HomeMy WebLinkAbout20091236 Ver 1_Credit Release Letter_20191204Strickland, Bev From: Sugg, Mickey T CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) < Mickey.T.Sugg@usace.army.mil > Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:21 AM To: kathryn_matthews@fws.gov; Bowers, Todd; fritz.rohde; Twyla Cheatwood - NOAA Federal; Haupt, Mac; Davis, Erin B; MacPherson, Tara; Mairs, Robb L; Wilson, Travis W.; Dunn, Maria T. Cc: Tugwell, Todd J CIV USARMY CESAW (US); Kim Browning; Jessop, Jordan E CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) Subject: [External] LCFUMB (Brunswick Co.)- Credit Release Letter Attachments: LCFUMB Credit Release 2019.pdf Follow Up Flag: Flag for follow up Flag Status: Completed CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov<maiIto: report.spam@nc.gov> Good morning, Enclosed is our credit release letter for both the Sneeden Tract (near Navassa/Leland) & White Springs Tract (near Boiling Springs Lake). You will see that monitoring on the Sneeden tract is no longer needed & all remaining credits have been released. There are a couple of concerns on the White Springs tract (Yr 4 monitoring) that need to be addressd, which I understand from LMG are currently being planned. Tree suppression cuts will take place sometime in January. If you have any questions/concerns, pls don't hesitate calling. -mickey Mickey Sugg, Chief Wilmington Regulatory Field Office U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 251-4811 (direct line) (910) 251-4025 (fax) "The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at: "http://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm_apex/f?p=136:4:0 " 1 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS f/ 69 DARLINGTON AVENUE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 26463-1343 December 2, 2019 Regulatory Division Action ID. SAW-2009-02054 Mr. Jon Vincent LCFUMB, LLC 1015 Ashes Drive, Suite 202 Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Dear Mr. Vincent: This letter serves to address the mitigation credit release from our evaluation, in coordination with the Interagency Review Team (IRT), of the May 2019 Year 5 monitoring report for the Sneeden Tract and the April 2019 Year 4 monitoring report for the White Springs Tract. Both tracts are associated with the establishment of the Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank (LCFUMB), in Brunswick County, North Carolina. Please reference the January 23, 2013 executed Mitigation Banking Instrument (MBI); and my June 5, 2019 onsite meeting with Messrs. Christian Preziosi, Corey Novak, and Andy Dortch of Land Management Group, Inc., along with Messrs. Tyler Crumbley and Jordan Jessop of our office. Also, reference our September 4, 2018 letter, which includes the most updated credit release tables, concerning the previous year monitoring reports. Sneeden Tract: In review of the 2018 data, it has been determined that the hydrology performance standard has been met. Task 7.0 in Table 1A and Tasks 7.0 & 8.0 in Table 1 D of the September 5, 2018 Updated Credit Release Tables (enclosed) has been fulfilled; consequently, we hereby release the 15% (1.57 credits) of riparian (riverine) wetland credits and 30% (or 733 linear feet) of the stream credits. These tasks represent the remaining credit release for the Sneeden Tract. Upon considering the monitoring performance and the site conditions, our office, in coordination with the IRT, has determined to terminate your responsibilities to conduct any further performance