HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081315 Ver 1_Appendix H_20120608Appendix H-1. Jacks Creek Well 2 Herbs 2011. Average percent cover Average number of stems Frequency of Importance Scientific name (95% confidence interval) (95% confidence interval) occurrence value Berchemia scandens 0.05(n/a) 0.10(n/a) 0.1 0.2 Microstegium vimineum 13.00(-22.41-48.41) 2.50(10.47-15.53) 0.2 2 Arundinaria gigantea 1.80(-4.27-7.87) 0.40(0.79-2.81) 0.2 0.58 Sabal minor (clumps) 0.15(n/a) 0.10(n/a) 0.1 0.21 Appendix H-2. Jacks Creek Well 2 Shrubs 2011. Average percent cover Average number of stems Frequency of Importance Scientific name (95% confidence interval) (95% confidence interval) occurrence value Bignonia capreolata 0.50(n/a) 0.10(n/a) 0.1 0.64 Arundinaria gigantea 0.10(n/a) 0.10(n/a) 0.1 0.42 Berchemia scandens 0.50(n/a) 0.20(n/a) 0.1 0.81 Sabal minor (clumps) 0.70(-0.82-2.22) 0.20(0.20-0.20) 0.2 1.12 a Importance value is the sum of relative percent cover, relative density (stems per quadrat), and relative frequency of occurrence. The relative values of these three factors are not shown on this table for brevity. The importance value can theoretically range from 0.0 to 3.0. Appendix H-3. Jacks Creek Well 3 Herbs 2011. Scientific name Average percent cover (95% confidence interval) Average number of stems (95% confidence interval) Frequency of occurrence Importance valuea Pluchea odorata 0.20(n/a) 0.20(n/a) 0.1 0.1 Baccharis halimifolia 0.50(-0.01-1.01) 0.20(0.20-0.20) 0.2 0.18 Polygonum punctatum 4.80(-6.54-16.14) 2.00(-1.55-5.55) 0.4 0.76 Microstegium vimineum 3.50(-4.09-11.09) 1.70(-1.84-5.24) 0.2 0.52 Symphyotrichum subulatum 7.40(1.51-13.29) 4.80(-1.71-11.31) 0.5 1.28 Sabal minor (clumps) 1.50(n/a) 0.10(n/a) 0.1 0.16 Appendix H-4. Jacks Creek Well 3 Shrubs 2011. Scientific name Average percent cover (95% confidence interval) Average number of stems (95% confidence interval) Frequency of occurrence Importance value Morelia cerifera 10.20(-13.61-34.01) 0.80 (-0.21-1.81) 0.4 1.07 Sabal minor (clumps) 3.50(-4.09-11.09) 0.30 (-0.21-0.81) 0.2 0.42 Baccharis halimifolia 3.50(-1.99-8.99) 1.40 (-0.40-3.20) 0.4 0.94 Toxicodendron radicans 1.70(-1.19-4.59) 0.30(0.30-0.30) 0.3 0.4 Ilex opaca 1.00(n/a) 0.10(n/a) 0.1 0.16 a Importance value is the sum of relative percent cover, relative density (stems per quadrat), and relative frequency of occurrence. The relative values of these three factors are not shown on this table for brevity. The importance value can theoretically range from 0.0 to 3.0. Appendix H-5. Jacks Creek Well 5 Herbs 2011. Average percent cover Average number of stems Frequency of Importance Scientific name (95% confidence interval) (95% confidence interval) occurrence value Symphyotrichum subulatum 26.67(7.68-45.65) 19.17(7.99-30.34) 0.6 1.45 Pluchea odorata 6.00(0.44-11.56) 2.50(1.99-3.01) 0.2 0.33 Unknown sedge 15.00(5.50-24.50) 12.67(6.42-18.92) 0.3 0.83 Typha angustifolia 12.00(n/a) 4.00(n/a) 0.1 0.39 H-1 Appendix H-6. Jacks Creek Well 5 Shrubs 2011. Average percent cover Average number of stems Frequency of Importance Scientific name (95% confidence interval) (95% confidence interval) occurrence value Baccharis halimifolia 42.00(18.19-65.81) 2.80(2.20-3.40) 0.5 1.3 Sabal minor (clumps) 22.50(14.91-30.09) 1.00(1.00-1.00) 0.2 0.57 Iva frutescens 25.00(19.94-30.06) 6.50(2.96-10.04) 0.2 1.13 a Importance value is the sum of relative percent cover, relative density (stems per quadrat), and relative frequency of occurrence. The relative values of these three factors are not shown on this table for brevity. The importance value can theoretically range from 0.0 to 3.0. Appendix