HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG550968_NOV-2020-PC-0041 Response_20200210NC Dept of Environmental Quality FEB 10 2020 Raleigh Regional Office Bernard Bell 5630 Willow Dr. Durham, NC 27712 Scott Vinson Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Raleigh Regional Office -Division of Water Resoucers Dear Mr. Vinson: In response to the violation notice that I received Feb. 1, 2020, I have taken the following steps to ensure that my system is in full compliance with the Permit Requirements and functions as intended. 1)Feb. 3,2020 I had the septic tank pumped out. Ialso spoke on the phone with Ms. Jane Bernard about the violation problem she advised me to wait 3 months before getting a water sample taken. 2)Feb. 4, 2020 I flushed out my tablet chlorinator box, to make sure that it is working properly. I do this once a year, but I will do it more often. I will have my septic tank pumped out every 2 t0 3 years in hope that this will help solve the problem. Mr. James D. Frei has been taken my water samples, and he will take them in May of this year. Sincerely, Bernard Bell ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary LINDA CULPEPPER Director NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality January 23, 2020 CERT[E[ED MAIL # 7014 3490 MI 8820 8955 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Bernard Bell 5630 Willow Drive Durham, NC 27712 NC Dept ofEnvironmentai Qfiality FEB 10 `020 Raleigh Regional Of fiec Subject: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Tracking Number. NOV-2020-PC-0041 Compliance Evaluation Inspection Single Family Wastewater Treatment System General NPDES Permit NCG550000 Certificate of Coverage NCG550968 Dear Mr. Bell: Durham County The Division has received your sample results for the 2019 Calendar year. However, a review of the analytical results for samples collected on June 13, 2019 revealed the violation(s) indicated below: Limit Exceedance Violation(s): Sample Location Parameter Date Limit Analytical Unit of Type of Violation Value Result Measure Effluent BOD5 06/13/19 30.0 160 mg/L Monthly Average Exceeded BOD5 Effluent BOD5 6/13/19 45.0 160 mg/L Daily Maximum Exceeded BOD5 Effluent Total Suspended Solids 6/13/19 45.0 89.2 mg/L Daily Maximum Exceeded (TSS-). TSS Effluent Total Suspended Solids 6/13/19 30.0 89.2 mg/L Monthly Average TSS Effluent Fecal Coliform 6/13/19 200/100 2420 ML, Monthly Average Fecal Coliform Effluent Fecal Coliform 6/13/19 400/100 2420 mL Daily Maximum Fecal Coliform North Corulian Dep irtmcnt of Fovironmcnt tl Quality I Division of Kiser Rrsuurccs h.lelgh ReoionJI Offlcr' I '1600 barrCtt Drive Rnfelgh,North Cirnlin r 176.09 P19 71ti1.4200 Based on the above limit exceedances, you should re -sample your eBluent and if the high levels persist, then you should have your treatment system evaluated to dctermiine if corrective m intended and meets the conditions of the permit, inc i for com l easures are needed to ensure the system functions as this letter, please submit a written response to this office detailing the lactions y th the effluent ilimits, to Within e y0 ur system is of full compliance with the permit requirements and funrtians r�s intended is in A Notice of Violation is being issued for the noted violations of North Carolina General Statute (G.S.) 143-215.1 and the subject General NPDES Permit. Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A, a civil Penaldollars ($25,000.00) may be assessed against any person who violates oaila t ctof tin accordance with the more thm twenty-five therms �d conditions, or requirements of any permit issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215.1. If you have questions or comments about this inspection or the requirements to take corrective action, please contact Jane Bernard or meat 919-791-4200. Licensed plumbers should be used to make plumbing changes within your home. Contractors for installing disinfection or other equipment may be found in the Yellow Pages under Environmental Consultants. Sincerely, cott Vinson, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Raleigh Regional Office- Division of Water Resources