HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081315 Ver 1_Appendix A_20120608Appendix A Table 1. Summary of measured parameters at creeks monitored for permit requirements associated with PCS Phosphate's Alternative E and Modified Alternative L mine activities. 2011 2011 compared to previous monitoring year Post -Mod Alt L data compared to pre -Mod Alt L data JACKS CREEK Flow No monitoring occurred. No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. Salinity: Installation of monitors occurred in July. Upstream average monthly Salinity was more similar between the two stations in 2011 than during the No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. 2 sites, monitors take salinity ranged from a low of 6.5 psu in September to a high of 15.1 psu combined pre -Mod Alt L years and Mann -Whitney comparisons indicated readings every 1.5 hrs in December and downstream average monthly salinity ranged from a that pre -Mod Alt L salinity at JS1 and JS2 were significantly lower than low of 7.4 psu in September to a high of 15.5 in December. Upstream 2011. annual average salinity was 11.4 psu and downstream was 12.5 psu. Periods of low or constant Tar River flow, which occurred in October and December, frequently resulted in fewer fluctuations in salinity and depth. Salinity at both monitors generally paralleled water level fluctuations and salinity was higher during periods of decreased depths and decreased river flow. Salinity at the upstream station was more erratic in the July through September period than the downstream station, but by November both stations closely patterned salinity at SS1 Wetland water level: All wells exhibited wetland hydroperiods from 20 (JW7A) to 100 (JWSB) Of the 10 wells common to both 2011 and 2005 (the last monitoring year) No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. 10 wells; 7 take percent and all wells exhibited standing water for various periods in the eight recorded shorter hydroperiods in 2011 than in 2005; however, 2005 measurements every 1.5 early part of the growing season and in late summer/early fall. The received more total rainfall than 2011. hrs shortest hydroperiods occurred at the most upstream wells. Water quality: Sampling began in November 2011, so no seasonal trends can be The last year of monitoring was 2005 when sampling occurred monthly. No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. Two sites sampled once discussed for 2011 data. Summary of means and ranges are presented Data (mean and ranges) from November and December 2005 sampling every two weeks below. are presented below. Water depths (in): 12.0 and 4.0-23.0; Water depths (in): 17.0 and 11.0-21.0; Temps (C): 12.9 and 10.0-15.6; Temps (C): 12.5 and 8.4-18.5; Salinity: 10.4 and 6.1-16.9; Salinity: 6.2 and 1.5-9.2; Conductivity: 13.8 and 7.8-22.5; Conductivity: 8.54 and 2.00-13.58; Turbidity: 4.36 and 0.00-18.00; Turbidity: 9.0 and 4.30-16.60; DO (mg/L): 6.21 and 4.46-9.18; DO (mg/L): 5.0 and 2.6-6.7; pH: 7.02 and 6.05-7.46; pH: 6.8 and 6.2-7.6; NH4-N: 0.15 and 0.02-0.77; NH4-N: 0.078 and 0.025-0.173; NO3-N: 0.12 and 0.00-0.38; NO3-N: 0.003 and 0.002-0.004; DKN: 1.31 and 1.07-1.57; DKN: 0.901 and 0.805-1.063; PN: 0.42 and 0.10-0.65; PN: 0.428 and 0.397-0.465; PO4-P: 0.015 and 0.004-0.050; PO4-P: 0.039 and 0.009-0.064; TDP: 0.04 and 0.02-0.07; TDP: 0.066 and 0.043-0.080; PP: 0.19 and 0.08-0.48; PP: 0.149 and 0.066-0.264; Chl a: 32.59 and 3.12-86.19; Chl a: 19.00 and 0.00-37.00; FLU: 0.39 and 0.33-0.41. FLU: 0.31 and 0.28-0.36. Vegetation: Herbaceous growth appeared limited by standing or flowing water in Mid -stream transects seem to have experienced more canopy dieback No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. Four transects sampled most transects and both strata were more different than previous years. than in 2005 when it was last monitored. Two transects showed an annually There were fewer dominants and some species appeared as a dominant increase in species intolerant of brackish conditions (both had the highest for the first time and some transects had all new dominants. Only one values to date). species, broomsedge, had a FAC- or upland status. Fish: A total of 13 sampling days at Jacks Creek resulted in a total catch of Over 13 sample days in 2005, the total CPUE was slightly over twice than No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. One site sampled weekly 1,945 fish. A variety of freshwater, estuarine, and saltwater species, the that of 2011 although seven more species were captured in 2011 than in April through June by vast majority juveniles, were captured, representing a total of 18 species. 2005. Most abundant species in 2005 were Atlantic croaker, spot, and otter trawl Total CPUE was significantly higher than Duck Creek and significantly Atlantic menhaden while in 2011 the most abundant species were spot, A-1 Appendix A. (continued). 2011 2011 compared to previous monitoring year Post -Mod Alt L data compared to pre -Mod Alt L data lower than PA2. Spot represented 45.8 percent of the catch, followed by pinfish, and Atlantic menhaden. Over the entire range of pre -Mod Alt L pinfish at 18.3 percent, and Atlantic menhaden at 10.3 percent. The daily years compared to Muddy Creek, only the 2002 daily Simpson diversity Simpson diversity score in 2011 was significantly higher than Long Creek score was significantly different than (higher in Jacks). The Jaccard and the daily Shannon diversity score was significantly higher than both coefficient indicated that the 2011 sampling of Jacks Creek and the 2005 Duck and Long Creeks. The Jaccard coefficient indicated in 2011 Jacks sampling year had less than half of the captured fish species in common had the most species in common with Little Creek. The Morista-Horn (0.38). The Morisita-Horn index indicated that the 2011 and 2005 index indicated that community overlap in Jacks and Long Creek in 2011 sampling years of Jacks Creek were rather dissimilar in terms of were very similar. Salinity at Jacks Creek (surface and bottom) ranged community overlap (0.33). Salinity in 2005 ranged from 2.9 to 8.4 ppt. The from 8.3 ppt to 11.8 ppt with a mean of 10.4 ppt. The pH of Jacks Creek pH of Jacks in 2005 ranged from 6.5 to 8.4. The DO in Jacks in 2005 ranged from 7.1 to 8.5, which is in accordance with state water quality ranged from 0.28 to 12.97 mg/L. Surface levels of DO experienced one guidelines for the maintenance of biological integrity (NCDENR 2007). occurrence (June) lower than 5.0 mg/L in 2005 while at the bottom there Measurements of DO in Jacks Creek ranged from 3.31 mg/L to 10.8 were six occurrences (one in May, five in June). mg/L, with a mean concentration of 7.20 mg/L. Mean concentrations of DO were the highest experienced over the duration of the sampling period. Surface levels of DO exhibited one occurrence (June) lower than 5.0 mg/L; measurements of bottom parameters indicated three occurrences (one in April, two in June). Inter -basin comparisons of total abundance, total CPUE, and indices of community similarity/overlap between Jacks and Muddy Creek continue to remain statistically com arable. Benthos: Sweeps: taxa richness in 2011 at both stations was the highest over the 2011 EBI at both stations was higher than the means for all previous No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. One upstream & one nine years of monitoring and EBIs were fourth highest. years. downstream site sampled yearly Ponar (significant differences only): upstream abundance was lower than Duck Creek but higher than Muddy Creek; downstream abundance was significantly higher than Long Creek. Upstream Shannon diversity was higher than Little and Muddy Creeks and downstream Shannon diversity was higher than Duck and Long Creeks. Metals sediment: Concentrations of Cd and Mo in the 2011 sediment from Jacks Creek The 2011 concentrations of Al, Ag, As, Cr, Cu, Mo and Se were within the No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. One site sampled yearly were above background for the sediments from the local area as range of values obtained for seven years between 1998 and 2005 reported by Trocine and Trefry (1998). The 2011 Cd value of 0.9 pg/g for whereas the concentration of Cd was —10 percent lower and the Jacks Creek was below the ERL value and unlikely to yield adverse concentrations of Fe and Zn were both —3 percent higher than the biological effects due to Cd. The 2011 concentration for Mo in Jacks previous range of values. Values in 2011 for As, Cr, and Zn were slightly Creek was more than 2 standard deviations higher than the range of higher than the long term means for these metals in Jacks Creek but values found in the Pamlico River estuary. No ERL or ERM values are within the range of values. Fe was also slightly higher than the long term available for Mo. Concentrations of Ag, As, Cr, Cu and Zn in the 2011 mean and just above the range of long term values. sediment sample were below the ERL Metals water: Concentrations of Ag, As, Cd, Mo, and Zn were below values for the limit 2011 was first year of data collection. No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. One site sampled yearly of quantification (LOQ) for the test run by the lab. Value for Se in Jacks was similar to Drinkwater Creek. Although values for Cr and Cd were higher than world oceans, they were similar to the other creeks sampled; however Jacks had the highest Cr value of the sampled creeks. Porter returned a Fe concentration below the mean of all creeks. For subsequent sample analysis, a new lab with more sensitive capabilities is being sought. JACOBS CREEK Flow: No monitoring occurred. Salinity: Monitors were installed in July and upstream average monthly salinity 2011 was first year of data collection. No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. 2 sites, monitors take ranged from a low of 8.1 psu in September to a high of 15.Op psu in readings every 1.5 hours December while downstream salinity ranged from a low of 8.1 psu in A-2 Appendix A. (continued). 2011 2011 compared to previous monitoring year Post -Mod Alt L data compared to pre -Mod Alt L data September to a high of 15.6 psu in December. Upstream average annual salinity was 11.8 psu and downstream was 12.9 psu. Like Jacks Creek, salinity at the upstream station was more erratic in the July through September period than the downstream station, but by November both stations closely patterned salinity at SS1 although the downstream station began to parallel the SS1 pattern in September. Wetland water level: Neither well recorded a wetland hydroperiod even after Hurricane Irene. 