HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130456 Ver 1_Year 5 Monitoring Report_20200213ID#* 20130456 Version* 1 Select Reviewer:* Mac Haupt Initial Review Completed Date 02/13/2020 Mitigation Project Submittal - 2/13/2020 Is this a Prospectus, Technical Proposal or a New Site?* r Yes r No Type of Mitigation Project:* r- Stream rJ Wetlands r- Buffer r` Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Contact Name:* LINDSAY CROCKER Project Information .................................................................................................................................................................. ID#:* 20130456 Existing IDY Project Type: r DMS r Mitigation Bank Project Name: Bear Basin County: Onslow Document Information Email Address:* lindsay.crocker@ncdenr.gov Version: *1 Existing Version Mitigation Document Type:* Mitigation Monitoring Report File Upload: Bear Basin Report_95362_MY5.pdf 11.24MB Rease upload only one RDFcf the conplete file that needs to be subnitted... Signature Print Name:* Lindsay Crocker Signature:* Bear Basin Restoration Site Monitoring Report MY05 DMS Project # 95362 DMS Contract # 004741 Onslow County, NC CU# 03030001 DWR# 2013-0456 SAW# 2012-01391 Submitted to: NCDMS, 1652 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 Construction Completed: February 2015 Data Collection: 2019 Submitted: December 2019 Monitoring and Design Firm       4505 Falls of Neuse Road Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27609 Phone: (919) 278-2514 Fax: (919) 783-9266 Project Manager: Tim Morris Email: tim.morris@kci.com KCI Project No: 20122266   KCI ASSOCIATES OF N ORTH C AROLINA, P.A. www.kci.com Employee-Owned Since 1988 MEMORANDUM Date: To: From: Subject: February 6, 2020 Lindsay Crocker, DMS Project Manager Adam Spiller, Project Manager KCI Associates of North Carolina, PA MY-05 Monitoring Report Comments Bear Basin DMS#95362, Contract 004741 White Oak River Basin CU 03030001 Onslow County, North Carolina Please find below our responses in italics to the MY-05 Monitoring Report comments from NCDMS received on January 17, 2020, for the Bear Basin Wetland Restoration Site. 1.Check that the rainfall data presented in the table is from the closest precipitation gauge, it may be helpful to check antecedent rainfall in determining cause for hydrology concerns in MY5. KCI Response: The rainfall data presented is from the Albert J. Ellis Airport (KOAJ), which is located approximately 6.5 miles from the site. The next closest rain station is the New River Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS), which is located approximately 18 miles from the site. The yearly rainfall total based on the KOAJ data was drier than any of the years recorded in the county WETS table (1945-2000) and the rainfall total based on the MCAS data would have qualified as the fourth driest year on record. This extremely low amount of rain is responsible for the low rates of success achieved this year. 2. The Mitigation Plan has a March 18-November 16 growing season, but the report shows growing season beginning on April 8. Check and update this as it may significantly influence results of this report. KCI Response: The growing season was erroneously reported as beginning April 8. This issue has been corrected. Please contact me if you have any questions or would like clarification concerning these responses. Sincerely, Adam Spiller Project Manager E NGINEERS • S CIENTISTS • S URVEYORS • C ONSTRUCTION M ANAGERS 4505 Falls of Neuse Road Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27609 (919) 783-9214 (919) 783-9266 Fax Bear Basin Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 95362 2019-MY05  TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY/PROJECT ABSTRACT .................................................................... 1 2.0 MONITORING RESULTS .............................................................................................................. 2 2.1 Vegetation Monitoring .................................................................................................................. 2 2.2 Hydrology Monitoring .................................................................................................................. 2 3.0 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................ 2 4.0 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................. 3     Appendix A – Project Vicinity Map and Background Tables Figure 1. Project Site Vicinity Map ............................................................................................................. 5 Figure 2. Project Site Mitigation Plan View ................................................................................................ 6 Table 1 – Project Components ..................................................................................................................... 7 Table 2 – Project Activity and Reporting History ....................................................................................... 8 Table 3 – Project Contacts ........................................................................................................................... 9 Table 4 – Project Attributes ....................................................................................................................... 10 Appendix B – Visual Assessment Data Figure 3. Current Condition Plan View ..................................................................................................... 12 Table 5 – Vegetation Condition Assessment ............................................................................................. 