious % 10 74 77.1 3356329 3294 1019 21 0.64% 31% 20 74 28.8 1253061 1259 995 11 0.83% 34% 30 74 19.3 842697 1856 454 19 1.03% 40% 40 74 4.1 180429 1027 176 12 1.12% 44% 50 74 3.6 156421 520 301 10 1.92% 21% 60 74 5.2 225908 841 269 14 1.66% 8% 70 74 9.2 401743 1215 331 16 1.34% 100% 80 71 14.4 627272 1095 573 21 1.91% 100% 85 71 3.0 131013 338 388 36 10.65% 24% 90 74 8.9 388935 1359 286 27 1.98% 82% 100 74 19.3 840092 1465 573 9 0.58% 43% 110 74 6.1 263574 496 531 7 1.31% 29% 120 74 15.3 665778 958 695 25 2.56% 92% 130 74 4.5 195877 944 207 35 3.65% 44% 142 74 9.4 407511 707 576 35 4.95% 26% 145 74 12.2 1 529689 1513 350 49 3.25% 2% 240.27 PROPOSED CONDITIONS SUBBASINS SWMM Sub- Basin ID Pervious RCN Area (acres) Area (sq. h.) Flow Length ft Width (ft.) Elevation Change(ft.) Basin Slope % Percent Impervious % 10 74 77.05 3356329 3294 1019 21 0.6% 31% 20 74 28.77 1253061 1259 995 11 0.8% 34% 30 74 19.35 842697 1856 454 19 1.0% 40% 40 74 4.14 180429 1027 176 12 1.1% 4 %% 50 74 3.59 156421 520 301 10 1.9% 21% 60 74 5.19 225908 841 269 14 1.7% 8% 70 74 9.22 401743 1215 331 16 1.3% 100% 80 71 14.09 613567 1095 560 21 1.9% 100% 90 74 8.93 388935 1359 286 27 2.0% 82% 100 74 19.29 840092 1465 573 9 0.6% 43% 110 74 6.05 263574 496 531 7 1.3% 29% 120A 74 13.95 607823 1487 409 25 1.6% 85% 120B 74 2.43 105911 640 165 21 3.3% 50% 130 74 4.50 1 195977 944 207 35 3.7% 47% 142 1 74 9.36 407511 707 576 1 35 5.0% 1 32% 144-A 74 0.84 38104 143 266 0.715 0.5% 100% 144-B 74 0.86 38293 127 302 0.635 0.5% 100% 144-C 74 0.75 32703 137 239 0,685 0.5% 100% 144-D 74 0.88 38306 252 252 0.76 0.5% 100% 144-E 74 0.51 22097 175 126 0.875 0.5% 100% 144-F 74 0.47 20479 102 201 0.51 0.5% 100% 144-G 74 0.54 23709 108 220 0.54 0.5% 10D% 144-H 74 1.74 75931 237 320 1.185 0.5% 42% 146-A 1 74 0.81 35111 406 86 1 2.03 1 0.5% 1 100% 146-B 74 1.71 74691 406 194 1 2.03 1 0.5% 1 100% 146-C 74 1.53 66657 406 164 2.03 0.5% 100% 146-D 74 1.99 86824 450 193 2.25 0.5% 106% 146-E 74 0.67 29025 306 274 0.53 0.5% 28% 148 74 1.08 47109 275 171 44 16.2% 10% 240.27 Legend —► Existing Pipes Streams ODrainage Areas Contours IICKSON community infrastructure consuRonts Basin 10 Basin 30 Basin 40 ----- -' r Basin 142 Basin 60 Basin 50 _ Basin 7087 e'9 Y Basin 60 Y, Basin 145 Basin 90 Basin 20 W Basin 100 NBasin110 i � I Basin 120 Drainage Area = 240.3 acres � m �— aso 9 &O"As - -c Existing Conditions Drainage Area Map -Appendix C 500 250 0 500 Feet Piedmont -Triad International Airport ~' HAECO Site Development 1 inch = 500 feet 1 �l % r 0 — Basin 20 Basin 100 gg2 Basin 110 be Treated iosed Apron to FMLI sa= IBM� I �� ■ter �� _ — � -, L c �� � III - _ � � � _••I ,� i III Water Quality Volume and Stage Storage at Proposed Central High Flow Bioretention Pond Project: HAECO Facility Improvement @ PTIA, Greensboro, NC Prepared by: OJK Checked by: Date: November 3, 2015 Summary of Impervious Areas Description Impervious Area Jac) Total Drainage Area ac Basin 60 0,42 5,19 Basin 70 9.22 9.22 Basin 80 14.09 14.09 Basin 120 11.92 13.95 Proposed An 5,11 6.59 Proposed Hangar 5.06 5.95 Proposed Access Rd 0.32 0.66 Han ar Area Not Drainin to Pond -1.71 -1.71 Pro Sld walk 0.09 0.09 Total 44.52 i 5CO3 Calculate the rutroff coefficient: Rv=0.05-0.009(1a) Rv = runoff coefficient = storm runoff (inches) / stone rainfall (inches) Is = percent impervious = impervious portion of the drainage area (ac.)/drainage area (ac.) I, 82.40 Rv- 0.79 (in./in.) Apodix G WK o�c�csoiry IrNxup TnXNrtls R..., Runoff coefficient The R,. is a ueasure of the site response to rainfall events, and in theory is calculated as: R,. - r1p, where r and p are the volume of stone nmoff and stone rainfall, respectively, expressed as inches. The R,. for the site depends on the nature of the soils, topography. and cover. However, the primary influence our the R,. in urban areas is the amount of impuviousums of the site. Impervious area is defined as those surfaces in the landscape that cannot infiltrate rainhU consisting of building rooftops, pavement, sidewalks, driveways, etc. In the equation R, = 0.05 + 0,00940.'T' represents the percentage of impervious cover expressed as a whole number. A site that is 75° o impervious would use I - 75 for the proposes of calculating R.. Stage Storage Relationship Calculate the required volume to be detained for the first 1" of runoff: Volume = (Design rainfall)(Rv)(Drainage Area) Volume = 1" rainfall • Rv • mz lteavinmesl • Drainage Area Volume= 3.6 acre-feet Volume= 155,260 ft3 V.t=Y A.+At+ A,•A3 Stage -Storage from Contours - Proposed Detention Facility - High Flow Bioretention Pond NODE INVERT CONTOUR SWMM DEPTH CONTOUR AREA INCREMENTAL VOLUME S ACCUMULATIVE VOLUME S TOTAL VOLUME F F AC JLF2 GAL) CF I ACW CF ACF 848.50 848.50 0.00 0.00 1 1-_- 849.00 0.50 1.50 0.00 0.00 2 6 19 _ __ 1 _ 2 _ 0,000136.BW 0.00024 6 1 0,000 0% 0% 850.00 3 3 0.000 Potts Bodom 861.00 260 0.33 141%3 36842 4925 0.113 4928 0.113 2% _ 852.00 853.00 854.00 _ 855.00 _ 856.00 3.50 4.50 - 6.50 6.50 _ 7.50 056 060 0.64 _ 0.69 0.73 24,328 _ 26,138 28,005 _ 29,929 31,910 143909 188715_ 202469 _ _ 19238 _ 25228 _ 27066 _ 0.442 _ _ 0.579 _ 0.621 180,775 369,490 571,959 24.166 0.555 _ 8% 17% 26% 36% 47% 49,394 1.134 76,460 1.755 _ 218848 _ _ 28962 _ _ 0.665 _ 788.607 231254 30914 0710 1,019,862 105.421 2A20 136,336 3.130 sw M-F 8:38 1 0.78 33,133 1 146968 1 19512 10.448 1185819 188847 3.578 84% 857 G_ 858.00 _859.00 _ _8,50 _ _ 9.50 10.50 0.78 0.83 -. 088 _ 33,948 36,043 38,198 F_246287 36 2123 539362 _ _ 32924 _ 48409 72102 _ 0.756 1.111 1.655 1,266,148 1.6 28,271 2,187,834 169,259 217,668 289,770 _ 3.886 4.997 8.852 S8% 75% 100% Incremental volume determined usin "conic" method as described in USACE HEC-1 manual Pond bottom Elevation that exceeds the water quality volume (assuming static elevation with no Infiltration) Appendix H r� Riser Structure Flotation Calculation Project HAECO Site Development Prepared by: DJK Dated: 11-3-15 Invert Out Elev. 848.00 Primary Weir Elev. 853.30 Overflow Weir Elev. 853.30 Secondary Weir Hght (ft) 1.50 Secondary Weir Width (ft) 4.67 Primary Weir Hght (ft) 1.50 Primary Weir Width (ft) 4.67 Top of Box Elev. 855.30 Inside Lgth (it) (perpendicular to flow) 4.67 Inside Width (ft) 4.67 Outside Lgth (ft) (pe endicular to flow) 6.00 Outside Width (ft) 6.00 Primary weir hgth (ft) (CALCULATED) 5.30 Overflow weir hgth (R) (CALCULATED) 5.30 Wall thickness (ft) 0.67 Top thickness (ft) R50 Base thickness (ft) 1.25 Orifice diameter (in) 0.00 Orifice area (sq-ft) 0.00 Outlet pipe dia (in) 42.00 Outlet pipe area (sq ft) 9.62 Concrete weight (Ibs/cu ft) 146.00 Water weight(lbs/cuit) 62.40 Probable Str volume (cu-yd) 4.89 Str weight (Ibs) 19,267 Buoyant force (Ibs) 15,837 Resultant weight(lbs) 3,430 Factor of Safety 1.22 Bearing Weight (lbs/sq ft) 535.19 Bottom of pond with regards to soil (invert of underdrain system is 84B.5 99.20 Weir capacity Design Input (Target factor of safety, of 1.2) talc Conservative Assumptions: Bouyant force measured at top of structure lid 100-year flood depth is 8.6 feet in depth (calculation went to elevation 9.5 feet) Weight of soil on outfall pipe not accounted for in calculation QC Check on Cales Check on Volume Inside width of box 5.67 Outside width of box 7.00 Area of inside box 32 Area of outside box 49 Height of box (below top) 4.8 Net Volume of Walls 81.066667 cu 8 Top Area of structure 49 Thickness of top 0.50 Volume of top 24.5 cu 8 Volume of base 61.25 cu ft Total Volume of Concrete 166,81667 Weight of Concrete 24,355 Volumeof displaced water 320.95 cue Unit weight of water 62.4 Form of displaced water 20,027 Factor of Safety 1.22 An14Floatatbn.xl5 0 Detention Time and Design of High Flow Rate Media Project: HAECO Facility Improvement @ PTIA, Greensboro, NC Prepared by: D1K Checked by: Date: October 23, 2015 Description Impervious Area (ac) Total Drainage Area (ac) Basin 60 0.4 5.2 Basin 70 9.2 9.2 Basin 80 14 1 14.1 Basin 120 11.9 14.0 Proposed Apron 5.1 6.6 Proposed Hangar 5.1 6.0 Proposed Access Rd 0.3 0.7 Total 44.5 54.0 Calculate the runoff coefficient: Rv=0.05+0.009(la) Rv= runoff coefficient = storm runoff (inches) / storm rainfall (inches) la = percent impervious = impervious portion of the drainage area (ac.)/drainage area (ac.) I, 82.40 Rv= 0.79 (in./in.) Calculate the runoff volume for the water quality event (first 1" of runoff): Volume = (Design rainfall)(Rv)(Drainage Area) Volume = 1" rainfall " Rv • 1112 (reevmches)' Drainage Area Volume = 3.6 acre-feet Volume = 155,260 W O ICKSON Enpinmr. v(annrs.5unrpn ta�Wrornrs4�ne AppWx I Infiltration Zone and Assumed Infiltration Rates for Pond Zone Area (sq ft) Assumed Infiltration Rate (inch/hr) Assumed Infiltration Rate (ft/hr) Assumed Infiltration Rate (ft/sec) 1 (moderately draining soils) 12,403 2 0.2 0.000046 2 (well draining sand) 14,563 30 0.8 0.000231 Calculate Peak Flows and Drawdown Time for WQ Event Zone 1 Peak Flow (cfs) Zone 2 Peak Flow (cfs) Total Flow (cfs) Time to Drain Pond (sec) Time to Drain Pond (min) Time to Drain Pond (hours) 0.6 3.4 3.9 39,354 656 10.9 Shear Stress Analysis of Rip -Rap Ditches Inside SCM P Project: HAECO Site Development Project, PTIA Airpon Engineer: DJK Date: 11-3-15 Appendix J C I Mannings Equation, Q =(A 1.49 0.66 SD.5 -Rh JI n 36 Inch RCP on Western Side of Pond Storm Design Chan But I Side I Side Slope I Design I Chan I Wetted Hydraulic Mann. Channel I Q Cale I Cale I Shear Temp. Perm. Event Flow(cfs) Width Slope Len th Depth Area Peri1n Pw Radius "n" Slope Allow. Depth Velocity Stress Liner Liner 10-Year 30 3 3 6.3 2 18 16 1.2 0.040 0.002 32 1.9 1.8 0.2 Straw w/ net Class A 1-Year 9 3 5 5.1 1 1 8 1 13 0.6 0.040 0.002 9 1.0 1 1.2 1 0.1 IStraw w/ net I Class A 24 Inch RCP on Eastern Side of Pond Storm Design Chan Bot Side Side Slope Design Chan Welted Hydraulic Mann. Channel Q Calc. Cale. Shear Temp. Perm. Event Flow (cfs) Width Slope Le th Depth Area Perim.. Pw Radius "n" Slope Allow. Depth Velocity Stress Lirler Liner 10-Year 26 3 3 6.3 2 18 16 1.2 0.040 0,002 33 1 1.9 1.8 0.2 Straw w/ net Class A 1-Year 9 3 5 5.1 1 1 8 13 0.6 1 0,0401 0.002 9 1 1.0 1 1.2 1 0.1 I Straw w/ net I Class A Shear Stress, T = yds T = shear stress in lb/sq. ft. y = unit weight of water, 62.4 lb/cu. ft. d = flow depth in ft. s = channel slope in ft./ft. Notes: Side slope = horiz./vert. TemporaryLiners Allow Shee6tress Maenal (lb/sq1) Tacked Mulch 0.35 JuteNo 0.45 Straw w/ Na L45 SythaicMat 200 ClessA 1250 Cl. B 2.00 Classl 340 Classrl 4.50 iandlnuncouiu) Loeminancollidl) oam(aoncolbdl) ,,iwFivn Loum tnCobblcs I Depth and Velocity calculated using AutoCAD's Hydroflow Express Max Pertussibbvelocity(Y/s) 25 2.5 3.0 3.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 ChanoelSlope Soil Gmss Lining Permssibk V(I D-5% Sands/Sila Bmmda 50 Tall Fescue 4.5 KY Bl uegmss 4S Gmss-leguttemx 3.5 Clay Mims Bemuda 60 Tell Fescue 5.5 KY Bluegmss 5.5 Gmss-legutrema 4.5 5-10% Sands/Sils Bemuda 4.5 Tall Fescue 4o KYBlucgmss 4.0 Gmsz-legurte mx 3.0 Clay Mims Betrtuda 5s Tall Fescue 5.0 KY Bluegmss 50 Gmss-legunemx 3.5 Permit Number: (to be provided by DEMLR) Drainage Area Number: • High Flow Rate Bioretention Pond Operation and Maintenance Agreement • • I will keep a maintenance record on this BMP. This maintenance record will be kept in a log in a known set location. Any deficient BMP elements noted in the inspection will be corrected, repaired or replaced immediately. These deficiencies can affect the integrity of structures, safety of the public, and the removal efficiency of the BMP. Important maintenance procedures: — The drainage area of the high flow rate bioretention pond will be carefully managed to reduce the sediment load to the sand filter. — Once a year, sand media will be skimmed. — The sand filter media will be replaced whenever it fails to function properly after maintenance. The high flow rate bioretention pond will be inspected once a quarter and within 24 hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inches. Records of operation and maintenance will be kept in a known set location and will be available upon request. Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall be repaired immediately. BMP element: Potentialproblem: How I will remediate theproblem: The entire BMP Trash debris is present. Remove the trash debris. The grass filter strip or Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to other pretreatment area erosive gullies have formed. remove the gully, and then plant a ground cover and water until it is established. Provide time and a one-time fertilizer application. Sediment has accumulated to Search for the source of the a depth of greater than six sediment and remedy the problem if inches. possible. Remove the sediment and dispose of it in a location where it will not cause impacts to streams or the BMP. The flow diversion The structure is clogged. Unclog the conveyance and dispose structure (if applicable) of any sediment off -site. The structure is damaged. Make any necessary repairs or replace if damage is too large for repair. High Flow Rate Bioretention Pond O&M Page l of 3 Permit Number: • • • (to be provided by DEMLR) BMP element: Potentialproblem: How I will remediate theproblem: The bioretention cell: Mulch is breaking down or Spot mulch if there are only random soils and mulch has floated away. void areas. Replace whole mulch layer if necessary. Remove the remaining mulch and replace with triple shredded hard wood mulch at a maximum depth of three inches. Soils and/or mulch are Check to see if the collection system clogged with sediment. Water is clogged and flush if necessary. If is ponding on the surface for water still ponds, remove the top more than 24 hours after a few inches of the filter bed material storm. and replace. If water still ponds, then consult an expert. Outlet device Clogging has occurred. Clean out the outlet device and dispose sediment in a location that will not impact a stream or the BMP. The outlet device is damaged. Repair the outlet device. The observation well(s) The water table is within one Contact DEMLR Stormwater foot of the bottom of the Permitting staff immediately at system for a period of three 919-707-9220. consecutive months. The outflow pipe is clogged. Provide additional erosion protection such as reinforced turf matting or riprap if needed to prevent future erosion problems. The outflow pipe is damaged. Repair or replace the pipe. The emergency overflow Erosion or other signs of The emergency overflow berm will bean damage have occurred at the be repaired or replaced if beyond outlet. repair. The receiving water Erosion or other signs of Contact the N.C. Division of Water damage have occurred at the Resources 401 Certification Program outlet. staff at 919-707-8789. High Flow Rate Bioretention Pond O&M Page 2 of 3 Permit Number: (to be provided by DEMLR) I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DEMLR of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Project name: HAECO Site Development Project BMP drainage area number: Print name: Title: IQ$Till= Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. 