HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0003425_Rox_Appendix F_20191231Corrective Action Plan Update December 2019 Roxboro Steam Electric Plant APPENDIX F FRACTURED BEDROCK EVALUATION SynTerra Llp synTerra FRACTURED BEDROCK EVALUATION ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT 1700 DUNNAWAY ROAD SEMORA, NC 27343 DECEMBER 2019 PREPARED FOR DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS,, LLC �� Cra' ady, NC LG 1t99 Project Manager Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC - Roxboro Steam Electric Plant SynTerra TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................1-1 2.0 LINEAMENT EVALUATION.................................................................................... 2-1 2.1 Imagery Selection......................................................................................................2-1 2.2 Lineament Selection and Summary........................................................................ 2-1 3.0 DEEP BEDROCK EVALUATION FIELD PROCEDURES AND IMPLEMENTATION................................................................................................... 3-1 3.1 Purpose....................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.2 Drilling Methodology and Well Design................................................................ 3-1 3.3 Well Development.................................................................................................... 3-4 3.4 Hydraulic Conductivity Measurements................................................................ 3-4 3.5 Water Quality Analysis............................................................................................3-5 3.6 Additional Bedrock Evaluation.............................................................................. 3-5 4.0 BEDROCK FRACTURE EVALUATION METHODS ........................................... 4-1 4.1 Flow Profile Characterization................................................................................. 4-1 4.2 Fracture Hydraulic Apertures.................................................................................4-2 4.3 Fracture Spacing........................................................................................................4-3 4.4 Fracture Orientation Plots and Statistics............................................................... 4-4 4.5 Summary of Bedrock Fracture Characteristics..................................................... 4-5 4.6 Implications of Bedrock Fracture Network for Groundwater Flow..................4-5 5.0 BEDROCK MATRIX CHARACTERISTICS...........................................................5-1 5.1 Sample Selection........................................................................................................5-1 5.2 Matrix Porosity and Bulk Density.......................................................................... 5-2 5.3 Petrographic Evaluation.......................................................................................... 5-2 5.4 Implications of Bedrock Matrix Characteristics for Fate and Transport........... 5-2 6.0 REFERENCES................................................................................................................ 6-1 Page i Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant SynTerra LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1A 1968 USGS Topographic Map without Lineaments - East Ash Basin Figure 1B 1968 USGS Topographic Map without Lineaments — West Ash Basin Figure 1C 1968 USGS Topographic Map with Lineaments — West Ash Basin Figure 2A 1951 Aerial Photograph without Lineaments — East Ash Basin Figure 2B 1951 Aerial Photograph with Lineaments — East Ash Basin Figure 2C 1951 Aerial Photograph without Lineaments — West Ash Basin Figure 2D 1951 Aerial Photograph with Lineaments — West Ash Basin Figure 3 Deep Bedrock Evaluation Locations Figure 4 Hydraulic Conductivity Vertical Profiles Figure 5 Hydraulic Aperture Vertical Profiles Figure 6 Fracture Spacing Vertical Profile Figure 7A General Cross Section B-B' — East Ash Basin Figure 7B General Cross Section C-C' — West Ash Basin LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Analytical Results for Deep Bedrock Wells Table 2 Porosity and Bulk Density Results LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Attachment A Boring Logs, Well Construction Records and Well Development Summary Table Attachment B USGS FLASH Results and Calculations Attachment C Geophysical Logging Report Attachment D Petrographic Evaluation of Core Samples Page ii Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant SynTerra LIST OF ACRONYMS 02L North Carolina Administrative Code, Title 15A, Subchapter 02L, Groundwater Classification and Standards ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials bgs below ground surface CAP Corrective Action Plan COI constituent of interest Core Labs Core Laboratories CSA Comprehensive Site Assessment DEM digital elevation model Duke Energy Duke Energy Progress, LLC EAB East Ash Basin en hydraulic aperture ENE east-northeast FLASH Flow -Log Analysis of Single Holes g acceleration due to gravity g gram g/cm3 grams per cubic centimeter GEL Gel Solutions, LLC Geologic Geologic Exploration, LLC gpm gallons per minute HPF heat pulse flowmeter HSZ Hyco Shear Zone I.D. inner diameter IMP Interim Monitoring Plan Ka constituent partition coefficient µ viscosity of water µm micrometer or micron µg/L micrograms per liter n number of individual fractures in a flow layer NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources NNW north-northwest NTU nephelometric turbidity unit pW density of water Plant/Site Roxboro Steam Electric Plant PVC polyvinyl chloride Roxboro Roxboro Steam Electric Plant Q flow rate Page iii Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant LIST OF ACRONYMS (CONTINUED) ro radius of influence rW radius of borehole s well drawdown SP spontaneous potential SPR single point resistance SSE south-southeast TD total depth USGS United States Geological Survey WAB West Ash Basin WSW west-southwest SynTerra Page iv Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant SynTerra 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report provides a detailed characterization of the bedrock in the areas near the ash basins at the Roxboro Steam Electric Plant (Roxboro, Plant, or Site). The characterization is based on additional evaluation of lineaments, the bedrock fracture system, and the bedrock matrix. The information in this report supplements information presented in the Comprehensive Site Assessment (CSA) Update (SynTerra, 2017) and further supports the development of groundwater remedial alternatives as part of the Roxboro Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Update. Page 1-1 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant SynTerra 2.0 LINEAMENT EVALUATION To supplement the bedrock characterization and support the Roxboro CAP Update, SynTerra evaluated lineaments in the vicinity of the ash basins. Lineaments are linear features at ground surface that might have resulted from underlying bedrock fractures, fracture zones, faults, or other geologic structures and might represent the approximate vicinity of preferential groundwater flow zones in bedrock. 2.1 Imagery Selection Aerial imagery and topographic survey information used for the lineament evaluation met the following criteria: • The aerial image (1951 aerial) used for the evaluation predated East Ash Basin (EAB) construction in 1964 and West Ash Basin (WAB) construction in 1973. • The topographic map (1968), the earliest available for the region, predated WAB construction in 1973. • The scale and resolution are sufficiently detailed to identify apparent linear features that are interpreted to be unrelated to anthropogenic activity. Details regarding the selected image and map are as follows: • Topographic survey — U.S. Geological Survey, 1968, USGS 1:24000-scale Quadrangle for Olive Hill, NC 1968: U.S. Geological Survey. (Figures 1A and 1B). • April 20, 1951, aerial photograph obtained from the USGS Earth Explorer website at http://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/ (Figures 2A and 2C) 2.2 Lineament Selection and Summary The following USGS list (Clark et al., 2016) summarizes features used to identify lineaments in this evaluation: • Linear topographic features • Straight stream segments • Aligned gaps in ridges • Vegetation Page 2-1 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant SynTerra East Ash Basin Areas near the EAB north of Dunnaway Road, west of McGhee Mill Road, and south of Hyco Reservoir were visually reviewed to identify linear features. Lineaments identified in the vicinity of the EAB on the 1951 aerial photograph are presented on Figure 2B. Lineament orientations from each image have been summarized on a 360- degree compass rose diagram to identify general trends. Observations from the aerial photograph review in the vicinity of the EAB are summarized as follows: 1951 USGS Aerial Photograph • 16 linear features identified • Lineament orientations widely scattered — no predominant lineament orientation identified West Ash Basin Areas near the WAB north of Semora Road, west of Dunnaway Road, and south and east of Hyco Reservoir were visually reviewed to identify linear features. The selected aerial photograph and topographic map were evaluated separately. Lineaments identified in the vicinity of the WAB on the 1968 topographic survey map are presented on Figure 1C, and lineaments identified on the 1951 aerial photograph are presented on Figure 2D. Lineament orientations from each image have been summarized on a 360-degree compass rose diagram to identify general trends. Observations from the topographic survey and aerial photograph review in the vicinity of the WAB are summarized as follows: 1968 Topographic Survey • 45 linear features identified • Primary group oriented northeast — southwest with 40 percent of the identified lineaments between azimuths of 48 degrees and 72 degrees (13 percent of azimuth range) • In addition, interpreted lineaments showed a wide range of cross -cutting orientations Page 2-2 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant SynTerra 1951 USGS Aerial Photograph • 39 linear features identified • Primary group oriented northeast — southwest with 31 percent of the identified lineaments between azimuths of 48 degrees and 70 degrees (12 percent of azimuth range) • In addition, interpreted lineaments showed a wide range of cross -cutting orientations There is general agreement on 32 linear features identified with the topographic survey and aerial photograph (approximately 70 percent). These data indicate a predominant lineament orientation of northeast -southwest, with multiple cross -cutting lineaments of various orientations. Page 2-3 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant SynTerra 3.0 DEEP BEDROCK EVALUATION FIELD PROCEDURES AND IMPLEMENTATION 3.1 Purpose To refine the site conceptual model and improve the accuracy of model predictions being prepared for the CAP, additional bedrock wells were installed adjacent to the ash basin dams and in areas of known bedrock groundwater impacts. Additional data regarding the occurrence of water -bearing fracture(s) and the presence or absence of constituents were needed to refine the groundwater flow model and fate and transport model. Therefore, the scope of work described below was implemented to evaluate deep bedrock groundwater quality and to refine the assumptions of hydraulic conductivity, fracture characteristics, and depth of groundwater impact in the vicinity of the ash basins. 3.2 Drilling Methodology and Well Design In general, three areas related to the EAB were evaluated and two areas related to the WAB were evaluated. A total of 10 deep bedrock evaluation monitoring wells were installed either as single wells, pairs, or clusters within these evaluation areas. Deep bedrock evaluation locations are depicted on Figure 3. Prior to drilling activities, subsurface utility scans were conducted in the area of the proposed borings. Monitoring wells were installed in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0108 Standards of Construction: Wells Other Than Water Supply. Geologic Exploration, LLC (Geologic) conducted drilling operations under contract to Duke Energy Progess, LLC (Duke Energy). A qualified scientist oversaw drilling and well installation. Boring advancement and well design/installation were similar at nine (9) of the 10 deep bedrock evaluation locations. ABMW-7BRLL varied as the only location installed within an ash basin waste boundary. The following description applies to the nine locations at which boring advancement and well design/installation were similar: Owing to near -surface partially weathered rock, pneumatic air hammer technology (air hammer) drilling techniques were used from ground surface to top -of -rock at each location. These borings measured 10 to 12 inches in diameter based on air hammer tooling. A permanent 8- or 10-inch diameter, schedule 40 flush joint threaded polyvinyl chloride (PVC) outer casing was installed, "socketed" approximately 5 to 10 feet within competent bedrock. The casing was fitted with a grout shoe seated into the top of rock and tremie-grouted into place. Air hammering was continued through the outer surface casing to the target depth. The target depth was approximately 30 feet below the screen interval of the deepest adjacent monitoring well or borehole with constituent of interest Page 3-1 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant SynTerra (COI) detections. Once the boring reached its target depth, a 6-inch diameter, schedule 40 flush -joint threaded PVC inner casing was installed and tremie-grouted into place. Schedule 80 PVC material was used on inner casings that exceeded approximately 100 feet in depth. After the grout cured (at least 24 hours), the borings were advanced to a prescribed total depth (TD) of either 200 feet below ground surface (bgs)(MW-1BRL, MW-108BRL, MW-205BRL, and MW-208BRL) or 400 feet bgs (ABMW-7BRLL). Based on field screening results collected at the time of installation, subsequent deep bedrock borings were installed to prescribed depths of approximately 300 feet bgs (MW- 205BRLL and MW-208BRLL) and 450 feet bgs (MW-108BRLL, MW-205BRLL, and MW- 208BRLL). At ABMW-7BRLL, 121/4-inch hollow -stem augers (16-inch outer diameter) were used to advance the borehole through approximately 80 feet of overlying ash to auger refusal. Auger refusal was encountered at 85 feet bgs. Air hammering advanced the boring through the hollow -stem augers to competent rock, approximately 88 feet bgs. A permanent 8-inch diameter, schedule 40 flush joint threaded PVC outer casing was installed, "socketed" within competent bedrock. The casing was fitted with a grout shoe seated into the top of rock and tremie-grouted into place. Air hammering was continued through the outer surface casing to the target depth. The target depth was approximately 30 feet below the screen interval of the adjacent ABMW-7BRL, approximately 330 feet bgs with reported COI detections. Once the boring reached its target depth, a 6-inch diameter, schedule 80 flush -joint threaded PVC inner casing was installed and tremie-grouted into place. After the grout cured (at least 24 hours), the boring was advanced to a prescribed depth TD of 400 feet bgs. During the air hammer boring advancement below the 6-inch PVC casing, the field scientist noted potential fractures based on driller observations and percussion hammer frequency. Estimated yield of water -bearing zones was determined through downhole circulation after approximately each 10-foot run. Upon determination of a potential water -bearing fracture or fracture zone [yielding approximately 1 gallon per minute (gpm) or more], a sample was collected by air -lifting formation water from the borehole. The sample was screened for boron with a Hach TNT877 spectrophotometer. Samples were field -filtered with a 0.45 micron (µm) filter to reduce influence of turbidity (i.e., suspended solids) on screening results. The Hach TNT877 test kit enables detection of boron concentrations from 50 micrograms per liter (µg/L) to 2,500 µg/L. The presence or absence of boron at depth is significant for refining groundwater model assumptions. The North Carolina regulatory standard for boron (700 µg/L) was considered during well design. Page 3-2 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant SynTerra Field boron screening results were considered during boring advancement. Screening results represent a composite sample from the length of open borehole. Boron concentrations greater than 700 µg/L were encountered at depths that were already screened with existing wells, and at some depths below the deepest existing deep bedrock boring (MW-108BRL, MW-205BRL, MW-205BRLL, MW-208BRL, and MW- 208BRLL). If the water quality testing indicated a boron concentration greater than 700 µg/L, the boring was terminated and a second (or third) offset boring was installed with a surface casing followed by inner casing set below the adjacent boring. This process was repeated until reaching the predetermined TD of approximately 450 feet bgs; the depth necessary to refine the flow and transport model. Vertical evaluation at each location was deemed complete when the specified TD was reached. Field screening results from MW-1BRL and ABMW-7BRLL indicated concentrations less than the regulatory standard. Field screening concentrations results from MW-108BRLL, MW- 205BRLLL, and MW-208BRLL indicated boron field -screening concentrations greater than 700 µg/L. Drilling was discontinued at these deep bedrock boreholes at depths of approximately 430 feet bgs (MW-108BRLL) and 448 feet bgs (MW-205BRLLL and MW- 208BRLLL). Discontinuing of drilling would allow for geophysical logging, well completion, and collection of samples from discrete intervals for analysis by a North Carolina certified laboratory to support model refinement and preparation of the CAP. Upon reaching TD at each boring, geophysical logging was conducted using the following downhole tools: acoustic televiewer, optical televiewer, caliper, fluid conductivity, fluid temperature, single point resistance (SPR), spontaneous potential (SP), and heat pulse flowmeter (HPF). HPF data were collected during non -pumping (ambient) conditions and pumping conditions. At each deep bedrock well, with the exception of MW-1BRL, MW-205BRL, and MW-208BRL, a portion of open borehole was backfilled with a bentonite clay plug. The purpose of the backfilling was to facilitate well installation at the desired screened interval based on field boron screening and geophysical logs. Well materials were suspended in a vertical position from a lift ring to avoid casing deflection while the wells were constructed. Screen intervals were selected to bracket the deepest water -bearing fracture zone as determined by drilling observations and preliminary geophysical logging data and (if applicable) the lesser of boron concentrations reported from the field screening process. Each well consists of a 2-inch inner diameter (I.D.) schedule 40 flush -joint threaded 10- foot prepacked screen. Screens have 0.010-inch-wide slots and were packed in the field with a No. 2 sand filter pack. The annular space between the borehole wall/inner casing and prepacked well screens for each of the wells was also filled with No. 2 sand filter Page 3-3 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant SynTerra pack. The sand pack extends 3-5 feet above the top of the prepacked screen at each well. The well seal consists of at least 10 feet of coated pelletized bentonite. The remainder of the annular space was backfilled into the outer casing with portland cement grout. If the annulus exceeded 100 feet in length, grouting was conducted in lifts of approximately 80 feet at a time. Monitoring wells were completed with above -ground aluminum protective casings, locking caps, and well tags. The protective covers were secured and completed in a concrete collar and a minimum 2-square-foot concrete pad with bollards. 3.3 Well Development Installed monitoring wells were developed via submersible pump (SS Mega Monsoon XL) and drop tubing extending to the total well depth. The drilling contractor developed the new deep bedrock monitoring wells until water quality indicator parameters (e.g., conductivity, pH, temperature) were generally stable and turbidity reached acceptable levels [10 nephelometric turbidity units (NTUs) or less]. The geologic logs and well development summary table — which include development method(s), water volume removed, and field measurements of pH and turbidity — are provided in Attachment A. 3.4 Hydraulic Conductivity Measurements Prior to well completion, packer testing across multiple fracture intervals was conducted within four open bedrock borings (MW-108BRL, MW-108BRLL, MW- 205BRLLL, and MW-208BRLLL). Borings selected for testing exhibited boron field screening concentrations during drilling in excess of the maximum detectable instrument range of 2,500 µg/L. Packer testing confirmed field screening concentrations observed during drilling and viable water -producing zones for well screen intervals. Slug tests were conducted at each screened interval after well completion. Multiple falling and rising head tests were completed at the 10 deep bedrock wells. Slug tests were performed in general accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D4044-96 Standard Test Method (Field Procedure) for Instantaneous Change in Head (Slug) Tests for Determining Hydraulic Properties of Aquifers and in general accordance with North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Performance and Analysis of Aquifer Slug Test and Pumping Test Policy, dated May 31, 2007. Page 3-4 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant SynTerra 3.5 Water Quality Analysis After well installation, development, and slug testing, groundwater was collected at each well for a suite of chemistry analysis [Interim Monitoring Plan (IMP) parameter list]. The wells were sampled when water quality parameters stabilized (per the Low Flow Sampling Plan for Duke Energy Facilities, June 2015). Boron was tested in relation to North Carolina Administrative Code, Title 15A, Subchapter 02L, Groundwater Classification and Standards (02L). Preliminary results indicate boron concentrations greater than the 02L standard (700 µg/L) at eight (8) of the 10 wells. Boron results for the remaining two locations were either less than the method reporting limit (<50 µg/L at MW-01BRL) or slightly greater (137 µg/L at ABMW-07BRLL). Consistent with the boron screening data collected during drilling, the samples collected at the deepest bedrock monitoring wells (MW-108BRLL, MW-205BRLLL, and MW-208BRLLL) had boron concentrations greater than the 02L standard. These wells are screened approximately 400 feet bgs. Analytical results for the 10 deep bedrock wells are presented in Table 1. 3.6 Additional Bedrock Evaluation In response to a request from NCDEQ to further characterize groundwater to the south of the WAB, an additional deep bedrock borehole (MW-38BR) was drilled and geophysical logging was conducted during a separate mobilization. MW-38BR was drilled as part of a well cluster, MW-38D/BR, located south of the WAB (Figure 3). During drilling, little evidence of water was observed in competent rock. The geophysical logging data confirmed field observations, in that no transmissive fractures were identified deeper than 107 feet bgs (56 feet below the top of bedrock). These data indicating that the bedrock at this location exhibits little permeability at depth. The geophysical logging data are included in the evaluation below. A groundwater monitoring well will be installed at MW-38BR with a screen interval of 95-110 feet bgs. Page 3-5 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant SynTerra 4.0 BEDROCK FRACTURE EVALUATION METHODS Deep bedrock borehole logging data were used to characterize the general depths of flow zones (to target for monitoring well screen placement), hydraulic conductivity, the hydraulic apertures of fractures and fracture spacing, and the in -situ orientations of bedrock fractures in the vicinity of the ash basins. These evaluations provide a comprehensive assessment of the bedrock fracture system near the ash basins in support of the CAP. 4.1 Flow Profile Characterization FLASH (Flow -Log Analysis of Single Holes), a computer program developed by the USGS, uses HPF data for ambient and pumping conditions to estimate transmissivity profiles along single boreholes (Day -Lewis et al., 2011). FLASH software was used to analyze the HPF data from the deep bedrock boreholes and generate a transmissivity profile for each logged borehole. To produce a unique fit to the data, FLASH estimates either transmissivity or radius of influence. All model iterations used an estimated radius of influence of 1,000 feet. Calculated transmissivity results are relatively insensitive to this parameter, but a conservatively large estimate was selected to produce conservatively high estimates for transmissivity. The "objective function" for the FLASH code incorporates the mean squared error between interpreted (from borehole HPF data) and predicted flow profiles and the sum of squared differences between the water level in the borehole and the far -field head. For each borehole, the automated solver in FLASH ran until the objective function reached a minimum value. Total transmissivity for each borehole was also calculated using the Thiem Equation for steady-state flow to a well in a confined aquifer (Thiem, 1906): T _ Q (ro l In 27c(s) \rWl where T is transmissivity, Q is flow rate, s is drawdown, ro is radius of influence, and rW is the radius of the borehole. For boreholes with a Thiem-calculated transmissivity that exceeded the FLASH estimated total transmissivity, the transmissivity values for borehole intervals from FLASH were scaled up proportionally to produce a total FLASH transmissivity equal to the transmissivity value calculated for the entire borehole. Results from FLASH analysis of the HPF data from 10 boreholes are presented in detail in Attachment B. Transmissivity values for individual bedrock intervals were divided by interval vertical length to calculate hydraulic conductivity values, which are Page 4-1 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant SynTerra illustrated versus depth below top of bedrock on Figure 4. Measured deep bedrock hydraulic conductivity values based on FLASH analysis generally range from approximately 0.004 feet per day to 26 feet per day, with seven measurements below 0.001 feet per day. For comparison, Figure 4 also shows hydraulic conductivity based on slug test results from 13-foot packer -test intervals prior to monitoring well construction, and from the completed deep bedrock monitoring wells. Both of these data sets indicate a general decline in hydraulic conductivity versus depth below the top of rock, particularly at depths greater than 300 feet below the top of rock. Most of deep bedrock borehole intervals did not indicate any notable transmissivity (or hydraulic conductivity) based on HPF data. Therefore, data related to those borehole intervals are not included in this analysis. In addition, monitoring wells were installed at depths interpreted to have the most significant water -bearing fractures. Therefore, the overall hydraulic conductivity of the bedrock fracture system is less than suggested by the data shown on Figure 4. 4.2 Fracture Hydraulic Apertures Transmissivity data generated by FLASH were also used to estimate the average hydraulic aperture (en) for individual bedrock intervals applying the local cubic law (Steele, 2006): F12 eh where T is transmissivity, µ is the viscosity of water, pw is the density of water, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and n is the number of individual fractures in the flow layer. Bedrock fractures are rough, so fracture widths (apertures) vary at different points within the fracture. The hydraulic aperture is the width of an idealized parallel - plate opening with the same transmissivity as an actual, rough -walled fracture, and it is approximated by the geometric mean of the individual aperture values within the fracture (Keller, 1998). Average hydraulic apertures were estimated for each deep bedrock borehole interval with a transmissivity greater than zero. The number of fractures in each zone was determined from the fracture summary table provided in the geophysical evaluation report by GEL Geophysics, LLC (GEL) (Attachment Q. Only "open major" and "open minor" fractures identified by GEL were included in the fracture count for each zone; "closed" fractures were excluded. For layers without any identified open fractures but with measurable transmissivity, one fracture was assumed present. Page 4-2 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant SynTerra Based on HPF data and FLASH analysis, estimated mean hydraulic apertures of bedrock fractures at the Site range up to 0.53 millimeters (530 micrometers, or microns) (Figure 5). Figure 5 also shows fracture apertures based on slug test results from multiple 13-foot intervals prior to monitoring well construction and from the completed deep bedrock monitoring wells. Both data sets show a general decline in aperture versus depth. As noted above, many of the bedrock borehole intervals logged using heat -pulse flowmeter did not indicate any significant contribution to flow within the borehole. Most of these intervals had interpreted open fractures but indicated negligible (approximately zero) transmissivity; therefore, data from those intervals were not used in fracture aperture calculations. Those depth intervals have hydraulic apertures near zero. This fracture aperture evaluation represents only the most transmissive fractures within each logged bedrock borehole. The overall aperture sizes within the bedrock fracture system are less than suggested by the data shown on Figure 5. 4.3 Fracture Spacing Fracture spacing for each borehole interval was calculated by dividing the length of the interval by the number of open fractures identified in that interval. For intervals that do not have any identified open fractures and had an estimated transmissivity of zero, it is assumed that there are no fractures in that interval; therefore, no fracture spacing was calculated for that interval. Televiewer logging results (discussed below) from the combined dataset indicated approximately 155 open fractures identified by GEL in 1,023 vertical feet of logging at the 10 logged bedrock boreholes, which indicates an overall average spacing of 6.6 feet (vertical separation) between interpreted open fractures. However, the frequency of dipping bedrock fractures is greater than that indicated in vertical borehole data (Morin et al., 1997). Within the investigated depth intervals, the bedrock at the Site is extensively fractured. In geophysical logs, fractures of various orientations often were identified within short vertical intervals, indicating that fractures of various orientations intersect one another and produce an overall, interconnected fracture network. Figure 6 shows the mean vertical spacing of open fractures in bedrock intervals identified as relatively transmissive based on HPF logging; these intervals were evaluated using FLASH software to calculate hydraulic apertures shown on Figure 5. These data suggest that fracture spacing within transmissive bedrock intervals is relatively consistent with depth below the top of rock. Page 4-3 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant SynTerra 4.4 Fracture Orientation Plots and Statistics GEL measured the orientations of in -situ bedrock fractures at 10 deep bedrock boreholes using a combination of optical televiewer and acoustic televiewer. Data are summarized as bedrock fracture tables, stereonet plots, and rose diagrams of fracture orientation statistics in Attachment C. GEL classifies each identified fracture as either "closed," "minor open," or "major open" based on flow logging or other evidence. The two open classes were evaluated in terms of orientation; "closed" fracture orientations were compared qualitatively. Bedrock fracture orientations logged at the deep bedrock boreholes support the following general observations: • In the vicinity of the EAB, fracture orientations are highly variable, indicating no preferential orientation (as shown in the logs for ABMW-7, MW-108BRL, and MW-108BRLL) with multiple dip directions and cross -cutting fractures, or a weak preferential strike toward the northeast -southwest (as shown in the log for MW-01). • In the vicinity of the northern end of the WAB, fracture orientations are somewhat more consistent. Most fractures logged near the WAB strike toward the east-northeast and dip gently to moderately to the south-southeast (as shown in the logs for MW-205BRL, MW-205BRLLL, and MW-208BRLL). However dips toward the northwest and cross cutting fractures are also observed (as shown in the logs for MW-205BRLL and MW-208BRL, respectively). • Near the southern end of the WAB (MW-38BR), fracture orientations strike toward the east-northeast and dip steeply to the south-southeast. Cross -cutting fractures with different dip directions (northwest and east-northeast) are also observed. Cross sections presented on Figures 7A and 7B illustrate generalized fracture orientations as identified based on televiewer data. Figure 7A is a cross-section through the EAB and includes the ABMW-7 well cluster where televiewer logging was performed. As noted above, in -situ bedrock fractures at this location lacked a predominant orientation; thus, the conceptually depicted fractures on Figure 7A also lack any preferential orientation. Figure 7B is a cross-section through the WAB and includes the MW-208 well cluster, where televiewer logging was performed. In -situ fractures at the MW 208 well cluster indicated a predominant strike of ENE -WSW, with most dips to the SE, and fewer to the NW, as illustrated conceptually on Figure 7B. Page 4-4 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant SynTerra These cross -sections have 5x vertical exaggeration, so the illustrated predominant fracture dip is greater than the actual dip within the plane of the cross-section. The relative lengths of fractures shown on the cross -sections decrease with depth to illustrate, at a conceptual level, that the degree of overall fracturing decreases with depth. However, the lengths and spacing of fractures are conceptual and qualitative. As noted above, the overall average vertical spacing between open fractures is approximately 6.6 feet; therefore, fractures in the vicinity of the ash basins are too numerous to illustrate on the cross sections. In -situ fracture lengths are impractical to measure, but Gale (1982) suggested that typical fracture lengths may be on the order of 3 to 4 times the fracture spacing. 4.5 Summary of Bedrock Fracture Characteristics Overall, the bedrock hydraulic conductivity in bedrock near the ash basins decreases with increasing depth below the top of rock. This finding is consistent with the literature. Gale (1982) showed that bedrock well yield and fracture permeability decrease systematically as a function of depth. Neretnieks (1985) also showed a systematic decline in bulk bedrock hydraulic conductivity with increasing depth. Fracture spacing in the logged intervals of the bedrock are relatively consistent with depth below the top of rock. This finding is consistent with data reported for a variety of rock types by Snow (1968). Overall, calculated fracture apertures in bedrock near the ash basins decrease with increasing depth in the deep bedrock. This finding is also consistent with information reported in the literature. Snow (1968) published fracture aperture as a function of depth for several rock types, including crystalline rocks such as granite, gneiss, and schist, and concluded that fracture apertures generally decrease with increasing depth. With increasing depth, the weight of the overlying rock increases. This increases the effective stress and causes the fracture walls to deform and flatten, reducing fracture apertures with increasing depth. 4.6 Implications of Bedrock Fracture Network for Groundwater Flow The Site is located within the Hyco Shear Zone (HSZ), a regional bedrock structure that is oriented ENE by west-southwest (WSW), with a general foliation dip direction toward the south-southeast (SSE) (Hibbard et al., 1998). Where bedrock fractures at the site show preferential orientations, they generally align with the structural fabric within the HSZ. Based on the predominant orientations of lineaments and bedrock fractures at the Site, general interpretations can be made regarding the potential for preferential flow directions. Horizontal groundwater flow within the bedrock in the vicinity of the Page 4-5 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant SynTerra EAB would not be expected to show any preferential orientation, because fractures in that area do not indicate a significant preferential orientation. Thus, groundwater near the EAB is expected to flow in the direction of the hydraulic gradient. Near the WAB, however, horizontal groundwater flow may occur preferentially in a general direction of ENE -WSW, parallel to the predominant strike of bedrock fractures and consistent with the HSZ structure. The difference in hydraulic conductivity and flow as a function of map direction is referred to as anisotropy. Horizontal flow rates in the perpendicular map directions (north-northwest(NNW)-SSE) near the WAB are expected to be comparatively less. The observed decline in bedrock hydraulic conductivity and hydraulic aperture with increasing depth is consistent with expectations based on the literature and indicates that the overall volumetric rate of groundwater flow in the bedrock decreases with depth. Nevertheless, the detection of boron at concentrations greater than 02L standards at depths of approximately 400 feet bgs (wells MW-108BRLL, MW-205BRLLL, and MW- 208BRLLL) indicates the possible presence of steep preferential flow zones extending to similar depths in the vicinity of these monitoring wells. As noted above, several lineaments have been identified in the vicinity of the ash basins at the Site. The possibility of preferential flow zones in bedrock will be considered during groundwater model calibration based on the deep bedrock investigation results. The hydraulic conductivity and hydraulic aperture values in approximately the upper 60 feet of the MW-38BR borehole are smaller than those in the upper portion of the bedrock at the other deep bedrock boreholes locations at the site. Also, as observed during drilling, packer testing, and geophysical logging, the bottom 500 feet bgs of the MW-38BR borehole exhibits no measureable transmissivity. These results suggest that the overall bedrock permeability at this location - near the southern end of the WAB - is less than that in the investigated areas further north at the site. Page 4-6 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant SynTerra 5.0 BEDROCK MATRIX CHARACTERISTICS Bedrock rock core samples were collected and analyzed by Core Laboratories (Core Labs) for porosity, bulk density, and thin section petrography. Data provided by Core Labs can be used to evaluate the potential influence of matrix diffusion and sorption on constituent fate and transport within the fractured bedrock system in the area of the ash basins. 5.1 Sample Selection Rock core samples were selected from four bedrock locations — ABMW-7BR, CCR- 207BR, MW-1BR, and MW-22BR — that represent areas of affected groundwater migration, north and northeast of the EAB and west of the WAB (Figure 3). Additional rock core samples were selected from background locations MW-13BR and BG-2BR. Samples were chosen from discrete portions of rock core with the most notable weathering of fracture surfaces, as these are interpreted to coincide with zones of preferential groundwater flow. Sample locations and depth intervals were: • ABMW-7BR: 0 88 feet bgs 0 126 feet bgs • CCR-207BR: 0 47.5 feet bgs 0 67 feet bgs • MW-1BR: 0 36 feet bgs 0 69 feet bgs • MW-22BR o 56.3 feet bgs • BG-2BR: 0 65.2 feet bgs 0 230 feet bgs • MW-13BR: o 56 feet bgs Page 5-1 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant SynTerra 5.2 Matrix Porosity and Bulk Density Core Labs prepared samples by pulling 1-inch diameter plugs drilled into the rock core and trimming into right cylinders with a diamond -blade trim saw. Samples were then cleaned by Soxhlet extraction and oven -dried at 240' F to weight equilibrium (+/- 0.001 g). Rock core samples were analyzed for porosity using Boyle's Law technique by measuring grain volume and pore volume at ambient conditions. Grain density values were calculated by direct measurement of grain volume and weight on the dried plug samples. Grain volume was measured by Boyle's Law technique. Results from the matrix porosity and bulk density analysis are presented in Table 2. The reported matrix porosity values ranged from 0.10 percent to 4.83 percent with an average of 2.04 percent. Bulk density ranged from 2.60 grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3) to 2.80 g/cm3 with an average of 2.70 g/cm3. 