HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0024406_BCSS_Appendix F_20191231Corrective Action Plan Update December 2019 Belews Creek Steam Station APPENDIX F FRACTURED BEDROCK EVALUATION SynTerra ,61p synTerra FRACTURED BEDROCK EVALUATION BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION 3195 PINE HALL ROAD BELEWS CREEK, NC 27009 DECEMBER 2019 PREPARED FOR r� DUKE ENERGY.: CAROLINAS DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS,, LLC } David Avard Project Sciegitist Ashley Obert, NC LG 2615 Project Manager Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC — Belews Creek Steam Station SynTerra TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................1-1 2.0 LINEAMENT EVALUATION...................................................................................... 2-1 2.1 Imagery Selection......................................................................................................2-1 2.2 Lineament Selection and Summary........................................................................ 2-1 3.0 DEEP BEDROCK EVALUATION FIELD PROCEDURES AND IMPLEMENTATION..................................................................................................... 3-1 3.1 Purpose....................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.2 Drilling Methodology and Well Design................................................................ 3-1 3.3 Well Development.................................................................................................... 3-3 3.4 Hydraulic Conductivity Measurements................................................................ 3-4 3.5 Deep Bedrock Groundwater Sampling.................................................................. 3-4 4.0 BEDROCK FRACTURE EVALUATION METHODS ............................................. 4-1 4.1 Flow Profile Characterization................................................................................. 4-1 4.2 Fracture Hydraulic Apertures.................................................................................4-2 4.3 Fracture Spacing........................................................................................................4-3 4.4 Fracture Orientations................................................................................................4-4 4.5 Summary of Bedrock Fracture Characteristics..................................................... 4-5 4.6 Implications of Bedrock Fracture Network for Groundwater Flow.................4-5 5.0 BEDROCK MATRIX CHARACTERISTICS.............................................................5-1 5.1 Sample Selection........................................................................................................5-1 5.2 Matrix Porosity and Bulk Density.......................................................................... 5-1 5.3 Petrographic Evaluation.......................................................................................... 5-1 5.4 Implications of Bedrock Matrix Characteristics for Flow and Transport ......... 5-2 6.0 REFERENCES.................................................................................................................. 6-1 Page i Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC — Belews Creek Steam Station LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Analytical Results for Deep Bedrock Wells Table 2 Porosity and Bulk Density Results LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1A USGS Topographic Map without Lineaments Figure 1B USGS Map with Inferred Lineaments Figure 2A 1966 Aerial Photograph without Lineaments Figure 2B 1966 Aerial Photograph with Lineaments Figure 3 Deep Bedrock Evaluation Locations Figure 4 Hydraulic Conductivity Vertical Profiles Figure 5 Hydraulic Aperture Vertical Profiles Figure 6 Fracture Spacing Vertical Profile Figure 7 General Cross Section A -A' Figure 8 General Cross Section B-B' LIST OF ATTACHMENTS SynTerra Attachment A Boring Logs, Well Construction Records and Well Development Logs Attachment B USGS FLASH Results and Calculations Attachment C Geophysical Logging Report Attachment D Petrographic Evaluation of Core Samples Page ii Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC — Belews Creek Steam Station SynTerra LIST OF ACRONYMS 02L 15A North Carolina Administrative Code Subchapter 02L Groundwater Quality Standards ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials BCSS Belews Creek Steam Station bgs below ground surface CAP Corrective Action Plan Core Labs Core Laboratories CSA Comprehensive Site Assessment DO Dissolved oxygen Duke Energy Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC eh hydraulic aperture FLASH Flow -Log Analysis of Single Holes GEL GEL Solutions g acceleration due to gravity gpm gallons per minute HPF heat pulse flowmeter I.D. inner diameter IMP Interim Monitoring Plan Ka distribution coefficient µ viscosity of water µg/L micrograms per liter µm microns mm millimeters n number of individual fractures in a flow layer NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources NTU nephelometric turbidity unit ORP oxidation reduction potential pw density of water PVC polyvinyl chloride Q flow rate ro radius of influence rW radius of borehole s well drawdown Site Belews Creek Steam Station Page iii Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC — Belews Creek Steam Station LIST OF ACRONYMS (CONTINUED) SP spontaneous potential SPR single point resistance T transmissivity TD total depth USGS U.S. Geological Survey SynTerra Page iv Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC — Belews Creek Steam Station SynTerra 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report provides a detailed characterization of the bedrock near the ash basin at Belews Creek Steam Station (BCSS or Site). The characterization is based on additional evaluation of lineaments, the bedrock fracture system, and the bedrock matrix. The information in this report supplements information presented in the Comprehensive Site Assessment (CSA) Update (SynTerra, 2017). This report also supports the development of groundwater remedial alternatives as part of the BCSS Corrective Action Plan (CAP). Page 1-1 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC — Belews Creek Steam Station SynTerra 2.0 LINEAMENT EVALUATION To supplement the CSA bedrock characterization and support the CAP for the ash basin at BCSS, SynTerra evaluated lineaments in the vicinity of the ash basin. Lineaments are linear features at ground surface that might have resulted from underlying bedrock fractures, fracture zones, faults, or other geologic structures and therefore may represent the approximate vicinity of preferential groundwater flow zones in bedrock. 2.1 Imagery Selection Aerial imagery and topographic survey information used for the lineament evaluation met the following criteria: • The evaluation incorporated a 1966 aerial image produced before ash basin construction (from 1971 to 1974) and a 1984 topographic map produced after ash basin construction. • The scale and resolution are sufficiently detailed to identify apparent linear features not caused by anthropogenic activity. Details pertaining to the selected map and image include: • Topographic survey — The 1984 topographic map was obtained from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) at http://store.usgs.gov. The scale is 1:24,000. (Figure 1A) • Aerial photograph — The April 15, 1966, photograph was obtained from the USGS Earth Explorer website at http://earthexplorer.usgs.gov. (Figure 2A) Note that the 1966 aerial photograph predates Belews Reservoir. 2.2 Lineament Selection and Summary The following USGS list (Clark et al., 2016) summarizes features used to identify lineaments in this evaluation: • Linear topographic features • Straight stream segments • Aligned gaps in ridges • Vegetation The area evaluated for potential lineaments (Figures 1A and 1B) was visually reviewed in the imagery listed above to identify linear features. A pre -basin construction Page 2-1 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC — Belews Creek Steam Station SynTerra topographic survey map, with sufficient topographic resolution for lineament analysis, was not available for lineament identification in the evaluated area. A post -ash basin construction topographic survey map was reviewed (Figure 1A); however, because this map did not provide lineament information within the ash basin footprint, the aerial photograph was used for this lineament analysis. Lineaments identified on the 1966 aerial photograph are presented in Figure 2B. Lineament orientations have been summarized using a 360-degree compass rose diagram to identify general trends. Observations from the aerial photograph and topographic survey map are summarized as follows: 1966 USGS Aerial Photograph • Twenty-three (23) linear features with a wide range of orientations were identified. • A predominant lineament group, oriented northeast and southwest, was interpreted; 39 percent of the lineaments appear between azimuths of 34 degrees and 65 degrees • The remaining 61 percent of the interpreted lineaments cross -cut the predominant set and present a wide range of orientations. 1984 Topographic Survey • Linear features generally align with topographic expressions of valleys south, east, and west of the ash basin area (Figure 1A). These data indicate a predominant lineament orientation of northeast -southwest, but with lineaments cross -cutting of various orientations. Page 2-2 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC — Belews Creek Steam Station SynTerra 3.0 DEEP BEDROCK EVALUATION FIELD PROCEDURES AND IMPLEMENTATION 3.1 Purpose To refine the Site conceptual model and further improve the groundwater model being prepared for the CAP, four additional bedrock wells were installed along the ash basin dam, which is the only area with bedrock impacts downgradient of the ash basin. The locations selected for additional bedrock evaluation include AB-1BRD, AB-2BR, AB- 2BRD, and AB-3BR (Figure 3). The scope of work described below was implemented to evaluate shallow and deep bedrock groundwater quality near the dam and further refine the understanding of the bedrock fracture system and hydraulic properties. 3.2 Drilling Methodology and Well Design Prior to drilling activities, subsurface utility scans were conducted in the area of the proposed borings. Monitoring wells were installed in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0108 Standards of Construction: Wells Other Than Water Supply. Geologic Exploration conducted drilling, under contract to Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC (Duke Energy). Boring advancement and well design/installation were consistent at all four deep bedrock evaluation locations. Augers with an inner diameter (I.D.) of 10.25 inches were initially used to reduce effects on the dam conditions or safety at each of the four boring locations (AB-1BRD, AB-2BR, AB-2BRD, AB-3BR). Augers drilled through the unconsolidated material (fill) to refusal. Mud rotary drilling techniques were used from the point of auger refusal to a minimum of 5 feet below the top of bedrock. A mud rotary continued to advance boreholes 30 feet beyond adjacent bedrock well screens. These borings measured 10 inches in diameter. A permanent 8-inch-diameter, schedule 80 flush -joint threaded polyvinyl chloride (PVC) outer casing was installed to the depth of mud rotary termination. The casing was fitted with a grout shoe, seated into the rock, and tremie- grouted into place. Aquaguard was placed between layers of grout at intervals corresponding to adjacent well screens (AB-1BR and AB-2BR) to mitigate risk of grout intrusion into potential interconnected fractures. Casings that exceeded 100 feet were grouted in at least two lifts at approximately 80 feet per lift. After the grout cured (at least 24 hours), pneumatic air hammer drilling technology was used to advance the boring through the 10-inch casing to a target depth. An air hammer of 6.25 inches in diameter was used to extend the boring to a target depth of approximately 30 feet below the screen interval of the deepest, adjacent Page 3-1 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC — Belews Creek Steam Station SynTerra monitoring well screen interval. At target depths, a 6-inch diameter schedule 80 flush - joint threaded PVC casing was installed and tremie-grouted into place. Casings that exceeded 100 feet were grouted in at least two lifts with approximately 80 feet per lift. After the grout cured (at least 24 hours), three of the four borings were advanced to a prescribed total depth (TD) of 400 feet below ground surface (bgs) (AB-1BRD, AB- 2BRD, AB-3BR). AB-2BR boring was extended to a maximum depth of 240 feet bgs for use as a shallow, centrally located bedrock well along the dam ridgeline. During boring advancement below the 6-inch PVC casing, the field scientist noted potential fractures based on driller and drill rig observations. Estimated yield of water - bearing zones was determined through downhole circulation after each 10-foot run. On the determination of a potential water -bearing fracture or fracture zone [yielding approximately 1 gallon per minute (gpm) or more], a groundwater sample was collected by air -lifting formation water from the borehole. The sample was screened for boron with a Hach TNT877 spectrophotometer. Boron is considered the best indicator of the leading edge of the plume. Samples were field -filtered with a 0.45 micron (µm) filter to reduce the influence of turbidity (i.e., suspended solids) on screening results. The Hach TNT877 test kit enables detection of boron concentrations from 50 micrograms per liter (µg/L) to 2,500 µg/L. The presence or absence of boron at depth is significant for refining groundwater model assumptions and vertical plume delineation. The North Carolina groundwater regulatory standard for boron (700 µg/L) was considered during well construction design. Field boron screening results were noted during boring advancement. Screening results are representative of a composite sample from the length of the open borehole. Boron concentrations greater than 700 µg/L were encountered at depths that were already monitored by existing transition zone (deep) and bedrock wells. Only one location, AB- 2S/D, had boron greater than 700 µg/L at a depth deeper than existing monitoring well screen intervals; bedrock well AB-2BR (screened from 165-175 feet bgs) had boron greater than the groundwater regulatory standard. Borings ABABRD, AB-2BRD, and AB-3BR were advanced until reaching the prescribed TD to delineate the vertical extent of boron to concentrations less than the regulatory standard. Vertical evaluation at each location was deemed complete when the specified TD was reached, and field screening results from packer tested intervals indicated boron concentrations were decreasing and vertically delineated (i.e., sample result less than the regulatory standard) at depth. On reaching TD at each boring, geophysical logging was conducted using the following downhole tools: acoustic televiewer, optical televiewer, caliper, fluid conductivity, fluid temperature, single -point resistance (SPR), spontaneous potential (SP), and heat pulse Page 3-2 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC — Belews Creek Steam Station SynTerra flowmeter (HPF). After the inner casing was installed and drilled through to TD, the "lower" or "bottom" section of the open borehole was logged. HPF data were collected during non -pumping (ambient) conditions and pumping conditions. After completion of geophysical data collection, each deep bedrock well had some interval of an open borehole backfilled with a bentonite clay plug. Shallow bedrock well AB-2BR was not backfilled. The purpose of the backfilling was to facilitate well installation at the desired screened interval based on field boron screening and geophysical logs. Well materials were hung (suspended from a lift ring) to avoid casing deflection while the wells were constructed. Based on the field screening processes, screen intervals were selected at the deepest water -bearing fracture zone and at a depth where boron was vertically delineated. Each well consists of a 2-inch I.D. schedule 40 flush -joint threaded 10-foot prepacked screens. Screens have 0.010-inch-wide slots and were packed in the field with a No. 2 sand filter pack. The annular space between the borehole wall (inner casing) and prepacked well screens for each of the wells was also filled with No. 2 sand filter pack. The sand -pack extends approximately 5 feet above the top of the prepacked screen at each well. The well seal consists of at least 3 feet of coated pelletized bentonite. The remainder of the annular space was backfilled into the outer casing with grout. If the annulus exceeded 100 feet in length, grouting was conducted in lifts of approximately 80 feet at a time. Due to their location adjacent to the dam's access road, monitoring wells were completed with flush -mounted surface vaults, locking caps, and well tags. The protective covers were secured and completed in a concrete collar. 3.3 Well Development Installed monitoring wells were developed via Waterra hydrolift pump techniques with driller's assistance. The drilling contractor conducted development until water quality indicator parameters (e.g., conductivity, pH, temperature, turbidity) were generally stable, and each well had been purged for more than 2 hours. Well development continued with SynTerra scientists using monsoon pumps and drop -tube assemblies. Each well was purged to a minimum of 10 well -volumes, or until water quality indicator parameters stabilized and turbidity decreased to (or nearly) 10 nephelometric turbidity units (NTUs). The geologic logs, well installation details, and development records, which include development method(s), the water volume removed, and field measurements of Page 3-3 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC — Belews Creek Steam Station SynTerra temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, conductivity, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) and turbidity, are provided in Attachment A. 3.4 Hydraulic Conductivity Measurements Prior to well completion, slug tests were conducted within open boreholes at multiple potential water -bearing fracture intervals observed during drilling. Slug tests were completed at 10-foot intervals using double packers to isolate the interval for testing. Slug testing included multiple falling and rising head tests at all four bedrock wells. Slug testing was performed in compliance with standards and policy including the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards and North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) policy (2007). 3.5 Deep Bedrock Groundwater Sampling After well installation, development, and slug testing, groundwater was sampled at each well for laboratory analyses and in accordance with the approved Interim Monitoring Plan (IMP). The wells were sampled after water quality indicator parameters were stabilized (Duke Energy, 2015). At the three deep bedrock wells (AB-1BRD, AB-2BRD, and AB-313R), preliminary results indicate boron concentrations less than the lab reporting limit (50 µg/L). Results show that boron concentrations at the shallow bedrock well, AB-213R, were greater than the NC Administrative Code, Title 15A, Subchapter 02L, Groundwater Classification and Standards (02L) standard (700 µg/L). Analytical results for the four bedrock wells are presented in Table 1. Page 3-4 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC — Belews Creek Steam Station SynTerra 4.0 BEDROCK FRACTURE EVALUATION METHODS Deep bedrock borehole logging data were used to characterize depths of flow zones to set targets for monitoring well screen placement, hydraulic conductivity, the hydraulic apertures of fractures and fracture spacing, and the in -situ orientations of bedrock fractures. These evaluations provide a comprehensive assessment of the bedrock fracture system in support of the CAP. 4.1 Flow Profile Characterization FLASH (Flow -Log Analysis of Single Holes), a computer program developed by the USGS, uses HPF data for ambient and pumping conditions to estimate transmissivity profiles along single boreholes (Day -Lewis et al., 2011). FLASH software was used to analyze the HPF data from the deep bedrock boreholes and generate a transmissivity profile for each logged borehole. To produce a unique fit to the data, FLASH estimates transmissivity or radius -of -influence. All model iterations used an estimated radius -of - influence of 1,000 feet. Calculated transmissivity results are relatively insensitive to this parameter. However, a large estimate was selected to produce conservative estimates for transmissivity. The "objective function" for the FLASH code incorporates the mean squared error between interpreted (from borehole HPF data) and predicted flow profiles and the sum of the squared differences between the water level in the borehole and the far -field head. For each borehole, the automated solver in FLASH ran until the objective function reached a minimum value. Total transmissivity for each borehole was calculated using the Thiem Equation for steady-state flow to a well in a confined aquifer (Thiem, 1906): lT = 21c(s) In (\rro Where T is transmissivity, Q is flow rate, s is drawdown, ro is radius of influence, and rw is the radius of the borehole. For boreholes with a Thiem-calculated transmissivity that was greater than the FLASH estimated total transmissivity, the transmissivity values for borehole intervals from FLASH were proportionally scaled -up to produce a total FLASH transmissivity that equaled the transmissivity value calculated for the entire borehole. Results from FLASH analysis of the HPF data from four boreholes are presented in detail in Attachment B. Transmissivity values for individual bedrock intervals were divided by the interval vertical length to calculate hydraulic conductivity values, which Page 4-1 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC — Belews Creek Steam Station SynTerra are illustrated in contrast to the depth below the top of the bedrock on Figure 4. Calculated bedrock hydraulic conductivity values based on FLASH analysis, generally range from approximately 8.05 x 10-3 feet per day to 84.4 feet per day; however, there was one measurement of 2.85 x 10-8 feet per day. For comparison, Figure 4 also shows hydraulic conductivity based on slug test results from multiple 10-foot borehole intervals prior to deep bedrock monitoring well installation. Both of these data sets indicate a general decline in hydraulic conductivity with increasing depth below the top of bedrock. Most of the bedrock borehole intervals did not indicate notable transmissivity (or hydraulic conductivity) based on HPF data. The data related to those borehole intervals are not included in this analysis. In addition, monitoring wells were installed at depths interpreted as having significant water -bearing fractures within each boring. Therefore, the overall hydraulic conductivity of the bedrock fracture system is lower than suggested by the data shown in Figure 4. 