HomeMy WebLinkAbout19991033 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19990914 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (EA) AND FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT (FONSI) PLANTATION CANAL PROPOSED MAINTENANCE DREDGING PROJECT TOWN OF RIVER BEND, NORTH CAROLINA ' JULY 129 1999 PREPARED FOR: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND ' NATURAL RESOURCES (NCDENR) CLEARINGHOUSE I PREPARED BY: Mid-Atlantic Associates, P.A. ' 5041 New Centre Drive, Suite 214 Wilmington, NC 28403 ' (910) 793-1491 ID-ATLANTIC ' M ASSOCIATES, P. A. Engineering & Environmental Solutions Mid-Atlantic Associates, P.A. Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Insignificant Impact (FONSI) t Plantation Canal Proposed Maintenance Dredging Project Town of River Bend, North Carolina July 12, 1999 -_-- ' 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1.1 Description of Project Area 1. 1.1 Setting ' 1.1.2 NC DWQ, WQS Surface Freshwater Classifications Used in North Carolina - Adjacent Waterbodies 1.2 Description of Proposed Action ' 1.3 Benefits of Proposed Project 2.0 NEED FOR PROPOSED PROJECT ' 3.0 ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS 3.1 No Action 3 2 O tion as Pro osed . p p ' 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES 4.1 Changes in Land Use 4.2 Wetlands 4.3 Prime or Unique Agricultural Lands ' 4.4 Public Lands 4.5 Scenic and Recreational Areas 4.6 Areas of Archeological or Historical Value ' 4.7 Air Quality 4.8 Groundwater Quality ' 4.9 Noise Levels 4.10 Water Supplies 4.11 Shellftsh/Fish Habitats/Wildlife Habitats (Endangered/Threatened Species) 4.12 Introduction of Toxic Substances 4.13 Eutrophication of Receiving Waters ' 4.14 Hydraulics 4.15 Sediment Sampling 4.16 Water Quality Sampling 5.0 MITIGATIVE MEASURES ' 6.0 FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT (FONSI) 7.0 SIGNATURES AND SEALS PAGE 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 13 15 Mid-Atlantic Associates, P.A. T.O.C. 1 Mid-Atlantic Associates, P.A. Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Insignificant Impact (FONSI) Plantation Canal Proposed Maintenance Dredging Project Town of River Bend, North Carolina .July 12, 1999 PAGE 8.0 REFERENCES FIGURES FIGURE I FIGURE 2 FIGURE 3 FIGURE 4 FIGURE 5 APPENDICES APPENDIX I APPENDIX II APPENDIX III APPENDIX IV APPENDIX V APPENDIX VI APPENDIX VII APPENDIX VIII 16 USGS TOPOGRAPHIC QUADRANGLE POLLOCKSVILLE, NC SITE PLAN CANAL PLAN (1 OF 3) CANAL PLAN (2 OF 3) CANAL PLAN (3 OF 3) PHOTODOCUMENTATION AERIAL PHOTOGRAMMETRY LETTER: WAYNE MCDEVITT NCDENR DWR WETLAND SURVEY LETTER: NC WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION LETTER: NC NATURAL HERITAGE LETTER: US FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE EASTERN ENVIRONMENTAL SEDIMENT SAMPLING REPORT Mid-Atlantic Associates. P.A. T.O.C. 2 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (EA) AND FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT (FONSI) ' PLANTATION CANAL PROPOSED MAINTENANCE DREDGING PROJECT TOWN OF RIVER BEND, NORTH CAROLINA I.July 12, 1999 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ' Mid-Atlantic Associates, P.A. (formerly GulfStream Environmental, Inc.) was retained by Mr. William C. Raybon, P.E. of Raybon Engineering P.A., to perform an Environmental Assessment (EA) on the proposed Plantation Canal ' maintenance-dredging project within the Town of River Bend, North Carolina. The proposed maintenance project is classified under the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NCEPA), as outlined in NCAC T 15A: 01 C.0504 (4n): ' (7/31/96), as a Non-Major Management Activity. Per this designation, the "dredging of existing navigation channels and basins to originally approved ' specifications, provided that the spoil is placed in existing and approved high ground disposal areas" does not warrant the preparation of an EA. However, this EA has been commissioned to document potential environmental impacts that ' may arise during the execution of the proposed project, in an effort to mitigate these potential factors. The purpose of the EA -- as directed by NCAC T15A: 01 C.0100-.0500 (7.31.96) and included in the Guidelines for the preparation of an ' EA -- is to provide a decision making tool for state agencies in determining the potential environmental impacts of planned projects, and to make the determination of whether an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is necessary ' (Guidelines EA-1). The scope of work performed during this assessment has included (1) the review ' of pertinent technical documentation, (2) the review of available aerial photography, (3) the consultation of regulatory officials with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the North Carolina (NC) Division of Marine ' Fisheries (DMF), the NC Division of Coastal Management (DCM), the NC Division of Water Quality (DWQ), Water Quality Section (WQS), the NC Division of Water Resources (DWR), the North Carolina Wildlife Resources ' Commission (NCWRC), and the NC Natural Heritage Program, and (4) the review of the proposed engineering design, to date. ' Mid-Atlantic has performed this assessment in accordance with the proposal entitled "Proposal/Cost to Prepare an Environmental Assessment (EA)," dated November 10, 1998, and the Guidelines for the preparation of an EA/FONSI. The ' activities performed during this study were authorized by Mr. William C. Raybon, P.E., on behalf of the Town of River Bend, in the Mid-Atlantic Proposal Acceptance Contract executed on December 10, 1998. 1 Mid-Atlantic Associates, P.A. ' Page 1 I I EA/FONSI July 12, 1999 1.1 Description of Project Area A USGS Topographic Quadrangle (7.5 Minute) depicting the site region has been provided as Figure 1, a Site Plan has been provided as Figure 2. and details of the canal system have been provided as Figures 3-5. Site photographs collected during the site reconnaissance are provided in Appendix 1. Aerial photographs of the area have been furnished in Appendix 11 for the years of 1968, 1989, and 1993. 1.1.1 Setting The Town of River Bend is located in Craven County, within the coastal plain physiographic province of North Carolina, approximately 5.0 miles west of New Bern, North Carolina (Figure 1). The corporate limits of the town are bound to the north by Highway 17; however it should be noted that the Springdale subdivision, Hidden Oaks (Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ)), and Deerfield Phase III (ETJ), are located north of Hwy. 17 (Figure 2). The southern boundary of the town abuts the Trent River, which adjoins Plantation Canal. Plantation Canal, its branches. headbasin, and Island Lake are backwaters of the Trent River. Plantation Canal is an artificial waterway constructed in 1974, during the initial development of River Bend (Figures 3-5/Photographs 1,3,4.5,6). Dredging of the freshwater canal was performed in the location of a former creek bed adjacent to Samuel's Branch in Rocky Run, a division of Hayward Creek along the eastern boundary of the property limits (see Aerial Photographs). The original CAMA Major Permit Application was not available at the time of this report. The project included the excavation of a watercourse through wetland swamp areas, including the construction of a marina basin, main canal course, drainage/retention ponds, and secondary canals. Project excavation limits included the dredging of the marina basin, consisting of approximately 4.0 acres, and the main channel connecting to the Trent River, stretching approximately 1.0 mile (Report 5). Initial project design criteria involved the excavation of a main channel with a surface width of ±100.0 ft. and a center channel with a bottom width of ±50.0 ft., at a minimum centerline depth of 6.0 ft. below mean low water (MLW) (Report 5). Sediment accumulation and shoaling within Plantation Canal has been caused by a number of factors consisting of sedimentation, siltation, and sloughing of the unstabilized north bank (in the main channel). The canal system was originally designed to (1) provide boating/recreational access to the waterfront community of River Bend. and (2) serve as the central drainage feature for the development. Plantation Canal, the associated secondary canals, and the retention Mid-Atlantic EANFONSI .July 12, 1999 ' ponds/drainage ditches throughout the town are interconnected, and function to facilitate proper drainage regimes, as intended by the ' developer (Photographs 2,5,6,7). The canal acts as the receiving body for directed flow and sheet flow throughout the town limits. The canal's utility as a drainage feature is absolutely necessary (Photograph 5). ' Circulation within the canal system is driven by precipitation, runoff, and wind tides. Lunar tidal influence is minimal and saline intrusion into the canal system is limited to the confluence point of Plantation Canal and the ' Trent River. 1.1.2 North Carolina Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Section ' Surface Freshwater Classifications Used in North Carolina - Adjacent Waterbodies ' The NC DWQ, WQS has developed water quality classifications for surface freshwaters in North Carolina. These surface water classifications "are designations applied to surface water bodies, such as streams, rivers, ' and lakes, which define the best uses to be protected within these waters and carry out with them an associated set of water quality standards to protect those uses" (Classifications 1). The water bodies located adjacent ' to the Town of River Bend carry the following classifications (Classifications and NCAC T15A: 02B .0100): Trent River (SB Sw NSW)-- The portion of the Trent River that runs adjacent to River Bend is located in the NEUI 1 sub-basin is indicated by index number 27-101-(31) and is located on map number G30S W5. This run of the Trent is classified as SB (saltwaters protected for primary recreation which includes swimming on a frequent or organized basis and all SC uses, including secondary recreation, fishing, aquatic life including propagation and survival, and wildlife), with supplemental classifications of Sw (swamp waters which have low velocities and other natural characteristics which are different from adjacent streams) and NSW (nutrient sensitive waters subject to growths of microscopic or macroscopic vegetation requiring limitations on nutrient inputs). • Rocky Run (C Sw NSW) - This tributary of Hayward Creek is located in the NEU 11 sub-basin, is indicated by index number 27-101- 35-1, and is located on map number G30S W6. Rocky Run is classified as C (freshwaters protected for secondary recreation, fishing, aquatic life including propagation and survival, and wildlife), with supplemental classifications of Sw (swamp waters) and NSW (nutrient sensitive waters). • Hayward Creek (C Sw NSW) - This branch of Hayward Creek is located in the NEU 11 sub-basin, is indicated by index number 27- 10 1 - Mid-Atlaotic Associates, P.A. Pate 3 EANONSI July 12,1999 ' 35, and is located on map number G30SW3. Hayward Creek is classified as C (freshwaters protected for secondary recreation, fishing, aquatic life including propagation and survival, and wildlife), with supplemental classifications of Sw (swamp waters) and NSW (nutrient sensitive waters). ' • Plantation Canal - Plantation Canal is not listed within the classification schedule. This manmade canal is therefore incorporated ' by reference to the adjacent stretch of the Trent River (SB Sw NSW). • Samuel's Branch - Samuel's Branch is not listed within the classification schedule. This tributary is therefore incorporated by reference because it is a branch of Hayward Creek and Rocky Run (C Sw NSW). ' 1.2 Description of Proposed Action ' The objective of this project is to perform routine maintenance dredging on Plantation Canal to return the watercourse to its original permitted elevation and condition. Because this project involves the maintenance of a pre-existing channel, and does not entail the expansion of the waterway, or dredging in areas outside the original footprint of the canal system, it qualifies as a Non-Major Activity with respect to the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. This classification is an exemption from the requirement to prepare environmental documentation, such as this EA. ' As proposed, this maintenance project will involve the removal of approximately 42,000 yds3 of material, consisting of some surficial silt material, but mostly comprised of sand throughout the entire length of ' Plantation Canal and the secondary canals. Dredging will be effected with a hydraulic dredge and decanter/staging barge. Dredge spoils will be placed in one of three upland disposal areas designated for use in this ' project (Photographs 8-10). The location of the three proposed disposal areas is shown. on Figure 2. Maintenance dredging will be performed on the central navigation channel only, and will not cover the entire canal width. Current profile elevations are noted in the hydrographic survey generated by Raybon Engineering, P.A. The design standard for the ' channel will provide a channel width of approximately 30.0-ft., and a minimum centerline channel depth of approximately 6.0 ft. below MLW. ' The Town of River Bend has been awarded $292,000 in financial assistance to subsidize this project. The project has been endorsed by NCDENR based on its merit for improvements to existing water quality within the system. Per the 9.22.97 correspondence from Wayne McDevitt, Secretary of the Department of the Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), the grant has been approved on behalf of the DWR and ' Mid-Atlantic Associates, P.A. Page 4 Ci EA/FONSI July 12, 1999 NCDENR to improve navigation, facilitate stormwater drainage, and benefit fish habitats (Appendix III). 