H-7. Jacks Creek Well 7 Herbs 2011. Scientific name Average percent cover (95% confidence interval) Average number of stems (95% confidence interval) Frequency of occurrence Importance value Toxicodendron radicans 17.50(9.91-25.09) 7.50(5.98-9.02) 0.2 0.37 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 5.00(5.00-5.00) 1.00(1.00-1.00) 0.2 0.13 Smilax rotundifolia 2.75(0.47-5.03) 1.00(1.00-1.00) 0.2 0.11 Persea palustris 2.00(n/a) 1.00(n/a) 0.1 0.07 Arundinaria gigantea 15.67(7.79-23.55) 4.00(3.28-4.72) 0.3 0.31 Pluchea odorata 19.00(2.83-35.17) 6.33(1.57-11.10) 0.3 0.39 Baccharishalimifolia 1.88(0.74-3.01) 1.00(1.00-1.00) 0.2 0.1 Smilax bona-nox 5.67(3.48-7.85) 2.00(1.28-2.72) 0.3 0.19 Ilex opaca 2.00(n/a) 1.00(n/a) 0.1 0.07 Microstegium vimineum 13.75(6.28-21.22) 13.75(5.30-22.20) 0.4 0.53 Rubus trivialis 2.00(n/a) 1.00(n/a) 0.1 0.07 Juncus coriaceus 30.00(n/a) 3.00(n/a) 0.1 0.34 Polygonum punctatum 3.00(0.98-5.02) 2.50(0.98-4.02) 0.2 0.14 Eclipta prostrata 3.25(3.00-3.50) 3.50(2.99-4.01) 0.2 0.17 Appendix H-8. Jacks Creek Well 7 Shrubs 2011. Scientific name Average percent cover (95% confidence interval) Average number of stems (95% confidence interval) Frequency of occurrence Importance value Arundinaria gigantea 7.50(4.97-10.03) 4.50(3.99-5.01) 0.2 0.83 Campsis radicans 5.00(n/a) 1.00(n/a) 0.1 0.32 Carpinus americana 10.00(n/a) 1.00(n/a) 0.1 0.43 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 3.50(1.98-5.02) 1.00(1.00-1.00) 0.2 0.37 Sabal minor (clumps) 16.00(11.34-20.66) 2.00(2.00-2.00) 0.5 1.05 a Importance value is the sum of relative percent cover, relative density (stems per quadrat), and relative frequency of occurrence. The relative values of these three factors are not shown on this table for brevity. The importance value can theoretically range from 0.0 to 3.0. Appendix H-9. Jacks Creek Well 9 Herbs 2011. Scientific name Average percent cover (95% confidence interval) Average number of stems (95% confidence interval) Frequency of occurrence Importance value Pluchea odorata 12.40(4.37-20.43) 4.40(1.46-7.34) 0.9 1.99 Pontederia cordata 1.50(n/a) 0.50(n/a) 0.1 0.23 Symphyotrichumsubulatum 3.50(-0.63-7.63) 0.40(-0.01-0.81) 0.3 0.45 Typha angustifolia 0.40(n/a) 0.20(n/a) 0.1 0.12 Carex lurida 1.00(n/a) 0.50(n/a) 0.1 0.2 H-2 Appendix H-10. Jacks Creek Well 9 Shrubs 2011. Scientific name Average percent cover (95% confidence interval) Average number of stems (95% confidence interval) Frequency of occurrence Importance value Sabal minor (clumps) 10.50(5.19-15.81) 1.50(0.37-2.63) 0.5 1.26 Baccharis halimifolia 5.50(0.84-10.16) 0.60(0.28-0.92) 0.5 0.73 Iva frutescens 4.50(2.71-6.29) 0.40(0.40-0.40) 0.4 0.56 Morelia cerifera 4.10(-0.98-9.18) 0.30(0.30-0.30) 0.3 0.45 a Importance value is the sum of relative percent cover, relative density (stems per quadrat), and relative frequency of occurrence. The relative values of these three factors are not shown on this table for brevity. The importance value can theoretically range from 0.0 to 3.0. Appendix H-11. Jacobs Creek Herbs 2011. Scientific name Average percent cover (95% confidence interval) Average number of stems (95% confidence interval) Frequency of occurrence Importance valuea Microstegium vimineum 0.50(-0.76-1.76) 0.50(-0.63-1.63) 0.1 0.37 Bignonia capreolata 0.03(-0.04-0.09) 0.10(-0.20-0.25) 0.1 0.17 Carex intumescens 8.20(-4.84-21.24) 1.10(6.67-9.73) 0.3 1.58 Berchemia scandens 0.05(-0.07-0.17) 0.10(-0.18-0.28) 0.1 0.17 Arundinaria gigantea 1.70(-1.67-5.07) 0.80(0.32-3.08) 0.2 0.72 Appendix H-12. Jacobs Creek Shrubs 2011. Scientific name Average percent cover (95% confidence interval) Average number of stems (95% confidence interval) Frequency of occurrence Importance valuea Vitis rotundifolia 2(n/a) 0.1(n/a) 0.1 0.21 a Importance value is the sum of relative percent cover, relative density (stems per quadrat), and relative frequency of occurrence. The relative values of these three factors are not shown on this table for brevity. The importance value can theoretically range from 0.0 to 3.0. Appendix H-13. Drinkwater Well 1C Herbs 2011. Scientific name Average percent cover (95% confidence interval) Average number of stems (95% confidence interval) Frequency of occurrence Importance valuea Arundinaria gigantea 27.00(17.89-36.11) 13.00(20.97-33.03) 0.9 1.44 Smilax bona-nox 0.05(-0.06-0.16) 0.30(-0.63-0.73) 0.1 0.04 Campsis radicans 0.30(-0.18-0.78) 0.30(-0.18-0.78) 0.2 0.08 Euonymus americanus 0.05(-0.06-0.16) 0.10(-0.18-0.28) 0.1 0.03 Mitchella repens 0.05(-0.06-0.16) 1.50(-3.34-3.44) 0.1 0.09 Glyceriastriata 3.40(-2.25-9.05) 3.40(-1.21-8.01) 0.3 0.3 Smilax rotundifolia 0.90(-0.43-2.23) 0.90(0.11-1.69) 0.5 0.2 Vitis rotundifolia 0.10(-0.05-0.25) 0.40(-0.59-0.79) 0.2 0.07 Toxicodendron radicans 3.75(-4.11-11.61) 2.00(-0.04-7.54) 0.4 0.28 Microstegium vimineum 2.50(-3.16-8.16) 1.80(-1.57-6.57) 0.1 0.16 Boehmeria cylindrica 1.50(-1.89-4.89) 0.40(0.60-2.40) 0.1 0.08 Rubus argutus 0.20(-0.25-0.65) 0.10(-0.03-0.43) 0.1 0.04 Parthenocissus quinquefolia 0.30(-0.38-0.98) 0.10(0.07-0.53) 0.1 0.04 Quercus michauxii 0.20(-0.10-0.50) 0.30(-0.28-0.68) 0.2 0.07 Dichanthelium laxifolium 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.1 0.03 Vaccinium corymbosum 0.30(-0.42-1.02) 0.10(0.07-0.53) 0.1 0.04 H-3 Appendix H-14. Drinkwater Well 1C Shrubs 2011. Average percent cover Average number of stems Frequency of Importance Scientific name (95% confidence interval) (95% confidence interval) occurrence value Vaccinium corymbosum 1.50(-1.89-4.89) 0.10(-0.13-0.36) 0.1 0.43 Arundinaria gigantea 3.00(-0.02-6.02) 1.90(-0.11-4.23) 0.4 1.86 Smilax rotundifolia 0.50(-0.63-1.63) 0.10(-0.13-0.36) 0.1 0.27 Fraxinus profunda 1.00(-1.26-3.26) 0.30(-0.38-1.09) 0.1 0.43 a Importance value is the sum of relative percent cover, relative density (stems per quadrat), and relative frequency of occurrence. The relative values of these three factors are not shown on this table for brevity. The importance value can theoretically range from 0.0 to 3.0. Appendix H-15. Tooley Creek Well 1 Herbs 2011. Average percent cover Average number of stems Frequency of Importance Scientific name (95% confidence interval) (95% confidence interval) occurrence value Arundinaria gigantea 2.00(n/a) 1.10(n/a) 0.1 0.83 Toxicodendron radicans 0.60(-1.42-2.62) 0.20(0.60-0.60) 0.2 0.54 Pluchea odorata 6.50(-1.09-14.09) 1.40(4.48-8.52) 0.2 1.63 Appendix H-16. Tooley Creek Well 1 Shrubs 2011. Scientific name Average percent cover (95% confidence interval) Average number of stems (95% confidence interval) Frequency of occurrence Importance value Quercus laurifolia 2.00(n/a) 0.20(n/a) 0.1 0.43 Vitis rotundifolia 5.00(2.47-7.53) 0.70(0.31-1.15) 0.5 1.45 Arundinaria gigantea 0.30(n/a) 0.20(n/a) 0.1 0.26 Toxicodendron radicans 2.00(-3.06-7.06) 0.40(-0.61-1.57) 0.2 0.65 Berchemia scandens 0.50(n/a) 0.10(n/a) 0.1 0.21 a Importance value is the sum of relative percent cover, relative density (stems per quadrat), and relative frequency of occurrence. The relative values of these three factors are not shown on this table for brevity. The importance value can theoretically range from 0.0 to 3.0. Appendix H-17. Tooley Creek Well 3 Herbs 2011. Average percent cover Average number of stems Frequency of Importance Scientific name (95% confidence interval) (95% confidence