2011 was first year of data collection. No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. Two wells take readings The storm did cause a rise in water level to within 12 inches of the every 1.5 hrs surface, but after a few days in had fallen below -12. Water quality: Sampling began in October 2011, so no seasonal trends can be 2011 was first year of data collection. No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin.. Two sites sampled once discussed for 2011 data. Summary of means and ranges are presented every two weeks below. Water depths (in): 17.7 and 11.0-28.0; Temps (C): 13.9 and 9.7-16.1; Salinity: 14.1 and 11.3-17.0; Conductivity: 18.1 and 14.4-22.5; Turbidity: 1.03 and 0.00-2.00; DO (mg/L): 7.25 and 3.65-10.07; pH: 7.45 and 6.89-7.85; NH4-N: 0.02 and 0.01-0.05; NO3-N: 0.008 and 0.000-0.041; DKN: 1.25 and 0.84-1.60; PN: 0.27 and 0.11-0.62; PO4-P: 0.016 and 0.003-0.042; TDP: 0.04 and 0.02-0.07; PP: 0.09 and 0.04-0.13; Chl a: 13.91 and 3.84-68.89; FLU: 0.41 and 0.37-0.43. Vegetation: Both vegetation strata were sparse. Canopy appeared to have been 2011 was first year of data collection. No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. One transect sampled moderately dense prior to Hurricane Irene. annually Fish: A total of 13 sampling days at Jacobs Creek resulted in a total catch of 2011 was first year of data collection. No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. One site sampled weekly 1,719 fish. A variety of freshwater, estuarine, and saltwater species, the April through June by vast majority juveniles, were captured, representing a total of 16 species. otter trawl Total CPUE was the third lowest among all impact creeks and the fifth highest among all creeks sampled. Total CPUE was significantly higher than Duck Creek and significantly lower than PA2. Daily Shannon score was significantly lower than PA2. The Jaccard coefficient indicated that Jacobs had the most species in common with Little Creek and the Morista-Horn index indicated that among the control creeks, Jacobs was also most similar to Little Creek. Pinfish represented 40.0 percent of the catch, followed by spot at 29.3 percent, and bay anchovy at 10.8 percent. Salinity at Jacobs Creek (surface and bottom) ranged from 10 ppt to 12.4 ppt with a mean of 10.9 ppt. The pH of Jacobs Creek ranged from 7.2 to 8.8, which is in accordance with state water quality guidelines for the maintenance of biological integrity (NCDENR 2007). Measurements of DO in Jacobs Creek ranged from 3.61 mg/L to 12.6 mg/L, with a mean concentration of 8.48 mg/L. Surface levels of DO exhibited no occurrence lower than 5.0 mg/L; measurements of bottom parameters indicated one occurrence (June). A-3 Appendix A. (continued). 2011 2011 compared to previous monitoring year Post -Mod Alt L data compared to pre -Mod Alt L data Benthos: Sweeps: taxa richness and EBIs were among the highest for the year 2011 was first year of data collection. No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. One upstream & one among all creeks. downstream site sampled yearly Ponars (significant differences only): upstream abundance was lower than Duck Creek and downstream abundance was lower than Duck and Muddy Creeks and higher than Long Creek. Upstream Shannon score was higher than Little and Muddy Creeks and downstream score was higher than Long Creek. Metals sediment: All metal concentrations were within the range of values found at other 2011 was first year of data collection. No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. One site sampled yearly creeks in the area. Concentrations of Al, Ag, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mo, Se and Zn were within the range of background values found for the Pamlico River Estuary. Metals water. Concentrations of Ag, As, Cd, Mo, Se, and Zn were below values for the 2011 was first year of data collection. No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. One site sampled yearly limit of quantification (LOQ) for the test run by the lab. Although values for Cr and Cd were higher than world oceans, they were similar to the other creeks sampled. Jacobs returned the lowest Fe concentration of all creeks. For subsequent sample analysis, a new lab with more sensitive ca abilities is being sought. DRINKWATER CREEK Flow: No monitoring occurred. Salinity: Installation of the monitors occurred in June. Upstream monthly average 2011 was first year of data collection. No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. 2 sites, monitors take salinity ranged from a low of 5.0 psu in September to a high of 14.5 psu readings every 1.5 hours in December. Downstream monthly average salinity ranged from a low of 8.4 in September to a high of 15.6 psu in December. Annual average salinity was 10.8 at the upstream monitor and 13.1 at the downstream monitor. Both stations were very similar in their salinity pattern over the period with monthly average salinities typically 2 to 3 psu higher at the downstream station. The upstream station had the widest range of salinity values among all the monitored creeks. Salinity at the upstream station increases with decreasing Tar River discharge, little to no rainfall, and rising water depths which are likely estuarine -influenced wind tides not related to river discharge. When compared to salinity patterns at SS1, salinity at the two monitors in Drinkwater Creek behaved similarly to those in Jacks and Jacobs Creek with erratic spikes at the upstream station early in the data set and a closely parallel pattern by the end of the year at both stations Wetland water level: Two recorded wetland hydroperiods and the third was a few days short 2011 was first year of data collection. No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. Three wells take of a wetland hydroperiod. Hurricane Irene influenced only the well on the readings every 1.5 hrs edge of the creek bed. Water quality: Sampling began in September 2011, so no seasonal trends can be 2011 was first year of data collection. No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. Two sites sampled once discussed for 2011 data. Summary of means and ranges are presented every two weeks below. Water depths (in): 10.03 and 3.25-20.00; Temps (C): 17.9 and 11.5-25.2; Salinity: 6.1 and 0.1-15.8; Conductivity: 8.6 and 0.2-21.3; Turbidity: 3.19 and 0.10-9.10; A-4 Appendix A. (continued). 2011 2011 compared to previous monitoring year Post -Mod Alt L data compared to pre -Mod Alt L data DO (mg/L): 3.80 and 0.37-9.99; pH: 6.50 and 5.70-7.70; NH4-N: 0.04 and 0.01-0.08; NO3-N: 0.002 and 0.000-0.006; DKN: 1.39 and 0.88-2.08; PN: 0.33 and 0.12-0.70; PO4-P: 0.308 and 0.010-1.015; TDP: 0.36 and 0.04-1.08; PP: 0.16 and 0.07-0.36; Chl a: 28.04 and 6.09-77.75; FLU: 0.44 and 0.36-0.56. Vegetation: Cane is the dominant in both strata along with fowl manna grass in the 2011 was first year of data collection. No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. One transect sampled herb layer. Cane is intolerant of brackish conditions while fowl manna annually grass is tolerant. Fairly open moderately dense canopy dominated by swamp chestnut oak. Fish: A total of 13 sampling days at Drinkwater Creek resulted in a total catch 2011 was first year of data collection. No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. One site sampled weekly of 1,745 fish. A variety of freshwater, estuarine, and saltwater species, April through June by the vast majority juveniles, were captured, representing a total of 20 otter trawl species. Total 2011 CPUE was significantly higher than Duck Creek and significantly lower than PA2. Spot represented 28.0 percent of the catch, followed by pinfish at 19.9 percent, and inland silverside at 17.4 percent. Daily Simpson and daily Shannon scores were both significantly higher than Long Creek. Salinity at Drinkwater Creek (surface and bottom) ranged from 10.2 ppt to 12.3 ppt with a mean of 11.0 ppt. The pH of Drinkwater Creek ranged from 7.3 to 8.9, which is in accordance with state water quality guidelines for the maintenance of biological integrity (NCDENR 2007). Measurements of DO in Drinkwater Creek ranged from 4.22 mg/L to 12.31 mg/L, with a mean concentration of 8.38 mg/L. Surface levels of DO exhibited no occurrence lower than 5.0 mg/L; measurements of bottom parameters indicated two occurrences (June). Benthos: Sweeps: downstream taxa richness was the highest of all creeks (40) 2011 was first year of data collection. No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. One upstream & one and upstream was among the top; EBIs were also among the higher downstream site scores. sampled yearly Ponars (significant differences only): upstream abundance was higher than Muddy Creek and downstream abundance was higher than Long Creek and PA2. Upstream Shannon score was higher than Little and Muddy Creeks; the downstream Shannon score was higher than Duck, Little, and Long Creeks and PA2. Metals sediment: All metal concentrations were within the range of values found at other 2011 was first year of data collection. No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. One site sampled yearly creeks in the area. Concentrations of Al, Ag, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mo, Se and Zn were within the range of background values found for the Pamlico River Estuary. Metals water. Concentrations of Ag, As, Cd, Mo, and Zn were below values for the limit 2011 was first year of data collection. No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. One site sampled yearly of quantification (LOQ) for the test run by the lab. Value for Se in Drinkwater was similar to Jacks Creek. Although values for Cr and Cd were higher than world oceans, they were similar to the other creeks sampled. Drinkwater returned a Fe concentration below the mean of all creeks. For subsequent sample analysis, a new lab with more sensitive ca abilities is being sought. A-5 Appendix A. (continued). 