monitoring within the Sneeden Tract. By copy of this letter, we acknowledge the final close-out of this tract and release all remaining wetland and stream credits for compensatory mitigation use. Total released credits for this tract, as depicted in the 2018 updated Tables 1A, 1 B, 1 C, and 1 D, comprise of the following: 91.1 riparian (riverine) wetland credits, 0.8 riparian (non-riverine) wetland credits, and 3,324 linear feet of stream credits. -2- White SDrinas Tract In review of the monitoring results and the onsite inspection, the following items of concern were observed: erosion of stream bed and bank in proximity of grade control structures #1 and #2 and the increase volume of pine and sweet gum trees (mostly pine) from the vicinity of cross sectional survey XS #1 to vegetative plot #2. During our inspection, it was strongly recommended that corrective measures be taken to prevent further stream channel erosion which could compromise the integrity of the site's stream feature. Plans were to discuss the issue with a stream designer to determine the best solution for long-term protection. For the pine and sweet gum populations, plans were to conduct a suppression cut/removal sometime in the winter in order to increase growth conditions and the survivability of the target planted stems. All draft plans must be submitted to our office, which will be coordinated with the IRT, for review and confirmation prior to implementing. Although the majority of White Springs mitigation have met the performance standards, our office is withholding both riparian (non-riverine) wetland credits and stream credits based upon the concerns above. Consequently, it has been determined that 5% (or 0.05 credit) of the riparian (non-riverine) wetlands will be withheld, while 5% (or 0.05 credit) of the available 10% credits in Task 6.0 (Table 2A) are hereby released. Also, 5% (or 75.4 linear feet) of stream credits will be withheld, while 5% (or 75.4 linear feet) of the available 10% credits in Task 6.0 (Table 2C) are hereby released. All 10% (or 6.44 credits) of the non -riparian wetland credits in Task 6.0 (Table 2B) are hereby released for mitigation use. The non -riparian credit numbers reflect the 1.69 credit reduction adjusted amount detailed in our September 4, 2018 letter. To date, the combined total credit release for the Sneeden and White Springs Tracts are the following: 91.1 riparian (riverine) wetland credits, 1.95 riparian (non-riverine) wetland credits, 54.74 non -riparian wetland credits, and 4,304.2 linear feet of stream credits. Please be reminded of your obligations pursuant to the January 23, 2013 MBI; including the continued maintenance inspections of the Bank, as well as beaver control, in order to evaluate the condition and stability of all streams and wetlands. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at the Wilmington Regulatory Field Office, telephone (910) 251-4811. Sincerely, Mickey Sug�g, Chi Wilmington Regulatory Field Office -3- Copies Furnished via email w/ enclosure: Mr. Jon Vincent, LCFUMB LLC Mr. Christian Preziosi, Land Management Group, Inc. Mr. Corey Novak, Land Management Group, Inc. Ms. Tara McPherson, NC DCM Mr. Todd Bowers, USEPA Ms. Kathy Matthews, USFWS Mr. Travis Wilson, NC WRC Ms. Maria Dunn, NC WRC Mr. Mac Haupt, NC DWR Mr. Fritz Rohde, NMFS Ms. Twyla Cheatwood, NMFS Ms. Erin Davis, DWR Mr. Robb Mair, NC DWR LOWER CAPE FEAR UMBRELLA MITIGATION BANK Updated Credit Release Tables - September 5, 2018 Table 1A. Credit Release for Riparian (Riverine) Wetland