HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081315 Ver 1_Appendix G_20120608Sediment Metal Analysis for the NCPC Stream Monitoring Program at PCS Phosphate Data Report for CZR, Inc., and PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. John H. Trefry, Ph.D., Principal Investigator Robert P. Trocine, Senior Research Associate Florida Institute of Technology Melbourne, FL 32901 November 2011 G-1 LABORATORY PROCEDURES Metals in Sediments. In preparation for analysis, sediment samples from each of eleven creeks were homogenized with a Teflon mixing rod and portions were transferred to plastic vials and freeze-dried using a Labconco FreeZone 6 freeze -dryer. Once dry, each sediment sample was again homogenized using a Spex 8000 Mixer/Mill and stored in a desiccator until needed. Concentrations of all metals were determined using —0.4 grams of freeze-dried sediment and sediment Certified Reference Material (CRM) MESS-3 from the National Research Council (NRC) of Canada that were totally dissolved in heated Teflon beakers containing concentrated, high -purity HF-HNO3-HC1O4. Once the samples were completely dissolved, the clear/colorless solutions were transferred to Class A graduated cylinders, diluted to 20 ml with reagent water (18 megohm resistivity) rinses of the beakers, and then stored in 30-ml polyethylene screw -cap bottles for analysis. Labware used in sediment digestion procedures and subsequent analysis was acid -washed with hot HNO3 and rinsed three times with reagent water. Metal concentrations in the digested sediment samples, SRM, and blanks were determined using flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) or inductively coupled plasma — mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Concentrations of Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, and Zn were determined by FAAS using a Perkin-Elmer Model 4000 instrument. Arsenic, Ag, Cd, Mo and Se concentrations were determined by ICP-MS using a Varian Model 820-MS with a Collision Reaction Interface. In all cases, the manufacturers' specifications were followed and adherence to QA/QC requirements was maintained. The sediment metal data are presented in Table 1 and relevant QA/QC data are listed in Table 2. Sediment Bulk Densitv. Homogenized, wet sediment samples were carefully packed into polycarbonate jars of known volume and weight. The sample jars were then re -weighed and the wet bulk densities were calculated. The samples were then dried for 72 hours before the samples were cooled in a desiccator and re -weighed. The samples were then returned to the 1101C drying oven for another 48 hours to ensure the sediment had dried to a constant weight, after which they were again cooled and re -weighed. This final weighing was used to calculate the dry bulk densities of the sediment samples as well as percent water content. The sediment bulk densities and percent water content are presented in Table 3 with corresponding QA/QC data presented in Table 2. QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL Sample Tracking Procedure. Upon receipt by the Marine & Environmental Chemistry Laboratories at Florida Institute of G-2 Technology, the sediment samples were carefully inspected to insure that they were intact and that the identification on the sample container matched that found on the Letter of Transmittal. The sediment samples were kept refrigerated at -1 °C until processed for analysis. Analytical QA/QC Measurements. To insure data quality, QA/QC requirements included balance and pipet calibrations, FAAS and ICP-MS