HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG551767_Application_20200131 1.041`.1.., „sr:.7i..,k r' 3 ROY COOPER 4 t` ' - iii Governor MICHAEL S.REGAN ti SccnTary LINDA CULPEPPER NORTH CAROLINA Director Environmental Quality January 31, 2020 James Fletcher 729 Sherwood Rd Vilas, NC 28692 Subject: Permit Renewal Application No. NCG551767 729 Sherwood Road Watauga County Dear Applicant: The Water Quality Permitting Section acknowledges receipt of your application for a new NPDES WW permit, including supporting documentation and your check number 7427 in the amount of $60.00 as payment of the application fee. These items were received in our offices on January 30, 2020. Your application will be assigned to a permit writer within the Section's NPDES WW permitting branch. The permit writer will contact you if additional information is required to complete evaluation of your application. Your timely and direct response to any such request will help to expedite the review process. Please note that acceptance of the application does not guarantee a NPDES permit will be issued for the proposed activity. A permit will only be issued following a complete review of the application, concluding the proposed discharge is allowable per applicable statutes and rules. Information regarding the status of your renewal application can be found online using the Department of Environmental Quality's Environmental Application Tracker at: https://deq.nc.gov/permits-regulations/permit-guidance/environmental-application-tracker If you have any additional questions about the permit, please contact the primary reviewer of the application using the links available within the Application Tracker. Sin rely, Wren Thedford Administrative Assistant Water Quality Permitting Section cc: Mark C. Brooks, P.E.-Brooks Engineering Assoc. ec: WQPS Laserfiche File w/application D North Caro Depsrtmentof Envronrnerte Que�t I D,vsonof% ater Fesoi.noel, s 1ti'rstorSs r Fag one Off De 145D West Neres N ' Faed.5u to 3�? I W nstoSn en',North Carol ns 271,15 r e: .......� /'" 336-776-9&00 BROOKS ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES 17 Arlington Street r Asheville NC 2880/r www.brooksea.com/828-M4700 Letter of Transmittal To: From: Date: NCDEQ Mark C. Brooks. P.E. 1/27/20 Division of Water Quality Water Quality Permitting Section cc: (need telephone no. if Fedex, no P.O. Box) 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 Kelli Park Attn: Charles Weaver NCDEQ Winston Salem Regional Office 450 West Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300 (need telephone no. if Fedex, no P.O. Box) Winston Salem,NC 27105 Project Name RECEIVED Fletcher SFR Discharge Permit Project No: JAN 3 0 2020 499919 NCDEQ/DWR/NPDES Mail ❑ Deliver ❑ Overnight* ❑ Other *must use street address&include phone number Document Description: Date: Copies: Cover Letter with Attachments Original and 1 copy, CCs Application for Coverage Under NCG550000 Original and 1 copy, CCs Check for$60 Engineering Plans Original&2 copies, copy CCs Engineers Report,including Specifications Original&2 copies, copy CCs Comments: Please let us know if anything missing. Thanks. 17 Arlington Street,Asheville, NC 28801 • Phone (828) 232-4700 • Fax (828) 232-1331 AVDivision of Water Resources FOR AGENCY USE ONLY National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(NPDES) Date Received NCDENR Application for Coverage Under General Permit Year Month Day oa0 0 I 3o N C G 550 000 Certificate of Coverage Single Family Residences and/or facilities discharging N C G 5 5 1 7 (� < 1000 gallons per day of domestic wastewater Check if Amount Assigned To: NOTICE OF INTENT [Required by 15A NCAC 02H.0127(d)]; [term definition see 15A NCAC 02H .0103(1911 (Press TAB to navigate form) 1. Regional Office contact(Please note: This application will be returned if you have not met with a representative from the appropriate regional office.): Please list the NCDENR Regional Office representative(s)with whom you have met: Name(s): Kelli Park Date: 10/31/2019 , `c 2. Mailing address of owner/operator: (address to which all correspondence should be mar a ,ECEt v D Owner Name Jim Fletcher JAN 3 0 2020 Street Address 729 Sherwood Road City Vilas State NC Zip28692- NCDEQ!DWWNPDES Telephone#(H) Telephone#(W) Cell/Mobile# 828-832-6003 Email @gmail.cotn 3. Location of facility producing discharge: (If facility is not yet constructed,give street address or lot#) Street Address 729 Sherwood Road City Vilas State NC Zip 28692- County Watauga Telephone# 828-832-6003 Cell/Mobile# 4. Physical location information: Please provide a narrative description of how to get to the facility(use street names,state road numbers,and distance and direction from a roadway intersection). Take US Hwy 421 North from Boone to Vilas,NC. Property on 3000 feet west of the intersect of Sherwood Road and Hwy 421. 5. This NPDES permit application applies to which of the following: ® New[term definition see I5A NCAC 02H.0103(16)]or Proposed(system not constructed) ❑ Existing[term definition see 15A NCAC 02H .0103(1 1)];If previously permitted by local or county health department,please provide the permit number and issue date Click here to enter a (late. ❑ Modification; please describe the nature of the modification: Page 1 of 4 Revised 9/1/13 NCG550000 New Application 6. Description of Discharge: [Required by I5A NCAC 02H .0105(c)(1)] a) Amount of wastewater to be discharged: Number of bedrooms 3 x 120 gallons per bedroom= 360 360 gallons per day to be permitted b) Type of facility producing waste(please check one): ® Primary residence ❑ Vacation/second home ❑ Other: 7. Please check the components that comprise the wastewater treatment system: [Required by 15A NCAC 02H .0105(c)(3)1 ® Septic tank ® Dosing tank El Primary sand filter El Secondary sand filter ® Recirculating sand filter(s) ❑ Chlorination El Dechlorination ® Other form of disinfection: UV ® Post Aeration(specify,type) 8. For new or proposed systems only-Please address the feasibility of alternatives to discharging for the following options in the cover letter for this application: [Evaluation required by G.S. 143-215.1(b)(5)(a)and I5A NCAC 02H .0105(c)(2)] a) Connection to a Regional or Municipal Sewer Collection System. b) Letter from local or county health department describing the suitability or non-suitability of the site for all types of wastewater ground adsorption and innovative non-discharge systems.Document the repair potential of the failed system. c) Land Application such as spray irrigation or drip irrigation. 9. Receiving waters: [Required by 15A NCAC 02H .0105(c)(1)] a) What is the name of the body or bodies of water(creek,stream,river,lake,etc.)that the facility wastewater discharges end up in? Vanderpool Creek b) Stream Classification(if known): C 10. The application must include the following or it will be returned, as allowed by 15A NCAC 02H .0107(b): a) For Certificates of Coverage: ® An original letter and two(1)copy requesting coverage under NCG550000. ® A signed and completed original and one copy of this Notice of Intent Application. ® A check or money order for the permit fee of$60.00[per G.S.* 143-215.3(a)(1 b)]made payable to NCDENR. ❑ Invoice showing that the septic tank has been pumped and serviced within the last 12 months(only when existing service tank will be used). Page 2 of 4 Revised 9/1/13 NCG550000 New Application New or proposed facilities must also include: Z Letter from the county health department evaluating the proposed site for all types of ground absorption and innovative non-discharge systems.Document the repair potential of the failed system. ® Evaluation of connection to a regional sewer system(approximate distance&cost to connect). ® Provide a 7Q10 flow estimate at the proposed wastewater discharge point from the US Geological Survey(919- 571-4000) b) For an Authorization to Construct(ATC)only: (Note: There is no fee for an ATC) ❑ A letter requesting an ATC ® Three sets of plans and specifications (required by 15A NCAC 02H .0138) of proposed treatment system (see Permit Application Checklist and Design Criteria for Single Family Discharge) ❑ Invoice showing that the septic tank has been pumped and serviced within the last 12 months(only when existing septic tank will be used). Additional Application Requirements: a) If this application is being submitted by a consulting engineer(or engineering firm), include documentation from the applicant showing that the engineer(or firm)submitting the application has been designated an authorized Representative of the applicant,per 15A NCAC 02H .0138(b)(1). b) If this application is being submitted by a consulting engineer(or engineering firm), final plans for the treatment system must be signed and sealed by a North Carolina registered Professional Engineer and stamped-"Final Design-Not released for construction;" per 15A NCAC 02H .0139. c) If this application is being submitted by a consulting engineer(or engineering firm),final specifications for all major treatment components must be signed and sealed by a North Carolina registered Professional Engineer and shall include a narrative description of the treatment system to be constructed; per I 5A NCAC 02H .0139. Page 3 of 4 Revised 9/1/13 NCG550000 New Application CERTIFICATION I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true,complete, and accurate. Printed Name of Person Signing: Jim Fletcher Title: Owner (Please review 15A NCAC 02H .0106(e)for authorized signing officials) l � :vl l „ / // c-' Click here to enter a date. (Si h „..-1._____;-7,7/ it•_ 9 ure of Applicant) (Date Signed) North Carolina General Statute 4 143-215.6B provides that: Any person who knowingly makes any false statement representation,or certification in any application,record, report,plan,or other document filed or required to be maintained under this Article or a rule implementing this Article; or who knowingly makes a false statement of a material fact in a rulemaking proceeding or contested case under this Article;or who falsifies,tampers with,or knowingly renders inaccurate any recording or monitoring device or method required to be operated or maintained under this Article or rules of the Commission implementing this Article, shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor which may include a fine not to exceed ten thousand dollars($10,000). 18 U.S.C.Section 1001 provides a punishment by a fine or imprisonment not more than 5 years,or both, for a similar offense. Application must be accompanied by a check or money order for$60.00 [per G.S. S 143-215.3(a)(1 b)1 made payable to: NCDENR ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ Mail this application and one copy of the entire package (with check) to: NC DENR/DWR/ Water Quality Permitting Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 Attn: Charles Weaver Note: The submission of this document does not guarantee the issuance of an NPDES permit Page 4 of 4 Revised 9/1/13 �. �.-. 1 Jam„ Planning & Project Management / Civil Engineering Surveying / Environmental Engineering & Services BROOKS17 Arlington Street / Asheville NC 28801 ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES Www.brooksea.com / 828-232-4700 January 9, 2020 NC DENR/DWR/Water Quality Permitting Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 Attention: Kelli Park Regarding: Cover Letter&Alternatives Analysis Fletcher Residence SFR NPDES ApplicationR E C E I V E D 729 Sherwood Road JAN 0 2020 Vilas,NC 28692 Watauga County NCDEQ/DWRI>�€�DES BEA Project No. 499919 Dear Ms. Park: On behalf of Mr. Jim Fletcher, BEA is submitting the attached Notice of Intent for coverage under NCG550000. This Cover Letter is intended to provide a narrative description of the project and serve as the request for the Authorization to Construct. Project Description The property is 0.75 acre tract a located at 729 Sherwood Road in Watauga County. The three bedroom single family residence located on the property was originally a garage that has been updated over time while the owner lived in an RV with a pump and haul system. There is no existing septic system onsite. An investigation by the Appalachian District Health Department was performed in April of 2008. No options were identified as part of the investigation due to unsuitable soil wetness conditions, soil depths and insufficient space for septic system and repair area. Additionally a private licensed soil scientist was hired to evaluate the subject site for feasibility and was determined to be unsuitable. Proposed is an EZ Treat recirculating fixed media system unit with UV disinfection to treat the wastewater from the residence for discharge in to the unnamed tributary of Vanderpool Creek. The site was visited by myself and Kelli Park from the regional NCDEQ office at different times to investigate the site feasibility. Conditions were discussed on the phone with Ms. Park. No conditions prohibiting the proposed discharge were identified. Alternatives Feasibility a) This area of Watauga County is not served by any public or private sewer systems. Refer to Attachment D for a map of the nearest permitted sewer collection systems per NC OneMaps. The nearest collection system is over 4 miles away. It would be impossible from a permitting standpoint and economically infeasible to connect to any of the existing permitted sewer treatment plant systems. b) The denial letter from the Appalachian District Health Department is provided as Attachment A. c) Provided as Attachment B is a letter from a NC Licensed Soil Scientist that the site is unsuitable for any type of onsite system (including subsurface drip or irrigation)due to soil conditions and space limitations. Receiving Waters The receiving water is a Class C stream. There are no know restrictions for Vanderpool Creek or this tributary. The 7Q10 report from the USGS is provided as Attachment C. Approximate Lat/Long of the discharge location would be N 36° 16' 05" W 81°45' 58" Enclosed with this Cover Letter and request for the Authorization to Construct are three sets of sealed plans and specifications and a fee check for$60. We appreciate your review of this application. We look forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely, Brooks Engineering Associates,P.A. //0 Mark C. Brooks, P.E. Enclosed: Fee Check for$60 3 sets of Engineering Plans Attachments: A—Documentation from Appalachian Health District B—Letter for Licensed Soil Scientist C—7Q 10 documentation D—Map of closest permitted sewer systems per NC OneMaps ATTACHMENT A County Denial Letter APPALACHIAN DISTRICT HEALTH DEPARTMENT Request for Refund Form Date of Request: April 24, 2008 List name and address of refund recipient below: James Fletcher 611 Norman Road Boone,NC 28607 Provide a short explanation for the reason of refund below: This property was found to be UNSUITABLE by Aaron Winters. Please refund the following. PERMIT#9515889 RECEIPT# Subdivision & Lot#: 2.44 ac Amount to be refunded: $125.00 Program to be charged: Environmental Health Required Signatures: (g(C___ V/ 57/CV • (.04)/cVs Employee Making Request Date Immediate Supervisor Date 1 i to, Disrs APPALACHIAN DISTRICT HEALTH DEPARTMENT t�► �r DISTRICT OFFICE:126 Poplar Grove Connector,Boone,NC 28607 Daniel Staley,MS � Telephone 828-264-4995 Fax 828-264-4997 Director Ken Richardson Public Health:Protecting and improving your health throughout life. Chairman Board of Health d f E t 5 ItY41 Date: 04/14/08 Re: Application for improvement permit for James Fletcher Tax pin number: 1982-47-6893-000 Health Department file No.9515889 Dear Mr. James Fletcher The Appalachian District Health Department, Environmental Health Division on January 14, 2008 evaluated the above-referenced property at the site designated on the plat/site plan that accompanied your improvement permit application. According to your application the site is to serve a one bedroom residence with a design wastewater flow of 240 gallons per day. The evaluation was done in accordance with the laws and rules governing wastewater systems in North Carolina General Statute 