0 I, a Notary Public for the State of County of , do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this day of , and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing high flow rate bioretention pond maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, SEAL My commission 0 High Flow Rate Bioretention Pond O&M Page 3 of 3 DDICKSON MEETING AGENDA community Inirostiucture contuuonte 720 Corporate Center Drive, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 919.782.0495 Piedmont Triad International Airport HAECO Facility Improvements WK Dickson Project # 20150125.00.RA October 14, 2015 1:00 pm Meeting at Archdale Building Meeting Attendees Mike Randall - NCDEQ Boyd Devane - NCDEQ David Kiker - WK Dickson Jason Kennedy - WK Dickson Agenda 1. Session Law 2012-200 and Need to Meet - Kiker ➢ Clarify water quality requirements for new development and replacement of existing WQ BMP ➢ Clarify pre -vs -post requirements 2. Overview of Existing HAECO Site - Kiker ➢ Open channel and contributing flows/drainage areas/pipe sizes ➢ Airport landuse ➢ Downstream road and downstream Harris Teeter site 3. Overview of Proposed HAECO Site - Kiker ➢ Fill site to tie in grades to the existing hangars and aprons ➢ Open channel to be piped (Michael Baker preparing mitigation plan) ➢ Eliminate existing fire suppression pond and existing wet pond. ➢ Future stormwater control measure (SCM) to include fire suppression measures. ➢ Frequency of activation for fire suppression chemicals, valves to disconnect from main system, biodegradable chemicals. 4. Water quality requirements - Water quality requirements with consideration of removal of the existing wet pond - Randall/Devane 5. Pre -vs -post for 1-year water quantity detention requirements— Randall/Devane 6. Summary of preliminary stormwater modeling (pre -vs -post for quantity control) - Kiker ➢ Proposed central dry pond ➢ Diversion of existing pipes into dry pond ➢ High flow rate media near outfall with underdrain ➢ 1-year pre -vs -post summary ➢ Use wooded/grassed condition for pre -project conditions ➢ Capacity of downstream drainage system and open channel 7. Level of detail for 301/6 design plans (hangar and apron drainage systems, profiles, erosion control plans). 2 Proposed Storm Drainage Layout �DICKSON 4+Cv, Piedmont- Triad International Airport =ommuni,. int,a,t,uctu.e =onsultonts HAECO Site Development 200 100 0 200 Feet 1 inch = 200 feet P&W IICKSON community Infrastructure consultants Drainage Area Map H Piedmont -Triad International Airport HAECO Site Development 500 250 1 inch = 500 feet 500 Feet (PROJECT 2) IMPERVIOUS) I - Riddle, Rick L From: Randall, Mike Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 7:48 PM To: Priyanka Prakash; Riddle, Rick L Cc: Homewood, Sue Subject: RE: PTIA / HAECO Hangar Stormwater Modification Priyaka, I did some quick calculations. In January 2017, NC revised our rules. The original design is based on a more conservative approach than currently allowed by INC stormwater rules. The new NC Stormwater Rules, based on research at NC State, are less conservative. The approved design had a safety factor built in and was based on some assumptions, rather than actual data. As it turns out, adding 1.25 acres of BUA to the 53 acre of BUA, approximately .023 added BUA, will not compromise the current approved design. The design as previously approved is adequate for the proposed added BUA. prefer the stormwater runoff from the added 1.25 acres of BUA be directed into the proposed bio-cell rather than bypassing the bio cell as we discussed earlier. Mike Randall Stormwater Permitting Program INC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR) Land Quality Section Stormwater Permitting 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, INC 27699-1612 Office: 919-807-6374 Cell: 919-389-7801 Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to public records laws From: Priyanka Prakash [mailto:pprakash@brph.com] Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 12:48 PM To: Riddle, Rick L <rick.riddle@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Randall, Mike <mike.randall@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Re: PTIA / HAECO Hangar Stormwater Modification Hi Rick, Yes, actually that may work better for me as well. Thanks, Priyanka Prakash Civil Engineer -In -Training EMAIL m)rakash(a brph.com DIRECT 321-751-3095 CELL 321-243-2584 FAX 321-259-4703 BRPH 1 5700 North Harbor City Boulevard, Suite 400 1 Melbourne, Florida 32940 1 BRPH.com Named 2016 Best Company to Work For From: Riddle, Rick L <rick.riddle@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 12:22 PM To: Priyanka Prakash Cc: Randall, Mike Subject: RE: PTIA / HAECO Hangar Stormwater Modification Pri, Would there be a problem moving the call to 2:45? I forgot a lunch meeting Thanks Richard L. Riddle, Jr. Stormwater Engineer 1C. 7"Nothtng Compares -- Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Low and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Priyanka Prakash [mailto:pprakash@brph.coml Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 10:32 AM To: Riddle, Rick L <rick.riddle@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Re: PTIA / HAECO Hangar Stormwater Modification Excellent, will do. Thank you! Priyanka Prakash Civil Engineer -In -Training EMAIL oorakash(albroh.com DIRECT 321-751-3095 CELL 321-243-2584 FAX 321-259-4703 BRPH 1 5700 North Harbor City Boulevard, Suite 400 1 Melbourne, Florida 32940 1 BRPH.com Named 2016 Best Company to Work For From: Riddle, Rick L <rick.riddle@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 10:29:56 AM To: Priyanka Prakash Subject: RE: PTIA / HAECO Hangar Stormwater Modification Pri, You can call 919-807-6375. Mike Randall will sit in on the call also. Richard L. Riddle, Jr. Stormwater Engineer � Nothing Compares. Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Priyanka Prakash [mailto:pprakash@brph.coml Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 10:21 AM To: Riddle, Rick L <rick.riddle@ncdenr.aov> Subject: Re: PTIA / HAECO Hangar Stormwater Modification Hi Rick, 213M works well for me --is there a number where I can reach you? I'm available via my cell number below. Thanks! Pri Priyanka Prakash Civil Engineer -In -Training EMAIL porakashbbrph.com DIRECT 321-751-3095 CELL 321-243-2584 FAX 321-259-4703 BRPH 1 5700 North Harbor City Boulevard, Suite 400 1 Melbourne, Florida 32940 1 BRPH.com Named 2016 Best Company to Work For From: Riddle, Rick L <rick.riddle@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 10:12:04 AM To: Priyanka Prakash Subject: RE: PTIA / HAECO Hangar Stormwater Modification Pri, Would 2:00 work for you? Richard L. Riddle, Jr. Stormwater Engineer Kc. Nothing Compares Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Priyanka Prakash [mailto:pprakash0brph.coml Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2017 4:46 PM To: Riddle, Rick L <rick.riddle@ncdenr.Rov> Subject: Re: PTIA / HAECO Hangar Stormwater Modification Hi Rick, Would you have some time next week (maybe Monday afternoon or Tuesday, anytime) to have a quick phone call about this project? I went through a general approach with Sue, and just want to make sure we are all on the same page before we proceed with our design. Let me know when would be a good day/time for you. Thanks! Pri Priyanka Prakash Civil Engineer -In -Training EMAIL porakash®brph.com DIRECT 321-751-3095 CELL 321-243-2584 FAX 321-259-4703 BRPH 15700 North Harbor City Boulevard, Suite 400 1 Melbourne, Florida 32940 1 BRPH.com Named 2016 Best Company to Work For From: Riddle, Rick L <r!ck.riddle@ncdenr.Rov> Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 4:07:04 PM To: Homewood, Sue; Priyanka Prakash Cc: Randall, Mike Subject: RE: PTIA / HAECO Hangar Stormwater Modification Sorry Pri, I did see the email but was tied up with other permits and issues and have not had a chance to review yet. Update: From the recently sent photo the pond looks like it was oversized to accommodate the future development and if that is case then a just a minor permit modification. Mike is out today but I will confer with him about this when he returns tomorrow. Have a good day Richard L. Riddle, Jr. Stormwater Engineer N:_ <i''Nothing Compares —u Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Homewood, Sue Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 3:25 PM To: Priyanka Prakash <pprakash@brph.com> Cc: Riddle, Rick L <rick.r!ddle@ncdenr.Rov>; Randall, Mike <m!ke.randall@ncdenr.Rov> Subject: RE: PTIA / HAECO Hangar Stormwater Modification Hi Pri, I had you on my list to email today. Rick Riddle, who I've copied on this email has been asked to come up to speed on this project and provide input to me as necessary. I do not know his schedule and when he'll have a chance to review the file and go over it with Mike if needed. In the meantime you can send information to all of us although I will remain the official "point of contact" for your permit. Thanks, Sue Homewood Division of Water Resources, Winston Salem Regional Office Department of Environmental Quality 336 776 9693 office 336 813 1863 mobile Sue. Homewood (cDncdenr.aov 450 W. Hanes Mill Rd, Suite 300 Winston Salem NC 27105 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Priyanka Prakash (mailto:pprakash@brph.coml Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 9:29 AM To: Homewood, Sue <sue.homewood@ncdenr.Rov> Subject: Re: PTIA / HAECO Hangar Stormwater Modification Hi Sue, Do you think you'll have a chance to find out who from Stormwater will be reviewing our permit modification for HAECO? Would it be beneficial for us to touch base with Mike Randall in the meantime? (Wasn't sure if he had already retired or if there is a particular date he'll be leaving). We're progressing with our design assuming that we will not need a new BMP for the new impervious, and that we can claim a portion of the compensatory treatment within the same basin, but we wanted to validate that with the reviewer before we get too far into the calculations. I know you've been super busy, just wanted to start the conversation! Thanks! Pri Priyanka Prakash Civil Engineer -In -Training EMAIL pprakash@brph.com DIRECT 321-751-3095 CELL 321-243-2584 FAX 321-259-4703 BRPH 1 5700 North Harbor City Boulevard, Suite 400 1 Melbourne, Florida 32940 1 BRPH.com Named 2016 Best company to Work For From: Homewood, Sue <sue.homewoodCoDncdenr.aov> Sent: Monday, June 5, 2017 4:03:11 PM To: Priyanka Prakash Subject: RE: PTIA / HAECO Hangar Stormwater Modification Hi Pri, I haven't had a chance to talk to our stormwater unit yet and I have a very busy week, it may take me a little while. I'm sorry, I'll try to catch them as soon as I get a chance. Thanks, Sue Homewood Division of Water Resources, Winston Salem Regional Office Department of Environmental Quality 336 776 9693 office 336 813 1863 mobile Sue. Homewood(dncdenr.aov 450 W. Hanes Mill Rd, Suite 300 Winston Salem INC 27105 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Priyanka Prakash fmailto:pprakashCwbrph.coml Sent: Monday, June 05, 2017 11:28 AM To: Homewood, Sue <sue.homewood(@ncdenr.aov> Subject: Re: PTIA / HAECO Hangar Stormwater Modification Hi Sue, Sounds good --I will coordinate with PTIA to get a letter over to you. We will probably send a scan, and follow with the original via snail mail. Any luck in determining who from Stormwater will be reviewing the future parking lot permit? Trying to figure out what calculations you guys will be looking for when we request the modification to use the available credits in the existing bioretention pond. Thanks, Pri Priyanka Prakash Civil Engineer -In -Training EMAIL oorakash0broh.com DIRECT 321-751-3095 CELL 321-243-2584 FAX 321-259-4703 BRPH 1 5700 North Harbor City Boulevard, Suite 400 1 Melbourne, Florida 32940 1 BRPH.com Named 2016 Best Company to Work For From: Homewood, Sue <sue.homewood@ncdenr.aov> Sent: Sunday, June 4, 2017 12:30:57 PM To: Priyanka Prakash Subject: RE: PTIA / HAECO Hangar Stormwater Modification Pri, The Division will allow this modification and minor increase in impervious area. Please provide a letter from the Permittee formally requesting this minor modification to the stormwater management plan. Thanks, Sue Homewood Division of Water Resources, Winston Salem Regional Office Department of Environmental Quality 336 776 9693 office 336 813 1863 mobile Sue. Homewood(cDncdenr.aov 450 W. Hanes Mill Rd, Suite 300 Winston Salem NC 27105 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Priyanka Prakash Imailto:pprakash@brph.coml Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2017 6:14 PM To: Homewood, Sue <sue.homewood@ncdenr.Rov> Subject: Re: PTIA / HAECO Hangar Stormwater Modification Hi Sue, Thanks for your time today! With regards to the apron infill, attached is the information you had requested, showing the sidewalk removed from the scope and the new impervious for the apron infill. The increase in impervious area is about 1,560 sf, whereas the total area currently being treated by the BMP is 53.57 ac. Is this modification acceptable? Thanks, Pri Priyanka Prakash Civil Engineer -In -Training EMAIL DDrakash®broh.com DIRECT 321-751-3095 CELL 321-243-2584 FAX 321-259-4703 BRPH 15700 North Harbor City Boulevard, Suite 400 1 Melbourne, Florida 32940 1 BRPH.com Named 2016 Best Company to Work For From: Homewood, Sue <sue.homewood COD ncdenr.aov> Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2017 5:04 PM To: Priyanka Prakash Subject: RE: PTIA / HAECO Hangar Stormwater Modification Pri, I'm struggling with working through what's in the file. From a quick look, it appears that the a sidewalk (0.09 acres of BUA) was accounted for within the BMP calculations, however, none of the drawings provided identify the sidewalk area. As you indicated earlier, the sidewalk you are referencing at this time does not appear to drain to the BMP so I'm unsure if this was the sidewalk accounted for in the BMP calculations. This is what I need to be made clear at this time. Was the original report referencing sidewalk elsewhere? If it was this sidewalk then why was it accounted for in the drainage calculations to the BMP if it wasn't draining to the BMP? I do not have the time to review the file in depth, I was hoping it would be clear afterjust a brief look. I know that the BMP was oversized but we specifically discussed this at the time of permitting and PTAA did not want to delay permitting so accepted that DWR would not allow for future "credit" or additional BUA to be directed to the BMP without a modification to the Stormwater Management Plan and full review at that time. Thanks, Sue Homewood Division of Water Resources, Winston Salem Regional Office Department of Environmental Quality 336 776 9693 office 336 813 1863 mobile Sue. Homewood(rDncdenr.aov 450 W. Hanes Mill Rd, Suite 300 Winston Salem NC 27105 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Priyanka Prakash fmailto:pprakash(a)brph.coml Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 11:19 AM To: Homewood, Sue <sue.homewood(a)ncdenr.aov> Subject: Re: PTIA / HAECO Hangar Stormwater Modification Hi Sue, Any word on this item? Would you happen to have a few minutes for a quick call today? Thanks, Pri Priyanka Prakash Civil Engineer -In -Training EMAIL oorakash5broh.com DIRECT 321-751-3095 CELL 321-243-2584 FAX 321-259-4703 BRPH 15700 North Harbor City Boulevard, Suite 400 1 Melbourne, Florida 32940 1 BRPH.com Named 2016 Best Company to Work For From: Priyanka Prakash Sent: Friday, May 19, 2017 12:03:44 PM To: Homewood, Sue Subject: Re: PTIA/ HAECO Hangar Stormwater Modification OK, sounds good, we can touch base next week. Have a nice weekend, Pri Priyanka Prakash Civil Engineer -In -Training EMAIL oorakash0broh.com DIRECT 321-751-3095 CELL 321-243-2584 FAX 321-259-4703 BRPH 1 5700 North Harbor City Boulevard, Suite 400 1 Melbourne, Florida 32940 1 BRPH.com Named 2016 Best Company to Work For From: Homewood, Sue <sue.homewood@ncdenr.Rov> Sent: Friday, May 19, 2017 11:23:06 AM To: Priyanka Prakash Subject: RE: PTIA / HAECO Hangar Stormwater Modification I'll need to go back and look at the original calculations and get back to you next week. Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone -------- Original message -------- From: Priyanka Prakash Date:05/19/2017 11:19 AM (GMT-05:00) To: "Homewood, Sue" Cc: Alan Butler , Alex Maziekas , David Hill , Steve McGrey , Andrew Betts Subject: Re: PTIA / HAECO Hangar Stormwater Modification Hi Sue, I just wanted to clarify from your email below --we won't be adding impervious surface beyond the amount that was accounted in the original calculations. We are looking to exchange impervious area in one location (the sidewalk), for an equivalent impervious in another location (the apron). If this falls within the conditions/thresholds of the existing permit, will this require a formal modification as you describe below also? Thanks, Pri Priyanka Prakash Civil Engineer -In -Training EMAIL oorakash0broh.com DIRECT 321-751-3095 CELL 321-243-2584 FAX 321-259-4703 BRPH 15700 North Harbor City Boulevard, Suite 400 1 Melbourne, Florida 32940 1 BRPH.com Named 2016 Best Company to Work For From: Homewood, Sue <sue.homewood@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2017 8:43:48 PM To: Priyanka Prakash Subject: RE: PTIA / HAECO Hangar Stormwater Modification Pri, I apologize, I thought I sent this out yesterday and just found it in my "drafts" folder. Since the changes you are proposing includes adding impervious surfaces to drain to the BMP we will need a formal request to modify the approved stormwater management plan. The request must come from the permittee (PTAA) or at least have a cover letter from them acknowledging the submittal by HAECO on their behalf. Your request should include any documentation/calculations/plans that would show that the stormwater management plan will continue to protect downstream water quality with the additional impervious surface. Thanks, Sue Homewood Division of Water Resources, Winston Salem Regional Office Department of Environmental Quality 336 776 9693 office 336 813 1863 mobile Sue. HomewoodOncdenr.aov 450 W. Hanes Mill Rd, Suite 300 Winston Salem NC 27105 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Priyanka Prakash [mailto:pprakash@brph.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 20174:16 PM To: Homewood, Sue <sue.homewood@ncdenr.aov> Subject: Re: PTIA / HAECO Hangar Stormwater Modification Hi Sue, Updated exhibit is attached, let me know if there is any other information you need. Thanks! Pri 10 Priyanka Prakash Civil Engineer -In -Training EMAIL oorakash@broh.com DIRECT 321-751-3095 CELL 321-243-2584 FAX 321-259-4703 BRPH 1 5700 North Harbor City Boulevard, Suite 400 1 Melbourne, Florida 32940 1 BRPH.com Named 2016 Best Company to Work For From: Homewood, Sue <sue.homewood@ncdenr.xov> Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 4:11:32 PM To: Priyanka Prakash Subject: RE: PTIA / HAECO Hangar Stormwater Modification Yes, please update the exhibit for me. I'll review this with the original reviewer and see if there are any other questions we may have. Thanks, Sue Homewood Division of Water Resources, Winston Salem Regional Office Department of Environmental Quality 336 776 9693 office 336 813 1863 mobile Sue. Homewood ((Dncdenr.00v 450 W. Hanes Mill Rd, Suite 300 Winston Salem NC 27105 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Priyanka Prakash [mailto:pprakash@brph.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 4:10 PM To: Homewood, Sue <sue. homewood @ ncdenr.gov> Subject: Re: PTIA / HAECO Hangar Stormwater Modification Hi Sue, It doesn't look like the sidewalk was directly draining to the BMP, but I think that the impervious area may have been accounted in the BMP contributing area. Reading through the original permitting report, it looks like the BMP was sized to provide treatment only. WKDickson describes in the report that the airport has a detention waiver, and that the postdevelopment flow rate exceeds the predevelopment flow rate. The area where the sidewalk was proposed will now be grassed and remain pervious. Would you like me to update the exhibit to specifically state this? Thanks for your help! Pri Priyanka Prakash Civil Engineer -In -Training 11 EMAIL pprakash(a)bmh.com DIRECT 321-751-3095 CELL 321-243-2584 FAX 321-259-4703 BRPH 1 5700 North Harbor City Boulevard, Suite 400 1 Melbourne, Florida 32940 1 BRPH.com Named 2016 Best Company to Work For From: Homewood, Sue <sue.homewoodCWncdenr.aov> Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 3:24:49 PM To: Priyanka Prakash Subject: RE: PTIA / HAECO Hangar Stormwater Modification Pri, I do not have the entire file available to me at this time, I'm working remotely this week while in a workshop. Was the sidewalk draining to the BMP? And can you provide me with something that shows what will be in the area where the sidewalk was proposed please. Thanks, Sue Homewood Division of Water Resources, Winston Salem Regional Office Department of Environmental Quality 336 776 9693 office 336 813 1863 mobile Sue. Homewood(cDncdenr.gov 450 W. Hanes Mill Rd, Suite 300 Winston Salem NC 27105 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Priyanka Prakash [mailto:pprakash@brph.coml Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 2:04 PM To: Homewood, Sue <sue.homewoodPncdenr.gov> Subject: Fw: PTIA / HAECO Hangar Stormwater Modification Hi Sue, See email below and attached exhibit. Thanks! Pri Priyanka Prakash Civil Engineer -In -Training EMAIL pprakash(a)bmh.com DIRECT 321-751-3095 CELL 321-243-2584 FAX 321-259-4703 BRPH 15700 North Harbor City Boulevard, Suite 400 1 Melbourne, Florida 32940 1 BRPH.com Named 2016 Best Company to Work For 12 From: Priyanka Prakash Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 9:31 AM To: brad ley. bennett@ncdenr.gov Cc: David Hill; Alex Maziekas; Steve McGrey; Alan Butler; Chad Schrempp; Lisa Elmore (ElmoreL@asoair.orR); Alex Rosser (RosserA@ &soa i r. org) Subject: PTIA / HAECO Hangar Stormwater Modification Hi Bradley, I wanted to touch base with you on the HAECO hangar construction project in Greensboro, SC, at the Piedmont -Triad International Airport --we had communicated back in October briefly to review the project permitting requirements. From my understanding, the airport has a 401c Water Quality Certification, for which WK Dickson had submit revised calculations prior to the start of this project. This included the design of a new stormwater management system for this portion of the airport and the HAECO campus. The project is currently in construction, and HAECO would like to make a few field changes to the plans that were previously submitted. Please see the attached exhibit. HAECO would like to fill in a portion of the apron (shown in red), and remove a portion of sidewalk that was originally included in the WK Dickson/PTIA plans. The impervious areas are roughly equivalent, with a slight net decrease in total impervious area. We wanted to verify that this swap is acceptable from an NCDEQ stormwater permitting standpoint. Can you review and let us know if we can proceed with the modification, or if there is any additional documentation we need to submit? Feel free to call or email if you have any questions --thank you! Ph Priyanka Prakash Civil Engineer -In -Training EMAIL oorakash(d)broh.com DIRECT 321-751-3095 CELL 321-243-2584 FAX 321-259-4703 BRPH 1 5700 North Harbor City Boulevard, Suite 400 1 Melbourne, Florida 32940 1 BRPH.com Named 2016 Best Company to Work For 13 Harris Teeter channel overview map N►VW1\ Stream Stability Evaluation Map ![-)ICI< SON Piedmont -Triad International Airport y ""' HAECO Site Developrrk< nt I inch = 100 feet i 1 - T Ik ^ c1-4 �l A DEQ HEC-RAS Comment (Warnings St Errors) From: cook, Shane Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2016 4:33:09 AM To: Gantt, Matt; Leonard, Shannon Cc: Cole, Brad; Vinson, Toby Subject: RE: PTI-HAECO Erosion Control Resubmittal All, Here are my responses to their responses. I hope I covered everything. I was working on this while listening and watching VIP training, so I hope I haven't missed something. I think they need to fix the errors in their HEC-RAS model first, and then update their in-house spreadsheet with correct numbers, and then work on designing a plunge pool, stream restoration, and bank stabilizations. Thanks, Shane See the warnings in their NEC-RAS model. JV Cross section output o Q hie Tvpe Options Help Rivet usemedT"b Proles: IOY, 'I Peach pt 1 RS: F Ften Incwaw J E.G. Eby 0) @6.57 029 826,27 0.003105 51800 2421 4.21 607 9295.9 45.04 EM 20 1.07 031 0.30 Ebmed Len OB CFtard R' OB Vd Head(nl wt nVat 0120 0050 44.00 4500 002 11764 002 117.64 Q00 514.17 0.03 2010 004 4,37 064 5.85 00 9227.1 1.27 2743 0.00 (183 1ai0.20 000 024 0.51 0.21 0.11 a120 47.00 525 525 383 4.08 073 1.29 68.8 4.83 021 000 0.15 0.18 Ws. Eby N Reach Lert Ca wS. n) hq it E.G ,S (nA) Atmrq 01 O Total tchij Floa(dsl 7 wdh TopWdth II Vol Toa(IVo1 Avg VeL(IVH MaacNO n) Hyck D it Corn. Tod dal Corn chl Lerngthioft 1 Welled Pa. IN Mrs Ch El (111 Shea 0 Saean P. s F¢m Los: I C. Valme aaefl C LE Lou(0) C. SA(..1 Thevdoalyhaadhasdwa dbymaethan05X(015mI Tinmayndcatethenerdis addaonal aott rec0orrs. The cvrveyace moo (tpsbean cvrryeyaKe dvded by dovaueeam cixrveyaxel a tin Mai 0.7 a peala then 1.4. Ells to rtove w neo upeusem ma alation location Answers to your Questions: As outlined in our report — Design flows into the channel were developed using SSA software (similar to SWMM). These flows were put into NEC RAS for the Channel Stability Evaluation. Looking at their HEC-RAS model which has errors, the channel is not and will not be stable. Comment Response What errors are being referenced? Warnings in HEC-RAS models are normal and do not represent errors. It is often up to the engineer or designer's discretion whether these warnings need to be addressed. See excerpt below from HEC-RAS River Analysis System User's Manual, Ver 4.1, pages 11-3 to 11-5 In general, the errors, warnings, and notes messages should be self explanatory. The three categories of messages are the following: ERRORS: Error messages are only sent when there are problems that prevent the program from being able to complete the run. WARNINGS: Warning messages provide information to the user that may or may not require action on the user's part. In general, whenever a warning Is set at a location, the user should review the hydraulic results at that location to ensure that the results are reasonable. If the hydraulic results are found to be reasonable, then the message can be Ignored, However, In many Instances, a warning level message may require the user to take some action that will cause the message to disappear on future runs. Many of the warning messages are caused by either Inadequate or bad data. Some common problems that cause warning messages to occur are the following: Cross sections spaced to far apart. This can cause several warning messages to be set. Cross sections starting and ending stations not high enough. If a computed water surface Is higher than either end point of the cross section, a warning message will appear. Bad Starting Water Surface Elevation. If the user specifies a boundary condition that is not possible for the specified flow regime, the program will take action an set an appropriate warning message. Bad Cross Section Data- This can cause several problems, but most often the program will not be able to balance the energy equation and will default to critical depth. NOTES: Note level messages are set to provide information to the user about how the program is performing the computations. DEQ HEC-RAS Comment (Velocity) Regarding our request for exemption under 15A NCAC 046 .0109 (c): In our evaluation we considered several factors regarding the existing and future stability of the channel. Based on the observed conditions (channel slope, stability, the existing grade control structures, tail water from Horsepen Creek) and our design experience with stream stabilization/restoration projects in the Piedmont region we set target sheer stress and velocity values that are acceptable forthisspecific stream reach. Even though velocities and shear stresses arc increasing from existing conditions, we find that the proposed values are within the acceptable range and in -line with the target values. We are requesting that our evaluation be accepted as the justification that increased velocities will not muse erosion. My understanding of 15A NCAC 04B .0109 c) is that if justification is provided that increased velocities will not cause erosion downstream, the post development 30-year velocity requirement does not apply. Using their own model, without fixing the errors of their model, here are thew results. Look at the Velocities in the channel during the 30 yr storm event A Pfo51e Output Table - standard Table 1 Poe Optwns std.TWes Locanans Help Reach Rive Sla I Pm% 1 G Total I Mn Ch Ell W.S. Eby CA W.S. I E.G. Owl E.G. S Val CM 1 Flow Am! Top Wdhi Pmuda a 04 4 0 111 2955 1.16 25900. 33SOD 5m00o MOD 2%00 339,00 51a00 675.00 2%00 339.00 SIa00 57S00 25900 33a00 51a00 67500 25ROD 33aOD 518.00 67500 25800 33500 slam 6750D 25900 33%OD 518-00 E7500 82IL20 820.20 9M20 820.20 820.70 821170 92G70 820.70 B1580 81180 819,80 0m9.80 61130 819.30 819.30 819,30 810.80 818.80 019.80 B18.80 819.95 819.95 81995 019.95 818.95 Imam 818,55 Imam 82457 82518 g21i27 827.05 823S5 82409 82466 825,17 82369 824.13 82431 82571 82351 E23.94 82410 82467 82338 82383 824.33 82469 W214 =81 92362 824.15 82237 82289 On.57 824D1 Masai 824S2 U517 82453 02388 BM14 82261 92352 MI 18 821.63 GM44 Base 82472 0002420 8330 OLOMW 82657 OOOMID 82744 0.0IM410 824.33 G017857 824S3 0010836 W596 G024950 82574 OL026M 024.10 GOW720 824.68 G010127 82562 11014812 OX34 G010437 8Z382 G005511 024.34 G006439 82511 0010183 82569 0013756 02319 CIOM582 BZim 0.001697 eM52 0.002364 021.93 0002781 82114 0.035588 OnS3 002M 82418 a(114412 824.60 001109E M275 a110000.9 82d33.0.008015 824.06 O.00BOD4 824.50 GW00@ 110 3.53 C37 SOO 959 7.37 _929 1a36 5.18 S96 776 a10 445 516 6.95 039 Z72 3.03 1% 1.39 8.03 7.48 ES2 6.67 505 548 612 652 8/.05 97.49 122.91 14230 3139 4588 6197 78.99 S0.21 61312 7557 87,52 6Z56 7604 94.31 19731 127.32 17592 244.07 29732 3273 62.10 15223 WAS %19 066g 15331 216.43 21.47 2246 24.21 2546 1685 25,15 28.19 31.81 17.67 25.40 28.44 31.21 27.54 3581 "As 4818 11 12555 14123 _. 