instrument calibrations and standard checks, matrix spike analysis for each metal, SRM analysis, and procedural blank analyses. Instrument Calibrations. Electronic balances used for weighing samples and reagents were calibrated prior to each use with their internal electronic calibration and then verified with certified standard weights (NIST-traceable). All pipets (electronic or manual) were calibrated prior to use. Each of the spectrometers used for metal analysis was initially standardized with a three - to five -point calibration and a linear correlation coefficient of r>_0.999 was required before experimental samples could be analyzed. Analysis of complete three- to five -point calibrations and single standard checks alternated every 8 samples until all analyses were complete. The relative standard deviation (RSD) between complete calibration and standard checks was required to be <10% or recalibration and reanalysis of the affected samples were performed. Matrix Spike Analysis. A matrix spike was prepared for each metal. The results of the matrix effect checks are shown in Table 2. All results were within acceptable limits for the analytical procedures used. Standard Reference Material Analysis. The sediment digestion included a CRM with metal concentrations certified by the NRC. Two separate portions of the CRM MESS-3 (Marine Sediment) were digested along with the creek sediment samples. Results from the analyses are shown in Table 2. The metal concentrations for the CRM determined experimentally were all within the range of certified values. Procedural Blank Analysis. Procedural blanks were prepared with the sample to monitor the potential for metal contamination. These blanks were prepared with the same reagents, handling techniques, and analytical scheme as the experimental samples. No contamination during processing and analysis was observed. Metal concentrations due to impurities in reagents were within accepted limits. G-3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Concentrations of Al, Ag, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mo, Se, and Zn for sediment samples collected on August 16, 2011 from eleven creeks are presented in Table 1 along with data for samples previously collected from Huddles Cut, Muddy Creek and Tooley Creek (Trefry and Trocine 2010) as well as Jacks Creek (Trefry et al. 2005). Values for sediment bulk density were obtained for the first time during the Stream Monitoring Program and are presented in Table 3. Huddles Cut The 2011 sample from Huddles Cut was predominantly quartz sand with little or no clay. Thus, concentrations of Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mo, Se and Zn in the sediment were more than 20 times lower than concentrations obtained from clay -bearing sediments during 1998, 2000 and 2001, yet very similar to concentrations obtained for sandy sediments from Huddles Cut in 2007-2010 (Table 1). Quartz sand naturally contains very low metal concentrations. The shift in composition for the 2007-2011 samples from Huddles Cut, relative to the 2001 and earlier samples, most likely resulted from either of the following: (1) input of sand to the site from erosion of the stream bank or by stream transport of sand during a storm event or (2) by flushing away of a layer of fine-grained sediment during a storm to expose a sand layer. All metal concentrations for the 2011 sample from Huddles Cut were well below the sediment quality criteria described below and are of no environmental concern for metals. This sample will not be further discussed