5.3 Petrographic Evaluation Thin sections were prepared by impregnating the samples with epoxy to augment cohesion and to prevent loss of material during grinding. Each thinly sliced sample was mounted on a slide and ground to an approximate thickness of 30 microns. Thin sections were stained to aid in mineral identification and analyzed using standard petrographic techniques. The thin section petrographic evaluation results are presented in Attachment D. Core Labs identified all 10 samples as igneous rocks. Five samples were classified as quartz diorite, four were classified as tonalite, and one as vein/fracture fill. The principal minerals were plagioclase, quartz, biotite, and amphibole. Accessory minerals consist of epidote, pyrite, K-feldspar, zircon, apatitie, magnetite, and sphene. Three samples showed extensive weathering, as indicated by the alteration of plagioclase into sericite/illitic clays (ABMW-7, 88 feet bgs; ABMW-7, 126 feet bgs; and MWABR, 36 feet bgs). In the remaining seven samples, plagioclase crystals are locally altered into sericite. Biotite and amphibole are altered into chlorite. Fe -calcite and Fe -dolomite are rare to minor. 5.4 Implications of Bedrock Matrix Characteristics for Fate and Transport The reported matrix porosity values are within the range of those reported for crystalline rocks in the literature (Freeze and Cherry, 1979; L6fgren, 2004; Zhou et al., 2008; Ademeso et al., 2012). The presence of measurable matrix porosity suggests that matrix diffusion contributes to plume retardation at the Site (Lipson et al., 2005). In Page 5-2 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant SynTerra addition, the identification of sericite (a mixture of muscovite, illite, or paragonite produced by hydrothermal alteration of feldspars) in all the thin section samples indicates the bedrock has the capacity to sorb boron and other elements associated with coal ash. The influences of matrix diffusion and sorption are implicitly included in the groundwater fate and transport model as a component of the constituent partition coefficient (Kd ) term used for the bedrock layers. Page 5-3 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant SynTerra 6.0 REFERENCES Ademeso, O.A., J.A. Adekoya and B.M. Olaleye. 2012. The Inter -relationship of Bulk Density and Porosity of Some Crystalline Basement Complex Rocks: A Case Study of Some Rock Types In Southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 555-562. Clark, S.F., Moore, R.B., Ferguson, E.W., Picard, M.Z. 2016. "Criteria and Methods for Fracture Trace Analysis of the New Hampshire Bedrock Aquifer." U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 96-479. Day -Lewis, F.D., C.D. Johnson, F.L. Paillet, and K.J. Halford, March 7, 2011. FLASH: A Computer Program for Flow -Log Analysis of Single Holes. Computer software. Version 1.0. U.S. Geological Survey. Duke Energy, June 10, 2015. Low Flow Sampling Plan, Duke Energy Facilities, Ash Basin Groundwater Assessment Program, North Carolina. Freeze, R.A. and J.A. Cherry. 1979. Groundwater. Prentice -Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. 604 p. Gale, J.E. 1982. Assessing the permeability characteristics of fractured rock. Geological Society of America Special paper 189. Hibbard, J.P., Shell, G.S., Bradley, P.J., Samson, S.D., and Wortman, G.L. 1998. The Hyco Shear Zone in North Carolina and Southern Virgina: Implications for the Piedmont Zone -Carolina Zone boundary in the Southern Appalachians. American Journal of Science, 298, pp. 85-107. Keller, A., 1998. High -resolution, non-destructive measurement and characterization of fracture apertures. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., 35(8), pp. 1037-1050. Lipson, D.S, B.H. Kueper and M.J. Gefell. 2005. Matrix diffusion -derived plume attenuation in fractured bedrock. Ground Water, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 30-39. L6fgren, M. 2004. Diffusive properties of granitic rock as measured by in -situ electrical methods. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Chemical Engineering and Technology Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. Page 6-1 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant SynTerra Morin, R.H., G.B. Carleton, and S. Poirier. 1997. Fractured -Aquifer Hydrogeology from Geophysical Logs; The Passaic Formation, New Jersey. Ground Water, 35(2), 328- 338. Neretnieks, I. 1985. Transport in fractured rocks. Hydrology of Rocks of Low Permeability. Memoirs. Internatoinal Association of Hydrogeologists, v. XVII, part 1 of 2, pp. 301-318. Snow, D.T. 1968. Rock fracture spacings, openings, and porosities." J. Soil Mech. Found. Div., Proc. Amer. Soc. Civil Engrs., v. 94, pp. 73-91. Steele, A., D.A. Reynolds, B.H. Kueper, and D.N. Lerner. "Field determination of mechanical aperture, entry pressure and relative permeability of fractures using NAPL injection." Geotechnique 56, no. 1 (2006): 27-38. SynTerra. 2017. Comprehensive Site Assessment Update — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant — October 2017. Semora, NC. Thiem, G. 1906. Hydrologische methoden. Leipzig: Gebhardt. Zhou, Q., H.H. Liu and F.J. Molz. 2008. Field -scale effective matrix diffusion coefficient for fractured rock: results from literature survey. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. https:Hescholarship.org/uc/item/3dw5c7ff. Page 6-2 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant FIGURES SynTerra erg l , I N:.f ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT I ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT PARCEL LINE 1 h EAST ASH BASIN l .gal Waste P _ WASTE BOUNDARY (APPROXIMATE). � 4"- FUTURE WEST ASH BASIN FUTURE WASTE BOUNDARY 4 (APPROXIMATE) -, 41 ` 4 SOURCE: '� - I • • 1958 USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP OBTAINED FROM THE EDR TOPOGRAPHIC MAP REPORT FOR THE t ram/ ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT, DATED AUGUST 5, 2015. I - DUKE GRAPHIC SCALE 500 0 500 i000 FIGURE 1A 44� ENERGY IN FEET 1968 USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP WITHOUT PROGRESS DRAWN BY: J. CHASTAIN DATE:12/15/2019 LINEAMENTS 16 REVISED BY: J. CHASTAIN DATE: 12/15/2019 1 CHECKED BY: B. WYLIE DATE:12/15/2019 EAST ASH BASIN APPROVED BY: B. WYLIE DATE 12/15/2019 PROJECT MANAGER: C. EADY ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT synTeira r www.synterracorp.com SEMORA, NORTH CAROLINA • EAST ASH BASH . r i 11, FUTURE WEST ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY I } I (APPROXIMATE) ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC - PLANT PARCEL LINE ! y FUTURE WASTE BOUNDARY `� ). • '+i (APPROXIMATE) f" i f A. SOURCE: 1968 USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP OBTAINED FI ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT, DATED AI 4' DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS 16, synTena EDR TOPOGRAPHIC MAP REPORT FOR THE 2015. GRAPHIC SCALE 500 0 500 1000 IN FEET DRAWN BY: J. CHASTAIN DATE: 12/15/ REVISED BY: J. CHASTAIN DATE: 12/15/ CHECKED BY: B. WYLIE DATE: 12/15/ APPROVED BY: B. WYLIE DATE: 12/15/ PROJECT MANAGER: C. EADY www.synterraco rp.com 1 FIGURE 1B 1968 USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP WITHOUT LINEAMENTS WEST ASH BASIN ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT SEMORA, NORTH CAROLINA DISCHARGE POND 1r ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT PARCEL LINE SOURCE: 1968 USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP OBTAINED FI ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT, DATED AI 4' DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS 16, synTena EAST ASH BASIN i FUTURE WEST ASH BASIN N t -'WASTE BOUNDARY 1 ` (APPROXIMATE) EDR TOPOGRAPHIC MAP REPORT FOR THE 2015. GRAPHIC SCALE 500 0 500 1000 IN FEET DRAWN BY: J. CHASTAIN DATE: 12/15/ REVISED BY: J. CHASTAIN DATE: 12/15/ CHECKED BY: B. WYLIE DATE: 12/15/ APPROVED BY: B. WYLIE DATE: 12/15/ PROJECT MANAGER: C. EADY www.synterraco rp.com ORIENTATIONLINEAMENT SUMMARY ' \1 IIV 06 ,. ,. Of ryry9 180° iE OF PREDOMINANT NTATIONS FUTURE WASTE BOUNDARY /(APPROXIMATE) 1 FIGURE 1C 1968 USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP WITH LINEAMENTS WEST ASH BASIN ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT SEMORA, NORTH CAROLINA r -i wl ' FUTURE ROXBORO r STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT, 10J . 7 _ dip ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC �?''• . n Y' ` �� ; PLANT PARCEL LINE FUTURE EAST ASH BASIN If • ;. .< _ t pr •• t q.�' �' FUTURE WASTE BOUNDARY / (APPROXIMATE) 01 7 FUTURE WEST �, �' �,;• a.: ASH BASIN FUTURE WASTE BOUNDARY (APPROXIMATE) try . SOURCE: ` r i APRIL 20, 1951 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OBTAINED FROM THE USGS EARTH EXPLORER WEB SITE AT G' t http://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/ DUKE GRAPHIC SCALE 500 0 500 loon FIGURE 2A 40) ENERGY IN FEET 1951 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH WITHOUT PROGRESS DRAWN BY:J.CHASTAIN DATE:9/4/2019 LINEAMENTS REVISED BY: J. CHASTAIN DATE: 10/23/2019 CHECKED BY: B. WYLIE DATE: 10/23/2019 EAST ASH BASIN APPROVPROJECT MANAGER:C. DATE:10/23/2019 ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT PROJECT MANAGER: C. EADY synTelra r www.synterracorp.com SEMORA, NORTH CAROLINA ��1 •r �•�j f�• y3 FUTURE ROXBORO _ y r STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT. 10l --� f ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT PARCEL LINE FUTURE EAST ASH BASIN // R . toolf" FUTURE WASTE BOUNDARY r� 7 +� �, •, (APPROXIMATE) V, ice 4. 1 r l� It`.�1.Af �'1-l�r717 1, � ♦ � .t1 • FUTURE WEST • � ASH BASIN FUTURE WASTE BOUNDARY /(APPROXIMATE) y • tj =; 1f �/ � '�' _ •fir ,fir LINEAMENT ORIENTATION t • ' SUMMARY 0° j'i. 278^ ;,.. zoo° so° 7 980 180° RANGE OF PREDOMINANTl�' ORIENTATIONS SOURCE: APRIL 20, 1951 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OBTAINED FROM THE USGS EARTH EXPLORER WEB SITE AT " 4' i HC http://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/ ...Y'y. DUKE GRAPHIC SCALE 40) 500 0 500 loon ENERGY IN FEET FIGURE 2B PROGRESS DRAWN BY:J.CHASTAIN DATE:12/15/2019 1951 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH WITH LINEAMENTS 16 REVISED BY: J. CHASTAIN DATE: 12/15/2019 EAST ASH BASIN 10 CHECKED BY: B. WYLIE DATE: 12/15/2019 APPROVED BY: B. WYLIE DATE:12/15/2019 ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT PROJECT MANAGER: C. EADY SEMORA, NORTH CAROLINA synTerra r www.synterracorp.com ; i Sa •N rye=7r' 1 ll- llF l } ..:��no. "ter r FUTURE EAST ASH BASIN ' _ ••fit `iA� •.,` '. M' i FUTURE WASTE BOUNDARY (APPROXIMATE) II +Y ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT PARCEL LINE `• FUTURE WASTE BOUNDARY,, (APPROXIMATE) 1 yl ♦ +!y r ie ti ^� T � 4f SOURCE: APRIL 20, 1951 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OBTAINED FROM THE USGS EARTH EXPLORER WEB SITE]AT http;//earthexplorer.usgs.gov/ i' DUKE GRAPHIC SCALE 500 0 500 loon FIGURE 2C ENERGY IN FEET 1951 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH WITHOUT PROGRESS DRAWN BY... CHASTAIN DATE:12/15/2019 LINEAMENTS REVISED BY: J. CHASTAIN DATE: 12/15/2019 CHECKED BY: B. WYLIE DATE:12/15/2019 WEST ASH BASIN APPROVPROJECT MANAGER:C. DATE:12/15/2019 ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT PROJECT MANAGER: C. EADY synTeira r www.synterracorp.com SEMORA, NORTH CAROLINA j . JCF ?- RE HEATED WATER HARGEPOND ,FUTURIEWESTASH BASIN FUTURE WASTE BOUNDAKT (APPROXIMATE) I / TURE WESTERN iCHARGE CANAL LINEAMENT ORIENTATION SUMMARY 0° " RANGE OF PREDOMINANT ORIENTATIONS ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT PARCEL LINE x. _ - FUTURE WASTE BOUNDARY. (APPROXIMATE) • is SOURCE:A , APR IL 20, 1951 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OBTAINED FROM THE USGS EARTH EXPLORER WEB SITE AT Min: //..,thexnlnYrr.us2s.Fn�/ \.4bL 90° GRAPHIC SCALE DUKE 500 0 500 1000 tnENERGY IN FEET FIGURE 2D PROGRESS DRAWN BY:J.CHASTAIN DATE:12/15/2019 1951 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH WITH LINEAMENTS REVISED BY:J. CHASTAIN DATE: 12/15/2019 WEST ASH BASIN CHECKED BY: B. WYLIE DATE: 12/15/2019 APPROVED BY: B. WYLIE DATE: 12/15/2019 FRACTURED BEDROCK EVALUATION PROJECT MANAGER: C. MY ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT synTerm www.synterracorp.com SEMORA, NORTH CAROLINA HYCO RESERVOIR DFA HANDLING.! AREA s l�y • s. INTAKE c CANAL u` . GYPSUM ;� z w - STORAGE UNIT 3 COOLING _ AREA r' ?r TOWER POND v <a.+ - a- �'- ♦ ELECTRICAL • _ HEATED WATER UNIT 3 HEATED WATER yb SUBSTATION. DISCHARGE POND DISCHARGE POND t - Ll Amer- Opq RO ♦� `' , /0 J �t I / ■ rc ■ kit LEGEND .� o 1 ■ .� NOTES: J, J '''� % DUKE �, ENERGY I PROGRESS ■ wnTerra GRAPHIC SCALE 700 0 700 1,400 (IN FEET) DRAWN BY: J. KIRTZ DATE: 08/22/2019 REVISED BY: C. WYATT/K. KING DATE: 12/18/2019 CHECKED BY: K. LAWING DATE: 12/18/2019 APPROVED BY: K. LAWING DATE: 12/18/2019 PROJECT MANAGER: C. EADY 0 914110 W DEEP BEDROCK EVALUATION LOCATIONS FRACTURED BEDROCK EVALUATION ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT SEMORA, NORTH CAROLINA T v T x 1.0E+02 FIKIM1I11 fi��l��Z7 1.0E-08 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 Depth (Feet Below Top of Rock) 350.00 400.00 450.00 •ABMW-7BRLL FLASH OABMW-7BRLL SLUG 0MW-01BRL FLASH OMW-0113RL SLUG 0MW-108BRL FLASH OMW-108BRL SLUG 0MW-108BRLL FLASH OMW-108BRLL SLUG • M W-205BRL FLASH O M W-205BRL SLUG • M W-205BRLL FLASH OMW-205BRLL SLUG • M W-205BRLLL FLASH OMW-205BRLLL SLUG • M W-208BRL FLASH OMW-208BRL SLUG • M W-208BRLL FLASH OMW-208BRLL SLUG 0MW-208BRLLL FLASH OMW-208BRLLL SLUG 0MW-38BR FLASH NOTES: (> DUKE DRAWN BY: P.ALTMAN DATE:10/22/2019 Y ENERG 1 REVISED BY: FIGURE 4 1. FLASH hydraulic conductivity values calculated from FLASH PROGRESS CHECKED BY: K. CAWING HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY estimated transmissivity values. APPROVED BY: K. LAWING VERTICAL PROFILE 2. SLUG hydraulic conductivity values estimated from slug PROJECT MANAGER: C. EADY FRACTURED BEDROCK EVALUATION` test data. 4ri � ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT SEMORA, NORTH CAROLINA 3. No slug test was Conducted in MW-3813R. S)/C1T2ffd I www.synterracorp.com 0.60 0.50 0.40 E E w 3 4& 0.30 a U 0.20 0.10 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 Depth (Feet Below Top of Rock) 350.00 400.00 450.00 •ABMW-7BRLL FLASH OABMW-7BRLL SLUG 0MW-016111- FLASH OMW-01BRL SLUG • MW-108BRL FLASH OMW-108BRL SLUG MW-108BRLL FLASH MW-108BRLL SLUG • MW-205BRL FLASH O MW-205BRL SLUG • MW-205BRLL FLASH OMW-205BRLL SLUG • MW-205BRLLL FLASH OMW-205BRLLL SLUG • MW-208BRL FLASH OMW-208BRL SLUG • MW-208BRLL FLASH OMW-208BRLL SLUG • MW-208BRLLL FLASH O MW-208BRLLL SLUG O MW-38BR FLASH NOTES: e(> DUKE DRAWN BY: P.ALTMAN DATE:10/22/2019 1. FLASH hydraulic aperture values calculated from FLASH estimated transmissivity values. ENERGY PROGRESS 1 REVISED BY: CHECKED BY: K. CAWING APPROVED BY: K. LAWiNG FIGURE 5 HYDRAULIC APERTURE VERTICAL PROFILE 2. SLUG hydraulic aperture values estimated from slug test data. PROJECT MANAGER: C. EADY FRACTURED BEDROCK EVALUATION� ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT 4 www.synterracorp.com 3. No slug test was Conducted in MW-3813R. S)/C1T2ffd SEMORA, NORTH CAROLINA 12 • 8 4 • • • • • 0 1 1 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Depth (Feet Below Top of Rock) 400 450 NOTES ( DUKE DRAWN BY: P. ALTMAN DATE: 10/22/2019 1. Fracture spacing data shown above are specific to relatively V ENERGY, REVISED BY: transmissive bedrock intervals identified based on HPF PROGRESS CHECKED BY: K. CAWING logging and FLASH analysis. APPROVED BY: K. LAWING PROJECT MANAGER: C. EADY 2. Fracture spacing calculated by dividing the length of the `� interval by the number of open fractures identified in that �r interval. synTerra www.synterracorp.com •ABMW-7BRLL • MW-01BRL MW-108BRL MW-108BRLL • MW-205BRL • MW-205BRLL • MW-205BRLLL MW-208BRL • MW-208BRLL • MW-208BRLLL • MW-38BR FIGURE 6 FRACTURE SPACING VERTICAL PROFILE FRACTURED BEDROCK EVALUATION ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT SEMORA, NORTH CAROLINA B B' 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 (NORTHWEST) DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS PROPERTY LINE APPROXIMATE EAST ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY APPROXIMATE EAST ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY - --- --- --- --- --- ---- = ASH ---_ ----_ ----_ ----_ ------ - 0 m m m o - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- =APPROXIMATE -_-_- -_-_- -___- - ______________________ENGINEEREDBASE -_ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ LINER ELEVATION - -__ -__ -__ -__ -__ - mac_ Q =-= --= --= --= --= --= - - - - - - - - a m m m m _ ---------------- --------------------------------- _______________________________________ ------------------------------ INTAKE 0 -- CANAL / - WATER ELEV. UNIT 3 -_ - =409.0 COOLING (7 0 / 2,800 / TOWER POND 459.31' - WA ER ELEVATION=409' / N _\ 5,950 19.3 080 BE6RO, 1 \ \ 464.82LILL r / / RESERVOIR NOTE: CROSS SECTION B-B' IS LINEAR IN NATURE AND NOT ALL LOCATIONS ALONG THE CROSS SECTION ARE PROJECTED ONTO THE CROSS SECTION. CROSS SECTION LOCATION (SOUTHEAST) o Lu w J J I U Lu Lu 0 W w U) w cn W In � � fVASH BASINdcmRATOR DIKE o art rt--4A* /1 \ /1 -------------------------- APPROXIMATE TOP OF DAM AT THE------------------- -__________ EASTERN IMPOUNDMENT IN 1993 AERIAL______ SOIL ASH PORE ____-_____ -____ -�� ��� -- -- _-__=====__ ASH WATER _ ---------------__--�_ ASH -PORE WATER==-- - WATER ELEVATION=46a / `% \/ /<50 I -- 499.34' /; --_ -_` - REGOLITH ZI _� \/I, \l. �\ I�\/./\/I, \l.l\/ �\/. \/I,\/./\/I�\/.'\rl, J:\rl,\,�l\rl,\l.l\rl�\/.l\rI,\/././I�\/i /\�!-V�;`/1�\/. \rl.\l. \rl•\ i.,�.l�/I.\ l ��r , l r , / 7 \/1-0 1, 41 I, .1761 /488.27 /.-- 'I'\li\/il\ BEDROCK,1�/\/\'/1`/\/\'/1;'\/\'/1`/\/\'/1;'\/1`/\/\'/1;'�i�'i�"�i.'i/�BEDROCK`\ BEDROCK`,i�;'�i\'/�` 1?�/\'/1` , , \l' \`il\/I/\.l�rl, LEGEND PIEZOMETER WELL IN ASH PORE WATER v ASH PORE WATER LEVEL ELEVATION NOTES WELL IN TRANSITION ZONE DEEP FLOW LAYER GROUNDWATER _ \/ ,' ` ABMW-7BR WELL IN COMPETENT BEDROCK LEVEL ELEVATION 1. WATER ELEVATIONS REPRESENT THE MANUAL WATER LEVELS COLLECTED FOR APRIL 22-23, 2019 1 \/ ; � / \' — R04 BEDROCK FLOW LAYER GROUNDWATER FOR EACH WELL. ELEVATIONS WITHIN EACH CLUSTER ARE MEASURED IN THE SAME DAY. r , / 26 WATER SUPPLY WELL LEVEL ELEVATION REFERENCED TO NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM, 1988. GENERALIZED WATER TABLE 2. FRACTURES CONCEPTUALLY DEPICTED ON THIS CROSS SECTION REPRESENT GENERALIZED ORIENTATIONS OF FRACTURES OBSERVED BASED ON TELEVIEWER LOGGING AT THE ABMW-7BRLL 464.82' MEAN BORON (B) CONCENTRATION (Ng/L) /� \ �► GENERALIZED GROUNDWATER BOREHOLE. THE DEPICTED FRACTURE ORIENTATIONS ACCOUNT FOR APPARENT DIP WITHIN THE FLOW DIRECTION GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE ASH / \ / PORE WATER FLOW DIRECTION GENERALIZED VERTICAL HYDRAULIC GRADIENT LITHOLOGIC CONTACT 0 ASH ASH PORE WATER / WASTEWATER SAPROLITE ® TRANSITION ZONE I BEDROCK 0 REGOLITH 0 SOIL FILL ® STRUCTURAL FILL FN-Sl NOT SAMPLED - 'S� - PREDOMINANT BEDROCK FRACTURE ORIENTATION SURFACE WATER PLANE OF THE CROSS SECTION AND VERTICAL EXAGGERATION. THE ACTUAL NUMBER OF FRACTURES WELL SCREEN IS FAR TOO NUMEROUS TO ILLUSTRATE AT THIS SCALE. IN ADDITION, THE DEPTHS AND LENGTHS OF FRACTURES VERSES DEPTH ARE CONCEPTUAL ONLY. - - - COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY 3. DISPLAYED WATER SUPPLY WELL LOCATIONS REFLECT INFORMATION AVAILABLE UP TO DECEMBER WASTE BOUNDARY 31, 2015. 4. < - CONCENTRATION NOT DETECTED AT OR ABOVE THE ADJUSTED REPORTING LIMIT. 5. j - ESTIMATED CONCENTRATION ABOVE THE ADJUSTED METHOD DETECTION LIMIT AND BELOW THE ADJUSTED REPORTING LIMIT. 6. ALL BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. 'DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS 10011, synTerra GRAPHIC SCALE 0 100 250 500 HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 500' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 100' 5X VERTICAL EXAGGERATION DRAWN BY: A.FEIGL DATE: 08/02/2019 REVISED BY: D. KREFSKI DATE: 12/13/2019 CHECKED BY: K. LAWING DATE: 12/13/2019 APPROVED BY: C. EADY DATE: 12/13/2019 PROJECT MANAGER: C. EADY LAYOUT: SECTION B-B' (FBR) www.synterracorp.com FIGURE 7a GENERAL CROSS-SECTION B-B' EAST ASH BASIN FRACTURED BEDROCK EVALUATION ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT SEMORA, NORTH CAROLINA C C' (NORTH) J a z Q /J w 0 0' a x U ABANDONED SLUICE y PIPE TRENCH 0 QZ~ at IL �' PLANT W LOU ELECTRIC a ?� a p SUBSTATION a O LQ o DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS PROPERTY LINE APPROXIMATE WEST ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY APPROXIMATE WEST ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY J a J J z a' a U m m m co co W co co 0 0 o HC9 CTOR N � � LIJ z Q (SOUTH) J O O 2 U JZ pW om o O� ov m m m N J REGOLITH —�MJAVU V LLV'1, �����\ mil'♦ 464.83' j — -_ _ = ASH7` d 2 REGOLITH / REGOLITLIT_ REGOLITH - IN 00 / <50 568 `'I"\i�i\�_ ��/\'/1 449.01' _ ---� - -/\i I�;�i\'/I���i\�/1���/\'/1��\/♦�/ ` y 451.74' - -159 \i . - -- -\i• --- \i-\-\'/♦--\-\i ` -\-\'/ -\i ` - \. 411.95'`/ 182 43 88'/� ♦/- i,1/\/1;'�/.'.1 /\/. ,1/.'/1;'�/\' ,/.'/1; �\/♦' .'/1`��♦./♦',�L♦/��/.'/1;'�/.'/1"_�`I-1\ �'/♦ ,\-\ /-'�"\�. -452.31'\N, 50 ,♦I/1`�-/\' 1.32' 1`�-/♦' �' /♦'`\462.75 \/'/1���/\'/1�'\/\'/1���/\'/1�'\/♦'/1` \ I \/. \ I_\/i \ / 1 \/i \ I_\/i \ / I \li ; I! \/ \; I \/. \ I_\/i \ / I \/. \ I_\/i \ / I \/. \ I! \/i \ / ,, \li \ 1_\/i \ /♦'/I���i�'/"\/\'/I���i�'i��'\/♦'/1��-i�'��"\/♦'/1�'�i�'/�'\/♦'/1�'�i�'i��'\/♦'/1�'�i�'i��'\/Jil�'�i�'i��'\ �'-`''ii�/ \'/- \-\'/\'/- \-\'/- \-\'/- 7.25' 00 / \/// -/ ♦ \�/ / -1 ♦ ♦mil `/'/ -I ♦ ♦mil `/'/ -/ ♦il ♦/'/ -1 ♦ `i' l ♦ ♦mil /'/ l ♦mil `/'/ -I ♦ � �\ / , , y. \ / , , \lam \ r , . BEDROCK \/� \ / , . \/ / , I , \/� / , . \/� \ / 1 • \// , , \/. / , BEDROCK , \ / - ` /\'/1;'�iJi��'�i\'i�;'�i♦'i��'�i\'i ii�;'�iJi��'�i\'i�;'�i�'i��'�i �'/1;'�iJi��'�i♦'/1`/ \50 \\�. . \�. :il'\\�'`'/I'\\�.N 1i\-�\-1i/\-�\-1i/\-�\-1i/\-�\-1i� \ / , , \/ ` , , , \li \ / , . \/ i I' \l i \ / , • \/. . / I \/i ; ' , i \/i \ / I' \l i ; ' ,' \/i \ / I \l i N. 00 %\'/I;\%\'/1"\`'/I;\%♦'/1"�%\'/I;�\%\'/1"�%\'/1;/\'/1'/\'/1;��/'/1"\%♦'/1;�\`\'/1"�%♦'/1;''-%\'/1"�%♦'/I; C�i\`1"�%\'/1��� \/I/\/l\/,,\`i \/I/\/l\/,,\`i \/I/\il\/,,\`i ♦/I/\ /\/I \` \i \/I/\/l\/,,\`i \/I/\/l/, \♦ \/I/\ I I I 'I\ N. \ HYCO / / l� ♦ / I' \ / /i \ / I' \ / , li \ / I' \ / / li \ / I \ / , li \ / I' /I , \ \ I \ \ I \ \ I \ I \ \ RESERVOIR _.'./- _♦�./ _♦'./- _♦�./- _`"/- _♦�./- _♦'./- _♦�./- _♦'./- _♦� ,- _♦'./ _ \ LEGEND - - - - - - - POWER PLANT 0 o & J W m > ENGINEERED a < BASE LINER c� PORE i WEST FGD SETTLING POND g DING TER Q SOIL FILL CCR-208S WELL IN SHALLOW MATERIAL SHALLOW ZONE FLOW LAYER 1,570 ` (i MW-6D WELL IN TRANSITION ZONE GROUNDWATER LEVEL ELEVATION 457.15' /I MW-6BR WELL IN COMPETENT BEDROCK TRANSITION ZONE FLOW LAYER- ABMW-3 WELL IN ASH PORE WATER GROUNDWATER LEVEL ELEVATION EAST ASH BASIN R010 BEDROCK FLOW LAYER GROUNDWATER DW-46 WATER SUPPLY WELL LEVEL ELEVATION Z GENERALIZED WATER TABLE ASH PORE WATER WEST ASH GENERALIZED LEVEL ELEVATION BASIN IIIIIIIIIIIINN► GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION BORON (NAVD GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE ASH WATER LEVELENTRATION ELEVATION 88) DONNgK'gY PORE WATER FLOW DIRECTION (LABEL COLORING BY FLOW ZONE) RD GENERALIZED VERTICAL WELL SCREEN HYDRAULIC GRADIENT — LITHOLOGIC CONTACT — — — COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY WASTE BOUNDARY 0 ASH ASH PORE WATER / WASTEWATER NWYRO BEDROCK NOTE: 0 REGOLITH CROSS SECTION C-C' IS LINEAR IN NATURE AND NOT ALL LOCATIONS ALONG THE CROSS SECTION ARE SOIL FILL PROJECTED ONTO THE CROSS SECTION. CROSS SECTION LOCATION _ _ PREDOMINANT BEDROCK FRACTURE ORIENTATION NOTES- / i 1. WATER ELEVATIONS REPRESENT THE MANUAL WATER LEVELS COLLECTED FOR APRIL 22-23, 2019 FOR EACH WELL. ELEVATIONS WITHIN EACH CLUSTER ARE MEASURED IN THE SAME DAY. REFERENCED TO NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM, 1988. 2. FRACTURES CONCEPTUALLY DEPICTED ON THIS CROSS SECTION REPRESENT GENERALIZED ORIENTATIONS OF FRACTURES OBSERVED BASED ON TELEVIEWER LOGGING AT THE MW-208 BOREHOLE. THE DEPICTED FRACTURE ORIENTATIONS ACCOUNT FOR APPARENT DIP WITHIN THE PLANE OF THE CROSS SECTION AND VERTICAL EXAGGERATION. THE ACTUAL NUMBER OF FRACTURES IS FAR TOO NUMEROUS TO ILLUSTRATE AT THIS SCALE. IN ADDITION, THE DEPTHS AND LENGTHS OF FRACTURES VERSES DEPTH ARE CONCEPTUAL ONLY. 3. DISPLAYED WATER SUPPLY WELL LOCATIONS REFLECT INFORMATION AVAILABLE UP TO DECEMBER 31, 2015. 4. < - CONCENTRATION NOT DETECTED AT OR ABOVE THE ADJUSTED REPORTING LIMIT. 5. j - ESTIMATED CONCENTRATION ABOVE THE ADJUSTED METHOD DETECTION LIMIT AND BELOW THE ADJUSTED , ` /� , ` ♦'i ` /� 6. REPORTING LIMIT. ALL BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. ,` \ /,1 ! 7. CROSS SECTION REPRESENTATIVE OF PRE -DECANTING CONDITION. ' 1" -� �I ♦ i 'DUKE n ENERGY PROGRESS 16, synTena GRAPHIC SCALE 0 100 250 500 HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 500' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 100' 5X VERTICAL EXAGGERATION DRAWN BY: A.FEIGL DATE: O8/02/2019 REVISED BY: D. KREFSKI DATE: 12/13/2019 CHECKED BY: K. LAWING DATE: 12/13/2019 APPROVED BY: C. EADY DATE: 12/13/2019 PROJECT MANAGER: C. EADY LAYOUT: SECTION C-C' (FBR) www.synterracorp.com FIGURE 7b GENERAL CROSS-SECTION C-C' WEST ASH BASIN FRACTURED BEDROCK EVALUATION ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT SEMORA, NORTH CAROLINA Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant TABLES SynTerra TABLE 1 ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR DEEP BEDROCK WELLS FRACTURED BEDROCK EVALUATION ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC, SEMORA, NC Analytical Parameter pH Antimony Boron Chromium (VI) Chromium Cobalt Iron Manganese Molybdenum Selenium Strontium Sulfate Total Dissolved Solids Total Uranium Vanadium Reporting Units S.U. Ng/L Ng/L Ng/L Ng/L Ng/L Ng/L Ng/L Ng/L Ng/L Ng/L mg/L mg/L Ng/mL Ng/L 15A NCAC 02L Standard 6.5-8.5 1* 700 NE 10 1* 300 50 NE 20 NE 250 500 0.03A 0.3* 2019 Background Threshold Values (Bedrock Flow Zone)' 6.1-8.3 1 50 1 4 18 5130 1773 22 1 438 69 560 0.006 3 Sample ID Screen Interval (ft bgs) Sample Collection Date Analytical Results ABMW-07BRLL 370 - 385 04/09/2019 7.8 <1 137 <0.025 0.592 j <1 460 64 2.52 <1 634 90 400 0.00164 0.497 MW-01BRL 201 - 216 04/09/2019 7.0 <1 22.934 j <0.025 0.511 j <1 2150 1480 1.3 <1 335 99 620 0.000516 0.359 MW-01BRL 201 - 216 06/18/2019 6.9 <1 24.064 j <0.025 0.436 j <1 1420 1480 1.26 <1 337 87 594 0.000654 0.367 MW-108BRL 146 - 156 04/09/2019 6.6 <1 24300 <0.025 <1 11.9 831 2620 1470 <1 2080 2000 3100 0.00786 2.03 MW-108BRL 146 - 156 06/18/2019 6.8 1 <1 22700 <0.025 0.571 j 13.4 1 741 2530 1450 M4 <1 2020 1900 1 3030 0.00345 1.33 MW-108BRLL 393 - 403 04/09/2019 7.6 1.06 5220 <0.025 M1,R1 0.596 j 0.415 j 207 312 268 <1 411 470 930 0.00265 2.27 MW-108BRLL 393 - 403 06/18/2019 7.8 0.517 j 4770 0.097 0.584 j <1 188 225 261 <1 414 400 927 0.00745 0.802 MW-205BRL 160 - 170 04/08/2019 6.8 <1 5990 <0.025 0.598 j 3.04 288 1800 1.97 <1 668 99 1500 0.000672 0.757 MW-205BRL 160-170 06/18/2019 6.7 <1 6350 0.03 0.336j 3.3 84 1860 2.13 <1 687 100 1960 0.000444 0.693 MW-205BRLL 221 - 231 04/08/2019 7.0 1 <1 8240 <0.025 0.436 j 0.474 j 1 4130 1690 2.91 <1 970 240 1 2000 0.00299 0.229 j MW-205BRLL 221 - 231 06/18/2019 6.9 <1 7860 <0.025 P4 <1 0.338 j 3810 1620 2.22 <1 914 290 2510 0.00411 0.368 MW-205BRLLL 400 - 415 04/08/2019 6.7 <1 18900 <0.025 P4,R0 0.547 j 2.59 2590 3140 2.04 <1 2490 500 4700 0.00667 0.423 MW-205BRLLL 400 -415 06/18/2019 7.2 1.9 17900 <0.025 P4 4.97 1.25 7120 2940 1.29 <1 2660 580 4730 0.0078 0.669 MW-208BRL 153 - 163 04/09/2019 7.5 0.46 j 865 <0.025 2.06 0.465 j 1280 459 4.31 <1 354 150 720 0.00171 1.3 MW-208BRL 153 - 163 06/18/2019 7.5 <1 678 0.031 <1 0.463 j 1 1060 402 4.15 <1 448 150 703 0.000688 0.411 MW-208BRLL 223 - 233 04/08/2019 7.8 0.617 j 1400 <0.025 1.03 <1 236 568 2.3 <1 568 110 990 0.000484 0.16 j MW-208BRLL 223 - 233 06/18/2019 7.9 <1 1850 <0.025 1.54 <1 333 785 1.99 <1 627 160 1440 0.000195 j 0.264 j MW-208BRLLL 372 - 382 04/08/2019 7.5 <1 1570 <0.0025 M1 0.551 j 0.704 j 246 789 4.44 <1 855 310 820 0.0132 0.626 MW-208BRLLL 372 - 382 06/18/2019 7.3 <1 1390 0.034 0.469 j <1 480 901 1.27 <1 1340 730 2190 0.00652 0.848 Notes• 1 - Updated BTVs were calculated using data from background groundwater samples collected November 2010 to November 2018. Mean values have been rounded to similar levels of precision as 15A North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) 02L Standard or Interim Maximum Allowable Concentration (IMAC). * - Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs) of the 15A NCAC 02L Standard, Appendix 1, April 1, 2013. ^ - Federal MCL. < - concentration not detected at or above the adjusted reporting limit. lag/L - micrograms per liter lag/mL - microgram per milliliter ft bgs - feet below ground surface j - Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. M1 - Matrix spike recovery was high: the associated Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) was acceptable. M4 - The spike recovery value was unusable since the analyte concentration in the sample was disproportionate to the spike level. mg/L - milligrams per liter NE - Not established P4 - Sample field preservation does not meet EPA or method recommendations for this analysis. pCi/L - picocuries per liter RO - The data are unusable. The sample results are rejected due to serious deficiencies in meeting QC criteria. The analyte may or may not be present in the sample. R1 - Relative Percent Difference (RPD) value was outside control limits. Prepared by: WJW Checked by: KTL S.U. - Standard Units Page 1 of 1 TABLE 2 POROSITY AND BULK DENSITY RESULTS FRACTURED BEDROCK EVALUATION ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC, SEMORA, NC Sample Number Depth (ft) Porosity (%) Grain Density (g/cm) Bulk Density (g/cm ) ABMW-7BR 88.00 1.72 2.845 2.803 ABMW-7BR 126.00 2.08 2.735 2.693 BG-2BR 65.20 2.34 2.659 2.597 BG-2BR 230.00 0.10 2.640 2.638 CCR-207BR 47.50 1.39 2.743 2.712 CCR-207BR 67.00 3.12 2.865 2.793 MW-1BR 36.00 4.83 2.804 2.693 MW-1BR 69.00 1.26 2.786 2.754 MW-13BR 56.00 2.76 2.676 2.613 M W-22BR 56.30 0.85 2.740 2.723 Prepared by: PWA Checked by: GRK Notes: 1.0" diameter plugs were drilled and trimmed into right cylinders with a diamond -blade trim saw. Plugs selected for routine core analysis were cleaned by Soxhlet extraction cycling between a chloroform /methanol (87:13) azeotrope and methanol. Samples were oven dried at 2400 F to weight equilibrium (+/- 0.001 g). Porosity was determined using Boyle's Law technique by measuring grain volume & calculating pore volume at ambient conditions. Grain density values were calculated using Boyle's Law technique by direct measurement of grain volume and weight on dried plug samples. ft - feet g/cm3 - gram per cubic centimeter Page 1of1 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant ATTACHMENT A SynTerra BORING LOGS, WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORDS, AND WELL DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY TABLE PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: ABMW-7BRLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/06/2018 COMPLETED: 03/05/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 993673.13 EASTING: 1980969.04 DRILLING METHOD: HSA/Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 479.37 M.P. ELEV: 482.80 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 16,10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 20.84 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 401 ft BGS NOTES: Drill Max 2400 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: W. Wimberly CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 8.0 W ^ _ a DESCRIPTION > (A 0 j F WELL CONSTRUCTION HPF-Ambient 0.00 0.03 w o (9 ) a O.OHPF-PPumping 0.8 c Own)po u. gpo 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 4.1 40 Fill: Silty SAND as FILL, medium density, coarse grained, dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2), dry, non -plastic, noncohesive, some coarse gravel Ash: Ash as poorly graded SAND, medium grained, V V V black (10YR 2/1), moist, non -plastic, noncohesive V V V - see logs ABMW-7/-7BR/-7BRL for detailed uvv lithologic description V V V V vVVV vVVV v v' Ash: Ash as sandy SILT, fine to medium grained, v VI very dark gray (10YR 3/1), wet, fluid cuttings with v v intermittent recovery v. Cement Grout 8" Surface Casing (0'-97' bgs) 6" Surface Casing (0'-330' bgs) 2" PVC Riser 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 7 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: ABMW-7BRLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/06/2018 COMPLETED: 03/05/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 993673.13 EASTING: 1980969.04 DRILLING METHOD: HSA/Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 479.37 M.P. ELEV: 482.80 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 16,10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 20.84 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 401 ft BGS NOTES: Drill Max 2400 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: W. Wimberly CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 8.0 W ^ _ a DESCRIPTION > (A 0 j F WELL CONSTRUCTION HPF-Ambient 0.00 0.03 w o (9 ) a HPF-Pumping 0.0 0.8 c Own)po u. gpo-1111 60 W, 70 75 80 RR 90 VKI 100 105 110 115 Cement Grout 8" Surface Casing (0'-97' bgs) 6" Surface Casing (0'-330' bgs) 2" PVC Riser 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 SynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 7 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: ABMW-7BRLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/06/2018 COMPLETED: 03/05/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 993673.13 EASTING: 1980969.04 DRILLING METHOD: HSA/Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 479.37 M.P. ELEV: 482.80 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 16,10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 20.84 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 401 ft BGS NOTES: Drill Max 2400 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: W. Wimberly CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 8.0 W ^ _ a DESCRIPTION > (A 0 j F WELL CONSTRUCTION HPF-Ambient 0.00 0.03 w o (9 ) a HPF-Pumping 0.0 0.8 c Own)po u. gpo-1111 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 Biotite GNEISS, gray, ocassisional small rock fragments, pulverized rock cuttings as dust Biotite GNEISS, dark gray, pulverized rock cuttings as dust At 159'-160' apparent fracture (fractures based on percussion hammer frequency) with water yield (-1 GPM), coarser cuttings, fragments of biotite schist / GNEISS GNEISS with chlorite and biotite minerals, some hornblende schist fragments Cement Grout 6" Surface Casing (0'-330' bgs) 2" PVC Riser 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 7 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: ABMW-7BRLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/06/2018 COMPLETED: 03/05/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 993673.13 EASTING: 1980969.04 DRILLING METHOD: HSA/Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 479.37 M.P. ELEV: 482.80 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 16,10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 20.84 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 401 ft BGS NOTES: Drill Max 2400 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: W. Wimberly CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 8.0 W ^ _ a DESCRIPTION > (A 0 j F WELL CONSTRUCTION HPF-Ambient 0.00 0.03 w o (9 ) a HPF-Pumping 0.0 0.8 c (9�) po u. gpo-1111 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215 220 225 230 235 Biotite schist / GNEISS with plagioclase minerals At 190' increase in K-feldspar minerals At 200' apparent fracture, no observable increase in water yield Biotite schist / GNEISS with few discernible fragments, primarily rock flour At 215' increase in K-feldspar minerals Occasional quartz minerals, increase in K-feldspar minerals, dark gray to black Biotite schist / GNEISS, chlorite fragments, green to black Cement Grout 6" Surface Casing (0'-330' bgs) 2" PVC Riser 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 ynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 4 OF 7 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: ABMW-7BRLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/06/2018 COMPLETED: 03/05/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 993673.13 EASTING: 1980969.04 DRILLING METHOD: HSA/Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 479.37 M.P. ELEV: 482.80 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 16,10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 20.84 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 401 ft BGS NOTES: Drill Max 2400 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: W. Wimberly CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 8.0 W ^ _ a DESCRIPTION > (A 0 j F WELL CONSTRUCTION HPF-Ambient 0.00 0.03 w o I9 I a HPF-Pumping 0.0 0.8 c Own)po u. gpo-1111 240 245 250 255 260 265 270 275 280 285 290 At 235' increase in plagioclase minerals At 240' increase in plagioclase and K-feldspar minerals At 245' some epidote minerals on faces of fragments Biotite schist / GNEISS, chlorite fragments, green to black At 290' intervals with increased mafic minerals, very fine cuttings, difficult to discern Cement Grout 6" Surface Casing (0'-330' bgs) 2" PVC Riser 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 5 OF 7 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: ABMW-7BRLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/06/2018 COMPLETED: 03/05/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 993673.13 EASTING: 1980969.04 DRILLING METHOD: HSA/Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 479.37 M.P. ELEV: 482.80 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 16,10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 20.84 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 401 ft BGS NOTES: Drill Max 2400 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: W. Wimberly CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 8.0 W ^ _ a DESCRIPTION > (A 0 j F WELL CONSTRUCTION HPF-Ambient 0.00 0.03 w o I9 I a O.OHPF-PPumping 0.8 c Own)po u. gpo 295 I=Biotite schist / GNEISS, chlorite fragments, green to black 300 305 At 305' rock fragments with increase mafic minerals, some chlorite 310 A Diabase: DIABASE-basalt or meta -basalt, black, AAAAAA accessory minerals of K-feldspar, some green A^A^A^ feldspar A^A^A^ 315 A^A^A^ ^AAAAA ^AAAAA ^AAAAA ^^A^A^ At 320' coarse grained, occasional K-feldspar 320 nAnAnA minerals, some plagioclase A^A^ _AA AAAAA' ^�^�^ AAA At 325' apparent fracture, no observable increase 325 . in water yeild Gneiss: Biotite GNEISS, increased in felsic -;j minerals, some chlorite 330 335 jr�N At 335' dark gray, pulverized rock cuttings as dust 340 345 At 345'-346' apparent fracture with increased water yield (cumulatively —5-10 GPM) At 351' apparent fracture, no observable increase in water yield 350 Biotite-hornblende GNEISS, dark gray Cement Grout 6" Surface Casing (0'-330' bgs) 2" PVC Riser Bentonite Seal 41011 SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 ynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 6 OF 7 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: ABMW-7BRLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/06/2018 COMPLETED: 03/05/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 993673.13 EASTING: 1980969.04 DRILLING METHOD: HSA/Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 479.37 