HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0004987_MSS_Appendix P_20191231Corrective Action Plan Update December 2019 Marshall Steam Station APPENDIX P SynTerra ADDITIONAL SOURCE AREA AND DATA GAP ASSESSMENTS TECHNICAL MEMO synTerra 2019 ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENTS MARSHALL STEAM STATION 8320 EAST NORTH CAROLINA HIGHWAY 150 TERRELL, NC 28682 DECEMBER 2019 PREPARED FOR DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS,, LLC Lr� DUKE T ENERGY. CAROLINAS � r Eli Webster P oject Scientist Brian Wilker, NC LG 2546 Project Manager 2019 Additional Assessments December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC - Marshall Steam Station SynTerra TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................1 1.1 Regulatory Background.............................................................................................. 1 1.2 Additional Source Area and Data Gap Assessment Objectives ............................ 2 1.3 Additional Source Area Assessment Activities....................................................... 2 1.4 Data Gap Assessment Activities................................................................................ 3 1.5 Summary of Findings.................................................................................................. 5 1.5.1 Coal Pile and Gypsum Pad................................................................................... 5 1.5.2 PV Structural Fill and ILF Structural Fill Subgrade.......................................... 6 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 Boring Logs and Well Construction Records Page i 2019 Additional Assessments December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC - Marshall Steam Station SynTerra 1.0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to present results of the additional data gap and source area evaluations completed at the Marshall Steam Station (MSS or Site) in 2019. At the request of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Mooresville Regional Office (MRO), and in response to NCDEQ comments received on the Comprehensive Site Assessment (CSA) Update (SynTerra, 2018), Duke Energy completed additional assessment work at additional primary source areas that are considered adjacent to the MSS ash basin. In accordance with NCDEQ-approved work plans, assessments were completed at the Industrial Landfill No. 1 (ILF) structural fill subgrade, photovoltaic (PV) Structural Fill, coal pile, and gypsum storage pad. Assessments were completed in accordance with NCDEQ-approved work plans presented in the following Technical Memorandums: • Data Gap Evaluation Work Plan — November 15, 2018 • Additional Source Area Work Plan — November 30, 2018 • Data Gap Evaluation Work Plan REV 1— December 7, 2018 (revised to accommodate NCDEQ comments on original submittal) • Additional Source Area Work Plan REV 1— December 7, 2018 (revised to accommodate NCDEQ comments on original submittal) • Data Gap Evaluation Work Plan REV 2 —September 17, 2019 (revised for additional bedrock well PVSF-2BRL) • Additional Source Area Work Plan REV 2 —September 17, 2019 (revised for additional bedrock well CP-113R) Additionally, shallow soil sampling was completed in 2019 at the request of the NCDEQ MRO and to address CSA Update comments (Appendix B of the CAP Update). This work was conducted in accordance with the NCDEQ-approved work plan. Results of this assessment are included in the unsaturated soil evaluation included within the CAP Update (SynTerra, 2019). Groundwater and soil assessment activities completed for the additional source areas adjacent to the ash basin are described herein. 1.1 Regulatory Background Comprehensive groundwater assessment activities, conducted in accordance with a Notice of Regulatory Requirements (NORR) issued to Duke Energy on August 13, 2014 Page 1 2019 Additional Assessments December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC - Marshall Steam Station SynTerra by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) and multiple subsequent regulatory requests, indicate the ash basin and related adjacent sources have contributed to constituent concentrations in groundwater greater than applicable regulatory standards beyond the ash basin compliance boundary. In an April 5, 2019, letter to Duke Energy, NCDEQ requested assessment of additional potential sources of constituents to groundwater at Marshall. That letter stated that sources hydrologically connected to the ash basin are to be assessed and included in an updated CAP. The coal pile and gypsum storage pad areas were included as additional sources hydrologically connected to the ash basin. Furthermore, data gaps were identified by NCDEQ regarding other potential primary sources adjacent to the ash basin in CSA Update report comments (Appendix B of the CAP Update). Duke Energy has worked with the NCDEQ to sufficiently address these data gaps, and the results are presented herein. 1.2 Additional Source Area and Data Gap Assessment Objectives Objectives of the additional source area and data gap assessments included: • Characterization of inorganic constituents associated with soils at and near the coal pile, gypsum storage pad, PV Structural Fill, and ILF structural fill subgrade • Characterization of inorganic constituent concentrations in shallow and deep groundwater along the perimeters of the coal pile and gypsum storage areas • Characterization of inorganic constituent concentrations in shallow, deep, and bedrock groundwater along the downgradient perimeters of the PV Structural Fill and ILF structural fill subgrade area • Comparison of inorganic constituent concentrations in soil and groundwater related to the coal pile, gypsum storage pad, PV Structural Fill, and ILF structural fill subgrade with applicable regulatory criteria and background values 1.3 Additional Source Area Assessment Activities Twelve monitoring wells were initially installed in March 2019 to assess the groundwater in the vicinity of the coal pile and gypsum storage pad. A total of 67 soil samples were collected from well installation borings at six separate locations. The results of these samples are included in Appendix C of the CAP Update, and are incorporated into the proposed corrective action for the Site. Page 2 2019 Additional Assessments December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC - Marshall Steam Station SynTerra At the request of NCDEQ, one bedrock well (CPABR) was installed in November 2019 to vertically delineate constituents detected in groundwater at the northern corner of the coal pile. Results of this additional well installation will be available at a later date, and will be submitted to the NCDEQ in the agreed -upon quarterly data submittal schedule. The monitoring wells were installed using procedures and well construction materials similar to those used at wells installed as part of previous CAMA assessment activities. During borehole installations, cores were described to characterize lithology. The monitoring wells were constructed in accordance with NCAC Title 15A, Subchapter 2C, Section .0100 Well Construction Standards. Each well consisted of 2-inch diameter schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride flush -joint threaded casings and prepacked well screens. The boring logs and well construction records are included in Attachment 1. Well construction details are provided in tabular form on Table 1. After installation, monitoring wells were developed to remove drilling fluids and solids that might have been introduced into the surrounding formation and sand filter pack during well installation. Well development established interaction of the well with surrounding groundwater. The location and elevation of each newly installed well was determined by survey. Each newly installed well was slug tested to evaluate hydraulic properties of the groundwater flow system at each location. Analysis and subsequent results of these slug tests were incorporated into the updated groundwater flow and transport model for the Site, provided in Appendix G of the CAP Update. Groundwater samples were collected using low -flow sampling techniques and following procedures outlined in the Low Flow Sampling Plan, Duke Energy Facilities, Ash Basin Groundwater Assessment Program, North Carolina, June 10, 2015 (Duke Energy, 2015). In order to have an initial sampling event and analytical data set available for evaluation in the CAP Update, samples were collected shortly after installation, separate from the scheduled Interim Monitoring Plan (IMP) event. The initial sampling event was performed from March 23 through April 3, 2019. CP-1BR was initially sampled in November 2019. Subsequent sampling events will be included with the scheduled IMP sampling events. 1.4 Data Gap Assessment Activities Fourteen monitoring wells were initially installed in March 2019 to assess the groundwater in the vicinity of the PV Structural Fill and ILF structural fill subgrade. In August 2019, one additional 3-well cluster (PVSF-4S/D/BR) was installed south of the Page 3 2019 Additional Assessments December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC - Marshall Steam Station SynTerra PV Structural Fill between the fill boundary and the Duke Energy property boundary for further evaluation. A total of 68 soil samples from well installation borings were collected at six separate locations. The results of these samples are included in Appendix C of the CAP Update, and are incorporated into the proposed corrective action for the Site. At the request of NCDEQ, one additional bedrock well (PVSF-2BRL) was installed in December 2019 to vertically delineate constituents detected in groundwater east of the PV Structural Fill. Results of this additional well installation will be available at a later date, and will be submitted to the NCDEQ in the agreed -upon quarterly data submittal schedule. The monitoring wells were installed using procedures and well construction materials similar to those used at wells installed as part of previous CAMA assessment activities. During borehole installations, cores were described to characterize lithology. The monitoring wells were constructed in accordance with NCAC Title 15A, Subchapter 2C, Section .0100 Well Construction Standards. Each well consisted of 2-inch diameter schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride flush -joint threaded casings and prepacked well screens. The boring logs and well construction records are included in Attachment 1. Well construction details are provided in tabular form on Table 1. After installation, monitoring wells were developed to remove drilling fluids and solids that might have been introduced into the surrounding formation and sand filter pack during well installation. Well development established interaction of the well with surrounding groundwater. The location and elevation of each newly installed well was determined by survey. Each newly installed well was slug tested to evaluate hydraulic properties of the groundwater flow system at each location. Analysis and subsequent results of these slug tests were incorporated into the updated groundwater flow and transport model for the Site, provided in Appendix G of the CAP Update. Groundwater samples were collected using low -flow sampling techniques and following procedures outlined in the Low Flow Sampling Plan, Duke Energy Facilities, Ash Basin Groundwater Assessment Program, North Carolina, June 10, 2015 (Duke Energy, 2015). In order to have an initial sampling event and analytical data set available for evaluation in the CAP Update, samples were collected shortly after installation, separate from the scheduled IMP event. The initial sampling event was performed from March 23 through May 3, 2019. PVSF-4S/D/BR were initially sampled on August 26, Page 4 2019 Additional Assessments December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC - Marshall Steam Station SynTerra 2019. Initial sampling for PVSF-2BRL is scheduled for December 2019. Subsequent sampling events will be included with the scheduled IMP sampling events. 1.5 Summary of Findings The following section describes the results of the additional assessments outlined above. As described in the CAP Update, saturated soils are considered a component of the groundwater flow system and are thus incorporated into the updated flow and transport (Appendix G of the CAP Update) and geochemical models (Appendix H of the CAP Update) for the Site. 1.5.1 Coal Pile and Gypsum Pad Unsaturated Soil • Constituent concentrations were less than applicable regulatory criteria in unsaturated soil samples collected along the perimeter of the coal pile (CAP Update, Table 6-3). Barium, cobalt, and manganese, were detected in one sample each greater than either the Preliminary Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG) Protection of Groundwater (POG) standard or background value (whichever is greater), at the southeast corner of the gypsum pad (GP-3). One isolated detection of sulfate greater than the PSRG POG was reported at GP-1, south of the gypsum pad. These constituents are not present in groundwater at concentrations greater than applicable regulatory criteria at the corresponding locations; therefore, these soil concentrations do not warrant consideration as potential secondary source of constituents to the groundwater. Groundwater • Multiple constituents were detected greater than the 02L standard, IMAC, or background value, whichever is greater, in either shallow or deep groundwater at the northern corner of the coal pile (CP-1S/-1D). Detections of beryllium, lead, and thallium in shallow groundwater (CP- 1S) are delineated with non -detect occurrences in deep flow zone well CP- 1D. Constituents of interest (COIs) greater than applicable criteria at CP- 1D include cadmium, cobalt, manganese, sulfate, and total dissolved solids (TDS). Page 5 2019 Additional Assessments December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC - Marshall Steam Station SynTerra • To achieve delineation of these constituents at the coal pile, a bedrock well (CP-1BR) was installed in December 2019. Results of this assessment will be available at a later date. CP-1 (the northern corner of the coal pile) is located adjacent to the southern ash basin waste boundary and within the ash basin compliance boundary. The proposed remedial alternative in the CAP Update would capture potential migration of constituents from this area prior to reaching the compliance boundary. Detections of cobalt, iron, manganese, and vanadium greater than applicable criteria at CP-2 and CP-3 are delineated with depth by the corresponding deep flow zone well at each location. The proposed remedial alternative presented in the CAP Update would capture potential migration of constituents from these areas prior to reaching the compliance boundary. Concentrations of COIs in groundwater in the vicinity of the gypsum storage pad are either less than applicable regulatory criteria, within range of background concentrations, or are delineated by depth with corresponding deep wells. Therefore, concentrations in groundwater at the gypsum pad do not warrant consideration for corrective action. Nevertheless, the proposed remedial alternative presented in the CAP Update would capture potential migration of constituents from this area prior to reaching the compliance boundary. 1.5.2 PV Structural Fill and ILF Structural Fill Subgrade Unsaturated Soil • Constituent concentrations were less than applicable regulatory criteria in unsaturated soil samples collected in the vicinity of the ILF structural fill subgrade (CAP Update, Table 6-3). Two detections of iron (79,000 mg/kg and 85,000 mg/kg) in unsaturated soil at PVSF-3 are slightly greater than background (78,228 mg/kg). The lacking presence of other COIs could indicate these concentrations are attributable to naturally -occurring constituents. Additionally, iron is not present in any flow zone at PVSF-3 (S/D/BR) at concentrations greater than applicable groundwater criteria. Therefore, these soil concentrations do not warrant consideration as potential secondary source of constituents to the groundwater. Page 6 2019 Additional Assessments December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC - Marshall Steam Station Groundwater SynTerra • Concentrations of COIs in the well clusters installed north (ILF-2) and south (ILF-1) of the ILF structural fill subgrade are less than applicable regulatory criteria. Manganese in the shallow groundwater (ILF-1S) is delineated by depth by deep and bedrock wells ILF-1D/BR. • Concentrations of cobalt in ILF-1BR have fluctuated an order of magnitude over the first four sampling events. A break-in period and additional sampling of this well will allow for appropriate central tendency analysis of the data to be conducted, however the latest sampling result (3.8 µg/L), along with the lacking presence of other COIs, indicate these detections may be attributable to background. ILF-1 is located north of the ash basin, within the ash basin compliance boundary. The proposed remedial alternative presented in the CAP Update would capture potential migration of constituents from this area prior to reaching the compliance boundary. • Groundwater concentrations at PVSF-4S/D/BR between the PV Structural Fill and the Duke Energy property boundary, beyond the ash basin compliance boundary, confirm there are no exceedances of applicable regulatory criteria. • Boron, cobalt, manganese, sulfate, and TDS concentrations greater than applicable regulatory criteria were detected at one out of three well clusters installed along the eastern (downgradient) perimeter of the PV Structural Fill (PVSF-2). To achieve delineation of these constituents at PVSF-2, a bedrock well (PVSF-2BRL) was installed in December 2019. Results of this assessment will be available at a later date. Due to the lack of safe working room (i.e., overhead utilities and active site operations), this well cluster was installed within the ash basin waste boundary. The proposed remedial alternative in the CAP Update would capture potential migration of constituents from this area prior to reaching the compliance boundary. Page 7 2019 Additional Assessments December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC - Marshall Steam Station ATTACHMENT 1 BORING LOGS AND WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORDS SynTerra PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: CP-1 D PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/15/19 COMPLETED: 3/16/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 680262.07 EASTING: 1415834.63 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 803.66 ft M.P. ELEV: 806.4 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 13.72 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 69.5 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: G. Murphey CHECKED BY: E. Webster U = c� w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w Q O ❑ DESCRIPTION g U ❑ a s 771 p C� < �v m07 SM ASH as Silty SAND. Bottom ash. Grout SC Clayey SAND, yellow -orange, micaceous, non -cohesive, low plasticity, dry • • • • • 5 •� •�• CL Sandy CLAY, red -brown, micaceous, moist, cohesive, •� •� medium plasticity, stiff •� •� • • • •• • • 10 CL Same as above, light brown to orange, wet •� •� •� �• SM ASH as Silty SAND, bottom ash CL Sandy CLAY, light brown to orange, cohesive, medium 7. ;• ;•;1 plasticity, wet •� •� 15 •• �� SW SAND with silt, well -graded subangular sand, light yellow •� •�• SM and light brown, medium -coarse grained, wet •� •; 20 •• •i ML SILT with sand, brown, low plasticity, with clay, moist to wet 2" SCH 40 Riser • 25 •• •i T•i—Aquaguard SM Silty SAND, brown and orange, with clay, fine grained, ;•TTV moist to wet : : • 30 ML SILT, brown, low plasticity, trace clay, moist to wet •� •� • V •• i i• 35 •• �� SM Silty SAND, brown and orange, medium grained, trace ;• clay, some bands of light yellow, damp :V : • • V • • i i• 45 •� •� SM Silty SAND, light grey, some angular gravel, dry �• CL CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: CP-1 D PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/15/19 COMPLETED: 3/16/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 680262.07 EASTING: 1415834.63 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 803.66 ft M.P. ELEV: 806.4 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 13.72 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 69.5 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: G. Murphey CHECKED BY: E. Webster U = c� w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w Q O ❑ DESCRIPTION g U ❑ a s p C� < �v m0 2" SCH 40 Riser CL Sandy CLAY, grey to dark brown, fine grained, biotite mica Bentonite Seal (Saprolite) (continued) 55 SM Silty SAND, brown with small and large pieces of biotite schist, strong (Weathered Rock) 60 _ =` RK Granitic GNEISS, medium to coarse grained, white with dark grey biotite mica, weakly banded, strong Sand Pack 2" Well Screen 65 RK Granitic GNEISS, weathered, weak (Saprolite) RK — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Same as above, very weak, Fe stainin 70 End of boring at 69.5' bgs Screen set at 59'-69' 75 80 85 90 95 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: CP-1 S PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/16/19 COMPLETED: 3/16/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 680260.69 EASTING: 1415831.26 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 803.47 ft M.P. ELEV: 806.32 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 13.36 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 20.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: G. Murphey CHECKED BY: E. Webster w p U = c� Q O C� ❑ DESCRIPTION w d g < O ^ U e �v z OJ ❑ m0 _ ❑ E a s WELL CONSTRUCTION 7 771 SM ASH as Silty SAND. Bottom ash. Grout SC Clayey SAND, yellow -orange, micaceous, non -cohesive, low plasticity, dry 5 2" SCH 40 PVC Riser CL Sandy CLAY, red -brown, micaceous, moist, cohesive, medium plasticity, stiff Bentonite Seal 10 CL Same as above, light brown to orange, wet SM ASH as Silty SAND, bottom ash CL Sandy CLAY, light brown to orange, cohesive, medium plasticity, wet 15 Sand Pack 2" Well Screen SW SM SAND with silt, well -graded subangular sand, light yellow and light brown, medium -coarse grained, wet 20 ML SILT with sand, brown, low plasticity, with clay, moist to wet End of boring at 20.0' bgs Screen set at 10'-20' 25 30 35 40 45 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 1 OF 1 0 c� m J co Q 0 z z PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: CP-2D PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/18/19 COMPLETED: 3/19/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 679707.02 EASTING: 1414624.19 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 807.95 ft M.P. ELEV: 810.83 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 9.98 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 119.0 ft TOC NOTES: LOGGED BY: G. Murphey CHECKED BY: E. Webster _ o = U a 0 _j 0- > OU o O Q WELL CONSTRUCTION wv <J DESCRIPTION w m0 d a 771 0 Q U U Grout SM ASH as Silty SAND. Bottom ash, moist to damp • •'• i i • i i • 5 •• •i ------------- • •• SM Same as above with rocks and gravel �• �•� SC Clayey SAND, red -brown, micaceous, non plastic, moist : : T SM ASH as Silty SAND. Bottom ash, moist to damp, with 0.5' �• �•� 10 of clay on top of ash ; ; 1 • •• • i •• i • i i • 15 •• •� • •• SC Clayey SAND, light brown to orange, micaceous, ; ;• non -cohesive, non -plastic, moist, wet at 19' �• �•� •� •� • • •• •• • •� • i •• i • 20 •• iV • •� •• •�V •• •� • •• • •• • •� • i •• i • i i i • i 25 ML SILT with sand, light brown to orange -brown, �• • 2" SCH 40 PVC Riser non -cohesive, non -plastic, micaceous, wet ; ; , VVV V•V—Aquaguard •TV •VV •• •V — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — •• :V •• •� •� �� 30 T• V•V i • i • • i i • i i • ML Sandy SILT, light brown and orange, non -cohesive, non -plastic, increasing sand grain size, moist �. •• •� 35 T• •• V� •� •• •• •� • � •• •V • • • V •• :� ------------------------ •• •i ML111T Same as above. Some medium graded, subangular, yellow V to light yellow, sand mixing in VV• CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra �� 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 1 OF 4 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: CP-2D PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/18/19 COMPLETED: 3/19/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 679707.02 EASTING: 1414624.19 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 807.95 ft M.P. ELEV: 810.83 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 9.98 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 119.0 ft TOC NOTES: LOGGED BY: G. Murphey CHECKED BY: E. Webster _ o = a 0 <J U DESCRIPTION � 0- > OU o O Q WELL CONSTRUCTION wv Q w m0 d a ML Same as above. Some medium graded, subangular, yellow ,1 ITT to light yellow, sand mixing in (continued) •• •� •. • •• •.• 45 iTT • ITT • • SM Silty SAND, light orange to light brown, fine to medium i •I ITT •.• grained, non -cohesive, micaceous, dry •I •; •� TT •� •. 50 �• �•� :....: — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — �• �i SM Same as above, light brown to light grey, dry, poorly sorted •� •�• • • • i ITT 55 •� • •� • • SM Silty SAND, light grey and light yellow, with large chunks of •V •T weathered rock, very weak (Saprolite) •� ;• •T TT 60 •.