4.2 Fracture Hydraulic Apertures Transmissivity data generated by FLASH were also used to estimate the average hydraulic aperture (eh) for individual bedrock intervals applying the cubic law (Steele, 2006): F12 eh Where T is transmissivity, µ is the viscosity of water, pw is the density of water, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and n is the number of individual fractures in the flow layer. Bedrock fractures are rough, so fracture widths (apertures) vary at different points within the fracture. The hydraulic aperture is the width of an idealized parallel -plate opening with transmissivity that is the same as an actual, rough -walled fracture. It is approximated by the geometric mean of the individual aperture values within the fracture (Keller, 1998). Average hydraulic apertures were estimated for each deep bedrock borehole interval with a transmissivity greater than zero. The number of fractures in each zone was determined from the fracture summary table provided in the geophysical evaluation report by GEL Solutions (GEL) (Attachment C). Only "open major' and "open minor' fractures identified by GEL were included in the fracture count for each zone; "closed" Page 4-2 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC — Belews Creek Steam Station SynTerra fractures were excluded. For layers without any identified open fractures, but with measurable transmissivity, it was assumed that one fracture was present. Based on HPF data and FLASH analysis, estimated mean hydraulic apertures of bedrock fractures at the Site generally range from approximately 0.03 millimeters (mm) to 0.62 mm (30 to 620 micrometers, or microns), with one value less than 0.01 mm (10 microns). Additionally, fracture hydraulic apertures were calculated based on slug test results for 10-foot packer intervals; these data also show a general decline in aperture versus depth (Figure 5). As noted, many of the bedrock borehole intervals logged using a heat -pulse flowmeter did not indicate any significant contribution to flow within the borehole. Most of these intervals had interpreted open fractures but indicated negligible (approximately zero) transmissivity; therefore, data from those intervals were not used in fracture aperture calculations. Those depth intervals have hydraulic apertures near zero. This fracture aperture evaluation represents only the most transmissive fractures within each logged bedrock borehole. The overall apertures within the bedrock fracture system are less than suggested by the data shown in Figure 5. 4.3 Fracture Spacing Fracture spacing for each borehole interval was calculated by dividing the length of the interval by the number of open fractures identified in that interval. For intervals with a transmissivity of zero and where no open fractures were identified, it was assumed there were no fractures; therefore, no fracture spacing was calculated for that interval. Televiewer logging results (discussed below) from the combined dataset indicated approximately 39 open fractures in 728 vertical feet of logging at the four logged bedrock boreholes, which indicates an overall average spacing of approximately 18.7 feet (vertical separation) between fractures. In addition, the frequency of dipping bedrock fractures is greater than was indicated in vertical borehole data (Morin et al., 1997). Within the investigated depth intervals, the bedrock at the Site is not extensively fractured. However, fractures of various orientations were identified, indicating that fractures of various orientations intersect one another and produce an overall, interconnected fracture network. Figure 6 shows the mean vertical spacing of open fractures in bedrock intervals as a function of depth below the top of rock, and indicates that fracture spacing is relatively consistent with depth below the top of rock. Page 4-3 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC — Belews Creek Steam Station 4.4 Fracture Orientations SynTerra GEL measured in -situ bedrock fractures at four deep bedrock boreholes using a combination of optical televiewer and acoustic televiewer. Data are summarized as bedrock fracture tables, stereonet plots, and rose diagrams of fracture orientation statistics in Attachment C. GEL classified each identified fracture as either "closed," "minor open," or "major open' based on flow logging or other evidence. The two "open" classes were evaluated in terms of orientation; "closed" fracture orientations were compared qualitatively. Bedrock fracture orientations logged at each deep bedrock borehole indicate a wide range of fracture orientations with no predominant, consistent fracture sets. At the four logged boreholes, general observations for the fractures that GEL characterized as open are as follows: • AB-1BRD - Scattered fracture orientations, mostly with an eastward component of dip but with a wide range of dip magnitudes and directions • AB-2BR - Scattered fracture orientations, mostly toward the northeast but a wide range of dip magnitudes • AB-2BRD - Scattered fracture orientations, mostly with dip angles of less than 40 degrees but a wide range of dip directions • AB-3BR - Scattered fracture orientations, mostly toward the southeast but a wide range of dip magnitudes Overall, the fracture data indicate a wide range of dip angles and dip directions, with slightly more open fractures indicating an eastward component of dip than westward component of dip. Cross -sections presented in Figures 7 and 8 illustrate at a conceptual level the absence of any predominant fracture set. The relative lengths of fractures shown on the cross - sections decrease with depth to illustrate at a conceptual level that the degree of overall fracturing decreases with depth. However, the length and spacing of fractures are conceptual and qualitative. As noted above, the overall average vertical spacing between open fractures is approximately 18.7 feet; therefore, fractures at the Site are too numerous to illustrate on the cross -sections. In -situ fracture lengths are impractical to measure, but Gale (1982) suggested that typical fracture lengths might be 3 to 4 times the fracture spacing. Page 4-4 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC — Belews Creek Steam Station SynTerra 4.5 Summary of Bedrock Fracture Characteristics Overall, the bedrock hydraulic conductivity near the ash basin decreases with increasing depth below the top of rock. This finding is consistent with the literature. Gale (1982) showed that bedrock well yield and fracture permeability decrease systematically as a function of depth. Neretnieks (1985) also showed a systematic decline in bulk bedrock hydraulic conductivity with increasing depth. Fracture spacing in the logged intervals of the bedrock is relatively consistent with depth below the top of rock. This finding is consistent with data reported for a variety of rock types by Snow (1968). Overall, calculated fracture apertures decrease with increasing depth in the deep bedrock. This finding is also consistent with information reported in the literature. Snow (1968) published fracture aperture as a function of depth for several rock types, including crystalline rocks such as granite, gneiss, and schist, and concluded that fracture apertures generally decrease with increasing depth. With increasing depth, the weight of the overlying rock increases. This increases the effective stress and causes the fracture walls to deform and flatten, reducing fracture apertures with increasing depth. The available data do not indicate any predominant bedrock fracture sets at BCSS. Overall, a wide range of open fracture dip angles and dip directions is observed. 4.6 Implications of Bedrock Fracture Network for Groundwater Flow Based on the orientations of lineaments and open bedrock fractures, horizontal groundwater flow within the bedrock should occur approximately parallel to the hydraulic gradient, with no preferential flow direction (i.e., no expected, significant anisotropy). Consistent with this interpretation, the current groundwater flow model for BCSS does not simulate plan -view anisotropy. The observed decline in bedrock hydraulic conductivity and hydraulic aperture with increasing depth is consistent with expectations based on the literature and indicates that the overall volumetric rate of groundwater flow in the bedrock decreases with depth. Page 4-5 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC — Belews Creek Steam Station SynTerra 5.0 BEDROCK MATRIX CHARACTERISTICS Bedrock rock core samples were collected and analyzed by Core Laboratories (Core Labs) for porosity, bulk density, and thin section petrography. Data provided by Core Labs can be used to evaluate the potential influence of matrix diffusion and sorption on constituent fate and transport within the fractured bedrock system at BCSS. 5.1 Sample Selection One rock core sample was selected from each of two bedrock locations, AB-1 and GWA- 20, which represent two areas of affected groundwater migration north and northwest of the ash basin (Figure 3). Samples were chosen from discrete options of rock core with the most notable weathering of fracture surfaces interpreted to coincide with zones of preferential groundwater flow. Sample locations and depth intervals were: • AB-1: o 83.2-84 feet bgs • GWA-20: o 74.5-75 feet bgs 5.2 Matrix Porosity and Bulk Density Core Laboratories prepared samples by pulling 1-inch-diameter plugs drilled into the rock core and trimming into right cylinders with a diamond -blade trim saw. Samples were then cleaned by Soxhlet extraction and oven -dried at 240' F to weight equilibrium (+/- 0.001 g). Rock core samples were analyzed for porosity using Boyle's Law technique by measuring grain volume and pore volume at ambient conditions. Grain density values were calculated by direct measurement of grain volume and weight on the dried plug samples. Grain volume was measured by Boyle's Law technique. Results from the matrix porosity and bulk density analysis are presented in Table 2. The reported matrix porosity values ranged from 0.50 to 0.73 percent, with an average of 0.62 percent. Bulk density ranged from 2.80 to 2.84 with an average of 2.82 grams per cubic centimeter. 5.3 Petrographic Evaluation Thin sections were prepared by impregnating the samples with epoxy to augment cohesion and to prevent loss of material during grinding. Each thinly sliced sample was mounted on a slide and ground to an approximate thickness of 30 microns. Thin Page 5-1 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC — Belews Creek Steam Station SynTerra sections were stained to aid in mineral identification and analyzed using standard petrographic techniques. The thin section petrographic evaluation results are presented in Attachment D. Core Labs classified both samples as mica schist. Both samples are metamorphic rocks with a foliated fabric (i.e., the elongated minerals are oriented parallel to each other or form some bands). The principal minerals are biotite, quartz, muscovite, and plagioclase. Accessory minerals consist of garnet, pyrite, K-feldspar, tourmaline, staurolite, zircon, magnetite, and apatite. Plagioclase crystals are locally altered into sericite. Biotite is rarely altered into chlorite. Fe -dolomite is rare, replacing other minerals such as plagioclase. 5.4 Implications of Bedrock Matrix Characteristics for Flow and Transport The reported matrix porosity values are within the range of those reported for crystalline rocks in the literature (Freeze and Cherry, 1979) (Lofgren, 2004) (Zhou et al., 2008) (Ademeso et al., 2012). The presence of measurable matrix porosity suggests that matrix diffusion contributes to plume retardation at the Site (Lipson et al., 2005). In addition, the identification of sericite (a mixture of muscovite, illite, or paragonite produced by hydrothermal alteration of feldspars) in both samples indicates the bedrock has some capacity to sorb boron and other elements associated with coal ash. The influences of matrix diffusion and sorption are implicitly included in the groundwater fate and transport model as a component of the constituent partition coefficient (Ka) term used for the bedrock layers model. Page 5-2 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC — Belews Creek Steam Station SynTerra 6.0 REFERENCES Ademeso, O.A., J.A. Adekoya and B.M. Olaleye. 2012. "The Inter -relationship of Bulk Density and Porosity of Some Crystalline Basement Complex Rocks: A Case Study of Some Rock Types In Southwestern Nigeria." Journal of Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 555-562. Clark, S.F., Moore, R.B., Ferguson, E.W., Picard, M.Z. 2016. "Criteria and Methods for Fracture Trace Analysis of the New Hampshire Bedrock Aquifer." U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 96-479. Day -Lewis, F.D., C.D. Johnson, F.L. Paillet, and K.J. Halford, March 7, 2011. FLASH: A Computer Program for Flow -Log Analysis of Single Holes. Computer software. Version 1.0. U.S. Geological Survey. Duke Energy, June 10, 2015. Low Flow Sampling Plan, Duke Energy Facilities, Ash Basin Groundwater Assessment Program, North Carolina. Freeze, R.A. and J.A. Cherry. 1979. Groundwater. Prentice -Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. 604 p. Gale, J.E. 1982. Assessing the permeability characteristics of fractured rock. Geological Society of America Special paper 189. Keller, A., 1998. High -resolution, non-destructive measurement and characterization of fracture apertures. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., 35(8), pp. 1037-1050. Lipson, D.S, B.H. Kueper and M.J. Gefell. 2005. Matrix diffusion -derived plume attenuation in fractured bedrock. Ground Water, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 30-39. Lofgren, M. 2004. Diffusive properties of granitic rock as measured by in -situ electrical methods. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Chemical Engineering and Technology Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. Morin, R.H., G.B. Carleton, and S. Poirier. 1997. Fractured -Aquifer Hydrogeology from Geophysical Logs; The Passaic Formation, New Jersey. Ground Water, 35(2), 328- 338. Neretnieks, I. 1985. Transport in fractured rocks. Hydrology of Rocks of Low Permeability. Memoirs. International Association of Hydrogeologists, v. XVII, part 1 of 2, pp. 301-318. Page 6-1 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC — Belews Creek Steam Station SynTerra Snow, D.T. 1968. Rock fracture spacings, openings, and porosities." J. Soil Mech. Found. Div., Proc. Amer. Soc. Civil Engrs., v. 94, pp. 73-91. Steele, A., D.A. Reynolds, B.H. Kueper, and D.N. Lerner. "Field determination of mechanical aperture, entry pressure and relative permeability of fractures using NAPL injection." Geotechnique 56, no. 1 (2006): 27-38. SynTerra. 2017. Comprehensive Site Assessment Update — Belews Creek Steam Station — October 2017. Belews Creek, NC. Thiem, G. 1906. Hydrologische methoden. Leipzig: Gebhardt. Zhou, Q., H.H. Liu and F.J. Molz. 2008. Field -scale effective matrix diffusion coefficient for fractured rock: results from literature survey. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. https:Hescholarship.org/uc/item/3dw5c7ff. Page 6-2 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC — Belews Creek Steam Station TABLES SynTerra TABLE 1 ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR DEEP BEDROCK WELLS FRACTURED BEDROCK EVALUATION BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC, BELEWS CREEK, NC Chromium Total Analytical Parameter pH Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Boron Cadmium Chloride (VI) Chromium Cobalt Iron Lithium Manganese Molybdenum Selenium Strontium Sulfate Thallium Dissolved Vanadium Solids Reporting Units S.U. µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L mg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L mg/L µg/L mg/L µg/L ISA NCAC 02L Standard 6.5-8.5 1* 10 700 4* 700 2 250 10 10 1* 300 NE 50 NE 20 NE 250 0.2* 500 0.3* Background Threshold Values (Bedrock Unit) 6.2 - 8.4 1 2 11 0.2 50 0.08 3 0.4 11 0.8 341 30 64 6 0.5 99 15 0.1 181 2 Sample ID Screen Interval Sample Analytical Results (ft bgs) Collection Date AB-01BRD 300-310 04/03/2019 12.3 7.61 1.86 610 <1 422 <1 96 11.9 10.9 <1 63 881 10 5.98 <1 4970 18 0.091j 1500 7.95 AB-02BR 165 - 175 04/03/2019 8.0 <1 <1 103 0.484 j 8870 1 410 1.1 1.4 83.1 8.546 j 104 12200 1.47 <1 1660 53 0.172 j 1100 0.333 AB-02BRD 269 -279 04/03/2019 12.2 17.9 66.7 124 <1 20.179j <1 10 2.5 2.61 0.573j 92 237 2.9j 14.4 0.577j 1160 24 0.104j 280 7.78 AB-03BR 263.5 - 273.5 04/03/2019 11.1 4.4 11.1 62 <1 538 <1 70 1.2 1.43 <1 22 118 6 3.48 <1 693 67 <0.2 370 1.27 Notes: Background Threshold Values updated with Background Results through December 2018. * - Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations of the 15A NCAC 02L Standard, Appendix 1, April, 1, 2013. ^ - Federal Maximum Contaminant Level < - Concentration not detected at or above the adjusted reporting limit. µg/L - Micrograms per liter j - Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. mg/L - Milligrams per liter NE - Not established S.U. - Standard Units Prepared by: PWA Checked by: GRK Page 1 of 1 TABLE 2 POROSITY AND BULK DENSITY RESULTS FRACTURED BEDROCK EVALUATION BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC, BELEWS CREEK, NC Sample Number Depth (ft) Porosity (%) Grain Density (g/cm3) Bulk Density (g/cm3) AB-1 83.2-84 0.73 2.82 2.80 GWA-20 74.5-75 0.50 2.85 2.84 Prepared by: ALA Checked by: DAA Notes• 1. 1.O inch diameter plugs were drilled and trimmed into right cylinders with a diamond -blade trim saw. 2. Plugs selected for routine core analysis were cleaned by Soxhlet extraction cycling between a chloroform /methanol (87:13) azeotrope and methanol. 3. Samples were oven dried at 2400 F to weight equilibrium (+/- 0.001 g). 4. Porosity was determined using Boyle's Law technique by measuring grain volume & calculating pore volume at ambient conditions. 5. Grain density values were calculated using Boyle's Law technique by direct measurement of grain volume and weight on dried plug samples. 6. ft - feet below ground surface 7. g/cm3 - gram per cubic centimeter Page 1of1 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC — Belews Creek Steam Station FIGURES SynTerra WASTE BOUNDARY ROXIMATE) \ � f __ ____________ _________ _____ ,_ __ __ -_ ____ __- ___ __ _-__==_==_==_=___ =� ______-- ===_ ==T:� =_ - -�_-�_--_--- _�___-� ==� --- ___ __ __ _ ___-_ __ r — _ —_ —____ __ —_ _ _ =__— __ — '- V-7Z HE __—_—� —____ � = -- \\ BELEWS CREEK STEAM 1/ STATION PARCEL LINE r r F � V( BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION U o J I �i Po r n t c� fj Tow �, V-" THE INFERRED LINEAMENTS (RED DASHED LINES) DEPICTED ON THIS 11 TOPOGRAPHICUSGS LINEARFEAATURES WITHOI IN THE ASH BASIN. RANGE O IN. HEORIENTATIONS DEPICTED LINEAMENTS J o WERE NOT USED QUALITATIVELY IN A ROSE DIAGRAM. �}0 \ , SOURCE: / l� 1971, PHOTO INSPECTED 1984 USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP OBTAINED FROM THE USGS STORE AT http://store.usgs.gov/b2c_usgs/b2c/start/%%%28xcm=r3standardpitrex_prd%%%29/.do - DUKE GRAPHIC SCALE FIGURE 1A 500 0 500 1000 40) ENERGY IN FEET IUSGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP WITHOUT CAROLINAS DRAWN BY: J. CHASTAIN DATE: 12/16/2019 LINEAMENTS REVISED BY: DATE:- FRACTURED BEDROCK EVALUATION CHECKED BY: A. ALBERT DATE: 12/16/2019 APPROVED BY: A. ALBERT DATE: 12/16/2019 BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION PROJECT MANAGER: A. ALBERT DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS synTena www.synterracorp.com BELEWS CREEK, NORTH CAROLINA 1 • BELEWS CREEK STEAM V / •' `STATION PA'I EL LINE \ v WASTE BOUNDARY(APP ROXIMATE)� • / ------------------------------- --y - -_- -_ -_ 1 �--- --- ------ASH BASIN'- ---__-- - _- _= ___________- 03 --- — -- —_�_ _ a __ —_ __--- moo__" === __ == =� �=_-__ \ 1, J 800 O • �l 190 IF �j BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION C-) o I I • �i Po r n t • • 1 � J 8 I how THE INFERRED LINEAMENTS (RED DASHED LINES) DEPICTED ON THIS 11 USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP SHOW A WIDE RANGE OF ORIENTATIONS FOR LINEAR FEATURES WITHIN THE ASH BASIN. THE DEPICTED LINEAMENTS oo WERE NOT USED QUALITATIVELY IN A ROSE DIAGRAM. \ SOURCE: / 1 1971, PHOTO INSPECTED 1984 USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP OBTAINED FROM THE USGS STORE AT http,.