HomeMy WebLinkAbout19990922 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19990814Lemon Springs Quarry - Channel Relocation Subject:' Lemon Springs Quarry - Channel Relocation Date: Wed, 7 Feb 200109:51:04 -0500 From: Steve Whitt <steve.wliitt@martinmarietta.com> To: "' j ohn.dorney @ ncmail. net"' <j ohn. dorney @ncmail.net> On November 28, 2000,1 sent to you a letter and supporting information concerning DWQ Project #990922. This was in response to a meeting that you had with Harlan Britt and I on some small changes to the project. You had asked that I send you a few items for the file concerning the small changes. Are we to wait for an approval letter from you or was submittal of the requested information enough? I want to make sure we do what is required and expected on this matter. I was asked to see if we had met your concerns and requirements. 1 of 1 2/8/019:33 AM NEWTOPO.DWG f 100. 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W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W 'GRA PHIC 'SCA LE" W W W W W W W W W W W W W ?Y 100 0 W 50 W 100 W W 209' W W W W W 400 W W W W W W W W I W W W ( WIN FEET 4' 4' 4' ` 4' W W 1WinchW= 1100 ft W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W - W W W W W W W FIGURE cm0 MARTIN MARIETTA AGGREGATES MARTIN-MARIETTA Iaiy+Iw6dAmddmka LEMON SPRINGS QUARRY EXPANSION THIS DOCUMENT, TOGETHER WITH THE CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS PRESENTED HEREIN. AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE. IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PURPOSE AND CLIENT FOR WHICH IT WAS PREPARED. REUSE OF AND IMPROPER RELIANCE ON THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION AND ADAPTATION BY KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES. INC. SHALL BE WITHOUT LIABILITY TO KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES. INC. a Vii! con I V1 l 1 II O O 7L -l N .s I ,r N z C?- i rya= W O CD CD CD CD CD Q+ l4 O O P? CD C1. vCD. H C? a r ? n?x Y r Page 2 Please review this information and get in touch with this office if any additional information is needed on this matter. Sincerely, J-16 k4 Steve Whitt, P.E. Manager, Environmental Services CC: Mike Jones Horace Willson Harlan Britt - Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. c Martin Marietta Materials P.O. Box 30013 Raleigh, NC 27622-0013 Telephone: (919) 781-4550 Mr. John R. Dorney Division of Water Quality Wetlands/401 Unit 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 November 28, 2000 r k? r 5 2000 Vdt !?- W .. -- Subject: Martin Marietta Aggregates - Lemon Springs Quarry DWQ Project #990922 Dear Mr. Dorney: Thank you very much for meeting with Mr. Harlan Britt of Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. and myself on November 17, 2000. This meeting was to discuss with you the changes that have occurred on this project at our Lemon Springs Quarry in Lee County. As discussed with you in the meeting, the only change has been with the relocation of Mulatto Branch. The permitted design had this drainage relocated to intersect White Horse Branch just upstream of the existing CSX Mainline. Our final design keeps Mulatto Branch in its existing drainage basin but it will be shifted over slightly to allow space for our rail spur. Based on this meeting, you agreed to our proposed cross section for this relocated stream and informed us that no modification would be needed to the permit. The attached modified site plan and cross section for the channel are included for your files. During this meeting you provided me with a copy of a draft document entitled Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration. This document outlines species of trees acceptable for planting along streams and recommended spacing for the seedlings As you may know, the North Carolina Division of Forest Resources has most of these species available including special Wildlife and Wetland-Riparian Packs. We can not commit to specific tree species since we are dependent on what is available at the nursery. As recommended, our planting would include at least 10 species listed in this report. We would space these trees on an 8' x 8' pattern over the 30' wide by 740' long buffer on each side of the channel. This planting would occur during the first winter season after project completion. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. November 24, 1999 Mr. John Dorney North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality - Wetlands/401 Unit 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Re: Section 401 Water Quality Certification DWQ Project # 990922 Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion Lee County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Dorney: P.O. Box 33068 ., Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3068 l" Thank you for meeting with us regarding the Section 401 Water Quality Certification application for Martin Marietta Aggregates' (MMA) Lemon Springs Quarry expansion. As requested in your October 7, 1999 letter and further clarified during our November 18, 1999 meeting, the following is submitted for your review to clarify the previously submitted information and discussions. 1. The pre-application site visit was conducted with you on July 15, 1998. 2. Attached is a November 29, 1999 letter from MMA geologist John Stevens regarding an opinion on the potential for the quarry expansion to negatively affect the hydrology of existing wetlands on (and adjacent to) the site. Mr. Stevens indicated that no negative impact is expected from the proposed expansion on the hydrology of the existing wetlands on site and in the immediate vicinity . 3. Mr. Ron Ferrell of the Wetlands Restoration Program (WRP) has indicated that WRP will accept the mitigation for this project. He has indicated that once your office has determined the final impacts and associated fee, he will prepare a letter confirming their acceptance and requesting the noted fee. MMA will make the fee payment to WRP once the requested 401 Water Quality Certification is approved, Mr. Ferrell's letter is received and upon receipt of all necessary construction permits/approvals prior to construction. Your office will be notified when the fee is paid. 4. A copy of the detailed topographic survey (Figure 1) completed in the area of the site identified during the pre-application meeting as a potential wetlands creation area is attached. Please note that the identified area has steep topography and contains existing hardwood trees (many of which are facultative and providing a forested buffer to the existing stream) which would need to be removed as a result of grading the area for sufficient acreage and elevations. It is our opinion that this area is not preferred for mitigation and provides limited mitigation potential. 5. Attached is a December 1, 1999 letter from MMA project manager Steve Whitt summarizing the constraints associated with the channel relocation. A detailed schematic showing the constraints and potential configuration for the stream relocation is attached to the letter. The schematic shows the limits of rail right of way, existing structures and proposed channel location. Areas that can support a vegetated buffer are noted. The stream channel cross section has been designed to be consistent with the existing stable channel cross section upstream. ¦ TEL 919 677 2000 FAX 919 677 2050 Y _ e Page 2, Mr. Dorney - December 3, 1999 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. We trust this information satisfactorily addresses the questions you raised in your letter. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Again, on behalf of Martin Marietta Aggregates, thank you for meeting with us and we look forward to receipt of the 401 Water Quality Certification in the time frame discussed. Sincerely, KIMLE -HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Harlan K. Britt, P.E. Project Manager Copy to: Steve Whitt, Martin Marietta Aggregates t, __ < ' ® North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Charles R Fullwood, Executive Director MEMORANDUM TO: Susan B. Edwards Mining Program Secretary Land Quality Section ?-?`?• ?_ FROM: Danielle R. Pender Piedmont Region Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program DATE: 4 August 2000 Pr rI x V"fETLa ?fR'8'R'ft r. t-, SUBJECT: Mining Permit Modification Request for Martin Marietta Aggregates Lemon Springs Quarry, Lee County, Permit No. 53-01 Biologists with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission have reviewed the subject permit modification request. An on-site investigation of the project area was made on 1 August 2000. Our comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the Mining Act of 1971 (as amended, 1982) (G.S. 74-76 through 74-68 15 NCAC 5). Martin Marietta Aggregates is requesting several modifications to their current mining permit (No. 53-01), including the following: 1. The addition of a railroad line, two to three lines wide, along the eastern edge of the permit boundary. 2. The expansion of the permitted boundary by 124.58 acres along the southeastern and northern edges of the existing boundary. 3. The relocation of approximately 850 feet of Mullato Creek. 4. The expansion of a proposed berm along the northern permit boundary. 5. Construction of a proposed berm located along the southeastern proposed permit boundary. It is our understanding that prior approval for certain wetland disturbances and the proposed stream relocation have been given by Division of Water Quality 401 Certification #990922 and Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit 26 #199820937. However, direct impacts Mailing Address: Division of Inland Fisheries - 1721 Mail Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1721 Telephone: (919) 733-3633 ext. 281 - Fax: (919) 715-7643 Page 2 Martin Marietta Aggregates Lemon Springs Quarry, No. 53-01 4 August 2000 to streams, wetlands, and riparian vegetation should be minimized or avoided as much as possible. Therefore, we have the following comments and recommendations concerning this mining permit modification. 1. We request that riparian buffers be maintained between any land-disturbing activity, such as berm construction and placement, and all streams and wetlands. Specifically, the proposed berm located along the northern permit boundary appears to be only 25-35 feet from wetland areas in two separate locations. Also, in a third location, the mine map shows this proposed berm directly adjacent to the wetland with no buffer. A minimum 50-foot undisturbed, forested buffer should be maintained along all intermittent streams and wetland areas, while a minimum 100-foot undisturbed, forested buffer should be maintained along all perennial streams within the project area. Maintaining undisturbed, forested buffers along these areas will minimize impacts to fish and wildlife resources, water quality, and aquatic habitat both within and downstream of the project area. In addition, these buffers will provide continuous travel corridors for wildlife. 2. With regard to the proposed railroad spur line construction, we recommend the construction of a railroad trestle over all affected wetlands in order to eliminate the need to fill and culvert these valuable habitats. However, we do recognize the financial burden associated with such construction over the 300-400 feet of wetland area impacted. Although, initial impacts associated with constructing a trestle in a wetland may be similar to filling and culverting the same area, to minimize long-term impacts to wildlife and wetland hydrology, an elevated trestle design is recommended. An elevated trestle of at least 100 feet in length should prove sufficient to reduce habitat fragmentation and provide an unimpeded travel corridor for wildlife. While this length should encompass any present stream channels, the exact location of the trestle portion of the railroad across the wetland should be determined based on consultation with North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission biologists. 3. The proposed relocation of Bruce Coggins Road shown on the included mine map appears to intersect two separate wetland areas. However, there is no mention on the map or in the application of the type of road crossing (e.g. elevated bridge, fill and culvert, etc.). Our recommendations are similar as for the railroad line. Elevated bridges over each wetland area of at least 100 feet in length should prove sufficient to reduce habitat fragmentation and provide an unimpeded travel corridor for wildlife within both wetland areas. Again, the exact location of the bridge portion of the road crossings should be determined based on consultation with North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission biologists. Page 3 ?I Martin Marietta Aggregates Lemon Springs Quarry, No. 53-01 4 August 2000 We concur with the permit modification, provided the above conditions are met in the application. These requests, as well as proper erosion and sediment control structures, will minimize impacts to fisheries and wildlife resources, as well as water quality. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this mining permit modification request. If we can provide further assistance, please contact me at (919) 528-9886 or Ron Small, Assistant Fisheries Biologist, at (336) 275-6473. cc: Mr. John Thomas, Corps of Engineers Mr. John Dorney, Division of Water Quality Mr. Don Bright, Martin Marietta Aggregates Mr. Ray Thatcher, Martin Marietta Aggregates .'V? . R Martin Marietta Aggregates P.O. Box 30013 Raleigh, North Carolina 27622-0013 Telephone: (919) 781-4550 November 29, 1999 Mr. John R. Dorney NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Wetland/401 Unit 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Subject: DWQ Project #9990922 Martin Marietta Aggregates - Lemon Springs Quarry Lee County Dear Mr. Dorney: Your letter dated October 7, 1999 outlines several concerns your office has with a proposed modification at the above referenced facility. One item in particular relates to whether or not the existing pit and its expansion will alter the hydrology of the adjacent wetlands through groundwater pumping. Based on my knowledge of this operation and the geology of the deposit that is mined, it is my belief that the proposed modification will not alter the hydrology of the adjacent wetlands. It has not altered the hydrology in the past and should not in the future. This is consistent with other stone deposits that we mine in the Piedmont and Mountain regions of the state. Based on wetland delineation conducted at this site as part of this project, wetlands are currently located on the north and east side of the pit. Their boundaries lie as close as 100-feet from the edge of the pit. Pit expansion is expected to the south and the west, away from the wetlands. The wetlands bordering the quarry are primarily fed by surface water generated streams and not by groundwater. The drainage basins supplying water to these wetlands will not be affected by the expansion. The material being mined at Lemon Springs is a granite that is part of the Lemon Springs pluton. This type of material typically is very tight in nature and does not allow a great deal of groundwater flow. This is evident by the small quantity of water discharged from the pit. The majority of the water handled through the pit sump is surface water runoff from the immediate pit area. Test data on the deposit shows that the formation is consistent in nature and expanding the pit should not alter the existing hydrology of the surrounding area. .%, - n, November 29, 1999 Page 2 I hope that this information answers your departments concern on this issue. Please get in touch with this office if any additional information is needed on this matter. Sincerely, John W. Stevens Manager of Natural Resources N. C. Licensed Geologist # 173 4 . December 1, 1999 TO: JIM EISENHARDT FROM: STEVE WHITT RE: LEMON SPRINGS Based on our meeting with John Dorney it was my understanding that we were to supply you with 2 items to be included in your response back to John. The 2 items are as follows: • A letter from our Licensed Geologist stating that based on site characteristics and history of the operation there should be no effect on the adjacent wetlands as the result of our pit pumping. • A letter from me explaining why it is not possible to meander the stream a great deal and provide for a full 50-foot wide buffer. This is based on the lateral constraints with the 2 rail lines. Letter includes 2 sketches that help explain our position. Let me know if you would like changes made to this. 'fU 61999 C . (? I an ?rv Martin Marietta Aggregates P.O. Box 30013 Raleigh, North Carolina 27622-0013 Telephone: (919) 781-4550 December 1, 1999 Mr. John R. Dorney NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Wetland/401 Unit 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Subject: DWQ Project #9990922 Martin Marietta Aggregates - Lemon Springs Quarry Dear Mr. Dorney: VEC 1 ; Your office has reviewed the above referenced project that we have submitted for approval and several concerns were noted in your reply dated October 7, 1999. On November 18, 1999 a meeting was held at your office to discuss this matter and what information was available to satisfy the concerns that were noted. One issue related to the stream relocation is the possibility of restoring a natural pattern to the channel and providing a wooded buffer along the route. Based on the confined space in which this related channel will pass, it is difficult for both of these items to be included in the design. Minimal lateral distance is available along the route for meandering and installing a full 50-foot buffer along each side of the channel. The area allowed for the location of this new channel is restricted by physical features and design parameters related to the existing main rail line and the proposed rail siding. The main rail line, located to the east, is centered on a 200-foot wide easement. Martin Marietta therefore can not disturb any area closer than 100 feet from this main rail line. The location if the proposed siding is also set based on the close proximity of the pit to the west and the alignment requirements set by the railroad for connecting to the main line. The attached sketches show a typical cross section through this relocated channel. This cross section is taken at about the halfway point of this channel as noted on the plan view. As the sketch shows, approximately 25-foot of distance is needed along the proposed rail siding for standard clear distance along the cars and to provide an access road for maintenance on the rail and to the loaded and unloaded cars. The channel itself also will take approximately 50-foot of lateral distance to construct based on the width of the channel bottom and the side slopes. On average about 20 feet remain on each side for buffer and possible meandering. If meandering were required it would basically eliminate any room for a buffer. To the south of this cross section there will be less room available and to the north there will be slightly more room available. December 1, 1999 Page 2 It is hoped that this information clarifies our position that meandering is not possible and buffer space is limited. Please get in touch with this office is any additional information is needed on this matter. Sincerely, 4 Ay Steve Whitt, P.E. Manager, Environmental Services z F- O. - Q cn W LL £ E E ? f t' I { £ .... ....