HomeMy WebLinkAboutWV0400054_Variance Request_20191211ROY COOPER Governor MCHAEL S. REGAN seaetay LINDA CULPEPPER Director Gerry Tygielski Ashe County Habitat for Humanity P.O. Box 392 West Jefferson, North Carolina 28694 NORTH CAROLINA EnWronmenta/QuaUly December 11, 2019 RE: Variance Request to Rules 15A NCAC 02C .0222 Geothermal Aqueous Closed -Loop Wells 154 Ridgeside Drive, West Jefferson, Ashe County Well Variance Permit #WV0400054 Dear Mr. Tygielski: On November 22, 2019 the Winston-Salem Regional Office received a written request for a variance to the geothermal well construction rules. Rule 15A NCAC 02C .0222 states that the minimum horizontal separation between a geothermal aqueous closed -loop well and a land -based or subsurface waste storage or disposal system is 50 feet. One geothermal aqueous closed -loop well will installed closer than 50 feet from the site septic system. This variance request is for locating the well closer to the 50-foot limit. Due to the small size of the site lot, there is no other location for the geothermal well and it will necessary to install the well closer than the limits outlined in 15A NCAC 02C .0222. The factors specified are sufficient to satisfy the conditions for approval of a variance as defined in 15A NCAC 02C .0118. The granting of this variance is for the well location only, and in no way relieves the owner or agent from other requirements of the North Carolina Well Construction Standards, or any other applicable law, rule or regulation that may be regulated by other agencies. If you have any questions regarding this variance, please contact me or Jim Gonsiewski at (336) 776- 9800. Sincerely, CI UocuS�igrnetllby' 1-4, g 5.1d Lon i IRNr A Regional Supervisor Winston-Salem Regional Office Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ — WSRO cc: Paul Poyner— Doby's Plumbing (electronic copy) Appalachian District Health Department (Ashe County) (electronic copy) 00 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources Winston-Salem Regional Offlae. 145OWest Hanes Null Road Suite 3001 Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27105 N � 336.7769800 i North" Catoliva I?'e�r�rt�q�g� o� �hr fi�h�ri#s� qua '� is�a�t. o ot6r`1�esuurces j 1 iOTIFI� VIT- V "� t O Ui�4 ftiFGT OR UPEItATE IlMC°lr,'1iO x W—RLLS ?�ese ttt "pe1`meitC °tvdc" arufd%r not require art indrvruRuid p}t'ht"�terkeaashretec}"itr accorrlrince with . , r7i¢+�if�'s"a,���lwt*tdo. noli�srae.�tarutnsned,;;hiortoer b�c�bn As dwctjlW in, tbew'welis nl ;p ab}e a r Spilt oriau i?dure ut pokabta water and per(giitia enhaneing,addifives as p t ofa epffierma tmg and 00tios system. OR' hsdesarein 4 4tsbewe)lscireu}afeare�ay:a6P.ta:Folii�ldlalheatin,and �olitnp system_ pehiwro onwtinm Il/¢gffik* bj*d#4 kBe�er��h�t 3s1tlC4t�lete DAiI ; Novernb r 2 Zq 19 "r WwT k10.1* f' o �``-� fcl be r naPle#edliy,,TdUC R , A. TYPE OP 00li'HE4M8t, CLOSEWLOOP WELL TO B,E COX$TRIIt TED"(select anb) () [ ;F ireat13d3xpausion %s per•) Alit G 42t 31 Number of wells; B OAM 00 WUL O'WNER(S) (cboos, one) i (I) ■W,'Single F4Mily ReAdaace Sub" ibis 2 form*ft bud j () up�#sdaysptiortd:construeEaur. () (38 t4siness(leganizatino Submit th n Forin.3U aays.prioe � eonstraetikn: (3) Q Governmcqu Sfate _ Municipal,_ _ Coi n pederul* *SubmiE Y>tiy iarin :�l:Aays,Pri¢r to,,cnnstractiwn \Wt t. UM MER(S)- Vorsib&16mily residences, list ll pe, fisted Pnthe property deed, porall others, lisrthe namo of the Luusiness/i ettoy oRd person anei title 1ri delegates%sf 'nature authority I lsile t±qunt)r Habitaf fob Humanity Mailing Address: P O, Box -%2 city.. WesUeffer&on State: NC zlps odesssesa, s auruyc�she 1?ax Tei Rio.; G $48 5 5 Coll No . { 6) 977-0722' WALL Address <dd2MMC#OnQashehal itat.satg Pay u " 1PaYsXcAIAOCATION Or WTM srrE (() Parcel Identification Number (PTIT) a€well sits 1947 i157 008 County: Ashe - (Z) Physical Address (idi$erent ttSan mailing.addess): '464 RNOeside LirFY& City:We$ftJ2ffQfSbnc 28694 �outtyAshe Zip i;losed-laop (ie6theriva! Well,NPtification Rav:3-1;201fi pg�e,l' ��� i f E.