interval) occurrence value Symphyotrichum subulatum 5.50(2.97-8.03) 1.40(2.46-8.54) 0.2 1.46 Pluchea odorata 3.40(-1.14-7.94) 1.10(1.60-5.20) 0.3 1.28 Baccharis halimifolia 0.50(n/a) 0.10(n/a) 0.1 0.26 Appendix H-18. Tooley Creek Well 3 Shrubs 2011. Average percent cover Average number of stems Frequency of Importance Scientific name (95% confidence interval) (95% confidence interval) occurrence value Baccharis halimifolia 8.00(0.55-15.45) 0.30(0.30-0.30) 0.3 1.14 Sabal minor 10.00(-0.93-20.93) 0.70(0.29-1.18) 0.3 1.61 Persea palustris 0.20(n/a) 0.10(n/a) 0.1 0.24 a Importance value is the sum of relative percent cover, relative density (stems per quadrat), and relative frequency of occurrence. The relative values of these three factors are not shown on this table for brevity. The importance value can theoretically range from 0.0 to 3.0. H-4 Appendix H-19. Long Creek Well 2B Herbs 2011. Scientific name Average percent cover (95% confidence interval) Average number of stems (95% confidence interval) Frequency of occurrence Importance value Microstegium vimineum 3.30(-3.44-10.04) 4.10(-4.58-11.18) 0.2 0.66 Carex intumescens 0.08(-0.09-0.24) 0.60(-1.28-1.43) 0.1 0.1 Fimbristylis spathacea 0.03(-0.03-0.08) 0.10(-0.20-0.25) 0.1 0.05 Arundinaria gigantea 5.90(-5.37-17.17) 4.70(-2.18-13.98) 0.2 0.9 Smilax glauca 0.03(-0.03-0.08) 0.10(-0.20-0.25) 0.1 0.05 Persea palustris 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.20(-0.35-0.55) 0.1 0.07 Smilax bona-nox 0.03(-0.03-0.08) 0.10(-0.20-0.25) 0.1 0.05 Quercus nigra 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.1 0.06 Vaccinium corymbosum 2.00(-2.52-6.52) 0.10(1.77-2.23) 0.1 0.2 Morella cerifera 0.15(-0.09-0.39) 0.30(-0.33-0.63) 0.2 0.12 Toxicodendron radicans 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.30(-0.58-0.78) 0.1 0.07 Samolus valerandi spp. parvif 0.30(-0.18-0.78) 0.70(-0.87-1.47) 0.2 0.16 Pluchea odorata 0.20(0.02-0.38) 0.40(-0.17-0.57) 0.4 0.21 Hydrocotyle verticillata 0.05(-0.06-0.16) 0.30(-0.63-0.73) 0.1 0.07 Mikania scandens 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.1 0.06 Gelsemium sempervirens 0.50(-0.63-1.63) 0.10(0.27-0.73) 0.1 0.09 Rubus argutus 0.50(-0.69-1.69) 0.10(0.27-0.73) 0.1 0.09 Appendix H-20. Long Creek Well 2B Shrubs 2011. Scientific name Average percent cover (95% confidence interval) Average number of stems (95% confidence interval) Frequency of occurrence Importance value Morella cerifera 13.50(4.73-22.27) 1.80(0.59-3.20) 0.6 1.78 Vitis rotundifolia 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.10(-0.13-0.36) 0.1 0.11 Vaccinium corymbosum 2.50(-3.16-8.16) 0.30(-0.38-1.09) 0.1 0.31 Smilax rotundifolia 0.60(-0.53-1.73) 0.20(-0.10-0.55) 0.2 0.25 Smilax laurifolia 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.10(-0.13-0.36) 0.1 0.11 Toxicodendron radicans 0.50(-0.63-1.63) 0.10(-0.13-0.36) 0.1 0.13 Ilex glabra 1.00(-1.26-3.26) 0.10(-0.13-0.36) 0.1 0.16 Persea palustris 0.70(-0.88-2.28) 0.10(-0.13-0.36) 0.1 0.14 a Importance value is the sum of relative percent cover, relative density (stems per quadrat), and relative frequency of occurrence. The relative values of these three factors are not shown on this table for brevity. The importance value can theoretically range from 0.0 to 3.0. Appendix H-21. Huddles Cut West Prong Well 2 Herbs 2011. Average percent cover Average number of stems Frequency of Importance Scientific name (95% confidence interval) (95% confidence interval) occurrence value Toxicodendron radicans 35.25(5.81-64.69) 2.75(1.53-3.97) 1 2.04 Parthenocissus quinquefolia 6.25(-0.52-13.02) 1.25(0.18-2.32) 0.5 0.73 Smilax rotundifolia 1.25(-0.54-3.04) 