1.3 Benefits of Proposed Project The maintenance dredging of Plantation Canal and the associated secondary canals will provide multiple benefits to every medium affected by the project, whether water quality, fish, wildlife, or human interests. As noted above in Section 1.2, a financial assistance package has been approved for this maintenance project by the NCDENR, because the "removal of sediment and shoals from the Plantation Canal will improve navigation for the citizens of River Bend and the boating public," and "will also improve fish habitat and storm water drainage" (McDevitt). In addition, representatives from the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management (Mr. Scott Jones) have expressed their support for this project, due to increased flushing and an improvement in water quality resulting in decreased aquatic vegetation growth (green algae and blue- green algae). The community and citizens of River associated with improved navigation and i the maintenance dredging of River Ben uniform bottom elevation throughout navigation throughout the canal system. entail the removal of accumulated sedime expense of the respective property owner that may have been impeded due to sh CAMA permit application should reflec from this activity. Bend will realize the benefits ecreation potential. In doing so, 1's watercourses will provide a the central channel, to ease Additionally, the project may nts in private boat basins (at the >) and enable personal moorings )cling and sedimentation. The t which properties will benefit Potential economic benefits also present maintenance project. Improved navigatic yield the marina more viable and offer the increased slip rental, and allow for the I drafts, which are currently restricted from Other benefits may include using the suitable fill material for municipal pro elevation of several low-lying/frequently-f parks, ballfields, and access roads. These unusable following periods of heavy rain. is an increase in property values due to rest themselves as a result of the n within the canal system will )ossibility of transient dockage, assage of vessels with greater travelling through the channel. iredged sediments to provide lects including increasing the ooded public use areas, such as areas are often impassable and A final benefit that could occur gyration of the canal. Mid-Atlantic Associates, P.A. Page 5 2.0 NEED FOR PROPOSED PROJECT EANONSI July 12,1999 The need for the maintenance dredging of Plantation Canal has been recognized by the citizens of River Bend, the River Bend Town Council, the Waterways Advisory Board, and the regulatory community, as documented by their support of this project. As documented above in Section 1.3, the need for this project arises from an improvement in water quality, circulation, flushing, and fish habitats, the reduction of aquatic plant growth, the benefits to the local economy and land use potential, and the importance of the watercourse as the central drainage feature of the town. The River Bend community was originally developed around this navigational/drainage feature. By dredging the watercourses, the health of the entire system will be augmented. Maintenance dredging of the canal system will effectively (1) improve water quality, (2) benefit fishery habitats and spawning areas, (3) improve circulation and flushing within the canals by removing accumulated sediments, (4) reduce the effects of eutrophication, i.e. aquatic vegetation propagation, (5) maintain the canal as the central drainage feature within the town, and (6) provide suitable fill materials to enhance public-use areas. 3.0 ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS In considering the maintenance dredging project, as proposed, one other alternative is also available - a no action alternative. Analysis of this proposed alternative is provided hereafter in Section 3.1. 3.1 No Action ' The option proposed as "No Action" will facilitate continual degradation of the environmental condition of the canal system. The eutrophication of receiving waters will continue to foster aquatic vegetation growth with the ' introduction of nitrates and phosphates, as noted in the study entitled "Water Quality Monitoring of the Waterways of River Bend, NC May 1994 to April 1995," dated April 12, 1995. This perpetuation of green/blue-green algae in the spring and summer months will ultimately cause a degradation of water quality, resulting in low dissolved oxygen content, and conditions possibly leading to a fish-kill. Without increased circulation and flushing of the watercourse, combined with continual sedimentation, shoaling, and nutrient loading, the Plantation Canal system may ultimately become a tributary unable to support normal aquatic life ' functions. I Mid-Atlantic Associates, P.A. Page 6 EA/FONSI July 12,1999 Excess nitrogen enters the water. Fish die because of lack of oxygen. Oxygen level in the water drops. Nitrogen fertilizes algae and make it grow. Algae uses oxygen for respiration (at night) and decay. Detail 1 Source: Neuse River Riparian Area Rule http://h2o.etir, state. nc.us/nps/cheat-s3.htm Additionally, the "No Action" alternative will prevent free flow exchange between the Trent River and Plantation Canal. This prohibition will also result in water quality degradation, which will adversely impact anadromous fishery spawning (Bream, Striper, Losid, Blue Back Herring, and American Shad) and habitat areas (Striped Bass). ' In summary, the rate of degradation to the canal eco-system is anticipated to occur exponentially. Eutrophication and water quality degradation will be exacerbated without improvements to hydraulic flow regime of the ' system. The "No Action" alternative is not a viable solution for improving the current declining quality of surface water in the canal. ' 3.2 Option as Proposed By performing the maintenance-dredging project, as proposed, ' improvements to water quality, fishery habitats, and spawning areas will be realized. Additionally, the canal system will remain open for navigable ' use and recreation by the public. Further, the maintenance project will facilitate the improvement of the canal as a drainage feature, as it was originally designed. The multiple benefits of this project, as discussed ' above in Sections 1.0 and 1.2, will all benefit property values throughout the Town of River Bend, as they should appreciate as a function of the canal improvement. 1 ' Mid-Atlantic Associates, P.A. Page 7 EANONSI July 12,1999 ' 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES ' 4.1 Changes in Land Use ' Changes in land use will result in the preparation of the dredge spoil upland disposal/staging areas. These areas will be cleared and diked to accommodate all materials generated during the project. Ultimately, the dredged materials will be relocated to provide fill in low-lying/frequently ' flooded areas. This measure will provide beneficial use of the material, and will improve these public-use areas. Following the removal of the dredged sediments from the disposal areas, the impoundments will be ' restored to their original conditions, and will be seeded to prevent erosion of surficial sediments. ' Additionally, any disturbance caused to the canal bank during dredging o erations will be restored before roject com letion p p p . ' 4.2 Wetlands According to. the proposed project engineering design, no impacts to ' wetlands will occur. Dredged materials will be placed in existing upland disposal areas only. No dredging, filling, or alteration of wetlands will occur during the project, as only the original canal will be maintained. ' One of the disposal areas selected will however, abut a USACOE Section 404 wetlands area. The wetlands in this locale have been properly ' delineated and will not be impacted by dike construction. The location of this wetland area is shown in Appendix IV. ' 4.3 Prime or Unique Agricultural Lands No prime or unique agricultural lands were identified as part of the scope ' of this project. 4.4 Public Lands ' Maintenance dredging of the canal system within River Bend is a r?pscsen significant improvement to the public trust waters constituting the channel. ' No other public lands - national forests, seashores, corridors, easements, or reserves - will be impacted as a result of this project. ' 4.5 Scenic and Recreational Areas ' As discussed previously in Sections 1.3 and 4.1, recreational areas will benefit from this project. First, several areas of low elevation, which are frequently flooded, will be provided with suitable sand fill from the ' Mid-Atlantic Associates, P.A. Page 8 1 u 0 EAMONSI July 12, 1999 maintenance-dredging project. This me, prevent future flooding caused as a rest Second, the navigable waterways within improved to allow for unobstructed trave dredging the canal system, thus imprc habitats, recreational fishing opportunitii of the canal system will improve the he the waterway. ure will raise the elevation and t of intensive rainfall episodes. he Town of River Bend will be by the public. Additionally, by ring .water quality and fishery will be augmented. Dredging lth and recreational viability of 4.6 Areas of Archaeological or Historical Value No areas of archaeological or historical value have been identified during this assessment. Additional research will be performed to confirm the cultural or archaeological significance of the proposed disposal sites, for inclusion in the final document. 4.7 Air Quality Potential impacts to air quality, as a result of the project operations, are not anticipated. No emissions of primary or secondary sources are proposed. Some sediments may become airborne following drying in the upland disposal impoundments. Impacts as a result of these effects should be mitigated by the design height of the impoundment structures. 4.8 Groundwater Quality No impacts to groundwater quality were identified during this assessment. 4.9 Noise Levels Noise levels, both sub-aqueous and ambient, may exceed normal background levels during the execution of the project. This is primarily due to noise caused by the mechanical dredge apparatus. These levels are not expected to pose adverse effects to the surrounding environments and are characteristic of routine dredging projects conducted throughout the region. 