• • • • • •I •� ••I I ML Sandy SILT, brown, micaceous, trace clay, cohesive, moist ITI •� •: •T to wet •• •: •I •. ••I I 65 V ITT•V ITT TA ua uard q 9 •IV •� •. �I •• •I 70 �• �• •• •: Silty SAND, light grey and light yellow, with biotite mica, •• •; .' SM gravel sized fragments of weathered gneiss, very weak, Fe I• I•T staining, dry (Saprolite) •I I •: •• 2" SCH 40 PVC Riser • • • TT 75 TV �• �i • • i i• • i i • �• �•� RK Silty SAND as PWR, relic of gneiss, weak (Weathered CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 2 OF 4 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: CP-2D PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/18/19 COMPLETED: 3/19/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 679707.02 EASTING: 1414624.19 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 807.95 ft M.P. ELEV: 810.83 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 9.98 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 119.0 ft TOC NOTES: LOGGED BY: G. Murphey CHECKED BY: E. Webster _ o = a 0 U _j 0- > OU o O Q WELL CONSTRUCTION wv <J DESCRIPTION w m0 d a Q ROCK) 85 Bentonite Seal RK Silty SAND as PWR, relic of gneiss, weak (Weathered Rock) (continued) 90 95 Sand Pack 100 2" Well Screen RK Same as above, heavy Fe staining, weak to very weak (Weathered Rock) 105 110 — ------------------------ RK Same as above, wet Bentonite Backfill 115 — ------------------------ RK Same as above, small to large quartz, sub -angular End boring at 119' bgs CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 3 OF 4 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: CP-2D PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/18/19 COMPLETED: 3/19/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 679707.02 EASTING: 1414624.19 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 807.95 ft M.P. ELEV: 810.83 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 9.98 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 119.0 ft TOC NOTES: LOGGED BY: G. Murphey CHECKED BY: E. Webster _ o = a 0 U � 0- > OU o O Q WELL CONSTRUCTION wv <J DESCRIPTION w m0 d a Q en oni a backfill placed o gs. to facilitate well installation Screen set at 97'-107' bgs 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC Greenville, l864 999aro1ina 29601 Phone: 421- PAGE 4 OF 4 0 c� m J co Q a 0 z z PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: CP-2S PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/19/19 COMPLETED: 3/19/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 679701.44 EASTING: 1414621.29 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 807.79 ft M.P. ELEV: 810.67 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 9.74 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 29.0 ft TOC NOTES: LOGGED BY: G. Murphey CHECKED BY: E. Webster _ o = U a 0 _j 0- > OU o O Q WELL CONSTRUCTION wv <J DESCRIPTION Q w m0 d a 7 771 0 U U Grout SM ASH as Silty SAND, bottom ash, moist to damp — ------------------------ SM Same as above with rocks and gravel SC Clayey SAND, red -brown, micaceous, non plastic, moist 2" SCH 40 PVC Riser SM ASH as Silty SAND, bottom ash, moist to damp, with 0.5' 10 of clay on top of ash - 15 Bentonite Seal SC Clayey SAND, light brown to orange, micaceous, non -cohesive, non -plastic, moist, wet at 19' 20 Sand Pack 2" Well Screen 25 ML SILT with sand, light brown to orange -brown, non -cohesive, non -plastic, micaceous, wet ML Sandy SILT, light brown and orange, non -cohesive, non -plastic, increasing sand grain size, moist 30 End boring at 29.0' bgs Screen set at 19'-29' bgs 35 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 1 OF 1 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: CP-3D PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/19/19 COMPLETED: 3/21/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 678815.04 EASTING: 1414546.28 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 807.69 ft M.P. ELEV: 810.58 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 13.32 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 87.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: G. Murphey CHECKED BY: E. Webster U = c� w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w Q O DESCRIPTION g U ❑ a s 771 p o C� ❑ < �v m0 o ° GM Silty GRAVEL with sand, black to dark brown, comingled with bottom ash, large chunks of asphalt (Road bed) Grout SM Silty SAND, brown to light yellow, well -sorted, micaceous, �• non -cohesive, dry 5 • • • •� • • •T SM Same as above, brown -orange, damp •� •; • •• 10 �• — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — •• •i i i •1 SM Same as above, brown, very micaceous •� �• 15 •� �� .....: ------------------------ •• •i •� •T 20 :• SM Same as above, moist to wet • •� • • •: • •• •�V T T 25 •• 2" SCH 40 PVC Riser •� TV SM Silty SAND, brown to grey, damp to dry, more cohesive •TV (Saprolite) • •� • • •TV •� •T 30 �• �•T i i• — ------------------------ �• T•Tua—A uard q 9 SM Same as above, with gravel, dark grey, poorly sorted, dry • •I •• •� (Saprolite) •� •T 35 •• �� i i • i • i • • i i • i i • 40 •T •� RK Weathered rock, relic of biotite gneiss, very weak, some : T Fe staining, mostly dry �• 45 •T •� •T •T •� T� • •• SM Silt SAND, cirev, poorlysorted non -cohesive mostly dry•• •: SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: CP-3D PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/19/19 COMPLETED: 3/21/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 678815.04 EASTING: 1414546.28 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 807.69 ft M.P. ELEV: 810.58 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 13.32 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 87.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: G. Murphey CHECKED BY: E. Webster U = c� IL w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w O DESCRIPTION g U ❑ a s p C� ❑ �v m0 •. •.• SM Silty SAND, grey, poorly sorted, non -cohesive, mostly dry �• T•T (continued) •. •� •• •� 55 •• •i • • RK Weather rock, relic of meta-granite/granitic gneiss, thinly TV TTV foliated, moderately strong, mostly solid •• •T •� •� 2" SCH 40 PVC Riser .' SM Silty SAND, grey to dark grey, poorly sorted, non -cohesive Bentonite Seal 65 : 70 Weathered rock, relic of biotite gneiss, very fine grained, thinly foliated, very strong Sand Pack RK 2" Well Screen 73.3' Fracture zone with Fe staining 75 78.5'-79' Heavy Fe staining 80 SM Silty SAND, brown, with some fragments of schist, dry Bentonite Backfill RK Weathered rock, relic of biotite schist, strong, minor Fe 85 staining End of boring at 87.0' bgs Bentoonite backfill placed to 79' bgs. to facilitate Screen set at 69'-79' bgs 90 95 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: CP-3S PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/21/19 COMPLETED: 3/21/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 678821.24 EASTING: 1414546.84 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 807.81 ft M.P. ELEV: 810.47 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 13.74 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 23.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: G. Murphey CHECKED BY: E. Webster U = c� w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w Q O o ❑ DESCRIPTION g U ❑ m07 a s 771 p C� < �v ° GM Silty GRAVEL with sand, black to dark brown, comingled with bottom ash, large chunks of asphalt (Road bed) Grout SM Silty SAND, brown to light yellow, well -sorted, micaceous, non -cohesive, dry 5 : •'. ..• Bentonite Seal 2" SCH 40 PVC Riser SM Same as above, brown -orange, damp 10-:. --------------------------- SM Same as above, brown, very micaceous _ 15 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Sand Pack 2" Well Screen 20 SM Same as above, moist to wet End of boring at 23.0' bgs Screen set at 13'-23' bgs 25 30 35 40 45 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 1 OF 1 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: GP-1 p PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/22/19 COMPLETED: 3/23/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 678896.19 EASTING: 1413637.5 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 855.00 ft M.P. ELEV: 858.03 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 55.79 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 109.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: G. Murphey CHECKED BY: E. Webster U = c� w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w Q O DESCRIPTION g U ❑ a s 771 p W C� ❑ �v m0 SM Silty SAND, brown to reddish brown, non -plastic, Grout non -cohesive, micaceous, dry — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — • •• SM Same as above, with trace clay, low plasticifty, stiff �• T•T •• TV, 10 •• •• •• ••• •T •i ML SILT, dark brown to reddish brown, micaceous ,V T ,T TV (muscovite), very soft, non -cohesive, damp •• •TV •• �� •• •T •• �T 15 •• •• • � T T iV i • 20 SM Silty SAND, light brown to tan, fine to medium grained, •• •• V •� •� sub -angular, damp, micaceous T• T•V 25 : T• 2" SCH 40 Riser • • i i • SM Same as above, orange, dry ;• ;•; TV 30'' — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — i •• ••V i• • � •TV • •• i i• SM Same as above, light brown to orange -brown, dry �• �•� 35 •• �� ML SILT, brown to light brown, non -cohesive, non -plastic, ,� ,�, slightly micaceous, dry • • • 40 �. i i• TV i—Aquaguard 45 ;: SM Silty SAND, brown to light grey, non -cohesive, non -plastic, �, V,T miceceous, dry V •• �� SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: GP-1 p PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/22/19 COMPLETED: 3/23/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 678896.19 EASTING: 1413637.5 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 855.00 ft M.P. ELEV: 858.03 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 55.79 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 109.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: G. Murphey CHECKED BY: E. Webster U = c� w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w Q O DESCRIPTION g U ❑ a s p W C� ❑ < �v m0 SM Same as above, wet •• •� ML SILT, light brown to dark brown, very micaceous, T•V 55 non -cohesive, wet ; ; • SW SAND with silt, tan and light brown, fine to coarse grained, i •� i• •�• SM well sorted, subangular to angular, some trace gravel, wet •• •� 60 i i • i i • i i • ML SILT, light brown to dark brown, very micaceous, ;• non -cohesive, wet : : • i ii • 65 i � • �• i i• 70 SM Silty SAND, light brown to grey, micaceous, fine grained, •� •�• poorly sorted, damp to moist •• •� :. �• 2" SCH 40 Riser 75 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — i i• •• •V i i• 80 •• •• •� •i SM Same as above, dry •• •; •• V� •• V� •• •� 85 • • • RK Weathered rock, relic of biotite gneiss, white and black, very weak, some Fe staining 90 Bentonite Seal SM Silty SAND, brown with some white, non -cohesive, micaceous (Saprolite) 95 : RK Weathered rock, relic biotite gneiss, highly weathered, very weak, moist to wet SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station PROJECT NO: 1026.18 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling DRILLING METHOD: Sonic BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN NOTES: = U IL o O j DESCRIPTION 0 U01.7 WELL / BORING NO: GP-1 p STARTED: 3/22/19 NORTHING: 678896.19 G.S. ELEV: 855.00 ft DEPTH TO WATER: 55.79 ft TOC LOGGED BY: G. Murphey Lu a 0z O^ ❑_ d Lu� m0 RK I Weathered rock, relic biotite gneiss, highly weathered, very weak, moist to wet (continued) ------------------------ RK I Same as above, moderate, Fe staining 106.9' Possible fracture joint with Fe staining End of boring at 109.0' bgs 110 Screen set at 99'-109' bgs A161 120 ini 130 ini 140 i0l COMPLETED: 3/23/19 EASTING: 1413637.5 M.P. ELEV: 858.03 ft TOTAL DEPTH: 109.0 ft BGS CHECKED BY: E. Webster WELL CONSTRUCTION Sand Pack 2" Well Screen CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC ` SynTerra 3 , 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC ' synTerra phone:l864 421h 99rgolina 29601 PAGE 3 OF 3 J PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: WAS PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/23/19 COMPLETED: 3/23/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 678896.04 EASTING: 1413641.97 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 855.13 ft M.P. ELEV: 858.13 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 56.00 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 59.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: G. Murphey CHECKED BY: E. Webster U = c� w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w Q O ❑ DESCRIPTION g U ❑ a s 771 p W C� �v m0 SM Silty SAND, brown to reddish brown, non -plastic, Grout non -cohesive, micaceous, dry — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — • •• SM Same as above, with trace clay, low plasticifty, stiff �• �•� • • 10 • •• •• • •� •i ML SILT, dark brown to reddish brown, micaceous ,T ,T (muscovite), very soft, non -cohesive, damp •• •� 15 •• �� 20 r-Aquaguard SM Silty SAND, light brown to tan, fine to medium grained, �• sub -angular, damp, micaceous T• T•T •• • • 2" SCH 40 Riser 25 •• •i i i • SM Same as above, orange, dry ;• ;•; :...:. 30'' — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — i •• TTV i• •� •TV i i• SM Same as above, light brown to orange -brown, dry T•� TTV 35 •• �� TTV •TV ML SILT, brown to light brown, non -cohesive, non -plastic, slightly micaceous, dry 40 Bentonite Seal 45 :• SM Silty SAND, brown to light grey, non -cohesive, non -plastic, miceceous, dry SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: WAS PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/23/19 COMPLETED: 3/23/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 678896.04 EASTING: 1413641.97 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 855.13 ft M.P. ELEV: 858.13 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 56.00 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 59.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: G. Murphey CHECKED BY: E. Webster U = c� w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w Q O ❑ DESCRIPTION g U ❑ a s p W C� < �v m0 SM Same as above, wet Sand Pack ML SILT, light brown to dark brown, very micaceous, 2" Well Screen 55 non -cohesive, wet SW SAND with silt, tan and light brown, fine to coarse grained, SM well sorted, subangular to angular, some trace gravel, wet Boring end at 59.0' bgs 60 Screen set at 49'-59' bgs 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: GP-2D PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/29/19 COMPLETED: 3/30/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 679320.06 EASTING: 1413829.84 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 830.73 ft M.P. ELEV: 833.68 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 28.65 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 109.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: G. Murphey CHECKED BY: E. Webster U = c� w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w Q O ❑ DESCRIPTION g U ❑ a s p W C� < �v m0 '771 Grout 5 CL Lean CLAY, reddish brown, low plasticity, cohesive, •� •� micaceous, damp to dry •� •• •� •V •� •T •� •� 10 •� •T •� •T ,T ,T TV SM ASH as Silty SAND, bottom ash, moist to damp •� •T •� �T CL Lean CLAY, brown -orange, low plasticity, cohesive, with T• T•T some light brown silt, very micaceous, moist T 15 TTV •� •. • T •• T•V ML SILT, light brown, non -plastic, non -cohesive, very �_Vv micaceous, moist 20 — TV •TV •� •T SM Silty SAND, light brown and grey, very fine grained, •� •� micaceous, moist • •� T• TV 25 — ------------------------ • 2" SCH 40 Riser •TV TV SM Same as above, wet •; SM Same as above, dark brown with red -orange �• �•�1 • • • - •• 30 �• �•� ML SILT, dark brown to red -orange, very micaceous, cohesive, •� •� trace clay, moist to wet •T •; •TV •TV 35 ;• ; ; —Aquaguard TV T� SM Silty SAND, light brown to dark brown, some clay, TV T•V micaceous, damp to dry i i • •� •T ML SILT with sand, dark brown, micaceous, moderately ;• ;•; cohesive, non -plastic, damp to dry •� •� 45 •T •� •• •T SW SAND with silt, light brown to light grey, non -plastic, • TV SM dense, dry (Saprolite) IV T TV •" CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: GP-2D PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/29/19 COMPLETED: 3/30/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 679320.06 EASTING: 1413829.84 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 830.73 ft M.P. ELEV: 833.68 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 28.65 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 109.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: G. Murphey CHECKED BY: E. Webster U = c� IL w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w O ❑ DESCRIPTION g U ❑ a s p C� �v m0 i i i • i • •. •� 55 SW SM Same as above, damp • •� • • •� • •• • • 60 i i • i i • i i • ML SILT, brown, non -plastic, slightly micaceous, moist to wet i •; i • •; • •• i i • Aquaguard ••V •� 70 SW SAND with silt, dark brown to light brown, slightly dense, i •; i• ;• SM dry (Saprolite) �• �•� �• 2" SCH 40 Riser 75 RK Weathered rock, relic of biotite gneiss, with some silt, ;• ;•; highly weathered/decomposed, wet •� •� 80 •• •i ••V •T •TV •TV Weathered rock, relic of metagranite/metadiorite, coarse •� �• RK grained, mottled white and grey, Fe staining, weak with no �• �•� obvious fracturing, dry 85 i i • i i • • •• • •� ••V •T 90 • • • SAND with silt, brown with some dark brown and Bentonite Seal ML brown -orange, relic rock structure, highly weathered and 95 decomposed, wet (Saprolite) RK Weathered rock, metadiorite, weakly foliated, very coarse CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station PROJECT NO: 1026.18 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling DRILLING METHOD: Sonic BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN NOTES: = U IL o O j DESCRIPTION 0 U01.7 ifGl A161 120 ini 130 inn 140 i0l WELL / BORING NO: GP-2D STARTED: 3/29/19 NORTHING: 679320.06 G.S. ELEV: 830.73 ft DEPTH TO WATER: 28.65 ft TOC LOGGED BY: G. Murphey Lu a 0z O^ ❑_ d Lu� m0 RK I Weathered rock, metadiorite, weakly foliated, very coarse grained, white and dark grey, wet (continued) — ------------------------ RK Same as above, highly fractured, Fe staining throughout, weak, wet End boring at 109.0' bgs Screen set at 99'-109' bgs COMPLETED: 3/30/19 EASTING: 1413829.84 M.P. ELEV: 833.68 ft TOTAL DEPTH: 109.0 ft BGS CHECKED BY: E. Webster WELL CONSTRUCTION Sand Pack 2" Well Screen CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC ` SynTerra 3 , 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC ' synTerra phone:l864 421h 99rgolina 29601 PAGE 3 OF 3 J PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: GP-2S PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/30/19 COMPLETED: 3/30/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 679321.01 EASTING: 1413833.67 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 830.52 ft M.P. ELEV: 833.45 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 28.55 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 35.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: G. Murphey CHECKED BY: E. Webster U = c� w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w Q O ❑ DESCRIPTION g U ❑ a s 771 p W C� < �v m0 Grout 5 CL Lean CLAY, reddish brown, low plasticity, cohesive, •� •� micaceous, damp to dry •� •� •�V •� �-Aquaguard •� •� •� •� 10 •� •� •� •� •� •V SM ASH as Silty SAND, bottom ash, moist to dam 2" SCH 40 Riser CL Lean CLAY, brown -orange, low plasticity, cohesive, with some light brown silt, very micaceous, moist 15 Bentonite Seal ML SILT, light brown, non -plastic, non -cohesive, very micaceous, moist 20 SM Silty SAND, light brown and grey, very fine grained, micaceous, moist 25 — ------------------------ .•: SM Same as above, wet ""' "' Sand Pack SM Same as above, dark brown with red -orange 30 2" Well Screen ML SILT, dark brown to red -orange, very micaceous, cohesive, trace clay, moist to wet 35 SM Silty SAND, light brown to dark brown, some clay, micaceous, damp to dry End boring at 35.0' bgs Screen set at 25'-35' bgs 40 45 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 1 OF 1 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: GP-3D PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/25/19 COMPLETED: 3/26/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 678935.79 EASTING: 1413956.94 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 853.54 ft M.P. ELEV: 856.46 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 51.47 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 118.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: G. Murphey CHECKED BY: E. Webster U = c� ILO w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CON STRUCTION w DESCRIPTION g U ❑ a s p C� ❑ �v m0 '771 Grout 5 •� •�• 10 •• ITT •• •. 7. •• •. SM Silty SAND, light brown to light orange, fine grained, • T non -plastic, non -cohesive, micaceous, dry ;I ; , 15 i •; i • •�� ••I •. 20 •• •i •• ITT ,• vvv — Aquaguard 25 •• 2" SCH 40 Riser .... •T �I ITT • • • 30 I• TT .••. SM Same as above, medium to coarse grained i •. i• I 35 •• �� x • • • •• TV • 40 ML SILT, brown to light brown, non -cohesive, non -plastic, very • I �• • I•I micaceous, damp i ii i• i 45 T • i • SM Silty SAND, light brown to light grey, non -cohesive, fine to •.T •: medium grained, non -plastic, micaceous, dry I ;• CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: GP-3D PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/25/19 COMPLETED: 3/26/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 678935.79 EASTING: 1413956.94 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 853.54 ft M.P. ELEV: 856.46 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 51.47 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 118.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: G. Murphey CHECKED BY: E. Webster U = c� w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w Q O DESCRIPTION g U ❑ a s p o C� ❑ < �v m0 SM Same as above, wet ML SILT, light brown to dark brown, non -cohesive, micaceous, wet 55 �• �� SM Silty SAND, light brown to light grey, non -cohesive, fine to ,• ,•, coarse grained, micaceous, moist •. •T •• •. 60 ML SILT, light brown to dark brown, non -cohesive, slightly T• V micaceous, moist ; ; , T• •. •T •• • 65 •• � •� •• •T SM Silty SAND, light brown to light grey, some white and light i �• i• �•� yellow, fine grained, poorly sorted, slightly micaceous, dry T T 70—.. TV TV ,• vvq — Aquaguard •� •� •• TV ••V •T — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — •• •• • 2" SCH 40 Riser •� • •T • TV •• i i• SM Same as above, brown to light brown, micaceous, dry to •• •; 80 damp �• �• •� • •• •� TV •• •• T• TTV TV •• �T 85 T• T•T 90 �• �i Silty SAND, relic biotite gneiss, white and black with : : • SM brown, extremely weak, silt, some Fe staining, dry •� •� (Saprolite) �• �•� i �• i • '� 95 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station PROJECT NO: 1026.18 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling DRILLING METHOD: Sonic BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN NOTES: = U IL o O j DESCRIPTION CD 120 125 130 135 140 145 WELL / BORING NO: GP-3D STARTED: 3/25/19 NORTHING: 678935.79 G.S. ELEV: 853.54 ft DEPTH TO WATER: 51.47 ft TOC LOGGED BY: G. Murphey Lu a 0z O^ ❑_ d Lu� m0 Same as above, moderately strong, weathered biotite gneiss, moist to wet (Saprolite) Weathered rock, biotite gneiss and schist, very weak to moderately strong, very weathered, heavily fractured, very wet End boring at 118.0' bgs Screen set at 108'-118' bgs COMPLETED: 3/26/19 EASTING: 1413956.94 M.P. ELEV: 856.46 ft TOTAL DEPTH: 118.0 ft BGS CHECKED BY: E. Webster WELL CONSTRUCTION Bentonite Seal 2" SCH 40 Riser Sand Pack 2" Well Screen CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC ` SynTerra 3 , 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC ' synTerra phone:l864 421h 99rgolina 29601 PAGE 3 OF 3 J PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: GP-3S PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/28/19 COMPLETED: 3/28/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 678940.99 EASTING: 1413959.77 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 853.46 ft M.P. ELEV: 856.39 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 52.7 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 60.0 ft TOC NOTES: LOGGED BY: G. Murphey CHECKED BY: E. Webster _ o = a 0 U _j 0- > OU o O Q WELL CONSTRUCTION w DESCRIPTION w m0 d a 771 Q Grout •• •i 5 i i• i i• i i• •• •T •• •� • •• •TV �T .' SM Silty SAND, light brown to light orange, fine grained, •TV �• •TV T•T non -plastic, non -cohesive, micaceous, dry T 15 •• •� ••V •T iV i • TV Aquaguard 20 �; i ••V i• •T •• 2" SCH 40 Riser 25 •• •i ...:. •• •• Vi •i — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — •• •� •V •V• • •� ••V •� •VV �V •• •� 30 V• V•V •TV •V• •• • � SM Same as above, medium to coarse grained ,V •• •• Vi •� 35 V• • V • •� • • V •� •• •� • •• ML SILT, brown to light brown, non -cohesive, non -plastic, very micaceous, damp CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 1 OF 2 0 c� m a J H co Q V Q P H N H Z PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: GP-3S PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/28/19 COMPLETED: 3/28/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 678940.99 EASTING: 1413959.77 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 853.46 ft M.P. ELEV: 856.39 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 52.7 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 60.0 ft TOC NOTES: LOGGED BY: G. Murphey CHECKED BY: E. Webster _ o = a 0 <J U DESCRIPTION � 0- > OU o O Q WELL CONSTRUCTION wv Q w m0 d a ML SILT, brown to light brown, non -cohesive, non -plastic, very Bentonite Seal micaceous, damp (continued) 45 SM Silty SAND, light brown to light grey, non -cohesive, fine to medium grained, non -plastic, micaceous, dry 50 — ------------------------ SM Same as above, wet ML SILT, light brown to dark brown, non -cohesive, micaceous, wet - 55 Sand Pack SM Silty SAND, light brown to light grey, non -cohesive, fine to coarse grained, micaceous, moist 2" Well Screen ML SILT, light brown to dark brown, non -cohesive, slightly micaceous, moist 60 End boring at 60.0' bgs Screen set at 49'-59' bgs 65 70 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC Greenville, l864 999aro1ina 29601 Phone: 421- PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: ELF-1 BR PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/13/19 COMPLETED: 3/18/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 686458.17 EASTING: 1413584.1 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 862.79 ft M.P. ELEV: 865.61 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 9.5/6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 47.36 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 107.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Odom CHECKED BY: B. Wilker U = c� IL w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w O DESCRIPTION g 0 p a s p C� ❑ �v m0 • SM Bottom ash as, dry, non -cohesive, very dark gray (10yr3/1) • �• • �• GM Felt & mesh (road bed), silt with sand & gray ch (road base?)