HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00222_Report_20200210 (2)State of North Carolina DWR Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form Division of Water Resources Form CS-SSO PART I: This form shall be submitted to the appropriate DWR Regional Office within five business days of the first knowledge of the sanitary sewer overflow (SSO). Permit Number: W00019933 (WQCS# if active, otherwise use WQCSD#) Facility: West Lee South Pump Station Incident #: Owner: Town of Lattimore Region: Mooresville City: Lattimore County: Cleveland Source of SSO (check applicable): ❑ Sanitary Sewer ® Pump Station / Lift Station SPECIFIC location of the SSO (be consistent in description from past reports or documentation - i.e. Pump Station 6, Manhole at Westall & Bragg Street, etc.): West Lee South pump station at 252-1 West Lee Street in Lattimore NC Manhole #: Latitude (degrees/minute/second): Longitude (degrees/minute/second): Incident Started Dt: 2-6-20 Time: 11:25 am Incident End Dt: 2-6-20 Time: 12:30 pm (mm-dd-yyyy) (hh:mm) AM/PM (mm-dd-yyyy) (hh:mm) AM/PM Estimated volume of the SSO: 1000 gallons Estimated Duration (round to nearest hour): 1.0 hour(s) Describe how the volume was determined: Estimated 15 gal/min Weather conditions during the SSO event: Excessive rainfall Did the SSO reach surface waters? ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown Volume reaching surface waters: 1000 gallons Surface water name: unnamed tributary Beaver Dam Creek Did the SSO result in a fish kill? ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Unknown If Yes, what is the estimated number of fish killed? SPECIFIC cause(s) of the SSO: ❑Severe Natural Conditions ❑ Grease ❑Roots ❑Pump Station Equipment Failure ❑ Power Outage ❑Vandalism ❑Other (Please explain in Part ll) 24-hour verbal notification (name of person contacted): Michael Meillinger ®DWR ❑Emergency Management Date (mm-dd-yyy): 2-6-20 ®Inflow & Infiltration ❑ Debris in line ❑Pipe Failure (Break) Time: (hh:mm AM/PM): 4:00 pm Per G.S. 143-215.1 C(b), the owner or operator of any wastewater collection system shall: In the event of a discharge of 1,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater to the surface waters of the State, issue a press release to all print and electronic news media that provide general coverage in the county where the discharge occurred setting out the details of the discharge. The press release shall be issued within 24 hours after the owner or operator has determined that the discharge has reached surface waters of the State. In the event of a discharge of 15,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater to the surface waters of the State, publish a notice of the discharge in a newspaper having general circulation in the county in which the discharge occurs and in each county downstream from the point of discharge that is significantly affected by the discharge. The Regional Office shall determine which counties are significantly affected by the discharge and shall approve the form and content of the notice and the newspapers in which the notice is published. WHETHER OF NOT PART II IS COMPLETED, A SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED SEE PAGE 13 Form CS-SSO Page I Severe Natural Conditions (hurricane, tornado. etc.) Describe the "severe natural condition' in detail: On 2-6-20 Cleveland County received heavy rainfall 4.75" causing flooding through out the County and in Lattimore. How much advance warning did you have and what actions were taken in preparation for the event? The weather forcast had been for several days forcasting for excessive rain for 2-6-20. All wastewater pump station were inspected in Lattimore on 2-4-20 with no issues. The Town's preparation tasks for operational readiness was completed on 2-5-20. Comments: Form CS-SSO Page 4 Inflow and Infiltration Are you under an SOC (Special Order by Consent) or do you have a schedule ❑ Yes ® No ❑NA ❑ NE in any permit that addresses UP Explain if Yes: What corrective actions have been taken to reduce or eliminate I & I related overflows this spill location within the last year? No i & I overflows in the past. Has there been any flow studies to determine 1/1 problems in the ❑ Yes ® No ❑NA ❑ NE collection system at the SSO location? If Yes, when was the study completed and what actions did it recommend? Has the line been smoke tested or videoed within the past year? ❑ Yes ® No ❑NA ❑ NE If Yes, when and what actions are necessary and the status of such actions: Are there 1/1 related projects in your Capital Improvement Plan? ❑ Yes ® No ❑NA ❑ NE If Yes, explain: Have there been any grant or loan applications for 1/1 reduction projects? ❑ Yes ® No ❑NA ❑ NE If Yes, explain: Do you suspect any major sources of inflow or cross connections ❑ Yes ® No ❑NA ❑ NE with storm sewers? If Yes, explain Have all lines contacting surface waters in the SSO location and upstream ® Yes ❑ No ❑NA ❑ NE been inspected recently? If Yes, explain: These lines are inspected regularly. What other corrective actions are planned to prevent future 1/1 related SSOs at this location? Smoke testing and flow testing will be scheduled in the spring 2020 to identify any other issues. Comments: The Lattimore sewer collection system is 20 years old and all gravity and force mains are of PVC piping. There were 2 manholes on a gravity sewer line that were submerged flowing to Ambassador pump station and this wastewater is then pumped to West Lee pump station. With this additional inflow from Ambassador caused West Lee South pump station to overflow. The 2 manhole were rasied to prevent future inflow. Form CS-SSO Page 7 System Visitation ORC ® Yes Backup ❑ Yes Name: Michael Todd Humphries Certification Number: 1007472 Date visited: 2-6-20 Time visited: 10:00 am thru 2:00 pm How was the SSO remediated (i./e. Stopped and cleaned up)? The gravity sewer line to Ambassador pump Station had 2 sewer manholes submerged during the excessive rainfall. Sewer manhole risers were installed (1) 6" and (1) 4" to stop the inflow. This pump station pumps to West Lee South pump station causing the SSO. As a representative for the responsible party, 1 certify that the information contained in this report is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Person submitting claim: Mike Gibert Date: 2-10-20 / Signature: A, -�f Title: �wb 1 � Lo Telephone Number: 704-434-2357 Any additional information desired to be submitted should be sent to the appropriate Division Regional Office within five business days of first knowledge of the SSO with reference to the incident number (the incident number is only generated when electronic entry of this form is completed, if used). Form CS-SSO Page 14