M.P. ELEV: 482.80 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 16,10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 20.84 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 401 ft BGS NOTES: Drill Max 2400 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: W. Wimberly CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 8.0 W ^ _ a DESCRIPTION > (A 0 j F WELL CONSTRUCTION HPF-Ambient 0.00 0.03 w o I9 I a O.OHPF-PPumping 0.8 c Own)po u. gpo 355 At 354' apparent fracture, no observable increase in water yield M-L-L Biotite-hornblende GNEISS, dark gray 360 At 361' apparent fracture with increased water yield (cumulatively -10-15 GPM) 365 370 Granite: Meta -GRANITE with K-feldspar and quartz minerals 375 , At 372' apparent fracture with increased water yield (cumulatively -20 GPM) 380 385 At 387-390' less resistance, very fine cuttings, soft interval 390 395 % \ % \ At 395' 397' less resistance, very fine cuttings, soft interval 400 I= Borehole terminated at 401' BGS 405 Bentonite Seal 2" PVC Riser Sand Pack (364'-391') 2" Pre -Pack Well Screen (370'-385') Bentonite Backfill 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 WTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 7 OF 7 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-01BRL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 01/08/2019 COMPLETED: 03/05/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 994427.00 EASTING: 1983006.23 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 505.41 M.P. ELEV: 508.75 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 56.42 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 220 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: W. Wimberly CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 6.0 (n) 6.5 w ^ _ a DESCRIPTION > (A 0 j F WELL CONSTRUCTION HPF-Ambient 0.01 0.01 w o (g ) a O.OHPF-PPumping 0.5 a Own)po u. gpo 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 01.1 50 55 T T : T T T -6 . T T ' Silty Sand: Silty SAND as SAPROLITE, firm, grayish brown, dry- see log MW-0113R for detailed lithologic description Sandy Silt: Sandy SILT as SAPROLITE, firm, light yellowish brown (2.5Y 6/3), dry PWR: Sandy SILT as PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK, gray (2.5Y 6/1), dry At 26' cuttings become light gray (2.5Y 7/2), some very fine rock fragments, softer intervals At 30' cuttings become light gray (5Y 7/1), some granite/meta-granite fragments At 33.5' cuttings become brown, softer At 34.5' firm, dark grayish brown (2.5Y 4/2), wet, fragments of granitic schist Gneiss: Biotite GNEISS, blue -black with white plagioclase minerals, competent, wet Biotite GNEISS, blue -black with white plagioclase minerals, competent, wet Cement Grout 8" Surface Casing (0'-50' bgs) 6" Surface Casing (0'-110' bgs) 2" PVC Riser 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 4 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-01BRL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 01/08/2019 COMPLETED: 03/05/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 994427.00 EASTING: 1983006.23 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 505.41 M.P. ELEV: 508.75 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 56.42 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 220 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: W. Wimberly CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 6.0 (n) 6.5 w ^ _ a DESCRIPTION > (A 0 j F WELL CONSTRUCTION HPF-Ambient 0.01 0.01 w o (g ) a O.OHPF-PPumping 0.5 a Own)po u. gpo 60 110 Biotite GNEISS, blue -black with white plagioclase minerals, competent, wet At 105' fragments of felsic granite-metagranite Cement Grout 6" Surface Casing (0'-110' bgs) 2" PVC Riser 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 4 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-01BRL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 01/08/2019 COMPLETED: 03/05/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 994427.00 EASTING: 1983006.23 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 505.41 M.P. ELEV: 508.75 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 56.42 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 220 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: W. Wimberly CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 6.0 (n) 6.5 w ^ _ a DESCRIPTION > (A 0 j F WELL CONSTRUCTION HPF-Ambient 0.01 0.01 w o (g ) a O.OHPF-PPumping 0.5 a Own) po u. gpo 115 �"Biotite GNEISS, blue -black with white plagioclase minerals, competent, wet 120 J[-L At 119' cuttings become gray, increase in plagioclase minerals, phaneritic 125 nnnnnn Diabase: Diabase, greenish -black, soft nnnnnn nnnnnn nnnnnn 130 nnnnnn nnnnnn nnnnnn nnAt 132' apparent fracture (fractures based on nnnn percussion hammer frequency), minor water yield 135 nnnnnn nnnnnn nnnnnn At 136' softer zone nnnnnn nnnnnn At 138' apparent fracture, no observable increse in 140 nnnnnn water yield n n n nnnnnn nnnnnn nnnnnn nnnnnn 145 nnnnnn At 144' apparent fracture, no observable increse in nnnnnn water yield nnnnnn nnnnnn nnnnnn n A n A n 150 nnnnnn nnnnnn nnnnnn nnnnnn nnnnnn 155 nnnnnn nnnnnn nnnnnn n n n n n n n n n At 157apparent 160' arent fractures, no observable nnnnnn increse in water yield 160 nnnnnn nnnnnn nnnnnn nnnnnn nnnnnn 165 nnnnnn nnnnnn nnnnnn nnnnnn nnnnnn nnnnnn 170 nnnnnn nnnnnn Cement Grout 2" PVC Riser 41p SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 4 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-01BRL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 01/08/2019 COMPLETED: 03/05/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 994427.00 EASTING: 1983006.23 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 505.41 M.P. ELEV: 508.75 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 56.42 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 220 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: W. Wimberly CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 6.0 (n) 6.5 w ^ _ a DESCRIPTION > (A 0 j F WELL CONSTRUCTION HPF-Ambient 0.01 0.01 w o (g ) a O.OHPF-PPumping 0.5 a Own)po u. gpo nnnnnn n n n AAAAAA Diabase, greenish -black, soft 175 nnnnn^ .A.A. ' Gneiss: Biotite GNEISS, light gray 180 185 190 �L� At 188' apparent fracture, no observable increse in water yield 195 - nnnn Diabase: DIABASE, greenish -black, softer drilling nnnn nnnnn nnnnnn AAAAAA 200 � AAAAA At 205'-206' apparent fracture (water yield —1 nnnnnn GPM) nnnnn 205 nnnnn At 207-208' apparent fractures with increased nnnnn yield (cumulatively —4 GPM) nnnnn nnnnn nnnnn At 212' apparent fracture, no observable increase 210 nnn nn in water yield nnnnn At 214' quartz and plagioclase in cuttings At 215'-220' apparent fractured zone with increase 215 in water yield (cumulatively —7 GPM) Gneiss: Biotite GNEISS, light gray 220 ��Diabase: DIABASE, black to greenish black, harder drilling At 220' borehole terminated 225 Cement Grout 2" PVC Riser Bentonite Seal Sand Pack (195'-220') 2" Pre -Pack Well Screen (201'-216') 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 ynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 4 OF 4 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-38BR PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 9/10/2019 COMPLETED: 11/13/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 986199.40 EASTING: 1979127.69 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 510.32 M.P. ELEV: 512.71 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 28.91 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 110 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: W. Wimberly CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 2.5 (n) 6.6 w ^ _ OJ DESCRIPTION > c� j WELL CONSTRUCTION SPF-Ambien 0.00 013 Lu C (9 ) (A 0 V 0 O.00HPF-PPuumPing0.02 Own) po u. gpo I. E 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 Clayey Sand: Clayey Sand (10YR 5/6), medium dense, nonplastic, dry, some gravel T. T.T T . Silty Sand: Silty Sand/Saprolite with rock T -F. fragments, density increasing with depth. T T' Granite: PWR, light brownish gray (10YR 6/2) moderate strength, dry, small rock fragments of N meta -granite PWR, light yellowish brown (10YR 6/4), dry, quartz and Meta -Granite present. Schist: PWR, light gray (10YR 7/1), chips of meta Granite -Granitic Schist w/ Biotite, Muscovite present, minor K-Spar Pyroxene: Pyroxene/ Amphibole Schist with chlorite, dark greenish gray (5GY 4/1), very strong, aphanitic, foliated, moist Granite: Biotite Granite/ Meta -Granite, gray (10YR 6/1), phaneritic, foliated, wet, K-Spar present, dust is pinkish gray Schist: Seam of Chlorite/ Pyroxene/Amphibole Schist, dark greenish gray Granite: Biotite Granite/ Meta -Granite, gray (10YR 6/1), phaneritic, foliated, wet, increase in Biotite content in Meta -Granite Granite: Biotite Meta -Granite/ Granite Schist/ Gneiss Schist: Seam of Chlorite/ Pyroxene/Amphibole Schist, dark greenish gray Granite: Increase in Chlorite minerals Cement Grout 6" PVC Sch 40 Casing 2" PVC Sch 40 Casing Bentonite Seal 2" Pre -Pack Well Screen (95'-110' bgs) .,yam Sand Pack (90'-125' bgs) 41011 SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 ynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 5 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-38BR PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 9/10/2019 COMPLETED: 11/13/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 986199.40 EASTING: 1979127.69 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 510.32 M.P. ELEV: 512.71 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 28.91 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 110 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: W. Wimberly CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 2.5 (n) 6.6 w ^ _ OJ DESCRIPTION > c� j WELL CONSTRUCTION SPF-Ambien 0.00 013 Lu C (9 ) (A 0 V 0 O.00HPF-PPuumPing0.02 Own) po u. gpo 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 245 250 Biotite Meta -Granite/ Granite Schist/ Gneiss Dust is Dark Gray, meta-gabbro rock chips, very dark bluish gray (Gray 2 3/1013), very strong, porphyrytic, fine grained mafic matrix with plagioclase grains, foliated Meta -Granite, very strong, matrix, gray (Gray 1 6/N) phaneritic, foliated Meta -Granite, very strong, matrix, Gray (Gray 1 6/N) phaneritic, foliated, occasional K-Spar grains Schist: Chlorite/ Pyroxene/ Amphibole Schist, very strong, dark greenish gray (5GY 4/1), aphanitic, foliated Biotite Meta -Granite/ Granitic Schist, gray (10YR 6/1), very strong, phaneritic, foliated Amphibole/ Pyroxene Schist, dark gray (Gray 1 4/N), very strong, aphanitic, foliated Chlorite/ Amphibole/ Pyroxene Schist, dark greenish gray (5GY 4/1), very strong, aphanitic, foliated Bentonite Backfill Cement Grout 41p SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 ynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 5 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-38BR PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 9/10/2019 COMPLETED: 11/13/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 986199.40 EASTING: 1979127.69 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 510.32 M.P. ELEV: 512.71 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 28.91 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 110 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: W. Wimberly CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 2.5 (n) 6.6 w ^ _ OJ DESCRIPTION > c� j WELL CONSTRUCTION SPF-Ambien 0.00 013 Lu C i9 ) (A 0 V 0 O.00HPF-PPuumping0.02 Own) po u. gpo 255 260 265 270 275 280 285 290 295 300 305 310 315 320 325 330 335 340 345 350 355 360 365 370 375 380 Cement Grout 41p SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 ynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 5 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-38BR PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 9/10/2019 COMPLETED: 11/13/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 986199.40 EASTING: 1979127.69 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 510.32 M.P. ELEV: 512.71 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 28.91 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 110 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: W. Wimberly CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 2.5 (n) 6.6 w ^ _ OJ DESCRIPTION > c� j WELL CONSTRUCTION SPF-Ambien 0.00 013 Lu C (9 ) (A 0 V 0 O.00HPF-PPuumPing0.02 Own) po u. gpo Granite: Meta-Biotite/Hornblende Granite, dark 385 gray matrix (10YR 4/1) very strong, w/ Black mafic , minerals, pink K-Spar grains, phaneritic, weakly 390 ' foliated, wet rock cuttings 395 400 405 410 Schist: Chlorite/ Pyroxene/ Amphibole Schist, very 415 strong, dark greenish gray (5GY 4/1), aphanitic, foliated 420 Granite: meta-Biotite/Hornblende Granite, dark gray matrix (10YR 4/1) very strong, w/ black mafic 425 ` ` minerals, pink K-Spar grains, phaneritic, weakly foliated, wet rock cuttings 430 � ` � ` 435 Biotite/Hornblende Meta -Granite 440 Biotite/Hornblende Meta -Granite increase in felsic, 445 ` less Biotite/Hornblende 450 Biotite/Hornblende Meta -Granite 455 460 465 470 475 480 Schist: Chlorite/ Pyroxene/ Amphibole Schist, very strong, dark greenish gray (5GY 4/1), aphanitic, 485 foliated, greenish gray dust 490 K-Spar minerals increased, cuttings very fine, few 495 rock fragments, pinkish -gray dust 500 505 Chlorite/ Amphibole/ Pyroxene Schist, dark greenish gray (5GY 4/1) 41p SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 ynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 4 OF 5 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-38BR PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 9/10/2019 COMPLETED: 11/13/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 986199.40 EASTING: 1979127.69 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 510.32 M.P. ELEV: 512.71 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 28.91 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 110 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: W. Wimberly CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 2.5 (n) 6.6 w ^ _ OJ DESCRIPTION > c� j WELL CONSTRUCTION SPF-Ambien 0.00 013 Lu C (9 ) (A 0 V 0 O.00HPF-PPuumping0.02 Own) po u. gpo 510 515 Black Schist 520 Chlorite/ Amphibole/ Pyroxene Schist, dark greenish gray (5GY 4/1), very strong, aphanitic, 525 foliated, greenish black rock fragments 530 535 540 545 550 555 560 565 570 575 580 Chlorite/ Amphibole/ Pyroxene Schist, dark 585 greenish gray (5GY 4/1), very strong, aphanitic, foliated, greenish black rock fragments 590 595 At 600' bgs - borehole terminated 600 Cement Grout 41p SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 ynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 5 OF 5 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-1O8BRL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 11/27/2018 COMPLETED: 03/19/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 993898.24 EASTING: 1983391.19 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 519.7 M.P. ELEV: 522.76 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 12,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 39.68 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 200 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: W. Wimberly CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 6.0 (n) 7.0 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.5 Own)po LL gpo 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 01.1 50 55 T T : T T silty sand: Silty SAND as SAPROLITE, dense, medium grained, olive brown (2.5Y 4/3), dry, non -plastic, noncohesive ------------------------------' PWR: Silty SAND as PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK, dense, medium grained, olive brown (2.5Y 4/3), dry, non -plastic, noncohesive At 10' very dense, olive gray (5Y 4/2) gneiss: Biotite-hornblende GNEISS, medium dark gray (N4) to white (N9), moderately decomposed with abundant Fe staining, dry pulverized rock cuttings At 45' apparent fracture (fractures based on percussion hammer frequency) cuttings remain dry At 50' slightly decmoposed, infrequent Fe staining Cement Grout 8" Surface Casing (0'-30' bgs) 6" Surface Casing (0'-103' bgs) 2" PVC Riser 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 4 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-1O8BRL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 11/27/2018 COMPLETED: 03/19/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 993898.24 EASTING: 1983391.19 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 519.7 M.P. ELEV: 522.76 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 12,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 39.68 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 200 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: W. Wimberly CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 6.0 (n) 7.0 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.5 Own)po LL gpo-1111 Biotite GNEISS, medium dark gray (N4) to white 60 (N9), moderately decomposed with abundant Fe Cement Grout staining, dry pulverized rock cuttings 6" Surface 65 ' ' Casing (0'-103' At 66'-68' fractured zone with quartzite, Fe staining bgs) on gneissic fragments, dry pulverized rock cuttings ' ' 70 2" PVC Riser 75 80 85 At 84' apparent fracture, dry pulverized rock cuttings nAAAAA diabase: DIABASE, black (N1), fresh, aphanitic 90 ^n^n^ ' n^n^n^ n^n^n^ n^n^n^ n^n^n^ 95 n^n^n^ n^n^n^ n^n^n^ n^n^n^ n^n^n^ n n n 100 AAAAAA n^n^n^ gneiss: Biotite GNEISS, black (N1) to white (N9), 105 fresh, dry pulverized rock cuttings 110 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 SynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 4 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-1O8BRL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 11/27/2018 COMPLETED: 03/19/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 993898.24 EASTING: 1983391.19 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 519.7 M.P. ELEV: 522.76 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 12,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 39.68 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 200 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: W. Wimberly CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 6.0 (n) 7.0 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.5 Own)po LL gpo 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 Biotite GNEISS, black (N1) to white (N9), fresh, dry pulverized rock cuttings At 148' apparent fracture with water yield (-0.6 GPM) Cement Grout 2" PVC Riser Bentonite Seal Sand Pack (141'-161') 2" Pre -Pack Well Screen (146-156) 41p SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 4 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-108BRL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 11/27/2018 COMPLETED: 03/19/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 993898.24 EASTING: 1983391.19 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 519.7 M.P. ELEV: 522.76 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 12,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 39.68 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 200 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: W. Wimberly CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 6.0 (n) 7.0 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.5 Own)po LL gpo-1111 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 Bentonite Backfill 41p SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 SynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 4 OF 4 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-1O8BRLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/14/2018 COMPLETED: 03/19/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 993878.96 EASTING: 1983378.98 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 520.2 M.P. ELEV: 523.60 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 64.52 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 430 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: W. Wimberly CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 6.5 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.5 Own)po LL gpo 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 01.1 50 55 60 T T : T T silty sand: Silty SAND as SAPROLITE, dense, medium grained, olive brown (2.5Y 4/3), dry, non -plastic, noncohesive PWR: Silty SAND as PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK, dense, medium grained, olive brown (2.5Y 4/3), dry, non -plastic, noncohesive At 10' very dense, olive gray (5Y 4/2) gneiss: Biotite-hornblende GNEISS, medium dark gray (N4) to white (N9), moderately decomposed with abundant Fe staining, dry pulverized rock cuttings Cement Grout 8" Surface Casing (0'-30' bgs) 6" Surface Casing (0'-230' bgs) 2" PVC Riser 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 7 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-1O8BRLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/14/2018 COMPLETED: 03/19/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 993878.96 EASTING: 1983378.98 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 520.2 M.P. ELEV: 523.60 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 64.52 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 430 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: W. Wimberly CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 6.5 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.5 Own)po LL gpo-1111 RR 70 75 80 RR 90 W7 100 105 110 115 120 Cement Grout 6" Surface Casing (0'-230' bgs) 2" PVC Riser 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 SynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 7 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-1O8BRLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/14/2018 COMPLETED: 03/19/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 993878.96 EASTING: 1983378.98 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 520.2 M.P. ELEV: 523.60 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 64.52 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 430 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: W. Wimberly CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 6.5 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.5 Own)po LL gpo-1111 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 Cement Grout 6" Surface Casing (0'-230' bgs) 2" PVC Riser 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 SynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 7 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-1O8BRLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/14/2018 COMPLETED: 03/19/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 993878.96 EASTING: 1983378.98 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 520.2 M.P. ELEV: 523.60 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 64.52 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 430 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: W. Wimberly CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 6.5 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.5 Own)po LL gpo 185 n^^^^ ` —AA ^^^A ^^A^A^ At 188'-189' significant fracture (water yield —5 GPM) 190 nAAAAA A^A^A^ DIABASE, black to greenish black A A A A A A A A A A A A 195 AAAAAA Cement Grout A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A �A�A�A 6"Surface 200 A A A A A A Casing (0'-230' A^A^A^ bgs) A^A^A^ AAAAAA AAAAAA 205 2" PVC Riser gneiss: Biotite-hornblende GNEISS 210 215 220 th 225 At 225' solfteKzonespar 230 granite: Meta -GRANITE, dark greenish gray (5G 4/1), with K-feldspar, fresh, phaneritic, dry pulverized rock cuttings 235 240 gneiss: Granitic GNEISS, grayish black (N2), with K-feldspar, grayish black (N2), fresh, weak foliations observed on larger chips 245 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 SynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 4 OF 7 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-1O8BRLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/14/2018 COMPLETED: 03/19/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 993878.96 EASTING: 1983378.98 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 520.2 M.P. ELEV: 523.60 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 64.52 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 430 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: W. Wimberly CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 6.5 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 I �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.5 Own)po LL gpo 250 255 260 265 270 275 280 285 290 295 300 305 At 254' apparent fracture, increase in felsic minerals, initial water production (-0.5 GPM) following 6" drill -out Granitic GNEISS, grayish black (N2), with K-feldspar, grayish black (N2), fresh, weak foliations observed on larger chips gneiss: Biotite GNEISS, black (N1) to white (N9), fresh, thin foliations observed on larger chips Cement Grout 2" PVC Riser 41p SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 5 OF 7 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-1O8BRLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/14/2018 COMPLETED: 03/19/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 993878.96 EASTING: 1983378.98 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 520.2 M.P. ELEV: 523.60 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 64.52 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 430 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: W. Wimberly CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 6.5 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.5 Own)po LL gpo-1111 310 315 At 314' cuttings appear aphantic Biotite GNEISS, black (N1) to white (N9), with 320 plagioclase minerals, fresh, thin foliations observed on larger chips 325 330 �LXXJ SCHIST: Gneissic -SCHIST, dark greenish gray (5G 335 4/1), K-feldspar and thin foliations observed in larger chips 340 345 350 ------------------------------ SCHIST: SCHIST, very light gray (M8) to pale pink (5RP 3/2), increase in plagioclase and quartz 355 At 357' softer zone, no significant increase in yeild (� 1 GPM) 360 - 365 At 367' some Fe staining observed on chips Cement Grout 2" PVC Riser 41p SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 6 OF 7 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-1O8BRLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/14/2018 COMPLETED: 03/19/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 993878.96 EASTING: 1983378.98 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 520.2 M.P. ELEV: 523.60 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 64.52 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 430 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: W. Wimberly CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 6.5 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 I �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.5 Own)po LL gpo 370 SCHIST, very light gray (M8) to pale pink (5RP 375 3/2), increase in plagioclase and quartz gneiss: Biotite GNEISS, black (N1) to white (N9), 380 thin foliations observed in larger chips At 381' softer zone, no significant increase in water 385 yield (cumulatively —1 GPM) 390 395 At 397' softer zone, yield increases (cumulatively —3 GPM) 400 405 410 415 420 425 At 425' softer zone, no significant increase in yield (cumulatively —3 GPM) 430 At 430' borehole terminated Bentonite Seal Sand Pack (386'-408') 2" Pre -Pack Well Screen (393-403) Bentonite Backfill 41p SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 7 OF 7 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-205BRL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 11/28/2018 COMPLETED: 03/19/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 991841.38 EASTING: 1976472.18 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 476.3 M.P. ELEV: 479.68 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 46.62 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 173 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 6.5 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.5 Own)po LL gpo 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 T T : T T T T T T T' silty sand: Silty SAND as SAPROLITE, dense, medium to coarse grained, olive yellow (2.5Y 6/6), dry, non -plastic, noncohesive, some quartz fragments PWR: Silty SAND w/ gravel as PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK, very dense, medium to coarse grained, light olive brown (2.5Y 5/4), dry, non -plastic, noncohesive ------------------------------ PWR: Silty SAND w/ gravel as PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK, very dense, light gray (2.5Y 7/2) to brownish yellow (10YR 6/6), dry, non -plastic, noncohesive, some gneissic rock fragments gneiss: GNEISS, grayish black (N2) to dark yellowish orange (10YR 6/6), moderately decomposed, dry pulverized rock cuttings At 35' weak, decomposed with Fe staining, light gray to brown rock cuttings Cement Grout 8" Surface Casing (0'-35' bgs) 6" Surface Casing (0'-116' bgs) 2" PVC Riser 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 4 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-205BRL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 11/28/2018 COMPLETED: 03/19/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 991841.38 EASTING: 1976472.18 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 476.3 M.P. ELEV: 479.68 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 46.62 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 173 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 6.5 w ^ _ a O DESCRIPTION > U j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.5 Own)po LL gpo-1111 4. 60 W, 70 75 80 EE 90 W7 100 Cement Grout 6" Surface Casing (0'-116' bgs) 2" PVC Riser 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 SynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 4 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-205BRL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 11/28/2018 COMPLETED: 03/19/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 991841.38 EASTING: 1976472.18 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 476.3 M.P. ELEV: 479.68 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 46.62 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 173 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 6.5 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.5 Own)po LL gpo-1111 Granitic GNEISS with mafic minerals, gray, low 7low dust, moist rock cuttings 105 At 103' quartz, K-feldspar, and plagioclase present, dust, moist rock cuttings 110 -Ik-L�-q I _ I i i i i i1 HV,1 �,iN— Cement Grout 6" Surface 115 Casing (0'-116' T bgs) ^"n"x" diabase: Mafic with biotite schist, gray, slightly 120 n^n^n^ aphanitic ; 2" PVC Riser ^^^^^^ n^n^n^ n^n^n^ ^^^^^^ ^n^n^n 125 n^n^n^ n^n^n^ At 123' and 128' some granitic gneiss, thin nAnAnAfoliations on rock chips, dry pulverized rock ^n^n^n cuttings 130 A AAAA ^^^^^ ^n^ n n gneiss: GNEISS, with K-feldspar, schistose texture, 135 fresh - ------------------------------ gneiss: Biotite GNEISS, gray, some mica schist, 140 schistose texture, slightly aphanitic At 143' greenish gray 145 At 147' apparent fracture with no significant increase in water yield Bentonite Seal schist: SCHIST, gray 150 At 151' softer zone 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 ynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 4 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-205BRL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 11/28/2018 COMPLETED: 03/19/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 991841.38 EASTING: 1976472.18 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 476.3 M.P. ELEV: 479.68 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 46.62 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 173 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 6.5 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.5 Own)po LL gpo 155 160 165 170 175 Bentonite Seal Sand Pack (155'-173') 2" Pre -Pack Well Screen (160'-170') 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 SynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 4 OF 4 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-205BRLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/14/2018 COMPLETED: 03/05/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 991831.53 EASTING: 1976473.82 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 476.95 M.P. ELEV: 480.35 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 47.40 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 261 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.0 (n) 6.0 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.5 Own)po LL gpo 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 T T : T T T T T T T.' silty sand: Silty SAND as SAPROLITE, dense, medium to coarse grained, olive yellow (2.5Y 6/6), dry, non -plastic, noncohesive, some quartz fragments PWR: Silty SAND w/ gravel as PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK, very dense, medium to coarse grained, light olive brown (2.5Y 5/4), dry, non plastic, noncohesive ------------------------------ PWR: Silty SAND w/ gravel as PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK, very dense, light gray (2.5Y 7/2) to brownish yellow (10YR 6/6), dry, non -plastic, noncohesive, some gneissic rock fragments gneiss: GNEISS, grayish black (N2) to dark yellowish orange (10YR 6/6), moderately decomposed, dry pulverized rock cuttings At 35' weak, decomposed with Fe staining, light gray to brown rock cuttings Cement Grout 8" Surface Casing (0'-37' bgs) 6" Surface Casing (0'-200' bgs) 2" PVC Riser 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Greenville, South Carolina 29601 symTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 5 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-205BRLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/14/2018 COMPLETED: 03/05/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 991831.53 EASTING: 1976473.82 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 476.95 M.P. ELEV: 480.35 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 47.40 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 261 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.0 (n) 6.0 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.5 Own)po LL gpo-1111 55 60 W, 70 80 RKI 90 VKI 100 105 Cement Grout 6" Surface Casing (0'-200' bgs) 2" PVC Riser 41p SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Greenville, South Carolina 29601 SynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 5 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-205BRLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/14/2018 COMPLETED: 03/05/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 991831.53 EASTING: 1976473.82 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 476.95 M.P. ELEV: 480.35 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 47.40 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 261 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.0 (n) 6.0 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.5 Own)po LL gpo-1111 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 Cement Grout 6" Surface Casing (0'-200' bgs) 2" PVC Riser 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Greenville, South Carolina 29601 SynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 5 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-205BRLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/14/2018 COMPLETED: 03/05/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 991831.53 EASTING: 1976473.82 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 476.95 M.P. ELEV: 480.35 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 47.40 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 261 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.0 (n) 6.0 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.5 Own)po LL gpo-1111 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 Biotite SCHIST, with K-feldspar, gray to light gray, aphanitic At 173' some gneissic rock chips At 178' dark, mafic minerals, appears intensely foliated, fresh At 183' gray to light gray, felsic minerals including K-feldspar and plagioclase, thin foliations of rock chips At 188' dark, mafic minerals, ocassional K-feldspar At 198' dark, mafic minerals, ocassional quartz and K-feldspar, thin foliations on rock chips, some Fe staining Cement Grout 6" Surface Casing (0'-200' bgs) 2" PVC Riser Bentonite Seal 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Greenville, South Carolina 29601 symTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 4 OF 5 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-205BRLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/14/2018 COMPLETED: 03/05/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 991831.53 EASTING: 1976473.82 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 476.95 M.P. ELEV: 480.35 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 47.40 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 261 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.0 (n) 6.0 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.5 Own)po LL gpo 215 'X�'I aiotite c HIST, with K-feldspar, gray to light gray, 220 225 11�lk9l At 224' and 226' apparent fractures (cumulative water yield —0.5 GPM) 230 �h6% At 228.5' apparent fracture (cumulative water yield —8 GPM) concurrent with quartz 235 At (cu234.5' and mul twater war fractures yield —10 GPM) 240 Jj��V4 At 239' and 240' apparent fractures (cumulative water yield —18 GPM) 245 250 At 250' apparent fracture with no significant increase in yield 255 Biotite SCHIST, with K-feldspar, gray to light gray, aphanitic At 259' and 260' apparent fractures (cumulative 260 water yield —25 GPM) 10 At 261' borehole terminated Bentonite Seal Sand Pack (215'-236') 2" Pre -Pack Well Screen (221'-231') Bentonite Backfill 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Greenville, South Carolina 29601 ynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 5 OF 5 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-205BRLLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/19/2018 COMPLETED: 03/19/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 991823.39 EASTING: 1976476.03 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 477.85 M.P. ELEV: 480.85 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 50.41 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 448 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.0 (n) 6.0 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.2 Own)po LL gpo 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 01.1 50 T T : T T T T T T silty sand: Silty SAND as SAPROLITE, dense, medium to coarse grained, olive yellow (2.5Y 6/6), dry, non -plastic, noncohesive, some quartz fragments PWR: Silty SAND w/ gravel as PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK, very dense, medium to coarse grained, light olive brown (2.5Y 5/4), dry, non -plastic, noncohesive ------------------------------ PWR: Silty SAND w/ gravel as PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK, very dense, light gray (2.5Y 7/2) to brownish yellow (10YR 6/6), dry, non -plastic, noncohesive, some gneissic rock fragments gneiss: GNEISS, grayish black (N2) to dark yellowish orange (10YR 6/6), moderately decomposed, dry pulverized rock cuttings At 35' weak, decomposed with Fe staining, light gray to brown rock cuttings Cement Grout 8" Surface Casing (0'-39' bgs) 6" Surface Casing (0'-300' bgs) 2" PVC Riser 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 9 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-205BRLLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/19/2018 COMPLETED: 03/19/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 991823.39 EASTING: 1976476.03 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 477.85 M.P. ELEV: 480.85 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 50.41 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 448 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.0 (n) 6.0 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.2 Own)po LL gpo-1111 55 60 RR 70 75 80 RKI 90 VKI 100 105 Cement Grout 6" Surface Casing (0'-300' bgs) 2" PVC Riser 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 SynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 9 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-205BRLLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/19/2018 