HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000484_Inspection Checklist_20191024Stormwater: General Inspection Checklist Primary Department/Division: Inspector: Bldg. Name: Date: Time: GOOD HOUSEKEEPING 1. Are outside areas kept neat, clean, and orderly? 2. Are storm drain inlets labeled "No Dumping, Flows to stream?" 3. Are garbage cans, waste bins, and dumpsters closed or covered? 5. Are stormwater drainage paths clear? Grates clean? 6a Are vehicles or equipment cleaned at this facility? b If yes, is wash water being collected and disposed of properly? 7. Are dumpters neat, clean, and orderly? 7a. Does dumpsters have drain plug inserted? HAZMAT STORAGE 8a Are vehicles fueled at this location? b If yes, are fuel tanks locked and/or properly operated? c If yes, are measures taken to protect storm drains from spills? Briefly describe: 9. Do aboveground tanks (liquid) have secondary containment? 10. Are containment structures or surface slabs liquid tight? I I a Does this site store hazardous materials such as solvents, pesticides, or acids? b If yes, are containers weathertight or covered? c If yes, are ignitable or reactive wastes stored at least 50 feet from the property line? 12a Has the facility had a hazardous waste spill since the last inspection? b If yes, was the problem resulting in the spill corrected OTHER BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES 13a Does this site store hazardous or other materials that could impact the storm drain such as detergent, paint, or powders? b If yes, are they stored in a manner prohibiting exposure to rain or runoff? 14. Are waste materials kept on site in closed leaktight containers? 15. Are all leaking vehicles or equipment equipped with drip pans? 16. Are erodable soils uncovered or exposed to rainwater? 17a Is the ground surface stained by oil or significant materials? b If yes, has the source been found and contained? 18. Are truck unloading areas covered? G`�OF SkLISgVR y �9"MwarEa sER��G� (Circle one) yes no n/a yes no n/a yes no n/a yes no n/a yes no n/a yes no n/a yes no n/a yes no n/a yes no n/a yes no n/a yes no n/a yes no n/a yes no n/a yes no n/a yes no n/a yes no n/a yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no n/a no n/a no n/a no no no no no no no n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1 ypll5g 04 H 7 Stormwater: General Inspection Checklist 19. Does the facility have wastes, products, salvaged materials and recyclables stored properly? yes no n/a 20a Does the facility have a clarifier/oil/water separator? yes no n/a b If yes, is it clean and functioning properly? yes no n/a 21a Has this facility received a complaint regarding stormwater discharge? yes no n/a b If yes, has the problem been addressed? yes no n/a 22. Have personnel received training on Stormwater Pollution Prevention? yes no n/a 23. Are spill response materials on available? (Check all that apply) yes no n/a Sand Rice Hulls Sorbent Booms/Pillows/Blankets Kitty Litter Neutralizer Drip Pans Other (Please List) 2