in this report. Muddy Creek Concentrations of all metals in the sediment sample collected during 2011 from Muddy Creek were within the range of previous values obtained for sediment from the creek with the exception of Se with a 2011 concentration of 0.80 pg/g that was —20% lower than the previous low value (Table 1). The 2011 concentrations of Cd, Cu and Se were more than 1 standard deviation lower than the long-term means for these three metals (Table 1). Concentrations of the major metals, Al and Fe, were within 1 standard deviation of previous, long-term values and no explanation for the lower concentrations of Cd, Cu and Se in 2011 is presently available. Overall, Cd and Mo were the only metals present in the 2011 Muddy Creek sediment at concentrations that were above background values for the local area. Background concentrations of Cd in the open areas of the Pamlico River estuary, as reported by Trocine and Trefry (1998), ranged from 0.3 to 0.7 pg/g. Elevated Cd concentrations in sediments from Muddy Creek during 2011 and previous years (Table 1) can be evaluated within the context of potentially harmful biological effects using the guidelines developed by Long et al. (1995). In these guidelines, two assessment values are listed for several metals (Table 1). An effects -range -low value (ERL) and an effects -range -median value (ERM) are defined as the 10t" and 50t" percentile, respectively, from an ordered list of concentration of substances in sediments that are linked to a biological effect. Several authors have noted that sediment quality guidelines should be used cautiously with an appropriate understanding of their limitations. For example, Field et al. (2002) noted that G-4 the ERL is not a concentration threshold for a chemical in sediment, above which toxicity is possible and below which toxicity is impossible. Instead, according to O'Connor (2004), the ERL is a concentration "at the low end of a continuum roughly relating bulk chemistry with toxicity." The ERL and ERM values are applied to the sediments from this study with the caveats listed above. The ERL for Cd is 1.2 pg/g and thus the 2011 sediment from Muddy Creek (0.8 pg/g) had a Cd concentration that was less than the ERL value. The ERM value for Cd is 9.6 pg/g; thus, even the highest Cd value for all samples collected since 1998 of 2.6 pg/g for Huddles Cut (2000, Table 1) was well below the ERM. Therefore, we may predict, within the limits of established guidelines, that the 2011 Cd concentration in sediment from Muddy Creek was unlikely to cause adverse biological effects. The concentration of Mo in the 2011 sediment sample from Muddy Creek was -14% higher than values for the Pamlico River Estuary, but within 5% of the long-term mean (Table 1). No ERL or ERM values are available for Mo. The concentration of Ag in the 2011 sample from Muddy Creek was higher than reported for average marine sediment and continental crust (Table 1). However, the Ag value for the creek was similar to values from control areas in the Pamlico River where the average was 0.20 ± 0.03 pg/g (Trocine and Trefry 1998). We previously noted (Trefry and Trocine 2010) that Ag concentrations in typical samples from the Pamlico River were higher than found in the various creek samples. We also suggested that a Ag value of 0.20 pg/g was background for the area. Furthermore, the average Ag concentration in sediment from Muddy Creeks was -7 times lower than the ERL of 1.0 pg/g. Likewise, concentrations of As, Cr, Cu and Zn in the 2011 sediment sample were below the ERL. Tooley