Enhancement and Restoration (SNEEDEN TRACT') Projected Percentage of Wetland Credits Cumulative Task Credits Released (% Credits Completion Date cumulative) Released Released 1.0 Signing of the MBI; Recordation of Conservation 1/15/13 15 (15) 1.58 1.58 Easement Deed; Delivery of Financial Assurances 2.0 Completion of Physical and 4/2014 15 (30) 1.57 .15 Biolo ical Im rovements3.0 P4.2 Year 1: Fulfill Success 1/2015 10(40) 1.05 Criteria 4.0 Year 2: Fulfill Success 1/2016 15 (55) 1.58 5.78 Criteria 5.0 Year 3: Fulfill Success 1/2017 20 (75) 2.10 7.88 Criteria 6.0 Year 4: Fulfill Success 1/2018 10 (85) 1.05 8.93 Criteria 7.0 Year 5: Fulfill Success 1/2019 15 (100) 1.57 10.5 Criteria TOTAL 100% 10.5 10.5 Table 1B. Credit Release for Riparian (Riverine) Wetland Preservation - SNEEDEN TRACT Projected Percentage of Wetland Credits Cumulative Task Completion Date Credits Released (/o Released Credits cumulative Released 1.0 Signing of the MBI; Recordation of Conservation 1/15/13 15 (15) 12.1 12.1 Easement Deed; Delivery of Financial Assurances 2.0 Completion of Physical and 4/2014 85 (100) 68.5 68.5 Biological Improvements TOTAL 100% 80.6 80.6 Table 1C. Credit Release for Riparian (Non-Riverine) Wetland Preservation - SNEEDEN TRACT Projected Percentage of WetlaTredits Cumulative Task Completion Date Credits Released (leasedCredits cumulative Released 1.0 Signing of the MBI; Recordation of Conservation 1/15/13 15 (15)0.1 0.1 Easement Deed; Delivery of Financial Assurances 2.0 Completion of Physical and 4/2014 85 (100) 0.7 0.7 Biological Imrovements TOTAL 100% 0.8 0.8 Refer to Table 3 (p. 5) of MBI for original credit release schedules for the Sneeden Tract. Page 1 of 5 Pages Tahle l )_ Credit Release Rchednle for Stream Restoration — SNF,FDF,N TRACT Projected Percentage of Wetland Credits Cumulative Task Completion Date Credits Released (% Released Credits cumulative Released 1.0 Signing of the MBI; Recordation of Conservation 11/30/12 15 (15) 366 366 Easement Deed; Delivery of Financial Assurances 2.0 Completion of Physical and 4/2014 15 (30) 366 732 Biological Imrovements 3.0 Year 1: Fulfill Success 1/2015 10 (40) 244 976 Criteria 4.0 Year 2: Fulfill Success 1/2016 10 (50) 244 1,220 Criteria 5.0 Year 3: Fulfill Success 1/2017 10 (60) 244 1,464 Criteria 6.0 Year 4: Fulfill Success 1/2018 10 (70) 244 1,708 Criteria 7.0 Year 5: Fulfill Success 1/2019 15 (85) 366 2,074 Criteria 8.0 Documentation of Two Bank -full Events in Separate TBD 15 (100) 367 2,441 Years TOTAL 100% 2,441 2,441 Tnhle lT.. Credit Release Srhednle for Stream Preservation — BNF,FDF,N TRACT Projected Percentage of Wetland Credits Cumulative Task Completion Date Credits Released (% Released Credits cumulative Released 1.0 Signing of the MBI; Recordation of Conservation 1/15/13 15 (15) 132 132 Easement Deed; Delivery of Financial Assurances 2.0 Completion of Physical and 4/2014 85 (100) 751 751 Biological Imrovements TOTAL 100% 883 883 Page 2 of 5 Pages Table 2A. Credit Release Schedule for Ri arian on-Riverine Forested Wetlands - WHITE SPRINGS' Percentage of Wetland Credits Cumulative TaskProjected Completion Date Credits Released (% Released Credits cumulative) Released 1.0 Signing of the MBI; Recordation of Conservation 1/15/13 15 (15) 0.3 0.3 Easement Deed; Delivery of Financial Assurances 2.0 Completion of Physical and 2/2015 15 (30) 0.3 0.6 Biological Imrovements 3.0 Year 1: Fulfill Success 1/2016 10 (40) 0.2 0.8 Criteria 4.0 Year 2: Fulfill Success 1/2017 10 (50) 0.1 0.9 Criteria 5.0 Year I Fulfill Success 1/2018 