//store. usgs.gov/ b2c_usgs/b2c/start/%%%28xcm=r3standard pitrex_prd %%%29/.do _ DUKE GRAPHIC SCALE FIGURE 1B 500 0 500 1000 4' ENERGY IN FEET USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP WITH INFERRED CAROLINAS DRAWN BY: J. CHASTAIN DATE:12/16/2019 LINEAMENTS 16 REVISED BY: DATE:- FRACTURED BEDROCK EVALUATION 1p CHECKED BY: A. ALBERT DATE:12/16/2019 APPROVED BY: A. ALBERT DATE:12/16/2019 BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION PROJECT MANAGER: A. ALBERT DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS WnTeaa www.synterracorp.com BELEWS CREEK, NORTH CAROLINA APRIL 15, 1966 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OBTAINED FROM THE USGS EARTH EXPLORER WEB SITE AT DUKE GRAPHIC SCALE FIGURE 2A 500 0 500 1000 4' ENERGY IN FEET 11966 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH WITHOUT CAROLINAS DRAWN BY:J.CHASTAIN DATE:9/7/2019 LINEAMENTS REVISED BY: DATE:- FRACTURED BEDROCK EVALUATION 1 CHECKED BY: A. ALBERT DATE: 9/7/2019 APPROVED BY: A. ALBERT DATE: 9/7/2019 BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION PROJECT MANAGER: A. ALBERT DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS synTeaa www.syrterracorp.com BELEWS CREEK, NORTH CAROLINA IT 90° APRIL 15, 1966 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OBTAINED FROM THE USGS EARTH EXPLORER WEB SITE AT DUKE GRAPHIC SCALE FIGURE 2B 500 0 500 1000 4' ENERGY IN FEET 1966 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH WITH CAROLINAS DRAWN BY: J. CHASTAIN DATE: 9/7/2019 LINEAMENTS 16 REVISED BY: DATE:- FRACTURED BEDROCK EVALUATION CHECKED BY: A. ALBERT DATE: 9/7/2019 APPROVED BY: A. ALBERT DATE: 9/7/2019 BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION PROJECT MANAGER: A. ALBERT DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS synTena www.synterracorp.com BELEWS CREEK, NORTH CAROLINA ® GWA-30S/D GWA-1S/D/BR ® CCR-4S/D CCR-SS/D GWA-20S/SA/D/BR DSO "mot AB-lS/D/BR ' DSO 4 BELEWS RESERVOIR 'COAL PILE STRUCTURAL FILL (CLOSED) FGD LANDFILL CRAIG ROAD LANDFILL A ti AB-2S/D CCR-7SIDQe GWA-32SID MW-103SID 475 �•.. �� . -{r �" r , tea- J� � sIF ® GWA-2SID LEGEND Q DEEP BEDROCK EVALUATION LOCATION INSET SCALE: 1'=100' OO ROCK CORE SAMPLE LOCATION (' DUKE ENERGY® CAROLINAS EXISTING MONITORING WELL ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY - — - — ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY LANDFILL BOUNDARY - - • DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS PROPERTY LINE STREAM (AMEC NRTR) WETLAND (AMEC NRTR) NOTES: THE WATERS OF THE US HAVE NOT BEEN APPROVED BY THE US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS AT THE TIME OF THE MAP CREATION. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION PURPOSES. THE WETLANDS AND STREAMS BOUNDARIES WERE OBTAINED FROM AMEC FOSTER WHEELER ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. NATURAL RESOURCE TECHNICAL REPORT FOR BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION DATED JULY 2, 2015. TOPOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY WSP SURVEY, 2015. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY OBTAINED FROM GOOGLE EARTH PRO ON JUNE 11, 2019. AERAL WAS COLLECTED ON FEBRUARY 3, 2019. DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE - COORDINATE SYSTEM RIPS 3200 (NAD83). GRAPHIC SC FIGURE 3 100 O100 200 DEEP BEDROCK EVALUATION LOCATIONS (IN FEET) FRACTURED BEDROCK EVALUATION DRAWN BY: B. YOUNG DATE: 05/09/2019 C..ALBE DATE: 12/16/2019 BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION CREVISED HECKED CHECKED BY: A. ALBERT DATE: 12/16/2019 APPROVED BY: A. ALBERT DATE: 12/16/2019 BELEWS CREEK, NORTH CAROLINA PROJECT MANAGER: A. ALBERT www.synterracorp.com 1. E+02 1. E+01 1. E+00 1. E-01 T f6 1.E-02 w 3 2 1. E-04 T 2 1. E-05 1. E-06 1. E-07 1. E-08 0 50 100 NOTES: 1. FLASH hydraulic conductivity values calculated from FLASH estimated transmissivity values. 2. SLUG hydraulic conductivity values estimated from slug test data. • C •AB-1BRD FLASH OAB-1BRD SLUG •AB-2BR FLASH OAB-2BR SLUG •AB-2BRD FLASH OAB-2BRD SLUG •AB-3BRD FLASH OAB-3BRD SLUG 150 200 250 300 350 Depth Below Top of Rock (ft) DUKE DRAWN BY: D. AVARD DATE: 07/01/2019 REVISED BY: P. ALTMAN DATE: 11/18/2019 FIGURE 4 ENERG�/ Y CHECKED BY: A. LEFITZ DATE:09/09/2019 HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY _1NA5 APPROVED BY: A.ALBERT DATE:11/20/2019 VERTICAL PROFILE PROJECT MANAGER: A.ALBERT FRACTURED BEDROCK EVALUATION tip BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION BELEWS CREEK, NORTH CAROLINA synTeRa www.synterracorp.com 0.7 0.6 0.5 E £ 0.4 v 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Depth Below Top of Rock (ft) NOTES: 1. FLASH hydraulic aperture values calculated from FLASH estimated transmissivity values. 2. SLUG hydraulic aperture values estimated from slug test data. �. DUKE ENERGY DRAWN BY: D.AVARD REVISED BY: P. ALTMAN CHECKED BY: A. LEFITZ _1NA5 APPROVED BY: A. ALBERT PROJECT MANAGER: A.ALBERT t' synTem DATE:07/01/2019 DATE:11/18/2019 DATE:09/09/2019 DATE:11/20/2019 www.synterracorp.com 6AB-113RD FLASH OA13-113RD SLUG •AB-2BR FLASH OAB-21313 SLUG RAB-213RD FLASH A13-213RD SLUG 0AB-313RD FLASH OAB-313RD SLUG FIGURE 5 HYDRAULIC APERTURE VERTICAL PROFILE FRACTURED BEDROCK EVALUATION BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION BELEWS CREEK, NORTH CAROLINA 12 10 8 4 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Depth Below Top of Rock (ft) NOTES: DUKE DRAWN BY: D. AVARD DATE: 07/01/2019 REVISED BY: P. ALTMAN DATE: 11/18/2019 1. Fracture spacing data shown above are specific to relatively R ENERGY.. CHECKED BY: A. LEFITZ DATE:09/09/2019 transmissive bedrock intervals identified based on HPF logging _iNAS APPROVED BY: A.ALBERT DATE:11/20/2019 and FLASH analysis. PROJECT MANAGER: A.ALBERT 2. Fracture spacing calculated by dividing the length of the t' interval by the number of open fractures identified in that interval. I synTem www.synterracorp.com • AB-1BRD • AB-2BR AB-2BRD • AB-3BRD FIGURE 6 FRACTURE SPACING VERTICAL PROFILE FRACTURED BEDROCK EVALUATION BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION BELEWS CREEK, NORTH CAROLINA 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 A � ow A' (SOUTH) (NORTH) f STRUCTURAL FILL COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY N co o = DAN RIVER - - _O a o a o M d� LD0 m ° N O m m d O N N N I FILL u O>Of Of Oa J Q G'd' J co co coaaaa q�aY �aa IT a" Q Q Q m m m m m m m m m \\ SAPROLITE FILL a a a a a a a a a N N N \— 1/ : I• I ASH FILL a a a \v APPROX. WATER LEVEL-747.6' CD (7 — \ : 1 • •I ASH PORE WATER O O O TRANSITION ZONE 1 N N N COMPLIANCE SAPROLITE 1 BOUNDARY TRANSITION ZONE \�l T? 3 3 3 IUNNAMED I 1 /\/\I/1�/\/\I/1�/ \I 1�/\/♦ 1 _\ I 1\/\ I /li/\/\I/1�/\ 11�/\ / `/\/\I/1�/\/♦/1/ \/\/1/ _\ / \ / / / I: \/`-j\ / I / \// /\ /_\/\I/1//\/\I/1//\/\I/1//\/\I/•1/�\/\I/1//\/� 1\/\/\I/1/�\/\/� \I/ `/ "i,'CL_ /�\�/1//\/\I/1//\/\I/1//\/\I T� /\I/1`/\/\I/1`/\ \I/1`/\/\I/1`/_\ 1 /\/\I/1`/\/\ 1\ BEDROCK / I-77 T� I I / I I ♦/ I I ♦/ I I ♦/ I 7- I ♦/ I I ♦ //\ I I I � I \/ I _ I ♦/ I \ ��/ �"+� \/� \ /I \/ \ \ /I \/ /\\ /I \/ ♦ \ I �/\/ /`� /I \/ \ \ /I \�\/ / \ /I / I / \/'BEDROCK�\ - / \ / I / \/ / \ /I `/ /\yam \/�'� \ \/ /\\ /I \/ ♦ \ /I \l / li \ /I \l \ / \ /I /\ \ J / l / / l � l / / l l / / l l / / l l / / l / / `�} - � l / / l • l l / / l l / / l l / / 1 j.t� 1- / / - �\�\�\/I-\i�i�/I/`l/�\/I-\l/i /I/\//�\/I-\//i/I/\//�\/I-\//i/I/`//�\/I-\//'/'/I/\//�\/I-\/'i /I/`/��\/I-\//i/li�\\/I-`//i/I/\//�\/I-\n`�\/I/\�♦�\/I-\//i /I/\//�\/I 0 125 250 500 HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 500' LEGEND NOTES VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 200' AB 9S WELL IN SHALLOW ZONE AB 9D WELL IN DEEP ZONE AB 9BR WELL IN COMPETENT BEDROCK AB-4S WELL IN ASH PORE WATER GENERALIZED WATER TABLE BEDROCK FRACTURE ORIENTATION GENERALIZED GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION GENERALIZED ASH PORE WATER FLOW DIRECTION GENERALIZED VERTICAL HYDRAULIC GRADIENT ASH ASH PORE WATER FILL —SAPROLITE ® WEATHERED ROCK BEDROCK ASH PORE LAYER WATER LEVEL ELEVATION R SHALLOW GROUNDWATER FLOW ZONE WELL WATER LEVEL ELEVATION DEEP GROUNDWATER FLOW ZONE WELL WATER LEVEL ELEVATION BEDROCK GROUNDWATER FLOW ZONE WELL WATER LEVEL ELEVATION m GEOMEAN BORON CONCENTRATION (ug/L) . WATER LEVEL ELEVATION (NAVD 88) (LABEL COLORING BY FLOW ZONE) WELL SCREEN - — - COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 1. WATER ELEVATIONS REPRESENT THE MANUAL WATER LEVELS COLLECTED FOR APRIL 8,2019 FOR EACH WELL. NOTE ELEVATIONS WITHIN EACH CLUSTER ARE MEASURED IN THE SAME DAY. ASH BASIN POND ELEVATION IS RECORDED FROM APRIL 8, 2019. REFERENCED TO NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM 1988. 2. GEOMEAN BORON CONCENTRATIONS REPRESENT THE GEOMETRIC AVERAGE OF VALID AVAILABLE SAMPLE RESULTS BETWEEN JANUARY, 2018 AND APRIL, 2019. 3. FRACTURES DEPICTED ON THIS CROSS SECTION REPRESENT THE GENERALIZED FRACTURE ORIENTATIONS BASED ON TELEVIEWER LOGGING AT SITE -SPECIFIC BOREHOLES. AS CONCEPTUALLY ILLUSTRATED HERE, TELEVIEWER LOGGING RESULTS DID NOT INDICATE ANY DISTINCT, CONSISTENT FRACTURE SETS, BUT A WIDE VARIETY OF FRACTURE ORIENTATIONS AT THE SITE. THE ACTUAL NUMBER OF FRACTURES IS FAR TOO NUMEROUS TO ILLUSTRATE AT THIS SCALE. IN ADDITION, THE DEPTHS AND LENGTHS OF FRACTURES VERSUS DEPTH ARE CONCEPTUAL ONLY. 4. THE NORTH CAROLINA 02L FOR BORON IS 700 ug/L. 5. PROVISIONAL BACKGROUND THRESHOLD VALUE (PBTV) FOR BORON IS 50 pg/L WITHIN THE SHALLOW, 50 ug/L DEEP, 50 ug/L BEDROCK FLOW ZONES. 6. ALL VERTICAL ELEVATIONS ARE MEASURED IN FEET, NORTH AMERICA VERTICAL DATUM (NAVD) OF 1988. 7. WATER LEVEL IN AB-2BRD IS NOT AT EQUILIBRIUM DUE TO SLOW RECOVERY. MW-200BR IS A FREE FLOWING ARTISAN WELL (WATER LEVEL SHOWN REPRESENTS THE TOP OF THE WELL CASING). CROSS SECTION LOCATION g -a -- B, (WEST) (EAST) COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY 1C to 900 m II. PARCEL y m N NN 0 I- A J r to NNN 3aa �W 800 w If 700 ' _ - 600 ♦/ /\1/ 1 ♦/ / 500 - \ /�- \ \ /`- / - BEDROC 400 ACCELERATED REMEDIATION EXTRACTION SYSTEM 111 BELEWS CREEK ASH BASIN DAM w w w o� � K K Q U wmi ��1a iaaa ; In e e COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY I I Ia I� li \lam \/\1/1�/\/\1,�BEDR6CK✓%\/\1/1�/ X 1 —7-\<> 300 GENERALIZED GROUNDWATER W DIRECTION NORTH 200 _ l'\/ I_ - / i - \ l /` i i \ l /�I i 1 / /` i - . i 1 / / I i - \ l i - / i 1 / I i - \ l i - i 1 / / I i - 1 / i _ i 1 / / I/` 1 - i , l / I i 1 / i - i 1 / / I i - \ l i - i 1 / / I i - 1 / i _ 0 125 250 500 100 HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 500' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 200' LEGEND NOTES FILL I I I 1 1 mv K AB 9S WELL IN SHALLOW ZONE AB 9D WELL IN DEEP ZONE AB 9BR WELL IN COMPETENT BEDROCK AB 4S WELL IN ASH PORE WATER GENERALIZED WATER TABLE BEDROCK FRACTURE ORIENTATION nompo. GENERALIZED VERTICAL HYDRAULIC GRADIENT 0 ASH PORE WATER FILL 0 SAPROLITE ® WEATHERED ROCK BEDROCK ASH PORE LAYER WATER LEVEL ELEVATION SHALLOW GROUNDWATER FLOW ZONE WELL WATER LEVEL ELEVATION DEEP GROUNDWATER FLOW ZONE WELL WATER LEVEL ELEVATION BEDROCK GROUNDWATER FLOW ZONE WELL WATER LEVEL ELEVATION IMI GEOMEAN BORON CONCENTRATION (pg/L) WATER LEVEL ELEVATION (NAVD 88) (LABEL COLORING BY FLOW ZONE) 0 WELL SCREEN 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 1. WATER ELEVATIONS REPRESENT THE MANUAL WATER LEVELS COLLECTED FOR APRIL 8,2019 FOR EACH WELL. NOTE ELEVATIONS WITHIN EACH CLUSTER ARE MEASURED IN THE SAME DAY. ASH BASIN POND ELEVATION IS RECORDED FROM APRIL 8, 201-9. REFERENCED TO NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM 1988. 2. GEOMEAN BORON CONCENTRATIONS REPRESENT THE GEOMETRIC AVERAGE OF VALID AVAILABLE SAMPLE RESULTS BETWEEN JANUARY, 2018 AND APRIL, 2019. 3. FRACTURES DEPICTED ON THIS CROSS SECTION REPRESENT THE GENERALIZED FRACTURE ORIENTATIONS BASED ON TELEVIEWER LOGGING AT SITE -SPECIFIC BOREHOLES. AS CONCEPTUALLY ILLUSTRATED HERE, TELEVIEWER LOGGING RESULTS DID NOT INDICATE ANY DISTINCT, CONSISTENT FRACTURE SETS, BUT A WIDE VARIETY OF FRACTURE ORIENTATIONS AT THE SITE. THE ACTUAL NUMBER OF FRACTURES IS FAR TOO NUMEROUS TO ILLUSTRATE AT THIS SCALE. IN ADDITION, THE DEPTHS AND LENGTHS OF FRACTURES VERSUS DEPTH ARE CONCEPTUAL ONLY. 4. THE NORTH CAROLINA 02L FOR BORON IS 700 pg/L. 5. PROVISIONAL BACKGROUND THRESHOLD VALUE (PBTV) FOR BORON IS 50 pg/L WITHIN THE SHALLOW, 50 pg/L DEEP, 50 pg/L BEDROCK FLOW ZONES. 6. ALL VERTICAL ELEVATIONS ARE MEASURED IN FEET, NORTH AMERICA VERTICAL DATUM (NAVD) - — - COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY OF 1988. CROSS SECTION LOCATION Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC — Belews Creek Steam Station ATTACHMENT A SynTerra BORING LOGS, WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORDS, AND WELL DEVELOPMENT LOGS PROJECT: Belews Creek Deep Bedrock Evaluation WELL/BORING NO: AB-01BRD PROJECT NO: 1026.20.18 STARTED: 02-04-19 COMPLETED: 03-11-19 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration NORTHING: 928,647.89 EASTING: 1,682,527.0 DRILLING METHOD: HSA / Mud Rotary / Air Hammer G.S. ELEV: 769.85 M.P. ELEV: 769.85 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10" / 8" / 4" DEPTH TO WATER: 98.56 TOTAL DEPTH: 310.85 NOTES: LOGGED BY: DAA CHECKED BY: COE r V 5.7 (in) 6.2 w ^ _ OJ DESCRIPTION > c� j WELL CONSTRUCTION sPF-Ambien 0.— O50 Lu C (9 ) (A 0 V PF Puumpmg 0 0.00 OS Own) po u. gpo I. 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 T T : Silty Sand: reddish brown, dry, cohesive (FILL) Sandy Silt: reddish brown, high mica content, dry (FILL) light brown, moist, cohesive, high mica content (FILL) light brown, increasing moisture, cohesive, high mica content (FILL) yellowish brown, saturated, high mica content/some rock fragments (FILL) auger refusal at 78' Schist: dark grey mica schist with hornblende, foliated light grey mica schist with hornblende and quartz Well Cap Cementitious Grout Cementitious Grout Sch 40 8" PVC Casing Aquaguard Grout 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Walnut Cove, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 ynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 4 PROJECT: Belews Creek Deep Bedrock Evaluation WELL/BORING NO: AB-01BRD PROJECT NO: 1026.20.18 STARTED: 02-04-19 COMPLETED: 03-11-19 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration NORTHING: 928,647.89 EASTING: 1,682,527.0 DRILLING METHOD: HSA / Mud Rotary / Air Hammer G.S. ELEV: 769.85 M.P. ELEV: 769.85 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10" / 8" / 4" DEPTH TO WATER: 98.56 TOTAL DEPTH: 310.85 NOTES: LOGGED BY: DAA CHECKED BY: COE r V 5.7 (in) 6.2 w ^ _ OJ DESCRIPTION > c� j WELL CONSTRUCTION sPF-Ambien 0.00O50 Lu C i9 ) (A 0 V Puumpmg 0 0.0(pPF OS Own) po u. gpo 130 135 light grey mica schist, rock strength increasing with 140 depth 145 Schist: grey/green greenschist with mica, chlorite, 150 feldspar and quartz ' ' Sch 80 2" PVC Casing 155 160 Cementitious Schist: grey mica schist with quartz, hornblende and garnet Grout 165 dark grey platy mica schist with quartz, 170 hornblende, accessory pyrite and garnet 175 180 185 \ \ 190 Schist: very strong greenschist with prominent 195 chlorite and some pyrite veins 200 205 Schist: dark grey/brown mica schist with minor pyrite and quartz. Some chlorite, quartz, garnet 210 and mica graded in. 215 220 Cementitious 225 \ \ Grout 230 235 240 245 dark grey/brown mafic cuttings comprised of mica schist and minor quartz. 250 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Walnut Cove, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 ynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 4 PROJECT: Belews Creek Deep Bedrock Evaluation WELL/BORING NO: AB-01BRD PROJECT NO: 1026.20.18 STARTED: 02-04-19 COMPLETED: 03-11-19 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration NORTHING: 928,647.89 EASTING: 1,682,527.0 DRILLING METHOD: HSA / Mud Rotary / Air Hammer G.S. ELEV: 769.85 M.P. ELEV: 769.85 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10" / 8" / 4" DEPTH TO WATER: 98.56 TOTAL DEPTH: 310.85 NOTES: LOGGED BY: DAA CHECKED BY: COE r V 5.7 (in) 6.2 w ^ _ OJ DESCRIPTION > c� j WELL CONSTRUCTION sPF-Ambien 0.00O50 Lu C i9 ) (A 0 V Puumpmg 0 0.0(pPF OS Own) po u. gpo 255 260 265 270 275 280 285 290 295 300 305 310 315 320 325 330 335 340 345 350 355 360 365 370 375 380 very strong, dark grey mica schist with quartz and accessory garnet and pyrite Schist: greenschist with prevalent chlorite, quartz and plagioclase. Some accessory garnet. foliated greenschist with chlorite, quartz and feldspar. grey/green cuttings, increasing strength with depth very strong, foliated greenschist, black/green fine grained cuttings with minor quartz Bentonite Seal Sand Pack Screen Sand backfill Bentonite Pellet Backfill 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Walnut Cove, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 ynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 4 PROJECT: Belews Creek Deep Bedrock Evaluation WELL/BORING NO: AB-01BRD PROJECT NO: 1026.20.18 STARTED: 02-04-19 COMPLETED: 03-11-19 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration NORTHING: 928,647.89 EASTING: 1,682,527.0 DRILLING METHOD: HSA / Mud Rotary / Air Hammer G.S. ELEV: 769.85 M.P. ELEV: 769.85 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10" / 8" / 4" DEPTH TO WATER: 98.56 TOTAL DEPTH: 310.85 NOTES: LOGGED BY: DAA CHECKED BY: COE r V 5.7 (in) 6.2 w ^ _ OJ DESCRIPTION > c� j WELL CONSTRUCTION sPF-Ambien 0.00O50 Lu C i9 ) (A 0 V Puumpmg 0 0.0(pPF OS Own) po u. gpo 385 390 395 400 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Walnut Cove, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 symTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 4 OF 4 PROJECT: Belews Creek Deep Bedrock Evaluation WELL/BORING NO: AB-02BR PROJECT NO: 1026.20.18 STARTED: 01-30-19 COMPLETED: 03-12-19 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration NORTHING: 928,574.08 EASTING: 1,683,133.2 DRILLING METHOD: HSA / Mud Rotary / Air Hammer G.S. ELEV: 770.81 M.P. ELEV: 770.81 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10" / 8" / 4" DEPTH TO WATER: 43.32 TOTAL DEPTH: 175.00 NOTES: LOGGED BY: DAA CHECKED BY: COE r V 6.1 (in) 6.4 w ^ _ OJ DESCRIPTION > c� j WELL CONSTRUCTION SPF-Ambien 0.— 020 Lu C (9 (A 0 V PF Puum) 0 0.00 pmg 02 Own) po u. gpo I. E 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 ,- Sandy Silt: reddish brown, some mica present (FILL) reddish brown, moist, mica present with small rock fragments (FILL) T T : T T Silty Sand: brown, moist to saturated, cohesive, mica present (FILL) Sandy Silt: light brown, saturated, some mica and small rock fragments, cohesive, non -plastic (FILL) reddish brown, saturated, increasing mica content (FILL) Auger refusal at 120' Schist: light/dark grey mica schist with hornblende, feldspar and some quartz. Well Cap Cementitious Grout Cementitious Grout Sch 40 8" PVC Casing Sch 80 2" PVC Casing 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Walnut Cove, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 ynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Belews Creek Deep Bedrock Evaluation WELL/BORING NO: AB-02BR PROJECT NO: 1026.20.18 STARTED: 01-30-19 COMPLETED: 03-12-19 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration NORTHING: 928,574.08 EASTING: 1,683,133.2 DRILLING METHOD: HSA / Mud Rotary / Air Hammer G.S. ELEV: 770.81 M.P. ELEV: 770.81 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10" / 8" / 4" DEPTH TO WATER: 43.32 TOTAL DEPTH: 175.00 NOTES: LOGGED BY: DAA CHECKED BY: COE r V 6.1 (in) 6.4 w ^ _ OJ DESCRIPTION > c� j WELL CONSTRUCTION SPF-Ambien 0.00020 Lu C i9 ) (A 0 V Puumpmg 0 0.0(pPF 02 Own) po u. gpo 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 Aquaguard Grout Cementitious Grout Bentonite Seal Sand Pack Screen Sand Backfill Bentonite Pellet Backfill 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Walnut Cove, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 ynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Belews Creek Deep Bedrock Evaluation WELL/BORING NO: AB-2BRD PROJECT NO: 1026.20.18 STARTED: 01-11-19 COMPLETED: 03-12-19 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration NORTHING: 928,577.28 EASTING: 1,683,175.9 DRILLING METHOD: HSA / Mud Rotary / Air Hammer G.S. ELEV: 770.91 M.P. ELEV: 770.91 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10" / 8" / 4" DEPTH TO WATER: 93.73 TOTAL DEPTH: 279.06 NOTES: LOGGED BY: DAA CHECKED BY: COE r V 5.5 (in) 6.0 w ^ _ OJ DESCRIPTION > c� j WELL CONSTRUCTION SPF-Ambien 0.— 800 Lu C (9 ) (A 0 V PF Puumpmg 0 0.00 80 Own) po u. gpo I. 