$I�IQITIKS=14'�P�,.1"I�NS`�:tD'Sl?`E�IFICr��iOPQEY (1) A $ite maps must be submitted. lrow bo�Brturtled ox otl(ehV�se accowatcly indiaafcdistance (iil`4 et and onexda4ons of fq treS +C w itr fiet 4f fhet Wecdomwell(s t.abel al, t res clem�y � xtmlude �no�h atidw tattach�We 's(jaGYflo map�hnwingt}ie webs m te�atio�t� t1i�`Yd�attonsrif • + • septic system&an asp,eiated sprdX imi l 4n rteg, • L o�mefty boumularies dre1 fieidq or cpair areas; any Swf ewater)mr,&ps,ifMy • Exis rigI 6r potential sources -,of grpattdaaw WOO Supply wel%, ifany' coniaminadon, i£ any (2) Plansand spedifi'cadons of rite sla t skiF s faen cut irnetion de£aiLs ofthe well systcpt ff7; t err tAnst ettsgs, gn gelfail phatr!&ta/ttt altwopW mop a mid" siraatores can be AAAta2ned And dAttnt4mtaltd x0»rXhq a Fkabluovrtnty G)S wto#4 Tjpxolly'> thq prgPgr!} eArs btstAreedltj awttetgor'rtddrtts. 7Ate'locatiaq>thtWelk atia�rtaproptrtybcrtutdarres:uses: se,tte tmrJis hieldss an aura; weltsn sett. «' then be,dra vrr by *04 Alst, d yriy¢e' c t.bc seleci"ed showh% tApagrapkic dgMaFrt3 o7�tkkNson data. ` P. TOO 00 CONC:ENT"TIONS OF, ADD1 M48, — Ulst army' attdid Ves that nail hd used, and, them cptrceritt�tlons: NUTRr Oni� ltrjectants appra�ed tYy? the IdCK �lwlsuitt ofF'Ultile health;, T�epartment::of`,�Tetiltli. air Hiitnait , , d serutts n can b� l„l�tgd- $ppr4Yod imxjsctants can be 'found opUtmg • n.. . # ..., r- tt gr,�onwa4e uw,�lnieef�if� Aklrather"sa6sianoes'mu5#�revznntedbpth��Ffklsprio[td.use P�ty�ylene 431Yk�1 Q. *)�MDRWLM.INFOMT&TIO'N WCIl T�m3lFln Conttactar's. lanje: Palm) ftyper NC'Wetl itriiling £ omittacf4tr e tdieatiomlNn : 402 Company N me:, OY'y % PIUMbing Go aet.Persor UVest JeffeiSprm State: NC lis Code: G�1 zassa County. Ashe ESa*,y°Tele`No 38 $46=3 9 1N C _ d.m EMAIL Address; _ Ads F'e.�. s<r Rp rCd4rralr'No.: A. fi4F�E1P CClM1 RAeTUi�>3��?�T�tTloiwi Ctmi* ty blame: EV�n$ Pleating $ G Contaetl?emson; Address: /S,t, 1ea4d treT m-!r City: atrzF;eret zip Code.8cx' Stata:C Cmmky. RGtt+€t- OftoTeleNo,: gthi`14. 01VO .rd;I_ tpv+4 FnxNot. C10=4-,00PGeot6ermam We11Nod#mfiogRev.3.1-2016, g a W SEE RG4LFN 'W,Q''H�i{33L4Ai1rL�SIy**W NAME, 44y-�--�_ w A r y !a 4 Oil pj l Y F J F. { car ti A. ,yI W .�, ><«. St7B]NITTzYT. A! $MUCTIQNS W Submitone copy bfth#`ctimptet t notlfCationpac4 age tottta; follQwtn; 1) The 17ivisiontoi' alratef Resontces" waler OffieesetYiligttaea inthchtheiiyj Quitllty Regional Operatioaa Seetio j;(VVQIRfj; 401t We facility ifi'heizcatgl# j shevilleRegionaRt3ffiee Vf shnE gtoo Regional diftee 94j Weshio&nSquarcMatt 2(t40'U h. lRighwag %0 Washlogtwn NC 278$9° 3wpiananoa; NC 28,718 Teleptcom: (2,52) 46-648t Telephone: (&2s)26 4$00 Farc 42} 9Z5-3T.15, 1_ FayellOvipe>Regional office42a W howgion Regional afee, Cardinal Mve° 15mosiur 295 itSfl'eettSttite714 Wilmington,NOU405 etteviiTe i3C 2$3at-5 43 T4�4ephone: (91 Q) 796-7315 Tetephonet (91 : (910) 35&1004 �0)A431-3300 lax: (910};46-07t12 fdoomvive Regional Office. Winatan-swelm Regional Offl6o , 45i%W. I-Im," Llt Rtoa<4% (S1Q�Center Avenue; Snite 30f. State 366 Mot;rcaville; NC 291 is Viastnn-561effi, NC 27105 Telephone: (7,04) 66341¢99 ' %640; (336) 776M00 Fax: (7,M) 663-6040 Fax: (336)7,76-.9797 Raleigh"*gional Office J629 MOR$Otvtee Center Zttaleigta, NC'27699=162 1�IeRhone::(�7`73l'-42ti4} E,kx.,(919}5')1-477&t (2) The Cotaq Environmental Health D*atiment in wl*h the iujoeoon wells willbe located: Closed -loop GCothe[Wat WenNolifieaden Rev. 3=7 2D16 Page* C t' { .uyu.e� I r xu'PEI L OWN m; at tst tfttf a T :R6i.Asiio I. WB1CIiX1'AI MM'LION goviC ond, copy of 60 e�rri�lc 1a�k�iC� n�l� Yo fife 1tnfi eat3onof .c to CbrCij�Fip teltlJ? elt{al Iftel]h Sx .ofWWkX-- 'tMesRegis office _ru3tl t i AgkitvHle Rieglonal ice; �a8hingtgA .Liegitraal€IifiFe. 