HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3191205_Deed_1/9/2020 (2)BK 07207 PG 0459 FILED ELECTRONICALLY UNION COUNTY NC CRYSTAL D. GILLIARD FILED Jul 31, 2018 AT 01:20:00 PM BOOK 07207 START PAGE 0459 END PAGE 0464 INSTRUMENT # 21383 EXCISE TAX $979.00 NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WAPJUNTY DEED Excise Tax $ 979.00 Parcel Identifier No. 08279004 Verified by UNION County on the day of , 20 Mail/Box to: HINSON FAULK, P.A., 309 POST OFFICE DRIVE, INDIAN TRAIL NC 28079 This instrument was prepared by: HINSON FAULK, P.A. 1 FILE NO. 2018073825 Brief description for the index 53.75 acres, HIGHWAY 218 THIS DEED made this the day of July, 2018, by and between rei:1", zi iTd LUKE ALEXANDER RUSSELL, III, unmarried; VNIAN CATHERINE RUSSELL, unmarried; PHYLLIS R. NORWOOD and spouse, TOMMY NORWOOD; PHYLLIS R. NORWOOD, Commissioner of the Court for Ward, BRYANT A. RUSSELL JR. under Order dated 6/21/2018 (Union 18SP375); REBECCA R. ADAMS (aka MILDRED R. KEZIAH) and spouse, DENNIS ADAMS; and LEMUEL S. HAGLER and spouse, CLETA BETH HAGLER Mailing Address: GRANTEE WELLSPRING CAROLINA INVESTMENTS, LLC A North Carolina Linured Lzabib ry Company flailing Address: 2133 Garden View Lane Matthews, NC 28104 Enter in !Epropriate block for each pa : name, address, and, if appropriate, Character of entity, e, ,, co oration or partnership. The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include BK 07207 PG 0460 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except for the exceptions hereinafter stated. Title to the property hereinabove described is subject to the following exceptions: All such valid and enforceable easements, restrictions and rights of way of record and the lien of ad valorern taxes for the current year which the grantee herein assumes and agrees to pay. All or a portion of the property herein, conveyed does not include the primary residence of a Grantor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor duly executed the foregoing as of the day and year first above written. I J62_�J -AL (seaj) 1, Devisee (seal) CATHERINE RUMU, Devisee SEAL - STAMP State of North Carolina -County of Union L ` &C , a Notary Public for m County, State of North Carolina, certify that the following person(s), either personally known to me or proven by satisfactory evidence, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged to me that they voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated: LUICE ALEXANDER RUSSELL, III and VIVIAN CATHERINE RUSSELL. Witness my hand and official stamp or seal, this the day of July, 2018. ANDR�A CtAkk 1VaSary �"�il;�ir:. PJrz�:�. C:3r41irta tf .'t i:7 ri C[7 [�rtty My September 14. 2014 Notary Public My Commission Expires: [THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ADDITIONAL SIGNATURES AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS TO FOLLOW.] BK 07207 PG 0461 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor duly executed the foregoing as of the day and year first above wrirten. RE ECCA R ADAMS (aka MILDRED R. KEZLAH), Devisee _(seal) (seal) DENNIS ADAMS, Spouse of Devisee joins in this conveyance in order to vest tide to the Grantee herein, free and clear of any right, title and interest he may have. C__. - ty. ��_ (seal) UEL HAGLER, Gra or -d�& - _ (.seal} CLETA BETHAGLO.SusHe of Grantor joins in this conveyance in order to vest title to the Grantee herein, free and clear of any right, title and interest she may have. SEAL - STAMP State of North Carolina - County of Union 1, _ _ rVL► y LJ1 W1� �y a Notary Public for County, State of North Carolina, certify that the following person(s), either A H p C [ AR X �u€ivy Puo[ic, North Cdrolin�, personally known to me or proven by satisfactory evidence, personally appeared U n l o n C ° 1 n t v before me this day and acknowledged to me that they voluntarily signed the My cormnllssiorl Evj• r-, [WILIDLI am o e r 14, 7019 foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated: REBECCA R. AVS and DENNIS ADAMS. Witness my hand and official stamp or sea], this the _w day of July, 2018. Notary Public My Commission Expires: Afq["(q State of North Carolina - County of Union a Notary Public for County, State of North