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 T T : Silty Sand: reddish brown, micaceous (FILL) T T : T.' TT : Silty Sand: light brown, micaceous (FILL) light brown, micaceous, saturated, cohesive (FILL) — — Sandy Silt: reddish brown, moist, cohesive, few small mica schist fragments (FILL) reddish brown, saturated, cohesive, micaceous (FILL) ,- Sandy Silt: reddish brown, moist, with fragments of mica schist (SAPROLITE) reddish brown, increasing fragments of mica schist, saturated, (SAPROLITE) Auger refusal at 125' Well Cap Cementitious Grout Cementitious Grout 8" Sch 40 PVC Casing 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Walnut Cove, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 ynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 4 PROJECT: Belews Creek Deep Bedrock Evaluation WELL/BORING NO: AB-2BRD PROJECT NO: 1026.20.18 STARTED: 01-11-19 COMPLETED: 03-12-19 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration NORTHING: 928,577.28 EASTING: 1,683,175.9 DRILLING METHOD: HSA / Mud Rotary / Air Hammer G.S. ELEV: 770.91 M.P. ELEV: 770.91 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10" / 8" / 4" DEPTH TO WATER: 93.73 TOTAL DEPTH: 279.06 NOTES: LOGGED BY: DAA CHECKED BY: COE r V 5.5 (in) 6.0 w ^ _ OJ DESCRIPTION > c� j WELL CONSTRUCTION SPF-Ambien 0.00800 Lu C i9 ) (A 0 V Puumpmg 0 0.0(pPF 80 Own) po u. gpo Schist: dark grey, mica schist with amphibolite and 130 hornblende 135 ;\, '\ ; 2" Sch 80 PVC Casing 140 145 Aquaguard Grout 150 Cementitious 155 Grout 160 dark grey, mica schist with hornblende and feldspar 165 170 175 very strong, dark grey mica schist, with minor 180 quartz Cementitious 185 Grout 190 195 6" Sch 80 PVC grey/dark grey mica schist with quartz Casing 200 , 205 210 dark grey foliated mica schist 215 220 225 Gneiss: grey, biotite hornblende gniess with garnet. 230 Cementitious Grout 235 240 Schist: greenschist with chlorite, quartz and 245 plagioclase 250 Gneiss: dark grey biotite gniess with hornblende, 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Walnut Cove, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 ynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 4 PROJECT: Belews Creek Deep Bedrock Evaluation WELL/BORING NO: AB-2BRD PROJECT NO: 1026.20.18 STARTED: 01-11-19 COMPLETED: 03-12-19 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration NORTHING: 928,577.28 EASTING: 1,683,175.9 DRILLING METHOD: HSA / Mud Rotary / Air Hammer G.S. ELEV: 770.91 M.P. ELEV: 770.91 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10" / 8" / 4" DEPTH TO WATER: 93.73 TOTAL DEPTH: 279.06 NOTES: LOGGED BY: DAA CHECKED BY: COE r V 5.5 (in) 6.0 w ^ _ OJ DESCRIPTION > c� j WELL CONSTRUCTION SPF-Ambien 0.00800 Lu C i9 ) (A 0 V Puumpmg 0 0.0(pPF 80 Own) po u. gpo 255 260 265 270 275 280 285 290 295 300 305 310 315 320 325 330 335 340 345 350 355 360 365 370 375 380 quartz, and garnet Schist: grey mica schist with accessory garnet and pyrite. Schist: greenschist with chlorite, quartz, accessory garnet and pyrite. foliated greenschist with chlorite, mica, feldspar and quartz very strong, foliated greenschist with chlorite, prevalent quartz, and feldspar greenschist with chlorite, quartz and plagioclase Bentonite Seal Sand Pack Screen Sand Backfill Bentonite Pellet Backfill 41p SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Walnut Cove, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 ynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 4 PROJECT: Belews Creek Deep Bedrock Evaluation WELL/BORING NO: AB-2BRD PROJECT NO: 1026.20.18 STARTED: 01-11-19 COMPLETED: 03-12-19 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration NORTHING: 928,577.28 EASTING: 1,683,175.9 DRILLING METHOD: HSA / Mud Rotary / Air Hammer G.S. ELEV: 770.91 M.P. ELEV: 770.91 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10" / 8" / 4" DEPTH TO WATER: 93.73 TOTAL DEPTH: 279.06 NOTES: LOGGED BY: DAA CHECKED BY: COE r V 5.5 (in) 6.0 w ^ _ OJ DESCRIPTION > c� j WELL CONSTRUCTION SPF-Ambien 0.00800 Lu C i9 ) (A 0 V Puumpmg 0 0.0(pPF 80 Own) po u. gpo 385 390 395 400 41p SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Walnut Cove, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 4 OF 4 PROJECT: Belews Creek Deep Bedrock Evaluation WELL/BORING NO: AB-03BR PROJECT NO: 1028.20.18 STARTED: 01-02-19 COMPLETED: 03-12-19 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration NORTHING: 928,710.37 EASTING: 1,683,769.7 DRILLING METHOD: HSA / Mud Rotary / Air Hammer G.S. ELEV: 770.14 M.P. ELEV: 770.14 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10" / 8" / 4" DEPTH TO WATER: 92.40 TOTAL DEPTH: 273.45 NOTES: LOGGED BY: DAA CHECKED BY: COE r V 5.3 (in) 5.8 w ay p DESCRIPTION V H H WELL CONSTRUCTION 0 OF-Ambien 000 Lu J (gpr) O HH 0.02PF-Pumping1.00 Own) po u. gpo I. E 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 ... Sandy Silt: dry, fine grained, loose (FILL) moist, orange/brown, with weathered small fragments of mica schist (FILL) moist, orange/brown, small mica schist fragments, loose (FILL) Silt: light brown, saturated, increasing mica schist fragments (SAPROLITE) T T T T' T T • Silty Sand: light brown, saturated, with mica schist and quartz (SAPROLITE) Auger refusal at 103' Schist: amphibolite mica schist with quartz Schist: mica schist with quartz and accessory garnet mica schist with quartz, garnet, and accessory Well Cap Cementitious Grout 8" Sch 40 PVC Casing 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy, Carolinas LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Walnut Cove, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 ynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 4 PROJECT: Belews Creek Deep Bedrock Evaluation WELL/BORING NO: AB-03BR PROJECT NO: 1028.20.18 STARTED: 01-02-19 COMPLETED: 03-12-19 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration NORTHING: 928,710.37 EASTING: 1,683,769.7 DRILLING METHOD: HSA / Mud Rotary / Air Hammer G.S. ELEV: 770.14 M.P. ELEV: 770.14 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10" / 8" / 4" DEPTH TO WATER: 92.40 TOTAL DEPTH: 273.45 NOTES: LOGGED BY: DAA CHECKED BY: COE r V 5.3 (in) 5.8 w ay p DESCRIPTION V H H WELL CONSTRUCTION 0 OF-Ambien 000 Lu J (gpm) O HH 0.02PF-Pumping1.00 Own) po u. gpo 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 245 250 2" Sch 80 PVC Casing 6" Sch 80 PVC Casing Cementitious Grout Cementitious Grout Bentonite Seal 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy, Carolinas LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Walnut Cove, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 ynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 4 PROJECT: Belews Creek Deep Bedrock Evaluation WELL/BORING NO: AB-03BR PROJECT NO: 1028.20.18 STARTED: 01-02-19 COMPLETED: 03-12-19 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration NORTHING: 928,710.37 EASTING: 1,683,769.7 DRILLING METHOD: HSA / Mud Rotary / Air Hammer G.S. ELEV: 770.14 M.P. ELEV: 770.14 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10" / 8" / 4" DEPTH TO WATER: 92.40 TOTAL DEPTH: 273.45 NOTES: LOGGED BY: DAA CHECKED BY: COE r V 5.3 (in) 5.8 w ay p DESCRIPTION V H H WELL CONSTRUCTION 0 OF-Ambien 000 Lu J (gpm) O HH 0.02PF-Pumping1.00 Own) po u. gpo 255 260 265 270 275 280 285 290 295 300 305 310 315 320 325 330 335 340 345 350 355 360 365 370 375 380 Sand Pack Screen Sand Backfill Bentonite Pellet Backfill 41P SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy, Carolinas LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Walnut Cove, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 ynTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 4 PROJECT: Belews Creek Deep Bedrock Evaluation WELL/BORING NO: AB-03BR PROJECT NO: 1028.20.18 STARTED: 01-02-19 COMPLETED: 03-12-19 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration NORTHING: 928,710.37 EASTING: 1,683,769.7 DRILLING METHOD: HSA / Mud Rotary / Air Hammer G.S. ELEV: 770.14 M.P. ELEV: 770.14 BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10" / 8" / 4" DEPTH TO WATER: 92.40 TOTAL DEPTH: 273.45 NOTES: LOGGED BY: DAA CHECKED BY: COE r V 5.3 (in) 5.8 w ay p DESCRIPTION V H H WELL CONSTRUCTION 0 OF-Ambien 000 Lu J (gpm) O HH 0.02PF-Pumping1.00 Own) po u. gpo 385 390 395 400 41p SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy, Carolinas LLC 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Walnut Cove, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s mTerra Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 4 OF 4 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or mulliple wells 1. Well Contractor Information: NiCHOLAS HAYES Well Contractor Name A - 4121 NC Well Contractor Certification Number GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit k: Liu all applicable uvlt c•orestruco nt perndrs (t e. C-aunnt State, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: OAgricultural OMulicipal/Pubhc CGeothermal (Heating/Coohng Supply) ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑Industrial/Commercial ❑Residential Water Supply (Shared) 0irrigation Non -Water Supply Nell: ©Monitoring, ORecovery ❑Aquifer Recharge OAquiter Storage and Recovery O Aq ui t& Test OExperimental Technology DGeothermal (Closed Loup) DGeothermal (I-Icahng/Cooling OGraundwater Remediation OSalinity Barrier OStormwatcr Drainage ❑Subsidence Control OTracer OUther (explain under #21 F 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 03/12/19 hell ID# AB-1 B RD 5a, Well Location: BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION Fact lity/Owtier Name Facility ID9 (i£applicable) 3195 PINE HALL ROAD BELEWS CREEK 27009 Physical Address, Crty, and Zip STOKES County Facet Identification No (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degree (i£well field• one tat long is suf lcrent) 36' 17' 18.21" N 80' 04' 29.02" 6. is (are) the well(s): ©Permanent or ❑Temporar) For Internal Use UNLI' 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. ft, ft. ft. 15. OUTER CASING for multi -cased wells) OR LINER if a Rcable) FROM TO DIAMETER TIIICKNESS MATERIAL, 0.0 f1. 160.0 ft. 8.0 in. SCH 80 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING eothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER 'THICKNESS MATERIAL 0.0 D' 300.0 R- 2.0 in. SCH 40 PVC ft. ft. in. 17. SCREEN TO DIAMETER SLOTSIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL F 310.0 ft,2.0 m 010 SCH 40 PVC" ft. 18. GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENTMETI1OD&AMOUNr 0.0 ft. 290.0 ft-PORTLWaaENTONITE SLURRY Q,0 ft. 160.0 ft- Paftn.NNaaENTONITE SLURRY ft, ft. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENTMETHOD 295.0 ft. 315.0 ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND ft. ft. 20. DRILLING LOC attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION iralar, hardness, soitI o k s rain sin, etc.) 0.0 ft• 25.0 e. BROWN/RED SILT 25.0 fL 66.0 ft• BROWN SiLT 66.0 ft- 78.0 ff• PWR 78.0 fr• 400.0 ft• ROCK ft. It. I ft. ft. ft, ft. 21. REMARKS BENTONITE SEAL FROM 290.0 TO 295.0 FT & 315.0 TO 400.0 FT "U-PACK SCREEN" s' 22. Certification: 03/20/19 Signature ol'Cenified Well Contractor Date 7, Is this it repair to an existing well: ❑Yes or ONo t('thtc r.s o repair, lilt out known well cort.simciron htfirrrnatturr and explain the mature a/tire repair under 21 renrarkv veetion or on the back nJ this furor. 8. Number of wells constructed: 1 Ic mohiple hijec nun or nun-wuter.snpplr av/4 ONLY with the .same construction. you can m,hom tine form. Kr .signing rhiv Jorm, 1 hurehr certify thnr the irelt(.cJ alas 61 ere) constructed in accurdauce troth 15,1 NC'A' 112C , 0Hl0 ar /jA NCA- 02C. 02011 tpe4l Cunsiructiurr Stwuh-1,, and thin o rape aJ this record has been provided to the trait asrner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 9. Total well depth below land surface: 310.0 ` p (ft.) 24a. For A31 Wells: Submit this form vvrthm 30 days of completion of well hirr multiple welts Im all depttry if different (example- 3 a 200' and 2dtJ001 construction t0 the following: i0, Static water level below top of casing: 99.12 (ft-)Division of Water Quality, information Processing Unit, y roarer level iv ubore covoix, uve ' 1617 Nlail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 11. Borehole diameter: 12.017.875/9.87516.0 (in.) 24b. For lniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a AUGER/MUD ROTARY/AIR above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12, Well construction method: construction to the following: t i.e. auger, rotary, cable, dricct push, etc.) Division of Water Quality, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. field (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & lniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form 0!v-I Nonh Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of water Oualih devised tau. 2013, WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Information: NICHOLAS HAYES Well Contractor Name A-4121 NC Well Contractor Certification Number GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. County. State. Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: ❑Agricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑ Industrial/Commercial Water ❑Aquifer Recharge El Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling ❑Municipal/Public ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) ❑Groundwater Remediation ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Stormwater Drainage ❑Subsidence Control ❑Tracer ❑Other (explain under #21 1 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 03/12/19 Well ID# A13-213RD 5a. Well Location: BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (ifapplicable) 3195 PINE HALL ROAD BELEWS CREEK 27009 Physical Address, City, and Zip STOKES County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees (if well field, one ]at/long is sufficient) 36e 17' 18.21" N 800 04' 29.02" 6. Is (are) the well(s): 2Permanent or ❑Temporary W 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ❑Yes or ElNo /J'this is a repair, Jill out known well construction in/brntation and explain the nature of the repair under #21 remarks section or on the back of this form. S. Number of wells constructed: 1 For multiple injection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the same construction, you can submit one,/orm. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 279.1 (ft.) For multiple wells list all depths ifdifferent erent (example- 3@200' and 2@100') 10. Static water level below top of casing: 95.03 (ft.) 1f water level is above caring, use ••+" 11. Borehole diameter: 12.0/9.875/10.0/6.0 (in.) AUGER/MUD ROTARY/AIR For Internal Use ONLY: 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. ft. ft. ft. 15.OUTER CASING for multi -cased wells OR LINER if a licable FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0.0 ft 158.0 ft 8.0 1" 1 SCH 80 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING(geothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0.0 ft. 269.1 ft. 2.0 in. SCH 40 PVC 0.0 ft' 210.0 ft' 6.0 in. SCH 80 PVC 17. SCREEN TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL FFROM 269.1 ft' 279.1 ft. 2.0 in' .010 SCH 40 PVC** ft. ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM I TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT 0.0 ft' 256.0 ft' PORTLANDBENTONITE SLURRY 0.0 ft, 210.0 ft. PORTLANDBENTONRE SLURRY 0.0 f- 158.0 ft- PORTLANDBENTONITE SLURRY 19, SAND/GRAVEL PACK if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 264.0 ft• 284.0 ft' 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND ft. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION color, hardness, soil/rock type, rain size, etc. 0.0 ft. 40.0 ft. RED/BROWN SILT 40.0 ft• 117.0 ft• BROWN SILT 117.0 ft• 124.0 it' PWR 124.0 ft' 400.0 ft. ROCK ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. 21. REMARKS BENTONITE SEAL FROM 256.0 TO 264.0 FT & 284.0 TO 400.0 FT **U-PACK SCREEN** 22. Certification: Signature of Certified Well Contractor 03/20/19 Date By signing this form, I herebi, certify that the wells) was (were) constructed in accordance with 1 SA NCAC 02C .0100 or IJA NCAC 01C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy o/ this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Quality, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12. Well construction method: construction to the following: (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push. etc.) Division of Water Quality, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-I North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality Revised Jan. 2013 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This farm can be used lot single or nuiluple wells 1. Well Contractor information: NICHOLAS HAYES well Contractor Nano A - 4121 NC AA'ell Contractor Certification Number GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: list alf upplu ohle tall c+tnsirm it /?grunts (t c. r'avnrv, stare, t itrianc e, et, 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: ❑AgriculRual OGeothermal (rieating(Cooling Supply) O I ndustr is l/Commercial OMumcipal/Public OResidential Water Supply (single) OResidential Water Supply (shared) j Non -Water Supply Well: j GnMumturina ORecovery DAquifer Recharge DAquii'er Storage and Recovery OAquiier Test OExperimental Technology OGcothermal (Closed i_oup) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: OGroundwater Remediation ❑Salinity Barrier OStormwater Drainage OSubsidence Control OTracer ❑Other (explain under 921 G 03/12/19 Well ID# AB-2BR 5a. Well Location: BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION FnciInylOwuer Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 3195 PINE HALL ROAD BELEWS CREEK 27009 Phu sical Address, City, and Zip STOKES Connty Parcel Identification No. (PIN) Sb. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (itivcll field, one hit/long is sufflcientl 36a 17' 18.21" N 800 04' 29,02" 6. Is (tire) the vvetl(s): ©Permanent or OTemporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ❑!'es or ©No if [It. is a repair, Jill our knamn hell consiructino injirmanoir aacl explain the nature of'the reixtir under i:21 rerrtarks .suction ar an the hack r f this form. 8. Number of wells constructed: 1 1-iir whipte• iniectlon or nary-u aier suppfy trolls OA'/. )' tvith the .same construction.wit earl .suhmir o re fitrrn. 9. Toad well depth below land surface: 175.0 (ft.) Far multiph, ''ells lieu al! depths J'Jtj/vrcirl (example- s tt 00' and 2 rt 1(101 10. Static wader level below top of casing: 43.42 (ft.) l/ maler level is ahove casing, rise " 11. Borehole diameter: 12.0/9.875/6.0 (ia) 12. Well construction method: AUGER/MUD ROTARY/AIR (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, daect push, etc.) For Internal Use ONLY 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION D. ft. tr. rr. IS. OUTER CASING (for multi -cased wellst OR LINER if licuble FROM TO mAht ETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0,0 ft 157.Q ft• 8.0 i" SGH 80 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR Tt!BING(geothermal closed-loa FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0.0 ft' 165.0 ft• 2.0 in. SCH 40 PVC ft. I ft. in. 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 165.0ft• 175_Q ft' 2.0 in. .010 SCH 40 PVC`" ft. ft. in. IS. GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEDt ENTINETIIOD&,iMOUNT 0.0 ft. 155.0 ft. aoarV.vo9Enr0rtlTE SLURRY 0.0 ft- 157.0 ft• -Fir-aaENTO 'E SLURRY ft. ft. 19. SANDIGRAV'EL PACK: ifa licable FROM TO ril T RIAL EMPLACEMENTMETHOD 160.0 e• 180.0 ft- 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND fL ft. 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets if necessa FROM TO DESCRIPTION (valor, hardness, spill-k qrse, grain siu, etc,) 0.0 ft- 15.0 ft- RED CLAY 15.0 ft' 80.0 H• BROWN/RED SiLT 80.0 ft' 108.0 ft• BROWN SILT 108.0 ft. 119.0 ft. PWR 119.0 H• 240.0 ft• ROCK ft. ft. ft. ft. 21. REMARKS BENTONITE SEAL FROM 155.0 TO 160.0 FT & 180.0 TO 245.0 FT **U-PACK SCREEN** 22. Certification: Signature ofCertified well Contractor 03/20/19 Date Hy stgning this f wm, f herehy eerlyj, that the ire/l(s) va.s (mere/ cutmoseted in acerirdutrce irirh 15.4 NUAC 02C,0100 or 13A NC'AC tt2C .G200 hell C rin.structirin Standards and that a copy rJ this record liar heert provided m rite ti ell otraer. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTiONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this torm within 30 days of completion of well construction to the iollowmg: Division of Water Quality, information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b, For Injection Wells: to addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Quality, Underground Injection Control Program FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 ,Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gpnl) Alethod of test: lac• For Water Supply & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of tab. Disinfection type: Amount completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GA` -I North Carolina Department of Environment and Nanaal Resources - Division of water Quality Revised Jan. 2013 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Information: NICHOLAS HAYES Well Contractor Name A - 4121 NC Well Contractor Certification Number GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. County. State, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: ❑Agricultural ❑Municipal/Public ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑ Industrial/Commercial ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) ❑Irri ation Non -Water Supply Well: 17Monitoring ❑Recovery Injection Well: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Groundwater Remediation ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Aquifer Test ❑Stormwater Drainage ❑Experimental Technology.. - ❑Subsidence Control ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Tracer ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) ❑Other (explain under #21 Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 03/13/19 Well ID# AB-36R 5a. Well Location: BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 3195 PINE HALL ROAD BELEWS CREEK 27009 Physical Address, City, and Zip STOKES County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (ifwell field, one ]at/long is sufficient) 360 17' 18.21" N 800 04' 29.02" W 6. Is (are) the well(s): ©Permanent or ❑Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ❑Yes or ElNo I/'this is a repair. fill out known well construction inlbrmation and explain the nature ofthe repair under #21 remarks section or on the back of this form. 8. Number of wells constructed: 1 For multiple injection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the same construction, you can ,submit one farm. 9. Total well depth below iand surface: 273.5 For multiple wells list all depths ifdijierent (example- 3@200' and 1@l00') 10. Stack water level below top of casing: 92.16 If water level is above casing, use "+ 11. Borehole diameter: 12.0/9.875/10.0/6.0 (in.) 12. Well construction method: AUGER/MUD ROTARY/AIR (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: For Internal Use ONLY: 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. ft. ft. ft. 15.OUTER CASING for multi -cased wells OR LINER if applicable) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS1 MATERIAL 0.0 ft• 108.0 ft' 1 8.0 in.SCH 80 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING(geothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0.0 1" 263.5 I'L 2.0 in. SCH 40 PVC 0.0 ft' 180.0 f° 6.0 in. SCH 80 PVC 17.SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 263.5 ft' 273.5 it. 2.0 in. .010 SCH 40 PVC** ft. ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT 0.0 ft' 252.0 ft' PORTLANDBENTONITE SLURRY 0.0 IL 180.0 ft- PORTLANDBENTONITE SLURRY 0.0 ft- 108.0 ft- PORTLANDBENTONITE SLURRY 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL I EMPLACEM17ENT METHOD 258.0 ft• 278.0 ft' 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND ft, ft. 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION color, hardness, soiVrock type, grain size, etc.) 0.0 ft- 40.0 ft. RED/BROWN SILT 40.0 ft' 80.0 ft• BROWN SILT 80.0 ft• 94.0 ft• BROWN SILTY PWR 94.0 ft• 100.0 ft' PWR 100.0 ft• 400.0 ft- ROCK ft. ft. ft. ft. 21. REMARKS BENTONITE SEAL FROM 252.0 TO 258.0 FT & 278.0 TO 400.0 FT `*U-PACK SCREEN** 22. Certification: A./- 03/20/19 Signature of Certified Well Contractor Date By signing this form, I herebv certh, that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with 15A NCAC 01C .0100 or 1 SA NCAC 02C .0100 Well Construction Standards and that a copy oithis record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Quality, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Quality, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-I North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality Revised Jan. 2013 GROUNDWATER WELL DEVELOPMENT DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 Greenville, South Carolina 29601 (864) 421.9999 . (864) 421-9909 Fax www.synTerracorp.com WELL ID: _3 WELL DEVELOPMENT LOG A FIELD PERSONNEL: -W MEASURING POINT: TOC WELL DIAMETER: 2- WELL DEPTH: ? 73Y5 (FT) DEPTH TO WATER: 92, qb (FT) WEATHER: ("SUNNY ❑ OVERCAST ❑ RAIN TEMPERATURE (APPROX): 10 F NOTES: ff // START DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE: �•//�• �� /�2�Q END DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE: TOTAL VOL PURGED: DEVELOPMENT METHOD: ❑ Grundfos Pump ❑ 12 Volt Pump ❑ Polyethylene Bailer v 4�4�F,�i� DATE TIME VOL TEMPERATURE (" Celsius) DO CONDUCTANCE (mg/L) (AS/CM) PH _ (su) ORP` TURBIDITY` NOTES (mV) (NTU) 3 W ZD 3, oD 7,33 oo 4444 _Z Milos o�� -7014 COMMENTS: FIELD VEHICLE ACCESSIBLEOYES ❑ NO Associated midday/end-of-day DO, conductivity, pH within range? (See calibration sheet for this sample date) ❑ YES ❑ NO. If NO, which parameter . NOTE that reported data should be considered as flagged accordingly. " SynTerra is not NC -certified for these parameters. Data collected for information purposes only _VGOODI WELL TAG ❑BAD ❑NONE PROTECTIVE CASING GOOD I LOCK BAD ❑NONE ,GOOD CAP ❑BAD ❑ NONE CONCRETE PAD GOOD ❑BAD ❑NONE GOOD ❑BAD FEINONE P:IDuke Energy Progress.1026\00 FIELD PAPERWORK1Well Development Log - DEC.doc GROUNDWATER WELL DEVELOPMENT DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 Greenville, South Carolina 29601 (864)421-9999 .(864)421-9909 Fax www.synTerracorp.com WELL DEVELOPMENT LOG WELL ID: '7L,8 MEASURING POINT: TOC WELL DIAMETER: Z 0 WELL DEPTH: 1-75 (FT) DEPTH TO WATER: (FT) FIELD PERSONNEL: WEATHER: P,SUNNY ❑ OVERCAST ❑ RAIN TEMPERATURE (APPROX):(1) F NOTES: "'t llu START DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE: END DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE: TOTAL VOL PURGED: /J DEVELOPMENT METHOD: ❑ Grundfos Pump ❑ 12 Volt Pump ❑ Polyethylene Bailer 1--Ak, DATE TIME VOL TEMPERATURE (° Celsius) I DO CONDUCTANCE (mg/L) (µS/cm) pH ORP• TURBIDITY* NOTES (su) (mV) (NTU) /% 0.23 /,/� 2-6 s,-) 16, le i o5 tj 1.06 -5�3 .519z- 112B Zs, i7SS 15' lfpy 114/0z- 9. S COMMENTS: FIELD VEHICLE ACCESSIBLE zYES ❑ NO Associated midday/end-of-day DO, conductivity, pH within range? (See calibration sheet for this sample date) ❑ YES ❑ No. If NO, which parameter . NOTE that reported data should be considered as Ragged accordingly. * SynTerra is not NC -certified for these parameters. Data collected for information purposes only WELL TAG PROTECTIVE CASING LOCK i CAP CONCRETE PAD OOD ❑BAD ❑NONE GOOD ❑ BAD ❑ NONE "GOOD BA❑D [INONE ���'i60DI []BAD ❑ NONE GOOD ❑BAD [I NONE P:IDuke Energy Progress.1026100 FIELD PAPERWORnWell Development Log - DEC doc GROUNDWATER WELL DEVELOPMENT DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC synTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 Greenville, South Carolina 29601 (864) 421-9999 . (864) 421-9909 Fax www. synTerracorp. com WELL DEVELOPMENT LOG WELL ID: -2rg7l) MEASURING POINT: TOC WELL DIAMETER: WELL DEPTH: (FT) DEPTH TO WATER: (FT) FIELD PERSONNEL: 1�Q WEATHER: SUNNY ❑ OVERCAST ❑ RAIN TEMPERATURE (APPROX):/() F NOTES: , GGG START DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE: END DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE: TOTAL VOL PURGED: DEVELOPMENT METHOD: ❑ Grundfos Pump ❑ 12 Volt Pump ❑ Polyethylene Bailer DATE TIME VOL TEMPERATURE DO (mg/L) CONDUCTANCE (µS/cm) i pH ORP" TURBIDITY" i (Sul (mV) (NTU) NOTES (° Celsius) . •/elvy 3.5 / 3. 7 9 ,/0 3 le. // Z7 V 4-1-14 =/ (o 2- go y Gz, 9.�y � YS S 1-7 1 ` 0 9, zZ COMMENTS: FIELD VEHICLE ACCESSIBLE, YES ❑ NO Associated midday/end-of-day DO, conductivity, pH within range? (See calibration sheet for this sample date) ❑ YES ❑ No. If NO, which parameter . NOTE that reported data should be considered as flagged accordingly. " SynTerra is not NC -certified for these parameters. Data collected for information purposes only WELL TAG PROTECTIVE CASING LOCK CAP CONCRETE PAD GOOD ❑BAD ❑ NONE I GOOD [I BAD El NONE �JGOOD 9A❑D ❑NONE GOOD ❑BAD ❑NONE GOOD ❑BAD ❑ NONE P:IDuke Energy Progress.1026100 FIELD PAPERWORK1Well Development Log - DEC.doc GROUNDWATER WELL DEVELOPMENT DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC synTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 Greenville, South Carolina 29601 (864) 421.9999 . (864) 421-9909 Fax www.synTerracorp.com WELL DEVELOPMENT LOG FIELD PERSONNEL: MA WEATHER: fX SUNNY ❑ OVERCAST ❑ RAIN TEMPERATURE (APPROX): �1 F NOTES: WELL ID: -/gio MEASURING POINT: TOC WELL DIAMETER: WELL DEPTH: (FT) DEPTH TO WATER: (FT) START DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE: END DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE: TOTAL VOL PURGED: 111.5 DEVELOPMENT METHOD: ❑ Grundfos Pump ❑ 12 Volt Pump ❑ Polyethylene Bailer DATE TIME VOL TEMPERATURE (° Celsius) DO CONDUCTANCE (PS/CM) pH ORP• TURBIDITY* NOTES (mg/L) (su) (mV) (NTU) / zip �G7 6n2J5 D f g . Z &S so /IJS 6-9 f4y Z.lq �' 3 01d tzr; _ a7 - ZED �- ��� Ida s I S SSS f COMMENTS: FIELD VEHICLE ACCESSIBLE ❑ YES ❑ NO Associated midday/end-of-day DO, conductivity, pH within range? (See calibration sheet for this sample date) ❑ YES ❑ NO. If NO, which parameter . NOTE that reported data should be considered as flagged accordingly. ' SynTerra is not NC -certified for these parameters. Data collected for information purposes only WELL TAG PROTECTIVE CASING LOCK CAP CONCRETE PAD ^ GOOD [IBAD ❑ NONE [I01 ❑ GOOD [IBAD ❑ NONE [IGOOD BAD [INONE [IGOOD ElBAD ElNONE [IGOOD FEI BAD [INONE P:IDuke Energy Progress.1026\00 FIELD PAPERWORMWell Development Log - DEC.doc GROUNDWATER WELL DEVELOPMENT DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC t 0 synTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 Greenville, South Carolina 29601 (864) 421.9999 . (864) 421-9909 Fax www.synTerracorp.com WELL DEVELOPMENT LOGS FIELD PERSONNEL: VA Fri WEATHER: 11M,SUNNY ❑ OVERCAST ❑ RAIN TEMPERATURE (APPROX): 0 F NOTES: 3 3 , y.3 y"/ h WELL ID: , START DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE: MEASURING POINT: TOC END DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE: WELL DIAMETER: , D TOTAL VOL PURGED: WELL DEPTH: (FT) DEPTH TO WATER: 4� (FT) DEVELOPMENT METHOD: ❑ Grundfos Pump -P42 Volt Pump ❑ Polyethylene Bailer DATE TIME VOL TEMPERATURE DO CONDUCTANCE pH ORP• TURBIDITY' NOTES Celsius) (mg/L) (µ (ysu) (mV) / � ss it7 %(° (tI i UUS/cm) Z- ( 7 C. ' li % �Q(NTU)) D �� T �✓ 3 , /5 f( .sa93 12.35 3.5 /3� �v /3�. Ys 3 a 9 '� /2, 6 - 2 , 1 IV6 &IL iS . 31 1 q z /l/0 /Z-/ -� // �� la, - 30 01-6� of -v 3 Z i5 /11 z L IoL /Z-V. yo z I c V 33 V7 /6 6J-7 /D, 3i w1a Z/6 �1. 7;77.00 020 �- Z_ & i s y. z i �.f /� � COMMENTS: FIELD VEHICLE 4CCE5Sff3LE YES ❑ NO �� f/OI��z7 �8�Xt9 - 4rr.R t✓'+dttr rra,'�rt Associated middaylemd-of-day DO, conductivity, pH within range? (See calibration sheet for this sample date) C] YES ❑ No. If NO, which parameter . NOTE that reported data should be considered as flagged accordingly. " SynTerra is not NC -certified for these parameters. Data collected for information purposes only WELL TAG PROTECTIVE CASING LOCK CAP CONCRETE PAD GOOD ❑ BAD ❑ NONE r,!f GOOD ❑BAD ❑NONE 'GOOD d ❑NONE 'GOOD ❑BAD [I NONE .p G00� ❑BAD ❑NONE P:IDuke Energy Progress.1026100 FIELD PAPERWORKIWell Development Log - DEC.doc GROUNDWATER WELL DEVELOPMENT DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC WELL DEVELOPMENT LOG ` FIELD PERSONNEL: SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 Greenville, South Carolina 29601 (864) 421-9999 . (864) 421-9909 Fax www.synTerracorp.com WELL ID: AlW MEASURING POINT: TOC WELL DIAMETER: z WELL DEPTH: , :/f (FT) DEPTH TO WATER: p 'S�/o (FT) DEVELOPMENT METHOD: S7_ WEATHER: ❑ SUNNY ❑ OVERCAST ❑ RAIN TEMPERATURE (APPROX): F NOTES: START DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE: END DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE: TOTAL VOL PURGED: ❑ Grundfos Pump ❑ 12 Volt Pump ❑ Polyethylene Bailer DATE TIME VOL TEMPERATURE DO CONDUCTANCE pH ORP" TURBIDITY" �. ..� NOTES (° Celsius) (mg/L) (PS/CM) (su) (mV) lz 1 l :/� f a /S / L$ I'?off 1/6 /D i 12-3 - a S 3 ,/ / /a, yZ - 3 -47 L13 s4o 14. . l , r �— 3 3 1 z, (/3 i Z I i3LY -le) 16 if, z-v /, 9 Z 15 73 113341 7Z G - 316_7 /Z.37 - 3 29 COMMENTS: FIELD VEHICLE ACCESSIBLE ❑ YES ❑ NO Associated midday/end-of-day DO, conductivity, pH within range? (See calibration sheet for this sample date) ❑ YES ❑ NO. If NO, which parameter . NOTE that reported data should be considered as flagged accordingly. SynTerra is not NC -certified for these parameters. Data collected for information purposes only WELL TAG PROTECTIVE CASING LOCK J CAP CONCRETE PAD GOOD ❑ BAD ❑ NONE �ffGOOD ❑BAD ❑NONE ��GOOD b ❑NONE JOOD ❑BAD ❑ NONE rKOOD ❑ BAD [INONE. P:IDuke Energy Progress.1026\00 FIELD PAPERWORKIWell Development Log - DEC.doc GROUNDWATER WELL DEVELOPMENT DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC tip synTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 Greenville, South Carolina 29601 (864) 421.9999 . (864) 421.9909 Fax www.synTerracarp.com WELL DEVELOPMENT LOG FIELD PERSONNEL: ?A, A TIT WEATHER: ❑ SUNNY�YOVERCAST ❑ RAIN TEMPERATURE(APPROX),�6) F WELL ID: F - / 13KD MEASURING POINT: TOC WELL DIAMETER: 2 IN WELL DEPTH: Qe," I (FT) DEPTH TO WATER: 9;e, J (FT) DEVELOPMENT METHOD: NOTES: START DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE: 3- L7 • / � END DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE: j ,',S • / 7 TOTAL VOL PURGED: / 61 ❑ Grundfos Pump ❑ 12 Volt Pump ❑ Polyethylene Bailer DATE TIME VOL TEMPERATURE DO CONDUCTANCE pH ORP• TURBIDITY" NOTES (° Celsius) (mg/L) (PS/CM) (su) (mV) (NTU) �zs izz-7 15 , _7 I-E-4z 9y Z351 0 2-5 ---3 55 COMMENTS: FIELD VEHICLE ACCESSIBLE ❑ YES ❑ NO Associated midday/end-of-day DO, conductivity, pH within range? (See calibration sheet for this sample date) ❑ YES ❑ NO. If NO, which parameter . NOTE that reported data should be considered as flagged accordingly. . SynTerra is not NC -certified for these parameters. Data collected for information purposes only WELL TAG II PROTECTIVE CASING LOCK CAP CONCRETE PAD [I GOOD i [I BAD 1 [I NONE ❑ GOOD [IBAD I ❑ NONE ❑ GOOD [I NONE [I GOOD [I BAD [I NONE [I GOOD [I BAD [I NONE P:1Duke Energy Progress.1026100 FIELD PAPERWORMWell Development Log - DEC.doc GROUNDWATER WELL DEVELOPMENT DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC WELL DEVELOPMENT LOG FIELD PERSONNEL: synTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 Greenville, South Carolina 29601 (864) 421-9999 . (864) 421-9909 Fax www. synTe rracorp. corn WELL ID: / MEASURING POINT: TOC WELL DIAMETER: 2 IN WELL DEPTH: / (FT) DEPTH TO WATER: V �� / C, (FT) WEATHER: ❑ SUNNY 1f OVERCASTX RAIN TEMPERATURE (APPROX): i v F NOTES: 3 G'C I = I t" -fl V-OI START DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE:'Z�S' END DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE: TOTAL VOL PURGED: I T - DEVELOPMENT METHOD: ❑ Grundfos Pump F]' 12 dolt Pump Polyethylene Bailer DATE TIME QQ VOL I TEMPERATURE DO CONDUCTANCE pH ORP" TURBIDITY" NOTES (° Celsius) (mg/L) (µS/cm) (su) (mV) (NTU) Z's Z-9 /Z . -3 Z Y l 6 5,15-7 11,0116 /Ss 1055 / -- T ? 5 Zz) Z / 90 /Yl0 lS /561`/ 6 COMMENTS: FIELD VEHICLE ACCESSIBL501YES ❑ NO Associated midday/end-of-day DO, conductivity, pH within range? (See calibration sheet for this sample date) ❑ YES ❑ NO. If NO, which parameter . NOTE that reported data should be considered as flagged accordingly. " SynTerra is not NC -certified for these parameters. Data collected for information purposes only WELL TAG PROTECTIVE CASING LOCK CAP CONCRETE PAD IEi00D ❑BAD I ❑ NONE ,J�KGOOD 1 ❑ BAD ❑ NONE Pld00D BA❑D [I NONE 'GOOD [IBAD [INONE XGOOD I ❑BAD ❑NONE P:IDuke Energy Progress. 1 026\00 FIELD PAPERWORKIWell Development Log - DEC.doc GROUNDWATER WELL DEVELOPMENT DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC WELL DEVELOPMENT LOG synTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 Greenville, South Carolina 29601 (864) 421-9999 . (864) 421.9909 Fax www.synTerracorp.com WELL ID: A- t-o' MEASURING POINT: TOC WELL DIAMETER: WELL DEPTH: IFT1 DEPTH TO WATER: Z— (Fr) DEVELOPMENT METHOD: FIELD PERSONNEL: WEATHER: ❑ SUNNY ❑ OVERCAST ❑ RAIN TEMPERATURE (APPROX): F NOTES: Ili-(/11r ��•L���� START DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE: END DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE: j,ZZ �� /0 5 7 TOTAL VOL PURGED: ❑ Grundfos Pump ❑ 12 Volt Pump ❑ Polyethylene Bailer DATE TIME VOL TEMPERATURE (° Celsius) i DO CONDUCTANCE pH (su) ORP" (mV) TURBIDITY" NOTES (NTU) (mg/L) (AS/CM) r/V- /0,2e /(0 V6•5 a. z6) /s g 33 i D /l - / S 3I 59 ZZ7 S" /03— 60 I f ✓' 0 6 �S L COMMENTS: FIELD VEHICLE ACCESSIBLE ❑ YES ❑ NO Associated midday/end-of-day DO, conductivity, pH within range? (See calibration sheet for this sample date) ❑ YES ❑ No. If NO, which parameter . NOTE that reported data should be considered as flagged accordingly. SynTerra is not NC -certified for these parameters. Data collected for information purposes only WELL TAG PROTECTIVE CASING LOCK ❑ GOOD ❑ BAD ❑ NONE ❑ GOOD ❑NONE CAP CONCRETE PAD ❑ GOOD ❑ BAD ❑ NONE GOOD ❑BAD ❑NONE ❑ GOOD ❑ BAD [I NONE_ AB P:IDuke Energy Progress.1026100 FIELD PAPERWORK1Well Development Log - DEC.doc GROUNDWATER WELL DEVELOPMENT DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC 40 synTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 Greenville, South Carolina 29601 (864) 421-9999 • (864) 421-9909 Fax www.synTerracorp.com WELL DEVELOPMENT LOG FIELD PERSONNEL: D4 )`B 7— WEATHER: ,E� SUNNY ❑ OVERCAST ❑ RAIN TEMPERATURE (APPROX).� 6 F WELL ID: �/�-Z6/z,19 MEASURING POINT: ~ TOC WELL DIAMETER: NOTES:19 r ' ��� G/G START DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE: END DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE: TOTAL VOL PURGED: WELL DEPTH: 277f.o( (FT) DEPTH TO WATER: (FT) i'/ Azir� 14 ciSS�H�X DEVELOPMENT METHOD: ❑ Grundfos Pump J0 12 Volt Pump ❑ Polyethylene Bailer DATE TIME VOL TEMPERATURE DO CONDUCTANCE pH ORP` TURBIDITY` NOTES (mV) (NTU) Celsius) (mg/L) (µskrn) (su) Y-7 Z-0 /3 99 ®, 2. -7 Z- //5y Z5 /3 5 0157/ 7 71) �>~ z� z 30 l9 -- 9 - 0. 0/ �ril -7 /2,0? 35 /3 -- ZG Vf 0, /0 1 rzv-1 (l5 13 X5 1oz r (n- % 5 /3 �36 i , .116, z,79 ao -7-4 13 2-3 Vi - Z //S 3Z1 .13z,-g 8-S 13 - 3 :7 9,71 I / 7 1323 13 00 /3 J Z/9 4/ Wis //o 1 / -� -- z l q COMMENTS: , VEH CLE CCESSIBLEVYES ❑ NO 2 Associated midday/end-of-day DO, conductivity, pH within range? (See calibration sheet for this sample date) ❑ YES ❑ NO. If NO, which parameter . NOTE that reported data should be considered as flagged accordingly. " SynTerra is not NC -certified for these parameters. Data collected for information purposes only WELL TAG PROTECTIVE CASING LOCK CAP CONCRETE PAD (GOOD [IBAD ❑ NONE JXGOOD ❑ BAD ❑ NONE DOD lErh El ❑ NONE ��GOOD ❑ BAD ❑ NONE OODBAD ElNONE P:IDuke Energy Progress.1026100 FIELD PAPERWORK1Well Development Log - DEC doc GROUNDWATER WELL DEVELOPMENT DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC 3�zo� q f �} II I% r1 0 synTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 Greenville, South Carolina 29601 (864) 421-9999 • (864) 421-9909 Fax www.synTerracorp.com WELL DEVELOPMENT LOG FIELD PERSONNEL: -P%A WELL ID: -z (- MEASURING POINT: TOC WELL DIAMETER: 2- WELL DEPTH: 2-7 5,0 6 (FT) DEPTH TO WATER: 6)3 71 (FT) WEATHER: )'SUNNY ❑ OVERCAST ❑ RAIN TEMPERATURE (APPRO%):535 F NOTES: Ar ,alil�f -it, 70 .� wif ds o Top; hill START DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE: 9 END DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE: TOTAL VOL PURGED: DEVELOPMENT METHOD: ❑ Grundfos Pump 12 Volt �Ump !L Polyethylene Bailer DATE TIME VOL TEMPERATURE (° Celsius) DO CONDUCTANCE pH ORP" TURBIDITY" NOTES (mg/L) (PS/CM) (su) (mV) (NTU) 13 — Z 1: 9.3 $ 1,36 tl9Z-C * s 1-4 % S S 3 — zzJ l 3 y Z17 15YZ 1770 13 Z/3 9,36 13J Z.5Q Z f / �Z /l 4o L 9 > 13 —7,09 9. 06 15 1-1) � 50 0 -06 q19 17,vell I/a 44 r I 2Z5 13 r N ;'EIS 111.3 :7 2-4 b 13 2-03 9.91 1 �3 o q 02_ 2- 5 S l .3 Lv Z S' 5 `1 155 13 � � LSD / 3 $� a;� Za� 05 Z3 zee 1n 951 31 13 — /G Y # ) W 3 �' l COMMENTS: FIELD VEHICLE ACCESSIBLE41 YES ❑ NO Associated midday/end-of-day DO, conductivity, pH within range? (See calibration sheet for this sample date) ❑ YES ❑ NO. If NO, which parameter . NOTE that reported data should be considered as flagged accordingly. " SynTerra is not NC -certified for these parameters. Data collected for information purposes only WELL TAG PROTECTIVE CASING LOCK CAP CONCRETE PAD GOOD ❑BAD ❑NONE GOOD ❑BAD ❑NONE`GOOD ❑NONE GOOD ❑BAD ❑NONE GOOD ❑BAD ❑ NONE 1rq� '�Y P:1Duke Energy Progress.1026100 FIELD PAPERWORMWell Development Log - DEC.doc GROUNDWATER WELL DEVELOPMENT DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC WELL DEVELOPMENT LOG FIELD PERSONNEL: synTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 Greenville, South Carolina 29601 (864) 421-9999 • (864) 421-9909 Fax www.synTerracorp.com (� WELL ID: � g i p)w MEASURING POINT: TOC WELL DIAMETER: Z WELL DEPTH: z-72, 06 (FT) DEPTH TO WATER: 93, 11 (FT) WEATHER: ❑ SUNNY OVERCAST ❑ RAIN TEMPERATURE (APPROX):5d F NOTES: START DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE: END DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE: TOTAL VOL PURGED: DEVELOPMENT METHOD: Grundfos Pump12 Volt Pump [] Polyethylene Bailer DATE TIME VOL TEMPERATURE DO CONDUCTANCE pH ORP" TURBIDITY" NOTES (° Celsius) (mg/L) (µs/cm) (su) (mv) (NTU) �J / 3 u z_ q.'� zz oS .3 Z—1 & r ►!1 �' a a� 1 13 3 So 13 — /98 j .9y Vq �v /OZ/ 3 S- 6 — Zero .0t) r� 6 1 /6c.-8 2,90 13 Z()v 9,obi M 51 IdI611 1/035 3 95 -3 19 - Z-6 I9-9 % S S 44M C 3 zoil 91-6 6C A lOs�o `/6-W /3 2q, G 0A C10 9 13 196 9-6� 8 3 C X 1 3 --- 1 G `t l G, �i COMMENTS: FIELD VEHICLE ACCESSIBLE [ YES ❑ NO Associated midday/end-of-day DO, conductivity, pH within range? (See calibration sheet for this sample date) ❑ YES ❑ NO. If NO, which parameter . NOTE that reported data should be considered as flagged accordingly. " SynTerra is not NC -certified for these parameters. Data collected for information purposes only WELL TAG PROTECTIVE CASING LOCK GOOD ❑ BAD I ❑ NONE []'GOOD BAD❑ NONE CAP CONCRETE PAD ,.MOOD ❑ BAD 1 ❑ NONE GOOD ❑BAD ❑ NONE I xOOOD [I BAD [3 NONE P� IxGt- lvd�h�a P:1Duke Energy Progress. 1 026\00 FIELD PAPERWORMWell Development Log - DEC.doc GROUNDWATER WELL DEVELOPMENT DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC -rpv'P /s'/ 40 synTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 Greenville, South Carolina 29601 (864) 421-9999 . (864) 421.9909 Fax www.synTerracorp.com WELL DEVELOPMENT LOG WELL ID: -ZbAD MEASURING POINT: TOC WELL DIAMETER: Z- WELL DEPTH: 17 d,6 (FT) DEPTH TO WATER: �, 7 {Fn FIELD PERSONNEL: I% A ib r WEATHER: ❑ SUNNY X, OVERCAST ❑ RAIN TEMPERATURE (APPROX):56 F NOTES: START DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE:'L1 J END DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE: TOTAL VOL PURGED: DEVELOPMENT METHOD: ❑ Grundfos Pump 12 Volt Pump ❑ Polyethylene Bailer DATE TIME i TEMPERATURE VOL (° Celsius) DO CONDUCTANCE pH ORP" TURBIDITY" NOTES (mg/L) (µs/cm) (su) (mV) (NTU) dW' 2100 -2, -7 Jq 56 0 (K i b IS f01 , 971 15/ 7, q yj 53 5 C� 66 1 cj A, bROA A� ,l 2Z ! G S i 3 -- ?