130A-333 including related statutes and Title 15A, Subchapter 18A, of the North Carolina Administrative Code, Rule. 1900 and related rules. Based on the criteria set out in Title 15A, Subchapter 18A,'of the North Carolina Administrative Code, Rules .1940 through .1948, the evaluation indicated that the site is UNSUITABLE for a ground absorption sewage system. Therefore, your request for an improvement permit is DENIED. A copy of the site evaluation is enclosed. The site is unsuitable based on the following: Unsuitable soil topography and/or landscape position(Rule .1940) Unsuitable soil characteristics (structure or clay mineralogy)(Rule .1941) X Unsuitable soil wetness condition(Rule .1942) X Unsuitable soil depth (Rule .1943) Presence of restrictive horizon (Rule .1944) X Insufficient space for septic system and repair area (Rule .1945) Unsuitable for meeting required setbacks (Rule .1950) Other(Rule .1946) These severe soil or site limitations could cause premature system failure, leading to the discharge of untreated sewage on the ground surface, into surface waters, directly to ground water or inside your structure. The site evaluation included consideration of possible site modifications, and modified, innovative or alternative systems. However, the Health Department has BUSINESS OFFICE ALLEGHANY CO.HEALTH DEPT- ASHE.CO.HEALTH DEPT WATAUGA CO.HEALTH DEPT. PO Box 309 157 Health Services Road PO Box 208 126 Poplar Grove Connector Sparta,NC 28675 Sparta,NC 28675 Jefferson,NC 28640 Boone,NC 28607 336-372-8813 336-372-5641 336-246-9449 828-264-6635 336-372-7793 Fax 336-372-7793 Fax 336-246-8163 Fax 828-264-4997 Fax • ice. determined that none of the above options will overcome the severe conditions on this site. A possible option might be a system designed to dispose of sewage to another area of suitable soil or off-site to additional property. For the reasons set out above, the property is currently classified UNSUITABLE, and no improvement permit shall be issued for this site in accordance with Rule .1948(c). However, the site classified as UNSUITABLE may be classified as PROVISIONALLY SUITABLE if written documentation is provided that meets the requirements of Rule .1948(d). A copy of this rule is enclosed. You may hire a consultant to assist you if you wish to try to develop a plan under which your site could be reclassified as PROVISIONALLY SUITABLE. You have a right to an informal review of this decision. You may request an informal review by the soil scientist or environmental health supervisor at the local health department. You may also request an informal review by the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources regional soil specialist. A request for informal review must be made in writing to the local health department. You also have a right to a formal appeal of this decision. To pursue a formal appeal, you must file a petition for a contested case hearing with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-6714. To get a copy of a petition form, you may write the Office of Administrative Hearings or call the office at (919) 733-0926 or from the OAH web site at www.oah.state.nc.us/form.htm . The petition for a contested case hearing must be filed in accordance with the provision of North Carolina General Statutes 130A-24 and 150B-23 and all other applicable provisions of Chapter 150B. N.C. General Statute 130A-335 (g) provides that your hearing would be held in the county where your property is located. Please note: If you wish to pursue a formal appeal, you must file the petition form with the Office of Administrative Hearings WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THIS LETTER. The date of this letter is April 14, 2008. Meeting the 30 day deadline is critical to your right to a formal appeal. Beginning a formal appeal within 30 days will not interfere with any informal review that you might request. Do not wait for the outcome of any informal review if you wish to file a formal appeal. If you file a petition for a contested case hearing with the Office of Administrative Hearings, you are required by law (N.C. General Statute 150B-23) to send a copy of your petition to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Send the copy to: Office of General Counsel, N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, 1601 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1601. Do NOT send the copy of the petition to your local health department. Sending a copy of your petition to the local health department will NOT satisfy the legal requirement in N.C. General Statute 150B-23 that you send a copy to the Office of General Counsel, NCDENR. You may call or write the local health department if you need any additional information or assistance. Sincerely, Aaron Winters Environmental Health Specialist Encl.: (Enclose copy of site evaluation) (Copy of Rule .1948) 1SA NCAC 18A.1948 SITE CLASSIFICATION (a)Sites classified as SUITABLE may be utilized for a ground absorption sewage treatment and disposal system consistent with these Rules. A suitable classification generally indicates soil and site conditions favorable for the operation of a ground absorption sewage treatment and disposal system or have slight limitations that are readily overcome by proper design and installation. (b)Sites classified as PROVISIONALLY SUITABLE may be utilized for a ground absorption sewage treatment and disposal system consistent with these Rules but have moderate limitations.Sites classified Provisionally Suitable require some modifications and careful planning,design,and installation in order for a ground absorption sewage treatment and disposal system to function satisfactorily. (c)Sites classified UNSUITABLE have severe limitations for the installation and use of a properly functioning ground absorption sewage treatment and disposal system. An improvement permit shall not be issued for a site which is classified as UNSUITABLE.However,where a site is UNSUITABLE,it may be reclassified PROVISIONALLY SUITABLE if a special investigation indicates that a modified or alternative system can be installed in accordance with Rules.1956 or.1957 of this Section. (d)A site classified as UNSUITABLE may be used for a ground absorption sewage treatment and disposal system specifically identified in Rules.1955,.1956,or.1957 of this Section or a system approved under Rule.1969 if written documentation,including engineering,hydrogeologic,geologic or soil studies, indicates to the local health department that the proposed system can be expected to function satisfactorily. Such sites shall be reclassified as PROVISIONALLY SUITABLE if the local health department determines that the substantiating data indicate that (1) a ground absorption system can be installed so that the effluent will be non-pathogenic,non- infectious,nontoxic,and non-hazardous; (2) the effluent will not contaminate groundwater or surface water;and (3) the effluent will not be exposed on the ground surface or be discharged to surface waters where it could come in contact with people,animals,or vectors. The State shall review the substantiating data if requested by the local health department. History Note:Authority G.S. 130A-335(e); Eff July 1, 1982; Amended Eff April 1, 1993;January 1, 1990. •. , r yft 6b • FEE S Y8 • APPALACI IIAN DISTRICT HEALTH DEPARTMENT Alleghany(336)372-8813 Ashe(336)246-7959 Watauga(828)264-4995 /�r�0 9 WASTEWATER IMPROVEMENT PERMIT PERMIT# / O (NOT AN AUTHORIZATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT OR WASTEWATER SYSTEM INSTALLATION) Owner �G me S t I e Cher Tax Map Reference# _ County L) �ictc_ r J . Directions to Property ` � v - .r 1 , _ 1/4\p l.s,c cv.r -S' c:g,% s'� 4 d w- A • Subdivision Lot# 2- Section# Lot Size 2. 4 4- 0- L- #of Units SYSTEM APPLIED FOR: Residential C 1 n 'C.- #of Bedrooms yf Business/Other 1 '' \ Typety I 1 \ #Employees N I�C •- Special Fixure(s) fV) GPD Design Daily Flow - Zy0 GPD Basement: Yes[ ] No Fixtures in Basement: Yes[ ] No Vl • . INITIAL SYSTEM TYPE: Repair Area Required: Yes[] No[] Repair System Type: `, SOIL/SITE EVALUATION:Soil Group - 'IS_- Texture l (_ - . Soil Depth k2` ` ) (IN) Slope Q—\6 96 Depth to Restrictive Horizon V ." ~- (IN) 'LTAR0, CQ Depth to Soil Wetness \e22'.'.‘ (IN) Other - (IN) TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: \ \ 1/4- WE_ //ISERMIT# .***SITE CLASSIFICATION: Suitab a Provision y Suitable Unsuitable ** Site Plan Attached Yes No + , , � �! 4 I I I I • f ■ , III. # . • ■ ■ I . . .. ._ .....' ■ ■ U■ , , I I I - -I - 1 I 1 1 I I 1 i r II i { � i f THE IMPROVEMENT PERMIT SHALL BE VALID FOR A PERIOD OF FIVE YEARS IF A SITE PLAN IS SUBMITTED,OR VALID WITHOUT EXPIRATION IF ACCOMPANIED WITH A SCALED PLAT PREPARED BY RLS,AND UPON A SATISFACTORY SHOWING TO THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT THAT THE SITE AND SOIL CONDITIONS AS DESCRIBED ON THE DATE OF ISSUANCE ARE UNALTERED;THAT THE FACILITY,DESIGN WASTEWATER FLOW,AND WASTEWATER CHARACTERISTICS ARE NOT INCREASED:/AND�H ASTEWATER SYSTEM CAN BE INSTALLED TO MEET THE RUII�EMENT�AS LISTED ABOVE. --4-±tICH `f ENVIROMENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST l 0 it D`AATE I CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REVIEWED AND AGREE TO THE PROVISIONS/CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY CHANGES WILL BE MADE ONLY WITH PRIOR HEALTH DEPARTMENT APPROVAL OWNER/AUTHORIZED AGENT DATE APPALACHIAN DISTRICT HEALTH DEPARTMENT • Alleghany(336)372-8813 Ashe(336)246-7959 Watauga(828)264-4995 SITE PLAN WELL PERMIT I P\ ONSITE WASTEWATER PERMIT# NAME LO \ t1/4,- ...Well _ Septic 1 i i i i i s ! i — t , -II f i y~ ii t� i ___ __LT: I mil _,,,,4± 4 _4 . 1 _...,____ , __,__ ; Il 1 r Pctiv.**s --1 1 1 ih s;t- 1 - 17- 1 I i ! VNr, i I ! ✓ N , r I, • 1 , 4). ,,,,s • , 1 Akl ..._. ii_,_.. .- N ' / 1 7\°S ; , I p • I' I ..� - V ` JV _1 (' i j L._ _t_. •`PcI146 . V--,t, i 1 ! I II I ; I1 1 I { _ i iI — ! I f— - - 1 -1 E , i I i ! i ROMENTAL HF T TH SPECIALIST AGENT/APPLICANT "( io - DATE DATE f coqj2074, c-_ �K cal i%. I , • 4l. I. , - L y'- •• --.4,. • , • , APPALACHIAN DISTRICT HEALTH DEPARTMENT i _ ., � i ,•A'HE;COUNTY - ;h {ALLEGHANY COUNTY _ _WATAUGA COUNTY .P.O-;BOX 208 ?"i:, ,' + P.O::BOX 309" `' ti, , ;126sPOPLAR GROVE CONNECTOR`f :JEFFERSON,NC 28640 t ' _" :- `•SPARTA NC 28675 - ;' •BOON E,NC�28607 a ` '- (336)246=7959' ?, ` .._. - .. ;•`-.t(336)'372_8813 :.-:n _` ',.r ... ';(828)264-4995c:_ __. -=<_, • APPLICATION FOR WELL AND ON-SITE WASTEWATER PERMITS PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTION SHEETS PROVIDED TO ACCURATELY FILL OUT THIS APPLICATION Dat a e Recved r ;_,Health Depiutment Use 0nly_ti, a' SECTION I INITIAL THE APPROPRIATE LINE(S)FOR WHAT THIS APPLICATION IS FOR: ke-e;,et 9 s S NEW WELL CONSTRUCTION -TF IMPROVEMENT PERMIT AND AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT EXISTING WELLHEAD INSPECTION AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT(Improvement Permit Previously Issued) _ WELL ABANDONMENT REUSE OR REVISIT TO AN EXISTING WASTEWATER SYSTEM REPAIR—WELL/WASTEWATER(circle appropriate) RENEWAL OF NON-EXPIRED PERMIT NAME CHANGE and/or CHANGE OF PERMIT _ EXPANSION OF AN EXISTING ON-SITE WASTEWATER SYSTEM SECTION -- /�` ` Q�'7 OWNER OF PROPERTY LI AM C'9S` //B TEA e n PHONE 2 7 710 S-z(Home)y � (Cell) - OWNER'S MAILING ADDRESS 4./.5 sA eR wood /Cd Ad' !/I/As A/t), C, ---~" APPLICANTS jlfal e.c 7. }—/ `7 A e2 )PHONE !6 3--/?S2(Homee (Cell) ! APPLICANT'S MAILING ADDRESS (Q l/ UO/Z,vff A.1 lea Ai C 1gOU."I e A)r C • ' AGENT PHONE (Home) (Cell) AGENT'S MAILING ADDRESS " INFORMATION ON THE PROPERTYy�k TO BE EVALUATEDn / L' 1 DETAILED DIRECTIONS TO PROPERTY: FRO rr2 /DO,Ue J e /�C 7 a NO Q TA U e Irmi/t S T Sl e2 4,od Re(. 2 �.c.) le FZ io 7 is - rh'/, _ Q,rJ 1ieT7` Tirobe v ee,J Tlt' e' .s-.sJ c �rr e T� flvu f e 0 A.) ,� 'Cr— Si'/c d ,evA-d �I P.QRce/ .Stcco:.�-r PROPERTY SIZE pa i Li 7 fC7'AX PIN# i y2 3t .?/ " 19k1, 1) 6 S-9 3 0 00 COUNTY OF PROPERTY ul/3 TGt/gg , - SUBDIVISION NAME LOT# a SECTION DATE PLATTED 5" if- /.S / ••Date property recorded with the county as it currently exists. YES ✓ NO IS ANY PART OF THIS PROPERTY IN THE 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN? YES I,NO IS ANY PART OF THIS PROPERTY IN THE 50 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN? YES/O IS TIES PROPERTY SUBJECT TO WATERSHED RESTRICTIONS? YES �i�O IS THE SITE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY OTHER PUBLIC AGENCIES?List: YES L'INO HAS GRADING,MECHANICAL REMOVAL,ADDITION OF SOIL OR OTHER SITE DISTURBANCES OCCURRED ON THIS PROPERTY? tiSFCTIO\ 3 STRUCTURE INFORMATION su eR DESCRIBE THE EXISTING OR PROPOSED STRUCTURE: WHEN DO YOU PLAN TO BUILD? DFs HOUSE try MOBILE HOME APARTMENTS/TOWNHOMES GARAGE APARTMENT BUSINESS/OTHER • PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION DESCRIBED BELOW 1 YES BASEMENT NUMBER OF EXISTING BEDROOMS __YES O . WATER FIXTURES IN BASEMENT TOTAL NUMBER OF PROPOSED BEDROOMS I YES NO IF SITE IS FOR A MODULAR HOME,IS A PAD REQUIRED FOR THE CRANE? PAD SIZE REQUIRED Special Fixtures: Circle all that apply: GARBAGE DISPOSAL,OVERSIZE TUBS, MULTI-HEAD SHOWERS, MULTIPLE MASTER BATHROOMS/KITCHENS Special Fixture Description. - INITIAL HERE IF NONE WANTED J'? BUSINESS or OTHER:Description: NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES SQUARE FOOTAGE OF COMMERCIAL BUILDING HOURS OF OPERATION REUSE OR REVISIT TO AN EXISTING WASTEWATER SYSTEM AND EXISTING WELL HEAD INSPECTION: Describe the proposed construction and show the location of any existing structures,proposed additions,excavation or other improvements to the property on the site plan. Answer the above questions as they pertain to the existing structure or system. Describe: SECTION i SECTION TO REQUEST AN ON-SITE WASTEWATER SYSTEM TYPE: Please Indicate Desired System Type(s): (Systems can be ranked in order of your preference) ❑Any System Type Accepted 0 Alternative ❑Conventional 0 Innovative OOther I (OVER) I % • • SLC-IION 5 WATER SUPPLY INFORMATION . • (SHOW LOCATION ON SITE PLAN) _YES NO IS WATER PROVIDED BY A PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY? NAME OF SYSTEM If yes then please skip to Section 8; THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION APPLIES TO A: PROPOSED WELL EXISTING WELL EXISTING SPRING_PROPOSED SPRING INITIAL WHAT THE WATER SUPPLY WILL BE USED FOR: ,T,e PRIVATE WELL SHARED WELL OTHER DESCRIBED BELOW OTHER INCLUDES:Business,Restaurant,Daycare,Migrant housing,etc. Description: • If different than the property described above,property the water supply is located on. LOT# TAX PIN#�� DIRECTIONS TO THE WATER SUPPLY: SHARED WELL INFORMATION WHAT IS THE NUMBER OF EXISTING OR POSSIBLE FUTURE CONNECTIONS TO THIS WELL? • If more than one(I)connection,list the connections by Lot#and/or Tax Pin#: - - SECTION 6 WELL SITING INFORMATION YES NO IS THERE A FUEL TANK(S)ON PROPERTY? YES NO ARE YOU PROPOSING TO PLACE A FUEL TANK ON THE PROPERTY? (EXP: KEROSENE:FUEL OIL,PROPANE TANKS,ETC...) I YES NO IS THERE A FUEL TANK(S)ON THE ADJACENT PROPERTY? YES NO IS THIS A NEW WELL TO REPLACE AN EXISTING WELL? DO YOU ANTICIPATE THE HOUSE OR FACILITY TO EXPAND,OR FOR ADDITIONAL STRUCTURES(BARNS,GARAGES,ETC.)TO BE BUILT ON THE PROPERTY? IF SO,PLEASE SHOW ON SITE PLAN. YES NO Describe: _ ARE THERE ANY EASEMENTS,OR RIGHT OF WAYS RECORDED ON THIS PROPERTY? YES NO If yes describe and attach a copy of the easement and/or right of way documentation to this application: YES NO IS A PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY OR PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE TO,OR ADJACENT TO,OR ON THIS PROPERTY? IF YOU HAVE AN EXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEM,WHAT YEAR WAS IT INSTALLED AND UNDER WHOSE NAME WAS IT PERMITTED?' SECTION. 7- WELL ABANDONMENT• YEAR THE WELL WAS DRILLED: DEPTH OF THE EXISTING WELL: CASING DEPTH OF THE EXISTING WELL: DESCRIBE WHY THE WELL IS BEING ABANDONED: IS THERE ANY CONTAMINATION OF THE WATER IN THE WELL? IS THERE ANY WATER IN OR BEING PRODUCED BY THE WELL? r ING THE ABANDONMENT? ✓ ES NO PROPERTY CORNERS AND LINES CLEARLY AND CORRECTLY IDENTIFIED ES •NO PLAT ATTACHED •.