2011 2011 compared to previous monitoring year Post -Mod Alt L data compared to pre -Mod Alt L data TOOLEY CREEK Flow: Monitoring ceased in 2010. Monitoring ceased in 2010. Monitoring ceased in 2010. Only one year of post -disturbance monitoring occurred in Tooley Creek and the watershed has not yet been reduced by 10 percent. These two factors reduce the value of a pre- to post -disturbance comparison at this time. Salinity: Upstream salinity ranged from a low of 8.0 psu in September to a high of Due to Hurricane Irene, the lowest salinity in 2011 occurred September Overall, salinities at both monitors were very similar during 2011 and 2 sites, monitors take 14.5 psu in both November and December. Downstream salinity ranged instead of February as in 2010. Average annual salinities at both stations continue to appear to be driven primarily by estuarine influence. readings every 1.5 hours from a low of 10.4 psu in May to a high of 15.8 psu in August (monitor were almost 4 psu higher in 2011 than in 2010. Mann -Whitney comparisons indicate that post -Mod Alt L salinity is was removed prior to Hurricane Irene and pier was destroyed in storm- significantly higher at both Tooley stations than pre -Mod Alt L no data from September - November). Annual upstream average salinity salinity. As reflected at South Creek, Pamlico River, and Muddy was 12.2 psu and downstream was 12.6 psu. Salinities at both monitors Creek, increased salinity is also occurring at locations away from were very similar to each other during 2011 and continue to appear to be any influence or mine activity; a reflection of a regional increase in driven primarily by estuarine influence. Although short term spikes in salinity due to climatic factors or sea -level rise. salinity do occur at TS1, overall salinity at this location appears to have less variation over the same periods than do the upstream stations at Jacks, Jacobs, and Drinkwater Creeks which may be a function of the wider configuration of the creek at the upstream Tooley station and the fact that among the upstream stations, TS1 is located closest to the mouth of the creek. While TS2 salinity does pattern closely with SS1 in the early and mid -year; with the long gap in data due to the hurricane, it is difficult to make similar comparisons between the salinity at TS2 in the latter part of the year with salinity at SS1 or PS1 as has been done for the other creeks. Salinity appears steadier at TS2 than at TS1, but has slighter larger and more frequent troughs than either SS1 or PS1, as would be expected by its landscape position. Wetland water level: All wells exhibited wetland hydroperiods although one had only a Longest hydroperiod in 2010 was 52 percent compared to 62.5 percent in 6 wells take marginal wetland hydroperiod. Wetland hydroperiods began in mid- 2011. Despite the hurricane, less rainfall in the Tooley Creek basin was measurements every 1.5 March with the start of the growing season or in August or September recorded in 2011 than in 2010, evidence of droughty conditions. Post -Mod Alt L means of longest hydroperiod length are lower than hours after the hurricane and some persisted to the end of November. None of Nonetheless, four of the six wells, and likely a fifth which was destroyed, pre -Mod Alt L at 5 of the 6 wells, although one is only slightly lower. the wells had wetland hydroperiods the entire season (256 days) -the had longer hydroperiods in 2011 than in 2010. Only one well recorded a With only two complete years each of pre- and post- data, the longest one was 62.5percent. lower hydroperiod than the same location in 2010. combined years for pre -Mod Alt L and post -Mod Alt L are not significantly different. Wetland water level appears to be influenced by flow, rainfall, overland sheet flow, and estuarine water level, although all wells are not affected by all three factors. Water quality: Sampling occurred throughout the year. Summary of means and ranges Sampling occurred throughout the 2010. Summary of 2010 means and Comparisons of pre- and post -Mod Alt L data are focused on two 3 sites sampled once are presented below. ranges are presented below. (T1 and T3) of the three sampling sites since one site (T2) has no every 2 weeks Water depths (in): 10.25 and 1.00-33.00; Water depths (in): 8.92 and 1.00-32.50; water during much of the summer. Patterns of change are noted Temps (C): 17.7 and 3.8-29.9; Temps (C): 18.4 and 0.2-32.5; below. Salinity: 8.2 and 0.0-16.6; Salinity: 6.3 and 0.1-14.2; Higher salinity and conductivity in post- Mod Alt L period; Conductivity: 12.1 and 0.1-27.5; Conductivity: 9.9 and 0.1-20.9; Higher DO for site T3 in the post -Mod Alt L period; Turbidity: 8.41 and 0.00-40.00; Turbidity: 9.0 and 1.0-24.0 ; Higher DO for site T1 in the pre -Mod Alt L period; DO (mg/L): 4.21 and 0.02-11.00; DO (mg/L): 4.30 and 0.1-11.3; Site T1 had elevated orthophosphate concentrations in two months pH: 6.67 and 4.98-8.16; pH: 6.70 and 5.8-8.0; in the pre -Mod Alt L period and two months in the post mod -Alt L NH4-N: 0.07 and 0.01-1.57; NH4-N: 0.14 and 0.02-0.77; period. NO3-N: 0.018 and 0.000-0.764; NO3-N: 0.033 and 0.001-0.346; DKN: 1.23 and 0.57-2.45; DKN: 1.05 and 0.38-2.51; PN: 0.36 and 0.05-2.54; PN: 0.30 and 0.05-0.90; PO4-P: 0.233 and 0.004-1.209; PO4-P: 0.280 and 0.020-1.029; Appendix A. (continued). 2011 2011 compared to previous monitoring year Post -Mod Alt L data compared to pre -Mod Alt L data TDP: 0.28 and 0.02-1.28; TDP: 0.35 and 0.05-1.25; PP: 0.26 and 0.05-1.24; PP: 0.28 and 0.07-1.86; Chl a: 20.76 and 0.96-192.62; Chl a: 18.92 and 0.00-194.98; FLU: 0.39 and 0.25-0.62. FLU: 0.34 and 0.18-0.46. Vegetation: Debris and damage from Hurricane Irene resulted in only two transects One more species in 2011 in the shrub/vine stratum (four total) than in Herbaceous diversity has remained low over the monitoring years. 4 transects sampled to sample in 2011. There were three dominant herbs (sweetscent, cane, 2010 which had the lowest number of species over the study period. The average number of dominant herbaceous species is slightly yearly and annual saltmarsh aster) and four dominant shrubs/vines (palmetto, Toppled trees from the winds of Hurricane Irene have made the canopy lower post -Mod Alt L at TW3 and TW6, slightly higher at TW4, and eastern baccharis, poison ivy, and muscadine). All species were FAC- or more open than in 2010. The number of dominant species intolerant of the same at TW1. Lizard's tail used to be a common dominant at wetter. brackish conditions increased in 2011 at the two monitored transects. TW1 and TW3 but has not been dominant in the two post -Mod Alt L years. In the shrub layer, cane has become dominant in the post - years but it had always been present in the herbaceous layers in the earlier years. The average number of dominant shrub species post - Mod Alt L is lower than before drainage basin reductions at all transects. Species with an indicator status of FAC- or wetter have dominated Tooley Creek over the pre- and post -Mod Alt L monitoring years Fish: There were a total of 13 sampling days that yielded a total catch of 1,306 Total Tooley CPUE was not significantly lower than 2010. Species Total CPUE was the second lowest over the five year sampling One site sampled weekly fish, representing 13 species. Total CPUE was the second lowest among richness increased by one species in 2011 compared to 2010 and period, preceded by 1999. No significant difference was found April through June by all impact creeks and was significantly lower than PA2. Spot was the abundance decreased more than 5.5 times. Daily Simpson and Shannon between Tooley Creek and Muddy Creek CPUE for combined post - otter trawl most abundant species captured at Tooley Creek, representing 36.7 diversity scores were significantly higher than Muddy Creek in 2010, but Mod Alt L years, combined pre -Mod Alt L years, or between percent of the total catch, followed by pinfish at 35.4 percent, and inland the relationship was not significant in 2011. Both diversity scores slightly individual sampling years. The number of freshwater species, silverside at 11 percent. Daily Simpson was significantly higher than increased in 2011. The Jaccard coefficient indicated that the 2011 including catfish and sunfish, continue to decline as they have Long Creek and daily Shannon was significantly lower than PA2. The sampling of Tooley Creek and the 2010 sampling year had less than half throughout the duration of the study. Total abundance in 2011 was 2011 Jaccard coefficient indicated that 2011 had the most species in of the captured fish species in common (0.32). The Morisita-Horn index not significantly different than total abundance in the pre -Mod Alt L common with the 1999 sample year and with Little Creek among the indicated that the 2011 and 2005 sampling years of Jacks Creek were years. In 2011, both Shannon and Simpson were the second highest 2011 control creeks. The Morista-Horn index indicated that community similar in terms of community overlap (0.78). over duration of sampling period while species richness was the overlap was most similar between 2011 and 2001 sample years in second lowest. Both the pre -Mod Alt L and the post -Mod Alt L daily Tooley Creek itself and most similar between Long and Little among the Simpson and daily Shannon scores are significantly higher in Tooley five control creeks. Salinity at Tooley Creek (surface and bottom) ranged Creek than in Muddy Creek. Mean concentrations of DO were the from 10 ppt to 12.7 ppt with a mean of 11.1 ppt. The pH of Tooley Creek highest experienced over the duration of the sampling period. Tooley ranged from 7.1 to 8.6, which is in accordance with state water quality Creek has been similar to the Muddy Creek reference site (total guidelines for the maintenance of biological integrity (NCDENR 2007). abundance, CPUE, species richness, diversity trends) over the Measurements of DO in Tooley Creek ranged from 4.19 mg/L to 10.41 duration of the sampling period. Due to this similarity, after two mg/L, with a mean concentration of 7.44 mg/L. Surface levels of DO years of post -disturbance monitoring and a small percentage of exhibited one occurrence (May) lower than 5.0 mg/L; measurements of drainage basin reduction (8.7percent), there does not appear to be bottom parameters indicated three occurrences (one in May, two in any relation between basin reduction and the sampled fish June). community in Tooley Creek. Benthos: Sweeps: upstream taxa richness was tied with 1998 for the highest at Upstream sweep EBI in 2011was higher than 2010 and downstream Upstream 2011 sweep EBI is slightly higher than the pre -Mod Alt L One upstream & one this station and the downstream richness was the second highest over sweep EBI was lower than 2010. Ponar EBI in 201 lat both stations was mean for this station and the downstream 2011 EBI was next to downstream site the 9-year period. The upstream EBI score ties the highest value in higher than 2010. Upstream Shannon score in 2011 was lower than 2010 lowest compared to the pre -Mod Alt L years at that station, and sampled yearly previous sampling years in this entire creek. lower than the pre -Mod Alt L mean for this station. Pre -Mod Alt L upstream ponar abundance was higher than post -mod Alt L. Pre- Ponars (significant differences only): upstream abundance was lower Mod Atl L Shannon ponar scores were significantly lower than post - than Duck and Little Creeks and downstream abundance was higher Mod Alt L years. Upstream ponar Shannon score was higher in than Long Creek but lower than Duck Creek. Upstream Shannon score 2011 than the pre -Mod Alt L mean. was higher than Little and Muddy Creeks and the downstream Shannon score was higher than Long Creek. Metals sediment: Only the concentration of Cd was higher than background values for The 2011 Ag value of 0.08 pg/g for Tooley Creek was 50 percent lower The 2011 concentrations of all metals were equal to or below the One site sampled yearly sediments from the local area but below the ERL and unlikely to yield than the value obtained for 2010 and is --12 times lower than the ERL of pre -Mod Alt L mean for sediments from Tooley Creek with the adverse biological effects due to Cd. The concentration of Mo in the 1.0 pg/g. Values for Al, Cr, and Zn were slightly higher in 2011 than in exception of Fe which was 0.04 percent higher in 2011 but within the 2011 sediment sample from Tooley Creek was the lowest value obtained 2010. The value for As was the same as 2010 and the 2011 values for the range of values for the long term mean. to date for this site. No ERL or ERM values are available for Mo. other metals were lower. Concentrations of As, Cr, Cu and Zn in the 2011 sediment sample were A-7 Appendix A. (continued). 