€E E `..... ......3.......... E C>, t A € !, r ? C=) Yom/ O _{ v LU ! o O J € ! ? . X .. }}}oj = € f Z W DC J o ?E W ..r 'W! ? V W Z Z cc ? ..._.... E ... ..?.. € S ...._ .? .. LL LL Q ...... . L O ( t ll.l m Q 0 LL O DC W i o V ca Q? ? Q i o ........ 'a CO € E p ........ .. Q W E t € jZ Q O p S ° c a . I M ..... F 0 H E O V M M M M > O -k, 383. \\ L ? \ r S f7) 4 r LY 4 361.0 / X367. 64.6 100' OFFSET C 362.3 EXISTING BOTTOM t \ ECC4 7.3 363.0 65.8 60.2 3 3.9 L 100 OFFSET CHANNEL RELOCATION PLAN VIEW SCALE 1" =100' 0 50 100 200 300 LEMON SPRING QUARRY] C ? Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. October 21, 1999 Mr. John Dorney Water Quality Certification Unit N.C. Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-162 i Re: 401 Water Quality Certification Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion DWQ Project #990922 Dear Mr. Domey: V? ' We have reviewed your letter to Mr. Steve Whitt of Martin Marietta Aggregates (our client) dated October 7, 1999, which we received October 14, 1999, regarding the Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion 401 permit application. Martin Marietta Aggregates definitely desires and plans to pursue this very important project and we will provide your office the additional information requested. However, in consideration of the time critical nature of the project, we request a meeting with you and your staff at the earliest convenience to discuss with you specifics of the information needed. We feel that to insure that all the necessary information is provided to you, it would be very beneficial to discuss this first. This will enable our office to submit to you one complete package containing all the required information. Very truly yours, KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Chad Evenhouse Environmental Analyst Cc: Jim Eisenhardt, KHA Harlan Britt, KHA Steve Whitt, Martin Marietta Aggregates P.O. Box 33068 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3068 ¦ TEL 919 677 2000 FAX 919 677 2050 s.. State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director AMOM K" NCDENR wow NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES December 9, 1999 Lee County DWQ Project #: 990922 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification and ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS, WRP Mr. Steve Whitt Martin Marietta Materials Aggregate Divisions Post Office Box 30013 Raleigh, North Carolina 27622-0013 Dear Mr. Whitt: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions and those listed below, to place fill material in 2.82 acres of wetland for the purpose of expanding an existing quarry, constructing a railroad spur and relocating a road at Yellow Springs Quarry in Lee County, as you described in your application dated 12 July 1999. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3108. This certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 26 when the Corps of Engineers issues it. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. This approval will expire when the accompanying 404 or CAMA permit expires unless otherwise specified in the General Certification. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application except as modified below. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application for a new certification. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification and any additional conditions listed below. 1. Deed notifications or similar mechanisms shall be placed on all lots with remaining jurisdictional wetlands and to notify the state in order to assure compliance for future wetland and/or water impact. These mechanisms shall be put in place within 30 days of the date of this letter or the issuance of the 404 Permit (whichever is later). We understand that you have chosen to contribute to the Wetland Restoration Program in order to compensate for these impacts to wetlands and/or streams. In accordance with 15A NCAC 2R .0402, this contribution will satisfy our compensatory mitigation requirements under 15A NCAC 2H.0506(h). According to 15A NCAC 2H .0506(h), feet of restoration will be required. Until the Wetland Restoration Program receives and clears your check (made payable to: DENR - Wetland Restoration Program), wetland or stream fill shall not occur. Mr. Ron Ferrell should be contacted at 919-733-5083 ext. 358 if you have any questions concerning the Wetland Restoration Program. You have one month from the date of this Certification to make this payment. For accounting purposes, this Certification authorizes the fill of 2.82 acres of riparian wetlands in 030613 river and subbasin and 10.54 acres of riparian restoration are required. Please be aware that the Wetland Restoration Program (WRP) rules require rounding of acreage amounts to one-quarter acre increments (15A 2R.0503(b)). If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Division of Water Quality • Non-Discharge Branch 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27669-1621 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer • 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Domey at 919-733-9646. Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office Raleigh DWQ Regional Office File Copy Central Files Ron Ferrell; Wetland Restoration Program Harlan Britt; Kimley-Horn Associates FSi pl s State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Govemor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director CERTIFIED MAII..-RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Steve Whitt Martin Marietta Materials Aggregate Division PO Box 30013 Raleigh NC 27622-0013 Dear Mr. Whitt: NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES October 7, 1999 DWQ Project n 990922 Lee County Pr-^r-lN/ED OCT 14 1999 G , The Division of Water Quality has reviewed your plans for the discharge of fill material into 2.82 acres of streams and/or wetlands located at Lemon Springs Quarry in Lee County for quarry expansion. Insufficient evidence is present in our files to conclude that your project must be built as planned in waters and/or wetlands in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0506. Therefore, unless modifications h proposal are made as described below, we will have to move toward denial of your 401 Certification as required by 15A NCAC 2H .0507(e) and will place this project on hold as incomplete until we receive this additional information, we are requesting (by copy of this letter) that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers place your project on administrative hold Please provide us with information supporting your position that states your project must be constructed as planned. Specifically can you construct you quarry without altering the hvd logy of adjacent wetlands through groundwater pumping in violation of 15A NCAC 2B .0231? A ground water monitoring regime may be needed to answer this question. Any documentation such as maps and narrative that you can supply to address alternative designs for your project may be helpful in our review of your 401 Certification. Also this project will require compensatory mitigation as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506(h). Your mitigation proposal is insufficient because 1) it is not clear whether the existing wetlands on site can be expanded by raising their local water tables through the use of small dams/berms across the floodplain as we discussed in the field rather than excavation, 2) it is not clear whether the NC Wetlands Restoration Program is willing to accept funds in-lieu of mitigation for this project, and 3) the stream relocation plan must restore natural pattern, dimension and profile in order to have a stable, biological productive system as well as provide a 50 foot wide wooded buffer. The stream relocation plan does not provide any of these details. Please respond within three weeks of the date of this letter by sending a copy of this information to me and one copy to Mr. Steve Mitchell, Raleigh Regional Office at 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh NC 27609. If we do not hear from you in three weeks, we will assume that you no longer want to pursue this project and we will consider the project as withdrawn. I can be reached at 919-733-9646 if you have any questions. cc: Raleigh DWQ Regional Office Wilmington Office Corps of Engineers Central Files File Copy Raleigh Feld Office Corps of Engineers Ron Ferrell; WRP Jim Eisenhardt; Kimley-Horn and Associates ince e oh R. D6rn 61 990922.nry Wetlands/401 unit 1621 Mail Service Centcr Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Telcehone 919-733-17S6 FAY n 733-9959 _ ?_...., n .... : n rf -alive Action 2'nc1ovcr :0% rtcve!eC/10`' post consumer paper r.' Memorandum To: John Dorney From: John Hennessy Date: 10/4/99 Re: Tardy Files and Recommendations List of Recommendations for Tardy Files HM Enterprises LLC Project Review of the permit application, reveals that the project should be put on hold for the following reasons: / No Corps or DWQ site visit has occurred at the site, '0+_ y No discussion on why the placement of each crossing meets the no practicable alternative for Neuse Buffer Rules, A map of the proposed impact sites at higher resolution would be preferred. ??("'(11J Therefore, I recommend the project be placed on hold and additional information (listed above) be solicited. Lemon Springs Quarry If you assume that the project has a valid purpose and need, then the project is permittable. Apparently, John you have visited the site and approved the site plan and project in concept. There are some possible issues with the proposed stream relocation and its acceptability. Other than that, the project looks acceptable and I recommend approval with the possible following caveats: • Even though the permit applicant has agreed to avoid specific wetlands on site, will digging quarries on site lower the water table for the entire site and drain the wetlands? If this is the case, then the proposed wetland impacts may be larger than the 2.82 acres presented in the permit application. You will need to consider this issue prior to deciding to approve the permit. • The stream they are proposing to relocate is obviously man-made (it looks like it was dug with a back hoe, see Appendix B photos 9 & 10). Their mitigation report indicates that you had approved their proposed relocation as appropriate for mitigation. I assume it was based on the nature of the resource being impacted. However, I felt that I should give my analysis on the proposed relocation so you could make an informed decision. The proposed relocated stream is as straight as a ruler. I have some concern about its short-term stability. It will, however, be built to match the existing system's grade, slope, and cross-section (see pages 5-6 of mitigation report for stream discussion). There is no discussion about buffers along the proposed stream relocation. I recommend approval of the stream mitigation provided they assess the potential for addition of some meanders and, more importantly, propose buffers along the stream. A discussion on pages 6 and 10 indicate that you have approved their plan, at least at the conceptual level. • The project will impact 2.82 acres of wetlands resulting in the need for 10.54 acres of mitigation. They are proposing use of WRP or an approved private bank in the area. You can condition the permit appropriately. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. July 12, 1999 Mr. John Dorney Water Quality Planning Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh; North Carolina 27626-0535 Re Joint Application for Nationwide Permit #26 and 401 Water Quality Certification Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion (Lat. 35 25' 05"/Long. 79 11' 50' Bruce Coggins Road (SR 1156) and Minter School Road (SR 1149) Lemon Springs, Lee County, North Carolina Action ID# 199820937 C?- ' Dear Mr. Dorney: Attached is a Joint Application (seven copies) for a Nationwide Permit #26 and Section 401 Water Quality Certification for the proposed Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion project in Lemon Springs, North Carolina. The 459.44 acre property, located in Lee County, is owned by Martin Marietta Materials, Inc., Aggregates Division (MMA). Permit authorization is being requested to fill 2.82 acres of wetlands, relocate 1,100 linear feet of stream, and pipe/fill 100 feet of stream. To date, the project had been delayed approximately a year. Upon clearing the issues delaying the project, MMA has decided to move forward with the site expansion. For a review of the project, a summary of our July 15, 1998 pre- application field visit (Jean Manuele, Corps, was also present) included: ¦ Confirmation that none of the proposed stream crossings and the relocated stream would be subject to the linear footage rule, and the proposed relocation of Stream 1 would be permitted as long as current DWQ standards are followed. Agreement that during final site plan preparation, efforts would be made to minimize wetland impacts at each of the crossings shown where health, safety and welfare would not be jeopardized. The DWQ wetland rankings for the wetlands on site were discussed and it was agreed that our assessment/values were consistent with DWQ's assessment. Due to the forested nature of the wetlands and their relative large size, most wetlands on site would be considered medium to high quality. ¦ TEL 919 677 2000 FAX 919 677 2050 ¦ P.O. Box 33068 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3068 Kimley-Horn C and Associates, Inc. Mr. John Domey, July 12. 1999, Page 2 Kimley-Horn conducted preliminary assessments of potential wetland mitigation on-site, as well as other off-site opportunities within the drainage basin. It was determined that there are minimal opportunities to mitigate on-site or in the immediate project vicinity. During our meeting, two possible mitigation areas were specifically reviewed, one in the field off-site above Wetland F and the other between Wetlands R and P on-site. Upon further investigation, neither site is a feasible option for mitigation (see the Mitigation Report) It was determined that the relocation of Bruce Coggins road will be tied to this project, not a separate County/State project. Also, from an avoidance/minimization assessment standpoint, the relocation of Bruce Coggins Road can be kept on the property and, therefore, it is not necessary to look for an off-site alternative. In other words, avoidance and minimization for Bruce Coggins Road will be limited to on-site alternatives. Included with this application package are a copy of the signed Notification of Jurisdictional Determination form, and a site plan (prepared by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. dated July 24, 1999) for the proposed expansion including the approved wetland delineation and wetland/stream impacts. Also included with this package is our correspondence letters with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the State Historical Preservation Office, and a signed agent authorization letter. A request for review by the Corps (Action ID# 199820937) concerning the SHPO response is included as well. The site plan has been reduced to 8 ''/2" by 11" for the application, however, two full-size plans are also included for your ease of reference. Design considerations for proposed site plan and mitigation issues are detailed in the attached Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion Mitigation Report (KHA, 1999). Thank you very much for you attention to this project. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to call me (677-2086). Very truly yours, Y-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. es M. Eise ardt Manager, En lronmental Services Enclosures Copy: Steve Whitt, Martin Marietta Aggregates. Harlan Britt, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. ¦ ¦ P.O. Box 33068 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3068 TEL 919 677 2000 FAX 919 677 2050 DEM ID: CORPS ACTION ID: 199820937 NATIONWIDE PERMIT REQUESTED (PROVIDE NATIONWIDE PERMIT #): 26-Headwaters and Isolated water discharge PRE-CONSTRUCTION NOTIFICATION APPLICATION FOR NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE: 1. NOTIFICATION TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS 2. APPLICATION FOR SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION 3. COORDINATION WITH THE NC DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT SEND THE ORIGINAL AND ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED FORM TO THE APPROPRIATE FIELD OFFICE OF THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET). SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET). PLEASE PRINT. 1. OWNERS NAME: Martin Marietta Materials, Inc., Aggregates Division 2. MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 30013 SUBDIVISION NAME: CITY: Raleigh STATE: North Carolina ZIP CODE: 27622-0013 PROJECT LOCATION ADDRESS, INCLUDING SUBDIVISION NAME (IF DIFFERENT FROM MAILING ADDRESS ABOVE): 1158 Willet Road Sanford, North Carolina 27330-7875 3. TELEPHONE NUMBER (HOME): (WORK): (919) 781-4550 4. IF APPLICABLE: AGENT'S NAME OR RESPONSIBLE CORPORATE OFFICIAL, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER: Attn: Jim Eisenhardt (919) 677-2086 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Post Office Box 33068 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3068 5. LOCATION OF WORK (PROVIDE A MAP, PREFERABLY A COPY OF USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP OR AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY WITH SCALE): COUNTY: Lee NEAREST TOWN OR CITY: Lemon Springs Page i SPECIFIC LOCATION (INCLUDE ROAD NUMBERS, LANDMARK, ETC.): Bruce Coggins'Road (SR 1156) bisects the property and Minter School Road aligns the eastern portion of the property. The approximate Lat/Long. Location is Lat. 35° 251- OS"/ Long 79°- 1 F- 50" 6. IMPACTED OR NEAREST STREAM/RIVER: Mullato Branch RIVER BASIN: Cape Fear River Basin 7a. IS PROJECT LOCATED NEAR WATER CLASSIFIED AS TROUT, TIDAL SALTWATER (SA), HIGH QUALITY WATERS (HQW), OUTSTANDING RESOURCE WATERS (ORW), WATER SUPPLY (WS-I OR WS-II)? YES[ ] NO [ X] IF YES, EXPLAIN: 7b. IS PROJECT LOCATED WITHIN A NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC) ? YES [ ] NO [ X ] 7c. IF THE PROJECT IS LOCATED WITHIN A COASTAL COUNTY (SEE PAGE 7 FOR LIST OF COASTAL COUNTIES) WHAT IS THE LAND USE PLAN (LUP) DESIGNATION? Not Applicable 8a. HAVE ANY SECTION 404 PERMITS BEEN PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED FOR USE ON THIS PROPERTY? YES [ ] NO [ X ] IF YES, PROVIDE ACTION I.D. NUMBER OF PREVIOUS PERMIT AND ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (INCLUDE PHOTOCOPY OF 401 CERTIFICATION) : Not Applicable 8b. ARE ADDITIONAL PERMIT REQUESTS EXPECTED FOR THIS PROPERTY IN THE FUTURE? YES[ ] NO [X1 IF YES, DESCRIBE ANTICIPATED WORK : 9a. ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES IN TRACT OF LAND: 459.44 acres Page 2 9b. ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES OF WETLANDS LOCATED ON PROJECT SITE: 33.384 acres 10a. NUMBER OF ACRES OF WETAND IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT BY: FILLING: 2.82 EXCAVATION: 0 FLOODING: 0 OTHER: 0 DRAINAGE: 0 TOTAL ACRES TO BE IMPACTED: I Ob. (1) STREAM CHANNEL TO BE IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT (IF RELOCATED, PROVIDE DISTANCE BOTH BEFORE AND AFTER RELOCATION): LENGTH BEFORE: 1,100 FT AFTER: 750 FT WIDTH BEFORE (based on normal high water contours): 10 - 20 FT WIDTH AFTER: 10 - 20 FT AVERAGE DEPTH BEFORE: 0.5 - 2.0 FT AFTER: 0.5 - 2.0 FT (2) STREAM CHANNEL IMPACTS WILL RESULT FROM: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) OPEN CHANNEL RELOCATION: X PLACEMENT OF PIPE IN CHANNEL: X CHANNEL EXCAVATION: X CONSTRUCTION OF A DAM/FLOODING: OTHER: 1,200' of total impacts, 1,100' - 750' relocated, 100' piped for road crossing. 11. IF CONSTRUCTION OF A POND IS PROPOSED, WHAT IS THE SIZE OF THE WATERSHED DRAINING TO THE POND? Not Applicable WHAT IS THE EXPECTED POND SURFACE AREA? Not Applicable 12. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK INCLUDING DISCUSSION OF TYPE OF MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT TO BE USED (ATTACH PLANS: 8'/" X 1 I" DRAWINGS ONLY): See addendum, attached plans, mitigation report Page 3 13. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED WORK: See Addendum 14. STATE REASONS WHY IT IS BELIEVED THAT THIS ACTIVITY MUST BE CARRIED OUT IN WETLANDS. (INCLUDE ANY MEASURES TAKEN TO MINIMIZE WETLANDS IMPACTS): See Addendum 15. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE (USFWS) AND/OR NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE (NMFS) (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF ANY FEDERALLY LISTED OR PROPOSED FOR LISTING ENDANGERED OR THREATENED SPECIES OR CRITICAL HABITAT IN THE PERMIT AREA THAT MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT. DATE CONTACTED: (ATTACHED RESPONSES FROM THESE AGENCIES.) See Attached 16. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER (SHPO) (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES IN THE PERMIT AREA THAT MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT. DATE CONTACTED See Attached 17. DOES THE PROJECT INVOLVE AN EXPENDITURE OF PUBLIC FUNDS OR THE USE OF PUBLIC (STATE) LAND ? YES[ ] NO [ X ] (IF NO, GO TO 18) a. IF YES, DOES THE PROJECT REQUIRED PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT? Not Applicable YES[ ] NO [ ] b. IF YES, HAS THE DOCUMENT BEEN REVIEWED THROUGH THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPRATMENT OF ADMINISTRATION STATE CLEARING HOUSE? Not Applicable YES[ ] NO [ ] IF ANSWER TO 17b IS YES, THEN SUBMIT APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION FROM THE STATE CLEARINGHOUSE TO DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT. Page 4 QUESTIONS REGARDING THE STATE CLEARINGHOUSE REVIEW PROCESS SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO MS. CHRYS BAGGETT, DIRECTOR STATE CEARINGHOUSE, NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION, 116 WEST JONES STREET, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27603-8003, TELEPHONE (919) 733-6369. 18. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS SHOULD BE INCLUDED WITH THIS APPLICATION IF PROPOSED ACTIVITY INVOLVES THE DISCHARGE OF EXCAVATED OR FILL MATERIAL INTO WETLANDS: a. WETLAND DELINEATION MAP SHOWING ALL WETLANDS, STREAMS, LAKES AND PONDS ON THE PROPERTY (FOR NATIONWIDE PERMIT NUMBERS 14, 18, 21, 26, 29, AND 38). ALL STREAMS (INTERMITTENT AND PERMANENT) ON THE PROPERTY MUST BE SHOWN ON THE MAP. MAP SCALES SHOULD BE 1 INCH EQUALS 50 FEET OR 1 INCH EQUALS 100 FEET OR THEIR EQUIVALENT. (See Attached) b. IF AVAILABLE, REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPH OF WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED BY PROJECT. (Included in the attached Mitigation Report) c. IF DELINEATION WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSULTANT, INCLUDE ALL DATA SHEETS RELEVANT TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE DELINEATION LINE. (Included in attached report.) d. ATTACH A COPY OF THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN IF REQUIRED. Not Applicable e. WHAT IS LAND USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY? Residential, agricultural, and undeveloped wooded land IF APPLICABLE, WHAT IS PROPOSED METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL? Not Applicable g. SIGNED AND DATED AGENT AUTHORIZATION LETTER, IF APPLICABLE. (Attached) NOTE: WETLANDS OR WATERS OF THE U.S. MAY NOT BE IMPACTED PRIOR TO: 1) ISSUANCE OF A SECTION 404 CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT, 2) EITHER THE ISSURANCE OR WAIVER OF A 401 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (WATER QUALITY) CERTIFICATION, AND 3) (IN THE TWENTY COASTAL COUNTIES ONLY), A LETTER FROM THE NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT STATING THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY IS CONSISTENT WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. OWNER'S/AGENT'S SIGNATURE DATE (AGENT'S SIGNATURE VALID ONLY IF AUTHORIZATION LETTER FROM THE OWNER IS PROVIDED (18g.) ) Page 5 Addendum to Pre-Construction Notification Application 12. A description of the proposed work including a discussion of the mechanical equipment to be used (attach plans: 8 % x 11 inch drawings only): The proposed work is intended to develop a portion of the property to expand the existing quarry operation. This includes the construction and expansion of equipment and facilities, road improvements and construction for access, and railway construction (with a loadout area) for access to the facility and transport of materials. Heavy machinery (backhoe, front-end loader, etc.) will be required for the excavation and fill for the stream relocation, road, and railway construction. 13. Purpose of proposed work: To continue the mining operation through the expansion of the quarry, and to improve transport of materials with a new entrance into the facility off of relocated Bruce Coggins Road and through utilization of the railroad. 14. State reasons why it is believed that this activity must be carried out in wetlands. Include any measures made to minimize wetland impacts: The property includes large wetland areas. The site expansion was designed to be located within the developable area outside these wetland boundaries as much as possible. The primary impact to wetlands is associated with access to the facility by road and railway construction. These impacts were designed to minimal construction widths and to have perpendicular (or as close to this as possible) crossings through wetland/stream areas. The proposed stream relocation is designed to maximize stream length for mitigation within the constraints of the quarry, roads, railway, and property boundaries. Since access to the quarry requires a stream crossing, the piped portion of the stream is also minimized by selection of a location where an existing road and stream crossing can be expanded. LJ IEGM M •tN><4L • lllw I tfM.O..L . L>Pw • 1LiN.?L • •a.w , EOil Vtitaa?t • aaw Q ? Y 1}Na..l • Yaw t amnw! • atsw Y N ! . t >• 00 M iw 4 O 1 t t • .t1N' -%* w? s + xL1a.•! • atww IN aLNL• • ww M O .1 at tWN•• • ww I mtam ..SAC= LuYLts 0 0 S w ? ° O IYk7UY0 Mu &VA" r AGPO 'r ?0 p • O M tll i°fX 7aC1 % p 4y? ? Y/I?Cf ? 4 UEMIR n " 0 wE,L.,+oNares- t INLA ? -A.Mxvm OILIlONNN.Nm.tRKN YOI.•pLLlt?t•MM t[•tmO?fmO•KIMLi / Q NMOpIP•PItN?Nti 1•RYN•mMm1?YMY•. r L 1<L?O17?OYlYY11 ramw w l vet•tmRtttwta •wN°st•r t L L°a1wYL wIJ?N 1 .^ - - LJ.YOCRttL1U. Q / M r mwY. G-M m 1? YAW `` 1 „ I•crwf•A/Yw mWJA O/ was o . °rcnwYtsa??L?io wow... cr r w. 1 wtw .? O w ttrw Q a r ° w.rr.?r u =ON SPRINGS QUARRY KimleyHam and Amdates, Inc. ? NY61 IlART}I-IAMETfA °°° °Y^s ? n /' Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Letter of Authorization Martin Marietta Aaaregates authorizes Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. to act as our agent in the application for the Section 404/401 permits and approvals associated with the Lemon Springs Quarry project located in Lemon Springs, Lee County, North Carolina. June S. 1998 Johr? Long U Martin tilarietta Aggregates Contact Information John Long, Vice President, Government Affairs Post Office Box 30013 Raleigh, North Carolina 27622-0013 Telephone (919) 783-4577 Fax (919) 783-4507 . U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS Wilmington District Action ID: 199820937 County: Lee NOTIFICATION OF JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION Property Owner Martin Marietta A?areQates Attn: Mr. John Long. VP. Gov. Affairs Address Post Office Box 30013 Raleigh. North Carolina Telephone Number (919) 783-4577 Authorized Agent Kimlev-Horn & Associates. Inc. Attn: Mr. Jim M. Eisenhardt Address Post Office Box 33068 Raleigh. North Carolina 27636-3068 Telephone Number (919) 677-2000 Size and Location of Property (waterbodv, Hi hwav name/number, town, etc.): 459.44 acres located on the south side of SR 1157, on the east and west sides of SR 116, Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion, southwest of Sanford, North Carolina. The property is located adjacent to, and above the headwaters of, Mulatto Branch and several of its unnamed tributaries. Indicate Which of the Following Apply: 0 There are waters of the U.S., to include wetlands, on the above described property which we strongly suggest should be delineated and surveyed. The surveyed wetland lines must be verified by our staff before the Corps will make a final jurisdictional determination on your property. 0 Because of the size of your property and our present workload, our identification and delineation of your wetlands cannot be accomplished in a timely manner. You may wish to obtain a consultant to obtain a more timely delineation of the wetlands. Once the consultant has flagged a wetland line on the property, Corps staf veil,, review it, and, if it is accurate, we strongly recommend that you have the line surveyed for final approval by the Corps. The Corps will not make a final jurisdictional determination on your property without an approved survey. The wetlands on your lot have been delineated, and the limits of the Corps jurisdiction have been explained to you. Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. 0 There are no waters of the U.S., to include wetlands, present on the above described property which are subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. 0 This project is located in the Neuse river basin. You should contact the North Carolina Division of Water Quality at (919) 733-1786 to determine additional requirements specific to this river basin. Placement of dredged or fill material in wetlands on this property without a Department of the Army Permit is in most cases a violation of Section 301 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1311). A permit is not required for work on the property restricted entirely to existing high ground. If you have any questions regarding the Corps of Engineers regulatory program, please contact Jean B. Manuele at telephone number (919) 876 - 8441. Extension 24 Project Manager Signatu Date 15 September 1998 Expiration Date, SURVEY PLAT OR FIELD SKETCH OF THE DESCRIBED PROPERTY AND THE WETLAND DELINEATION FORNI NIUST BE ATTACHED TO THE YELLOW (FILE) COPY OF THIS FORM. CESAW-RG-R MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD 25 September 1998 To: File Subject: AID 199820,037, Jurisdictional Delineation Verification for Martin Marietta-Lemon Springs Quarry, southwest of Sanford, Lee County, North Carolina. 1. 15 July 1998-I met with Mr. Jim Eisenhardt and Mr. Keith Marklund with Kimley-Horn & Associates, agents for Martin Marietta, on their 459.44 acre tract, Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion, located on the south side of. SR 1157, on the east and west sides of SR 1156, southwest of Sanford, Lee County, North Carolina. The property is located adjacent to, and above the headwaters of, Mulatto Branch and several of its unnamed tributaries. Mr. John Dorney with the North Carolina Division of Water was also present. 2. The purpose of the site delineation conducted by the regulatory authority pursuan Act and to determine whether permits will be required for existing quarry. inspection was to verify the agents for wetlands subject to our t to Section 404 of the Clean Water any Department of the Army (DA) the proposed expansion of the 3. It was noted during the site inspection, that areas identified as non-jurisdictional by the Wilson case have either been filled or are in the process of being filled (Areas OW-1, J and H). The remaining jurisdictional areas found to accurately depict the limits of our regulatory authority and the agents were advised that they could either survey the delineation or they could utilize GPS units within submeter accuracy. However, a surveyor would need to seal the survey in order for us to sign off on the delineation for 5 years. However, provided the site was utilized GPS units with submeter accuracy, it will be sufficient to apply for Department of the Army (DA) permits. 4. Reference is made to the letter from Kimley-Horn and Associates, dated 4 September 1998, regarding a summary of the items discussed during the subject on-site meeting. While I concur with all that is written, I would like to note that although we may not consider the impacts towards the 500 linear footage restriction imposed by Nationwide Permit Number 26, it will not relieve the applicant of the responsibility of mitigating for the functions that are lost. For e:<ample, with respect to the previously realigned stream channel (that appears to look like a ditch), relocating it to provide a similar linear footage of area which was impacted by the project would be more desirable and may suffice the mitigation requirement than would culverting the entire channel because the channel is still providing aquatic functions in its present state, but those functions would be altered if the channel were culverted. 5. 25 September 1998-I completed my review of the submitted pre-application information and issued a Jurisdictional Tearsheet for the owner and his agent. Jean B. Manuele egulatory Specialist Raleigh Field Office Julv 23, 1993 Renee Gledhill-Earley Environmental Review Coordinator State Historic Preservation Office 109 East Jones Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27601-2307 Re: Proposed Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion (Lat. 35 25' 05"/Long. 79 11' 50") Lemon Springs, Lee County, North Carolina Ms. Gledhill-Earlev: Kimlev-Horn and Associates, Inc. is writing this letter on behalf of our client, Martin Marietta Aggregates, to request information from your agency regarding resources in the vicinity of the proposed Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion. Specifically we would like to know of any districts, sites, buildings, structures, or objects that are significant in American history, architecture, archeology, engineering or culture that your agency maintains records of either through listing or eligibility for listing in the National Register of Historic Places that may occur in the project area, which is shown on the attached USGS map (Sanford, North Carolina quadrangle). The purpose of the proposed project is to expand the existing Martin Marietta Lemon Springs Quarry on adjacent land (approximately 302 acres) and construct a railroad service line for the relocated facility in Lee Countv, North Carolina. Permit coordination has been initiated with representatives from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources for proposed disturbances to wetlands and/or streams. H` "A0II1350C,,%1MARIETt.111S Thank you in advance call me at your ass' l 7 ?l;1 .0 have any questions regarding (9 19) this request, please Very truly yours. KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES. INC. Keith ytarkiand Environmental Analyst ..- ar- 14 400 ?,? .?^` `? ? "? , ago; ? _.._.7• :, SUBJECT ?•?`` PROPERTY O,t r' O • V' (vv.ll ttttt ? ? '• I C- • YELLOW/BLACX = Pf1 pav BOUNDARY . ? ; : Q at9 it B i ? C ?M USGS Map - Sanford Quad TWe: Project Martin Marietta - Kimley-HOM Lemon Sprints Quarry - And Asscd2tes, lnc. L=oa Springs, North Carolina E Ow Sde: Ptq' N0. E 0510998 NIA 011185.01 A 3 3 y' North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources James B. Hunt Jr., Governor Betty Ray McCain, Secretary August 18, 1998 Keith Markland Environmental Analyst Kimley-Horn and Associates P.O. Box 33068 Raleigh NC 27636-3068 Re: Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion, Lee County ER 99-7170 Dear Mr. Markland: Division of Archives and History Jeffrey J. Crow, Director Confusion about similar projects gOre response shoulding an incorrect response to read: your inquiry of Y 28, While there are no recorded archaeological sites within the proposed quarry expansion, there has never been an archaeological survey conducted in this area. We recommend that a systematic survey be conducted by a competent archaeologist to determine whether there are any resources which may be considered eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places. We apologize for any confusion caused by our error. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic on H l at 36iCFR Part 800.tion's Regulations Preserva Preservation Act andthe v106 codified for Compliance with Section hav Thank you for your cooperation a please contact Renee G1edh ileEariey? environmental concerning the above comment, p review coordinator, at 919/733-4763• Sincerely, V,, a avid Brook Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer DB:slw cc: Army Corps of Engineers, Raleigh CM Kimley-Horn '" and Associates, Inc. May 24, 1999 a P.O. Box 33068 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636.3068 Jean ivlanuele US Army Corps of Engineers 6508 Falls of Neuse, Suite 120 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Re: Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion (Lat. 35 25'05"/Long. 79 11'50") Action ID: 199820937 Bruce Coggins Road (SR 1156) and Minter School Road (SR 1149) Lemon Springs, Lee County, North Carolina Dear tits. Manuele, As part of the permitting process for the aforementioned property, a scoping letter regarding the project was sent to the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources (SHPO). Attached you will find a copy of the response letter received from SHPO. There is a recommendation in the letter that an archaeological survey be conducted on the subject property. It is my understanding through previous contact with Ms. Renee Gledhill-Earley at SHPO that final authorization or denial of this request must come from the Corps. If possible, could you please provide written conformation or denial that an archaeological survey is necessary for the subject property. Also, if a survey is deemed necessary, could you please specify the portions of the subject property requiring such action. If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me (919) 677-2086. Thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter. Yours truly, KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. James yt. Eisenhardt Manager, Environmental Services ¦ TEL 919 Sn 2000 FAX 919 W 2050 July 28, 1998 Kim Tripp United States Fish and Wildlife Service Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3726 Re: Proposed Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion (Lat. 35 25' 05"/Long. 79 11' 50") Lemon Springs, Lee County, North Carolina Dear Ms. Tripp: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. is writing this letter on behalf of our client, Martin Marietta Aggregates, to request information from your agency regarding resources in the vicinity of the proposed Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion. Specifically we would like to know of any records of threatened or endangered species or protected habitats or wildlife areas known to occur in the project area, which is shown on the attached USGS map (Sanford, N.C.). The purpose of the proposed project is to expand the existing Martin Marietta Lemon Springs Quarry on adjacent land (approximately 302 acres) and construct a railroad service line for the relocated facility in Lee County, North Carolina. Pen-nit coordination has been initiated with representatives from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources for proposed disturbances to wetlands and/or streams. Thank you in advance for your assistance. If you have any questions regarding this request. please call me at (919) 677-2138. y Very truly yours, KIiviLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES. INC. Keith ivlarkland Environmental Analyst HAPNM01I1850NNIMARIEi-r. WS ENTOr Ty? United States Department of the Interior QT w y a FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE ?? - Raleigh Feld Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3726 Kz?rk I V`.w%kL'_d TO 8 V 3?3 0 6 y kc, (???1,? il1L Z-7 63?-3066 Thank you for your letter requesting information or recommendations from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This form provides the Service's response pursuant to Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531-1543), and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, as amended (16 U.S.C. 661-667d). Re: Pro o4? J Project The attached page(s) list(s) the Federally-listed species which may occur within 'the project area. Based on the" information provided, it appears unlikely that your project site contains suitable habitat for any Federally-listed endangered or threatened species known to occur in the area. If the proposed project will be removing pines 9" DBH or greater, or 30 years of age in pine or pine/hardwood habitat, surveys should be conducted for active red-cockaded woodpecker cavity trees in appropriate habitat within a 1/2 mile radius of project boundaries. If red-cockaded woodpeckers are observed within the project area or active cavity trees found, the project has the potential to affect the red-cockaded-woodpecker, and you should contact this office for further information. Endangered Species Coordinator Date Date of Incoming Letter Log Number Accounts of Selected Federally Listed Species In LEE County Data represented on these maps are not based on comprehensive inventories of this county. Lack of data must not be construed to mean that listed species are not present. 35'30' Prepared by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service i 2 s 4 5 Mum based on data provided by NC Natural Heritage Program o 1 2 3 4 5 KILoMETERS D. Newcomb, K. Tripp 1/15198 expires 1/31/99 79'15' 79' COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME STATUS LEE COUNTY Critical Habitat Designation: Cape Fear shiner, Netropis mekistocholas - Approximately 0.5 river mile of Bear Creek, from Chatham County Road 2156 Bridge downstream to the Rocky River, then downstream in the Rocky River (approximately 4.2 river miles) to the Deep River, then downstream in the Deep River (approximately 2.6 river miles) to a point 0.3 river mile below the Moncure, Mav 14. 1998 Page 25 of 48 COPMMON NAIME SCIENTIFIC NA?NM STATUS North Carolina, U.S. Geological Survey Gaging Station. Constituent elements include clean streams with gravel, cobble, and boulder substrates with pools, riffles, shallow runs and slackwater areas with large rock outcrops and side channels and pools with water of good quality with relatively low silt loads. Vertebrates Robust redhorse Cape Fear shiner Red-cockaded woodpecker Vascular Plants Georgia indigo-bush Sandhills bog lily Bog spicebush Savanna cowbane Carolina grass-of-pamassus Harperella Moxostoma robustum FSC Notropis mekistocholas Endangered Picoides borealis Endangered Amorpha georgiana var. georgiana FSC Lilium iridollae FSC Lindera subcoriacea FSC Oxvpolis ternata FSC Parnassia caroliniana FSC Ptilimnium nudosum Endangered May 14, 1998 Page 26 of 48 KEY: Status Definition Endangered A taxon "in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range." Threatened A taxon "likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range." Proposed A taxon proposed for official listing as endangered or threatened. Cl A taxon under consideration for official listing for which there is sufficient information to support listing. FSC A Federal species of concern-a species that may or may not be listed is the future (formerly C2 candidate species or species under consideration for listing for which there is insufficient information to support listing). T(SIA) Threatened due to similarity of appearance (e.g., American alligator )-a species that is threatened due to similarity of appearance with other rare species and is listed for its protection. These species are not biologically endangered or threatened and are not subject to Section 7 consultation. EXP A taxon that is listed as experimental (either essential or nonessential). Ecaerimental, nonessential endangered species (e.g., red wolf) are treated as threatened on public land, for consultation purposes, and as species proposed for listing on private land. Species with 1, 2, 3, or 4 asterisks behind them indicate historic, obscure, or incidental records. *Historic record - the species was last observed in the county more than 50 years ago. **Obscure record - the date and/or location of observation is uncertain. *"IncidentaI/migfant record - the species was observed outside of its normal range or habitat. ****Historic record - obscure and incidental record. 'In the November 4, 1997, Federal Register (55822-55825), the northern population of the bog turtle (from New York south to lviaryland) was listed as T (threatened), and the southern population (from Virginia south to Georgia) was listed as T(S/A) (threatened due to similarity of appearance). The T(S/A) designation bans the collection and interstate and international commercial trade of bog turtles from the southern population. The T(S/A) designation has no effect on land-management activities by private landowners in North Carolina, part of the southern population of the species. May 14, 1998 Page 48 of 48 ? ? ? Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. September 4, 1998 Mr. John Dotney ft fR Water Quality Planning Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Re: Summary of Pre-Application Meeting July 15, 1998 Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion (Lat. 35 25'05"/Long. 79 11'50") Bruce Coggins Road (SR 1156) and Minter School Road (SR 1149) Lemon Springs, Lee County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Dorney, Thank you for meeting with us on-site July 15, 1998 for a Section 404/401 pre- application meeting regarding the proposed Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion in Lemon Springs, Lee County, North Carolina. Attached is a summary of the issues discussed during the field visit. Also attached for your files and review is a copy of the site plan we reviewed in the field. Thank you for your assistance and prompt attention with this project. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, KIM;LEEYY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. James M. Eisenhardt Manager, Environmental Services ¦ TEL 919 677 2000 FAX 919 677 2050 ¦ P.O. Box 33068 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3068 C ? ? Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. September 4, 1998 Jean Manuele US Army Corps of Engineers 6508 Falls ofNeuse, Suite 120 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Re: Summary of Pre-Application Meeting July 15, 1998 Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion (Lat. 35 25'05"/Long. 79 11'50") Bruce Coggins Road (SR 1156) and Minter School Road (SR 1149) Lemon Springs, Lee County, North Carolina Dear Ms. Manuele, Thank you for meeting with us on site July 15, 1998 for a Section 404/401 pre- application meeting regarding the proposed Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion in Lemon Springs, Lee County, North Carolina. On behalf of our client, Martin Marietta Aggregates, we are forwarding to you for your files and review a copy of the "Preliminary Section 404/401 Pre-Application Site Plan" prepared by our office (July 16, 1998) which reflects the areas reviewed and concurred by you in the field. In general, we met to look at each of the proposed road crossings associated with the project, we reviewed the preliminary plans and finally we discussed mitigation options. Below is a summary of the issues discussed in the field. During the field visit (John Dorney also present) we confirmed that none of the proposed stream crossings (Streams 2, 2A, 2B and 3) would be subject to the linear footage rule. Also, we determined that the proposed relocation of the existing channelized ditch along the northern/eastem edge of the existing quarry (Stream 1) would not be subject to the linear footage rule. Additionally, the proposed relocation of Stream I as shown on the plans would be permitted as long as current DWQ standards are followed. We agreed that during final site plan preparation efforts would be made to minimize wetland impacts at each of the crossings shown where health, safety and welfare would not be jeopardized. The DEM wetland rankings for the wetlands on site were discussed and it was agreed that our assessment/values were consistent with DEM's assessment. Due to the forested nature of the wetlands and their relative large size, most wetlands on site would be considered high quality. Kimley-Horn conducted preliminary assessments of potential wetland mitigation sites in the immediate area of the project site and on-site. It was relayed that there appeared to be minimal opportunity to mitigate on-site or in the immediate vicinity. During our meeting two possible mitigation areas were specifically reviewed, one in the field off-site above Wetland F and the other between Wetlands R and P on-site. Detailed survey ¦ TEL 919 677 2000 FAX 919 677 2050 ¦ P.O. Box 33068 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3068 Kimley-Horn C. and Associates, Inc. Jean Manuele, September 4, 1998, Page 2 information will be gathered and further assessment and/or design of these potential mitigation sites will be conducted. Finally, it was determined that the relocation of Bruce Coggins road will be tied to this project, not a separate County/State project. Also, from an avoidance/minimization assessment standpoint, the relocation of Bruce Coagins Road can be kept on the property and therefore it is not necessary to look for an off-site alternative. In other words, avoidance and minimization for Bruce Coggins Road will be limited to on-site alternatives. We anticipate making permit application in the near future, once our mitigation plan is developed. Any additional comments you have would be appreciated prior to the submission of the application. Again, thank you for your assistance and prompt attention with this project. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. k'A , eL__Q 4zr"- James M. Eisenhardt Manager, Environmental Services Attachment Copy to: John Long, Martin Marietta Aggregates John Dorney, NCDENR - Division of Environmental Management, Water Quality Planning, ¦ Mitigation Report Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion Lemon Springs, North Carolina Prepared for: Martin Marietta Aggregates Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 1999 ? = ? Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Engineering, Planning, and Environmental Consultants Mitigation Report Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion Lemon Springs, North Carolina Prepared for: t Martin Marietta Aggregates Raleigh, North Carolina. Prepared by: Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc. 3001 Weston Parkway Cary, North Carolina 27513 June 30, 1999 011185.03 r Table of Contents Pase No. I Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 1 ' Site Description .......................................................................................................................................... 1 Background,....... ********,**,*,,*** .... **"**"*"***'***"*'*"***********'**'*'*""*'*'*'****'***'* .... *****'*******'****'*"*****"**""*'**'*"*"""** 1 Wetlands ..................................................................................................................................................... 2 Streams ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 Project Description ......................................................................................................................................... 3 Mitigation ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 Streams ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 Wetlands ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 Recommendations ........................................................................................................................................ 11 Page i I Introduction Kimley-Horn and Associates (KHA), on behalf of Martin Marietta Aggregates (MMA), has conducted a mitigation site selection study to identify and assess areas for potential wetland/stream mitigation to compensate for proposed unavoidable impacts to Section 404 jurisdictional areas (wetlands/streams) on the Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion site. This report is intended to be part of the Section 404/401 permit application submitted for this project. The i mitigation for these proposed impacts is to meet the requirements of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, (CWA), and the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Administrative Code 15A NCAC 2H.0500, and Section 401 CWA. Recommendations for mitigation for project specific impacts to "waters of the United States" are made per these guidelines. In summary, the process for evaluating mitigation requirements for wetland/stream impacts in the Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion site included: 1) avoidance of wetlands and streams in development of the site design, 2) design considerations to minimize the unavoidable wetland/stream impacts, and 3) compensation for the unavoidable wetland/stream impacts. Background Site Description ' The Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion site (approximately 270 acres) is adjacent to the existing Martin Marietta Lemon Springs Quarry (459.44 acres total) in Lemon Springs, Lee County, North Carolina. The property is located in the Cape Fear River Basin, Sub-basin CPF13 (#03-06-13), ' and hydraulic unit (HU) 03030004 (USGS 8-digit code). The site location is shown in Figure 1 (USGS map, Sanford Quadrangle). The expansion site is generally located to the north and east ' of the existing quarry. The entire quarry site is bisected by Bruce Coggins Road (SR 1156). An existing rail line forms the eastern property boundary except for a small parcel that extends to Minter School Road (SR 1149). ' The expansion site is mostly undeveloped and forested. Small portions of the property are active agricultural fields. These agricultural fields are located on the northeastern portion of the ' property, on the east side of Bruce Coggins Road, and on the small parcel to the south of the rail line (see the aerial photograph, Figure 2, and the Soil Survey, Figure 3). The soils are typical for Page 1 the Sand Hills region of North Carolina and wetlands on the site are primarily floodplain/bottomland hardwoods associated with tributaries to Mulatto Creek. The National r Wetland Inventory map is shown in Figure 4. Wetlands The wetland delineation on the expansion site was done by KHA, and was verified in the field by the Corps for jurisdictional determination on June 6, 1998, and July 15, 1998 (see Appendix G). The location of confirmed wetlands, as well as proposed development plans for the site, is shown on the attached Site Plan (Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion Site Plan, June 25, 1999, KHA) included as Appendix I. There are two isolated wetlands that were identified as non jurisdictional by the Corps. They are shown as wetlands J and H in the Site Plan. The wetlands that were identified on-site are generally bottomland hardwood/floodplain wetlands associated with tributaries to Mulatto Creek. A representative photo of the bottomland hardwood wetland areas on-site is Photo 12, Appendix B. Another wetland system which is partially located on the Lemon Springs Quarry site and adjacent property, is a broad bottomland/shallow open water wetland, dominated by shrubs and young hardwoods, that has been formed by the beaver dams impacting the hydrology of the associated stream. These areas are identified as wetlands K and C-D-E-G in the Site Plan, and a representative photo is shown as Photo 7, Appendix B. Upon field investigation, wetlands A-B, F, and M were determined to be providing limited wetland functions (wetland A-B rated particularly low, 24). These wetlands are intermittently flooded, and of the functions that were evaluated, pollutant removal was the prevalent function these wetland systems were providing. Wetland C-D-E-G is a portion of a large wetland system that is permanently or semi-permanently flooded due to the hydrologic impact of the beavers dams. This wetland was rated higher (69) because it provides more wetland functions, including water storage, bank stabilization, pollutant removal, and wildlife/aquatic life habitat. Corps wetland data forms for the identified wetlands (See the Site Plan) are included as Appendix C, and DWQ Wetland Rating forms are included as Appendix D. I Page 2 1303 492 _ 484 ? I 1157 .?i 4297 •?- Cem Sanford-Lee Cou N? : i• %?. B'ick Airfield /. ?7-'- '1191 : °. _ = r--.~ ` SUBJECT PROPERTY I _ r7ff .3F0 r G h 37 i q Alfai i ? ? I1bU dq II / COi U, 1155 -? A - _ 4/5 i/ _ - tl M n in ... ? a-? SOi _-.-398' Title: USGS Map (Sanford Quadrangle, 1981) Project: Martin Marietta Aggregates ' _ Kimley-Horn Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion Inc. and Associates prings, North Carolina Lemon , Lee Cou Y Date: Scale: Project No. Figure: 6/29/99 1:24,000 011185.03 1 7 f , ti M air% ' 1 1�' •�:�' ���, 7 * 1. L !