• • CL •� Sandy clay, yellowish red (5YR5/8), dry, non -cohesive, 5 micaceous, low plasticity • SM Sand, light yellowish brown (10YR6/4), med. grained, dry, non -cohesive • � •� SM Bottom ash, ver dark ra 10YR3/1 wet ML Silt with sand, strong brown (7.5 YR5/8), dry, non •� cohesive • �• 10 • 2" SCH 40 PVC Riser � SW Sand, fine to med. grained, light brown (7.5YR6/3), dry ; • •; non -cohesive, micaceous • �• 15 •� • ML Silt with sand, yellowish brown (10YR5/4), moist to wet, •� non -cohesive, micaceous •� �� — ------------------------ • • 20 • Aquaguard ML Silt with sand, trace gravels, yellowish brown (10YR5/4), • �• moist to wet, non -cohesive, micaceous • 25 • 6.25" O.D. SCH 40 PVC — ------------------------ •� Surface Casing 30 • �• Silt with sand, grayish brown (10YR5/2), dry, • •• ML non -cohesive, relict phaneritic texture, mica (biotite) • �• (saprolite) • 35 • �• 40 • �� 45 .' SM Silty sand with gravel, light gray (10YR7/1) with very large • �• pieces of schist throughout (saprolite/PWR) • SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: ELF-1 BR PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/13/19 COMPLETED: 3/18/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 686458.17 EASTING: 1413584.1 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 862.79 ft M.P. ELEV: 865.61 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 9.5/6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 47.36 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 107.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Odom CHECKED BY: B. Wilker U = c� IL w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w O ❑ DESCRIPTION g U p a s p C� �v m0 • • 55 — Aquaguard • • :'• SM Silty sand with gravel, light gray (10YR7/1) with very large pieces of schist throughout (saprolite/PWR) (continued) • 60 • i • 65 2" SCH 40 PVC Riser • • // RK (PWR) Biotite Schist, Intensely weathered, very weak • 70 / (transition-D Interval?) • • — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — • �• / • i / / / • • i i 75 • i / Biotite Schist (weatered/fractured rock), light gray ; •; RK (10YR7/1) and black (10YR2/1) to dark gray, moderate, • 80 schistose texture, slightly to moderately weathered • • • i • 85 // / / • i — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 6.25" O.D. SCH 40 PVC Surface Casing set at 87' bgs. Bentonite Seal 90 RK Biotite Schist (white N/8, black & pale brown), moderate to / strong, schistose texture, fresh to slightly weathered 95 #2 Sand Filter Pack / — RK — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Biotite Schist (white/black/pale brown) to dark gray, 2" Slotted .010" Well Screen moderate, schistose texture, moderately weathered CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: ELF-1 BR PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/13/19 COMPLETED: 3/18/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 686458.17 EASTING: 1413584.1 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 862.79 ft M.P. ELEV: 865.61 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 9.5/6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 47.36 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 107.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Odom CHECKED BY: B. Wilker U = c� w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w Q O DESCRIPTION g 0 p a s p C� ❑ < �v m0 #2 Sand Filter Pack 2" Slotted .010" Well Screen / RK Biotite Schist (white/black/pale brown) to dark gray, moderate, schistose texture, moderately weathered (continued) 105 / Screen set at 97-107' b s. 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: ELF-1 PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/15/19 COMPLETED: 3/15/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 686453.07 EASTING: 1413579.87 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 862.59 ft M.P. ELEV: 865.32 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 38.09 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 80.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Odom CHECKED BY: B. Wilker U = c� w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w Q O DESCRIPTION g U p a s p C� ❑ < �v m0 SM Bottom ash as, dry, non -cohesive, very dark gray (10yr3/1) T• �•� •• •� GM Felt & mesh (road bed), silt with sand & gray ch (road base?) TV : • CL •T •T Sandy clay, yellowish red (5YR5/8), dry, non -cohesive, 5 micaceous, low plasticity V SM Sand, light yellowish brown (10YR6/4), med. grained, dry, TTV TTV non -cohesive V ; ; • SM Bottom ash, verydark gray10YR3/1 wet ML Silt with sand, strong brown (7.5 YR5/8), dry, non •� •� cohesive •• •; 10 TTV TV — Aqua Guard SW Sand, fine to med. grained, light brown (7.5YR6/3), dry, • V•• •; ;• non -cohesive, micaceous V• �•� i i • 15 •� •� ML Silt with sand, yellowish brown (10YR5/4), moist to wet, •� •� non -cohesive, micaceous •� •� — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — •• • i • i •i• • 20 •; ; 2" SCH 40 PVC Riser •TV �T ML Silt with sand, trace gravels, yellowish brown (10YR5/4), T•T moist to wet, non -cohesive, micaceous TTV T V i i • i i • 25 i TTVI i • i • — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — TV i i• i i • i • iV i i • i 30 •• • •i •� •TV •� •� •� T� Silt with sand, grayish brown (10YR5/2), dry, •• •; ML non -cohesive, relict phaneritic texture, mica (biotite) �• T T (saprolite) , TIT; 35 T• • T•T TV, i • i i • •� TV_ •� •• •T •: 40 �T TT i i • i i • 45 .' SM Silty sand with gravel, light gray (10YR7/1) with very large �• pieces of schist throughout (saprolite/PWR) V SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station PROJECT NO: 1026.18 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling DRILLING METHOD: Sonic BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN NOTES: = U IL o O j DESCRIPTION CD 55 SM 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 WELL / BORING NO: ILF-1 D STARTED: 3/15/19 NORTHING: 686453.07 G.S. ELEV: 862.59 ft DEPTH TO WATER: 38.09 ft TOC LOGGED BY: J. Odom Lu a 0z O^ ❑_ d Lu� m0 Silty sand with gravel, light gray (10YR7/1) with very large pieces of schist throughout (saprolite/PWR) (continued) RK (PWR) Biotite Schist, intensely weathered, very weak (transition-D Interval?) Biotite Schist (weatered/fractured rock) light gray IRK (10YR7/1) and black (10YR2/1) to dark gray, moderate, schistose texture, slightly to moderately weathered COMPLETED: 3/15/19 EASTING: 1413579.87 M.P. ELEV: 865.32 ft TOTAL DEPTH: 80.0 ft BGS CHECKED BY: B. Wilker WELL CONSTRUCTION Aqua Guard 2" SCH 40 PVC Riser Bentonite Seal #2 Sand Filter Pack 2" Slotted .010" Well CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC ` SynTerra 3 , 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC ' synTerra phone:l864 421h 99rgolina 29601 PAGE 2 OF 2 J PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: ELF-1 S PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/16/19 COMPLETED: 3/16/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 686449.2 EASTING: 1413576.95 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 862.47 ft M.P. ELEV: 865.31 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 37.08 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 50.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Odom CHECKED BY: B. Wilker U = c� w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w Q O ❑ DESCRIPTION g U p a s p C� < �v m0 SM Bottom ash as, dry, non -cohesive, very dark gray (10yr3/1) T• �•� •• •T GM Felt & mesh (road bed), silt with sand & gray ch (road base? TV : • CL •T •� Sandy clay, yellowish red (5YR5/8), dry, non -cohesive, 5 . micaceous, low plasticity : T SM Sand, light yellowish brown (10YR6/4), med. grained, dry, T non -cohesive V ; ; • SM Bottom ash, verydark gray10YR3/1 wet ML Silt with sand, strong brown (7.5 YR5/8), dry, non • •� cohesive •• •; 10 • i •• i • SW Sand, fine to med. grained, light brown (7.5YR6/3), dry, •; ;• non -cohesive, micaceous I• �•� i i•• • 15 •� •� ;•V T —Aqua Guard ML Silt with sand, yellowish brown (10YR5/4), moist to wet, TTV ;•; •TV non -cohesive, micaceous TTV •TV — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — •• • i • i TVi� •i• • 20 •• •� •� •T �T ML Silt with sand, trace gravels, yellowish brown (10YR5/4), T• T•V moist to wet, non -cohesive, micaceous •� � #2 SCH 40 PVC Riser •�V T� •� •T 25 • i • • i • — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — TV i i• i iV i • i • i iV i • i • i 30 • •• • • •i Silt with sand, grayish brown (10YR5/2), dry, ML non -cohesive, relict phaneritic texture, mica (biotite) (saprolite) Bentonite Seal 35 40 Silty sand with gravel, light gray (10YR7/1) with very large pieces of schist throughout (saprolite/PWR) #2 Sand Filter Pack 45 .' SM 2" Slotted .010" Well Screen Screen set at 40-50' bgs. SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 1 OF 1 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: ELF-2D PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/31/19 COMPLETED: 3/31/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 687699.24 EASTING: 1413205.78 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 885.57 ft M.P. ELEV: 885.14 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 48.88 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 107.0 ft TOC NOTES: LOGGED BY: G. Murphey CHECKED BY: B. Wilker _ o = a 0 U � > 0- OU o O Q WELL CONSTRUCTION wv <J DESCRIPTION Q w m0 d a Grout Cement Soft dig for utility clearance •� •� 5 �• �i i i • i i • i i • i i • i i • 10— v v —Aqua Guard 15 i i • �• •�V •T ML Silt, light brown, brown and light orange, non -plastic, ;• ;•; non -cohesive, very micaceous, damp to moist •� •� 20 •; ; 2" SCH 40 PVC Riser •�V T T i i • 25 •• �i •�V •T •T •TV •� •T •� •TV TTV •TV •� •TV •T �T — ML ------------------------ Silt, light brown, brown and light orange, some orange �• •T Ti ;• 30 — clay, low—P asticity, non -cohesive, veLv micaceous, dam—. �• T•T — -- — — •� T. •� • i •• ii • i i• • • • •� •� •� •� 35 ML Silt, light brown, brown and light orange, non -plastic, non -cohesive, very micaceous, damp to moist T i i • •T •T• •T •� •T V� •T � •T T �Tjv •� � • CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC Greenville, l864 999aro1ina 29601 Phone: 421- PAGE 1 OF 3 0 c� a co Q a 0 z z PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: ELF-2D PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/31/19 COMPLETED: 3/31/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 687699.24 EASTING: 1413205.78 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 885.57 ft M.P. ELEV: 885.14 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 48.88 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 107.0 ft TOC NOTES: LOGGED BY: G. Murphey CHECKED BY: B. Wilker o a 0 � 0- > OO o O Q WELL CONSTRUCTION wv <J DESCRIPTION Q w m0 d a O cn U ML Silt, light brown, brown and light orange, some orange ,• ,•, clay, low plasticity, moist, water table at 42' • •T i i • i i • 45 Silt, brown to dark brown, micaceous, some orange clay, �• �1 ML low -plasticity, somewhat dense, with relic rock structures, 50 non -cohesive (Saprolite) •� •� • •• i i • iV i • i i • i i • 55 �• ••V •T •• •� •• • T� •• i i • i i • i i • • • 60— T•i—Aqua Guard :• iV • i • • TTV •T •• •� 65 RK Weaterhed rock, Biotite Gneiss, weak but dense, some Fe • •� • • T• staining, dry, no signs of factures or fresh weathering •• •; • •• �T• • • •• • •� • TTV •• TT• • T• • 70TV 7 2" SCH 40 PVC Riser :• • i •• i • •• •� •• •� ••V •� 75 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — • i • • i• RK Weaterhed rock, Biotite Gneiss, light gray and white, thinly 'TTV TTV foliated, weak, dense, dry — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — i i• TV i • RK Weaterhed rock, Biotite Gneiss, moderatley strong, Fe "TV • "'T staining, smooth ; ; , CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: ELF-2D PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/31/19 COMPLETED: 3/31/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 687699.24 EASTING: 1413205.78 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 885.57 ft M.P. ELEV: 885.14 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 48.88 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 107.0 ft TOC NOTES: LOGGED BY: G. Murphey CHECKED BY: B. Wilker _ o = a 0 U _j 0- > OU o O Q WELL CONSTRUCTION wv <J DESCRIPTION w m0 d a Q RK Weaterhed rock, Biotite Gneiss, moderatley strong, Fe �• �•� staining, smooth (continued) — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 85 1 1 1 1 1 = f- Benton iteSeal Very weathered rock, very weak with red -orange clay (highly decomposed), wet. 90 RK 1 91#2 Sand Filter Pack 87-91' Fe -staining throughout. 103' Fracture w/ Fe staining present. 'IM 2" Slotted .010" Well 100 2" Slotted .010" Well RK Biotite Gneiss, light grey and white, strong, competent, foliated Sand Pack Backfill item ��� Li Li CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra D 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC GreenvSynTerra phone:l864 421h 99rgolina 29601 PAGE 3 OF 3 5 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: ELF-2S PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/31/19 COMPLETED: 3/31/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 687699.26 EASTING: 1413214.68 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 885.21 ft M.P. ELEV: 884.79 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 47.63 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 52.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: G. Murphey CHECKED BY: B. Wilker U = c� w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w Q O ❑ DESCRIPTION g U ❑ a s p C� < �v m0 Grout Cement Soft dig for utility clearance ;• 5 i i• iV iV i • i • i i • i i • 10 i i • •• •.V •�• • •• •T � 15— TV TV •• •� •• •• • TV Aqua Guard ML Silt, light brown, brown and light orange, non -plastic, T• T•V non -cohesive, very micaceous, damp to moist TV •TV 20 •• •i TV • • 2" SCH 40 PVC Riser :• i i • i i • i i • 25 •• •i i i • ML Silt, light brown, brown and light orange, some orange ;• ;•; 30 — clai low plasticity, non cohesive, vet micaceous, dry— J •T •� _ Bentonite Seal 35 ML Silt, light brown, brown and light orange, non -plastic, non -cohesive, very micaceous, damp to moist 40 ------------------------ TM­ LTSilt, light brown, brown and light orange, some orange clay, low plasticity, moist, water table at 42' #2 Sand Filter Pack 45 Silt, brown to dark brown, micaceous, some orange clay, ML low -plasticity, somewhat dense, with relic rock structures, non -cohesive (Saprolite) 2" Slotted .010" Well Screen CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: ELF-2S PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/31/19 COMPLETED: 3/31/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 687699.26 EASTING: 1413214.68 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 885.21 ft M.P. ELEV: 884.79 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 47.63 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 52.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: G. Murphey CHECKED BY: B. Wilker U = c� Lu d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w Q O DESCRIPTION g U ❑ a s p o C� ❑ < �v m0 ML #2 Sand Filter Pack Screen set at 42-52' b s. 2" Slotted .010" Well Screen 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: PVSF-1 BR PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/18/19 COMPLETED: 3/22/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 682625.31 EASTING: 1412236.1 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 877.36 ft M.P. ELEV: 880.17 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 9.5/6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 53.98 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 197.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Odom CHECKED BY: B. Wilker U = w d O z _ WELL w c� Q O DESCRIPTION g ^ 0 e OJ p ❑ E a s CONSTRUCTION p o ❑ < �v m0 C� SM Bottom Ash, very dark gray (10YR3/1), dry, non -cohesive, trace gravels • ;• • CL Sandy clay, yellowish red (5YR5/8, dry, non -cohesive, • �• 5 micaceous, low plasticity •� • • �• SP Bottom ash (as sand with clay and gravel) very dark gray SC 10YR3/1 wet • 10 •� Aqua Guard �• • • 15 • •� IN • • • • 20 ; •; 6.25" SCH 40 PVC Surface • �• Casing 25 • �• o • • • • XV/ SW Sand with clay, brown (7.5YR5/4), med. to coarse grained, SC moist, non -cohesive, micaceous • �• 30 • 2" SCH 40 PVC Riser IN• �• • 35 • � 40 • �• • • • �• 45 • • ML • �• SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 1 OF 4 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: PVSF-1 BR PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/18/19 COMPLETED: 3/22/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 682625.31 EASTING: 1412236.1 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 877.36 ft M.P. ELEV: 880.17 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 9.5/6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 53.98 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 197.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Odom CHECKED BY: B. Wilker U = c� w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w Q O o ❑ DESCRIPTION g 0 p m0 a s p C� < �v TV �• •T , 55 • 2" SCH 40 PVC Riser Silt with sand, grayish brown (10YR5/2), dry to moist, • • 60 ML non -cohesive, relict phaneritic texture, medium, biotite, •� Saprolite (continued) . �. 65 Aqua Guard 70 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — • •• • • • CL Sandy clay, gray (10YR5/1) to dark gray (10YR4/1), relict •� phaneritic texture, wet, cohesive (Saprolite) • �• 75 • • � 80 / / •• • Biotite Schist, very dark gray (10YR3/1) to light gray • RK (10YR4/1) and white (10YR8/1), moderate, schistose, • • 2" SCH 40 PVC Riser •• / slightly to moderately weathered, Fe staining • 85 � • �• • 90 Biotite Schist, very dark gray to light gray to pale brown / RK and white, moderate to strong, schistose, mechanical fracturing 87.5' to 97.0' (no staining or weathering 95 observed) Bentonite Seal 6.25" SCH 40 PVC Surface Casing set @ 97.5' bgs. CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra �� 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 2 OF 4 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: PVSF-1 BR PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/18/19 COMPLETED: 3/22/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 682625.31 EASTING: 1412236.1 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 877.36 ft M.P. ELEV: 880.17 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 9.5/6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 53.98 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 197.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Odom CHECKED BY: B. Wilker w U = c� Q O DESCRIPTION w d g O ^ 0 e z OJ p _ ❑ E a s WELL CONSTRUCTION p C� ❑ < �v m0 105 110 115 120 Biotite Schist, very dark gray to light gray to pale brown 125 RK and white, moderate to strong, schistose, mechanical Bentonite Seal fracturing 87.5' to 97.0' (no staining or weathering observed) (continued) 130 135 140 145 SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC Greenville, South 29601 91ina s)mTra erPhone:864 42199PAGE 3 OF 4 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station PROJECT NO: 1026.18 WELL / BORING NO: PVSF-1 BR STARTED: 3/18/19 COMPLETED: 3/22/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 682625.31 EASTING: 1412236.1 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 877.36 ft M.P. ELEV: 880.17 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 9.5/6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 53.98 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 197.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Odom CHECKED BY: B. Wilker U = c� w 0-O ^ z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w Q O DESCRIPTION g U e ❑ a s ❑ < m 0 v iml 160 i[:�.7 170 Bentonite Seal #2 Sand Filter Pack Biotite Schist, very dark gray to light gray to pale brown 2" Slotted .010 Well Screen RK and white, moderate to strong, schistose, mechanical /�/ fracturing 87.5' to 97.0' (no staining or weathering 175 i �/, observed) (continued) 180 190 Wil Screen set at 165-180' #2 Sand Filter Pack Backfill I CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC ` SynTerra 3 , 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC ' synTerra phone:l864 421h 99rgolina 29601 PAGE 4 OF 4 J PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: PVSF-1 PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/20/19 COMPLETED: 3/20/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 682623.08 EASTING: 1412231.09 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 877.55 ft M.P. ELEV: 880.28 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 53.36 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 87.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Odom CHECKED BY: B. Wilker U = c� w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w Q O DESCRIPTION g U p a s p o C� ❑ < �v m0 SM Bottom Ash, very dark gray (10YR3/1), dry, non -cohesive, trace gravels • • • • •• • VTT i • CL Sandy clay, yellowish red (5YR5/8, dry, non -cohesive, V• V•V 5 micaceous, low plasticity •V •� VVV •� •• •� •� V• •V V•V SP Bottom ash (as sand with clay and gravel) very dark gray SC 10YR3/1 wet ; ; , • • 10 •� TV Aqua Guard •� V • •� •• •�V • •• i i i • i • • •� ••V 15 •� •� •V •� •� •� •� •• •� •� • •• i • i• • • 20 •; V. 2" SCH 40 PVC Riser o o • •� •• •� V N • • •• • •_ �V • •• •V V� IN•� •� • � 25 • • • V• • o • •• i •V i• • • SW Sand with clay, brown (7.5YR5/4), med. to coarse grained, ; ;• SC moist, non -cohesive, micaceous �• �•� 30 • •• • •i •� •� • • •• • •� �V •� •V •V V� •� •V • •• •• •V 35 • •• •� •• � • •• :• iV i • • •V • •V • • • • • 40 �V •� V �� • • • •� •• • •� •� •V •� • � • • •• • •� • 45 • •V • •� • • •� •• • • •V V • •• •�• oXlo • •• • • ML V� • V� •• SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: PVSF-1 PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/20/19 COMPLETED: 3/20/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 682623.08 EASTING: 1412231.09 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 877.55 ft M.P. ELEV: 880.28 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 53.36 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 87.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Odom CHECKED BY: B. Wilker U = c� w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w Q O o ❑ DESCRIPTION g U p m0 a s p C� < �v •• •� •�� ••T •T •V •• TV i •1 •• 55 TV TV r—Aqua Guard • i i • iV i • i i • •T•T• Silt with sand, grayish brown (10YR5/2), dry to moist, •• ••• 60 ML non -cohesive, relict phaneritic texture, medium, biotite, •T•� Saprolite (continued) T• T T i i • i i • TTV i • 65 i i • T• •• •� •• •T •• •� •• Ti •T •� Bentonite Seal CL Sandy clay, gray (10YR5/1) to dark gray (10YR4/1), relict phaneritic texture, wet, cohesive (Saprolite) 75 80 #2 Sand Filter Pack Biotite Schist, very dark gray (10YR3/1) to light gray RK (10YR4/1) and white (10YR8/1), moderate, schistose, 2" Slotted .010 Well Screen slightly to moderately weathered, Fe staining 85 Screen set at 77-87' b s. 90 95 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: PVSF-1 S PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/20/19 COMPLETED: 3/20/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 682620.97 EASTING: 1412226.04 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 877.62 ft M.P. ELEV: 880.27 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 53.12 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 62.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Odom CHECKED BY: B. Wilker U = w d O z _ WELL w c� Q O DESCRIPTION g ^ U e OJ p ❑ E a s CONSTRUCTION p o ❑ < �v m0 C� SM Bottom Ash, very dark gray (10YR3/1), dry, non -cohesive, trace gravels • • • • •• • VVT i • CL Sandy clay, yellowish red (5YR5/8, dry, non -cohesive, V• V•V 5 micaceous, low plasticity •V •� • • • •• VVV V• •V V•V SP Bottom ash (as sand with clay and gravel) very dark gray SC 10YR3/1 wet ; ; , i i • 10 i i• •V •�V • •� •• •�V • •• i i i • i • • •V • • 15 •V •V •� •� •� •V •VV •�V •� •V •V •• i • i • • • 20 •• iV • •VV •• •VV •• ••• •V TVAquaGuard •� �V •� •� 25 • • • • • • • 2" SCH 40 PVC Riser •V i• •• SW Sand with clay, brown (7.5YR5/4), med. to coarse grained, ; ;• SC moist, non -cohesive, micaceous �• V•V 30 • •• VVV •i •� •V • • •• • •� �V •� •V •V V� •� •V • •• •• •V 35 • •• •� •• � • •• :• iV i • • •V • •V •V • • • • 40 �V •� V �� • • • •V •• ••V •• •V •� •� • • •• • •� •V 45 • • • •� •V• •• lo Bentonite Seal ML SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: PVSF-1 S PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/20/19 COMPLETED: 3/20/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 682620.97 EASTING: 1412226.04 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 877.62 ft M.P. ELEV: 880.27 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 53.12 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 62.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Odom CHECKED BY: B. Wilker U = c� w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w Q O DESCRIPTION g U p a s p o C� ❑ < �v m0 55 Silt with sand, grayish brown (10YR5/2), dry to moist, ML non -cohesive, relict phaneritic texture, medium, biotite, #2 Sand Filter Pack Saprolite (continued) 2" Slotted .010" Well Screen 60 Screen set at 52-62' b s. 