_ o� 1/ �i is A I a 13 G s r305 ,' OZ- q 3 / 7f /ZZ- /3/9 1-190 !3 _ f, - o z (). 6 .a . 16Z /3z5 495 'csg 1yz �� ►b�', i332 (D 13 - t6S I yi r/1L 13Yy '10 /3 �0 1/ 50 c COMMENTS: FIELD VEHICLE ACCESSIBLE ❑ YES ❑ NO Associated midday/end-of-day DO, conductivity, pH within range? (See calibration sheet for this sample date) ❑ YES ❑ No. If NO, which parameter . NOTE that reported data should be considered as flagged accordingly, SynTerra is not NC -certified for these parameters. Data collected for information purposes only WELL TAG PROTECTIVE CASING LOCK CAP CONCRETE PAD ❑ GOOD ❑BAD ❑ NONE ❑ GOOD ❑ BAD ❑ NONE ❑ GOOD 11 ❑ NONE ❑ GOOD [IBAD [INONE ❑ GOOD ❑ BAD ElNONE I S P:IDuke Energy Progress.1026100 FIELD PAPERWORMWell Development Log - DEC.doc GROUNDWATER WELL DEVELOPMENT DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC synTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 Greenville, South Carolina 29601 (864) 421.9999 • (864) 421-9909 Fax www.synTerracorp.com WELL DEVELOPMENT LOG FIELD PERSONNEL: WELL ID: -L131z,1� ce/4 MEASURING POINT: TOC WELL DIAMETER: WELL DEPTH: (FT) DEPTH TO WATER: (FT) WEATHER: ❑ SUNNY ❑ OVERCAST ❑ RAIN TEMPERATURE (APPROX): F NOTES: START DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE: END DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE: TOTAL VOL PURGED: DEVELOPMENT METHOD: ❑ Grundfos Pump ❑ 12 Volt Pump ❑ Polyethylene Bailer DATE TIME VOL TEMPERATURE DO (° Celsius) (mg/L) CONDUCTANCE pH ORP" TURBIDITY" (NTU) NOTES (PS/CM) (su) (mV) IV q ) Y 5 l 3 - N ' to 119 III Z fLTW+nr 14sq 555 13 - - !� �170 166 o q o M �sz sId -71 70 575 /3 /9(,.�3 Z / ►l COMMENTS: FIELD VEHICLE ACCESSIBLE ❑ YES ❑ NO Associated midday/end-of-day DO, conductivity, pH within range? (See calibration sheet for this sample date) ❑ YES ❑ No. If NO, which parameter . NOTE that reported data should be considered as flagged accordingly. SynTerra is not NC -certified for these parameters. Data collected for information purposes only WELL TAG PROTECTIVE CASING LOCK CAP CONCRETE PAD ❑ GOOD ❑ BAD ❑ NONE ❑ GOOD ❑ BAD ❑ NONE I ❑ GOOD ❑ NONE ❑ GOOD ❑BAD ❑NONE ❑ GOOD ❑ BAD ❑ NONE P:IDuke Energy Progress 1026\00 FIELD PAPERWORKIWell Development Log - DEC.doc GROUNDWATER WELL DEVELOPMENT DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC WELL DEVELOPMENT LOG synTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 Greenville, South Carolina 29601 (864) 421-9999 . (864) 421.9909 Fax www.synTerracorp.com WELL ID: e(�'3I3� MEASURING POINT: TOC WELL DIAMETER: WELL'DEPTH: Z 73 "(S (FT) DEPTH TO WATFR • a / (FT) FIELD PERSONNEL: w P97 WEATHER: ❑ SUNNY Er OVERCAST ❑ RAIN TEMPERATURE (APPROX):OF NOTES: IT& 1-4 t(- S () I YX11 � START DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE: ? •Z� % 16e10 END DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE: ^` TOTAL VOL PURGED: DEVELOPMENT METHOD: ❑ Grundfos Pump ,f 12 Volt Pump ❑ Polyethylene Bailer DATE TEMPERATURE TIME VOL (° Celsius) DO CONDUCTANCE pH (su) ORP" (mV) TURBIDITY" (NTU) NOTES (mg/L) (PS/CM) & -- /a /1,3o 7y -4 / Zo /0 /5 // 33 S3 J�f A63 ! —j74 W A Y -5 I JPi<1 vo'w 31e4ad 170 z C-) I y — IN �' 33 l3 ` Z e L1cl,bflv,mi 0 916 7,5 / _' C 3 3-7 !` Z 5 101/0 Z l s -- S P' ( I�/� dew o OA � one - y 1/ `w -5 �� 2 LJ3 /,, V%D Q8U 3 H >` Z 9+ Zo3 S 5s''z 9,y, 6 5 9, yZ f � I sz 9'5 1 S — 9'Y Z9 085ff tlo'-, $- O u COMMENTS: FIELD VEHICLE ACCESSIBLE �] YES ❑ NO qo pe4e Associated midday/end-of-day DO, conductivity, pH within range? (See calibration sheet for this sample date) ❑ YES ❑ NO. If NO, which parameter . NOTE that reported data should be considered as flagged accordingly. " SynTerra is not NC -certified for these parameters. Data collected for information purposes only WELL TAG PROTECTIVE CASING LOCK CAP CONCRETE PAD GOOD ❑ BAD ❑NONE GOOD ❑ BAD ❑ NONE GOOD [INONE GOOD FEI BAD [INONE GOOD [IBAD [INONE 10 BAD J� P:IDuke Energy Progress.1026100 FIELD PAPERWORnWell Development Log - DEC.doc GROUNDWATER WELL DEVELOPMENT DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC WELL DEVELOPMENT LOG �1 FIELD PERSONNEL: OA A T ji r synTerra WEATHER: ❑ SUNNY JVovERCAST ❑ RAIN TEMPERATURE (APPROX):L10 F 148 River Street, Suite 220 Greenville, South Carolina 29601 (864) 421-9999 . (864) 421-9909 Fax www.synTerracorp.com WELL ID: A3 , �, C! n MEASURING POINT: TOC WELL DIAMETER: Z WELL DEPTH: 3 96 (FT) DEPTH TO WATER• 2 v FT NOTES: -21A 40 t�l[yll� r ? f! • 50 ir,) � 2 • `J START DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE: END DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE: TOTAL VOL PURGED: ( ) DEVELOPMENT METHOD: ❑ Grundfos Pump �'2 Voit Pum p [I Polyethylene Bailer DATE TIME VOL TEMPERATURE DO CONDUCTANCE (µsknn) pH (su) ORP' (mV) TURBIDITY` (NTU) NOTES (° Celsius) (mg/L) //Z3 53 (y (� jL,s ii0 61 1135 53 5 - j17 J: 66 156 23 11q 3 60 3 9.511 l 6 COMMENTS: FIELD VEHICLE ACCESSIBLE ❑ YES ❑ NO Associated midday/end-of-day DO, conductivity, pH within range? (See calibration sheet for this sample date) ❑ YES ❑ NO. If NO, which parameter . NOTE that reported data should be considered as flagged accordingly. " SynTerra is not NC -certified for these parameters. Data collected for information purposes only WELL TAG PROTECTIVE CASING LOCK CAP CONCRETE PAD ❑ GOOD ❑ BAD ❑ NONE ❑ GOOD ❑ BAD ❑ NONE ❑ GOOD B [I NONE El GOOD [I BAD [I NONE I i❑ GOOD1. ❑ BAD ❑ NONE P:IDuke Energy Progress 1026\00 FIELD PAPERWORMWell Development Log - DEC,doc GROUNDWATER WELL DEVELOPMENT DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC synTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 Greenville, South Carolina 29601 (864) 421-9999 . (864) 421-9909 Fax www. synTerracorp. corn WELL DEVELOPMENT LOG FIELD PERSONNEL:IA A T r WEATHER: ❑ SUNNY [IOVERCAST 'RAIN TEMPERATURE (APPROX):Z" ) F WELL ID: W.%-3m- MEASURING POINT: TOC WELL DIAMETER: 2 IN WELL DEPTH: �7, y�(FT) DEPTH TO WATER: , L� G' (FT) NOTES: START DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE: 07 ft END DEVELOPMENT TIME/DATE: TOTAL VOL PURGED: / DEVELOPMENT METHOD: ❑ Grundfos Pump ❑ 12 Volt Pump ❑ Polyethylene Bailer DATE TIME VOL TEMPERATURE DO CONDUCTANCE pH ORP* TURBIDITY* NOTES (° Celsius) (mg/L) (PS/CM) (su) (mV) (NTU) 3'zl�-o 9SZ 1-3 Z-4, 5 0.5c, 5-39 1s - l Z--I - jqo COMMENTS: FIELD VEHICLE ACCESSIBLE ❑ YES ❑ NO Associated midday/end-of-day DO, conductivity, pH within range? (See calibration sheet for this sample date) ❑ YES ❑ No. If NO, which parameter . NOTE that reported data should be considered as flagged accordingly. * SynTerra is not NC -certified for these parameters. Data collected for information purposes only WELL TAG PROTECTIVE CASING LOCK CAP CONCRETE PAD ❑ GOOD I ❑ BAD ❑ NONE ❑GOOD ❑BAD ❑ NONE ❑ GOOD ❑ NONE ❑ GOOD ❑ BAD ❑ NONE ❑ GOOD ❑ BAD ❑ NONE P:IDuke Energy Progress.1026100 FIELD PAPERWORMWell Development Log - DEC.doc Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC — Belews Creek Steam Station ATTACHMENT B SynTerra USGS FLASH RESULTS AND CALCULATIONS FLASH - Flow Log Analysis of Single Holes LAO Irb 410 REQUIRED Wellname. AB-lBRD INPUT: Elevation of measuring point [FT] 0 un Solver n EsUnt ale Tr8t1am I551Vpy Number of Flow zones[-] 26 OEstlmate ROl Well diameter [IN] 7.7 Dmwdown [FT] 1910. Depth to ambient water level [FT] 99.5 C, SO W without ReguMrl2atlon Depth al bottom of casing [FT] 159.5 Depth at bottom of well [FT] 398.2 C' Solvewltll RequMRzatlon Radius of influence (Re) [FT] 1000.0 Total tmnsmissivity (Trow) [FT'/day] 0.23 ABS(Ah) maximum 5.00E+00 Regularization weight 1.00E-04 Tfanor minimum[-] 1.00E-09 Flow above layer bottom depths FRACTURES Bottom Depth [FT] Ambient [GPM] Stressed [GPM] Tfactor [FT -ID] Ah [FT] Farfield Mad [FT] 26 165 0.0095 0.0102 0.00 0.00 -99.50 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 18 15 14 13 12 11 10 6 5 a a 1 SIMULATED PROFILES (DO NOT EDIT) MSE [GPMrJ 1.532179E-04 Sum Tye, 1.000 Sum dh^2 O.Om 7638a75705 Ambient W L [FT] -99.50 Estimated Ttotal [FT'/day] 0.227 Regularized Mleft 0.00 Pumped WL[FT]-116.60 Ambient Stressed Ambient Stressed Depth Flow above Flow above Error Error Zone T Fraction of total FRACTURES: [FT] [GPM] [GPM] [GPM] [GPM] [FT'/day] transmisalvlly 28 25 24 23 2221 za 19 1a 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 is s 6 5 4 3 2 1 Doehed lines hdmote hte mtetione or meoeured do.. sdia lines hdic-imulotea les. 175 0.0101 0.0231 0.00 0.00 -99.50 185 0.0100 0.0196 0.12 0.00 -99.50 195 0.0068 o.o1a6 0.00 0.00 -99.50 205 0.0131 0.0164 0.04 0.00 -99.50 215 0.0109 0.0111 0.00 0.00 -99.50 225 0.0000 0.0155 0.00 0.00 -99.50 235 0.0129 0.0126 0.00 0.00 -99.50 243 0.0120 0.0199 0.00 0.00 -99.50 255 0.0099 0.0155 0.01 0.00 -99.50 265 0.0106 0.0127 0.00 0.00 -99.50 v5 0.0000 0.0167 0.17 0.00 -99.50 285 0.0054 0.0000 0.00 0.00 -99.50 z95 o.00sa o.00sa 0.00 0.00 -99.50 305 0.0170 0.0205 0.00 0.00 -99.50 315 0.0115 0.0054 0.00 0.00 -99.50 325 0.0166 0.0080 0.00 0.00 -99.50 335 0.0175 0.0189 0.00 0.00 -99.50 345 0.0183 0.0000 0.00 0.00 -99.50 355 0.0205 0.0054 0.00 0.00 -99.50 360 0.0113 0.0169 0.00 0.00 -99.50 365 0.0146 0.0104 0.00 0.00 -99.50 370 0.0156 0.0121 0.00 0.00 -99.50 37a o.o31a o.00sa 0.00 0.00 -99.50 385 0.0380 0.0206 0.00 0.00 -99.50 395 0.0246 0.0350 0.67 0.l)4 -99.46 165.01 0.000 0.016 0.009 -0.007 0.000 0.000 174.92 0.000 0.016 0.010 0.005 0.000 0.000 184.99 0.000 0.018 0.010 0.002 0.027 0.117 194.99 0.000 0.016 0.009 -0.001 0.000 0.000 205.00 0.000 0.016 0.013 0.001 0.009 0.039 215.01 0.000 0.015 0.011 -0.004 0.000 0.000 224.95 0.000 0.015 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 235.01 0.000 0.015 0.013 -0.002 0.000 0.000 243.01 0.000 0.015 0.012 0.005 0.000 0.000 254.99 0.000 0.015 0.010 0.001 0.002 0.011 265.03 0.000 0.015 0.011 -0.002 0.000 0.000 275.01 0.000 0.015 0.000 0.002 0.038 0.167 285.01 0.000 0.012 0.005 -0.012 0.000 0.000 294.98 0.000 0.012 0.005 -0.006 0.000 0.000 305.02 0.000 0.012 0.017 0.009 0.000 0.000 315.00 0.000 0.012 0.011 -0.006 0.000 0.000 325.03 0.000 0.012 0.017 -0.004 0.000 0.000 335.03 0.000 0.012 0.017 0.007 0.000 0.000 344.57 0.000 0.012 0.016 -0.012 0.000 0.000 355.09 0.000 0.012 0.020 -0.006 0.000 0.000 359.95 0.000 0.012 0.011 0.005 0.000 0.000 365.07 0.000 0.012 0.015 -0.001 0.000 0.000 370.02 0.000 0.012 0.016 0.000 0.000 0.000 373.62 0.000 0.012 0.031 -0.006 0.000 0.000 384.73 0.000 0.012 0.036 0.009 0.000 0.000 394.92 0.000 0.012 0.025 0.023 0.152 0.667 Ambient Flow Profile Pumped Flow Profile Upwartl Flow,in GPM Upward Flow,In GPM I 1 11 f Il r I - � 1 I 1 1 - 0 I I 11 11 I I 1 I I 1 I 11 1 A&1BRD FLASH No[ea: 1. Following a logarithmic sensitivity analysis of [he FLASH model [o radius of influence, a conservative value of 3000 feet was used. 2. Objective function, F, for model incgpgrstes mean squared error (MSE) between interpreted and predicted flow profiles and the sum of squared differences (Ah) between the borehole's water level and far -field heads. Model objective Is to roinionime F; therefore, a value closer to zero indicates a better fit. 3. Model was run until no more Iterations produced changes in output. 4. FLASH Software: Day -Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C. D., Palllet, F.L., and Halford, K.J, 2011, FLASH: A Comra puter Progm for Flow -Log Analysis of Single Holes v1.0: U.S. Geological Survey Software Release, 07 March 2011, S. FLASH Report: Day-Lewls, F.D., Johnson, C. D., Palllet, F.L., and Halford, K.J., 2011, A computer program for flow -log analysis of single hales (FLASH): Ground Water, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1745-6584.2011.00798.x 6. Highlighted cells indicate flow levels that do not have any observed open fractures and did not contribute to total transmisslvity. These depth Intervals were not used for fracture spacing versus depth below top of rock figure because It is assumed that there are no fractures in these intervals. Total TransmissivityCalculated from Thiem Equation Q (Spm) I Q (ft'/day) Drawdown, s (ft) k (ft) R„ (in) R„, (ft) TraTAL (ft'/tlay) 0.5 SS_ 19.1 1000 Jul 0.321 6.45 FLASH Total T and Fit Parameters Radius Of Transmissivity, InFl uence, & TT MSE Ab F (ft) (ft'/tlay) 10D0 0.23 1.53E-04 1.76E-03 1.53E-04 Slug Test Information - Completed In open borehole Screen Interval Some, interval Mid -point of screen Transmis Wity Hydraulic Aperture HydrauIlc b s ft BTOR interval ft2 d. Conductivit 240-250 250 171.5 167 34.23 0.26 3.42E+00 296-306 75 223 0.D3 00-2.76E-03 306 227.5 Borehole NA NA NA 104 0.24 4.37E-01 FUR FLASH - Flow Log Analysis of Single Holes REQUIRED weuname. Belews Creek AB-21311 NPUT: Elevation of measuring point [FT] 0 un Solver n EsUnt ale Tranaml55lVlty Number of Flow zones[-] Well diameter [IN] 8 6 OEsgmale ROl j Drawdown [FT] 18.40 Depth to ambient water level [FT] Depth at bottom of casing [FT] 44.4 156.7 OSolve whhout ReSIUM112afion Depth at bottom of well [FT] 240.1 �' SGlve wltlt u Mrization Req Radius of influence (R.) [FT] 1000.0 Total tmnsmissivity (Tww) [FT'/day] 0,22 ABS(Ah) maximum 5.00E+00 Regularization weight 1.00E-04 Tr.nor minimum[-[ 1.00E-09 Flow above layer bottom depth. FRACTURES Bottom Depth [FT] Ambient [GPM] Stressed [GPM] Tfactor [FT -ID] An [FT] Farfield head [FT] MSE [GPMrJ 4.051228E-05 Sum Ty�w, 1.G00 Sum dh^2 0.00039707Tsa90 Ambient W L [FT] -04.40 Estimated Ttotal [FT'/day] 0.218 Regularized Misfit 0.00 Pumped WL[FT] -62.80 Ambient Stressed Ambient Stressed Depth Flow above Flow above Error Error Zone T Fraction of total FRACTURES: [FT] [GPM] [GPM] [GPM] [GPM] [FT'/day] trammissivlly � ao ® 1111 111• 11 111 1111 1111 1111 111• 111: 111 1111 1111 11 1111 111• 111• I11 1111 1111 1 111 1 111 1 11 • 1111 1 111 1 111 Ambient Flow Profile Pumped Flow Profile Upward Flow, in GPM Upward Flow,in GPM AB-2BR FLASH AB-2BR FLASH Results and Individual Hydraulic Aperture Values Flow Layer in FLASH Depth (fee[ bgs) Depth (feel BTOR) Depth of Center of Interval (feet BTOR) Interval Lenth (feet) it of Fractures in Flow Layer Fracture Spacing in I(ferval (feet) Fraction of Total Transmissivity Transmissivity (fit'/day) CALIBRATED smiss Tran ivity (ft'/day) Transmissivity (mz/s) Hydraulic Conductivity (feet/day) Viscosity of Water, p3 (N s/m') Density of Water, pw3 (kg/m3) Acceleration due to Gravity, g (m/s2) Hydraulic Aperture, (m) Hytlraulic Aperture, en (mm) 1 165.23 46.23 41.97 8.53 1 5 8.5 0.428 0.093 0.590 6.35E-07 6.92E-02 1.20E-03 999.33 9.8 9.78E-05 0.10 2 175.15 56.15 51.19 9.92 2.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 3 185.02 66.02 61.09 9.88 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 4 195.05 ]6.05 71.04 10.03 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 5 205.14 86.14 81.09 10.09 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 m 6 215.00 96.00 91.07 9.86 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 i 7 224.70 105.70 100.85 9.70 1 9.7 0.572 0.125 0.791 8.50E-07 8.15E-02 1.20E-03 999.33 9.8 1.08E-04 8 235.20 116.20 110.95 10.50 1 10.5 0.000 0.000 0.000 1 Open Fractures Flow Layer In Identified by FLASH GEL 158 1 167 168 168 2 171 172 227 8 Flow Layer AMBIENT FLOW PUMPED FLOW in FLASH Depth (FT) I Q (GPM) Depth (FT) Q (GPM) 145 0.0061 145 0.0055 1 155 165 0.0072 0.0094 155 166 0.0073 0.0158 2 175 0.0106 175 0.0067 3 185 4 195 0.0078 0.0076 185 195 0.0085 0.0082 5 205 0.0090 205 0.0088 6 215 0.0089 215 0.0125 7 225 0.0109 225 0.0096 8 235 0.0059 235 0.0000 Notes: 1. Following a logarithmic sensitivity analysis of the FLASH model to radius of influence, a conservative value of 1000 feet 2 aused. 0bjective function, F, for model incoporates mean squared error (MSE) between interpreted and predicted flow profiles and the sum of squared differences (Ah) between the borehole's water level and is heads. Model objective is to min imi'e F; therefore, a value closer to zero indicates a better fit. 3. Model was run until no more iterations produced changes in output. 4. FLASH Software: Day -Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C. D., Pallet,F.L., and Halford, K.J, 2111, FLASH: A Computer Program for Flow -Lag Analysis of Single Holes v1.0: U.S. Geological Survey Software Release, 07 March 2011, 5. FLASH Report: Day -Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C. D., Paillet, F.L., and Halford, K.J., 2011, A computer program for flow -log analysis of single holes (FLASH): Ground Water, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1745-6584.2011.00798.x 6. Highlighted cells indicate flow levels that do not have any observed open fractures and did not contribute to total transmissivity. These depth intervals were not used for fracture spacing versus depth below top of rock figure because it is assumed that there are no fractures in these intervals. Total Transmissivity Calculated from Thiem Equation Q (gpm) ft3/da Drawdown, s (ft) R. (ft) R. (in) R.(ft) Tz -, (ft'/day) 0.1 19.25 18.4 1000 3 0.250 1.38 FLASH Total T and Fit Parameters Radius of TransmlSSl,Ity, Influence, Ro T-IAL MSE Ah F (ft) (ft'/day) 1000 0.22 4.05E-OS 3.91E-04 4.06E-OS Slu Test Information - Com leted in o en borehole Screen Interval ,ft. s Screen Interval ft BTOR Mid -point of Transmissivity Hydraulic Aperture interval ft2 tla een61 Hydraulk Conductivity 175-185 1]5 56 0.22 0.07 2.19E-02 185 66 weunam.. Belews Creek AB-2BRD Elevation of measuring point [FT] 0 Number of Flow zones[-] 20 Well diameter [IN] 5.8 Drawdown [FT] 18.50 Depth to ambient water level [FT] 95.7 Depth at bottom of casing [FT] 210 Depth at bottom of well [FT] 397.2 Radius of influence (Re) [FT] 1000.0 Total tmnsmissivity (T..) [FT'/day] 9.36 Flow above layer bottom depth. Bottom Depth [FT[ Ambient [GPM] Stressed [G [-' Estimate Tren5m I551" 1 I n Estlmale ROI C' Solve whhout Regularl2afion C' SGlvewlth Requ MDzetlon ABS(Ah) maximum 5.00E+00 Regularization weight 1.00E-04 Tfanormiaimnm[-t 1.00E-09 dh rFTI Farfield Mad 225 0.0000 0.4819 0.04 0.00 -95.70 235 0.0072 0.4543 0.04 0.00 -95.76 245 0.0054 0.4295 0.09 0.00 -95.70 255 0.0102 0.3679 0.00 0.00 -95.76 265 0.0108 0.3679 0.51 0.10 -95.60 275 0.0109 0.0149 0.00 0.00 -95.76 280 0.0111 0.0233 0.01 0.00 -95.70 286 0.0145 0.0139 0.01 0.00 -95.70 295 0.0164 0.0081 0.00 0.00 -95.70 305 0.0186 0.0091 0.00 0.00 -95.70 315 0.0141 0.0075 0.00 0.00 -95.76 325 0.0156 0.0119 0.00 0.00 -95.70 335 0.0153 0.0055 0.00 0.00 -95.76 345 0.0144 0.0085 0.00 0.00 -95.70 355 0.0183 0.0140 0.00 0.00 -95.76 365 0.0170 0.0090 0.00 0.00 -95.70 376 0.0176 0.0136 0.00 0.00 -95.70 386 0.0166 0.0118 0.01 0.01 -95.69 395 0.0054 0.0054 0.01 0.02 -95.68 MSE [GPN19 8.717768E-05 Ambient W L [FT] -95.70 Pumped WL[FT]-114.20 FRACTURES: 20 19 1a 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 ie Depth Sum Tyr 1.000 Sum dhA2 0.077079772s79s Estimated Ttotal[FT'/day] 9.363 Regularized Misfit 0.00 Ambient Stressed Ambient Stressed Flow above Flow above Eno Eno Zone T Fraction of total 214.84 0.002 0.681 -0.002 0.000 2.744 0.293 225.36 0.002 0.482 -0.002 0.000 0.381 0.041 235.30 0.002 0.454 0.005 0.000 0.343 0.037 245.43 0.002 0.429 0.003 0.000 0.848 0.091 255.23 0.002 0.368 0.008 0.000 0.000 0.000 265.27 0.002 0.368 0.009 0.000 4.785 0.511 275.25 0.000 0.019 0.011 -0.004 0.000 0.000 280.13 0.000 0.019 0.011 0.004 0.072 0.008 285.52 0.000 0.014 0.014 0.000 0.055 0.006 295.12 0.000 0.010 0.016 -0.002 0.000 0.000 305.37 0.000 0.010 0.019 -0.001 0.000 0.000 315.38 0.000 0.010 0.014 -0.002 0.000 0.000 325.33 0.000 0.010 0.016 0.002 0.000 0.000 335.24 0.000 0.010 0.015 -0.004 0.000 0.006 344.94 0.000 0.010 0.014 -0.001 0.000 0.000 355.28 0.000 0.010 0.018 0.004 0.000 0.000 365.25 0.000 0.010 0.017 -0.001 0.000 0.000 375.52 0.000 0.010 0.018 0.004 0.000 0.006 385.65 0.000 0.010 0.017 0.002 0.062 0.007 395.27 0.000 0.005 0.005 0.000 0.075 0.008 Ambient Flow Profile Pumped Flow Profile Upward Flow, in GPM T 121 upward Flow, in GPM 1 s • 1 • Lfi 1 Su 1 1 s r II } f a s +I I r a 410 A 2BRD FLASH AS-2BRD FLASH Results and Individual Hydraulic Aperture Values i i 00 i-i i.00 - Open Fractures Flow Layer in Identlfled by FLASH GEL 224 2 242 245 4 245 272 272 272 273 7 273 273 274 262 282 9 284 288 10 391 20 391 Flow Layer in FLASH AMBIENT FLOW PUMPED FLOW Depth (FT) Q (GPM) Depth (FT) Q (GPM) 195 0.0000 195 0.4543 1 206 215 0.0000 0.0000 205 215 0.5862 0.6808 2 225 0.0000 226 0.4819 3 4 235 245 0.0072 0.0054 235 245 0.4543 0.4295 S 6 255 265 0.0102 0.0108 255 265 0.3679 0.3679 7 B 275 280 0.0109 0.0111 275 280 0.0149 0.0233 9 10 286 295 0.0145 0.0164 285 1 295 0.0139 0.0081 11 305 0.0186 305 0.0091 12 315 0.0141 315 0.0075 13 325 0.0156 325 0.0119 14 335 0.0153 335 0.0055 15 345 0.0144 345 0.0085 16 355 0.0183 355 0.0140 17 365 0.0170 365 0.0090 18 376 0.0176 375 0.0136 19 386 0.0166 386 0.0118 20 395 0.0054 395 1 0.0054 Nntes: 1. Following a logarithmic sensitivity analysis of the FLASH model to radius of influence, a conservative value of 1000 feet ws used. 2 a0bjective function, F, for model incoporates mean squared error (MSE) between interpreted and predicted flow profiles and the sum of squared differences (4h) between the borehole's water level and far -field heads. Model objective is to minimize F; therefore, a value closer to zero indicates a better fit. 3.Model was run until no more iterations produced changes in output. 