13 Photo Point Photos ..................................................................................................................................... 14 Vegetation Plot Photos ............................................................................................................................... 15 Open Water Area Extent Throughout the Year.......................................................................................... 18 Appendix C – Vegetation Plot Data Table 6 – Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment .......................................................................................... 21 Table 7 – CVS Vegetation Plot Metadata .................................................................................................. 22 Table 8 – CVS Stem Count by Plot and Species ....................................................................................... 23 Appendix D – Hydrologic Data 30-70 Percentile Graph .............................................................................................................................. 26 Precipitation and Water Level Plots ........................................................................................................... 27 Table 9 – Wetland Hydrology Criteria Attainment .................................................................................... 52    Bear Basin Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 95362 1 2019-MY05    1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY / PROJECT ABSTRACT The Bear Basin Restoration Site (BBRS) is a full-delivery project that was developed for the North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (DMS). Construction was completed in February 2015. The site is within the 03030001 Watershed Cataloging Unit (8-digit HUC) and the Local Watershed Unit (14-digit HUC) 03030001010010. In DMS’ most recent publication of excluded and Targeted Local Watersheds/Hydrologic Units, the 03030001010010 14-digit HUC has been identified as a Targeted Local Watershed. The project site, which is protected by an 11.9-acre permanent conservation easement held by the State of North Carolina, is situated in Onslow County in the Carolina Flatwoods ecoregion of the Coastal Plains physiographic province. The site is located on a single parcel located off of Jesse Williams Road approximately five miles west of Richlands, North Carolina. The project goals and objectives are listed below. Project Goals  Protect and improve water quality by reducing sediment and nutrient inputs  The protection of a watershed draining into shellfish harvesting waters  Provide habitat for aquatic flora and fauna by improving physical structure and vegetative composition  Increase the local hydroperiod by encouraging both surface and subsurface storage and retention  Restore and establish a functional and diverse wetland community Project Objectives  Fill field ditches to restore surface flow retention and elevate local groundwater levels.  Redevelop longer wetland flow patterns to increase surface flow retention time.  Restore a diverse wetland vegetation community through maintenance and germination of existing wetland seed stores, planting of wetland trees and shrubs, and incorporation of a custom wetland seed mix. The BBRS provided mitigation for wetland impacts within Hydrologic Unit 03030001 by restoring 8.6 acres of wetland and preserving 1.9 acres of upland, generating 8.6 non-riparian wetland mitigation units (WMU’s). The wetland site will be monitored to determine if the project is on-track to meeting jurisdictional wetland status. In the restoration areas, the wetland site will be deemed successful once hydrology is established and vegetation success criteria are met. The site will be monitored for at least seven years or until the success criteria are achieved. As designed, the western and southernmost ditches, located adjacent to the project easement were left open and not filled during construction. It is anticipated that leaving these ditches open will have minimal impacts to the overall hydrologic performance of the site. The hydrologic influence of these ditches was modeled using Lateral Effect, a software program that determines the lateral effect of a drainage ditch or borrow pit on adjacent wetland hydrology (NCSU BAE, 2011). This analysis determined that the potential horizontal drainage influence averages 85’. Due to the fact that these ditches cannot be filled because of the potential for hydrologic trespass, the area immediately adjacent to the ditch will not be a credit generating part of the site. It is assumed that with the onsite modifications, such as filling field ditches and surface roughening, the entire site will have more surface and groundwater storage, which may decrease the effect of the open ditches. For this reason, the non-credit generating portion of the site is assumed to be half of the zone of influence for the ditch.    