2011 2011 compared to previous monitoring year Post -Mod Alt L data compared to pre -Mod Alt L data below the ERL. Metals water: Concentrations of Ag, As, Cd, Mo, and Zn were below values for the limit 2011 was first year of data collection. 2011 was first year of data collection. One site sampled yearly of quantification (LOQ) for the test run by the lab. Although values for Cr and Cd were higher than world oceans, they were similar to the other creeks sampled. Fe concentration in Tooley was above the mean of all creeks and was the third highest. For subsequent sample analysis, a new lab with more sensitive capabilities is being sought. HUDDLES CUT Flow: Monitoring ceased in 2009. Monitoring ceased in 2009 Monitoring ceased in 2009. Salinity: Upstream salinity ranged from a low of 7.1 psu at HS1 and 7.5 psu at Although low water over much of the early part of the year caused gaps in Salinity within Huddles Cut at HS1 and HS2 over the course of the 3 sites, monitors take HS2 in September to highs of 12.8 psu at HS1 and 13.6 psu at HS2 in the salinity data at HS1, it did not record salinity <1 psu as it had in 2010. study has been the lowest among the three creeks with long-term readings every 1.5 hours August. During 2011, annual average salinity was 11.0 psu at the mouth Hurricane Irene also shifted the lowest recorded salinity in 2011 to data (HS3), 9.9 psu at HS2, and 10.3 psu at HS1, the most upstream monitor; September from late winter/early spring as it was in 2010. Average annual Pre -Mod Alt L salinities were significantly lower than post -Mod Alt L however, no data were collected from September through November at 2011 salinity at HS1 was 5.5 psu higher than 2010, was 3 psu higher at at all three Huddles monitors and pre -Mod Alt L salinities at HS2 HS3 which may have affected the annual average. Salinity spikes HS2, and 2,8 psu higher at HS3. were lower than at HS1; however, post -Mod Alt L salinities at HS2 generally corresponded with low Tar River discharge, and usually with were higher than at HS1. Salinities at both SS1 and PS1 salinity rainfall events and increased water levels. control stations for the Huddles pre -Mod Alt L years were significantly higher than the post -Mod Alt L. Total cumulative drainage basin reduction within Huddles Cut is 68.5 percent through 2011. Since the drainage area of the west prong of Huddles Cut, where HS2 is located, is smaller than that of the main prong, it is possible that the west prong has experienced increased salinity levels as a result of drainage area reduction. However, salinity in South Creek, Pamlico River, and Muddy Creek have also increased over the same years which indicate a regional increase in salinity. Wetland water level: In the main prong, most hydroperiods began in March and June or July, The watershed was reduced by an additional 46.5 acres in 2011. Total drainage basin reduction from both Alt E and Mod Alt L is 68.5 20 wells take while in the west prong no hydroperiods occurred in March or June. On the main prong seven wells showed reduced hydroperiods compared percent. No further impacts from Mod -Alt L are expected. measurements every 1.5 All wells in Huddles Cut exhibited wetland hydroperiods although one to 2010, four increased, and one stayed the same at 100 percent of the Baseline years 1999 and 2002 were not included in comparison due hours exhibited a marginal hydroperiod (HWW9). Three wells experienced a growing season. However, when compared to 2010 hydroperiods overall, to lack of data for the majority of the growing season. Although hydroperiod for the entire growing season. The average longest 55 percent of the wells (11) in Huddles Cut had shorter hydroperiods. rainfall has been similar to 2000 and 2001, average hydroperiods hydroperiod length on the west prong was 42 percent of the growing The wells that exhibited reduced hydroperiods when compared to 2010 have decreased, particularly in the last few years. The number of season, compared to 62 percent for the wells on the main prong had an average reduction of 33 percent, less than the average reduction in wells with wetland hydroperiods which last the entire growing 2010 of 48 percent. Eight wells exhibited longer hydroperiods than 2010. season has decreased in post -Mod Alt L years (three in 2011 vs seven in 2010). Reduced hydroperiods in 2007 and 2008 occurred in conjunction with regional drought conditions; conditions which have persisted intermittently for various portions of both 2010 and 2011. When all pre -Mod Alt L years and wells are combined and all post - Mod Alt L years and wells are combined for the main prong of Huddles Cut, the mean longest hydroperiod length (days) is not significantly different (p>0.05); also the case for the western prong (p>0.05), although the means are lower post -Mod Alt L. The hydroperiod length (days) for pre -Mod Alt L years of the main prong versus the west prong are significantly different from each other (p<0.001) as well as post -Mod Alt L hydroperiod length (days) between the main and west prongs (p<0.001). This indicates the main and west prongs represent two systems that were different from each other from the beginning of monitoring and have remained different. WE Appendix A. (continued). 2011 2011 compared to previous monitoring year Post -Mod Alt L data compared to pre -Mod Alt L data Wetland water level appears to be influenced by flow, rainfall, overland sheet flow, and estuarine water level, although all wells are not affected by all three factors. In recent years, rainfall appears to have less influence on Huddles Cut hydroperiods. Water quality: Sampling occurred throughout the year. Summary of means and ranges Sampling occurred throughout 2010. Summary of 2010 means and Patterns of change are noted below. 4 sites sampled once are presented below. ranges are presented below. Sites H3 and H4 showed decreases in water depths during three every 2 weeks Water depths (in): 4.95 and 0.75-12.50; Water depths (in): 4.92 and 0.25-18.00; and four months; respectively, during the post -Mod Alt L period. Temps (C): 18.1 and 4.1-32.5; Temps (C): 16.2 and 1.2-29.4; Most sites had lower DO values in the post -Mod Alt L period. All four Salinity: 8.2 and 1.2-14.7; Salinity: 4.46 and 0.1-10.83; monitoring sites had higher salinities and conductivity in the post - Conductivity: 12.6 and 1.7-25.6; Conductivity: 7.0 and 0.1-18.1; Mod Alt L period, which is a pattern similar to other monitoring sites Turbidity: 10.96 and 0.00-120.00; Turbidity: 38.0 and 1.00-362.00; during the same period. DO (mg/L): 3.84 and 0.08-10.89; DO (mg/L): 2.90 and 0.2-16.5; pH: 6.51 and 5.11-7.85; pH: 6.4 and 5.0-8.0; NH4-N: 0.29 and 0.02-3.52; NH4-N: 0.40 and 0.02-2.35; NO3-N: 0.013 and 0.000-0.341; NO3-N: 0.018 and 0.000-0.082; DKN: 1.47 and 0.67-3.01; DKN: 1.46 and 0.52-5.04; PN: 0.55 and 0.08-4.30; PN: 0.64 and 0.07-5.84; PO4-P: 0.328 and 0.032-1.309; PO4-P: 0.430 and 0.041-2.733; TDP: 0.37 and 0.07-1.35; TDP: 0.50 and 0.08-1.86; PP: 0.29 and 0.05-0.66; PP: 0.28 and 0.03-1.03; Chl a: 38.14 and 1.67-380.21; Chl a: 47.03 and 0.67-421.86; FLU: 0.41 and 0.19-0.99. FLU: 0.37 and 0.19-0.68. Vegetation: When compared to 2010, the three midstream transects experienced a The average number of dominant herbaceous species at each 12 transects sampled Main prong was not sampled due to effects of Hurricane Irene. Poison decrease in the percentage of dominant species considered solely transect is similar between pre- and post -Mod Alt L years (years yearly ivy, sweetscent, and dog fennel were dominant in two of the transects in freshwater species in 2011, while the downstream transect experienced an grouped). Dominant shrub species identified in 2011 were similar to the west prong, but whorled pennywort was not a dominant in any increase, the first increase at that transect since 2007. Whorled the combined previous monitoring years. For percent of species transect. The overstory at most transects is fairly open with a dense pennywort was a common dominant in 2010 but not dominant at any intolerant of brackish conditions, the means of all transects are lower understory dominated by wax myrtle; however, the wax myrtles are transects in 2011. Average salinity at all three Huddles Cut monitors was post -Mod Alt L, but the ranges at three of the four transects are beginning to die. Dominant overstory trees included red maple, swamp higher for most months in 2011 compared to 2010 and may have affected largely within the ranges for pre -Mod Alt L years. Overall, 2011 tupelo, and green ash with a scattering of American elm and laurel oak some of the herbaceous species present. showed the lowest percentage of species considered exclusively along some transects. Overall, 2011 showed the lowest percentage of fresh water species and one of the smallest ranges of percentages species considered exclusively fresh water and one of the smallest compared to other years. Along with 2007, 2011 was one of the ranges of percentages compared to other years most different years in the study period in that aquatics present before were not present or a previous dominant at a transect was no longer dominant. These differences may be largely driven by drought in the case of the lack of aquatics and changes in light availability driven by differences in the amount of open canopy or nearby mine activities such as timber removal. Average salinity at all three Huddles Cut monitors was higher for most months in 2011 compared to 2010 and also tended to be higher than all pre -Mod Alt L years combined. Despite large differences in the frequency and duration of flooding between downstream and upstream transects, all transects clearly were dominated by wetland vegetation in all years. Fish: A total of 13 sampling days at Huddles Cut resulted in a total catch of Total abundance and CPUE for 2011 in Huddles Cut was more similar to Comparisons of CPUE for individual fish species indicated that spot One site sampled weekly 9,070 fish. A variety of freshwater, estuarine, and saltwater species, the 2010 than 2010 was to 2009. Mummichog, spot, and Atlantic menhaden catch in 2011 was significantly lower than the combined pre -Mod Alt April -June with fyke nets vast majority juveniles, were captured, representing a total of 23 species. were most abundant in 2010. Species richness increased from the 19 L years and that pre -Mod Alt L catch was significantly higher than Catch -per -unit -effort (CPUE) for all fish species in Huddles Cut in 2011 species captured in 2010 to 23 species in 2011. Both Simpson's and post -Mod Alt L catch. The opposite is true for mummichog, as these was not significantly different compared to that of the combined pre -Mod Shannon diversity indices scores for 2010 were slightly higher than 2011. same comparisons resulted in lower significance. CPUE for striped Alt L sampling years of 1999-2005 and 2007-2009. Mummichog, striped The Jaccard coefficient indicated that the 2011 sampling of Huddles Cut mullet was significantly higher in pre -Mod Alt L years compared to 09 Appendix A. (continued). 