�� � .� � . �r �. r � Title: Aerial Photograph (1998) Project: Martin Marietta Aggregates ' IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN Kimley-Horn Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion and Associates, Inc. Lemon Springs, North Carolina Lee County Date: Scale: Project No. Figure: 6/29/99 1 in =1,000 ft 1011185.03 2 GhB "? / ?.. G,A FuB? ?c A w D D?;B - GhD , - FuB h DOB IQ D Do: MIB P, Wn' DOA DoB GuA FuB Ghg D,>A G?. ?J DoH. FuB 17, DOB , ? / ? 2 ? C?`O GhB ?BaD Dola .:Vn DoB N FuB Wn? MfU IV DUB MfB Wn MfB I Wn DOB DOB W n m Ur • Wn' DoB? FuB w' Wn MfB .-uB r O MID ' DGA i W ?J "I,- MfD Wn W- MfD MfD MfB 2 -?, 'a Wn F B W B MfB ¢i ti0 / GhB Wn _ MOB ? ? Wi MfD %U Wn n\ DoB ` `- m MfD Wn i .,i, DoA FuB 3 ?p?L oo MtB MrD F.B O v? Wn i Wn o? MfB M f B ti1rB MfD I I j / MrH ?MfD ruB \ u, Wn MfB Wn CtB - I ?.qB Wn ? Cr ' MfD? - MfB Dn MfB W. CaB Fu =L8 DoB Fr.B MfB FOB \ Wn c D?u?B/ Wn s? l Wn / Mf SUB uB rue PRflP,ERT T l ? ? oo MfB fD UG In MfB m .B Fu6 MfU GhB ???Itr j 11621 h1 > B ? ? Cj ? ° o Wn Gh GhB DnA CfB Dug ?? Ud it fn Fula ?Wn MfB + Wn G Ud Cfp •,'':FUB 'GhB Wn Wn to [ VO FO t G GhD CfD Wn ToB B I:fB ` In W .Q -- "CaB--- ?np •i FuB l ,a / 9 Ott' ` Wn DuB Ud CaB Wn GhD ?g Gh6 I CfB Fu B U Wn d \m ??. CaB GhB Wn _ Wn DuB DOB CfD _f Wn CaB i GhD B Fu8 l -? Fu / p ;aB ?- fy GhB m \Ch Wn FuB \_ U y BaD CaB GnD Wn C G) DUB FuB CfB Fug CfD D 'wn? c DoH mater FuB ` CA0 7 Wn i? CaB GhD ?-- DOA FuB DGA GhB FuB ?Q i ?? y?? FLAB r) R Title: North Carolina Soil Survey (Lee County, 1989) Project: Martin Marietta Aggregates Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion ' _ Kimley-Horn Lemon Springs, North Carolina and Associates, Inc. Lee County Date: Scale: Project No. Figure. 1129199 1:24,000 011185.03 3 o- eUrH ?I rr ) SUBJECT PROPERTY -;F A y l ih ` f Fr?r 7U0 Ch PFMGS ? PF7/ ' Title: National Wetland Inventory Map (Sanford Quadrangle, 1995) Project: Martin Marietta Aggregates r Kimley-Horn Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion and Associates, Inc. Lemon Springs, North Carolina Lee County Date: Scale: Project No. Figure: 6/29/99 1:24,000 011185.03 4 I Streams On-site streams include portions of Mulatto Creek and its tributaries. The two primary branches of Mulatto Creek are shown as perennial streams on the USGS topographic map, with the tributaries shown as intermittent streams. Figure 1 shows the original alignment of the stream through what is now the quarry. The stream had been relocated to its current alignment (see the Site Plan) to develop the quarry site. During a field investigation, it was observed that the existing man-made stream segment is shaded by good canopy cover, and has an established bed of sand and gravel (see Photo 10, Appendix B). The stream banks are steep, but are generally stable. The areas where the banks do exhibit evidence of instability are primarily where deeper cuts were made for stream construction (see Photo 11, Appendix B). A typical photograph of the stream is shown in Photos 9 and 10 Appendix B, and cross-sections of the existing .stream are included in Appendix E. I Project Description Design of the proposed quarry expansion was done by MMA, with consideration of input from KHA and the agencies (DWQ and Corps). Although the entire site is of value to the mining operation, plans for the quarry expansion were developed to avoid all possible wetlands and streams, and to minimize the impact to the areas that were unavoidable. The proposed expansion site is primarily situated between the delineated jurisdictional wetlands, with the impacts (stream and wetland) generally associated with road and railway construction for access to the quarry. The access roads and railway were designed with the intention of minimizing the length of the impact by aligning the construction across the shortest length of wetland/stream. The facility is designed to expand the quarry, provide access to the expanded area, and relocate the loadout area. The relocated loadout area will incorporate two new railway lines on the property to access the adjacent Seaboard Coast Line Railroad for materials transport. The proposed rail line will provide for multi-modal transport and an increased service area for the quarry. The segment length and alignment for the railway (see the Site Plan) is necessary to store the rail cars in use by the quarry in order to not block traffic on the existing rail line. Also, the rail line length and alignment is necessary to meet design constraints for curves, and the connections to the existing rail line. Page 3 Bruce Coggins Road, which currently bisects the property, will be re-located to the northern portion of the property, and a second entrance to the quarry will be added to this portion of the property on the new segment of Bruce Coggins Road. The relocation of this segment of road was necessary to meet the concerns of MMA, Lee County, and the local residents in regards to safety. The relocation of Bruce Coggins Road reduces the impact of trucks and other quarry equipment crossing the road, eliminates the need for an additional railroad crossing (for the new rail line on- site), and maintains the connection between Minter School Road and Hickory House Road. L? I I Page 4 I Mitigation To mitigate for wetland and stream impacts associated with the quarry expansion MMA has followed a process in their site development plans to avoid, minimize, and finally, to compensate for lost wetland and steam functions. Upon receiving the approved jurisdictional determination i id ll i d h i l d te to avo a wet by the Corps for the site, MMA des gne t e expans on s an s as much as possible. The resulting impacts associated with the site design are primarily associated with road ithi th ite and for c n tru ti con t ti d f th il Th f i t i t w n e s , ruc on o an o s c on o e ra way. ese s or access n mpac areas were further minimized through a design that aligned the roads and railway to cross the wetlands/streams with the shortest feasible segment of impact across those areas. The resulting unavoidable impacts totaled 2.82 acres of wetland impact and 1,200 feet of stream impact. To mitigate these impacts, MMA proposes to pursue compensation either through an approved mitigation bank or through the NC Wetland Restoration Program (WRP). A pre-application meeting was conducted in the field with the Corps and DWQ to discuss permit and mitigation requirements. The agencies confirmed that the impacts proposed are subject to a Nationwide Permit 26. Since the total impacts are greater than 1 acre, mitigation would be required for wetland and stream impacts. The agencies agreed that the stream relocation would provide the necessary compensation for mitigation for the impact to the man-made stream, Stream 1 (see the Site Plan). Streams The proposed stream impacts include the intermittent stream segments associated with wetland impact areas, and the approximately 1,100 feet of man-made stream located adjacent to the existing quarry that will be re-located (see the Site Plan). In addition to the 1,100 feet of relocated stream, a 100-foot portion of the stream (upstream from the relocated portion) will be piped to expand the road access to the quarry pit. The impacted wetlands are primarily floodplain-type wetland, and include an intermittent stream segment providing the hydrology to the system. Restoration of these wetland systems will include the restoration of similar (in function) stream segments and thus will account for the stream impacts associated with the wetland impacts on the quarry expansion site. These intermittent stream impacts are incorporated into the wetland impact calculations for mitigation, Page 5 and are not considered for mitigation for Stream 1. Therefore, the stream impacts to be mitigated total 1,200 linear feet of impact to Stream 1. The proposed design includes relocation of a segment of Stream 1 adjacent to the existing quarry pit. This stream segment is a man-made, constructed stream from a previous stream relocation project. Typical cross-sections of the existing stream are shown in Appendix E. The location of the original stream was through the area that is now the quarry pit (see Figure 1). The agencies (Corps, DWQ) agreed during a site visit that due to the nature of the stre 5 impacts to the stream would not be based on the linear-foot rule imposed by Nationwide Permit #26. Rather, mitigation for the stream would be considered by its impact acreage. Based on discussions at the site visit, it was determined that the relocation of this man-made stream segment would meet the mitigation requirements for the stream impacts. The intermittent and perennial streams are shown on the Site Plan. Approximately 1,100 feet of Mulatto Creek will be relocated to move the confluence of the two primary branches of the stream north of its current location (see Figure 1 and the Site Plan). The proposed location of the confluence of the two branches will be east of the existing railway and Minter School Road, and north of the existing Bruce Coggins Road (see the Site Plan). The total drainage area draining into the Mulatto Creek subwatershed will not be increased so that impact downstream of the site should be minimal. The existing structures that will be impacted by the stream relocation, the railroad bridge stream crossing and the culvert (twin 84-inch corrugated metal pipes, see Photo 10, Appendix B) under Minter School Road, were evaluated as to their capacity to handle the modified stream flow. It was determined that these existing structures would be sufficient to contain the stream flow of the proposed design. The new stream segment was designed to mimic the existing channel's slope and cross-sections. Typical cross-sections and ? d . 1 the proposed grade of the new stream segment are included in Appendix F. 5 Wetlands Wetland impacts, based on the current development plan for the expansion site (see the Site Plan), was calculated as 2.82 acres. The wetland impact areas are shown in the Site Plan. The primary areas of wetland impacts are associated with the relocated Bruce Coggins Road and access roads into the quarry, and a new segment of rail line. The impact areas associated with the Page 6 road are identified as areas A, B, C, D, E, and G in the Site Plan. The impact areas associated with the rail line are identified as areas C, F, and H. As discussed previously, the impacted wetlands are primarily bottomland hardwoods associated with intermittent streams, as well as Mulatto Creek. Compensation Ratios There are two regulating bodies governing wetland mitigation through compensation in North Carolina, the Corps and DWQ. Federal regulations (Corps) require that the compensatory mitigation amount for wetland impacts is to provide at minimum "no net loss of (wetland) functions and values." Per these guidelines, a minimum acreage compensation of 1:1 may be implemented in the absence of more definitive information as to the functions and values of specific wetland sites. Additionally, the ratio may be higher if the function of the area to be impacted is demonstrably high and the replacement wetlands are of lower functional value, or the likelihood of success of the mitigation project is low (MOA Between the EPA and the Department of the Army Concerning the Determination of Mitigation Under the Clean Water Act Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines, 1990). During the pre-application field review with the agencies, the Corps representative (Jean Manuele, Corps Regulatory Office, Raleigh) stated that the ratio of 2:1 wetland restoration/creation would be required as compensation for wetland mitigation on this site. The total acreage of mitigated bottomland hardwood wetlands required by the Corps for the site would total 5.64 acres. The requirements for wetland mitigation by the state of North Carolina (DWQ) are more conservative than federal regulations and, in this circumstance, would provide the guidelines for mitigation on this site. Per DWQ requirements for wetland restoration (Administrative Code 15A NCAC 2H.0506(h)), the ratio is 4:1 for wetland impacts 0 to 150 feet from the stream, 2:1 for wetland impacts 150 to 1,000 feet from the stream, and 1:1 for distances greater than 1,000 feet. Linear projects up to 3 acres have a ratio of 2:1 as well. At least a 1:1 ratio of wetland restoration or creation (restoration is preferred) must be provided. If mitigation through restoration is not feasible, creation, enhancement, or preservation may be provided. The calculation for compensation requires a multiplication factor of the referenced ratios for these types of mitigation: 1.5 for creation, 2.0 for enhancement, and 5.0 for preservation. When on-site or immediately adjacent mitigation is not possible the applicant can mitigate through WRP or through an approved wetland mitigation bank. Page 7 The amount of wetland mitigation that will be required to compensate fa ro sed 2.82 acres of wetland impacts, based on the DWQ guidelines, will amount to 10.54 acres. This value is calculated by the mitigation ratio relative to the distance of th and impact from the associated stream (DWQ Administrative Code Section: 15A NCAC 2H.0500, December 1997). This value was calculated based on the design of the expansion of the Lemon Springs Quarry, which will impact 2.82 acres of bottomland hardwood wetland. Of which, 2.45 acres are within 150 feet of the stream. The remaining wetland area (0.37 acres) is within 1,000 feet of the stream (see the Site Plan). Therefore, the required area for mitigation (restoration) is 10.54 acres [(4 x 2.45)+(2 x 0.37) = 10.54] of bottomland hardwood wetland type. The total required mitigation will be determined based upon Corps and DWQ approval for wetland type and acreage. I Site Search and Evaluation A site search for potential wetland mitigation initially focused on-site (the entire MMA Lemon Springs Quarry landholdings). The search then broadened to adjacent off-site properties, and lastly, within the watershed where the impacts are to occur. The search was done first through aerial photograph and topographic map interpretation. Having identified potential areas for mitigation, they were then evaluated in the field to determine feasibility for mitigation. The I location of these areas is shown on Figure 5, and on the Site Plan. On-Site Search There are no on-site areas for wetland restoration; however, there are on-site areas that have the potential for mitigation through creation and preservation. The areas of potential creation are shown in blue in Figure 5. These areas are located along a portion of the existing floodplain of wetland A-B (Site 1, Figure 5), at the confluence of the tributaries associated with wetland A-B (Site 2, Figure 5), and along the stream segment between wetlands P and R (Site 3, Figure 5). For Sites 1 and 2, see Photos 1, 2 and 3 in Appendix B; and for Site 3, see Photos 4 and 5 in Appendix B. The Site Plan shows the delineation boundaries of the existing wetland sites. Conceptually, these areas would be cut and graded to lower the topographic relief adjacent to the streams and widen the existing floodplain/wetland areas, expanding the hydrologic influence of the streams establishing wetland hydrology at those locations. The areas of preservation are the existing wetland areas shown in the Site Plan. S POO. Page 8 47 Off site high potential mitigation y +c tt t t t y F ll?'Pf-J6-'Ac?.:i?l /lu,.:a,. l..,.. ....i....ti..1 ...iNnni?r,n 't=" ?.1 ??1??t r'.r. .l?. .. ??.? .,1. 1. i ?ni_.. ! ,,. •i?'??. r? ? ,.-a :.'7;."``',?r,.-v..?`-Ai.G;. Lot-'r+I'._Jd.?`?ad. i; - Title: Aerial Photograph (1998) with Potential Wetland Mitigation Locations Project: Martin Marietta Aggregates Kimley-Horn Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion b _ and Associates, Inc. Lemon Springs, North Carolina Lee County Date: Scale: Project No. Figure: 6/29/99 1 in = 1,000 ft 011185.03 5 After the field investigation, and upon review of more detailed topographic mapping, on-site mitigation did not appear to be practical or beneficial. It was determined that the mitigation would require extensive earthwork and removal to achieve the grade necessary to establish hydrology in these areas. Also, the areas are currently forested upland communities adjacent to the existing wetlands and streams. The benefit of removing these functioning forested communities, which are currently providing function (i.e. wildlife habitat) to create wetland areas, is questionable. Opportunities for mitigation elsewhere appeared more practical and beneficial, especially considering the acreage of mitigation that these areas would potentially provide would not be sufficient to meet all of the project's needs. Adjacent Property Search Areas immediately adjacent to the property were investigated as to their potential for wetland mitigation. Appendix A contains a property boundary map and a letter from MMA detailing their efforts investigating the purchase of these adjacent sites. Of these sites, all but two were considered to have minimal potential for wetland mitigation. The two properties that did have potential for mitigation were the Bullard property and the McIver property (see Appendix A, and Figure 5). These properties are primarily to the north (McIver property) and west of the site (Bullard property), and are shown in orange in Figure 5. These sites are generally associated with a stream and existing bottomland hardwood/riparian wetland areas. The Bullard property contains the rest of the wetland impacted by beavers (identified as wetland K, the portion of the wetland contained on the Lemon Springs Quarry site, in the Site Plan and Photos 7 and 8, Appendix B), as well as forested upland areas adjacent to it. The McIver property is a meadow adjacent to a bottomland hardwood wetland area and the associated stream (see Photos 6, Appendix B). Although these sites have potential for wetland mitigation, they were determined to not be feasible for mitigation due to difficulty in purchasing the property from the current owners (see Appendix A). At this time these property owners are not willing to sell. Watershed search I The search within the watershed area was unsuccessful as well. Aerial photographs were reviewed at the Lee County Farm Service Agency (FSA) to locate identified Prior Converted (PC) Croplands or other potential creation opportunities within the vicinity of the quarry. No appropriate sites were identified within a five-mile radius of the facility. A Lee County FSA agent, confirmed that there are very few PC properties in the entire county. Page 9 I Summary .W The Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion project will impact 2.82 acres of primarily bottomland hardwood wetlands, and 1,200 linear feet of jurisdictional stream. Significant efforts were made by MMA to avoid wetlands and streams in the proposed expansion site design. The areas where impacts to stream and wetlands were unavoidable are primarily associated with necessary road and railway access into and within the property. These impact