HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140041 Ver 1_Year 4 Monitoring Report_2019_20200211ID#* 20140041 Version* 1 Select Reviewer:* Mac Haupt Initial Review Completed Date 02/12/2020 Mitigation Project Submittal - 2/11/2020 Is this a Prospectus, Technical Proposal or a New Site?* r Yes r No Type of Mitigation Project:* V Stream Pr Wetlands r- Buffer r` Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Contact Name:* Harry Tsomides Project Information ................................................................................................................................................... ID#:* 20140041 Existing IDI Project Type: r DMS r Mitigation Bank Project Name: Little Pine Creek III County: Alleghany Document Information Email Address:* harry.tsomides@ncdenr.gov Version: *1 Existing Version Mitigation Document Type:* Mitigation Monitoring Report File Upload: Little Pinelll_94903_MY4_2019.pdf 83.91 MB Rease upload only one RDFcf the conplete file that needs to be subnitted... Signature Print Name:* Harry Tsomides Signature:* ���•t t% r.'srrr���l MONITORING YEAR 4 ANNUAL REPORT Final LITTLE PINE III STREAM AND WETLAND RESTORATION PROJECT Alleghany County, NC DEQ Contract 6844 DMS Project Number 94903 DWR # 14-0041 USACE Action ID 2012-01299 Data Collection Period: March - December 2019 Draft Submission Date: January 6, 2020 Final Submission Date: February 4, 2020 PREPARED FOR: NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 PREPARED BY: Wildlands Engineering, Inc. 1430 South Mint Street, Suite 104 Charlotte, NC 28203 Phone: 704.332.7754 Fax: 704.332.3306 Wildlands Engineering, Inc.  phone 704-332-7754  fax 704-332-3306  1430 S. Mint Street, # 104  Charlotte, NC 28203 February 4, 2020      Mr. Harry Tsomides  Project Manager  Division of Mitigation Services  5 Ravenscroft Dr., Suite 102  Asheville, NC 28801    RE:  Monitoring Year 4 (MY4) Report – Final Submittal    Little Pine Creek III Mitigation Site  DMS ID 94903  DEQ Contract Number 6844  New River Basin ‐ #CU# 05050001 ‐ Alleghany County, North Carolina    Dear Mr. Tsomides:    Wildlands Engineering, Inc. (Wildlands) has reviewed the Division of Mitigation Services (DMS)  comments from the Draft Monitoring Year 4 report for the Little Pine Creek III Mitigation Project. The  following Wildlands responses to DMS’s report comments are noted in italics lettering.    DMS comment; Can the two boulder sills (referenced in regard to upstream sediment deposition and  the stream gage location) on UT1 be mapped or called out on the CCPV?     Wildlands response; A callout has been added to the CCPV to note the location of the two boulder sills on  UT1.     DMS comment; The report accurately captures current conditions and activities, including recent  repairs, invasive treatments, and upcoming repairs. Please include, in an Appendix, the repair plan  sheets for UT2/2a (completed) and the draft repair plan (upcoming) for LPC and UT1 (both emailed to  you with this letter). Once record drawings become available for these repairs they can be included in  the Appendix in future reports.    Wildlands response; The repair plan sheets for UT2/2a and LPC/UT1 have been added to the report  appendix. Additional record drawings will be included in future reports as they are available.     DMS comment; Please check with me regarding digital support files prior to finalizing the report.  Everything looks fine overall but the minor comments I emailed to you should be addressed.    Wildlands response; An additional review of the digital support files has been completed. Minor  comments regarding the digital support files have been resolved.           Wildlands Engineering, Inc.  phone 704-332-7754  fax 704-332-3306  1430 S. Mint Street, # 104  Charlotte, NC 28203   Two (2) hard copies of the Final Monitoring Report and a full electronic submittal has been mailed to the  DMS western field office. Please contact me at 704‐941‐9093 if you have any questions.    Sincerely,     Kirsten Y. Gimbert  Project Manager  kgimbert@wildlandseng.com  Little Pine Creek III Stream and Wetland Restoration Project Monitoring Year 4 Annual Report – FINAL i EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Wildlands Engineering, Inc. (Wildlands) completed design and construction management for the North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) as part of a design-bid-build contract at the Little Pine III Stream and Wetland Restoration Project (Site). The Site is in Alleghany County approximately eight miles east of the Town of Sparta, NC and approximately four miles south of the Virginia border. The Site lies within the New River Basin; eight-digit Cataloging Unit (CU) 05050001 and the 14-digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 05050001030030 (Figure 1). Site streams consist of Little Pine Creek, a third order stream, as well as an unnamed second order tributary to Little Pine Creek (UT2), an unnamed first order tributary to Little Pine Creek (UT2a), four unnamed zero order tributaries to Little Pine Creek (UT1, UT2b, UT3, and UT4), and 2.9 acres of wetlands (Figure 2). The project design and construction restored, enhanced, and preserved a total of 13,112 linear feet (LF) of perennial and intermittent stream, and enhanced and preserved 2.9 acres of wetlands. The Site is expected to generate 6,973.4 stream mitigation units (SMUs), and 1.393 wetland mitigation units (WMUs) for the New River Basin (Table 1). The Site is within a Targeted Local Watershed (TLW) identified in the New River Basin Restoration Priority (RBRP) plan (NCDENR, 2009). The Site is also located within the Little River & Brush Creek Local Watershed Plan (LWP). The project goals from the mitigation plan (Wildlands, 2014) were established with careful consideration of RBRP goals and objectives to address stressors identified in the LWP. The established project goals include: • Restore unforested buffers; • Remove livestock from buffers; • Remove livestock from streams; • Repair heavily eroded stream banks and improve stream bank stability; • Reforest steep landscape around streams; and • Enhance wetland vegetation. Site construction and as-built survey were completed in 2016 with planting and baseline monitoring activities occurring between December 2015 and May 2016. The monitoring year (MY) 4 activities occurred in March through December 2019. Overall, the Site is on track to meet the MY5 monitoring success criteria for vegetation, geomorphology, and hydrology performance standards. The MY4 vegetation survey resulted in an average of 447 planted stems per acre, which is on track to meet the final MY5 monitoring requirement of 260 stems per acre with 19 of the 21 plots (90%) individually meeting this requirement. Previously observed areas of invasive plant populations have significantly been reduced by supplemental treatments that occurred in summer and fall 2019. Morphological surveys and visual assessment indicate that the channel dimensions are stable and functioning as designed, except for isolated areas on UT1 and Little Pine Creek. DMS has a repair plan scheduled in 2020 to address formation of headcuts and excessive streambank erosion on UT1 and Little Pine Creek. Along UT2a and UT2, stream repairs were completed in the fall 2019 to address areas of stream instability including the formation of head-cuts, lateral stream migration, and excessive streambank erosion that were amplified by the large storm events in September and October 2018. At least one bankfull event occurred during MY4 data collection which was recorded by crest gages and by visual indicators. The performance standard of two recorded bankfull events in separate monitoring years has been met for Little Pine Creek, UT2, and UT2b. No target performance standard was established for wetland hydrology success; however, the groundwater gage in Wetland FF recorded 169 consecutive days of the groundwater levels at or within 12 inches of the ground surface, consisting of 100% of the growing season. Little Pine Creek III Stream and Wetland Restoration Project Monitoring Year 4 Annual Report – FINAL ii LITTLE PINE III STREAM AND WETLAND RESTORATION PROJECT Monitoring Year 4 Report TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1: PROJECT OVERVIEW .....................................................................................................1-1 1.1 Project Goals and Objectives ..................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 Monitoring Year 4 Data Assessment .......................................................................................... 1-2 1.2.1 Vegetation Assessment ...................................................................................................... 1-2 1.2.2 Vegetation Areas of Concern ............................................................................................. 1-3 1.2.3 Stream Assessment ............................................................................................................ 1-3 1.2.4 Stream Areas of Concern ................................................................................................... 1-4 1.2.5 Hydrology Assessment ....................................................................................................... 1-4 1.2.6 Wetland Assessment .......................................................................................................... 1-4 1.3 Monitoring Year 4 Summary ...................................................................................................... 1-5 Section 2: METHODOLOGY............................................................................................................2-1 Section 3: REFERENCES .................................................................................................................3-1 APPENDICES Appendix 1 General Tables and Figures Figure 1 Project Vicinity Map Figure 2 Project Component/Asset Map Table 1 Project Components and Mitigation Credits Table 2 Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3 Project Contact Table Table 4 Project Information and Attributes Table 5 Monitoring Component Summary Appendix 2 Visual Assessment Data Figure 3.0 – 3.2 Current Condition Plan View (CCPV) Maps Table 6a – g Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Table 7 Vegetation Condition Assessment Table Stream Photographs Vegetation Photographs Appendix 3 Vegetation Plot Data Table 8 Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment Table 9 CVS Vegetation Plot Metadata Table 10a-b Planted and Total Stem Counts (Species by Plot with Annual Means) Appendix 4 Morphological Summary Data and Plots Table 11a-b Baseline Stream Data Summary Table 12a-b Morphology and Hydraulic Summary (Dimensional Parameters – Cross-Section) Table 13a-f Monitoring Data – Stream Reach Data Summary Longitudinal Profile Plots Cross-Section Plots Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots Appendix 5 Hydrology Summary Data and Plots Table 14 Verification of Bankfull Events Table 15 Wetland Gage Attainment Summary Groundwater & Stream Gage Plots Monthly Rainfall Data Little Pine Creek III Stream and Wetland Restoration Project Monitoring Year 4 Annual Report – FINAL iii Appendix 6 Repair Plans UT2a/UT2 Repair plan sheets Little Pine Creek/UT1 Repair plan sheets Little Pine Creek III Stream and Wetland Restoration Project Monitoring Year 4 Annual Report – FINAL 1-1 Section 1: PROJECT OVERVIEW The Site is a DMS design-bid-build project in Alleghany County, NC, located in the New River Basin; eight-digit CU 05050001 and the 14-digit HUC 05050001030030 (Figure 1). Located in the Blue Ridge belt of the Blue Ridge province (USGS, 1998), the project watershed includes primarily managed herbaceous, mixed upland hardwoods, and other forested land. The drainage area for the Site is 2,784 acres. Little Pine Creek flows into Brush Creek several hundred feet downstream of the Site boundary. The land adjacent to the streams and wetlands is primarily maintained cattle pasture and forest. The project streams consist of Little Pine Creek, a third order stream, as well as an unnamed second order tributary to Little Pine Creek (UT2), an unnamed first order tributary to Little Pine Creek (UT2a) and four unnamed zero order tributaries to Little Pine Creek (UT1, UT2b, UT3, and UT4) (Figure 2). Mitigation work within the Site included restoring and enhancing 9,888 linear feet (LF) and preserving 3,224 LF of perennial stream, enhancing 2.71 acres of wetlands and preserving a 0.19 acres existing wetland. The Site is expected to provide 6,973.4 SMUs, and 1.393 WMUs. A conservation easement protecting 57.3 acres in perpetuity was purchased by the State of North Carolina and recorded with Alleghany County Register of Deeds in 2012. The final mitigation plan was submitted and accepted by DMS in March 2014. Construction activities were completed in September 2015 by North State Environmental, Inc. Planting was completed in December 2015 by Bruton Environmental, Inc. Kee Surveying, Inc. completed the as-built survey in April 2016. Wildlands completed the baseline monitoring activities in May 2016 and subsequent monitoring has been conducted annually with closeout expected in 2021. Repairs were completed in March and December 2016. Appendix 1 includes detailed project activity, history, contact information, and background information. Directions and a map of the Site are provided in Figure 1. Site components are discussed in Table 1 and illustrated in Figure 2. 1.1 Project Goals and Objectives Prior to construction activities, livestock had full access to most of the Site streams and used them as a water source. The riparian buffers in areas proposed for restoration were primarily herbaceous with a few sparse trees. Deposition of fine sediment, severe bank erosion, and trampling of banks impacted the in-stream habitat. Channel widening and incision indicated instability. Table 4 in Appendix 1 and Table 11 in Appendix 4 provide pre-restoration condition details. The Site is intended to provide numerous ecological benefits within the New River Basin. While many of these benefits are limited to the Site area, others, such as pollutant removal, reduced sediment loading, and improved aquatic and terrestrial habitat, have farther-reaching effects. Expected improvements to water quality and ecological processes are outlined below as secondary goals and objectives. These project goals were established with careful consideration of goals and objectives that were described in the RBRP and to address stressors identified in the LWP. The project specific goals of the Site address stressors identified in the Mitigation Plan (Wildlands, 2014) include the following: • Restore unforested buffers; • Remove livestock from buffers; • Remove livestock from streams; • Repair heavily eroded stream banks and improve stream bank stability; • Reforest steep landscape around streams; and • Enhance wetland vegetation. Little Pine Creek III Stream and Wetland Restoration Project Monitoring Year 4 Annual Report – FINAL 1-2 Secondary goals include the following: • Remove harmful nutrients from creek flow; • Reduce pollution of creek by excess sediment; • Improve in-stream habitat; and • Improve aesthetics. The project objectives have been defined as follows: • Restore 27.8 acres of forested riparian buffer; • Fence off livestock from 57.3 acres of buffer and 14,736 LF of existing streams; • Stream bank erosion which contributes sediment load to the creek will be greatly reduced, if not eliminated, in the project area. Eroding stream banks will be stabilized by increased woody root mass in banks, reducing channel incision, and by using natural channel design techniques, grading, and planting to reduce bank angles and bank height; • Steep, unforested landscape within the conservation easement will be reforested; • Eight of the nine onsite wetlands will be enhanced with supplemental plantings; • Flood flows will be filtered through restored floodplain areas, where flood flow will spread through native vegetation. Vegetation takes up excess nutrients; • Storm flow containing grit and fine sediment will be filtered through restored floodplain areas, where flow will spread through native vegetation. The spreading of flood flows will reduce velocity allowing sediment to settle out; • In-stream structures will promote aeration of water; • In-stream structures will be constructed to improve habitat diversity and trap detritus. Wood structures will be incorporated into the stream as part of the restoration design. Such structures may include log drops and rock structures that incorporate woody debris; and • Site aesthetics will be enhanced by planting native plant species, treating invasive species, and stabilizing eroding and unstable areas throughout the project. 1.2 Monitoring Year 4 Data Assessment Annual monitoring was conducted during MY4 (March to December 2019) to assess the condition of the project. The stream restoration success criteria for the Site follows the approved performance standards presented in the Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project Final Mitigation Plan (Wildlands, 2014). 1.2.1 Vegetation Assessment A total of 21 vegetation monitoring plots were established during baseline monitoring within the project easement areas using a standard 10 by 10 meter plot. Please refer to Figures 3.0-3.2 in Appendix 2 for the vegetation monitoring locations. The final vegetation success criterion is the survival of 260 planted stems per acre in the riparian corridor along restored and enhanced reaches at the end of year five of the monitoring period. The MY4 vegetation survey was completed in September 2019, resulting in an average planted stem density of 447 stems per acre. The Site is on track to meet the final MY5 requirement of 260 planted stems per acre, with 19 of the 21 plots (90%) individually meeting this requirement. The planted stem mortality was approximately 8% of the MY3 stem count (486 stems per acre). In addition, there is an average of 11 planted stems per plot. Located in Wetland FF, VP13 continues to not meet the stem density requirement because the planted species are not suited for areas with saturated soils. There was a high planted stem mortality in VP11 due to competition with tall herbaceous vegetation. Along the floodplain of Little Pine Creek, some Little Pine Creek III Stream and Wetland Restoration Project Monitoring Year 4 Annual Report – FINAL 1-3 stems were damaged from the large storms event of 2018. Approximately 1% of the remaining planted stems scored a vigor of 1, indicating that they are unlikely to survive. In addition, approximately 19% of the remaining planted stems scored a vigor of 2, indicating more than minor damage to leaf material and/or bark tissue exists. This is most likely due to stress on planted stems included storm damage, animal herbivory, insects, and too wet or dry conditions. Please refer to Appendix 2 for vegetation plot photographs and Appendix 3 for vegetation data tables. 1.2.2 Vegetation Areas of Concern Some invasive plant populations were identified and treated within the Site boundary in MY4 with predominant species including: Japanese barberry (Berberis thunvergii), multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora), Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), and oriental bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus). Invasive species treatment occurred in July, August, September, and October 2019. This has significantly reduced the areas of invasive species from approximately 4% of the easement acreage in MY3 down to less than 1% in MY4. Areas noted at the beginning of the MY4 monitoring year with poor herbaceous cover and sandy deposition on the floodplain of Little Pine Creek have naturally recovered with vegetation becoming well established. These vegetation areas of concern will continue to be monitored and addressed by DMS as necessary. Please refer to the current condition plan view (CCPV) Figures 3.0-3.2 in Appendix 2 for vegetation areas of concern. 1.2.3 Stream Assessment Morphological surveys for MY4 were conducted in April and May 2019 along Little Pine Creek, UT2 Reach 1 upper, and UT2b. The remaining survey along UT2 occurred in December 2019 to capture the stream repair work that was completed in the fall 2019. Overall, results indicate that channel dimensions are stable and functioning as designed, with the exception of the remaining stream areas of concern identified in section 1.2.4. The surveyed longitudinal profile data for the project streams illustrates that bedform features have maintained lateral and vertical stability between MY3 and MY4. The longitudinal profile parameters on Little Pine Creek, UT2, and UT2b showed little change from baseline in slope (riffle, water surface, bankfull) with minor differences in pool-to-pool spacing and pool length. Max pool depths increased in most reaches due to scour from log structures, which enhances aquatic habitat. Several instances of structure piping and sediment deposition were noted during the MY4 survey and are discussed in section 1.2.4. In general, the cross-sections on Little Pine Creek, UT2, and UT2b show little to moderate change in the bankfull width, maximum depth ratio, or width-to-depth ratio compared to baseline. Surveyed riffle cross-sections fell within the parameters defined for channels of the appropriate Rosgen stream type (Rosgen, 1996). Along Little Pine Creek Reach 1, floodplain sediment deposition is evident along both banks, thus increasing bankfull depths and decreasing width-to-depth ratios slightly. Riffle cross-sections along Little Pine Creek Reaches 2a and 2b have bank height ratios of 1.2 due to increased bankfull cross- sectional area and depths compared to baseline from bed and bank scour. Along UT2b, cross-section 10 plots show little change between MY3 and MY4, indicating that the deepening displayed in MY1 has stabilized. Along UT2, the most significant change in cross-section dimensions occurred at cross-section 16 where repairs in MY4 have stabilized stream banks. Stream areas of concern causing changes in cross-section dimensions are discussed further in section 1.2.4. In general, substrate within the restoration reaches are maintaining coarser materials in the riffle reaches and finer particles in the pools. The particle size distributions for MY4 are similar to the as-built data in coarseness and distribution. Refer to Appendix 2 for the visual stability assessment table, Current Little Pine Creek III Stream and Wetland Restoration Project Monitoring Year 4 Annual Report – FINAL 1-4 Condition Plan View (CCPV) maps, and reference photographs. Refer to Appendix 4 for the morphological summary data and plots. 1.2.4 Stream Areas of Concern Stream areas of concern included instances of structure piping, bank scour, sediment deposition, and clogged culverts at internal easement crossings. On Little Pine Creek, stream areas of concern noted in MY3 persist into MY4 with new or expanded areas of bank scour (STA 100+80, 121+50, 131+20, 131+60, and 132+50) observed after the storm events of fall 2018. DMS has a repair plan scheduled in 2020 for Little Pine Creek Reach 1 (STA 100+43 to 101+75) and Reach 2a (STA 121+25 to 122+50) to address areas of bank instability. Along UT1, several headcuts have formed as the channel slope increases above the culvert crossing. DMS has a repair plan to address headcuts upstream of the culvert crossing also in 2020. In MY2, sediment aggradation was observed on approximately 192 linear feet of UT1 downstream of the culvert crossing (STA 200+36) and beyond the two installed boulder sills (STA 202+28). In future years, as woody vegetation becomes more established and shades out the herbaceous cover, the baseflow is expected to become stronger and transport the accumulated fine sediment in the reach. Currently, a defined baseflow channel is still present downstream of the two installed boulder sills and this area will continue to be monitored for additional sediment aggradation in future years. Structure piping that was first noted on UT2 Reach 1 Upper in MY2 persists into MY4 with an additional structure failure. Furthermore, sediment deposition is noted in MY4 above both of the culvert crossings on UT2 Reach 1 (Upper and Lower). Several areas of concern previously noted along UT2a and UT2 Reach 2 included formation of headcuts, lateral stream migration, and excessive streambank erosion. DMS contracted with a provider to complete repairs along UT2 Reach 2 (STA 332+25 to 339+15) and UT2a (STA 427+00 to 432+00) which included spot bank grading, geolift, grade control installation, and structure repairs. The repairs were completed in the fall 2019. Please refer to Appendix 2 for stream stability tables and CCPV Figures 3.0-3.2. 1.2.5 Hydrology Assessment At least one bankfull event occurred on Little Pine, UT2, and UT2b reaches during the MY4 data collection, which was recorded using crest gages and visual indicators. Two bankfull flow events occurring in separate years must be documented on the restoration reaches within the five year monitoring period. The performance standard was met in MY3 for Little Pine, UT2, and UT2b. At the end of MY3, a stream gage using a pressure transducer was installed on UT1, approximately 50 LF downstream of the two installed boulder sills. A total of 335 consecutive days of flow were documented in MY4 with multiple bankfull events correlating with peaks in rainfall. At the time of each gage download, flow was also visually observed along this section of UT1 validating the gage data that a baseflow channel is still present downstream of the two installed boulder sills. Please refer to Appendix 5 for hydrologic data and graphs. 1.2.6 Wetland Assessment One groundwater monitoring gage (GWG 1) was established during the baseline monitoring within the Wetland FF area using logging hydrology pressure transducers. The gage was installed at an appropriate location so that the data collected will provide an indication of groundwater levels throughout the wetland enhancement area. No target performance standard for wetland hydrology success was established within the mitigation plan (Wildlands, 2014). Wetland hydrology attainment typically consists of recorded groundwater levels within 12 inches of the ground surface for a consecutive period consisting of a pre-defined percentage of the growing season. Under typical precipitation conditions, Alleghany County’s growing season extends 169 days from April 26th to October 11th. No onsite rainfall Little Pine Creek III Stream and Wetland Restoration Project Monitoring Year 4 Annual Report – FINAL 1-5 data is available; however, daily precipitation data for MY4 was collected from closest NC CRONOS Station, Sparta 3.5 SSW. GWG 1 recorded 169 consecutive days of the groundwater levels at or within 12 inches of the ground surface, consisting of 100% of the growing season. Monthly rainfall data in 2019 indicated higher than normal rainfall amounts occurred during the months of February, April, June, and October and lower than normal rainfall amounts occurred during March and September 2019. Please refer to Appendix 2 for the groundwater gage location and Appendix 5 for groundwater hydrology data and plots. 1.3 Monitoring Year 4 Summary Overall, the Site is on track to meet the MY5 monitoring success criteria for vegetation, geomorphology, and hydrology performance standards. The MY4 vegetation survey resulted in an average of 447 planted stems per acre, which is on track to meet the final MY5 monitoring requirement of 260 stems per acre with 19 of the 21 plots (90%) individually meeting this requirement. Previously observed areas of invasive plant populations have significantly been reduced by supplemental treatments that occurred in summer and fall 2019. Morphological surveys and visual assessment indicate that the channel dimensions are stable and functioning as designed, except for isolated areas on UT1 and Little Pine Creek. DMS has a repair plan scheduled in 2020 to address formation of headcuts and excessive streambank erosion on UT1 and Little Pine Creek. Along UT2a and UT2, stream repairs were completed in the fall 2019 to address areas of stream instability including the formation of head-cuts, lateral stream migration, and excessive streambank erosion that were amplified by the large storm events in September and October 2018. At least one bankfull event occurred during MY4 data collection which was recorded by crest gages and by visual indicators. The performance standard of two recorded bankfull events in separate monitoring years has been met for Little Pine Creek, UT2, and UT2b. No target performance standard was established for wetland hydrology success; however, the groundwater gage in Wetland FF recorded 169 consecutive days of the groundwater levels at or within 12 inches of the ground surface, consisting of 100% of the growing season. Summary information and data related to the performance of various project and monitoring elements can be found in the tables and figures in the report appendices. Narrative background and supporting information formerly found in these annual monitoring reports can be found in the mitigation plan documents available on DMS’s website. All raw data supporting the tables and figures in the Appendices are available from DMS upon request. Little Pine Creek III Stream and Wetland Restoration Project Monitoring Year 4 Annual Report – FINAL 2-1 Section 2: METHODOLOGY Geomorphic data was collected following the standards outlined in The Stream Channel Reference Site: An Illustrated Guide to Field Techniques (Harrelson et al., 1994) and in the Stream Restoration: A Natural Channel Design Handbook (Doll et al., 2003). Longitudinal and cross-sectional data were collected using a total station and were georeferenced. All Current Condition Plan View mapping was recorded using a Trimble handheld GPS with sub-meter accuracy and processed using was Pathfinder and ArcView. Crest gages were installed in surveyed riffle cross-sections and monitored annually. Hydrology attainment installation and monitoring methods are in accordance with the standards published in the United States Army Corps of Engineers Stream Mitigation Guidelines (2003). Vegetation monitoring protocols followed the Carolina Vegetation Survey-NCEEP Level 2 Protocol (Lee et al., 2008). Little Pine Creek III Stream and Wetland Restoration Project Monitoring Year 4 Annual Report – FINAL 3-1 Section 3: REFERENCES Doll, B.A., Grabow, G.L., Hall, K.A., Halley, J., Harman, W.A., Jennings, G.D., and Wise, D.E. 2003. Stream Restoration A Natural Channel Design Handbook. Harrelson, Cheryl C; Rawlins, C.L.; Potyondy, John P. 1994. Stream Channel Reference Sites: An Illustrated Guide to Field Technique. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-245. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 61 p. Lee, Michael T., Peet, Robert K., Steven D., Wentworth, Thomas R. 2008. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Version 4.2. Retrieved from: http://cvs.bio.unc.edu/protocol/cvs-eep-protocol-v4.2-lev1- 2.pdf North Carolina Climate Retrieval and Observations Network of the Southeast Database (NCCRONOS). 2019. State Climate Office of North Carolina. Version 2.7.2. Station ID Sparta 3.5 SSW. Accessed October 2019. North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services and Interagency Review Team Technical Workgroup. 2018. Standard Measurement of the BHR Monitoring Parameter. Raleigh, NC. North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR). 2016. Surface Water Classifications. Retrieved from http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/planning/classification- standards/classifications NCDENR. 2009. New River Basin Restoration Priorities. Retrieved from http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/mitigation-services/dms-planning/watershed-planning- documents/new-river-basin NCDENR. 2007. Little River & Brush Creek Local Watershed Plan (LWP) Project Atlas. Retrieved from http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/mitigation-services/dms-planning/watershed-planning- documents/new-river-basin Rosgen, D.L. 1996. Applied River Morphology. Pagosa Springs, CO: Wildland Hydrology Books. United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), 2003. Stream Mitigation Guidelines. USACE, NCDENR- DWQ, USEPA, NCWRC. United States Geological Survey (USGS), 1998. North Carolina Geology. https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-land-resources/north-carolina-geological- survey/ Wildlands Engineering, Inc. 2014. Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project Final Mitigation Plan. NCEEP, Raleigh, NC. Wildlands Engineering, Inc. 2016. Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project As-Built Baseline Monitoring Report. NCDEQ-DMS, Raleigh, NC. APPENDIX 1. General Tables and Figures 05050 0010300 20 050 5000 103 0030 03040 1010800 10 03040 101 060030 03040 1010900 10 03040 101 080030 05050 0010300 15 03040 101 080020 05050 0010400 40 Figure 1 Pro ject Vi ci nity MapLittle Pi ne III St ream & Wetla nd Resto ratio n ProjectDMS Project No. 94903Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 Alleghany County, NC 0 0.5 1 Mile Hydro logic Unit Code (14) DMS Targeted Local WatershedProject Location ¹ Directions to Site:From Charlotte: Head north on Interstate 77 north of Elkin, NC, take exit 83 to merge onto US‐21 Bypass N toward Roaring Gap/Sparta. Continue to travel on US‐21 for approximately 22 miles, and then turn right onto Stoker Road. Travel approximately 1 mile and take a slight right onto Glade Valley Road. Travel approximately 4.5 miles and turn left onto Big Oak Road. Travel approximately 1 mile an d cross Little Pine Creek. The project site is located upstream of the Big Oak Road stream crossing. Farm gates on the right hand side of the road provide access to the site. The subject project site is an environmental restoration site of th e North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) and is encompassed by a recorded conservation easement, but is bordered by land under private ownership. Accessing the site may require traversing areas near or along the easement boundary and therefore access by the general p ublic is not permitted . Access by authorized personnel of state and federal agencies or their designees/contractors involved in the development, oversight,and stewardship of the restoration site is permitted within the terms and timeframes of their defined roles. Any intended site visitation or activity by any person outsid e of these previously sanctio ned roles an d activites req uires prior coordination with DMS. UT2 Reach 2UT2 Reach 1UT2aUT1UT4UT3Little Pine Reach 1 U T 2 b Little Pine Reach 2b Little Pine Reach 2aWetland FF Wetland HH Wetland AA Wetland GG Wetland EE Wetland CC Wetland J J Wetland BB Wetland DD Figure 2 Pro ject Comp onent/Asset Map Little Pi ne III St ream & Wetla nd Resto ratio n Project DMS Project No. 94903 Mo nitoring Year 4 - 2019 Alleghany County, NC 2018 Aerial Photography 0 700 Feet Conservation Ea sement St ream Restoration St ream E nhancement I St ream E nhancement II St ream P reservatio n No n-Project/No t fo r Credit Stream Wetla nd Enh an cement Wetla nd Preservati on Reach Break Overhead E lectric Easement Intern al Easement Crossing Waterers Well Water Line ¹ Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 Buffer Phosphorous Nutrient Offset Type R RE R RE R RE Totals 6,328.6 644.8 N/A 1.393 N/A N/A N/A N/A Existing Footage/ Acreage As-Built Stationing/ Location As-Built Footage/ Acreage Restoration Footage/ Acreage1 Mitigation Ratio2 Credits1 (SMU/WMU)Notes1 100+00 to 114+44 1,444 1,417 1:1 1,417.0 Excludes one 27 foot wide ford crossing. 114+44 to 125+27 1,083 1,058 1:1 1,058.0 Excludes one 25 foot wide ford crossing. 125+27 to 130+20 493 493 1:1 493.0 130+20 to 135+60 540 509 2.5:1 197.0 Excludes one 31 foot wide ford crossing, Includes 50% reduction for 33 ft overhead electric easement crossing. 197+26 to 202+24 498 463 2.5:1 185.2 Excludes one 35 foot wide culvert crossing. 202+24 to 206+26 402 402 2.5:1 160.8 401+78 to 403+34 & 403+75 to 404+34 2153 2153 n/a n/a Easement Break 403+34 - 403+75 405+15 to 426+58 2,143 2,143 5:1 428.6 426+58 to 432+09 551 519 2.5:1 207.6 Excludes one 32 foot wide constructed culvert crossing. 500+00 to 503+00 300 300 2.5:1 120.0 503+00 to 505+53 253 253 1:1 253.0 400 602+44 to 606+44 400 384 5:1 76.8 Excludes one 16 foot wide constructed ford crossing. 1,036 701+26 to 708+23 697 697 5:1 139.4 0.38 UT2 floodplain 2:1 0.190 0.16 UT2 floodplain 2:1 0.080 0.26 UT2b headwaters 2:1 0.130 0.12 North of UT2/UT2a 2:1 0.060 0.28 UT2 floodplain 2:1 0.140 0.76 North of UT1/Little Pine 2:1 0.380 0.33 Little Pine 2:1 0.165 0.42 South of UT4/ Little Pine 2:1 0.210 0.19 UT4 floodplain 5:1 0.038 Riparian Wetland (acres) Non-Riparian Wetland (acres) Upland (acres) 2.71 0.19 2Unique ratio for UT2 was discussed in field with IRT members and recorded 8/15/2012 in meeting notes. 3 Length not included in component summation since no credit is sought Excludes four constructed culvert crossings; 32, 24, 32, and 38 feet wide respectively. Mitigation Credits Component Summation Planting, fencing Preservation Planting, fencing P1/P2/P4, preservation Planting, fencing, channel creation Planting, fencing Planting, fencing P1/P2 P1 Restoration 3221 Wetland JJ Preservation (RE)0.19 Wetland FF Enhancement (RE) 0.76 Wetland CC Preservation 3224 1Restoration footage based off of the surveyed as-built thalweg alignment is greater than design centerline alignment, resulting in credited length greater than that reported in the Mitigation Plan. Enhancement II 2193 Enhancement I 4474 WETLANDS Restoration Level Stream (LF)Buffer (square feet) Wetland GG Enhancement (RE) 0.33 Wetland HH Enhancement (RE) 0.42 Preservation Planting, grade control Planting, fencing Wetland EE Enhancement (RE) 0.28 Enhancement (RE) 0.26 Planting, fencing Grade control, planting, fencing Outlet stabilization, planting, fencing Planting fencing Wetland DD Enhancement (RE) 0.12 Wetland AA Enhancement (RE) 0.38 Wetland BB Enhancement (RE) 0.16Planting, fencing Planting, fencing Preservation (RE) UT2b 553 Enhancement II (R) Restoration (R) Preservation Preservation P2 Planting, fencing Little Pine Reach 1 4,016 Restoration (R) Little Pine Reach 2a Restoration (R) Little Pine Reach 2b Restoration (R) Enhancement II (R) P1/P2 STREAMS Project Components Reach ID Restoration (R) or Restoration Equivalent (RE) Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 Stream Riparian Wetland Non-Riparian Wetland N/A Nitrogen Nutrient Offset Approach UT1 540 Enhancement II (R) Enhancement II (R) 2,237.0 UT2 Reach 2 Enhancement UT2a 2,921 Enhancement II (R)3 Preservation (RE) Enhancement II (R) 5,270 Enhancement I (R) 2:1UT2 Reach 1 297+18-343+18 4,600 4,474 UT3 Preservation (RE) UT4 DMS Project No. 94903 Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 DMS Project No.94903 Bare Roots Live Stakes Plugs Monitoring Performers Wildlands Engineering, Inc. Monitoring, POC Kirsten Gimbert 704.941.9093 Planting Contractor Bruton Natural Systems, Inc P.O. Box 1197 Fremont, NC 27830 Seeding Contractor North State Environmental, Inc. 2889 Lowery Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Seed Mix Sources Green Resource, LLC Nursery Stock Suppliers Bruton Natural Systems, Inc Foggy Mountain Nursery Mellow Marsh Farms November 2020 1Seed and mulch was added as each section of construction was completed. Table 3. Project Contact Table Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 Construction Contractor North State Environmental, Inc. 2889 Lowery Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Designer Aaron Early, PE, CFM Wildlands Engineering, Inc. 1430 South Mint Street, Ste 104 Charlotte, NC 28205 704.332.7754 Stream SurveyBaseline Monitoring Document (Year 0) Vegetation SurveyYear 1 Monitoring Stream Survey Year 2 Monitoring September 2019 2020 2020 Vegetation Survey Stream Survey Vegetation Survey Stream SurveyYear 5 Monitoring Vegetation Survey Stream Survey Vegetation Survey Stream Survey Year 3 Monitoring Invasive Treatment Year 4 Monitoring Invasive Treatment Stream Repair N/A Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project Activity or Report Data Collection Complete Completion or Scheduled Delivery Final Design - Construction Plans N/A September 2014 Construction N/A September 2015 December 2016 April 2016 October 2016 May 2017 July 2016 September 2017 May 2016 October 2016 Mitigation Plan March 2013 March 2014 Temporary S&E mix applied to entire project area1 N/A July - September 2015 Permanent seed mix applied to reach/segments1 N/A July - September 2015 Bare root and live stake plantings for reach/segments N/A December 2015 Repair Work N/A March 2016 / December 2016 Vegetation Survey July 2018 December 2019 November 2018June 2018 April, May, & December 2019 September 2018 July, Aug, Sept, & Oct 2019 September 2019 November 2017 N/A N/A DMS Project No. 94903 Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 LP Reach 1 LP Reach 2a LP Reach 2b UT1 UT2 Reach 1 UT2 Reach 2 UT2 Reach 3 UT2a UT2b UT3 UT4 1,444 1,083 1,033 900 2,909 553 400 697 2,496 2,752 2,784 28 75 185 196 89 19 23 33 45.5 45.5 45.5 22.25 36 36 41.5 42 28/37.5 38.5 31.5 C4 C/E4 C4 N/A A4 E4b E4 C4b F4b N/A N/A IV/V III/IV IV/V N/A2 N/A4 N/A4 N/A4 V N/A4 N/A2 N/A2 0.0043 0.0059 0.0087 N/A2 0.047 0.036 0.028 0.044 0.064 N/A2 N/A2 Essential Fisheries Habitat 1: Length includes internal easment crossings. 2: UT1 is enhancement II only, and UT3 and UT4 are preservation only. Geomorphic surveys were not performed for these streams in existing conditions. 3: The downstream 400 LF of Little Pine Creek near Big Oak Road is within a FEMA Zone AE floodplain on Firm panel 4010. The Zone AE floodplain is due to the backwater of Brush Creek; Little Pine Creek is not a FEMA studied stream. 4: Streams do not fit into Simon Evolutionary Sequence. Yes Yes FEMA Floodplain Compliance No Yes3 N/A No impact application was prepared for local review. No post-project activities required. Endangered Species Act Historic Preservation Act Yes Yes Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA)/Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) Yes Yes Regulatory Considerations Regulation Waters of the United States - Section 404 Waters of the United States - Section 401 Division of Land Quality (Dam Safety) Applicable? Yes Yes N/A Resolved? Yes Yes N/A Percent Composition Exotic Invasive Vegetation -Post-0% Underlying Mapped Soils Alluvial land, wet (Nikwasi); Ashe stony fine sandy loam (25-45% slopes); Chester loam (10-25% slopes); Chester clay loam (25-45% slopes), eroded (Evard); Codorus complex (Arkaqua); Tate loam (6-10% slopes); Watauga loam (6-45% slopes). Drainage Class Well-drainedSoil Hydric Status A/D (Nikwasi); B (Ashe stony fine sandy loam, Chester loam, Tate loam, Watauga loam); B/D (Codorus Slope - Pre-Restoration FEMA Classification AE3 Native Vegetation Community Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest, Rich Cove Evolutionary Trend (Simon's Model) - Pre-Restoration CGIA Land Use Classification Managed Herbaceous (74%), Mixed Upland Hardwoods (20%), Mixed Hardwoods/Conifers (5%), Southern Yellow Pine (<1%), Mountain Conifers (<1%) Reach Summary Information Parameters Length of Reach (linear feet) - Post-Restoration1 4,600 Drainage Area (acres) NCDWR Stream Identification Score - Pre-Restoration NCDWR Water Quality Classification C, TrMorphological Desription (stream type) - Pre-Restoration DWR Sub-basin 05-07-03 Project Drainiage Area (acres)2,784 Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area <1% River Basin New USGS Hydrologic Unit 8-digit 05050001 USGS Hydrologic Unit 14-digit 05050001030030 Physiographic Province Blue Ridge Belt of the Blue Ridge Province Table 4. Project Information and Attributes Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project Project Information Project Name Little Pine Creek III Stream & Wetland Restoration County Alleghany County Project Area (acres)57.32 Project Coordinates (latitude and longitude)36° 30’ 29.16’’ N, 81° 0’ 6.12’’W Project Watershed Summary Information N/A LPIII Final Mitigation Plan (3/4/2014) and LPIII CE Approved 7/6/2012 LPIII Final Mitigation Plan (3/4/2014) and LPIII CE Approved 7/6/2012 USACE Nationwide Permit No.27 and DWQ 401 Water Quality Certification No. 3885. Action ID# 14-0041 Supporting Documentation N/A LPIII Categorical Exclusion (CE) Approved 7/6/2012 No historic resources were found to be impacted (letter from SHPO dated 5/3/2012) Table 5. Monitoring Component Summary DMS Project No. 94903 Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 Little Pine Reach 1 Little Pine Reach 2a Little Pine Reach 2b UT1 UT2 UT2a UT2b UT3 UT4 Wetlands Riffle Cross Section 2 2 2 N/A 4 N/A 1 N/A N/A N/A Pool Cross Section 1 1 1 N/A 3 N/A 1 N/A N/A N/A Pattern Pattern N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Profile Longitudinal Profile N/A Y N/A Y N/A N/A N/A N/A Substrate Reach Wide (RW) / Riffle (RF) 100 Pebble Count RW-1, RF-1 RW-1, RF-1 RW-1, RF-1 N/A RW-1, RF-3 N/A RW-1, RF-1 N/A N/A N/A N/A Stream Hydrology Crest Gage N/A 1 N/A 1 N/A N/A N/A Annual Wetland Hydrology Groundwater Gages N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 Annual Vegetation1 CVS Level 2 Annual Visual Assessment All Streams Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Annual Exotic and nuisance vegetation Project Boundary Reference Photos Photographs Annual 1A deviation from the vegetation plot quantity indicated in the Mitigation Plan is due to a smaller than expected planted area. 21 42 Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project Parameter Monitoring Feature Quantity/ Length by Reach Frequency Dimension Annual Y 1 APPENDIX 2. Visual Assessment Data XY XY XY XY XY !A !A !A !A !A !A UT2 Reach 2LittlePineCreekReach1LIttle Pine Creek Reach 2aLitt le Pin e Cree k Rea ch 2 b UT 2bUT 3UT 2aUT 4UT 1Wet lan d AA Wet lan d BB Wetland CC Wet lan d DD Wet lan d EE Wetland F F Wet land GG Wetland HHUT2Reach1 Wetland JJ Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Co nservati on Easement Overhead Electric Easement In ternal Easement Crossing Waterers Well Water Line Stream Restoration Stream Enh ancement I Stream Enh ancement II Stream P reservation Non -Project/Not for Credit Stream Wetla nd E nhancement Wetla nd Preservation Reach Break !A Barotro ll !A Crest G age (CG) !A Stream Gage (SG) !A Gro undwater Gage (GWG) Cross-Section (XS) Permanent Vegetation Plot (VP) - M Y4 Criteria Met Criteria Not Met Vegetation Areas of Concern - MY4 Barberry Multifl ora Rose Oriental Bittersweet Bare/Poo r Herbaceous Cover Stream Areas of Concern - MY4 Bank instability Sed iment deposition Struct ure piping XY Headcu ts 2018 Aerial Phot ograph Fi gure 3.0 - Cu rrent Co nditio n P lan View Map (Key) Li tt le Pine Creek III Stream & Wet lan d Restoration P roject DMS Project No. 94903 Mo nitoring Year 4 - 2019 Alleg hany Cou nty, NC0400200Feet¹ !A!A GF GF GF GF GFGF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF XYUT2Reach1 UT 2bUT 3UT 2aWetland AA Wetland BB Wet lan d CC Wetland DD Wetland EEUT2 Reach2Sed imen t deposition STA 5 05+30 Several large fa llen trees in easement Ban k scou r STA 30 3+80 Structure failur e STA 309 +60 Ban k erosion STA 328 +10 Sed imen t deposition STA 3 08+20 XS12XS13 XS10X S 1 5 XS11X S 1 6 X S 1 4 41 40 39 38 37 36 33 32 42 20 21 22 35 34 31 25 24 23 CG3 Sediment d epo sition STA 3 25+80 - 3 26+50 Structure piping S TA 303+16 Bank e rosio n STA 3 30+00 & 333 +20 Structure pip ing STA 309 +14 a nd 3 09+96 VP16 VP14 VP19 VP20 VP15 VP21 Conservation Ea sement Intern al Easement Crossin g Waterers Well St ream Restoration St ream E nhancement I St ream E nhancement II St ream Preservatio n No n-Project/No t fo r Credit Stream Water Lines Wetla nd Enh an cement Wetla nd Preservati on Reach Break Bankfu ll !A Crest Gage (CG) !A Groun dwater Gage (GWG) GF Photo Poi nt Cro ss-Sect ion (XS) Permanent Vegetation Plot (VP) - M Y4 Criteria Met Criteria Not Met Vegetation Areas of Concern - MY4 Barberry Mu lti flora Rose Oriental Bittersweet Bare/Po or Herb aceou s Cover Stream Areas of Concern - MY4 Bank i nstabi lity Sediment dep ositio n St ru cture pi ping XY Headcuts 2018 Aerial Phot ograph Fi gure 3.1 - Cu rrent Co nditio n P lan View Map (Sheet 1) Li tt le Pine Creek III Stream & Wet lan d Restoration P roject DMS Project No. 94903 Mo nitoring Year 4 - 2019 Alleg hany Cou nty, NC0200100Feet¹ GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GFGFGFGFGF !A !A !A !A !A !A XY XY XY XY UT2 Reach 2L itt l e P i n e C r e e k R e a c h 1 LIttle Pine Creek Reach 2aLittle Pine Creek Reach 2bUT 2BUT 4UT 1W etland CCW etland DDWetland EE Wetland FF Wetland GG Wetland HH Structure pip ing STA 123 +00, 1 24+00, 124 +50 & 124+75 B ank erosion S T A 330+00 & 333+20Bank Erosion STA 199 +00 Bank scour STA 108 +00 a nd 1 05+50 Ban k erosion STA 121 +50 Sediment d epo sition STA 199 +70 S edim ent depositionS T A 505+30U T2bUT2a Sed imen t deposition STA 1 00+00 & STA 104 +00 Bank scour STA 1 27+50 , 131+20, 131 +60,1 32+50 & 133 +70 Bank e rosio n STA 1 00+70 Fencin g da maged Wetland JJ Two bould er sills X S 4 XS7 XS8X S 9 XS3XS2XS6 XS1XS18 XS5XS12 XS17X S 1 3 XS10 XS15XS11 XS16XS14 VP4 VP2 VP6 VP7 VP5 VP1 VP9 VP8 VP17 VP16 VP14 VP19 VP12 VP20 VP18 VP15 VP13 VP11 VP3 VP10 SG Barotroll CG2 CG1 2 3 4 57 8 9 26 30 28 27 10 11 12 13 1415 1617 18 19 GWG1 1 6 29 Conservation Easement Overhead Electric Easement Internal Easement Crossing Waterers Well Water Lines St ream Restoration St ream Enhancement I St ream Enhancement II St ream Preservation Non-Project/Not for Credit Stream Wetla nd Enhancement Wetla nd Preservation Reach Break Bankfull !A Barotroll !A Crest Gage (CG) !A St ream G age (SG) !A Groundwater Gage (GWG) GF Photo Point Cross-Sect ion (XS) Permanent Vegetation Plot (VP) - MY4 Criteria Met Criteria Not Met Vegetation Areas of Concern - MY4 Barberry Multiflora Rose Oriental Bittersweet Bare/Poor Herbaceous Cover Stream Areas of Concern - MY4 Bank instability Sediment deposition St ructure piping XY Headcuts2018 Aerial Photograph Figure 3.2 - Current Condit ion P lan View M ap (Sheet 2) Little Pine Creek III Stream & Wetland Restorat ion P roject DMS P roject No. 94903 Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 Alleg hany Cou nty, NC0200100Feet¹ Table 6a. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 Major Channel Category Channel Sub-Category Metric Number Stable, Performing as Intended Total Number in As-Built Number of Unstable Segments Amount of Unstable Footage % Stable, Performing as Intended Number with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Footage with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Adjust % for Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Aggradation 2 50 97% Degradation 0 0 100% 2. Riffle Condition Texture/Substrate 10 10 100% Depth Sufficient 7 7 100% Length Appropriate 7 7 100% Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run)9 9 100% Thalweg centering at downstream of meander bend (Glide)9 9 100% 1. Scoured/Eroded Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or scour and erosion 3 125 96%n/a n/a n/a 2. Undercut Banks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears likely. Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable and are providing habitat 0 0 100%n/a n/a n/a 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100%n/a n/a n/a 3 125 96%n/a n/a n/a 1. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs.3 3 100% 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill 3 3 100% 2a. Piping Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms.3 3 100% 3. Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 15%. 3 3 100% 4. Habitat Pool forming structures maintaining ~Max Pool Depth : Bankfull Depth ≥ 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at baseflow. 3 3 100% Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 1. Bed 1. Vertical Stability (Riffle and Run units) Little Pine Reach 1 (STA 100+00 - 114+44) 1,444 LF assessed 3. Meander Pool Condition 4. Thalweg Position 1Excludes constructed riffles since they are evaluated in section 1. 2. Bank Totals 3. Engineered Structures1 Table 6b. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 Major Channel Category Channel Sub-Category Metric Number Stable, Performing as Intended Total Number in As-Built Number of Unstable Segments Amount of Unstable Footage % Stable, Performing as Intended Number with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Footage with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Adjust % for Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Aggradation 0 0 100% Degradation 0 0 100% 2. Riffle Condition Texture/Substrate 7 7 100% Depth Sufficient 6 6 100% Length Appropriate 6 6 100% Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run)7 7 100% Thalweg centering at downstream of meander bend (Glide)7 7 100% 1. Scoured/Eroded Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or scour and erosion 1 50 98%n/a n/a n/a 2. Undercut Banks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears likely. Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable and are providing habitat 0 0 100%n/a n/a n/a 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100%n/a n/a n/a 1 50 98%n/a n/a n/a 1. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs.5 5 100% 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill 4 5 80% 2a. Piping Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms.4 5 80% 3. Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 15%. 5 5 100% 4. Habitat Pool forming structures maintaining ~Max Pool Depth : Bankfull Depth ≥ 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at baseflow. 5 5 100% 1Excludes constructed riffles since they are evaluated in section 1. 2. Bank Totals 3. Engineered Structures1 3. Meander Pool Condition 4. Thalweg Position Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 Little Pine Reach 2a (114+44-125+27) 1,083 LF assessed 1. Bed 1. Vertical Stability (Riffle and Run units) Table 6c. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 Major Channel Category Channel Sub-Category Metric Number Stable, Performing as Intended Total Number in As-Built Number of Unstable Segments Amount of Unstable Footage % Stable, Performing as Intended Number with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Footage with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Adjust % for Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Aggradation 0 0 100% Degradation 0 0 100% 2. Riffle Condition Texture/Substrate 4 4 100% Depth Sufficient 4 4 100% Length Appropriate 4 4 100% Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run)4 4 100% Thalweg centering at downstream of meander bend (Glide)4 4 100% 1. Scoured/Eroded Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or scour and erosion 2 35 96%n/a n/a n/a 2. Undercut Banks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears likely. Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable and are providing habitat 0 0 100%n/a n/a n/a 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100%n/a n/a n/a 2 35 96%n/a n/a n/a 1. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs.3 5 60% 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill 3 5 60% 2a. Piping Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms.3 5 60% 3. Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 15%. 5 5 100% 4. Habitat Pool forming structures maintaining ~Max Pool Depth : Bankfull Depth ≥ 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at baseflow. 5 5 100% 1Excludes constructed riffles since they are evaluated in section 1. 2. Bank Totals 3. Engineered Structures1 3. Meander Pool Condition 4. Thalweg Position Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 Little Pine Reach 2b (125+27-130+20) 493 LF assessed 1. Bed 1. Vertical Stability (Riffle and Run units) Table 6d. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 Major Channel Category Channel Sub-Category Metric Number Stable, Performing as Intended Total Number in As-Built Number of Unstable Segments Amount of Unstable Footage % Stable, Performing as Intended Number with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Footage with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Adjust % for Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Aggradation 1 40 97% Degradation 0 0 100% 2. Riffle Condition Texture/Substrate 9 10 90% Depth Sufficient n/a n/a n/a Length Appropriate n/a n/a n/a Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run)n/a n/a n/a Thalweg centering at downstream of meander bend (Glide)n/a n/a n/a 1. Scoured/Eroded Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or scour and erosion 1 15 99%n/a n/a n/a 2. Undercut Banks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears likely. Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable and are providing habitat 0 0 100%n/a n/a n/a 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100%n/a n/a n/a 1 15 99%n/a n/a n/a 1. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs.16 21 76% 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill 16 21 76% 2a. Piping Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms.16 21 76% 3. Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 15%. 21 21 100% 4. Habitat Pool forming structures maintaining ~Max Pool Depth : Bankfull Depth ≥ 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at baseflow. 21 21 100% 1Excludes constructed riffles since they are evaluated in section 1. 2. Bank Totals 3. Engineered Structures1 3. Meander Pool Condition 4. Thalweg Position Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 UT2 Reach 1 Upper (STA 297+18 - 310+50) 1,332 LF assessed 1. Bed 1. Vertical Stability (Riffle and Run units) Table 6e. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 Major Channel Category Channel Sub-Category Metric Number Stable, Performing as Intended Total Number in As-Built Number of Unstable Segments Amount of Unstable Footage % Stable, Performing as Intended Number with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Footage with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Adjust % for Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Aggradation 1 80 82% Degradation 0 0 100% 2. Riffle Condition Texture/Substrate 9 12 75% Depth Sufficient n/a n/a n/a Length Appropriate n/a n/a n/a Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run)n/a n/a n/a Thalweg centering at downstream of meander bend (Glide)n/a n/a n/a 1. Scoured/Eroded Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or scour and erosion 2 35 96%n/a n/a n/a 2. Undercut Banks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears likely. Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable and are providing habitat 0 0 100%n/a n/a n/a 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100%n/a n/a n/a 2 35 96%n/a n/a n/a 1. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs.15 20 75% 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill 15 20 75% 2a. Piping Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms.15 20 75% 3. Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 15%. 15 20 75% 4. Habitat Pool forming structures maintaining ~Max Pool Depth : Bankfull Depth ≥ 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at baseflow. 15 20 75% 1Excludes constructed riffles since they are evaluated in section 1. 2. Bank Totals 3. Engineered Structures1 3. Meander Pool Condition 4. Thalweg Position Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 UT2 Reach 1 Lower (STA 325+67 - 330+00) 433 LF assessed 1. Bed 1. Vertical Stability (Riffle and Run units) Table 6f. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 Major Channel Category Channel Sub-Category Metric Number Stable, Performing as Intended Total Number in As-Built Number of Unstable Segments Amount of Unstable Footage % Stable, Performing as Intended Number with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Footage with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Adjust % for Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Aggradation 1 100 92% Degradation 0 0 100% 2. Riffle Condition Texture/Substrate 14 15 93% Depth Sufficient 4 5 80% Length Appropriate 4 5 80% Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run)4 5 80% Thalweg centering at downstream of meander bend (Glide)4 5 80% 1. Scoured/Eroded Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or scour and erosion 1 25 99%n/a n/a n/a 2. Undercut Banks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears likely. Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable and are providing habitat 0 0 100%n/a n/a n/a 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100%n/a n/a n/a 1 25 99%n/a n/a n/a 1. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs.19 19 100% 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill 19 19 100% 2a. Piping Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms.19 19 100% 3. Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 15%. 19 19 100% 4. Habitat Pool forming structures maintaining ~Max Pool Depth : Bankfull Depth ≥ 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at baseflow. 17 19 89% 1Excludes constructed riffles since they are evaluated in section 1. 2. Bank Totals 3. Engineered Structures1 3. Meander Pool Condition 4. Thalweg Position Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 UT2 Reach 2 (STA 330+00 - 343+18) 1,318 LF assessed 1. Bed 1. Vertical Stability (Riffle and Run units) Table 6g. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 Major Channel Category Channel Sub-Category Metric Number Stable, Performing as Intended Total Number in As-Built Number of Unstable Segments Amount of Unstable Footage % Stable, Performing as Intended Number with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Footage with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Adjust % for Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Aggradation 1 20 92% Degradation 0 0 100% 2. Riffle Condition Texture/Substrate 7 9 78% Depth Sufficient n/a n/a n/a Length Appropriate n/a n/a n/a Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run)n/a n/a n/a Thalweg centering at downstream of meander bend (Glide)n/a n/a n/a 1. Scoured/Eroded Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or scour and erosion 0 0 100%n/a n/a n/a 2. Undercut Banks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears likely. Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable and are providing habitat 0 0 100%n/a n/a n/a 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100%n/a n/a n/a 0 0 100%n/a n/a n/a 1. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs.21 23 91% 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill 21 23 91% 2a. Piping Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms.21 23 91% 3. Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 15%. 23 23 100% 4. Habitat Pool forming structures maintaining ~Max Pool Depth : Bankfull Depth ≥ 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at baseflow. 23 23 100% 1Excludes constructed riffles since they are evaluated in section 1. 2. Bank Totals 3. Engineered Structures1 3. Meander Pool Condition 4. Thalweg Position Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 UT2b (STA 503+00 - 505+53) 253 LF assessed 1. Bed 1. Vertical Stability (Riffle and Run units) Table 7. Vegetation Condition Assessment Table Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 Planted Acreage 27.8 Vegetation Category Definitions Mapping Threshold (acres) Number of Polygons Combined Acreage % of Planted Acreage Bare Areas Very limited cover of both woody and herbaceous material 0.1 6 0.26 0.9% Low Stem Density Areas1 Woody stem densities clearly below target levels based on MY3, 4, 5, or 7 stem count criteria.0.1 2 0.05 0.2% 8 0.30 1.1% Areas of Poor Growth Rates or Vigor Areas with woody stems of a size class that are obviously small given the monitoring year.0 0 0.0 0.0% 8 0.3 1.1% Easement Acreage 57.3 Vegetation Category Definitions Mapping Threshold (SF) Number of Polygons Combined Acreage % of Acreage Invasive Areas of Concern Areas or points (if too small to render as polygons at map scale).1000 6 0.2 0.4% Easement Encroachment Areas Areas or points (if too small to render as polygons at map scale).none 0 0 0.0% Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 1Acreage calculated from permanent vegetation monitoring plots. Total Cumulative Total Stream Photographs Photo Point 1 – Little Pine Reach 1, looking upstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 1 – Little Pine Reach 1, looking downstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 2 – Little Pine Reach 1, looking upstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 2 – Little Pine Reach 1, looking downstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 3 – Little Pine Reach 1, looking upstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 3 – Little Pine Reach 1, looking downstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 4 – Little Pine Reach 1, looking upstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 4 – Little Pine Reach 1, looking downstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 5 – Little Pine Reach 1, looking upstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 5 – Little Pine Reach 1, looking downstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 6 – Little Pine Reach 1, looking upstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 6 – Little Pine Reach 1, looking downstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 7 – Little Pine Reach 1, looking upstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 7 – Little Pine Reach 1, looking downstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 8 – Little Pine Reach 1, looking upstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 8 – Little Pine Reach 1, looking downstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 9 – Little Pine Reach 2a, looking upstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 9 – Little Pine Reach 2a, looking downstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 10 – Little Pine Reach 2a, looking upstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 10 – Little Pine Reach 2a, looking downstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 11 – Little Pine Reach 2a, looking upstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 11 – Little Pine Reach 2a, looking downstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 12 – Little Pine Reach 2a, looking upstream (05/01/2019) Photo Point 12 – Little Pine Reach 2a, looking downstream (05/01/2019) Photo Point 13 – Little Pine Reach 2a, looking upstream (05/01/2019) Photo Point 13 – Little Pine Reach 2a, looking downstream (05/01/2019) Photo Point 14 – Little Pine Reach 2a, looking upstream (05/01/2019) Photo Point 14 – Little Pine Reach 2a, looking downstream (05/01/2019) Photo Point 15 – Little Pine Reach 2a, looking upstream (05/01/2019) Photo Point 15 – Little Pine Reach 2a, looking downstream (05/01/2019) Photo Point 16 – Little Pine Reach 2b, looking upstream (05/01/2019) Photo Point 16 – Little Pine Reach 2b, looking downstream (05/01/2019) Photo Point 17 – Little Pine Reach 2b, looking upstream (05/01/2019) Photo Point 17 – Little Pine Reach 2b, looking downstream (05/01/2019) Photo Point 18 – Little Pine Reach 2b, looking upstream (05/01/2019) Photo Point 18 – Little Pine Reach 2b, looking downstream (05/01/2019) Photo Point 19 – Little Pine Reach 2b, looking upstream (05/01/2019) Photo Point 19 – Little Pine Reach 2b, looking downstream (05/01/2019) Photo Point 20 – UT2 Reach 1, looking upstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 20 – UT2 Reach 1, looking downstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 21 – UT2 Reach 1, looking upstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 21 – UT2 Reach 1, looking downstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 22 – UT2 Reach 1, looking upstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 22 – UT2 Reach 1, looking downstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 23 – UT2 Reach 1, looking upstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 23 – UT2 Reach 1, looking downstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 24 – UT2 Reach 1, looking upstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 24 – UT2 Reach 1, looking downstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 25 – UT2 Reach 2, looking upstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 25 – UT2 Reach 2, looking downstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 26 – UT2 Reach 2, looking upstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 26 – UT2 Reach 2, looking downstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 27 – UT2 Reach 2, looking upstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 27 – UT2 Reach 2, looking downstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 28 – UT1, looking upstream (05/01/2019) Photo Point 28 – UT1, looking downstream (05/01/2019) Photo Point 29 – UT1, looking upstream (05/01/2019) Photo Point 29 – UT1, looking downstream (05/01/2019) Photo Point 30 – UT1, looking upstream (05/01/2019) Photo Point 30 – UT1, looking downstream (05/01/2019) Photo Point 31 – UT2b, looking upstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 31 – UT2b, looking downstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 32 – UT2b, looking upstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 32 – UT2b, looking downstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 33 – UT2b, looking upstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 33 – UT2b, looking upstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 33 – UT2, looking downstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 34 – UT2a, looking upstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 34 – UT2a, looking downstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 35 – UT2a, looking upstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 35 – UT2a, looking downstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 36 – UT2a, looking upstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 36 – looking upstream UT3 (04/30/2019) Photo Point 36 – UT2a, looking downstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 37 – UT2a, looking upstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 37 – UT2a, looking downstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 38 – UT2a, looking upstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 38 – UT2a, looking downstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 39 – UT2a, looking upstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 39 – UT2a, looking downstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 40 – UT2a, looking upstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 40 – UT2a, looking downstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 41 – UT3, looking upstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 41 – UT3, looking downstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 42 – UT2 Reach 1, looking upstream (04/30/2019) Photo Point 42 – UT2 Reach 1, looking downstream (04/30/2019) Vegetation Photographs Vegetation Plot 1 – (09/16/2019) Vegetation Plot 2 – (09/16/2019) Vegetation Plot 3 – (09/16/2019) Vegetation Plot 4 – (09/17/2019) Vegetation Plot 5 – (09/17/2019) Vegetation Plot 6 – (09/17/2019) Vegetation Plot 7 – (09/17/2019) Vegetation Plot 8 – (09/17/2019) Vegetation Plot 9 – (09/17/2019) Vegetation Plot 10 – (09/17/2019) Vegetation Plot 11 – (09/17/2019) Vegetation Plot 12 – (09/17/2019) Vegetation Plot 13 – (09/17/2019) Vegetation Plot 14 – (09/18/2019) Vegetation Plot 15 – (09/17/2019) Vegetation Plot 16 – (09/17/2019) Vegetation Plot 17 – (09/17/2019) Vegetation Plot 18 – (09/17/2019) Vegetation Plot 19 – (09/18/2019) Vegetation Plot 20 – (09/18/2019) Vegetation Plot 21 – (09/18/2019) APPENDIX 3. Vegetation Plot Data Table 8. Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 Table 9. CVS Vegetation Plot Metadata Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 21 21 21 Required Plots (calculated) Sampled Plots cvs-eep-entrytool-v2.5.0 LP III MY4.mdb L:\ActiveProjects\005-02160 Little Pine III Monitoring\Monitoring\Monitoring Year 4\Vegetation Assessment MIMI-PC 49389568 Description of database file, the report worksheets, and a summary of project(s) and project data. Each project is listed with its PLANTED stems per acre, for each year. This excludes live stakes. Each project is listed with its TOTAL stems per acre, for each year. This includes live stakes, all planted stems, and all natural/volunteer stems. List of plots surveyed with location and summary data (live stems, dead stems, missing, etc.). Frequency distribution of vigor classes for stems for all plots. Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed by species. List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences and percent of total stems impacted by each. Damage values tallied by type for each species. Damage values tallied by type for each plot. A matrix of the count of PLANTED living stems of each species for each plot; dead and missing stems are excluded. Length(ft) Stream-to-edge Width (ft) Area (sq m) Required Plots (calculated) Sampled Plots PROJECT SUMMARY------------------------------------- Project Code Project Name Description River Basin 94903 Little Pine Creek III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project Little Pine Creek III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project A matrix of the count of total living stems of each species (planted and natural volunteers combined) for each plot; dead and missing stems are excluded. DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT------------ Metadata Proj, planted Proj, total stems Plots Vigor Vigor by Spp Damage Damage by Spp Damage by Plot Planted Stems by Plot and Spp ALL Stems by Plot and spp Database Name Database Location Computer Name File Size 20 Y 17 Y 18 Y 19 Y 10 Y 11 N 21 Y 12 Y 13 N 14 Y 15 Y 16 Y 7 Y 8 Y 9 Y Plot MY4 Success Criteria Met (Y/N)Tract Mean 1 Y 90% 2 Y 3 Y 4 Y 5 Y 6 Y Table 10a. Planted and Total Stem Counts Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 Scientific Name Common Name Species Type PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Acer rubrum Red Maple Tree 15 1 1 1 2 2 2 5 5 5 4 4 4 1 1 5 Alnus serrulata Tag Alder Shrub Tree 1 Betula nigra River Birch Tree 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 5 5 5 1 1 1 Cercis canadensis Redbud Shrub Tree 1 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 4 2 2 2 Cornus Dogwood Shrub Tree 1 Cornus amomum Silky Dogwood Shrub Tree Cornus florida Flowering Dogwood Shrub Tree Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 6 2 2 2 8 8 8 Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar Tree Platanus occidentalis Sycamore Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 Salix sericea Silky Willow Shrub Tree 2 Sambucus canadensis Common Elderberry Shrub Tree 1 Ulmus americana American Elm Tree 3 3 3 2 2 2 8 8 8 3 3 3 7 7 22 9 9 11 15 15 15 16 16 18 14 14 14 8 8 9 15 15 20 5 5 6 5 5 6 4 4 4 5 5 6 5 5 5 2 2 3 5 5 6 283 283 890 364 364 445 607 607 607 647 647 728 567 567 567 324 324 364 607 607 809 Scientific Name Common Name Species Type PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Acer rubrum Red Maple Tree 7 7 7 4 4 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 Alnus serrulata Tag Alder Shrub Tree Betula nigra River Birch Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 5 2 2 2 Cercis canadensis Redbud Shrub Tree 3 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cornus Dogwood Shrub Tree Cornus amomum Silky Dogwood Shrub Tree Cornus florida Flowering Dogwood Shrub Tree Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash Tree 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 7 3 3 3 5 5 6 1 1 1 2 2 2 Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar Tree Platanus occidentalis Sycamore Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 Salix sericea Silky Willow Shrub Tree Sambucus canadensis Common Elderberry Shrub Tree 2 1 Ulmus americana American Elm Tree 4 4 4 2 2 2 5 5 5 15 15 15 13 13 16 10 10 14 3 3 3 14 14 17 2 2 2 12 12 13 4 4 4 5 5 6 5 5 6 1 1 1 6 6 6 2 2 2 5 5 5 607 607 607 526 526 647 405 405 567 121 121 121 567 567 688 81 81 81 486 486 526 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10%PnoLS: Number of planted stems excluding live stakes Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10%P-all: Number of planted stems including live stakes Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10%T: Total stems Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Volunteer species included in total Current Plot Data (MY4 2019) Current Plot Data (MY4 2019) 94903-WEI-0006 0.0247 1 0.0247 1 0.0247 1 0.0247 0.0247 Species count Stems per ACRE 1 94903-WEI-0010 94903-WEI-0011 94903-WEI-0012 94903-WEI-0013 1 1 size (ACRES)0.02470.0247 1 size (ACRES)0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 size (ares)1 1 1 94903-WEI-0014 Stem count Species count Stems per ACRE 94903-WEI-0008 94903-WEI-0009 Stem count size (ares)1 111 94903-WEI-000794903-WEI-0001 94903-WEI-0002 94903-WEI-0003 94903-WEI-0004 94903-WEI-0005 Table 10b. Planted and Total Stem Counts Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 Scientific Name Common Name Species Type PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Acer rubrum Red Maple Tree 15 5 5 5 1 1 36 20 2 2 22 Alnus serrulata Tag Alder Shrub Tree Betula nigra River Birch Tree 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 Cercis canadensis Redbud Shrub Tree 5 5 5 1 1 1 3 3 3 Cornus Dogwood Shrub Tree Cornus amomum Silky Dogwood Shrub Tree Cornus florida Flowering Dogwood Shrub Tree Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash Tree 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 3 3 Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar Tree 1 1 Platanus occidentalis Sycamore Tree 8 8 8 1 1 1 5 5 5 2 2 2 Salix sericea Silky Willow Shrub Tree Sambucus canadensis Common Elderberry Shrub Tree Ulmus americana American Elm Tree 3 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 5 5 5 13 13 28 10 10 10 10 10 10 16 16 16 9 9 44 11 11 32 10 10 31 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 6 4 4 5 526 526 1133 405 405 405 405 405 405 647 647 647 364 364 1781 445 445 1295 405 405 1255 Scientific Name Common Name Species Type PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Acer rubrum Red Maple Tree 35 35 144 34 34 99 41 41 45 45 45 45 50 50 50 Alnus serrulata Tag Alder Shrub Tree 1 3 1 1 Betula nigra River Birch Tree 37 37 38 39 39 39 39 39 41 41 41 41 49 49 49 Cercis canadensis Redbud Shrub Tree 26 26 27 35 35 35 35 35 37 44 44 44 46 46 46 Cornus Dogwood Shrub Tree 1 Cornus amomum Silky Dogwood Shrub Tree 5 Cornus florida Flowering Dogwood Shrub Tree 5 Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash Tree 63 63 68 67 67 68 61 61 67 58 58 58 58 58 58 Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar Tree 2 4 1 Platanus occidentalis Sycamore Tree 33 33 35 33 33 35 33 33 33 33 33 33 30 30 30 Salix sericea Silky Willow Shrub Tree 2 Sambucus canadensis Common Elderberry Shrub Tree 4 Ulmus americana American Elm Tree 38 38 38 44 44 44 47 47 47 50 50 50 52 52 52 232 232 360 252 252 337 256 256 272 271 271 272 285 285 285 6 6 11 6 6 10 6 6 8 6 6 7 6 6 6 447 447 694 486 486 649 493 493 524 522 522 524 549 549 549 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10%PnoLS: Number of planted stems excluding live stakes Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10%P-all: Number of planted stems including live stakes Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10%T: Total stems Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Volunteer species included in total 0.52 MY1 (10/2016)MY0 (05/2016) 21 0.52 MY3 (9/2018) 0.52 Species count Stems per ACRE Stem count size (ares)21 MY2 (9/2017) size (ACRES)0.520.52 Species count Stems per ACRE size (ACRES)0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 21 1 1 1 2121 MY4 (9/2019) Annual Means 1 0.0247 0.02470.0247 0.0247 Stem count size (ares)1 1 1 94903-WEI-0015 94903-WEI-0016 94903-WEI-0017 94903-WEI-0018 94903-WEI-0019 94903-WEI-0020 94903-WEI-0021 Current Plot Data (MY4 2019) APPENDIX 4. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No.94903 Little Pine Reach 1, Reach 2a, Reach 2b Parameter Gage Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Bankfull Width (ft)25.8 33.4 30.3 33.5 29.1 30.7 28.7 31.9 Floodprone Width (ft)133 >200 Bankfull Mean Depth 1.7 1.8 1.6 1.8 1.6 1.9 2.0 2.1 Bankfull Max Depth 3.3 3.3 2.7 3.2 2.6 3.9 3.1 3.4 Bankfull Cross-sectional Area (ft2)45.5 47.5 52.2 53.5 46.6 56.9 58.8 64.2 Width/Depth Ratio 1.4 23.9 17.1 21.4 16.6 18.1 14.0 15.9 Entrenchment Ratio 4.4 >6.0 >6.5 >6.9 >6.3 >7 Bank Height Ratio 1.2 1.4 0.8 1.0 D50 (mm) Riffle Length (ft)28.4 80.5 37.8 68.3 30.44 132.29 Riffle Slope (ft/ft)0.012 0.019 0.0095 0.031 0.028 0.045 0.007 0.0125 0.0098 0.0175 0.0155 0.0278 0.0040 0.0275 0.0101 0.0274 0.0055 0.0236 Pool Length (ft)44.5 96.5 38.7 108.9 40.92 99.41 Pool Max Depth (ft)3.5 5.8 4.7 5.8 2.6 5.4 Pool Spacing (ft)38 85 55 227 65 229 75 270 75 270 78 279 71 191 132 206 88 190 Pool Volume (ft3) Channel Beltwidth (ft)63 82 77 94 45 210 45 210 47 217 45 154 48 108 Radius of Curvature (ft)25 59 39 58 34 70 60 210 60 120 62 124 60 96 63 77 82 124 Rc:Bankfull Width (ft/ft)1.0 1.8 1.6 2.3 1.3 2.4 2.0 4.0 2.0 4.0 2.0 4.0 2.0 2.9 2.2 2.5 2.9 3.9 Meander Length (ft)86 140 110 186 100 134 210 360 210 360 217 372 207 313 288 337 334 329 Meander Width Ratio 2.4 2.5 3.1 3.8 1.5 7.0 1.5 7.0 1.5 7.0 1.5 4.6 1.6 3.5 Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% d16/d35/d50/d84/d95/d100 Reach Shear Stress (Competency) lb/ft2 0.46 0.51 0.69 0.74 1.21 1.23 Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull Stream Power (Capacity) W/m2 Drainage Area (SM) Watershed Impervious Cover Estimate (%) Rosgen Classification Bankfull Velocity (fps)4.2 4.6 3.6 3.8 4.1 4.3 3.6 3.7 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) Q-NFF regression (2-yr) Q- NC Mountain Regional Curve (cfs) Q-USGS extrapolation (1.2-yr) Q-Mannings 199 211 188 204 199 231 219 232 Valley Length (ft) Channel Thalweg Length (ft) Sinuosity Water Surface Slope (ft/ft)0.0048 0.0058 0.0033 0.0057 0.0049 0.0058 Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) SC: Silt/Clay <0.062 mm diameter particles (---): Data was not provided N/A: Not Applicable 1 Little Pine Reach 2b: Calculations only include reaches with a P1 or P2 approach Table 11a. Baseline Stream Data Summary Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 Pre-Restoration Condition Reference Reach Data Design As-Built/Baseline Little Pine Reach 2b Little Pine Reach 1 Little Pine Reach 2a Little Pine Reach 2b1Little Pine Reach 1 Little Pine Reach 2a Little Pine Reach 2b Meadow Fork Little Pine Reach 1 Little Pine Reach 2a >200 >200 >200 >200 >200 >200 24.9 29.0 21.4 30.0 30.0 >200 >200 2.1 1.8 2.1 1.8 1.8 1.8 Dimension and Substrate - Riffle >200 N/A 3.7 2.2 3.1 31.0 11.6 16.1 10.2 16.5 17.0 17.5 2.5 2.5 53.3 53.3 44.0 54.5 53.0 54.9 2.5 >2.2 1.6 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 --- --- --- ------------------N/A 1.0 1.0 10.2 1.3 18.4 ------------50.7 87.6 47.4 ------------ 0.0239 ------------ Pattern N/A 57 ---89 --- --- --- 2.0 ---3.1 Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters N/A SC/4.5/10.2/61.2/143.4/>2048 SC/0.4/1.3/77.8/180.0/362 SC/0.5/18.4/79.2/143.4/256 ---0.22/0.48/2.0/88.2/146.7/362 0.22/1.0/37.9/111.8/160.7/256 0.38/21.6/47.4/122.3/208.8/362 0.85 0.66 2.43 0.56 0.75 1.20 134 122 289 99 123 174 Additional Reach Parameters N/A 3.9 4.3 4.4 4.4 3.9 4.3 4.4 3.9 4.3 4.0 4.4 5.1 3.8 4.0 4.1 205 215 225 224 205 215 225 4.4 <1%<1%<1%<1%<1% C4 C4 C4 <1%<1%<1%<1%<1% E/C5 C4 E4 C4 C5 C4C4 205 215 225 --------- 177 191 193 284 306 308 213 235 --------- ---1,184 876 1.01 1.22 1.24 476 4,016 ---1,3501 1,0251 4812 1,444 ------------------ 1,083 493 0.0057 0.0087 0.0089 ---0.0057 0.0082 1.04 0.0100 0.0050 0.0070 0.0111 0.0049 0.0072 0.0118 0.0089 0.0051 0.0074 0.0101 1.2 1.7 1.1 ---1.14 1.17 Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No.94903 UT2, UT2b Parameter Gage Min Max Reach 2 Reach 3 Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Bankfull Width (ft)4.9 9.7 6.1 7.0 8.9 12.8 Floodprone Width (ft)5.4 29.9 49.3 41.0 17 195 15 30 21.5 >200 Bankfull Mean Depth 0.9 1.2 1.4 1.2 0.5 0.9 Bankfull Max Depth 2.3 1.9 1.10 2.10 Bankfull Cross-sectional Area (ft2)5.9 8.6 8.7 8.5 4.2 12.0 Width/Depth Ratio 4.1 11.0 4.2 5.7 13.6 20.1 Entrenchment Ratio 1.1 3.1 8.1 5.9 1.5 16.8 2.5 5.1 2.0 >22.4 Bank Height Ratio 2.6 3.2 1.0 1.2 D50 (mm)44 53 Riffle Length (ft)10.7 25.0 16.8 29.3 4.4 23.0 Riffle Slope (ft/ft)0.012 0.083 0.0327-0.063 0.0092-0.068 0.0178 0.081 0.0404 0.0517 0.0512 0.0681 0.026 0.046 0.0436 0.0750 0.0360 0.0853 0.0262 0.0575 0.0448 0.0659 Pool Length (ft)5.0 22.3 13.3 46.3 3.1 14.3 Pool Max Depth (ft)2.2 2.5 1.9 5.0 1.6 3.2 0.6 2.1 Pool Spacing (ft)11.6 40.5 14-68 22-63 8 34 6.5 41.5 19 95 5 21 7 34 24 98 3 33 Pool Volume (ft3) Channel Beltwidth (ft)49-52 120 45 68 61 66 Radius of Curvature (ft)10-48 8-27 29 39 19 63 Rc:Bankfull Width (ft/ft)1.6-7.9 1.1-3.9 2.5 3.4 2.1 4.9 Meander Length (ft)64-188 43-141 88 135 105 135 Meander Width Ratio 8.0-8.5 17.1 3.9 5.9 7 5 Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% d16/d35/d50/d84/d95/d100 Reach Shear Stress (Competency) lb/ft2 0.83 1.69 Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull Stream Power (Capacity) W/m2 Drainage Area (SM)0.29 0.31 Watershed Impervious Cover Estimate (%) Rosgen Classification E4b E4 Bankfull Velocity (fps)2.3 3.4 4.0 4.1 2.7 4.3 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) Q-NFF regression (2-yr) Q- NC Mountain Regional Curve (cfs) Q-USGS extrapolation (1.2-yr) Q-Mannings 11.2 51.0 Valley Length (ft) Channel Thalweg Length (ft) Sinuosity 1.3 2.1 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft)2 0.0290 0.0136 Bankfull Slope (ft/ft)0.0363 0.028 SC: Silt/Clay <0.062 mm diameter particles FS: Fine Sand 0.125-0.250mm diameter particles (---): Data was not provided N/A: Not Applicable 1entire length of UT2 2 UT2b: Calculations only include reach with a P2 approach Table 11b. Baseline Stream Data Summary Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 Pre-Restoration Condition Reference Reach Data Design As-Built/Baseline 5.9 8.1 6.7 10.6 31.0 98 28.4 15.9 UT2b2 UT2 Reach 1 Lower UT2 Reach 2 UT2b2 Dimension and Substrate - Riffle N/A 8.3 12.6 9.0 11.6 UT2 Reach 1 UT2 Reach 2/3 UT2b UT2a Reference UT2 Reach 1 Lower UT2 Reach 2 0.5 1.4 0.6 2.0 0.7 0.95 0.55 1.0 0.9 0.4 1.4 0.49 0.65 0.35 0.6 3.7 22.6 8.7 18.5 17.7 16.8 13.0 12.2 3.1 18.1 4.4 7.6 2.1 5.1 1.3 2.4 10.9 3.5 2.4 5.