2011 2011 compared to previous monitoring year Post -Mod Alt L data compared to pre -Mod Alt L data mullet, and spot were the most abundant species captured at Huddles and the 2010 sampling year had just over half of the captured fish species 2011 but there was no significant difference between pre- and post - Cut in the 2011 sampling year, with mummichog accounting for 68.5 in common (0.56). The Morisita-Horn index indicated that the 2011 and years. Conversely, the CPUE for pumpkinseed in the combined pre - percent of the total catch. Typically, CPUE for both spot and mummichog 2010 sampling years of Huddles Cut were very similar in terms of Mod Alt L years was not significant compared to 2011 but pre -Mod dominate total catch and highly influence total CPUE of all species for community overlap (0.92). Mean salinity almost doubled in 2011 Alt L years were significantly higher than the post -Mod Alt L years. each year. Although total spot catch was low for 2011, these two species compared to 2010 (4.9 to 9.2 ppt) and mean DO was slightly lower in 2011 All freshwater species continue to decline since the first sampling alone accounted for 76.3 percent of the total catch. Salinity ranged from than in 2010. year of 1999. Total abundance, CPUE, and species richness 5.7 ppt to 12.1 ppt with a mean of 9.2 ppt. The pH of Huddles Cut in continue to remain higher than the Muddy Creek control site. After a 2011 ranged from 6.6 to 8.4, which is in accordance with state water 68.5 percent reduction in the drainage basin of Huddles Cut and two quality guidelines for the maintenance of biological integrity (NCDENR years of post -Mod Alt L data, there is no statistical relation to 2007). DO at Huddles Cut in 2011 displayed expected seasonal patterns, drainage basin reduction, as diversity trends were similar at Muddy with the lowest DO generally recorded in the warmer months. The DO in Creek, and years between both sites were found to be statistically Huddles Cut was typically lower upon net retrieval compared to net comparable. Mean concentrations of DO recorded in post - deployment. This discrepancy in DO may be partially explained by lack disturbance years remained higher than those experienced in the of photosynthesis and lower water levels due to wind tides on the pre -disturbance sampling years. mornings of net retrieval. Measurements of DO in Huddles Cut ranged from 0.77 mg/L to 9.33 mg/L, with a mean concentration of 4.70 mg/L. At the time of net deployment, there were no occurrences of DO lower than 5.0 mg/L and at net retrieval there were eleven occurrences (four in April, three in May, four in June) of DO lower than 5.0 mg/L. Benthos: Sweeps: upstream taxa richness was the highest over the 8-year period Downstream sweep taxa richness was tied with 2010 for fewest species. The mean of EBI 2011 sweep scores for both Huddles Cut stations One upstream and one although downstream richness equaled 2000 and 2010 for the fewest were higher for the two post -Mod Alt L years compared to the six downstream site species. Downstream EBI was the highest 2011 score among all creeks pre -Mod Alt L years. sampled yearly and upstream EBI was the second highest over the 8-year period. When years are compared, no year is significantly different than either 2010 or 2011 at either ponar station. No significant difference Ponar s (significant differences only): upstream abundance was lower was found for combined pre -Mod Alt L years compared to 2011, or than Duck, Little and Long Creeks and downstream abundance was combined pre- to post -Mod Alt L years at the upstream ponar higher than Little and Long Creeks and PA2. Upstream Shannon score station; however 2011 was significantly higher than the pre -Mod Alt was higher than Little and Muddy and lower than Duck and Long Creeks L years. The 2011 abundance was significantly higher at the and PA2. downstream Muddy Creek station than at that station in the Huddles Cut pre -Mod Alt L years. Results from a similar comparison of u stream stations showed no statistically significant difference. Metals sediment: The sample was predominantly quartz sand with little or no clay. Quartz Sediment was predominantly quartz sand as in 2010 and concentrations As a result of a shift in recent years to predominantly quartz sand, One site sampled yearly sand generally contains very low metal concentrations. All of the 10 were very similar to concentrations obtained in 2010. Eight of the 10 post -Mod Alt L concentrations of Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mo, Se and metal concentrations for the 2011 sample from Huddles Cut were well metals slightly decreased (Zn decreased by more than a factor of six), one Zn in the sediment are more than 20 times lower than below sediment quality criteria and are of no environmental concern for increased by a factor of two (Fe), and one stayed the same. concentrations obtained during pre -Mod Alt L years. metals. Metals water: Concentrations of Ag, As, Cd, Mo, Se, and Zn were below values for the 2011 was first year of data collection. 2011 was first year of data collection. One site sampled yearly limit of quantification (LOQ) for the test run by the lab. Values for Cr and Cd were higher than world oceans but similar to the other creeks sampled; however, Huddles did return the lowest value for Cr of all sampled creeks. Fe concentration in Huddles was below the mean of all creeks. For subsequent sample analysis, a new lab with more sensitive ca abilities is being sought. PORTER CREEK Flow: The most upstream meter recorded 6 events over 26 calendar days; the 2011 was first year of data collection. No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. Two low flow meters longest consecutive event was 17 days in duration. The downstream take —72 readings/day meter in Porter recorded 9 events over 19 calendar days; the longest consecutive event was 5 days in duration. A-10 Appendix A. (continued). 2011 2011 compared to previous monitoring year Post -Mod Alt L data compared to pre -Mod Alt L data Salinity: Monitors were installed in July. Upstream monthly average salinity 2011 was first year of data collection. No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. Two sites, monitors take ranged from a low of 9.4 psu in October to a high of 13.1 psu in readings every 1.5 hrs December. Downstream monthly average salinity ranged from a low of 6.0 psu in September to a high of 13.6 in July. Annual average monthly upstream salinity was 11.7 and 11.4 at the downstream monitor. With the exception of July, the two monitors had very similar salinities over the period with monthly average salinities often nearly equal at the two locations. Overall salinity in Porter Creek in 2011 appeared similar to Jacks and the upstream Jacobs stations but less similar to Duck Creek, which was selected as control creek for Porter Creek based on geomorphic similarities between the two. Depths at PCS1 were typically deeper than at PCS2 and salinity at PCS1 usually increased as depth increased and discharge decreased, indicating estuarine influence from wind tides; however, when there was local rainfall, salinity would decrease. The same pattern was true for PCS2, although the troughs attributable to local rain events were usually less pronounced with smaller storms than at PCS1. Wetland water level: All wells recorded wetland hydroperiods, with the most downstream array 2011 was first year of data collection. No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. Nine wells take readings experiencing the longest hydroperiods. Most hydroperiods were every 1.5 hrs between 15 and 16 percent of the growing season. Water quality: Sampling began in December 2011, so no seasonal trends can be 2011 was first year of data collection. No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. Two sites sampled once discussed for 2011 data. Summary of means and ranges are presented every two weeks below. Water depths (in): 19.9 and 19.5-20.25; Temps (C): 13.8 and 13.8-13.8; Salinity: 7.1 and 0.1-14.0; Conductivity: 9.2 and 0.1-18.2; Turbidity: 3.8 and 1.3-6.3; DO (mg/L): 5.34 and 2.6-8.07; pH: 6.99 and 6.4-7.57; NH4-N: 0.02 and 0.01-0.03; NO3-N: 0.005 and 0.004-0.007; DKN: 0.78 and 0.49-1.07; PN: 0.12 and 0.06-0.17; PO4-P: 0.044 and 0.016-0.071; TDP: 0.07 and 0.04-0.10; PP: 0.04 and 0.04-0.04; Chl a: 3.84 and 0.00-7.69; FLU: 0.28 and 0.16-0.40. Vegetation: Both transects had sparse herbaceous and shrub layers. Neither 2011 was first year of data collection. No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. Two transects sampled transect had any dominant species with a FAC- or upland status or a annually tolerance to brackish conditions. Cane was a dominant in both strata at both transects. The canopy area near the downstream transect was affected by Hurricane Irene and had several toppled large trees. Fish: A total of 13 sampling days at Porter Creek resulted in a total catch of 2011 was first year of data collection. No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. One site sampled weekly 665 fish. A variety of freshwater, estuarine, and saltwater species, the April through June by vast majority juveniles, were captured, representing a total of 10 species. otter trawl Total 2011 CPUE was the lowest among all impact creeks and second lowest for all creeks. Like all creeks, 2011 CPUE was significantly lower A-11 Appendix A. (continued). 