(/)YYES_NO PROPOSED STRUCTURE STAKED 1 —7Y�S NO PROPOSED WELL SITE STAKED (/YES NO HOLES DUG TO COMPLETE THE APPLICATION DRAW A DIAGRAM OF THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ON THE SITE PLAN PAGE PROVH)ED. Refer to the instruction pages and see the example diagram of site plan attachments for assistance. ••.. THIS APPLICATION AND FEES PAID WILL BE VALID FOR A PERIOD OF TWELVE MONTHS FROM DATE OF RECEIPT. AFTER 12 MONTHS THE APPLICATION IS VOID AND THE APPLICATION FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE. ALL HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERMITS ARE 1 SUBJECT TO REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION IF THE SITE PLAN OR THE INTENDED USE CHANGES. , , _........_.. P ._ .._ - � ,..._ I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION ON THIS APPLICATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT AND WILL NOT BE ALTERED WITHOUT PRIOR HEALTH DEPARTMENT APPROVAL./6 �� S ATURE OF APPLICfCNT OR AUTHORIZED AGENT DATE , 2 i ,1. t ;:ry :- � . APPA -ACHLAN DISTRICT HEAETHiDEPAR N4ENTfi z k ` :;` ASHE COUNTY' _ a ALLEGHANY COUNTY-a c WATAUGA COUNTY PO BOX208�} aG t ; PO'BOX309 t } rc I26}POPLAR GROVE CONNECTOR. JEFFERSONNC'28640a a k z SPARTA,NC 28675 4 ` ? ,�BOONEyNC 2860 (336).246=7959 - : r.., n.'1;0 PROPERTY TO BE EVALUATED MUST FILL OUT/ COMPLETELY � OWNER OF PROPERTY V /n e_r �-/�fi eie /1 TAX PIN# /L/p2 3_6 .7 / �Ait�a/ i9es•- l 9�'� y 7 {16 5 O a v PROPERTY SIZE ,c, yacres SUBDIVISION NAME LOT NUMBER_ SECTION NUMBER DETAILS DIRECI'ONS TO PROPERTY: o o iv U S e u e o S fuao T / ' a T �� �►� Cab r =T .S.• e o-le A214 Ci PROPERTY OWNER'S AUTHORIZATION I, �/ejme S ,�e/ c 4 e/; (name),being the owner or the legal representative of the business which owns the pro ergs ecifically described above,do hereby authorize MinP S //e/c ..4 (name) or their legal representative to pursue permits - issued by the Appalachian District Health Department. I understand that this authorization includes but is not limited to: (1)Applying for Health Department permits,(2)Preparing the site for on-site soil evaluations,(3)Accomplishing other necessary actions as required by the Appalachian District Health Department(i.e backhoe pits,surveying,clearing the lot of underbrush),(4) Locating or gaining knowledge of all pertinent fuel storage tanks,wells,springs,septic systems,etc... This authorization will be in effect until a written notice of revocation is received by this office from the owner r until one year from date of signature by owner. fe,c, Xefleri/L--€4 (Owner's signature) (Date) APPLICANT'S AUTHORIZATION TO ACT AS AN AGENT I, (name),being the applicant for an Improvement Permit/ Authorization for Wastewater System Construction and/or a Well permit do hereby authorize • (name) to act as an agent on my behalf to do the following: (1)Apply for Health Department permits, (2)Prepare the site for on-site soil evaluations,(3)Accomplish other necessary actions as required by the Appalachian District Health Department(i.e. backhoe pits,surveying,clearing the lot of underbrush),(4)Locate or gain knowledge of all pertinent fuel storage,wells,springs,septic systems,etc... I understand that I or my legal representative must sign for all permits issued by the Health Department. This authorization will be in effect until a written notice of revocation is received by this office from the owner,or until one year from date of signature by owner. (Applicant's signature) (Date) (Authorized agent's signature) (Date) 3 ro 1 :�; 'i; 4- =APPALACHIANs DISTRICT4HEALTHsDEPARTMENT -- `'°C'' s4 = ' ASHE;COUNTY , , - i• `,ALLEGHANY COUNTY 3 WATAUGA'COUNTY '' .•;ti r --' '" `'- ' ` h s126.POPL AR GROVE CONNECTOR.r P.O.'BOX ZOS� r+- ; ti .'. --`+ -� }- n.P O BOX 309 .`� s . - ( *"s`. JEFFERSON NC 28640 Y SPARTA NC 28675 —r BOONE,NC;28607.7;' £ (336)`246=7959 r'"+ ,. ,i-- ',u '• v(336)`'372=8813 7.4:' .. _ =_ _: _- -(828)264-4995 a--;-cam..?-, a' . . SITE PLAN (MEASUREMENTS- MUST BE ACCURATE. SEE EXAMPLE) NAME: l m ,S r7e/G 4',°, • DATE: :I92 — a-y -0 .k el u•ov 1 ,Pv, • Sri&T, /3 U c) • f /11 aR���9 Goss, I ( . ' Aa [..;17._.... 1 ( ,-: faT APE' cAIR aer �. ,rU ` - - - - / and b/ /e - �' o dome v .- it\ - lei' • 1'o/e des/ ' ,,ie- \ I mod' }O f%l I ems/ hd/ - /,o/e 1 '\ In / ,63 'i eiPee/C. • E4: 1f S NI in e Section Modelsw.. • • . . (--,, . Wo ! , . .,,..,,,, .., ,... .,....,::„ - i --_,,,, -. ,. " _ i:.-1„—., _ thing I Mader F., blaster .¢_ ; 13'x 12' Bedeoer . Bedroom ,', Boc:m 11.x10' ; 'el. KlkChea : 'm d S Model 800 - Lori Mods 14' x 40' 1 Bedroom 1 Bath 16' x 40' 1 91 wi Q r sf} 1- TOO F Mining %` r I- r,, ee�oem Meta 'C LlI Master Wog Room 13'411' Bedroom :1:' J 1 SSil 13'x 12' 13'x 11' �,uti, Bedroom . iv x 11' .kitchen. ::. ' Model 810 - Alan Mod, 14' x 52' 2 Bedroom 1 Bath 16' x 52' , Master : Q':it B I& tpe►n�Race t(RcAea` , ',::" Bedroae Mew Bedroom 11'x 11' •1 13'x 14' •-..� 13'x 11' Za Bedroom 02 Bedta Page 1of1 ;S I rs'. . i-•,t4' 1982�18-i3478-000 1,=-, * ` y^+y. t'°..., -+a +./`:,-U., , � `..• .. _19B2-58 1450 JJJ tYI ;', �. Tom- r�- tto, . '. �•fix-• -� s ,.. ` >� cG .. .- #': r aJ }% . 1J82-17-3893-a'O7 • .*..' ~ t�•"„''s --- .....a• f_• i F;.. • . :,";�_,ti 4„ C" .ham . 1. r d.,.'.,. .(5,i+ 1982 47-8355400 ' .14 •„"ti.- � I , i ! *~ ,_.._ -,:fir^- -- - -i • l x „r _ 'tom —r- �� :b.ic tr r r4. I • • • • • • Appalachian District Health Department * ,� 126 Poplar Grove Connector Boone, North Carolina 28607 • - ' 6° " 5 00.580 A.P a -1.4 2 a:0.8 7`J 6'7 TrAtt;Et CODE 2 6 07 Mr. James D. Fletcher • 611 Norman Road Boone, NC 28607 ATTACHMENT B Letter from NC Licensed Soil Scientist (i6i1) LAND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Land Evaluation by Land Experts PQ aCOX 9.251, ASHEVOLE, fia 287t5 H 828 231 16f0 II 'Witty)/ LANUa M.COM October 30,2019 James Fletcher 611 Norman Road Boone NC 28607 Regarding: Report of Findings Soils Evaluation Tax id#19822476942000 LRM Project# 54219 Dear Mr.Fletcher: On September,3,2019,Aaron Winters of Land Resource Management, PLLC(LRM)conducted a soil and site investigation on 729 Sherwood Road(tax id# 1982247694000) located in Watauga County,North Carolina.The purpose of the soil and site investigation was to determine any available options for an on-site wastewater septic system to service a 3 bedroom home. The lot had been previously denied an improvement permit by the Appalachian District Health Department(file #9515889) in 2008. Recommendations are based on,observations made and data collected on topography, landscape position,parent material,underlying geology,and soil characteristics. Soil characteristics include,but are not limited to,depth to a seasonal high water table(SHWT),depth to a restrictive horizon,total soil depth,soil horizonation, soil structure, soil color,clay mineralogy,bulk density,consistence, plasticity,stone content,and percent sand,silt,clay, and mica. They follow the guidelines set forth in the North Carolina Administrative Code-Rules for Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems, Title 15A-DENR, Subchapter 18A, Section.1934 through .1970,amended October 1st,2011. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION • LRM found the lot to be unsuitable for any subsurface or surface on-site wastewater disposal (septic)system. The limiting factors are lack of available space,unsuitable soil conditions, and unsuitable soil depth. The lack of available space results from an inadequate area available due to setbacks from the creek and existing structure. The soil is unsuitable due depth to soil wetness and was extremely stony containing greater than 50%rock fragments, an unsuitable soil condition. Therefore,LRM concludes that there is no subsurface or surface septic system available for this lot. LRM appreciates the opportunity to provide this report. Please do not hesitate to call with any questions or concerns. Sincerely, 2.011 ,. ram' tootat w.a �$'4 � Walker Ferguson,LSS s President, Land Resource Management,PLLC 4 r . F 1 .4 151C, ATTACHMENT C 7Q10 Report mbrooks@brooksea.com From: Weaver,John <jcweaver@usgs.gov> Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2019 3:36 PM To: Mark Brooks <mbrooks@brooksea.com> Cc: Grzyb,Julie; DWR USGS Low Flows;Albertin, Klaus P; Hill, David A; Kebede, Adugna; Fine,Jason M; Fransen,Tom;John C Weaver Subject: USGS response to DWR USGS Low Flows request# 2019-37 (dated 2019/10/25)for Vanderpool Creek Watauga County...Re: [EXTERNAL] Low-Flow Request - Approved & Sent to USGS Mark, In response to your inquiry about the low-flow characteristics (7Q10)for a location on Vanderpool Creek near Sherwood in northwestern Watauga County,the following information is provided: No USGS discharge records are known to exist for the point of interest,identified by the lat/long coordinates(36.26836,-81.76593) provided via the map image attached to your email dated 10/28/2019. In the absence of site-specific discharge records sufficient for a low-flow analysis,estimates of low-flow characteristics at ungaged locations are determined by assessing a range in the low-flow yields(expressed as flow per square mile drainage area,or cfsm)at nearby sites where estimates have previously been determined. A basin delineation completed using the online USGS StreamStats application for North Carolina (https://streamstats.usgs.gov/ss!) indicates the drainage area for the point of interest(StreamStats adjusted coordinates 36.26806, -81.76591 NAD83) is 2.02 sqmi. For the record: Initial email correspondence for this request resulted in some uncertainty surrounding the exact location and stream name for the point of interest. Information received suggested the location as being an unnamed tributary to Vanderpool Creek. Inspection of several different map images indicated a discrepancy in the stream being either the mainstem or the unnamed tributary. As resolved, the point of interest for this request is Vanderpool Creek and is located approximately 100 feet downstream from the mouth of the small unnamed tributary that enters Vanderpool Creek from the north side of the stream. For streams in Watauga County, low-flow characteristics published by the USGS are provided in two reports: (1)The first is a statewide report completed in the early 1990's. It is USGS Water-Supply Paper 2403, "Low-flow characteristics of streams in North Carolina" (Giese and Mason, 1993). An online version of the report is available at http://pubs.usgs.gov/wsp/2403/report.pdf. The report provides the low-flow characteristics (based on data through 1988)via regional relations and at-site values for sites with drainage basins between 1 and 400 sgmi and not considered or known to be affected by regulation and/or diversions. (2)The second is a statewide report published in March 2015. It is USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2015-5001, "Low-flow characteristics and flow-duration statistics for selected USGS continuous-record streamgaging stations in North Carolina through 2012" (Weaver, 2015). The report is available online at http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2015/5001/. The report provides updated low-flow characteristics and flow-duration statistics for 266 active (as of 2012 water year)and discontinued streamgages across the state where a minimum of 10 climatic years discharge records were available for flow analyses. Inspection of the two reports indicates the presence of four(4) nearby selected USGS partial-record site (1) and continuous-record streamgages (3) in the general vicinity of the point of interest where low-flow characteristics were published. Among these 2 sites,the low-flow discharge yields for the indicated flow statistics are as follows: Annual 7010 low-flow yields ==>from 0.21 to 0.31 cfsm (average about 0.24 cfsm, median about 0.22 cfsm) Annual 30Q2 low-flow yields==>from 0.47 to 0.62 cfsm (average about 0.51 cfsm, median about 0.48 cfsm) Winter 7Q10 low-flow yields ==>from 0.31 to 0.39 cfsm (average about 0.33 cfsm, median about 0.31 cfsm) Annual 7Q2 low-flow yields==>from 0.37 to 0.46 cfsm (average about 0.41 cfsm, median about 0.4 cfsm) Average annual discharge yields==>from 1.9 to 2.4 cfsm (average about 2.04 cfsm, median about 1.92 cfsm) Application of the above range in yields to the drainage area (2.02 sqmi)for the point of interest results in the following estimated low-flow discharges: Annual 7Q10 discharges==>from 0.42 to 0.63 cfs(average about 0.48 cfs, median about 0.44 cfs) Annual 30Q2 discharges==>from 0.95 to 1.25 cfs (average about 1.0 cfs, median about 0.97 cfs) Winter 7Q10 discharges==>from 0.63 to 0.79 cfs (average about 0.67 cfs, median about 0.63 cfs) Annual 7Q2 discharges==>from 0.75 to 0.93 cfs (average about 0.83 cfs, median about 0.81 cfs) Average annual discharge==>from about 3.8 to 4.8 cfs (average about 4.1 cfs, median about 3.9 cfs) Please note: (1)The estimated flows are provided in units of cubic feet per second(cfs). (2)The information provided in this message is based on a preliminary assessment and considered provisional,subject to revision pending collection of future data and further analyses. These provisional streamflow statistics are provided via the DWR USGS Low Flows cooperative agreement between the USGS and the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality,Division of Water Resources. Hope this information is helpful. Thank you. Curtis Weaver J. Curtis Weaver, Hydrologist, PE Email:icweaver(thusas.00v USGS South Atlantic Water Science Center Online:httos://www.usos.00v/centers/sa-water North Carolina-South Carolina-Georgia 3916 Sunset Ridge Road Raleigh,NC 27607 Phone:(919)571-4043 // Fax:(919)571-4041 On Fri, Oct 25, 2019 at 3:22 PM Fransen,Tom<tom.fransen@ncdenr.gov>wrote: Your request has been approved and sent to USGS. Request for USGS to provide low-flow statistics. Request details: Request ID: 37 Date of request: 10/25/2019 1:01:03 PM Requestor: Mark Brooks Phone Number:828-232-4700 Program: Email: (anonymous) 2 Agency:A Consultant or DEQ for a Counsultant Have you spoken with someone from DWR?: Reason for request: Permit Whom did you speak with?: Local Government: Consultanting Company/Organization: Brooks Engineering Contact Name: Mark Brooks Contact Phone Number:828-337-3075 Contact Email: mbrooks@brooksea.com Reason for request: Permit Permit Number: No number yet. Applying for Single Family Discharge System Public Water Supply ID: Site Information: River/Stream: unnamed tributary of Vanderpool Creek Latitude-Longitude: 36.26836 Other location Information: County PIN is 1982-47-6942 Statistics being requested: ["7Q10"] Other information: Approved by:Grzyb,Julie (julie.grzvb@ncdenr.gov) Comments: LI Virus-free. www.avq.com 3 ATTACHMENT D Regional Sewer Map ' 1. n !1. r ac: • \ 2, — - s` • 41 p O a I, b.54., A �t • • 1 • gsmit i Hm�as Fs H Y 4A om.� 1^u 4w I 2 I!' ti.I . r • / 1 --\)r---\. -N..-- -____ 7 a Ai m \ M g 52g.K o5.ix Mit N7 /• r A M1 _. i 1 $ . f I 1 ti cs • • 0 1 1 � nn / gA 1 • No. REVISIONS/SUBMISSIONS Bete Project No: O , •'""�' ,,n 499919 FLETCHER RESIDENCE ,��� � �.f,�•°: ,l+ .vo•• 1 SITE LOCATION SUBMISSION 10-15-19 729 SHERWOOD ROAD AS"°"° e . °mot N-1 NPDES DISCHARGE PERMIT BROOKS ^cg oa" ,..9 ` 1 1 ES ENGINEER!NB ABB B CIATEB 1TAdington Streat �� '% .1e,..91 WATAUGI COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA MI/ea,N.C.28801 ••6j"•.n.,•+°'` Orewing The: Planning•Engineering•Surveying Pnane:l826]3g-iTgg Fu:tA26232-1331 PERMIT DRAWING SITE LOCATION •Environmental Services• w.w.Umoksex.com 11•1.1..L,e.,•............,.uu,a........r,r...,x.nr.,.,•..,a,. Planning & Project Management 1 Civil Engineering Surveying / Environmental Engineering & Services BROOKS17 Arlington Street / Asheville NC 28801 ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES www.brooksea.com / 828-232-4700 ONSITE WASTE WATER SYSTEM FLETCHER RESIDENCE RED` ._ � 729 SHERWOOD ROAD VILAS, NORTH CAROLINA BAH 3o. w CDEQn/IYpDEs ENGINEER'S REPORT INCLUDING: SPECIFICATIONS, CALCULATIONS&PRODUCT SUBMITTAL SHEETS PREPARED FOR: JAMES & BRENDA FLETCHER 729 SHERWOOD ROAD VILAS, NC 28692 BY: BROOKS ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, P.A. BROOKS ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES PROJECT NO.: 499919 ORIGINAL: JANUARY 6, 2020 I \` � \\\\ 0. CAR() ,,, $p o4�ss0 q4' 7 i \•'`.