COMPLETED: 03/19/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 991823.39 EASTING: 1976476.03 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 477.85 M.P. ELEV: 480.85 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 50.41 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 448 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.0 (n) 6.0 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.2 Own)po LL gpo-1111 110 I=Granitic GNEISS with mafic minerals, gray, low dust, moist rock cuttings 115 Arun diabase: Mafic with biotite schist, gray, slightly 120 A^A^A^ aphanitic ^AAAAA A^A^A^ A^A^A^ A^A^A^ ^AAAAA 125 A^A^A^ ^AAAAA At 123' and 128' some granitic gneiss, thin on rock chips, dry pulverized rock nAAAAAfoliations cuttings ^^^^^^ A^A^A^ 130 A^A^A^ A^A^A^ A^A^A^ A^A^A^ gneiss: GNEISS, with K-feldspar, schistose texture, 135 fresh 140 Tugneiss: Biotite GNEISS, gray, some mica schist, , schistose texture, slightly aphanitic At 143' greenish gray 145 At 147' apparent fracture with no significant increase in yield schist: SCHIST, gray 150 At 151' softer zone diabase: Mafic with schist and gneiss, gray 155 160 1%, A light gray, aphanitic schist: Biotite ST, with K feldspar, gray to Cement Grout 6" Surface Casing (0'-300' bgs) 2" PVC Riser 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 ynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 9 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-205BRLLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/19/2018 COMPLETED: 03/19/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 991823.39 EASTING: 1976476.03 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 477.85 M.P. ELEV: 480.85 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 50.41 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 448 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.0 (n) 6.0 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.2 Own)po LL gpo-1111 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215 Biotite SCHIST, with K-feldspar, gray to light gray, aphanitic At 173' some gneissic rock chips At 178' dark, mafic minerals, appears intensely foliated, fresh At 183' gray to light gray, felsic minerals including K-feldspar and plagioclase, thin foliations of rock chips At 188' dark, mafic minerals, ocassional K-feldspar At 198' dark, mafic minerals, ocassional quartz and K-feldspar, thin foliations on rock chips, some Fe staining Cement Grout 6" Surface Casing (0'-300' bgs) 2" PVC Riser 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 symTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 4 OF 9 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-205BRLLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/19/2018 COMPLETED: 03/19/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 991823.39 EASTING: 1976476.03 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 477.85 M.P. ELEV: 480.85 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 50.41 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 448 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.0 (n) 6.0 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 I �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.2 Own)po LL gpo-1111 Biotite SCHIST, with K-feldspar, gray to light gray, aphanitic 220 225 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 265 270 Cement Grout 6" Surface Casing (0'-300' bgs) 2" PVC Riser 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 5 OF 9 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-205BRLLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/19/2018 COMPLETED: 03/19/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 991823.39 EASTING: 1976476.03 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 477.85 M.P. ELEV: 480.85 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 50.41 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 448 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.0 (n) 6.0 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.2 Own)po LL gpo-1111 275 280 285 290 295 300 305 310 315 320 Biotite SCHIST, with K-feldspar, gray to light gray, aphanitic At 273' gray, gneissic texture, aphanitic At 288' increase in K-feldspar minerals At 288' with K-feldspar and quartz minerals, fine to medium grained, intermittent Fe staining At 300' with K-feldspar, quartz, and pyrite minerals, fresh, some Fe staining At 303' dark, with mafic minerals and pyrite, some gneissic rock fragments, fresh, aphanatic At 305' apparent fracture, dry (fractures based on percussion hammer frequency) At 316' apparent fracture, dry At 323' gray, some gneissic rock fragments, dry pulverized rock cuttings, fresh Cement Grout 6" Surface Casing (0'-300' bgs) 2" PVC Riser 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 SynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 6 OF 9 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-205BRLLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/19/2018 COMPLETED: 03/19/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 991823.39 EASTING: 1976476.03 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 477.85 M.P. ELEV: 480.85 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 50.41 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 448 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.0 (n) 6.0 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 I �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.2 Own)po LL gpo-1111 325 330 335 340 345 350 355 360 365 370 375 Biotite SCHIST, with K-feldspar, gray to light gray, aphanitic At 325' apparent fracture, dry At 330', 336', and 342' apparent fractures (initial water yield —0.5 GPM) At 350' apparent fracture with no significant increase in water yield At 353' some intermittent Fe staining At 358' gray, with quartz and some gneissic rock fragments, fresh At 365' apparent fracture with no significant increase in water yield At 368' dark, with mafic minerals, some gneissic rock fragments At 373' gray, with quartz and some gneissic rock fragments, fresh Cement Grout 2" PVC Riser 41p SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 SynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 7 OF 9 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-205BRLLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/19/2018 COMPLETED: 03/19/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 991823.39 EASTING: 1976476.03 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 477.85 M.P. ELEV: 480.85 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 50.41 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 448 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.0 (n) 6.0 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.2 Own)po LL gpo 380 I���� aiotite c HIST, with K-feldspar, gray to light gray, 385 390 At 393' gray, with mafic minerals and quartz, fresh 395 400 At 399' apparent fracture with increase in water yield (cumulatively —1 GPM) At 403' dark, with mafic minerals, some gneissic 405 rock fragments 410 �L14k7j gneissic 408' brown gray to black, mafic minerals, some rock fragments, fresh � kV4 At 413' apparent fracture with pyrite and increase 415 water yield (cumulatively —2 GPM) gneiss: Biotite GNEISS, gray, schistose texture, 420 fresh, medium grained At 421' apparent fracture with increase in water yield (cumulatively —3 GPM) 425 schist: SCHIST, gray, with gneissic rock fragments, Fe staining 430 Cement Grout Bentonite Seal Sand Pack (395'-420') 2" Pre -Pack Well Screen (400'-415') Bentonite Backfill 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 8 OF 9 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-205BRLLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/19/2018 COMPLETED: 03/19/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 991823.39 EASTING: 1976476.03 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 477.85 M.P. ELEV: 480.85 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 50.41 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 448 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.0 (n) 6.0 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 I �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.2 Own)po LL gpo-1111 435 440 22M 450 gneiss: Biotite GNEISS, gray, schistose texture schist: SCHIST, gray, with K-feldspar minerals and gneissic rock fragments At 439' and 446' apparent fractures with no significant increase in water yield (cumulatively —3 GPM) At 448' borehole terminated \\EEN Bentonite Backfill 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 9 OF 9 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-208BRL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 11/29/2018 COMPLETED: 03/06/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 990536.20 EASTING: 1976783.24 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 470.55 M.P. ELEV: 473.76 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 16.12 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 170 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 7.0 W ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.5 Own)po LL gpo 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 fill: SILT with sand as FILL, loose, brown -dark to 40 � gray, dry, some organics present and weathered :' ' rock fragments 40 o �Q. fill: Clayey SILT as FILL, orange brown to brown, moist, low to medium plasticity, cohesive 40 o Clay and Silt: Clayey SILT as SAPROLITE, loose, olive brown to dull brown, moist, cohesive, low plasticity, some weathered rock fragments ------------------------------ silt: SILT as SAPROLITE, loose, olive gray, moist, some weathered rock fragments, intermittent hammering At 23' gneissic rock chips ------------------ silt: SILT with sand as SAPROLITE, loose, fine to medium grained, brownish gray to light brown, moist silt: SILT as SAPROLITE, loose, olive gray, moist, some weathered rock fragments pwr: Silty SAND as PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK, brown to gray, wet gneiss: Biotite GNEISS, olive -gray, with Fe staining, phyllitic Cement Grout 8" Surface Casing (0'-55' bgs) 6" Surface Casing (0'-100' bgs) 2" PVC Riser 41011 SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-208BRL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 11/29/2018 COMPLETED: 03/06/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 990536.20 EASTING: 1976783.24 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 470.55 M.P. ELEV: 473.76 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 16.12 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 170 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 7.0 W ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.5 Own) po LL gpo 60 I®Biotite GNEISS, olive -gray, with Fe staining, phyllitic 65 diabase: Mafic, with minor biotite gneiss, schistose, Cement Grout m� olive -bluish gray, dry pulverized rock cuttings A^A^A '- AAAAA. 6" Surface A A A A A 70 i At 66' apparent fracture (fractures based on f Casing (0'-100' ^AAAA ' percussion hammer frequency) bgs) ^AAAA - ------------------------ - - - - -- ^AAAA diabase: Mafic, some biotite schist fragments, A A -- blue -greenish gray, schistose 75 ^ ^ A^^^^ 2" PVC Riser A A A A A AA diabase: Mafic, minor gneissic zones with quartz, AAAAAA. black, fresh, fine-grained 80 AAAAAA AAAAAA At 79' some plagioclase and quartz minerals, salt A^A^A^ and pepper appearance A A A A A A 85 AAAAAA A^A^A^ A A A A A A A A A A A A AAAAAA A^A^A^ 90 A^A^A^ A A A A A A AAAAAA A^A^A^- A A A A Ak 95 A A A AA AAAA AAAAA AA AAA 100 gneiss: Biotite GNEISS, bluish gray, thin foliations observed, shistose, salt and pepper appearance, medium to coarse grained 105 110 115 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 symTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-208BRL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 11/29/2018 COMPLETED: 03/06/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 990536.20 EASTING: 1976783.24 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 470.55 M.P. ELEV: 473.76 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 16.12 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 170 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 7.0 W ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.5 Own)po LL gpo gneiss: Biotite GNEISS with thin phyllitic zones and 120 schist, light gray, dry pulverized rock cuttings 125 130 gneiss: Biotite GNEISS with phyllitic zones, some garnets, light gray, thin foliations obserrved, dry 135 140 145 150 155 160 At 160' and 161' apparent fractures with no significant increase in yield At 163' some schist 165 At 170' borehole terminated 170 Cement Grout Bentonite Seal Sand Pack (148'-173') 2" Pre -Pack Well Screen (153-163) 41p SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 symTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-208BRLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/12/2018 COMPLETED: 03/06/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 990527.17 EASTING: 1976786.72 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 470.55 M.P. ELEV: 473.95 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 16.26 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 263 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 6.5 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.5 Own)po LL gpo 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 01.1 50 fill: SILT with sand as FILL, loose, brown -dark to 40 � gray, dry, some organics present and weathered :' ' rock fragments 40 o �Q------------------------------ fill: Clayey SILT as FILL, orange brown to brown, .46 Cmoist, low to medium plasticity, cohesive 40 o Clay and Silt: Clayey SILT as SAPROLITE, loose, olive brown to dull brown, moist, cohesive, low plasticity, some weathered rock fragments ------------------------------ silt: SILT as SAPROLITE, loose, olive gray, moist, some weathered rock fragments, intermittent hammering _- At 23' gneissic rock chips ------------------------------ silt: SILT with sand as SAPROLITE, loose, fine to medium grained, brownish gray to light brown, moist ----------------------------- silt: SILT as SAPROLITE, loose, olive gray, moist, some weathered rock fragments pwr: Silty SAND as PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK, brown to gray, wet gneiss: Biotite GNEISS, olive -gray, with Fe staining, phyllitic Cement Grout 8" Surface Casing (0'-54' bgs) 6" Surface Casing (0'-200' bgs) 2" PVC Riser 41011 SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 5 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-208BRLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/12/2018 COMPLETED: 03/06/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 990527.17 EASTING: 1976786.72 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 470.55 M.P. ELEV: 473.95 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 16.26 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 263 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 6.5 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.5 Own)po LL gpo 55 Biotite GNEISS, olive -gray, with Fe staining, phyllitic 60 65 n^n^n^ diabase: Mafic, with minor biotite gneiss, schistose, n^n^n^ olive -bluish gray, dry pulverized rock cuttings n^n^n^ n^n^n n^n^n t 66' apparent fracture (fractures based on n n n 70 nnnnn AAA I percussion hammer frequency) n n n^n^n - diabase: Mafic, some biotite schist fragment-- s--, ^n^n^ blue -greenish gray, schistose ^^^ n^n^n 75 , n^n^n LA n^n^n diabase: Mafic, minor gneissic zones with quartz, AAAAA black, fresh, fine-grained 80 n n n nnnnnn At 79' some plagioclase and quartz minerals, salt ^n^n^n and pepper appearance n^n^n^ n^n^n^ 85 n^n^n^ ^n^n^n n^n^n^ n^n^n^ n^n^n^ n^n^n^ 90 ^^^^^^ n^n^n^ n^n^n^ n^n^n^ n^n^n^ n^n^n^ 95 ^^^^^ n^n^n^` n^n^n^ n^n^n^ n^n^n 100 gneiss: Biotite GNEISS, bluish gray, thin foliations j observed, shistose, salt and pepper appearance, - medium to coarse grained 105 Cement Grout 6" Surface Casing (0'-200' bgs) 2" PVC Riser 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 symTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 5 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-208BRLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/12/2018 COMPLETED: 03/06/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 990527.17 EASTING: 1976786.72 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 470.55 M.P. ELEV: 473.95 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 16.26 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 263 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 6.5 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.5 Own)po LL gpo-1111 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 Biotite GNEISS, bluish gray, thin foliations observed, shistose, salt and pepper appearance, medium to coarse grained gneiss: Biotite GNEISS with thin phyllitic zones and schist, light gray, dry pulverized rock cuttings gneiss: Biotite GNEISS with phyllitic zones, some garnets, light gray, thin foliations obserrved, dry At 160' and 161' apparent fractures with no significant increase in yield Cement Grout 6" Surface Casing (0'-200' bgs) 2" PVC Riser 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 5 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-208BRLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/12/2018 COMPLETED: 03/06/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 990527.17 EASTING: 1976786.72 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 470.55 M.P. ELEV: 473.95 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 16.26 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 263 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 6.5 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.5 Own)po LL gpo-111111 165 Biotite GNEISS with phyllitic zones, some garnets, light gray, thin foliations obserrved, dry At 163' some schist 170 1 1 i i i i i1 4: Ok— Cement Grout 6" Surface 175�0 Casing (0'-200' ' bgs) 185 190 195 200 205 At 209.5' and 211' apparent fractures with increase in water yield (-8 GPM) ------------------------- - -- - -' 210 gneiss: Biotite GNEISS, some mafic minerals, gray, fresh, dry pulverized rock cuttings Bentonite Seal diabase: Mafic, blueish green, fresh with ocassional 215 Fe staining 41011 SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 SynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 4 OF 5 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-208BRLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/12/2018 COMPLETED: 03/06/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 990527.17 EASTING: 1976786.72 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 470.55 M.P. ELEV: 473.95 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 16.26 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 263 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 6.5 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 I �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.5 Own)po LL gpo At 216.5' apparent fracture with increase in water 220 yield (cumulatively —9 GPM) gneiss: Biotite GNEISS, gray 225 j�L� At 220' apparent fracture with increase in water yield (cumulatively —10 GPM) ^^^^^^ diabase: Mafic, dark gray to black, some biotite 230 ^ ^ ^ n^n^nn gneiss, fresh A AnAn At 232' apparent fracture with increase in water ^^^^^/1 yield, some quartz minerals ^^^^^ 235 ^^^^^ ^^^^ All At 236' apparent fracture with increase in water ^^^^^- yield schist: SCHIST, bluish -gray 240 gneiss: Biotite GNEISS, with quartz, phaneritic (cumulative yield —20 GPM) 245 250 �r� At 248' apparent fracture with no significant increase in water yield 255 ]gneiss: Biotite GNEISS, pinkish gray, accessory 260 minerals include pyrite, thin foliations observed on rock chips ]7­1 At 260' apparent fracture with increase in water 265 At (cumulatively —25 GPM) At 263' borehole terminated Bentonite Seal Sand Pack (218'-238') 2" Pre -Pack Well Screen (223-233) Bentonite Backfill 41p SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 3ynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 5 OF 5 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-208BRLLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/19/2018 COMPLETED: 03/19/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 990515.27 EASTING: 1976790.87 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 470.7 M.P. ELEV: 474.10 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 16.55 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 448 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 6.0 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.2 Own)po LL gpo 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 01.1 50 55 fill: SILT with sand as FILL, loose, brown -dark to 40 � gray, dry, some organics present and weathered :' ' rock fragments 40 o �Q. fill: Clayey SILT as FILL, orange brown to brown, moist, low to medium plasticity, cohesive 40 o Clay and Silt: Clayey SILT as SAPROLITE, loose, olive brown to dull brown, moist, cohesive, low plasticity, some weathered rock fragments ------------------------------ silt: SILT as SAPROLITE, loose, olive gray, moist, _ -_ some weathered rock fragments, intermittent - hammering - At 23' gneissic rock chips ------------------------------ silt: SILT with sand as SAPROLITE, loose, fine to medium grained, brownish gray to light brown, moist ------------------------------ silt: SILT as SAPROLITE, loose, olive gray, moist, some weathered rock fragments pwr: Silty SAND as PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK, brown to gray, wet gneiss: Biotite GNEISS, olive -gray, with Fe staining, phyllitic Cement Grout 8" Surface Casing (0'-59' bgs) 6" Surface Casing (0'-300' bgs) 2" PVC Riser 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 8 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-208BRLLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/19/2018 COMPLETED: 03/19/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 990515.27 EASTING: 1976790.87 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 470.7 M.P. ELEV: 474.10 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 16.55 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 448 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 6.0 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.2 Own)po LL gpo �= Biotite GNEISS, olive -gray, with Fe staining, 60 phyllitic 65 - n ^nn n ^n^n diabase: Mafic, with minor biotite gneiss, schistose, ^n^n^n olive -bluish gray, dry pulverized rock cuttings n^n^n n^n^n A.A. 70 t 66' apparent fracture (fractures based on n^n^n ^A^A^ percussion hammer frequency) n n n -A-- --, n^n^n diabase: Mafic, some biotite schist fragment-- s ^^^^^ blue -greenish gray, schistose n n n n^n^n 75 n^n^n n n AAAAA diabase: Mafic, minor gneissic zones with quartz, n^n^n black, fresh, fine-grained 80 ^^^^^ n^n^n n^n^n At 79' some plagioclase and quartz minerals, salt n^n^n and pepper appearance n^n^n n^n^n^ 85 n^n^n^ n^n^n^ n^n^n^ n^n^n^ n^n^n^ 90 n^n^n^ ^n^n^n n^n^n^ n^n^n^ n^n^n^ n^n^nh 95 ^n^n^A. n^n^n^ n^n^n^ ^^^^^^, n^n^n 100 gneiss: Biotite GNEISS, bluish gray, thin foliations observed, shistose, salt and pepper appearance, medium to coarse grained 105 110 8" Surface Casing (0'-59' bgs) Cement Grout 6" Surface Casing (0'-300' bgs) 2" PVC Riser 41011 SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 symTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 8 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-208BRLLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/19/2018 COMPLETED: 03/19/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 990515.27 EASTING: 1976790.87 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 470.7 M.P. ELEV: 474.10 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 16.55 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 448 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 6.0 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.2 Own)po LL gpo-1111 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 Biotite GNEISS, bluish gray, thin foliations observed, shistose, salt and pepper appearance, medium to coarse grained gneiss: Biotite GNEISS with thin phyllitic zones and schist, light gray, dry pulverized rock cuttings gneiss: Biotite GNEISS with phyllitic zones, some garnets, light gray, thin foliations obserrved, dry At 160' and 161' apparent fractures with no significant increase in yield - —�\ At 163' some schist 165 170 Cement Grout 6" Surface Casing (0'-300' bgs) 2" PVC Riser 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 8 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-208BRLLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/19/2018 COMPLETED: 03/19/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 990515.27 EASTING: 1976790.87 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 470.7 M.P. ELEV: 474.10 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 16.55 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 448 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 6.0 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.2 Own)po LL gpo-1111 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215 220 225 Cement Grout 6" Surface Casing (0'-300' bgs) 2" PVC Riser 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 SynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 4 OF 8 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-208BRLLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/19/2018 COMPLETED: 03/19/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 990515.27 EASTING: 1976790.87 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 470.7 M.P. ELEV: 474.10 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 16.55 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 448 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 6.0 w ^ _ a O DESCRIPTION > U j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.2 Own)po LL gpo-1111 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 265 270 275 280 285 Cement Grout 6" Surface Casing (0'-300' bgs) 2" PVC Riser 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 SynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 5 OF 8 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-208BRLLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/19/2018 COMPLETED: 03/19/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 990515.27 EASTING: 1976790.87 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 470.7 M.P. ELEV: 474.10 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 16.55 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 448 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 6.0 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.2 Own)po LL gpo-1111 290 295 300 305 310 315 320 325 330 335 340 SCHIST, dark gray, with quartz and plagioclase minerals, fresh At 302' apparent fracture, moist rock cuttings schist: SCHIST, gray, some mafic minerals, relatively aphanitic, fresh At 319' and 322' apparent fractures (cumulative yield —0.25 GPM) Cement Grout 6" Surface Casing (0'-300' bgs) 2" PVC Riser 41p SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 6 OF 8 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-208BRLLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/19/2018 COMPLETED: 03/19/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 990515.27 EASTING: 1976790.87 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 470.7 M.P. ELEV: 474.10 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 16.55 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 448 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 6.0 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 I �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.2 Own)po LL gpo 345 350 355 360 365 370 375 380 385 390 395 400 SCHIST, gray, some mafic minerals, relatively aphanitic, fresh At 346' and 347' apparent fractures with no significant increase in water yield At 363' apparent fracture with green staining/mineralization on rock cuttings, sligth increase in water yield At 375.5'and 383' apparent fractures with no significant increase in water yield (cumulative 2 GPM) schist: SCHIST, gray, with K-Feldspar minerals, fresh, thin foliations observed on rock chips At 389' and 391' apparent fractures with slight increase in water yield (cumulative 3 GPM) At 396' apparent fracture with no significant increase in water yield Cement Grout Bentonite Seal Sand Pack (367-387) 2" Pre -Pack Well Screen (372'-382') Bentonite Seal 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 7 OF 8 PROJECT: Roxboro Steam Electric Plant WELL/BORING NO: MW-208BRLLL PROJECT NO: 1026.107 STARTED: 12/19/2018 COMPLETED: 03/19/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NORTHING: 990515.27 EASTING: 1976790.87 DRILLING METHOD: Air Rotary/Hammer G.S. ELEV: 470.7 M.P. ELEV: 474.10 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10,8,5.5 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 16.55 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 448 ft BGS NOTES: Geoprobe 3230 Drill Rig LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: K. Lawing Caliper V 5.5 (n) 6.0 w ^ _ a 0 DESCRIPTION > V H j F WELL CONSTRUCTION 1iPF-Ambient -0_0 0.02 w (9 1 �_ HPF-Pu�mpin9 0.0 0.2 Own)po LL gpo-1111 SCHIST, gray, with K-Feldspar minerals, fresh, thin foliations observed on rock chips 405 410 schist: SCHIST, gray, some garnets 415 ���791 At 415' and 421' apparent fractures with slight 420 increase in water yield (cumulative —3 GPM) 425 430 435 At 435' and 436' apparent fractures with increase in water yield (cumulative —5 GPM) 440 445 jh'k� At 442' and 445' apparent fractures with increase in water yield (cumulative —6 GPM) At 448' borehole terminated 450 Bentonite Seal 41p SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Semora, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 8 OF 8 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells For Internal Use UNLY: 1. Well Contractor Information-. BRIAN THOMAS Well Contractor Name A - 2581 NC Well Contractor Certification Number GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable Ire// construction permits (i.e. Coun4,, State, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): ❑Agricultural ❑Municipal/Public ❑Geothermal (Henting/Cooling Supply) ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑Inclustrial/Commercial ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) ❑Irrigation Non -Water Supply Well: hJMonitoring ❑Recovery ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Groundwater Remediation ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Aquifer Test ❑Stormwater Drainage ❑Experimental Technology ❑Subsidence Control ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Tracer ❑Geothermal (Heatiniz/Cooling Return) ❑Other (explain under #21 I 4. Date well(s) Completed: 03/05/19 well ID# ABMW-7BRLL 5r. Well Location: ROXBORO STEAM PLANT Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if -applicable) 1700 DUNNAWAY ROAD SEMORA 27343 Physical Address, City, and Zip PERSON County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) 360 28' 48.26" N 790 03' 52.36" NV 6. Is (are) the well(s): ©Permanent or ❑Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ❑Yes or IDNo ff thi.v is it repair, fill oat known bell c•onstruclion inlorniation and explain the mature of the repair under `21 rentarks section or on the hack i fhi.s fimn. 1 la. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. ft. 15. OUTER CASING for multi -cased wells OR LINER ifa licable FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS III ER1AL 0.0 ft• 97 0 ft' 1 8.0 in SCH 40 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING(geothermal closed -loop) FROM I TO I DIAMETER I THICKNESS MATERIAL 0.0 ft. 370.0 fr, 1 2.0 in SCH 40 1 PVC 0.0 ft. 330.0 ft' 6.0 in' I SCH 80 PVC 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOTSIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 370.0fr' 385.0 ft' 2.0 in. .010 SCH 40 PVC* ft. ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT 0.0 ft' 349.0 ft' PORTLA DBENTONITE SLURRY 0.0 ft. 330.0 ft. RDRR OBENTONITE SLURRY 0.0 ft' 97.0 ft' PORT4WDBENTONITE SLURRY 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK(if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEM ENT METHOD 364.0 ft• 391.0 ft• 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND ft. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION color, hardness, soil(mck type, rain sin, etc.) 0.0 rr. 79.0 rr. ASH 79.0 ft• 85.0 ft• TAN SILTY SAND 85.0 tr. 94.0 rr. PWR 94.0 ft• 401.0 ft. ROCK ft. ft. fr. ft. ff. ft. 21. REMARKS BENTONITE SEAL FROM 349.0 TO 364.0 FT & 391.0 TO 401.0 FT ***U-PACK SCREEN*** 22. Certification: Signature of Certified Well Contractor 03/26/19 Date Hy signing dii.s.1brm, I herehv cerlijy that the Ire//(v) was (were) conviraeled in accordance with 15A NCAC 01C .0100 or 15A NC'AC (RC .0200 Well C'onrmuc•tion Smndards and that a copy af7his record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well 8. Number of wells constructed: construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. For nuthiple injection or non-trater supply bells ONI. i' u•idt die .same construction. oft can submit one fimnt. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 9. Total well depth below land surface: 385.0 (fL) For inaiople wells list all depths ifdillcrent (example- 3 a hill' and 1 n 101 10. Static water level below top of casing: 21.0 (fL) ll'u•atcr lerel is ahore coving, icse "! .. 11. Borehole diameter: 16.0/6.0/7.875/10.0 (in.) AUGER/AIR 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Quality, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For lniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12. Well construction method: construction to the following: (i.e. ringer, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) Division of Hater Quality, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Witter Supply & lniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form CiW-I North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality Revised Jar. 2013 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Information: BRIAN THOMAS Well Contractor Name A - 2581 NC Well Contractor Certification Number GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable bell construction pernios (i.e. Coung5 State, Variance, eta) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: ❑Agricultural ❑Municipal/Public ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑Industrial/Commercial ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) ❑Irrl ation Non -Water Supply Well: (DMunitoring ❑Recovery Injection Well: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Groundwater Remediation ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Aquifer Test ❑Stormwater Drainage ❑Experimental Technology ❑Subsidence Control ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Tracer ❑Geothermal (Heating/CoolingReturn) ❑Other (explain under #21 Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 01/10/19 well ID# HWMW-1 BR Sa. Well Location: ROXBORO STEAM PLANT Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 1700 DUNNAWAY ROAD SEMORA 27343 Physical Address, City, and Zip PERSON County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (il'well field, one fat/long is sufficient) 360 28' 55.63" N 790 03' 27.98" NY 6. Is (are) the wcll(s): Permanent or ❑Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ❑Yes or ONo l/'diis is a repair, Jill out known hell constriction ii Jbrnation and explain the nature of die repair under ii2/ remarks section or on the back of dii.s Jiirnt. 8. Number of wells constructed: 1 hor inulliple injection or non -hater supply ive/ls ONLY with die same construction, You can submit one firm. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 101.0 (ft ) hor nuthiple ire//.r list all depths /l d fluent (eraniple- 3 tt 200' and 2 a 100') 10. Static water level below top of casing: 11.0 (ft) if water level is above casing, use "- I I. Borehole diameter: 6.0/7.875/10.0 (in.) For Internal Use ONLI': 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION I.S. OUTER CASING for multi -cased wells) OR LINER if r licable FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0.0 ff• 49.0 ff• 6.0 i" SCH 40 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING(geothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0.0 fL 91.0 fL 2.0 in. SCH 40 PVC ft. ft. in. 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOTSIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 91.0 ft' 101.0 ff• 2.0 in. .010 SCH 40 PVC* ft. ff. in. 18. GROUT FROM I TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD&AMOUNT 0.0 ft' 64.0 It' MRTL DBENTONITE SLURRY 0.0 ft. 49.0 ft- PORTU DDENTONITE SLURRY ft. fr. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK if applicable FROM TO MATERIAL I EMPLACEMENT METHOD 88.0 ff• 102.0 ff. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION color, hardness, soil/rock type, grain siu, etc.) 0.0 ft. 1.0 ft. GRAVEL 1.0 ff• 17.0 ff• RED SILTY SAND 17.0 ff• 40.0 ff• TAN SILTY SAND 40.0 rt. 45.0 rt• P W R 45.0 ff• 102.0 ff• ROCK ft. ft. rf. rr. 21. REMARKS BENTONITE SEAL FROM 64.0 TO 88.0 FEET ***U-PACK SCREEN- 22. Certification: Signature of Certified Well Contractor By signing this Jima, I herehv certJi, that the ire//(s) was(irere) constructed in accordance frith 15A NCAC 02C.0100 or 15A AfCAC 02C .0200 Well Conriruction Standards and that a copy aJ'llii.s record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Quality, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12. Well construction method: AIR construction to the following: (i.e anger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc ) Division of Water Quality, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. field (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form G W-I North Carolina Department of Envoo nient and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality Revised Jan. 2013 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This lurm can be used for single or multiple wells For Internal Use UNLY I. Well Contractor Information: BRIAN THOMAS Well Contractor Name A - 2581 NC Well Contractor Certification Number GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List till applicahle well construction permits (i.e. County, Slate, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): ❑Agricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑ Industrial/COmmerc ial ❑Municipal/Public ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) Non -Water Supply Well: O Monitoring ❑ Recovery Injection Well: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Groundwater Remediation ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Aquifer Test ❑Stormwater Drainage ❑Experimental Technology ❑Subsidence Control ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Tracer ❑Geothermal (lieating/Cooling Return) ❑Other (explain under 921 Remarks) 4. Date well(s) Completed: 03/05/19 Well ID# MW-1 BRL 5a. Well Location: ROXBORO STEAM PLANT Facility/Owner Name Facility ]DO (if applicable) 1700 DUNNAWAY ROAD SEMORA 27343 Physical Address, City, and Zip PERSON County Parcel Identification No (PIN) Sb. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (il"well field, one tat/long is sufficient) 360 28' 55.63" N 790 03' 27.98" W 6. Is (are) the well(s): OPermanent or ❑Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ❑Yes or ElNo //'this is it repair, fill out known well construction itybri ation and explain lire nature r f the repair under fill remarks sec lion or on the hack r f this fnrnn. 8. Number of wells constructed: 1 hor athiple injection or non-uwt•rsupply iru:/Ls ONLY iNih the .sane construction, you can submit oue.fonu. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 216.0 (ft.) har multiple ire/ls list all depths ij'd///ereni (exantple- 3 n 2W' and 1 tt 1001 10. Static water level below top of casing: 56.0 ll'vaier level is above caving, use " � " 11. Borehole diameter: 6.0/7.875/10.0 (in.) 12. Well construction method: _ (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc ) 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. ft. rt. ft. 15. OUTER CASING for multi-cused wells OR LINER if u licable) FROM TO DIAMETER Tf11CKNESS MATERIAL 0.0 fr• 50.0 ft' 8.0 i" SCH 40 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING(geothermal closed -loin FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0.0 ft. 201.0 ft. 2.0 in. SCH 40 PVC 0.0 ft. 110.0 ft. 6.0 in. SCH 40 PVC 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOTSIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 201.0ft• 216.0 ft' 2.0 in. .010 SCH 40 PVC' ft. ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM I TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT 0.0 ft' 181.0 ft" PORTL DBENTONITE SLURRY 0.0 ft. 110.0 ft- PORTVNOBENTONITE SLURRY 0.0 ft' 50.0 ft' MRTA DBENTONITE SLURRY 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL Eh1PLACEMENTMETHOD 195.0 ft' 220.0 ft' 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND ft. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM 7'D DESCRIPTION color, hardness, suittruck type, rain size, etc.) 0.0 ft. 1.0 ft. GRAVEL 1.0 ft. 18.0 ft. RED SILTY SAND 18.0 ft- 34.0 ft. TAN SILTY SAND 34.0 ft. 45.0 ft' PWR 45.0 ft. 220.0 ft. ROCK ft. ft. ft. ft. 21. REMARKS BENTONITE SEAL FROM 181.0 TO 195.0 FEET "'U-PACK SCREEN"' 22. Certification: Signature of Certified Well Contractor 03/26/19 Date By signing this frnrnt, l herehy cerli/y that the we//(sJ it -as (here) constructed in accordance with 15.4 NCAC 01C .0100 or 15.4 NC'AC 02C .1200 Well Construction Standards and that u copy ofthi.s record has been provided is lire ire// owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Quality, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Quality, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Nluil Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. field (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Sunoly & Iniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the count)' health department of the county where constructed. AIR Form Ci W-I North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality Revised Jan 2013 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This loan can he used for single or multiple wells For Internal Use ONLY I. Well Contractor Information: BRIAN THOMAS Well Contractor Name A - 2581 NC Well Contractor Certification Number GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List rill applicable Well construction permits (i.e. County, State, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: ❑Agricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑ Industrial/Commercial ❑Irrigation Nun -Water Supply 1Vell: MMonitoring Injection Well: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Aquiter Storage and Recovery ❑Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: ❑Municipal/Public ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) ❑Groundwater Remediation ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Stormwater Drainage ❑Subsidence Control ❑Tracer ❑Other (explain under #21 1 03/19/19 WellID# MW-108BRL Sa. 1Vell Location: ROXBORO STEAM PLANT Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (ifapphcable) 1700 DUNNAWAY ROAD SEMORA 27343 Physical Address, City, and Zip PERSON County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (d'well field, one lat+long is sufficient) 360 28' 50.17" N 790 03' 23.58" NV 6. Is (are) the well(s): CaPermanent or ❑Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: 01'es or ElNo // thus is a repair. fill out known well con.riruc•Iion i tbrntation and erplain the nature u f'the repair tinder - 2I remarks vecnon or on the hack (J'Ihi.s fi)rnt. 8. Number of wells constructed: 1 h•or nntlnple injection or non-u ater supply irc/ls ONLY iNih the same construction, you can vubmrtoneform 9. Total well depth below land surface: 156.0 I -'or multiple a cl/_v livi all depths f d!flerew (example- 9 a 200' and 2 a 100') 10. Static waiter level below top of casing: 35.0 //barer level is above casing, use " • '• 11. Borehole diameter: 6.0/7.875/10.0 (in.) 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO I DESCRIPTION ft. ft. rt. rr. 15. OUTER CASING for multi -cased wells OR LINER if a liS.ble) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0.0 ft• 30.0 ft• 10.0 i" SCH 40 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING eothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0.0 ft' 146.0 ft- 2.0 in. SCH 40 PVC 0.0 ft' 103.0 ft' 6.0 in. SCH 40 PVC 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 146.0ft- 156.0 f' 2.0 in. .010 SCH 40 PVC' ft. ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENTMETHOD&AMOUNT 0.0 ft' 126.0 ft' PORTL DBENTONITE SLURRY 0.0 ft. 103.0 ft- PORTIANOBENT"NITE SLURRY 0.0 ft- 30.0 ft' POFMANDBENTONITE SLURRY 19. SAND/GRAVEL PAC T+ if a licable FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 141.0 ft• 161.0 ft- 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND rr. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, soil/mck type, Cmin sin, etc.) 0.0 ft. 1.0 fr. GRAVEL 1.0 fr- 17.0 ft' RED SILTY SAND 17.0 ft. 40.0 fr• TAN SILTY SAND 40.0 ft' 45.0 ft' PWR 45.0 ft. 200.0 fr- ROCK ft. ft. e. rr. 21. REMARKS BENTONITE SEAL FROM 126.0 TO 141.0 FT 8, 161.0 TO 200.0 FT "'U-PACK SCREEN"' 22. Certification: Signature ofCenifted Well Contractor 03/26/19 Date By signing Ibis form, I hereby c•ertlfj, that the well(.I) u•a.s (were) coustruc•ted in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C.0100 or 15.4 NC'AC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of ihi.v record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: (ft.) Division of Water Quality, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12. Well construction method: AIR construction to the following: (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc) Division of Water Quality, Underground Injection Control 1'rogranl, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a, field (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality Revised Jaw. 2013 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This loan can be used fbr single or multiple wells For Internal Use ONLY 1. Well Contractor Information: BRIAN THOMAS Well Contractor Name A - 2581 NC Well Contractor Certification Number GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: Litt till applicable well construction permits (i.e. County, State, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): ❑Agricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑ Industrial/Commerc ial ❑Irrigation Non -Water Supply Well: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (1-leating/Cooling 4. Date Well(s) Completed: ❑Municipal/Public ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) ❑Groundwater Remediation ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Stormwater Drainage ❑Subsidence Control ❑Tracer ❑Other (explain under #21 1 03/19/19 WcIIID# MW-108BRLL 5a. Well Location: ROXBORO STEAM PLANT Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (ifapplicable) 1700 DUNNAWAY ROAD SEMORA 27343 Physical Address, City, and Zip PERSON Counts Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (ifwell field, one lit/long is sufficient) 360 28' 50.17" N 790 03' 23.58" W 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. ft. 15. OUTER CASING for multi -creed wells OR LINER if r licable FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0.0 ft• 30.0 ft 8.0 i" SCH 40 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING(geothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0.0 ft' 393.0 ft. 2.0 in. SCH 40 PVC 0.0 ft. 230.0 ft' 6.0 in. SCH 80 PVC 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOTSIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 393.0ft- 403.0 ft' 2.0 "' .010 SCH 40 PVC* ft. ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD &AMOUNT 0.0 ft' 371.0 ft' PORTLME)BENTONITE SLURRY 0.0 ft- 230.0 ft- PORT DBENTONITE SLURRY 0.0 ft' 30.0 ft' PORTUNBBENTMITE SLURRY 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 386.0 ft. 408.0 ft' 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND rt. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION color, hardness, soil/mck type, rain sim, etc. 0.0 ft. 1.0 ft. GRAVEL 1.0 ft' 17.0 ft' RED SILTY SAND 17.0 ft' 40.0 ft. TAN SILTY SAND 40.0 ft. 45.0 ft' PWR 45.0 ft. 430.0 ft• ROCK ft. ft. H. D. 21. REDIARKS BENTONITE SEAL FROM 371.0 TO 386.0 FT & 408.0 TO 430.0 FT ***U-PACK SCREEN*** 22. Certification: !:2/ sn:7- Signature of Certified Well Contractor 03/26/19 Date 6. Is (are) the well(s): ©Permanent or ❑Tempurary �. (� HJ � signing this �• ornr, l herehv c•ern v that the u•ell.r was here ronrtructed in ac•c•tirdanee frith 15A NCAC 02C .0100 or 15A NC'AC02C .0100 Well Construction Standards and that a 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ❑Yes or IZ)No copy of this record has been prorided to the well owner. 117hi.r is a relxrir, fill out known well construction hybrnration andexplain the nantre ofthe r•eftair under ii21 renrar/a section or on the back r fthis firm. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well 8. Number of wells constructed: 1 construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. hor multiple Injection or non-u•aer supply rre//s• ONLY with the same construction, _ton con subnn/t one fimn. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 9. Total well depth below land surface: 403.0 (ft ) For auhiple we//.r list all depdov /fdl[Jerent (exannple- 3 1100' and 2 a /till') 10. Static water level below top of casing: 64.0 g'irater /ere/ is ahore casing, use - t " 11. Borehole diameter: 6.0/7.875/10.0 (in.) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Quality, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24.1 above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion oi' well 12. Well construction method: AIR construction to the following: (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc) Division of Water Quality, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: amount completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-I North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality Revised Jan. 2013 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells For Internal Use ONLY. I. Well Contractor Information: BRIAN THOMAS Well Contractor Name A - 2581 NC Well Contractor Certification Number GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable irel/ construction permits (i.e. County, State, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): ❑Agricultural ❑Municipal/Public ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑Industrial/Commercial ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) ❑Irrl atlon Nun -Water Supply Well: OMonitorinf; ❑Recovery ❑Aquiter Recharge ❑Aquiter Storage and Recovery ❑Aquiter Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling ❑Groundwater Remediation ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Stormwater Drainage ❑Subsidence Control ❑Tracer ❑Other (explain under 921 1 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 03/05/19 Well ID# MW-205BRL 5a. Well Location: ROXBORO STEAM PLANT Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (dapplicable) 1700 DUNNAWAY ROAD SEMORA 27343 Physical Address, City, and Zip PERSON County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. ft. rt. rt. 15. OUTER CASING for multi -cased wells OR LINER if a licable FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0.0 rt 35.0 ft' 8.0 i"• SCH 40 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING(geothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER I THICKNESS MATERIAL 0.0 rt 160.0 ft 2.0 "' I SCH 40 PVC 0.0 fr 116.0 fr 6.0 in. SCH 40 PVC 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOTSIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 160.0"' 170.0 "' 2.0 in. .010 SCH 40 PVC` ft. ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM I TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD&AMOUNT 0.0 ft' 140.0 ft' PORT 0BENTONITE SLURRY 0.0 ft. 116.0 ft. PORT DBENTONITE SLURRY 0.0 ft' 35.0 ft' voaneaDBENTaMTE SLURRY 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK if appliciable FROM I TO I MATERIAL I EMPLACEMENTMETHOD 155.0 ft 173.0 fr 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND fr. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION color, hardness, soii1mck type, grain sin, etc. 0.0 ft 1.0 ft GRAVEL 1.0 rt. 7.0 rt. RED SILTY SAND 7.0 ft 18.0 ft TAN SILTY SAND 18.0 ft• 31.0 ft' PWR 31.0 ft 173.0 ft' ROCK ft. ft. e. e. 21. REMARKS BENTONITE SEAL FROM 140.0 TO 155.0 FEET ***U-PACK SCREEN*** 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22. Certification: (ifwell field, one lat/long is sufficient) �!'� C4h }1^�i�-- 360 28' 30.13" N 790 04' 47.84" 11, � 6. Is (are) the well(s): OPermanent or ❑Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: 01'es or ZINo lfthiv is a repair. fill ow known re// construction oifiumanon and explain the nature ofihe repair under all remarks section or on the back rJ'ihi.s fbrm. 8. Number of wells constructed: 1 bur multiple injeclion or non-iraier.sopply wells ONLY with the saute construction, you can submit one. fbrm. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 170.0 (ft.) har multiple cells list all depths ifd/(Jerent (erantplD- 3 u 200' and 3(ci,100) 10. Static water level below top of casing: 49.0 (ft.) l/\rarer level is above caving, use " 11. Borehole diameter: 6.0/7.875/10.0 (in.) Signature of Certified Well Contractor 03/26/19 Date By signing this./ban, l hereby cenifi, that the uell(r) wav (were) constructed in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C.0/00 or 15A NC'AC 02C .0200 Well C'anstrucvion Standards and that a copy o/7his record has been provided to the hell owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Quality, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For lniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12. Well construction method: AIR construction to the fallowing: (i a auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) Division ofWater Quality, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 On. field (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Waiter Supply & lniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form G W-I North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality Revised Jam 2013 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Information: BRIAN THOMAS Well Contractor Name A - 2581 NC Well Contractor Cenitication Number GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable ire/1 c•onstruc•tion perimis (i.e. County. State, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: ❑Agricultural ❑Municipal/Public ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑Industrial/Commercial ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) ❑Irri ation Non -Water Supply Well: loMonitorine ❑Recovery ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling ❑Groundwater Remediation ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Stormwater Drainage ❑Subsidence Control ❑Tracer ❑Other (explain under #21 1 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 03/05/19 well ID# MW-205BRLL 5a. Well Location: ROXBORO STEAM PLANT Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (tfapplicable) 1700 DUNNAWAY ROAD SEMORA 27343 Physical Address, City, and Zip PERSON County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) For Internal Use ONLY 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO I DESCRIPTION rt. rt. ft. ft. 15. OUTER CASING for multi -cased wells OR LINER if applicable) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0.0 ft• 1 37.0 ft- 1 8.0 in SCH 40 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING eothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0.0 ft' 221.0 ft• 2.0 in. SCH 40 PVC 0.0 fL 200.0 ft• 6.0 in. SCH 80 PVC 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOTSIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 221.Oft' 231.0 ft' 2.0 in. .010 SCH 40 PVC* ft. ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM I TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD& AMOUNT 0.0 ft' 205.0 ft' v RT 13SENTONITE SLURRY 0.0 ft- 200.0 ft- PORK DBENTONITE SLURRY 0.0 ft' 37.0 ft• MftrL [)DENTONITE SLURRY 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK if applicable) FROM I TO I MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 215.0 ft• 236.0 ft- 1 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND ft. I ft. 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, suilfrock type, gmin sirs, etc. 0.0 ft. 1.0 ft. GRAVEL 1.0 ft. 7.0 ft' RED SILTY SAND 7.0 ft' 18.0 ft' TAN S I LTY SAND 18.0 ft' 31.0 ft' PWR 31.0 ft- 261.0 ft. ROCK ft. ft. ft. I ft. 21. REMARKS BENTONITE SEAL FROM 205.0 TO 215.0 FT & 236.0 TO 261.0 FT `"'U-PACK SCREEN"" 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22. Certification: (il'well field, one hat/long is sufficient) �"� (L� ^�7�- (J1 36' 28' 30.13" N 790 04' 47.84" W �� 6. Is (are) the well(s): (OPermanent or ❑Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ❑Yes or EINo Ij'ihi.v is a repair. Jill out known ire// construction i» lbrnmtion andexplain the nature oj'ihe relwir under r 2/ renmrkv section or on the hack olthi.v Jbrun. 8. Number of wells constructed: 1 For multiple injection or non -hater supply ire//.v ONLY frith the s'arne construction, You can suhmlt one.1i rnh. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 231.0 For mtilliple ire/h list all depth.v ifdilferenl (example- 3 rr 200' and 2 cc 100') 10. Static water level below top of curing: 49.0 ll'u•ater level is above casing, use •' . " 11. Borehole diameter: 6.0/7.875/10.0 (in.) Signature of Certified Well Contractor 03/26/19 Dale Rr.Tuning this./grin, l hereby certify that the wel(s) was (mere) c•anstruc•ted in acc•arrlouce with 15A NCAC 02C .0100 or 15A NCAC 02C . r1200 Well Cnnstruc•tiohr .57unrlardv and that o copy ofthis record has been prorided to the Krell owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS (ft.) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: (ft.) Division of Water Quality, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12. Well construction method: AIR construction to the billowing: (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) Division of Water Quality, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 dlail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. field (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above. also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form G W-I North Carolina Deparinient of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality Revised Jan. 2013 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be Used for single or multiple wells For Internal Use ONLY I. Well Contractor Information: BRIAN THOMAS Well Contractor Name A - 2581 NC Well Contractor Certification Number GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well con.slrticlion permits (i.e. County, State, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): ❑Agricultural ❑Municipal/Public ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑Industrial/Commercial ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) ❑lrri ation Non -Water Supply Well: OMonituring ❑Recovery ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling OGroundwater Remediation ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Stormwater Drainage ❑Subsidence Control ❑Tracer ❑Other (explain under 921 I 4. Date 11'ell(s) Completed: 03/19/19 Well ID# MW-205BRLLL 5a. Well Location: ROXBORO STEAM PLANT Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (iftytplicable) 1700 DUNNAWAY ROAD SEMORA 27343 Physical Address, City, and Zip PERSON County Paicel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (ifwell field, one fat/long is suflicient) 360 28' 30.13" N 790 04' 47.84" W 6. Is (are) the well(s): OPermanent or ❑Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing is -ell: 01'es or EINo lt'ihis is a repair, Jill out known well construction ittfilrinalion and explain the naitire a/'the repair under N,2I retuarkv seviton or on the hack c f this Jimnt. 8. Number of wells constructed: 1 bar nnihiple injection or noir-water stipply yells ONLY will; the scone construction, you can submit one./brit. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 415.0 (ft.) For multiple wells list all depths ifdiJJirem (example- 3 a 200' and 2 a 1001 10. Static water level below top of casing: 49.0 //lrater level is above casing. use "* - 11. Borehole diameter: 6.0/7.875/10.0 (in.) 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. ft. rr. fr. 1.5. OUTER CASING for multi -cased wells OR LINER if a livable FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0.0 ft• 39.0 ft 8.0 i" SCH 40 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING(geothermal closed -loop) FROM I TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0.0 fL 400.0 ft. 2.0 i"' SCH 40 PVC 0.0 ft• 300.0 ft• 6.0 in. SCH 80 PVC 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOTSIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 400.0ft' 415.0 ft' 2.0 "' .010 SCH 40 PVC* ft. ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT P]ETROD&ADIOUNI- 0.0 ft' 380.0 ft' PORTI OBENTONITE SLURRY 0.0 ft. 300.0 fl. MRTLMOBENTONITE SLURRY 0.0 ft' 39.0 ft' MRu DBENTONITE SLURRY 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENTIIIETHOD 395.0 ft' 420.0 ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND rt. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION color, hardness, soil/mck type, gritin sins, etc. 0.0 ft. 1.0 ft. GRAVEL 1.0 1- 7.0 ft• RED SILTY SAND 7.0 ft' 18.0 ft• TAN SILTY SAND 18.0 Ir. 31.0 rr. P W R 31.0 ft• 448.0 ft• ROCK ft. ft. 21. REMARKS BENTONITE SEAL FROM 380.0 TO 395.0 FT & 420.0 TO 448.0 FT ***U-PACK SCREEN*** 22. Certification: ' -act`'` 0, 03/26/19 Signature ofCertifted Well Contractor Hy signing this,16mr, l hereby ceriijj, that the irell(s) was (here) constructed in uccorclance with ISA NCAC 02C .11I00 or 15A NCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that it copy oJUtis record has been provided to the well ow/ler. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Quality, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Iniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12. Well construction method: AIR construction to the following: (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) Division of 11'ater Quality, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. field (gpm) N9ethod of test: 24c, For Water Supply & Iniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-I North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality Revised Jam 2013 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells For Internal Use ONLY: I. Well Contractor Information: BRIAN THOMAS Well Conlractor Name A - 2581 NC Well Contractor Certification Number GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable bell c•onstnic•tion permits (i.e. Coungl, State, Variance. etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: ❑Agricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑ Industrial/Commercial ❑ Irrigation Non -Water Supply Well: OMonitoring Injection Well: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) ❑Municipal/Public ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) ❑Recovery ❑Groundwater Remediation ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Stormwater Drainage ❑Subsidence Control ❑Tracer ❑Other (explain under 421 I 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 03/06/19 Well 1D# MW-208BRL 5a. Well Location: ROXBORO STEAM PLANT Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 1700 DUNNAWAY ROAD SEMORA 27343 Physical Address, City, and Zip PERSON County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO I DESCRIPTION fr. rt. 15. OUTER CASING for multi -cased wells OR LINER if a licable) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0.0 ft• 55.0 ft' 1 8.0 i" SCH 40 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING(geothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0.0 ft• 153.0 ft• 2.0 in. SCH 40 PVC 0.0 ft• 100.0 ft. 6.0 in. SCH 40 PVC 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOTSIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 153.Oft• 163.0 ft' 2.0 "' .010 SCH 40 PVC* ft. ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM I TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD g AMOUNT 0,0 ft' 133.0 ft' PORTL DBENTONITE SLURRY 0.0 ft. 100.0 ft- PORTLP DBENTONITE SLURRY 0.0 ft' 55.0 ft' PORTU DBENTONITE SLURRY 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK if a licable FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENTItIETHOD 148.0 ft' 170.0 ft' 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND (r. e. 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, soil/rock type, grain sim etc.) 0.0 ft. 1.0 (t• GRAVEL 1.0 ft. 10.0 ft. RED SILTY SAND 10.0 ft' 24.0 ft' TAN SILTY SAND 24.0 ft' 50.0 (t' PWR 50.0 ft• 170.0 ft' ROCK ft. ft. ft. I ft. 21. REMARKS BENTONITE SEAL FROM 133.0 TO 148.0 FEET ***U-PACK SCREEN*** 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22• Certification: (il'well field, one IatMong is sufficient) (4i.. ^�-- 360 28' 31.33" N 790 04' 42.34" W �h 6. Is (are) the well(s): [OPermanent or ❑Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ❑Yes or E]No Il'tluv rs a repair, ill out known well c•onviruction htibrmation and evplam the nature c f the relwhr under • 21 remarks section or on the back s flhi.s Jonn. 8. Number of wells constructed: 1 Nor nnttlhple ulec•tion or non-irater.iupph, hells ONLY with vubrnit one fiirnn. Signature o f Cert i fted Well Contractor 03/26/19 Date By signing this fin, I hereby c•erti& that the iiell(s) was (were) constructed at accordance with l5A NC•AC 02C .I1100 or I5A NCAC 02C .0200 Well Conctruc•tion Standards and that it copy c f this record has been provided to the hell owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details You may also attach additional pages if necessary. same construction, you care SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 9. Total well depth below land surface: 163.0 (fL) I•irr nnillnple it ells list all depths f dijjeran (e.caniple- 3@2I111' and 2 t l all') 10. Static water level below top of casing: 14.0 (ft ) li hater level is above casing, use "{ " 11. Borehole diameter: 6.0/7.875/10.0 (in.) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Quality, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For lniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12. Well construction method: AIR construction to the following: (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) Division ofWater Quality, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & lniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form G W-I North Carolina Department of Ens ironment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality Revised Jan 2013 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells For Internal Use ONLY: 1. Well Contractor Information: BRIAN THOMAS Well Contractor Name A - 2581 NC Well Contractor Certification Number GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Company Namc 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable irell construction permits (i.e. County. State, Variance, etc) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: ❑Agricultural ❑Municipal/Public ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑Industrial/Commercial ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) ❑Irrl ation Nun -Water Supply Well: OMonitorine ❑Recovery ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (FleatinPWoolina ❑Groundwater Remediation ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Stormwater Drainage ❑Subsidence Control ❑Tracer ❑Other (explain under 421 1 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 03/06/19 well ID# MW-208BRLL 5a. Well Location: ROXBORO STEAM PLANT Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (ifapplicable) 1700 DUNNAWAY ROAD SEMORA 27343 Physical Address, City, and Zip PERSON County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) Sb. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (it'well field, one lat/long is sutlicient) 360 28' 31.33" N 790 04' 42.34" W 6. Is (are) the well(s): OPermanent or ❑Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ❑l'es or ONo if this is a repair,,/ill out knower ire// construction ihVimitalion and erplain the nature q/7he repair under d:2/ remarks section or on the back c flhi.r.fornl. 8. Number of wells constructed: 1 I•ihr inrttiple igieclion or non -water supp/t' wells ONL I' with the same construction, you can suhinit one frtrm. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 233.0 I•iir anthiple ire//r list all depths tfd!/lereni (example- 3 a 200' and 2 a 100') 10. Static water level below top of casing: 14.0 //looter level is above caring, u.re " u " 11. Borehole diameter: 6.0/7.875/10.0 (in.) 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION fr. ft. rr. rt. 15. OUTER CASING for Itwells OR LINER ifr licrble FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0.0 ft• 54.0 ft. 1 8.0 i" SCH 40 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING eothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0.0 ft' 223.0 ft. 2.0 in. SCH 40 PVC 0.0 ft' 200.0 ft' 6.0 in' SCH 80 PVC 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOTSIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 223.Oft• 233.0 ft. 2.0 "' .010 SCH 40 PVC* ft. ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM I To MATERIAL EMPLACEMENTMETHOD&AMOUNr 0.0 ft' 203.0 fr. PORn DBENTONITE SLURRY 0.0 ft. 200.0 ft. PORTVNDBENTONITE SLURRY 0.0 ft' 54.0 ft' PORnANDBENTONITE SLURRY 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACE if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENTMETHOD 218.0 ft' 238.0 fL 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND ft. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION color, hardness, soillrock type, gmin sin, etc. 0.0 fr. 1.0 ft. GRAVEL 1.0 ft. 10.0 ft. RED SILTY SAND 10.0 ft' 24.0 ft. TAN SILTY SAND 24.0 ft' 50.0 ft' PWR 50.0 ft. 263.0 ft' ROCK ft. ft. rt. ft. 21. REMARKS BENTONITE SEAL FROM 203.0 TO 218.0 FT & 238.0 TO 263.0 FT ***U-PACK SCREEN'** 22. Certification: 03/26/19 Signature of Certified Well Contractor Hy signing this Jinn, I hereby certify that the tru/lO was (were) cointrucied in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0100 or 15A NCAC02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: (ft.) Division of Water Quality, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12. Well construction method: AIR construction to the following: (i.e auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc) Division of Water Quality, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. field (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(esI above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Fmm G W-I North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality Revised Jan. 2013 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells I. Well Contractor Information: BRIAN THOMAS Well Contractor Name A-2581 NC Well Contractor Certification Number GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable urll construction permits (i.e. CounrY, Sate. Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: ❑Agricultural ❑Municipal/Public ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑Industrial/Commercial ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) ❑lrri ation Non -Water Supply Well: Monitoring ❑Recovery ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return ❑Groundwater Remediation ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Stormwater Drainage ❑Subsidence Control ❑Tracer ❑Other (explain under #21 1 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 03/19/19 Well ID# MW-208BRLLL Sa. Well Location:. ROXBORO STEAM PLANT Facility/Owner Name Facility IDff (ifapplicable) 1700 DUNNAWAY ROAD SEMORA 27343 Physical Address, City, and Zip PERSON Countv Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if\well field, one lat/long is sufficient) 360 28' 31.33" N 790 04' 42.34" N,, 6. Is (are) the well(s): [OPermanent or ❑Temporary 7. Is this it repair to an existing well: ❑Yes or IZJNo ffifus is a repair. fill out known well con.siruclion iglbrination and explain the nature r f7he repair ander °21 remarks seclion or on the back (V'this fornr. 8. Number of wells constructed: 1 For muhiple injection or non -water supply wells ONL P with the same construction. You can submit one /ornr. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 382.0 har multiple wells list all depths ifdilferent (exantple- 3@200' and 2 a 100') 10. Static water level below top of casing: 13.0 l/Enter level is above casing, use "+" 11. Borehole diameter: 6.0/7.875/10.0 (in.) 12. Well construction method: _ (I a auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc ) For Internal Use ONLY. 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. ft. ft. ft. 15. OUTER CASING for multi -cased wells OR LINER ifr licable FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0.0 ft• 59.0 ft• 1 8.0 in SCH 40 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING(geothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0.0 fr' 372.0 ft. 2.0 in. SCH 40 PVC 0.0 fr• 300.0 fL 6.0 in. SCH 80 PVC 17. SCREEN FROM I TO I DIAMETER I SLOTSIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 372.0ft' 1382.0 ft• 1 2.0 in. 1 .010 SCH 40 PVC* ft. I ft. I in. 18. GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT 0.0 fr• 352.0 ft' PORTV DBENTONITE SLURRY 0.0 e• 300.0 ft- PORTLMDBENTONITE SLURRY 0.0 fr' 59.0 ft' PORTvwDBENTONITE SLURRY 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 367.0 fr• 387.0 e• 2040 FINE SILICA SAND 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets ifnecessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, soil/ruck type, grain sin, etc.) 0.0 ft. 1.0 ft. GRAVEL 1.0 ft. 10.0 ft. RED SILTY SAND 10.0 ft' 24.0 ft' TAN SILTY SAND 24.0 fL 50.0 fL PWR 50.0 ft• 448.0 ft• ROCK ft. ft. ft. ft. 21. REMARKS BENTONITE SEAL FROM 352.0 TO 367.0 FT & 387.0 TO 448.0 FT ***U-PACK SCREEN*** 22. Certification: G, 03/26/19 Signature ot'Certified Well Contractor Date HY signing this fornr, l hereby cerilfj, that the we/1(i) "'as (here) cointruc•ted in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C.0100 or 15A NCAC 02C.0200 We// Constnrciion Standards and that a cane of7his record has been provided to to irell ouvrer. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this Ibrm within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Quality, Information Processing Unit, 1617 i•lail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Quality, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 lylail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. OLZ Form GW-I North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality Revised Jan. 20l 3 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant ATTACHMENT B SynTerra USGS FLASH RESULTS AND CALCULATIONS -1... Roxboro ABMW-7BRLL Elevation of measuring point [FT] 0 Number of Flow zones[-] 8 Well diameter [IN] 6 Dmwdown [FT] 1.80 Depth to ambient water level [FT] 16.8 Depth at bottom of casing [FT] 329.6 Depth at bottom of well [FT] 398.7 Radius of influence (Ro) [FT] 1000.0 Total tmnsmissivity (Tew) [FT'/day] 92.46 Flow above layer bottom depths Bottom DePlh [FT[ Ambient [GPM] Stressed [G 336 0.0096 0.6087 [-0' Esllm ale Tlana1111WIll I n Estimate ROI 1 O S01 ra whhout Regult". atlon C' SGlvewltll Requ Mrization ABS(Ah) maximum 5.00E+00 Regularization weight 1.00E-04 Tf.-minimum[-) 1.00E-09 dh rFTI Farfield Mad MSE [GPMI 7.966800E-04 Sum Tye, 1.000 Sum dhA2 0.0504441 a27264 Ambient W L [FT] -16.80 Estimated Ttotal [FT'/day] 92.461 Regularizod Misfit 0.00 Pumped WL[FT] -18.60 Ambient Stressed Ambient Stressed Depth Flow above Flow above Error Error Zone T Fraction of..I FRACTURES: [FT] [GPM] [GPM] [GPM] [GPM] [FT -may] transmissivily 11 �� 111 I111� 11 111 11 11 111 � 11 Ambient Flow Profile Pumped Flow Profile Upward Flow, in GPM Upward Flow, in GPM I I I I I 'I I I I l� I - E -360 E I 1 I I 1 I• I I I I I 410 ABMW-7BRLL FLASH ABMW-7BRLL FLASH R ... It, and Individual Hydraulic Ap— ... Val... Noes: 1. Following a logarithmic sensitivity analysis of [he FIASH model [a o dios of influence, a conservative value of 3000 fe feet was i used. 2. Objective function, F, for model intmean squared error (MSE) between interpreted and predicted Flow prof les and the sum of squared differences (Ah) Ah) between een the borehole's water level and far-Fle10 heads. Model objective is to roinirnize F; therefore, a value closer to zero indicates. better fit. 3. Model was run until no more Iterations produced changes In output. 4. FLASH Software: Day -Levels, F.D., Ichnson, C. D., Palllet, F.L., and Halford, K.J, 2011, FLASH: A Computer Program for Flow -Log Analysis of Single Holes v1.0: U.S. Geological Survey Software Release, 07 March 2011, 5. FLASH Report: Day -Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C. D., Paillet, F.L., and Halford. K.J., 2011, A computer program for Flow -log analysis of single hales (FLASH): Ground Water, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1745-6584.2011.00798.. 6. Highlighted cells indicate Flow levels that do not have any observed open factures and did not contribute to total transmissivity. These depth intervals were not used for fracture spacing versus depth below top of rock figure because It is assumed that there are no fractures in these intervals. Total Transmissivity Calculated from Thiem Equation Q (ym) Q (ft3/day) D—do—, 5 (ft) Ro (ft) R„ (in) R„, (ft) TTOTu (ft3/tlay) 1 192.5 1.8 1000 3 0.250 141.1] FLASH Total T and Fit Parameters Noes: 1. Following a logarithmic sensitivity analysis of [he FIASH model [a o dios of influence, a conservative value of 3000 fe feet was i used. 2. Objective function, F, for model intmean squared error (MSE) between interpreted and predicted Flow prof les and the sum of squared differences (Ah) Ah) between een the borehole's water level and far-Fle10 heads. Model objective is to roinirnize F; therefore, a value closer to zero indicates. better fit. 3. Model was run until no more Iterations produced changes In output. 4. FLASH Software: Day -Levels, F.D., Ichnson, C. D., Palllet, F.L., and Halford, K.J, 2011, FLASH: A Computer Program for Flow -Log Analysis of Single Holes v1.0: U.S. Geological Survey Software Release, 07 March 2011, 5. FLASH Report: Day -Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C. D., Paillet, F.L., and Halford. K.J., 2011, A computer program for Flow -log analysis of single hales (FLASH): Ground Water, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1745-6584.2011.00798.. 6. Highlighted cells indicate Flow levels that do not have any observed open factures and did not contribute to total transmissivity. These depth intervals were not used for fracture spacing versus depth below top of rock figure because It is assumed that there are no fractures in these intervals. Total Transmissivity Calculated from Thiem Equation Q (ym) Q (ft3/day) D—do—, 5 (ft) Ro (ft) R„ (in) R„, (ft) TTOTu (ft3/tlay) 1 192.5 1.8 1000 3 0.250 141.1] FLASH Total T and Fit Parameters Radius of To—oniasivuy, Influence, & TT— MSE Ah F (ft) (W/Gay) 1000 92.45 J.96E-04 5.04E-02 8.01E-04 Slu Test Information - Com leted Well Screen Interval Screen Interval Mid -Point of screen Transmissivi,y Hydraulic Aperture Hydraulic ft b s R BTOR interval ft2 tla ContluRivit 3J0-385 385 29] 290 ]3.40 0.24 4.89 B weunam.. Roxboro MW-01BRL Elevation of measuring point [FT] 0 Number of Flow zones[-] 11 Well diameter [IN] 6 Drawdown [FT] 5.70 Depth to ambient water level [FT] 52.9 Depth at bottom of casing [FT] 110.1 Depth at bottom of well [FT] 220 Radius of influence (Re) [FT] 1000.0 Total tmnsmissivity (Tew) [FT'/day] 19,17 Flow above layer bottom depths Bottom Depth [FT[ Ambient [GPM] Stressed [G 1 Solver n E511m ele Tlanan11WIlly n Esgmale ROI O Solve without Regularization C' Solvewlth Requ Mrization ABS(Ah) maximum 5.00E+00 Regularization weight 1.00E-04 Tfanormmimvm[-[ 1.00E-09 Ah [FT] Farfield Mad ��� 11• 111� MSE [GPMI 1.666462E-04 Ambient W L [FT] -52.90 Pumped WL[FT] -58.60 FRACTURES: 11 1a Depth Sum Tyr 1.000 Sum dhA2 0.0332706247072 Estimated Ttotal[FT''/day] 19.174 Re0ulerized Misfit 0.00 Ambient Stressed Ambient Stressed Flow above Flow above Eno Eno Zone T Fra Ion f..I • 11 1 11 � 1 11 I 1 111 1 1 111 I111� 111: ®"1' 111 1 1� 111 11 1111 1111 111 1 1� 1111 11 1111 1111 1111 11 111 I111� 11 Ambient Flow Profile Pumped Flow Profile Upward Flow, in GPM Upward Flow, In GPM 1. II • 2 211 MW-018RL FIASH a o Total TransmissivityCalculatetl from Thiem Equation Q (BPm) Q (ft2/daY) D—down, s (ft) Re (ft) R„ (In) R. (ft) Trorac (R2/daY) 1.1 211.7 .7 1000 .2 4 4 FLASH Total T and Fit Parson — Radius"" Transmissivity, InflYence, R. T— MSE Ah F (R) 2/day) 1000 19.1] 1.6JE-04 3.32E-02 1.]OE-04 Slu Test Information - Com hated well Screen Interval Screen Interval Mid -point Of screen Transmissivity Hydraulic Aperture Hydraulic Conductivity b s R BTOR interval RZ tla R tla 201---- 2116 1J1 169 23.10 0.26 1.64 Notea: 1. Following a logarithmic sensitivity analysis of the FLASH model to adios of influence, a conservative value of 3000 feet was used. 2. objective function, F, for model incoporates mean squared error (MSE) between Interpreted and predicted flow profiles and the sum of squared differences (Ah) between the borehole', water level and far-feld heads. Model objective is to minimize F; therefore, a value closer to zero indicates a better fit. 3. Model was run until no more Iterations produced changes In output. 