HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0001058_Fact Sheet_20200108FACT SHEET FOR EXPEDITED PERMIT RENEWALS This form must be completed by Permit Writers for all expedited permits which do not require full Fact Sheets. Expedited permits are generally simple 100% domestics (e.g., schools, mobile home parks, etc) that can be administratively renewed with minor changes, but can include facilities with more complex issues (Special Conditions, 303(d) listed water, toxicity testing, instream monitoring, compliance concerns). Basic Information for Expedited Permit Renewals Permit Writer/Date Emily DelDuco 7/16/2019 Permit Number NC0001058 Facility Name Patheon Manufacturing Services Permit Type Industrial Process & Commercial WW Basin Name/Sub-basin number 03-03-05 Receiving Stream Parker Creek Stream Classification in Permit C-NSW Does permit need Daily Max NH3 limits? N/A Does permit need TRC limits/language? No — already present Does permit have toxicity testing? No Does permit have Special Conditions? Biocide condition Does permit have instream monitoring? No Is the stream impaired (on 303(d) list)? For what parameter? Not impaired on 2018 list Any permit modifications since last permit? Facility upgraded cooling tower system, installed 2 new towers. New expiration date 10/31/2024 Comments on Draft Permit ➢ Updated eDMR requirements ➢ Added regulatory citations ➢ Added HUC and stream index # to outfall description on supplement to cover page. This discharge is classified as industrial process & commercial wastewater discharge, but is not subject to pharmaceutical industry limits and monitoring requirements, per 40 CFR § 439.1 (m) This facility may qualify for coverage under the general permit NCG50000, but may not have been issued a CoC under it due to use of chemical additives/biocides. The fact sheet for the general permit advises: "Discharges will not typically include any type of chemical additive; however, some discharges incorporate chemical additives such as biocides or corrosion inhibitors. Such discharges contain materials that (if accumulated and not discharged) would constitute a pollutant in high concentrations. All chemical additives must be reviewed and approved by the Division before usage can begin." Ethelyne glycol monitoring was included in original permit, which may be why NCG50 wasn't considered. Ethelyne glycol monitoring was removed in 2012. The facility was approved for use of Spectrus OX 109 as a biocide in 2006, but it is unclear whether this would prevent it from being covered under NCG50. Compliance History No enforcements on record. Last violation was in 2009. Changes to renewed permit Added regulatory citations Added HUC and stream index number to supplement to cover page Updated eDMR requirements eDMR summary for Outfalls 001 and 002 from July 2015-Jules Outfall 001 10 - Temperature, Water Deg. Centigrade 00 - pH 50 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plant 60 - Chlorine, Total Residual Outfall 002 10 - Temperature, Water Deg. Centigrade 00 - pH 50 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plant 60 - Chlorine, Total Residual 23.77 17.50 27.70 42 7.37 6.10 8.90 42 0.02 0.00 0.07 42 15.53 1.00 46.00 43 23.52 19.50 27.90 46 7.71 6.70 8.80 46 0.01 0.00 0.0146 15.72 0.00 46.00 46 From: Vinson, Scott To: DelDuco, Emilv Cc: Bullock, Robert Subject: RE: Pantheon, NC0001058, Staff Report Date: Friday, September 20, 2019 4:57:26 PM Attachments: image003.pnng imaae001.pnno Emily, We haven't heard anything, so we think they've had plenty of time to get back to us and if you want to go ahead and issue their renewal that's absolutely fine with us. If they ever do want to go to the general permit, they can contact us back and submit an application at that time. Robbie & I don't think we need to keep waiting, we've contacted them once since that initial contact and still have not heard back whether or not they actually want to go under the general permit. Let's just issue the renewal to move forward. Thanks and have a good weekend. Robbie & Scott Scott Vinson Environmental Engineer Division of Water Resources, WQROS Department of Environmental Quality 252 946 6481 office 252 948 3844 direct Scott.Vinson&ncdenr.gov 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 DEQ:> � nr E.n.omyner ¢�.riy Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties From: DelDuco, Emily <Emily.DelDuco@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Friday, September 20, 2019 1:40 PM To: Vinson, Scott <scott.vinson@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Bullock, Robert <robert.e.buIlock@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: Pantheon, NC0001058, Staff Report Hi Scott, Have you heard any updates from the permittees regarding this issue yet? From: DelDuco, Emily Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2019 10:17 AM To: Vinson, Scott <scott.vinson(@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Bullock, Robert <robert.e.bullock(@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Re: Pantheon, NC0001058, Staff Report Scott, Thanks for getting in touch with them. I can definitely hold off on sending this permit to public notice while they consider. They won't need to submit an application, but someone with permit signature authority will need to notify me in writing that they are requesting to switch over. -Emily Get Outlook for Android From: Vinson, Scott <scott.vinsonCcDncdenr.gov> Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2019 4:19:46 PM To: DelDuco, Emily <Emily.DelDuco(@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Bullock, Robert <robert.e.bullock( ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: Pantheon, NC0001058, Staff Report Emily, We don't see why they couldn't go to the General Permit is they want. We have contacted Pantheon and sent them a copy of the General Permit to review. They are considering it and will get back to us asap. If we can hold off issuing their renewal for a short period it may play out to issue them coverage under the General. I don't think they will need to submit an application for the General will they? Thanks, Scott Scott Vinson Environmental Engineer Division of Water Resources, WQROS Department of Environmental Quality 252 946 6481 office 252 948 3844 direct Scott.Vinson(g ncdenr.gov 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 z:5:�D 1E .. '. .� :.m Q Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties From: DelDuco, Emily <Emily.Del Duco(@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2019 4:04 PM To: Vinson, Scott <scott.vinson(@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: Pantheon, NC0001058, Staff Report Hey Scott, I'm wondering if you know of any reason this permit wouldn't qualify for the NCG50? Reviewing the permit history, it may not have been issued a CoC under it due to use of chemical additives/biocides. The fact sheet for the general permit advises: "Discharges will not typically include any type of chemical additive; however, some discharges incorporate chemical additives such as biocides or corrosion inhibitors. Such discharges contain materials that (if accumulated and not discharged) would constitute a pollutant in high concentrations. All chemical additives must be reviewed and approved by the Division before usage can begin." Ethelyne glycol monitoring was included in original permit, which may be why NCG50 wasn't considered. Ethelyne glycol monitoring was removed in 2012. The facility was approved for use of Spectrus OX 109 as a biocide in 2006, but it is unclear whether this would prevent it from being covered under NCG50. Any insight or opinion on this? From: Vinson, Scott Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 3:42 PM To: DelDuco, Emily <Emily.Del Duco(cDncdenr.gov> Subject: Pantheon, NC0001058, Staff Report Emily, Please find attached a copy of the regional staff report for Pantheon, permit no. NC0001058. We have no issues or problems with renewing this permit. If you have any questions please call or write. Sincerely, Scott Vinson Environmental Engineer Division of Water Resources, WQROS Department of Environmental Quality 252 946 6481 office 252 948 3844 direct Scott.Vinsonna ncdenr.gov 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 D.E rl� NA Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties State of North Carolina Division of Water Resources Water Quality Regional Operations Section Environmental Staff Report Quality To: ® NPDES Unit ❑ Non -Discharge Unit Application No.: NC0001058 Attn: Emily DelDuco Facility name: Patheon Manufacturing Services From: Scott Vinson Washington Regional Office Note: This form has been adapted from the non -discharge fg acili , staff report to document the review of both non - discharge and NPDES permit applications and/or renewals. Please complete all sections as they are applicable. I. GENERAL AND SITE VISIT INFORMATION 1. Was a site visit conducted? ❑ Yes or ® No a. Date of site visit: b. Site visit conducted by: c. Inspection report attached? ❑ Yes or ® No d. Person contacted: Kent Cutler and their contact information: (252) 707 - 7341 ext. e. Driving directions: The facility is located at 5900 Martin Luther King, Jr. Hijzhwgy, Greenville, in Pitt Co", North Carolina. 2. Discharge Point(s): Outfall 001 Latitude: 35.65564 Longitude:-77.35655 Outfall 002 Latitude: 35.65837 Longitude:-77.36294 3. Receiving stream or affected surface waters: Parker Creek Classification: C; NSW, Index: 28-95 River Basin and Subbasin No.: Tar -Pamlico River Basin / 03-03-05 Describe receiving stream features and pertinent downstream uses: The receiving stream is flanked by commercial development, farmland, wetlands and minimal residential for approximately 4.5 miles downstream from discharge point prior to entering the Tar River II. PROPOSED FACILITIES: NEW APPLICATIONS n/a III. EXISTING FACILITIES: MODIFICATION AND RENEWAL APPLICATIONS 1. Are there appropriately certified Operators in Charge (ORCs) for the facility? ® Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A ORC: Kent Cutler Certificate #: 1001047 Backup ORC: Toby Woolard Certificate #:986422 2. Are the design, maintenance and operation of the treatment facilities adequate for the type of waste and disposal system? ® Yes or ❑ No If no, please explain: Description of existing facilities: None other than the dechlorination used for chlorine added to the cooling tower water. Proposed flow: n/a Current permitted flow: n/a FORM: WQROSSR 04-14 Pagel of 3 Explain anything observed during the site visit that needs to be addressed by the permit, or that may be important for the permit writer to know (i.e., equipment condition, function, maintenance, a change in facility ownership, etc.) 3. Are the site conditions (e.g., soils, topography, depth to water table, etc) maintained appropriately and adequately assimilating the waste? ® Yes or ❑ No If no, please explain: 4. Has the site changed in any way that may affect the permit (e.g., drainage added, new wells inside the compliance boundary, new development, etc.)? ❑ Yes or ® No If yes, please explain: 5. Is the residuals management plan adequate? ❑ Yes or ❑ No ® N/A If no, please explain: 6. Are the existing application rates (e.g., hydraulic, nutrient) still acceptable? ❑ Yes or ❑ No ® N/A If no, please explain: 7. Is the existing groundwater monitoring program adequate? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® N/A If no, explain and recommend any changes to the groundwater monitoring program: 8. Are there any setback conflicts for existing treatment, storage and disposal sites? ❑ Yes or ® No If yes, attach a map showing conflict areas. 9. Is the description of the facilities as written in the existing permit correct? ® Yes or ❑ No If no, please explain: 10. Were monitoring wells properly constructed and located? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® N/A If no, please explain: 11. Are the monitoring well coordinates correct in BIMS? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® N/A If no, please complete the following (expand table if necessary): 12. Has a review of all self -monitoring data been conducted (e.g., DMR, NDMR, NDAR, GW)? ® Yes or ❑ No Please summarize any findings resulting from this review: No major problems found with the self -monitoring data submitted by Patheon. Provide input to help the permit writer evaluate any requests for reduced monitoring, if applicable. 13. Are there any permit changes needed in order to address ongoing BIMS violations? ❑ Yes or ® No If yes, please explain: 14. Check all that apply: ® No compliance issues ❑ Current enforcement action(s) ❑ Currently under JOC ❑ Notice(s) of violation ❑ Currently under SOC ❑ Currently under moratorium Please explain and attach any documents that may help clarify answer/comments (i.e., NOV, NOD, etc.) If the facility has had compliance problems during the permit cycle, please explain the status. Has the RO been working with the Permittee? Is a solution underway or in place? Have all compliance dates/conditions in the existing permit been satisfied? ® Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A If no, please explain: 15. Are there any issues related to compliance/enforcement that should be resolved before issuing this permit? ❑ Yes ®No❑N/A If yes, please explain: 16. Possible toxic impacts to surface waters: None that WaRO is aware. 17. Pretreatment Program (POTWs only): n/a FORM: WQROSSR 04-14 Page 2 of 3 IV. REGIONAL OFFICE RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Do you foresee any problems with issuance/renewal of this permit? ❑ Yes or ® No If yes, please explain: 2. List any items that you would like the NPDES Unit or Non -Discharge Unit Central Office to obtain through an additional information request: Item Reason None. 3. List specific permit conditions recommended to be removed from the permit when issued: Condition Reason None 4. List specific special conditions or compliance schedules recommended to be included in the permit when issued: Condition Reason None 5. Recommendation: ❑ Hold, pending receipt and review of additional information by regional office ® Hold, pending review of draft permit by regional office ❑ Issue upon receipt of needed additional information ❑ Issue ❑ Deny (Please state reasons: ) 6. Signature of report preparer: Signature of regional supervisor: Date: 7/9/2019 Plow T441.4441l V. ADDITIONAL REGIONAL STAFF REVIEW ITEMS Patheon Manufacturing Services, LLC, previously known as DSM Pharmaceuticals, Inc., is operating within it's permit conditions and limits. Patheon has requested the renewal of Permit No. NC0001058 and the Washin on Regional Office recommends renewing the permit. FORM: WQROSSR 04-14 Page 3 of 3 VO4 � Media of Eastern North Carolina The Daily Reflector - The Daily Advance - The Rocky Mount Telegram Bertie Ledger- Chowan Herald - Duplin Times - Farmville Enterprise - Perquimans Weekly Standard Laconic -Tarboro Weekly - Times Leader- Wlliamston Enterprise PO Box 1967. Greenville NC 27835 (252) 329-9500 NCDEQ - DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ATTN: WREN THEDFORD 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699 Account: 133315 NORTH CAROLINA Pitt County Ticket: 314664 PAD VIA ❑Cash ❑Credit Card ❑Check #_ Date Paid Copy Line: public notice Lines: 37 Total Price: $82.70 PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT Ibj.Q \ affirms that he/she is clerk of Daily Reflecto , a newspaper published dail at Greenville, North Carolina, and that the advertisement, a true copy of which is hereto attached, entitled public notice was published in said Daily Reflector on the following dates: Thursday, October 3, 2019 and that the said newspaper in which such notice, paper, document or legal advertisement was published, was at the time of each and every publication, a newspaper meeting all of the requirements and qualifications of Chapter 1, Sec- tion 597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Chapter 1, Section 597 of the General Statutes of North C roli a. A ed and subscribed before me this 3rd day of October 2019 lei J 1� `blx0� / (Notary Public 'oill,N11 yx,._ Ara1A t iia. 9�ial p� y J�GbMwWI (Notary Public Printed Name) �y.•yG Mac;. My commission expires Al1GUST21 2ON Public Notice North Carolina Environmental Management Commission/NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Notice of Intent to Issue a NPDES Wastewater Permit The North Carolina Environmental Management Commission proposes to issue a NPDES wastewater discharge permit to the persons) listed below. Written comments regarding the pro- posed permit will be accepted until 30 days after the publish date of this no- tice. The Director of the NC Division of Water Resources (DWR) may hold a public hearing should there be a signif. icant degree of public interest. Please mail comments and/or information re. quests to DWR at the above address. in. terested persons may visit the DWR at 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC to review information on file. Additional information on NPDES permits and this notice may be found on our website: ces ,or by calling (919) 707- 306058: Patheon Manufac- n es requested renewal of its Pitt County manufactur- Facility discharges to Park- n the Tar -Pamlico River Ba- tly no parameters are water Thermo Fisher S C I E N T I F I C May 3, 2019 NCDEQ Division of Water Quality / NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Thermo Fisher Scientific 5900 Martin Luther King Jr. Highway Greenville, NC 27834 +1(252)-758-3436 www.thermofisher.com 1W9WD/NCDM/DWQ MAY 0 9 20i9 Water Quality Permitting Section Subject: Renewal Application for Patheon Manufacturing Services LLC Patheon Manufacturing Services, LLC is submitting a renewal request for their NPDES permit NC0001058. This permit is for the non -contact cooling water blowdown at the Patheon site. Please find the attached original and two copies required for renewal, along with supporting documentation. If you need any additional information please contact me at (252-714-3969) or via email at natalie.brown@thermofisher.com Sincerely, ACU&W &Y%-__� Natalie Brown Senior EHS Specialist Pharma Services Patheon, part of Thermo Fisher Scientific NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION - SHORT FORM C - Minor Industrial Minor industrial, manufacturing and commercial facilities. Mail the complete application to: N. C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality / NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 NPDES Permit Number INC001058 Please print or type. 1. Contact Information: Owner Name Facility Name Mailing Address City State / Zip Code Telephone Number Fax Number e-mail Address Patheon Manufacturing Services LLC Patheon Manufacturing Services LLC P.O. Box 1887 Greenville N.C. 27835 252-714-3969 N/A Natalie.brown@thermofisher.com 2. Location of facility producing discharge: Check here if same as above ❑ Street Address or State Road 5900 Martin Luther King Jr Highway City Greenville State / Zip Code N.C. 27835 County Pitt 3. Operator Information: Name of the firm, consultant or other entity that operates the facility. (Note that this is not referring to the Operator in Responsible Charge or ORC) Name Natalie Brown Mailing Address P.O. Box 1887 City Greenville State / Zip Code N.C. 27835 Telephone Number 252-714-3969 Fax Number N/A 4. Ownership Status: Federal ❑ State ❑ Private ® Public ❑ Page 1 of 5 C-MI 10/08 NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION - SHORT FORM C - Minor Industrial Minor industrial, manufacturing and commercial facilities. S. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code(s): 2833 / 2834 6. Number of employees:+/- 1500 7. Describe the treatment system List all installed waste treatment components with capacities, describe the processes that generate wastewaters. If the space provided is not sufficient attach a separate sheet of paper with the system description. Cooling tower - non -contact cooling water. System is equipped with dechlorination units at each blowdown location. 8. Is facility covered under federal effluent limitation guidelines? No ❑ Yes If yes, specify the category? 439 9. Principal product(s) produced: Pharmaceuticals (oral solids / sterile products) Principal raw material(s) consumed: Active pharmacuetical ingredients and excipients. Briefly describe the manufacturing process(es): Raw materials consumed via batch process to manufacture a variety of pharmaceutical products (oral solids and sterile products) for customers. Page 2 of 5 C-MI 10/08 NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION - SHORT FORM C - Minor Industrial Minor industrial, manufacturing and commercial facilities. 10. Amount of principal product produced or raw material consumed (List specific amounts consumed and/or units of production over the last three years) Product Produced or Raw Material Product Produced or Raw Material Consumed Consumed AVERAGE PEAK per Day per Month 2,999 tons 2,999 tons per Year 11. Frequency of discharge: Continuous ❑ If intermittent: Days per week discharge occurs: 7 Intermittent Duration: 24 12. Types of wastewater discharged to surface waters only Discharge Flow GALLONS PER DAY Sanitary - monthly average Utility water, etc. - monthly average Process water - monthly average Stormwater - monthly average Other - monthly average Explain: non-conact cooling tower Outfall 001: 14,818.41 gpd blowdown (see attached) Outfall 002: 4,207.6 gpd Monthly Average Outfall 001: 14,818.41 gpd total discharge (all types) Outfall 002: 4,207.6 gpd 13. Number of separate discharge points: 2 Outfall Identification number(s) 001 & 002 14. Name of receiving stream(s) (Provide a map shoufing the exact location of each outfall, including latitude and longitudes Parker Creek Page 3 of 5 C-MI 10/08 NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION - SHORT FORM C - Minor Industrial Minor industrial, manufacturing and commercial facilities. 