�`Glid�';0- ' ill/Jr C.� m ,ly,l did TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 System Summary & Project Information 1 1.1 Project Summary 1 1.2 Design Flow and Influent Characteristics 1 1.3 Contacts 1 1.4 Scope & Qualifiers 1 2.0 Collection System & General Conveyance Piping 3 2.1 Location of Sanitary Sewage Systems 3 2.2 Sewer Line General Specifications 3 3.0 WastewaterTreatment 9 3.1 Primary Treatment System 9 3.2 Aerobic Pretreatment System 9 3.3 Post Aeration Apparatus 12 4.0 Site Preparation 14 4.1 Clearing & Grubbing 14 4.2 Seeding & Mulching 14 5.0 Inspection And Monitoring Proceedings 17 6.1 Pre-Construction Meeting 17 6.2 Intermediate Inspection of the System 17 6.3 Final Inspection & Start-Up 17 6.4 Regular Monitoring 18 6.5 Residuals Management 18 6.0 Calculations 6.1 Buoyancy Calculations 6.2 Recycle Ratio & UV Calculations 6.3 TDH Calculations for Pod Dosing (and Pump Curves) RECEIVED JAld 0 1010 7.0 Manufacturer Cut-Sheets NODE 7.1 Tanks Q/DWR/NPDEs 7.2 EZ Treat System 1.0 SYSTEM SUMMARY& PROJECT INFORMATION 1.1 Project Summary This Engineer's Report and accompanying Engineering Drawings are for a new onsite wastewater system to serve a three bedroom single family residence located at 729 Sherwood Road in Vilas, NC (Watauga County PIN 1982-47-6942). The system is designed for compliance with the state General NPDES Permit for Single Family Residences NCG550000. The house currently has no sewage service. The proposed wastewater treatment system consists of a septic tank, EZ Treat aerobic treatment system with UV disinfection and post-aeration apparatus. Section 7.0 includes system components' product specification (cut) sheets. The system's performance is document by NSF Certification for NSF/ANSI Standards 40, 245, and 350. Any use of "equivalent products" shall first be approved by the Project Engineer prior to installation. 1.2 Design Flow and Influent Characteristics The system is designed for domestic strength raw wastewater from the Inn facility. The design flow is based upon 120 gpd per room in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .0114 wastewater design flow rates. 1.3 Contacts Engineer— Mark Brooks, PE, Brooks Engineering Associates 828-232-4700 Owner Contact —James Fletcher 828-832-6003 Tank Manufacturers — Dellinger Tank Company 800-948-1666 EZ Treat— Mike Stidham, 703-408-2916 1.4 Scope & Qualifiers This specifications manual is intended only for the use of permitting and construction of the intended wastewater treatment system. Any changes to these plans and specifications shall be approved by the Project Engineer. Any changes in layout of equipment not approved shall release the Engineer from any potential liability associated with the system. 1 The maintenance and operation of the system are to be in accordance with the Operation & Maintenance Plan provided as a separate document. If the system is not operated and maintained in accordance to manufacturer recommendations and documented as such any warranty may be voided. Notify Engineer in sufficient time to permit inspection of underground work before backfilling is begun. A final inspection shall be required with the Owner, Engineer, NCDEQ representative, and Contractor. Only the set of engineering plans with revision labeled "RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION" shall be utilized for construction. All construction lines shall conform to the latest County and State of North Carolina specifications as defined by Standards and Specifications and the North Carolina Building Code. Where two (2) standards conflict, the more stringent shall apply. In the event that the Contractor or another supplier proposes an alternate component to the specified manufacturer or component type, certain procedures must be followed. If proposing an alternate, the Contractor (supplier) must submit, no less than 15 business days in advance of the bid date (if during the bid review period) or 15 days prior to the need for installation. If needed, the contractor must provided a system hydraulic analysis based on the proposed component (including pipe sizes, flows, velocities, retention times, etc.), a list of exceptions to the governing specifications herein and/or demonstration of compliance to of these specifications. This information must be submitted to the Engineer for pre-approval of the alternate equipment being proposed and determination of compliance with these Contract Documents. If the equipment differs materially or differs from the dimensions given on the Drawings, the Contractor (supplier) shall submit complete drawings showing elevations, dimensions, or any necessary changes to the Contract Documents for the proposed equipment and its installation. Pre-approval, if granted, will be provided in writing by the Engineer to the Contractor (supplier) at least five business days in advance of the bid or installation date. If the Engineer's approval is obtained for Alternate Equipment, the Contractor (supplier) must make any needed changes in the structures, system design, piping or electrical systems necessary to accommodate the proposed equipment at the expense of the Contractor (supplier). 2 2.0 COLLECTION SYSTEM AND GENERAL CONVEYANCE LINES 2.1 Location Of Collection System There is no collection system, only a 4" gravity service line from the single home. The location is a direct piping to the initial septic tank. 2.2 Sewer Line General Specifications The service lines shall be constructed of non-pressure pipe and fittings which shall be Schedule 40 PVC. All non pressurized piping shall maintain a minimum slope of 1/8-inch fall per lineal foot. Bedding and compaction shall be to a 95% Standard Proctor Test (ASTM Standard D 698) and trenching and installation shall be consistent with ASTM D2321. These specifications do not cover interior or initial building connections. Force Mains and all pressurized lines shall be constructed of Schedule 40 PVC of a size as noted on the engineering plans. The following are general location and separation guidelines: ♦ Typically a 3-foot minimum cover shall be maintained on all sewer lines. Gravity lines that drain completely can be shallower if needed due to rock conditions. ♦ Sewer lines may cross a water line if 18 inches clear separation is maintained, with the sewer line passing under the water line. The sewer line shall be constructed of ductile iron pipe and the water line shall be constructed of ferrous material equivalent to water main standards for at least 10 feet on either side of each crossing. ♦ Sewer lines may cross a storm drain if at least 24 inches of clear separation is maintained or the sewer pipe is of ductile iron or encased in ductile iron pipe for at least 5 feet on either side of the crossing. ♦ Sewer lines may cross a stream if at least three feet of stable cover can be maintained with a horizontal boring or the sewer line is of ductile iron pipe or encased in ductile iron pipe for at least 10 feet on either side of the crossing and protect against the normal range of high and low water. 3 Sizing Individual gravity sewer main lines shall not be less than 4 inches in diameter. Building sewers shall be in accordance with the state plumbing code and approved by the local building inspector. Pressurized sewer lines shall be sized according to lines sizes depicted in the engineering construction drawings. All pressure sewer lines shall be sized to have velocities no less than 2 feet per and no more than 6 feet per second from the supplying pump at typical head conditions to maintain scour velocity and minimize hammer. Three (3) feet minimum cover shall be provided for all sewers unless ferrous material pipe is specified. Ferrous material pipe, or other pipe with proper bedding to develop design supporting strength, shall be provided where sewers are subject to traffic bearing loads. Additional protection shall be provided for sewers that cannot be placed at a depth sufficient to prevent damage. Steep Slope Installation All grades for gravity and pressure sewer lines are anticipated to be less than 20%. However, should field conditions warrant, sewers on 20 percent slopes or greater shall be anchored securely with concrete, or equal, with the anchors spaced as follows: a. Not greater than 36 feet center to center on grades 21% to 35%; b. Not greater than 24 feet center to center on grades 35% to 50 %; and c. Not greater than 16 feet center to center on grades 50% and over. Mechanically fastened joints (such as MegalugTM or Certa-Lok YelomineTM) may be utilized in lieu of slope anchors in certain circumstances. The project engineer should be consulting if a substitution to the slope anchors is desired. The supply and return lines are on slopes that exceed 50%. There are no steep slopes on this project. Trenching Trench excavation shall conform to the line, depth and dimensions shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. The trench shall be properly braced and shored so that workmen may work safely and efficiently. If unstable conditions are encountered, the Engineer shall be notified in order that proper bedding materials may be selected. Trench excavation or 4 excavation for pipelines shall consist of excavation necessary for the construction of sewers, conduits and other pipelines and all appurtenant facilities thereof, pipe embedment materials, and pipe protection, insulating and sleeving in ductile iron pipe, as called for on the plans. It shall include site preparation, backfilling and tamping of pipe trenches and around tanks and the disposal of waste materials, all of which shall conform to the applicable provisions of these specifications. When rock, excessive organics, muck, quicksand, soft clay, swampy or other material unsuitable for foundations or subgrade are encountered which extend beyond the limits of the excavation, such material shall be removed and replaced with pipe foundation material as specified in the engineering drawings. Surface drainage shall not be allowed to enter excavated areas. Rock in Pipe Trenches Rock encountered in trench excavation shall be removed for the overall width of trench which shall be as shown on the plans. It shall be removed to a minimum depth of three (3) inches below the bottom of the pipe and replaced with a suitable compacted (to standard) fill material. If surcharges are to be levied due to excavation of rock, the Engineer must be notified to inspect and verify the rock conditions prior to backfilling. Pipe Installation The pipe material listed above shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the requirements of these specifications. All sewer lines shall be laid to the line and grade shown on the plans. No deviations from line and grade shall be made, unless they have been approved by the Engineer. The pipe interior shall be kept clean before and after laying by means approved by the Engineer. Pipe ends shall be plugged at the end of each work day or when work is temporarily stopped. The plugs shall be watertight so that water and debris will not enter the pipe. Backfillinp (a) All backfilling shall be done in such manner as will not disturb or injure the pipe or structure { over or against which it is being placed. Any pipe or structure injured, damaged or moved from its proper line or grade during backfilling operations shall be excavated, repaired and then re- backfilled as specified herein. All backfill shall be compacted to a minimum of 95% Standard Proctor. The contractor is responsible for procuring testing from a qualified geotechnical testing firm and providing documentation of testing if requested. 5 (b) The Contractor shall replace all surface materials and shall restore paving, curbing, sidewalks, gutters, shrubbery, fences, sod, and other surfaces disturbed, to a condition equal to that before the work began, furnishing all labor and materials incidental thereto as provided elsewhere in contracting agreements. The backfilling of the trench after the pipe installation and testing shall be in accordance with the standard trenching detail in the engineering construction drawings. Testing All gravity (non-pressurized) sewer lines shall be tested by Low Pressure Air Exfiltration Testing with the following steps. 1. All branch fittings and ends of lateral stubs shall be securely plugged at each manhole. All stoppers shall be adequately braced when required. 2. Air shall be slowly supplied into the plugged pipe line until the internal air pressure reaches 4.0 pounds per square inch or 4.0 pounds per square inch greater than the average back pressure of any ground water that may submerge the pipe. At least two minutes shall be allowed for temperature stabilization before proceeding further. 3. Calculate the pressure drop as the number of minutes for the air pressure within the pipeline to drop from a stabilized pressure of 3.5 to 2.5 psig. 4. The time allowed for mixed pipe sizes of varying lengths should be calculated as described in ASTM C828-76T. 5. The following times are for one pipe size only: Pipe Size (inches) Time, T Allowable Air Loss, Q (sec/100 ft) (ft3/min) 6 42 2.0 8 72 2.0 10 90 2.5 12 108 3.0 15 126 4.0 18 144 5.0 21 180 5.5 24 216 6.0 27 252 6.5 30 288 7.0 6. The pipe line shall be considered acceptable if the time interval for the 1.0 psi pressure drop is not less than the holding time listed in the following table. 7. If the test fails, the Contractor will be required to locate the cause of the failure, make necessary repairs, and repeat all testing of the line until the test is passed. 6 For pressure sewer lines the following Hydrostatic Testing Procedure shall be utilized. 1. As a minimum, all sewer force mains shall be tested in accordance with the Hydrostatic Testing Requirements of AVWVA C600. 2. After pipe has been laid and backfilled, all newly laid pipe or any valve section thereof shall be subject to a hydrostatic pressure of not less than 150 psi or 1-1/2 times the working pressure, whichever is greater. The duration of the pressure test shall be two hours. Each valve section of the pipe shall be slowly filled with water. All air shall be expelled from the pipe while the pipe is being filled and before the application of the specified test pressure. Taps may be required at points of highest elevation. These taps are to be tightly plugged after completion of the test. 3. The test pressure shall be applied by means of a pump connected to the pipe in a manner satisfactory to the Project Engineer. The pump, pump connections, gauges, and all necessary apparatus and labor shall be furnished by the Contractor. The Contractor shall calibrate the gauges in the presence of the Design Engineer. 4. A test shall be made only after a part or all of the backfilling has been completed and at least 36 hours after the last concrete thrust block has been cast with high-early strength cement or at least seven (7) days after the last thrust block has been cast using standard cement. 5. Any cracked or defective pipes, fittings, or valves discovered during hydrostatic pressure tests shall be removed and replaced with sound material and the test repeated until satisfactory to the Design Engineer. 