areas were designed to minimize impacts by aligning wetland and stream crossings for minimum impact, and by retrofitting existing structures wherever it was feasible. Martin Marietta will pursue compensation for the remaining unavoidable impacts. The unavoidable stream impacts are associated with the man-made stream adjacent to the existing quarry pit (Stream 1 in the Site Plan). Road access from the existing pit to the expansion area must be widened. This will require 100 feet of the stream to be piped as that stream crossing is expanded. Additionally, to build the proposed dual railway and loadout facility (within the constraints of the existing railroad and property boundary), 1,100 feet of the man-made stream will have to be relocated. The agencies agreed (DWQ, Corps) that the relocation of the stream will provide sufficient stream functions to meet the mitigation requirements for impacts to Stream 1. Also, the intermittent streams impacted with associated wetland impact areas will be compensated by the mitigation (restoration/creation) of in-kind wetlands for those wetland impacts. Lastly, the DWQ and Corps agreed in the field review that the linear-foot rule would not apply for stream impacts in the proposed site design. Martin Marietta will pursue compensation of wetland impacts to 2.82 acres of bottomland hardwood wetlands through the Wetland Restoration Program or through an approved mitigation r bank for the Cape Fear River Basin. Based on DWQ guidelines, through compensation ratios, the total amount of mitigated wetlands necessary to compensate for the 2.82 acres of impacts is 10.54 acres. The approach of compensation for wetland mitigation will be necessary due to the unsuccessful search for mitigation (restoration/creation) opportunities on-site, adjacent to the property, or within the watershed. a Page 10 L I Recommendations Upon review of the available resources, and after field investigations, it was determined that there were no practical or feasible opportunities for mitigation on-site or adjacent to the property. Nor were there any identified sites within the watershed. KHA recommends that MMA pursue wetland mitigation through the NC Wetland Restoration Program (WRP) or purchase credits through an approved mitigation bank. Discussions with Ken Jolly of the Raleigh office, Corps Wilmington District, revealed that there are no Corps-approved wetland mitigation banks in Lee County (or the jurisdictional area of the Corps Raleigh office in the Cape Fear River Basin), nor are there any identified areas of prior- converted croplands that he is aware of. The site is located near the boundaries of the Corps Wilmington District's Raleigh and Wilmington offices. Mr. Jolly recommended that KHA contact the Wilmington office for their input. Ernest Jahnke (Office Manager, Wilmington office, Wilmington District, Corps) was contacted. He stated that there were no mitigation banks in that region that he was aware of, but he recommended that we contact Jeff Richter. We then contacted Mr. Richter (Wilmington office, Corps Wilmington District), and he confirmed that there were no Corps-approved mitigation banks within his region (Lee County and adjacent counties), but he mentioned that a private mitigation bank, Barrow Farms located in Cumberland County, was developed for use by the NC Department of Transportation (NCDOT) in the Cape Fear River Basin and the Sand Hills Region of the state. He indicated that Mr. Scott McLendon of the Corps permitted that bank. We then contacted Scott McLendon (Corps, Wilmington office). He said that Barrow Farms is an approved wetland mitigation bank for the Cape Fear River Basin with the ability to sell credits, but that it did not include the area of Lee County or the hydrologic unit in which the site is located. Also, the bank is approved to compensate for mitigation of wet flat-type wetlands only. Lastly, he mentioned that the Corps would be willing to engage in conversation with the banker and MMA to discuss the possible inclusion of Lee County in the region of the mitigation bank, Page 11 I and possible compensation ratios for mitigating bottomland hardwood wetland with the bank's wet flat mitigation credits. However, those conversations would need to be initiated by the Corps permit reviewer for the MMA permit application. In the event that a mitigation bank would not be available, Ken Jolly recommended that MMA work through the WRP to meet mitigation requirements for the site. The cost to purchase credits through the Wetland Restoration Program are $24,000 per mitigated acre of riparian wetlands and $12,000 per mitigated acre of non-riparian wetlands. The cost is calculated by rounding up to the nearest 0.25 acres. The total compensation to be paid to WRP for wetland mitigation will be determined based upon Corps and DWQ approval for wetland type and acreage. 1 L I Page 12 Martin Marietta Aggregates P.O. Box 30013 Raleigh, North Carolina 27622-0013 Telephone: (919) 781-4550 I June 1, 1999 Mr. James M. Eisenhardt Kimley-Horn and Associates P. O. Box 33068 Raleigh, N. C. 27636-3068 Dear Mr. Eisenhardt: Pursuant to your request, we have investigated the potential purchase of several parcels in the immediate vicinity of the Lemon Springs Quarry for use as wetland mitigation. The sites pursued were those that your initial mitigation search conducted per our request for satisfying Section 404/401 permitting requirements, indicated may contain lands suitable for mitigation that meets current agency (Corps and NCDENR) standards. The following is a summary of the efforts made to date to purchase the recommended sites. The attached map shows (in yellow) the different properties sought without success. The Bullard property was the main tract sought for mitigation purposes, since this property has a stream running through it and there is some adjoining swampland already in place. These negotiations have been fruitless and it is not anticipated that Mr. Bullard will sell to us in the future. The second best tract sought for wetland mitigation was the McIver tract, which is located to the north of the property. There are numerous unknown heirs to this property and we have determined that it will be very difficult if not impossible to negotiate a purchase of this tract. The Godfrey family was contacted, however all we were able to acquire was a right of way leading to our Coe Tract (Number III on the map). Although the wetland mitigation potential of these properties was poor, the Willett and Norman properties were sought, however the owners were not interested in selling. The Sellers property to the south of the operation has promise for both pit expansion and possibly some wetland mitigation areas, however the owner has not been willing to seriously discuss a sale. t June 1, 1999 Mr. James M. Eisenhardt Kimley-Horn and Associates Page 2 In summary, serious work has been conducted at Lemon Springs Quarry in an attempt to purchase land suitable for wetland mitigation, however to date this effort has been without success. Sincerely, Robert W. Edwards /rwe cc: Steve Whitt LEMON SPRINGS QUARRY PROPERTY M, SCALE: 1" = 1000' ' G?+ovFRE?( M?Z?ER HICKORY HOUSE R III ;Z O = W ? LL, I II y t' r ). 'y??? ?('1` fl}?(n S ?tl ?i4?rj( 7 !S ? .! ! i1??+_? 1 ` , bif 1 ? f '?'tt 't r fll'I itt I ?r""?tl r ? i ,'?? ? "ryt !I f {Y11?? N.? ? t ?ff ``y f4`'I ?'' Y 1E ! ?? ]? ' 1{ t y !? y Al I ;• "a • ?,?gjQ',1 r ? ' ,, . /? ,.u?ilJ?r`. .r 1)'?r' ? ? _ '?(, t ' r ,1 ? 1: ?"4?/?? , ?:• t.•. by t N y.?' 11 l,dr• ' jr! / •I r r?" .} ' n 3 X1.1 T r ?' SJ y.;j ! a ? i t (r 1 ? i i t wA a '`1'l, " t??k? ?T 'i ?Q i .' ? i 1 ? r / + 7?1 1f r, •. r ?i r ,r fy Cj7{?iS? r ?r3fi, ' `. 77 S k+' f, f i. 71M r `'fC!!', . rY 4 rrrr { •/dg,??/ ' , dv yrsdl, •? I t t,?' r? n y?? 1! ?h J `"? `.? rr/lta, a! .'? ?' ?' f'? '?•,?.f` .r• ? ?' ?:?, 1 I/?.1 ? 1f I;t/ X f-+: ?, j c jrL3'1 ?' fi ?S ?r????"^ ? 5' Photo 1: South view taken from the on-site field (potential mitigation site 2, Figure 5) between Wetland A-B looking towards the field edge where the two wetland "fingers" merge. Photo is also representative of the on-site potential mitigation Site 1, Figure 5. r?f ? } r r ? ? t,c rl?'4?, i.` 4 f t•, ! , It,; 4 tI 1' ,j, nI [ ••,glll P ??. •I 4 ! !.. I 1.1 1 •: M v ...i. 5.1+_.?,?V'r-?"A7'?'d ._. L2:a'Q'± -i ' rrl'1 .ii '' ?if• ?1!:a:..F? Photo 2: West view of the same field as in Photo 1. The slope at the field edge drops off significantly. 2117 Title: Site Photographs Project: Martin Marietta Aggregates ' Kimley-Horn Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion `_ and Associates Inc. Lemon Springs, North Carolina I Lee County Date: Scale: Project No. Appendix: 6/29199 NA 011185.03 B Photo 3: Southeast view into the wetland area taken from the field edge adjacent to Wetland A-B. The photo is representative of the on-site potential mitigation Sites 1 and 2. Photo 4: East view of the stream segment between Wetlands P and R. Title: Site Photographs Project: Martin Marietta Aggregates Kimley-Horn Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion Lemon Springs, North Carolina \ and Associates, Inc. Lee County Date: Scale: Project No. Appendix: 6/29/99 NA 011185.03 B i N6. 'fr, i KZ. 1 A%L 1 SAII 1 i Photo 5: South view of the ?u-c2,t between Wetlands P and R. The photograph is taken from the stream bank (stream is east of the photo). 'k?CxY•' yrs. ?? ?" T- ltYAi ti 1,W?f k r? { + ? t'' ,t'I -'' i ? f.a ?L.,:F b ?•'?ti '+ ?:?1 h3 `i ??4,?? •? It ? r ,yer??'a?+ , v y ? ? X I{+ , ? ? ! ? ? Jr`I Sr ?+Sf . l ri +y ? r a ; > .7' k t ?`? } r Q? t s?,. ?r y I ?? r I ?: 4 r i ar ? lt?t ? ? {'t ? I ? - I 1y if ? •J I f >t ,{, 'Ir ! `y ?;- ? r !> ?yr k{? ?? ? t t ? r ?.? ??? 'it!!/; ,1?'t'r ?o r tiT.r t/tr !i# Cr ?. f) ?r tit; y+{'} t. r 1, 1... Z ? 1 ? I ;y>? ? } ?.r ? f ? ? ?? ,?iy y?? ?4 7 n`?. E1" 1 ? •rv j? y • l ! f• 1 1ti i+d ? ?. -`LYE,?1?..?lt+?l4'?i,if:,.sa.t`..???My ?.. ,. ,r?..Sr 'uY'; '..:.,..1+ ?..?Y::.?ir?a.-:s,r:.???.?' t,4_`?'t.'4A4.S}i•? 1 Photo 6: North view of the adjacent property (McIver property, Figure 5) north of the site. The area is a meadow adjacent to a wetland/stream. Title: Site Photographs Project: Martin Marietta Aggregates 1 PPI. Kimley-Horn Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion and Associates, inc. Lemon Springs, North Carolina Lee County ' Date: Scale: Project No. Appendix: 6/29/99 NA 011185.03 B t Photo 7: West view of the adjacent property (Bullard property, Figure 5). The area is predominantly wetland due to alteration from beavers. Photo 8: North view of the adjacent property (Bullard property, Figure 5) taken from the property boundar} Title: Site Photographs Project: Martin Marietta Aggregates ' IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN " Kimley-Horn Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion `_ and Associates, Inc. Lemon Springs, North Carolina Lee County F eScale: Project No. Appendix: 9199 NA 011185.03 B Photo 9: Downstream view (south) of the man-made stream approximately midway between the B-B and C-C cross sections (Appendix E) along the 1 100-foot stream section to be relocated. 1 Photo 10: Up>_.!... 'll?2WII 111J17ro.Clnlatel? nlldv (Appendix E) along the 1100-foot stream section to be relocated. ' Title: Site Photographs Project: PPPP'= F1 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. ,ay between the B-B and C-C cross sections Martin Marietta Aggregates Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion Lemon Springs, North Carolina Lee County ' Date: Scale: Project No. Appendix: 6/29/99 NA 011185.03 B z .IF Il:J Photo 11: West bank of the man-made stream taken approximately 250 feet upstream of cross section B-B (Appendix E). Note the bank and instability and the depth of the cut for the construction of the stream. Title: Site Photographs I PPPF- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN F1 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Project: Martin Marietta Aggregates Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion Lemon Springs, North Carolina Lee County Date: Scale: Project No. Appendix. 6/29/99 NA 011185.03 B Photo 12: Culverts (7 feet in diameter) underneath Minter School Road. i Photo 13: A representative photo of the predominant bottomland hardwood wetlands on-site and adjacent to the property. Title: Site Photographs Project: Martin Marietta Aggregates ' Kimley-Horn Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion and Associates, Inc. Lemon Springs, North Carolina Lee County Date: Scale: Project No. Appendix: 6/29/99 NA 011185.03 B COE Data Form: Routine wetland delineation Project Site: NfXrla ?MarteN Date: S-U-r) Applicant/Owner: N.y+, N1u?tL?,A County: UL Investigator: i U T PfL State: N c- Ali 1-? Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? v39 No Community ID: A 1--+ Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes ® Transect ID: Is the area a potential Problem Area? Yes Plot ID: (if needed, explain on reverse) I =f- 'r A 1"T1l7,T Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator P 1. 6uw--. te.- PACIt 9. anjc?,•?_ N F 2, a b 6 L to. US l=AS 11. 4 tA LAV%A w ?C 12. . ? 5 ? v J 13. ., . 6. Pita 1 w 6 14. 1 7. z3 PA :8 ? 15. 3. V fix 16. i) Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-) bD C b Remarks: LTVTIU nr n! =V Recorded data (Describe in remarks): Wetland Hydrology Indicators: _ Stream, Lake or Tide Gauge Primary Indicators: Aerial Photographs Inundated Other "K Saturated in Upper 12 Inches No recorded data available )( Water Marks y Drift Lines <_ Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Field Observations: Secondary Indicators: 1Z W f () Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches ater. ace Depth of Sur Water-Stained Leaves Depth to Free Water in Pit: > ?L (in.) _ Local Soil Survey Data _ FAC•Neutral Test •., t Depth to Saturated Soil: (in.) Other (Explain in Remarks) _ Remarks: L 1 1 t 0f"NTT c Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): bt7 qv. Taxonomy (subgroup): , - `e?} J ' Drainage Class: W Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? Yes No Profile Description: Depth (inches) Horizon Matrix Color (Munsell Moist) Mottle Color (Munsell Moist) Mottle Abundance/Contrast Texture, Concretions, Structures, etc. .? A U'. Mau J?m -? t ti.S s z Z.s ajz r s Hydric Soil Indicators: Histosol Histic Epipedon X Sulfidic Odor Aquic Moisture Regime Reducing Conditions _ (Z Glayed or Low-Chroma Colors Concretions High Organic Content In Surface Laver in Sandy Soils Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Listed in Hydric Soils List Listed on National Hydric Soils List Other (explain in remarks) Remarks: WFTT.A"i nF.T1Z.RNTTNA110N Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? es No Wetland Hydrology Present? No Hydric Soils Present? No (n? ++ Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? Yes N`o(,?,, --- Remarks: Wk" W?11- --L ?D l?A? ? ll? °?->? alL?csLV? Vvti'}t? Q^'46 ? ?i`?T`?• COE Data Form: Routine wetland delineation Project Site: M ,, ;g. Date: 512-4-119 Applicant/Owner: Mar N M-All' A, County: 1 Pi, Investigator: To •t?(t-- State: NL Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? Yes No Community ID: ,+ D l W-,94 Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes No Transect ID: Is the area a potential Problem Area? Yes No Plot ID: - (if needed, explain on reverse) X =r--'UT A TTn-NT Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1. I°plc 9 1 OS c. 9. 2. Uwe 05 F-A'-- 10. 3 4.\,yJ]? _ 5 AL Ul W 11. 12. 13. 5. u'l & 6. Ca? N 1sACW 14. 7. H bF) 15. 3. S v%wZ MA6 rn D6i-- 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-) Remarks: UVnD nT n(_v 4, Recorded data (Describe in remarks): Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Stream, Lake or Tide Gauge Primary Indicators: X Aerial Photographs 1Y, inundated x Other v645 x Saturated in Upper 12 Inches No recorded data available N Water Marks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Field Observations: Secondary Indicators: ?) } W t (?) f f ? Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches ater. Sur ace Depth o Water-Stained Leaves Depth to Free Water in Pit: (in.) Local Soil Survey Data _ FAC-Neutral Test Depth to Saturated Soil: D (in.) Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: i QnTT Q Map Unit Name d Ph \JIJ C i Ka S Drainage Class: 1f151'H d q es an ase): er i ( Field Observations Taxonomy (subgroup): Confirm Mapped Type? Yes No Profile Descrimion: Matrix Color Mottle Color Mottle Texture, Concretions, Depth (inches) Horizon (Munsell Moist) (Munsell Moist) Abundance!Contrast Structures, etc. o -? Yt 49? a4;? - ?? - ??? 0 3r? 2 s 1 3 Cw ?. Hydric Soil Indicators: Histosol Concretions Histic Epipedon High Organic Content In Surface Laver in Sandv Soils Sulfidic Odor Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Aquic Moisture Regime K Listed in Hydric Soils List Reducing Conditions . Listed on National Hydric Soils List X Glayed or Low-Chroma Colors Other (explain in remarks) Remarks: WETLA?IND DETERIvIINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes No Wetland Hydrology Present? No Hydric Soils Present? No Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? Ye No Remarks: I IJ 11 COE Data Form: Routine wetland delineation Project Site: M MCA- Date: County: [Q Applicant/Owner: M Investigator: -?D ?- State: We- Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? ® No Community ID: E ?- Z Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes ? Transect ID: is the area a potential Problem Area? Yes N Plot ID: (if needed, explain on reverse) c rT i-T^T A TTlIAT •i..va. as a.iv Dominant Plant Species 1..,-A - Stratum - Indicator f1'V Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 9. 1 4 DS 2 PAS- . 10. ?fl 3. 4. M ; f" AL. A DS H 11. 12. 5. ?. 4s ??r _ AL 13. 6. NK?R AL1N't 14. 7. fl tn) 15. 3.1 C+c_ ?_ rf\G (? 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-) Remarks: T T'% T71T%r%T ^t- 111 L1?VLVV 1 Recorded data (Describe in remarks): Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Stream, Lake or Tide Gauge Primary Indicators: X Aerial Photographs _ Inundated Other X Saturated in Upper 12 Inches No recorded data available :_ Water Marks Y Drift Lines _ Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Field Observations: _ Secondary Indicators: W (?) _ Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches ater: Depth of Surface Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data Depth to Free Water in Pit: (m) FAC-Neutral Test (in il ) _ Other (Explain in Remarks) . : Depth to Saturated So Remarks: 1 t Qnff Q Map Unit Name , 1 (Series and Phase): W Lw Taxonomy (subgroup): p (? Drainage Class: rtM'U AJ Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? e No Profile Description: Depth (inches) Horizon Matrix Color (Munsell Moist) Mottle Color (Munsell Moist) Mottle Abundance/Contrast Texture, Concretions, Structures, etc. - )? A b / 1 51 Snw ti L?