Creek Samples from Tooley Creek were included in the Stream Monitoring Program during 1998, 2000, 2001, 2010 and 2011. The 2011 concentrations of all 10 metals were equal to or below the long-term mean for sediments from Tooley Creek (Table 1). Only the concentration of Cd was higher than background values for sediments from the local area (Table 1). The 2011 Cd value of 0.9 pg/g for Tooley Creek was below the ERL value of 1.2 pg/g and thus these sediments are unlikely to yield adverse biological effects due to Cd. The 2011 Ag value of 0.08 pg/g for Tooley Creek was 50% lower than the value obtained for 2011 and is -12 times lower than the ERL of 1.0 pg/g. The concentration of Mo in the 2011 sediment sample from Tooley Creek was the lowest value obtained to date for this site (Table 1). No ERL or ERM values are available for Mo. Concentrations of As, Cr, Cu and Zn in the 2011 sediment sample were below the ERL. Jacks Creek Samples from Jacks Creek were last included in the Stream Monitoring Program during 2005. The 2011 concentrations of Al, Ag, As, Cr, Cu, Mo and Se were within the range of values obtained for seven years between 1998 and 2005 whereas the concentration of Cd was -10% lower and the concentrations of Fe and Zn were both -3% higher than the previous range of values (Table 1). G-5 Concentrations of Cd and Mo in the 2011 sediment from Jacks Creek were above background for the sediments from the local area as reported by Trocine and Trefry (1998). The 2011 Cd value of 0.9 pg/g for Jacks Creek was below the ERL value of 1.2 pg/g and thus these sediments are unlikely to yield adverse biological effects due to Cd. The 2011 concentration for Mo in Jacks Creek was more than 2 standard deviations higher than the range of values found in the Pamlico River estuary. No ERL or ERM values are available for Mo. Concentrations of Ag, As, Cr, Cu and Zn in the 2011 sediment sample were below the ERL. Additional Creeks Sediments from the following seven creeks were added to the 2011 Stream Monitoring Program: PA 11, Drinkwater Creek, Duck Creek, Jacobs Creek, Little Creek, Long Creek and Porter Creek. All metal concentrations in the PA II sample were low, most likely due to the presence of sandy sediments. Metal values at the PA II site were not as low as found in Huddles Creek; however, they were 2 to >5 times lower than found for the other creeks in the Stream Monitoring Program. All metal concentrations for the PA I I site were below the ERL and ERM. All metal concentrations from the additional seven creeks sampled in 2011 were within the range of values found at other creeks in the area (Table 1). Concentrations of Al, Ag, As, Cr, Cu, Mo, Se and Zn in all seven creeks were within the range of background values found for the Pamlico River Estuary (Table 1). Concentrations of Cd in Little Creek, Long Creek and Porter Creek were 20-50% above background values from the Pamlico River Estuary; however, all Cd values were below the ERL (Table 1). All concentrations of Ag, As, Cr, Cu and Zn in the seven additional creeks were below the ERL and ERM with the exceptions of As and Cr in Porter Creek that were equal to and 2% greater than the ERL, respectively (Table 1). The Fe concentration for Porter Creek, at 4.29%, was the highest value found during the Stream Monitoring Program to date and the Al value for Porter Creek of 8.05% was among 3 of the highest values in 39-data point set for the creeks (Table 1). Higher values for Fe and Al are consistent with the presence of a clay -rich sample from Porter Creek that contained As