6. Leakage shall be defined as the quantity of water that must be supplied into the newly laid pipe, or any valved section thereof, to maintain pressure within 5 psi of the specified test pressure. Leakage shall not be measured by a drop in pressure in a test section over a period of time. 7. Allowable leakage shall not exceed the following U.S. gallons per hour reported in Table 1: Table 1. Allowable leakage per 1000 ft of pipeline (gph) Avg. Test Pressure (psi) NOMINAL PIPE DIAMETER (INCHES) 3 4 6 8 10 12 250 0.36 0.47 0.71 0.95 1.19 1.42 225 0.34 0.45 0.68 0.90 1.13 1.35 200 0.32 0.43 0.64 0.85 1.06 1.28 175 0.30 0.40 0.59 0.80 0.99 1.19 150 0.28 0.37 0.55 0.74 0.92 1.10 125 0.25 0.34 0.50 0.67 0.84 1.01 100 0.23 0.30 0.45 0.60 0.75 0.90 7 If the pipeline under test contains sections of various diameters, the allowable leakage will be the sum of the computed leakage for each size. Alternatively, no pipe installation will be accepted if the leakage is greater than that determined by the following formula: In inch-pound units, L — SD� 133,200 Where: L = allowable leakage, in gallons per hour S = length of pipe tested, in feet D = nominal diameter of the pipe, in inches P = average test pressure during the leakage test, in pounds per square inch (gauge) The Contractor shall notify the Project Engineer when the work is ready for testing, and all testing shall be done in the presence of a representative of Brooks Engineering. All labor, equipment, water, and materials, including meters and gauges, shall be furnished by the Contractor at his own expense. Valvinq Valving shall be consistent with material types and sizes of piping as shown on the Engineering Plans. Any air release valves must be mechanical lever air/vacuum relief valves (not flapper type). 8 3.0 WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM The wastewater pre-treatment system consists of the appropriately sized septic tank and EZ Treat media filtration aerobic pretreatment system. Locations of the treatment equipment shall meet the setback requirements set forth in NCAC 2H .0100, et. sec. 3.1 Septic Tank Septic tank sizing meets the criteria outlined 15A NCAC 18A .1952 and shall be consistent with sizing specified in EZ Treat NCDHHS approval IVWVS-2015-03-R1. Alternate tank manufacturers may be utilized but sizing and construction specifications must be met. All tanks shall be precast concrete and meet construction and testing specifications outlined in15A NCAC 18A. 1953. All tanks shall be tested for leakage by either a 24 hour leak test or vacuum testing by the tank manufacturer. All inlets and outlets shall have 4" rubber pipe boots precast in to the tanks. Risers shall be NCDENR approved plastic risers with riser rings precast in to tanks. The initial and post- anoxic septic tank shall be equipped with an NCDENR approved residential septic tank filter. The filter handle must be accessible without the operators head entering the tank riser. 3.2 Aerobic Pretreatment System The aerobic pretreatment system specified is an EZ Treat Model 600 system to be installed and maintained in accordance with IVWVS approval 2015-03-R1. All conditions outlined in the approval shall be met. The following manufacturer specifications shall be met. Excavation and Backfillinq 1. Excavated materials acceptable as backfill shall be stockpiled in a location approved by the Owner. The materials shall be located away from the edge of any excavations. Excavated materials shall not be stored within the drip lines of existing trees. 2. All open excavations shall be barricaded when construction in the area has stopped. Night barricading should include posted warning lights. 3. Protect existing structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavement, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout, and other hazards created by earthwork operations. Protect root systems from damage or dry- out to the greatest extent possible. 4. Soil materials shall be free of boulders, roots, sod, organic matter, and frozen material. 9 5. Bedding materials for pre-cast concrete structure installation shall be #57 washed stone to the dimensions and depth shown on the construction drawings. 6. All excavation is unclassified and includes excavation to sub grade elevations indicated on the construction drawings regardless of character of materials and obstruction encountered. In the event that rock is encountered, the Contractor shall remove it at no additional cost to the owner. 7. Stability of excavations shall be maintained by sloping of the sides and shall comply with local codes, ordinances, and requirements of agencies having jurisdiction. Where space restrictions prevent sloping of the sides, shoring and bracing of the walls shall be employed in full compliance with OSHA requirements. In the case of pipe installations, sheeting shall remain in place until backfilling progresses to a stage where no damage to the pipe will result from removal. 8. The Contractor shall attempt to prevent surface and subsurface water from flowing into excavations. The Contractor shall provide equipment, materials, and work necessary to dewater any accumulation of water in the excavation to prevent softening of the soils, undercutting of footings, and changes to the soils detrimental to the stability of the improvements. 9. Excavations for structures shall conform to dimensions and elevations shown on the construction drawings within a tolerance of plus or minus 0.10 feet and to the standards of ASTM C891-90. 10. Backfill shall be installed to excavated spaces in 8-inch lifts and tamped by hand or pneumatically around pipe or structures. Tamping shall be performed evenly on both sides of pipe and around sides of structures to a depth such that damage to the pipe or structures is avoided as a result of subsequent methods of compaction. Extreme care shall be exercised in backfilling operations to avoid displacement of pipe and structures either horizontally or vertically. Backfill consolidation by ponding water is not permitted. Compaction of each layer of backfill and the top 6 inches of sub-grade shall achieve a 90 percent maximum dry density as measured by AASHTO method T- 99. 11. Remove all waste materials including unacceptable excavated material, trash, and debris and legally dispose of it off Owner's property. Where settling is measurable or observable at excavated areas during project warranty period, the Contractor shall remove surface finish, add backfill material, compact, and replace surface treatment to a quality and appearance matching adjacent areas of previous work. Septic Tank and Recirculation Tank Installation and Testing 1. Septic tanks shall conform to criteria in NCAC 18A .1953. The septic and recirculation tank should be installed on a 6-inch minimum layer of No. 57 washed stone aggregate. 2. Place bell ends of pre-cast sections or the groove end of the concrete facing down. In preparation for making joints, all surfaces of the portion of the section to be jointed and the factory-made jointing materials shall be clean and dry. Each joint, seam, and pipe 10 penetration inside and outside of joints shall receive liberal applications of non-shrink grout as well as liberal amounts of bitumastic waterproof sealant. 3. Lifting holes and other penetrations of the pre-cast structure wall shall be sealed with non-shrinking grout. Pipe connections shall be made so that the pipe does not project beyond the inside wall of the structure. Grout connections as necessary to make smooth and uniform surfaces on the inside of the structure. 4. Before placing any tank into operation, remove any dropped grout, sand or other imperfections and obstructions from the interior of the structure. Specifically, the inside walls of the tank shall be smooth and uniform. Smooth-finish inverts so that wastewater flow is confined and directed through the inlet and outlet pipes with easy transition. 5. Tanks shall be backfilled in accordance with the applicable specifications herein before described. 6. All pipe penetrations shall be through Press-Seal Cast-A-Seal 402 or approved equal. 7. All joints (mid-seam, top-seam) shall be sealed using Concrete Sealants butyl sealant #CS-102 meeting ASTM C-990. 8. All service access openings will be a minimum of 24 inches. Exceptions may be made on a case by case basis with E-Z Set Company's and engineer's prior written approval. All access openings shall be fitted with E-Z Set Company riser assemblies. 9. A 24-hour static water test, in accordance with ASTM standards, shall be performed on all precast tanks in order to insure they are water tight. a. The testing shall be performed in the presence of the engineer or his representative. b. Each tank shall be filled with water and the initial water level shall be measured. c. At the end of the 24-hour period the level of the water shall be measured again. d. The engineer shall pass the tank if the water level did not drop more than 0.5 inches or if the total volume of the displaced water is less than 1 percent of the total effective liquid capacity of the tank. e. Tanks may also be leak-tested by applying a vacuum of 5-inches of Hg with riser assemblies in place. f. Each failed tank shall be tested again. In the event that the tank does not pass the second test, the Contractor shall remove and replace the tank at no additional cost to the owner. 10. Septic Tank and Recirculation Tank shall meet the following additional criteria: a. Minimum liquid depth of 36 inches. b. Minimum airspace of 9 inches. c. Length shall be at least twice as long as the width. d. Septic tank shall be constructed with a baffle wall dividing the tank interior 2/3rd to 1/3rd. The baffle wall shall be constructed to permit passage of effluent through a slot or holes located between 45 and 55 percent of the interior depth. e. Recirculation tank shall be a true two compartment(s), with a baffle wall dividing the tank interior 2/3rd to 1/3rd. The baffle wall shall be constructed so liquid levels in either compartment are independent and liquids will not by-pass 11 between compartments except as designated by the system's treatment flow path. f. Septic tank shall be fitted with an effluent filter that extends down to 50 percent of the liquid depth of the tank. Piping Installation and Testing 1. Piping shall be PVC and of type and size as shown on the construction drawings. Piping shall be installed with a minimum of three (3) feet of cover unless shown otherwise on the construction drawings. 2. Piping shall be installed to be able to meet a pressure test whereby the pressure remains constant for a minimum of two hours, and the allowable leakage is not more than 10 gpd/inch of pipe diameter/mile. 3. Any line installed under the driveway shall be sleeved in Class 52 Ductile Iron Pipe and extend a minimum of 5 feet on either side and as shown on the construction drawings. 4. EZ Treat shall provide the bypass valve and all specialty fittings. PVC piping and connections are the responsibility of the contractor. E-Z Treat Dosing Pump and Control Panel 1. The E-Z Treat dosing pump shall be Sta-Rite_STEP 20 model for operation on a single phase, 115 Volt service, or preapproved equal. 2. The control panel shall be an American SR-12 simplex panel. The panel shall have one on/off timer, high/low water alarm, and low water level/run dry pump protection. 3. The control panel shall be in a NEMA 4X enclosure, installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, and within 10 feet of the E-Z Treat unit. 4. No splices may be placed in the pump tank or riser. All splices shall be made above ground in a NEMA 4x junction box. 5. Control and alarm circuits shall be on separate circuits. 6. The audible/visual alarms shall be external to any structure. 7. Timer on the panel shall be preset for a 2 minute on/ 10 minute off regime which may be changed at the engineer's or manufacturer's discretion. 8. Panel must include daily, 7-day and 30-day logging capabilities. 3.3 Post Aeration Apparatus The post aeration apparatus shall be constructed of concrete with a Class C rip-rip energy dissipater as shown on the Engineering Drawings. During excavation remove spongy and otherwise unsuitable material and replace with approved material. Loosen exceptionally hard spots and re-compact. Take every precaution to obtain a subgrade of uniform bearing power. 12 When necessary, compact subgrade with a high-energy mechanical tamper. Compaction shall be a minimum of 95% of Standard Proctor to within 2' of final grade and 100% of Standard Proctor in the upper 2' in accordance with ASTM D 698. Concrete shall be of Standard weight concrete, ready-mixed concrete conforming to ASTM C 94. Maximum size aggregate of 1". Maximum slump of 4". Minimum compressive strength at 28 days, 3,000 psi. Concrete shall comply with requirements of Section 03300- Cast-In-Place Concrete for air entrained concrete. Concrete shall be places on a 4" aggregate base. Forms shall be_wood or steel, straight, of sufficient strength to resist springing during depositing and consolidating concrete, and of a height equal to the full depth of the finished paving. Provide an industry standard sealant. 13 4.0 SITE PREPARATION 4.1 Clearing & Grubbing The disposal areas must be cleared and grubbed. Clearing and grubbing allowed in in areas as needed for equipment access and tank setting but is to be minimized. 4.2 Seeding & Mulching Fertilizing, seeding, and mulching of disturbed areas not utilized for the drainfield installation shall be completed within ten (10) working days following completion of system installation and final inspection of the system by the project engineer or local health department. This may require that a temporary seeding mixture be used during given dates of the year when permanent seeding would not be allowed. Jute, Excelsior or Mulching All seeded areas shall be mulched. Grain straw may be used as mulch at any time of the year. If permission to use material other than grain straw is requested by the Contractor and the use of such material is approved by the Engineer, the seasonal limitations, the methods and rates of application, the type of binding material, or other conditions governing the use of such material will be established by the Engineer at the time of approval. Applying Mulch: (1) Mulch shall be applied within 24 hours after completion of seeding unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer. Care shall be exercised to prevent displacement of soil or seed or other damage to the seeded area during the mulching operations. (2) Mulch shall be uniformly spread by hand or by approved mechanical spreaders or blowers which will provide an acceptable application. An acceptable application will be that which will allow some sunlight to penetrate and air to circulate but also partially shade the ground, reduce erosion, and conserve soil moisture. (3) Straw mulch shall be applied at the rate of not less than 2 tons per acre. Maintenance of Seed and Mulching: Areas where seeding and mulching have been performed shall be maintained in a satisfactory condition until final acceptance of the project. 14 Erosion Control (a) During the construction of the project, the Contractor shall be required to take the necessary steps to minimize soil erosion and siltation of rivers, streams, lakes and property. The Contractor shall comply with the applicable regulations of the appropriate governmental agencies in regard to soil erosion control and sedimentation prevention. Additional permitting may be required for erosion control. It is the contractor's responsibility to make that determination and adhere to local and state permitting requirements. (b) The Owner will limit the area over which clearing and grubbing and excavation operations are performed. (c) Prior to the end of each work day on the project, the Contractor shall take the necessary measures to protect the construction area from erosion. (d) Temporary and permanent erosion control measures shall be accomplished at the earliest practicable time. Temporary erosion control measures shall be coordinated with permanent measures to insure economical effective and continuous erosion control during the life of the project. (e) Temporary erosion control measures shall include, but are not be limited to the use of temporary berms, dams, dikes, drainage ditches, silt ditches, silt fences, vegetation, mulches, mats, netting or any other methods or devices that are necessary. (f) Erosion control measures installed by the Contractor shall be suitably maintained by the Contractor until the site is fully stabilized. (g) Where excavation is adjacent to streams, lakes or other surface waters, the Contractor shall not place excavated materials between the excavation and the surface waters. (h) Where live streams are crossed by the project, the Contractor shall exercise particular care to minimize siltation of the stream. Temporary erosion control measures shall be constructed. These may include but not be limited to use of coffer dam in the stream, dikes, diversion ditches and/or temporary sediment traps at the top of the banks, and silt fences on all creek banks. All temporary erosion control measures shall be acceptably maintained until permanent erosion control measures are established. (i) Where runoff on natural ground may cause erosion of the trench or erosion of the backfill in the trench, the Contractor shall construct temporary erosion control 15 measures. These may include but not be limited to diversion ditches, check dams and silt basins or other suitable erosion control measures. (j) Permanent seeding of disturbed areas shall be accomplished at the earliest practicable time. (k) Gravel construction entrances shall be installed at all locations used regularly as ingress and egress to the project site. (I) Stream and River Crossings Diversion ditches shall be constructed at or near the top of each river bank at river crossings. Localized stormwater runoff shall be diverted by way of the diversion ditches away from the disturbed stream bank. Other specified erosion control material shall be used in ditches and swales. 