HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181096 Ver 1_SAW-2018-00712 Draft Plan IRT Comments_20191122Strickland, Bev From: Kichefski, Steven L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Steven.L.Kichefski@usace.army.mil> Sent: Friday, November 22, 2019 3:46 PM To: Tim Morris Cc: Tugwell, Todd J CIV USARMY CESAW (US); Kim Browning; Haupt, Mac; Davis, Erin B; Bowers, Todd; Leslie, Andrea J; Wilson, Travis W.; Gledhill-earley, Renee; byron_hamstead@fws.gov; Jones, M Scott (Scott) CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) Subject: [External] RE: SAW-2018-00712 KCI Yadkin 01 - Hair Sheep Mitigation Site Draft Mitigation Plan IRT Comments Attachments: SAW-2018-00712-KCIYadkin01-Hai rSheepDraftPlanIRTComments.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov<maiIto: report.spam@nc.gov> Ti m, Attached are the KCI Yadkin 01 - Hair Sheep Mitigation Site Draft Mitigation Plan (SAW-2018-00712) IRT comments. You may proceed with developing the final mitigation plan for the Hair Sheep Mitigation Site provided you adequately address all comments/concerns in the enclosed memo. Please ensure that each member of the IRT is provided a copy of the Final Mitigation Plan. In addition, please submit your Nationwide Permit 27 application after approval of the banking instrument, for review and approval prior to discharging fill material into waters of the United States. Feel free to contact me with questions as you preparing the final plan submittal. This electronic copy is your official Department of the Army Notification; no paper copy will be mailed, unless specifically requested. Regards, Steve Kichefski Regulatory Project Manager U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District, Asheville Field Office 151 Patton Avenue, Suite 208 Asheville, NC 28801 (828)-271-7980 Ext. 4234 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at our website at http://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm_apex/f?p=136:4:0 to complete the survey online. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 151 PATTON AVENUE ROOM 208 ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28801-5006 CESAW-RG/Kichefski MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD November 22, 2019 SUBJECT: KCI Yadkin 01 Umbrella Mitigation Bank- Hair Sheep Draft Mitigation Plan Review/ Surry County, NC PURPOSE: The comments listed below were received from the NCIRT during the 30-day comment period in accordance with Section 332.8(g) of the 2008 Mitigation Rule. USACE AID#: SAW-2018-00712 Mac Haupt, NCDWR: 1. Section 6.4- Reach T2- DWR will require a couple of gauges be installed in the areas where the stream channel is being constructed through the wetlands. Once the Design Sheets are reviewed there will be a recommendation for their placement. 2. DWR likes that there are no crossings on this mitigation site. 3. Section 7.0 Performance Standards- the stream 30-day flow requirement pertains to intermittent streams only. 4. Table I I- please be sure to add the wetland hydrologic monitoring to this Table. 5. Design Sheets- sheet 6, in the future please set up your design sheets with the plan view on top of the profile view so we can compare the bed form changes with the stationing. On the current design sheets, for example sheet 7, we cannot tell exactly where station 26+00 starts, and where is the midpoint or 26+50 defined on the sheet? DWR will need to see some revised or clarified stationing in order to recommend placement of wetland monitoring gauges. 6. Design sheet 7- DWR recommends a minimum of 10 feet of floodplain bench behind the meander bends for Reach T2. 7. DWR would like to emphasize that in the future, this type of project may not be approved given the total reach lengths and project fragmentation. Andrea Leslie, NCWRC: 1. A trout moratorium is not applicable at this site. 2. We are very glad that the headwaters of T2 were captured and that the crossing was eliminated. Kim Browning and Steve Kichefski, USACE: 1. Section 7.0: the stream hydrologic performance of 30-days continuous flow is only applicable to intermittent streams. 2. Section 12.4: the credit release schedule is based on the DMS schedule. This site should use the Bank Credit Release Template. 3. A step pool and BMP (RSC) is planned on Trib 1. Please ensure that the BMP is not in jurisdictional waters, and that since it's within the easement boundary that any necessary maintenance is discussed in the plan, if any is required. 4. Please address how existing pasture grasses will be treated within the buffer for vegetation establishment. 5. Please ensure that wetland monitoring gauges are installed in existing wetlands (WA, WB, WC) where stream restoration will bisect these wetlands to ensure that functional loss does not occur. At least one veg plot should be placed in this area. If any wetland credit is to be sought from this project you should propose it before planibank approval and construction. 6. Some concern about Trib 2-1 being more wetland like. I'd like to see a statement in the performance standards regarding maintaining jurisdictional stream features. 7. Section 7.0 (page 32) — Change the language in the first paragraph to "will follow" instead of "are based" on the 2016 District Guidance unless there are specific areas that differ in your plan. If there are specific areas that differ please call them out. 8. The vegetation planting plan shows planting for the entire CE project area, however the aerial shows some existing vegetation coverage. Are there any reaches or significant areas where vegetation will be maintained and planting will not occur or be minimal? 9. Add a financial assurance section to the body of the mitigation plan with at least some basic information even if deferring some specific or proprietary information to the appendices. 10. It would be beneficial to have fixed photo points to assist with monitoring. Please include the location of these points on the Monitoring Components Map. 11. Please update the following names in the Banking Instrument: Byron Hamstead, not Hampstead, and the NMFS representative is Twyla Cheatwood, not Dr. Ken Riley (though this is not likely applicable in Surry County). Also, please correct the typo in the first sentence of page 1 to "33 CFR 332.8(a)(1)" instead of "33 CPR 332.8(a)(1)". 12. Please provide an acceptance letter from the proposed long term steward. Also, additional information is needed to evaluate their qualifications and document the specifics for long term management: Questions for determining suitability of a LTM/CE holder: a. How long have they been around? b. How big is their staff? c. How do they monitor these sites (frequency, staffing, on -site or remote)? Provide a site inspection SOP or report template if available. d. Do they contact neighboring land owners? e. How do they handle violations? f. Provide more information regarding the Conservation Defense Fund coverage for this project. Would it cover all legal fees for all site encroachments or are separate funds set aside for legal defense if necessary? g. Do they hold the easement themselves, or are they just the land steward? If so, how many easements and the total acreage? h. Do they currently hold mitigation bank easements in other districts? If so, please provide the name of the district and a contact person. i. Are any employees of the company affiliated with mitigation banks or their sponsors? For endowments: j. Do they manage the endowments, or are they funded through a financial mechanism for these sites? k. How will the endowments be funded (up front in a lump sum or throughout the monitoring period)? 1. If they do manage the endowment, how is the endowment managed (type of account, cap rate, etc.)? in. Is the endowment put into a combined fund or kept separate for each site? n. Are the funds used for anything other than stewardship of the site? o. What is the name and location of the financial institution that holds their accounts? KICHEFSKI.STEVE Digitally signed by KI CHEFSKI.STEVEN.L.1386908539 N.L.1386908539 Date: 2019.11.22 15:43:59 -05'00' Steve Kichefski Regulatory Project Manager Wilmington District, Asheville Field Office