0.25(-0.11-0.61) 0.25 0.23 Appendix H-22. Huddles Cut West Prong Well 2 Shrubs 2011. Average percent cover Average number of stems Frequency of Importance Scientific name (95% confidence interval) (95% confidence interval) occurrence value Corpus amomum 0.0625 0.0625 0.0625 0.0625 Morella cerifera 0.0625 0.0625 0.0625 0.0625 Berchemia scandens 0.0625 0.0625 0.0625 0.0625 Baccharis halimifolia 0.0625 0.0625 0.0625 0.0625 a Importance value is the sum of relative percent cover, relative density (stems per quadrat), and relative frequency of occurrence. The relative values of these three factors are not shown on this table for brevity. The importance value can theoretically range from 0.0 to 3.0. H-5 Appendix H-23. Huddles Cut West Prong Well 4 Herbs 2011. Scientific name Average percent cover (95% confidence interval) Average number of stems (95% confidence interval) Frequency of occurrence Importance value Eupatorium capillifolium 2.63(1.04-4.21 1.75(1.07-2.43) 0.4 0.32 Morella cerifera 1.00(n/a) 3.00(n/a) 0.1 0.24 Pluchea odorata 41.29(16.83-65.74) 4.71(3.08-6.35) 0.7 1.02 Cyperus odoratus 15.00(8.80-21.20) 1.33(0.92-1.75) 0.3 0.37 Toxicodendron radicans 30.00(n/a) 2.00(n/a) 0.1 0.46 Baccharis halimifolia 6.50(2.96-10.04) 1.50(0.99-2.01) 0.2 0.25 Polygonum pensylvanicum 2.00(0.99-3.01) 1.50(0.99-2.01) 0.2 0.2 Rosa palustris 4.00(n/a) 1.00(n/a) 0.1 0.15 Appendix H-24. Huddles Cut West Prong Well 4 Shrubs 2011. Scientific name Average percent cover (95% confidence interval) Average number of stems (95% confidence interval) Frequency of occurrence Importance value Ulmus americana 0.08(-0.45-2.05) 0.20(-0.10-0.50) 0.2 1.07 a Importance value is the sum of relative percent cover, relative density (stems per quadrat), and relative frequency of occurrence. The relative values of these three factors are not shown on this table for brevity. The importance value can theoretically range from 0.0 to 3.0. Appendix H-25. Huddles Cut West Prong Well 7 Herbs 2011. Scientific name Average percent cover (95% confidence interval) Average number of stems (95% confidence interval) Frequency of Importance occurrence value Toxicodendron radicans 2.30(-0.68-5.28) 1.10(-0.53-2.73) 0.3 0.22 Baccharis halimifolia 2.50(-0.81-5.81) 1.20(0.26-2.14) 0.5 0.29 Rubus argutus 0.50(-0.63-1.63) 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.1 0.05 Eupatorium capillifolium 3.25(2.31-8.81) 1.70(-0.59-3.99) 0.4 0.32 Hydrocotyle verticillata 0.20(-0.25-0.65) 0.90(-1.14-2.94) 0.1 0.1 Pluchea odorata 10.40(1.27-19.53) 3.30(1.42-5.18) 0.9 0.76 Cyperus odoratus 3.00(-1.83-7.83) 0.80(-0.45-2.05) 0.2 0.19 Polygonum punctatum 10.70(0.91-20.49) 3.00(0.48-5.52) 0.5 0.62 Setariamagna 7.00(-4.71-18.71) 1.20(-1.27-3.67) 0.2 0.32 Pontederia cordata 1.00(-1.26-3.26) 0.50(-0.63-1.63) 0.1 0.09 Mikania scadens 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.1 0.04 Appendix H-26. Huddles Cut West Prong Well 7 Shrubs 2011. Scientific name Average percent cover (95% confidence interval) Average number of stems (95% confidence interval) Frequency of occurrence Importance value Rosa palustris 1.00(-1.26-3.26) 0.60(-0.76-1.96) 0.1 0.89 Mikania scandens 0.40(-0.50-1.30) 0.30(-0.38-0.98) 0.1 0.52 Toxicodendron radicans 1.00(-1.26-3.26) 0.30(-0.38-0.98) 0.1 0.69 Persea palustris 0.50(-0.63-1.63) 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.1 0.41 Morella cerifera 0.50(-0.63-1.63) 0.20(-0.25-0.65) 0.1 0.48 a Importance value is the sum of relative percent cover, relative density (stems per quadrat), and relative frequency of occurrence. The relative values of these three factors are not shown on this table for brevity. The importance