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 10.7 15 16.0 ------------56.9 43 Profile N/A --------- ------------------ --- ------------ Pattern 78 --- ------ ---N/A --------------- ---N/A --------- --------- ---N/A --------------- ---N/A ------ --- Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters N/A ---N/A ------------ N/A SC/5.9/10.7/21.5/36.7/90.0 SC/8.0/15/55.6/84.6/180.0 SC/11/16/52.6/128/180 ---0.25/11.0/27.6/96.0/143.4/256.0 0.78/28.5/41.6/85.0/123.3/180.0 1.53 0.73 0.75 1.49 0.96 1.38 1.95 1.98 208 121 123 208 148 193 <1%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%<1% Additional Reach Parameters N/A 0.12 0.030 0.12 0.12 0.31 0.03 0.12 A4 F4b A/B4/1 B4a C4b B4a B4a C4b 0.31 B4a 3.2 ---4.5 4.6 4.7 4.1 5.1 <1%<1% 0.03 35 10 --------- 20 35 10 20 20 35 10 20 10 21 3 21 44 7 35 43 8 ---------21 18.7 231 1.1 ---1.05 1.20 1.04 52701 553 ---241 1.1 ---------------------3,988 433 13184331264 253 1.05 1.2 1.1 0.0536 0.0231 0.0616 0.0476 0.0667 ---0.0525 0.0280 0.0667 0.0563 0.0237 0.0436 0.0406 0.0433 0.0501 0.0239 0.0639 0.0560 Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No.94903 Dimension1,2 MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Bankfull Elevation (ft)2,535.4 2,535.4 2,535.4 2,535.7 2535.9 2,533.2 2,533.2 2,533.2 2,533.5 2,534.0 2,532.9 2,532.9 2,532.9 2,533.2 2,533.5 Low Bank Elevation (ft)2,535.4 2,535.4 2,535.5 2,535.7 2535.9 2,533.2 2,533.2 2,533.1 2,533.5 2,534.0 2,532.4 2,532.2 2,532.5 2,533.2 2,533.5 Bankfull Width (ft)30.3 29.9 30.8 29.5 29.1 30.6 30.9 30.9 29.8 29.5 33.5 32.9 32.3 29.5 23.7 Floodprone Width (ft)132.9 135.1 135.1 >106 >106 ------------------>200 >200 >200 >215 >215 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)1.8 1.7 1.7 1.9 1.9 2.2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.8 2.3 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)2.7 2.8 3.2 3.1 3.1 4.3 3.9 4.4 4.8 5.2 3.2 3.1 3.0 3.5 3.5 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)53.5 49.8 52.8 55.9 55.6 68.0 65.9 66.9 69.4 76.0 52.2 51.8 52.2 53.6 54.7 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 17.1 18.0 18.0 15.6 15.3 ------------------21.4 20.9 20.0 16.3 10.3 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 4.4 4.5 4.4 >3.6 >3.6 ------------------>6.0 >6.1 >6.2 >7.3 >9.1 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ------------------<1.0 <1.0 <1.0 1.0 1.0 Dimension1,2 MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Bankfull Elevation (ft)2,527.4 2,527.4 2,527.4 2,527.7 2,527.8 2,525.4 2,525.4 2,525.4 2,525.4 2,525.8 2,524.8 2,524.8 2,524.8 2,524.4 2,525.2 Low Bank Elevation (ft)2,527.4 2,527.5 2,527.5 2,527.7 2,527.8 2,525.4 2,525.3 2,525.4 2,525.4 2,525.8 2,524.8 2,524.5 2,524.7 2,524.4 2,525.2 Bankfull Width (ft)29.1 29.3 28.5 31.0 27.9 30.7 31.3 31.0 31.4 31.5 35.4 35.5 35.4 27.7 32.7 Floodprone Width (ft)>200 >200 >200 >189 >189 >200 >200 >200 >90 >79.5 --------------- Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)1.6 1.6 1.8 1.9 2.2 1.9 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.6 2.6 2.4 2.4 2.4 3.0 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)2.6 2.6 2.9 3.9 4.1 3.9 3.6 3.5 3.6 5.4 5.7 5.1 5.3 4.6 5.5 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)46.6 46.4 49.8 57.8 62.6 56.9 56.7 58.2 63.1 82.3 93.4 83.6 86.5 67.4 98.7 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 18.1 18.5 16.2 16.6 12.5 16.6 17.2 16.5 15.6 12.0 --------------- Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio >6.9 >6.8 >7.0 >6.1 >6.8 >6.5 >6.4 >6.5 >2.9 >2.5 --------------- Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 --------------- Dimension1,2 MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Bankfull Elevation (ft)2,522.0 2,522.0 2,522.0 2,522.2 2,522.5 2,520.1 2,520.1 2,520.1 2,520.3 2,520.4 2,519.5 2,519.5 2,519.5 2,519.5 2,519.6 Low Bank Elevation (ft)2,522.0 2,522.0 2,522.2 2,522.2 2,522.5 2,520.1 2,520.1 2,520.2 2,520.3 2,520.4 2,519.5 2,519.5 2,519.4 2,519.5 2,519.6 Bankfull Width (ft)35.3 35.5 35.2 39.4 40.3 28.7 29.8 29.4 30.3 31.8 31.9 30.7 29.3 31.2 32.7 Floodprone Width (ft)--------------->200 >200 >200 >121 >121 >200 >200 >200 >110 >110 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)2.9 2.8 2.8 2.5 2.6 2.1 2.1 2.0 2.3 2.4 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)5.4 5.6 5.4 5.4 5.5 3.4 3.6 3.4 4.2 4.5 3.1 3.2 3.0 3.7 3.9 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)103.7 100.0 97.2 96.9 104.8 58.8 61.2 59.8 68.3 77.5 64.2 62.3 60.2 67.4 74.3 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio ---------------14.0 14.5 14.4 13.5 13.1 15.9 15.2 14.2 14.4 14.3 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio --------------->7.0 >6.7 >6.8 >4.0 >3.8 >6.3 >6.5 >6.9 >3.5 >3.4 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio ---------------1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 ---: not applicable1Prior to MY3, bankfull dimensions were calculated using a fixed bankfull elevation. Table 12a. Morphology and Hydraulic Summary (Dimensional Parameters - Cross-Section) Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 Cross-Section 1, Little Pine Reach 1 (Riffle)Cross-Section 2, Little Pine Reach 1 (Pool)Cross-Section 3, Little Pine Reach 1 (Riffle) Cross-Section 4, Little Pine Reach 2a (Riffle)Cross-Section 5, Little Pine Reach 2a (Riffle)Cross-Section 6, Little Pine Reach 2a (Pool) Cross-Section 7, Little Pine Reach 2b (Pool)Cross-Section 8, Little Pine Reach 2b (Riffle)Cross-Section 9, Little Pine Reach 2b (Riffle) 2MY3-MY5 Bank Height Ratio is calculated based on the As-built (MY0) cross-sectional area as described in the Standard Measurement of the BHR Monitoring Parameter document provided by NCIRT and NCDMS (9/2018). The remainder of the bankfull dimensions are calculated based on the current year's low bank height. MY3 dimensions were updated in MY4. Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No.94903 Dimension1,2 MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Bankfull Elevation (ft)2,570.0 2,570.0 2,570.0 2,570.1 2,570.2 2,566.4 2,566.4 2,566.4 2,566.3 2,566.3 2,573.8 2,573.8 2,573.8 2,573.9 2,573.8 Low Bank Elevation (ft)2,570.0 2,569.7 2,570.0 2,570.1 2,570.2 2,566.4 2,566.4 2,566.2 2,566.3 2,566.3 2,573.8 2,573.7 2,573.7 2,573.9 2,573.8 Bankfull Width (ft)5.9 6.0 6.1 7.3 7.6 6.7 6.3 6.6 6.3 6.4 8.1 8.4 8.6 8.9 7.1 Floodprone Width (ft)---------------15.9 17.7 17.9 14.3 14.1 28.4 30.0 30.0 31.4 29.5 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)1.0 2.3 2.4 2.3 2.3 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.6 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)1.7 3.4 3.3 3.4 3.3 0.9 1.1 1.1 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.3 1.2 1.4 1.2 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)5.7 14.0 14.9 16.6 17.3 3.7 4.3 4.5 3.0 2.3 5.1 5.7 5.4 5.9 4.4 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio ---------------12.2 9.1 9.6 13.2 17.9 13.0 12.5 13.9 13.4 11.5 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio ---------------2.4 2.8 2.7 2.3 2.2 3.5 3.6 3.5 3.5 4.2 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio ---------------1.0 1.0 <1.0 0.9 0.8 1.0 <1.0 <1.0 1.1 0.9 Dimension1,2 MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Bankfull Elevation (ft)2,573.3 2,573.3 2,573.3 2,573.4 2,573.3 2,547.2 2,547.2 2,547.2 2,547.4 2,547.7 2,539.1 2,539.1 2,539.1 2,539.1 2,539.2 Low Bank Elevation (ft)2,573.3 2,573.3 2,573.3 2,573.4 2,573.3 2,547.2 2,547.2 2,547.1 2,547.4 2,547.7 2,539.1 2,539.0 2,539.2 2,539.1 2,539.2 Bankfull Width (ft)9.8 10.1 10.4 10.2 10.0 10.8 8.0 9.2 6.9 7.6 12.2 11.6 12.0 11.4 11.4 Floodprone Width (ft)---------------21.5 23.2 23.5 25.0 25.0 --------------- Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)1.3 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.5 0.5 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.8 1.5 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.0 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)2.2 1.9 2.5 3.0 2.8 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 3.1 1.7 2.2 1.9 1.7 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)12.8 12.5 15.0 16.6 15.0 5.9 6.6 6.6 4.6 6.3 18.7 11.9 14.4 13.9 11.4 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio ---------------20.1 9.7 13.0 10.5 9.3 --------------- Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio ---------------2.0 2.9 2.5 3.6 3.3 --------------- Bankfull Bank Height Ratio ---------------1.0 1.0 <1.0 0.9 1.0 --------------- Dimension1,2 MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Bankfull Elevation (ft)2,535.0 2,535.0 2,535.0 2,535.5 2,535.6 2,531.2 2,531.2 2,531.2 2,531.2 2,531.3 2,530.4 2,530.4 2,530.4 2,530.0 2,530.4 Low Bank Elevation (ft)2,535.0 2,535.0 2,535.1 2,535.5 2,535.6 2,531.2 2,531.2 2,531.2 2,531.2 2,531.3 2,530.4 2,579.7 2,530.1 2,530.0 2,530.4 Bankfull Width (ft)8.9 10.0 6.9 8.7 6.4 12.8 12.9 13.6 12.6 11.2 19.3 19.5 21.4 8.5 8.8 Floodprone Width (ft)>200 >200 >200 >39.5 >40.6 >200 >200 >200 >71.0 >71.0 --------------- Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)0.5 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)1.1 0.8 0.6 0.9 1.2 2.1 1.8 1.9 2.1 1.9 2.0 2.3 2.1 2.4 2.0 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)4.2 5.0 2.8 4.9 4.8 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 11.4 15.8 16.3 16.9 8.9 8.5 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 19.2 19.9 17.1 15.6 8.5 13.6 13.8 15.4 13.2 11.0 --------------- Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio >22.4 >20.0 >28.9 >4.5 >6.3 >15.7 >15.5 >14.7 >5.6 >6.3 --------------- Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 --------------- ---: not applicable1Prior to MY3, bankfull dimensions were calculated using a fixed bankfull elevation. Table 12b. Morphology and Hydraulic Summary (Dimensional Parameters - Cross-Section) Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 Cross-Section 10, UT2b (Pool)Cross-Section 11, UT2b (Riffle)Cross-Section 12, UT2 Reach 1 Lower (Riffle) Cross-Section 13, UT2 Reach 1 Lower (Pool)Cross-Section 14, UT2 Reach 2 (Riffle)Cross-Section 15, UT2 Reach 2 (Pool) Cross-Section 16, UT2 Reach 2 (Riffle)Cross-Section 17, UT2 Reach 2 (Riffle)Cross-Section 18, UT2 Reach 2 (Pool) 2MY3-MY5 Bank Height Ratio is calculated based on the As-built (MY0) cross-sectional area as described in the Standard Measurement of the BHR Monitoring Parameter document provided by NCIRT and NCDMS (9/2018). The remainder of the bankfull dimensions are calculated based on the current year's low bank height. MY3 dimensions were updated in MY4. Table 13a. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data Summary Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 Little Pine Reach 1 Parameter Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Bankfull Width (ft)30.3 33.5 29.9 32.9 30.8 32.3 29.5 29.5 23.7 29.1 Floodprone Width (ft)133 >200 135 >200 135 >200 >106 >215 >106 >215 Bankfull Mean Depth 1.6 1.8 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.9 2.3 Bankfull Max Depth 2.7 3.2 2.8 3.1 3.0 3.2 3.1 3.5 3.1 3.5 Bankfull Cross-sectional Area (ft2)52.2 53.5 49.8 51.8 52.2 52.8 53.6 55.9 54.7 55.6 Width/Depth Ratio 17.1 21.4 18 20.9 18 20 15.6 16.3 10.3 15.3 Entrenchment Ratio 4.4 >6.0 4.5 >6.1 4.4 >6.2 >3.6 >6.9 >3.6 >9.1 Bank Height Ratio 0.8 1.0 0.8 1.0 0.9 1.0 D50 (mm) Riffle Length (ft)28 81 21 47 32 76 12 50 20 96 Riffle Slope (ft/ft)0.0040 0.0275 0.0064 0.0283 0.0052 0.0183 0.0029 0.0191 0.0067 0.0280 Pool Length (ft)44 96 66 176 49 177 58 176 63 166 Pool Max Depth (ft)3.5 5.8 3.0 4.7 3.9 6.2 4.2 5.8 4.1 6.4 Pool Spacing (ft)71 191 77 224 94 210 81 225 73 223 Pool Volume (ft3) Channel Beltwidth (ft)45 154 Radius of Curvature (ft)60 96 Rc:Bankfull Width (ft/ft)2.0 2.9 Meander Wave Length (ft)207 313 Meander Width Ratio 1.5 4.6 Rosgen Classification Channel Thalweg Length (ft) Sinuosity (ft) Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% d16/d35/d50/d84/d95/d100 % of Reach with Eroding Banks 1.0 1.0 C4 1,444 C4 Additional Reach Parameters 1,444 1,444 Pattern C4 1,444 1,444 Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 50.7 56.9 Profile MY3 MY4 MY5MY1MY2 Dimension and Substrate - Riffle As-Built/Baseline 45.0 C4 C4 48.5 26.9 0.0049 0.0049 0.0050 0.0049 0.0060 1.22 0.35/7.45/16/90/128/180 0.0051 0.0043 0.0045 0.0048 0.22/0.48/2.0/88/147/362 0.22/3.4/22/81/123/362 0.13/0.38/11/789/180/1024 3%0%0%1% 0.0059 6% 0.1/0.2/8.7/77.7/113.6/180 Table 13b. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data Summary Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 Little Pine Reach 2a Parameter Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Bankfull Width (ft)29.1 30.7 29.3 31.3 28.5 31.0 31.0 31.4 27.9 31.5 Floodprone Width (ft)>90 >189 >79.5 >189 Bankfull Mean Depth 1.6 1.9 1.6 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.9 2.0 2.2 2.6 Bankfull Max Depth 2.6 3.9 2.6 3.6 2.9 3.5 3.6 3.9 4.1 5.4 Bankfull Cross-sectional Area (ft2)46.6 56.9 46.4 56.7 49.8 58.2 57.8 63.1 62.6 82.3 Width/Depth Ratio 16.6 18.1 17.2 18.5 16.2 16.5 15.6 16.6 12.0 12.5 Entrenchment Ratio >6.5 >6.9 >6.4 >6.8 >6.5 >7.0 >2.9 >6.1 >2.5 >6.8 Bank Height Ratio D50 (mm) Riffle Length (ft)38 68 19 49 27 55 26 54 29 60 Riffle Slope (ft/ft)0.0101 0.0274 0.0112 0.0471 0.0143 0.0280 0.0139 0.0300 0.0065 0.0316 Pool Length (ft)39 109 39 145 66 186 84 178 77 218 Pool Max Depth (ft)4.7 5.8 4.3 6.6 4.0 6.7 4.3 6.0 4.2 6.7 Pool Spacing (ft)132 206 78 206 121 279 57 263 96 268 Pool Volume (ft3) Channel Beltwidth (ft)48 108 Radius of Curvature (ft)63 77 Rc:Bankfull Width (ft/ft)2.2 2.5 Meander Wave Length (ft)288 337 Meander Width Ratio 1.6 3.5 Rosgen Classification Channel Thalweg Length (ft) Sinuosity (ft) Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% d16/d35/d50/d84/d95/d100 % of Reach with Eroding Banks >200 >200 Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 MY4 MY5 Dimension and Substrate - Riffle MY2 MY3As-Built/Baseline MY1 >200 1.0 1.0 Profile 87.6 72.4 75.9 1.0 1.1 85.0 1.2 Pattern Additional Reach Parameters C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1.24 0.0072 0.0073 0.0075 0.0074 0.0076 0.0074 0.0059 0.0067 0.0070 0.0070 72.1 0.22/1.0/38/112/161/256 0.29/11/36/90/157/1024 0.21/12.5/523/121/168/1024 0.32/6.7/49.8/136/274/512 0.2/0.6/24.7/103.6/161.1/256 0%0%2%3%5% Table 13c. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data Summary Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 Little Pine Reach 2b Parameter Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Bankfull Width (ft)28.7 31.9 29.8 30.7 29.3 29.4 30.3 31.2 31.8 32.7 Floodprone Width (ft)>110 >121 >110 >121 Bankfull Mean Depth 2.0 2.1 2.0 2.1 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.4 Bankfull Max Depth 3.1 3.4 3.2 3.6 3.0 3.4 3.7 4.2 3.9 4.5 Bankfull Cross-sectional Area (ft2)58.8 64.2 61.2 62.3 59.8 60.2 67.4 68.3 74.3 77.5 Width/Depth Ratio 14.0 15.9 14.5 15.2 14.2 14.4 13.5 14.4 13.1 14.3 Entrenchment Ratio >6.3 >7 >6.5 >6.7 >6.8 >6.9 >3.5 >4.0 >3.4 >3.8 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 D50 (mm) Riffle Length (ft)30 132 26 102 26 44 35 59 28 85 Riffle Slope (ft/ft)0.0055 0.0236 0.0169 0.0254 0.0116 0.0177 0.0040 0.0133 0.0070 0.0242 Pool Length (ft)41 99 55 153 26 149 24 152 76 140 Pool Max Depth (ft)2.6 5.4 3.8 6.3 3.7 5.0 3.6 5.5 4.3 6.8 Pool Spacing (ft)88 190 12 129 8 175 69 162 80 287 Pool Volume (ft3) Channel Beltwidth (ft) Radius of Curvature (ft)82 124 Rc:Bankfull Width (ft/ft)2.9 3.9 Meander Wave Length (ft)334 329 Meander Width Ratio Rosgen Classification Channel Thalweg Length (ft) Sinuosity (ft) Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% d16/d35/d50/d84/d95/d100 % of Reach with Eroding Banks >200 >200 Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 MY4 MY5 Dimension and Substrate - Riffle MY2 MY3As-Built/Baseline MY1 >200 1.0 1.0 Profile 47.4 72.0 70.2 1.0 62.1 65.7 Pattern Additional Reach Parameters C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 89 3.1 493 493 493 493 493 1.04 0.0118 0.0101 0.0082 0.0105 0.0121 0.0101 0.0107 0.0103 0.0102 0.0101 0.38/22/47/122/209/362 0.22/10/29/111/171/362 0.3/8.0/29.0/107.3/180/362 0.71/5.6/28/93/152/512 0.2/1.0/8.9/94.5/136.1/256 0%0%0%3%6% Table 13d. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data Summary Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 UT2 Reach 1 Lower Parameter Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Bankfull Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth Bankfull Max Depth Bankfull Cross-sectional Area (ft2) Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio D50 (mm) Riffle Length (ft)11 25 13 39 5 24 6 20 10 22 Riffle Slope (ft/ft)0.0360 0.0853 0.0136 0.0730 0.0253 0.0793 0.0109 0.0624 0.0234 0.0884 Pool Length (ft)5 22 2 15 4 17 5 21 2 25 Pool Max Depth (ft)1.9 5.0 1.0 2.9 2.0 3.8 1.1 3.5 1.4 2.6 Pool Spacing (ft)7 34 8 52 6 53 6 34 7 140 Pool Volume (ft3) Channel Beltwidth (ft) Radius of Curvature (ft) Rc:Bankfull Width (ft/ft) Meander Wave Length (ft) Meander Width Ratio Rosgen Classification Channel Thalweg Length (ft) Sinuosity (ft) Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% d16/d35/d50/d84/d95/d100 % of Reach with Eroding Banks 7.1 30 0.6 1.2 4.4 11.5 4.2 0.9 42.9 13.4 3.5 1.1 Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 MY4 MY5 Dimension and Substrate - Riffle 0.6 As-Built/Baseline MY1 8.1 8.4 8.9 31 0.7 MY2 MY3 30.0 0.7 28.4 8.6 30.0 0.6 --- Profile 1.0 1.3 39.8 3.5 3.6 56.9 5.1 13.0 1.0 1.0 5.7 12.5 38.7 43.8 1.4 5.9 433 433 433 433 433 1.05 0.0560 0.0477 0.0481 0.0475 0.0502 0.0563 0.0483 0.0485 0.0455 0.0451 1.2/18/37/113/180/362 1.6/23.8/35.1/94.3/122.1/256 0%6%2%1%6% 1.2 5.4 13.9 3.5 0.9 Pattern Additional Reach Parameters B4a B4a B4a B4a B4a --- --- --- --- 0.25/11/28/96/143/256 6.1/14/23/75/153/256 0.7/11/28/76/118/256 Table 13e. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data Summary Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 UT2 Reach 2 Parameter Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Bankfull Width (ft)8.9 12.8 8.0 12.9 6.9 13.6 6.9 12.6 6.4 11.2 Floodprone Width (ft)21.5 >200 23.2 >200 23.5 >200 25 >71 25 >71 Bankfull Mean Depth 0.5 0.9 0.5 0.9 0.4 0.9 0.6 1.0 0.8 1.0 Bankfull Max Depth 1.1 2.1 0.8 1.8 0.6 1.9 0.9 2.1 1.2 1.9 Bankfull Cross-sectional Area (ft2)4.2 12.0 5.0 12.0 2.8 12.0 4.6 12.0 4.8 11.4 Width/Depth Ratio 13.6 20.1 9.7 19.9 13.0 17.1 10.5 15.6 8.5 11.0 Entrenchment Ratio 2.0 >22.4 2.9 >20.0 2.5 >28.9 3.6 >5.6 3.3 >6.3 Bank Height Ratio 0.9 1.2 0.9 1.1 1.0 1.1 D50 (mm)44 53 15 90 34.5 34.8 45.0 48.2 32.0 39.3 Riffle Length (ft)17 29 10 36 5 62 4 68 6 36 Riffle Slope (ft/ft)0.0262 0.0575 0.0141 0.0658 0.0093 0.0773 0.0122 0.1161 0.0111 0.0725 Pool Length (ft)13 46 4 40 6 35 4 39 6 67 Pool Max Depth (ft)1.6 3.2 1.5 3.8 1.1 4.6 1.9 4.8 1.5 3.2 Pool Spacing (ft)24 98 8 113 10 207 7 156 3 162 Pool Volume (ft3) Channel Beltwidth (ft)61 66 Radius of Curvature (ft)19 63 Rc:Bankfull Width (ft/ft)2.1 4.9 Meander Wave Length (ft)105 135 Meander Width Ratio 7 5 Rosgen Classification Channel Thalweg Length (ft) Sinuosity (ft) Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% d16/d35/d50/d84/d95/d100 % of Reach with Eroding Banks As-Built/Baseline MY1 MY4 Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 MY5 Dimension and Substrate - Riffle MY2 MY3 1.0 1.0 Profile Pattern Additional Reach Parameters C4b C4b C4b C4b C4b 1,318 1,318 1,318 1,318 1,318 1.2 0.0231 0.0225 0.0235 0.0240 0.0237 0.0214 0.0245 0.0241 0.0237 0.0247 0.25/11/28/96/143/256 6.1/14/23/75/153/256 0.7/11/28/76/118/256 1.2/18/37/113/180/362 1.6/23.8/35.1/94.3/122.1/256 0%0%4%7%2% Table 13f. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data Summary Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 UT2b Parameter Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Bankfull Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth Bankfull Max Depth Bankfull Cross-sectional Area (ft2) Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio D50 (mm) Riffle Length (ft)4 23 7 24 7 25 6 32 5 21 Riffle Slope (ft/ft)0.0448 0.0659 0.0276 0.0451 0.0127 0.0702 0.0125 0.0494 0.0117 0.0394 Pool Length (ft)3 14 3 8 4 15 3 11 3 9 Pool Max Depth (ft)0.6 2.1 2.0 3.9 0.8 3.8 0.9 4.0 0.7 3.5 Pool Spacing (ft)3 33 4 30 3 30 2 32 3 30 Pool Volume (ft3) Channel Beltwidth (ft) Radius of Curvature (ft) Rc:Bankfull Width (ft/ft) Meander Wave Length (ft) Meander Width Ratio Rosgen Classification Channel Thalweg Length (ft) Sinuosity (ft) Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% d16/d35/d50/d84/d95/d100 % of Reach with Eroding Banks 2.2 0.8 24.4 0.91.0 1.0 3.0 13.2 2.3 0.9 23.5 Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 2.4 2.8 As-Built/Baseline MY1 6.7 15.9 3.7 12.2 6.3 17.7 0.7 1.1 4.3 9.1 4.5 9.6 2.7 MY4 MY5 Dimension and Substrate - Riffle 0.5 0.9 MY2 MY3 6.6 17.9 0.7 1.1 6.3 14.3 0.5 0.8 6.4 14.1 0.4 0.8 2.3 17.9 --- --- --- --- --- 43.0 35.9 32.0 Profile Pattern Additional Reach Parameters B4a B4a B4a B4a B4a 253 253 253 253 253 1.10 0.0616 0.0614 0.0557 0.0608 0.0610 0.0536 0.0608 0.0612 0.0612 0.0602 0.78/29/42/85/123/180 0.28/7.4/23/82/128/362 0.5/13/26/87/143/256 0.50/6.7/14/100/161/256 8.9/20.6/29.8/81.3/119.3/180 0%0%0%0%0% DMS Project No. 94903 1 Profile stationing derived from as-built thalweg alignment. Longitudinal Profile Plots Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 Little Pine Reach 1 (STA 100+00 - 114+44)XS 12525 2530 2535 2540 2545 10000 10050 10100 10150 10200 10250 10300 10350 10400 10450 10500 10550 10600 10650 10700 10750Elevation (feet)Station (feet)1 TW (MY0-4/2016)TW (MY1-10/2016)TW (MY2-5/2017)TW (MY3-6/2018)TW (MY4-5/2019)WSF (MY4-5/2019)BKF (MY4-5/2019)STRUCTURE (MY4-5/2019)XS 2XS 3End Little Pine Reach 1 Begin Little Pine Reach 2a 2520 2525 2530 2535 2540 10750 10800 10850 10900 10950 11000 11050 11100 11150 11200 11250 11300 11350 11400 11450 11500Elevation (feet)Station (feet)1 TW (MY0-4/2016)TW (MY1-10/2016)TW (MY2-5/2017)TW (MY3-6/2018)TW (MY4-5/2019)WSF (MY4-5/2019)BKF (MY4-5/2019)STRUCTURE (MY4-5/2019) DMS Project No. 94903 1 Profile stationing derived from as-built thalweg alignment. Longitudinal Profile Plots Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 Little Pine Reach 2a (114+44-125+27) and Reach 2b (125+27-130+20) End Reach 1 Begin Reach 2a 2515 2520 2525 2530 2535 11400 11450 11500 11550 11600 11650 11700 11750 11800 11850 11900 11950 12000 12050 12100 12150 12200 12250Elevation (feet)Station (feet)1 TW (MY0-4/2016)TW (MY1-10/2016)TW (MY2-5/2017)TW (MY3-6/2018)TW (MY4-5/2019)WSF (MY4-5/2019)BKF (MY4-5/2019)STRUCTURE (MY4-5/2019)XS7XS9XS5End Reach 2a Begin Reach 2b End Reach 2b Restoration Begin Reach 2b Enhancement II XS6XS82510 2515 2520 2525 2530 12250 12300 12350 12400 12450 12500 12550 12600 12650 12700 12750 12800 12850 12900 12950 13000 13050Elevation (feet)Station (feet)1 TW (MY0-4/2016)TW (MY1-10/2016)TW (MY2-5/2017)TW (MY3-6/2018)TW (MY4-5/2019)WSF (MY4-5/2019)BKF (MY4-5/2019)STRUCTURE (MY4-5/2019) Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No.94903 1 Profile stationing derived from as-built thalweg alignment. Longitudinal Profile Plots Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 UT2 Reach 1 Upper (STA 297+18 - 325+67) 2705 2710 2715 2720 30220 30235 30250 30265 30280 30295 30310 30325 30340 30355 30370 30385 30400Elevation (feet)Station (feet)1 TW (MY0-4/2016)TW (MY1-10/2016)TW (MY2-5/2017)TW (MY3-6/2018)TW (MY4-5/2019)WSF (MY4-5/2019)BKF (MY4-5/2019)STRUCTURE (MY4-5/2019) Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No.94903 1 Profile stationing derived from as-built thalweg alignment. Longitudinal Profile Plots Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 UT2 Reach 1 Upper (STA 297+18 - 325+67) End UT2 Reach 1 Upper 2678 2680 2682 2684 2686 2688 2690 30915 30930 30945 30960 30975 30990 31005 31020 31035 31050 31065Elevation (feet)Station (feet)1 TW (MY0-4/2016)TW (MY1-10/2016)TW (MY2-5/2017)TW (MY3-6/2018)TW (MY4-5/2019)WSF (MY4-5/2019)BKF (MY4-5/2019)STRUCTURE (MY4-5/2019) 2685 2687 2689 2691 2693 2695 2697 30765 30780 30795 30810 30825 30840 30855 30870 30885 30900 30915Elevation (feet)Station (feet)1 TW (MY0-4/2016)TW (MY1-10/2016)TW (MY2-5/2017)TW (MY3-6/2018)TW (MY4-5/2019)WSF (MY4-5/2019)BKF (MY4-5/2019)STRUCTURE (MY4-5/2019) Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 1 Profile stationing derived from as-built thalweg alignment. Longitudinal Profile Plots Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 UT2 Reach 1 Lower (STA 325+67 - 330+00) Begin UT2 Reach 1 Lower 2571 2576 2581 2586 32550 32565 32580 32595 32610 32625 32640 32655 32670 32685 32700 32715 32730 32745Elevation (feet)Station (feet)1 TW (MY0-4/2016)TW (MY1-10/2016)TW (MY2-5/2017)TW (MY3-6/2018)TW (MY4-12/2019)WSF (MY4-12/2019)BKF (MY4-12/2019)STRUCTURE (MY4-12/2019)XS 12XS 132560 2565 2570 2575 32745 32760 32775 32790 32805 32820 32835 32850 32865 32880 32895 32910 32925 32940Elevation (feet)Station (feet)1 TW (MY0-4/2016)TW (MY1-10/2016)TW (MY2-5/2017)TW (MY3-6/2018)TW (MY4-5/2019)WSF (MY4-5/2019)BKF (MY4-5/2019)STRUCTURE (MY4-5/2019) Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 1 Profile stationing derived from as-built thalweg alignment. 2 Stream repairs completed in September 2019 on UT2 Reach 2 STA 332+25 to 339+15. Longitudinal Profile Plots Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 UT2 Reach 2 (STA 330+00 - 343+18)XS 142540 2545 2550 2555 33350 33365 33380 33395 33410 33425 33440 33455 33470 33485 33500 33515 33530 33545Elevation (feet)Station (feet)1,2 TW (MY0-4/2016)TW (MY1-10/2016)TW (MY2-5/2017)TW (MY3-6/2018)TW (MY4-12/2019)WSF (MY4-12/2019)BKF (MY4-12/2019)STRUCTURE (MY4-12/2019) Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No.94903 1 Profile stationing derived from as-built thalweg alignment. 2 Stream repairs completed in September 2019 on UT2 Reach 2 STA 332+25 to 339+15. Longitudinal Profile Plots Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 UT2 Reach 2 (STA 330+00 - 343+18)XS 15XS 162530 2535 2540 2545 33600 33630 33660 33690 33720 33750 33780 33810 33840 33870 33900 33930 33960 33990Elevation (feet)Station (feet)1,2 TW (MY0-4/2016)TW (MY1-10/2016)TW (MY2-5/2017)TW (MY3-6/2018)TW (MY4-12/2019)WSF (MY4-12/2019)BKF (MY4-12/2019)STRUCTURE (MY4-12/2019)XS 17XS 182520 2525 2530 2535 33990 34020 34050 34080 34110 34140 34170 34200 34230 34260 34290 34320 34350 34380Elevation (feet)Station (feet)1,2 TW (MY0-4/2016)TW (MY1-10/2016)TW (MY2-5/2017)TW (MY3-6/2018)TW (MY4-12/2019)WSF (MY4-12/2019)BKF (MY4-12/2019)STRUCTURE (MY4-12/2019) DMS Project No. 94903 1 Profile stationing derived from as-built thalweg alignment. UT2b (STA 503+00 - 505+53) Longitudinal Profile Plots Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 Begin UT2b Restoration 2565 2570 2575 2580 50300 50310 50320 50330 50340 50350 50360 50370 50380 50390 50400 50410 50420 50430Elevation (feet)Station (feet)1 TW (MY0-4/2016)TW (MY1-10/2016)TW (MY2-5/2017)TW (MY3-6/2018)TW (MY4-5/2019)WSF (MY4-5/2019)BKF (MY4-5/2019)STRUCTURE (MY4-5/2019)XS 10XS 112562 2564 2566 2568 2570 2572 50430 50440 50450 50460 50470 50480 50490 50500 50510 50520 50530 50540 50550 50560Elevation (feet)Station (feet)1 TW (MY0-4/2016)TW (MY1-10/2016)TW (MY2-5/2017)TW (MY3-6/2018)TW (MY4-5/2019)WSF (MY4-5/2019)BKF (MY4-5/2019)STRUCTURE (MY4-5/2019) DMS Project No. 94903 Cross-Section 1- Little Pine Reach 1 Bankfull Dimensions 55.6 x-section area (ft.sq.) 29.1 width (ft) 1.9 mean depth (ft) 3.1 max depth (ft) 30.4 wetted perimeter (ft) 1.8 hydraulic radius (ft) 15.3 width-depth ratio 106.0 W flood prone area (ft) 3.6 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date:5/2019 Field Crew:Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 2530 2532 2534 2536 2538 2540 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90Elevation (ft)Width (ft) 103+99 Riffle MY0 (5/2016)MY1 (10/2016)MY2 (5/2017)MY3 (6/2018) MY4 (5/2019)Bankfull (5/2019)MY0 Bankfull XS Area Elevation Floodprone Area (5/2019) DMS Project No. 94903 Cross-Section 2- Little Pine Reach 1 Bankfull Dimensions 76.0 x-section area (ft.sq.) 29.5 width (ft) 2.6 mean depth (ft) 5.2 max depth (ft) 33.2 wetted perimeter (ft) 2.3 hydraulic radius (ft) 11.4 width-depth ratio Survey Date:5/2019 Field Crew:Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 2527 2529 2531 2533 2535 2537 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110Elevation (ft)Width (ft) 108+73 Pool MY0 (5/2016)MY1 (10/2016)MY2 (5/2017)MY3 (6/2018)MY4 (5/2019)Bankfull DMS Project No. 94903 Cross-Section 3- Little Pine Reach 1 Bankfull Dimensions 54.7 x-section area (ft.sq.) 23.7 width (ft) 2.3 mean depth (ft) 3.5 max depth (ft) 26.4 wetted perimeter (ft) 2.1 hydraulic radius (ft) 10.3 width-depth ratio 215.0 W flood prone area (ft) 9.1 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date:5/2019 Field Crew:Wildlands Engineering Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project Cross-Section Plots Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 View Downstream 2529 2531 2533 2535 2537 2539 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170Elevation (ft)Width (ft) 109+26 Riffle MY0 (5/2016)MY1 (10/2016)MY2 (5/2017)MY3 (6/2018) MY4 (5/2019)Bankfull (5/2019)MY0 Bankfull XS Area Elevation Floodprone Area (5/2019) DMS Project No. 94903 Cross-Section 4 - Little Pine Reach 2a Bankfull Dimensions 62.6 x-section area (ft.sq.) 27.9 width (ft) 2.2 mean depth (ft) 4.1 max depth (ft) 31.1 wetted perimeter (ft) 2.0 hydraulic radius (ft) 12.5 width-depth ratio 189.0 W flood prone area (ft) 6.8 entrenchment ratio 1.2 low bank height ratio Survey Date:5/2019 Field Crew:Wildlands Engineering Cross-Section Plots Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 View Downstream 2522 2524 2526 2528 2530 2532 2534 50 60 70 80 90 100 110Elevation (ft)Width (ft) 118+14 Riffle MY0 (5/2016)MY1 (10/2016)MY2 (5/2017)MY3 (6/2018) MY4 (5/2019)Bankfull (5/2019)MY0 Bankfull XS Area Elevation Floodprone Area (5/2019) DMS Project No. 94903 Cross-Section 5- Little Pine Reach 2a Bankfull Dimensions 82.3 x-section area (ft.sq.) 31.5 width (ft) 2.6 mean depth (ft) 5.4 max depth (ft) 36.8 wetted perimeter (ft) 2.2 hydraulic radius (ft) 12.0 width-depth ratio 79.5 W flood prone area (ft) 2.5 entrenchment ratio 1.2 low bank height ratio Survey Date:5/2019 Field Crew:Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project Cross-Section Plots 2519 2521 2523 2525 2527 2529 2531 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100Elevation (ft)Width (ft) 121+50 Riffle MY0 (5/2016)MY1 (10/2016)MY2 (5/2017)MY3 (6/2018) MY4 (5/2019)Bankfull (5/2019)MY0 Bankfull XS Area Elevation Floodprone Area (5/2019) DMS Project No. 94903 Cross-Section 6- Little Pine Reach 2a Bankfull Dimensions 98.7 x-section area (ft.sq.) 32.7 width (ft) 3.0 mean depth (ft) 5.5 max depth (ft) 35.9 wetted perimeter (ft) 2.7 hydraulic radius (ft) 10.8 width-depth ratio Survey Date:5/2019 Field Crew:Wildlands Engineering Cross-Section Plots Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 View Downstream 2517 2519 2521 2523 2525 2527 2529 2531 2533 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120Elevation (ft)Width (ft) 122+32 Pool MY0 (5/2016)MY1 (10/2016)MY2 (5/2017)MY3 (6/2018)MY4 (5/2019)Bankfull (5/2019) DMS Project No. 94903 Cross-Section 7 - Little Pine Reach 2b Bankfull Dimensions 104.8 x-section area (ft.sq.) 40.3 width (ft) 2.6 mean depth (ft) 5.5 max depth (ft) 43.5 wetted perimeter (ft) 2.4 hydraulic radius (ft) 15.5 width-depth ratio Survey Date:5/2019 Field Crew:Wildlands Engineering Cross-Section Plots Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 View Downstream 2515 2517 2519 2521 2523 2525 2527 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140Elevation (ft)Width (ft) 125+35 Pool MY0 (5/2016)MY1 (10/2016)MY2 (5/2017)MY3 (6/2018)MY4 (5/2019)Bankfull (5/2019) DMS Project No. 94903 Cross-Section 8 - Little Pine Reach 2b Bankfull Dimensions 77.5 x-section area (ft.sq.) 31.8 width (ft) 2.4 mean depth (ft) 4.5 max depth (ft) 34.2 wetted perimeter (ft) 2.3 hydraulic radius (ft) 13.1 width-depth ratio 121.0 W flood prone area (ft) 3.8 entrenchment ratio 1.2 low bank height ratio Survey Date:5/2019 Field Crew:Wildlands Engineering Cross-Section Plots Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 View Downstream 2514 2516 2518 2520 2522 2524 2526 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100Elevation (ft)Width (ft) 126+94 Riffle MY0 (5/2016)MY1 (10/2016)MY2 (5/2017)MY3 (6/2018) MY4 (5/2019)Bankfull (5/2019)MY0 Bankfull XS Area Elevation Floodprone Area (5/2019) DMS Project No. 94903 Cross-Section 9 - Little Pine Reach 2b Bankfull Dimensions 74.3 x-section area (ft.sq.) 32.7 width (ft) 2.3 mean depth (ft) 3.9 max depth (ft) 34.5 wetted perimeter (ft) 2.2 hydraulic radius (ft) 14.3 width-depth ratio 110.0 W flood prone area (ft) 3.4 entrenchment ratio 1.1 low bank height ratio Survey Date:5/2019 Field Crew:Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project Cross-Section Plots 2514 2516 2518 2520 2522 2524 2526 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80Elevation (ft)Width (ft) 127+80 Riffle MY0 (5/2016)MY1 (10/2016)MY2 (5/2017)MY3 (6/2018) MY4 (5/2019)Bankfull (5/2019)MY0 Bankfull XS Area Elevation Floodprone Area (5/2019) DMS Project No. 94903 Cross-Section 10 - UT2b Bankfull Dimensions 17.3 x-section area (ft.sq.) 7.6 width (ft) 2.3 mean depth (ft) 3.3 max depth (ft) 11.1 wetted perimeter (ft) 1.6 hydraulic radius (ft) 3.4 width-depth ratio Survey Date:5/2019 Field Crew:Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 0 10 20 30Elevation (ft)Width (ft) 504+23 Pool MY0 (5/2016)MY1 (10/2016)MY2 (5/2017)MY3 (6/2018)MY4 (5/2019)Bankfull (5/2019) DMS Project No. 94903 Cross-Section 11 - UT2b Bankfull Dimensions 2.3 x-section area (ft.sq.) 6.4 width (ft) 0.4 mean depth (ft) 0.8 max depth (ft) 6.9 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.3 hydraulic radius (ft) 17.9 width-depth ratio 14.1 W flood prone area (ft) 2.2 entrenchment ratio 0.8 low bank height ratio Survey Date:5/2019 Field Crew:Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 5 15 25 35Elevation (ft)Width (ft) 504+89 Riffle MY0 (5/2016)MY1 (10/2016)MY2 (5/2017)MY3 (6/2018) MY4 (5/2019)Bankfull (5/2019)MY0 Bankfull XS Area Floodprone Area (5/2019) DMS Project No. 94903 Cross-Section 12 - UT2 Bankfull Dimensions 4.4 x-section area (ft.sq.) 7.1 width (ft) 0.6 mean depth (ft) 1.2 max depth (ft) 8.0 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.5 hydraulic radius (ft) 11.5 width-depth ratio 29.5 W flood prone area (ft) 4.2 entrenchment ratio 0.9 low bank height ratio Survey Date:5/2019 Field Crew:Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 25 35 45 55Elevation (ft)Width (ft) 327+46 Riffle MY0 (5/2016)MY1 (10/2016)MY2 (5/2017)MY3 (6/2018) MY4 (5/2019)Bankfull (5/2019)MY0 Bankfull XS Area Elevation Floodprone Area (5/2019) DMS Project No. 94903 Cross-Section 13 - UT2 Bankfull Dimensions 15.0 x-section area (ft.sq.) 10.0 width (ft) 1.5 mean depth (ft) 2.8 max depth (ft) 12.4 wetted perimeter (ft) 1.2 hydraulic radius (ft) 6.7 width-depth ratio Survey Date:5/2019 Field Crew:Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 2570 2572 2574 2576 25 35 45 55Elevation (ft)Width (ft) 327+59 Pool MY0 (5/2016)MY1 (10/2016)MY2 (5/2017)MY3 (6/2018)MY4 (5/2019)Bankfull (5/2019) DMS Project No. 94903 Cross-Section 14 - UT2 Bankfull Dimensions 6.3 x-section area (ft.sq.) 7.6 width (ft) 0.8 mean depth (ft) 1.3 max depth (ft) 8.3 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.8 hydraulic radius (ft) 9.3 width-depth ratio 25.0 W flood prone area (ft) 3.3 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date:12/2019 Field Crew:Wildlands Engineering Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project Cross-Section Plots Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 View Downstream 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 0 10 20 30Elevation (ft)Width (ft) 334+33 Riffle MY0 (5/2016)MY1 (10/2016)MY2 (5/2017)MY3 (6/2018) MY4 (12/2019)Bankfull (12/2019)MY0 BKF XS Area Elevation Floodprone Area (12/2019) DMS Project No. 94903 Cross-Section 15 - UT2 Bankfull Dimensions 11.4 x-section area (ft.sq.) 11.4 width (ft) 1.0 mean depth (ft) 1.7 max depth (ft) 12.5 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.9 hydraulic radius (ft) 11.4 width-depth ratio Survey Date:12/2019 Field Crew:Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project Cross-Section Plots 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 0 10 20 30 40 50Elevation (ft)Width (ft) 337+54 Pool MY0 (5/2016)MY1 (10/2016)MY2 (5/2017)MY3 (6/2018)MY4 (12/2019)Bankfull (12/2019) DMS Project No. 94903 Cross-Section 16 - UT2 Bankfull Dimensions 4.8 x-section area (ft.sq.) 6.4 width (ft) 0.8 mean depth (ft) 1.2 max depth (ft) 7.2 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.7 hydraulic radius (ft) 8.5 width-depth ratio 40.6 W flood prone area (ft) 6.3 entrenchment ratio 1.1 low bank height ratio Survey Date:12/2019 Field Crew:Wildlands Engineering Stream repairs completed in September 2019 View Downstream Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project Cross-Section Plots 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 0 10 20 30 40Elevation (ft)Width (ft) 338+73 Riffle MY0 (5/2016)MY1 (10/2016)MY2 (5/2017)MY3 (6/2018) MY4 (12/2019)Bankfull (12/2019)MY0 BKF XS Area Elevation Floodprone Area (12/2019) DMS Project No. 94903 Cross-Section 17 - UT2 Bankfull Dimensions 11.4 x-section area (ft.sq.) 11.2 width (ft) 1.0 mean depth (ft) 1.9 max depth (ft) 12.2 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.9 hydraulic radius (ft) 11.0 width-depth ratio 71.0 W flood prone area (ft) 6.3 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date:12/2019 Field Crew:Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project Cross-Section Plots 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 20 30 40 50Elevation (ft)Width (ft) 341+08 Riffle MY0 (5/2016)MY1 (10/2016)MY2 (5/2017)MY3 (6/2018) MY4 (12/2019)Bankfull (12/2019)MY0 BKF XS Area Elevation Floodprone Area (12/2019) DMS Project No. 94903 Cross-Section 18 - UT2 Bankfull Dimensions 8.5 x-section area (ft.sq.) 8.8 width (ft) 1.0 mean depth (ft) 2.0 max depth (ft) 10.4 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.8 hydraulic radius (ft) 9.1 width-depth ratio Survey Date:12/2019 Field Crew:Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project Cross-Section Plots 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 30 40 50 60Elevation (ft)Width (ft) 341+51 Pool MY0 (5/2016)MY1 (10/2016)MY2 (5/2017)MY3 (6/2018)MY4 (12/2019)Bankfull (12/2019) Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots min max Riffle Pool Total Class Percentage Percent Cumulative SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 0 Very fine 0.062 0.125 14 14 14 14 Fine 0.125 0.250 1 24 25 25 39 Medium 0.25 0.50 4 4 4 43 Coarse 0.5 1.0 4 4 4 47 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 3 3 3 50 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 50 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 50 Fine 4.0 5.6 50 Fine 5.6 8.0 50 Medium 8.0 11.0 2 2 2 51 Medium 11.0 16.0 3 3 3 54 Coarse 16.0 22.6 6 6 6 60 Coarse 22.6 32 3 3 3 63 Very Coarse 32 45 3 3 3 66 Very Coarse 45 64 10 1 11 11 77 Small 64 90 11 1 12 12 89 Small 90 128 9 9 9 98 Large 128 180 2 2 2 100 Large 180 256 100 Small 256 362 100 Small 362 512 100 Medium 512 1024 100 Large/Very Large 1024 2048 100 BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 50 51 101 100 100 D16 = D35 = D50 = D84 = D95 = D100 = 180.0 Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 Channel materials (mm) 0.1 0.2 8.7 77.7 113.6COBBLE Reach Summary Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 Little Pine Reach 1, Reachwide BOULDERTotal ReachwideSANDGRAVELParticle Class Diameter (mm)Particle Count 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Individual Class PercentParticle Class Size (mm) Individual Class Percent MY0-05/2016 MY1-10/2016 MY2-05/2017 MY3-07/2018 MY4-05/2019 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000Percent Cumulative (%)Particle Class Size (mm) Pebble Count Particle Distribution MY0-05/2016 MY1-10/2016 MY2-05/2017 MY3-07/2018 MY4-05/2019 Silt/Clay Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock Little Pine Reach 1, Reachwide Little Pine Reach 1, Reachwide Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots min max Class Percentage Percent Cumulative SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 0 Very fine 0.062 0.125 2 2 2 Fine 0.125 0.250 8 8 10 Medium 0.25 0.50 2 2 12 Coarse 0.5 1.0 12 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 2 2 14 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 14 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 14 Fine 4.0 5.6 14 Fine 5.6 8.0 2 2 16 Medium 8.0 11.0 4 4 20 Medium 11.0 16.0 14 14 34 Coarse 16.0 22.6 12 12 46 Coarse 22.6 32 8 8 54 Very Coarse 32 45 10 10 64 Very Coarse 45 64 20 20 84 Small 64 90 8 8 92 Small 90 128 4 4 96 Large 128 180 2 2 98 Large 180 256 98 Small 256 362 98 Small 362 512 98 Medium 512 1024 98 Large/Very Large 1024 2048 2 2 100 BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 100 100 100 D16 = D35 = D50 = D84 = D95 = D100 = 2048.0 Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 Channel materials (mm) 8.0 16.5 26.9 64.0 117.2COBBLE Summary Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 Little Pine Reach 1, Cross-Section 3 BOULDERTotal Cross-Section 3SANDGRAVELParticle Class Diameter (mm) Riffle 100-Count 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Individual Class PercentParticle Class Size (mm) Individual Class Percent MY0-05/2016 MY1-10/2016 MY2-05/2017 MY3-07/2018 MY4-05/2019 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000Percent Cumulative (%)Particle Class Size (mm) Pebble Count Particle Distribution MY0-05/2016 MY1-10/2016 MY2-05/2017 MY3-07/2018 MY4-05/2019 Silt/Clay Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock Little Pine Reach 1, Cross-Section 3 Little Pine Reach 1, Cross-Section 3 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots min max Riffle Pool Total Class Percentage Percent Cumulative SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 2 2 2 2 Very fine 0.062 0.125 10 10 10 11 Fine 0.125 0.250 13 13 12 24 Medium 0.25 0.50 10 10 10 33 Coarse 0.5 1.0 10 10 10 43 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 2 1 3 3 46 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 46 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 46 Fine 4.0 5.6 46 Fine 5.6 8.0 46 Medium 8.0 11.0 46 Medium 11.0 16.0 1 1 1 47 Coarse 16.0 22.6 1 2 3 3 50 Coarse 22.6 32 2 2 2 51 Very Coarse 32 45 5 2 7 7 58 Very Coarse 45 64 9 3 12 11 70 Small 64 90 12 12 11 81 Small 90 128 7 1 8 8 89 Large 128 180 10 10 10 98 Large 180 256 2 2 2 100 Small 256 362 100 Small 362 512 100 Medium 512 1024 100 Large/Very Large 1024 2048 100 BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 51 54 105 100 100 D16 = D35 = D50 = D84 = D95 = D100 = 256.0 Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 Channel materials (mm) 0.2 0.6 24.7 103.6 161.1COBBLE Reach Summary Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 Little Pine Reach 2a, Reachwide BOULDERTotal ReachwideSANDGRAVELParticle Class Diameter (mm)Particle Count 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Individual Class PercentParticle Class Size (mm) Individual Class Percent MY0-05/2016 MY1-10/2016 MY2-05/2017 MY3-07/2018 MY4-05/2019 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000Percent Cumulative (%)Particle Class Size (mm) Pebble Count Particle Distribution MY0-05/2016 MY1-10/2016 MY2-05/2017 MY3-07/2018 MY4-05/2019 Silt/Clay Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock Little Pine Reach 2a, Reachwide Little Pine Reach 2a, Reachwide Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots min max Class Percentage Percent Cumulative SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 0 Very fine 0.062 0.125 0 Fine 0.125 0.250 0 Medium 0.25 0.50 0 Coarse 0.5 1.0 0 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 0 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 0 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 0 Fine 4.0 5.6 0 Fine 5.6 8.0 0 Medium 8.0 11.0 0 Medium 11.0 16.0 10 10 10 Coarse 16.0 22.6 4 4 14 Coarse 22.6 32 4 4 18 Very Coarse 32 45 10 10 27 Very Coarse 45 64 15 15 42 Small 64 90 23 23 65 Small 90 128 17 17 81 Large 128 180 15 15 96 Large 180 256 96 Small 256 362 96 Small 362 512 96 Medium 512 1024 4 4 100 Large/Very Large 1024 2048 100 BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 102 100 100 D16 = D35 = D50 = D84 = D95 = D100 = 1024.0 Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 Channel materials (mm) 27.7 53.9 72.1 136.0 175.6COBBLE Summary Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 Little Pine Reach 2a, Cross-Section 5 BOULDERTotal Cross-Section 5SANDGRAVELParticle Class Diameter (mm) Riffle 100-Count 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Individual Class PercentParticle Class Size (mm) Individual Class Percent MY0-05/2016 MY1-10/2016 MY2-05/2017 MY3-07/2018 MY4-05/2019 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000Percent Cumulative (%)Particle Class Size (mm) Pebble Count Particle Distribution MY0-05/2016 MY1-10/2016 MY2-05/2017 MY3-07/2018 MY4-05/2019 Silt/Clay Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock Little Pine Reach 2a, Cross-Section 5 Little Pine Reach 2a, Cross-Section 5 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots min max Riffle Pool Total Class Percentage Percent Cumulative SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 0 Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 Reach Summary Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 Little Pine Reach 2b, Reachwide Particle Class Diameter (mm)Particle Count Very fine 0.062 0.125 5 5 5 5 Fine 0.125 0.250 15 15 15 20 Medium 0.25 0.50 10 10 10 29 Coarse 0.5 1.0 1 5 6 6 35 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 3 11 14 14 49SAND Very Fine 2.0 2.8 49 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 49 Fine 4.0 5.6 49 Fine 5.6 8.0 49 Medium 8.0 11.0 3 3 3 52 Medium 11.0 16.0 1 5 6 6 58 Coarse 16.0 22.6 1 1 1 59 Coarse 22.6 32 3 1 4 4 63 Very Coarse 32 45 2 2 2 65 Very Coarse 45 64 4 1 5 5 70GRAVEL Small 64 90 12 1 13 13 82 Small 90 128 10 2 12 12 94 Large 128 180 4 1 5 5 99 Large 180 256 1 1 1 100COBBLE Small 256 362 100 Small 362 512 100 Medium 512 1024 100 Large/Very Large 1024 2048 100 BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 41 61 102 100 100 D16 = D35 = D50 = D84 = D95 = D100 = 256.0 Channel materials (mm) 0.2 1.0 8.9 94.5 136.1BOULDERTotal Reachwide 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Individual Class PercentParticle Class Size (mm) Individual Class Percent MY0-05/2016 MY1-10/2016 MY2-05/2017 MY3-07/2018 MY4-05/2019 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000Percent Cumulative (%)Particle Class Size (mm) Pebble Count Particle Distribution MY0-05/2016 MY1-10/2016 MY2-05/2017 MY3-07/2018 MY4-05/2019 Silt/Clay Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock Little Pine Reach 2b, Reachwide Little Pine Reach 2b, Reachwide Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots min max Class Percentage Percent Cumulative SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 0 Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 Summary Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 Little Pine Reach 2b, Cross-Section 9 Particle Class Diameter (mm) Riffle 100-Count Very fine 0.062 0.125 0 Fine 0.125 0.250 0 Medium 0.25 0.50 0 Coarse 0.5 1.0 4 4 4 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 4 4 8SAND Very Fine 2.0 2.8 8 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 8 Fine 4.0 5.6 8 Fine 5.6 8.0 8 Medium 8.0 11.0 2 2 10 Medium 11.0 16.0 4 4 14 Coarse 16.0 22.6 6 6 20 Coarse 22.6 32 4 4 24 Very Coarse 32 45 4 4 28 Very Coarse 45 64 20 20 48GRAVEL Small 64 90 26 26 74 Small 90 128 12 12 86 Large 128 180 12 12 98 Large 180 256 98COBBLE Small 256 362 98 Small 362 512 98 Medium 512 1024 2 2 100 Large/Very Large 1024 2048 100 BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 100 100 100 D16 = D35 = D50 = D84 = D95 = D100 = 1024.0 Channel materials (mm) 18.0 50.9 65.7 120.7 165.3BOULDERTotal Cross-Section 9 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Individual Class PercentParticle Class Size (mm) Individual Class Percent MY0-05/2016 MY1-10/2016 MY2-05/2017 MY3-07/2018 MY4-05/2019 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000Percent Cumulative (%)Particle Class Size (mm) Pebble Count Particle Distribution MY0-05/2016 MY1-10/2016 MY2-05/2017 MY3-07/2018 MY4-05/2019 Silt/Clay Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock Little Pine Reach 2b, Cross-Section 9 Little Pine Reach 2b, Cross-Section 9 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots min max Riffle Pool Total Class Percentage Percent Cumulative SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 0 Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 Reach Summary Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 UT2, Reachwide Particle Class Diameter (mm)Particle Count Very fine 0.062 0.125 0 Fine 0.125 0.250 0 Medium 0.25 0.50 1 1 1 1 Coarse 0.5 1.0 3 6 9 9 10 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 1 8 9 9 19SAND Very Fine 2.0 2.8 19 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 19 Fine 4.0 5.6 19 Fine 5.6 8.0 1 1 1 20 Medium 8.0 11.0 1 1 2 2 22 Medium 11.0 16.0 3 2 5 5 27 Coarse 16.0 22.6 2 4 6 6 33 Coarse 22.6 32 10 4 14 14 47 Very Coarse 32 45 10 1 11 11 58 Very Coarse 45 64 11 2 13 13 71GRAVEL Small 64 90 11 11 11 82 Small 90 128 15 15 15 97 Large 128 180 2 2 2 99 Large 180 256 1 1 1 100COBBLE Small 256 362 100 Small 362 512 100 Medium 512 1024 100 Large/Very Large 1024 2048 100 BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 70 30 100 100 100 D16 = D35 = D50 = D84 = D95 = D100 = 256.0 Channel materials (mm) 1.6 23.8 35.1 94.3 122.1BOULDERTotal Reachwide 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Individual Class PercentParticle Class Size (mm) Individual Class Percent MY0-05/2016 MY1-10/2016 MY2-05/2017 MY3-07/2018 MY4-05/2019 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000Percent Cumulative (%)Particle Class Size (mm) Pebble Count Particle Distribution MY0-05/2016 MY1-10/2016 MY2-05/2017 MY3-07/2018 MY4-05/2019 Silt/Clay Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock UT2, Reachwide UT2, Reachwide Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots min max Class Percentage Percent Cumulative SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 0 Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 Summary Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 UT2, Cross-Section 12 Particle Class Diameter (mm) Riffle 100-Count Very fine 0.062 0.125 0 Fine 0.125 0.250 0 Medium 0.25 0.50 0 Coarse 0.5 1.0 0 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 0SAND Very Fine 2.0 2.8 0 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 0 Fine 4.0 5.6 0 Fine 5.6 8.0 0 Medium 8.0 11.0 0 Medium 11.0 16.0 6 6 6 Coarse 16.0 22.6 6 Coarse 22.6 32 20 20 26 Very Coarse 32 45 28 28 54 Very Coarse 45 64 20 20 74GRAVEL Small 64 90 10 10 84 Small 90 128 10 10 94 Large 128 180 4 4 98 Large 180 256 2 2 100COBBLE Small 256 362 100 Small 362 512 100 Medium 512 1024 100 Large/Very Large 1024 2048 100 BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 100 100 100 D16 = D35 = D50 = D84 = D95 = D100 = 256.0 Channel materials (mm) 26.9 35.7 42.9 90.0 139.4BOULDERTotal Cross-Section 12 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Individual Class PercentParticle Class Size (mm) Individual Class Percent MY0-05/2016 MY1-10/2016 MY2-05/2017 MY3-07/2018 MY4-05/2019 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000Percent Cumulative (%)Particle Class Size (mm) Pebble Count Particle Distribution MY0-05/2016 MY1-10/2016 MY2-05/2017 MY3-07/2018 MY4-05/2019 Silt/Clay Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock UT2, Cross-Section 12 UT2, Cross-Section 12 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots min max Class Percentage Percent Cumulative SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 0 Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 Summary Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 UT2, Cross-Section 14 Particle Class Diameter (mm) Riffle 100-Count Very fine 0.062 0.125 0 Fine 0.125 0.250 0 Medium 0.25 0.50 2 2 2 Coarse 0.5 1.0 4 4 6 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 2 2 8SAND Very Fine 2.0 2.8 8 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 8 Fine 4.0 5.6 8 Fine 5.6 8.0 8 Medium 8.0 11.0 4 4 12 Medium 11.0 16.0 10 10 22 Coarse 16.0 22.6 10 10 32 Coarse 22.6 32 18 18 50 Very Coarse 32 45 22 22 72 Very Coarse 45 64 14 14 86GRAVEL Small 64 90 8 8 94 Small 90 128 94 Large 128 180 2 2 96 Large 180 256 4 4 100COBBLE Small 256 362 100 Small 362 512 100 Medium 512 1024 100 Large/Very Large 1024 2048 100 BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 100 100 100 D16 = D35 = D50 = D84 = D95 = D100 = 256.0 Channel materials (mm) 12.8 23.9 32.0 60.9 151.8BOULDERTotal Cross-Section 14 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Individual Class PercentParticle Class Size (mm) Individual Class Percent MY0-05/2016 MY1-10/2016 MY2-05/2017 MY3-07/2018 MY4-05/2019 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000Percent Cumulative (%)Particle Class Size (mm) Pebble Count Particle Distribution MY0-05/2016 MY1-10/2016 MY2-05/2017 MY3-07/2018 MY4-05/2019 Silt/Clay Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock UT2, Cross-Section 14 UT2, Cross-Section 14 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots min max Class Percentage Percent Cumulative SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 0 Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 Summary Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 UT2, Cross-Section 17 Particle Class Diameter (mm) Riffle 100-Count Very fine 0.062 0.125 0 Fine 0.125 0.250 0 Medium 0.25 0.50 2 2 2 Coarse 0.5 1.0 2 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 4 4 6SAND Very Fine 2.0 2.8 6 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 6 Fine 4.0 5.6 6 Fine 5.6 8.0 6 Medium 8.0 11.0 4 4 10 Medium 11.0 16.0 4 4 14 Coarse 16.0 22.6 2 2 16 Coarse 22.6 32 22 22 38 Very Coarse 32 45 20 20 58 Very Coarse 45 64 18 18 76GRAVEL Small 64 90 12 12 88 Small 90 128 4 4 92 Large 128 180 4 4 96 Large 180 256 4 4 100COBBLE Small 256 362 100 Small 362 512 100 Medium 512 1024 100 Large/Very Large 1024 2048 100 BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 100 100 100 D16 = D35 = D50 = D84 = D95 = D100 = 256.0 Channel materials (mm) 22.6 30.5 39.3 80.3 165.3BOULDERTotal Cross-Section 17 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Individual Class PercentParticle Class Size (mm) Individual Class Percent MY0-05/2016 MY1-10/2016 MY2-05/2017 MY3-07/2018 MY4-05/2019 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000Percent Cumulative (%)Particle Class Size (mm) Pebble Count Particle Distribution MY0-05/2016 MY1-10/2016 MY2-05/2017 MY3-07/2018 MY4-05/2019 Silt/Clay Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock UT2, Cross-Section 17 UT2, Cross-Section 17 Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots min max Riffle Pool Total Class Percentage Percent Cumulative SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 0 Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 Reach Summary Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 UT2b, Reachwide Particle Class Diameter (mm)Particle Count Very fine 0.062 0.125 0 Fine 0.125 0.250 0 Medium 0.25 0.50 0 Coarse 0.5 1.0 1 1 1 1 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 13 13 13 14SAND Very Fine 2.0 2.8 14 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 14 Fine 4.0 5.6 14 Fine 5.6 8.0 1 1 1 15 Medium 8.0 11.0 2 1 3 3 18 Medium 11.0 16.0 5 4 9 9 27 Coarse 16.0 22.6 7 4 11 11 38 Coarse 22.6 32 12 3 15 15 53 Very Coarse 32 45 13 2 15 15 68 Very Coarse 45 64 9 9 9 77GRAVEL Small 64 90 10 10 10 87 Small 90 128 9 1 10 10 97 Large 128 180 2 1 3 3 100 Large 180 256 100COBBLE Small 256 362 100 Small 362 512 100 Medium 512 1024 100 Large/Very Large 1024 2048 100 BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 70 30 100 100 100 D16 = D35 = D50 = D84 = D95 = D100 = 180.0 Channel materials (mm) 8.9 20.6 29.8 81.3 119.3BOULDERTotal Reachwide 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Individual Class PercentParticle Class Size (mm) Individual Class Percent MY0-05/2016 MY1-10/2016 MY2-05/2017 MY3-07/2018 MY4-05/2019 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000Percent Cumulative (%)Particle Class Size (mm) Pebble Count Particle Distribution MY0-05/2016 MY1-10/2016 MY2-05/2017 MY3-07/2018 MY4-05/2019 Silt/Clay Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock UT2b, Reachwide UT2b, Reachwide Reachwide and Cross-Section Pebble Count Plots min max Class Percentage Percent Cumulative SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 0 Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 Summary Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 UT2b, Cross-Section 11 Particle Class Diameter (mm) Riffle 100-Count Very fine 0.062 0.125 0 Fine 0.125 0.250 0 Medium 0.25 0.50 0 Coarse 0.5 1.0 0 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 0SAND Very Fine 2.0 2.8 0 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 0 Fine 4.0 5.6 2 2 2 Fine 5.6 8.0 4 4 6 Medium 8.0 11.0 8 8 14 Medium 11.0 16.0 12 12 26 Coarse 16.0 22.6 20 20 46 Coarse 22.6 32 18 18 64 Very Coarse 32 45 10 10 74 Very Coarse 45 64 6 6 80GRAVEL Small 64 90 10 10 90 Small 90 128 8 8 98 Large 128 180 2 2 100 Large 180 256 100COBBLE Small 256 362 100 Small 362 512 100 Medium 512 1024 100 Large/Very Large 1024 2048 100 BEDROCK Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 100 100 100 D16 = D35 = D50 = D84 = D95 = D100 = 180.0 Channel materials (mm) 11.7 18.7 24.4 73.4 112.2BOULDERTotal Cross-Section 11 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Individual Class PercentParticle Class Size (mm) Individual Class Percent MY0-05/2016 MY1-10/2016 MY2-05/2017 MY3-07/2018 MY4-05/2019 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000Percent Cumulative (%)Particle Class Size (mm) Pebble Count Particle Distribution MY0-05/2016 MY1-10/2016 MY2-05/2017 MY3-07/2018 MY4-05/2019 Silt/Clay Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock UT2b, Cross-Section 11 UT2b, Cross-Section 11 APPENDIX 5. Hydrology Summary Data and Plots Table 14. Verification of Bankfull Events Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 Reach Year of Occurrence Date of Data Collection Date of Occurrence MY1 9/25/2016 unknown MY2 5/23/2017 unknown MY3 4/2/2018 unknown MY4 9/18/2019 unknown MY1 10/5/2016 unknown MY2 5/23/2017 unknown MY3 4/2/2018 unknown MY4 12/3/2019 unknown MY1 9/27/2016 unknown MY3 4/2/2018 unknown MY4 9/18/2019 unknown Table 15. Wetland Gage Attainment Summary Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 Year 1 (2016)Year 2 (2017)Year 3 (2018)Year 4 (2019)Year 5 (2020) Wetland FF Yes/112 Days (66.6%) Yes/169 Days (100%) Yes/169 Days (100%) Yes/169 Days (100%) No wetland success criteria established 1Growing season starts April 26, 2019 and ends October 11, 2019. Method Crest Gage Crest Gage Crest Gage Wrack Lines and alluvial sediment deposit Wrack Lines and alluvial sediment deposit Crest Gage Gage Summary of Groundwater Gage Results for MY4 Success Criteria Achieved/Max Consecutive Days During Growing Season1 (%) Little Pine UT2 Wrack Lines and alluvial sediment depositUT2B Crest Gage Crest Gage Wrack Lines and alluvial sediment deposit Wrack Lines and alluvial sediment deposit Groundwater Gage Plots Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 Wetland FF Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Mitigation Project DMS Project No. 94903 Start of Growing Season4/26/2019End of Growing Season10/11/2019JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Rainfall (in)Water Level (in)Monitoring Year 4 -2019 Rainfall Gage #1 Criteria Level Little Pine III Groundwater Gage #1 Recorded In-stream Flow Events Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 30 days JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 2522.0 2522.5 2523.0 2523.5 2524.0 2524.5 2525.0 2525.5 2526.0 2526.5 2527.0 Rainfall (in)Water Level (ft)Monitoring Year 4 -2019 Rainfall Stream Gage #1 - UT1 Water Depth Thalweg Elevation Bankfull Little Pine III: In-Stream Flow Gage for Stream Gage #1 -UT1 Monthly Rainfall Data Little Pine III Stream & Wetland Restoration Project DMS Project No. 94903 Monitoring Year 4 - 2019 1 2019 rainfall