HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200236 Ver 1_SequioaStreambankMaintenance_20200213d 1'A1°CO �t?JQ ^_! C C9TJ3tj� ASSEMBLY &FILLING GUIDE FOR WELDED WIRE MESH GABIONS Before starting assembly ... put on your safety glasses and work gloves !!! Each gabion includes: Corner stiffeners, spiral binders (these are long spring- like formed wire for panel joints) and a coil of tie wire GAB I O N PART S STIFFENER nn nnnn n.n, n, n., TS FROM YOUR CHECK OFF WALL COMPONEN BILL OF LADING AS YOU UNLOAD! ALTERNATE FASTENING C' HOG RINGS : Can be supplied at an additional cost and can be used for all jointing of units. Closing the rings requires a mechanical tool (smaller projects) and a pneumatic gun ( larger projects). C' rings must be fixed every other mesh space on all joints as shown below *** SEE OUR WEBSITE WWW.GABIONSUPPLY.COM --- GO TO HOG RING TOOLS FOR PRICES IF YOU ARE USING TIE WIRE, USE HALF-HITCH LACING AT 3" ALL SPIRAL BINDERS Rotate front, back, ends and diaphragms vertically and join using the spiral ties (Fig 2). Note :Assemble internal joints and all side panel joints . Set assembled units in position to the correct line, level and inclination as required by the design and form joint to the adjacent units vertically. Unfold gabion panels and layout flat (6' basket shown in Fig 1) LID DIAPHRAGM FOLDED BACK ONTO BASE END BASE END FRONT FIG 1 Adjacent panels should be joined together at intersecting corners by winding the spiral tie starting at the top and winding down the mesh. At the top and bottom end of the spiral tie, turn the ends back vertically and close tight to secure the spiral from moving. Corner stiffeners and a coil of lacing wire is supplied for internal bracing and joining to adjacent baskets. Adjacent panels can be joined together by a common spiral or tie wire, weaving in and out of each mesh opening. As the wire is weaved in and out of the mesh it is pulled in the direction of weaving which then forms a tight joint. All horizontal joints are laced in the factory except the lid. Start and finish lacing the lid with wire wrapped around each panel opening 3 times. It is recommended that the maximum length to be laced is approximately 3 ft. This requires about 5 ft of wire. NOTE: Do not cut all tie wire, as longer lengths of wire are needed for internal bracing. Turn last coil through. - 90 degrees to lock coil Turn first coil through 90 degrees to lock coil 2 MULTIPLE COURSES: LOWER THE LIDS. PLACE THE NEXT COURSE OF GABIONS. USE SPIRALS (OR TIE WIRE) TO PERMANENTLY BIND THE BOTTOM EDGES TO THE FILLED GABIONS. SPIRAL' SP I RAIL G BE SURE TO HOOK THE STIFFENERS ACROSS A AS SHOWN. CRIMP BOTH ENDS OF CqlWELD INTERSECTION THE STIFFENERS I LOSED. STIFFENER INSTALLATION BEFORE FILLING,, INSTALL STIFFENERS ACROSS THE CORNERS OF THE GABIONS ON ALL EXTERIOR SIDES NO STIFFENERS IN OF THE STRUCTURE INTERIOR CELLS IJ .. - --- FACE OF -- STRUCTURE Z� STIFFENER / END OF STRUCTURE I/3 TWO ROWS OF 1/5 STIFFENERS (L+ PER CELL) ARE 1/3 REQUIRED AT ALL EXTERIOR SIDES AN 18" GABION A 12" REQUIRES - GABION ONLY ONE ; DOES NOT ROW OF ° REQUIRE STIFFENERS ' STIFFENERS I/Z IZb C WIRE REINFORCING: To prevent bulging of the face panels, make a wire loop from the front to back panel forming a windlass bracing tie. Using a flat rock or bar create a tourniquet which pulls the front and back panels together (FIG 4). Loose or under -tightened ties may cause bulging. Timbers or scaffold