Bear Basin Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 95362 2 2019-MY05    2.0 MONITORING RESULTS 2.1 VEGETATION MONITORING The success criteria for the planted species in the mitigation area will be based on survival. The site will demonstrate the re-establishment of targeted vegetative communities through the survival and growth of planted species and volunteer colonization, with an average stem density of 320 stems/acre after three years, 288 stems/acre after four years, 260 stems/acre after five years, and 210 stems/acre after seven years to be considered successful. To determine the success of the planted mitigation area, seven permanent vegetation monitoring plots (10 by 10 meters) have been established in the wetland restoration area at a density that represents the total mitigation acreage. The average density of these plots will determine whether the site meets the success criterion. The fifth-year vegetation monitoring was based on the Level 2 CVS-EEP vegetation monitoring protocol. The site’s average density for this monitoring period was 757 planted stems/acre. All seven plots had greater than 288 planted stems/acre. Including volunteers, the site averaged 1,451 total stems/acre. In general the site is well vegetated, with widespread herbaceous coverage and healthy planted stems. There is an area of open water that does not have significant vegetation. Over the course of the year, this areas expands and shrinks with the seasons so that it reaches its fullest extent in the winter and its lowest during the summer. This results in areas around the edge that, while inundated during the winter, support vegetation during the winter. Species such as Juncus effuses, Scirpus cyperinus, Scirpus atrovirens, Carex comosa, Carex vulpinodea, and Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani are abundant in these areas. In December 2018, KCI used GPS to map the extent of the area that is inundated to the point of excluding vegetation year round and found it to be 0.87 acres. See Appendix B – Visual Assessment Data for more information. 2.2 HYDROLOGY MONITORING Wetland hydrology will be monitored with a series of automatic gauges that record water table depth. The site must present continuous saturated or inundated hydrologic conditions for at least 8% of the growing season with a 50% probability of reoccurrence during normal weather conditions. A “normal” year is based on NRCS climatological data for Onslow County using the 30th to 70th percentile thresholds as the range of normal as documented in the USACE Technical Report “Accessing and Using Meteorological Data to Evaluate Wetland Hydrology, April 2000.” The growing season for Onslow County is considered to extend from March 18 to November 16 (244 days). The water table of the restored wetlands must be within 12” of the soil surface continuously for at least 8% (20 days) of the 244-day growing season. Wetland hydrology will be monitored with twenty automatic gauges that record water table depth. To monitor the effect of the unfilled ditches described in Section 1.0, four sets of coupled gauges were installed perpendicular to the unfilled ditches. Each set includes a gauge that is 50’ from the open ditch and another that is 80’ from the ditch. An additional four gauges were installed between the coupled gauges to monitor hydrology less than 42.5’ from the open ditch in the non-credit bearing zone. The daily rainfall data was obtained from a local weather station in Jacksonville, NC; provided by the NC State Climate Office. For the 2019 year, the months of April, September, October and November experienced average rainfall, while January, February, March, May, June, July, and August, experienced below average rainfall. No months recorded above average rainfall for the site. Overall, the area experienced well below average rainfall during the 2019 growing season. During the site’s fifth growing season, only 9 of the 21 credit bearing gauges achieved the success criteria. Collectively the credit bearing gauges averaged 8.5% (20 days) continuous saturation during the growing    Bear Basin Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 95362 3 2019-MY05    season. Additionally, one of the four non-credit bearing gauges achieved the success criteria. The low rate of success this year is due to the extremely low amount of rainfall that the site received. 3.0 METHODOLOGY   The CVS-EEP protocol, Level 2 (http://cvs.bio.unc.edu/methods.htm) was used to collect vegetation data from the site. The vegetation monitoring was completed on July 25, 2019. 4.0 REFERENCES Lee, M.T., R.K. Peet, S.D. Roberts, and T.R. Wentworth. 2006. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.0 (http://cvs.bio.unc.edu/methods.htm)  USACE. 2003. Stream Mitigation Guidelines. USACE, NCDENR-DWQ, USEPA, NCWRC. Sprecher, S. W. and Warne, A. G. 2000. "Accessing and Using Meteorological Data to Evaluate Wetland Hydrology," ERDC/EL TR-WRAP-00-01, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.    Bear Basin Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 95362 4 2019-MY05    Appendix A Project Vicinity Map and Background Tables    Bear Basin Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 95362 5 2019-MY05       Bear Basin Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 95362 6 2019-MY05       Bear Basin Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 95362 7 2019-MY05    Table 1. Project Components Project Number and Name: 95362 – Bear Basin Restoration Site Mitigation Credits Stream Riparian Wetland Non- riparian Wetland Buffer Nitrogen Nutrient Offset Phosphorous Nutrient Offset Type R RE R RE R RE Acres - - - - 8.6 - - - - Credits - - - - 8.6 - - - - TOTAL CREDITS - - 8.6 - - - Project Components Project Component -or- Reach ID Stationing/ Location Existing Footage/ Acreage Approach (PI, PII etc.) Restoration -or- Restoration Equivalent Restoration Footage or Acreage Mitigation Ratio Wetland Area - 8.6 acres - Restoration 8.6 acres 1:1 Component Summation Restoration Level Stream (linear feet) Riparian Wetland (acres) Non-riparian Wetland (acres) Buffer (square feet) Upland (acres) Riverine Non- Riverine Restoration - - - 8.6 acres - - Enhancement - - - - - Enhancement I - Enhancement II - Creation - - - - Preservation - - - - 1.9 acres High Quality Preservation - - - - - TOTAL - - - 8.6 acres 1.9 acres    Bear Basin Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 95362 8 2019-MY05    Table 2. Project Activity & Reporting History Bear Basin Wetland Restoration Site, DMS Project# 95362 Activity or Report Data Collection Complete Actual Completion or Delivery Mitigation Plan July 2014 Final Design – Construction Plans July 2014 Construction Dec 2014 Planting March 2015 Baseline Monitoring/Report May 2015 June 2015 Vegetation Monitoring May 19, 2015 Photo Points May 26, 2015 Year 1 Monitoring Nov 2015 Jan 2015 Vegetation Monitoring Oct 13, 2015 Photo Points Oct 13, 2015 Gauge Downloads Nov 25, 2015 Year 2 Monitoring Dec 2016 Dec 2016 Vegetation Monitoring July 5, 2016 Photo Points Aug 16, 2016 Gauge Downloads Dec 14, 2016 Year 3 Monitoring Nov 2017 Jan 2018 Vegetation Monitoring July 5, 2017 Photo Points Nov 30, 2017 Gauge Downloads Nov 30, 2017 Year 4 Monitoring Nov 2018 Jan 2018 Vegetation Monitoring N/A Photo Points Nov 13, 2018 Gauge Downloads Nov 13, 2018 Year 5 Monitoring Nov 2019 Dec 2019 Vegetation Monitoring July 25, 2019 Photo Points Nov 20, 2019 Gauge Downloads Nov 20, 2019    Bear Basin Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 95362 9 2019-MY05    Table 3. Project Contacts Project Number and Name: 95362 - Bear Basin Restoration Site Design Firm KCI Associates of North Carolina, PC 4505 Falls of Neuse Rd. Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27609 Contact: Mr. Tim Morris Phone: (919) 278-2512 Fax: (919) 783-9266 Construction Contractor KCI Environmental Technologies and Construction, Inc. 4505 Falls of Neuse Rd. Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27609 Contact: Mr. Tim Morris Phone: (919) 278-2512 Fax: (919) 783-9266 Planting Contractor Bruton Nurseries and Landscapes PO Box 1197 Freemont, NC 27830 Contact: Mr. Charlie Bruton Phone: (919) 242-6555 Monitoring Performers MY00-MY03 KCI Associates of North Carolina, PC 4505 Falls of Neuse Rd. Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27609 Contact: Mr. Adam Spiller Phone: (919) 278-2514 Fax: (919) 783-9266    Bear Basin Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 95362 10 2019-MY05    Table 4. Project Attribute Table Project Number and Name: 95362 – Bear Basin Restoration Site County Onslow County Project Area (acres) 11.9 acres Project Coordinates (lat. and long.) 34.925365 N , -77.607461 W Project Watershed Summary Information Physiographic Province Coastal Plain River Basin White Oak USGS Hydrologic Unit 8-digit 03030001 USGS Hydrologic Unit 14-digit 03030001010010 DWQ Sub-basin 03-05-02b Project Drainage Area (acres) 32.7 acres Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area 2% CGIA Land Use Classification 44% Cultivated, 4% Managed Herbaceous Cover, 50% Southern Yellow Pine, and 2% High-Intensity Developed Wetland Summary Information Parameters Wetland Area Size of Wetland (acres) 8.6 acres Wetland Type (non-riparian, riparian riverine or riparian non- riverine) Non-riparian Mapped Soil Series Rains and Stallings (Pantego and Lynchburg by detailed soil investigation) Drainage class Poorly drained Soil Hydric Status Drained Hydric Source of Hydrology Precipitation Hydrologic Impairment Ditching and Crops Native vegetation community Crops Percent composition of exotic invasive vegetation 0%          Bear Basin Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 95362 11 2019-MY05    Appendix B Visual Assessment Data   Bear Basin Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 95362 13 2019-MY05   Table 5. Vegetation Condition AssessmentProject Number and Name: 95362 – Bear Basin Restoration SitePlanted Acreage 11.9 Easement Acreage 8.61. Bare AreasVery limited cover of both woody and herbaceous material.0.1 acres Pattern and Color 1 0.87 7.3%2. Low Stem Density AreasWoody stem densities clearly below target levels based on MY3, 4, or 5 stem count criteria.0.1 acres Pattern and Color 0 0.00 0.0%10.87 7.3%3. Areas of Poor Growth Rates or VigorAreas with woody stems of a size class that are obviously small given the monitoring year.0.25 acres Pattern and Color 0 0.00 0.0%10.87 7.3%4. Invasive Areas of ConcernAreas or points (if too small to render as polygons at map scale).1000 SF Pattern and Color 0 0.00 0.0%5. Easement Encroachment AreasAreas or points (if too small to render as polygons at map scale).none Pattern and Color 0 0.00 0.0%% of Planted AcreageTotalCumulative TotalVegetation Category Definitions Mapping Threshold CCPV DepictionNumber of PolygonsCombined Acreage          Bear Basin Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 95362 14 2019-MY05  Photo Reference Points PP1 – MY-00 – 5/26/15 PP1 – MY-05 – 11/20/19 PP2 – MY-00 – 5/26/15 PP2 – MY-05 – 11/20/19 PP3 – MY-00 – 5/26/15 PP3 – MY-05 – 11/20/19    Bear Basin Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 95362 15 2019-MY05  PP4 – MY-00 – 5/26/15 PP4 – MY-05 – 11/20/19 PP5 – MY-00 – 5/26/15 PP5 – MY-05 – 11/20/19 PP6 – MY-00 – 5/26/15 PP6 – MY-05 – 11/20/19    Bear Basin Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 95362 16 2019-MY05  Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Vegetation Plot 1 – MY-05 – 7/22/19 Vegetation Plot 2 – MY-05 – 7/22/19 Vegetation Plot 3 – MY-05 – 7/22/19 Vegetation Plot 4 – MY-05 – 7/22/19 Vegetation Plot 5 – MY-05 – 7/22/19 Vegetation Plot 6 – MY-05 – 7/25/19    Bear Basin Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 95362 17 2019-MY05  Vegetation Plot 7 – MY-05 – 7/25/19    Bear Basin Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 95362 18 2019-MY05  Open Water Area Extent Throughout the Year January 10, 2019 February 10, 2019 March 10, 2019 April 10, 2019 May 10, 2019 June 10, 2019    Bear Basin Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 95362 19 2019-MY05  July 10, 2019 August 10, 2019 September 10, 2019 October 10, 2019 November 10, 2019    Bear Basin Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 95362 20 2019-MY05  Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data    Bear Basin Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 95362 21 2019-MY05  Table 6. Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment Project Number and Name: 95362 - Bear Basin Restoration Site Vegetation Plot ID Vegetation Survival Threshold Met? (320 planted stems/acre) Monitoring Year 05 Planted Stem Density (stems/acre) Monitoring Year 05 Total Stem Density (stems/acre) 1 Yes 688 1942 2 Yes 567 1457 3 Yes 1052 1416 4 Yes 1133 1295 5 Yes 607 769 6 Yes 607 1578 7 Yes 648 1700    Bear Basin Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 95362 22 2019-MY05  Report Prepared By Angela Gutierrez Date Prepared 7/30/2019 15:21 database name KCI‐2015‐95362_Bear Basin.mdb database location M:\2012\20122266 BearBasin\Monitoring\Veg Database computer name 12‐3ZV4FP1 file size 61739008 DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Metadata Description of database file, the report worksheets, and a summary of project(s)  and project data. Proj, planted Each project is listed with its PLANTED stems per acre, for each year.  This  excludes live stakes. Proj, total stems Each project is listed with its TOTAL stems per acre, for each year.  This includes  live stakes, all planted stems, and all natural/volunteer stems. Plots List of plots surveyed with location and summary data (live stems, dead stems,  missing, etc.). Vigor Frequency distribution of vigor classes for stems for all plots . Vigor by Spp Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed by species. Damage List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences  and percent of  total stems impacted by each. Damage by Spp Damage values tallied by type for each species. Damage by Plot Damage values tallied by type for each plot. Planted Stems by Plot and Spp A matrix of the count of PLANTED living stems of each species for each plot; dead  and missing stems are excluded. ALL Stems by Plot and spp A matrix of the count of total living stems of each species (pl anted and natural  volunteers combined) for each plot; dead and missing stems are excluded. PROJECT SUMMARY‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Project Code 95362 project Name Bear Basin  Description Wetland Restoration Site River Basin White Oak Sampled Plots 7 Table 7. CVS Vegetation Plot Metadata Project Number and Name: 95362 - Bear Basin Wetland Restoration Site   Bear Basin Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 95362 23 2019-MY05    Bear Basin Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 95362 24 2019-MY05     Bear Basin Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 95362 25 2019-MY05   Appendix D Hydrologic Data (in)DateBear Basin Wetland Restoration Site30-70 Percentile Graph WETS Station Name: Maysville, NC2018 Rainfall2019 Rainfall30% Less Than30% Greater Than 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 1-Jan-1910-Jan-1919-Jan-1928-Jan-196-Feb-1915-Feb-1924-Feb-195-Mar-1914-Mar-1923-Mar-191-Apr-1910-Apr-1919-Apr-1928-Apr-197-May-1916-May-1925-May-193-Jun-1912-Jun-1921-Jun-1930-Jun-199-Jul-1918-Jul-1927-Jul-195-Aug-1914-Aug-1923-Aug-191-Sep-1910-Sep-1919-Sep-1928-Sep-197-Oct-1916-Oct-1925-Oct-193-Nov-1912-Nov-1921-Nov-1930-Nov-199-Dec-1918-Dec-1927-Dec-19Rainfall (in)Relative Groundwater Elevation (ft)Date Bear Basin Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 1 Rainfall Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Sensor Depth Begin Growing Season March 18 End Growing Season November 16 12 Days 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 1-Jan-1910-Jan-1919-Jan-1928-Jan-196-Feb-1915-Feb-1924-Feb-195-Mar-1914-Mar-1923-Mar-191-Apr-1910-Apr-1919-Apr-1928-Apr-197-May-1916-May-1925-May-193-Jun-1912-Jun-1921-Jun-1930-Jun-199-Jul-1918-Jul-1927-Jul-195-Aug-1914-Aug-1923-Aug-191-Sep-1910-Sep-1919-Sep-1928-Sep-197-Oct-1916-Oct-1925-Oct-193-Nov-1912-Nov-1921-Nov-1930-Nov-199-Dec-1918-Dec-1927-Dec-19Rainfall (in)Relative Groundwater Elevation (ft)Date Bear Basin Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 2 Rainfall Sensor Depth Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Begin Growing Season March 18 End Growing Season November 16 40 Days Gauge Malfunction 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 1-Jan-1910-Jan-1919-Jan-1928-Jan-196-Feb-1915-Feb-1924-Feb-195-Mar-1914-Mar-1923-Mar-191-Apr-1910-Apr-1919-Apr-1928-Apr-197-May-1916-May-1925-May-193-Jun-1912-Jun-1921-Jun-1930-Jun-199-Jul-1918-Jul-1927-Jul-195-Aug-1914-Aug-1923-Aug-191-Sep-1910-Sep-1919-Sep-1928-Sep-197-Oct-1916-Oct-1925-Oct-193-Nov-1912-Nov-1921-Nov-1930-Nov-199-Dec-1918-Dec-1927-Dec-19Rainfall (in)Relative Groundwater Elevation (ft)Date Bear Basin Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 3 Rainfall Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Sensor Depth Begin Growing Season March 18 End Growing Season November 16 Gauge Malfunction 24 Days 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 