15. Effluent Data [for new or proposed discharges] Provide data for the parameters listed. Temperature and pH shall be grab samples, for all other parameters 24-hour composite sampling shall be used. If more than one analysis is reported, report daily maximum and monthly average. If only one analysis is reported, report as daily maximum. NOTE: Permittees requesting renewal should complete the table ONLY for the parameters currently monitored. Summarize the ast 3 years of e uent data. Daily Monthly Units of Parameter Maximum Average Measurement Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Total Organic Carbon Total Suspended Solids Ammonia as N 001: 24.6 001: 24.5 Degrees C Temperature (Summer) 002: 27.0 002: 27.8 001: 22.5 001: 22.9 Degrees C Temperature (Winter) 002: 25.1 002: 26.9 001: 7.3 001: 7.7 pH pH 002: 8.0 002: 8.8 Fecal Coliform (If sanitary waste is present) Total Residual Chlorine ( if chlorine is 001: 46.0 001: 46.0 ppb used) 002: 16.0 002: 16.0 16. List all permits, construction approvals and/or applications (check all that apply and provide permit numbers or check none if not applicabler Type Permit Number Type Permit Number Hazardous Waste (RCRA) UIC (SDWA) NPDES PSD (CAA) Non -attainment program (CAA) NCD047375766 NESHAPS (CAA) NCO01058 Ocean Dumping (MPRSA) Dredge or fill (Section 404 or CWA) Other: Air Quality: Title V 05754T97 17. List any chemicals that may be discharged (Please list and explain source and potential amounts.) Sulfuric Acid 93% *see attached Spectrus OX109 *see attached Gengard 8300 *see attached Spectrus DT1404 *see attached Page 4 of 5 C-MI 10/08 NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION - SHORT FORM C - Minor Industrial Minor industrial, manufacturing and commercial facilities. Spectrus BD1500 *see attached Gengard 8214 *see attached Page 5 of 5 C-MI 10/08 NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION - SHORT FORM C - Minor Industrial Minor industrial, manufacturing and commercial facilities. 18. Is this facility located on Indian country? (check one) Yes ❑ No 19. Applicant Certification I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in the application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete, and accurate. Natalie Brown Printed name of Person Signing Signature of Applicant Sr. EHS Specialist Title C� MAW ON Date North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6 (b)(2) provides that: Any person who knowingly makes any false statement representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document files or required to be maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article, or who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any recording or monitoring device or method required to be operated or maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $25,000, or by imprisonment not to exceed six months, or by both. (18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides a punishment by a fine of not more than $25,000 or imprisonment not more than 5 years, or both, for a similar offense.) Page 6 of 5 C-MI 10/08 rs.a •� r to Bufaf»a 8 Ch am- 123 \ O Yd 1 , •r S1� V 1 2 1 _ Y Pat_k —• .ra 1rp* n a .. L 8 posaa�i We ast( — _ f < , OUTFALL 002 OUTFALL` 001 _-r .._ �o Y, A •: Gam To At tR r 4 .. -'GREEN LI.E �,, ,.......;°.�— r' � "'�. �;� r�„"�-'a.�.»�..� .3� �, •. _ . Patheon Manufacturing Services LLC FACILITY County Pitt Stream Claw C•NSW LOCATION X Rccelvfna Stream: Parker Cmck S 0adn: 03-03-05 (not to scale) Laillude (0011; 35` 39' 30" USGS Ouad: Grcrnville NE Loneitada (001):. 77' 21' 29" LOW& (002): 35' 39' 20" l.onallude (002): 77` 21' 24" 1 .Nadh NPDES Permit NC0001058 Blowdown Rates P001 P002 Ma -16 662000 157840 Jun-16 672000 175246 Jut-16 844287 214526 Au -16 801945 253286 Se -16 352768 140975 Oct-16 306000 98080 Nov-16 202115 37355 Dec-16 498885 14495 Jan-17 364000 108 Feb-17 647000 0 Mar-17 585000 35470 A r-17 565000 162572 Ma -17 617000 186561 Jun-17 479000 216809 Jul-17 595641 193970 Au -17 531359 12056 Se -17 492000 126695 Oct-17 318273 125823 Nov-17 144178 84568 Dec-17 113549 65378 Jan-18 87000 106793 Feb-18 195000 81586 Mar-18 94865 63556 A r-18 145500 84582 c c N Q O F O 01 a 'a c E F c LL c c LL O r n0ran0 -- OMr O)NM COI- Q W. .- N cD OMO.- n 1 .-n g000coo6wwwI-w wr=cor rr-r r r- r�nr;r�mr-o5rlr-co (D1-0 N r r 0 tD r r Kf N r r M M O w N N N O r Q COcoQ M coM M O N O N r r cO Q N M tO .— a0 M onnMoo� 'Q td cDPMNOIV �rn QmQ,mMQNrco Nc0 MQNNN00 n nmrnrnT QQmNrLQ rnv� N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N C, N QC,, N N N N V'NMNOOi N N N r cV N Q N N c0 c0 0 0 CO 0 O -' c0 0 0 'r O 0 O O O O O M cO W O) O O Q O O N( 1 O N N 1n VM) Q Q O O M O O O r M O c0 M O O cn O M M O O O O O O O 0 0 0 O 0 O O O 0 O O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 co:, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C C C O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o o 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O 0010101 o 0 r-: o r` w O N cO co O C N M O O O) cn t4 N N N N N N M O n o 0 0 o O O O ¢ r2 am Q z _T T T >> m omp> CE c0- c c c E E >°o0m0cmaW 4)mmo(DmEE 2- ay0z0--)LL co0z0aana(nOzOLL ca06ca U)d in T T T T T a O�Ort0 a0OItQ NQ o00)C) 0nm QnNMQMCOQMr MNn ad C666n OM r•n c�rnnIh OOOOOLD t0 (O cO c0 cD cD c0 elf r 0 Q cod co aD O) N O O) O Q r 0 r- 0 0 M N M cD N Q N M .— 01 c0 (I Cq n r O n cM ; r O) Q ih cO 0 O M n M n u) oD cO n N M cD n cO w N w Q N N V) N N N N N N O) N cn N O N Q N N Q r- N r O N N N ch N o r N N c0 M N N Q Q N N Q O N N O O N N N Q N 00 00 7 N iD O 0 t0 N (O O O c! n 0 In W W 0Q CO M c0 V' V M .— M_ n Q (O m Q Q_ N 0 V V' 0 0 M 0 O 0 0 00 1 c O 0 O O O O O O OONCD 00000000 O O O 0 0 CD, O 0O O C000p0 0 0 0 0 ICD 00 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '.. O o O O Y7 O r-� co n rr Un 7 cn 0 .'.�V N N N N N coo N N O O O n O O O ¢ ¢ Q T T T T T T rc�n�mipeommn_�nnnnnrr^'nnooaoaoaoeow�oomooc�aomrnmrn��M � � `yam � may>QCd race may>uca �c may>uca� 000coc_oEoE m>>>arcrodm0,room3>>d�owmm�QW>>�m�OmRm`tla���'�� �E�E -��¢u>OzDnLL mOzinIu -,tnOZo-3uL ¢ S > as oC od o8 os In oa cn T T a T T T 0 0 0 0 0 0 &AD suet SAFETY DATA SHEET GENGARD* GN8214 1. Identification Product identifier GENGARD GN8214 Other means of identification None. Recommended use Corrosion inhibitor Recommended restrictions None known. Company/undertaking identification SUEZ WTS USA, Inc. 4636 Somerton Road Trevose, PA 19053 T 215 355 3300, F 215 953 5524 Emergency telephone (800) 877 1940 2. Hazard(s) identification Version: 2.1 Effective Date: Dec-20-2017 Previous Date: Jan-26-2016 Physical hazards Corrosive to metals Category 1 Health hazards Skin corrosion/irritation Category 1 Serious eye damage/eye irritation Category 1 Specific target organ toxicity, single exposure Category 3 respiratory tract irritation OSHA defined hazards Not classified. Label elements 1 Signal word Danger Hazard statement May be corrosive to metals. Causes severe skin burns and eye damage. Causes serious eye damage. May cause respiratory irritation. Precautionary statement Prevention Keep only in original container. Do not breathe mist or vapor. Wash thoroughly after handling. Use only outdoors or in a well -ventilated area. Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection. Response If swallowed: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. If on skin (or hair): Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water/shower. If inhaled: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing. If in eyes: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Immediately call a poison center/doctor/. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Absorb spillage to prevent material damage. Storage Store in a well -ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed. Store locked up. Store in corrosive resistant container with a resistant inner liner. Disposal Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations. Hazard(s) not otherwise None known. classified (HNOC) Page: 1 / 8 Supplemental information None. 3. Composition/information on ingredients Mixtures Components CAS # Percent Chlorotolyltriazole sodium salt 202420-04-0 1 - 2.5 Sodium hydroxide 1310-73-2 1 - 2.5 Composition comments Information for specific product ingredients as required by the U.S. OSHA HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD is listed. Refer to additional sections of this SDS for our assessment of the potential hazards of this formulation. 4. First -aid measures Inhalation Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell. Skin contact Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water/shower. Call a physician or poison control center immediately. Chemical burns must be treated by a physician. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Eye contact Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Call a physician or poison control center immediately. Ingestion Call a physician or poison control center immediately. Rinse mouth. Do not induce vomiting. If vomiting occurs, keep head low so that stomach content doesn't get into the lungs. Most important Burning pain and severe corrosive skin damage. Causes serious eye damage. Symptoms may symptoms/effects, acute and include stinging, tearing, redness, swelling, and blurred vision. Permanent eye damage including delayed blindness could result. May cause respiratory irritation. Indication of immediate Provide general supportive measures and treat symptomatically. Chemical burns: Flush with water medical attention and special immediately. While flushing, remove clothes which do not adhere to affected area. Call an treatment needed ambulance. Continue flushing during transport to hospital. Keep victim under observation. Symptoms may be delayed. General information If you feel unwell, seek medical advice (show the label where possible). Ensure that medical personnel are aware of the material(s) involved, and take precautions to protect themselves. 5. Fire -fighting measures Suitable extinguishing media Water fog. Foam. Dry chemical powder. Carbon dioxide (CO2) Unsuitable extinguishing Do not use water jet as an extinguisher, as this will spread the fire. media Specific hazards arising from During fire, gases hazardous to health may be formed. the chemical Special protective equipment Self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing must be worn in case of fire. and precautions for firefighters Fire fighting Move containers from fire area if you can do so without risk. equipment/instructions Specific methods Use standard firefighting procedures and consider the hazards of other involved materials. 6. Accidental release measures Personal precautions, Keep unnecessary personnel away. Keep people away from and upwind of spill/leak. Wear protective equipment and appropriate protective equipment and clothing during clean-up. Do not breathe mist or vapor. Do emergency procedures not touch damaged containers or spilled material unless wearing appropriate protective clothing. Ensure adequate ventilation. Local authorities should be advised if significant spillages cannot be contained. For personal protection, see section 8 of the SDS. Methods and materials for Large Spills: Stop the flow of material, if this is without risk. Dike the spilled material, where this is containment and cleaning up possible. Cover with plastic sheet to prevent spreading. Absorb spillage to prevent material damage. Use a non-combustible material like vermiculite, sand or earth to soak up the product and place into a container for later disposal. Prevent entry into waterways, sewer, basements or confined areas. Following product recovery, flush area with water. Small Spills: Wipe up with absorbent material (e.g. cloth, fleece). Clean surface thoroughly to remove residual contamination. Never return spills to original containers for re -use. For waste disposal, see section 13 of the SDS. Environmental precautions Avoid discharge into drains, water courses or onto the ground. Material name: GENGARD* GN8214 Page: 2 / 8 Version number: 2.1 7. Handling and storage Precautions for safe handling Do not breathe mist or vapor. Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Avoid prolonged exposure. Provide adequate ventilation. Take precautions to minimize foaming. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment. Observe good industrial hygiene practices. Use care in handling/storage. Conditions for safe storage, Store locked up. Do not store in aluminum containers. Store in a cool, dry place out of direct including any incompatibilities sunlight. Store in corrosive resistant container with a resistant inner liner. Keep only in the original container. Store away from incompatible materials (see Section 10 of the SDS). Store in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulation. 8. Exposure controls/personal protection Occupational exposure limits US. OSHA Table Z-1 Limits for Air Contaminants (29 CFR 1910.1000) Components Type Value Sodium hydroxide (CAS PEL 2 mg/m3 1310-73-2) US. ACGIH Threshold Limit Values Components Type Value Sodium hydroxide (CAS Ceiling 2 mg/m3 1310-73-2) US. NIOSH: Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards Components Type Value Sodium hydroxide (CAS Ceiling 2 mg/m3 1310-73-2) Biological limit values No biological exposure limits noted for the ingredient(s). Appropriate engineering Good general ventilation (typically 10 air changes per hour) should be used. Ventilation rates controls should be matched to conditions. If applicable, use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation, or other engineering controls to maintain airborne levels below recommended exposure limits. If exposure limits have not been established, maintain airborne levels to an acceptable level. Eye wash facilities and emergency shower must be available when handling this product. Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment Eye/face protection Splash proof chemical goggles. Skin protection Hand protection Wear appropriate chemical resistant gloves. The choice of an appropriate glove does not only depend on its material but also on other quality features and is different from one producer to the other. Glove selection must take into account any solvents and other hazards present. Other Wear appropriate chemical resistant clothing. Respiratory protection If engineering controls do not maintain airborne concentrations below recommended exposure limits (where applicable) or to an acceptable level (in countries where exposure limits have not been established), an approved respirator must be worn. A RESPIRATORY PROTECTION PROGRAM THAT MEETS OSHA'S 29 CFR 1910.134 AND ANSI Z88.2 REQUIREMENTS MUST BE FOLLOWED WHENEVER WORKPLACE CONDITIONS WARRANT A RESPIRATOR'S USE. Thermal hazards Wear appropriate thermal protective clothing, when necessary. General hygiene Always observe good personal hygiene measures, such as washing after handling the material considerations and before eating, drinking, and/or smoking. Routinely wash work clothing and protective equipment to remove contaminants. 9. Physical and chemical properties Appearance Color Amber to brown Physical state Liquid Odor Slight ammonia Odor threshold Not available. pH (concentrated product) 13.3 pH in aqueous solution 12.4 (5% SOL.) Melting point/freezing point 20 °F (-7 -C) Initial boiling point and boiling Not available. range Flash point Not applicable. Material name: GENGARD* GN8214 Page: 3 / 8 Version number: 2.1 Evaporation rate < 1 (Ether = 1) Flammability (solid, gas) Not applicable. Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits Flammability limit - lower Not available. (%) Flammability limit - upper Not available. (%) Explosive limit - lower (°I°) Not available. Explosive limit - upper (%) Not available. Vapor pressure 18 mm Fig Vapor pressure temp. 70 T (21 °C) Vapor density < 1 (Air = 1) Relative density 1.19 Relative density temperature 70 T (21 °C) Solubility(ies) Solubility (water) 100 % Partition coefficient Not available. (n-octanol/water) Auto -ignition temperature Not available. Decomposition temperature Not available. Viscosity 26 cps Viscosity temperature 70 T (21 °C) Other information Pour point 25 T (4 °C) Specific gravity 1.191 VOC 0 % (Estimated) 10. Stability and reactivity Reactivity May be corrosive to metals. Chemical stability Material is stable under normal conditions. Possibility of hazardous Hazardous polymerization does not occur. reactions Conditions to avoid None under normal conditions. Incompatible materials Strong acids. Strong oxidizing agents. Aluminum. Hazardous decomposition Oxides of carbon evolved in fire. products 11. Toxicological information Information on likely routes of exposure Inhalation May cause irritation to the respiratory system. Prolonged inhalation may be harmful. Skin contact Causes severe skin burns. Eye contact Causes serious eye damage. Ingestion Causes digestive tract burns. Symptoms related to the Burning pain and severe corrosive skin damage. Causes serious eye damage. Symptoms may physical, chemical and include stinging, tearing, redness, swelling, and blurred vision. Permanent eye damage including toxicological characteristics blindness could result. May cause respiratory irritation. Information on toxicological effects Acute toxicity May cause respiratory irritation. Material name: GENGARD" GN8214 Page: 4 / 8 Version number: 2.1 Product Species Test Results GENGARD GN8214 (CAS Mixture) Acute Dermal LD50 Rabbit > 5000 mg/kg, (Calculated according to GHS additivty rule) Oral LD50 Rat > 5000 mg/kg, (Calculated according to GHS additivity rule) Components Species Test Results Chlorotolyltriazole sodium salt (CAS 202420-04-0) Acute Dermal LD50 Rat > 5000 mg/kg Oral LD50 Rat 3100 mg/kg Sodium hydroxide (CAS 1310-73-2) Acute Dermal LD50 Rabbit 1350 mg/kg Oral LD50 Rabbit > 500 mg/kg * Estimates for product may be based on additional component data not shown. Skin corrosion/irritation Causes severe skin burns and eye damage. Serious eye damage/eye Causes serious eye damage. irritation Respiratory or skin sensitization Respiratory sensitization Not available. Skin sensitization This product is not expected to cause skin sensitization. Germ cell mutagenicity No data available to indicate product or any components present at greater than 0.1% are mutagenic or genotoxic. Carcinogenicity This product is not considered to be a carcinogen by [ARC, ACGIH, NTP, or OSHA. IARC Monographs. Overall Evaluation of Carcinogenicity Not listed. OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1050) Not regulated. US. National Toxicology Program (NTP) Report on Carcinogens Not listed. Reproductive toxicity This product is not expected to cause reproductive or developmental effects. Specific target organ toxicity - May cause respiratory irritation. single exposure Specific target organ toxicity - Not classified. repeated exposure Aspiration hazard Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met. May be harmful if swallowed and enters airways. Chronic effects Prolonged inhalation may be harmful. 12. Ecological information Ecotoxicity Components Species Test Results Chlorotolyltriazole sodium salt (CAS 202420-04-0) Aquatic Algae EbC50 Algae 6.84 mg/I Material name: GENGARD* GN8214 Page: 5 / 8 Version number: 2.1 Components Species Test Results ErC50 Algae 18.6 mg/I Bioaccumulative potential Mobility in soil No data available. Other adverse effects No other adverse environmental effects (e.g. ozone depletion, photochemical ozone creation potential, endocrine disruption, global warming potential) are expected from this component. Persistence and degradability No data is available on the degradability of this product. 13. Disposal considerations Disposal instructions Collect and reclaim or dispose in sealed containers at licensed waste disposal site. Incinerate the material under controlled conditions in an approved incinerator. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations. Local disposal regulations Dispose in accordance with all applicable regulations. Hazardous waste code D002: Waste Corrosive material [pH <=2 or=>12.5, or corrosive to steel] The waste code should be assigned in discussion between the user, the producer and the waste disposal company. Waste from residues I unused Dispose of in accordance with local regulations. Empty containers or liners may retain some products product residues. This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe manner (see: Disposal instructions). Contaminated packaging Empty containers should be taken to an approved waste handling site for recycling or disposal. Since emptied containers may retain product residue, follow label warnings even after container is emptied. 