147.98 2286 6132 127.43 13500 3545 MIS0.S1 12919 13600 G27 G29 a32 0.34 1171 0.74 0.8g Gm 0.49 0.54 Gm 0.74 1140 11" 056 G66 024 1129 031 _ 0.31 0.90 0.81 0.65 G59 1150 G52 0.53 in 295 2Yr ri 295 10`M1 ri 295 100Yr In 250 1Yn ri 250 2Yr of 250 10Yr ri 250 100Yr ri 238 1Yr 111 238 2Yi ri 238 1 10Y ri 238 I 1MY ri 201 1Yr ri 2m 2Y, ri 201 1015 ri 2M 1MYr ri 100 1Yr ri 190 2Y, ri 100 10Yr ri mail 100Yr ri 39 1Yr g1 39 2Yr ri 39 10Yn g1 39 100Y, ri 29 1 Yr ri 29 2Yr ri 29 1OYI ri 123 1g0Y' Comment Response What errors are being referenced? The higher velocities occur at locations where there is existing rip rap grade control. See the following output table that describes each station location. DEQ HEC-RAS Comment (Warnings & Errors) Comment Response Continued Warnings associated with the Harris Teeter channel model. River Ste Vrorile E.G. Elev W.S. Elev Val Head I Frctn Loss C & E Loss Q left QChannell QRIght lTopWidth ft ft ft ft ft ds ds ds ft Warnings 29 1-Yr 822.75 822.37 0.39 5.96 253.04 35A5 29 2-Yr 823.65 823A 0.25 47A5 290.05 1.51 119.9 29 10-Yr 824.06 823.57 0.48 97.14 425.1 5.76 229.19 29 100-Yr 824.5 $24.01 0.49 153.87 497.67 23A6 136 39 1-Yr 823.14 822.14 1 0.15 0.18 0.19 25&81 22.86 39 2-Yr 823.74 R23.4 0.34 0.06 0.03 60.15 27771 6.14 122.95 39 1G-Yr 824.18 823.62 0.56 0.11 0.02 114.78 396M 16.37 227.43 39 100-Yr 824.6 824.15 0.45 0.09 0 20622 429.02 39.76 135 100 1-Yr 823.49 823.38 0.11 026 0.09 13.6 244.69 0.72 89.38 100 2-Yr $23.96 823.84 0.13 0.2 0.02 28.87 30407 &07 125.89 100 10-Yr 824.52 824.33 0.19 0.3 0.04 62.36 42%26 26-U 143.23 100 WO-Yr 824.93 824.69 0.23 0.31 0.02 96.79 525.53 52.68 147.99 201 1-Yr 823.82 823.51 0.3 0.27 0.06 0.05 25&33 2.62 2754 201 2-Yr 824.34 823.94 OA 0.3 0.08 1.09 330.09 7.92 35.87 201 10-Yr 825.11 824A 0.71 0.43 0.16 6.76 491.9 20.34 44.15 201 1G0-Yr 825.69 824.67 1.02 0.53 0.24 LL97 629A4 33.99 49.18 238 1-Yr 824.1 823.69 0.42 0.25 0.03 25&95 0.04 17.67 238 2-Yr 824.68 82413 0.55 0.29 0.04 33&79 2.21 25A1 238 10-Yr 825.62 824.71 0.91 0.45 0.06 504-57 13.43 28A4 239 100-Yr 826.34 825.11 1.23 0.58 0.06 0.01 646.49 285 3L21 250 1-Yr 824.33 823.65 0.68 0.15 0.08 25&97 0.03 26SS 250 2-Yr 82493 824.1 0.84 0.16 0.09 336.5 2.5 25.16 250 1G-Yr 82596 824.66 L3 0.23 0.12 502.08 15.92 28.18 250 100-Yr 826.74 825.17 L58 0.26 0.1 0.03 63&05 36M 3L81 295 1-Yr 824.72 824.57 0.15 0.23 0.16 25"1 0.19 21A7 295 2-Yr 825.38 825.18 0.19 0.25 0.19 33&18 0.82 22A6 r 295 SO-Vr 826.57 826.27 0.29 0.31 0.3 0 514.17 3.93 24.21 295 100-Vr 827.44 827.05 1 0.38 0.34 0.36 1 0 666.82 &18 25.46 = Conveyance ratio change The flow rates are very (very) small in the overbanks for several cross sections. The warning message that conveyance is less than 0.7 or greater than 1.4 indicates conveyance has changed relative to the amount at the upstream or downstream section. Because we have several sections that have extremely low flow rates in the overbank, it is impossible to avoid this warning message. Normal FEMA flood studies have 1000 or 2000 cfs in the left or right overbank and the next section doesn't have such a significant relative change. The solution to this on a FEMA study is to add more cross sections. However this normally has little impact to the overall model results and normally never gets called out on a FEMA review. ® Velocity head changed more than 0.5 ft Velocity head went down because the slope of the channel leaving the culvert is flat and the cross section is extremely wide. The next section downstream is much more narrow and the slope is 7.5% (very steep). For this reason, the velocity head changed more than 0.5 ft. You can add more sections but again this will have very little impact. DEQ HEC-RAS Comment (Warnings) Comment Response Continued cHECk-RAS Output: my ec as RAp-):\Pmjecb\Piedmont Tnad Airport AdhpsayrA01S012500aA-Avlabon Tmant SdeDNelopmmt(Ha«a)Wommmts\G_DmWCNmlat... — O X �a lea siren I Groap By XS Order(deseendinll) Project HanisTeeterpq X$DC 02 Constenl dremarge useUbr Me More profile on 104 annuatteance flood Al least wd dlsfhailes should Plan HardaTeaterPO4 be sela(1e0: One althe Mouth and Me Oiler M the Geometry HaMSTeeter901 middle of Me watenhed or alaoe du confluence of Flow HaMsTeeterill I alhuar, Or pfadde woolen soon why only one discoarge should De used Other flood 0s apuanOe Repad Dme'. BI112016 shearid also ha crooned IAT Tl 02 SEChlo295 Coneracti0n and Ma anon use coMciema are 0.3 M Chenc and 05, tespecill However. Iws peas secron is XS Cho rot al a Igdnuoc structure . Infer shutW be equal b 0.1 Roodwav Check and 0.3 according to page 5E of the HEC Hydrauic Reference Manual (HEC. 2010). Strumre Check Profiles Check Group SVXSfascendlno) Gfduo f3V XSfdescenorndl Group 0y Message 10 Group DVXS Recemerrl http://www.fema.gov/check-ras-hec-ras-va lidation-tool FEMA E Navigation q Search ''4 Languages =..o.a_ud l.lawmr . =na^8e me Fla'K �oM DevNa9cr. =ovw : -wo s,edou,r e.od.m �n: mdoGtimmn :-zsru..vt-e awa�s �ae6nea aC SJnoecsrs 9¢1 WY a, an.. anany cHECk-RAS - a HEC-RAS Validation Tool &60c-PAS is a program devNop[d by REAM in verify Me valdAy or an assomrcm o1P>meters M,Md m Me u.i Mrsy Corfu ofEngineen (USACEI HECAAS hydrauer modelpp Program. Ths Pale Mules inlanvwn on how to download and mn die wind,erLon of01KK-PAS and recewe additional Mpmardn 0n Me 01Kk- perm > txpanp Ail Sertrons > Summary And CHECk-RAS 2.0.1 Release > Current Users > New Users > Tutorial > Subscribe To Receive CHECk-RAS News And Information > For More Information DEQ HEC-RAS Comment (Warnings & Errors) Comment Response Continued Warnings below are from the FEMA model for Horsepen Creek and include the same Warnings occurring in the Harris Teeter channel model. ® Cross Section Output File Type Options Help Rive Hasepen Creek Proffer �21e Reacts Reachl R5: I^"'O !' �OJ Plan. - x �� I"'^" - E-G. Elov Pt 81&82 Elm ter Ldt 68 1 c"--7 RghtuB Val HeadIt 0.62 Wt mVd M002 577.72 37.93 37.93i 70.9B 11060! 5M 76T 12ci531 _ 1M531 M9B 0.180 WS-Elw Bir 20 - - Reach Len N SB100 Cows. IR FlowAiea RI 27.63 E.G. Slope R/ft ci009904 Aea ft 27.63 O Total ds 087.39 10906 4.77 &24 8916E _ 581.42 803% 1.76 FlowIds) 11142 TopUtickthiftl T Wdh - _ 40.19 ` 1.87 _ 094 713.3 4025 US 1 490.11 1 440.10 18381 _ 2�m &64 _ 502 W38.5 27.27 273 - ciao' /67.21 28%, 4l W EL59 G62 1a0 44.09 M38 0oo 3CE25 147.23 Val Total Rh A Val. Jill Ma, CHD R H .D Corn. Total (chl Car,. dsl L Wtd Welted Pa. Mn Ch El PtJ Shea RI Alpha Stearn Pave ObA sl Frdn Lou lR 292 cii3 Can valve (weal C6E Loss lfl Cun SAaaes Warning The cosweyanoe ratio (upstaae,cawq'aice dWed by downiaean cameymcalaIw Bzn ci7 a_�dmn 1.4. This may idicate the need for addibi l aoss sections. Warrant; TM erag1 bu was peals Ban 1.0 N (0.3 ml bHween tM anent ad pmrian sou erection This mayidcale the reed for ad*"W am sections. ria lo move to neat dowrwtream suer station location c, File Type Options Help Rtvec Hasepen Leek P,.* 12, ..II Reach Reach1 RS: 44116. Q J Play - x E.G. Ekv NI 813.77 Elmwi Left 0B Chamd Ridt1 OB Vat Heat (R) 0.18 WL s Val. 0.077 7629 116.55 116.55- 159.46 93-i9 1.37 0 060 7500 14013 14813 59612 27.60- 1.12 0.180 7295 198.36 19836 131.81 112W ass W.S.EM flI 81399 Reach Lan(R) CdW.S. ) 811.79 FlnwAroa it E.G.S ) 0.003028 Am (sq tt 0 Total ds) 907_39 Flow (oftj Top Wdh fl 233.46 T WMh Vol Total s 1.92 A Val. Ws Mar CHD (N) 6.79 5 Hid. D j 1.24 537 1.77 raw. Told(dsl Ca. ds -. 2897.6_ 1_083.n 29.201 -_2_3952 11212 Wld R Warned Per, #tjMill Mn Ch EI 806 Shea R 023 1217.471 0.961 0.001 OL33 D00 Alphs 3W Stean Power s Fndr Lam 0.56 CanVol re aaa4t 439117 _ 192.93 16&41 20.61 1 30374 14618 C 6 E Loci 036 Can SA (eaes) W Theveb*hmdhadw4pdbymae@m0.5ft(0.l5m). TtumayidcMe Benmdfaad&tadamsucbw The corwayame ratio 8pstrea, oorr,eymoe dvidod ly dawnbean corwayace)hle denci7ayeala Ilan1.4. : may ndcale the need for additional am sedan M aacd waro found el 8ds location The crlL'caldepth wih the lowest. vaK ariiii won used IIIEder, to stow to ni dowralmam rMr nation location Note: Horsepen Creek FEMA Model has over 100 Warnings associated with the 2-yr profile run. DEQ HEC-RAS Comment (Velocity) Comment Response Continued Harris Teeter channel HEC-RAS output: Edsbru Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Existing Proposed EmAing Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Description Rica eta Profile QTotal QTotal OnCh El W-S,Bev CrBW.S. E.G.EIev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Vel Chri Shear Char Shear Chan FlowMaa TopWClui Top WkNh Po+iierTotal fl/s lbI Iti/ pat s Just D/S 1w DO 295 1-Yr 92 28 82D.2 824.57 824.72 ODOZ42 1B5 31 02 0.47 84o5 21.09 21.47 1.37 CwP 2% ZYr 122 339 820.2 825.18 82538 0.0020E8 214 353 025 0.56 97.49 2D.1 22.45 188 22 10-Yr 21011 518 82D.2 821327 aM67 O.D03105 288 4.37 037 0.83 12291 2D.1 2421 299 Rprap 9 2m 1-Yr 92 239 820.7 82365 824.33 0.017857 589 SM 247 239 39.39 14.53 1625 1397 oorrtrol 2D 2-Yr im 339 82D.7 824D9 8235 824.93 0.018835 5.72 737 214 285 48.88 14D8 2i.15 13.01 2m 10-Yr 2DII 518 820.7 824.05 824.52 BMSS 0.02485B 4108 929 215 424 6397 1428 28.18 24.02 RQrap gig-Ja 1 238 1-Yr 92 259 819.8 82309 824.1 0.OD8728 332 5.18 057 139 5D.21 14.8 17.57 am cor&Dl Z38 2Yr 122 339 819.8 824.13 824.88 0.010127 3e9 596 0.79 178 OD.12 14.74 25.4 6.97 23B 10-Yr 2D1 518 819.8 824.71 825.02 0.014812 4.5 736 1D9 291 7557 1491 28.44 1397 201 1-Yr 92 259 819.3 82351 SM82 O.OD5511 258 4.46 039 0.99 6255 15 Z7.54 273 Channel section 2YI 2-Yr 172 339 8193 823.94 824.34 0.006439 297 8.16 0.49 128 7B.04 15 3581 333 201 10-Yr 2M 518 819.3 824.4 82511 0.D10183 382 8.95 0.76 224 94.31 15 44.15 1187 Meander bend100 1-Yr 92 MD 818.8 82338 82349 0.001582 '153 272 0.14 0.35 127.32 23 89.38 028 1m 2-Yr 122 Mils 818.8 82383 SM95 0.OD1e97 1.9 3O3 OA9 0.41 175.92 23 125M 028 (�9ePbe4 1m 10-Yr 2D1 518 818.8 824.33 824.52 0.002384 242 385 029 0.64 244.D7 23 14323 OM 39 1-Yr M 259 819.95 82214 87214 82314 0.035M 5.71 &03 239 321 3273 155 22M 21.82 /Send SS x" 39 2-Yr 122 339 819.95 822.81 82281 82383 0.023902 am 7A8 271 3D9 821 1597 09.32 0..68 (grade control 10-Yr 2Dl 518 819.95 82352 M52 824.18 0.014412 737 632 341 2A3 15223 18.1 127.43 351 Send SS xirg 29 1-Yr 92 299 818.96 82237 82t18 8M75 O.ODB009 34 5.D5 0.72 1.31 59.19 15.78 36.46 333 29 2-Yr 122 339 818.95 82289 821.63 Mn33 O.OD8015 375 548 0.84 tA8 886 15.96 78.15 212 gods conbol 23 10-Yr 2D1 518 $18.95 823.57 8M44 SAM 0.008004 452 8.12 1.11 1.75 1M31 16 12919 194 Flood Esed A50 Ass e 1-Yr 3a t0 5 2-Yr all 54 11 1..6 4-5 65 13 210.Yr Fl a As01d 1-YE 1 04 2-Yr 29 45 O5 11 10-Yr 35 58 D7 'Grd Ctrl results not indded in werage (STA 39 8 STA 250) DEQ HEC-RAS Comment (Shear Stress) Using their own model, without fixing the errors of their model, here are their results. Look at the Shear at cross section stations 250 and 238 during the 10 yr storm event. This high shear stress indicates that erosion will probably occur at these locations. Then look at photo ff 51n their report which corresponds to cross section 2-38, you will see that erosion has occurred at this location and with future high velocities, steep slopes in the channel, and no vegetation or bank stabilization, erosion will continue in this channel and could Increase with more flow. m Lc. Jouam redo R— aP--O — PAi laYl •I R. rl . R9: �-----❑1 J PMn Iraq® J E G Ov h MR " 024.71 0.014912 mflm a" 6m 491 4a63 3693 m9m 125 a45 am EI l Cffl I Fk2H d Vd Hew61 w.S. Eb M Wa am Pm 32m lam mm "57 14m 2a 436 41459 a68 291 Imam am 024 a40 up am aim ism lam lam 1343 1153 127 an 1103 lam a am a13 al] Rmmlan al M Aee 81 Caws Ea.s 7 A. J, 9 QTw,jdiI T W 9 F T wd Vd Tdd 9h MaNDPMMI AV Vd Hid DWIIPI fan. Tmoldj L W CaryId.j wwe TO. WMEl A83+4 swI 9 sbePnPa PbA.l rldnlml R C4Elmr Can Volme aoeR CMn 644Pm E,YP IO naK b 2tl 6 n¢Ullln m4 peOTmC41Y� 'vcm saran OUW Fk Tree 00— Mdp R— u-n-- d— :1 P Re x1 Rs. l.m 82466 82452 0,024958 511100 MIS 810 1% 32R9 1200 9ma to an Erb mmwmna! Eanubsenrrvw dolimbcation An in house spreadsheet (Attachment t12) was then used to summarize the velocities from the Hec-RAS Model. The velocities shown on Attachment 2 represent the average velocity from the cross sections in the HEC RAS model. The shear stress calculation shown on the Attachment 82 is calculated by using the average slow of the channel, which reflects the 0.25 vertical drop in the channel from the 114" pipe outlet to the 2n° grade control structure (285 feet downstream). Using their data, the elevation of the channel at station 2+95 is 820.20 feet and the elevation of the channel at station 0495 is 818.95 feet. So, 820.20 — 818.95 = 1.25 feet, 295 — 95 = 200 feet. So it seems that the average slope of the stream is 1.25 feet / 200 feet = 0.00625 ft/ft and not 0.0009 ft/ft which is the value on their spreadsheet. So, based on their numbers, the shear stress during the 10 yr event for the final recommended proposed site conditions, would be 62.4 x 5.3 x 0.00625 = 2.067 Ib/sq ft. So, how are we not going to have erosion in the future based on their numbers? This number could be even larger than this if we look at the incremental slopes in the channel from station to station and not the overall slope of the channel. Comment Response What errors are being referenced? cIT-1 pica PIP1 P�imala� 3D8 I Ovesl I 111IIP, D8 am aim tzm lzm tzm 5303 992 54a 492 mdm 1592 1488 13a 9.a t.m 363 an 31781 1008 1941 l3A 434 116 lmem am am M24 842 all The higher shear stresses occur at locations where there is existing grade control. See photos and the previous output table that describes each station location. Also, see the following table that describes permissible velocities and shear stresses for selected channel lining materials. 10 DEQ HEC-RAS Comment (Velocity & Shear Stress) Comment Response Continued Permissible shear stress and velocity table: 22fg Fine coloidal sand 002-0.03 1.5 A Sandy loam(nonculloba0 0.03-0.04 1.75 A Alluvial 54t(noncolloidal) 0.045-0.05 2 A Silty loam(noncolloidap 0.045-0.05 1.75-225 A Finn loam 0.075 25 A Fine gravels OD75 25 A Stiff clay 026 3 - 4.5 A, F Alluvial s8[ (colloidal) 026 375 A Graded loam to cobbles 0.38 3.75 A Graded silts to cobbles 0.43 4 A Shales and hardpan 0.67 6 A GmveUCobble tit. 0,33 2.5-5 A Zit, 0.67 3-6 A bit- 2.0 4-7.5 A 12-in. 4.0 5.5 -12 A Veneration Class A turf 3.7 6-8 E, N Class B turf 2.1 4-7 E, N Class C WA 1.0 3.5 E, N Long native grasses 12 -1.7 4-6 G, H, L, N Short native and bunch grass 0.7 - 0.95 3-4 G, H, L, N Reed plantings 0.1-0.6 WA E, N Hardwood tree plantings 0-41-2.5 WA E, N Temporary Deoradable RFCPs Jute net GA5 1 - 2.5 E, H. M Straw with net 1.5 -1.65 1-3 E. H, M Coconut fiber with net 225 3-4 E, M Fiberglass roving 2.00 2.5-7 E, H, M s,s'g Degrodahle RFC Unvegetated 3.00 5-7 E, G,M Parlialty established 4-0-6.0 7.5 -15 E, G, M Fully vegetated a.00 8 - 21 F, L, M Romp in - H M. clso -11 H 12-in. 5.1 10-13 H - in.- H 24-in. da 10.1 14-18 E .'_:nit aioengrnee_nwo Wattles 0-2-1-0 3 C, I, J, N Reed fascine 0.6125 5 E Cotr roll 3-5 8 E, M, N Vegetated coir mat 4-8 9.5 E, M. N Live brush mattress (initial) 0.4-4.1 4 B, E, Live brush mattress (grown) 3.90-82 12 B, C, E, t N Brush layering (indiallgrown) 0.4 -625 12 E, I, N Live fasane 1.253.10 6-8 C, E, I, J Live willow stakes 2103.10 3 -10 E. N. O Hard Surfacing Gabions 10 14 - 19 D Concrete 12.5 -18 H Ranges of values generally reflect multiple sources of data or different testing conditions. A Chang, H H (1998). F Julien, P.Y- (19%). K Sprague, C.J. (1999). B. FMxielt . (1982) G Kaaven, N, U. R- M.; and Sims, D-B-, (1960). L Taupe, DAI. (1990). C. Gersigraear, C. (1998). It Nomron, J. N. (1975} M. TMXlr (1999) D. Goff, K (1999). L Sc iedr8, H W and R. Stmu. (1996} N Data ban Author (2001) E Gray, D.H., and Sofir, R.B. (19961 J. Schok ibA A (1937f O. 11SACE (1997). Harris Teeter channel HEC-RAS output: Existing Propared EAsting proposed Exb#W Proposed Description River Sta Profile O Total Q Total Vel Chnl Vel Chnl Shr Chan Shenr Chan cb cb) fRh a) fmqm ObAg Just D/5114" Dia 295 1-Yr 92 259 1.85 3.1 02 0.47 CMP 295 2-Yr 122 339 2.14 3.53 025 0.58 295 10-Yr 201 518 2.68 4.37 0.37 0.83 Riprap grade 250 1-Yr 92 259 5.89 2.47 250 2-Yr 122 339 572 7.37 2.14 L85 control 250 10-yr 201 518 6.% 929 2.15 1.71 Rlprep grade 238 1-Yes 92 259 3.32 0.67 control 238 2-Yes 122 339 3.69 5.