4.10 Water Supplies r No direct impacts to water supplies are expected to occur as a result of this project. The NC Division of Water Resources has expressed their approval of the project, as resulted in the approval of the financial assistance package discussed in Section 1.2. ' Mid-Atlantic Associates, P.A. Page 9 C I I EA/FONSI July 12,1999 4.11 Shellfish/Fish Habitats/Wildlife Habitats - Endangered/Threatened Species (NC Wildlife Resources Commission, NC Division of Marine Fisheries, NC Natural Heritage Commission, US Fish and Wildlife Service) • According to Brad Hammers, Biologist with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, potential impacts of the maintenance-dredging project stem from sedimentation, impacts to fishery habitats, and possible interruption of normal spawning cycles. A letter from Mr. Hammers and the NC Wildlife Resources Commission is included in Appendix V. Throughout the course of discussions with Mr. Hammers, and included in the letter from him, Mr. Hammers noted that the Striped Bass Fishery utilizes portions of the Trent River adjacent to Plantation Canal for winter habitat; however he was unaware of their use of Plantation Canal as such, but indicated that it is a possibility. Additionally, Mr. Hammers indicated that the dredging should be performed in the winter months to avoid impacts to Bream and Striped Bass spawning cycles in the vicinity. These spawning periods occur during a moratorium from April 1- September 30. Additionally, according to Mr. Hammers, "fisheries resources in this area or adjacent areas provide a very valuable recreational fishery and include striped bass, largemouth bass, bluegill, redear sunfish, and pumpkinseed" (Letter dated February 5, 1999). • Mr. Jim Francesconi, Fisheries Biologist with the NC Division of Marine Fisheries, indicated that Plantation Canal area was not under the jurisdiction of the agency. Mr. Francesconi stated, however, that this region was not a primary nursery area, but it is a spawning area for Stripers, Losids, Blue Back Herring, and American Shad. • According to Ms. Susan Giles, Information Specialist with the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, "The NC Natural Heritage Program does not have records of high quality natural communities, rare species, or Significant Natural Heritage Areas at or within a 1.0 mile radius of the site of the proposed maintenance dredging of the Plantation Canal, Town of River Bend, NC" (letter 1.14.99). The letter documenting these findings has been included in Appendix VI. • According to Mr. Ken Graham, Biologist with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, endangered terrestrial species have been highlighted and located in Craven County by the Department of the Interior, however, this has not been done for aquatic species. Mr. Graham referred the inquiry to the NC Natural Heritage Program, as referenced above. Mr. Graham noted the sighting of one Manatee and one Leatherback Sea Turtle, both discovered at the mouth of the Trent River within the last ten years. No sightings have been confirmed in the area of the Trent adjacent to Plantation Canal or within the canal. Mr. Graham stated that the likelihood of encountering either of these species within Plantation Canal was "very low." I Mid-Atlantic Associates, P.A. Page 10 EA/FONSI July 12, 1999 i A letter from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has been included in Appendix VII. ' 4.12 Introduction of Toxic Substances ' The likelihood of the introduction of toxic substances during the dredging project is very low, and is limited to the potential release of liquid petroleum hydrocarbons associated with refueling and normal operation ' procedures of the dredge. A characterization of sediments quality was performed in March of 1999. ' Sediment samples were collected by Eastern Environmental in eleven locations through the entire length of the canal. Samples were analyzed for Oil & Grease as well as the RCRA primary metals. Oil & Grease ' concentrations were detected above the regulatory limit of 250 mg/kg in six of the 11 stations sampled. The firm conducting the sampling has attributed this occurrence to naturally occurring organics. None of the ' RCRA metals analyzed exceeded regulatory limits. A copy of the sampling report is contained in Appendix VIII. ' 4.13 Eutrophication of Receiving Waters The eutrophication of receiving waters is already a current phenomenon within the Plantation Canal system. Mitigative measures to address this problem are further detailed in Section 5.0. Additional nutrient loading is not expected to occur as a result of this project. ' 4.14 Hydraulics ' Maintenance dredging of the channel will increase the cross-sectional area of the channel, thus increasing circulation and flushing. This improvement between the exchange of waters between the Trent River and Plantation Canal, however, will not result in increased water levels within the canal during flood stages or storm events. Dredging should actually result in the displacement of floodwaters during these episodes. 4.15 Sediment Sampling ' Sampling of proposed dredged sediments has been performed by Eastern Environmental. A report documenting the results of the sampling event has been included in Appendix VIII. As noted in the report, concentrations of TCLP RCRA Metals were not detected above the regulatory action levels in any of the 11 samples. However, ' concentrations of Oil & Grease were detected above regulatory action levels in six of the 11 samples. Eastern Environmental attributed the presence of these compounds to "Naturally occurring oils from both macro ' Mid-Atlandc Associates, P.A. Page 11 i ' EA/FONSI July 12,1999 and micro plant and animal remains" found in these "highly organic bottom ...swampy sediments" (March 16, 1999). ' 4.16 Water Quality Sampling No water quality sampling has been performed as of the date of this report. ' 5.0 MITIGATIVE MEASURES The Town of River Bend was designed around an interconnected series of ' drainage ditches, retention ponds, and finger canals, all of which flow to Plantation Canal and eventually to the Trent River. River Bend has, and continues to move forward in a pro-active manner to address sensitive ' environmental issues within and around the Plantation Canal system. Presently, the town has implemented measures to mitigate the effects of sediment influx, nutrient loading (eutrophication), and the introduction of toxic substances, via ' stormwater runoff, into the receiving waters of the canal system and ultimately the Trent and Neuse Rivers. The Town has been awarded a financial assistance package for the .implementation of a Wetlands Enhancement Program from the ' NC Water Resources Planning Section. This grant was provided to execute a water resources development project, as outlined further below. ' To date, the Town of River Bend has installed aerating fountains in the retention ponds to increase circulation, and has also implemented a Wetlands Enhancement Program in two areas (Photographs 2 and 7). First as detailed in Photograph 2, the Enhancement Program involved the construction of wetlands in one of the retention ponds (adjacent to Hwy. 17). Since this pond is located near the head of the drainage system, this vegetative filter serves to reduce sediment, nutrient, and ' toxic material loading from the area around Highway 17, and adjacent neighborhoods, to the receiving waters. Vegetative swales were also constructed around the perimeter of this pond to serve as filters for surficial runoff. Second, a ' series of vegetative filters/ wetlands will be constructed within a drainage ditch that empties into the pond/canal system (Photograph 7). This ditch is located at a topographic low point along Plantation Drive, which acts as the receiving drain for an upgradient neighborhood. With respect to future mitigative measures, the Town of River Bend proposes to ' first ; develop a "Nutrient Management Plan (NMP)" in accordance with the requirements outlined in the Neuse Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy, adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission ' on December 11, 1997. The objective of this NMP would be to reduce nutrient loading (eutrophication), promote denitrification, prevent sedimentation, and increase vegetative buffers within riparian corridors. Detail 2 outlines the ' composition of vegetative riparian corridors below. Secondly, as a proposed mitigative measure, River Bend will schedule all dredging activities around Mid-Atlantic Associates, P.A. Page 12 EANONSI July 12,1999 spawning moratoriums established by the relevant agencies, as discussed in Section 4.11. A third mitigative measure to promote flushing and prevent stagnant conditions would involve dredging the mouth of the canal as the deepest point, with a general decrease in elevation to the end of the project. Additionally, a sediment or silt curtain will be emplaced at the mouth of the canal to prevent potential sedimentation in the receiving waters of the Trent River. And lastly, to minimize potential effects from increased upland drainage, properly engineered and constructed upland disposal areas will be utilized. ?6 ' { ? ? ? ty c ? ? ? Ir 3 SW Co if YY ! {i{mot 1•S• LK { { L {K L•L Li;.'M L.L L. ?.; L•L .1.. S L•LJ. ;K•?• K L. ?.Li L?? YL :!?}:!? ?!: L !•!•!•l.l: ;.ti.L LAC{ {.{ ?•LKKK• L•?•L•L L• 1? Yti.L•L.L.L.L. L.L.~.L.Ly?? L•LiLK L+LKK• L Ki :! li}:•L•L.L.L•L.L;L?LK?' ir Zara 2: 20 ft. Zane 1: 30 R. 20 ft. hr&edhamst 110 ft. undistuzbed Detail 2 Source: Neuse River Riparian Area Rule littp://112o.ciir.st,ite.ilc.iis/iips/cIicat-s3. Mill 6.0 FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT (FONSI) As described in the Environmental Assessment above, the Town of River Bend proposes to remove approximately 42,000 yds3 of a sand/silt material during the routine maintenance dredging of the Plantation Canal system. All dredged materials generated during this project will be placed in existing upland disposal areas. The activities proposed herein are classified under the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NCEPA), as outlined in NCAC T15A: 01C.0504 (4n): (7/31/96), as a Non-Major Management Activity. Per this designation, the "dredging of existing navigation channels and basins to originally approved specifications, provided that the spoil is placed in existing and approved high ground disposal areas" does not warrant the preparation of an EA. This EA has been commissioned by the Town of River Bend to identify potential environmental impacts that may arise during the execution of the proposed project, in an effort to mitigate any potential adverse elements. I Mid-Atlantic Associates, P.A. Page 13 I EA/FONSI July 12, 1999 I This project will not have significant adverse impacts on the state or quality of the surrounding environment because the canal will only be maintained to its ' originally permitted condition. No expansion of the canal or extension of the original footprint will be effected. This project will actually serve to benefit the condition of the watercourse in its entirety through: I • improvement of water quality • improvement of fishery habitats I • improvement of flushing/circulation • establishment of a Nutrient Management Plan to implement riparian corridor buffers, reduce nitrate/phosphate loading, promote ' denitrification, and prevent sedimentation • improvement of navigation/recreation potential • reduce oxygen-depleting algae ' River Bend has begun implementing a pro-active campaign to mitigate adverse environmental impacts as they relate to runoff, eutrophication, sedimentation, and ' the vitality of the canal. The Town of River Bend has already been awarded a financial assistance ' package, consisting of $292,000, to assist in the performance of this project. As noted in the approval letter from Wayne McDevitt, Secretary of the NCDENR, dated 9.22.97, "the removal of shoals from the Plantation Canal will improve ' navigation for the citizens of River Bend and the boating public" and "will also improve fish habitat and storm water drainage." This support emphasizes the approval of this project by the Department of Environment and Natural ' Resources, the Secretary, and the Division of Water Resources. ' No Environmental Impact Statement is anticipated for this project. This Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) completes the environmental record for presentation to the State Clearinghouse. I Mid-Atlantic Associates, P.A. Page 14 i i i i i i EA/FONSI July 12,1999 7.0 SIGNATURES AND SEALS - AAA Rudy A. Smithwick, P.G. Project Manager P C:\Mid-Atiantic\M[D-ATLANTIC\Projects\River Bend\EA\roport.doc 8.0 REFERENCES Mid-Atlantic Associates, P.A. Page 15 I Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 40, Parts 260-299. EA/FONSI July 12,1999 Details 1/2. "Meuse River Riparian Area Rule." hity//h-o.enr.state.nc.us/nps/cheat-s3.lit. "Meuse Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy Rules." 12.11.97. http:/ih2o.enr.state.nc.us/nps.iieuse.htni ' "Neuse River Riparian Area Rule." http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/nps/clicat-sli.htm North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) Title 15A, Subchapter 1C, Sections ' .0100-.0500, Conformity with North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. 01 March 1990 through 01 March 1993. http://h2o.enr. state.nc.us/Rules/Index. hUnl ' North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) Title 15A, Subchapter 02B, Sections .0100-.0500. "Surface Water Standards: Monitoring." 01 July ' 1988 through 15 June 1998.. http://h2o.enr.statc.nc.us/Rtiles/Indc.\.htnil North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) Title 15A, Subchapter 02B, .0202., and Amendments to the Neuse River Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy. 01 August 1998. http://h2o.ew.state.nc.us/nps/all2ncus .htm ' North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) Title 15A, Subchapter 02B, .0315, Neuse River Basin. http://li2o.enr.state.nc.tis/strcamclassAiN-dro/neuse.htm ' North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (LETTER). Mr. Wayne McDevitt, Secretary. September 22, 1997. ' North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (LETTER). Ms. Susan Giles. January 14, 1999. ' "North Carolina Neuse River Water Quality Conditions." United States Geological Survey. http://s ig ldncrl .er.usgs.gov/gw/NeuseRiN,er.html ' " " Raybon Engineering, P.A. Dredging (MAP). 5.11.98. ' "Report of the Plantation Canal Study Committee to the Town Council of River Bend, North Carolina." July 1988. ' Suitt & Associates, P.A., Inc. "Town of River Bend, Corporate Limits & Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (MAP)." 