4. FLASH Software: Day -Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C. D., Paillet, F.L., and Halford, K.3, 2011, FLASH: A Computer Program for Flow -Log Analysis of Single Holes v1.0: U.S. Geological Survey Software Release, 07 March 2011, 5. FLASH Report: Day -Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C. D., Paillet, F.L., and Halford, K.J., 2011, A computer program for flow -log analysis of single holes (FLASH): Ground Water, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1745-6584.2011.00798,x 6. Highlighted cells indicate flow levels that do not have any observed open fractures and did not contribute to total transmissivity. These depth intervals were not used for fracture spacing versus depth below top of rock figure because it is assumed that there are no fractures in these intervals. Total Transmissivity Calculated from Thiem Equation Q (gpm) Q (fts/day) Drawtlo In, s (it) R. (fit) R.(In) R.(ft) TTo (ft2/day) 0.9 173.25 18.5 1000 2.9 U.242 I 12.41 FLASH Total T and Fit Parameters Radius of Transmissivity, Influence, Ro TTorac MSE Ah F (ft) (Re/day) 1000 S.36 8.72E-OS 1.11E-02 8.83E-OS Slug Test Information - Completed in open borehole 5veen Interval b s Screen Interval ft BTOR Mid -point of ee interval Transmissivity ft2 da Hydraulic Aperture m Hydraulic Conductivity ftda 266-276 266 141 146 46.01 0.22 4.60E+00 276 151 280-290 280 1" 160 4.21 0.12 4.21E-01 290 161 296-306 176 0.03 0.04 2.84E-03 306 181 Borehole NA NA NA 831.76 0.42 4.44E+00 FLASH - Flow Log Analysis of Single Holes LAO REQUIRED wrila . Belews Creek AB-3BRD INPUT: Elevation of measuring point [FT] 0 un Solver n EsUnt ale Trat15m I55IVpy Number of Flow zones[-] 26 OEstlmate ROl Well diameter [IN] 5.8 Dmwdown [FT] 1.50 Depth to ambient water level [FT] 84.7 C, SOW without Reg uMrl2atlon Depth at bottom of casing [FT] 180.2 Depth at bottom of well [FT] 399.1 C' SGlvewltll RequMRzatlon Radius of influence (Re) [FT] 1000.0 Total tmnsmissivity (Truly) [FT'/day] 149.81 ABS(Ah) maximum 5.00E+00 Regularization weight 1.00E-04 Tfanor mini-[-] 1.00E-09 Flow above layer bottom depths FRACTURES Bottom Depth [FT1 Ambient [GPM] Stressed [GPM] Tfactor [FT -ID] ah [FT] Farfield Mad [FT] 26 186 0.0000 0.8855 0.05 -0.01 -84.71 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 18 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 6 5 a 3 z 1 SIMULATED PROFILES (DO NOT EDIT) MSE [GPMrJ 9.706013E-05 Sum Tyro, 1.000 Sum dh^2 O.00SOa835a9a60 Ambient W L [FT] -84.70 Estimated Ttotal [FT'/day] 149.814 Regularized Misfit 0.00 Pumped WL[FT] -86.20 Ambient Stressed Ambient Stressed Depth Flow above Flow above Error Error Zone T Fraction of total FRACTURES: [FT] [GPM] [GPM] [GPM] [GPM] [FT'/day] tratrsmisslvlly 2e 25 24 23 22 21 9 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 S 7 6 5 4 z 1 Doehed lines indmote-nketione or meoeawd do.. sdia lines ins-i-lotea les. 196 0.0000 0.8064 0.00 0.00 -84.70 206 0.0000 0.8351 0.00 0.00 -84.70 216 0.0072 0.8655 0.04 -0.02 -84.72 217 0.0085 0.8064 0.90 0.01 -84.69 221 -0.0153 -0.0072 0.00 0.00 -84.70 225 0.0000 -0.0048 0.00 0.00 -84.70 231 0.0000 -0.0073 0.00 0.00 -84.70 236 0.0000 0.0066 0.00 0.00 -84.70 246 0.0000 0.0057 0.00 0.00 -84.70 255 0.0000 0.0076 0.00 0.00 -84.70 260 0.0000 0.0112 0.00 0.00 -84.70 264 0.0079 0.0062 0.00 0.00 -84.70 276 0.0089 0.0100 0.00 0.00 -84.70 285 0.0076 0.0085 0.00 0.00 -84.70 296 0.0073 0.0096 0.00 0.00 -84.70 305 0.0089 0.0098 0.00 0.00 -84.70 315 0.0076 0.0094 0.00 0.00 -84.70 326 0.0078 0.0119 0.00 0.00 -84.70 336 0.0107 0.0099 0.00 0.00 -84.70 346 0.0069 0.0083 0.00 0.00 -84.70 356 0.0080 0.0000 0.00 0.00 -84.70 366 0.0074 0.0076 0.00 0.00 -84.70 376 0.0076 0.0091 0.00 0.00 -84.70 386 0.0084 0.0072 0.00 0.00 -84.70 396 0.0076 0.0054 0.01 0.07 -84.63 185.69 0.003 0.884 -0.003 0.002 7.114 0.047 196.02 0.003 0.842 -0.003 -0.036 0.000 0.000 205.83 0.003 0.842 -0.003 -0.007 0.000 0.000 215.53 0.003 0.842 0.004 0.043 6.217 0.041 217.35 0.004 0.806 0.005 0.000 135.485 0.904 220.61 0.000 0.006 -0.016 -0.013 0.000 0.000 225.47 0.000 0.006 0.000 -0.011 0.000 0.000 230.66 0.000 0.006 0.000 -0.013 0.000 0.000 235.51 0.000 0.006 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 245.68 0.000 0.006 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 255.39 0.000 0.006 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 259.61 0.000 0.006 0.000 0.005 0.000 0.000 2fi4.35 0.000 0.006 0.006 0.000 0.000 0.000 275.60 0.000 0.006 0.009 0.004 0.000 0.000 285.45 0.000 0.006 0.007 0.002 0.000 0.000 295.73 0.000 0.006 0.007 0.003 0.000 0.000 305.39 0.000 0.006 0.009 0.004 0.000 0.000 315.48 0.000 0.006 0.007 0.003 0.000 0.000 325.95 0.000 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.000 0.000 335.94 0.000 0.006 0.010 0.004 0.000 0.000 345.60 0.000 0.006 0.007 0.002 0.000 0.000 355.62 0.000 0.006 0.006 -0.006 0.000 0.000 3fi5.52 0.000 0.006 0.007 0.002 0.000 0.000 375.61 0.000 0.006 0.007 0.003 0.000 0.000 385.63 0.000 0.006 0.006 0.001 0.000 0.000 395.56 0.000 0.006 0.007 -0.001 0.997 0.007 Ambient Flow Profile Pumped Flow Profile Upwartl Flow,in GPM Upward Flow,In GPM • • I I I I 1 1 I I 3 r II I I 1 i I r 1 3 A&3BRD FLASH AB-3BRD FLASH Results and Individual Hydraulic Aperture Values H,d-u 'ic Conductivity Viscosity of Water, V3 E 03 Open Fractures Flow Layer in Identified by FLASH GEL 219 7 260 13 335 335 21 Flow m FLASH Layer AMBIENT FLOW PUMPED FLOW Depth (FT) 166 I Q (GPM) 1 0.0000 Depth (FT) 165 Q (GPM) 0.9792 1 176 186 1 0.0000 0.0000 176 186 0.8855 0.8855 2 196 0.0000 195 0.8064 3 4 206 216 0.0000 0.0072 206 215 0.8351 0.8855 5 6 217 221 0.0085 -0.0153 217 221 0.8064 -0.0072 7 8 225 231 0.0000 0.0000 226 231 -0.0048 -0.0073 9 10 236 246 0.0000 0.0000 236 246 0.0066 0.0057 11 255 0.0000 256 0.0076 12 260 0.0000 260 0.0112 13 264 0.0079 265 0.0062 14 276 0.0089 276 0.0100 15 285 0.0076 286 0.0085 16 296 0.0073 296 0.0096 17 305 0.0089 306 0.0098 I6 315 0.00]6 316 0.0094 19 326 0.0078 326 0.0119 20 336 0.0107 336 0.0099 21 346 0.0069 346 0.0083 22 356 0.0080 355 0.0000 23 24 366 376 0.0074 0.0076 366 376 0.0076 0.0091 25 26 386 396 0.0084 0.0076 385 395 0.0072 0.0054 Nntes; 1. Following a logarithmic sensitivity analysis of the FLASH model to radius of influence, a conservative value of 1000 feet 2 aused. 0bjective function, F, for model incoporates mean squared error (MSE) between interpreted and predicted flow profiles and the sum of squared differences (Ah) between the borehole's water level and far -field heads. Model objective is to ze F; therefore, a value closer to zero indicates a better fit. 3.I Model was run until no more iterations produced changes in output. 4. FLASH Software: Day -Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C. D., Paillet, F.L., and Halford, K.J, 2011, FLASH: A Computer Program for Flow -Lag Analysis of Single Holes v1.0: U.S. Geological Survey Software Release, 07 March 2011, 5. FLASH Report: Day -Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C. D., Paillet, F.L., and Halford, K.J., 2011, A computer program for flow -log analysis of single holes (FLASH): Ground Water, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1745-6584.2011.00798., 6. Highlighted cells indicate flow levels that do not have any observed open factures and did not contribute to total tmnsmissivity. These depth intervals were not used for fracture spacing versus depth below top of rock figure because it is assumed that there are no fractures in these intervals. Total Transmissivity Calculated from Thiem Equation Q (glim) Q (fe/day) Drawdown, s (ft) Ft. (ft) Aw CIn) R. (ft) T-L (ft'/day) 1 192 5 1 5 1000 1.9 1 0 242 11 170 10 FLASH Total T and Fit Parameters Radius of Transmissivity, Influence, R. T10- MSE Ah F (fit) (ftz/day) 1000 149.81 9.71E-OS 5.05E-03 9.76E-OS Slug Test Information - Completed in open borehole Screen Interval fit b s Screen Interval (ft BTOR Mid -point of ee interval Transmissivity ft2 da Hydraulic A ertu re m Hydraulic on Cductivit 203-213 203 100 105 18.21 0.31 1.82E+00 213 110 236-246 138 0.26 0.07 2.61E-02 246 143 260-270 260 162 0.26 0.07 2.61E-02 157 375-385 385 282 277 0.26 0.07 2.61E-02 Borehole NA NA NA 2266.27 0.96 1.04E+01 Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC — Belews Creek Steam Station ATTACHMENT C GEOPHYSICAL LOGGING REPORT SynTerra Solutions 821 Livingston Court, Suite E Marietta, GA 30067 770.980.1002 Geophysical Logging Report Belews Creek Steam Station, Belews Creek, North Carolina Performed for: SynTerra April 25, 2019 problem solved Geophysical Logging Report, AB-1BRD, AB-2BR, AB-2BRD, AB-313RD Belews Creek Steam Station, Belews Creek, North Carolina TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page SignaturePage..................................................................................................................................ii ExecutiveSummary.........................................................................................................................iii 1.0 Introduction........................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 Equipment and Methodology................................................................................................ 1 2.1 Acoustic Televiewer...................................................................................................... 1 2.2 Optical Televiewer........................................................................................................ 2 2.3 3-Arm Caliper................................................................................................................ 2 2.4 Fluid Temperature........................................................................................................ 2 2.5 Fluid Conductivity......................................................................................................... 2 2.6 Single Point Resistance(SPR)........................................................................................ 3 2.7 Spontaneous Potential (SP).......................................................................................... 3 2.8 Heat Pulse Flowmeter(HPF)......................................................................................... 3 3.0 Field Procedures.................................................................................................................... 3 4.0 Data Processing and Results.................................................................................................. 4 Appendices Appendix 1 Fracture Summary Table Appendix 2 Schmidt Stereonets and Rose Diagrams Appendix 3 Heat Pulse Flowmeter Logs and Fracture Characteristics Appendix 4 Geophysical Logs problem solved Geophysical Logging Report, AB-16RD, AB-2BR, A13-2131113, A13-361113, April 25, 2019 Belews Creek Steam Station, Belews Creek, North Carolina (synt00118) Page ii SIGNATURE PAGE This report, entitled "Geophysical Logging Report, AB-1BRD, AB-2BR, AB-213RD, AB-36RD, Belews Creek Steam Station, Belews Creek, North Carolina" has been prepared for SynTerra located in Greenville, South Carolina. It has been prepared under the supervision of Mr. Jorgen Bergstrom at the request of and the exclusive use of SynTerra. This report has been prepared in accordance with accepted quality control practices and has been reviewed by the undersigned. GEL Solutions. LLC A Member of the GEL Group, Inc. Alk- Jorgen Bergstrom, P.Gp. Senior Geophysicist Nicholas Rebman Geophysical Specialist April 25, 2019 Date problem solved Geophysical Logging Report, AB-1BRD, AB-21311, AB-2BRD, AB-3BRD, April 25, 2019 Belews Creek Steam Station, Belews Creek, North Carolina (synt00118) Page iii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY GEL Solutions performed geophysical borehole logging services in four borings located at Belews Creek Steam Station in Belews Creek, North Carolina. The field investigations were performed between March 6, 2019 and March 11, 2019. This investigation was conducted to aid SynTerra in evaluating potential pathways for groundwater migration through fractured bedrock at the site. The geophysical logs consisted of acoustic televiewer, optical televiewer, caliper, fluid conductivity, fluid temperature, single point resistance (SPR), spontaneous potential (SP), and heat pulse flowmeter (HPF). The logging data was analyzed to determine the location and orientation of fractures and other features. In addition to these data sets, synthetic caliper logs were calculated from the acoustic televiewer travel time data to aid in the interpretation. Dip and azimuth (dip direction) were calculated for each detected fracture based on the televiewer dataset. HPF data was analyzed to detect water producing fractures. problem solved Geophysical Logging Report, AB-16RD, AB-21311, A13-2131113, A13-361113, April 25, 2019 Belews Creek Steam Station, Belews Creek, North Carolina (synt00118) Page 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION GEL Solutions performed geophysical borehole logging services in four borings located at Belews Creek Steam Station in Belews Creek, North Carolina. The geophysical logs consisted of acoustic and optical televiewer, 3-arm caliper, fluid conductivity, fluid temperature, single point resistance (SPR), spontaneous potential (SP), and heat pulse flowmeter (HPF). The field investigation was performed between March 6, 2019 and March 11, 2019. The logging data was analyzed to determine the location and orientation of fractures and other features. In addition to these data sets, synthetic caliper logs were calculated from the acoustic televiewer travel time data to aid in the interpretation. 2.0 EQUIPMENT AND METHODOLOGY The information below is an overview of the geophysical methodologies used for this investigation. The intent of this overview is to give the reader a better understanding of each method, and background information as to what is actually measured, the resolution of the method, and the limitations imposed by site -specific subsurface conditions. 2.1 Acoustic Televiewer Acoustic televiewer (ATV) logging produces a high resolution, magnetically oriented digital image of the borehole wall to map the location and orientation of intersecting fractures, foliations, and lithologic contacts. The Acoustic televiewer tool emits a rotating, narrow, acoustic beam that is reflected off the borehole wall. The travel time and amplitude of the reflected wave are recorded by the tool and used to create borehole images. Both datasets are useful for identifying the location and orientation of fractures. The amplitude of the reflected signal will decrease at the location of fractures and the travel time will increase. The travel time data can also be used for developing a high resolution caliper log for a more comprehensive analysis of fractures. Acoustic televiewers can only be used in fluid filled boreholes. However, the fluid does not have to be optically clear for the method to work. When operating the ATV, a "time window" is set based on the borehole diameter. The time window is the time interval in which the ATV instrument searches for an echo from the borehole wall. For smaller increases in borehole diameter around fractures and sections of weaker rock, the ATV typically records an accurate borehole diameter (correlates well with three -arm caliper data). However, if borehole openings are problem solved Geophysical Logging Report, AB-16RD, AB-21311, AB-2BRD, AB-3BRD, April 25, 2019 Belews Creek Steam Station, Belews Creek, North Carolina (synt00118) Page 2 much larger than the borehole diameter, the echo from the borehole wall may fall outside the time window, or be too weak to be detected. In these situations, borehole diameters recorded with ATV may be inaccurate. Since ATV only records the reflection from the borehole wall, the data cannot be used to determine how far a fracture extends from the borehole. The acoustic televiewer has a vertical resolution of 2 millimeters. 2.2 Optical Televiewer Optical televiewer (OTV) logging is used to record and digitize a 360-degree color image of the borehole wall. Planar features such as fractures, foliation, and lithologic contacts can be identified directly on the images. The tool is magnetically oriented in order to determine the orientation of features. Televiewers have a vertical resolution of 2mm, which is significantly better than many other geophysical tools. As a result, it is able to see features other tools cannot resolve. Optical images can be collected above or below the water surface, provided the water is sufficiently clear for viewing the borehole wall. 2.3 3-Arm Caliper Caliper logging is used to generate a profile of the borehole diameter with depth. The tool measures the borehole diameter using three spring -loaded arms. Narrow enlargements in the borehole diameter can, in most cases, be attributed to fractures. Caliper logging can be conducted above and below the water surface. 2.4 Fluid Temperature Fluid temperature logging is used to identify where water enters or exits the borehole. In the absence of fluid flow, a gradual increase on water temperature of approximately 1°F per 100 feet of depth is expected. Rapid changes in the fluid temperature indicate water -producing or water -receiving zones. Little or no temperature gradient indicates intervals of vertical flow. 2.5 Fluid Conductivity Fluid conductivity logging is used to measure the electrical conductivity of the fluid in the borehole. Variations in fluid conductivity can be contributed to concentration variations of dissolved solids. These differences can occur when sources of water have contrasting chemistry and have come from different transmissive zones. Fluid temperature and conductivity are measured concurrently using the same logging tool. problem solved Geophysical Logging Report, AB-1BRD, AB-21311, AB-2BRD, A13-36RD, April 25, 2019 Belews Creek Steam Station, Belews Creek, North Carolina (synt00118) Page 3 2.6 Single Point Resistance (SPR) Single point resistance logging involves passing an alternate current between a surface electrode and a probe electrode and measuring the voltage difference created by the current. SPR is then calculated using Ohm's law. SPR is the sum of cable resistance, and the resistance based on the composition of the medium, the cross sectional area and length of the path through the medium. Therefore, the single point resistance log does not provide quantitative data. In general, SPR increases with increasing grain size and decreases with increasing borehole diameter, fracture density, and the concentration of dissolved solids in the water. Single - point resistance logs are useful in the determination of lithology, water quality, and location of fracture zones. 