value can theoretically range from 0.0 to 3.0. H-6 Appendix H-27. Huddles Cut West Prong Well 8 Herbs 2011. Scientific name Average percent cover (95% confidence interval) Average number of stems (95% confidence interval) Frequency of occurrence Importance value Eupatorium capillifolium 4.75(-1.28-10.78) 4.70(-1.52-10.92) 0.7 1.16 Morella cerifera 0.35(-0.06-0.76) 0.80(-0.36-1.96) 0.3 0.23 Parthenocissus quinquefolia 0.05(-0.06-0.16) 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.1 0.05 Toxicodendron radicans 0.05(-0.06-0.16) 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.1 0.05 Glyceria striata 0.45(-0.27-1.17) 0.40(-0.20-1.00) 0.2 0.16 Mikania scandens 4.20(-3.63-12.03) 0.40(-0.10-0.90) 0.3 0.5 Saururus cernuus 0.65(-0.03-1.33) 1.10(-0.67-2.87) 0.4 0.33 Erechtites hieraciifolia 1.00(-1.26-3.26) 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.1 0.13 Acer rubrum 0.05(-0.06-0.16) 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.1 0.05 Smilax rotundifolia 0.05(-0.06-0.16) 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.1 0.05 Liriodendron tulipifera 0.50(-0.63-1.63) 0.60(-0.76-1.96) 0.1 0.14 Microstegium vimineum 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.80(-1.01-2.61) 0.1 0.13 Appendix H-28. Huddles Cut West Prong Well 8 Shrubs 2011. Average percent cover Average number of stems Frequency of Importance Scientific name (95% confidence interval) (95% confidence interval) occurrence value Ulmus americana 1.00(-1.26-3.26) 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.1 0.53 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 0.50(-0.63-1.63) 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.1 0.41 Berchemia scandens 2.70(-1.12-6.52) 0.90(-0.29-2.09) 0.3 2.06 a Importance value is the sum of relative percent cover, relative density (stems per quadrat), and relative frequency of occurrence. The relative values of these three factors are not shown on this table for brevity. The importance value can theoretically range from 0.0 to 3.0. Appendix H-29. Porter Creek Well 5 Herbs 2011. Scientific name Average percent cover (95% confidence interval) Average number of stems (95% confidence interval) Frequencyof occurrence Importance value Quercus laurifolia 0.05(-0.06-0.16) 0.20(-0.40-0.50) 0.1 0.23 Smilax rotundifolia 0.80(-0.20-1.80) 0.70(-0.03-1.63) 0.3 1.06 Bignonia capreolata 0.65(-0.27-1.57) 1.00(-0.74-2.04) 0.3 1.12 Berchemia scandens 0.15(-0.19-0.49) 0.10(-0.08-0.38) 0.1 0.23 Persea palustris 0.30(-0.38-0.98) 0.20(-0.15-0.75) 0.1 0.36 Appendix H-30. Porter Creek Well 5 Shrubs 2011. Average percent cover Average number of stems Frequency of Importance Scientific name (95% confidence interval) (95% confidence interval) occurrence value Arundinaria gigantea 1.00(-1.26-3.26) 0.50(-0.63-1.81) 0.1 1.27 Carpinus caroliniana 3.50(-1.85-8.85) 0.20(-0.10-0.55) 0.2 1.73 a Importance value is the sum of relative percent cover, relative density (stems per quadrat), and relative frequency of occurrence. The relative values of these three factors are not shown on this table for brevity. The importance value can theoretically range from 0.0 to 3.0. Appendix H-31. Porter Creek Well 9A Herbs 2011. Average percent cover Average number of stems Frequency of Importance Scientific name (95% confidence interval) (95% confidence interval) occurrence value Eclipta prostrata 0.30(0.30-0.30) 0.20(0.30-0.30) 0.2 0.48 Toxicodendron radicans 0.08(n/a) 0.10(n/a) 0.1 0.22 Quercus nigra 0.90(-2.64-4.44) 0.30(0.39-1.41) 0.2 0.65 Arundinaria gigantea 3.50(n/a) 1.80(n/a) 0.1 1.65 H-7 Appendix H-32. Porter Creek Well 9A Shrubs 2011. Average percent cover Average number of