8.13.98. "Surface Freshwater Classifications Used in North Carolina." North ' Mid-Atlantic Associates, P.A. Page 16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 EA/FONSI July 12,1999 Carolina Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Section. httg://h2o. enr. state. nc.us/hiquality. html United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. Soil Survey of Craven County, North Carolina. 1989. U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Quadrangle. Pollocksville, North Carolina. 1994. "Water Quality Monitoring of the Waterways of River Bend, NC, May 1994 to April 1995." Christian Waters c/o Mount Olive College. April 12, 1995. Mid-Atiandc Associates, P.A. Page 17 I '00� FIGURES P, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 P ' 27 ocky RuS% t 0\\ t zB: - -%Z 33LerWinp Strip x 06 b az?` l_ 7 II _ 23 - .-?y..- II 4 lI -_ / i Q 25 f '- ' -, y? t to, c C , TRENA 3?1 \ \? 2 - - "i? •° 34 ' ? ?\ s ?' % - - OCR con C; V t . x33 122 \ = f. it f 1. 4?• ? fr bl Tar LaWill i u J _ Unit fill I \ S " o \ n -t4. Z' -?4- _Mr: ,?.. ? y4- _?`• J tio -fie, ,u;.. - / \ 1 II 4Lt II ki? it L 7 ,y 26 --- MID-ATLANTIC ASSOCIATES. P.A. PROJMTI EA/FONSI TITIEt USGS Topographic Quadran le FIGURE Civil .Geotechnical *Environmental Town of River Bend g Pollocksville, NC i Wilmington, NC lae Na DA IT"' 1.20.99 1.24,000 nRnvN BY, ,TK.I 62C BYtIZAS Town of River Bend ('nrnrnrate Limits & Extra Territorial Jurisdiction + • \J I? / j JJJ - l 1_.. J-I ~` / ?! l _;? T `tom' V0101 \ ,? I 1 r` 1. .. -7 % r DISPOSAL AREA 3 i (IHAPHIC SCALIC .-..---.. _. 1 m rccr i ' li ? ?<e ewi u cP°?1 Legend _...r--- --- - l Land Planning'- Surveying 34 Extra Territorial Jurisdiction P.O. BOX k28562 NE:W BERN, (2521633-2999 FAX: (252) 633-'9304 8-13-2 mmik IDS z .t \ .• r \ I.x ` , 'ji , i I 9s r \ ? i 1 u z '\ r o, ,, ` tl'? 1 N / /, ' 4-.c` Irv .\ ?,• ,4, ,rl II r'?II tf tp, I,,l I I?r I t I I's , r~ I ` / ?? i '' 11 `•? 1 I • .. '.V - e ? ?:' ill { r -, I . . ? f 1 I 1 ', I Ii I I / F.` Ir f ?i I {I I I I ?` II? /// l IIII ? ? I(? i 1 . h / -nj C?? 3j , Z G? ,• 2 2 Dwo log I;w .? ? VGA°?'?• -;:??!. /. ? ?.i? 1•'., i ri r r r r rr ?..:; ?? ¦?¦ / r• ?Q ' 'ti ?`.. •` , . r A r rf T ?? i Y AA • `te'----"" , J t .` mt, 4_3 r ? Q ,,4r ,''tl 1rw'//'y ?. d I `rte -, kL? '1 ,1? S 1 R/a^ ° r?/r0 21?G yW? ? N yNN \, •"gyp !°1 G ------ - ------ I? ? g t?l??? /' ?,? ; ? ? ? /.? •? '.?,?, I.I. i VA V'l , I ? I I I , I1 E ` i t t t i i i t I . l y / I j y \1 \ t, I , IS 10 !ten i ? -- t t t "`• t a , _-•?` _ .?-` ?? \ ?\ \\ _ i yep ,1 ', `\\y CZ i i , •,, ` ?__,._ ., it ?\, ?? " ? -?'("?,?', „r (j i n A r x z? N d 8 ?H Z IR d C1 ? H z ?M o? C1 pf I Y M EI ?a ? ??r T b b CD o., >4 0--i APPENDIX I PHOTO DOCUMENTATION Mid-Atlantic Photograph 2. View of Retention Pond adjacent to Hwy. 17. Note aeration fountains, vegetative swales (left), area of wetland construction (foreground). Mid-Atlantic Associates, P.A. Photodocumentation 1 l I I ?? Photograph 1. View of Canal. Photograph 4. View of canal from River Bend lot. Looking at undeveloped wetland across canal. Mid-Atlantic Associates, P.A. Photodocumentation 2 i i along River Bend side of canal Photograph 3. View of canal. Note bulkhead stabil (right bank) and unstabilized bank to the left of photo. Photograph 6. View of corrugated metal pipe secondary canal. connects two portions of the Mid-Atlantic Associates, P.A. Photodocumentation 3 i I I I 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 Ux`" GiMO ? .,? ?'9:w4 14 W'.,f ? J { Photograph 7. View of drainage ditch for proposed vegetative filter system (Wetland Enhancement Program). Mid-Adantk Associates, P.A. Photodocumentation 4 I Photograph 10. View of upland disposal site (Area 3). I Mid-ANantic Associates, P.A. Photodocumentation 5 Photograph 9. View of proposed upland disposal site (Area 2). 1 APPENDIX II AERIAL PHOTOGRAMMETRY Mi&Adautic Associates, P.A. i i i i i '' 1\ I1 i ? J?A \ 4 f a + x i o Pit, A- +'f nnu Aerial Photogrammetry EAIFONSI Source: NCDOT Town of River Bend -.. _ _. ]+e]ppp+ DRAWN BY- JKJ ?nnrE 1.2o." Mal 6$ MID-AU ANTIC ASSOCIATES. Civil o0eot=Wcal *Envimnnmte Wilmington, NC i ? i i i i i i i i I APPENDIX III LETTER: WAYNE MCDEVITT NCDENR DWR Mid-Atlantic 1 State of North Carolina 1 Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources 1 James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary 1 TOM OF Rkl'lcp? rj? r September 22, 1997 The Honorable William H. Ritchie, Jr. Mayor, Town of River Bend 45 Shoreline Drive River Bend, North Carolina 28562-8970 Dear Mavor Ritchie: 11LE COPY EDF-=HNFR I am pleased to announce that $292,000 In financial assistance for the Plantation Canal klaintenance Dredging project has been approved by the State of North Carolina. I congratulate the Town of River Bend on its sponsorship of this project. The removal of sediment and shoals from the Plantation Canal will improve navigation for the citizens of River Bend and the boating- public. It will also improve fish habitat and storm water drainage. The Division of Water Resources of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources will be contacting your Town Clerk concerning administrative requirements for the use of state funds for this project. WiNl:jnm cc: Mr. John Sutherland, DWR Sinter 'y. 'W - -...Pqw 40lov4L?* Wayne McDevitt 1 PO. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 2761 1-7687 Telephone 919-715-4100 FAX 919-715-3060 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post-consumer paper i i M, RCs >a E. 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX IV WETLAND SURVEY 1 Mid-Adaotic Associates, P.A. a b '? C? R. C I APPENDIX V LETTER: NC WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION I Mid-Adantic Associate. P.A. North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 312 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188, 919-733-3391 Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director ' MEMORANDUM February 5, 1999 ' FROM: Brad E. i lanuners 41, Division of Inland Fisherics ' TO: Jon Jester Gulfstream Environmental ' SUBJECT: Scoping request for information to be used in preparing an Environmental Assessment (EA) for Maintenance Dredging of Riverbend Canal in Craven ' Countv. North Carolina. The following information is pro% ided as per our discussion on 1/14/99 concerning the ' maintenance dredging project in the canal connecting to the Trent River in the Riverbend community. Some potential concerns rewarding the project include excessive sedimentation/turbidity and hottom disturbance during dredging activities. Elevated turbidity ' could reduce water quality in this area and stress aquatic organisms. Excessive turbidity is particularly damaging to eg and larval lifi: stages of aquatic organisms. Fisheries resources in this area or adjacent areas provide a verb %aluahle recreational fishery and include striped bass, ' largemouth bass. hluegill, redear sunfish. anti pumpkinseed. Measures to avoid or minimize impacts to these resources should include restricting dredging activities during warmer summer months (i.e. April i - September ,0) and localizing turbidity by employing a sediment curtain at the mouth of the canal during dredging. -Also. a stormwater management plan should be implemented to control nutrients and other pollutants that negatively impact aquatic resources in ' the canal. In addition, we are providing the following standardized letter. Although some of the ' information requests and comments ma% not he applicable to certain projects, these guidelines should facilitate preparation of fisheries and wildlife impact assessments. Our ability to evaluate project impacts and provide heneficial recommendations when reviewing environmental t documents will be enhanced if consultants. project sponsors, or permit applicants provide the following information. 1 1. Complete descriptions ol'\viIdlil'k!. fisheries, and wetland resources within, adjacent to, or utilizing the proposed project construction area including a listing of species designated as Iedcrally or state endangered, threatened, or special concern. When practicable, potential borrow areas to he used for project construction and discharge areas should be included in the invcntorics. i\ listing ofdesignated animal and plant species can be developed through consultation with: N.C. Natural I Ieritage Program P.O. Box 27087 Raleigh, N.C. 17611 (919)733-7795 and, N.C.D.A. Plant Conservation Program P.O. Box 27047 Raleigh, N.C. 27611 (919)7')3-',0 10 ' ?. Project map identifying wetland acreage impacted by the project. Wetland acreage should include all pro.iect related .a-cas that may undergo hydrologic change as a result of ditching, other drainage. or tilling for project construction. Wetland identification may be ' accomplished through coordination with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE). If the COE is not consulted. the person delineating wetlands should be identified and criteria listed. 3. Description of anv streams or \cctlands affected by the project. The need for channelizing or relocatlnul portion; )I streams and the extent of such activities should be noted. Any water withdrawals from 11-01.1ndwater or surface water sources should also be well described. In addition. wetland acreage impacted by alternative project designs should be provided. Finally, for prOiccts involving the discharge of wastewater, potential impacts to streams and wetlands >hOUld be thoroughly described, whether wastes are directly dischgruod tr. surface wa. rs „ !and applied. Adequate buffers should be maintained bemeen all land application areas and wetlands or streams. 4. Description of project site and non-wetland vegetative communities. 5. The extent of wildlife habitat iragmentation in uplands and wetlands and impacts associated with fragmentation. 6. Mitigation for avoiding, minimiAna, or compensating for direct and indirect habitat loss and degradation in quantitative terms. 1 7. A discussion of the cunlul IM e impacts of secondary development facilitated by the proposed faciIIth inlpro\enlentS. tillch discussion should weigh the economic benefits of ' the project against the costs ofassociated environmental degradation. 8. Ifenvironmcntal docunrents are required, a list ofpreparers and respective areas of ' expertise, including professional qu:llifications, should be included. Measures to avoid or minimize impacts to sensitive resources, including wetlands, should ' be implemented throughout Iacility p1a1111111e and construction. Where impacts to wetlands are unavoidable, the N.C. Wildlife Resources c '0mlrlission %?ill recommend mitigation for the losses. Professional wildlife and fisheries hiolouists should be consulted if aquatic, wetland, or terrestrial ' habitats are affected by this type of development. Thank you for the opportunity to conullent during the early planning stages of this project. If you have questions reLl"Irdin-, thc , comments, please call me at (252) 939-1167. 1 b a ?