2011 2011 compared to previous monitoring year Post -Mod Alt L data compared to pre -Mod Alt L data than PA2. Bay anchovy represented 60 percent of the catch, followed by spot at 18.4 percent, and Atlantic menhaden at 11.9 percent. Daily Shannon scores were significantly less than both Little Creek and PA2. The Jaccard coefficient indicated that Porter had the most species in common with both Long and Duck Creeks. The Morista-Horn index indicated that Porter and Muddy were most similar in terms of community overlap. Salinity at Porter Creek (surface and bottom) ranged from 6.0 ppt to 10.6 ppt with a mean of 8.2 ppt. The pH of Porter Creek ranged from 6.8 to 8.0, which is in accordance with state water quality guidelines for the maintenance of biological integrity (NCDENR 2007). Measurements of DO in Porter Creek ranged from 3.29 mg/L to 10.26 mg/L, with a mean concentration of 6.35 mg/L. Surface levels of DO exhibited no occurrence lower than 5.0 mg/L; measurements of bottom parameters indicated six occurrences (one in April, one in May, and four in June). Benthos: Sweeps: taxa richness at both stations was in the mid -range of the other 2011 was first year of data collection. No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. One upstream & one creeks and EBIs were both under 2.0 and among the lower scores. downstream site sampled yearly Ponars (significant differences only): upstream abundance was higher than Long and Muddy Creeks and downstream abundance was higher than Long Creek but lower than Duck and Muddy Creeks. Upstream Shannon score was higher than Little and Muddy Creeks and downstream Shannon score was lower than all control creeks except Lon Creek. Metals sediment: All metal concentrations were within the range of values found at other 2011 was first year of data collection. No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. One site sampled yearly creeks in the area. Concentrations of Al, Ag, As, Cr, Cu, Mo, Se and Zn were within the range of background values found for the Pamlico River Estuary. Concentrations of Cd in Porter Creek were above background values from the Pamlico River Estuary but were below the ERL. Metals water: Concentrations of Ag, As, Cd, Mo, and Zn were below values for the limit 2011 was first year of data collection. No Mod Alt L impacts have occurred in this basin. One site sampled yearly of quantification (LOQ) for the test run by the lab. Value for Se in Porter was similar to Duck Creek and was the fourth highest of the sampled creeks. Although values for Cr and Cd were higher than world oceans, they were similar to the other creeks sampled. Porter returned a Fe concentration below the mean of all creeks. For subsequent sample analysis, a new lab with more sensitive capabilities is being sought. CONTROL CREEKS SOUTH CREEK Salinity: Compared to 2010, salinity patterns followed similar trends to 2010 with Salinity at SS1 for the two post -Mod Alt L years for Tooley and 1 site, monitor takes Monthly average salinity ranged from a low of 7.5 psu in September to a the exception of Hurricane Irene which shifted the normal lowest salinity Huddles was significantly higher compared to the pre -Mod Alt L readings every 1.5 hours high of 15.6 in December and the annual average was 11.6 psu. Salinity period from February to September. years for Tooley Creek and significantly lower than Huddles Cut was very similar to Pamlico River (PS1) and appears predominantly while the mean and median for 2011 at SS1 was higher than any of inversely related with Tar River discharge, especially for river increases the groupings of pre -Mod Alt L years. or decreases of longer duration. Lowest salinity occurred in September (7.5 psu) with passage of Hurricane Irene and the highest salinity occurred in December (15.6 psu); annual average salinity was 11.6 psu. A-12 Appendix A. (continued). 2011 2011 compared to previous monitoring year Post -Mod Alt L data compared to pre -Mod Alt L data PA2 Salinity: The salinity monitor was installed in July. Monthly average salinity 2011 was first year of data collection. 2011 was first year of data collection. 2 sites, monitors take ranged from a low of 8.0 psu in September to a high of 15.4 psu in readings every 1.5 hours December and average annual salinity was 12.9 psu. Salinity at the PA2 monitor closely paralleled the downstream Drinkwater Creek monitor for most months. Salinity at the PA2S1 monitor was less erratic in July and August than either upstream monitor in Jacks or Jacobs Creek, as would be expected by its position in the system. Its salinity pattern was similar to SS1 from July through October, but more closely matches SS1 from November to December. Water quality Sampling began in October 2011, so no seasonal trends can be 2011 was first year of data collection. 2011 was first year of data collection. Two sites sampled once discussed for 2011 data. Summary of means and ranges are presented every two weeks below. Water depths (in): 22.04 and 10.00-34.00; Temps (C): 15.5 and 11.2-20.8; Salinity: 13.7 and 11.4-17.0; Conductivity: 18.5 and 15.5-22.6; Turbidity: 1.30 and 0.00-4.80; DO (mg/L): 6.67 and 0.99-9.94; pH: 7.38 and 6.76-7.89; NH4-N: 0.02 and 0.01-0.04; NO3-N: 0.002 and 0.000-0.004; DKN: 1.34 and 1.15-1.61; PN: 0.26 and 0.12-1.19; PO4-P: 0.015 and 0.003-0.042; TDP: 0.04 and 0.02-0.08; PP: 0.10 and 0.04-0.25; Chl a: 16.02 and 4.49-87.58; FLU: 0.42 and 0.39-0.47. Fish: A total of 13 sampling days at PA2 resulted in a total catch of 4,649 fish. 2011 was first year of data collection. 2011 was first year of data collection. One site sampled weekly A variety of freshwater, estuarine, and saltwater species, the vast April through June by majority juveniles, were captured, representing a total of 19 species. The otter trawl total 2011 CPUE was the highest among all control creeks and second highest for all creeks. The CPUE was significantly higher than all five impact creeks. Eastern mudminnow represented 33.6 percent of the catch, followed by rainwater killifish at 119.6 percent, and spot at 17.1 percent. Shannon daily diversity scores were PA2 were significantly higher than Jacobs, Tooley, and Porter Creeks. Salinity at PA2 (surface and bottom) ranged from 10.3 ppt to 12.8 ppt with a mean of 11.2 ppt. The pH of PA2 ranged from 7.2 to 8.9, which is in accordance with state water quality guidelines for the maintenance of biological integrity (NCDENR 2007). Measurements of DO in PA2 ranged from 2.94 mg/L to 12.84 mg/L, with a mean concentration of 8.20 mg/L. Surface levels of DO exhibited two occurrences lower than 5.0 mg/L (June); measurements of bottom parameters indicated one occurrence (June). Benthos: Sweeps: taxa richness and EBIs for PA2 were among the highest for the 2011 was first year of data collection. 2011 was first year of data collection. One upstream & one year among all creeks. downstream site sampled yearly Ponars (significant differences only): downstream abundance was lower than Drinkwater Creek and Huddles Cut. Upstream Shannon score was higher than Huddles Cut and downstream was lower than Drinkwater Creek but higher than Porter Creek. A-13 Appendix A. (continued). 2011 2011 compared to previous monitoring year Post -Mod Alt L data compared to pre -Mod Alt L data Metals -sediment: All metal concentrations in the PA2 sample were low, most likely due to 2011 was first year of data collection. 2011 was first year of data collection. One site sampled yearly the presence of sandy sediments and all were within the range of values found at other creeks in the area. Concentrations of Al, Ag, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mo, Se and Zn were within the range of background values found for the Pamlico River Estuary. Metals -water: Concentrations of Ag, As, Cd, Mo, and Zn were below values for the limit 2011 was first year of data collection. 2011 was first year of data collection. One site sampled yearly of quantification (LOQ) for the test run by the lab. Value for Se in PA2 was the second highest of the sampled creeks after Muddy. Although values for Cr and Cd were higher than world oceans, they were similar to the other creeks sampled. PA2 returned a Fe concentration below the mean of all creeks. For subsequent sample analysis, a new lab with more sensitive capabilities is being sought. LITTLE CREEK Salinity: Monitors were installed in June. Upstream monthly average salinity 2011 was first year of data collection. 2011 was first year of data collection. 2 sites, monitors take ranged from a low of 4.2 psu in September to a high of 12.6 psu in readings every 1.5 hours December. Downstream monthly average salinity ranged from a low of 7.8 psu in September to a high of 15.7 in December. Average annual upstream salinity was 9.4 psu and 12.3 psu at the downstream location. Salinity at the both Little Creek stations appeared to more closely correspond to rainfall than to variations in Tar River discharge, although with only half a year of data that may not hold true for all year. Salinity patterns at the downstream station were more similar to SS1 than the u stream station by the end of the year. Water quality: Sampling began in November 2011, but water was present only in 2011 was first year of data collection. 2011 was first year of data collection. Two sites sampled once December, so no seasonal trends can be discussed for 2011 data. every two weeks Summary of means and ranges are presented below. Water depths (in): 11.3 and 7.0-17.0; Temps (C): 13.6 and 10.8-16.5; Salinity: 13.4 and 8.9-16.0; Conductivity: 17.2 and 12.7-21.1; Turbidity: 1.39 and 0.20-2.40; DO (mg/L): 8.18 and 3.71-9.87; pH: 7.40 and 6.92-7.65; NH4-N: 0.03 and 0.01-0.07; NO3-N: 0.008 and 0.003-0.021; DKN: 1.22 and 0.99-1.32; PN: 0.28 and 0.11-0.66; PO4-P: 0.019 and 0.005-0.047; TDP: 0.04 and 0.02-0.07; PP: 0.07 and 0.05-0.08; Chl a: 15,86 and 4.49-38.77; FLU: 0.38 and 0.35-0.42. Fish: A total of 13 sampling days at Little Creek resulted in a total catch of 2011 was first year of data collection. 2011 was first year of data collection. One site sampled weekly 1,186 fish. A variety of freshwater, estuarine, and saltwater species, the April through June by vast majority juveniles, were captured, representing a total of 18 species. otter trawl Total 2011 CPUE was the third highest among all control creeks and was not significantly different than any of the impact creeks. Shannon daily scores were significantly higher than Porter Creek but daily Simpson scores were not significantly different than any of the impact creeks. The A-14 Appendix A. (continued). 