16 5.0 INSPECTION AND MONITORING PROCEEDINGS 5.1 Pre-Construction Meeting A pre-construction meeting shall be scheduled which shall include the contractor, a DEQ representative, the engineer or his representative, and the system(s) manufacturer representative. Scheduling this meeting shall be the responsibility of the installation contractor and all parties shall receive a minimum of one week's notice prior to the meeting date scheduled. Any changes to the plans requested by the contractor or DEQ representative will be discussed at this meeting and responded to within 3 business days by the engineer. 5.2 Intermediate Inspection of the System during Construction The contractor shall notify the engineer in time to inspect the site and insure proper installation of the system components prior to backfilling. Periodic inspections by project engineer during installation to assure compliance with agreed- upon installation procedures for drainfield installation shall be required. A specific schedule can be established at the preconstruction meeting. 5.3 Final Inspection & System Start-Up A copy of the engineer's Inspection Form shall be provided at the pre-construction meeting. This document shall be utilized during final system inspection and start-up. Start-up Procedures Start-up testing shall be required for all electrical and pressurized components of the onsite wastewater system. Testing of all components to insure operation in accordance with intended function shall be checked and recorded. Potable water shall be utilized for all system testing. 17 Pumps and Controls Potable water shall be introduced into the pump tank sufficient to activate (either by float switches or time-dose) the pumping system for 2 on/off dosing cycles for the treatment pod. All spray nozzles shall be checked to insure a consistent spray pattern over the media. A minimum of 10 psi pressure shall be maintained in the pod distribution piping. 6.4 Regular Monitoring Routine inspections of the system are required per the manufacturer's recommendations. The inspections shall be contracted by the property owner and conducted by a private Certified Operator other individual certified by EZ Treat. The monitoring schedule shall be consistent with NCG55185. Routine inspections shall include at a minimum: 1. checking the sludge levels in the septic tanks and pump tank. 2. cleaning the septic tank filters and grease trap filter. 3. checking the pumping system to insure both pumps are operational. 6.5 Residuals Management Sludge generated in the treatment system as well as biomass buildup in the media pods shall be monitored on a semi-annual basis. Should sludge build-up be identified, as demonstrated by increased TSS in the effluent or by tanks checking with a sludge-judge, the tankage should be pumped by a licensed septage hauler for disposal at a local POTW permitted for off-site septage processing. 18 6.0 CALCULATIONS 6.1 Buoyancy Calculations DOSE TANK Assumptions *Worst Conditions for tank upheaval are assumed to be with the tank empty. 11111101111111.1.Input Value Calculated Value Ground Surface MI'Density of H2O(lb/cu.ft) Density of Soil(lb/cu.ft) Length Density of Steel(lb/cu.ft) Density of Concrete(lb/cu.ft) Tank Dimensions Concrete Tank Material Height Length(ft) Tank 6". Width(ft) -" 5.00 Height(ft) 0.33 Top Thickness(ft) 0.25 Wall Thickness(ft) 0.33 Bottom Thickness(ft) 0.00 Baffle Thickness-avg(ft) 1.0 Depth below G.S. (ft) 1,500 Volume of Tank(gal) 201 Volume of Tank(cu.ft) Weight of Tank(Ib)from Mfr. 10,448 Weight of Tank Calculated Effective Soil Weight 55.4 Volume of Soil over Concrete Tank(cu.ft) 5,539 Weight of Soil over Concrete Tank(Ib) Effective Weight of Water in Tank gal/in in Tank Depth above Pump(in) 0.0 Gallons below minimum liquid level over pump - Weight of water in tank(Ib) Force Analysis 15,628 Effective Downward Force(Ib)=water in tank+wt concrete+wt of soil over buoyancy counter measures 12,513 Buoyancy Force(Ib)=volume of submerged tank x density of water yes Is downward force approximately 1.2 x buoyancy force? The tank will not rise due to upheaval. Brooks Engineering Associates, PA 4/5/2019 SEPTIC TANK Assumptions *Worst Conditions for tank upheaval are assumed to be with the tank empty. Input Value Calculated Value Ground Surface Density of H2O(lb/cu.ft) Density of Soil(lb/cu.ft) Length Density of Steel(lb/cu.ft) Density of Concrete(lb/cu.ft) Tank Dimensions Concrete Tank Material Height 11.83 Length(ft) Tank 5.83 Width(ft) ' 5.17 Height(ft) 0.33,Top Thickness(ft) '0.21 Wall Thickness(ft) ),0.3Bottom Thickness(ft) 0.25 Baffle Thickness-avg(ft) )xm 1.0 Depth below G.S.(ft) ,-Volume of Tank(gal) 201 Volume of Tank(cu.ft) Weight of Tank(Ib)from Mfr. 13,879 Weight of Tank Calculated Effective Soil Weight 69.0 Volume of Soil over Concrete Tank(cu.ft) 6,897 Weight of Soil over Concrete Tank(lb) Effective Weight of Water in Tank gal/in in Tank Static Water Level(in) 0.0 Gallons below minimum liquid level over pump - Weight of water in tank(lb) Force Analysis 19,782 Effective Downward Force(Ib)=water in tank+wt concrete+wt of soil over buoyancy counter measures 12,513 Buoyancy Force(Ib)=volume of submerged tank x density of water yes Is downward force approximately 1.2 x buoyancy force? The tank will not rise due to upheaval. Brooks Engineering Associates, PA 4/5/2019 6.2 Pod Recirc Ratio & UV Calcs PROCESS DESIGN CALCULATIONS POD DOSING REGIME CALCULATIONS Run Time 2 min Rest Time 10 min Dose Cycle Time 12 min Pods Dose Per Cycle 1 pod GPM per dose/pod 20 gpm Gallons per Cycle 40 gal Cycles per Day 120 Recirculation Ratio 5.00 to 1 UV Intensity Calculations Lamp Model: GPH793T5L Ster-L-RayTM Ultraviolet Germicidal Lamp Length of Lamp = 31 7/32 inches Diameter of Lamp tube = 13/15 inches 22 mm sleeve outer diameter Lamp 254 nm UV Output, Po = 12.8 W (after 100 hours of operation) Power Reduction Factor= 75% (after 20,000 hours of operation) Nom. Lamp Output, P = 9,600,000 uW (after 20,000 hours of operation) Chamber Diameter= 6 inches Nominal Intensity = 631,358 uW/cm2 (at lamp side of waste stream) (Fluid required to be < 0.40/cm per VDH SCAT regulations for wastewater which is exceeded Absorption Coeff., Kab = 0.75 cm-1 for conservative design) Min. Effective Intensity = 4,749 uW/cm2 (at outer wall of chamber using Beer-Lambert Law) Design Dosage = 50,000 uW-s/cm2 (per VDH SCAT regulations) Exposure Length = 29 3/32 inches (length of lamp less 2 1/8") Chamber Volume = 3.561 gallons Lamp Volume = 0.074 gallons Net Fluid Volume = 3.487 gallons Req'd Retention Time = 10.5 seconds Max Flow Rate = 19.9 gpm /chamber 6.3 TDH Calculations for Pod Dosing (and Pump Curves) POD DOSING PUMP TDH=AH+hm where: H=elevation head hm=major pipe losses,utilize Hazen Williams equation with equivalent lengths for fittings hm=(4.727 L/d48') (Q/C)1.85 where:Q in cfs,L in feet,d in ft. no user input IV user input req'd Piping: sch.40 PVC Diameter= 1 1/2 inches(nominal) equals 1.59 inches(ID) 0.1325 ft. NODE: Recirc to Pod INPUTS Elevation Head Loss Major Losses Equiv.Length Sum No.inputs Fittings Details Initial Elev. Final Elev. L "C" (FT) Eq.Length 1 Pipe 0.0 7.0 25 130 26.0 5 90 DEG ELL threaded 5 25.00 O 45 DEG ELL threaded 3 0.00 1 90 DEG TEE threaded 7 7.00 1 COUPLING threaded 1.5 1.50 2 GATE VALVE threaded 1 2.00 O GLOBE VALVE threaded 45 0.00 O ANGLE VALVE threaded 22 0.00 1 CHECK VALVE threaded 14 14.00 75.46 Q(gpm) /H hm(feet) TDH PSI Velocity 3 7.00 0.08 7.08 3.1 0.54 5 7.00 0.20 7.20 3.1 0.91 10 7.00 0.71 7.71 3.3 1.82 15 7.00 1.51 8.51 3.7 2.72 20 7.00 2.57 9.57 4.1 3.63 25 7.00 3.89 10.89 4.7 4.54 30 7.00 5.45 12.45 5.4 5.45 35 7.00 7.25 14.25 6.2 6.36 40 7.00 9.28 16.28 7.0 7.27 45 7.00 11.54 18.54 8.0 8.17 EZ TREAT SPRAY NOZZLES 5 spray nozzle flow _, .,. GPM PSI as -- 111.1 0 .1 1 5 1 7 4 zAkii AFAIIIII 1.3 10 3.5 1.7 20 IrMINIE 2.1 30 3 2.4 40 a 2.5 � GPM 2.9 60 0 IIMI 3.3 80 2 m 3.6 100 4.3 150 1.5 I' 1 `r. 0.5 5 7 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 150 PSI Brooks Engineering Associates p.1 of 1 8/18/2016 7.0 Manufacturer Cut-Sheets 7.1 Tanks 7.2 EZ Treat ©2008 Details Provided by APPIAN Consulting Engineers www.applanengineers.com 06/30/2008 — 3:48.28 PM GENERAL NOTES: ��®� , 1. Design specifications conform to latest ASTM C1227 specifications"Precast Concrete OUTLET alb o ��i INLET Water and Wastewater Structures" ^r WATER = I' 0 2. Concrete compressive strength 4,000 psi minimum. 0 o LEVEL o p 3. Steel reinforcing design to conform to the requirements of ASTM C890 specifications for c - "Structural Design Loading for Water and Wastewater Structures"and shall utilize grade N N _ - FLOW N 60 re-bars conforming to the requirements of ASTM A615 or WWF conforming to the , "' c n- requirements of ASTM A185 or both. Place Additional reinforcing at all openings. `r' 4. Optional Cast Iron casting with 24"dia.access in top section per NCDOT standards or ELEVATION r 7 optional 20"round EZ set lid or as otherwise specified.Supplied by either Dellinger Precast OPTIONAL or customer.To be field adjusted using approved methods by contractor. 5. Pipe penetration locations as per job requirements. Pipe inlet and outlet locations to ' ROUND LID have PSX Direct Drive boots or equal. Pipe Inlet locaions(typical 3 sides)to be knock - out pannels. Effluent Filter supplied by Dellinger. Inlet Tee&Pipe supplied by contractor. .22" DIA 1 6. Joints to be sealed with ConSeal CS102.butyl rubber joint sealant or co equal.Sealant meets or exceeds the requirements of latest federal 11 specification SS-S-0021(210-A),AASHTO M-198B, ♦' `4 - - I• . 0 and ASTM C-990-91. 7. Lift Insert/Lift Eye Pin by M.A Industries or equal, ` 45" • 20" DIAjCast-in by Dellinger Precast. Lifts meet or exceed ' IA, L_ J OSHA requirements. '. • YV'5 TOP& 8. Method of namufacture is Wet Cast. • �\ • \/�/\ 2 0 O BOTTOM 9. Sections are monolithic.Weights: 4 Top Section 4,271 ±lbs. ,t' �) "(I ) DIM'S Base Section 4,426±lbs. 1 1� "kO I % •O �� 06 ) . - I `._ ) 10. I.D.= Inside dimension 1 j p• I "it 4"KO INLET O.D.=Outside dimension J , 10I. 0' ,* �" (TYP. 3 SIDE) L=Length -.'' - • L' TEE-SEE W=Width `� .. 1 F��� NOTES 3&5 H=Height :T1,- tj/ r - w 1 l I ,',- 414 I I 1 NOTES 3&4 i t v ,, ' 2"x61/2" ®® VENT AT TOP " �� IMPRINT: r�?� OF BAFFLE STB-79 I %s I sl II TOP IO 1000 Gal. i `,��� e SECTION 4"OUTLET \ ~ EFFLUENT hl" c� FILTER '� 54' �O o CO NOTES 3&5 ,(I•9') "4$'' ',) MID SEAM 30% LIQUID -102 �� M (I.O DIM'S DEPTH FROM ii O) I 1 21 E @ SEP ) SIDES. NOTE 10 ,105 I BOTTOM. BOTH „(� GK O'Ar y IN Tk c 1- 'IA 2 ��I ALL 1- cC°o w 1�3 �� /� NOTE6 II Q '4 = pp v 4"WIDE . � = SLOT / �\ N 0 cn 3"THICK ��.-.. WALLS TYP. II 1( NOTE 3 BASE \\i 4"THICK BAFFLE SECTION �-- @ BASE&TOP D yardiml1 000 Gallon (Mid Seam) _Scale: ' To Scale 'RevisionNot Date: ' SEPTIC TANK February 2008 Detail# ' 4531 North Hwy 16 • Denver,N.C.28037 - Phone:800-948-1666 - 704-483-2868 • Fax:704-483-2363 ST-1,000-MS PT - 283 Non Traffic Rated Top View Liquid Capacity 1 ,000 Gallons 4000 PSI (min) Concrete 60".5 Est Weight : Top 1,712 Ibs; Base 5,865 lbs (+-) 54.5„ ..20 - 26" Manufactured By., DELLINGER PRECAST, iNC. Access openings to receive 4531 North Hwy 16 concrete lids, rings/covers, Denver, NC 28037 aluminum hatch, or as specified. Phone 800-948-1666 3 " 704-483-2868 Fax 704-483-2363 Side knockouts to receive 1 4"pipe or as specified. NPCA Certified Plant 21.47 Gallons/inch 97 60".5" - ConSeal CS102, i- 20" -� - 26" - - 26" - J 4 butyl rubber sealant or _ 97„ _ equal in all 91 " - _ 60.5" - - - --- joints. _. 54.5" Outlet . Inlet Inlet port opening 4"State approved rubber boots. Outlet port opening 2" 5,, State approved rubber boots. End View Plan View E Z�. TRIEIXT PO Box 176 Haymarket, Virginia 20168 Re-Circulating Synthetic Sand/Gravel Filter Reuse Independent Testing BOD-2.6/TSS-1.8/Turbidity-2/Ph-7/Nitrogen Reduction 66% hes f a • _ r-r}ylfit � '9 NSF Certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 40 Class I ��/I� E Z� , T E-Z Treat Re-Circulating Synthetic Sand Filter System Overview ,et,,,,Sr41 iayY 1 A Q �iq'rG( p A �tE'6\} EPA Design Guidelines Figure 1. Typical Recirculating sand filter system Inflow 0 Concrete or liner enclosure Distribution lines Septic tank o�9 .��w cAs" 96 i VG"cl‘sc..(‘ ..I Filter , Sind '` .410 effluent .,.., .;. .' Outflow f—�� iii ii� v.. T ��. •� Graugt Y"II- Ball It I Open sand filter Underdrain valve - J P. Pump Recirculation/dosing tank E-Z TREAT RECIRCULATION SAND/MEDIA FILTERS DISTRIBUTION LINES SEPTIC TANK INFLOW` 'I i —RECIRCULATION PUMP DISCHARGE I ''% BALL FLOA VALVE PUMP RECIRCULATION/DOSING TANK 1 E-Z Treat System Technology As the U.S. EPA document"Technology Assessment of Intermittent Sand Filters" states: "Intermittent sand filter filtration of wastewater is not new technology" the concept was employed in the U.S. in the mid-1800's. "Intermittent sand filters are ideally suited to rural community clusters, small cluster homes, individual homes and business establishments. They can achieve advanced secondary or even tertiary levels of treatment consistently with a minimum of attention." (Anderson, et al, 1985) The EPA points out that sand filters operate reliably in a trouble free manner and the technology is very "fail safe" in that it is inherently stable. The biology of the system is quite diverse, typically including many trophic levels of microorganisms, and some macro organisms. (Calaw et al, 1952, Calaway, 1957) These characteristics render the process inherently resistant to upset and also allow it to readily accommodate sanitations where loading is highly non-uniform. Design Many types of media are used in packed-bed filters. Washed, graded sand was the most common. Other granular media used include crushed glass, garnet, anthracite, plastic, expanded clay, expanded shale, open-cell foam, extruded polystyrene, and bottom ash from coal-fired power plants. Media characteristics can limit the number of doses possible. Media re-aeration must occur between doses. As the effective size of the media decreases, the time for drainage and re- aeration of the media increases. The BOD5loading should decrease with decreasing effective size of the sand. Recirculation tank sizing For single-family home systems, the recirculation tank is typically sized to be equal to .75 to 1 times the design peak daily flow. Recirculating filter performance dSingle-family home filters. media: es = 4.0 mm; uc= <2/5. Design hydraulic loading (forward flow)= 25 gpd/ft2. Recirculation ratio = 5:1. Doses per day = 48. Open surface, winter operation. RSFs are extremely reliable treatment devices and are quite resistant to flow variations. In general, gravel RSF systems are far less prone to odor production than RSFs. Increased recycle ratios should help minimize such problems. However, power outages will stop the process from treating the wastewater, and prolonged outages would be likely to generate some odors. Operating Costs Power costs for pumping at 3 to 4 kWh/day are in the range of$90 to $120 2 The E-Z Treat System incorporates technology resulting from years of independent research in re- circulation sand bio filtration. Our system applies each area of this technology in a pre-packaged system, insuring consistent in the field performance reducing BOD, TSS and Total Nitrogen. E-Z Treat System addresses media size and composition, drainage and ventilation, optimum dosing cycles per hour, depth of filter media, pre-treatment of effluent, pre-filtering of effluent to insure particle size, even distribution of effluent over the media and piping design that optimize treatment within the system. E-Z Treat Loading Rates In accordance with the EPA Design Guidelines and field testing of the E-Z Treat re-circulating sand/media Filter Model # 600 can be continuously loaded at 750 GPD and 2 lb BOD Model# 1200 can be continuously loaded at 1400 GPD and 4 Lb BOD. EPA research and testing has proven that system designs, such as the E-Z Treat System, will produce a high quality effluent at loading rates in excess 25 gal/ft2/day. System Overview Prior to entering the re-circulating pump tank the effluent will be treated in an anaerobic chamber fitted with an effluent filter; this filter should remove any solids greater than 1/16 inch. The second chamber will be a re-circulation chamber fitted with a float ball by-pass valve and re-circulation pump. The float ball by- pass valve connects, inside the re-circulation tank, to the 4 inch return line from the sand filter. The float by-pass valve maintains a constant liquid volume in the re-circulation tank. The float by-pass valve allows the effluent to be constantly re-circulated through the sand/media filter discharging only the daily forward flow volume after it has passed through the filter. In designs using an external splitter box the float by- pass valve would be eliminated from the re-circulation chamber. The following are recommended System & Re-Circulation Chamber sizes and Timer Settings for year round residential properties. Min. Number Timer Timer Design Septic Re-Circ of Number of Setting Setting Flow Tank Tank Units Units Mod.