• >a C I I I I 7 APPENDIX VI LETTER: NC NATURAL HERITAGE Mid-Atlantic Associates. P.A. NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION AGA ' January 14, 1999 NCDENR JAMS! B. HUNTJR. Mr. Jon K. Jester GOVERNOR GulfStream Environmental, Inc. P. O. Box 592 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 t WAYNE MCDEVITT SECRETARY SUBJECT: Rare Species, High Quality Natural Communities, and Significant Natural Heritage Areas at Plantation Canal, Town ' of River Bend, Craven County, N.C. ' DR. PHILIP K. MCKNELLY DIRECTOR Dear Mr. Jester: The NC Natural Heritage Program does not have records of high quality natural communities, rare species, or Significant Natural Heritage Areas at or within a 1.0 ' mile radius of the site of the proposed maintenance dredging of the Plantation Canal, Town of River Bend, Craven County, NC. E l d i li f i nc ose s a st o rare species known to ex st in Craven County. If habitat for any of these species exists at the site, they may be present there. In order to be sure that ' no rare species exist at the site, a survey might be needed. Please do not hesitate to contact me at the address below or call me at (919) 715- 8703 if you have any questions or need further information. Sincerely, ' r ' Susan Reece Giles Information Specialist ' Natural Heritage Program Enclosure - 'pt ++ P.O. Box 27687 RALEIGH NC 27611-7687 PHONE 919.733-41 81 FAX 919-718-3085 , AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY /AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED/109{ POST-CONSUM[R PAP[R ' SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME STATE STATUS FED. STATUS STATE RANK GLOBAL RANK ' Craven Vertebrates Aimophila aestivalis Bachman's Sparrow SC FSC S3B,S2N G3 Alligator mississippiensis American Alligator T T(S/A) S3 G5 ' Anhinga anhinga Anhinga SR S2B,SZN G5 Dermochelys coriacea Leatherback Turtle E E SZN G3 Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald Eagle E T S2B,S2N G4 Laterallus jamaicensis Black Rail SR FSC S3B,S2N G4 Necturus lewisi Neuse River Waterdog SC S3 G3 Notropis bifrenatus Bridle Shiner SC SH G5 Noturus furiosus pop 1 Carolina Madtom - Neuse River SC - S2 G3T2Q Population Phalacrocorax auritus Double-crested Cormorant SR SlB,S5N G5 Picoides borealis Red-cockaded Woodpecker E E S2 G3 Sistrurus miliarius Pigmy Rattlesnake SR - S3 G5 Trichechus manatus Manatee E E S1N G2? ' Ursus americanus Black Bear SR S3 G5 Invertebrates Lithophane lemmeri Lemmer's Pinion SR - S G3G9 Lynceus gracilicornis Graceful Clam Shrimp SR - S22? ? G? Procambarus plumimanus Croatan Crayfish SR FSC S3? G3 ' Vascular plants Aeschynomene virginica Virginia Jointvetch E T Sl G2 Agalinis aphylla Scale-leaf Gerardia SR - 53 G3G4 Agalinis linifolia Flaxleaf Gerardia SR - S3 G4? Agalinis virgata Branched Gerardia SR - S2 G3G4Q ' Andropogon mohrii Bog Bluestem c - S1 31 G4? G2Q Asplenium heteroresiliens Carolina Spleenwort E FSC Bidens coronata Crowned Beggarticks SR SH G5 Cystopteris tennesseensis Tennessee Bladder-fern E-SC - Sl G5 Dionaea muscipula Venus Flytrap C-Sc FSC S3 G3 G4G5 Eleocharis robbinsii Robbins's Spikerush C S2 5 Eriocaulon aquaticum Seven-angled Pipewort SR S2 G Isoetes riparia Riverbank Quillwort SR - S1 G4 G3 Litsea aestivalis Pondspice C FSC S2 S2 G3G4 ' Ludwigia alata Winged Seedbox SR Minuartia godfreyi Godfrey's Sandwort E FSC S1 G1 Myriophyllum laxum Loose Watermilfoil T FSC S1 G3 Peltandra sagittifolia Spoonflower SR - 52S3 G3G4 ' Platanthera integra Yellow Fringeless Orchid T S1 G3G4 Platanthera nivea snowy Orchid T - S1 S2 G5 G4G5 Ponthieva racemosa Shadow-witch SR - Sl G5 Quercus austrina Bluff Oak SR - S2 G5 Rhynchospora alba Northern White Beaksedge C Rhynchospora breviseta Short-bristled Beaksedge C 32 G3G4 Rhynchospora oligantha Feather-bristle Beaksedge C - S2S3 G4 Rhynchospora scirpoides Long-beak Baldsedge SR - S2 G4 G4G5 ' Sagittaria stagnorum Water Arrowhead SR - S1 G5 Schoenoplectus acutus Hardstem Bulrush SR - SH S3 G3G4 Schoenoplectus etuberculatus Canby's Bulrush SR G4 Scirpus lineatus Drooping Bulrush C - - S2 S2 G4 ' Scleria georgiana Georgia Nutrush SR E FSC S3 G3 Solidago pulchra Carolina Goldenrod 33 G3 Solidago verna Spring-flowering Goldenrod E/PT FSC Utricularia olivacea Dwarf Bladderwort T - S2 G4 G5 Veronica americana American Speedwell SR - S2 S1 G4 Xyris elliottii Elliott's Yellow-eyed-grass SR Nonvascular plants ' Sphagnum fitzgeraldii Fitzgerald's Peatmoss SR - S2S3 G2G3 Natural cosaunities - - S1? GST3 Basic Mesic Forest (Coastal Plain - Subtype) S3.o G3G9. Bay Forest - - 55 GS Brackish Marsh - - - S1 G3? Coastal Fringe Evergreen Forest - - - S1 G3? Coastal Fringe Sandhill ' - me xaTnR]?L HSAITAGSE PRoCtAI[, DIVISION OP PARRS AND RECREATION, DENR July 1998 1 anrovmrsrr tasuL! COMMON NAME - - 51 G2? - - S5 G5 - - S4 G4 - - S3 G3 - - S4 G5T5 - - S3 G5 - - S2 G2 - - S1 G1 - - S2 G3 - - 33 G4 - - S4 G4GS - - Si? G2? - - S2 G3 - - S3 G4 - - S3 G4 - - S2 G3 - - S3 G3G4 - - S4 G5 Coastal Plain Marl Outcrop Dry-Mesic Oak--Hickory Forest High Pocosin Low Pocosin ' Mesic Mixed Hardwood Forest (Coastal Plain Subtype) Mesic Pine Flatwoods Natural Lake Shoreline ' Nonriverine Wet Hardwood Forest Pine Savanna Pine/Scrub Oak Sandhill Pond Pine Woodland t Small Depression Pocosin Small Depression Pond Tidal Cypress--Gum Swamp Tidal Freshwater Marsh ' Vernal Pool Wet Pine Flatwoods Xeric Sandhill Scrub special animal habitats ' Gull*Tern*Skimmer Colony osprey Nesting Area ' Wading Bird Rookery Craven* ' Vertebrates Crotalus adamanteus Heterodon simus ' Vascular plants Cladium mariscoides Kalmia cuneata ' Tofieldia glabra Craven** ' Invertebrates Agrotis buchholzi Calephelis virginiensis Erynnis martialis Euagrotis lubricans Euphyes dukesi Hesperia attalus slossonae Incisalia irus ' Problema byssus Pyreferra ceromatica Satyrium kingi 1 Colonial Waterbirds Nesting Site Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake Southern Hognose Snake SR - 31 G4 SR FSC S3 G4 Twig-rush White Wicky Carolina Asphodel STATE FED. STATE GLOBAL STATUS STATUS RANK RANK SR - S2 G5 E-SC ESC S3 G3 C FSC S3 G3 Buchholz's Dart Moth SR FSC S2S3 G2G3 Little Metalmark SR - S3 G4 Mottled Dusky Wing SR - S3 G4 Slippery Dart Moth SR - S3? G4 Dukes' Skipper SR - S2? G3 Dotted Skipper SR - S2S3 G4T3 Frosted Elfin SR - S2S3 G3G4 Byssus Skipper SR - S2 G3G4 Annointed sallow moth SR FSC S1S3 GU King's Hairstreak SR - S2S3 G3G4 -- - -_-_-- ........?...? ,.4 a nwa Aw" nvrgm1UTI0N. DSNR July 1998 tv%.. PIAI uKAL nr U ALYL rxvtzKAM UMINTY brhL;Mb LlbT LUVLK SHEET e county species list from the NC Natural Heritage Program is a listing of the elements (rare species, natural communities, and ecial animal habitats) known to occur in a county. The information on this printout is compiled from a variety of sources, including field surveys, museums and herbaria, literature, and personal communications. The Heritage Program's Biological and conservation Database (BCD) is dynamic, with new records being added and old records being revised as new information is ceived. The BCD was developed and is maintained using methodology developed by The Nature Conservancy. The enclosed list cannot be considered a definitive record of natural heritage elements, and it should not be considered a substitute for field surveys. ['he-i this information is used in anv document, we request that the printout date be given and that the NC Natural Heritage ogram be credited. s cover sheet explains the four columns of status codes that are given on the right-hand side of the county list printout. STATE STATUS ODE STATUS Endangered T Threatened I C Special Concern Candidate CODE STATUS P Proposed (E, T, or C) SR Significantly Rare EX Extirpated Wan: statuses are determined by the Plant Conservation Program (NC Department of Agriculture) and the Natural Henmee roz'am (NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources). E, T, and SC species are protected by state law (Plant Protection and Conservation Act, 1979). C and SR designations indicate rarity and the need for population monitoring and I orservation action. Ammal statuses that indicate state protection (E, T, and SC) are published in Endangered Wildlife of Yorrh Carolina, March 16, 99:, Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program (NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources). SR and EX statuses Ire Natural Heritage Program designations. SR indicates rarity and the need for population monitoring and conservation action. FEDERAL STATUS is status is designated by the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Federally listed Endangered and Threatened species are protected under the provisions of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended through the 100th Congress. Unless otherwise noted. Flniiions are taken from the Federal Re?isrer, Vol. 56, No. 325, November 21, 1991 (50 CFR Part 17). CODE STATUS DEFINITION Endangered A taxon "in danger of extinction throughout all of a significant portion of its range." Threatened A taxon "likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all of a significant portion of its range." _ Proposed A taxon proposed for official listing as endangered or threatened. Candidate A taxon under consideration for which there is sufficient information to support listing. This categor;.- was formerly designated as a Candidate 1 (C1) species. SC Federal "Species of Concern" (also called "Species at Risk"). Formerlv defined as a [axon under consideration for which there is insufficient information to support listing; formerly designated as a Candidate ' (C2) species. Currently, the US Fish and Wildlife Service does not recognize this as an official designation. (S, A) Threatened due to Similarity of Appearance. Species with this designation are not considered biologically endangered or threatened and are listed for trade purposes. [The American Alligator has this designation ' due to similarity of appearance to other rare crocodilians. The Bog Turtle (southern population) has this designation due to similarity of appearance to Bog Turtles in the threatened northern population.] Please note that the US Fish and Wildlife Service no longer recognizes the following categories: IA Candidate 3A A taxon formerly under consideration for listing, but for which there is "persuasive evidence of extinction." 3B Candidate 3B A taxon formerly under consideration for listing, but which current taxonomic understanding does not support as a distinct entity meeting the Endangered Species Act's definition of "species." 'C Candidate 3C A taxon formerly under consideration for listing, but which has been "proven to be more abundant or widespread than previously believed and/or [which is] not subject to any identifiable threat." GLOBAL AND STATE RANKS These ranks are determined by The Nature Conservancy's system of measuring rarity and threat status. "Global" refers to worldwide ranks and "State" to statewide ranks. STATE RANK DEFINITIONS Sl Critically imperiled in North Carolina because of extreme rarity or otherwise very vulnerable to extirpation in the state. S" Imperiled in North Carolina because of rarity or otherwise vulnerable to extirpation in the state. S3 Rare or uncommon in North Carolina. S» Apparently secure in North Carolina, with many occurrences. S5 Demonstrably secure in North Carolina and essentially ineradicable under present conditions. SA Accidental or casual; one to several records for North Carolina, but the state is outside the normal range of the species. SH Of historical occurrence in North Carolina, perhaps not having been verified in the past 25 years, and suspected to be still extant in the state. SR Reported from North Carolina, but without persuasive documentation for either accepting or rejecting the report SX Believed to be extirpated from North Carolina. S: Possibly in peril in North Carolina, but status uncertain; more information is needed. S^ Unranked, or rank uncertain. B Rank: of breeding population in the state. Used for migratory species only. Rank of non-breeding population in the state. Used for migratory species only. _Z_ Population is not of significant conservation concern; applies to transitory, migratory species. GLOBAL RANK DEFINITIONS G1 Critically imperiled globally because of extreme rarity or otherwise very vulnerable to extinction throughout its range. GZ Imperiled globally because of rarity or otherwise vulnerable to extinction throughout its range. G3 Either very rare and local throughout its range, or found locally in a restricted area. G» Apparently secure globally, although it may be quite rare in parts of its range (especially at the periphery). G5 Demonstrably secure globally, although it may be quite rare in parts of its range (especially at the periphery). GH Of historical occurrence throughout its range. GX Believed to be extinct throughout its range. Gt; Possibly in peril, but status uncertain; more information is needed. G` Unranked, or rank uncertain. G _Q Of questionable taxonomic status. T_ Status of subspecies or variety; the G rank refers to the species as a whole. ADDITIONAL DEFINITIONS Elements following county names marked with one or two asterisks indicate obscure or historic records. Obscure record: the date the element was last observed in the county is uncertain. '• Historic record: the element was last observed in the county more than 50 years ago. Scientific and common names listed in parentheses are synonyms listed in US Fish and Wildlife Service, 1992, Endangered and I Threatened Species of the Southeastern United States (The Red Book). L 1 1 a APPENDIX VII LETTER: US FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Mid-Atiantic Associates, P.A. TO: United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE. Raleigh Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 276361726 ' Mr. Jon K. Jester Vice President Gulf Stream Environmental, Inc. P.O. Box 592 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 ' Thank you for your letter requesting information or recommendations from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This letter provides the Service's response pursuant to Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531-1543), and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, as amended (16 U.S.C. 661-667d). Re: Environmental Assessment for proposed maintenance dredging of Plantation Canal, in the Town of River Bend, in Craven County, North Carolina Project Name/Location/County January 14, 1999 99-0280 Date of Incoming Letter Log Number ' The attached pages list the federally-listed species which occur within Craven County. The attached maps indicate the locations where Federally-listed endangered or threatened species have been sighted in the area. The project as described appears unlikely to affect upland or terrestrial species, therefore