collected from NC CRONOS Station Name: Sparta 3.5 SSW (NCSU, 2019) 2 30th and 70th percentile rainfall data collected from weather station Sparta, NC8158 (USDA, 2019) 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19Precipitation (in)Date Little Pine Creek III 30-70 Percentile Graph for Rainfall in 2019 Alleghany County, NC 1,2 NC CRONOS Sparta 3.5 SSW 30th percentile 70th percentile APPENDIX 6. Repair Plans EDDIE GENE EDWARDS& JOY G. EDWARDSPIN:4011-10-4454DB: 107 PG: 632BYRON F. WOODRUFF, JR.EDDIE G. EDWARDS ANDWIFE, JOY G. EDWARDSPIN: 4010-19-1603DB: 191 PG: 765EDDIE GENE EDWARDS& JOY G. EDWARDSPIN: 4011-10-4454DB: 107 PG: 632PBL PROPERTIESHOLDINGS, LLC ET ALPIN: 4011-21-8857DB: 371 PG: 889SHEET 6SHEET 7DESCRIPTIONNO.REVISIONSDATEPROJECT NAMESHEET NUMBERDESIGNED BY :DRAWN BY :DATE :PROJECT NO. :FILENAME :DRAWING INFORMATIONSHEET NAMEGRAPHIC SCALEHORIZ. SCALE :VERT. SCALE :NORTHWLS ENGINEERING,81 Chickwood TrailWeaverville, NC 28787(919)614-5111PLLCPROJECT ENGINEERALLEGHANY COUNTY, NCLITTLE PINE CREEK IIISTREAM AND WETLANDRESTORATION PROJECT -REPAIRDRAFT CONCEPT PLANA05-01-18ENGINEERING SERVICES BYWLS ENGINEERING, PLLCFIRM LICENSE NO. P-14801" = 300'1" = 300'1" = 300'94903FINAL CONCEPT PLANB06-01-18FINAL CONCEPT PLANC06-11-18DRAFT FINAL PLAND08-17-18FINAL PLANE10-02-18110-02-18KMV/WSHAPLCOVERSHEETN/ALITTLE PINE CREEK IIISTREAM AND WETLAND RESTORATION PROJECT -REPAIRALLEGHANY COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINAVICINITY MAPSHEET INDEX1234-56-78COVER SHEETLEGEND/GENERALNOTES/CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCETYPICAL SECTIONSDETAILSPLAN AND PROFILE - UT2A & UT2PLANTING PLANN.T.S.BEGIN CONSTRUCTION REPAIRSUT2A, STA. 426+38.00NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY - DIVISION OF MITIGATION SERVICESNCDEQ - DMS PROJECT ID # 94903NC SCO PROJECT ID #18-18332-01NEW RIVER BASIN (CU 05050001)USACE ACTION ID # 2012-01299TYPE OF WORK : STREAM REPAIR DESIGN SERVICES PROJECTNCDEQ-DMS CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR:KRISTIE CORSON1652 MAIL SERVICE CENTERRALEIGH, NC 27699-1652PH: 919-707-893501_LITTLE PINE III__COVER.DWGEnnice14881460144414541422145314591457LittlePine CreekBLUE RIDGE PARKWAYROADBIG OAKGLADE CREEKSCHOOL ROADGLADE VALLEY ROADBARRETT ROADPROJECTLOCATIONBIG OAK ROAD (SR-1454)UT2BU T 2 UT2A UT2 END CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS UT2 REACH 2, STA. 338+15.00ACCESSROADACCESSROADEND CONSTRUCTION REPAIRSUT2 REACH 1BEGIN CONSTRUCTION REPAIRSUT2 REACH 2, STA. 333+36.89END CONSTRUCTION REPAIRSUT2A, STA. 432+09.77BEGIN CONSTRUCTION REPAIRSUT2 REACH 1, STA. 332+25.00LITTLE PINE CREEKPROJECT SITE ENTRANCELAT 36° 30' 26.94" NLONG 81° 0' 18.25" W DESCRIPTIONNO.REVISIONSDATEPROJECT NAMESHEET NUMBERDESIGNED BY :DRAWN BY :DATE :PROJECT NO. :FILENAME :DRAWING INFORMATIONSHEET NAMEHORIZ. SCALE :VERT. SCALE :WLS ENGINEERING,81 Chickwood TrailWeaverville, NC 28787(919)614-5111PLLCPROJECT ENGINEERALLEGHANY COUNTY, NCLITTLE PINE CREEK IIISTREAM AND WETLANDRESTORATION PROJECT -REPAIRDRAFT CONCEPT PLANA05-01-18ENGINEERING SERVICES BYWLS ENGINEERING, PLLCFIRM LICENSE NO. P-1480N.T.S.94903FINAL CONCEPT PLANB06-01-18FINAL CONCEPT PLANC06-11-18DRAFT FINAL PLAND08-17-18FINAL PLANE10-02-18210-02-18KMV/WSHAPLN.T.S.N/ALEGEND/GENERAL NOTES/CONSTRUCTIONSEQUENCELEGENDGRADE CONTROL LOG J-HOOK VANEEXISTING CONSERVATION EASEMENT BOUNDARYCECE100EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR101EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR100PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR101PROPOSED MINOR CONTOUREXISTING TREECHANNEL BLOCKCHANNEL FILLLODLODLIMITS OF DISTURBANCEPROPOSED TOP OF STREAM BANKEXISTING PROPERTY BOUNDARYPROPOSED CENTERLINE (THALWEG)GEOLIFT WITH TOE WOODC/FC/FCUT/FILL LIMITSWLBWLBEXISTING WETLAND BOUNDARYTPTPPROPOSED TEMPORARY PROTECTION FENCESTONE AND LOG STEP-POOLCONSTRUCTED STONE RIFFLEEXISTING WOODLINE15+00EXISTING FENCE02_LITTLE PINE III_GENERAL NOTES - SYMBOL_SHEET.DWGEXISTING WETLAND AREAGENERAL NOTESCONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE1.CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ARE BEING PERFORMED AS A RESTORATION DESIGN REPAIR PLAN ONPRIVATE PROPERTY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE ALL REASONABLE EFFORTS TO REDUCE SEDIMENTLOSS, PROTECT PUBLIC SAFETY, AND MINIMIZE DISTURBANCE OF THE SITE WHILE PERFORMING THECONSTRUCTION WORK. ALL AREAS SHALL BE KEPT NEAT, CLEAN, AND FREE OF ALL TRASH AND DEBRIS,AND ALL REASONABLE PRECAUTIONS SHALL BE TAKEN TO AVOID DAMAGE TO EXISTING ROADS,VEGETATION, TURF, STRUCTURES, AND PRIVATE PROPERTY.2.THE PROJECT SITE BOUNDARIES ARE SHOWN ON THE DESIGN PLANS AS THE PROPOSED CONSERVATIONEASEMENT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM ALL RELATED WORK ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE PROJECTSITE BOUNDARIES AND/OR WITHIN THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE (LOD). THE PROJECT SITE SHALL BEACCESSED THROUGH THE DESIGNATED ACCESS POINTS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR ISRESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING PERMITTED ACCESS THROUGHOUT ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES.3.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALL NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS AND MEASURES TO PROTECT ALLPROPERTIES, RESTORED AREAS AND SITE FEATURES FROM DAMAGE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIRALL DAMAGE OUTSIDE DESIGNATED AREAS AND UPON COMPLETION OF ALL CONSTRUCTION REPAIRACTIVITIES, THE AREAS ARE TO BE RESTORED TO A CONDITION EQUAL TO OR BETTER THAN FOUNDPRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.4.THE ORIGINAL TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY USED FOR THE RESTORATION DESIGN PLANS AND CONSTRUCTIONWORK WAS DEVELOPED USING SURVEY DATA COLLECTED BY KEE MAPPING AND SURVEY (KEE) IN JUNE2012 AND FEBRUARY 2013. THE AS-BUILT SURVEY AND RECORD DRAWINGS WERE PREPARED BYWILDLANDS ENGINEERING IN AUGUST 2016 FROM DIGITAL FILES PROVIDED BY KEE IN APRIL 2016. THEHORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL DATUM SHOWN ON THE DESIGN REPAIR PLANS REPRESENT THE AS-BUILTCONDITIONS AND WERE TIED TO NAD83 NC STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM (US SURVEY FEET) ANDNAVD88 VERTICAL DATUM. SUPPLEMENTAL GPS SURVEY DESIGN LEVEL DATA WAS COLLECTED INMARCH 2018 BY WLS, HOWEVER, EXISTING ELEVATIONS AND SITE CONDITIONS MAY HAVE CHANGEDSINCE THE ORIGINAL DESIGN SURVEY AND AS-BUILT SURVEY WAS COMPLETED.5.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE AND THOROUGHLY FAMILIARIZE HIM/HERSELFWITH ALL EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. THECONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE ACCURACY AND COMPLETENESS OF THE CONSTRUCTIONSPECIFICATIONS AND DESIGN PLANS REGARDING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THE REPAIR WORKDESCRIBED.6.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BRING ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE CONSTRUCTION PLANS ANDSPECIFICATIONS AND/OR FIELD CONDITIONS TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ENGINEER BEFORECONSTRUCTION BEGINS.7.THERE SHALL BE NO CLEARING OR REMOVAL OF ANY NATIVE SPECIES, PLANTED VEGETATION OR TREESOF SIGNIFICANCE, OTHER THAN THOSE INDICATED ON THE PLANS OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER.8.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXERCISE CARE DURING GRADING ACTIVITIES IN THE VICINITY OF ANYNATIVE/PLANTED VEGETATION AND TREES OF SIGNIFICANCE AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. ALL GRADINGIN THE VICINITY OF TREES NOT IDENTIFIED FOR REMOVAL SHALL BE MADE IN A MANNER THAT DOES NOTDISTURB THE ROOT SYSTEM WITHIN THE DRIP LINE OF THE TREE. TREES COMPROMISED OR DAMAGEDDURING CONSTRUCTION MUST BE REMOVED. TREE DISPOSAL MUST BE CONDUCTED IN A MANNER AS TONOT INTERFERE WITH STREAM FLOW OR OTHER PROJECT FUNCTIONS AND AS DIRECTED BY THEENGINEER.9.PRIOR TO START OF WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT THE SOURCE OF MATERIALS, INCLUDINGAGGREGATES, EROSION CONTROL MATTING, WOOD AND NATIVE PLANTING MATERIAL TO THE ENGINEERFOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL. NO WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED UNTIL THE SOURCE OF MATERIAL ISAPPROVED BY THE ENGINEER.10.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE HELD SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY NECESSARY COORDINATIONBETWEEN THE VARIOUS COUNTY, STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES, UTILITY COMPANIES, HIS/HERSUB-CONTRACTORS, AND THE ENGINEER FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT.11.PRIOR TO START OF WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT THEIR DETAILED PLANTING SCHEDULE TOTHE ENGINEER FOR REVIEW. NO WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED UNTIL THIS SCHEDULE IS APPROVED BYTHE ENGINEER. THE DETAILED PLANTING SCHEDULE SHALL CONFORM TO THE PLANTING REVEGETATIONPLAN AND SHALL INCLUDE A SPECIES LIST AND TIMING SEQUENCE.12.THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO INSTALL IN-STREAM STRUCTURES USING A BACKHOE/EXCAVATORWITH A HYDRAULIC THUMB OF SUFFICIENT SIZE TO PLACE STRUCTURES INCLUDING LOGS, STONE,BOULDERS, ROOT WADS, AND TEMPORARY WOOD MAT STREAM CROSSINGS.13.NO GRADING ACTIVITIES SHALL OCCUR BEYOND THE PROJECT LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE (LOD) AS SHOWNON THE DESIGN PLANS. THE TOTAL AREA OF DISTURBANCE IS 5.0 ACRES. PRIOR TO BEGINNINGCONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL TEMPORARY ORANGE FENCING TO DELIMIT ANDPROTECT THE EXISTING JURISDICTIONAL WETLANDS WITHIN THE LOD. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVESAID FENCING IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION.14.ONCE PROPOSED GRADES ARE ACHIEVED ALONG THE CONSTRUCTED STREAM CHANNEL, BANKFULLBENCHES AND FLOODPLAIN AREAS AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS, GRADED AREAS SHALL BE ROUGHENEDUSING TECHNIQUES DESCRIBED IN THE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS.15.ALL SUITABLE SOIL MATERIAL REQUIRED TO FILL AND/OR PLUG EXISTING DITCHES AND/OR STREAMCHANNEL SHALL BE GENERATED ON-SITE AS DESCRIBED IN THE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS. IFSUITABLE SOIL MATERIAL CAN NOT BE GENERATED ON-SITE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLEFOR PROVIDING SUITABLE MATERIAL FROM OFF-SITE. IF NECESSARY, ANY EXCESS SPOIL MATERIALSHALL BE STOCKPILED IN DESIGNATED AREAS OR HAULED OFF-SITE AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 16.ANY EXISTING FENCE DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION OR FENCE BREAKS NEEDED FOR ACCESS WILLBE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO RESTORE TO PRE-DISTURBED CONDITIONS.THE ENGINEER WILL PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION DURING THE CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS FOR THIS PROJECT. THEFOLLOWING CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE SHALL BE USED DURING PROJECT CONSTRUCTION IMPLEMENTATION. PRIOR TOBEGINNING ANY LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES, NOTIFICATION OF AND RECEIPT OF THE CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL MUST BERECEIVED FROM NCDEQ - LAND QUALITY SECTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL NC DEQ LQS AT 919-791-4200 TO SCHEDULE APRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING AT LEAST 72 HOURS PRIOR TO PROJECT ACTIVATION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO THEAPPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PERMIT AND CORRESPONDING PLANS AND TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSFOR SPECIFIC CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING ITEMS AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FOLLOWING THE APPROVED PLANS ANDPERMIT CONDITIONS.1.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY “NC 811” (1-800-632-4949) BEFORE ANY EXCAVATION BEGINS. ANY UTILITIES ANDRESPECTIVE EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THE PLANS ARE CONSIDERED APPROXIMATE AND THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFYTHE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING ALL UTILITIES ANDADJOINING EASEMENTS AND SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE ANY DAMAGED UTILITIES AT HIS/HER OWN EXPENSE.2.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES, HAUL ROADS AND SHALL MOBILIZEEQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, PREPARE STAGING AREA(S) AND STOCKPILE AREA(S) AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. HAUL ROADSSHALL BE PROPERLY MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION.3.CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE AREA DENOTED AS “LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE” OR “HAUL ROADS”AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS.4.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL TEMPORARY ROCK DAMS AT LOCATIONS INDICATED ON THE PLANS.5.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL TEMPORARY SILT FENCE AROUND THE STAGING AREA(S). TEMPORARY SILT FENCINGWILL ALSO BE PLACED AROUND THE TEMPORARY STOCKPILE AREAS AS MATERIAL IS STOCKPILED THROUGHOUT THECONSTRUCTION PERIOD.6.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ALL TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSINGS AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS IN ACCORDANCE WITHTHE APPROVED SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL PERMIT. THE EXISTING CHANNEL AND DITCHES ON SITE WILLREMAIN OPEN DURING THE INITIAL STAGES OF CONSTRUCTION TO ALLOW FOR DRAINAGE AND TO MAINTAIN SITEACCESSIBILITY.7.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSTRUCT ONLY THE PORTION OF CHANNEL AND/OR AREAS THAT CAN BE COMPLETED ANDSTABILIZED WITHIN THE SAME DAY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEED AND MULCH TOALL DISTURBED AREAS AT THE END OF EACH WORK DAY, WITH THE REQUIREMENT OF ESTABLISHING TEMPORARY ANDPERMANENT GROUND COVER THROUGH VEGETATION ESTABLISHMENT.8.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEAR AND GRUB AN AREA ADEQUATE TO CONTRUCT AND/OR REPAIR THE STREAM CHANNELAND GRADING OPERATIONS AFTER ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION MEASURES HAVE BEEN INSTALLED AND APPROVED.IN GENERAL, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL WORK FROM UPSTREAM TO DOWNSTREAM AND IN-STREAM STRUCTURES ANDCHANNEL FILL MATERIAL SHALL BE INSTALLED USING A PUMP-AROUND OR FLOW DIVERSION MEASURE AS SHOWN ON THEPLANS.9.CONTRACTOR SHALL BEGIN CONSTRUCTION REPAIR WORK ON REACH UT2A AT APPROXIMATE STATION 426+75 ANDPROCEED IN A DOWNSTREAM DIRECTION. ANY NEW DESIGN CHANNEL SHOULD BE CONSTRUCTED OFFLINE AND/OR IN THEDRY WHENEVER POSSIBLE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE AND CONSTRUCT THE NEW DESIGN CHANNEL TOPROPOSED DESIGN GRADES AND, IF POSSIBLE, SHALL NOT EXTEND EXCAVATION ACTIVITIES ANY CLOSER THAN WITHIN 10FEET (HORIZONTALLY) OF THE TOP OF EXISTING STREAM BANKS IN ORDER TO PROTECT THE INTEGRITY OF THE EXISTINGSTREAM CHANNEL UNTIL ABANDONMENT.10.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTINUE CONSTRUCTION BY EXCAVATING CHANNEL FILL MATERIAL AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS.ANY EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHOULD BE STOCKPILED IN AREAS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. IN ANY AREAS WHERE EXCAVATIONDEPTHS WILL EXCEED 10 INCHES, TOPSOIL SHALL BE HARVESTED, STOCKPILED AND PLACED BACK OVER THESE AREAS TOA MINIMUM DEPTH OF 8 INCHES TO ACHIEVE DESIGN GRADES AND CREATE A SOIL BASE FOR VEGETATION PLANTINGACCORDING TO THE DESIGN PLANS AND CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS.11.AFTER EXCAVATING AND CONSTRUCTING THE NEW CHANNEL, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL IN-STREAM STRUCTURES,BIOENGINEERING MEASURES, PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY SEEDING AND ALL REQUIRED AMENDMENTS, MULCHING,VEGETATION TRANSPLANTS, TO COMPLETE CHANNEL CONSTRUCTION AND READY THE CHANNEL TO ACCEPT FLOW PERAPPROVAL BY THE ENGINEER.12.LIVE STREAM FLOW WILL BE DIVERTED BACK INTO THE CONSTRUCTED CHANNEL ONCE THE RESTORED STREAM CHANNELAND ASSOCIATED RIPARIAN AREA HAS BEEN STABILIZED, AS DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER AND IN COMPLIANCE WITHAPPROVED PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. ONCE STREAM FLOW IS RETURNED TO A RESTORED STREAM CHANNEL REACH, THECONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY BEGIN PLUGGING, FILLING, AND GRADING THE ASSOCIATED ABANDONED REACH OFSTREAM CHANNEL, AS INDICATED ON PLANS, MOVING IN A DOWNSTREAM DIRECTION TO ALLOW FOR POSITIVE ANDADEQUATE DRAINAGE OF THE ABANDONED CHANNEL REACH. STREAM FLOW SHALL NOT BE DIVERTED INTO ANY SECTIONOF RESTORED STREAM CHANNEL PRIOR TO THE COMPLETION OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF THAT REACH OF PROPOSEDCHANNEL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO FINAL GRADING, STABILIZATION WITH TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEEDINGAND ALL REQUIRED AMENDMENTS, MULCHING, VEGETATION TRANSPLANT INSTALLATION, INSTREAM STRUCTUREINSTALLATION, BIOENGINEERING INSTALLATION, AND COIR FIBER MATTING INSTALLATION.13.THE RESTORED CHANNEL SECTIONS SHALL REMAIN OPEN AT THEIR DOWNSTREAM END TO ALLOW FOR DRAINAGE DURINGRAIN EVENTS.14.ALL GRADING ACTIVITIES ADJACENT TO THE STREAM CHANNEL AND RIPARIAN AREAS SHALL BE COMPLETED PRIOR TODIVERTING STREAM FLOW INTO THE RESTORED STREAM CHANNEL REACHES. ONCE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED ON AREACH OF PROPOSED STREAM CHANNEL, ADDITIONAL GRADING ACTIVITIES SHALL NOT BE CONDUCTED WITHIN 10 FEET(HORIZONTALLY) OF THE NEWLY RESTORED STREAM CHANNEL BANKS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT ROUGHEN AREASWHERE REQUIRED EXCAVATION ACTIVITIES HAVE NOT BEEN COMPLETED.15.ONCE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE WITHIN A PUMP-AROUND WORK AREA OR CONSTRUCTION WORK PHASE LIMIT, THECONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEEDING, MULCH AND AMENDMENTS TO ANY AREASDISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION WITHIN HOURS. ALL SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH GROUNDCOVER AS SOON AS PRACTICABLE WITHIN 7 CALENDAR DAYS. ALL OTHER DISTURBED AREAS AND SLOPES FLATTER THAN3:1 SHALL BE STABILIZED WITHIN 14 CALENDAR DAYS FROM THE LAST LAND-DISTURBING ACTIVITY.16.PERMANENT GROUND COVER SHALL BE ESTABLISHED FOR ALL DISTURBED AREAS WITHIN 15 WORKING DAYS OR 90CALENDAR DAYS (WHICHEVER IS SHORTER) FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. ALL DISTURBED AREASSHOULD HAVE ESTABLISHED GROUND COVER PRIOR TO DEMOBILIZATION. REMOVE ANY TEMPORARY STREAMCROSSINGS AND TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES. HAUL ROADS TO BE RESTORED TO A CONDITION EQUAL TOOR BETTER THAN FOUND PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.17.ALL REMAINING DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE STABILIZED BY TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEEDING AND MULCHING BEFORE CONSTRUCTION CLOSEOUT IS REQUESTED AND DEMOBILIZATION CAN OCCUR. ANY EXCESS SPOIL MATERIAL SHALL BE STOCKPILED IN DESIGNATED AREAS AND OR HAULED OFF-SITE AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER.18.THE CONTRACTOR COMPLETE ALL REMAINING PLANTING ACTIVITIES, INCLUDING SHRUB AND TREE PLANTING, REMAININGTRANSPLANT INSTALLATION, INSTALLATION OF REMAINING BIOENGINEERING MEASURES, AND LIVE STAKE INSTALLATION,ACCORDING TO THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING THE APPROVED PERMIT, PLANS AND TECHNICALSPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE THE RE-FORESTATION PHASE OF THE PROJECT AND CONDUCT REMAINING PERMANENT SEEDING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING THEAPPROVED PERMIT, PLANS AND TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS.19.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT THE SITE IS FREE OF TRASH AND LEFTOVER CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS PRIORTO DEMOBILIZATION FROM THE SITE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OFF-SITE REMOVAL OF ALL TRASHAND ANY OTHER INCIDENTAL MATERIALS PRIOR TO DEMOBILIZATION OF EQUIPMENT FROM THE SITE. ANY EXCESS SPOILMATERIAL SHALL BE STOCKPILED IN DESIGNATED AREAS AND OR HAULED OFF-SITE AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. DESCRIPTIONNO.REVISIONSDATEPROJECT NAMESHEET NUMBERDESIGNED BY :DRAWN BY :DATE :PROJECT NO. :FILENAME :DRAWING INFORMATIONSHEET NAMEHORIZ. SCALE :VERT. SCALE :WLS ENGINEERING,81 Chickwood TrailWeaverville, NC 28787(919)614-5111PLLCPROJECT ENGINEERALLEGHANY COUNTY, NCLITTLE PINE CREEK IIISTREAM AND WETLANDRESTORATION PROJECT -REPAIRDRAFT CONCEPT PLANA05-01-18ENGINEERING SERVICES BYWLS ENGINEERING, PLLCFIRM LICENSE NO. P-1480N.T.S.94903FINAL CONCEPT PLANB06-01-18FINAL CONCEPT PLANC06-11-18DRAFT FINAL PLAND08-17-18FINAL PLANE10-02-18310-02-18KMV/WSHAPLN.T.S.N/ATYPICALSECTIONS03_LITTLE PINE III_TYPICAL SECTIONS.DWGRIFFLEWbkfD-max2.5:12.5:1WbD-max1.5:14 : 1POOL (MEANDER)WbEXISTINGGROUNDEXISTINGGROUNDPROPOSEDGRADEPROPOSEDGRADEN.T.SN.T.STYPICAL SECTIONSRIFFLE WITH BANKFULL BENCHWbkfD-max2.5:12.5:11.5:1POOL WITH BANKFULL BENCHEXISTINGGROUNDPROPOSEDGRADEPROPOSEDGRADEN.T.SN.T.SVARIES PER PLAN3:1VARIES PER PLAN3: 1 WbkfEXISTINGGROUNDVARIES PER PLAN3:1VARIES PER PLAN3: 1 POOL (STEP)D-max3. 5 : 13.5:1WbEXISTINGGROUNDPROPOSEDGRADEN.T.SWbkfWbkfWbD-max1.5:14 : 1Wb DESCRIPTIONNO.REVISIONSDATEPROJECT NAMESHEET NUMBERDESIGNED BY :DRAWN BY :DATE :PROJECT NO. :FILENAME :DRAWING INFORMATIONSHEET NAMEHORIZ. SCALE :VERT. SCALE :WLS ENGINEERING,81 Chickwood TrailWeaverville, NC 28787(919)614-5111PLLCPROJECT ENGINEERALLEGHANY COUNTY, NCLITTLE PINE CREEK IIISTREAM AND WETLANDRESTORATION PROJECT -REPAIRDRAFT CONCEPT PLANA05-01-18ENGINEERING SERVICES BYWLS ENGINEERING, PLLCFIRM LICENSE NO. P-1480N.T.S.94903FINAL CONCEPT PLANB06-01-18FINAL CONCEPT PLANC06-11-18DRAFT FINAL PLAND08-17-18FINAL PLANE10-02-18410-02-18KMV/WSHAPLDETAILSN.T.S.N.T.S.AABBFLOWBEGIN STEP INVERTELEVATIONSTONEBACKFILLLARGESTONEBACKFILLALONG TOETOE OFSTREAM BANKTOP OF STREAM BANKPOOL WIDTH(1.3X BANKFULLWIDTH)POOL TO POOL SPACINGVARIES. SEE NOTE #9 FOR POOLSPACING REQUIREMENTS.STEP INVERTELEVATIONFLOWH = STEPHEIGHTNON-WOVENGEOTEXTILEFABRICPOOLPROFILE B-BSTONE AND LOG STEP POOL BASEFLOWBANKFULL STAGERESTOREDSTREAMBEDHEADERLOGFOOTERLOGSECTION A-ASET INVERT ELEVATIONBASED ON DESIGN PROFILETRANSPLANTSOR LIVE STAKESBANKFULL STAGETOP OF STREAM BANKBASEFLOW BURY INTOBANK 5'MINIMUM(TYP.)1% - 2% CROSS SLOPEEND STEP INVERTELEVATIONSCOURPOOLSCOURPOOLNOTES: LARGE STONEBACKFILL5' MINIMUMPLAN VIEW10. INTERIOR LOGS SHOULD BE AT A SLIGHT ANGLE (~70 DEGREES) FROM THESTREAMBANK AND CROSS SLOPES SHOULD BE 1-2%.11. PLACE FOOTER LOGS FIRST AND THEN HEADER (TOP) LOG. SET HEADERLOG AT A MAXIMUM OF 3 INCHES ABOVE THE INVERT ELEVATION.12. AVERAGE STEP HEIGHTS/DROPS SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.5 UNLESS SHOWNOTHERWISE.13. CUT A NOTCH IN THE HEADER LOG APPROXIMATELY 30% OF THE CHANNELBOTTOM WIDTH AND EXTENDING DOWN TO THE INVERT ELEVATION. NOTCHSHALL BE USED TO CENTER FLOW AND NOT EXCEED 3 INCHES IN DEPTH.14. THE NUMBER OF STEPS MAY VARY BETWEEN BEGINNING AND ENDSTATIONING. SEE LONGITUDINAL PROFILE FOR STATION AND ELEVATION.15. USE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC FOR DRAINAGE TO SEAL GAPS BETWEEN LOGS.16. PLACE VEGETATION TRANSPLANTS FROM TOE OF STREAMBANK TO TOP OFSTREAMBANK.17. SEE TYPICAL SECTION FOR CHANNEL DIMENSIONS.1.LOGS SHOULD BE AT LEAST 12 INCHES IN DIAMETER, RELATIVELY STRAIGHT HARDWOOD ANDRECENTLY HARVESTED.2.LOGS >24 INCHES IN DIAMETER MAY BE USED ALONE WITHOUT AN ADDITIONAL LOG FILTER FABRICSHOULD STILL BE USED TO SEAL AROUND LOG. LOGS SHOULD EXTEND INTO THE BANKS 5' ON EACHSIDE.3. SOIL SHALL BE WELL COMPACTED AROUND BURIED PORTION OF FOOTER LOGS WITH BUCKET OFTRACK HOE.4. INSTALL GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC UNDERNEATH LOGS.5. UNDERCUT POOL BED ELEVATION 8 INCHES TO ALLOW FOR LAYER OF STONE. INSTALL LARGE STONEBACKFILL ALONG SIDE SLOPES.6. INSTALL EROSION CONTROL MATTING ALONG COMPLETED BANKS SUCH THAT THE EROSION CONTROLMATTING AT THE TOE OF THE BANK EXTENDS DOWN TO THE UNDERCUT ELEVATION.7. INSTALL LARGE STONE BACKFILL ALONG SIDE SLOPES.8. FINAL CHANNEL BED SHAPE SHOULD BE ROUNDED, COMPACTED, AND CONCAVE, WITH THE ELEVATIONOF THE BED APPROXIMATELY 0.5 FT DEEPER IN THE CENTER THAN AT THE EDGES.9. AVERAGE POOL TO POOL SPACING SHALL BE SHOWN ON THE PROFILE OR SPECIFIED BY ENGINEERBASED ON EXISTING CONDITIONS SUCH AS SLOPE AND SUITABLE FILL MATERIAL. RIFFLE STEP-POOLSOR CASCADE POOLS MAY BE SUBSTITUTED IN AREAS WHERE EXISTING SLOPES EXCEED 10% ASDETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER.NOT TO SCALEEROSION CONTROLMATTINGNOTCH (SEENOTE 13)NOTCH (SEENOTE 13)NOTCH (SEENOTE 13)04_05_LITTLE PINE III_DETAIL_SHEET.DWGTOE OF STREAMBANKLIVE STAKINGLIVE STAKEPLAN VIEW OF STREAM BANKSECTION A - AAATOE OF STREAMBANKTOP OF STREAMBANKLIVE STAKE DETAIL2' TO 3' LENGTHSQUARE CUT TOPBUDS FACING UPWARDLIVE STAKEPLANT LIVESTAKES FROMTOP OFSTREAM BANKTO TOE OFSTREAM BANKIN A DIAMONDSHAPED,STAGGEREDPATTERN TOSPECIFIEDSPACING1. LIVE STAKES SHOULD BE CUT AND INSTALLED ON THE SAME DAY.2. DO NOT INSTALL LIVE STAKES THAT HAVE BEEN SPLIT.3. LIVE STAKES MUST BE INSTALLED WITH BUDS POINTING UPWARDS.4. LIVE STAKES SHOULD BE INSTALLED PERPENDICULAR TO BANK.5. LIVE STAKES SHOULD BE 1/2 TO 2 INCHES IN DIAMETER AND 2 TO 3 FEET LONG.6. LIVE STAKES SHOULD BE INSTALLED LEAVING 1/5 OF THE LENGTH OF THE LIVE STAKE ABOVE GROUND.6' TO 8' SPACING2' TO 3' SPACINGNO LIVE STAKES ON POINT BARTOP OF STREAMBANKTOE OF STREAMBANKLIVE STAKE SPACING PLAN VIEWTOP OF STREAMBANKRESTORED STREAMBEDANGLE CUT 30 TO45 DEGREESLIVE CUTTINGMINIMUM 1/2"DIAMETERNO LIVE STAKESRESTORED STREAMBEDBANKFULL STAGEBASEFLOWTHALWEGNOTES:FLOWNOT TO SCALEGLIDERIFFLEFLOW POOLNOTES:16" MIN. THICKNESSSTONE BACKFILL16" MIN. THICKNESSSTONE BACKFILL1. DIG A TRENCH BELOW THE RESTORED STREAMBED FOR THE STONE BACKFILL.2. FILL TRENCH WITH STONE BACKFILL.16" MIN. THICKNESSSTONE BACKFILLCONSTRUCTED STONE RIFFLEBSECTION A-APLAN VIEWPROFILE B-BAATOE OF STREAM BANKEROSION CONTROLMATTING SHOULD BEPLACED BENEATH STONEBACKFILLHEAD OF RIFFLEINVERT ELEVATIONHEAD OF RIFFLEINVERT ELEVATIONBASEFLOWBANKFULL STAGERIFFLE Dmax = MAX DEPTHTOP OF STREAM BANKTOP OF STREAM BANKRUNTAIL OF RIFFLEINVERT ELEVATIONTAIL OF RIFFLEINVERT ELEVATIONTOE OF STREAMBANKFLOW BOTTOM WIDTH OFCHANNELBBANKFULL STAGENOT TO SCALEGRADE CONTROL LOG J-HOOK VANE1. LOGS SHOULD BE 12" TO 18" IN DIAMETER, RELATIVELY STRAIGHT, HARDWOOD, AND RECENTLY HARVESTED.2. LOGS SHOULD BE BURIED INTO THE STREAM BED AND BANKS AT LEAST 5 FEET.3. SOIL SHOULD BE COMPACTED WELL AROUND BURIED PORTIONS OF LOGS.4. INSTALL GEOTEXTILE FABRIC BEGINNING AT THE TOP OF THE HEADER LOG AND EXTEND DOWNWARD TO THE DEPTH OF THE BOTTOM FOOTER LOG AND THEN UPSTREAM TO A MINIMUM OF FIVE FEET. GEOTEXTILE FABRIC SHOULD BE NAILED TO THE LOG BELOW THE BACKFILL.5. EXCAVATE A TRENCH BELOW THE BED FOR FOOTER LOG AND PLACE FILL ON UPSTREAM SIDE OF VANE ARM, BETWEEN THE ARM AND STREAMBANK.6. START AT BANK AND PLACE FOOTER BOULDERS FIRST AND THEN HEADER BOULDERS.7. CONTINUE WITH STRUCTURE, FOLLOWING ANGLE AND SLOPE SPECIFICATIONS.8. AN OPTIONAL COVER LOG CAN BE PLACED IN SCOUR POOL FOR HABITAT IMPROVEMENT AT DIRECTION OF ENGINEER.9. USE HAND PLACED STONE TO FILL GAPS ON UPSTREAM SIDE OF HEADER AND FOOTER BOULDERS.10. AFTER ALL STONE BACKFILL HAS BEEN PLACED, FILL IN THE UPSTREAM SIDE OF THE STRUCTURE WITH ON-SITE ALLUVIUM TO THE ELEVATION OF THE TOP OF THE HEADER BOULDER AND LOG.11. VEGETATION TRANSPLANTS CAN BE USED INSTEAD OF ROOTWADS, PER DIRECTION OF ENGINEER.1/3BOTTOMWIDTH OFCHANNEL1/3BOTTOMWIDTH OFCHANNELAASTONEBACKFILLTOE OF STREAMBANK PLAN VIEWFLOW SCOURPOOL1/3 - 1/4 BANKFULL STAGE 2/3 BANKFULL STAGENOTES:BBSECTION A-APROFILE B-BHEADERLOGSTONE BACKFILLNON-WOVENGEOTEXTILE FABRIC5' MINIMUMGEOTEXTILEFABRICROOTWAD(OPTIONAL)LOGS BURIED INSTREAMBANKAT LEAST 5'4% TO 7%ARM SLOPEFOOTER LOG(OPTIONAL)HEADERLOG1'2/3 BANKFULL STAGEFLOWRESTORED STREAMBED ELEVATIONHEADERBOULDERFOOTER LOG(OPTIONAL)ROOTWADNOT TO SCALEHEADERBOULDERINVERT/ GRADE POINTARM ANGLE20° TO 30° DESCRIPTIONNO.REVISIONSDATEPROJECT NAMESHEET NUMBERDESIGNED BY :DRAWN BY :DATE :PROJECT NO. :FILENAME :DRAWING INFORMATIONSHEET NAMEHORIZ. SCALE :VERT. SCALE :WLS ENGINEERING,81 Chickwood TrailWeaverville, NC 28787(919)614-5111PLLCPROJECT ENGINEERALLEGHANY COUNTY, NCLITTLE PINE CREEK IIISTREAM AND WETLANDRESTORATION PROJECT -REPAIRDRAFT CONCEPT PLANA05-01-18ENGINEERING SERVICES BYWLS ENGINEERING, PLLCFIRM LICENSE NO. P-1480N.T.S.94903FINAL CONCEPT PLANB06-01-18FINAL CONCEPT PLANC06-11-18DRAFT FINAL PLAND08-17-18FINAL PLANE10-02-18510-02-18KMV/WSHAPLDETAILSN.T.S.N.T.S.PLAN VIEWGEOLIFT W/ TOE WOODBASEFLOWRESTORED STREAMBED POINT BAR (SEE TYPICAL SECTIONS)TOP OF RESTORED STREAM BANK4' DEEP (TYP.)STAKE TOP LAYER OFEROSION CONTROLMATTING IN 6" TRENCH(SEE COIR FIBER MATTINGDETAIL)INSTALL FOUNDATION LOGSSUCH THAT AT LEAST HALF OFTHE LOG DIAMETER IS BELOWTHE RESTORED STREAMBEDELEVATION.SLOPE VARIESCOVER LOGS AND/OR ROOT WADSINSTALLED IN LOCATIONS AS SHOWN ONPLANS AND PER RESPECTIVE DETAILSPLACE THICK LAYEROF 1"- 6" DIAMETERWOODY DEBRISLIVE BRANCH CUTTINGS (SEEPLANTING PLAN FOR SPECIES)EROSION CONTROL MATTINGENCOMPASSES LIFTBANKFULL STAGEADD BOULDERS OR OTHER APPROVEDCOUNTERWEIGHT TO PREVENT WOODFROM FLOATINGSECTION A - AFLOWFOUNDATION LOGS TO BE INSTALLEDAT ANGLES SHOWN BETWEEN 15-25°EXTEND WOODY DEBRIS MATERIALTO 1/4 BANKFULL WIDTHAATOP OF RESTORED STREAM BANKBACKFILL 1.5' LIFT OF COMPACTEDON-SITE SOIL (TYP.)SCOURPOOLHORIZONTAL SETBACK FOR LIFT ISAPPROX. 