Carolina, certify that the following persons), either ark DR E A C to R K personally known to me or proven by satisfactory evidence, personally appeared Noiary Ptrbhre. North Carolina Union C o r; r T y before me this day and acknowledged to me that they voluntarily signed the 5 e G ! r> rn r, or t 2 0 1 q foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated: LEMUEL S. HAGLER at d CLETA BETH HAGLER. Witness my hand and official stamp or seal, this the `7 day of July, 2018. t A)�Wf) " Notary Public BK 67267 PG 0462 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor duly executed the foregoing as of the day and year first above written. PHYL111S R. NORWOOD, Devisee TOMS MY IORWOOD, Spouse of Devisee joins in this conveyance in order to vest title to the Grantee herein, free and clear of any right, title and interest he may have. i-' � Fti: ° r arre-.--r7` r �[Yr urY�./a� ..e..ti,.c� e•+��- (seal) PHYLLIS R. NORWOOD, Commissioner of the Court for Ward, BRYANT A. RUSSELL JR. (Devisee), under Order dated 6/21/201a (Union 18SP375). SEAL - STAMP State of North Carolina County of Union I,a NotaryPublic for V r AN Ci �� .: a C �k h' K .. '•'r �3iLl:�, IVar�Er Carolina -+ County, State of North Carolina, certify that the following person(s), either Union C n : t v her•: ;.' ..., ... � personally known to me or proven by satisfactory evidence, personally appeared .:. .• spires S" �; i . ?r, t, �; ; 4 019 Z 9 before me this day and acknowledged to me that they voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated: PHYLLIS R. NORWOOD and TOMMY NORWOOD. Witness my hand and official stamp or seal, this the 4— day of July, 2018. 3-1AA-- "am . Notary Public r, My Commission Expires: 6) 1 l t State of North Carolina - County of Union 13 `v" ` "�►' ' ' ' a Notary Public for i County, State of North Carolina, certify that the following person(s), either personally known to me or proven by satisfactory evidence, personally appeared • } r 43 r1j big r 4j ' before me this day and acknowledged to me that the voluntarily signed the Y g Y Y g foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated: PHYLLIS R. NORWOOD, Commissioner Mold 18SP375. Witness my hand and official stamp or seal, this the Z1- day of July, 2018. Notary Public f My Commission Expires: -L I `? f BK 07207 PG 0463 EXHIBIT 'A' BEGINNING at a point in the center line of NC Highway #218, a corner of the Dorothy Ellington property (Book 202, Page 116); thence with the center line of said highway four calls as follows: Ist, South 73' 00' 14" East 111.39 feet; 2nd, South 73' 53' 37" East 60.0 feet; 3rd, South 73' 53' 37" East 58.09 feet; 4th, South 74° 06' 40" East 406.56 feet to a point, a corner of the Austin Russell property (Book 633, Page 390); thence with the line of the said Russell property North 15' 08' 00" East 729.95 feet to an iron in a line of the Russell E. Bailey property (Book 633, Page 393); thence with two lines of the said Bailey property as follows: 1st, North 44° 45' 07" East 504.34 feet to an iron, 2nd, North 44° 09' 2 1 " East 907.86 feet to an iron, a common corner of the other property of Russell E. Bailey (Book 633, Page 396) and property of John Liles, et als, (Book 398, Page 734); thence with a center line of the said Liles property South 48' 08' 34" East 1148.0 feet to an iron in Duck Creek; thence with the various courses of Duck Creek 46 calls as follows: Istl North 650 00' 26" West 27.316 feet; 2nd, South 72' 34' 11" West 19.151 feet; 3rd, South 22° 24' 32" West 19.756 feet; 4th, South 10' 02' 04" East 44.835 feet; 5th, South or 20' 48" West 23.544 feet; 6th, South 42° 55' 55" West 31,737 feet, 7th, South 71° 49' 07" West 53.217 feet; 8th, South 48' 43' 53" West 42.938 feet; 9th. South 50° 02' 23" West 53.067 feet; 10th, South 28' 39' 37" West 36.081 feet; nth, South 04° 44' 42" East 50.050 feet; 12th south 22' 38' 57" West 60.733 feet; 13th, South 64' 56' 35" West 43.868 feet; 14th, South 460 03' 56" West 34.718 feet; 15th, South 80" 37' 52" West 23.710 feet; 16th, South 53' 2608" West 35.946 feet; I 7th, South 090 57' 42" West 86.994 feet; 18th, South 200 56' 52" West 19.698 feet; 19th, South 7r 32' 59" West 53.926 feet; 20th, South 39' 25' 38" West 20,950 