10 (60) 0.2 1.1 Criteria 6.0 Year 4: Fulfill Success 1/2019 10 (70) 0.1 1.2 Criteria 7.0 Year 5: Fulfill Success 1/2020 10 (80) 0.2 1.4 Criteria 8.0 Year 6: Fulfill Success 1/2021 10 (90) 0.2 1.6 Criteria 9.0 Year 7: Fulfill Success 1/2022 10 (100) 0.2 1.8 Criteria TOTAL 100% 1.8 1.8 Table 2B. Credit Release for Non -Riparian on -Forested Wetlands - WHITE SPRINGS Projected Percentage of Wetland Credits Cumulative Task Completion Date Credits Released (% Released Credits cumulative Released 1.0 Signing of the MBI; Recordation of Conservation 1/15/13 15 (15) 9.66 9.66 Easement Deed; Delivery of Financial Assurances 2.0 Completion of Physical and 2/2015 15 (30) 9.66 19.32 Biological Imrovements 3.0 Year 1: Fulfill Success 1/2016 10 (40) 6.44 25.76 Criteria 4.0 Year 2: Fulfill Success 1/2017 15 (55) 9.66 35.42 Criteria 5.0 Year 3: Fulfill Success 1/2018 20 (75) 12.88 48.3 Criteria 6.0 Year 4: Fulfill Success 1/2019 10 (85) 6.44 54.74 Criteria i 7.0 Year 5: Fulfill Success 1/2020 15 (100) 9.66 64.41 Criteria TOTAL 100% 64.41 64.41 ' Refer to Table 2 (p. 5) of MBI for original credit release schedules for the White Springs Tract. Page 3 of 5 Pages Table 2C. Credit Release Schedule for Stream Restoration — WHTTE SPRINGS Projected Percentage of Wetland Credits Cumulative Task Completion Date Credits Released (% Released Credits cumulative) Released 1.0 Signing of the NMI; Recordation of Conservation 11/30/12 15 (15) 226.2 226.2 Easement Deed; Delivery of Financial Assurances 2.0 Completion of Physical and 2/2015 15 (30) 226.2 452.4 Biological Improvements 3.0 Year-1: Fulfill Success 1/2016 10 (40) 150.8 603.2 Criteria 4.0 Year 2: Fulfill Success 1/2017 10 (50) 150.8 754.0 Criteria 5.0 Year 3: Fulfill Success 1/2018 10 (60) 150.8 904.8 Criteria 6.0 Year 4: Fulfill Success 1/2019 10 (70) 150.8 1,055.6 Criteria 7.0 Year 5: Fulfill Success 1/2020 15 (85) 226.2 1,281.8 Criteria 8.0 Documentation of Two Bank -full Events in Separate TBD 15 (100) 226.2 1,508.0 Years TOTAL 100% 1,508 1 1,508 Page 4 of 5 Pages Table 2- Mitivation Tvne and Ouantitv (acres/I1)— WHITE SPRINGS TRACT Community Type Mitigation Type Tract Quantity ac.ltf) Credits First -Order Stream Restoration White Springs 1,334 1,334 First -Order SBCF Restoration White Springs N/A 174 Riparian Wetlands Restoration White Springs 1.8 1.8r (Non-Riverine Small Stream Swamp) . Non -Riparian Wetlands Restoration White Springs 64.41 64.41 (Pcosin/Wet Pine Savanna) Stream Credits 1,508 Riparian Wetland Credits 1.8r Non -Riparian Wetland Credits 64.41r *r = restoration credit: re = restoration=eauivalent credit Table 3. Mitigation Type and Quantity (acres/I1) — SNEEDEN TRACT Community Type Mitigation Type Tract Quantity ac./IQ Credits First -Order Stream Restoration Sneeden 2,441 2,441 First -Order Stream Preservation Sneeden 1,843 737 Zero -Order Stream Preservation Sneeden 366 146 Riparian Wetlands . Riverine Cypress -Gum Swamp Restoration Sneeden .5 .5r Riparian Wetlands Riverine Cypress -Gum Swamp Enhancement Sneeden 20 10re Riparian Wetlands Riverine Cypress -Gum Swam Preservation Sneeden 403 80.6re Riparian Wetlands Non-Riverine Small Stream Swamp Preservation Sneeden 4 0.8re Total Stream Credits 3,324 Total Riparian Wetland Credits 91.9 *r = restoration credit; re = restoration=equivalent credit Table 4. Mitigation Credits by Stream and Wetland Type Mitigation Type Quantity (If/ac) Credits Scream 5,984 4,832 Riparian Non-Riverine Wetland 5.8 2.6 Riparian Riverine Wetland 423.5 91.1 Non -Riparian Wetland 64.41 64.41 Page 5 of 5 Pages