% 0.79 1.78 238 10-Yr 201 518 4.5 7.76 1.09 L91 201 1-Yr 92 259 2.50 4.45 0.38 0.99 Chmnelsecdon 201 2-Yr 122 339 2.97 6.16 0.49 1.26 201 10-Yr 201 518 3.82 6.95 0.76 224 Meander bend IN1-Yr 92 259 1.63 2.72 0.14 0.35 (Inge pool) 100 2-Yr 122 339 1.9 3.03 0.19 0.41 100 10-Yr 201 518 2.42 3.85 029 0.64 U/S end SSxing 39 1-Yr 92 259 5.71 2.38 (grade controq 39 2-Yr 122 339 6.26 7A8 2.71 3.09 39 10-Yr 201 518 7.37 6.92 3.41 213 D/S end SSxing 29 1-Yr 92 259 3A 0.72 i (grade controq 29 2-Yr 122 339 3.75 5.48 0.84 148 29 10-Yes 201 518 4.52 6.22 1.11 1.75 11 DEQ HEC-RAS Comment (Manning's n) Manning's N values were selected based on the observed conditions of the stream. The use of 0.05 for the channel and 0.12 Is supported by the attached documentation. The pictures that they have provided does not provide Justification for using these high values. There may be a specific am section or part of a am section that these values might be Justified, but in no way are these values justified for every cross section. Comment Response The selected Manning's n-values were selected based on observations and then verified by the Cowan method and the methodology described within the NC Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual (Section 8.04). Additionally, the Manning's n-values used follow industry standards for characterizing natural channels. Example Manning's n table from Oregon DOT Hydraulics Manual: TABLE 5: EXCAVATED ARTMUAL CHANNELS FIYDRAULIC ROUGHNESS (MANNDiG'S a) VALUES C6aaael Minimum I Normal I Maamom E. Camel, um uvinw..d. weeds and bnnsh n� 1. Dense weeds. high as flow depth 1 0,040 1 0.080 1 0.110 2. Cl.bon bvthnnsides 10.040 1 0.050 0.080 ODOTHY&auhcs%La 1 12 DEQ HEC-RAS Comment (Manning's n) Comment Response Continued Section 8.04: Estimating Roughness Coefficients from the NC Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual TeDle 8.O4a Soil Material Be�re inn Table 8.04e Basic Value of Roughness Channels in earth 0 021 Modifying Value for Coefficient for C hannel Channels in fine greed �rl Roughness Coefficient Due Materials Channels cut into rock 0.025 to Vegetation in the Channel Channels in coarse gravel 0.023 Table 8.04b Modifying Value tot Roughness Coefficient Due to Surface Irregularity of Channels Table 8.04c Modifying Value for Roughness Coefficient Due to Variations of Channel Cross Section Degree of Surface Comparable Modifying Irregularity Value Smooth The beat obtainable for the materials 0.000 Moor Well4redged channels, slightly eroded or scoured side slope of canals or drainage Channels 0 005 Moderate Fair to poorly dredged channels; moderately sloughed or eroded aide slopes of canals or drainage channels 0 010 Severe Badly sloughed banks of natural channels badly eroded or sloughed sides of canals or drainage channels; unshaped, lagged and singular surfaces of chards excavated m rock 0.020 sources for Tables b -f. 153tlmating Hydraulic Roughnisse Coe6cienls Modifying Character of Variation Value Changes in see or shape occurring gradually 0.000 Large and small sections dternating occas lfy. or shape changes causing occasional shot of main lbw from side to side 0® Large and email sections enameling frequently, or shape changes causing frequent shot of mein flow from $ide to side 0.010 - 0-015 Table 8.04d Relative Effect Modifying Value for of Obstructions Modifying Value Roughness Coefficient Due to obstructions in the ible Channel Minor 010 n 0.01 Appreciable 0. -0.30 Severe 0-040 to 0060 Table 8.O4f Meander Ratio, Degree of Modifying Modifying Value for Meandering Roughness Coefficient Due 0.0 to 1.2 minor 0. to Meander in the Channel 1 2 to 1.5 Appreciable 0. 5 n 1 5 and greater Severe 030 a� 'Meander ratio is the Coral length of reach divided by the straight One distance Vegetation and Flow Conditions Comparable to: Low Effect Dense growths of flexible turf Wass or weeds. such u Bermuclagrass and Kentucky duegn iss. Average depth of flow is - to 3 limes the beight of the vegetation Medium Effect Turf grasses where the average depth of flow is 1 uo 2 times the height of vegetation Simony grassesweeds or tree seedlings with moderate cover where the average depth of flow is 2 to 3 tunes Me Insight of vegetation Brushy growths, moderately dense, simiar 0 willows 1 Co 2 years old, dormant season, along side slopes of channel with no sgndicara vegetation along the charnel boa m, where the hydraulic radius o greater than 2 feet High Effect Grasses where the average depth of flow is alowl equal to the height of vegetation Convent season, willow or Cottonwood bees a - 10 years old, ntegrown with sonrc weeds and brush hydreulic m- Okrs 2 to 4 feet 1-year old, ntergiown with some weeds in full foliage along side apples, no significant vegetation along channel bottom, hydrauic radius 2 to 4 feet Grasses where average depth of flow is less than one-haff time height of vegetation Very High Effect Growing season, bushy willows about 1-year No mtergrown with weeds in hra fobage along side slopes, dense growth of cattails or similar rooted vegetation along channel bonom, hydraulic radius greater than 4 feet Growing season, bees intergrown with weeds and brush, ail n full foliage; hydraulic radius greater than 4 test Range in Modifying Value 0.005 0.010 0010 to 0.025 0025 he 0 050 0.050 to 0 160 n=0.02+0.00$+0.00$+O.p1+O.p1=0.05 13 DEQ HEC-RAS Comment (Manning's n) Comment Response Continued Manning's n tables from FEMA model of Horsepen Creek and tributaries: Edd Manning, In or k VaWe< JJ a EM 1nbr,dwhd»a Qial.; n Vak,es have af�tgea Ready Readtl - R4gtr� lb kgr. nd 0.01 10.05 0.05 0.18 0.055 'O.10 _ I a." 0.05 _0.016_ O.M OA55 O.W- _ �0.w _ 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.18 a.% 0.2 0.013 M 0.N 0.08 0.05 0.08 0.06 0.09 0.043 0.01 O.04 O.A _ a." 0.0 O.M 0.18 606 0." _ 10 0.04 0.0 0.06 0.18 0.016 _O.043 _0.01 10 0." 0.06 0. la 0.016 0.043 0.05 0.043 0.0 0.043 0.15 0.06 0.043 0.035 0.04 0.043 0.0 0."3 0.15 0.06 0.15 0.043 0.15 0.043 0 O.M 0.15 G.% 0.15 0.05 0,15 0.043 0.15 0.05 0.15 0.06 O,M _ 0.043 0.15 0.05 0.15 0.M 0. 18 0.035 0.06 0.06 0.035 0. 12 0.1 0.035 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.035 0.12 OA_35 0.06 0.035 0.% 0.06 O.M 0.035 0.12 _ 0.05 _ 0.OM 0.035 0.06 0.035 0.06 0.035 0.M 0.18 0.06 0.016 0.035 0.05 0.06 0.035 0.06 0.035 0 0.10 0.06 0.016 0.035 0.05 0,035 0.M _ 0.06_ 0.016 0.035 0.05 0.035 0.18 _ 0.06 0.OM 0,035 0.055 0.N5 ek Edit Manning's In w k Values Rhc: w7W� - �6J A Eft 1nte0daled 154 Ms.& WReadr4) - MRe�ue r5ekc1a,d MHFdtOdbr xI 0.16 0.06 0.M 0.N5 0.M � 0." 0.2 0.065 0.18 0.04 0.043 0." 0.016 0.N3 0.0 0.N 0.18 O.Oa 0.043 0.016 0.043 0.05 OAe 0.04 0.043 0.016 0 lret ; 0._18 10.06 0.12 0.M 0.08 0.18 10.06 0.18 O.Om O.W 0.08 0.16 O.06 0.18 0.016 0.18 0.04 0.035 0.08 0.06 0.035 0.016 0.039 0.035 0.074 0."1 0.06 0.041 O.ON 0.038 l _ 0.039 0.035 0.069 0.046 MIN 0.046 O.M 0.041 0 0.038 iO.OM 0.063 0.052 0.06 0.052 0.063 0. 9 0 _ 0.036 D.M 0.057 0.057 0.06 0.057 0.0_57 O.W 0 _ 0.037 0.035 _ 0.052 0.063 O.W 0.063 0.052 0.051 0 -0 0.036 0.035 0.046 O.069 0.06 0.069 0.045 0.054 0.036 0.OM 0.041 0.074 0.06 0,074 0.041 0.057 0 �0.035 0.08 0.06 0.08 0,035 0.06 D.M 0.016 0 0.035 0.00 0.055 0.035 0.016 0.N Avast '- - -_-. OM 0.M 0.06 0.18 0.M _ 0.16-_ 'a." 0.0 0.06 0.15 0.0 0.1% O.A 0. 6 J HW 14 DEQ HEC-RAS Comment (Energy Dissipater) Current enerrty dissipater at the outlet of the pipe versus what is proposed? No Improvements are proposed at the end of the pipe. Existing Class A rip rap pad is in place and appears stable. This is discussed in more detail on page 2 of the report. Energy disappator calcuations were not completed, as improvements to the downstream pipe outlet are not proposed as part of the plan. A plan needs to be provided which should include stream restoration, bank stabilization, plunge pool design, etc. The current stream bank is too steep and needs to be flattened. Banks need to be riprapped. Energy dissipator in the form of plunge pool or some other method needs to be provided. Comment Response Plunge Pool calculations were performed to evaluate the existing plunge pool using spreadsheet tools and HY-8 (computer program). Plunge Pool input for the 10-yr event (culvert parameters taken from the SWMM model): • 10-yr Q: 518 cfs • Pipe Diameter: 114 in (9.5 ft) • TW depth: 6.02 ft (Channel 10-yr WSEL— Pipe Invert) -> (826.23'-820.21') • D50: 12" -> Class 1 Riprap Calculated variables: • Ls=Pool Length -> 28.5' (Spreadsheet)/ 28.5 (HY-8) -> Ex Cond — 30'40' • LB=Basin Length -> 38.0' (Spreadsheet)/38.0' (HY-8) -> Ex Cond — 40'-50' • BW=Basin Width -> 34.8' (HY-8)-> Ex Cond — 25'-30' • La=Apron Length -> 9.5' (Spreadsheet)/ 9.5' (HY-8) -> Ex Cond — 10' • Hs=Basin Depth -> 2.4' (Spreadsheet)/ 0' (HY-8, presumably due to the high tailwater) -> Ex Cond — 2' - 3' PT`51PATOR POOL APRON CHANNEL P y },•• Ni 117 Figure 10.1. Profile of Riprap Basin 15 DEQ HEC-RAS Comment (401 Permit Monitoring Requirement) As discussed — the 401 permit that was issued includes a condition that requires the airport to monitor the downstream channel for erosion and if erosion is observed, the airport must stabilize the channel. We believe that a condition similar to this added to the modified erosion control permit is a good solution that everyone can be comfortable with. So, if we set this project up for monitoring, just a couple of ideas, How often are we going to have to do site visits to ensure erosion Isn't happening? If erosion does exist, do they have the right to do construction on this property in the future? Do they own the land around the stream or have right of way to do construction in this area? Honestly, my opinion is that we design up front for no erosion so that it Isn't a problem in the future which would increase our workload of inspections, future projects, etc. Comment Response See below for monitoring and resolution requirement from approved 401 permit. K� April 8, 2016 Piedmont Triad Airport Authority Attn: J. Alex Rosser JOEI Ted Johnson Parkway Greensboro NC 27409 S. In -stream analytical monitoring shall be performed at stream sites IS8A as specified in the 11 %I \It \ ROR1 most recent version of NCS000508 issued to PTAA by the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMUR) and correspondence between PTAA and DEMUR on March 10, UUE,V U N \'i\ DER \":\ARl 2016. If monitoring results at IS8A indicate ezceedances of Turbidity benchmark values as IA] II,I%li RMAC identified in NCS000508 the Division WSRO shall be notified in writing. 6. Visual monitoring of the unnamed tributary shall be conducted at location IS8A. Pictures DWR # 15-1229 shall be taken of the upstream and downstream bank conditions during each monitoring Guilford County event. If visual monitoring Indicates that banks of the tributary are exhibiting erosion, the Division WSRO shall be notified in writing. Subject: Approval of Individual 401 Water quality CMHiotion with Additional Conditions Approval of Jordan Lake Riparian Buffer Impacts with Additional Conditfons HAECO Facility Improvements at PTIA USACE Action ID. No. SAW-2016-00920 7. If monitoring conducted pursuant to Condition #5 or #6 above indicate that the unnamed tributary is unstable, or that the banks of the tributary are unstable, then the Permittee shall conduct a detailed analysis of the cause and propose a resolution to the Division WSRO. Upon approval by the Division WSRO, the Permittee shall implement the resolution accordingly. 16 heck 44538 endor : 700455, NCDWR invoice number Invoice date Gross amount Cash discount Payment amount RE11/18 11/18/201 570.00 0.00 570.00 oral 570.00 Rll@ (2 NOV 3 0 Z015 )ENR-WATER RESOURCES 401 & BUFFER PERMITTING 7 1 FILE PATH: A �N��i�lii)��� THIS 30% PERMITTING PLAN SET PROVIDES THE DESIGN OF THE STORMWATER CONTROL MEASURES NEEDED TO DEVELOP THE HAECO FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT. AT THE PIEDMONT TRIAD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (NCDEQ) REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT AT AN AIRPORT. THE STORMWATER CONTROL MEASURES INCLUDE A HIGH FLOW RATE BIORETENTION POND, THE PROPOSED STORM SEWER SYSTEM, AND THE NECESSARY GRADING FOR THE SITE. CONSTRUCTION OF THIS SITE WILL PERMANENTLY IMPACT STREAM CHANNELS AND WETLANDS, THESE IMPACTED FEATURES ARE IDENTIFIED ON THE EXISTING CONDITIONS AND DEMOLITION SHEETS OF THIS PLAN SET. SEE THE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE NOTES ON THIS SHEET FOR THE STEP NECESSARY TO BRING THE PROPOSED BIORETENTION POND ONLINE. GENERAL NOTES: 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONDUCT HIS CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS AS SHOWN ON THE PROJECT LAYOUT PLAN OR HIS APPROVED PHASING PLAN. THE CONTRACTOR. SHALL COORDINATE ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES WITH THE ENGINEER TO MINIMIZE DISRUPTION TO LOCAL TRAFFIC OPERATIONS. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO INSURE COMPLIANCE WITH SAFETY REQUIREMENTS & TO MINIMIZE INTERFERENCE TO LOCAL TRAFFIC OPERATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION. 2. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PRE & POST CONSTRUCTION SURVEY DATA TO THE ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PRE -CONSTRUCTION SURVEY DATA TO THE ENGINEER 14 DAYS PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION & REPORT TO THE ENGINEER ANY VARIATIONS .FROM THE INFORMATION SHOWN ON THE CONSTRUCTION PLANS. 3. CONTRACTOR WILL PROTECT EXISTING AIRPORT SECURITY FENCE ADJACENT TO THE PROJECT SITE AT ALL TIMES. NO UNAUTHORIZED PERSONNEL SHALL BE ALLOWED ON THE SITE. 4. AREAS OUTSIDE THE PROJECT LIMITS ARE DESIGNATED AS RESTRICTED AREAS. THE CONTRACTOR'S FORCES ARE PROHIBITED FROM ENTERING RESTRICTED AREAS AT ANY TIME, UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZED BY THE ENGINEER OR AIRPORT MANAGEMENT. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LOCATION, IDENTIFICATION, & PROTECTION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES (BOTH PUBLIC & PRIVATE) & NAVAIDS IN CONSTRUCTION AREA. ANY DAMAGES TO EXISTING UTILITIES OR NAVAIDS ON OR OFF AIRPORT PROPERTY SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. NO REIMBURSEMENT WILL BE ALLOWED FOR UTILITY/NAVAID LOCATION, REPAIR, OR REPLACEMENT. 6. A LAND DISTURBANCE PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT. SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROLS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER THESE PLANS. THE ENGINEER WILL PROVIDE THE. CONTRACTOR .WITH THE APPROVED EROSION CONTROL PERMIT BEFORE NOTICE TO PROCEED 7. THE CONTRACTOR & HIS/HER EMPLOYEES SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED INTO ANY EXISTING BUILDINGS. A PORT-A-JOHN SHALL BE ON SITE AT ALL TIMES. - 8. ALL DE -WATERING REQUIRED TO EXECUTE WORK SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. 9. CONTRACTORS OPERATING CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT ON THE AIRPORT MUST BE PREPARED TO EXPEDITIOUSLY CONTAIN AND CLEAN-UP SPILLS RESULTING FROM FUEL OR HYDRAULIC FLUID LEAKS. TRANSPORT AND HANDLING OF .OTHER HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ON AN AIRPORT ALSO REQUIRES SPECIAL PROCEDURES. SEE AC 150/5320-15. MANAGEMENT OF AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL WASTE. 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE RADIO COMMUNICATION TRAINING FOR VEHICLE DRIVERS ENGAGED IN CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AROUND AIRCRAFT MOVEMENT AREAS, 11. ALL TEMPORARY MARKINGS SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH AC 150/5340-1L, STANDARDS FOR AIRPORT MARKINGS. SAFETY & SECURITY: 1. IN ORDER TO CONSTRUCT THIS PROJECT WITH MINIMAL INTERFERENCE TO AIRPORT OPERATIONS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONDUCT HIS CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS AS SHOWN ON THE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE AND SAFETY PHASING PLAN, & HIS APPROVED CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES WITH THE ENGINEER TO MINIMIZE DISRUPTION TO AIRPORT OPERATIONS. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO INSURE COMPLIANCE WITH SAFETY REQUIREMENTS AND TO MINIMIZE INTERFERENCE TO AIRPORT OPERATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN, HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF, & INCORPORATE THE FOLLOWING SAFETY PROVISIONS INTO THE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT: • OPERATIONAL SAFETY ON AIRPORTS DURING CONSTRUCTION - AC 150/5370-2F. • AIRPORT SAFETY SELF -INSPECTION - AC 150/5200-18C. • SAFETY REQUIREMENTS OF THE SPECIFICATIONS. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS OF THE SPECIFICATIONS. 3. CONTRACTOR WILL MAINTAIN SECURITY WITHIN THE PROJECT SITE AT ALL TIMES. NO UNAUTHORIZED PERSONNEL SHALL BE ALLOWED ON THE SITE. 4. ALL CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC SHALL ENTER & EXIT THE PROJECT SITE ONLY THROUGH CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE GATE DESIGNATED BY THE ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SECURITY OF DESIGNATED ENTRANCE GATE & MUST ENSURE THAT THE GATE IS MANNED AT ALL TIMES WHILE UNLOCKED. 5, CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE FLAGMEN AT ACCESS/HAUL ROUTES ON OR ADJACENT TO RUNWAYS OR TAXIWAYS OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER TO ENSURE THAT TRAFFIC IS MAINTAINED ON THE DESIGNATED ROUTE. 6. AREAS OUTSIDE THE PROJECT LIMITS ARE DESIGNATED AS RESTRICTED AREAS. THE CONTRACTOR'S FORCES ARE PROHIBITED FROM ENTERING RESTRICTED AREAS AT ANY TIME, UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZED BY THE ENGINEER OR AIRPORT MANAGEMENT. 7. CONSTRUCTION STAKE -OUT SHALL BE PERFORMED BY CONTRACTOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 50-06 OF THE GENERAL PROVISIONS. THE ENGINEER SHALL PROVIDE THREE (3) TEMPORARY BENCH MARKS (TBM) FOR THE CONTRACTOR'S USE. 8. ALL PAVEMENT SHALL BE KEPT FREE OF ALL DEBRIS, DIRT, ETC., AT ALL TIMES. ANY SPILLAGE OF EXCAVATION OR OTHER MATERIALS SHALL BE CLEANED UP IMMEDIATELY BY THE CONTRACTOR WITH A MOTOR DRIVEN SWEEPER. A PROGRAM OF REGULAR INSPECTION WILL BE PLANNED BY THE CONTRACTOR. 9. SINCE THE AIRPORT USERS SHALL BE WITHIN PROXIMITY OF THE PROJECT LIMITS THROUGHOUT THE. DURATION OF THIS PROJECT, A COORDINATED EFFORT IN RESPECT TO SECURITY, SAFETY, & CONSTRUCTION IS ESSENTIAL. NUMEROUS CONSIDERATIONS MUST BE ADDRESSED IN THE CONTRACTORS WORK & SCHEDULE INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: *CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE -SECURITY CHECK POINTS *PROJECT CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC • CONTRACTOR'S STAGING AREA .AREAS UTILIZED BY AIRPORT USERS .ADJACENT CONSTRUCTION BY OTHERS 10. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ARE SCHEDULED TO BE CONDUCTED IN AREAS -WHICH WILL EFFECT THE AIRPORT OPERATIONS AREA (ADA). THEREFORE, THIS PROJECT MUST BE CONSTRUCTED WITH MINIMAL INTERFERENCE TO AIRCRAFT & SERVICE VEHICLE OPERATIONS. CLOSURES OF THE AOA SHALL BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE ON THIS PLAN. 11. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE STONE FOR CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PAD AS NECESSARY OR AS REQUIRED BY THE ENGINEER. NO SEPARATE PAYMENT WILL BE MADE FOR THIS ITEM, 12. ALL VEHICLES USED ON THE AIRFIELD SHALL MEET AIRPORT REQUIREMENTS FOR MARKING & LIGHTING. i � I 13. FOR ADDITIONAL SAFETY & SECURITY REQUIREMENTS, SEE THE LATEST VERSION OF FAA SURVEY NOTES: ADVISORY CIRCULAR 150/5370-2 - OPERATIONAL SAFETY ON AIRPORTS DURING - 1. THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION WAS USED FOR THE EXISTING SURVEY: EROSION CONTROL NOTES: CONSTRUCTION. COORDINATE SYSTEM: NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE INTERNATIONAL FOOT 14. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ARE SCHEDULED TO BE CONDUCTED IN AREAS WHICH WILL PROJECT HORIZONTAL DATUM: NAD 83/2011 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN ALL SEDIMENT AND tROSION CONTROL DEVICES AFFECT THE AIRPORT OPERATIONS AREA (ADA). THEREFORE, THIS PROJECT MUST BE VERTICAL DATUM: NAVE) 88 THROUGHOUT THE LIFE OF THE PROJECT, AND PROVIDE PERIODIC CLEANOUT AS SEVEN (7) CONSTRUCTED WITH MINIMAL INTERFERENCE TO AIRCRAFT & SERVICE VEHICLE COORDINATE UNITS: US SURVEY FEET NECESSARY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT ALL DEVICES EVERY EVENT THAT EXCEEDS 1/2 INCH (0.5"). OPERATIONS. CLOSURES OF THE ADA SHALL BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VERTICAL UNITS: US SURVEY FEET CALENDAR DAYS OR AFTER EACH RAINFALL CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCES WITHIN THIS PLANSET OR AS ORDERED BY THE ENGINEER.. - SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM BEHIND THE SILT FENCES WHEN IT BECOMES 2. DESIGN AND GRADING BASED ON FIELD SURVEY THAT WAS COMPLETED ON 9-23-15 BY ABOUT 1/2 FOOT (0.5') DEEP AT THE FENCE. DAMAGED OR INEFFECTIVE DEVICES 15. OPERATIONAL SAFETY SHOULD BE A STANDING AGENDA ITEM DURING PROGRESS ANDERSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. SHALL BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED, AS NECESSARY. MEETINGS THROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT. 3. SEE SHEET C2 FOR BENCHMARK INFORMATION. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL LIMIT AREASOFDISTURBANCE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE DURING THE - COURSE OF THE PROJECT, AND STABILIZE AREAS AS WORK IS COMPLETED. NO - SEPARATE MEASUREMENT WILL BE MADE FOR PAYMENT FOR AREAS REQUIRING SEEDING - - CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE NOTES: - - AND MULCHING OUTSIDE OF THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION. HAUL ROUTES STAGING AREAS & CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES: THE FOLLOWING CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE DEFINES THE MINIMAL ORDER OF CONSTRUCTION 3. ALL AREAS DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION NOT SHOWN TO BE PAVED SHALL BE L EXCEPT WHERE DESIGNATED ON PLANS OR AS AUTHORIZED BY ENGINEER, CONTRACTOR STEPS THAT NEED TO OCCUR TO REROUTE STORMWATER FLOWS FROM THE EXISTING PERMANENTLYSEEDEDAND MULCHED. WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO USE ANY OF THE EXISTING RUNWAYS OR TAXIWAYS AS PART PERMANENTLY IMPACTED STREAM TO. A PERMANENT CLOSED STORM SEINER SYSTEM. IN OF THE HAUL ROAD. ADDITION, THESE CONSTRUCTION STEPS WILL MOVE THE SITE TOWARDS DIVERTING SURFACE 4, TEMPORARY GROUND COVER SHALL BE PLACED ON EXPOSED SLOPES WITHIN 14 FLOWS TO A PROPOSED INFILTRATION POND. SEE THE SITE PLAN SHEETS AND THE STORM CALENDAR DAYS PER THE TEMPORARY SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS AND THE GROUND 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN ALL AIRFIELD SAFETY DEVICES SUCH AS STAKED LIMIT PROFILE SHEETS FOR PLAN AND PROFILE OF THE REFERENCED STORM SEWER LINES IN THIS COVER SCHEDULE SHOWN IN DETAIL 1/C11. LINES, FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT AS REQUIRED. DAMAGED STAKES OR SEQUENCE. 5. TEMPORARY GROUND COVER SHALL BE PLACED ON EXPOSED SWAtt:S OR DITCHES FLAGGING SHALL BE REPLACED IMMEDIATELY. CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT PLAN SHOWING WITHIN 7 CALENDAR DAYS PER THE TEMPORARY SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS AND THE LOCATION OF LIMIT LINES FOR EACH PHASE & FOR PROJECT DURATION TO THE ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL. 1. MOBILIZE ONSITE AND ESTABLISH LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION AND EROSION AND SEDIMENT GROUND COVER SCHEDULE SHOWN IN DETAIL 1/C11. CONTROLS PER THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN SHEETS (EROSION CONTROL 3, THE CONTRACTOR'S STAGING AREA & HAUL ROUTES SHOWN ON THE PLANS ARE PLANS TO BE COMPLETED AT A LATER DATE AND PERMIT REVIEW COORDINATED WITH 6. THE TEMPORARY SEEDING SCHEDULE SHOWN IN DETAIL/C11 SHALL BE USED FOR GENERAL & FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES THE ACTUAL SIZE & LOCATION OF STAGING NCDENR). TEMPORARY GROUNDCOVER CONDITIONS WHERE NEEDED. ONCE FINAL GRADES AND & HAUL ROUTES WILL BE APPROVED BY OWNER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. STABILIZATION OF AN AREA ARE ESTABLISHED, THE PERMANENT SEEDING MIXTURE .AREAS 2. ONCE THE ABOVE ITEMS ARE INSTALLED, THE CONTRACTOR MAY PROCEED WITH SHOWN ON DETAI,. i/C11 SHALL BE APPLIED. 4. ALL EXISTING GRASSED AREAS WHICH ARE DISTURBED AS PART OF THE CONTRACTOR'S DEMOLITION AND CLEARING & GRUBBING OPERATIONS PER THE PLANS. - ACCESS ROAD, CONTRACTOR'S STAGING AREA, & HAUL ROUTES SHALL BE RESTORED TO 7. TOTAL DISTURBED AREA FOR THIS PROJECT: 22.0 ACRES THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITION AFTER COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. IN ADDITION, ALL 3. EXISTING POND A LOCATED ON THE EASTERNMOST PORTION OF THE SITE MUST BE EXISTING ROADS THAT WILL BE USED -AS THE CONTRACTOR'S HAUL. ROUTE SHALL BE DRAINED ENTIRELY. 8. THE OFFSITE LOCATION WHERE BORROW MATERIAL IS TAKEN FROM MUST HAVE AN MAINTAINED DURING CONSTRUCTION & RESTORED TO. THEIR PRE -CONSTRUCTION APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PERMIT ON FILE WITH NCDENR. CONDITION. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT NEWLY INSTALLED PAVEMENTS DURING 4. IN ORDER TO BYPASS THE PERMANENTLY IMPACTED STREAM, THE STORM SEWER LINE CONTROL POST -CONSTRUCTION REMOVAL OF EROSION CONTROL MEASURES WITH STEEL PLATES 1-3-4-5-9 (SHEET C4 & C5) MUST FIRST BE INSTALLED. THE MAJORITY OF THIS NOTIFICATION OF LAND RESOURCES SEDIMENT AND EROSION AND/OR LIGHTLY LOADED EQUIPMENT. NO SEPARATE MEASUREMENT OR PAYMENT WILL LINE CAN BE TRENCHED INTO THEEXISTINGGRADES. LINE 5-9 MUST HAVE A PORTION SELF -INSPECTION PROGAM_- BE MADE FOR THIS ITEM. BACKFILLED TO A MINIMUM OF 3 FEET OF COVER OF THE PIPE TO PROTECT IT DURING FURTHER FILL OPERATIONS. REGRADING OF THE AREA UPSTREAM OF STRUCTURE THE SEDIMENTATION POLLUTION CONTROL ACT WAS AMENDED IN 2006 TO REQUIRE THAT 5. ALL EQUIPMENT MUST BE RETURNED TO THE APPROPRIATE STAGING AREA (TRACK (SHEET C4) MUST ALSO OCCUR AT THIS STEP TO REROUTE STORMWATER FROM THE PERSONS RESPONSIBLE FOR LAND -DISTURBING ACTIVITIES INSPECI A PROJECT AFTER EACH VERSUS NON -TRACK VEHICLES) AT THE END OF EACH WORK DAY & WHEN NOT. FIVE EXISTING STORM SEWER OUTFALLS INTO THE PROPOSED HEADWALL STRUCTURE 9. PHASE OF THE PROJECT TO MAKE SURE THAT THE APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION ENGAGED IN THE CONSTRUCTION DURING NON -WORKING DAYS & NIGHTS. OWNER WILL CONTROL PLAN IS BEING FOLLOWED. - RULES DETAILING THE DOCUMENTATION OF THESE DESIGNATE AREAS FOR CONTRACTOR'S EMPLOYEES AUTO PARKING. 5. ONCE THE LINE W THE PREVIOUS STEP IS INSTALLED, THEN STORM SEWER LINE INSPECTIONS TOOK EFFECT OCTOBER 1ST, 2010. THE SELF -INSPECTION PROGRAM IS - 4-24-25 (SHEET C5) MUST BE INSTALLED TO BYPASS EXISTING STORMWATER FROM SEPARATE FROM THE WEEKLY SELF -MONITORING PROGRAM OF THE NPDES STORMWATER 6. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING & PROVIDING ALL PERMANENT & THE NORTH OF THE PROPOSED SITE. PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. THE FOCUS OF THE SELF -INSPECTION REPORT IS TEMPORARY UTILITY CONNECTIONS FOR THE PROJECT. THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF EROSION AND SEDIMFNLATION CONTROL MEASURES - 6. STORM SEWER LINE 1-28-2 (SHEET C5) CAN ALSO BE INSTALLED DURING THESE INITIAL ACCORDING TO THE APPROVED PLAN. THE INSPECTIONS MUST BE CONDUCTED AFTER EACH 7. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION STEPS OF STORM SEWER INSTALLATION (TO PREVENT THE NEED FOR DEEP TRENCHING PHASE OF THE PROJECT, AND CONTINUED UNTIL PERMANENT GROUND COVER IS ESTABLISHED & REPORT TO ENGINEER ANY VARIATIONS FROM THE INFORMATION SHOWN ON IN LATER STEPS). IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NPDES GROUNDCOVER TIMETABLE. THE SELF -INSPECTION REPORT CONSTRUCTION PLANS. - FORM IS AVAILABLE AS AN EXCEL SPREADSHEET FROM 7. FILL OPERATIONS SHOULD THEN BEGIN AT STRUCTURE 9 AND PROCEED TO APPROX. 20' HTTP: //PORTAL.NCDENR.ORC/WEB/LR/EROSION. IF YOU HAVE CUESIONS OR CANNOT 8. THE PROVISION & MAINTENANCE OF HAUL ROADS, HAUL ROAD STONE, TEMPORARY BEYOND STORM SEWER LINE 5-10 (SHEET C5). THE FILL OPERATIONS SHOULD STOP ACCESS THE FORM, PLEASE CONTACT THE WINSTON-SALEM REGIONAL OFFICE AT HAUL SLABS & STEEL PLATES SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO PROJECT. AT ELEVATION 860.00 IN THIS AREA. 336-776-9800. 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE STONE FOR CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCEPAD& PERFORM. 8. STORM SEWER LINE 5-10-33-11 (SHEET C5) MUST BE INSTALLED TO CAPTURE MAINTENANCE AS NECESSARY OR AS REQUIRED BY THE ENGINEER. STORMWATER FROM THE EXISTING APRON TO THE SOUTHWEST OF THE PROPOSED SITE. 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LOCATION, IDENTIFICATION, & 9. STORM SEWER LINE 33-34-35-36 (SHEET C5) MUST THEN BE INSTALLED TO CAPTURE PROTECTION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES IN CONSTRUCTION AREA. ANY DAMAGES TO THE EXISTING FLOOR DRAIN SYSTEM FROM THE EXISTING HANGAR .BUILDING LOCATED TO EXISTING UTILITIES, PIPELINES ON OR OFF AIRPORT PROPERTY SHALL BE THE THE SOUTH OF THE PROPOSED SITE. RESPONSIBILITY OFTHECONTRACTOR. NO REIMBURSEMENT WILL BE ALLOWED FOR - UTILITY PIPELINE LOCATION, REPAIR, OR REPLACEMENT. 10. ONCE THE BYPASS LINES IN THE PREVIOUS TWO STEPS ARE. INSTALLED. THE EXISTING - STORMWATER POND B CAN BE DRAINED AND REMOVED, 11. ALL PAVEMENT SHALL BE KEPT FREE OF ALL DEBRIS; DIRT, ETC. AT ALL TIMES. ANY - SPILLAGE OF EXCAVATION OR OTHER MATERIALS SHALL BE CLEANED UP IMMEDIATELY 11. FILL OPERATIONS SHOULD THEN CONTINUE FROM STORM LINE 5-10 OUT TO RADAR BY THE CONTRACTOR WITH A MOTOR DRIVEN SWEEPER. A PROGRAM OF -REGULAR ROAD AT ELEVATION 860.00. INSPECTION WILL BE PLANNED BY THE CONTRACTOR. 12. ONCE THE 860.00 ELEVATION PAD IS SET, THE CONTRACTOR CAN INSTALL STORM 12. BURNING OF DEBRIS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED ON AIRPORT PROPERTY. SEWER LINES 17-18, 28-29, AND 3-27 (TO PREVENT THE NEED FOR DEEP TRENCHING 1N LATER STEPS). 13. CONSTRUCTION STAKE -OUT SHALL BE PERFORMED BY CONTRACTOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 50-05 OF THE GENERAL PROVISIONS. 13. FILL OPERATIONS MAY THEN PROCEED TO FINAL SUBGRADE LEVEL ACROSS THE ENTIRE SITE. 14. NOTICE TO AIRMEN (NOTAM) - THE CONTRACTOR WILL PROVIDE THE NECESSARY INFORMATION ON CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS TO THE OWNER IN ORDER FOR NOTAMS TO 14. ONCE THE FINAL SUBGRADE PAD LEVEL IS ESTABLISHED, THE FOLLOWING STORM SEWER BE ISSUED IN -ACCORDANCE WITH ESTABLISHED CRITERIA. THE OWNER SHALL BE GIVEN A LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED: NOTICE OF CONDITION CHANGES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GUIDELINES PROVIDED IN THE PROJECT MANUAL. •18-19-20-21-22 (SHEET C5) •1-30-31-32.