1 FT.NOT TO SCALECHANNEL BLOCKCHANNEL TO BERELOCATEDAAOLD FLOWNEW FLOW DIRECTION100' MINIMUMPLAN VIEWOLD FLOWFINISHED GRADEUNCOMPACTEDFILL 1.5' MINIMUMCOMPACTEDBACKFILLNEW STREAMBANKSHALL BE TREATED ASSPECIFIED IN PLANSCHANNEL INVERTOPTIONAL ROOT WADPLACEMENT AS DIRECTEDBY ENGINEER21SECTION A-A1. COMPACT BACKFILL USING ON-SITE HEAVY EQUIPMENT IN 10 INCH LIFTS.2. FILL DITCH PLUG TO TOP OF BANKS OR AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER.CHANNEL BLOCKNOTES:TOP OF STREAMBANKNOT TO SCALE04_05_LITTLE PINE III_DETAIL_SHEET.DWG8' MAXIMUM SPACINGEDGE OF DISTURBED AREA 48" MINIMUM18" MINIMUMEXISTING GROUNDFENCE MATERIAL:ORANGE, UV RESISTANTHIGH-TENSILE STRENGTHPOLYETHYLENE LAMINARBARRICADE FABRIC (TYP.)NOTES:1. ALL TREES, PLANTS, VEGETATION OR WETLANDS DESIGNATED TO BE PROTECTEDSHALL BE INSTALLED IN AREAS AS SHOWN ON PLANS.2. INSTALL TEMPORARY PROTECTION FENCE AT TREE DRIP LINE, AT EDGE OFWETLANDS, OR PROPOSED DISTURBED AREA AS SHOWN ON PLANS, PRIOR TOCONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES.3. THERE SHALL BE NO STORAGE OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS WITHIN THEBOUNDARIES OF THE TEMPORARY PROTECTION FENCING.4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT ROOT SYSTEMS FROM PONDING, ERODING, OREXCESSIVE WETTING CAUSED BY DEWATERING OPERATIONS.5. TEMPORARY PROTECTION FENCING SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THEDURATION OF THE PROJECT AND REMOVED ONLY AFTER CONSTRUCTIONOPERATIONS ARE COMPLETE AND EQUIPMENT HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM THE SITE.TEMPORARY PROTECTION FENCENOT TO SCALEPOSTS SHALL BE 1.33 LB/LF STEEL WITHA MINIMUM LENGTH OF 5 FEET ANDSHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO ALLOW FORFASTENING OF THE FENCE.LIMITS OF PLANTCANOPY, DRIPLINE,CLEARING/GRADING DESCRIPTIONNO.REVISIONSDATEPROJECT NAMESHEET NUMBERDESIGNED BY :DRAWN BY :DATE :PROJECT NO. :FILENAME :DRAWING INFORMATIONSHEET NAMEGRAPHIC SCALEHORIZ. SCALE :VERT. SCALE :NORTHWLS ENGINEERING,81 Chickwood TrailWeaverville, NC 28787(919)614-5111PLLCPROJECT ENGINEERALLEGHANY COUNTY, NCENGINEERING SERVICES BYWLS ENGINEERING, PLLCFIRM LICENSE NO. P-14801" = 60'1" = 6'94903LITTLE PINE CREEK IIISTREAM AND WETLANDRESTORATION PROJECT -REPAIRDRAFT CONCEPT PLANA05-01-18FINAL CONCEPT PLANB06-01-18FINAL CONCEPT PLANC06-11-18DRAFT FINAL PLAND08-17-18FINAL PLANE10-02-18610-02-18KVS/WSHAPLFLOWBEGIN CONSTRUCTION REPAIR UT2ASTA. 426+38.00426+00428+00429+00427+00430+0006-07_LITTLE PINE III_PP_SHEETS.DWG256025502570EDDIE GENE EDWARDS& JOY G. EDWARDSPIN:4011-10-4454DB: 107 PG: 632431+00432+00UT2A EXISTING FENCE(TYP.)25602570REMOVE EXISTINGTREE, INSTALL GEOLIFTWITH TOE WOOD2580REPLANT SIDE SLOPES WITHPERMANENT VEGETATIONMATCHLINE - SEE SHEET 725402550256025702540XSC3DO NOT DISTURBEXISTING WETLANDS(TYP.)EDDIE GENE EDWARDS& JOY G. EDWARDSPIN:4011-10-4454DB: 107 PG: 632DO NOT DISTURB EXISTINGFENCE UNLESS OTHERWISESHOWN ON PLANS.REALIGN CHANNELSTA 430+37.98 UT2A TOSTA 333+43.29 UT2INSTALL CHANNELBLOCK (TYP.)INSTALL GEOLIFT WITHTOE WOOD (TYP.)UT2UT2BEGIN CONSTRUCTIONREPAIRS UT2 REACH 1STA. 332+25.00EXISTINGCONSERVATIONEASEMENT (TYP.)BEGIN CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS UT2A STA.426+38.00 AT EXISTING 36" DIA. RCP.REMOVE EXCESS SEDIMENT IN CULVERTBOTTOM TO MAXIMUM 0.4' BURIED DEPTH TOIMPROVE CAPACITY AND AQUATIC PASSAGEAND EXCAVATE THE EXCESS SEDIMENT FROMTHE CHANNEL INVERT DOWNSTREAM OF THECULVERT OUTLET TO PREVENT AGGRADATION.SLOPE RIGHT BANK AT2:1, SEED, MULCH, MATAND LIVE STAKEUT2APLAN ANDPROFILEREPLANT SIDE SLOPES WITHPERMANENT VEGETATION(6)INSTALL CONSTRUCTEDSTONE RIFFLE (TYP.)SLOPE RIGHT BANK AT2:1, SEED, MULCH, MATAND LIVE STAKEINSTALL GRADE CONTROLLOG J-HOOK VANE (TYP.)(3)INSTALL STONE ANDLOG STEP POOL (TYP.)2550XS C 1 2560XS C 22570 EXISTING ACCESSROAD (TYP.)2580REALIGN CHANNELSTA 427+57.68 TOSTA 427+96.89 UT2A ANDINSTALL GEOLIFT WITHTOEWOOD2550SLOPE RIGHT BANK AT2:1, SEED, MULCH, MATAND LIVE STAKESLOPE RIGHT BANK AT2:1, SEED, MULCH, MATAND LIVE STAKEEND CONSTRUCTION REPAIRSUT2 REACH 1BEGIN CONSTRUCTION REPAIRSUT2 REACH 2, STA. 333+36.89END CONSTRUCTION REPAIRSUT2A, STA. 432+09.77BEGIN CHANNEL REALIGNMENT STA. 430+41.27 UT2A LIMITS OFDISTURBANCE (TYP.)SLOPE RIGHT BANK AT2:1, SEED, MULCH, MATAND LIVE STAKEEND CHANNEL REALIGNMENT STA. 432+41.68 UT2A = STA. 333+86.26 UT2 CECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECEWLBWL B WLB WLBWLBWLBWLBWLBWLBWLBWLBWLBWLBWLBWLB WLB 254525502545255025452550255 0 2555 255025552565257025752580 25702565 257525802575 2580 LODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLOD LOD LOD LODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODT P TPTPTPT P TP TPT P LODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLOD36" CMPCULVERTCROSSING-5.66%-8.31%4.19%-2.75%-5.03%1.76%-2.92%-7.08%3.05%-3.78%-11.99%4.71%-4.49%PI STA=430+41.27 ELEV=2555.70 PI STA=430+51.22 ELEV=2555.13 PI STA=430+59.44 ELEV=2554.45 PI STA=430+67.79 ELEV=2554.80 PI STA=430+93.49 ELEV=2554.09 PI STA=431+03.27 ELEV=2553.60 PI STA=431+13.11 ELEV=2553.77 PI STA=431+30.34 ELEV=2553.27 PI STA=431+44.75 ELEV=2552.25 PI STA=431+60.21 ELEV=2552.72 PI STA=431+85.69 ELEV=2551.76 PI STA=431+93.25 ELEV=2550.85 PI STA=432+00.28 ELEV=2551.19 PI STA=432+10.00 ELEV=2550.75 DESIGNBANKFULLDESIGN THALWEGEXISTING GROUND MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET 6 DESCRIPTIONNO.REVISIONSDATEPROJECT NAMESHEET NUMBERDESIGNED BY :DRAWN BY :DATE :PROJECT NO. :FILENAME :DRAWING INFORMATIONSHEET NAMEGRAPHIC SCALEHORIZ. SCALE :VERT. SCALE :NORTHWLS ENGINEERING,81 Chickwood TrailWeaverville, NC 28787(919)614-5111PLLCPROJECT ENGINEERALLEGHANY COUNTY, NCENGINEERING SERVICES BYWLS ENGINEERING, PLLCFIRM LICENSE NO. P-14801" = 60'1" = 6'94903LITTLE PINE CREEK IIISTREAM AND WETLANDRESTORATION PROJECT -REPAIRDRAFT CONCEPT PLANA05-01-18FINAL CONCEPT PLANB06-01-18FINAL CONCEPT PLANC06-11-18DRAFT FINAL PLAND08-17-18FINAL PLANE10-02-18710-02-18KVS/WSHAPLUT2PLAN ANDPROFILEFLOWBEGIN CONSTRUCTION REPAIR UT2STA. 332+25.00333+00334+00335+00336+00337+00DO NOT DISTURBEXISTING WETLANDS(TYP.)06-07_LITTLE PINE III_PP_SHEETS.DWGEDDIE GENE EDWARDS& JOY G. EDWARDSPIN:4011-10-4454DB: 107 PG: 632INSTALL CHANNELBLOCK (TYP)UT2UT2EXISTING FENCE(TYP.)EXISTINGCONSERVATIONEASEMENT(TYP.)338+00339+00REPLANT SIDE SLOPESWITH PERMANENTVEGETATIONINSTALLCONSTRUCTEDSTONE RIFFLE(TYP.)SLOPE RIGHT BANK AT2:1, SEED, MULCH, MATAND LIVE STAKEINSTALL GRADE CONTROLLOG J-HOOK VANE (TYP.)2530254025502560XSC2 XSC3END CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS STA. 338+15.00 UT2 SLOPE RIGHT BANK AT2:1, SEED, MULCH, MATAND LIVE STAKESLOPE RIGHT BANK AT2:1, SEED, MULCH, MATAND LIVE STAKEINSTALL GEOLIFT W/TOEWOOD (TYP.)BEGIN CONSTRUCTIONREPAIRS UT2 REACH 1STA. 332+25.00END CONSTRUCTION REPAIRSUT2 REACH 1BEGIN CONSTRUCTION REPAIRSUT2 REACH 2, STA. 333+36.89END CONSTRUCTION REPAIRSUT2A, STA. 432+09.77END CONSTRUCTION REPAIRSUT2 REACH 2, STA. 338+15.00DO NOT DISTURB EXISTINGFENCE UNLESS OTHERWISESHOWN ON PLANS.332+002530254025502560EXISTING ACCESSROAD (TYP.)LIMITS OFDISTURBANCE (TYP.)REPAIR FAILING STRUCTUREAND REGRADE CHANNEL PERTYPICAL SECTION.END CHANNEL REALIGNMENTSTA. 432+41.68 UT2A =STA. 333+86.26 UT2 CECECECECECECECECECECECECECEWLBWLB WLB WLBWLBWLBWLBWLBWLBWLBWLBWLBWLBWLBWLB WLB 25402535 254525502545255025452550255025552550 2555LODLODLODLODLODLODLODLO D LOD LOD LODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLO D LO D LO D LO D T P TPTPTPTP TP TPT P LODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODTIE INTO EXISTINGGROUND4.71%-4.49%PI STA=333+37.84 ELEV=2550.85PI STA=333+44.87 ELEV=2551.19PI STA=333+86.26 ELEV=2549.43 CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CECECE CE CECECECECECECECE CE CE CE CE CECECECECECECECECECECECECECEWLBWLBWLBWLBWLB WL B WLBWLBWLBWLB WLB WLBWLB WLBWLBWLB WLB WLBWLBWLBWLBWLBWLBWLBWLBWLB25402545 2550 2545 2550 2545 25502545 25502550 2555 2550 25552560 2565 2570 256525702 5 7 5 2 5 8 0 2570258 5 259 025652570257525802585257025652580LODLO D LO D LO D LO D LO D LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODTPTPTPTPTPTPTPTP TPTPTPTPLOD LOD LO D LO D LO D LO D LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLOD DESCRIPTIONNO.REVISIONSDATEPROJECT NAMESHEET NUMBERDESIGNED BY :DRAWN BY :DATE :PROJECT NO. :FILENAME :DRAWING INFORMATIONSHEET NAMEGRAPHIC SCALEHORIZ. SCALE :VERT. SCALE :NORTHWLS ENGINEERING,81 Chickwood TrailWeaverville, NC 28787(919)614-5111PLLCPROJECT ENGINEERALLEGHANY COUNTY, NCLITTLE PINE CREEK IIISTREAM AND WETLANDRESTORATION PROJECT -REPAIRDRAFT CONCEPT PLANA05-01-18ENGINEERING SERVICES BYWLS ENGINEERING, PLLCFIRM LICENSE NO. P-148094903FINAL CONCEPT PLANB06-01-18FINAL CONCEPT PLANC06-11-18DRAFT FINAL PLAND08-17-18FINAL PLANE10-02-18810-02-18KMV/WSHAPLPLANTINGPLANN/APLANTING ZONESSLOPE BUFFERRIPARIAN BUFFERWETLAND08_LITTLE PINE III_PLANTING_PLAN.DWGRIPARIAN BUFFER PLANTING ZONESpeciesCommon NameMax. SpacingIndiv.SpacingMin. CaliperStratum#Sassafras albidumSassafras8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”5%Liriodendron tulipiferaTulip Poplar8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”15%Quercus prinusChestnut Oak8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”5%Platanus occidentalisSycamore8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”20%Betula nigraRiver Birch8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”10%Cornus floridaFlowering Dogwood8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”10%Aesculus octrandraYellow Buckeye8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”5%Fraxinus americanaWhite Ash8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”20%Quercus rubraNorthern Red Oak8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”10%SLOPE BUFFER PLANTING ZONESpeciesCommon NameMax. SpacingIndiv.SpacingMin. CaliperStratum#Prunus serotinaBlack Cherry8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”10%Liriodendron tulipiferaTulip Poplar8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”20%Quercus prinusChestnut Oak8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”10%Quercus coccineaScarlet Oak8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”10%Carya glabraPignut Hickory8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”15%Cornus floridaFlowering Dogwood8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”10%Aesculus octrandraYellow Buckeye8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”5%Fraxinus americanaWhite Ash8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”10%Quercus rubraNorthern Red Oak8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”10%WETLAND PLANTING ZONESpeciesCommon NameMax. SpacingIndiv.SpacingMin. CaliperStratum#Nyssa sylvaticaBlack Gum8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”10%Platanus occidentalisSycamore8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”30%Betula nigraRiver Birch8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”20%Cornus amomumSilky Dogwood8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”15%Alnus serrulataTag Alder8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”5%FraxinuspennsylvanicaGreen Ash8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”10%Lindera benzoinSpicebush8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”10%100%WETLAND PLANTING ZONELive StakesSpeciesCommon NameMax. SpacingIndiv.SpacingMin. SizeStratum# PlantsCornus amomumSilky Dogwood3 ft3ft0.5”-1.0” cal.25%Salix nigraBlack Willow3 ft3ft0.5”-1.0” cal.15%Salix sericeaSilky Willow3 ft3ft0.5”-1.0” cal.50%Sambucus nigra sspcanadensisElderberry3 ft3ft0.5”-1.0” cal.10%PERMANENT SEEDING (CONSERVATION EASEMENT)Pure Live Seed (20 lbs/acre)Species NameCommon Namelbs/acrePanicum rigidulumRedtop Panicgrass3Agrostis hyemalisWinter Bentgrass3Chasmanthium latifoliumRiver Oats2Rudbeckia hirtaBlackeyed Susan1Coreopsis lanceolataLanceleaf Coreopsis1Carex vulpinoideaFox Sedge3Panicum clandestinumDeertongue3Elymus virginicusVirginia Wild Rye2Asclepias syricaCommon Milkweed0.2Baptisia australisBlue False Indigo0.2Gaillardia pulchellaAnnual Gaillardia1Echinacea purpureaPale Purple Coneflower0.6STREAMBANKSLive StakesSpeciesCommon NameMax.SpacingIndiv.SpacingMin. SizeStratum# PlantsCornus amomumSilky Dogwood3 ft3ft0.5”-1.0” cal.25%Salix nigraBlack Willow3 ft3ft0.5”-1.0” cal.15%Salix sericeaSilky Willow3 ft3ft0.5”-1.0” cal.50%Sambucus nigra sspcanadensisElderberry3 ft3ft0.5”-1.0” cal.10%PERMANENT SEEDING (PASTURE)Pure Live Seed (42 lbs/acre)Species NameCommon Namelbs/acreDactylis qlomerataOrchard Grass40Trifolium repensWhite Ladino Clover2TEMPORARY SEEDINGAPPROVED DATETYPEPLANTING RATE(lbs/acre)Jan 1 – May 1Rye Grain120Ground Agricultural Limestone2,00010-10-10 Fertilizer750Straw Mulch4,000May 1 – Aug 15German Millet40Ground Agricultural Limestone2,00010-10-10 Fertilizer750Straw Mulch4,000Aug 15 – Dec 30Rye Grain120Ground Agricultural Limestone2,00010-10-10 Fertilizer1,000Straw Mulch4,000* If the Redtop Panicgreass and Winter Bentgrass fail to adequatelygerminate and prevent erosion in the Mountain Region, other types ofgrasses listed in Table 6.11.C of the NC E&SC Design Manual shallbe used per the Designer's direction.1.THE ESTIMATED PLANTING AREA IS APPROXIMATELY 0.5 ACRES AND WILL VARY BASED ONSITE CONDITIONS AND AREAS DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION REPAIR WORK.2.ANY PLANTING ACTIVITIES SHALL BE PERFORMED WITHIN THE CONSERVATION EASEMENTUSING NATIVE SPECIES DESCRIBED IN PLANTING PLAN AND TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS.3.FINAL PLANT SELECTION MAY CHANGE DUE TO SPECIES AVAILABILITY AT THE TIME OFPLANTING. SPECIES SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE COORDINATED BETWEEN ENGINEER, OWNER,AND PLANTING CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO THE PROCUREMENT OF PLANT/SEED STOCK.4.EXACT PLACEMENT OF THE SPECIES WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE CONTRACTOR'SVEGETATION SPECIALIST PRIOR TO SITE PLANTING AND BASED ON THE WETNESSCONDITIONS OF PLANTING LOCATIONS.5.LARGE NATIVE TREE SPECIES TO BE PRESERVED WILL BE FLAGGED BY THE ENGINEER PRIORTO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. ANY TREES HARVESTED FOR WOODY MATERIAL WILL BEUTILIZED TO PROVIDE BED AND BANK STABILIZATION, COVER AND/OR NESTING HABITAT.6.ALL DISTURBED AREAS WILL BE STABILIZED USING MULCHING AND SEEDING AS DEFINED INTHE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND THE APPROVED SEDIMENTATION AND EROSIONCONTROL PLANS.7.RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE, SLOPE BUFFER ZONE, AND WETLAND PLANTING ZONE PLANTS WILLBE INSTALLED BY THE CONTRACTOR'S VEGETATION SPECIALIST. SEEDING OF THESE ZONESWITH PERMANENT SEEDING IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. ALL SEEDED ANDPLANTED AREAS SHALL ALSO BE PLANTED WITH TEMPORARY SEED AND SOIL AMENDMENTSAS DESCRIBED IN TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS.PLANTING NOTES1" = 80'UT2AUT2UT2 BEGIN PLANTING OF UT2ASTATION 426+72.00END PLANTING OF UT2STATION 338+07.00BEGIN PLANTING OF UT2STATION 332+25.00END PLANTING OF UT2ASTATION 432+09.77(Secale Cereale)(Setaria italica)(Secale Cereale)LIMITS OFDISTURBANCE (TYP.)ACCESS ROAD (TYP.) THOMAS E. RECTOR& EMMA L. RECTORPIN: 4010-27-4904DB: 102 PG: 191EDDIE GENE EDWARDS& JOY G. EDWARDSPIN:4011-10-4454DB: 107 PG: 632BYRON F. WOODRUFF, JR.& TRACIE M. WOODRUFFPIN:4010-39-6128DB: 250 PG: 135FRANCIS HUBERPIN:4000-99-4066DB: 174 PG: 154PB:9 PG:33EDDIE GENE EDWARDS ANDWIFE, JOY G. EDWARDSDB: 234 PG: 1360EDDIE G. EDWARDS ANDWIFE, JOY G. EDWARDSPIN: 4010-19-1603DB: 191 PG: 765EDDIE GENE EDWARDS ANDWIFE, JOY G. EDWARDSPIN: 4010-28-1652DB: 244 PG: 378EDDIE GENE EDWARDS& JOY G. EDWARDSPIN: 4011-10-4454DB: 107 PG: 632LODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLOD LOD LODLODLOD LOD LODLODL O D LO D LO D LODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLOD LODLODLODLODLODLODLOD LOD LO D LOD LODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLOD LOD LODLODLOD 8666 DESCRIPTIONNO.REVISIONSDATEPROJECT NAMESHEET NUMBERDESIGNED BYDRAWN BYDATEPROJECT NO. FILENAMEDRAWING INFORMATIONSHEET NAMEGRAPHIC SCALEHORIZ. SCALEVERT. SCALENORTHWLS ENGINEERING,6 Dula Springs RoadWeaverville, NC 28787(828)493-3287PLLCPROJECT ENGINEERENGINEERING SERVICES BYWLS ENGINEERING, PLLCFIRM LICENSE NO. P-1480PR O F ESSIONALSEAL36916ENGINEER N O R THCAROLINACHRISTOPAT O M . ICHERS N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N P R E L I M I N A R Y P L A N S18-001ACATAPL01_LP3_PH2__COVER.DWG1" = 300'DRAFT CONCEPT PLANA1-7-201-7-20ALLEGHANY COUNTY, NCLITTLE PINE CREEK IIISTREAM AND WETLANDRESTORATION PROJECT -REPAIR PHASE 2N/A1COVERSHEETLITTLE PINE CREEK IIISTREAM AND WETLAND RESTORATION PROJECT -REPAIR (PHASE 2)ALLEGHANY COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINAVICINITY MAPSHEET INDEX1234-567-8COVER SHEETLEGEND/GENERALNOTES/CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCETYPICAL SECTIONSDETAILSPLAN AND PROFILE - UT1 &LITTLE PINE CREEKPLANTING PLANN.T.S.NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY - DIVISION OF MITIGATION SERVICESNCDEQ - DMS PROJECT ID # 94903NC SCO PROJECT ID #18-18332-01NEW RIVER BASIN (CU 05050001)USACE ACTION ID # 2012-01299TYPE OF WORK : STREAM REPAIR DESIGN SERVICES PROJECTNCDEQ-DMS CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR:KRISTIE CORSON1652 MAIL SERVICE CENTERRALEIGH, NC 27699-1652PH: 919-707-8935Ennice14881460144414541422145314591457LittlePine CreekBLUE RIDGE PARKWAYROADBIG OAKGLADE CREEKSCHOOL ROADGLADE VALLEY ROADBARRETT ROADPROJECTLOCATIONBIG OAK ROAD (SR-1454) UT2ACCESSROAD BEGIN CONSTRUCTION REPAIRSUT1, STA. 10+00PROJECT SITE ENTRANCELAT 36° 30' 26.94" NLONG 81° 0' 18.25" WEND CONSTRUCTION REPAIRSUT1, STA. 12+28UT1LITTLE PINE CREEKLITTLE PINE CREEKBEGIN CONSTRUCTION REPAIRSLITTLE PINE CREEK, STA. 10+00.00END CONSTRUCTION REPAIRSLITTLE PINE CREEK, STA. 33+52BEGIN CONSTRUCTION REPAIRSLITTLE PINE CREEK, STA.31+60END CONSTRUCTION REPAIRSLITTLE PINE CREEK, STA. 11+85 DESCRIPTIONNO.REVISIONSDATEPROJECT NAMESHEET NUMBERDESIGNED BYDRAWN BYDATEPROJECT NO. FILENAMEDRAWING INFORMATIONSHEET NAMEHORIZ. SCALEVERT. SCALEWLS ENGINEERING,6 Dula Springs RoadWeaverville, NC 28787(828)493-3287PLLCPROJECT ENGINEERENGINEERING SERVICES BYWLS ENGINEERING, PLLCFIRM LICENSE NO. P-1480N.T.S.PR O F ESSIONALSEAL36916ENGINEER N O R THCAROLINACHRISTOPAT O M . ICHERS N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N P R E L I M I N A R Y P L A N S18-001ACATAPL02_LP3_PH2_GENERAL NOTES - SYMBOL_SHEET.DWGDRAFT CONCEPT PLANA1-7-201-7-20ALLEGHANY COUNTY, NCLITTLE PINE CREEK IIISTREAM AND WETLANDRESTORATION PROJECT -REPAIR PHASE 2N/A2LEGEND/GENERAL NOTES/CONSTRUCTIONSEQUENCE/TYPICALSECTIONSGENERAL NOTESCONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE1.CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ARE BEING PERFORMED AS A RESTORATION DESIGN REPAIR PLAN ONPRIVATE PROPERTY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE ALL REASONABLE EFFORTS TO REDUCE SEDIMENTLOSS, PROTECT PUBLIC SAFETY, AND MINIMIZE DISTURBANCE OF THE SITE WHILE PERFORMING THECONSTRUCTION WORK. ALL AREAS SHALL BE KEPT NEAT, CLEAN, AND FREE OF ALL TRASH AND DEBRIS,AND ALL REASONABLE PRECAUTIONS SHALL BE TAKEN TO AVOID DAMAGE TO EXISTING ROADS,VEGETATION, TURF, STRUCTURES, AND PRIVATE PROPERTY.2.THE PROJECT SITE BOUNDARIES ARE SHOWN ON THE DESIGN PLANS AS THE PROPOSED CONSERVATIONEASEMENT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM ALL RELATED WORK ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE PROJECTSITE BOUNDARIES AND/OR WITHIN THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE (LOD). THE PROJECT SITE SHALL BEACCESSED THROUGH THE DESIGNATED ACCESS POINTS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR ISRESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING PERMITTED ACCESS THROUGHOUT ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES.3.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALL NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS AND MEASURES TO PROTECT ALLPROPERTIES, RESTORED AREAS AND SITE FEATURES FROM DAMAGE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIRALL DAMAGE OUTSIDE DESIGNATED AREAS AND UPON COMPLETION OF ALL CONSTRUCTION REPAIRACTIVITIES, THE AREAS ARE TO BE RESTORED TO A CONDITION EQUAL TO OR BETTER THAN FOUNDPRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.4.THE ORIGINAL TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY USED FOR THE RESTORATION DESIGN PLANS AND CONSTRUCTIONWORK WAS DEVELOPED USING SURVEY DATA COLLECTED BY KEE MAPPING AND SURVEY (KEE) IN JUNE2012 AND FEBRUARY 2013. THE AS-BUILT SURVEY AND RECORD DRAWINGS WERE PREPARED BYWILDLANDS ENGINEERING IN AUGUST 2016 FROM DIGITAL FILES PROVIDED BY KEE IN APRIL 2016. THEHORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL DATUM SHOWN ON THE DESIGN REPAIR PLANS REPRESENT THE AS-BUILTCONDITIONS AND WERE TIED TO NAD83 NC STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM (US SURVEY FEET) ANDNAVD88 VERTICAL DATUM. SUPPLEMENTAL GPS SURVEY DESIGN LEVEL DATA WAS COLLECTED INMARCH 2018 BY WLS, HOWEVER, EXISTING ELEVATIONS AND SITE CONDITIONS MAY HAVE CHANGEDSINCE THE ORIGINAL DESIGN SURVEY AND AS-BUILT SURVEY WAS COMPLETED.5.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE AND THOROUGHLY FAMILIARIZE HIM/HERSELFWITH ALL EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. THECONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE ACCURACY AND COMPLETENESS OF THE CONSTRUCTIONSPECIFICATIONS AND DESIGN PLANS REGARDING THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THE REPAIR WORKDESCRIBED.6.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BRING ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE CONSTRUCTION PLANS ANDSPECIFICATIONS AND/OR FIELD CONDITIONS TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ENGINEER BEFORECONSTRUCTION BEGINS.7.THERE SHALL BE NO CLEARING OR REMOVAL OF ANY NATIVE SPECIES, PLANTED VEGETATION OR TREESOF SIGNIFICANCE, OTHER THAN THOSE INDICATED ON THE PLANS OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER.8.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXERCISE CARE DURING GRADING ACTIVITIES IN THE VICINITY OF ANYNATIVE/PLANTED VEGETATION AND TREES OF SIGNIFICANCE AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. ALL GRADINGIN THE VICINITY OF TREES NOT IDENTIFIED FOR REMOVAL SHALL BE MADE IN A MANNER THAT DOES NOTDISTURB THE ROOT SYSTEM WITHIN THE DRIP LINE OF THE TREE. TREES COMPROMISED OR DAMAGEDDURING CONSTRUCTION MUST BE REMOVED. TREE DISPOSAL MUST BE CONDUCTED IN A MANNER AS TONOT INTERFERE WITH STREAM FLOW OR OTHER PROJECT FUNCTIONS AND AS DIRECTED BY THEENGINEER.9.PRIOR TO START OF WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT THE SOURCE OF MATERIALS, INCLUDINGAGGREGATES, EROSION CONTROL MATTING, WOOD AND NATIVE PLANTING MATERIAL TO THE ENGINEERFOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL. NO WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED UNTIL THE SOURCE OF MATERIAL ISAPPROVED BY THE ENGINEER.10.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE HELD SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY NECESSARY COORDINATIONBETWEEN THE VARIOUS COUNTY, STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES, UTILITY COMPANIES, HIS/HERSUB-CONTRACTORS, AND THE ENGINEER FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT.11.PRIOR TO START OF WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT THEIR DETAILED PLANTING SCHEDULE TOTHE ENGINEER FOR REVIEW. NO WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED UNTIL THIS SCHEDULE IS APPROVED BYTHE ENGINEER. THE DETAILED PLANTING SCHEDULE SHALL CONFORM TO THE PLANTING REVEGETATIONPLAN AND SHALL INCLUDE A SPECIES LIST AND TIMING SEQUENCE.12.THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO INSTALL IN-STREAM STRUCTURES USING A BACKHOE/EXCAVATORWITH A HYDRAULIC THUMB OF SUFFICIENT SIZE TO PLACE STRUCTURES INCLUDING LOGS, STONE,BOULDERS, ROOT WADS, AND TEMPORARY WOOD MAT STREAM CROSSINGS.13.NO GRADING ACTIVITIES SHALL OCCUR BEYOND THE PROJECT LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE (LOD) AS SHOWNON THE DESIGN PLANS. THE TOTAL AREA OF DISTURBANCE IS 5.0 ACRES. PRIOR TO BEGINNINGCONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL TEMPORARY ORANGE FENCING TO DELIMIT ANDPROTECT THE EXISTING JURISDICTIONAL WETLANDS WITHIN THE LOD. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVESAID FENCING IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION.14.ONCE PROPOSED GRADES ARE ACHIEVED ALONG THE CONSTRUCTED STREAM CHANNEL, BANKFULLBENCHES AND FLOODPLAIN AREAS AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS, GRADED AREAS SHALL BE ROUGHENEDUSING TECHNIQUES DESCRIBED IN THE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS.15.ALL SUITABLE SOIL MATERIAL REQUIRED TO FILL AND/OR PLUG EXISTING DITCHES AND/OR STREAMCHANNEL SHALL BE GENERATED ON-SITE AS DESCRIBED IN THE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS. IFSUITABLE SOIL MATERIAL CAN NOT BE GENERATED ON-SITE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLEFOR PROVIDING SUITABLE MATERIAL FROM OFF-SITE. IF NECESSARY, ANY EXCESS SPOIL MATERIALSHALL BE STOCKPILED IN DESIGNATED AREAS OR HAULED OFF-SITE AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 16.ANY EXISTING FENCE DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION OR FENCE BREAKS NEEDED FOR ACCESS WILLBE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO RESTORE TO PRE-DISTURBED CONDITIONS.THE ENGINEER WILL PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION DURING THE CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS FOR THIS PROJECT. THEFOLLOWING CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE SHALL BE USED DURING PROJECT CONSTRUCTION IMPLEMENTATION. PRIOR TOBEGINNING ANY LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES, NOTIFICATION OF AND RECEIPT OF THE CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL MUST BERECEIVED FROM NCDEQ - LAND QUALITY SECTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL NC DEQ LQS AT 919-791-4200 TO SCHEDULE APRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING AT LEAST 72 HOURS PRIOR TO PROJECT ACTIVATION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO THEAPPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PERMIT AND CORRESPONDING PLANS AND TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSFOR SPECIFIC CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING ITEMS AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FOLLOWING THE APPROVED PLANS ANDPERMIT CONDITIONS.1.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY “NC 811” (1-800-632-4949) BEFORE ANY EXCAVATION BEGINS. ANY UTILITIES ANDRESPECTIVE EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THE PLANS ARE CONSIDERED APPROXIMATE AND THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFYTHE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING ALL UTILITIES ANDADJOINING EASEMENTS AND SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE ANY DAMAGED UTILITIES AT HIS/HER OWN EXPENSE.2.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES, HAUL ROADS AND SHALL MOBILIZEEQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, PREPARE STAGING AREA(S) AND STOCKPILE AREA(S) AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. HAUL ROADSSHALL BE PROPERLY MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION.3.CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE AREA DENOTED AS “LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE” OR “HAUL ROADS”AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS.4.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL TEMPORARY ROCK DAMS AT LOCATIONS INDICATED ON THE PLANS.5.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL TEMPORARY SILT FENCE AROUND THE STAGING AREA(S). TEMPORARY SILT FENCINGWILL ALSO BE PLACED AROUND THE TEMPORARY STOCKPILE AREAS AS MATERIAL IS STOCKPILED THROUGHOUT THECONSTRUCTION PERIOD.6.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ALL TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSINGS AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS IN ACCORDANCE WITHTHE APPROVED SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL PERMIT. THE EXISTING CHANNEL AND DITCHES ON SITE WILLREMAIN OPEN DURING THE INITIAL STAGES OF CONSTRUCTION TO ALLOW FOR DRAINAGE AND TO MAINTAIN SITEACCESSIBILITY.7.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSTRUCT ONLY THE PORTION OF CHANNEL AND/OR AREAS THAT CAN BE COMPLETED ANDSTABILIZED WITHIN THE SAME DAY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEED AND MULCH TOALL DISTURBED AREAS AT THE END OF EACH WORK DAY, WITH THE REQUIREMENT OF ESTABLISHING TEMPORARY ANDPERMANENT GROUND COVER THROUGH VEGETATION ESTABLISHMENT.8.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEAR AND GRUB AN AREA ADEQUATE TO CONTRUCT AND/OR REPAIR THE STREAM CHANNELAND GRADING OPERATIONS AFTER ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION MEASURES HAVE BEEN INSTALLED AND APPROVED.IN GENERAL, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL WORK FROM UPSTREAM TO DOWNSTREAM AND IN-STREAM STRUCTURES ANDCHANNEL FILL MATERIAL SHALL BE INSTALLED USING A PUMP-AROUND OR FLOW DIVERSION MEASURE AS SHOWN ON THEPLANS.9.CONTRACTOR SHALL BEGIN CONSTRUCTION REPAIR WORK ON LITTLE PINE CREEK AT APPROXIMATE STATION 10+00 ANDPROCEED IN A DOWNSTREAM DIRECTION. ANY NEW DESIGN CHANNEL SHOULD BE CONSTRUCTED OFFLINE AND/OR IN THEDRY WHENEVER POSSIBLE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE AND CONSTRUCT THE NEW DESIGN CHANNEL TOPROPOSED DESIGN GRADES AND, IF POSSIBLE, SHALL NOT EXTEND EXCAVATION ACTIVITIES ANY CLOSER THAN WITHIN 10FEET (HORIZONTALLY) OF THE TOP OF EXISTING STREAM BANKS IN ORDER TO PROTECT THE INTEGRITY OF THE EXISTINGSTREAM CHANNEL UNTIL ABANDONMENT.10.