and Cr at concentrations that match previous Fe- and AI -rich samples that are most likely background values (Table 1). Bulk Density Values for bulk density, water content (by weight and volume) and dry sediment density were determined for all 11 sediment samples collected during 2011. The values for bulk density averaged 1.17 ± 0.02 g/cm3 for the 9 of the 11 samples that contained a high content of silt and clay whereas the two sandy samples (Huddles Cut and PA II) had higher values for bulk density because they contained lower water content, as is typical of sandy samples (Table 3). Values for dry weight density averaged 2.42 ± 0.18 g/cm3. G-6 REFERENCES Field, L.J., MacDonald, D.D., Norton, S.B., Ingersoll, C.G., Severn, C.G., Smorong, D, and Lindskoog, R. (2002) Predicting amphipod toxicity from sediment chemistry using logistic regression models. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 21:1993-2005. Long, E.R., MacDonald, D.D., Smith, S.L. and Calder, F.D. (1995) Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuarine sediments. Environmental Management 19:81-97. O'Connor, T.P. (2004) The sediment quality guideline, ERL, is not a chemical concentration at the threshold of sediment toxicity. Marine Pollution Bulletin 49:383-385. Salomons, W. and Forstner, U. (1984) Metals in the Hydrocycle, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 349 pp. Trefry, J.H., Trocine, R.P. and Semmler, C. (2005) Sediment metal analysis for the NCPC Stream Monitoring Program at PCS Phosphate Data Report for CZR, Inc. and PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. Trefry, J.H. and Trocine, R.P. (2010) Sediment metal analysis for the PCS Phosphate NCPC Stream Monitoring Program. Data Report to CZR, Inc., and PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. Trocine, R.P. and Trefry, J.H. (1998) Trace metals and major elements in water, suspended solids, sediment, groundwater and aquatic organisms from the PCS phosphate facility in Aurora, North Carolina and the Pamlico River Estuary. Final Report to PCS Phosphate. Wedepohl, K.H. (1995) The composition of the continental crust. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 59:1217-1232. G-7 I Table 1. Trace metal concentrations in sediment samples (dry weight), including the 2011 samples from Huddles Cut and Muddy Creek, average marine sediment (Salomons and Forstner 1984), continental crust (Wedepohl 1995) and sediment quality criteria (Long et al. 1995). Sample Year Al Ag As Cd Cr Cu Fe Mo Se Zn Identification N (ug/g) (Pg/g) (ug/g) (ug/g) (ug/g) N (Ng/g) (Ng/g) (ug/g) 1998 3.15 0.04 2.3 0.8 22.4 7.1 1.11 1.7 0.40 32.2 Huddles Cut 2000 5.95 0.06 1.8 2.6 58.2 13.6 2.14 2.0 0.84 69.6 2001 6.15 0.10 5.7 1.7 68.7 15.6 2.24 2.5 0.61 65.0 2007 0.10 0.02 0.3 0.03 0.6 0.3 0.05 0.07 0.01 1.8 2008 0.18 0.01 0.04 0.04 1.2 0.4 0.06 0.09 0.03 2.7 2009 0.11 0.03 0.1 0.02 2.0 0.3 0.03 0.05 0.02 2.3 2010 0.13 0.04 0.1 0.03 1.3 0.2 0.05 0.09 0.07 3.3 2011 0.11 0.01 0.1 0.02 1.1 0.4 0.03 0.07 0.04 0.5 1998 7.61 0.09 7.2 1.1 84.8 30.7 3.06 3.0 1.64 111 Muddy Creek 2000 8.26 0.08 5.1 1.1 79.5 32.5 3.03 2.6 1.26 108 2001 6.19 0.13 7.2 1.3 85.6 26.8 2.94 3.0 1.04 98.7 2003 8.05 0.21 6.4 1.2 80.0 30.3 2.83 2.7 1.26 103 2004 8.07 0.15 13.6 1.3 72.3 26.5 3.00 3.9 1.15 115 2005 7.93 0.12 6.3 1.3 72.0 28.0 3.03 2.8 1.01 105 2007 8.03 0.15 7.4 0.7 81.6 24.6 3.33 2.9 1.24 108 2008 8.02 0.14 4.8 0.8 78.0 24.5 3.01 2.5 1.05 111 2009 7.96 0.15 6.9 1.0 86.3 27.5 3.35 2.5 1.09 120 2010 6.64 0.18 6.3 0.9 73.8 28.4 3.29 2.8 1.03 113 2011 7.90 0.11 6.6 0.8 75.6 25.3 3.14 2.5 