only aquatic/marine species are included. ' For further information about state-listed or rare species, and State designated, rare or valuable biological habitats, you may wish to contact the North Caroiina Natural Heritage Program at (919) 733-4181. c logical Ser es Supervisor Date COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME STATUS CRAVEN COUNTY Vertebrates Bachman's sparrow Aimophila aestivalis FSC American alligator Alligator mississippiensis T(S/A) Leatherback sea turtle Dermochelvs coriacea Endangered Bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus Threatened Southern hognose snake Heterodon simus FSC Black rail Laterallus jatnaicensis FSC Red-cockaded woodpecker Picoides borealis Endangered Manatee Trichechus tnanatus Endangered Invertebrates Croatan crayfish Procambarus plumimanus FSC Annointed sallow moth Pvreferra cerornatica FSC* Vascular Plants Sensitive jointvetch Aeschvnaanene virginica Threatened Carolina spleenwort Asplenium heteroresiliens FSC Chapman's sedge Carex chapmanii FSC* Venus flytrap Dionea inuscipula FSC White wicky Kalmia cuneata FSC* Pondspice Litsea aestivalis FSC Godfrey's sandwort Minuartia godfreyi FSC Loose watermilfoil Myriophyllum laxum FSC Savanna cowbane Oxvpolis ternata FSC Spring-flowering goldenrod Solidago verna FSC Carolina asphodel Tojieldia glabra FSC* January 15, 1999 Page 14 of 49 1 s J C 0 m L N C N r C) L Q? L Q. O V) a x (1) W L v ? Q ? W ui a ? a ' i? o) a - a m L _0 I a U a u E c c .11 1 CF) C co m L F- d ?.J d d '.d J 1 1 1 1 C co L N? LPL. N C N o ? /fly. L /1 L O a ? x Q ? W W m a vi a T a 5 E c c .11 1 L H ?J -d °s m I t I I oor 'IN I I I I APPENDIX VIII EASTERN ENVIRONMENTAL SEDIMENT SAMPLING REPORT Mid-Adaotic Associates. P.A. i RAYBON ENGINEERING PA Civil-Environmental-Marine P.O. Box 15009 New Bern, NC 28561 March 18, 1999 Mr. Rudy Smithwick Gulf Stream Environmental, Inc. P.O. Box 592 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 (252) 637-7571 Pager 636-8566 Digital Fax 637-2165 RE: River Bend Sampling Report Dear Mr. Smithwick: Enclosed is a copy of the report of sampling for the River Bend dredging project. This is for inclusion in your report. Thank you for your assistance. Respectfully, William C. Raybon, P.E. 1-10 1 March 16, 1999 Dear Mr. Raybon: ' Mr. William C. Raybon Raybon Engineering t PO Box 15009 NC 28561 New Bern, u 1 1 t 1 EASTERN ENVIRONMENTAL PO BOX 561 BRIDGETON, NC 28519 (919) 637-7884 FAX 637-7907 RE: River Bend, Channel Run Canal Sediment Analysis. Eastern Environmental recently collected sediment samples from along River Bend's Channel Run Canal. The samples were collected at approximately 750 feet intervals. Sediment cores ranging between 12 and 18 inches were recovered, placed in sterile jars on ice for delivery to the analyzing laboratory. The samples were analyzed by Method 9071A for Oil & Grease and TCLP Extraction, Method SW846 1311, RCRA Metals. The analysis results indicate metal concentrations are significantly below regulatory action levels. The Oil & Grease concentrations are above regulatory limits in 6 of the sediment samples. These results are not surprising for highly organic bottom or swampy sediments. Naturally occurring oils from both macro and micro plant and animal remains can account for the elevated concentrations found in the samples. A correlation in the analysis and the sediment descriptions is apparent. The mucky, highly organic sediment samples with obvious plant debris show the highest Oil & Grease concentrations. Sandier, less organic samples have lower Oil & Grease concentrations. Please see the following attachments: Figure 1 Site location & Topographic Map Figure 2 Bottom Sample Collection Locations (except Island Creek) Figure 3 Sediment Core Descriptions Table 1 Summary of Sediment Sample Laboratory Analysis Laboratory Reports and Chain of Custody. If you have questions please call (252) 637-7884. Thank you for allowing Eastern Environmental to be of service. Sincerel F.X. LaValle Project Manager Ch` Hdy?oof ,aA'?• orb` Rodky Hun Sch V 3 ?LOCAnoN . TpEN. ti RIVER BEND CHANNEL.RUN.CANAL `'.Ce•`on ' M ?' Tar .. LOCAPON ?r ,.RNER BEND -ISLAND CREED- cif P ham • ?. ^? ? \, dl8?. f1Q. /'rte • ?/ ''? wmc ora - 'S Land,RL f R A . T A. LL C EASTERN ENVIRONMENTAL DATE: 3/99 SCALE' 1:24,000 DRAWN BY: USGS f- ` TITLE: SITE L TION & TOPOGRAPHIC MAP . FIGURE: 1 PROJECT: RIVER BEND CHANNEL RUN CANAL RIVER BEND CHANNEL RUN CANAL O KEY ?6 SAMPLE COLLECTION POINT L SAMPLE # L1 WAS COLLECTED IN ISLAND / CREEK (NOT SHOWN) 9 L1 y BASE DRAINUNG PROVIDED BY RAYBON ENGINEERING EASTERN ENVIRONMENTAL L1 DATE: 3/99 SCALE: 1" = 500' DRAWN BY: JDR TITLE: BOTTOM SAMPLE COLLECTION LOCATIONS RIVER FIGURE: 2 PROJECT: RIVER BEND CHANNEL RUN CANAL PROJECT.' RIVER BEND CHANNEL RUN CANAL SEDIMENT CORE DESCRIPTIONS NO. DESCRIPTION 1 16", VERY DARK BROWN, OOZY, HIGH ORGANIC, MUCKY, OILY SHEEN, PLANT DEBRIS. 2 18", DARK BROWN, OOZY TO SLIGHTLY FIRM, HIGH ORGANIC, SOME SAND. 3 14", VERY DARK BROWN, OOZY TO SLIGHTLY FIRM, HIGH ORGANIC, OILY SHEEN, PLANT DEBRIS. 4 16", VERY DARK BROWN, OOZY TO SLIGHTLY FIRM, HIGH ORGANIC. 5 12", DARK BROWN, SOME OOZY TO FIRM, HIGH ORGANIC, SOME SAND. 6 14", DARK BROWN TO BROWN, SLIGHTLY FIRM TO FIRM, ORGANIC, SANDY. 7 18", VERY DARK BROWN, OOZY TO SLIGHTLY FIRM, HIGH ORGANIC. 8 16", DARK BROWN, OOZY TO SLIGHTLY FIRM, HIGH ORGANIC. 9 18", VERY DARK BROWN, OOZY TO SLIGHTLY FIRM, HIGH ORGANIC, OILY SHEEN, PLANT DEBRIS. 10 16", VERY DARK BROWN, OOZY TO MUCKY, HIGH ORGANIC, ABUNDANT PLANT DEBRIS. 11 18", VERY DARK BROWN, OOZY TO MUCKY, HIGH ORGANIC, PLANT DEBRIS. Eastern Environmental 1-1 _... c A, . W Z O 1 ? W Z ' W ti t 1 W J Z 0 Q 0 m W J Z L.U W J Q < = IJLI Z Q Z 0 U Z = z - - u 0 U ZZ - = °' (3) °' J Q E- ? (n m w > = m W Z U Q 2 4 , to In LO LO LO LO Ln LO LO LO In ?;. O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O \y, V V V V V V V V V V V u \ In ° ° LO In Ln T- ° 1- \ O O ° O ° O O O O ° O V V O V V V V O (DO N N LO N N LO N N N C0 N 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ' O O O , O O O O ' O O lit. V V O V V O v v V O V O O Lo O Lo O Lo O Lo to O In O Ln O to O 0 O to O O O O O O O O O O O O ?s4 O V V V V V V V V V V \ l N LO w d M N N M N N N O p, 0 ' O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 ' O 0 ' O 0 O 0 ' O 0 ' O 0 v 0 0 0 0 v v o v v v N N N N N N N N N N N O O I O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O m oll ? V V V V V V V V V V V O .?,M O ? C r- N IT LO O M N M O M O M O N co M co N N co M O O O O O O O to O ' O ' o O V V O V O O O O O O 0 ? Y ° 0 rn M LO 00 0 0 N C 7 N 0 0 00 0 z J r- N M 'T Ln 14 ti OP M r U a J J J J J J J J -? J J O :\v\ J < r LAW P; CO . . . TEL:910-762-7082 Mar 15'99 From: Law & Company of Wilmington, Inc. 17.1 Castle Street / PO Box 629 Wilmington, NC 28402 NC 37704 I 'WW 16 TEL: 910-762-7082 FAX: 916-762-8785 SC 99049 March 15, 1999 lb:UI NU.vvo r.iz, To : EAPTERIL MURONMENTAL 17. }{ L97JUM p.p. Bax 561 BRXDGETON, NC 28519 EMME The following analytical results have be On obtain fnt tha indicated sample which was submitted to this laba=tazT; I t 1 t I SaWle I`.D. SR-12910 Purchase,order number: RB399 Location Description: RIVER BEND Sample collection date: 02/27/99 Lab submittal date: 03/03/99 Received by: DL Location code: Project account` cadaa_ &.- Sample collector: F.X. LAVALLE Time: 13:45 Time: 12:10 Validated by: 0C Parameter: OIL & GREASE, SOXLET EXTRACT Method reference: 9071A Mme, or sensitivity: 50 Result: 489 m9/kJ Date finished: T3714/39 Date started: 03/11/99 Analyst: 9 Time started: 0800 Parameter: TCLR EXTRACTION NON VOLATILES Method reference: SW846 1311 Unit: N/A Mn$ or Result: pomplau Date started.. 03/08/99 Dade fin f x/99 Analyst: Tel Time started: 15:00 Parameter: ARSWIC (As), TCLP Method reference: EPA 200.8 Result: k.009- - Date stared : 63 /°13 / 9 9 Time started: 13:00 Parameter: BARIUM (Ba), TCLP Method reference: EPA 200.8 Result: 0.27 mg/L Date started: 03110/99 Time started: - 14:80 Parameter: CADMIUM ((CAd)200. , TeLP Hothc)& rot evemmWe Result: c.002 n2 ata:rted: a3/10/99 Time started: 14:50 I - s Unit: mg/L MDt or • 00'x' Date fifft Analyst. JD MDL or senfitd?!-L? .005 Date fini WTW49 Analyst: Jam" Unfit : MDL or sw=A g .002 Date f ini - CC== an - Analyst: JAD L t t t n LAW & CO... TEL:910-762-7082 Mar 15'99 1b:U2 NO.UUM F'.2U EASTERN ENVIRONMENTAL Sample I.D. BR32910 (continued) Page : 2 --- - - - Ma ah 151, 199a Parameter: CHYLQMIUM (Cr), TCLP Method r?eferenee: EPA 200.8 Result : ? . 002- Date otazted: 03/10/99 Time staktad. 1A:50 Parameter: LEAD (Pb), TCLP Method rpferen?? EPA 200.8 Result : 0.001A mg/-L Date stat'ted: 03/10/99 Time started: L4 t50 Parameter: MERCLW, TCLP Method reference: EPA 245.1 Result: k.0002- Date started: Q3/--12/99 Time started: 10:00 Parameter: SELENIUM (Se), TCLP Method refere=e: EPA 200.8 Result: x.005 Data atazted: 03/13/99 Time started- 1300 Parameter: SIL!&ER- (Ag) , TCLP Method ref erne :-- EPA 200.8 Result: 0.005 Date started: 03/10/99 Time stai-ted: t4--430 Sample comments: su D= s: Knorr x.-1 "=w ax mom u??L? f If there are any questions regarding this data, gleams call. n Iichardpive President Unit: mg/L MDR or Qentit1wj&v. .002 Date finite} 0 - W99 Analyst: 3IJ)-• _ MDL or semi. - . H9 Date fiaistmd:- 43-/W99 Analyst.L JAD- Unit: mg/L MM or seWd y ? . Q2 Date fi - Analyst : C1T Unit: mg/L MDR, or wemtiyi r ?1Q5 DaXe f iaisked- - 03¢x/ 9.9- AMlyet: J= - - Urd t : rng/-L -- - MD1 or sen itiv t'T. 005 Date fidisfuad: 031=0/99 Analyst: JXU-- - 4 LAW & CO... TEL:910-762-7082 Mar 15'99 16:00 No.008 P.17 From: Law & Company of Wilmington, Inc. _ 17*11 Castelc Street / PO Box 629 Wi`lmtnq=, NC 28402 TEL: 910-762-7082 NC 37704 / WW 16 FAX: 910-762-8785 SC 99049 March 15, 1999 To : &WERN ZNURONMENTAL Ef . x . LAMLE P.O. BOX Stl BRXDGETON, NC 28519 EE?V?TSFs The following analytical results indicated- sampte which was submit i 8amp1• I:D. DR32911 Purchase order number: RB399 Location Description: RIVER BEND Sample collectton date: 03/02/99 Lab submittal date: 03/03/99 Received; by : DL have been obtained for the *ted to this 1 Location code: HENI a Project account Cede: A Sample collector: F.X. LAVALLE Time: 13:10 Time: 12:10 Validated by: DC Parameter: OIL & GREASE, SOXLET EXTRACT Method reference: 9071A iv tr y 5.0 ReaLtlt : ? 9 .kg M14 or sen!ir - Date started: Q3711/99 Date fiaiskad.,:-03/]2/99 Time started: 08x00 Analyst: TiBDt Parameter: TCLP EXTRACTION NON VOLATILES Method reference :- SW846 1311 Ur4t : N/A Result: complou MDL or saKsi 1f/A Date started: Q3/08/99 Date finidmCL./99 Time started: 15:00 Analyst: TAX Parameter: ARSENIC (As), TCLP Method r¢ferecs: EPA 200.8 Result: <.005 Date started: Q3/13/99 Time started: 13:.00 Parameter: BARIUM (Ba), TCLP Method r6fer mm. EPA 200.8 Result : 6.S4 rtq/L Date ataTted: O3/10/99 Time started: 14:50 Unit: mg/L_ _ , MDL or serrtitivtty: .002 Date fini&h&&--03/13/99 Analyst: JAD MDL or sensitiVIX7: .QOS Date f inimbmds- 91 Analyst: JAS Parameter: CADMIUM (Cd), TCLP Met=od;- mere= L EPA 200.8 Result : <,002 Date started: 03/10/99 Time started: 14:50 Ur4t : mg/L_ MDL or sen*Lt:- at .0_-02 Date fins _ Analyst: JAD J R _ - LAW C CO... TEL:910-762-7082 Mar 15'99 1b:U1 NO.uuu r.io EASTERN ENV I ROUMENTAL Sample I . D . BR3 2911 (coafi inuada- Page : 2 , March 15;, 199-9- Parameter: CHROMIUM (Cr), TCLP 0 8 . Method referenes3: EPA 20 /L m MDL or sensitivitys 002 g Date Result: eta=ted rted: 03/10/99 Date finitdsad:..0-TLI0/99 Time atapted=1A.I.SD An?lya - Param tee :. LEAf1 (fib) , TCLP Method refersaee t EPA 200.8 Unit. ormg///L rfiGL ': .005 Result : - 03/10/99 d rt Date finis3md: ax/1.Q/99 : : e sta Date Time startedr-14s50 Anelyet s JW Parameter: MERCURY, TCLP Method reference: EPA 245.1 Unit: m9/L Q2 started: tarrteedd: : 03/12/99 t D D U or ss? Date fintah*&- 03 lZ/49 e a Time started: 10:00 Analyst: Ca. TCLP ) , Parameters SaLWIUM (Se 8 EPA 200 Unit: mQ/L . Method rofereneez MDL or ssm&i tidy : .005 Result: K.05 - 03/13/99 tarted Date fin TV-" . Date s Time started: 13:00 - Analysti 17A-= Parameter: SILVER (Ag), TCLP 8 EPA 200 m : Unit eL . Method reference: ? ,005 o or Reault : 1;C.005 tartad: X3/`3.0/99 Date f isttib 7.