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 2 OF 2 0 c� m a co Q a 0 z z PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: PVSF-2BR PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/23/19 COMPLETED: 3/25/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 684902.49 EASTING: 1412109.34 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 830.49 ft M.P. ELEV: 833.36 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 9.5/6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 11.69 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 107.0 ft TOC NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Odom CHECKED BY: B. Wilker o a 0 _j g > OO o O Q WELL CONSTRUCTION wv <J DESCRIPTION w m0 d a p Q < U CL Sandy clay, yellowish red (5YR5/8), moist, non -cohesive, • low plasticity, micaceous • �• • SP Bottom ash (as sand with clay and gravel), verydark gray • ;• 5 SC (10YR3/1), moist •� • • • • 10 •� CL Sandy clay, reddish gray (5YR5/2) wood fragments and • �• trace gravels (fill) • • 15 20 SP Sand with clay, reddish yellow (7.5YR6/6), moist, •� SC non -cohesive •� • 6.25" O.D. SCH 40 PVC • Surface Casing • • �• 25 �� • • • • • 30 • �• • • • • • • CL Sandy clay, gray (7.5YR5/1) to reddish yellow (7.5YR6/6) , • •, moist to wet • T• • • 35 • T• • TV T • Aqua Guard TV • • T CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: PVSF-2BR PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/23/19 COMPLETED: 3/25/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 684902.49 EASTING: 1412109.34 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 830.49 ft M.P. ELEV: 833.36 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 9.5/6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 11.69 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 107.0 ft TOC NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Odom CHECKED BY: B. Wilker _ o = a 0 U _j 0- > OU o O Q WELL CONSTRUCTION w DESCRIPTION w m0 d a Q • • • SP Sand with clay brown(7.5YR5/2) moist, non -cohesive, • •• SC relict phaneritic texture, some large angular pieces of dark • �• gray biotite schist (saprolite) very dense • 45 • • 2" SCH 40 PVC Riser 50 � •� � / • i 55 2" SCH 40 PVC Riser / 60 , •, Aqua Guard / RK Biotite Schist, dark gray to light gray and white, moderate, • • �• � foliated • 65 � • �• • i • i // • i 70 • 6.25" O.D. SCH 40 PVC / • : Surface Casing set @ 77' •� bgs. / • i 75 Bentonite Seal RK Biotite Schist, strong, light gray to dark gray CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra �� 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: PVSF-2BR PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/23/19 COMPLETED: 3/25/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 684902.49 EASTING: 1412109.34 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 830.49 ft M.P. ELEV: 833.36 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 9.5/6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 11.69 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 107.0 ft TOC NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Odom CHECKED BY: B. Wilker _ o = a 0 <J U DESCRIPTION -j 0- > OU o O Q WELL CONSTRUCTION wv Q w m0 d a Bentonite Seal 85 90 /RK Biotite Schist, strong, light gray to dark gray (continued) 95 / #2 Sand Filter Pack / 2" Slotted .010" Well Screen 100 / 2" Slotted .010" Well Screen �/ #2 Sand Filter Pack 105 / Screen set at 92-107 b s. 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC Greenville, l864 999aro1ina 29601 Phone: 421- PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: PVSF-2D PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/25/19 COMPLETED: 3/25/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 684904.44 EASTING: 1412112.7 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 830.44 ft M.P. ELEV: 833.20 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 11.3 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 67.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Odom CHECKED BY: B. Wilker U = c� w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w Q O DESCRIPTION g U p a s p C� ❑ < �v m0 CL Sandy clay, yellowish red (5YR5/8), moist, non -cohesive, • • • low plasticity, micaceous �• �•� • •• •� •T • Sp Bottom ash (as sand with clay and gravel), verydark gray TTV ,•, 5 SC (10YR3/1), moist TV •TV •• • � •i •• 10 TTV i • i• CL Sandy clay, reddish gray (5YR5/2) wood fragments and 4_ T trace gravels (fill) • • • • • • • • • •• • • •� •• •� • 15 • •• �• • • • • 20 SP Sand with clay, reddish yellow (7.5YR6/6), moist, TYy•• •� SC non -cohesive •T •T Aqua Guard T• T T 25 i i i • i • T 2" SCH 40 PVC Riser • • 30 •• •i • • •• • • •• i i • CL Sandy clay, gray (7.5YR5/1) to reddish yellow (7.5YR6/6) •• • • • moist to wet : : • 35 T• T•� i i • • •• • •� • VVV i • • i TV • • • 40 T• •• VV •V •• • •• • SD Sand with clay brown(7.5YR5/2) moist, non -cohesive, •. •V• SC relict phaneritic texture, some large angular pieces of dark •� ;• gray biotite schist (saprolite) very dense 45 Bentonite Seal RK Biotite Schist, dark gray to light gray and white, moderate, foliated. Fractured/weathered rock. SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC Greenville, l864 999aro1ina 29601 Phone: 421- PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: PVSF-2D PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/25/19 COMPLETED: 3/25/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 684904.44 EASTING: 1412112.7 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 830.44 ft M.P. ELEV: 833.20 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 11.3 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 67.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Odom CHECKED BY: B. Wilker U = c� w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w Q O DESCRIPTION g U p a s p C� ❑ < �v m0 55 #2 Sand Filter Pack Slotted .010 Well Screen RK Biotite Schist, dark gray to light gray and white, moderate, 60 / foliated. Fractured/weathered rock. (continued) #2 Sand Filter Pack Backfill 65 / Screen set at 52-62' b s 70 75 80 85 90 95 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: PVSF-2S PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/25/19 COMPLETED: 3/25/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 684907.38 EASTING: 1412116.97 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 830.44 ft M.P. ELEV: 833.15 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 11.14 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 22.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Odom CHECKED BY: B. Wilker U = c� w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w Q O DESCRIPTION g U p a s p C� ❑ < �v m0 CL Sandy clay, yellowish red (5YR5/8), moist, non -cohesive, • • • low plasticity, micaceous • �•� TTV �• Aqua Guard SP Bottom ash (as sand with clay and gravel), verydark gray •• • • 2" SCH 40 PVC Riser 5 SC (10YR3/1), moist •� •� Bentonite Seal 10 CL Sandy clay, reddish gray (5YR5/2) wood fragments and trace gravels (fill) - 15 #2 Sand Filter Pack SP Sand with clay, reddish yellow (7.5YR6/6), moist, 2" Slotted .010 Well Screen SC non -cohesive 20 Screen set at 12-22' b s. 25 30 35 40 45 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 1 OF 1 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: PVSF-3BR PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/26/19 COMPLETED: 4/25/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 685548.81 EASTING: 1411981.88 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 835.38 ft M.P. ELEV: 838.22 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 9.5/6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 17.9 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 188.0 ft BGS NOTES: Original well replaced on 4/25/19 LOGGED BY: J. Odom CHECKED BY: B. Wilker U = c� w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w Q O DESCRIPTION g U ❑ a s p C� ❑ < �v m0 5 CL Sandy clay, red (2.5YR4/8), fine, moist, non -cohesive Bentonite/Cement Grout 10 CL Sandy clay, strong brown, med. to coarse, wet, • ;• non -cohesive, micaceous, manganese banding •� • • 15 • • 2" SCH 40 PVC Riser • ' CL Sandy clay, light brown to yellowish brown, fine, wet, • • �• � _ cohesive • �• • 20 • i • • 25 SP • Aqua Guard Sand with clay, yellowish brown (10YR5/4), moist, SC non -cohesive, micaceous • • • 30 • �• 6.25' O.D. SCH 40 PVC •� Surface Casing • • • 35 • �• • • 40 > SW SC Sandy clay, yellowish brown, wet, cohesive, stiff • • �• • 45 • • • SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 1 OF 4 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: PVSF-3BR PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/26/19 COMPLETED: 4/25/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 685548.81 EASTING: 1411981.88 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 835.38 ft M.P. ELEV: 838.22 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 9.5/6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 17.9 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 188.0 ft BGS NOTES: Original well replaced on 4/25/19 LOGGED BY: J. Odom CHECKED BY: B. Wilker U = w d O z _ WELL c� IL O DESCRIPTION ^ U e OJ ❑ E CONSTRUCTION w g ❑ a s p ❑ �v m0 C� • • • TV • TV TV 55 • V • TV •• • •• SW Sandy clay, yellowish brown, wet, cohesive, stiff • • ;• 60 SC (continued) •� • 65 • •• • 70 • 75 — 6.25" O.D. SCH 40 PVC • �• Surface Casing 80 • • SM Silty sand, light brownish gray (10YR6/2), dry, stiff, relict , •, 85 phanoritic texture (Saprolite) • �• • • 2" SCH 40 PVC Riser �• 90 • • • Aqua Guard 95 • � • TV SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC Greenville, South 29601 91ina s)mTra erPhone:864 42199PAGE 2 OF 4 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: PVSF-3BR PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/26/19 COMPLETED: 4/25/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 685548.81 EASTING: 1411981.88 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 835.38 ft M.P. ELEV: 838.22 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 9.5/6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 17.9 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 188.0 ft BGS NOTES: Original well replaced on 4/25/19 LOGGED BY: J. Odom CHECKED BY: B. Wilker U = c� IL w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w O DESCRIPTION g U ❑ a s p C� ❑ �v m0 • • 105 • • • 110 • i 115 SM Silty sand, light brownish gray (10YR6/2), dry, stiff, relict • phanoritic texture (Saprolite) (continued) • 120 • •• TV T• 125 ,V •, Aqua Guard • 130 • • • • 135 • .• 6.25" O.D. SCH 40 PVC •� Surface Casing 140 • �• • Biotite schist, dark to light gray and white, moderate, • �• RK foliated, becoming strong/unweathered at 150.0'. • Fractured/weathered rock. •� , 145 • 2" SCH 40 PVC Riser SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC Greenville, South 29601 91ina s)mTra erPhone:864 42199PAGE 3 OF 4 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: PVSF-3BR PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/26/19 COMPLETED: 4/25/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 685548.81 EASTING: 1411981.88 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 835.38 ft M.P. ELEV: 838.22 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 9.5/6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 17.9 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 188.0 ft BGS NOTES: Original well replaced on 4/25/19 LOGGED BY: J. Odom CHECKED BY: B. Wilker U = c� w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w Q O ❑ DESCRIPTION g U ❑ a s p C� < �v m0 •• •� • •• i i • Transition zone, weathered rock, light gray to gray, minor •,V •; RK fine grained sand, abundant iron staining, hard, fractures �• T•V throughout, cobble sized fragments 155 / •• •i 160 / Meta -Schist, gray to light gray, some chlorite, quartz, 2" SCH 40 PVC Riser :� biotite mica (166-168'), some white quartz banding, minor ••• V IRK gravel to coarse sand from 163-164', fractured throughout ; ; , (mechanically), potential natural fractre at 158', slight •� •� / iron/manganese staining from 166-168', hard, foliated, ••V •; / fresh �• V•V 165 VVV Vv —Aqua Guard ••V •i — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — •• •V • •• / // • •• •• •• •• •V / •• •i 170 / Meta -Schist, gray to light gray, with quartz vein at •� •� • • • IRK 168-169', some Fe staining present, potental fracture at •� •V 168-169', natural fracture at 171-172', vuggy, some coarse ;• / sand/gravel, Fe stained near 184-186' • • • 175 Bentonite Seal 180 IRK Meta -Schist, gray to light gray, potential fracture at #2 Sand Filter Pack 179-182' 2" Slotted .010" Well Screen 185 Screen Set at 177.5-187.5' b s. 190 195 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 4 OF 4 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: PVSF-3D PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/29/19 COMPLETED: 3/29/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 685549.56 EASTING: 1411986 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 835.44 ft M.P. ELEV: 838.02 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 13.78 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 147.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Odom CHECKED BY: B. Wilker U = c� w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w Q O DESCRIPTION g U p a s p C� ❑ < �v m0 • V • • • •• • •• • • •T i i • CL Sandy clay, red (2.5YR4/8), fine, moist, non -cohesive iV i • • 5 TTV :• TTV i • i • • • • • •T •T• •T •• — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — •• • 2" SCH 40 PVC Riser 10— •T• • •• CL Sandy clay, strong brown, med. to coarse, wet, •TV •: non -cohesive, micaceous, manganese banding •• ;• • • •• • • • 15 • : •• : • •� T•�-Aquaguard • • •• •• • •T CL Sandy clay, light brown to yellowish brown, fine, wet, cohesive ; ; , • •TV • •TV 20 • �T •• •• 25 SP Sand with clay, yellowish brown (10YR5/4), moist, • •• • • •: SC non -cohesive, micaceous •• •Ti •• • i • i• • • 30 i •• i• •i •• TV •• •� 35 •V •• •• •i •V •T •• •�• •V •• TTV :• i i • 40 SW SC Sandy clay, yellowish brown, wet, cohesive, stiff • • •T ol • • • • • • 45 — •• • i •• • ivV SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: PVSF-3D PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/29/19 COMPLETED: 3/29/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 685549.56 EASTING: 1411986 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 835.44 ft M.P. ELEV: 838.02 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 13.78 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 147.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Odom CHECKED BY: B. Wilker U = w d O z _ WELL c� IL O DESCRIPTION ^ U e OJ ❑ E CONSTRUCTION w g p a s p ❑ �v m0 C� • •• • •� •• • i •• i • TV i • 55 •� •�• SW Sandy clay, yellowish brown, wet, cohesive, stiff ;• ;•; 60 SC (continued) •� •� i i • TV V Aquaguard 65 T• ••V •TV •• •i •• • � •• •• •i • • 2" SCH 40 PVC Riser •• TV • •• •� •TV 75 • •� • • •T• •• •� •• • •i •• i i• 80 TTV •• TV •i :TTV TV SM Silty sand, light brownish gray (10YR6/2), dry, stiff, relict •• ;• 85 phanoritic texture (Saprolite) •� ••V •T 90 •• •i i i • i i • 95 •• '� • •• SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC Greenville, South 29601 91ina s)mTra erPhone:864 42199PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: PVSF-3D PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/29/19 COMPLETED: 3/29/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 685549.56 EASTING: 1411986 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 835.44 ft M.P. ELEV: 838.02 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 13.78 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 147.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Odom CHECKED BY: B. Wilker U = c� IL w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w O DESCRIPTION g U p a s p C� ❑ �v m0 • •• •• •TV 105 • •• •T •.• 115 �• • •� •• • •i SM Silty sand, light brownish gray (10YR6/2), dry, stiff, relict phanoritic texture (Saprolite) (continued) TTV TTV T, 120 •• �� •V •V 2" SCH 40 PVC Riser •• V •• • 125 ' • • • •� � r-Aquaguard • •� • • • �• • • • • • 130 Bentonite Seal 135 •. 140 #2 Sand Filter Pack IRK Biotite schist, dark to light gray and white, moderate, foliated 2" Slotted .010" Well Screen 145 Screen set at 137-147' b s SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: PVSF-3S PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 3/29/19 COMPLETED: 3/29/19 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 685550.11 EASTING: 1411990.62 DRILLING METHOD: Sonic G.S. ELEV: 835.17 ft M.P. ELEV: 838.18 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 16.58 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 27.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Odom CHECKED BY: B. Wilker U = c� w d O ^ e z OJ _ ❑ E WELL CONSTRUCTION w Q O DESCRIPTION g U p a s p C� ❑ �v m0 • V • • •• • • • •• • • • • •T iV i • 5 CL Sandy clay, red (2.5YR4/8), fine, moist, non -cohesive i i • T • ; r—Aqua Guard TV • i i • • • •• •� • • • ' 2" SCH 40 PVC Riser : • • • • 10 • •• CL Sandy clay, strong brown, med. to coarse, wet, non -cohesive, micaceous, manganese banding Bentonite Seal 15 — ------------------------ CL Sandy clay, light brown to yellowish brown, fine, wet, cohesive 20 #2 Silica Sand Filter Pack Sand with clay, yellowish brown (10YR5/4), moist, non -cohesive, micaceous 2" Slotted 0.010" Well SP Screen 25 SC Screen set at 17-27' b s 30 35 40 45 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 1 OF 1 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: PVSF-4BR PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 7/30/19 COMPLETED: 8/1/19 DRILLING COMPANY: SAEDACCO NORTHING: 683376.4 EASTING: 1411038.94 DRILLING METHOD: HSA/Air Rotary G.S. ELEV: 858.66 ft M.P. ELEV: 858.45 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 4.25/8.25 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 99.95 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 155.0 ft TOC NOTES: LOGGED BY: J.Thao CHECKED BY: B. Wilker _ o = a 0 <J U DESCRIPTION _j 0- > OU o O Q WELL CONSTRUCTION wv Q w m0 d a CLAY, red brown tan, slightly stiff, dry, non -plastic, little fine grained sand, micaeous, friable. 5 2" PVC Riser Silty CLAY, tan brown red, soft, dry, slightly plastic, cohesive, relic structure, mottled, friable. Clayey SILT, red tan, very soft to soft, dry, slightly plastic, 10 cohesive, mottled, little oxidation. Silty SAND, tan to light tan, slightly loose, damp to dry, slightly uniform, micaeous, fine grained. 15 SILT, brown red, soft to slightly firm, damp, slightly cohesive to non -cohesive, micaeous, little Fe staining/oxidation. Saturated between 16.0'-17.0' bgs. Some white fine grained sand at 20.0' bgs. 20 Sandy SILT, brown to dark brown, very soft, wet, slightly cohesive to non -cohesive, micaeous, fine to coarse 25 grained. 30 SILT, brown, very soft, wet, slightly cohesive, micaeous. 35 —Cement Grout CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 1 OF 4 0 c� m J co Q Q P N H Z PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: PVSF-4BR PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 7/30/19 COMPLETED: 8/1/19 DRILLING COMPANY: SAEDACCO NORTHING: 683376.4 EASTING: 1411038.94 DRILLING METHOD: HSA/Air Rotary G.S. ELEV: 858.66 ft M.P. ELEV: 858.45 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 4.25/8.25 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 99.95 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 155.0 ft TOC NOTES: LOGGED BY: J.Thao CHECKED BY: B. Wilker _ o = a 0 <J U DESCRIPTION � g > OU o O Q WELL CONSTRUCTION wv Q w m0 d a 45 SILT, brown, very soft, wet, slightly cohesive, micaeous. —6" PVC Permanent Surface (continued) Casing 50 55 60 Sandy SILT, brown with white gray, very soft, wet, slightly cohesive, micaeous, coarse grained sand. 65 70 75 GRANODIORITE, gray white, hard, slightly weathered to fresh, iron stained, competent. GRANODIORITE, dark gray, hard, slightly weathered to fresh, competent. CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC Greenville, South 29601 91ina s)mTra erPhone:864 42199PAGE 2 OF 4 0 c� a co Q a 0 Z z PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: PVSF-4BR PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 7/30/19 COMPLETED: 8/1/19 DRILLING COMPANY: SAEDACCO NORTHING: 683376.4 EASTING: 1411038.94 DRILLING METHOD: HSA/Air Rotary G.S. ELEV: 858.66 ft M.P. ELEV: 858.45 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 4.25/8.25 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 99.95 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 155.0 ft TOC NOTES: LOGGED BY: J.Thao CHECKED BY: B. Wilker _ o = a 0 U -j 0- > OU o O Q WELL CONSTRUCTION wv <J DESCRIPTION Q w m0 d a GRANODIORITE, gray to white, some dark gray, hard, slightly weathered quartz, fresh, slightly Fe stained, trace to little pyrite, competent. Potential water bearing fracture at 86.0'-87.0' bgs. 85 GRANODIORITE, dark gray with little white, hard, decrease of quartz, fresh, little weathering, competent. 6" PVC permanent surface casing installed at 90.0' bgs. 90 GRANODIORITE, white to some black gray, felsic, hard, 95 abundant quartz, slightly weathered to fresh, competent. tAquaguard Potential water bearing fracture at 96.0' bgs. 100 1 - _ GNEISS, dark gray with little green, hard, trace -' epidote/chlorite, little, quartz present, slightly weathered to ' fresh, competent. Potential fracture fracture at 103.0' bgs. 110 - _ GNEISS, dark gray with little green, hard, trace - epidote/chlorite, little, quartz present, fresh, competent. ' Potential fracture fracture from 110.0'-115.0' bgs. 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Synra 48 Rver Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 148 River 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 3 OF 4 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: PVSF-4BR PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 7/30/19 COMPLETED: 8/1/19 DRILLING COMPANY: SAEDACCO NORTHING: 683376.4 EASTING: 1411038.94 DRILLING METHOD: HSA/Air Rotary G.S. ELEV: 858.66 ft M.P. ELEV: 858.45 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 4.25/8.25 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 99.95 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 155.0 ft TOC NOTES: LOGGED BY: J.Thao CHECKED BY: B. Wilker _ o = a 0 <J U DESCRIPTION _j 0- > OU o O Q WELL CONSTRUCTION wv Q w m0 d a _ - GNEISS, dark gray with little green, hard, trace epidote/chlorite, little, quartz present, fresh, competent. ' Potential fracture fracture from 110.0'-115.0' bgs. (continued) 125 GNEISS, dark gray to gray some purple, hard, fresh, little ' pyrite, little quartz, competent. 130 - - GNEISS, dark gray to gray some burgandy to red, hard, Bentonite Plug fresh, little quartz, competent. 135 - _ 140 145 GRANODIORITE, light gray to gray, hard, some white quartz, fresh, competent. Potential water bearing fracture at 145.0'-148.0' bgs. Hard to very hard at 150.0' bgs. Potential water bearing fractures at 151.0' bgs and between 152.0'-153.0' bgs. —No. 2 Sand Filter Pack 150 Well Screen 155 Boring terminated at 155.0' bgs. CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC Greenville, l864 999aro1ina 29601 Phone: 421- PAGE 4 OF 4 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: PVSF-4D PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 7/24/19 COMPLETED: 7/25/19 DRILLING COMPANY: SAEDACCO NORTHING: 683372.06 EASTING: 1411052.75 DRILLING METHOD: HSA/Air Rotary G.S. ELEV: 858.78 ft M.P. ELEV: 858.58 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 4.25/6.25 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 10.4 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 80.0 ft TOC NOTES: LOGGED BY: J.Thao CHECKED BY: B. Wilker _ o wv = a 0 <J U DESCRIPTION _j 0- Q > OU o w O m0 Q d a WELL CONSTRUCTION CLAY, red brown tan, slightly stiff, dry, non -plastic, little fine grained sand, micaeous, friable. 100 5 Silty CLAY, tan brown red, soft, dry, slightly plastic, cohesive, relic structure, mottled, friable. 100 Clayey SILT, red tan, very soft to soft, dry, slightly plastic, 10 cohesive, mottled, little oxidation. 2" PVC Riser Silty SAND, tan to light tan, slightly loose, damp to dry, slightly uniform, micaeous, fine grained. 100 15 SILT, brown red, soft to slightly firm, damp, slightly cohesive to non -cohesive, micaeous, little Fe staining/oxidation. Saturated between 16.0'-17.0' bgs. Some white fine grained sand at 20.0' bgs. 100 20 Sandy SILT, brown to dark brown, very soft, wet, slightly cohesive to non -cohesive, micaeous, fine to coarse 25 grained. 30 —Cement Grout SILT, brown, very soft, wet, slightly cohesive, micaeous. 35 100 SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 1 OF 3 0 c� m J co Q Q P N z z PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: PVSF-4D PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 7/24/19 COMPLETED: 7/25/19 DRILLING COMPANY: SAEDACCO NORTHING: 683372.06 EASTING: 1411052.75 DRILLING METHOD: HSA/Air Rotary G.S. ELEV: 858.78 ft M.P. ELEV: 858.58 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 4.25/6.25 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 10.4 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 80.0 ft TOC NOTES: LOGGED BY: J.Thao CHECKED BY: B. Wilker _ o = a 0 <J U DESCRIPTION � g > OU o O Q WELL CONSTRUCTION wv Q w m0 d a 45 SILT, brown, very soft, wet, slightly cohesive, micaeous. (continued) 50 55 60 : Sandy SILT, brown with white gray, very soft, wet, slightly cohesive, micaeous, coarse grained sand. Auger refusal at 74.0' bgs switching from 4.25" auger to air hammer. 65 Bentonite Plug 70 ,-No. 2 Sand Filter Pack 75 Well Screen GRANODIORITE, gray white, hard, slightly weathered to fresh, iron stained, competent. GRANODIORITE, dark gray, hard, slightly weathered to fresh, competent. CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC Greenville, South 29601 91ina s)mTra erPhone:864 42199PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: PVSF-4D PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 7/24/19 COMPLETED: 7/25/19 DRILLING COMPANY: SAEDACCO NORTHING: 683372.06 EASTING: 1411052.75 DRILLING METHOD: HSA/Air Rotary G.S. ELEV: 858.78 ft M.P. ELEV: 858.58 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 4.25/6.25 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 10.4 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 80.0 ft TOC NOTES: LOGGED BY: J.Thao CHECKED BY: B. Wilker o a 0 � g > OO o O Q WELL CONSTRUCTION wv <J DESCRIPTION w m0 d a 0 Q co 0 Boring terminated at 80.0' bgs. 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC Greenville, l864 999aro1ina 29601 Phone: 421h PAGE 3 OF 3 0 c� m J co Q a 0 z z PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: PVSF-4S PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 7/25/19 COMPLETED: 7/25/19 DRILLING COMPANY: SAEDACCO NORTHING: 683373.77 EASTING: 1411047.03 DRILLING METHOD: HSA/Air Rotary G.S. ELEV: 858.74 ft M.P. ELEV: 858.57 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 4.25 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 10.03 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 40.0 ft TOC NOTES: LOGGED BY: J.Thao CHECKED BY: B. Wilker _ o = a 0 U _j 0- > OU o O Q WELL CONSTRUCTION wv <J DESCRIPTION Q w m0 d a CLAY, red brown tan, slightly stiff, dry, non -plastic, little fine grained sand, micaeous, friable. 5 2" PVC Riser Silty CLAY, tan brown red, soft, dry, slightly plastic, cohesive, relic structure, mottled, friable. Clayey SILT, red tan, very soft to soft, dry, slightly plastic, 10 cohesive, mottled, little oxidation. 1 —Cement Grout Silty SAND, tan to light tan, slightly loose, damp to dry, slightly uniform, micaeous, fine grained. 15 SILT, brown red, soft to slightly firm, damp, slightly cohesive to non -cohesive, micaeous, little Fe staining/oxidation. Saturated between 16.0'-17.0' bgs. Some white fine grained sand at 20.0' bgs. 20 Sandy SILT, brown to dark brown, very soft, wet, slightly cohesive to non -cohesive, micaeous, fine to coarse 25 grained. Bentonite Plug 30 —No. 2 Sand Filter Pack SILT, brown, very soft, wet, slightly cohesive, micaeous. 