(SHEET C5) EXISTING CONDITIONS - UNDERGROUND & CONCEALED FACILITIES; •3-20 (SHEET C5) •18-5 (SHEET C5) 1. FAA CABLES WILL BE LOCATED & MARKED BY FAA PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. •35-38 (SHEET C5) CONTRACTOR IS TO NOTIFY FAA 14 DAYS IN ADVANCE SO THAT FAA CAN SCHEDULE •34-37 (SHEET C5) THE REQUIRED MARKING TO PROTECT CABLES DURING CONSTRUCTION. ANY CABLES •5-16 (SHEET C4 & C5) - DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION WILL BE REPLACED BY CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR •5-6-7-8 (SHEET C4 & 05) SHALL PAY ALL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE REPAIR OF DAMAGED CABLES AT NO •6-12-13-14 (SHEET C4) COST TO OWNER. - •12-15 (SHEET C4) - •26-25 (SHEET C5) 2. COLONIAL AND/OR PLANTATION PIPELINE MUST BE CONTACTED ONE (1) WEEK PRIOR TO ANY WORK (INCLUDING SILT FENCE INSTALLATION) TAKING PLACE INSIDE COLONIAL 15. ONCE ALL OUTFALL STRUCTURES HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED IN THE PROPOSED POND AND AND/OR PLANTATION PIPELINE RIGHT-OF-WAY. A REPRESENTATIVE FROM EITHER ALL UPSTREAM AREAS HAVE BEEN STABILIZED, THE INFILTRATION MEDIA AND COMPANY MUST BE ONSITE DURING ANY WORK OPERATIONS INSIDE THEIR UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM CAN BE INSTALLED IN THE PROPOSED INFILTRATION POND. RIGHT-OF-WAY. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LOCATION, IDENTIFICATION & PROTECTION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES & PIPELINES IN THE CONSTRUCTION AREA. ANY DAMAGE TO EXISTING UTILITIES OR PIPELINES (ON OR OFF AIRPORT PROPERTY) DAMAGED BY CONTRACTOR SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR ALL UTILITY/PIPELINE DAMAGED BY CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO OWNER. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL. MAINTAIN ALL STATIONARY & MOBILE EQUIPMENT AGAINST SPILLS & FLUID LEAKAGE. CONTRACTOR SHALL DIAPER ALL LEAKING EQUIPMENT OPERATED WITHIN 150 FEET OF ANY STREAM, WATER BODY OR WETLAND, UNLESS SUITABLE CONTAINMENT IS PROVIDED TO PREVENT POTENTIAL SPILLS FROM ENTERING ANY STREAM OR WATER BODY. 4. CONTRACTORS SHALL PROTECT EXISTING RUNWAY & TAXIWAY LIGHTING SYSTEMS & APPROACH LIGHTING SYSTEMS. 5. ANY UNPLANNED, UNAPPROVED OR ACCIDENTAL SHUTDOWN OR INTERRUPTION OF SERVICE TO ANY LIGHTING CIRCUIT OR NAVIGATIONAL AID REQUIRES IMMEDIATE - NOTIFICATION OF AIRPORT OPERATIONS & ENGINEER BY THE CONTRACTOR. ALL NECESSARY REPAIRS WILLBE AT CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. 6. THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE. RESPONSIBLE FOR STAKING & GRADE CONTROL OF ALL ELEMENTS OF THE CONSTRUC1ION FOR THE DURATION .OF.THE PROJECT. 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY EXISTING SOIL CONDITIONS, SOIL STOCKPILE CONDITIONS, SOIL MOISTURE CONTENTS & SOIL TYPES PRIOR TO SUBMITTING A BID FOR THE HAECO FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS. TEMPORARY MARKINGS BARRICADES & TRAFFIC CONTROL: SEE CONSTRUCTION SAFETY AND PHASING PLAN, -SHEET C2 RUNWAY & TAXIWAY SAFETY AREAS ( SA & TSA): NO WORK IN AN ACTIVE RUNWAY SAFETY AREA IS PERMITTED AND NO PERSONNEL AND/OR EQUIPMENT PULL BACKS TO CLEAR AN ACTIVE RUNWAY SAFETY AREA ARE PERMITTED. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY WITHIN THE TAXIWAY SAFETY AREA/OBSTACLE-FREE .ZONE IS PERMISSIBLE WHEN THE TAXIWAY IS OPEN TO AIRCRAFT TRAFFIC IF ADEQUATE WINGTIP CLEARANCE EXISTS BETWEEN THE AIRCRAFT AND EQUIPMENT/MATERIAL;. EXCAVATION, TRENCHES, OR OTHER CONDITIONS ARE CONSPICUOUSLY MARKED .AND LIGHTED; AND LOCAL NOTAMS ARE IN EFFECT FOR THE ACTIVITY (SEE AC 150/5300-13A FOR WINGTIP CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS.) AIRPORT USERS WILL BE NOTIFIED OF RESTRICTED RUNWAY AND TAXIWAY USAGE VIA NOTAM. PREVENT PERSONNEL, MATERIAL, AND/OR EQUIPMENT, AS DEFINED IN AC 150/5300-13A, PARAGRAPH-308, FROM PENETRATING THE RUNWAY OBSTACLE FREE ZONE (ROFZ). COORDINATE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY WITH THE AIRPORT MANAGER THROUGH THE RPR. t B I C -------------- ---- Airport A kkAnty\2015012500RA - Aviation Tenant Site Development (Haeco)\CARD\WKD Plan Set\20150125-C SHT-Notes. wg 3 =6 El z 0 C) n z 0 U tr LL W Ij 0 z 0 0 I z 0 0 z F- I- fr W CL ir 0,i L✓L 0 Q Q IC AWN community infrastructure consultants Transportation + Water Resources Urban Development + Geornatics 720 Corporate Center Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 919.782,0495 (t) 919.782.9672 (t) www.wkdickson.com WKD PROJ.: 20150125.0O.RA PROD. ORIGIN DATE: NOV. 2015 P.M.: PDS DRAWN BY: KCB/MRM .. a �9L�7:f_74.9y_7� REV. RECORD: BY I DATE DESCRIPTION PROJECT NAME: HAECO FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS OWNER OR CLIENT: PIEDMONT TRIAD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (PTI) PLAN KEY: DRAWING TITLE: GENERAL NOTES & CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING DRAWING NUMBER: C1 PLOT DATE: 11/13/2015 - ----- 7,,'7" .. ,.:a:,;.. .. q:, .. :j T...r,.. . -:�,.. „n. ,,...,.;s. c arT.; . I,. I; r i I•, I , :z t i .L•� � �(.tlI:v lit i �1'�^',i' o ,�,f 11'rl l'' IL I_'dL _'J-�LJL J1•+l�_.:1 �.__�� .__...� _ ..'. ��: _. ..._. ._, _� .... .1 i._eL ... �'!��.�a� rl. CM 1 1911� A HAECO FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS FOR PIEDMONT TRIAD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (PTI) GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA NOV. 2015 WK DICKSON PRO]. NO. 20150125.00.RA NOV 3 0 2015 1Ul 30% PERMIT SUBMITTAL VICINITY MAP 1 0 0.5 1 2 1 inch = 1 mile A INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRODUCTION OR USE OF THE CONTENTS OF THIS DO( Ailpott Audxwky\201501250DRA - Aviation Tenant Site Development (Haeco)\CADD\WKD Plan E90 Know what's below. Call before you dig S TO THIS DOCUMENT, - 30%.dwg P'SWK D I (Pawafto FL K S (0 4"M community infrastructure consultants B REV RECORD: BY I DATE I DESCRIPTION C INDEX OF DRAWINGS CO COVER & INDEX SHEET C1 GENERAL NOTES & CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING C2 EXISTING CONDITIONS & DEMOLITION PLAN C3 EXISTING CONDITIONS & DEMOLITION PLAN C4 PROPOSED SITE PLAN C5 PROPOSED SITE PLAN C6 STORM SEWER PROFILES C7 STORM SEWER PROFILES C8 STORM SEWER PROFILES C9 STORM SEWER PROFILES C10 DETAILS C11 DETAILS C12 DETAILS AIRPORT MAP 2000 0 �'v00 �20�00 4000 1 inch -- 2000 It. REV RECORD: BY j DATE I DESCRIPTION ISSUED RECORD: BY I DATE I DESCRIPTION C VALID. TRUED NCDENR* ---- PROFESSIONAL SEAL z C U C4 z C C cc LL U) C z 0 I J z O z_ C� G CL cr 0 LL 0 m E �^ 8 , a)r, o $ RIB g az NOV -`p in ��Y w Orci^ 3 0 call call� z ^cc SE: I m C m U {s08�� f P +E a E 0 Q N X >: O U z N F Of 0o m U O ZC14 Y 0 cc ¢ 0 o m a ' IL Y 0 a a a J Z U W d 2 LW O� UO W� Q w g z z U u1 0 I IL W 0 f- _Z 06 W cr + W C/) O J FjU Q z 0 W 0 N OD �O z 0 z Q o i a Q o o a WKD PROJ.:20150125.00.RA ,., k [•], P�•.t.Y,is 7 2- 11 PATH: A 1 1 J / / f � o 1 .., — —. _.. ,_ _ ne: mod' PERIMETER ROAD \, r.. �6 ' — - - - ee phol t p a veo dr1 vas _.._......0�. - - -- — CO �� — — _ m Z ° ;t ` — _:: i _ _ \ - _ ,PERMANENT IMPACT TL yAN AA HEADWATERFOREST- / _...I - ---.. ----. __ - - - 1 ;once `-- - - � � ,e � - PF01A. � i _.- _ �- � ,r-�-• '- —ABUTTING RPW ', � , ' -"---..—s--9-^"�'— A� P���...- �. r _..- . �1,sS ,..- , � � .=i L� �- �0.39 AC t i �•--�-- -- l / / r / ..o � . - ,� // /rY /,v. .y\ � --���, .,- . = `�` = = _ _ � J %�. X� _x: x_X- X X %-X -x . i �}- .� � _ _� -;. 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I 191 ( ) P%m,\NK 1CKb I4000% aVDC;N community infrastructure consultants Transportation + Water Resources Urban Development + Geomatics 720 Gorporate Center Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 919.782.0495 (t) 919.782.9672 (0 www.wkdickson.com WKD PROD.: 20150125.00.11A PROJ. ORIGIN DATE: NOV. 2015 P.M.: PDS DRAWN BY: KCB/MRMI PROFESSIONAL SEAL REV. RECORD: BY I DATE I DESCRIPTION (PROJECT NAME: I HAECO FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS OWNER OR CLIENT: PIEDMONT TRIAD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (PTI) PLAN KEY: DRAWING TITLE: EXISTING CONDITIONS & DEMOLITION PLAN DRAWING NUMBER: C3 PLOT DATE: 11/13/2015 "- I: ` � , -11-11r-,;,-�17-:��-.` - - �, I � . . �.:.TT, 7--To, i- - - - - 1�1� V 7 �, it 1, I I.,.. ,,f " 7, %.'�---07�7"-;Tg� I .:, � I '' ". .:,-, . I; I , ! �:. � 1 . . , . . �.':'11:,�:, ��%.'� ". .. � , , �r'!I I. �..-�,. ,,..I I , e5 I , !.:�. . , 1�. -, �'k:, ,� , , I . " . .-I, �� I I I . I . . 1 � �, .. ,.� . - ,i .. � � , I I �. I , -0, -, , "t 1� ,--.�� � Z. . . 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RECORD: BY I DATE I DESCRIPTION PROJECT NAME: HAECO FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS I OWNER OR CLIENT: PIEDMONT TRIAD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (PTI) I PLAN KEY: DRAWING TITLE: PROPOSED SITE PLAN I DRAWING NUMBER: C4 PLOT DATE: 11/13/2015 1. 0 3 -0+50 0+00 2- 1 A B I I _ . .. YI NEIol T!6-TS1 . Eno Is�,s7.1vI 'C 2919�r. zolv1 .Tii io=OYE9 • • A I B COPYRIGHT ©, W.K. DICKSON & CO., INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRODUCTION OR USE OF THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT; ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO THIS DOCUMENT, FILE PATH: J:\Proiects\Piedmont Triad Airport Authorky\2015012500RA - Aviation Tenant Site Development (Haeco)\CARD\Exhibits\20150125 C SHT_STORM SEWER PROFILES 30 rev.dwg VT�J II JT VV J 1 VV I V 1 VV I V 1 V V , 1 1 VV ,, , V.V .vw B95 890 885 880 875 870 865 860 855 850 845 840 835 830 828 . J0 NOTE: FOR FLOW SPUTTER STRUCTURE DETAILS SEE DETAIL 2/C11. 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+(0 STORM PROFILE D 50 0 25 50 100 1 inch = 50 ft. HORIZONTAL C �00 195 GO 185 SO 175 170 165 160 155 150 LE F 145 140 135 130 128 3+50 6 0 5 10 20 I inch = 10 it. VERTICAL 3 w- 1 DICKS community infrastructure consultants Transportation + Water Resources Urban Development + Geomatics 720 Corporate Center Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 919.782.0495 (t) 919.782.9672 (f) www.wkdickson.com WKD PROJ.: 20150125.0o.RA PROJ. ORIGIN DATE: NOV. 2015 P.M.: PDS DRAWN BY: KCB/MRM N7 's A 03808Ei jE a "I, �ZC A, , Ba000. 'vpuuuaY�a�"' PROFESSIONAL SEAL REV. RECORD: BY I DATE I DESCRIPTION PROJECT NAME: HAECO FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS OWNER OR CLIENT: PIEDMONT TRIAD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (PTI) PLAN KEY: DRAWING TITLE: STORM SEWER PROFILES DRAWING NUMBER: C6 PLOT DATE: 11/18/2015 7 ' J.1. •1 13 PROPOSED SEE STORM PROFIU 12- Is= A -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 STORM PROFILE E 900 895 890 885 880 875 870 865 860 855 850 845 840 835 830 828 3+50 900 905 — _ _; _ - 905 895--- 895 900 890 { 890 895 - ¢ v a- 895 -� — in 3 vvwv N. tC 885 .. 885 890 = _ : ro iw a= 890 -wwi��- _ �a .. _.- 880 0 M © 880 885 _ Yv o:z + z z 0 885 :� N �0 N aNi ,� . 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REPRODUCTION OR USE OF THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT; ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO THIS DOCUMENT, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF W.K. DICKSON & CO., INC., IS PROHIBITED. ONLY COPIES FROM THE ORIGINAL OF THIS DOCUMENT, FILE PATH: J:\Projects\Piedmont Triad Airport AuthorW\2015012500RA - Aviation Tenant Site Development (Haeco)\CADD\Exhibits\20150125 C SHT_STORM SEWER PROFILES 30 rev.dwg 10 0 5 10 20 1 inch = 10 ft. VERTICAL —2 WK DICKSON community infrastructure consultants Transportation + Water Resources Urban Development + Geomatics 720 Corporate Center Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 919.762.0495 (t) 919,782.9672 (f) www.wkdlckson.com WKD PROJ.: 20150125.00.RA PROJ. ORIGIN DATE: NOV. 2015 P.M.: PDS DRAWN BY: KCB/MRM PROFESSIONAL SEAL REV. RECORD: BY I DATE I DESCRIPTION PROJECT NAME: HAECO FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS OWNER OR CLIENT: PIEDMONT TRIAD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (PTI) PLAN KEY: DRAWING TITLE: STORM SEWER PROFILES DRAWING NUMBER: V PLOT DATE: 11/18/2015 ,�I Ir1 I 11: , 7':- 1 � �I7 �, j,1 3 2- i -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 STORM PROFILE J 910 _ -._._ ;_.. __ ..... .. _. _.. 905 900 .. __ .... _ __ . I F « 895---.w404� • So , .QWLWJOrt�0�4: UO I d I.. .,:M �. D_W - - I - M�00"p�p ,... _.._ __._ rn o o + r i.t _._.. _.:: go ct OD OD!I # M -- + 875 875 885 z co ... .... - - Kz __ .. �' o cz .- o z 2 z z' o a ? ex o z o........ 885 a o W ... — - — - PROPOSED,, GRADE r f - o n C < CL FQ> >>>> : 0 870 880 _.._. a rn r ? ? z z z - 3 _ <- 1 _ _ . °°' N 880 `4 °° _ .... _.. ... _ _. N f— i W Lj 865 n FI 865 875 t... - - - _ - r:04 875 -- fr uz v 04 to 870 __ __r __ _ _ _.. _ __...., __ _ __ _.. , v-. 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RCP.::4 0.4A% 855 n + OF ° 5 RCP 0.8 _ — t. z- Q 1 now PROPOSED 30" \ 855 1 SEE STORM PROFILE G EX. 48' 840 840 f - -- - I __.? ._- 850 ` ._. _ - - - - --�.: - 0 PROPOSED 24 SEE STORM PR FILE B IE STORM PROFILE Aj , PROPOSED 42 LF 835 835 85 845 _ ---- __ _,__.,_ ._. ._ , _ _�_:. _. _-. .. __. . r_. _.-., _.. _ _- OF 48" REP-� 0.40 ! — PROPDSED 24" PROPOSED 15" o : 845 SEE STORM PROF I E B ' , - , r O SEE STORM PROFILE H'ROPOSED 7 a r f PROPOSED 25 {F $40 SEE STORM PROFILE A — _ r _ 830 15"' RCP D.50% 830 840 828 OF ® 828 —0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 STORM PROFILE L STORM PROFILE M tj 1 910 905 900 895 890 885 880 875 870 865 860 855 850 845 840 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 I C 910- 910 905 __ _ =n -- 905 , t 900 --_ 04, -- ---1}. �..._.. 900 895 - - -- uj - sr 895 00 CNq SO 890 .....©a oQM^.. 890 o Q 0) CO o 0) M r 885 Wog?:°0r _ __0Q, � r. �. Buz.; 885 z�Q 0*-0 o o PROPOSED GRADE o d a 880 875 875 - 870 _. _ _.._.. -- 870 PRnpSFf]a" PROPOSED 197 LF' STORM PROFILE K NOTE: M FOR FLOW SPUTTER STRUCTURE DETAILS SEE DETAIL 2/C11. Wto H 00 CO 1 COPYRIGHT ®, W.K. DICKSON & CO., INC. / FILE PATH: JAProiects\Piedmorrt Triad Aimort A IEPRODUCTION OR USE OF THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT; ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO THIS DOCUMENT, Aviation Tenant Site Development (Hasco)\CADD\ExhIbfts\20150125_ C SHT STORM SEWER PROFILES 80 rev.dwa 50 0 25 50 100 10 0 5 10 20 I inch = 50 ft. 1 Inch = 10 fL HORIZONTAL VERTICAL DICKSON & CO., INC., IS PROHIBITED. ONLY COPIES FROM THE ORIGINAL OF THIS DOCUMENT, MARKED WITH AN ORIGINAL SIGNATURE AND SEAL SHALL BE CONSIDEREDTO BE VALID, TRUE COPIES 3 -2 C I— L F- U, z C C: C tj Lij I_ z O J -® i F_ Cr CL cc 0 1 Q Q Q B'DICKSON community infrastructure consultants Transportation + Water Resources Urban Development + Geomatics 720 Corporate Center Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 919.782.0495 (t) 919.782.9672 (f) www.wkdickson.com WKD PROJ.: 20150125.00.RA PROJ. ORIGIN DATE: NOV. 2015 P.M.: PDS DRAWN BY: KCB/MRM PROFESSIONAL SEAL REV. RECORD: BY I DATE I DESCRIPTION PROJECT NAME: HAECO FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS OWNER OR CLIENT: PIEDMONT TRIAD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (PTI) PLAN KEY: DRAWING TITLE: STORM SEWER PROFILES DRAWING NUMBER: CV PLOT DATE: 11 /18/2015 I,1 I,1 1.1 m r-m 1 A A -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 COPYRIGHT ®, W.K. DICKSON & CO., INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRODUCTION OR USE OF THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT, ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO THIS DOCUMENT, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FILE PATH: JAProjects\Piedmont Triad Airport Authod4\2015012500RA - Aviation Tenant Site Development (Haeco)\CADD\Exhibifs\20150125 C SHT STORM SEWER PROFILES 30 rev.dwg 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 STORM PROFILE 0 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 FOR FLOW SPUTTER STRUCTURE DETAILS SEE DETAIL 2/Cil, 3 -2 1 DICKS community infrastructure consultants Transportation + Water Resources Urban Development + Geomatics 720 Corporate Center Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 919.782.0495 (t) 919.782.9672. (f) www.wkdickson.com WKD PROJ.: 20150125.00.RA PROJ. ORIGIN DATE: NOV. 2015 P.M.: PDS DRAWN BY: KCB/MRM PROFESSIONAL SEAL REV. RECORD: BY I DATE I DESCRIPTION PROJECT NAME: HAECO FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS OWNER OR CLIENT: PIEDMONT TRIAD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (PTI) PLAN KEY: DRAWING TITLE: STORM SEWER PROFILES DRAWING NUMBER: C9 PLOT DATE: 11/18/2015 1 NOTE 6 SEE NOTE 1 CONCRETE SLAB DOWNSTREAMAEE4000 PSI O J .. CONCRETE 4000 PSI 3 : 1" G GREENST ' RUBBER t v4 � F z • "4. ENSURE WATERTIGHT CONNECTION BETWEEN RCP OUTFACE e. RCP OUTFALL AND e GROUT RISER STIR . WALL "DUMBELL" TYPE PVC WATERSTOP O IN KEYWAY (TYP) +, CONGROE J * + "r �.4.qW�PSLI. SEE NOTE 6 SEE NOTE i CONCRETE SLAB 4000 PSI -1_ • �___ O�,J SLAB BOTTOM T ELEVATION J #5 REBARS 0 6• TTTT O.0 EACH WAY C HYDROTITE DSS x- ' 0 PIPE WITH VE 9 CONCRETE '' SEE NOTE 2/ 4000 PSI I II RCP OUTFALL GROUT � CONETiE.1;E. , H a , 49DO PSr • OUTFALL PIPE TO BE: _ MODIFIED BELL & SPIGOT /1 _ — - I ASTM C76 (LATEST) r CLASS III — RCP w/CONFINED "0" RING RUBBER RISER INLET STIR. — SECTION B-B GASKET JOINT MEETING ASTM RISER INLET STIR. SECTION A —A C — 443 LATEST AND JOINT OF ASTM C — 361 LATEST NO SCALE THROUGHOUT ENTIRE LENGTH NO SCALE .UNLESS SPECIFICALLY STATED OTHERWISE ON PLANS 12 - POURED IN PLACE DO NOT LESSEN DIMENSIONS THIS STRUCTURE SUBJECT TO FLOTATION FORCES DIMENSION DIMENSION VALUE A 848.50' MSL B N/A C N/A D: Orifice Ctr EL. N/A* E: Orifice Inv. EL. N/A* F 4'-8 G 8 inches H 1.25' 1 6' — 0" J: Weir Wall (1) 853.30' MSL K: Overflow (3) 853-30' MSL L 554.80' MSL M 9 inches TOTAL WEIR LENGTH ® ELEV. 853.30 18' * NO ORIFICE PIPE IN THIS STRUCTURE NOTES: 1. DEWEY BROS. FLUSH MOUNT MH COVER MH—RCR-15 & MH RING MH—RCR-15. 