tubes can be temporarily wired to the face externally to act as a brace to prevent bulging. Remove brace when filling is complete CORNER STIFFENERS: These are important components that will help to keep your gabions square. Position stiffeners at 12" and 18" level for 3 ft deep units and at 9" level for 18" deep units. Also install stiffeners in each corner in the center of the rear panel. Hook the stiffeners four meshes in from the corner around a weld intersection as shown in photo. Crimp both ends of the stiffeners closed. (FIG 5). FIG 5 FIELD MODIFICATIONS: GAB I ONS MAY BE FIELD (� CUT TO FIT CURVES, CULVERTS OR ANGLES. RECONNECT THE ENDS OF THE GABIONS THE SAME WAY YOU WOULD ASSEMBLE AN UNCUT G AB I ON FILLING: Fill the gabion unit with correctly graded rock type to 1/3 full level for 3 ft deep units or 1/2 full level for 18" deep units. Fill a series of cells in a run. If large voids are visible within the cell, re -orient the rock to minimize the voids. If a hand -packed face is required, place rocks into the cells, load to the back of the cell first, then hand pick rocks for the facing and stack to achieve a dry stone wall appearance on the face. BEGIN THE FILL CHECK THE WALL ALIGNMENT BEFORE YOU BEGIN BACKFILLING. USE 3-I/2" TO 12" CLEAN STONE, OR CHECK THE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS (SOME REQUIRE DIFFERENT SIZES). PLACE THE STONE IN 12" LIFTS. SPREAD IT BY HAND TO MINIMIZE VOIDS. TAKE CARE TO KEEP THE BASKETS SQUARE AND THE DIAPHRAGMS STRAIGHT. .cauu.uu.c•uou..uca ."nuuoue�uoouucn � • � O E i...... u..6 i.. u....O E i. EcEda:.0,i1o�1'2oi.�'u..�'��uIIto mo.,•.n1t•nA:_.mn0 cau A!Si�tUIS(A.;ampails� '/I♦ Leib II 1 ��l�l�.[;�co-ypl Aga 11111411 ♦ ♦ • niw?��en�i�we. � • � :erne. _..rune. Lj FORMING ANGLES WITH GAB I ONS TO FORM A CONCAVE ANGLE 1. (PLAN VIEW LOOKING DOWN ON THE WALL) BRIM THE BACK OF SOPRIRAE BACK THE GABION IF GABIONOF NECESSARY WIRE WALL REMOVE THE END PANEL ON FACE OF THE LEFT GABION GABION AND SLIDE THE SPIRAL WALL END OF THE RIGHT GABION INSIDE. OVERLAP THE BOTTOM AND LID PANELS TO FORM A CONVEX ANGLE (PLAN VIEW LOOKING DOWN ON THE WALL) SPREAD THE GAB IONS APART AS NECESSARY BACK OF GABION WALL SP I RAL FACE OF GABION WALL s NARROW GABION WALLS Narrow width Gabions used to construct free standing walls must be stabilized using internal pipes or structural steel posts imbedded in concrete as illustrated below: 40mm box section post Gabion Basket put over t top of post p° the post gees through t mesh ca Me IFNI FFFF_. V.�.:..�-. -. IFFY IF F1.1 IF IF 34 PLEASE NOTE: The information contained in this document along with any attachments is provided as information only and accurate to the best of our knowledge. Gabion Supply - a LWECO Group company (Seller) assumes no liability for the use of this information by the purchaser or ultimate end user. The purchaser and/or end user assumes sole responsibility for the project design, safety, unloading, site logistics, installation, suitability and actual use of products offered for sale by Seller. Seller disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied as to merchantability or fitness of its products for a particular purpose. "« FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE ABOVE INSTRUCTIONS MAY RESULT IN A POOR QUALITY INSTALLATION AND MAY BE STRUCTURALLY UNSOUND CONTACT US WITH ANY QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS 1-866-391-6295 INFO@GABIONSU PPLY.COM 9