1-Jan-1910-Jan-1919-Jan-1928-Jan-196-Feb-1915-Feb-1924-Feb-195-Mar-1914-Mar-1923-Mar-191-Apr-1910-Apr-1919-Apr-1928-Apr-197-May-1916-May-1925-May-193-Jun-1912-Jun-1921-Jun-1930-Jun-199-Jul-1918-Jul-1927-Jul-195-Aug-1914-Aug-1923-Aug-191-Sep-1910-Sep-1919-Sep-1928-Sep-197-Oct-1916-Oct-1925-Oct-193-Nov-1912-Nov-1921-Nov-1930-Nov-199-Dec-1918-Dec-1927-Dec-19Rainfall (in)Relative Groundwater Elevation (ft)Date Bear Basin Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 4 Rainfall Sensor Depth Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Begin Growing Season March 18 End Growing Season November 16 9 Days 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 1-Jan-1910-Jan-1919-Jan-1928-Jan-196-Feb-1915-Feb-1924-Feb-195-Mar-1914-Mar-1923-Mar-191-Apr-1910-Apr-1919-Apr-1928-Apr-197-May-1916-May-1925-May-193-Jun-1912-Jun-1921-Jun-1930-Jun-199-Jul-1918-Jul-1927-Jul-195-Aug-1914-Aug-1923-Aug-191-Sep-1910-Sep-1919-Sep-1928-Sep-197-Oct-1916-Oct-1925-Oct-193-Nov-1912-Nov-1921-Nov-1930-Nov-199-Dec-1918-Dec-1927-Dec-19Rainfall (in)Relative Groundwater Elevation (ft)Date Bear Basin Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 5 Rainfall Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Sensor Depth Begin Growing Season March 18 End Growing Season November 16 33 Days43 Days 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 1-Jan-1910-Jan-1919-Jan-1928-Jan-196-Feb-1915-Feb-1924-Feb-195-Mar-1914-Mar-1923-Mar-191-Apr-1910-Apr-1919-Apr-1928-Apr-197-May-1916-May-1925-May-193-Jun-1912-Jun-1921-Jun-1930-Jun-199-Jul-1918-Jul-1927-Jul-195-Aug-1914-Aug-1923-Aug-191-Sep-1910-Sep-1919-Sep-1928-Sep-197-Oct-1916-Oct-1925-Oct-193-Nov-1912-Nov-1921-Nov-1930-Nov-199-Dec-1918-Dec-1927-Dec-19Rainfall (in)Relative Groundwater Elevation (ft)Date Bear Basin Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 6 Rainfall Sensor Depth Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Begin Growing Season March 18 End Growing Season November 16 39 Days 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 1-Jan-1910-Jan-1919-Jan-1928-Jan-196-Feb-1915-Feb-1924-Feb-195-Mar-1914-Mar-1923-Mar-191-Apr-1910-Apr-1919-Apr-1928-Apr-197-May-1916-May-1925-May-193-Jun-1912-Jun-1921-Jun-1930-Jun-199-Jul-1918-Jul-1927-Jul-195-Aug-1914-Aug-1923-Aug-191-Sep-1910-Sep-1919-Sep-1928-Sep-197-Oct-1916-Oct-1925-Oct-193-Nov-1912-Nov-1921-Nov-1930-Nov-199-Dec-1918-Dec-1927-Dec-19Rainfall (in)Relative Groundwater Elevation (ft)Date Bear Basin Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 7 Rainfall Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Sensor Depth Begin Growing Season March 18 End Growing Season November 16 45 Days 56 Days 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 1-Jan-1910-Jan-1919-Jan-1928-Jan-196-Feb-1915-Feb-1924-Feb-195-Mar-1914-Mar-1923-Mar-191-Apr-1910-Apr-1919-Apr-1928-Apr-197-May-1916-May-1925-May-193-Jun-1912-Jun-1921-Jun-1930-Jun-199-Jul-1918-Jul-1927-Jul-195-Aug-1914-Aug-1923-Aug-191-Sep-1910-Sep-1919-Sep-1928-Sep-197-Oct-1916-Oct-1925-Oct-193-Nov-1912-Nov-1921-Nov-1930-Nov-199-Dec-1918-Dec-1927-Dec-19Rainfall (in)Relative Groundwater Elevation (ft)Date Bear Basin Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 8 Rainfall Sensor Depth Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Begin Growing Season March 18 End Growing Season November 16 17 Days 41 Days 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 1-Jan-1910-Jan-1919-Jan-1928-Jan-196-Feb-1915-Feb-1924-Feb-195-Mar-1914-Mar-1923-Mar-191-Apr-1910-Apr-1919-Apr-1928-Apr-197-May-1916-May-1925-May-193-Jun-1912-Jun-1921-Jun-1930-Jun-199-Jul-1918-Jul-1927-Jul-195-Aug-1914-Aug-1923-Aug-191-Sep-1910-Sep-1919-Sep-1928-Sep-197-Oct-1916-Oct-1925-Oct-193-Nov-1912-Nov-1921-Nov-1930-Nov-199-Dec-1918-Dec-1927-Dec-19Rainfall (in)Relative Groundwater Elevation (ft)Date Bear Basin Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 9 Rainfall Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Sensor Depth Begin Growing Season March 18 End Growing Season November 16 Gauge Malfunction13 Days 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 1-Jan-1910-Jan-1919-Jan-1928-Jan-196-Feb-1915-Feb-1924-Feb-195-Mar-1914-Mar-1923-Mar-191-Apr-1910-Apr-1919-Apr-1928-Apr-197-May-1916-May-1925-May-193-Jun-1912-Jun-1921-Jun-1930-Jun-199-Jul-1918-Jul-1927-Jul-195-Aug-1914-Aug-1923-Aug-191-Sep-1910-Sep-1919-Sep-1928-Sep-197-Oct-1916-Oct-1925-Oct-193-Nov-1912-Nov-1921-Nov-1930-Nov-199-Dec-1918-Dec-1927-Dec-19Rainfall (in)Relative Groundwater Elevation (ft)Date Bear Basin Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 10 Rainfall Sensor Depth Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Begin Growing Season March 18 End Growing Season November 16 23 Days 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 1-Jan-1910-Jan-1919-Jan-1928-Jan-196-Feb-1915-Feb-1924-Feb-195-Mar-1914-Mar-1923-Mar-191-Apr-1910-Apr-1919-Apr-1928-Apr-197-May-1916-May-1925-May-193-Jun-1912-Jun-1921-Jun-1930-Jun-199-Jul-1918-Jul-1927-Jul-195-Aug-1914-Aug-1923-Aug-191-Sep-1910-Sep-1919-Sep-1928-Sep-197-Oct-1916-Oct-1925-Oct-193-Nov-1912-Nov-1921-Nov-1930-Nov-199-Dec-1918-Dec-1927-Dec-19Rainfall (in)Relative Groundwater Elevation (ft)Date Bear Basin Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 11 -non-credit zone Rainfall Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Sensor Depth Begin Growing Season March 18 End Growing Season November 16 Gauge Malfunction 4 Days 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 1-Jan-1910-Jan-1919-Jan-1928-Jan-196-Feb-1915-Feb-1924-Feb-195-Mar-1914-Mar-1923-Mar-191-Apr-1910-Apr-1919-Apr-1928-Apr-197-May-1916-May-1925-May-193-Jun-1912-Jun-1921-Jun-1930-Jun-199-Jul-1918-Jul-1927-Jul-195-Aug-1914-Aug-1923-Aug-191-Sep-1910-Sep-1919-Sep-1928-Sep-197-Oct-1916-Oct-1925-Oct-193-Nov-1912-Nov-1921-Nov-1930-Nov-199-Dec-1918-Dec-1927-Dec-19Rainfall (in)Relative Groundwater Elevation (ft)Date Bear Basin Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 12 -non-credit zone Rainfall Sensor Depth Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Begin Growing Season March 18 End Growing Season November 16 23 Days 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 1-Jan-1910-Jan-1919-Jan-1928-Jan-196-Feb-1915-Feb-1924-Feb-195-Mar-1914-Mar-1923-Mar-191-Apr-1910-Apr-1919-Apr-1928-Apr-197-May-1916-May-1925-May-193-Jun-1912-Jun-1921-Jun-1930-Jun-199-Jul-1918-Jul-1927-Jul-195-Aug-1914-Aug-1923-Aug-191-Sep-1910-Sep-1919-Sep-1928-Sep-197-Oct-1916-Oct-1925-Oct-193-Nov-1912-Nov-1921-Nov-1930-Nov-199-Dec-1918-Dec-1927-Dec-19Rainfall (in)Relative Groundwater Elevation (ft)Date Bear Basin Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 13 Rainfall Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Sensor Depth Begin Growing Season March 18 End Growing Season November 16 11 Days 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 1-Jan-1910-Jan-1919-Jan-1928-Jan-196-Feb-1915-Feb-1924-Feb-195-Mar-1914-Mar-1923-Mar-191-Apr-1910-Apr-1919-Apr-1928-Apr-197-May-1916-May-1925-May-193-Jun-1912-Jun-1921-Jun-1930-Jun-199-Jul-1918-Jul-1927-Jul-195-Aug-1914-Aug-1923-Aug-191-Sep-1910-Sep-1919-Sep-1928-Sep-197-Oct-1916-Oct-1925-Oct-193-Nov-1912-Nov-1921-Nov-1930-Nov-199-Dec-1918-Dec-1927-Dec-19Rainfall (in)Relative Groundwater Elevation (ft)Date Bear Basin Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 14 Rainfall Sensor Depth Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Begin Growing Season March 18 End Growing Season November 16 23 Days 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 1-Jan-1910-Jan-1919-Jan-1928-Jan-196-Feb-1915-Feb-1924-Feb-195-Mar-1914-Mar-1923-Mar-191-Apr-1910-Apr-1919-Apr-1928-Apr-197-May-1916-May-1925-May-193-Jun-1912-Jun-1921-Jun-1930-Jun-199-Jul-1918-Jul-1927-Jul-195-Aug-1914-Aug-1923-Aug-191-Sep-1910-Sep-1919-Sep-1928-Sep-197-Oct-1916-Oct-1925-Oct-193-Nov-1912-Nov-1921-Nov-1930-Nov-199-Dec-1918-Dec-1927-Dec-19Rainfall (in)Relative Groundwater Elevation (ft)Date Bear Basin Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 15 Rainfall Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Sensor Depth Begin Growing Season March 18 End Growing Season November 16 13 Days Gauge Malfunction 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 1-Jan-1910-Jan-1919-Jan-1928-Jan-196-Feb-1915-Feb-1924-Feb-195-Mar-1914-Mar-1923-Mar-191-Apr-1910-Apr-1919-Apr-1928-Apr-197-May-1916-May-1925-May-193-Jun-1912-Jun-1921-Jun-1930-Jun-199-Jul-1918-Jul-1927-Jul-195-Aug-1914-Aug-1923-Aug-191-Sep-1910-Sep-1919-Sep-1928-Sep-197-Oct-1916-Oct-1925-Oct-193-Nov-1912-Nov-1921-Nov-1930-Nov-199-Dec-1918-Dec-1927-Dec-19Rainfall (in)Relative Groundwater Elevation (ft)Date Bear Basin Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 16 Rainfall Sensor Depth Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Begin Growing Season March 18 End Growing Season November 16 12 Days 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 1-Jan-1910-Jan-1919-Jan-1928-Jan-196-Feb-1915-Feb-1924-Feb-195-Mar-1914-Mar-1923-Mar-191-Apr-1910-Apr-1919-Apr-1928-Apr-197-May-1916-May-1925-May-193-Jun-1912-Jun-1921-Jun-1930-Jun-199-Jul-1918-Jul-1927-Jul-195-Aug-1914-Aug-1923-Aug-191-Sep-1910-Sep-1919-Sep-1928-Sep-197-Oct-1916-Oct-1925-Oct-193-Nov-1912-Nov-1921-Nov-1930-Nov-199-Dec-1918-Dec-1927-Dec-19Rainfall (in)Relative Groundwater Elevation (ft)Date Bear Basin Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 17 -non-credit zone Rainfall Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Sensor Depth Begin Growing Season March 18 End Growing Season November 16 7 Days 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 1-Jan-1910-Jan-1919-Jan-1928-Jan-196-Feb-1915-Feb-1924-Feb-195-Mar-1914-Mar-1923-Mar-191-Apr-1910-Apr-1919-Apr-1928-Apr-197-May-1916-May-1925-May-193-Jun-1912-Jun-1921-Jun-1930-Jun-199-Jul-1918-Jul-1927-Jul-195-Aug-1914-Aug-1923-Aug-191-Sep-1910-Sep-1919-Sep-1928-Sep-197-Oct-1916-Oct-1925-Oct-193-Nov-1912-Nov-1921-Nov-1930-Nov-199-Dec-1918-Dec-1927-Dec-19Rainfall (in)Relative Groundwater Elevation (ft)Date Bear Basin Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 18 Rainfall Sensor Depth Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Begin Growing Season March 18 End Growing Season November 16 8 Days 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 1-Jan-1910-Jan-1919-Jan-1928-Jan-196-Feb-1915-Feb-1924-Feb-195-Mar-1914-Mar-1923-Mar-191-Apr-1910-Apr-1919-Apr-1928-Apr-197-May-1916-May-1925-May-193-Jun-1912-Jun-1921-Jun-1930-Jun-199-Jul-1918-Jul-1927-Jul-195-Aug-1914-Aug-1923-Aug-191-Sep-1910-Sep-1919-Sep-1928-Sep-197-Oct-1916-Oct-1925-Oct-193-Nov-1912-Nov-1921-Nov-1930-Nov-199-Dec-1918-Dec-1927-Dec-19Rainfall (in)Relative Groundwater Elevation (ft)Date Bear Basin Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 19 Rainfall Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Sensor Depth Begin Growing Season March 18 End Growing Season November 16 4 Days 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 1-Jan-1910-Jan-1919-Jan-1928-Jan-196-Feb-1915-Feb-1924-Feb-195-Mar-1914-Mar-1923-Mar-191-Apr-1910-Apr-1919-Apr-1928-Apr-197-May-1916-May-1925-May-193-Jun-1912-Jun-1921-Jun-1930-Jun-199-Jul-1918-Jul-1927-Jul-195-Aug-1914-Aug-1923-Aug-191-Sep-1910-Sep-1919-Sep-1928-Sep-197-Oct-1916-Oct-1925-Oct-193-Nov-1912-Nov-1921-Nov-1930-Nov-199-Dec-1918-Dec-1927-Dec-19Rainfall (in)Relative Groundwater Elevation (ft)Date Bear Basin Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 20 -non-credit zone Rainfall Sensor Depth Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Begin Growing Season March 18 End Growing Season November 16 8 Days 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 1-Jan-1910-Jan-1919-Jan-1928-Jan-196-Feb-1915-Feb-1924-Feb-195-Mar-1914-Mar-1923-Mar-191-Apr-1910-Apr-1919-Apr-1928-Apr-197-May-1916-May-1925-May-193-Jun-1912-Jun-1921-Jun-1930-Jun-199-Jul-1918-Jul-1927-Jul-195-Aug-1914-Aug-1923-Aug-191-Sep-1910-Sep-1919-Sep-1928-Sep-197-Oct-1916-Oct-1925-Oct-193-Nov-1912-Nov-1921-Nov-1930-Nov-199-Dec-1918-Dec-1927-Dec-19Rainfall (in)Relative Groundwater Elevation (ft)Date Bear Basin Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 21 Rainfall Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Sensor Depth Begin Growing Season March 18 End Growing Season November 16 23 Days 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 1-Jan-1910-Jan-1919-Jan-1928-Jan-196-Feb-1915-Feb-1924-Feb-195-Mar-1914-Mar-1923-Mar-191-Apr-1910-Apr-1919-Apr-1928-Apr-197-May-1916-May-1925-May-193-Jun-1912-Jun-1921-Jun-1930-Jun-199-Jul-1918-Jul-1927-Jul-195-Aug-1914-Aug-1923-Aug-191-Sep-1910-Sep-1919-Sep-1928-Sep-197-Oct-1916-Oct-1925-Oct-193-Nov-1912-Nov-1921-Nov-1930-Nov-199-Dec-1918-Dec-1927-Dec-19Rainfall (in)Relative Groundwater Elevation (ft)Date Bear Basin Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 22 Rainfall Sensor Depth Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Begin Growing Season March 18 End Growing Season November 16 10 Days 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 1-Jan-1910-Jan-1919-Jan-1928-Jan-196-Feb-1915-Feb-1924-Feb-195-Mar-1914-Mar-1923-Mar-191-Apr-1910-Apr-1919-Apr-1928-Apr-197-May-1916-May-1925-May-193-Jun-1912-Jun-1921-Jun-1930-Jun-199-Jul-1918-Jul-1927-Jul-195-Aug-1914-Aug-1923-Aug-191-Sep-1910-Sep-1919-Sep-1928-Sep-197-Oct-1916-Oct-1925-Oct-193-Nov-1912-Nov-1921-Nov-1930-Nov-199-Dec-1918-Dec-1927-Dec-19Rainfall (in)Relative Groundwater Elevation (ft)Date Bear Basin Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 23 Rainfall Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Sensor Depth Begin Growing Season March 18 End Growing Season November 16 12 Days 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 1-Jan-1910-Jan-1919-Jan-1928-Jan-196-Feb-1915-Feb-1924-Feb-195-Mar-1914-Mar-1923-Mar-191-Apr-1910-Apr-1919-Apr-1928-Apr-197-May-1916-May-1925-May-193-Jun-1912-Jun-1921-Jun-1930-Jun-199-Jul-1918-Jul-1927-Jul-195-Aug-1914-Aug-1923-Aug-191-Sep-1910-Sep-1919-Sep-1928-Sep-197-Oct-1916-Oct-1925-Oct-193-Nov-1912-Nov-1921-Nov-1930-Nov-199-Dec-1918-Dec-1927-Dec-19Rainfall (in)Relative Groundwater Elevation (ft)Date Bear Basin Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 24 Rainfall Sensor Depth Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Begin Growing Season March 18 End Growing Season November 16 9 Days 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 1-Jan-1910-Jan-1919-Jan-1928-Jan-196-Feb-1915-Feb-1924-Feb-195-Mar-1914-Mar-1923-Mar-191-Apr-1910-Apr-1919-Apr-1928-Apr-197-May-1916-May-1925-May-193-Jun-1912-Jun-1921-Jun-1930-Jun-199-Jul-1918-Jul-1927-Jul-195-Aug-1914-Aug-1923-Aug-191-Sep-1910-Sep-1919-Sep-1928-Sep-197-Oct-1916-Oct-1925-Oct-193-Nov-1912-Nov-1921-Nov-1930-Nov-199-Dec-1918-Dec-1927-Dec-19Rainfall (in)Relative Groundwater Elevation (ft)Date Bear Basin Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 25 Rainfall Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Sensor Depth Begin Growing Season March 18 End Growing Season November 16 8 Days    Bear Basin Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 95362 52 2019-MY05   Table 9. Wetland Hydrology Criteria Attainment Table Project Number and Name: 95362 - Bear Basin Restoration Site Success Criteria (20 Days) (8%) MY-01 2015 MY-02 2016 MY-03 2017 MY-04 2018 MY-05 2019 MY-06 MY-07 Yes/23 Yes/24 Yes/26 Yes/31 No/12 (9.4%)(9.8%)(10.7%)(12.7%)(4.9%) Yes/28 Yes/42 Yes/28 Yes/37 Yes/40 (11.5%) (17.2%) (11.5%) (15.2%) (16.4%) Yes/22 No/14 No/10 Yes/27 Yes/24 (9.0%)(5.7%)(4.1%)(11.1%)(9.8%) No/17 No/15 Yes/25 Yes/26 No/9 (7.0%)(6.1%)(10.2%)(10.7%)(3.7%) Yes/90 Yes/48 Yes/30 Yes/48 Yes/43 (36.9%) (19.7%) (12.3%) (19.7%) (17.6%) Yes/28 Yes/41 Yes/29 Yes/46 Yes/39 (11.5%)(16.8%)(11.9%)(18.9%)(16.0%) Yes/51 Yes/45 Yes/25 Yes/47 Yes/56 (20.9%)(18.4%)(10.2%)(19.3%)(23.0%) Yes/28 Yes/42 Yes/27 Yes/33 Yes/41 (11.5%)(17.2%)(11.1%)(13.5%)(16.8%) Yes/23 Yes/23 Yes/25 Yes/31 No/13 (9.4%) (9.4%) (10.2%) (12.7%) (5.3%) Yes/24 No/18 Yes/26 Yes/33 Yes/23 (9.8%)(7.4%)(10.7%)(13.5%)(9.4%) 15 15 4 13 4 (6.1%)(6.1%)(1.6%)(5.3%)(1.6%) 25 19 25 32 23 (10.2%)(7.8%)(10.2%)(13.1%)(9.4%) Yes/27 Yes/42 Yes/26 Yes/32 No/11 (11.1%) (17.2%) (10.7%) (13.1%) (4.5%) Yes/25 No/19 Yes/26 Yes/32 Yes/23 (10.2%)(7.8%)(10.7%)(13.1%)(9.4%) Yes/35 Yes/42 Yes/27 Yes/33 No/13 (14.3%) (17.2%) (11.1%) (13.5%) (5.3%) Yes/22 No/14 No/10 Yes/31 No/12 (9.0%)(5.7%)(4.1%)(12.7%)(4.9%) 23 14 9 14 7 (9.4%)(5.7%)(3.7%)(5.7%)(2.9%) Yes/22 No/14 No/9 Yes/26 No/8 (9.0%)(5.7%)(3.7%)(10.7%)(3.3%) No/18 No/12 No/7 Yes/25 No/4 (7.4%) (4.9%) (2.9%) (10.2%) (1.6%) 19 12 7 26 8 (7.8%)(4.9%)(2.9%)(10.7%)(3.3%) Yes/30 Yes/23 (12.3%)(9.4%) Yes/27 No/10 (11.1%)(4.1%) Yes/26 No/12 (10.7%)(4.9%) Yes/27 No/9 (11.1%) (3.7%) Yes/26 No/8 (10.7%) (3.3%) Gauge 19 Gauge 20* Gauge 11* Gauge 12* Gauge 13 Gauge 14 Gauge 15 Gauge 18 Gauge 16 Gauge 17* Gauge 1 Gauge 4 Gauge 10 Gauge 6 Gauge 5 Gauge 9 Gauge 7 Gauge 8 Gauge 2 Gauge 3 Success Criteria Achieved / Max Consecutive Days During Growing Season (Percentage) Gauge 21** Gauge 22** Gauge 23** Gauge 24** Gauge 25**  *=non-credit bearing area **=Gauge installed March 7, 2018