4. FLASH Software: Day -Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C. D., Paillet, F.L., and Halford, K.J, 2011, FLASH: A Computer Program for Flow -Log Analysis of Single Holes v1.0: U.S. Geologlcal Survey Software Release, 07 March 2011, https://dz.dol.orq110.5066/F7319SZC. 5. FLASH Report: Day -Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C. D., Paillet, F.L., and Halford, K.J., 2011, A computer program for Flow -log analysis of single holes (FLASH): Ground Water, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1745-6584.2011.00798., 6. Highlighted cells Indicate flow levels that do not have any observed open factures and did not contribute to total transmisslvity. These depth Intervals were not used for fracture spacing versus depth below top of rock figure because it is assumed that there are no factures in these intervals. writ e.... Roxboro MW-108BRL Elevation of measuring point [FT] 0 Number of Flow zones[-] 10 Well diameter [IN] 6 Dmwdown [FT] 2.80 Depth to ambient water level [FT] 38.4 Depth at bottom of casing [FT] 102.1 Depth at bottom of well [FT] 199.6 Radius of influence (Ro) [FT] 1000.0 Total tmnsmissivity (Tew) [FT'/day] 36.21 Flow above layer bottom depths Bottom Depth [FT] Ambient [GPM] Stressed 105.7 0.0075 0.30 [-0' Esllm ale TlanSn11WIll I n EsBmele ROI 1 O S01 ra whhout ReguMrizafion C' Solvewltll Requ MRZa0on ABS(Ah) maximum 5.00E+00 Regularization weight 1.007 04 Tf.-minimum[-] 1.00E-09 Ah rFTI Farfield Mad ��� 111 111 ��� 111 111 ��� 111 111 ��� 111 111 �� I II• 11 11 �� 111. 11 11 MSE [GPMr] 1.002007E-03 Ambient W L [FT] -38.40 Pumped WL[FT] -01.20 FRACTURES: 10 Sum Tyr 1.000 Sum AM2 0.0870851495800 Estimated Ttotal[FT'/day] 36.206 Regularized mifiti 0.00 Ambient Stressed Ambient Stressed Depth Flow above Flow above Error Error Zone FraVU.n oftdal [FT] [GPM] [GPM] [GPM] [GPM] [FT•Iday] trarsmtsslvhy 111 1�1 111 11�• 1111 1111 111 1�1 111 I1�• 1111 1111 11 � 111• 1 I1 1111 1111 11 � 111• I111�� 1111 111• 11 I111� 11 Ambient Flow Profile Pumped Flow Profile OIT Upward Flow, in GPM oil Upward Flow, In GPM 1 E p _ 1 G 1 1 I • 200 MW-1086RL FLASH TIM 1. Following a logarithmic sensitivityanalysis of the FLASH model to radius of influence, a conservative value of 1000 feet was used. 2. Objective function, F, for model intes mean squared error (MSE) between interpreted and predicted Flow profiles and the sum of squared differences (Ah) Ah) between the borewater level and far-Fle10 heads. Model objective Is to 'ze F; therefore, a value closer [,zero indicates a bettertter fit. fit. 3. Model was run until no more lmratlons Produced changes in output. 4. FLASH Software: Day -Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C. D., Pallet, F.L., and Halford, K.J, 2011, FLm ASH: A Computer Prom grafor Flow -Log Analysis of Single Holes v1.0: U.S. Geological Survey Software Release, 07 March 2011, httDs://dx.dol.om/10.5066/F7319SZC. 5. FLASH Report: Day -Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C. D., Paillet, F.L., and Halford, K.J., 2011, A computer program for Flow -log analysis of single holes (FLASH): Ground Water, hUPs://dx.dol.org/10.1111/j.1745-6584.2011.00798.. 6. Highlighted cells Indicate Flow levels that do not have any observed open factures and did not contribute to total [ra.—issivity. These depth intervals were not used far fracture spacing versus depth below top of rock figure because it Is assumed that there are no fractures in these Intervals. Total Transmisslvlty Calculated from Thiem Equation Q (9Prn) Q (ft3/day) Drawdown, s (ft) R. (ft) R„ (in) R.(ft) T-TAL (ft'/day) 1 192.5 2.8 1000 3 0.2501 90.15 FLASH Total T and Fit Parameters Radius of Transmissivity, Influence, Ra TT MSE Ah F (ft) (R3/day) 3000 36.21 1.00E-03 8.]IE-02 1.01E-03 S1.9 Test Information - Completed in O en Borehole Screen Interval Screen Interval IftTOR Mid -point of screen interval Tmmaonissivity R2 da Hytlraulic Aperture Hytlraulic C nduct' ' R da 145-158 158 1330 127 0.46 0.07 3.54E-02 176-189 176 164 168 0.19 0.06 1.42E-02 Slug Test Information - Completed Well Screen Interval Screen Interval Mld-point of screen Transmisslvlty Hydraulic Aperture Hydraulic (ft, bgs) (R .TOR) interval (ft2/tlay) (mm) Contluc[ivity (R/tlay) 146-156 141 121 126 41.30 0.31 4.13 156 FLASH - Flow Log Analysis of Single Holes REQUIRED Weuname. Roxboro MW-108BRLL NPUT: Elevation of measuring point [FT] 0 tun Solver C' ESIIM ale Trallsmisslvlly Number of Flow zones [-] 20 0Esumale ROl Well diameter [IN] 6 Drawdown [FT] 19.50 Depth to ambient water level[FT] 59 O Solve without RegUMrlZatlon Depth at bottom of casing [FT] 228.9 Depth at bottom of well [FT] 429.9 C' Solvewltll RequMRzatlon Radius of influence (Re) [FT] 1000.0 Total tmnsmissivity (Taw) [FT'/day] 5.17 ABS(Ah) maximum 5.00E+00 s Regularization weight 1.00E-04 Tfanor minimum[-] 1.00E-09 Flow above layer bottom depths FRACTURES Bottom Depth [FT1 Ambient [GPM] Stressed [GPM] Tfactor [FT -ID] Ah [FT] Farfield Mad [FT1 2a 236 0.0057 0.3972 0.00 0.00 -59.00 19 18 17 16 is 14 13 12 11 10 246 0.0102 0.3972 0.00 0.00 -59.00 256 0.0000 0.3972 0.06 0.00 -59.06 266 0.0000 0.3742 0.13 0.01 -58.99 276 0.0082 0.2880 0.00 0.00 -59.06 286 0.0000 0.3535 0.03 0.00 -59.00 296 0.0066 0.3022 0.00 0.00 -59.06 306 -0.0047 0.3177 0.31 0.03 -58.97 316 -0.0071 0.1865 0.11 0.01 -58.99 326 -0.0052 0.1429 0.13 0.01 -58.99 336 -0.0048 0.0527 0.00 0.00 -59.00 346 0.0041 0.0863 0.00 0.00 -59.06 356 0.0041 0.0835 0.00 0.00 -59.00 366 0.0041 0.1177 0.00 0.00 -59.06 376 0.0040 0.0894 0.00 0.00 -59.00 385 0.0041 0.0822 0.00 0.00 -59.06 395 0.0041 0.1151 0.20 0.03 -58.97 406 0.0065 0.0088 0.01 0.00 -59.00 416 0.0106 0.0000 0.00 0.00 -59.00 426 0.0077 0.0067 0.01 0.00 -59.00 Ambient Flow Profile Pumped Flow Profile Upward Flow, in GPM Upward Flow, In GPM o-a iso o�so MSE [G PMrJ 1.464401E-04 Sum Ta�mr 1.G00 Sum Ah^2 0.0023a73802380 4 Ambient W L [FT] Estimated Ttotal [FT'/day] 5.171 Regularized Misfit 0.00 Pumped WL[FT] _59.00 78.50 Ambient Stressed Ambient Stressed Depth Flow above Flow above Error Error Zone T Fraction of..l FRACTURES: [FT] [GPM] [GPM] [GPM] [GPM] [FT'/day] tratrsmisslvlly 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 1. 236.04 0.000 0.397 0.005 0.000 0.0011 0.000 245.79 0.000 0.397 0.010 0.000 0.000 0.000 256.26 0.000 0.397 0.000 0.000 0.299 0.058 266.20 0.000 0.374 0.000 0.000 0.697 0.135 276.04 0.000 0.321 0.008 -0.033 0.000 0.000 286.03 0.000 0.321 0.000 0.033 0.140 0.027 296.09 0.000 0.310 0.006 -0.008 0.000 0.000 305.90 0.000 0.310 -0.005 0.008 1.607 0.311 316.11 0.000 0.186 -0.007 0.000 0.567 0.110 326.13 0.000 0.143 -0.005 0.000 0.695 0.134 336.23 0.000 0.090 -0.005 -0.037 0.000 0.000 345.94 0.000 0.090 0.004 -0.003 0.000 0.006 356.20 0.000 0.090 0.004 -0.006 0.000 0.000 366.12 0.000 0.090 0.004 0.028 0.000 0.006 376.05 0.000 0.090 0.004 0.000 0.000 0.000 385.47 0.000 0.090 0.004 -0.007 0.000 0.006 395.13 0.000 0.090 0.004 0.026 1.051 0.203 406.04 0.000 0.009 0.007 0.000 0.071 0.014 415.85 0.000 0.003 0.011 -0.003 0.000 0.000 426.05 0.000 0.003 0.008 0.003 0.043 0.008 Notes: MW-1086RLL FLASH MW-108BRLL FLASH R ... It, and Individual Hydraulic Apart... Val... �®p 1 Notes: 1. Following a logarithmic sensitivity analysis of the FLASH model to radius of Influence, a conservative value of 1000 feet was used. 2. Objective function, F, for model Incoporates mean squared error (MSE) between Interpreted and predicted Flow profiles and the sum of squared differences (6h) between the borehole', water level and far -field heads. Model objective is to — F; therefore, a value Closer to Zero indicates a better fit. 3. Model was run until no more Iterations produced changes In output. 4. FLASH Software: Day -Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C. D., Palllet, F.L., and Halford, K.J, 2011, FLASH: A Computer Program for Flow -Log Analysis of Single Holes v1.0: U.S. Geological Survey Software Release, 07 March 2011, 5. FLASH Report: Day -Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C. D., Palllet, F.L., antl Halford, K.J., 2011, A computer program for Flow -log analysis of single hales (FLASH): Ground Water, hdps://d,.doi.org/10.1111/J.1745-6584.20ll.00798., 6. Highlighted cells indicate Flow levels that do not have any observed open fractures and did not contribute to total transmisslvity. These depth Intervals were not used for fracture spacing versus depth below top of rock figure because It i, assumed that there are no fractures in these intervals. Total Transmisslvlty Calculated from Thlem Equation Q (gpm) Q (ft'/day) Drawdown, s (it) R. (it) R. (in) Rw (ft) T_ (ft/day) 1 192 5 19.5 1000 I3 0 250 13 03 FLASH Total T and Fit Parameters Radius of Transmisslvlty, Influence, R. TT-. MSE Ah F (ft) (ft'/day) 1000 5.1) 1.46E-04 2.34E-03 1.47E-04 Slu Test Information -Com letee In O en Borehole Screen Interval b s Screen Interval ft BTOR Mitl-point of screen Interval Transmisslvlty ft2 ea Hytlraulic Aperture mm Hydraulic C nductivlt 392-405 374 0.07 0.04 5.02E-03 405 380 Slu Test Information - Completed Well Screen Interval (ft, bgs) Screen Interval (R BTOR) Mld-point of screen interval Transmisslvlty (ft2/Gay) Hydraullc Aperture (mm) Hydraullc Co(rid—wintl day)ty 393-403 373 33.90 0.07 0.03 403 3J8 weunam.. Roxboro MW-205BRL Elevation of measuring point [FT] 0 Number of Flow zones[-] 6 Well diameter [IN] 6 Dmwdown [FT] 1.30 Depth to ambient water level [FT] 42.6 Depth at bottom of casing [FT] 116 Depth at bottom of well [FT] 172.5 Radius of influence (Ro) [FT] 1000.0 Total tmnsmissivity (Tew) [FT'/day] 85.19 Flow above layer bottom doptbe Bottom Deem IFTI Ambient rGPMI Stressed [-0' Esllm ale TlanSnl1 WIll I n Esllmale ROI 1 O S01 ra whhout Reg"'..zatlon C' SolvewI111 Requ MRZa0on ABS(Ah) maximum 5.00E+00 Regularization weight 1.00E-04 Tf.-mmimam[-] 1.00E-09 Ah rFTI Farfield Mad I II � 111 111 I I I � 111 111 ®" 111• I I 11 11 MSE [GPMr] 2.160297E-04 Ambient W L [FT] -02.60 Pumped WL[FT] -03.90 Depth FRACTURES: [FT] Sum Tyr 1.000 Sum AM2 0.0106111423979 Estimated Ttotal[FT'/day] 85.193 Regularized Mlfltj 0.00 Ambient Stressed Ambient Stressed Flow above Flow above Error Error Zone T FraVU.n oft.1al [GPM] [GPM] [GPM] [GPM] [FT•Iday] trarsmisslvhy ® 111•� 111 I11• 1111 1111 ®'" 111 11 111� I111� 11 Ambient Flow Profile Pumped Flow Profile Upward Flow, in GPM Upward Flow, In GPM 31 • I 1 1 MW-205BRL FLASH MW-205BRL FLASH R ... It, ad Individual Hydraulic Apart... Val... a Notes: 1. Following a logedthrale sensitivity analysis of the FLASH model to radius of Influence, a conservative value of 1000 feet was used. 2. Objective function, F, for model Incoporates mean squared error (MSE) between Interpreted and predicted flow profiles and the sum of squared differences (6h) between the borehole's water level and far -field heads. Model objective is to minimize F; therefore, a value closer to zero Indicates a better fit. 3. Model was run until no more iterations produced changes in output. 4. FLASH Software: Day -Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C. D., Paillet, F.L., and Halford, K.J, 2011, FLASH: A Computer Program for Flow -Log Analysis of Single Holes v1.0: O.S. Geological Survey Software Release, 07 March 2011, 5. FLASH Report: Day -Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C. 0., Paillet, F.L., and Halford, K.l., 2011, A computer program for Flow -log analysis of single hales (FLASH): Ground Water, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1745-6584.2011.00798., 6. Highlighted cells indicate Flow levels that do not have any observed open fractures and did not contribute to total trans misslvity. These depth Intervals were not used for fracture spacing versus depth below top of rock figure because It is assumed that there are no fractures in these intervals. Average 0.26 Total Transmissivity Calculated from Thiem Equation FLASH Total T and Fit parameters Radius of Transmissivity, Influence, R. Tr— MSE Ah F 100g 85.19 2.16E-04 1.06E-02 2.17E-04 sill Test Information - Com letee well Screen Interval Screen Interval Mid -point of screen Transmissivity Hytlraulic Aperture Hytlrauli< as.) it BTOR interval ft2 ea C nductivit 160-170 SJ0 141 136 86.00 0.27 8.60 weunam.. Roxboro MW-2056RLL Elevation of measuring point [FT] 0 Number of Flow zones[-] 6 Well diameter [IN] 5.8 Dmwdown [FT] 2.10 Depth to ambient water level [FT] 44.1 Depth at bottom of casing [FT] 199.7 Depth at bottom of well [FT] 260.4 Radius of influence (Ro) [FT] 1000.0 Total tmnsmissivity (Tew) [FT'/day] 58.65 Flow above layer bottom depths Bottom DePlh [FT[ Ambient [GPM] Stressed [C 205 0.0000 0.4834 [-0' Esllm ale Tlenan11WIll I n Esllmale ROI 1 O S01 ra whhout ReguMrizafion C' SolvewI111 Requ Mriza0on ABS(Ah) maximum 5.00E+00 Regularization weight 1.00E-04 Tf.-minimum[-[ 1.00E-09 Ah rFTI Farfield head MSE [GPMrJ 1.310228E-05 Sum Tye, 1.000 Sum AhA2 0.0724008a039a7 Ambient W L [FT] -04.10 Estimated Ttotal [FT'/day] 58.645 Regularizod Misfit 0.00 Pumped WL[FT] -06.20 Ambient Stressed Ambient Stressed Depth Flow above Flow above Error Error Zone T Fraction of..I FRACTURES: [FT] [GPM] [GPM] [GPM] [GPM] [FT-Iday] transmissivily ® 1 11 � 1 11 1111 111 11 111• 111 1111 1111 ® 111 11 111: I11 � 11 Ambient Flow Profile Pumped Flow Profile OT Upward Flow, in GPM Upward Flow, In GPM I i I 1 ' MW-2056RLL FLASH ®_____ 3T No[ea: fe Following a logarithmic sensitivity analysis of [he FL45H model [o adios of influence, a conservative value of 3000 feet was used. 2. Objective function, for model i between mean squared error (MSE) between interpreted and predicted Flow profiles and the sum of squaredd differences (Ah) (Ah) between the borehole', water level and far-Fle10 heads. Model objective Is to minima, F; therefore, a value closer to zero indicates a better fit. 3. Model was run until no m m Iteatlons produced changes in output. 4. FLASH Software: Day -Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C. D., Paillet, F.L., and Halford, K.J, 2011, FLASH: A Computer Prora gm for Flow -Log Analysis of Single Holes v1.0: U.S. Geological Survey Software Release, 07 March 2011, 5. FLASH Report: Day -Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C. D., Paillet, F.L., and Halford, K.J., 2011, A computer program for Flow -log analysis of single hales (FLASH): Ground Water, https://tlx.doi.org/10.1111/J.1745-6584.2011.00798.. 6. Highlighted cells Indicate Flow levels that do not have any observed open factures and did not contilbute to total transinwivity. These depth intervals were not used for fracture spacing versus depth below top of rock figure because it Is assumed that there are no fractures In these Intervals. Average 0.26 Total Transmissivity Calculated from That, Equation Q (gpm) Q (ft'/day) Drawtlown, s (ft) Re (fit) R. (in) Rw (ft) TT . (ft'/day) 1 192 5 2 1 1000 2 9 0 242 121 50 FLASH Total T and Fit parameters 3T No[ea: fe Following a logarithmic sensitivity analysis of [he FL45H model [o adios of influence, a conservative value of 3000 feet was used. 2. Objective function, for model i between mean squared error (MSE) between interpreted and predicted Flow profiles and the sum of squaredd differences (Ah) (Ah) between the borehole', water level and far-Fle10 heads. Model objective Is to minima, F; therefore, a value closer to zero indicates a better fit. 3. Model was run until no m m Iteatlons produced changes in output. 4. FLASH Software: Day -Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C. D., Paillet, F.L., and Halford, K.J, 2011, FLASH: A Computer Prora gm for Flow -Log Analysis of Single Holes v1.0: U.S. Geological Survey Software Release, 07 March 2011, 5. FLASH Report: Day -Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C. D., Paillet, F.L., and Halford, K.J., 2011, A computer program for Flow -log analysis of single hales (FLASH): Ground Water, https://tlx.doi.org/10.1111/J.1745-6584.2011.00798.. 6. Highlighted cells Indicate Flow levels that do not have any observed open factures and did not contilbute to total transinwivity. These depth intervals were not used for fracture spacing versus depth below top of rock figure because it Is assumed that there are no fractures In these Intervals. Average 0.26 Total Transmissivity Calculated from That, Equation Q (gpm) Q (ft'/day) Drawtlown, s (ft) Re (fit) R. (in) Rw (ft) TT . (ft'/day) 1 192 5 2 1 1000 2 9 0 242 121 50 FLASH Total T and Fit parameters Radius of Transmisslvlty, Influence, R. TTa MSE Oh F (ft) (ft'/day) 1000 58.65 1.31E-OS 1.24E-02 1.43E-OS slu Teat Ioformanon - Com leted wall Screen Interval Screen Interval Mid -point of screen Transmissivity Hytlraulic Aperture Hytl r.or I.BT 0. Interval ft2 da C ndueth it 221-211 231 202 19] 51.20 0.25 5.12 weunam.. Roxboro MW-205BRLLL Elevation of measuring point [FT] 0 Number of Flow zones[-] 15 Well diameter [IN] 6 Drawdown [FT] 22.50 Depth to ambient water level [FT] 46.3 Depth at bottom of casing [FT] 299 Depth at bottom of well [FT] 446.5 Radius of influence (Ra) [FT] 1000.0 Total tmnsmissivity (Tew) [FT'/day] 0,93 Flow above layer bottom depths Bottom Depth [FT[ Ambient [GPM] Stressed [G [-0' Esllm ele TlanSn11HIl" I n Estimate ROI 1 O Solve whhout Regula112ation C' Solvewlth Requ MRZetlon ABS(Ah) maximum 5.00E+00 Regularization weight 1.00E-04 Tfanor mlaimam[-] 1.00E-09 Ah rFTI Farfield Mad ��� 11• 111 ��� 11• 111 MSE [GPMI 8.246044E-06 Ambient W L [FT] -06.30 Pumped WL[FT] -68.80 FRACTURES: 11 14 13 12 11 10 Depth Sum Tye, 1.000 Sum dhA2 0.0000073511219 Estimated Ttotal[FTa/day] 0.928 Regularized Misfit 0.00 Ambient Stressed Ambient Stressed Flow above Flow above Error Error Zone T Fraction of..I 1111 11• 1111 111: 1111 1111 1111 11• 1111 I11 1 I:� 1111 11 1111 I11 11: 11:• 1111 11� 1111 I111 11 11 1111 11 • 1111 1II 1111 1111 1 111 1 1 1 111 1111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1111 1 111 1 111 Ambient Flow Profile Pumped Flow Profile Upward Flow, in GPM Upward Flow, in GPM S a a • MW-2056RLLL FLASH MW-205BRLLL FLASH R ... It, and Individual Hydraulic Apart ... Val... a TIM 1. Following a logarithmic sensitivity analysis of the FLASH model to radius of Influence, a conservative value of 1000 feet was used. 2. Objective function, F, for model Incoporates mean squared error (MSE) between Interpreted and predicted flow profiles and the sum of squared differences (dh) between the borehole', water level and far -field heads. Model objective is to minimize F; therefore, a value closer to zero indicates a better fit. 3. Model was run until no more Iterations produced changes In output. 4. FLASH Software: Day -Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C. D., Paillet, F.L., and Halbert, K.1, 2011, FLASH: A Computer Program for Flow -Log Analysis of Single Holes vl.o: L.I. Geological Survey Software Release, 01 March 1111, 6. FLASH Report: Day -Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C. D., Paillet, F.L., and Halford, K.3., 2011, A computer program for flow -log analysis of single hales (FLASH): Ground Water, https://d,.doi.org/10.1111/j.1745-6584.2011.00798., 6. Highlighted cells indicate Flow levels that do not have any observed .pen fractures and did not contribute to total transmissivity. These depth intervals were not used for fracture spacing versus depth below top of rock figure because It is assumed that there are no fractures in these intervals. Total Transmissivity Calculated from Thiem Equation IF Q (gpm) Q (ft2/day) Drawdown, s (ft) Re (ft) R. (In) P. (R) Tr_, 1.13 (fychay) 0.1 19.11 22.5 1000 3 0.250 FLASH Total T and Fit Parameters Radius of Transmissivity, Influence, Re TT MSE Ah F (R) (ft2/day) 3000 0.93 8.25E-06 ].35E-06 8.25E-06 Slu Test Information - Com letetl In Op en Borehole Screen Interval Screen Interval Mid -point of screen Transmissivity Hydraulic Aperture HYtlraulic (R, bgs) (R BTOR) Interval (ft2/day) (mno Cond"b" Y ft/da 403-416 381 1.81 O.O7 1.39E-01 4/6 38] Slu Test Information - Com feted Well Screen Interval Screen Interval Mid -point of screen Transmissivity Hydraulic Aperture HYtlraulic (ft, bgs) (ft BTOR) interval (ft2/day) (mm) Conductivity ft/tla 400-415 400 386 379 10.90 0.13 0.]3 weuname. Roxboro MW-2086RL Elevation of measuring point [FT] 0 Number of Flow zones[-] 10 Well diameter [IN] 6 Drawdown [FT] 24.80 Depth to ambient water level [FT] 12.2 Depth at bottom of casing [FT] 99.8 Depth at bottom of well [FT] 169.1 Radius of influence (Ra) [FT] 1000.0 Total tmnsmissivity (Tew) [FT'/day] 2.17 Flow above layer bottom depths Bottom Depth [FT[ Ambient [GPM] Stressed [G Esllm ale TranSm155," I Estimate ROI 1 O Solve whhout Regulallzation C' Solvewlth Requ MRZetlon ABS(Ah) maximum 5.00E+00 Regularization weight 1.00E-04 Tfanormmimam[-) 1.00E-09 Ah rFTI Farfield Mad ��� 11• 11 MSE [GPMaJ 1.330429E-03 Ambient W L [FT] -12.20 Pumped WL[FT] -37.00 FRACTURES: 10 Depth Sum Tyr 1.000 Sum AhA2 0.0786456536136 Estimated Ttotal[FTa/day] 2.174 Regulerized Misfit 0.00 Ambient Stressed Ambient Stressed Flow above Flow above Error Error Zone T Fraction of..I 1 11 � 1 11 1 1 1 111 1 111 111 � 111: I I • 1111 1111 1111 11.• 111: 111 1111 1111 1111 11.• 11 • I11.� ®' 1111 111• 111. I111 11.• 111 Ambient Flow Profile Pumped Flow Profile Upward Flow, in GPM Upward Flow, In GPM 1 I , ll , 1 I r MW-2086RL FLASH MW-208BRL FLASH R ... It, and Individual Hydraulic Ap—... Val... 0��®i•oit��� i a 0�m No[ea: 1. Following a logarithmic sensitivity analysis of the FL45H model [o adios of influence, a conservative value of 1000 feet was used. 2. Objective function, F, for model incoporates mean squared error (MSE) between interpreted and predicted Flow profles and the sum of squared differences (An) between the borehole's water level and far -field heads. Model objective is to minimize F; therefore, a value closer to zero indicates a better fit. 3. Model was run until no more iterations produced changes in output. 4. FLASH Software: Day -Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C. D., Palllet, F.L., and Halford, K.J, 2011, FLASH: A Computer Program for Flow -Log Analysis of Single Holes v1.0: U.S. Geological Survey Software Release, 07 March 2011, 5. FLASH Report: Day -Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C. D., Paillet, F.L., and Halford, K.J., 2011, A computer program for Flow -log analysis of single holes (FLASH): Ground Water, hUps://dx.dol.org/10,1111/j.1745-6584.2011.00798.x 6. Highlighted cells Indicate flow levels that do not have any observed open fractures antl dId not contribute to total transmissivity. These depth intervals were not used for fracture spacing versus depth below top of rock fgum because it Is assumed that there are no fractures In these Intervals. Total Tm—ml-ivlty Calculated from Thom Equation Q (gprn) Q (R3/daY) Drawdo11 s (ft) R. (ft) R. (in) R. (ft) TrorAc 0.9 1]3.25 24.8 1000 3 0.250 9.22 FLASH Total T and Fit Parameters Radius of Transm(saillty, Influence, R. Tr— MSE Ah F (ft) (ft'/day) 1000 2.IJ 1.33E-03 1.86E-02 1.33E-03 Sh Test Information - Completed well Screen Interval Screen Interval Mitl-point of screen Transmissivi[y Hydraulic Aperture Hydraulic (tt, bgs) (R BTOR) Interval (R2/day) (mm) ContluRivity (ft/eav) 1631 1114 163-1fi3 109 1.60 0.O7 O.'h -1... Roxboro MW-208BRLL Elevation of measuring point [FT] 0 Number of Flow zones[-] 9 Well diameter [IN] 5.8 Dmwdown [FT] 3.20 Depth to ambient water level [FT] 12.6 Depth at bottom of casing [FT] 199.4 Depth at bottom of well [FT] 262.4 Radius of influence (Ro) [FT] 1000.0 Total tmnsmissivity (Tew) [FT'/day] 52.39 Flow above layer bottom depths Bottom Depth [FT[ Ambient [GPM] Stressed [G 201 0.0064 0.6636 [-0' Esllm ale TlenSn11WIll I n Estimate ROI 1 O S01 ra whhout Regult". anon C' SolvewI111 Requ Mriza0on ABS(Ah) maximum 5.00E+00 Regularization weight 1.00E-04 Tf.-minimum[-) 1.00E-09 Ah rFTI Farfield Mad MSE [GPMI 2.443480E-05 Sum Tye, 1.000 Sum AhA2 0.008T7352803T8 Ambient W L [FT] -12.60 Estimated Ttotal [FT'/day] 62.387 Regularizod Misfit 0.00 Pumped WL[FT] -15.80 Ambient Stressed Ambient Stressed Depth Flow above Flow above Error Error Zone T Fraction of..I FRACTURES: [FT] [GPM] [GPM] [GPM] [GPM] [FT -may] transmissivily 11 111 � 111 1II• 1111 1111 11 1111 11 • 111: I111� 111 ®" 1 1 111 1 11 1 11 1111 1 111 1 111 • 11 1 111 1 11 1 11 1111 1 111 1 111 Ambient Flow Profile Pumped Flow Profile OT Upward Flow, in GPM Upward Flow, in GPM • 1I T f 1 1 • MW-2086RLL FLASH MW-208BRLL FLASH R ... It, and I,dilid,li Hydraulic Apart ... Val... �®OIL j FLOW 11.11.11E. FLOW a TIM 1. Following a logarithmic sensitivity analysis of [he FLASH model [o adios of influence, a conservative value of 3000 feet was used. 2. Objective function, F, for model Incoporates mean squared error (MSE) between Interpreted and predicted Flow profiles and the sum of squared differences (An) between the borehole', water level and far -field heads. Model objective is to minim ize F: therefore, a value closer to zero indicates a better fit. 3. Model was run until no more iterations produced changes In output. 4. FLASH were: Day -Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C. D., Paillet, F.L., and Helfand, K.J, 2011, FLASH: A Computer Program for Flow -Log Analysis of Single Holes vl.o: U.S. Geological Survey Software Release, 07 March 2011, 5. FLASH Report: Day -Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C. D., Paillet, F.L., and Helfand, K.J., 2011, A computer program for Flow -log analysis of single hales (FLASH): Ground Water, hdp,://d,.doi..rg/10.1111/J. 1745-6584.2011.00798.x 6. Highlighted cells indicate Flow levels that do not have any observed open fractures and did not contribute to total transmisslvity. These depth Intervals were not used for fracture spacing versus depth below top of rock figure because It is assumed that there are no fractures in these intervals. Total Transmi-mity Calculated from Thiem Equation Q (gpm) ft3/tla Dr down, s (ft) Re (ft) Rw (In) R. (ft) T ft2/da 1 192 5 1 3 2 1 1000 2 9 0 242 79.73 FLASH Total T and Fit Parameters Radius of Transmissivity, Influence, Ro T_. MSE nh F (ft) (ft2/day) 3000 62.39 2.44E-OS 8.77E-03 2.53E-OS Slu Test Information-Com letetl Well Screen Interval Screen Interval Mid -Point of screen hansmissivity Hydraulic Aperture Hydraulic ftb s ft g R interval ft2 tla ConduRivit 223-233 233 223 174 "1 32.60 0.2 3.26 184 weuname. Roxboro MW-208BRLLL Elevation of measuring point [FT] 0 Numberofflowzones[-] 16 Well diameter [IN] 3 Drawdown [FT] 2020. Depth to ambient water level [FT] 12.8 Depth at bottom of casing [FT] 298 Depth at bottom of well [FT] 446.7 Radius of influence (Ra) [FT] 1000.0 Total tmnsmissivity (Taw) [FT'/day] 2.31 Flow above layer bottom depths Bottom Depth [FT[ Ambient [GPM] Stressed [G [-0' Esllm ale T1e11911111W," I n Estimate ROI 1 O Solve whhout Regula112ation C' Solvewlth Requ MRZetlon ABS(Ah) maximum 5.00E+00 Regularization weight 1.00E-04 Tfanormmimam[-) 1.00E-09 Ah rFTI Farfield Mad ��� 11• 111 ®�� 11• 111 MSE [GPMaJ 5.269368E-06 Ambient W L [FT] -12.80 Pumped WL[FT] -33.00 FRACTURES: 1a 15 14 13 12 11 10 Depth Sum Tyr 1.000 Sum AhA2 0.0000000248528 Estimated Ttotal[FTa/day] 2.310 Regularized Misfit 0.00 Ambient Stressed Ambient Stressed Flow above Flow above Error Error Zone T Fraction of..I 1 111 � 1 111 1111 �� 1111 11 1111 111 1111 1111 1.1 1111 11 • 1111 I111 11: 11 . 1111 11 1111 I11:� 1 I• 1 111 1 111 1 111 1111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1111 1 111 1 111 ®"" 1 111 1 111 1 111 1111 1 111 1 111 Ambient Flow Profile Pumped Flow Profile Upward Flow, in GPM Upward Flow, In GPM S a • • MW-2086RLLL FLASH MW-208BRLLL FLASH R ... It, and Individual Hydraulic Apart ... Val... JL JAL Jam. Ji m Motes: 1. Following a logarithmic sensitivity analysis of [he FL45H model [o adios of influence, a conservative value of 1000 feet was used. 2. Objective function, F, for model incoporates mean squared error (MSE) between interpreted and predicted Flow profiles and the sum of squared differences (Ah) between the borehole's water level and far -field heads. Model objective Is to minimise F; therefore, a value closer to zero indicates a better fit. 3. Model was run until no more Iterations produced changes In output. 4. FLASH Software: Day -Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C. D., Paillet, F.L., and Halford, K.J, 2011, FLASH: A Computer Program for Flow-Loq Analvsis of Single Holes v1.0: U.S. Geological Survey Software Release, 07 March 2011, 5. FLASH Report: Day -Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C. D., Paillet, F.L., and Halford, K.J., 2011, A computer program for Flow -log analysis of single holes (FLASH): Ground Water, h.ps://d..tloi.org/10.1111/j.1745-6584.2011.00798.. 6. Highlighted cells indicate Flow levels that do not have any observed open fractures and did not contribute to total transmisslvlty. These depth intervals were not used for fracture spacing versus depth below top of rock figure because It is assumed that there are no fractures in these intervals. Total Transmisslvi[y Calculated from Thlem Equation Q (gpm) Q (W/daY) Drawdown, s (ft) R. (ft) R„ (in) R„. (ft) TT.- (ftz/tlay) 0.9 1]3.25 20.2 1000 3 0.250 11,32 FLASH Total T and Fit parameters Radius of Transmlaslvlty, InFluence, Ro TToru MSE Ah F (ft) WNW 1000 2.31 5.27E-06 2.49E-OB 5.27E-06 Slua Test Information - Complete In O en Borehole Screen Interval Screen interval Mitl-point of screen Transmissivity Hydraulic Aperture Hydraulic (ft, bgs) (ft DIOR) interval (ft2/day) (mm) Cond.c ity (ft/say) 315 266 328 279 315-328 273 2.46 0.08 1.90E-01 371-384 322 329 0.50 0.07 3.63E-02 384 335 410-423 4230 374 368 0.30 0.05 7.46E-03 425-438 376 383 0.30 0.05 8.05E-03 438 389 Slu Test Information -Com leted Well Screen Interval Screen Interval Mid -point of screen Transmissivity Hydraulic Aperture HYtlraulic (fy bgs) (ft BTOR) interval (ft2/day) (mm) Conductivity fttla 372-382 1 328 9.96 0.2 0.996 382 333 FLASH - Flow Log Analysis of Single Holes REQUIRED Wellname: Roxboro MW-38BR INPUT: Elevation of measuring point [FT] 0 Number of flow zones[-] 10 Well diameter [IN] 6 Drawdown [FT] 24.20 Depth to ambient water level [FT] 21.2 Depth at bottom of casing [FT] 55 Depth at bottom of well [FT] 600 Radius of influence (Ro) [FT] 1000.0 Total transmissivity (Tevi) [F-2/day]j 0.19 Run Solver `• Eslimace 7-nnissivity Estimate ROI Solve without Regularization - Solve with Regularization ABS(Ah) maximum 5.00E+00 Regularization weight 1.00E-04 Tfactor minimum[-] 1.00E-09 Flow above layer bottom depths .S Bottom Depth [FT] Ambient [GPM] Stressed [GPM] Tfactor [FT2/D] Ah [FT] Fairfield head [FT] 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 66.12 0.01 0.02 0.27 0.00 -21.20 75.87 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.00 -21.20 85.90 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 -21.20 96.14 0.01 0.01 0.18 0.00 -21.20 106.03 0.00 0.01 0.51 0.01 -21.19 115.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -21.20 126.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -21.20 135.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -21.20 145.451 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -21.20 154.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -21.20 Ambient Flow Profile Upward Flow, in GPM -0.025 -0.015 -o.00s o.00s 0.015 0o25 MSE [.'.90.000 Sum Tfa�ar 1.000 Sum oh^2 0.00 Ambient WL [FT] -21.20 Estimated Ttotal [FTWay] 0.193 Regulanzed Misfit 0.00 soo Pumped WL I -45.40 Ambient Stressed Ambient Stressed Depth Flow above Flow above Error Error Zone T Fraction of total FRACTURES: [FT] [GPM] [GPM] [GPM] [GPM] [FT -/day] transmissivity 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Noles: 66.12 0.000 0.0181 0.010 0.000 0.052 0.268 75.87 0.000 0.013 0.009 0.000 0.008 0.042 85.90 0.000 0.013 0.013 0.000 0.000 0.000 96.14 0.000 0.013 0.011 0.000 0.035 0.182 106.03 0.000 0.009 0.000 0.000 0.098 0.507 115.93 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 126.09 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 135.43 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 145.45 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.881 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 soo 700 Pumped Flow Profile Upward Flow, in GPM -0.10 0.00 0.50 1.o0 0 200 1 �irz�s MW-38BR FLASH 0�0 am�m� a0�m am�m Total Transmissivity Calcula[etl from Thiem Equation Q (9Pm)I Q (ftt/day) Drawdown, s (ft) Re (flj Rw (In) Rw (R) Tr •u Rz/tla 01 1 19.25 1 24.2 1 1000 3 0.2so 1.05 FLASH Total Tame! Fit Parameters Radiusof Transmissivity, Influence, Ro T­ MSE 4h F (R) (R'/day) 3000 0.19 2.40E-OS 8.06E-05 2.40E-OS Rotes: 1. Following a logarithmic sensitivity analysis of the FLASH model to radius of Influence, a conservative value of 1000 feet was used 2. Objective function, F, for model incoporates mean squared error (MSE) between Interpreted and predicted flow profiles and the sum of squared differences (Oh) between the borehole's water level and far -field heads. Model objective is to minimize F; therefore, a value closer to are indicates a better fit. 3. Model was run until no more Iterations produced changes in output. 4. FLASH Software: Day -Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C. D„ Palllet, F.L., and Halford, K.J, 2011, FLASH: A Computer Program for Flow -Log Analysis of Single Holes v1.0: U.S. Geological Survey Software Release, 07 March 2011, https:Hdx.dol.org/10.5066/F7319SZC. S. FLASH Report: Day -Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C. D., Pa fillet, F.L., and Halford, K.J., 2011, A computer program for Flow -log analysis of single holes (FLASH): Ground Water, https://dx.tloi.org/10.1111/j.1745-6584.2011.00798.x 6. Highlighted cells indicate Flow levels that do not have any observed open fractures and did not contribute to total h-ansmissivity. These depth intervals were not used for fracture spacing versus depth below top of rock figure because It Is assumed that there are no fractures In these Intervals. Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant ATTACHMENT C GEOPHYSICAL LOGGING REPORT SynTerra Solutions 821 Livingston Court, Suite E Marietta, GA 30067 770.980.1002 Geophysical Logging Report ABMW-7 BRLL, MW-01 BRL, MW-108 BRL, MW-108 BRLL, MW-205 BRL, MW-205 BRLL, MW-205 BRLLL, MW-208 BRL, MW-208, BRLL, MW-208 BULL Roxboro Steam Electric Plant, Semora, North Carolina Performed for: SynTerra April 18, 2019 problem solved Geophysical Logging Report, ABMW-7 BRL, MW-01 BRL, MW-108 BRL, MW-108 BRILL, MW-205 BRL, MW-205, BRILL, MW-205 BRLLL, MW-208 BRL, MW-208 BRILL, MW-208 BRLLL Roxboro Steam Electric Plant, Semora, North Carolina TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page SignaturePage..................................................................................................................................ii ExecutiveSummary.........................................................................................................................iii 1.0 Introduction........................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 Equipment and Methodology................................................................................................ 1 2.1 Acoustic Televiewer...................................................................................................... 1 2.2 Optical Televiewer........................................................................................................ 2 2.3 3-Arm Caliper................................................................................................................ 2 2.4 Fluid Temperature........................................................................................................ 2 2.5 Fluid Conductivity......................................................................................................... 2 2.6 Single Point Resistance(SPR)........................................................................................ 3 2.7 Spontaneous Potential (SP).......................................................................................... 3 2.8 Heat Pulse Flowmeter(HPF)......................................................................................... 3 3.0 Field Procedures.................................................................................................................... 3 4.0 Data Processing and Results.................................................................................................. 5 Appendices Appendix 1 Fracture Summary Table Appendix 2 Schmidt Stereonets and Rose Diagrams Appendix 3 Heat Pulse Flowmeter Logs and Fracture Characteristics Appendix 4 Geophysical Logs problem solved Geophysical Logging Report, ABMW-7 BRL, MW-01 BRL, MW-108 BRL, MW-108 BRLL, April 18, 2019 MW-205 BRL, MW-205, BRLL, MW-205 BRLLL, MW-208 BRL, MW-208 BRLL, MW-208 BRLLL Page ii Roxboro Steam Electric Plant, Semora, North Carolina (synt00118) SIGNATURE PAGE This report, entitled "Geophysical Logging Report, ABMW-7 BRL, MW-01 BRL, MW-108 BRL, MW-108 BRLL, MW-205 BRL, MW-205, BRLL, MW-205 BRLLL, MW-208 BRL, MW-208 BRLL, MW-208 BRLLL, Roxboro Steam Electric Plant, Semora, North Carolina" has been prepared for SynTerra located in Greenville, South Carolina. It has been prepared under the supervision of Mr. Jorgen Bergstrom at the request of and the exclusive use of SynTerra. This report has been prepared in accordance with accepted quality control practices and has been reviewed by the undersigned. GEL Solutions. LLC A Member of the GEL Group, Inc. Jorgen Bergstrom, P.Gp. Senior Geophysicist Nicholas Rebman Geophysical Specialist April 18, 2019 Date problem solved Geophysical Logging Report, ABMW-7 BRL, MW-01 BRL, MW-108 BRL, MW-108 BRLL, April 18, 2019 MW-205 BRL, MW-205, BRLL, MW-205 BRLLL, MW-208 BRL, MW-208 BRLL, MW-208 BRLLL Page iii Roxboro Steam Electric Plant, Semora, North Carolina (synt00118) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY GEL Solutions performed geophysical borehole logging services in ten borings located at Roxboro Steam Electric Plant in Semora, North Carolina. The field investigations were performed between January 7, 2019 and January 17, 2019 during two separate mobilizations. This investigation was conducted to aid SynTerra in evaluating potential pathways for groundwater migration through fractured bedrock at the site. The geophysical logs consisted of acoustic televiewer, optical televiewer, caliper, fluid conductivity, fluid temperature, single point resistance (SPR), spontaneous potential (SP), and heat pulse flowmeter (HPF). The logging data was analyzed to determine the location and orientation of fractures and other features. In addition to these data sets, synthetic caliper logs were calculated from the acoustic televiewer travel time data to aid in the interpretation. Dip and azimuth (dip direction) were calculated for each detected fracture based on the televiewer dataset. HPF data was analyzed to detect water producing fractures. problem solved Geophysical Logging Report, ABMW-7 BRL, MW-01 BRL, MW-108 BRL, MW-108 BRLL, April 18, 2019 MW-205 BRL, MW-205, BRLL, MW-205 BRLLL, MW-208 BRL, MW-208 BRLL, MW-208 BRLLL Page 1 Roxboro Steam Electric Plant, Semora, North Carolina (synt00118) 1.0 INTRODUCTION GEL Solutions performed geophysical borehole logging services in ten borings located at Roxboro Steam Electric Plant in Semora, North Carolina. The geophysical logs consisted of acoustic and optical televiewer, 3- arm caliper, fluid conductivity, fluid temperature, single point resistance (SPR), spontaneous potential (SP), and heat pulse flowmeter (HPF). The field investigation was performed between January 7, 2019 and January 17, 2019. The logging data was analyzed to determine the location and orientation of fractures and other features. In addition to these data sets, synthetic caliper logs were calculated from the acoustic televiewer travel time data to aid in the interpretation. 2.0 EQUIPMENT AND METHODOLOGY The information below is an overview of the geophysical methodologies used for this investigation. The intent of this overview is to give the reader a better understanding of each method, and background information as to what is actually measured, the resolution of the method, and the limitations imposed by site -specific subsurface conditions. 