2f19Ix S..lig(iway9 9-43 Wasiti'ngtnwt iviall `wat`Y�oatiou I+YC2fi3 i�hx"#tgtnjt,C:2786 elFlawner ($28} 29,6 5OQ Telepl3nnez ( 52) 94& ft4 1 aie:' 82$} 2904043 i Pam (252 `97 -3T15 Taydt'"o';Ite, aiilllffice i3'AI WAgWAltegi000i' fte 22x Green 5tFeet, 9viY,,e 714 J 7 Ca+ dal liawb ten io Fayetleai11e 11 28301 5s1143 177xi1n$tcflyNC284t1S etephpne: {IQ433 3Qd phone: (410� 7C72.15' k 40400,7017 " Pad. (41�135(i 2E[(R 14lnotreadille.RegiaaaF fSffiee ? !1sfinncSa eM n*wxta{ ooi* aFast iterA nitex?Soho P'l W. Hado.Mi11 Rood k4eoresvi11e;17 > &il S'di*300 1 ephnlie; (744 ¢sI-1699 V1lnstnn,Saletn N 17nos ., 7U4) 53 6U4i7` Phonx (336) 7i , 8Qp Fe*(336�Tr4797 Raleigh Phronal.Ofte 1 IRMail Semce4ntpr 3' PIC 27G99=1#�8 'Lelep�ne: (914}'t9�-A2f16 laa#Y (9i9 S71-d718 cloge&LogpGeotherihal'iFmlBnc.� EequcstHeq..3=f-247b- Pgge . ar,IN The proposed geothermal aqueous closed loop system for the address listed on page 1 is in need of a distance requirement variance. The location of the residential operational drain field recovery area is impeding the location of the geothermal closed loop fields causing them to be located within the required 50' septic system setback distance. We are proposing to locate the vertical bore on the front right side of the residence. In this manner we can obtain maximum safety distance from the septic system and achieve a very high degree of human health and environmental protection. The vertical bore will be grouted from top to bottom with high quality, low permeability grout using the tremie method to assure the bore hole will be a solid plug of environmental protection. The bore holes we construct will be the safest points of ground water intrusion on the property when compared to the native geology. We will construct triangulated borehole construction maps for the hole for permanent locating and install metal detection tape in all of the horizontal connecting trenches to facilitate easy bore hole locating if ever needed for any reason. Due to the fact a geothermal vertical closed loop is constructed in the same manner as an abandoned well and does not move water, does not contain well screens or casing and is not an actual water well, future service will not be required. Item I The proposed geothermal aqueous closed loop system for the address listed on page 1 is in need of a distance requirement variance. The location of the residential operational drain field recovery area is impeding the location of the geothermal closed loop fields causing them to be located within the required 50' septic system setback distance. We are proposing to locate the vertical bore on the front right side of the residence. In this manner we can obtain maximum safety distance from the septic system and achieve a very high degree of human health and environmental protection. The vertical bore will be grouted from top to bottom with high quality, low permeability grout using the tremie method to assure the bore hole will be a solid plug of environmental protection. The bore holes we construct will be the safest points of ground water intrusion on the property when compared to the native geology. We will construct triangulated borehole construction maps for the hole for permanent locating and install metal detection tape in all of the horizontal connecting trenches to facilitate easy bore hole locating if ever needed for any reason. Due to the fact geothermal vertical closed loop is constructed in the same manner as an abandoned well and does not move water, does not contain well screens or casing and is not an actual water well, future service will not be required.