2011 2011 compared to previous monitoring year Post -Mod Alt L data compared to pre -Mod Alt L data Jaccard coefficient indicated Little Creek and Jacks Creek had the most species in common; the Morista-Horn index indicated that community overlap was also most similar between these two creeks. Spot represented 38.1 percent of the catch, followed by bay anchovy at 24 percent, and Atlantic menhaden at 19.7 percent. Salinity at Little Creek (surface and bottom) ranged from 10.1 ppt to 12.3 ppt with a mean of 10.7 ppt. The pH of Little Creek ranged from 7.3 to 8.9, which is in accordance with state water quality guidelines for the maintenance of biological integrity (NCDENR 2007). Measurements of DO in Little Creek ranged from 2.91 mg/L to 8.66 mg/L, with a mean concentration of 6.45 mg/L. Surface levels of DO exhibited no occurrence lower than 5.0 mg/L; measurements of bottom parameters indicated three occurrences (one in April and two in June). Benthos: Sweeps: taxa richness was similar to Long Creek, although upstream vs 2011 was first year of data collection. 2011 was first year of data collection. One upstream & one downstream were reversed for which station was higher in the two downstream site creeks. EBI scores were also close to Long Creek, but Little Creek's sampled yearly scores were both over 2.0. Ponars (significant differences only): upstream abundance was higher than Tooley Creek and downstream was lower than Huddles Cut. Upstream Shannon score was lower than all impact creeks and downstream Shannon was lower than Drinkwater Creek but higher than Porter Creek. Metals sediment: All metal concentrations were within the range of values found at other 2011 was first year of data collection. 2011 was first year of data collection. One site sampled yearly creeks in the area. Concentrations of Al, Ag, As, Cr, Cu, Mo, Se and Zn were within the range of background values found for the Pamlico River Estuary. Concentrations of Cd in Little Creek were above background values from the Pamlico River Estuary but were below the ERL. Metals water. Concentrations of Ag, As, Cd, Mo, Se, and Zn were below values for the 2011 was first year of data collection. 2011 was first year of data collection. One site sampled yearly limit of quantification (LOQ) for the test run by the lab. Although values for Cr and Cd were higher than world oceans, they were similar to the other creeks sampled. Little returned a Fe concentration below the mean of all creeks. For subsequent sample analysis, a new lab with more sensitive capabilities is being sought. LONG CREEK Flow: No monitoring occurred. Salinity: Monitors were installed in July. Upstream monthly average salinity 2011 was first year of data collection. 2011 was first year of data collection. 2 sites, monitors take ranged from a low of 9.6 psu to a high of 15.5 psu in December. readings every 1.5 hours Downstream monthly average salinity ranged from a low of 8.3 psu in September to a high of 15.5 in December. Annual average upstream salinity was 13.2 psu and 13.1 psu at the downstream station. The two monitors had very similar salinities over the period with monthly average salinities often equal at the two locations; likely due to close proximity between the two monitors. The means and medians were similar to the other stations. Wetland water level: Both wells exhibited wetland hydroperiods. The longest hydroperiod 2011 was first year of data collection. 2011 was first year of data collection. Two wells take readings occurred between August and November over 41 percent (well 1 B) and every 1.5 hrs 35 percent well 2B of the growing season. A-15 Appendix A. (continued). 2011 2011 compared to previous monitoring year Post -Mod Alt L data compared to pre -Mod Alt L data Water quality: Sampling began in November 2011, so no seasonal trends can be 2011 was first year of data collection. 2011 was first year of data collection. Two sites sampled once discussed for 2011 data. Summary of means and ranges are presented every two weeks below. Water depths (in): 18.9 and 16.0-21.0; Temps (C): 14.6 and 11.7-16.9; Salinity: 16.1 and 15.2-17.1; Conductivity: 21.0 and 18.9-23.2; Turbidity: 1.93 and 0.1-6.5; DO (mg/L): 8.97 and 7.40-10.10; pH: 7.90 and 7.80-8.04; NH4-N: 0.02 and 0.02-0.02; NO3-N: 0.003 and 0.000-0.005; DKN: 1.38 and 1.20-1.65; PN: 0.19 and 0.07-0.34; PO4-P: 0.008 and 0.005-0.013; TDP: 0.03 and 0.03-0.03; PP: 0.06 and 0.03-0.09; Chl a: 5.81 and 1.92-11.29; FLU: 0.43 and 0.41-0.45. Vegetation: The single transect was dominated by cane and Nepalese browntop in 2011 was first year of data collection. 2011 was first year of data collection. One transect sampled the herbaceous layer and wax myrtle in the shrub and woody vine layer annually None of the dominants were FAC- or upland species and only one species (wax myrtle) was considered tolerant of brackish conditions Fish: A total of 13 sampling days at Long Creek resulted in a total catch of 2011 was first year of data collection. 2011 was first year of data collection. One site sampled weekly 1,613 fish. A variety of freshwater, estuarine, and saltwater species, the April through June by vast majority juveniles, were captured, representing a total of 12 species. otter trawl Total 2011 CPUE was the second highest among all control creeks and sixth highest among all creeks; CPUE was not significantly different than any of the impact creeks. Spot represented 52 percent of the catch, followed by Atlantic menhaden at 25.2 percent, and bay anchovy at 16.7 percent. Daily Simpson scores were significantly lower in Long Creek than Jacks, Drinkwater, and Tooley Creeks; daily Shannon scores were also significantly lower than both Jacks and Drinkwater Creeks. the Jaccard coefficient indicated that Long and Porter Creek have the most species in common and these same two creeks were very similar in community overlap as indicated by Morista-Horn index. Salinity at Long Creek (surface and bottom) ranged from 9.83 ppt to 13 ppt with a mean of 11.1 ppt. The pH of Long Creek ranged from 7.1 to 8.7, which is in accordance with state water quality guidelines for the maintenance of biological integrity (NCDENR 2007). Measurements of DO in Long Creek ranged from 2.25 mg/L to 10.3 mg/L, with a mean concentration of 6.65 mg/L. Surface levels of DO exhibited no occurrence lower than 5.0 mg/L; measurements of bottom parameters indicated five occurrences (one in Ma and four in June). Benthos: Sweeps: - taxa richness was similar to Little Creek, although upstream 2011 was first year of data collection. 2011 was first year of data collection. One upstream & one vs downstream were reversed for which was higher in the two creeks. downstream site EBIs were also close to Little Creek, but Long Creek's scores were both sampled yearly below 2.0. Ponars (significant differences only): upstream abundance was higher than Huddles Cut and lower than Porter Creek and downstream A-16 Appendix A. (continued). 2011 2011 compared to previous monitoring year Post -Mod Alt L data compared to pre -Mod Alt L data abundance was lower than all impact creeks. Upstream Shannon score was higher than Huddles Cut and downstream Shannon score was lower than all impact creeks. Metals sediment: All metal concentrations were within the range of values found at other 2011 was first year of data collection. 2011 was first year of data collection. One site sampled yearly creeks in the area. Concentrations of Al, Ag, As, Cr, Cu, Mo, Se and Zn were within the range of background values found for the Pamlico River Estuary. Concentrations of Cd in Long Creek were above background values from the Pamlico River Estuary but below the ERL. Metals water. Concentrations of Ag, As, Cd, Mo, Se, and Zn were below values for the 2011 was first year of data collection. 2011 was first year of data collection. One site sampled yearly limit of quantification (LOQ) for the test run by the lab. Although values for Cr and Cd were higher than world oceans, they were similar to the other creeks sampled. Long returned a Fe concentration below the mean of all creeks. For subsequent sample analysis, a new lab with more sensitive capabilities is being sought. PAMLICO SOUND Salinity: Average annual salinity at this site in 2011 is almost 4 psu higher than in Like SS1, Mann -Whitney comparisons indicate PS1 salinity for the 1 site, monitor take Average monthly salinities at PS1 ranged from a low of 8.2 psu in 2010. Like all monitors, Hurricane Irene shifted the lowest salinity reading combined Tooley Creek pre -Mod Alt L years was significantly lower readings every 1.5 hours September to a high of 15.5 psu in August with the average annual in 2011 to September, in contrast to February in 2010. than the two years of post -Mod Alt L data at PS1 while salinity for salinity at 12.0 psu. Like SS1, the water levels varied but were the combined Huddles Creek pre -Mod Alt L years was significantly consistently deep enough for readings and the data set is the second higher than the post -Mod Alt L data. Long-term monthly and 2011 most complete of all the monitors. Water depths are greatest at this salinities show a similar pattern to SS1 and the other monitored station and while salinity increases as discharge decreases and creeks with long-term data. decreases with local rainfall, it is inconsistent with changes in depth. MUDDY CREEK Fish: A total of 13 sampling days at Muddy Creek resulted in a total catch of Total abundance and CPUE for 2011 was 4.5 times lower than 2010. One site sampled weekly 1,079 fish. A variety of freshwater, estuarine, and saltwater species, the Species richness increased from 13 species captured in 2010 to 17 April through June by vast majority juveniles, were captured, representing a total of 17 species. species in 2011. Spot and pinfish were most abundant in 2010. The otter trawl Total 2011 CPUE was the second lowest among all control creeks, third Jaccard coefficient indicated that the 2011 sampling of Muddy Creek and Species richness is tied for second highest for all years with 1999 lowest for all creeks, and was not significantly different than any impact the 2010 sampling year had less than half of the captured fish species in although total abundance is the second lowest for all 12 years. Both creek. Spot represented 37 percent of the catch, followed by bay common (0.43). The Morisita-Horn index indicated that the 2011 and 2010 Simpson and Shannon scores were the highest over the duration of anchovy at 34 percent, and inland silverside at 11.7 percent. Salinity at sampling years of Muddy Creek were similar in terms of community sampling. Muddy Creek (surface and bottom) ranged from 9.5 ppt to 13.7 ppt with a overlap (0.67). Both 2011 Simpson's and Shannon's indices scores mean of 11.4 ppt. The pH of Muddy Creek ranged from 7.2 to 8.5, which increased from the 2010 sampling year. Mean salinity was almost twice as The 2011 CPUE for spot is significantly lower compared to the is in accordance with state water quality guidelines for the maintenance high