#600 Mod.#600 Mod.#1200 Mod.#1200 Min. GPD Sizing Gal. Mod.#600 Mod.#1200 Min./On Min./Off Min./On Min./Off 300 750 300 1 1 2.5 24 2.5 39 400 750 400 1 1 2.5 20 2.5 28 500 900 500 1 1 2.5 16 2.5 22 600 900 600 1 1 2.5 14 2.5 18 700 1000 700 1 1 2.5 21 2.5 15 800 1000 800 2 1 2.5 18 2.5 13 900 1500 900 2 1 2.5 15 2.5 11 1000 1500 1000 2 1 2.5 13 2.5 9 1100 1500 1100 2 1 2.5 12 2.5 8 1200 2000 1200 2 1 2.5 10 2.5 7.5 1300 2000 1300 2 1 2.5 9 2.5 7 1400 2000 1400 2 1 2.5 8 2.5 6 Note: Tank sizing are not exact and may vary (+ or - 10%) based on availability of locally produced tanks. 3 Spray Manifold System To maximize the effectiveness of every cubic inch of the media material, the E-Z Treat Model #600 employs a spray manifold with 8 evenly spaced wide-angle spray nozzles and the Model#1200 employs 12 nozzles. The nozzles are brass construction with a free passage of .0625" in diameter; this large free passage helps prevent nozzle clogging while maintaining a consistent misting spray. The manifold is assembled with a pressure gauge and valves allowing for flow rate adjustments. Filter Media Mattress Material E-Z Treat synthetic sand filter employs a manufactured synthetic media which is encapsulated in a mattress like container. The mattress is fabricated from a non-biodegradable; chemically resistant, loose weave polypropylene material with a weave pattern at 90 degree intersections creating .078 square openings allowing effluent and air to flow freely while containing the media material. Polypropylene Mattress Material i.w. _ _ _ i�i .. ����.w� wwa.wiiiia4swiiiiawi44iwill**0iiiiiwi !i mawowwwwwwuw�wiia1440-0 mw.RiPi. ..1. .�i�w�www iwiutwamiiiwiuwwwi wi:_ iwiilkwlliwwwwwiwiii. tiiwwwwwiwiiiiwaww:wwaiiisiii;i_iwi�.ii�iiwiww►w iwwww_wwwwwiwwiiiiiiwii iiiii�__ __ _-- yw 'is aw"i w ti?,Gws a0iuiw aiiii* '_ iwrwmwiwiwwwiiiiiiFwi�w.iw ww*_,..,iwiaiww�i wokwiwikiwaikiiwwilikaiiiiiiiwii wiw7.1ww�.wwwi.i iAtwiiiime.11 iiwiw1riiiiiiii/iP�wawTLTwirw!.ww• 1 it0�,i.6awi:iiw1i*iiuiiiiiiwwTiiwwwiw�wwwissr. loKm 400.4.**Ai iwi wi ai.�. iei a io:iiwai. w.:w, i ii wr i****ai w:11611141*i_isr 04.611 ioi ROARP o icw 7tw,w: a iswwswaiw.wiwiei_ww60-047ni.JuiisTiaTi- wi*.as=1 ;;wrwr. i:wiiiswawai waisis waiia.wiiw.iwlP wweiwawa.ww�.a w:wwi■aiawaiiiiiiiiiaior` 17.--ieelliieiiai4aiwwwi i:ww'wwwiaw-iwrw:w.iiaiiwaiaitia ii-itiwiiiwiw iaa" w.w ww'w� 'wwwis'iwaa�iwiywowiii***up i 4.19.=iu v.__ aia�iwwiwwi.w■iaaaiiiO*� �iwalla•wwwww.waiwic +! iwwiraiwwwwaawiiiiiii aiiawawaTiwiwwwwriw: : w.wai:•waiai iwiiai*.1111.fillii,,ii_ r�iiiai aiii+wwaw waiwi: i:�i:�iitijii:i�i3Z.iiwa,www*iwww�: . WOW"owwrw�iiww�w w eai.wwwwsiwww�sairkii:eaaiiii*** i7iii a iwwwiwwwawawaw•wwawsI*** i�wtra. _ tit �?!inlawi�aiiwwwwww Styrene Media . ,, , . ' .11 6 . - t ..4„.04 * * li kik i 4 ' • ., � ! 6 1 R , 4. 4 * ir, w l .� t 41• : ,6 0 * t - II . ` 1 i� t� 4 This media is very uniform and provides ample surface area for biological growth.The media also has enough voids to accommodate good air and liquid flow;these void spaces also allow the passage of very small solids that would clog many filters.The media is very lightweight making it resistant to compaction which can lead to poor air and liquid flows, a problem that plagues many media filters. The media consists of lightweight, non-biodegradable plastic spheres. Model# E-Z Treat 600 I1_____ Li 1._1 S 1 ill n t .. :J1-QCFL"EF_- ._- 12.4.00FIPE 11111 u.,...OM.WtlY SPECIFIED rA,A 1.M DNENS.IrrS AR N NCNB .. iam0Mccc. .. I LACED a....;°` " "`" MODEL - 600 L PICK.. "". �.. CourAi115 - L EYE = DWG.NO. ?EV n o ra.1 Av, uvn Dr. n A E-Z TREAT MODEL-600 r.oa.Avo..a. ASSEMBLY ..oM.® ..n..1c« SCA'_E:1_24 WEGHT: SHEET 1 OF I E-Z Treat Model# 1200 43,.1jo 3/4"BALL VALVE I PRESSURE , GAUGE. 7 kk —t 1"BALL VALVE itill____ ul ,, ,' ......N..„: .... .. ___,_.....,_:,. __1 , . 0, iim c' 31.00 lilt ' 15.50 III MII 5.50 � 91.50 SPRAY NOZZLE ' LIMBS.�vl....w S.CR,"+ P.A. L,IL OW41410M5 AN:N NCl/Fs O"nw ip ACKwAt TTLE' Mg..MACMt NHD t E.KNt. T.RACFDRCNN1 t IMHEPSACE 0E .AL t t.AN'¢ G. _ „ r u.1s..L SIZE DWG NO M ,N_, ,-„w. ,5,,. . .NM A E-Z TREAT-3 w-M111M . i,.lc« D,.c.s`A.S wA.nw SCALE:1:50WEGHT_ SHEET1 5 Spraying Systems Co: �• Experts in Spray Technology .• Find and Order the Nozzles You Need in Minutes '' Spraying Systems Co. INDUSTRIAL SPRAY PRODUCTS Request a FREE Printed Copy! Horne Experts In Spray Technology Catalog 70 US 1.800.95.SPRAY or click here Catalog 70 USSection BB5 Email this page Previous PageNext Page B5 - Full]et® Spray Nozzles, Standard Spray Performance Data *At the stated pressure in psi. Nozzle Type Capacity Spray Orific Max. (gallons per minute)* Angle Inlet Standard Wall Angle Capa e Free (0)* Con Type Mounted city Dian. . as e (in ) Size Nom. Dia. G G (in.) (in.) G G H H D H G GA G 5 7 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 150 7 20 80 D A • • • • • 1 .031 .025 .07 .08 .10 .14 .17 .19 .23 .26 .29 .35 - 58 53 • • • 1.5 .047 .025 .11 .13 .15 .21 .25 .28 .34 .39 .43 .52 52 65 59 • • • • • • • 2 .047 .040 .15 .17 .20 .28 .33 .38 .46 .52 .58 .70 43 50 46 • • • • • • • 3 .063 .040 .22 .25 .30 .41 .50 .57 .68 .78 .87 1.0 52 65 59 1/S • • • • • • • i.5 .063 .050 .25 .30 .35 .48 .58 .66 .80 .91 1.0 1.2 43 50 46 • • 3.9 .078 .040 .28 .33 .39 .54 .65 .74 .89 1.0 1.1 1.4 77 84 79 • • • • • • • 5 .078 .050 .36 .42 .50 .69 .83 .95 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.7 52 65 59 • • 6.1 .094 .050 .44 .52 .61 .84 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.1 69 74 68 • • • • • • • 6.5 .094 .063 .47 .55 .65 .89 1.1 1.2 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.3 45 50 46 • • • • • • • 10 .109 .063 .73 .85 1.0 1.4 1.7 1.9 2.3 2.6 2.9 3.5 58 67 61 1/4 • • 12.5 .125 .063 .91 1.1 1.3 1.7 2.1 2.4 2.9 3.3 3.6 4.3 69 74 68 • • • • • • • 9.5 .109 .094 .69 .81 .95 1.3 1.6 1.8 2.2 2.5 2.7 3.3 45 50 46 • • • • • • • 15 .141 .094 1.1 1.3 1.5 2.1 2.5 2.8 3.4 3.9 4.3 5.2 64 67 61 3/8 • • 20 .156 .109 1.5 1.7 2.0 2.8 3.3 3.8 4.6 5.2 5.8 7.0 76 80 73 • • • • • 22 .188 .109 1.6 1.9 2.2 3.0 3.6 4.2 5.0 5.7 6.3 7.6 87 90 82 • • • • • • 16 .141 .125 1.2 1.4 1.6 2.2 2.7 3.0 3.6 4.2 4.6 5.6 48 50 46 • • • • • • • 25 .188 .125 1.8 2.1 2.5 3.4 4.1 4.7 5.7 6.5 7.2 8.7 64 67 61 • • • • 32 .203 .141 2.3 2.7 3.2 4.4 5.3 6.1 7.3 8.3 9.2 li' 72 75 68 1/2 • • • • • 40 .250 .141 2.9 3.4 4.0 5.5 6.6 7.6 9.1 10. 15. 19. 88 91 83 • 50 .266 .156 3.6 4.2 5.0 6.9 8.3 9.5 11. 13. 14. 17. • 91 94 86 4 0 4 4 • • • 2.5 .188 .172 2.1 2.5 2.9 4.1 4.9 5.6 6.7 7.7 8.5 10' 48 50 46 3/4 • • • 4.0 .250 .172 3.4 4.0 4.7 6.5 7.8 8.9 10. 12. 13. 16. 67 70 63 7 3 6 4 STA-RITE' high head multi-stage submersible effluent pumps The STEP Plus® 4"submersiblep STEfiltered effluent pumps in 10,20, 30 and 50 GPM models offer • • rtii6"QY�PM dependable performance and STA-RITE EFFLUENT PUMP GPM value for high pressure filtered Lon9eY effluent applications. FEATURES These STEP Plus pumps will Proven "Floating Impeller" handle "dry run"conditions Staging System- Incorporates where other manufacturers fail. 1st-in-class performance, sand The 10, 20, 30 and 50 GPM are handling and thrust management industry standard 3-3/4"in staging system with the industry diameter. exclusive "dry-run" design element. Reinforced engineered composites APPLICATIONS and stainless steel, offering high • Filtered Effluent... for residential, resistance to corrosion and abrasion. commercial, and agricultural use. Discharge-Tested tough, fiberglass reinforced thermoplastic, with proven SPECIFICATIONS internal check valve. Large wrench Shell-Stainless steel flats and rope hole. Discharge- Shell- 300-grade stainless steel 10, 20 and 30 GPM models: pump shell offers high corrosion fiberglass-reinforced thermo lastic; resistance. p 50 GPM models: stainless steel Shaft- Hexagonal 3/8", 300-grade _.. _ Discharge Bearing - Nylatron® stainless steel pump shaft; offers generous impeller drive surfaces. Impellers- Delrin® Shaft Bearing - Exclusive self- Diffusers- Polycarbonate lubricating Nylatron bearing resists Suction Caps- Polycarbonate with wear surface from sand. stainless steel wear ring Motor Bracket-Tested-tough, Thrust Pads- Proprietary spec. fiberglass-reinforced thermoplastic; Shaft and coupling-Stainless steel incorporates an integral suction 300 grade screen. Intake- Fiberglass-reinforced thermoplastic Intake Screen -Polypropylene Jacketed Cord- 300 Volt"SOOW" jacketed 10' leads (2-wire with ground); optional 20', 30', 50' and 100' lengths available Delrin® is a registered trademark of E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Co. Nylatron® is a registered trademark of Polymer Corp. ST.E.P. Plus® is a Sp® registered trademark of Pentair Water. c us In order to provide the best products possible, specifications are subject to change. Customer Service:(888)782-7483 • Fax Orders:(800)426-9446 • www.pumps.com • Pentair Water ■ Delavan,WI 53115 USA ■ 55594SES STA-RITES high head multi-stage submersible effluent pumps PUMP PERFORMANCE- 10 GPM PUMP PERFORMANCE-20 GPM CAPACITY LITERS PER MINUTE CAPACITY LITERS PER MINUTE SC Ib .�0 0 50 75 100 I I I I I I I I 3 0 300 -80 -80 250 250 R E C►R C PUMA fn N W 220 -80 W H 200 CC w —60 w w s 1- w F- LJ- w w Z Ap 2 Z 2 Z — Sr Z Q• 150 �yA Q 1.0 F. Z w Q w 7/ Q J UJ —40 = J �yA —4' _ F Q Q F 100 O FF C O _ I I -20 -20 50 50 -0 _n 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 CAPACITY GALLONS PER MINUTE CAPACITY GALLONS PER MINUTE PUMP PERFORMANCE-30 GPM PUMP PERFORMANCE- 50 GPM CAPACITY LITERS PER MINUTE CAPACITY LITERS PER MINUTE 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 225 120 - 1 -35 200 • -60 100 -30 175 Si, tST�q QO I -50 r01 7, , F_ 150 S'T�Q !� CC 1- 80 ! -25 cc A '� w �yA y _ao w Z STFpso w ? ,2s Z 7yA -20 Z o w 60 a w Mk w = J = Q T _Fp3o Mk -� Q F - -15 J O 7 h'A F O 1Q- .- G F 40 O -20 I- ~ -10 50 20 -10 - 25 _ o I - 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 CAPACITY GALLONS PER MINUTE CAPACITY GALLONS PER MINUTE Customer Service:(888)782-7483 • fax Orders:(800)426-9446 • www.pumps.com • Pentair Water • Delavan,WI 53115 USA • 55594SES 3 STA-RITE' high head multi-stage submersible effluent pumps ORDERING INFORMATION PUMP PERFORMANCE Max. Catalog Gallons/Liters Head Catalog Load Phase/ Cord Number per Minute (Feet/Meters) PSI Number HP Stages Amps Volts Cycles Length 0/0 255/78 110 STEP10 1/2 6 10.5 115 1/60 10' 5/19 228/69 99 STEP 10 STEP20 1/2 5 10.5 115 1/60 10' 10/38 170/52 74 STEP30-05121 1/2 3 9.5 115 1/60 10' 12.5/47 120/37 52 STEP30X2OFT--05121 1/2 3 9.5 115 1/60 20' 0/0 180/55 78 STEP30X3OFT--05121 1/2 3 9.5 115 1/60 30' 7.5/28 13 58 STEP20 15/57 135/4/41 58 STEP30-05221 1/2 3 4.7 230 1/60 10' 20/76 115/35 50 STEP30X2OFT-05221 1/2 3 4.7 230 1/60 20' 25/95 75/23 32 STEP30X3OFT--05221 1/2 3 4.7 230 1/60 30' 0/0 102/31 44 STEP30-10221 1 5 9.1 230 1/60 10' 8/30 100/30 43 STEP30X2OFT--10221 1 5 9.1 230 1/60 20' STEP30 05221& 16/61 97/30 42 STEP30-05121 24/91 84/26 36 STEP30X3OFT--10221 1 5 9.1 230 1/60 30' 30/114 68/21 29 STEP30-15221 1-1/2 6 11.0 230 1/60 10' 36/136 47/14 20 STEP30X20FT-15221 1-1/2 6 11.0 230 1/60 20' 0/0 171/52 74 STEP30X30FT-15221 1-1/2 6 11.0 230 1/60 30' 8/30 166/51 72 STEP50.10221 1 3 9.1 230 1/60 10' STEP30-10221 16/61 162/49 70 STEP50X2OFT-10221 1 3 9.1 230 1/60 20' 24/91 140/43 61 9 STEP50X3OFT--10221 1 3 9.1 230 1/60 30' 36 6/1 3 1 //1366 78/24 3 344 STEP50-15221 1-1/2 4 11.0 230 1/60 10' 0/0 206/63 89 STEP50X20FT-15221 1-1/2 4 11.0 230 1/60 20' 8/30 203/62 88 STEP50X3OFT--15221 1-1/2 4 11.0 230 1/60 30' STEP30 15221 16/61 199/61 86 24/91 176/54 76 30/114 146/45 63 i 36/136 101/31 44 R E CI R C PUMP 0/0 86/2 37 10/38 86/26 37 20/76 83/25 36 STEP50 10221 30/114 79/24 34 40/152 71/22 31 50/190 62/19 27 60/227 49/15 21 70/265 27/8 12 0/0 120/37 52 10/38 115/35 50 20/76 110/34 48 STEP50 15221 30/114 104/32 45 40/152 95/29 41 50/190 82/25 35 60/227 65/20 28 70/265 36/11 16 Customer Service:(888)782-7483 • Fax Orders:(800)426-9446 a www.pumps.com • Pentair Water • Delavan,WI 53115 USA • S5594SES 2 Operation and Maintenance E-Z Treat Sand/Media Filter 1-703-753-4770 E-Z Set Company requires regular inspection and maintenance of the E-Z Treat Re- Circulating Sand/Media Filter, as a condition of purchase and ongoing operation compliance. The mandatory service contract will include a performance based system inspection. The service provider must be trained and certified by E-Z Set Company. All inspection and maintenance reports must be forward, along with any additional documentation, to E-Z Set Company, the local authorized E-Z Treat Dealer and all required or designated regulatory agencies. The following is a list of the routine maintenance and cleaning procedures that are required by E-Z Set Company. Failure to perform the required system maintenance could reduce the desired performance of the system and will void the warranty on the E-Z Treat Sand Filter System. Semi-annual inspections the first year of operations and annual inspections thereafter. E-Z Treat Re-Circulating Sand/Media Filter Model#0600 Capacity of Model#0600 - 700 GPD Residential Strength Effluent E-Z Treat Re-Circulating Sand/Media Filter Model# 1200 Capacity of Model#1200— 1400 GPD Residential Strength Effluent Septic Tank The septic and re-circulation tank shall be inspected annually to ensure they are operating properly. Remove the access covers over the tank openings to perform the inspection. 1. Verify the lid and riser assemblies are watertight. Check for any damaged, water weeping marks, holes or cracks. The system must remain watertight to perform properly. 2. Remove, clean and replace the outlet effluent filter in accordance with the instructions provided by the effluent filter manufacturer. 3. Inspect the liquid level in the septic tank, it should be level with the bottom of the outlet pipe. 4. Inspect the effluent and scum layers in the septic tank. Look for oil or any other contaminants that are not normal. 