14. Transport information DOT UN number UN1760 UN proper shipping name Corrosive liquids, n.o.s. (CHLOROTOLYLTRIAZOLE SODIUM SALT, Sodium hydroxide) Transport hazard class(es) Class 8 Subsidiary risk - Packing group III Special precautions for user Read safety instructions, SDS and emergency procedures before handling. ERG number 154 Some containers may be exempt from Dangerous Goods/Hazmat Transport Regulations, please check BOL for exact container classification. IATA UN number UN1760 UN proper shipping name Corrosive liquid, n.o.s. (CHLOROTOLYLTRIAZOLE SODIUM SALT, Sodium hydroxide) Transport hazard class(es) Class 8 Subsidiary risk - Packing group III Environmental hazards No. ERG Code 154 Special precautions for user Read safety instructions, SDS and emergency procedures before handling. IMDG UN number UN1760 UN proper shipping name CORROSIVE LIQUID, N.O.S. (CHLOROTOLYLTRIAZOLE SODIUM SALT, Sodium hydroxide) Transport hazard class(es) Class 8 Subsidiary risk - Packing group III Environmental hazards Marine pollutant No. EmS F-A, S-B Special precautions for user Read safety instructions, SDS and emergency procedures before handling. Material name: GENGARD' GN8214 Page: 6 / 8 Version number: 2.1 DOT IATA; IMDG 15. Regulatory information US federal regulations This product is a "Hazardous Chemical' as defined by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200. TSCA Section 12(b) Export Notification (40 CFR 707, Subpt. D) Not regulated. CERCLA Hazardous Substance List (40 CFR 302.4) Sodium hydroxide (CAS 1310-73-2) Listed. SARA 304 Emergency release notification Not regulated. OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1050) Not regulated. Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) Hazard categories Immediate Hazard - Yes Delayed Hazard - No Fire Hazard - No Pressure Hazard - No Reactivity Hazard - No SARA 302 Extremely hazardous substance Not listed. SARA 311/312 Hazardous Yes chemical SARA 313 (TRI reporting) Not regulated. Other federal regulations Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 112 Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) List Not regulated. Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 112(r) Accidental Release Prevention (40 CFR 68.130) Not regulated. Safe Drinking Water Act Not regulated. (SDWA) Inventory status Country(s) or region Canada Canada Inventory name Domestic Substances List (DSL) Non -Domestic Substances List (NDSL) On inventory (yes/no)* Yes No Material name: GENGARD* GN8214 Version number: 2.1 Page: 7 / 8 Country(s) or region Inventory name On inventory (yes/no)* United States & Puerto Rico Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Inventory Yes *A "Yes" indicates that all components of this product comply with the inventory requirements administered by the governing country(s) A "No" indicates that one or more components of the product are not listed or exempt from listing on the inventory administered by the governing country(s). NSF Registered and/or meets Registration No. — 152132 USDA (according to 1998 Category Code(s): guidelines): G5 Cooling and retort water treatment products G7 Boiler, steam line treatment products — nonfood contact US state regulations US - California Proposition 65 - CRT: Listed date/Carcinogenic substance No ingredient listed. US - California Proposition 65 - CRT: Listed date/Developmental toxin No ingredient listed. US - California Proposition 65 - CRT: Listed date/Female reproductive toxin No ingredient listed. US - California Proposition 65 - CRT: Listed date/Male reproductive toxin No ingredient listed. US - Massachusetts RTK - Substance List Sodium hydroxide (CAS 1310-73-2) US - Pennsylvania RTK - Hazardous Substances Sodium hydroxide (CAS 1310-73-2) Listed. US - Rhode Island RTK Sodium hydroxide (CAS 1310-73-2) US. New Jersey Worker and Community Right -to -Know Act Sodium hydroxide (CAS 1310-73-2) Listed. US. California Proposition 65 Not Listed. 16. Other information, including date of preparation or last revision Issue date Jul-30-2015 Revision date Dec-20-2017 Version # 2.1 List of abbreviations CAS: Chemical Abstract Service Registration Number TSRN indicates a Trade Secret Registry Number is used in place of the CAS number. ACGIH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists NOEL: No Observed Effect Level STEL: Short Term Exposure Limit LC50: Lethal Concentration, 50% TWA: Time Weighted Average BOD: Biochemical Oxygen Demand COD: Chemical Oxygen Demand TOC: Total Organic Carbon IATA: International Air Transport Association IMDG: International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code LD50: Lethal Dose, 50% References: No data available Disclaimer The information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, information and belief at the date of its publication. The information given is designed only as a guidance for safe handling, use, processing, storage, transportation, disposal and release and is not to be considered a warranty or quality specification. The information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in any process, unless specified in the text. Revision information Other information, including date of preparation or last revision: Prepared by Prepared by This SDS has been prepared by SUEZ Regulatory Department (1-215-355-3300). * Trademark of SUEZ. May be registered in one or more countries. Material name: GENGARD* GN8214 Page: 8 / 8 Version number: 2.1 BIOCIDE/CHEMICAL TREATMENT WORKSHEET-FORM 101 The following calculations are to be performed on any biocidal products ultimately discharged to the surface waters of North Carolina. This worksheet must be completed separately for each biocidal product in use. This worksheet is to be returned with all appropriate data entered into the designated areas with calculations performed as indicated. I. Facility Name: Patheon Manufacturing Services LLC NPDES # NC: 0001068 Outfall #: 001 & 002 County: Pitt Receiving Stream: Parker's Creek 7Q10: 0.38 (cfs) (All above information supplied by the Division of Water Quality) What is the Average Daily Discharge (A.D.D.) volume of the water handling systems to the receiving water body? A.D.D. = 0.044 (in M.G.D.) Please calculate the Instream Waste Concentration (IWC in percent) of this discharge using the data entered above. IWC _ (A.D.D.) X 100 _ ( ) X 100 _15.19967 % (7Q 10)(0.646) + (A. D. D) - ( )(0.646) + ( ) This value (IWC) represents the waste concentration to the receiving stream during low flow conditions. II. What is the name of the whole product chemical treatment proposed for use in the discharge identified in Part I? Spectrus BD1500 Please list the active ingredients and percent composition: What feed or dosage rate (D.R.) is used in this application? The units must be converted to maximum grams of whole product used in a 24hr period. D.R.= 3,489 grams/24hr period Please note, fluid ounces (a volume) must be converted to grams (a mass). The formula for this conversion is: Grams of product = fluid oz. of product X 1 gal. water X 8.34 lbs. X specific gravity of product X 453.59g. 128 fl. oz. 1 gal. water 1 lb. Facility Name: DSM Pharmaceuticals, Inc NPDES #: NC0001058 Estimate total volume of the water handling system between entry of biocidal product and NPDES discharge point. On an attached sheet please provide justification for this estimate (system volume, average cycles per blowdown, holding lagoon size, etc.) Volume= 0.16 million gallons What is the pH of the handling system prior to biocide addition? If unknown, enter N/A. What is the decay rate (D.K.) of the product? If unknown, assume no decay (D.K.=O) and proceed to asterisk. The degradation must be stated at pH level within 1 /2 pH standard unit within handling system. Enter the half life (Half Life is the time required for the initial product to degrade to half of its original concentration). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. H.L. = Days The decay rate is equal to H1L X 0.69 = =Decay Rate (D.K.) Calculate degradation factor (D.F.). This is the first order loss coefficient. * D.F. = A� D.D. + + ( D.K.) _ �—� ( ) = 0.275 (Volume) ( ) Calculate Steady State Discharge Concentration Dischg Conc. _ (D.R.) _ ( ) (D.F.)(Volume)(3785) - ( )( )(3785) = 20.95 mg/I Calculate concentration of biocide instream during low flow conditions. (Receiving Stream Concentration) (Dischg. Conc.) x (IWC%) _ ( ) x ( ) - 3.18 mg/I 100 - 100 - Receiving Stream Concentration III. Calculate regulated limitation. List all LC50 and EC50 data available for the whole product according to the following columns. (Note that units should be in mg/1). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. Organism Daphnia magn Fathead Minnc Test Duration 48 Hour 96 Hour LC50/EC50 (mg/I) 2000 2000 D. W. Q. Form 101 (612000) 2 Facility Name: DSM Pharmaceuticals, Inc NPDES #: NC0001058 Choose the lowest LC50/EC50 listed above: Enter the LC50/EC50: 2000 If the half life (H.L.) is less than 4 days, perform the following calculation. Regulated Limitation = 0.05 x LC50 = mg/I If the half life (H.L.) is greater than or equal to 4 days or unknown, perform the following calculation. Regulated Limitation = 0.01 x LC50 = 20 mg/I Choose the appropriate regulated limitation from the calculations immediately above and place in this blank: 20 mg/liter From Part II enter the receiving stream concentration: 3.18 mg/liter IV. Analysis. If the receiving stream concentration is greater than the calculated regulated limitation, then this biocide is unacceptable for use. Person in Responsible Charge Name (Print) o�'Mziq Signature Date Person Completing This Worksheet (If different from above) Name (Print) Signature Date Please submit to: Division of Water Quality Aquatic Toxicology Unit 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Contact info: Cindy Moore (cindy.a.moore@ncmail.net) or John Giorgino Oohn.giorgino@ncmail.net) D. W. Q. Form 101 (612000) 3 Facility Name: DSM Pharmaceuticals, Inc NPDES #: NC0001058 Supplemental Metals Analysis If copper, zinc, or chromium are present in the proposed biocidal compound, complete this worksheet. A separate form must be used for each metal and/or metal compound present in the biocide. List the metal, its chemical formula, molecular weight (MW), formula weight (FW), and the concentration of the metal compound in the biocide (MCC). Complete a separate form for every metal present in the biocide. Metal EXAMPLE Copper Chemical Formula Molecular Weight of Metal Formula Weight Concentration in Biocide CuSO4.5H2O 63.546 g/mole 249.680 g/mole 0.2 % Dosage rate of Biocide (DR) (from page 1): Lem ms/day Average Daily Discharge (ADD) (from page 1): ADD = million gallons/day Discharge Concentration (DC) of Biocide: ( grams/day) DC = ADD = (_million gallons/day) = grams/million gallons Convert DC to micrograms/liter (ppb): DC (Ng/1) = DC (grams/million gal) x 1 x 106 pg/g = Ng/I 3.785 x 106 liters/million gal. Calculate the fraction of metal in the metal -containing compound (MF): MF = MW _ ( grams/mole) _ FW - ( grams/mole) Calculate the fraction of metal in the biocidal compound (BF): MCC (%) % BF = MF x 100 = x (100) _ Calculate the concentration of metal in the discharge (M): M = DC x BF = pg/I x Ng/I Calculate the instream metal concentration (IMC) at low -flow conditions: ° ) ° IMC = M x IWC 100 ° = Ng/I x 100 ° = Ng/I Regulated limitation of metal (from below): Ngll NC General Statutes 15A NCAC 26.0211 define: Copper- 7 pgll water quality action level` Zinc- 50 pg/I water quality action level* Chromium- 50 pgll water quality standard ('Values which exceed action levels must be addressed directly by aquatic toxicity testing.) D. W. Q. Form 101 (612000) 4 CMAD suet SAFETY DATA SHEET SPECTRUS* BD1500 1. Identification Product identifier Other means of identification Recommended use Recommended restrictions SPECTRUS BD1500 None. Water based deposit control agent. None known. Company/undertaking identification SUEZ WTS USA, Inc. 4636 Somerton Road Trevose, PA 19053 T 215 355 3300, F 215 953 5524 Emergency telephone (800) 877 1940 2. Hazard(s) identification Physical hazards Not classified. Health hazards Not classified. OSHA defined hazards Not classified. Version: 2.2 Effective Date: Dec-16-2017 Previous Date: Aug-31-2016 Label elements Hazard symbol None. Signal word None. Hazard statement The mixture does not meet the criteria for classification. Precautionary statement Prevention Observe good industrial hygiene practices. Response Wash hands after handling. Storage Store away from incompatible materials. Disposal Dispose of waste and residues in accordance with local authority requirements. Hazard(s) not otherwise None known. classified (HNOC) Supplemental information None. 3. Composition/information on ingredients Mixtures The manufacturer lists no ingredients as hazardous according to OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200. Composition comments Information for specific product ingredients as required by the U.S. OSHA HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD is listed. Refer to additional sections of this SDS for our assessment of the potential hazards of this formulation. 4. First -aid measures Inhalation Move to fresh air. For breathing difficulties, oxygen may be necessary. If breathing stops, provide artificial respiration. Get medical attention immediately. Skin contact Wash with plenty of soap and water. Get medical attention if irritation develops or persists. Page: 1 / 7 Eye contact Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Get medical attention if irritation develops and persists. Ingestion Do not induce vomiting. Rinse mouth. Get medical attention if symptoms occur. Most important Direct contact with eyes may cause temporary irritation. symptoms/effects, acute and delayed Indication of immediate Treat symptomatically. medical attention and special treatment needed General information Ensure that medical personnel are aware of the material(s) involved, and take precautions to protect themselves. 5. Fire -fighting measures Suitable extinguishing media Water fog. Foam. Dry chemical powder. Carbon dioxide (CO2). Unsuitable extinguishing None known. media Specific hazards arising from During fire, gases hazardous to health may be formed. the chemical Special protective equipment Wear full protective clothing, including helmet, self-contained positive pressure or pressure and precautions for firefighters demand breathing apparatus, protective clothing and face mask. Fire fighting In case of fire and/or explosion do not breathe fumes. Use standard firefighting procedures and equipment/instructions consider the hazards of other involved materials. Move containers from fire area if you can do so without risk. Cool containers / tanks with water spray. Specific methods Use standard firefighting procedures and consider the hazards of other involved materials. General fire hazards No unusual fire or explosion hazards noted. 6. Accidental release measures Personal precautions, Alkaline. Wear appropriate protective equipment and clothing during clean-up. See Section 8 of protective equipment and the SDS for Personal Protective Equipment. Ventilate area, use specified protective equipment. emergency procedures Methods and materials for Stop the flow of material, if this is without risk. Following product recovery, flush area with water. containment and cleaning up Never return spills to original containers for re -use. For waste disposal, see section 13 of the SDS. Environmental precautions Water contaminated with this product may be sent to a sanitary sewer treatment facility, or a permitted waste treatment facility, in accordance with any local agreements. 7. Handling and storage Precautions for safe handling Alkaline. Do not mix with acidic material. Observe good industrial hygiene practices. Conditions for safe storage, Store in original tightly closed container. Store away from incompatible materials (see Section 10 including any incompatibilities of the SDS). 8. Exposure controls/personal protection Biological limit values No biological exposure limits noted for the ingredient(s). Appropriate engineering Good general ventilation (typically 10 air changes per hour) should be used. Ventilation rates controls should be matched to conditions. if applicable, use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation, or other engineering controls to maintain airborne levels below recommended exposure limits. If exposure limits have not been established, maintain airborne levels to an acceptable level. Good general ventilation should be used. Ventilation rates should be matched to conditions. If applicable, use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation, or other engineering controls to maintain airborne levels below recommended exposure limits. If exposure limits have not been established, maintain airborne levels to an acceptable level. Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment Eye/face protection Splash proof chemical goggles. Skin protection Hand protection Wear appropriate chemical resistant gloves. The choice of an appropriate glove does not only depend on its material but also on other quality features and is different from one producer to the other. Glove selection must take into account any solvents and other hazards present. Other Wear suitable protective clothing. Protective clothing if splashing or repeated contact with product is likely. Material name: SPECTRUS' BD1500 Page: 2 / 7 Version number: 2.2 Respiratory protection A RESPIRATORY PROTECTION PROGRAM THAT MEETS OSHA'S 29 CFR 1910.134 AND ANSI Z88.2 REQUIREMENTS MUST BE FOLLOWED WHENEVER WORKPLACE CONDITIONS WARRANT A RESPIRATOR'S USE. If engineering controls do not maintain airborne concentrations below recommended exposure limits (where applicable) or to an acceptable level (in countries where exposure limits have not been established), an approved respirator must be worn. Thermal hazards Wear appropriate thermal protective clothing, when necessary. General hygiene Always observe good personal hygiene measures, such as washing after handling the material considerations and before eating, drinking, and/or smoking. Routinely wash work clothing and protective equipment to remove contaminants. 9. Physical and chemical properties Appearance Color Colorless Physical state Liquid Odor Slight Odor threshold Not available. pH (concentrated product) 12.5 Melting point/freezing point 31 °F (-1 °C) Initial boiling point and boiling 220 °F (104 °C) range Flash point Not applicable. Evaporation rate < 1 (Ether = 1) Flammability (solid, gas) Not applicable. Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits Flammability limit - lower Not available. (%) Flammability limit - upper Not available. (%) Explosive limit - lower (%) Not available. Explosive limit - upper (%) Not available. Vapor pressure 18 mm Hg Vapor pressure temp. 70 °F (21 °C) Vapor density < 1 (Air = 1) Relative density 1.02 Relative density temperature 70 °F (21 -C) Solubility(ies) Solubility (water) 100 % Partition coefficient Not available. (n-octanol/water) Auto -ignition temperature Not available. Decomposition temperature Not available. Viscosity 11 cps Viscosity temperature 70 -F (21 °C) Other information Pour point 26 °F (-3 °C) Specific gravity 1.02 VOC 0 % (Estimated) 10. Stability and reactivity Reactivity The product is stable and non -reactive under normal conditions of use, storage and transport. Chemical stability Material is stable under normal conditions. Possibility of hazardous reactions Conditions to avoid Hazardous polymerization does not occur. Contact with incompatible materials. Material name: SPECTRUS' BD1500 Version number: 2.2 Page: 3 / 7 Incompatible materials Strong oxidizing agents. Hazardous decomposition Oxides of carbon evolved in fire. products 11. Toxicological information Information on likely routes of exposure Inhalation Mists/aerosols may cause irritation to upper respiratory tract. Skin contact Prolonged or repeated contact may cause transient irritation. Eye contact Direct contact with eyes may cause temporary irritation. Ingestion Expected to be a low ingestion hazard. Symptoms related to the Prolonged and repetitive exposure, depending on the route(s), may develop transient irritation on physical, chemical and skin, eyes, ingestion tract, and/or respiratory tract. toxicological characteristics Information on toxicological effects Acute toxicity Product Species Test Results SPECTRUS BD1500 (CAS Mixture) Acute Dermal LD50 Rabbit > 5000 mg/kg, (Calculated according to GHS additivity formula) Oral LD50 Rat > 5000 mg/kg, (Calculated according to GHS additivity formula) * Estimates for product may be based on additional component data not shown. Skin corrosion/irritation Prolonged skin contact may cause temporary irritation. Serious eye damage/eye Direct contact with eyes may cause temporary irritation. irritation Respiratory or skin sensitization Respiratory sensitization This product is not expected to cause respiratory sensitization. Skin sensitization This product is not expected to cause skin sensitization. Germ cell mutagenicity No data available to indicate product or any components present at greater than 0.1 % are mutagenic or genotoxic. Carcinogenicity This product is not considered to be a carcinogen by IARC, ACGIH, NTP, or OSHA. IARC Monographs. Overall Evaluation of Carcinogenicity Not listed. OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1050) Not regulated. US. National Toxicology Program (NTP) Report on Carcinogens Not listed. Reproductive toxicity This product is not expected to cause reproductive or developmental effects. Specific target organ toxicity - single exposure Specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposure Aspiration hazard 12. Ecological information Ecotoxicity Product Not classified. Not classified. Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met. SPECTRUS BD1500 (CAS Mixture) 0% Mortality Species Fathead Minnow Test Results 2000 mg/I, Static Bioassay with 48-Hour Renewal, 96 hour Material name: SPECTRUS" BD1500 Version number: 2.2 Page: 4 / 7 Product Species Test Results Aquatic Crustacea Fish Bioaccumulative potential Mobility in soil Other adverse effects Persistence and degradability - COD (mgO2/g) - BOD 5 (mgO21g) - BOD 28 (mgO2/g) - Closed Bottle Test (% Degradation in 28 days) - Zahn-Wellens Test (% Degradation in 28 days) - TOC (mg C/g) Menidia beryllina (Silversides) 5000 mg/l, Static Acute Bioassay, 96 hour 25% Mortality Mysid Shrimp 5000 mg/I, Static Acute Bioassay, 96 hour EC50 Selenastrum (algae) > 8000 mg/I, Growth Inhibition, 96 hour, (pH adjusted) IC25 Ceriodaphnia 652 mg/l, Static Renewal Bioassay, 7 day Fathead Minnow 3000 mg/I, Static Renewal Bioassay, 7 day LC50 Ceriodaphnia > 3000 mg/I, Static Renewal Bioassay, 48 hour Fathead Minnow > 3000 mg/l, Static Renewal Bioassay, 7 day NOEL Mysid Shrimp 2500 mg/I, Static Acute Bioassay, 96 hour Selenastrum (algae) 8000 mg/I, Growth Inhibition, 96 hour, (pH adjusted) 0% Mortality Daphnia magna NOEL Rainbow Trout Not available. No data available. Not available. 2000 mg/I, Static Acute Bioassay, 48 hour 3000 mg/l, Static Renewal Bioassay, 96 hour Testing has shown product not to be readily biodegradable. 235 13,35 45,3 15 OECD 301D 9 (calculated data) 80 (calculated data) 13. Disposal considerations Disposal instructions Collect and reclaim or dispose in sealed containers at licensed waste disposal site. Local disposal regulations Dispose in accordance with all applicable regulations. Hazardous waste code The waste code should be assigned in discussion between the user, the producer and the waste disposal company. Waste from residues / unused Dispose of in accordance with local regulations. Empty containers or liners may retain some products product residues. This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe manner (see: Disposal instructions). Contaminated packaging Since emptied containers may retain product residue, follow label warnings even after container is emptied. Empty containers should be taken to an approved waste handling site for recycling or disposal. 14. Transport information DOT Not regulated as dangerous goods. Material name: SPECTRUS` BD1500 Page: 5 / 7 Version number: 2.2 Some containers may be exempt from Dangerous Goods/Hazmat Transport Regulations, please check BOL for exact container classification. IATA Not regulated as dangerous goods. IMDG Not regulated as dangerous goods. 15. Regulatory information US federal regulations This product is not known to be a "Hazardous Chemical' as defined by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200. TSCA Section 12(b) Export Notification (40 CFR 707, Subpt D) Not regulated. CERCLA Hazardous Substance List (40 CFR 302.4) Not listed. SARA 304 Emergency release notification Not regulated. OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1050) Not regulated. Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) Hazard categories Immediate Hazard - No Delayed Hazard - No Fire Hazard - No Pressure Hazard - No Reactivity Hazard - No SARA 302 Extremely hazardous substance Not listed. SARA 311/312 Hazardous No chemical SARA 313 (TRI reporting) Not regulated. Other federal regulations Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 112 Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) List Not regulated. Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 112(r) Accidental Release Prevention (40 CFR 68.130) Not regulated. Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 112(r) (40 CFR 68.130) Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Inventory status Country(s) or region Canada Canada Hazardous substance Not regulated. Inventory name Domestic Substances List (DSL) Non -Domestic Substances List (NDSL) On inventory (yes/no)* Yes No United States & Puerto Rico Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Inventory Yes *A "Yes" indicates that all components of this product comply with the inventory requirements administered by the governing country(s) A "No" indicates that one or more components of the product are not listed or exempt from listing on the inventory administered by the governing country(s). Food and drug administration 21 CFR 176.170 (components of paper and paperboard in contact with aqueous and fatty foods) NSF Registered and/or meets Registration No. — 141059 USDA (according to 1998 Category Code(s): guidelines): G5 Cooling and retort water treatment products G7 Boiler, steam line treatment products — nonfood contact US state regulations US - California Proposition 65 - CRT: Listed date/Carcinogenic substance No ingredient listed. Material name: SPECTRUS* BD1500 Page: 6 / 7 Version number: 2.2 US - California Proposition 65 - CRT: Listed date/Developmental toxin No ingredient listed. US - California Proposition 65 - CRT: Listed date/Female reproductive toxin No ingredient listed. US - California Proposition 65 - CRT: Listed date/Male reproductive toxin No ingredient listed. US - Massachusetts RTK - Substance List Not regulated. US - Pennsylvania RTK - Hazardous Substances Not regulated. US - Rhode Island RTK Not regulated. US. California Proposition 65 WARNING: This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. 16. Other information, including date of preparation or last revision Issue date Dec-03-2014 Revision date Dec-16-2017 Version # 2.2 List of abbreviations CAS: Chemical Abstract Service Registration Number TWA: Time Weighted Average STEL: Short Term Exposure Limit LD50: Lethal Dose, 50% LC50: Lethal Concentration, 50% NOEL: No Observed Effect Level COD: Chemical Oxygen Demand BOD: Biochemical Oxygen Demand TOC: Total Organic Carbon IATA: International Air Transport Association IMDG: International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code ACGIH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists TSRN indicates a Trade Secret Registry Number is used in place of the CAS number. References: No data available Disclaimer The information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, information and belief at the date of its publication. The information given is designed only as a guidance for safe handling, use, processing, storage, transportation, disposal and release and is not to be considered a warranty or quality specification. The information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in any process, unless specified in the text. Revision information This document has undergone significant changes and should be reviewed in its entirety. Prepared by This SDS has been prepared by SUEZ Regulatory Department (1-215-355-3300). Trademark of SUEZ. May be registered in one or more countries. Material name: SPECTRUS' BD1500 Page: 7 / 7 Version number: 2.2 BIOCIDE/CHEMICAL TREATMENT WORKSHEET-FORM 101 The following calculations are to be performed on any biocidal products ultimately discharged to the surface waters of North Carolina. This worksheet must be completed separately for each biocidal product in use. This worksheet is to be returned with all appropriate data entered into the designated areas with calculations performed as indicated. I. Facility Name: Patheon Manufacturing Services LLC NPDES # NC: 0001058 Outfall #: 001 & 002 County: Pitt Receiving Stream: Parker's Creek 7Q10: 0.38 (cfs) (All above information supplied by the Division of Water Quality) What is the Average Daily Discharge (A.D.D.) volume of the water handling systems to the receiving water body? A.D.D. = 0.044 (in M.G.D.) Please calculate the Instream Waste Concentration (IWC in percent) of this discharge using the data entered above. IWC = (A.D.D.) X 100 _ ( ) X 100 _15.19967 % (7Q 10)(0.646) + (A. D. D) - ( )(0.646) + ( ) This value (IWC) represents the waste concentration to the receiving stream during low flow conditions. II. What is the name of the whole product chemical treatment proposed for use in the discharge identified in Part I? Spectrus OX109 Please list the active ingredients and percent composition: Sodium Bromide 40 % What feed or dosage rate (D.R.) is used in this application? The units must be converted to maximum grams of whole product used in a 24hr period. D.R.= 5,841 grams/24hr period Please note, fluid ounces (a volume) must be converted to grams (a mass). The formula for this conversion is: Grams of product = fluid oz. of product X 1 gal. water X 8.34 lbs. X specific gravity of product X 453.59g. 128 fl. oz. 1 gal. water 1 lb. Facility Name: DSM Pharmaceuticals, Inc NPDES #: NC0001058 Estimate total volume of the water handling system between entry of biocidal product and NPDES discharge point. On an attached sheet please provide justification for this estimate (system volume, average cycles per blowdown, holding lagoon size, etc.) Volume= 0.16 million gallons What is the pH of the handling system prior to biocide addition? If unknown, enter N/A. What is the decay rate (D.K.) of the product? If unknown, assume no decay (D.K.=O) and proceed to asterisk. The degradation must be stated at pH level within 1/2 pH standard unit within handling system. Enter the half life (Half Life is the time required for the initial product to degrade to half of its original concentration). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. H.L. = Days The decay rate is equal to H1L X 0.69 = =Decay Rate (D.K.) Calculate degradation factor (D.F.). This is the first order loss coefficient. * D.F. = A( D.D.) + + ( D.K.) _ —� ( ) = 0.275 (Volume) ( ) Calculate Steady State Discharge Concentration Dischg Conc. _ (D.F.)(Volume)(3785) _ ( )( ))(3785) = 35.07 mg/I Calculate concentration of biocide instream during low flow conditions. (Receiving Stream Concentration) (Dischg. Conc.) x (IWC%) ( ) x ( ) - 5.33 mg/I 100 = 100 - Receiving Stream Concentration Ill. Calculate regulated limitation. List all LC50 and EC50 data available for the whole product according to the following columns. (Note that units should be in mg/1). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. Organism Test Duration LC50/EC50 (mg/1) Bluegill Sunfish 96 Hour Static Acute Bioassay (As Bromine) LC50= .52; No Effect Level= .3 mg/L Bluegill Sunfish 96 Hour Static Acute Bioassay (Product as is) LC50 Greater Than= 1000 mg/L Daphnia magna 48 Hour Static Acute Bioassay (As Bromine) LC50= .71; No Effect Level= .41 mg/L D. W. Q. Form 101 (612000) 2 Facility Name: DSM Pharmaceuticals, Inc NPDES #: NC0001058 Choose the lowest LC50/EC50 listed above: Enter the LC50/EC50: 1000 If the half life (H.L.) is less than 4 days, perform the following calculation. Regulated Limitation = 0.05 x LC50 = mg/I If the half life (H.L.) is greater than or equal to 4 days or unknown, perform the following calculation. Regulated Limitation = 0.01 x LC50 = 10 mg/I Choose the appropriate regulated limitation from the calculations immediately above and place in this blank: 10 mg/liter From Part II enter the receiving stream concentration: 5.33 mg/liter IV. Analysis. If the receiving stream concentration is greater than the calculated regulated limitation, then this biocide is unacceptable for use. Person in Responsible Charge E Eawn Name (Print) 'AAkLI mafl 30 1 Signature Date Person Completing This Worksheet (If different from above) Name (Print) Signature Date Please submit to: Division of Water Quality Aquatic Toxicology Unit 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Contact info: Cindy Moore (cindy.a.moore@ncmail.net) or John Giorgino Oohn.giorgino@ncmail.net) D. W. Q. Form 101 (612000) 3 Facility Name: DSM Pharmaceuticals, Inc NPDES #: NC0001058 Supplemental Metals Analysis If copper, zinc, or chromium are present in the proposed biocidal compound, complete this worksheet. A separate form must be used for each metal and/or metal compound present in the biocide. List the metal, its chemical formula, molecular weight (MW), formula weight (FW), and the concentration of the metal compound in the biocide (MCC). Complete a separate form for every metal present in the biocide. Metal EXAMPLE Copper Chemical Formula Molecular Weight of Metal Formula Weight Concentration in Biocide CuSO4.5H2O 63.546 g/mole 249.680 g/mole 0.2 Dosage rate of Biocide (DR) (from page 1): DR = grams/day Average Daily Discharge (ADD) (from page 1): ADD = million gallons/day Discharge Concentration (DC) of Biocide: ( grams/day) DC = ADD = ( million gallons/day) = grams/million gallons Convert DC to micrograms/liter (ppb): DC (Ng/1) = DC (grams/million gal) x 1 x 106 ug/9= Ng/I 3.785 x 106 liters/million gal. Calculate the fraction of metal in the metal -containing compound (MF): MF = MW - ( grams/mole) _ FW - ( grams/mole) - Calculate the fraction of metal in the biocidal compound (BF): BF=MFxMC�/) _ 100 x (100) _ Calculate the concentration of metal in the discharge (M): M = DC x BF = pg/I x Calculate the instream metal concentration (IMC) at low -flow conditions: pg/I � ° IMC = M x IW 00% = NgJt x 100 /° = Ng/l Regulated limitation of metal (from below): pg/I NC General Statutes 15A NCAC 2B.0211 define: Copper- 7 pg/I water quality action level* Zinc- 50 pg/I water quality action level* Chromium- 50 pg/l water quality standard (*Values which exceed action levels must be addressed directly by aquatic toxicity testing.) D. W. Q. Form 101 (612000) 4 CMAD suet SAFETY DATA SHEET SPECTRUS* OX109 1. Identification Product identifier SPECTRUS OX109 Other means of identification None. Recommended use Biocide Recommended restrictions None known. Company/undertaking identification SUEZ WTS USA, Inc. 4636 Somerton Road Trevose, PA 19053 T 215 355 3300, F 215 953 5524 Emergency telephone (800) 877 1940 2. Hazard(s) identification Physical hazards Not classified. Health hazards Not classified. OSHA defined hazards Not classified. Version: 4.0 Effective Date: Apr-26-2019 Previous Date: Apr-11-2018 Label elements Hazard symbol None. Signal word None. Hazard statement The mixture does not meet the criteria for classification. Precautionary statement Prevention Wash thoroughly after handling. Observe good industrial hygiene practices. Response Wash hands after handling. Storage Store away from incompatible materials. Disposal Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations. Hazard(s) not otherwise None known. classified (HNOC) Supplemental information None. 3. Composition/information on ingredients Mixtures The manufacturer lists no ingredients as hazardous according to OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200. *Designates that a specific chemical identity and/or percentage of composition has been withheld as a trade secret. Composition comments Information for specific product ingredients as required by the U.S. OSHA HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD is listed. Refer to additional sections of this SDS for our assessment of the potential hazards of this formulation. 4. First -aid measures Inhalation If breathing is difficult, remove to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Call a physician if symptoms develop or persist. Page: 1 / 7 Skin contact Rinse skin with water/shower. Get medical attention if irritation develops and persists. Eye contact Rinse with water. Get medical attention if irritation develops and persists. Ingestion Rinse mouth. If ingestion of a large amount does occur, call a poison control center immediately. Most important Direct contact with eyes may cause temporary irritation. symptoms/effects, acute and delayed Indication of immediate Treat symptomatically. medical attention and special treatment needed General information Ensure that medical personnel are aware of the material(s) involved, and take precautions to protect themselves. 5. Fire -fighting measures Suitable extinguishing media Water fog. Foam. Dry chemical powder. Carbon dioxide (CO2). Unsuitable extinguishing Do not use water jet as an extinguisher, as this will spread the fire. media Specific hazards arising from During fire, gases hazardous to health may be formed. the chemical Special protective equipment Self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing must be worn in case of fire. and precautions for firefighters Fire fighting In case of fire and/or explosion do not breathe fumes. Cool containers / tanks with water spray. equipment/instructions Specific methods Use standard firefighting procedures and consider the hazards of other involved materials. General fire hazards No unusual fire or explosion hazards noted. 6. Accidental release measures Personal precautions, Keep unnecessary personnel away. protective equipment and emergency procedures Methods and materials for Stop the flow of material, if this is without risk. Following product recovery, flush area with water. containment and cleaning up Never return spills to original containers for re -use. Environmental precautions Dispose of in approved pesticide facility or according to label instructions. 7. Handling and storage Precautions for safe handling Use care in handling/storage. Conditions for safe storage, Protect from freezing. Do not store at elevated temperatures. Do not allow material to freeze. Do including any incompatibilities not store at elevated temperatures. Shelf life 360 days. 8. Exposure controls/personal protection Occupational exposure limits This mixture has no ingredients that have PEL, TLV, or other recommended exposure limit. Biological limit values No biological exposure limits noted for the ingredient(s). Appropriate engineering Not available. controls Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment Eyelface protection Splash proof chemical goggles. Wear safety glasses with side shields (or goggles). Skin protection Hand protection USERS OF A PESTICIDAL PRODUCT SHOULD REFER TO THE PRODUCT LABEL FOR PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS. The choice of an appropriate glove does not only depend on its material but also on other quality features and is different from one producer to the other. Glove selection must take into account any solvents and other hazards present. Wear appropriate chemical resistant gloves. Other Wear suitable protective clothing. Respiratory protection If engineering controls do not maintain airborne concentrations below recommended exposure limits (where applicable) or to an acceptable level (in countries where exposure limits have not been established), an approved respirator must be worn. A RESPIRATORY PROTECTION PROGRAM THAT MEETS OSHA'S 29 CFR 1910.134 AND ANSI Z88.2 REQUIREMENTS MUST BE FOLLOWED WHENEVER WORKPLACE CONDITIONS WARRANT A RESPIRATOR'S USE. Thermal hazards Wear appropriate thermal protective clothing, when necessary. Material name: SPECTRUS` OX109 Page: 2 / 7 Version number: 4.0 General hygiene Always observe good personal hygiene measures, such as washing after handling the material considerations and before eating, drinking, and/or smoking. Routinely wash work clothing and protective equipment to remove contaminants. 9. Physical and chemical properties Appearance Color Colorless Physical state Liquid Odor Slight Odor threshold Not available. pH (concentrated product) pH in aqueous solution Melting point/freezing point Initial boiling point and boiling range Flash point 7.5 Neat 8 (5% Solution) < -30 °F (< -34 °C) 212 -F (100 °C) Not applicable. Evaporation rate Slower than Ether Flammability (solid, gas) Not applicable. Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits Flammability limit - lower Not available. (%) Flammability limit - upper Not available. (%) Explosive limit - lower {%) Not available. Explosive limit - upper (%) Not available. Vapor pressure 18 mmHg Vapor pressure temp. 70 -F (21 °C) Vapor density < 1 Relative density 1.41 Relative density temperature 70 °F (21 °C) Solubility(ies) Solubility (water) 100 % Partition coefficient Not available. (n-octanol/water) Auto -ignition temperature Not available. Decomposition temperature Viscosity Viscosity temperature Other information Explosive properties Oxidizing properties Pour point Specific gravity VOC 10. Stability and reactivity Reactivity Chemical stability Possibility of hazardous reactions Conditions to avoid Incompatible materials Hazardous decomposition products Not available. 12 mPa.s 70 °F (21 °C) Not explosive. Not oxidizing. < -30 *F (< -34 °C) 1.408 0 % ESTIMATED The product is stable and non -reactive under normal conditions of use, storage and transport. Material is stable under normal conditions. Hazardous polymerization does not occur. Protect from freezing. Contact with incompatible materials. None under normal conditions. Solid sodium bromide may react with easily oxidizable materials. Hydrogen bromide. No hazardous decomposition products are known. Material name: SPECTRUS* OX109 Page: 3 / 7 Version number: 4.0 11. Toxicological information Information on likely routes of exposure Inhalation No adverse effects due to inhalation are expected. Skin contact No adverse effects due to skin contact are expected. Eye contact Direct contact with eyes may cause temporary irritation. Ingestion May cause gastrointestinal irritation. Symptoms related to the Direct contact with eyes may cause temporary irritation. physical, chemical and toxicological characteristics Information on toxicological effects Acute toxicity Product Species Test Results SPECTRUS OX109 (CAS Mixture) Acute Dermal LD50 Rabbit > 5000 mg/kg, (Calculated according to GHS additivity formula) Inhalation LC50 Rat > 5 mg/I, 4 hours, (Calculated according to GHS additivity formula) Oral LD50 Rat > 5000 mg/kg, (Calculated according to GHS additivity formula) * Estimates for product may be based on additional component data not shown. Skin corrosion/irritation Prolonged skin contact may cause temporary irritation. Serious eye damageleye Direct contact with eyes may cause temporary irritation. irritation Respiratory or skin sensitization Respiratory sensitization This product is not expected to cause respiratory sensitization. Skin sensitization This product is not expected to cause skin sensitization. Germ cell mutagenicity No data available to indicate product or any components present at greater than 0.1 % are mutagenic or genotoxic. Carcinogenicity This product is not considered to be a carcinogen by IARC, ACGIH, NTP, or OSHA. IARC Monographs. Overall Evaluation of Carcinogenicity Not listed. OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1052) Not regulated. US. National Toxicology Program (NTP) Report on Carcinogens Not listed. Reproductive toxicity This product is not expected to cause reproductive or developmental effects. Specific target organ toxicity - Not classified. single exposure Specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposure Aspiration hazard Further information Not classified. Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met. This product has no known adverse effect on human health. Material name: SPECTRUS* OX109 Version number: 4.0 Page: 4 / 7 12. Ecological information Ecotoxicity Product Species Test Results SPECTRUS OX109 (CAS Mixture) Aquatic Crustacea LC50 Daphnia magna 27500 mg/L, Static Acute Bioassay, 48 hour, (Product as is) 0.71 mg/L, Static Acute Bioassay, 48 hour, (As Bromine) Mysid Shrimp 0.17 mg/L, Flow-Thru Bioassay, 96 hour, (As Bromine) NOEL Daphnia magna 0.41 mg/L, Static Acute Bioassay, 48 hour, (As Bromine) Fish LC50 Bluegill Sunfish > 1000 mg/L, Static Acute Bioassay, 96 hour, (Product as is) 0.52 mg/L, Static Acute Bioassay, 96 hour, (As Bromine) Fathead Minnow > 10000 mg/L, Static Renewal Bioassay, 96 hour, (Product as is) Rainbow Trout > 1000 mg/L, Static Acute Bioassay, 96 hour, (Product as is) 0.23 mg/L, Static Acute Bioassay, 96 hour, (As Bromine) Sheepshead Minnow 0.19 mg/L, Flow-Thru Bioassay, 96 hour, (As Bromine) NOEL Bluegill Sunfish 0.3 mg/L, Static Acute Bioassay, 96 hour, (As Bromine) Sheepshead Minnow 0.11 mg/L, Flow-Thru Bioassay, 96 hour, (As Bromine) Bioaccumulative potential Bioaccumulation is not likely to occur since this material is highly soluble in water. Mobility in soil No data available. Other adverse effects Not available. Persistence and degradability Negative effects from the recommended use is not expected. - COD (mgO2/g) No information available. 13. Disposal considerations Disposal instructions Collect and reclaim or dispose in sealed containers at licensed waste disposal site. Local disposal regulations Dispose in accordance with all applicable regulations. Hazardous waste code The waste code should be assigned in discussion between the user, the producer and the waste disposal company. Waste from residues / unused Dispose of in accordance with local regulations. Empty containers or liners may retain some products product residues. This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe manner (see: Disposal instructions). Contaminated packaging Dispose of in approved pesticide facility or according to label instructions. Since emptied containers may retain product residue, follow label warnings even after container is emptied. Empty containers should be taken to an approved waste handling site for recycling or disposal. 14. Transport information DOT Not regulated as dangerous goods. Some containers may be exempt from Dangerous Goods/Hazmat Transport Regulations, please check BOL for exact container classification. IATA Not regulated as dangerous goods. Material name: SPECTRUS' OX109 Page: 5 / 7 Version number: 4.0 IMDG Not regulated as dangerous goods. 15. Regulatory information US federal regulations This is an EPA registered biocide and is exempt from TSCA inventory requirements. See FIFRA registry number. This product is not known to be a "Hazardous Chemical' as defined by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200. TSCA Section 12(b) Export Notification (40 CFR 707, Subpt. D) Not regulated. CERCLA Hazardous Substance List (40 CFR 302.4) Not listed. SARA 304 Emergency release notification Not regulated. OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1052) Not regulated. Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) SARA 302 Extremely hazardous substance Not listed. SARA 311/312 Hazardous No chemical SARA 313 (TRI reporting) Not regulated. Other federal regulations Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 112 Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) List Not regulated. Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 112(r) Accidental Release Prevention (40 CFR 68.130) Not regulated. Safe Drinking Water Act Not regulated. (SDWA) Inventory status Country(s) or region Inventory name On inventory (yes/no)* Canada Domestic Substances List (DSL) Yes Canada Non -Domestic Substances List (NDSL) No United States & Puerto Rico Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Inventory Yes *A "Yes" indicates that all components of this product comply with the inventory requirements administered by the governing country(s) A "No" indicates that one or more components of the product are not listed or exempt from listing on the inventory administered by the governing country(s). FIFRA registration number 3876-159 TSCA This is an EPA registered biocide and is exempt from TSCA inventory requirements. Food and drug administration The ingredients in this product are approved by FDA under 21 CFR 176.300. NSF Registered and/or meets Registration No. — 141127 USDA (according to 1998 Category Code(s): guidelines): G5 Cooling and retort water treatment products G7 Boiler, steam line treatment products — nonfood contact US state regulations US. California Proposition 65 California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 2016 (Proposition 65): This material is not known to contain any chemicals currently listed as carcinogens or reproductive toxins. For more information go to www.P65Warnings.ca.gov. US - California Proposition 65 - CRT: Listed date/Carcinogenic substance No ingredient listed. US - California Proposition 65 - CRT: Listed date/Developmental toxin No ingredient listed. US - California Proposition 65 - CRT: Listed date/Female reproductive toxin No ingredient listed. Material name: SPECTRUS* OX109 Page: 6 / 7 Version number: 4.0 US - California Proposition 65 - CRT: Listed date/Male reproductive toxin No ingredient listed, 16. Other information, including date of preparation or last revision Issue date Oct-31-2014 Revision date Apr-26-2019 Version # 4.0 NFPA ratings Health: 0 Flammability: 0 Instability: 0 NFPA ratings 411 0 List of abbreviations CAS: Chemical Abstract Service Registration Number TWA: Time Weighted Average STEL: Short Term Exposure Limit LD50: Lethal Dose, 50% LC50: Lethal Concentration, 50% NOEL: No Observed Effect Level COD: Chemical Oxygen Demand BOD: Biochemical Oxygen Demand TOC: Total Organic Carbon IATA: International Air Transport Association IMDG: International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code ACGIH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists TSRN indicates a Trade Secret Registry Number is used in place of the CAS number. References: No data available Disclaimer The information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge; information and belief at the date of its publication. The information given is designed only as a guidance for safe handling, use, processing, storage, transportation, disposal and release and is not to be considered a warranty or quality specification. The information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in any process, unless specified in the text. Revision information Composition / Information on Ingredients: Ingredients Handling and storage: Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities Stability and reactivity: Conditions to avoid Regulatory information: California Prop 65 Other information, including date of preparation or last revision: Disclaimer GHS: Classification * Trademark of SUEZ. May be registered in one or more countries. Material name: SPECTRUS* OX109 Page: 7 / 7 Version number: 4.0 BIOCIDE/CHEMICAL TREATMENT WORKSHEET-FORM 101 The following calculations are to be performed on any biocidal products ultimately discharged to the surface waters of North Carolina. This worksheet must be completed separately for each biocidal product in use. This worksheet is to be returned with all appropriate data entered into the designated areas with calculations performed as indicated. I. Facility Name: Patheon Manufacturing Services LLC NPDES # NC: 0001058 Outfall #: 001 & 002 County: Pitt Receiving Stream: Parker's Creek 7Q10: 0.38 (cfs) (All above information supplied by the Division of Water Quality) What is the Average Daily Discharge (A.D.D.) volume of the water handling systems to the receiving water body? A.D.D. = 0.044 (in M.G.D.) Please calculate the Instream Waste Concentration (IWC in percent) of this discharge using the data entered above. IWC - (A.D.D.) X 100 _ ( ) X 100 =15.199 (7Q 10)(0.646) + (A. D. D) - ( )(0.646) + ( ) This value (IWC) represents the waste concentration to the receiving stream during low flow conditions. II. What is the name of the whole product chemical treatment proposed for use in the discharge identified in Part I? Sulfuric Acid 93% Please list the active ingredients and percent composition. - Sulfuric Acid 93% 93% % What feed or dosage rate (D.R.) is used in this application? The units must be converted to maximum grams of whole product used in a 24hr period. D.R.= 26,097 grams/24hr period Please note, fluid ounces (a volume) must be converted to grams (a mass). The formula for this conversion is: Grams of product = fluid oz. of product X 1 gal. water X 8.34 lbs. X specific gravity of product X 453.59cl. 128 fl. oz. 1 gal. water 1 lb. Facility Name: DSM Pharmaceuticals, Inc NPDES #: NC0001058 Estimate total volume of the water handling system between entry of biocidal product and NPDES discharge point. On an attached sheet please provide justification for this estimate (system volume, average cycles per blowdown, holding lagoon size, etc.) Volume= 0.06 million gallons What is the pH of the handling system prior to biocide addition? If unknown, enter N/A. What is the decay rate (D.K.) of the product? If unknown, assume no decay (D.K.=O) and proceed to asterisk. The degradation must be stated at pH level within 1 /2 pH standard unit within handling system. Enter the half life (Half Life is the time required for the initial product to degrade to half of its original concentration). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. H.L. = Days The decay rate is equal to H1L X 0.69 = =Decay Rate (D.K.) Calculate degradation factor (D.F.). This is the first order loss coefficient. A( D. D.) �_� * D.F. _ (Volume) + (D.K.) _ ( ) + ( ) = 0.733 Calculate Steady State Discharge Concentration Dischg Conc. _ (D.F.)(Volume)(3785) _ ( )( ))(3785) = 156.70 mg/I Calculate concentration of biocide instream during low flow conditions. (Receiving Stream Concentration) (Dischg. Conc.) x (IWC%) ) x ( ) 23.82 m /I 100 = 100 = g Receiving Stream Concentration III. Calculate regulated limitation. List all LC50 and EC50 data available for the whole product according to the following columns. (Note that units should be in mg/1). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. Organism Blue Gill- Fresh Water - Prawn Test Duration 24 Hour 48 Hour. LC50/EC50 (mg/1) 24.5 42.5 D. W. Q. Form 101 (612000) 2 Facility Name: DSM Pharmaceuticals, Inc NPDES #: NC0001058 Choose the lowest LC50/EC50 listed above: Enter the LC50/EC50: 24.6 If the half life (H.L.) is less than 4 days, perform the following calculation. Regulated Limitation = 0.05 x LC50 = 1.23 mg/I If the half life (H.L.) is greater than or equal to 4 days or unknown, perform the following calculation. Regulated Limitation = 0.01 x LC50 = mg/I Choose the appropriate regulated limitation from the calculations immediately above and place in this blank: 1.23 mg/liter From Part II enter the receiving stream concentration: 23.82 mg/liter IV. Analysis. If the receiving stream concentration is greater than the calculated regulated limitation, then this biocide is unacceptable for use. Person in Responsible Charge L�(It6t(I e Enz o Name (Print) Signature Dbte Person Completing This Worksheet (If different from above) Name (Print) Signature Date Please submit to: Division of Water Quality Aquatic Toxicology Unit 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Contact info: Cindy Moore (cindy.a.moore@ncmail.net) or John Giorgino 0ohn.giorgino@ncmail.net) D. W. Q. Form 101 (612000) 3 Facility Name: DSM Pharmaceuticals, Inc NPDES #: NC0001058 Supplemental Metals Analysis If copper, zinc, or chromium are present in the proposed biocidal compound, complete this worksheet. A separate form must be used for each metal and/or metal compound present in the biocide. List the metal, its chemical formula, molecular weight (MW), formula weight (FW), and the concentration of the metal compound in the biocide (MCC). Complete a separate form for every metal present in the biocide. Metal EXAMPLE Copper Chemical Formula Molecular Weight of Metal Formula Weight Concentration in Biocide CuSO4.5H2O 63.546 g/mole 249.680 g/mole 0.2 Dosage rate of Biocide (DR) (from page 1): DR = grams/day Average Daily Discharge (ADD) (from page 1): ADD = million gallons/day Discharge Concentration (DC) of Biocide: DR ( grams/day) DC = ADD - (_million gallons/day) - grams/million gallons Convert DC to micrograms/liter (ppb): DC (pg/1) = DC (grams/million gal) x 1 x 106 N9/9 = pg/1 3.785 x 106 liters/million gal. Calculate the fraction of metal in the metal -containing compound (MF): MF = MW _ ( grams/mole) _ FW - ( grams/mole) Calculate the fraction of metal in the biocidal compound (BF): BF=MFxMCC/% _ 100 x (100) Calculate the concentration of metal in the discharge (M): M = DC x BF = pg/I x Calculate the instream metal concentration (IMC) at low -flow conditions: Ng/I o IMC = M x IW10(0o °) = Ngll x 100 /° = Ng/I Regulated limitation of metal (from below): ug/l NC General Statutes 15A NCAC 213.0211 define: Copper- 7 Ng/I water quality action level* Zinc- 50 pg/I water quality action level* Chromium- 50 Ng/I water quality standard (*Values which exceed action levels must be addressed directly by aquatic toxicity testing.) D. W. Q. Form 101 (612000) -4 A/ANTOM 1. Identification Version: 2.0 Revision Date: 02-02-2015 SAFETY DATA SHEET Product identifier: Sulfuric Acid Other means of identification Product No.: 9661, 3780, 9704, 9682, V648, V225, V186, V008, 6902, 2900, 2879, 2878, 2877, 2874, 6163, H996, H976, 5859, 2876, 5815, 5802, 9691, 9690, 9684, 9681, 9675, 9674, 9673, 9671, 5557, 5374, 21208, 21201 Recommended use and restriction on use Recommended use: Not available. Restrictions on use: Not known. Manufacturer/Importer/Supplier/Distributor Information Manufacturer Company Name: Avantor Performance Materials, Inc. Address: 3477 Corporate Parkway, Suite 200 Center Valley, PA 18034 Telephone: Customer Service: 855-282-6867 Fax: Contact Person: Environmental Health & Safety e-mail: info@avantormaterials.com Emergency telephone number: 24 Hour Emergency: 908-859-2151 C h e m t re c: 800-4 24-9 30 0 2. Hazard(s) identification Hazard Classification Physical Hazards Corrosive to metals Health Hazards Skin Corrosion/Irritation Serious Eye Damage/Eye Irritation Carcinogenicity Specific Target Organ Toxicity - Single Exposure Environmental Hazards Acute hazards to the aquatic environment Label Elements Hazard Symbol: Signal Word: Category 1 Category 1 Category 1 Category 1A Category 3 Category 3 �OOO Danger SDS US - SDSMIX000168 1/10 AC ANTOR w0-M�raGc wutamue Version: 2.0 Revision Date: 02-02-2015 Hazard Statement: May be corrosive to metals. Causes severe skin burns and eye damage. May cause respiratory irritation. May cause cancer if inhaled. Harmful to aquatic life. Precautionary Statement Prevention: Obtain special instructions before use. Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood. Keep only in original container. Wash thoroughly after handling. Do not breathe dust/fume/gas/mist/vapors/spray. Use only outdoors or in a well -ventilated area. Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection. Response: IF exposed or concerned: Get medical advice/attention. Absorb spillage to prevent material damage. Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. IF ON SKIN (or hair): Remove/take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water/shower. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Storage: Store locked up. Store in corrosive resistant container with a resistant inner liner. Store in a well -ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed. Disposal: Dispose of contents/container to an appropriate treatment and disposal facility in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, and product characteristics at time of disposal. Other hazards which do not None. result in GHS classification: 3. Composition/information on ingredients Substances Chemical Identity Common name CAS Content in percent (%) and synonyms number SULFURIC ACID 7664-93-9 90 - 100% ' All concentrations are percent by weight unless ingredient is a gas. Gas concentrations are in percent by volume. 4. First -aid measures General information: Get medical advice/attention if you feel unwell. Show this safety data sheet to the doctor in attendance. Ingestion: Call a physician or poison control center immediately. Do NOT induce vomiting. If vomiting occurs, keep head low so that stomach content doesn't get into the lungs. Inhalation: Move to fresh air. Call a physician or poison control center immediately. Apply artificial respiration if victim is not breathing If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. SDS US - SDSMIX000168 2/10 VONANTOR Version: 2.0 Revision Date: 02-02-2015 Skin Contact: Immediately flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Call a physician or poison control center immediately. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Destroy or thoroughly clean contaminated shoes. Eye contact: Immediately flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. If easy to do, remove contact lenses. Call a physician or poison control center immediately. In case of irritation from airborne exposure, move to fresh air. Get medical attention immediately. Most important symptoms/effects, acute and delayed Symptoms: Corrosive to skin and eyes. Indication of immediate medical attention and special treatment needed Treatment: Treat symptomatically. Symptoms may be delayed. 5. Fire -fighting measures General Fire Hazards: In case of fire and/or explosion do not breathe fumes. Suitable (and unsuitable) extinguishing media Suitable extinguishing Foam, carbon dioxide or dry powder. media: Unsuitable extinguishing Do not use water as an extinguisher. media: Specific hazards arising from Fire may produce irritating, corrosive and/or toxic gases. the chemical: Special protective equipment and precautions for firefighters Special fire fighting Move containers from fire area if you can do so without risk. Fight fire from procedures: a protected location. Use water SPRAY only to cool containers! Do not put water on leaked material. Cool containers exposed to flames with water until well after the fire is out. Special protective equipment Firefighters must use standard protective equipment including flame for fire-fighters: retardant coat, helmet with face shield, gloves, rubber boots, and in enclosed spaces, SCBA. 6. Accidental release measures Personal precautions, Keep unauthorized personnel away. Keep upwind. Use personal protective protective equipment and equipment. See Section 8 of the SDS for Personal Protective Equipment. emergency procedures: Ventilate closed spaces before entering them. Do not touch damaged containers or spilled material unless wearing appropriate protective clothing. Methods and material for Neutralize spill area and washings with soda ash or lime. Absorb spill with containment and cleaning vermiculite or other inert material, then place in a container for chemical up: waste. Clean surface thoroughly to remove residual contamination. Dike far ahead of larger spill for later recovery and disposal. Notification Procedures: Dike for later disposal. Prevent entry into waterways, sewer, basements or confined areas. Stop the flow of material, if this is without risk. Inform authorities if large amounts are involved. SDS US - SDSMIX000168 3/10 A�s R' Version: 2.0 .iAN _- Revision Date: 02-02-2015 Environmental Precautions: Do not contaminate water sources or sewer. Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so. Avoid discharge into drains, water courses or onto the ground. 7. Handling and storage Precautions for safe handling: Do not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Do not taste or swallow. Wash hands thoroughly after handling. Do not eat, drink or smoke when using the product. Use caution when adding this material to water. Add material slowly when mixing with water. Do not add water to the material; instead, add the material to the water. Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood. Obtain special instructions before use. Use personal protective equipment as required. Conditions for safe storage, Do not store in metal containers. Keep in a cool, well -ventilated place. Keep including any container tightly closed. Store in a dry place. incompatibilities: 8. Exposure controls/personal protection Control Parameters Occupational Exposure Limits Chemical Identity Type Exposure Limit Values source SULFURIC ACID - Thoracic TWA 0.2 mg/m3 US. ACGIH Threshold Limit Values (2011) fraction. SULFURIC ACID REL 1 mg/m3 US. NIOSH: Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards 2010 PEL 1 mg/m3 US. OSHA Table Z-1 Limits for Air Contaminants 29 CFR 1910.1000 02 2006 TWA 1 mg/m3 US. OSHA Table Z-1-A (29 CFR 1910.1000) 1989 Appropriate Engineering No data available. Controls Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment General information: Good general ventilation (typically 10 air changes per hour) should be used. Ventilation rates should be matched to conditions. If applicable, use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation, or other engineering controls to maintain airborne levels below recommended exposure limits. If exposure limits have not been established, maintain airborne levels to an acceptable level. An eye wash and safety shower must be available in the immediate work area. Eye/face protection: Wear safety glasses with side shields (or goggles) and a face shield. Skin Protection Hand Protection: Chemical resistant gloves Other: Wear suitable protective clothing. Respiratory Protection: In case of inadequate ventilation use suitable respirator. Chemical respirator with acid gas cartridge. Hygiene measures: Provide eyewash station and safety shower. Always observe good personal hygiene measures, such as washing after handling the material and before eating, drinking, and/or smoking. Routinely wash work clothing to remove contaminants. Discard contaminated footwear that cannot be cleaned. 9. Physical and chemical properties SDS_US - SDSMIX000168 4/10 A'VANTOR Appearance Physical state: Liquid Form: Liquid Color: Colorless Odor: Odorless Odor threshold: No data available. pH: 0.3 (1 N aqueous solution) Melting point/freezing point: 3 °C Initial boiling point and boiling range: 337 °C Flash Point: Not applicable Evaporation rate: No data available. Flammability (solid, gas): No data available. Upper/lower limit on flammability or explosive limits Flammability limit - upper (%): No data available. Flammability limit - lower (%): No data available. Explosive limit - upper (%): No data available. Explosive limit - lower (%): No data available. Vapor pressure: No data available. Vapor density: No data available. Relative density: 1.84 (20 °C) Solubility(ies) Solubility in water: Miscible with water. Solubility (other): No data available. Partition coefficient (n-octanol/water): No data available. Auto -ignition temperature: No data available. Decomposition temperature: No data available. Viscosity: No data available. 10. Stability and reactivity Version: 2.0 Revision Date: 02-02-2015 Reactivity: Reacts violently with strong alkaline substances. Chemical Stability: Material is stable under normal conditions. Possibility of Hazardous Hazardous polymerization does not occur. Material reacts with water. Reactions: Conditions to Avoid: Moisture. Heat. Contact with incompatible materials. Incompatible Materials: Water. Cyanides. Strong oxidizing agents. Strong reducing agents. Metals. Halogens. Organic compounds. Potassium. Hazardous Decomposition Oxides of sulfur. Products: 11. Toxicological information Information on likely routes of exposure Ingestion: May cause burns of the gastrointestinal tract if swallowed. Inhalation: May cause damage to mucous membranes in nose, throat, lungs and bronchial system. Skin Contact: Causes severe skin burns. Eye contact: Causes serious eye damage. SDS US - SDSMIX000168 5/10 A' 'ANTOR Information on toxicological effects Acute toxicity (list all possible routes of exposure) Oral Product: No data available. Dermal Product: No data available. Inhalation Product: No data available. Specified substance(s): SULFURIC ACID LC 50 (Guinea pig, 8 h): 0.03 mg/I LC 50 (Rat, 4 h): 0.375 mg/I Repeated Dose Toxicity Product: No data available. Skin Corrosion/Irritation Product: Causes severe skin burns. Serious Eye Damage/Eye Irritation Version: 2.0 Revision Date: 02-02-2015 Product: Causes serious eye damage. Respiratory or Skin Sensitization Product: Not a skin sensitizer. Carcinogenicity Product: May cause cancer. IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: SULFURIC ACID Overall evaluation: 1. Carcinogenic to humans. US. National Toxicology Program (NTP) Report on Carcinogens: SULFURIC ACID Known To Be Human Carcinogen. US. OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1050): No carcinogenic components identified Germ Cell Mutagenicity In vitro Product: No mutagenic components identified In vivo Product: No mutagenic components identified Reproductive Toxicity Product: No components toxic to reproduction Specific Target Organ Toxicity - Single Exposure Product: Respiratory tract irritation. Specific Target Organ Toxicity - Repeated Exposure Product: None known. Aspiration Hazard Product: Not classified SDS US - SDSMIX000168 6/10 fANTOR- Other Effects: 12. Ecological information Ecotoxicity: No data available. Version: 2.0 Revision Date: 02-02-2015 Acute hazards to the aquatic environment: Fish Product: No data available. Specified substance(s): SULFURIC ACID LC 50 (Starry, european flounder (Platichthys flesus), 48 h): 100 - 330 mg/I Mortality LC 50 (Western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis), 96 h): 42 mg/I Mortality LC 50 (Goldfish (Carassius auratus), 96 h): 17 mg/I Mortality Aquatic Invertebrates Product: No data available. Specified substance(s): SULFURIC ACID LC 50 (Common shrimp, sand shrimp (Crangon crangon), 48 h): 70 - 80 mg/I Mortality LC 50 (Aesop shrimp (Pandalus montagui), 48 h): 42.5 mg/I Mortality Chronic hazards to the aquatic environment: Fish Product: No data available. Aquatic Invertebrates Product: No data available. Toxicity to Aquatic Plants Product: No data available. Persistence and Degradability Biodegradation Product: There are no data on the degradability of this product. BOD/COD Ratio Product: No data available. Bioaccumulative Potential Bioconcentration Factor (BCF) Product: No data available on bioaccumulation. Partition Coefficient n-octanol / water (log Kow) Product: No data available. Mobility in Soil: The product is water soluble and may spread in water systems. Other Adverse Effects: The product contains a substance which is harmful to aquatic organisms. The product may affect the acidity (pH -factor) in water with risk of harmful effects to aquatic organisms. 13. Disposal considerations Disposal instructions: Discharge, treatment, or disposal may be subject to national, state, or local laws. SDS US - SDSMIX000168 7/10 AGANTOR Version: 2.0 Revision Date: 02-02-2015 Contaminated Packaging: Since emptied containers retain product residue, follow label warnings even after container is emptied. 14. Transport information DOT UN Number: UN 1830 UN Proper Shipping Name: Sulfuric acid Transport Hazard Class(es) Class(es): 8 Label(s): 8 Packing Group: II Marine Pollutant: No IMDG UN Number: UN 1830 UN Proper Shipping Name: SULPHURIC ACID (WITH MORE THAN 51% ACID) Transport Hazard Class(es) Class(es): 8 Label(s): 8 EmS No.: F-A, S-B Packing Group: II Marine Pollutant: No IATA UN Number: UN 1830 Proper Shipping Name: Sulphuric acid Transport Hazard Class(es): Class(es): 8 Label(s): 8 Marine Pollutant: No Packing Group: II 15. Regulatory information US Federal Regulations TSCA Section 12(b) Export Notification (40 CFR 707, Subpt. D) US. OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1050) None present or none present in regulated quantities. CERCLA Hazardous Substance List (40 CFR 302.4): SULFURIC ACID Reportable quantity: 1000 lbs. Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) Hazard categories —XI Acute (Immediate) �X Chronic (Delayed)1-1 Fire1-1 Reactive FPressure Generating SARA 302 Extremely Hazardous Substance Chemical Identity RQ Threshold Planning Quan SULFURIC ACID 1000 lbs. 1000 lbs. SARA 304 Emergency Release Notification Chemical Identity RQ SULFURIC ACID 1000 lbs. SDS US - SDSMIX000168 8/10 A'GANTOR Version: 2.0 .M- Revision Date: 02-02-2015 SARA 311/312 Hazardous Chemical Chemical Identity Threshold Planning Quantity SULFURIC ACID 500lbs SARA 313 (TRI Reporting) Reporting Reporting threshold for threshold for manufacturing and Chemical Identity other users processing SULFURIC ACID 10000 Ibs 25000 lbs. Clean Water Act Section 311 Hazardous Substances (40 CFR 117.3) SULFURIC ACID Reportable quantity: 1000 Ibs. Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 112(r) Accidental Release Prevention (40 CFR 68.130): SULFURIC ACID Threshold quantity: 10000 Ibs US State Regulations US. California Proposition 65 SULFURIC ACID Carcinogenic. US. New Jersey Worker and Community Right -to -Know Act SULFURIC ACID Listed US. Massachusetts RTK - Substance List SULFURIC ACID Listed US. Pennsylvania RTK - Hazardous Substances SULFURIC ACID Listed US. Rhode Island RTK SULFURIC ACID Listed Inventory Status: Australia AICS: Canada DSL Inventory List: EU EINECS List: EU ELINCS List: Japan (ENCS) List: EU No Longer Polymers List: China Inv. Existing Chemical Substances Korea Existing Chemicals Inv. (KECI): Canada NDSL Inventory: Philippines PICCS: US TSCA Inventory: New Zealand Inventory of Chemicals: Switzerland Consolidated Inventory: Japan ISHL Listing: Japan Pharmacopoeia Listing: On or in compliance with the inventory On or in compliance with the inventory On or in compliance with the inventory Not in compliance with the inventory. On or in compliance with the inventory Not in compliance with the inventory. On or in compliance with the inventory On or in compliance with the inventory Not in compliance with the inventory. On or in compliance with the inventory On or in compliance with the inventory On or in compliance with the inventory Not in compliance with the inventory. Not in compliance with the inventory. Not in compliance with the inventory. 16.Other information, including date of preparation or last revision NFPA Hazard ID Flammability 1 Health W SDS US - SDSMIX00016 99/10 AOANTon, Reactivity Special hazard. Hazard rating: 0 - Minimal; 1 - Slight; 2 - Moderate; 3 - Serious; 4 - Severe W: Water -reactive Version: 2.0 Revision Date: 02-02-2015 Issue Date: 02-02-2015 Revision Date: No data available. Version #: 2.0 Further Information: No data available. Disclaimer: THE INFORMATION PRESENTED IN THIS MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (MSDS/SDS) WAS PREPARED BY TECHNICAL PERSONNEL BASED ON DATA THAT THEY BELIEVE IN THEIR GOOD FAITH JUDGMENT IS ACCURATE. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED HEREIN IS PROVIDED "AS IS," AND AVANTOR PERFORMANCE MATERIALS MAKES AND GIVES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES REGARDING SUCH INFORMATION AND THE PRODUCT TO WHICH IT RELATES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION<(>,<)> WARRANTIES OF ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS, MERCHANTABILITY, NON - INFRINGEMENT, PERFORMANCE, SAFETY, SUITABILITY, STABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND ANY WARRANTIES ARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALING, COURSE OF PERFORMANCE, OR USAGE OF TRADE. THIS MSDS/SDS IS INTENDED ONLY AS A GUIDE TO THE APPROPRIATE PRECAUTIONARY HANDLING OF THE MATERIAL BY A PROPERLY TRAINED PERSON USING THIS PRODUCT, AND IS NOT INTENDED TO BE COMPREHENSIVE AS TO THE MANNER AND CONDITIONS OF USE, HANDLING, STORAGE, OR DISPOSAL OF THE PRODUCT. INDIVIDUALS RECEIVING THIS MSDS/SDS MUST ALWAYS EXERCISE THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT JUDGMENT IN DETERMINING THE APPROPRIATENESS OF SUCH ISSUES. ACCORDINGLY, AVANTOR PERFORMANCE MATERIALS ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER FOR THE USE OF OR RELIANCE UPON THIS INFORMATION. NO SUGGESTIONS FOR USE ARE INTENDED AS, AND NOTHING HEREIN SHALL BE CONSTRUED AS, A RECOMMENDATION TO INFRINGE ANY EXISTING PATENTS OR TO VIOLATE ANY FEDERAL, STATE, LOCAL, OR FOREIGN LAWS. AVANTOR PERFORMANCE MATERIALS REMINDS YOU THAT IT IS YOUR LEGAL DUTY TO MAKE ALL INFORMATION IN THIS MSDS/SDS AVAILABLE TO YOUR EMPLOYEES. SDS US - SDSMIX000168 10/10 BIOCIDE/CHEMICAL TREATMENT WORKSHEET-FORM 101 The following calculations are to be performed on any biocidal products ultimately discharged to the surface waters of North Carolina. This worksheet must be completed separately for each biocidal product in use. This worksheet is to be returned with all appropriate data entered into the designated areas with calculations performed as indicated. I. Facility Name: Patheon Manufacturing Services LLC NPDES # NC: 0001058 Outfall #: 001 & 002 County: Pitt Receiving Stream: Parker's Creek 7Q10: 0.38 (cfs) (All above information supplied by the Division of Water Quality) What is the Average Daily Discharge (A.D.D.) volume of the water handling systems to the receiving water body? A.D.D. = 0.044 (in M.G.D.) Please calculate the Instream Waste Concentration (IWC in percent) of this discharge using the data entered above. IWC = (A.D.D.) X 100 _ ( ) X 100 _15.19967 % (7Q 10)(0.646) + (A. D. D) - ( )(0.646) + ( ) This value (IWC) represents the waste concentration to the receiving stream during low flow conditions. II. What is the name of the whole product chemical treatment proposed for use in the discharge identified in Part I? Spectrus DT1404 Please list the active ingredients and percent composition: Sodium Bisulfite 30 - 60 % What feed or dosage rate (D.R.) is used in this application? The units must be converted to maximum grams of whole product used in a 24hr period. D.R.= 3,480 grams/24hr period Please note, fluid ounces (a volume) must be converted to grams (a mass). The formula for this conversion is. - Grams of product = fluid oz. of product X 1 gal. water X 8.34 lbs. X specific gravity of product X 453.59a. 128 fl. oz. 1 gal. water 1 lb. Facility Name: DSM Pharmaceuticals, Inc NPDES #: NC0001058 Estimate total volume of the water handling system between entry of biocidal product and NPDES discharge point. On an attached sheet please provide justification for this estimate (system volume, average cycles per blowdown, holding lagoon size, etc.) Volume= 0.16 million gallons What is the pH of the handling system prior to biocide addition? If unknown, enter N/A. What is the decay rate (D.K.) of the product? If unknown, assume no decay (D.K.=O) and proceed to asterisk. The degradation must be stated at pH level within 1 /2 pH standard unit within handling system. Enter the half life (Half Life is the time required for the initial product to degrade to half of its original concentration). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. H.L. = Days The decay rate is equal to H1L X 0.69 = =Decay Rate (D.K.) Calculate degradation factor (D.F.). This is the first order loss coefficient. * D.F. _ (Vo(A. D.) D+ (D.K.) _ + ( ) = 0.275 lum Calculate Steady State Discharge Concentration Dischg Conc. _ (D.F.)(Volume)(3785) - ( )( ))(3785) = 20.90 mg/I Calculate concentration of biocide instream during low flow conditions. (Receiving Stream Concentration) (Dischg. Conc.) x (IWC%) ( ) x ( ) - 3.18 mg/I 100 = 100 - Receiving Stream Concentration III. Calculate regulated limitation. List all LC50 and EC50 data available for the whole product according to the following columns. (Note that units should be in mg/I). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. Organism Daphnia magna Fathead Minnow Rainbow Trout Test Duration 48 Hour 96 Hour 96 Hour LC50/EC50 (mq/I) 175 175 330 D. W. Q. Form 101 (612000) 2 Facility Name: DSM Pharmaceuticals, Inc NPDES #: NC0001058 Choose the lowest LC50/EC50 listed above: Enter the LC50/EC50: 17 If the half life (H.L.) is less than 4 days, perform the following calculation. Regulated Limitation = 0.05 x LC50 = mg/I If the half life (H.L.) is greater than or equal to 4 days or unknown, perform the following calculation. Regulated Limitation = 0.01 x LC50 = 1.75 mg/I Choose the appropriate regulated limitation from the calculations immediately above and place in this blank: 1.75 mg/liter From Part II enter the receiving stream concentration: 3.18 mg/liter IV. Analysis. If the receiving stream concentration is greater than the calculated regulated limitation, then this biocide is unacceptable for use. Person in Responsible Charge maiywe- '6rbNn Name (Print) AfadS�1 d A Signature Dafe Person Completing This Worksheet (If different from above) Name (Print) Signature Date Please submit to: Division of Water Quality Aquatic Toxicology Unit 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Contact info : Cindy Moore (cindy.a.moore@ncmail.net) or John Giorgino 0ohn.giorgino@ncmail.net) D. W. Q. Form 101 (612000) 3 Facility Name: DSM Pharmaceuticals, Inc NPDES #: NC0001058 Supplemental Metals Analysis If copper, zinc, or chromium are present in the proposed biocidal compound, complete this worksheet. A separate form must be used for each metal and/or metal compound present in the biocide. List the metal, its chemical formula, molecular weight (MW), formula weight (FW), and the concentration of the metal compound in the biocide (MCC). Complete a separate form for every metal present in the biocide. Metal EXAMPLE Copper Chemical Formula Molecular Weight of Metal Formula Weight Concentration in Biocide CuSO4.5H2O 63.546 g/mole 249.680 g/mole 0.2 Dosage rate of Biocide (DR) (from page 1): DR = grams/day Average Daily Discharge (ADD) (from page 1): ADD = million gallons/day Discharge Concentration (DC) of Biocide: DR ( grams/day) DC = ADD = ( million gallons/day) = grams/million gallons Convert DC to micrograms/liter (ppb): DC (Ng/1) = DC (grams/million gal) x 1 x 106 u9/9 = Ng/I 3.785 x 106 liters/million gal. Calculate the fraction of metal in the metal -containing compound (MF): MF=MW = ms/mole) _ _grams/mole) Calculate the fraction of metal in the biocidal compound (BF): BF=MFxMC�/) _ 100 x Calculate the concentration of metal in the discharge (M): M = DC BF = ug/I x (100) Calculate the instream metal concentration (IMC) at low -flow conditions: IMC = M x IW = Ng/I x 100 % = Ng/I Regulated limitation of metal (from below): ug/l NC General Statutes 15A NCAC 26.0211 define: Copper- 7 pg/I water quality action level* Zinc- 50 Ng/I water quality action level* Chromium- 50 pg/I water quality standard (*Values which exceed action levels must be addressed directly by aquatic toxicity testing.) D. W Q. Form 101 (612000) 4 suet SAFETY DATA SHEET SPECTRUS* DT1404 1. Identification Product identifier Other means of identification Recommended use Recommended restrictions SPECTRUS DT1404 None. Chemical cleaning compound None known. Company/undertaking identification SUEZ WTS USA, Inc. 4636 Somerton Road Trevose, PA 19053 T 215 355 3300, F 215 953 5524 Emergency telephone (800) 877 1940 2. Hazard(s) identification Physical hazards Health hazards OSHA defined hazards Label elements Signal word Hazard statement Precautionary statement Prevention Response Storage Disposal Hazard(s) not otherwise classified (HNOC) Supplemental information Version: 2.1 Effective Date: Dec-15-2017 Previous Date: Apr-07-2016 Not classified. Serious eye damage/eye irritation Category 2B Specific target organ toxicity, single exposure Category 3 respiratory tract irritation Not classified. • Warning Causes eye irritation. May cause respiratory irritation. Avoid breathing mist or vapor. Wash thoroughly after handling. Use only outdoors or in a well -ventilated area. If inhaled: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing. If in eyes: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Call a poison center/doctor if you feel unwell. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Store in a well -ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed. Store locked up. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations. None known. None. 3. Composition/information on ingredients Mixtures Page: 1 / 8 Components CAS # Percent Sodium bisulphite 7631-90-5 40 - 60 "Designates that a specific chemical identity and/or percentage of composition has been withheld as a trade secret. Composition comments Information for specific product ingredients as required by the U.S. OSHA HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD is listed. Refer to additional sections of this SDS for our assessment of the potential hazards of this formulation. 4. First -aid measures Inhalation Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell. Skin contact Wash off with soap and water. Get medical attention if irritation develops and persists. Eye contact Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Get medical attention if irritation develops and persists. Ingestion Rinse mouth. Get medical attention if symptoms occur. Most important Irritation of eyes. Exposed individuals may experience eye tearing, redness, and discomfort. May symptoms/effects, acute and cause respiratory irritation. delayed Indication of immediate Provide general supportive measures and treat symptomatically. Keep victim under observation. medical attention and special Symptoms may be delayed. treatment needed General information If you feel unwell, seek medical advice (show the label where possible). Ensure that medical personnel are aware of the material(s) involved, and take precautions to protect themselves. 5. Fire -fighting measures Suitable extinguishing media Water fog. Foam. Dry chemical powder. Carbon dioxide (CO2). Unsuitable extinguishing Do not use water jet as an extinguisher, as this will spread the fire. media Specific hazards arising from During fire, gases hazardous to health may be formed. the chemical Special protective equipment Wear full protective clothing, including helmet, self-contained positive pressure or pressure and precautions for firefighters demand breathing apparatus, protective clothing and face mask. Fire fighting In case of fire and/or explosion do not breathe fumes. Use standard firefighting procedures and equipment/instructions consider the hazards of other involved materials. Move containers from fire area if you can do so without risk. Cool containers / tanks with water spray. Specific methods Use standard firefighting procedures and consider the hazards of other involved materials. General fire hazards No unusual fire or explosion hazards noted. 