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTINUE CONSTRUCTION BY EXCAVATING CHANNEL FILL MATERIAL AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS.ANY EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHOULD BE STOCKPILED IN AREAS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. IN ANY AREAS WHERE EXCAVATIONDEPTHS WILL EXCEED 10 INCHES, TOPSOIL SHALL BE HARVESTED, STOCKPILED AND PLACED BACK OVER THESE AREAS TOA MINIMUM DEPTH OF 8 INCHES TO ACHIEVE DESIGN GRADES AND CREATE A SOIL BASE FOR VEGETATION PLANTINGACCORDING TO THE DESIGN PLANS AND CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS.11.AFTER EXCAVATING AND CONSTRUCTING THE NEW CHANNEL, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL IN-STREAM STRUCTURES,BIOENGINEERING MEASURES, PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY SEEDING AND ALL REQUIRED AMENDMENTS, MULCHING,VEGETATION TRANSPLANTS, TO COMPLETE CHANNEL CONSTRUCTION AND READY THE CHANNEL TO ACCEPT FLOW PERAPPROVAL BY THE ENGINEER.12.LIVE STREAM FLOW WILL BE DIVERTED BACK INTO THE CONSTRUCTED CHANNEL ONCE THE RESTORED STREAM CHANNELAND ASSOCIATED RIPARIAN AREA HAS BEEN STABILIZED, AS DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER AND IN COMPLIANCE WITHAPPROVED PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. ONCE STREAM FLOW IS RETURNED TO A RESTORED STREAM CHANNEL REACH, THECONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY BEGIN PLUGGING, FILLING, AND GRADING THE ASSOCIATED ABANDONED REACH OFSTREAM CHANNEL, AS INDICATED ON PLANS, MOVING IN A DOWNSTREAM DIRECTION TO ALLOW FOR POSITIVE ANDADEQUATE DRAINAGE OF THE ABANDONED CHANNEL REACH. STREAM FLOW SHALL NOT BE DIVERTED INTO ANY SECTIONOF RESTORED STREAM CHANNEL PRIOR TO THE COMPLETION OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF THAT REACH OF PROPOSEDCHANNEL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO FINAL GRADING, STABILIZATION WITH TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEEDINGAND ALL REQUIRED AMENDMENTS, MULCHING, VEGETATION TRANSPLANT INSTALLATION, INSTREAM STRUCTUREINSTALLATION, BIOENGINEERING INSTALLATION, AND COIR FIBER MATTING INSTALLATION.13.THE RESTORED CHANNEL SECTIONS SHALL REMAIN OPEN AT THEIR DOWNSTREAM END TO ALLOW FOR DRAINAGE DURINGRAIN EVENTS.14.ALL GRADING ACTIVITIES ADJACENT TO THE STREAM CHANNEL AND RIPARIAN AREAS SHALL BE COMPLETED PRIOR TODIVERTING STREAM FLOW INTO THE RESTORED STREAM CHANNEL REACHES. ONCE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED ON AREACH OF PROPOSED STREAM CHANNEL, ADDITIONAL GRADING ACTIVITIES SHALL NOT BE CONDUCTED WITHIN 10 FEET(HORIZONTALLY) OF THE NEWLY RESTORED STREAM CHANNEL BANKS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT ROUGHEN AREASWHERE REQUIRED EXCAVATION ACTIVITIES HAVE NOT BEEN COMPLETED.15.ONCE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE WITHIN A PUMP-AROUND WORK AREA OR CONSTRUCTION WORK PHASE LIMIT, THECONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEEDING, MULCH AND AMENDMENTS TO ANY AREASDISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION WITHIN HOURS. ALL SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH GROUNDCOVER AS SOON AS PRACTICABLE WITHIN 7 CALENDAR DAYS. ALL OTHER DISTURBED AREAS AND SLOPES FLATTER THAN3:1 SHALL BE STABILIZED WITHIN 14 CALENDAR DAYS FROM THE LAST LAND-DISTURBING ACTIVITY.16.PERMANENT GROUND COVER SHALL BE ESTABLISHED FOR ALL DISTURBED AREAS WITHIN 15 WORKING DAYS OR 90CALENDAR DAYS (WHICHEVER IS SHORTER) FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. ALL DISTURBED AREASSHOULD HAVE ESTABLISHED GROUND COVER PRIOR TO DEMOBILIZATION. REMOVE ANY TEMPORARY STREAMCROSSINGS AND TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES. HAUL ROADS TO BE RESTORED TO A CONDITION EQUAL TOOR BETTER THAN FOUND PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.17.ALL REMAINING DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE STABILIZED BY TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEEDING AND MULCHING BEFORE CONSTRUCTION CLOSEOUT IS REQUESTED AND DEMOBILIZATION CAN OCCUR. ANY EXCESS SPOIL MATERIAL SHALL BE STOCKPILED IN DESIGNATED AREAS AND OR HAULED OFF-SITE AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER.18.THE CONTRACTOR COMPLETE ALL REMAINING PLANTING ACTIVITIES, INCLUDING SHRUB AND TREE PLANTING, REMAININGTRANSPLANT INSTALLATION, INSTALLATION OF REMAINING BIOENGINEERING MEASURES, AND LIVE STAKE INSTALLATION,ACCORDING TO THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING THE APPROVED PERMIT, PLANS AND TECHNICALSPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE THE RE-FORESTATION PHASE OF THE PROJECT AND CONDUCT REMAINING PERMANENT SEEDING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING THEAPPROVED PERMIT, PLANS AND TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS.19.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT THE SITE IS FREE OF TRASH AND LEFTOVER CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS PRIORTO DEMOBILIZATION FROM THE SITE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OFF-SITE REMOVAL OF ALL TRASHAND ANY OTHER INCIDENTAL MATERIALS PRIOR TO DEMOBILIZATION OF EQUIPMENT FROM THE SITE. ANY EXCESS SPOILMATERIAL SHALL BE STOCKPILED IN DESIGNATED AREAS AND OR HAULED OFF-SITE AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER.LEGENDLOG WEIRPROPOSED CONSERVATIONCECE100EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR101EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR100PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR101PROPOSED MINOR CONTOUREXISTING TREECHANNEL BLOCKCHANNEL FILLLDLDLIMITS OF DISTURBANCEPROPOSED TOP OF STREAM BANKEXISTING PROPERTY BOUNDARYTEMPORARY STREAM CROSSINGPERMANENT STREAM CROSSINGPROPOSED CENTERLINE (THALWEG)GEOLIFT W/ TOEWOOD100 YEAR FLOOD PLAINC/FC/FCUT/FILL LIMITSWLBWLBEXISTING WETLAND BOUNDARYPROPOSED WATER QUALITYXXPROPOSED FIELD FENCETPTPPROPOSED TREE PROTECTION FENCECONSTRUCTED STONE RIFFLEEXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRICFPFPOHPLEXISTING WOODLINE15+00XXEXISTING FENCEPROPOSED FARM PATHEXISTING FARM PATHXPROPOSED GATEEXISTING STRUCTURETREATMENT FEATUREEASEMENT BOUNDARYBOULDER VANE DESCRIPTIONNO.REVISIONSDATEPROJECT NAMESHEET NUMBERDESIGNED BYDRAWN BYDATEPROJECT NO. FILENAMEDRAWING INFORMATIONSHEET NAMEHORIZ. SCALEVERT. SCALEWLS ENGINEERING,6 Dula Springs RoadWeaverville, NC 28787(828)493-3287PLLCPROJECT ENGINEERENGINEERING SERVICES BYWLS ENGINEERING, PLLCFIRM LICENSE NO. P-1480N.T.S.PR O F ESSIONALSEAL36916ENGINEER N O R THCAROLINACHRISTOPAT O M . ICHERS N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N P R E L I M I N A R Y P L A N S18-001ACATAPL03_LP3_PH2_TYPICAL SECTIONS.DWGDRAFT CONCEPT PLANA1-7-201-7-20ALLEGHANY COUNTY, NCLITTLE PINE CREEK IIISTREAM AND WETLANDRESTORATION PROJECT -REPAIR PHASE 2N/A3TYPICALSECTIONSRIFFLEWbkfD-max2:1-2.2:12:1-2.2:1WbD-max2:1-3:14 : 1 - 5 : 1POOL (MEANDER)WbEXISTINGGROUNDEXISTINGGROUNDPROPOSEDGRADEPROPOSEDGRADEN.T.SN.T.STYPICAL SECTIONSPOOL (STEP)D-max3: 1 3:1WbEXISTINGGROUNDPROPOSEDGRADEN.T.SWbkfWbkfReach NameLITTLE PINE CR.UT1FeatureRifflePoolRifflePoolWidth of Bankfull, Wbkf (ft) Depth, Dbkf (ft) Depth, D-Max (ft) to Depth Ratio, bkfW/D13.417.316.013.5Bankfull Area, Abkf (sq ft)50.4112.02.36.0Bottom Width, Wb (ft) DESCRIPTIONNO.REVISIONSDATEPROJECT NAMESHEET NUMBERDESIGNED BYDRAWN BYDATEPROJECT NO. FILENAMEDRAWING INFORMATIONSHEET NAMEHORIZ. SCALEVERT. SCALEWLS ENGINEERING,6 Dula Springs RoadWeaverville, NC 28787(828)493-3287PLLCPROJECT ENGINEERENGINEERING SERVICES BYWLS ENGINEERING, PLLCFIRM LICENSE NO. P-1480N.T.S.PR O F ESSIONALSEAL36916ENGINEER N O R THCAROLINACHRISTOPAT O M . ICHERS N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N P R E L I M I N A R Y P L A N S18-001ACATAPL04_05_LP3_PH2_DETAIL_SHEET.DWGDRAFT CONCEPT PLANA1-7-201-7-20ALLEGHANY COUNTY, NCLITTLE PINE CREEK IIISTREAM AND WETLANDRESTORATION PROJECT -REPAIR PHASE 2N/A4DETAILSAABBFLOWBEGIN STEP INVERTELEVATIONSTONEBACKFILLLARGESTONEBACKFILLALONG TOETOE OFSTREAM BANKTOP OF STREAM BANKPOOL WIDTH(1.3X BANKFULLWIDTH)POOL TO POOL SPACINGVARIES. SEE NOTE #9 FOR POOLSPACING REQUIREMENTS.STEP INVERTELEVATIONFLOWH = STEPHEIGHTNON-WOVENGEOTEXTILEFABRICPOOLPROFILE B-BSTONE AND LOG STEP POOL BASEFLOWBANKFULL STAGERESTOREDSTREAMBEDHEADERLOGFOOTERLOGSECTION A-ASET INVERT ELEVATIONBASED ON DESIGN PROFILETRANSPLANTSOR LIVE STAKESBANKFULL STAGETOP OF STREAM BANKBASEFLOW BURY INTOBANK 5'MINIMUM(TYP.)1% - 2% CROSS SLOPEEND STEP INVERTELEVATIONSCOURPOOLSCOURPOOLNOTES: LARGE STONEBACKFILL5' MINIMUMPLAN VIEW10. INTERIOR LOGS SHOULD BE AT A SLIGHT ANGLE (~70 DEGREES) FROM THESTREAMBANK AND CROSS SLOPES SHOULD BE 1-2%.11. PLACE FOOTER LOGS FIRST AND THEN HEADER (TOP) LOG. SET HEADERLOG AT A MAXIMUM OF 3 INCHES ABOVE THE INVERT ELEVATION.12. AVERAGE STEP HEIGHTS/DROPS SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.5 UNLESS SHOWNOTHERWISE.13. CUT A NOTCH IN THE HEADER LOG APPROXIMATELY 30% OF THE CHANNELBOTTOM WIDTH AND EXTENDING DOWN TO THE INVERT ELEVATION. NOTCHSHALL BE USED TO CENTER FLOW AND NOT EXCEED 3 INCHES IN DEPTH.14. THE NUMBER OF STEPS MAY VARY BETWEEN BEGINNING AND ENDSTATIONING. SEE LONGITUDINAL PROFILE FOR STATION AND ELEVATION.15. USE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC FOR DRAINAGE TO SEAL GAPS BETWEEN LOGS.16. PLACE VEGETATION TRANSPLANTS FROM TOE OF STREAMBANK TO TOP OFSTREAMBANK.17. SEE TYPICAL SECTION FOR CHANNEL DIMENSIONS.1.LOGS SHOULD BE AT LEAST 12 INCHES IN DIAMETER, RELATIVELY STRAIGHT HARDWOOD ANDRECENTLY HARVESTED.2.LOGS >24 INCHES IN DIAMETER MAY BE USED ALONE WITHOUT AN ADDITIONAL LOG FILTER FABRICSHOULD STILL BE USED TO SEAL AROUND LOG. LOGS SHOULD EXTEND INTO THE BANKS 5' ON EACHSIDE.3. SOIL SHALL BE WELL COMPACTED AROUND BURIED PORTION OF FOOTER LOGS WITH BUCKET OFTRACK HOE.4. INSTALL GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC UNDERNEATH LOGS.5. UNDERCUT POOL BED ELEVATION 8 INCHES TO ALLOW FOR LAYER OF STONE. INSTALL LARGE STONEBACKFILL ALONG SIDE SLOPES.6. INSTALL EROSION CONTROL MATTING ALONG COMPLETED BANKS SUCH THAT THE EROSION CONTROLMATTING AT THE TOE OF THE BANK EXTENDS DOWN TO THE UNDERCUT ELEVATION.7. INSTALL LARGE STONE BACKFILL ALONG SIDE SLOPES.8. FINAL CHANNEL BED SHAPE SHOULD BE ROUNDED, COMPACTED, AND CONCAVE, WITH THE ELEVATIONOF THE BED APPROXIMATELY 0.5 FT DEEPER IN THE CENTER THAN AT THE EDGES.9. AVERAGE POOL TO POOL SPACING SHALL BE SHOWN ON THE PROFILE OR SPECIFIED BY ENGINEERBASED ON EXISTING CONDITIONS SUCH AS SLOPE AND SUITABLE FILL MATERIAL. RIFFLE STEP-POOLSOR CASCADE POOLS MAY BE SUBSTITUTED IN AREAS WHERE EXISTING SLOPES EXCEED 10% ASDETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER.NOT TO SCALEEROSION CONTROLMATTINGNOTCH (SEENOTE 13)NOTCH (SEENOTE 13)NOTCH (SEENOTE 13)TOE OF STREAMBANKLIVE STAKINGLIVE STAKEPLAN VIEW OF STREAM BANKSECTION A - AAATOE OF STREAMBANKTOP OF STREAMBANKLIVE STAKE DETAIL2' TO 3' LENGTHSQUARE CUT TOPBUDS FACING UPWARDLIVE STAKEPLANT LIVESTAKES FROMTOP OFSTREAM BANKTO TOE OFSTREAM BANKIN A DIAMONDSHAPED,STAGGEREDPATTERN TOSPECIFIEDSPACING1. LIVE STAKES SHOULD BE CUT AND INSTALLED ON THE SAME DAY.2. DO NOT INSTALL LIVE STAKES THAT HAVE BEEN SPLIT.3. LIVE STAKES MUST BE INSTALLED WITH BUDS POINTING UPWARDS.4. LIVE STAKES SHOULD BE INSTALLED PERPENDICULAR TO BANK.5. LIVE STAKES SHOULD BE 1/2 TO 2 INCHES IN DIAMETER AND 2 TO 3 FEET LONG.6. LIVE STAKES SHOULD BE INSTALLED LEAVING 1/5 OF THE LENGTH OF THE LIVE STAKE ABOVE GROUND.6' TO 8' SPACING2' TO 3' SPACINGNO LIVE STAKES ON POINT BARTOP OF STREAMBANKTOE OF STREAMBANKLIVE STAKE SPACING PLAN VIEWTOP OF STREAMBANKRESTORED STREAMBEDANGLE CUT 30 TO45 DEGREESLIVE CUTTINGMINIMUM 1/2"DIAMETERNO LIVE STAKESRESTORED STREAMBEDBANKFULL STAGEBASEFLOWTHALWEGNOTES:FLOWNOT TO SCALEGLIDERIFFLEFLOW POOLNOTES:16" MIN. THICKNESSSTONE BACKFILL16" MIN. THICKNESSSTONE BACKFILL1. DIG A TRENCH BELOW THE RESTORED STREAMBED FOR THE STONE BACKFILL.2. FILL TRENCH WITH CLASS "A" AND "B" STONE BACKFILL.16" MIN. THICKNESSSTONE BACKFILLCONSTRUCTED STONE RIFFLEBSECTION A-APLAN VIEWPROFILE B-BAATOE OF STREAM BANKEROSION CONTROLMATTING SHOULD BEPLACED BENEATH STONEBACKFILLHEAD OF RIFFLEINVERT ELEVATIONHEAD OF RIFFLEINVERT ELEVATIONBASEFLOWBANKFULL STAGERIFFLE Dmax = MAX DEPTHTOP OF STREAM BANKTOP OF STREAM BANKRUNTAIL OF RIFFLEINVERT ELEVATIONTAIL OF RIFFLEINVERT ELEVATIONTOE OF STREAMBANKFLOW BOTTOM WIDTH OFCHANNELBBANKFULL STAGENOT TO SCALELOG WEIRBBAAINVERTELEVATION~1.3X CHANNEL WIDTHPOOL LENGTH FLOWSCOURPOOLPLAN VIEWNOTES: 1.LOGS SHOULD BE AT LEAST 12 INCHES IN DIAMETER, RELATIVELY STRAIGHTHARDWOOD AND RECENTLY HARVESTED.2.LOGS >24 INCHES IN DIAMETER MAY BE USED ALONE WITHOUT ANADDITIONAL LOG FILTER FABRIC SHOULD STILL BE USED TO SEAL AROUNDLOG, AT THE DIRECTION OF THE ENGINEER.3.PLACE FOOTER LOGS FIRST AND THEN HEADER (TOP) LOG. SET HEADERLOG AT A MAXIMUM OF 3 INCHES ABOVE THE INVERT ELEVATION.4.CUT A NOTCH IN THE HEADER LOG APPROXIMATELY 30% OF THE CHANNELBOTTOM WIDTH AND EXTENDING DOWN TO THE INVERT ELEVATION. NOTCHSHALL BE USED TO CENTER FLOW AND NOT EXCEED 3 INCHES IN DEPTH.5.USE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC FOR DRAINAGE TO SEAL GAPS BETWEEN LOGS.6.INSTALL VEGETATION TRANSPLANTS FROM TOE OF STREAM BANK TO TOPOF STREAM BANK.7.SEE TYPICAL SECTION FOR CHANNEL DIMENSIONS.HEADERLOGFOOTERLOGSECTION A-ASET INVERT ELEVATIONBASED ON DESIGN PROFILETRANSPLANTSOR LIVE STAKESBANKFULL STAGETOP OF STREAM BANKBASEFLOWPROFILE B-BSTONE BACKFILLNON-WOVENGEOTEXTILE FABRIC5' MINIMUMFOOTER LOGSTREAMBEDSCOURPOOLINVERTELEVATIONTOP OF STREAM BANKTOP OF STREAM BANKFLOW BURY INTOBANK 5'MINIMUM(TYP.) BURY INTOBANK 5'MINIMUM(TYP.)HEADER LOGNOT TO SCALEEROSION CONTROLMATTING DESCRIPTIONNO.REVISIONSDATEPROJECT NAMESHEET NUMBERDESIGNED BYDRAWN BYDATEPROJECT NO. FILENAMEDRAWING INFORMATIONSHEET NAMEHORIZ. SCALEVERT. SCALEWLS ENGINEERING,6 Dula Springs RoadWeaverville, NC 28787(828)493-3287PLLCPROJECT ENGINEERENGINEERING SERVICES BYWLS ENGINEERING, PLLCFIRM LICENSE NO. P-1480N.T.S.PR O F ESSIONALSEAL36916ENGINEER N O R THCAROLINACHRISTOPAT O M . ICHERS N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N P R E L I M I N A R Y P L A N S18-001ACATAPL04_05_LP3_PH2_DETAIL_SHEET.DWGDRAFT CONCEPT PLANA1-7-201-7-20ALLEGHANY COUNTY, NCLITTLE PINE CREEK IIISTREAM AND WETLANDRESTORATION PROJECT -REPAIR PHASE 2N/A5DETAILSPLAN VIEWGEOLIFT W/ TOE WOODBASEFLOWRESTORED STREAMBED POINT BAR (SEE TYPICAL SECTIONS)TOP OF RESTORED STREAM BANK4' DEEP (TYP.)STAKE TOP LAYER OFEROSION CONTROLMATTING IN 6" TRENCH(SEE COIR FIBER MATTINGDETAIL)INSTALL FOUNDATION LOGSSUCH THAT AT LEAST HALF OFTHE LOG DIAMETER IS BELOWTHE RESTORED STREAMBEDELEVATION.SLOPE VARIESCOVER LOGS AND/OR ROOT WADSINSTALLED IN LOCATIONS AS SHOWN ONPLANS AND PER RESPECTIVE DETAILSPLACE THICK LAYEROF 1"- 6" DIAMETERWOODY DEBRISLIVE BRANCH CUTTINGS (SEEPLANTING PLAN FOR SPECIES)EROSION CONTROL MATTINGENCOMPASSES LIFTBANKFULL STAGESECTION A - AFLOWFOUNDATION LOGS TO BE INSTALLEDAT ANGLES SHOWN BETWEEN 15-25°EXTEND WOODY DEBRIS MATERIALTO 1/4 BANKFULL WIDTHAATOP OF RESTORED STREAM BANKBACKFILL 1.5' LIFT OF COMPACTEDON-SITE SOIL (TYP.)SCOURPOOLHORIZONTAL SETBACK FOR LIFT ISAPPROX. 1 FT.NOT TO SCALECHANNEL BLOCKCHANNEL TO BERELOCATEDAAOLD FLOWNEW FLOW DIRECTION100' MINIMUMPLAN VIEWOLD FLOWFINISHED GRADEPLACE UNCOMPACTED FILL 1.5'ABOVE FINISHED GRADECOMPACTEDBACKFILLNEW STREAMBANKSHALL BE TREATED ASSPECIFIED IN PLANSCHANNEL BOTTOM/INVERT ELEVATIONOPTIONAL ROOT WAD PLACEMENTOR BANK PROTECTION ASDIRECTED BY ENGINEER21SECTION A-A1. COMPACT DITCH PLUG MATERIAL FOR BACKFILL USING HEAVY EQUIPMENT IN 10 INCH LIFTS.2.CONSTRUCT DITCH PLUG WITH COMPACTED SOIL USING SUITABLE MATERIAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS.3.PLACE FILL MATERIAL IN LOCATIONS SHOWN ON PLANS OR AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER TO ALLOW FOR SETTLING.CHANNEL BLOCKNOTES:TOP OF STREAMBANKNOT TO SCALE8' MAXIMUM SPACINGEDGE OF DISTURBED AREA 48" MINIMUM18" MINIMUMEXISTING GROUNDFENCE MATERIAL:ORANGE, UV RESISTANTHIGH-TENSILE STRENGTHPOLYETHYLENE LAMINARBARRICADE FABRIC (TYP.)NOTES:1. ALL TREES, PLANTS, VEGETATION OR WETLANDS DESIGNATED TO BE PROTECTEDSHALL BE INSTALLED IN AREAS AS SHOWN ON PLANS.2. INSTALL TEMPORARY PROTECTION FENCE AT TREE DRIP LINE, AT EDGE OFWETLANDS, OR PROPOSED DISTURBED AREA AS SHOWN ON PLANS, PRIOR TOCONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES.3. THERE SHALL BE NO STORAGE OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS WITHIN THEBOUNDARIES OF THE TEMPORARY PROTECTION FENCING.4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT ROOT SYSTEMS FROM PONDING, ERODING, OREXCESSIVE WETTING CAUSED BY DEWATERING OPERATIONS.5. TEMPORARY PROTECTION FENCING SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THEDURATION OF THE PROJECT AND REMOVED ONLY AFTER CONSTRUCTIONOPERATIONS ARE COMPLETE AND EQUIPMENT HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM THE SITE.TEMPORARY PROTECTION FENCENOT TO SCALEPOSTS SHALL BE 1.33 LB/LF STEEL WITHA MINIMUM LENGTH OF 5 FEET ANDSHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO ALLOW FORFASTENING OF THE FENCE.LIMITS OF PLANTCANOPY, DRIPLINE,CLEARING/GRADING2/3 BANKFULL STAGE TOE OF STREAM BANKVANE ANGLE20° TO 30°NO GAPSBETWEENBOULDERSFLOWAABBHEADERBOULDERFOOTERBOULDERSCOURPOOLPLAN VIEW1/3BOTTOMWIDTH OFCHANNELBOTTOM WIDTH OF CHANNELSTONEBACKFILLBOULDER SILL(BURIED)SECTION A-ARESTOREDSTREAMBEDELEVATIONFOOTERBOULDERHEADERBOULDERSTONE BACKFILLNON-WOVENGEOTEXTILE FABRIC5' MINIMUMPROFILE B-BFLOWRESTOREDSTREAMBEDELEVATIONFOOTERBOULDERHEADERBOULDER4% TO 7%ARM SLOPE2/3 BANKFULL STAGE1. INSTALL GEOTEXTILE FABRIC BEGINNING AT THE TOP OF THE HEADER BOULDERS AND EXTEND DOWNWARD TO THE DEPTH OF THE BOTTOM FOOTER BOULDER, AND THEN UPSTREAM TO A MINIMUM OF FIVE FEET.2. EXCAVATE A TRENCH BELOW THE STREAM BED FOR FOOTER BOULDERS AND PLACE FILL ON UPSTREAM SIDE OF VANE ARM, BETWEEN THE ARM AND STREAM BANK.3. START AT BANK AND PLACE FOOTER BOULDERS FIRST AND THEN HEADER BOULDERS. START SLOPE AT 2/3 THE BANKFULL STAGE.4. CONTINUE WITH STRUCTURE, FOLLOWING ANGLE AND SLOPE SPECIFICATIONS. ACTUAL NUMBER OF BOULDERS MAY VARY.5. AN EXTRA BOULDER CAN BE PLACED IN SCOUR POOL FOR HABITAT IMPROVEMENT AT DIRECTION OF THE ENGINEER.6. USE HAND PLACED STONE TO FILL GAPS ON UPSTREAM SIDE OF HEADER AND FOOTER BOULDERS.7. AFTER ALL STONE BACKFILL HAS BEEN PLACED, FILL IN THE UPSTREAM SIDE OF THE STRUCTURE WITH ON-SITE ALLUVIUM TO THE ELEVATION OF THE TOP OF THE HEADER BOULDERS.NOTES:STONE BACKFILLTOE OF STREAM BANK NON-WOVENGEOTEXTILE FABRICBOULDER VANENOT TO SCALE 100+00100+50101+00101+50102+00102+50CECECECE CE CE WLBWLBWLB WLBWLBWLB WLB25402540254025402540 2540LODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLOD120+50121+00121+50122+00122+50205+ 5 0 206+ 0 0 206+ 4 2 CECE2525 25252525252525 2 5 2530LOD LOD LOD LOD LODLODLODLOD LODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLOD 197+26 197+50 198+0 0 198+50 199+00 199+50 200+00CECECECEC E CECECELODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODLODDESCRIPTIONNO.REVISIONSDATEPROJECT NAMESHEET NUMBERDESIGNED BYDRAWN BYDATEPROJECT NO. FILENAMEDRAWING INFORMATIONSHEET NAMEGRAPHIC SCALEHORIZ. SCALEVERT. SCALEWLS ENGINEERING,6 Dula Springs RoadWeaverville, NC 28787(828)493-3287PLLCPROJECT ENGINEERENGINEERING SERVICES BYWLS ENGINEERING, PLLCFIRM LICENSE NO. P-1480PR O F ESSIONALSEAL36916ENGINEER N O R THCAROLINACHRISTOPAT O M . ICHERS N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N P R E L I M I N A R Y P L A N S18-001ACATAPL06_LP3_PH2_PLAN AND PROFILE.DWG1" = 60'1" = 6'DRAFT CONCEPT PLANA1-7-201-7-20ALLEGHANY COUNTY, NCLITTLE PINE CREEK IIISTREAM AND WETLANDRESTORATION PROJECT -REPAIR PHASE 2UT1 & LITTLE PINE CREEKPLAN ANDPROFILE6101112323310111225502560254025502530254025202530+00+00+00+00+00+00+00+002550254025302520253025202510250025302520251025002560255025402530CONSERVATIONEASEMENT (TYP.)INSTALL BOULDERVANE (TYP.)INSTALL LOG WEIR (TYP.)CHANNEL BLOCK (TYP.)RE-ALIGN CHANNEL STATION 11+71 TO STATION 12+28SALVAGE J-HOOK BOULDERS FROM J-HOOK.BOULDERS TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTIONOF ROCK VANE AT STATION 120+60REMOVE MID CHANNEL BAR AND RESHAPE THALWEGSLOPE RIGHT BANK AT 2:1, SEED, MULCH, MAT ANDLIVE STAKESLOPE RIGHT BANK AT 5:1, SEED, MULCH, MAT ANDLIVE STAKERESHAPE THALWEG AND INSTALL CONSTRUCTEDSTONE RIFFLE (TYP)INSTALL GEOLIFTWITH TOEWOOD (TYP)FLOWUT1FLOWFLOWLITTLE PINE CREEKSLOPE RIGHT BANK AT 5:1, SEED, MULCH, MAT ANDLIVE STAKELITTLE PINECREEKRESHAPE MID CHANNEL BAR INTO CONSTRUCTED RIFFLESLOPE LEFT BANK AT 2:1,SEED, MULCH, MAT ANDLIVE STAKE 7PLANTINGPLANRIPARIAN BUFFER PLANTING ZONESpeciesCommon NameMax. SpacingIndiv.SpacingMin. CaliperStratum#Sassafras albidumSassafras8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”5%Liriodendron tulipiferaTulip Poplar8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”15%Quercus prinusChestnut Oak8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”5%Platanus occidentalisSycamore8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”20%Betula nigraRiver Birch8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”10%Cornus floridaFlowering Dogwood8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”10%Aesculus octrandraYellow Buckeye8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”5%Fraxinus americanaWhite Ash8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”20%Quercus rubraNorthern Red Oak8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”10%SLOPE BUFFER PLANTING ZONESpeciesCommon NameMax. SpacingIndiv.SpacingMin. CaliperStratum#Prunus serotinaBlack Cherry8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”10%Liriodendron tulipiferaTulip Poplar8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”20%Quercus prinusChestnut Oak8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”10%Quercus coccineaScarlet Oak8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”10%Carya glabraPignut Hickory8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”15%Cornus floridaFlowering Dogwood8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”10%Aesculus octrandraYellow Buckeye8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”5%Fraxinus americanaWhite Ash8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”10%Quercus rubraNorthern Red Oak8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”10%WETLAND PLANTING ZONESpeciesCommon NameMax. SpacingIndiv.SpacingMin. CaliperStratum#Nyssa sylvaticaBlack Gum8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”10%Platanus occidentalisSycamore8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”30%Betula nigraRiver Birch8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”20%Cornus amomumSilky Dogwood8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”15%Alnus serrulataTag Alder8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”5%FraxinuspennsylvanicaGreen Ash8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”10%Lindera benzoinSpicebush8 ft8 ft0.25”-1.0”10%100%WETLAND PLANTING ZONELive StakesSpeciesCommon NameMax. SpacingIndiv.SpacingMin. SizeStratum# PlantsCornus amomumSilky Dogwood3 ft3ft0.5”-1.0” cal.25%Salix nigraBlack Willow3 ft3ft0.5”-1.0” cal.15%Salix sericeaSilky Willow3 ft3ft0.5”-1.0” cal.50%Sambucus nigra sspcanadensisElderberry3 ft3ft0.5”-1.0” cal.10%PERMANENT SEEDING (CONSERVATION EASEMENT)Pure Live Seed (20 lbs/acre)Species NameCommon Namelbs/acrePanicum rigidulumRedtop Panicgrass3Agrostis hyemalisWinter Bentgrass3Chasmanthium latifoliumRiver Oats2Rudbeckia hirtaBlackeyed Susan1Coreopsis lanceolataLanceleaf Coreopsis1Carex vulpinoideaFox Sedge3Panicum clandestinumDeertongue3Elymus virginicusVirginia Wild Rye2Asclepias syricaCommon Milkweed0.2Baptisia australisBlue False Indigo0.2Gaillardia pulchellaAnnual Gaillardia1Echinacea purpureaPale Purple Coneflower0.6STREAMBANKSLive StakesSpeciesCommon NameMax.SpacingIndiv.SpacingMin. SizeStratum# PlantsCornus amomumSilky Dogwood3 ft3ft0.5”-1.0” cal.25%Salix nigraBlack Willow3 ft3ft0.5”-1.0” cal.15%Salix sericeaSilky Willow3 ft3ft0.5”-1.0” cal.50%Sambucus nigra sspcanadensisElderberry3 ft3ft0.5”-1.0” cal.10%PERMANENT SEEDING (PASTURE)Pure Live Seed (42 lbs/acre)Species NameCommon Namelbs/acreDactylis qlomerataOrchard Grass40Trifolium repensWhite Ladino Clover2TEMPORARY SEEDINGAPPROVED DATETYPEPLANTING RATE(lbs/acre)Jan 1 – May 1Rye Grain120Ground Agricultural Limestone2,00010-10-10 Fertilizer750Straw Mulch4,000May 1 – Aug 15German Millet40Ground Agricultural Limestone2,00010-10-10 Fertilizer750Straw Mulch4,000Aug 15 – Dec 30Rye Grain120Ground Agricultural Limestone2,00010-10-10 Fertilizer1,000Straw Mulch4,000* If the Redtop Panicgreass and Winter Bentgrass fail to adequatelygerminate and prevent erosion in the Mountain Region, other types ofgrasses listed in Table 6.11.C of the NC E&SC Design Manual shallbe used per the Designer's direction.1.THE ESTIMATED PLANTING AREA IS APPROXIMATELY 1.4 ACRES AND WILL VARY BASED ONSITE CONDITIONS AND AREAS DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION REPAIR WORK.2.ANY PLANTING ACTIVITIES SHALL BE PERFORMED WITHIN THE CONSERVATION EASEMENTUSING NATIVE SPECIES DESCRIBED IN PLANTING PLAN AND TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS.3.FINAL PLANT SELECTION MAY CHANGE DUE TO SPECIES AVAILABILITY AT THE TIME OFPLANTING. SPECIES SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE COORDINATED BETWEEN ENGINEER, OWNER,AND PLANTING CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO THE PROCUREMENT OF PLANT/SEED STOCK.4.EXACT PLACEMENT OF THE SPECIES WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE CONTRACTOR'SVEGETATION SPECIALIST PRIOR TO SITE PLANTING AND BASED ON THE WETNESSCONDITIONS OF PLANTING LOCATIONS.5.LARGE NATIVE TREE SPECIES TO BE PRESERVED WILL BE FLAGGED BY THE ENGINEER PRIORTO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. ANY TREES HARVESTED FOR WOODY MATERIAL WILL BEUTILIZED TO PROVIDE BED AND BANK STABILIZATION, COVER AND/OR NESTING HABITAT.6.ALL DISTURBED AREAS WILL BE STABILIZED USING MULCHING AND SEEDING AS DEFINED INTHE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND THE APPROVED SEDIMENTATION AND EROSIONCONTROL PLANS.7.RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE, SLOPE BUFFER ZONE, AND WETLAND PLANTING ZONE PLANTS WILLBE INSTALLED BY THE CONTRACTOR'S VEGETATION SPECIALIST. SEEDING OF THESE ZONESWITH PERMANENT SEEDING IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. ALL SEEDED ANDPLANTED AREAS SHALL ALSO BE PLANTED WITH TEMPORARY SEED AND SOIL AMENDMENTSAS DESCRIBED IN TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS.PLANTING NOTES(Secale Cereale)(Setaria italica)(Secale Cereale)DESCRIPTIONNO.REVISIONSDATEPROJECT NAMESHEET NUMBERDESIGNED BYDRAWN BYDATEPROJECT NO. FILENAMEDRAWING INFORMATIONSHEET NAMEHORIZ. SCALEVERT. SCALEWLS ENGINEERING,6 Dula Springs RoadWeaverville, NC 28787(828)493-3287PLLCPROJECT ENGINEERENGINEERING SERVICES BYWLS ENGINEERING, PLLCFIRM LICENSE NO. P-1480N.T.S.PR O F ESSIONALSEAL36916ENGINEE R N O R THCAROLINACHRISTOPAT O M . ICHERS N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N P R E L IM I N A R Y P L A N S18-001ACATAPL07_08_LP3_PH2_PLANTING_PLAN.DWGDRAFT CONCEPT PLANA1-7-201-7-20ALLEGHANY COUNTY, NCLITTLE PINE CREEK IIISTREAM AND WETLANDRESTORATION PROJECT -REPAIR PHASE 2N/A CECECECECECECECECECE CE CE CE CECECE CE CE CECECECECECECECECECECECECECECE CECE CECECECECEWLBWLBWLBWLBWLBWLBWLBWLBWLBWLBWLBWLBWLBWLB WLBWLB WLB WLBWLBWL B 2540254025402540 25402540254525352540254525502535253525402535253525352540 253025302530253025302535254025452530253025252525252525252525 25 2 5 252525252525 253 0 2535 2540 2545 2550 2555 256025652570257525702565256025552550254 5 25402535253025202525 25202520 252025152515251525202535253 5 2540 254 5 25 5 0 254025352545 2550 254 5 25502545 255 0 255025 5 5 2550 25552560 2565 2570 25 7 5 2580 2545 2540 25352530252525252 5 3 0 TPCE CE CE CE CE CE CECECECECECECECE2535 CECECECECECECECECECECEWLB WLB WLBWLBWLBWLB WLBWLBWLB WLBWLBWLBWLB25402540254025 4 0 2540254025252525252525252 5 2 5 25 2 5 2525 252525252 5 3 0 8PLANTINGPLANPLANTING ZONESSLOPE BUFFERRIPARIAN BUFFERWETLANDUT1DESCRIPTIONNO.REVISIONSDATEPROJECT NAMESHEET NUMBERDESIGNED BYDRAWN BYDATEPROJECT NO. FILENAMEDRAWING INFORMATIONSHEET NAMEGRAPHIC SCALEHORIZ. SCALEVERT. SCALENORTHWLS ENGINEERING,6 Dula Springs RoadWeaverville, NC 28787(828)493-3287PLLCPROJECT ENGINEERENGINEERING SERVICES BYWLS ENGINEERING, PLLCFIRM LICENSE NO. P-1480PR O F ESSIONALSEAL36916ENGINEE R N O R THCAROLINACHRISTOPAT O M . ICHERS N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N P R E L IM I N A R Y P L A N S18-001ACATAPL07_08_LP3_PH2_PLANTING_PLAN.DWG1" = 400'DRAFT CONCEPT PLANA1-7-201-7-20ALLEGHANY COUNTY, NCLITTLE PINE CREEK IIISTREAM AND WETLANDRESTORATION PROJECT -REPAIR PHASE 2N/AFLOWLITTLE PINE CREEKFLOWLI T T L E P I N E C R E E K FL O WPLANTING INDEX PLANPLANTING AREA "A"PLANTING AREA "B"PLANTING AREA "C"SCALE : 1" = 80'SCALE : 1" = 80'SCALE : 1" = 80'PLANTING AREA "A"PLANTING AREA "B"PLANTING AREA "C"EDDIE GENE EDWARDS& JOY G. EDWARDSPIN: 4011-10-4454DB: 107 PG: 632EDDIE G. EDWARDS ANDWIFE, JOY G. EDWARDSPIN: 4010-19-1603DB: 191 PG: 765FRANCIS HUBERPIN:4000-99-4066DB: 174 PG: 154PB:9 PG:33EDDIE GENE EDWARDS ANDWIFE, JOY G. EDWARDSPIN: 4010-28-1652DB: 244 PG: 378EDDIE GENE EDWARDS ANDWIFE, JOY G. EDWARDSDB: 234 PG: 1360THOMAS E. RECTOR& EMMA L. RECTORPIN: 4010-27-4904DB: 102 PG: 191EDDIE GENE EDWARDS& JOY G. EDWARDSPIN:4011-10-4454DB: 107 PG: 632BYRON F. WOODRUFF, JR.& TRACIE M. WOODRUFFPIN:4010-39-6128DB: 250 PG: 135BIG OAK ROAD SR 1454