2.DEWEY BROS. MANHOLE STEPS MH—ST-5 0 15" O.C. 1ST STEP IS 2'-0" FROM TOP, PRIMARY SPILLWAY RISER DETAIL NTS ~ rti REF: RIPRAP APRON MAXIMUM SLOPE BASED A A ON OSHA STANDARDS r OUTSIDE DIAMETER OUTSIDE DIAMETER o o W T- n o COMPACTED APPROVED VARIES EXCAVATED MATERIAL OR (12" MIN) I SELECT MATERIAL (NCDOT VARIES ` \ 4" CLASS III, TYPE 2) 4" 4" CIRCULAR RCP PLACE PIPE ON SUITABLE / ELLIPTICAL RCP EXISTING MATERIAL OR / FOUNDATION CONDITIONING MATERIAL PER NCDOT STANDARDS (SEE NOTES FOR SELECT — MATERIAL CLASS) AND/OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER NOTES: 1. A MINIMUM OF 24" FROM OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF PIPE TO SIDE OF TRENCH MUST BE ALLOWED FOR COMPACTION OF FILL MATERIAL. BACKFILLING OF TRENCHES SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE PIPE IS LAID. THE FILL AROUND THE PIPE SHALL BE PLACED IN LAYERS NOT TO EXCEED 6". UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL WATER BE PERMITTED TO RISE IN UNBACKFILLED TRENCHES AFTER THE PIPE HAS BEEN PLACED. COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE ATTAINED BY THE USE OF MECHANICAL TAMPS ONLY. EACH AND EVERY LAYER OF BACKFILL SHALL BE PLACED LOOSE AND THOROUGHLY COMPACTED INTO PLACE. 2. ALL BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL HAVE AN IN PLACE COMPACTED DENSITY OF 95% STANDARD PROCTOR. THE FINAL 2' BELOW FINISHED GRADE SHALL BE 100% STANDARD PROCTOR. 3. ALL TRENCHING OPERATIONS SHALL MEET OSHA STANDARDS. 4. ALL BACKFILL MATERIAL BENEATH ROADWAY SHALL BE SELECT MATERIAL (NCDOT CLASS III, TYPE 2). EXCAVATED MATERIAL THAT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THAT STANDARD SHALL BE USED WHERE AVAILABLE, IN AREAS OUTSIDE THE ROADWAY, BACKFILL SHALL CONSIST OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL. 1 5. STORM DRAIN PIPES OUTSIDE OF STREET R/W USE SELECT MATERIAL CLASS III. STORM DRAIN PIPES INSIDE OF STREET R/W .USE SELECT MATERIAL CLASS VI. 2 PIPE BEDDING TRENCHING DETAIL C10 NTS PLAN VIEW L, SECTION A -A ' DOWNSTREAM I A r, _I 1 LA~ CONCRETE RISER COVER PLAN VIEW NO SCALE �Ta L FILTER OR FILTER FABRIC NOTES: 1. LA IS LENGTH OF RIPRAP APRON. THE APRON SHALL EXTEND TO TOE OF SLOPE. 2. THE DOWNSTREAM WIDTH (W) OF TI-E APRON IS EQUAL TO Do+Lu (MINIMUM TAILWATER) 3. A FILTER BLANKET OR FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE INSTALLED BETWEEN THE RIPRAP AND SOIL FOUNDATION. 4. IN A WELL DEFINED CHANNEL, EXTEND THE APRON UP THE CHANNEL BANKS TO AN ELEVATION 6" ABOVE MAXIMUM TAILWATER DEPTH OR TO TOP OF BANK, WHICHEVER IS LESS. 5. DIMENSIONS AS REQUIRED BY ENGINEER, OR AS TABULATED BELOW. 6. To = 1.5 x MAX. STONE DIA.; MAX. STONE DIA. = 1.5 X d(50). 3 l RIP -RAP PAD DETAIL C10 I NTS Cr CAST COVER, COVER SUPPORTS, AND RISER WALLS AS ONE STRUCTURE EMBOSS MH LID "STORM SEWER" CVE9(I�or 3) 18" I \ t \ RCP OUTFALL ISOMt TRIL VILW NO SCALE NOTES: 5. SHOWN WITH DEWEY BROS. FLUSH MOUNT MH COVER MH—RCR-15, FOR USE WITH ALL YARD INLETS. 6. COVER TO BE 4000 PSI CONCRETE WITH # 5 REBAR 0 6" O.0 EACH WAY. 7. SEE ADJACENT STANDARD DETAIL FOR SECTIONS A A AND B—B. 8. THOROUGHLY TAMP FOUNDATION SOILS PRIOR TO BASE SLAB INSTALLATION. I A I B I -- --- -- — C 00PYRIGHT 0, W.K. DICKSON & CO., INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRODUCTION OR USE OF THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT; A FILE PATH: J:\Projects\Piedmont Triad Airport Authodty\2015012500RA - Aviation Tenant Site Development (Haeco)\CADD\WKD Plan Set\201501 AND SEAL SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE VALID, 31 -21 0 ) 0�y� CE I� U) Z 0 o LL s I U•�) o/ 0 Z 0 I z o P V Z r__ 2iry� cc W CL Cr I. 0 n f BVDICKSON community infrastructure consultants Transportation + Water Resources Urban Development + Geomatics 720 Corporate Center Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 919.782.0495 (t) 919.782.9672 (f) www.wkdickson.com WKD PROJ.: 20150125.00.RA PROD. ORIGIN DATE: NOV. 2015 P.M.: PDS DRAWN BY: KCB/MRM Z Ij 038086 W %y�q�� NGINti� Fy10A, ABfkO a .#, PROFESSIONAL SEAL REV. RECORD: BY I DATE I DESCRIPTION PROJECT NAME: HAECO FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS OWNER OR CLIENT: PIEDMONT TRIAD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (PTI) DRAWING TITLE: DETAILS DRAWING NUMBER: C10 PLOT DATE: 11/13/2015 I 7 iI'Tr,rT.1TI�ip In 1� ��I-lS,'.)'I. 1: 1. =a111 __-_�. ME F4m A I SEEDING. MULCHING. AND TOPSOIL NOTES: STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PONDS PERMANENT SEEDING, 1-1/2 INCHES NOR MORE THAN 3 INCHES. 1. ALL SOIL STABILIZATION MEASURES SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF ITEMS (MAY TO SEPTEMBER- APPLICATION:) (OCTOBER TO APRIL APPUCATION:) 10. MULCH SHALL BE HELD iN PLACE BY LIGHT DISCING, PINS, STAKES, \CURE T- 901, T-905, AND T-908 OF THE SPECIFICATIONS. GROUNDCOVER-SHALL 75/ TALL FESCUE 120#TALL FESCUE 25j1 BERMUDA GRASS 15/1BERMUDA GRASS MESH, OR ASPHALT BINDER. BE ESTABLISHED. 25/ BAHIA GRASS 10# BLUE GRASS 11. IF ASPHALT SPRAY METHOD IS USED, MULCHED SURFACES SHALL BE 2. PRIOR TO SOIL STABILIZATION, AREAS SHALL BE CLEARED OF STONES OR - 10/I HARD FESCUE _ SPRAYED UNIFORMLY AT A RATE OF APPROXIMATELY 8.0 GALLONS PER 1,000 DEBRIS LARGER THAN 2 INCHES IN DIAMETER. THE KINDS OF GRASS, LEGUME, AND COVER -CROP SEED FURNISHED SHALL SQUARE FEET. 3. AREA TO BE SEEDED SHALL BE THOROUGHLY LOOSENED TO A DEPTH OF 5 BE THOSE STIPULATED ABOVE S® SHALL CONFORM TO THE 12. IF ASPHALT MIX METHOD IS USED, THE MULCH SHALL BE APPUED BY INCHES THE TOP 3 INCHES SHALL BE WORKED INTO A SATISFACTORY .REQUIREMENTS OF FEDERAL SPECIFICATION JJJ-S-181. BLOWING AND THE ASPHALT BINDER MATERIAL SHALL BE SPRAYED INTO THE SEEDBED BY DISCING, OR BY USE OF CULTIPACKERS, ROLLERS, DRAGS, OR SEED SHALL BE FURNISHED SEPARATELY OR IN MIXTURES IN STANDARD MULCH AS IT LEAVES THE BLOWER. BINDER SHALL BE UNIFORMLY APPLIED TO THE MULCH AT THE RATE OF APPROXIMATELY 8.0 GALLONS PER 1.000 OTHER APPROPRIATE MEANS. CONTAINERS MATH THE SED NAME, LOT NUMBER, NET WEIGHT, PERCENTAGES SQUARE FEET. - 4. THE KINDS OF SEED AND THE RATES OF APPLICATION OF SEED SHALL BE AS OF PURITY AND OF GERMINATION AND HARD SEED, AND PERCENTAGE OF MAXIMUM 'NEED SEED CONTENT CLEARLY MARKED FOR EACH KINDOFSEED. 13. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT SEEDED AND MULCHED AREAS AGAINST STATED BELOW. ALL RATES ARE IN POUNDS PER ACRE THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH THE ENGINEER DUPLICATE SIGNED COPIES TRAFFIC. SURFACES GUWED OR DAMAGED SHALL BE REPAIRED, RESEEDED, ALL AREAS EXCEPT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PONDS: OF A STATEMENT BY THE VENDOR CERTIFYING TESTING WITHIN SIX (6) AND REMULCHED. CONTRACTOR SHALL MOW, WATER , AND OTHERWISE MONTHS OF DATE OF DELIVERY THIS STATEMENT SHALL INCLUDE: NAME AND MAINTAIN SEEDED AREAS IN A SATISFACTORY CONDITION UNTIL FINAL PERMANENT SEEDING ADDRESS OF LABORATORY, DATE OF TEST, LOT NUMBER FOR EACH KIND OF INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK. 100/ TALL FESCUE SEED, AND THE RESULTS OF TEST AS TO NAME, PERCENTAGES OF PURITY 10# KOBE LESPEDEZA AND OF GERMINATION. AND PERCENTAGE OF WEED CONTENT FOR EACH KIND 25/ BAHIA GRASS OF SEED " RYE GRAIN (JANUARY TO FEBRUARY APPLICATION) S. GROUND LIMESTONE SHALL BE APPLIED PRIOR TO APPLICATION OF FERTILIZER TEMPORARY SEEDING OR SEED AND SHALL BE WORKED INTO TOP 3 INCHES OF SOIL, TEMPORARY SEEDING FOR THE PROJECT SHALL MEET All REQUIREMENTS 6. FERTILIZER SHALL BE SPREAD UNIFORMLY OVER ALL AREAS TO BE SEEDED PUBUSHED WITHIN THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE NORTH CAROLINA AFTER LIMING IS COMPLETE - DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND NATURAL RESOURCES, DIVISION OF LAND RESOURCES, LAND QUALITY SECTION'S EROSION AND SEDIMENT 7, GRASS SEED SHALL BE APPLIED AT THE RATE INDICATED ABOVE AND IN THE CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL TAME 6.10A, TABLE 6.10E AND SPEcinCATEONS, PROPERLY COVERED, AND COMPACTED WITH AN APPROVED TABLE 6.10C FOUND ON PAGE 6.10.4, -PAGE 6.10.5 AND PAGE 6.10.6. LAWN ROLLER. NOTE WHERE NOTED ON PLANS, SERICEA LESPEDEZA SEED SHALL BE ADDED 8. MULCH SHALLBE APPLIED IMMEDIATELY AFTER SEEDING. MULCH MUST MEET TO THE SPECIFIED SEED MIXTURE AT A RATE OF THIRTY (30) POUNDS PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF ITEM T-908.. ACRE.. NO ADDITIONAL PAYMENT SHALL BE MADE FOR THE ADDITION OF S7RICEA LESPEDEZA. SEED. 9. STRAW MULCH SHALL BE SPREAD TO UNIFORM THICKNESS AT THE RATE. OF 2- 3 TONS PER ACRE TO PROVIDE A LOOSE DEPTH OF NOT LESS THAN SEEDING SCHEDULE GROUND COVER SCHEDULE SITE AREA DESCRIPTION STABILIZATION TIME FRAME STABILIZATION TIME FRAME EXCEPTIONS PERIMETER DIKES, SWALES, DITCHES AND 7 DAYS - NONE SLOPES HIGH QUALITY WATER (HOW) ZONES 7 DAYS NONE SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 7 DAYS IF SLOPES ARE 10' OR LESS IN LENGTH AND ARE NOT STEEPER THAN 2:1, 14 DAYS ARE ALLOWED SLOPES 3:1 OR FLATTER 14 DAYS 7 DAYS FOR SLOPES GREATER THAN 50 FEET IN LENGTH ALL OTHER AREAS WITH SLOPES FLATTER 14 DAYS NONE (EXCEPT FOR PERIMETERS AND HOW ZONES) THAN 4:1 C Z C m Z A NCO D 24" RCP � / , INV. OUT: 855.10 ONCIR TE WEIR/ OPEN SPACE TO 'r OVERFLOW TO HIGH r, FLOW STORM SEWER LINES / C 's Jam. ao STRUCTURE 20 - PLAN INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRODUCTION OR Airport Aulhodty1,20150126WRA - Aviation Tenant Site STRUCTURE 20 - SECTION C-C :UMENT; ADDITIONS Set\Save\2015.11-16 I NTS 1 STRUCTURE 20 - PLAN 30 R P, INV. IN: 872.21 i i a a d a- ^' 44 e < 15" RCP, INV. IN: 872.21 - CONCRETE WEIR: 872.90' 30" RCP NV. IN: 872.21 STRUCTURE 20 - SECTION B-B FLOW SPLITT�_R STRUCTURE DETAILS NTS //VV R 85� C N m W Fw zmz ww amz Cf w /gym nJ V) v ? a I f N n c i / 41 5 i / ELEVATED - ;SHELF WITHIN ' ' STRUCTURE;, CONCRETE WEIR `� a OPEN SPACE TO I�G - 3.0' OVERFLOW TO HIGH FLOW STORM SEWER LINES i A 1 v N1�00 m STRUCTURE 5 - PLAN_ STRUCTURE 5 - SECTION A -A STRUCTURE PIPE IN INVERT WQ PIPE OUT INVERT FWER ELE:AI I 5 852.41, 866.63 - - 851.68 854.?1 ---_ 20 872.05 87<.r°; 872.9,, 25 856.04 855.10 856.8� 1 II GPi ,�1F HEIGHT (FT) 7.75 ss 1 45 WEIR LENGTH (FT) 9 3.5 5.0 3 i WK DI+ N community Infrastructure consultants Transportation + Water Resources Urban Development + Geomatics 720 Corporate Center Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 919.782.0495 (t) 919.782.9672 (Q www.wkdickson.com WKD PROJ.: 20150125.00.RA PROJ. ORIGIN DATE: NOV. 2015 P.M.: PDS DRAWN BY: KCB/MRM PROFESSIONAL SEAL REV. RECORD: BY I DATE I DESCRIPTION PROJECT NAME: HAECO FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS OWNER OR CLIENT PIEDMONT TRIAD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (PTI) PLAN KEY: DRAWING TITLE: DETAILS DRAWING NUMBER: C11 PLOT DATE: 11/18/2015 '.'�i !S_PL J LJ .y..... 100-YR WSEL:853.52 MULCH (APPROXIMATELY 2" THICK) -I- -- TOP OF PLANTING MIX EL. 851.0' 100-YR WSEL:853.50 . _ ... ELEV.; 853.28 ELEV.: 853.30 ' 0 WATER QUALITY WSEL853.28VOLUME DEPTH �` WATER QUALITY 3 2' 5'-8" 2 — COPYRIGH' FILE PATH: 6" PERFORATED-/ PVC PIPE BOTTOM OF MEDIA _ EL. 849.0' BOTTOM OF STONE EL 847.67' PLANTING SOIL MIX NOTE: THE SOIL MIXTURE FOR USE IN A HIGH FLOW RATE - BIORETENTION FACILITY SHALL CONTAIN 90% SAND AND 10% FINES AND HAVE A PERMEABILITY (k) RATING FROM 8 INCH/HOUR TO 12 INCH/HOUR AS MEASURED IN THE FIELD. PERMEABILITY TEST RESULTS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF MATERIAL. THE SOIL SHOULD HAVE A pH BETWEEN 5.5 TO 6.5 AND THE CLAY CONTENT OF THE SOIL MIXTURE CANNOT EXCEED 107- SOIL MUST NOT BE INSTALLED UNTIL ALL OF THE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA HAS BEEN STABILIZED AND APPROVED BY THE INSPECTOR. SOIL MIXTURES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN 8 TO 12 INCH LIFTS TO ENSURE ADEQUATE FILTRATION. NOTE: 1. TYPICAL SECTION APPLIES TO ALL UNDERDRAIN PIPE. 2. PIPE UNDERDRAINS SHALL OUTFALL INTO PROPOSED STRUCTURE 39 AS SHOWN ON PLANS. 4" THICK WASHED SAND 12" THICK #57 STONE BIORETENTION SECTION NOT TOSCALE 4" THICK WASHED SAND NON- WOVEN FILTER FABRIC ENCLOSED STONE FILTER 6" PERFORATED PVC UNDERDRAIN A OF YARD INLET EL. 856.0' STRUCTURE 39, SEE PLAN VIEW, THIS SHEET CONCRETE RISER OUTLET STRUCTURE, SEE DETAIL 1, SHEET C10 PROPOSED BERM MULCH (APPROXIMATELY 2" THICK) RCP PIPE OUTLET PLANTING SOIL MIX (SEE NOTE) HIGH FLOW RATE BIORETENTION DETAIL UNDERDRAIN DETAIL NTS MULCH (APPROXIMATELY 2") WASHED STONE (#57 OR #67) INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRODUCTION OR USE OF THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT; ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO THIS Airport Aut iorily\2015012500RA - Aviation Tenant Site Development (Haeco)\CADD\WKD Plan Set\Save\2015-11-16 Rev 30% Revisiont201501 .E 01 .dwg I LEGENID ZONE 1- WELL DRAINING SANDY SOILS FROM SORROW AREA SEE SPECIFICATIONS) ZONE 2- FIGH FLOW RAIL BIORF IENTION SOIL MEDIA (SEE SPECIFICATIONS) 0 10 20 40 HIGH FLOW RATE BIORETENTION PLANQ 1"=20 1 inch = 20 ft. - I C , IS PROHIBITED. ONLY COPIES FROM THE ORIGINAL OF THIS DOCUMENT, MARKED WITH AN ORIGINAL SIGNATURE AND SEAL SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE VALID, TRUE COPIES ©e / 1 DWK community infrastructure consultants Transportation + Water Resources Urban Development + Geomatics 720 Corporate Center Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 919.782.0495 (t) 919.782.9672 (f) www.wkdickson.com WKD PROJ.: 20150125.00.RA PROJ. ORIGIN DATE: NOV. 2015 P.M.: PDS DRAWN BY: KCB/MRM PROFESSIONAL SEAL REV, RECORD: BY I DATE I DESCRIPTION (PROJECT NAME: 1 I HAECO FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS I OWNER OR CLIENT: PIEDMONT TRIAD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (PTI) I PLAN KEY: DRAWING TITLE: DETAILS DRAWING NUMBER: C12 PLOT DATE: 11/18/2015 1 T , !t(:T,.;7