6. Accidental release measures Personal precautions, Keep unnecessary personnel away. Keep people away from and upwind of spill/leak. Wear protective equipment and appropriate protective equipment and clothing during clean-up. Avoid breathing mist or vapor. Do emergency procedures not touch damaged containers or spilled material unless wearing appropriate protective clothing. Ensure adequate ventilation. Local authorities should be advised if significant spillages cannot be contained. For personal protection, see section 8 of the SDS. Methods and materials for Large Spills: Stop the flow of material, if this is without risk. Dike the spilled material, where this is containment and cleaning up possible. Cover with plastic sheet to prevent spreading. Absorb in vermiculite, dry sand or earth and place into containers. Following product recovery, flush area with water. Small Spills: Wipe up with absorbent material (e.g. cloth, fleece). Clean surface thoroughly to remove residual contamination. Never return spills to original containers for re -use. For waste disposal, see section 13 of the SDS. Environmental precautions Avoid discharge into drains, water courses or onto the ground. Water contaminated with this product may be sent to a sanitary sewer treatment facility, or a permitted waste treatment facility, in accordance with any local agreements. 7. Handling and storage Precautions for safe handling Vent carefully before opening. Sulfur dioxide can be formed during the normal use and handling of this product. Avoid breathing mist or vapor. Avoid contact with eyes. Avoid prolonged exposure. Provide adequate ventilation. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment. Observe good industrial hygiene practices. Material name: SPECTRUS' DT1404 Page: 2 / 8 Version number: 2.1 Conditions for safe storage, Store in original tightly closed container. Store containers closed when not in use. Protect from including any incompatibilities freezing. If frozen, thaw completely and mix thoroughly prior to use. Shelf life 270 days. Store locked up. Store away from incompatible materials (see Section 10 of the SDS). 8. Exposure controls/personal protection Occupational exposure limits US. ACGIH Threshold Limit Values Components Type Value Sodium bisulphite (CAS TWA 5 mg/m3 7631-90-5) US. NIOSH: Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards Components Type Sodium bisulphite (CAS 7631-90-5) TWA Value 5 mg/m3 Biological limit values No biological exposure limits noted for the ingredient(s). Appropriate engineering Good general ventilation (typically 10 air changes per hour) should be used. Ventilation rates controls should be matched to conditions. If applicable, use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation, or other engineering controls to maintain airborne levels below recommended exposure limits. If exposure limits have not been established, maintain airborne levels to an acceptable level. Provide eyewash station. Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment Eye/face protection Splash proof chemical goggles. Skin protection Hand protection Wear appropriate chemical resistant gloves. The choice of an appropriate glove does not only depend on its material but also on other quality features and is different from one producer to the other. Suitable gloves can be recommended by the glove supplier. Glove selection must take into account any solvents and other hazards present. Other Wear appropriate chemical resistant clothing. Respiratory protection If engineering controls do not maintain airborne concentrations below recommended exposure limits (where applicable) or to an acceptable level (in countries where exposure limits have not been established), an approved respirator must be worn. A RESPIRATORY PROTECTION PROGRAM THAT MEETS OSHA'S 29 CFR 1910.134 AND ANSI Z88.2 REQUIREMENTS MUST BE FOLLOWED WHENEVER WORKPLACE CONDITIONS WARRANT A RESPIRATOR'S USE. Thermal hazards Wear appropriate thermal protective clothing, when necessary. General hygiene Always observe good personal hygiene measures, such as washing after handling the material considerations and before eating, drinking, and/or smoking. Routinely wash work clothing and protective equipment to remove contaminants. 9. Physical and chemical properties Appearance Color Physical state Odor Odor threshold pH (concentrated product) pH in aqueous solution Melting point/freezing point Initial boiling point and boiling range Flash point Evaporation rate Flammability (solid, gas) Yellowish to green Liquid Mild Not available. 3.8 Neat 4 (5% Solution) 27 °F (-3 °C) Not available. > 199 *F (> 93 °C) P-M(CC) Slower than Ether Not applicable. Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits Flammability limit - lower Not available. (%) Flammability limit - upper Not available. (%) Explosive limit - lower (%) Not available. Material name: SPECTRUS* DT1404 Page: 3 / 8 Version number: 2.1 Explosive limit - upper (%) Vapor pressure Vapor pressure temp. Vapor density Relative density Relative density temperature Solubility(ies) Solubility (water) Partition coefficient (n-octanollwater) Auto -ignition temperature Decomposition temperature Viscosity Viscosity temperature Other information Explosive properties Oxidizing properties Pour point Specific gravity VOC 10. Stability and reactivity Reactivity Chemical stability Possibility of hazardous reactions Conditions to avoid Incompatible materials Hazardous decomposition products Not available. 18 mmHg 70 -F (21 °C) <1 1.36 70 °F (21 -C) 100 % Not available. Not available. Not available. 20 mPa.s 70 -F (21 -C) Not explosive. Not oxidizing. 32 °F (0 °C) 1.359 0 % ESTIMATED The product is stable and non -reactive under normal conditions of use, storage and transport. Material is stable under normal conditions. Hazardous polymerization does not occur. Avoid temperatures exceeding the flash point. Contact with incompatible materials. Avoid contact with strong oxidizers. and Amines. Oxides of sulphur evolved in fire. 11. Toxicological information Information on likely routes of exposure Inhalation May cause irritation to the respiratory system. Prolonged inhalation may be harmful. Skin contact No adverse effects due to skin contact are expected. Eye contact Causes eye irritation. Ingestion Expected to be a low ingestion hazard. Symptoms related to the Irritation of eyes. Exposed individuals may experience eye tearing, redness, and discomfort. May physical, chemical and cause respiratory irritation. toxicological characteristics Information on toxicological effects Acute toxicity May cause respiratory irritation. Product Species Test Results SPECTRUS DT1404 (CAS Mixture) Acute Dermal LD50 Rabbit > 5000 mg/kg, (Calculated according to GHS additivity formula) Inhalation LC50 Rat > 5.5 mg/I, 4 Hours, (Calculated according to GHS additivity formula) Material name: SPECTRUS* DT1404 Page: 4 / 8 Version number: 2.1 Components Species Test Results Sodium bisulphite (CAS 7631-90-5) Acute Dermal LD50 Rabbit > 2000 mg/kg Inhalation LC50 Rat > 5.5 mg/I, 4 Hour Oral LD50 Rat 1420 mg/kg * Estimates for product may be based on additional component data not shown. Skin corrosion/irritation Prolonged skin contact may cause temporary irritation. Serious eye damage/eye Causes eye irritation. irritation Respiratory or skin sensitization Respiratory sensitization Not available. Skin sensitization This product is not expected to cause skin sensitization. Germ cell mutagenicity No data available to indicate product or any components present at greater than 0.1 % are mutagenic or genotoxic. Carcinogenicity This product is not considered to be a carcinogen by IARC, ACGIH, NTP, or OSHA. [ARC Monographs. Overall Evaluation of Carcinogenicity Sodium bisulphite (CAS 7631-90-5) 3 Not classifiable as to carcinogenicity to humans. OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1050) Not regulated. US. National Toxicology Program (NTP) Report on Carcinogens Not listed. Reproductive toxicity This product is not expected to cause reproductive or developmental effects. Specific target organ toxicity - May cause respiratory irritation. single exposure Specific target organ toxicity - Not classified. repeated exposure Aspiration hazard Not available. Chronic effects Prolonged inhalation may be harmful. 12. Ecological information Ecotoxicity Product Species Test Results SPECTRUS DT1404 (CAS Mixture) EC50 Scenedesmus (algae) 48 mg/I, Growth Inhibition, 72 hour LC50 Fathead Minnow 175 mg/I, Static Renewal Bioassay, 96 hour NOEL Fathead Minnow 125 mg/l, Static Renewal Bioassay, 96 hour Aquatic Crustacea LC50 Daphnia magna 175 mg/I, Static Renewal Bioassay, 48 hour NOEL Daphnia magna 125 mg/I, Static Renewal Bioassay, 48 hour Fish LC50 Rainbow Trout 330 mg/l, Static Renewal Bioassay, 96 hour, (pH adjusted) NOEL Rainbow Trout 125 mg/l, Static Renewal Bioassay, 96 hour, (pH adjusted) Bioaccumulative potential No data available. Mobility in soil No data available. Other adverse effects Not available. Material name: SPECTRUS* DT1404 Version number: 2.1 Page: 5 / 8 Persistence and degradability - COD (mgO2/g) 165 13. Disposal considerations Disposal instructions Collect and reclaim or dispose in sealed containers at licensed waste disposal site. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations. Local disposal regulations Dispose in accordance with all applicable regulations. Hazardous waste code The waste code should be assigned in discussion between the user, the producer and the waste disposal company. Waste from residues / unused Dispose of in accordance with local regulations. Empty containers or liners may retain some products product residues. This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe manner (see: Disposal instructions). Empty containers or liners may retain some product residues. This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe manner. Contaminated packaging Since emptied containers may retain product residue, follow label warnings even after container is emptied. Empty containers should be taken to an approved waste handling site for recycling or disposal. 14. Transport information DOT UN number UN3082 UN proper shipping name Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s. (SODIUM BISULFITE), RQ(SODIUM BISULFITE) Transport hazard class(es) Class 9 Subsidiary risk - Packing group III Special precautions for user Read safety instructions, SDS and emergency procedures before handling. ERG number 171 Some containers may be exempt from Dangerous Goods/Hazmat Transport Regulations, please check BOL for exact container classification. IATA Not regulated as dangerous goods. IMDG UN number UN3082 UN proper shipping name ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, LIQUID, N.O.S. (SODIUM BISULFITE), RQ(SODIUM BISULFITE) Transport hazard class(es) Class 9 Subsidiary risk - Packing group III Environmental hazards Marine pollutant No. Ems F-A, S-F Special precautions for user Read safety instructions, SDS and emergency procedures before handling. DOT Material name: SPECTRUS* DT1404 Page: 6 / 8 Version number: 2.1 IMDG 15. Regulatory information US federal regulations This product is a "Hazardous Chemical' as defined by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200. TSCA Section 12(b) Export Notification (40 CFR 707, Subpt. D) Not regulated. CERCLA Hazardous Substance List (40 CFR 302.4) Sodium bisulphite (CAS 7631-90-5) Listed. SARA 304 Emergency release notification Not regulated. OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1050) Not regulated. Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) Hazard categories Immediate Hazard - Yes Delayed Hazard - No Fire Hazard - No Pressure Hazard - No Reactivity Hazard - No SARA 302 Extremely hazardous substance Not listed. SARA 311/312 Hazardous Yes chemical SARA 313 (TRI reporting) Not regulated. Other federal regulations Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 112 Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) List Not regulated. Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 112(r) Accidental Release Prevention (40 CFR 68.130) Not regulated. Safe Drinking Water Act Not regulated. (SDWA) Inventory status Country(s) or region Inventory name On inventory (yesino)' Canada Domestic Substances List (DSL) Yes Canada Non -Domestic Substances List (NDSL) No United States & Puerto Rico Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Inventory Yes 'A "Yes" indicates that all components of this product comply with the inventory requirements administered by the governing country(s) A "No" indicates that one or more components of the product are not listed or exempt from listing on the inventory administered by the governing country(s). US state regulations US - California Proposition 65 - CRT: Listed date/Carcinogenic substance No ingredient listed. US - California Proposition 65 - CRT: Listed date/Developmental toxin No ingredient listed. US - California Proposition 65 - CRT: Listed date/Female reproductive toxin No ingredient listed. US - California Proposition 65 - CRT: Listed date/Male reproductive toxin No ingredient listed. Material name: SPECTRUS` DT1404 Page: 7 / 8 Version number. 2.1 US - Massachusetts RTK - Substance List Sodium bisulphite (CAS 7631-90-5) US - Pennsylvania RTK - Hazardous Substances Sodium bisulphite (CAS 7631-90-5) Listed. US - Rhode Island RTK Sodium bisulphite (CAS 7631-90-5) US. New Jersey Worker and Community Right -to -Know Act Sodium bisulphite (CAS 7631-90-5) Listed. US. California Proposition 65 California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65): This material is not known to contain any chemicals currently listed as carcinogens or reproductive toxins. 16. Other information, including date of preparation or last revision Issue date Nov-19-2014 Revision date Dec-15-2017 Version # 2.1 List of abbreviations CAS: Chemical Abstract Service Registration Number TWA: Time Weighted Average STEL: Short Term Exposure Limit LD50: Lethal Dose, 50% LC50: Lethal Concentration, 50% NOEL: No Observed Effect Level COD: Chemical Oxygen Demand BOD: Biochemical Oxygen Demand TOC: Total Organic Carbon IATA: International Air Transport Association IMDG: International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code ACGIH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists TSRN indicates a Trade Secret Registry Number is used in place of the CAS number. References: No data available Disclaimer The information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, information and belief at the date of its publication. The information given is designed only as a guidance for safe handling, use, processing, storage, transportation, disposal and release and is not to be considered a warranty or quality specification. The information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in any process, unless specified in the text. Revision information Hazard(s) identification: Hazard statement Hazard(s) identification: Response First -aid measures: Eye contact First -aid measures: Ingestion Physical and chemical properties: Color Stability and reactivity: Conditions to avoid Stability and reactivity: Hazardous decomposition products Stability and reactivity: Incompatible materials Toxicological Information: Toxicological Data Ecological information: Persistence / degradability Transport Information: Material Transportation Information Other information, including date of preparation or last revision: Prepared by Other information, including date of preparation or last revision: List of abbreviations GHS: Supplements Prepared by This SIDS has been prepared by SUEZ Regulatory Department (1-215-355-3300). * Trademark of SUEZ. May be registered in one or more countries. Material name: SPECTRUS* DT1404 Page: 8 / 8 Version number: 2.1 BIOCIDE/CHEMICAL TREATMENT WORKSHEET-FORM 101 The following calculations are to be performed on any biocidal products ultimately discharged to the surface waters of North Carolina. This worksheet must be completed separately for each biocidal product in use. This worksheet is to be returned with all appropriate data entered into the designated areas with calculations performed as indicated. I. Facility Name: Patheon Manufacturing Services LLC NPDES # NC: 0001058 County: Pitt Receiving Stream: Parker's Creek Outfall #: 001 & 002 7Q10: 0.38 (cfs) (All above information supplied by the Division of Water Quality) What is the Average Daily Discharge (A.D.D.) volume of the water handling systems to the receiving water body? A.D.D. = 0.044 (in M.G.D.) Please calculate the Instream Waste Concentration (IWC in percent) of this discharge using the data entered above. IWC - (A.D.D.) X 100 _ ( ) X 100 _15.19967 % (7Q10)(0.646) + (A.D.D) - ( )(0.646) + ( ) This value (IWC) represents the waste concentration to the receiving stream during low flow conditions. What is the name of the whole product chemical treatment proposed for use in the discharge identified in Part I? GenGard GN8300 Please list the active ingredients and percent composition: Phosphoric Acid 7664-38-2 60-80 % What feed or dosage rate (D.R.) is used in this application? The units must be converted to maximum grams of whole product used in a 24hr period. D.R.= _79.4 grams/24hr period Please note, fluid ounces (a volume) must be converted to grams (a mass). The formula for this conversion is: Grams of product = fluid oz. of product X 1 gal. water X 8.34 lbs. X specific gravity of product X 453.59a. 128 fl. oz. 1 gal. water 1 lb. Facility Name: DSM Pharmaceuticals, Inc NPDES #: NC0001058 Estimate total volume of the water handling system between entry of biocidal product and NPDES discharge point. On an attached sheet please provide justification for this estimate (system volume, average cycles per blowdown, holding lagoon size, etc.) Volume= 0.10 million gallons What is the pH of the handling system prior to biocide addition? If unknown, enter N/A. What is the decay rate (D.K.) of the product? If unknown, assume no decay (D.K.=O) and proceed to asterisk. The degradation must be stated at pH level within 1/2 pH standard unit within handling system. Enter the half life (Half Life is the time required for the initial product to degrade to half of its original concentration). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. H.L. = Days The decay rate is equal to H1L X 0.69 = =Decay Rate (D.K.) Calculate degradation factor (D.F.). This is the first order loss coefficient. * D.F. _ (Volume) + (D.K.) _ + ( ) = 0.44 Calculate Steady State Discharge Concentration Dischg Conc. _ (D.F.)(Volume)(3785) - ( )( ))(3785) = 31.57 mg/I Calculate concentration of biocide instream during low flow conditions. (Receiving Stream Concentration) (Dischg. Conc.) x (IWCZ.l x ( ) - 4.80 mg/I 100 - 100 - Receiving Stream Concentration Ill. Calculate regulated limitation. List all LC50 and EC50 data available for the whole product according to the following columns. (Note that units should be in mg/1). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. Organism Test Duration LC50/EC50 (mg/1) Scenedesmus (algae) 72 hours >100 mg/l Fathead Minnow 96 hours 4200 mg/I Choose the lowest LC50/EC50 listed above: Enter the LC50/EC50: 72 hours If the half life (H.L.) is less than 4 days, perform the following calculation. Regulated Limitation = 0.05 x LC50 = mg/I D. W. Q. Form 101 (612000) 2 Facility Name: DSM Pharmaceuticals, Inc NPDES #: NC0001058 If the half life (H.L.) is greater than or equal to 4 days or unknown, perform the following calculation. Regulated Limitation = 0.01 x LC50 = 1.25 mg/I Choose the appropriate regulated limitation from the calculations immediately above and place in this blank: 1.25 mg/liter From Part II enter the receiving stream concentration: 4.80 IV. Analysis. mg/liter If the receiving stream concentration is greater than the calculated regulated limitation, then this biocide is unacceptable for use. Person in Responsible Charge Nat&U e F)n)vyn Name (Print) Signature Ddte Person Completing This Worksheet (If different from above) Name (Print) Signature Date Please submit to: Division of Water Quality Aquatic Toxicology Unit 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Contact info: Cindy Moore (cindy.a.moore@ncmail.net) or John Giorgino Oohn.giorgino@ncmail.net) D. W. Q. Form 101 (612000) 3 Facility Name: DSM Pharmaceuticals, Inc NPDES #: NC0001058 Supplemental Metals Analysis If copper, zinc, or chromium are present in the proposed biocidal compound, complete this worksheet. A separate form must be used for each metal and/or metal compound present in the biocide. List the metal, its chemical formula, molecular weight (MW), formula weight (FW), and the concentration of the metal compound in the biocide (MCC). Complete a separate form for every metal present in the biocide. Metal EXAMPLE Copper Chemical Formula Molecular Weight of Metal Formula Weight Concentration in Biocide CuSO4.5H2O 63.546 g/mole 249.680 g/mole 0.2 Dosage rate of Biocide (DR) (from page 1): DR = grams/day Average Daily Discharge (ADD) (from page 1): ADD = million gallons/day Discharge Concentration (DC) of Biocide: DC = DR _ ( grams/day) _ grams/million gallons ADD - ( million gallons/day) Convert DC to micrograms/liter (ppb): DC (pg/1) = DC (grams/million gal) x 1 x 106 ug/g = Ng/I 3.785 x 106 liters/million gal. Calculate the fraction of metal in the metal -containing compound (MF): MF = MW _ ( grams/mole) _ FW - ( grams/mole) Calculate the fraction of metal in the biocidal compound (BF): BF = MF x MCC (/°) _ 100 x (100) Calculate the concentration of metal in the discharge (M): M=DCxBF= Pg/Ix Calculate the instream metal concentration (IMC) at low -flow conditions: Ng/I %) ° IMC = M x IW1C00% = u9/I x 100 ° = Ng/I Regulated limitation of metal (from below): Ng/I NC General Statutes 15A NCAC 26.0211 define: Copper- 7 pg/I water quality action level" Zinc- 50 pg/I water quality action level* Chromium- 50 pg/I water quality standard (*Values which exceed action levels must be addressed directly by aquatic toxicity testing.) D. W. Q. Form 101 (612000) 4 Gesue,2 SAFETY DATA SHEET GENGARD* GN8300 1. Identification Product identifier GENGARD GN8300 Other means of identification None. Recommended use Corrosion inhibitor Recommended restrictions None known. Company/undertaking identification SUEZ WTS USA, Inc. 4636 Somerton Road Trevose, PA 19053 T 215 355 3300, F 215 953 5524 Emergency telephone (800) 877 1940 2. Hazard(s) identification Version: 3.0 Effective Date: Nov-28-2018 Previous Date: Dec-16-2017 Physical hazards Corrosive to metals Category 1 Health hazards Acute toxicity, oral Category 4 Skin corrosion/irritation Category 1 B Serious eye damage/eye irritation Category 1 Specific target organ toxicity, single exposure Category 3 respiratory tract irritation OSHA defined hazards Not classified. Label elements 0< I > Signal word Danger Hazard statement May be corrosive to metals. Harmful if swallowed. Causes severe skin burns and eye damage. Causes serious eye damage. May cause respiratory irritation. Precautionary statement Prevention Keep only in original container. Do not breathe mist or vapor. Wash thoroughly after handling. Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. Use only outdoors or in a well -ventilated area. Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection. Response Immediately call a poison center/doctor. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Absorb spillage to prevent material damage. If swallowed: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. If on skin (or hair): Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water/shower. If inhaled: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing. If in eyes: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Storage Store in a well -ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed. Store locked up. Store in corrosive resistant container with a resistant inner liner. Disposal Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations. Page: 1 / 9 Hazard(s) not otherwise None known. classified (HNOC) Supplemental information None. 3. Composition/information on ingredients Mixtures Components CAS # Percent Phosphoric Acid 7664-38-2 60 - 80 Composition comments Information for specific product ingredients as required by the U.S. OSHA HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD is listed. Refer to additional sections of this SDS for our assessment of the potential hazards of this formulation. 4. First -aid measures Inhalation Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Call a poison center or doctor/physician if you feel unwell. Skin contact Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water/shower. Call a physician or poison control center immediately. Chemical burns must be treated by a physician. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Eye contact Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Call a physician or poison control center immediately. Ingestion Do not feed anything by mouth to an unconscious or convulsive victim. Do not induce vomiting. Call a physician or poison control center immediately. Rinse mouth. If vomiting occurs, keep head low so that stomach content doesn't get into the lungs. Most important Burning pain and severe corrosive skin damage. Causes serious eye damage. Symptoms may symptoms/effects, acute and include stinging, tearing, redness, swelling, and blurred vision. Permanent eye damage including delayed blindness could result. May cause respiratory irritation. Indication of immediate Provide general supportive measures and treat symptomatically. Chemical burns: Flush with water medical attention and special immediately. While flushing, remove clothes which do not adhere to affected area. Call an treatment needed ambulance. Continue flushing during transport to hospital. Keep victim warm. Keep victim under observation. Symptoms may be delayed. General information If you feel unwell, seek medical advice (show the label where possible). Ensure that medical personnel are aware of the material(s) involved, and take precautions to protect themselves. Show this safety data sheet to the doctor in attendance. 5. Fire -fighting measures Suitable extinguishing media Water fog. Foam. Dry chemical powder. Carbon dioxide (CO2). Unsuitable extinguishing Do not use water jet as an extinguisher, as this will spread the fire. media Specific hazards arising from During fire, gases hazardous to health may be formed. the chemical Special protective equipment Wear full protective clothing, including helmet, self-contained positive pressure or pressure and precautions for firefighters demand breathing apparatus, protective clothing and face mask. Fire fighting In case of fire and/or explosion do not breathe fumes. Use standard firefighting procedures and equipment/instructions consider the hazards of other involved materials. Cool containers / tanks with water spray. Specific methods Use standard firefighting procedures and consider the hazards of other involved materials. 6. Accidental release measures Personal precautions, Keep unnecessary personnel away. Keep people away from and upwind of spill/leak. Wear protective equipment and appropriate protective equipment and clothing during clean-up. Do not breathe mist or vapor. Do emergency procedures not touch damaged containers or spilled material unless wearing appropriate protective clothing. Ensure adequate ventilation. Local authorities should be advised if significant spillages cannot be contained. For personal protection, see section 8 of the SDS. Methods and materials for Prevent entry into waterways, sewer, basements or confined areas. containment and cleaning up Large Spills: Stop the flow of material, if this is without risk. Dike the spilled material, where this is possible. Absorb spillage to prevent material damage. Use a non-combustible material like vermiculite, sand or earth to soak up the product and place into a container for later disposal. Following product recovery, flush area with water. Small Spills: Wipe up with absorbent material (e.g. cloth, fleece). Clean surface thoroughly to remove residual contamination. Never return spills to original containers for re -use. For waste disposal, see section 13 of the SDS. Material name: GENGARD' GN8300 Page: 2 / 9 Version number: 3.0 Environmental precautions Avoid discharge into drains, water courses or onto the ground. 7. Handling and storage Precautions for safe handling Acidic. Corrosive to skin or eyes. Do not mix with alkaline material. Avoid prolonged exposure. Provide adequate ventilation. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment. Observe good industrial hygiene practices. Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Do not taste or swallow. When using, do not eat, drink or smoke. Wash hands thoroughly after handling. Use care in handling/storage. Conditions for safe storage, Store locked up. Store in corrosive resistant container with a resistant inner liner. Contact with including any incompatibilities metals may release flammable hydrogen gas. Keep only in the original container. Store in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. Store in tightly closed container. Store away from incompatible materials (see Section 10 of the SDS). Store in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulation. 8. Exposure controls/personal protection Occupational exposure limits The following constituents are the only constituents of the product which have a PEL, TLV or other recommended exposure limit. At this time, the other constituents have no known exposure limits. US. OSHA Table Z-1 Limits for Air Contaminants (29 CFR 1910.1000) Components Type Value Phosphoric Acid (CAS PEL 1 mg/m3 7664-38-2) US. ACGIH Threshold Limit Values Components Type Value Phosphoric Acid (CAS STEL 3 mg/m3 7664-38-2) TWA 1 mg/m3 US. NIOSH: Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards Components Type Value Phosphoric Acid (CAS STEL 3 mg/m3 7664-38-2) TWA 1 mg/m3 Biological limit values No biological exposure limits noted for the ingredient(s). Appropriate engineering Eye wash facilities and emergency shower must be available when handling this product. controls Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment Eye/face protection Wear safety glasses with side shields (or goggles) and a face shield. Skin protection Hand protection Wear appropriate chemical resistant gloves. The choice of an appropriate glove does not only depend on its material but also on other quality features and is different from one producer to the other. Glove selection must take into account any solvents and other hazards present. Other Wear appropriate chemical resistant clothing. Respiratory protection If engineering controls do not maintain airborne concentrations below recommended exposure limits (where applicable) or to an acceptable level (in countries where exposure limits have not been established), an approved respirator must be worn. A RESPIRATORY PROTECTION PROGRAM THAT MEETS OSHA'S 29 CFR 1910.134 AND ANSI Z88.2 REQUIREMENTS MUST BE FOLLOWED WHENEVER WORKPLACE CONDITIONS WARRANT A RESPIRATOR'S USE. Thermal hazards Wear appropriate thermal protective clothing, when necessary. General hygiene Keep away from food and drink. Always observe good personal hygiene measures, such as considerations washing after handling the material and before eating, drinking, and/or smoking. Routinely wash work clothing and protective equipment to remove contaminants. 9. Physical and chemical properties Appearance Color Physical state Odor Odor threshold pH (concentrated product) pH in aqueous solution Material name: GENGARD' GN8300 Version number: 3.0 Colorless to light yellow Liquid Mild Not available. < 1 Neat 1.2 (5% Solution) Page: 3 / 9 Melting point/freezing point < -30 °F (< -34 °C) Initial boiling point and boiling Not available. range Flash point Not applicable. Evaporation rate Slower than Ether Flammability (solid, gas) Not applicable. Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits Flammability limit - lower Not available. Flammability limit - upper Not available. (%) Explosive limit - lower (%) Not available. Explosive limit - upper (%) Not available. Vapor pressure 15 mmHg Vapor pressure temp. 70 °F (21 °C) Vapor density > 1 Relative density 1.58 Relative density temperature 70 °F (21 °C) Solubility(ies) Solubility (water) 100 % Partition coefficient Not available. (n-octanol/water) Auto -ignition temperature Not available. Decomposition temperature Not available. Viscosity 44 mPa.s Viscosity temperature 70 °F (21 °C) Other information Explosive properties Not explosive. Oxidizing properties Not oxidizing. Percent volatile 25 Pour point < -25 °F (< -32 °C) Specific gravity 1.579 VOC 0 % ESTIMATED 10. Stability and reactivity Reactivity May be corrosive to metals. Chemical stability Material is stable under normal conditions. Possibility of hazardous Hazardous polymerization does not occur. reactions Conditions to avoid Contact with incompatible materials. Contact with metals may release flammable hydrogen gas. Contact with strong bases may cause a violent reaction releasing heat. Avoid contact with strong oxidizers. Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open flames and other ignition sources. Incompatible materials Strong oxidizing agents. Metals. Hazardous decomposition Oxides of carbon and phosphorus evolved in fire. products 11. Toxicological information Information on likely routes of exposure Inhalation May cause irritation to the respiratory system. Prolonged inhalation may be harmful. Skin contact Causes severe skin burns. Eye contact Causes serious eye damage. Ingestion Causes digestive tract burns. Harmful if swallowed. Material name: GENGARD" GN8300 Page: 4 / 9 Version number: 3.0 Symptoms related to the Burning pain and severe corrosive skin damage. Causes serious eye damage. Symptoms may physical, chemical and include stinging, tearing, redness, swelling, and blurred vision. Permanent eye damage including toxicological characteristics blindness could result. May cause respiratory irritation. Information on toxicological effects Acute toxicity Harmful if swallowed. Product Species GENGARD GN8300 (CAS Mixture) Acute Dermal LD50 Rabbit Oral LD50 Rat Components Species Test Results 3650 mg/kg, (Calculated according to GHS additivity formula) 400 mg/kg, (Calculated according to GHS additivity formula) Test Results Phosphoric Acid (CAS 7664-38-2) Acute Dermal LD50 Rabbit 2740 mg/kg Oral LD50 Rat 300 mg/kg Skin corrosion/irritation Causes severe skin burns and eye damage. Serious eye damage/eye Causes serious eye damage. irritation Respiratory or skin sensitization Respiratory sensitization This product is not expected to cause respiratory sensitization. Skin sensitization This product is not expected to cause skin sensitization. Germ cell mutagenicity No data available to indicate product or any components present at greater than 0.1 % are mutagenic or genotoxic. Carcinogenicity IARC Monographs. Overall Evaluation of Carcinogenicity Not listed. OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1062) Not regulated. US. National Toxicology Program (NTP) Report on Carcinogens Not listed. Reproductive toxicity This product is not expected to cause reproductive or developmental effects. Specific target organ toxicity - May cause respiratory irritation. single exposure Specific target organ toxicity - Not classified. repeated exposure Aspiration hazard Aspiration of this product may cause the same corrosiveness/irritation impacts as if it were ingested. Chronic effects Prolonged inhalation may be harmful. 12. Ecological information Ecotoxicity Product Species GENGARD GN8300 (CAS Mixture) 5% Mortality Ceriodaphnia 85% Mortality Ceriodaphnia EC50 Scenedesmus (algae) Test Results 500 mg/L, Static Screen, 48 hour, (pH adjusted) 2500 mg/L, Static Screen, 48 hour, (pH adjusted) > 100 mg/I, 72 Hours Material name: GENGARD* GN8300 Version number: 3.0 Page: 5 / 9 Product Species Test Results LC50 Fathead Minnow 4200 mg/L, Static Renewal Bioassay, 96 hour, (pH adjusted) NOEL Fathead Minnow 2100 mg/L, Static Renewal Bioassay, 96 hour, (pH adjusted) Aquatic Crustacea LC50 Daphnia magna 3540 mg/L, Static Renewal Bioassay, 48 hour, (pH adjusted) NOEL Daphnia magna 2100 mg/L, Static Renewal Bioassay, 48 hour, (pH adjusted) Persistence and degradability Not available. Bioaccumulative potential No information available. Mobility in soil No data available. Other adverse effects Not available. 13. Disposal considerations Disposal instructions Collect and reclaim or dispose in sealed containers at licensed waste disposal site. Incinerate the material under controlled conditions in an approved incinerator. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations. Local disposal regulations Dispose in accordance with all applicable regulations. Hazardous waste code D002: Waste Corrosive material [pH —2 or=>12.5, or corrosive to steel] The waste code should be assigned in discussion between the user, the producer and the waste disposal company. Waste from residues / unused Empty containers or liners may retain some product residues. This material and its container must products be disposed of in a safe manner (see: Disposal instructions). Contaminated packaging Since emptied containers may retain product residue, follow label warnings even after container is emptied. Empty containers should be taken to an approved waste handling site for recycling or disposal. 14. Transport information DOT UN number UN1805 UN proper shipping name Phosphoric acid solution, RQ(PHOSPHORIC ACID) Transport hazard class(es) Class 8 Subsidiary risk - Packing group III Special precautions for user Read safety instructions, SDS and emergency procedures before handling. ERG number 154 Some containers may be exempt from Dangerous Goods/Hazmat Transport Regulations, please check BOL for exact container classification. IATA UN number UN1805 UN proper shipping name Phosphoric acid, solution Transport hazard class(es) Class 8 Subsidiary risk - Packing group III Environmental hazards No. ERG Code 154 Special precautions for user Read safety instructions, SDS and emergency procedures before handling. IMDG UN number UN1805 UN proper shipping name PHOSPHORIC ACID SOLUTION, RQ(Phosphoric Acid) Transport hazard class(es) Class 8 Subsidiary risk - Material name: GENGARD* GN8300 Page: 6 / 9 Version number. 3.0 Packing group III Environmental hazards Marine pollutant No. EmS F-A, S-B Special precautions for user Read safety instructions, SDS and emergency procedures before handling. DOT IATA; IMDG 15. Regulatory information US federal regulations This product is a "Hazardous Chemical' as defined by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200. TSCA Section 12(b) Export Notification (40 CFR 707, Subpt. D) Not regulated. CERCLA Hazardous Substance List (40 CFR 302.4) Phosphoric Acid (CAS 7664-38-2) Listed. SARA 304 Emergency release notification Not regulated. OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1052) Not regulated. Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) SARA 302 Extremely hazardous substance Not listed. SARA 311/312 Hazardous Yes chemical Classified hazard Corrosive to metal categories Acute toxicity (any route of exposure) Skin corrosion or irritation Serious eye damage or eye irritation Specific target organ toxicity (single or repeated exposure) SARA 313 (TRI reporting) Not regulated. Other federal regulations Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 112 Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) List Not regulated. Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 112(r) Accidental Release Prevention (40 CFR 68.130) Not regulated. Clean Water Act (CWA) Hazardous substance Section 112(r) (40 CFR 68.130) Material name: GENGARD* GN8300 Page: 7 / 9 Version number: 3.0 Safe Drinking Water Act Not regulated. (SDWA) FEMA Priority Substances Respiratory Health and Safety in the Flavor Manufacturing Workplace Phosphoric Acid (CAS 7664-38-2) High priority Inventory status Country(s) or region Inventory name On inventory (yes/no)" Canada Domestic Substances List (DSL) Yes Canada Non -Domestic Substances List (NDSL) No United States & Puerto Rico Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Inventory Yes *A "Yes" indicates that all components of this product comply with the inventory requirements administered by the governing country(s) A "No" indicates that one or more components of the product are not listed or exempt from listing on the inventory administered by the governing country(s). NSF Registered and/or meets Registration No. — 142961 USDA (according to 1998 Category Code(s): guidelines): G5 Cooling and retort water treatment products G7 Boiler, steam line treatment products — nonfood contact US state regulations US. California Proposition 65 California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 2016 (Proposition 65): This material is not known to contain any chemicals currently listed as carcinogens or reproductive toxins. For more information go to www.P65Warnings.ca.gov. US - California Proposition 65 - CRT: Listed date/Carcinogenic substance No ingredient listed. US - California Proposition 65 - CRT: Listed date/Developmental toxin No ingredient listed. US - California Proposition 65 - CRT: Listed date/Female reproductive toxin No ingredient listed. US - California Proposition 65 - CRT: Listed date/Male reproductive toxin No ingredient listed. 16. Other information, including date of preparation or last revision Issue date Revision date Version # NFPA ratings NFPA ratings Oct-29-2014 Nov-28-2018 3.0 Health: 3 Flammability: 0 Instability: 0 List of abbreviations CAS: Chemical Abstract Service Registration Number TWA: Time Weighted Average STEL: Short Term Exposure Limit LD50: Lethal Dose, 50% LC50: Lethal Concentration, 50% NOEL: No Observed Effect Level COD: Chemical Oxygen Demand BOD: Biochemical Oxygen Demand TOC: Total Organic Carbon IATA: International Air Transport Association IMDG: International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code ACGIH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists TSRN indicates a Trade Secret Registry Number is used in place of the CAS number. References: No data available Disclaimer The information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, information and belief at the date of its publication. The information given is designed only as a guidance for safe handling, use, processing, storage, transportation, disposal and release and is not to be considered a warranty or quality specification. The information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in any process, unless specified in the text. Material name: GENGARD* GN8300 Page: 8 / 9 Version number: 3.0 Revision information This document has undergone significant changes and should be reviewed in its entirety. Prepared by This SIDS has been prepared by SUEZ Regulatory Department (1-215-355-3300). Trademark of SUEZ. May be registered in one or more countries. Material name: GENGARD' GN8300 Page: 9 / 9 Version number: 3.0