stems Frequency of Importance Scientific name (95% confidence interval) (95% confidence interval) occurrence value Arundinaria gigantea 1.00(1.00-1.00) 0.90(0.39-1.49) 0.2 1.02 Diospyros virginiana 4.00(4.00-4.00) 1.00(1.00-1.00) 0.2 1.59 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 0.80(n/a) 0.10(n/a) 0.1 0.39 a Importance value is the sum of relative percent cover, relative density (stems per quadrat), and relative frequency of occurrence. The relative values of these three factors are not shown on this table for brevity. The importance value can theoretically range from 0.0 to 3.0. Appendix H-33. Duck Well 1B Herbs 2011. Average percent cover Average number of stems Frequency of Importance Scientific name (95% confidence interval) (95% confidence interval) occurrence value Arundinaria gigantea 11.65(3.71-19.59) 6.70(7.76-15.54) 0.9 1.97 Glyceria striata 0.05(-0.06-0.16) 0.10(-0.18-0.28) 0.1 0.06 Mitchella repens 0.40(0.03-0.77) 1.70(-1.15-1.95) 0.5 0.41 Smilax rotundifolia 0.15(-0.09-0.39) 0.30(-0.33-0.63) 0.2 0.13 Woodwardia areolata 0.10(-0.05-0.25) 0.20(-0.20-0.40) 0.2 0.11 Osmunda cinnamomea 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.1 0.06 Leucothoe racemosa 0.05(-0.06-0.16) 0.10(-0.18-0.28) 0.1 0.06 Lyonia lucida 0.25(-0.10-0.60) 0.70(-0.71-1.21) 0.3 0.22 Appendix H-34. Duck Well 1B Shrubs 2011. Average percent cover Average number of stems Frequency of Importance Scientific name (95% confidence interval) (95% confidence interval) occurrence value Smilax rotundifolia 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.10(-0.13-0.36) 0.1 0.53 Arundinaria gigantea 0.40(-0.29-1.09) 0.40(-0.29-1.20) 0.2 1.61 Vaccinium corymbosum 0.40(-0.50-1.30) 0.10(-0.13-0.36) 0.1 0.86 a Importance value is the sum of relative percent cover, relative density (stems per quadrat), and relative frequency of occurrence. The relative values of these three factors are not shown on this table for brevity. The importance value can theoretically range from 0.0 to 3.0. Appendix H-35. Duck Well 2A Herbs 2011. Scientific name Average percent cover (95% confidence interval) Average number of stems (95% confidence interval) Frequency of occurrence Importance value Berchemia scandens 0.30(0.01-0.59) 0.90(-0.62-1.22) 0.5 0.25 Toxicodendron radicans 0.60(-0.11-1.31) 2.20(-1.94-3.14) 0.4 0.36 Smilax bona-nox 0.08(-0.05-0.20) 0.20(-0.23-0.38) 0.2 0.08 Sanicula canadensis 0.05(-0.06-0.16) 0.10(-0.18-0.28) 0.1 0.04 Smilax rotundifolia 0.60(-0.53-1.73) 0.20(0.30-0.90) 0.1 0.09 Vitis rotundifolia 0.05(-0.06-0.16) 0.20(-0.40-0.50) 0.1 0.05 Rubus flagellaris 0.05(-0.06-0.16) 0.10(-0.18-0.28) 0.1 0.04 Mitchella repens 0.20(-0.15-0.55) 0.70(-1.15-1.55) 0.2 0.14 Parthenocissus quinquefolia 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.1 0.05 Woodwardia areolata 0.23(-0.22-0.67) 0.80(-1.35-1.80) 0.2 0.15 Quercus michauxii 0.30(-0.05-0.65) 0.40(-0.20-0.80) 0.3 0.15 Acer rubrum 0.03(-0.03-0.08) 0.10(-0.20-0.25) 0.1 0.04 Liquidambar styraciflua 0.05(-0.06-0.16) 0.10(-0.18-0.28) 0.1 0.04 Arundinaria gigantea 8.40(-1.39-18.19) 4.10(4.26-12.54) 0.6 1.21 Lyonia lucida 0.20(-0.25-0.65) 0.70(-1.38-1.78) 0.1 0.11 Euonymus americanus 1.05(-1.33-3.43) 0.10(0.82-1.28) 0.1 0.12 Glyceria striata 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.1 0.05 Galium tinctorium 0.05(-0.06-0.16) 0.20(-0.40-0.50) 0.1 0.05 H-8 Appendix H-36. Duck Well 2A Shrubs 2011. Scientific name Average percent cover (95% confidence interval) Average number of stems (95% confidence interval) Frequency of occurrence Importance value Liquidambar styraciflua 2.00(-2.52-6.52) 0.10(-0.13-0.36) 0.1 3 a Importance value is the sum of relative