0.80 108 Mean ± Standard Deviation 1998 -2009 7.68 0.14 7.1 1.1 79.4 28.0 3.09 2.9 1.18 109 ±0.69 ±0.04 ±2.4 ±0.2 ±5.4 ±2.6 ±0.18 ±0.4 ±0.19 ±6 Pamlico River Estuary' 7.4 0.20 6.8 0.49 78 23 3.2 1.9 0.8 125 ±1.8 ±0.03 ±2.0 ±0.18 ±19 ±6 ±1.0 ±0.3 ±0.2 ±26 Average Marine Sediment2 7.20 0.06 7.7 0.17 72 33 4.10 2.0 0.42 95 Continental Crust3 7.96 0.07 1.7 0.10 126 25 4.32 1.1 0.12 65 Effects Range Low 4 - 1.0 8.2 1.2 81 34 - - - 150 Effects Range Median - 3.7 70 9.6 370 270 - - - 410 'Trocine and Trefry (1998) 2Salomons and Forstner (1984) 3Wedepohl (1995) 4Long et al. (1995) Table 1 (continued). Trace metal concentrations in sediment samples (dry weight), including the 2011 samples from Tooley Creek, Jacks, seven additional creeks, average marine sediment (Salomons and Forstner 1984), continental crust (Wedepohl 1995) and sediment quality criteria (Long et al. 1995). Sample Year Al Ag As Cd Cr Cu Fe Mo Se Zn Identification N (pg/g) (pg/g) (pg/9) (pg/9) (ug/9) N (pg/g) (pg/g) (pg/9) 1998 7.06 0.07 8.0 1.3 77.5 14.3 3.06 2.7 1.33 109 Tooley Creek 2000 8.04 0.06 5.0 1.3 82.9 16.9 3.06 1.9 0.99 103 2001 7.45 0.11 8.5 1.6 86.9 14.6 3.17 2.7 0.83 99.7 2010 6.28 0.17 7.0 1.0 66.7 13.3 3.27 1.8 0.97 97.7 2011 6.97 0.08 7.0 0.9 74.1 12.0 3.14 1.7 0.64 99.5 Mean ± Standard Deviation 1998 - 2010 7.16 0.10 7.1 1.2 77.6 14.2 3.14 2.2 0.95 102 ±0.49 ±0.04 ±1.3 ±0.3 ±7.8 ±1.8 ±0.09 ±0.5 ±0.25 ±4 1998 6.60 0.07 7.4 1.0 65.5 15.1 3.02 2.8 1.30 110 Jacks Creek 2000 6.85 0.08 4.3 1.1 58.7 16.3 3.04 2.5 1.57 94.1 2001 6.09 0.10 7.9 1.6 67.5 13.6 3.03 4.3 0.77 103 2002 6.29 0.03 6.9 2.6 55.9 11.8 2.73 2.4 0.71 88.6 2003 6.38 0.16 3.5 1.3 52.8 14.6 2.92 2.4 1.09 98.0 2004 6.39 0.12 7.9 1.9 58.3 14.6 2.82 2.8 1.19 106 2005 6.69 0.10 4.4 1.2 58.6 15.5 2.96 2.6 0.92 106 2011 6.64 0.08 7.2 0.9 60.1 14.0 3.14 2.7 0.82 113 Mean ± Standard Deviation 1998 - 2005 6.47 0.09 6.0 1.5 59.6 14.5 2.93 2.8 1.08 101 ± 0.26 ± 0.04 ± 1.9 ± 0.6 ± 5.2 ± 1.5 ± 0.12 ± 0.7 ± 0.3 ± 8 PA II 2011 3.25 0.02 2.6 0.2 21.2 3.2 0.61 1.4 0.18 28.4 Drinkwater Creek 2011 6.69 0.08 6.5 0.7 63.9 14.0 3.14 2.4 0.86 91.6 Duck Creek 2011 6.77 0.13 6.4 0.5 58.1 20.8 3.93 1.9 0.77 93.1 Jacobs Creek 2011 6.54 0.08 7.0 0.7 61.3 13.2 3.31 2.3 0.80 96.8 Little Creek 2011 7.59 0.09 6.8 1.0 74.0 14.7 3.07 2.8 0.74 109 Long Creek 2011 7.87 0.09 7.4 0.8 72.9 14.8 3.42 2.1 0.71 99.3 Porter Creek 2011 8.05 0.12 8.2 0.9 82.8 17.4 4.29 2.4 0.77 96.5 Pamlico River Estuary' 7.4 0.20 6.8 0.49 78 23 3.2 1.9 0.8 125 ±1.8 ±0.03 ±2.0 ±0.18 ±19 ±6 ±1.0 ±0.3 ±0.2 ±26 Average Marine Sediment2 7.20 0.06 7.7 0.17 72 33 4.10 2.0 0.42 95 Continental Crust3 7.96 0.07 1.7 0.10 126 25 4.32 1.1 0.12 65 Effects Range Low 4 - 1.0 8.2 1.2 81 34 - - - 150 Effects Range Median - 3.7 70 9.6 370 270 - - - 410 'Trocine and Trefry (1998) 2Salomons and Forstner (1984) 3Wedepohl (1995) 4Long et al. (1995) Table 2. Quality assurance and quality control data for 2011 sediment metal analyses. Results for Analysis of Standard Reference Material (SRM) Certified Reference Material Al (%) Ag As Cd Cr Cu (leg/9) (leg/9) (leg/9) (pg/g) (leg/g) Fe (%) Mo Se Zn (leg/9) (leg/9) (leg/9)I CRM MESS-3 8.58 0.16 20.4 0.25 108 34.1 4.32 2.73 0.72 151 This Study 8.52 0.16 20.4 0.25 109 33.1 4.29 2.81 0.77 153 SRM #2709 8.59 0.18 21.2 0.24 105 33.9 4.34 2.78 0.72 159 NIST Certified Values ± 0.23 ± 0.02 ± 1.1 ± 0.01 ± 4 ± 1.6 ± 0.11 ±0.07 ± 0.05 ± 8 Method Detection Limits (MDLs). Al Ag fag/ As fag/ Cd fag/ Cr fag/ Cu fag/ Fe % Mo Fig/g Se Fig/g Zn pg/g Sediment MDL 0.003 0.003 0.02 0.001 0.2 0.04 0.001 0.001 0.008 0.4 Percent Spike Recovery. Mean