2.1 Acoustic Televiewer Acoustic televiewer (ATV) logging produces a high resolution, magnetically oriented digital image of the borehole wall to map the location and orientation of intersecting fractures, foliations, and lithologic contacts. The Acoustic televiewer tool emits a rotating, narrow, acoustic beam that is reflected off the borehole wall. The travel time and amplitude of the reflected wave are recorded by the tool and used to create borehole images. Both datasets are useful for identifying the location and orientation of fractures. The amplitude of the reflected signal will decrease at the location of fractures and the travel time will increase. The travel time data can also be used for developing a high resolution caliper log for a more comprehensive analysis of fractures. Acoustic televiewers can only be used in fluid filled boreholes. However, the fluid does not have to be optically clear for the method to work. When operating the ATV, a "time window" is set based on the borehole diameter. The time window is the time interval in which the ATV instrument searches for an echo from the borehole wall. For smaller increases in borehole diameter around fractures and sections of weaker rock, the ATV typically records an accurate borehole diameter (correlates well with three -arm caliper data). However, if borehole openings are problem solved Geophysical Logging Report, ABMW-7 BRL, MW-01 BRL, MW-108 BRL, MW-108 BRILL, April 18, 2019 MW-205 BRL, MW-205, BRLL, MW-205 BULL, MW-208 BRL, MW-208 BRILL, MW-208 BRLLL Page 2 Roxboro Steam Electric Plant, Semora, North Carolina (synt00118) much larger than the borehole diameter, the echo from the borehole wall may fall outside the time window, or be too weak to be detected. In these situations, borehole diameters recorded with ATV may be inaccurate. Since ATV only records the reflection from the borehole wall, the data cannot be used to determine how far a fracture extends from the borehole. The acoustic televiewer has a vertical resolution of 2 millimeters. 2.2 Optical Televiewer Optical televiewer (OTV) logging is used to record and digitize a 360-degree color image of the borehole wall. Planar features such as fractures, foliation, and lithologic contacts can be identified directly on the images. The tool is magnetically oriented in order to determine the orientation of features. Televiewers have a vertical resolution of 2mm, which is significantly better than many other geophysical tools. As a result, it is able to see features other tools cannot resolve. Optical images can be collected above or below the water surface, provided the water is sufficiently clear for viewing the borehole wall. 2.3 3-Arm Caliper Caliper logging is used to generate a profile of the borehole diameter with depth. The tool measures the borehole diameter using three spring -loaded arms. Narrow enlargements in the borehole diameter can, in most cases, be attributed to fractures. Caliper logging can be conducted above and below the water surface. 2.4 Fluid Temperature Fluid temperature logging is used to identify where water enters or exits the borehole. In the absence of fluid flow, a gradual increase on water temperature of approximately 1°F per 100 feet of depth is expected. Rapid changes in the fluid temperature indicate water -producing or water -receiving zones. Little or no temperature gradient indicates intervals of vertical flow. 2.5 Fluid Conductivity Fluid conductivity logging is used to measure the electrical conductivity of the fluid in the borehole. Variations in fluid conductivity can be contributed to concentration variations of dissolved solids. These differences can occur when sources of water have contrasting chemistry and have come from different transmissive zones. Fluid temperature and conductivity are measured concurrently using the same logging tool. problem solved Geophysical Logging Report, ABMW-7 BRL, MW-01 BRL, MW-108 BRL, MW-108 BRILL, April 18, 2019 MW-205 BRL, MW-205, BRLL, MW-205 BRLLL, MW-208 BRL, MW-208 BRILL, MW-208 BRLLL Page 3 Roxboro Steam Electric Plant, Semora, North Carolina (synt00118) 2.6 Single Point Resistance (SPR) Single point resistance logging involves passing an alternate current between a surface electrode and a probe electrode and measuring the voltage difference created by the current. SPR is then calculated using Ohm's law. SPR is the sum of cable resistance, and the resistance based on the composition of the medium, the cross sectional area and length of the path through the medium. Therefore, the single point resistance log does not provide quantitative data. In general, SPR increases with increasing grain size and decreases with increasing borehole diameter, fracture density, and the concentration of dissolved solids in the water. Single - point resistance logs are useful in the determination of lithology, water quality, and location of fracture zones 2.7 Spontaneous Potential (SP) SP logging is conducted to measure naturally occurring voltage differences along a borehole. The method has been found useful for delineating sandstone/shale layering and other boundaries between permeable and impermeable beds. The measurements are made with reference to an electrode at ground level. Therefore, SP logging does not provide quantitative data. 2.8 Heat Pulse Flowmeter (HPF) HPF logging measures the direction and rate of vertical fluid flow in a borehole by heating up a small volume of water and monitoring temperature variations as the heated water moves with the fluid flow in the borehole. Under ambient conditions, differences in hydraulic head between two transmissive fractures produce vertical flow in the borehole. However, if the hydraulic head is the same, no flow will occur under ambient conditions. Therefore, HPF logging is also conducted under low -rate pumping conditions. HPF readings are point readings at the location of fractures. The location and number of these readings can be determined after analyzing the other geophysical logs for fractures. HPF can be used for measuring vertical flows in the borehole between 0.005 gallons per minute (gpm) and approximately 1.5 gpm. In HPF data, upward flow is shown as positive flow, and downward flow is shown as negative flow. 3.0 FIELD PROCEDURES All GEL Solutions activities on -site were supervised by a senior geophysicist. For this investigation, GEL Solutions used a Mount Sopris Matrix logging system. Pumping tests during HPF testing were conducted using a Grundfos Redi-Flow-2 water pump with variable speed control box and an in -situ Mini -Troll pressure transducer with logging capabilities. The pump is placed in the casing above the open hole section of the problem solved Geophysical Logging Report, ABMW-7 BRL, MW-01 BRL, MW-108 BRL, MW-108 BRLL, April 18, 2019 MW-205 BRL, MW-205, BRLL, MW-205 BULL, MW-208 BRL, MW-208 BRLL, MW-208 BRLLL Page 4 Roxboro Steam Electric Plant, Semora, North Carolina (synt00118) borehole. HPF logging under pumping conditions commenced after the borehole water level had stabilized. HPF logging was conducted at every 10 feet throughout the logging intervals under ambient and pumping conditions. More closely spaced readings were then conducted at sections with abrupt changes in flow. A summary of the configuration of the boreholes, pumping rates, and water levels is provided below. All depth measurements are referenced from the ground surface. All borings are surface cased and open hole below the casing. Logging Configuration Summary Well ID: ABMW-7 BRLL MW-01 BRL MW-108 BRL MW-108 BRLL MW-205 BRL Casing material: PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC Casing diameter (in): 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Open hole (ft): 329.6-398.7 110.1-220.0 102.1-199.6 228.9-429.9 116.0-172.5 Open hole diameter (in): 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Pumping rate (gpm): 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 Pump depth (ft): 45 84 68 90 76 Water level before pumping (ft): 16.8 52.9 38.4 59.0 42.6 Water level at equilibrium (ft): 18.6 58.6 41.2 78.5 43.9 Well ID: MW-205 BRLL MW-205 BRLLL MW-208 BRL MW-208 BRLL MW-208 BRLLL Casing material: PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC Casing diameter (in): 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Open hole (ft): 199.7-260.4 299.0-446.5 99.8-169.1 199.4-262.4 298.0-446.7 Open hole diameter (in): 5.8 6.0 6.0 5.8 5.8 Pumping rate (gpm): 1.0 0.1 0.9 1.0 0.9 Pump depth (ft): 76 76 40 40 40 Water level before pumping (ft): 44.1 46.3 12.2 12.6 12.8 Water level at equilibrium (ft): 46.2 68.8 37.0 15.8 33.0 problem solved Geophysical Logging Report, ABMW-7 BRL, MW-01 BRL, MW-108 BRL, MW-108 BRLL, April 18, 2019 MW-205 BRL, MW-205, BRLL, MW-205 BRLLL, MW-208 BRL, MW-208 BRLL, MW-208 BRLLL Page 5 Roxboro Steam Electric Plant, Semora, North Carolina (synt00118) 4.0 DATA PROCESSING AND RESULTS The logs were analyzed for fractures and other features using WellCAD software, manufactured by Advanced Logic Technology. The travel time data from the acoustic televiewer log was used to develop a maximum caliper log. Fractures were interpreted through a complete data analysis of all logs. Dip and azimuth (dip direction) were calculated for each detected fracture. The fracture data was corrected from apparent to true dip and azimuth using deviation logs included with the televiewer dataset, and from magnetic north to true north by rotating the fracture azimuths 9.0° counterclockwise. Magnetic north is 9.0° west of true north at the site (according to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). The reported azimuth or dip direction is measured clockwise from true north (Figure 1). A fracture summary table including fracture attributes is provided in Appendix 1. Dominating water producing fractures based on flow logging or other evidence are highlighted and shown in bold and italics text. Minor water producing fractures based on flow logging are shown in bold. Schmidt stereonets (lower hemisphere) with fracture characteristics and fracture rose diagrams are presented on Appendix 2. HPF logs and fracture characteristics are shown on Appendix 3. All logs are presented on Appendix 4. All depths are referenced from ground surface. vest Fwst Rela6ns beApm Dip and A�bvwb angle Figure 1: Explanation of azimuth and dip for fractures problem solved APPENDIX 1 Roxboro Steam Electric Plant, Semora, North Carolina Fracture Data from Geophysical Logging ABMW-7 BRLL Depth Azimuth Dip ft deg deg 330.8 155 75 334.1 22 33 335.5 145 88 335.5 139 43 336.1 160 36 336.2 160 35 336.9 151 25 339.5 325 50 340.1 136 42 340.9 51 45 341.4 90 45 341.9 97 51 342.6 159 33 343.0 131 35 343.3 134 38 344.5 229 26 345.3 141 66 346.3 69 33 346.5 276 14 347.3 345 15 347.6 34 75 348.0 152 50 348.8 79 62 349.0 98 78 350.1 121 33 350.3 133 36 351.3 88 80 351.8 82 78 352.0 73 79 353.1 126 46 353.6 51 47 354.6 85 74 356.0 23 38 356.8 158 40 357.2 171 40 358.0 41 62 358.8 38 76 361.3 14 58 363.0 47 45 363.2 75 81 363.7 327 68 364.3 358 63 365.7 9 77 368.5 53 63 368.9 35 73 370.0 132 35 371.8 162 71 373.3 110 42 377.0 123 48 377.7 120 51 379.1 194 60 379.9 341 38 379.9 162 53 380.2 171 52 381.0 199 38 381.4 231 37 383.3 151 53 384.8 192 53 385.5 173 53 387.5 16 71 388.6 34 43 389.0 29 66 389.4 46 61 389.8 63 54 390.0 161 49 391.9 97 67 393.0 89 72 394.1 78 78 ABMW-7 BRLL Depth Azimuth Dip ft deg deg 394.2 86 35 394.6 48 5 394.8 80 52 395.3 292 43 395.3 80 52 397.2 29 75 MW-01 BRL Depth Azimuth Dip ft deg deg 110.8 136 61 111.3 144 48 112.0 129 43 112.6 135 58 113.4 136 36 113.6 120 34 113.9 112 29 114.5 150 49 115.8 14 61 116.3 179 39 116.7 213 22 117.3 194 37 117.3 355 28 117.9 181 19 118.5 186 32 119.2 175 55 120.5 178 58 121.0 359 76 121.1 138 11 121.6 72 76 122.9 346 40 124.5 75 25 125.2 244 78 126.3 177 30 126.4 41 30 126.8 224 14 127.4 281 38 128.0 149 64 128.3 148 62 128.9 128 47 130.7 164 37 131.0 40 76 131.4 353 34 132.0 211 72 132.3 58 57 133.0 75 38 133.8 319 32 134.8 239 17 135.6 317 7 136.3 85 58 137.0 108 48 137.3 314 37 137.4 56 77 138.1 73 39 138.4 244 34 138.8 231 33 139.7 310 31 139.9 302 31 140.2 342 31 140.6 317 34 141.3 154 45 144.2 99 42 145.1 76 45 145.7 51 47 147.4 218 23 149.2 333 29 149.4 142 75 149.5 202 66 151.1 114 35 151.3 261 43 151.7 2 20 152.4 81 66 153.4 339 31 155.6 191 50 155.9 172 37 156.2 173 47 156.5 21 3 157.4 151 62 MW-01 BRL Depth Azimuth Dip ft deg deg 158.5 143 14 158.8 143 30 159.0 135 38 161.2 343 63 161.4 324 35 162.0 163 50 162.6 306 22 162.9 326 16 163.7 155 68 164.2 345 56 164.6 190 62 165.5 357 11 165.7 252 17 166.4 30 50 166.5 174 73 166.5 323 68 166.5 208 72 167.2 333 67 169.5 228 49 169.9 317 54 171.3 166 28 171.5 162 81 171.5 194 18 173.2 168 37 173.7 190 28 173.8 345 69 173.9 20 29 174.7 203 62 176.3 201 36 176.6 188 45 177.4 35 67 178.0 14 11 178.8 168 41 181.5 10 29 182.1 167 48 182.7 166 52 183.4 163 52 184.1 161 48 185.3 99 48 185.8 328 28 185.9 163 48 186.2 164 71 186.6 170 74 187.6 158 46 188.0 159 49 188.8 135 54 189.3 299 18 190.3 162 55 191.1 174 52 192.7 161 47 193.1 156 35 194.6 158 59 194.7 160 24 195.7 165 50 196.1 163 58 196.4 157 54 197.0 112 49 197.7 326 23 198.9 163 55 199.5 152 57 199.7 148 52 200.9 360 44 201.3 163 49 202.1 277 36 203.6 130 36 204.3 95 53 204.7 216 17 206.6 32 33 Major open fractures are highlighted and shown in bold and italics text. Minor open fractures are shown in bold. Closed fractures are shown in plain text. Roxboro Steam Electric Plant, Semora, North Carolina Fracture Data from Geophysical Logging MW-01 BRL Depth Azimuth Dip ft deg deg 208.0 72 13 208.3 165 58 209.0 3 17 209.5 149 58 210.0 147 59 210.0 153 71 210.3 152 78 211.1 158 53 211.9 356 46 212.0 153 55 214.1 167 59 214.4 169 66 215.3 128 56 215.7 351 42 216.0 145 47 217.6 161 36 218.1 340 16 218.4 143 36 219.04 172 31 219.31 172 29 MW-108 BRL Depth Azimuth Dip ft deg deg 102.1 165 59 103.1 227 26 103.8 141 35 104.0 47 66 104.3 105 17 105.0 152 39 105.8 150 24 106.7 235 43 107.8 149 50 108.1 144 39 108.6 139 31 109.0 20 43 110.0 148 40 111.1 44 6 111.9 171 51 112.3 161 51 112.5 168 53 113.2 161 57 114.0 165 25 115.6 152 19 116.1 173 31 117.2 166 43 117.4 222 59 117.9 161 31 118.2 25 57 118.2 159 45 118.4 171 44 119.4 15 51 119.6 114 70 120.6 47 19 121.4 123 48 123.3 156 28 123.6 151 40 124.0 153 39 124.3 139 33 126.1 354 13 126.7 150 29 129.0 145 16 130.6 115 26 131.1 162 25 131.5 357 19 132.0 178 69 132.2 174 65 132.8 157 25 133.4 147 46 133.6 150 50 133.9 151 48 135.1 348 34 135.3 154 39 136.2 162 57 137.8 169 69 137.8 129 54 138.3 102 50 138.6 161 55 140.2 17 3 141.1 34 77 141.2 157 48 141.6 37 71 142.1 146 68 142.1 39 69 143.7 359 67 144.1 17 68 144.6 145 55 144.8 148 50 145.5 174 37 146.0 162 72 146.5 160 51 148.2 146 59 MW-108 BRL Depth Azimuth Dip ft deg deg 148.5 150 59 149.3 75 57 149.7 81 65 151.1 176 77 151.3 165 42 151.3 14 23 151.5 161 36 151.8 66 55 154.5 19 55 154.7 83 62 157.2 154 79 157.3 7 58 157.5 165 56 159.6 186 36 160.6 104 16 161.1 161 21 161.8 165 59 166.1 151 34 166.8 22 12 167.1 161 39 167.5 347 30 167.5 148 75 168.5 340 39 170.3 352 11 170.7 17 79 171.5 34 36 173.8 191 72 174.3 356 43 175.1 267 51 177.0 164 21 178.1 9 39 178.5 26 41 178.8 176 50 179.8 349 32 180.9 153 16 181.8 193 50 182.1 200 36 182.4 209 37 183.0 185 65 185.6 192 65 187.6 146 49 189.2 135 25 189.4 148 35 189.9 156 30 190.4 166 58 190.5 168 70 192.1 196 58 193.1 140 40 193.9 213 24 195.1 251 49 195.5 39 72 197.4 63 51 198.7 174 31 198.8 157 68 MW-108 BRLL Depth Azimuth Dip ft deg deg 233.7 350 34 235.8 170 79 236.2 303 47 241.1 286 73 242.8 293 72 247.7 265 49 251.5 2 45 252.9 249 47 253.4 331 27 254.2 359 12 255.8 262 61 258.2 144 9 260.1 344 56 261.1 257 51 268.0 254 67 268.3 144 87 270.9 246 58 274.4 235 68 275.4 261 14 278.3 225 22 282.8 182 49 284.1 321 11 287.8 66 36 289.5 335 27 290.5 332 14 291.4 319 23 304.6 120 3 304.8 65 4 306.7 169 10 307.0 5 3 307.2 313 23 307.8 171 89 311.7 306 9 314.0 149 53 314.0 159 57 314.1 157 59 314.2 170 75 315.0 272 13 317.0 166 46 317.2 150 43 317.5 326 25 318.5 185 83 319.3 175 81 319.4 353 67 321.3 158 60 321.5 162 49 321.9 172 51 322.5 327 29 322.6 304 33 324.3 266 40 325.5 180 73 332.8 290 19 344.8 160 50 345.1 153 49 354.3 230 62 359.3 38 64 359.9 25 55 360.7 33 60 360.9 35 60 361.2 37 57 361.4 30 49 361.8 41 57 361.9 39 53 362.3 40 60 363.1 46 70 363.4 50 67 363.9 54 68 367.8 59 83 Major open fractures are highlighted and shown in bold and italics text. Minor open fractures are shown in bold. Closed fractures are shown in plain text. Roxboro Steam Electric Plant, Semora, North Carolina Fracture Data from Geophysical Logging MW-108 BRILL Depth Azimuth Dip ft deg deg 368.9 253 77 369.5 36 77 372.7 33 8 374.8 309 33 376.5 309 37 377.8 140 52 381.1 329 9 381.2 317 66 381.2 354 15 387.9 176 80 391.5 292 17 393.3 152 76 393.6 151 74 393.8 153 66 397.9 312 34 398.2 269 20 399.2 156 84 409.1 302 40 410.7 327 16 412.7 191 13 415.6 152 81 415.9 154 82 416.3 164 83 418.4 155 80 418.9 309 19 420.0 153 73 420.5 155 72 421.0 153 67 424.7 234 18 425.1 159 62 425.4 11 11 428.1 289 14 MW-205 BRL Depth Azimuth Dip ft deg deg 117.6 167 55 119.0 175 60 119.2 167 58 120.5 132 55 120.8 139 57 121.1 150 70 122.3 158 55 122.5 152 48 123.0 157 41 123.9 146 46 124.2 155 49 125.2 154 49 126.7 153 71 126.9 161 72 128.8 169 67 129.7 168 54 133.1 164 58 133.7 147 57 133.8 146 60 134.0 149 60 134.7 154 51 135.3 145 44 135.7 155 70 136.6 157 51 137.0 158 56 138.0 160 54 138.2 165 43 138.8 153 66 139.2 153 38 141.2 162 57 143.0 162 52 143.1 159 54 143.9 160 63 144.4 162 56 144.9 171 55 145.2 161 61 148.1 161 66 148.7 159 61 149.5 164 57 152.9 163 64 154.7 162 54 155.0 160 44 155.3 158 53 155.6 159 52 156.1 145 43 157.4 155 47 158.0 153 49 158.3 156 49 159.2 149 49 159.5 150 39 160.4 165 47 160.9 296 59 161.1 11 33 161.4 157 43 162.0 133 51 162.5 147 45 162.8 156 53 163.0 155 42 163.3 133 2 163.4 151 48 164.5 155 50 165.1 150 47 167.3 165 47 167.7 93 7 168.1 158 51 168.2 164 51 169.0 146 37 170.9 30 12 MW-205 BRL Depth Azimuth Dip ft deg deg 171.8 147 39 172.0 151 39 MW-205 BRLL Depth Azimuth Dip ft deg deg 199.7 14 65 200.2 162 54 201.7 170 51 201.7 356 35 201.8 162 49 204.2 171 48 204.5 163 48 205.3 162 48 206.7 143 44 208.1 154 49 209.0 153 43 209.6 154 40 210.6 151 49 211.5 156 48 212.6 144 58 213.2 148 56 213.4 150 57 214.6 351 37 215.7 157 64 216.5 155 63 220.0 147 40 220.6 187 2 224.0 163 56 224.1 171 57 224.3 162 50 225.8 155 63 226.9 159 44 227.4 355 27 228.7 160 51 229.7 158 53 230.7 160 62 231.7 176 61 233.6 349 20 234.3 163 47 234.7 330 32 238.4 160 77 239.0 161 73 239.9 147 70 241.0 154 81 242.9 156 49 243.3 156 47 243.7 156 51 244.2 157 50 245.4 139 58 247.9 158 38 248.0 158 38 249.1 165 41 249.4 156 44 249.8 156 41 250.2 156 66 252.5 169 51 252.7 159 55 253.9 171 52 255.8 164 58 256.6 164 66 257.5 165 46 257.7 167 53 258.0 158 51 259.4 168 65 Major open fractures are highlighted and shown in bold and italics text. Minor open fractures are shown in bold. Closed fractures are shown in plain text. Roxboro Steam Electric Plant, Semora, North Carolina Fracture Data from Geophysical Logging MW-205 BRLLL Depth Azimuth Dip ft deg deg 299.1 160 64 299.8 168 66 302.5 167 45 303.4 174 39 305.2 158 67 306.9 170 41 308.3 145 46 310.0 172 60 311.3 168 57 312.7 159 52 313.1 160 49 315.9 176 39 317.3 161 53 319.0 154 51 321.4 156 48 322.7 153 45 323.7 161 44 324.4 158 54 325.3 152 54 327.5 160 44 327.8 153 52 328.2 154 44 329.1 155 60 330.9 147 49 331.5 146 40 333.7 183 31 335.6 161 40 336.1 175 35 336.7 146 39 337.5 162 48 338.6 168 38 339.3 171 43 340.1 161 42 340.3 161 38 340.4 161 37 341.2 158 44 342.2 235 7 343.1 157 48 344.9 156 44 345.0 159 45 347.4 162 65 347.5 164 63 349.8 152 49 351.4 148 44 352.1 160 48 353.4 162 44 354.3 158 42 367.3 140 50 368.0 147 45 368.3 143 49 370.5 152 26 371.7 143 29 373.0 148 40 373.4 156 41 374.8 139 59 375.6 138 38 377.2 147 42 378.5 142 39 382.0 156 46 384.1 159 46 391.4 160 42 393.5 165 47 399.0 164 45 399.5 153 46 399.9 161 46 400.3 149 53 401.0 150 53 401.6 142 55 MW-205 BULL Depth Azimuth ft deg Dip deg 402.5 142 63 403.2 154 68 403.6 150 70 406.4 316 79 410.0 I55 56 411.5 188 48 412.3 139 25 412.4 123 28 412.7 132 44 417.2 127 49 417.6 319 32 419.6 154 48 419.7 169 50 421.9 131 18 423.0 123 50 423.4 146 35 425.3 144 39 427.1 132 38 428.9 148 47 429.7 168 10 430.5 189 44 431.1 168 32 431.9 147 30 432.6 134 23 433.8 146 31 433.9 151 34 434.6 119 35 434.9 112 31 437.4 141 36 438.0 145 32 441.1 126 36 443.6 154 42 444.2 152 38 MW-208 BRL Depth Azimuth Dip ft deg deg 101.1 180 70 101.7 242 59 102.0 75 52 102.6 149 35 103.4 9 11 103.5 162 44 103.7 180 36 105.0 158 44 105.2 163 46 106.2 182 42 107.0 157 24 108.8 161 37 109.0 169 48 109.4 175 46 110.2 165 70 110.3 17 17 110.5 174 31 111.4 156 48 112.3 164 63 114.3 153 62 114.8 169 58 115.0 144 56 115.1 144 77 115.2 149 69 116.3 152 71 116.3 150 74 116.4 152 51 119.0 186 82 119.7 178 63 121.1 137 28 122.2 188 66 122.8 172 56 123.1 185 35 123.7 149 59 124.0 156 70 126.1 160 53 127.3 152 65 128.4 161 42 128.6 143 78 128.8 128 38 129.4 298 23 129.5 116 45 129.9 138 50 130.3 122 47 130.4 314 39 133.2 117 60 134.9 128 72 135.2 132 23 135.3 140 17 137.3 137 67 138.3 163 38 139.8 170 46 141.0 160 49 141.3 159 44 141.7 144 51 142.1 153 38 142.7 148 51 145.0 145 61 145.1 149 75 145.4 149 76 148.3 150 67 149.2 154 57 150.4 146 69 150.8 155 60 151.7 141 52 151.8 141 53 152.3 147 51 152.5 153 54 MW-208 BRL Depth Azimuth Dip ft deg deg 153.0 147 56 155.4 152 41 155.8 146 51 156.8 15 77 157.4 9 79 157.8 5 76 158.8 348 12 158.9 4 8 161.6 19 83 162.3 16 82 166.4 168 23 166.7 350 8 167.9 158 50 Major open fractures are highlighted and shown in bold and italics text. Minor open fractures are shown in bold. Closed fractures are shown in plain text. Roxboro Steam Electric Plant, Semora, North Carolina Fracture Data from Geophysical Logging MW-208 BRLL Depth Azimuth Dip ft deg deg 199.3 68 39 200.1 73 7 201.4 163 67 201.4 164 67 202.7 165 71 202.8 167 70 207.2 328 31 208.9 167 58 209.1 163 65 210.0 179 77 213.4 11 18 213.4 137 74 214.7 39 15 215.8 114 71 217.5 147 66 218.2 340 31 218.3 141 46 220.2 81 74 221.6 141 69 224.6 149 74 226.7 171 60 227.8 154 44 229.9 157 56 230.8 236 3 231.0 166 26 232.3 209 18 232.4 215 18 233.6 209 19 235.8 171 62 236.0 356 22 236.1 3 25 236.9 94 8 237.4 15 8 237.5 28 7 241.2 162 73 247.4 160 59 247.6 154 58 248.7 165 54 249.4 165 55 252.6 164 60 260.6 62 7 260.7 39 10 261.5 171 62 MW-208 BRLLL Depth Azimuth Dip ft deg deg 300.7 356 27 300.9 123 22 301.0 117 18 303.2 161 47 305.5 145 67 306.2 147 64 307.8 177 37 309.9 149 49 311.1 185 24 311.5 149 54 312.1 139 53 313.4 131 44 315.3 144 61 315.4 150 32 317.6 148 30 318.4 136 67 319.3 135 66 321.3 141 54 321.5 112 61 323.2 134 50 323.7 136 56 324.3 128 60 325.7 178 39 326.6 142 37 329.7 91 22 331.1 95 47 332.8 149 64 334.1 131 51 334.7 355 28 337.3 149 54 343.1 351 25 344.7 0 27 344.8 4 33 346.5 138 49 347.3 149 53 348.5 140 51 349.3 148 56 354.2 355 25 355.9 349 34 359.9 150 56 363.8 7 33 367.2 147 62 368.6 135 56 369.0 138 56 369.8 151 57 371.6 151 58 373.7 348 56 374.2 348 58 378.1 349 44 380.8 140 55 381.3 336 43 385.2 166 47 386.0 160 56 387.2 332 43 387.8 342 53 396.0 150 56 401.4 150 56 410.4 143 60 412.8 160 62 414.9 152 62 415.6 143 59 417.7 153 51 419.9 142 52 421.1 152 62 425.6 135 47 425.9 154 66 428.3 150 63 429.4 152 56 MW-208 BRLLL Depth Azimuth Dip ft deg deg 431.3 156 56 432.0 147 53 434.2 156 57 435.4 144 51 435.7 145 52 436.4 133 45 441.8 157 47 443.2 142 53 444.3 152 48 444.5 146 50 Major open fractures are highlighted and shown in bold and italics text. Minor open fractures are shown in bold. Closed fractures are shown in plain text. APPENDIX 2 Depth Fractures Poles - Dip - Lower Hemisphere Great Circles - Strike - Lower Hemisphere 1ft:400ft 0 90 Schmidt Plot - LH - Type Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type 300 Well ID: Schmidt Plot - LH -Type Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH -Type Depth: 296.26 [ft] to 423.43 [ft] ABMW-7 BRLL Depth: 296.39 [ft] to 423.56 [ft] 0° 0` 80 80--70 — 325 i 7o o o- 50 50-�� I 0 0—_ 30 � 30� is 20 20 ° \ 10 10 350 0° 20-30-40-50-80-70-80 90° 270° 10 20 30 271 of -qo so so 7oVVV-so so° I, 375 ---------- 180° 180' Counts Dip[deg] Azi[deg] Counts Dip[deg] Strike[deg] 400 Mean 74 37.33 101.87 Mean 74 37.33 11.87 v 47 42.34 96.83 O 47 42.34 6.83 O 23 26.30 96.66 O 23 26.30 6.66 O 4 58.91 4 58.91 67.72 425 Major open fracture Minor open fracture Closed fracture 450 Page 1 Depth Fractures Poles - Dip - Lower Hemisphere Great Circles - Strike - Lower Hemisphere 1ft:400ft 0 90 Schmidt Plot - LH - Type Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type 100 Well ID: Schmidt Plot - LH - Type Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type MW-01 BRL Depth: 101.44 [ft] to 233.73 [ft] Depth: 101.71 [ft] to 234.25 [ft] 0' Q.. 125 80 ao- - 7'0 - \� ,- >o — � i 0 -,..- 80 ..., 50 _- , ,0,; 1 50 0 _- 0 O � 0 \� r, 30 150 30 � 0 / 270' 10-20-30-40-50-60-70-80 90" 270 10-20f30 0 SOT6�0-70-80 90° O O 175 O_ 200 i 180' 180° Counts Dip[deg] Azi[deg] Counts Dip[deg] Strike[deg] Mean 156 30.64 157.76 Mean 156 30.64 67.76 129 26.79 158.72 O 129 26.79 68.72 O 24 49.55 152.58 G 24 49.55 62.58 225 O 3 29.91 188.07 0 3 29.91 98.07 Major open fracture 250 0— Minor open fracture — At Closed fracture I —E I Page 1 Depth Fractures Poles - Dip - Lower Hemisphere Great Circles - Strike - Lower Hemisphere 1ft:400ft 0 90 Schmidt Plot - LH - Type Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type Schmidt Plot - LH - Type Well ID: Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type 100 Depth: 91.80 [ft] to 212.40 [ft] MW-108 BRLDepth: 91.80 [ft] to 212.01 [ft] � 0° ao io o° so 70 0O0 0 50 50 125 0 - --- 0 30 20 310 20 j 270° 10-20-30-40-50 0-70-80 90° 270° 10-20-30-40 ,50-80 .70-80 90° O 150 d �A 175 Q180° \ 180' Counts Dip[deg] Azi[deg] Counts Dip[deg] Strike[deg] Mean 122 36.28 157.00 Mean 122 36.28 67.00 200 116 36.64 157.85 O 116 36.64 67.85 O 4 29.75 141.82 O 4 29.75 51.82 0 2 17.05 117.87 0 2 17.05 27.87 Major open fracture 225 Minor open fracture Closed fracture Page 1 Depth Fractures Poles - Dip - Lower Hemisphere Great Circles - Strike - Lower Hemisphere 1ft:500ft 0 90 Schmidt Plot - LH - Type Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type 200 225 Well ID: MW-108 BRILL 250 Schmidt Plot - LH - Type Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type Depth: 205.18 [ft] to 442.85 [ft] Depth: 204.92 [ft] to 442.98 [ft] 0° 0° 2 7 5 Sao so _ 70 _ io-- — 1 50 0 �' 0 300 i 3 320 20 io i 1�0 270° 10 20�30-40-50-60-70-80 90° 270`', 10-20-30-40-50-670-80 90° � 325 O 0 A \" O 350� �- 180° 180, Counts Dip[deg] Azi[deg] Counts Dip[deg] Strike[deg] 375 Mean 100 11.25 308.08 Mean 100 11.25 218.08 81 35.44 347.94 O 81 35.44 257.94 O 18 18.64 262.91 0 18 18.64 172.91 400 0 1 20.10 268.66 0 1 20.10 178.66 Major open fracture 425 Minor open fracture p Closed fracture 450 Page 1 Depth Fractures Poles - Dip - Lower Hemisphere Great Circles - Strike - Lower Hemisphere 1ft:200ft 0 90 Schmidt Plot - LH - Type Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type 100 110 Well ID: MW-205 BRL Schmidt Plot - LH - Type Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type Depth: 105.81 [ft] to 179.00 [ft] Depth: 106.10 [ft] to 179.13 [ft] 120 ; - --�— a, 80 70 70 0 0 , 130 50 50 30 30 20 20 10 10 270° 10-20-30-40-50-80-70-80 90° 270° 10-20-30-40-50=8 0'. 80 90° , , 140 �. A 150 160 180° 180'-- Counts Dip[deg] Azi[deg] Counts Dip[deg] Strike[deg] Mean 70 51.04 155.98 Mean 70 51.04 65.98 61 52.33 155.82 61 52.33 65.82 170 O 8 45.14 157.37 O 8 45.14 67.37 0 1 2.43 132.81 0 1 2.43 42.81 Major open fracture 180 Minor open fracture Closed fracture Page 1 Depth Fractures Poles - Dip - Lower Hemisphere Great Circles - Strike - Lower Hemisphere 1ft:200ft 0 90 Schmidt Plot - LH - Type Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type 190 Well ID: MW-205 BRILL 200 1 • Schmidt Plot - LH - Type Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type Depth: 190.26 [ft] to 269.86 [ft] Depth: 190.39 [ft] to 270.05 [ft] 0. 0. 210 80 so io 7o ° 0- I0 5 50 ° 220 ° i 30 30 � 20 20 10 10 270' 10-20-30-40-50-50-70-80 90" 270' 10-20-30-40 50 ' 70s 80 90" 230 -- 240 � 180° 180` Counts Dip[deg] Azi[deg] Counts Dip[deg] Strike[deg] 250 O \ Mean 59 51.80 158.88 Mean 59 51.80 68.88 45 52.74 158.26 45 52.74 68.26 O 13 48.95 161.60 0 13 48.95 71.60 260 O 1 26.86 355.33 0 1 26.86 265.33 iMajor open fracture 270 - Minor open fracture Q Closed fracture 280 Page 1 Depth Fractures Poles - Dip - Lower Hemisphere Great Circles - Strike - Lower Hemisphere 1ft:400ft 0 90 Schmidt Plot - LH - Type Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type 300 Well ID: MW-205 BRLLL Schmidt Plot - LH - Type Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type 325 Depth: 290.04 [ft] to 458.22 [ft] o° Depth: 289.91 [ft] to 458.22 [ft] o° ao 70 ao � 70 - so 350 0 10 0 5I0 I 1 30 30 20 20 I 0 10 270° 10-20-30-40-50-60-70-80 90° 270° 10-20-307740+15 0 OI 90° 375 � r 400 180°-180'� - Counts Dip[deg] Azi[deg] Counts Dip[deg] Strike[deg] Mean 101 43.49 154.07 Mean 101 43.49 64.07 O 16 50.02 154.11 O 16 50.02 64.11 425 O 84 42.23 154.06 O 84 42.23 64.06 0 1 56.30 155.27 0 1 56.30 65.27 Major open fracture 450 Minor open fracture Closed fracture Page 1 Depth Fractures Poles - Dip - Lower Hemisphere Great Circles - Strike - Lower Hemisphere 1ft:200ft 0 90 Schmidt Plot - LH - Type Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type 90 Well ID: MW-208 BRL 100 Schmidt Plot - LH - Type Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type 110 Depth: 91.47 [ft] to 180.45 [ft] Depth: 91.47 [ft] to 180.51 [ft] 0° 0. 80 70 �70- � 0 Q 0 120 510 o � o 30> / 30 I 130 20 - 20 F - i 270° 10-20-30-40-50-60-70-80 90° 270° 10-20-30�050-60x70 80 90° - r i 140 150 iaa° iaa° Counts Dip[deg] Azi[deg] Counts Dip[deg] Strike[deg] Mean 81 50.39 155.73 Mean 81 50.39 65.73 160 64 50.94 155.85 64 50.94 65.85 O 15 52.67 155.15 O 15 52.67 65.15 0 2 15.22 157.28 • 2 15.22 67.28 170 Major open fracture 180 40— Minor open fracture 0 Closed fracture Page 1 Depth Fractures Poles - Dip - Lower Hemisphere Great Circles - Strike - Lower Hemisphere 1ft:200ft 0 90 Schmidt Plot - LH - Type Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type 190 Well ID: MW-208 BRLL 200 Schmidt Plot - LH - Type Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type Depth: 190.96 [ft] to 270.62 [ft] Depth: 190.96 [ft] to 270.81 [ft] o° o 210 so o—= / 70 70 - 0 60 50 50 0 0 220 •3I0 3 10 I / 10 270° 10-20-30-40-50�0-70-80 90° 270° 10-207,30-40-500 70 86 90` 230 �I 240 180` 180" Counts Dip[deg] Azi[deg] Counts Dip[deg] Strike[deg] 250 Mean 43 40.94 155.81 Mean 43 40.94 65.81 O 33 35.23 148.71 33 35.23 58.71 0 4 60.72 166.51 0 4 60.72 76.51 260 G 6 39.35 169.19 0 6 39.35 79.19 Major open fracture 270 0 Minor open fracture tClosed fracture Page 1 Depth Fractures Poles - Dip - Lower Hemisphere Great Circles - Strike - Lower Hemisphere 1ft:400ft 0 90 Schmidt Plot - LH - Type Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type Well ID: 300 MW-208 BRILL Schmidt Plot - LH - Type Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type 325 Depth: 288.27 [ft] to 458.22 [ft] 0` Depth: 288.27 [ft] to 458.54 [ft] 0" �80 0 0 0 0 A 350 5I0 �0 5I0 0 — 30r - 30 - 20 10 20 �\ 'A 10 I 270° 10-20-30-40-50-60-70-80 90° 270' 10-20-3110-40-50-60-70-80 1 90` I 375 6 7 O , 400 180° --------- -- Counts Dip[deg] Azi[deg] Counts Dip[deg] Strike[deg] Mean 78 50.37 144.86 Mean 78 50.37 54.86 425 61 51.07 144.96 O 61 51.07 54.96 O 17 47.77 144.63 0 17 47.77 54.63 Major open fracture 450 �— Minor open fracture Closed fracture Page 1 Depth Fractures Poles - Dip - Lower Hemisphere Great Circles - Strike - Lower Hemisphere 1ft:800ft 0 90 Schmidt Plot - LH - Type Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type 100 ALL WELLS 150 Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type Schmidt Plot LH -Type Depth: 76.44 [ft] to 458.54 [ft] Depth: 76.44 [ft] to 469.82 [ft] 0° 01 ->—I— --- 80 s o- 70-- 200 70 6050 �\ \. 30 -30- \ . _20_ 1 250 10 270` 0-20-30-40-50-60-70-80 90° 270° 10 20--30-40-50 0-70-80 90° I� I O\ I i 300 %\ \ 180' 180' Counts Dip[deg] Strike[deg] Counts Dip[deg] Azi[deg] 350 Mean 884 43.04 64.53 Mean 884 43.04 154.53 721 43.66 64.35 C 721 43.66 154.35 0 144 40.08 64.45 O 144 40.08 154.45 19 38.10 73.64 0 19 38.10 163.64 400 Major open fracture 450 Minor open fracture Closed fracture Page 1 Depth Fractures Rose Diagram - Dip Direction Rose Diagram - Dip 1ft:400ft 0 90 Azimuth - Absolute (Count) Dip Count - Absolute (Count) Azimuth -Absolute (Count) Depth: 310.24 [ft] to 408.01 [ft] 0° 325 Dip Count -Absolute (Count) Depth: 310.24 [ft] to 408.01 [ft] 350 0° 6 Well ID: ABMW-7 BRL 375 15 Counts: 74.00 Mean (3D): 37.33 180° Min: 4.73 Components: Azimuth Max: 88.20 400 Counts: 74.00 Mean (3D): 101.87 Min: 9.26 Max: 357.87 Page 1 Depth Fractures Rose Diagram - Dip Direction Rose Diagram - Dip 1ft: 500ft Azimuth - Absolute (Count) Dip Count - Absolute (Count) 100 Azimuth -Absolute (Count) Depth: 107.74 [ft] to 230.12 [ft] 0° 125 — Dip Count -Absolute (Count) Depth: 107.74 [ft] to 230.12 [ft] 150 0° 02024A Well ID: 175 32 MW-01 BRL - - Counts: 156.00 200 Mean (3D): 31.12 180' Min: 2.82 Components: Azimuth Max: 80.69 Counts: 156.00 225 Mean (3D): 156.98 Min: 2.02 Max: 359.52 Page 1 Depth Fractures Rose Diagram - Dip Direction Rose Diagram - Dip 1ft:500ft 0 90 Azimuth - Absolute (Count) Dip Count - Absolute (Count) 75 Azimuth -Absolute (Count) Depth: 88.55 [ft] to 209.12 [ft] 100 0° Dip Count -Absolute (Count) Depth: 86.91 [ft] to 209.12 [ft] 0° 125 02024 Well ID: gli_i(024 MW-108 BRL 150 Counts: 122.00 175 Mean (3D): 36.28 180' Min: 2.96 Components: Azimuth Max: 79.44 Counts: 122.00 200 Mean (3D): 157.00 Min: 6.59 Max: 358.55 225 Page 1 Depth Fractures Rose Diagram - Dip Direction Rose Diagram - Dip 1ft: 500ft 90 0 Azimuth - Absolute (Count) Dip Count - Absolute (Count) 225 250 Azimuth -Absolute (Count) 275 Depth: 228.28 [ft] to 440.14 [ft] 0° 1 Dip Count -Absolute (Count) Depth: 228.20 [ft] to 440.14 [ft] 300 Oo 16 325 12 Well ID: 4MW- 108 BRILL 350 2-16 Counts: 100.00 Mean (3D): 11.25 180' Min: 3.06 375 Components: Azimuth Max: 89.26 Counts: 100.00 Mean (3D): 308.08 400 Min: 2.47 Max: 358.95 425 Page 1 Depth Fractures Rose Diagram - Dip Direction Rose Diagram - Dip 1ft:200ft 0 90 Azimuth - Absolute (Count) Dip Count - Absolute (Count) 110 120 Azimuth -Absolute (Count) Depth: 113.85 [ft] to 179.07 [ft] 0° 130 3 Dip Count -Absolute (Count) Depth: 113.78 [ft] to 179.33 [ft] 0° 140 Well ID: z2E32 MW-205 BRL 150 - - � C2428 Counts: 70.00 Mean (3D): 51.04 160 180' Min: 2.43 Components: Azimuth Max: 72.40 Counts: 70.00 Mean (3D): 155.98 170 Min: 11.10 Max: 295.92 180 190 Page 1 Depth Fractures Rose Diagram - Dip Direction Rose Diagram - Dip 1ft:200ft 0 90 Azimuth - Absolute (Count) Dip Count - Absolute (Count) 180 190 200 Azimuth -Absolute (Count) Depth: 182.22 [ft] to 271.00 [ft] 0° 210 Dip Count -Absolute (Count) I Depth: 182.22 [ft] to 271.26 [ft] ♦ 0° 220 1 C2428 230 Well ID: — - 6-20 MW-205 BRLL Counts: 59.00 Mean (3D): 51.80 240 180' Min: 2.02 Components: Azimuth Max: 80.52 Counts: 59.00 Mean (3D): 158.88 250 Min: 14.33 Max: 355.85 260 270 Page 1 Depth Fractures Rose Diagram - Dip Direction Rose Diagram - Dip 1ft:500ft 0 90 Azimuth - Absolute (Count) Dip Count - Absolute (Count) 275 300 Azimuth -Absolute (Count) Depth: 274.33 [ft] to 473.31 [ft] 325 0° 3 Dip Count -Absolute (Count) Depth: 274.82 [ft] to 473.97 [ft] 0° 350 6 z282 Well ID: 375 MW-205 BRLLL 13:36 Counts: 101.00 400 Mean (3D): 43.49 180° Min: 6.80 Components: Azimuth Max: 78.94 Counts: 101.00 425 Mean (3D): 154.07 Min: 111.94 Max: 319.38 450 475 Page 1 Depth Fractures Rose Diagram - Dip Direction Rose Diagram - Dip 1ft:200ft 0 90 Azimuth - Absolute (Count) Dip Count - Absolute (Count) 90 100 110 Azimuth -Absolute (Count) Depth: 94.36 [ft] to 178.48 [ft] 0° 120 Dip Count -Absolute (Count) Depth: 94.49 [ft] to 178.54 [ft] 130 0° 1 620 4 I 140 -(-16 Well ID: Counts: 81.00 MW-208 BRL Mean (3D): 50.39 150 180° Min: 8.19 Components: Azimuth Max: 82.76 Counts: 81.00 Mean (3D): 155.73 160 Min: 3.55 Max: 350.27 170 180 Page 1 Depth Fractures Rose Diagram - Dip Direction Rose Diagram - Dip 1ft:200ft 0 90 Azimuth - Absolute (Count) Dip Count - Absolute (Count) 190 200 Azimuth -Absolute (Count) Depth: 190.41 [ft] to 271.00 [ft] 210 0° Dip Count -Absolute (Count) Depth: 190.41 [ft] to 271.26 [ft] 220 6 0' 8 Ai 230 Well ID: MW-208 BRLL —1 240 Counts: 43.00 Mean (3D): 40.94 180' Min: 2.57 Components: Azimuth Max: 76.66 250 Counts: 43.00 Mean (3D): 155.81 Min: 2.95 Max: 355.72 260 270 Page 1 Depth Fractures Rose Diagram - Dip Direction Rose Diagram - Dip 1ft:500ft 0 90 Azimuth - Absolute (Count) Dip Count - Absolute (Count) 275 300 Azimuth -Absolute (Count) Depth: 290.85 [ft] to 462.93 [ft] 325 0° Dip Count -Absolute (Count) Depth: 290.85 [ft] to 463.75 [ft] 350 0° 20241 V) Well ID: 375 MW-208 BRLLL 400 - 024 Counts: 78.00 Mean (3D): 50.37 180° Min: 18.44 Components: Azimuth Max: 67.13 425 Counts: 78.00 Mean (3D): 144.86 Min: 0.47 Max: 355.99 450 Page 1 APPENDIX 3 Depth Caliper Fractures HPF - Ambient 1ft:120ft 5.5 in. 6 0 90 0 gpm 0.8 Caliper - from AN HPF - Pumping 5.5 in 7.5 0 gpm 0.8 322.5 325.0 327.5--i' WELL ID: ABMW-07 BRL Bottom of Casing 330.0 332.5 335.0 337.5 340.0 342.5 345.0 347.5 350.0 352.5 355.0 357.5 360.0 362.5 365.0 Major open fracture Minor open fracture Closed fracture 367.5 370.0 372.5 375.0 377.5 380.0 382.5 385.0 387.5 390.0 392.5 395.0 397.5 Page 1 Depth Caliper Fractures HPF Pumping 1ft:100ft 6 in. 6.5 0 90 0 gpm 0.5 Caliper - from AN HPF Ambient 6 in 7 0 gpm 0.5 102.5 105.0 107.5 WELL ID: MW-01 BRL 110.0 Bottom of Casing 112.5 115.0 117.5 120.0 122.5 Major open fracture �-- Minor open fracture Closed fracture 125.0 40 127.5 130.0 132.5 135.0 137.5 140.0 1 IL 142.5 145.0 147.5 ITT t 150.0 152.5 155.0 157.5 160.0 162.5 165.0 167.5 170.0 172.5 Page 1 177.5 180.0 182.5 185.0 187.5 190.0 192.5 195.0 197.5 200.0 202.5 205.0 207.5 210.0 212.5 215.0 217.5 Page 2 Depth Caliper Fractures HPF Ambient 1ft:100ft 6 in. 6.5 0 90 -0.02 gpm 0.5 Caliper - from AN HPF Pumping 6 in 7 -0.02 gpm 0.5 95.0 WELL ID: MW-108 BRL 100.0 Bottom of CasinAh 105.0 110.0 115.0 Major open fracture 120.0 Minor open fracture Closed fracture 125.0 v I 40 130.0 135.0 Q40 140.0 Q 145.0 Q 150.0 155.0 160.0 Q Page 1 1 170.0 175.0 180.0 Q 185.0 190.0 Q7 R;� 195.0 Page 2 Depth Caliper Fractures HPF - Ambient 1ft:100ft 5.5 in. 6 0 90 -0.02 gpm 0.5 Caliper - from AN HPF - Pumping 5.5 in 7 -0.02 gpm 0.5 222.5 WELL ID: MW-108 Bli 225.0 227.5 Bottom of Casing 230.0 232.5 235.0 237.5 240.0 242.5 245.0 247.5AL Major open fracture �- Minor open fracture Closed fracture 250.0 252.5 255.0 257.5 260.0 262.5 265.0 267.5 270.0 272.5 275.0 277.5 280.0 282.5 285.0 287.5 lid 290.0 292.5 Page 1 297.5 300.0 302.5 305.0 307.5 310.0 312.5 315.0 317.5 320.0 322.5 325.0 327.5 330.0 332.5 335.0 337.5 340.0 342.5 345.0 347.5 350.0 352.5 355.0 357.5 360.0 362.5 365.0 367.5 370.0 372.5 375.0 Page 2 377.5 380.0 382.5 385.0 387.5 390.0 392.5 395.0 397.5 400.0 402.5 405.0 407.5 410.0 412.5 415.0 417.5 420.0 422.5 425.0 427.5 Page 3 Depth Caliper Fractures HPF - Ambient 1ft:100ft 5.5 in. 6 0 90 -0.02 gpm 0.5 Caliper - from AN HPF - Pumping 5.5 in 7 -0.02 gpm 0.5 107.5 110.0 Well ID: MW - 205 BRL 41 112.5 115.0 Bottom of Casing 117.5 120.0 122.5 125.0 127.5 130.0 132.5 135.0 Major open fracture Minor open fracture Closed fracture 137.5 140.0 142.5 145.0 147.5 150.0 152.5 155.0 157.5 160.0 162.5 165.0 167.5 170.0 172.5 Page 1 Depth Caliper Fractures HPF - Ambient 1ft:100ft 5.2 in. 5.6 0 90 -0.02 gpm 0.5 Caliper - from AN HPF - Pumping 5.5 in 7 -0.02 gpm 0.5 192.5 195.0 Well ID: MW - 205 BRLL 197.5 Bottom of Casing 200.0 202.5 205.0 207.5 210.0 212.5 Major open fracture • Minor open fracture Closed fracture 215.0 217.5 220.0 222.5 225.0 227.5 230.0 232.5 235.0 237.5 240.0 242.5 245.0 247.5 250.0 252.5 255.0 257.5 260.0 Page 1 Depth Caliper Fractures HPF - Ambient 1ft:100ft 5.5 in. 6 0 90 -0.02 gpm 0.1 Caliper - from AN HPF - Pumping 5.5 in 7 -0.02 gpm 0.1 292.5 295.0 297.5 WELL ID: MW-205 BRLLL Bottom of Casing 300.0 302.5 305.0 307.5 Major open fracture Minor open fracture Closed fracture 1 17 1 1 310.0 312.5 315.0 317.5 320.0 40 322.5 325.0 327.5 330.0 40 332.5 335.0 337.5 340.0 342.5 345.0 347.5 350.0 352.5 355.0 357.5 360.0 41 362.5 Page 1 367.5 370.0 372.5 375.0 377.5 380.0 382.5 385.0 387.5 390.0 392.5 395.0 397.5 400.0 402.5 405.0 407.5 410.0 412.5 415.0 417.5 420.0 422.5 425.0 427.5 430.0 432.5 435.0 437.5 440.0 442.5 445.0 Page 2 Depth Caliper Fractures HPF - Ambient 1ft:120ft 5.8 in. 6.4 0 90 -0.02 gpm 0.4 Caliper from ATV HPF - Pumping 6 in 7 -0.02 gpm 0.4 92.5 95.0 WELL ID: MW-208 BRL 97.5 Bottom of Casing 100.0 102.5 105.0 107.5 110.0 112.5 115.0 117.5 or i Major open fracture Minor open fracture Closed fracture 120.0 122.5 125.0 127.5 130.0 132.5 135.0 137.5 140.0 142.5 145.0 41 147.5 150.0 152.5 155.0 157.5 160.0 162.5 165.0 167.5 Page 1 Depth Caliper Fractures HPF - Ambient 1ft:100ft 5.5 in. 6 0 90 -0.02 gpm 0.8 Caliper - from AN HPF- Pumping 5.5 in 7 -0.02 gpm 0.8 -192.5-4 195.0 197.5 4 1 WELL ID: MW-208 BRILL Bottom of Casing 200.0 202.5 205.0 207.5 210.0 212.5 215.0 217.5 220.0 Major open fracture Minor open fracture Closed fracture 222.5 225.0 -4 t 227.5 230.0 232.5 235.0 237.5 240.0 242.5 245.0 247.5 250.0 252.5 255.0 257.5 260.0 Page 1 Depth Caliper Fractures HPF - Ambient 1ft:105ft 5.5 in. 6 0 90 -0.02 gpm 0.2 Caliper - from AN HPF - Pumping 5.5 in 7 -0.02 gpm 0.2 292.5 295.0 WELL ID: MW-208 BRLLL Bottom of Casing 297.5 300.0 302.5 305.0 307.5 310.0 Major open fracture 40_ Minor open fracture Closed fracture 312.5 315.0 7V 317.5 320.0 322.5 325.0 327.5 330.0 332.5 335.0 337.5 340.0 342.5 345.0 347.5 350.0 352.5 355.0 357.5 360.0 362.5 365.0 367.5 Page 1 370.0 372.5 375.0 377.5 380.0 382.5 385.0 387.5 390.0 392.5 395.0 397.5 400.0 402.5 405.0 407.5 410.0 412.5 415.0 417.5 420.0 422.5 425.0 427.5 430.0 432.5 435.0 437.5 440.0 442.5 445.0 447.5 Page 2 APPENDIX 4 NEES NONE MIT r lip�, k; F •r , SEEN z!,X Af 3 1f� _ .NONE IR 'NONE3 4 _ NONE } MEMO w-- NONE n NONE NONE NONE F LL END, lE� _E€r INNIMMON INNIMEMI Emomil [Pliq An NONE 13".1 IME11=1[i WRI INNIMMEN 1"i IMMIMMMI imml immil IMMIMMOR immi 101 immi ol immi ol imml a@ immillemmkill immi I immi IMMILEMN'll, immi .0211, IMMILI�011tq.11 OL ! 