- Hydric Soil Indicators: Histosol Concretions Histic Epipedon High Organic Content In Surface Laver in Sulfidic Odor Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Aquic Moisture Regime Listed in Hydric Soils List Reducing Conditions Listed on National Hydric Soils List X Glayed or Low-Chroma Colors Other (explain in remarks) Sandy Soils Remarks: WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? No Wetland Hydrology Present? No Hydric Soils Present? ?e No 1 ` Q Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? L es No Remarks: d1??iCt.Dt ?Nu? V `"^"^ ?11.i? YbT M-1I M G 1 r n COE Data Form: Routine wetland delineation Project Site: MAQ??vo MNNSTHA Date: C? -Lo - Applicant/Owner: Mr,ttT?;a kkfta VN County: Up- State: N C? Investigator: 'TD -t Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? Community ID: G 1- Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes No Transect ID: Is the area a potential Problem Area? Yes Plot ID: - (if needed, explain on reverse) 1 r t It Ty,i c A TTll7?i ?LVL1 1 Dominant Plant Species 1. A - I- Stratum )S Indicator Fes- Dominant Plant Svecies Ww cuRU.- V 10J Stratum Indicator VS OFO L- 2. NP A, M"Ip i)! A . M L ` 3. 'C , ro % c Ill. 4. S w?.` ?- J%(,t 12. 5. ? _ T-AC \-J 13. 6. , i N L 14. 7. v\ 4 \, ?A 15. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC ( excluding FAC-) Remarks: T-T"T T) nT f1P_V Recorded data (Describe in remarks): Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Stream, Lake or Tide Gauge Pntnary Indicators: K Aerial Photographs )( Inundated Other X Saturated in Upper 12 Inches No recorded data available x Water Marks k Drift Lines Sediment Deposits x Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Field Observations: Secondary Indicators: W h f S f (?) Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches ater: ace Dept o ur Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data Depth to Free Water in Pit: (in.) _ FAC-Neutral Test Depth to Saturated Soil: D (in.) Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: cnrT c Map Unit Name I I (Series and Phase): thu cU Taxonomy (subgroup): p Drainage Class: ?M )4-?a Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? Yes No Profile Description: Matrix Color Mottle Color Mottle Texture, Concretions, Depth (inches) Horizon (Munsell Moist) (Munsell Moist) Abundance/Contrast Structures, etc. o - Z ?0 Y-L e -. Z - l 2.S sji lm ?4 SA m Hydric Soil Indicators: Histosol Concretions Histic Epipedon High Organic Content In Surface Laver in Sandy Soils Sulfidic Odor Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Aquic Moisture Regime X_ Listed in Hydric Soils List Y, Reducing Conditions Listed on National Hydric Soils List x Glayed or Low-Chroma Colors Other (explain in remarks) Remarks: WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? a No Wetland Hydrology Present? No n? LL No Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? Yes No Hydric Soils Present? es Remarks: --a4a 1 Al ?6W "19 MA'%4& Gj\.* COE Data Form: Routine wetland delineation t t t 1 Project Site:.N%4u-v*'N Mg(Lieyyl\ Date: S -')p -cr? Applicant/Owner: YV1ega,a Mra?? ty:JfZ7 Investigator: 70 r t td State: N - Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? Yds Community ID: (- )3 Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? 4?p- No Transect ID: Is the area a potential Problem Area? Yes E Plot ID: (if needed, explain on reverse) VFrFT A TTOM Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1. Qb;so- ?'`-A 1+ -t:Ac- 9. 2. bN Qv,? IAe- #-'AL 10. _ 3. 0-4_ C 11. 5. vvh P?- FAO 13. 6 W NI K V ?- 14. . T? _ 15. 8. 16. c 0 Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-) S I is Remarks: i4vn'P nT nc.Y Recorded data (Describe in remarks): Wetland Hydrology Indicators: _ Stream, Lake or Tide Gauge Primary Indicators: Aerial Photographs X Inundated Other 'r Saturated in Upper 12 Inches No recorded data available Water Marks X Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Field Observations: Secondary Indicators: (in ) W f S f D h Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches . ater. ept ur ace o X Water-Stained Leaves Depth to Free Water in Pit: (in.) Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Depth to Saturated Soil: ? (in.) Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: 1 I t s CnTT Q Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): C?1M^?'?` Taxonomy (subgroup): n Drainage Class: *-?L *D vv? ?1t,paN.t? Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? Yes No Profile Description: Depth (inches) Horizon Matrix Color (Mtmsell Moist) Mottle Color (Munseil Moist) Mottle Abundance!Contrast Texture, Concretions, Structures, etc. - 3 A '0 ig- -46- A A Z fJ 7 2 'O 4 S ,,b7y r? Hydric Soil Indicators: Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor Aquic Moisture Regime Reducing Conditions Glayed or Low-Chroma Colors Concretions High Organic Content In Surface Laver in Sandy Soils Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Listed in Hydric Soils List Listed on National Hydric Soils List Other (explain in remarks) Remarks: Si ('V4 WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? a No Wetland Hydrology Present? No Hydric Soils Present? No Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? No Remarks: UCA?-? ?wDOI 1 t COE Data Form: Routine wetland delineation Project Site: A0.??r? MAmS'A Date: s' --L' -?? Applicant/Owner:?AAgriTa MmNgM County: lsQ Investigator: TD 4 pIL State: NY-- f Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? Yes Community ID: I-1 Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes Transect ID: Is the area a potential Problem Area? Yes gNo Plot ID: (if needed, explain on reverse) 7?l--'CT A TTIIAT Dominant Plant S ecies Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1. ?le. ??S 1!PG. 9. 2.? ?uw. OS ?AG? 10. 14 4. ?' bS SAG u 12. 5. l'wl;o ??1 FflC 13. j 4( Vr 6.1 US MSL 14. t 7. US ?- 15. 3. 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-) n1 6 elb Remarks: LT'%M ] nr n(-.V Recorded data (Describe in remarks): Wetland Hydrology Indicators: _ Stream, Lake or Tide Gauge Primary Indicators: Aerial Photographs Inundated Other X Saturated in Upper 12 Inches No recorded data available k Water Marks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits X Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Field Observations: Secondary Indicators: } lp (in ) W D h f S f Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches . ater: ur ace ept o _ Water-Stained Leaves Depth to Free `Vater in Pit: (in.) _ Local Soil Survey Data _ FAC-Neutral Test Depth to Saturated Soil: ? (in.) Other (Explain in Remarks) - Remarks: enrT c F ap Unit Name Series and Phase): Yv,?1^ 0 ti. Drainage Class: V?7t? Field Observations Taxonomy (subgroup): Confirm Mapped Type? Yes No Profile Description: Depth (inches) Horizon Matrix Color (Munsell Moist) Mottle Color (Munsell Moist) Mottle Abundance/Contrast Texture, Concretions, Structures, etc. p -tip >A 5?3 Ib IA? ?? <l g"-' S 0 - !?? r ?1 Z 7. Srl? ?6w Ss QQ ?.trAh?'? Hydric Soil Indicators: Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor Aquic Moisture Regime Reducing Conditions ? Glayed or Low-Chroma Colors Concretions High Organic Content In Surface Laver in Sandv Soils Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Listed in Hydric Soils List Listed on National Hydric Soils List Other (explain in remarks) Remarks: \I > ? $9 ? lS 1/'1(`b 1 ?l2 (LAV4 of 4N WETLAND DETEPLMII AnON Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? No Wetland Hydrology Present? Ye No Hydric Soils Present? es No Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? re No Remarks: I?v?a ?- l COE Data Form: Routine wetland delineation Project Site: Mm4i l Date: S - Zv -F o Applicant/Owner: MSS Mama. °? County: ECG Investigator: 1 o -t f R- State: t?C? Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? No Community ID: r 1-L Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes co Transect ID: Is the area a potential Problem Area? Yes No Plot ID: (if needed, explain on reverse) t f /'+ a TT e-VX T ? LVLil-111V1? Dominant Plant Species Stratum indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 9. 2.1LA I i S l=AC_ 10. 3. <<1 L Mg? - cam. 12. 13. 5. 6. 14. 15. 3. 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC ( excluding FAC-) I M5% Remarks: J1 T " T11 T% I-% 11 1 a.i l?vivv i Recorded data (Describe in remarks): Wetland Hydrology Indicators: X Stream, Lake or Tide Gauge Primary Indicators: X Aerial Photographs Inundated Other X Saturated in Upper 12 Inches No recorded data available Water Marks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits X Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Field Observations: Secondary Indicators: tiV f (m) Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches ater. ace Depth of Sur _ Water-Stained Leaves >I D (in ) Pi i o X Local Soil Survey Data . t: n Depth t Free Water _ FAC-Neutral Test (in ) il _ Other (Explain in Remarks) . Depth to Saturated So : Remarks: t n nrr n J V iL ?.J Map Unit Name ?pp and Phase): ?thad - i S p Drainage Class: qv-IM ?ULJ es er ( Field Observations Taxonomy (subgroup): Confirm Mapped Type? No Profile Description: Matrix Color Mottle Color Mottle Texture, Concretions, Depth (inches) Horizon (Munsell Moist) (yfunsell Moist) Abundance!Contrast Structures, etc. 6_ ID?q- y/l 7-r LiC 4A 5'J Pl, f JI)A( 3? "J.S r 8 (vw ?.., laa. , Hydric Soil Indicators: Histosol Concretions Histic Epipedon High Organic Content In Surface Laver in Sandy Soils Sulfidic Odor Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Aquic Moisture Regime x Listed in Hydric Soils List Reducing Conditions Listed on National Hydric Soils List X Glaved or Low-Chroma Colors Other (explain in remarks) Remarks: wvrrr ANn n1w1rr'Qk nNATTnv Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? No Wetland Hydrology Present? No Hydric Soils Present? n No Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? (Ye No Remarks: ?JiA ?a v.a G,4 -"D VVT--0-L . 11 tL H.1YN\UI COE Data Form: Routine wetland delineation t Project Site: M"k .A Date:_ -11115.10 Applicant/Owner: 1A ,. County: L"- Investigator: -kQ -ti-Ag State: t (-, Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? Yes Community ID: Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Ye Transect ID: - Is the area a potential Problem Area? Y Plot ID: _ (if needed, explain on reverse) L Wc71wd( C? twJUFC Ub rL6?4? G,1?' Vj?j[1J?r GL(iTly? VF(;FT A TTON a 1 Dominant Plant S ecies Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1. VS 9. 2. &Lk V51- D3 _ 10. 3 ns Acs 11. . 4. IV!4 L 12. 5. F nLFIl4 ?'c_ 13. 6. 14. 15. 3. 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-) Remarks: t1vT-N'DnT n!'=v Recorded data (Describe in remarks): Wetland Hydrology Indicators: _ Stream, Lake or Tide Gauge Primary Indicators: X Aerial Photographs x Inundated Other < Saturated in Upper 12 Inches No recorded data available x Water Marks X Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Field Observations: Secondary Indicators: W h f f (?) Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches ater. Dept o Sur ace Water-Stained Leaves Depth to Free Water in Pit: (in.) Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Depth to Saturated Soil: (in.) _ Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: 1-1/'j S ? G a WA l eavu aG?ll, I (r l?g? 1 L i 1 1 l 1 1 cnTT c Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): Taxonomy (subgroup): Drainage Class: I ITnL jmivtl Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? 0 No Profile Description: Depth (inches) Horizon Matrix Color (Munsell Moist) Mottle Color (Munsell Moist) Mottle Abundance!Contrast Texture, Concretions, Structures, etc. p- ,d r2 " r ?l M ,Ap- Hydric Soil Indicators: Histosol Concretions Histic Epipedon High Organic Content In Surface Laver in Sandy Soils Sulfidic Odor Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Aquic Moisture Regime A Listed in Hydric Soils List Reducing Conditions Listed on National Hydric Soils List A_ Glayed or Low-Chroma Colors Other (explain in remarks) Remarks: SA A `A1+11A C"' N'A WF.TT.ANn DETFRMTNATiON Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? No Wetland Hydrology Present? Y No Hydric Soils Present? Ye No Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? Oe No Remarks: fsiw,1,4 V4 1a A WA _` 4v%-\ 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 i COE Data Form: Routine wetland delineation Project Site: MwIr- t44Y, c? Date: Applicant/Owner: M*A; Mi,n' State: _ NC, Investigator: M -t 1`(ZA State: k. Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? Ye No Community ID: 1- 21 t? i-?v Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes Transect ID: - L )-?,a Is the area a potential Problem Area? Yes ?c Plot ID: - (if needed, explain on reverse) X rT^/^L•T A TTlIAT 1 LVY 1 a i 1. Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator A(J Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 9. 1. 5y 'a 6- t, s, f Tul.? Polol,r bt FA 10. 3. (l d ??>r vs 11. 4. IA PG ?J 12 - L 14. 7. C 15. 16. 3. ? Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-) (7? ?n I Remarks: LT'?1T1D nT nr-v Recorded data (Describe in remarks): Wetland Hydrology Indicators: _ Stream, Lake or Tide Gauge Primary Indicators: Aerial Photographs Inundated Saturated in Upper 12 Inches Other No recorded data available Water Marks x Drift Lines x Sediment Deposits X Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Field Observations: Secondary Indicators: W Z (?) _ Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches ater. Depth of Surface A Water-Stained Leaves Depth to Free Water in Pit: >(in.) _ Local Soil Survey Data _ F.-\C-Neutral Test Depth to Saturated Soil: 2 (in.) _ Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: 1 1 1 onTT c vMap Unit Name Q ] L MAM p Draina e Class: ?A ?a a & (Series and Phase): (,lid g Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? Yes N Taxonomy (subgroup): Profile Description: Nfatrie Color Mottle Color Mottle Texture, Concretions, Depth (inches) Horizon (Munsell Moist) (Munsell Moist) Abundance!Contrast Structures, etc. d- I A 1 Di(L `? 1, 1, S Yx s/t s"' a 11 rrp C L"qY L;0,5i 1 -7- I `E { ??`i2 34 7S YlL MAN; LAAir (,L-4q' I-ztlw\ 7 Hydric Soil Indicators: Histosol Concretions Histic Epipedon High Organic Content In Surface Laver in Sandy Soils ,. Sulfidic Odor Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Aquic Moisture Regime Listed in Hydric Soils List Reducing Conditions Listed on National Hydric Soils List X Glaved or Low-Chroma Colors Other (explain in remarks) Remarks: WETLAND DETEP-M NATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? No Wetland Hydrology Present? (Pq No Hydric Soils Present? No Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? Yes No Remarks: Vj r,+ t6u i - 1 r L [J COE Data Form: Routine wetland delineation Project Site: M-'rte MarA4 Date: Applicant/Owner: M.A A6iJ ^ County: L - Investigator: V -W A PtL- State: r y-- Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? No Community ID: P 1-?a (ll-gv is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes Transect ID: Is the area a potential Problem Area? Yes i Plot ID: - (if needed, explain on reverse) rTnL'T A TTf-%XT l.va. i. ... . . ominant Plant Soecies Stratum indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator [[2. 10. 11 4 . 12 . 13. 5. 14. 6. 15. S. 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-) Remarks: TS -'T-A nT (1!-11V 111 Li?vLVV i Recorded data (Descrfoe in remarks): Wetland Hydrology Indicators: _ Stream, Lake or Tide Gauge Primary Indicators: Aerial Photographs Inundated Other Saturated in Upper 12 Inches X No recorded data available Water darks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Field Observations: Secondary Indicators: Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches Depth of Surface Water. _ Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data Depth to Free Water in Pit: (in.) _ _ FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) Depth to Saturated Soil: (in.) _ Remarks: E, t V r%rr c u va.rv Map Unit Name 1 I (Series and Phase): wtQ?•(? Taxonomy (subgroup): n Drainage Class: ?Fnk Field Observations Confirm dapped Type? Yes No Profile Description: Depth (inches) Horizon Matrix Color (Mansell Moist) Mottle Color (iVlunseil Moist) Mottle Abundance: Contrast Texture, Concretions, Structures, etc. - ?0 - I Z? B a z -7 -s S MA Lam.,, I Hydric Soil Indicators: Histosol Concretions Histic Epipedon High Organic Content In Surface Laver in Sandy Soils Sulfidic Odor Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Aquic Moisture Regime _ 7, Listed in Hydric Soils List Reducing Conditions Listed on National Hydric Soils List y, Glayed or Low-Chroma Colors Other (explain in remarks) Remarks: WFTT.ANT) nF.TF.RViTNATTnN Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? a No Wetland Hydrology Present? No Hydric Soils Present?n es No Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? es No Remarks: COE Data Form: Routine wetland delineation Project Site: MoA+?- tA*iJ Applicant/Owner:ani-;,? til t? a Investigator: k,(11u? P{L Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? No is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes Is the area a potential Problem Area? Yes (if needed, explain on reverse) t t ? 1 /?T^T A TTI,kT Date: -I- 1S% 9? County: (.,g, State: jg& Community ID: UT Ar - TransectID: Plot ID: I- JL 14 1 -,I I Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator _ 2 Ttw 10. _ 3. 1f r --- -- 11. 4 W110- - J 1?. . 14. 6 7 15. 3. 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-) ?? Remarks: ? I 64 TSNrrIU nT nr =v Recorded data (Describe in remarks): Wetland Hydrology Indicators: _ Stream, Lake or Tide Gauge Primary Indicators: Aerial Photographs Inundated Other Saturated in Upper 12 Inches No recorded data available Water Marks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Field Observations: Secondary Indicators: W (?) _ Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches ater. Depth of Surface _ Water-Stained Leaves 10 (in ) Pi i Wa _ Local Soil Survey Data . t: n Depth to Free ter _ FAC-Neutral Test ?A7 (in ) _ Other (Explain in Remarks) . epth to Saturated Soil: D Remarks: V 1 I 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 i 4Z (')TT IR M F ap Unit Name (Series and Phase): fl A Drainage Class: -a A Field Observations Taxonomy (subgroup): Confirm Mapped Type? Ye No Profile Description: lfatriY Color Mottle Color Mottle Texture, Concretions, Depth (inches) Horizon (Mansell Moist) (ivlunsell Moist) Abundance!Contrast I Structures, etc. '? P 1 0 'PIL- ?J . `pa- I-A - - CIA l l - I i Hydric Soil Indicators: Histosol Concretions Histic Epipedon High Organic Content In Surface Laver in Sandy Soils Sulfidic Odor Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Aquic Moisture Regime Listed in Hydric Soils List Reducing Conditions Listed on National Hydric Soils List Glaved or Low-Chroma Colors Other (explain in remarks) Remarks: WFTT.AND DFTVRMTNATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes o Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes Hydric Soils Present? Yes Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? Yes o Remarks: V ?' 1 -1 J ? t 'J COE Data Form: Routine wetland delineation Project Site: Mao" hWuAll Date: I- Ism' Applicant/Owner: (?e„?}•.._ ?(u??t;?n County: LU Investigator: K.