in 2011 as in 2010 while DO was comparable between the two years. combined pre -Mod Alt L years but there is no significance between of biological integrity (NCDENR 2007). Measurements of DO in Muddy pre- and post- year for this species. Conversely, for Atlantic Creek ranged from 3.97 mg/L to 10.22 mg/L, with a mean concentration menhaden, only the pre- vs post- comparison is significant with the of 6.89 mg/L. Surface levels of DO exhibited no occurrence lower than pre- years lower than the post- years. The number of freshwater 5.0 mg/L; measurements of bottom parameters indicated four species, including catfish and sunfish, continue to decline as they occurrences (June). did throughout the duration of the entire sampling period. Daily Shannon scores for 2011 were significantly higher than the pre -Mod Alt L years. There was great variability in catch among sampling occasions and between months; however, juvenile marine transients generally appeared in the spring at which time trawl catch increased for several weeks. Benthos: Sweeps: taxa richness at the downstream location was the fourth highest The EBIs for both stations were below 2.0 and similar to 2010. Annual comparison showed no year to be significantly different than One upstream & one over 13-year period and the fifth highest at the upstream location. either 2010 or 2011 the two post -Mod Alt L years. When the pre - downstream site sampled yearly Upstream EBI was below the mean for all previous years at this station and was tied for 9th place among all previous years at this station. Mod Alt L years are combined and compared to 2011 and the pre - Mod Alt L years are compared to post -Mod Alt L years for either Downstream EBI was fifth highest for all years and just below long term station, there was no significant difference for the upstream station; mean for that station. however, at the downstream station, 2011 was significantly higher A-17 Appendix A. (continued). 2011 2011 compared to previous monitoring year Post -Mod Alt L data compared to pre -Mod Alt L data than the pre -Mod Alt L years but pre- and post- years were similar. Ponars (significant differences only): upstream abundance was lower 2011 abundance in Muddy Creek was significantly higher at the than Jacks, Drinkwater, and Porter Creeks and downstream abundance downstream Muddy Creek station than at that station in the Huddles was higher than Jacobs, Tooley, and Porter Creeks. Upstream Shannon Cut or Tooley Creek pre -Mod Alt L years. score was lower than all the impact creeks and downstream Shannon was higher than Huddles Cut and Porter Creek. Metals sediment: Overall, Al, Cd, Cu and Mo were the only metals present in the 2011 Seven of the 10 metals decreased and three increased from last year. All Concentrations of all 10 metals in the sediment sample collected One site sampled yearly Muddy Creek sediment at concentrations that were slightly above values were within the range of the 2010 values. during 2010 from Muddy Creek were within the range of previous background levels for the local area. However, the Cd and Cu levels values obtained for sediment from the creek; only Al and Fe were were less than the ERL value (there is no ERL value for Al or Mo). The slightly higher than the long term means. concentration of Ag was higher than reported for average marine sediment and continental crust. However, the Ag value for the creek was similar to values from control areas in the Pamlico River where the average was 0.2 ± 0.03 pg/g and Ag concentrations in typical samples from the Pamlico River have been higher than in the various creek samples. Therefore, an Ag value of 0.11 pg/g appears to be natural for the area. Metals water. Concentrations of Ag, As, Cd, Mo, and Zn were below values for the limit 2011 was first year of data collection. 2011 was first year of data collection. One site sampled yearly of quantification (LOQ) for the test run by the lab. Value for Se was above the world ocean value and the highest of all sampled creeks. Although values for Cr and Cd were higher than world oceans, they were similar to the other creeks sampled. Muddy returned a Fe concentration below the mean of all creeks. For subsequent sample analysis, a new lab with more sensitive capabilities is being sought. DUCK CREEK Flow: The two most upstream meters recorded 8 and 5 flow events 2011 was first year of data collection. 2011 was first year of data collection. Two flow meters take respectively with 23 and 20 calendar days of flow; the longest —72 readings per day consecutive flow event recorded was 9 days in duration. The two most downstream meters 7 and 27 events respectively with 64 and 113 calendar days of flow; the longest consecutive flow event was 61 days in duration. Salinity: Monitors were installed in July. Upstream monthly average salinity 2011 was first year of data collection. 2011 was first year of data collection. 2 sites, monitors take ranged from a low of 2.6 psu in September to a high of 11.4 psu in readings every 1.5 hours December. Downstream monthly average salinity ranged from a low of 8.4 in October to a high of 10.1 in July. Average annual upstream salinity was 8.0 psu and 9.3 psu at the downstream monitor, making this creek the least saline of all monitored creeks; however, the data set does not contain the entire year. Salinities did not track closely between the monitors in Duck Creek with the most upstream monitor showing higher monthly averages in July (although only barely higher) and in both November and December. Like most other upstream monitors, 2011 salinity at DKCS1 fluctuated more frequently and with greater range than at DKCS2 and corresponded quickly to local rain events recorded at the Duck Creek gauge. However, variations in discharge from the river did not seem to be reflected. Wetland water level: All eight wells exhibited wetland hydroperiods with longest periods 2011 was first year of data collection. 2011 was first year of data collection. Eight wells take readings ranging from 19.5 to 35.2 percent of the growing season. Only one well every 1.5 hrs (DKCW1) contained the longest hydroperiod in the spring (March through May), while all other occurred between August and November. om Appendix A. (continued). 2011 2011 compared to previous monitoring year Post -Mod Alt L data compared to pre -Mod Alt L data Water quality: Sampling began in December 2011, so no seasonal trends can be 2011 was first year of data collection. 2011 was first year of data collection. Two sites sampled once discussed for 2011 data. Summary of means and ranges are presented every two weeks below. Water depths (in): 4.63 and 4.5-4.75; Temps (C): 14.5 and 14.2-14.8; Salinity: 11.6 and 11.3-11.9; Conductivity: 15.6 and 15.1-16.0; Turbidity: 2.00 and 1.10-2.90; DO (mg/L): 8.95 and 8.84-9.06; pH: 7.64 and 7.34-7.93; NH4-N: 0.02 and 0.01-0.02; NO3-N: 0.000 and 0.000-0.000; DKN: 0.85 and 0.59-1.10; PN: 0.21 and 0.17-0.24; PO4-P: 0.009 and 0.003-0.014; TDP: 0.03 and 0.02-0.03; PP: 0.05 and 0.05-0.05; Chl a: 14.58 and 10.89-18.26; FLU: 0.33 and 0.29-0.37. Vegetation: All transects had sparse herbaceous and shrub layers and a moderately 2011 was first year of data collection. 2011 was first year of data collection. Four transects once dense canopy dominated by a variety of wetland tree species including annually laurel oak, swamp chestnut oak, red maple, green ash, sweet gum, and tulip poplar. The herb and shrub/woody vine layers at three of the four transects were dominated by cane. Almost all dominant species were intolerant of brackish conditions -only one species at one transect, netted chain fern, was considered tolerant Fish: A total of 13 sampling days at Duck Creek resulted in a total catch of 364 2011 was first year of data collection. 2011 was first year of data collection. One site sampled weekly fish. A variety of freshwater, estuarine, and saltwater species, the vast April through June by majority juveniles, were captured, representing a total of 12 species. otter trawl Total 2011 CPUE was the lowest among all creeks and was significantly lower than Jacks, Jacobs, and Drinkwater Creeks. Atlantic menhaden represented 35.4 percent of the catch, followed by spot at 25.5 percent, and bay anchovy at 25 percent. Daily Shannon scores in Duck were significantly lower than Jacks. The Jaccard coefficient indicated that Duck had the most species in common with Porter Creek and the Morista-Horn index indicated that community overlap was most similar between Duck and Jacks Creeks. Salinity at Duck Creek (surface and bottom) ranged from 2.8 ppt to 9.3 ppt with a mean of 5.7 ppt. The pH of Duck Creek ranged from 6.1 to 8.0, which is in accordance with state water quality guidelines for the maintenance of biological integrity (NCDENR 2007). Measurements of DO in Duck Creek ranged from 2.62 mg/L to 9.13 mg/L, with a mean concentration of 5.85 mg/L. Surface levels of DO exhibited two occurrences lower than 5.0 mg/L (May and June); measurements of bottom parameters indicated five occurrences two in April, two in May, and one in June). Benthos: Sweeps: upstream taxa richness was among the highest and 2011 was first year of data collection. 2011 was first year of data collection. One upstream & one downstream richness was within the mid -range; EBIs were below 2.0. downstream site sampled yearly Ponars (significant differences only): upstream abundance was higher than Jacks, Jacobs, and Tooley Creeks and Huddles Cut and downstream abundance was higher than Jacobs, Tooley, and Porter Creeks. Upstream Shannon score was higher than Huddles Cut and A-19 Appendix A. (concluded). 2011 2011 compared to previous monitoring year Post -Mod Alt L data compared to pre -Mod Alt L data downstream Shannon score was higher than Porter Creek and lower than Jacks and Drinkwater Creeks. Metals sediment: All metal concentrations were within the range of values found at other 2011 was first year of data collection. 2011 was first year of data collection. One site sampled yearly creeks in the area. Concentrations of Al, Ag, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mo, Se and Zn were within the range of background values found for the Pamlico River Estuary. Metals water. Concentrations of Ag, As, Cd, Mo, and Zn were below values for the limit 2011 was first year of data collection. 2011 was first year of data collection. One site sampled yearly of quantification (LOQ) for the test run by the lab. Value for Se was above the world ocean value but less than Muddy Creek. Although values for Cr and Cd were higher than world oceans, they were similar to the other creeks sampled. Duck returned the highest Fe concentration of all creeks. For subsequent sample analysis, a new lab with more sensitive capabilities is being sought. A-20