5. Verify the tank has received its scheduled pumping and cleaning. Check the solids layer in each of the tanks. If the solids layer is excessive have the tank pumped. Re-Circulation Tank The re-circulation tank shall be inspected annually to ensure it is operating properly. Remove the access covers over the tank openings to perform the inspection. Verify that the lid and riser assemblies are watertight. Check for any damaged, water weeping marks, holes or cracks, the system must remain watertight to perform properly. 1 Operation and Maintenance E-Z Treat Sand/Media Filter Re-Circulation Tank 1. Inspect the liquid level in the re-circulation tank, it should be level with the bottom of the outlet pipe. 2. At initial Starting-Up of the system remove the end caps from the spray manifold. Operate the re-circ pump by turning the pump control to the "Hand- On" position. Let the pump run for 1 (one) minute the turn the pump control to the "Off' position repeat this procedure three times to flush any construction debris such as dirt or pipe shavings from the spray manifold. Replace the end caps "Hand Tight" do not use wrenches or pliers. Re-set the pump control selector switch to the "Auto"position. 3. Inspect the float by-pass valve. Manually start the re-circulation pump and observe the float ball valve, the ball should drop as the liquid in the re- circulation tank drops the effluent returning from the sand filter pod should flow back into the re-circulation tank and should not flow out the discharge pipe. 4. Verify that all the re-circulation pump floats are in good condition, properly secured to the float bracket and are able to move freely within the re- circulation tank. 5. Observe the system as it re-circulates. Visually verify all flows thru the system. Control Panel/Pumps/Alarms 1. Check the functions of the E-Z Treat Sand Filter control panel. Control: Main Control "On/Off Switch" Function: Turns Power ON or OFF Control: System Setting Switch "Manual ON"and"Auto On" Function: "Manual ON" overrides all Float Switches and Time Clock Switches "Auto On" allows for normal operations dictated by the Time Clock and Float Switches. Control: Time Clock"Minutes On"and"Minutes Off" Function: Controls run time of re-circulation pump i.e. GPD re-circulated thru media Control: High and Low Water Alarm "Alarm On", "Alarm Auto" and "Alarm Silence". Function: "Alarm On" will manually turn on the audio/visual alarms. "Alarm Auto" is the normal operational setting and "Alarm Silence" turns off the alarms. 2 Operation and Maintenance E-Z Treat Sand/Media Filter -703-753-4770 Check re-circulation pump. Place the system in the manual mode by turning the re- circulation pump switch to "ON". The re-circulation pump should begin to supply effluent to the spray nozzles in the treatment pod. 2. Check the voltage and motor amp draw and record the readings. If the readings are beyond the limits of the NEC recommendations, have an electrician check the main service line feeding the system control panel. 3. Place the system in the normal operating mode by turning the re-circulation pump switch to"AUTO". Verify the Time Clock ON/OFF settings are the same as set at system start-up. Record those timer settings in the system log. 4. Verify the accuracy of the system ON/OFF Timer Clock. To accomplish this use a stop watch and verify the length of time the re-circulation pump is OFF then verify the time the re-circulation pump is ON, those times should match the ON/OFF Timer Clock settings in the control panel. Re-Circulation Pump Time Clock Window Will Display OFF Sec.,Min.or Hr. Light Will Burn Green to Indicate Re- Rotate OFF Dial Until Min.Appears in Window Circulation Pump is OFF $ OFF Dial Seconds,Minutes or Hours Light Will Burn RED to Indicate Re-Circulation Pump is ON - 5 25 Window Will Display ON Sec.,Min.or Hr. Rotate ON Dial Until Min.Appears in Windo qlb .,n: ON Dial Seconds,Minutes or Hours Rotate Dial to Desired Minutes ON Rotate Dial to Desired Minutes OFF Clock Face Dial Will Change the Clock Face From a Maximum Time of 1.5 Units to a Maximum of 30 Units.Always Set the Clock Face to 30. 3 5. Confirm the operation of the visual and audible"HIGH" and"LOW"water alarms. The control has an alarm switch clearly marked Alarm"ON", Alarm "Auto" and Alarm"Silence"Place the Alarm Switch in the "ON"position,you will hear a loud buzzer and see a red flashing light. Move the switch to the Alarm" Silence"position the red light and buzzer will go dormant. 6. Once the alarms have been triggered return all settings to their original position of Alarm"AUTO" (If applicable, verify the operation of the telemetry unit by checking the alarm notations on the website.) 7. Verify the floats are operational by manually raising and lowering the floats to simulate the systems normal operation. Verify proper operation of "High Level Float"by lifting the float while the system Timer Clock is in the "OFF"time mode, the re-circulation pump should turn on over riding the "OFF"timer, the Visual and Audible alarms should activate. Return the float to its normal position the re-circulation pump will turn off. Reset the alarms and manually lower the "Low Water Float"with Timer Clock in the "ON' mode, the re-circulation pump will turn off and the visual/audible alarms will activate. Return the float to the normal position and the re-circulation pump will run. Reset the Alarms. 8. Properly re-install and secure all tank accesses! E-Z Treat Sand/Media Filter The E-Z Treat Sand Filter should be inspected to ensure it is operating properly. Remove the pod cover to perform this inspection. 1. Take a grab sample of the effluent check for: a. Odor, the effluent may have an earthy or musty smell there should be no strong or offensive odors present. b. Color, the effluent should be clear and absent of any color. c. Solids, there should be no visible suspended solids d. Solids, let sample set for 15 minutes, there should be no visible settling of solids. e. Test the pH, it should measure 6.9 to 7.5 If there is odor, color or solids clean the media. If the Ph is below 6.9 reduce the re-circulation rate by increasing to "Off' time on the Time Clock Control. Recheck the Ph in 90 days. 2. Observe the spray distribution nozzles during operation. If a nozzle appears to be clogged or if the spray pattern is not uniform, remove the nozzle and clean the nozzle using a pipe stem cleaning brush. 4 Operation and Maintenance E-Z Treat Sand/Media Filter 1-703-7534770 3. Record the pressure reading on the distribution manifold gauge. Compare that pressure to the pressure recorded at the previous inspection. The pressure should read 18 to 27 PSI. a. Verify the pressure gauge on the spray distribution manifold is performing properly. b. Verify the flow rate at the spray nozzles (it should be 1.75 to 2 GPM). c. Verify the re-circulation pump is the same make and model pump that was specified for the original installation. d. Verify the re-circulation pump is performing in accordance to the pump manufacturers' specifications including amp draw and flows at specific pressures. e. If the pressure is above the prior recording or above the start up setting, open the ends of the distribution manifold lines, manually start the re-circulation pump and allow it to run for 5 minutes. This should flush out the spray distribution lines. If the pressure remains too high, after cleaning the spray nozzles and flushing the spray distribution lines, adjust the pressure to the desired PSI using the ball valve on the main spray distribution supply line. f. If the pressure/flow is too low check for cracks, breaks or obstructions in the main distribution supply line. 4. Verify the treatment pod is properly draining by looking down the pod side wall vents,there should be no standing water, the bottom of the pod should be visible. 5. Visually inspect the surface of the treatment media for: a. Holes, tears, loose seams b. Foreign material c. Black color on media(media should have light brown tint) d. Excessive bio mat growth e. Ponding f. Clumping of the media. Note: If any of these conditions exist the media needs to be cleaned or replaced. 6. Lift the corners of the media mattress and visually inspect the sides and bottom of the treatment media for: a. Holes, tears, loose seams b. Black color on media(media should have light brown tint) c. Excessive bio mat growth d. Clumping of the media. Note: If any of these conditions exist the media needs to be cleaned or replaced. 5 Operation and Maintenance E-Z Treat Sand/Media Filter 1-7(13-753-4770 Cleaning the Filter Media Depending upon influent strength and influent volumes, excessive biological growth can accumulate inside and on the surface of the media filter after 3 to 5 years of use. Cleaning of the media is a very simple and easy 10 step process. Step One: Turn off power to any discharge pump. Step Two: Remove the treatment pod cover and remove the spray distribution manifold. Step Three: Connect wash down hose to the main spray distribution supply line. Step Four: Manually turn on the re-circulation pump. Step Five: Pressure wash the surface of the media mattress, the wash water will drain into the re-circulation tank and will be re-used as wash water. Step Six: Roll the media mattress and wash the sides and bottom of the media mattress. Step Seven: After the media is completely cleaned properly place the media mattress in the treatment pod. Step Eight: Re-Install the spray distribution manifold. Step Nine: Pump out and clean the Re-Circulation Tank removing all the wash down water. Pump out the Septic Tank. Step Ten: Turn on power to discharge system and return the treatment system from Manual mode to Automatic mode. 6 Operation and Maintenance E-Z Treat Sand/Media Filter I-703-753-4770 Replacement of Media Mattress If the Filter Media is exposed to excessive concentrations of petroleum products, paints, glues, waxes etc. it will become necessary to replace the media. The replacement process it is a very fast and simple. Removing the media mattress should be performed by service agents that are trained and certified by E-Z Set. Step One: Turn off power to recirculation pump, discharge pump and controls. Step Two: Pump the Septic tank and re-circulation tank to assure continued service by residence during the replacement. Step Three: Remove the spray distribution manifold. Step Four: Lift the media mattress out of the filter pod. Step Five: Place the mattress into the fiberglass Transport Container provided by E-Z Set Company. The Transport container is easily hauled in a pickup truck or on a light duty trailer. Step Six: Install new Filter Media and replace distribution manifold. Step Seven: Reset all system control settings to "AUTO" and turn the main power switch to the ON position. Once the mattress is returned to E-Z Set the material will be sent to the nearest re-cycler to be reprocessed and sold on the open styrene market, disposal of this product is easy and economical. 7 Attention System Owner and Users Caution: Do Not Open or Enter Any System Components for Any Reason. If a Problem Exists or You have Questions about Your System, Call Your Certified Services Provider. Once the E-Z Treat System is installed, a post-construction conference is recommended. This is an opportunity to familiarize the owner with the system. No attempt should be made to adjust any component of this system except by a Certified Operator. The E-Z Treat Sand/Media Filter System allows the homeowner to receive a high quality, reliable and economical wastewater system that protects the environment. As with any onsite wastewater treatment system, the homeowner should be familiar with basic guidelines which help the system achieve repetitive, reliable performance. Please do not hesitate to contact your certified operator or E-Z Set Company with any questions, concerns or comments about your E-Z Treat Sand/Media Filter. Users of the System Remember! To assure proper performance of your E-Z Treat Re-Circulating Sand/Media Filter, you should avoid disposing of the following products into your septic tank: • Oil & Grease (kitchen waste) • Water Softener backwash • Wax & resins • Petroleum Products • Paint & Paint Solvents • Pesticides • Condoms & sanitary napkins • Toxic substances (Liquid Plumber, Drano, etc.) • Non-Biodegradable products (cigarette butts, antibacterial wipes, etc.) • Any kind of septic tank additive (Rid-X, etc.) 8 E-Z TREAT Sand/Media Filter 703-753-4770 Owner's Guidelines Attention System Owners and Users Remember, As The Owner • Keep heavy loads and traffic off of your onsite system components and drainfield • Never drive cars or trucks within 10 feet of any system access lids • Landscaping or future building projects should be planned with the drainfield and drainfield repair area in mind. • Do not shovel or blow snow on top of your onsite wastewater system. This will temporarily limit access to your system and could overload and damage the system. • Makes sure drainage from the house or around the property is carried away from your onsite system. • DO NOT OPEN OR ENTER ANY OF THE TREATMENT SYSTEM TANKS, SEPTIC GASSES CAN BE TOXIC, CAUSING SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH! 9 E-Z Treat UV 703-753-4770 Cleaning Your UV Light System Caution: Do Not Run UV Lamps Dry, Fill UV Housing With Water/Effluent Before Turning On Power. It is recommended the quartz tubes, housing the UV Lamps, be cleaned at least every 12 months. Caution: Always turn off the power to the UV system before any maintenance is performed. Use extreme care when handling the fragile UV lamp assembly. Step One: Turn Off power to the UV System! Step Two: Disconnect the yellow, screw on, power cord going to the UV Lamp assembly. Step Three: Disconnect the UV Lamp assembly by lifting upward on the two metal locking levers located just below the UV Lamp power cord connection. Step Four: Lift the UV Lamp assembly upward until it is clear of the UV System housing. Step Five: Using a clean, damp sponge or clean soft cloth, wipe all residue from the quartz tube. Clean stubborn dirty areas with a liquid glass cleaning product. Caution: Do Not Scrape or Use Scouring Pads, this may scratch the quartz tube and alter the performance of the UV system. Step Six: Visually inspect each quartz tube for cracks or breaks; replace the UV Lamp assemblies if they are cracked, scratched or broken. Step Seven: Insert the UV Lamp assembly into the UV housing and lock in place by pushing down on the metal locking levers. Use Caution to apply even pressure on both locking levers at the same time. Step Eight: Push the yellow power cords onto the UV Lamp assembly, take care to align the two pins on the bulb with the two pin holes on the power cord, secure the power cords by tightening the threaded ring on the power cords to the threads on the UV Lamp assembly. Caution: (Finger Tight Only) Do Not use pliers, wrenches, etc. to perform this maintenance. Step Nine: Turn On Power to the UV System. 39 UV Intensity Calculations Lamp Model: GPH793T5L Ster-L-RayTM Ultraviolet Germicidal Lamp Length of Lamp = 31 7/32 inches Diameter of Lamp tube = 13/15 inches 22 mm sleeve outer diameter Lamp 254 nm UV Output, Po = 12.8 W (after 100 hours of operation) Power Reduction Factor= 75% (after 20,000 hours of operation) Nom. Lamp Output, P = 9,600,000 uW (after 20,000 hours of operation) Chamber Diameter= 6 inches Nominal Intensity = 631,358 uW/cm2 (at lamp side of waste stream) (Fluid required to be < 0.40/cm per VDH SCAT regulations for wastewater which is exceeded Absorption Coeff., Kab = 0.75 cm-1 for conservative design) Min. Effective Intensity = 4,749 uW/cm2 (at outer wall of chamber using Beer-Lambert Law) Design Dosage = 50,000 uW-s/cm2 (per VDH SCAT regulations) Exposure Length = 29 3/32 inches (length of lamp less 2 1/8") Chamber Volume = 3.561 gallons Lamp Volume = 0.074 gallons Net Fluid Volume = 3.487 gallons Req'd Retention Time = 10.5 seconds Max Flow Rate = 19.9 gpm /chamber