`=V 9S r? Date Time started: 1.4:50 Analyst: JAD I Sample comments:: RYCiIM By DjBM LAVA M yLV= .L-2 - j If there: are any questions regarding this data, please call. t w s?? ichard Spivey President LAW & CO... TEL:910-762 From: Law & Company of Wilt 1711 Castle Street / Wilmington, NC 28402 TEL: 910-702-7082 FAX: 910-762-8785 t 1 1 1 -7082 Mar 15'99 15:58 No.008 r.1?) nington, Inc. PO Box 629 NC 37704 /-WW 16 SC 99049 March 15, 1999 To; &"TEAN MVIRONMENTAL F . K . LAVILLE P.O. sox Sel -BR OGRTM MC 28519 The follbving analytical results have been obtained tea tine indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: $&Mle I09. B432912 Purchase order number: RB399 Location-Description: RIVER BEND Sample collection date: 03/02/99 Lab submittal date: 03/03/99 Received by: DL Location code: EEM2- Project account code :-A Sample collector: F.X. LAVALLE Time: 13:35 Time: 22:10 Validated by: DC Parameter: OIL & GREASE, SOXLET EXTRACT Method reference: 9071A Result : 130 mg/-cg MDL or aomitie : 50 Date started: 03/11/99 Date finiA?had: 03-/L-2/99 Time started: 08:00 Analysts TA Parameter: TCLP EXTRACTION NON VOLATILE9 Method reference: SW846 1311 Unit: N/A Result: gomplete MDI1 or aeuattivity: H/A Date started: 03/08/99 Date finiahd: Q3fQ9/99 Time started: L600 Analyst i- TJX--- - Parameter; ARMWIC (As), TCLP Method referteUM: EPA 200.8 Result : 0.005 1119/L Date started: 03/13/99 Time started: 13:00 Parameter: BARIUM (Ba), TCLP Method reference: EPA 200.8 Result: 0.39 mg/L Data ota3tted: Q3/10/99 Time started: 14:50 Parameter: CADMIUM (Cd), TCLP Method reference? EPA 200.8 Result: 4.002 Date started. 03/10/99 Time started: 14:50 MDL or sensitivity: Q02 Dace firzishad: o:Vi3/99 Analyst: JAD MDL or sensitivity: .005 Date f ' i-9a Analyst: JAD Unit : mg-/L = -- . MDr. or eanait 1= .0W Date f inishwL 1 D I29 Ana6lyst :6 ?- - -- - - - r LAW & CO... TEL:910-762-7082 Mar 15'99 15:59 No.008 P.16 2 d) t t t 1 EASTERN ENVIRONMENTAL Sample I.D. BR3 912 (continue Page : 2 Ma;ch 15,, 190-? Parameter: CHROM.111M (Cr) , TCLP Method reference: EPA 200.8 Result: 0.006 tsg/L MOt or sensitivity: .002 Date started: 03/10/99 Date finished: 03-/10/99 Time started: 14 i30 Anlilyst- T= Parameter: LEAD (Pb), TCLP Method re-ferencet EPA 200.8 Result: x.005 Date stated: 03/10/99 Time started: 14:50 Parameter: KM=W, TCLP Method refereesez EPA 245.1 Result: 0 0 05' tsg,CL Date started: 03/12/99 Time atarted: :LO:-00 Parameter: SPJAVMM (Se), TCLP Method reference EPA 200.8 Result : 0.01 mg/L Date started: 03/13/99 Time started: 133-00 Parameter: SILVER (Ag), TCLP Method reference: EPA 200.8 Result: x.005 Date started: 03/10/99 Time started: 14:50 Sample comments: at?onas ass ?.-: Unit: mg/L MM or senti•tiuiaLy t • Q05 Date finished:"03-1 10/99 Analyst : JAD M13L or ten?.ttiu W . .02 Date finished: 03-11'2/99 Analyst: CU--- - mt or senoltfr ty: .005 Date finite 03713/99 Analysts JAD " - Unit: mg/L MDL or sensitivity: .005 Date finisftct: 03/10/99 Analyst: JU If there are any questions regarding this data, pleisa carp. u3- Richar?Spivey President LAW-9 CO... TEL:910-762-7082 Mar 15'99 From: Law & Company of Wilmington, Inc. 1711 Castle Street / PO Box 629 Wil. mingtozi, NC 28402 TEL: 910-762-7082 NC 37704 /:-WW 16 FAX: 910-762-8785 SC 99049 March 15, 1999 1 t 1 To : EA?LT= $NMMNMENTAL F. LAVALLE P.O. BOX 561 BRID0911M, NC 28519 EE?EIBB 15:57 No. 008 P.13 The following analytical results have been obtain-A fcr the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: sanple I.D. BRI2913 Location code: MDPJBS Purchase order number: RB399 Project account erY"t A Location Description: RIVER BEND Sample collector: F.K. LAVALLE Sample collection date: 03/02/99 Time: 13:50 Lab submittal date: 03/03/99 Time: 12:10 Received-by: DL Validated by : DC Parameter: OIL & GREASE, SOXLET EXTRACT Method reference: 9071A Result: 134 mg/'kg MDL or sensitivity-. 50 Date started: 03/11/99 Date finialubd: 03-/12/99 Time started: 06:00 Analyst: T!& Parameter: TCLP EXTRACTION NON VOLATILES Method r4farenne: SW846 1311 Unit: N/A Result: domplete MDL or sensitivity: N/A Date started: 03/08/99 Date fizriahad.: 014'a9/" Time stagt-ed: 15:00 Analyst: T W Unit: mg/L MDL or sensitivity: .002 Date fins. zhad; W13119 Analyst.- JAD Parameter: ARSEI+TIC (As) , TCLP Method references EPA 200.8 Result: 4.005 Date started: 03/13/99 Time started: 13:00 Parameter : BA9II3M (Ba) , TCLP Method reference: BPA 200.8 Result: 0.32 mg/L Date started: 03/10/99 Time started: Lt:SO Parameter: CADMIUM (Cd), TCLP Method reference: EPA 200.8 Result: 4.002 Date started: 03/10/99 ¦ Time started: 1A:30 r MDL or sensitivity: .005 Date finished: 03/10/99 Analyst : JAC Unit : mg/L MDL or sensitivity-e 002 Date fin4.ahed-r- Gayle/99 Anallyst r JAS'" - r - _..qd0MM11r LAW G CO... TEL:910-762-7082 Mar 15'99 15:58 No.uuj r'.14 EASTERN ENVIRONMENTAL Sample I.D. BR3Z913 (continu&d4 Page : 2 , - - .? - March 15;, 194 Parameter: CHROMIUM (Cr), TCLP Method reference: EPA 200.8 Result: 0'.00C-mKjj'L Date started: 03/10/99 Timms started-:- 1AA0 MDR, or sen&Wx: ty: .002 Date finite; 03/:_0/99 Arftlyst-: J? - - i 1 1 1 Parameters: LEAD ft), TCLP Method reference: EPA 200.8 Result: 4.005 Date started: 03/10/99 Time started: 14:50 Parameter: Nom, TCLP Method reference: EPA 245.1 Result: <.0002 Date started: 03/12/99 Time started : 1.0 -00 Parameter: alLMMM (Se), TCLP Method raferenrs u EPA 200.8 Result: 0.009 Mg/L Date stated: (13/13/99 Time started: 1300 Parameter: SILVER (Ag), TCLP Method referenee;. EPA 200.8 Result: f..005 Date started: 0a/10/99 Time st4tted: 14:50 Unit: mq/L_ MDL or senaitivity: 005 Date finiss- 03,/10/99 Analyst. JW Unit: mg/L MDL or sensit}vitX: .Q2 Date finishad: 03/12/99 Analyst i -C2,-- MDL or sensitivity: .005 Date f i 9 Analyst : JE$-- Unit: mg/L MDtr or a°--1 t'4Xi 1'' .005 Date fini9#ed:-45-/x-/99 Analyst : JU sample cmmmenta': 8LUDO 9WLt L-a RSCt= NY DXM LAVA= - If there-are any questions regarding this data, plea** call. icy ?V v Richard Spivey President LAW 3 CO... TEL:910-762-7082 Mar 15'99 15:56 No.uuu v.ii 1 _ From: Law- & Company of Wilmington, Inc. ' 1711 Castli Street / PO Box 629 ` K 1lmiagtLm,? NC 28402 - TE: 910-762-7082 NC 37704 f WW 16 ' FAX: 910-762-8785 SC 99049 March 15, 1994 ' To EA=Mff M1171RONMENTAL F. X . LA VALLS P.O. BOK 561 _B1ZIDC33MQ51, NC 28519 EENu?E 1 - The following analytical results have been obtained for the ' indicated sample, which was submi tted to this labatakery: Sample I.D. MU2914 Location code: EBNNU Purchase order number: RB399 Project account cad&+ A ' Location Description: RIVER BEND Sample collector: F.R. LAVALLE Sample collection date: 03/02/99 Time: 14:05 Lab submittal date: 03/03/99 Time: 12:10 Received,by: DL Validated by: DC ' Parameter: OIL & ©REASE, SOXLET Method reieronae r 9071A EXTRACT Result: 124 mgA7 MDb or senaitiQtt; gs ? ?- Date stated: C3/11/99 0 Date finixH t Time ata;ted: C[8:00 Analyst., TAM - Parametet: TCLP EXTRACTION NON VOLATILES Method roferenaa: SN846 1311 Unit: N/A MDL or aensitivfXy: Y/A ' Result: complete - Datz started- G.3/08/99 Dabe finiakseL- 4"/99 Tim& st& rted : 15:00 Analyst T: TAT TCLP A ) s , Paramete ARSIMIC ( Method r Terence: EPA 200.8 Result: .01 mq,/L MDL or r®neitivit: .002 ' Date started: 03/13/99 Date finishsd: 013/99 Time started: x3:00 Analyst; J 3w ' Parameter: MR111M (Ba), TCLP Method "ferenco EPA 200.8 m 0-- 0.39 Result: I„ DL or aensitivcity: .005 3/10/99 O?d d: starte Date Date finished-: 03/10/99 ' Time started: 14:50 a,l.yst: JAM An ' Parameter: CADUM (Cd), TCLP Method rafsreaaa: - SPA 200.8 Unit- : mg,/L - Result: 4.002 03/10/99 d MDL or seneitiaity. 002 Dane fin1nbmd.-14V"t%q- ' : Mato starte Time started: 2A : 50 Analyst : JAMB = - ?- i TEL:910-762-7082 Mar 15'99 15:5b No.uut3 r.i4 ' LAW & CO... EASTERN ENVIRONMR4TAL Sample I.D. BR32?14 (continued) ' Page: 2 March 15, 1939 ' Parameter: CHROMIUM (Cr) , TCLP - _ EPA 200.8 Method rg-feTmcer : b .003 mQ/L Result MDJ+ or •ansitivi `??.002 Dates started: t3/-10/99 fitiil?d??71a/g9 Date - t Time staltted: 14.-SO Analyst 3 J& ' Parametez: LEAD (Pb), TCLP - Method r6feramve : EPA 200.8 Unit: mg/L Result: c.005 3/10/99 rted: 0 t MDR or eensitLvi :-.005 Date finieh?: 010/99 ' . a Date s Time started: 3r4:50 Analysts JSD Paramet:K : 14EAHJM, TCLP Method roferencr : EPA 245.1 ??t: mg/ ' Result: s. ^,^n? ia saattd.'a• o-? Date started: 03/12/99 ? Dare f Time started.. 3.D:.00 Analyst : CO ' CLP ? . IUM (Se), T Parameter: SEL Method rgferenge:--3PA 200.8 Desalt : 0.01 m ?& or sensitivity: .005 Date started: Oa/13/99 Date f i4iglS?? 73 /99 Time started: 13:00 Anatl st: JAM y ' Parameter,: SILVER (Ag), TCLP Method refereaaa: EPA 200.8 Unit: mq/L Result: <.005 MDT or aeni * ODS 14- Date started: 03/10/99 Date finished: 03)'10/99 ' Time started: 14:20 An4lyst: JAII t Sample ccmments: BrAmm SAM" 0-6 ' 1zCzrw R M*A LFVMZ& If there are any questions regarding thist data, prrea ffa call. Li 1j'sf, t Richar Spivey President In IP TEL:910-762-7082 Mar 15'99 15:54 NO.UUb r.uy ' LAW 3 CO... t From: LaW & Company of Wilmington, Inc. 1711 Cant46- Street / PO Box 629 wllmingCOn NC 28402 I I TEL: 910-762-7082 NC 37704 / WW 16 FAX: 910-762-8785 SC 99049 March 15, 1999 To: EASTERN E rRONMENTAL F.Z. LAVALLE P.b. RD" 61 BRIDE ET= DEC 28519 EEI?SLf The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: Sample I.D. B1372915 Location code: EMME Purchase order number: RB399 Project account core: A Location Description: RIVER BEND Sample collector: F.X. LAVALLE Sample collection date: 03/02/99 Time: 14:20 Lab submittal date: 03/03/99 Time: 1-2:10 Received:by: DL Validated by: De Parameter: OIL & GREASE, SOXLET EXTRACT Method reference: 9071A Result: 5.0 mg/kg MDL or senaittvtty: 50 Date started: 03/11/99 Date finiobadr 03-A11199 Time started: 06:00 Analyst : TX14 Parameter: TCLP EXTRACTION NON VOLATILES Method referenca: SW846 1311 Unit: Nsensitivity: N/A complete MDL or Result: Date started: : 03 03 /08/99 Date finished.- 03-/04/99 Time started: 19:00 Analyst: TAH Parameter: ARSWIC (As), TCLP Method reference.: 8pA 200.8 Result: 0'.009 n/L Date started: 03/13/99 Time started: 13:Q0 Parameter. BARIUM (Ba), TCLP Method referaneei SPA 200.8 Result: 0; 39 mgtL Date started: 03/3.0/99 Time started: 14:90 MDL. or oenaitivity: .002 Date finished: 03J13/99 Analyst: JAD MDL'or oensit:vitr: .005 Date finished.: 03/10/99 Analyst: JAC Parameter: CADMIMN (Cd), TCLP Method reference: EPA 200.8 Result: <,002 Date started: Q3/10/99 Time: started: 14WSQ Unit: mg/L MDL..or sensair.,i Xi &-- -44' Date finiahad; BQ.B_y`99- Ana3yst . -dW ' LAW 3 CO... TEL:910-762-7082 Mar 15'99 15 55 NO.uuu r.iu EASTERN ENVIRONMENTAL Sample I.D. BR32915 (continued) Page; 2 ? '- J March 15; 1959 ' Parameter: CHRnMITM (Cr), TCLP Method r!i f erence : EPA 200.8 Result: x.002 Date, started: 04/10/99 Time started: 3A SSA Parameter: LSAD (Pb), TCLP ' Method rlteraaa&?- SPA 200.8 Result: t.005 t Date started: Q3/10/99 Tim sta;ted: IA450 Parameters MEACUU, TCLP Me.bodr ":fereaerf SPA 245.1 Restat : 1004!?-eff/S Date started: ®/12/99 Time started: 10:00 Parameter: SELENIUM (Se), TCLP Method reference: SPA 200.8 ' Result: 1.005 Date started: 03/13/99 Time sta=tted: 13:00 ' Parameter: SILVER (Ag), TCLP Method rgtarsum : SPA 200.8 ' Result: <.005 Date started: 03/10/99 Time started: 14:90 MIellts S l e C X amp euJoa WOU u-* "Cww w DAL LRVMNM ' If there are any questions regarding this data, please call. Unfit: mg/L MDL or sensitivity: 002 Date finisRSd- Q3 n/99 Analyst., AD Untt: mg/L MDL or sensitivity 005 Dade f ini*uda-43A"9 Analyst f JIM MDf; or aewdt4 %1=:. .112 Date finished: 03/12199 CST' Analysts- Unit: mg/L MD!{ or amnsitA*LtV-,- .005 Date f inisftt: 03760/" AnaElyst : JIW unit-: mg/L - MDL or senaitivit;.y s .005 Dane finishadf 03/10/99 Analyst: JXD har?S ive Ric p President 1 1 LAW 3 CO... TEL:910-762-7082 Mar 15'99 15:53 No.=3 r.ur From: Lair & CompatLy of Wilmington, Inc. 1711 Castle Street / PO Box 629 Wilmingt h, NC 28402 TEL: 910-762-7082 NC 37704 / WW 16 FAX: 9LO-762-8785 SC 99049 1 March 15, 1999 To: EASTERK ENVIRONMENTAL F. K. LARUM P.6. BQX 5 Cpl BRIDGETON-, NC 28519 EE$UME The foll6wing analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this lab rataxy: 8a vie 1. 0. SPA-2916 Purchase order number: RB399 Location Description: RIVER BEND Sample collection date: 03/02/99 Lab submittal date: 03/03/99 Received by: DL Parameter: OIL & GREASE, Method reference: 9071A Result : 194 MgAg Date statted: 03/11/99 Time started: 06:0-0 Location code: SMM Project account code: A Sample collector: F.I. LAVALLE Time: 14:37 Time: 12:10 Validated by: DC SOXLET EXTRACT MDh or eeaaj kj. SO- Date finished. 03 99 Analyst: TIN Parameter: TCLP EXTRACTION NON VOLATILEa Method reference: SW846 1311 Unit: N/A Result : complete MDU or s6n*tttvit7-:-A/A Date started: 03/0-9/99 Date finished: 03715/99 Time started: 15:00 Analyst: TXL Parameter.: A09E'DiIC (As) , TCLP Method referees: SPA 200.8 lfesult : 0;. 00'T m r Date started: 03/13/99 Time started: 13:00 MDL.-or senaitixfty4 .002 Date finished: Q31473/99 Analyst: JAD: ' Parameter;: BARIUM {Ba), TCLP Method references': EPA 200.8 Result : 0.29 mgr/L MDL-- or sensitivity: 005 Date started: 03/12/99 Date finished: X112/99 ' ' Time started: 11:30 Analysts JAD ' Parameters CA011U M (Cd), TCLP Method referenca: EPA 200.8 Unit: mg/L Result: <?002 MDIr=or senett r .OQ2 :' finished Dati shed Date started: 03/12/99 . Analyst : ' 'Funs started: 114 34 J 3 CO TEL:910-762-7082 Mar 15'99 15:54 No.00? ' LAID EASTERN ENVIRONMENTAL Sample I . D . BR3 2916 (cQnt.'?d.1_ . Page : 2 ? - 1 Maash IrS, 124 ?_ ' Parameter: CHROMIUM (Cr), TCLP Method riefereaae: EPA 200.8 Result : -s-. 