HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC193262_ESC Approval Submitted (2)_20191227 DEVELOPMENT PLAN
Towv of, C Y REVIEW
Nom€t CAROLIrrA Town of Cary
316 N.Academy St.I Cary,NC 27513
October 15,2019
RE: Development Review Committee Approval of 1700 Medical Office Bldg &Fellowship Christ
Church Expansion
Project Number: Town of Cary Project Number: 19-DP-6848
Property Real Estate ID Number(s):
The Town of Cary Development Review Committee is pleased to inform you that your plan is approved,effective 15 Oct 2019.
SCOPE OFWORKAPPROVED. Construction of45,329 sf Ivbdical Office building(with parking under building)on 1700 Kildaire Farm Road and site e)pansion for
Fellowship Christ Church on 1788 Kildaire Farm Road
• Substantial Commencement by 15 Oct 2020
0 This approval shall become null and void if the applicant fails to substantially commence work authorized by this approval prior to the date noted
• Construction Completion
0 In no case shall this plan or parts of this plan be valid if work is intentionally or voluntarily discontinued for a period of not less than than 24 months.If
a plan is deemed to no longer be valid,the owner or applicant will be required to resubmit for approval a plan that meets current development ordinances
unless otherwise noted in this Ordinance.
• No change(s)maybe made to the above-referenced development plan unless approved by the Town of Cary.
Unless stated otherwise in this letter,all permits,procedures,and devel opment fees addressed in the original letter of approval remain in effect as so noted.
Before any work may begin on this project,all fees included in the attached Statement of Fees must be paid concurrent with submitting the following items to the
Development Services Department located on the first floor of the Cary Town Hall:
• Three(3)complete 24"x 36"sets of the signed approved plans
• One(1)complete 11"x 17"set of the signed approved plans
• One(1)copyof this Approval Letter,including the Statement of Fees
• Town of Cary Environmental(Land Disturbance/Grading)Permit Application for 3.95 Acres,including:
■ Financial Responsibilityform
■ Certificate of Insurance
■ Copy of Statement of Fees and receipt
• Al fees indicated in the attached Statement of Fees should be remitted through the Development Services Department.Failure to do so may result in
delays to processing times for related applications and permits,and mayalso result in the Town initiating appropriate enforcement action in accordance
with Chapter 11 of the LDO.Such action may include,but is not limited to,issuance of civil penalties and/or withholding issuance of building and occupancy
ASoil and Erosion Certificate of Compliance must be obtained from Town of CaryStormwater Management prior to issuance of any building permits.
Notify Town of Cary Infrastructure Field Services at(919)462-3832 or(919)469-4036 to arrange a pre-construction meeting when construction is about to
Aflnal version("as built')of this plan set shall be provided to the Town at the conclusion of development,and prior to the final site inspection.This final set shall
include all revisions,Minor Alterations,field changes,and other modifications to the original approval so that the site inspector has the most accurate plans
possible to perform their inspection.
Created with idtPlans Review 1700 Medical Office Bldg
• Constructing and/or occupying buildings or other structures
• Abuilding permit issued bythe Town of Cary is required prior to commencing the construction,alteration,repair or removal of a building or structure,or part
thereof,including interior and/or e)deriorwork.
• Abuilding permit is required prior to a change in the use or occupancyof anye)asting building,or part thereof,regardless of work(interior or e)derior)to be
performed on the building.
• Al required building permit and developmentfees will be due prior to the issuance of a building permit.For questions about building permits,inspections
or fees,contact Development Services at(919)469-4046.
• No Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Compliance maybe issued until all on-site and off-site improvements have been completed unless otherwise
approved by the Town of Cary.
• Signs
o Signage is a separate application and approval process and has not been reviewed or approved as part of this development plan.Asign permit must be
obtained prior to erecting any permanent or time-limited sign(s)on the property.For information about sign requirements and application process,contact
Development Services at(919)469-4046.
For any questions about this development plan approval,please contact Development Services at(919)469-4046 or email dregownofcaryorg.
We thank you for choosing the Town of Cary.
Cc: Infrastructure Field Services
Inspections and Permits
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