35 Well Screen CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC 1ina 29601 erPhone:864 421-99 s)mTraGreenville, 9PAGE 1 OF 2 0 c� m a J H co Q V Q p H N H Z PROJECT: Marshall Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: PVSF-4S PROJECT NO: 1026.18 STARTED: 7/25/19 COMPLETED: 7/25/19 DRILLING COMPANY: SAEDACCO NORTHING: 683373.77 EASTING: 1411047.03 DRILLING METHOD: HSA/Air Rotary G.S. ELEV: 858.74 ft M.P. ELEV: 858.57 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 4.25 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 10.03 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 40.0 ft TOC NOTES: LOGGED BY: J.Thao CHECKED BY: B. Wilker o a 0 � g > OO o O Q WELL CONSTRUCTION wv <J DESCRIPTION w m0 d a 0 Q co 0 Boring terminated at 40.0' bgs. 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Terrell, NC Greenville, l864 999aro1ina 29601 Phone: 421h PAGE 2 OF 2 Print Form WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) l'or Internal Use Only: 1. Well Contractor Information: Michael Hansen Weil Contractor Name 4381-A NC Well Contractor Ccrtificauon Number CASCADE DRILLING Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. UIC, Coum}: Slate, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: �JAgriculhual 7)Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) 71Industrial/Commereial imgation Non -Water Supply Well: x Monitoring Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge 7IAquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology DC—thennai (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 3-16-2019 5a. Well Location: Duke E]Municipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier [3Stotnnwater Drainage Subsidence Control Tracer under #21 Well ID# CP-1 D Facility/Owner Name Facility IDll (if applicable) 8320 NC-150 Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 Physical Address, City, and Zip Catawaba County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/secouds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N W 6. Is(are) the well(s)OPermanent or ©ITemporary 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRWnON ft. M ft. ft. IS- OUTER CASING far mold cased wcDs OR Li1�ER rf a 6cabfe $'ROM To DIAMETER THICHIVFSS MATERIAL m ft. in. 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING eothermat closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL +3 €L 59 ft. 2 SCH 40 PVC ft ft. in. 17. SCREEN mom TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 m ft: in. 1 59 fL 69 ft' 2 i° 0.010 SCH 40 PVC 1& GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EwLAC'EMENT METHOD & AMOITIYT 0 It 3 fL Concrete Poured 3 fL 52 fL aquaguard Trernie pumped 52 n- 57 n- 3/8" Chips Gravity 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK ff a licable) FROM TO MATFRUL EWLACEMENTMETHOD 57 ft- 70 fL #2 sand Gravity fk ft 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets ifnecessary) FROM TO DF.SCRWnON color, lurdacss, s Wmck type, grata sue, eta) 0 €t. % M rL fL ft see geologists notes ft It. ft. ft. R & €L M 21. REMARKS U Pack screen 22. Certification: 3-27-2019 Signature of CertLfied WelliContractor Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was {were) constructed in accordance 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ®Yes or WNo with 15ANCAC 02C .0100 or I5ANCAC' 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. repair under 921 remarks section or on the back of this fonn. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: S. For Cseoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction, only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9. Total well depth below land surface: 70 (fL) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths if drerent (example- 3@200' and 2@1001 constmction to the following: 10. Static water Ievel below top of casing: (ft.) Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, Ifuater level is above casing, use +" 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 11. Borehole diameter: 6 On-) 12. Well construction method: Sonic (Le. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 24b. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the fort to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 Print Form WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) l'or Internal Use Only: 1. Well Contractor Information: Michael Hansen Weil Contractor Name 4381-A NC Well Contractor Ccrtificauon Number CASCADE DRILLING Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. UIC, Coum}: Slate, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: �JAgriculhual 7)Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) 71Industrial/Commereial imgation Non -Water Supply Well: x Monitoring Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge 7IAquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology DC—thennai (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 3-16-2019 5a. Well Location: Duke E]Municipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier [3Stofmwater Drainage Subsidence Control Tracer under #21 WeRIDY CP-lS Facility/Owner Name Facility IDl/ ff Wlicable) 8320 NC-150 Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 Physical Address, City, and Zip Catawaba County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/secouds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N W 6. Is(are) the well(s)OPermanent or ©ITemporary 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRWnON ft. M ft. ft. IS- OUTER CASING far mold cased wcDs OR Li1�ER rf a 6cahfe $'ROM To DIAMETER THICHIVFSS MATERIAL 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING eothermat closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL +3 €L 10 ft. 2 SCH 40 PVC ft ft. in. 17. SCREEN mom TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE T 1cXGV SS MATERIAL 0 ft. ft: in. 1 10 fL 20 ft. 2 in 0.010 SCH 40 PVC 1& GROUT FROM TO DIATERLIL EMWLACEMENT METHOD & AMOITIYT 0 it 3 n- Concrete Poured ft. fL 3 H- 8 n- 3/8" Chips Gravity 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK ff a licable) FROM TO MATERUL EWLACEMENTMETHOD 8 ft- 20.5 fL #2 sand Gravity & ft 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets ifnecessary) FROM TO DFSCRWnON color, harduvw, s Wmck qW, grain sue, eta) 0 €t. % M rL fL ft see geologists notes ft It. ft. ft. R & €L M 21. REMARKS U Pack screen 22. Certification: 3-27-2019 Signature of Certified We Contractor Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was {were) constructed in accordance 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ®Yes or WNo with 15ANCAC 02C .0100 or I5ANCAC 02C .0200 Well Consruction Standards and that a If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. repair under 921 remarks section or on the back of this fonn. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: S. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction, only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9. Total well depth below land surface: 20.5 (fLI 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths if drerent (example- 3@200' and 2@1001 constmction to the following: 10. Static water Ievel below top of casing: (ft.) Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, Iftiater level is above casing, use +- 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 11. Borehole diameter: 6 On-) 12. Well construction method: Sonic (Le. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 24b. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the fort to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well constriction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 Print Form WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) l'or Internal Use Only: 1. Well Contractor Information: Michael Hansen Weil Contractor Name 4381-A NC Well Contractor Ccrtificauon Number CASCADE DRILLING Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. UIC, Coum}: Slate, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: �JAgriculhual 7)Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) 71Industrial/Commereial imgation Non -Water Supply Well: x Monitoring Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge 7IAquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology DC—thennai (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 3-18-2019 5a. Well Location: Duke E]Municipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier [3Stotlnwater Drainage Subsidence Control Tracer under #21 WeRIDY CP-2D Facility/Owner Name Facility IDll (if applicable) 8320 NC-150 Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 Physical Address, City, and Zip Catawaba County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/secouds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N W 6. Is(are) the well(s)OPermanent or ©ITemporary 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRWnON ft. M ft. ft. IS- OUTER CASING far mold cased wcDs OR Li1�ER rf a 6cabfe $'ROM To DIAMETER THICHIVFSS MATERIAL m rt. in. 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING eothermat closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL +3 IL 97 ft. 2 SCH 40 PVC ft ft. in. 17. SCREEN mom TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 fC fL in. 1 97 fL 107 2 i° 0.010 SCH 40 PVC 1& GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EwLAC'EMENT METHOD & AMOITIYT 0 it 3 fL Concrete Poured 3 fL 84 fL aquaguard Trernie pumped 84 H. 90 ft- 3/8" Chips Gravity 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK ff a licable) FROM TO MATFRUL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 90 ft. 108 fL #2 sand Gravity & fL 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets ifnecessary) FROM TO DF.SCRWnON color, lurdacss, s Wmck type, grata sue, eta) 0 ft. % M rL fL ft see geologists notes ft It. ft. ft. fL & €L M 21. REMARKS U Pack screen 22. Certification: 3-27-2019 Signature of CertLfied WelliContractor Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was {were) constructed in accordance 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ®Yes or WNo with 15ANCAC 02C .0100 or I5ANCAC' 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. repair under 921 remarks section or on the back of this fonn. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: S. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction, only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9. Total well depth below land surface: 119 (fL) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths if drerent (example- 3@200' and 2@1001 constmction to the following: 10. Static water Ievel below top of casing: (ft.) Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, Iftiater level is above casing, use +" 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 11. Borehole diameter: 6 On-) 12. Well construction method: Some (Le. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 24b. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the fort to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well constriction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 Print Form WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) l'or Internal Use Only: 1. Well Contractor Information: Michael Hansen Weil Contractor Name 4381-A NC Well Contractor Ccrtificauon Number CASCADE DRILLING Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. UIC, Coum}: Slate, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: �JAgriculhual 7)Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) 71Industrial/Commereial imgation Non -Water Supply Well: x Monitoring Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge 7IAquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology DC—thennai (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 3-18-2019 5a. Well Location: Duke E]Municipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier [3Stotnnwater Drainage Subsidence Control Tracer under #21 WeRIDY CP-2S Facility/Owner Name Facility IDl/ (if applicable) 8320 NC-150 Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 Physical Address, City, and Zip Catawaba County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/secouds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N W 6. Is(are) the well(s)OPermanent or ©ITemporary 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRWnON ft. M ft. ft. IS- OUTER CASING far mold cased wcDs OR Li1�ER rf a 6cahie $'ROM To DIAMETER THICHIVFSS MATERIAL m ft. in. 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING eothermat closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL +3 €L 19 M 2 SCH 40 PVC ft ft. in. 17. SCREEN mom TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 m ft: in. 1 19 fL 29 R 2 in 0.010 SCH 40 PVC 1& GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EwLAC'EMENT METHOD & AMOITIYT 0 ft 3 fL Concrete Poured 3 ft. 14 fL aquaguard Trernie pumped 14 n- 17 n- 3/8" Chips Gravity 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK ff a licable) FROM TO MATERUL EWLACEMENTMETHOD 17 ft- 31 ft. #2 sand Gravity & ft 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets ifnecessary) FROM TO DFSCRWnON color, hardness, s Wmck tM, grain sue, eta) 0 €t. % M rL fL ft see geologists notes ft It. ft. ft. R & €L M 21. REMARKS U Pack screen 22. Certification: 3-27-2019 Signature of Certified We Contractor Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was {were) constructed in accordance 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ®Yes or WNo with 15ANCAC 02C .0100 or I5ANCAC 02C .0200 Well Consruction Standards and that a If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. repair under 921 remarks section or on the back of this fonn. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: S. For Cseoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction, only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9. Total well depth below land surface: 31 (fL) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths if drerent (example- 3@200' and 2@1001 constmction to the following: 10. Static water Ievel below top of casing: (ft.) Division of Water Resources, Information Processing lint, Ifuater level is above casing, use +" 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 11. Borehole diameter: 6 On-) 12. Well construction method: Sonic (Le. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 24b. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the fort to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well constriction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 Print Form WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) l'or Internal Use Only: 1. Well Contractor Information: Michael Hansen Weil Contractor Name 4381-A NC Well Contractor Ccrtificauon Number CASCADE DRILLING Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. UIC, Coum}: Slate, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: �JAgriculhual 7)Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) 71Industrial/Commereial imgation Non -Water Supply Well: x Monitoring Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge 7IAquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology DC—thennai (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 3-21-2019 5a. Well Location: Duke E]Municipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier [3Stotlnwater Drainage Subsidence Control Tracer under 921 WeRIDY CP-3D Facility/Owner Name Facility IDl/ (if applicable) 8320 NC-150 Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 Physical Address, City, and Zip Catawaba County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/secouds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N W 6. Is(are) the well(s)OPermanent or ©ITemporary 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRWnON ft. M ft. ft. IS- OUTER CASING far mold cased wcDs OR Li1�ER rf a 6cabfe $'ROM To DIAMETER THICHIVFSS MATERIAL 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING eothermat closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL +3 €L 69 ft. 2 SCH 40 PVC ft ft. in. 17. SCREEN mom TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 m ft: in. 1 69 fL 79 It. 2 in 0.010 SCH 40 PVC 1& GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EwLAC'EMENT METHOD & AMOITIYT 0 It 3 fL Concrete Poured 3 fL 59 fL aquaguard Trernie pumped 59 H- 63 ft- 3/8" Chips Gravity 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK ff a licable) FROM TO MATFRUL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 63 ft. 80 fL #2 sand Gravity & fL 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets ifnecessary) FROM TO DF.SCRWnON color, lurdacss, s Wmck type, grata sue, eta) 0 €t. % M rL fL ft see geologists notes ft It. ft. ft. R & €L M 21. REMARKS U Pack screen 22. Certification: 3-27-2019 Signature of CertLfied WelliContractor Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was {were) constructed in accordance 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ®Yes or WNo with 15ANCAC 02C .0100 or I5ANCAC' 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. repair under 921 remarks section or on the back of this fonn. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: S. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction, only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9. Total well depth below land surface: 88 (fL) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths if drerent (example- 3@200' and 2@1001 constmction to the following: 10. Static water Ievel below top of casing: (ft.) Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, Iftiater level is above casing, use +" 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 11. Borehole diameter: 6 On-) 12. Well construction method: Some (Le. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 24b. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the fort to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well constriction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 Print Form WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) l'or Internal Use Only: 1. Well Contractor Information: Michael Hansen Weil Contractor Name 4381-A NC Well Contractor Ccrtificauon Number CASCADE DRILLING Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. UIC, Coum}: Slate, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: �JAgriculhual 7)Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) 71Industrial/Commereial imgation Non -Water Supply Well: x Monitoring Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge 7IAquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology DC—thennai (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 3-21-2019 5a. Well Location: Duke E]Municipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier [3Stotnnwater Drainage Subsidence Control Tracer under #21 WeRIDY CP-3S Facility/Owner Name Facility IDl/ (if applicable) 8320 NC-150 Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 Physical Address, City, and Zip Catawaba County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/secouds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N W 6. Is(are) the well(s)OPermanent or ©ITemporary 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRWnON ft. M ft. ft. IS- OUTER CASING far mold cased wcDs OR Li1�ER rf a 6cahfe $'ROM To DIAMETER THICHIVFSS MATERIAL 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING eothermat closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL +3 €L 13 ft. 2 SCH 40 PVC ft ft. in. 17. SCREEN mom TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 ft. ft: in. 1 13 fL 23 fL 2 rn 0.010 SCH 40 PVC 1& GROUT FROM TO DIATERLIL EMWLACEMENT METHOD & AMOITIYT 0 ft 3 n- Concrete Poured ft. fL 3 It, 10 n- 3/8" Chips Gravity 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK ff a licable) FROM TO MATERUL EWLACEMENTMETHOD 10 ft- 24 fL #2 sand Gravity & ft 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets ifnecessary) FROM TO DFSCRWnON color, harduvw, s Wmck qW, grain sue, eta) 0 €t. % M rL fL ft see geologists notes ft It. ft. ft. R & €L M 21. REMARKS U Pack screen 22. Certification: 3-27-2019 Signature of Certified We Contractor Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was {were) constructed in accordance 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ®Yes or WNo with 15ANCAC 02C .0100 or I5ANCAC 02C .0200 Well Consruction Standards and that a If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. repair under 921 remarks section or on the back of this fonn. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: S. For Cseoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction, only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9. Total well depth below land surface: 24 (fL) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths if drerent (example- 3@200' and 2@1001 constmction to the following: 10. Static water Ievel below top of casing: (ft.) Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, Ifuater level is above casing, use +- 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 11. Borehole diameter: 6 On-) 12. Well construction method: Sonic (Le. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 24b. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the fort to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well constriction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 Print Form WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) l'or Internal Use Only: 1. Well Contractor Information: Michael Hansen Weil Contractor Name 4381-A NC Well Contractor Ccrtificauon Number CASCADE DRILLING Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. UIC, County, Slate, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: �JAgriculhual 7)Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) 71Industrial/Commereial imgation Non -Water Supply Well: x Monitoring Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge 7IAquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology DC—thennai (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 3-23-2019 5a. Well Location: Duke E]Municipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier [3Stotlnwater Drainage Subsidence Control Tracer under 921 Well III# GP -ID Facility/Owner Name Facility IDll (if applicable) 8320 NC-150 Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 Physical Address, City, and Zip Catawaba County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/secouds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N W 6. Is(are) the well(s)OPermanent or ©ITemporary 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRWnON ft. M €t. ft. IS- OUTER CASING far mold cased wcDs OR Li1�ER r/ a 6cabie $'ROM To DIAMETER THICHIVFSS MATERIAL 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING eothermat closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL +3 IL 99 M 2 SCH 40 PVC ft fL in. 17. SCREEN mom TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 €t ft in. 1 99 fL 109 2 i° 0.010 SCH 40 PVC 1& GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EwLAC'EMENT METHOD & AMOITIYT 0 It 3 fL Concrete Poured 3 fL 88 fL aquaguard Trernie pumped 88 H. 95 f- 3/8" Chips Gravity 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK ff a licable) FROM TO MATFRUL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 95 ft. 109 fL #2 sand Gravity & fL 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets ifnecessary) FROM TO DF.SCRWnON color, lurdacss, s Wmck type, grata sue, eta) 0 €t. % M rL fL ft see geologists notes ft It. ft. ft. fL & €L €L 21. REMARKS U Pack screen 22. Certification: 3-27-2019 Signature of CertLfied WelliContractor Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was {were) constructed in accordance 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ®Yes or WNo with 15ANCAC 02C .0100 or I5ANCAC' 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. repair under 921 remarks section or on the back of this fonn. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: S. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction, only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9. Total well depth below land surface: 109 (fL) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths if drerent (example- 3@200' and 2@1001 constmction to the following: 10. Static water Ievel below top of casing: (ft.) Division of Water Resources, Information Processing lint, Iftiater level is above casing, use +" 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 11. Borehole diameter: 6 On-) 12. Well construction method: Some (Le. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 24b. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the fort to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well constriction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 Print Form WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) l'or Internal Use Only: 1. Well Contractor Information: Michael Hansen Weil Contractor Name 4381-A NC Well Contractor Ccrtificauon Number CASCADE DRILLING Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. UIC, Coum}: Slate, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: �JAgriculhual 7)Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) 71Industrial/Commereial imgation Non -Water Supply Well: x Monitoring Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge 7IAquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology DC—thennai (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 3-23-2019 5a. Well Location: Duke E]Municipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier [3Stotnnwater Drainage Subsidence Control Tracer under #21 WeRIDY GP -IS Facility/Owner Name Facility IDll (if applicable) 8320 NC-150 Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 Physical Address, City, and Zip Catawaba County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/secouds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N W 6. Is(are) the well(s)OPermanent or ©ITemporary 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRWnON ft. M ft. ft. IS- OUTER CASING far mold cased wcDs OR Li1�ER rf a 6cabfe $'ROM To DIAMETER THICHIVFSS MATERIAL m ft. in. 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING eothermat closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL +3 €L 49 M 2 SCH 40 PVC ft ft in. 17. SCREEN mom TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 m ft: in. 1 49 fL 59 ft' 2 i° 0.010 SCH 40 PVC 1& GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EwLAC'EMENT METHOD & AMOITIYT 0 It 3 fL Concrete Poured 3 fL 38 fL aquaguard Trernie pumped 38 n- 60 n- 3/8" Chips Gravity 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK ff a licable) FROM TO MATFRUL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 46 ft- 60 fL #2 sand Gravity & ft 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets ifnecessary) FROM TO DF.SCRWnON color, lurdacss, s Wmck type, grata sue, eta) 0 €t. % M rL ft ft see geologists notes ft It. ft. ft. ft & €L M 21. REMARKS U Pack screen 22. Certification: 3-27-2019 Signature of CertLfied WelliContractor Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was {were) constructed in accordance 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ®Yes or WNo with 15ANCAC 02C .0100 or I5ANCAC' 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. repair under 921 remarks section or on the back of this fonn. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: S. For Cseoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction, only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9. Total well depth below land surface: 60 (fL) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths if drerent (example- 3@200' and 2@1001 constmction to the following: 10. Static water Ievel below top of casing: (ft) Division of Water Resources, Information Processing lint, Iftiater level is above casing, use +" 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 11. Borehole diameter: 6 On-) 12. Well construction method: Sonic (Le. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 24b. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the fort to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 Print Form WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) l'or Internal Use Only: 1. Well Contractor Information: Michael Hansen Weil Contractor Name 4381-A NC Well Contractor Ccrtificauon Number CASCADE DRILLING Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. UIC, Coum}: Slate, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: �JAgriculhual 7)Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) 71Industrial/Commereial imgation Non -Water Supply Well: x Monitoring Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge 7IAquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology DC—thennai (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 3-26-2019 5a. Well Location: Duke E]Municipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier [3Stotnnwater Drainage Subsidence Control Tracer under #21 WeRIDY GP-2D Facility/Owner Name Facility IDll (if applicable) 8320 NC-150 Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 Physical Address, City, and Zip Catawaba County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/secouds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N W 6. Is(are) the well(s)OPermanent or ©ITemporary 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRWnON ft. M ft. ft. IS- OUTER CASING far mold cased wcDs OR Li1�ER rf a 6cabfe $'ROM To DIAMETER THICHIVFSS MATERIAL 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING eothermat closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL +3 €L 108 ft. 2 SCH 40 PVC ft ft. in. 17. SCREEN mom TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 m ft: in. 1 108 fL 118 fL 2 i° 0.010 SCH 40 PVC 1& GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EwLAC'EMENT METHOD & AMOITIYT 0 It 3 fL Concrete Poured 3 fL 97 fL aquaguard Trernie pumped 97 n- 105.5 n- 3/8" Chips Gravity 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK ff a licable) FROM TO MATFRUL EWLACEMENTMETHOD 105.5 ft- 120 fL #2 sand Gravity & fL 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets ifnecessary) FROM TO DF.SCRWnON color, lurdacss, s Wmck type, grata sue, eta) 0 €t. % M rL fL ft see geologists notes ft It. ft. ft. R & €L M 21. REMARKS U Pack screen 22. Certification: 3-27-2019 Signature of CertLfied WelliContractor Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was {were) constructed in accordance 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ®Yes or WNo with 15ANCAC 02C .0100 or I5ANCAC' 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. repair under 921 remarks section or on the back of this fonn. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: S. For Cseoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction, only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9. Total well depth below land surface: 120 (fLI 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths if drerent (example- 3@200' and 2@1001 constmction to the following: 10. Static water Ievel below top of casing: (ft.) Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, Ifuater level is above casing, use +" 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 11. Borehole diameter: 6 On-) 12. Well construction method: Sonic (Le. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 24b. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the fort to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 Print Form WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) l'or Internal Use Only: 1. Well Contractor Information: Michael Hansen Weil Contractor Name 4381-A NC Well Contractor Ccrtificauon Number CASCADE DRILLING Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. UIC, Coum}: Slate, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: �JAgriculhual 7)Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) 71Industrial/Commereial imgation Non -Water Supply Well: x Monitoring Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge 7IAquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology DC—thennai (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 3-30-2019 5a. Well Location: Duke E]Municipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier [3Stotnnwater Drainage Subsidence Control Tracer under #21 WeRIDY GP-2S Facility/Owner Name FaciiiW IDl/ (if applicable) 8320 NC-150 Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 Physical Address, City, and Zip Catawaba County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/secouds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N W 6. Is(are) the well(s)OPermanent or ©ITemporary 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRWnON ft. M ft. ft. IS- OUTER CASING far multi -cased wells OR LER if o 6cable FROM To DIAMETER THICHIVFSS MATERIAL It. ft. in 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING eothermat closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL +3 €L 25 ft. 2 in SCH 40 PVC ft ft. in. 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 m fL in. 1 25 ft' 35 ft. 2 rn 0.010 SCH 40 PVC 1& GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EwLAC'EMEtVT METHOD & AMo"T 0 It 3 fL Concrete Poured 3 f1L 11 fL aquaguard Trernie pumped 11 IL 18.8 fl- 3/8" Chips Gravity 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK ff a licable) FROM TO MATERUL EMYIACEMENT METHOD 18.8 ft- 35 ft. #2 sand Gravity fk ft 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets ifnecessary) FROM TO DFSCRWnON color, lurducss, s Wmck type, grata sue, eta) 0 €t. % M fL fL ft see geologists notes ft It. ft. ft. R & €L M 21. REMARKS U Pack screen 22. Certification: 3-31-2019 Signature of Certified. We Contractor Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was {were) constructed in accordance 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ®Yes or WNo with 15ANCAC 02C .0100 or I5ANCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. repair under 921 remarks section or on the back of this fonn. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: S. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction, only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9. Total well depth below land surface: 35 (fL) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths if drerent (example- 3@200' and 2@1001 constmction to the following: 10. Static water Ievel below top of casing: (ft.) Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, Iftiater level is above casing, use +" 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 11. Borehole diameter: 6 On-) 12. Well construction method: Sonic (Le. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 24b. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the fort to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this farm within 30 days of completion of well constriction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 Print Form WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) l'or Internal Use Only: 1. Well Contractor Information: Michael Hansen Weil Contractor Name 4381-A NC Well Contractor Ccrtificauon Number CASCADE DRILLING Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. UIC, Coum}: Slate, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: �JAgriculhual 7)Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) 71Industrial/Commereial imgation Non -Water Supply Well: x Monitoring Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge 7IAquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology DC—thennai (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 3-26-2019 5a. Well Location: Duke E]Municipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier [3Stotnnwater Drainage Subsidence Control Tracer under #21 WeRIDY GP-3D Facility/Owner Name Facility IDll (if applicable) 8320 NC-150 Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 Physical Address, City, and Zip Catawaba County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/secouds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N W 6. Is(are) the well(s)OPermanent or ©ITemporary 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRWnON ft. M ft. ft. IS- OUTER CASING far mold cased wcDs OR Li1�ER rf a 6cabfe $'ROM To DIAMETER THICHIVFSS MATERIAL 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING eothermat closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL +3 €L 108 ft. 2 SCH 40 PVC ft ft. in. 17. SCREEN mom TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 m ft: in. 1 108 fL 118 fL 2 i° 0.010 SCH 40 PVC 1& GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EwLAC'EMENT METHOD & AMOITIYT 0 It 3 fL Concrete Poured 3 fL 97 fL aquaguard Trernie pumped 97 n- 105.5 n- 3/8" Chips Gravity 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK ff a licable) FROM TO MATFRUL EWLACEMENTMETHOD 105.5 ft- 118 fL #2 sand Gravity & fL 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets ifnecessary) FROM TO DF.SCRWnON color, lurdacss, s Wmck type, grata sue, eta) 0 €t. % M rL fL ft see geologists notes ft It. ft. ft. R & €L M 21. REMARKS U Pack screen 22. Certification: 3-31-2019 Signature of CertLfied WelliContractor Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was {were) constructed in accordance 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ®Yes or WNo with 15ANCAC 02C .0100 or I5ANCAC' 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. repair under 921 remarks section or on the back of this fonn. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: S. For Cseoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction, only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9. Total well depth below land surface: 118 (fLI 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths if drerent (example- 3@200' and 2@1001 constmction to the following: 10. Static water Ievel below top of casing: (ft.) Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, Ifuater level is above casing, use +" 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 11. Borehole diameter: 6 On-) 12. Well construction method: Sonic (Le. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 24b. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the fort to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 Print Form WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) l'or Internal Use Only: 1. Well Contractor Information: Michael Hansen Weil Contractor Name 4381-A NC Well Contractor Ccrtificauon Number CASCADE DRILLING Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. UIC, Coum}: Slate, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: �JAgriculhual 7)Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) 71Industrial/Commereial imgation Non -Water Supply Well: x Monitoring Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge 7IAquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology DC—thennai (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 3-28-2019 5a. Well Location: Duke E]Municipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier [3Stotnnwater Drainage Subsidence Control Tracer under #21 WeRIDY GP-3S Facility/Owner Name Facility IDl/ (if applicable) 8320 NC-150 Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 Physical Address, City, and Zip Catawaba County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/secouds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N W 6. Is(are) the well(s)OPermanent or ©ITemporary 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRWnON ft. M ft. ft. IS- OUTER CASING far mold cased wcDs OR Li1�ER rf a 6cabfe $'ROM To DIAMETER THICHIVFSS MATERIAL m ft. in. 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING eothermat closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL +3 €L 49 M 2 SCH 40 PVC ft ft in. 17. SCREEN mom TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 m ft: in. 1 49 fL 59 ft' 2 i° 0.010 SCH 40 PVC 1& GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EwLAC'EMENT METHOD & AMOITIYT 0 ft 3 fL Concrete Poured 3 ft. 37 fL aquaguard Trernie pumped 37 n- 45 n- 3/8" Chips Gravity 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK ff a licable) FROM TO MATFRUL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 45 ft- 59 fL #2 sand Gravity & ft 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets ifnecessary) FROM TO DF.SCRWnON color, lurdacss, s Wmck type, grata sue, eta) 0 €t. % M rL ft ft see geologists notes ft It. ft. ft. ft & €L M 21. REMARKS U Pack screen 22. Certification: 3-31-2019 Signature of CertLfied WelliContractor Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was {were) constructed in accordance 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ®Yes or WNo with 15ANCAC 02C .0100 or I5ANCAC' 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. repair under 921 remarks section or on the back of this fonn. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: S. For Cseoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction, only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9. Total well depth below land surface: 59 (fL) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths if drerent (example- 3@200' and 2@1001 constmction to the following: 10. Static water Ievel below top of casing: (ft) Division of Water Resources, Information Processing lint, Iftiater level is above casing, use +" 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 11. Borehole diameter: 6 On-) 12. Well construction method: Sonic (Le. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 24b. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the fort to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 Print Form WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) l'or Internal Use Only: 1. Well Contractor Information: Michael Hansen Weil Contractor Name 4381-A NC Well Contractor Ccrtificauon Number CASCADE DRILLING Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. UIC, Coum}: Slate, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: Agricultural 7)Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) 71Industrial/Commereial imgation Non -Water Supply Well: x Monitoring Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge 7IAquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology DC —thermal (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 3-18-2019 5a. Well Location: Duke E]Municipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier [3Stonnwater Drainage Subsidence Control Tracer under 021 WeRIDY ILF-1BR Facility/Owner Name Facility IDl/ (if applicable) 8320 NC-150 Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 Physical Address, City, and Zip Catawaba County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/secouds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N W 6. Is(are) the well(s)OPermanent or ©ITemporary 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRlr nQN ft. M ft. ft_ IS- OUTER CASING far multi -cased wells OR LER rf o 6cable FROM TO DIAMETER THICHIVFss MATERIAL 0 m 87 ft- 1 6.25 '" SCH 40 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING eothermat closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL +3 €L 97 f4 2 SCH 40 PVC ft ft is 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 fC ft in. 1 97 fL 107 2 i° 0.010 SCH 40 PVC 1& GROUT FROM To MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT 0 It 3 fL Concrete Poured 3 fL 85 fL aquaguard Trernie pumped 85 H. 94 ft• 3/8" Chips Gravity 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK ff a licable) FROM TO MATF'RUL EWL4CEME4T METHOD 94 ft- 1 107 ft #2 sand Gravity & I 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets ifnecessary) FROM TO DFSCRWnON color, harduvw, s Wmck tM, grata sue, eta) 0 €t. % M fL fL ft see geologists notes ft It. ft. ft. R & €L M 21. REMARKS U Pack screen 22. Certification: 3-27-2019 Signature of Certified We Contractor Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was {were) constructed in accordance 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ®Yes or WNo with 15ANCAC 02C .0100 or I5ANCAC 02C .0200 Well Consruction Standards and that a If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. repair under 921 remarks section or on the back of this fonn. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: S. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction, only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9. Total well depth below land surface: 107 (fLI 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths if drerenr (example- 3@200' and 2@1001 constmction to the following: 10. Static water Ievel below top of casing: (ft.) Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, Iftiater level is above casing, use +" 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 11. Borehole diameter: 10/6 (in-) 12. Well construction method: Sonic (Le. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 24b. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the fort to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addresses) above, also subunit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 Print Form WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) l'or Internal Use Only: 1. Well Contractor Information: Michael Hansen Weil Contractor Name 4381-A NC Well Contractor Ccrtificauon Number CASCADE DRILLING Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. UIC, Coum}: Slate, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: �JAgriculhual 7)Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) 71Industrial/Commereial imgation Non -Water Supply Well: x Monitoring Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge 7IAquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology DC—thennai (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 3-15-2019 5a. Well Location: Duke E]Municipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier [3Stotnnwater Drainage Subsidence Control Tracer under #21 WeRIDY ILF-1D Facility/Owner Name Facility IDl/ (if applicable) 8320 NC-150 Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 Physical Address, City, and Zip Catawaba County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/secouds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N W 6. Is(are) the well(s)OPermanent or ©ITemporary 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRWnON ft. M ft. ft_ IS- OUTER CASING far mold cased wcDs OR Li1�ER rf a 6cabfe $'ROM To DIAMETER THICHIVFSS MATERIAL 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING eothermat closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL +3 €L 70 ft. 2 rn SCH 40 PVC ft ft. in. 17. SCREEN mom TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 m ft: in. 1 70 fL 80 ft. 2 i° 0.010 SCH 40 PVC 1& GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EwLAC'EMENT METHOD & AMOITIYT 0 it 3 fL Concrete Poured 3 fL 62 fL aquaguard Trernie pumped 62 IL 67 ft- 3/8" Chips Gravity 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK ff a licable) FROM TO MATFRUL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 67 ft- 83 fL #2 sand Gravity & fL 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets ifnecessary) FROM TO DF.SCRWnON color, lurdacss, s Wmck type, grata sue, eta) 0 €t. % M rL fL ft see geologists notes ft It. ft. ft. R & €L M 21. REMARKS U Pack screen 22. Certification: 3-27-2019 Signature of CertLfied WelliContractor Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was {were) constructed in accordance 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ®Yes or WNo with 15ANCAC 02C .0100 or I5ANCAC' 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. repair under 921 remarks section or on the back of this fonn. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: S. For Cseoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction, only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9. Total well depth below land surface: 83 (fL) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths if drerent (example- 3@200' and 2@1001 constmction to the following: 10. Static water Ievel below top of casing: (ft.) Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, Ifuater level is above casing, use +" 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 11. Borehole diameter: 6 On-) 12. Well construction method: Sonic (Le. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 24b. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the fort to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 Print Form WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) l'or Internal Use Only: 1. Well Contractor Information: Michael Hansen Weil Contractor Name 4381-A NC Well Contractor Ccrtificauon Number CASCADE DRILLING Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. UIC, Coum}: Slate, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: �JAgriculhual 7)Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) 71Industrial/Commereial imgation Non -Water Supply Well: x Monitoring Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge 7IAquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology DC—thennai (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 3-16-2019 5a. Well Location: Duke E]Municipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier [3Stotnnwater Drainage Subsidence Control Tracer under #21 WeRIDY ILF-1S Facility/Owner Name Facility IDll (if applicable) 8320 NC-150 Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 Physical Address, City, and Zip Catawaba County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/secouds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N W 6. Is(are) the well(s)OPermanent or ©ITemporary 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRWnON ft. M ft. ft_ IS- OUTER CASING far mold cased wcDs OR Li1�ER rf a 6cabfe $'ROM To DIAMETER THICHIVFSS MATERIAL 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING eothermat closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL +3 €L 40 ft. 2 rn SCH 40 PVC ft ft. in. 17. SCREEN mom TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 m ft: in. 1 40 fL 50 ft. 2 i° 0.010 SCH 40 PVC 1& GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EwLAC'EMENT METHOD & AMOITIYT 0 it 3 fL Concrete Poured 3 fL 32 fL aquaguard Trernie pumped 32 IL 37 R- 3/8" Chips Gravity 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK ff a licable) FROM TO MATFRUL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 37 ft- 50 fL #2 sand Gravity & fL 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets ifnecessary) FROM TO DF.SCRWnON color, lurdacss, s Wmck type, grata sue, eta) 0 €t. % M rL fL ft see geologists notes ft It. ft. ft. fL & €L M 21. REMARKS U Pack screen 22. Certification: 3-27-2019 Signature of CertLfied WelliContractor Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was {were) constructed in accordance 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ®Yes or WNo with 15ANCAC 02C .0100 or I5ANCAC' 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. repair under 921 remarks section or on the back of this fonn. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: S. For Cseoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction, only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9. Total well depth below land surface: 50 (fL) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths if drerent (example- 3@200' and 2@1001 constmction to the following: 10. Static water Ievel below top of casing: (ft.) Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, Ifuater level is above casing, use +" 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 11. Borehole diameter: 6 On-) 12. Well construction method: Sonic (Le. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 24b. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the fort to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 Print Form WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) l'or Internal Use Only: 1. Well Contractor Information: Michael Hansen Weil Contractor Name 4381-A NC Well Contractor Ccrtificauon Number CASCADE DRILLING Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. UIC, County, Slate, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: �JAgriculhual 7)Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) 71Industrial/Commereial imgation Non -Water Supply Well: x Monitoring Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge 7IAquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology DC—thennai (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 3-31-2019 5a. Well Location: Duke E]Municipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier [3Stotlnwater Drainage Subsidence Control Tracer under #21 WeRIDY ILF-2D Facility/Owner Name Facility IDl/ (if applicable) 8320 NC-150 Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 Physical Address, City, and Zip Catawaba County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/secouds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N W 6. Is(are) the well(s)OPermanent or ©ITemporary 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRWnON ft. M €t. ft. IS- OUTER CASING far mold cased wcDs OR Li1�ER r/ a 6cabie $'ROM To DIAMETER THICHIVFSS MATERIAL 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING eothermat closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL -.5 IL 92 M 2 rn SCH 40 PVC ft fL in. 17. SCREEN mom TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 €t ft in. 1 92 fL 102 2 i° 0.010 SCH 40 PVC 1& GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EwLAC'EMENT METHOD & AMOITIYT 0 ft 3 fL Concrete Poured 3 ft. 83 fL aquaguard Trernie pumped 83 IL 87 f- 3/8" Chips Gravity 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK ff a licable) FROM TO MATFRUL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 87 ft. 107 fL #2 sand Gravity & fL 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets ifnecessary) FROM TO DF.SCRWnON color, lurdacss, s Wmck type, grata sue, eta) 0 €t. % M rL fL ft see geologists notes ft It. ft. ft. fL & €L €L 21. REMARKS U Pack screen 22. Certification: 3-31-2019 Signature of CertLfied WelliContractor Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was {were) constructed in accordance 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ®Yes or WNo with 15ANCAC 02C .0100 or I5ANCAC' 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. repair under 921 remarks section or on the back of this fonn. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: S. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction, only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9. Total well depth below land surface: 107 (fLI 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths if drerent (example- 3@200' and 2@1001 constmction to the following: 10. Static water Ievel below top of casing: (ft.) Division of Water Resources, Information Processing lint, Iftiater level is above casing, use +" 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 11. Borehole diameter: 6 On-) 12. Well construction method: Sonic (Le. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 24b. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the fort to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well constriction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 Print Form WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) l'or Internal Use Only: 1. Well Contractor Information: Michael Hansen Weil Contractor Name 4381-A NC Well Contractor Ccrtificauon Number CASCADE DRILLING Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. UIC, Coum}: Slate, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: �JAgriculhual 7)Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) 71Industrial/Commereial imgation Non -Water Supply Well: x Monitoring Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge 7IAquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology DC—thennai (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 3-31-2019 5a. Well Location: Duke E]Municipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier [3Stotnnwater Drainage Subsidence Control Tracer under #21 WeRIDY ILF-2S Facility/Owner Name Facility IDll (if applicable) 8320 NC-150 Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 Physical Address, City, and Zip Catawaba County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/secouds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N W 6. Is(are) the well(s)OPermanent or ©ITemporary 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRWnON ft. M ft. ft_ IS- OUTER CASING far mold cased wcDs OR Li1�ER rf a 6cabfe $'ROM To DIAMETER THICHIVFSS MATERIAL m ft. in. 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING eothermat closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL -.5 IL 42 ft. 2 rn SCH 40 PVC ft ft. in. 17. SCREEN mom TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 m ft: in. 1 42 fL 52 ft. 2 i° 0.010 SCH 40 PVC 1& GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EwLAC'EMENT METHOD & AMOITIYT 0 it 3 fL Concrete Poured 3 fL 31 fL aquaguard Trernie pumped 31 IL 35 fl- 3/8" Chips Gravity 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK ff a licable) FROM TO MATFRUL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 35 ft. 52 fL #2 sand Gravity & fL 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets ifnecessary) FROM TO DF.SCRWnON color, lurdacss, s Wmck type, grata sue, eta) 0 €t. % M rL fL ft see geologists notes ft It. ft. ft. R & €L M 21. REMARKS U Pack screen 22. Certification: 3-31-2019 Signature of CertLfied WelliContractor Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was {were) constructed in accordance 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ®Yes or WNo with 15ANCAC 02C .0100 or I5ANCAC' 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. repair under 921 remarks section or on the back of this fonn. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: S. For Cseoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction, only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9. Total well depth below land surface: 52 (fL) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths if drerent (example- 3@200' and 2@1001 constmction to the following: 10. Static water Ievel below top of casing: (ff.) Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, Ifuater level is above casing, use +" 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 11. Borehole diameter: 6 On-) 12. Well construction method: Sonic (Le. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 24b. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the fort to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 Print Form WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) l'or Internal Use Only: 1. Well Contractor Information: Michael Hansen Well Contractor Name 4381-A NC Well Contractor Ccrtificauon Number CASCADE DRILLING Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. UIC, Coum}: Slate, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: Agricultural 7)Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) 71Industrial/Commereial imgation Non -Water Supply Well: x Monitoring Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge 7IAquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology DC -thermal (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 3-22-2019 5a. Well Location: Duke E]Municipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier [3Stonnwater Drainage Subsidence Control Tracer under #21 WellIIl#F PVSF-lBR Facility/Owner Name Facility IDl/ (if applicable) 8320 NC-150 Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 Physical Address, City, and Zip Catawaba County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/secouds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N W 6. Is(are) the well(s)OPermanent or ©ITemporary 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRlr nQN ft. M ft. ft_ IS- OUTER CASING far multi -cased wells OR LER rf o 6cable FROM TO DIAMETER THICHIVFss MATERIAL 0 m 97.5 ft- 6.25 '" SCH 40 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING eothermat closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL +3 €L 165 ft- 2 SCH 40 PVC ft ft is 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 m ft in. 1 165 fL 180 fL 2 i° 0.010 SCH 40 PVC 1& GROUT FROM To MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT 0 It 3 fL Concrete Poured 3 fw 90 fL aquaguard Trernie pumped 90 IL 159.5 n- 3/8" Chips Gravity 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK ff a licable) FROM TO MATERUL EWL4CEME4T METHOD 159.5 ft• 197 f-L #2 sand Gravity & ft 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets ifnecessary) FROM TO DFSCRWnON color, lurduvw, s Wmck tM, grata sue, eta) 0 €t. % M fL fL ft see geologists notes ft It. ft. ft. R & €t M 21. REMARKS U Pack screen 22. Certification: 3-31-2019 Signature of Certified. We Contractor Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was {were) constructed in accordance 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ®Yes or WNo with 15ANCAC 02C .0100 or I5ANCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. repair under 921 remarks section or on the back of this fonn. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: S. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction, only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9. Total well depth below land surface: 180 (fL) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths if drerenr (example- 3@200' and 2@1001 constmction to the following: 10. Static water Ievel below top of casing: (ft.) Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, Iftiater level is above casing, use +" 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 11. Borehole diameter: 10/6 (in-) 12. Well construction method: Sonic (Le. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 24b. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the fort to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addresses) above, also subunit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 Print Form WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) l'or Internal Use Only: 1. Well Contractor Information: Michael Hansen Weil Contractor Name 4381-A NC Well Contractor Ccrtificauon Number CASCADE DRILLING Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. UIC, County, Slate, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: �JAgriculhual 7)Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) 71Industrial/Commereial imgation Non -Water Supply Well: x Monitoring Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge 7IAquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology DC—thennai (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 3-20-2019 5a. Well Location: Duke E]Municipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier [3Stotnnwater Drainage Subsidence Control Tracer under #21 WeRIDY PVSF-1D Facility/Owner Name Facility IDll (if applicable) 8320 NC-150 Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 Physical Address, City, and Zip Catawaba County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/secouds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N W 6. Is(are) the well(s)OPermanent or ©ITemporary 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRWnON ft. M ft. ft. IS- OUTER CASING far mold cased wcDs OR Li1�ER rf a 6cabfe $'ROM To DIAMETER THICHIVFSS MATERIAL m ft. in. 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING eothermat closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL +3 It 77 ft. 2 SCH 40 PVC ft ft in- 17. SCREEN mom TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 m ft in. 1 77 fL 87 It. 2 in 0.010 SCH 40 PVC 1& GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EwLAC'EMENT METHOD & AMOITIYT 0 It 3 fL Concrete Poured 3 fL 70 fL aquaguard Trernie pumped 70 H- 74 f- 3/8" Chips Gravity 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK ff a licable) FROM TO MATFRUL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 74 ft- 87 ft #2 sand Gravity & fL 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets ifnecessary) FROM TO DF.SCRWnON color, lurdacss, s Wmck type, grata sue, eta) 0 €t % M rL fL ft see geologists notes ft It. ft ft. fL & €t M 21. REMARKS U Pack screen 22. Certification: 3-27-2019 Signature of CertLfied WelliContractor Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was {were) constructed in accordance 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ®Yes or WNo with 15ANCAC 02C .0100 or I5ANCAC' 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. repair under 921 remarks section or on the back of this fonn. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: S. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction, only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9. Total well depth below land surface: 87 (fL) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths if drerent (example- 3@200' and 2@1001 constmction to the following: 10. Static water Ievel below top of casing: (ft.) Division of Water Resources, Information Processing lint, Iftiater level is above casing, use +" 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 11. Borehole diameter: 6 On-) 12. Well construction method: Sonic (Le. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 24b. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the fort to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well constriction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 Print Form WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) l'or Internal Use Only: 1. Well Contractor Information: Michael Hansen Weil Contractor Name 4381-A NC Well Contractor Ccrtificauon Number CASCADE DRILLING Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. UIC, County, Slate, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: �JAgriculhual 7)Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) 71Industrial/Commereial imgation Non -Water Supply Well: x Monitoring Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge 7IAquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology DC—thennai (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 3-20-2019 5a. Well Location: Duke E]Municipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier [3Stotnnwater Drainage Subsidence Control Tracer under #21 WeRIDY PVSF-lS Facility/Owner Name Facility IDll (if applicable) 8320 NC-150 Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 Physical Address, City, and Zip Catawaba County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/secouds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N W 6. Is(are) the well(s)OPermanent or ©ITemporary 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRWnON ft. M €t. ft IS- OUTER CASING far mold cased wcDs OR Li1�ER rf a 6cabfe $'ROM To DIAMETER THICHIVFSS MATERIAL tL ft. in. 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING eothermat closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL +3 IL 52 M 2 SCH 40 PVC ft fL in. 17. SCREEN mom TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 m ft: in. 1 52 fL 62 ti' 2 i° 0.010 SCH 40 PVC 1& GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EwLAC'EMENT METHOD & AMOITIYT 0 It. 3 fL Concrete Poured 3 fL 45 fL aquaguard Trernie pumped 45 H. 49 f- 3/8" Chips Gravity 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK ff a licable) FROM TO MATFRUL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 49 ft- 62 fL #2 sand Gravity & ft 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets ifnecessary) FROM TO DF.SCRWnON color, lurdacss, s Wmck type, grata sue, eta) 0 €t. % M rL ft ft see geologists notes ft It. ft. ft. ft & €L M 21. REMARKS U Pack screen 22. Certification: 3-27-2019 Signature of CertLfied WelliContractor Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was {were) constructed in accordance 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ®Yes or WNo with 15ANCAC 02C .0100 or I5ANCAC' 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. repair under 921 remarks section or on the back of this fonn. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: S. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction, only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9. Total well depth below land surface: 62 (fL) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths if drerent (example- 3@200' and 2@1001 constmction to the following: 10. Static water Ievel below top of casing: (ft) Division of Water Resources, Information Processing lint, Iftiater level is above casing, use +" 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 11. Borehole diameter: 6 On-) 12. Well construction method: Sonic (Le. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 24b. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the fort to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well constriction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 Print Form WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) l'or Internal Use Only: 1. Well Contractor Information: Michael Hansen Weil Contractor Name 4381-A NC Well Contractor Ccrtificauon Number CASCADE DRILLING Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. UIC, County, Slate, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: Agricultural 7)Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) 71Industrial/Commereial imgation Non -Water Supply Well: x Monitoring Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge 7IAquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology DC —thermal (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 3-25-2019 5a. Well Location: Duke E]Municipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier [3Stonnwater Drainage Subsidence Control Tracer under #21 WeRIDY PVSF-2BR Facility/Owner Name Facility IDl/ (if applicable) 8320 NC-150 Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 Physical Address, City, and Zip Catawaba County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/secouds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N W 6. Is(are) the well(s)OPermanent or ©ITemporary 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRlr nQN ft. M €t. ft. IS- OUTER CASING far multi -cased wells OR LER rf o 6cable FROM TO DIAMETER THICHIVFss MATERIAL 0 €L 77 €t• 1 6.25 '" SCH 40 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING eothermat closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL +3 IL 92 ft' 2 iQ SCH 40 PVC ft. fL ia- 17. SCREEN MOM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 €t fL in. 1 92 fL 107 2 i° 0.010 SCH 40 PVC 1& GROUT FROM To MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT 0 ft 3 fL Concrete Poured 3 ft. 73 fL aquaguard Trernie pumped 73 IL 87 f- 3/8" Chips Gravity 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK ff a licable) FROM TO MATERUL EWL4CEME4T METHOD 87 107 fL #2 sand Gravity & 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets ifnecessary) FROM TO DFSCRWnON color, harduwr, s Wmck tM, grata sue, eta) 0 €t. % It. fL fL ft see geologists notes ft It. ft. ft. fL & €L €L 21. REMARKS U Pack screen 22. Certification: 3-27-2019 Signature of Certified. We Contractor Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was {were) constructed in accordance 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ®Yes or WNo with 15ANCAC 02C .0100 or I5ANCAC 02C .0200 Well Consruction Standards and that a If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. repair under 921 remarks section or on the back of this fonn. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: S. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction, only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9. Total well depth below land surface: 107 (fLI 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths if drerenr (example- 3@200' and 2@1001 constmction to the following: 10. Static water Ievel below top of casing: (ft.) Division of Water Resources, Information Processing lint, Iftiater level is above casing, use +" 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 11. Borehole diameter: 10/6 (in-) 12. Well construction method: Some (Le. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 24b. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the fort to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 Print Form WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) l'or Internal Use Only: 1. Well Contractor Information: Michael Hansen Weil Contractor Name 4381-A NC Well Contractor Ccrtificauon Number CASCADE DRILLING Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. UIC, County, Slate, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: �JAgriculhual 7)Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) 71Industrial/Commereial imgation Non -Water Supply Well: x Monitoring Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge 7IAquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology DC—thennai (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 3-25-2019 5a. Well Location: Duke E]Municipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier [3Stotnnwater Drainage Subsidence Control Tracer under #21 WeRIDY PVSF-2D Facility/Owner Name Facility IDl/ (if applicable) 8320 NC-150 Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 Physical Address, City, and Zip Catawaba County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/secouds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N W 6. Is(are) the well(s)OPermanent or ©ITemporary 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRWnON ft. M €t. ft. IS- OUTER CASING far mold cased wcDs OR Li1�ER rf a 6cahie $'ROM To DIAMETER THICHIVFSS MATERIAL m ft. in. 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING eothermat closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL +3 IL 52 M 2 SCH 40 PVC ft fL in. 17. SCREEN mom TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 m ft: in. 1 52 fL 67 ft' 2 i° 0.010 SCH 40 PVC 1& GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EwLAC'EMENT METHOD & AMOITIYT 0 ft 3 fL Concrete Poured 3 ft. 52 fL aquaguard Trernie pumped 44 H. 48 f- 3/8" Chips Gravity 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK ff a licable) FROM TO MATERUL EWLACEMENTMETHOD 48 ft. 67 f-L #2 sand Gravity fk R 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets ifnecessary) FROM TO DFSCRWnON color, hardacss, s Wmck type, grata sue, eta) 0 €t. % M rL fL ft see geologists notes ft It. ft. ft. fL & €L M 21. REMARKS U Pack screen 22. Certification: 3-27-2019 Signature of Certified. We Contractor Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was {were) constructed in accordance 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ®Yes or WNo with 15ANCAC 02C .0100 or I5ANCAC 02C .0200 Well Consruction Standards and that a If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. repair under 921 remarks section or on the back of this fonn. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: S. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction, only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9. Total well depth below land surface: 67 (fL) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths if drerent (example- 3@200' and 2@1001 constmction to the following: 10. Static water Ievel below top of casing: (ft.) Division of Water Resources, Information Processing lint, Iftiater level is above casing, use +" 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 11. Borehole diameter: 6 On-) 12. Well construction method: Sonic (Le. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 24b. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the fort to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well constriction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 Print Form WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) l'or Internal Use Only: 1. Well Contractor Information: Michael Hansen Weil Contractor Name 4381-A NC Well Contractor Ccrtificauon Number CASCADE DRILLING Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. UIC, Coum}: Slate, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: �JAgriculhual 7)Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) 71Industrial/Commereial imgation Non -Water Supply Well: x Monitoring Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge 7IAquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology DC—thennai (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 3-25-2019 5a. Well Location: Duke E]Municipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier [3Stotnnwater Drainage Subsidence Control Tracer under #21 WeRIDY PVSF-2S Facility/Owner Name Facility IDl/ (if applicable) 8320 NC-150 Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 Physical Address, City, and Zip Catawaba County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/secouds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N W 6. Is(are) the well(s)OPermanent or ©ITemporary 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRWnON ft. M ft. ft_ IS- OUTER CASING far mold cased wcDs OR Li1�ER rf a 6cahfe $'ROM To DIAMETER THICHIVFSS MATERIAL 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING eothermat closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL +3 €L 12 ft. 2 SCH 40 PVC ft ft. in. 17. SCREEN mom TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 m ft: in. 1 12 fL 22 It. 2 in 0.010 SCH 40 PVC 1& GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EwLAC'EMENT METHOD & AMOITIYT 0 ft 3 fL Concrete Poured 3 ft. 6 fL aquaguard Trernie pumped 6 IL 10 n- 3/8" Chips Gravity 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK ff a licable) FROM TO MATERUL EWLACEMENTMETHOD 10 ft- 22 ft. #2 sand Gravity fk ft 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets ifnecessary) FROM TO DFSCRWnON color, hardacss, s Wmck type, grata sue, eta) 0 €t. % M rL fL ft see geologists notes ft It. ft. ft. R & €L M 21. REMARKS U Pack screen 22. Certification: 3-27-2019 Signature of Certified. We Contractor Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was {were) constructed in accordance 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ®Yes or WNo with 15ANCAC 02C .0100 or I5ANCAC 02C .0200 Well Consruction Standards and that a If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. repair under 921 remarks section or on the back of this fonn. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: S. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction, only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9. Total well depth below land surface: 22 (fL) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths if drerent (example- 3@200' and 2@1001 constmction to the following: 10. Static water Ievel below top of casing: (ft.) Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, Iftiater level is above casing, use +" 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 11. Borehole diameter: 6 On-) 12. Well construction method: Sonic (Le. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 24b. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the fort to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well constriction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 Print Form WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) l'or Internal Use Only: 1. Well Contractor Information: Michael Hansen Weil Contractor Name 4381-A NC Well Contractor Ccrtificauon Number CASCADE DRILLING Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. UIC, Coum}: Slate, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: Agricultural 7)Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) 71Industrial/Commereial imgation Non -Water Supply Well: x Monitoring Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge 7IAquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology DC -thermal (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 3-30-2019 5a. Well Location: Duke E]Municipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier [3Stonnwater Drainage Subsidence Control Tracer under #21 WeRIDY PVSF-3BR Facility/Owner Name Facility IDl/ (if applicable) 8320 NC-150 Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 Physical Address, City, and Zip Catawaba County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/secouds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N W 6. Is(are) the well(s)OPermanent or ©ITemporary 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRlr nQN ft. M ft. ft_ IS- OUTER CASING far mold -cased webs OR Li1�ER rf a 6cabie FROM TO DIAMETER THICKiVNSS MATERIAL 0 p 150 ft 6.25 '" SCH 40 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING eothermat closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL +3 €L 170.5 ft- 2 SCH 40 PVC ft. ft 17. SCREEN MOM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 m ft in. 1 170AL 185.5 fL 2 i° 0.010 SCH 40 PVC 1& GROUT MOM To MATERIAL EwLAC'EMENT METHOD & AMOUNT 0 is 3 fL Concrete Poured 3 ft. 144 fL aquaguard Trernie pumped 144 H• 166 n• 3/8" Chips Gravity 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK ff a licable) FROM TO MATERULL EWL4CEMMNff =TROD 166 ft- 187 FL #2 sand Gravity fk ft 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets ifnecessary) FROM TO DFSCRWnON color, lurducss, s Wmck type, grata sue, eta) 0 ft. % M fL fL ft see geologists notes ft It. ft. ft. R & €L M 21. REMARKS U Pack screen 22. Certification: 3-31-2019 Signature of Certified. We Contractor Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was {were) constructed in accordance 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ®Yes or WNo with 15ANCAC 02C .0100 or I5ANCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. repair under 921 remarks section or on the back of this fonn. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: S. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction, only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9. Total well depth below land surface: 185.5 (fLI 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths if drerent (example- 3@200' and 2@1001 constmction to the following: 10. Static water Ievel below top of casing: (ft.) Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, Iftiater level is above casing, use +" 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 11. Borehole diameter: 10/6 (in-) 12. Well construction method: Sonic (Le. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 24b. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the fort to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addresses) above, also subunit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 Print Form WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) l'or Internal Use Only: 1. Well Contractor Information: Michael Hansen Weil Contractor Name 4381-A NC Well Contractor Ccrtificauon Number CASCADE DRILLING Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. UIC, Coum}: Slate, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: �JAgriculhual 7)Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) 71Industrial/Commereial imgation Non -Water Supply Well: x Monitoring Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge 7IAquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology DC-thennai (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 3-29-2019 5a. Well Location: Duke E]Municipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier [3Stotnnwater Drainage Subsidence Control Tracer under #21 WeRIDY PVSF-3D Facility/Owner Name Facility IDl/ (if applicable) 8320 NC-150 Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 Physical Address, City, and Zip Catawaba County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/secouds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N W 6. Is(are) the well(s)OPermanent or ©ITemporary 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRWnON ft. M ft. ft_ IS- OUTER CASING far mold cased wcDs OR Li1�ER rf a 6cabfe $'ROM To DIAMETER THICHIVFSS MATERIAL m ft. in. 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING eothermat closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL +3 €L 137 ft. 2 SCH 40 PVC ft ft. in. 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 m ft: in. 1 137 ft 147 fL 2 i° 0.010 SCH 40 PVC 1& GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EwLAC'EMENT METHOD & AMOITIYT 0 It. 3 fL Concrete Poured 3 ft- 128.5 fL aquaguard Trernie pumped 128.5 IL 134.5 fl- 3/8" Chips Gravity 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK ff a licable) FROM TO MATERUL EWLACEMENTMETHOD 134.5 ft- 147 FL #2 sand Gravity & fL 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets ifnecessary) FROM TO DFSCRWnON color, lurdacss, s Wmck type, grata sue, eta) 0 €t. % M rL fL ft see geologists notes ft It. ft. ft. R & €L M 21. REMARKS U Pack screen 22. Certification: 3-31-2019 Signature of Certified. We Contractor Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was {were) constructed in accordance 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ®Yes or WNo with 15ANCAC 02C .0100 or I5ANCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. repair under 921 remarks section or on the back of this fonn. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: S. For Cseoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction, only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9. Total well depth below land surface: 147 (fLI 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths if drerent (example- 3@200' and 2@1001 constmction to the following: 10. Static water Ievel below top of casing: (ft.) Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, Ifuater level is above casing, use +" 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 11. Borehole diameter: 6 On-) 12. Well construction method: Sonic (Le. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 24b. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the fort to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 Print Form WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) l'or Internal Use Only: 1. Well Contractor Information: Michael Hansen Weil Contractor Name 4381-A NC Well Contractor Ccrtificauon Number CASCADE DRILLING Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. UIC, County, Slate, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: �JAgriculhual 7)Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) 71Industrial/Commereial imgation Non -Water Supply Well: x Monitoring Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge 7IAquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology DC—thennai (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 3-29-2019 5a. Well Location: Duke E]Municipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier [3Stotnnwater Drainage Subsidence Control Tracer under 021 WeRIDY PVSF-3S Facility/Owner Name Facility IDl/ (if applicable) 8320 NC-150 Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 Physical Address, City, and Zip Catawaba County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/secouds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N W 6. Is(are) the well(s)OPermanent or ©ITemporary 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRWnON ft. M ft. ft. IS- OUTER CASING far mold cased wcDs OR Li1�ER rf a 6cabte $'ROM To DIAMETER THICHIVFSS MATERIAL m ft. in. 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING eothermat closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL +3 It 17 ft 2 SCH 40 PVC ft ft in. 17. SCREEN mom TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 m ft in. 1 17 fL 27 It. 2 in 0.010 SCH 40 PVC 1& GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EwLAC'EMENT METHOD & AMOITIYT 0 It 3 fL Concrete Poured 3 fw 10 fL aquaguard Trernie pumped 10 H. 15 f- 3/8" Chips Gravity 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK ff a licable) FROM TO MATFRUL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 15 ft. 27 ft #2 sand Gravity & fL 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets ifnecessary) FROM TO DF.SCRWnON color, lurdacss, s Wmck type, grata sue, eta) 0 €t % M rL fL ft see geologists notes ft It. ft ft. fL & €t M 21. REMARKS U Pack screen 22. Certification: 3-31-2019 Signature of CertLfied WelliContractor Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was {were) constructed in accordance 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ®Yes or WNo with 15ANCAC 02C .0100 or I5ANCAC' 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. repair under 921 remarks section or on the back of this fonn. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: S. For Cseoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction, only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9. Total well depth below land surface: 27 (fL) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths if drerent (example- 3@200' and 2@1001 constmction to the following: 10. Static water Ievel below top of casing: (ft.) Division of Water Resources, Information Processing lint, Iftiater level is above casing, use +" 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 11. Borehole diameter: 6 On-) 12. Well construction method: Sonic (Le. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 24b. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the fort to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well constriction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Thh Farm S-0n be used Fax 5i ngk 9r m ll ipk wells 1. Wdl Cantractor Informallon: Rich Lemire Well {orlilrixiD7 tininIC 2593A NC Well Corlr,,IciorCerlikoLiorkNiollber SAEDACCO Inc {'mikpui} NanIC #, Wtil C,0H%tFVCt10n Psrgeit ff List Lffli7pp6 aWr i6ell plairnri fEr.. CfwjlrV'_ .52dw, YaFiunre, ffWGR rjr.0 3, Wv1l Use (check w0l u ney MAlgmultural O 11micipaVFtiblic OGeOihemtal tHeaultKoclirlg Apply) OResidenfial WaluSupph, (single) 0I1ldustria1fC0D1n rcial DResidential Waler Suppb: (sharod) ❑lrri tion Nom-wstff Suy Well: Uaklpniiof- .4 ❑RCctr3 Cr}' QAgirifcF RCcha%g 13AqilikF Storage aTxJ R=G%v ' ❑AgilifCF T ❑Ex#erinuffiml TrxhnQLpg}' ❑Geodkernml IC'loxed LoupI ❑Gmdkennal rl'ICAr111Lr'1Cuoliile RCLum) ❑GroUndvl'AICF RC1k"iafian ❑Stahnity Hafiiu ❑$jgmkr atCr E"Lnagc 11,151" Kc-CorMml ❑Tray T ❑Oilier textllain ualder #21 1 4. Dit. WekI(s) Conkpleled. 7-25-2019 We11IDA+PVSF-4D 5w. ►4'dl L cai'Ilko: DUKE PVSF-4D Facililw,Kh%rK'r14:1irt Faciliw 117k fif alpplimhlet 8320 NC-150 Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 Catawba Count, SHERRILLS FORD, NC, 28673 Physical Address_ City_ and Zip CATAWBA For Frworikil 4rsc ON I.Y: rRQ.M I T4 RF:ti{'HCP 11{} ft. fl, 121.OUTER CASING Far ouW easel ncls 06t LIKER L Ncahk FAOM Ttt Rb1s1MR 7111CK?rESSI HATFIiTAI• fL FI: im, QINER L'e4SI NG OR 1T'RING WUlkkrAYal ektied TAiiM T0� DEiti1ETF.H 7111CKNESS I MATELUAL 0 is. 70' FL � I 70' FL 180' f1, 12" la. I .010 I SCH40 I PVC I R, FL ia. 0 R 63' FL j PORTLAND TREMMIE If}. Ft, 19LSANEiGk,4VELPACK if k rRoll 7C3 MATPRIAL F:'r3MACTAIENI'MYTHr3n 67' (t. 80' h9 SAND #2 tt, fr, 3n, L}R1L1 ]Cie I DG fsl4mh addiiiiorpH I shyer, it nmemmi 0 (L 57' fL SILTY SAND/SAPERLITE 57' fL 74' fL PWR 74' ft. 80' fL ROCK fL ft fx, ft, Fi, Fr. Ft, rt, IL REMARKS BENTONITE FROM 63' TO 67'. Cumaly PARC1 IdCsilsf tyliun No fR1_^1} ib, 14titu& Arul 1.nngitaliv in ilavgl'eelrlmilkvU*1wci)nilJ` nr ck-cimnl degrocs: 22, CrrdFieat an: ;IFIACIS fs_IrJ IrIk: Lw 1113S IN Milk kn11 35.593739 N 80.965932 }}' 1� �vVC� 7/25/2019 SiGluWrc arCclti - ;4'ti1 C'anlramu Date 6. Is i afvI Ihrt welllJik 5OPer-ma ent u r 111'emporllry BT ri AM afro f frd'Fd n- Lw rh r the wd Y 1r y wrm noaYrnn'redr iR d xvrAmOiY _ s x l�rmr. rrf.�� +�. + � l la'Jr1r fS�i JYG'1tG' �' ,Ufr1�P Pr � i,+l JYG'11L' {��' ,� WeU {'OJdtRlCG41t StaRlfardb �rJld rfplr a 7.lsdiiNarrimirtaanexisvtn%wril3 --J'Ycx Ilr 19ill "yofrAiirrmFdhil6'.5rm wAli"raAwgivgi�ri4jwn f/fhfs Jx rr frl*iir, f+y,,wr trei,ww i-di o, t+ fun riche rnlor7,wWai 4mrl exgifabi rAe ownwFe of rAr repair under il7f FCfAf rky.ya-iiaR OF rm the r5ea-k of rflr.-e fo ui. y y 1 `� y i �y 1 23', She d iaWho n or addl oral well drfaik; You may 3kse take back of this page to provide addifional wdl site details or well S.1lumhcraf wills fiiktlsll tld: 1 WnsiruuCion details. You rria_+' also auachaddilicmat pages if uecessan . for lrtkke(Je JrtfeerJwi of rJfxl-warer u' ' wefts ONLY mrA air senrra 7so% s Aw. }%,4 [aid Aabmirime for r. SUBMITTAL INSTUCF7ONS 9. Totid wtll depth be&m land surfom 801 (,) 24a. Ear All Wrilx: �ubniii Iius faro) wilbin xU days of compkiioo of wet I FoFrrrilfrrRje weth IfsrrrDdrf.0f rjdi femrle.w wpfe- T@ZM' Lgmd 2@Jfhff) Con5lnlCt1pn to fhc following- l U. Stair weer levri below h}p. of calsihr 21' IfY.I bi%-Wun of Wgur kezourcros, Iniormatiou Froccsuiog Unit, If wlelrrfi find es r;llul a CUdOg_ uu' "+ 16171Nait Sert'irC {_Cuter, Raleigh, i1C 17699-1617 11. Bmrhale diamrrcr: 8"/4" (ill,) tab. For Inicttiaa Weill ONLY: In addifiall io sending fhe form to e1w address in 24a nb(we. also submit a cop of this farm within zp days of Canipleiioir of t++ell I L WC1l CORIilrnCj0rt nlethod, AUGERS/AIR coiSSlYuuLii nk 11) like 15000„'illg: 4i.e. ailptr. nAaFy, cable_ diem pushcic.} Dh'ision oRV4'xter Rrnourcr>,.lfrtJcrpvuod lojccfioll Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY. 1636 Mail Srrvilx'Center. Ikirleith, NC 23699-1636 Ha Vida (q ml) ?Nahrull of test' 24r- For W4W Sp * In"gtriun Vtr'ft Also Subulit One Copy of this form %tiithin 30 days ofconrplelion of 1313. bi.inkc6in hper Amount: wdl cnosinlctian to the ¢rnmr; health depurait t of the rrxuay whom - CorrStruCtW Faiin GW-L Nonh Caroliaa D.pariflkCJIE DIEM iioiuiarlu aid N11011 %.Wurccs - DiirsroaorWoor Ravin Rt, Iscd ALIgust2913 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Thh Farm S-0n be used Fax 5i ngk 9r m ll ipk wells 1. Wdl Cantractor Informallon: Rich Lemire Well {orlilrixiD7 tininIC 2593A NC Well Corlr,,IciorCerlikoLiorkNiollber SAEDACCO Inc {'mikpui} NanIC #, Wtil C',0H%tFVCtl0n Psrgeit fl List Lffli7pp6 aWr i6ell plairnri t1_Y'. CfwjlrV'_ .52dw, YaFiunre, ffWGR rjr.0 3, Wv1l Use (check w0l u ney MAlgmulturi l DMIMicipaVFtiblic OGeOihemtal tHeaulkKocling Supply) OResidenlial WaluSupph, (single) DlildustrialfCoriMMUial DResidential Waler Suppb: (shared) ❑lrri tion Nom-watff Suy Well: Uaklpniiof-44 ❑RCctr3 Cr}' QAgirifcF RCcha%g 13AqiiikF Storage aTxJ R=G%v ' ❑AgilifCF T ❑Ex#erinuffiml TrxhnDLpg}' ❑Geodkernml IC'loxed LoupI ❑Gmdkennal il'ICAr111Lr'lCboll I Ie RCLum) ❑GFUUnda'LICF RC1k"ialian ❑Stahnity Hafiiu ❑$jgmkr atCr E"Lnagc ❑Tray T ❑Oilier gmlain ualder #21 1 4. Dit. WekI(s) Conkpleled. 7-25-2019 We11 lD+f PVSF-4S 5a, ►4'dl L ca6ko: DUKE PVSF-4S Facililw,Kh%rK'r14:1irt Faciliw 117k fif alpplimhlet 8320 NC-150 Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 Catawba Count, SHERRILLS FORD, NC, 28673 Physical Address_ City_ and Zip CATAWBA For Frworikil 4rsc ON I.Y: rRQ.M I T4 RF:ti{'HCP 11{} ft. fI, NJ.OUTER CASMG Far ouM easel ncls 06t LIKER L Ncabk FAOM Ttt Rb1s1MR 7111CK?rESSI HATFIiTAI• fL FI: io, QINER L'e4SI NG OR 1T'RING WUlkkrAYal ektied TAiiM T0� DEiti1ETF.H 7HICKMSS I MATELUAL 0 is. 30' FL I 30' FL 140' H, 12" ia. I .010 I SCH40 I PVC I R, FL ia. 0 R 23' FL j PORTLAND TREMMIE Ft, 19LSANhIGF1.4VELPACK if k rRoll 7C3 MATPRIAL F:'r3MACTAIENI'MYTHrM 27' ft. 40' Ft, SAND #2 tt, fr, 3n, D1i1L6—, LOG fal4mh alddiiiiorpHI shed, if nmemmi 0 fL 40' fL SILTY SAND/SAPERLITE ft, fL fe, fL fL fL fx, ft, Fi, Fr. Ft, Ft, BENTONITE FROM 23' TO 27'. 1 01MMY PARCi IdClllffrtylivri Na fR1_^1} ib, 14titu& Arul 1.nngitaliv in ilavgl'eelrlmilkvU*1wci)nilJ` nr ck-cimnl degrocs: 22, CrrdFieat an: ;IFIACIS fs_IrJ IrIk: Lw 1113S IN NILML:kn11 35.593739 N 80.965932 }}' 1� �vVC� 7/25/2019 SigmffwFc a FCc& - ;4'ti1 Ca nlracwi Dak 6. Is i afvI Ihrt welllJik 5OPer-ma ent u r 111'emporllry BT ri AM alru f frd'Fd n- Lw rh r the wd Y 1r y wrm noaYrnn'redr iR d xvrAmOiY _ s x l�rnr. rrf.�� +�. + � l la'Jr1r fS�i JYG'1t G' �' ,Ufr1� Pr � i,+L JYG'11L' {��' ,� WeU {'OJdtRlCG41t Sta Rlfardb �rJld rllllr a 7.lsdiiNarrimirtaanexisvtn%wril3 --J'Ycx Ilr 19ill "yofrAiirrmFdhil6'.5rm wAli"raAwgivgi�ri4jwn If Mfs Jx rr frl*iir, f+y,,wr trei,ww i-di o, t+ fun riche rnlor7,wWai 4mrl exgifabi rAe ownwFe of rAr repair under il7f FCfAf rky.ya-iiaR OF rm the r5ea-k of rflr.-e fo ui. y y 1 `� y i �y 1 23', She d iaWho n or addMonal well drfaik; You may 3kse take back of this page to provide additional wdl site details or well S.1l umhcr of wills touslttilctrtd: 1 WnSMIrlion details. You rria_+' also auach addilicmat pages if uecessan . for lrtkke(Je JrtfeerJwi of rJfxl-warer u' ' wefts ONLY mrA dlr senrra 7so% s Aw. }%,4 [aid Aabmirime for r. SUBMITTAL INSTUCF7ONS 9. Totid wtll depth be&m lard surfom 401 (,) 24a. Ear All Wrilx: �ubniii Iius faro) wilbin xU days of compkiioo of wet I FoFrrrilirlRjC wetk IfsrrrDdrf.0f rjdi femrle.w wpfe- T@ZM' Lgmd 2@Jfhff) Con5lnlCt1pn to the follnuing- l U. Stair weer levri below h}p. of carsihr 21' Ifl.I bi%-Wun of Wgur kezources, Iniormatiou Froccsuiog Unit, If wlelrrfi Ir, rl es r;Ilul a CUdOg. uu' "+ 1617 Mail :SCrt'irC {_Cuter, Raleigh, i1C 17699-1617 11. BolrhlkFC diameter 8.25 ) tab. For Inictliaa Weill ONLY: In addiliall io sending the form to e1w address in 24a nb(we. also submit a cop of this farm within zp days of CDnipleiioir of t++ell I L WC1l COni<lrnetiori nlethod, AUGERS conSlruuLiall 11) like 15000„'illg: 4i.e. ailptr. nAaFy, cable_ diem pushcic.} Dh'ision oRV4'xter Rrnourcr>,.lfrtJcrpvuod lojcciioil Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY. 1636 Mail Srrvilx'Center. Ikirleith, NC 23699-1636 Ha Vida (qm) Mahnd of test' 24r- For Witter' Sp * Ln"gtriun Vtr'ft Also Submit One Copy of this form %tiithin 30 days ofconrplelion of 1313. DWHI'iF 6m hper Amount: wdl cnosinlctian to ttm ¢rnmr; health depurait t of the rrxuay whom - cons"aDd Faiin GW-L Nonh Caraliaa D.pariflkCJIE DIEM iioiuiarlu aid Hari" %.WL11ecs - Dilrsroaor1Yaicr Ravin Rt, Iscd ALIgust2u13 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Thh FOrn S-0n be used FN 5i ngk 9r m0l iplc wells 1. Well Contractor Irlformalion: For fnk•ntiil 4rsc ONI.Y: John Eisenman WCll -COP4rddDT trArll4 4439-A NC Well Corlr,,IciorCcrlifwxLionNiollber SAEDACCO Inc {'mlllkui} NanIC 2, Wtil C,,OnstFVCti0n Psrgeit ff 1stlflld7pp6 aWr i6ellplairdes fEr.. Cf1YIlh'..52dw, Yariunre, ffWGR rjr.0 3, Wv11 Use (chccl, w0l u net: MAlg,multuri l DMIMicipaVFttbiic OGeDihemtal tHealaltg,ICocling Supply) OResidenfial WaluSupph, (single) DI1KfUSlria1fC0lnmerc1ial DRcsidenEial Walu 5uppb: (shared) ❑Irri tion NOM-;' stff Su ppy Well: 5aklpniloriik4 ❑RCc€r3 CT}' QAglrifcr RCChmp 13Aquifcr Slorage aMd R=G%v7 ❑AgllifQF T ❑ExivEim ffiml TrxhnGLpg.%- ❑Geodlernml iC lased Limp) ❑Gmdtemlal McAnneCboline Rrwnsl ❑GroUndvr'AICF RCIIICrlialiCM ❑Salinity Harriu ❑540nM3;'atCr E"Lnagc ❑TFacrr ❑OdLer ilMlaifi Mbd I [ 1 4. Dit. WeII(s) Conlpleled; 8-2-2019 Well nyp PVSF-4BR 5a, ►4'dl I-Aocz lino: DUKE PVSF-4BR Facill.Y-Kh%rK'r}^I:Inrt Facilih' 117A! fif arpplimhlet 8320 NC-150 Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 Catawba Count, SHERRILLS FORD, NC, 28673 Physical Address_ City- and Zip CATAWBA FRQ.M I T4 RE:ti{'HCP 11{} ft. fl, 11.OUTER CASMG For a1Mf easel ncRs OR L1LrER {iF lkabk FROM TO Rf#bMR T MAITRTAI• 0 fL. 90 rL 6" io_ I Sch 40 PVC ER LASING OR 7T'RING 42MIlkr,ral clu�dauriir T4r711f kXF.S4 MAlE1LT&L r0!% 145 FL 2in uL I IR. SCH40 PVC r4 I 155 FL 1145 fl, 12" ia. I .010 I SCH40 I PVC I FL ft. ia. 0 (L 1 3 ri I PORTLAND (Poured 3 ri, 126 r1, aqua guard ' tremmie 04 1 r1 VR471I j wE mL-rrRim. E:Mra.ae'}'.err:-41-w}'THEM 142 ft. 155 ft, SAND #2 i ft. ft. 311, DR11LLIDFG LOG atlaeh md{filianHI wheat, if nccesserti PROM TO OF.y['REFT IE}N. S„6r,%Ardnwn,%.dl 0 (L 57' fL SILTY SAND/SAPERLITE 57' fL 74' fi PWR 74' ft. 155 rL ROCK fL fi fx, fl, li, Fw Ft, rc BENTONITE FROM 142' TO 126'. 1 01MM}' PARCI IdCvlff" ivri Na fPINt ib, l.ptitu& illul 1.nngitaliv in Ilavgr•eeslmilrtrU*1wCnnjIF. nr dcCimnl degrmc: 22, CrrdFieat ran: ;IfKCIS fs_IJ 111k:h 1113SINNlrllickn1l 35.593739 80.965932 }}' 8/2/2019 6.Is Ia1e)flirt welUsk 5OPennanent ur J"tenlpurar}' $s signo g drir fu,.K �f. w e,f° + zua,rrft'mr sexor�mvt e ;rhf5.4NCACOTC.;ramr i�IR�,ZIC.02MWetf£bmtrwrdrurStandardsMOAW1a 7. Is thin a rrimirfe an exisvtn%wrell. --J'Ycx rIr ®Nu copyafrhir rem Fdhm . rm wm'uk•,f r� Aw nrU m~F. f/fhfs rx rr woNlir, f+y,,wr trei,ww i-di o, t+ fan riche eirlorY weWai 4md exgifabi rAe ownwre of Me repair under il7f Finar1w.ya-iian OF rm fhe r5ea-k of rfii.-e f Hui. y y 1 y i �y 1 23', She d la4�fam or addMonal well drfallt: You rlray ,Ise t31e back Of (his page to provide addifional wdl site details Or well 5.11 umhl r Iif wills touellttilc[rtd: 1 C0nSlruution details. You rria_+' also auach addilicmat pages if uecesssn . for mtkke(Je Irtfeerlwi of nrxl-wbrer srVph- aeth ONLY mrll dlr seaeraorrso%wAw. }%,4 [aid Aabmirm,r form. SUBMITTAL fNSTUCT70NS 9. Totid wtll depth be&m laud Surfam 155 ((1,) 24a. Ear All Wrilx: Subniii lies farm within 0 days of compkiioo of wel l FoFmilffrpie weth Ifsrrrff drf.0f rjdifjfemr le.w wpfe,- ?@ZM' awd 2@;fhf'} Con5InlCtign to the foliouing- l U. Stztir weer levri below h}p. of carsihr 21' IfY.l bi%-Wun aFVI'arer kezources, Informatiou FruccsuiHg Unit, If nlelrrfi fir, d es 441O a inafrag. uu' "4 1617 Mait :SCrt'irC CCnter, Ral Pigh, XC 27699-1617 11. Bmrhl1le dismrrcr 12"/6" (ilk) 24b. For Inimflos Weill ONLY: In addifiatl Lo sending the fom to rlw: address in 24a nbm'e. also submit a cop of tlLis form within zO days of canipleiioir of t++ell I L WCll COnfilrnetion nlpethod, AUGERS/AIR conSlYuuLiinl 11) [Ire 15000wi1lg: 4i.e. ail{cr. nAaFy, cable_ diem pushctc.} Dh'ision IaiV4'xter Rrnourcr>,.lfrtJcrpvuod lojccfiolr Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY. 1636 Mail Srrvirx'Center. Raleith, NC 23699-1636 Ha Vidd (qm) Mahnd of lest' 24r- For W4W SR der In"gttion V4'CLIs: Also Submit One copy of this folni %tiithin 30 days ofconrplelion of 13b. bi.inkc6in raper Amount: wdl cnoslnirtian to the ¢rnmr; hcalth depurait= of the rouFa y whem - CpI15MCtW Farin GW-L Nonh Caroli as D.pernnrilE DIEM iloiuiarlu aid Narilra] %.Wurccs - Dii rs roe 0f Woor Ravin Rt, Iscd ALIgust 2013 TABLE 1 WELL CONSTRUCTION DATA 2019 ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENTS MARSHALL STEAM STATION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC, TERRELL, NC IDENTIFICATION PROGRAM DATE INSTALLED STATUS MONITORING ZONE FLOW LAYER NORTHING FASTING MEASURING POINT TOC ELEVATION (ft. NAVD 88) CASING ADJUSTMENT HEIGHT (ft. NAVD 88) GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION (ft. NAVD 88) Water Level (ft.BTOC) May 20, 2019 TOTAL BORING DEPTH (ft. bgs) TOTAL BORING DEPTH (ft. NAVD 88) SCREENED INTERVAL (ft. bgs) SCREENED INTERVAL (ft.) TOP OF SCREEN ELEVATION (ft. NAVD 88) BOTTOM OF SCREEN ELEVATION (ft. NAVD 88) CP-1BR CAMA 11/7/2019 Active Bedrock Bedrock NA NA NA NA NA NA 145 NA 130 140 10 NA NA CP-01D CAMA 3/16/2019 Active Transition Zone Deep 680262.07 1415834.63 806.40 2.74 803.66 14.62 70 806.40 59 69 10 744.66 734.66 C13-01S CAMA 3/16/2019 Active Saprolite Shallow 680260.69 1415831.26 806.32 2.85 803.47 14.27 20 806.32 10 20 10 793.47 783.47 CP-02D CAMA 3/19/2019 Active Transition Zone Deep 679707.02 1414624.19 810.83 2.88 807.95 10.8 119 810.83 97 107 10 710.95 700.95 CP-02S CAMA 3/19/2019 Active Saprolite Shallow 679701.44 1414621.29 810.67 2.88 807.79 10.57 29 810.67 19 29 10 788.79 778.79 CP-03D CAMA 3/21/2019 Active Transition Zone Deep 678815.04 1414546.28 810.58 2.89 807.69 13.52 87 810.58 69 79 10 738.69 728.69 CP-03S CAMA 3/21/2019 Active Saprolite Shallow 678821.24 1414546.84 810.47 2.66 807.81 14.12 23 810.47 13 23 10 794.81 784.81 GP-01D CAMA 3/23/2019 Active Transition Zone Deep 678896.19 1413637.50 858.03 3.03 855.00 55.94 109 858.03 99 109 10 756.00 746.00 GP-01S CAMA 3/23/2019 Active Saprolite Shallow 678896.04 1413641.97 858.13 3.00 855.13 56.03 59 858.13 49 59 10 806.13 796.13 GP-02D CAMA 3/30/2019 Active Transition Zone Deep 679320.06 1413829.84 833.68 2.95 830.73 28.5 109 833.68 99 109 10 731.73 721.73 GP-02S CAMA 3/30/2019 Active Saprolite Shallow 679321.01 1413833.67 833.45 2.93 830.52 27.73 35 833.45 25 35 10 805.52 795.52 GP-03D CAMA 3/26/2019 Active Transition Zone Deep 678935.79 1413956.94 856.46 2.92 853.54 51.05 118 856.46 108 118 10 745.54 735.54 GP-03S CAMA 3/28/2019 Active Saprolite Shallow 678940.99 1413959.77 856.39 2.93 853.46 50.98 60.0 856.39 49.0 59.0 10 804.46 794.46 ILF-01BR CAMA 3/18/2019 Active Bedrock Bedrock 686458.17 1413584.10 865.61 2.82 862.79 38.52 107 865.61 97 107 10 765.79 755.79 ILF-01D CAMA 3/15/2019 Active Transition Zone Deep 686453.07 1413579.87 865.32 2.73 862.59 38.28 80 865.32 70 80 10 792.59 782.59 ILF-01S CAMA 3/16/2019 Active Saprolite Shallow 686449.20 1413576.95 865.31 2.84 862.47 37.35 50 865.31 40 50 10 822.47 812.47 ILF-02D CAMA 3/31/2019 Active Transition Zone Deep 687699.24 1413205.78 885.14 -0.43 885.57 44.38 107 885.14 92 102 10 793.57 783.57 ILF-02S CAMA 3/31/2019 Active Saprolite Shallow 687699.26 1413214.68 884.79 -0.42 885.21 47.09 52 884.79 42 52 10 843.21 833.21 PVSF-01BR CAMA 3/22/2019 Active Bedrock Bedrock 682625.31 1412236.10 880.17 2.81 877.36 53.48 197 880.17 165 180 15 712.36 697.36 PVSF-01D CAMA 3/20/2019 Active Transition Zone Deep 682623.08 1412231.09 880.28 2.73 877.55 52.75 87 880.28 77 87 10 800.55 790.55 PVSF-01S CAMA 3/20/2019 Active Saprolite Shallow 682620.97 1412226.04 880.27 2.65 877.62 52.46 62 880.27 52 62 10 825.62 815.62 PVSF-02BRL CAMA 12/10/2019 Active Bedrock Bedrock NA NA NA NA NA NA 205 NA 195 205 10 NA NA PVSF-02BR CAMA 3/25/2019 Active Bedrock Bedrock 684902.49 1412109.34 833.36 2.87 830.49 12.13 107 833.36 92 107 15 738.49 723.49 PVSF-02D CAMA 3/25/2019 Active Transition Zone Deep 684904.44 1412112.70 833.20 2.76 830.44 11.62 67 833.20 52.0 62.0 10 778.44 768.44 PVSF-02S CAMA 3/25/2019 Active Saprolite Shallow 684907.38 1412116.97 833.15 2.71 830.44 11.48 22.0 833.15 12.0 22.0 10 818.44 808.44 PVSF-03BR CAMA 4/25/2019 Active Bedrock Bedrock 685548.81 1411981.88 838.22 2.84 835.38 15.61 188 838.22 177.5 187.5 10 657.88 647.88 PVSF-03D CAMA 3/29/2019 Active Transition Zone Deep 685549.56 1411986.00 838.02 2.58 835.44 14.08 147 838.02 137 147 10 698.44 688.44 PVSF-03S CAMA 3/29/2019 Active Saprolite Shallow 685550.11 1411990.62 838.18 3.01 835.17 1717 27 838.18 17 27 10 818.17 808.17 PVSF-04BR CAMA 8/1/2019 Active Bedrock Bedrock 683376.40 1411038.94 858.45 -0.21 858.66 11.15* 155 858.45 145 155 10 713.66 703.66 PVSF-04D CAMA 7/25/2019 Active Transition Zone Deep 683372.06 1411052.75 858.58 -0.20 858.78 10.65* 80 858.58 70 80 10 788.78 778.78 PSVF-04S CAMA 7/25/2019 Active Saprolite Shallow 683373.77 1411047.03 858.57 -0.17 858.74 10.26* 40 858.57 30 40 10 828.74 818.74 Notes: NA - Not Available bgs - Below Ground Surface TOC - Top of Casing ft. bgs - feet below ground surface ft. NAVD 88 - feet North American Vertical Datum of 1988 Prepared by: ECW Checked by: BDW Page 1 of 1