(UA 4 L State: rill_ Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? Yes No Community ID: -.Q elk Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes No Transect ID: Is the area a potential Problem Area? Yes No Plot ID: (if needed, explain on reverse) I - /PTT ? TT!'1A T Y LVL L"A LV1I Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1. Pt AM- 9. _ 2. a ?s - - 10. 11 . 5. ors. e r, ?wv 13. 6.-'.k _ _ 14. 15. 3. 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-) I Remarks: J n i t?nvi..vv 1 Recorded data (Describe in remarks): Weiland Hydrology Indicators: _ Stream, Lake or Tide Gauge Primary Indicators: Aerial Photographs Inundated Other Saturated in Upper 12 Inches X No recorded data available Water Marks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Field Observations: Secondary Indicators: W (m ) Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches ater. Depth of Surface - _ Water-Stained Leaves Depth to Free Water in Pit: 1 ? (in.) _ Local Soil Survey Data _ FAC-Neutral Test (in ) _ Other (Explain in Remarks) . Depth to Saturated Soil: Remarks: 00" t w QCVT Q Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): w 'F, (,At-Drainage Class: Field Observations Taxonomy (subgroup): Confirm Mapped Type? Ye No Profile Description: Matrix Color Mottle Color Mottle Texture, Concretions, Depth (inches) Horizon (Munsell Moist) (Munsell Moist) Abundance/Contrast Structures, etc. b ' L b. ID ?lL SIB '- - S ?? dA. (th Hydric Soil Indicators: Histosol Concretions Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor High Organic Content In Surface Laver in Sandy Soils Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Aquic Moisture Regime Reducing Conditions Glaved or Low-Chroma Colors Listed in Hydric Soils List Listed on National Hydric Soils List Other (explain in remarks) Remarks: WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes N Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes (,qg) Hydric Soils Present? Yes Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? Yes Remarks: U V I w i I 'ru- , ?*t 71 NC DEM Wetland Ranking Form Project Name Martin Marietta Nearest Road Minter School County Lee Wetland Area 0.185 acres Wetland width 30 feet Name of Evaluator TD, PTR (Wetland A-B) Date 5/20/98 Wetland Location Adjacent Land Use (within 1/2 mi upstream, upslope or radius) _ on pond or lake (beaver pond) X forested/natural vegetation 10 % on perennial stream X agriculture, urban/suburban 45 % X on intermittent stream X impervious surface 45 % within interstream divide Soil Series DoA Dominant Vegetation predominantly organic - humus, muck, 1) Black willow or peat 2) Black gum X predominantly mineral - non-sandy 3) Briar - predominantly sandy Hydraulic Factors Flooding and Wetness _ steep topography _ semipermanently to permanently X ditched or channelized flooded or inundated (beaver pond, stream) total wetland within > 100 feet _ seasonally flooded or inundated X intermittently flooded or temporary surface waters _ no evidence of flooding or surface waters Wetland Type (select one)* _ Bottomland hardwood forest Pine savannah _ Headwater forest _ Freshwater marsh Swamp forest _ Bog/fen Wet flat _ Ephemeral wetland Pocosin _ Carolina bay Bog forest X Other Railway ditch * rating system cannot be applied to salt or brackish marshes or stream channels WETLAND RATING weight Water storage 1 X 4.00 = 4 24 Bank/shoreline stabilization 2 X 4.00 = 8 Pollutant removal 1 * X 5.00 = 5 Wildlife habitat 1 X 2.00 = 2 Aquatic life value 1 X 4.00 = 4 Recreation/education 1 X 1.00 = 1 * add 1 point if in sensitive watershed and >10% nonpoint disturbance within 1/2 mile upstream, upslope or radius NC DEM Wetland Ranking Form Project Name Martin Marietta Nearest Road Minter School/Bruce Coggins County Lee Wetland Area 23.258 acres Wetland width >100 feet Name of Evaluator TD, PTR (Wetland C-D-E-G) Date 5/20/98 Wetland Location Adjacent Land Use (within 1/2 mi upstream, upslope or radius) on pond or lake X forested/natural vegetation 90 % X on perennial stream (2 intermittent streams X agriculture, urban/suburban 5 % X on intermittent stream join a perinnial) X impervious surface 5 % within interstream divide Soil Series Wn Dominant Vegetation predominantly organic - humus, muck, 1) Tulip poplar or peat 2) Sweetgum X predominantly mineral - non-sandy 3) Red maple - predominantly sandy Hydraulic Factors Flooding and Wetness steep topography X semipermanently to permanently ditched or channelized flooded or inundated (beaver pond, stream) X total wetland within > 100 feet _ seasonally flooded or inundated intermittently flooded or temporary surface waters _ no evidence of flooding or surface waters Wetland Type (select one)* X Bottomland hardwood forest _ Pine savannah _ Headwater forest _ Freshwater marsh Swamp forest _ Bog/fen _ Wet flat _ Ephemeral wetland Pocosin Carolina bay Bog forest _ _ Other I rating system cannot be applied to salt or brackish marshes or stream channels WETLAND RATING weight Water storage 3 X 4.00 = 12 69 Bank/shoreline stabilization 3 X 4.00 = 12 Pollutant removal 3 * X 5.00 = 15 Wildlife habitat 4 X 2.00 = 8 Aquatic life value 5 X 4.00 = 20 Recreation/education 2 X 1.00 = 2 * add 1 point if in sensitive watershed and >10% nonpoint disturbance within 1/2 mile upstream, upslope or radius NC DEM Wetland Ranking Form Project Name Martin Marietta Nearest Road Hickory House ' County Lee Wetland Area 0.287 acres Wetland width 50 feet Name of Evaluator TD, PTR (Wetland F) Date 5/20/98 1 Wetland Location Adjacent Land Use (within 1/2 mi upstream, upslope or radius) _ on pond or lake X forested/natural vegetation 50 % _ on perennial stream X agriculture, urban/suburban 45 % X on intermittent stream X impervious surface 5 % within interstream divide Soil Series Wn Dominant Vegetation predominantly organic - humus, muck, 1) Juncus effaceous or peat 2) Poaceace spp. X predominantly mineral - non-sandy 3) Oaks - predominantly sandy Hydraulic Factors Flooding and Wetness - steep topography _ semipermanently to permanently X ditched or channelized flooded or inundated (beaver pond, stream) total wetland within > 100 feet _ seasonally flooded or inundated X intermittently flooded or temporary surface waters no evidence of flooding or surface waters Wetland Type (select one)* _ Bottomland hardwood forest _ Pine savannah _ Headwater forest _ Freshwater marsh _ Swamp forest _ Bog/fen X Wet flat (adjacent to a stream draining from a farm pond) Ephemeral Wetland _ Pocosin _ Carolina bay Bog forest _ Other T rating system cannot be applied to salt or brackish marshes or stream channels WETLAND RATING weight Water storage 2 X 4.00 = 8 48 Bank/shoreline stabilization 2 X 4.00 = 8 Pollutant removal 4 * X 5.00 = 20 Wildlife habitat 2 X 2.00 = 4 Aquatic life value 2 X 4.00 = 8 Recreation/education 0 X 1.00 = 0 * add I point if in sensitive watershed and >10% nonpoint disturbance within 1/2 mile upstream, upslope or radius L7, I NC DEM Wetland Ranking Form Project Name Martin Marietta Nearest Road Whitlett and Hickory House ' County Lee Wetland Area 1.417 acres Wetland width 30 (on-site) feet Name of Evaluator TD, PTR (Wetland K) Date 5/20/98 Wetland Location Adjacent Land Use (within 1/2 mi upstream, upslope or radius) _ - X on pond or lake (beaver pond) X forested/natural vegetation 50 % X on perennial stream X agriculture, urban/suburban 45 % on intermittent stream X impervious surface 5 % within interstream divide Soil Series Wn Dominant Vegetation predominantly organic - humus, muck, 1) Loblolly pine or peat 2) Red maple X predominantly mineral - non-sandy 3) Sweetgum - predominantly sandy Hydraulic Factors Flooding and Wetness X steep topography X semipermanently to permanently X ditched or channelized flooded or inundated (beaver pond, stream) total wetland within > 100 feet seasonally flooded or inundated intermittently flooded or temporary surface waters _ no evidence of flooding or surface waters Wetland Type (select one)* _ Bottomland hardwood forest Pine savannah _ Headwater forest _ Freshwater marsh Swamp forest _ Bog/fen Wet flat _ Ephemeral wetland _ Pocosin _ Carolina bay Bog forest X Other beaver pond fi rating system cannot be applied to salt or brackish marshes or stream channels WETLAND RATING weight Water storage 1 X 4.00 = 4 31 Bank/shoreline stabilization 1 X 4.00 = 4 Pollutant removal 2 * X 5.00 = 10 Wildlife habitat 2 X 2.00 = 4 Aquatic life value 2 X 4.00 = 8 Recreation/education 1 X 1.00 = 1 * add 1 point if in sensitive watershed and >10%o nonpoint disturbance within 1/2 mile upstream, upslope or radius 0 fl L NC DEM Wetland Ranking Form Project Name Martin Marietta Nearest Road Minter School County Lee Wetland Area 1.562 acres Wetland width >100 feet Name of Evaluator KRM (Wetland M) Date 7/14/98 Wetland Location Adjacent Land Use (within 1/2 mi upstream, upslope or radius) _ on pond or lake _ forested/natural vegetation _ % _ on perennial stream _ agriculture, urban/suburban % X on intermittent stream _ _ impervious surface _% within interstream divide Soil Series Dominant Vegetation predominantly organic - humus, muck, 1) or peat 2) predominantly mineral - non-sandy 3) predominantly sandy Hydraulic Factors Flooding and Wetness steep topography _ semipermanently to permanently ditched or channelized flooded or inundated (beaver pond, stream) total wetland within > 100 feet _ seasonally flooded or inundated intermittently flooded or temporary surface waters _ no evidence of flooding or surface waters Wetland Type (select one)* _ Bottomland hardwood forest _ Pine savannah _ Headwater forest _ Freshwater marsh Swamp forest _ Bog/fen Wet flat _ Ephemeral wetland Pocosin _ Carolina bay _ Bog forest _ Other rating system cannot be applied to salt or brackish marshes or stream channels WETLAND RATING weight Water storage 2 X 4.00 = 8 44 ' Bank/shoreline stabilization 3 X 4.00 = 12 Pollutant removal 3 * X 5.00 = 15 Wildlife habitat 2 X 2.00 = 4 ' Aquatic life value 1 X 4.00 = 4 Recreation/education 1 X 1.00 = 1 * add 1 point if in sensitive watershed and >10% nonpoint disturbance within 1/2 mile upstream, upslope or radius t SECTION A- A HORIZ. SCALE: 1"=20' VERT. SCALE: 1"=10* ACCESS 380- ROAD - 325-- - SHELF OVER PIT 370- - 36A. - 360- - CA CREEK ELEV.= 359.5 155 SECTION B-B HORIZ. SCALE: 1"=20' VERT. SCALE: 1"=10' 390 BERM 385 380 325. - 3M - BERM AROUND PIT 360- -- - 355__ _ C/L CREEK - ELEV.= 357.0 DITCH CROSS SECTION IL-z 0) AT LEMON SPRINGS QUARRY MDPLAT OF SURVEY FOR MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS Whitt Land Surveying 1029 WEST END BLVD. DATE: WINSTON-SALEM. NC 27101 'CH. 1 kLEiO (336) 722-1444 06/14/99 V. 1"=10' MAP RECORDED IN BOOK PAGE SECTION C-C HORIZ. SCALE: 1 "=20' VERT. SCALE: 1"=10' 385 TOP OF _ BERM _sn - 31%n FIELD - - - - CA CREEK ELEV.= 354.2 EXISTING CREEK BED ELEVATION AT INTERSECTION OF RAILROAD AND MULATTO CREEK IS 354.1 FROM PREVIOUS SURVEY 08/31/98. DITCH CROSS SECTION AT LEMON SPRINGS QUARRY PLAT OF SURVEY FOR MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS Whitt Land Surveying 1029 WEST END BLVD. DATE: SCALE: MAP RECORDED IN WINSTON-SALEM. NC 27101 H. 1" EiO? 1300K PAGE (336) 722-1444 06/14/99 V. 1 "=10' U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS Wilmington District Action ID: 199820937 County: Lee 1 I i F n I? NOTIFICATION OF JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION Property Authorized Owner Martin Marietta Agaregates Agent Kimlev-Horn & Associates. Inc. Attn: Mr. John Long. VP. Gov. Affairs Attn: Mr. Jim NJ. Eisenhardt Address Post Office Box 30013 Address Post Office Box 33068 Raleigh. North Carolina Raleigh. North Carolina 27636-3068 Telephone Number (919) 783-4577 Telephone Number (919) 677-2000 Size and Location of Property (waterbody, Highway name/number, town. etc.): 459.44 acres located on the south side of SR 1157, on the east and west sides of SR 1156, Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion, southwest of Sanford, North Carolina. The property is located adjacent to, and above the headwaters of, Mulatto Branch and several of its unnamed tributaries. Indicate Which of the Following Apply: 0 There are waters of the U.S., to include wetlands, on the above described property which we strongly suggest should be delineated and surveyed. The surveyed wetland lines must be verified by our staff before the Corps will make a final jurisdictional determination on your property. 0 Because of the size of your property and our present workload, our identification and delineation of your wetlands cannot be accomplished in a timely manner. You may wish to obtain a consultant to obtain a more timely delineation of the wetlands. Once the consultant has flagged a wetland line on hhe property, Corps stair will review it, and, if it is accurate, we strongly recommend that you have the line surveyed for final approval by the Corps. The Corps will not make a final jurisdictional determination on your property without an approved survey. 191/The wetlands on your lot have been delineated, and the limits of the Corps jurisdiction have been explained to you. Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. 0 There are no waters of the U.S., to include wetlands, present on the above described property which are subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. 0 This project is located in the Neuse river basin. You should contact the North Carolina Division of Water Quality at (919) 733-1786 to determine additional requirements specific to this river basin. Placement of dredged or fill material in wetlands on this property without a Department of the Armv Permit is in most cases a violation of Section 301 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1311). A permit is not required for work on the property restricted entirely to existing high ground. If you have any questions regarding the Corps of Engineers regulatory program, please contact Jean B. Manuele at telephone number (919) 876 - 8441. Extension 24 Project Manager Signatu Date 25 September 1998 Expiration Date SURVEY PLAT OR FIELD SKETCH OF THE DESCRIBED PROPERTY AND THE WETLAND DELINEATION FORM MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE YELLOW (FILE) COPY OF THIS FORM. -7 r CESAW-RG-R MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD 25 September 1998 To: File ' Subject: AID 199820937, Jurisdictional Delineation Verification f--r Martin Marietta-Lemon Springs Quarry, southwest of Sanford, Lee.County, North Carolina. 1. 15 July 1998-I met with Mr. Jim Eisenhardt and Mr. Keith Marklund with Kimley-Horn & Associates, agents for Martin Marietta, on their 459.44 acre tract, Lemon Springs Quarry Expansion, located on the south side of SR 1157, on the east and west sides of SR 1156, southwest of Sanford, Lee County, North Carolina. The property is located adjacent to, and above the headwaters of, Mulatto-Branch and several of its unnamed tributaries. Mr. John Dorney with the North Carolina Division of Water was also present. 2. The purpose of the site delineation conducted by the regulatory authority pursuan Act and to determine whether permits will be required for existing quarry. inspection was to verify the agents for wetlands subject to our t to Section 404 of the Clean Water any Department of the Army (DA) the proposed expansion of the 3. It was noted during the site inspection, that areas identified as non-jurisdictional by the Wilson case have either been filled or are in the process of being filled (Areas OW-1, J and H). The remaining jurisdictional areas found to accurately depict the limits of our regulatory authority and the agents were advised that they could either survey the delineation or they could utilize GPS units within submeter accuracy. However, a surveyor would need to seal the survey in order for us to sign off on the delineation for 5 years. However, provided the site was utilized GPS units with submeter accuracy, it will be sufficient to apply for Department of the Army (DA) permits. 4. Reference is made to the letter from Kimley-Horn and Associates, dated 4 September 1998, regarding a summary of the items discussed during the subject on-site meeting. While I concur with all that is written, I would like to note that although we may not consider the impacts towards the 500 linear footage restriction imposed by Nationwide Permit Number 26, it will not relieve the applicant of the responsibility of mitigating for the functions that are lost. For example, with respect to the previously realigned stream channel (that appears r to look like a.. ditch), relocating it to provide a similar linear footage of area which was impacted by the project would be more desirable and may suffice the mitigation requirement than would culverting the entire channel because the channel is still providing aquatic functions in its present state, but those functions would be altered if the channel were culverted. 5. 25 September 1998-I completed my review of the submitted ' pre-application information and issued a Jurisdictional Tearsheet for the owner and his agent. I? Jean B. Manuele egulatory Specialist Raleigh Field Office 1 C Kimley-Horn ' _ and Associates, Inc. Letter of Authorization Martin Marietta Aggregates authorizes Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. to act as our agent in the application for the Section 4041401 permits and approvals associated with the Lemon Springs Quarry project located in Lemon Springs. Lee County, North Carolina. June S. 1998 Jo Long Ntartin itilariena AQQre?ates Contact Information John Long Vice President, Government Affairs Post Office Box 30013 Raleigh, North Carolina 27622-0013 Telephone (919) 783-4577 Fax (919) 783-4507 EO'S8<<OQ ocoz-ccs (sus ?? A XION3ddV _ CE (sus auoYd = al NVId 13NNVHO OMVOOl3b !Tun cfloe-flrocz DLI OMO YWN •Lgowa _ H90CC zoe 'O 'd NOISNVdX3Abdvnc)SION18dSNON31 Ml 'saIe130ssy pug uaaH-?(aIu,?Iy? u 1: 661QZ? w V11318VW - NUNN :1?3rO6d SDNIHCIS IsoI1i?I 3 3? 001. 0 ,Z/--Z U -L U V V 0 a i i i RELOCATED CHANNEL TYPICAL SECTION APPENDIX F TI E TO NATURAL Nq TuR' GROUND C GROUND z 2 2 10.00' N.T.S. .r ..rr.r y LEMON SPRINGS QUARRY MARTIN - MARIETTA RINGS QUARRY EXPA?SION Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. LBAO,sP ra r m.. 1•.10' ..,r,....? a,.?. ns.s nnr: r(?(ocaID cwwna TrPK'x sECnaa ?'? ?tii-m APPENDD(F 01.01 1 RELOCATED CHANNEL PROFILE APPENDIX F 2 ..72' .... ?D °; ^ :. ... c . h 370 CMFrl. ------ ----- - -- ME 7 0 360 ...... ....... PROPOSED CHANNEL: . .. 355 ... ....... SLOPE...o.oD37 ET ........ ?:. 350 : Z . Z A . :. 00 00 a o° 00 00 00 0° 0 ± N M t to N Go co H: 1'=200' V: 1'=20' LEGEWL EXISTING GROUND PROPOSED CHANNEL C =ON CGS QUAM {,,,? M A y?/? MARTIN - MARIETTA =? Kimiey?l IQ?d"*2 Vj IIIV• 1116 EL GATED CHANNEL PREXPANSION OFILE m m m = m m = m m m m m m m m = m i i 7 N, LEGEND FURAZE I _ rn(nr.- ?`1 I fM17 - D E ?. -, lAl _ ? 1 --? MON SD \ -. 17 \V r fiTRFAM 1 J / s i A I 1?1 i? SW CE +'~ r ? ti I IV f-))) CN H + ?-" 1 C -- LEMON SPRINGS QUARRY Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. P 33068 O B T. tSPRINGSQUARARRYY FJU EXP ' PRO,Ec LEJNON S PRINGS QUARRY ANSION `osrzsrss . ox . rtd.lq = cmdk. 27636-3066 Phonc 919 677-2000 F= 919 677-2050 ltTlE S. PLAN N.T.S. -- 011185.03