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AN M i��.7 NNE- 07 , Ri MIN.- Solutions 821 Livingston Court, Suite E Marietta, GA 30067 P 770.980.1002 Geophysical Logging Report MW — 38 BR Roxboro Steam Electric Plant, Semora, North Carolina Performed for: SynTerra October 11, 2019 problem solved Geophysical Logging Report, MW — 38 BR, Roxboro Steam Electric Plant, Semora, North Carolina TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page SignaturePage..................................................................................................................................ii ExecutiveSummary.........................................................................................................................iii 1.0 Introduction........................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 Equipment and Methodology................................................................................................ 1 2.1 Acoustic Televiewer...................................................................................................... 1 2.2 Optical Televiewer........................................................................................................ 2 2.3 3-Arm Caliper................................................................................................................ 2 2.4 Fluid Temperature........................................................................................................ 2 2.5 Fluid Conductivity......................................................................................................... 2 2.6 Single Point Resistance(SPR)........................................................................................ 3 2.7 Spontaneous Potential (SP).......................................................................................... 3 2.8 Heat Pulse Flowmeter(HPF)......................................................................................... 3 3.0 Field Procedures.................................................................................................................... 3 4.0 Data Processing and Results.................................................................................................. 5 Appendices Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Appendix 4 Fracture Summary Table Schmidt Stereonets and Rose Diagrams Heat Pulse Flowmeter Logs and Fracture Characteristics Geophysical Logs problem solved Geophysical Logging Report, MW — 38 BR October 11, 2019 Roxboro Steam Electric Plant, Semora, North Carolina (synt00118) Page ii SIGNATURE PAGE This report, entitled "Geophysical Logging Report, MW — 38 BR, Roxboro Steam Electric Plant, Semora, North Carolina" has been prepared for SynTerra located in Greenville, South Carolina. It has been prepared under the supervision of Mr. Jorgen Bergstrom at the request of and the exclusive use of SynTerra. This report has been prepared in accordance with accepted quality control practices and has been reviewed by the undersigned. GEL Solutions. LLC A Member of the GEL Group, Inc. Jorgen Bergstrom, P.Gp. Senior Geophysicist Nicholas Rebman Geophysical Specialist October 11, 2019 Date problem solved Geophysical Logging Report, MW — 38 BR October 11, 2019 Roxboro Steam Electric Plant, Semora, North Carolina (synt00118) Page iii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY GEL Solutions performed geophysical borehole logging services at one boring located at Roxboro Steam Electric Plant in Semora, North Carolina. The field investigation was performed between October 3, 2019 and October 4, 2019 during one mobilization. This investigation was conducted to aid SynTerra in evaluating potential pathways for groundwater migration through fractured bedrock at the site. The geophysical logs consisted of acoustic televiewer, optical televiewer, caliper, fluid conductivity, fluid temperature, single point resistance (SPR), spontaneous potential (SP), and heat pulse flowmeter (HPF). The logging data was analyzed to determine the location and orientation of fractures and other features. In addition to these data sets, synthetic caliper logs were calculated from the acoustic televiewer travel time data to aid in the interpretation. Dip and azimuth (dip direction) were calculated for each detected fracture based on the televiewer dataset. HPF data was analyzed to detect water producing fractures. problem solved Geophysical Logging Report, MW — 38 BR October 11, 2019 Roxboro Steam Electric Plant, Semora, North Carolina (synt00118) Page 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION GEL Solutions performed geophysical borehole logging services in one boring located at Roxboro Steam Electric Plant in Semora, North Carolina. The geophysical logs consisted of acoustic and optical televiewer, 3- arm caliper, fluid conductivity, fluid temperature, single point resistance (SPR), spontaneous potential (SP), and heat pulse flowmeter (HPF). The field investigation was performed between October 3, 2019 and October 4, 2019. The logging data was analyzed to determine the location and orientation of fractures and other features. In addition to these data sets, synthetic caliper logs were calculated from the acoustic televiewer travel time data to aid in the interpretation. 2.0 EQUIPMENT AND METHODOLOGY The information below is an overview of the geophysical methodologies used for this investigation. The intent of this overview is to give the reader a better understanding of each method, and background information as to what is actually measured, the resolution of the method, and the limitations imposed by site -specific subsurface conditions. 2.1 Acoustic Televiewer Acoustic televiewer (ATV) logging produces a high resolution, magnetically oriented digital image of the borehole wall to map the location and orientation of intersecting fractures, foliations, and lithologic contacts. The Acoustic televiewer tool emits a rotating, narrow, acoustic beam that is reflected off the borehole wall. The travel time and amplitude of the reflected wave are recorded by the tool and used to create borehole images. Both datasets are useful for identifying the location and orientation of fractures. The amplitude of the reflected signal will decrease at the location of fractures and the travel time will increase. The travel time data can also be used for developing a high resolution caliper log for a more comprehensive analysis of fractures. Acoustic televiewers can only be used in fluid filled boreholes. However, the fluid does not have to be optically clear for the method to work. When operating the ATV, a "time window" is set based on the borehole diameter. The time window is the time interval in which the ATV instrument searches for an echo from the borehole wall. For smaller increases in borehole diameter around fractures and sections of weaker rock, the ATV typically records an accurate borehole diameter (correlates well with three -arm caliper data). However, if borehole openings are problem solved Geophysical Logging Report, MW — 38 BR October 11, 2019 Roxboro Steam Electric Plant, Semora, North Carolina (synt00118) Page 2 much larger than the borehole diameter, the echo from the borehole wall may fall outside the time window, or be too weak to be detected. In these situations, borehole diameters recorded with ATV may be inaccurate. Since ATV only records the reflection from the borehole wall, the data cannot be used to determine how far a fracture extends from the borehole. The acoustic televiewer has a vertical resolution of 2 millimeters. 2.2 Optical Televiewer Optical televiewer (OTV) logging is used to record and digitize a 360-degree color image of the borehole wall. Planar features such as fractures, foliation, and lithologic contacts can be identified directly on the images. The tool is magnetically oriented in order to determine the orientation of features. Televiewers have a vertical resolution of 2mm, which is significantly better than many other geophysical tools. As a result, it is able to see features other tools cannot resolve. Optical images can be collected above or below the water surface, provided the water is sufficiently clear for viewing the borehole wall. 2.3 3-Arm Caliper Caliper logging is used to generate a profile of the borehole diameter with depth. The tool measures the borehole diameter using three spring -loaded arms. Narrow enlargements in the borehole diameter can, in most cases, be attributed to fractures. Caliper logging can be conducted above and below the water surface. 2.4 Fluid Temperature Fluid temperature logging is used to identify where water enters or exits the borehole. In the absence of fluid flow, a gradual increase on water temperature of approximately 1°F per 100 feet of depth is expected. Rapid changes in the fluid temperature indicate water -producing or water -receiving zones. Little or no temperature gradient indicates intervals of vertical flow. 2.5 Fluid Conductivity Fluid conductivity logging is used to measure the electrical conductivity of the fluid in the borehole. Variations in fluid conductivity can be contributed to concentration variations of dissolved solids. These differences can occur when sources of water have contrasting chemistry and have come from different transmissive zones. Fluid temperature and conductivity are measured concurrently using the same logging tool. problem solved Geophysical Logging Report, MW — 38 BR October 11, 2019 Roxboro Steam Electric Plant, Semora, North Carolina (synt00118) Page 3 2.6 Single Point Resistance (SPR) Single point resistance logging involves passing an alternate current between a surface electrode and a probe electrode and measuring the voltage difference created by the current. SPR is then calculated using Ohm's law. SPR is the sum of cable resistance, and the resistance based on the composition of the medium, the cross sectional area and length of the path through the medium. Therefore, the single point resistance log does not provide quantitative data. In general, SPR increases with increasing grain size and decreases with increasing borehole diameter, fracture density, and the concentration of dissolved solids in the water. Single - point resistance logs are useful in the determination of lithology, water quality, and location of fracture zones 2.7 Spontaneous Potential (SP) SP logging is conducted to measure naturally occurring voltage differences along a borehole. The method has been found useful for delineating sandstone/shale layering and other boundaries between permeable and impermeable beds. The measurements are made with reference to an electrode at ground level. Therefore, SP logging does not provide quantitative data. 2.8 Heat Pulse Flowmeter (HPF) HPF logging measures the direction and rate of vertical fluid flow in a borehole by heating up a small volume of water and monitoring temperature variations as the heated water moves with the fluid flow in the borehole. Under ambient conditions, differences in hydraulic head between two transmissive fractures produce vertical flow in the borehole. However, if the hydraulic head is the same, no flow will occur under ambient conditions. Therefore, HPF logging is also conducted under low -rate pumping conditions. HPF readings are point readings at the location of fractures. The location and number of these readings can be determined after analyzing the other geophysical logs for fractures. HPF can be used for measuring vertical flows in the borehole between 0.005 gallons per minute (gpm) and approximately 1.5 gpm. In HPF data, upward flow is shown as positive flow, and downward flow is shown as negative flow. 3.0 FIELD PROCEDURES All GEL Solutions activities on -site were supervised by a senior geophysicist. For this investigation, GEL Solutions used a Mount Sopris Matrix logging system. Pumping tests during HPF testing were conducted using a Grundfos Redi-Flow-2 water pump with variable speed control box and an in -situ Mini -Troll pressure transducer with logging capabilities. The pump is placed in the casing above the open hole section of the problem solved Geophysical Logging Report, MW — 38 BR October 11, 2019 Roxboro Steam Electric Plant, Semora, North Carolina (synt00118) Page 4 borehole. HPF logging under pumping conditions commenced after the borehole water level had stabilized. HPF logging was conducted at every 10 feet throughout the logging intervals under ambient and pumping conditions. More closely spaced readings were then conducted at sections with abrupt changes in flow. A summary of the configuration of the boreholes, pumping rates, and water levels is provided below. All depth measurements are referenced from the ground surface. All borings are surface cased and open hole below the casing. Logging Configuration Summary Well ID: MW —38 BR Casing material: PVC Casing diameter (in): 6.0 Open hole (ft): 55-600 Open hole diameter (in): 6.0 Pumping rate (gpm): <0.1 Pump depth (ft): 51 Water level before pumping (ft): 21.2 Water level at equilibrium (ft): 45.4 4.0 DATA PROCESSING AND RESULTS The logs were analyzed for fractures and other features using WellCAD software, manufactured by Advanced Logic Technology. The travel time data from the acoustic televiewer log was used to develop a maximum caliper log. Fractures were interpreted through a complete data analysis of all logs. Dip and azimuth (dip direction) were calculated for each detected fracture. The fracture data was corrected from apparent to true dip and azimuth using deviation logs included with the televiewer dataset, and from magnetic north to true north by rotating the fracture azimuths 9.0° counterclockwise. Magnetic north is 9.0° west of true north at the site (according to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). The reported azimuth or dip direction is measured clockwise from true north (Figure 1). A fracture summary table including fracture attributes is provided in Appendix 1. Dominating water producing fractures based on flow logging or other evidence are highlighted and shown in bold and italics text. Minor water producing fractures based on flow logging are shown in bold. problem solved Geophysical Logging Report, MW — 38 BR October 11, 2019 Roxboro Steam Electric Plant, Semora, North Carolina (synt00118) Page 5 Schmidt stereonets (lower hemisphere) with fracture characteristics and fracture rose diagrams are presented on Appendix 2. HPF logs and fracture characteristics are shown on Appendix 3. All logs are presented on Appendix 4. All depths are referenced from ground surface. vest ! sast Relations hefinen Do and A#&wh angle Figure 1: Explanation of azimuth and dip for fractures problem solved Appendix 1 Roxboro Steam Electric Plant, Semora, North Carolina Fracture Data From Geophysical Logging MW-38BR Depth Azimuth Dip ft deg deg 56.5 151 34 56.9 164 50 57.3 145 57 59.6 27 62 63.2 122 67 66.0 25 57 68.0 135 67 68.5 143 61 70.1 153 64 73.2 159 67 75.5 169 75 76.8 160 65 77.5 156 71 79.1 133 56 82.5 124 45 90.6 139 70 91.0 139 70 93.8 160 65 95.1 151 59 98.4 171 35 99.8 144 62 101.1 317 67 104.2 126 58 107.1 74 55 107.6 137 55 109.2 139 56 111.9 204 82 112.1 8 58 113.3 302 82 118.4 131 52 118.8 130 43 119.3 129 45 120.2 167 54 123.2 152 26 123.7 93 44 124.6 129 45 125.4 115 48 127.4 331 33 127.4 78 63 MW-38BR Depth Azimuth Dip ft deg deg 129.0 99 73 131.0 138 31 131.5 131 34 132.8 124 45 137.0 218 84 139.8 93 87 141.8 199 77 153.7 172 53 154.6 177 55 157.6 161 42 163.2 8 49 168.3 153 45 171.7 188 25 174.3 165 69 178.5 158 61 179.9 319 35 183.6 152 74 189.2 188 70 193.5 3 76 196.1 3 86 197.4 15 84 201.0 152 54 203.1 130 49 206.1 190 88 211.1 184 87 222.8 12 84 224.2 142 58 231.2 141 68 234.4 263 58 235.4 194 69 240.1 28 79 241.1 8 84 241.4 214 81 242.7 198 75 249.0 146 4 249.0 304 21 255.9 133 61 257.3 119 62 257.7 147 54 MW - 38 BR Depth Azimuth Dip ft deg deg 267.1 283 38 276.6 156 58 284.2 184 62 284.5 170 57 290.5 143 51 291.3 21 40 292.9 35 74 294.5 40 64 301.0 158 63 313.8 25 88 326.3 28 86 342.9 35 82 345.9 135 52 347.9 140 50 348.0 119 84 353.2 38 78 356.8 30 80 357.6 39 70 360.6 35 83 372.2 152 66 381.0 319 47 381.2 204 22 383.8 37 80 386.4 162 44 388.3 135 39 390.0 137 36 390.4 146 32 400.5 127 46 402.8 185 18 403.9 135 42 404.2 206 66 404.4 127 40 426.6 40 84 436.0 164 46 436.6 174 52 440.3 135 27 441.2 107 31 449.8 149 38 453.2 27 66 Major open fractures are highlighted and shown in bold, italics text. Minor open fractures are shown in bold. Closed fractures are shown in plain text Roxboro Steam Electric Plant, Semora, North Carolina Fracture Data From Geophysical Logging MW-38BR Depth Azimuth Dip ft deg deg 454.5 30 82 456.5 28 85 459.7 310 35 464.3 115 43 478.0 133 50 482.2 150 37 482.5 144 38 483.0 138 38 484.1 134 40 491.6 147 51 499.8 152 38 499.9 139 39 504.6 132 44 505.6 153 47 507.6 214 76 509.6 218 80 522.2 143 63 537.7 162 37 549.8 113 39 549.8 170 65 558.1 163 62 559.2 146 60 561.7 148 65 564.0 140 58 566.4 157 60 566.8 36 56 569.5 29 68 Major open fractures are highlighted and shown in bold, italics text. Minor open fractures are shown in bold. Closed fractures are shown in plain text Appendix 2 Depth Fractures Poles - Dip - Lower Hemisphere Great Circles - Strike - Lower Hemisphere 1 ft:1000ft 0 90 Schmidt Plot - LH - Type Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type 50 Well ID: MW - 38 BR 100 150 Schmidt Plot - LH - Type Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type Depth: 34.78 [ft] to 601.38 [ft] Depth: 34.78 [ft] to 602.03 [ft] 200 0. 0. 80 0 710 80 ....' 10 0 l0 60 M I _i 250 50 0 50 40 30 20D 30/ / 20 300 270° 10-20-30-40-50-60-70-8 90' 270° 10-20-30-40,/6" 80-70-8 90' 350 - 400 180* 180, 450 500 Major open fracture 550 0Minor open fracture Closed fracture 600 Page 1 Depth Fractures Rose Diagram - Dip Direction Rose Diagram - Dip 1ft: 1000ft 0 90 Azimuth -Absolute (Count) Dip Count -Absolute (Count) 50 100 150 Azimuth - Absolute (Count) 200 Depth: 39.04 [ft] to 598.75 [ft] 00 Dip Count - Absolute (Count) Depth: 39.04 [ft] to 599.41 [ft] 250 300 00 350 0 Counts: 144.00 Well ID: 1800 Mean (3D): 53.62 MW - 38 BR 400 Components: Azimuth Min: 3.71 Counts: 144.00 Max: 88.33 Mean (3D): 154.59 450 Min: 2.65 Max: 330.72 500 550 600 Page 1 Appendix 3 Depth Caliper Fractures HPF Pumping 1ft:500ft 5 in 7 0 90 -0.01 Gal./min. 0.02 Caliper from ATV HPF Ambient 5 in 7 -0.01 Gal./min. 0.02 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 WELL ID: MW-38 BR Bottom of Casing 60.0 65.0 70.0 75.0 80.0 85.0 It 90.0 95.0 100.0 105.0 110.0 115.0 120.0 125.0 130.0 135.0 140.0 145.0 150.0 155.0 160.0 165.0 170.0 175.0 180.0 101 Major open fracture �- Minor open fracture Closed fracture 185.0 190.0 195.0 200.0 205.0 210.0 215.0 220.0 225.0 230.0 235.0 240.0 245.0 250.0 255.0 260.0 265.0 270.0 275.0 280.0 285.0 290.0 295.0 300.0 305.0 310.0 315.0 320.0 325.0 330.0 335.0 340.0 345.0 350.0 355.0 360.0 365.0 370.0 375.0 380.0 385.0 390.0 395.0 Page 1 405.0 410.0 415.0 420.0 425.0 430.0 435.0 440.0 445.0 450.0 455.0 460.0 465.0 470.0 475.0 480.0 485.0 490.0 495.0 500.0 505.0 510.0 515.0 520.0 525.0 530.0 535.0 540.0 545.0 550.0 555.0 560.0 565.0 570.0 575.0 580.0 585.0 590.0 595.0 Page 2 Appendix 4 'gam_ - -; 3 a y -- INS Wit-_ Tr(g_v - 14 sue.: _ 4 A 11- A'_ �� - __ gay -- Air _ _ IM - - R _ o.; MOW " - .-,- x� 0 F'Z lawn _ -- Nita - Alp<< s 4 7q.1Wk imam _- 3t rvr� Al - �= is t MW F lk- x_ _ a_ fim F 400 - -x rAw ' _- S� 5 � ems` � - s s - M -f - OR - � - Muls w ma al o 4 �_ t_, _ _` __- 771 v L Page 17 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — Roxboro Steam Electric Plant ATTACHMENT D SynTerra PETROGRAPHIC EVALUATION OF CORE SAMPLES Umm Lab 1ESInon arrnoLARl PETROLEUM SERVICES Petrographic Evaluation Of Core Samples SynTerra Corporation Roxboro Project August 2019 Core Laboratories, Inc. Houston Advanced Technology Center 6316 Windfern Road Houston, Texas 77040 Houston ATC Job File No.: 1902308G The analytical results, opinions or interpretations contained in this report are based upon information and material supplied by the client for whose exclusive and confidential use this report has been made. The analytical results, opinions or interpretations expressed represent the best judgment of Core Laboratories. Core Laboratories, however, makes no warranty or representation, expressed or implied, of any type, and expressly disclaims same as to the productivity, proper operations or profitableness of an oil, gas, coal or other mineral, property, well or sand in connection with which such report is used or relied upon for any reason whatsoever. This report shall not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the written approval of Core Laboratories. PETROGRAPHIC SUMMARY Ten core samples from Roxboro project were selected for thin section petrographic analysis (Table 1). The analytical program and petrographic summary are presented in Table 1. Thin section photomicrographs and descriptions are provided in Plates 1 — 10. • Ten samples are all igneous rocks. These igneous rocks are classified as quartz diorite and tonalite (Table 1), based on the relative abundances of minerals (quartz, alkali feldspar, and plagioclase). • The principal minerals are plagioclase, quartz, biotite, and amphibole. Accessory minerals consist of epidote, pyrite, K-feldspar, zircon, apatite, magnetite, and sphene. • Three samples have been severely altered or weathered, as indicated by the extensive alteration of plagioclase into sericite/illitic clays (Plates 1AB, 2AB, 7AB). In the rest of samples, plagioclase crystals are locally altered into sericite/illitic clays. Minor biotite and amphibole crystals are altered into chlorite. Rare to minor Fe -calcite and Fe -dolomite are present in a few samples. • Macropores are rare to minor, and consist of dissolution intracrystal, moldic and fracture pores. Micropores are probably rare to minor in abundance and associated with some illitic clays. Thank you for choosing Core Laboratories to perform this study. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments concerning this report. Sincerely, �s bl_z� Yong Q. Wu PhD Staff Geologist Reservoir Geology Core Laboratories - Houston Phone: 713-328-2554 E-mail: Yong.Wu(a)corelab. com ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES THIN SECTION PETROGRAPHY Thin sections were prepared by first impregnating the samples with epoxy to augment cohesion and to prevent loss of material during grinding. Each thinly sliced sample was mounted on a frosted glass slide and then grounded to an approximate thickness of 30 microns. The thin sections were stained with the following: Alizarin Red-S to differentiate calcite (stains red) from clear dolomite (does not stain); potassium ferricyanide to identify ferroan dolomite (stains dark blue) and ferroan calcite (stains purple to dark blue depending on acid concentration and iron content of the sample). They were also stained with sodium cobaltinitrite for potassium feldspar (stains yellow). The thin sections were analyzed using standard petrographic techniques. Igneous rock classification scheme is as follows (Q = quartz; A = alkali feldspar; P = plagioclase; F = feldspathoid): quaicz alkah feldspar Syen11P alkalifeklspar S syenife A fa���ng alkali r,.0 par syenlfe 0 F quadz diorlie rplariz gabhrn quarizarnorthome gabbro diorite P anorthosite fd,&Lwar ing gabbre foid bearingdionle foid-bearing wWh&we TABLE 1 SynTerra Corp., Roxboro Project ANALYTICAL PROGRAM AND SAMPLE SUMMARY Sample No.: Depth (ft): TS Porosity (%) Grain Density (g/cc) Lithology: Classification: Plate No. ABMW-7BR 88.0 X 1.72 2.845 Igneous Rock Quartz diorite 1 ABMW-7BR 126.0 X 2.08 2.735 Igneous Rock Tonalite 2 BG-2BR BG-2BR 65.2 230.0 X X 2.34 0.10 2.659 2.640 Igneous Rock Igneous Rock Tonalite Vein/Fracture-fill 3 4 CCR-207BR 47.5 X 1.39 2.743 Igneous Rock Quartz diorite 5 CCR-207BR 67.0 X 3.12 2.865 Igneous Rock Quartz diorite 6 MW-1 BR 36.0 X 4.83 2.804 Igneous Rock Quartz diorite 7 MW-1 BR 69.0 X 1.26 2.786 Igneous Rock Quartz diorite 8 MW-13BR 56.0 X 2.76 2.676 Igneous Rock Tonalite 9 MW-22BR 56.3 X 0.85 2.740 Igneous Rock Tonalite 10 PLATE 1 Thin Section Petrography Company: SynTerra Corp. Sample Description Project: Roxboro Lithology: Igneous Rock Location: na Sample NO.: ABMW-7BR Classification: Quartz diorite Depth (ft): 88.0 Crystal Size (mm): 1.10 Structures: A massive, fractures B Relative Abundances: Rare <1 % Minor 1-5% Moderate 5-10% Common 10-20% HESERVOIR Abundant >20% Core Analysis Data: Porosity (%): 1.72 Grain Density (g/cc): 2.845 Principal Minerals: abundant plagioclase; common amphibole; common epidote; moderate quartz Accessory Minerals: rare to minor biotite, zircon, pyrite, potassium feldspar, and apatite Alteration and Replacement: abundant plagioclase crystals are altered into sericite and/or illitic clays; rare biotite and amphibole crystals are altered into chlorite; rare Fe -dolomite and Fe -calcite Pore Types: rare dissolution intracrystal pores Photomicrograph Caption The principal minerals are plagioclase (Plag), amphibole (Am), epidote (Ep), and quartz (Q) in this igneous rock (quartz diorite). These mineral crystals show an interlocking fabric. Accessory minerals are biotite (Bi), zircon, pyrite, apatite, and K-feldspar. This sample has been severely altered/weathered, as indicated by the extensive alteration of plagioclase into sericite/illitic clays (Ser). Dissolution intracrystal pores are rarely observed. Micropores are probably rare to minor in abundance and associated with some illitic clays. The green box in Image A indicates the location of Image B. PLATE 2 Thin Section Petrography Company: SynTerra Corp. Sample Description Project: Roxboro Lithology: Igneous Rock Location: na Sample NO.: ABMW-7BR Classification: Tonalite Depth (ft): 126.0 Crystal Size (mm): 2.20 Structures: A massive, fractures B Relative Abundances: Rare <1 % Minor 1-5% Moderate 5-10% Common 10-20% HESERVOIR Abundant >20% Core Analysis Data: Porosity (%): 2.08 Grain Density (g/cc): 2.735 Principal Minerals: abundant plagioclase; abundant quartz; moderate to common amphibole Accessory Minerals: rare to minor biotite, epidote, zircon, pyrite, potassium feldspar, and apatite Alteration and Replacement: abundant plagioclase crystals are altered into sericite and/or illitic clays; rare biotite and amphibole crystals are altered into chlorite; rare Fe -dolomite and Fe -calcite Pore Types: rare dissolution intracrystal pores Photomicrograph Caption Plagioclase (Plag), quartz (Q), and amphibole (Am) are the principal minerals in this igneous rock (tonalite). These mineral crystals show an interlocking fabric. Accessory minerals consist of K-feldspar (KF; stained yellow), biotite, epidote, zircon, pyrite, and apatite. This sample has been severely altered/weathered, as indicated by the extensive alteration of plagioclase into sericite/illitic clays (Ser). Biotite and amphibole are locally altered into chlorite (Ch). Macropores are rare, and mostly dissolution intracrystal pores (IP). Micropores are probably rare to minor in abundance and associated with some illitic clays. The green box in Image A indicates the location of Image B. PLATE 3 Thin Section Petrography Company: SynTerra Corp. Project: Roxboro Location: na Sample No.: BG-2BR Depth (ft): 65.2 A Relative Abundances: Rare <1 % Minor 1-5% Moderate 5-10% Common 10-20% HESERVOIR Abundant >20% 100 pm :r Core Analysis Data: Porosity (%): 2.34 Grain Density (g/cc): 2.659 Sample Description Lithology: Igneous Rock Classification: Tonalite Crystal Size (mm): 1.30 Structures: massive Principal Minerals: abundant plagioclase; abundant quartz Accessory Minerals: rare to minor muscovite, biotite, pyrite, potassium feldspar, and apatite Alteration and Replacement: abundant plagioclase crystals are altered into sericite and/or illitic clays; rare biotite crystals are altered into chlorite; rare illitic clays fill intracrystal pores Pore Types: rare to minor dissolution intracrystal and fracture pores Photomicrograph Caption The principal minerals are plagioclase (Plag) and quartz (Q) in this igneous rock (tonalite). These mineral crystals show an interlocking fabric. Accessory minerals are biotite (Bi), muscovite (Mus), pyrite, and apatite. The plagioclase has been locally altered into sericite/illitic clays (Ser). Macropores are rare, and consist of dissolution intracrystal (IP) and moldic pores. Some pores are partly filled with illitic clays (IL). Micropores are probably rare to minor in abundance and associated with some illitic clays. The green box in Image A indicates the location of Image B. PLATE 4 Thin Section Petrography Company: SynTerra Corp. Sample Description Project: Roxboro Lithology: Igneous Rock Location: na Sample No.: BG-2BR Classification: Vein/Fracture-fill Depth (ft): 230.0 Crystal Size (mm): 0.50 Structures: A massive, faint lineation, fractures B Relative Abundances: Rare <1 % Minor 1-5% Moderate 5-10% Common 10-20% HESERVOIR Abundant >20% Core Analysis Data: Porosity (%): 0.10 Grain Density (g/cc): 2.640 Principal Minerals: abundant quartz; moderate to common calcite/Fe-calcite; moderate amphibole; minor biotite; minor epidote; minor plagioclase Accessory Minerals: rare sphene Alteration and Replacement: minor calcite and Fe -calcite; rare to minor plagioclase crystals are altered into sericite and/or illitic clays Pore Types: rare to minor dissolution intracrystal and fracture pores Photomicrograph Caption This sample is most likely from a vein or facture -fill, which is composed of quartz (Q), calcite (Cal; stained reddish) and Fe -calcite (Fcal; stained purplish). The host rock is possibly an igneous rock (diorite), and composed of amphibole (Am), plagioclase, biotite, and epidote. Macropores are rare, and consist of dissolution intracrystal and fracture pores. Micropores are probably rare in abundance. The green box in Image A indicates the location of Image B. PLATE 5 Thin Section Petrography Company: SynTerra Corp. Sample Description Project: Roxboro Lithology: Igneous Rock Location: na Sample NO.: CCR-207BR Classification: Quartz diorite Depth (ft): 47.5 Crystal Size (mm): 0.45 Structures: A massive, faint lineation Y r' ors` fps r ::r 1 mm B 61, I Relative Abundances: Rare <1 % Minor 1-5% Moderate 5-10% Common 10-20% HESERVOIR Abundant >20% Core Analysis Data: Porosity (%): 1.39 Grain Density (g/cc): 2.743 Principal Minerals: abundant plagioclase; common to abundant quartz; moderate biotite Accessory Minerals: rare muscovite, epidote, pyrite, sphene, and apatite Alteration and Replacement: abundant plagioclase crystals are altered into sericite and/or illitic clays; rare biotite crystals are altered into chlorite Pore Types: rare dissolution intracrystal and moldic pores Photomicrograph Caption Image A shows that biotite (Bi) is unevenly distributed in this igneous rock (quartz diorite). Image B reveals that plagioclase (Plag), quartz (Q), and biotite (Bi) are the principal minerals. These mineral crystals show an interlocking fabric. Accessory minerals include apatite (Ap), muscovite, epidote, pyrite, and sphene. The plagioclase is locally altered into sericite/illitic clays (Ser). Macropores are rare and mainly dissolution intracrystal pores. Micropores are probably rare to minor in abundance and associated with some illitic clays. The green box in Image A indicates the location of Image B. PLATE 6 Thin Section Petrography Company: SynTerra Corp. Sample Description Project: Roxboro Lithology: Igneous Rock Location: na Sample NO.: CCR-207BR Classification: Quartz diorite Depth (ft): 67.0 Crystal Size (mm): 0.42 Structures: A massive, faint lineation, fractures B Relative Abundances: Rare <1 % Minor 1-5% Moderate 5-10% Common 10-20% HESERVOIR Abundant >20% -v Q Core Analysis Data: Porosity (%): 3.12 Grain Density (g/cc): 2.865 Principal Minerals: abundant plagioclase; abundant biotite; common to abundant quartz; moderate amphibole Accessory Minerals: rare epidote, pyrite, and apatite Alteration and Replacement: abundant plagioclase crystals are altered into sericite and/or illitic clays; rare biotite crystals are altered into chlorite Pore Types: rare to minor dissolution intracrystal and moldic pores Photomicrograph Caption Plagioclase (Plag), biotite (Bi), quartz (Q), and amphibole (Am) are the principal minerals in this igneous rock (quartz diorite). These mineral crystals show an interlocking fabric. Accessory minerals consist of epidote (Ep), pyrite, and apatite. The plagioclase is locally altered into sericite/illitic clays (Ser). Chlorite rarely replaces biotite. Macropores are unevenly distributed, and mostly dissolution moldic (MP) and intracrystal pores. Micropores are probably rare to minor in abundance and associated with some illitic clays. The green box in Image A indicates the location of Image B. PLATE 7 Thin Section Petrography Company: SynTerra Corp. Sample Description Project: Roxboro Lithology: Igneous Rock Location: na Sample NO.: MWA BR Classification: Quartz diorite Depth (ft): 36.0 Crystal Size (mm): 0.40 Structures: A massive, fractures B Relative Abundances: Rare <1 % Minor 1-5% Moderate 5-10% Common 10-20% HESERVOIR Abundant >20% Core Analysis Data: Porosity (%): 4.83 Grain Density (g/cc): 2.804 Principal Minerals: abundant plagioclase; moderate biotite; moderate quartz; minor amphibole Accessory Minerals: rare to minor epidote, pyrite, magnetite, potassium feldspar, zircon, sphene, and apatite Alteration and Replacement: abundant plagioclase crystals are altered into sericite and/or illitic clays; minor biotite and amphibole crystals are altered into chlorite Pore Types: rare to minor dissolution intracrystal and fracture pores Photomicrograph Caption The principal minerals are plagioclase (Plag), biotite (Bi), quartz (Q), and amphibole (Am) in this igneous rock (quartz diorite). These mineral crystals show an interlocking fabric. Accessory minerals are epidote (Ep), pyrite (Py), magnetite, potassium feldspar, zircon, sphene, and apatite. This sample has been severely altered/weathered, as indicated by the extensive alteration of plagioclase into sericite/illitic clays (Ser). Clay -filled fractures (Fr/clay) are also common. Chlorite locally replaces biotite and amphibole. Dissolution intracrystal pores (IP) and open fractures (Fr) are rarely observed. Micropores are probably rare to minor in abundance and associated with some illitic clays. The green box in Image A indicates the location of Image B. PLATE 8 Thin Section Petrography Company: SynTerra Corp. Project: Roxboro Location: na Sample No.: MW-1 BR Depth (ft): 69.0 A K:. �.•-: MP .r . Sample Description Lithology: Igneous Rock Classification: Quartz diorite Crystal Size (mm): 0.51 Structures: massive, faint lineation Principal Minerals: abundant plagioclase; common biotite; common quartz; minor amphibole; minor epidote Accessory Minerals: rare to minor pyrite, magnetite, zircon, and apatite ,�. Alteration and Replacement: �X- �`' - moderate plagioclase crystals are altered into sericite "�._. —� t mm and/or illitic clays; rare biotite crystals are altered into chlorite B e 7.- Relative Abundances: Rare <1 % Minor 1-5% Moderate 5-10% Common 10-20% HCnore„�b Abundant >20% Core Analysis Data: Porosity (%): 1.26 Grain Density (g/cc): 2.786 Pore Types: rare to minor dissolution intracrystal and moldic pores Photomicrograph Caption Image A shows that biotite (Bi) is unevenly distributed in this igneous rock (quartz diorite). Moldic pores (MP) are locally observed. The plagioclase (Plag) is locally altered into sericite/illitic clays (Ser). Image B reveals that plagioclase, quartz (Q), biotite (Bi), amphibole (Am), and epidote (Ep) are the principal minerals. These mineral crystals show an interlocking fabric. Pyrite (Py) is rarely observed. Micropores are probably rare to minor in abundance and associated with some illitic clays. The green box in Image A indicates the location of Image B. PLATE 9 Thin Section Petrography Company: SynTerra Corp. Project: Roxboro Location: na Sample No.: MW-13BR Depth (ft): 56.0 A �o } `4 r J ri- B -Al N ,t F ss Relative Abundances: Rare <1 % Minor 1-5% Moderate 5-10% Common 10-20% HESERVOIR Abundant >20% S.? A Core Analysis Data: Porosity (%): 2.76 Grain Density (g/cc): 2.676 Sample Description Lithology: Igneous Rock Classification: Tonalite Crystal Size (mm): 0.63 Structures: massive, fractures Principal Minerals: abundant plagioclase; abundant quartz; minor biotite Accessory Minerals: rare epidote, zircon, pyrite, magnetite, potassium feldspar, muscovite, and apatite Alteration and Replacement: abundant plagioclase crystals are altered into sericite and/or illitic clays Pore Types: rare to minor dissolution intracrystal and fracture pores Photomicrograph Caption Plagioclase (Plag), quartz (Q), and biotite (Bi) are the principal minerals in this igneous rock (tonalite). These mineral crystals show an interlocking fabric. Accessory minerals consist of epidote (Ep), zircon, pyrite (Py), muscovite, K-feldspar, and apatite. The plagioclase is locally altered into sericite/illitic clays. Macropores are rare, and mostly dissolution intracrystal (IP) and fracture (Fr) pores. Micropores are probably rare to minor in abundance and associated with some illitic clays. The green box in Image A indicates the location of Image B. PLATE 10 Thin Section Petrography Company: SynTerra Corp. Project: Roxboro Location: na Sample No.: MW-22BR Depth (ft): 56.3 A WW-- 60 ,lagtSer , �.„ -A I° 1 mm '*an V& 9W5011111111111 ad Sample Description Lithology: Igneous Rock Classification: Tonalite Crystal Size (mm): 0.40 Structures: massive, faint lineation Principal Minerals: abundant plagioclase; abundant quartz; common biotite; minor amphibole Accessory Minerals: rare epidote, pyrite, magnetite, potassium feldspar, and apatite Alteration and Replacement: abundant plagioclase crystals are altered into sericite and/or illitic clays; rare biotite crystals are altered into chlorite; rare Fe -dolomite B Pore Types: rare dissolution intracrystal pores 01ag/5e_ t Q jo _ Ell �'. 3a' ems" 100 iam Relative Abundances: Core Analysis Data: Rare <1 % Porosity (%): 0.85 Minor 1-5% Grain Density (g/cc): 2.740 Moderate 5-10% Common 10-20% Core„�b Abundant >20% Photomicrograph Caption The principal minerals are plagioclase (Plag), quartz (Q), biotite (Bi), and amphibole (Am) in this igneous rock (tonalite). Note that biotite is unevenly distributed. These mineral crystals show an interlocking fabric. Accessory minerals are epidote (Ep), pyrite (Py), magnetite, potassium feldspar, and apatite. The plagioclase is locally altered into sericite/illitic clays (Ser). Macropores are rare, and mainly dissolution intracrystal pores. Micropores are probably rare to minor in abundance and associated with some illitic clays. The green box in Image A indicates the location of Image B.