HomeMy WebLinkAbout20000099 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_20000202r NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF j?5 ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES NCDENR DIvISION OF WATER QUALITY WASHINGTON REGIONAL OFFICE i JAMES B. HUNT JR. MEMORANDUM GOVERNOR January 14, 2000 . BILL HOLMAN SECRETARY To: Carl Dunn KERR.T? STEVENS From: Deborah Sawyer DIRECTOR Subject: Stream Determination Brown's of Carolina #7 and #8 Jones County! As per your request, on 11 January 2000 Brad Shaver and I evaluated a channel located on Brown's of Carolina #8 AFO in Jones County. The AFO is located off of S.R. 1156. Upon entry to the AFO, I went to the office located in front of the animal houses and made the attendant aware of my purpose for being at the site. I informed the attendant that you had notified the main office of Brown's of Carolina to tell them that Brad and I would be investigating a complaint by the Neuse River Foundation and would need to determine if the channel located at the center pivot for the spray irrigation system was a stream based on the stream determination system used by the DWQ. I asked if there was any policy relating to bio-security that we needed to be aware of. The attendant told me that as long as we didn't go into the animal houses, there were no special precautions and that we could perform our investigation. Upon entering the gate (see attached site drawing), we investigated the area where the fill was placed for a center pivot. Culverts had recently been placed at this area. There was flow coming through the culverts and flowing in the direction of Joshua Branch at the time of the investigation. Upstream of the culverts is a depression vegetated with Juncus effusus. This is a facultative wet' specie which grows predominately (>67%) in wetlands. Upstream of this area is a culverted roadway. Upstream of the roadway is another depression also vegetated with Juncus effusus. 91A i rg. -'zwe WL. Viii rg6n "4rdi rn ZW Td[0" 229666 FA 29955r6 Au I-qA 4poriri ty 4fl rnaH ve &H ai Lover /« L e 1 1 - 943 WASHINGTON SQUARE MALL, WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 27869 - PHONE 252-946-6481 FAX 252-946-9215 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY / AFFIRMATIVE Ar-Tinu Page 2 The channel downstream of the culvert at the center pivot area appears to be a modified channel (recent fill material noted). The adjacent banks were vegetated with grass. There were no trees or shrubs in this area. Downstream of this area, the channel became braided. This area appeared to be modified (possibly cattle grazing). Trees and shrubs were adjacent to this braided channel. The braided channel converged into a single sinuous channel. A heavily eroded channel was noted entering the modified natural stream at this point. The stream became very sinuous downstream of the braided channel. Another modified natural stream located behind the second and third swine house, running parallel with the waste lagoon, converges with the aforementioned channel at a point downstream of the braided channels of the stream. The channel was evaluated to determine if it had enough primary and secondary field indicators to be classified as a stream. The channel was evaluated using the N. C. Division of Water Quality Stream Classification Method Version 2.0 (January 19, 1999). The following evaluations were made: Primary Field Indicators 1. Geomorphology (1) Riffle-Pool sequence? Yes - Weak (2) USDA texture in streambed different from streambed? Yes - Strong (3) Natural levees present? Absent (4) Channel sinuous? Yes - Moderate (5) Active (or relic) floodplain present? Yes - Moderate (6) Channel braided? Yes - Moderate (7) Recent alluvial deposits present? Yes - Moderate (8) Bankfull bench present? Yes - Moderate (9) Continuous bed and bank present? Yes - Moderate (10) Second order or greater channel? No H. Hydrology (1) Groundwater flow/discharge present? Did not evaluate (seepage from bank noted but AFO had recently sprayed fields) M. Biology (1) Fibrous roots present in streambed? Absent (2) Rooted plants present in streambed? Absent (3) Periphyton present? Absent (4) Bivalves present? Absent Secondary Field Indicators 1. Geomorphology (1) Head cut present in channel? Absent (2) Grade control point in channel? Absent Page 3 (3) Does topography indicate a natural drainage way? Yes - Moderate H. Hydrology (1) This year's or last year's leaflitter present in streambed? Absent (2) Sediment on plants (or debris) present? Yes - Weak (3) Wrack lines present? Yes - Strong (4) Water in channel and >48 hrs. since last known rain? (Skip - <48 hrs. since last known rain) (5) Water in channel during dry conditions or in growing season? (Skip - not dry conditions and not in growing season) (6) Hydric soils present in sides of channel (or in headcut)? Yes (not verified by USACOE or MRCS, evaluated by DWQ) III. Biology (1) Fish present? Absent (2) Amphibians present? Absent (3) Aquatic turtles present? Absent (4) Crayfish present? Absent (5) Macrobenthos present? Yes - Strong (6) Iron oxidizing bacteria/fungus present? Yes - Weak (7) Filamentous algae present? Yes- Weak (8) Wetland plants in streambed? (Did not evaluate; Juncus effusus present at braided channel section but not in remaining stream section) The total indicator points of both the primary and secondary field indicators is 30.5 points. If the total points are greater than 19 points, the channel is at least an intermittent stream. It was determined in the field that the channel is a stream and a direct tributary to Joshua Branch which drains into the Trent River. If you have any questions or comments, both Brad and I will be happy to address them. cc: Jim Mulligan Roger Thorpe Pat Hooper 0 v O 1 00 4t C? • ¦O r••N V O IM??1 I t? ICI I-,b C/] a? U w a b a? a? z u a? eD Dirt Road N N O O C cn N O O C 3 0 b b v ta4U \jA c U b ? b O U UI pa.ia S E 0 U 4. 9 b cC O ell, c 0 0 C?j `1C DWO Stream Classification Form ,?/ _ 1 n rojccl Name: fiOfW.i'*? ? 'River Basin: t/vg"8-P County: Evaluator: )WQ Project Number`: Nearest Named Stream?/1 Latitude: Signature: )ate: l 1 1 t I ?w USGS QUAD: // ? Longitude: L ati ,/Di ly ions: N rnl' pal. a?'S?/13v 'rimary Field Indicators: (Cir(le One Number Per Line) Geomorphology Absent ?V? Moderate Strong Is There A Riffle-Pool Sequence? 0 ?1? 2 3 Is The USDA Texture In Streambed ) Is There An Active (Or Relic) ) Is A Continuous Bed & Bank Present? 0 1 Crl) 3 NOTE If 0ed LQank Caused Uv Dii(hiptr And WIT11OUT Situmsity Then SG ore=O') ,1) Is A 2"') Order Or Greater Channel (As Indicated 1--N RIMARY GEOMORPHOLOGY INDICATOR POINTS: ) Is There A Groundwater RIMARY HYDROLOGY INDICATOR POINTS' f-Y 6- Does Topography Indicate A mural Drainage Way? 0 5 t 1.5 1sCONDARYGEOMORPHOLOGY INDICATOR POINTS:/ IIydrology Absent Weak Moderate Stroup Is This Year's (Or Last's) Leallitter Is Water In Channel And >48 Hrs. Since 0 .5 1 1.5 st Known Rain? r*NO7'E 1lDitrh Indira(ed In #11 Above Skip 7hir SI p And #5 Below) Is There Water In Channel During Dry 0 .5 1 1.5 iCONDARY HYDROLOGY INDICATOR Are Wetland Plants It0trcambed? SAV Mostly 0111, '-Vo-slly FACW Mostly FAC Mostly NACU Mostly UI'L NOTr: Ij7alal Absence OJAII Plants hi Streantbed 2 1 .75 .5 0 0 Nar A ov Skip AU Step UNLESS V r nt" . ?- :C•ONDARY BIOLOGY INDICATOR POINTS: _ OTAL POINTS (Primary + Secondary) -LV!?5(If Greater Than 19 Points The Stream Is At Least Intermittent). econdary Field Indicators: (CirrleOneNumber PerLine) #1 Upstream Culvert at Roadway #2 Depression Downstream from Roadway Culvert - Upstream from Center Pivot in Spray Field A k ?._. 4 f' qtr 4 ',,.•??:v;. ,?.,. #4 Culvert Pipe at Center Pivot in Spray Field - Beginning of Stream Determination #3 Depression Upstream from Culvert at Center Pivot in Spray Field Flu, H 4sr 4a+ / . s Akk 44 7A 71 Downstream from Culvert at Center Pivot - Upstream of Braided Channel #5 Downstream from Culvert at Center Pivot - Upstream of Braided Channel #7 Braided Channel #8 Braided Channel #10 Sinuous Channel Downstream of Braided Channel - Channel Becomes Very Sinuous ilk, #11 Erosion Channel - Discharges to Stream #f 1L Erosion Channel - discharges to Stream