003 Date etaarted: 03f12/99 ' Time starteds 11:30 ParameteF: LEBa (Pb), TCLP Method reference : EPA 200.8 Result : is, 005 Date started: 0312/99 Time started: 11:30 Paramater: KNQW, TCLP Method r31e*'=§ L- SPA 245.1 Result: x.06-43 Date ata?ted: 03/12/99 Time started: I'0:00 ' Parameter: SELEMIM (Se), TCLP Method referaaas ;- EPA 200.8 Result: <,005 Date ataited: C3/13/99 Time otaited: 13:00 ' Parameter: SILVER (Ag), TCLP Method rgferenm: EPA 200.8 Result : . -0fl5 Date started: 03/12/99 Time started: 11:30 Sample comments: 5MW= UPWA 4-7 Unit: mg/L MIX or ssmisi -on Date fininhad. 03/11/99 Analyst.: %TKEL. - Unit: mg/L- MDL or sonwitivie .003 Date f inter: n7=1" Analyst: MU- - Unit: mjfL MD1 or am-WEdtisdo -02. Dade f izishnd?0 19 Analysts Cif Untt: mg/L MDL or sensitivixy: .005 Date finishedr-031/13/99 Analyst: JAS Unbt : mg/L MDU or aanaftivlWi- .0.05 Dabe finisba& 034U/-9-4 AnaLlyst : JAD If there 'are any questions regarding this. data, Ams;?ca 1. ichard Spive President ' LAW & CO... TEL:910-762-7082 Mar 15'99 15:52 NO.UUM ' From: Lai- & CoMalLy of Wilmington, Inc. • _= - - 17il CA061a Street / PO Box 629 Wi 18tagr1,,.NC 28402 - TEL: 910-762-7082 NC 37704 / WW 16 FA:C: 910-762-8785 SC 99049 March 15, 1999 Ta;r- EJ=ERaL NMENTAL - - - - FA. LAVW,ffi P.Q. Box 561 BR=379W 5C 28519 HUNH& - - The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submi tted to this laboratory: Sample I.D. S*U917 Location code: EEMME Purchase order number: RB399 Project account code: A ' Location Description: RIVER BEND Sample collector: F.X. LAVALLE Sample collection date: 03/02/99 Time: 14:50 Lab submittal date: 03/03/99 Time: 12:10 Received Jay: DID Validated by: DC Parameter: OIL & CREASE, SOXLET EXTRACT r Method refersrus: 9071A Result: 1,97 mg/kg MDL or sen-1 ivtty: 50 Date started: 03/11199 Date finiahad- 014ZA99 Time started: 08:00 Analyst : TAB! Parameter: TCLP EXTRACTION NON VOLATILES Method reference: SW846 1311 Unit: N/A Result: complato MDL or sensitivity: N/A Date started: Q3./09/99 Date finis 03110/99 Time started: 15:00 Analyst: TAM` Parameter::. SIC (As) , TCLP Method references: EPA 200.8 Result: 0'.007 tag/L MDL or sensitivity: .002 ' Date stared: 03/13/99 Date finiahedf 53-/1-3=/99 Time started: 13:00 Analyst: JAD t Parametsr?; AATUNN (Ra), TCLP = - Method refers : E?A 200.8 Result: 0.38 mg/L MDL or sensitivity: _005 Date started: 03/12/99 Datq finished: Q 99 t Time started: 11:30 Analyst: JAIR ' Parameter; CADl=YA (Cd), TCLP Method reference: EPA 200.8 Result: <;002 Data started: 03/12/99 ' Time started: 11:30 Unit: mg/L MDL or sensitivity. 002 Datd f inished: 43 94 Analyst: JAD LAW '3 CO... TEL:910-762-7082 Mar 15'99 15:52 No.uuu r.uo EASTERN ENVIRONMENTAL Sample I.D. BR32917 (continund _ Page : 2 -?- 4 - 11 t r? Parameter: CHEnM3:UM (Cr), TCLP Method reference: EPA 200.8 Eaaul.t_: 0.0A3_mq, L Date started: 03/12/99 Time started: 1100 Parameter: LEAD (Pb), TCLP Method reference: EPA 200.8 Remit : c . 009- Date started: 03/12/99 Time started: 11:30 Parameters NERD, TCLP .Method referenr?: EPA 245.1 Date sta#ad: ®/112/99 Time staj;tad- 3.0:00 ParameteX: 9E1=IUM (Se), TCLP Method rei terenem : EPA 200.8 Result: d.005 mg/L Date started: 03/13/99 Time started: 13:00 Paramete q L S LLVZL (Ag) , TCLP Method rdference: EPA 200.8 Result: <.005 Dat• started: 03/12/99 Time started: L3.:.30 Sample comment MDL or •entittvtTr: .002 Dade finished: 01/32/99 Analyst: JAD Unit: mg/L MDL or sensitivity: .005 Dare fini,&WH.: 03/12/99 Analyst -. SAO unit: MSZL-- _ _ MD4 or ewu6i tL . U Dabe f in-i~: 09 bft2-/ l Analyst: CO- - MDL or sensitivity- .005 Date finished: 03--/13/99 Anaayst : J= - Unit: mg/L MDL• or eaeart-ttvttt- .005 Date finiahsd: 12199 Analyst: JW sum= BWL6 L-i ,!scan .T Dum LAVALLI If there are any questions regarding this data, please call. w Richard Spiv President /P . - a - - LAW.& CO... TEL:910-762-7082 Mar 15'99 1 From: Law & Compaaiy of Wilmington, Inc. 1711 C&etle- Street / PO Box 629 Wilmington, NC 28402 TEL: 910-76-2-7082 NC 37704 / WW 16 FAX: 910-76-2-8785 SC 99049 March 15, 1999 To : FASTEN WriaRONMENTAL F.X. LAVALLE P.O. BOX se B&IDG = 28519 8?88g 15:5U NO.uuo r.uo The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated samplA which was submitted to this 7raboratery- numle 11D. n9M9" Locatidn code: _=Wir Purchase order number: RB399 Project account-codas A- Location'Deecrtptton: RIVER BEND Sample.-collector: R.X. LAVALLE Sample collection date: 03/02/99 Time: 15:20 Lab submittal date: 03/03/99 Time: 12:10 Received -by: DL- Validated by: DC Pa[ratmetere: OIL' & (RUME, SOXLET EXTRACT Method reference: 9071A Result: 433 mg/kg MDL or sanaitivj.tV__ 50 Date started: a3/11/99 Date finished: 03/11/99 Time started: 011:040 Analyst: TAM Parameter: TCLP EXTRACTION NON VOLATILES Method reference: SN846 1311 Unit: N/A Result : completes MDL• or senettivtty: N/A Date started: 03/09/99 Date finished: 03/10/99 Time started: 19-00 Analyst : TAB[ - 1 Parameter: ARSMC (As), TCLP Method reference: SPA 200.8 Result: 0.007 mfl/L MDL.or oenaitivity> .002 Date started: 01/13/99 Date finished: 03711/49 Time started: 13-:00 Analyst: JAU Parameter; RARTUR.(Ba), TCLP Method reference, EPA 200.8 Result: 0; 28 WtL Dater started: CV=/99 Tim* started-- 11:34 MDL-or aensitimity-.ODS Date finishes: 03/I2 Analyst : J=' Parameter; CAZKZUK (Cd), TCLP Method references! ZPA 200.8 Result: <.002 Date stared: 03/12/99 Time started: 1x:30 Unit: mg/L MDL or sennitiVJ4Lt 003 Date finished:- 3- J 93. Analyst: JAa J ?Am -adb: 7e " t t LAW 8 CO... TEL:910-762-7082 Mar 15'99 15:51 No.008 P.04 EASTERN ENVIRONMENTAL Sample I.D. BR32,918 (corxtintod) Page: 2 Mar h 15 9 C 1 9-9 Parametar : CHROb l-UM (Cr) , TCLP Method refesenI t: EPA 200.8 Reauult: i .0(32 Date started: 03/12/99 Time started: 11.30 Parameter: LEAD (Pb), TCLP Method rlfereneer EPA 200.8 Rwmlt : ? . OQS Data atarted,: Q3/11/99 Time started: U L10 Parameter : MMX3M, TCLP Method rofereum : EPA 245.1 ROW41 t : t . 0012- Date started: 03/12/99 Time started: I-000 Parameter: SELWn1M (Se), TCLP Meffiiod rd germs! : -LPA 200.8 Result: 4-00S Date started: 03/13/99 Tima ata3dte& 14--G0 Parameter: SILVER (Ag), TCLP Method reference: EPA 200.8 Result: a.005 Date started: 03/12/99 Time staz'ed: 11:30 Unit: mg/L MDli, or •empl.tj.vt .002 Date finished: 03/12/99 Analyst a JIM - Unfit: mg/L MDB or sensitivity- .005 Daie fini-eisd: Q27=/99 Analyst } Unit: mg/L MD& or aenmftiaify: .02 Date fini.skedi nZ-12/99 Analyst -1 W Unft: mg/L MDL or sensitivity: .005 Dade finishedz 01,W/99 Analyst- J7U - Unit : mg4/L MDL or senmitiviCIir: 005 Date finiahedr W:L2/" Ana. yst : JAM Sample comments BLUD? 9711RL8 I? 4 14C=IVw R mox L?o1Qii- - If there are any- cgitestions regarding this- data, pleases *all. RicharSpivey - - President t I ulil r'. 1-I1 TFI :9l?l-7h?-7(1R7 Mar 17'aG 1'?:1i7 Nn (111 P 111 From: Law & Company of Wilmington, Inc. 3.73r CtNeTa"Street /' PO Box 629 --?_ Wt1"1T1gt'?7i, -NC 28402 - TEL: 910-762-7082 NC 37704 / WW 16 FAX: 910-762-8785 SC 99049 March 17, 1999 To : EASMRN UWZRONMENTAL F Ili . LAVAU.Li P-6. sorni 2R1aGET=,- KC 28519 EBT?NSE - The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this labarat . Sample I.D. DR31919 Purchase order number: RB399 Location Description: RIVER BEND Sample collection date: 03/02/99 Lab submittal date: 03/03/99 Received by: DU 1 Location code: EENNBS Project account code: A Sample collector: F.X. LAVALLE Time: 15:50 Time: 12:10 Validated by: apt valtdned Parameter: OIL & GREASE, SOXLET EXTRACT Method refer: 9071A Result. 385 mgYkq MDt or sensitivity: Date started: 03/11/99 Daher fini,?imd; 03/12/99 Time-started: 08:00 Analyst: TAM Parameter: TCLP E=RACTION NON VOLATILES Method reference: SW846 1311 Unit: N/A Result: complette- Date started: 03/09/99 MDIr or sansitivtity: N/A Time started: 15:00 Data finishads 03/10/99 Anaalyst: TAM Parameter: ARSENIC (As), TCLP ` Method referenuoi SPA 200.8 Result: 0 , 0075 mg/ta Date started: 03/13/99 MDL or sensitivity: .0-02 Time started: 13:00 Datze finished: 03/13/99 Analyst: JAD Parameter: 3AR1MM (Ba.), TCLP Method roF-ran XPA 200.8 Result: 0.20 mq/L Date started: 03/12/99 Time started: 11:30 Parameter: CADMIUM (Cd), TCLP Method refere=a: EPA 200.8 Result: <.002 Date started: 03/12/99 Time started: 11:3-0 MDL or sensitivity r, , 005 Date finished: 03/12/99 Analyst: JAD Unix: mg/L MDTe or sensitivity: .002 Data finished: 03/12/99 Analyst : JXIY LHI,J CO... TEL:910-762-7082 Mar 17'99 12:58 No.005 P-1-j-' EASTERN ENVIRONMENTAL Sample I.D. BR32919 (continued) Paces : 2 March 11, 199g ' Parameter: CHELGMIUM (Cr) TCL P Method reference: EPA 200.8 Result: <.ooz -Date started: 03/12/99 Time started-. Ll.-30 Parameter: LEM (Pb), TCL? Method reference: EPA 200.8 Result: c.0091, 1 Date started: 03/12/99 Time started: 11:30 Parameters MBitC-%13W, TCLP Method refs-Imn a : EPA 245.1 PA&Wl t : , Q 016 mg/L Date started: 03/1/99 Time started: 10:00 t 1 I Parameter r SEIMILM4 (Se) , TCLP Method referencv: EPA 200.8 Result: 0.01 mg?L Date started: 03/13/99 Time started: 13:00 Parameter: SILVER (Ag), TCLP Method- zw; 3PA 200.8 Result: <.005 Date started: 03-/12/99 Time started: 11:30 Sample comments: U 4W= SM U L-LO MKZZVC By D12M LAVALLI Urii t : mV/L MAL or "zUF-itiVl:tr-.- .002 Dete finishsd? 03/12/99 Arglyst : JW Un4 t : mg/L_ MIX or sensitivit-yt- 005 Date finished: 03/12/99 Anglyst: JAn_ - MD or atnai tIMIXV 4_ AOZ Date finiabAdv 03/1:2141 Anilyst : Co. _ MDL or sensitivity: .005 Dade finished:. Q3,/L3./94 Analyst: JAD Unit: mg/L MDL or eenmauvtt Dalfe finished: 03/ ],Z/g.g An4lyst : JBM If there are any questions regarding this data, please call. W S y ichard Spivey President F. r LAW & CO... TEL:910-762-7082 Mar 15'99 15:49 No.008 P.01 From: Law & Company of Wilmington, Inc. 17V Caz44L-.8treet / PO Box 629 - - - Ei irypgol,? ETC 28402 -? -- TELs 910-702-7082 NC 37704 / WW 16 PAZ: 91 6•r78t-8785 SC 99049 March 15, 1999 To : 9AATERff IMMONMENTAL F.X. LAVML9 BR4UCWVW RC 28519 The follgwing_ ana.]?ytical results have bean obtained fta~bh& indicated sampl* which was submitted to this laboratory: =3192V Location cote : ]3EPR8E Purehasa order msmber: RB399 Project account cod . A Location beeeription: RIVER BEND Sample collector: 7AC. LAVALLE Sample collection date: 03/02/99 Time: 16:25 Lab-- submit & L 03/03/99 Time: 12:10 Received, bl: Wa validated by: Ir Parameter: OIL & GREASE, SOXLET EXTRACT Method re6ereum: 9071A Reaalt : 34X8 mM(kg MDL: or sen&itLv- W;. 50 na.ta stastsd) W11/99 Date fin-ished-r 03 -Z/9.5 Time started: W.- OO Analyst : TAB - Parameter.: TCLP EXTRACTION NON VOLATILES Msthod referer=W: SW846 1311 Unit : NIA MDtr or Date started: 03/09/99 Date fin#.shadL 43,A=9.9- Time started: ].T. 00 Analyst : TAM Parameters-ABBMC (As), TCLP Method ref ers?e?=SPA 200.8 - - -- Result: 01,008 mg/L- MDL or sensitivity: .002 Dst* smarted: 0 1 /99 - Data finf,sl?I -T9 Time start,sd : 13508 Analyst : JAjr _ Parameter; BAR= (Ba), TCLP Method raf4r6=4P EPA 200.8 Result: 0:38 mg/-L Date started; 0113.2/99 Time trtarted : it: 3'II Parameter; CAD11 M4- (Cd) , TCLP Method referent=:-EPA 200.8 Result : 41002 Da[tt started: 03/12/99 Time started: I= 38 005 MDL or sensitivQa;99 Date finiehad- Analyst: JAD` Unit: mg/L MDIs or eansttiE -0@2 . Datdt finfeFle d: 9S Analyst : _J=_r LAID & CO... TEL:910-762-7082 Mar 15'99 15:5U NO.UUM r.U2 ' EASTERN ENVIRONMBNTAL Sample I.D. BR32920 (continued) Karch 15i 1991 ' Parameter: CAROG7aM (Cr), TCLP - Me !hod rtfezan :-EPA 200.8 Unit: mg/L milt': 4,004- MDE or sensitivity: .002 Dates a-tarted. 03/12/99 Date finished: QVW99 Time started: 11:30 Analyst: JAD Parameter.- LBUTI, (lb) , TCLP ' Method releream.-EPA 200.8 Unit: mg/L Result : 4.0.09 MDt or aens,itivrity_._ _QO5 Data stazteed. 013/T2/99 Date fininhod: GVL2/99 ' Time started; 11:30 Analystr JAD Parametet. MERCURY, TCLP Method r jf erenu=,._EPA 245.1 Result: ..Q002 tR/L MDra or aenaiti .0? Date started: 03/392/99 Date finished: 03;12/99 Time started: 1D:QO Analyst: CO ' Paramater -_ 93rd MM (Se), TCLP Me thad rd fit : EPA 200.8 _ Refalt- 0,007' peg/tr MDZ or 9ens1x-Xv_f1*; 005 Date startedt Q3/LV99 Date 7i.ata starteda 12 :04 Anadyst . JIM Parameter: 2l6VZi -(Ag), TCLP Method re rases: EPA 200.8 Unit : mg/L -Result <}.DQS y MDU or serartt OU5 Dats stated: 63/12/99 Data finished: ?-1ZJ99 Time started: 11:30 Analyst : JAE1 Sample cotemerrte : _ - PAM= 2r 080a 1AVM&AL-- .If there are any questions regarding this data, please call. icharl! Spivey ' President - t W afi 00 uj ~o WV)-~o g w D Z W W a 1 N<om u c w9wo~'~ z Of a < " r~ W m o0I LLI O~ o w Zw~x~ a ~Qsp o C.D oz W t)wV?OW <0, .4 p = ~ G jQQQWWcr~ 2 4 W h I-A J m ~ W W 2 N ~ < YJ .O p p z aac°S , ZOO = L;j F F. J x 8~ < j 4t s ' ~~yy ee~~ yy~~ oo C~ Nh f Ntp 1~ ~I Z J J J J J ~J J J ~J J J J J J J J o i m z s., > mwzXwom ?-~F~ i 3 r <WOWOMa-jr < ~d O mOE zz gga J m a' InO, l g Z w<tz <5 a oW ~.1 QJ.- p oaW~ZNQa aJ$d Z U w U 4 < m z W Ckf Z w LLJ lL M m lQi ~??snJ.~efgb~ w. 1= ~0rxZa : W 9Q8 CL w o .10< cZ 0a O W ONO> m p~<Of W) 0 dOJ< w v m ' O,,,o Off' . ` It mar aZ <W a~owW3 4.Qw ? {;4~ ~s.r OwZ • • , -1 ~r p' U r_n (Ym • • ? 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