and Standard Deviation. Al Ag As Cd Cr Cu Fe Mo Se Zn Mean 101.0 101.1 97.9 94.6 104.0 95.6 97.6 102.0 93.8 94.9 Standard Deviation 2.2 3.7 6.4 1.7 0.6 3.8 1.5 7.3 3.3 3.5 (n) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Estimate of Precision as Percent Relative Standard Deviation (%RSD) for Sediment Replicates Al Ag As Cd Cr Cu Fe Mo Se Zn Tooley Creek 0.2 <0.1 1.0 2.5 0.8 0.6 0.5 2.1 3.3 0.6 Estimate of Precision as Percent Relative Deviation (%RSD) for Sediment Bulk Density Bulk Density (Wet) Bulk Density (Dry) Water Content (g/cm3) (g/cm3) (%) Tooley Creek 0.6 <0.1 1.0 G-10 Table 3. Values for sediment bulk density and water content for 2011 samples from study area at PCS Phosphate. Sample Location Bulk Density (g/cm3) Water Content (% by weight) Water Content (% by Volume) Dry Sediment Density (g/cm3) Drinkwater Creek 1.16 62.2 89.0 2.43 Duck Creek 1.17 60.7 88.0 2.40 Huddles Cut 1.95 8.3 33.0 2.41 Jacks Creek 1.15 62.7 88.9 2.36 Jacobs Creek 1.16 63.3 90.3 2.62 Little Creek 1.18 58.4 85.9 2.31 Long Creek 1.20 56.5 84.7 2.28 Muddy Creek 1.16 58.5 84.7 2.06 PA II 1.58 31.0 65.9 2.69 Porter Creek 1.18 59.7 87.7 2.49 Tooley Creek 1.20 58.0 87.0 2.60 All sites (n = 11) Mean ±SD 1.28±0.25 52±17 80±17 2.42±0.18 n = 9 sites Mean ±SD 1.17±0.02 60±2 87±2 2.39±0.17 'Excludes sediment samples from Huddles Cut and PA II G-11 Metal Analysis of Water Samples for the NCPC Stream Monitoring Program at PCS Phosphate Data Report for CZR, Inc., and PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. November 2011 G-12 LABORATORY PROCEDURES Metals in Water. Obtain from SGD Labs. QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL Obtain from SGS Labs Sample Tracking Procedure. Analytical QA/QC Measurements. Instrument Calibrations. Matrix Spike Analysis. Standard Reference Material Analysis. Procedural Blank Analysis. G-13 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Water samples from 11 creeks were analyzed by SGS Labs for total recoverable Ag, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mo, Se and Zn using unfiltered samples that were treated with acid (Table 1). Concentrations of Ag, As, Cd, Mo and Zn were below values for the limit of quantification (LOQ, Table 1). Concentrations of Se were obtained for 5 of the 10 samples with a mean (± standard deviation) of 13 ± 5 pg/L. The other 5 samples had Se values that were below the LOQ of 5 pg/L Concentrations of total recoverable Cr and Cu determined by SGS Labs averaged 7.1 ± 0.9 and 7.5 ± 0.3 pg/L, respectively. Values for total recoverable Cr and Cu were quite uniform with relative standard deviations of 13% and 4%; total recoverable Cr and Cu concentrations were —2 pg/L above the LOQ. Values for total recoverable Fe averaged 1700 ± 500 pg/L with a range of 1300 to 3220 pg/L. Both total recoverable and dissolved metal concentrations (excluding Ag, Fe and Se) were previously reported by Trocine and Trefry (1998) for three of the ten creeks (Duck, Long and Porter, Table 1). Previously obtained concentrations of total recoverable As averaged 0.65 ± 0.11 pg/L, about 0.2 pg/L higher than the average for dissolved As of 0.46 ± 0.12 pg/L (Table 1). These values are consistent with values obtained by SGS Labs because all of the SGS values were below the LOQ of 5 pg/L (Table 1). Concentrations of total recoverable Cd obtained by Trocine and Trefry (1998) for the Duck, Long and Porter creeks were quite variable at 0.009 to 0.072 pg/L (Table 1), yet consistent with values of <50 pg/L reported by SGS Labs. Concentrations of dissolved Cd (Trocine and Trefry 