percent cover, relative density (stems per quadrat), and relative frequency of occurrence. The relative values of these three factors are not shown on this table for brevity. The importance value can theoretically range from 0.0 to 3.0. Appendix H-37. Duck Well 3A Herbs 2011. Scientific name Average percent cover (95% confidence interval) Average number of stems (95% confidence interval) Frequency of occurrence Importance value Woodwardia areolata 0.13(-0.03-0.28) 1.30(-1.69-1.94) 0.3 0.27 Microstegium vimineum 0.85(-0.10-1.80) 2.30(-1.31-3.01) 0.4 0.52 Smilax bona-nox 0.10(-0.05-0.25) 0.50(-0.81-1.01) 0.2 0.14 Eclipta prostrata 0.05(-0.06-0.16) 0.10(-0.18-0.28) 0.1 0.05 Glyceria striata 0.30(-0.18-0.78) 0.50(-0.47-1.07) 0.2 0.16 Carex intumescens 0.55(-0.35-1.45) 0.60(-0.35-1.45) 0.3 0.24 Toxicodendron radicans 0.05(-0.06-0.16) 0.30(-0.63-0.73) 0.1 0.08 Parthenocissus quinquefolia 0.10(-0.03-0.23) 0.30(-0.25-0.45) 0.3 0.15 Arundinaria gigantea 4.60(-5.56-14.76) 0.60(3.70-5.50) 0.2 0.71 Galium tinctorium 0.05(-0.06-0.16) 0.20(-0.40-0.50) 0.1 0.06 Acer rubrum 0.18(-0.16-0.51) 0.40(-0.52-0.87) 0.2 0.14 Fimbrystilis spathacea 0.80(-0.41-2.01) 0.40(0.20-1.40) 0.2 0.21 Rubus argutus 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.1 0.06 Morella cerifera 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.1 0.06 Berchemia scandens 0.03(-0.03-0.08) 0.10(-0.20-0.25) 0.1 0.05 Mitchella repens 0.03(-0.03-0.08) 0.10(-0.20-0.25) 0.1 0.05 Appendix H-38. Duck Well 3A Shrubs 2011. Average percent cover Average number of stems Frequency of Importance Scientific name (95% confidence interval) (95% confidence interval) occurrence value Morella cerifera 0.10(-0.13-0.33) 0.10(-0.13-0.36) 0.1 0.53 Arundinaria gigantea 0.60(-0.53-1.73) 0.40(-0.20-1.10) 0.2 1.83 Persea palustris 0.20(-0.25-0.65) 0.10(-0.13-0.36) 0.1 0.64 a Importance value is the sum of relative percent cover, relative density (stems per quadrat), and relative frequency of occurrence. The relative values of these three factors are not shown on this table for brevity. The importance value can theoretically range from 0.0 to 3.0. Appendix H-39. Duck Creek Well 4B Herbs 2011. Scientific name Average percent cover (95% confidence interval) Average number of stems (95% confidence interval) Frequency of occurrence Importance value Smilax bona-nox 0.05(-0.06-0.16) 0.10(-0.18-0.28) 0.1 0.09 Mitchella repens 0.20(0.04-0.36) 2.90(-2.77-3.17) 0.5 0.79 Toxicodendron radicans 0.18(0.01-0.34) 0.90(-0.97-1.32) 0.4 0.43 Carex intumescens 0.30(-0.01-0.61) 0.80(-0.64-1.24) 0.4 0.52 Berchemia scandens 0.13(-0.07-0.32) 0.40(-0.48-0.73) 0.2 0.24 Bignonia capreolata 0.08(-0.01-0.16) 0.40(-0.43-0.58) 0.3 0.23 Euonymus americanus 0.05(-0.06-0.16) 0.30(-0.63-0.73) 0.1 0.12 Ilex opaca 0.05(-0.06-0.16) 0.20(-0.40-0.50) 0.1 0.11 Persea palustris 0.03(-0.03-0.08) 0.10(-0.20-0.25) 0.1 0.07 Galium tinctorium 0.05(-0.06-0.16) 0.10(-0.18-0.28) 0.1 0.09 Vitis rotundifolia 0.05(-0.06-0.16) 0.10(-0.18-0.28) 0.1 0.09 Unknown 2 0.05(-0.03-0.13) 0.20(-0.25-0.35) 0.2 0.15 Mikania scandens 0.03(-0.04-0.09) 0.10(-0.20-0.25) 0.1 0.07 H-9 Appendix H-40. Duck Creek Well 4B Shrubs 2011. Scientific name Average percent cover (95% confidence interval) Average number of stems (95% confidence interval) Frequency of occurrence Importance value Campsis radicans 0.30(-0.38-0.98) 0.10(-0.13-0.36) 0.1 0.09 a Importance value is the sum of relative percent cover, relative density (stems per quadrat), and relative frequency of occurrence. The relative values of these three factors are not shown on this table for brevity. The importance value can theoretically range from 0.0 to 3.0. H-10