feet; 21st, South 13' 57' 47" West 26.916 feet; 22nd, South 65' 49' 33" East 50.176 feet; 23rd, South 54' 22' 44" West 168.460 feet; 24th, South 60° 32' 16" West 74.761 feet; 25th, South 060 08' 55" West 130.930 feet; 26th, South 01' 17' 21" East 90.109 feet; 27th, south 12' 52' 48" West 65,935 feet; 28th, South 07' 06' 23" West 77.542 feet; 29th, South 150 18' 04" West 86.198 feet; 30th, South 22° 37' 37" West 236.606 feet; 31st, South 49° 38' 34" West 48,362 feet; 32nd, South 32' 20' 19" West 69.039 feet; 33rd, South 23' 16' 12" West 61.118 feet; 34th, South 14' 05' 43" East 52.914 feet; 35th, South 419 28' 31" East 36.398 feet; 36th, South 850 34' 35" East 30.930 feet; 37th, South 62u 29' 59" East 39.191 feet; 38th, South 060 19' 03' East 47.870 feet; 39th, South 20° 54' 51" West 66.8 feet; 40th, South 580 44' 41" West 42.836 feet; 41st,1 South 80° 54' 57" West 39.059 feet; 42nd, South 8r 25' 52" West 99.005 feet; 43rd, South 68° 29' 22" West 62.472 feet; 44th, South 5r 53' 38" West 48.894 feet; 45th, South 209 32' 43" West 53.285 feet; 46th, South 23" 51' 39" West 31.339 feet; thence with two lines of property of Park Road Shopping Center (Book 472, Page 671) as follows; 1st, North 53' 42' 21" West 1510.0 feet to an iron; 2nd, South 89' 42' 28" West 359.91 feet to an iron, a corner of Dorothy Ellington property; thence with a line of said Ellington property North 02° 43' 08" West 229.56 feet to the point of BEGINNING, containing 69.16 acres, more or less, as shown on a plat by Q Newton Honeycutt, NCRLS, dated August 15, 1994. DERIVATION: The hereinabove described property was acquired by L.A. Russell by deed recorded in Book 67, Page 9, Union County Registry. L.A. Russell died testate on October 8, 1962; his Last Will and Testament, filed in Will Book 10, Page 108, Union County Clerk of Superior Court, devised his interest in the hereinabove described property to his children: Dorothy R. Ellington, Rachel R. Rumph, L.A. Russell Jr. and Austin Russell to share and share alike, subject to the devise to his wife, Kate A. Russell, for the term of her life. Kate A. Russell died testate on January 2, 1977. Dorothy R. Ellington conveyed one-half of her interest in the hereinabove described property, surveyed August 15, 1994 by Q Newton Huneycutt and found to contain 69.16 acres more or less, to her siblings: L.A. Russell Jr.; B. Austin Russell and Rachel R. Rumph on December 1, 1994 in Deed Book 751, Page 355. Dorothy R. Ellington conveyed her remaining interest in the hereinabove described property to her siblings: L.A. Russell Jr.; B. Austin Russell and Rachel R. Rumph on January 9, 1995 in Deed Book 758, Page 246. Rachel H. Rumph (fka Rachel R. Rumph) conveyed her interest in the hereinabove described property to Rachel 14 Ritmnh Tmanmp rnf r},n DoAinl T-i R,,,,,..1, T ;. ;-- Tr,,..r -A T_..-. ,1- A BK 07207 PG 0464 23, 2006; the Last Will and Testament of Estate of Bryant Austin Russell, Sr., which Will is recorded in Estate File 06E603, Union County Clerk of Superior Court, devised his interest in the hereinabove described property to his children: PHYLLIS R. NORWOOD; BRYANT A. RUSSELL JR. and MILDRED R. KEZIAH (aka REBECCA R. ADAMS). Also, .0583 acre tract from adjoining McClain property (Deed Book 6458 Page 219; formerly Austin Russell Heirs), combined with subject property by Deed of Grantors filed October 29, 2013 in Deed Book 6123 Page 111. BRYANT A. RUSSELL JR. was declared an Incompetent Adult (filed 17SP461) and PHYLLIS R. NORWOOD ordered General Guardian of the Estate of BRYAN r A. RUSSELL JR. (filed 17E795), PHYLLIS R. NORWOOD as General Guardian of the Estate of BRYANT A. RUSSELL JR. was appointed as Commissioner of the Court to sell the hereinabove described property by Order Authorizing Sale filed June 21, 2018 in 18SP375. COMMISSIONER'S DEED recorded contemporaneously herewith. LESS & EXCEPTING THE FOLLOWING OUT CONVEYANCES: TRACT l: 9,610 acres, as conveyed by Deed of Grantors to TOBY LEON PHII~ER in Deed Book 6669 Page 399 Union County Registry. Parcel Nos. 8279004A & 08279004B TRACT 2: 3.415 acres, as conveyed by Deed of Grantors to PERRY RICHARDSON in Deed Book 6883 Page 414 Union County Registry. Parcel Nos. 08279004C & 08279004D