1998) averaged 0.018 ± 0.013 pg/L; the two higher values of total recoverable Cd for Long and Porter Creek matched high Cd values of 2.0 and 3.8 pg/g for suspended particles from those creeks relative to 0.2 pg/g for Duck Creek (Trocine and Trefry 1998). Average values for total recoverable Cr and Cu obtained by SGS Labs were >5 times higher than the highest value obtained by Trocine and Trefry (1998). Dissolved Cr values obtained by Trocine and Trefry (1998) were --6 to 22% of the their values for total recoverable Cr and show that most of the Cr was associated with suspended particles. Data for total recoverable Fe obtained by SGS Labs are probably representative of the Fe values in the creeks because calculated total Fe values in the water samples from Trocine and Trefry (1998) were generally higher than the values for acid -leached samples reported by SGS Labs (Table 1). Concentrations of total recoverable Mo from Trocine and Trefry (1998) were 5 to 10 times lower than the LOQ reported by SGS Labs. Values for dissolved Mo from Trocine and Trefry (1998) were the same as the total recoverable values because the particles did not contribute to the total metal values (i.e., dissolved Mo accounted for all the Mo in the water samples). No comparison for the Se results can be drawn with previous studies because Se concentrations were not previously determined. Concentrations of total G-14 recoverable Zn from Trocine and Trefry (1998) were —5 to 14 times lower than the LOQ reported by SGS Labs. REFERENCES Donat, J.R. and Bruland, K.W. (1995) Trace elements in the ocean. In Trace Elements in Natural Waters. B. Salbu and E. Steinnes, Eds., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 247-281. Quinby-Hunt, M.S. and Turekian, K.K. (1983) Distribution of elements in sea water. EOS, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 64:130-131. Trocine, R.P. and Trefry, J.H. (1998) Trace metals and major elements in water, suspended solids, sediment, groundwater and aquatic organisms from the PCS phosphate facility in Aurora, North Carolina and the Pamlico River Estuary. Final Report to PCS Phosphate. G-15 Table 1. Concentrations of total recoverable metals in the 2011 PCS water samples analyzed by SGS Labs and comparison data for total recoverable and dissolved metals from Trocine and Trefry (1998). Creek Ag (µg/L) As (µg/L) Cd (µg/L) Cr (µg/L) Cu (µg/L) Fe (µg/L) Mo (µg/L) Se (µg/L) Zn (µg/L) Total Metals' Drink Water <50 <5 <50 6.6 7.5 1300 <10 9.9 <20 Duck <50 <5 <50 8.2 7.7 3220 <10 11.9 <20 Huddles <50 <5 <50 5.4 7.4 1440 <10 <5 <20 Jacks <50 <5 <50 8.7 7 2110 <10 10.3 <20 Jacobs <50 <5 <50 6.8 7.8 1270 <10 <5 <20 Little <50 <5 <50 6.8 7.8 1530 <10 <5 <20 Long <50 <5 <50 7.3 7.6 1560 <10 <5 <20 Muddy <50 <5 <50 7.3 7.9 1560 <10 18.5 <20 PAII <50 <5 <50 7 6.9 1520 <10 16.7 <20 Porter <50 <5 <50 7.4 7.3 1660 <10 11.8 <20 Tooley <50 <5 <50 6.9 7.7 1730 <10 <5 <20 Mean <50 <5 <50 7.1 7.5 1718 <10 13 <20 SD - - - 0.9 0.3 547 - 4 - LOQ/CL 50 5 50 5 5 100 10 5 20 Total Metalsb Duck - 0.69 0.009 0.34 1.4 3030` 1.0 - 1.4 Long - 0.73 0.064 1.4 0.5 5300` 1.4 - 4.4 Porter - 0.52 0.072 0.81 0.5 4400` 1.9 - 2.2 Dissolved Metalsb Duck Creek - 0.53 0.007 0.075 0.42 - 1.0 - 0.4 Long Creek - 0.54 0.032 0.078 0.26 - 1.4 - 2.8 Porter Creek - 0.32 0.015 0.23 0.22 - 1.9 - 0.8 World Oceand,e 0.002 2 0.068 0.32 0.12 0.05 11 0.16 0.38 World Rivers' - 1.7 0.010 1.0 1.5 40 0.5 - 0.6 aSGS Labs bTrocine and Trefry (1998) `Calculated from values for Fe in suspended sediments from b dQuinby-Hunt and Turekian, 1983 eDonat and Bruland (1995) G-16