2.7 Spontaneous Potential (SP) SP logging is conducted to measure naturally occurring voltage differences along a borehole. The method has been found useful for delineating sandstone/shale layering and other boundaries between permeable and impermeable beds. The measurements are made with reference to an electrode at ground level. Therefore, SP logging does not provide quantitative data. 2.8 Heat Pulse Flowmeter (HPF) HPF logging measures the direction and rate of vertical fluid flow in a borehole by heating up a small volume of water and monitoring temperature variations as the heated water moves with the fluid flow in the borehole. Under ambient conditions, differences in hydraulic head between two transmissive fractures produce vertical flow in the borehole. However, if the hydraulic head is the same, no flow will occur under ambient conditions. Therefore, HPF logging is also conducted under low -rate pumping conditions. HPF readings are point readings at the location of fractures. The location and number of these readings can be determined after analyzing the other geophysical logs for fractures. HPF can be used for measuring vertical flows in the borehole between 0.005 gallons per minute (gpm) and approximately 1.5 gpm. In HPF data, upward flow is shown as positive flow, and downward flow is shown as negative flow. 3.0 FIELD PROCEDURES All GEL Solutions activities on -site were supervised by a senior geophysicist. For this investigation, GEL Solutions used a Mount Sopris Matrix logging system. Pumping tests during HPF testing were conducted using a Grundfos Redi-Flow-2 water pump with variable speed control box and an in -situ Mini -Troll pressure transducer with logging capabilities. The pump is placed in the casing above the open hole section of the problem solved Geophysical Logging Report, AB-1BRD, AB-21311, AB-2BRD, AB-3BRD, April 25, 2019 Belews Creek Steam Station, Belews Creek, North Carolina (synt00118) Page 4 borehole. HPF logging under pumping conditions commenced after the borehole water level had stabilized. HPF logging was conducted at every 10 feet throughout the logging intervals under ambient and pumping conditions. More closely spaced readings were then conducted at sections with abrupt changes in flow. A summary of the configuration of the boreholes, pumping rates, and water levels is provided below. All depth measurements are referenced from the ground surface. All borings are surface cased and open hole below the casing. Logging Configuration Summary Well ID: AB-1BRD AB-2BR AB-2BRD AB-3BRD Casing material: PVC PVC PVC PVC Casing diameter (in): 8.0 8.0 6.0 6.0 Open hole (ft): 159.5-398.2 156.7-240.1 210.0-397.2 180.2-399.1 Open hole diameter (in): 8.0 (159.5-303.1 ft) 6.0 (303.1-398.2 ft) 6.0 5.8 5.8 Pumping rate (gpm): 0.5 0.1 0.9 1.0 Pump depth (ft): 135 75 130 115 Water level before pumping (ft): 99.5 44.4 95.7 84.7 Water level at equilibrium (ft): 118.6 62.8 114.2 86.2 4.0 DATA PROCESSING AND RESULTS The logs were analyzed for fractures and other features using WellCAD software, manufactured by Advanced Logic Technology. The travel time data from the acoustic televiewer log was used to develop a maximum caliper log. Fractures were interpreted through a complete data analysis of all logs. Dip and azimuth (dip direction) were calculated for each detected fracture. The fracture data was corrected from apparent to true dip and azimuth using deviation logs included with the televiewer dataset, and from magnetic north to true north by rotating the fracture azimuths 8.4° counterclockwise. Magnetic north is 8.4° west of true north at the site (according to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). The reported azimuth or dip direction is measured clockwise from true north (Figure 1). A fracture summary table including fracture attributes is provided in Appendix 1. Dominating water producing fractures based on flow logging or other evidence are highlighted and shown in bold and italics text. Minor water producing fractures based on flow logging are shown in bold. problem solved Geophysical Logging Report, AB-1BRD, AB-21311, AB-2BRD, AB-3BRD, April 25, 2019 Belews Creek Steam Station, Belews Creek, North Carolina (synt00118) Page 5 Schmidt stereonets (lower hemisphere) with fracture characteristics and fracture rose diagrams are presented on Appendix 2. HPF logs and fracture characteristics are shown on Appendix 3. All logs are presented on Appendix 4. All depths are referenced from ground surface. Gi�ert Past Rela6ns beh"an Do and A#nrutb angle Figure 1: Explanation of azimuth and dip for fractures problem solved APPENDIX 1 Belews Creek Steam Station, North Carolina Fracture Data from Geophysical Logging AB-1BRD Depth Azimuth Dip ft deg deg 158.5 98 76 163.3 85 52 163.9 177 51 166.1 86 83 170.8 271 70 173.2 170 39 180.8 9 14 180.8 86 4 182.2 28 2 184.9 16 8 184.9 90 5 185.2 120 14 191.5 15 11 194.5 13 12 210.6 186 8 216.3 5 13 227.7 302 66 238.9 316 10 239.5 178 6 239.7 211 9 247.3 144 17 247.3 354 34 247.8 175 11 248.4 23 39 248.6 244 43 250.3 173 3 250.4 149 24 251.1 176 23 253.5 358 30 254.1 279 11 258.5 10 32 258.5 153 39 264.8 242 65 266.9 196 11 267.0 167 21 269.8 68 29 270.7 221 30 270.8 28 9 270.9 193 39 271.5 358 19 271.9 171 56 274.5 14 13 277.2 93 52 277.4 75 61 277.8 78 52 278.6 109 41 279.5 114 66 280.4 88 51 280.9 351 38 281.3 31 8 281.4 336 26 282.1 92 11 282.9 107 15 283.8 119 67 283.9 124 29 287.4 10 21 287.7 27 42 296.8 346 32 298.2 174 47 298.4 317 31 298.9 2 15 299.1 351 31 299.6 347 30 299.9 354 22 300.0 2 18 300.4 23 9 300.4 359 15 300.8 5 13 AB-1BRD Depth Azimuth Dip ft deg deg 310.5 148 71 312.6 3 26 312.7 176 42 314.5 145 41 314.9 90 13 318.5 180 34 326.0 159 30 326.3 212 26 351.0 359 22 352.1 186 20 357.4 190 89 361.9 175 70 362.1 176 71 362.2 156 77 364.7 322 14 365.2 163 71 369.6 100 77 371.0 93 74 371.4 138 69 373.9 211 4 376.0 5 21 389.4 39 48 392.9 273 11 393.4 40 7 AB-2BR Depth Azimuth Dip ft deg deg 157.3 22 29 157.5 39 47 158.1 48 75 161.4 172 52 161.5 347 65 162.8 83 66 163.6 352 11 163.8 320 13 163.9 275 17 164.4 172 12 164.5 137 13 166.0 356 67 166.2 1 15 167.1 127 50 168.1 358 16 168.3 349 20 168.6 347 15 171.0 92 74 171.2 45 52 172.1 35 24 174.8 155 25 176.3 103 27 181.0 89 60 184.2 87 45 189.8 307 10 189.9 1 12 189.9 4 10 195.6 127 52 196.2 72 11 204.7 4 10 205.8 22 12 206.0 1 15 206.2 3 14 211.8 96 73 226.8 270 78 235.3 75 63 Major open fractures are highlighted and shown in bold and italics text. Minor open fractures are shown in bold. Closed fractures are shown in plain text. Belews Creek Steam Station, North Carolina Fracture Data from Geophysical Logging AB-2BRD Depth Azimuth Dip ft deg deg 212.3 172 19 216.5 359 7 223.8 100 54 224.8 4 9 232.0 354 11 232.5 2 11 232.9 354 11 239.1 163 64 240.2 4 9 240.8 69 9 241.9 256 51 242.2 268 44 242.4 286 44 243.3 281 25 244.7 324 21 245.0 270 32 245.2 282 23 248.6 359 45 248.9 188 36 251.3 265 74 253.6 152 64 254.1 281 67 260.2 307 31 262.7 311 48 263.2 335 35 265.3 281 26 271.7 290 7 272.2 296 18 272.3 321 14 273.2 226 29 273.3 4 21 273.3 172 35 274.4 349 21 275.4 126 36 275.4 345 46 276.4 184 30 277.0 326 36 277.9 357 18 280.2 338 27 280.6 172 48 281.1 8 17 281.5 16 21 281.8 93 23 282.2 292 7 283.9 169 37 285.0 104 19 285.2 140 44 287.8 194 11 289.9 213 59 307.7 8 12 309.1 6 12 313.7 7 11 314.0 354 15 323.8 339 84 327.4 2 89 330.1 354 89 330.6 183 90 334.1 199 90 334.9 21 84 343.9 359 18 354.0 16 86 360.2 5 13 360.6 9 10 361.1 103 6 365.2 356 83 366.1 353 68 368.3 16 8 369.3 17 8 AB-2BRD Depth ft Azimuth deg Dip deg 372.2 9 11 372.3 15 8 372.9 15 8 374.0 7 14 374.3 10 11 375.4 13 11 381.2 5 11 385.4 7 18 385.5 160 13 386.1 347 12 387.0 189 7 387.1 217 6 388.6 19 7 389.4 18 7 390.6 18 8 390.7 2 13 390.9 55 30 392.5 18 8 392.7 13 9 AB-3BRD Depth Azimuth Dip ft deg deg 188.68 176.91 35.52 189.08 186.77 21.17 189.58 354.53 6.48 189.72 0.81 6.58 192.68 352.34 26.33 193.36 285.84 24.96 193.64 304.18 12.47 199.8 95.45 12.18 200.51 93.32 42.97 200.8 128.01 41.11 203.71 163.77 12.42 214.22 152.16 16.13 218.54 348.29 8.84 220.32 83.07 36.43 224.35 128.55 42.18 226.97 103.94 55.67 229.41 319.8 15.35 230.67 331.16 13.07 233.57 357.64 16.53 234.04 297.08 18.51 239.15 29.62 31.66 240.11 3.61 49.62 240.77 25.15 36.24 241.2 180.15 55.01 242.34 0.17 26.16 245.27 1.93 36.65 245.99 16.2 31.47 248.48 347.35 22.6 249.02 138.97 2.95 249.49 358.6 20.43 251.09 3.87 79.75 254.65 3.56 16.27 255.86 135.72 20.12 256.54 208.29 22.72 259.3 111.47 9.7 259.95 137.59 43.79 262.96 126.52 25.99 263.36 104.28 28.44 266.18 74.58 8.08 279.85 191.09 72.36 282.28 145.05 65.17 285.5 30.3 67.77 286.92 26.5 32.23 312.66 13.45 79.31 317.81 173.95 26.41 322.76 18.3 13.98 333.76 10.47 13.96 334.75 154.2 73.61 334.84 157.51 68.98 342.74 2.69 15.87 349.61 15.32 11.58 349.83 15.79 11.67 350.7 8.76 15.94 352.39 18.81 32.88 353.97 351.92 33.54 358.74 45.72 8.01 359.19 55.24 5.79 372.69 15.79 11.84 375.4 11.73 14.45 384.53 305.92 60.71 392.84 13.15 13.1 393.19 4.87 25.72 396.25 6.81 18.94 396.43 357.15 15.97 Major open fractures are highlighted and shown in bold and italics text. Minor open fractures are shown in bold. Closed fractures are shown in plain text. APPENDIX 2 Depth Fractures Poles - Dip - Lower Hemisphere Great Circles - Strike - Lower Hemisphere 1ft:500ft 0 90 Schmidt Plot - LH - Type Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type 150 Well ID: AB-1 BIRD 175 200 Schmidt Plot - LH - Type Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type Depth: 146.65 [ft] to 414.76 [ft] Depth: 147.44 [ft] to 417.52 [ft] 225 0° 80 0° 70 O 80 o - i o_ 5I0 250 0 30 510 30 20 20 \ JJ 275 270° 10 20-30-40-50-8 70, 80 90° -- � 270° \ 10 20-30-40-50-60-70-80 90° F 300 80" 325 180° Counts Dip[deg] Azi[deg] Counts Dip[deg] Strike[deg] Mean 92 6.80 91.89 Mean 92 6.80 1.89 O 81 5.78 92.54 O 81 5.78 2.54 350 0 11 16.14 90.62 11 16.14 0.62 375 Major open fracture Minor open fracture 400 � Closed fracture 425 Page 1 Depth Fractures Poles - Dip - Lower Hemisphere Great Circles - Strike - Lower Hemisphere 1ft:200ft 0 90 Schmidt Plot - LH - Type Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type Well ID: 150 AB-2BR 160 Schmidt Plot - LH - Type Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type 170 Depth: 146.65 [ft] to 242.45 [ft] Depth: 146.72 [ft] to 242.59 [ft] 0, 6. 80 -- _- --80- .. / 18 0 I I 7I ., ,..._ ._- 7I _...... 50 O So- I 1\ 30 30- 20 / 2 1 190 10 10 270° 1020-30-40-50-60-70 0 90° 270° 1 20I; 30-4 50 0-70� 80 90, O 200 • r O 210 180` Counts Dip[deg] Azi[deg] Counts Dip[deg] Strike[deg] Mean 36 17.49 55.67 Mean 36 17.49 325.67 220 29 14.95 59.72 O 29 14.95 329.72 O 7 33.24 48.71 • 7 33.24 318.71 230 Major open fracture Minor open fracture Closed fracture 240 Page 1 Depth Fractures Poles - Dip - Lower Hemisphere Great Circles - Strike - Lower Hemisphere 1ft:500ft 0 90 Schmidt Plot - LH - Type Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type 175 200 Well ID: AB-2BRD 225 Schmidt Plot - LH - Type Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type Depth: 197.75 [ft] to 405.59 [ft] Depth: 198.08 [ft] to 405.92 [ft] 0° 0° 250 -- % 80 -� 80— 7o 70-- 0 i X 60 50 5I0 \ 275 0 0 � 30 r l � 30 O \ 20 20 10 I 270750-60-70-80 90° 270" -10 20-30. 0-5i0-60-70-80 90" 300 O \ I O 325 180° 180' Counts Dip[deg] Azi[deg] Counts Dip[deg] Strike[deg] 350 Mean 87 8.32 336.88 Mean 87 8.32 246.88 70 10.30 342.72 O 70 10.30 252.72 O 13 4.88 323.45 0 13 4.88 233.45 375 0 4 10.82 223.18 0 4 10.82 133.18 Major open fracture 400 Minor open fracture Closed fracture Page 1 Depth Fractures Poles - Dip - Lower Hemisphere Great Circles - Strike - Lower Hemisphere 1ft:500ft 0 90 Schmidt Plot - LH - Type Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type 175 200 Well ID: AB-3BRD 225 Schmidt Plot - LH - Type Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type Depth: 177.38 [ft] to 411.63 [ft] Depth: 177.38 [ft] to 411.80 [ft] 0° o° 0 sow 250 io io o so 50� / 50 0 0 (0 / 30 2 275 2i 2 -10 270° 10-20-30-40-50-so-70-80 90° 270° i 10-20-30� 4Of50�60-70-80 90° O O / 300 325 1'0° 1'0° Counts Dip[deg] Azi[deg] Counts Dip[deg] Strike[deg] Mean 64 10.15 35.12 Mean 64 10.15 305.12 350 60 11.02 29.37 0 60 11.02 299.37 O 1 8.84 348.29 0 1 8.84 258.29 O 3 62.29 151.18 0 3 62.29 61.18 375 AO 0 Major open fracture &— Minor open fracture 400 CD Closed fracture Page 1 Depth Fractures Poles - Dip - Lower Hemisphere Great Circles - Strike - Lower Hemisphere 1ft:500ft 0 90 Schmidt Plot - LH - Type Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type 125 150 All Wells 175 200 Schmidt Plot - LH - Type Schmidt Plot (Strike) - LH - Type Depth: 140.42 [ft] to 404.36 [ft] o, Depth: 140.75 [ft] to 404.61 [ft] 80 6. 80 ---_ ....., 2 2 5 70 __- \ = 0 O -4 - 3030 250 0 20 O 270° O 10 20-30) 401150 60 70 0 90° 270 10-+20-30-40 50 60-70-80 90' 275 O 300 {\ - ---------- 180° Counts Dip[deg] Azi[deg] 180° Counts Dip[deg] Strike[deg] 325 Mean 279 6.99 34.29 Mean 279 6.99 304.29 O 240 7.40 30.01 240 7.40 300.01 O 34 9.38 73.50 • 34 9.38 343.50 0 5 7.21 238.74 • 5 7.21 148.74 350 375 Major open fracture Minor open fracture Closed fracture 400 Page 1 Depth Fractures Rose Diagram - Dip Direction Rose Diagram - Dip 1ft: 500ft 90 0 Azimuth - Absolute (Count) Dip Count - Absolute (Count) 175 40 200 Azimuth -Absolute (Count) Depth: 150.00 [ft] to 399.34 [ft] 225 0° Dip Count -Absolute (Count) 1 Depth: 150.10 [ft] to 399.34 [ft] 01 Well ID: 250 24 AB-1 BIRD 8 10 275 300 - 62024 Counts: 92.00 Mean (3D): 6.80 180° Min: 2.46 Components: Azimuth Max: 89.44 325 Counts: 92.00 Mean (3D): 91.89 Min: 2.33 Max: 359.37 350 375 Page 1 Depth Fractures Rose Diagram - Dip Direction Rose Diagram - Dip 1ft:200ft 90 0 Azimuth - Absolute (Count) Dip Count - Absolute (Count) 150 160 170 Azimuth -Absolute (Count) Depth: 150.00 [ft] to 248.27 [ft] 180 0. Dip Count -Absolute (Count) Depth: 150.10 [ft] to 248.37 [ft] 190 0° - 8A8VWell ID: 200AB-2 BR Counts: 36.00 210 Mean (3D): 17.49 180' Min: 9.56 Components: Azimuth Max: 78.17 220 Counts: 36.00 Mean (3D): 55.67 Min: 0.59 Max: 358.13 230 240 IN- 250 Page 1 Depth Fractures Rose Diagram - Dip Direction Rose Diagram - Dip 1ft:500ft 0 90 Azimuth - Absolute (Count) Dip Count - Absolute (Count) 200 225 IN- Azimuth -Absolute (Count) 250 Depth: 207.06 [ft] to 409.49 [ft] 0° 1 Dip Count -Absolute (Count) 1 Depth: 207.22 [ft] to 409.49 [ft] 275 �L lU 0° 6 300% Well ID: AB-2 BIRD Z :36 325 Counts: 87.00 Mean (3D): 8.32 1800 Min: 5.54 350 Components: Azimuth Max: 89.93 Counts: 87.00 Mean (3D): 336.88 Min: 1.58 375 Max: 359.30 400 Page 1 Depth Fractures Rose Diagram - Dip Direction Rose Diagram - Dip 1ft:500ft 0 90 Azimuth - Absolute (Count) Dip Count - Absolute (Count) 175 200 225 Azimuth -Absolute (Count) Depth: 177.55 [ft] to 409.49 [ft] 0° 250 Dip Count -Absolute (Count) 1 Depth: 177.55 [ft] to 409.49 [ft] fA h.� 0° 275 I- A)— 300 Well ID: L—-1 q7F AB-3 BIRD Counts: 64.00 325 Mean (3D): 10.15 180° Min: 2.95 Components: Azimuth Max: 79.75 Counts: 64.00 350 Mean (3D): 35.12 Min: 0.17 Max: 358.60 375 400 Page 1 APPENDIX 3 Depth Caliper - from AN Fractures Pumping Flow 1ft:200ft 6 in 7 0 90 0 Gal./min. 0.05 Caliper Ambient Flow 5.7 in. 6.2 0 Gal./min. 0.05 150.0 Well ID: AB-1 BIRD Bottom of Casing 160.0 170.0 180.0 190.0 Major open fracture Minor open fracture Closed fracture i 200.0 210.0 220.0 230.0 240.0 250.0 260.0 270.0 280.0 290.0 Page 1 Depth Caliper - from AN Fractures Pumping Flow 1ft:200ft 6 in 7 0 90 0 Gal./min. 0.05 Caliper Ambient Flow 5.7 in. 6.2 0 Gal./min. 0.05 300.0 310.0 320.0 330.0 340.0 350.0 360.0 370.0 380.0 390.0 Page 2 Depth Caliper - max from AN Fractures HPF - Ambient 1ft:200ft 5.8 in 6.8 0 90 0 gpm 0.02 Caliper HPF - Pumping 6.1 in. 6.4 0 gpm 0.02 155.0 Bottom of Casing 160.0 165.0 170.0 175.0 180.0 185.0 190.0 195.0 200.0 205.0 Major open fracture Minor open fracture Closed fracture 1 T 210.0 215.0 220.0 225.0 230.0 235.0 Page 1 Depth Caliper Fractures Ambient Flow 1ft:200ft 5.5 in. 6 0 90 0 Gal./min. 0.8 ATV - Caliper Pumping Flow 5.5 in 6.5 0 Gal./min. 0.8 200.0 Well AB - 2 ID: BIRD Bottom Of Casing 210.0 220.0 230.0 240.0 Major open fracture Minor open fracture ® Closed fracture 250.0 260.0 270.0 280.0 290.0 300.0 310.0 320.0 330.0 Page 1 Depth Caliper Fractures Ambient Flow 1ft:200ft 5.5 in. 6 0 90 0 Gal./min. 0.8 ATV - Caliper Pumping Flow 5.5 in 6.5 0 Gal./min. 0.8 350.0 360.0 370.0 380.0 390.0 Page 2 Depth Caliper Fractures HPF - Ambient 1ft:200ft 5.3 in. 5.8 0 90 -0.02 gpm 1 Caliper from AN HPF - Pumping 5.5 in 7.5 -0.02 gpm 1 175.0 180.0 Well ID: AB-3 BIRDBottom of Casing 185.0 190.0 195.0 200.0 205.0 Major open fracture Minor open fracture Closed fracture 210.0 215.0 220.0 225.0 230.0 235.0 240.0 245.0 250.0 255.0 260.0 265.0 270.0 275.0 280.0 285.0 290.0 295.0 300.0 305.0 310.0 315.0 Page 1 325.0 330.0 335.0 340.0 345.0 350.0 355.0 360.0 365.0 370.0 375.0 380.0 385.0 390.0 395.0 Page 2 APPENDIX 4 Bollorn of Casing ®M. -7-Y'A 5� �.3 ti, ia.• 1 -y �- :� -- - - y C: l r. ter. OR R _ruvwk. 3 . •e i y. 'ry G'.y� y 3 �111 •a — J�.v . . . ..r Y _ I Vi - I £� - Ur 16, Lim b M -33- 19-- � 1 Wgi, Wt- Z isr- NR 3sm r �: • . e �`� ` �- sip 3��1 �` - _ M *Mi� ROME�.� _ =MENEM EMERN MINEEMME SOMEONE Mommi'Lls MlMEMMml MENNEN MEMEMSE 011001110111 �mllmmml imommon imommom 111100111110111 IMEMEME� 1=0mmm�Ni 111111111111101111 111101111110111 1111100111111111111 1111101111111111111 11111011111111111 11MMINSEPH 11MMININE11 �mwjiimllq is 'i� :ti.= _.�` ..•-� -M, A Mi Pf'� ��", __ --. Mir �' I�hbls I I_Ijlmmmi I_Mmmm Z5 _ i .ice �y '�� •fir. aiT mi, t _ � � � � Y - '_ice_- _ .. •-ram __ .-� ��.. `tc _ 1 31-71- Mfl- h. INOW WNIN_ _ 0F -- . :moor INNE . NON■ 'Y9�_.`i6; i � _ '••ram.,. t Not f•yL` C_1•sr 45c.- -F ►ate � i_. 41 WE!, _ :4r VON�' ;t om �- ONr ki04:7 ow Now IS ff- M- 2k NO •:i 9 3 _ 1 �®�=, ti _ ��'fa1 r - - � ®'a4 ? ~��� � 2 ar� �� � »/5 /�� s 2 .� \«;&�£.z`\ ;. yA FR f NWIR -, WO �0W. �} iAL�jll A �„�-xT � .. •ram'-�� - - 1 •Yvi s aL " �. 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A a s yy yyr. � C wo - m Hr v` k yam. iw• . k 5`'' MEMO NONE YLi r- s+'� A. 4 W"M NOOK WIN ANN& _ .4•_._M ems°" '. So,IWO y t - ' -_w "6 Am' V!, 5 AM i door -IMF SEC. i% S ,- or ILA `71-mw "mom ok, Emma_' xY '��:yf�ac �^�_ �. �.• f. '-��; - - ..ter S _-0000. � ''ram l s� . -■■■ 0. -L ipm, N _mpg Nook i--0. I - M& R dMMA"`- Fractured Bedrock Evaluation December 2019 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC — Belews Creek Steam Station ATTACHMENT D SynTerra PETROGRAPHIC EVALUATION OF CORE SAMPLES Umm Lab AESIA10012t arrnNaARl PETROLEUM SERVICES Petrographic Evaluation Of Core Samples SynTerra Corporation Belews Creek 1026-20-24 Project August 2019 Core Laboratories, Inc. Houston Advanced Technology Center 6316 Windfern Road Houston, Texas 77040 Houston ATC Job File No.: 1902256G The analytical results, opinions or interpretations contained in this report are based upon information and material supplied by the client for whose exclusive and confidential use this report has been made. The analytical results, opinions or interpretations expressed represent the best judgment of Core Laboratories. Core Laboratories, however, makes no warranty or representation, expressed or implied, of any type, and expressly disclaims same as to the productivity, proper operations or profitableness of an oil, gas, coal or other mineral, property, well or sand in connection with which such report is used or relied upon for any reason whatsoever. This report shall not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the written approval of Core Laboratories. PETROGRAPHIC SUMMARY Two core samples from Belews Creek 1026-20-24 project were selected for thin section petrographic analysis (Table 1). The analytical program and petrographic summary are presented in Table 1. Thin section photomicrographs and descriptions are provided in Plates 1 — 2. • Both samples are metamorphic rocks with a foliated fabric (i.e., the elongated minerals are oriented parallel to each other or form some bands). The principal minerals are biotite, quartz, muscovite, and plagioclase. These metamorphic rocks are classified as mica schist (Table 1). • Accessory minerals consist of garnet, pyrite, K-feldspar, tourmaline, staurolite, zircon, magnetite, and apatite. • Plagioclase crystals are locally altered into sericite. Biotite is rarely altered into chlorite. Fe -dolomite is rare, replacing other minerals such as plagioclase. • Fracture pores are rare. Micropores are probably rare to minor in abundance. Thank you for choosing Core Laboratories to perform this study. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments concerning this report. rSincerely, Yong Q. Wu PhD Staff Geologist Reservoir Geology Core Laboratories - Houston Phone: 713-328-2554 E-mail: Yong.WuCo)corelab.com ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES THIN SECTION PETROGRAPHY Thin sections were prepared by first impregnating the samples with epoxy to augment cohesion and to prevent loss of material during grinding. Each thinly sliced sample was mounted on a frosted glass slide and then grounded to an approximate thickness of 30 microns. The thin sections were stained with the following: Alizarin Red-S to differentiate calcite (stains red) from clear dolomite (does not stain); potassium ferricyanide to identify ferroan dolomite (stains dark blue) and ferroan calcite (stains purple to dark blue depending on acid concentration and iron content of the sample). They were also stained with sodium cobaltinitrite for potassium feldspar (stains yellow). The thin sections were analyzed using standard petrographic techniques. TABLE 1 SynTerra Corp., Belews Creek 1026-20-24 Project ANALYTICAL PROGRAM AND SAMPLE SUMMARY Sample ID: Depth (ft) TS Lithology: Classification: Plate No. GWA-20BR 74.5 X Metamorphic Rock Mica Schist 1 AB-1 BR 83.2 X Metamorphic Rock Mica Schist 2 PLATE 1 Thin Section Petrography Company: SynTerra Corp. Sample Description Project: Belews Creek 1026-20-24 Lithology: Metamorphic Rock Location: na Sample ID: GWA-20BR Classification: Mica Schist Depth (ft) 74.5 Crystal Size (mm): 0.17 Structures: A Foliation B 100uM Relative Abundances: Rare <1 % Minor 1-5% Moderate 5-10% Common 10-20% HESERVOIR Abundant >20% Principal Minerals: abundant quartz; abundant biotite, moderate plagioclase; moderate muscovite Accessory Minerals: rare to minor garnet, pyrite, magnetite, potassium feldspar, zircon, and apatite Alteration and Replacement: rare to minor plagioclase crystals are altered into sericite; rare biotite crystals are altered into chlorite; rare Fe - dolomite Pore Types: rare fracture pores Photomicrograph Caption The principal minerals are biotite (Bi), quartz (Q), muscovite (Mus), and plagioclase (Plag) in this metamorphic rock (mica schist). In general, these mineral crystals show a foliated fabric, with the elongated minerals being oriented parallel to each other or forming some bands. Accessory minerals include garnet (Gn), pyrite (Py), K-feldspar, apatite and zircon. The plagioclase is locally altered into sericite. Biotite is rarely altered into chlorite. Fractures are very rare. Micropores are probably rare to minor in abundance. The green box in Image A indicates the location of Image B. PLATE 2 Thin Section Petrography Company: SynTerra Corp. Project: Belews Creek 1026-20-24 Location: na Sample ID: AB-1 BR Depth (ft) 83.2 A B lop Plag r� S Relative Abundances: Rare <1 % Minor 1-5% Moderate 5-10% Common 10-20% HESERVOIR Abundant >20% Sample Description Lithology: Metamorphic Rock Classification: Mica Schist Crystal Size (mm): 0.23 Structures: Foliation Principal Minerals: abundant quartz; abundant biotite, moderate plagioclase; moderate muscovite Accessory Minerals: rare to minor garnet, pyrite, potassium feldspar, tourmaline, staurolite, zircon, magnetite, and apatite Alteration and Replacement: minor plagioclase crystals are altered into sericite; rare biotite crystals are altered into chlorite; rare Fe -dolomite Pore Types: rare fracture pores Photomicrograph Caption Biotite (Bi) and quartz (Q) are the most abundant minerals, followed by muscovite (Mus) and plagioclase (Plag) in this metamorphic rock (mica schist). These minerals show a foliated fabric, i.e., the elongated minerals are oriented parallel to each other or form some bands. Accessory minerals consist of garnet (Gn), pyrite (Py), potassium feldspar, tourmaline, staurolite, zircon, magnetite, and apatite. Some plagioclase crystals are partly altered into sericite. Biotite is locally altered into chlorite. Fractures are very rare. Micropores are probably rare to minor in abundance. The green box in Image A indicates the location of Image B.